#like. having black friends does not magically make you not racist
fireworkss-exe · 17 hours
my stepmom is actually so racist it's insane. she once said that immigrants brought curse words to america???
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dunmeshi-darlings · 5 months
There are a few misconceptions on shuro and his behaviors. The reason he was furious at laios for reviving falin using dark magic isnt really that he used dark magic (kabru even poins out shuro would have done the same). But Instead his anger is because he used black magic he put Falins life (as well as everyone elses) in danger because he knows just how the western elves react to black magic and black magic users. As for shuro's feelings towards laios for not picking up on social cues, it was shitty of him to do that however you do need to also take into consideration the kind of culture/life shuro has. He comes from a highly dignified Japanese style royal family, We see that him asking for help saving falin was the first "selfish" request he has ever made. The fact it is considered a "selfish" request speaks volumes on the kind of world that shuro comes from. After shuro and laios fight we see that shuro is actually envious of laios and how he views the world, showing that a portion of his anger isnt really from laios not picking up on his social cues but perhaps more so that laios was ALLOWED to be how he is. Even after their fight shuro offers to give laios sanctuary from the western elves, giving him the bell that when rung would have shuro sending people to go retrieve him and his friends and keep them safe from the western elves. if shuro deeply hated laios he wouldnt have offered this, if he didnt care about laios he wouldnt have offered him a safe place to live if the western elves come after him. i also want to bring up people saying he abandoned asebi/izutsumi. Which is also not true, in his own words when asked about her being left behind. "she will come back to us if she wants to." he explicitly states if she wants to, she will come back. To me this is him letting her make her own choice on what she wants to do with her life. Something that shows to me that i believe shuro has always felt perhaps some form of guilt at her situation but not able to do anything because of who he is and his father and his caretaker with him.
Shuro is not a perfect person, he has his flaws. But he IS a person, thats what people are. We have flaws and make mistakes and have issues that we do wrong on. Shuro is a man living his life and one who makes mistakes, everyone makes mistakes. I wanted to post this and talk about it because sadly some people ar being incredibly hateful about him and people that like him. Which is a shame as it is mostly a misunderstanding. Though i wont lie some of it does feel like its starting to become racist or because of people upset he could get in the way of farcille ship.
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leikeliscomet · 10 months
“But We Love Martha Jones!” - The Doctor Who Fandom’s Selective Memory of Racism
Be aware that this article contains explicit examples of anti-black racism and misogynoir.
Chapter 2 - Utopia-ish
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The constant nitpicking of Martha Jones for reasons white female companions could get away with was blatant anti-black racism. Let’s get that bit clear first and foremost. As a Black person in fandom, watching Black characters get torn apart while never being given the grace of their non-Black castmates is an experience that’s too common. Microaggressions are more subtle so the easiest way to shut down any mentions of racism is to accuse Black fans of making things up or telling us “Well it’s not like REAL racism”. Luckily Doctor Who Tumblr birthed the Martha Jones affirmative action and Aunt Jemima “memes” so I can cross both covert and overt racism off the list. As mentioned in extensive detail in the previous chapter, plus the various Martha Jones articles written before me, the treatment Martha experienced was racist. I don’t care if you personally didn’t like her. I don’t care that you missed Rose. I don’t care that Ten is your smol bean. Martha’s treatment was racist. Freema Agyeman’s treatment was racist. It might not have been everyone. It might not have been you personally. But it was there. The fandom can never be a safe space for POC, specifically Black people if this elephant in the room can’t be addressed over a decade after it arrived.
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On paper, you’d assume Martha’s rep was good because “at least she wasn’t a Black stereotype”. Some fans praised her for having a present father, not speaking MLE and not being from the ends. This goes into respectability politics but the fandom’s weirdness about Black Brits and class is not the point of this article. The point is the revisionist history of how Martha was really treated and to do that it helps to know what Black tropes are. The Mammy trope is a Black woman whose main purpose is to serve her white counterparts and during slavery, she mainly cared for the slave owners' children. She is usually fat, dark skin and asexual, not as a representation of those things but as a statement of how if she isn’t used for sexual exploitation like the Jezebel (the promiscuous, reckless, sexualised Black woman), she has no sexual value at all. Her value is serving the needs of others only. Martha doesn’t fit this trope in theory but in practice, she fulfils the sub-categories of this trope both in show and fandom: the disposable Black (girl)friend trope. She is used as Ten’s emotional punching bag before he’s ready for Donna and then Rose again. She had to endure edgy moody S3 Ten so no one else had to. She’s the excuse people use to deflect any critical analysis of how race was handled in RTD1. She’s the fandom’s excuse to deflect from their own racial biases. Racism? No way! Everybody loves Martha Jones! What do you mean?
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Some parts of the fandom have tried to mend things by suggesting Martha be paired with other doctors or romantically shipping her with other characters a bit better than Mickey Smith. But does this hold up? As much as I’m a big fan NineMartha as a concept and as someone who honestly saw one-off characters like Riley Vashtee from 42 or Tallulah from Daleks in Manhattan having way more romantic chemistry with Martha than Mickey ever did, simply re-shipping Martha isn’t enough. Doctor Who’s racism isn't exclusive to one doctor, one series or one era and new Martha pairings suggest the issue was “right person, wrong doctor” instead of what the issue actually was: racism. Moffat and Chibnall’s eras weren’t full of golden Black representation either so I doubt the Martha issue would’ve magically disappeared under those two. From Nine’s hostility to Mickey, to Twelve’s hostility to Danny Pink to Thirteen handing a South Asian Spymaster to the Nazis and Eleven only travelling with POC in comics most fans haven’t heard of and being besties with Churchill, simply putting Martha with another Doctor isn’t the serve fans think it is. Even RoseMartha seems like putting a bandaid on a bullet hole. If it's not enough for Martha to be compared to Rose, put down in favour of Rose, told she isn’t Rose and told she's worse than Rose in fandom and in show over and over and over, she has to be shipped with Rose too. Martha’s a great character… as long as you can tie her to Rose… again. Even in my own article I have to talk about Rose because Rose is centred in what was supposed to be Martha’s story. A doctor-to-be Black girl from London with a hectic family meets a Time Lord and gets abducted by space rhino police at work in one day. Her main conflict isn’t balancing work and time traveller life, or fighting to get her family back together, or seeing what’s out there in the universe - it's that she isn’t “Rose” enough. The Mammy and her sons’ main thing in common is simple; how well they serve and centre the white characters. In attempts to mend Martha’s treatment she is still only valued in relation to white characters. She should’ve been with Eleven because he would’ve fucked a Black woman. Or maybe Dilfy Twelve. Or a sapphic romance with another female companion who she saw twice or doesn’t actually know. Or maybe Ten in an alternate universe where he supports #nubianqueens. None of this is done to explore sexuality or romance with Black women and is definitely not to centre Black lesbianism and bisexuality. It’s Mammy with a dash of Jezebel. It's adding romantic and sexual value on top of physical and emotional value like a crappy meal deal.
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I’m tired of Black women being treated as extensions of white women both in media and in real life. I’m tired of our value being determined by how well we serve white people emotionally, physically, platonically and sexually. And I'm even more tired of white feminism especially in this fandom. It would be so easy to label this article as anti-Rose, anti-Ten or anti-Tenrose to invalidate my whole racial analysis because it's the easy way out. I’ll admit I like both characters individually but not the ship but this isn’t something I decided on since birth - it's my conclusion as a Black fan in a predominantly white fandom, watching a predominantly white show, watching the first companion of my race be told she isn’t good enough compared to the white characters, and that the hatred of her is justified for the greater good of its popular white ship. Black fans can never have this conversation without being told we’re “pitting women against each other” and that Martha and Rose hugged once in S4 so everything's hunky dory. Martha’s happy that Ten found Rose again so what’s the problem? It sends a clear message that Black women’s pain will never matter a much as white women’s feelings. “Rose is amazing! Martha’s amazing! Stop pitting women against women!” but who was pit against who in the first place? These faux girl power posts fail to acknowledge the overlap of race and gender which separates the treatment of Black and white women. It fails to acknowledge Martha’s hate was rooted in anti-black racism. It fails to acknowledge the anti-Rose pushback was in response to how the show and fandom convinced us Rose was the untouchable bar this Black woman failed to meet. It fails to acknowledge Freema Agyeman the actress was targeted not just her character. It fails because the female empowerment rhetoric that leaves the Black ones at the bottom of the pile only “empowers” women of a certain demographic.
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The harassment Martha experienced was swept under the rug of “stan wars” but it was so much deeper than that. I’m not saying Martha stans are angels but there was no “Great Stan War” because the sides were never even. At the end of the day no amount of “Martha’s better than Rose” tweets will ever compare to the fact that Martha hate was rooted in misogynoir. Rose was and still is considered the greatest companion of nuwho, whilst Martha is constantly erased and undervalued. Rose’s video views and hashtags have always been bigger than Martha’s. Amy and Clara came after Martha but still surpassed her in popularity and got plenty of fan edits of “The Girl Who Waited” and “The Impossible Girl” whilst Martha was conveniently skipped in the companion lineup. The fandom’s bias still shines clearly in favour of Rose over Martha. Rose’s jealousy towards other women is justifiable and just the ups and downs of a 19-year-old whilst Martha’s is entitled bitterness. Rose’s flaws are compelling character moments and depth, Martha’s are “holding her back from being a good companion”. Hell, even Donna calling out Ten’s BS was entertaining accountability whilst Martha was just the angry Black woman. Fans will weaponise Rose’s working-class roots to imply a pro-Martha bias, failing to acknowledge the working-class to poor background of the average Black Brit, the anti-blackness middle-class Black people are not spared from, the many working-class Black characters of the show like Mickey, Bill, Rigsy and Ryan or how most fans don’t consider Martha middle class because she doesn’t fit the white British cultural stereotypes. You can't be the most loved and hated at the same time. The hard truth is Billie Piper wasn’t racially abused by Martha stans but Freema was absolutely racially abused by Rose’s and the effects of this are still around. Go into Martha Jones tags today and you’ll see snarky posts of how Ten could never love another companion like Rose. Even when Freema bravely shared her experiences of literal racism, fans were quick to yell “But I wanted Ten and Rose though” as a justification for years of misogynoir. Again, we need to address the elephant in the room instead of covering our eyes and ears to act like it’s not there. A Black character and actress was collateral damage in order for a popular white ship to rise and whilst I’m not an anti, I as a Black Doctor Who fan, I’ll never be a supporter. At the end of the day, only one of these actresses is still carrying the burden of misogynoir over 10 years since RTD1 ended. A lonely walk across the Earth yet again.
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<- Chapter 1 Chapter 3 ->
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sofoulandfairaday · 1 year
Hcs about Sirius? Thanks
Let's see how many people come screaming in my inbox for these
Tall. Taller than James, definitely taller than Remus (ya know, like the text implies).
Tall and conventionally handsome. Not the skinny/androgynous/emo kind. I don't hate those hcs, they're just not how I picture him. He's very very conventionally handsome in quite a masculine way although I can see him not sporting a beard until after Hogwarts, maybe even after his escape from Azkaban.
You can have your makeup wearing, skirt sporting, femme Sirius but it's just not for me.
Also. Also. Also. Can I just say? Wizards wear robes. They all wear skirts.
Prefers animals to people (and animals prefer him).
Can fly a broom, and can do so very well, most likely since before he ever got to Hogwarts, but he wasn't on the Gryffindor Quidditch team. He maybe played once or twice if someone was injured and James was begging him, and only exclusively against Slytherin to spite his Seeker brother. I can see him being in the Duelling Club, though.
Practice duels against the Slytherins got vicious.
An absolute prodigy in Transfiguration (he and James were Minerva's favourite students), also excels in Charms, DADA, and (what a shocker) Astronomy. He's very good in school in general though, and has very high grades. Considering how much time James must have ‘wasted’ being Quidditch Captain - time that Sirius probably spent studying in his last two years of school - he was probably the best, academically speaking, of the Marauders. He was also probably the most powerful wizard of the four.
Took Muggle Studies to annoy his family (he was mildly interested, but he wasn't passionate about the subject), and dropped it after his O.W.L.S. to better concentrate on the ‘important’ classes, especially since there was a war out there by 1978. Definitely got into a slight quarrel with Lily about this - more and more people were dropping out of Muggle Studies out of fear at this point and to her, it was about making a statement. Sirius's reply was ‘I think a curse right between the eyes is a better statement against the Death Eaters - I can only do that if I train’.
But Sirius- I've said this before, but I'm much more interested in all the ways Sirius is like his family than the ways he isn't. Definitely had to unlearn many of his biases.
Amongst which: his classism. Which he does display in the books, especially in the case of Snape.
I'm sure he would get into arguments with Remus (who was clearly hurt by some of these - which is precisely what prompted Sirius to reexamine some of his views more consciously), where Remus would say ‘But not all werewolves are like that, Sirius!’ when talking about, say, whether or not they should be allowed in certain jobs or whatever, and Sirius saying ‘well, yes, Remus but what if they do attack someone’ (Wolfsbane isn't a thing at this point in the canon).
I've said this before and I'll say it again: Remus was Sirius' exception, much like Lily's was Snape's. And this goes for many things.
Gradually, he unlearns many of his beliefs, especially when he goes back home as a teenager and sees his points of view reflected in the mouths of people like Rodolphus Lestrange and Lucius Malfoy - which disgusts him.
Sirius, in the books, has very famous lines (“The world isn't split into good people and Death Eaters...”) but he very famously does not live by that morality. He's a person, to me, with an extremely black-and-white view of the world. He can hex and curse students for fun and it's fine because he isn't using Dark Magic. On the other hand, most Slytherins suck because they are all racist evil gits who will end up as Death Eaters anyway.
He did not have Slytherin friends, that's probably one of my least favourite headcanons ever. He knew these people because he was a Black, which is why he can list them off to Harry in GoF, but he definitely did not hang out with them or like them in any way. Also, who were the Slytherins in his year and above/below anyways? Avery and Mulciber who played cruel (and maybe slightly illegal) jokes on Mary MacDonald? Evan Rosier (to me he actually wasn't, in my headcanons he's 4 years older than Bellatrix, which makes him about 13 years older than Sirius, but for the sake of argument) who was a Dark Wizard TM and blasted off half of Mad Eye's nose? Barty Voldemort Fanboy Crouch? Regulus??? Snape?????
Good at Potions, never top of the class (those were Lily and Snape)
Tactless at times, but not as much as James.
An asshole. A complete and utter arrogant toerag, and definitely more than a little immature. He was popular, like James, and I can see him having other friends outside the Marauders, but never establishing deep and meaningful relationships with them. He was definitely more unapproachable than James, much more intimidating.
(Definitely meaner jokes, too.)
James was the love of his life (platonically, but I can get behind them as a ship). He was loyal to James, first and foremost (which is also why he and Moony grew apart and suspicious of each other in the First War). Also, both of them were James' friends first. The Marauders were James' friend group.
He was definitely jealous when James first got together with Lily because she was stealing his best friend, his second, better brother. He liked Lily, but he was obsessed with James, who definitely grew up before Sirius did.
I've always headcanoned Sirius as straight/bi and Regulus as gay. But the point is more that while I can see Sirius experimenting a bit in Hogwarts (after all, he was full of girls who probably liked him) I can't really see him as either an arrogant/douchebag playboy. I also don't think he ever had a serious relationship. Ever. Especially in his Hogwarts days. If you're not worthy of his time, he won't look at you twice let alone give you a chance.
Any partner of Sirius' would have to be quite exceptional anyways (brilliant, intelligent, talented, funny - he was all of these things after all - and maybe even a bit mean). I can't see why a girl like that would put up with Sirius' arrogance.
Loved McGonagall, lowkey hated Slughorn. He was definitely invited to the Slug Club and I can see him turning down meetings. That particular brand of cunning weaselling cowardice is quite literally the opposite of what Sirius was and it drove him up the wall.
My boy Sirius never worked a day in his life, especially after Uncle Alphard left him gold.
Also: it's very likely that given his nature (he doesn't open up to strangers easily), his vaguely intimidating aura, his less-than-perfect track record in school (I know this fandom likes to ignore that he cursed students for fun, but. like. he did.), the fact that he probably didn't have a job and spent his post-Hogwarts years in secret missions for the Order, and general ruthlessness- people knew him mostly as just another Black. It wasn't that unthinkable then that he might have been seen as Voldemort's number two.
(This enrages Bellatrix by the way lol)
And speaking of Bella. Sirius likes to go around saying Andromeda was his favourite cousin. Nu-uh. He wishes that was truly the case. These two have history, and I find it hilarious that what they hate in the other is precisely what they love in themselves (their respective loyalties).
Saw each other/could hear each other in Azkaban. Bellatrix's taunts of ‘See? We were right. You betrayed our family for these traitors and this is how they repaid you’ made the whole stay that much worse.
More likely than not had promised each other that they would be the ones to kill the other.
Bellatrix didn't mean to kill him though, I am convinced of this. In the books, she hits him with a Stunner and probably yells because she won the duel. Then, it's only after it's sunk in (after her run from the DoM to the Atrium) and when Voldemort is getting closer that she taunts Harry about it.
Personal headcanon: the last time Sirius saw his cousins was at Narcissa's wedding (nice parallel, because I believe that the last event Andromeda ever attended was Bellatrix's wedding). Now, it happened around his 5th/6th year and guess who was also there? Yup. Snivellus (as Lucius' guest). The two almost got into a brawl. Bellatrix was not happy with them almost spoiling Cissy's big day.
Once tried to beat up Rodolphus during a skirmish in which they had both lost their wands, in the First War. It did not go well for him.
I'll stop this now, but I def have more. Don't even get me started on Walburga and Orion and how this fandom does not understand abuse at all.
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pumpumdemsugah · 9 months
Why do folks act like you can only acknowledge sex-based oppression and the reality of human sexual dimorphism if you want trans folks to die? Why are we acting like white folks made up ‘male’ and ‘female’ when every human culture knew what a male and a female was before colonialism existed and patriarchy has existed way before white supremacy did? Why?
It makes me uncomfortable bc you’d get labeled as a terf for saying this but the average irl person that isn’t chronically online holds these beliefs and still believes in trans rights and uses preferred pronouns. Hell, I have two nonbinary friends who recognize the reality of sex and sex-based oppression. I personally both recognize sex and believe that trans women have a place in our fight for women’s liberation. So like. Why are folks on the internet acting like it’s impossible? What is going on around here? Because I saw a (19 year old) person say ‘sex based oppression isn’t real socialization isn’t real yada yada yada that’s white colonial bullshit and if you believe otherwise then kill yourself’ and my eye twitched.
and it gets on my nerves bc most of the ppl saying this shit are Westerners! If they went to a non-West country and said this shit, I bet my left tit that they’d be looked at like they’re insane!
These people can say this for the same reason they hate radical feminists but recommend radical feminist Audre Lorde, they don't read or comprehend, they regurgitate talking points and see Black women not as academics or peers but tokens to invoke without knowing what they believe. It's arrogance, self righteousness and anti-intellectualism mixed together. Non-western cultures now all have the same ideas about gender that all support whatever some white American says. I think what's crazy is how incredibly racist the entire thing is and ahistorical. It's shrunk the experiences of everyone else so white western losers can feel more complex
I do not trust white people that bring up Black women to talk about gender in the modern sense because they always get racist and make shit up
Social media has melted everyone's brain so much everyone is making extreme claims grounded in wish fulfillment . Online liberals are acting and pushing the idea that sex is fake but the Blacks are just built different with one body plan. Please ignore that because human beings spend most of our time in Africa, African people have the most genetic diversity compared to every other group in the world . White people think complexity only applies to them. They did this before with race science and they're doing it again. Educated white people without expertise are making shit up
Male & female is fake but big negro bone is real and that research about bones, race and osteoporosis, I've read it, it doesn't say what online people say it does, you're just racist. It's projecting body insecurities onto Black women as inherent qualities of our bodies so their white body is normal and a problem that was a them thing is an us thing but this isn't racist and demeaning. Online liberals want us to be a permanent Other so they feel normal then claim it's solidarity not racial hierarchy by another name. The dehumanisation of enslaved Black women is brought up not to talk about slavery but to Other the bodies of dead tortured Black women and ask the living ones to agree because they said magic buzz words. Online people don't bring up slavery to talk about what white people did but to add sex characteristics they want Black women to have and rewrite history. Slave master didn't think Black people felt pain so performed surgery without anesthesia on enslaved Black women that needed to be held down because someone that needs to be held down commonly is a sign she doesn't feel pain. Slave masters knew they were chatting shit.
Talk about how WOC don't fit the gender binary because of white supremacist dehumanisation has become talk that our bodies are wrong and weird and that's why. The blame for shifted from white people's racism to, of course the non-white have wacky body plans. Do they even think we're people? Conservatives and dumb dumbs acting like the sexual dimorphism in human beings is extreme ( it's not ) and that's why male and female artistic gymnastics is so different. Not training or history and using it as a cover for mockery and sexism so now regular men are challenging actual female athletes ( and losing ) under the delusional being male is enough
The online left and right are so are stupid about this but everyone ends up affirming centuries old ideas about race and women. What's annoying is people that say sex is fake aren't being truthful, it's fake for white people as they transcend language but the crudely made Others, we're bigger and badly made and that's why they're normal. Solidarity though
Why does it need to be explained that Blackness isn't a sexed quality or characteristic ? It's unbelievably offensive. None of these people are as intellectually curious as they claim they are. None of them have read anything about slavery, colonialism or feminism. They saw a post.
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massiveladycat · 3 months
i have a.. lot of problems with bloodmarked to be honest. im not going to be talking about the romance portion of the book because honestly i don't even care for it anymore 1. why is bree yelling at vera on the plantation where she was raped?? why is bree this close to cussing out her ancestor who sacrificed too much because she was carrying her baby and the magical KKK was after her?? it's funny because after she literally denounces her entire ancestry bree makes a deal with the same being. the exact same being wtf honestly dude. 2. why is bree the only black character we have gotten to KNOW-KNOW, other than valechaz, who is not only a demon but also honestly is a pedophile (why is he hitting on a 16 year old girl)?? why don't we have more black characters that she's friends with and join her on the journey and are constants in the story?? 3. tying in with point 1, i don't understand if this is supposed to be a book about celebrating your ancestry and finding your roots when bree is literally out here screaming at all of her ancestors because shit was way out of their control and they were trying to make the most out of it?? if bree finds out that all of her ancestors go through the same things she does mostly (rootcraft and losing their mothers at young ages), why does she not communicate with them in healthy ways? they quite literally spent generations trying to clear the path for her. 4. bree doesnt feel like herself anymore. at first, she was great! amazing. her stubbornness got her to where she had to be. she made mostly good decisions. here,, her stubbornness got people and herself in danger. i still love bree, jsut pointing that out. SMALL EDIT: this isn't meant in an hostile way at all. i love tracy deonn's form of writing, i like nick, i like sel, i like bree. but i need to call this out because there's very few attention paid to genuinely good criticism on bloodmarked (in which, check goodreads for such or even youtube), and some things in this book irritate me, and people acting like any criticism on bloodmarked/legendborn is invalid or RACIST pisses me off even more. you can love this book, and im very happy that you found joy in it!! but dont call people racist for not liking legendborn lmfao you look goofy if you do that.
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blossoming-sun · 6 months
So.... I made some pj mask AUs based off the prompt/trope people on pjmcord gave me (school au, angels and demons au, fae au)
School AU:
Premise: I know you probably meant just a normal school AU, but I'm actually incapable of writing something without fantasy elements, so its a school au: but they all still have their powers. In this au, the government knows about monsters and magic and stuff, and although the general population doesn't know about them, its not exactly "keep secret at all costs" information. So that nobody dies when the magical kids are too young to fully control their magic, they're kept seperated from ordinary kids in the education system until a certain age. So basically all the nighttime kids are in a class, and teacher is a new, human, teacher fresh out of uni and teaching his first class. These kids are a nightmare for him (/pos) and he struggles not to be killed every night.
Other stuff: There is a lot of drama between the villains and heroes, especially at lunch break. The main friend groups are the terrible trio and the pj trio, but the other characters have friend groups as well, and its not uncommon for everyone to just play nicely as one big group some nights and then all hate each other the next. The sidekicks do exist in this AU, but they're not allowed in the classroom because they're not students. This does not stop any of them: the ninjalinos sneak in to play with night ninja at break, Romeo is always making a machine of some sort, its very hard to keep moths out of the outdoor playground, octobella hides Percival in her bag, etc. The whole au would probably just be teacher being like: "Apophis, I'll put you in detention until the end of time if you try to trap bastet in a pyramid again!" "Kevin, don't put that in your mouth! No, I don't care what Howler dared you do to!" "Romeo, what did I say about stealing stuff from the maintenance room? You can't take over the world with the wifi router!"
Also, the heroes are monsters in this au, so owlette is a harpy, an yu has more dragon features, etc
Angels and Demons AU
Lore: Angels and demons usually hide which one they are, their wings and stuff can dissapear at will and they don't have to use their powers. Furthermore, its a contemporary!angels and demons au, so while everyone has angel or demon blood, some have the full features (horns, slitted pupils, angel wings, halos, etc) when they show their true forms, others merely contain some angel or demon blood and no affects from this (which is most common). There are also powers, which can be pretty much anything. Physical features aren't required to have powers, but they're usually hand in hand.
Other stuff: Amaya is the only one with wings and a few extra eyes, while connor has a halo, and greg has a few small feathers (not enough to fly with or form wings), but has the power of strength. The villains are all demons. Luna has wings, NN has horns (like an oni) and romeo hasn't shown his true form yet. However, Armadylan and An Yu are also demons! The PJs didn't trust armadylan at all at first because they're racist you can't trust demons, but after they met an yu, realised that maybe not all demons are bad and didn't choose to be like this. Also: pharaoh boy is a fallen angel, but bastet refuses to talk about what happened to make him lose his light. The rest of the power heroes are all angels. And for the characters I haven't talked about yet:
Wolfies: no features or powers, except their werewolf powers(werewolf blood dominated the demon genes)
Armadylan: 4 horns on his head that stick out from his helmet, as well as a tail beneath the armadillo tail on his suit. Canon powers
An Yu: Black and red scales, slitted red eyes, fangs, claws. Canon powers
Ice Cub: Has three halos, no powers until his exposure to the asteroid though
Newton: two sets of wings, four eyes (haha), canon powers
Speedy twins: demon tails
Bastet: small wings behind her ears
Octobella: gekko swears she's a demon, but she's not (she's a cecaelia)
feel feee to ask me about the other characters, i was too lazy to write them all (rip)
Fae AU
So, in this AU lilyfay is the only fae. She's from an alien race of space fae, idk. The problem is, she's the first of her kind to visit earth in hundreds of years, and nobody really remembers the rules of the fay anymore, or that they exist. Which means that there are many shenanigans.
Lilyfay loves to clean, but unfortunately power Q is already pretty clean because of PJ robot, so except for when gloop attacks, she needs to find other places to clean. She occasionally just shows up at the flying factory to clean it (romeo is not good at keeping his lab tidy). And Romeo freaked out the first time but he got intrigued after that. When Romeo disrespected her the first time she refused to take that shit and turned him into a fawn (fae will sometimes transform humans into creatures if they don't like them), but only for one night so that he would learn his lesson. After this, Romeo takes up some of the Creideamh Sí so that he won't get deer'd again, which starts with giving Lilyfay milk when she shows up and progresses to the two of them having tea parties together. The duo kind of become friends, but lilyfay will not hesitate to kick his ass if he lies to her or offends her in some other way. Nobody else knows about their secret.
Lilyfay also has a garden in power Q, that has a ton of hawthorn saplings among other things. She and An Yu tend to the garden, but An Yu isn't allowed to touch the hawthorn. Lilyfay would love to drag the gang back to the land of the fay, but she's enjoying earth a lot and figures that she'll stay, for now at least. Also, her true fae form is hidden behind a human disguise (I don't think that lilyfay would be a changeling, but i'm going to incorporate some elements of changelings in for funsies) she can also play instruments and loves to dance, but she and her friends only ever play just dance and take turns so that she doesn't have to (by law) drag them away forever.
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scaryspears · 1 year
Mortal Kombat Headcanons
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Frost is going through a teenage rebellion of some kind. Yes, she's a bit old for one, but hey every person in their early 20's has a right to be immature. She feels a bit confused, dismissed and disrespected.
Kuai Liang was always her father figure, so Frost internalised and took the Shirai Ryu rivalry very seriously. So when Kuai Liang started making peace with Hanzo she didn't take it very well.
Frost has a wrapped sense of justice and logic thanks to her childhood, considering she killed her own mother. Before becoming a part of the Lin Kuei she lived in a bad environment. (If her mother is truly like Sindel we can only imagine and guess what that was like).
Rain flirts with her all the time, and he is genuinely interested in her. (Can we get her a boyfriend?)
Her acting out is her way of getting everyone's attention, and she believes it's a great way of proving herself.
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Mileena is desperate for a relationship with Kitana, so she's willing to be an antagonist so long as it means having her attention, but there's still resentment. Even with that resentment Mileena is somewhat caring and protective of her, judging on how she doesn't want Kitana and Liu Kang to marry.
She wants love, and lots of it. She thinks that by having the throne she will be given that love, since Shao Kahn was given it.
Mileena and Frost can become friends.
If things were different, her and Skarlet would get along well.
(Skarlet should've been the Jade to Mileena's Kitana. Why Netherrealm Studios? Why?)
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Even though it was Shao Kahn that introduced her to bloodmagic, it was Shang Tsung that taught her how to cope with it. (Since he created her in the flesh pits before her backstory was retconned)
Skarlet experienced racism and classism during her early stay with Shao Kahn, and she longed for Kitana and Jade's respect. Due to their shunning she holds a harsh bitterness towards them.
Based on Rain's intro she is partially Edenian, but is mostly Outworld-ian.
Mileena and Skarlet would never admit it, but they both have a bit of a sibling bond with each other. But it's one of actual rivalry thanks to their narcissistic parental figures. Her infatuation with Shao Kahn is a sign that bloodmagic is slowly and surely leading to her insanity, before she did not view him in that way.
Erron Black is the only person she's had a relationship with. Ever since Erron she hasn't been in a relationship due to the fear of being hurt again, but she has been getting a certain Shaolin's eye on her. (I think Kung Lao was genuinely flattered when he said "We hardly know each other.")
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Shang Tsung
He does feel some kind of care for Mileena, but in the end she is like a dish to be proud of and served instead of growing a bond with.
He gets a bit prideful from her accomplishments, though.
"Mileena would never do that thereafter. Mileena did you do that thereafter?"
When Skarlet was much younger she used to follow him around just to see how well he would perform magic in order to improve her own skill.
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Noob Saibot
Noob/Bi Han takes a lot of things people say literally. Because of this he is the least antagonistic towards Johnny Cage.
His soul is enslaved so a lot of what he does is not the actual Bi Han, but he is sometimes able to break out of it to deliver a few lines.
He has mistakenly gotten into a few debates with Shang Tsung about the use of dark magic vs soul magic.
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Kitana and Jade
Very classist and a bit racist, on Jade's part.
Were mean to Skarlet during their upbringing and intentionally isolated themselves from her.
As much as Kitana doesn't want to admit it, she is much like Shao Kahn.
Kitana is 17-19 in human years. Jade is 21-23.
(I like Kitana and Jade but there's things about them that I don't like)
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jules-and-company · 4 months
got a little chance to continue hogwarts legacy
- on god fuck sebastian and the rest only poppy and natty are my true friends. like who takes me on a whimsical adventure to find long-lost birds and resolves a trauma ? poppy sweetiepie sweeting. who asks me to come to the great hall just to have a therapy sesh and then carries out a fight that i’m also personally involved in and WHO literally sacrifices herself for me without second thought ???? who tells me i’m the best friendship that’s ever happened to her ??? natsai motherfucking onai. AND WHO only takes me to dangerous-ass tombs full of inferi and spiders for dark relics that only serve his own personal obsession ??? who devalues everything i’m working on (aka the ancient magic file) because he’s so busy focusing on his goal (peak slytherin tho ?) ???? WHO CALLS ME STUPID TO MY FACE ???? sebastian fucking sallow. he’s an extremely interesting and complex character and i still enjoy his presence but christ alive. at first i bonded with him ´cause he was just as toxic as me but even THAT is going too far
- SPEAKING OF. when ominis said « he went alone inside the tomb » i felt we were fucked. but i didn’t think i’d find him controlling literal INFERI and i certainly didn’t think i’d have to beat his uncle’s ass BEFORE THE BOY FUCKING KILLS HIM
- i think i missed the mark where i could learn avada kedavra but let’s say it was a conscious choice. why would i want to learn the Brutal Kill Curse. first of all fights would be a lot less interesting. second i haven’t even graduated my fifth year. I AM FIFTEEN. WHY WOULD I
- when i started the fight with rookwood i didn’t think i’d have to kill the bitch. why do i have to kill everyone round these parts ??? where are the authorities ???
- officer singer only came for harlow but when I WAS gang-ambushed by at least sixteen goons and as much inferi PLUS the most dangerous man in the region suddenly you can’t fucking find me ???? why does the ministry want me dead
- after getting my ass handed to me at least twelve times during the last boss fight, i decided to leave that last principal quest where it is from now and do literally everything else. so that when i come back before ranrok i have become god
- i admit, seeing all the teachers there to help fig and i was JOYOUS (lack of headmaster tho ??? black get your lily-white racist aristocratic ass down there and help your literal coworkers and a 15yo child)
- everytime i have to destroy a piece of equipment to make room for what i find in the crests (i’ve been stupid enough to not do the merlin’s enigmas so far) i die a little because i know i’ll never find them again
- i just LOVE the grapcorn. i’ll name him bessie (mulan reference)
- i am MOURNING for lodgok. why did it have to come to this
- i don’t know about y’all but i never use plants (mandragora, chinese screaming lettuce) or potions other than a shitload of wiggenweld, nor do i have the four categories of spells at all times in my pocket, but not because i have disdain for all that, but because i am at all times panicking. so brutal force it is or nothing
- just in terms of modeling the character, i was skeptical at first of wearing simply the school’s uniform, but now i ain’t never changing. beating everyone’s asses in standard issued checkered green skirt and this green tie may be used for strangulation
- i don’t know if it’s supposed to be the same thing for the playing character regardless of house but. why do i feel like since i am in slytherin i act in a certain slytherin way. like have the developpers been smart enough to match unchoosable personality with housing. that would be cool
- more whimsical colourful adventures, less dark tombs exploring that i only get out of at the ass crack of dawn with blood all over me and five new traumas
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Ya know something, I wanted this to be proven to be pr so bad at one point because of what things meant if this is real. Then certain pr blogs who start drama did so much crap that I was like omg I don’t care if it’s pr anymore just end it, but then the marriage bs happened and I checked out.
To return and see the same stuff going on is a bit insane but to understand that if this is real and the next step after marriage happens, those shit starting pr blogs will lose their ever loving shit, while the remainder of his fandom will simply permanently walk away.
I’m over this because no matter however way one tries to spin this, Chris allowed himself to be associated to vile people and that speaks volumes as to who he may or may not be as a person.
He didn’t care how any of this affected his fans of color nor the fact the racist in this fandom start using said “wife” and friends to freaking defend and dismiss racism and I just don’t see anything Chris could do to refute this situation nor resolve the damage he’s caused knowingly or unknowingly.
I’ll never view this man the same. He’s basically proven by his actions and inactions that he’s not the decent human so many of us believed.
He’s a white privileged male who does what he wanted for his own selfish gain at the expense of a fandom who genuinely cared for him. I also have to question now if he pandered and purposefully looked black women reporters up and down, knowing people would make assumptions or imply whatever. Just like the white boots flirting interview and just like the Lizzo DM stories.
His wife is besties with racist and yet he still chose to have that woman linked to him as “wife”, not girlfriend but WIFE!!!!
So yeah, truth was indeed revealed Evans, even if this were Pr, many other celebs did pr and didn’t end up married, yet this man walks around with a magic ring that vanishes and reappears at random, but we’re supposed to think this is legit/pr and he’s still a stand up dude, stop! 🛑
I hope this ends and he comes clean and finally takes accountability for something publicly. That’s my only remaining hope, but honestly he won’t and I don’t care anymore.
you express the feelings of many people i have come across in the fandom, anon. i have said much the same thing myself as there was a time i discussed with a few close friends whether or not their relationship being a pr stunt would make it better? could it maybe even make it worse?
the biggest lesson to come of this, i believe, is to curtail the stock and support we put into celebrity. celebrities are humans with flaws and when they make mistakes (i'm speaking generally here as this particular situation is not "just a mistake") just like everyone else. their mistakes shouldn't be front page news for days (unless their mistake was harmful, ofc) and the subject of scrutiny by everyone under the sun. we live in glass houses.
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sofiadragon · 23 hours
Lily wasn’t a prefect, and she didn’t expect Snape to stand up to Mulciber and Avery - she was frustrated and angry that he hung out with people that hexed muggleborns with dark magic and called them mudbloods. Lily had her flaws but Snape didn’t respect her values and morals which is why their friendship ended.
I got a little mixed up with fannon in this post and I apologize, but Remus was a prefect for certain and Lily didn't seem to think he had a responsibility to stop the marauders from assaulting Snape in that moment. So, it's still hypocritical that Potter and Black are allowed to do real tangible harm to others while Snape is expected not only to be the bigger man and act better than they do, but also to either shun the people he lives with 10 months out of the year or somehow not be roommates with racists. The same roommates who are, supposedly, being at least civil to him which is the best he can get outside of Lily due to his poverty. We know Snape tries to defend himself and we see in the flashbacks that he isn't very effective at it despite knowing a lot of dark spells. Is it right for Lily to condemn the victim of serious bullying because he isn't a completely helpless doormat? Is it alright for the reader to ignore that she thinks Snape's suffering is funny? Is it alright that she doesn't try to counter the spells that are torturing her friend? Can the reader reasonably assume that she's seen simular things happen before and is blaming Snape and the Marauders equally?
Must we use retroactive guilt to blame Slytherin children for the actions they will eventually take as adults, but absolve those Gryffindors who act deplorably because one out of the four of them eventually cleans up his act? Sirius and Remus are bullying and baiting Snape up to their deaths, and the less said about Peter the better. Meanwhile Snape does seem to smother his desire to hex Lupin with professionalism and gently carries Sirius' unconscious body back to the castle in PoA where Sirius had been bumping Snape's head into the tunnel walls earlier. You must remember that while we know the future, the characters in those scenes only experienced time in regular linear fashion. Snape's morals first degrade, but then improve over time. The same can not be said for Remus Lupin. [Just every scene he's in for book 7 as evidence there. All of it.]
Are you under the entirely incorrect impression that I think either Lily or Snape must be 100% to blame for the friendship between them failing, and the other must be 100% pure and innocent? My post earlier today points out the ways in which Lily contributed to the break between them, but I have never said Snape was blameless. Only that Lily's expectations were unreasonable given Severus’s situation and that she contributed to their falling out.
I think having some flaws makes Lily a better character than the flat, featureless image of a selfless mother many fans depict her as. She clearly wasn't sainted, but that doesn't make her evil either. It makes her human. What a wretched thing they both are, to be human and 16 and unsatisfied with the world.
As for if she was a prefect: We do know Lily was Head Girl, and it seems as though being Head Boy or Girl requires having a leadership role of aome kind like Quidditch captain or prefect, but it is never confirmed in the books that she was a prefect (it also doesn't say she wasn't.) She could have been president of some club and that would satisfy the requirement. This is, of course, based on how real boarding schools do it and interviews JKR gave that are not "Alpha Canon." (Alpha canon being a common way many fandoms seperate the officially published books and movies from Beta canon which is all the other stuff online and in interviews.) Hogwarts could have no rules besides "the headmaster likes the cut of your jib" for who gets the honor, so yeah. Lily the prefect is not confirmed.
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Goofy ahhh luz bad end au
Empress luz au 2.0 Empress luz au/Corrupted noceda au.
Basically a future au set after the epilogue,where instead of there being a portal between both worlds,the two realms are fused together which was the collector's doing prior to them going back to the cosmos,as their "gift" for luz's king-ceañera (also the fusing happend after their collector magic fireworks display).
Luz the hexsquad and the rest of the former catts members have to deal with the consequences of the collector's mistake as the humans are racist towards and are afraid of the witches as well as their culture while the witches don't like how simple and weak the humans are (unnamed witch to a human: omg you don't eat kraken tentacles everyday?. and you think it's gross and unnatural?,stop being so childish ffs 🙄. also the witches only view this towards other humans and not luz hunter or camila. and the main witches in the series don't judge the humans for having a hard time adjusting to demon realm culture),
the collector attempts to help as well since they're the one who did this,and at some point luz realized that the isles needed a ruler more than ever with the culture clash crisis and someone better than belos and who else would be able to rule the isles without fucking it up than luz?,thus she chose herself to rule since she knows that her good heart and intuition would be able to fix most of the issues that arose due to the realm fusion. Several months passed and things were going great besides luz getting more fatigued than usual due to empress duties,but after five years of ruling the isles she is now stressed asf and is basically losing her mind due to the responsibilities of being the empress plus her human body cannot handle such a large amount of stress even with help from her friends and family,
thus eda went out to find a potion to help luz relax and get her energy back but she ended up finding nothing despite looking at every potion stand in the star realm (what the collector calls the new human demon realm fusion world. since the fusion world is now imbued with collector magic and celestial beings due to it being created by the collector),luz was ready to give up and give the position to someone else but then a potion was conveniently delivered to her by bird a few hours after eda told her about not finding anything to help her,the potion had a label reading "fatigue be gone! sun ray energizer brew. only 99 snails per bottle. it also enhances your stamina!" and it had black mist coming out of it so luz knew that the potion was fishy and so she told amity to look at it under a microscope and amity surprisingly found nothing bad or poisonous in the potion,so luz decided to drink it and she suddenly feels so much better and later on she uses it as her main medicine for when she feels super tired from being the empress.
However.. overtime luz slowly became more and more.. off as she kept drinking the sun ray energizer potion,to the point that she sleep walks while randomly holding a knife in her hand or getting drunk silly on occasion even though she's a lightweight that can't handle alcohol,and it eventually came to the point where luz was starting to become ridiculously evil with her making a plan to kill everyone via several giant ice spikes from ice glyphs shooting out of the ground from a machine (she almost succeeded and would've done so if amity wasn't there to stop the machine) suddenly hating everyone and no longer being the empathic sweetheart that she once was or even trying to literally disembowel hunter with an abomination blade,and the worst part is that she only does this when she's asleep and wakes up with no memory of it,and this is only the beginning,also luz eventually finds out that the potion is actually a liquid curse that was delivered to her by terra's plant bird (a raven that looks like a regular raven but is actually just a shit ton of vines once cut) and that it was made by vitimir with the purpose of luz being taken over by the potion's corruption ingredient and
that vitimir terra n' adrian are secretly planning to overthrow luz in order for them to all rule the isles the way they want to (adrian wants to be taken seriously and believes that being a ruler will allow him to achieve that vitimir wants to be seen as more than just a potion demon and gain a better reputation than the creepy potion man whereas terra is just power hungry. this thing of these three being the villains is based off of them being the "while some others would prefer that things were still the same as before" scene aka the part where they were trying to lift up the remains of belos' castle). And when i said that the above info was the beginning of luz's corruption,i actually mean that what she did to everyone wasn't the worst of her deeds,her most horrific deed of all,is her most recent one which is attempting to literally destroy the star realm (human demon realm fusion) and everything in it via her new explosion glyphs along with a machine that'll help enhance the explosions but corrupted!sleeping luz cruelly left a three month deadline for everyone to prepare for their demise or to prepare stopping her.
The W.I.R.T committee (Witches In charge of Ruling The isles. It was formed named and conceptualized by raine after they figured that luz would need some help with taking care of the entire isles) consisting of eda lilith raine eberwolf camila the hexsquad and luz's new friends (ocs. hemlock hollis ramona roux valerie and zeno. manager of plant and environment affairs,manager of abominations and the abomination golem military,manager of medicine pharmacy and disease know how, manager of farm animals making sure that no animal cruelty is being done forest/habitat protection and zookeeping,and manager of most musical perfomances bard safety [making sure there's no instrument related accidents reminding bards to not be too loud as to accomodate for hard of hearing people etc] and bard advice) are going to attempt to stop her before it's too late (and they succeed).
Also adrian terra and vitimir are gaining more trust from the people of the star realm via their weird cult that worships belos called the order of the emperor,although the cult members consist of the people who used to be belos' followers during his reign in s1-s2,and the three bastards are actively brainwashing/propagandizing belos' teachings to the public whilst gaining the faith of the belos worshippers from their cult,they're doing all this so that they can overthrow luz with their army of believers but it doesn't work as the hexsquad deal with them prior to stopping luz like two months into the three month deadline luz gave them (the now adult hexsquad all defeated adrian terra vitimir and their army within just two months of investigation and preparation. i'm so proud 🥹). Also the au title came from luz joking about her curse potion's effects and how it corrupted her,luz: luz noceda? more like corrupted noceda *laughs bitterly while holding back tears*. After all the drama and action,luz will be so immensely guilty for what she did and sincerely apologizes and everyone forgives her despite her literally almost destroying everything if it weren't for the w.i.r.t preventing her from doing so,and she cries so much due to thinking that she basically turned into belos while in her corrupted state but camila reminds her that she's not belos as it was the curse potion's fault that she acted that way and that she's truly a good person without the effects of the potion and she becomes relieved,happy ending yayyy but not without trauma and damage to the isles though (empress luz 🤝 canon hunter = feeling like they're similar to the wittebros due to trauma™ even though they're not like those guys personality wise).
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jorisjurgen · 5 months
Mao Maud: 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 19, 23, 24, 26, 28, 37, 38, 42, 46 im so fucking sorry im so so so so
I'm also going to take my other (non-krosmoz, they're all from a different fandom) ocs for these asks because unlike Mao Maud I had actually thought about them in-depth before this point because I'm a blabbermouth.
Also if you don't stop apologizing I will attack you violently with a deadly weapon (in my imagination due to the fact I am not in america and in real life it would be bad.)
What motivates your character?
Mao Maud: the desire to escape her old life, despair.
Ko'Kalavari: thirst for knowledge, and later, desire to help people.
Mathias: his friends and fear, and later, desire to help people.
Estaera: the desire to survive, thirst for treasure, despair.
2. How does the public view them? (Doesn't have to be anything major, it could be classmates, friends, strangers in the park, etc.)
Mao Maud: The public doesn't notice her.
Ko'Kalavari: People are very racist to her.
Mathias: Outsider. He doesn't belong.
Estaera: Gaudy peacock of a person.
4. Does your character care about their reputation and/or how others perceive them?
Mao Maud: She will die if people don't like her, but she'd like people not to think about her at ALL.
Ko'Kalavari: She'd rather study temporal cross-timeline shadow magic and lichification of the undead... Wait, what do you mean people fear that?
Mathias: He NEEDS to be perceived as good, and sadly, it means that everyone sees him as a sucker-up on the political ladder. Though them not taking him seriously doesn't end well for the nobles — sucker-up or not, he is ambitious.
Estaera: Cares about reputation, good and bad, equally. Their dream is to be a celebrity everyone knows has committed atrocities and can't prove anything against <3
6. What, if anything, sticks out about their appearance?
Mao Maud: She just looks like any old ecaflip, eh. She likes red a lot, so that probably sticks out.
Ko'Kalavari: She has fully black fur. It's pretty rare.
Mathias: Orange eyes. Very tall. Light teal skin.
Estaera: Redhead. Green eyes.
7. Is your character good with kids?
Mao Maud: No. She is afraid of them.
Ko'Kalavari: Yes. She LOVES kids. But she shouldn't be let near them due to the necromancy and vampirism. She wouldn't hurt them, I just think she's a bad influence + most people fear magic.
Mathias: He's wonderful with them. Like Kalavari. But unlike her, he also doesn't have unsavoury and dangerous interests, which is even better.
Estaera: They think they are, but they aren't. They wouldn't scream at a child, but they would get exasperated and leave, or unironically make fun of/argue with a kid.
9. What emotion does your character feel most frequently?
Mao Maud: Shame, deep-deep shame, for her entire self. "Sorry for my me" kinda character.
Ko'Kalavari: She is in awe of the beauty of the world. Also fear. She gets herself into a lot of trouble with forces even she can hardly comprehend.
Mathias: He tries not to feel emotions. But when he does it's probably shame, or tiredness. Life is a burden on him.
Estaera: Despair internally, and a small shade of whimsy from how little they care about life anymore. Life is a joke, and they are a clown.
11. What events in their past helped shape and influence them into who they are today?
Mao Maud: Having other kids throw fireballs at her, and her dad's death. She can barely remember him. She wishes she could.
Ko'Kalavari: Her kind and loving parents who instilled her with a love for travel and passed away peacefully of old age. Also being forced to eat human flesh once, while already travell—-
Mathias: Being beaten by his mom, and eventually beating her to death when he was 20, and running from the law ever since.
Estaera: Being beaten by their mom, developing alcoholism, and running away from home, falling into a life of crime.
12. What are some of your character's pet peeves?
Mao Maud: Joris, Kerubim, and Atcham keep vital information about the house and their relationship from her because they Forgor or "Didn't Think It Was Important" or "Didn't Think It Would Come Up"
Ko'Kalavari: People don't trust her just because she is a cannibal necromancer vampire witch who studies interdimensional time-travel magic that is reported to make its users "disappear from existence".
Mathias: People asking about his past.
Estaera: They have some specific ass alcohol and cheese opinions.
15. What habits does your character have?
Mao Maud: Fiddling with her clothes and hair because she's constantly nervous.
Ko'Kalavari: She dog-ears her ancient manuscripts. Remarkably casual about the most insane things.
Mathias: Smoking and hurting himself. He's scared of accidentally becoming addicted to something that muddles his mind (he's Seen The Horrors), but he has long accepted that life is simply unbearable if he doesn't do that.
Estaera: They're The Horrors that made sure Mathias DOESN'T have substance abuse issues besides smoking.
16. What is your character's relationship with their family?
Mao Maud: She feels like a disappointment to her mother. Her mom grew up on Rok Island, after Ogrest's Chaos, completely cut off from the outside world — while she grew up somewhere in Amakna, constantly travelling between Rok Island and her home, because her mom wanted her to be a huppermage. She wishes she was born a huppermage immediately, instead of being born an Ecaflip, and she isn't good at huppermagic at all.
Her mom has accepted it — she isn't a bad woman! She just loves her culture and wanted to raise Maud within it. There's no huppermage supremacy sentiment there. She loved her cat husband a lot too, and tried to get Maud into ecaflip stuff too (very cornily, and sadly, she is BAD at it, she doesn't get ecaflip beliefs at alllll.). But childhood bullying and projection (and the protectiveness her mom has due to the bullying) have Maud convinced that this is a deep-seated flaw within her.
Ko'Kalavari: Wishes her parents could have lived forever. I think seeing them age made her afraid of mortality. I think she was really close to them, and hasn't had success in establishing other close relationships since then. So she had to leave, and search for something more. It's one of the reasons she never wants to die too.
Mathias: Killed his mom who liked him more than Estaera and so, beat him less. Hates her, but wishes he had not done that. Misses Estaera a lot. Wears the earrings he gifted to them that they left at home, together with all of their other belongings, while running away.
Estaera: Ran away from home. Feels like they failed their mom, and if they worked harder she might have liked them more than their adopted "brother." Misses said adopted brother. Wishes they could meet again. Is weirdly not mad about Mathias killing their mom.
17. Overall, is there anything special or peculiar about your character compared to others in your story?
Mao Maud: Not really. She is an average girl. I think she's gifted in Ecaflip magic — on the clairvoyance side of things, when she really puts in the effort, but there's thousands of people just as gifted at that as her. Like literally one of her three employers.
Ko'Kalavari: She's the chosen one and it might be poisoning her brain with ideations of domination and power (literally on a cosmic level). Sadly.
Mathias: He's the chosen one, or fakes his way into being one, which is the same thing. Sadly.
Estaera: They're the chosen one, and also a partial soul-shard of a dark evil god of chaos. Sadly.
19. Summarize your character's goals in one sentence.
Mao Maud: Become normal.
Ko'Kalavari: Stop end of the world + become powerful.
Mathias: Stop the end of the world + end slavery via becoming a warlord on Vvanderfell.
Estaera: Don't let the only people who gave them a chance die.
23. If your character is at a loud, people-filled party, how would they act?
Mao Maud: She starts to cry. Nobody knows why. Not even her.
Ko'Kalavari: She's in her prettiest dress and she is so ready to be beautiful and pretty. Ends up leaving early due to boredom but liked the beginning.
Mathias: Soaking in the vibes. Listening on to conversations.
Estaera: Actively taking experimental party drugs.
24. From childhood to their current age, how has your character changed?
Mao Maud: Got more and more embarassed. I think it would help her, to know, that there are people out there far more embarassing, and yet happy. Like, at least three of them, all men, all in their 600s.
Ko'Kalavari: Got more and more scared of death. But... while she is ready to do anything for knowledge, and to save her own life, there is a sort of maturity obtained when she realizes, just how sick it makes her feel to take the lives of others for her selfish goals. She has to find a balance between the horrible things she is ready to do, and the horrible things she cannot do.
Mathias: Felt more and more responsibility. For Estaera's fate. For his mother's death. For his own life. For the lives of his lovers. For the House, for The Guild, for The Country, for The Continent, for The World. In the end it was too much, and he gave up. He will not be responsible anymore, after he fakes his death and leaves everyone.
Estaera: Got worse and harsher, if we're talking about childhood->canon events. Became a different being, if we're talking about post-canon->ko'kalavari's era.
26. What are the top three most distinguishable personality traits of your character?
Mao Maud: Clown the Jester. Weirdly endearing. Scared.
Ko'Kalavari: Fun-loving. Amoral. Scholarly.
Mathias: Ashamed. Secretive. Dead inside.
Estaera: Bojack Kinnie. Party animal. Desperate.
28. What emotion is the most unfamiliar to your character and how do they deal with it?
Mao Maud: Confidence. She doesn't even notice it, when she gets confident — and she keeps being confident as long as she doesn't acknowledge it.
Ko'Kalavari: Empathy. She doesn't really understand other people, at least not until after maturing. But truly connecting with, and understanding other people, is one of the wonders of the world to her. It's special.
Mathias: Pride. It's so rare for him to feel pride, and he feels a bit shameful, when he does. But... he tries to savor it.
Estaera: Happiness. They can't deal with it. It makes them choke up.
37. What does your character want to change about themselves?
Mao Maud: She wants to be a normal well-socialized member of society who has skills that aren't related to "doing huppermagic badly" and fumbling through her words.
Ko'Kalavari: She wants more power and knowledge. Always more. To protect herself and be respected and never die.
Mathias: He would like to be able to change things, but he doesn't really have hope. So, he'd like to have more hope in life. He really wants to have hope.
Estaera: Nothing. Everything. Yes. No. Honestly — they know they're awful, but they're under the impression that they cannot change. In some ways, they're right — they have no home, they're a criminal, they're addicted to multiple different substances. They have no way out of the life they fell into. But taking out their frustration on others has always been their choice.
38. Someone your character dislikes goes up to them and confesses. How does your character react? (Doesn't have to be a rejection.)
Mao Maud: She accepts and then ghosts them, moving to a different city.
Ko'Kalavari: Blushes and fumbles through a refusal.
Mathias: Politely declines. Very graceful and kind throughout the interaction.
Estaera: Humiliates them publically, says they'd rather fuck a cactus, and tells them "kys".
42. What is one thing that your character dislikes about themselves? ("Nothing" is also a valid answer.)
Mao Maud: Actually weirdly not a lot. She hates how talentless and spineless she is, but these aren't innate qualities of her character. She's hoping that working at a real job will fix her.
Ko'Kalavari: Her own actions. She is afraid of half the things she does. Why can't she stop digging through ancient dark magic tomes and summoning demons? The world may never know. But really — she hates how powerless she is. Like an insect. She wants to be powerful, deadly.
Mathias: He's a coward. It shows in many ways — he doesn't like being honest with people, and he doesn't take action when injustices happen. When he attains power — he is forced to play the long game, painfully aware that, technically speaking, he has the power to help so many people.
Estaera: Everything. They disgust themselves completely.
46. Does your character specialize or have remarkable talent in anything? If so, what is it?
Mao Maud: You see..., one of her main talents is inspiring 3 men in particular to pity her.
Ok I'm joking — I think she has some talent for fortune-telling and predicting the future, more than Kerubim (he's so lucky that he can predict what will happen, and Ecaflip has canonically given him future visions). She's not the first nor the last Ecaflip to have prophetic visions, but it's not a normal thing. I think being a maid for the fam, and connecting with her Ecaflip heritage for the first time that way, lets her actually work on this gift.
Ko'Kalavari: She is a walking, talking, cat-shaped, magical nuke. Also, she is good at healing and surviving. Very interested in how human bodies work and how to fix them up (both so they DON'T die and AFTER they die...). She is very young for someone who has a ko' scholar honorific.
Mathias: Politics. Also, while for Ko'Kalavari magic is a natural gift, learning it came hard for him — so he knows a lot about theories, maths, geometry, and biology of it. It made him a gifted enchanter first and foremost — when he can't rely on his strength, he can rely on the way he enchanted his items.
Estaera: They have a magic disability, so they can't use it too much — but it does mean they don't get hurt as easily. They like to use their small pool of power to do illusion magic and employ psychological warfare and human engineering in combat. They are very manipulative, even outside combat. Also, very skilled at ruining lives. Even their own.
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I love Dream but he can be dark, he can be cruel and he's done some very unforgiveable and monstrous things. He is not your average good guy or heroic character. Yes sometimes he can be the most kindest, empathic and wonderful conceptual being but he can be the opposite and it makes sense since Dream is made up of every wonderful, fantastical, magical thought, imagination and dreams but he's also made up of the disturbing, the vile and the monstrous.
Yes, exactly! Honestly, even without delving deeper into potential motivations or biases that he might have been written to have, his basic, on-the-page actions are pretty extreme! Banishing your girlfriend to 10,000 years of torture in hell for saying "no" is incredibly dark! The fact that Desire is able to casually toss the insult "Killed any girlfriends lately?" might also be a hint that Nada isn't the only one. Also his best human friend started the transatlantic slave trade, and the woman who, per Lucien, broke his heart like no other is a brutal murder-loving witch who is also probably transphobic. Something about "you reflect the company you keep" there...
Really, it's weird to see people get all defensive of Morpheus when he makes other notorious "problematic fandom boyfriends" like Anakin Skywalker, Kylo Ren, or pre-character-development MCU Loki seem like tame, sane options! Sure, those guys could kill you, but none of them seem able or keen on ruining your after-life as well!
And as for what you say about how he embodies the collective thought... I suspect that The Sandman Companion's darker and less charitable claims about Morpheus having racist and sexist tendencies were *intended* as a reflection of that. After all, if general culture nowadays has a racism and misogyny problem, then a being made of the collective subconscious thoughts of a culture might also have a racism and misogyny problem. I haven't read the excerpts from the Companion in full context yet (haven't yet reached that chapter in my own copy) BUT the Companion's analysis does appear to fumble in that it flips the script: rather than Morpheus reflecting society's biases, instead society's biases are the result of Morpheus' anger towards Nada warping all of reality to permanently curse all people "like Nada" to have terrible fates. So rather than him reflecting reality's issues, he CAUSED them to exist! That makes him WAY worse!
I'm hoping to examine the evidence for this further once I get to that part of The Sandman Companion, because yeah, that's some "yikes" writing if it's supported by the actual text.
So yes, Morpheus is canonically an incredibly dark character, and the intent of his writing may paint an even worse picture still. He can be good and caring and loving when he wants to be, but to ignore that he's just straight up evil sometimes would be to ignore canon.
EDIT: Also, I feel the need to point out that a lot of this is about BOOK Dream! The show already appears to be attempting to stop any "Dream is racist" issues by having his sister, niece, and nephew all now be black, and changing his trusted confidant Lucien from being a white man to being Lucienne, a black woman. While the show isn't free of its own possible moments of accidental anti-black writing, it definitely seems to be making a concentrated effort to avoid interpretation of Dream himself as prejudiced in the same way that the books might suggest.
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galaxythreads · 1 year
Why not let taika be dumb by himself, whats the point in stalking and making fun of his new stuff just because of a marvel movie he made? (Also its a bit insensitive considering he isn't even white)
Unfollow me, please. Please stop harrasing me. Leave me alone. If you send me another message like this I'm going to report you to tumblr for harrassment. I know you're the same person. I recognize your speech pattern. Your anon handle means nothing. I could find you on Tumblr and I might, soley to block you. You've sent me more than five of these. If you were going to change my mind about Ragnarok, you would have done it by now. Stop.
And for the record:
Waititi's race did not even occur to me. .....?......? Why would it have? I literally just googled it. Okay. He's a Polynesian Jew. That's awesome. But like. What am I meant to do with this information beyond respect it and move on??? No I mean that genuinely. Am I supposed to do something else with this knowledge?
Look. If I decided to pick apart every Polynesian or Jewish piece of media (which if I did something is deeply wrong with me and I need a hug and someone to slap me) and insisted that there was something wrong with them the storyteller inherently for being this race, that would be racist. Or that Polynesians/Jews can't write good stories, that would be racist. Me saying every black person isn't a good writer would be racist. Or every white person. Racism. Racism is when you single out an entire group to loathe and insist that they're abnormal or dangerous for being born that way. (Also it's ignorance, but you can't know everything all at once, so just listen and apologize. Most people will be very understanding you didn't know the Thing.)
Me discussing one (1) movie that Waititi made, where I never even brought up race because WHY WOULD I HAVE????????? is not racism? It's discussing storytelling?
Wait. Do you think I hate Waititi as a human being for Ragnarok? Anon????.?.??....? I don't like him as a director. I would still happily take a bullet for him because he's a human? And he does, outside of his work, seem nice-ish. I don't think we could be friends, but that doesn't mean I want him dead. Oh my gosh. Go to sleep. Eat a KitKat.
People are not racist for discussing bipocs work. I love discussing all writing from everyone. My favorite ao3 author is Jewish, and I love all the references she puts to her religion in her fics. Genuinely, always brings a smile to my face. I love it when culture bleeds into a fic or a movie or a book. Look, Im not a good writer just because I'm lesbian. It didn't give me magic powers. Your identity doesn't protect you from bad writing.......good writing does. And every race and culture has amazing writers.
You know why I hate Ragnarok? Do you? Honestly? Have you thought to ask yourself that? Because I have never spoken about it. I just circle around the point and make bad jokes.
It has nothing to do with the comedy. I hate Ragnarok because it is one of the most insensitive films I have ever seen when it comes to mental health. That's it. Waititi is so insensitive to mental health struggles it is harmful. A fact I break down in detail in my video on why and how. It had nothing to do with his race. WHY WOULD IT EVER HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH HIS RACE???
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spw-art · 7 months
If you have OCs... could you perhaps make a masterpost-link thing with them that I could save up to check them out/save to go back to if I forget anything on them? (Bonus points if u have potp/dragon ocs smiles)
ALSO your art slaps hell yeah 💪
Looks at you with big wet eyes. My tag #my oc should have all of em.
POTP is a universe in which I feel like it’s both difficult and impractical to make an oc for unless they exist before or after the story.
I fucking love dragons I haven’t drawn any dragons in so long. Besides Pokémon dragons.
And now I’ll see if I can remember all the tags of all my ocs. Or at least the main ones.
All of the links will just lead to their tag.
Harte Sekioka - Pokemon breeder and ex-magma admin from an amino roleplay that took place in 2017. Currently he’s used in a roleplay with friends because I didn’t want to make a new character for it. Just went ahead and decided he’s 20 years older now. Self-proclaimed sexmaster. Annoying. Single father of two. Should not be a father.
Claudia - A Ditto masquerading as a human from Harte’s universe. She’s helped him out with speeding up the process of selective Pokémon breeding. She’s also extremely important to Harte’s universe’s Team Magma.
Sif Saph - My BG3 character, I haven’t been able to play BG3 in forever. Not much info on him besides he’s the cousin of my first ever D&D character, Sif Krymsul. And he has blue dragon ancestry on his father’s side. Really really really hoping to draw him more I miss him so much.
Divo Success - Pokémon oc. He’s the platonic idea of a cowboy the same way The Stanley Parable’s Narrator is the platonic ideal of divorce. He hasn’t even seen a cow in his life. But he does have a gigantic horse that everyone is afraid of for her Stamina Iron Defense Body Press swagger. He has weird fucking abilities that allow him to be a western movie character. Every time he rides away on his horse it’s into the sunset. No matter what time of day it is. He can always appear in a cloud of dust or smoke. He operates entirely on rule of cool.
Daylight Under Outsmouth - A Call Of Cthulhu campaign that unfortunately never came to fruition. It’s about a universe being consumed by an oppressive darkness with the center of its terror being Earth. Things keep getting darker. Stars disappear from the sky. Aliens and extradimensional creatures find their way to earth as refugees. I reaaally want to make a comic or something with the story.
Aoife and Padraig - Characters made for my friend’s series called Analog Files. They’re the same person from different worlds. They’re married. They’re fucking weird. Aoife is dying of Cool Guy Cancer that’s turning her into a bug and then into a pile of flesh. She wants to be studied while she dies. Padraig loves studying her. They’re great.
Legally Distinct - A glam metal band made up of monsters from Universal Monster movies. I had made them for Art Fight, they’re quite silly, they have so much sex and do so much drugs. And rock n roll of course.
Nigellians - A type of creature made of music, glamor, passion, and magic. They’re born of human creation. Think of Eddie the Head if he was less powerful and less aggressive and more of a little fairy spirit.
Herb - An utau made by my friend NyxQuentiam who is voiced by me. I need to record a new voice bank so badly. He’s an artificial angel who harvests energy from other angels by killing and blending them. He then goes to the angel black market to turn mortals into angels: a high he should not be doing. But whatever, he’s having a good time.
Ward - Cringefail rich boy accidental racist fire genasi who sucks. Used him in a D&D campaign until it fizzled out due to the DM being weird. I don’t think I have much stuff with him here (I think it’s just one post) but he’s my beloved little shitstain. His sword is incredibly blunt. It does bludgeoning damage. He’s whining the entire time he’s adventuring.
Those are the main guys. Hope that helps! :)
Always feel free to ask more questions! Yippee yahoo yippeeeee
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