#like you know that's either going to be the most off the wall conversation you've ever heard
justasmut26 · 21 days
My dangerous man
The most dangerous man you have ever dated...was currently trying to get your attention from your book.
You looked up from your page, surprised that he had come home early from patrol, his suit torn and raggedy.
Small cuts appeared on his body, but you knew not to worry over those; it was the big wounds that he tried to hide from you that made you panic.
"You're back early! Did...something happen?" you ask, a strange, dazed look on his face as he stepped on through the window.
He didn't answer, chucking his helmet in the corner of your room, stepping closer with an intense look on his face, his eyes gazing into you as if you were the only thing in the world.
And then you saw the hunger in his gaze, as he took in your pajamas (cotton shorts and one of his long t-shirts that you'd stolen from him), his gaze lingering on your legs for too long.
"H-how did the mission go? Who was it that you were after again?" you asked, trying to break the tension.
"Poison Ivy." Jason expressed, and for a moment, your heart stopped.
You now had a hunch on why he was acting the way he was, wanting to test the theory but also a bit skittish on his behavior.
You remember a conversation of long ago that you had with Jason, how Poison Ivy had gotten even more annoying ever since she had developed aphrodisiac spores. She'd use it sparingly, but when she did, Jason admitted to you that it took him hours of jerking off before it was out of his system.
And this is the first time it had happened since you two started dating.
"Jason." you say, holding up your hands out to him in case he got too close. "I-I know what happened to you, and I can leave if you want to-"
He had you cornered then, putting his hands on either side of you as he leaned into you, trapping you against the wall.
"Why would I want you to leave? Especially when you look so good", he inhaled then, "And smell so good?"
At this point, you're trembling a little, and he's gotten so close, you can smell the leather and the faint smell of rain coming off of him.
This was new territory for you, mostly because out of the three brothers, Jason had managed to find self-control, treating you with respect, and always careful when he made love to you.
But now, he looked at you as if he was starved, and his muscles flexed, as if he was trying to keep himself under control, and not scare you away.
And in a way, it was hot. Jason who was level-headed. and always looked at you with adoration and love was now looking at you like as if he had a million things he wanted to do to you.
So maybe this gives you the confidence to push his buttons a little. You reach out and trace the side of his jaw, his eyes closing as he shudders. As he does so, all you can think about is how long Jason had to jerk himself off to get the aphrodisiac spores from his system, and you're wondering if it'll take that long for him to get better if he uses you instead.
"Y/N," he struggles out, keeping his body locked as his eyes stay closed. "If this is too much, tell me and I'll leave."
"Where will you go, this is your apartment?"
"To the Manor or something." he says, leaning over so his nose is now grazing your shoulder.
"Does...does it hurt?" you ask instead, and he shakes his head.
"The spores effect the excitatory neurotransmitters* to shoot off more excitement to the neurons which causes arousal to happen." he breathes, and for some reason, you find that very hot.
Just how brainy he is, and the way he's struggling to keep himself in check.
"Wow, you said a lot of words." you tease, brushing your lips against his jaw.
He lets out a sound, and it's one you've never heard of before.
You made Jason Peter Todd whimper.
That unlocks something in you, because all of a sudden, you're helping him take off his suit, tracing his chest with your hands as your lips kiss his neck, and he's so caught off guard that he's frozen at first before he starts helping you help him get undressed.
When you're reaching for his pants, Jason snaps out of it then, pulling you up and plopping you down on the bed. Your shorts are gone, underwear flying next, and you're both surprised and impressed how quick he works.
"I need you to be ready." he murmurs, as he leans down, spreading your thighs open, and his tongue grazing your clit.
It's not something you're expecting, and a soft gasp of surprise escapes you, but Jason tightens his hold on your thighs his mouth going to work as he licks and sucks your pussy, his fingers going in and out of you.
In no time, he has you moaning, and laying back on the bed as your hips arch up to him but his hold is so firm, you couldn't really move even if you wanted to, your legs resting over his shoulders.
When you orgasm, it's so intense, your body arches off the bed, but he doesn't stop there, licking you clean, and then pulling off your shirt and pushing your bra to the side as his fingers rub your peaked nipples, making the stimulation build up again.
"W-wait-" you try to stutter out, so sensitive from your first orgasm.
But Jason doesn't hear, going back to town, this time rubbing and touching your breasts, and licking and sucking on your clit making you cum again.
You're lying there then, feeling dazed from the first two orgasms he's given you, when he stands up, dropping his pants, and you see his erection basically getting ready to burst free from his boxers.
"Let me know if it's too rough." he says, and you nod, as he fists his cock a little, a soft groan escaping him.
He puts a condom on, and then with slowed urgency, goes through your cunt, shuddering a bit as he feels you adjust.
And then...he begins to thrust.
Slow, because he's appreciating the view, rubbing and pinching your breasts and nipples, and when that's not enough for him, leaning down and his mouth suckling on your nipples, making you let out a moan.
That's when Jason breaks, starting to increase in thrusting, holding your hips in place as he keeps going, making you buck and moan, and groan, your hands trying to reach for him and hold on to him, but he's not having it, pinning your wrists down as he goes the same pace but rougher, biting the top of your breast causing you to moan even louder.
"Come on baby, give me a little more, just a little more." he whispers, as he grunts, and continues on thrusting into you, the pleasure building up as you finally break when his fingers rub your clit oh so slowly.
This time, your vision is a bit spotty, and you're trying to catch your breath when you realize that Jason has only pulled out long enough to change his condom, and change your position, making you lay on your stomach.
"Jay, I-" you start to say, but he's already in you, doing it doggy style, as he guides your hips with his large hands, slamming down on him, his cock going deeper in you than before.
You don't even bother hiding the noises, feeling him lean over as he cups your breasts, rubbing and touch, and pinching your nipples.
You finally cum when he spanks your ass, him following suit after, and you wonder how long it'll be before the spores have left his system.
2 hours. It took two hours of pleasuring, of sexing, of so much damn orgasm after orgasm before Jason finally tapped out, leaving you ruined. He threw away the used condoms, careful to clean you as he tried not to fall asleep instantly from the euphoria he had of having sex with you.
Meanwhile, you lie there limp, trying to gather your bearings because he did indeed fuck the shit out of you. He wipes you off, and down, pulling you close as he cuddles you, kissing your face gently.
"H...holy shit..." you rasp, voice overused from crying out his name.
"I'm sorry." Jason says, and you wave off his apology, too exhausted to really say anything.
You both lie together as sleep takes over.
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andypantsx3 · 4 months
Andy I just had a thought.. Shouto kabedon.. i’m very sane about this
Omg I loooveeeeeeeee this omg!!!!!!! You are a genius!!!!!!! This ask unlocked something inside of my brain; this is barely coherent and unedited but I offer you this heartfelt nonsense in return.
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contents: shouto x reader, sfw, implied fem reader, aged-up characters, 1.7k
You tried to ignore it when you first heard Mineta say it.
"Trust me, the babes love it," he'd lisped to his doubtful audience—Kaminari, a befuddled-looking Kirishima, and Shouto, whose face was so impassive you'd actually been under the impression he wasn't listening.
The former members of UA's graduating class of 2X74 were stuffed into Kaminari's new apartment for a party. It was mostly the heroics department, but you'd spotted a few of your fellow general course graduates as you'd passed through the kitchen to grab a drink. You'd come out into the living room to see Mina and Jirou—as well as pretend like you weren't ogling your long-time crush Shouto—but you found you were immediately regretting leaving the safety of that kitchen.
"And you've... done it?" Kirishima asked, eyebrows scrunched.
Mineta made a show of inspecting his fingernails like it was nothing to him—which you seriously doubted. "Trust me, women like assertiveness. This move is plastered all over their romance manga."
You took another sip from your drink. You wanted to pretend like you weren't hearing this, but Mina and Jirou were making it hard, Jirou stone-faced next to you and Mina unsuccessfully trying to filter her gleeful laughter into her own drink.
"Do you think women even know it's a kabedon, if he does it?" she asked, leaning in to whisper.
Jirou looked doubtful.
"He's like, waist height," you whispered back, sighing. "I don't even know if his arm would reach the wall either...?"
"I think it probably looks like he's just trying to hold himself up," Mina said, her grin unholy.
"I pity the woman he's attempted it on," Jirou said drily.
"—you're sure?" Kaminari was saying when you turned back to the boys' conversation, also looking doubtful.
"One hundred percent success rate," Mineta insisted, eyebrows wiggling.
Despite yourself, your eyes slid over to Shouto, like they almost always did, wandering over that handsomely thoughtful expression. It was the thing you liked the most about him—how his angelically beautiful visage was at stark odds with how awkward and kind of strange he was; how he looked like an ice prince but was one of the warmest, kindest people you'd ever spoken to.
You'd been paired for a couple assignments back in school, hung out on the periphery of his Class A friend groups, and had ended up teaching him a fair few things about how to cook and do laundry when he'd asked. He'd even rescued you during one of the many attacks that made up your time at UA together—which was really when your crush hit you full-force.
He'd been so gentle with you, carrying you out of harm's way when your injured leg had crumpled beneath you, and the careful way he'd handled you had been so at variance with the raw, roiling power he'd wielded on the battlefield—the tidal waves of ice that swept up the villains, the towering wall of fire that mercilessly choked off any of their escape points.
You thought Shouto was one of the most gentle, well-mannered men on earth.
He would probably never kabedon someone. He would never need to—people fell all over themselves for him.
"The babes fall right into your arms," Mineta said, raising his voice to encompass the knot of girls stuffed together on the loveseat. "Isn't that right, ladies?"
"I'm going to get another drink, the image of Mineta trying to kabedon me needs to be wiped from my brain," you told the girls, flinging yourself over Mina's legs in your haste to escape.
The kitchen was a welcome reprieve, and you dug around in Kaminari's fridge for another can, letting the cool air wash over you. You studiously ignored that all Kaminari seemed to have in his fridge was a pile of moldering grapes and some mayo.
Can acquired, you briefly considered not going back out into the living room and abandoning Mina and Jirou to their fate. But the pull of Shouto was too strong, and with a sigh you resigned yourself to more of Mineta's lechery.
In the hallway, however, you stumbled into the man himself, coming towards you from the opposite direction. You were struck momentarily dumb by the way the breadth of his shoulders seemed to take up almost the entire span of the hall, the way his fading summer tan looked against the light-blue of his button up. He was so handsome even when he was just walking, it was so deeply unfair.
"Hi Shouto," you said, raising your can in a salute, hoping your voice sounded normal. "Careful in Kaminari's fridge, he's culturing something on his grapes."
Shouto blinked down at you, those beautiful mismatched eyes growing a little wider. "Y/N," he greeted you, though there was a note of something strange in his voice, like there was something weird about you that he hadn't expected.
You wondered if you'd spilled something on yourself like a child, and decided to detour to the bathroom on your way back. How embarrassing.
You gave him a rueful grin, stuffing yourself against the wall so you wouldn't accidentally bump a strong shoulder as you passed, swearing vengeance on your drink if it had betrayed you in this moment—
Except, suddenly there was a hand against the wall in front of you, blocking your passage down the hall. You startled, whipping back around to stare at Shouto, only to find him looming way closer than you had anticipated.
Your back bumped the wall as he crowded you in, his other arm coming up to press against the wall on your other side, caging you inside his reach.
Your mind was so overwhelmed with the sight of him this close—that straight, blade-thin nose, that full, pouty mouth—the light touch of some expensive cologne at his collarpoints—that it took you a second to catch up with what was going on.
Your mouth dropped open when you registered that Todoroki Shouto had just—kabedoned you?—was actively kabedonning you? what the literal fuck—in the middle of Kaminari's hallway.
"Shouto? What—?" you managed, your voice strangled. The air felt like it was resisting you, refusing to be drawn into your lungs.
Shouto's voice was low and intimate as he answered, sending a mortifyingly visible shiver right down your spine. "Is it working?"
You gaped at him, eyes flickering over his serious expression. "Is—what—?"
Shouto shifted even closer, so that his face was a scant two inches from yours. You were suddenly, horrifyingly aware of how close his mouth was, how tall and strong and warm he was over you.
"Do you plan to fall into my arms?" Shouto asked. "Mineta said women liked it."
It was a fight for your life to make the connection over the static in your brain, the lack of oxygen in the air. Mineta had said women would fall for you if you kabedonned them... Shouto was.... kabedonning you.... computation pending...
"You... want it to work?" you asked, words clipped. You felt like any stray movement and your mouth would brush his, and you didn't know if he wanted—it was too strange to think that he might—
"Yes," Shouto replied, his handsome face serious. Those heterochromatic eyes searched over you, trailing over your features like a warm touch. "I want it to. Am I... not doing it correctly?"
Your face heated, and an entire conservatory of butterflies took flight in your stomach. You could not believe what was going on right now.
"No you're—you're doing it right."
Shouto's face was even closer, then, his mouth a whisper away from yours. "Then you have fallen for me," he said, sounding like both a question and a conclusion. He looked like he didn't know what to do next.
You had to suppress a laugh, charmed and mystified and nervous all at once. He was so reliably strange—of course he had taken Mineta's assertions at face value. And he was so straightforward, of course he had implemented the advice straight away. He was so silly, you liked him so, so much.
"I... have," you said, a helpless smile creeping over your lips. "Although it was a while before the kabedon, to be honest."
Shouto blinked, and you could just barely see his mouth grow a little slack in surprise. "Oh," he said, a hint of a shy smile touching his mouth. "Good."
"Yeah. Good," you said, your own grin going wider.
Shouto's eyes dipped down to your mouth, and his eyelashes fluttered. A thrill of anticipation went down your spine, your knees suddenly liquefying, as Shouto leaned back in, and your own eyes fluttered closed.
The press of his mouth was hot and soft—perfect, like you'd always fantasized it would be. He shifted closer, so that he pressed against you, and you had to tilt your head back to accommodate how tall he was, reveling in the strength and the heat of him over you. One of his hands left the wall to thread into your hair as he kissed you, cradling the back of your head like you were something precious, and your stomach swooped in response.
He kissed you boneless, absolutely stupid against the wall of Kaminari's hallway, and it was all your could do to wrap your arms around him and kiss him back. You didn't know how long it was that the two of you stood there, wrapped up in one other. All you knew was you never wanted Shouto's mouth to leave yours again, never wanted to leave the circle of his embrace.
So of course an appreciative whistle broke the two of you apart. You tore your mouth away from Shouto's only to find Mineta standing at the end of the hall, grinning like a wolf. A tiny, lecherous little wolf.
"Nice one, Tododoki," he said, like you weren't even there.
You bristled, stiffening in Shouto's arms as you glanced back at him quickly to measure his response. But the dazed look on Shouto's face pulled you up short, and he looked at Mineta like he wasn't really seeing him.
"You were right," was what he eventually managed. "The kabedon is very effective. Now if you will excuse us, I need to do it again."
A shocked laugh escaped you as Shouto's hand seized yours, and then you were being pulled around the corner into Kaminari's bathroom. Shouto walked you back against the door, an arm coming up just like before, pinning you against the door.
Another pleased laugh was muffled in Shouto's mouth as he took yours again, cupping your face to his. The lock clicked shut behind you.
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hydemenot · 7 months
OLD HABITS DIE HARD — theodore n.
➠ a month may be short for a relationship but it was enough for you to grow into an inescapable habit.
before reading : i just want to clarify that i believe smoking is a big deal and still is a form of addiction no matter how glorified it is. symptoms mentioned below are based on personal experiences so don't be mean.
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the sounds of scattering feet fills the cold morning of the first day of the winter inside hogwarts. from the astronomy tower, cheery voices echoed into your ears and left immediately to the other afterwards, somehow adding to your current mellow dramatics: brooding. your robe turned useless to block the freezing air from making contact with your skin. clutching the thick cloth of your jacket, you let your other hand lean onto the cold rail that kept you from tipping over.
winter has come and most students are off to hogsmeade or packing up their bags for their well deserved break. you'd do either one but wallowing in self pity felt more fitting for you. it's been a week or two since your relationship with theodore nott, one of the infamous slytherin in hogwarts, ended and you weren't taking it well. surprisingly, the break up didn't involve crying, screaming, casting crucio on each other than you expected to be; it ended with a single conversation of how theo believed he's in a point in his life at the moment where he couldn't continue caring for himself, let alone for you.
( "can we talk for a second?" theo's hand wraps around yours, pulling you away from the conversation with your friends. "somewhere private, preferably." his words remained nowhere far from a whisper, eyes boring into yours. you're not sure what expression you made but it seems it's enough of a response for theo to just pull you away even further, not even saying a goodbye to the others.
theo pulls you into an empty hallway, making you lean against the wall as softly as he can, like he's afraid of breaking you. it's the same actions he did when you two first got together. your eyebrows furrow in confusion, tightening your grip on his hands. "theo, what's wrong?" you finally ask, rubbing a caring hand on his jaw. he immediately melts but you see the way he stops himself from melting into your touch any further.)
you braced yourself for the worst but somehow the worst still hurts you so much.
an itch on your lips spreads as the breeze begins to nip on your exposed skin. you sighed, knowing what this meant for you. burying your hand inside the pockets of your jacket, you pulled out a half empty box of cigarettes and the lighter you both hid in your luggage. "for a wizarding school, they sure don't have good security for these things," you thought, placing the stick in between your lips.
after lighting the cigar, you immediately took a slow inhale, trying your best not to choke yourself. while the astronomy was the best place for brooding, it's also the number one spot for smokers especially in the foggy winters. puffs of smoke rolled out your lips, releasing it into the air. your eyes watched as the smoke mixed with the fog, holding the cigar in between your index and middle finger.
you never smoked in your life, not even when your muggle friends pressured you into it whenever you'd go home to visit but that's until you met theo. you could still recall the memory of catching theo smoking by the black lake and thinking of how pathetic he was for ruining his own health — you could also remember laughing at yourself at the same memory while theo shotguns you. it used to be just second-hand since he never had any plans to stop no matter how many times you've passive aggressively warned him but then you had a taste and everything seemed to fall into place.
theo, being the hypocrite he is, reprimanded you from smoking, saying something about being the one with the healthy lungs in the relationship. the burning cigarette came in contact with your lips again when you saw enzo and mattheo on their mary way to hogsmeade too. out of instinct, you wondered where theo was. is he just as pathetic as you? probably not, he didn't seem the type to cave into a habit he hated just because it reminded him of his partner.
before you can take your third whiff, the sound of footsteps made you let go of the cigarette, stepping on it to make the burning stop and kick it to the nearest dust bunny. you didn't turn around, you don't know if you should. if it was a teacher, they'd probably just interrogate you for being in the tower and the unusual smell.
but you're not really sure what to say to your smoker ex-boyfriend. his footsteps got louder the closer he came, placing a hand on your shoulder to make you face him. he looked the same the last time you saw him. you wondered if you looked the same too.
"hey, theo." you greeted him, giving a tired smile, the one that he always described as 'not reaching your eyes'. "i just saw enzo and—"
"were you smoking?" he cuts you off.
you gulped down the saliva building down your throat. "i didn't. you know i hate smoking."
"i thought so too," without warning, his hands entered one of your pockets — unfortunately it was the one with the box of cigarettes. "but apparently not anymore."
you can't help but roll your eyes at his frustrated expression, avoiding to look at anything but his face. "it's not a big deal, theo, you do it all the time. it helps me calm down." in truth, you were embarrassed; you felt ashamed for throwing such a cliché smoker excuse at him. theo's hand that held the box clenched tightly into a fist, destroying the rest of cigars. despite your attempt to hide your disappointment, you unconsciously bit the bottom of your lip at the sight.
"it doesn't matter if i do it all the time. you, out of all people, y/n, shouldn't be doing it." theo's words felt like a knife running across your chest as he emphasized each of his words to you, making sure every single sticks to you. it annoyingly works as tears began brimming at the bottom of your eyes. theo lets go of the crumpled box, putting both hands on each of your shoulder, rubbing calm circles on them. you hadn't realized how tense you were upon getting caught.
theo takes your chin with his thumb and index finger, making you face him. his expression was surprisingly calm, if anything he looked worried. "how long?" he asked all of a sudden.
"how long have you been smoking? and how many times?" he repeats himself.
you take a shaking breath, closing your eyes as you answered. "since we broke up," tears finally fall down your cheeks and your voice waives even worse. "i finish 3 a day." the realization hits you like a truck now that you've said it out loud. theo's expression doesn't change, watching you tremble under his hands. you wanted to bury yourself six feet under, away from the boy you love. the shame, the unsaid guilt and betrayal you felt towards theo was overwhelming. if it weren't for theo engulfing you in such a tight embrace you swore you would have fallen.
"i'm sorry, theo. i'm sorry." you whimpered in between sobs. "i didn't know what else to do. i'm sorry."
theo runs his fingers through your hair, it was his way of calming you down. "i know you are, baby. it's okay, it's not your fault." despite your emotions rampaging inside your brain, you were able to tell just what theo meant by his words. "i shouldn't have left you—"
"no, theo. you're allowed to break up with me, to take care of yourself before taking care of another person. i understand you, theo, i truly do. this is all because of me being pathetic." you were glad you managed to say everything without stuttering, tightening your grip around theo's body. "i was just lost. for a moment. not anymore."
you felt theo's hair brush against your ears, telling you that he was leaning his forehead against your shoulder. it was silent for a moment and you eventually started to calm down before he spoke again. "i love you, y/n. don't blame yourself for being human."
"and don't blame yourself for loving me. i love you too, theo, so fucking much."
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Anxious: simon ghost riley x f! reader
This is part of the Quiet Series
Warnings: angst, fluff, Ghost taking cafre of you and being a dumb idiot in love
Ghost didn't like how you made yourself scarce once everyone arrived back at base. He knew you had gone to the showers to wash off all the blood but since then you had disappeared.
You would've come back to eat with him or the others by now. You would've made conversation with him on the helo ride back.
You were quiet however, for a lack of a better word, and you had a strange look in your eyes that made him uneasy. It was unlike the sadness the crept in every once in a while. It was something so much more visceral yet he couldn't quite place what you were feeling.
He noticed almost immediately how distant you were and how it seemed you were stuck inside your head.
Ghost barely took a shower before he was on the search for you. He wasn't good with words and it was a particularly cold night out but lucky for him you seemed to cheer up around his presence regardless.
It made him not want to be alone, strange enough. There was a lot about him that was changing because of you, good things that he decided to put aside for your sake at the moment.
He found you in the armory where you cleaned up your rifle in silence. He waited for you to give him more than an acknowledging look since you were facing the door but when you dipped your head back down he frowned.
A pit formed in his stomach.
"You've been quiet." Ghost grunted and you raised an eyebrow.
Ironic, and he wasn't even trying to be funny at the moment.
"What happened?" He pressed.
He saw you go down but after that his line of sight was cut off by the walls. After that he saw you covered in a lot of blood and you barely communicated at all since.
You paused and glanced away from him. There was an uncertainty in your eyes before you gently set your rifle down.
"He pinned me down." You signed and his eyes hardened. "And I freaked out."
Ghost waited for your to elaborate but that was all you said. He knew there was something more, especially when you grabbed your rifle to hide the slight shakiness in your hands but he saw it.
He saw everything about you.
You weren't one to panic either, not in the field, not like that.
You were keeping something from him and he didn't like it. He didn't like that you were pushing him away, you were keeping him out...but it's not like he had been as open either.
There were a lot of things you didn't know about him. There were a lot of things he didn't know about you even if he wanted to know more.
Maybe he could try it in the future. Just for you.
But right now you didn't need that. He could see how much turmoil there was inside you and to break open the doors, to throw gasoline on the fire would only make things worse for you.
"Are you hungry?" He asked softly.
You shook your head and gave him an apologetic smile that felt forced.
He narrowed his eyes. He knew you weren't being stubborn on purpose but that didn't mean he wasn't allowed to be stubborn either.
"Doesn't matter, you're coming with me." He signed to make sure you were listening and turned around.
You made a noise and he glanced back at you to see the confused look on your face.
You got up a little haphazardly when he gave you a stern look and came up beside him with slight confusion before he nodded towards you.
"We'll get a jumper before leaving, it's cold."
Later Ghost sat at your desk with a plate of food from your favorite restaurant. He watched you eat on your bed in silence, the conversation going into a lull while the two of you were preoccupied with food.
He felt better that he had convinced you to eat but you still had that distant look in your eyes.
It wasn't until you set your utensils down that he understood why.
"My old team and I were close." You signed without looking at him. "Like a family."
"Most are." He said and truly believed it.
Though, he'd rather not admit it to anyone else but you.
"They're gone."
Ghost clenched his jaw. It hadn't occurred to him that your old team being gone was the reason why you transferred. He thought it was because you had outgrown them, you had gotten too skilled and wanted something more.
He didn't ask any questions especially as you tensed up.
"I don't want to lose you too."
His eyebrows knitted together. He's not entirely sure what brought along that but he didn't make any comment about it.
"You won't." He assured you but you shook your head.
You looked up at him and his heart sank from your pleading eyes. He watched you open your mouth as if you were trying to say something which made his chest tighten even more.
When nothing came out shame flashed across your face and you turned away from him.
Ghost said your name, your real name and you flinched before you shut your eyes tightly.
He didn't really think when he stood up and sat down beside you or when he gently grabbed your wrists. He wasn't one for physical touch, not until you came around and always spared him light taps on his arms or shoulders.
When you still didn't open your eyes he held your face gently and you finally looked at him.
He stared into your teary eyes and in that moment he nearly kissed you.
He wanted to. He wanted to kiss you to take away all of the pain you were feeling, to know what it felt like to feel your lips against his own and to show you how he truly felt. More than the times he walked with you or told you jokes to make you happy, more than everything else.
Ghost glanced down at your lips and he leaned forward.
It was the wrong moment.
He rested his forehead against yours and looked deep into your eyes.
"I'm not going anywhere." He stated firmly but low enough for only you to hear. "That's a promise."
You blinked a few times before you shut your eyes and a shaky breath escaped your chest. You wrapped your arms around him and it only took a moment for him to pull you into his lap and hold you tight.
You clung onto him and hid your face in the crook of his neck.
He rested his head against yours and wrapped his arms protectively around you in hopes that he could bring some sort of comfort to you without saying anything else.
Ghost lost track of the time and when he woke up in bed with you in his arms the next morning he realized he much preferred this to his own bed.
a/n: things will come about and they will open up eventually
Tags: @buckysjuicyplums @thedevillovesflowers @sleepyycatt
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Love of a Lifetime
Pairing: EddieMunsonxReader
Summary: You've been friends with Eddie for years and had a crush on him for months but you've always been too scared to tell him. He found out and you're scared this will be the end of the friendship but he surprises you.
18+ ONLY!
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You stood, palms sweaty, breath ragged, feeling like your heart was going to shatter into a million pieces all over the floor. Eddie had overheard a conversation between you and Robin that had not been meant for his ears, a conversation where you had spilled how for the last six months you'd been in love with your best friend. It was never supposed to happen but he was so damn perfect.
No one else in your life got you like Eddie did. No one else knew exactly when you needed silence, just covering your hand with his own or placing his arm reassuringly around your shoulder. No one else knew when you needed to let loose and do stupid shit just because life got too serious and heavy. No one else knew your favorite snacks, your secret fears, your ridiculous dreams. Eddie was everything. He'd always been the one person who could make you feel safe, the one person who could calm your crazy, the one person who made everything alright.
Everything between you two had been easy forever. Being with him was effortless, like breathing and then, poof, it wasn't. Being around him became torture because you knew you loved him but you were terrified of ruining your friendship. You couldn't risk losing the most important person in your life so you tried to fight it, telling yourself it was a stupid crush. It would go away, but it didn't. And now, he was confronting you and you were waiting for your world to topple sideways.
“You’ve been battling these feelings for six months,” Eddie said, gazing down at you as you held your breath. “I’ve been battling these feelings for three years.”
“I…uh…” you began, shaking your head. He couldn’t possibly mean what you hoped he meant. This was just wishful thinking. No, there was no way. Your head was spinning, like a full on exorcist twist right now. “What?”
“Princess, I need to know if you’re sure.”
“If I’m sure?”
You couldn’t keep up. You couldn’t wrap your brain around what he was trying to say. What the hell was happening right now? You knew what you wanted to happen, but you couldn’t let yourself believe that was what was happening here. There was no way. 
Eddie stepped into you and you tried to back away, to put distance between you, but found yourself pressed against the wall of your room. Eddie’s hands came up to rest on either side of your head, trapping you in the circle of his arms. 
“Are you sure you want this?” he asked. “Because, I am telling you, I need you to be sure. We do this, and this is it for me. There will never be anything else or anyone else for me. If you’re sure, I am going to dive into this completely, sink into oblivion with you forever. If you’re not, then I will back off and we can go back to being friends. But either way, you are going to stay in my life.”
Your mouth hung open, your eyes watching him. Your mouth moved but no sounds were coming out. You were struggling to comprehend the words that had just come out of his mouth. 
“Princess,” he whispered, his finger gently lifting your chin as he lowered his mouth close to yours. “I need you to tell me what you want. Please, sweetheart, just say it.”
“I want you,” you breathed.
“Finally,” he groaned.
His lips crashed into yours and it felt like coming home, like sitting in front of a warm fire after spending hours in the cold, like someone turning on the light after you’d been plunged in darkness for too long. No kiss had ever felt like this. No kiss that had ever come before this mattered. You thought you had imagined how kissing Eddie would feel, but nothing you'd ever conjured in your mind could compare to this moment. 
Your fingers slid into his hair, tangling through the mahogany waves you loved so much. His hips pressed against you, pushing you against the wall. Every single inch of your bodies were touching and it still didn’t feel like enough. 
Eddie's tongue slid across your lips and you parted them, meeting it with your own. A low groan rumbled out of his chest as his fingers slid under the hem of your sweatshirt. When his fingertips, rough and calloused from years of playing guitar, met the skin of your abdomen, you sighed softly, thinking you never should have let anyone touch you that wasn’t him. His fingers danced along your ribcage as they moved ever higher. 
“Eddie…” you whispered.
“Do you want me to stop?” he asked, pulling his hand away.
“No,” you breathed.
He grinned, “Thank God.”
Gripping your hips, he lifted you up, your legs wrapping around his waist, and carried you over to the bed, laying you back on it. This should feel weird, right? After all these years of being friends, shouldn’t the thought of being intimate with him feel uncomfortable? But it didn’t. It felt right in a way that nothing in your life ever had. It felt inevitable, as if this was always how it was meant to happen. There was not a doubt in your mind that you were ready for this, that you wanted all of him.
Eddie grabbed onto the bottom of your sweatshirt as he asked, “Is this okay?”
You nodded and lifted yourself up slightly as he pulled the fabric over your head. You bit your bottom lip, falling back on the bed and covering yourself with your arms. You were no cheerleader like the ones he'd been with before, the ones who snuck around with the freak but never wanted anyone to know. And, even though Eddie had seen you change before, this time just felt different. Was he comparing you to their perfect little figures because you knew you couldn’t compare.
“No,” he breathed, grabbing your hands and pulling them away from your chest. “Don’t do that, not with me.” He fell forward, bracing himself with his hands on either side of your head. “Princess, you are beautiful.” His lips left a blazing trail along your jaw, down the side of your neck, along your collarbone. “You are perfect.” Then his lips were following the curve of your breast, moving along the valley between them. “You are everything to me.” When his tongue flicked over your nipple, you shuddered, moaning softly. 
As his tongue danced slow, lazy circles around one nipple, his hand groped your other breast, massaging it gently. You arched up to meet him, your hand cradling the back of his head. His thumb and forefinger began to roll your other nipple before pinching it and you bit your lip to keep from crying out. 
His lips began trailing back up your body, following the same path in reverse until his mouth was right next to your ear. He pressed his hips into yours and you groaned at the sensation of his erection against your core. Jesus, you wanted this man in every single way possible. 
“Sweetheart, I have wanted this for so long,” Eddie whispered against your ear as he continued to rock his hips against yours. You wrapped your legs around him, pulling him against you, matching his rhythm. “Shit…” His head fell forward and you could feel his hair brushing along her cheeks. “I want to feel every single part of you.”
He slid his body from on top of you so he was lying next to you. His arms wound around you, pulling you to him so your back was pressed against his chest. His lips pressed kisses against the back of your neck and your shoulder blade as his hand slid along your hip to your pelvis, his hand just resting there for a moment.
“I want to make you feel good. Can I touch you?” he rumbled. 
“You can do anything you want to me,” you responded, completely lost in the ecstasy that was Eddie’s hands and lips on your skin.
“Jesus,” Eddie groaned.
His fingers slid into your sweatpants and under your panties. Then they were moving through the soft curls between your legs and between the folds of skin there to find your clit. You gasped as his fingers began circling around it but not quite touching it. His lips continued pressing gentle kisses along your neck, his other hand leisurely playing with your breast.
“Eddie…” you breathed, grinding your ass against him, delighted at the sounds he made. 
“Does this feel good?” he asked, now using two fingers to apply pressure in a downward v-shape on either side of your clit. “Tell me princess. Tell me how it feels.”
“So good,” you managed, every word trembling out of you. “No one has ever made me feel this good.”
“And no one ever will,” he said, his two fingers sliding down to find your entrance, pressing into you. You moaned, your head falling back, exposing your neck further. “You’re mine now sweetheart, forever.” His lips latched onto your neck, sucking on the skin hard. His fingers curled inside of you, hitting places you didn’t know existed, didn’t know could make you feel so good. You felt his teeth gently bite down and you shrieked as your orgasm came with a vengeance, sending your entire body off balance. Your eyes rolled back in your head, every muscle shaking. Eddie didn’t let up, working you through the waves of frenzy until your body finally settled. You whimpered softly as his fingers slid from your body.
You sat up, turning, frantically pulling his shirt over his head. You needed to feel him. You had dreamed of this moment for so long. You'd waited for it to be him. This was everything you'd ever wanted. You needed to know how it felt to be as connected to him as you could be. As you grabbed onto his belt, his hands fell over yours, stopping you. 
“Princess, are you sure?” he asked, his hands coming to cup your face gently. “We don’t have to do this. I know you’ve never…I’ve been waiting for you for three years. I don’t mind waiting a little longer.”
“I don’t want to wait,” you insisted, shaking your head. “Eddie, the only reason I haven’t even been with anyone is because I’ve been waiting for it to be you. I don’t want to wait anymore.”
His eyes sparkled gently in the light coming from the window. He pulled your face to his, gently pressing his lips to yours. You worked on his belt again, sliding it from the loops and tossing it to the floor before moving to his pants.
“If we’re going to do this, we’re going to do it right,” he insisted. Standing, he removed the rest of his clothes and you marveled at the sight of him, completely bare to you. You'd seen him in nothing but boxers, but something about this, every inch of him exposed and knowing he was yours, it was an unparalleled moment.
“You’re perfect,” you whispered softly, your hand reaching out and wrapping around his cock. Eddie gasped, his head falling back at your touch. Rising to your knees, you pulled his lips back to yours, your hand moving along his length. He moaned into your mouth, his tongue exploring every inch of yours as you continued to work him in your hand.
“Princess,” he groaned, grabbing your hand. “I love the feel of you touching me but I need to be inside of you.”
Heat raced straight to your core at his words and you could feel how wet you were already becoming at the thought of finally taking the next step with the right person. This had been all you had ever dreamt of when you thought of this moment. You knew it had to be him. It would have been wasted with anyone else.
Eddie placed his hands on the bed, crawling along your body and forcing you to lie back. Slowly, he gripped your sweatpants and panties at the same time and slid them along your legs. He sat back, his eyes admiring every inch of you, from head to toe.
“Goddamn…I always knew you were beautiful,” he said, pressing his lips against your stomach, “but sweetheart, you are the most fucking perfect thing I have ever seen.”
You were certain your entire body was blazing red as you felt the flush of heat race over your skin. You had never felt more beautiful, more desired, than you did in this moment with him. He grabbed a condom from his jeans and slid it over himself before settling between your thighs. 
“Are you ready?” he asked.
You nodded and watched as Eddie slowly and gently began to press himself into you. He was being so very careful, taking his time, allowing your body time to adjust to him. You winced for a moment but only a moment. You'd done enough other things that the pain wasn’t what you'd heard about from other girls. 
“Are you okay princess?” he asked, those beautiful brown eyes full of concern. He leaned forward on his elbows, his hands gently holding your face. “We’ll take it slow, okay?”
“I’m okay…” you assured him. He began to move his hips, slowly back and forth, his length filling you and then almost leaving you before filling you once again. You adjusted slightly at the discomfort but then it was gone and all you could feel was the perfection of your two bodies becoming one. You moaned, your hands sliding along his arms to grip his shoulders. 
Eddie braced himself with his forearms, pressing his forehead against yours as he increased his pace slightly. “I want to feel everything with you, princess. It should have been you. It always should have been you.”
Tears trickled out of the sides of your eyes, running down your cheeks. You were completely overwhelmed with all of the sensations and emotions that were flooding your system. Your hands gripped the back of his head, keeping your faces close, needing to feel every part of him you could. 
His hips moved even faster, his lips planting kisses along your forehead, your eyes, your cheeks, your mouth. You wrapped your legs around his waist, your hips moving up to meet his, matching him thrust for thrust. 
“Oh fuck, Eddie…” you moaned, your eyes rolling up in her head. All this time, you'd had no idea what you had been missing, how amazing this could feel. But you knew you'd made the right decision. Somehow you knew this wouldn’t feel like this with anyone else.
“Sweetheart, I’m so close,” he grunted, his arms sliding beneath you to cradle you against him as he continued to move, every inch of your skin pressed against every inch of his. “Jesus Christ, you feel so fucking good.”
You held him against you, feeling yourself rising toward your peak once again, your stomach tightening in anticipation. You held your breath as your muscles tensed, clenching down around him. He roared your name as his own climax surged. Gently pulling out of you, he slid the condom off, tossing it in the trash can by your bed. 
Gathering you close to him, he pulled the comforter over you both and pressed his lips against your forehead, “Jesus Christ princess, I love you. I am so fucking in love with you.”
“I love you too,” you replied, curling into him, trying to remind yourself that this wasn’t another one of your dreams. This was reality. If you closed your eyes, he wouldn’t disappear. Eddie was real and he was here and he was all yours.
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adora-but-ginger · 1 month
aspersion (noun): an attack on the reputation or integrity of someone or something; an accusation.
pairing: eventual spencer reid x gender neutral! reader
synopsis: in which spencer reid pushes a little too far
warnings: both spencer and the reader are assholes to each other a little, but it is justified! swearing (probs), typical cm violence and such, tension thicker than a cement wall
word count: ~2.1k
a/n: hello and welcome to my first official criminal minds fic! all of the pieces in this anthology can most likely be read individually, but they will have connected themes throughout! please enjoy the first work in my "psych you out in the end" collection. want to be tagged? Let me know!
also casual reminder that this is glasses reid because i am gnawing at my enclosure over him
not proofread whoops
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credit to gif owner!
It had been a long case. Five days in and little to no leads, yet a serial killer was still on the loose. This was your fourth case with the team now, most of which were still pretty apprehensive of your "psychological abilities." Penelope, who you've come to like the most, has been the kindest to you, even asking as far as for you to do her tarot. The rest of the team weren't as easygoing, but that wasn't the point right now.
It was of upmost importance to check out the latest crime scene, and you were paired with the hyper-suspicious Doctor Reid. He out of everyone trusted you the least, but now was the time to hopefully change that. He was a genius and you could read people, after all. You couldn't get a good read on him though, mostly because you two hadn't been around each other long enough to have more than a professional conversation. This was the first time it was the two of you, and you were going to make it count.
You could decipher anyone's aura, yet you were still a people pleaser. Ironic, almost.
"It looks like there was no forced entry, meaning that the unsub was someone they either knew or felt safe with." He darted his tongue between his lips after he spoke.
"Yeah, but aren't people in this neighborhood generally trusting? I think we should focus more on what he took." There was something itching at you about this scene, something that felt off.
You were a professional profiler, but you could just sense people's inner selves and auras--auras helped direct you into a person's mind and feelings. It varied per person and you weren't the best at explaining it, but you could tell a lot about someone if they even walked past you.
"Are you saying that the door might have been unlocked?"
"I'm saying it's a possibility."
Reid without a glance in your direction shook his head. "You know that's a very unlikely scenario, statistically women will secure their home much more than men, especially if they're living alone. Research also shows that when someone is under the impression that they can hold more than average strength either physically or mentally, they act out in irrational ways." He shrugged his eyebrows before murmuring quietly. "Like joining the FBI."
Did he just insult you? "Excuse me? Reid I'm just saying that we should shift our focus. Gideon said you had trust issues, but he didn't explain their severity." Had he really tried to undermine you in a way that he thought you wouldn't notice?
"Gideon makes decisions that could end up hurting the team more than helping them sometimes."
Okay now that was a diss. Wasn't he the one who hired Reid, too? You had dealt with people like this before, and you weren't going to let him get to you. "Let's just finish up and go meet up with everyone else."
The unsub was found and arrested two days later. Ironically, he was entering through unlocked doors, a detail that you were sure Reid was not too happy with when he found out. You were all on the jet ride home now, and would be here for the next few hours. This was the farthest case from Quantico yet, meaning the team finally had time to interrogate and learn more about you. Something that Emily and Derek were jumping at.
"Can you read my mind?"
"Can you tell what I want for dinner?"
"Can you tell when it's going to rain?"
They had both sat down across from you simultaneously, overwhelming you art first.
"Okay hold on." You threw your hands out slightly as a cue for them to stop. "Kind of, no, and yes--I check the weather station."
"Huh." Emily scrunched up her face, another question brewing. "So how does this psychic-ness work?"
You took a deep breath before starting. "I can just read you. Yes, like a profiler reads you, but also more than that. Profilers can only see the outside, but I can see the inside as well."
"Prove it." Derek crossed his arms. "Inside profile me."
Now that was a choice of words.
You held a finger up. "I will only if you promise to never say that phrase to me again."
He looked to Prentiss before a smile broke out. "Looks like they've got jokes, too."
A quiet laugh escaped you before continuing. "That I do. What do you want to know, Morgan?"
"My deepest-darkest secret." He said it in a joking manner, but you shook your head none the same.
"You don't want me to share that."
"I guess I don't. What do you really have for me, though?"
You took a second to really look at him, to see what he was hiding behind that smile--you were going to keep it light of course. You could look farther if you wanted, but the farther back you went the vaguer your readings were. "When were you going to tell everyone that you like Britney Spears?"
And just like that, you knew the two of them believed you now. Because the price on Derek Morgan's face was one that you wish you had a photo of. Emily's jaw dropped, eyes widening. "You refused to listen to her with me last week, traitor!"
Derek's mouth was also agape--he was flabbergasted. Eyebrows raised, he shook his head. "Fine, I believe you. Say no more. Please." His reaction made you chuckle, and it was all fun and games until Reid strode over, taking the seat next to you.
"You know, almost every public claiming psychic is usually a scammer or a fake. In fact--"
A groan escaped you. "Seriously? This again?"
"Yes! It was an incredibly irrational choice on Gideon to--"
The upbeat mood quickly dissipated, your temper going along with it. "Listen Reid, I don't need to explain myself to you. But, out of the kindness of my heart, I'm going to say this once." Emily and Derek''s eyes were bouncing between the two of you. "I don't announce it publicly, hence why "that is"psychic" is not my legal title. Second, I'm good at what I do, that's why I'm here. Believe me or not, but I can see right through you and your defenses."
The air took a tone that you didn't quite appreciate now, but he started this.
"You don't know a thing about me, in-in fact you don't know a thing about anyone, much less who I am." Annoyance was seeping through his words, and you were getting tired of his passive-aggressiveness. "You show up here being a so-called 'psychic'," his fingers went into air quotes at your title. "Yet you haven't done anything besides getting a confession out of one individual? Sounds like someone doesn't know how to handle being around actual profilers."
You wanted to slap the guy. But here you were again, taking the high road. "I'm too tired for this. If you want to doubt what I can do, fine. It's nothing I haven't dealt with before." You clenched your jaw and took a couple deep breaths to control your oncoming frustration. The conversation was over now, there was nothing left for him to say. How dare he insult your profiling skills too? How dare he--
"How have you been able to get this far lying?"
It was the straw on the camel's back, that line. He wouldn't drop it, and now he was going to face the consequences. You inched your head slowly to face his own, steadying your breaths even more, so you could make sure your words wouldn't get you fired this early on.
You looked into his eyes, really looking into him. The emotions he gave off, the way he held himself, his aura. If he was going to bash you for days in hopes of getting a response, he won. He was probably expecting you to give a grandiose speech on how you don't know what you're doing or how you just have really lucky guesses, but if there was one thing that you learned from people like him, it was that if they keep striking low, you strike lower.
Screw the high road, screw him undermining your talent, and screw people like him that thought they could get away with thinking their actions didn't have consequences.
You really saw him then, squinting slightly as you looked him up and down in the seat, the team around you remaining quiet as to remain listening to the rising tif. You could see right through him, see that he had some real parental issues, but had a overshadowing amount of loneliness surrounding his self, his mind, his body. It was vague, but it was there, and there is all you needed.
You leaned back as if to get comfortable, maintaining your eye contact. "When was the last time someone you cared about actually stayed in your life, Spencer?" You spoke nonchalantly, like you were discussing the weather.
You could feel the tangible tension that thrummed through the air from the two across from you at your words, and you knew you hit home. As to solidify your unanswered question, you saw a tiny twitch in his eyelid that responded more than any words could.
"Um Morgan? I think JJ called our names. We should go." Emily nudged the man and nodded to the back of the jet.
"What? No one has said anything. You're losing it, Prentiss."
"Derek, we're going." Her eyes went between you and Spencer to drive the point, and he finally picked it up after a second.
"Oh. Oh. Yeah, yeah I agree. JJ?" He called out. "We're coming!"
It was just the two of you now.
He broke eye contact with you after your words, and you moved in towards him as you lowered your voice to a whisper. "I see you for your inner workings, Reid. There's a reason I am good at what I do, and it is because I see you for how you see yourself. You do not want to make an enemy out of me."
His voice was caught in his throat for a second, mouth dropping slightly. He cleared his throat momentarily. "Are you threatening me?" Clear avoidance of your statement.
"No, Reid, I'm offering an olive branch. I suggest you take it." His silence prompted you further. "Besides your consistent digs at me, you're really good at what you do. Your brain quite literally runs a mile a minute, and my brain can see that. I am trying my best to chalk this all up to me being new, but I am really not appreciating all of this heat, it is extremely frustrating. You have your methods, I have mine. I'll give you some time to decide whether to accept this olive branch or not, but we would offer this team much more if you used those smarts of yours alongside mine, not against." Your chest was heaving slightly as the fire in your eyes blazed, but he finally got the message. "This will be the only time I'm offering this up." You turned away from him, needing a break.
You heard him shuffle and leave the seat next to you as you watched the clouds whiz by in the jet. It really sucked that he was cute too. All the adorable ones had to get you riled up, didn't they?
You felt a brief weight lift off of your shoulders as you heard Gideon speak to everyone on the plane about having the weekend off. Thank goodness.
That Monday you waltzed into the bullpen, a nice pep to your step after a break from everything. Iced drink in your hand, you set down your bag as you prepped yourself for the onslaught of paperwork awaiting you.
You had just gotten comfortable when you felt a tap on your shoulder and a familiar clear of a throat.
You swiveled in your chair, facing the tall man. "'Yes?"
"The oldest olive tree is known to be anywhere between two thousand to four thousand years old, but the specific age is currently being studied."
You took a sip of your drink as you looked up at him in confusion. "Good morning to you as well?"
He clenched his jaw quickly before continuing. "I''m saying yes. I accept the branch. It doesn't make sense to me and you infuriate me a little bit, but I want to work on it."
For the first time, but certainly not the last, you genuinely smiled at him.
And maybe he was losing all touches with reality, because he could feel his heart skip.
taglist: @alllriseabove @kitty-kei
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reve-writes · 1 year
—good luck; leon kennedy.
ʚ leon kennedy x reader. | resident evil | 0,8k words. ʚ leon visits you at the hospital & you kiss for the first time. ʚ friends-to-lovers. kissing. profanity. pre-re4. ʚ a/n idk why i keep writing awkward first kisses fluff fics someone help i rewrote this twice and still don't quite love it, but here it is.
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It has been almost a week.
You've been spending your days within these sickeningly white and bright room, accompanied by the constant hum of air conditioner. You had a visit from your supervisor, asking for mission reports. Outside of your work, you don't have a lot of friends anyway—and the ones you have are either busy in some part of the world somewhere combating bio-terrorism or knee-deep buried in training and paperwork.
Your eyes dart to the door when you hear knocking. Your voice is hoarse when you call out, “Come in.”
It's Leon. He throws a small smile at you when he walks in.
“One of these days—” He sighs, letting the door click shut gently behind him and makes his way towards your bed, plopping onto the chair by your bedside. “—you'll come home in a body bag.”
“Wanna bet on it?”
He stares at you pointedly, taking off his wool-lined leather jacket and hanging it over the back of the chair. “Don't even.”
Your eyes fall fall onto the lines of his body. That body-tight navy shirt really accentuates the muscles that he's built up, short-sleeves putting his arms on display. You're shameless in your staring. You have to remind yourself that he's just a friend—one that you've shared most of the bad with: the blood-smeared bodies, tear-streaked faces, grief-stricken memories, and nightmare-riddled sleeps.
“I heard that you're leaving for Spain.” You distract yourself by bringing up a topic of conversation. “When is that?”
He checks his black watch briefly. “In six hours or so.”
“And you decided to spend those six hours with me? I'm honoured, Kennedy.”
“Of course.” He shrugs. “Gotta make sure you have one last good look of me before I go.”
“I appreciate it.”
“How are you feeling?”
You feel his eyes on you, assessing your injury. Leon has always had an aptitude for observation. He sees the angry purple-and-blue bruises on your neck, noticed the way you wince slightly whenever you speak a little louder. Plus, the sling for your arm is one of the first things he notices when he sees you.
“Like shit.”
“I bet you do.”
“Getting slapped around by a goddamn B.O.W does that.”
“Tell me about it.” He adds a small chuckle. “I had a talk with your mission partner before coming here.”
“Oh, no. What did you do to poor, poor Jonas?” Your eyes narrow, looking at him in an accusatory manner. “You know that this isn't his fault.”
“He left you. Just fucking ran off. What do you mean it isn't his fault?” He argues.
You sigh. “He's new, Leon. Besides, I was the one who told him to run.”
“Don't pull that self-sacrificing shit.” He leans forward, resting his elbows on the edge of your hospital bed. “I can't have you dying on me.”
“You're the one running off to god-knows-where,” you retort. “I can't have you dying on me.”
“I won't.” He gives a small lop-sided grin. “Just because you asked.”
You chuckle—or at least try to—before you wince from a sharp throb in your chest. Leon immediately stands up, his chair sliding back with a screech. He hovers over you, one hand on your shoulder and the other feeling the wall for the emergency call button.
“You okay? What's wrong?”
You nod, taking his gloved hand in yours and away from the call button. “I'm fine, you worrywart.”
When you look up to meet his eyes, suddenly the proximity between the two of you is put into perspective. His eyes—brilliant blue, gem-like—are unblinking as they are fixated on yours. You can almost feel his breath.
“We shouldn't —” you say, but your eyelashes flutter. Your heart's pounding in your chest, loud and adamant, repeatedly calling his name—the way it always does for the longest time.
His eyelids droop as he leans forward slightly. “We really shouldn't.”
“Yeah. This is a bad idea.”
“You don't think we should kiss?”
You can feel your lips brushing against his when he speaks. Featherlight grazes call for goosebumps to raise on your skin. “Well, bad ideas can lead to good outcomes someti—”
Your words are muffled, swallowed by him as his lips close over yours. You've daydreamed about this more times than you care to admit, but to actually experience it? Are you hallucinating from the meds?
“Stop thinking.” Leon huffs, biting your lower lip gently. “Just—”
Whatever he's planning to say next is lost as you once again press your lips onto his. It's a gentle kiss—he treats you as if you're made of glass, and at this point, you feel like you may actually break from your heart swelling.
Your hand reaches out to touch his hair, and you feel a sharp tug from your IV. The IV stand nearly topples over, but Leon pulls back. His reflexes are quick enough to keep the stupid metal pole from falling over.
You stare at each other—
and burst out into laughter.
“A hell of a good luck kiss,” he says, settling back down to the chair.
You bite back your smile. “There's a lot more where that came from.”
“Get better soon and we'll find out.”
[ ]
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winterchimez · 11 months
Teach Me How To Love | Kim Sunwoo
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summary: the campus heartthrob whom you've had a crush on for the longest time finally asks you out on a date. since you have never been on a date before, you decided to elicit the help of your best friend, Kim Sunwoo, for some romantic advice.
pairing: f!ckboy Sunwoo x g.n!reader
genre: suggestive
warnings: kissing, making out with the one and only Kim Sunwoo
word count: 2,251
a/n: this is... umm yeah. (i'm still learning and new to writing suggestive so pls bear with me lmao 😭)
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"He asked me out."
"Asked who now?"
"He asked me out, Yuna!!" You grabbed the shoulders of your best friend, shaking them vigorously.
That was when the sudden realisation hit your friend, and she formed an 'o' from her mouth, knowing whom exactly you were referring to. 
You have had the biggest crush on Lee Hyunjae since your freshman year. Of course, who wouldn't be? He is literally the heartthrob of your campus. Everyone, including yourself, would do anything to get the man's attention. Even a smile or the slightest moment he turns straight in your direction works either way. 
It wasn't in your third senior year that you got to pair up with the infamous man in one of your science classes. Biology. How fun. 
Your lecturer chose you both to be lab partners throughout the semester, and that was when you had a legitimate conversation with the man himself. Oh, how you were so nervous back then, rubbing your palms together almost every minute, ducking your head down because you were too shy to look straight into the man's eyes. 
However, his calming and friendly persona broke off that wall between you two almost immediately and little did you know, the both of you hit off as good friends. You both started hanging out casually, even after classes, seemingly bumping into one another in the hallway lockers. 
In other words, you were whipped for the man, and when he finally asked you out, you immediately accepted the offer. 
If you were like the rest, you would've felt happy, even excited, to be going on a date with your long-time crush. You, on the other hand, felt the opposite. You were panicking, nervous, and terrified of what was to come. 
Your friend, Yuna, clearly notices your demeanour and proceeds to interrogate you on what's the matter, and that is when you let out the most inner thoughts of yours that have been bugging you for the longest time. 
Clearly, you had zero to no skills on what to do when you're out on your first date. You've seen in hundreds of films and read many rom-com books how holding hands is the least you could do on the first date, to having a passionate kiss if both sides were up for it. 
You were stressed out and had to do something to calm your nervousness. That was when a lightbulb dings right in your friend's mind, and she knew precisely the solution to your problem. 
"I dare you to elicit some help from Sunwoo." 
You paused. Sunwoo? Kim Sunwoo? Your childhood best friend? 
You were confused at the beginning as to why she would even bring him up in the first place. But as you connect the dots, the sudden realisation hits you. 
Kim Sunwoo. You both have practically grown up together since kindergarten, and you are still neighbours to this day. He was the one friend who has always stood by your side from the start, no matter how messed up or crazy your situation might be. He was also the person you'd always rant to, and he'd be more than happy to comfort you if that meant for you to feel better. 
How close were the both of you? Well, close enough that you both have determined that every Friday of the week is a movie night in his apartment that he just recently signed the lease to at the start of the year. You'd both always get the cosiest blankets and drape them over you both while seemingly cuddling with one another to enjoy the films with Sunwoo's handy-dandy mini projector that he bought for a pretty reasonable price on Amazon.
Although there was one problem, your best friend is actually the f!ckboy of the campus.
It did not start out this way, though. Neither of you knew what snapped in Sunwoo's mind. Your only guess was that he was enjoying adulthood to the fullest and getting used to university life. After attending several frat parties, having a little too much to drink and eventually hooking up with so many different women, it was too late for the male to turn back. 
You never judged him for that. It was fine by you since he still considers you to be his best friend, and you both technically still hang out with one another once every week. 
So being the f!ckboy, he knew all of the necessary basics and tricks on how one should act around their partner, especially on the first date.
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So here you were, standing right outside Sunwoo's apartment door. 
You contemplated on even knocking on the door, for you knew it wasn't even a Friday; it was a Tuesday, to be exact. And god knows whoever he is making out with on the other side. 
Because as far as you know, he was pretty “active” throughout the week except for the day you get to hang out with him. 
You paused. You kept bringing your hand up to the door and then down. Your mind was literally at a tug-of-war at this point. 
To do it? Or not to do it. 
Eventually, you huffed and returned your hands to the door until it swung open and bumped you on your forehead. 
A woman dressed in a periwinkle lace spaghetti strap sleepwear with a grey jacket draped across her shoulders noticed your presence. She immediately got you up on your knees, constantly apologising and asking if you were alright. 
You knew that grey jacket. It belonged to Sunwoo. And it was the same exact one that you always got to wear whenever you came over because you liked how it always made you feel warm and comfortable. 
But you have to brush the thoughts off immediately. Sunwoo is a f!ckboy for goodness sake, and these things are practically an everyday thing to do for the guy. 
Just as you were about to reassure the woman that you were okay, a head popped out of the door, and it was the guy you just had in mind.
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"Care to explain the sudden purpose of the visit, my friend?" Sunwoo asks while he makes a warm mug of hot cocoa in the kitchen. 
While you sat at the kitchen counter, you contemplated for a while before finally telling him how the campus heartthrob had finally asked you out on the first date.
And how you actually came to elicit his help and advice. 
It took a while for Sunwoo to process the message, and he burst out in laughter once he got it. In return, you started throwing daggers through your eyes right at him as you scowled at the man. 
"I'm sorry, but this is just too funny for me." He continued laughing while placing the ready-made hot cocoa onto the countertop. 
You pout. "And I thought you'd actually help a best friend out." 
"Okay, okay, I would do anything for my bestie. So tell me-". He slips right into the chair beside you while plopping one of his arms onto the countertop, resting his face on his palm as he stares deep into your eyes. “What do you exactly need my help with?” 
"I don't know. Teach me how to kiss, flirt, and all that jazz, I guess." You shrugged, hoping that he clearly gets the message that you're in dire need of some basic love lessons to please your date. 
The man moves a few inches closer to you now, close enough that you feel his breath. He was studying your face intensely as if some sort of dirt or dust was sitting somewhere at the top of your face. He then suddenly backs away immediately, giving you a hesitant look. 
"Are you sure, Y/N? That you want to do this?" Sunwoo asked with a serious tone, which was unusual for you since you were used to seeing the goofy side of him. But if he were to ask in such a manner, you knew that he wasn't joking around. 
"You do know that if you want me to teach you how to kiss, we literally have to kiss one another, right?"
You were new to all of this. Hell, you have never kissed anyone in your entire lifetime. And now, you were about to give your first not to your lover but to your best friend. It all comes down to whether you are willing to do it. 
Kissing Sunwoo also meant he would give you an actual physical demonstration of the different ways to kiss or even make out with one another, which may include some physical touches on certain parts of one another's body. 
"Yes, Sunwoo. You have my consent." You replied nonchalantly, anticipating whatever move he would put up with you. 
But the man was still frozen in his seat, not moving an inch. "I don't know, Y/N. Are you sure this won't, you know, get weird between us? I care a lot about you, and I do not want something like this to ruin the relationship we've built over the years." 
You could see where the man was coming from because this was the main reason you were contemplating even stepping into his apartment for this crazy love lesson situation. 
However, it was now or never. And if this was all for your first date with your long-term crush, you're down for it. 
"Yes. One hundred percent." 
Like that, Sunwoo's facial expressions shifted as he licked his plumped lips. He then snakes one of his free arms around your waist as he inches closer. 
"Tell me when you want to stop." 
Before you knew it, he closed the space between you, and both lips were now against one another.
Holy shit. You are literally kissing your best friend now. 
Your eyes fluttered shut as you moved one arm around his neck while the other moved up into his hair. 
God, his hair felt so soft. 
Sunwoo chuckled between the kisses. "Look at you go, Y/N." 
He pulled away briefly, only to whisper in your ear. "I had no idea you tasted this good, baby." 
Leaning back in, he began kissing you passionately, and eventually, it became a hot mess. His lips began searching other areas to nibble on, starting from your earlobe and then down to your neck, where he began to suck. In return, you elicit a soft moan which sounded way too sweet to his ears. 
You were floating, and damn, did it feel so good. 
Sunwoo seemingly slipped one of his hands under your shirt, earning a gasp from you.
"Sunwoo-" You gasped, trying to catch your breath. "Aren't you—supposed to go step-by-step?" 
Sunwoo smirked against your jaw as he gently brushed his lips against your soft milky skin. "Baby, sometimes things just go with the flow." 
While he rests his face on the crook of your neck, his hands are now down to your thighs, rubbing them gently. "Wrap your legs around my waist, and jump." 
You were stunned. "J-jump? What are you even-"
"Trust me, Y/N. I'll catch you if that's what you're worried about." 
"You won't drop me, right?"
He chuckled. "Only a fool would drop a person like you." 
With your legs wrapped around him, he carries you towards his bedroom, slowly laying you on his bed. 
This is dangerous. And this is all so wrong. 
You only came to ask for advice on how to kiss your crush, not to have a steamy make-out with your teacher in question, Kim Sunwoo. 
But why did all of these feel so good? Why couldn't you say stop? In fact, you wanted more. You wished that all of these would not stop and that you'd be down to continue with the man himself. 
So many thoughts were going through your mind as you reminded yourself of the true purpose of your visit, your campus heartthrob. But you knew you are so screwed at this point, and there’s no turning back anymore. 
Both of you deepen the kiss, and Sunwoo’s tongue slips right into yours, exploring your mouth. In return, your soft whimpers eventually turned into pleasurable moans to the man himself. 
God, Sunwoo. Give me more. Give me-
And then it all came to a halt. Sunwoo backed away, leaving you both to catch your breath as he stood up from his bed. 
“I think. We are done for the day.” 
Just as you were about to ask him why he even stopped in the first place, you were cut off by the man's quick response, also seemingly turning his flushed face towards the side. 
“I’ve taught you more than enough to please your date.” Clearing his throat, he helps you to get back up on your feet. 
“Oh- um… yeah. You know, thanks Sunwoo. For everything.” 
As he escorts you towards the front door, that familiar soft bubbly smile that you were accustomed to is plastered on his face. “All the best with Hyunjae. I look forward to our next movie night, Y/N.” 
“Ye-yeah!! I’ll keep you updated. Good night, Sunwoo.” 
As you turned your heel and headed toward your apartment, Sunwoo immediately slammed the door shut once you were out of sight.
His back now rests against the door, and he tries to calm his fast-beating heart down.
It was then he realised that kissing you felt entirely different from all the other women he had ever made out with.
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taglist: @deoboyznet @kflixnet @flwoie @hokupi @zzoguri @kyusqult @tinkerbell460 @cheonsafics (join my permanent taglist here!)
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kentocalls · 6 days
nanami kento | tummyaches singleparents!au, sfw. discussion of grief/mention of loss. reader is referred to as momma/tiny momma (in comparison to the sky)
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"nobara, honey pleaseeeee" you sit on the ground as your daughter dramatically flops away from your spoon. she's facing the wall now and still making snow angels with her tiny arms, blankets wrinkling in protest. she's too stinking cute, a smile is on your lips and you try again. "this is really yummy magic soup, it'll help you feel better." you make noises that get her to slowly turn and peak at you, crawling closer she looks at the bowl, you bring it up mixing the liquid so the spices make a tiny galaxy. "it's not red." what?
"it's…the soup you like honey, the butternut squash one. the yellow one.” "his papa gave him magical red soup." huh? “whose papa?” “yuji.” she starts to cocoon herself in blankets. “it has to be red. like tomatoes.” "you don't like tomatoes. no red, remember? honey?” she is silent for many minutes, you prompt,”nobara…no icky red right?” "need it momma. tomato soup." her voice cracks towards the end, she emerges from her blanket burrito with fresh hot tears streaming down her face. you put the bowl aside to cradle her. she's still warm, you eye the clock. too early to take her temperature and still no food in her little belly. you don't know what to do. this isn't something reading books or watching movies can prepare you for. nobara falls asleep in your arms, you kiss her tiny forehead and settle her back into bed as gently as possible. she’s full of medicine, water and mucus. you hate it so so so much. your bright buzzing brilliant child is sniffling and meak due to a tummy ache and fever. back to the kitchen and what can be used to conjure up a red-tomato-like soup? you can't remember the last time you bought tomatoes. nobara hates everything round and red. which means all tomato, the big ones, little ones, green ones because they become red, all of them. as long as you've known her, which is her whole life, she's disliked them. you look at the photo of you and your best friend, with a tiny two day old nobara tucked into your arms. its crazy how much of your friend you see in the tiny girl. you stare at the ceiling, "i know you're watching me so can you use your angel powers to help me make tomato soup without tomatoes please?"
"so she's missing another day?" you try not to curse at the most judgmental school administration staff you've ever dealt with. no books to prepare you for that either. "yes, she is still feverish and unwell." more judgey things, a mention of not letting her be out like yuji and an abrupt end to the conversation. yuji. the kid in nobara's class, the one she deems her rival. you haven't had a chance to meet the kid, another thing you try not to feel guilt over. your best friend would've known all her friends and classates. would’ve made the best mother, instead nobara has you, her fumbling godparent that can't get her fever to break. you keep her hydrated, help her change and turn on her favorite ninja show. she's lying on top of you, cheek plastered into your shoulder. you're sure she's drooling but she's finally comfortable, took her medicine, ate the not red soup. no tummyache. small win. "it's going to be me." she says in a sleepy haze. "i fight everyone." "yes honey, you're the strongest and bravest." you don't remember this character. they must've added a new ninja. "yuji jumps higher than me tho. that's ok." she sits up, eyes super serious, "i'm going to beat him." "you're going to jump so high." moving some bangs from her face, she doesn't feel too warm, you have three more minutes before needing to check her temperature again. "to the moon!" oh gosh, her little voice is stuffy but she has energy again, you've missed her bouncing around your tiny apartment. it didn't feel ready for a child but it’s the perfect size to keep an eye on her at all times, to have her sweet voice echoing off all the walls. "to the moon!" she continues to roar. you grab the napkin and help her blow her nose into it. "to sky momma!" her head rests back onto your chest, her slow breathing as she giggles at the tv. you try not to let the tears that well up fall from your eyes. god, you miss her momma too. nobara would feel double the love, been so much more spoiled. but this is healthy, as the thearpist said. that nobara acknowledge the loss in tiny ways. that you encourage her remembering. she knew enough to miss her mother, doesn’t need to fully understand why she was gone. now she understands her ‘sky momma' is an angel and away. that all the blue in the sky is her much her momma loves her, that all the stars are gifts she has waiting for her. that she’s always there, giving her the biggest hug. and that you are her ‘tiny momma,’ you don’t fill the sky because you need to stay small and near her. you are human sized and sky momma is, well, the sky. everywhere. you felt so guilty when she called you that, tiny momma or momma. it should've been you in the car. you should've gone out during the snowstorm. you should've held onto her like you did baby nobara. you should’ve went out to get the milk and medicine. if only you had— "momma, tiny momma? "yes honeybunny?" "i'm not a bunny silly." her giggles make a tear slip. "are you sad?” you shake your head, plaster the best smile you can, she leans in and whispers “tell sky momma. she will fix it. she’s angel. she has powers.” “is that what you do?” nobara nods and her face is back on the ninja tv show. you look up, lost in thought. you may not have angel powers, but you’re going to give your absolute best to her precious babygirl. your precious babygirl.
the doorbell to your apartment rings early next evening. nobara is busy coloring and singing along to a theme song. you stop putting away groceries and whip around to the entrance, there’s no body in the peephole. nobara is good but she hasn’t been near your phone to order magic food delivery. you live in a mostly safe apartment, still opt to wait a few minutes before you hear the doorbell ring again but there is no BODY there. a ghost? a malfunction? ugh. the landlord is never going to get this fixed and you’ll be pressed if nobara doesn’t get her rest, the girl is finally well enough to go to school. when you open the door your legs are met with a brute force. you look down and see pink hair on a small form. “oh, hello nobara’s momma.” a toothy grin from a child you’ve never seen before. you stand utterly confused, there’s no guardian in the hallway either. “hello?” he hands you a folder but half the content slips out. he looks very shy, doesn’t say more than, “oops…sorry.” big eyes trying to peep around your legs and into the apartment. you bend down to his eye level and help gather the papers. “it’s okay, i drop things too.” your eye catches a headline and notice a paper for mr. geto’s class, “did you bring these for nobara?” your voice is sweet, it’s easy to be nice to this little pink haired child. his eyes go big before he blushes as nods, “nanamin said i could!” he jumps, suddenly made aware that he’s standing at your door alone. he looks left, looks right, looks up and down, does a whole spin around and focuses back on you, his eyes wide and he’s starting to get teary eyed. “i lost nanamin!” “that’s…that’s okay sweetie we can find him.” but there’s no one in the hallway. “do you want to come inside? we can call his number.” you know for a fact mr. geto has drilled it into his class to learn their guardian’s phone numbers. its how nobara understands how to unlock your phone. that and you should change your passcode from her birthday to something more secretive— “yuji! that’s my momma!” nobara clings to your arm, frowning at the boy who is near shaking. you would reprimand nobara but she has a coughing fit and now you’re letting her invade your personal space, her tiny hand clinging to your arm, smushing her face into your neck. she’s warm again. you put a hand on her back and rub gently, the coughs are still bad. the pediatrician said it would be better by now. yuji stares and looks so close to crying. his lip is wobbly. and your lips frowns, you hate hate hate seeing little kids cry. you pat his head, and he instantly melts into your touch. “i want papa!” he wails. and two just feed off of each other. it’s a round of dramatic gasps and sobs. you are not meant for this. your arms can barely handle getting an entire crate of water up the apartment stairs and you have two tiny humans digging their hands and knees and bodies against you for comfort and warmth. you don’t squat enough to lift them off the ground. so you sit, half inside your apartment door with two highly emotional and dramatic children. you must stay calm, you must stay calm. you are the adult. you are the blueprint. you can teach them how to regulate their emotions. you breathe slowly and deeply. “you know what? let’s eat some pizza bites. so when nanamin comes he can eat with us.” yuji perks up at that. “nanamin likes pizza!” you give him a smile. nobara is still coughing, saying she feels icky. yuji says he will tell nanamin to bring red soup and explains how his papa added magic to make it taste delicious. he’s animated, lively. takes a proper seat at the tiny dinning table after asking to wash his hands. he notices the lack of plates on the table .
“can i help you set the table? i can carry plates! but not forks or knives.” he has such nice manners. this nanamin is absolutely a wonderful guardian. you nod, hand him plates one by one as you set a clingy nobara on the kitchen counter. she’s being fussy but cooperating, takes her medicine like a big girl and whispers she wants nuggets instead of pizza. pizza has tomatoes afterall. you nod at her, she starts to brag about her coloring book. you let the two sit at the table and talk about her extra deluxe packet of crayons while popping in pizza bites and nuggets into the oven.
wait, are you supposed to defrost them first? yuji and nobara are talking about the color red and how awful/cool it is. yuji is adamant about tomatoes being a magical food and nobara is doing her level best to not barf. she’s on her best behavior despite her tummyache, it warms your heart. you reread the instructions for the frozen food. provide the kids with juice and start sneaking in greens, they woudln’t notice a salad if it has yellow corn in it right? you do have some green-ish tomatoes from the grocery store run, yuji likes tomatoes, maybe you can get nobara to eat some green things if yuji is here. for a rival nobara is treating yuji like a friend, helping him with utensils and napkins. they go back to talking about the ninja cartoon and you zone out, just for a bit. carefully plating the food and grabbing not-red sauces for the kiddos when you realize it’s gone silent. panic sets in. there’s a beeping sound. it’s not the oven or your phone or your watch or the smoke alarm. it’s not in your head either, right? you place the pizza bites and nuggets onto the kids plate, warn them to not touch as they’re too hot and, god the beeping is still there. you look around in confusion. “momma yuji is beeping.” you turn to nobara in confusion. “what?” she points at yuji, “he is beeping.” yuji is shocked himself. starts to pat at his clothing when you notice the tiny watch he’s wearing is lighting up. you hear a man yelling in the hallway. you grab a red crayon out of surprise, the voice sounds scary. you smile and ask the kids to stay seated. you peak into the hallway to notice an absolute unit of a man walking towards your door. he looks so menacing. muscles tight, jawline constricted, fists clenched, eyes cold. he looks like a business executive ready to throw a office chair threw a window. corporate villian scares you, frozen to the spot. crayon ready, you’re not letting this guy hurt anyone. yuji is yelling, “NANAMIN!” and tries to rush past you, trips before he can reach your legs, and thank sky angel for gifting you with insane ‘parental’ reflexes, you stop his fall by grabbing his hoodie. “you’re okay buddy, i got you.” yuji smiles bright, points at the tall man, “my nanamin, hi papa!” he— what? his…his nanamin is the jacked corporate villain ? “yuji, kiddo. you can’t run off like that.” his voice is as deep as you expected, but gentle. yuji is talking a mile a minute and his nanamin somehow understands all of it. eyes fall to you and nobara who clings to your leg. “i’m really sorry about this. i didn’t mean to scare you. i thought yuji was—“ you smile. “i would’ve done the same. you’re mr. nanamin then?”
yuji answers for him, “he’s papamin! papa nanamin. he’s super strong.” “my momma can break a window! she’s super strong too.” nobara steps in front of you, bragging about how you can hold anything heavy. her and yuji have a ridiculous ‘nu uh’ momwnr before a coughing fit hits nobara, instantly you’re crouching down and rubbing her back.
“okay, okay baby. let’s eat and get ready for bed soon yeah? yuji,”— wait you should address his papa, “umm, i made food for yuji too if…if that’s okay. he was all shaky and crying when he thought he lost you…i..i didn’t kidnap him, promise.” nanamin is watching you, yuji insisting he will eat the salad too with pleading eyes, plus he really wants to show papamin something. the tall corporate not villian nods. it ends up with the large man comically seated at a tiny dinning table and two little children forcing him to pick which deluxe crayon is the best color. you hand nanamin a plate and it feels nice. easy. it’s enjoyable to see another adult interact with their child the way you do with nobara.
maybe you can do the parent thing afterall. kento nanami, you learn, is a gentleman and offers to do dishes while you finish putting away your forgotten grocery. the theme song of the ninja show is blaring through your tv and you hear a, “papa! they’re going to catch the bad guy!” and you know better than to stop yuji from seeing this magical moment, it’s all anyone is going to talk about at lunch tomorrow. “our sofa is big enough, you can stay until the end of the epsiode, i don’t mind.” he gives you a curt nod and oh, he’s really handsome. you wonder if this is the volunteer all the moms talk about in the PTA newsletter. “thank you.” you do not check him out as he walks over to the sofa, opting to sit on the ground as nobara and yuji are standing on the sofa, jumping excitedly. nanami does not have nice legs and butt. he absolutely never misses leg day. “momma they’re not going to catch him!” nobara shouts, convinced you have magical powers and can bend this cartoon plot to your will. “papa, you have to help them!” yuji adds on. you watch with a full heart how nanami speaks softly to nobara and yuji, asks them to help him summon his magic powers and has them in full giggle fits when he does help the ninja cartoon hero’s catch the bad guys. the kiddos are roaming around the living room singing the ending song while nanami looks over the folder of homework yuji brought. “this is a months worth of ice cream. ah, gotta come up with a better bribe.” you sigh, immediately moving to action when both nobara and yuji attempt to fly off your dining room table. yuji thanks you for food and surprises you by adding an apology for getting nobara sick and you do not accept that. “germs happen yuji, we can’t always control them. but i know you did your best to not get anyone sick.” nanami chimes in, “yeah buddy, you washed your hands, sneezed into a tissue, even ate your veggies. it’s not your fault.” he looks so happy and gives you a hug before nobara pushes him off, clingy and territorial. you give nanami a small smile and lock his smile back away deep in your heart. you absolutely do not blush when you hear “great job!” from the other side of the door. “oh no! tiny momma, your face is red!” “oh no, i think i need ice cream!” as you get nobara ready for bed and look over the folder with her missed homework. mr. geto is such a serious teacher and part of you appreciates it. part of you loathes having to figure out how to bribe nobara to sit still enough to focus through all these sheets. there is a tiny post it that says, legoland makes for a very good homework bribe — n, with his number on it. your heart does not skip a beat.
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maximumkillshot · 5 months
Warnings: There are a lot with this one and it hits close to home. Mentions of S/A. The R word is used, sobbing, anxiety and mental episode. mentions of self harm, mentions victim blaming and slut shaming. MDNI. There is fluff spattered around.
Pairing: BangChanxReader
Characters: Bang Chan, Reader, mention of the person who S/A, people Slut Shaming and Victim Blaming. 
A/N:  Okay so this one is heavy. The things you are about to read have happened to me. I had a mental episode a while back. I wrote most of this during said episode. This is what I think Chan would do for his S/O if they went through and go through what I did. This blog has always been a safe space. I use my fictions to entertain as well as a platform to have safe conversations. If you need me as always I will hang around after drop.
I Can't Lose You Masterlist-CLICK HERE
Stray Kids Masterlist-CLICK HERE
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“YN?” Your husband called out to you. You couldn't hear him from the pressure of today. It created a seething pool of frustration and anger as you kneeled at the foot of the bed, wanting to pray, but now that you think about it the pain of being on the floor was a sweet torture in and of itself. 
Usually, anger like this wouldn't be a problem for you. You would go down to the basement and punch granite with your poorly taped hands, yes you were only a kid then, not knowing how else to get the anger out only stopping when you'd hear a crunch. Yes, that was the start of negative coping mechanisms, and yes you are trying to either bury that anger or let it consume you fast before Chris gets home. He's dealt with enough, we don't need to add on to it.  
Now you're no longer a child… as a matter of fact, you are now an adult, an adult with a hairpin trigger vaguely yet expertly disguised as comedic sarcasm. Depression that you don't remember not having… maybe when you were 8? You weren't sure. Not to mention a cast made of a myriad of physical and mental health issues…. Disabilities… and the cast of characters just keep growing! You have the medicine and the “coping techniques”, they called it, for success! Even those fail. 
Trying to talk it out just made you more angry, the injustice looking more and more ludicrous by the second. Okay, let's try breathing. Yeah no. That didn't work either, it just gave your brain more oxygen, so your brain went from quantum computer speed to Sonic the fucking Hedgehog. Oh… ok oh oh! Let's try soundboarding. You know, talk to people, not yourself. That ended in yet another game of useless catch phrases like “calm down” and “you shouldn't be thinking of that.” 
TELL ME SOMETHING I DON'T FUCKING KNOW THANK YOU! Oh, and I almost forgot the “Your method of thought isn't changing because you don't want to change '' DO YOU THINK I AM POKED ALL DAY AND SAY TO MYSELF…
You reverted to hurting the people around you due to your anger and frustration, plus you darkened the mood, you've always been a multitasker. My friends were right. I'm depressing, I was only kept around because of my ex. That was before they kicked me out… because they didn't want to believe he assaulted me. You go back to that night often… 
“I didn’t want to do that, I felt icky” You told him after he came back from cleaning himself up in the bathroom, while you were left to clean the traces of himself from your own mouth. No aftercare, no thought about you. The ghost of a boy who used you, who was an on and off friend of almost 10 years…
“I know.” he answered with no emotion.
“Then… why?” You asked, your head cocked to the side.
“Because I really wanted it.” He puts his hand on your shoulder, “But I’m sorry you feel that way. Shit now I feel bad.”
Then it switched to those friends, on another night… “ I just don’t buy it. That DID NOT HAPPEN, I know him better than you.”
“I mean you did it anyway so you must’ve wanted it.”
You tried to explain that you were assaulted, it’s called coercive consent and it’s the most common form of assault. You were raped. You didn’t want to do it and he knew that but you wanted to make him happy. You tried to explain, to educate. They weren’t having it.This conversation at times whirls in your head. Making you itch to pull a trigger, do something to make the torture stop.
“You always overreact and you’re so annoying why don’t you just go the fuck away!”
“You’re so depressing just fucking go away! We only tolerated you because you are his girlfriend, just go the fuck away!” The intent in her voice. The reality. You trusted her most out of the entire group. She helped you emotionally… Now shaming you, blaming you.
Her boyfriend rendered you speachless when you called it what it was, it was rape via coercive consent:
“Oh I get the kind of person you are, you’re the type of person who gets felt up in the middle of the night by their significant other because they’re trying to get laid and you call it rape.”
You know the right method to take now, right… Yeah you do.
Isolate… process… torture yourself…cry… alone. Contain the monster, so it doesn't hurt anyone else… You're just a monster parading as a human. Don't forget it. This happens when you forget Y/N… stop being reckless. Always so fucking reckless… 
You started clenching your hands one over the other, wanting to rake the top of your hands until they bled, trying to ground yourself. Until subconsciously, you did. You rocked as you did it, trying to soothe yourself.
Sometimes you swear people don't see you drowning right in front of their fucking eyes. You know how to swim, you know how to get out, to scream, punch, fight. You want to swim, you really do. But you can only do so much in a rip current. The lifeguard sees you. But instead of helping they yell “PADDLE! JUST PADDLE YOU'LL BE FINE!” It's a different level of patronization. It just makes you want to let the tides swallow you. Because why fight when the waters are so warm?
“Y/N?!” Chris yelled as he saw your bag tossed haphazardly on the couch, never where you put it. He stopped and listened carefully. He thought back to the last text you sent him. “Shit hit the fan at work …I don't want to feel right now. I'll see you at home.” 
That middle sentence made his heart stop. He knows you… something was up. He tried texting you back, sending words of encouragement, calling, and leaving cute messages when you didn't pick up, and nothing was heard from you. As soon as he could get away from schedules he did. When he looked at the clock you had sent that message three hours beforehand, he never raced home faster. 
He knows what your mind does to you. He sees the battles every day. When he’d compliment you and you would look down, not shy, but contradictory. When he’d pick you up you would freeze and he’d remind you that you aren’t too heavy, that he loves you in every single way that you think is impossible to love you. He’d always encourage you to wear what you want, do what you want. He would caress every single curve, never being able to keep his hands off of you. Whispering into your ear in public as he tilts your head up gently after asking for permission. He’d kiss you so delicately in front of a sea of people. On the red carpet, on stage, it didn’t matter. You were and are his person, and he loved showing you off. He couldn’t win the war in your mind for you, but he damn sure would fight those battles with you.
He would fight away those negative thoughts, he’d wrap his arms around you and sing to you to will those images, the anxiety and fear away. Until those thoughts were rendered useless. He’d wrestle with them for control, as soon as he won your mind back he gave it to you. He reminded you that you are here with him for a reason. He adores you, and nothing would change that. 
It was something he promised you when he saw you breakdown while doing your medicines. You told him that you were ashamed of it all. All the illnesses, that you weren’t perfect and that you’d understand if he didn’t want you. He looked at you and helped with your medicines, learned about each of them, and their dosages. He was so gentle, smiling at you, wiping your tears. He looked at all the medicines and said, anything that keeps you alive is nothing to be ashamed of. You aren’t something to be ashamed of. He knows that sometimes you can’t hear him until he’s right in your ear. Now looked like that case.
You couldn't hear him calling out to you, your mind too loud, too vicious, bloodthirsty. When pain and self-deprecation are your main moods, all others seem like an abnormal concept. Something that is stolen, was it even real in the first place? You know one thing that was real… Chris. You hated being this… the medications, the constant fires in your mind, the barrage of hate aimed at yourself, of unbridled strength turned inward to rip yourself apart for no reason other than things piling up. He didn't deserve that. He deserves peace, the best… just like what he demands of himself, perfection. 
You got through the gauntlet at your job. People undermining your authority, people on a power trip of their own. Sending others to try to intimidate, embarrass you into submission… as if you weren't a bloodthirsty wolf that could snap any second, biting their heads clean off. “An Alpha through and through,” that's what Chris would say, “Even Alphas have to bite their tongue, Love.” 
That made you cry more because at this point you don't even know if your tongue is still existent, or if you swallowed the damn thing after you bit it off. Or worse… you still have it… but you lost your voice. You know that can't be it, we're too fucking stubborn for that.
But the hits didn't stop coming, traffic happened, then going to the doctor who said that the physical therapy you needed would eat into your personal time, your time to write, to cook for Channie and the boys, to spend time with Channie and the boys.. then you forgot the doctors note so you had to walk back in for it. Then you had to go home while you tried to talk about everything… and well now here we are. 
Even now you try to problem solve, try to nitpick at yourself, the person he loves so much. You collapsed more on the floor of your shared bedroom, cross-legged thinking of the ocean, the violent, dangerous, tumultuous ocean… something simultaneously so beautiful and scary. You want to say you are like an ocean, but you don't see beauty in yourself, only a beast. That's all we'll ever be.
Chris freezes in the hallway hearing a sob break loose from you. He hadn't heard a sob like that before, it chilled his core. How does he approach this? He sees the doctor's note thrown next to your purse… He was happy you were approved for physical therapy, you really were in a lot of pain daily from the muscle and tendon weakness, but he looked at the times…
He looked to the hallway, “Oh…Baby Girl.” He had one piece of the puzzle. He knew you loved to cook for him and the boys but this schedule meant you couldn't do that for the foreseeable future. You enjoyed seeing the boys eating, and staying fueled, knowing without that they'd opt for less healthy options. Then he saw the paper right under it. A typed log… a leger of interactions throughout your day… “No…” 
Right there, in black and white, was what you went through today, everything down to the sarcastic smirk your coworker had as you were barraged with pressure to break the rules… and you didn't break. He never would've expected you to. You are the strongest person he knows. Even under these conditions, Chris himself would break. In front of fifty plus people being berated, pushed to do something you knew you couldn’t do. 
Right at the end of it was a line, written in plain ink by hand. “Vacation not given as described by supervisor. No week off.” With tear stains smudging the ink. 
Chris started walking down the hall to the shared bedroom. As he walked closer he heard you mumbling as you sobbed. Things like “stop crying” and “it's nothing.” But one made him freeze right before he opened the door, “Chris is going to worry. You already take too much from him, get it together so he won't worry. It’ll hurt him. Stop hurting the people you love. You’re a monster.”
That made his eyes sting, you were worried about him above all else. He slowly opened the door and you couldn't find it in you to look up. You knew who it was. The aura you know and love, like salve on the holes you ripped into yourself. The small steps were only weighed down by his sneakers as he slowly spoke. 
“Hey…Baby Girl?” The tone was even more soothing. We don't deserve that. “Can you look at me please?” You just shook your head. Too embarrassed at the shambling mess you are. The real you that you hide. 
Before you knew it you saw two big hands undoing the laces on his sneakers, shortly after he toed them off. Slowly he sat in front of you groaning “Oooooookay criss-cross applesauce it is…” making you smirk as you wiped your nose with the inside of the collar of your shirt. Finally, as he settled he said “aaaaaughh” with a big puff of air… 
You just tucked your head into your chest as you hid as much as you could. He waited for a few minutes, until he said, “We can address what happened in a few minutes. But you need to know. You don't take from me.” 
Your tears kept falling as you listened, his tone calming the raging currents in your mind.
He looked at the engagement and wedding band on your left hand. He watched the tears fall, he saw the holes in you. He wanted to lunge at you, take that emotional knife away from you, smother you in affection. Hold you, his heart burned for it. Needle and thread ready to patch you up. To heal you.
 He spoke softly, “You are my everything, Y/N. You aren't a burden, a disappointment, you aren't a chore, the only thing you took from me was my heart, but you had that before I even heard your voice. The second I saw you… I gave it to you. I don't want it back either.” 
You hiccuped breaths as you listened. He scooted a little closer and he put his hands out, palm up into your vision… asking for your hands. That was when you realized you were scratching at them again. 
You unfurled them from one another, hissing where one nail was slightly deeper, the tiny droplet of blood following soon after.
He looked at your hands, humming in the back of his throat, “One second.” He didn’t want to show it, but he was worried. You feel so much and he just wants to be there to hold you, to love you. 
Then popped up and left. He came back with a first aid kit, “Oooooookay heeaarr we goar again... criss-cross.” That made you giggle the tiniest bit. Chris always loved to hear your laugh. Your laugh is infectious and it always never fails to brighten his day. He knew he was making progress.
You couldn't see it but Chris was smirking at your tiny cute form. And hearing that little giggle made him want to channel Changbin and squeal at the cuteness overload. 
“Okay my Koala Bear… hands.” When you both had started dating, he noticed you always hung on to him. You explained that he was warm and you were always frozen, especially in the colder months. You asked if it was okay for you to hold on to him like that. Internally he was trying his best not to giggle like a school boy at the prospect of you holding on to him like this naturally. He looked at you and said, “It’s no problem, you just remind me of a Koala Bear, so cute and tiny. Can I call you that? My Koala Bear?” And you nodded blushing. Since then, you’ve been his Koala Bear. 
You presented your hands to him wincing at the stretch of the new scratches and he said “So tiny… so cute. Okay tiny sting” he cleaned the bigger scratch and put a bandage on it, and checked the rest. Once he deemed it all good to have your hands back. He kissed them then returned them to your lap. “Thank you for letting me clean them.” 
You nodded and hummed. The voices slowed down. They always slowed down around him. He always was your safe place. Like home base in a baseball game. If you made it there, you’re safe. You’re home. That thought made you sad, surprisingly. How are you safe with only one person? You should have security in yourself not in someone else. Your brain was waiting to start assaulting you again. 
“Is it loud in there?” Chris asked. You've told him about all of this before, this is the first time he's seen it this bad though. The voices, memories attack you. You explained to him that sometimes your brain will do this, you try to hold it back but sometimes it just can’t be helped.
“People don't help… right?”
“Can you tell me what's going on in there?”
You told him. Some.. not all. You also told him about that pesky intrusive thought about your ex and your friends. 
His body went rigid as he said, “No… they're the ones that are wrong, not you. Your ex…” He wanted to choose his words carefully. He knew that you blame yourself at times. The memory of you explaining why you were hesitant to go further when you were dating. He assured you there was no pressure. That he loved you for you, the rage boiled in him and it still does because you were never at fault for this. Especially when you trusted that asshole enough to experiment with him. He was going to be your first for everything but after what he did. The trust was gone, rightfully so.
Chris continued, “He took advantage of you, and coerced you into consent, that is not love. That is not okay? That is sexual assault. The way that your friends acted was disgusting, the way he acted was sub-human… You are not depressing, you are one of the most beautiful, talented, funny, caring, loving people I have…” his voice gave out and he cleared his throat, “You are one of the most amazing people I've ever met in my life. I love you so much and I know you feel like you're a burden on me but being with you has been the most amazing thing I've ever experienced.”
He tilted your head up and you let him, he had tears in his eyes as he said, “You have never been nor will you ever be a monster.” Your tears picked up as you looked into his eyes. You could tell, Chris doesn’t lie. He’ll tell you the truth. His tears started falling as you leaned forward, reaching for him, needing contact. When you saw him you needed his warmth, you need him to heal you. You were losing hope, faith, everything as you watched the holes in you. Seeing him holding the needle and thread. By holding you, being with you, just being himself, it heals you. You whimpered, “Need you…” As your tears switched from self-hate to desperation… you needed him and he could tell. 
He untangled his legs and scooped you up, cradling you in his arms as he rocked you petting your hair back, “You are my inspiration, my eternal love, you are the best part of my past, my present, and my future. You are the future mother to my children, the woman I'm going to grow old with, my forever and always. You are my Y/N, and I am never going to let you forget who you are and why I love you, okay?” He started crying, shielding you in his chest, protecting you. Stitching you together as you heard his heartbeat. You cried on him, relieved that you were with him.
You pulled back from him nodding. He tried to kiss your lips but you said “I'm all snotty” and he giggled. Leave it to you to be worried about snotty kisses. You looked so adorable, cheeks and nose red, nose running, tears stopping, the twinkle coming back into your eyes as he looked at you. 
“Are you denying me my snotty kisses?” He giggled as he said “Okay fine. There's no snot on your forehead” he pecked your forehead, “none on your cheeks”, and laid another peck, this pattern continued for any expanse of skin he could get his lips on as you giggled at him and his barrage of affection. When he stopped he wiped your nose with his sleeve and he kissed you gently on the lips. He savored moments like this, being able to heal you, to pick you up. He looked into your eyes as he said, “now I am thinking I’ll draw up a bath for us and I’ll give you a nice massage. After that we order take away, from your favorite place, then we watch something, Hm?” He looked at you for an answer as he kept wiping tears.
You nodded and gently, he placed you back where you were and went to get the bath ready. You'll always have hard days, but those days turn into amazing nights with Chris. Your home.
LIKE MY WRITING? WANT MORE? Tell me so! Want in on the tags?? Shoot me an ask and consider it done!
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Straykids when you feel uncomfortable around a guy at a bar
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⩤ Chan ⩥
i feel like most people forget how much chan actually cares about people.
so when it comes to you, the second you say you feel the slightest bit off, he wont leave your side.
"which guy, baby?"
when you've pointed him out, chan will be sending him death glares the whole night.
when he gets up to go to the bathroom, he'll take his drink and "fall" near the guy, spilling beer all over him.
"oh! so sorry about that mate"
comes back over to you with a proud smirk on his face.
⩤ Minho ⩥
this man will go from having the biggest smile on his face to the most angriest frown you've ever seen.
you'll tell him that his looks are making you a little uncomfortable and he will go full on protection mode.
he won't be afraid to speak to him either.
and by speak to him I mean hurl insults at him across the bar.
"hey asshole! stay away from my girl, alright?"
will not let you out of his sight for more than five seconds after that.
⩤ Changbin ⩥
changbin would go over and have the most aggressive conversation of his life with that guy.
if he still carries on staring at you like he was, changbin will have no problem with grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and yelling in his face to leave you alone.
"look at her one more time, you're dead. understand?"
that guy would go on to never spare a glance at you again :)
to changbin, that's the mission accomplished.
⩤ Hyunjin ⩥
would get super pissed but be more subtle than maybe changbin and lee know.
i mean, hyunjin would feel the need to go over and gouge his eyes out with a teaspoon for making you feel uncomfortable but unfortunately murder is illegal so 🤷‍♀️
he would stare into the back of the guy's head until his eyes started to water.
when the man would turn to look at you again, hyunjin would simply click his fingers and spin his finger in a circular motion, telling the guy to turn right back around again because you were his and wanted nothing to do with him.
and that's on having a hot asf and chill ass bf <3
⩤ Han ⩥
pre-debut han would make an appearance.
this man would feel so awful for not noticing but then so angry that it happened.
especially to you.
he would, with no hesitation, go over there, sit next to him and scream in his face for like twenty minutes before coming back over to you and the guys and acting like nothing happened.
and trust me, if that guy did it again, his head would end up in a cement wall :)
⩤ Felix ⩥
would spend more time comforting you than actually staring out the guy but oh well.
we love a caring bf <3
if he himself caught the guy looking at you, he would do the tongue thing where he puts his tongue behind his cheek and ughsfsfssfssjafgiasbfia.
^sorry that just makes me feel some kind of way.
he hates yelling at people so he would try and stay calm but the more that he does it, the angrier felix gets.
he eventually goes off and gets you all kicked out but oh well.
better than being perved on.
⩤ Seungmin ⩥
he would be so fucking sassy oml.
would sit directly behind the guy so every time he goes to look at you, seungmin will come in with:
"can i help?"
he would be sending him so many dirty ass looks.
seungmin would definitely go up behind you and stand directly in his line of vision to piss him off even more.
"turn the fuck around. pervert."
he slays tho tbf.
⩤ Jeongin ⩥
he'd go from innocent to defensive real quick.
his hands would go even veinier and he would be pushing his hair back every five seconds.
this man would be so fucking annoyed that he would start snapping at all of the guys.
it's not like he meant to it's just he hated how that man was looking at you.
he wouldn't be able to resist not going up.
jeongin would instantly grab the guy by his shirt, pull him up out of his seat and drag him out, shutting the door on him.
"you even think about her again and I'll kill you."
A/N: my ask me anything is always open to pls pls pls send in requests for these or any ideas for the skz fake texts. i'd love to hear your ideas and it would rlly help me out. love you all sm and have a good day <3
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Thomas hewitt with short reader who adores him!
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I got this inspired from a wattpad story 😭 please I'm gonna die, what if someone I know irl sees this.
Summary: you acted nice to Thomas and now he's glued to you.
Tw: stockholm Syndrome?
You were on your 1999's jeep on your way to Texas. You and your friends decides to move to a very hot place for what unknown reason. You were burning but the opened windows seemed to help a bit. Your two friends in the back seat were making out shamelessly while the driver of the car who was actively tying to flirt with you. It may not be the best car trip right now but you're sure it's gonna be worth it.
The town itself wasn't very loud but you just hoped the cacophony of lip smacking and annoying sounds from the radio would end.
"Hey y/n, have you ever thought about getting into relationships?" The driver friend of yours asked obnoxiously.
"Uh I don't know, I'll meet the right person I guess..." You just blandly answered hinting at your suitor that you have no interest in this conversation.
And as if God answered your prayers you spotted a gas station
"Stop the car right now there's a gast station."
and you hear faint words of aww's from your sappy friends. you got out and proceeded to vamoose into the gas station hoping to find good food to replenish your hunger.
You got distracted and bumped into a squishy big tough chest, you look up and the most cutest attractive man you've ever seen in your entire life, although his eyes were piercing through yours cautiously and with fire as to wait for you to run away but you just stood there looking at him with awe and adoration in your eyes which seemed to catch him off guard as he's never been looked at like this. A sudden voice met your attention.
"Ah it seems you've run into my son Thomas, I'm Luda Mae just call me Mae and don't fear him he isn't going to hurt you he's just a gentle giant, right Tommy?" The elderly woman said.
The man now you know as either Thomas or Tommy slightly nodded his head.
"Hi Tommy! Nice to meet you!" You chirped as if you were talking to a baby or a small animal, this unfamiliar tone of voice caught both of them off guard, Thomas flabbergasted and flustered underneath his mask and Luda with a small o on her mouth which turned into a teasing smile. But before she could say anything your friends barged inside.
"What the- Y/n stay away from that!."
You were roughly pulled away from Thomas by one of your friends, as they so rudely explained that you shouldn't be near someone as big and dangerous as tommy and ordered whatever was on their mind and dragged you away only a small 'bye!' Escaping your lips before seen out of sight from both of them.
Maybe you won't be food.
Now a few hours later and it's dark and you can barely see anything but you were bleeding and scars on your body and was running away from that house with your only remaining friend but now you have none since a chainsaw is going through their body leaving you no choice but to run away alone leaving you scared to death.
You were running as fast as you could but the killer caught up to you and you recognised those distinct eyes.
"Tommy?" You asked, fear and adrenaline leaving your body, why was it that you felt so in peace when you are with him? Before you could process anything further your vision blackened.
And now you found yourself tied to a chair in front of family of 4 Or 5 you can't tell but what you did notice that your flirty driver was hung upside down on the wall. And now you were sobbing because you were scared for your life.
Thomas wanted you to stop crying and aquiver but didn't know how so he decided to comfort you with music he gently placed his headphone over your ears hoping it'll calm you down and oddly enough it did. It calmed you knowing he didn't mean you harm. But you aren't sure that goes for the same from his family, how did you even get into this situation anyways? They all started eating what they called 'your friends' and Thomas even started to feed you. which strangely didn't seem to bother you as much as you thought it would. You started zoning out and before you knew it the tight rope from your hands started to untangle.
"Hey! What are you doing!? First you insist they be tied with rope instead of nailing them and now you're untying them?"
You had absolutely no idea what was going on so you just sat idle and Thomas stood there with his hands pointed at you as to show that you meant no harm.
"What if they run away and snitch?"
"I-i won't!" You cursed yourself for stuttering.
"Well.. It doesn't hurt to have one more family member." Luda mae implies.
"I'm watching you..." The older man snarly says to you.
Few months later you are now very much apart of their family and you help around the house, 8/10 (10 if you don't mind murder and blood and cannibalism)
Now for hc's!
Everytime you talk to him with adoration his heart explodes everywhere. ⬅➡⬆⬇↗↘↙↖
He runs by your side every chance he gets, he's a very busy man but you accompany him and he can't ask for anything more or less.
He's going to get VERY attached to you poor baby rarely ever received this kind of affection before you so DON'T break his heart. (Not like you will anyways)
Ask for anything and he'll bring it to you in 3 seconds.
Will also worry alot over the smallest things like a small cut on your finger, does it hurt!? Are you in pain!? Are you okay? Please don't bleed out!
Will die (out of cuteness) if you do the same.
Very shy about PDA but he's the most touched starved cuddly man behind close doors.
Will probably be dependant on you.
Will also be very scared when you go out alone, incase you'll decide you don't like him anymore and run away.
Also very insecure, what if you find a better man? :(
Will fall for you 100x harder if you help him with the murdering.
Loves the size difference too. You have to stand on your tippy toes smh. 😳
Pats your head, yes.
Sometimes carries you wherever you like when you two have free time.
LOVES nicknames.
"Tommy I'm fine!"
"Tommy it's okay I'm not gonna run away I'm only going on errands."
"Baby I promise I won't leave you, you are my only love."
"Muah, feel better?"
"Oh no, are you okay sweetheart?"
"You are the most handsome man I've ever seen."
"Love you, goodnight darling."
"You're so tall!"
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demon-slayer-chaos · 8 months
akaza yandere?
but like
obsessive yandere?
really obsessive yandere?
ruh roh?
*doesn't have to be pure minded either 🧍🏻‍♀️*
"A Demons Love" Yandere!Akaza x reader.
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Hehehe I finally got off my ass and wrote this after it sitting in my drafts for literally a whole year.
Triggers: Yandere Themes, obsession, kidnapping, Akaza low key is out of character ITS MY FIRST TIME WRITING HIM LEAVE ME ALONE 😭. I DON'T CONDONE ANY OF THESE ACTIONS THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION.
Characters in this: Akaza
Requested: Yes
🔓 Requests are closed as of now🔓
Link to rules
Masterlist coming soon...
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🏮- Oh dear, poor you. Dealing with an upper moon? How unfortunate.
🏮- Akaza's obsession started when he saw you taking a lonely night walk near your house. He wasn't out to kill anyone, he originally intended to just enjoy the moons light and the gentle nighttime breeze. Then he saw you.
🏮- He saw your figure and got interested, he started watching you out of curiosity. He knew that most humans wouldn't take a random walk at night, people weren't stupid, they knew demons existed. So it was an uncommon sight.
🏮- Before long, he felt a deep longing for a connection he has never experienced before. He knew he had a past love, but nobody had struct him as hard as you did. Seeing your beautiful hair seemed to always be shining in the moonlight, the way your eyes stood out, something about you hoping first sight made the upper moon fall hard.
🏮- His desire for closeness and attachment leads him down a dark path.
🏮- Despite his twisted feelings, Akaza maintains a facade of respect and courtesy towards you. He believes that treating you with kindness will make you reciprocate his affections.
🏮- His nightly watches soon became small talk between the two of you, which soon became conversations, eventually the two of you befriended each other. You weren't scared of him, and he wasn't going to harm you.
🏮- The two of you took regular walk, and you found out more about each other. Akaza always remembered these conversations, especially with little details.
🏮- One night you talk about your favorite flowers, the next morning you have them at your door step. One night you mention your favorite food? It's in your kitchen that morning, freshly made. Have a book you've been eyeing recently at a shop? You have it now. All because of him
🏮-This friendship comes at a cost however, Akaza becomes possessive and jealous, unable to bear the thought of anyone else having even the slightest influence on you. Only he should be able to see that gorgeous smile, or hear that beautiful laugh!
🏮- This possessiveness may manifest in subtle ways, such as monitoring your activities or keeping tabs on your relationships.
🏮- He struggles with his internal conflict between his violent tendencies and his desire to keep you safe. His actions might range from intense outbursts of rage to tender moments of care and protection. But he'd never show that side to you.
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He waited so patiently every night to see you, what was taking so long?
The moonlight bathed the quiet courtyard, casting eerie shadows upon the stone walls. Akaza's eyes scanned around in the dark, waiting for you. Searching like a hunter finding it's prey, except there was no malicious intentions with him. He simply wanted to go on his nightly walk with you once more, it was a habit he squeezed into his schedule after god knows how long. He had a plead and beg for Muzan to allow a bit of free time for him to enjoy with you. Normally if you didn't feel good or an emergency happened he wouldn't be upset about missing such a small activity, if anything he'd still find you and watch over you. But tonight nothing changed, except your presence was absent.
He waited patiently for you in the dark, he was slowly getting more and more upset. Were you skipping out on the walk? He didn't know, until his eyes fixated upon you, his object of obsession, as you went about your evening routine. He saw your figure with a few others walking down the same path the two of you take every night.
Your gentle laughter echoed through the night air as you conversed with a group of friends. Akaza's heart skipped a beat, a twinge of jealousy piercing his chest. How dare they bask in your light, sharing the joy that should be his alone? He felt his nails digging into his palms as he watched, seeing that you went out with friends. Normally he'd know about such an event and wouldn't care too much, but it was clearly last minute.
As the night deepened, the group dispersed, leaving you alone in the tranquil courtyard. Akaza seized the opportunity, emerging from the shadows with a smile carefully painted across his face. His voice, though soft and gentle, carried a subtle undercurrent of possession.
"Ah, my dearest," he murmured, stepping forward, his eyes ablaze with fervent adoration. "How fortunate I am to witness your radiance under the moon's embrace."
You turned to face him, surprise flickering across your features. The unfamiliar intensity in his gaze momentarily gave you pause, but you dismissed it as a trick of the moonlight. "Akaza, you startled me," you said, offering a small smile.
"Forgive me, my love," he replied, his voice tinged with a blend of remorse and delight. "I couldn't resist the urge to be near you, to inhale the sweet fragrance of your existence." Akaza's words dripped with an unnerving possessiveness, yet his demeanor remained oddly respectful. He stepped closer, his presence enveloping you, suffocating yet comforting. A predatory glimmer danced in his eyes, his obsession transparent. He then gently, yet tightly grabbed your wrist, pulling you into his chest.
"Your laughter, your every breath—it belongs to me," he whispered, his voice dripping with longing and madness. "No one else can understand your worth, your essence, as deeply as I do."
As the fear trickled down your spine, you took a step back, a cautious glimmer in your eyes. "Akaza, you're scaring me," you spoke softly, attempting to reason with the man who stood before you, his desire veering dangerously into obsession.
A twisted smile curved Akaza's lips as he raised a hand, his fingers gently caressing your cheek. "Oh, my dear, do not fear. I am merely taking what rightfully belongs to me," he declared, his voice laced with a chilling conviction. Before you could react, a sudden surge of strength coursed through his body, his hand swiftly closing around your wrist. Panic flooded your senses as you realized you were unable to break free from his grasp, his supernatural strength overpowering your every attempt.
As you struggled, your heart pounded against your ribcage, the realization of your predicament sinking in. Akaza, the one you once considered a friend, had crossed the threshold of obsession, becoming a captor of your very being. With a smooth, calculated motion, Akaza pulled you closer, his grip unyielding. "My love, I cannot bear the thought of you being apart from me any longer."
A twisted, feverish gleam filled Akaza's eyes as he whispered, his voice a chilling mix of possessiveness and delusion. "In my arms, you shall remain forever, my precious treasure. No one else shall have you. No one else deserves you."
Terror surged through your veins as you realized the depth of Akaza's obsession, his determination to keep you confined to his twisted world. You fought against his hold, desperate for freedom, but his grip only tightened, his fingers digging into your skin. With a sharp, predatory grin, Akaza hoisted you over his shoulder effortlessly, your struggles rendered futile against his supernatural strength. He carried you away, his steps quick and purposeful, leaving the moonlit courtyard and venturing into the depths of the night.
Your voice trembled as you pleaded with him, your words laced with desperation. "Akaza, please... Let me go. This isn't love. This is captivity."
Akaza's laughter echoed through the empty streets, a chilling melody that sent shivers down your spine. "Love, my dearest, is a fickle thing. It can be gentle, yes, but it can also be possessive and consuming. I am consumed by my love for you, and I shall protect you from the world that seeks to take you away."
As he carried you further into the shadows, your heart sank. You were trapped, at the mercy of a demon's warped affection. The world outside grew distant, and the future appeared bleak. In the depths of Akaza's twisted love, you could only hope for a sliver of light to guide you back to freedom.
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makinggifsolson · 1 month
a quick guide on how to plot in a rp group
Hello friends. As I journeyed through different groups I noticed a trend in interactions with writers and trying to plot with them for their characters. It seemed like there was a disconnect on what plotting means and that was making answering plot calls really difficult and frustrating. I wanted to whip together a quick guide with actionable items to help with plotting! However, I think it's important to also note that plotting doesn't have to be deep — they can something simple that leaves a lot up to chemistry. Even "random" interactions can be used for plotting purposes for people that really work well off of chem. Everyone is different, and both plots and chem are great ways to write together!
plots vs connections
One of the biggest mistakes that I've seen with plotting is that people mistake plots for connections and vice versa. A Plot is an actionable item that you can use to write the characters doing something. It can be a broad character arc, or several points of conflict or interaction that generates threads. True plots make it easy to generate a thread from some context to what we think will start the interaction between the two characters.
examples: one character took another character's coffee order. one character caught another character from falling. one character likes art and the other doesn't and they went to a museum.
A Connection is how the characters know each other. This can be familial relationships, platonic relationships, romantic relationships, and so on.
examples: they met at a coffee shop. they went to the same festival. they are exes. they're cousins.
Often, connections are a great place to start, as the plot can be built off from the connection. However, if it's left at just the connection (such as, they're cousins!) it can be hard to create a thread or interaction from the connection. If the characters are cousins, or they did meet at a coffee shop, what's their relationship like? How did that first coffee interaction go? Or do you want to write that coffee interaction based off chemistry? Either way, those questions help you plot!
tips on ways to maximize plotting
Read the other character's bio or about. If you don't have one for your character, make one so that people can use these content pieces as a way to start to think about their character in context to yours. Most people are pretty good at figuring out a connection, but have an issue taking it to the actionable idea. Think about general interactions you have had with people in your life, or something you've witnessed, one of those could be starting point for a thread!
Create a wanted plots page that has some simple interactions you'd like to explore. People might not read it, but then you've at least got ideas for people who might be struggling as well to think of how to plot with your character.
Check out the wanted plots tags, there's tons of great ideas for unique plots that you could use and adapt for other plots.
Think about what parts of your character that excites you. What quirks or strengths do they have that make for interesting interactions with people? I find that starting here often helps to build threads I am excited for — chemistry based ones!
Use the yes, and or the no, but methods to build in conversations with other writers. Meaning that if someone comes up with something you think could work, agree with it and then build off of it. If the idea doesn't work, however, come up with something else that is more in character that could work.
Don't be afraid to send something off the wall, and don't be afraid to turn something down that doesn't work, just be willing to build off those ideas!
If you're into chemistry over plotting, think of places a starter or thread could be at and what the two characters could be doing. This could be in addition to a connection you've selected.
I hope these tips have helped, and I wish you the very best on your rp plotting adventures!
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callsigns-haze · 7 months
Pretty like a crime
Chapter 1
Pairing: Agent Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Singlemom! Agent Y/n 'Cobra' Y/l/n
Word count: 2.5k
A/n: This is the first official post to my new series so please be nice! I'm going to try to make this into a series so please show this story a bit of love and reblog!
Summary: Cobra is finally back on the agency and is finally back in the job. With Kai at home she has to jumble being a mother and a agent. She's sent to her first U.C mission but never thought that she would meet a blonde, green eyed Texan...
Warning: Drinking, fluff, flirting, mentions of abuse, details of abuse
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The mission force parties.
Something everyone despised. The dress code, faking complements, conversation without end and the talks that nobody listened to but still it was annual and any who could come was most likely forced.
You didn't hate these events but you didn't enjoy them either. They felt like they were never ending, they were so boring you nearly fell asleep before but nobody could judge you. But truly you haven't been at this event in years. The last time was probably a year before giving birth to Kai.
Kai was the reason you stopped with the mission force. He was a little kid with his mother running a crazy job which wasn't at all fair on his behalf. He was young and didn't know about any of this and you hope to keep it that way until he's older and way more mature.
The only reason you liked these events was the chance to be able to show off something different from your skill of fighting or shooting. Everyone expressed their elegance.
You're here wearing a black slit dress, another silky material that went a bit past your toes, falling graciously around your feet even in the high leather heels that you've chosen for tonight's wearing. You had your hair slicked back and made into a flower bun which looked as if it was blossoming and unfolding at the back of your head. The best thing about this whole dress was the very high slit up your leg, being very sneaky and high up your thigh.
But enough about you and back to the party. This was an official gathering of the mission force and their lovers in a great hall eating, meeting new people, exchanging stories and getting way too tipsy by the end of the evening. And here yet again you're hoping to escape this one early.
I mean you have a babysitter but she sits with your son nearly the full day and now you asked her to do it tonight, and let me say she has never said no but you still felt slight guilt due to this happening. She has been at your house nonstop now and it makes you feel sad not being able to take care of your own kid.
You slip between bunches of people, trying not to get smashed in between bodies and make your way to the left far corner. You see there's always people in big groups at the door greeting each other, hugging and talking, which just blocks the whole hallway. It was annoying but let's be honest that's just society.
You lean your back against the wall, sighing in relief you got out of that warzone before anyone engulfed you in a conversation. You slipped your phone out of your purse, texting your babysitter. You just wanted to know how your little boy is doing.
You slowly take your gaze away from the glass screen and turn your focus to the people around you. This whole party was mostly filled by male agents. How patriarchal but it is what it is. You look around a bit more to see who actually is going to be at the gathering.
Most are admirals, division leaders, commanders and their wives. It's always fun to see which couple fights first in the night, it always ends that way. Some married couple always ends up in an argument in the middle of the party. It's quite amusing actually. Fills the atmosphere with laughter.
You were about to drop your gaze back down to your phone but a man who has filled your entire childhood approaches you.
"Ice," you say, as you're engulfed in the older man's hug. You wrap your arms around his neck pulling him in close, head in his chest, whiffed by the smell of his cologne and let out a small sigh.
You see this man is your whole family besides Kai. You've been an orphan from the age of eleven and your uncle Ice was the one to bring you under his wing.
Your mother worked undercover too. She worked usually on drug dealer cases, going under cover to gain their trust. She got herself trapped in the mess herself and overdosed two days before your sixth birthday. Your dad was left to raise a little girl alone and had no clue how to manage it. Even though your mother may have barely been around it still brought support to your family. Your dad worked as a cop and had to work some pretty mad hours and those hours did not fit in with raising a six year old. He was your whole world and got shot in the head four days before Christmas morning.
Ever since then it's been Ice who raised you as his own. Never wanting to replace your parents but to replace the feeling of being alone and that he did really well. He didn't have kids of his own with his wife but to the two of them, you were their kid.
He kisses your head as the two of you pull back and he gets a proper look at his little girl and sighs, "Every time I see you know, you're a completely different woman." That makes you blush he always knew the right thing to say to make a smile form out of your glossed lips.
"I'm so happy to see you," you say looking him in the eye finally feeling like you belong somewhere at this party. You didn't feel like leaving anymore, with Ice you feel comfort like when you were a little girl. Comfort that you need after the last crazy months. "Happy to see you too, kiddo."
"I have some people that you need to meet," he says calmly, not like a command but not like a suggestion of choice. He wraps his arm around you and you are lead to a group of people. Some you think you recognize.
"I'd like you to meet the daggers," your uncle introduced you to the squad but you don't even listen your eyes lay upon a familiar blonde from a few weeks back.
Your eyes meet with those deep green ones and something in you sparks, something you haven't had in years but what where you even thinking. This guy worked for your uncle and you couldn't feel this about your uncles employee. It was wrong but maybe it's just the eye contact, it's not like it was actually something big or anything after all, just a meeting.
"Daggers, this is my beloved niece, Agent Cobra," your uncle introduces you to the group of unknown personalities. Each of them give you a short but sweet smile, holding their arm out an introducing themselves one by one. The other you recognize from the night a bit back was the tall baby cow eyed, mustached macho. He introduced himself as Agent Rooster.
Each agent had their own code name which they were given by the mission force themselves. Each of theirs was different, with many yet to know meanings, some to do with culture, some to do with interest and some you just got out of pure luck.
When it got around to the blonde who saved you previously he had the same strong tone and tint of accent in his voice as he said, "Pleasure we meet again," as he shook your hand, probably not to pleased that you left him lying in the middle of an alleyway after tripping him up even though he saved your life.
"You two have met," Iceman inquired, with a strong tint of confusion and surprise in his voice. Yes the two of you've met and maybe you haven't stop thinking about what happened ever since but that has nothing to do with any of this. "Our last missions interlinked, in one way or another," you say smirking at the blonde who is supposedly known as 'hangman' rewinding the scene of you tripping him up in your head.
"You could say so," he answered, his smirk matching your equally. His hair again was nicely styled and slicked back as he wears the nice black suit, quite similar choice as the last night but this time more formal, filled with elegancy.
Your uncle starts an conversation with the crew, you at his side, in his expectancy listening but here you were looking at hangman. There was something about him that you couldn't figure out. It's like an weird aura or feeling you have about him that's not been able to get shaken off. There was something special about him.
The night was young and calm but the conversations were like no other. You've found out that from now on you will be more intertwining with the dagger squad and will be paired up with the Texan blonde. Usually you've no interest of who you shall go with but this time you couldn't help but smile to yourself.
You've got to know some stories about the squad and their missions and truly the way they explained their situations sounded like they've enjoyed the missions even if failing could equal death. They seemed really close with each other, something like a family. It's good to have a family like group in the mission force otherwise you'd never make it alone.
Your thoughts were quite deep but still not sinking as they get easily broken by a question asked from Maverick, "Cobra, is Matthew not joining us tonight?"
The question you still haven't a clue how to answer. Your ex husband and father of your child. The man you haven't heard from since you packed your things while he was on a mission, leaving him divorce papers and leaving him forever.
"No, not tonight." Why not say that things have ended between the two of you? You haven't spoken with Matthew ever since you left England. The two of you didn't end on good terms.
 "Y/n!" I hear Matthew scream as I enter the house. I speed walk over to the living room to see him sprawled out on the couch drunk and smoking yet another cigarette. "Matt!" I gasp at the horrific scene. This was not the man I fell in love with. But this wasn't the first time. "Why are you late?" Matthew asks as he raises his voice. He sits up from the couch, throws the cigarette to the ground, and crushes it with his bare heel. "I-I'm not! I swear it!" I say in defense and I raise my hands. "Hmmm, ok. You may have not been late but who brought ya home?" Matthew asks as he circles around me like a vulture, with his arms locked behind him. I deeply gulp. Since I left my wallet at home so I couldn't pay for a taxi, I asked my friend Jason if he could give me a ride. Matt may or may not hate this Jason guy to pieces. "I… I um… I rode a taxi, like usual," I say, trying my best to not get caught. "Oh so you didn't leave this?" Matt pulls out my purse and throws it at my face. "Matt-" "Save it you lying bitch!" He yells and slaps me across the face. I fall weakly, as I let all the tears I've kept in for ages out of my system. "Matt please! I'm sorry!" I cry and I shield my face from the monster in front of me. "Sorry isn't going to cut it! You lied to me," he spits. "I lied because I didn't want you to get mad!" I cry, attempting to reason with him. "Too late!" He growls.
You sunk back into your thinking and the conversation continued normally but you were still in thought of the blonde in front of you. It is the smiles, the gentle shrugs and the light in your eyes. That we are both elevated by each other's presence is obvious and even the silences are comfortable. He listens as if your words are golden, perhaps some elixir he's been waiting all his days to hear. From what he says next you can tell he is thinking so deeply, already with a strategy that's several moves ahead of what you am capable of. And in his words are a kindness, a concern that is so quick that, for him, it is natural. This attentiveness is apart of who he is and that is, if your honest, the most attractive feature you haven't seen in a man for quite some time.
And that's how the night ends, full of conversations and new knowledge. You're now going to be working with the group and are going to be assigned to the San Diego Mission Force and will be working along side of them.
You stand outside waiting for your ride and the same guy, that you couldn't take your eyes off, approaches you, "Calm night isn't it." When his brain came fully online, it flashed an electric smirk. "One of the calmest." Your smile is the sunshine and the birdsong, it is the silencing of the clocks, it is both the cage and the ever open door.
He was handsome from the depth of his eyes to the gentle expressions of his voice. He was handsome from his generous opinions to the touch of his hand upon your own. You loved the way his voice quickened when he sparkled with a new idea, or was so enjoying one of yours that he lost himself for a moment and quite forgot the mask he wore for others.
"So why did you through me onto the floor," he asks out of nowhere. A question you quite didn't expect. You're at a loss for words because You're not sure how a soul as pure as his has survived this long in this world. You're not only soft hearted, you're tough enough to stay that way. That takes a kind of bravery that you're still processing, hence the silence.
"Well it's quite hard to trust a man who randomly comes to you with a gun," you say, glancing down upon your phone checking the time and how far your taxi was away. Usually you try to get away from these parties as soon as possible but somehow his presents makes you feel like staying.
"I guess that a valid reason. I would like to say, I'm truly looking forward to working with you," His large hands play with your smaller ones, the simple jester made you tired. You let him mess with them, you just wanted to rest. You could feel your hands be moved all over the place, then felt small kisses being placed on them as he sees your taxi arrive.
"Me too, Agent Hangman, me too."
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sports-on-sundays · 25 days
can you plssss make a part 3 for arguments w Marc guiu plsssss😭
arguments / Marc Guiu / Part 3
Summary: Marc x female!reader - The writing is on the wall, and you don't know if there's a way to change this. Or if you even want to.
Author's Note: I'm a sucker for happy endings✌️✌️✌️Link to Part 1 Link to Part 2
Requested?: Yes
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For a guy that you hate, that hurt you, that you never, ever want to see again, you think about him an awful lot.
Gavi thinks you messed up. That you're in the wrong, too. That it was a two-way street.
Well, what does Gavi know?
You're not sure, but in the past, it figures, most of the time, he's right.
And ever since you saw Marc...
He looked broken up. Not the handsome, upbeat, encouraging Marc who you just had one too many nasty arguments with. He wasn't even Marc at all. He was empty. Anxiety and confusion radiated off of him.
And the more you think about that, the more it makes you feel guilty.
Maybe Gavi is right. Maybe you weren't being a good girlfriend. Maybe Marc only lashed out, which was wrong, at you because you weren't treating him correctly.
Perhaps he was a bit too jealous, but maybe you weren't giving him enough attention.
You sigh. You would've just let it go, but after seeing Marc? Now you've begun to feel guilty yourself.
Maybe you should just try to have a conversation with him, like Gavi said.
"Man, this isn't doing any good, is it?" Héctor sighs. He's hanging out with Marc, going for a stroll, but Marc hasn't opened his mouth once, and his eyes remain trained on the sidewalk they're walking on.
Finally, the eighteen-year-old looks up at his friend. "What isn't?" he speaks.
"You're devastated over her. You can't keep going on like this. You've got to find a way out. I miss you."
"I'm right here..." Marc begins.
"I miss the old Marc. Come on."
Marc's jaw clenches. "I just got to get over it. I'm working on it, okay?"
"You're working on it, but it hasn't been working, has it?"
Marc exhales slowly, with no answer to his friend but, "I'm trying. Trust me, I don't like me like this either."
"Maybe there is a solution, though, and you're just not seeing it."
"That's nice," Marc snorts. "Doesn't help if I'm not seeing it."
But Héctor flashes a grin at his friend. "But what if I'm seeing it?"
Marc rolls his eyes, and just the smallest hint of a smile creeps up on his lips. "Well, what are you seeing?"
But then the younger male grows more serious again as he says, "You should just talk to her."
"I- no-!" Marc says, eyes wide and eyebrows exasperated.
"Man- just hear me out, okay?! I know you're terrified of doing that for some reason. For some reason, you're terrified of her. What, because of your regret? You're scared of what she'll say? If you want to fix it, you've got to overcome it. Just talk to her. Get it straight. Make sure you both understood why it ended. Building up to it, I'm sure your head will be spinning, but afterwards, I know you'll feel more relief. Y/n isn't a bad person. She'll hear you out, as long as it's a conversation, and not an argument. I'm sure of it."
Marc stares ahead. Just his friend's words cause him low-grade anxiety, but he slowly nods. "I'll... I'll think about it."
When he thought about it, Marc decided on an adamant 'no.' But today, when he looks up to see you walking towards him, down the hall, after he's washed up after training, chattering with Pedri and Gavi, his emotions flare up, and he acts on a whim.
He reaches out from the doorway to grasp your arm. You look up in surprise, stopping mid-sentence, as you rest your eyes on your ex.
"Y/n," he gasps.
Your breath gets caught in your throat.
"Can we- can we talk?"
Immediately, Gavi says, "Me and Pedri have got to get going. Catch you later!" and the two skitter away.
Great. Now you're all alone.
"Sure..." you sigh.
And then Marc starts rambling. "I'm so sorry for being so controlling. I can't stand this heartache any longer and I need you to know how much I miss you and I feel bad and I know I ruined it all and... I just want you for myself but that wasn't fair... I shouldn't have yelled at you... I shouldn't have gotten so worked up. I should have let you do your own thing and-" Suddenly, his voice cracks, and you see his eyes begin to water. "I can't think... I feel so bad, I've been nothing like myself... I was so anxious to even talk to you... I don't want to upset you... I just want you to know I'm sorry, and that I see what I did wrong and I- I want to fix it."
You let out a shaky sigh as your caring emotions for him that you pushed out begin to flood back in. You hastily wipe a stray tear rolling down his cheek. "Oh, Marc," you whisper. "Get yourself together."
"I'm sorry..." his voice cracks higher.
You sigh again. "It's okay... But you expect me to let you fix it now, then?"
His Adam's apple bobs as he gulps.
"Well, first, I want to apologize, too," you begin.
"No, no, you didn't do anything wr-"
"I think I did," you cut in with a huff. "Though I don't like how harsh you could be, and how jealous you could act, in some respects, you were right. If I'm going to date someone, I can't be hanging out with my male friends more than the guy I'm actually dating. And out of all the guys I know, you're the only one I'd want to date."
He inhales sharply at that. "So, you...?"
"I'll work on change, as long as you do, too."
He swallows. "Of course. I've had hours of lying in bed going insane over this."
You nod and take both his hands in his. "Maybe we can try this again, then? Yeah? I can't stand to see you like this any longer."
It's like a huge weight is lifted off his shoulders as he gasps and immediately wraps you in the biggest bear hug you've ever experienced. "Yeah," he whispers softly, close to your ear. "I'd love that."
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