ch6sos · 2 months
♥︎ imagine like.... nanami being stuck in his home office at midnight, overworking himself—but then his lil son baby yuuji comes & "disturbs" him </3
fluff warning if you want to cry i'd recommend you read this
kento let out a deep sigh, feeling the exhaustion of sitting in his office chair for what seemed like hours. he had barely moved, except for the occasional stand to stretch his legs and arms.
he sat there, closing his eyes for a moment, until the sound of the door opening jolted him back to reality. as he quickly opened his eyes, he was met with the sight of his eight-year-old yuuji, clad in dinosaur pajamas, rubbing his sleepy eyes.
"why are you still awake, hm?" kento frowned, instantly feeling yuuji climb onto his lap, wrapping his arms around him like a koala clinging to a tree.
"papa, why aren't you sleeping?" yuuji deflects the question, concern evident in his voice. kento let out a soft hum and removed his reading glasses, his expression thoughtful as he considered his response.
"sorry, bubba, i can't. i still have some paperwork to finish," kento says as he ruffles the top of yuuji’s pink hair. he then leans in to give him a soft kiss on the top of his head.
yuuji muttered, “work is shit,'" which caused kento to widen his eyes in surprise. he turned to yuuji with a slightly panicked expression.
"yuuji, don't say that! where did you even hear that from?" kento gently scolded, a slightly disappointed look on his face as he furrowed his brow.
yuuji noticed the look of disappointment on kento’s face, his eyes quickly transforming into a pleading, puppy-dog expression as he started to frown. “i heard it from you, papa, when you were talking on the phone…"
kento couldn't help but mentally facepalm himself, feeling a mix of frustration and affection. he let out a small sigh before gently rubbing yuuji’s cheek, allowing him to fidget around with his keyboard as he tried to contain his own amusement.
"don't say that ever again, okay? it's a very, very bad word. you can't say bad words until you're... old enough to." kento runs his fingers through yuuji's hair.
"fineee..." yuuji whined, but he continued to fidget with the keyboard, typing in random letters. he then laughed as he heard the noise of the keys clacking.
"enjoying yourself, bubba?" kento asks, chuckling as he watches yuuji have fun with typing gibberish on his computer. he was glad he had a whole separate tab open.
"i'm just like you!" yuuji flashed a mischievous grin as he snatched kento’s blue light glasses and mug, raising the mug to his lips in jest before setting it down. then, he settled in front of the keyboard, his fingers moving nimbly across the keys, mirroring the focused and determined look of his father when he's at work.
"ha ha, very funny." kento chuckled as he peppered yuuji’s face with soft, gentle kisses. yuuji pretended to be grossed out, but couldn't help but let out soft giggles as the small kisses tickled him.
a little while later, yuuji began to gradually relax. he remained seated on his father's lap and slowly started to drift off to sleep, feeling the comforting embrace of his father's arms.
as kento continued to work on some remaining paperwork, one of his hands rested on the keyboard, while the other hand gently moved up and down yuuji’s back, soothing him into a peaceful slumber.
kento himself began to get affected by sleep, as it was reaching to his eyes. he found himself yawning, his eyes struggling to keep open, and his typing began to slow down.
he then surrenders to the embrace of sleep, with yuuji nestled in his arms. his reading glasses are slightly askew, his hand still resting on the keyboard, and his mouth slightly open. his office chair is pushed back a little, and despite the slight discomfort of the chair, just watching his son peacefully drift off in his lap never fails to lull him to sleep.
This is how Jujutsu Kaisen ends by the way I am Gege
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kentocalls · 3 months
nanami kento | tummyaches singleparents!au, sfw. discussion of grief/mention of loss. reader is referred to as momma/tiny momma (in comparison to the sky)
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"nobara, honey pleaseeeee" you sit on the ground as your daughter dramatically flops away from your spoon. she's facing the wall now and still making snow angels with her tiny arms, blankets wrinkling in protest. she's too stinking cute, a smile is on your lips and you try again. "this is really yummy magic soup, it'll help you feel better." you make noises that get her to slowly turn and peak at you, crawling closer she looks at the bowl, you bring it up mixing the liquid so the spices make a tiny galaxy. "it's not red." what?
"it's…the soup you like honey, the butternut squash one. the yellow one.” "his papa gave him magical red soup." huh? “whose papa?” “yuji.” she starts to cocoon herself in blankets. “it has to be red. like tomatoes.” "you don't like tomatoes. no red, remember? honey?” she is silent for many minutes, you prompt,”nobara…no icky red right?” "need it momma. tomato soup." her voice cracks towards the end, she emerges from her blanket burrito with fresh hot tears streaming down her face. you put the bowl aside to cradle her. she's still warm, you eye the clock. too early to take her temperature and still no food in her little belly. you don't know what to do. this isn't something reading books or watching movies can prepare you for. nobara falls asleep in your arms, you kiss her tiny forehead and settle her back into bed as gently as possible. she’s full of medicine, water and mucus. you hate it so so so much. your bright buzzing brilliant child is sniffling and meak due to a tummy ache and fever. back to the kitchen and what can be used to conjure up a red-tomato-like soup? you can't remember the last time you bought tomatoes. nobara hates everything round and red. which means all tomato, the big ones, little ones, green ones because they become red, all of them. as long as you've known her, which is her whole life, she's disliked them. you look at the photo of you and your best friend, with a tiny two day old nobara tucked into your arms. its crazy how much of your friend you see in the tiny girl. you stare at the ceiling, "i know you're watching me so can you use your angel powers to help me make tomato soup without tomatoes please?"
"so she's missing another day?" you try not to curse at the most judgmental school administration staff you've ever dealt with. no books to prepare you for that either. "yes, she is still feverish and unwell." more judgey things, a mention of not letting her be out like yuji and an abrupt end to the conversation. yuji. the kid in nobara's class, the one she deems her rival. you haven't had a chance to meet the kid, another thing you try not to feel guilt over. your best friend would've known all her friends and classates. would’ve made the best mother, instead nobara has you, her fumbling godparent that can't get her fever to break. you keep her hydrated, help her change and turn on her favorite ninja show. she's lying on top of you, cheek plastered into your shoulder. you're sure she's drooling but she's finally comfortable, took her medicine, ate the not red soup. no tummyache. small win. "it's going to be me." she says in a sleepy haze. "i fight everyone." "yes honey, you're the strongest and bravest." you don't remember this character. they must've added a new ninja. "yuji jumps higher than me tho. that's ok." she sits up, eyes super serious, "i'm going to beat him." "you're going to jump so high." moving some bangs from her face, she doesn't feel too warm, you have three more minutes before needing to check her temperature again. "to the moon!" oh gosh, her little voice is stuffy but she has energy again, you've missed her bouncing around your tiny apartment. it didn't feel ready for a child but it’s the perfect size to keep an eye on her at all times, to have her sweet voice echoing off all the walls. "to the moon!" she continues to roar. you grab the napkin and help her blow her nose into it. "to sky momma!" her head rests back onto your chest, her slow breathing as she giggles at the tv. you try not to let the tears that well up fall from your eyes. god, you miss her momma too. nobara would feel double the love, been so much more spoiled. but this is healthy, as the thearpist said. that nobara acknowledge the loss in tiny ways. that you encourage her remembering. she knew enough to miss her mother, doesn’t need to fully understand why she was gone. now she understands her ‘sky momma' is an angel and away. that all the blue in the sky is her much her momma loves her, that all the stars are gifts she has waiting for her. that she’s always there, giving her the biggest hug. and that you are her ‘tiny momma,’ you don’t fill the sky because you need to stay small and near her. you are human sized and sky momma is, well, the sky. everywhere. you felt so guilty when she called you that, tiny momma or momma. it should've been you in the car. you should've gone out during the snowstorm. you should've held onto her like you did baby nobara. you should’ve went out to get the milk and medicine. if only you had— "momma, tiny momma? "yes honeybunny?" "i'm not a bunny silly." her giggles make a tear slip. "are you sad?” you shake your head, plaster the best smile you can, she leans in and whispers “tell sky momma. she will fix it. she’s angel. she has powers.” “is that what you do?” nobara nods and her face is back on the ninja tv show. you look up, lost in thought. you may not have angel powers, but you’re going to give your absolute best to her precious babygirl. your precious babygirl.
the doorbell to your apartment rings early next evening. nobara is busy coloring and singing along to a theme song. you stop putting away groceries and whip around to the entrance, there’s no body in the peephole. nobara is good but she hasn’t been near your phone to order magic food delivery. you live in a mostly safe apartment, still opt to wait a few minutes before you hear the doorbell ring again but there is no BODY there. a ghost? a malfunction? ugh. the landlord is never going to get this fixed and you’ll be pressed if nobara doesn’t get her rest, the girl is finally well enough to go to school. when you open the door your legs are met with a brute force. you look down and see pink hair on a small form. “oh, hello nobara’s momma.” a toothy grin from a child you’ve never seen before. you stand utterly confused, there’s no guardian in the hallway either. “hello?” he hands you a folder but half the content slips out. he looks very shy, doesn’t say more than, “oops…sorry.” big eyes trying to peep around your legs and into the apartment. you bend down to his eye level and help gather the papers. “it’s okay, i drop things too.” your eye catches a headline and notice a paper for mr. geto’s class, “did you bring these for nobara?” your voice is sweet, it’s easy to be nice to this little pink haired child. his eyes go big before he blushes as nods, “nanamin said i could!” he jumps, suddenly made aware that he’s standing at your door alone. he looks left, looks right, looks up and down, does a whole spin around and focuses back on you, his eyes wide and he’s starting to get teary eyed. “i lost nanamin!” “that’s…that’s okay sweetie we can find him.” but there’s no one in the hallway. “do you want to come inside? we can call his number.” you know for a fact mr. geto has drilled it into his class to learn their guardian’s phone numbers. its how nobara understands how to unlock your phone. that and you should change your passcode from her birthday to something more secretive— “yuji! that’s my momma!” nobara clings to your arm, frowning at the boy who is near shaking. you would reprimand nobara but she has a coughing fit and now you’re letting her invade your personal space, her tiny hand clinging to your arm, smushing her face into your neck. she’s warm again. you put a hand on her back and rub gently, the coughs are still bad. the pediatrician said it would be better by now. yuji stares and looks so close to crying. his lip is wobbly. and your lips frowns, you hate hate hate seeing little kids cry. you pat his head, and he instantly melts into your touch. “i want papa!” he wails. and two just feed off of each other. it’s a round of dramatic gasps and sobs. you are not meant for this. your arms can barely handle getting an entire crate of water up the apartment stairs and you have two tiny humans digging their hands and knees and bodies against you for comfort and warmth. you don’t squat enough to lift them off the ground. so you sit, half inside your apartment door with two highly emotional and dramatic children. you must stay calm, you must stay calm. you are the adult. you are the blueprint. you can teach them how to regulate their emotions. you breathe slowly and deeply. “you know what? let’s eat some pizza bites. so when nanamin comes he can eat with us.” yuji perks up at that. “nanamin likes pizza!” you give him a smile. nobara is still coughing, saying she feels icky. yuji says he will tell nanamin to bring red soup and explains how his papa added magic to make it taste delicious. he’s animated, lively. takes a proper seat at the tiny dinning table after asking to wash his hands. he notices the lack of plates on the table .
“can i help you set the table? i can carry plates! but not forks or knives.” he has such nice manners. this nanamin is absolutely a wonderful guardian. you nod, hand him plates one by one as you set a clingy nobara on the kitchen counter. she’s being fussy but cooperating, takes her medicine like a big girl and whispers she wants nuggets instead of pizza. pizza has tomatoes afterall. you nod at her, she starts to brag about her coloring book. you let the two sit at the table and talk about her extra deluxe packet of crayons while popping in pizza bites and nuggets into the oven.
wait, are you supposed to defrost them first? yuji and nobara are talking about the color red and how awful/cool it is. yuji is adamant about tomatoes being a magical food and nobara is doing her level best to not barf. she’s on her best behavior despite her tummyache, it warms your heart. you reread the instructions for the frozen food. provide the kids with juice and start sneaking in greens, they woudln’t notice a salad if it has yellow corn in it right? you do have some green-ish tomatoes from the grocery store run, yuji likes tomatoes, maybe you can get nobara to eat some green things if yuji is here. for a rival nobara is treating yuji like a friend, helping him with utensils and napkins. they go back to talking about the ninja cartoon and you zone out, just for a bit. carefully plating the food and grabbing not-red sauces for the kiddos when you realize it’s gone silent. panic sets in. there’s a beeping sound. it’s not the oven or your phone or your watch or the smoke alarm. it’s not in your head either, right? you place the pizza bites and nuggets onto the kids plate, warn them to not touch as they’re too hot and, god the beeping is still there. you look around in confusion. “momma yuji is beeping.” you turn to nobara in confusion. “what?” she points at yuji, “he is beeping.” yuji is shocked himself. starts to pat at his clothing when you notice the tiny watch he’s wearing is lighting up. you hear a man yelling in the hallway. you grab a red crayon out of surprise, the voice sounds scary. you smile and ask the kids to stay seated. you peak into the hallway to notice an absolute unit of a man walking towards your door. he looks so menacing. muscles tight, jawline constricted, fists clenched, eyes cold. he looks like a business executive ready to throw a office chair threw a window. corporate villian scares you, frozen to the spot. crayon ready, you’re not letting this guy hurt anyone. yuji is yelling, “NANAMIN!” and tries to rush past you, trips before he can reach your legs, and thank sky angel for gifting you with insane ‘parental’ reflexes, you stop his fall by grabbing his hoodie. “you’re okay buddy, i got you.” yuji smiles bright, points at the tall man, “my nanamin, hi papa!” he— what? his…his nanamin is the jacked corporate villain ? “yuji, kiddo. you can’t run off like that.” his voice is as deep as you expected, but gentle. yuji is talking a mile a minute and his nanamin somehow understands all of it. eyes fall to you and nobara who clings to your leg. “i’m really sorry about this. i didn’t mean to scare you. i thought yuji was—“ you smile. “i would’ve done the same. you’re mr. nanamin then?”
yuji answers for him, “he’s papamin! papa nanamin. he’s super strong.” “my momma can break a window! she’s super strong too.” nobara steps in front of you, bragging about how you can hold anything heavy. her and yuji have a ridiculous ‘nu uh’ momwnr before a coughing fit hits nobara, instantly you’re crouching down and rubbing her back.
“okay, okay baby. let’s eat and get ready for bed soon yeah? yuji,”— wait you should address his papa, “umm, i made food for yuji too if…if that’s okay. he was all shaky and crying when he thought he lost you…i..i didn’t kidnap him, promise.” nanamin is watching you, yuji insisting he will eat the salad too with pleading eyes, plus he really wants to show papamin something. the tall corporate not villian nods. it ends up with the large man comically seated at a tiny dinning table and two little children forcing him to pick which deluxe crayon is the best color. you hand nanamin a plate and it feels nice. easy. it’s enjoyable to see another adult interact with their child the way you do with nobara.
maybe you can do the parent thing afterall. kento nanami, you learn, is a gentleman and offers to do dishes while you finish putting away your forgotten grocery. the theme song of the ninja show is blaring through your tv and you hear a, “papa! they’re going to catch the bad guy!” and you know better than to stop yuji from seeing this magical moment, it’s all anyone is going to talk about at lunch tomorrow. “our sofa is big enough, you can stay until the end of the epsiode, i don’t mind.” he gives you a curt nod and oh, he’s really handsome. you wonder if this is the volunteer all the moms talk about in the PTA newsletter. “thank you.” you do not check him out as he walks over to the sofa, opting to sit on the ground as nobara and yuji are standing on the sofa, jumping excitedly. nanami does not have nice legs and butt. he absolutely never misses leg day. “momma they’re not going to catch him!” nobara shouts, convinced you have magical powers and can bend this cartoon plot to your will. “papa, you have to help them!” yuji adds on. you watch with a full heart how nanami speaks softly to nobara and yuji, asks them to help him summon his magic powers and has them in full giggle fits when he does help the ninja cartoon hero’s catch the bad guys. the kiddos are roaming around the living room singing the ending song while nanami looks over the folder of homework yuji brought. “this is a months worth of ice cream. ah, gotta come up with a better bribe.” you sigh, immediately moving to action when both nobara and yuji attempt to fly off your dining room table. yuji thanks you for food and surprises you by adding an apology for getting nobara sick and you do not accept that. “germs happen yuji, we can’t always control them. but i know you did your best to not get anyone sick.” nanami chimes in, “yeah buddy, you washed your hands, sneezed into a tissue, even ate your veggies. it’s not your fault.” he looks so happy and gives you a hug before nobara pushes him off, clingy and territorial. you give nanami a small smile and lock his smile back away deep in your heart. you absolutely do not blush when you hear “great job!” from the other side of the door. “oh no! tiny momma, your face is red!” “oh no, i think i need ice cream!” as you get nobara ready for bed and look over the folder with her missed homework. mr. geto is such a serious teacher and part of you appreciates it. part of you loathes having to figure out how to bribe nobara to sit still enough to focus through all these sheets. there is a tiny post it that says, legoland makes for a very good homework bribe — n, with his number on it. your heart does not skip a beat.
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I’m just a kid (and life is a nightmare)
Dad!Nanami and Kid!Yuji
another installment of my teen papamin series! in which yuji gets into trouble at school
[chapter 2, the haircut, on tumblr] [ch 1-3 on ao3]
Nanami fought to keep his face neutral, but he was furious. What had Yuji been thinking? This was exactly the kind of thing that could call his care-taking into question, get some nosy administrator suspicious about Yuji and his conspicuously teenage guardian.
He paused outside the headmaster’s office and smoothed his hair down, trying to look as responsible as possible. With a deep breath, he pushed open the door and bowed.
“Sir, I’m terribly sorry for Yuji’s behavior. There’s no excuse, and I will discipline him appropriately.” He gave this speech to the ground, then straightened up warily. A shock of pink hair peeked over the chair in front of the headmaster’s desk, tiny feet kicking dismally.
The headmaster steepled his thick fingers. “I would hope so. Fighting of any kind is not tolerated, let alone to the degree that your,” he frowned over his glasses, “son here has exhibited.” The tuft of Yuji’s head sunk lower.
“Of course, sir. I can assure you that this is very unusual for him.” Nanami tapped his fingers on his briefcase. “Given that, might I ask what triggered this…altercation?”
“Does it matter?” The headmaster snapped.
“I believe so, yes. Did someone provoke Yuji? Was he defending himself?”
The headmaster scowled. “Itadori threw the first punch, if that’s what you’re asking. The first and last, might I add. His classmate lost two teeth.” The pink hair disappeared entirely, the little legs pulled up to hide in the chair.
“Well they are children, sir. Those teeth are meant to come out,” Nanami deadpanned.
The headmaster stood up from his desk, which added very little to his overall height. “Are you making light of this, young man? I would advise against it. We take delinquency very seriously here.”
Nanami flinched at the word, unable to reconcile it to the sweet boy in his care. “Of course not. I will ensure that this never happens again.”
“See that you do that. You’re dismissed, Itadori.” The headmaster glowered as Yuji clambered out of the desk chair and shuffled behind Nanami, clutching at his belt loops. Nanami inclined his head again to the headmaster, the bow a little shallower this time, and hustled Yuji out of the office.
It wasn’t until they were safely outside school property that Nanami sighed and knelt down next to Yuji. “Wanna tell me what happened back there, kid? You punched someone? You know better than that.”
Yuji’s lip trembled. “I’m sorry, Nanamin. Didn’t mean to get you in trouble…” Nanami put a heavy hand on the kid’s head.
“I know, I know. I’m not in trouble, okay? But I need to know what happened.” His lips thinned into a hard line. “Did someone hurt you?” Yuji shook his head. “Did someone threaten you?” Another head shake. He looked down at the kid, his heart squeezing painfully as he took in his wide, tearful eyes. “You don’t wanna talk about it now, huh?” A tight nod. “I understand. Let’s go home, okay?” Yuji slipped his hand into Nanami’s as they walked back together.
Back at the apartment, Nanami installed Yuji on the couch with cartoons. He popped his head out of the kitchen every so often to make sure the kid was still glued to the television as he prepped sandwiches for the two of them. He carried both plates out to the living room, then tilted his head, teasing a little to test the waters. “Is this seat taken?”
Yuji giggled and scooted over. “Nope!”
Nanami smiled at him and sat down, his shoulder nudging Yuji’s much smaller one. “Thanks, kid. Made this special for ya.” It was the same exact sandwich they always had. Though to be fair, he had made it with extra care this time, hoping it would magically draw the truth out of the boy.
They ate in comfortable silence, the brightly colored cartoons reflected on their faces. When the sandwiches were gone and Nanami had washed up, he cautiously settled back down next to Yuji, waiting for him to break the silence.
He was rewarded after a few moments as Yuji hid his face behind a pillow and finally spoke up. “I can tell you now, but I gotta stay back here.”
Nanami nodded, remembering how uncomfortable he was with confrontation at that age. Clearly something had upset Yuji badly, and he just wanted to give the kid a safe place to share it. “That’s okay.”
Silence from behind the pillow. “Nanamin…don’t look at me ‘kay?”
Looking quite serious, Nanami grabbed another pillow and held it over his own face. “Look, Yuji. I can’t see you, promise.”
Yuji peeked over the pillow and giggled a little, his voice shaky. “Okay. Someone…someone said something bad.”
“They said something bad? Something mean about you?”
“No-oo, not mean about me.”
Nanami furrowed his brows behind the pillow. “I see. Were you, maybe sticking up for somebody else?”
“Uh huh.”
“Well, that’s a good thing to do, Yuji. But you can’t solve problems with violence. Well, not most of them anyway.” Nanami’s shoulders fell. Who was he to lecture a kid about violence? That was the only way he had solved anything for the last few years. “Just because someone says or even does something mean, that doesn’t give you the right to hurt them.” He sighed. “Next time, you could stick up for the other kid with your words, you know?”
Yuji was quiet for a while. Then, softly, “Wasn’t another kid.”
Yuji’s muffled voice was barely a whisper. “It was you, Nanamin.” Nanami suddenly felt two short arms flung around his waist, their pillows shoved together as Yuji reached for him. “They said you’re not my-” he sobbed, “not my real dad!”
Nanami’s face crumpled at the same time Yuji’s did. He tried to regain his composure behind the pillow, not wanting Yuji to see how much it affected him. As sweet as the gesture was, he couldn’t have the kid go around knocking out teeth any time someone gave him a hard time.
“Ah, Yuji…” Nanami pulled him into a tight hug. “All that matters is what you believe.” He gently tugged the pillow down, meeting the boy’s stricken eyes. “If you feel like I’m your-” the label stuck in Nanami’s throat, and he swallowed it down. “If you feel that way about me, no one else can take that away.”
Yuji wriggled out from behind the shield of his pillow and into Nanami’s arms. He hid his face in the older man’s shirt, sniffling. “I didn’t mean to hurt him, promise!”
“I know.” Nanami ran a soothing hand down his back. “But you’re a strong kiddo. Stronger than most people, you know? Being powerful means being careful. We don’t get to make as many mistakes.”
Yuji nodded wetly, snotty tears collecting on Nanami’s work shirt. “Nanamin, do you- do you feel that way about me? You’re my dad, right?” The vulnerability on his face shattered Nanami. He could see the hope and the tight-coiled dread that hung heavy on Yuji’s little shoulders. He mustered the courage to answer, not wanting to add any hurt to the pile that was already too big for the kid’s age.
“Of course I do. It’s…it’s an honor to be your dad, Yuji. If- if you'd like me to be.”
Yuji didn’t say anything, but Nanami felt the kid burrow into his chest. He held him close.
an: tysm for the love on my last post of this au!<3
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hinamie · 28 days
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I'll give them shelter like you've done for me
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planetsandmagic · 27 days
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"even if no one else accepts you, I'll live with you"
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xuviec · 5 months
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yuji got into a fight at school and uncle sukuna comes to pick him up ( jin is ranting about how yuji is being influenced by sukuna ) !!
uncle sukuna ! nephew yuji !
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gojosbf · 6 months
it's okay guys i adopted them after this. they're safe
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k-martins · 1 year
We had SatoSugu
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It's time for Itafushi <3
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euaphoru · 9 months
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“If I let you look, do you promise not to laugh at it?” He mumbled, feeling your soft lips kiss on his neck while your hand is palming his clothed bulge. “Of course not, baby. How could you say that?”
Gosh he felt so embarrassed, thinking he wasn’t too big for you— feeling the need to please his girlfriend without being too small, hell, not even knowing how to use it.
He shrugged, “I-i don’t think I could ever please you like your other boyfriends—” he doesn’t finish his sentence after he feels a hand slap his cock, making him jolt up, “don’t ever say anything bad about yourself like that again.”
He gives you a warm smile and goes back to his thoughts, what’s the worse that can happen? His hands reaching down to unbutton his pants while pulling them down along with his boxers. He makes eye contact with you only for him to see the shocked look on your face, was it that small? he thought.
He starts to overthink things with that plastered look on your face, quickly going to cover himself up with a pillow until you move his hand away and begin to move closer to his erection. “How are you soo big???!” He tilits his head in confusion, “You’re not lying to me, right?” He asked, looking down at your hands climbing up his knees and closer to his hard on.
“This…is a fucking weapon, ‘don’t think i could lie about something like this.”
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taytei · 4 months
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sketch page after sketch page as i try and figure out how to draw these kiddos
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satoru-nintendo · 2 months
“release fushiguro, if you come back to me i’ll spare your life” after everything Sakuna has put Yuji through, all of the people Yuji has lost at Sakuna’s hands, all the lives Yuji feels responsible for taking because Sakuna used HIS body to take them, and he does not even seek revenge, he just wants Megumi back, even though he’s broken, even if their relationship will never be the same, his NUMBER ONE priority is saving Megumi 🥺 he heard start by saving me and he’s held onto it all this time
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mari-the-bimbo · 5 months
Welcome back Itadori Yuuji 🫡
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biipbop · 9 months
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I'm trying to get as many friends into jjk as possible so that I can get them to ship my ships. I got one to ship itafushi
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I’m just a kid (and life is a nightmare)
dad!Nanami & kid!Yuji
commissioned this amazing piece from @yuutaguro for chapter two of my teen papamin au in which Nanami reluctantly adopts Yuji right after graduating from Jujutsu High and leaving the sorcerer world! [chapters 1-3 on ao3]
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Everything had been going so well. Nanami would begin his office job on Monday, the same day that Yuji’s school year started. He had just taken Yuji to buy his uniform, and a shiny new backpack. It wasn’t until he was going back over the supply list and dress code that the trouble started.
“Yuji, you have to cut your hair! It’s not me, it’s the school’s stupid rule.”
Yuji stuck out his tongue and ran around the table, avoiding Nanami’s grasp. “Don’t wanna!” He shouted back.
“I know! But you have to anyway!” Nanami chased him back around the other side. “It’s not up for debate!”
Nanami stopped running and covered his face with his hands, taking deep breaths. The kid was driving him crazy. Hell, he agreed with him. He probably would’ve been just as pissed about cutting his hair at that age, but damn if it wasn’t frustrating on the other side. “Look, I’m sorry the dress code is annoying. I am! But you’re gonna get in trouble if we don’t tame that pink mop on your head!” God, I sound like my dad, Nanami thought glumly.
Yuji flung himself around the corner and peeked out. “But I don’t wanna , Nanaminnn!!”
“I know.” He gave a long sigh. “Can you tell me why?”
“I wanna look like you!”
“You- what?” Nanami was thrown for a loop. Yuji could barely see through his hair at this point, it looked nothing like… oh no. Nanami skidded into the bathroom and stared in the mirror. Yuji came hurtling behind him, just barely able to peek over the countertop on his tiptoes.
“See, Nanamin? We’re the same!”
The kid had a point. Nanami stared at his face, noticing for the first time that he had let his hair get quite long. It just didn’t seem like a priority, not after…well. He shook his head, tossing the long shock of blonde hair out of his eyes. Yuji peered up at him, looking annoyingly smug.
“See, you see?”
“Yeah, I see, Yuji.” Maybe it was time that he matured his look. At least a little. “I guess I have a mop up there too, huh?” He couldn’t help but chuckle at the way Yuji imitated his nod. “I have an idea for how we can fix this.”
Everyone in the barbershop couldn’t help but smile at the strange pair that walked in, the serious, blonde teenager and his hyper, pink-haired companion.
“Awww, is this your little brother?” The receptionist cooed.
“Uh, no, this is my…Yuji.” Nanami cringed at himself, but the kid holding his hand beamed.
“Yeah, I’m his Yuji!!”
The two boys politely requested the same haircut, and Nanami went first to reassure Yuji. “See? Doesn’t hurt at all, okay? Bet you’re gonna look cooler than me.”
Nanami watched himself in the mirror as the barber went to work. It wasn’t like he was attached to his look or anything, at least he told himself so. But change was weird. By the end of it, he could see more of his forehead than he had in years. He looked older, like a salaryman.
“What do you think, kid?” Yuji looked at him thoughtfully.
“You look like a grown-up, Nanamin!”
“Yeah, I guess I do.” He laughed. “Your turn, Yuji. Think you can be brave?”
“Yeahh! Brave like you!” Yuji slid into the seat and reached out a hand, which Nanami held tight.
By the end of it, Nanami’s hair was slicked into a deep side part, with a few stubborn strands escaping into his eyes. Yuji’s hair still spung up at all angles. It suited him, though. And more importantly, fit the school dress code.
Nanami took Yuji out to their favorite bakery on the way home as a reward. The boy eagerly gobbled down a pink-frosted doughnut with extra sprinkles while Nanami sipped coffee with a slice of lemon cake. “We did well today, huh kid?”
Yuji nodded proudly with a faceful of frosting. “Yeah, we did great! And we still look the same as each other!”
Nanami squinted at him, but couldn’t bring himself to burst the kid’s bubble. “We sure do. Maybe we could switch places, and you could go into work for me!”
Yuji doubled over with laughter. “No way Nanamin!”
“You sure? I could go to school for you, do all your homework…” he teased.
Yuji appeared to be considering the offer, then shook his head, still giggling. “Nuh-uh!”
“Ah, well.” Nanami pretended to sigh. “Worth a try.”
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hinamie · 1 month
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I'm always pushing you away from me / but you come back with gravity / and when I call, you come home
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gothsuguru · 16 days
thinking abt how satoru is one of the only adults in the jjk universe who can separate the child from the situation/cards they are dealt with… yuji took in sukuna as a host and he’s the only adult who sees yuji as a child/his own human being while other adults see him simply as “sukuna’s host” who needs to die. thinking abt how satoru was also one of the only adults who stepped up for yuuta and that’s one of the reasons yuuta appreciates him so much… same with when he took in megumi. at the end of the day gojo satoru is the only one in the universe that knows what it’s like to be used/seen as a weapon or Entity rather than a person and he won’t let his kids feel the same way/he’ll do everything in his power to make them feel better & actually LET them be children!
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