#like you can’t ignore it ITS THE CLIFFHANGER
bakudekublogblog · 2 months
holy shit ending the episode on “you’re closer to izuku than anyone else… he’ll definitely come for you” is a fucking CHOICE
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charliemwrites · 10 months
Part 4 of obsessed Johnny.
(Part 3 is here!)
(CW for nonconsensual ‘sort-of’ free use and edging; and again - dubious consent. Please stay safe!!)
Johnny’s favorite pastime is playing with you. If you didn’t know better, you’d think he’s being purposefully cruel, but no. He’s just… strangely preoccupied with your body.
He spends most nights cradling you between his legs, your back to his chest, arms wrapped around you. The two of you watch tv or movies, share popcorn - sometimes he watches you play on your Switch or reads over your shoulder.
It started out almost innocent (so to speak) in the beginning. He’s a fidgety guy, you’ve known that long before this whole mess, used to smile to yourself when you cleaned up straw wrappers and clean napkins folded into odd shapes.
So you barely notice when he starts fiddling with the hems of your sweatshirt and long shirts, picking at strings or running his thumb over knit textures. When he moved to your socks, that caught your attention but never went very far - just tugging at elastic lace or rolling/unrolling the tops along your thighs.
And then one night, as the two of you are watching the latest superhero movie, he hand creeps under your panties. You jolt the instant his fingers grazes your slit, hands twitching as you debate the dangers of redirecting him.
“Something wrong, Bonnie?” he asks against your ear, genuinely curious. “Is it too loud?”
It occurs to you that he genuinely might not realize what he’s doing - that reaching for you is just a thoughtless action like folding up bits of paper.
“Your hand is in my underwear,” you explain.
A pause. “Oh, so it is.” And to your surprise, he returns to hugging you.
It happens again though, this time you’re so preoccupied trying to beat a video game level that you almost don’t notice until his middle finger glides over your clit. You suck in a breath and die instantly.
“Damn,” he mutters. “Thought you had it that time. Gonna give it another go or you done for the night.”
Stuttering, you say you’ll give it another try, almost morbidly curious about how far he’ll go. Pretty far it turns out. He toys with your clit for 15 minutes before you clear your throat and shift, feeling unbearably wet and achy.
“Oh, shite. I did it again,” he mumbles, extracting his hand and settling it on the outside of your thigh. “No wonder you keep dying.”
The next time is during an intense tv show you’ve both gotten really into. It’s distracting from the weird reality you’ve found yourself in - but not weird enough that you can ignore Johnny tapping his finger nervously over your clit. You swear your heartbeat is starting to match that rhythm - tap, tap, tap. He doesn’t get the hint when you shift this time, eyes locked on the screen as he mutters to himself.
“No way is he secretly her brother. No fuckin’ way.”
You try to ignore it. Hope it’ll end in its own time when the tension dies down. It doesn’t. He lets the next episode load automatically, babbling to you about the crazy cliffhanger.
As it opens, his fingers travel down your slit to your entrance, find the slick there and play in it. Microthrusts against your leaking hole, just wetting his fingertip before dragging it out, up to your clit, three circles, then back down again.
It’s maddening but it’s not enough. You’re biting your lip so hard you’re surprised you don’t taste blood, thighs twitching with each jolt of pleasure coursing through you.
On and on it goes, slow and absent, maddening. Literally just playing with your pussy like a fidget toy. He’s not even fully hard against your lower back! Just the normal amount of mildly turned on that having you in his lap produces.
It’s driving you into a fucking spiral. So so sensitive, so close to the edge, but never enough. You just lay there trapped against him, dripping and desperate and determined to be quiet because you don’t know what else to do now. You can’t let yourself get off to this - but you also can’t find the words to remind him to stop.
When the episode - the finally - finally ends, he pulls his hand away, already gearing up to discuss theories for the next season with you. Instead, he’s cut off as you hiccup, near tears with being denied.
“What’s wrong, hen? I didn’t think it was that bad!” he says.
“You-you were…” you can’t get the words out, give up entirely. Time to see if he really is as devoted to pleasing you as he always swears.
You crawl out of his lap, flip onto your back, and yank him down by the hair. He makes a startled noise, eyes going huge, and then whimpers as his cheek presses into your absolutely soaked panties. Even that is a cruel but unintentional tease.
“Fix it,” you near sob.
“Of course, baby, of course,” he hurries to say, wriggling into a better position. “I’m sorry, love. So sorry. Got you all spun up, huh? Didn’t mean to. You’re just so soft and-”
You whine. “Soap, shut up and lick me!”
He moans, hips jerking hard into the mattress. “Yes, ma’am.”
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azenpal · 8 months
The answer to my maybe
– aaron hotchner x neighbor!female reader
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summary | being in a new place is weird, but you make it harder for yourself by crushing on your neighbor
warnings | nothing really, just me trying to envision a pervert hotch, cliffhanger
word count | 2055
a/n | hi, i’m just going to drop this one here because i can’t find the inspiration for the smut part of this story<3
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Living in a house alone isn’t as fun as the movies made you dream of. Although you enjoy your alone time and doing the things you promised yourself you’d do for years. Somehow, there was still that nudging feeling that something wasn’t in its right place, telling you there’s a factor missing in your life now. The cycle of waking up, going to your job, doing an activity, and picking up a hobby felt mundane when you end the night staring at your ceiling. And it turns out, there were only a few DIY projects in your home you could do until you feel fed up with it. So here you were, laying on your sofa on a Saturday, staring at your window, hoping inspiration hits you to do anything. 
But if you could be honest, the only reason the view looked good was that there’s a chance you’ll see a glimpse of your neighbor– Aaron Hotchner, no— Agent Aaron Hotchner. The neighbor who introduced himself as you were moving the boxes in your home. The guy that told you places to see and restaurants to try as soon as the second time you met him. The father of Jack Hotchner, an adorable bundle of joy dressed as a cute little boy. The man your friends refer to as the hot neighbor when you confess to them how you feel “hot” every time you see him, among the many other confessions you would do and are willing to do for that man.  
But over the weeks, you grew to have a soft spot for the Hotchners each time you saw them playing outside or walking back to their homes with their ice cream. So, of course, bringing them snacks and buying Jack toys that remind you of him became a habit of yours and is certainly not just an excuse to see his dad, although that is a bonus. Yet every time you see Mr. Hotchner, you start to feel that your liking of him is growing too strong. It became so bad that you actually tried not to initiate any conversation with the Hotchner, but Jack is just too damn cute to ignore, and your resolution easily crumbled after two days. Failing to control your feelings and thoughts for Aaron, your mundane days were over but filled with nights imagining how it would feel to be in his arms. 
So, aside from your normal routine, nothing has changed, and you still have a lot of free time. But instead of finding a new hobby or trying to be productive, most of your days are now spent thinking about what you could do to stop your never-ending fantasies with Aaron. Maybe you just have to get out and spend money. Or maybe a shopping haul? Or maybe your period is just nearing, and you’re just horny at a different kind of level. Or maybe you just really need to get laid. Or maybe you need some romance in your life?  
Or maybe, just maybe, you were starting to want the feeling of a thrill? The idea of being careless, having the ability to just do without thinking of the consequences of your actions, or simply, your coworkers’ idea of having fun every time they have a drink. But a one-night stand is just a no-no; you know that you don’t trust people that way and the paranoia that you’ll get murdered if you’re alone with a stranger is just too strong for you to sleep with a stranger. 
But now that you’re thinking about it and you’re hearing your thoughts, maybe you’re just being dramatic about your life.
Then again, your friends have told you to go out more and “explore.” Meet new people and enjoy the different possibilities life has to offer aside from your usual safe and plain routine. So, heeding your friend’s advice, who may either start an adventure or a murder, the temporary answer to your maybes is meeting their friend, whom they all talk kindly of. The truth is, you will never do this on your own. The reason being a mix of anxiety, fear, insecurity, and your strong imagination of how your date would and could dump you on the spot in a hundred ways made you stop your finger every time you want to try a dating application. But knowing that the people you trust know the guy eases your negative emotions. However, while you’re thankful to them for being supportive, a part of you still regrets using the words “bored to death” and “looking for a thrill” when you opened up to them; after all, a delusional part of you wants to be on a date with your neighbor. 
And after weeks of talking with Jake and a side of asking your friends about what to do and if what you’re doing is correct, you actually had the courage to meet him. But behold, now that the meeting place is set and the time is also scheduled, you did not think of the possibility that you will rack your brains configuring countless combinations of your clothes. You want to appear like you put in the effort to look presentable but not overwhelming because maybe he could be someone special and think that your clothes were too much. But all you know is whether he likes you or rejects you, you want to look and feel good tonight and not think of Aaron Hothcner.  
With your bed filled with pants, shirts, skirts, your favorite underwear, and the dress you felt confident in, you step back, trying to think which combination will make you feel good tonight. There’s only a small chance that this date will solve your problems, but you want to try your best; after all, it’s better not to have regrets. So, holding onto your two favorite underwear while still in your towel, you try to imagine which would be better to boost yourself up. 
But then again, the point of this date was for you to feel something new, so maybe wearing the usual wouldn’t be the right way to start- and also in hopes of getting some, as your friends have said. So, looking at the further edge of the bed, you grabbed the caramel nude and periwinkle underwear you have and contemplated between the two. Periwinkle would look good on you, but maybe it’s too much for a first date? Not that you want to impress him with your underwear. But caramel nude feels the safest right now, not too far off your comfort zone, but still different. 
Choosing the caramel nude underwear made you feel as if you’ve taken a big step in getting ready, even if you haven’t chosen what to wear. Although realistically thinking, it would take you hours to decide what to wear, so opting to do your usual make-up, you sent a picture of all the clothes in your bed to your friends for their choice. 
While waiting for your friend’s reply and starting on your make-up, you glimpse the dress you’ve only worn once for a specific purpose-- to deliver cookies to Aaron Hocthner’s door. Stupid? Yes. But do you regret buying it? No. You couldn’t say you regretted buying that dress because he complimented you for wearing it. And it’s not just that he said you looked pretty in it, but the fact that he noticed it was the first time you wore it made you feel hot. You could just combust on the spot. But of course, you didn’t admit it was new when he asked if it was, making a lie that you didn’t realize you still have that dress. 
That day also made you think that, just maybe, you had a chance with him. See, you remember what he wore the first day you saw him. He was wearing a Rangoon green polo; well, it was a well-fitted polo. You’re still unsure about the color, given that you just obsessed about it and searched for hours in the hues and shades of green that day. He also had sunglasses on, but you didn’t get a good look at them because the moment he saw you walking on your pavement, he quickly got rid of it and approached you while smiling. 
And as you see yourself smiling like a fool while remembering that day, you realize maybe that day sealed your fate already. But the buzzing of your phone cut your thoughts as your friends all voted for you to wear a dress. Making you remember the goal of tonight’s plan, stop thinking about Aaron Hotchner. 
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Your date is a hot man. If you were in the mood for sex, you might jump his bones to end your dry spell. This is not a denial of the fact that you were in the mood for sex because, technically, you are, just not with the man in front of you. And maybe one more reply of saying what and I’m sorry I didn’t hear that, and your hot date would also know that your mind is floating to someone. Floating to someone serious-looking, big, hot, FBI, and most definitely your neighbor.
At this point, you have given up trying not to think about Aaron. Maybe when the date ends, you could say sorry to your friends and then thank them for doing this for you. You could also ask them to help you make a move on Aaron because, apparently, he’s in your head no matter what distraction you put yourself with. When you entered the place, you tried to imagine what restaurant Aaron would choose. Does he prefer a casual dinner? Would you be riding in his car while talking about your day to each other? Does he like the food you love? Would he wear a suit? Does he talk about his friends or work when on a date? Would he tell Jack about your date? Does he end a date by dropping you home and kissing you goodnight? Or maybe he would invite himself in and stay with you for the night?  
As the minute passes, you answer all your questions by imagining different scenarios of how your date would go. So, with a smile, kiss on the cheek, and goodbye, you entered your home to do the same repetitive way you end your night. But as you take your clothes off, you realize that somehow, what was first to be an evening you looked forward to turned out to be a night you just wanted to end. Wearing only your underwear, you flopped your body in your bed and exhaled loudly. You could not stop thinking of him at all. And no denial method of yours could get you to stop imagining a date with him. So maybe it would be better to just be honest with your feelings? Maybe you could ask your friends for advice. 
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Picking up the phone, ready to tell them everything, you got a message from the man you were trying to avoid by all means.
Aaron Hotchner.
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Prepare? What does he mean by that? Does he-
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About to reply to Aaron that he sent you the wrong message, you look to your right and realize that the window is wide open. The window where you first saw how hot your neighbor is is freaking open. Rushing to close it, you checked if he was still there. How long has he seen you walking around in your room in a towel? 
Did he see you twirling and posing earlier while holding your underwear? 
Did he see everything? 
Mouth opening and mind flooding with questions, you realize what the hell just happened. 
The hot neighbor you’ve been crushing on has seen you posing in front of the mirror while holding your underwear and checking yourself out.
He saw you.
In your underwear.
And if this isn’t the most embarrassing night of your life, maybe finding a new place is the right answer to all your maybe’s. 
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Endnote | now that i have dropped this, i will now contemplate how the hell i’m going to continue this but anywhore tysm for reading this!
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hiii are you by chance writing a part 3 for anger?! you write so well for 2007 and it makes me so happy because no one write for them anymore 😭
Anger: part 3 (18+) (Angst)
2007!Raphael x reader x 2007!Leonardo
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Part 1 Part 2 / Leonardo's Ending Raphael’s Ending
A/N: Thank you so much!💚 I’m so happy that you like it💕 I’ve been wanting to make a part 3 for sooo long, but I’ve had no idea how to finish it. I’ve now decided to make two different endings; one for Raph and one for Leo, because I can’t choose one myself, so I don’t expect anybody else to be able to pick😂 Anyway, Raph and Leo’s endings will probably first be posted on the other side of Christmas.
After the events on your roof, you, Raph and Leo are shaken. You need time to think, and Leo and Raph try to come to terms.
Warnings: Feelings of betrayal, feelings of guilt, emotions of sadness and regret, memories of sex. Spelling
Raph ran as fast as he could, getting him as far as his feet could get him. He leaped across roofs, jumping over alleys, fighting the prickling feeling in his eyes. His mind was spinning, his thoughts in a chaotic mess as he remembered the look in Leo’s eyes, and fear upon your face. It hurt him to think of it. How angry he was. How he had wanted to hurt Leo. The words he had said to him. All of it came together and made his chest and stomach hurt. He felt nauseous and lightheaded. He had hurt Leo, his own brother. And he had hurt you, the girl he loved, the girl he had spent so much time dreaming about. He had fucked up.
Caught up in his running thoughts, Raph didn’t notice the bump on the roof, before stumbling his foot against it. He fell to the roof’s surface with a veil of agony, landing on his side, his arm slamming against the hard surface underneath him, causing a piercing pain to erupt through his elbow. The fall broke the barrier he had fought to keep up, finally letting a sob he had held back slip out. After the first came out, the rest came like water bursting through an open dam. Tears fell down his face as he slammed his fist against the roof, sadness and anger flowing through his every being, with no clear way to direct them at.
Ignoring the pain coursing through his foot and arm, Raphael stood up, before hurrying in the only direction he could think of. Home. Even with all the anger and confusion that stormed through his body, Raph just wanted to go home.
The silence Raph had left behind on the roof was heavy. Neither you nor Leo said a word, still shaken from the events that hand just transpired. Your legs shook as you sat down on the roof, your head in your hands as you took in a shaky breath. It was as if the world came crashing down on you. You did not know what to think, and you did not know what to believe. It was as if the world around you was shaking on its own, and you were just being thrown around, unable to stop it.
Leo sat up, breathless, unsure of what to do with himself. What to think… What to say… What to do… He felt heavy and cold, his body shivering and his head slightly spinning. But then he heard you, your rugged breath and the subs that were threatening in your throat. He felt a sudden need to comfort you, just like he had done before he left for South America. Hold you close against him while whispering sweet nothings into your ear. But he hesitated, unsure if you would welcome him if he did so. As much as he wanted to comfort you, he could not deny the small pain in his chest. He felt betrayed. But the sight of your tears softened him enough, to the point where he dared sit down beside you.
His throat knotted together when you looked up at him, tears down your cheeks as you sobbed. “I’m sorry, Leo. I thought you were gone”.
“You… you have nothing to be sorry about”, Leo managed to get out of his closing throat. His fists tightening and loosening in his lap, as he tried to calm his own breathing. Though Leo felt betrayed by you, he had to collect himself and remember, you knew nothing. He was the one that stopped writing to you and his own family. He was the one that left you all in the unknown, with no clue about his well being.
But yet, there was one thought that kept pushing its way forward to the front. The words Raph had yelled at him. They taunted him and did exactly as Raph had intended for them to do; make Leo question. Make him unsure about himself and his own abilities. It was a selfish thought, he knew that, but he just had to ask. He just had to know.
“Was- was he better than me?”, Leo asked, not being able to bring his eyes to yours. He tried to swallow the knot in his throat, but it just wouldn’t go away.
You hesitated, not sure what to say. Because in all honesty, you did not know. You did not know if Leo was better than Raph, or if Raph was any better then Leo. They were just so different. Two different personalities. Two different people. Each unique in their own way, they both had hurt you.
But was this really all it was about? Who fucked you the best? Which one of them made you cum and scream the most?
Although Leo never made you scream, he kept you close to the edge, feeling your legs shake as you got close to your high, only to retreat, enjoying your whimpering, before continuing whatever he had been doing. Fingering you while watching you intensely, or eating you out with the skilled tongue of his, before finally, after what felt like heavenly torture, he would fuck you with intens passion, watching your face and whisper sweet nothings while you came around him, pushing him to his own high.
And then there was Raph. Rough and hard, making you cum over and over again, telling you all sorts of dirty things that made you cling around him. Forcing your face down into the bed with your ass high up in the air, he would fuck you with intense speed and strength, making you scream in pleasure.
“I don’t know”, you said, avoiding your gaze when he finally looked at you. It took you a moment before you stood up, your legs shaking to give out under you. Leo hurried up, his hands out in an offering for you to hold onto them. But you stopped him with your hand held out in front of you. At that moment, still feeling overwhelmed, you did not wish to be touched, even if it was just Leo who wanted to help you stand. “I… I need to think”. Those were the last words before you turned, heading back to your fire escape, climbing back down to your apartment.
Leo stood back and watched as you left. It reminded him of that day he told you he had to go to South America. It had made you sad, although not like you were right now. You were honest and told him you didn’t like it, but you did not try to force him to stay. He should just have stayed. He should just have fucking stayed. Had he stayed, then this mess would never had happened to begin with.
Leo stayed on the roof, until he heard you shut your window close. That was his que to leave. Back then, after a long night of deep conversations, tender hands, building you before an earth shattering orgasm, Leo would not leave your fire escape before you closed the window. You in turn would not close your window, before Leo had left your fire escape. It was like couples on the phone with each other, refusing to hang up before the other.
Leo went home, his feet feeling heavy as he walked through the sewer. His head was hurting and this throat was still tightly knotted together. He just wanted to sleep for now, and get some time alone. He just wanted to get home and recharge. But when he walked into the lair, he was far from alone. Donatello and Michelangelo were in the living area, waiting for him to come. Mikey sat on the couch, the television blaring in the background, watching Donnie and Leo in concern. Donnie watched Leo walk in with a stern yet worried expression, his arms crossed as he walked to his oldest brother.
“What the shell is happening, Leo?”, he asked, brows frowning in concern. “Raph just came in with a limb and an injured arm, but he refuses to let me look at it, let alone even talk to me and Mikey! What happened out there?!”
Leo thought for a moment, his eyes locked on the closed door that led to Raphael’s room. “He didn’t tell you?”
“No! He just growled like he usually does and threatened to punch Mikey if he took a step closer!”
“It’s true!”, Mikey said, still seated on the couch. “And I wasn’t even near him!”
“I’ll talk to him tomorrow”, Leo sighed after another moment of thought. “A lot happened out there”.
“What happened?”, Donnie asked, following Leo as he started walking towards his own room. Mikey rose from the couch and followed his two older brothers. “Anything dangerous? Are you injured too? Did you see what happened to Raph?”
“No”, was all Leo said as he placed a hand on his door knob. “Don’t worry about it. It’s between me and Raph. I’ll talk to him tomorrow”. And with those words he slipped into his room, leaving Donnie and Mikey on the other side, sharing looks of confusion and concern.
Leo could not stand the smell in his own room. Once it had been so pleasant, with soft scents of you and him. But now it was violent, attacking his nose with you and Raph. He could almost see it in front of him. You and his brother, on his bed, doing it in ways Leo never had thought of doing it to you. It made him sad, tired, angry… It was too much for Leo at that moment. He therefore waited for his two youngest brothers to leave for bed, before he went to the living area, so he could use the couch as a bed for the night.
He covered himself with a blanket and stared at the pipes on the ceiling above. His thoughts went straight to you, just like they had done while the two of you were together. Just like they had done while he was in South America. God, why did he stop writing? He thought about you every night and every day, but he still decided to stop writing. Was it because he had been so sure that he had to stay in the jungle, to save those poor women and children, who’s lives would have been cut short if he didn’t? And staying in the jungle meant letting go of you? Yeah, that must have been why. His wish to be a hero had cost him the person he loved the most; you.
Leo turned onto his side, as he wondered what would have happened if he never had stopped writing. Would he had returned after a year, just like had promised you at first, or would you have waited out for him all two years? You probably would, and he would still have you. He would have you comfortably in his arms, and feel as you slowly drifted to sleep. Your beautiful face next to his, your eyes closed in a peaceful expression, feeling safe with him.
Leo continued to think of your face as he fell asleep. Your beautiful smile, your pretty eyes, and the way your nose would wrinkle whenever he teased you, or your blushing cheeks when he kissed you. How you would bite your lip while watching him train, or how your lips would be slightly agape whenever he would kiss your neck. The look of your face whenever you were close, or how your beautiful face would form when you came for him. Leo missed it. He missed you.
The next morning Leo was the first to wake up. Under normal circumstances, he would meditate and train before eating breakfast, but still feeling tired and drained from the night before, he went straight for breakfast. As the morning unfolded, he watched as his brothers woke up. He and Donnie greeted each other warmly, before Donnie went to clock in with his phone service job. Mikey woke up with a smile, before bringing a full bowl of cereal to the living area, where he ate them in front of the television. Master Splinter told all of his sons good morning, before he went to the dojo to meditate.
Leo watched and waited, until he was sure his family was fully distracted, before he went up the stairs to the second level of the lair, where he made his way to Raphael’s bedroom. Once Leo got to his door, he didn’t knock, nor did he try to walk in. Instead he waited with his back resting against the wall.
Raphael woke up in pain. His foot was still hurting and so was his elbow. He sat up and listened to the sound of his family outside in the living area. Raph did not wish to face them. He didn’t want to have Donnie bug him about his arm, and he didn’t want Mikey to come and try to do whatever he thought was helpful. Much less did he wish to talk to Master Splinter, and even less did he wish to talk to Leonardo. If he even was home. As far as Raphael knew, Leo could have spent the night at your place. After he ran, the two of you could have decided to get back together. Or, that was at least what Raph feared.
Raph went out of bed with a sigh, pain shooting through him the moment his foot touched the ground. He groaned as he started moving towards the door. His goal was to get to the kitchen and get something to eat. A quick grab and go before anyone noticed. Just like the ninja he was trained to be. No one would see him, no one would hear him.
Raph opened his bedroom door and slowly made his way out on the floor that overlooked the floor below.
“Donnie said you hurt your arm”.
Raph looked left of his door, where he found Leo standing. Leaning against the wall, waiting for him to come out. How long had he been there?
“Did I do that?”, Leo asked, his expression stoic, his gaze avoiding Raphael all together.
Raph tugged his arm closer to himself, feeling the pain once more. “None of your business”.
Leo didn’t say anything to that. He knew his brother, and that meant no.
Silence fell between them. None of them moved, none of them said a word, their eyes did not meet. The tension was thick, so thick that Raph could puncture it with his sai and Leo could cut it with his katana. They stood like that for what felt like an eternity, before Leonardo finally broke the silence.
“We have to let her choose”, Leo sighed frustrated, his knuckles tightening around the thin air. “No matter how much it might hurt, we have to respect her decision. It is her choice now”.
Raph tightened his jaw, felt the muscles in his arm tense before staring off into the distance. “You know I’ll still be angry if she chooses you”, he said, feeling the air build up on his chest as a knot formed in his throat.
“I know”, Leo said, still not looking at his brother. Raph felt that familiar feeling of irritation grow. The way Leo avoided his eyes, and the way he kept his breath calm as he spoke. That God damn big brother talk, that had gotten Raph so angry in the first place. “I don’t blame you. I would be angry too if she chose you”. He swallowed as his eyes fell to his feet. “I was angry when… when you told me. Almost blinded. For… for a moment I wanted to hurt you”. He finally looked Raph in the eyes, with an expression he had never seen on Leo’s face before. “Is that how you felt? Even before I left?”
Raph almost forgot how to breathe. His fingers began to feel numb, shaking slightly by the sudden shock. He would cross his arms to form a kind of barrier between him and his big brother. He felt his lip tremble slightly, bitting it on the inside of his mouth to keep it still.
“Yes”, was all Raphael said. It came out like a growl, frustration building further as he fought to keep his breath calm. A pressure formed from behind his eyes, threatening to make his eyes water. No! He would not cry! Especially not in front of Leo. But Leo’s next words almost broke him.
“I’m sorry”, he said with a deep sigh, voice trembling as he spoke, his eyes searching for Raphael’s. “I didn’t know”.
“No”, Raphael pushed out. “You didn’t”.
Silence fell upon them again. They heard Mikey laugh at something on the television, and Donnie telling him to keep it down. This time it was Raphael’s turn to break the silence.
“Did… did she say anything after I left?”
Leo sighed. “She said she needed to think. I don’t blame her. It was kind of a lot. She didn’t even want me to help her”.
Raph nodded and tried to swallow the knot that was building in his throat. “Then we should let her think”.
“Yes, we should do that”, Leo agreed. He pushed away from the wall and turned to his brother one last time before leaving. “Please let Donnie look at your arm. Him and Mikey are very worried. I almost had to run from them last night”.
Raph nodded. “I will”. This made Leo give him a small smile, before he turned to leave, but then Raph started to feel that burning feeling. He had to say something. “Hey, Leo?” The blue clad turtle turned to look at his brother, one brow muscle raised. “Welcome home”.
Leo smiled once more, this time a little bigger. “Thank you”.
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magicandpizza · 6 days
For the prompt game, #6? Always a sucker for moments like that!
Hello lovely! Thanks for playing! I borrowed heavily from canon for this, so I hope you enjoy this weird show/book mashup. I was also so tempted to end this on a cliffhanger but I thought that was a bit mean 😇
6. “You need to wake up because I can’t do this without you.”
The guards scream and drop their weapons, and Jesper watches on, horrified, as a red haze forms around them.
“It’s their blood,” Jesper says, bile rising in his throat. “The Tidemaker’s draining their blood.”
Wylan tugs at his arm, nodding towards the stairs, but it’s too late. The Tidemaker disappears, and in the next breath is on the stairs right in front of them.
Everything after that feels like it happens in slow motion. The Tidemaker kicks Wylan hard in the chest, sending him flying backwards, landing with a sickening thud on the black stone of the courtyard.
“No!” Jesper shouts. He moves to fire the rifle at the Tidemaker, but his momentary distraction has him at a disadvantage, and the rifle is jerked from his arms and tossed aside. He tries to stand only to get knocked down with a sharp blow to his head, the Tidemaker looming above him as he shuffles back towards Wylan’s limp body. He realises what’s about to happen a fraction too late.
The Tidemaker lifts her hands, and a faint red haze appears over her. She’s going to drain them like the guards had been drained.
Jesper feels his strength start to ebb and, panicked, glances behind him, where the red haze is darkening above Wylan’s still unmoving body. In the back of his mind, fighting its way through the pain, was Wylan’s voice.
I’ve seen you make all those impossible shots. That piano wire didn’t fix itself.
Metal hinges! Jesper!
Focusing all his attention on the bits of metal clinging to his clothes, the shavings and tiny particles from the severed link in the gate chain, he thrusts his hands forwards, ignoring the way his entire body is screaming with pain, and sends them flying towards the Tidemaker, burrowing them in deep, into her organs. She crumples to the floor, coughing up blood, and Jesper races to Wylan’s side.
His skin is too pale, almost translucent, his breathing shallow.
“Wake up!” Jesper cries, shaking him roughly. “Come on, Wy.” He knows they’re running out of time.
Wylan does not stir. Tears prick at the corner of Jesper’s eyes as he shakes him again. What if he’s too late? Jesper had promised him so much. That they’d make it back to Ketterdam, that they’d make a life for themselves. It was the only thing that had kept him going, the promise of something better.
“Wy, darling… You need to wake up. I can’t do this without you.”
Slowly, agonisingly, Wylan’s eyes blink open.
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xxangelfarrlzxx · 1 year
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I was bored when i wrote this but this is also inspired by my other friend named Xavier who gave me this recommendation :) (ily btw/p)
THIS IS BxB. I will re-write this as BxG, BxN. If you are a fem, its okay, you can read this as a G!P if you don’t mind/ignore the “he/him” pronouns on y/n 😭 enjoy!
WARNING(s): smut, bdsm, bj, just my writing in general 😭💀
“Ugh…” I groaned. I was INSANELY bored out of my mind, but also depressed because I was reading one of my fav books but it ended at a cliffhanger. I was very upset about it until I heard a knock at my door, leaving me forgetting my own thoughts.
I get out of my bed and walk over to my door, seeing Damiano standing at my door, holding a bag and an un-protected/un-wrapped box. “Hey Dam..what’s that?” I asked him, looking at the bag and the box. “I got this for you, handsome.” He replied back to me in a flirtatious manner. “Oh..okay.” I say blandly. “What’s the matter baby? You look and sound annoyed and upset about something.” He said softly, lifting up my chin with his thumb. “I was reading a book and it didn’t end how I’d expected to be. It was left at a cliffhanger.” I told him, backing up a little so he can enter my room. He sat down on my bed comfortably and I sat down next to him. “Ah, okay. Mind telling me what it was about, bambino?” I blushed a bit when he started speaking little Italian. “Well it was a steamy book.” I reply to him. “Steamy? You mean Sesso?” He replied back. “Um..yes.” I answered him. “Hmm..why don’t I make it a reality to make you feel better?” I get flustered at the sudden remark. “Alright..maybe that’ll take my mind off of it, I suppose.” I say.
“D-DADDY!~” You moaned out loudly. Damiano currently had you bent over on your bed, fucking and pounding the life out of you. You couldn’t help but to moan every pump. Your ass was red as hell from the belt spankings, your hands were tied in a pretty pastel ribbon, you’re legs were tied with a rope, and you both were sweaty as hell. Dami was still pounding you, having your thoughts go wild. “You like how Daddy feels inside of you, hm?”. You nodded, as all your abnormal moaning, you couldn’t barley even speak other than screaming, crying, begging, and pleading out for your life. You we’re almost sure the neighbors could hear you guys. “More, yeah?” He teasingly asked you. “Y-Yes!~” You muffled a little bit into the pillow. He went deeper and harder inside of, causing louder moans coming from you. Dami was moaning as well, but not as loud as we you were. He grinned, seeing the sight of his handsome prince in front of him bent over. “Who do you belong to, baby boy?~” He purred out. “You, Dadd-Y-AAHHH~” You cried out. He had whipped you again. “Not loud enough, pretty boy. Again.” He asked you slyly and in his whore voice. “Y-YOU DADDY~” You nearly screamed out. He smiled before you started to speak. “I-I feel it…” you moaned out. “Hm? Fel what~” He teasingly asked. You knew not to try to play games with him, as you were in desperate need to cum. “I..I need to cum..” “Need?” He asked you once more before whipping you again. “I want to cum please, daddy!~” You replied to him. You couldn’t bare it anymore. He’s been edging you for…about a good 30 minutes, but allowed himself to cum a few times. “Hmm…fine, sweet boy~” He moved faster and deeper into you. You screamed out once you finally got to cum. You already knew what was next, but realized you couldn’t move. “Awh, poor boy can’t get up and move? Don’t worry, I’ll handle it.” He pulled himself out before gently moving your body, your head facing him and his now wet dick. You looked up at him with just your eyes but before opening your shaky mouth so he could dick your throat down. You gave him his desired bj as he moaned out. He almost moaned as loud as you before he started thrusting against you. Thankfully, because of him, you didn’t have any sorta gag reflex. “Good boy, taking and handling like a pro.” You smile against his dick before going faster. You heard him moan out before letting some of his cum shoot inside your mouth. You swallowed it nonetheless and carried on. A few minutes pass before his moan become more whoreish. Before you could realize what was about to happen, he came inside your mouth more harder this time, and you swallowed it up almost instantly. You backed away a little bit while you both were breathing heavy.
He untied you on both the legs and hands and gave you soft kiss on the lips. He gently laid you both down for a bit before speaking softly into your ear. “Let’s go take a shower?” He asked before nipping on your ear. “Lets.” You say while getting up along with him to the bathroom, and you both shower together
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crguang · 15 days
I want to let you know that I actually squealed when I saw that there was a new part of wasted w longing, so that was embarrassing. I giggled so much, love me some domestic fluff, I also gasped so hard at the ending that I started choking. can't believe you updated while I was in class so didn't see it until later.
kafka is so smug I hate her, I want to kiss her on the mouth so bad she's such a weirdo, but at the same time, I'm mad at her, I'll forgive her if she comes home early on my pulls tho, and also some kafka groveling, very excited to see that. also the writing is so good, like at the end I was questing everything about r's encounter's w kafka. and you said replying to someone else's ask that kafka cares atp. wdym atp? istg I love angst but I can't handle angsty endings being w out kafka also you said himeko is going to show up again, and I know that'll be funny. the cliffhangers are killing me, but I'm really excited for the next part, the plot is plotting. also the way at the beginning I literally said out loud, "oh she just got shot, it's okay."
the wanted poster is so funny, like whoever wrote it down must've seen footage of her shooting people as she breaks into somewhere and thought, damn, she is hot as fuck, and tbh that was my thought process when I watched kafka's trailer the first time.
hope your first day at uni was good! if you made me loose my 50/50 I'll---
not the squealinggg thats so cute im flattered. it’s funny whenever yall say i post when yall are busy because it’s always 4 to 6 am here i have a horrible sleep schedule 😭 i loved writing the more domestic part cause that’s the first time they actually spend time together without sleeping together and it was kinda cuteee, if you ignore the getting shot part.
“i hate her i wanna kiss her on the mouth shes such a weirdo” is exactly how i feel about kafka im so glad im not alone… also, i meant that at this point of the story kafka already knows that she likes R; she goes out of her way to look out for them, she stares a lot, wants to help them through their dilemma and other stuff that’ll come later. in her mind shes not in love with them but she does like them. i think due to her closed off nature, a lot of the little hints of how she feels are in the way she looks at R and since this is written from R’s (sometimes unreliable) perspective, i mentioned how they can’t read her eyes yet so to them there’s no reciprocation right now. and now that they’re mad at her everything she does will feel disingenuous when it might not be. it’s tricky to write bc as readers i want people to be able to tell that kafka cares even when she’s being a little shit while also staying true to how R sees things. i do think it’ll become much more obvious starting from the next chapter tho cause there will be some grovelling involved lmfaoo.
also this was literally her at the end:
r: i will call the police on you.
kafka: i am so attracted to you right now
its funny, R is always making themself available for her and has been doing that from the beginning so kafka’s very used to this behavior and its the reason why she’s so fucking smug. but now she’s seeing a new side to them that she really likes. they’re standing up for themself and i think it’s a quality that she’d find really attractive in a person. but yeah it’s fun i love this series mainly because the idea mostly came from anons so i love hearing what yall think about it.
my first day at uni was nice!! im looking to getting my shit together honestly, i feel like an actual adult now so hopefully it helps with my mood as well and makes it easier for me to be productive cause i dont write fast at all. if you lose the 50/50 bc of me i’ll write whatever you want as consolation prize
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tehaxo · 2 years
Heyoo! Hope you're having a good morning/night, I thought I'd stop by and send in an ask.
I'm not sure whether this is considered HCs or not, but who do you think out-of-the-current U.A. staff would randomly take a week break.....Only to spend it by staying up all night?
Like, they wanted to have a ✨️restful✨️ break but ended up just making their schedules even worse 💀💀😭
Thank you!
!If this ask is not of your liking, feel free to ignore it!
OH MY GOD LOL ITS OBVIOUSLY AIZAWA FOR SURE! also i hope you dont mind, i made reader be with aizawa <3 i apologize if it’s not what you wanted.
pairing: aizawa x gn!reader
warnings: none
a/n: i hope you enjoy it! i had so much fun writing these.
People would be super concerned when he would randomly take the week off and try to contact him, only to be angrily told off and hung up on.
He’d be happy that he got the week off but now that he has it, he’s confused. He couldn’t sleep whatsoever, what was wrong? He was able to sleep everywhere else completely fine.
You were also part of the crowd who was concerned but all your questions were answered once you found him tucked in bed. You guys had a shared bed and his low huffs didn’t go unnoticed and it annoyed you a bit, to be honest.
“Stop tossing and turning, You’re taking all of the blanket! And quit it with your sighing, it’s so loud I can’t sleep!” “I’m trying to sleep, stop yelling.”
The nerve he had, YOU were trying to sleep too! But he ignored your complaints and tried to get himself to sleep.
He was quite jealous of you in the morning, he wished he was in your place- Sleeping and resting. Once you were awake, you saw him staring down at you and you nearly got a heart attack. “Holy crap, You look like shit! Did you even sleep?”
A day would pass, and his efforts still went to waste. He’d go to your guys’ living room and come up with a solution, to watch until he got tired. He put on a random show and waited till he felt sleepy, except he ended up getting engrossed in the show. Episode after episode there was another cliffhanger that pissed him off. He refused to do anything else until he finished it.
He ended up regretting staying up watching the show because the ending was shit. Well, what was he expecting? He already knew the show was bad enough at the beginning but still chose to watch it. “Hey, you didn’t come to bed last night. Are you o- Huh? Were you watching my show?”
After getting situated in the morning and dropping you off at work, he was relieved. He immediately hopped into bed and closed his eyes. Finally, he was falling asleep. He was in the most comfortable position ever, seconds from passing out. “Hey, don’t forget to clean the cat’s litter! And put food in his bowl,” were the words before you hopped out of the car and rushed off.
He cursed at himself, he couldn’t get one moment of peace. He’d angrily get out of bed and then do the chores you asked him to. But as he was about to return to the room, he noticed that the house was super messy. He tried to ignore it but the thought of you coming back to a messy house after work upset him so he’d get out of bed once again and clean the whole house. All the sleepiness he had before was gone and he could no longer fall asleep.
He was doing everything but sleeping, he was doing it to himself at this point. He’d sip on coffee for a whole day and then wonder why his eyes won’t stay shut when he tries to sleep. On other days, you’d guys go out and spend time together. So he gave up on the last days of the week and accepted that he wouldn’t be able to sleep.
During that week, goals were not accomplished. He did not get one day of proper rest. When it was time to return to U.A, he looked like he had his soul stolen out of him. Many of the students and staff would ask how his break was then he’d respond with a scowl.
“I’ll have you know, I slept a lot. All I did was rest and nothing else.” “Oh… Uhm, okay then.” He would lie in a furious tone, it was obvious he did quite the opposite to everyone. So they would try not to get on his nerves too much for a few days.
So there, his whole week of struggling to sleep. Perhaps he’ll be able to sleep today peacefully.
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queenpiranhadon · 7 months
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A/N: Hehe call me a hypocrite, but as much as I hate cliffhangers, I shall be benevolent and gift you all one. This chapter is written me :). My cowriter is the lovely Nyota (@labaguetteisdabest). You can find the masterlist here
Warning(s): cursing, animal murder, snakes, Kaeda has ✨daddy issues ✨, talks about committing murder, implications of death, blood, gore, the usual.
Pairing(s): Kaepex
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Trudging through the forests of Fujimura, I hear crickets in the distance, along with the occasional growl of another infected animal. But they left me alone.  
‘Thank you, Mabel,’ I think, as the smell of fresh fruits waft through the air. But I ignore it, knowing that I can’t be tempted by the gifts of the woods. 
Who knows what’s safe out here.  
I was already in my new set of clothes, thankfully I only had an hour left before I’d see the palace gates. My mother once told me the palace was so large, the forests I was in right now merely served as a backyard for them. Or it used to be- until savage beasts started prowling the lands. 
To think only this morning I was still on the ship back to Dodomi.  
Cari’s last words to me ring in the back of my mind - “Don’t be too hard on her, okay?” 
The water princess’s pitifully striking blue eyes, ones that carried so much emotion. 
She must really care for Apex. 
Mabel’s blood still shone brightly against my skin, a reminder of what I still needed to do. 
I’m almost there. Suddenly, pain flares up in my side, and I can’t walk any further. 
Leaning against a tree, I slowly inch down, trying not to cause any more pain- even though whimpers occasionally leave my mouth. I gingerly life my shirt up- only to be met with ugly purples and angry reds that now adorned the side of my torso.  
Dropping the fabric of my shirt again, I take a deep breath, getting up slowly. 
Cooling my hand slightly, I keep it placed over my side. Just as the nursemaid back on Watarumi said; When in doubt, ice it.  
And then I kept moving. 
I couldn’t waste any more time. 
My thoughts wander again, as I think about what we’d have to do once I find Apex. 
We’d have so find some way to heal all on Dodomi – but of course we were mildly inconvenienced by the fact that it was virtually impossible so that was wonderful. 
Perhaps there was a way we could ask the gods for help.  
I hear some ruslting in the distance – except this time, it was a lot closer. 
I didn’t have any weapons, meaning no way to defend myself. 
Unless I used my Reya. 
But slowly freezing the blood of an animal driven by its sole instinct to survive was heartlessly cruel. 
In the end though, it was all of Dodomi or one animal. 
And so, letting energy course through my veins, I feel the air around my fingertips slowly become chilly – the humidity making it easier to freeze the water molecules in the oxygen around me, forcing it to take its solid form. 
My entire arm was now enveloped in a frozen gauntlet – and with the right contact, it would freeze the bloodstream of the creature awaiting me. 
But I couldn’t stray from the path.  
So, I let the animal find me.  
The robust serpent slithered out of the tree it was hiding in – its head probably the size of the sole of my foot. 
Like the leopard from before, its eyes were bloodred, its scales reflecting the dull moonlight that peeked through the thing canopy of trees above.  
But this time – the hungry and predatorial look in its eyes was only met by the icy stare I had mastered so many years ago. 
Eyes devoid of emotion, soulless grey storms, churning pits of emptiness. 
I learnt from the best, after all. 
As it lunged to sink its fangs into my thigh, I lifted my foot, and bringing it down to what would be its neck, transferring the ice around my hand to create an icy boot, successfully freezing the snake’s airways shut.  
The reptile – nothing more than a limp rag on the ground – started to ooze a disgusting blue acid-like liquid from its mouth, and the scent burned my nostrils, so I turned and moved on. 
But my heart pounded in my ears, almost disbelieving how short that struggle was. I killed something with such natural ease... 
I was just like him. 
Tyrion Loki Cynet, King of Khaenpani and my birth father, eyes colder than the violent sea that smashed against the cliffs around our kingdom.  
Just the thought of it built a sour taste in my mouth. As it always did when I thought about him. Only worried about how I behaved not how I felt. It was always about the outside with him. 
He would always be a better king than father. Always concerned about his reputation his image, his legacy.  
He was the youngest brother in his family – his hold on the throne was barely there. But then, after a brutal battle with a known gang of bandits in the area, he was given the nickname the Stained Prince – for the blood he spilt that stained our snowy fields of Khaenpanii. And with the fame it brought him – the people thought he would be the most fit to protect them – and they pushed for him to be crowned heir. 
7 years later, he was crowned king. 
His reputation.  
After I was born, I realized I had not one father but two. One was a strict but well-meaning ruler who wanted the best for his people. The other only showed himself at home, creating a dictatorship within his own home.  
HIs image. 
The five years I had known him, he had only talked to me about one thing and one thing only. And that was how I had to become Syla for the Cynet family – how I born for that, and for that only. Every day of my childhood was filled with him forcing my deference to his every will and command. He had shaped my goals into his. 
HIs legacy. 
And now, I was becoming just like him, taking life without a single thought in my mind. 
My feet ached as I neared the final stretch of my journey, begging me to stop, but I was almost there. 
And as the gates of Asraxvale came into view, my heart leapt in my chest. 
I did it. 
Thank the gods. 
The gates were chipped and rusted shut, but I had expected as much. It only confirmed my suspicions that Espyns could be affected by this virus as well. 
So I climbed over it, my feet finding footholds in the wrought iron, before reaching the top. I swung my legs over the gate and jumped down – the smooth stone path underneath my feet thankfully lead me to the main entrance of the palace.  
Everything felt off though, it just seemed...too easy. 
But I could just be paranoid after the forest. So, pushing the twisting feeling in my gut away, I made my way to the palace gates, pushing the grand doors open just to hear the big thud reverberate through the empty halls. 
And laying on the floor, in a pool of blood, was Princess Adrienne ‘Apex’ Pyracent. 
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scoonsalicious · 5 months
Erm hi, I went for a trip… and came back to this wonderful chaos that is happening in Unwanted. WHAT????!!!! You have had me pulling at my hair, frowning at my phone, and tearing at fictional characters that only existed in 3 parts. PARTS! Not even chapters… what is happening…
Firstly, I need a Tony. I need a Tony that is like Pocket’s Tony. The back story… is *chef’s kiss* and we all need someone like that watching over us with just love and adoration and support and ❤️
Secondly, while I’m absolutely livid at Bucky… my soft heart for him can’t wait for his redemption. But he better wise up and just shake his head a little more to put his brain in place. And of coz that snippet of C26 I think… please don’t break my heart anymore… don’t break Pocket’s anymore 😔
Thirdly, WAIT WHAT SEQUEL? please don’t end unwanted on a cliffhanger… I’ll LITERALLY DIE I NEED SOME SORT OF CLOSURE AND A TIME TO CATCH MY BREATH before falling head first into another one of your beautifully crafted, exceptionally written works.
Okie, thank you for listening. Please leave me at this corner and ignore my rambling. I love you I love your writing okie bye
- 🌗
Oooh, where did you go? I hope you had a good time! We all need a Tony like Pocket's Tony, ngl. Someone who believes in us, who looks at us and sees the potential we have to be our best selves, and lets us nurture it, while providing unwavering love and support. I want that for all of us, and I want all of us to be that for someone <3
Bucket's been in heavy therapy since Pocket went away. He's a little bit assy in Chapt 25, but he's getting some horrible, unexpected news, right along with Pocket, and he's seeing just how horribly his actions have hurt her. It's kind of a come-to-Jesus moment for both of them, and going forward, we're only healing! No more heartbreak (at least not from Bucky!)
There will not be a cliffhanger to set up for a sequel, I promise! There will be a couple of oneshots after, and I'm going to work on a new series in between, but the sequel, as it stands, is going to cover the events of Infinity War and Endgame from Pocket's perspective. Unwanted will remain a standalone story with its own happy ending. I love you so much, and I'm so grateful for you!
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granitenotgranted · 2 years
I'm gonna need ur reaction and thoughts about the RaM finale once you've watched it
I only watched it yesterday so im not gonna have any hot and spicy new takes for yall but ya girl DID have some thoughts lets go (obviously spoiler warning)
thank you SO SO much for asking!! I’m honored that you want my takes<33
Listen I hate to say it but I KNEW IT WAS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE!! GOD!!! 😭😭😭
I just need to come out here and say this but first of all I dont think Rick replacing himself was really a bad thing,,,, like at all LMAO especially knowing that it was Rick who made him I mean it was more than just a replacement he was made to be the grandpa he wants for morty but he just knows he can’t be right now.
I can fully understand how it would absolutely feel like a betrayal to Morty but looking at it as a viewer I mean Rick was fully spiraling, to me his intentions were completely pure. Also I thik im just grateful they gave us a time stamp for when the swap was made so we didnt have to wonder forever how much of Rick this season was Rick. He still did piss master, he still kept Jerry blissfully ignorant just out of good will, he STILL WILLINGLY WENT TO THERAPY. All these wouldve been out the window if theyd overlooked that detail. 
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Him recognizing that he was starting to go off the deep end again and not only removing himself but having his familys best interest in mind ( “Im no good to anyone until I resolve this” ) while doing so AND literally while mad at Morty is still INSANE character growth from where we started but this way is REALISTIC character growth. It was WEIRD how black and white the difference between literally yhe last two episodes and even just the rest of the season (which has famously been Rick in his peak good grandpa career) was. At some points it felt like I was reading fanfiction.
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(Why do his knees look like that oh my god) Rick is fully capable of recognizing where he can be better, he always has been, he is not stupid *however* he is CLUTCHING onto the idea of being more logical than sentimental by the fucking neck rn. Men will literally build an anatomically flawless ai to be the perfectly calculated percentage nicer to their grandson and to be the man they wish they were before just going back to therapy.
Someone else mentioned this but ill also point out how much I appreciated just seeing Rick working? Like just in his space completely focused building shit with his brain and hands that hit the fucking spot. 9/10 times we only get the finished product and idk if its just me but I love when we SEE Rick living up to the Rick Sanchez tm reputation.
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And Morty... my sweet summer child. It is not at all a shiny new take to say oh he’s so done with ricks shit we all know that but I really really want to point out something that I’m not really sure what point I’m trying to make with but have we noticed almost a switch morty flips when on adventures? He cried because Christmas was ruined like not even a full 6 hours before he was fully ready to kill a man while looking him in the eyes. Maybe the two were cause and effect idk bht I think that’s definitely something present in other episodes too this sorta “just get it done” attitude.
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Also how much he sounded like rick this ep? That whole “don’t be too flattered he’s been actively trying to die” sounded EXACTLY like a Rick line I literally had to play it again. And the complete apathy for robo rick wanting to die until he ACTUALLY lunged himself into the void was also just textbook rick bullshit. Like grandfather like goddamn grandson.
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The ending to me was a little disappointing tbh I think I was hoping for a more,,, structured? Cliffhanger? Like we dk what’s gonna happen in this storyline instead of the introduction to a new storyline yk? MAYBEEE I’m just salty we have to wait another year for more you can’t prove anything.
Rick being borderline manic ab RP at the end was my favorite it’s nice to see him just rant ab anything really and like not make some bullshit elaborate Halloween house to take his anger out but just legit vent ab what this guys been doing to him for the past fucking 40 years. I didn’t even notice the ep was over when the credits rolled in my mind we were only like 10 minutes in and I lost my MIND when mr poopy butthole pulled up again good to see he’s thriving (kinda)
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On a final note when he called him Rick prime please let me know if I’m off but is that not an internet term for him? Like the fandom came up with it? Rick and morty writers are tumblerinas confirmed question mark?
And lastly: Neurotypical. Cooties.
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mdhwrites · 1 year
In the description are timestamps for when the tierlist properly starts, when I swap seasons and a quick jump to skip the break I took between S1 and 2. Shout out to D-Man in my Discord for being my cohost for this as it helped a lot with making sure I wasn’t getting too into my own head. For those who want to see the final verdict though:
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And now for some analysis of the picks for those who want the probably bigger ticket episodes on the list and don’t want to have to scrub through a 5 hour video: NOTABLE ODDITIES: Yesterday’s Lie at D: With how I’ve praised Vee and talked about how good Yesterday’s Lie is at its own goals is actually a problem for the show overall, why is it that when trying to mostly judge the episodes on their own merits, it’s in D? Well... I explained on stream that if they cut off Luz and Camila’s conversation even fifteen seconds earlier, have the guilt trip and not the promise, the episode would easily be in S tier. Objectively I think the episode is S tier. However... This is a subjective list and I could do an entire blog as to why the promise made at the end of it LOOKS like a good cliffhanger... But if you ask questions about how it can be resolved, it is just awful. And the show knew this as it doesn’t even come up for why Luz wants to stay in the human realm. They made an entirely different, far stupider, reason for it. But it doesn’t change that me thinking about the promise made me actively dread S2B because I could not see the promise leading to anything good but it’s too big and dramatic to just ignore, even though the show effectively does ignore it. Grom at A instead of S: I still can’t fully explain this one. It’s honestly as much where my gut demanded it be as much as my mind but it is absolutely the gatekeeper for S because it deserves the rep it has. Honestly, I think it’s THE episode where my shifting opinions and analysis of the show hurts it the most because I just can’t be comfortable with the fact that Luz takes Amity’s place WAY more to prove Eda wrong and do a cool thing than specifically because Amity is afraid. Amity is more an excuse in this episode which is a similar problem to Cloud on the Horizon (which I know is likely surprising not to be in F tier but it doesn’t break any continuity or the like and at least tries to give payoff to things which I can’t always say about others) since they’re both VERY important to Lumity but Lumity doesn’t feel important to them if that makes any sense and I just can’t shake that with Grom. S TIER EXPLANATIONS: A Lying Witch and a Warden: It’s a VERY good pilot. If it were just another episode of the show, it’d probably be a high A but it might still be an S just because the ideas are so much fun and so interesting in them and presented with a lot of charm and heart that I wish was in more of the series. As an introduction though, regardless of what the show will actually be like, it’s absolutely amazing. It gets across the core (for S1) of these characters incredibly well, it shows a world that is genuinely interesting and still manages a fun adventure on top of that without feeling rushed or haphazard. It is just something I marvel at and easily deserves its spot. Lost in Language: I’ve talked about this being my favorite episode and that has not changed. It utilizes the age of the characters well, it has fun magic, it actually has the line “This isn’t what it looks like” and it’s just bluntly true, it has great comedy, a lot of cheer and the final threat of the bookmaker is TERRIFYING but also heartbreaking and actually holds WAY more threat than most other villains in the series. It is exactly what I want out of a fantasy kid’s show if you were to ask me. Also while the B plot isn’t anything special, it is fun and so it doesn’t drag down the episode. Agony of a Witch: I was honestly surprised when my first instinct was to put this or Young Blood, Old Souls in S tier. I think it’s because S1′s story with Eda and Lilith is genuinely REALLY good and this is the payoff to that and boy what a payoff it is. However, it’s much more paid off in this episode and Young Blood, Old Souls suffers from the fact that a finale is still supposed to setup the next season and... We get one episode dealing with the new status of the curse and Belos isn’t touched on properly again until S2B because fuck you. It’s not enough to drag episode down too far but it definitely solidified that my good will towards the finale is a lot more from Agony. F TIER EXPLANQATIONS: Escaping Expulsion: Murders two of its more interesting elements in plotlines that not only aren’t that fun but also barely include, if included at all, the main character that these elements are connected to. The biggest plus is that Odalia is a lot of fun as a villain but that is part of also how Amity’s potential was murdered so yeah, no. Otherwise, it’s very bog standard with a completely out of character montage from Bump and just isn’t interesting from a character perspective because everything is too easy. Elsewhere Elsewhen: Remove Luz, Eda and Lilith being stupid as rocks and the murdering of any potential that Belos or the Isles had to be interesting and you have why Really Small Problems ALMOST made F tier. This is just a boring as fuck episode. The jokes aren’t good, everyone’s an idiot, nothing is accomplished, what is is dumb and not going to pay off well in the long run and I just end wishing I’d done literally anything else with my time. It’s barely even interesting to talk about despite being a time travel episode because the time travel is so pointless and it’s not exploring the past of the Isles, it’s about being the next person Philip conned out of THOUSANDS he probably did over the years and Philip is NO FUN. Dell is the ONLY good part of this episode but that’s like two minutes at best and goes nowhere in the grander scheme of things and was definitely not worth comic relief Eda which is always the WORST because Eda is at her funniest when you’re laughing with her, not at her. Sport in a Storm: This one surprised me but it comes down to Willow’s talk with Hunter feeling patronizing because “I was called half a witch because I literally was using the wrong type of magic and now am the DEMI GOD OF PLANTS” does exactly parallel respectfully with “I was born without magic and therefore am genuinely seen as potentially of this society.” Not only that but even a moral as simple as ‘don’t judge by its cover’ is done so poorly with the fact that Hunter had EVERY reason to write off all those characters and the turn around for why they’re actually impressive is mostly bullshit. That plus the fact that the Lumity stuff is fine at best and the EC is murdered in relevancy and interest just makes this an absolutely terrible episode for me because I care about no one, what is happening is actively elements worse and it really is disrespectful to any disability allegory with Hunter. Reaching Out: This is still the worst episode in the series for me. I got a headache and cut it short because I got so mad talking about it. NOTHING functions in this episode though. It can’t even do fun tournament fights because it has no interest in that. It has no interest in having Amity and Luz properly interact, something that is just a running fact about Lumity once they’re together. The final talk with Luz makes Amity’s feelings feel like bullshit because they’re never actually addressed and Amity such little of a grudge that she doesn’t even ask for an apology. She’s entirely focused on Luz and Luz’s pain so why did you run away except for a shot of the Grom tree that doesn’t actually reflect the status of your relationship because Luz could go literally and Amity would not leave her. The ONLY saving grace of the episode is a mostly boring B plot that has good emotions but has the glaring problem that Amity ditching tryouts does of “BEING A WILD WITCH IS FUCKING ILLEGAL!” I could literally go scene by scene with this episode for why the concepts are good but then just left to rot in the gutter, and the fact that the concept for this episode is so good that it makes me say, and I NEVER say this, I could have written it better, is unforgivable for me personally. Thanks to Them: I had initially planned to put this in D because I’m always told there’s a lot of fanservice and it seems like it’s at least trying to do important things even if it’s not doing them well but... I’m sorry. Amity becoming comic relief annoys me, Luz is at her ABSOLUTE WORST as a character, period, for this episode to where her decision in this episode is something I bring up constantly because its character assassination, Belos being alive is infuriating period and they get an alright fight scene out of it but very little substantially else, it’s the entire reason why so many people are pissed that Evelyn and Caleb didn’t come back in the finale because of a very half assed attempt to go “Look, we have a sympathetic villain, we swear!” It’s also one of the few episode where the little I did watch actually made me go “I’m not crazy... This just looks bad and cheap animation wise, right?” Especially the fucking hay ride which should have been hard to fuck up because it’s a not exactly a new or complex concept. For the Future: If Thanks to Them got brownie points for trying to do important things but doing them badly, For the Future gets slaughtered for the fact in a three episode season, one episode feels like filler. Not even fun filler that’s exuberant or interesting or dealing with characters who have been treated as properly relevant to the show in over a season. It’s just filler. And I know Willow stans mad at me for that but Willow has been a plot device for other characters her entire existence so why is her ONE properly about her episode in the entire series in SEASON FUCKING THREE. Other than that, Kikimora is a terrible villain and always has been so her being one of the final threats and not being an in show joke is just fucking awful and it also includes the end of Luz’s character which is done just... The worst. It doesn’t even track with the problem she was having. She blatantly ignored that part of her mother’s speech. It’s not character assassination like Thanks to Them but this whole episode admits how few characters are real characters in this show, that it never had the themes it claims it had and has no fucking clue what to do with its own story elements to make them interesting. And a small shout out to Watching and Dreaming that is probably mostly not in F tier because I didn’t want to put literally all of S3 in F tier and at the least the spectacle of the episode (much Hollow Mind which I have to respect the ambitions of even if the execution is ass) and the fanservice makes it a satisfactory ending for the show even if it’s a meaningless one. Would I have liked it? Almost certainly not but I didn’t watch S3 for a reason. I also want to mention a final bit that I added in the stream once I had the whole thing done: I think TOH is a series that is worse than the sum of its parts. Frankly, the only episode that probably would have been S tier would have been Lost in Language if I was judging in the grander context because so much goes nowhere, or terrible, that it really does damage the enjoyment I have of the show as whole. A perfect example is that Lilith and Eda interactions are GREAT in S1... But knowing Lilith’s fate will always taint those for me unless I manage to shove them out. Similarly goes for Lumity, to such an extent it still affected the ranking of Grom. Nonetheless, this is my list. If you want my opinion on the rest, buy the right- Sorry. How bizarre. I mean go watch the video at the top of the blog. Otherwise, i hope you have a wonderful day and thank you. =========== I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead, If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
And finally a Twitter you can follow too!
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cherrywoodmaeg · 1 year
Shortcut, Pt. 10
Last chapter had the worst cliffhanger. Good thing I didn't disappear for no reason leaving all three (3) of you readers hanging.
Anyways, I'm thankful that some of you reached out. I have no intention of abandoning this story, and I have a few more chapters ready to be released.
Lots of love!
A long way home
Jon had absolutely no idea where he was. The trees around him grew high and only scarcely allowed the sun to shine through. Upon waking up, he had found himself without his coat, lying on the mossy ground, covered in mud and wet.
A dull headache began to form behind his forehead. Where the hell am I? Where is Niphka?
Jon groaned and ran his hands over his face. He only vaguely remembered the past night and tried to get the impressions it had left into the right order.
We had a chat, I went to sleep, and then –
It dawned on him.
The ship.
His dreaming state had transported him back onto the HMS Triumph, back into that room with Gregson and Doyle, back into the water, without air, without a chance of survival, until…
Jon remembered the panic blinding him as his mind was stuck between sleep and consciousness. He remembered running. He remembered falling. And then, nothing.
“What have I done?”
Jon tried calling for Niphka. He cried her name until his voice grew hoarse and his throat yearned for water. Despite his protesting ankle, Jon staggeringly began to walk. If he wanted to survive, sitting around wouldn’t do him any good.
After travelling with his giant companion, Jon’s own speed seemed agonizingly slow. When the sun began to hide behind clouds, he could only guess how much time passed. Eventually, Jon stumbled across a rocky road meandering through the woods. It was really more of a desire path, but it left him with a dilemma: left or right?
Before he could make his choice though, he heard something.
“Niphka?” he yelled, barely daring to hope.
Someone had answered, but Jon didn’t recognize the voice. He took a few steps toward where he presumed its source. As the path bent, he was confronted with a new scene.
A chaise lay in the ditch, one of its large wheels broken. A white pony stood nearby peacefully gnawing on a twig. And on top the damaged carriage sat a very angry woman, who, upon seeing him, jumped off and stomped towards him.
“Perfect! You!” She pointed her finger at Jon, who came to a halt in confusion.
“Tell me you saw them!”
Jon had no idea what she was talking about.
“Don’t just stand around, man! You’ll be my witness!”
Despite her robust leather soles, she was a lot smaller than Jon. Nevertheless, her determination and her strong voice made her a force to be reckoned with, as Jon was about to find out. She looked young, barely of age, and wore her honey blonde hair in a braided knot. Rogue strands had fallen out at several places and made her appearance worn. Her orange and yellow clothes were cut like a hunter’s vest and trousers, but the embroidery on it as well as the ornaments on the carriage revealed that she came from money.
“Witness to what?”
She merely groaned.
Jon grew annoyed. “Look, I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what happened.”
She flopped herself down next to the intact wheel of her chaise.
“If you didn’t see those idiots shoving me off the street, you’re useless to me.”
Jon ignored her grouse and walked past to stroke the pony.
“What’s his name?”
“That’s Ferdi. And since you’re asking so politely, I’m Ida.”
“Jon” he responded without looking at her. His interest had wandered over to the broken wheel.
“Why are you half-naked?”
Jon sighed. “Long story.”
She shrugged. “Well, you wear whatever you want. Or don’t.” Ida got on her feet and pulled a wooden box out of her chaise’s seat.
“Want to share lunch?” The piece of bread she waved at him seemed like the most delicious thing in the world. Jon sat beside her and dug his teeth into it. It was dry, but he could barely restrain himself from devouring it all at once.
“Eat like a person, man. When’s the last time you’ve had something?”
Her sceptical eyes scanned him up and down.
“Are you a vagabond or something?”
“’M trying t’get home,” he responded between chews.
“And where’s that?”
That only made her suspicion rise.
“On foot?”
Jon swallowed his last bite.
“Do you like to interrogate people for fun?”
“Lots of strange people around.” She wiped her hands on her clothes.
“Well, at least I have this piece of evidence so I can get those idiots a proper prosecution for their offense on traffic law.” She pulled a dirty green jacket from the carriage.
“Hey, that’s my coat!” Jon yelled in surprise.
“You can’t have it back. It’s evidence.”
Jon nearly rolled his eyes.
“Alright, Ida. If I can repair your chaise, will you give me my coat back?”
She looked at him in surprise. and then gave him her hand to shake.
“I’ll tell you what, Jon: If you repair that pile of chaos, I will not only give you your coat back, I will actually pay you.” And she added, “If you don’t mess it up.”
Now, Jon almost had to laugh. “Deal!”
Part 9 < Part 10 > Part 11
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jakesuit0 · 10 months
Conquest of Cuteness Review
“Conquest of Cuteness” is the least impactful and most mundane season premiere Adventure Time has ever put out. The last two season premieres weren’t part of some grand season arc either, but “It Came From the Nightosphere” pushed the series to new heights. “Slumber Party Panic” obviously introduced a lot of key components of the series, and we’re pretty close to its sequel episode. The plot of this season premiere, and the characters it introduces, don’t ever get further explored. This is as standalone as an episode gets for Adventure Time, even more standalone than most season three episodes. It could have aired during any part of the season. Adventure Time isn’t promising a big overarching story yet, so it’s not a big deal. But, after how good last season’s premiere was, and given the cliffhanger from “Mortal Recoil”, the season certainly could have had a stronger start. Judging it as a normal episode, it’s really good! Which is all it really needs to be at this part of the series.
The opening scene is very cute, I love it when episodes start with Finn and Jake just singing a silly little song. Pretty good introductory scene to the season, just reestablishing what our boys are all about. The everything burrito is a pretty well known iconography from the series, and is the first of many times we see Jake enjoying a bizarre combination of foods. We meet the Cute People. They’re impossible to take seriously, with Finn and Jake happily posing for BMO’s camera with them, ignoring their threats of evil.
Jake is worried about the Cuties, thinking they poisoned his burrito. As Finn comforts him, Jake tells him that he reminds him of Margaret. We haven’t seen Finn and Jake casually mention their parents much, but it’s nice to see that they’re on their minds. It’s also cool to see Jake viewing Finn as a source for comfort, as opposed to the other way around, for once. They are woken up by the intruding cute people, who are holding Jake’s sword from “Tree Trunks”. I like that Finn and Jake are now on the same page about the cute people being a nuisance, instead of arguing the entire episode. The cuties taunt them by pretending to be Margaret’s ghost. It was already obvious, but this is the first hard confirmation of at least one of their parent’s death. We’re getting just a little light shed on Finn and Jake’s early childhoods. 
The cute people charge towards the treehouse in the morning, but all end up tripping over, exploding, or my favorite, getting picked up by a duck. I still think this sequence could be more creative and funny, then just most of them falling down and tripping. They are definitely the most incompetent villains Finn and Jake have ever faced, which works when we aren’t supposed to take them seriously. Finn and Jake watch Cute King’s scolding of his men, which results in them all crying, which is very funny. Finn decides they need to lose to them on purpose to get them to stop, which is not something I’m sure Finn would have done in season 1. 
I love the transition of Finn saying he’ll call all their friends for an army to a shot of Jake sitting with BMO, Cinnamon Bun, Lumpy Space Princess, and a random duck. Only the dumbest of Finn and Jake’s friends bothered to come. You couldn’t pay Marceline and Bubblegum to give a shit about this. Cinnamon Bun is probably the only person in Ooo who could lose to the cute people, falling over before even any of the cuties manage to. This also gives us the first Cinnamon Bun and LSP interaction. The storyboarding does a good job tricking you into thinking the cute people have formed into a giant monster, only to reveal they are still only two feet tall. Finn dramatically pretending to die as he squirts ketchup everywhere is great, the Cuties too stupid to catch on. Not even Jake can take this shit seriously anymore, he just dances. Adding on to this delightfully bizarre and silly scene, Cinnamon Bun enjoys getting a faceful of ketchup while LSP can’t help but use this as an opportunity to make it about romance and drama, dying from a heartbreak. It’s topped off by Cute King’s iconic victory dance, causing Jake to burst out laughing, revealing their hoax. 
Finn causes Cute King to become a true villain, sending him to use his cuteness to control others. Sending him to be Ice King’s problem is a good ending, and he doesn’t seem to mind!
This one has a very simple plot and I like not taking it seriously. I’m just along for the ride of nonstop silliness. There’s a lot of nice smaller moments throughout this one (I love Jake mistaking the blanket for a dead, bloody goat).
Grade: A-
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scottwbeattie · 1 year
Review: Superman in the Seventies
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Superman is not just my favorite superhero, he’s my favorite fictional character. Yet, comparatively speaking, I haven’t read that many of his comics, and, prior to this collection, I hadn’t read a single Superman comic from the 1970’s. I blame this entirely on DC, who, apparently, have no interest in publishing anything prior to Crisis on Infinite Earths. Even Superman in the Seventies is out of print, however, I managed to find a used copy on Amazon for a decent price and picked it up. Since I’m completely ignorant of Superman in this decade, I can’t say if the comics that they chose for this anthology are a good representation of the character at this time, but since it’s all that I have, it’ll have to do.
There are quite a few charming stories in this volume. I found that the ones I usually liked most were written by Elliot S! Maggin, but there were strong and weak stories from just about every contributor. The writers include a grab-pack of names that most DC readers of this era will be familiar with: Maggin, Cary Bates, Len Wein, and Robert Kanigher, but the biggest name undoubtedly will belong to Jack Kirby, as an issue of his Jimmy Olsen run is included.
The inclusion of that particular issue is a bit of a head-scratcher in that it ends on a cliffhanger, but the following issue is not collected. This actually happens a few times in the anthology, and so it can make for a frustrating reading experience. Again, I’m not familiar enough with this era to name a better stand-alone Jimmy Olsen issue, and it’s entirely possible that there isn’t one. I understand that you can’t not include a Kirby comic in a 70’s Superman collection, which is all the more reason to just create something like the equivalent of the Marvel Epic line (but that’s an argument for another day).
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My favorite story might just be the Krypto story by Maggin, although I’ll be the first to admit that I’m a sucker for Krypto. As dated as it was, I also kind of liked the “I am Curious (Black)” where Lois Lane becomes black for a day. If you read it as a 2023 reader, then, yes, it’s very cringe, but if you’re willing to look at in its context, then it’s an interesting and well-intentioned piece of social commentary (although I suspect that, even in 1970, it came across as forced). “Must There be a Superman?” is a classic story that I’m really glad to have finally read and it lives up to its billing. There’s a few weak stories as well; the issue with Terra Man was just dull as he wasn’t a very compelling villain. The preface mentioned that he was an important foe during this decade, but he never came across as menacing. Instead, it felt like someone in the Superman office was a big fan of Clint Eastwood westerns and wanted him in a Superman comic.
The majority of the comics in this collection are drawn by Curt Swan, the definitive Superman artist, so the book looks great. My biggest complaint is that the quality of the paper and the scans don’t do justice to Swan’s art. Not to belabor the comparison, but the Marvel Epics treat the art from this same era with so much more reverence. To be fair, DC had a line of paperbacks and omnibuses (Wonder Woman: the Golden Age vol. 2, Green Lantern: the Silver Age vol. 4, The Brave and the Bold: the Bronze Age vol. 1, etc.) that was comparable in quality to the Epic line, but they never got around to printing any Bronze Age Superman stories, and, for the most part, it seems that the line has been discontinued.
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Overall, I have mixed feelings about Superman in the Seventies. The stories themselves were almost always charming and fun even when they ended on an unresolved cliffhanger, but the format is just not the way that I would go about collecting stories from this era. For Superman fans like myself, however, it’s worth owning until a better collection comes along.
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moonshine999 · 1 year
How I would have done Wanda in the MCU (pt.2)
Note that this is obviously comprised of my own opinions and if you don’t agree with them, simply scroll away and ignore it 
So this is part 2, where I will tackle the phase 3 projects i.e. civil war, infinity war and end game 
(Part 1 was winter soldier and age of Ultron)
Note the fact that obviously everything that was going to happen to her character arc in phase 4 was not planned when she was seen in winter soldier so I do have the benefit of hindsight and this is by no means, something that should have been done or anything. 
I am not a screenwriter and this will not be perfect.
Without further ado, let’s get into it 
Captain America : Civil War 
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“I can’t control their fear, only my own”
Now I think this film is amazing in its portrayal of Wanda. But with my version of age of ultron, some changes do need to come about
🥀 a confrontation between her and Tony 
So this concludes the plot line that I added in age of ultron of Wanda still resenting Tony 
The missile that killed her parents and took away her home was from stark industries.Her brother died in a rampage caused by one of his creations .That very creation destroyed the city she lived in
How can she ever come to terms with that? 
Perhaps the scene could start out with Tony trying to recruit her onto his side
She’s powerful. If they can convince a mutant with such power to join their side and sign the accords then they’ll be able to convince almost everyone that what they are doing is right
Wanda spares him one glance before looking away 
He starts talking and making an argument, trying to be gentle 
No longer being able to bear the sound of his voice, she lashes out
Her accent comes out again 
The television glitches 
A window shatters 
“ You took my parents, my brother and my city away from me and you have the audacity to even think that I would comply to your team!? “
“ listen kid, I understand- “ 
“No you don’t! How can you!? You live in luxury, you are at the head of the avengers and you have nearly every military at your fingertips. You don’t understand and you never will” 
She storms off and all Tony can do is sink into self pity 
I think it gives more insight into siding with Cap and gives the audience a reminder of what Tony did 
🥀 more scenes with vision 
Just to set up the thing with the already emotional thing of her losing him 3 times 
The cooking scene is adorable so more of that
Maybe her watching the news and drowning in guilt of what she did and vision just coming passing through the wall and into her room, startling her
‘Vis, we’ve talked about this’ 
He sits down and with one look at the news and then Wanda, he takes a cd (it can be one she gave him or one he found in her room) and switches from the news to a sit com 
‘The last episode was too much of a cliffhanger. If you don’t mind’ 
Wanda just chuckles and watches, now with a wide smile on her face
And then Steve comes in and tells them Tony wants to meet with every one
While I like the scene where Steve is comforting her, I do find this more suitable.
As they end up on opposite sides, they still care for each other and I think this can also help us understand how vision (currently) is awkward and does not know how to go about things but he understands Wanda and Wanda understands him. They’re both new to all this, they’re both awkward, they both want the best for each other. But they have to fight against each other. 
We could also get something with them discussing their futures and where they want to end up and Vision lets slip something like ‘we could live together… or not, it’s up to you really’ 
‘That doesn’t sound bad actually, can save money’ 
‘Yes of course. Money.’ 
Now these scenes, paired with Tony’s confrontation scene later or earlier on, ties into the rift vision and stark get into over vision nearly causing Rhodey’s death 
🥀her in prison
Just to see vision’s reaction and him maybe lashing out, reminding Tony of Ultron, making him almost scared. Vision calms down eventually but this just makes Tony more weary of both of them and grow resentment 
🥀her aesthetic 
Again one of those nit-picky points but I do think it would have helped her character 
We see her room in one scene, right? 
Instead of it being bland like shown, maybe there are posters of popular sitcoms, tapestries of gothic art (she never left her emo phase, what do you mean), a pile of newspapers documenting the avengers’s cases or a pile of cds 
Her costume, again , unnecessarily sexualises her
While I like the idea of it, maybe ditch the heels and give her more coverage for protection? 
Olsen will look great either way but it just bugs me that this blatant sexualisation is not part of her character in any way, just there for the hell of it. 
Now just some things I do like about this movie (almost everything) : 
🥀the incident in the beginning of the movie setting up how Wanda still hasn’t settled into this whole superhero thing 
🥀the cooking scene with Vision
🥀her dynamic with hawkeye 
🥀how she actually faces proper consequences (which becomes rarer as projects go on) 
🥀the brief scenes we get of her in prison 
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Avengers : Infinity War
“why was she up there all this time?”
Okay so I really love this movie 
And I barely have any changes to give to her character as I think it ties in pretty nicely. The interactions are fun, the emotion is there 
just one thing to conclude the Bruce plot line from age of ultron 
🥀a scene between her and Bruce
This is the first time they see each other, both characters have been through shit
Maybe it could start off as Wanda approaching him. She drove him through all this madness in the first place
Bruce is still shaken from everything that has happened and seems distant but tries to appear friendly. How he always does, I suppose
Now it doesn’t have to be much
Just a small conversation that starts off awkward, that is in nature of both characters at the time 
Then it gets deeper, Wanda apologises 
She understands now, how it feels to be painted as a monster by the public, how to have so many against you. She tells him it was driven by rage, by unnecessary fury and how she wishes she could take it back
Bruce, unsure, takes a pause and then smiles
Faintly but smiles
He reassures her that it’s okay and he forgives her but they have a bigger threat on their heels and right now, the best solution is to stick together
Despite everything that has happened in their pasts 
Other than that, everything about her character is near perfection in this film. The plot line with vision, the acting GAH THE ACTING, every decision she makes, like * chef’s kiss *
Avengers : Endgame
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”you took everything from me”
Same as infinity war, I do not have any such thing to add to this film
but I do wanna conclude a plot line
🥀a scene with Tony
Now this is the epic battle that has gotten 10 years of build up, it would just be outright stupid to devote an entire scene to them. But maybe we can see Tony’s reaction
as the slides show the different people who have been blipped, when Wanda’s comes up - we flash to two people
Clint and Tony
A mentor and an enemy
Tony sinks to his hands again before lashing out in his speech against Steve
he couldn’t save Peter
he couldn’t apologise to Wanda
he couldn’t keep the avengers together
now that is just a small thing but it does show that he feels sorry and wanted to make it up to her but that chance might be gone forever .
we could also rope in vision’s death as a contributing factor to his explosion
now in the final battle, when everyone has arrived, I want to keep it almost the same
but instead of Wanda saving black panther from Thanos, she saves tony
just swap out their roles and make it so that Tony is trying to fly away with the gauntlet with Thanos at his heels and then Wanda flies down from the sky in between them
the showdown goes the exact same with Wanda only getting knocked out when Thanos calls his troops
she falls to the ground and is helped up by Tony (who has now passed the gauntlet to someone else)
now can everything be fully forgiven
no. but they are fighting for a cause bigger than both of them. They are fighting and they are fighting together. A small acknowledgment passes between them as they separate. Giving both a sense of peace. When Tony dies, a pan over to Wanda
She isn’t crying. Cried enough because of the titan.
she’s not angry. she’s understanding. She understands why he did so, she understands for whom he did so, and gains a new found respect for him. some might say too late but she does, a small smile appears on her face before she retreats back to the ship. Letting his family mourn.
He understood. He always understood. Now she can understand as well. but yeah
that’s it for today
I hope you liked it
let me know if there are any changes you would have liked to see
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