#like yeah you wanna play cards? XD
victorluvsalice · 2 years
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-->And then, while having Smiler feed the chickens, I took another look over at the greenhouse as Victor finished up with his oversized crops and WTF HAPPENED TO ALL HIS PLANTS?! Seriously, almost his ENTIRE GREENHOUSE randomly reverted to dirt piles! *facepalm* They don’t really NEED the produce right now, but...yeah, I picked up a certain gardening fix off Little Miss Sam’s tumblr after this particular playsession. *grumble*
-->Anyway -- Smiler tended the chickens, then went and made another mechanism (still with no zappage! Hooray for that) before going back out to the coop and trying to get a couple of the hens to like them (as they needed a bit of attention). The chickens still seem largely uninterested in them, but at least none of them hate them?
-->Alice, for her part, wolfed out and went on a hunt because she was hungry, and this brought her over the line to get another ability point! After some thought, I put it into the “Tunneler” power, because a quick way to get places is always good.
-->It was around this time that I realized, “hey, wait -- where did all the gnomes go after Harvestfest? I haven’t seen them in a while.” So I went looking around the lot, expecting them to be somewhere in the garden...
Nope. Up in Smiler’s party barn. With fifty million seed packets around them. XD Oh dear. Fortunately Victor was only too happy to go upstairs and clean up the plants while I scattered the gnomes around the greenhouse and in front of the chicken coop. Mostly duplicates of stuff he already had, but if he wants to plant begonias or daisies in the future, he’s got them now!
-->The gang then settled into doing creative stuff -- Alice some painting, Smiler some guitar playing and clay molding -- but it wasn’t long before I came to a decision -- namely, that I had to get them over to Finchwick so Victor could finally deliver his eggs to Kim, and then to Brindleton Bay so they could have a shot at adopting Kelly the cat and Shadow the dog! And so I had Victor (who was already starting to feel tired) down some sleep replacement, and sent the whole gang out to Finchwick to drop off the eggs! Alice and Smiler kept themselves occupied chatting in front of the pub while Victor made his delivery -- Kim thanked him and gave him a grocery delivery coupon, a livestock pen upgrade part, and a free Fruity Treat, along with the recipe! Not a bad reward. Victor joined his loves in front of the pub, and I figured I’d be right off to Brindleton Bay...
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miguelswifey04 · 1 year
pleaasee i wanna see how miguel would react if gabriella got a B- in spanish 😭😭 (like the one w rio n miles yk) bonus point if reader is latina 👀 im self projecting xd
LMAO yeah he’d probably be flabbergasted…
miguel was a super supportive father whenever it came to gabriella. miguel and you supported her in anything and congratulated her when she had such good grades. but when gabriella had invited you and miguel to the parent-conference you come to find out that your daughter had gotten a B- in spanish. the principal was going over every little detail and showing gabriella’s transcripts—all her grades were perfect except spanish.
you being the calm and collected mother found it pretty hilarious—ironic even. you were born and raised by a mexican mother and an african american father but your first language was spanish. while miguel, was irish-mexican being fluent in spanish and of course in english. both being bilingual parents you taught gabriella both of best worlds and it did stick with her. maybe it was the fact she may have struggled on the expressive part of the language rather than receptive aspect of it. you side glanced at gabriella who was nervously smiling at you and miguel; miguel had concern etched all over his face and flabbergasted to say the least.
you gently squeezed gabriella’s hand and whispered, “it’s okay mija! just try to study more next time. i’m sure you’ll do great.” you were always an encouraging mother but miguel seemed to be slighting twitching in his seat. “what do you mean you got a B- in spanish, gabriella?” he leaned forward to meet gabriella’s gaze while she played with the straps of her backpack as she slightly bounced her leg up and down.
“i just did, perro pa no te preocupes, por favor.” she tried to calm down miguel who was taken aback to his own daughter receiving a B- in spanish. how could she? he thought to himself as he always did try to speak more spanish to her and teach her every now and then. honestly, it was more often that he spoke spanish to his wife and daughter, then in english. miguel calmed down a bit and fixed his glasses that were sliding off the bridge of his big nose. he leaned back letting the chair take in all his frustrations and worries. he inhaled and exhaled a couple times then nodded, “okay gabriella. it’s fine, just like your mother say just study next time,” he patted her head gently with a small smile cracking in the corner of his lips. you nodded happily that miguel, you husband, was understanding. everyone is not perfect and it’s okay to make mistakes. we all can learn from the mistakes we make no matter how big or small they are.
“gabriella, mi amor, grades are just one reflection of our abilities. you are so much more than a letter on a report card. your worth is not defined by a single grade,” you spoke up as miguel and you were holding gabriella’s hand, giving your own daughter words of encouragement. miguel decided to take it upon himself to sit his daughter down and go over spanish. it was a team effort, and you knew miguel could never stay mad forever at his only precious daughter.
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elvenbeard · 1 year
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Hold on tight to yourself, not just anyone else When you've sailed to the edge, nowhere left to go
I've talked about my experimental light and water shooting in last week's wip wednesday, and I'm here to finally share some fave pics xD I have more, and I might post some on a separate occasion or just use them for OC ask stuff where they fit, we'll see!!
Vince is someone who often asks himself where his place in the universe is, even more so growing up, but the doubts keep creeping in again now and then regardless of how much more confident he is now in his own abilities and goals. I kind of wanted to capture this feeling of being lost, just floating for a while as you try to figure things out here... and play with light and color.
I didn't really take any behind the scenes pics for this (I should really start doing that) but I made some shitty sketches just now with my mouse cause I mentioned I wanted to illustrate how I did this xD Also for my personal reference, cause I wanna do something similar, slightly different for another project in the future!!
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Very simply, this was the setup xD I used Denny's pool as location, mainly because it was the first that came to mind, had a decent size, and I wanted to do some stuff there anyway xD I think you could pull this off in any other pool or body of water just as well. Originally I wanted to keep the normal pool background, but then I spawned in a black wall from the photostudio props to block out the sunlight and get a darker backdrop, and I really liked that!!
I had three customizable point lights spawned, a red one below V, a purple and greenish one above him - I don't remember the exact placements, I mainly just wanted a nice color contrast and I like those colors and played around with where I put them!
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Something like this!
Now, the ripple effect of the water...... I had V spawned in via AMM, and so Player!V was also still there in the scne, so I just ran around his spawned self a little bit to create the splashes xD And voila!
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I always take my pics just in in good old vanilla photomode, and at first I had pathtracing on for it (raytracing is also on). And I did like that as well, but look at these unedited pics:
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The reflections look a lot more natural and detailed, but are also waaaayyy less colorful. So if you wanna go for a more realistic approach that might be the better option! Everything else is the same, lights, backdrop, etc.
These are some unedited shots with pathtracing off (raytracing still on):
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The lights kind of create this oil-spill like effect on the water and I loooove that so much!! Also, the red light from below was reflected in his eyes in a really cool way somehow (less realistic, but very aesthetic xD)
So yeah! If your graphics card can handle it, mess with all the ray/pathtracing settings a bit for a variety of effects xD
Also, all my pics are usually heavily edited in case you couldn't tell XD I love vanilla photomode for its convenience, but it has its limits when it comes to color adjustments, depth of field, and the like!
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Same shot, unedited above, edited below. Played with color balance, saturation, sharpness, and in some of the pics some slight motion blur, too. I also shopped in his top surgery scars cause I didn't get around to trying to make them as a mod yet but it's on my list XD For more of them artsy pics with consistent looking scars!
Thanks for reading this far, I do hope it was interesting and you can take something away from it for your VP XD
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noname-nonartist · 4 months
I was sent here by @hxhhasmysoul after seeing them reblog one of your artworks. It was nice looking. You did good. 👍
I’m curious on what exactly is “Project Sekai” I was told it was an online game of some of that sort.
Sorry taking so long to answer this! It’s just- I didn’t expect an actual ask about this! (And also to like. Collect my thoughts since I have so much to say about Project Sekai)
Umm!!! Thank you for liking that art of my favorite Project Sekai characters with my favorite Jujutsu Kaisen characters btw! >///<
Okay. Where to start?! I guess we can start what’s Project Sekai is and then later talking about the plot! :Dc
Let’s go!!! Project Sekai Lore 101! Or like. My attempt to explain it! •v•;
(More under the cut if you’re interested! ^w^/)
What is Project Sekai?
Well, it’s a mobile rhythm game where you tap/slide/flick on the notes to the beat of the song! However it’s also technically a sort of visual novel game too!
The gameplay revolves around the rhythm game, but the story is very much a visual novel! And you generally unlock the story through getting points via playing the rhythm game portion of Project Sekai (for the main story and during the event stories when live).
Oh. And it’s technically a Gacha game too, where ya pull cards of the characters (the art usually relates to the story/have a general theme for each set).
Of course, I could explain more about the general gameplay, but that’s not what this post is gonna be about, so let’s move on!!! >v<
What’s the Story of Project Sekai?
Okay, before I even talk about the story, I would need to give you some context on a bit of the world building within Project Sekai! Soooo…
Project Sekai Lore/World! (Or like as best I can explain anyway lol)
There is this plane called “In Between Worlds” which is essentially sort of like empty space where the OG Vocaloids resides (Miku, Kaito, Luka, Mekio, Rin, and Len). This place is where SEKAIs can form.
What are SEKAIs? Well they are essentially little tiny world that’s form!
Within those SEKAIs, there are essentially alter versions of Vocaliods depending on the group of people’s views on the Vocaloids, but mostly based on who themselves wanna be like (e.g. WxS Kaito being a good older brother role model, something Tsukasa strives to be) or based on people the group knows (e.g. VBS Meiko being based on An’s views of Nagi Kotaki, her aunt).
How does do these SEKAI form? Well they form when a group of people have a similar feeling/ambition/dream that they all wanna achieve!
However! There’s been cases where a Whole SEKAI are formed due to only one person’s intense feelings! But those are extremely rare since only a person’s feelings/emotions can create a Fragment SEKAI, if their feelings are strong enough at that moment. However unlike a fully developed SEKAI, a Fragment Sekai are pretty fragile and doesn’t last that long. While a complete SEKAI can last forever in theory iirc. :oc
But yeah! SEKAI are essentially mini worlds that are based on a group of people common feelings where the group can come in anytime they want via their phone/devices! The group usually first enters in via clicking on a mystery song that popped up within their playlist called “Untitled”. And Bada-Bing! Bada-Boom! They get to meet that world’s version of Hatsune Miku, and get a free therapist! XD
Of Course, this isn’t a well known thing in the general public, so the groups generally keeps the knowledge about their SEKAIs hush-hush. Which makes sense since like… how the hell would ya explain this to someone without them looking at ya strange? XD
What’s the Story of Project Sekai? (For Reals this time lol)
So, from what ya can gather from the worldbuilding/lore. Ya can probably guess that the general plot and goal of the story is for the Vocaloids to help guide the main casts towards their goals, and have them understand and express their feelings freely. Since once the group comes to an understanding of each other feelings, the Untiled song will then changed into an actual song that expresses the groups’ feelings!
So! Let’s dive into the Main Story within Project Sekai!
There are a total of 5 groups that we focus on! Each group contains 4 members! So that’s a total of 20 main characters! @v@
The Groups being…
Leo/need! (the typical band)
MORE MORE Jump! (the idol group)
Vivid BAD SQUAD (the street music group)
Wonderlands x Showtime (the theater/troupe group)
Nightcord at 25:00 (the online music video group)
And of course, the members within these groups has names~
L/N: Ichika Hoshino (vocalist/main guitarist), Saki Tenma (pianist), Honami Mochizuki (drummer), Shiho Hinomori (bass guitarist).
All of them were also childhood friends before they slowly drifted apart during Middle School due to Saki getting really sick due to her chronic illness, Shiho distancing herself from the group due to increased rumors about her, and Honami grew distant due to being ostracized for being too much of a people pleaser and thus people called her two faced. Ichika was the only one who didn’t know what happened, thus blamed herself for the rift. (Don’t worry, they get together of course ;3c)
Their goal is to become a professional and legit band~
MMJ: Minori Hanasato (the newcomer but with extreme hope and determination), Hakura Kiritani (retired idol before joining due to guilt of failing to look after a member within her old group), Airi Momoi (also left the industry before joining due to the industry never seeing her as a real idol thus letting her always play the role as a fool), Shizuku Hinomori (was still an idol during the main story before quitting her old group to joins MMJ)
Their goal is to bring hope and inspiration to their fans and to overcome the struggles within the idol industry~
VBS: Kohane Azusawa (a shy newcomer but with immense talent in singing), An Shiraishi (her whole life is street music and is considered a prodigy due to her being the daughter of a well known musician within the setting), Akito Shinonome (got into street music when he’s in middle school, sort of the underdog within the setting), Toya Aoyagi (the son of a really strict and famous classical musician, he met Akito while running away after getting sick of being focused to practice constantly and thus got introduced to street music)
Their goal is to surpass this super famous street music Event called RAD WEEKEND, that the RADer (the group that contains An’s dad, Ken Shiraishi, Taiga Kotaki, and Nagi Kotaki) and other well known street music groups did a few years ago that deeply inspired An and Akito~
WxS: Tsukasa Tenma (Actor who wants to be a star but originally forgot why at first until he remembers it was so Saki, her younger sister, would smile and be happy), Emu Otori (the daughter of the popular theme park, Phoenix Wonderland, she also strives to put a genuine smile on people’s faces to make them happy), Nene Kusanagi (the singer who love musical and always dreams of doing one to bring joy, but she has stage fright that she struggles to overcome at first), Rui Kamishiro (the director who loves to build extraordinary gadgets and equipments to make the show out of this world to bring excitement and joy for those who would watch)
Their goal is to save the old stage play within Phoenix Wonderland and to bring smiles and joy to everyone~
N25: Kanade Yoisaki (Composer who’s determined to constantly make music to save people after she felt immense guilt when her father, who’s also a music composer, fell into a coma due to stress), Mafuyu Asahina (the lyrics writer and vocal mixer who originally contacted Kanade after one of her songs made her feel something, thus make music to try and see if she can still feel since she can’t due to her intense depression for constantly wearing the “perfect daughter” mask), Ena Shinonome (the artist who’s strive to be a pro artist out of spite after her own father, who’s a famous artist, told her that she doesn’t have the talent to be one and shouldn’t try and be one, but she struggles with getting validation for her art which is the only thing she has), Mizuki Akiyama (the editor/animator who cares deeply for the group and even considered them all their friends, but they are scared to tell any of them about their secret due to fear of being ostracized due to them being outcasted in school)
Their goal? Well, technically is to keep making music to save people, but in actuality it’s mostly them actually improving their mental health and help them with their issues/problems lol~
And the Main Story is all about the formation of all of these groups! With the expectation being N25, since they were already a group in the beginning of the main story, but their story is about maintaining the group after Mafuyu disappeared mysteriously for days.
However, that isn’t where the story ends! Oh noooo! Far from it! Within the game there are these Event Stories that continues the story of all the group after the Main Story!
These Event stories usually focused on one particular character at a time, but overall expands and continues the story/arc of all the characters! :3c
Thus there’s a lottttt of story content within Project Sekai! In fact, not even I have read all of them yet! @v@;
But from what I read, I’m really really loving it! Like! Sure the pacing be a slow burn, but the moments that the story be building up to is sooooo worth it!!! And like all the characters be having depth~
Oh! Also alsooo!
What I really love about the story is that the some of the characters have relationships/friendships outside of their unit group! Like An and Haruka were middle school friends who like to have contest in random things on who’s the best, and that knew each other since elementary school! Another example would be how Mizuki and Rui were also middle school friends that bonded over being both outcast.
There’s also siblings within the main cast with different dynamics! Like the Hinomori’s (Shizuku and Shiho), the Shinonome’s (Ena and Akito), and the Tenma’s (Tsukasa and Saki)!
And like the characters later get introduced and meet other characters later on in the stories! Like how Shizuku and Airi meets Mizuki for the first time through Ena (Ena and Airi are friends since middle school), and how An and Shiho became friends after bonding over their love and passion for music and how they value their friends/group so much!
Basically… Project Sekai is my current hyperfixations and I’m loving it! *w*
Of course I would still need to read all of the story since I’m no where nearrrr caught up! @v@;
But like, I’m having a blast so far! :Dc
Thank you for asking and being slightly interested in this game anon! ^w^/
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naradivision · 11 months
Hypmic OC Halloween Party 2023 🎃 ~Part II
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Disclaimer: Please note that these are not the actual titles to the songs, I just made them up of course. All these songs obviously belong to their respective artists.
And the OCs mentioned belong to their respective creators as well!
*see more notes from the part 1*
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Meet the Halloween Shuffle Teams!
Team R-rated B-Boy
Ren “Vox” Nakashima
Rintaro “Ignis” Himuro
Raiden “Tesla” Otoha
Ryuko “Mista Z.B.” Umemoto
#7 Parade of Horror ☠️
Real title: Bad Monster Original by UraShimaSakataSen Fun fact: This Shima is that same SHIMA who voiced Zen Gaho from paralive...
Team Heroic Youngsta
Joey “Joker” Kurusu
Saji “Street Dog” Buranka
Ryūnosuke “Fist N Fury” Sekiguchi
Haruto “Pheonix” Hirabayashi
#8 Justice In Action! 🚨
Real title: PANDA HERO Covered by mafumafu x nqrse x luz x soraru | Original by HACHI ft. GUMI Fun fact: HACHI the Vocaloid-P is later known as Kenshi Yonezu
Team SolaLune Fairies
Lola “Aphrodite” Takahashi
Evelyn “SPIRIT” Rose
Moriko “Carnopus” Himawari
Miku “Hex 13” Shirazuki
#9 Who’s the Fairest? 👑
Real title: ECLIPSE Original by Raon x DAZBEE Yeah, sorry again for not making the number of voice casts matched... They just look gorgeous together XD
Team Pop★Teen Sensation
Kanade “Spooky” Alarie
Criss “Paradox” Hiromi
Kirara “Cupid” Suzuki
Ririko “2cute!” Akihara
Makina “Screen Shot” Setsukura
#10 Supa☆Supa☆Halloween
Real title: Happy Halloween Covered by MORE MORE JUMP! ft. Kagamine Rin | Original by Junky ft. Kagamine Rin
[At the moment after the girls have already returned to the backstage, suddenly, the thick and hazy mist from nowhere then emerged into the stage from all directions, fogging over the entire scene as if it was curtain in the theater]
Greetings, ladies and gentlemen,
Welcome to the wonderful night of October the 31st,
...At long last, we’re going to reach the finale.
[Starting off with the sound of bells resonating in distants, the prelude music began playing before the hazy mist became dissolved —revealing the obscure figures of people standing there in the midst of stage]
Team Curtain Call
Queen card
Kunio “Arsene” Kurome
Iwao “TRIXT4R” Masuda
Sanyu “MC Rogue” Inouye
Naoki “Stage Queen” Hamasaki
Mitsuru “Odette” Tenjo
Saigo “Tsukumogami” Fuyugami
Nishio “24/7” Tokishou
#11 To the Final Act 🪄
Real title: Finale Original by XYZ 2019 (luz, senra, mafumafu, soraru, nqrse, meychan, araki, un:c)
Wait— Wait,
Even if this night is going to end soon, how should we forget something really really important…?
Yeah, we haven’t even got our treats yet!
If you want them, then why don’t we go get some?
C’mon, stand up & sing along~~
Team Bakemono:)
Asahi “SWEET-T” Tomoharu
Kohaku “KANDATA-KUN” Meguno
Taria ��Misfit” Chinen
Honoka “Maniakin” Ajisai
Ayaka “Marionette” Kagawa
After Story: Are Ghosts Real?
Real title: 異世界混合大舞踏会 (I Wanna Be Your Ghost) Covered by StarLightPolaris (You Kisaragi, Relu, Coe, Kuni, Kottaro)  | Original by Gen Hoshino Unfortunately, you can only find subtitles in the original video
In this night where ghosts will emerge,
But they’re not all that bad
Ghost are real, you know? 
But they’re not as scary as the living!
They’re always watching from the sidelines, so don’t you forget,
Farewell mortals, and take care :P
🎃 Live Reports & Behind the scenes Pt.2
According to the interview from some audiences after the reveal of 6th’s and 7th’s cast, they thought it’s funny that team Bad Boy felt oddly cool to them, while on the other hand, team Hero were also cool but with even more chaotic vibes than the previous one —Everyone did wonder in unison that what went through the organizer’s head when they decided to put them together. Well, Raiden and Saji were the only exceptions since both of them were naturally pretty dedicated to their team titles.
Raiden got a bit carried away as he started laughing like some maniac by the end of his show. And in consequence of that, his temporary teammates were just… letting him be before all left the scene like nothing happened.
Since the beginning of the 9th show, the ladies of team “SolaLune Fairies” were seen solemnly walking out of the backstage with a dark long veil covering most part of their face and their outfits. Each of them were also noted to hold a bouquet with different flowers. Lola were red tulips, Evelyn were blue roses, Moriko were sunflowers, and Miku were moon orchids. But once the first beat of the song dropped out, they suddenly changed their moods and threw their veils away ...showing off their party dresses which were delicately designed just for each of them (ultimate kudos were given to those from the costume team). Thus, the true catwalk showdown began! 
After all the teasing to throw their bouquets to the audience like in the wedding, it was still unknown who those ladies decide to give their bouquets to at the end. Maybe it was their lover/ bestie or etc. Who knows anyway? But as the show title hinted, they might probably give it to their fairest…
Before the 10th show starts, the camera caught Kanade having a high-five with Lola in the same fashion as those two boys from the first half. 
Despite not being much active around these days, Hana Izanami (@snowmantita) was spotted coming here in secret to cheer for her friends.
The 11th show was obviously one of the best highlights of this event, given 6 of them were actually the famed performers to begin with! In addition, Queen card was the one who planned most details of the performance herself. Besides, some of them were really going all-out to the point where they attempted to compete with each other even. No wonder this show received very loud applause as a result, just like their team’s name implied.
There was one funny moment getting leaked out from the backstage. It was the photo of two gentlemen who literally had no idea why they were put in the same line with other talented showmen in the 11th show. Saigo seemed to be deep in thought about how much the staff have spent on props and special effects, while Nishio… He was caught flirting with other participants —Well, let’s hope that he wasn’t flirting with the wrong person there.
Despite the chill and anti-climax vibe that was very contrast to the intense impression from the previous show, the final show performed by team Bakemono was unexpectedly the children’s most favorite! Why was that? The secret of success not only lied in the lyrics of the song, but also its cute and catchy choreography. Moreover, they had also brought in the massive number of candies to throw into the crowd.
And due to some interviews with the parents, they told that this show truly deserved to be the closing show as it was in fact spoke the moral of this spooky event… 
Before the show started, it was a record of five of them chatting with each other. And although it was all according to the script, Asahi confessed that they had retaken it so many rounds he actually lost count of.
And just as the name of their team indicated, they were all wearing the yokāi costumes! For example, Asahi was the Oni, Kohaku was attempting to look like Kasa-obake (even if it came out rather funny), Taria was Karasu tengu, Honoka had animal ears so maybe she was bakeneko or kitsune, and Ayaka wore triangle headband with a kimono to represent the yurēi ghost.
From what live reports said, despite being the performers of the show, both Asahi & Kohaku were noted to really enjoy their time the most —These two spiritual(?) twins loved throwing candies like they’re playing with snow, while Honoka and Ayaka might seem a bit stiff due to their not so great experiences with people. However, Taria was the one making them warm up and enjoy the moment just like other children did —Who else would understand the kids best if not someone with a children’s heart?
Live reports by
Snowflake Sentinel News, Yoichi Shujo
Verne Publishing-house, Nellie Yukimura 
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Amazing OCs mentioned above are from:
@kobedivision @katsushika-division @chiyoda-division2 @suginami-division @kanazawa-division @megurodivision @naha-division @nagasakidivision @saitama-division @okinawa-division @gion-division @minato-division03 @kyoto-division @akihabaradivision @urayasu-division @nakanodivision @akihabara-division03 @kumamoto-division @sapporo-division @fukuokadivision1 @naha-division @nerima-division @naradivision @echizen-division @ota-division @gion-division @sagadivision @tokyo-division (@snowmantita) @hamamatsu-divison
P.S. Apologizing if I missed out some divisions or have made anyone sound OOC —I'm trying lmao.
...Happy Halloween & hoping y’all enjoy it :)
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Hello <3 💐
1. What are your top 3 Jjk characters and why? 2. Please pick a specific scene from an anime/general media/book that you wish you could have been present in and why. 3. Is there a character you dislike but identify with anyway?
Hello :D! My, what an interesting set of questions. I was struggling with how detailed to answer them but figured I would go with the flow and see what happens XD
My top 3 JJK characters are: Gojo Satoru, Geto Suguru and Nanami Kento. My surface level reasons are because I find them visually attractive, love hearing their voices and seeing them beat the shit out of enemies. On a deeper level... each of these fine young men were dealt a deck that was stacked against them and I am fascinated with how each played their cards so differently (Satoru raising the next generation to replace the old generation, Suguru defecting to erase non sorcerers and Nanami leaving but coming back). Despite their differences, they all share commonalities (They care about the younger jujutsu sorcerors and became guardians/mentors to them).
Specific moments that really cement them in my top three would be when Gojo reels back from sorcerer mode and simply treats others like a doting figure (the baseball game and playing with Rika at the beach giving gifts to the kyoto students). Geto not being afraid to show his love for others in public (his interactions with the girls and still calling Gojo by his first name :') plus being willing to part from the familiar to go down a new path. Nanami bearing the brunt of a soul sucking job and still taking the time to help others (baker girl and Yuuji) his 'what it means to be an adult' speech still echoes in my head as I age :'3
Okay, this is my favourite question out of this bunch! (because it really caters to my self insert tendencies lol x3)
Anime: Shokugeki No Soma during the Moon Banquet Festival scene so I can try all that amazing food XD (Specifically, the time fuse mapo curry noodles <3)
General Media: I would have loved to have been present during the paintball contest in Community (TV Series) because I have never been in one and think it would be so much fun >w<
Book: Okay, I was not sure what type of book you were referring to so I just picked a manga (my fav non manga books aren't really places I wanna be present in hahaha ':D). I choose Blue Period during the festival (yes another festival but for art!) in the first year university arc. Seeing their creations in person would be even more breath taking I think ^-^... and maybe accidentally bump into Yakumo Mirai to which we then see if there is chemistry ;3c (Hey, you know I had to include at least 1 romantic self insert moment in this answer section XD!)
Hm.. It doesn't happen often and doesn't last long but years ago, I disliked Nagito Komaeda from the Danganronpa Franchise but I identified with his belief in the cycle of good luck/bad luck. It was only after the game and additional content that my belief in that waned and my feelings for him grew (yeah, I fell in love with him .////.;). Fun fact: He was the only character out of the cast that I was able to strengthen bond/affection lvls to the max without a guide 'xD
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fizzingwizard · 2 years
Watched the first ep of Lupin Zero! Unfortunately you have to register for a premium account to see ep 2, and there's a 30 day free trial, but they wouldn't accept my card, don't know why, will try again some other time I guess.
my thoughts below, a little bit spoilery
Episode one was fun and cute but I don't get it. Like, I understand the story, I just don't get why it was made. Why make it about kid Lupin? (answer: because it's Lupin and lots of people will watch it regardless of quality lol) It's such an interesting premise, but the episode is paced So. Damn. Fast. I was thinking this feels more like the summary of a cool episode than a cool episode well-executed - which is how I felt through most of part 6, even though the creative team is different. Kind of a bummer.
There were some really fun bits, like the chaotic scene in the night club, and Lupin and Jigen being little boys (I say that because they pillow fight and stuff, but c'mon, we all know they still do things like that). The scene with the cigarette at the end I loved of course, and the tea/coffee scene was funny (although, since Lupin already put in three sugar lumps, I'm not sure why he still found it bitter. Maybe he usually puts in six? lol) I liked the voice acting overall. They do a good job imitating Lupin and Jigen's speech styles, even though Jigen in particular does not sound like a child. Well, he was probably born with a full beard and smoking a cigarette.
I thought the animation was so-so. Sometimes I liked it and it reminded me of parts 4/5. Other times it was just really missing atmosphere. Like with Youko, her face is great, the expressions are just like Rebecca. But the animators were so concerned with making sure she had gigantic breasts that they forgot to give her proportionate legs... It's possible it just looks that way on my screen, but none of the other characters struck me as out of proportion. She looks freakishly top-heavy much of the time.
Story-wise... Well, you have a great concept: Lupin as the family heir, unsure of what path he wants to take, and he meets Jigen and they bond through a typical Lupin-style adventure. But there's no tension, no emotional build-up. The story happens exactly as it's laid out. They meet, they save Youko, the animators waste the budget on having her sing to them for some reason, they save her again, Lupin and Jigen unprompted decide to gush about their pasts and problems without issue despite having been close-lipped about it until then, they save the day. Aside from moments of friendly banter, there really isn't anything more going on. So the episode delivers what it promises... and only what it promises lol.
I just have no idea why they need to be kids. I don't know why Jigen stuck with Lupin. I don't know why Lupin decided to gush about his problems to Jigen out of the blue. I just don't know. XD
So I guess from here the question is what is the overarching theme of the series. If there is one. Possibly there's not and it's all just for shits and giggles. If so, the trailers shouldn't have made such a big deal about Lupin's struggle to determine his own path and escape being kept under his family's thumb. But I assume that's going to continue to play a role - it can't have been resolved in this first episode... can it? hahah. I have no faith in anything anymore.
oh also Jigen gets shot. I couldn't believe it. Episode one and he's already getting shot. And this ridiculous sad music starts to play as Lupin just stares at him clutching his bloody arm lmao. It's like the episode tried to make up for its lackluster parts by shooting Jigen. "If we shoot this guy the fans will forget that we didn't crank up the tension at all." lol
I wanna give this a chance, but yeah, the first episode is very forgettable. Not terrible, though. Like I said at first, it's cute and rather fun. Very middle of the road Lupin story is all. Too hyped for what it really is, in my opinion.
That being said. All may change with future episodes. Sometimes first episodes are treated as a summary of what the whole season overall will be like, and that's why they have a bit too much going on. Maybe the rest of the episodes will take better care with their pacing.
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knowlessman · 2 years
shake n bake alabamia (bnha) s2e4-5 let's find out what a fucking cavalry battle is
yeah yeah 80% of the world is superheroes ever since the shiny nation attacked wtf is a cavalry battle I don't wanna google it I want you to tell me -- reel 'em in with the melody (skipskipskip)
"I want you to tell them 'I am here!' mow it in the lawn if you have to!"
deku I think it might take a little more than luck to drag a hunk of metal with you a whole race and then figure out a way to use it to go really fast right at the end. people keep underselling themselves in this.
…these are some weird rules. also holy shit this looks unsafe with the headbands around the neck. are they actually supposed to carry each other? how the hell are they sposed to get the headbands? -- "you'll get a red card for trying to make people fall over" ?????????????????????? I started this episode with one question and I keep getting more. also it's hard enough to get kids with quirks not to try to kill each other, how in fuck do you decide whether an "attack" is meant to get someone to fall?
dude. I know healing powers exist but still, why are they letting you smoke indoors, and right in people's faces no less
"how do you not know your own class's powers???" 'XD vegeta gonna vegeet
flying horse? not sure what other plan there is with uraraka tbh -- well, it's not like this is that different from deku's plan with picking iida -- (I keep trying to remember the gadgeteer girl's name from danganronpa 3 so I can call hatsume that but tbph maybe that's for the best anyway)
"I just need one more person" WHAT ARE THE RULES OF THIS GAME, THE DIAGRAM SHOWED THREE PEOPLE -- dontbeminetadontbeminetadontbemineta -- birdman, yesssssss, this oughta be cool (also it's not mineta thank fuck)
oh fuck, part of me wants to see todoroki win. it helps that iida is on his team (even tho I'm a little disappointed about this "I'm your rival now too" thing)
really, tsu? mineta? : /
that's literally one of the butler bot npc's from the paris map I stg (like granted it's not a complicated design but still)
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"before we get deku, let's kill all these guys (who are literally just playing the hand they were dealt with half a brain)" easy there vegeets, you get red flags that way -- I guess props to class A for figuring out, between them, how to set up a team that lets bakugo do whatever he wants; for sure, no team with him in it is going to last longer than it takes for him to fall off otherwise
"I shift Shoji into attack mode and attack your headbands directly!"
"team midoriya has nowhere left to go!" WHAT. ARE. THE. RULES. TO. THIS. GAME. is this fucking calvinball, or does every high school in japan play this and somehow it's never shown up in any other anime I've heard of, or what?
…we just did this. didn't we just do this last episode? -- oh, cool. hell, I feel like they're trying to set up neito as a dick but I don't see much reason not to like him yet
neito gotta stop pushing them buttons or we're gonna need a backup planet
o_o dang, wasn't expecting iida to even have chips to put in
sigh "the difference between having goals you can plan for and just bloodymindedly grasping for the moon while answering everything but perfection with violence" so disappointingly american
I wasn't really reading too close when they explained how the points work, but it is pretty damn weird that there's a ten million point headband and (judging by the margins on the scoreboard) no others that even go up to ten thousand. damn near rowlingesque; hell, even the snitch could be overtaken (granted, only by somebody willingly throwing the game)
"Tokoyami!" "Kaminari!" "DEKUUUU!" "Bakugo!" Donkey!
"TIME UP!" bakugo faceplants 'XDDDDDD shouldn'ta got sidetracked, vegeet
…wait when did gamzee get here. did neito throw his points to him? was this a relay race pony express shell game thingy??? we still don't know what shinso's mOtHeRfUcKiNg quirk is yet
CONSOLATION POINTS TO GRIFFINPUFF. good show, birdman, good show
hm. interesting convos in next episode, I expect. officially learning some things about todoroki and endeavor. gonna have to be next time, unfortunately; 's late.
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mod2amaryllis · 2 years
Mod u ever played any other cool awesome games:0?
Like uh... Omori(psychological horror warning but it's a very good game) or Inscryption (another very cool horor-esk(never was for me) card game) or any cool story game:0?
No pressure btw! Just wanna share my interests with people<3
(Here's a cookie 🍪 for your troubles because ure awesome)
looove inscryption, took me by storm the few days i took to blow through it. i know omori but i haven't played it cuz horror games aren't always my scene. the art direction rules tho, know that much
uhhh i dunno i'm a kind of vanilla gamer lol i love me a tripleA open world XD that's what i always tend to play the shit out of! red dead 1 & 2, horizon 1 & 2, just finished gow ragnarok and loved it, botw obvs.
hmm cool story games that come to mind....to the moon, very special game for me & jose, spiritfarer for sure came at a pivotal time in my life and wrecked me. ummm what remains of edith finch? the fish part changed my brain. if you know you know. OH oh my god before your eyes oh my goddd if you want a game that will have you bawling in one sitting....especially for me. i don't wanna spoil but the "conflict" of the main character is something particularly hard for me to grapple with, so yeah it took me tf out. and, because i'll take any opportunity to bring it up, if you want a gorgeous traditional fairy tale play odin sphere leifthrasir, one of my oldest favorites.
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tireddovahkiin · 3 months
clean laundry, look!, warm embrace & let's play a little game
Thank you so much for the ask, I hope you and your wife have a wonderful day/night together <3 ^^
Clean laundry - when it's time to fold clothes, sheets, towels, etc. Who's the best at it? Who can't fold a sock for the life of them?
I think Sephiroth would be a bit better, because his ass is like the most meticulous ass I have EVER seen in my life. I mean, he WAS a SOLDIER, and a first class too, and a general above all of that. Perfection was a must for him.
And, of course, because of that, the need for everything to be clean and tidy stayed even after he went insane.
However, Sephiroth can be quite busy with achieving his mothers own plans, so Tsizilia is the one who does it. She works slower, but is also hard-working. Both are clean freaks at heart🖤
Look! - do you have any common interests? Or has any of you got or tried to get the other on one of your favorite tv shows/books? Was it successful? Are they now the ones 'annoying' you to watch it with them?
YES! We both adore reading in our free time! Although, we like different types of genres, what's more better than sharing interests, having indoor book dates, and sometimes even reading the same book together?
We also like to watch movies, but again, the taste in genres differs, and we do it rarely! Although I want to add, Tsizilia and Sephiroths favorite movie would be definitely "Equilibrium" (2003), where basically a man fights against a corrupt system after discovering the truth, while being lied to for so long. (*cough cough* Shinra- *cough*)
and yeah, Tsizilia/me is the more "naggy" one who pleads Sephiroth to read with her/the one she recommended😂
Bed & sleepy time! - How do your f/os prefer to lay in bed? Snuggling all the time with you? Maybe hand holding? Do they sleep with one or two pillows [or no pillows]? Do they like to watch tv before going to bed or do they go to bed straight? Do they like having a tv on the bedroom or are against it?
Both are touch starved FREAKS! (they've never been wanted nor loved in their childhood... :[ ) (though I wanna add, Sephiroth was touch repulsed at first as a defense mechanism, and Tsizilia always felt attacked personally by it. She understood Seohiroth had a difficult life, yet her mindset always tells her it's becasue of HER, that SHE is the problem.)
Unless it's really hot outside or we had an argument, being kept close is NECCESSARY! (Sephiroth and Tsizilia are both VERY possessive, it is ALMOST borderline toxic but hey! Blame the world, not them! It's just, both of them have a certain fear: fear of abandonment. For YEARS people have always avoided them, never appreciated them, and were treated like objects. So, it is no surprise they act this way once they truly got together. They're both scared shitless one or the other might run away.)
So, yea! snuggling is definitive! :D
Sephiroth sleeps with one pillow, while Tsizilia sleeps without one! She hates pillows lmao XD
We do have a TV in our room, but we actually use it more for background noise than watching, tbh. Sephiroth and I usually either go straight to sleep or talk a bit before it. Sometimes when one of us or both of us cannot sleep (niiightmaaares~), we turn on the TV and watch (and maybe talk about it) until sleepiness hits again.
Let's play a little game - do you like to play video games together? Or does one like to watch the other as they play? If the game is for only one player, do you like to take turns (maybe one of you is better/less scared/etc at a section of the game/a boss). What about board games? What do you like to play? Cards, uno, monopoly, dominoes? Who wins everytime? Are any of you competitive?
Tsizilia is the gamer girl in the relationship HAHAHA XD😂 She's the one who plays, and Sephiroth is the one who watches. He does pretend like he is annoyed for being dragged to watch, but he enjoys to see his love having fun, and who knows, some of the games do kiiinda look interesting-... I mean what- who said that--
If the game is strategically-oriented, BOI- SEPHIE ALWAYS FUCKING NAILS IT. The victory is 100% assured I SWEAR. I CAN CONFIRM. (experience of being a general and fighting on the battle field). Sephiroth actually gets invested into the planning so much he FORGETS that hes supposed to be upset LOOOL😭😭😭
If it's a two player game, oh boy, that's such CHAOS- Tsizilia can't get serious and giggles every five seconds, making both of them loose so they have to start again, and Sephiroth is fighting for his life not to get angry because 'its a game' HAHAHAHA-
And board games? Also a DISASTER. Those two fuckers are SUCH TRYHARDERS, and both HATE to loose. You can imagine the COMPETITIVE ENERGY those two share, it's almost like they're ENEMIES ready to pounce on one another on the battlefield💀 Even the most dumb ones, like UNO. It literally feels tense like you're watching a duel between cowboys🥶
But teamed up? Good luck, bro, you'll need it😅 it's almost impossible to loose against them. Only two persons has succeededin beating them BOTH at the same time. (Genesis and Junior😈 [my other s/i and their companion.])
Link to the ask game!
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coralsgrimes · 8 months
Oooh, people went NUTS over the gym video, because at the very end, during the crotch shot, some people screen spotted it (obvs🙄), and claimed to see him holding up a card, ace of hearts I think. Its just the screen shot was blurry, crappy, and looked badly photoshopped, yet people took it as a sign or hint of something, possibly a new role? Idk, to me it a) looks too damn fake, and b) it's ridiculous to assume it's a hint of anything when you need to screen shot the last second of a sped up video, because no-one but overly invested fans would "spot" it. Like, if he'd posted a regular video with more than a half second at the end, or a still photo, I could maybe see it... but not this.
And he's been quiet anyway, not a hint of any kind of work, except possibly a music video for his new song - my condolences, Coral. Looks like we're not escaping it this time either.
Sooo I split it into frames (yeah Imma wasting me life I know) and it does look like an ace of hearts he is showing there. Like he has a whole deck in his hand me thinks and he pulls out this one. Sooooooo idk do what ye wanna with this info. It's probably just bullshitte about the new music cuz I highly doubt anyone would give him a role in anything anymore xd and ye know I think generally the productions he would love to be in would just outright get deadline or hollywood reporter piece about it, not Benny Boy showing a stupid playing card in the last frame of a cringe workout video on his insta stories lol
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soooo yeah, not fake but me thinks it's a special hint for the three remaining fans he has that are interested enough in him and able to pay for VPN to still use instagram in russia
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When was the last time you didn’t want to get out of bed? always lol
Do you save cards from your birthday/x-mas, etc? yeah
When was the last time you’ve gone shopping with a friend? many many years
What is your favorite kind of salad dressing? ranch and balsamic vinaigrette 
If given the chance, would you go to Ireland? definitely! that’s a big part of my heritage/nationality
If you’re not already, when do you plan on getting married? god only knows at this point...been together 7 years, engaged for 2 but we just haven’t been able to save up or even start planning, plus he’s barely ever home cause work sends him everywhere constantly for long periods of time...
Is there anything that you should be doing right now? not at the moment
Have you watched a t.v show lately that you haven’t watched in forever? court shows, used to be routine during the day but it’s been a few months and just did the other day
Are you currently in a relationship? If so, how long have you been dating? yeah, been together 7 years and engaged for 2...Feb 13-14 is our anniversary of dating/together, Christmas day 2020 is engagement anniversary. lived together since December 1, 2016 so a little under a year into the relationship we moved in together
Do you use normal batteries or rechargeable ones? rechargeable
Do strapless bras work for you? never really tried one but not sure if one would work
What was the last video game you played, if any? Pokemon Scarlet
Out of Biology, Chemistry and Physics, which are you the best at? never got to take Chemistry or Physics so biology either way but I was real good at it too so
Is there a friend you can always talk to about anything? yeah
What is/or was your graduating year? high school 2010
Have you had a weird dream lately? you have nooooo idea
Do you own a pair of slippers? yeah slip on Ugg slippers gray with no back and furry inside, suede on the outside
Cutting your hair extremely short, would you do it? I completely shaved my head summer of 2021, and I’ve cut my hair short many times all my life and I’m way overdue for a haircut right now so yeah lol
Do you like your nose? I guess yeah
How soon is your birthday? it’s today actually lol I’m 31
Are you one of those people who listen to songs on repeat? yep
Do you have piano fingers? if you mean long and thin? yeah
Is there a movie that makes you cry every single time you watch it? several
What is the first letter of the person’s name you last kissed? Z
Is there an accent you prefer? I’m a sucker for Brit accents for sure, and I love a good country drawl ;)
Where exactly are you right now? home on the couch
Have you ever been in a parade? not in one no
Would you ever consider being a news reporter? yeah
Do people say you look your age? Or younger or older? younger, I look forever 16-18 lol
When was the last time you swam in a pool? too long!! dying to be in one asap
Do you like seafood? omg I’d live on it if I could!
Why are people so afraid of bees? cause they don’t wanna get stung duh!
Have you ever broken a bone? only one and didn’t happen till I was 21, my right collarbone
What would you do if you saw someone turn completely inside out? O_O...okay I love horror movies but what the fuck dude...?! umm what any normal person would do and lose my shit screaming and running?!
Where’s your cell phone? next to me
Would you date the lead singer of a band? maybe
What would you do if I told you you would die today? not going there right now...
Are you coasting on potential towards the wall? what...?
How do you feel when you wake up next to a stranger? ummm...? never happens? I live with my fiance sooo
Does September depress you? only if you wake me up XD no seriously umm no reason for it to
Do you like strawberries? yeah
Do you drink coffee? hell yeah could really go for one right now actually uggh exhausted 
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animeomegas · 2 years
In your post about Light and the reader being childhood friends, I absolutely loved it.💕
So if Light genuinely loved the reader, and the reader loved him back. Does that mean that they had both of their virginity's taken by each other?
If so, then can you give us some hc about it~?😏
And did they become mates after that? Who confessed first? I wanna know everything!📖✍👀
I'm glad you liked it!! I enjoyed that post too haha
Descriptions of n-sfw below~
Yeah, they absolutely lost their virginities to each other. How long they waited would depend on what the alpha's house was like.
At Light's house his mother was almost always there, and if she was gone, she wasn't gone for long, so losing your virginity at his house was not really feasible. If alpha's house was the same, they waited a bit longer, if alpha's house was reliably empty to longer periods of time, then they did it there earlier.
If it had been fully up to them, they would have mated literally immediately when they were like, 16.
They didn't though because of the drama that might've caused.
But they did get mated the second they were 18. Light hid his mark for a bit until he finished school. His alpha proposed in the summer between school and university, and only after Light had a ring on his finger did he reveal that he'd got mated. It was better for his image like that.
(Although part of me thinks it's hilarious for L to figure out that Light is mated while he's still in school and mention it in front of Light's dad XD Light denies it lol He will play the uncomfortable omega card if anyone asks to see his neck, pretending he doesn't want strange alphas to see somewhere like that now that he's older which is why he's wearing high necked jumpers. It works because people jump on L for making Light uncomfortable lmao.)
Both parties were very confident for their first time. They meant everything to each other, there was no embarrassment, they'd changed in front of each other before, they were just both committed to making it as pleasurable as possible for the other person.
Light wanted to lose his virginity riding his alpha because it felt less vulnerable and more like he had control.
That's his favourite position generally.
There was a lot of fumbling around and figuring stuff out, but they both really enjoyed that stage.
And they find out quite a lot about themselves during their first few times. Like Light loves being on top of his alpha and cannot stop spewing dirty words and phrases from his mouth unless you go hard enough to wipe the cocky look off of his face.
(Yes, both of them get off on talking about the perfect new world they're going to create. Psychos XD)
After their first time, they took every opportunity to try again lol, they're both completely love drunk on the other one, but they hate everyone else, so they spend as much time as possible with each other.
When L put cameras in Light room, he didn't use dirty magazines as the excuse for his secrecy, he used condoms and genuinely fucked his alpha for the cameras to throw L off.
Or, perhaps it'd be more accurate to say his alpha fucked him because he was playing the submissive omega as part of his plan.
They went to university in the same place, literally they couldn't handle not being together so they both stayed in the same part of Tokyo. Ideally, they would go to the same university, but if the alpha wasn't as academic, that wouldn't be an option.
Light and this alpha kissed for the first time when they were 12. They knew that their relationship was special, that they didn't feel things for anyone else but each other. It grew very gradually and naturally. Neither one was particularly moving thing forward more than the other, they were just moving forward together.
They absolutely write in the death note together and use each other to cover from L.
Light doesn't refrain from physical affection with his alpha when he's handcuffed to L. He says that he has needs like a normal person and if L doesn't like it he can take off the handcuffs.
When they both lose memory of the death note, they still have a crazy deep relationship that's very intensive.
And yeah, that's basically all I can think of at the moment haha.
It's a very nice soft yandere x soft yandere dynamic that confuses the hell out of L who watches them interact like he's watching a nature documentary.
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onstoryladders · 2 years
Following you and I've suddenly got this urge to get into VegasPete but I'm not even watching KinnPorsche yet XD (I will catch up on it later) So... I may have a very very weird question...🥺👉👈... Any chance you could write some info about them and their story for me please? Like "VegasPete for dummies" or something like that. I'll understand if I'm asking for too much. Thank you in advance! ♥♥♥
GSBDUKDD I LOVE THIS! Of course I can! 💖
Vegas is Kinn's cousin. He's presented as one of the main antagonists of the series, as he tries to get between Kinn and Porsche repeatedly (failing every time and establishing himself as the most envious and pathetic man you've ever seen, thus earning my never ending love in the process) 😌
He's ruthless, violent, sexy, a smooth talker, sexy, did I say sexy?, and he has a talent for reading other people and knowing what they want. He's also very sexy. And a sadistic psychopath.
He has a very difficult relationship with his father, who is a shitty person and basically hates him. That's probably why Vegas feels inferior and is so obsessed with Kinn: daddy issues galore.
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Pete is one of the bodyguards of the main family, and he's presented as a kind and funny guy, a lil goofy sometimes, overall cute and friendly. He's also very good at beating people up, and he's the only one who could stand watching Vegas torture a man without even flinching. So yeah, Pete.
He seems to be very accepting and open-minded, a non-judgemental person. He doesn't believe in villains and heroes. He's very interesting 👀
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In the novel, things go kinda like this:
Pete is sent to Vegas’ house to investigate;
he gets kidnapped;
Vegas does very nasty things to him;
Vegas grows attached;
Pete gets free, but realizes he misses Vegas;
they eventually get together.
A very short summary but you can get the gist.
It's a very dark and disturbing storyline. Vegas also sexually assaults Pete, but they changed it in the show from what I've heard. Now we're all waiting for their storyline to start on the screen, so I can't say much about that gsybdgxy
We wanna have faith in the KP team, they did such a good job with the main couple (who was a very toxic mess in the novel as well...), so they can do the same with VegasPete if they play their cards right. Let's hope for the best 💖
They said that both Vegas and Pete will find something they need in each other. When it comes to Vegas, it's easy to guess what he could search for (to be seen, to be cared for), but Pete? Another story entirely. I can't wait to know more about him because he's a mystery.
So yeah, that's it 💕
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f-ngrl · 2 years
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2022.05.14 rohann ig live
he meets with the nfl members often he lost his rolex this is the box it came in. he bought it on [still knows the day] this is the place in the box where the rolex goes here's the receipt: 19,300,000 won (?? not sure abt the number of zeros bc that’s expensive?) where's the id card?? where'd it go? anyway yeah he still has all the packaging and everything, only the watch is lost ah "i lost my rolex" @ foreign fans when he was drinking with his friends he lost it
(then he started fighting with haters i think? leaving that part out. he doesn’t seem well, i think he military is hard on him:( )
playing some new songs! they sound good as always! most of it his usual style but some really different. some singing too. can’t wait!
a song is abt sunflowers and he raps along perfectly. he’s so good fr.
he can't release anything on official sites now but he's working hard, pls wait you wanna hear what he made with his older cousins? :D (rock song playing. it's not pop punk, more like 90's rock?) yeah he sang all that until now isn't it better than you thought haha xD and that's his cousin now xD rohan singing again (i found the song: 윤도현 - 나는 나비. they recorded a cover. i think they redid the instrumental too?) "we did it while drinking lolll" playing the version they recorded without him. "aren't they good!" "i sing better than i thought haha i'll keep working on it" (singing the song again) "I'M A BEAUTIFUL BUTTERFLYYYYY ok i'm leaving see you later goodbye"
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todorokichills · 3 years
Could you do Akutagawa and Atsushi with a S/o who’s addicted to pokémon? like they have all the games and a complete nerds about it 💀💀
Akutagawa & Atsushi with a s/o who's addicted to Pokémon
A/N: Thank you for the request! You called my childhood out with this sjsjs 💀
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke
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When you and Akutagawa planned for him to come over to your house to watch a movie, he expected your house to be a normal, pleasant home.
He NEVER expected there to be a bookshelf with all 122 and yes I did search that up games of Pokémon next to your tv
He thought that those were the movies you two were gonna watch 🤡
“So Y/N, are those supposed to be the movies we're gonna watch?”
You were in the kitchen getting the snacks for the movie and turned around only to find yourself in utter embarrassment when you saw Akutagawa examining your collection which was dusted and wiped down might I add
“O-Oh! That's nothing! It's just... a collection of video games I collected as a kid...”
Akutagawa eyed your collection, confused but also fascinated that you had gotten your hands on all these games as a kid.
“What’s Pokémon, if I may ask?”
You gasped, surprised that you hadn’t blabbed about Pokémon to him yet.
“Y-you don't know what Pokémon is!? It's a show and a game! It's been around since about... 1996! At first, it was a card game but then it was made into a show and the show had a guy named Ash Ketchum who never grew past the age of 12 but overall I've loved it for a long time! Leading up to me collecting all the cards and video games! Ooh, I should show you my cards! Hold on, I'll be right back!”
Akutagawa was questioning your love for him at that point- you had been this dedicated since you were little? He was...
Akutagawa didn’t have a good childhood, so he couldn’t get things like this.
He also still had a childish attitude at times; these being one of those moments
“Akutagawa, I’m back! Ok, so I have a Charizard card but there’s a gold one and I haven’t gotten my hands on it yet which sucks- Oh, Akutagawa do you want to play the games?”
Akutagawa had found your old GameBoy and was playing Pokémon Silver- he seemed like he was having fun.
A soft and relaxed expression on his face determined to find that damn secret passage.
When you walked into the room, he turned his head to you with a light shade of pink spread across his face; which made you laugh.
“Do you wanna play them? I have a GameCube I can hook up to the TV.”
“I-I would like that”
You hooked up the GameCube to the TV and you Akutagawa played Pokémon Colosseum and Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness until the both of you fell asleep.
Atsushi Nakajima
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Guys look at this header I found of Atsushi omfg-
Moving on- You had decided to bring your Gameboy to the Agency along with Pokémon blue and red in case you had finished all your reports (which was what usually happened)
As expected, that's exactly what happened, you had finished all your reports for the day.
You were planning to just help Atsushi with his reports to spend time with him, but he was out getting Dazai that bandaged lazy ass
Instead, you pulled out your Gameboy, inserted Pokémon Red, and played away to kill the time.
A few hours had flown by and Atsushi had finally come back with Dazai and he was just longing to hug you
Damn it y'all are making me simp for him stop it
“Hey Y/N I'm back- Hey, what's that? It looks cool! Is it a new phone?”
Another man with a childhood that was so bad to the point where he didn't even know what a GameBoy was ;-;
You didn’t expect Atsushi to be here yet I mean, finding Dazai is a pretty hard task
“H-Huh? Oh, Hey Sushi’, you found Dazai that quick? I think you’ve hit a new record?”
Though, catching Dazai within 2 hours should be a world record-
“Haha, funny. Seriously though, he had me all over Yokohama- By the way, what’s that?”
He was pointing at the Gameboy in your hands,
“Oh, this? It’s a Gameboy and I'm playing Pokémon on it, why?”
Atsushi was rather confused, he had never heard of Pokémon
“W-what’s Pokémon?”
You gasped, how in the hell did he not know what Pokémon was? How have you not blabbed off about it with him? You felt like you’ve failed your duty to the Pokémon gods- I’m joking with you guys
“OhmygodhowdoyounotknowwhatPokémonis?! I could've sworn we talked about it! Ok, so, Pokémon is a card game/a game on Gameboys, Nintendo’s, and I think GameCubes. It was created around 1996? Yeah, 1996- and I’ve played since I was a little kid. I even have all the games, cards, and some figurines! OH MY GOD, I SHOULD SHOW YOU MY COLLECTION- Atsushi you need to see it, it’s so cool!”
You sure knew A LOT about this game huh?
Atsushi was rather interested in the cards and you had a collection? He was in absolute awe
Not to mention that your eyes light up whenever you talk about it,
You bet he wanted to know more about something you love, all to just see the beautiful expression you get when you talk about it.
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