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whentheleahvesfall · 1 month ago
So I’ve been having a think about starting to get back into doing drawing again… but this time I wanna do something different. I wanna draw…
Your own OCs!!
This has been something that’s on my mind for a while, and I honestly think it’ll be good practice to whip out the sketchpad and pencil and draw to my heart’s content. But instead of simply doing characters that I have no idea how to design (I’m looking at my own OCs who need art drawn by me but I’ve got no idea where to begin ahendjendjdnd), I wanna draw your OCs! I want to mostly practice with Pokémon designs at the minute, so any general designs I want to have a go at, or better yet, lemme draw your PMD teams! I’ll draw as many of them as I can and I’ll go ahead and post them over on my art blog that’s just been laying dormant… until hopefully now xD
So if you want to send me an ask of what you want me to draw, send a reply to this post or even reblog with what you’d like, feel free to let me know! I wanna challenge myself moving forward over the next few months! :]
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whentheleahvesfall · 6 days ago
Whoa, I’ve been feeling positive lately, so guess what folks? You’re all awesome! Honestly, whilst this may sound corny or cringe (take your pick shsjjdjdjdjdd), you all make me really happy to just be on here, and it actually makes my silly brain feel at ease from feeling like I’m not dumb or stupid just because I have a presence here 😭😭
I dunno what it is - whether it’s imposter syndrome, my own anxiety, self-doubts or just life in general - but when I get left on my own a lot, my brain has such a hard time discerning whether I’m doing anything right, or if I’m bothering people in general simply due to saying something that could make another happy. And I know I ain’t perfect by any means, believe me I wish I was better at a looootttt of things, but somehow people saying compliments to me despite my brain always wanting to automatically reject it makes me stand still and (actually genuinely) makes me wanna cry.
I’m such an emotionally stoic person irl sometimes that you can’t tell if I’m happy or just generally moody (the joys of not being very expressive smh), so when I joined the PMD fandom back in I think June/July 2023, my brain was thinking “oh gosh do I even have a place on here, am I even doing anything good for myself” and I still think like that now, but people telling me that I’m fine and stuff like WAUGH… why are you all so kind… my brain doesn’t think it deserves it, stop complimenting me >:( (affectionate)
So um… yeah, my stupid silly thoughts aside cuz I know a lot of people probably wouldn’t care about them haha, for those who do like what I have to say or just enjoy my company, thank you, it means a lot. It really genuinely does. 🥹
And to those who I’m moots with, or I follow you or anything like that, I also extend my kindness to you. I love every single one of you and I want to wish you every success in what you continue to do. I may be shy and I reblog waaaayyyy too many people’s posts (that’s what I do nowadays ahsbdjdndjdndk) but I still see you all and thank you for making me happy when my brain keeps telling me I’m dumb and stuff 😭😭
Tldr to everyone: thank you for everything and I hope I can continue to be on here for as long as my brain somehow allows it xD
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whentheleahvesfall · 4 months ago
Yay, I’m 22 now!! I think I’ll do a drawing to commemorate it later, but for now I guess here’s my take on the Wild Robot:
Please give this film a watch, I have nothing now but mother robot, adoptive father figure and goofball goose now stuck in my head 😭😭
For real though, I wanted to say thank you for anyone who has already sent a birthday wish to me, I greatly appreciate it, but I also wanted to thank you to everyone in general. Life’s been quite a whirlwind for me in the last few years, and now since I graduated from uni back in July I’m still trying to figure out what makes me… well me. I’m not going to have the answer to that question right now, nor in the immediate future, but if I can make a start now, then I hope that one day I can look happily with a full smile on my face being proud of myself despite the many (and I mean many) mistakes I’ve made growing up. From me now: I simply want to say thank you.
Wishing you all well on my birthday. :)
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whentheleahvesfall · 1 month ago
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Been playing a lot on my 3DS lately as I’ve been getting back into restarting an accidentally deleted Animal Crossing New Leaf playthrough I had when I was younger, and then I go ahead and stare at this game I’ve yet to start.
Good ol’ Gates to Infinity xD
Hey PMD oomfs, how we feeling, should I start playing this over the weekend? 🤔
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whentheleahvesfall · 3 days ago
Uh oh, it’s Pokemon Day tomorrow, c’mon guys, I sure do hope we see a PMD game being mentioned and also some more Legends Z-A content (that’s at least guaranteed xD) and I hope I’m not hyping myself up for inevitable disappointment-
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whentheleahvesfall · 15 days ago
Oop, today is the funny day of love, but I’m putting that love to everyone who reads this post! :D Happy friendship Valentine’s Day folks, whether you’re a moot or someone I’ve seen on here, I’m happy to still be with ya and see what you continue to do! :) Always good seeing you all around.
Hope you all keep being awesome!
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whentheleahvesfall · 4 months ago
Oh god, I turn 22 tomorrow (Sunday is already here in the UK and since mine is on the 4th, ahhhhhhhhhh) 🗿
How has my birthday come up so fast like aalsjdbshaokashsh XD
In other news, I’m going to be seeing The Wild Robot in the cinema with a friend later. Can’t wait for emotional devastation woooooo!
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whentheleahvesfall · 7 months ago
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A fig huh? That’s interesting haha. This is certainly accurate to say the least though I think in terms of personality. :) Thank you for the double tags @driftingballoons and @earthykinous! ^^
For people I tag, I’ll go with @decibelcoatl, @that1sprig, @summermonths, @graminos, @memorywhosshe, along with any of my other followers or people who just simply want to have a go. No pressure if you don’t. :)
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Which fruit are you? Find out here!
Tagging: @actuallysaiyan @beneathstarryskies @akiraiscute @randoimago @multi-fandom-imagine @iambilliejeanok @icycoldninja @abellaheart-blog @terabyteturtle @philistiniphagottini
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whentheleahvesfall · 2 months ago
Happy new year to everyone! I hope and wish you all the very best this year, and even with all the potential ups and downs that could happen, I’m hoping I can be a part of the journey alongside you all as we begin 2025 as best as we can! For everyone who has supported me despite my many wafflings and flaws in 2024, thank you. You’re all genuinely the reason I still try and do what I can as I want to keep moving forward the best I can. I’m not perfect, and never will be perfect. But this year I’ll strive to be more committed on what’s in front of me - the things I enjoy, and the people who I can share the joy with:
You guys.
So from me to wherever you are in the world: thank you. Let’s try our best.
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whentheleahvesfall · 1 month ago
Since there’s quite a lot of PMD stuffs going on in the community as of late, I’ve been listening to one of my favourite songs by Bastille and I can’t help but think it’s so PMD-coded 😭 I don’t know whether it’s the lyrics or some of the background noises the further you get in the song (if you know, you know) and it’s not getting out of my head hellllpppp 😭😭😭
If you wanna give it a listen, the song is called Grip and is linked above. :]
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whentheleahvesfall · 8 months ago
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I’m officially doing art fight for this year! Apologies for the really scuffed presentation, trying to get this together on my phone was really awkward 😭😭 But either way, I’ve been randomly allocated Team Seafoam! Looking forward to attacking some of you fellow artists! >:) If you want to know more about my characters I have for this art fight, you can find them on my main profile using the link below!
Art fight profile:
Let the games begin! :)
Artist credits:
@/s0upjuice: Design of Cormac
@/smolnoko: Design of Nova
@/rusty-eevee: Design of Harmony
Team Star Shiners, Sprout and the Cormac profile picture are drawn by myself.
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whentheleahvesfall · 4 months ago
3 and 9 for the PMD ask game, if you’re still taking these!
Of course, happy to answer any further asks for this ask game! :)
Favourite partner character?
I’m biased because I started with Super, so for me it’d be the PSMD partner, not just because of the story being centred around them and not just the hero, but also their story arc, theme and just all around goofiness heavily plays into how I can sorta see myself in them and how they behave. Super’s story resonates a lot with me in the early stages as it reminded me about my childhood growing up due to being Autistic and being alone, with barely anyone to really talk to cuz I thought of myself as weird. Fast forward a decade when I played the game as a teenager and I still feel the same way even now. PSMD partner holds a special place in my heart for that, as eventually you become friends with them in the game and you realise despite their troublesome personality, they have a good-natured heart, and so for that reason I feel they’re my personal fav in general.
Special shout-out to the Rescue Team and Explorers partners for being great in their own right even if I didn’t grow up with those games (minus the former in its remake), but a close second for my favourite partner is Gates. It’s a similar kind of nature with how they’re all alone and them meeting you finally gave them purpose in life, plus the ending imo is the best out of any PMD game. Partner’s message to the player as soon as they leave is such a gut punch and also playing as them in the post game and not coming back instantly after the credits? Oof, that’s a real double gut punch.
Fair play on the emotional levels Spike Chunsoft. 🫡
What do you ship in the games in general?
Future trio polyamory couple babbbbbyyyyy!! For real though, I ship Dusknoir x Grovyle for the sole purpose of special episode 5 (I really need to give that a rewatch), alongside Grovyle x Celebi as a close contender, but personal headcanon makes me ship these three goofballs because fellow folks on Tumblr have permanently altered my brain chemistry of how I see them, hellllllpppppp
For individual games though, I do ship Hero x Partner in Explorers, mainly due to how they personally grow throughout the course of the story, and even if PSMD is my personal favourite, I will contend that both Gates and Explorers have the stronger stories of all four mainline Mystery Dungeon games. :)
Emolga x Virizion is another obvious candidate for shipping purposes, and I absolutely love the teasing each of the other main characters have whenever Emolga blushes and is caught in the act andndjndfirndi XD Ampharos/Mawile, Wigglytuff/Chatot and even Hero/Gengar are a few others too due to the various natures of what can be explored, but for the most part I’m a friendship sort of guy who appreciates the extremely closely bonded tight knit characters trope! Those have a hold on me unlike any other 😭
Thanks for the ask too! :)
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whentheleahvesfall · 4 months ago
1 and 10 for the ask game?
Have I played all of the PMD games?
I have not and therefore I’m not actually really a true PMD fan, I guess I’m gonna die-
For real though haha, the ones I have beaten are Rescue Team DX and Super, which was my introduction to the series after having watched a playthrough of Gates on YouTube. I do have a emulator copy of Sky which I hope to eventually get around to playing as well as a digital copy of Gates I bought just before the 3DS eShop got shut down, so hopefully I’ll get the time to eventually play them whenever I get the chance.
Hopefully soon.
Very hopefully soon.
Definitely hopefully and maybe very well truly soon.
*looks at backlog of games*
…Ah shit.
Opinion on Nuzleaf’s character? Also were you surprised by that twist?
Yeaaaaaaahhh, Leaf Dad my beloved! I love Nuzleaf’s character in Super and eventually beginning to warp into beating Dark Matter just to love his surrogate child is probably one of the sweetest things a twist antagonist has out of any of the PMD games. He reminds me a lot of Gengar and Dusknoir who become both unlikeable in the main story but gradually both attached to the relationships of redeeming themselves to the ones they love.
For Gengar, his relationship with Gardevoir as her former partner makes his warped heart finally gain rest as he proves he has love inside of him even after making Hero suffer through absolutely horrible conditions based on nothing than pure conjecture. It’s his love that breaks the curse placed on him and that’s his redemption.
For Dusknoir, him betraying Hero and Partner and the player realising that Grovyle was a main antagonist allowed I feel headcanons to grow about what came after in SE5 and then PSMD which canonically comes after all three other mainline games (I think?) in the series. Dusknoir realising that he has something to fight for makes his love for Grovyle more apparent after their talk, and him even being willing to fight for an unlikely future just to see a sunrise means to me at least he grew into the person who would eventually care for Hero were they ever to reunite.
Nuzleaf’s plot twist definitely hurt when I saw it, as for Hero, the first Pokémon they met is also the very one who supposedly “wiped all their memories” and him going as far to turn them to stone made me go “holy shit” and sit there for a minute to process what happened. After you realise that he’s been nothing but a pawn for Dark Matter the entire time, I feel once he eventually reconciles with Hero and sacrifices himself to attempt to defeat Dark Matter means he would really end up showing love for his child much in the same way Carracosta did. And I really, really want to imagine during when Partner leaves, that Nuzleaf pours his heart and soul into looking after his grieving child.
Hero’s lost everything.
A purpose in the world, as they already fought Dark Matter. Their lifelong friend, one they knew in TWO different eras, and one which they fought alongside as their shared story. Their will to see into the future (hence my PSMD fanfic title 😂).
And rather than kidnapping Mew to reunite themselves with Partner before eventually connecting with them once you reach Master/Grandmaster rank in the game, I think he just wants to do nothing more than to support his lost child for as long as it takes.
Giving everything he has just to make his child happy again. To smile again.
I never really liked the epilogue depiction of his character (the cream gravy line makes me laugh though), but the welcome home line and the found family trope always makes his bond feel really special and hopefully if I can eventually get around to doing it, I definitely want to write a chapter or a one-shot focused squarely on just those two.
Then it can just as much become the Hero’s main story after the Partner had their turn. :)
Waffling aside, thank you so much for the ask!
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whentheleahvesfall · 1 month ago
pokemon ask game! 17, 19, and 33 (also bonus how are you doing?)
Heya dude, thanks for the ask! Alright, let’s get these under way :)
17. What’s my favourite Eeveelution?
Espeon for me, I have a soft spot for the sun cat, but I also like Umbreon and Glaceon as well if I had the chance to pick more than one. :)
19. What is my favourite starter?
I know immediately people would jump to Mudkip since that’s my main PSMD character that I still continue to be absolutely crazy over, but it’s actually Bulbasaur! My playthroughs of Super and Rescue Team DX with a Bulbasaur partner cemented just how much I love their expressions in those games, and I just find their anime cries to be adorable. Mudkip, Froakie and a few fire type starters such as Scorbunny, Fuecoco and Tepig are also notable other ‘mons I really love as well!
33. Which Pokémon did I wish had a Mega Evolution and why?
One that immediately comes to mind is Flygon, simply because most people really think it should’ve got a bug/dragon dual typing and honestly I think that would work great, but I think the ones that needed it most of all were the gen 6 starters. Out of all of them, the only one that had any alternative form was Froakie’s evolution into Greninja, and that only got implemented in the gen 7 games only, which you could only access via the Sun and Moon demo of all places. Delphox and Chesnaught both really needed a second mega form imo, and having Greninja not just be a super saiyan anime-exclusive frog I think would’ve helped big time. Fingers crossed Legends Z-A fixes that issue, and instead isn’t just focused on Kanto pandering for the 500th time XD
As for how I’m doing, I’m getting there I think. Real life and the way the world is at the moment I won’t lie is making me stressed, but I can only do what I can since there’s only so much control I have over the world. I wish I could do better, but I guess only one step at a time. :)
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whentheleahvesfall · 1 year ago
For those unaware of who Cormac is, he acts as my take on the PSMD hero that I’ve been meaning to get back into after a long time because of uni work, and so I’m (hopefully) planning to release the next chapter in the next few weeks to commemorate the 8th European anniversary of the game’s release. Who knows, you may even see my own take on what he looks like… 👀 Hope you guys can stay tuned! (even if I feel like the world’s most scuffed person 😭😭)
here is a character theme i made for my friend @whentheleahvesfall for his character cormac! i tried to capture all of his angst and sadness, and also tried to emulate the super mystery dungeon OST as much as i could. cormac is from leah's PSMD fanfic "To Look Upon the Future", which you can read here along with his other works. he's also an artist and you should check out his blog as well!
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whentheleahvesfall · 1 month ago
5, 32, and/or 39 for the ask game? 
Hi drifting, hope you’ve been well! :D
5. What’s your favourite Pokémon type?
Probably the ghost type! There’s a number of legendaries like Giratina and Lunala coming out as two I absolutely love from that typing, but I think it’s got some underappreciated gems that need more love ^^ A close second would either be either the fire or water types, since they contain a lot of starter choices I’d often pick in main series games!
32. If I had a career in the Pokémon world, what would it be and why?
Honestly I’m not really sure XD Right now I’m aspiring to be a game dev when I grow up, so I guess something like a programmer could work with the likes of Porygon and Rotom, but otherwise I’d say maybe a researcher or someone who’d like to help others out. I really wanna eventually be able to do the same in real life as I would if Pokémon were real, so I guess a guy can only dream for now until then haha 😭😂
39. What kind of fakemon design would you like to do?
I’m thinking an aquatic creature like a mantis shrimp or something else like a scorpion, as I’m not sure if there’s any Pokémon that fit that design bracket. One day if I were to get good enough at art, I’d love to put this idea to the test so I can not only visualise and design my own thing, but I can feel like I’ve improved at general doodling too! I doubt that’s happening in the short term at the very least LMAO
Thanks for the ask!
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