#like what would be the harm in letting me up to the coronation balcony
obliviousriki · 2 years
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Wrecked Alcamoth in the evening.
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iisuya-simps · 3 years
A Kings Coronation (Royal au – Otoya x Reader)
A/N: I've been trying to write this since his birthday celebration card came out
Klab please let me marry this man ~ I will give him my s o u l
God, I wish this were me...
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Word count: 2458
The day of Otoya's 18th birthday. Today he would be crowned king and take over the kingdom. You woke up early and rode all morning from your country to see him. A few hours later you woke to the sun shining in your eyes, seeing how you slept most of the way.
It was crowded when you got there. Guards lined up at every corner. People came far and wide to witness the crowning of a new king. You had to push through the crowd to even get close to the main balcony when a hand touched your shoulder.
“There you are! I finally found you!” You feel someone's arms wrap around your waist. It was him. “Otoya!” You turn and give him a hug, he squeezes you back. “Thanks for coming.”
“How could I miss my best friend's 18th birthday/coronation??” “Haha, this place is totally packed, huh? Just getting over here to you was crazy.” “They're all here for you.” You give a warm smile.
“Congratulations, King Otoya Ittoki.” You curtsy. “Gosh... Hearing you say it all formal like is kinda embarrassing.” He scratches his head. “Well, I'll answer as the birthday king should.” Otoya puts his hands on his hips puffing out his chest. “You have my thanks, dear Y/N.” Then bows. “Maybe that wasn't so regal...” you both laugh.
“Well, today is about to kick into high gear so stick close to me, ok?” “I promise I won't leave your side.”
“Still, I'd find you even if you vanished into thin air. We'll have lots more time to talk if we stick together, plus everyone can know about us right?”
“Know about us?”
“Let's go!” You follow close behind him but find it challenging with all of the people. You hesitate to grab his hand but he takes yours first. You look up and see his bright smile and wink as he guides you through the crowds of people till he sneaks you inside.
“Hey, there's something I'd like to show you.” “Oh?” “Close your eyes.” “Otoya...” You whine. “Come on it's a surprise!”
“Fine.” You close your eyes and he takes your hand guiding you slowly down the hall.
“Don't peek, ok?” “I wouldn't dream of it.” You go down a few halls then Otoya puts his hands over your eyes. “It's just up ahead, so put your trust in me. Keep walking straight.”
Continuing down the corridor you approach some steps and a large door. “There's a small staircase so watch your step.”
“Shouldn't I be the one surprising you?” “Maybe. But it's not often we see each other. Just a few more steps and we're here!” He takes his hands away from your face. “Open your eyes!” Revealed to you is a grand balcony with a gorgeous view of the land. “Ta da!”
“Wow, Otoya!” “Are you surprised?” “This is amazing! I've never been here before.” “This is the prettiest spot in the whole castle, so I had to show you! There's even an awesome view of the ocean!”
You can see every corner of the courtyard. You walk up to the railing and lean forward taking in the sights, Otoya joins you from behind.
“Beautiful isn't it? Wonderful weather, and a beautiful princess.” You giggle. “And a charming prince, soon to be king.”
You both heard a commotion from below. “Uhh, it looks like everyone is looking for me. They won't check here right?” He scratches the back of his head. “Maybe we should go back.” “Nah, it'll only be a few minutes, no harm done. Besides look!” Otoya shuffles in a bag behind his back.
“I brought us some cake for us to eat together!” You cross your arms. “Otoya isn't that for the reception?” “Well yeah but I want to eat it with you now... And it's my birthday so anything goes!” You shake your head and laugh. “Alright then, let's dig in.” “Yay!”
He places the plate on the table to the left of the balcony. “After you, princess.” He pulls out a chair. “How kind of you your majesty.” Grabbing two forks from his bag he sits across from you unwrapping the cake. “Waah, this looks sooo good. Itadakimasu!” You both took a bite savouring the vanilla cake and fluffy buttercream frosting.
“Mmm, I knew it.” “Knew what?” “That this cake is way tastier being here with you than at the party.” “Uh-huh.” “What? You don't feel the same way?” He pouts. “Everything's better with you, Otoya.” “Really? I think so too... With you I mean!” You both gobble down the rest of your cake not saying a word but simply enjoying each other's company.
“Ahh, that hit the spot. Shall we go?” “You have cake on your face silly. You'll look like a fool if you go out like that.” “Hmm? Where is it?” He licks around his lips. “No on your cheek, here.” You laugh stepping closer to wipe the icing with your thumb from his cheek. Sticking it in your mouth you then clapping your hands together.
“That's better.” “T-thanks...” He blushes but quickly recovers. “Well, the party's just getting started.” You place your hands on his shoulders. “Let's make this the best day ever!”
You and Otoya go back down to greet the people outside in the crowd. Staying closely by his side he never let you out of his sight. “Otoya there you are! I swear you have no sense of time. The ceremony is about to begin!” The queen crosses her arms. “Already?” “Yes, now let's go.” “But Y/N...” “I'll be fine.” You smile. He takes both of your hands in his. “I'll come to find you after, ok?” “Alright, now go get your crown.” You wink.
The crowning ceremony was lovely. Otoya took the coronation oath and made a speech. Afterwards, everyone gathered in the main ballroom then the celebration really began. You were wandering around near the edge of the ballroom when you felt a hand pull you around the corner.
“Hey.” “Oh hi.” You smile and fix your eyes on his crown. “So what's next, king?” “Hehe, come with me.” You spend the rest of the day greeting more people, enjoying the food at the banquet and listening to the royal orchestra. When nightfall came Otoya leads you away from the dwindling crowds to his bedroom to retire for the night.
“Wow, that was a blast.” You jump on his bed and sink into the duvet. “We hung out all day huh?” “Yup seems like it.” “Time flies when I'm with you. Oh! And did you hear the band? They were all like bweeh daa daa doooo.” Otoya mimics a violin shaking his head around.
“Ah! My crown is gonna fall!” He juggles it between his hands leaning over and catching it before it hits you. “Gotcha. Whoa!” The carpet slipping from under him he fell on top of you anyway. “S-sorry y/n!” There was a moment you stared into each other's eyes. You blushed a bright red then laughed.
“Cmon... no laughing. I just let my guard down a bit...” he pouts. “You're just a clutz, Otoya.” You scoot off to the other side of the bed. “Am not! I always act like a king should...” “Uh huh. So what does it feel like to be a king anyway?” He places his hand on his chin and ponders.
“It's not much different than being a prince yet I don't think. Though I guess a big responsibility falls on my shoulders now that I am a king. I have a whole kingdom to look out for after all. And you.” “I can look after myself.” “But you don't have to.” Otoya twiddles his thumbs together.
“Anyway... Today is special! After all, you're here with me.” He raises a brow. “Hey, why are you so far away? Didn't you promise not to leave my side? Come sit by me. You're making me lonely...” He pouts again. “Promise you won't fall on me again?” “Not on purpose.” “Haha.” You move closer and the both of you talk about the day's events. Though the whole time, you couldn't help feel butterflies dance in your stomach.
“I had a great time today, Y/N.” “Me too.” “Everything was so wild during the day, but now all I hear is you.” His hand caressing your cheek. You gaze, getting lost in his eyes. “Those lips hold the voice I cherish most.” His thumb brushes over your bottom lip. Leaning forward his lips meet yours as they come together in a sweet kiss. You stay like that for a moment, then part. You turn away embarrassed. “Wait what's wrong? Don't turn away.” He giggles. “You left yourself open for that.” You laugh too.
“Look at me.” He turns your head and your eyes meet once more. “I'm sorry I guess I just wasn't expecting that...” He places both hands on the side of your face slowly pulling you into another kiss. “Were you expecting that?” “Hehe.” You wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him back. You melt into each other drawing out each kiss for as long as you could. “I don't know, were you expecting that?” You both laugh and he pulls you into his arms.
“Oh, Y/N...” He sighs. “I just want you all to myself.” “So selfish, your majesty.” “Hey, a king's orders are absolute you know. That being said, I order you to stay and talk all night to me.” “I guess I cant disobey direct orders.” “Hehe, no you can't.” You lay back and chat in his arms, steadily getting more sleepy you yawn.
“Will you stay with me tonight?” “I did arrange to stay for a few days.” “Really? He beams then suddenly gets nervous. “W-what is it?” You ask, both looking serious and sit up.
“Y/N, would you stay longer if I asked you to marry me?” Your eyes widened. “O-Otoya I-”
“I know it's sudden, I just can't wait. I want you to be mine.” “Are you sure? There are plenty of other princesses that are dying for your hand in marriage.” “Well of course there are other princesses, but you're the only one I have my eyes on. You're too special not to be my beloved.”
“Otoya...” A happy tear slides down your cheek but he wipes it away and holds your hands. “Hows about I ask you again tomorrow? More formally.” “Okay.”
You're unable to hold back the grin from your face. Marry Otoya? Being his friend is one thing but this is a dream come true.
“Oh! I almost forgot!” You get up and grab your purse shuffling around. “Close your eyes Otoya.” “Ok ok... You take the little box from your purse and open it to place a small wooden triangle in his hand. “You can open your eyes now.” He looks down at his hand to see a small triangular pick. “A pick?” He studies it. “For your guitar!”
“Wha-” reaching under the bed you pull out a brand new redwood guitar. “Wow! For me?! Are you sure?!” “Of course! Otoya takes the guitar running his fingers over the frets and strings. “Happy birthday Otoya.” He sets the guitar down by the nightstand beside him. “Thank you Y/N!” He tackles you to the bed holding you tight.
You spend the rest of the night giddily talking about your goals, dreams and aspirations for the future. Eventually falling asleep next to each other.
In the morning you wake to a blushing Otoya combing his hand through your hair and your eyes flutter awake.
“Good morning, Y/N.” Otoya presses a kiss to your forehead. “Morning.” You yawn. “Did you sleep well?” “That was the best sleep I've had in a while.” Otoya beams. “Good, are you hungry? Would you like breakfast? I could have the cook bring us something.” “That sounds lovely.”
“I'll be right back!” Otoya rushes off to the kitchen and has a special breakfast made. He returns with the cook serving both of you a buffet.
“Otoya!! We cant eat all this!?!” "That's ok, there's plenty of variety so just pick what you want!” You share a large breakfast together in bed. Otoya insists on feeding you dessert, but after the feast you just had you couldn't possibly take another bite.
After a quick rest, Otoya leads you on a stroll through the garden. It's early spring and the flowers are just starting to bloom. You're walking along when you pull Otoya to a stop.
“Hibiscus!” You wander over to the colorful display of red, yellow, white and pink flowers. “Hibiscus is my favorite flower.” You hold back your hair and take in the sweet almost fruity fragrance. “Y/N.” Otoyas hand takes yours.
“We've known each other since we were kids. As the years have gone by I've realized how special you are to me as a friend and something more. I promise to love and protect you as I will my kingdom. With you by my side, I feel as if I can do anything. I will give you each and every one of these flowers and more.” Otoya kneels down in front of you.
“My heart belongs to you and only you.” You gasp as he opens the velvet box to reveal a dazzling yet subtle ring. “Say you'll be mine, forever and always.”
“Otoya...” You tear up once more. “Yes, of course I'll be yours!” He stood and took the ring out of the box placing it on your finger. You leap to hug him almost knocking him over in the process. This was better than you could ever imagine.
"Otoya, I love you." Your heart pounds as you pull back to look him in the eyes.
"I love you too, Y/N." You share a very heartfelt passionate kiss.
Otoya plucks a flower from one of the branches and tucks it in your hair.
“There, for my beautiful bride to be.” You plant a gentle kiss on his cheek and walk hand in hand back to the castle where you greet the queen.
You feel quite foolish when you realize that it was your parent's plan all along to get you two together, but it worked out so naturally you didn't care. You were getting married to the guy of your dreams, and that was a miracle within itself.
Your wedding was celebrated with your family and civilians from far and wide.
But with Otoya by your side, this truly was a dream come true.
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cindersnightmare · 4 years
slow dancing in the dark (kaider au)
part five
summary: cinder is the palace mechanic and kai is the prince of the eastern commonwealth. even though they could never really be together, they start a secret relationship.
let’s try this again :) (the deleted version had a lot more angst but i decided to kinda spread it out thru the series)
this is for @kaider-is-my-everything <3
it was late and new beijing was asleep. as kai walked down the empty streets, he couldn’t help but think of how worried his father and torin would be if they knew what he was doing. princes, or soon to be emperors, were not supposed to leave the palace alone at midnight. but he had something he needed to do. 
the phoenix tower apartments came into view. moments later, when he walked into the lobby, he was worried about anyone recognizing him since he didn’t have his hoodie. but the worker at the front desk was fast asleep and there was no one else around. kai made his way into the elevator and pressed the button, leaning against the wall. cinder had told him her apartment number while recalling a time a neighbor had complained about her and adri arguing, and he was glad he remembered that little piece of information.
once the elevator stopped on her floor, he stepped out, taking a few steps into the hallway. he pulled out his portscreen and sent her a comm. 
hey, i’m outside your apartment. can we talk?
it only took a minute for the door to open and a wide-eyed cinder to appear. kai attempted to ease her with a charming smile, but the charisma wasn’t there. he was too drained, too worried. “what are you doing here?” she whispered. she tried to close the door behind her, but he gently pushed her back into the apartment. “kai, you can’t be in here, adri-”
“i don’t care about adri.” he spoke softly as he closed the door, placing his hands on her arms. “i need to be away from the palace, i need to be with you. can we walk?” he whispered. 
she looked at him, then around the living room, and nodded. with their hands intertwined, she led him to her bedroom. kai’s nerves started to spark for a moment but then his attention went to the state of the room.
it was small, smaller than any room in the palace. there were no windows. her bed looked like it was meant for a child, and kai knew there was no way she could sleep comfortably at night. she had one nightstand and dresser, and nothing else. 
he knew adri was unkind to cinder, he knew she only gave her the bare necessities and that was it. but seeing it up close angered kai. he wondered how anyone could completely ignore what an amazing person she was and only focus on something she couldn’t control, something she didn’t ask for, and something that wasn’t even harmful. 
“what did you want to talk about? is it your dad?” cinder asked, gently placing her hands on his cheeks and making him look at her. he could tell she was embarrassed. though she couldn’t blush, her tense shoulders and shifting eyes gave her away. she knew kai lived an extensively lavish life, and he could only imagine what she was feeling right now, having the next emperor standing in her sad bedroom. 
“um, yeah. he’s in the next stage.” he remembered seeing his dad in his bed, looking like a skeleton. his heart broke a little more. “i don’t know how much time we have left.” 
she frowned, quickly wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him into a hug. “i’m sorry, i wish i could make it better.” 
he embraced her for a moment, then her words hit him. he had been trying to think up scenarios where he wouldn’t have to lose both his father and his girlfriend at the same time. it was nearly impossible, but he would do anything to keep cinder in his life. 
kai pulled away, walking so his back was facing her. he took another glance around her bedroom, noting everything it lacked. she spoke up, worry clear in her tone. “kai, what’s wrong?” 
he let out a small, bitter laugh. “what’s wrong? a little bit of everything, that’s what’s wrong.” he spoke softly. kai’s bedroom had gold decorations, a balcony, a bathroom, everything. it was almost twice the size of the whole apartment, and cinder barely had enough room on her own bed. “cinder, have you ever thought about being empress?”
when he turned around, he saw that her eyes went wide, like he had just said the craziest thing she had ever heard. “kai...there’s no way i could be empress.” she whispered. “i don’t know anything about politics, no one would accept a cyborg as their leader, and i’m still adri’s ward for at least another two years. it’s impossible.”
kai shook his head before walking back to her, holding her hands. “i’ve thought about all of that. we’ve got two years, i can teach you everything you need to know and after my coronation, i’ll start campaigning for cyborg rights. no more draft, no more wards. then when the time is right, we can get married.” he explained. it wasn’t a perfect plan, but it was the best he could do. 
cinder was momentarily speechless. whether it was about the cyborg rights or marriage, kai didn’t know. maybe it was the fact that there was a chance after all. “kai...” she trailed off, raising her hands to the back of his neck. “you’re going to be emperor in less than a month. what happens when a princess or president’s daughter wants to marry you? are you going to tell that you’re already secretly dating the mechanic? emperors don’t do that, kai.”
“i’ll tell them that i’m too young and too busy. with the plague and dismantling the cyborg system, they’ll believe it. no one will expect me to get married right away, anyway.” he said, ready for any opposition she had. “and if we have to, we can just be friends for a while. we’re around the same age and you’re technically my employee, no one would suspect anything. i can’t promise i won’t steal a kiss here and there, but it could work.” 
cinder laughed lightly, making him smile. he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer. she looked hopeful for a moment, but he could see the doubt crawling at her, pulling her back. “i don’t know...maybe it’s too risky. i don’t think i could be empress, kai. it’s too much.” 
he frowned, but nodded. “i know.” he whispered, his nose brushing against hers. “i know i’m asking too much. i just want to take you away from all of this.” he motioned to her room, then brushed her hair behind her ear. “i want to give you everything you deserve, and i don’t want to lose you.” 
“i don’t want to lose you either.” she said, smiling small and cupping the sides of kai’s face. “i think i just need time to think about it, this would take a lot out of both of us.” 
“okay. i understand.” kai said. he closed the small distance between them and placed his lips on hers, kissing her softly. he melted into her, never wanting to let go. cinder was the only person in the world that made him feel alive. 
the sound of kai’s portscreen buzzing broke them apart. he sighed and read the comm, a tinge of annoyance making him frown. “it’s torin, he’s asking me to go back to the palace.” he explained, shoving the portscreen back in his pocket. “i’ll see you tomorrow, right?”
cinder nodded, painting a smile on her face. “ yeah, i’ll be there.” they shared one last kiss before he was out the door.
tag list: @jacihayle @winterrhayle @strawberry-seraph @kaider-is-my-otp @kaider-is-my-everything @cerenoya @clayle @lethughandsimonkiss @amiity-blight @lothloriien @sanktaleksander @artino-nova @ztomazhipsclato @thepurpledragon4444 @nova-artino @honey-harper-official @princesspri222 @alecjamesartino @plain-jane-mclain @nodrianbcyes @girlfriendisthemoon @healing-winston-pratt
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a-blue-secret · 4 years
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Prologue | Chapter I | Chapter II
GENRES: royal au; fantasy au; magic au; friends-to-enemies-to-lovers; king!beomgyu, vizier!taehyun
PAIRING: taegyu
WARNINGS: mild swearing
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AN: Say hello to Yeonjun! :)
SUMMARY: Best friends turned enemies, Kang Taehyun has managed to trick Choi Beomgyu into his service, and to rule for three years and four months and nineteen days, until his youngest brother would be old enough to take the throne. Choi Beomgyu has no intention of being obedient however, and tries to thwart Taehyun’s orders at every turn. With a growing amount of distrust and lies within the court, will Taehyun manage to keep the kingdom of Gojongja from falling apart?
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Beomgyu laughed loudly and boisterously, spilling some of the silver wine over his royal blue suit. The two courtiers looked proud of themselves at having made the King laugh so much. Taehyun refrained from rolling his eyes, choosing to not tell them that Beomgyu had been giving over-the-top reactions for everyone who had come up to him.
“You’re absolutely hilarious!” Beomgyu laughed, throwing both of his legs over the throne’s armrest. “Begone, before you kill me with my own laughter!”
The courtiers stepped down from the King’s Corner, looking rather smug. As soon as they were out of sight, the exaggerated grin dropped from Beomgyu’s face and he tilted back his head with a groan.
“Aren’t you trying to play this part a little too vigorously? I mean, it’s been more than two months and yet you still hold these parties. Our palace can’t run like this forever, you know.”
Beomgyu dropped his head further on the armrest so that he was looking at Taehyun upside down. He narrowed his eyes at his vizier, who was standing ramrod straight next to the throne. “You know,” he said, “I like you better when there are other people around. You’re far too annoying when you talk.”
Taehyun rolled his eyes. “Well I don’t like you at all. You’re annoying whatever you do.”
Beomgyu sat up properly, pouting and looking at Taehyun with wide eyes. “You don’t mean that, do you?” he asked, pout turned up to the max.
Taehyun scoffed. “Don’t do that, you look stupid.” Beomgyu glared at him.
Footsteps approached the King's Corner, and Taehyun stood up straight again, face morphing into a stoic expression. A footsman let out a polite cough, standing just in front of the thin curtain. “There is someone else here to see you, King Beomgyu.”
The lace veil which separated the King’s Corner from the rest of the courtroom twitched, and a foreign lord peered inside. Pushing his half-empty goblet of wine towards Taehyun, Beomgyu beckoned them in. Taehyun could do nothing but frown ever so slightly, before tossing the goblet off the balcony onto the ballroom below. He heard a few shocked shrieks and the sound of shattering crystal, and smirked slightly.
“What matter have you brought to me?” Beomgyu asked the lord. “State your name, and the Kingdom you come from.”
The man bowed. “My name is Lord Choi Yeonjun, Your Greatness. I come from the Aruyeo Kingdom.”
Beomgyu raised his eyebrow. “Aruyeo Kingdom? I assume you and the rest of your court were here for the Coronation revels?”
Choi Yeonjun bowed again. “Yes, sir.”
“Then, state your business with the King.” Beomgyu waved a hand in a careless way, though he was studying the elder male’s face closely.
Yeonju bowed yet again. Honestly, this man seemed to do a lot of bowing. “For many years, our Kingdom has been Gojongja’s most loyal supporter. Not once, in over five hundred years, has Aruyeo made any attempt to go against Gojongja. We have remained firm by your Kingdom’s side, never rebelling, never fighting, staying almost as if we had an alliance with you. The previous King refused this, but, with a new clan on the throne, I have come to ask you.”
“Then by all means, ask away.”
Yeonjun glanced at Taehyun. “I see you have made the former King’s son your vizier.”
“Yes, indeed I have.”
“Is it necessary for him to listen to a conversation he has most likely heard already?”
“Whatever you say to the King will be fit to tell his advisor, regardless of my clan and how many times I may have heard your offer,” Taehyun said smoothly. “You will say it infront of us both, or neither of us at all.”
Yeonjun straightened, adjusting his belt. It was then that Taehyun caught sight of the leather whip curled at his side.
“Very well. As I have stated, my Kingdom has been a fervent ally of yours for generations. Therefore, I hoped to finally have our two kingdoms unite fully, so that we can become true allies. Share war tactics, resources, even people.”
Taehyun frowned. Now he knew why Yeonjun did not want him there. He remembered other Aruyeonan ambassadors had come and claimed similar things. King Seohu had always turned them away, however, claiming that Gojongja was stronger by itself than with an ally. Yeonjun was worried that Taehyun would influence Beomgyu's decision, thereby denying Aruyeo an alliance for yet another year.
“Why has your monarch not come to discuss this herself?” Taehyun asked, hand unconsciously coming to rest on the hilt of his sword. “Why send a representative?”
Yeonjun turned to Taehyun fully, and Taehyun realised why this man sent a chill down his spine. His eyes were amber-brown, and distinctively fox-like. He radiated a suspicious aura, and was someone Taehyun immediately distrusted. Taehyun was sure he hadn’t ever met Choi Yeonjun before (he would have remembered such fox-like eyes), and distrusted him immediately.
Yeonjun let out a slight chuckle, turning to Beomgyu. “Will you always permit your vizier to speak for you?” he asked.
Beomgyu eyed Taehyun distastefully, but calmly answered the Aruyeonan. “It gives him pleasure to believe he has control over me. But, he is correct. Why has Queen Erajin not come to me herself? It would have been best to talk it out, monarch to monarch.”
“Her Royal Supremeness has always preferred to act through ambassadors,” Yeonjun replied. “Her ways are mysterious, and it is not our job to question them, but to follow them without complaint.”
Beomgyu frowned thoughtfully at that. Taehyun desperately wished that he could somehow pull Beomgyu aside and command him to not accept the offer, but he couldn’t do so without it seeming suspicious. Taehyun wasn’t sure why he wanted Beomgyu to reject an alliance with the Aruyeo, but after seeing King Seohu turn them away many times, he was sure that it would be a bad thing to do.
Beomgyu tapped his chin thoughtfully. “I see no harm in an alliance with the Aruyeo,” he said. “But there is no use discussing such politics when I am drunk. Perhaps my vizier could schedule a meeting, and we can discuss formally then?”
Taehyun gritted his teeth. This was Beomgyu forcing him to make the decisions. He knew full well that the King would coincidentally forget about the meeting, meaning Taehyun would have to make the decisions by himself. However, perhaps this time it would be useful, since Taehyun would be able to reject the alliance…
“-and I assure you our discussion will be about all the things Aruyeo will have to offer in our alliance.”
… or not.
Yeonjun bowed, and straightened again. Though his face showed no emotion, Taehyun could sense the triumph radiating from him. “Thank you, Your Greatness.”
Once he had left, Taehyun turned to Beomgyu. “Why did you accept?” he hissed. Beomgyu looked confused, and a little hurt.
“Hey, why are you mad at me? I thought you’d be glad that I’d managed to make an important move by myself.”
“Why would I be glad?” Taehyun scoffed. “You’re drunk, and you’re going around agreeing to alliances you don’t even know the consequences of!”
“Why are you so worked up about it, hm?” Beomgyu said, growing annoyed. “Listen, an alliance with the Aruyeo Kingdom would come in handy. Have you seen the size of their military? Combined with ours, we easily overpower the other two kingdoms 50 men to one.”
“How do you know that-”
“And their resources? Aruyeo is famous for its blacksmiths. They create epic weapons out of metals that other Kingdoms don’t even have. Everyone wants to trade with the merchants of Aruyeo because of their exotic goods and the sheer wealth that they bring.”
Taehyun scowled. “Yes, but-”
“Also, their history of war-winning? It’s better to have them by our side than oppose us. As the prince, you studied past wars, didn't you? That Lord was right. Aruyeo hasn’t fought us for over half a millennium. And you can see, also, if you dig into Aruyeo’s battles, that they have barely ever lost a war. And the impact they had on the defeated is incredible. They know so many war tactics, Taehyun. War tactics, medicinal knowledge, philosophy, the sciences… they know so much.” Beomgyu counted on his fingers. “Their Royal war forces, their economy, their intelligence… Aruyeo, out of any of the other Kingdoms, is probably the best Kingdom to form an alliance with. Why are you so against it?”
Taehyun opened his mouth, and then closed it again. All the points Beomgyu had made were scarily good. He didn’t even know why he opposed the alliance so fiercely. Taehyun sighed. “King Seohu would always have me with him whenever he had meetings with foreign officials. Every couple of years or so, an Aruyeonan ambassador would come to him, stating something along the lines of what that Yeonjun guy just said. And every time, he’d turn them down. Said an alliance would only make us weak.”
Beomgyu frowned, then his face cleared. “The Jinju Kang clan were fiercely independent. They valued individual power and glory. They hated alliances, or friends, or having to rely on others. That’s why.” Beomgyu kicked his legs back onto the armrest, draping himself carelessly on the silver frame. “My clan are known for their loyalty and need for allies. They work better as team leaders, instead of just solitary wolves. For me, for my kingdom, this is what I’m going to do.”
“I’m the one supposed to be running this kingdom, aren’t I?” Taehyun reminded him. Beomgyu rolled his eyes.
“Whatever. But there has to be some sort of Gyeongju Choi element to this rule, otherwise people will doubt I’m truly King.”
Taehyun had to grudgingly admit that Beomgyu made some good points. They stayed there in silence for a few moments, Beomgyu trailing his fingers along the intricate gold designs on the floor. Taehyun stared straight ahead at the lace curtain. His mind was plagued by the same thoughts they’d always had been for the past three weeks, ever since Beomgyu became King. He needed to keep Beomgyu on the throne for as long as possible. But not for too long, otherwise the Jinju Kang clan could never come back to the throne. It would be difficult for Taehyun to negotiate with Beomgyu to convince him to extend their contract, but even more difficult if Beomgyu acquired a taste for ruling and refused to give up the throne. It was all one huge dilemma which Taehyun wasn’t sure he knew how to get out of.
“How did you know so much?” Taehyun suddenly asked. "About Aruyeo, I mean."
Beomgyu didn’t look at Taehyun, but stopped tracing the carpet.
“When you pushed me away… I went to stay in Aruyeo.”
“You what?”
“Yeah. Aruyeo have always been welcoming of Gojongja nobles. It wasn’t that hard to get in. So I stayed there, for a year or so. Learned about Aruyeonan history. They’re an epic Kingdom, by the way.”
Taehyun made a noise to confirm he’d been listening. “Also, why did you suddenly become so smart?”
Beomgyu glared, offended. “Contrary to what you believe, I actually did pay attention in my lessons. Heck, I could write down everything written in ‘the Magical Everchanging Book of Clans and their Population’, with all clans that ever existed, in alphabetical order, with citations as to how many people were in the clans when I was just seventeen.”
“Has it been that long since you opened the book?”
“No, it’s been that long since my tutors decided I had no need to open the book since I’d memorised every word, including the numbers of people which changed every single day,” Beomgyu replied curtly.
Taehyun didn’t say anything, just stared down at the patterned floor.
.・゜-: ✧ :-  
“What clan are you actually from then?”
“Hm?” Taehyun turned to Beomgyu, who was looking at him through dark, slitted eyes. “Oh… I come from the Jeo clan.”
“The what?” Beomgyu sat up, and laughed. “What, do you not have any surname branches?”
Taehyun glared at Beomgyu. “I don’t know, okay? When King Seohu told me three years ago, he never said anything about surname branches. He just told me I was adopted and what my ability was," Taehyun spat.
"What's your ability?"
"Why do you want to know?" Taehyun snapped back. Beomgyu glared.
"You're my subject. I have the right to know what your ability is. God, why are you so defensive over it?" Beomgyu fiddled with a button on his suit, thinking. "Is it something to do with your crazy ability to make magical contracts? Or was that just enchanted parchment?"
"That was just enchanted parchment," Taehyun said. "Apparently, their ability is foreign exchange, whatever that could mean. I haven’t figured out how to tap into this ability yet.” Taehyun leaned against one of the pillars. “Also, I for some reason possess the Jinju Kang clan’s ability of nature manipulation, though I’m not related to their line." He frowned. "Why am I telling you this?"
"I don't know," Beomgyu shrugged. " Did you seriously not know you were illegitimate for years?"
"My whole life. I just assumed I was a Kang."
"Jeo Taehyun…" Beomgyu mused. "Eh. Kang Taehyun sounds better."
Taehyun rolled his eyes. "That's because that's what you're used to." He walked away from beside the throne to look down the balcony at the ballroom floor. "Also, I think we should stop the coronation revels. This is stupid. You're just wasting money and food and our suites by attending to these dumb courtiers who only really care about how close they can get to the throne."
Beomgyu hummed. He'd taken off the silver circlet and was twirling it carelessly around his fingers.
"You shouldn't do that you know," Taehyun berated. "This crown is a precious part of Gojongja history and we don't want you breaking it by playing with it."
Beomgyu grumbled, placing the circlet sulkily back onto his head. "It's enchanted. I'm pretty sure it won't break that easily."
"Well you still shouldn't do it," Taehyun said. "It's disrespectful."
Beomgyu sighed insolently, staring up at the ceiling.
"Also, are you ever going to attend the board meetings? You haven't turned up to a single one since you became King. Do you know how awkward it is to have to explain to the rest of the generals that the King couldn't be bothered to come?"
"Oh, you bore me," Beomgyu said in annoyance. He suddenly stood up, navy velvet cloak swinging behind him. "I'm going to bed." With an air of insolence, Beomgyu swept out through the veil, before abruptly turning around. “If the revels annoy you that much, call them off yourself. And no, I don’t think I’ll be attending any of those board meetings any time soon. They bore me almost as much as you do.” He winked. “See you around, my dear vizier.” Blowing Taehyun a mocking kiss, he disappeared through the veil, mischievous laughter echoing in his wake.
Taehyun blinked, and then growled. He shook his head, gripping the hilt of his sword. "Choi fucking Beomgyu."
Beomgyu's head appeared through the lace suddenly, smirking at Taehyun. "It's 'His Royal Greatness Choi fucking Beomgyu' to you. Oh, and make sure that you air out the Discussion and Tactics Room, will you? When you talk to that Choi Yeonjun, we don't want it looking shabby, do we?"
Taehyun threw a handkerchief at Beomgyu's annoying face. The King only laughed and ducked away, leaving the cloth to flutter to the ground. Taehyun sighed and walked over to pick up the handkerchief. God, Beomgyu was so infuriating…
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bbrandy2002 · 5 years
My Love
Chapter Four-Please Remember
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Book: TRH
Pairing: Liam and Riley
A/N: Thank you @burnsoslow who edited the hell out of this and did so masterfully and just for all your support with everything. Also, @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore and @romanticatheart-posts I stole your words from your comments on the previous chapter. It was just two sentences but wanted to give credit where it was due. Keep your comments coming and you two will have this thing written for me..lol. And lastly, @dcbbw who sent me the perfect song for inspiration found here:
Warning: Physical altercation and MC death mentioned.
Silence fell on Liam’s lips as he held in his hand the first missing piece to Riley’s death. It had been exactly 12 hours since she departed this earth and his life,  taking with her the best parts of himself. Every second since had felt like thousands of painful stings throughout his entire body that he wanted nothing more than to numb.  Would this report provide him with all the answers he sought to why her life was taken from her? Would it make his heart hurt any less knowing what happened? Or would it simply open Pandora’s box, leaving him with more questions?  He knew it wouldn’t heal the pain he felt, but perhaps it would clue him into why she was gone.
Ignoring Bastien’s suggestion to sit, he turned away from his head guard and pinched the clasp of the manila envelope. With his heart thundering in his chest, he reached inside and slid the report from its enclosure. Pacing nervously, his eyes scrutinized every single word, line by line, from her name to how the exam was conducted. Nothing was abnormal.
He licked his thumb and turned to the second page. His eyes immediately caught sight of the bold type at the bottom of the page, and he couldn’t help but skip straight to it.
The cause of death is acute respiratory distress from potassium cyanide-induced histotoxic hypoxia. 
Manner of death: Homicide.
Liam read those words over and over again, unsure he really believed them. His stomach wrenched as thoughts of his own mother's murder began to haunt him; how could this happen again?  Riley, his love, the one who made him complete, who turned his world upside-down in the very best ways possible, succumbed to the same death his mother had over 20 years ago. Poisoned.
He had spent the last several hours contemplating whether he had done something to hurt her, thinking perhaps she hadn't been physically ready to be intimate the prior evening. As ominous as that thought was, knowing now that she was murdered, that he risked her life to marry for love after his father warned him of the pain of losing Liam’s mother, made him feel every bit as culpable of her demise. It was why he hadn’t chosen her at his coronation; he knew she was set up, but he had to protect her, even if it meant they couldn’t be together. 
Liam turned to Bastien with a remorseful look. “I killed her, Bas.”
“Sir, you did no such thing.”
He held up the report. “Then explain this … he warned me, Bastien; my father told me my love for her made me weak, that I put everyone at risk by choosing her. He was right.”
“Your Majesty, regardless of what the late King said, the same poison that killed your mother was found in the Queen. We need to proceed with an investigation and find out who really committed this atrocious act.”
Liam ran a hand down his face. “Yes, we need another damn investigation that will take you 20 years to figure out-except you didn’t figure out who killed my mother! my friends and I did that!” he spat.
“Sir, with all due respect, I wasn’t the Head Guard when your mother passed.”
Liam yanks Bastien by the collar, nearly nose to nose with him. “YOU ARE FOR THIS ONE!”
The guard attempted to loosen the grip, feeling the weight of his King’s words. “Please, sir. I understand the anger directed at me …”
“Oh, I don’t believe you can even begin to understand the anger I have for you, Mr. Lykel.” Liam stepped back. “You are charged with protecting my family, and so far two members of the royal family have been murdered on your watch:my father and my wife..So help me God, if I find out you could have prevented this and failed again …”
“What’s going on?” Drake asked, having heard the commotion and stepped around the corner to make sure everything was okay.
Liam continued to eye Bastien with a steely glare. “Drake, can you stay with Ellie while I take care of some business? I need someone I can trust to actually protect her.”
In the lowest reaches of the palace, Liam placed two cold hands on the cell bars of the former Duke of Karlington. Godfrey had been imprisoned for the last six weeks, awaiting trial for his part in Eleanor’s death. The elderly man was lying down on his cot, stewing in boredom and oppressive thoughts, when he heard the familiar sound of keys clanking and the creaking of the door swinging open. Before he had time to lower the arm that rested over his eyes, he was jerked from his peaceful doldrums on the bed and brought to his feet. His aging body was thrust against the icy concrete of his prison walls, causing him to bounce off and stumble harshly to the ground.
“What is the meaning of this?”
Liam crouched down beside him, grabbing a fistful of Godfrey’s silver mane in one hand and his feeble neck with the other. “You son of a bitch. I will give you one chance and one chance only to rectify your miserable life before I strangle you with my bare hands!"
"This is preposterous," he gagged slightly as Liam's hand constricted tighter around his neck. Godfrey instinctively began tugging on the King's arm, desperate for breath.
"Did you kill my wife?" His tone became sharper.
The Duke gasped for air after the grasp on his neck was loosened. He furrowed his brows as he stared straight into the unforgiving eyes of his captor, unsure whether the lack of oxygen caused him to misunderstand.
"Did I hear you correctly? The Queen … is dead?"
Liam released his hold on Karlington's neck but kept the other bound to the back of his hair. "Did.you.do.it?'' he seethed.
"I haven't the faintest idea what the bloody hell you speak of!'' he replied contemptuously. "I'm facing death for what happened to Eleanor; what possible reason would I have for harming the Queen now?"
"Because you have a track record, Your Grace. The same poison you used to end my mother’s life was found in Riley’s body. I don’t believe this is just some coincidence.  You had nothing to lose."
"I would have nothing to gain either," he replied succinctly.
Liam let out a heavy sigh and stood, towering over the man whose deception and thirst for power had cost him years of anguish and emotional turmoil as a child. He searched Godfrey’s malevolent face for any indication of guilt or responsibility, yet none was detected. Feeling overcome by mental and physical exhaustion, he turned and walked toward the prison doors, where a guard stood nearby watching the encounter. “I’m ready.”
The guard pulled his keys from the clip on his belt and opened the door. As he exited and the lock was secured behind him, Godfrey pushed himself up from the ground and called out to him.
“Your Majesty!”
Liam stopped just out of view but did not face him. "What is it, Godfrey?"
Godfrey grabbed the bars of his cell and pressed his withered face against them.
“Sometimes we have no one to blame but ourselves. Are you really surprised this has happened, considering that from the moment you announced your engagement to the puckish American, our country has suffered one attack after another? Perhaps you’ll think wisely when choosing your next queen, because this lies squarely on your shoulders, Rhys."
Liam hung his head low Godfrey’s words were doing exactly what he intended them to do, getting under his skin and inside his heart. He did blame himself; he knew he always would. The guilt was eating him up inside because he thought the two of them together were unstoppable. They had encountered every possible danger together and always came out victoriously, but somehow he failed her this time. He turned on his heels, motioning for the guard to reopen Godfrey’s cell door.
“Take care of him.”
The guard nodded and lifted the pommel of his club from the holster at his side.
That evening, Hana would return to Valtoria. She had offered to stay, but Liam insisted he and Ellie would be fine. Maxwell and Bertrand returned to Ramsford soon after, and Drake retired to his room.
Liam stood just outside his bedroom after putting Ellie in her crib for the night. Fear of being in their room without Riley, sleeping in their bed alone for the first time and knowing that was the last place he saw her alive, prevented him from stepping inside. He placed his hand on the doorknob and slowly turned it, then let go. 
With the baby monitor still in his hand, he headed back downstairs and stepped out onto the balcony just off the living room. Liam placed both hands on the balcony railing and leaned into it. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, allowing the cool, spring wind that carried just a hint of honeysuckle to refresh his mind and relax his worn and weary body. 
“My love,” he began, peering down towards the entrance of the hedge maze. “I keep expecting to wake up and see that beautiful face of yours looking back at me, telling me this has all been just one horrible nightmare.” His throat began to tighten as his emotions started to resurface. “I have all of our wonderful friends, I have Ellie, but I don’t have you … and I’m so lonely, Riley,” he choked out. “I’m so lonely.”
Liam swiped away the tears that began to surface and roll down his cheeks like a torrential downpour. “Everyone keeps telling me that we will find out who did this to you - and I swear I will - but in the end, it won’t bring you back to me ... and our little girl will never know her mother, Ri. How do I even begin to tell her about you?... about us?” 
Liam pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and washed it over his teary face. His gaze turned to a small apple tree that he and Riley planted just outside the hedge maze shortly after finding out they were expecting a baby. Liam recalled she wanted something to represent the three of them: her being from the Big Apple, him being from the Land of Apples and their baby referred to by the people of Cordonia as “the Little Apple.” A thought crossed his mind, and he knew it was the right decision.  “Love, if it’s okay, I would like to lay you to rest under that tree.” He sniffles, “I think you would have wanted that.”
Feeling his eyelids growing heavier than he could withstand any longer, he said a quick good night, hoping it reached the heavens, before returning to the warmth of the indoors. 
Liam walked back upstairs and grabbed two blankets and a pillow from a hall closet. He entered Ellie’s room. Even with a guest bedroom, he didn’t want to be alone tonight, opting to sleep on the floor next to his daughter’s crib. 
It had been one week since Riley died, and there were no leads, no suspects, no evidence other than the cyanide found in her body. No one who had spoken with or saw her in the days prior to the tragedy noticed anything that suggested she was sick. Cyanide poisoning kills quickly, though, and Liam, as the last person to see her alive, couldn’t explain how she ingested it. Their quarters had been swept, and no traces of suspicious activity was found anywhere. As frustrating as all of this was to Liam, he had something else on his mind today.
It had taken him three days to finally re-enter his bedroom, yet he still slept in Ellie’s nursery where the staff prepared a small bed for him there. He knew it was nonsensical, but he just couldn’t bring himself to be alone in bed without Riley.
Today, all businesses were closed, flags lined the streets of the Capital, and a frenzy of press and people were already gathering along the funeral procession route to pay homage to their beloved queen. At the palace, Liam stood before the vanity, adjusting his tie, smoothing out his suit jacket, and locking the emerald  cufflinks Riley gave him in place. He glanced over himself once more in the mirror before peeking down at Ellie, who was sitting in a bouncer on the vanity beside him, watching his every move. 
“All right, Princess, this is where your mother would tell me my tie is crooked or I have a hair standing up in the back. It’s up to you now; what’s the verdict?”
Ellie’s lips curved into a large smile, completely enamored by the attention she was getting from her father. “I will take that to mean the Princess approves,” he smiled back.
Liam gathered a baby cloth and slung it over his shoulder then lifted the baby from her bouncer. With a kiss to her forehead, he moved downstairs, where Bertrand and Maxwell were waiting for him at the door. Both brothers’ grim faces perked up at the sight of the approaching baby, who was almost a mirror image of Riley. Miss Talbert, who had served as Riley’s personal assistant, agreed to stay on as Ellie’s nanny, having helped care for her in one way or another since her birth.
“Amanda, she’s been changed and fed recently and will most likely take a nap within the hour.”
“Come here, sweetheart.” Amanda took Ellie from Liam’s arms. “We’ll be fine, Your Majesty; I’ll take good care of this little peanut.”
Liam kissed his daughter on the cheek. “Daddy loves you, sweet girl; I’ll be home soon.”
He looked down at his watch and then to Bertrand and Maxwell. “We should probably go.”
Stepping outside the front doors of the Palace, Liam took a deep breath and prepared himself mentally for what he thought would be some of the most difficult hours of his life. The eyes of the world would be watching his every move, every expression, and every shed tear. It wasn’t fair that he had to be strong; he detested the expectations he was burdened with on today of all days, yet it was what was conventional of a monarch during a time like this. Any sign of weakness could be detrimental to his country, or so he had been led to believe. He wondered why grieving the loss of your wife, your best friend, could be misconstrued as a sign of vulnerability ... but then, perhaps, today, he was vulnerable.
The sun was high, and the warmth it rained down was quite welcoming. With Maxwell on Liam’s left side and Bertrand on his right, they stopped at the end of the cobblestone walkway that led to the drive in front of the palace, and there they waited. The silence that commenced for the next minute was finally broken by the advancing sound of a horse’s trot. 
Drake was riding Maribelle’s Dream and pulled a wooden caisson bearing the casket of Riley Brooks. Draped over her coffin were the flags of Valtoria, Cordonia, and Ramsford, as well as a bouquet of her favorite flower, purple lilies perched in the center.
Maxwell lost all control of his emotions as she passed by, while Liam and Bertrand bowed their heads in deference. Once the carriage had cleared, the three men stepped forward and followed behind on foot, out the gates and to the cathedral. 
The service was a traditional, royal funeral. Liam wasn’t sure she would have liked it, considering she was anything but traditional. Sitting in the front row, he maintained his stoic facade as everyone around him wept and sniffled, yet inside, he was completely destroyed. He was devastated in his grief and the realization that the last time he was in this building, he was beginning his life with her; now, one year later, he was here once again, for its ending.
“King Liam of Cordonia, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife? Do you vow to love her, comfort her, and cherish her, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in times of joy and times of trial, til death do you part?”
“I do.”
At the conclusion of the ceremony and after all guests in the cathedral had exited, Liam, Drake, Hana, Maxwell, and Bertrand each gathered around Riley with heavy hearts. It had been decided they would each place a sentimental item with her and say their final goodbyes, away from rolling cameras and the eyes of the public. This would be their final time together as “The Gang” and wasn’t something they wanted to share with anyone else. 
Bertrand, never one for words, gave her a copy of the bill for the Applewood dress she never returned, knowing she would have found it hilarious and so perfectly him. His throat tight with emotion.  “Goodbye, Lady Riley, until we meet again.”
Hana stepped forward. “Riley, you gave me the confidence to be me, to follow my own path, to have fun, to laugh, to be wild and free. You’ve always been there for me, and I will never forget you.” She gave Riley the recipe for her hot cocoa that they had spent so much time bonding over. It reminded her of all their best times together. She placed a hand on her friend’s cheek.
Maxwell held out a small white box and placed it next to her. “I wanted to give you a box of cronuts because it was one of the funnest nights I ever remember with you … I assume you would appreciate the fact that I’ve already eaten half of them.” he chuckled through tears. “I’ll never forget you, Riley … I … I … I can’t do this.” Maxwell turned and fell into Bertrand and Hana’s embrace.
Drake inhaled deeply. “Uh … hey, Brooks. You already know what I got you.” He slipped a bag of marshmallows inside. “I can hear you laughing now and telling me how gooey I am on the inside. I like to think you had a little something to do that with, but don’t go getting all boastful about it.” He sighed heavily, running his fingers through his hair. “Damn, this hurts, Brooks … but I want you to know, I’ll take care of Liam and Ellie and … maybe you can save me a seat at that bar in heaven.” He smirked, “Yeah, my heaven has a bar, and all the whiskey I can drink.”
The four friends stood back, their arms around each other as Liam prepared to say goodbye. His thumb caressed her temple as he looked down at the face of his angel.
He cleared his throat and reached inside his breast pocket, pulling out several things. “Love … I have a few things to take with you, just some photos of us together and Ellie … and because you know me better than anyone, you would know I spent last night writing this letter to you … you always said I have a letter to write for every occasion. I won’t read it to you, but --” his lips began to quiver and his shoulders shook -- “I wanted you to know how proud I am of you … how proud I’ve always been of you. You possessed a strength I never had and without you, never will. All those dreams we won’t be able to fulfill -  yet we lived every dream we had to the fullest. We sure had one hell of an adventure, didn’t we?” He sobbed passionately, “We just ran out of time.” 
Liam leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on Riley’s lips, lingering for just a moment. “I always loved you … I always will.”
With that, “the gang” left together and returned to the gardens of the Palace. They gathered together for a private burial under that apple tree she planted, while the birds soared, the butterflies flew, and the squirrels ran across the lush palace lawn. The five of them held each other, cried and laughed, remembering times and a life they would never know again.
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katsukikitten · 5 years
Irritated 4
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A/N lol opps I wrote another part I hope you all enjoy this while it lasts. Tehe (insert evil face here)
Bakugou swipes at the steamy mirror wishing his shower could have been hotter.
Hot enough to burn his skin and bring him back to reality. He tongues his cheek as he stares at his reflection. Thinking of the chopsticks, of admitting to thousands of people that he actually LOVED your shitty coffee order that he drank to spite you.
And of your soft body pressed against his as you reached for his wallet. Sure he had pinned you and you had pinned him plenty of times in real anger fueled fist fights.
But that's exactly what they were. Tension come to a head and released the only way the two of you knew how. Talking with a fist was much more honest and effective than any word uttered.
So why were you clinging to him when you came back from the bathroom, sans cup that you needed soooo badly. Why were you wearing such shifty eyes so suddenly when you were fine before? And why were you holding yourself back at the restaurant? Did the waiter dare say something to you? Look at your chest too long? If he had why did you just let it go?
But most importantly why did Bakugou care?
He gives his reflection a grimace before walking into the dimly lit bedroom. Clicking his tongue when he sees your pillow placed on the bed, he rolls his eyes at how the security guard placed it.
Lewd side up with your suit ripped in the stupidest places to reveal more.
He would rip it right down the middle, fucking the zipper up so you couldn't hide from him before deleicatly, so agonizingly slow, sliding it down those broad shoulders to reveal those fat tits.
Wait what the hell was he thinking? Explosions pop on steady fingers as he thinks of destroying the stupid thing.
But then how would he torture you with it?
He shoves it off the bed before rooting around his bag for a pair of black boxer briefs. The kind that hug his ass and thighs nicely, leaving little to imagination on his size.
Movement catches his eye from the balcony and he presses himself into the shadows as best he can. The cool, textured wall further agitates the itch in his hands to ignite. He moves towards the door as he makes out a figure sitting in one of the cheap chairs on HIS balcony.
He bares his teeth as your ill will echoes through his head.
*"I hope you get stalked."*
Was that why you were constantly looking over your shoulder?
Right now it doesn't matter. He is thankful the figure cannot see him as he approaches the glass sliding door. He flings it open, hand erupting in pops causing the figure to jump and turn with lightning speed before floating mid air.
Eyes glowing faintly as they are fixated on his shirtless body.
It takes him milliseconds to figure out it is you.
You clad in hardly anything, your belly button ring catches the light pulling him back to the here and now. Reminding him that you might be displaying your ass for the world.
And not showing your ass with your damn attitude like you normally did. He grips onto your arm tightly pulling you harshly into his chest.
You want to yell but again the faint smell of buttery sugar and spices causing the bubbling anger to stop rising.
"Baka some fans know this is our hotel." He growls, squeezing you for a moment, "The internet can see your ass when *you* post it. Not when some random beta's try taking grainy pictures of it."
You don't say anything as you sink into his touch for a moment because in those quickly ticking seconds you feel normal....safe.
"What are you doing on my balcony?" He asks darkly and you push him away, slipping past his arms and into his hotel room.
"Let's watch a movie Kaachan!" You sing song, offering the best smile you can as you avoid the topic, "Deku was already asleep."
The lie leaves your lips with ease and he does not notice. Although you do notice his slight blush and he does notice your negligence to answer his question.
You plop on the couch curling into the corner as if you nether of you were half dressed as he sits furthest from you that he can. Flipping through the channels waiting for you to whine to stop and when you don't he steals a glance at you.
You're staring at the TV but it looks more to him as if you're staring through it. Nails digging into the couch as he watches everything within a foot radius around you float centimeters above their surface.
What the fuck was bothering you so badly?
A thump at your door and voices outside startle you and the items come crashing down, your cheeks burn.
"Oi. What the fuck are they doing outside?" Bakugou snarls as he goes to stand. You grab for his wrist looking up at him with pleading eyes.
Eyes that he meets with slits before ripping his hand free.
"If we're gonna watch a movie its gonna be quiet in the fucking hall. Now you pick little one." He snarls tossing the remote onto the cushion that was between you two. You hastily grab for it muting the TV as the plastic rectagle in your hand groans from the pressure of your vice grip.
Bakugou opens the door without a second thought despite his lack of clothes. He spots a man with green eyes staring at your door until the numbers burn into his retinas.
Bakugou doesnt miss him deactivating his quirk although the man thinks he is keeping it hidden by angling his body just so. Red eyes watch pale flesh pulling back into itsself forming a solid hand once more.
"Oi, what are you doing?" His voice comes out dark and for a second the green eyed man looks a little less deranged and a little more scared.
Bakugou studies his face, committing the slope of his nose, the width of his eyes, and the small scar on his upper lip to memory and wondering if he's seen it before.
And where he had seen it before? A villain database? A B rated wanted poster?
No he clearly couldn't use his quirk well enough to keep it hidden and his quirk seemed more creepy than harmful.
Still Katsuki did not like him standing in front of your door with eyes that gleamed in the dull light of the hall. Katuki grips the door jamb, the wood whines from the force as he tries to keep himself in check.
"Are you fucking deaf? What are you doing here?"
The man blinks rapidly before offering a smile that looks off. His lips twitching as if he cannot do it properly.
"Have you seen Tejina? I want to give her this. She left it." He says as he rummages through his bag further putting Katsuki on edge. He let's the adrenaline heat his skin as sweat begins to form in his palm, waiting and willing to combust on command.
The man produces a pastel purple cup, with a relaxed Aizawa in an oversized knit sweater holding a sleepy cat. Their expressions eerily similar with MOOD in bold capitalized letters. Scalet eyes narrow, so she had bought it.
Why leave it? Was this guy there?
Bakugou snatches the cup, teeth bared as he speaks again. Who was this asshole?
"I'll give it to her. Now leave before I put you in the hospital. Got it?" Malice radiates off the ash blonde in waves as he thinks of this creep getting to close to you.
Suddenly his demeanor changes as he holds eye contact with Katsuki.
"That's not how a hero should speak." You hear the phrase from the couch causing your blood to run cold. This could be it. This could be game over for Bakugou's career like it almost was for you just a short while ago.
Explosions litter Katsuki's skin as his voice dips so low your stomach clenches with worry.
With fear.
"I don't give a fuck how a hero should speak. I just know how one should act. Now stop hovering around her fucking door before the coroner comes to haul your ass out of here."
"You talk as if she is yours." The man seemingly unphased by Bakugou's most deadly tone.
"So what if she is fucking mine?" Some how an even deadly tone slips out, more violent explosions appear on his skin as he steps into the hall. This time the man swallows thickly, eyes darting as if torn.
Torn between the love he has for you and the hatred he has for this Ground Zero who had his meat head paws sullen your angelic skin. He turns on his heel without a word as he makes his way for the stairwell.
Your heart thuds in your chest as Bakugou returns.
"Your cup." He growls, giving you a pointed look as he sets it on the coffee table.
"T..th.." You clear your throat, "Thank you Bakugou."
He watches from his end of the couch with his head in his hand before hissing out.
"The sooner you pick a movie. The sooner you can get the fuck out."
Bakugou speaks to you like this all time.
So why does it feel like he took a knife to your chest just now. As if he pushed it hilt deep, your breathing hitches. Still you nod as you flip through some channels before finding an old movie from your childhood.
One you used to watch with your grandmother. Comfort slowly fills your chest and you relax into the couch.
That is until you hear thumping, stomping feet and an obnoxious amount of noise before drunken laughing rings out.
You shake without realizing it as if you were a dog hiding in a corner, so unused to people and your master was throwing a party on the forth of July.
Your movement catches blood red eyes. Deft eyes that know that your movements are from fear, yet he still pulls the comforter off of the bed.
"Wha..what are you...?"
"You're cold dumbass." He growls, pulling you onto the cushion next to him fluffing the blanket for the two of you. He pulls it to your shoulders and tucks it this way and that so it does not move before he covers his lap. Resting his jaw onto a bored hand.
You stare, astounded as you look at this much more complicated man than you thought before his eyes dart to you out of the corner of his eye.
"Movie is that way baka." Before a mischievously cocky smirk pulls at his lips, "That is unless you cant keep your eyes off of me in all my glory."
Your cheeks flush before you HMPH as loud as and as dramatic as you can
"Fucking as if!" You hiss. Crossing your arms as you go back to the movie.
With each passing of familiar scene exhaustion begins to weigh heavy on your body.
Your eye lids especially, reminding you of how heavy your head is. You slump, uncaring of your posture as you lean your head against a sculpted but surprisingly soft shoulder.
Bakugou glares at you, quickly slowing his irritated OI! that was clawing up his throat when he sees how relaxed you look.
How *cute* you look. Tucking your feet and really snuggling into him feigning watching the movie as you fight sleep. He sighs, admitting defeat that somethings he cannot fight. Deku's words ring in his head before he bares his teeth.
*"...Shes had a long day."*
And it shows as you fall victim to sleep a lot faster than he thought you would. He leaves you for the remainder of the movie before gently scooping you up, your protest with a groan while your arms give you away. Wrapping tightly around him causing his heart to beat irraticlly, especially so when you nuzzle into his neck with a smile.
He brings you to the bed, comforter and all, lying you down gently. He figured the two of you could switch rooms or at the very least he could take the couch but there was just one little problem.
You wouldn't fucking let go. Even as strong arms pushed against yours you wouldn't budge. He is about to use lethal force until a subtle glow settles over his arms and your hands. Your eyes flutter open just a bit and when he meets them he feels as if his heart was ripped out of his chest. An odd weight settles in his stomach as he drinks you in.
Your eyes are so...so sad looking, as tears begin to well in them even in your mostly asleep state, your plump lips pulled southward in an undying frown.
"Stay." You whisper so lowly he could barely hear you. He scoffs, opening his mouth to retort and tell you that you're half asleep and must be dreaming of an ex. That is until you repeat yourself to him. Voice cracking
"Please stay Katsuki."
His heart races as his cheeks BURN. No one has ever said his name so tenderly before. Sure he has had plenty of past lovers and one nightstands but not a soul has come close to the reaction he has had to your three word sentence.
And who is he to deny a woman in need? A strong woman that is clearly having a very rare, vulnerable moment. A moment she is trusting him with. You are trusting him with.
He sucks his teeth and even half asleep you know he is going to stay. You're more reassured by his decision as he keeps one hand on your bare skin at all times as he whispers complaints, fixing the blanket you are "hogging for kami's sake" as you fade in and out. All before that strong arm wraps around you and pulls your back to his chest.
You sigh, letting sleep fully blanket you as buttery sugar and spices lulls you into a deep sleep.
My loves as per your request @casterixe @ha-tep
thenezuko tumblr wont let me tag you love :(
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spookyblackwidow · 4 years
Tumblr media
Author’s Note: Thank you so much for the request!! This is mostly angst, with a fluffy ending, I hope you’ll enjoy it! Prompt lines are in bold
1,524 words
After a third day of fruitless negotiations, Natasha and Clint were escorted back to their hotel room in Cuernavaca, Mexico. A month prior, Fury had found a lead on some missing Stark tech and started coaching them on their latest identities: arms dealer Renata Alvez and her bodyguard Sebastian Burke. Their attention to detail was impeccable, their execution flawless, but the seller had already dragged the process out longer than necessary, and they’d yet to see proof of possession.
Nat sunk down into the bed, a chorus of old springs creaking beneath her, and removed her curly brown wig. She flung it towards the empty dresser before laying back and closing her eyes.
“I want to go home,” she murmured in a voice not quite her own.
“Mmhmm.” Clint gently moved her hand, placing her palm just above her bellybutton, and sat down beside her. “Wanna take that thing off? Not that Renata isn’t attractive, but I’d rather see you.”
“Oh, right.” Natasha peeled away the disguise tech. “Better?”
“Much.” Clint smiled down at her. “Ready for today’s news?”
“Do we have to?” she groaned.
“Absolutely. You and Nick demoted me to sidekick, this is my one thing I get to do for you.” He pulled out his phone and started scrolling through messages and news articles. “Okay, so Tony fell asleep in his workshop last night, which meant no one was watching Dum-E, who almost cost Stark more than just a few suits. If Pepper hadn’t gone through while we were in Berlin and installed enough fire safety devices to equip a small city, it might’ve been a total loss. Not that Stark’s quips and nicknames would’ve been missed, but we’re grateful all the same.
“Next up, Steve discovered cronuts and won’t stop talking about them. Sam’s already sent ‘SOS’ and ‘I’ve made a grave mistake,’ as well as about a thousand of those angry swearing emojis. I’d say he’s having just about as much fun as we are.
“Thor’s still off-world doing whatever the hell it is he does out there, so I guess we’ll have to wait to hear about his misguided antics until he returns. Did you know,” he turned to face her, setting his phone on the sheets, “he once asked me how to use the toaster? I mean, the guy can fly, for fucks sake, he spouts off about how human technology is ‘so primitive,’ yet the process of placing sliced bread into a slot and pushing down a lever was beyond his grasp. He’s entertaining, but damn, he is not as smart as—”
“Can you shut up for once in your life?” Nat snapped, her eyes scrunched closed. It was then that Clint noticed how taut her muscles were, how her shoulders were creeping up toward her ears.
“Y-yeah. I’ll just… go read or something.”
Clint wanted to help, to offer a back rub or something, but they’d been together long enough for him to know she needed space and silence. She was stressed and upset, not that he could blame her; Nick had sent them off on a “long weekend” sort of trip that was anything but. He could’ve had them on a five-hour flight to Mexico City, which would put them roughly half an hour from their hotel, but he’d vetoed that plan in favor of something more authentic to their cover story. So they took a four-hour flight to Houston, walked nearly 45 minutes to the rental car, and then drove over 17 hours to Cuernavaca. A day and a half one way, all for some fucking authenticity. Anyone would be stressed after that.
Clint grabbed a book from his suitcase and slipped out to the shaded balcony despite strict instructions to stay inside the room. The building was surrounded by their contact’s guards, but he figured the odds of being shot for disobeying orders were about the same no matter which side of the door he chose, and he’d much rather risk his life without irritating Nat; although, she would be fairly mad at him if he died. She always teased that the coroner would be able to list “stupidity” as his official cause of death.
He paged through his book for a while, doing his best to stick to shadows and the guards’ blind spots as they circled, and decided it was finally safe enough to go back in. As soon as he opened the sliding door, he heard the shower running and Nat faintly humming a tune he didn’t recognize. It wasn’t quite nine, but Clint knew Nat’s routines well enough to know she’d be ready to pull the curtains and turn in for the night after combing her hair.
Clint was also acutely aware that after their spat, he was uninvited from sharing the king-sized bed, a reality he was almost always prepared for. Hidden in the lining of his suitcase was a sleeping bag designed for missions requiring outdoor reconnaissance—lightweight, durable, thermal lined—though he mainly used it for nights like this, resigned to sleeping on a cold floor thinly covered by rough carpet. At least it was midsummer, a combination of the baking sun and lack of functioning air conditioning had kept the entire room warmer than he was accustomed to.
Honestly, Clint could fall asleep just about anywhere, it didn’t matter if he was particularly comfortable or not; as long as the ever-present exhaustion pressed against the back of his eyes, he could sleep. He wasn’t sure if it was noise or stress over aggravating his partner, but something woke him several hours after they’d settled down for the night. At first, he kept his eyes closed, willed himself back to the warm embrace of sleep, but instinctual worry nagged at him. With a suppressed sigh, he gave up and looked around the cramped space.
Natasha was standing at the sliding door, the edge of the fraying curtain balled in her fist, moonlight spilling across her face through the gap in the fabric. Clint sat up slowly in an effort to not startle her.
“Nat? Why are you awake?”
“I… I don’t know.” She shook her head and turned around to face him. “I guess I’m just having trouble sleeping tonight.”
“Is this about the job? Because I’m sure we’ll be out of here soon, they have to trust us at some point.”
“No, Barton, I don’t think this is about the job.” Nat smiled softly and let the curtain fall closed, plunging them into darkness. He could hear her pad over to the bed, the springs protesting as she sat on the edge. Under normal circumstances, she was hard to track, nearly silent, as if she barely touched a thing, but the longer they were together, the more weight she seemed to put into her movements, like she didn’t feel the need to walk on eggshells around him. He followed the sound and settled in next to her.
“Are we okay?” Clint’s voice was rough and low. He wasn’t sure he wanted to know the answer, but he had to ask. She had called him Barton, for fuck’s sake.
Nat was quiet for far longer than he would’ve liked, but she laid her head on his shoulder as she pondered the question.
“We’re okay, I think.”
“Is it something I did, or—”
“Oh, no, I’m—” she took deep breath and exhaled agonizingly slowly, “I’m sorry, it’s me. I shouldn’t have snapped at you earlier; I don’t even know how you put up with me.”
Clint couldn’t suppress a chuckle, his shaking shoulders causing Nat to sit up straight again. Although his eyes hadn’t adjusted quite enough to see her features yet, he felt her quizzical stare that he was so intimately familiar with.
“Did I say something funny?”
“‘Put up with’ you? Really, Nat? I put up with Tony and his personal brand of chaotic insanity. I put up with Fury’s absurd paranoia, the difficulties of the job, the long nights, the constant risk of harm, but you? My god, do you think I’d still be here, going on missions, just the two of us, if I couldn’t handle the stressed arguments?”
“And this was nothing, Nat! You snapped at me, so what? To be perfectly honest, I’m surprised you don’t yell at me more often. I’m obnoxious.”
“No, you’re—you know what? You are kind of obnoxious.” Nat laughed quietly and placed a hand on his stubbled cheek. “But you’re my obnoxious partner, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“Agreed.” Clint gently pressed into her palm and smiled, relief washing over him. “Now go back to bed, I have a feeling we’ll be heading home tomorrow.” He stood and started toward his sleeping bag, but Nat snagged his wrist.
“Only if you’ll join me.”
Resting comfortably in Clint’s arms. Natasha quickly fell back asleep, content, safe. Even though this was their usual arrangement, Clint savored every second of it, letting the rise and fall of Nat’s chest, the slow, steady breaths lull him until unconsciousness took over. No matter where their missions brought them, this was home.
Tag List: @romanoff--natasha​ @clintashaotp​ @baker151910​ @unsociable-hobbit​ @thexploress​ @unholyromanoff​
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hetalialoverwrites · 4 years
Mirror Mirror on the Wall
Part 13
First  -  Previous  -  Next
        You were sitting in Remedial Goodness 101, doing some of the work Fairy Godmother handed out earlier when she rushed down the aisle with an excited grin. "Children, excuse me. Um, as you may know, we have Family Day coming up this Sunday and since your families couldn't be here because of... Um... Distance... We've arranged for a special treat." Fairy Godmother was almost shaking with her excitement and she hurried to the computer at the front of the room. You looked at your friends, confused only to get shrugs and the same looks back. Walking to the front with them, you saw your mother on the screen. She was sitting in the middle of Jafar and Cruella with Queen Grimhilde behind her, looking over her head at the screen. "How does this dreadful thing work? Grimhilde, fix it." She ordered quietly. Queen Grimhilde reached forward and did something to the computer because recognition flashed in the parent's eyes.
        "Evie! It's mommy!" Queen Grimhilde greeted earnestly, "Oh, look how beautiful. You know what they say, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree." She hummed in delight. Cruella gave the woman an amused look while Jafar laughed. "Oh, who's the old bat?" Cruella practically sneered in distaste. "Oh, this is Fairy Godmother." Mal introduced the Headmistress. You couldn't see her face as she was in front of you all, but you figured she was smiling as usual. An interesting look flashed across your mother's face and Maleficent smiled in her regally cruel way, "Still doing tricks with eggplants?" She asked innocently. Fairy Godmother gasped, "I turned a pumpkin into a beautiful carriage!" The headmistress protested. "You really couldn't give Cinderella until 1 am?" Maleficent asked, obviously looking down on the woman. "Did the hamsters have to be back in their cages?" She asked, amused.
        "They were mice! They were not--!" Fairy Godmother turned to you all, "They were mice! They were not-!" Mal cut her off with a shake of her head as she tried to convince you all, "Thank you so much, thank you." Fairy Godmother hissed at the computer once more that they were mice before standing next to the device and restraining herself. Stepping forward, you greeted your mother, "Hi mom!" You chirped, delighted to see her again. Mal stepped in next to you while Jay, Carlos, and Evie stood back a little. "Hey, mom." She greeted. "Mal, (Y/n), wonderful to see you two are doing well. How has Auradon been?" Maleficent asked pleasantly. "It's been great! We've been learning quite a few things and have been doing all of our tasks on time!" You nodded as you spoke, letting your mother know that the letter was mailed as it should be. Her eyes flashed a little and it seemed that she got the message.
        "And when will I be able to see you both again? It has been so dull since you've left." Maleficent asked, her underlying question clear. She was asking when she should be ready to leave. You and Mal glanced at each other and smiled at her, "Sometime after Prince Ben's coronation." You told her. "We get to go. And since it will be broadcasted throughout the kingdom, you should tune in mother!" Mal added, giving Maleficent the opening to ask the time. "Oh? I see. Well, that certainly does sound interesting... What time shall it be on?" Mother asked, tilting her head slightly. "Friday, at 10 am." Evie piped up helpfully. Maleficent glanced at her and smiled, "Alright... We shall be waiting for it." She inclined her head. Carlos shifted more into view behind you and something caught Cruella's eye. "C-Carlos! Is that a dog!?" Cruella yelled, fear edging into her voice. 
        Carlos looked down at Dude and realized, "Oh! Yes, but it's okay! I swear he's been nothing but sweet and loving." Carlos nodded his head furiously. Cruella still looked at him, scared for his safety as he stepped forward and Dude licked his cheek. "See mom? It's okay. Dude is really nice." He soothed her. Cruella was wringing her hands together, but gave him a bit of a forced smile, "Y-Yes, I understand C-Carlos..." She told him. Carlos softened, "When we get back, I'll try to help you with your fear of dogs... They might let Dude come with me to meet you." He added once he noticed Fairy Godmother glancing at him. She gave him a hesitant smile and nodded, "Of course." Cruella seemed apprehensive at the idea but gave in. "Alright, Carlos..." "So much fuss over a dog." Jafar scoffed. Cruella glared at him and before a fight could start out, Maleficent gave them both a warning look. They settled down. 
        "So, Evie, dear. Have you met any princes lately?" Queen Grimhilde questioned, interested. Evie smiled, "Yes I have. Prince Ben is very nice to us and some of the other princes seem pleasant as well. But none that I've taken interest in..." She admitted. Jay smirked, "Yeah, she has her eye on someone else." He grinned as Evie hit his arm. "Someone else?" Queen Grimhilde asked, a confused look on her face. You and Mal stepped back to allow Evie room to step forward. Evie did so hesitantly and continued, "Well... I met this sweet guy here... Um, his name is Doug and he is Dopey's son... He's been really helpful and encouraging while I've been here so..." Evie trailed off, risking a glance to her mother. Not so surprisingly, it looked like Queen Grimhilde had just been struck, "Snow White's friend, Dopey?" She hissed out. Evie cowered a little, "Yes..." After taking a few deep and calming breaths, Queen Grimhilde settled her temper.
        "I see. Well, just don't let me see his father or that dreadful girl." She conceded. Evie beamed, knowing that was an acceptance on her mother's part, "Thank you, mother!" Queen Grimhilde didn't say anything else, but Evie didn't expect her to. Jay, deciding he didn't want to share any words with his father, went to turn the connection off when Jafar spoke up. "So, what have you been doing in Auradon, Jay?" Jay was surprised by his father's question. It was so uncharacteristically... Interested... "I uh... I joined the tourney team. Played last game with Carlos." Jay shifted on his feet. "He did great!" You cheered, noticing Jay's discomfort. The others noticed what you were doing and nodded, "Yeah, he helped us win!" Carlos added. "And was given a trophy saying he was the team's most valuable player." "Oh really?" Jafar looked impressed which made Jay perk up a little. "R-Really dad?" Jay asked.
        Maleficent spoke up as Jafar nodded, "He's been working on fixing his attitude lately." She mentioned. "Sadly, he doesn't want my assistance." Maleficent gave Jafar a look and he held up his hands, shaking his head, "No thanks." Jafar cleared his throat and looked at Jay, "I can't wait to celebrate with you soon over your great accomplishment son." jay smiled a bit, "Thanks, dad. See you later." You and the others also said goodbye to your parents before turning off the call. "Thanks for the special treat." Mal thanked Fairy Godmother, who seemed to calm down from earlier. Fairy Godmother smiled warmly, "Of course." You all gathered your things and walked out of the classroom when Evie had a thought. "Hey, um... What do you think our parents will do if we don't make his work?" She asked nervously. You all paled at the thought as Mal responded, "Oh we are so dead..." 
        Going through the rest of the classes felt like nothing and before long, you all were in the boys' dorm and going over the plan. You five were gathered around the table with Mal's drawing of Fairy Godmother's wand on it and a map of the coronation hall. "Alright. We all know what this looks like. It will be on the dais underneath the Beast's spell jar, we will be coming in from here and (Y/n) will be in the very front. All of us will be up on the balcony. Hopefully because Ben knows about (Y/n)'s wings, he will sit with her next to the aisle, giving her time to make a quick getaway if we can't use magic." Mal explained. Evie nodded and Mal turned her attention to Carlos, "Carlos?" She prompted. Carlos looked down at the map, "I will find the limo so we can break the barrier so our parents can get out." He said. 'Why aren't we just using the wand to break the barrier?" Jay asked.
        "Because we only want some people out. Besides, the wand gives us leverage since they would think we would want to harm them with it." You explained casually, making Jay nod, "Ohhhh..." "Evie, you will use this to take out the driver." Mal handed Evie a large perfume bottle filled with a sleeping potion. "Okay..." Evie said, taking it gently. "Jay, you'll be making sure nothing goes wrong and helping (Y/n) and me with protecting Evie and Carlos in case they do have magic repelling wards up." Mal gave Jay a look and he punched his fist into his hand, nodding, "Got it." As the boys and Mal went to sit down, you grabbed ahold of Evie's shirt, stopping her. "Hm? What is it (Y/n)?" She asked, noticing your apprehensive expression. "Well, it's just... Would you mind looking up a spell to break the love potion?" You whispered.
        Evie gasped, "You want to break Ben's love spell?" You bit your lip and nodded, "Yeah..." You felt Mal come up behind you, her wing touching yours as she took your hand. "I just think it would be too cruel to leave him in love with me after we've left... I mean, it's not like after this whole fiasco we will be allowed back in Auradon..." You laughed bitterly. "Oh (y\Y/n)..." Evie breathed before hugging you. "I'll look for a spell and we'll have it ready before the coronation... I promise..." You could feel Mal's grip on your hand tighten and you looked at her over Evie's shoulder. She was giving you a supportive smile... You squeezed back and hugged Evie. Going down to the kitchens, Evie and Mal helped and supported you through making the small brownie. Silently, you hoped Ben wouldn't be too angry with you when the spell came off. It would break your heart...
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the-quiet-winds · 5 years
Feel the Light Start to Tremble (part one)
oh boy, here comes the heavyweight. this one is a lot, i’m warning you now. @ichlugebulletsandcornnuts and i... we went pretty hard. 
so, un, trigger warning for violence and possible death
[Part 1: Steady Feet, Don’t Fail Me Now]
when jane told katherine that there was going to be a massive celebration and they were two of the featured guests, she was immediately concerned.
"it's not about us, kat," jane calms her. "it's for edward. he's being baptized, and you're his sister." jane can't stop the rush of delight at that sentence. "so of course the both of us are going to be there."
"wasn't he already baptized, though?" katherine asks. jane shakes her head.
"i was sick, love, then it was just too chaotic for us to try to plan as elaborate of an event as henry would like."
katherine nods, leaning closer to jane where they were seated on the couch, resting her head on the woman's shoulder. jane automatically kisses the top of her head.
"i have something for you, by the way. it arrived this morning from our friends in spain."
katherine lights up a bit at that news; she had been practicing spanish with parr recently, and anything that came from the spanish royal family for katherine probably meant more opportunity to practice. indeed, it was a book, one written about the lineage of the spanish crown, written entirely in spanish.
"thanks, mum," katherine murmurs, holding the book to her chest. she clears her throat awkwardly. "when, um, when is the baptism?"
"next week, love. sunday."
katherine doesn’t have much opportunity to read her new book over the next few days, between her lessons, being fitted for a new dress for the baptism, rehearsal ceremonies and the like. one of the upsides to be busy schedule, however, is getting to see edward more than she normally does. at nearly six months old, he had gained weight nicely and according to his nurse he was becoming a particularly curious young lad. this katherine discovered first-hand when she was holding him during a rehearsal for the christening, and little edward decided his big sister’s hair was the most interesting thing he’d ever encountered. he somehow made pulling and chewing on the tips of katherine’s hair endearing and katherine couldn’t even be annoyed about it.
such a busy schedule was tiring, though, and with the hustle and bustle in the palace it was near impossible to find any quiet time to herself. this is why, on the rare moment katherine isn’t needed, she takes her book and walks the familiar path to the lakeside in the woods. she lets jane know where she’s headed beforehand, of course, just in case she’s needed, but she rather hopes for at least an hour of uninterrupted spanish reading.
she is uninterrupted as she desires for a mere twenty minutes, before a young lad, no older than katherine herself, approaches her quietly.
“excuse me, miss,” he inquires quietly.
she closes her book and looks up, then shoots to her feet.
“i don’t mean you any harm,” he says, showing his hands. “i was just wondering if you know where the town is from here. i seem to have gotten a bit lost. you see, i’m here with my mother and brother, we’re waiting to see prince edward’s coronation.”
katherine nods, clutching her book tightly. “it’s over that way,” she points, voice serious and firm.
he looks grateful. “thank you miss.” he lingers a moment longer. “when is the coronation?”
“two days,” she answers again. “four in the afternoon.”
the boy grins. “thanks miss!” he takes off in the direction she had pointed.
unknowing to katherine, she had just told reginald sheridan exactly where she would be two days later when his mother and brother would, in fact, attempt to execute her. for now, she is simply content to crack her spanish book again and return to her reading.
katherine doesn’t even remember the incident by the day of the baptism. edward is slightly fussy in the morning which worries the attendants, but between her and jane they manage to calm him down and get him dressed in his white baptism clothes. once they are also dressed, they join edward and his nurse, ready to head down to the chapel accompanied by the ladies-in-waiting. edward is much happier now, and babbles happily at the sight of his mother and sister.
the procession and ceremony go off without a hitch. katherine doesn’t make a single misstep or miss a single word in the prayer she was asked to recite, and jane couldn’t be prouder.
the problem, the major catastrophe that alters reality for the following weeks, comes exactly 27 minutes after the ceremony’s conclusion.
the three royals are standing on the balcony of the palace, henry holding the newly-christened baby edward to present to the people below, jane close by him and katherine next to her.
a rustle in a tree across the courtyard catches her eye, and the next ten seconds happened in near slow motion.
jane sees something moving towards them at high speed: an arrow, aligned with katherine’s chest.
she can’t even speak, but a motherly instinct takes over as she throws herself in front of katherine just before the arrow can imbed itself in her chest.
the arrow hits jane just below her collarbone and she manages to stay standing for another second before she collapses. both katherine and henry turn to her in concern which immediately turns to horror when they realise what’s happening.
“guards!” henry bellows. “find whoever did this!”
katherine drops to her knees next to jane, eyes wide and terrified.
“mum?” she asks, voice trembling. “mum, can you hear me?” jane is already losing blood from the wound, and between that and the pain jane finds her vision clouding and her thoughts being overwhelmed by a blank nothingness.
jane can vaguely hear henry's orders, the shouting and confusion in the square below, and the guards' heavy footsteps around her, but the only thing she can focus on is katherine's face lingering above her, panic-stricken and sweet and looking so, so young. with a last remaining bit of strength, jane lifts a hand and rests it, trembling and a bit cold, on katherine's cheek.
"you be good now, you hear?" she asks in a weak voice. "mum loves you, always."
the last word comes out as no more than a breath, and with it jane's hand falls away from katherine's face and her eyes go blank.
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stoopsbookstore · 5 years
Highway to Heaven Hell (Part 4)
Chapter Synopsis - Johnny, in a frenzied state, confesses to Y/N, but was it real or just the powder? Mark and Jaehyun get trapped when the security around the Light side strengthens. Y/N begins to learn more about the truth of what happened to Jeonghan.
Warnings - Two uses of the C word
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"I'm sorry. You'll have to wait longer," Y/N pushed herself off of him, yanking the shower knob to start pouring out ice cold water. She grabbed a scarf from the hamper, tying the shower door so Johnny couldn't escape.
Johnny started convulsing as the water hit him, his eyes going back to normal. Johnny tries to stand up in the shower as he is quickly brought back down to his knees, hurling up a blue sludge. Y/N hated seeing him in pain. When Johnny started crying out for help, Y/N untied the scarf, jumping in and turned the shower off.
"Johnny! What the hell just happened?!" Y/N hugged him, his body was freezing from the water, yet hot from the nausea, "please tell me you're okay."
Johnny nodded his head, "I'm fine now, I promise. Y/N I'm sorry, I have no idea what that was about. Please forg-"
Y/N hugged Johnny, "of course I'm going to forgive you. That wasn't you, Johnny. Can you stand up?"
"Yeah," Johnny got up off the tile floor of the shower, Y/N getting up to grab him a towel, "It's totally fine if you don't want me to, but Mr. Siwon actually wanted me to stay the night up here, for extra security he said."
"About th-"
"Ok. I understand, I'll be downstairs if you nee-"
"Please stay. I really can't be alone right now and I know you're back to normal, so please stay."
Johnny let out a soft laugh as he made his way to the couch, turning up the volume on the TV, Y/N throwing him a pillow and blanket.
When Y/N went to lay down, Johnny got comfortable on the couch, noticing a notebook on the table. Reaching for it, Johnny opened it up and started to read the beginning of a note.
It's okay, Jaehyun. I'm sorry for what happened today.
A frantic knock on the door made the two turn their heads, a voice known to only Y/N began to speak, Johnny placing the notebook back on the table.
"Y/N, it's me, Jaehyun!" The voice yelled in hushed tones, "Please let me in!"
Johnny was confused as Y/N ran to the door, opening it to reveal a tall male he knew as the one Y/N danced with at the lesson. Their eyes met and the same thing came out of their mouth in disbelief.
"Who's he?"
"I asked first," Johnny became defensive at the presence of Jaehyun, flashing back to earlier in the day when Mr. Siwon complimented their natural chemistry, "who the hell are you?"
"I'm Jaehyun, I'm one of Y/N's friends," he took a spot towards the taller male.
"I am too. I've never seen you around here before, how do you know her?" The space between them got smaller as they tried to intimidate each other.
Y/N got in the middle of them, "Guys, listen, I promise I'll explain, but Jaehyun, why are you over here?"
"Over here?! You mean to tell me he's one of those fuc-" Johnny remembered seeing Jaehyun on the roof, Ms. Hyoyeon's suspicions correct, "you fucking demon cunt, I should kill you."
Johnny tried to punch Jaehyun, missing when the younger male ducked down. Johnny got up, charging after Jaehyun, knocking him down to the floor, landing blows to his face as Y/N tried to pull him off. Jaehyun pleaded to get a word in, only having the ability to do so when Y/N managed to push Johnny after the younger boy.
"Dude! I'm here because Mark is fucking stuck on the dark side, I'm stuck over here and I overheard that Hyoyeon bitch talking about some guy named Jeonghan. And I know about the attacks and I can tell you those weren't dark siders!"
Johnny's temper cooled down when he saw a glint of sincerity in Jaehyun's eye, "what the hell do you mean those weren't dark siders, those weren't demons? What the hell was that powder they threw at us?!"
"They're rangers, guys from each kingdom hellbent on destroying every kingdom, they want the kingdoms destoryed, that way they can rebuild and take over. I have some friends who turned against us, I think some of the higher-ups here are a part of them too," Jaehyun spurted out, "they may be demons, but they are not dark siders, we actually have morals."
"A demon talking about morals, that's rich," Johnny scoffed, "but if what you're saying is tru-"
"It is. What do you think happened to Jeonghan? Mark was right, you angels don't really know anything."
Before Johnny could get out another quip, Y/N interjected.
"What happened to Jeonghan? We were told he was corrupted by the dark side, some demons called Minghao and Yut-"
"Yuta wouldn't corrupt someone, he may be a slut, but he has too good of a soul, even for a dark sider. He's actually been working on a way to get rid of the Rangers without harming them. Minghao, on the other hand, he is one of the underlings."
"How can we trust him, Y/N?" Johnny flickered his eyes between Y/N, Jaehyun and the notebook on the table, "didn't you called him Jaehyun earlier? And you were at the dance less-"
It clicked in his brain.
"You've been talking to a demon from the dark side?! For how fucking long?!" Johnny pushed Jaehyun, knocking the male on the footrest in front of Y/N's bed, Y/N stunned as Johnny grabbed her shoulders.
"For a few weeks or so," Y/N was about to start crying, "Johnny, I promise he's not like the other. He knows Mark and Mark can vouch for him."
"And where's Mark, huh? Stuck with those disgusting, worthless demon fuckhe-"
"Those are my family, you cunt," Jaehyun rushed Johnny, the pair falling to the ground, landing punches to the older male's face.
Y/N panicked, almost screaming at the violence between the two boys, "Guys! Stop, please! You'll wake up everyone!"
But they didn't let up, the two kept wrestling on the floor. Y/N looked around for something, anything to get them to stop. She ran out the balcony door, slamming it against the wall and gaining the boys' attention.
"I'll do it. I'll jump over the fence, I'll land right in the middle and I'll run," Y/N readied herself as Jaehyun and Johnny got up from the floor, both bloodied.
"Y/N, please. If Ms. Hyoyeon finds out I let you run aw-"
Jaehyun interrupted the older boy, who started walking over to Y/N, "Wait. Ms. Hyoyeon? That blonde teacher at the dance lesson?"
"Yeah. What about her?" Y/N walked back inside, Johnny shutting the door and trying to calm down his heartbeat.
"If Professor Oak tree right here promises not to kick my ass again, I'll continue with the Jeonghan story."
Y/N poured some peppermint tea into three cups, Johnny icing his forehead as Jaehyun wrapped up his wrist.
"So, let me get this straight. The lady we've known as Ms. Hyoyeon for the past 2 decades is actually a part of the Rangers, her real name is Kyungri and the night her gang and she kidnapped Jeonghan, the actual Ms. Hyoyeon discovered them and she hasn't been seen since with no way to be found?" Johnny sat up in disbelief, Y/N sitting in shock as she took a small sip of her tea.
"Yeah, Kyungri's been using a perfected masking spell. She's been working with some guy, but Haechan has yet to find out who he is. Jaemin was looking into it when the alarm started going over. Mark didn't want to get caught, so I pushed him past the cloaking spell, made sure he was safe," Jaehyun pulled out his phone, "speak of the devil, he texted me from Yuta's phone. He's fine and he's safe, they're working on a masking spell for him to make sure he's not caught by the light siders."
"Why kidnap Jeonghan though?" Johnny questioned as Y/N stayed in a silent state, "what does he have to do with any of this? How do you know all of this?"
"Jeonghan was the next heir, she wanted to speed up the ritual. The coronation isn't a crowning, it's a codename, those who are considered the next heir get their blood drained from them, just enough to keep them alive, but with no will. The Rangers are like vampires, Kyungri has brainwashed them for the last 20 years to make them believe if they follow her, she'll give them eternal life, they just have to help her ruin the kingdoms and kidnap the heirs. That's why they have the whole bullshit ceremony, the wheel is rigged to choose who Kyungri, or Ms. Hyoyeon, feels would be the next great heir."
"The whole coronation is essentially a ritual sacrifice? What about those who have been heirs before?"
"They're 'sent to another kingdom.' They're fucking kept in cages, kept alive only for their blo-"
"How the hell do you know this?" Johnny broke the tea cup that was in his hand, crushing it in his grasp.
"My parents were Rangers, left me alone all the time. They wanted me to be one, so I became some sort of a double agent, attending Ranger meetings, but feeding the information back to Doyoung and Yuta," Jaehyun begun to help pick up the broken teacup shards as Johnny grabbed a towel from Y/N's bathroom, "I stopped going and they disowned me. Which is why I went after you for calling my friends worthless, sorry about that by the way. They're my family, more than my actual parents."
Johnny patted Jaehyun's back, "dude, it's okay. I'd do the same if someone called Mark, Taeil, Taeyong or Y/N names like that. It was a heated moment. We have to think of a plan to stop them, but how?"
"First things first, we need to get Mark and my friends over on this side. Make Kyungri paranoid. Once we have all of us on this side, we can take them down from within."
Y/N stood up, walking over to her computer, "give me your phone, Jae."
Jaehyun handed Y/N his phone, yanking it out of his hands and texting Mark.
Mark, tell the others we have a plan. We'll be talking through notes like me and Jaehyun were.
I assume they told you too?
Yes and I'm fucking pissed.
"Damn, this is a side of Y/N I never thought I'd ever see," Jaehyun smirked as Johnny felt his heart drop a bit.
Where are we going to pick up the notes?
Every night after the light side has gone to sleep, I will throw a paper plane over, aiming for the plants on the little widow's peak on the roof, right across from my balcony, where me and Jaehyun originally started with the notes. Amazing, I'll let the others know.
Stay safe, Y/N, Johnny and Jaehyun.
You too, little dude.
Y/N erased the messages, the evidence that proved they knew anything.
Johnny placed his hand on Y/N's shoulder, "we have to make it seem as if we're oblivious, but how?"
"Act as if everything is normal. I can make some clothes for Jaehyun, so he's not stuck in dark side garb."
"Where would I sleep?"
"I keep an extra sleeping bag in my room for Mark, in case he doesn't want to sleep in his room. Speaking of which, it's late, we should probably go to bed. Will you be okay, Y/N?"
Y/N nodded, standing up from the desk chair, "Yea, I should be fine."
"We should probably go," Johnny and Jaehyun hugged Y/N, Johnny's lingering a second longer, while Jaehyun slipped something into Y/N's hand when she handed him his phone back, "We'll be right downstairs, ok?"
Johnny started to head to the door, thinking Jaehyun was right behind him. Jaehyun gave a gentle peck on Y/N's cheek as he ran towards Johnny, who had a sad smile on his face. The two boys left the room, leaving Y/N alone on her couch as she cuddled up to her pillow, watching TV, attempting to distract her mind.
She looked at the note Jaehyun handed her. The writing was messy and all she got make out was Don't Trust S, the remaining letters mashing together in an mostly unintelligible mess, most likely due to Jaehyun rushing.
Johnny laid the sleeping bag out for Jaehyun, the younger male taking a look at the angel's room. Jaehyun saw a photo of a young Y/N, a ponytail in a bow and Johnny with a matching bowtie.
"Yea, she is."
"I meant you both. Kids are adorable, regardless if they're demon or angel. Just because we're supposed to hate each other, doesn't mean I can't give you a compliment. You can throw some damn good-ass punches too."
"Thanks, Mr Siwon taught me when I was younger. He's like a father figure to me."
"I noticed that. A lot of kids over here don't have parents," Jaehyun sat down on the sleeping bag, laying back as he tried to find a comfortable position.
"The story is they keep parents and children separate so the kids have a chance to be free and form their own opnions. Twice a month, they allow us to meet up with our parents and talk about what's been going on. This past few hours have been a total culture shock to me, thinking more and more about the system here seems insane."
Jaehyun sat up, "it is insane. The higher-ups want you guys to believe there is only one way of life and that the dark side is actually a horrible, terrible place, but I can assure you it's not."
Johnny laid on his bed, Jaehyun resting his chin on the side of the king-sized mattress, "this plan is going to work, right?"
"I hope so, bro. I really hope so."
21 notes · View notes
blankdblank · 5 years
To Fight For Pt 4
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Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - 
Requested by @deepestfirefun
All – @himoverflowers, @theincaprincess, @aspiringtranslator, @sweeticedtea, @ggbbhehe4455, @thegreyberet, @patanghill17, @jesgisborne, @curvestrology, @alishlieb, @jogregor, @armitageadoration, @fizzyxcustard, @here2have-fun, @lilith15000, @marvels-ghost, @catthefearless, @imjusthereforthereads, @c-s-stars 
  x Thorin – @evyiione, @deepestfirefun, @queenoferebor
A smirk eased onto your face at the first taste of food and he couldn’t help but grin at your teasing comment on it having a smoky taste. Food was the main topic with stories of cooking and what sort of dishes would be in the coronation. Not an overly personal topic but one that could help to level some sort of common ground between you, all the while the King’s mind raced in his struggle to decipher the mystery behind you and your hidden motives and agendas possibly to be uncovered in your own gains for this union. The gentle light of fireflies above through desert lit up the ceiling stirring a grin onto your face mirroring the King’s, who was still staring directly at you since the moon rose and cast you in its gentle glow through the uncovered glass doors of the balcony.
Wetting his lips Thorin scooted closer to the end of his seat locking his eyes on yours again at the lowering of your fork to your empty plate, “I was hoping,” he cleared his throat at your shift in your seat to face him fully, “I was hoping that I might have the right to offer you my bead of courtship to mark our union properly for all to see.”
Steadily he set a small box on the table and your hand reached back to undo the ribbon you had used to tie the upper half of your hair out of your face for the meal you lowered to your lap to tie around your wrist. “If you need me to shift some of my other braids for proper placement let me know.”
On his feet he wet his lips and inhaled shakily reaching out for the hair around your face. Tenderly his fingers split a portion off from the rest weaving an intricate braid mingling three strips of braids with jeweled beads placed all through the long strand. A dip of his hand into his pocket brought out a second box he offered to you, “I have handled the first few weeks of our acquaintance poorly. By now I should have secured several dinners and meetings with your kin and you, both under their watch and alone. Since then you have seen me offer insult to several Elf Lords, pass on their hospitable offers of shelter and food. Then I declared war, one which you,” he sighed and sat down on his chair he tugged closer to yours, “I have no clue what you have said to calm them.”
You shook your head, “I have not said a thing to calm them.” His brow inched up, “From your side of the fence I can imagine your surprise, though, in their lifetimes a great number of Dwarves have insulted them and done far worse than you have dealt out.”
The box you accepted from him was eased open and you eyed the hair comb with a string of fireflies formed of mithril and bright yellow diamonds and then Thorin as he said, “Living here, under Thror, there are many faults for this kingdom and, unfortunately for me as well.” He wet his lips furrowing his brows as he began to lose focus on his topic, “However, even in the darkest points even if all they are is fireflies there is light here. I hope you might grow to like it here.”
“Thank you.” Your eyes sank to it again and he shifted closer.
“You do not like it?”
You looked at him again shaking your head and his lips parted at the tears in your eyes, “Sorry, we, um, yellow diamonds are rare, or were, in our first home. My Adad used to have these,” you wet your lips motioning with your hands, “These long pins for my Gran’s hair he said I could wear when I was old enough. They matched the ring I was supposed to inherit with a tiara, for my wedding.”
At the tear streaking down your cheek his hand settled around your waist and he asked, “They were lost, when you fled?”
You shook your head, “No. We have them. I just, him showing them to me are one of the few memories I have with him.” Drawing in a breath you locked your eyes on his, “He would approve. And it is lovely, thank you.”
He smirked drawing back his hand to reach into his pocket, “Good, because I have another gift.”
You giggled softly, “Of course you do.”
Rumbling back lowly he replied, “I do owe you a great deal.”
Wiping your cheek you smirked, “This better be good then.”
Making him chuckle then pass you the leather pouch you eased open then giggled seeing the raven etched mithril dagger set stirring a chuckle from him, “A bit traditional. Though should you prefer an axe,”
You shook your head, “I do not need another ax. I have fifty, much to my Ada’s horror. Typical birthday gift.”
A knock sounded on the door and he sighed leaning back to see Balin entering to say, “We, um, have a situation-,”
Thorin glanced at you and you grinned standing up, “I should head back. Let you handle this while I show off your gifts.” He chuckled and bowed his head to you in your turn to the door where Balin bowed his head to you as well opening the door for you.
Thorin, “What is the situation?”
Balin sighed, “Dain came to the forges, wanted to see you.”
“How is that a situation?”
Balin, “Word arrived, King Dunne is arriving in two days among the reinforcements from the Southern kingdoms. I believe we might want to share the decision as soon as possible.”
Thorin nodded and let out a sigh, “Alright, let’s go handle this now.” Following Balin to Dain’s apartment.
“To what do I owe the pleasure?”
Thorin let out a deep breath saying, “I heard King Dunne is arriving in two days.”
Dain nodded, “Yes.” His eyes scanned over Thorin curiously. “What of it?”
“What has he told you of the Blacklocks?”
Dain exhaled in a deep growling breath in his drop to settle back into his armchair signaling Thorin to claim his, “Well, according to him King Buarndur swore his lands over to him before Azanulbizar and when they went to claim them the Blaklocks attacked them and burned down those lands and most of the Ironfist’s.”
Thorin’s brows furrowed in confusion, “He has six sons. Why would he swear away their homelands and inheritance?”
Dain shrugged and tilted his head, “I don’t have the foggiest idea. However, I have never put a pound of grain to his words before, thought it mostly boasting at first, and at the time there were supposedly no Blacklocks left, and now there’s thousands-.”
Thorin nodded, “About that. I had a word with Jaqi earlier, in support of her clan and family I am enforcing my stance in that if any Ironfists threaten or dare to harm her or any of her kin they will be punished, and if King Dunne tries anything or so much as insults her I will expel him from my council.”
Dain let out a breath, “Thorin-,”
Thorin leaned in, “I know you are in an odd spot, so am I, I am not asking you to pick sides now, I am saying however, should something occur I need to know if you support me in this.” Dain wet his lips with a timid glance over his face, “My Queen does not feel safe in inviting her younger siblings and mother into my lands.” Dain’s lips parted, “You’ve seen her tattoos, every one of them is from Ironfist clans. Her own men don’t feel comfortable taking shelter in my halls with them arriving. If I do not take her side I am saying she can never see her siblings or mother unless she travels to Elven lands. I have to protect my Queen.”
Dain nodded, “Should a threat occur, you have my support. I would like to hear the full tale from her however. Word enough is no weight to uproot an entire clan. But they do fill a great portion of our lands. It will be a tough stance, but no matter the cost we will defend the Queen and her men.”
Daily you would hold your tasks and Thorin would do all he could to get the returning Dwarves settled into jobs and homes reclaiming what had been lost by them and their kin while hearing news of the impending arrival of Kings for the coronation Dis and Diaa were in the throws of planning for the busy King. More and more distractions kept coming up taking your intended from your side to handle the random tasks but two days out as expected you, on the right of Maglor and Maedhros you stood beside Thorin, who made certain to remain close to you. Silently securing your bond was well noticed by the returning Kings traveling with the Ironfists. Eyes fixed firmly on you and your kin through the welcoming greetings until Thorin led the Kings and Lords through the mountain as you turned to join Maglor and your uncle off to Dale again to get as many days work in as you could before the snow.
The new Kings only worsened Thorin’s distraction and at the glares coming from the Ironfist clans you knew it was only a matter of time before it all blew up in front of all the Dwarves. Increasingly the newest beads in your hair seemed to stir up irritations and as publicly as possible Dams were brought in from more ‘respectable’ clans more deserving of Thorin’s attentions than you. Each day the faults of your kin brought up yet without public insult, so far, and each night packed with separate dinners with you alone with the Elves as the Durins got drug into dinner after dinner to mingle with the new Dwarf Lords all far from eager to get to know you in favor of King Dunne.
In his increasing irritation a sneaking set of ease slipped into his day at your confirmed bouts of breaking into the King’s apartment. Small trinkets here and there, snacks and small notes making puns out of the comments and rumors you had heard freeing a chuckle from the sullen Dwarf with a great deal of stress easing his way into a calming few hours with his harp. Softly at first playing the classics but always ending with your shared heartsong, unnoticed until a late pass by chance halting you in place to press your ear against the door hearing his baritone voice singing the Khuzdul verses to the song leaving the Kurdu verses to echo in your head as you turned to your apartment.
Your gifts didn’t go unnoticed and a few stolen chances were taken to head to the forges. The first time you among a trio of your kin were there working at your own stations ignoring the sneers of the others to finish your own tasks between stolen glances at Thorin in his entering the forges. For all his stubbornness and years over you on top of his assumed failure and loss of trust he hoped that even against his unflattering appearance for even the Dams being forced to win him out of his courtship with you that he could impress you with his forging skills. Conveniently choosing a station in full view of yours where, like the other men his shirts were removed and set aside fully exposing all earned markers for their clans and ranks with battle scars abound.
Sight of you seemed to be no less distracting with all the sweaty hairy men pounding hammers into melted iron on their anvils, your hair pulled up in a high bun and vest covering your ribs with loose shirt under it swaying around your toned rippling frame locking many in place more than once between your own stolen chances to watch your future husband in his prior trade. Like yours his hair was pulled up and his steady breaths and motions flexing and relaxing each of his muscles in his solid torso and arms with his intense bright eyes focused on his task all but lulling you into an enchanted trance.
No matter how stubborn or foolish he had been it did nothing to stop the wildfire that trip to the forges sparked for you. Under those moody, biased and ignorant layers of his tough first impressions to get through those bright hopeful eyes between bouts of furious glares and intense stares on top of a pair of arms now haunting your dreams begging to be draped around you with a chest meant for draping yourself across to sleep to the heartbeat of the man promised as yours there was hope deep in your heart you could find happiness with him. After the settling was over and between his busy moments he seemed genuine in his claim to honor your betrothal and protect you, moments growing more random as he began to notice how even with the rumors you were still turning heads and wished to keep you assured his attentions were yours entirely.
A rough set of storms were set to roll in and in your focus on your repair job to the main palace in the inner circle became more important to get finished leaving you all but entirely moved in there sharing a cot with your Ada who led the Elves in nightly shifts to keep the repairs going while you and your workers slept. The absence did not go unnoticed by the Durins, all of whom spent a portion of their days to go and drop in to see you hoping you weren’t being chased off. With Bilbo spearheading the cause to have your Maiar and rams to be moved inside Erebor to the farming peaks attached to Dale as the orchards had been successfully starting to bloom under the protective crystal dome.
“How dare that clan just assume they can lay claim over Dale!”
A narrowed gaze from Thorin fired from the doorway across the council room in the latest try at planning the seating for the coronation with each of them refusing to sit near the Elves or the Ironfists near your kin. Quietly he listened in to the slew of insults to you especially and your father you were bet to have taken after, the longer he listened the angrier he grew. Finally shouting out, “My Queen can lay claim to any of my lands and you would do best not to insult her!”
All heads turned and King Dunne stood with a laugh, “Oh now Thorin, we all know you are merely following that betrothal out of pity for some old agreement your grandfather made. Why not choose someone more worthy of the title?”
Thorin moved farther into the room to his chair with a pointed glare, “Coming from the Dwarf insisting a King would deprive his six sons from their inheritance by swearing their homeland away on the eve of battle.” His growling tone earning a darkened stare from Dunne, “For any of you wondering on my stance for your imagined claim to the Blacklock rights and lands I am in support of my Queen and her kin,” sharp inhales came from the Ironfists’ whose beards bristled in their rising fury as he continued, “And any issuing threats or injury to any Blacklock will face the consequences for doing so. Any unwilling to follow that is welcome to leave their place on my council.”
Silence filled the hall as Dain smirked stirring up matching reactions from the other clans around the scowling King Dunne who forced a grin then replied, “Now now, we would never issue unjust threats to the young lass.” The spark in his gaze marking his lie unsettling Thorin even more as he mentally planned out his next stolen time with you. He had done all he could to clear his night for another dinner with you to present you with another marker after finding the silver raven figurine you had left in his rooms along with his own agreement to move the creature and you back inside Erebor to be nearer to him.
Dis in a deep blue gown strolled through the streets of Dale trading pleased grins to each of the burly men you oversaw bowing their heads respectfully, as they had to all the other Dams, including those forced to fluff themselves up in front of Thorin. Some of the largest Dwarves to be found with none fiercer in defending the safety and respect of the women they encountered. All more than ready to face off with the Ironfists but holding back at your lingering order to not give them any cause to start anything allowing them to make the first move always. Atop your ladder you eyed her entering after finishing hammering in the nails securing the thick wooden frame where the doors your uncle had helped finished carving the night prior would be secured in place.
Steadily you climbed down keeping hold of your box of nails and the hammer you set aside at the base of the ladder. Turning around you locked eyes with the stunning Dam taking in your dust and dirt coated layers as you bowed your head, “Princess Dis.”
A soft sigh left her as she exposed the basket she was holding to say, “Dis, we are going to be sisters you know.”
You chuckled weakly and nodded your head, “Well then dear sister, you should get the tour.”
She chuckled eyeing the front hall you were working in, “It is quite an improvement so far.”
You grinned wider at her gasp at the stunning change from the dusty in progress hall to the empty yet immaculate nest hall leading to a series of refurbished rooms she peered into until you made it to the outer dining hall with open doors leading into a garden still being marked out by the few day shift Elves for the planting in early spring once winter had passed. “Well we have been trying to get it lined up before winter hits fully.”
In awe as she emptied the basket she replied at your washing your hands in the attached bath, “I can see that.”
Out again to claim your chair beside hers you added, “Plus we’ve got most of the inner ring habitable for my men and working our way outwards. A few more serious jobs will have to wait till spring but not many. How is Erebor?”
She grinned easing the juice she poured from a bottle for you in a glass she set out, “It is mostly intact, surprisingly enough, mainly scrubbing except for the farming peaks.”
You nodded lowering your glass from your sip, feeling her eyes taking in your flawless etiquette despite being filthy from working all morning, “Yes, Bilbo suggested we help with that.”
Her grin spread to her eyes that lit up after her own glass was lowered in an attempt for a sip of her own, “Your thoughts?”
“We don’t mind helping. Though breaking the earth-,”
Dis shook her head, “Of course, we would be extending the invitation for your Maiar as well.” Your brow inched up and she chuckled, “We are certain yes. He seems to be quite docile under your care.”
You chuckled, “Docile is one way of putting it.” Looking over the meal she set out you raised your fork she had pulled from the basket, “I suppose he’s no more unruly than most Dwarves, though a lot larger, and he spits fire.”
“I am certain our kin won’t mind once they see how quickly the land flourishes.”
You nodded, “Or we will see how quickly Dunne tries to attack him.”
Dis wet her lips and asked, “What happened between your clans?”
“Two days after learning my Adad fell among nearly all of our warriors they marched on our borders.” Her mouth fell open, “There was no promise, merely Dunne’s greed in crossing our borders for centuries since taking the throne. Some personal slight against my grandfather passed down through our line. We were defenseless, had Maglor not warned us-,”
“You fled? And they burned down your homes in anger?”
You shook your head, “No, we lit those flames. They wanted it, we released its ashes for the taking. Had they not encroached on our borders for so long their lands would have been safe from the flames.”
Her eyes dropped to the lowest portion of your tattoo exposed by your rolled up sleeve wet with sweat, “Forgive me, but, why were you chosen to defend your kin? The only one available when the insults were issued? I understand you have four elder brothers.”
You exhaled and wet your lips and she eyed your sunken gaze at your drink, “I lost my Adad and all four brothers in Azanulbizar.” Parting her lips in a stunned gasp, “I am the eldest of my line. My mother, she is no warrior, my younger brothers were infants when we fled and still too young to defend our line yet. If I turned down the duels the accusers could claim what they wanted whenever they wanted it. No matter the cost to me they will not take anything else from my kin. We will drag them into the flames with us if we have to before they beat us.”
Reaching out her hand folded over yours, “I, have no words. That is awful, such a weight to carry alone.”
“We all have weight to carry.” A smirk eased onto your face, “I see you have a stone’s worth yourself.”
Deepening her grin as her hand smoothed over her belly, “Few months yet. It has been a long four years. The signs show a girl.” She squeaked out and you giggled softly.
Smirking as you raised your fork and said, “Try two.” Her brow inched up, “Hobbits can tell.” Widening her grin, “I suppose some tweaking shall have to be done to the nursery.”
She nodded and you both finished the meal she brought as a breeze filled the room carrying the scent of rain with it, “What is it?”
Your eyes locked and you answered, “You may want to hurry back, smells like rain.”
Under the sheets of rain you were safe in the palace again in the music room though this time adjusting the neck of a violin you had found tucked away in a partially crushed case you had been lulling back to perfection. Silently Thorin passed through the doorway leaving his wet cloak on the chair he passed by lost in your enchanting humming of your heart song stirring a grin onto his face at the ease it spread through him. A heavier step than intended ended your song and brought your eyes up to Thorin, who smirked at you and purred, “My apologies.”
Shaking your head you set the violin and the tools aside asking, “Long day or did you just feel like escaping?”
He chuckled nearing you, “Both, and more.”
“Ooh, do tell.”
Grinning wider he replied, “Another long day of arguments over seating arrangements and traded goods and a far from subtle comment on my first choice as King.”
“I take it they still are wary of our union.”
“King Dunne commented that all clans be present at each meeting.”
You giggled, “That can be arranged. Ada is concerned I am not sleeping enough.” Dimming Thorin’s grin, “I am. Just not twelve hours a day.”
“As long as you are sleeping and eating enough. Which brings me here.”
“Dragging me off to bed?”
After a nip at his lip he rumbled back, “I am here to offer you dinner.”
You grinned at him, giggling out, “And just what makes you assume wooing me with woes of the council would achieve for that plan of yours?”
He chuckled and playfully asked, “And how would you have me ask?”
You sighed with your lips pursed in thought for a moment, then replied, “In a foolish way.”
His brow inched up, “Excuse me?”
Standing up you smirked at him, “You heard me. No doubt you have heard it all. ‘Ulterior motive, out for your gold, your lands, your crown’.” His brow inched up at your step closer to him and tap on his chest, “’Sent to seduce you and take all you could ever acquire’.” He chuckled at your next tap on his chest, “Well, they’re half right anyways.”
His brow inched up, purring, “Oh really?”
“I am meant to be a Queen, my entire task is to seduce you, in every way possible, your trust, your patience, to lure your every secret out to be the one you bare yourself to fully. And of course physically, after all, what good is a Queen if she cannot convince her King to bed her in hopes of a son.”
He exhaled and wet his lips at your backwards steps, “Makes sense.”
“And just how am I doing so far?” He chuckled and bit his lip glancing away from you as you giggled at his blush, “Or should I ask what you’re willing to do to earn dinner with me.” A stunned chuckle left him at your teasing smirk when his eyes met yours again seeing the playful glimmer in them, “It has been two weeks nearly since we last ate alone.”
Walking after you he rumbled back, “And just what would this price of yours be?”
“Well, you asked for my place on your arm, and I doubt you have had much practice, so, one dance.”
He chuckled again, “A dance? This is your foolish price?”
His eyes darted up at the rain growing harder you kept stepping backwards towards, “It would have to be in the rain of course.”
“And why is that?”
“Because only fools dance in the rain.” Your head tilted to the side as you passed through the wall of water into the growing shower, “Be foolish with me.” His brow inched up as he stood on the other side of the water, “You were so willing to face a dragon, what is a little rain?” You giggled again then started to hum in the first steps of the dance tilting your head back with eyes closed leaving Thorin eyeing you as he nipped at his lip before he stepped out into the rain.
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Surely through a deep inhale he stepped closer to you easing a finger with yours to spin you before forming an arch with your joined fingers in a turn followed by another turn under the arm the other way. Dropping that hold his hands lowered to your hips lifting you effortlessly in another turn, grinning at your giggle; leading into a joint set of steps in your backwards pace on your toes with one of his hands on your back with one of yours extended and the other around the side of his neck for the start of a turn. His free hand would find yours raising it for another arch for your spin before he would lift you again with a chuckle of his own when you were set down and arched back with arms extended on one foot as he turned you through his circle. Again you would straighten to lock hands in another wave of interweaving turns and arm locks between lifts.
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Your humming was joined by his between chuckles and giggles as the rain seemed to grow heavier through the flashes of lightning splitting through the sky between earth shaking bouts of thunder stirring chuckles from your father and uncle not far off watching from a covered arch in a tower above you. Both sketching stolen moments along with a few random Elves taking the occasion as inspiration for a personal gift for their Princess. Heavier your clothes grew at the weight of the water and yet your steps didn’t wane, lost in the intimate moment until the hold on his neck shifted into his hair and he dipped just a few inches at your toe top stance to hold your foreheads together in the shared soft gasping turn with lips barely a breath away. No kiss was able to be stolen in your joint refusal to stop the dance, yet another two turns and a lift later and your feet halted at the massive white light causing them to blink upwards and chuckle at the sheet of rain growing harder.
Firmly his palm landed on your back turning you to head back inside where he asked, “Does this mean I have earned supper?”
In a smirk you replied, “I believe I could call it in your favor.”
Making him chuckle and nip at his lip looking you over, “Thank you for granting me such a courtesy.” Making you giggle following him to his cloak and then onto the walk to Erebor.
Pt 5
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lxveille · 5 years
at dusk on a balcony with jeonghan ♡
title: the glass promiseword count: ~ 870warnings: very vague allusions to battles/deatha/n: royalty!au. look we don’t have to pretend i’m not a sucker for prince!jeonghan, do we?
The glass balcony of the northern palace is a thing practically of legend. A place meant for poems, for songs about the triumphant return of knights from war, for tales of coronations and a portraits of nobles. It’s an architectural wonder; a thing worth seeing just as much as the view of the sprawling gardens from its vantage point.
These, of course, are things you were told from miles away. Things you read in letters from the representatives holding court here. Sights captured in paintings brought over by merchants. Or else sent over as gifts. Because there were such things as gifts before.
The  gardens are still deceptively well-kept just beneath the balcony. Several yards out, though, the destruction starts to become evident. Flowerbeds damaged and dead, hedges that had been ripped through with steel, bushes brushed under boots and bodies. It must be frightful reminder to the Crown and all its men, to see reminds still in the earth of how close your uncle’s army had gotten.
There’s no confusion over why you’re here. Too much blood has been spilt. Your father permitted to inherit his brother’s title only on the condition of sending you to the palace as insurance against any further war.
“It’s prettier in summertime.”
The voice startles you out of your haze enough that you visibly jump. It escapes you how anyone can move so quietly against the balcony flooring. Evidently, though, the young prince can manage it.
“I’m sure it is, your highness,” you answer. Heart still thumping from the nerves of the sudden jolt, but you manage to put up a steady front all the same. Every encounter you’ve had with Jeonghan thus far has been only momentary. Stiff, and distant, and with unsaid tremors of the imbalance between the two you underneath it all. You assume this will be the same, and let yourself turn back to the balustrade.
“You could just call me by name in private, if you’d like,” he tells you, stepping into the space beside you. His forearms rest upon the flat surface of the ornate railing. A breeze rustles through barren branches, and you watch from the corner of your eye as it disrupts his hair just slightly.
You remain standing straight. “I wasn’t under the impression we were in private.” Your words come out stilted. Jeonghan turns his head to glance at your expression. His gaze feels weighty, careful in its examination of you. Silently decoding past what’s said and shown. You’re half inclined to step away, as though distance could spare you from it. You stay where you are.
“I’m sorry for the way you came here.”
It catches you off guard. Nearly as much as his arrival had, though it isn’t accompanied by the same physical start. It feels true, despite his slouched over posture and the succinctness of the words. The fading light of the day casts a glow upon his face that makes you pause before looking out the gardens again.
Jeonghan lets it settle in the air for a few moments longer. Waiting, perhaps, for whatever it is you would say in reply. In truth, you can’t even muster a polite facade of a response. When it’s evident there’s nothing you’re going to say, he carries on, “For as long as you are here, though, I’ll make sure no harm comes to you.”
He still looks so informal through his words. There’s nothing grandiose about it. None of it matches up to the images summoned by artists of honorable men making pledges. Somehow the fact of it makes some of the tension between your shoulders alleviate.
“Can you really make that promise?” you allow yourself to question. Even five minutes ago, you wouldn’t have dared to raise such a point.
“Have you ever it said that promises are fragile as glass?” There’s more yet to his reply, it’s clear by the tone in his voice. You watch him for an instant before shaking your head no. At that, Jeonghan straightens his back, hands still resting palm-down on the guardrail. “They do say that. Some people, at least. But look at where we’re standing.”
Impulse has you glancing down, despite already knowing what waits. The clear material, reflecting setting light against it at the same time as you can look down through to the stonework and trellises underneath.
“I’ll prove it, if the day ever comes, whether you believe me or not,” Jeonghan’s voice coaxes your gaze back up to his face. There’s still a kind of mismatch between his words and the air about him. Or between his words and the posturing you would’ve expected for them.
“Why?” you cave at last to the one word that had been circling through your mind since he joined you on the balcony.
A small smile arrives on his expression. It’s marked by a twinge of some disquiet. Still, it is as simple as every gesture he’s made thus far. Seeming to have little to hide. No reason to be other than a passing shift in his mood. “I’d like for you to be happy. But I know I can’t promise you that.”
So I promise what I can, goes unsaid. Yet it rings clear, somehow, in the twilight air.
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thelogicalghost · 6 years
The Problem of Hans
With the Frozen 2 trailer drop, I wanted to finally organize some of my thoughts about the original in a post I can link to instead of trying to repeat this argument every time it comes up. 
Before I dive in, I want to emphasize that I am not trying to ‘forgive’ or ‘justify’ Hans being a dick. My goal is to parse his actions throughout the movie and find a plausible explanation for seemingly contrasting character moments.
Part 1: Some Background
The original story of the Snow Queen, on which Frozen was loosely based, set the icy-powered queen as the villain. However, during development, songwriters Robert Lopez and Kristen Anderson-Lopez composed and pitched several songs including “Let It Go” that put the sisters’ relationship at the center of the story. The decision was made to redeem Elsa and make the sisters the heroes, requiring the previously supporting character Hans to become a last-minute villain.
Because of this rewrite, and perhaps in order to preserve the ‘twist’, Hans spends the majority of the movie seeming utterly charming and even heroic. Disney inadvertently created a truly terrible villain, a sociopath capable of utterly fooling an entire country but revealing his evil plans and unfathomable cruelty only to a dying women. However, this also meant that Hans’ portrayal has several serious inconsistencies that bring his twist betrayal into question. These moments continue to bother me every time I watch the movie, creating a conundrum that a purely evil, brilliant, manipulative Hans doesn’t explain.
Taking the finished, theatrical release of the movie as canon, I as the audience was left trying to reconcile these discrepancies into a plausible narrative. First, I’m going to talk about the moments that force me to question the movie’s explanation, and then I’m going to present exactly that plausible narrative.
Part 2: The Bits That Bother Me
There are two moments that trouble me particularly in the movie. One is much more significant than the other, so let’s start with that one.
Hans has gathered a group of volunteers to find the missing royal sisters. Two of these volunteers, attendants to the Duke of Weselton, have been ordered by the Duke to kill Elsa. As they approach Elsa’s ice palace and are confronted by her snow monster, these two men take advantage of the confusion to run ahead of the group. Both try to shoot Elsa with crossbows. Elsa defends herself, pinning one man to the wall with ice spikes and pushing the other man onto a balcony with a sliding wall of ice. 
Just as she’s about to push the second man off of the balcony, where he would fall to his likely death, Hans and the rest of the men arrive. Hans shouts, “Queen Elsa! Don’t be the monster they fear you are.” Elsa pauses, realizing that she had been about to kill. The first man tries to take advantage of this pause by raising his loaded crossbow for a final shot. Hans, after quickly glancing upward, dashes across the room to yank the man’s arm up and send the bolt toward the ceiling. This sends an ornate ice chandelier falling to the floor. Elsa jumps out of the way but is knocked unconscious.
The key moment here is Hans’ intervention. Let’s consider the logic of this moment based on an evil, manipulative Hans:
If Hans wanted Elsa dead and out of the way, he could have:
Ordered his men to attack. She was obviously having difficulty managing two assailants, but attacking them with her ice powers could have been a perfect excuse to need to take her down
Continued to distract Elsa so that the first of the Duke’s men could shoot her
Grapple with the man but let the crossbow ‘go off’ to hit Elsa, either killing her (since he could obviously aim it very well) or prolonging the fight and creating other opportunities
If Hans wanted Elsa alive for some reason, but wanted a great excuse to kill or dethrone her later, he could have:
Said nothing, let her kill a soldier from a neighboring country, making her a killer and potentially exacerbating a diplomatic incident
Said literally anything else to provoke/manipulate her or the situation, for example, beg her to surrender (which she wouldn’t, making her look like the bad guy) or urge his men to save the Duke’s men (which would have turned into a full conflict that might have resulted in her wounding or killing her own people)
Instead, Hans appeals to her humanity. He says something calculated to make her stop and consider what she had been about to do. Then he takes an action that was much less likely to do her harm - Elsa had plenty of time to dodge that chandelier - but disrupted the standoff and diffused a tense situation. 
No matter which way I look at this scene, Hans’ actions just don’t make sense if he sees Elsa as an obstacle to the throne.
The second moment I want to mention is much smaller, but to me, equally disconcerting. It happens much earlier, at the end of the scene in which Hans and Anna meet.
Memorably, their initial meeting ends with the two of them standing in a boat that is perched precariously on the edge of a dock. As Anna leaves, both of them seeming quite taken with each other, Chekhov’s boat finally tips over and dumps Hans in the water. As he lifts up the overturned boat, Hans gives the departing Anna a fond smile.
This smile is what bothers me so badly. Hans, in this moment, has no audience. He is under a boat off the edge of a dock. Even his horse would have difficulty seeing him from that angle. Yet his expression contains no spark of malice. It’s gentle and hopeful, suggesting that he’s as smitten with her as she clearly is with him. If Hans were a sociopath, he would need to put effort into faking this expression, and why would he without an audience? There is absolutely no reason to think that his feelings in this smile are not completely genuine, except for the fact that he later claims they’re fake.
Which leads me to ...
Part 3: A Plausible Narrative
Hans arrives in Arendelle and meets Anna. She’s young and clearly unpolished but sweet and authentic. During the coronation ball, they enjoy each other’s company. Hans sees a woman who clearly lacks practical education and whose romantic ideas could land her into a lot of trouble, but whose spontaneity and youthful energy he appreciates. 
Now, in the mid-1800′s, like in most of European monarchical history, marriage among royalty is not a matter of love but of exchange and consolidation of goods and power. Hans suspects that there are problems in Arendelle. The princesses have been sequestered completely in the years since their parents’ deaths. Perhaps the reason Anna’s been kept behind locked doors is that she’s prone to thoughtless acts of romanticism that could easily bring harm to the royal family. He can’t offer the family riches or titles, but he can provide this woman the trappings of romance, be patient with her, and in time, nurture a genuinely loving relationship. He can promise to reign in her impulsive behavior and encourage her to act in ways that benefit the kingdom. Maybe he can offer more, in terms of what experience and knowledge he’ll bring to the table as a prince from a powerful nation, but first he has to talk to the queen.
Surprisingly, when he and Anna approach Elsa, the two sisters seem to be misinterpreting his offer of engagement and negotiations as an offer to run off to the church, like, NOW. Elsa gives a public, automatic rejection. Anna confronts her in an embarrassingly public argument. Then, of course, something happens that Hans couldn’t have predicted: Elsa reveals that she has ice powers, freezes the harbor, and sets a snowstorm on the country.
Without consulting anyone or taking anyone with her, Anna rides off to find her sister. Instead of calling on any of the advisers, minor nobility, or other titles of the realm, Anna puts Hans in change. Hans is not only shocked at the impropriety and irresponsibility, but the fact that no one seems to challenge him for that position. Everyone, local or visiting, is content to turn to this visiting prince, despite the conflict earlier in the ballroom. Well, if he’s what they’ve got, he’ll take that duty. He hopes to eventually be part of the royal family, after all, so these will soon be his people. He sorts out emergency responses including hot food and thick blankets, walking through the streets himself to aid in distribution.
Anna’s horse appears, riderless and distressed. Now Hans is deeply concerned. It seems that whatever sisterly means Anna intended to use to calm Elsa have failed. He organizes an expedition to travel up the mountain, taking volunteers (not hand-picking people who might be loyal to him, note, but inviting people who genuinely care about their monarch to help find her). He probably plans this trip and finds at least one guide, because he gets to the palace shortly after Anna leaves.
Despite having to battle a giant snow monster and nearly falling to his death, when Hans sees the standoff between Elsa and the Duke’s men, he says what he hopes will be the most effective at calming her down. He sees an opportunity to diffuse the standoff by destroying the chandelier, which knocks the queen unconscious. Despite having every opportunity and a long journey back to the city, Hans takes Elsa, unharmed, to the palace dungeons and restrains her.
When Elsa comes to, he begs her to break the curse. This is when Elsa says, simply, “I can’t,” and begs him to let her go. She doesn’t even know where Anna is.
Now, if Elsa was thinking even slightly rationally, she would know that Hans can’t simply let her go. She plunged the city into deep winter. IF the effect is related to proximity, leaving might help, but if it’s not - and Elsa clearly isn’t in control of this curse, how does she know? - then they’ll have lost the opportunity to track her down again and try something else. People are going to die. 
A visiting dignitary tells Hans that, if something’s happened to Anna, he’s “all Arendelle has left.” The message is clear: this is on his shoulders. The fate of thousands of lives and an entire country rests on him. He wants to go look for Anna again because she maybe will have some idea of how to break the curse.
And then Anna shows up, cold and dying. What she says to Hans, specifically, is that she was wrong about Elsa never hurting her, that Elsa has frozen her heart and only an act of true love can save her.
This is the last straw. Sure, eventually Hans would probably have grown to love Anna, but true love at first sight? That’s absurd. And of course, there’s no one else. Clearly something terrible has happened between the sisters, so hoping for love there is pointless. He’s been here two days and not seen so much as a close family friend who might potentially love the girls enough to save them. So now he has a country buried in snow in the middle of the summer by a queen who can’t control her ice curses, and the non-magical princess is going to die.
So Hans does a crappy thing and takes his anger out on a girl who’s going to die. He mocks her for being naive and impulsive, gives her the worst possible scenario just to make her feel stupid, and enjoys her shock and pain. And then he douses the fire and opens a window to make sure she dies quickly, because now Hans has a plan.
You see, witchcraft is a really flimsy excuse for executing a sitting queen, especially when he’s only just got here. But with everyone present perfectly happy to take his word for events, Hans comes up with a way to save everyone and take the kingdom without looking like a monster. All he has to do is say that he and Anna exchanged vows. Elsa’s killed Anna, so now he’s going to execute her for murder. Every story about magic from the era and before suggests that slaying the person who cast the curse will end the curse. He’ll save Arendelle not only from eternal winter, but also from two girls who almost destroyed their own nation with their magic and incompetence.
But, of course, both girls escape, Anna stops Hans and saves herself, and Elsa finally realizes what the trolls should have told her parents all those years ago and saved everyone a lot of pain: love is the key to melting the effects of her powers. 
So Hans is arrested for attempted regicide (despite his actions being assented to and supported by everyone else present), Arendelle cuts off its largest trading partner for the Duke’s role in events, and Anna starts spending time alone with a commoner while Elsa continues to show no interest in marriage arrangements, further eroding the stability of the monarchy. Not to mention the potential massive agricultural and economic problems from the two-day winter.
Part 4: In Conclusion
As I said earlier, I’m not trying to defend Hans’ actions entirely. His tirade at Anna when they were alone was nothing short of abusive. What I’m trying, instead, to offer is an explanation of why his supposed confession doesn’t fit with some of his actions during the course of the movie. I’m trying to frame the events of a movie set in a historical time period in a way appropriate to that time period.
(Yes, I know, it’s a kid’s movie and to some extent a fairy tale, but if your best argument is “well reality should be handwaved for the story” then I would counter that the story’s inconsistencies were actively harmful to the intended message. If the point was to make Hans a gaslighting monster, then don’t make his actions plausibly rational and rely on a single scene to demonstrate that he’s actually monstrous.)
I’ve tried my best to keep this post limited to the content of the movie and extrapolations made from that material. I don’t think Hans should be brought back as a romantic interest (GIVE ELSA A GIRLFRIEND DISNEY) and I don’t think any backstory, up to and including Hans himself suffering abuse, justifies his cruelty. That said, I continue to hope that Frozen 2 will see the return of Hans not as an all-out villain but as someone who knows he’s made mistakes and is working to be a better person.
I mean, if Elsa can be forgiven for plunging the kingdom into eternal winter, maybe Hans can find some resolution, too?
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365daysofsasuhina · 6 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Sixty-Seven: Royalty ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Uchiha Itachi, Hyūga Hiashi ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: To Rule Them All ] [ AO3 Link ]
It’s to be a double coronation of sorts.
Today is the day the elder princess Hinata turns eighteen, and will meet the first of her potential suitors. And in the same breath, so too will she receive her appointed knight: one assigned to guard her life with his own. Much like marriage, only death can part them.
Standing in a small room outside the main hall, he can be found adjusting his armor: checking buckles, buffing at any perceived smudges upon the steel, and ensuring the smooth draw of his sword. She’s to bid him her knight with the blade upon each shoulder, and the last thing he wants is to have it catch while everyone is watching.
Beside him, his brother gives a warm smile. “I can’t begin to say how proud I am, Sasuke. Today, you receive the highest honor a knight could ask for: to be entrusted with a royal life.”
Glancing up, there’s a hint of several emotions in the warrior’s gaze. “...I have to wonder how necessary I’ll be. If she weds a prince, she’ll have an entire army looking after her.”
“True, but not as...directly,” Itachi reminds him. “Unless strictly necessary, you’re not to leave her side. From today on, her life is in your hands...and yours in hers. Both sword and shield shall you be.”
Sasuke can’t help a small sigh. “...it should have been you.”
“...perhaps in birthright, but Life has other plans for me. My fragility of my health is hardly becoming of a knight. I am content in my new path.” A hint of teasing alights his eyes. “I can put my mind to more use as an advisor now - far better than a body that oft betrays me. We’ll leave the hacking and slashing to you, dear brother.”
The jest earns a small smile, head bowing as a huff of humored breath escapes him. “...I suppose you’re right.”
It’s then a steward pokes his head through a door. “Five minutes, now - do be ready.”
The knight gives a curt nod. “Are you needed elsewhere?”
“I am. But I wanted to wish you luck, and relay my pride in you one last time.”
“You speak of it so often, it’s a wonder it’s not invaded my dreams.”
Rolling his eyes, Itachi takes his leave and moves to join the rest of the council. Left behind, his brother moves on from adjusting his gear to taking care of his nerves. Crowds don’t bother him: he’s been both around and within a huge army since he was a small boy. Numbers don’t frighten him.
What does (not that he’ll admit it) is the issue of first impressions. He’s never directly met the princess before. They’ve been in the same room, and he’s seen her from a distance. But they’ve never met eyes, nor spoken to one another. And now, they’re stuck with each other for the rest of their lives. At the very least, he’s heard she’s easy to get on with - kind, patient, if not a little reserved and perhaps timid.
...but he can hardly blame her with a father like Hiashi.
There’s no time to mull that over, however, as the door opens, and he’s guided to the foyer of the main hall. Beyond the doors, he can vaguely hear the pomp and circumstance as the princess is granted her honors and responsibilities. That’s more Itachi’s side of things. His part will come later, once that’s all said and done.
For the moment, he stares at the solid oak doors, eyes flickering over the woodgrain as he does his best to clear his mind. They rehearsed this once (with a stand-in princess: a scullery maid), so at least he knows what to do. But as for what to expect, well...that’s an entirely different matter.
And then he hears his cue.
There’s a slight jerk to his muscles, and then the doors open...slowly. Which he’s thankful for as he regains his composure. The hall is filled to the brim with aristocrats, bureaucrats, and other members of Hiashi’s courts. And among them, he knows, are a few of the potential suitors here to spend weeks vying their heirs to sweep the princess from her castle to their own.
Ignoring the feeling of eyes, Sasuke walks forward. The soft clatters and rustling of his armor fill the hall, and he’s more than thankful he remembered to oil it to prevent any squeaking.
At the end of the aisle, hands clasped at her front, is Hinata.
For a moment his mind entertains the thought of a bride approaching her groom, and he has to grapple with himself to keep from breaking into a smile.
Reaching her after the agonizing walk, Sasuke bows, and then draws his sword, presenting the blade as he kneels. “My lady,” he begins, head declined. “I come before you this day to offer you all that I am: my blade, to cut down your foes; my shield, to protect you from harm; and my life, to be given in your stead should the need arise.”
The weight of his weapon then lifts, and he lets one arm fall to his side as the other braces atop his knee. It then settles instead upon his shoulders as she recites her reply.
“Brave knight, chosen above all others for your skill, your valor, your bravery and your strength. Today I accept your offer. Be my sword, my shield, and my most steadfast protector. May you uphold the traditions of all knights of this realm...and of your bloodline, strong and true. From this day forth...arise, Sasuke of the Uchiha: chosen knight of the princess Hinata of the Hyūga.”
With the ceremony complete, Sasuke brings himself to stand, accepting the blade with another bow before daring to meet her eyes.
They’re soft and light, so unlike his own dark gaze. In tandem, they seem to study his, each clearly trying to get a sense of the other. But they’re not afforded much time before he shifts to a salute, and the king approaches.
“With this long-standing tradition complete, my daughter is now of the age to be courted, and safe in her dealings with a knight of the kingdom at her side. Only the most suitable of princes will be able to take her hand and make her a queen.”
From there, the ceremony seems largely complete, and the guests are given free reign to mingle. Hinata, however, excuses herself to a balcony...and Sasuke follows.
He lingers near the door as she approaches the edge, laying hands atop the railing and staring out. Affording him a glance, she then gives a soft, almost somber smile. “...and so it begins,” she notes quietly.
“My lady?”
“I’m taken from a governess, and given to a knight. Not even a full day of peace to myself. But...I suppose that is simply how it goes.” Half-turning, she seems to appraise him. “...and how do you feel about…all of this?”
His brow furrows just a hair. “...feel…?”
“Surely you’d rather have grand adventures and glorious battles than spend your time attending a princess with so little freedom. I feel guilty...you’ve been trapped.”
“...I consider it an honor. My family has long produced protectors of the throne. As for seeking glory...I’d rather avoid it now.”
“That would mean an attack on your ladyship. And as willing as I am to defend you, I also hope that no one would dare to harm you.”
“Such is the nature of royalty. There’s always some plot or ploy.” Her gaze casts back out past the castle.
After a pause, Sasuke dares to approach, standing beside her. “...I can think of far worse fates than being left in your company, my lady. I only hope I don’t encroach.”
That earns a humorless laugh. “There’s nothing to encroach. My life is hardly exciting. I keep mostly to myself.”
“You’ll have little peace now that you can be wed.”
Something seems to shift in her eyes. “...you swore to protect me...did you not?”
“I did.”
Looking back to him, Hinata searches his eyes, looking imploring. “...then, if I may be so bold...I would ask you protect me from that, as well.”
“...from suitors…? But, my lady, you -”
“I know what will become of me. I am the lesser daughter. My fate lies outside my lands, to the highest bidder. It is my sister who will keep our lands. And I...I will be fodder. Perhaps I’m a coward, but...I fear that fate. Marrying a man who will not love me. He’ll care only for my dowery. A sum to be paid to rid my father of me. And all that will remain to me, mine and only mine...will be you.”
Ever so slightly, Sasuke’s face slackens with surprise.
“...so. If you truly wish to keep your vow...you will protect me not just from harm of the flesh...but harm of the heart. My father will listen to you. He will trust a man’s judgment. If I tell you to rid a man from my roster of suitors...will you do it?”
“...of course. Anything for you, my lady.”
Relief seems to wash over her face, posture wilting. “...thank you. Your brother has spoken of you often...and he knew that I could trust you. I’m glad to hear his words were true.”
“My brother?”
“Yes. He’s told me much about you. He seemed to think that you would accept my odd request.”
He can’t help a small huff of a laugh. “...my duty is first and foremost to you, my lady.”
“Please...if you call me ‘my lady’ every waking moment of every day, I’ll go mad. If we are alone, you may call me Hinata. May I...in turn call you Sasuke?”
“I...would be honored...Hinata.”
“Soon you’ll learn that being royalty isn’t at all as glamorous as the commoners make it out to be,” she warns him softly. “But...it will be all the easier with you at my side.”
“...as I shall remain.”
     Well, not QUITE before midnight, but...well, a little earlier than usual lol      Just your typical knight in shining armor fic, ahaha - it was my first thought with this prompt. I have that pseudo-series with the other prince and princess 'story', but I thought it'd be fun to take a break from that with Sasuke as a knight, instead! If another prompt allows, I'll definitely be following this one up :3      But, for now, that's all from me! Thanks for reading~
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lizzybeth1986 · 7 years
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This is going to be a relatively short post, since the scene doesn’t exactly get Hana-centric until the last few minutes of the diamond sequence. This scene is meant to be a bonus trust-gaining exercise for Penelope (you will still gain her trust even if you don’t take this option), a chance to build reputation by modelling for a famous designer, with some romance in the backstage dressing room. There is very little by way of background story, or emotional investment - in comparison to a scene like the Moonflower scene in Chapter 4. I will try to discuss points that I think this scene touches upon, but I’m afraid the latter part of this essay is going to dissolve into a bit of a rant. Please bear with me.
Past and Present
The girls’ meeting with Lancelin St Clair, results in an interesting proposition. Prior to this scene, the MC gets the chance to wear one of St Clair’s prized outfits, a beautiful flowy gown with an intricate floral print. Just before the show begins, he approaches Hana, whose default pink dress turns out to be one of St Clair’s first original designs. By having both the MC and Hana participate in the show, St Clair manages to place the achievements of both his past and present on an international stage, while also having a Cordonian presence on a platform meant to benefit Cordonia in its time of crisis. Agreeing to his offer is not only a great experience for them but also sends a pretty great message on Cordonian-French ties politically.
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This diamond scene happens at a crucial point in the story. By this time we have learned that the credit card used to purchase the photos belonged to Penelope, and that her past few months at court have been extremely rough. At this point in the story, the MC and Hana are working on building trust in Penelope, so she can eventually confess to them why she was involved in the scheme to smear the MC’s name.
Throughout the second book, Hana is shown to be a comforting, educative presence for Penelope. She validates Penelope’s feelings way before anyone else - even the MC - does, and shows an amazing amount of empathy for Penelope’s situation. Whether it’s the picnic where Hana comforts Penelope on not impressing the suitors, or the Italian dinner where she gives Penelope extremely useful advice for managing crowds, she has shown Penelope that there are people who have her back, even in the Cordonian royal court.
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It is Hana who first suggests to the MC that bringing Penelope along with them will help them later, leading the MC to admire her “craftiness”. But this goes way beyond just craftiness. It goes into Hana’s most special quality: her ability to recognize what certain people need and cater to them. It helps her immensely in educating the MC on international relations, and in this case it helps the MC plan ahead. Hana understands not just how tough Court can be, but also how essential it is to have coping mechanisms in place. Which is why she seems to understand Penelope’s need for her poodles the most.
Modelling History
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For the most part, I had assumed that Hana was part of the nobility. Yet given the evidence building up in the books, it is possible that she might be from a nouveau riche family - one that is aware they are at some disadvantage in high society and therefore feels the need to select a groom for Hana by rank and titles. There have been indications of this as early as chapter 3, where Olivia introduces the other suitors by their lineage, but only refers to Hana by how she is “training to learn the courtly graces of conversation and seduction”. Olivia also implies, later on in the conversation, that her parents are throwing her at every available bachelor in a bid to get her to “climb the social ladder”.
Hana’s parents are extremely rich, but unlike the Cordonian nobles who don’t seem to particularly care much about showing their wealth, they feel the pressure of splurging - both on material things (the yacht, the bull elephant for Liam’s coronation), as well as teaching Hana certain skills to give Hana a competitive edge. One of the many skills she is pushed to learning is modelling.
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Many of Hana’s skills are veered towards making her as appealing to the men who come to see her as possible, no matter how ridiculous it may seem. Hana admits, in the Applewood boutique in Book 2 Chapter 4, that her mother taught her to fake being clumsy because it would make her look like a “damsel-in-distress”. The modelling is another attempt at making her appear desirable, one that they realise might backfire on her later. Much of Hana’s training teaches her to put up a front: a helpless, delicate yet alluring front that is meant to draw suitors to her, but doesn’t help her very much when she wants to actively pursue someone.
Taking Charge
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(The screenshots in this section have been taken from the Abhirio YouTube channel)
The best part of this sequence definitely lies in the backstage dressing-room romance, for several reasons. One: it allows the Hana-shipping reader to choose how they want to kiss her. Two: in both options, she is an enthusiastic participant - nor shy nor baffled by the attention anymore, but confident in her lover’s desire for her and her own needs. In fact in the “be rough” option, she takes charge, kissing the MC’s neck as she presses her against a wall.
This scene is special, because Hana seems not just to be responding to the MC’s advances but taking initiative as well. She answers the MC’s pleas to kiss her with a knowing smile and “well, what are you waiting for?”, presses her against the wall as she kisses her neck, straight-out tells the MC she fantasizes about her (“in dressing rooms…and elsewhere”). When another model enters the dressing-room, it is the MC who is flustered by the interruption, and Hana who - smoothly and confidently - acts like nothing had happened mere seconds ago.
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This scene shows us a Hana who is a little more comfortable in her sexuality and her needs than what we’ve usually seen. She takes initiative, she is less shocked at the notion that the object of her affections loves her back, and she is an active participant in their makeout sessions. For someone from a background like hers’, someone who has learned her entire life to place what she wants on the back-burner, being able to do this is a very big deal. And it is essential she reaches this point sometime in the story, because by the time they reach China, there is a chance we might meet her parents and confront/convince them about how harmful their methods are, and help them see her side of things for once. This is only truly possible when Hana is certain about what she wants, enough to attend least make it clear to her parents that she should be able to decide how she wants to live her life.
With this ends my analysis of the scene. Which leaves me with something I have been noticing about Hana’s scenes since Book 2 began…
Why Are Hana’s Diamond Scenes Getting the Short End of the Stick?
Take this week’s chapter, for instance. As I have mentioned before, the 8th chapters in the TRR series tend to be a game-changer for all the LIs - with each LI getting an exclusive scene each - and is meant to highlight significant development in the LIs story. Drake’s is shocking and emotional, with the reunion with his sister and discovery that he has a nephew - leading the kiss that occurs later to emerge from an emotional high experienced by both characters. Liam’s shows us a rich symbolic parallel to their first meeting and their boat trip to see Liberty, and touches briefly on why being King matters so much to him - leading the kiss to emerge organically and naturally.
Hana, on the other hand? She barely features except at the beginning of her own damn Diamond sequence, and the focus is on her only during the dressing room scene. Yes, the scene is about a number of things, such as representing Cordonia and getting Penelope to trust them, but because this is such a mish-mash of different things, Hana recieves very little by way of character development or actual story. The kiss in the dressing room may be passionate and amazing as an individual scene, but there is precious little buildup to that point compared to Drake’s or Liam’s.
And this isn’t the first time this has happened. In Chapter 2, Hana and Drake both get diamond scenes, but Drake gets to relate the entire flashback even though Hana was literally there. This was one opportunity the writers had to let Hana’s Hot Chocolate scene be more than a catch-up exercise, given that she knew what Liam was planning as well and was as important a player in this game of chess, as Drake was. Yet Drake’s marshmallow-toasting scene, and Liam’s balcony scene in the first chapter, come out richer and more power-packed, than Hana’s.
Hana’s other scene this month, the diamond scene in Chapter 7, is a group scene that begins with her feelings of humiliation and failure, but winds up becoming about everyone else. While this largely worked, we must remember that it was advertised as a Hana scene, but had very little of her.
One would assume that after being the catalyst of a group diamond scene, Hana would get a pretty loaded scene this chapter - with plenty of history and development and a better understanding of her character. After all, Drake was given a group scene with Olivia in Chapter 5, and then an exclusive scene at an Italian restaurant in Chapter 6. It would make sense for Hana to receive the same…yet that isn’t what happens at all. She gets a scene that is several things at once, and we get to know little about her besides a tiny bit of trivia on her brush with modelling.
It isn’t as if Hana cannot have good scenes. Every scene of Hana’s in Book 1 was rich with background history and burgeoning confusing feelings. The Cordonian Waltz where she talks about her broken engagement. The piano scene where she trusts the MC enough to share her music. The binge eating in her room where she confesses her love to the MC for the first time. Her wishlist. All of these were beautiful, emotional experiences…and all of them helped us understand her better. The only Hana-centric diamond scene so far in Book 2, that even compares to the brilliance of these, is the Moonflower sequence in Chapter 4.
The three central places - Capri, Paris, China - are central to three different LIs, yes. And China will eventually be Hana’s home front, s so she may well get better scenes there. But this has never stopped the writers from giving Drake a wonderful scene in Capri or Liam one in Paris. So why do Hana’s scenes since the beginning of the engagement tour include so little of her?
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cute-little-oppas · 7 years
The Prince’s Mage (2/2)
Titled: The Prince's Mage Genre: Fantasy Pairings: jongyu + bits of 2min Length: 35 pages//~12.5k words...hence broken into two parts ^^'
part 1 (tumblr)  //  read on asianfanfics
“Is he alright?” Jonghyun stopped his pacing as soon as Taemin stepped out of Jinki's room.
“I've done all that I could.” Taemin gave him a knowing look. “He lost a lot of blood, we’ll know anything else once he wakes up.” Taemin joined Minho's side.
Kibum heaved a sigh of relief, he had always been skeptical of Jinki, but after today he knew he could trust him, wholly.
“How could’ve this happened?” he asked Minho who had come along with the other Knights.
“I am befuddled as well.” Minho said solemnly. “We increased the guard as per orders, but…”
“They came from father’s chambers. I saw them climb down from the balcony and the windows.” Jonghyun said as he sat down on the upholstery.
Kibum sat up, eyes widening. “Who let them in unnoticed?” he asked raising his eyebrow.
“I think we all know.” Jonghyun said as his eyes met Kibum's.
A few hours later they heard a small groan come in from Jinki's room.
“How are you feeling?” Taemin asked as he sat down beside Jinki, assessing his condition.
“Good.” he said. He turned to Jonghyun who was sitting on the other side, “Did you get hurt? Did they harm you?” he asked.
“No.” Jonghyun said as he held back tears. “Don't ever do anything like this again.” he breathed harshly.
Jinki nodded, “You should not be out here alone, it's still dangerous.” Jinki said as he sat up.
“Kibum and Minho are outside and the Knights are guarding these quarters.” Jonghyun informed.
“Are they any hostages?” Jinki asked.
“No. It was a tough fight, we couldn't even get a scratch on a single one of them. And before we could even figure out what exactly we were fighting, they disappeared in thin air.” Jonghyun’s eyes were wide as he reiterated what had happened last night.
“Jonghyun…” Jinki began. “There is something that I have not told you.”
“What is it?”
“It was magic that led me to the King’s chambers. I felt it's presence and I found your Uncle in those chambers.” he said solemnly.
“I’ll have the chambers investigated again.” he said as he took Jinki’s hand in his.
“Let me look into it.” Jinki supplied. “If there was magic involved it would be easier if I search.”
“If we search,” Taemin spoke up, “I am not going to let you put yourself in danger again.” he shook his head.
“Fine. I'll help you, too.” Jonghyun said as he kissed Jinki's palm.
“Can you feel it?” Jinki asked Taemin as soon the doors to the King’s chambers were opened.
“Yes…” he said looking around. “It feels so strange, so different, very different from my magic as well as yours.”
“Indeed.” Jinki said as he walked around the chambers. “Indeed very different.”
“Jinki!” Taemin called out as he stood in front of the mirror.
 Jinki found Taemin tracing the pattern carved onto the sides if the mirror.
 “I don't remember the mirror having such carvings.” Jonghyun looked at them puzzled.
 “The mirror was used as a portal.” Jinki said a few minutes later.
 “It seems like your uncle has befriended someone who posses very strong and dark magic.” Taemin disclosed.
  They were back in Jonghyun's chambers. Jinki lay down on Jonghyun's bed as he watched Jonghyun pace around, his eyebrows scrunched up in worry.
 Jinki sighed, “What is it?” he asked.
 “Well I can't simply walk into Kibum's chambers and inform him about what we found out. He'll have many secondary questions and the answers of which are you and Taemin.” he said as he sat down beside Jinki.
 Jinki took Jonghyun's hand in his, playing with his fingers, occasionally caressing his palm. He spoke up after sometime. “Ask Kibum to begin the preparations for your coronation.”
  The next day Jinki was out in the town market headed back from the florist for the decorations of the coronation ceremony.
 He felt it again. The same magic, the same dark magic he had felt that day and felt it's presence in the room. As he neared the source, the town inn, he felt the presence grow stronger and stronger, almost as if the mage was right behind the wooden doors.
 “Are you headed back to the castle?”
 Jinki turned around at Minho's voice.
 He contemplated a bit. If he confronted the mage now, in such a crowded place, then he would be putting Taemin in danger along with him. “Yes.” he replied to Minho.
 “Come along then. We are headed back to the castle too.”
  Jinki's mind was pacing, the mage’s presence in town signified that the decision of pushing forth Jonghyun's coronation had irked his uncle off. And the mage’s presence in town could only mean that they would stop at nothing to see that Jonghyun does not ascend.
 “That mage is in town.” Jinki informed Taemin as soon as he reached his quarters.
 “You found them? Did you see who it was?” Taemin asked as he wiped his hands clean of the mud.
 “I didn't. But I felt their presence in the town, which was strongest near the inn.”
 “So they are staying in the inn then.” Taemin derived. “Did you inform Jonghyun?” he asked.
 “Yes. Minho's gone to search the inn. But…”
 “I don't think this mage will be caught so easily.” Jinki thought. “I have a bad feeling about all this.”
 “I know.” Taemin heaved, ruffling his hair in frustration.
  After Jinki had informed Jonghyun about the presence of the mage in town, Jonghyun found himself restless, unable to focus on anything, his mind occupied by only one thought. What could he even do if they caught the mage?
 He nodded his command when the door guard informed him that Minho was here.
 “Here's the list of the current occupants of the inn, Your Highness.” Minho gave Jonghyun a parchment with names.
 “Anything suspicious about them?” Jonghyun asked as he handed over the list to Kibum once he had looked through it.
 “Nothing seems out of place, Your Highness.” Minho's forehead creased with confusion. “Many of them are here to attend the coronation tomorrow.” he informed. “Why did you make us search the inn?” he finally asked. “Is it related to the assassination attempt?”
 “Yes,” Jonghyun said after a while, sitting back in his chair.
 “You think the one who was behind it is currently in town?” Minho asked.
 “I do have my fair share of doubts, yes.” Jonghyun responded as discreetly as he could. He knew Minho was still unaware about Taemin and Jinki.
 “I'll send Taecyeon and Joon to keep an eye on the inn.” Minho bowed.
 “So why did you have the inn searched?” Kibum asked once the doors were closed after Minho left.
 “I...I don't know. I thought I'll start somewhere. And even that didn't live upto my expectation.”
 Kibum stared at Jonghyun for a while. “You are hiding something from me,” he said. “And I pray this secret of yours won't land you in anything more grave.”  he added earnestly.
  Jinki stared outside Jonghyun's balcony as he waited for him to return from his counsel with Minho and Kibum. His heart was heavy, mind confused. He knew not to expect much from the search, but he couldn't help himself feel nervous at the result Jonghyun would soon speak to him.
 “Nothing out of the ordinary about the inn residents.” Jonghyun informed Jinki as soon as his chamber doors were closed behind him.
 “Predictable.” Jinki said.
 “But I don't understand why would my uncle form an alliance with a mage!” Jonghyun exclaimed. “He was the one who was so adamant on passing that degree, so determined to see the purge take place.” Jonghyun voiced his confusion.
 “Maybe…” Jinki began, “Maybe he was offered help, offered help to get rid of you for once and for all.” Jinki said slowly.
 “I have travelled many a places, met many people, many mages, whose life was destroyed by the purge. And they all have only you to blame.” Jinki said seriously.
 Jonghyun sat down on his bed, his demeanour defeated. “I knew, I knew I had it coming for me. It was all my fault. I should have never convinced Mother and Father to leave for the colloquy. It was all my fault.” Jonghyun shook his head.
 “No it is not.” Jinki said angered by Jonghyun's train of thoughts. “I've told you time and again that it was never your fault. Just because a decree was passed under your name...just because the purge was carried out under your name doesn't make you responsible for it! For God’s sake you were only a child Jonghyun!” Jinki exclaimed. “You never had any say in it!”
 “But now it is isn't it?” Jonghyun said, his tears finally breaking free.
 “It will never be.” Jinki said softly as he kneeled in front of Jonghyun. “You cannot be held responsible for somebody else's decision, a decision purely made out of greed and fear.”
 “What are you saying?” Jonghyun asked confused, as he wiped his tears.
 “I've always known it, had an inkling of an doubt that your parents death was not just a mere murder but a planned assassination. “ Jinki revealed. “But after the events of the past days, I am certain that the same attempt is going to be made again to take your life.”
 “You are saying Uncle was responsible for my parents death?” Jonghyun asked as he sat up straight.
 “Upon my travels, I had heard of this mad man who claimed he was the mage who killed the King and Queen. And when I found him, I was certain he was no mad man, yes he was going senile due to old age, but what he claimed was true. I...I can look into people's memories too, Jonghyun. And that is how I knew he was not lying.”
 “And did he say he was hired by my uncle?”
 “No he didn't speak up, I searched his memories.” Jinki added remorseful.
 “Where is he now?” Jonghyun asked, anger tinting his tone.
 “His madness eventually caught up to him, and he completely lost his senses.”
 “Good.” Jonghyun seethed. “But..” Jonghyun spoke a few seconds later, “But I don't understand why hadn't my uncle killed me then? Why keep me alive?” He asked Jinki.
 “He had never expected a Sixteen-year-old young boy to stand up to him. The boy who calmly stood up in court and reminded his uncle that the Prince was still alive, when the accession of the throne was brought up. Kibum has been protecting you since.” Jinki smiled.
 “You too,” Jonghyun said, “I know you always casted a protection spell whenever you left.” he caressed Jinki’s cheek. “Then why did he want the decree to be passed, if a mage helped him out then and even now?” Jonghyun asked instantly the question that arose in his mind.
 “Hmm,” Jinki thought as he sat down on the bed. “He had a fear, a rational fear I should say, that someone might use the same means to get done with him. And by outlawing the mages he even made sure that the mage he had hired would never be able to disclose his doings.”
 “So that is why he is so resolved to get you and Taemin out of the palace.”
 “He believes I am the prince's mage and I shall prove it to him that I am.” He smirked.
 “What are you going to do?” Jonghyun asked.
 “Fight fire with fire.” Jinki said determined. “Rest now my prince, it's an important day tomorrow.” Jinki kissed Jonghyun softly on his cheek.
  The next day Jinki waited for Jonghyun who was being helped get dressed. Once he stepped out from behind the screen Jinki bowed down. Jonghyun truly looked magnificent. The blue and white robes of the King were definitely made for him. His hair was pushed back, and the thin band, encrusted with azure stones and diamond rested on his forehead, the prince's crown. But today he would no longer be the Prince.“My King.” Jinki said with a small smile on his lips.
 Jonghyun smiled back. “Help me with the rest.” he said.
 “Always at your service, Your Highness.” Jinki teased as he helped tie the royal sword around his waist.
 Once the other attendees left, Jinki approached Jonghyun, making the distance between them intimate. “You truly look like a king. The king Abyad deserves.” he took Jonghyun's hand in his as he led him to the doors.
“Your crown, your throne and your Kingdom await you, Your Majesty.”
  Jonghyun’s coronation, like the previous ceremonies that had taken place in the palace, was being held at one of the lower terraces, the ones that had a better view of the public and vice versa.
 The terrace was decorated with white and blue flowers, the royal colors of Abyad.
 The amount of soldiers in and around the palace were increased. The Knights were standing behind Jonghyun and Kibum, as the herald read out the King's pledge.
 Jinki watched from the sidelines with Taemin as they stood beside Minho. Jinki was analyzing the crowd as Taemin kept an eye on In Jung.
 Jinki was searching for an anomaly, for any irregularity, any diversion. He heard the trumpets signifying the commencement of the actual ceremony.
 He watched Kibum gently remove Jonghyun’s  band and replace it with the King's crown. As Jonghyun moved forward to greet the crowd that had gathered, Jinki saw something in the sky, approaching at an alarming speed. He immediately covered the distance between himself and Jonghyun, alerting Taemin as well.
 It all happened in a matter of seconds. A huge rock, engulfed in flames, collided with the balustrade of the terrace. The terrace gave away under the impact and the fire spread along the decorations.
 Jonghyun felt himself getting pulled, he looked up puzzled to find Jinki pulling him into his embrace.
There was a loud bang and his balance was thrown off. He heard screams and cries as he held onto Jinki tighter.
 “Are you alright?”
 Jonghyun slowly opened his eyes upon Jinki's whisper. “What happened?!” he exclaimed as he looked around.
 He was suspended in mid air with Jinki on a piece of the terrace floor that crumbled under the rocks impact. His eyes wide as he looked around, the remaining debris of the terrace were still in mid air, suspended, along with the other boulders that were meant to destroy the castle. He saw Taemin looking to him, his hands extended out in front of him, his usual grey eyes having a spark of blue in them. He was using magic.
 He immediately turned to Jinki, fear settling into the depths of his heart. He was acquainted with seeing the spark of gold in Jinki's hazel eyes that he hadn't realized what the spark of gold implied.
 “What are you doing?” Jonghyun asked, his voice tinted with worry.
 “Fighting fire with fire.” Jinki said as he slowly helped Jonghyun down on the part of the terrace that was not destroyed.
He nodded to Taemin, who along with him directed the debris and the boulders away from the castle, away from the people standing below, directed it beyond the horizon.
 “I knew it!” they heard In Jung roar. “The prince was harbouring mages.” he shouted.
 A loud murmur arose in the crowd at his words.
 “Would you rather have the King dead?” Taemin retaliated.
 “The King? He's no longer the King! He's an offender of the Law!” In jung shouted. “He’s not fit to be a King!”
 “Says who?” Jinki asked, his voice booming, quieting the crowd. “We'll deal with the matters of the court later, right now we have more pressing matters at hand.” He turned to Minho, “There's a rogue mage at large, adamant on spilling blood. We have to get the people out of the way from harm.”
 Minho took a few more minutes to process what had been told, his mind still in a state of shock.
 “Minho?” Jinki called for his attention.
 “Yes, yes, we'll get everyone away from here.” he turned around immediately shouting orders to the soldiers.
 “Jinki the soldiers have not been able to douse the fire.” Taemin said agitated as he followed Jinki.
 “Dragon fire?” Jinki whispered to him stopping momentarily, his eyes focusing on Jonghyun who was currently being escorted to a safer place.
 Taemin nodded, his dark eyes speaking of the imperilment of the situation.
“Jonghyun isn't safe in the castle.” Taemin said. “What if there are more portals in the palace?”
 Jinki turned to him, his mind buzzing with his thoughts. “Take Jonghyun to our quarters, I'll join you there.” he sprinted off down, in the direction of the dungeons.
  The dungeons were dark and murky, the stifling smell of old and rotten made it hard to breath. Jinki uttered a small spell illuminating his path as he made way to the cells that lay in the back. The cells that contained the artifacts from the purge.
 His father's collection of books was vast, ranging from herbs to spells and even magical beings and beasts. He knew he'd be able to find an answer once he finds those books.
 Upon searching the third cell, he found his father's books stashed away in a corner. He hurriedly scanned through them searching for the one he was looking for. He smiled when he found it.
  “Where have you been?” Jonghyun pulled Jinki in his embrace. “I was so worried.”
 “Looking for a solution,” Jinki said as he separated from Jonghyun and showed him the book.
 “You both truly are mages then,” Kibum commented from where he sat on the upholstery.
 “Yes.” Taemin quipped, as he took the book from Jinki, placing it on his table as he looked through it.
 “The fire could not be extinguished because it came from a dragon.” Jinki explained. “We do not know when and where the mage will strike or how they will strike, for that matter. All we know that they have a dragon under their control.”
 “And a magical army too.” Taemin added as he pushed the book across the table to Jinki.
 The book was opened to a page describing beings who were created of magic, resembling humans in appearance but  having immeasurable strength, their skin so thick and dense, that it was difficult to cut through with a sword.
 “If they can't be defeated by our armory, then is there any spell that can stop them?” Jonghyun asked after he had read through.
 “I...I know a spell.” Taemin said as he stood up. “I need to find Minho.”
 “What about the dragon?” Kibum asked as Taemin left.
 “The dragon,” Jinki said turning the pages of the book, “Can only be killed by a sword fabricated by this spell in the presence of dragon fire.” he closed the book after he had memorised the spell his father had scribbled along the margins.
 “I'll need you and your sword Jonghyun.” Jinki began explaining his ploy.
  As Taemin searched through the palace he knew he was late. There were bodies of soldiers strewn everywhere. He frantically searched for Minho, praying that he was safe.
 “Taemin!? What are you doing out here?”
 Taemin turned around at Joon’s voice. “I am searching for Minho.” he said as he waited for Joon to join his side.
 “Come with me then,” Joon said, “He asked us all to regroup in the armory.”
  When Taemin entered the armory his eyes instantly found Minho. Minho who was currently injured, a large gash across his cheek. He placed his hand above Minho's cheek as he muttered a healing spell.
 “Thank you.” Minho smiled unsurely when he felt smooth skin under his fingers on his cheek.
 “You can't defeat those beings with just your sword.” Taemin informed them. “They are magical beings with immense strength and skin so tough that a blade cannot cut through them.”
 There were noises of agreement all around, as they all had just experienced what Taemin had spoke of.
 “But there is way, a spell that can bewitch your swords to cut through them.” he spoke. “Place your swords here.” he gestured to the table.
 Taemin saw the soldiers as well as the Knights hesitate. He knew it was natural. For years they had all been taught about the evils of magic, the way it can corrupts someone's soul, the harm it possessed. Hesitance was expected.
“Please let me help you, otherwise you will only fight and die in vain.” he pleaded.
 The silence that had followed his words was broken when Minho placed his sword on the table in front of Taemin.
 Taemin looked to him gratefully. After Minho had placed his sword down, the other Knights did the same, soon followed by the remaining army.
 Taemin casted the spell once all the swords and arrows were placed in front of him. The men soon dispersed according to Minho’s strategy carrying their bewitched weapons with them.
 Minho was the last one remaining, standing there, gazing at Taemin.
 “Do you hate me now?” Taemin asked softly.
 Minho shook his head. “I don't think I can ever hate you Taemin. “
 “Do you fear me then?” Taemin asked instead, preparing himself for the obvious answer Minho would give.
 “Yes.” Minho said as he picked up his sword.
 Taemin’s heart fell, no matter how much he tried to prepare himself it still stung. He felt Minho’s finger on his chin, as he lifted his head, making their eyes meet.
 “I fear, my heart will always remain yours, Lee Taemin.” Minho placed a soft kiss on Taemin’s lips.
  Jinki paced around his room. Where could the mage hide the dragon? The castle didn't have mirrors large enough to be used as a portal for a dragon. Where were they hiding? The town was out of question, a dragon would definitely not go unnoticed. And he knew the mage would not take the risk of being sighted by having the dragon fly to them. So, where was a portal large enough for a dragon?
 He stopped his pacing, the lake. The lake was large enough to be used as a portal. He put on his cloak quickly, they had to hurry, try to stop the mage before they could even finish the summoning.
  “There,” Jonghyun whispered as they stopped at a safe distance from the lake. They saw a hooded figure kneeling down on the shore, a wooden staff in their hand, inscribing something on the sand.
 “The portal has not been finished yet,” Jinki informed. “And we should not let it be finished.”  Jinki quietly led the way towards the mage.
 “If the dragon isn't here, then how did the mage get the dragon fire?” Jonghyun asked as he followed Jinki.
 “Dragon fire can be liquified and can be bottled and  carried.” Jinki supplied.
 Once they were at a safe range, Jinki uttered a spell, making the staff fly out of the mage’s hand.
 “You took your time to find me, my prince.” the mage said as they got up from where they were sitting. They slowly turned around, pulling their hood back to reveal long auburn hair freckled with strands of grey.
 “You!” Jonghyun exclaimed. Though he had not seen the women for many years, but he would definitely not forget her or her kind face. The face of the governess who had nurtured to him after his parent's death.
“You are a mage, Aarae?” Jonghyun asked as he stepped forward.
 “And so was my husband.” She seethed. “You do not know the torment I faced everyday, teaching and smiling at the face of my husband's murderer.” she stretched out her hand, her staff flying right into her palm.
 “Get behind me.” Jinki pushed Jonghyun behind as he casted a barrier around them.
 “Why are you helping him?” Aarae directed her staff at Jinki's barrier, blistering it in a matter of seconds. “He is the reason your father had to leave you behind.”
 “My father did what he thought was right. And are you really going to blame a six year old child for a decision he never made?” The spell Jinki casted knocked her out a little away from the inscribings. They had to erase them.
 “Don't you dare!” Aarae shouted, getting up on her feet in a matter of seconds and directing a spell in Jonghyun's direction.
 Jinki rushed to Jonghyun's side, casting a protective spell again as he helped Jonghyun up.
“Are you fine?” he asked.
 “A little light headed.” Jonghyun mumbled as he regained his footing.
 Jinki nodded. “I have casted all the protective spells and barriers I know  around you. This time it won't break easily.”
 The sound of wood scratching against the sand, made Jinki's heart stop. He removed the dagger he kept hidden in his side and approached Aarae.
The spell he casted threw the woman off balance. He immediately collected her staff and destroyed the crystal on it, effectively destroying the magic it contained.
 Aarae laughed as there was a large rumble in the ground, the inscribings she had drawn in sand glowing. “You were too late.” she cackled.
 “Jinki!” Jonghyun called out to him as he threw his royal sword at him. “Cast your spell.” he said. “I'll distract them both.” he unsheathed another sword.
 “The man you are helping is the reason for your misery.” Jonghyun said as he approached Aarae, who was now currently seated on top of the dragon she had summoned. The dragon’s golden scales made it difficult for Jonghyun to see, the light reflecting off it in every way. He moved to the side, bringing down his sword and opening up a large gash on the dragon's tail.
 “You are my misery,” Aarae said, the spell she casted making Jonghyun stumble.
 “Jonghyun.” Jinki called out as he directed his sword to him. “You know what we have to do.”
 Jonghyun nodded as he discarded his other sword once the royal sword was in his hand.
He kept angering the dragon, as Jinki kept Aarae distracted.
“Come on, give me your fire.” Jonghyun muttered as he dragged his sword through the dragon’s wing.
 The dragon roared in agony, turning towards Jonghyun, opening it's mouth wide.
 “Finally.” Jonghyun moved forward, holding the sword up directly in the path of the dragon's fire.
He was too distracted by the fire that he did not see the dragon's tail swing down on him.
 “No!” Jinki exclaimed, as he casted a huge spell, knocking Aarae off the dragon's back.
“You are foolishly blinded by your anger and your thirst for revenge, that you do not see the truth.” Jinki raised his hands, sending frost in the direction of the dragon.
 “In Jung planned it all. The King and Queen’s assassination, the decree, the purge, and you blamed a small innocent child for it all? Can you not see the truth.” Jinki shouted as he casted another spell on Aarae, the force of it knocking her into the trees.
 Jinki cried out when he felt the dragon's claws dig into his skin. The dragon had freed himself from his spell.
It only took a few moments for the dragon to pin him down. “Jonghyun! Jonghyun!” he called out.
  Jonghyun stirred, his head was heavy, blood obstructing his vision. He stood up immediately when he saw Jinki pinned down on the ground, the dragon's claw digging slowly into his chest.
 “Jinki!” Jonghyun shouted as he ran towards them. The dragon grunted in his direction, removing his claws from Jinki.
 He saw Jinki lying motionless on the ground, blood oozing out from his chest. “No!” he roared as he ran forward, his sword held high.
 The dragon used its tail to throw Jonghyun off his feet, but Jonghyun didn't deter, he had to get rid of the dragon at any cost. He couldn't let the dragon attack his people.
 He moved back, circling the dragon, trying to find an opening. He aimed for the dragon's wing, tearing it, and getting himself an opening. He pushed the sword through the dragon’s chest, making it roar out in pain, it clawed at Jonghyun, trying to get him away, but Jonghyun twisted the sword and drove it deeper.
 He fell to the ground as the dragon swung it's claw at him one last time.
  It was too bright, and the heat was stifling. He groaned as he slowly tried opening his eyes.
 “How are you feeling?” he heard Taemin ask. He blinked a few times, till Taemin’s face was clear.
 “Thirsty and hot.” Jinki said as he tried to move the blankets away from him.
 “Shh don't move, or you'll open up the wounds.” Taemin removed the blankets and helped Jinki sit up.
 “Can't you do anything about it?” Kibum asked as he sat down beside Taemin. “There should be a spell to heal him completely.”
 “There are spells, but spells don't work on wounds inflicted by beings of magic.” Taemin explained.
 “Where’s Jonghyun?” Jinki asked as he looked around his room.
 “He's resting in his chambers.” Kibum informed.
 “He's fine.” Jinki whispered to himself. “The dragon's dead?” Jinki asked.
 “Yes.” Kibum smiled. “You both killed it, and Aarae has been captured too.”
 “Okay, drink this up.” Taemin said as he brought a small bowl to him.
 “Rest well.” Kibum and Taemin left Jinki's room when they saw the medicine show it's effect.
  The next time Jinki's eyes opened, it was night. His room was illuminated by the cool moonlight that was pouring in through his window. He saw Jonghyun sitting on the edge of his bed, looking out. “Hey,” he said softly, attracting Jonghyun's attention to him.
 “Hey,” Jonghyun smiled as he moved in closer. “How are you feeling now?” he asked.
 “Better,” Jinki said, “a little painful.” he added.
 “Taemin said wounds inflicted by a dragon cannot be healed by magic.” Jonghyun said as he caressed Jinki’s cheeks.
 “How are you?” Jinki asked as he leaned into Jonghyun's touch.
 “I am fine. Don't worry about me.” Jonghyun shook his head. “I only suffered a few scratches, but you were almost killed.”
“Do you want some water?” Jonghyun asked.
 Jinki nodded as he sat up. He felt his chest, the wound was almost healed, but was still wet around the edges.
 “How are things at court?” Jinki asked as he placed the glass away.
 “Uncle has been exiled, if he's ever spotted in the Kingdom he's to be killed on sight.”
 “Good. Kibum's orders aren't they?” he asked.
 “Yes. He didn't like him too. His mother died waiting for her brother to visit her one last time, which Uncle never did.”
 “Any conflicts upon your claim of the throne?” Jinki asked as he eased back into his bed.
 “Well, there will always be a lord or two who wouldn't like my way.” Jonghyun smiled. “Kibum passed a new decree.”
 “Really?” Jinki’s eyebrows raised in interest.
 “Yes. A decree allowing the use of magic within the Kingdom, but there are a few restrictions to it's use.” he said. “And, well, not everybody is forthcoming with it.” he gave a small smile.
 Jinki hummed as he lay down in bed, his eyes heavy as he yawned.
 “I'll let you rest.” Jonghyun chuckled as he got up from bed.
 “Stay with me.” Jinki asked him. Jonghyun smiled as he undid his boots, he would always stay with him.
  “The preparations are completed, Your Majesty.” Kibum informed as he entered the King's chambers.
 After the crowning ceremony it was obligatory for the King to go on a review of his Kingdom and have a formal greeting with the allies. Jonghyun's review had been held back as long as they could, so that both him and Jinki could be healed completely. Once they were both in good health, the plans for the reviews were drawn up.
 This time Jinki did not hesitate to take Taemin’s place as the court physician to accompany Jonghyun and his nights. (Though he knew his acceptance of the offer had angered one particular Knight.)
 “Thank you.” Jonghyun said. He turned to Jinki, “Come let's be on our way.”
 As they were saying their goodbyes, Kibum approached Jinki. “What happened at the ceremony was just a beginning.” he told Jinki. He looked to Jonghyun who was currently speaking to Taemin, “Protect him. At all costs.” he said.
 Jinki smiled as he got on his horse. “Don't worry, my lord,” he said as he took the horse's reins in his hand, “after all I am the Prince’s-I apologize- after all I am The King's Mage.” he curtsied.
  ---The End---
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