#like we don't know who is how got there what he's in chb for?? his mind was so blank that even I felt confused for the poor guy
i have ALWAYS promptly looked forward to jason grace's povs in the hoo books to the point where'd I'd flip the pages till I find the words "JASON" and would count the amount of povs he has in the whole book before I even finished reading, so I feel excited knowing that I'll get to his povs soon. there, I said it.
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aroaceleovaldez · 24 days
i'm so happy you brought back up the topic of rick's shitty writing of anyone even remotely non white / "white passing"
with that being said, do you think the shitty script he gave to annabeth in the show has to do with him just being deeply uninterested in adapting his story to include characters of color? bc it seems like once rick encounters a character that cannot be easily erased all ethnic or racial identity of to fit them into an usamerican specifically white ass narrative, he gets lost.
i just keep thinking how the only thing that "changed" about annabeth as presented in the show was her race but her plot relevance and her characterization got downgraded severely. meanwhile percy, whiter than before (wheres the mediterranean god look......................................), got half her functions. like i just look at rick in context and i wonder if he just gives so little fuck about characters of color he cant even write a decent character arc for an adaptation of a very established persona
thoughts? thank u!
I wouldn't be surprised if it's Rick (and the writer's room, since it actually seems Rick isn't all that heavily involved if much at all with the script itself based on some interviews) just has internal biases that he refuses to reflect on. It would be a consistent trend with the uptick in offensive writing in the books themselves (see: the troglodytes in general, all the Jewish kids in CHB being in Hermes cabin, etc etc). Rick seems to want to engage with these topics but refuses to actually assess how he's approaching it and his own biases while also overemphasizing his engagement with the topics. It's a kind of big talk/words vs actions type thing to me.
[this got a wee bit long so throwing it under a cut]
I was having a couple of conversations about this topic recently - one being group reading/discussion of WottG and how, allegedly, the slightly different characterizations in that book are inspired by the actors in the show. Annabeth is repeatedly and frequently described as motherly and maternal in the book, plus some other misc characterizations that make you tilt your head and go "Wait, what about Leah made you want to write Annabeth this way?" and concerns about it leaning into stereotypes. (It's also strange, because in the show Sally is MUCH more aggressive and less maternal, and this is painted like it's supposed to be a girlboss thing cause her being too soft and motherly was too weak or something? But now book Annabeth is now being described as all soft and maternal??? What. What is happening.)
Another conversation that i had with my therapist (cause we talk about pjo a lot lol) and later repeated and discussed more with other folks on discord more specifically regarding the show was a lot of discussion about the casting. Particularly casting choices and how the writing either is refusing to take casting into consideration to respectfully approach how things would be changed to avoid problems or are actively changing the script for characters in a way that is potentially if not downright offensive. Clarisse is the number one example i bring up because a lot of people say that the reason a plus sized actress wasn't cast for her was to avoid the "fat bully" trope. The thing is, there is ALSO a POC bully trope that is just as bad if not worse, so if they were actually taking offensive tropes into consideration one would expect them to avoid that too (especially since Percy was cast as a pasty white boy - which just makes it all look worse)? (Also other plus-sized characters like Dionysus and Gabe were also cast as skinny, same with Tyson. So it just seems like they don't want to cast plus-sized actors either.)
But also they're rewriting stuff that actively puts the casting decisions into worse tropes. Like hey, why is Percy (a white guy) the one who knows the "real" versions of all these myths and is expositioning them to Annabeth (a black girl), who in the books is supposed to know more than him? Why does he know better than her for some reason and have to guide her? Why is Percy teaching Annabeth about pop culture and how to be a kid? Not to mention stuff like the show constantly encouraging the viewer to doubt or distrust characters like Grover and Clarisse and Annabeth as red herrings as to who the traitor is. Plus there's no adjustments to stuff from the books like Annabeth initially being somewhat aggressive/antagonistic towards Percy, or Clarisse's aggression and bullying towards Percy to try and circumvent those being bad tropes in the contexts of the casting.
And there's an ongoing trend of characters who are antagonistic towards Percy in the books being divided into two groups: those who continue to be antagonistic towards Percy in the show, or those who are tweaked to suddenly become kinda silly-goofy and significantly less threatening. Gabe, Dionysus, Ares, and Hades are all examples of characters that should be antagonistic towards Percy but are softened SIGNIFICANTLY and played for laughs in the show. Echidna is played as a twist antagonist because she initially because she approaches the kids as very sweet and helpful. And they're all cast as white! Meanwhile other characters like Clarisse, Luke, Zeus, etc, are still antagonistic towards Percy (plus also like Annabeth initially and again, Grover being painted as a major red herring). Plus some new additions like Hermes, Mr. Lin Manuel Miranda himself, being wholly introduced into the plot when he's not supposed to appear until book 2, and all he does is sabotage the quest. Like, it's weird! That's a weird writing decision!!!! I get wanting to get that sweet sweet LMM cameo money, but, why is Hermes an antagonist here???????? he's not even supposed to be here yet!.
We also have stuff like Poseidon (who, like many of the god/major kid pairings so far seems to have been cast to match each other appearance-wise) saving the day for Percy and being this weirdly good dad, versus the books where we get the iconic "I am sorry you were born" line and Percy and Poseidon's tension is part of their arcs. Notably, Poseidon does this by ceding to Zeus, who is actively about to start a war. While Gabe is rewritten to be a total loser, Sally is MUCH more aggressive and her yelling and screaming at young Percy is supposed to be sympathetic for some reason? If Gabe were acting like Sally does in the show, he would actually be significantly more like his book counterpart! The show is making active decisions to paint these characters the way they do!
Admittedly, part of it may just be they got overzealous with their casting (not inherently a bad thing! diverse casting is good!) and then proceeded to not consider how that casting affects the way the characters are perceived. It also doesn't bode well for certain guesses we can make going further into the show - Thalia is very at odds with Percy initially. She's a very aggressive character. They fight a lot! Also Annabeth's description already implies that they're tweaking Thalia's character to be more "tough love" versus the books where she's significantly more of a bleeding heart when she first meets Annabeth. Like, I'm very happy about Thalia's casting, her actress seems amazing, but also I'm VERY concerned with how they're going to approach her character to make sure it doesn't end up wildly offensive. Athena is similar - we can guess based on casting decisions so far that they're going to try and cast Athena as similar in appearance to Annabeth/Leah. The show has already painted Athena has antagonistic and uncaring towards her daughter. If projected trends continue, these things are not gonna be great.
And the show does seem to rarely want to engage with these topics - like the scene with the cop in the train. You can tell what they wanted to address by having Annabeth be the one to confront him. The thing is they were too cowardly to actually have that conversation! They paint the kids as being unreasonable and getting unnecessarily upset when they aren't directly being accused of destroying a room, therein painting the cop as the one in the right in that situation. The implication seems to be a little bit they were going for "Oh, this is Annabeth's hubris getting them into trouble" but. that's such a bad way to do it! That's like the worst way you could have done it! (This is also a trend in books from HoO onwards, more or less - Rick tries to engage with certain topics, often using characters of specific demographics, and then proceeds to do a really bad job of it.)
There are also some aspects that are just like - in the books, Luke being a middle-class blond-haired blue-eyed pretty white boy is relevant! Because the fact that he has privilege from that particularly in how he's perceived is part of how he came to where he is and why he acts the way he does. Percy not having those same privileges, and having aspects like constantly inherently being labeled as a trouble-maker just based on his atypical (neurodivergent) behavior and coming from a lower socioeconomical background play heavily into his character!!! Percy being both a poor and disabled kid (and implied potentially POC) plays DIRECTLY into why he feels so strongly about standing up for other disenfranchised kids (in SoM, explicitly including other disabled kids and kids of color). It directly relates to his experiences and standing up for kids who are like him because he didn't have that, versus Luke whose perceptions and goals are very self-oriented. Now, in the show, we've essentially swapped Percy and Luke's appearances, and that paints a very different narrative. And that's important to acknowledge!
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reythenerdypisces · 7 months
things that I overlooked in PJO the first time / small, funny things I noticed during my reread
Part 3: The Titan's Curse
The truth was I was kind of disappointed to hear that she liked her new school so much. It was the first time she'd gone to school in New York. I'd been hoping to see her more often.
I tried to concentrate on little things, like the crepe-paper streamers and the punch bowl - anything but that fact that Annabeth was taller than me, and my hands were sweaty and probably gross, and I kept stepping on her toes.
"The General?" I asked. Then I realised I'd said it in a French accent. "I mean... who's the General?" I want this part to be in the show
"Sweet! Let's go! [to CHB]" said Nico. this breaks my heart. he was so excited in this book
Tyson thought Annabeth was just about the coolest thing since peanut butter (and he seriously loved peanut butter).
"How would you kidnap an immortal goddess? Is that even possible?" "Well, yeah. I mean, it happened to Persephone." "But she was like, the goddess of flowers." Grover looked offended. "Springtime." you tell him grover
"That's some serious danger you're facing." Connor Stoll said. (I liked how he said you and not we.) I'm just imagining the rest of the campers not bothering to go on quests cause it's always the same few demigods and they don't care, they're just chilling safe at CHB while Percy and Annabeth do their things
The creature looked at me sadly. "Moooo!" But I couldn't understand his thoughts. I only speak horse. Percy Jackson speaks two languages: English and Horse
With a shiver, I realised that five hundred or a thousand years from now, Bianca di Angelo would look exactly the same as she did today. She might be having a conversation like this with some other half blood long after I was dead but Bianca would still look twelve years old. ouch
"It wants to kill us!" Thalia said. "Of course." Grover said. "It's wild!" "So how is that a blessing?" Bianca asked.
"That's us," he said. "Those five nuts right there." "Which one is me?" I asked. "The little deformed one," Zoe suggested.
When she smiled at me, just for a moment she looked a little like Annabeth. I know everyone talks about this part but I can't help but bring it up again, they are so cute
"Woah, first of all, I never said anything about love. And second, what's up with tragic!" little does he know. also, Percy is so incredibly insightful in this book but he's also so jealous of Annabeth and Luke and so upset about the idea of her joining the hunters yet still can't figure out that he likes her
"Seven hundred feet tall," I said. "Built in the 1930s." "Five million cubic acres of water," Thalia said. Grover sighed. "Largest construction project in the United States." Zoe stared at us. "How do you know all that?" "Annabeth," I said. "She liked architecture." I cannot explain how much this little bit means to me.
The girl I'd just tried to slice in half yelped and dropped her Kleenex. "Oh my god." she shouted. "Do you always kill people when they blow their nose?" Rachel's here!!! I love her
Five minutes later, Zoe had me outfitted in a ragged flannel shirt and jeans three sizes too big, bright red sneakers, and a floppy rainbow hat. someone draw this and tag me. what an outfit
Suddenly it occurred to me: this had happened to her before. She had been cornered on Half-Blood Hill. She'd willingly given her life for her friends. But this time, she couldn't save us. How could I let that happen to her? he is the most empathetic, wholesome guy, I love Percy
"Can't this go any faster?" Thalia demanded. Zoe glared at her. "I cannot control traffic." You both sound like my mother." I said. "Shut up!" they said in unison. I kind of wish we got more Thalia and Zoe interactions... they would've made such a great enemies to lovers dynamic, if Zoe didn't die
"Get away from my daughter!" Dr Chase called down, and his machine gun burst to life, peppering the ground with bullet holes and startling the whole group of monsters into scattering. "Dad?" yelled Annabeth in disbelief.
Grover went off with his satyr friends to spread the word about our strange encounter with the magic of Pan. Within an hour, the satyrs were all running around agitated, asking where the nearest espresso bar was.
"No," I said. "I choose the prophecy. It will be about me." "Why are you saying that?" she cried. "You want to be responsible for the whole world?" It was the last thing I wanted, but I didn't say that. I knew I had to step up and claim it. "I can't let Nico be in any more danger." I said. might I remind you this boy is 13/14 and has the whole world on his shoulders (both literally at some point and figuratively)
I feel like these are just getting longer and longer but again, I will be back for part 4!
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pink-eye-liner · 1 year
I am a Drew Tanaka Stan account, but this does not mean that I hate Piper, that also doesn't mean that I like her either, say what you want but hear me out.
I liked Piper, I thought that she was pretty cool at first but by the end of TLH when Piper "defended" Silena is when my opinion on her started to go down hill. Piper had no right to defend Silena because she did not know her, at that time the only thing that Piper knew about Silena was her name and the fact that she was the Aphrodite cabin head Councilor before she died, Piper has never met Silena and she's bearly even heard of her deeds. Now, to those who say--
"Well, Annabeth told Piper about Silena"
No, no she did not, at least not really. If you can remember, when Annabeth was touring Piper around the camp, she did mention Silena and told her how she was the previous Cabin 10 head Councilor, and that she was kinder and more caring compared to the other Aphrodite kids (Rick I hate you for this) but then stopped herself from saying anymore because it was obviously a sensitive topic to her.
Plus, Piper becoming the head Councilor only after spending two days at CHB ticks me off because she bearly did shit.
"Oh she went on a quest"
So? The other Aphrodite kids went to War! Among her siblings Drew had been at camp the longest so I'm guessing that she was there for both The Battle Of The Labyrinth and The Battle Of Manhattan. Even if Drew was just one of the medics and not one of the fighters (which you will never convince me into believing, you cannot tell me that this girl- Drew Tanaka- is an absolute menace) she still helped and survived, Piper should not have been the one with the leverage!
I get that Uncle Rick wanted his main characters to be the Head Councilors so that they could be the ones to attend the meetings and all that, but he could have gone about Piper becoming the head in a much better way!
And to those who say--
"What about Leo, he became head Councilor the same time as Piper, you're just placing double standards"
No I am not! Because Leo did a lot for his cabin even just that one day when they arrived at CHB (1) he discovered bunker 9-- something that none of the other current Hephaestus kids even knew about and (2) He fixed Festus and even found/ re-attached his wings-- something that the other Hephaestus kids thought was impossible. I mean look at what happened to Jake Mason when he tried to get that dragon at bay! Bro ended up in a full body cast.
And to those who are saying--
"Well Piper got rid of all the stereotypes"
No, no she did not, because around this time she was still in her "I'm not like other girls" phase. Now I'm not gonna judge her for this phase because we all went through it (I definitely did) but the way she was so quick to judge and stereotype the other Aphrodite kids as spoiled and vain without even properly conversing with them is not helping her case.
Plus, at the Hephaestus cabin, no one really wanted to be the Head Councilor, and I think that it was the same for the Aphrodite cabin because think about it, Drew is canonically Sadie Kane's age so around 14-15 (maybe even 13 I don't know it just said that she was around Sadie's age) so she was very young when the two wars happened, and we know that the head Councilors are the ones at front, the ones who HAVE to handle things, the ones who lead and die before everyone else (which is greatly shown/represented by the Apollo cabin, RIP Lee Fletcher and Michael Yew) You cannot tell me that my girl wanted in on that.
You cannot tell me that Drew Tanaka wanted the responsibility that came with being head councilor.
"Oh, she wanted power over her siblings, I mean she was a Tyrant! "
The death! You cannot tell me that a 13- 14 year old was thinking about power after she heard that her older sister's face got melted off and that she had to step up and be in charge of a cabin full of kids. Like Drew jumped at the first moment she had to get all the responsibilities off of her shoulders. ESPECIALLY since she KNEW that shit was starting to stir again with the new prophecy (let's not forget the fact that she was one of the first people to put the pieces together and bring it up) MY GIRL RAN THE OTHER WAY AND I DON'T BLAME HER FOR IT.
I think that this is the EXACT reason why Drew didn't fight Piper to keep her position as Head Councilor. She didn't want it, cuz let's be real, Drew would have BODIED Piper. I mean I'm pretty sure that Chiron trained those Demigods like seasoned war soldiers and Piper had zero training.
AND I BETTER NOT see anyone say that--
"Oh no way! Drew could't have been stronger then Piper, Drew probably skipped training because she didn't wanna ruin her nails or get sweaty, that's just how she is blah blah blah"
No! Chiron is responsible, he would NOT let ANY camper miss or skip training, cuz if they did then you know that he's gonna make them clean the stables or wash the dishes, now THAT is something that Drew would not want to do.
Now I'm not here do say that Drew is a completely innocent cutie patootie because she wasn't, she was Sadie's bully and yes she was mean to her siblings, I can't defend that and I won't by saying--
"Oh she's just a young dumb traumatized teenager going through some shit, we all make mistakes"
(even though I think it's true in certain levels although not completely) Cus if I do then I don't think you guys will like/accept that so let's just cut her some slack.
Anyways, I think the reason why I like her so much is because we're kinda similar (I'm not extremely pretty and popular don't get me wrong, I'm actually the kid that sits quietly in the corner, but I too am a 15 year old Asian female who's not a healthy grievier and tend to lash out when I get emotional, I probably would have reacted similarly if I was in her situation. I also don't think that the war had given her (and most of the other Demigods honestly) some maturity (people say that the wars made the Half-Bloods more mature but I honesty don't think that thats true for all of them, Drew included) I think that it just gave them PTSD, trauma and some false beliefs about the world.
In conclusion, I like Piper, but I like Drew 100x more, and I think that HOO would have been more interesting if Drew had been part of the seven instead of Piper, I think Drew would have added more flavor and more emotion, the Media scene definitely would have been more interesting if it was Drew that was there and you all know it, AND how her opinion about Silena would affect her relationship/ create tension in the Argo with Annabeth and Percy.
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 9 months
not sure if anyone's asked you this before/yet, but so you have any opinions or thoughts of the relationship between all of the pantheons? general relationship and possibly some more personal ones?
I've read many different headcanons and fanfiction where people have mentioned their thoughts on it, but nothing they've ever gone into detail about.
there's nothing really preventing them from interacting *👀 I keep remembering the smallest tiniest hint of freypollo we got* but that doesn't mean they go out of their way doing it, yk?
The pantheons I'll be mainly focusing on are the Greek, Roman, Norse, & Egyptian ones. I'll probably make little nods to other ones too tho :3
Don't be surprised if this mainly centers on Apollo XD He's my guy <3
Let's kick it off with these two!
"But aren't they the same-?"
Nope! The Roman pantheon started off as their own sets of gods - the thing is, they had very little myths written down so we don't know much about how they were characterized :(
Howmever. We do know that when they were synchronized with Greece's gods, you can see the little differences between them - for instance, the Roman gods were more Forces Of Nature than gods who went out and Did Stuff, like Greece's.
Jupiter for example! He didn't have the "fucks around" rep Zeus does! Jupiter from the Roman's perspective didn't go out and do much. He rooted on Aeneus, yes, but the myths of his children weren't quite as popular in Rome as they were in Greece (probably because they were. ya know. Greek heroes, and not Roman)
And Apollo. Oh, Apollo...the only major god who didn't have a Latin equivalent.
Rome loved you so much they adopted you and went "no. no. he was always here. no we aren't lying. see? he's in the Dii Consentes!" XD
Fun Fact: Apollo is basically multiple gods in a trench coat. Paion (Mycenean), Smitheus (Mycenean), Aplu (Etruscan), Apaulinus (Hittie), Grannus (Celtic), ect were all Apollo-equivalents who historians have concluded to be past incarnations of Apollo!
which is INTERESTING because...do those gods still exist in the RRverse? Are they connected to Apollo in some way? Are they little voices in his head? DO THEY HAVE DRINKS TOGETHER?
I have questions and I need answers.
Greek & Egyptian
Saving the Norse for last because we all wanna save Freypollo for last <3 the best for last lmao
Which sucks for him because Apollo has friends in Egypt XD
I do think Apollo and Horus would be friends! Not only are they both associated with the sun in some way, but they were actually identified with each other when Greece met Egypt!
Greece: Oh so you have a super-powerful son of the king of the gods associated with light? So do we! :D
Egypt: Oh my gosh we do! :D
You know the myth of Typhon? Apollo transformed into a hawk to escape, and you know who has a hawk head?
Horus. :D
also Horus took over the thrown from Osiris - sure, not in an overthrow way but still. he overthrew Set and claimed the throne
sounds like something we all want hmm...
Also, I headcanon that Helios and Ra go WAAAAYYYY back and Apollo only met Ra like. once. before Isis did her blackmailing and Ra disappeared.
So when he rolls up to the next sun god meeting he sees Ra and is like "wait what who are you- OH WAIT!"
Apollo: I'm over 4,000 years old-
Ra, pointing: BABY
(Headcanon that Ra & Amaterasu are like. the defacto sun god 'leaders' who keep the meetings rolling. Amaterasu was very tired when Ra disappeared and she had to wrangle these fiery gods together XD)
(Also Helios thought Horus was a lil' upstart XD)
Finally, I also saw someone else mention that Apollo could have learned some Egyptian magic and used it to create the border of CHB!
Headcanon Hecate snuck along with him and it's their little secret :3
Greek & Norse
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Green highlight is where Greece is. Blue is where Hyperborea is (see this post for details)
In that post, I came to the conclusion that Apollo Totally Definitely Has Met Norse Gods BECAUSE OF HIS WINTER VACATIONS!
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FREYPOLLO LIVES (<-knows very well it's basically already canon XD)
Fun fact: the people of Hyperborea were most likely the mythological avatars of the Norse people! :D
Apollo takes a trip across the Baltic Sea and flirts in the Stockholm tavern and that's how Freypollo happens <3
Other Pantheon Thoughts
Hindu: This thought came while I was creating my @underrated-lovers-of-apollo-poll - Apollo & Indra!
They shared an elephant ride that one time! Wouldn't it be fun if they also kissed? :3
also Indra is a storm god with thunder and lightning think of the angst-
Shinto: Amaterasu taught Apollo Japanese when he discovered the haiku for the first time - sadly, only Athena ever bothered to learn it to experience the haiku in its fullest. pushing my sibling agenda again haha
Because haikus always sound better in their native language <3
Hittie: This connects to the 'Apollo trenchcoat' thing earlier - if Apollo is like. the current form of Apaulinus, would the Hittie pantheon like. drop in from time to time like 'heyyyy we miss you <3'
Apollo: *trojan war flashbacks*
Apaulinus was heavily associated with Wilusa, whom historians have confirmed was Troy, and Apollo's first temple doesn't show up under AFTER the bronze age collapse and the war happened BEFORE that happened meaning HE WAS APAULINUS WHEN THE WAR HAPPENED MY HEART-
i need to look into more pantheons. it's so much fun making these connections and coming up with headcanons for the RRverse :3
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tagthescullion · 3 months
I feel like there was always such cool potential parallels between Nico and Jason being good friends and Nico and Thalia being on neutral terms at best
first of all, I shall apologise for the long post, when it comes to the children of the big three, I can't shut up
generally, I love to think that the big three children, all five of them who are alive fight me if you think I should say four eventually become friends, they're more powerful, more feared, at times respected but for the most part, the rest of the demigods think it's them who should solve world-ending situations. even having other more willing leaders, they put a lot of pressure on the big three kids.. and that's a lot to handle if you don't stay on --at least speaking-- terms with the other few people who know the feeling
but going back to canon, it's quite funny to think that nico's grudge towards thalia stems from him not knowing her at all! he met her all of four minutes in TTC and then only assumes she's cold-hearted bc she's a hunter (group nico blames --not entirely without reason-- for his sister's death) and bc she got the hunters' numbers up (in his mind, she's "replaced" her felled comrades).. and that's also funny to me bc for all that nico's an emotional mess, he wants to be --or perhaps imagines himself as-- a pragmatic kind of person (paralleling annabeth in a way), and knowing there's strength in numbers he shouldn't oppose thalia's achievement so strongly
if you ask me tho, nico's a bit jealous of thalia. chb has a lot more reason to mistrust her and yet they respect her inconditionally whereas they don't trust nico out of unbased fear, and, while we as readers know thalia has her issues, to the general observer, she's confident and strong-minded, which nico feels he's not
in jason, on the other hand, nico finds a mirror to his own indecision and feeling of inadequacy. jason, who nico probably envied at first too --golden boy of cj, powerful, a beloved leader--, is in fact a confused boy. he doesn't feel like he belongs anywhere, he doesn't know who he is, what he wants.. and yet, amidst all that turbulence, he bestows his loyalty on nico --for reasons I still don't quite understand, HoO wasn't ricky's best--, how could nico not grasp at that last straw?
I know this isn't canon, but if rick had had the balls to make nico more of a grey character than ToA made him, nico could've mentioned how useful an allegiance to a leader such as jason was, bc for all that we love sentiment, how much did nico really trust jason at first? he has self-esteem issues, he would've asked why they saved him, somebody would've blabbed about some people not being sure about that, and then suddenly jason's all good with nico? there was such potential for drama right there!
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streaminn · 2 months
PJO au
So I had a random thought about the pjo au. Annabeth is enid and athena's daughter right? So like where did Enid meet Athena and how did she impress her enough for athena to pop out their baby? Or was athena simply impressed at everything Enid had managed to accomplish for the gods during her quests (before and after exile)?
Oh and also what do you think the gods in general thought about Enid's exile from chb? Zeus specifically though cause thats his kid even if it's doubtful that he genuinely loves her. Do you think they would care at all or be disappointed that their perfect soldier was tossed away because of jealousy and something out of her control?
And in honor of Epic's Wisdom Saga, which is amazing, did Calypso try to seduce Enid during her stay on ogygia? Did she try to keep Enid there with her like she did to Odysseus?
honestly i dont think we ever even settled whether annabeth was a relationship kid or just randomly snatched up by enid first after settling down
but lowkey, if its a relationship baby then i can see athena simply getting close to enid when she becomes zeus' lapdog for a few years. Then with athena giving annabeth ending up being the reason for why enid stopped working for the gods
Zeus? he's insulted sure because how dare they reject his blood? but then he realizes that with camp not tying his daughter to mortals, its easier to get her on his side instead and that's all he needs to be satisfied. In the end, he got what he wanted. A dog.
as for calypso
my thought was Enid probably turning 16 when she stumbled onto calypso and gets stuck for a year and a half smth in ogygia time. When she comes back, its just been a few months, her birthday has passed and she's physically 17 smth
maybe it was Zeus' attempt to keep her away from the prophecy, who knows
So yes, i think calypso would definitely try to keep enid there. I don't see why she wouldn't. Maybe she thought enid could be different, being a girl but Enid has too much responsibilities to allow herself to fall and thus let everyone down. So she does whatever she could to leave
Calypso sees all this, sees that Enid looks like she could reciprocate but this duty to the gods makes her act otherwise (her pov) and its why she's a bit more bitter about everything in the later pjo books
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kamiko1234 · 4 months
*Yapping Ahead*
(Listen I know I'm putting too much thought and getting way too invested in a book series for kids. Just bare with me for a second)
Okay I am done with BOTL and WOW, the gods and camp are really begging Luke/Kronos on their knees to just- obliterate them all. Because like were they REALLY just doing NOTHING !? Okay to be fair with them, I AM a big agitated because I'm still sort of reeling from Luke but STILL.
Those people JUST had their camp invaded. They KNOW that stuff's getting serious. I mean people DIED there just now. AND IN RESPONSE TO THAT THEY DO BLOODY NOTHING. Like did I miss something? Are they for real? I understand the concept of licking your wounds after a battle like that- BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN JUST GOING ON LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED. Maybe, oh idk- START TO FORM A COUNTER ARMY!? ATTEMPT TO DO COUNTERSTRIKES!? TRY TO STRENGHTEN YOUR POSITION WHO HAS ALREADY BEEN INVADED ONCE!? Let me remind you that Luke/Kronos is out there with a fully formed army including a viable command structure, good training and allies in form of actual minor GODS. ALL THE WHILE ALSO HAVING ALREADY STARTED LAUNCHING ATTACKS. All this and the camp does NOTHING of value! Sure I mean they are sort of training demigods, and even if we say they can't launch attacks themselves for some reason- them doing nothing is just stupid. Atleast start to get these kids used to army strategy and genuinely monster fighting OUTSIDE off capture-the-flag or whatever else they are playing. Maybe also, ikd- INTERROGATE CHRIS!? Like maybe they did and is just wasn't mentioned but- that man was in the army. He should know valuable info and you don't even so much as CHECK of he knows anything!
Listen I do NOT care if he had a "change of heart" or "deserves a second chance". This is a purley objective statement here but that guy was an ENEMY. He already switched sides ONCE. THERE IS NO REASON FOR YOU GUYS TO TRUST HIM AT THIS POINT OF TIME, AND EVERY REASON TO HAVE HIM LOCKED UP AND INTERROGATED SOMEWHERE.
I know this is a kid's series but please, Rick. Atleast mention Chris getting question. Don't make your main good guys look like morons compared to the baddies.
Or someone please tell me I missed something of the books because so far it looks like any semblance of battle smarts left CHB with Luke 💀 Also am I the only one a bit irked between the few months timeskip at the end between the Battle and Percy talking with Annabeth? 'cause like, I feel this is a conversation they (logically speaking) should have had a few weeks at MOST after the whole thing going down in the story, NOT a few months after. This too is just a personal ick but, I do not like what they did with Chris. With him joining up with camp just like that? Yeah, no. He betrayed them before. That means he must have had atleast SOME grievances with how things were run. And now he's just back again a "redemtion arc" (that isn't even really an arc if we are honest, it's just there) and no further focus!? It's not like anything got BETTER. I mean sure it was cool to see Dionysus acctualy grieve his kids and be a bit nicer to Percy.
DOESN'T MEAN THAT LUKE DIDN'T HAVE A FUCKING POINT EITHER. Like, idk. I'm just disappointed, as of now I'm just hoping we'll see more of Chris and see the demigods and Luke delved more into with the last book.
The only thing I genuinely pray doesn't happen is that they'll start to demonize the demigods who joined Luke and Luke himself. I'm really nervous since Chris seems to be treated like a "redeemed" villain, ignoring the fact that they all had valid point and valid reasons to go against Olympus. The gods and Camp Halfblood are both objectively horrible as a whole. The system in itself is flawed and I'm pretty sure even stacked against the demigods. I'm gonna be real I see no real reason to expect any real loyalty from Demigods nor do I see any reason why they should keep dying for what's basically a blood mill that couldn't care less. The Demigods who joined Luke are not evil. Luke is not evil. The gods are not good people. If these books start to pretend that Luke and his allies are wholly evil I WILL flip a table. Ngl I have little mind for much else of the bunch of things that happened in the story. Maybe I'll make a second post where I'm talking about other stuff, maybe I won't. I'll see, if I don't feel free to ask. As always I ask to mark spoilers in any replies or reblogs you may make so I can avoid them, thank you ^^
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pain-is-too-tired · 26 days
Thinking about Chris still struggling with nightmares and ptsd after he's cured.
His mind isn't as jumbled anymore, but what he went through was traumatic. He went through the Labyrinth on his own. He got out of it on his own. Clarisse was there to help him after he already escaped, but she wasn't the one who pulled him out of the labyrinth. He stumbled out himself.
If he hadn't gotten out of there? Chb would never had known about what was happening there, and what happened to him. No one was coming to get him. The Titan Army didn't care, they'd just sent in the next demigod to try again. If he'd died down there, he'd just be forgotten along with everyone else that was sent down there to die.
And it's honestly one the most messed up parts about it, and why it saddens me we didn't get more on Chris.
Because Chris joined the Army because he felt forgotten by his godly parent. He joined because he was never claimed even after probably being there for few years.
Only to be left to pretty much rot in the Labyrinth. Tbh the moments before he was sent insane likely was him realizing something like that. Idk how Minos drove people mad, but I imagine that it was a lot easier to do when the person is already at a weak mental state.
Luke and The Titan Army was Chris' last hope in his mind for a home and family that wouldn't toss him aside.
Hermes waited until Chris was at his lowest before actually claiming him.
We don't know anything about his mortal parent but considering he was in a literal army that probably wasn't letting kids go back home very often, lost in the Labyrinth, and then in a state of insanity for months. I say if they're alive they're still some way out of the picture.
So, to Chris, Luke was probably the only older/adult figure in his life that actually seemed to pay him any heed. I can't imagine how he might've processed that when he realized he probably wasn't get out of the labyrinth alive.
Did he blame himself first? Did he feel like a failure because he wanted so bad to make Luke proud of him? Did he feel hopeless, that closest thing to a family left him as well?
I feel like after all that he definitely has some form of abandonment issues.
Struggling so hard to do right by those he loves because he's scared of he doesn't he might loose them too
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ma1dita · 7 months
Even though Luke doesn’t cheat on Trouble, I listen to Burn from Hamilton and imagine these two post tlt bc yes i like the pain,, no i don’t need therapy, officer 😀
girl the way this is probably canon anyway bc in the trouble!verse luke is a Hamilton Hater ™ and trouble was known to be singing songs from the musical with her ex-bf
im DYINGGGG but damn if you go to therapy hop in we can carpool
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sidenote there's still a lot that can relate in the lyrics and im bored rn so lets feed into the delusion for a bit (guys I'm a fic writer who peaked in the 2010s in the age of bad youtube fan recreations of songs to fit their otps... i know how to work with scraps)
She said, "Be careful with that one, love , "He will do what it takes to survive" // You and your words flooded my senses, Your sentences left me defenseless, You built me palaces out of paragraphs, You built cathedrals // I'm re-reading the letters you wrote me, I'm searching and scanning for answers in every line, For some kind of sign, And when you were mine // The world seemed to burn, Burn
Mr. D warned her from the beginning about Luke, even silently in 'play pretend' because she was becoming more like her old self (reckless and crazy, just like him) when she was falling in love with Luke, and it isn't a bad thing but definitely takes away fro what her and Luke have been working at as THE counselors of CHB. Luke's always been good with words as a son of Hermes to the point that it even fools Trouble to some extent, there comes a point where her as an amazing actress can't tell when he's lying---and he learned that from her...
You published the letters she wrote you, You told the whole world, How you brought this girl into our bed, In clearing your name, You have ruined our lives // Do you know what Angelica said, When she read what you'd done?, She said, "You've married an Icarus, "He has flown too close to the sun" // You and your words obsessed with your legacy, Your sentences border on senseless, And you are paranoid in every paragraph, How they perceive you, You, you, you!
this made me giggle OKAY HEAR ME OUT LMFAOOOO ever since they got together (in the span of a little over a year before his betrayal), they always sleep in the same bed when they can as mentioned in 'now that we're older' because they barely have time to themselves in the day....when 'when the chaos is through' is posted, that's when Luke agrees to side with Kronos in his ultimate belief to protect Trouble from impending war and eventually give her a better life outside of CHB. (imagine kronos dressed as eliza schuyler and we're set because luke essentially brings him to bed with them for half of their relationship and she doesn't know LMFAOOOOO) and well yeah yall know his decline after TLT but he's in too deep to fall back
I'm erasing myself from the narrative, Let future historians wonder how Eliza reacted, When you broke her heart, You have torn it all apart // I'm watching it burn, Watching it burn, The world has no right to my heart, The world has no place in our bed, They don't get to know what I said, I'm burning the memories, Burning the letters that might have redeemed you // You forfeit all rights to my heart, You forfeit the place in our bed, You'll sleep in your office instead, With only the memories of when you were mine //I hope that you burn
The beginning part reminds me of the confrontation scene in 'love is a blister' where the counselors put Trouble on trial for loving Luke---the reality of it is they and everyone at camp only know what Luke & Trouble have shown them, but everything between them is private and their own. They didn't expect him to leave her behind. There are a lot of references throughout the series and especially in 'solipsism' where his last time alive as his waning sense of self he goes to visit Trouble who's fresh from visiting Annie in 'love is a blister' and he literally is burning through his old self as kronos overtakes his body. He couldn't imagine not being able to say goodbye before becoming true vessel and well in TLO, teeeechnically what happens and what i plan to write i--[GUNSHOTS]
me saying scraps and then copy pasting almost the whole damn song... ive said too much. this was entertaining, how'd I do?
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dionysus in tsats
contains slight spoilers for tsats!
ok i mentioned in a previous post how i love dionysus and his story had so much potential to be included in tsats, so here's just some stuff i wish happened/were mentioned.
(preface to say that i did love all the interactions with him, i just wish we had... more)
if you're going to add ANY queer characters, the first one mentioned should literally be the god of homosexuality, cross dressing, and effeminacy
like all the minor characters were wonderful, but cmon! ancient greece wasn't exactly as open to equal/consenting gay relationships as people think, and strict gender stereotypes were really degrading to trans people (especially for "feminine men")
so if you consider dionysus's whole life basically, he would have had it really rough!!! like nico!!!
i think that if anyone could have helped nico/other campers come to term with their identities, it should've been mr. d, and it would have been such a different side of his we wouldn't have seen before
like a scene with him talking to nico about his relationship with will or talking about nico's whole catholic guilt sexuality crisis — that's the kind of dionysus content I NEEDED
i feel like the whole amphithemis storyline wasn't as well-explained/in depth as i wanted it to be
i was SO EXCITED to hear about this bc dionysus's childhood is super interesting and i wanted to see which interpretation of the myths rick/mark went with
it would have been so cool to maybe hear snippets about ancient greece, what happened to the other lamian centaurs, how this singular one ended in tartarus
or even maybe someone, i don't know, REASSURING AMPHITHEMIS THAT "THE CHILD" IS A GROWN-ASS GOD
when will and nico were recounting their journey to chiron and mr. d, i would have also loved to see some reaction from dionysus about his former caretaker being a mania in tartarus
also some acknowledgement of dionysus's madness! in a lot of versions of the myths, hera actually drove dionysus mad for a year (don't quote me on that timeline), so i think he could have had an interesting aside, if not full convo, about sympathizing with amphithemis being driven mad
there's a quote that's something like "dionysus stared dreamily at will as he described the underworld" or something like that — i wish we got a comment from mr d on what the underworld used to look like when he went down there (to save his mother semele who he brought to immortality)
according to riordan wiki (but very conflicting in greek mythos), dionysus was a demigod during the (original) gigantomachy, so i wish wish wish we got a comment on maybe what that was like or talking to the most recent batch of demigods about how to recover from it
a therapy session/talk between nico and mr d would have been really cool to read, or even a post-nightmare talk after mr d finished eating his popcorn
more dionysus/chiron interactions? some myths say that after he was raised by the nymphs, dionysus was sent over to train under chiron for a bit to gain wisdom and stuff, so i would die for some more of their relationship
also i've been wanting this for years now, but a dionysus reveal where he actually looks like his true form (aka literally stunning) would've solved my life problems. especially in such a gay book.
this is all i can think of for now but i'm literally planning on writing a bunch of chb and dionysus stuff soon because i'm in my "hyperfixate on a singular greek god's conflicting life story and deciding what i most agree with instead of studying for midterms" era :)
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Percy: y'know, Luke had a point
Annabeth: how?
Percy: if his dad is lin-manuel miranda, he had a right to rebel
Annabeth: I mean, I guess
Percy: if I had to listen to the Hamilton soundtrack for years, I'd start a war and possibly kill everyone I ever cared about
Annabeth: sure
Percy: like, imagine if you're trying to sleep and "my shot" starts playing in your left ear, while "satisfied" is playing in your right ear
Percy: and then you look up and lin-manuel miranda is staring you right in the face like "ma name is alexander hamilton"
Percy: the songs are catchy, but...
▪︎Nico walks up to the duo▪︎
Nico: are you guys talking about the new God of theives
Percy: mhm
Annabeth: more of him *points at percy*
Nico: out of all people
Percy: I think apollo made this decision
Percy: too bad I'm too tired to visit him
Percy: I'll just have to call
Percy: ☆ the squad ☆
Percy: *on the phone* jason
Jason: w h a t
Percy: gather the squad
Jason: why can't you do it
Percy: I'm tired okay
Jason: *hangs up*
▪︎two hours later▪︎
*the squad is gathered in chb*
Piper: sooooo
Jason: ask him.
Percy: I need you to go visit apollo
Thalia: but like
Thalia: why
Percy: this is hermes
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Reyna: uh huh
Percy: this was obviously apollo's decision
Will: but what if you're wrong and this all goes to waste and apollo wasn't even aware of this
Percy: be optimistic
Percy: who else's decision might that be?
Will: idk Rick?
Percy: who?
Nico: *facepalm*
Frank: are we visiting Roman apollo or Greek apollo?
Percy: it's the same thing
Leo: wait. why do we have to go and you don't???
Percy: you see these eyebags?!?!?!?
Leo: bitch i know you've had those eyebags since the moment you've stepped foot in this camp
Percy: no need to call me out
Percy: Wise girl help—
Percy: Annabeth?!
Piper: I saw her put on her hat and disappear
Piper: sooooooo
Percy: AND YOU DIDN’T TELL ME?!?!?!?
Percy: *crying*
Hazel: fake crying really isn't going to get you out of this so save yourself the tears
Percy: yeah my face isn't even wet let's go
Jason: how are we gonna get to the empire state buliding
*everyone looks at him*
Jason: what
Thalia: n o .
Percy: I usually like hugging my nearby hunky hunka himbo, but not this time
Doorman/elevator man: Yeah no
Nico: I can get there myself
Frank: me too
Leo: I am not taking Festus for a mini trip
Percy: six hundredth floor please
Percy: why
Thalia: yeah why
Doorman/elevator man: HARRY POTTER ALL THE WAY—
Thalia: *punches*
Thalia: I lost my patience and have no money, so
▪︎the elevator opens, elevator music playing loudly ▪︎
Reyna: you know, it's really tight in here
Leo: and really hot
Piper: I swear to the gods, if you burn us...
Leo: alright chilllll beauty queen
Nico: ugh I'm getting claustrophobic
Nico: Jason can you get your ass outta my face
Nico: I understand that your height is high maintenance
Nico: but that doesn't give you the right to shove your cheeks in my face
Jason: I'm on the other side of the elevators
Nico: what—
▪︎elevator dings▪︎
Percy: now remember
Percy: don't get distracted by the wonders of olympus
Percy: we gotta go to the sunshine
Piper: but that's so bright
Will: I have twenty sets of emergency sunglasses
Will: take
Thalia: DAM we look good
Nico: I see the light
Hazel: WHAT
Nico: no, apollo is right there
Thalia: oh no, I need to use the bathroom. I'm gonna go
Percy: pussy
Leo: Apollo!!!!!
Apollo, in all his glory: oh, my favorite relatives! What brings you to olympus?
Piper: was the Hermes situation your fault
Apollo: what situation
Reyna: ya know, lin-manuel?
Apollo: what about him?
Frank, whispering: he got casted as Hermes for the show
Apollo: *jaw drops* NO FUCKING WAY
Nico: im guessing it wasn't your fault then
Apollo: ask Hermes himself
Will: no way we're talking to a man who played Alexander Hamilton AND lipbites AND writes music
Apollo: I did all three of those things, so watch your mouth!
Will: whatever, I was right.
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aroaceleovaldez · 7 months
the show chb logo was also ripped from fandom, like in the past decade all the official chb shirt had the logo without the circle and then the fandom started doing and the show went for it, sorry your tags reminded me of that
[Link to post/tags in question]
Yeah, I know Delphi Strawberry Service has done more circular-based CHB shirt designs for ages, and I've seen the more circular-based designs floating around for awhile. I think Magicbysab's circular-based CHB shirt designs also predate the show design? Those are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head. I understand on a level that if they did base it off fandom designs, particularly if they're basing anything on widespread fanon or fandom-based concepts, it can be difficult to pin down credit or may even seen unnecessary. But if they're going to be doing that I feel like at least they could hire like, a fandom consultant of sorts? Instead of just ripping off from the fandom, hire someone from the community who produces that already so at least there's some recognition and acknowledgement of where it originated.
Heck, in some instances if you ask around in the fandom it's not hard to pinpoint who specifically popularized certain concepts! I could talk for ages about Cherryandsisters being a driving force behind photokinesis!Will, or Saberghatz with plague!Will (tbh between the two they spearheaded a ton of early Will/Solangelo fanon), and I swear Drksanctuary alone is behind like 50% of Alabaster fanon, etc etc etc. People in the fandom know these things! Heck, we know ReadRiordan company knows how to do that kind of thing! They commissioned Viria for the official art, and the UK Riordan newsletter reaches out to fans all the time to feature their work (with credit, they're one of the better ones)! Though in Rick's book tours he did showcase Viria's art (at least with credit) without asking before she got commissioned, and during the Tower of Nero book tours they actually straight up stole a solangelo edit from Pervysloth with completely zero credit (link is to my canon url readriordan parody blog).
I think it doesn't help as well that Rick and his editor allegedly use the fandom wiki in place of a series bible. The PJO wiki is notorious for putting inaccurate information or fanon onto pages at random and having no sources. (What I wouldn't give for the PJO wiki to have frequent book/page sources a la Warrior Cats wiki...) There are what, now almost 18 books in the main series alone? Of an extremely renowned best-selling series that's 20 years old and now being adapted for TV? And they STILL don't have a series bible? That's like, step 1 of writing a series. This kind of reliance of the fandom for resources and concepts definitely isn't new for them.
It just feels so bizarre as to what it says about how the ReadRiordan company views the fandom and the creatives within it. I understand that trying to figure out how to give credit to the concept of "CHB shirt design, but circular!" is difficult, if you even can find out who did that first or popularized it. But if you're going to rip things from fandom, at least find somebody to try and credit? Show that you put in even the tiniest amount of effort? And if you get it wrong and people know, they'll correct you and that's that! But ReadRiordan just keeps trying to actively obscure these kinds of things, even with their own media, not ripped from the fandom, which makes it feel all the worse when it gets pointed out. And a lot of the time the whole reason those concepts get popular is because they're filtered through big names in the fandom! The fandom is a community! We know these people! We can point to them and explain exactly what they popularized! Remember how Velinxi popularized long haired Piper with the heart-shaped flyaways? Goodness only knows how many fandom designs are heavily influenced by Viria and Minuiko and Burdge (and Indigonite and Fuocogo and Ikimaru and Thecottonproject and Joker-ace and Sixofclovers and Vikingmera and Saber and Cherry and and and-). If you are in the community this stuff is easy to find. But Rick and the ReadRiordan company clearly being ~5 years behind with fanon pretty obviously tells me that they're not in the community at all, and aren't bothering trying.
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tsarinatorment · 2 years
Do you have any thoughts on how Will might have seen Luke? There's always going to be debate within the fandom over whether or not that last minute redemption was deserved, and Percy and Olympus may have forgiven him, but Will is the head healer who was running around taking care of everyone that was hurt ultimately because of Luke's actions. CHB lost an estimated 16 campers in the Second Titan War and IIRC at least four of those were Apollo kids. Michael died directly trying to keep Luke at bay. I'd think there would be some discourse among the campers as to whether that redemption was deserved.
That's certainly an interesting question! I have to admit I've thought a lot more about Lee and Michael's relationship with Luke than Will's, but Will would of course have his own opinions on Luke, and while I'm adamant that Will would not be grudge-holding, that doesn't necessarily mean he's really forgiven Luke for the war.
Let's start from the beginning: a lot of this will depend on how well Will knew Luke before the end of TLT when Luke is revealed to be the thief and traitor. My headcanon on when Will arrived on the camp, for those who aren't aware of it, is that he arrived in August 2003, shortly before his eighth birthday. For context, TLT occurs in summer 2006, while Luke and Annabeth arrived at camp sometime between September 2000 and August 2001, as Thalia's pine tree is the 2001 bead. I don't know if we have a more precise date than that, but as the beads seem to reference something that happened in the summer when all the campers were around, I'd be inclined to think summer 2001.
Therefore, with my timeline, Luke's been in camp for about two years before Will arrives, and the two of them are then in camp together for another three years before Luke is revealed to be the traitor and leaves.
(I mentioned that I've spent more time thinking about Lee and Michael's relationship with Luke, and I'll just segue into that a little here with: Lee, in particular, I think was good friends with Luke and was very hurt and betrayed when he left. Michael arrived at camp after Luke, in my timeline, so while he looked up to Luke mostly because of Lee, he wasn't quite so close, but was furious because of how much it hurt Lee and never forgave Luke - he wouldn't have done, either, if he'd lived to the end. These two almost polar attitudes towards Luke are what Will's lived with during the war.)
Will and Luke were both year-round campers, so with the limited numbers during the winter months they would have interacted and known each other pretty well, but their overall interests likely didn't overlap much, especially with the age gap between them. Luke seems to spend most of his time training, and has the reputation of being the best swordsman in the last three hundred years, and obviously that's not Will's wheelhouse, so on a personal level, as Will has the likes of Lee and other older Apollo kids to look after him, their direct interactions were likely not too personal. As my headcanon is that Apollo kids are always immediately claimed, that also eliminates Will spending time in the Hermes cabin with Luke as his stand-in big brother, too.
So in terms of how well they got on, they would have got on just fine, I think, and been perfectly amicable and friendly. Will would have looked up to Luke like Michael did, likely as much because of Lee as anything else, and we know Luke was generally well-liked and respected in camp (his charisma is part of what swayed so many others later), and there's no reason for Will not to follow the common opinion here.
Translating that, then, into the betrayal and how things spiralled from there, we have two things warring with each other: Will's general laid-back attitude of rolling with the punches and letting things go, and the number of deaths and serious injuries that Luke was responsible for, including directly (as Kronos' host) killing what's implied to be at least one of his siblings, so the question is which one wins?
Like Michael, I think he would have been betrayed on Lee's part for the hurt that Luke did to Lee, even if he was likely young enough that Lee wouldn't have leaned on him. Seeing Michael so bristly about the topic would have had some influence on Will and when the choice comes down to respecting Luke or sticking with his family, Will would stick with his family. I don't think there's anything in canon that could possibly imply otherwise, especially as we know for a fact that Will did not join Kronos (and in fact, my headcanon is that no Apollo kids joined Kronos), which would have been the route that choosing Luke would've led down.
Then Lee dies, and from Michael's attitude in TLO I headcanon that he's (badly) channelling his grief into the war, and the rest of the cabin are likely similarly shaken and, to some extent, lashing out (it's not just Michael taking an active part in the feud with the Ares cabin!). I can't see Will lashing out, but the grief will have settled in with him, too, and the attack is easily traced back to Luke.
A year later, in the final battle, more of Will's siblings die - Michael is the major one, but we also know that one Apollo kid is dragged off by hellhounds (with the implication being that he was either eaten or torn apart), another golden shroud with a body is seen on Olympus, and the way Percy describes the demigods being blasted off the bridge by Kronos, it's implied that at least one other Apollo kid is killed then, as well as some of Kronos' own demigods. At least some of these deaths, Will is present for and would have seen, alongside Luke's face (albeit with Kronos' eyes).
The forgiveness of Luke in canon always felt a little contrived to me, anyway. Luke's character is understandable, and Percy and Annabeth both forgiving him I can understand (Percy for a variety of reasons, and Annabeth because she was always biased in Luke's favour), but the emotional damage he caused to the majority of the camp isn't something that could be so easily brushed under the rug, so to speak.
Honestly, I find it more likely that the majority of the campers never forgave Luke, no matter what they were told. We know that Silena's status as a spy was kept secret within only the camp counsellors because they knew her memory would be tarnished amongst the rest of the camp if it came out, so clearly there's a basis for a lack of forgiveness even if someone did the right thing in the end, so it makes sense to me that Luke would not be offered forgiveness by most of the camp.
Will, as someone who, as you say, would have had a front row seat to most of the death and injuries caused by Luke/Kronos, is someone who I don't think anyone would blame for not forgiving Luke. Not only did he betray and hurt Will's family, he's the reason Will has no older siblings left by the end of the war and has to be in charge of everything.
That's not to say I think Will would hold a grudge - I genuinely don't see Will as a grudge-holder. I think he'd forcibly put it in his past and not think about it, using firstly the recovery and then the Gaia mess as distractions (and then Apollo, after that), burying it so he can focus on helping Austin, Kayla, and the other unnamed summer-camper siblings he must have through their trauma instead.
Is this going to fester and maybe explode out one day when he no longer has something else he can use to distract himself? Likely. But it hasn't happened yet.
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Nico being accepted at Camp Jupiter and having to sit through the whole Jason goes missing and suddenly Percy shows up with amnesia.
He's not fooling Reyna in the slightest that he doesn't know Percy, he doesn't quite know how to feel but keeps his distance.
Though this does mean they know Jason's at CHB and are both plotting to get him back.
"I swear if he's got so much as one hair out of place, I will" rants Reyna, pacing around and making very specific death threats. Not that Nico blames her, he misses Jason. Camp Jupiter doesn't feel the same without him. "He'll be fine Reyna, I'd be more worried about them getting him mad." He says with a small smile.
Jason wouldn't be afraid to snap back if he had to, and Annabeth angry grilling him over Percy when Jason's never met him would definitely do it.
"I know, he's very capable of it and he'll be fine..." Nico frowned, giving her a hug. Reyna paused, hugging him back and sighing. "It's just... I can't lose him Nico..." It's rare Reyna allowed herself to be so vulnerable, only truly allowing herself to crumble with them both.
"I know, believe me I do. I can't lose him either" said Nico, Reyna and Jason were his dear friends, they were family. He'd already lost Bianca, he couldn't lose Jason as well.
Jason who stood up for the little guy, who ruffled Nico's hair whenever he accomplished anything. Who fought ruthlessly but was also so gentle with those around him.
Jason who accepted him, who wouldn't let him wallow in his own self pity and gently nudged him forward. Who almost cried the first time Nico initiated a hug between them.
He was the best of them, and if CHB had him and they hurt him... Nico would be right beside Reyna as they tore the place apart for him.
"We won't, or I'm dragging him back from the depths myself." Vowed Reyna, with such conviction that Nico believed she would. Just drag Jason from the doors themselves by the ear, angrily ranting in both English and Spanish and telling Nico to cover his ears.
Hopefully it wouldn't come to that.
"He's a lot like him" said Reyna, gesturing to Percy who was laughing with Frank. Nico nodded "okay but if he starts biting people I'm out" He answered, deadpan making her Reyna snort before becoming serious.
Slipping into what Nico and the others called Praetor mode.
"Now, we've been without him long enough, don't you think?" She said, gathering her things, Nico nodded.
It was time to bring Jason home.
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indeedsuspicious · 3 years
Well, I just finished Percy Jackson Pt. 1 and let me elaborate how I would have written the movie script.
You see statues on the screen (Greek OC) on which the credits roll. After all these brave faces we see Percys, he tries to focus but this girl won't shut up. A voiceover (Percy) says:"This, is Nancy Bobofit. A girl which is as stupid as her name."
After that Quiz and asking takes place we go to the fountain where he explains to us as narrator who Grover is who sits right next to him while we see Nancy eying Percy dirty and striding his direction.
Events after that:
- the whole "getting trouble" by Ms. Dotts and actually killing her thing
- everyone doesn't know who she is
- Percy hears Grover talk with Chiron while everyone is inside the bus because he used the bathroom and was late
- At school Grover wants to escort Percy home but he tricks him
- the whole "Gabe is a bastard which deserves a non anesthetize castration" Szene but they won't see him because Va-ca-tioooon
- a fun compilation of Percys bag getting first put on his bed, then in the hall, then in the trunk and then on the bed in the Hut (OC with Percys voice over it)
- the talk at the campfire
- Grover bangs at door as Satyr and Percy is like ( ͡❛ ● ͡❛)
- Epic car-chase with explosion
- They run to Thalia (oops)
- Percy looking at Strawberryfields and drinking Nektar and Ambrosia
- Him meeting MR. D, Chiron and Annabeth
- Everything gets explained and he meets Luke
- Flag Capture
- Mission and Prophecy
- Letse gooo
- Bus-Dotts
- Medusa
- Train straight to Denver meeting Ares
- Waterpark lovetunnel
- "Ares is as friendly as this romantic waterride promised to be smoochy"
- Hello Charon
-Let's Play catch with Zerberus
- Hello Uncle
- Daz not mine, I don't know how the flashlight of Zeus got here
- Bye Mom and Uncle
-On the beach, fighting against Ares
- "Since everyone thought we were these poor babies which got kidnapped and went through hell, I thought hey, why not give Gabe a piece of it :)"
- Fly me to the Olymp
- Hello Uncle and Dad
- Bye Uncle and Dad
- Percy is back in CHB and laughs with his friends and is happy
- Grover says Ayo bye besties
- Everyone leaves and Percy and Luke go to the beach to just chill
- the scorpion arises and Luke talks about his plan
- Bye Luke *fump*
- Percy running to camp and getting healed
- Him, after waking up, telling Chiron 'wha happund'
- Annabeth says bye to him, and while she leaves Greek music is playing.
- Shortly before she reaches her Dad the Music has its climax and the camera sways up towards the sky where we see the Olymp again and the end credits roll with the music
Idk if that'd be so much better than the movie but I think if you did it with the designs of the book, what the campers, gods and others had as clothing and landscape/architecture than yes. 100%
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
Im open for questions on details lol
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