#the sheer devastation I felt when I saw people hating on him online after I read the hoo books 😭
somewhereincairparavel ¡ 12 days
i have ALWAYS promptly looked forward to jason grace's povs in the hoo books to the point where'd I'd flip the pages till I find the words "JASON" and would count the amount of povs he has in the whole book before I even finished reading, so I feel excited knowing that I'll get to his povs soon. there, I said it.
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cakejots ¡ 3 years
this is us trying, Chapter 6 - The Pounce
In this AU, they don’t know each other outside of the suit. And in this AU, Ladybug and Chat Noir love each other. But in this AU, Chat doesn’t want their identities revealed.
Written for @ladynoirjuly 2021
notes: this is a coherent story based on all the prompts; each chapter contains at least 3 prompts. this chapter has 4 prompts
Ch 1 | Ch 2 | Ch 3 | Ch 4 | Ch 5 | Ch 6 | Ch 7 | Ch 8 | Ch 9 | Ch 10
Read on AO3
17. Secrets
Marinette was sure she didn’t have any alarm set for the day. And even if she did, it wouldn’t be this early in the morning. Her video call with Adrien the night before lasted well over a few hours, and it was the second day in a row where she wasn’t sleeping her usual routine. Though tired, she really can’t find herself regretting her actions. She was sure Adrien felt the same, he didn’t want the video call to end so soon and always managed to find something new to chat about.
She thought she could ignore the constant buzzing of her phone, but she’s only clowning herself if she believes that. Marinette tried to use her pillow to cover her head to block out the noise, but to no avail. She tried again with her thick blanket but eventually gave up. She was too disturbed to go back to sleep now anyway. With a grunt, she lifted herself off of her comfy bed and grabbed her phone from the shelves above her.
She eyed the screen and saw the time, as well as the caller.
“Woah, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.”
“Care to check how many times you’ve called me?” Marinette pinched the bridge of her nose. “You know I hate it when my sleep gets interrupted.”
“I’m really sorry Marinette, but this can’t be put off any longer. Why didn’t you tell me? Are there any more secrets you’re hiding from me?”
“Huh? What are you talking about?”
Her phone gave off a chime, and it was a link Alya had just shared. “Access that link.”
Marinette grew wary as she saw the first few words of the link. The name of the biggest gossip magazine was etched within it.
“Uhh, Alya, what’s this? You know I hate reading things from gossip magazines.” She’s pissed that she was woken up for this useless bullshit.
“I know I know, just click it please, it concerns you.” Alya pleaded.
Marinette paused. “Me?”
Her mind imagined the worst-case scenario. Was her secret identity compromised? She didn’t manage to read the rest of the link as she quickly clicked on the link.
The first thing she saw when the site loaded was a video embedded at the top of the page, and the thumbnail of the video was of her and Adrien throwing affectionate gazes at each other, with Adrien’s hand buried deep within her hair. Fear shot through her entire being. When was this?
She further inspected the thumbnail and saw that she was in pyjamas. It was the night they revealed themselves, they had just exited the park and were ready to head home.
“Marinette? Did you manage to read the article?”
She couldn’t take it anymore, she hastily closed the tab. “No, but I see myself and Adrien on the video thumbnail. Shit...” She admitted, not bothering to hide since Alya already saw it.
“Are you okay?”
“What did the article say?” She whispered.
“They were speculating if you’re Adrien’s new fling— ”
“The fuck?”
“—or romantic partner, but they don’t know who you are, so you’re safe.”
“But he’s not! I need to make sure he’s okay.” She was jumping out of her bed when Alya’s voice stopped her in her tracks.
“Marinette, I think that might be a problem. Herds of reporters are situated outside the Agreste mansion.”
She felt a vein pop in her temple. “Are you there?”
“What? No! The clip is rolling live on TV.”
She switched on her TV and sure enough, the mansion was surrounded by reporters.
“Adrien...” Blood drained from her face as she looked at the sheer number of reporters outside his house. Her vision started to blur. He was no doubt going to blame himself for this again.
“A-Alya, I’m sorry, I need some time alone. T-Thank you for telling me,” she stammered.
“Don’t sweat it. And I’m sure you have reasons for keeping your secrets, I won’t pester you now, but I hope to get an update on the both of you once this is over. And please promise me you’ll tell me about it later.”
Comfort flooded her chest, “Of course, Alya. Thank you so much.”
Marinette hung up and was left alone with her own thoughts.
Thinking back, Adrien was acting slightly weird after they got onto the streets. He had asked her to transform out of nowhere. Was that when he had realised they were being followed? Why didn’t he tell her? Marinette browsed her messages and calls, there was nothing she missed from Adrien.
Why was he pushing her away again? Even after the reveal. Why isn’t he opening up to her?
She wiped her tears. This is no time to be questioning his decisions. She needed to save her kitty as soon as possible. He must be feeling devastated dealing with this all alone.
18. Can’t Transform
Adrien was curled up by the side of his bed, his phone all blown up with notifications, calls, and messages from gossip news agencies and the public. It was till the point that he had to reconfigure his “Do Not Disturb” function to stop all the ringing and buzzing that wrecked his phone. He was so overwhelmed that he disabled everything.
His phone was currently by his side, his chat with Marinette on the display. Marinette was online earlier on, and he was happy to see that, but she was gone as soon as she came. Adrien really wanted to ask her for help, but he was sure that she’s pissed with him right now. He didn’t have the right to ask since he brought this upon himself. He just hoped she forgave him for allowing her face to appear on the news.
Marinette (09:01): chaton?
A chime brought his attention back to the phone. Adrien saw her message, but he just stared.
Marinette (09:01): chaton i can see you online
Adrien (09:02): hi
Marinette (09:02): can you call me?
Marinette (09:02): my calls can't seem to get through
Adrien (09:03): i muted everything
Marinette (09:03): oh
Marinette (09:03): then can chat call me?
Adrien (09:03): i can't transform
Adrien (09:04): i don't want to risk them seeing the transformation
Marinette saw that he typed and stopped a few times. She’d be patient with him, he’s allowed to take as long as he needed.
Adrien (09:06): i'll call
Adrien (09:06): but can you give me a while?
Marinette (09:06): of course :)
Perhaps it was her staring at her screen, knowing that Adrien was there. Perhaps she was solely focused on seeing something happen on her screen. Or perhaps she managed to will Adrien into calling her, because he eventually did. And it didn’t feel like it had been 10 minutes.
The line had gone quiet. So quiet that she was about to remove her phone from her ear to check if the call had ended when a voice spoke through the speakers.
“Hey, Marinette.”
He sounded apprehensive. Was she coming off too strong?
“How are you feeling?” Her voice gentler this time.
He still took a while, but it was definitely faster than the one before.
“Okay, okay. Are you okay with waiting a while more?”
Is Marinette coming to get him?
“I guess.”
“Nice. Do you think you can transform after the herd of reporters is gone?”
“I think so.”
“Very good. Would you be comfortable with sleeping in my house for a few days?”
Adrien wasn’t sure if he wanted to stay with Marinette after all this was over. What if she interrogated him? Was he ready to tell her why he did what he did? The whole truth? What if she leaves? Or rather, kick him out after she learnt the truth. He didn’t want that. Enough people had already left him. He doesn’t want any more of that. They can’t leave if he wasn’t there in the first place.
But Adrien wanted to be with Marinette. Even more so after what his actions had led to. He may be selfish right now, but he wanted the affirmation that she’d still have him, even after he messed up. He didn’t want to be alone after this ordeal. She has proved repeatedly that she wouldn’t abandon him. And right now, she’s inviting him into her life, willingly.
Justifiably, Marinette is in no wrong here, but Adrien found himself finally believing what she had promised. It might be that words of assurance could only go so far for him. But certainly, it was her actions that solidified his belief in her.
“Mhm.” He sniffled.
Adrien wanted to explain. He wanted her to know how much this meant to him.
“My lady, I… I—”
“It’s okay, Chaton. Your safety and wellbeing take precedence.”
“W-Wait! Are you going to hang up?”
19. Trust
“Do you trust me?”
“Always,” he answered so effortlessly.
“Then yes, I’m going to hang up. But I guarantee you that you’ll see me soon enough,” Marinette assured. “Would that be okay?”
“Yes, my lady.”
“Thank you, Chaton. Wait for me.”
They said their goodbyes, and Marinette waited for a while before she hung up. She got to her feet and went to work straight away.
“What is he doing in there? Can’t he see us? Just come out already!” One of the reporters threw his papers on the ground, getting agitated from standing outside the Agreste mansion for at least 2 hours. “This is taking far too long!”
“Hey! Look!”
He noticed someone pointing upwards and he lifted his eyes.
Soon, the herd of reporters directed their collective attention and cameras to the top of the mansion. They were so determined on getting any footage they could on the occupant of the building that all but one of them failed to realise that Ladybug and Chat Noir had appeared on the rooftop, with Chat Noir piggybacking their target.
“What is this?” Ladybug shouted at the crowd beneath her feet. “Is this any way to treat Paris’ Golden Boy? His love life is none of your concern!”
And with that, she jumped away from the persistent sound of cameras clicking coming from the crowd. Chat Noir followed without missing a bit, with Adrien hugging him tightly.
When Ladybug and Chat Noir had disappeared out of their sight, the media quickly got onto their vans and chased them down.
As the commotion was happening, Marinette texted Adrien to ask for the directions to access his room.
Adrien (09:32): the windows to my room are open. you'll see it once you get to the back of the mansion
She made sure the crowd had dissipated entirely before emerging from her hiding spot from the surrounding rooftops; she then made her way towards the mansion.
Sure enough, she found herself swinging into his room within seconds.
Adrien’s room was one of the biggest rooms she has ever seen in her life when she landed. It was at least twice the size of her previous bedroom, so big and spacious with various game areas across the first floor and a large library of books and CDs on the second.
She was still admiring his expansive room when she heard tiny sniffles coming from the side of the bed.
Snapping her head towards the bed, she spotted Adrien hugging his knees, head buried within his arms. “Adrien.”
Adrien lifted his head and saw her watching him.
He stood and wiped his tears, trying to smile. Turned out, wishing she was by his side was one thing. Having her actually be here with him was an entirely different thing.
Lady Rouge? Rena Bug? Marinette did not look happy. She was biting her lower lips before she started walking towards him.
Adrien began moving backwards bit by bit, anxious about her reactions towards him.
“Tikki, Trixx, Separation.”
Was that disappointment in her eyes? He didn’t know. Ladybug was quickly catching up to him and when he saw that she had raised her hand, he shut his eyes.
He was expecting some reproaching from her. He was expecting some pounding on his chest, or even a slap to his face. But all he felt was a hand wrapped around his head, settling itself within his hair and pulling him into a hug.
“I’m so glad you’re okay,” she breathed.
Adrien opened his eyes in startlement, before relaxing into her. Ladybug’s other hand was on his back, pressing him into her. And he circled his arms around her waist, returning the gesture.
“My lady, I’m covered in snot and tears right now.”
“Yeah, you’re disgusting.” But she pulled him in even more and tightened her hold on him nonetheless.
20. Save Me
Adrien wished he could’ve stayed in Ladybug’s embrace longer, she was so full of warmth and love, unlike the mansion. But he needed to pack his clothes for his impromptu stay at Marinette’s over the next few days, to avoid the scandal they were currently in.
Ladybug was exploring his huge room, but he couldn’t see her from the bathroom, so he assumed she was checking out his vast collection of books and CDs on the second floor.
He didn’t like how quiet it had gotten.
“My lady?”
Within seconds, Ladybug dropped from right in front of the bathroom door, face worried. “Adrien?”
“Could you… um, could you stay on the first floor?” He squeaked.
She relaxed and chuckled. “Of course, mon Chaton.” She looked around a bit. “I’ll just take a look around the arcade stations.”
He nodded before continuing his packing. It was quiet again, but at least he knew she was exploring on the first floor.
“Adrien?” He lifted his gaze from his bag and saw Ladybug standing beside his bed, pointing at it. “Can I sit on it?”
“Of course! Go ahead! I don’t see why not.” Surprise laced in his voice by her question.
“Just wanted to make sure,” she replied cheekily before she bounced on his bed.
Adrien was about done with his packing, but he didn’t want Ladybug to be bored.
“My lady, what happened to those illusions?”
Ladybug widened her eyes. “I was sure that the media would follow those illusions, so I had them travel to the outskirts of Paris before making them disappear right before their very eyes.” She then scratched the back of her head and smiled sheepishly. “That was the plan. But uh, the illusions should be gone as soon as I reverted to just being Ladybug.”
Adrien had finished packing and was walking out of the bathroom, bag in his hand. “So, they might be back?”
Ladybug immediately stood and walked to his windows. “I don’t see or hear any crowd outside. So I guess they are still trying to figure out where those illusions went.”
Adrien came up to her, Trixx and Plagg in his hands. “Then, for extra precaution, why not use Trixx’s power again to conceal ourselves?”
Ladybug’s eyes shone with understanding. “That’s a great idea! I didn’t think of that!”
When Ladybug called for her unification, her outfit was similar to Rena Rouge’s. Her dark hair was tied up in a thick ponytail with the ends highlighted in white. A tail was also added to her suit. “Come on, let’s go!”
But Adrien hadn't called for his transformation, and she raised an eyebrow.
“Uhh— right!” Adrien blushed and quickly turned around to retrieve his bag from the side of his bed before calling for his transformation.
“Oh, I see,” a smug look on her pretty face. “You just wanted to see me in this.”
Chat Noir was still blushing when he returned to her side. “Can you blame me? You look amazing in this. Can’t I admire how stunning my girlfriend looks?”
It was her turn to flush. “You can, you absolutely can.” She turned away, ready to use her flute when Chat Noir grabbed her hand.
“In fact, you look beautiful all the time.” He gazed into her eyes. “Marinette, for the plan you concocted to save me, thank you.”
“Anything for you, Chaton.” She grinned.
Chat pulled her into a hug and squeezed. His hand was on the back of her head, pressing her into his neck. “Thank you, so so much.”
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