#like vol. 1 was episodes 1-3 and then vol.2 was 4-6 and they need to get on doing that again man last episodes music went so hard
buckys-metal-arm · 11 months
The fact the Loki S2 soundtrack isn't on Spotify yet... Homophobic
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asm5129 · 6 months
I know this is NOT a popular take in the RWBY FNDM but y’all…I love Jaune Arc. He’s such a refreshing, interesting male character.
He’s Ruby’s best friend, and the two of them parallel each other in such FASCINATING ways. I’m planning a full video essay on this but as some examples:
1) They both have hero complexes, obviously.
2) Ruby is a prodigy who earns her place at beacon two years early, while Jaune cheated his way in and needs to work constantly outside of his school training to be anywhere near capable of huntsmen level combat
3) Jaune’s pain is loud and disruptive, Ruby’s pain is quiet and suppressed (examining their respective expressions of pain through the lens of gender expectations is REALLY interesting)
4) Ruby inherits silver eyes, an invaluable tool in fighting Grimm. Jaune inherited a regular sword, heavily outclassed by most of his peers.
5) Ruby made her weapon but modeled it after her mentor, Jaune had a hand-me-down
6) Ruby leads by developing plans and taking action, Jaune leads by supporting his team and bolstering their strengths with his own.
I’m sure there’s more too but those parallels are why their conflicts in vol 9 work so well for me, they are partners in narrative from literally the second episode.
I also just adore the commentary on masculinity with Jaune. From day one he was deconstructing traditional ideas of masculinity and patriarchal concepts of heroism.
The way he has to learn to reject so many of the things that blockbusters with men at the center have been pushing for decades is fantastic. He tried to pursue revenge like John Wick or Iron Man and it went HORRIBLY.
He can fight when necessary but it’s not where his true strength lies and that’s SO COOL for a male character.
I dunno y’all I just think he doesn’t deserve the hate. He doesn’t butt in on other stories nearly as much as people claim—in terms of Ruby, he actually serves her story quite a bit—and he is a character worth following in and of himself.
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How to read the Lord El-Melloi II Case Files Light Novels
I was recently reminded that there is a lot of people who simply don’t know that they can read the Case Files light novels, and that there are people who do know but have no idea where to find them. This is especially a problem when these people have only watched the anime and want to know where they can find more of the story. Since it kind of requires you to go through some hoops (not a whole lot but still), I decided to take a page out of @humbertozero​‘s excellent Fate/strange Fake resource post and make one for my other favorite Type-Moon Fate spinoff, the dossiers of El-Melon.
Read the First Volume: Lord El-Melloi II Case Files Vol.1 (PDF) (EPUB)
Read the Second Volume: Lord El-Melloi II Case Files Vol.2 (PDF) (EPUB)
Read the Third Volume: Lord El-Melloi II Case Files Vol.3 (PDF) (EPUB)
Read the Fourth Volume: Lord El-Melloi II Case Files Vol.4 (PDF) (EPUB1) (EPUB2)
Read the Fifth Volume: Lord El-Melloi II Case Files Vol.5 (PDF) (EPUB)
Read the Sixth Volume: Lord El-Melloi II Case Files Vol.6 (PDF) (EPUB)
Read the Seventh Volume: Lord El-Melloi II Case Files Vol.7 (PDF) (EPUB)
Read the Eighth Volume: Lord El-Melloi II Case Files Vol.8 (PDF) (EPUB)
Read the Ninth Volume: Lord El-Melloi II Case Files Vol.9 (PDF) (EPUB)
Read the Tenth Volume: Lord El-Melloi II Case Files Vol.10 (PDF) (EPUB)
Important note!
It should be noted first that I am just the compiler here. I am neither the translator nor am I the files’ creator. So all credits go to...
Credits and thanks to TwilightsCall on the Beast Lair forums (from which the majority of the other creditors originally posted their contributions) for translating the first 4 volumes and some of volume 5, thus getting the ball rolling. Further thanks to azwhoisverybored for translating the rest of the series from volume 6 onwards, and thanks to Kneenaw for starting the translation for the rest of volume 5. Thanks to Dotelias for making EPUBs for volumes 1-3, thanks to  cereal_ for making EPUBs of volume 4, thanks to u/confusedkuratowski on Reddit for making EPUB of volume 6, and thanks to ProtoformX for making PDFs and EPUBs for volumes 5 to 10 as well as for Adventures volume 1!
And big thanks to Makoto Sanda for writing Case Files in the first place!
Further explanations
The anime adaptation of Case Files, with the mouthful of a title that is Lord El-Melloi II's Case Files: Rail Zeppelin Grace Note, is particular to use as an entry-point in the series, because it only partially adapts the series. See, the author, Makoto Sanda, said in interview that the two first arcs/cases in the series didn’t quite work as scripts for anime episodes, so the anime only adapted the third case/arc, Rail Zeppelin, which is more action oriented than the more mystery focused first arcs. But because they still needed to explain stuff like Gray, Reines, El-Melloi’s students, etc., many of whom are relevant characters to the arc, the first half/six episodes of the anime is about introducing them.
So to the question “where do I start reading after the anime?”, the answer is unironically to restart at volume 1. And then you may skip volumes 4-5 since they are the Rail Zeppelin arc and there are not much differences besides some characters not being present during that arc. This is why I think you can watch the anime first if that’s more your speed (I have my problems and criticisms of the anime but that’s irrelevant to this post).
And you can’t start with the anime and start reading with volume 6, the first 3 volumes have characters and plot points that come back for the final arc, so you’re gonna be incredibly lost if you think to consume the series this way.
Weirdly enough, despite being original episodes, the anime originals are most likely canon in some ways. Episode 0, the original OVA, is an expansion of an anecdote Gray mentions in the first volume’s prologue, and Episode 1 takes place during Waver’s travels before the story starts and is an actual story, one of the 3 incidents Sanda has in mind for Waver’s journey before he returned to London. Episodes 2 to 6 take place during the one month period between volume 3 and volume 4, and finally the special OVA take place on Christmas also in between arcs.
The manga has gorgeous art, but, at the time of writing, it is unfortunately only translated up to the second case right now. Still, go check it out.
The Adventures of El-Melloi II
The sequel series currently ongoing, started a year after the first Case Files ended in 2019. You might know it as “the (other) series where Rin shows up grown up and also a pirate”. @reignsan has been compiling pretty thorough chapter-by-chapter summaries of the volumes by @kaibutsushidousha if you don’t mind being spoiled. Or you can be patient and wait for azwhoisverybored to finish translating them on Beast Lair in this thread.
At the time of writing (27/07/23), the first volume of Adventures has been completed and compiled into PDF and EPUB forms.
Lord El-Melloi II Case Files material
This is absolutely not required reading in any shape or form, those lore books are usually of interest only to dumb nerds like me lol. A timeline of the Clock Tower? An explanation of its politics? Yes please. But it also has insights into the characters by the author that aren’t in the books proper, as well as behind-the-scenes explanations for some decisions (for example, why it’s Gray with the American spelling instead of Grey with the British spelling). Only the glossary/encyclopedia is translated, but give it a look...after you read the series, because it assumes you did and has some big spoilers.
Drama CD
What’s that? You heard something about a Buzzfeed quizz about the most handsome Clock Tower teachers and how it’s somehow a plot point? Look no further than one of my only posts that did numbers. Read the summary, it’s hilarious.
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a-mellowtea · 26 days
Interview: Lindsay Jones RWBY Archives: Remnant Promenade Volume 1-8
Q.1. Tell me how you became involved as a production staff member and cast member. Also, please share any general thoughts on it.
I voice the main character of this work, Ruby Rose, the leader of Team RWBY. It’s been a very rewarding and daunting challenge to voice her as a character and grow alongside her. To put it lightly, “RWBY” has changed my life.
Q.2. What was your impression when you first saw the finished version of “RWBY”?
Being a long-time anime fan, it was literally a dream come true to be a part of something with such a classic plot and story. Ruby has so much of my own personality in her. It was a hybrid combination of my career dreams coming true and a new version of myself. She’s way cooler than me, though.
Q.3. What do you think the appeal of "RWBY" is, and what are your favorite characters and episodes?
Compared to many production companies, we had fewer people involved at first but, in exchange, we were able to work more intimately, which is what makes "RWBY" so appealing. Fans and people in the industry say that it’s a little rougher than other anime, but it’s a very straightforward one. One of my favorite characters is Nora. I’ve always liked characters who appear cheerful on the surface, but who have a true nature to reveal underneath. As for episodes, I’d say Vol. 1 Episode 8, “Players and Pieces”. It’s the first episode where we see Team RWBY and JNPR working together in a situation that seems out of control.
Q.4. Please give a look back on production from the beginning to the present, when over 100 episodes have been produced, including Vol. 8.
I can’t say that nothing has changed. We’ve been swept up in a wave of support, not only domestically but worldwide. "RWBY" is in everything. Games, comics, manga, etc. Ruby has even become a VTuber. We've added more details to everything surrounding RWBY, we've seen the characters grow, we've been able to take the girls to different worlds, we’ve been able to add new weapons. It's gone from a small world to a universe called "RWBY".
Q.5. “RWBY” has become a long-running series, with numerous spin-offs and mixed media works in addition to the main story. What do you think is the reason it has grown this way, with so many fans around the world?
“RWBY” has a universal appeal and many people can identify with every character. There is a character for everyone. I personally identify with many of the characters, especially Ruby herself. I know that people turn to media as a source of solace and inspiration, and RWBY is one of those places.
Q.6. In addition to the Japanese dubbed version, there are various media properties, such as comics and goods. What are your impressions of the development in Japan, such as the production of the original work “Ice Queendom” by Japanese staff? Also, what kind of developments do you expect in the future?
I remember when I talked to Monty, he had a strong desire to enter the Japanese market, a medium that inspired him. Many studios such as Sanzigen, who produced “Black Rock Shooter”, inspired him. Now, we've been able to work with a Japanese partner to see his dream come true, and it feels like his spirit’s come full circle. It’s also great to see "RWBY" redone in the traditional 2D format, giving us a new look at the classic characters.
Q.7. What is the appeal of your character?
The appeal of Ruby’s character is that she is innocent, yet driven. There's triumph in her simple soul, she has an almost childlike purity and innocence, but she also needs to grow up. I think a lot of viewers, especially young viewers, can relate to that. It’s a formative time in life, a time when you’re discovering who you are and who you want to be.
Q.8. Please tell us about the points of your performance and story that you want people to pay attention to. Also, what episodes, scenes, or lines have left a particularly strong impression on you in the past 10 years of acting?
Episode 8 of Vol. 1 is the first time Ruby faces serious difficulties. Expression her core and innermost feelings through the battle was a big challenge for me, but at the same time it was meaningful. In Vol. 3, after Ruby picks up Penny’s sword, she says “Leave her alone!” and I had to convey a variety of emotions with just three words. If I’m hearing the audience right, I think I did a good job. That moment opened the door to the dark scenes of “RWBY” and helped set the tone for the rest of the leads.
Q.9. Please tell us about the character’s growth from her first appearance to the end of Vol. 8. Was there any change in your acting from her first scene to the end?
Yes, there’s more uncertainty behind her. She had to find her footing in Beacon, but there were people guiding her. As she's grown, those people have become neutral figures or are gone from her life. So she has to find her own compass within herself.
Q.10. What do you think are some similarities and differences between you and Ruby?
[laughs politely] Before Monty offered me the role, he literally said to me, “You’re not very social.” Yep! Socially awkward, but endlessly optimistic. I was eager to prove myself, and I definitely had my own struggles with finding myself, believing in myself over other people, and not letting anyone else speak for me.
Q.11. Please give us your thoughts on the future development of the character and your message to them.
I want Ruby to show more leadership. With so many obstacles in front of her and hope fading, she'll have to find her inner strength and support her team as much as she can. My message to Ruby is, “Choose yourself. Never stop choosing yourself. And no capes”.
Q.12. Please leave a message for your fans around the world.
First of all, I want to sincerely thank you for all your support over the years. Without you all, this work would not have been possible. My main message is to keep moving forward. As the team leader, I think that that’s the most appropriate thing to say to everyone.
— Translation by yours truly.
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pancake-breakfast · 1 year
TriMax Volume 2! This one has Wolfwood on the cover, which can only mean good things, right? Riiiiiiiight?
Trigun Volume 1: Covers + 1-3, 3 Detailed Thoughts, 4, 4 DT, 5-6, 5-6 + DT, 6 DT, 7-8, 9-10
Trigun Volume 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 1 Supplemental Research, 2-4, 5-6, 7-8
TriMax Volume 1: Covers + 1-2, 2 DT, 3-4, 3 DT, 5-6
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for TriMax Vol. 2, Chapter 1 below.
TriMax Volume 2 Covers
"Death Blue" is a very dramatic name for a volume. Do they mean "Blue Death"? Is this a Legato reference? I think he'd like being called the Blue Death. Wait, no, he's self-conscious about his blue hair. Nevermind.
Also, this cover is hot.
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Ok, so I translated the kana on the joke version of the cover to the side of Wolfy's head, and to my great amusement, it reads something like, "This joke again?!" or "Not this joke again!!"
I'm gonna be honest; I think one of the things I struggled with on a first read of this was the continual blow-up doll jokes. These days, I find it hilarious. (I've even spent some time contemplating if I could cosplay as WW with the blow-up doll instead of the cross solely because the doll would be MUCH easier to store in between cons.) But when a younger Pancake Ray was reading this, they were fresh out of a sheltered Christian college and had very little experience with this sort of stuff. I also hadn't quite realized my own asexuality at that point, so I really didn't have a place for my sexuality (especially since I was still under the impression I'd "grow into it" or "just needed to meet the right guy" at that point) or the sexuality of others. Which made continual blow-up doll jokes particularly jarring, especially since my irreverent humor had yet to fully bloom.
Legato (that is Legato, right?) looks positively haunted on the back cover there.
LOL, now it's a shojo ballet manga, huh? I'm here for it.
Chapter 1: Return of the Blue Wind of Death
Ohhhh, so I guess the volume title wasn't just a fancy and dramatic thing and there will actually be some sort of Blue Death person. I still think it will be Legato, even if he hates the name. I bet he's spent the last two years in intensive physical therapy....
I really like the aesthetic of the volume opening page art here. Freaking gorgeous chiaroscuro. (Now it sounds like I know art words! I don't; I just memorized that one because 1) I tend to adore the style, and 2) it came up in a Tabletop RP system I used to run.)
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Eyyyy, it's the big-eared mohawk guy from Episode 1 of '98!
Man, they had this guy in some serious restraints.
Dramatic duo!
I wonder what those pipes on Vash's stomach are for. They're REALLY big in this title page art. I don't think they're always that big. Maybe they're part of the heating/cooling unit the doc was talking about??
Earlobes seems way more calm than he did in Ep 1 of '98. I guess hard time will do that to a man.
Ah, the giant boomerangs....
Oh, so he's not gone entirely agreeable. And they aren't entirely unaware of the risks.
I like the implication that he's kinda controlling his right arm with his left one.
Oh, no. I recognize these guys from the previous volumes. Sheriff, his posse, and Earlobes are out of their depth. A single Gung-Ho Gun gave Vash quite a bit of trouble. You really shouldn't mess with two at the same time.
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Nightow, what is even happening on this page? There's some shooting and some steam venting and some guys got burned, and... someone broke a bunch of light posts, I think? Was it the boomerang? Did the boomerang break them? Also, you do realize that each consecutive hit would decrease the boomerang's momentum at least slightly, and thus it would be better (if perhaps less intimidating) to NOT hit a bunch of other objects in between you and your target?
Hahahaha, dark-haired boi just ducks and lets Super-Gimp take the bulk of the boomerang's hit.
He's been so small in all the panels where it's shown that it's very hard to tell this guy has a saxophone. So there you go, fellow readers. He has a saxophone. It's in the above image, too. But again, smol. (I colored it here so we can all see it better.)
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Well, if the sheriff had any guys in that house, he DOESN'T ANYMORE.
"Make sure they're dead." Sound advice.
"Not even a shred of meat left" seems unlikely.
Oop, that arm coming up from the bottom of the panel is NOT Earlobes's arm. Pretty sure it's Super-Gimp's.
Eyyy, time for Sax Man to play us a tune! I'm sure it will be a nice one. After all, what spices up rubble and wreckage quite like a little jazz?
See? A pleasant little song....
Now all the TriStamp fans can take a guess at the REAL reason they've woven saxophone into the soundtrack.
Gods, this pose. Fill up that chest, man! Deeeeeeep breath!
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Yeah, this operation ain't going so well for Team Sheriff, is it?
Me trying to decipher Nightow's combat panels:
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I think someone is practicing drilling that is not in line with OSHA regulations here....
"Call off your attack!" Oop, too late.
I'm guessing Super-Gimp's actual name is Gauntlet. It's really hard to tell who's speaking.
Oh, shit. Is it Legato? He likes doing the long-distance communication thing....
Holy hell, this is brutal. Yeah, this has to be Legato. Mild spoilers, but Sax Man doesn't have this level of brutality in him. I could be wrong, but I don't think most of the Gung-Ho Guns do... especially not partnered with the ability straight-up force people to do things.
Geez, the blood dripping out of the truck.... WE'RE IN A TRUE SEINEN NOW, FOLKS!!!
Freaking called it. He does look like a mess, though. What kind of physical therapy program is he on???
I like his face here. He looks too amused with his own plans. It's very upsetting.
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Eyyyy, it's the doc!
Brad really needs to get over his disgust for outsiders.
Awww, they all love Vash and worry about his wellbeing! He might try not to have friends, but he does, even if they're not as deep of friendships as he needs.
Uh, oh. Is Brad ok? Vash's intuition is usually spot-on.
This is bad. These people shouldn't have information on Vash's friends.
Dang, Hanged Man pose for Vash? Ominous....
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sienne-k · 2 years
Tag 9 people to get to know better
thank you to @halenhusky309 @jiangwanyinscatmom @kimalysong and @preludianstaves for the tag!
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1. Three ships: Wangxian from MDZS is my number one!!! Then Aokise (Aomine x Kise) from Kuroko no Basuke, and then... uuuuh this is tough because i have more ships to include than just three... Kaishin (Kuroba Kaito x Kudou Shinichi) from Detective Conan/Magic Kaito i guess?
2. First ever ship: consciously? i think Lina x Gourry or Lina x Xellos from Slayers, i don't remember which one i shipped first
3. Last song: BOCA by Dreamcatcher! mostly because that was the last song as i arrived home and had to get out of the car lol
4. Last Movie: oh this one is easy!!! i spent my new year's at the movies with a friend, so we watched Shotgun Wedding, then had a break for champagne and to watch fireworks and call people to send wishes to, and then we watched Operation Fortune: Ruse de Guerre. and i have to say i enjoyed both of those movies a lot! thought perhaps by the end my mind was scrambling to catch up with the plot of Operation Fortune, since i was very tired lol
5. Currently Reading: MDZS vol 4! i am straggling because it is PainTM. also a book about cat feeding since i might start making my own cat food for Naomi due to her sensitive stomach. also Convenience Woman but in japanese. it is going slow and i am a week behind the bookclub but oh well.
6. Currently Watching: that old detective series from the 80s-90s, Poirot, based on Agatha Christie's books. each episode is one hour long. the main actor is fantastic. i love it. i do have subtitles on because the audio is not very good and also they mumble so much oh my god why can't you speak clearly. also they use words from last century so........ it is the perfect thing to watch while knitting. and there are like 13 seasons so i will not be running out of episodes to watch any time soon.
7. Currently Consuming: just finished lunch, potatoes, chicken breast in bread crumb coating and iceberg lettuce in vinegar-cream dressing. also coffee... i went to sleep at 4:30am....
8. Currently craving: sweets and also dim sum. sangsang tempted me by getting some and now i need to have them too
tagging: @the-last-d-boy @origami-penguin @cordialcrow @mathi-cql @fondofeveryprickle @bapha @ninjakk @chai-chahiye-yr @side-salami
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otakween · 2 years
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Digimon Adventure (Manga) - Vol. 1
This is the manga (or manhua) adaptation of the original Digimon Adventure anime. I got my copy from the library and you can borrow it for free on Archive.org!
Manga adaptations of anime are typically cheap money grabs that just copy-paste from the anime, removing some of the soul of the original along the way. As such, I'm not expecting much from this.
Ch. 1
-You can almost always tell when a manga isn't drawn by a Japanese artist, it's just a certain vibe (I know this is technically a manhua). That being said, the art is competent enough. Yuen Wong seems to struggle most when it comes to faces. A lot of the faces look really janky and off model for both the digimon and the digi-destined. The only other thing that's kind of off is that the text boxes are very heavily lined and take up a lot more space than I'm used to.
-When Sora is drawn in chibi-mode she has the straps of her hat up like a rabbit. At first the silhouette was so unfamiliar that I had no idea who it was lol.
-So they covered two episodes in one chapter (up until the Shellmon battle). Let's see if the pace stays that way...
Ch. 2
-This definitely has a similar vibe to most manga adapted from anime that I've read. I wonder if it will diverge from the original material at any point, too soon to judge.
-Tai says to Agumon "I'll do anything but a teeth buffing" and I have nooo idea what that means? (Is he saying "don't eat me?") Also in chapter one Izzy said "baby blue, how emasculating!" when talking about the digivice. I don't think Koushiro would ever say that tbh. I feel like spotting these weird dialogue choices is going to be the most entertaining part about reading this.
Ch. 3
-I guess we're now going at a pace of one episode per chapter, which is fine. Somehow the content still seems a little condensed with a lot of the emotional beats cut out. I feel like the setting changes every two seconds which is giving me whiplash.
-Some weird quirks: the digi-destined call their digimon by their rookie names, even when they're in champion form. Also, the artist really really likes drawing smiley faces as stand-ins for the actual characters. That's like a step below chibification lol
-I think manga like this is perfect for if you wanted to watch Digimon Adventure 02, but you didn't want to catch up on a 50+ episode anime. It's a lot faster to read than to watch. (Although probably not as satisfying overall).
Ch. 4
-More cheesy dialogue. Izzy says "don't mess with an elite hacker" to Tai lol. Koushiro is way more likeable in the original Japanese because localizations loved to make nerds insufferable in the 90s.
-It's funny, I've never thought of Tentomon as robot-like, but in this chapter he said his parts were "short circuiting" and I was like "oh yeahhh...I guess he does have metallic features"
-Did we really need that close-up crotch shot of Andromon?
-You would think that the plot point of there being editable code laying around in random areas of the digital world would have come up again, but I can't remember another time it was really used to the kids' advantage.
Ch. 5
-This panel made me laugh:
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(something about this phrasing and the expressionless chibis is so funny).
-And then Izzy never manually triggered a digivolution again...for some reason? (I feel like this was definitely explained in the anime, but I can't remember what they said).
-They didn't censor the poop this time! As usual, you can get away with more in print than you can on the screen B)
-They confirm that you can repel Numemon with sunlight...and then immediately the kids get attacked by more Numemon in broad daylight. Quickest continuity error ever!
-Another chuckle worthy moment:
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Ch. 6
-Okay, but this one had me die laughing. Just a really good dad joke:
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-Going from Adventure 02 back to the early Adventure days the stakes really do feel lower. No existential conundrums or human/humanoid villains to contend with. Just rampaging digis that can be easily cured.
Ch. 7
-Maybe it's just a translation thing, but sometimes the digimon act like there's one of each digimon species. Like Gomamon says "Unimon's a nice guy!" as if there's one Unimon in the world. Pretty confusing for kids. I wish mon series would just use names (they do sometimes, but it's not the status quo).
Yep, that was pretty generic. I wish they had thrown some more personality in there to make this a unique experience. I would have loved to read some final thoughts from the mangaka or to have gotten an omake of some sort. Ohhh welll...
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camplofi · 1 year
BSOTS 178 - Creative Commons Gems From Public Enemy And Nikki Giovanni
All comments, questions, and general feedback can be sent to [email protected].  Record a voice message and send it my way or leave one at the Speakpipe page!
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This episode's track list (title / artist / source / license):
1.  Old Futuro Blues by Yoko Absorbing [Free Music Archive] (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)
2.  Zo0o0o0p​!​!​! feat. Oddisee by Kidkanevil [Bandcamp] (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)
3.  All I Know (Featuring Big Remo and The Hamiltones) by Wals [blocSonic] (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
4.  Dance of Contradictions by Isak Gaines [Bandcamp] (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)
5.  Ridiculous Love (wetSkin Hot Summer ReMix) by Niki J Crawford [Jamendo] (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)
6.  In The Spirit Of Martin by Nikki Giovanni [Free Music Archive] (CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0)
7.  Get Up Stand Up (Featuring Brother Ali) by Public Enemy [blocSonic] (CC-BY-NC 3.0)
Looking back over the last ten shows for the BSOTS podcast feed, eight of them featured at least one Creative Commons licensed tune.  Even after more than 15 years of podcasting, the CC music landscape still feels like largely uncharted territory for me, which is probably why I've felt the need to dig through the online crates to see what I can find.  In addition, I've been listening to prior BSOTS episodes from over a decade ago, revisiting the music that I have played on the show and taking note of the songs that still sound great to me so that I can reintroduce them on future episodes.  This show marks Camp Lo-Fi's long overdue return to the feed and is where my CC music appreciation agenda kicks into high gear.  The seven songs featured are a mix of tunes from prior BSOTS episodes alongside selections receiving their first spins, cutting across genre and released between 2009 and 2023.
The blocSonic netlabel opened my eyes and ears to the world of CC licensed music.  It was through their netBloc series of compilations that I was introduced to a network of artists and online labels, most of it (if not all) available to freely download and share.  The blocSonic offerings in this episode are courtesy of last year's album from Wals and a stellar cut from Public Enemy (as heard on netBloc vol. 44), featuring the always on-point lyricism of Chuck D and special guest Brother Ali.  Another notable hip-hop moment is "Zo0o0o0p​!​!​!," the brief but absolutely banging cut from Kidkanevil featuring Oddisee, a ridiculously talented emcee and producer whose music I've been championing on this show for well over a decade.  Isak Gaines moves us into the unpredictable and experimental side of jazz with "Dance Of Contradictions," a song that sonically lives up to its title.  A bouncy yet broken groove for the first half of the song gives way to a beatless abyss of sound effects and saxophone screeches before bringing the hammer down with a distorted bass line and a defiant horn section.
Niki J Crawford's "Ridiculous Love" was an unexpected surprise that I stumbled upon over on Jamendo, a sultry soul offering made all the more seductive with the wetSkin Hot Summer ReMix.  It's percussion heavy with a slight Brazilian influence and a breezy shuffle topped with acoustic guitar strums and Niki's powerhouse vocals.  Yoko Absorbing's "Old Futuro Blues" is a short, sweet, and somewhat off-kilter cut that lives in repeated moments of loops, locked grooves, and live instrumentation.  And there's probably no better example of the sonic treasures waiting to be discovered over at the Free Music Archive than live recordings of legendary poet Nikki Giovanni.  "In The Spirit Of Martin" is her ode to not only the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., but to the struggle and perseverance of the Civil Rights movement as a whole.
If you're Creative Commons curious but have been unsure where to start looking, hopefully episodes like these can demystify this world of music one song at a time.  Thank you so much for listening.
Other key info: Theme music produced by Cy Tru and edited by Macedonia.  ID drop courtesy of DarrenKeith.
The content of this show has been released under a CC-BY-SA license.  All works within this show retain their original releases.  See the show notes at bsots.com for more information.
Another BSOTS podcast episode for the people...
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sonofcoulson · 2 years
It's All Connected
The motivation behind It's All Connected lies in Avengers: Endgame.
I was so annoyed with the way events on Vormir turned out I started to rethink the scene. Then I started to rethink other scenes. Then I started to think about how they originally said the whole MCU would be connected, even the TV shows. And then about how that proved to be untrue. But what if...it was all connected? All of it...what changes would you need to make?
It became too much to hold in my head so I decided to type it out. Then I started thinking about missed opportunities like integrating the earlier X-Men movies and having Cap team up with the Invaders. Now I have (somewhat) refined all my ramblings and present them to you. The MCU IAC (rolls easily off the tongue, no?).
Some general notes:
Probably for MCU geeks only.
This is total fantasy, so there is no limit on time, budget or casting. CGI will always look great (monsters, deaging etc).
I genuinely enjoyed all the movies, even the ones people generally don't like. So most of the things that I've changed are for connectedness, missed opportunities or fairly minor gripes. For the most part.
Where I have consciously taken inspiration from outside the MCU I have tried to label or link to that.
Happy to add links to anything I might have missed. Suggestions welcome for blank spaces in casting, continuity errors etc.
And obviously...MASSIVE SPOILERS...right the way through.
I hope you enjoy.
Phase I: Gods and Monsters
(Pre/during/post Viking times) Tales of Asgard
Season 1 Episode 1 "Ginnungagap"
Season 1 Episode 2 "Glorious Purpose"
Season 1 Episode 3 "Sigrun"
Season 1 Episode 4 "Warriors Three"
Season 1 Episode 5 "Sword of Surtur"
Season 1 Episode 6 "If He Be Worthy"
Season 2 Episode 1 "Langobards"
Season 2 Episode 2 "Utgardaloki"
Season 2 Episode 3 "The World Serpent"
Season 2 Episode 4 "Balder the Brave part I"
Season 2 Episode 5 "Balder the Brave part II"
Season 2 Episode 6 "The Death of Balder"
(1571) Talokan series?
(1845) Wolverine vol I
Phase II: The War Journals
(1914) Freedom's Five (Limited series)
(1918) Wolverine vol II
(1920) Atlantis?
(1930) Namor: The Submariner?
(1941) The Human Torch
(1941) Namor the Submariner vs The Human Torch
(1942) Captain America: The First Avenger
(1944) Captain America: The Invaders
(1945) Captain America: Super-Axis
(1945) Wolverine vol III
(1945) Agent Carter and the Howling Commandos
(1946) Agent Carter series 1
(1947) Agent Carter series 2
(1948) Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. series 1
Phase III: The Rise of the Mutants
(1955) Namor: The Battle of Wakanda & Namor: The Battle for Talokan
(1957) The Blue Marvel
(1959) Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. series 2
(1962) X-Men: First Class
(1969) The Blue Marvel II
(1970) The Blue Marvel III
(1970) Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. series 3
Episode 1
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paulisded · 1 year
The Ledge #577: Swagger
A few weeks ago, Malibu Lou from Rum Bar Records sent me his latest free digital compilation. Accompanying the fabulous 35 tracks was this declaration:
"Swag·ger-ing: Rum Bar Records extended family and friends of artists and musicians performing, writing or otherwise making art inspired by Jagger, Dolls, Heartbreakers (Thunders & Petty), Stardust, Rebel Rousers, Barroom, Struttin' Glimmer & Glam anthems, with hints of Punk, power-pop, dashes of alt-country, out-of-the-garage riveting, soul shakin' rock n' roll. Tends to inhabit and play said music loudly in hole in the wall dive bars. Swaggering rock n' roll is general enjoyed best with your fist raised air guitar, a warm beer and cold shot in a corner at a neighborhood watering hole."
Sounds like a declaration of a typical episode of The Ledge, right? That's why Rum Bar's Swagger comp dominates this week's episode, with four sets of tunes representing the release. But there's plenty of "swagger" from other sources - one set is devoted to material from the all-girl power pop cop Heroes of the Night Vol. 2. Other compilations devoted to The Mosquitos and Helen Love are highlighted. And there's also great power pop and garage rock from current artists such as The Goods, The Far Outs, and The Liquorice Experiment.
As for this week's edition of "52 Weeks of Teenage Kicks", I discovered a version by a San Jose, California band called The Odd Numbers. They've been around for around 30 years, and the cover of "Teenage Kicks" is from a great tribute album called Here Comes the Summer - The Undertones Tribute Compilation. 
And like always, I must again plead with y'all for more versions of "Teenage Kicks". If you are a musician, or have any contact with artists that could record their own take on the classic, please contact me!
1. Odd Numbers - Teenage Kicks
2. The Dogs w/ Frank Meyer - Under The Coast
3. Brad Marino - Ramones and Stones
4. JJ & The Real Jerks - Shaken Down
5. Thee Perfect Gentlemen - Transmission
6. Shelly Stevens - Secret Love
7. Brenda Prescott - I Want To Be You
8. Who's George - Who's George
9. Jackie - July Girl
10. Richard Duguay - Wasteland
11. The Phantoms - Baby Loves Her Rock & Roll
12. The Idolizers - Stranded (Again)
13. The Legendary Swagger - City
14. The Mosquitos - You Don't Give a Hang About Me
15. The Mosquitos - Hippy Hippy Shake
16. Helen Love - Debbie Loves Joey
17. Helen Love - Punk Boy (feat. Joey Ramone)
18. The Dirty Truckers - Water Me Down
19. The Peppermint Kicks - Johnny D's (Play It Again)
20. The Glimmer Stars - Pictures Of You
21. Indonesian Junk - City Lights
22. The Goods - David Jones Is Dead
23. The Far Outs - Keep Away
24. King Cornelius and the Silverbacks - Sheena (Queen of the Jungle)
25. The Liquorice Experiment - Man of Action
26. The Mochines - Post Pop Crash Depression
27. The Hi-End - I Need A Witness
28. The Amplifier Heads - Rock Rules
29. Freeloader - Fastest Gun In Town
30. Kevin Bowe & the Okemah Prophets - Not As Pretty As You Think You Are
31. Taxi Girls - Hands Off
32. Stef + The Sleeveens - Give My Regards To The Dancing Girls
33. Private Lives - Hit Record
34. Independent Country - Left Of The Dial
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boobersandstuff · 1 year
I love the new snippet we got at season 2 but I thought season 2 would be about vol 3 & 4, like how season 1 is vol 1 & 2. But based on the names of the episodes it looks like it's just vol 3, and if that's true, that means season 3 is gonna have vol 4 - 6 or we need an exstra season & idk if next will give us that
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upstartcrow42 · 2 years
Tumblr media
I posted 469 times in 2022
8 posts created (2%)
461 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 32 of my posts in 2022
#wwdits - 19 posts
#wwdits spoilers - 11 posts
#guillermo de la cruz - 8 posts
#nandor the relentless - 8 posts
#wwdits season 4 - 8 posts
#nandermo - 5 posts
#nadja of antipaxos - 3 posts
#wwdits fanfic - 3 posts
#marwa wwdits - 2 posts
#fanfic - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 39 characters
#fandom exchanges are a gift to everyone
My Top Posts in 2022:
If you want to see Nandor actually treat Marwa like the queen she seems to be from what little we’ve seen of her in season 4, then check this fic out. He treats all the wives super well because he has a big Service Kink in this fic.
3 notes - Posted July 26, 2022
My gift to @friedryebread  for the Nandermo gift exchange
6 notes - Posted July 25, 2022
Paws and Reflect
Check out my fic “Paws and Reflect” from the What We Create in the Shadows Vol. 2 Zine. You too can learn all of Sam’s tips for making a Bomb-Ass charcuterie spread.
Zine orders will cease on June 8th, so get your copy while you can. All proceeds will go toward Refugees International.
Fic Cover Credit: @jackiegaytona​
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7 notes - Posted June 1, 2022
☮ - friendship headcanon
For Colin Robinson :)
Ooh. Wasn't expecting this one straight out the gate.
Colin Robinson, despite being an energy vampire, does want the vampires to like him because those are his roomies. They are his chosen family. He has to drain to live, so he can't help but get some tasty sips from their frustration.
Prior to season three, he considered Nandor his bestie. Nandor, of course, did not feel the same way.
I feel like when the Baron told him he couldn't go on the night out, Nandor had to have a little talk with Colin to make him feel better. Or at least Nandor felt compelled to do the talking.
Colin was genuinely upset when Nandor told him to stop talking about Sandra Bullock.
Why would Colin cling to Nandor? Well, I guess Nandor is the one who is often partner-less. Sure, he has familiars, but he rarely has a partner/companion. And while Colin would love to be a third wheel, he knows Laszlo and Nadja would not tolerate that.
Of course, his new bestie in season three was Laszlo, and I feel like what may have started as Laszlo feeling bad for him, lead to a real friendship between the two. This was easy for them to do since Nadja was so busy with council stuff, and any risk of third wheeling was negated.
His dedication to Colin was shown in the Siren episode when Laszlo basically ignored Nadja's problems in favor of helping save Colin from a cruel fate.
Colin probably doesn't really care so much for Guillermo other than to just annoy the shit out of him, so I don't think they are really friends. He doesn't seem to really know him that well in season one, when he asks how long he's been working for them. I would like to see more interaction between them. I thought Guillermo going to some kind of work even with Colin would have been funny.
It will be interesting to see what they do with Colin now that he's a wee baby/toddler.
9 notes - Posted June 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I need to see the Guillermo/Freddie with Nandor leering in the background equivalent of this scene from The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt.
Original Context: Titus is just listening to Kimmy and Cindy catch-up, hoping to hear some juicy details about their time in the Bunker.
Nandor just handing back hoping to hear something salacious about Guillermo/Freddie. He could literally be stirring nothing just like Titus.
As they keep talking, he clearly sees that they are not about to get into any down and dirty details.
Well, what if Freddie is just super polite and traditional? Like, he traveled all the way to Staten Island to meet Guillermo’s family before he’d even dare go farther than a kiss?
Guillermo’s been lead along by Nandor for so long, the hope of a kiss might be enough to sate him all things considered.
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10 notes - Posted March 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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sandflow · 2 years
So I just finished reading Golden Kamuy
 Oh boy I got lots of things to say about it.
Warning: spoilers from latest and final chapter 314 + rants that might anger people
[Edit] -  added new info from vol.30
So I’ll preface by saying that I first started reading Golden Kamuy because of  Skull-face Bookseller Honda-san which sort of advertised the series. And when I checked it out, I liked the combo of a grown ass man teaming up with a kid and hunting stuff. So it got me super hooked. 
I checked out the first season, and then I picked up the manga back when the latest chapter that around that time was 179. It was a super great experience.
Fast foward 5 years and it finally ended. Let’s start:
1. The plot is simple and great, it starts off with a simple premise of finding the hidden ainu gold and then it slowly builds up with episodic criminals being killed off and skinned one by one. Sure it does go shonen tropey when it immediately followed with “you need to skin an x number of convicts to get to the gold treasure” but that problem is solved when they find out they didn’t really need all the skins.
2. The humor was mostly great, anime/manga doesn’t normally humor me but GK really delivered something more different than your average "main character gets slapped or yelled at because of a oh so funny misunderstanding har har”.
3. The overall positive and great portrayal of the indigenous group (ainu). The whole ainu theme really contributed to lore for the series. I admit there were times when I didn’t really pay attention to the trivia and cared more about the main conflict and characters but overall, or at least in the first half of the series - learning about the culture of ainu people and seeing the main characters + readers explore it was a nice breath of fresh air.
4. There are a lot of great characters. You just can NOT end up with a favourite by the end of the series. Every main and most secondary characters are likeable. Hell, the main character who is a child isn’t annoying as hell which already is a big + for me. While I did end up disliking some of them by the end of the series, they were still enjoyable at a certain point in the story.
5. Abashiri jail was the best arc in the series. Hands down. It got so well built up, the arc itself had amazing action, the factions blended in so well, and with a great shocking ending too. I may be biased though. Other amazing arcs were : the fake ainu village, Anehata, blind bandit, banya, circus, hospital rescue, and around half of the sapporo arc
6. Tsurumi ended up being a satisfying villain. Best mother hen for a bunch of normal and well adjusted soldiers. My only gripe was that he felt more of a gray to black area character in the first half of the series, while in the second half he fully became black, and that he didn’t get to kill off Sugimoto for good. But he was fine and didn’t drastically change his course.
7. I really liked the aspect of there being different factions having their own goals. It made it seem like there was no true villain. So when they were clashing you’d root for who you like rather than what the plot is trying to show how you should root for.
1. The final arc was bad. Characters kept dying one by one and you just stop feeling any sadness or shock for them at some point. You’re just waiting for the next corpse. There’s also a ton of plot conveniences. Sugimoto being so exhausted, shot, stabbed etc etc only to still be able to lift an adult bear and let it hang unto him for at least 20 minutes, or Ogata who didn’t shoot Sugimoto directly in the head when he was pinned by the bear. Or Ushiyama who doesn’t one hit kill Tsukishima. Or Koito who easily killed Hijikata, and so on.
2. Goryokaku was boring. It was mostly filled with Wilk and Hijikata flashbacks. Wilk does have his importance in the plot since he was supposedly the initial “villain” in the series, but Hijikata ended up being a very boring character to me, so him getting around 3 separate flashbacks in the same arc really didn’t do it for me. Other than that, the arc spends a very big amount of time with characters killing off completely irrelevant background soldiers and criminals. 
It also had this style of advancing really slowly in the plot, but also rushing through it.
3. Sugimoto and Asirpa’s partnership was pretty cool and I liked their bond a lot. But after Asirpa rebounds with Sugimoto after Karafuto, their bond starts to feel very codependent. So codependent that Sugimoto turns from a soldier that had issues with PTSD, to a guy who at any time opens his mouth says “Asirpa”. If he’s not near her we see him monologue about “what’s Asirpa doing?”. That’s his whole character now. 
And Sugimoto kind of stopped having this active role in the story at some point. It’s mostly Asirpa who points the story forward, with Sugimoto burying the bodies left behind. Maybe it was like that even before Asirpa got kidnapped, but it’s a lot more obvious in the later half.
It also didn’t help how after Karafuto the plot kept hinting at Asirpa’s crush on Sugimoto even more. Boutarou full on shipping them like “oooh you care about him” and “take Sugimoto and have a family with him”. 
And in the end, Sugimoto chooses to live with Asirpa for an undetermined time as “partners”. 
I don’t ship Sugiripa and I don’t really care if other people do, but the ending was written intentionally ambiguous with slight shipping tones. I’d definitely think it would have been a purely comradery ending if Noda didn’t add in the numerous hints that Asirpa is crushing on him.
4. Koito was handled pretty badly by the end of the story. I was so invested in his character development. I was waiting in anticipation for his betrayal after he got bitchslapped by Ogata. And it was THIS }{ CLOSE to happen. 
But it didn’t....or....it sort of does? back when they’re in Goryokaku but it went like “Tsurumi you lied to me and dad but let’s say I’m fine with that now, but if nothing good comes out of all this then I gotta protect my men from you-” “oh ok Koito then kill me here and now” And Koito just looks down and leaves. Koito still keeps fighting for Tsurumi.
His character was severely limited to redeeming and saving his subordinate in distress Tsukishima.
[Edit] Since vol. 30 is out, Koito’s confrontation with Tsurumi has been altered slightly. Tsurumi instead of the line “kill me now” he now says “I have no intention of losing” and Koito feels sad that Tsurumi didn’t persuade him to being on his side. “W-why don’t you ask me to be by your s-side? FINE I’m leaving let’s go Tsukishima.” Lol. And Koito still fights for Tsurumi’s goals on the train. A strange and kind of useless addition if you ask me.
5. Tsukishima was frustrating to watch. I truly liked him up until chapter 210. But then he swears total loyalty to Tsurumi and threatens Koito’s life. But then he saves Koito from the Sugi stab. But then he actively hunts down Tanigaki and pregnant Inkarmat just to kill them. But then he’s saved by Koito who reminded him of his ex finacee! But then he gives death glares at Koito when he accidentally speaks normally to Tsurumi. But then joins in the Sofia interviewing thinking he’s finally seeing Tsurumi’s true colours! But then he’s loyal to him again and ends up (almost) killing Ariko (followed by sparkly eyes) and Kikuta.
 It’s like Noda wasn’t sure wether to keep him alive or die with Tsurumi. And Koito kept pushing his ass into redeeming him soooo so much that Tsukishima literally fainted.
Tsukishima got so exhausted of being constantly juggled around between Koito and Tsurumi that he ended up fainting in his moment of choosing any side. And in the end, he isn’t even taken out of his misery. He keeps searching for Tsurumi in the sea, and then Koito appears and asks him to forget Tsurumi and join the him as his right hand man. And Tsukishima is like "sure!”. Welp. That was fast.
6. Tsukishima and Koito end up not confronting Tsurumi at all. Which is honestly dissappointing. I was fully expecting them to have a final battle with him. Nope. Tsurumi fights the main characters. Not that he didn’t have to fight them too, but there was still unresolved tension between him and his subordinates. Tsukishima never finds out that Tsurumi played him again, and Koito still fought for his cause until he had to save Tsukishima from joining Tsurumi. 
7. Vasily was the most underused character in the series. He was put back into the plot just to keep Ogata away from sniping anyone from the Sugi group. He never got a backstory, he never got a proper character ending, he had an annoying language barrier with everyone around him which was lame because I really wanted to see him truly bond with ANYONE. But nope. He’s simply an extension to Ogata’s character. 
And his ending concerning his Ogata lynx painting is just....I mean...if he truly was obsessed with Ogata then why keep a painting of him dead rather than alive? Because it reminds him of how he failed to kill him? Oh wow that’s so romantic Vasilygirls please rejoyce.
I think what Noda truly wanted to do with Vasily is to portray him as the typical Ogata fan insert of the readers (who are also coincidentally creating a ton of Ogata fanart).  
8. Ogata was handled like garbage. He was a pretty complex character plus a total enigma. Lots of people wrote a ton of theories about him. Everyone was talking about him endlessly wether they loved him or hated him. 
But then chapter 304 dropped and it reveals that he just wanted to advance in rank because he wanted to see if a low life like him can reach such a high and esteemed position. Which was...huh? Ogata said he isn’t interested in ranks to Hijikata around the time they were about to attack Abashiri. Now he is. 
In chapter 310 he kills himself because he didn’t want to feel guilt. Because he killed his only chance at true love with Yuusaku. ?! He didn’t want to have anything to do with Yuusaku. He was unifying with the walls when Yuusaku was trying to approach him. But now he was his only chance at love?? What about his grandparents??
Oh and he also felt guilt because he was always born a blessed child just like Yuusaku. ???? Yuu was rich and had loving parents. Ogata was raised in poverty, with shitty parents and was being constantly ostrasized for his bloodline. By this logic, if your parents had sex once, had the child and then broke up, even if they did feel a little bit of true love in that moment, it fully justifies their child in being blessed from the very beginning and growing up just as blessed even if they’re raised in a shitty environment with a dysfunctional family. 
9. Sugimoto should have died. There were so many hints that he’d die in the last chapter. His name, his “going to hell” catchphrase, his numerous wounds in the final arc, the SWORD STABBED IN HIS HEART, his final line to Asirpa after he throws her off the train “I’m immortal you know?”, seeing him with closed eyes and being sunk deeper into the ocean.
Next chapter he’s okay and already found Umeko. He doesn’t even confront her directly, and he doesn’t even get emotional when he eats the persimmon. OK. So much for the pay off of that amazing emotional scene when he started crying inside the deer.
[Edit] 10. Sofia’s character was treated poorly. You start off with a really strong woman who can wrestle and ride a tiger with ease. But then she fights Tsukishima and overpowers him and she conveniently- I MEAN accidentally hits a pole thus now is Tsurumi’s hostage in the church. 
And afterwards, She kills a ton of 7th soldiers with utmost ease only to be killed by Tsurumi because she froze (initially) though in the volume version she tries to shoot him (even though she wasn’t able to even scratch him which makes me think she deviated her shot because of guilt).
- don’t ever read an ongoing manga especially when you have no other series that you’re following. Noda was sometimes taking breaks in moments where he’d drop a chapter with a cliffhanger ending.  It’s paintful. Plus more and more expectations get built up the more you wait. So yeah, don’t touch anything that isn’t finished.
- the series was super great but then the quality dropped at around 65% progression of the story (around the beginning of the Sapporo arc). Maybe it was becoming a lot more serious and had less comical scenes. Or maybe I’m just hung up on Pre-Abashiri times lol.
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idrellegames · 3 years
Wayfarer: Frequently Asked Questions
Mobile-accessible FAQ for Wayfarer. Contains (in descending order):
I. General
II. Help Desk
III. Player Character
IV. Story Content & Gameplay Mechanics
V. Characters & Factions
VI. Romances
VII. Fan Art & Fanfiction
VIII. Other
Desktop version located here. If you’re on desktop, you can use the menu on the right-hand sidebar to jump around to a specific part of the FAQ.
Please read the Ask Guidelines before submitting an ask.
✦ When will the game be released?
The public version of the game is released episodically on itch.io. A full game release date is TBD. It’s a long game, it will take a while to develop!
✦ How much will it cost?
Wayfarer Act 1 (which encompasses the Prologue and Episodes 1-3) will be playable for free. Future pricing for early access to later episodes while the game is in development is TBD.
Wayfarer’s alpha content will continue be available to play through Patreon. Please note that patrons only have access to the alpha as long as they are pledged.
✦ Where can I play the game? Can I play it on my phone?
Wayfarer is an HTML5 game, which means it is played in your browser. The game is fully mobile accessible, so you can play it on desktop or your phone!
The game is formatted to open automatically in portrait mode. If you want to play in landscape mode on mobile, you will need to use a non-Chromium browser like Firefox or DuckDuckGo.
✦ Will there be a downloadable/offline/app version?
Non-browser versions of the game are TBD. While it is possible to turn Twine games into an executable file or an app, I will not be pursuing this option until the entire game is complete.
✦ What’s the difference between the public build and the alpha build?
The public build is the public version of the game. It is available for everyone to play for free on itch.io.
The alpha build is the early-access build. It contains in-development content and episodes that aren’t playable on the public build. It is only available to Patrons and playtesters and is accessible through a private link and password. The password changes on the first of each month, so if you are a Patron and unsubscribe, you will lose access to the alpha build when your Patreon access ends.
In the future, there will be three versions of the game:
Free (Episodes 1-3)
Early Access Build (completed episodes past Episode 3, stopping two episodes before the alpha build’s content)
Patreon/Alpha Build (the whole game to date, including in-development portions of the most recent episode)
✦ How many episodes are in the game?
Wayfarer is divided into three games (future titles are TBA).
Game 1
Act 1: Episode 1, Episode 2, Episode 3
Act 2: Episode 4, Episode 5, Episode 6,
Act 3: Episode 7
Game 2
Act 1: Episode 8, Episode 9
Act 2: Episode 10
Act 3: Episode 11
Game 3
Act 1: Episode 12
Act 2: Episode 13, Episode 14
Act 3: Episode 15
This list may change during development.
✦ How long is the game?
Long! Because of diverging paths and the emphasis on player choice, the full game will ultimately comprise millions of words. However, that doesn’t mean that a single playthrough will be that long. One playthrough will only see a portion of what the entire game includes.
There are three stats available with each update:
Average Playtime: the amount of time it will take to do a playthrough
Average Word Count Per Playthrough: the average amount of words the player will read during a single playthrough
Total Word Count: the total, cumulative word count of the game. This includes all paths, routes, outcomes, codex entries, tutorials, and notification text.
✦ How did you make your game?
Wayfarer is written and programmed in Twine 2, using the latest version of SugarCube. If you want to get started with your own Twine game, here are a few resources for beginners:
Download Twine
SugarCube Documentation
Twine Resources & Macros by Chapel
Twine Grimoire Vol. 1 by Grim Baccaris
Twine Grimoire Vol. 2 by Grim Baccaris
✦ How did you make your game look different from other SugarCube games?
You can strip the default UI and replace it with a custom one with the StoryInterface passage.
Wayfarer uses this template by @/cerberus-writes.
✦ How did you code [element in your game]? Can you show me?
In general, I am happy to help with basic Twine questions. My coding in Twine tag is a good place to start as I cover commonly requested mechanics and ideas for plotting and writing interactive fiction. There are also links to external resources, guides, and templates.
While I’m happy to help, I cannot give you Wayfarer’s files so you can see how I coded the game. I also cannot code your game for you.
The best way to learn is to try things yourself. Download the program and play around with it. Try making a character creator or a branching dialogue tree. I know it can seem daunting if you have no prior coding experience, but the only way you’ll get comfortable with it is if you try things out, make mistakes, and learn what works for you.
✦ I’m interested in helping out. Can I be a playtester? What’s required?
Thank you for your interest! I am not accepting new playtesters at this time.
Playtesters test new material before it is added to the public build. They hunt for bugs, typos, continuity errors, and other mistakes, and report those errors. To be a playtester, you must be a member of Wayfarer’s Discord server (17+ only). Selected playtesters are given the Playtester role, which allows access to the private playtester channels.
After you are selected, you must remain active in the private playtester channels and report the bugs you find. Playtesting is not free access to the alpha build. If you are not active, your playtester role will be removed and you will lose access to the alpha build.
Playtesters are credited in the game’s credits.
✦ Will your translate your game?
No. Even if I did have a team to translate the game into other languages, I do not have the ability to code translated text into the game. Unfortunately, Wayfarer will be an English-language game only.
✦ Can I translate your game?
No. Wayfarer will be several million words long by the time it is finished. Its length along makes it difficult to translate without funding or support (which is not something I can provide). Additionally, as mentioned above, I do not have the ability to code in translated text.
✦ I'm a writer/editor/coder. Can I work with you on your game?
No. I am a solo developer. I do not work with co-writers, I code the game myself, and I have an editor.
✦ I tried to launch your game and received an error message / the game takes forever to load. What do I do?
If you encounter any errors with launching the game, check this post here! It includes common errors and their solutions.
Please try out the solutions before reaching out or making a bug report. Most of the time, errors with the game launching or assets failing to load have to do with your personal settings on your browser and not the game itself.
✦ I lost my saves!
Twine’s engine stores save data in your browser. If you clear your browser history/cache, your progress will be lost. You can use Save to Disk to download your saves directly to your device and Load to Disk to upload them.
Note: Using Save to Disk is like using an unlimited additional save slot. It cannot download your browser saves in bulk. If you want to backup all of your browser saves, you will have to load each save individually and back them up one-at-a-time with Save to Disk.
✦ I’m not clearing my cache and I'm still losing my saves. What do I do?
Some browsers and extensions clear your cache automatically or when you close your browser. iOS also occasionally checks your apps’ cache and purges it, so this could be the issue if you are using an iPhone or an iPad. If you are still losing your browser saves, this may be the reason.
Check your settings to see if you can disable that feature; if not, you may need to switch devices or rely on manual saves.
✦ When I go to the save the game, I get an error message but the autosave still works.
This is a known issue on the itch.io app. If you are playing on the app, you will only have access to the autosave and you will not be able to use the browser save slots. You can still make manual saves to your device with Save to Disk.
If you’d like to use the browser save slots, please play on a browser!
✦ The interactive map won’t load and I can’t proceed with the game. What do I do?
There are many reasons why a game image may not load (internet connection, your browser settings, issues with image hosting on itch.io, etc).
If you encounter a blank map or you cannot interact with the map, go to Settings and turn off the Interactive Map. This will give you a list of location links you can click on instead. If the change doesn't immediately register, make a save, close your browser, re-open your browser and the game, and load your save.
✦ I found a bug!
Thank you!
If you’re playing the public build: please report it to the form here.
If you’re playing the alpha build: please report it to the appropriate bug channels in Wayfarer's Patreon Discord server.
Please don’t post bugs to the game's comments on itch or send them via ask.
✦ Who is the player character? How customizable are they?
The player character is a member of an order of warriors called Wayfarers. Wayfarers are born with complete magical immunity. They cannot use magic or magical items, their physical touch suppresses magic, they cannot see illusions, and they can break enchantments, barriers, wards and curses.
You can customize the following:
Name (defaults and suggestions are provided)
Gender (male, female, and nonbinary options)
Pronouns (use a pre-set or make your own pronoun set)
Ancestry (choose from 5 fantasy species)
Origin (choose from 6 different backgrounds)
Appearance (complexion, hair, eye colour, height, tattoos & scars)
Aliases & Nickname
✦ How old is the player character?
The player character is canonically in their early 30s. They are a child/young teen during the Prologue. There is an 21 year time skip between the Prologue and Episode 1.
✦ How tall are the heights supposed to be?
Heights are left deliberately vague. Player’s interpretations of what counts as “short” and “tall” are going to vary, which is why I don’t have specifics heights or height ranges in the game. But in general, this is what I personally imagine for the heights:
Very short: 5 feet and under
Short: 5’1 to 5’4”
Average: 5’5” to 5’9”
Tall: 5’10” to 6’2”
Very Tall: 6’3” and over.
If you have a very short character, the game is going to treat them like they’re well below an average height, but still able to get around mostly unhindered.
✦ What are the ancestries?
Ancestry refers to the player character’s species. There are five species in the Wayfarer world. Ancestry choice grants the player a unique attribute and affects some dialogue and action choices.
Humans The original inhabitants of the continent of Rhesainia. They live between 80 and 100 years.
Attribute: Lost in the Crowd [allows the player to hide easily in crowds]
Dwarves The original inhabitants of the continent of Vergelnar. They closely resemble humans and live to be around 300 years.
Attribute: Poison Immunity [prevents the Poison status]
Elves Distant descendants of the Eleneids. With the exception of their pointed years, they closely resemble humans. They live between 180 and 200 years.
Attribute: Night Vision [allows the player to see at night and pass all perception checks]
Melusine Distant descendants of the Eleneids who reside in the world’s oceans, lakes, and rivers. They are often tall with bright skin tones, hair colours, and eyes. They also have pointed ears and fangs. Their lifespans are incredibly long and they live for many centuries.
Attribute: Aquatic Affinity [gives the player additional options when in water]
Aeda Distant descendants of the Eleneids who reside in isolated mountains and forests. They resemble elves, with a few notable exceptions: metallic and jewel-toned hair and eye colours, wings, and crests (natural markings that appear around the eyes and forehead). They live between 70 and 80 years.
Attribute: Superhearing [allows the player to overhear conversations that may otherwise go unheard]
Player characters who are Melusine and Aeda have a human parent and are not full-blooded Melusine or Aeda.
✦ What are the origins?
There are six potential origins for the player character. Origin affects the player character’s starting stats, as well as some unique dialogue and action choices.
Child of the Desert You are from a family of warriors who reside in the deserts of Sathir. You have spent most of your childhood travelling your native lands, training to fight and protect. Even at your young age you have mastered a diverse set of weapons and techniques. Though you were never ostracized by your family for your peculiar lack of magic, you were always treated with a sense of pity – an unfortunate soul unable to live out their potential.
Child of the Wilds You are from a clan of hunters in the Artanisian wilds. You have spent most of your childhood learning the ways of the hunt. Many in your clan thought your lack of magic to be a hindrance and at a young age you were branded the black sheep of the family. Though you worked twice as hard to prove yourself among those who wielded magic, you could never live up to the clan’s expectations.
Child of the Fields You are the child of farmers from the rich fields of Arsenia. You have never held a weapon in your life, but you are accustomed to hard work. You spent much of your childhood taking your family’s goods to the local market, where you nurtured a hidden talent for bartering. Though you’ve always felt relatively normal, your friends and peers have always seen you as a little strange, perhaps due to your lack of magic.
Child of the Streets You have never known parents or a family. All you have left of them is the name they gave you. You are one of the hundreds of children lost on the streets of Nesactium, the capital of Arsenia. Most don’t survive. Those without magic shouldn’t survive. But you did. Everything you know you’ve taught yourself.
Child of the Seas You were born in Tol Covere to a wealthy family whose mercantile empire spans the Rhesainian Ocean. As a child with no magic, you were often forgotten about, nothing more than a waste of resources in comparison to your magically talented siblings and cousins. Even so, you were taken on multiple journeys and have already seen your fair share of the world, from aristocrats to pirates.
Child of the City You were born in Vodena, into the Vestran aristocracy. Despite your lack of magic, you were given the education of a noble, studying history, mathematics, sciences, music, and multiple languages. However, you were always seen as an odd child, the disappointment of the family, and you were ostracized from your peers.
✦ Why am I failing?
The idea of “failing forwards” is a core concept behind Wayfarer’s gameplay. The player character messes up and life continues on. Failure will never stop the game from progressing, it is simply another path. There is unique content behind every failure; some routes or paths can only be accessed through failure.
If this is your first time playing the game, I highly recommend seeing where the game takes you before you hit reload.
✦ How do skill checks work? Why do I suck at your game?
Skill checks are the dice roll number + the player’s level number. If the combined number is higher than the pass threshold, you will pass. If it is lower, you will fail.
Some checks have a higher or lower threshold to pass than usual, depending on the circumstances. For example, if you have a Persuasion check against a character who is very set in their ways and who already doesn’t like the player character, the threshold to pass will be much higher than normal.
There are some rare red herring skill checks that result in an automatic fail. In this case, you will get a Skill Ineffective notification (this is to prevent players from trying to save scum their way through a choice that always results in failure).Succeeding a skill check is not the same thing as winning and failing a skill check is not the same as losing. This is not a game that you can win or lose. Success and failure changes the story content you see and how your character’s journey progresses.
✦ How do I improve my skill level?
You will be allotted up to three skill points to level up at the end of each episode. How many skill points you receive depends on your health status and a dice roll. Full Health has the highest chance to receive 3 skill points. Injured has the lowest chance.
If you re-load your autosave to re-distribute your points, you will get a new dice roll and a new allotment of points.
It is possible to receive 0 skill points.
✦ How do I get Varyn, Cenric or Sero as my master?
See this ask here.
You can also select your master manually with the Quick Character Creator. The QCC skips the Prologue and proceeds straight to Episode 1.
✦ How to I get a specific result or story outcome?
Check the walkthroughs tag.
If your question is not answered there, ask in the Wayfarer Discord server. I will not be creating detailed walkthroughs that cover all choices, approval changes and outcomes at this time.
✦ Who is the main cast?
There are seven characters in Wayfarer’s main cast, also known as companion characters. Companions join the player’s party and follow them throughout their journey. The MC can form relationships with them (sometimes romantic, sometimes strictly platonic) and the strength of their bonds will shape the course of the story.
While you cannot remove a companion from your party, you can decline to pursue their personal quests.
The companion characters include (a * denotes a companion with romance content):
Aeran Kellis*
Alexia Antonis*
Calla Tormond*
Felix Navorre
Melchior Larkspur*
Nelani an’Zoraia
Ren Varadon*
✦ What about other major characters?
Wayfarer has a lot of major characters. You can see a full list in the character roster here. Mobile users, you will have to open this link in a browser. Pages do not load on the app.
✦ What are factions?
Velantis is filled with organizations and institutions pursuing their own goals. The MC will become entangled with six of them throughout their journey. How they navigate their relationship with these factions will determine the course of the story.
The factions include:
The Order of Lethalis: a sect of Guild mages looking to re-establish control over the Guild
The Order of Solarath: a sect of Guild mages searching for the source and cause of magic
The Arathian Empire: the Imperials who govern Velantis and seek to maintain control of the city
The Velantian Loyalists: Velantians loyal to their former kingdom and are fighting for independence from the Empire
The Arcanists’ Lodge: a guild dedicated to magical engineering and technology
The Meissandium: the dominant religion in Rhesainia, headquartered in Velantis
Balancing faction approval is an essential part of the game. It is not possible to side amicably with all factions and keep high approval with your companions.
✦ What do the characters look like? What ancestry are they? How old are they?
Because the cast is so large and will eventually encompass hundreds of characters, not everyone will have official art. Please keep in mind that sometimes I make small changes to descriptions and I forget to update this page, so if something in the game contradicts the description here, the game is always correct.
Official character portraits can be found here.
Descriptions of all companions and major characters are available on the character page (desktop/browser only, this link will not open in the app). This includes physical descriptions, their ancestry, and their age.
A skin tone reference sheet for the companions is here. Please use this reference when drawing the characters. I will not endorse whitewashed or offensive art.
✦ When will everyone be introduced?
All major and romanceable characters will be introduced by the end of Act 1. Characters with romance content are marked with a *.
Prologue: Aeran Kellis*, Rindan Cenric, Brissa Varyn, Amali Sero, Sabien Quirinus
Episode 1: Zenaida Anaxas, Malsara Markal, Nova Markal, Rhodarth Nairan*
Episode 2: Sophia Anaxas, Sandro Anaxas, Melchior Larkspur*, Phaedra Amestris*, Umbria Bellaris, Allegra Arantir (conditional)
Episode 3: If the player did not meet Allegra in the previous episode, they will meet her here
Episode 4: Raven*, Alexia Antonis*, Ren Varadon* or Calla Tormond* (conditional)
Episode 5: Ves Sithia. If Alexia, Calla or Ren have not been encountered yet, they will be introduced in this episode
Episode 6: Hypatia Navorre, Athana Navorre, Lyrian Blushrose*, Nelani an’Zoraia
Episode 7: Kellan Osgar, Vara Helmi, Felix Navorre
✦ How many romances are there in the game?
There are four main romances and four secondary romances. These include:
Alexia Antonis [romanceable by everyone]
Ren Varadon [romanceable by everyone]
Calla Tormond [romanceable by everyone]
Melchior Larkspur [romanceable by everyone]
Rhodarth Nairan [gender-locked to male & nonbinary MCs]
Raven [gender-locked to male & nonbinary MCs]
Phaedra Amestris [gender-locked to female & nonbinary MCs]
Lyrian Blushrose [romanceable by everyone; only available on Melchior’s polyamorous route]
Romances are optional and the game can be enjoyed without romancing anyone.
You may encounter characters outside the ones listed here who have flirt prompts or romance flags. I highly recommend playing the game and seeing where things lead you, rather than pre-planning a specific course.
✦ What’s the difference between main romances and secondary romances?
Main romances are romances with companion characters. They are the most complex and their storylines are related to the main plot of the game and can be accessed by all players, regardless of gender. You will have to manage the companion’s approval stat as well as their romance stat.
Each romance will unlock at different rates and their content will play out in different ways.
Alexia is asexual and has no interest in a sexual relationship.
Ren is demisexual and requires a strong emotional bond (i.e. high approval and high romance) before his romance will unlock.
Calla is open to open relationships, but if you want to pursue more than one character while being in a relationship with her, you may need to have certain conversations with her.
Melchior is polyamorous. He has two romances—a polyamorous romance with Lyrian and the player character, and a monogamous romance with the player character. To unlock the monogamous romance, your approval must be high and you must have certain conversations with him.
Sexual and romantic compatibility is a major theme of all romance routes and it will be a discussion point between romanceable characters and the player character.
Secondary romances offer more streamlined content. These relationships range from one-night stands to friends-with-benefits to intimate relationships that are not dependent on the main plot. They are far less complex to manage as they only have one approval bar (rather than the romance/approval split the companion ROs have).
Some are locked by conditional story events. For example, if Rhodarth survives Episode 1 and leaves the Count’s service, he will be available later in the game. If he dies or does not leave, he will not appear.
With the exception of Lyrian, all secondary romances are gender-locked (meaning your player character needs to be a certain gender in order to pursue the romance).
✦ Why are there gender-locked romances?
While I’m all here for bisexual representation, I do think it’s easy to fall into the trap of “player sexuality” when you make every romanceable character bisexual. Wayfarer is a LGBTQIA+ game, which means some of my characters are gay and lesbian, and I need to stay true to that.
✦ Then why can nonbinary MCs romance everyone?
Because nonbinary is a complex identity that encompasses a diverse breadth of experiences. The distinctions between one nonbinary identity and another are far more than I can feasibly put into a game like this, which means it is nearly impossible to create numerous flags to control the way nonbinary gender identities intersect with sexual orientations.
Furthermore, a person’s sexual orientation doesn’t change when their partner is nonbinary. A gay man can have a nonbinary spouse and still be gay.
✦ Will there be asexual romance paths with characters besides Alexia?
Yes! All romance scenes will have allosexual and asexual choices. You can pursue one or the other, or flip between them as you wish.
Allosexual choices (marked with a filled-in heart) will lead to scenes that emphasize sexual desire and intimacy. These will sometimes lead to fade-to-black/implied sex scenes.
Asexual choices (marked with a heart outline) will lead to scenes that emphasize romantic attraction and intimacy. Your MC does not need to have sex to pursue a loving relationship.
See this post here for more information.
✦ Will there be smut in the romance scenes?
Steamy lead-up? Sure. Sexually explicit material? No.
✦ Can I romance more than one character?
You can try! Depends on the character(s). ;)
✦ Will there be a poly route?
There is one polyamorous route with Melchior and Lyrian.
Calla is open to open relationships, so you may be able to pursue multiple characters at the same time while romancing her.
✦ Will it be possible to have a queerplatonic relationship with the characters?
There are unique friendship scenes for high or maxed out approval that do not trigger if you are romancing that character. Friendships are just as important as romances in this game and one is not weighted more importantly than the other. Nelani and Felix do not have any romance content at all, but they may end up being the person your MC is closest with.
You can read more about that here!
✦ If I flirt with Aeran in Episode 1, will I be locked out of an RO’s romance?
Nope! Flirt to your heart's content—at your discretion. I am not responsible for any feelings that may occur as a result of flirting with Aeran.
✦ How do I get +60 romance points with Aeran by Episode 2? How do I unlock his high romance and his Episode 2 intimacy scene?
You have to select the #4 option when Aeran is introduced:
#4. You are friends and you are partners. You can’t imagine this life without him at your side. Though nothing romantic has happened between you, you can’t help but wonder…
This will flag his romance. It's not possible to gain romance points with him otherwise, the MC's feelings for him have to be established from the beginning (he is the only romanceable companion who works like this and it's because they've known each since childhood).
For his high romance content in Episode 2, you HAVE to net over 60 romance points in Episode 1, which is only possible if you:
Get knocked unconscious on any of the boss fights (Count fight, basilisk fight, town square riot, etc).
If you're leaving Rona conscious, then you're going to miss out on the only opportunity to get a head start on his romance. Because Aeran is a fool and he doesn't realize he's in love with the MC unless they almost die.
In Episode 2, you need to make sure that:
Your approval points don't drop below 60
Your romance points don't drop below 60
You cannot have personally killed Rhodarth or have ordered him to kill Rhodarth in Episode 1
Do not tell him about the letters (if you've read them) during the fight at the end of Episode 2
Do not go to Melchior's party
Do not accept Veyer's tryst (you can absolutely make out with them and then leave and go back to Aeran though, if your MC is that kind of messy)
✦ Why isn’t [this character I like] romanceable?
Because this isn’t a romance game. Romances are optional content and they are a lot of work to create. The available characters were chosen very carefully because they have stories I’m interested in telling.
✦ Can I make fan art?
Yes! I love seeing different artists’ takes on the characters and story. If you’ve made something, feel free to tag me in it! I do my best to check the Wayfarer tags and reblog the lovely artworks artists have shared.
✦ Can I write fanfiction?
Of course! I love fanfiction. I wrote it for many years before jumping to professional writing. If you’re inspired, go for it! I’m honoured that my work has sparked someone else’s creativity.
However, I won’t be reading or reblogging any Wayfarer fanfic. Fanfiction gets messy when the original creator is involved. I would like to avoid being influenced, even subconsciously, by other people writing about my characters. Maybe when the game is finished I’ll be able to showcase fanfic on this blog, but until then, it won’t be shared here.
I would appreciate if you didn’t @ the blog directly in your written works for now. Thank you!
✦ What about commissions?
Private commissions are fine. Commercialized fan art (merch, prints, online store, etc) without my express permission is not.
As personalized short stories set in the Wayfarer world are a Patreon benefit, I would appreciate if fanfiction authors do not attempt to make money off my world or characters, even for private commissions.
✦ Can I use Wayfarer to train AI?
No. Any use of Wayfarer’s text or images to train artificial intelligence (AI) technologies is expressly prohibited.
✦ Can I make a chatbot based on Wayfarer?
No. Any use of Wayfarer’s text, characters, and dialogue to create chatbots and interactive scenarios is expressly prohibited.
✦ How do you make your maps?
I use a program called Wonderdraft. It is not a free program, but it is well-priced for what it offers. It comes with hundreds of built-in assets, but you can also import custom-assets to suit your needs.
Other mapmaking resources:
Medieval Fantasy City Generator by Watabou
Fantasy Map Generator by Azgaar
✦ How can I support you?
Sharing and talking about the game helps me out so much! But if you want to help financially, you can support me on Patreon. Patreon is the main way the Wayfarer’s development is funded and the game wouldn’t exist without my patrons.
Patrons receive a bunch of special benefits and perks, including access to the alpha build, bonus content, writing tutorials and more. You can find the full details here.
Just note that Patreon charges first when you sign up and then subsequently on the 1stof each month. If it’s near the end of the month, I would wait for the next month to roll around before pledging. Otherwise, you will be charged back-to-back.
188 notes · View notes
antiloreolympus · 3 years
10 Anti LO Asks
1. lo hades def looks like he's into crypto, you know what I mean? especially bc you cant be taxed on it, the richer the better!
2. This isnt even just LO but why do so many of the romance comics have such a desire to sexualize barly legal young women who are of COURSE naive virgins (but also super sexy and horny and know how to flirt out of the blue!) and try and make us root for them to get into relationships with their Christian Grey knock-off bosses?? like Let's Play (spoilers I guess) thought it'd be funny to have the MC be in physical PAIN after having sex, like why are you showing your teen audience this???
3. Nah I feel the same way as other anon. LO is way too confused on whether it's a light hearted YA story or a serious drama for Mature™️ readers. Like the SA and (one) therapy session was more or less handled perfectly fine, but everything from the AOW to the Trial is either incredible goofy or tries way too hard to be "serious" with RS and her team both not putting the writing nor art skill into it to hold any weight. It just comes across as melodramatic and try-hard over genuine and well planned
4. There's so many "quirks" in LO's art that are bad but WHY is it a thing where when a character is just standing there their arms and legs are just glued to the side of their bodies like🧍‍♂️🧍‍♀️🧍? that's not how even soliders at attention stand, there's still bones and muscles to account for but they end up with that end product? I just do not get how her and her team have probably 50+ years of art education and practice between them and yet they fail on such basic concepts every time.
5. I for one think that the differences between how characters slapping each other is depicted as either good or bad depending on who’s doing the slapping isn't hypocritical of RS: Hecate slaps Hades because she thinks he’s being predatory towards Persephone, this is a well-intentioned slap. Minthe’s slap on the other hand, is not justifiable because she was in the wrong in the context of that conflict: you don’t get to just stand your boyfriend up and hit him when he’s hurt by it.
6. it's just funny WT itself has a posting rule that your comic "cant show topics like incest or grooming" as if thats not the majority of the romance genre itself. yall ever read eggnoid? cmon now.
7. punderworld made a myth rec list and go figure some lo fans were in the comments saying "LO was all [they] needed" and its like how would you even know this episode happened unless you were subbed to punderworld, therefore proving they keep up with other myth comics? also the creator got upset at the lo fans being mad she didnt also rec LO as if its not the most advertised series on that whole site and she was promoting smaller creators. LO fans are so entitled even to other creators it's crazy.
8. I think the issue with the “let people like things” argument (and the fans do this so much) is that I’m All for that, I and every other critic isnt saying you can’t like, hell there’s parts of it I do like and wish there was more of! But if you go “just let people enjoy things!!” when it comes to legitimate criticism (ie misogyny, racism, classism, mishandling of trauma and assault to push a romance along, etc) you don’t care about others opinions, you just want them to like YOUR thing.
9. we already know rachel is a weeb but it's most obvious when it's a kissing scene because she does NOT draw lips but all of a sudden they get huge and glossy when theyre about to smooch but nothing else about the face adjusts with it and it's like what the hell is that 😭
10. i honestly dont blame lo fans for buying books of it even if the quality of it degrades rapidly after vol 1, once it ends (maybe in five years at this rate) webtoons will right away put it on daily pass which is notoriously a bad venue for rereads/new readers who missed when it was originally published and given how rachel has no sense of less is more, itll cost hundreds of dollars just to read the current 190+ episodes, much the many more shell milk out of it. might as well avoid that now 😵‍💫
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werkboileddown · 2 years
Bobby Explains... For all the people who have discovered me recently from the Never Get Ahead video currently posted on many blogs and on Youtube, here’s some facts you make be interested in: 
1.  The video is from an unrehearsed live appearance on Chic-a-go-go in 1997 or 1998 (ten years ago, shit!). Chic-a-go-go is a brilliant children’s dance show on cable access here in Chicago; it’s sort of like American Bandstand or Soul Train, but for little kids. Every week there is a random collection of kids and parents dancing to pre-recorded tracks and usually there is a special guest from the independant music scene. The guest can be local or touring acts, ranging from totally obscure noise bands to bigger acts. There is no budget and no rehearsal; they usually shoot two or three episodes in about two hours. The host is a punk rock rat puppet named Ratso and his lovely partner, currently Miss Mia Park. 
 2.  I was asked to do a tune, and as the song was Never Get Ahead, I re-cut the vocals to remove references to fellatio. It is a kids' show, after all. I recut the tune the night before and really didn’t have time to rehearse the lip sync. I figured my sync would be terrible, but didn’t care too much about fooling people into thinking it was live. 
 3.  The original version of the tune is on my album Bobby Conn, available through Atavistic/Truckstop Records.  I think it is on iTunes, Amazon, etc. It’s my first album; please buy a copy as I haven’t seen any royalties from those people for a long time.  There is also a live version on my album Live Classics, Vol. 1 released on Thrill Jockey Records. It is considerably more rocking than the original, which may or may not be an improvement. 
 4.  This video clip was voted Worst Video Ever in a VH1 contest and has been broadcast in the UK and Europe pretty consistently for the past ten years. 
5.  The video was shot at 10am on a Saturday morning; I was not “coked out of my brain” as many people have suggested. If my performance seems exaggerated, well, perhaps you need to enjoy life a bit more. 
6.  Micheal Jackson and motown are a huge inspiration for me, and I’m not embarassed to admit it. I’m not really ashamed of much, really. 
 7.  The woman in the blue dress is my friend Emily; you can see clips of her playing bass in another tune on YouTube, Passover. The woman in the plaid skirt is Monica BouBou; you can see her in most of my videos as she has played violin with me for over ten years and is my partner in crime. I can guarantee any dude that is interested in Emily or anyone else in the video that they are not interested a scumbag like you. Everyone else in the video, all the kids, etc, are just random people who showed up that day. Obviously, many of them were confused by my antics. 
8.  I am “for real.”  As in, I am a real person. Is my hair real in the video? Is that a measure of my integrity? These are all questions for you to think about, but frankly, I am amazed at how much people seem to care about these things. It’s a sign of progress that we have the time to debate such issues over the internet. I guess that means that the larger issues confronting humanity have been pretty much taken care of. Hallelujah! 
9.  I have noticed that Americans have a harder time with sarcasm and irony that other cultures. We find sarcasm threatening in some way. I, on the other hand, find the emphasis on the illusion of integrity to be more frightening. The lyrics to the song both celebrate and mock political songwriting. The concept of 'the man' is a juvenile simplification of oppression. But the impulse behind it is still valid. 
 10.  Finally, thanks for watching!  I am very proud of this video, as it captures almost everything I love in entertainment.  It is FUNNY, even ten years later!
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