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clearlydusty · 3 months ago
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Made some happy mouthwashing fanart, all credit for the images go to @joetastic2739, thank you joetastic for feeding me and everyone else in the MW community <3
Also click for much better quality cuz this looks TRASH now that I’m seeing it again
(close ups and links to joetastics posts below !! )
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Anya Steam awards , Anya admiring herself
Daisuke's Daisuke Dance , Daisuke as Yosuke
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mroddmod · 4 months ago
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some recent stuff i've done in magma bc im kind of addicted to using it lol
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kedreeva · 1 year ago
There's some dude (derogatory) on FB who is PISSED people are pricing their farm fresh eggs at $2 and $3 a dozen instead of $4+, saying it's "disrespectful" and "undignified" and "I'm trying to feed my kids" like Sir, you are on a Facebook group page bitching about your neighbors egg prices because your pet chickens aren't earning you a living wage and you think it's your neighbors' fault, you do not have a leg to stand on here wrt dignity.
Also half the answers are like "I give them to friends and family free" or "I donate them to food banks" or "I'm making them affordable to folks who might not otherwise be able to get them now that they're so expensive in the store" and "if you think you're going to turn a profit keeping backyard chickens you have been wildly misled" and so on, and so forth, and I'm so living for it.
and I can tell you right now, he did NOT like my answer of "if you're trying to feed your kids, I hear eggs are edible."
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loony-binz · 8 days ago
Okay so like, petty fandom arguments and other bs aside, can we all just generally agree that- objectively- MalleYuu is fucking hilarious?
Like I’m pretty sure Yuu isn’t even a registered citizen and it’s debatable if Ramshackle even has a working shower. And then they just. pull the heir to the strongest kingdom known within the lore. that’s fucking peak.
Also all of the bullshit with the Senate just makes the mere idea of them as a couple ten times funnier. Like they SEETHED at Lilia and Maleanor FRIENDSHIP as well as the fact she married a lesser fae. Not even a non-fae species. Just. A guy whom was slightly lesser.
The Council of Briar Valley: Ah yes, the heir to the throne. Since our princess had committed the CARDINAL SIN of marrying and having a baby with a LESSER FAE, we shall carefully watch over and monitor Malleus, to ensure the same mistake does not happen twice!
Malleus HumanFucker Draconia:
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ozymandien · 3 months ago
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chef with a silver earring
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Actual scene from episode 24
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shanklin · 2 months ago
Sentient Mystery Shack, who is really biased towards Stan, so when Ford tells Stan he has to give it back after the summer it’s on sight.
Ford keeps tripping over nothing, nothing is where it's supposed to be and somehow he keeps running into closets when he tries to go outside.
But the worst part, the WORST part is that Ford's lightbulb just won't. Work. No matter what he does it keeps flickering and exploding.
Ford is spiraling. 
There is no reason why it shoudln’t work. All his trial runs work perfectly. He’s already checked the Shacks wiring three times and relearned this dimensions science from the ground up. 
Nothing works.
The Rift? Bill? The impending apocalypse? Eating? Sleep? Who cares about that. 
It doesn’t help that Stan keeps laughing at him.
“Then you do it!” Ford eventually snaps at Stan.
Stan shrugs and with a little song under his breath screws his own lightbulb in. It works perfectly.
Stanford screams.
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cinematicnomad · 11 months ago
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obsessed with this letterboxd review for CHALLENGERS (2024) by rocky/WAYSTIAR
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i depend on u...
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blazeball · 1 year ago
i just rediscovered the pelican spider. give me 1-2 business days to stop laughing at how they're shaped and ill be normal again
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inktho · 1 year ago
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describe-things · 2 months ago
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[ID: A screenshot that had been edit to be titled in large text, "This screenshot is from 2020". The screenshot shows a news burst from AP Seattle reading, "Breaking: Greyhound says it will stop letting Border Patrol agents conduct routine immigration checks on its buses.". Then a user named corpse / thefurrow replies, "Witnesses said a bus driver told an ICE agent to 'gargle [his] balls' when the latter requested to enter the bus". Below the screenshot, more added text reads, "Warn people who reblog it thinking it just happened yesterday in 2025. Reposting old news without context is a form of misinformation. We all need to work together to stop it, no matter how 'harmless' it may seem.". End ID.]
You might think it's harmless to repost old news like this without the relevant context, but it's not. This is painting a corporation in a positive light, when they may no longer hold that stance.
There is no safe form of misinformation. This reposted news might be about a bus driver swearing at an ICE agent, but next time it could be about a mass shooting, or a wildfire or earthquake, or oil spill.
All misinformation is harmful. Everyone needs to be wary. If a screenshotted post does not have timestamps or a link to a news source, ask yourself why. Google a quote from it to see what shows up.
And if there is actual important information that needs to be spread, include image descriptions. Tumblr has been known to censor important posts in the past by removing pictures. Make sure the information can survive the original photo being deleted.
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We all know the semi-canonical ‘all the Robins know to hide/duck inside of Batman’s cape, even as adults’ thing.
We also know that Danny ‘is LITERALLY a ghost’ Fenton sucks at remembering his own intangibility while ALSO forgetting to look ahead of him.
All I’m saying is, Danny Fenton (or Phantom, if you’d really like) would absolutely SLAM into Batman on accident while running on roof tops and Bruce ‘Brooding Instinct’ Wayne doesn’t even think twice about letting the kid hide and scanning around for danger before there’s a record scratch of ‘wait who tf is this?’ kicks in.
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cordspaghetti · 8 months ago
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The twin devils, humbled by her blunt force trauma
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inkskinned · 4 months ago
i have a fever. let's imagine pokemon world dash discourse together. (sorry i do not have darkmode.)
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🤳🏻 pokestopit reblogged team-sprocket
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👻 gengaydar Follow
For the last fucking time owning a gengar is NOT graverobbing. what is actually wrong with you people
#gengar #why am i even still on this site #i don't have a gengar but like. what's even going on over there #is marowak graverobbing now too??
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💅 deerlinguist reblogged givemeyourstrongestpotion
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👩‍❤️‍👩 lightscreend Follow
farfetch'd is like the most edible pokemon just because he comes with his own aromatics. pop that bad boy in the oven with some oran berries.... don't mind if i do
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⚧ feministforcepalm Follow
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@dyketraining tags pass peer review
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🚣🏼‍♂️ magicarpaltunnel reblogged haxorsus
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🐦‍⬛ corvikite Follow
I love to hate things and people. And when I turn out to be RIGHT and that person is a DICK? All parasocial relationships are bad and evil unless I am right about hating someone and then parasocial relationships are good actually
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🪐waterbubbil Follow
We all thought about the same person let's just be honest here....
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🎀 contest-winrar Follow
For me it's always going to be people who keep Pokémon without any thought as to their enrichment and needs. You do not need a fucking Arcanine, you live in a studio apartment and don't walk more than a block a day. You think you want a Gardevoir but are you okay with having an unknowable creature reading your thoughts every waking moment of the day? Even while you do... the nasty?
It drives me crazy because people see a Champion and think they have the time, energy, money, and space necessary to raise a Dragon type. Unless you have generational wealth, let me spell it out for you: you do not have the funds for a Dragon type. And yes! Charizard is on that list, guys! You can't even afford to feed yourself!
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📯 jessiejustlickme Follow
local tumblr user declares the poors only get rat pokemon. maybe a bug pokémon if we are very good. we must grovel in the streets amen
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🎀 contest-winrar Follow
Laugh all you want but I'm serious. I have heard of someone who is living with a MR. MIME like it's her HUSBAND!!!! That's fucking GROSS. These are creatures that TRUST us and NEED us.
Did you know that most Ponyta prefer to be in a herd? Are you going to have the space for that? Did you know that if you don't properly care for certain fire species their flame goes out? Sure, they're cute when they're small: but unless you're a rancher or a Gym Leader... I'm sorry. You're gross to me if you think otherwise. I hate people like that.
And for the record, rat and bug Pokémon are very valuable from an ecological standpoint. They hold an extremely important niche. People like you would rather they be hunted to extinction because they're pests, not pretty. It's disgusting.
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🐦‍⬛ corvikite Follow
anybody in this thread smoke weed
#NOT THE RATS FOR THE POOR PEOPLE... GIRLLLLLL #the thing is they're not like... wrong.... #like i agree with the sentiment #my friend tried to get a slyveon just by like. playing catch a few times #.... like you do need to try.... #also fyi i have a large species so i'm biased #grovyle my baby . my man. u are costing me like so much in pokepuffs per month
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👁‍🗨 badsol
why are we all talking about what pokemon to eat tonight lmafo
#.... obviously jigglypuff. homegirl is 90% cotton candy
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🪅 feebassguitar reblogged metrognome
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🫖 sinisteacher Follow
Like okay I got into science because I love to learn but the more I find out about how we've classified Pokémon types the more insane I feel. What do you mean there's no singular true indicator? What do you mean that there are several conditions which completely alter their base type?
Literally today my lab partner and I got into a very serious discussion about Luxray. That thing is a fuckking dark type!!!!! I'm sorry!!! I don't care what Bulbapedia says!!!! anyway i threw a pokeball at him and it swallowed him whole and now i'm going to jail for unlawful imprisonment of a TA
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🍙 thesandwichking Follow
there's something, like, very dystopian about the idea that if u put an ugly hat on ur favorite little creature it changes like. the DNA. like. do other pokemon look at what you've done and cower? that's their friend... similar but changed... forever having known a life that is entirely alien to them...
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🐳 wailordsupreme Follow
.... Are we going to ignore that OP swallowed a human into a ball???
#yes we are. #my friend loves those hats but I think they're so ugly #and stupid #if i wanted a specific type imma get that type..... #typesetting #show james
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🧗‍♀️ backpacksandcavesnacks reblogged eevee-lotion
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👑 lemmegrabmyballs Follow
ROUND 5 of 6 (see blog for more)
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✍️ dreepydrabbles reblogged ash-hole
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☠️ marrowhackoff Follow
just saw someone say writing omegaverse fanfic of your pokemon is bestiality. ma'am this is the monster fucking site. you should be grateful that it's only omegaverse.
#the things i've seen would melt your eyebrows clean off your face #..... typhlosion they could never make me hate you baby #i know that's not what's in your heart
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🪽 honey-tree-skies reblogged gymcrawler
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🐛 youngstirjoey Follow
Okay say what you will. But shorts really are comfy and easy to wear
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🛀🏽 intimidatecutsyourattack Follow
Sorry bud. But. Investing at 3 notes
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🐛 youngstirjoey Follow
don't do this to me. i h avue a wife . and chi ld
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