#like they're cool but also hello I feel like a creep
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sixteenthtry · 27 days ago
I get that I look young but why tf do I only form connections with 14/15 year olds this is getting crazy
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nekropsii · 5 months ago
Hello, I really like your analysis, especially of the dancestors but there's one part I don't quite get and would apreciate if you could ellaborate on
It's the part about how it's fucked up for them to be romantically involved with the beta trolls, because in the text, iirc, it does'nt seem like it is. They are treated like normal dumb teenagers, not that different than when they died as such, and I know it is canonically possible to go through character development after death, after all, dead Vriska did, but I can't remember the comic indicating that the dancestors did?
They still feel like teenagers and the comic doesn't seem to ever hint at abuse by virtue of their maturity, or include it as a theme or something. To me, that they spent whatever senseless amount of time dead thinking about stuff and never matured out of being teenagers just seemed like the sort of kind of dumb thing you're supposed to suspend your disbelief on for the juicy tumblr parody jokes and ignore, like the comic (imo) seemed to be doing.
Again, i'd love to read what you have to say on this and I hope to not be misremsmbering anything.
Thank you! I really appreciate it. I'm happy to explain.
1.) They are called the Alpha Trolls. Not the Dancestors. "Dancestor" refers to a relation that every single character group has with one another - it means "Person who is simultaneously your Descendant and Ancestor by way of a Scratch", and was actually originally coined by Porrim to describe the Beta Trolls.
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The Beta Trolls are the Alpha Trolls's Dancestors. The Alpha Trolls are the Beta Trolls's Dancestors, also. The Beta Kids are the Alpha Kids's Dancestors as well, and vice versa. "Alpha Troll" is more accurate and more specific. They're even called this directly within the text, by themselves even. Best to just use that label instead.
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2.) The Beta Trolls are 13 years old. The Alpha Trolls are 19 years old. That is a middle schooler and a college student. That is the power imbalance. That is what is wrong here. This also meets the DSM-5's definition of Pedophilia. Those children are 6 full years younger than they are, they should be completely off the table. This is not an excusable cultural difference, or something you are supposed to ignore, it is framed within the comic as being fucking gross. Meenah's relationship with (Vriska), who was 13, should have already clued you into that. Hell, the age disparity is called directly into focus as being fucked up by Meenah herself. More than once, actually.
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NOTE: Yes, I know that 7.5 Sweeps translates to 16 Years - though, more accurately, she'd be 15 Years, since she hasn't even reached 7.5 Sweeps yet. (Vriska) and the Vriska in this picture are two different characters. (Vriska) is the Pre-Retcon Vriska, who died at 6 Sweeps, or 13 Years. Likewise, most of the characters targeted by the 3 offending Alpha Trolls were also people who died at 13 Years - Aradiabot (Rufioh), Tavros (Cronus), and Eridan (Cronus again - cool Incest bro!).
Child Predation is a running theme in Homestuck. The foul conduct of the Alpha Trolls exhibit towards some of the Beta Trolls - Cronus, Meenah, and Rufioh in particular having preyed on 3, 2, and 1 minor(s) respectively and specifically - is simply another follow up on that. We see it with Bro Strider, who abused and neglected Dave so badly that Dave was constantly exposed to and involved in Fetish Pornography, we see it in Doc Scratch, who is directly called out as having a thing for young girls several times and was literally keeping a young girl as a slave, we see it in the Alpha Trolls. It is everywhere. It isn't meant to be looked away from for the sake of memes. The fact that those college age adults are creeping on literal middle schoolers is thematically relevant, and very in your face.
So, like, yes, the Alpha Trolls are still teenagers, but these are the oldest possible teenagers targeting the youngest possible teenagers. Again, this is College Students creeping on Middle Schoolers, and the text wants you to think this is disgusting. Because it is.
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icycoldninja · 9 months ago
Hello!! This is my first time writing to someone.. but your work is so cool! It's my birthday today, if you have time can you write something on this topic with Vergil, and maybe other boys if you want? not fundamentally NSFW or SFW. I’m generally a girl, but the reader can also be gender neutral. you can write some headcanons, or.. in general, whatever you want, I will be glad even a small headcanon or just a congratulations😺 you don't write anymore 👉👈
Oh, thank you, that's so sweet. 💜 Happy birthday!
Vergil x Reader birthday headcannons
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-The first thing Vergil does for you on your birthday is.....drum roll please.....nothing.
-He knows the importance of sleep, and how rare it is for an adult to get a full 8 hours of it, so he lets you sleep in.
-Of course, this is all so he has time to get breakfast ready, which he will do right after taking a short 15 minute nap with you wrapped up in his arms like the warm little burrito you are.
-Later, he sneaks out of bed and creeps downstairs in his puffy rabbit slippers, not bothering to take them off, and flips through your recipe book, trying to find something simple yet delicious that he can make.
-Good news is, he found one: pancakes. Even though these are perfect for beginners, they're a nightmare to flip and can easily get burnt.
-Don't worry though, Vergil has the reflexes of a ninja and a samurai and manages to get your pancakes onto a plate with minimal damage to either the food or the kitchen.
-When you wake up and come downstairs, he will greet you and offer a quiet "happy birthday" before giving you a quick hug and a kiss.
-What happens after you guys eat is entirely up to you. Do you want to go out for a walk? A trip to the store or park? Or do you just want to hang around and watch TV all day? It doesn't matter, Vergil will do anything and everything.
-Later in the afternoon, you guys make a cake together. Several flour fights later, your birthday cake is ready, and it doesn't look half bad.
-After eating dinner, Vergil ominously wishes you a happy birthday again, because you were in the dark, sitting in front of your cake with candles, and he sounds more menacing when you can't see his face.
-Once you've blown out the candles and made your wish, (shh, don't tell me or it won't come true) Vergil gives you his present for you, a silver, heart-shaped locket with the words "My little love" engraved on the inside.
-The rest of the night is spent however you want. You guys could go out to explore the town, visit Dante, or you could just stay in and enjoy a quiet little celebration. Whatever you choose, Vergil's happy to just be with you, and he knows you feel the same about him.
-Happy birthday!!!
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polyamorousmood · 6 months ago
Hi! I've viewed your blog for quite some time now and I've gotten the urge to send this ask a few times now but I've always gotten nervous about it. Like I accidentally forget to put on anonymous mode or something. But I've finally worked up the courage to ask for your advice on this.
So I um...I pretty recently discovered I'm polyamorous. It felt weird and first but now it just...feels right to me. It's great, and I'm glad I discovered more about myself. But I've also been having issues due to...crushes.
I may have...gotten a crush on a couple.
(This is an online thing, for the record)
I had just been trying to get over my previous crush due to some stuff happening (Nothing bad mind, we're still good friends) when I briefly talked to this person. I had seen them around quite a bit and they seemed nice so I'd always liked them in a way, just not like this. Then suddenly after that talk I...kept thinking about them. More and more I kept thinking about how cool they were and how funny they were and how cute they must- Ah crap.
Yeah, I realized pretty quickly I got a crush on them. So, knowing they're a fairly well known artist in the fandom I met them in, I rushed to Twitter to check out their account to see if they already have a partner. Low and behold, they do! So everything should be good and I can move on...right?
I developed a crush on their partner too after doing more digging.
So now I'm kind of just...scared because I've never had a crush on a couple before. I'm not really sure what to do. I've done the usual stuff I do with my initial crush. Just saying hello and having some chats with them to become their friend and it's been really fun! But I just...I don't know how I'd get to talking with their partner or hinting at my feelings. I don't wanna feel like a creep or weirdo or anything.
This is all very new to me and I'm a little scared. I'm trying to brave my way through this and I'm gonna try and confess at some point. But I just...don't really know how at the moment. Not like I intend to confess any time soon, we're still relatively new to each other.
Do you have any advice?
Heyyy, congrats and welcome to the team!!!! 😊😊
Its a lot of fun here, and I'm happy to have you aboard.
I've answered a similar ask before, but I can't find it now (thanks tumblr search disfunction!) so you probably don't have a prayer.
Basically, step one is to mention your own polyamory, and see how they react (once you get to a point that's a normal thing to do, since you said its still early). If they seem uncomfortable, take that as your no. If they seem polite, proceed with caution, and if they get suspiciously into it, well... I'd take that as a good sign
Fingers crossed for you!! 🤞🤞
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ttrpg-smash-pass-vs · 8 months ago
Very much not tournament related so feel free to ignore, but the meazel and meenlock reminded me, do you have any favorite monsters that kill you in interesting ways beyond "you take damage"? Like, the banshee can age you, the sea hag can look at you funny, etc.
Hello. You've waited months for this to be responded to. I just wanted time to think of a good answer to a good question, but I've been rushing for a while now. For me, my favorites are the slow creeping doom, or irreversable changes. Like the Basilisk is cool, but I like how with the cockatrice it's a slow transformation. The slaadi are top tier due to that, as they infect you with a tadpole that will burst out of your chest to instant kill you if you're not careful. and as you mentioned, the banshee's aging.
I'm also a fan of creatures that can turn you into a minion, though in 5e this is after a normal death. still, coming back wrong as a wraith or shadow is interesting! The most interesting is one that likely won't happen though- remove someone's hand, turn it into a crawling claw. They're alive but unconcious, as the soul is trapped in the hand and under the caster's command. What I love in media in general is possession. someone else in control of the body like with a ghost. though perhaps for this case, someone possessing or replacing someone they killed Personally, in my campaigns (and one I've played in) the first death or two in the is ignored unless willing...but at a price. scars, missing limbs, crumbled off bits, miscolored eyes or phantom feelings. something fun for RP, make them able to play off it! But a reminder of the death. It could even be dead, but returned, and the almost-remembered feeling of the afterlife always haunting them.
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yujeong · 1 year ago
Hello everyone. I'm currently losing my mind.
BOC released a new teaser for the final episode of DFF, in order to promote their live event for it and it gave me so many thoughts. In case you haven't seen it, it's this one on Instagram (they've also posted it on Twitter).
It's so trippy and cool and it gave us a lot of good shots of all the characters and what haunts them in regards to Non, but I'll focus on Tee and White, because I have my biases and that's so valid of me.
(I'll assume everything in the trailer is symbolic, like in the first trailer they had released and do my analysis with that assumption in mind.)
Long post ahead:
After we get a brief montage of moments we've already seen in the show with some beautiful background music (it's this one, I love it), we see the brothers and then we start seeing everyone's fears. We see Fluke being scared of the police catching him, we see Top being scared of a haunting, bloody Non chasing him in the forest and then,
we see Tee.
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Tee is holding Non's knife in his hands, looking arguably disgusted with it (with himself). The scene cuts to three consecutive visuals which you have to pause the teaser to see clearly. I tried my best here, apologies if the quality is bad.
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Tee feels guilt for what happened to Non. I think everyone can understand this by now. He observes the knife in his hands drowning in this feeling, and it creates the image of himself pointing the knife directly onto Non's stomach, who's wearing the T-shirt he wore the day he got drugged and taken away to Tee's uncle. It's very intriguing to me how Non seems to either be trying to stop him or urging Tee to stab him. We'll find out soon enough what's the case.
But the real winner is the two images after that.
Because they involve White.
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OK first things first, the shot is gorgeous. I love the colors and the framing and everything about it.
They're inside what seems to be a gaming room, which I'll assume is where they probably met, based on the Without Me MV BOC put out a few weeks ago.
(Notice how the color pallette is the same, too)
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Tee is wearing his school uniform (stuck in the past, stuck to Non), while White is wearing the clothes from the cabin (in the present, away from Non but not really). They already are in two different timelines, which is also evident by their positions - Tee is a few steps behind White in the visual.
What caught my attention, besides everything else, was those shiny things on the floor. I can't see them very well, but in my opinion, they're condom wrappers. They go all the way back, symbolizing the duration of the relationship between Tee and White.
The interesting thing here, to me, is how they stop just before Tee's body, and then reappear after him, in front of White, with some of them dipped in blood.
A lot of people, me included, think NonWhite is a possibility, which makes this choice here very interesting. I'll grab onto it with two hands and wait to see what will be revealed tomorrow.
Speaking of Non, I think it's fair to assume the blood on the floor is Non's blood, which makes White staring directly into it become another version of Non, narrative wise. Both innocent boys entangled in Tee's life, both suffering because of Tee. My good friend @wretchedamaranth told me it reminded them of this painting of Narcissus by Caravaggio: White is looking at himself, as if the blood has become a mirror.
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Which makes the next visual even more telling: blood separated by a thin line (it's almost blurred but it isn't, White becomes Non becomes White in Tee's eyes). On the right, the big amount is Non's, on the left, White's shadow is creeping into the shot.
It's White's blood. White is going to die.
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We get zero things on White besides this. Absolutely none. Does this mean White is indeed a bystander in all of this? Should we take the words of Fuaiz here at face value?
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(Source: DFF BTS Ep10)
Fuaiz could be talking about the scene we have seen, not what will come after. But he could just as well be talking in general about White as a character.
All I have to say is: Brace yourselves, fellow TeeWhite fans. We're in for a tragedy.
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icharchivist · 1 year ago
oh shit wait, dgm250 reactions up
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-this is such a cool design from the mind of the problem twins i love it
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-I've been saying for YEARS that i didn't believe Allen to be the heart, even when Apo started to obsess with him and everyone started saying he had to be the heart to justify why Apo was after him so bad. Tyki you and i share the same mind. thank you so much for putting it into words i'm going to start yelling. wanna hear my heart theory ag--
Though for equivalency sake i do have to mention that if Allen was the heart, i think Apocryphos would see Tyki say Allen couldn't be the heart and actually roll with it to protect the heart. so i don't think the fact Apo "confirms" Allen isn't the heart actually confirms anything, since on the contrary it's giving him an opportunity to protect the heart by agreeing.
I still think Allen isn't the heart, but Apocryphos's confirmation isn't actually one until we know for sure.
-"You're also obsessed with My Allen" "he's not Your Allen" TELL HIM TYKI, BUT ALSO WTF APO GET THE FUCK AWAY. CREEP.
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-So it's attachement that provoked it? bc ngl i kept expecting Joyd took this face out of spite. but does it mean Joyd and Nea used to be close??? Oh the mystery thickens.
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-this reaction is so fun lmao
-you're trying to hide something Wisely. I feel that.
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-So Allen not the heart, Tyki wonders why he's so obsessed with him....
but if Joyd and Nea used to be close, wouldn't it make sense of Joyd used to know Past!Allen? So Tyki could have become obsessed with Allen due to vague memories of the past?
and besides of Past!Allen was actually the ex Bookman Apprentice it would also explain why Tyki has been challenging Lavi in particular during fights. NO i'm not letting my ten years old theory dies i have a point i swear (have no point)
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-So Wisely is to blame for it??? Makes sense then that the innocence was the thing that more or less broke the lock on Tyki when Allen poisoned him. BUT THEY'RE REMOVING THE LOCK? HELLO???
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-oh my god Kanda ALREADY reached Mana's grave?!
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tho seeing baby Allen near Mana's corpse like this is destroying me.
Also add "their loved ones who became akuma are associated to flowers who found their ways down in the mud" to the similitude between Kanda and Allen.
Also never has grave robbing looked this pretty.
God this is gorgeous and stunning.
Final thoughts:
the chapter was so good wtf.
Beautiful art as always, some interesting things regarding the lore. Heart Theory is back on track, we have progress with the Noa memory and how Joyd apparently was affectionate to Nea?? god does Joyd know past!Allen is now the question....
But yeah more questions than not and more recentering some old theories back in topic.
i'm looking forward to see where it's going. dgm amazing as always, incredible chapter.
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catboyloon · 6 months ago
THIS IS A NSFW BLOG. THEREFORE 18+!!!! so if you're a minor or an ageless blog either get the fuck out or block this blog. or i will block YOU on sight. nothing personal its just for the safety of us both.
also i'm 18, my bday is in septummyber- i mean september. also some weight info:
starting weight: 133lbs current weight: 137.4lbs goal weight: more and more until it's a lot harder to get up, then maaaybe i'll stop :3
anyway. rest my dni is the same as my main blog, no proshippers (i hate incest!! :D and pedophilia!! i hate them both!!!) no xenophobes or bigots etc etc you get the idea.
also this should go without saying but their body, their choice. respect people even if they're hot or not hot. if someone wants to lose weight, let them. if someone doesnt wanna do kink anymore, respect that. don't be a creep. don't fetizhize and objectify random people just because their body appeals to a kink you have.
id prefer if people don't mention/say my main blog on here, just feels like i should keep them separate but if you're here, you can ask me privately for it or you already know my main soooo
the rest of this is optional but will probably be useful. have fun but also i like asks and talking so feel free to hit me up
anyway things you will likely see here:
Inflation (belly & body, also SAFE/NON-FATAL popping. maybe some breast/ass/etc expansion but mainly tums & their whole bods. also like, being inflated with anything almost. air, water, just pump me man make me Round and Full)
Weight gain/feedism (feeding/eating a lot, rapidly gaining weight, forcefeeding, just being fat as fuck as a sex thing)
Burping/hiccups (burps are hot as fuck to me and hiccups are cute)
other things that i'm not into but can't go on my main because they're nsfw; usually just things i find really funny or interesting. like weird kinks that i'm not into (if not turn me off)
also only gonna tag stuff i'm not into as "#not my thing but still cool" so. im not gonna organize THAT much for reblogging things, sorry
things you likely will not see:
pregnancy (not into it)
vore (i don't think i'm into it but it might be good I DON'T KNOW. but i mainly am not into it)
farting (actual turn off sorry)
anything permanent in a forced way (but "permanent" as in "they're choosing to keep themselves like this" is fine)
noncon/dubious consent (I think consent is hot because i mean. the fact they actually WANT something makes them getting it hotter i think. free use can be hot but i think that's different)
oviposition/eggs i think
uneven/specific bodypart expansion (e.g. no really huge feet or lips or anything)
head inflation/uber (i think the puffy eyes are scary. sorry)
unsafe/fatal/permanent popping (also kinda scary but also like. why would you want that)
healthplay/anything fatal at all (i think the words morbidly obese are hot but i 1. do not believe that the fat itself causes health issues but rather your diet does that, and 2. i would rather actually not have health issues from being fat. i just wanna take up a room then a house then a parking lot with my flab man i don't wanna do that in a hospital room)
as for the tags!
crrk.txt for text posts/just me talking, may not always be kinky crrk.png for art i post to here not my thing but still cool for anything nsfw i reblog to here that i'm not into (so, not inflation or fat) but find neat anyway tummy tuesday for, well, what do you think bellypix for, obviously, pics i take of my tummy :3 irl for anything irl, like a video of me blowing up like the balloon i am afterdark-shitposts for nsfw memes/shitposts i make, not always made to be horny but always nsfw (or too suggestive for my main) also probably gonna tag stuff with a video or audio as "video"/"videos" and "audio" like my main. same for asks, "asks" and "anon asks" just for sorting
okay that's it. enough yapping from me, anyway like my main blog you can see when this was last edited by looking in the tags
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total-drama-brainrot · 1 year ago
Hello hello ophe 👋😇
Just gonna say hockey bro Gwen
That it’s that is the ask
But I have a question? If you mind answering I’m fine if you can’t answer it really 👽
Do you have any writing tips for an amateur fanfic writer? (Me😔) cause I have a hard time with characterization. Just tips on that would be great😊 but it’s kinda sad to see that some people think of Rice Krispies like that even though it has been tagged and all that 😔
But I wish you the best of luck ophe! 😎🥳
-Ass Stars anon
Hello hello, Ass Stars Anon! 👋😊
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(Is it obvious that I know literally nothing about hockey?)
As for writing tips, I'm not exactly a qualified or professional author, but I'm more than happy to share some of the tips and tricks I use when it comes to characterisation.
Primarily, it's really important to understand three key aspects of the character you're writing; their habits, their motives, and their temperament.
When you're writing for a certain character, always consider not only what they're doing, but why they're doing it. You can have your characters do something entirely OOC if you can justify why they'd be doing it, either through circumstance or by utilizing the three key aspects.
For example, when Trent gets uncharacteristically aggressive towards Cody in "Up the Creek", it's still in character because it's motivated by his feelings for Gwen- Trent's already established as a bit of a hopeless romantic, so having him act irrationally due to his uncertainty over Gwen's returned feelings excuses his hostility (despite his usual laid-back nature). We see later, especially in Action, that Trent has a habit/tendency of acting irrationally when it comes to anything that threatens his love life.
Of course, habits can also refer to the little patterns and behaviours certain characters have; for example, Harold's continuous use of "Gosh!" is a habit of his- something that can be easily identified as a Harold Behaviour, and something super easy to add to his dialogue to keep it feeling in character.
Another good example of utilizing dialogue habits is (not to self promo here) how I write Alejandro's speech in my stories. Throughout the show itself, you'll rarely hear Alejandro use contractions and abbreviations (he'll say "we all" instead of "we'll", or "is it not?" instead of "isn't it?"), and his manner of speech is very formal (for a ~16 year old) both due to the fact that English is his second language and the fact that he's the son of a high profile diplomat. That's why, when I write for him, I make a point of keeping his written dialogue as contraction-free as possible.
I hope that my little tangent there helps at least somewhat!
And thank you for the concern! I think some people misconstrued what my intentions were with the RK fic, which is understandable given one of the primary concepts used in the fic is generally used in a sexual context (which is such a waste of a perfectly good plot device by the way! Honestly, I wish people would stop associating cool concepts with The Horny to the point where people trying to explore them as narrative devices are assumed to be creeps 😓) but the anon who initially accused me of unsavoury things has since apologised, so no harm no foul. Though my fic is properly tagged, I should've made it more apparent either in the summary or the author's notes that it isn't as, uh, 'distasteful' as some might assume.
I wish you the best of luck too! 😁
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supposedlysecretlysapphic · 1 month ago
Petrichor out of context commentary episode 4! 01:05- yikes poor Ran 5:36- Ran quit playing hard to get 6:20- Jiu is persistent that's for sure 7:43- YOU CAN'T SAY NO TO PORRIDGE 7:59- OUCH MAY NO NEED TO BE SO BLUNT 8:55- OIL AND WATER is officially a sapphic trope now 11:48- Tul cracking the whip 13:45- wow they jump right in 14:55- oh boy here we go again... 16:01- cut to the bakery boys 18:04- hmm do we need to read into this? 19:24- ah the police brutality starts 19:47- well you know what they say about not meeting your heroes IRL... 20:54- wow the boy's fucked up 21:55- I'm really intrigued with this Wisut dude, what's his deal... 24:34- balls of steel that guy but WHERE'S MY GIRLS 25:49- live Tul reaction 28:12- it's starting to smell fishy, also I love how the junior squad have keen instincts if not the experience yet 29:52- OHHHHH CALLED IT THE WIPING OF THE LIPS
30:42- kitty approval 32:48- I sense this is about to go horribly wrong 34:52- keep your cool Ran 37:19- here we gooo 37:43- OH MY GOD THE IDEA I HAD FOR A FIC IS ACTUALLY FUCKING CANON?!?! 37:43- also how has that women got a sleek new iOs in 2008? 38:22- poor Ran 39:17- WELL THAT ESCALATED QUICKLY 40:04- phew close call 40:43- GASP 41:57- going above and beyond for your grieving gf 42:36- WELL HELLO 43:43- yikes 44:48- what a sycophant 45:09- THE BOYS ARE BACK IN TOWN (gender neut) 49:30- Jiu I feel that haha 49:52- well thanks for nothing creep 51:57- did you forget Tul that Ran doesn't like cake haha 52:20- Tin: Someone's in luurrrvvvvv 53:59- great timing Tul 54:52- that line is hilarious 55:59- oh no it's all coming crashing down...(it'll be resolved by the end of the ep I know but still) 57:25- Tul you're so weak haha (same) 59:54- RAN INTIATES?! did not see that coming! 1:00:23- my fav! kiss in the rain eeeee WOOO they got there! But things look like they're about to heat up... Ep 5 tomorrow!
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the-official-account · 2 years ago
Episode 20 let's go babeyyy
Oh kits on the recap hello!!!! I spent thirty seconds like "did essay go on T?" HFKDGSKDGKSGZZ
And oh yeah it is worrying about Jack right now...I hope he's alright. I hadn't really thought about it that hard...
Hearing Jordan and ila go "mhm, mhm" in unison is so funny because as soon as I realized Jordan's (usually three times) "mhm"s are like, a thing, I was like yeah. There's no way that's not gonna become a vocal habit for me now. It's infectious!
Talking about the schematics are making me think of the "👀 I also don't know how you party agent vellum" scene and it's sending me all over again. And I will NEVER get over the third T taekwondo.
JDVLSGDKD IM THINKING OF THE TRIPLE THREAT IN A COWBOY AU WHERE THEY'RE COWBOY BOOTS—this is not an advanced thought, but vellum in cowboy boot would be SUCH a look.
OOOOOOF vellum is shattering my heart into a billion pieces right now I just...he deserves to have a family that makes him feel....familial!!!!!
Couples dance happening on the same day as grey's arrival is .......hmmmm the pieces are piecing together! They're piecing!
The harvest and feast for singles and couples is pretty cool. OF COURSE DIAMOND IS IN THE COUPLES SHOW LMAO
Crystallis being a name for morpholomew sympathizers
Ohhh so stone skin is in Crystallis
GOD these facts are so good today
FIRST MENTION OF THE NAME IOSWITCH CROWSWADDLE he doesn't.....he doesn't know cars exist 😂😂😂
Louie zong never fucking misses
THE FUCKING DNDADS HOLD MUSIC. something about that tune is like a cat making biscuits with my brain
If Tatiana...okay not Tatiana
"for bad reasons to do crimes probably" 10/10 investigator shit
Spar just became a customer service agent.
Ooooooooooooof. Oof. Fuck.
Vellum hyperfocusing just like me fr <3
T....T Felspar...........
THE WAY I GASPED!!!!! JAKUB IS BACK!!!! I LOVE HIM! AND HE'S A REPORTER!!!!!! GAHHHH special place in my heart!
Ohhhh my god this comic book ass situation is gonna have my whoooole heart, isn't it? Fuck.
The three genders. Man, person, other.
OH MY GOD THEY'RE GOING ON A DATE. Ipswitch completely forgot why he was here fjsjdvsodgsodg
Jakub! You're so forward! But oooh the obvious next step to the mysterious in-costume encounter.
*Half of a building goes up in flames*
IC: Hmm...well there cutie pie! I've uhh. Gotta go shuffle some papers. Let's talk later, huh?
Jakub: 👁️👁️
Yeah the hotel is definitely a distraction, huh?
I love that ipswitch is gonna walk away from jakub, change behind a bush, and return to helping where Jakub is in a thin-ass disguise and I am SO pleased with this.
Oh my godddd these shenanigans are so good. The clovenheart vibes were also wonderful and the sense of the creeping past is a part of the slow I adore, but the urban comedy these episodes are becoming is SOOOO good also. This show is giving me everything. I am FEASTING. I am also nearing the lastest episodes, which does make me feel a little bit sad! But the anticipation of serial media is just as good as the binge, if to the left. Oh I'm so hyped.
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mvenvs3000f23 · 1 year ago
Blog post 5
Hey folks,
Guess what? Fall is here, and things are changing outside. Have you noticed? The air is cooler, and the leaves on the trees are turning all sorts of colors. It's like nature decided to throw on its most beautiful outfit, and I'm here for it!
In the morning, there's this chilly breeze that makes me grab a sweater before I step out. Remember those warm summer days? Well, they're taking a break, and now it's all about comfy layers and cozy vibes.
The trees are doing this magical color swap. The green leaves are turning into reds, oranges, and yellows. It's like they're saying, "Hey, we can look pretty in any color!" And when you walk on the sidewalk, it's like music �� the leaves make this cool crunching sound under your feet.
Days are getting shorter, and nights are creeping in sooner. But you know what's cool? The evenings are all golden and warm. Watching the sunset feels like a goodnight hug from nature.
Fall is also a time to slow down and think. It's like nature is telling us, "Hey, take a breather and enjoy the simple stuff." Bonfires, roasted marshmallows, and cozy sweaters become the stars of the show.
Talking about sweaters, they're back in action! Time to pack away the shorts and say hello to the snug feeling of a warm scarf. Fall fashion is like a cozy hug – you get to look good and feel comfy at the same time.
And here's a cool thing about fall – it's a season of change. The leaves falling off the trees are like nature's way of saying, "Out with the old, in with the new." It's a bit like cleaning out your closet but in a natural way.
As I finish my cup of tea and look outside, I can't help but be thankful for fall. It's a time of cool breezes, warm colors, and a whole lot of beauty. So here's to falling into fall, where everything gets a bit simpler, and the world outside turns into a cozy, colorful playground.
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kisolvetica · 2 months ago
Hello!!! Thanks for the tag!! <3 Didn't expect to be tagged to be honest but I'm glad I did get tagged! :D
Also I must say everyone who reblogged before me sounds like such cool people! :>
Last song: American Jesus by Bad Religion! At first I wanted to say a Bowie song because I was listening to it all day due to it having been his death anniversary but then my playlist thought to be like "I don't think so!" and played a different song I like. I am pretty much a person who listens to everything.
Favourite colour: Despite my layout having purple and blue as the primary colours, my favourite colours are yellow (especially the yellow daffodils have) and dark green! Obviously I also like my layout colours but I'd say green and yellow just feel so soothingly happy to me.
Last Book: I am currently reading Faust 1 by Goethe because my finals are creeping up and it's one of the books I may need for those lol. But I also enjoy the book quite a lot!
Last movie: The phantom of the opera! I watched it together with my mother one random evening last year and I haven't watched any movie since then. I do want to watch Nosferatu next, though!
Last TV show: My mother and I have started watching a lot of shows together (this includes DBDA but it was too gay to handle for her conservative mind and she noped out after the cat king was introduced) and the latest is "From" it's not really popular, I think, at least it doesn't have a lot of Fanfics but I did enjoy the first season. I am a little sceptical about how they always introduce a bunch of characters but I hope that they flesh them out! It does have sapphics though so that's a win.
Sweet/Spicy/Savoury: I do have a big sweet tooth but I think outside of snacks and chocolate I am more of a fan of spicy food? Like, if someone asked me whether I'd want a spicy or a sweet dish for dinner, Id probably be more inclined to choose the spicy one.
Last thing I searched online: I researched for a fanfic I want to write and so it's "Boarding schools in Edwardian Britain" (now take a big guess for which fandom!! It's so niche you will never figure it out /s)
Current Obsession: My obsession with Genshin and HSR is dying down quite a bit (let's face it, it's the fandom's fault) And now my focus is back on demons and Greek Mythology. I have the want to get into Athuriana literature as well but ugh I'm too busy for this. Outside of occultism and mythology, yeah, obviously DBDA. It hit me HARD and I'm not mad!!! ... Also my own OCs but that's something only I can fix.
Looking forward to: Graduation!! Yes, everyone is telling me that it only gets worse from now on (which,,, very promising btw) but I am so glad when I leave this school. At least at university I can choose a bit more of what I want to do. I am also gonna get a therapist which I am in dire need of and hopefully try to get gender affirming care at the end of the year. I already have a job lined up so the only other things I want to achieve this year is finishing up my driver's license and get the scholarship I applied for but that part is something I have no control over! Also, I might need to look out for apartments because of a reason surrounding my family situation but, well, I prefer living alone anyway. Just gotta see how I'm gonna support myself.
Ten people I'd like to know better: You know, I don't even know if I know the blog names of ten separate people or if they're even okay with me tagging them (what's the etiquette for that? I know that some other platforms were rather... nasty about it). So,,, if you come across this and you want to do this, I always like to read about other people's interests!! So pretend I tagged you, if we're mutuals or I follow you, I do know and like you, I am just an awkward person who doesn't know how to act with people :).
10 People I'd Like to Know Better
Thanks for the tags @gaiaseyes451 and @beerok23!💜!💜
last song: Gloria by the Lumineers
favourite colour: Red, like a deep luscious red that you know would taste good if you licked it. Don't act innocent, you know exactly what I mean by that. Red is a color that you just know tastes good.
last book: I am currently trying to read the Witcher series (per @lickthecowhappy's suggestion) so I am at the start of the Last Wish
last movie: Moana 2 (I have young kidsssss)
last TV show: My oldest is almost 10 which means she stays up late. Which also means I have so little time to watch adult things. So we've been watching the Office with her. I think I want to watch the Good Place with her next tho (I've never watched it!)
sweet/spicy/savoury: Sweet followed very, very closely by spicy. Habanero maple syrup is one of my favorite things on the planet.
last thing i searched online: How to explain a 10 year career hiatus in a cover letter (looking to return to work since having kids. It's been an interesting experience so far).
current obsession: Have not moved on from Good Omens, but recently realized that my obsession may be more in my own little connected universe of fics that I wrote rather than the actual canon at this point😳. I'm sure once we get that first glimpse of red and white hair that will change very quickly.
looking forward to: Going back to work and having a more established adult life again, honestly. I've been so lucky to be home with my kids while they are young, but I am ready. And figuring out how my newfound passion for writing is going to fit into that new life of mine. Another big year of change over here for me, and I am eagerly looking forward to how the growing pains are going to make way for something beautiful beyond.
ten people i’d like to know better:
@addledmongoose, @di-42, @afrenchwriter, @haemey, @eybefioro, @alwaystuesday, @katspause, @alphacentaurinebula, @shadesofecclescakes, @ochre-sunflower and whoever wants to do it (but also feel free to ignore!)
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lunathebee · 3 years ago
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Pairing: Marc Spector x  florist!fem!reader (with hints of Steven Grant x florist!fem!reader)
Warning: fluff, Steven and reader being sassy, me doing research and have to trust Google (again)
A/n: This is the second part to a fic I wrote lol, whewww, likes, reblogs and comments are much much appreciated
Summary: Steven and Marc working together like they're on a serious mission. The mission: making you fall for Marc.
Taglist: @eyelessfaces
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Marc wished Monday would just come soon so he could meet you, but now he wants to take that back. Steven has suggested that learning something about flowers would make it easier to start a conversation with you, but he said nothing about how hard it would be to learn them.
"Now Marc, can you tell me what this flower symbolizes?" Steven is a really good teacher, but Marc is definitely not the best student.
"I don't know Steven, it just looks like every other flower except it's purple!" Marc groans, feeling impatient
Why can't he just straight up walk up to you and say he wants to take you on a date? Why does he have to learn and remember all of these flower meanings and symbolism and whatever the hell Steven can think of?
Marc guesses it would be really cool if he could see your eyes light up and how surprised you would be if he could casually talk about flowers like he submerged himself in years of floriography, but in reality, that's not him, Steven is the one who does so.
Not that it will make Marc feel depressed or lose all hope of wooing you, he can do even better if he wants to, cmon, he vs Steven? The *sweet bubbly love-to-read British man* Steven?...
'fuck...' Marc thinks to himself, he is not an easily jealous man but Steven clearly has the upper hand in this situation. Insecurity is a deadly disease and Marc could feel it slowly creeping up inside him, squeezing his heart to the point where it was almost unbearable.
"Okay well maybe we can try-" Steven's voice was cut off when Marc suddenly stood up, making the chair let out a horrible squeak that made both of them cringe.
"No no no, I'm not learning it anymore! This is going to take forever, surely there must be another way. " Marc looks like a child that got kicked out of the candy store, all pouty and sad. On the other hand, Steven doesn't look so different either.
"Ugh...I think you're right Marc...oh oh! How about you go and talk to her like normal, and when Y/n asks about flowers, you can just look in the nearest mirror and repeat what I said! Oh blimey, I'm a bloody genius!" Steven seems really proud of his plan as he speaks at the speed of light, Marc hates to admit it, but he also thinks it's brilliant and very easy to go with too.
And while Steven is still busy dancing out of happiness, Marc let out a relieved sigh, now he can proudly say that he really wants Monday to come soon.
===☾︎ ☾︎ ☾︎===
"Ah-chooo" You can't help but let out a sneeze, unsure if it is because of the pollen from the flowers or if someone just mentioned your name somewhere, but that won't stop you from opening your shop at 7 a.m. sharp like usual of course.
Well, the sneeze won't, but a man standing like a tree outside of your shop could.
"Hello....sir? "The shop is still not fully open yet, but if you're in a hurry for a bouquet, maybe I could help?" You speak out in an unsure way, not because you are scared, but because those brown eyes look very familiar.
When the man comes closer and Y/n can finally take a good look at him, her whole demeanor and facial expression change in a blink of eyes. "Oh Steven! Come in come in, you looking for roses again? The Hibiscus also just arrived yesterday, so you are in luck" You speak without looking at Marc, too busy setting up flowers in a vase until it is presentable.
"I....umm" The more Marc look at you, the more nervous he get, his palm start to get sweaty and it is worse when he can't even think of anything to speak.
While Marc is silently dying inside, too busy with his own thoughts, he hasn't noticed you have been staring at him like he is wearing the most ridiculous outfit ever, not to him, but to you of course.
'Since when did Steven get into jeans and jewelry chains? And the baseball cap and black t-shirt too...' Y/n recalls her closet encounter with Steven: he was wearing a Hawaiian shirt with sneakers, had a death grip on the brown bag like his life depended on it, and on top of that, he had those puppy dog eyes!
Whoever is standing in front of Y/n is definitely not Steven, maybe she is wrong, but there is only one way to test it.
Without saying anything, you come up and slap Marc's butt like it's the most casual thing in humankind.
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(the end)
(jk, i like leaving cliffhanger, i guess i will make a part 3 to this LMAOOO)
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If it’s not to much trouble, could I ask for some scenarios about how the dork squad (general or Arkham) would react to not seeing a particular Arkham employee (who they may have grown fond of / caught feelings for) suddenly not showing up to work for a good week or so? No explanation given and either the rest of the staff won’t answer about their whereabouts or they refuse to ask in the first place since such personal information could be used against them in therapy sessions. Maybe they would start to worry about the reader getting hurt during a security breach, fired, or even killed (there’s really no telling in Gotham)? Eventually the reader returns and explains that they were just sick.
I’ve been feeling a little under the weather (prob another sinus infection tbh) so this idea just stood out to me. Take your time since it’s three characters and if you want to tweak this to be less characters than I’m cool with that. I just had to share this idea and fell in love with your writing recently
"Sick Day" Riddler, Scarecrow and Mad Hatter
You're so sweet of course this isn't too much trouble! I hope by the time you read this, you're feeling a lot better, okay? I'm actually going to go with general for this one since I haven't really gotten to yet for these characters.
Tw: surveillance, fear toxin, isolation, sedation
- Meets his favorite employee when he's in an isolation room for causing problems with the other patients (again). Between having his locks switched constantly because he figures them out and the amount of chaos he can cause in the general population, higher ups love putting him to far corners away from others when he's bad.
- His cell is bare. They won't even give him crayons after his newest little stunt. Not only is he isolated, he's BORED. A horrible combination of things.
- So when the nurse assigned to his check-ins and medicine actually chats with him, he's taking it for all it's worth.
- "Hello, Nurse! A riddle for you. What is it that given one, you’ll have either two or none?"
- The nurse pauses. Thinks on it. "A choice?"
- "Correct! That was an easy one-" "Uh-uh, medicine first. That's not a choice." He does the most pathetic sigh, "Fine! You drive a hard bargain."
- This continues even when he's (reluctantly) let back into general population and... shockingly, he's behaving. Lots of flirting, smug grins with thinly veiled threats of all the horrible things he could do to the city.
- When the nurse disappears and no one will tell him anything... he decides it's time for blackmail. It's amazing the things you learn when you hear bits and pieces of things and have the brain to put it all together. Not to mention the camera access he has when he's not in Arkham.
- A guard here, a guard there... he has markers, blueprints and a burner laptop stashed away in a cove on the island. He manages to hack a couple cameras on the mainland... that and he stole employee files and knows their address. The creep.
- He actually figures out they're sick as he watches. If he's feeling particularly cheeky or wanting them to be convinced of how clever he is, he'll have cold medicine sent to their door with a vague riddle.
- When they come back he'll play aloof. Oh? You were sick? Well. He wasn't worried, of course. It's not like he went through a bunch of information he was saving just to ensure you were okay.
- "Cold medicine with a riddle? You must have caught the eye of some other dashing Riddler in Gotham. Not as intelligent as I am, of course."
- The next time he escapes from Arkham, he'll make sure they get locked in a cell safely away from others/the distraction he's going to cause. Then the games can begin :)
- He'd come to enjoy the almost daily tit-for-tat conversations with his favorite Arkham employee. A rather lowly psych orderly, they were stuck with the most demeaning or mundane of jobs in the facility.
- This also meant a lot of interaction with the patients. Feeding them, check ins, and the occasional distraction when nurses or guards needed to catch a patient.
- He met the orderly when they were put on observation duty as he was carted to his appointment in restraints and bite/spit protection mask. They looked so fresh.
- "They're sending the new technicians to look after me now?" Then, he notices their keys sticking out of their pocket, "I'd get a locking carabiner for those, if you must have them on you. So easy to steal."
- They thank him for the advice. While waiting for the doctor, he gives them more advice. He figures they're young, not a threat to him at all. Perhaps put in their head the many ways they could get hurt or die working here.
- Yet they just smile at him, "Thank you, Dr. Crane. I'll keep that in mind." Turns out, they know exactly who he is. A psychology student that has read his papers and seen recorded lectures. Morbid and macabre interests, themselves.
- He casually takes them under their wing, as long as they continue to be courteous and show interest. He finds he has less than mentor like feelings after a time, but he tries to ignore them.
- When they disappear and no one will tell him what's happened... he doesn't get scared, but he certainly gets cantankerous. What if something happened to his young protégé? Do none of you truly care about someone who works with you daily?
- Then he gets quiet. Too quiet. Too well behaved. He's not even as combative in therapy as he normally would be, trying to turn the tables on anyone picking at his brain.
- Staff suspects something is up, but not what. They do sweeps of his cell and areas of the island to see if there's any fear toxin to be found. Nothing.
- In truth, he's been creating it in small doses and hiding it in recreational areas in plain sight. He's planning on putting it into the air systems of the asylum when-
- Oh. You're back. He was worried something happened. Sick? Well. You better take care of yourself, how can he teach you anything or have decent conversation if you're not here? Do keep up.
- He still ends up using the fear toxin to escape the asylum weeks later, but not before creating an antidote. He'll watch his orderly panic for a time, observe their fears- by the time they wake up, they're outside the facility buildings of Arkham. Mysteriously cured of fear toxin effects.
- They are completely safe and covered in a blanket. Need to make sure they don't get sick again, after all.
Mad Hatter
- Surprisingly, his favorite employee is a psychologist at Arkham. Only so many psychiatrists to go around prescribing medication, leading to a team up between the two. For more frequent weekly meetings, it's a psychologist who may refer if more psychiatric meetings are needed more often than twice a week to once a month. Only few patients such as the Joker get psychiatrists for every session.
- This particular psychologist got him in for their first session... with Jervis sedated past any point of being able to answer questions. Got "well he wasn't cooperating, he wouldn't leave his tea set!" In response. Frustrating, to say the least.
- This resulted in psychologist strutting right up to the "hidden" somewhat private alcove where Jervis set himself up, shoo anyone else away and literally... sit down on the ground with Jervis and introduce themselves.
- This, along with being polite, immediately endeared them to Jervis. Asking what his current drawing is. Him saying "the path to Wonderland, my dear." Recognizing that it is in fact a complex diagram of brain synapses and the shortfall effects of certain chemicals and hypnosis.
- The thing about Jervis Tetch is he's unfortunately a brilliant neuroscientist. Knowledgeable in not only chemical effects, but how to use hypnotic suggestion to manipulate the consciousness. There's times it's difficult to tell where the clarity of Jervis Tetch ends and the delusions of the Mad Hatter begins.
- While there might be tense moments, Jervis ends up developing a rapport of mutual respect and fondness for his doctor. So much so he gets snippy when others try to approach hum.
- This results in a complete breakdown of communication when "his" doctor is out and no one will tell him where they are. He will insist, no, DEMAND where they are.
- this is just further indication to staff that he should not be told anything due to potentially establishing an unhealthy attachment which could result in disastrous consequences if fed into.
- Shoutings about the Red Queen and compulsive rhyming begin on day three or four. A combination of poor handling of the situation and him working himself up.
- "The Red Queen traps me in hell, awaits in the shadows of this padded cell! Haroo! You made them say farewell as I dwell upon how you made them unwell! Murder! Murder, says I! Murmurs within the walls the Jabberwocky has-" (This goes on for quite some time)
- Ultimately when the employee returns, they find Jervis has been isolated to his cell on high levels of sedation to control him. Out of his mind with glassy eyes murmuring to himself when he's awake.
- There will be outright sobbing when he realizes they're back. He wants to touch them so badly. To hold them, to be comforted! He's asking how they are and what they've been doing to get better.
- Once the sedation really wears off he's going to start planning...
- He needs to get his dearest companion out of here before the darkness swallows them both.
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lizstaysinneverland · 2 years ago
Request from my deactivated tumblr account.
"Hello! can I request a scenario where Leona is jealous/annoyed because his gn!crush is spending more time with Ruggie instead of him? maybe he thought they like Ruggie but in reality, they're asking Ruggie to help them confess to Leona. you can make it slight angst if you want but fluff ending please I need serotonin 😔"
Leona gets jealous over your close relationship with Ruggie, little did he know you were only getting so close to Ruggie in order to get advice on how to confess to Leona
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The door creaked open, “You were away for an awfully long time.”, said Leona in a sharp tone when Ruggie entered Leona’s dorm room. “Yeah, I know. I had...stuff to do.”, “Stuff, huh?” Leona turned in the opposite direction of where Ruggie was standing and didn’t acknowledge his presents anymore. This has been going on for a few days now, Ruggie has been meeting you a lot, seeming to have become more friendly towards you all of a sudden. Leona didn’t like that, but he was too prideful to actually say anything to you or Ruggie.
As Ruggie left Leona’s room after cleaning, as usual, he stood up. He needed to get some fresh air and he couldn’t sleep since the thought of you and Ruggie actually dating started to creep up into his mind which made him agitated.
With this negative energy, he walked towards the botanical garden. And there you were, seemingly taking a night stroll. Your eyes met and Leona’s expression immediately turns into anger. YOU were not the one he wished to see right now.
He could see how confused you were about his hostility and it made him madder, how could you be so oblivious, shouldn’t you know what you did? But before he could confront you, you stepped closer and asked if something happened as you felt he is upset and taking a night stroll isn’t a habit he has ever taken on. You speaking so softly, he couldn’t help but calm down a bit. He decides to confront you about his fears “You are spending your time an awful lot with Ruggie, you have feelings for him or something?”. He tried to sound apathetic but you could hear the strain in his voice. Obviously, you denied this, telling him there was something important you needed help with, and only Ruggie could help you with that. Leona immediately gets suspicious, that you would not tell him what that was and only Ruggie would be able to do it. His anger has subsided due to you confirming that nothing is going on between you two but he still is irritated. “How come you can’t tell me? You’re being so vague, usually you always talk my ear off.”, he remarks. “Why do you want to know? You are being angry for no reason!”, you defend, getting agitated by his probing. “Are you being jealous?”, you finally ask, making him stop in his tracks. Was this what he was feeling? But him? Being jealous? Of Ruggie of all people?. A few moments passed before he snapped at you, “Why would I be jealous? I just don’t like secrets, but sure, keep things from me, scheme behind my back as much as you like!”, huffing he stared at you. Finally being done with his bullshit, you yell at him “Because I love you, you dumbass! I wanted Ruggie to help me confess to you and make sure I wouldn’t confess in a way that would make you feel uncomfortable and also make sure you may have some feelings for me too because I would hate to burden you with feelings you don’t reciprocate! I’m sorry for being so “selfish” and not telling you that I am about to confess my feelings for you!”, you angrily stomp off and left him there alone, in the middle of the night. You were so uncharacteristically angry, he immediately knew he fucked up BAD. Feeling like he should cool his head off and think about what you said, he decided not to pursue you.
He didn’t sleep at all, he couldn’t get it out of his head that the person he liked, liked him back and he was being so mean to you and even thought you loved Ruggie or had some big plan set in motion with Ruggie to embarrass him. But when class came around, sleep overcame him and so he was able to get a clear head after school to talk to you.
Standing behind your door, he gulped, he is nervous about confronting you after last nights disaster but he knocked twice and announces that he is here to talk to you. You reluctantly let him in and ask him if this is about last night. “Yes, it is. Look, I-... I am sorry, I was being a dickhead and just thought about my own feelings and lashed out at you for things I spun together in my head, I apologize for not controlling my own feelings better. I thought a lot about what you said... and I, Uhm...”, he pauses and a very light blush graces his cheeks. “I think... No, I KNOW I feel the same towards you, I like you... a lot. And you may be right about me having been jealous, that was why I felt so irritated and was being angry at you for no real reason. But when it comes to you, I...no, there is no excuse for my behavior. Anyway, I just wanted you to know how I feel about you and if you forgive me, maybe we could... you know, go on a date?”, he asks. Seeing him actually being vulnerable and give you an honest apology, you decide to accept his apology and feelings, feeling happy about him liking you back. “Then...we’ll set up a date later and go out together soon.”, you say. He stands up, now having his grin back. He gives you a short kiss that makes you wish it would last longer and then flick your nose while bearing his smug grin, “I know you’re busy, but don’t let me wait too long!”, he announces before he leaves the room with his tail wagging.
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