#like these kinds of critiques are the kind of thing i feel like people whip out when what they really want to say is '*I* didn't like this'
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revvethasmythh · 4 months ago
How do you find the writing in veilguard? I won't be able to play it for a while but I'm curious how it holds up because I've heard it reads like a YA novel or that it tells instead of showing. (I'm definitely taking online reviews with a grain of salt.) Is it enjoyable writing, especially the dialogue?
Frankly, the dialogue is fine. It is nothing more "YA novel" than anything done in Inquisition that I can think of--though I do generally take umbrage with any criticism phrased like that simply for being entirely too unspecific to mean anything at all. It implies the dialogue is unsophisticated by invoking a genre that, in actuality, represents a wide variety of writing quality (just like any genre of anything ever). I've read YA novels darker and more sophisticated than some piles of adult books, just as much as vice-versa. It's a lazy critique that tells you nothing. Is all the dialogue utterly fantastic? I mean, probably not but I'm having too much honest fun to waste my time worrying about if something is kind of cliched. My biggest pros for the writing are that a) Rook has an actual personality, and b) I don't have to wade into an empty field for an hour just to hear my companions say one line of dialogue to each other (Inquisition, the game that you were, you gave me such low standards). Your mileage may vary on what you think is good writing or not personally but I think the dialogue is just fine--and, yeah. A grain of salt is good to have with critiques like that. If they can't give clear examples and break down what they mean by that in more depth, I tend to ignore critiques of that variety in favor of my own opinions, which I recommend you do for yourself as well.
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omegalomania · 2 years ago
people bitching and moaning about fob "turning mainstream" as if that was never the entire point of fall out boy. that's In the goddamn dna of the band, it's baked into the ethos of why the band started in the first damn place. to be accessible to kids and especially to girls, who were often ridiculed and shunted out of the hardcore community. to be a gateway to bands that aren't as mainstream. to comment on the society they live in, as they live in it. people act like fall out boy "turning mainstream" was some kind of "betrayal" when from the start they were seizing on the trends of the time, putting their unique, unhinged fall out boy spin on them, and shooting them back out as a funhouse mirror. take this to your grave capitalized on the pop-punk zeitgeist that was big in the late 90s and early aughts and put their own spin on it: enmeshed catchy choruses with high-dexterity lyrical & linguistic skewerwork. infinity on high was basically a massive critique of the scene they were in - this ain't a scene it's a goddamn arm's race is a fucking thesis statement on what it is to be catapulted into fame in an industry that wants nothing more than a thousand cookie-cutter copycat acts of a successful formula, and fall out boy WAS the formula everyone desperately wanted to emulate. american beauty / american psycho blended sampling and modern hip-hop stylings with polished pop-rock and pointed those songs back at the snapshot of the 2010s we all lived in: commenting on racial injustice and the freeze-frame nature of relevancy. but even then they weren't doing it quite right - because fall out boy never does things quite right, they're never quite conventional, whether it's wentz's darkly confessional lyrics double-bagged in metaphor or stump's distinctive clear tenor or trohman's inescapable rock 'n roll edge or hurley's thunderous hardcore-punk-rock soul.
this band has always been too clever for its own critics, is the thing. but then, they always knew that. they knew they had a thriving fanbase of largely female fans so they were going to be mocked and belittled and ridiculed. they weren't quite right. they weren't quite so easy to market. pete wentz had to have all his hard edges filed off and cut down to size, skin lightened, literally whitewashed ("i feel like a photo that's been overexposed") to hell and back, even as he was marketed as the pretty boy of the band. and the other three members never even bothered with the spotlight: the soft-spoken vegan straightedge anarchist drummer and the wry, wisecracking, whip-clever guitarist who was more concerned with being the connective tissue than anything and the reticent vocalist who sang the words and wrote an awful lot of music but wasn't really the guy fronting the band. wentz's charisma carried the band, because the rest of them were really just some guys and never aspired to be anything else.
fall out boy is too pop. fall out boy is too mainstream. fall out boy isn't the real poster child of the emo movement. other bands are better. even within fall out boy's own narrative, they are repeatedly ignored, sidelined, and belittled, as though they weren't one of the only acts from the big 00s emo-pop movement to successfully not just survive the transition from the aughts to the '10s, and then later from the '10s to the '20s, but to thrive in it without banking on nostalgia. this band was supposed to be a flash in the pan. they weren't supposed to last and they weren't supposed to get big. they started off in joe's parents' attic because joe and pete were sick of how exclusionary and homophobic the hardcore scene was.
i think it's high time that people acknowledge how fall out boy has repeatedly succeeded where most of their other peers failed. cunning, clever, capable, and hyper-aware of the space they occupy in the culture surrounding them. that they are just as powerful, important, and artistic as any of the other bands in the scene that others might deify at their expense. that they deserve a hell of a lot more respect than they get from critics or hardcore punks who think they sold out. i hope one day they get that recognition. because they've earned it, time and time again, and the more i see people pushing back against that, the more certain i become of its inevitability.
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sufferu · 6 months ago
Do you think Emilia suffer/may suffer from " Creator's Pet " syndrome? It seems to me she does fit two of them: Hated and despised by some fans Loved (or worshipped) by the writer(tappei),is his favorite
I think that’s her main problem, tbh — and honestly, it’s the only real writing critique that I have about Re:Zero as a whole. It doesn’t matter to me what other fans think about her character in this regard: that’s always like. A bit of a coin flip, who exactly is gonna become the widespread favorite or whipping boy. What matters to me is that Tappei 1) leans on what he seems to consider her inherent likability, often without actually justifying it to the audience, and 2) is terrified of actually making her unlikeable.
That first point first: Tappei tends to Assume that the audience likes Emilia just as much as he does, and because of this I feel like he doesn’t tend to lay the groundwork necessary to actually make that the case.
This is pretty subjective, I don’t have a whole lot of really objective moments to point to here, so someone else might think I’m totally off the mark — but I feel like sometimes we’re expected to believe that Emilia is some amazingly capable and talented person while the moments where she’s actually allowed to back it up are few and far between. Most of them are also — honestly really simple? And very much tied up in her being a super powerful fighter, instead of in her being intelligent, or quick-witted, or even in her being particularly empathetic. That last one works a LITTLE bit, because that’s basically the whole reason Subaru fell so hard for her, but even then I think I can count on one hand the number of times Emilia’s boundless kindness has actually earned her a powerful character moment/victory in the main storyline (first loop of Arc 1 + the reveal that she always stopped to help Plum, Lap Pillow Scene, Emilia’s conversation with Madelyn…?? Maybe there’s something in her conversation with Ram in Arc 4???) and otherwise it’s only really Referenced rather than Shown. And when that’s one of your LEAD CHARACTERS, it’s just not enough.
The second point, though, is the one that I actually consider more important: Emilia isn’t given enough moments where she’s allowed to be genuinely unlikeable.
The whole reason why Subaru is such a beloved character is because he’s allowed to be a fuck-up sometimes. He is allowed to fall, and fall HARD, and get raked through the coals so bad for it that you can still taste the blood three arcs later. Fuck, he’s allowed to fuck up so bad that he becomes the Reason so many people straight up dropped the first season. And that makes him interesting, and multifaceted, and it makes his good moments mean so much more. This is what I consider the Secret to good character writing: if you want the audience to like that character, give them moments where they are genuinely, unapologetically ugly. This is why Bakugou is the best character in BNHA (fight me): Bakugou is allowed to be UGLY.
And the thing is: Tappei doesn’t normally HAVE this problem. Ram comes off like she’s being a fucking asshole for basically no reason, Otto is a conniving little shit, Julius introduced himself by beating the everloving snot out of the then-self-insert character, Felt abandoned Subaru to get beaten bloody in an alley in her very first scene, Anastasia, Priscilla, and Crusch all had a moment where they basically spat in Subaru’s face (even if Anastasia was trying to help it was very much a Tough Love moment), Wilhelm basically caused the Astrea Family Circus, Rem gets all of Arc 7 to throw her very carefully constructed Waifu persona completely out the window — fuck, Subaru is the MAIN CHARACTER and Arc 3 is basically just “Subaru Cringe Compilation.” So when Emilia is basically the only character who isn’t allowed to be ugly — it stands out, and not in a good way.
We have had Emilia as the secondary lead for basically eight arcs at this point (six if you don’t count the Vollachia Saga), and — look, I’m not an Emilia hater, but can you really say that she has anywhere near as much depth as Subaru does, or even as much as some of the secondary characters? She just doesn’t, or if she does then it’s not adequately explored, and it’s because she’s not allowed to be Nasty sometimes. In fact — there is exactly one moment I can think of where she’s genuinely, unambiguously allowed to be in the wrong: Arc 4, when she runs away from everyone to hide from her responsibilities currently threatening to crush her and has to be found and chewed out by Subaru. And it is one of her BEST moments. Arc 4 in general is considered Emilia’s greatest arc so far, and it is BECAUSE she was allowed to have a moment where she was WRONG.
But Tappei has basically never given us another moment like that because he wants the audience to like her, and at some point it just — look, at some point the hand of the author becomes obvious. When you have basically every character Emilia meets talk about how much they like her and have That define her kindness more than any actual Moments on her part, when you refuse to make even the most vicious of characters dislike or talk shit about her despite everyone else getting a chance to earn someone else’s ire in some form or another, when you spend two whole arcs away from her and then immediately open back in on how amazing she is without even giving us a reminder about Why she’s supposed to be so amazing (having another character describe her as amazing doesn’t count) — it becomes too obvious that Tappei just Really Wants the audience to like Emilia, and at some point That Alone becomes aggravating enough to make people biased against her just on principle.
Anyway those are my thoughts lol. This is legit the only real criticism I, personally, have of the story — but I’d be lying if I said it didn’t aggravate me a LITTLE bit. I don’t want to like Emilia, I want to LOVE her — I want to love her as much as Tappei does — but she has to earn it like everyone else, and Tappei seems a little to adverse to actually letting her Do That.
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dross-the-fish · 1 month ago
love the interpretation that Hyde is born from Jekyll but still his own person. He's not that different from Adam. His creator rejects him and hates the idea that he came from him. People hate him because he doesn't know how to blend in with Victorian society. Man, and he's stuck sharing a body with Jekyll. Yeah. Idk where I'm going with this but I think it's sad the way Jekyll hates Hyde. Rejected parts become a unloved person. I know that's not really your Hyde but some of my favorite moments are when they actually talk to each other and I miss that from your work. Anyway, I wonder what it would be like if Edward had a childhood and Jekyll actually nurtured him, maybe he'd be less of a troublemaker.
I'm sorry, anon, I don't really know what you're talking about and I haven't written very much of Jekyll and Hyde talking to each other? Even when i did it was meant as more of a "talking to himself," because Henry is in denial therefore so is Edward. They are still the same person. I feel like how separate they are ultimately depends on how much Henry is lying to himself and the worse the crimes he commits as Edward the more likely he is to insist "That isn't me." In the same way I've seen people talk about who they become when they're drunk like it's a different person. "Drunk Abby does things Sober Abby would never even think about doing!" Re: Blending into Victorian society. He can and does if he has to. It's a little harder for him, what with his being in an altered state of lowered inhibitions and heightened impulsivity but he is perfectly capable of spending a night with people and having breakfast. He's not socially inept, he's an asshole. He's not harmlessly quirky, he's a sadist. He thinks as Edward he can get away with his crimes and the minute he can't he whips out the checkbook and behaves himself. As far as having a childhood? He did. He has Jekyll's childhood. He remembers being a child quite well because he has all of Jekyll's memories and education. He not really like Adam Frankenstein to be honest. Frankenstein can be read as allegorical for the horrors of being a single parent to a stigmatized, deformed or disabled child, a metaphor for PPD, and as a cautionary tale about hubris and the abandonment of responsibility. Likewise it's also being BEING the stigmatized, deformed or disabled child and the effects of constant isolation and rejection. The book is steeped in a kind of horror and resentment for society, family, parenthood and the burdens of duty. The only thing Victor Frankenstein really has in common with Jekyll is a fear of being judged by society at large and rejection from his own family. Victor is that kid who wanted to make his family proud of him and then fucked it up, had a baby out of wedlock, and tried to hide his mistake. Jekyll and Hyde is more a critique of Victorian repression and an examination of the horrors of the double life of an addict who loses himself to his vices. He's miserable in his current life, despite his success and achievement he knows he's living a lie. Ultimately he copes by turning to a highly taboo outlet and even as that outlet begins to destroy him he can't reject it. He needs it and in the end he loses control of it and it kills him. Edward is not Jekyll's child. He's a symptom of Jekyll's self-loathing and guilt.
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katnissdoesnotfollowback · 7 months ago
For "Never Have I Ever"
...Chef Peeta/Server or Food Critic Katniss? (Or some such variation of this)
Yes chef? 🫦
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Madame. You are already on my shit list for the number of fic idea documents I've added to my drive because of you. Clearly you are determined to badger me into writing this one, and le sigh. I like it. A lot. So much so that I have two options for you:
Option A: When Katniss left her home town at the age of eighteen, she had no intention of returning. Ever. Too many painful memories, like a pregnancy at the age of sixteen that ended in miscarriage. Or her father's death while she was still grieving the loss of her baby. Her mother's suicide attempt. The way all of that left her so raw that she destroyed her relationship with her high school sweetheart.
Now Katniss writes a food critique column with her work partner, Gale. They specialize in small restaurants with unique "local flavor." Then their boss assigns them to a newly opened restaurant in her home town, and Katniss begs Gale to do all the work this time. Their boss refuses to let her off the hook once he finds out Katniss grew up in that town, but a last minute family emergency with Gale's mother results in Katniss checking in alone to the only decent hotel in town.
Of course, she didn't do her research and when she calls to make a reservation for that night, she finds out the restaurant she's meant to review closes early on Thursdays. Stuck in town for an extra night, Katniss makes her way to the one decent bar in town. She's already a few drinks in when old news walks through the door.
Despite all the hurt lingering between them, it's clear that the sparks are still there, and Katniss never could resist Peeta Mellark's kind blue eyes or his sweet, shy smile. Which is why, even though a one night stand with her high school sweetheart is a horrible idea, Katniss convinces herself she won't ever see him again anyway.
On Friday night, Katniss eats at what she quickly deems "a hidden gem almost good enough to make me move back home." Enchanted with the food and the ambiance, she asks to meet the chef and is granted her request.
Suddenly, she finds a hundred and one things wrong with the food.
As much as he wishes he had, Peeta knows he's never stopped loving his high school sweetheart. He tried dating other girls after they lost their baby and Katniss left his heart in shreds, but no one seemed able to fill the hollow feeling inside his chest. Which is probably why, when he sees her in Abernathy's Pub, he reverts to his teenage stupidity. Even though she tells him that she's only in town for one night, he still returns flirt and somehow winds up in bed with her.
Of course, it doesn't matter that the sex was incredible, she's still gone when he wakes up in the morning. So he throws himself into his work, the one thing that's kept him sane all these years.
At least until one of his servers bring Katniss into his kitchen, claiming she wanted to meet the chef and introducing her as one of the writers behind the famous Local Flavor food critique column. Small restaurants like his live or die by her reviews, and she's got nothing good to say about his place.
Lovers to haters back to lovers, second chance romance fic. Spicy up front followed by a long, slow simmer.
Option B: For the life of him, Peeta cannot seem to keep a staff in his kitchen. His best friend Delly, the kindest person he knows, has suggested that maybe it's because he's too soft. Too kind, and people take advantage of him. Enter Katniss Everdeen (aka Gordon Ramsey ala Nightmare Kitchen) to whip Peeta's struggling restaurant into shape. Tempers flare and it gets hot in the kitchen until things come to a boil one night while Katniss and Peeta are alone, trying out new recipes. Peeta orders her to do something and she responds the way she's been training his new staff to respond. "Yes chef!" And Peeta discovers that he likes hearing her say that to him... a whole lot more than he should. He wants to find out if there are any other ways he can get her to say it or otherwise moan it...
Spoiler alert. He does find out, and discovers that she likes saying it to him as much as he likes hearing it.
Never Have I Ever
<3 kdnfb
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twiggyofthesprawl · 1 month ago
I finished Veilguard last night (SPOILERS ABOUND)
Buffer rook to prevent accidental thumbnail spoils
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I had a lot of thoughts, so I decided to sleep on it and write a post when I had had time to solidify them. Having done so, I think the most telling critique I have of the game, is how much of it evacuated my brain the minute I wasn't actively playing.
I wanted to like this game. DA:Origins still remains one of my all time favourite RPGs. And for all its flaws, I genuinely love Inquisition
But Veilguard just left me disappointed. At almost every turn, my takeaway from the big setpieces was "if this had one more draft, it could have been great-".
At the end of it all, I find myself picking holes in the plot, the new lore, the characters. And it's not just me being cynical. Because there are aspects I love. It just lacked the consistency to ever truly win me over.
(mostly) PROS: Despite all the noise about how the game shoves progressive messaging down your throat, and how much the internet wanted me to hate Taash... they were fine? A bit grating at times but that's because I don't care for the kind of personality they have. The dialogue for their gender stuff came off a little stilted and corporate, but the actual arc is kinda cute. And their big moment in the finale whips. If I ever replay the game, I need to actually play their quest. But I got kinda burnt out after doing 4 questlines. Also their relationship with Harding? Precious
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Emmrich feels like he's from an entirely different, much better game, outside of a few small moments. his dialogue is much less anachronistic than other characters and feels way more true to the older games. His storyline is campy but takes itself seriously enough that you can take it seriously. His struggle of being a necromancer who's scared of death is fantastic. It also has the single hardest line in the game
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And yes, he is my husband and we love our son, but that doesn't mean I'm biased! Speaking of my son, Manfred is a perfect angel and I have no notes.
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While it feels kinda out of place in Dragon Age, the combat was really fun and vibrant. And the fun I had outweighed the oddity. The artstyle grew on me and the visuals in some of the setpieces kick so much ass that I can almost forgive them making the Qunari so weirdly smooth
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Blighted Bellara is the coolest motherfucker I have ever met, both aesthetically and when she's dunking on a god. And if I replay the game, I'm romancing her. AuDHD queen, she deserves the world
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Getting to clock the egg right in his dumb backstabbing hypocritical face. I was so pumped in the moment I almost entirely missed it screenshot-wise
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The game in general just didn't grab me. I found myself pushing through more because I don't like leaving things unfinished, than because I was genuinely invested in seeing where it went.
The Evanuris in general just don't really work for me. The level of power they have requires them to be complete morons for the plot to play out the way it does. They could have destroyed us basically up until the 3rd act.
The Davrin-Harding choice is stupid. I don't think a guaranteed party member loss is inherently bad, but making it specifically 2, and both AFTER you lock into a romance but BEFORE you get any real payoff for doing so, is insane to me. Also, Davrin is the clear correct choice? Because it makes the scene a callback to him and Lucanis failing the first time, vs Harding just kinda. failing to contribute in the finale. Though speaking of failing to contribute.... What the hell was his death??
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He waves his sword uselessly a couple times, gets impaled, then falls in a hole and his dog suicide dives after him? It's like they didn't think anyone would care about the indigenous-coded black guy so they gave him a baby griffon for people to go "but the puppy ;-;" about.
And speaking of romances... the flirting is not only the most rizzless thing I have ever seen in my life (seriously, my Rook comes off like a frat fuccboi in almost every flirt option she got), the timing of the options really draws attention to how weird it is you can only talk to companions when its furthering the plot or their personal quest. It leads to you flirting at the most inappropriate times.
But its not just the flirting. As an ace person, it bugs me that games like this always seem to have "bone down" as the end goal for romancing someone. I romanced Emmerich because my MW Rook found a kindred spirit (heh) in him, and I wanted to play things out because he deserves love, and my Rook needed a more thoughtful, restrained perspective to rein in her "punch first, plan later" attitude to problems. So we get through the big 2nd act low point. And I go talk to Emmrich, and he says he wants to go to the Necropolis. And we do. Without me getting a say. Okay... oh! He's making sure im fully free of whatever Solas did to me, and now we're talking about how we love each other and don't want to lose each other? That's really sweet
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Wait... why is he making me lay down in a coffin. We're not about to fuck right after one of our friends died, another may be dead, and I just learned a third has been dead for weeks? IN A COFFIN?! IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NECROPOLIS??
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People also just don't react to anything properly. Bellara, an ELF and VEIL JUMPER, was with me when I recruited Lucanis. And she comments on the demon possessing him, but is then TOTALLY CHILL WITH IT?! Everyone jumps straight to "damn that sucks" and not "are you going to snap and kill us all in our sleep?" People have talked to death about how Rook can't be a jerk, but i think i could count on one hand the amount of times characters got genuinely angry, outside of little arguments about banal things like how many books to bring camping.
Taash and Emmrich's argument. Taash is NB, and should understand the concept of being respectful of people's identity. Yet its established they repeatedly call Emmrich nicknames making fun of him for being a necromancer, even going so far as to almost call him a SKULL FUCKER?! It's so disrespectful to his culture, his beliefs, and his identity. And it makes Taash seem really unpleasant and hypocritical in that moment. Its a black mark against a character I otherwise came to like.
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The whole Varric reveal just did not land for me at all. I figured he was dead really early on because people never responded to him except me, and his contributions were always so nothing that Rook moving onto her reply unprompted wasn't weird. But I figured it was a guilt thing, not Solas fucking with us.
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Also the whole guilt/regret prison failed to land because my Rook WASN'T guilty about anything. Yes, Davrin dying was sad, but he was a soldier. He knew the risks. As a Warden, he had one purpose, to fight the Blight. Hell, after Weisshaupt, him going down in order to ensure the kill on Ghillie felt like an honorable end. In his own words, "whatever it takes". Bellara, while sad, wasn't remotely my fault. I didn't "choose" for her to get got my Elgar'nan, somehow none of us noticed the conveniently placed Eluvian. She offered to deal with the wards, and argued her case when Neve also offered. The only one that's a maybe is Varric, except i told him not to try and negotiate with Solus, so him getting killed doing so... isnt on her? IDK, I could see it working, but not for my Rook.
There's a bunch of other things like how the 3-member party cap limits team variety and locks you into fixed banter chains, the sameyness of some questlines, etc. But I've been negative enough. Games are about having fun, and I try to focus on the fun I had.
All in, sure, it's not a perfect game. And its rough edges really show. I'm in no hurry to replay it... but I don't regret the run I did do. The high points in DATV are on par with the high points of the series as a whole, and I'm glad I experienced them.
I think this is gonna be the last DA release I play, unless a miracle happens and the inevitable next entry is a GOTY contender. Until then, if I find myself longing for the series, I'll do what I always do. Get my dog, my platonic malewife, and a cool priest, and go kick the blight's ass across Ferelden. In the meantime, however...
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lemonhemlock · 8 months ago
Sansa says to Tyrion: “You’re afraid of her.” And Tyrion replies: “Every good ruler needs to inspire a bit of fear.”
Is that true? Should every good ruler do that?
Should Sansa be afraid of her and was her behavior towards Daenerys smart?
I feel like it was, Sansa's stance against kneeling to Daenerys was not just about defiance; it was a strategic move reflecting her commitment to Northern independence and sovereignty. Sansa's refusal to kneel to Daenerys wasn't about provoking her for the sake of it. It was a calculated decision to assert Northern autonomy and ensure that any alliance with Daenerys was on equal terms. Kneeling would have symbolized submission, potentially compromising the North's ability to negotiate from a position of strength. Sansa understood the risks but believed that standing firm was crucial for preserving Northern identity and security.
What an interesting question! Unfortunately, I was taught only one seminar class on Machiavelli during my one History of the Middle Ages course,* so I'll not insist on the discourse on whether he was writing satire, was being deceitful, opportunistic (my teaching assistant at the time certainly thought he was!) or was genuinely writing a <mirror for princes> in the hopes of Italian unification as he may have seen tyrants as an effective political typology who could achieve that goal. Others more well-read than me can comment much more in-depth on this topic.
*I know this is the Renaissance, it was an expansive course, alright. :)
The question should at least begin with a discussion around Machiavelli IMO because he is very obviously the most famous source for the quote and the majority of the population familiar with this quandary have most likely heard it in association with him. But it's very telling that the idea of being feared is the one D&D latched on to, no? This reminds me of that Twitter meme of red flag books you see in men's houses after going on a couple of dates and the list contained titles like The Prince, American Psycho, Atlas Shrugged, How to Win Friends and Influence People etc.
Even so, even if you take the text at face value, that's not exactly what the man says, is it? He is pondering several options. In fact, let me whip out my copy of The Prince I bought way back in the cretaceous period for Year 1.
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Even if you believe he is being genuine here and not just sucking up to (or trying to placate) Lorenzo di Medici, he is saying that love & fear > fear > fear and hatred. So, whatever you do, make sure you are not hated. And what is a sure-fire way to getting hated? Taking people's stuff! "Above all, a man must refrain from seizing the property of others, because a man is quicker to forget the death of his father than the loss of his patrimony"! And how does Dany answer Sansa's question of "what do dragons eat"? What does she say? "Whatever they like." Does whatever they like perchance include the assets of the Northerners, like cattle and sheep? Hmmm.....
In any case, Machiavelli was an ardent Republican, so why is he giving advice to princes? There is a contradiction that lies at the heart of this question and in how fandom perceives some elements of ASOIAF as well. Authoritarian rulers and tyrants can be very effective. It doesn't mean we should accept or normalize authoritarian rule. These two things are not in contradiction. Machiavelli doesn't have to believe, in his heart of hearts, that tyrants are preferable; he can simply write about how to make them efficient. And, again, I'm leaving the conversation about his true intentions to others who have genuinely studied the issue, because it is still under debate.
How I'm redirecting this back to ASOIAF is by pointing out that a lot of critiques of Westerosi rulers are hesitant to characterize any kind of imperious or strongman ruler as efficient, even when the text doesn't point to any material issue that might undermine their rule. Tywin Lannister and Walder Frey are examples of this. To my knowledge, there is no real contestation of their rule by their bannermen or smallfolk and they are not exactly the warmest individuals. Yes, they die, because they are the playthings of the author and he is killing them to make a thematic point. Not because they were overthrown by their underlings or in a peasant revolt. Tywin is killed by his own son in an act of personal revenge that has nothing to do with politics. Walder Frey is killed similarly by Arya in the show (in the books he is still alive). But, that doesn't mean that, in the real world, rulers like Stalin don't exist and are not successful and always pay for their crimes.
I would thus advance the proposition that GRRM does think that tyrants might be effective, but not that they should be endorsed and definitely the endgame of the series will not involve another tyrant on the throne, because he has power over these characters and he can eliminate whomever he wants from the narrative if he doesn't believe they fit the profile for the type of ruler he is looking for.
Ping-pong-ing back to the show, the question is ultimately a misunderstanding of the themes by D&D. They conflate being effective with being a "good" ruler. And it is important to define that efficiency in the first place! Machiavelli talks a lot about how to maintain your seat as a prince once you've got it. And the discussion on love vs fear happens in the context of how to prevent oneself from acquiring the ire of the population / one's subalterns and prevent being ousted. But would that truly be the trait GRRM is looking for in his ideal model of a king? A good king being one who efficiently held onto the crown? What about policy? What exactly is Dany's policy for Westeros? She has none in the show. In the books she has none as well, but at least she hasn't reached Westeros there yet, so there may be time for her to formulate something.
Regardless, the population shouldn't be afraid of its rulers, who serve for them. The only reason one should feel fear in relation to one's rulers is because they are judicious applicators of the law and would mete punishment accordingly if one has committed a crime. This is very much an idealistic manifestation of the relationship between the two, but it is not an entirely new concept. Even in the context of the divine right of kings,* there existed paternalistic notions of benevolence (noblesse oblige being one such manifestation), the idea that the upper classes have social responsibilities to care and protect the vulnerable and those less fortunate. So the idea of the elites being indebted in a way (or more like having a duty towards) the populace has always permeated political thinking. Of course, in the case of unjust rulers, philosophers like Thomas Aquinas also condoned tyrannicide (legally permitted in Ancient Greece, too). So, I would so as far as to say that there is basis enough to argue that a "good" ruler is one who cares for their people and doesn't abuse them or incite negative associations such as fear - and that it's probably what GRRM also has in mind when writing these godforsaken books.
*although I suppose I should mention that the idea that God granted monarchs authority to rule predates the coinage of that term, which is essentially absolutist in phrasing, because we are LARP-ing medieval times here and that predates the absolutist monarchy, contrary to what viral posts will have you believe (no, I will never shut up about this).
As for the second part of your question, yes, I would say that in the context of the show, Sansa refusing to kneel to Dany would be consistent with the goal D&D gave her, namely Northern independence. So it wasn't about antagonizing Daenerys the person or playing mind games, it was about achieving her political objective and implementing her own policies, as Sansa was one of the only characters shown to care about the logistics of survival, ensuring the needs of her population and caring for them as best as she could. Had she failed, Daenerys would have kept asking for her armies and money in order to fight in her world domination tour - a loss of resources that Sansa wanted to prevent.
Please bear in mind, though, that a lot of this is coloured by the weird decision to have Cersei be the final villain to defeat, whereas it's much more likely that in the books the battle against the wights is going to be the final, major battle. It's likely that the dynamics in the books will be different - not saying that Dany and Sansa are going to be bffs, but Jon, for instance, could have a much greater political involvement, one would hope, instead of being reduced to moodily repeating 3 lines. Also, Dany's public perception might very well change if she, IDK, murders her alleged nephew Aegon VI or engages in other endearing brouhaha.
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discountdemonwarehouse · 5 months ago
Kinktober 2024 - Softober - Scary Movies
It's short today, I'm feeling under the weather and not super inspired today.
BUT! You get Gabe and Vinnie trying to watch ghost hunting shows while suffering period cramps, interrupted by Terzo and Secondo who are critiquing things.
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Keep reading below the cut! No smut today
        Everyone was having a pain day. Val was having a flare up in his bad leg, and Vinnie and Gabe were both dealing with bad period cramps. They had invited him to watch movies, but Val had declined, wanting nothing more than to stretch out in bed. “You should try the hot tub at the gym,” Vinnie told him. He grunted, shaking his head. “I don’t think so.” “I know you don’t like people, so if you’re awake anyways, go down at like 1:30a.m. Avoid the after-supper crowd though.” Val gave her a distasteful look. “Hey, just an idea. It’s in-ground, with steps, so you should be able to get in and out okay. Copia would probably happily go with you.” He sighed, wanting the conversation to stop. “Fine. I’ll think about it.” “Do you want me to send Swiss over with some special brownies?” Gabe offered. “No! Just–” He paused, collecting himself. “I just need to stretch out. But thank you for offering.” “Hope you feel better soon,” the other two offered almost simultaneously.
        Gabe and Vinnie ensconced themselves in Terzo’s papal apartment, with Vinnie dragging all the bedding onto the couch. “It’s clean, housekeeping switched all the bedding this morning,” she told Gabe, piling the pillows up. “So long as it wasn’t crusty I wasn’t too concerned,” he joked back. “What kind of snacks do we want? I can probably get Omega to get us a bunch of stuff if we make sure he gets some too.” “The usual. Popcorn, chips, candy, drinks…” Vinnie nodded, whipping out her phone to text Omega to ask nicely if he would help them out. “Oh, can’t forget the pain killers, hang on.” She retrieved stuff from the bathroom, setting it on the coffee table. “Okay, horror movies or ghost hunting videos?” Gabe asked, turning on the TV from his nest on the couch. “Maybe ghost hunting? I don’t think I want to have a jump scare happen and birth a jellyfish, you know?” “Birth a jellyfish?” “You know when you cough/sneeze/laugh/whatever on your period and then a bunch of stuff comes out?” “Ohhh right.” Gabe was thoughtful for a moment. “Yeah, okay, lame ghost hunting videos it is!”
        Omega dropped by later, bringing their snacks and checked on them both. “You know I could use some quintessence to help you out, right?” Both Vinnie and Gabe waved their hands dismissively. “This gives us the excuse to do nothing and watch shit. Feel free to join – but don’t touch our blankets.” “Yeah!” Gabe agreed. “Maybe another time,” Omega chuckled. “But I will take some of this licorice.” The ghoul headed out, and the other two settled back in to watch their choices. There was much laughing at the videos, either because funny things happened or because things were ridiculous, and also much jeering. They stuffed their faces with their snacks and rooted through the blankets and pillows in search of dropped popcorn or candy. At some point the apartment door opened and Terzo and Secondo stepped inside. “I told you they'd be together,” Secondo laughed. “I’m pretty sure Gabe sees more of Vinnie than I do, and I live with her.” Both Gabe and Vinnie glared over the couch, shushing the two men.
        The two Papas settled at the cafe set behind the living room, Terzo making drinks for both of them. “Do you want anything?” he called to the two on the couch. “Hot chocolate?” Vinnie asked, peering over the back of the couch. Terzo nodded, Vinnie poked Gabe with her foot. “You want a hot chocolate?” “Sure. Please. Thanks Papa Terzo.” “Yeah, thanks, Daddy.” Vinnie smirked as she saw Terzo’s eye twitch. “Keep that up and you’ll get nothing,” he grumbled. Vinnie grinned and turned back to the TV. In a few minutes, Terzo placed the mugs of hot chocolate on the table for them. “Ooo you found the marshmallows I stole from the kitchens!” “Vinnie! Stop stealing from the kitchens!” “I need enrichment!” she whined. Terzo groaned, walking away and waving a hand at her.
        The Emeritus brothers half listened to the shows their partners were watching. Eventually one episode sucked them in, and both men started critiquing the ritual being discussed and the Latin pronunciations, as well as correcting the information about a supposed demon being referenced. “No, no, that is definitely not who is in that house. They would never !” Secondo ranted. “They have better things to do than that – they might allow a lower ranking one to do it though.” Terzo made a noise of disagreement, “They run a pretty tight ship really.” The people in the video started reading a Latin inscription they found. “That’s now how you pronounce that, at all,” Terzo hissed in irritation. “They’re worried they’ll accidentally summon the demon if they say that, but all they’re going to do is confuse them!” Secondo chortled. Vinnie looked at Gabe. “Does he talk through all your shows?” Gabe sighed. “Yeah, sometimes.” Vinnie nodded, “Good to know it’s a family trait… Bastardos .” She turned. “SHUSH.” Both Papas responded in tandem, with a firm, “No.” “Ugh!” Vinnie flopped back on the couch, reaching for the remote to turn up the volume. “Rude.”
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videogaems · 8 months ago
Steam Next Fest - June 2024
Dungeons and Degenerate Gamblers It feels easy to say 'Balatro Clone'. BUT if you say that about this game, you are openly admitting that you only see playing cards and have no nuance, just like everyone said. Dungeons and Degenerate Gamblers (Or D&DG as I'm going to refer to it, to save my little fingies the typing) is a roguelike blackjack battler. Those words feel confusing to stitch together but just follow me.
You choose your suit (different suits have different abilities, and the game equates this to difficulty) and begin playing blackjack against an opponent. You are always able to see their cards, unlike regular blackjack, and whoever of the two players wins does damage to the other players health pool, amounting to the difference between your final hands. Going over 21 results in your hand value being reduced to zero, in which case be prepared to take 17 full points of damage to the face.
As you win against opponents, you will acquire new cards for your deck, much like Balatro. Your opponents will also be acquiring these cards, much unlike Balatro.
There is also a mechanic of some cards being manually 'Exploited' (Read as: Activated), but in order to Exploit a Card, you must have Advantage (Read as: Points). This isn't explained well in the game *at all* in my opinion, but as you can see I figured it out using my brain and eyes, much to my chagrin.
I don't think I'll be Wishlisting D&DG, but it does the thing I like: It's a weird spin on a concept you know. And it works! I'll be curious to see if this catches on with the Balatro crowd, but I will certainly recommend it to roguelike and deckbuilding fans.
Dungeon Clawler I won't lie, when I saw that this was a dungeon crawler where you play a crane game to fight people, I automatically assumed this was my shit. I will say that it's kind of my shit, but it's not as 'my shit' as I originally thought it would be. Gameplay is cool and straightforward, you get two chances per turn to drop a claw into a claw machine and pull out symbols. The symbols you pull out will have some kind of effect (swords do damage, shields block damage, etc). By winning fights, you amass coins and new symbols to add to your crain machine that have varying effects.
By and large, the game is a cool idea but I'm not wild about execution. Now, Baron Mind® that this game is still in development so the following critiques may not apply someday BUT:
The art style is that kind cel-drawn images squash and stretch to imply movement, but it ends up kind of looking chinsey. It was the first thing I noticed, but maybe that's just because of how offput I am by that artistic choice.
Second, a banger of a soundtrack, even if it is just a remix of the Type B song from Game Boy Tetris, it's pretty good. But, zero sound effects. None at all, which filled me with discontent. I'm seeing attacks, I'm getting shields, I need noise.
Again, probably not a Wishlist for me but good execution on a great idea.
Tactical Breach Wizards
This was probably the breakout hit for me this Next Fest, and I will absolutely buy this day one (And hope the demo works after the fest is over). The third in the Defenestration Trilogy by Tom Francis - Which also includes Heat Signature (maybe one of my favorite games of all time) and Gunpoint (A game that, years after it came out, I found out I have a friend whose brother did the music - small world).
In Tactical Breach Wizards, it is the modern world, but magic exists. You are a team of magic users who are also a SWAT team. And when I say SWAT, I want you to imagine all the straight-to-DVD action movies that are marketed to the people who are military nerds, but never actually joined the military - It's that. I mean, one character is effectively Gandalf in Desert Camo with an M14 that has a staff sticking out of it, another has a wand with a laser sight and a silencer. It whips ass.
Gameplay is a lot like XCom, with one cool feature being that your wizard can see one second into the future, so after finishing your turns, you can forsee how the enemy will react, and rewind your turn as far back as you like, as many times as you want in order to achieve your desired outcome.
Honestly, I could rave about this game for a while. The gameplay, the style, the writing, everything is just aces, and this immediately breached the door to my Steam wishlist and killed everyone inside. Can't wait for August.
Caravan Sandwitch
I was unsure how to feel about Caravan Sandwitch. You play a girl who is returning to her hometown after a long time away, and reuniting with friends while driving a van.
The art style? Fantastic. Really just an absolute dream to look at and play. The setting? Eh... Now, don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of games that don't hold your hand to explain the world lore, and just kind of let you figure it out through context. Caravan Sandwitch does try to do that, but it falls short, and you end up feeling like a third wheel to these characters, rather than being in the shoes of the character you're playing.
While you explore, the game will have pillows sitting about in hard-to-reach places that effectively serve as collectible lookout points, where your character will just chill and observe the surroundings. These moments are peaceful, and personally I'd love to see more games do something like this, in an effort to make the player really observe the effort put into the environment (A thing I fail to do often)
However, other than that, Caravan Sandwitch didn't really grip me and I probably won't keep up on it.
Another entry in forgettable-single-name-game-titles-that-are-portmanteaus. Dustborn has you follow a group of characters in a band, traveling across the country on a tour in an effort to get to Nova Scotia, which seems to be some kind of safe haven in a military-state America.
Again, the Art style in this game is fantastic, everything is very comic book stylized, even the button prompts, but the demo jumps between moments in the first couple hours of the game without giving you a lot of info as to what is going on. I was surprised when combat was introduced, and thrilled when it included a baseball bat that you can throw and retrieve like the Leviathan Axe in God of War. Well, not quite like the Leviathan Axe... it's posited that way, but ultimately ends up being a ranged attack that just automatically returns to you. Combat was very floaty and just didn't have that je-ne-sais-quois that makes combat feel good.
The game also contained a rhythm action sequence that was reminiscent of Gitaroo Man, another fave of mine, but that wasn't enough to make me want to follow up.
BUS: Bro U Survived
I dislike this game on name alone, and playing it didn't really help much. Points to it for having customization options to let me have a handlebar mustache, but this game just kind of boils down to a co-op zombie survival game in a cartoony style where you have to drive a bus sometimes. I only clocked 26 minutes in this game, and to be fair, I was playing solo (What, I'm supposed to make friends?), but this game didn't hold me for very long. Even as I write this I'm trying to remember much about it, and it just ended up being very forgettable.
Wizard of Legend 2
Hell yeah. HELL YEAH. I forget how I even found out about the original Wizard of Legend, but it's a fun roguelike that I recommend. I was unaware that a sequel was even in the works, so this was a delight to find out about, and an even bigger delight to play.
Players will play the role of a wizard attempting to complete a legendary challenge, with the idea that each run is a new wizard's attempt, since the last one died. Choose spells of different elements, speed, and power, and try to find combinations that mesh well together. I had a lot of fun using a wind vortex to pull all enemies to me, and then hitting the lot of them with chain lightning. Even for a demo, I could see myself sinking a lot of time into this (and I'm hoping it's still playable after Next Fest). This one makes the Wishlist for sure, and I'm looking forward to the release.
I found Aloft very disappointing. Yet another first person crafting survival game with the hook being that eventually you make a glider that you can use to zip around the world.
The demo is in Alpha, as the devs will make known quickly, and the game made known to me quickly, since I encountered a bug early on that I had to visit the steam forums to make sense of. While going through the tutorial prompts, after collecting leaves and wood and shit like that, I was prompted to craft a Glider at the Glider station. Oh boy, it's finally my time to fly! But wait, I don't have a Glider Station. What's more, I can't build a Glider Station. Where is the Glider Station? Is this 'Glider Station' in the room with us right now?
Eventually I learned that this is a bug - the game is supposed to give you more prompts to guide you up the mountain in the game, where you will learn how to make the Glider station, and THEN you are supposed to get the prompt to build your glider. To drive that point forward: The. Tutorial. Is. Bugged. The thing that teaches you how to play the game does not work correctly. I know it's Alpha, and I know I don't make games, but this seems like such an oversight.
Finally, I made my Glider, and took off. It was... fine. The camera cuts to third person when this happens, but your character is so stiff and rigid flying around. It felt cool to zip around, but it didn't feel good if that makes any sense.
Maybe I'll circle back around on Aloft when it's in Beta or 1.0, but this just wasn't it for me.
Goblin Cleanup
But this was!!! Play as a goblin henchman whose job it is to clean up and reset all the traps in the dungeon before the next group of heroes arrive! For some reason, gamified mundane shit always gets me, and this game was no exception.
Goblin cleanup is almost beat-for-beat a reproduction of Viscera Cleanup Detail. Instead of a mop, you stab a slime and poke bloodstains with it until it soaks them all up (and dies?!). Instead of washing the mop, you feed the slime to a mimic, so on and so forth. Some improvements include:
Structure. You're given a list of tasks to complete, and they are checked off as you complete them. As a person with ADHD Inattentive Type, lists are key for me, so this was a big improvement over Viscera Cleanup Details approach of 'Clean until you're done and we'll tell you if you did good'. I'm neurodivergent with a praise kink, you've gotta tell me I'm doing good while I'm doing good.
Scanning. Hitting Q at any given point will highlight on your HUD where there are still items to be cleaned up. Massive improvement over Viscera Cleanup Detail, where you just have to kind of eyeball it.
I liked this! A lot! I could see myself buying this, or even just going back and trying to finish the level proper before NextFest is over.
Pawn Planet
I'm a massive mark for shop-owning games, and even more so if the game has a mechanic for haggling. Pawn planet has both, and by and large, I enjoyed it. The premise is simple, you run a pawn shop on a remote planet. Aliens come in an buy the stuff you have, or try to sell you things. When they approach the register you are given stats on the customer, like Anger, Knowledge, and Greediness. Using this, as well as the condition of the item you are buying or selling, you haggle on a price until one of you coughs up the cash. After the day is over, you can buy supplies to repair the items to make your money back.
Some days, there will be an auction at a storage planet where you roll the bones and bid on a Storage Locker of random items, storage wars style. Not going to lie, this had me hyped until I got fleeced on a board game I paid way too much for.
Other days, you will travel through a portal and ostensibly raid an alien base in order to murder civilians and take their stuff to sell. Okay, so the game doesn't say that, but the game also doesn't explain who these people are or why you are shooting them in the face. This section was underwhelming - The shooting isn't super tight, and you just sort of strafe and click on the aliens until they blow up. Not to mention there was some confusing placement of items in the alien base; Why are you putting what is obviously a safe in this room if it is not intended that I should try to crack it open and steal the rest of whatever was left in these creature's will?
Other bugbears included the fact that when you buy an item, only that item will come to your shipping bay, and you must remove it before you can buy another item. So in a situation where I needed three separate items, I needed to leave the computer, go to the shipping bay, retrieve it, and return to the computer... three separate times. Also, when traveling to the storage planet, I had to click where I wanted to go on my computer inside, then go outside to the spaceship to leave. These are small grievances, but the question and the sometimes vowel remains: Why?
This one gets a rec from me, I didn't spend too much time with it but I did enjoy it overall. Hoping that the finished product has a bit more polish.
The Alters
From the trailers I've seen of this game, it seems cool, but I didn't get far enough in the demo to really see the meat and bones. Which is to say I didn't get far enough to see any of the titular Alters. I, instead, ran headfirst into some radiation at some point, and lost about 10 minutes worth of progress that I just didn't have the nerve to redo, so I bailed. Luckily, these NextFest demos seem to not have expired, so maybe I'll go back and give it another shot.
In the meantime, there are a lot of Death Stranding vibes, a game I loved, and a base building mechanic similar to XCOM, yet another game I like. I think this has legs, and I enjoy the idea of alternate versions of the main character helping him out, but again - I didn't get there.
I dunno... seems neat.
This came at the recommendation of a friend, and I simply could not wrap my head around it. I'm a real sucker for teenagers at a weird school doing paranormal stuff, but the combat system felt very obtuse. One character only buffs, and two characters only attack. You choose the actions they will take but just kind of clicking around (not actually selecting the skills, just sort of running the character into targets), and then they play out those actions once your turn has concluded. Which I sort of get why, but it's still very disorienting. I only stuck around for two combats, so I can't say this is for me, but if you're into visual novelesque storytelling with Into the Breach Combat, this may be your cup of tea.
I think I remember seeing a trailer for this game during the Wholesome Direct or Cozy Direct or whatever the hell in 2023, but it seemed cool, and it is. This is effectively a base building game, except you're a young witch training under Baba Yaga and the base is a giant chicken house that you can drive around. It's pretty tight. Your character only looks like a haunted doll, regardless of what features you choose, and the controls are very floaty but I think this has a lot of potential. My first action once getting my Bird House was to see how big I could make the platform it sits upon, and the answer is 'pretty big'. This was one of a few demos that I actually saw through to the end, so I think that says quite a bit. Hoping the full release has some meat on these Chicken House Bones.
Thank Goodness You're Here!
I'm going to file this one under Biggest Disappointment of the Fest. I typically try to give games about 15 minutes at least so I can get a feel for what they're doing. This demo was 13 minutes long. It being by the creators of Untitled Goose Game had me excited, but ultimately you just kind of run around and slap things and everyone has a funny British accent. I was very un-wowed by the game, and very wowed when the demo ended so abruptly. Oh well, I suppose.
Tiny Glade
Not so much a game as it is a toy, but oh boy is it a fun one. Intuitively whip up little castles with no problem, and then walk around with them in the first person. I was so charmed by this that I called my artist wife in to sit down and take a look at it, and I didn't need to explain anything about it before she had build herself a little castle. You build little castles! What's not to love? I'm hoping there's more to it in the full release, or at the very point that the price point reflects what it is exactly.
Tiny Bookshop
Another one I saw in a cozy direct that I had my eye on that ended up kind of falling flat for me. This game boils down to a shop simulator, which I'm a huge fan of, obviously. But then there's the whole aspect of have percentages of book genres, and how many books you have affecting your likelihood to sell... it just didn't hook me in the way I hoped. The art style, however, was very good, and it's a delight to look at. This might be another one I take a stab at when I'm in the right headspace.
Wild Bastards
I heard Void Bastards was good, but I never actually played it. Wild Bastards seems pretty neat though... you are a couple of Wild West Robots (hell yeah) who are venturing across the galaxy and resurrecting your dead team members with a magic ship. Levels consist of beaming down to a planet and taking out enemies meticulously while not being killed yourself. You can only take down two team members at a time, but you can hotswap between them which is a neat mechanical way of changing weapons. Unfortunately, once I got my third team members, I was summarily shithoused by a bunch of plants and my run was ruined. Still, I had a lot of fun and I will be keeping a close eye on this one. Maybe not a day one buy, but certainly something to pick up.
That's my NextFest, folks. Love it or hate it, I love videogames and I like that demos are coming back in vogue. Til next time.
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listlessnessss · 1 year ago
i don’t always get political w it because i do feel like questions of desire and legitimacy pollute the logistics, i’m not about to beg trutrans (that now is taken to mean ‘no longer pretrans/repressed’, btw) people for things when i need to be a better “cis”ally to them, and i’m only sorting out desire and legitimacy. i understand how politically and personally offputting i can be, as a concept, to actual trans ppl. yet of course those desires are deeply political in nature, but i don’t see how politics can be just this stand-in for desire that alludes to desire when transmasculine desire is a thing that doesn’t yet exist politically because it’s denied/dismissed as something else or actively derided as the purview of [some kind of privilege]. i was a tiktok theyfab in 2020-22 and often saw people’s transmasculine desire dissected apart down to each of its components and exposed for how fucked up their desires are, all the things (fatphobic, racist, a white-woman fragility moment, homophobic, transmisogynistic) but the thing is, i don’t even think that *all* of those critiques are unwarranted, but one is left to wonder… since i assume everyone “in my orbit”(that’s what it’s called, i think, lmao) on here is at least tertiarily involved with the project of creating a coherent if-and-only-if, divergent-not-convergent, transmasculine sense of meaning/narrative where one is severely lacking or entirely absent (think: why is there no ftm whipping girl? and take it as a challenge) without being this logical so-as-follows ‘mirror counterpart’ to transfemininity NOR incredibly butch cis women, because those sets of comparisons are bound in many important ways to be false, to not apply. this is where the TQ complaint of ‘erasure’ is a real thing, even if 14 y/o’s feeling invalidated in the moment don’t exactly articulate its further implications very well. my point is/was when i was deep in tiktok theyfabbery, is a perfect feminist politic a mandatory prerequisite to creating such a narrative? (think about the particular moral mandate along the lines of ‘being a man is about respecting women’: yes, yes absolutely you need to, but without it, does one cease to be a man? or are you now this empty, voided, “masc-not-butch” “nonbinary is just a negation, it’s not a thing” person having your white woman moments, having your cake and eating it too) everyone agrees that the edgy teenage phase of many newer trans people is offputting and uncanny, albeit necessary for growth and development, but i do wonder if coming out the other end of transmasculinity therefore becomes this careful disavowal, deliberately manufactured to be apolitical and uncontroversial, and if political, aligned with feminism the way lesbians are. i also find the tMRA shit, (MRAshit wrapped in a toothpaste flag) to be weird and offputting and not ideal politically and evidence of a total unawareness of how one is perceived. thinking about that tweet that said “it is not up to ftms to fix masculinity, go to the gym lol” and if you want, you should, you can, but an implication is that by virtue of who we are and what we want, we are particularly ill-equipped to be able to simultaneously take it seriously wrt ourselves while also being capable of meaningfully contributing to philosophy, discourse, (culture) politics without leaving ourselves behind in some way. if that’s not the other classic TQ complaint of “infantilization”, then i’m not sure what is. it’s put up or shut up, and if you knew me, you’d find that i shut up in real life, as is ideal while i’m in a proto- state and still politically uncanny and incoherent. while i myself am a gaymaxxer(my cope is that i’m in part like this because i’m gay-male-ideated not because i WNBAM),
i found that i became far more robustly left wing and feminist and all that once i stopped trying to think about myself as a cis woman, once i listened to disk horse on “toxic masculinity” and “male loneliness epidemic” shit, i see some breadtuber spaces as having struggled with creating a similar meaning/story for cis men that isn’t just anti-woman. i also heard there that pre-leftist cis men were afraid of, but had to make peace with, the supposed threat that transfemininity posed to the security of their gender identity and expression, and of those who remain men, some get to realize that they’re queer. I heard quite deep and meaningful comparisons made between cis women’s and trans women’s lives and struggles for meaning. the matrix style gender theory, “fuck gender, be a woman”, was all of our redpill, however hard to swallow. but of nobody’s fault but my own, i was at this time beginning to not internally identify as a woman, and realized that there’s no such thing as a transmasculine redpill. still no story, still no sense of meaning, still I should learn to feel/be the butch or be like the other girls and okay with that, a thing i’m just not and never was. transmasculine desire is still shameful and unspeakable as is the opposite in any other part of life and the political landscape—
i can identify this problem, yes, but i’m not smart enough nor in real life enough nor materially affected enough to be an ideal candidate to begin to create the solution, but i think the boy hypno content is a step in the right direction, for sure, though there may yet be unforeseen social/political consequences.
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mochegato · 4 years ago
The Night of the Consequences
Continuation of Well, Well, Well, If It Isn’t the Consequences of My Actions
Ladybug’s eyes widened, recognizing the voice booming through the Watchtower halls without even having to turn around.  She eyed Chloe nervously.  Why did these things keep happening around the nosy blondes in her life?  She turned around with an overly wide smile.  “Oh… hi… um… M.… Wing,” she stuttered out.  
Son of a bitch!  She really should have prepared for this.  She knew it was coming.  Granted, she didn’t know it was coming today, but it had to be coming soon, they couldn’t afford to let just anyone go around knowing their identities.  If the family was really worried, they couldn’t afford to wait to talk to her about… well… her.  
Bee side eyed her with an incredulous stare.  “What the actual fu…” she started quietly.
“Is there something we can help you with?” Ladybug asked loudly, cutting off whatever rant Chloe was going to go on.
“Um well, first off,” he gave her an overly wide, supposedly charming grin, “you can call me Nightwing.  M. Wing is my… father.”  He cringed as he the last word came out.
Bee raised an eyebrow.  “I thought your father was M. Bat.”
Nightwing puckered his lips.  “Yeah… that’s… true.”  He shuffled awkwardly.
“If you’re going to use that line, you’re supposed to say we can call you Night, which I’m not going to do, by the way,” Bee said flippantly and starting to study where her nails would be if she didn’t have gloves on.  “Otherwise it really doesn’t work.”
“Bee!” Ladybug lightly chastised.  She turned to Night… Wing… Nightwing!  She wasn’t calling him Night either.  “Sorry about her.  I’d say she’s just tired, but that would be a lie.”  She ignored Bee’s scoff and continued.  “You said ‘first’, so I assume there’s a second?” she prompted.
“Right, right,” he nodded, finally seeming to settle a bit, his face becoming a bit more determined and the ‘charming’ smile returning.  “I wanted to ask you about someone.  She gave your name as a reference and I just wanted to see if it was someone we could trust.”
Bee leaned over to Ladybug’s ear.  “Why does he keep smiling like that?” she asked in a normal volume.  She shivered dramatically.  “Creepy.”
Ladybug pursed her lips to stop the noise that wanted to escape, some kind of a combination of frustrated whimper and raucous laugh.  “Okay,” Ladybug smiled tightly, focusing entirely on Nightwing. “Who was it?”
“Yeah, a name would be useful here, Smile Boy” Bee added in.  “Or we could just give our opinion on everyone we know, along with a fashion critique.  We can start with your costume history.”
“Bee, didn’t you have something else to do?  Right now?” Ladybug’s voice was sharper than an obsidian edge.  This was her boyfriend’s… future boyfriend’s?... love interest’s?  Yes, love interest’s brother.  She did not need to piss him off while he was asking her as a ‘reliable source’ about her.
“Nope,” Bee smirked back.
Ladybug groaned and turned to Nightwing.  She nodded off to the side.  “Should we…”
Nightwing nodded and followed her over.  “Ugh, whatever.  I didn’t want to hear anyway,” Bee grumbled and walked to get coffee.
“So, the woman I’m asking about is Marinette Dupain-Cheng.  You may have come across her in Paris?” Nightwing prompted.
Ladybug nodded.  “I have yeah. She’s actually…”  She bit her lip.  She really should have planned this better.  How much should she tell him?  Clearly she wasn’t going to say it was her, but maybe she could say she was a part time hero?  Or maybe she could just say they trusted her.  The point was whether she could be trusted with their identities so maybe exposing her identity, one of them anyway, wasn’t the best idea.  Maybe just that she knew their identities and had never told anyone?  That should work, right?  She just had to…
“It’s just,” Nightwing spoke up misinterpreting her silence, “my brother has kind of fallen for her.”  He watched her face carefully when he said it to see if there was any indication of what she thought of the idea.
Ladybug’s eyes bugged out.  That was not the approach she had been expecting.  She thought he’d focus more on the identity aspect more than the personal aspect.  Not to mention ‘fallen’?  That was… they’d only just met.  She knew he liked her but fallen was pretty strong.  Did Jason really feel that way toward her or was Dick… Nightwing just exaggerating?  And she didn’t even think Jason had told him they were seeing each other, let alone how he felt about her!  She looked up and met his expectant eyes.  Oh right, he was waiting on her to respond.  But how did she respond to that?  “Oh?”  Very eloquent.  Her eloquence was clearly not improving around the bats.
His face scrunched as he studied her reaction.  It was definitely odd.  “Yeah. It’s kind of bizarre really.  Not to say anything bad about Marinette,” he rushed to assure her.  “I don’t know her well enough to judge her, obviously.  That’s why I’m here asking you about her.  But he’s really taken with her really quickly.  I’ve never seen him like this.”  He suddenly stopped and his eyes blew wide.  “Oh God!  Don’t tell her that.  Jason’ll kill me if he finds out.”
“Oh… um…” she looked away suddenly trying to hide her sudden blush and searched for a way to answer.
“Oh my god, y… Dupain-Cheng bagged another hero?” Bee exclaimed slapping Ladybug on the shoulder with her elbow and handing her one of the cups in her hands.
“Bee!” Ladybug exclaimed.  “I thought you didn’t care!  What are you doing here?”
“This is the thanks I get after bringing you tea?” she scoffed in pretend offence.
Ladybug rolled her eyes and let out a long suffering sigh.  “This is just water.”  She brought the cup to her lips.  “Not even hot water!  You brought me a cup of tepid water.”
“Oh my God, can’t you just be grateful I thought about bringing you tea?” Bee exclaimed, exasperation clear in her tone.
Ladybug gave her a deadpan expression.  “Did you though?”
“No, not really,” she shrugged.  “Let’s get back to Dupain-Cheng somehow managing to entice yet another hero though,” she continued, malicious glee sparkling in her eyes.
Ladybug’s mouth dropped in offense.  “She does not date a lot of heroes,” she rushed to assure Nightwing. “Only the one, really…”  She paused and looked at who she was talking to and her eyes widened in realization.  “… not that there’s anything wrong with dating a lot of superheroes… if that’s… um… what you want to do,” she finished weakly.
Bee snickered at the flustered cover-up.  “Yeah, she’s not like some heroes that date everyone they shake hands with.”
Nightwing gave an offended scoff.  “I have not dated that many people… or heroes.”
Bee scoffed.  “Maybe not that are officially sanctioned by the JL.”
“We didn’t say that you did,” Ladybug promised, “did we Bee?” she hissed at Bee through gritted teeth.  “And even if you had, there’s nothing wrong with that.  Right, Bee?  Because there’s nothing wrong with dating around.  Is there?”
“No,” Bee groused.  She crossed her arms over her chest and pouted for a moment before the pout became a vicious grin.  “Yeah, sure, we can stop talking about his dating history.  So, anyway, back to Dupain-Cheng…”
“Oh fu… I can’t believe I walked right into that,” Ladybug grumbled into her hands.
“It may be just the one she actually dated.  The rest just have wet dreams about her.”  She smirked at her.
“Bee!” Ladybug exclaimed her cheeks rapidly turning a dark scarlet.
“Relax, I know you and Dupain-Cheng have a… unique relationship, but that doesn’t change facts.  And pretending like she isn’t getting lusty looks from other people doesn’t change it either.”  Bee rolled her eyes and took a sip of her coffee.  The cup wasn’t nearly big enough to hide her widening smirk.  “You’re just going to have to suck it up.”
Nightwing perked up at that comment.  Well, that was an interesting tidbit.  “So you must know Marinette very well considering you know her dating history so well.”
Ladybug nodded while still glaring at Bee.  “Yes.  You could say that.  We know each other rather well.”
“Extremely well,” Bee agreed, her grin getting even sharper.  “I’ve known her since we were children but Ladybug still knows her much more intimately than I do.  Why don’t you tell him about her?”
“And I would trust her,” Ladybug continued over Bee.  “I have trusted her with a lot, both in and out of the suit.”
Bee cackled at the answer “Yeah LB do tell.  Go on about her amazing attributes.  Tell us all about her.”
“Bee,” Ladybug whined, her cheeks heating up.  Nightwing observed the interaction with a raised eyebrow.
“Come on, he’s going to think you don’t like Dupain-Cheng,” Bee teased.
“What! No!”  Ladybug straightened quickly, her eyes going wide.  “I do!  I like Dup… Marinette,” she glared quickly at Bee before she whipped back to face Nightwing with wide eyes.  “She’s great! She’s ama… She’s…” she faltered.  This was so awkward.  If she and Jason ended up getting serious, Nightwing was eventually going to know who she was and remember what she said here and if she overplayed it, he’d think she was pompous and hate her.  Then his whole family would hate her and Jason would break up with her because his family would convince him she was a terrible influence.
But! But if she wasn’t complimentary enough he’d think she didn’t like… herself and that she wasn’t trustworthy. Then he would convince Jason that it was a mistake to be with her and he’d break up with her because he’d trust his family’s word over hers and think she wasn’t a good person and deserved to be miserable.  She looked back up at Nightwing with a sigh.  “She’s a good person.  She deserves to be happy.”
Nightwing stared into her eyes for a few moments as if trying to read a part of her soul.  Finally, his eyes softened to a more sympathetic glint.  “I was worried about her knowing our identities but I’m mostly worried about him.  He’s been through a lot and he can be pretty hot and cold because of it and I just…”
Ladybug’s eyes softened too.  She looked down for a moment trying to figure out how to word her response.  “She’s… Marinette’s pretty understanding.  She’s had to deal with that before and it didn’t work then but… I don’t think that was on her…”  She pursed her lips and looked down while the memories washed over her. When she looked back up there was a bittersweet look in her eyes.  “She fights for the people she loves.  She puts effort in.  If you’re asking if I would trust her with an identity, I have before and she’s never let me down.  If you’re asking me if I would trust her with your brother’s heart, I would.  Whether it works out with him or not, she’ll still be there for him.  She’ll do everything in her power to protect it.  If you trust me, you can trust her.”
Nightwing reached out and squeezed her shoulder.  “Thank you.  This has been very helpful.  I’m sorry if I brought up any bad memories.”
Ladybug shook her head.  “No, it’s fine.  I hope I made you feel less worried about her.”
Nightwing nodded.  “You did. Thanks again.”
“You’re welcome,” Bee interjected loudly.  “Even though you didn’t ask me my opinion.”
“Sorry.  I hadn’t been given your name as a reference,” Nightwing said with only the tiniest touch of condescension.  
“I grew up with her,” Bee scoffed.  “And even though you didn’t ask, I’ll tell you my opinion anyway.”
“Bee…” Ladybug started, but her voice was tired.
“I don’t know who your brother is, but whoever he is…”  Ladybug sighed deeply and dropped her head.  “…he isn’t good enough for her.”  Ladybug’s head snapped up and her jaw dropped.
“Are you… are you admitting you like m… Marinette?”  Ladybug gaped.
“Relax, I’m not like hitting on her or anything.  I’m just...  Shut up.” She crossed her arms over her chest and looked away with a pout.  After a few seconds she looked back at Ladybug from the corner of her eye and rolled her eyes.  “Close your mouth, LB.  There probably aren’t flies here to fly in, but Beast Boy could always be transformed as a fly for whatever ridiculous reason and if you swallow him we can’t go on our date.”  
“You’re dating Beast Boy?  When did that happen?” Ladybug exclaimed.
Bee grabbed Ladybug’s arm and tugged her back in the direction they had been heading originally.  “I was trying to tell you before we were so rudely interrupted.”
Nightwing watched them walk away with a smile and a small wave.  That was a lot to take in, but at least now he knew she was trustworthy.
Marinette had just gotten home and immediately collapsed into her bed after an extremely long and wearing day when he heard an incessant pounding at the door that wouldn't stop.  “What the hell,” she groaned.  She pushed herself off the bed with a great deal of effort and shuffled to the front door. “Somebody better be about to die,” she grumbled to herself, “or someone’s going to be.”  She looked through the peep hole to see a frantic looking Jason. 
She whipped open the door for him.  “Jason! Are you okay?”  She reached to check him over to assure herself he was okay.
Jason stared at her for just a second.  “Dick just… He said… You slept with Ladybug!  She’s the one you dated?” he yelled.
Marinette blinked at him a few times trying to take in what he just said.  “What!?”
Continued in Truth so Cold
@jasonette-july-event @maribatserver @ashbrea381writings
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bakingandbooks3 · 4 years ago
A Court of Song and Serpents
A bit short but the begging of a project I'm SO excited for- hope you love this as much as I do.
Summary: What a time to be alive as Nesta Archeron, going backward to move forward and finding that the places she once called home are now empty tombs.
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Nesta held her breath for a moment, a pause, and stilled entirely. The Court of Nightmares. She knew the verdict would be severe, but never would she have expected exile to a world of terror. The horrors of that place, of how it was once the main residence of the High Lord- till Rhysand.
Rhysand, the man who boasted of lands bountiful with choice and reason, now sat across from her donning unmasked hatred. A look he kept shielded from his mate, reserved just for Nesta. The kind that rips one apart from the inside out, would carve out the belly of a beast, burn a witch on a wooden pyre.
Nesta felt nothing, she always did. It wasn’t hard to see what he was thinking of her, how his beautiful wife’s wretched sister was little more than a gambling thief who slept her way through his glorious city. Now, fingers smeared that blank canvas so pure of her darkest shades.
Eyes flicking back, she studied that same sister. The Cursebreaker, the Savior.
How small and insignificant she became next to the glimmering shining thing Feyre was. The lands spoke of her beauty and kind touch, and how she sacrificed everything to save a world of people, and Fae that she was raised to despise.
Nesta wished it’d be known that her touch wasn’t always kind.
She built her bricks firm enough that her house of grace never shattered; Held firm, it was all she had left in her. Too many eyes on her filled with grief, excitement, retribution-Nesta was keenly aware of how this Court of Dreams felt of her.
“This is an exile.”
Rhysand's smirk peaked so slightly, his mate tensing.
“No, no. This is an intervention, a chance for you to find yourself away from bad influences and habits. You can’t keep living like this, and I refuse to let it continue happening and I take the fall for it. Your decisions are impractical and immoral. You are sober much less than you are drunk and-”
“If you’re going to condemn me, do it. But don’t sit here and act as if this is out of kindness.” Nesta snarled. She hated the barbed words, but it’s what she felt. “Who are you to question my morality?”
“I think I can speak for my wife when I say that your presence here is….” Rhysand growled but pulled back, like he forgot Feyre was right there, too.
Nesta wished he would’ve let go, so maybe that facade Rhys reserved for Feyre was broken. No, that’s cruel. As much as she hated this and him, he was making her sister happy.
Something Nesta could never do.
“I do not give a shit what my presence is doing. The decision has already been made, so stop scolding me like a child and make good on your word, Rhysand.” Bile rose in her throat, the words feeling nothing but slimy and disgusting. Foreign, yet habitual all the same. Sometimes, she forgets there once was a woman called Nesta who was so much more than the viper living in her now.
Sometimes she remembers that she can’t ever be her again.
Home was nowhere for her, not in a person, not in a place, certainly not in this bombastic group of “heroes”. Nesta didn’t need a hero, she just needed someone to care. But Nesta knew better, no one would. She was taught to be unlovable, just a woman to be sold off and married- to climb her mothers' ever-growing social ladder.
But Nesta on her own was never enough, even with her mother six feet under and rotted away there were unsung expectations unmet. She was a catastrophic failure and a dark smear on a family name that never truly held weight to her.
Nesta looked up, felt everything all at once again, could only see one man pacing a worn-through tether between them. He wasn’t going to stop this, but she could see it, how it looked like he wanted to jump out of his own flesh, the veins of his arm prominent and knuckles normally so brown a new fresh fallen snow.
There was no prince to save Nesta, much less any will to save herself. So when Mor took the pleasure of bringing her to a living Hell, Nesta did not fight.
She was tired of fighting, after all, she fought an inescapable fate for the first twenty years of her life…
Flowers always made Nesta sneeze, but Elain lit like lights during winter whenever she could thread them through her hair. They all symbolized something, Laine would say. There are ones for good days, and hard storms, for sunshine and stars.
Nesta was always adorned in flowers that paralleled the estate. Astute, cold, tired, where she was warm, comforting, and smelled like cookies- ones that Celia normally baked for the sisters. She never asked Laine why she picked the ones for her that she did, her reasons would stay silent for now.
Spring was a high time of activity in the Archeron estate. There was always a flurry of activity, from preparing their mothers' obscene balls, to guests at every corner in every room. The halls were sprinkled in candles and on walls hung frames nearly kissing it was packed so tight.
They were in the gardens. It was an Elain day, as the girls would call it, and no matter how boring or mundane her wishes were they’d be fulfilled. Nesta was propped on the floor in front of Laine, who was bunching handfuls to weave in tangled auburn coils that gathered on Nesta’s head- as a bird's nest would.
Eventually, Nesta would have to learn braids or risk knotting the curls entirely.
The eldest basked in the silence she created from mentally muting her middle sister, and spared a glance at Feyre. What she saw was not surprising, but required far more willpower than she expected to not burst into laughter and risk the flowery rat's nest on her scalp.
Feyre appeared to be so bored out of her mind she was eating discarded flowers of Elains. Actually, ingesting them, as if she was a critique. When Elain wasn’t looking at Feyre, she’d grab another couple and study them- analyzing her next experiment. Glaring at the blues and yellows as if she was speaking to them, “Which one of you will make me puke the fastest so I can run away?”
In time, Feyre looked up from her taste tests to see Nesta grinning at her so violently you’d think Feyre hung the moon.
And Feyre beamed back, crossing a pinkie across her chest and pointing it back to Nesta. Then she viciously spit out the grass she’d just finished chewing, crying directly at Laine, “This MUST stop at once, my stomach hurts far too much to continue on here.”
Elain, in a garden so quiet, simply ignored her sister's poor attempts at escape. Making Nesta work even harder to stifle the shaking of her shoulders, covering her mouth and nose before she started wheezing. Elain would hardly hurt a fly but sent Nesta a glare that could’ve easily killed a man.
Nesta cleared her throat, “I do believe there are more of the blue flowers down that hill near the pond. Would you mind getting some more for Laine?”
Feyre was already on her feet, mouthing her thanks as Elain turned her back to get the next bunch of flowers, “Why of course I will!” And with a very bad curtsey, Feyre threw off her shoes and was rolling down the hill, spinning wildly, her laughter sure to be heard in meadows far beyond theirs.
You would find the Archeron sisters all together, or never in the same place.
Laine was the easiest to find, by the waters or pond on the east side, in gardens surrounded with bugs and willows calling to the young girl. She could hardly read but if the text included any mention of colors and blooms, suddenly she was a scholar. Elain was not simple or dull, but rather a passive spirit, like a summer wind- brief, fleeting, but teeming with love and hope.
Feyre, as their mother said, was a reckless wild child. Far too young to care, far too small to be whipped into shape. If you were sent to find her and your life depended on it, may the Mother bless you. Feyre liked the kitchen, because of the immaculate food and maids who would shove any sweet down the littlest Archerons throat. But, also for the immeasurable amount of sharp items to be found in there. If it was pointy and could stab a wall or scare their ice-cold mother, Feyre would be running the halls with it in hand or making targets of her fathers old trade route maps.
Then there was Nesta, the firstborn. Molded to be another woman that she somehow couldn’t fit, as if her feet were too big or hair too long, Nesta was outgrowing the standards forged into her being. You would see her as a ghost, floating in and out of rooms, comfortable in silence and slumber, but never escaping people. She loved the maids and could recite all of their names like clockwork, and the workers loved her in turn. Always stuck in new worlds between pages or willingly dragged by the two youngers, Nesta teemed with liberation. She was often alone, but never lonely, and found new loves in the library or in the fields beyond marble confines.
Adela was constantly dissatisfied with her eldest's progress inside these walls, as if at eight she should’ve already been engaged to a prince. Granted, Adela knew better. Nesta would never truly find another kingdom to buy into when she already had a crown waiting for her elsewhere. She was known as fair and beautiful beyond her years, would age like fine wine, and become so much greater than Adela ever was. What Nesta saw as fit would normally come to be, an instinct Adela was unprepared she would inherit. Nothing left her more confused than this daughter only by blood, who was hated by both her parents for reasons far from the same, and how at less than ten years had an entire mansion wrapped around her fingers.
But Adela would wait, and simply leave them be for now. When viper's strike, they kill. And even though the Matron of the house wanted her little queen gone, she had other ways to see this through.
Anyways, children's blood on her hands would stain her diamonds.
Cassian was violently fucking ill. Watching whatever the fuck that was did not help in the slightest. The second she was gone, so was he.
The General and High Lord were not on speaking terms, his presence was an obligation and not a request. When Rhys first displayed his plans, Cassian just about murdered him. Had his brother on the table in a chokehold that the Shadowsinger had to come and release Rhys from. The way his so-called family planned her exile was… horrific.
Cassian was full of light and humor, but not dull the way his family made him out to be. He could see this for what it was, punishing an already broken female for not meeting every damn need of a fully grown woman that was no longer her responsibility. Cass knew better than to downplay the sacrifices Feyre made, but he was also well aware that Nesta's habits were hardly a financial problem and more of a reputation scandal.
That’s what the High Lord did best, when his Court was breaking at the bonds, the mess would “disappear”. Just like the Illyrians hidden in the mountains, the displaced families of Spring, the homeless warriors of Night.
Cassian loved his brother, but more often than not he wondered when Fate would come to bite them in the asses for Rhys’ neglect.
Now, here he was, in his mothers' cabin, wings dragging behind him wiping tears long since shed over a woman who was thrown to the wolves and torn into so many scraps he wasn’t sure how he could put her together again.
He missed his Nesta, the one who threw glares and begged for her people, not this one who hardly spoke and caved into herself enough that she couldn’t see where she was heading.
Cassian fingered for his mug in the wooden cabinets and hit his mark, soon placing water to heat over a small fire over the counter.
He was not okay, not okay at all.
When you look for something in the dark for too long, you eventually find what you need but not always in the way you expect. Cassian coped the same as Nesta Archeron in his first years post-war. It was suffocating trying to be the happy one while dying inside. He watched men he looked up to fall and a lover he admired take her last breath- too much in far too little time. Cassian was not an idiot, he was simply perplexed. Why was he allowed to grieve in unacceptable manners, but Nesta was a sinner in holy clothing?
Bright walls and unlit rooms in the house were silent, only the winds of the mountains singing outside. The newly dusted snow wrapped the dirt in a delicate kiss- a forbidden touch. It was the peak of winter, just after Feyre’s birthday and another insufferable party.
One that Nesta wasn’t invited to.
Cassian wished he wasn’t invited either.
The cup in his hands was dwarfed in comparison to the bulky Illyrian holding it, but at least it was warm. At least it wasn’t empty.
Because if there was one thing he knew, it could always be worse.
Cassian knew that if things were a little different, he’d be the one sitting in a prison of darkness and Hell because of mistakes made as a child. He’d be exiled by family, cast away by the only living remains of a life once lived.
Nesta didn’t know but long before this he had called it even, their sins atoned for in hurting each other equally.
She was the only one in the world who could tell which smiles he was faking.
To anyone on the outside, one kiss was merely that. How curious it was, the iceberg went far deeper.
So when the mug crashed against the wall, and in its wake resembled his inner turmoil, Cassian took to the skies and found himself at the door of a place far too familiar.
AHHHHHHHH OMG OKAY hope you guys enjoyed this:) if you want to be added to the tag list let me know!
@lovemeforever12345 @champanheandluxxury @nahthanks@perseusannabeth@queenestarcheron@silvernesta
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we-love-imagines · 4 years ago
hi i don’t know if you’re taking requests right now, but based on your recent post about rohan and his stand and jotaro’s dating hcs, is there anyway that we could see a dating headcanons with rohan? please and thank you!
Of course my dear! Head Cannons are way faster to write than one-shots so I tried to get this one out quick for you! :)
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Rohan Dating Hcs
~Rohan is certainly the type to scoff at his own feelings and set them aside, so he really has to like you to ask you out. He doesn’t fall fast either, preferring to date people he’s known for a while and letting his feelings grow over time. However, when he does finally acknowledge his feelings for you, he’ll embrace them in stride. He’ll be trying to impress you and show off his best self at every opportunity. As you two get closer and become an official couple, he’ll loosen up a bit, but your first few dates are very expensive and flashy.
~You become his sole confidant. If you thought Rohan was mean, his private thoughts are a whole lot meaner; after a long day out on the town, he’ll return to you with loads of gossip and sassy comments about his friends. Especially Josuke. He really feels like he can be his true self around you, and can rant and rave about whatever is on his mind with little judgement. You put him at ease.
~If you’re in a relationship with Rohan, you definitely influence his art in one way or another. While he’d enjoy it if you modeled for him- Hell, he’d probably use your likeness for a Pink Dark Boy character if you were okay with it- he’d also respect it if you didn’t want to. However, he’ll sketch you regardless. It may be that you’re always so close, or how the warm feelings he gets from you inspires him, but he can’t help but draw out your face from time to time. He loves seeing how flustered you get when he shows you the finished product. Of course, these would never be published without your permission, but part of him secretly wishes to. It’s some of his best work!
~If you’re an artist, I pray for you. He loves your art, of course, but he’s not one to hold back constructive criticism. While he’ll try to be nice about it, he can come off rather blunt and sound harsh. He’s also a bit of a backseat artist; if he sees you sketching, he’ll watch over your shoulder and critique as you go. It can get rather annoying at times, but at least his advice comes from a genuine desire to see you improve rather than malice. 
~Strangely, he’ll want to move pretty fast with you. With his extremely busy schedule, part of him knows the only real way for him to spend any substantial time with you is if you move in. So, if you’re up for it, expect to be moving your stuff into his house pretty early on in the relationship. To both your surprise and his, he really enjoys cute little domestic things: getting matching mugs, making dinner together, movie-night cuddles on the couch. Though, his undisputed favorite moment of domestic bliss is waking up next to you every morning, kissing your forehead while you sleep before he starts his day.
~He claims to not be one for lovey-dovey stuff like pet names or excessive kisses, but you can certainly convince him otherwise. While he is strictly against PDA, in private he can be very sweet. While he’ll usually call you by your name, you can squeeze out a “Dear” or “Darling” if he’s feeling especially affectionate. Rarely will he initiate affection unprompted, but on a good day, he’ll hug you from behind as you cook something and place chaste kisses to the side of your face. If you catch him on a very good day, he’ll shower you with all the love he can muster. 
~Despite that last point, he eats up your praise and affection like he’s a starved man. You can never do anything just once- if you kiss him while leaving for work, he’ll demand another. If you give him a hug before turning over in bed, he’ll insist you two cuddle. Don’t even get me started on compliments! Any off-handed praise you give him results in a, “Really? You mean that?” egging you on for more. Of course, he’ll act like he’s somewhat unfazed by your kind words, but it always makes his cheeks go pink and his heart beat a little bit faster.
~While he loves your praise, Rohan tends to hold back a little when it comes to verbal affection. He tends to show his love through quiet actions. But, when he’s in the mood to tell you how much he loves you, Rohan pulls out all the stops. Seeing as he’s a mangaka, he is very good with words, and knows just what to say to make your heart melt. 
~Somewhat bad at comforting you when you’re down. He knows you well enough to tell when you’ve had a rough day, but part of him is scared to approach you. He knows he can come off as rude sometimes and he doesn’t want to make it worse. So, he’ll silently make you a warm cup of tea, have something sweet waiting for you in your room- and retreat into his studio. Of course, if you’re extremely upset and crying your eyes out he’ll be there to cuddle you and cheer you up. But on just kinda-crappy days? Yeah, he’s doing the minimum.
~Rohan vows to never use Heaven’s Door on you, unless you ask him to or it’s an emergency. He’s ignored people’s boundaries in the past by using it, and he knows how pushing said boundary might ruin his relationship. While sometimes his anxiety tempts him to take a peek- to check if you’re thinking of leaving him or if you haven’t been loyal- he always stops himself. He doesn’t want to lose you, and that level of privacy invasion is too much for healthy relationship. Though his nerves may flare at times, he trusts you.
~Speaking of nerves, Rohan is always a little afraid his partner would cheat on him. He’s an extremely busy man, and sometimes it feels like he never leaves his studio. It’s easy to feel a little neglected from time to time. So, he fears that you leave when you know he’ll be working for hours, sneaking off to meet with someone else. While you assure him that this isn’t the case, he still gets jealous from time to time when he sees you being a little too nice to others.
~While he can be a tad prickly, Rohan is whipped for you, and he wouldn’t have it any other way!
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stray-kids-react · 4 years ago
Crush is cold and distant but warms up to them
Bang Chan
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° Chan tried not to get to attached to you, knowing you were focused on your career more than anything. But he fell in love with you whenever you went on that stage, seeing you so happy and passionate.
° You both only had a professional relationship, not even an actual friendship has formed between you two. This bothered Chan, knowing there are many other male idols and fans who had their eyes on you.
° So he decided that he would have to make the moves to get you warmed up to him, even if it took a while to crack that initial wall you put up in front of everyone. But he was determined, and won't give up easily.
° Started out by inviting your whole band over to hang out with Stray Kids, to 3racha, to just you, him, and Felix, and finally til you were comfortable to just hang out with him alone. It took a good five months to get there.
° He use to just find you attractive and love how dedicated you were, but now he falls deeper in love with you by each smile you show him. You are such a warm and gentle person when you take that wall down.
° Chan feels honoured that he gets to see this side to you, knowing many fans and idols alike only see the professional role model mask you put on. He likes seeing you loosen up and goof around with him.
"Thanks for the amazing night once again, seriously. I feel so spoiled by you." you teased, giggling softly as you stood by your apartment door.
"Well it was an amazing night, because I was with an amazing person. Sorry if that was cheesy." He apologized, realizing how cliché he sounded soon after.
Lee Know
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° Understands why you can come off cold and distant at points, some people just have trouble opening up to people. But that won't stop him from making small talk everytime you take his order at the café you work at.
° It took weeks for you to give him a genuine smile, and that was when he dissed your boss for being a dick towards you. He's never felt such a soft feeling in his heart until he saw you smile so bright.
° Even though he'd never admit it, everything about trying to ask you out terrified him. Han noticed the slight worry in his eyes, so he'll talk good about Minho to you without Minho knowing.
° Han did this for two weeks before Minho finally caught him, he felt so nervous not knowing what Han was saying to you. So he'd move closer, trying to hear some of the words coming out of his mouth.
° Some facts were a bit too open for his liking, like mentioning how he sometimes doesn't wear underwear to bed. But you didn't seem to mind or judge him for it, you just beamed an adorable smile and listened.
° The next day Minho decided to do the talking instead of Han, properly introducing himself to you and apologizing if you felt uncomfortable yesterday. You were honestly much more bubbly than he expected.
"I just wanted to apologize if you heard anything that made you uncomfortable." He sighed, a nervous laugh escaping his lips. You thought he was cute when nervous.
"I wasn't uncomfortable, Jisung seems like a really good friend." You reassured, a soft sparkle to your eyes that made him stare for a bit too long than he would've liked.
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° You were Felix's best friend, even though to many you seemed like complete opposites. Felix told all of his members how kind and warm you truly were once you let your guard down, but that it takes time for it to happen.
° Felix invited you over to go to the amusement park with them, mostly so you will protect him during the rides. But in all honesty, you were focused on his adorable Hyung Changbin.
° He looked so adorable on the zip line, his feet dancing up and down constantly. And his laugh seemed to cure any fear you had on the large intimidating rides, yet you still were far to scared to talk to him.
° All of the crushes you've had thought you hated them, because when you like someone you tend to shy away from them and it ends up seeming like you are avoiding them. But your best friend wanted to change that.
° Felix not only called Changbin over to talk with you, but also told him to keep you company and show you around the park. You wanted to thank him and slap him at the same time, but you stayed calm about it.
° Changbin was open about how he found you attractive, not worrying if you liked him or not. His mindset is that everyone likes feeling special, and if he is upfront about his crushes it'll at least make them feel confident.
"You know you're very cute when you smile y/n." He reassured, smiling softly as you waited in line at the cotton candy stand. Your heart beating like a drum solo.
"You're very nice company, maybe we should hang out alone some time." You suggested, all of your fear lumping itself into the back of your mind. Until he nodded in agreement.
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° In all honesty, he thought you hated him. It didn't help that you both use to be each other's competition while trainees, but it hurt more when he began to have an interest in you. Even though you two barely talked.
° His members reassured him that you just seemed cold to many people, but you are actually just very introverted. But that still didn't calm down his nerves whenever you crossed paths, his heart stopping everytime.
° Hyunjin never got a chance alone with you until you both were assigned the same car to be picked up in after an award show. You both were squished together near the back, as your fellow members got better seats.
° Hyunjin complimented your performance, earning the first smile of yours he's ever witnessed. It made his confidence tumble down hill, realizing that you were truly going to destroy him with that smile.
° He was about to look back to the window when you replied back, telling him that you are actually a huge fan of his. His eyes went wide as he soon noticed the rosy apples of your cheeks, noting how adorable they are.
° The reveal of the whole situation was bittersweet, it was nice knowing you were actually just shy but he also felt guilty for not talking to you sooner. However the car ride home ended with your number on his phone.
"I just thought I'd let you know that you were really amazing out there." He complimented, glancing at you shyly as you focused you direction towards him.
"Thank you, it's honestly surreal to hear that from such a talented idol like you." You gushed, your mind filled with nervous thoughts and critiques.
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° It is hard to not warm up to Jisung, his energy and personality are just very likeable in general. It is also hard to stay cold around him since he is absolutely hilarious, and I'd bound to break that wall you put up.
° The other members thought you were quite cold and distant, all fo them having experience with you while you did their makeup. But Han didn't believe someone with such kind eyes could be so harsh.
° All of the members he had a crush on you, and wouldn't let it go until he found out for himself if you were a nice person or not. Some members were a bit nervous for him, seeing as you were quite stone cold.
° While getting touch ups done in between an award show, he held one of the fans given to him by your face. Letting both of you cool off in such warm conditions, you couldn't help but smile slightly at his gestures.
° After the show he ran up to you as you were getting into your car, passing you a small slip of paper. You found Jisung very attractive, but never thought he'd ever pay attention to someone like you.
° The slip of paper had his phone number in it, you couldn't help but become a deep shade of pink once you realized what was going on. You quickly thanked him and gave you number to his phone as well.
"Here's my number, if you ever want to hang out or go on a date sometime." He murmured, trying his best to swallow all of his fear in his throat.
"Oh, Thank you. Um... Sorry I just wasn't expecting this... Here have my number." You stuttered out, shocked that he would even notice you out of so many people.
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° It truly depends on the day and scenario with Felix, he'll either be too shy to talk to you or asking you if you want some brownies as he shows off his breathtaking smile. Either way, you notice how cute he truly is.
° Felix isn't the most confident guy, so when he first began crushing on you it mostly consisted of you doing your job as an assistant and him admiring you from afar. It took a month before Chan introduced him.
° You have trouble conveying your emotions, and are use to just focusing on your work. But Felix hits differently, he makes your heart speed up and cheeks become warm. You are terribly at admitting it though.
° Many guys and girls have hit on you or simply started to just because Felix has a thing for you, but none of them gave off the same feelings you get when you were around Felix. And Chan noticed that.
° One day Felix had enough of people trying to flirt with you, and was terrified that he would lose his opportunity to confess to you. So he directly into the practice room where you were, and kissed you directly on the lips.
° His lips were just as soft and sweet as you had imagined, melting into the kiss with ease. Even though you both were quite calm with he situation, everyone around you was stunned and very confused.
"Sorry... I just couldn't help it I guess. Would you like to go out sometimes?" he questioned, trying to catch his breath from the long lasting kiss.
"Y-yeah, I'd love to. I better get back to my kis- I mean shift. T-talk to you later." You replied, failing to hide your joyful yet very flustered state.
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° Seungmin knew you as Jeongin's best friend, you were much more quiet and colder than Stray Kids' beloved Maknae. But nonetheless, Seungmin found himself falling for you only days after meeting.
° Jeongin knew that Seungmin had grown a liking towards you, but he didn't want to be the one to reveal it to you. You haven't had many people crush on you so obviously, and he wanted to cherish every moment.
° Seungmin would always become much more bubbly and smiley, every member loved witnessing him be so whipped for someone. You were oblivious to this fact, and assumed he was just a very bubbly person.
° But one day Jeongin had enough of you not getting the clues or hints towards Seungmin's crush on you. So he confronted you face to face, asking you how the hell you can't notice Seungmin gushing over you.
° The truth was that you had very low sled confidence, and just assumed only trash people could like you. But you were proven very wrong once Jeongin admitted the obvious truth face to face.
° The next day you asked Seungmin to meet up with you at the dorms, you both were alone and silence filled every corner. You weren't good with words, so you decided the next best thing was a kiss on his cheek.
"Why'd you do that? Not that I didn't like it, I did like it. I'm just a bit surprised." He stammered out, a noticeable red tint covering the apples of his cheeks.
"I like you, and I would love to go on a date." You explained, a warmness to your cool tone. Reassuring Seungmin that you had no doubts about your feelings.
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° You and Jeongin knew of each other from you friend groups, but neither of you ever got the chance to get to know each other. All you could really do at the time was find each other good looking and become curious.
° Chaeryeong has only ever seen you crush on two people in your whole friendship together, so seeing you find someone attractive and blush over them. Made her very excited and tease the hell out of you.
° Chaeryeong planned a special event for the two of you, neither of you knowing it was just going to be the two of you. Let's just say you sent a very expressive text to your best friend once the scenario clicked in.
° You were terrified that you'd mess up and completely embarrass yourself, so you tried to keep quiet. But Jeongin insisted on getting to know you, beginning with small talk that led to making you laugh.
° You had much more in common than you thought you would, and you were glad to see him be such a genuinely kind person. Jeongin is naturally very sweet, but some of it was also to sweep you off your feet.
° He drove you home and walked you all the way to the door, where your roommate/best friend Chaeryeong peeped through the peephole. Jeongin gently pecked your head as you melted into his arms.
"I had a nice time, maybe we could do this again?" you asked, scared of rejection but also expecting it. You've been rejected many times and each one stung terribly.
"I'd love to, I can't wait to see you again. And trust me, next time will be much more romantic and cheesy." He teased, knowing you weren't the romantic type of person.
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kay0naaa · 3 years ago
School Project;) Eddie x reader
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Smut;) (My first story so be nice!)
You and Eddie aren’t the best of friends. In fact, you guys aren’t friends at all. You both hated each other’s guts. He’d always make remarks about everything thing you did, how you’d dress, the way you would do something, critiquing your every move. And you’d always snap back. But there was something about him. The way he talked to you. You were into it..
You walk into class, bracing yourself for what kind of remarks Eddie could possibly come up with during this class.
You sit down and watch the door, waiting to see a tall guy walk into the classroom. His hair in his face, wearing the same Hellfire club shirt that he wears every day with the metal rings on each finger to match. With a sigh, you finally take your eyes off the door and began to take notes. You put your headset on and turn on the song that you’ve been listening to all day. You were taking notes until your mind started to wander. Getting lost in your own world, you began to sketch different shapes all over the thin, off white piece of loose leaf paper. No longer paying attention, you slowly fill the paper with sketches.
That is when your moment of peace was rudely interrupted by a hand getting a hold of the headset on your head and snatching it off.
“Hey!” You whisper shout as your head whips to the culprit.
Lo and behold, it was no one other than Eddie Munson. While sharing a glare, he slowly moves his hair out of the way and puts on the headphone.
“Kate Bush?” He furrows his brows and glares at me. He leans back into the chair, resting his hand on the back of the seat with the headset still on. “This song sucks” He chuckles to himself.
“But you’re still listening to it?” Your head tilts to the side as a smirk began forming on your face. You go back to your notebook and turn to a clean page. In your peripheral, you could see him staring at you and fiddling with his rings.
He clears his throat and scoots his chair closer, leans to you and whispers in your ear “Hey, do mind helping me with this..?” He grips onto your desk and smiles, rings clacking against the wood as he adjusts his grip.
Before you could answer the teacher starts telling the class about the project that you will have to do. Eddie turns to the teacher and rolls his eyes, still grabbing the desk. You admire his hand and the rings on it, wondering what they’d feel like on your bare skin. You shiver as your mind starts to wander again. She continues to tell everyone that they’d need to pick their partner before class ends. As soon as she finishes explaining the class began to shuffle around the room. You finally come back to the real world once you realize that people were picking out their partners.
No one wanted to partner up with Eddie ‘the freak’ Munson because… he’s a freak! You were quiet and always kept to yourself. There was a point in time where you would always hang with Nancy and her group of friends but since they’ve graduated you’ve been alone so just as you expected, everyone walked right pass you paying you no mind as they go to their friends and partner up with them. As the bell rings and people begin fleeing from the school you sigh loudly, knowing you’d have to be partners with the only other person that is without a partner.
He watches every one leaving the classroom as you begin to put everything in your bag. His attention turns back around to you after you snatch the headset off of his head.
He gulps and shoots his question. “So, when will we start.?”
Surprised, you looked at him “We?” Your eyes widen.
“Yeah.. Aren’t we partners..?” He tilts his head to the side and uses both of his hands, moving them to you then back to him in unison.
“No..?” You glint at him.
“Cmon. I really need your help on this. I don’t want to fail this class!” He pleads as the hand that was once gripping the desk is now gently holding onto your arm.
He begs and whines until you finally give in.
“Great! Come to my place at.. 5?” He asks as he lifts his sleeve to look at his watch. You nod and he starts walking out but before he left he turned back around “And make sure you’re looking pretty for me.” He winks and walks away.
You get back home to get ready for your little get together with Eddie. You take your time, putting on makeup and putting on something presentable just for him.
You’re not sure where he lives. All you know is that he lives in some trailer park near the school. You get to the place and drive around, trying to find some sort of hint that you’re in the right place. Just as you were about to give up you see his Van next to a trailer in the very corner of the trailer park. You get out of your car and slowly walk to it, fixing yourself up as you get closer. You step up on the steps and go to knock on the door. Instead of knocking, you find yourself frozen in time. Arm still positioned to knock.
“Are you lost?” A voice says from behind you. You turn your head to see that it was Eddie. You turn your body towards him and strain a smile onto your face.
He slowly looks you up and down, biting his bottom lip and shifting his pants.
“Why are you here looking like..” His head tilts and crosses his arms. You cut him off, not wanting to hear his criticism about what you are wearing.
“For… the project?” you tell him, showing your bag, hinting at why you were there.
“Oh! Yeah..!” He says. You knew he’d forgot just by the look on his face. “Come in!”
He slides passed you, bodies just inches away from each other and opens the door. You walk in after and get a whiff of what smelled like a hint of stale weed and air freshener, as if he was trying to cover it up. You follow him as he walks towards his room. He swings the door open and you can see that his room is a mess. His bed sheets hanging off of his bed and nude female magazines spread across his mattress.
“Oh- I- I wasn’t expecting any company..” He shamefully admits, turning slightly red. “Give me a second.” He puts up the number one as he slips into his room and slowly closes the door.
You hear movement all around the room.
“Ah fuck!” He says under his breath but you can still hear him.
You hear things start to fall and just as you were about to open the door to see if everything was okay he opens it.
“Tada..” He awkwardly smiles and puts his arm out, presenting the now semi-cleaned room to you.
You cautiously walk in. He closes the door behind you then rushes over to the bed. He pats it, gesturing you to come sit. You get over there and sit next to him, bed springs creaking as you put your weight down on them.
You turn to him and explain what you two would be doing. You noticed that every time you’d look up at him he was always checking you out.
“Eddie..?” You wave you hand in front of his face, irritated at him not focusing on the project.
“Hmm.?” He hums and quickly looks up in your eyes.
“Are you okay?” You ask.
“Uh yeah. it’s just..” He stumbles over his words.
“We can always finish this tomorrow. Seems that you’ve got a lot on your mind.” You tell him, somewhat concerned at the way he’s acting.
Eddie did in fact have a lot on his mind. All he could think about is you, and all of the things that he’d let you do to him. He still did hate you but couldn’t get the sex drive towards you out of his head.
“No no, you’re fine.” He puts on a fake smile. still thinking about the very dirty things he’d get you to do.
He lies down onto the bed. His shirt slightly lifted above his belly button, showing his v-line. You gulp and try to get back to explaining but you seemed to have lost your train of thought.
“You seem tired. I should really go and let you sleep.” You say the first excuse the come to mind and quickly get up from the bed and start to head to the door. Eddie following right behind you.
“Wait!” He stops you as you were just about to open the door.
“Y/n, Please.” He whines, embarrassed and flustered while again, shifting his tight jeans.
Your eyes peer down his body and eyeing the bulge in his pants. “Eddie? You need me to help?” shooting him a question. Even though you tried to keep calm your heart was beating out of your chest and it felt as if your legs were going to give out.
He quickly answers by nodding, in pain and desperately needing you. Something clicked in you because in that moment you felt as if you wanted him as much as he wanted you. You drop your bag and slowly walk up to him. He towers over you in height so you get on your tippy toes and pull his face towards you to give him a light kiss. He was taken aback by the kiss but enjoyed it. He grabs onto your neck and pulls you back in for another kiss, his other hand caressing your back.
He pulls onto your hair, making you breaking the kiss. You pant as he leaves marks on your neck. You moan and dig your nails into his chest. Your nails, piercing his skin makes him whimper.
“Mm.” He moans softly into your ear, planting kisses on your cheek.
You could feel his smile growing on the side of your face, enjoying the pain you caused. You dig into his skin deeper causing him to moan a little louder and grasp your waist.
He feels on your body a little bit before taking you to his room. He closes the door and starts undressing you. He flops down onto the bed and motions for you to get on top of him. You slowly climb on top and start kissing him. He takes his hands and quickly unfastens the clasps on your bra and sliding it off without breaking the kiss. He glides his hands to the front and plays with your boobs. You feel him throbbing in his pants and decide to tease him. You slowly grind your hips on his hard on. He starts breathing heavy.He whimpers, wanting more. You speed up and feel him twich.
“Not yet. Can you hold it for me?” You tilt your head while rubbing his chest and pouting.
“Yes..” He whimpers aloud and grips the sheets.
You slide down his body, running your fingers down to his v-line then tracing it with your nails. This sent chills down his body. You rub his print through his jeans and listen to him moan. You then slowly start to unzip his pants and pull them pass his knees. You do the same in his boxers and listen as his moans increase by an octave. It springs out towards you, catching you by surprise. You sit there, doing nothing and watching as Eddie places the back of his hand on his face, debating whether he should he should touch himself or not. Wanting to be touched by you.
“Y/n..Baby please. Do something” He pleads.
You move closer to his member and start to trace your tongue over the sensitive tip. He jumps up as you slowly start fitting it in your mouth. You fit mouth around it and start bobbing your head up and down, making him scream with pleasure. He pushes your head down, making you gag on his length and causing his eyes to roll back to the back of his head. You release yourself from his grasps and stare at him with hungry eyes. He grabs your face and slowly enter his thumb in your mouth. You slowly suck on his thumb, making eye contact with him. He takes it out and gives you a passionate kiss.
“Ah. Fuck!” He moans into your ear as you stroke it while leaving hickeys all over him.
“I’m almost there..” He says under his breath. “Please don’t stop.”
You speed up, making him grip the sheets. He lets out one last moan as he releases on you. He lays limp for a second, trying to catch his breath. You hover over him and kiss his forehead then fall onto your back next to him.
He gets up and removes his shirt and uses it to wipe himself off of you. He pushes the hair out of your face and admiring you, smiling and cupping your face. He puts the cover over you both and snuggled into your chest, falling asleep right after.
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derekmorganscrocs · 4 years ago
Her Lipstick: Ace x Reader
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Pairing: Ace (Nancy Drew CW) x Reader, Valentine’s Special.
Word Count: 1,725 (short but sweet.)
Summary: With everyone else having their nights planned out with romance and dates, Y/n and Ace get stuck manning the night shift at The Claw.
Notes: Ideally takes place after the aglacea is gone, and we’re finally having a quiet moment. But like SPOILER ALERT!!!! if Owen lived. ALSO A QUESTIONABLE ENDING BUT I LIKED IT NGL.
Ace’s Dad’s name is Tom by the way, this is key info for later.
“No one’s even gonna come in, George. It’s Valentines, and last I checked, crappy fried clams aren’t most people’s version of romance.” You glance her way from the kitchen, pausing with an alarmingly large knife in hand. The parsley in front of you isn’t going to chop itself, but your hands are starting to cramp.
“Yeah, well it’s business hours. Just humour me this once? I’ll owe you one.”
“George, you already owe me like nine.” You roll your eyes and look her way, attitude softening slightly at her expression. Knowing how she felt when the whole crew was a day away from death, about missing out on her and Nick... it puts a little graciousness in your heart. For their first Valentines together, why not just help her out? “I’ll do this one for free. Wait! Not for free! I’m still getting paid right?”
“Yes,” she laughs. “Thank you.” Nodding your way once more, she turns and heads out, closing the door behind her. You sigh, turning back to your cutting-board. Finishing with the stack of parsley and dumping it in a plastic container, you throw the knife in the sink. Surveying the restaurant quickly, as well as the parking lot, you ensure the coast is clear before heading to the freezer.
These days it seems like everyone’s got someone except you. Nancy and Owen, Nick and George, Bess and Lisbeth, hell, even the weirdo chef no one likes who only works fridays has a girlfriend. Not you though. You and Ace got stuck on the Valentine’s shifts no one else wanted because you were the only two available. Admittedly, Valentine’s wasn’t a big deal to you, you just thought the tacky decorations were kind of entertaining to have around. However, it kinda sucks when you’re single. And crushing. Speaking of crushes, you snap yourself out of your thoughts at the idea of a certain floppy haired boy.
“Ace?” You look around for your shift partner and best friend... and yes, crush, who for some reason isn’t in his usual happy place. Or anywhere to be seen. He doesn’t respond, so you look in the pantry, the dark corner by the lockers, and even the supply closet. He’s nowhere to be found. “Ace?”
“You looking for me?” Ace puts a hand on your shoulder, coming from behind you. Not gonna lie, it scares the crap out of you. And you whip around and punch him in the face. Then you realize it’s him and let out a small gasp.
“Ace! Oh my god, I’m so sorry-“ you lean down, taking his hand and helping him up, as he massages his jaw with his other hand. That’s embarrassing. Really embarrassing.
“My fault,” he mumbles. “Forgot you scare...” he pauses for a second, trying to find the word, “...punchily. Good hit though, really starting to get that impact value.”
“Thanks, I think. I’ll go get you some ice, can you just watch the dining room?”
Ace nods and you head to the freezer. Of course there’s no ice. Why would there ever be ice when you need it? You root through the options of ice packs for Ace’s eye, as you think to yourself.
Lately, you’ve been making yourself a fool in front of Ace. See, it wasn’t this bad a few weeks ago, when you liked him but didn’t know you liked him. You throw a box of clams (ew.) to the side. Now that you’ve realized, you’re a hot mess. Next you find a singular frozen fish (also ew.). He’s been acting a little off too, and you’re worried it’s because he knows. Now you’ve found a lobster that you’re pretty sure has been there since the place opened (ew x3). Oh look, some frozen bread (that won’t really work).
What you don’t know is that Ace has also just recently realized his feelings for you, and his dad, Tom, has just tricked him into bringing you over to their place later. You finally find a box of heart shaped popsicles, and take a couple of them back to the kitchen, where Ace stands, leaning against the counter.
“This is all we have. Valentine’s special, have some heart shaped chemicals for your black eye.” You hand him two of the three popsicles you’re holding. “I also brought you one to eat. If you’re crazy enough to.” You hop up on the counter beside him and sit cross legged, tearing open the third wrapper.
“If you are, I am.” He rips open one of the frozen treats and places the other below his eye. Looking down at the wrapper from the one he opened, he makes a face. “I can’t even read half of these things.”
“Hey, I could’ve brought you the lobster.”
He knows exactly what you’re talking about and backtracks his critiques of the popsicle. The two of you sit in silence for a few seconds, disturbed by the bell ringing. A woman walks in, which grabs both your and Ace’s attention, but she just pins a flyer to the bulletin board and leaves. Exciting crowd.
Soon enough, the snack popsicles are gone, and the ice pack popsicle is slush. Ace throws the melted package into the sink, the slush inside making a questionable ‘plop’ sound as it hits the metal. The two of you stand around a little longer, before packing up the perishables and putting them back in the freezer/pantry. Business is slow, and it’s boring. The two of you are back to waiting around, and Ace ends up laying across one side of a booth, you on the other. The two of you pass a rolled up napkin back and forth, tossing it over the table to the other person. It doesn’t keep you entertained for long, though.
“You bored?” You turn your head and look at him under the table.
“Yeah,” he chuckles.
“Same.” You sit up, getting a slight head rush as you do. Ace mirrors your actions, minus the head rush. The two of you stand, but before you can start wandering around aimlessly-
“You, uh, you have something on your face,” he chuckles softly, his goofy grin turning into a smaller smile, a certain softness appearing in his eyes. You reach for your cheek, trying to swipe whatever it is off your face. Seems like you miss, because Ace chuckles, before asking- “Can I?”
You nod, and he wipes your cheekbone with his thumb, his lips parting just a little bit as he lets out a small, nervous, chuckle. Suddenly your heart is beating about a thousand miles a minute, and as Ace’s eyes settle on your lips for a second, you look at his face, taking in every detail that you can.
The bell rings and the door opens, making you and Ace launch away from each other. A strong gust of wind blows in, and no one walks in, making you sigh. The wind literally blew open the door. Horseshoe Bay is dead quiet tonight. No customers. You close the door, and realize it’s nine pm, so you flip the sign to closed and lock the door.
“Hey, Y/n, you wanna come to my place? My dad told me he’s making food for three tonight.” Ace watches as you make your way to where he stands by the kitchen.
“That his way of inviting me over?”
“Guess so,” Ace quips with a smirk, throwing an arm around your shoulders as the two of you walk to the locker room. After double checking that the freezer is sealed, you lock up The Claw and head to Ace’s place, hitching a ride in Florence, of course.
When you get to Ace’s place, the smell of cherry pie wafts straight into your face as soon as you open the door. Ace’s dad stands by the coffee table in the living room, and his face lights up when you walk in. You sign a quick hello, Ace doing the same behind you. Ace also throws in a cautionary ‘don’t embarrass me’ but that goes unnoticed by you, you’re too busy checking out the coffee table. There’s all sorts of food that you love, especially compliments of Chef Tom.
You flop onto the couch, snatching a fresh baked dinner roll off the table. Ace flips on the tv, sitting down beside you, and Tom heads back to the kitchen to clean up. Looking around, you notice some of the sweet little Valentine’s decorations around the house. There’s a few plastic hearts hanging around the rooms, and some red streamer thingys. They bring a smile to your face, despite being a little corny.
“Dad knows you like the tacky decorations. No matter how much you say you hate them.”
“Your dad is so sweet. I always feel like part of the family when I’m here,” you say softly, pure joy radiating off your face.
“Okay, I gotta be honest for a second,” Ace blurts out sharply, seemingly out of nowhere. Your heartbeat speeds up a little as anxiety bubbles in your chest, and you nod quickly. “It’s because he wants you to be part of the family.”
“What?” Your eyes widen as you look at Ace. “Sorry, that makes no sense.”
“You really are blind. Nancy told me you couldn’t take hints but I didn’t think she-“
“Ace!” You put a hand on his thigh, cutting him off. He pauses, getting back on topic.
“Well... you see. You’ve always gotten along great with everyone. Especially Dad, sometimes I’m convinced he’s your best friend. And I made the mistake of telling him that I have feelings for you, so now he’s like extra nice. Because he wants me to be happy.”
“Oh wow,” you laugh, suddenly a lot more relaxed.
“I’m sorry, I know it’s stupid, and-“
You cut him off by grabbing his shirt and pulling him towards you. You kiss him, and he obviously kisses back, his hands settling against your face as he pushes himself closer to you.
“I like you too. Thought it was obvious,” you breathe against his lips. He lets out small chuckle.
“Not really,” he whispers, and then kisses you again.
Now your arms are over his shoulders, and you’re basically on his lap as the kiss heats up a little. Tom is forgotten until the sound of footsteps behind you causes the two of you break away again. You turn to see Ace’s dad come over and put a plate on the table.
You sign a ‘thank you, Tom.’ his way, and he smiles widely back at you. He glances over at his son beside you, and his eyes widen slightly. Glancing back and forth a few times, he lets out a delighted chuckle when he makes the connection.
“You two? Finally,” He signs quickly.
“What?” Ace tries to play it off, but fails miserably. He’s not the best actor. About thirty seconds of your and Tom’s laughter and Ace’s denial go by before Ace folds. “What gave it away?”
“You’re wearing her lipstick.”
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