#like there's the outlier of course but like
the-evil-pizza · 3 months
i just saw a video about a guy reading xiv reddit posts and in general i agreed with most of the things he said because to most of them that people should be chill.
But he also said that people that do not do ultimate probably won't go out of their way to learn their jobs and i'm like, wha.
could not be me, i have anxiety disorder
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mcybree · 5 months
i need to start hating other characters besides just scott apparently. does anyone have suggestions
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nostalgia-tblr · 8 months
...actually it's kind of effed up that the early MCU cared so little about women that Loki has no bio mother (and nobody ever even asks the question). yes, yes, i see the daddy issues, i am very invested in how this specific male character has daddy issues (lying, btw), but like. they literally just forgot mothers exist???
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ta-bajna-cerna-okybaca · 10 months
Now that I finally got to play TWST diasomnia chapter 1 myself, I'm gonna need everyone who said Malleus was a baby throwing a tantrum for no reason to pay me 2000 dollars each
#twst#twisted wonderland#yes it did take me until the second to last day of the new chapter event to finish book 6 what of it#in my defense i had no good leona&jamil cards for chapters 66 and 67‚ i'm glad i managed to do it at all. robe malleus carried the team <3#anyways! i haven't seen this take in a while but i remember it popping up a lot earlier this year when we got diasomnia on the jp server#as a member of the malleus defense squad i can't bear all this slander and now i have proof it's baseless#his overblot is one of the most justified ones??? what do you mean no reason#He's already established to be constantly left out and lonely because of it#And now he gets hit with the triple whammy of 1) realizing his fellow students' mortality after book 6#2) learning that his father figure is dying and in one week fucking off to fantasy china to live out his retirement without him#3) his best friend the MC telling him they found a way to un-isekai themself#Maybe he could have weathered one of those‚ but all three at the same time?#Poor guy stood no chance‚ those are hits straight into the trauma#Of course he's gonna have a breakdown! It's not his fault breakdowns in twisted wonderland come with a side of destructive berserking#And to be fair from what i've heard in spoilers all he did was put the whole school to sleep he didn't even destroy all that much#like yes putting everyone to sleep so they can live forever and never leave him is not a healthy reaction#but this is Unhealthy Reactions The School it's not like he's such an outlier in that#leave my boy alone 😭#excuse my ranting i'm just insane about twisted wonderland and malleus specifically
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fish-bowl-2 · 10 months
On that note, while I logically believe Edd's increasing sensitivity to hygiene in the show was a result of changing intentions in the writing room. I like to see it as influenced by the onset of his OCD.
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puterwantsyou · 1 year
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pastelaspirations · 6 months
AAAAAAAACKKK, OKAY. First, I wanna say
If I was a more speedy artist, I might have... actually done something. But fear not. I did do something! :D And I posted it today. Let's uh. Never mind the fact that I forgot AO3 deletes drafts a month in and I had a panic attack last night because it... deletes in like, 5 days. Anyway-
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@honeybubbletea33 Do you uh. Remember... That picture you did that inspired me so much, I told myself I wouldn't make a fic of it, but then I actually started writing it??
Well, it's uh. D o n e. Um. Have fun, I suppose, here is the cursed creation https://archiveofourown.org/works/54641671
I am in despair, truly.
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marc--chilton · 5 months
(mgv) john house was an alpha, blythe was a beta. house presenting as an omega was another layer of disappointment to john, who didn't bother learning to sympathize with his son. this also led to a small amount of ire from house that he still can't quite shake towards his mother for not understanding how his problems aren't the same as john's. greg knows it's childish and petty, but he's a bitter man, sue him.
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alchemistdetective · 1 month
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leonstamatis · 10 months
the thing that helps me sometimes wrt numbers brain is that the most popular fic isn’t actually gonna be the best fic, pretty much ever, bc the things people gravitate toward are the things that appeal to the largest number of people instead of the sort of weird offbeat passion projects i frequently throw myself at. the things that do numbers are bigger fandoms and popular ships and (often) watered down characterizations or popular tropes, none of which is what i really enjoy doing ninety percent of the time.
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heartbeatbookclub · 1 month
I really do have to go back to the original game at some point soon, because I make frequent reference to things I remember in contrast to how + handles things, but the last time I experienced the game start to finish was when it came out, so...
In particular, I think there are a lot of things I need to investigate more closely in order to really reconcile all of my thoughts on the main game with the Side Stories.
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hey-scully-itsme · 2 months
so the only way to keep my room cool enough to sleep in is to keep the blinds open at night, which means letting the light in. i’ve been doing some cursory research on sleep masks and i keep finding reddit threads in which people have extremely specific specifications for their masks, which is reminding me that it takes all sorts because for the past two weeks i’ve just been rolling up a bandana and tying it over my eyes.
‘i need the masks that leave room for your eyes’ ’i can only use natural fibers’ ’i have been using this specific brand and ONLY this brand for 20 years’ all very valid but the only reason i’m in the market for a sleep mask is because the bandana tends to fall off and get lost.
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shrikeseams · 2 years
I feel like there has to be a dichotomy in broader elvish culture between people who want to Learn To Do/Make Every Single Thing Themselves, and people who really want Everything To Be Made/Done By The Best Person At Making/Doing. But I can’t decide what general lines the difference falls along.
My first thought was culture, but I can see, for example, arguments for both sides among the Noldor (and other groups as well, but I am Noldor-centric, sorry).
But maybe along class lines? Like, I feel like Thingol is a clear example of the type who just wants to go to a specialist (see: the building of Menegroth; the sword Eol gave him; the silmaril and the nauglamir; and I can’t think of any reference to him making anything except his own political/cultural group?), but I also don’t see, for example, Beleg or Mablung necessarily following that example.
Also, there’s an issue of community size and what kind of trading partners are available. The more reclusive avari groups kinda have to learn a bit of everything or just do without.
But there’s also an aspect of age. Like, it we assume that Legolas is the elf equivalent of a 20-something, and that Beleg has been kicking around since Cuivienen, even if they both have the same general interests/similar careers, it makes sense for Legolas to have (and to want to cultivate) fewer skills, at least for a while. Part of the impulse to Learn To Do Everything is that the characters literally have forever to learn everything, but that still takes a certain amount of time to be viable.
Anyway. I haven’t decided how I think this all shakes out, but I do think there are fundamentally two types of elves. The ones who want to do everything, and the ones who want everything around them to be the best it can be.
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hakuryuu · 10 months
i read translation state over the weekend (it was very good) and it made me want to reread provenance because i remember provenance being astoundingly bad and i want to see if that was because my brain was weird or it was just sort of unfortunately bad
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Trigun au mix with another favorite show of mine, Young Justice!
Kid Flash, Robin and Artemis got yoinked to Vash’s world
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not the most graceful of introductions
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Wanted Poster part 1
Vash’s birthday
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imruination · 1 year
Here is my experience as an American who traveled internationally a lot. For context, I have worked previously as a flight attendant and an Au Pair. My best friends live throughout Europe and Canada. *TW vague SA mention.
One time I had to order an Uber in Argentina, and the driver rolled down his window, took one look at us, realized pretty quickly we were American women alone, and drove away immediately leaving us stranded. Later in the week we had rented a car that broke down on us in quite a dangerous place off the highway. People stared at us from their open windows, and the car rental place even hung up on us multiple times while we were sitting there terrified with our doors locked and sweltering in a 100 degree car.
Once I attended a lecture in a London museum, they called on me because I wanted to ask a genuine question about the history they had a PHD in. They proceeded to make fun of me and my American qualities in front of the entire crowd. I went to a drag show the following night where the Drag Queen on stage proceeded to do the exact same thing because my friends and I (who were Scottish and Belgian by the way) were kind and remained in the front row the whole show while everyone else trickled out early.
I lived as an Au Pair in Italy for 3 months which required me to travel alone a lot, as someone who was very obviously not Italian I quite often got a lot of looks even though I am quiet and pretty good and doing what I need to do without standing out. Once I was on the train at night alone because the fellow Au Pairs I had met locally got off on stops before me. I was literally SA’d on the train with a few other people on it. I got off at my stop and the man proceeded to follow me off the train. I pretty much ran home despite making eye contact with multiple people on the way and them whispering to each other about it. I was too flustered and panicked to be able to speak in Italian at that moment. Nobody approached me so I managed to lose the man in the crowd and walked home alone in the dark on the phone with my friend countries away, hoping I wasn’t about to be murdered.
I usually understand. Every time I meet someone in another country we have the exact same conversation about where I am from. They’re usually amused. I am a long way from home, a place where people notoriously don’t care enough to travel. I am quiet and nondescript while American tourists obviously are always obnoxious and loud. It’s kind of funny from their perspective, and I get it. At a certain point though I get very frustrated. Here I am as an American trying to be respectful, trying to learn about cultures other than my own, trying to be thoughtful and unbiased- but a lot of the time I am not given the chance.
Then at some point, the dislike of America goes beyond annoyance and gets downright malicious. I, as an American, hate America. However, I hate America out of compassion. I want the people who live here to not be traumatized just by existing. A lot of us are fighting to try and make things better, and to assume otherwise is ignorant. To say we deserve to suffer, is malicious. If my suffering even outside of America is flat out ignored, that is malice not just in theory but in action, and frankly I am getting tired of it. Dehumanizing any person, or population is dangerous. It being the U.S. doesn’t magically make it funny or okay. It’s the generalization that is the problem.
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