#like there’s so many queer and trans autistic people it’s amazing
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awetistic-things · 2 years ago
happy pride month to all my autistic people (so like all of you)
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thequeerwizardcouncil · 11 months ago
Transgender Visibility Day Two: Estrogenic Boobaloo
Transgender Visibility Day Two: Testosteronic Dickaloo
It is now Transgender Visibility Day for the other half of the world!
Let us celebrate, but firstly before anything else. The council would like to give out a few statements.
While this is an amazing celebration of our resilience and continued resistance to transphobia, we mustn't forget
Our fallen, the many killed in hate unjustly. Nex Benedict being one of the most recent
Our fellow queer in Palestine, Sudan, the Congo, etc. We mustn't forget about their suffering whilst we celebrate here so freely. Though we should care about all of the people not just the queer and trans in those places being subjected to the most inhumane conditions by tyrants.
The many bills, laws, and legislation trying to be passed to further erase us. Especially the KOSA bill, and quite sadly in Florida recently having passed legislation to ban minors from social media as an attack on us to be put in to effect in 2025.
With all of those being said, we should all continue to fight for those causes, continue fighting censorship. Continue fighting genocide. Continue fighting slavery.
We ask you all to continue spreading the word of these causes, these evils that must be stopped. As the council is bound by metaphysical law, we may not exit this and help you in the way we wish.
Fight KOSA, and censorship
Fight for our fallen, whether it's the unjustly banned, those dead from self harm, or those murdered in cold blood
Fight for those still persisting, the ones showing a fervour of resistance to fight oppresors.
We draw our strength from solidarity, it is what has allowed us to continue. Let it be the reason we win this war.
Anyways, here is our second message to all Transgender beings out there:
You are valid, you know you best. And we mean it. We may be filled with wise wizards, but we know that only oneself knows itself best. You know your identity better than anyone. Even when it can feel like your body disagrees with your true self, or others don't see you for who you are.
Know that even with all the pain, the grief, the hate, we and many many others fight every second for you to be you. For you to be safe. For all of us to be ourselves.
And we will see that day come, and by that day we hope for all of us to have survived, to tell stories of our battles, to guide a new generation of queers.
We just ask you continue being you, and being safe, and you will see that day come we guarantee. Even if it doesn't seem like it.
This world is a dark room covered in oil, we are a small candle of hope. And when it seems too dark, our hope will light the room with a burning fervour. To free us from this room. To burn down our prison.
We love you and appreciate you for who you are, please continue as you're the only one of you.
"in the dark we endure, and in the light we fight for who you call impure"
happy transgender visibility day
- The Queer Wizard Council <3 <2
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badaziraphaletakes · 1 year ago
Assuming best intentions: are people maybe submitting screenshots to you with the usernames already cropped out? and if you don’t follow that one person’s blog yourself, were you unaware just how many of your posts feature the same person over and over? I can tell you by looking at your posts the last several days/weeks that it’s well over half. Anyone who does follow that blog can recognize the text in the screenshots and can see that you do repeatedly end up going after them in particular. If that genuinely was not intentional… is that not maybe an upsetting realization? that you’ve accidentally been contributing to someone’s harassment for weeks on end? to the point that they’re now making posts about leaving the fandom?
(Found the ask it was in my Drafts folder wahoo!)
This is the first we've heard of that. Thanks for bringing that to our attention.
Yes, I'd say 75% of the time, they are submitted to us with the usernames cropped out.
And I wouldn't recognize who posted what, because I don't read any GO blogs anymore because of the bad experiences I've had (literally this blog is the only space in the fandom I feel safe).
As to your question-
It depends on what you mean by "contributing to someone's harassment". (Stay with me. I'm not trying to split hairs.)
I'm not sure what precisely has made this person talk about leaving the fandom. (Which I don't want anyone to do.) If it's because people are targeting them directly (which is what I would call harassment) by tracing our posts back, then... wow that just amazes me that people have that much time on their hands?? I would not have expected anyone to waste their time doing that, and if people are doing that because of this blog, I'm truly disamyed.
The whole point of not featuring handles was to avoid that. If anyone is doing that... please stop?? That is not what this blog is about and I'd feel bad if anyone thought that's what we wanted. (Although it should be obvious from the fact that we don't feature handles that we don't want that. I'd say we've exercised due diligence by cropping/crossing them out.)
Like, I can't believe I'm having to say this, I shouldn't have to say this, but please do not track down and heckle the people who write the posts we feature. We do not condone that.
Because no, we don't want anyone to leave the fandom. I (Mod X) started this blog because I didn't want to leave the fandom. I've had dozens and dozens of queer and trans and Autistic and neurodivergent and fat people and trauma and ab*se survivors message me saying this blog is the only reason they haven't left the fandom.
Oh also people are free to message us and say "those are my takes" but so far only one person has.
That's all for now. Going to think it over and ponder whether there's anything I want to add.
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justalilpearlie · 7 months ago
!! Intro !! (updated)
Hello everyone, my name is PearlescentMoon
Hihi! I'm Pearl! Magic is quite a fine name aswell. Although I'm a man of many names ;)
I am a minor, my gender labels are gendervoid verinix, tho I also ID as bigender and ftm (fem presenting tho! not transmasc, just trans man)! I'm queer, leaning on mlm, tho I also like girls here and there.
I go by He/Xe. I can She/Her myself + close friends/mutuals are allowed, but refrain from doing so without explicit permision please. (I also use neos: Void/Moon/Sweet/It/Fluff/Love/Fizz/Paw)
I'm from Argentina, born and raised, never moved. Speak fluent english and spanish.
I'm autistic and I have ADHD aswell as BPD and a few other things I wont list right now! But yeah I'm psychotic (ooo scary word.. lmao)
Matching with @teapot-of-tyrahn !!
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I'm an IRL of many, mainly c!Pearl (mcyt), c!Magic(outsmp+psmp), Samuel Emily (fnaf [games canon]) and Shin Tsukimi (yttd). If you don't like it you can leave, block me, or whatever, cause you aint gonna change my life or how I am. I'm in therapy, which unlike random hate and harrassment online, does help me :)
I like to stream, roleplay, draw, sometimes make playlists or moodboards.. And my biggest interests right now are the Outsiders SMP, The Hatchetfield Musicals, Life Series and Empires 1.
I use kin tags for reach cause I'd love interaction from any mediamates!! Specially from Outsiders <3
Fictionkins, therians and traumagenic systems all welcome!
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DNI prefferably:
- Basic DNI criteria (proshippers, homophobes, transphobes, racists, TERFs, ableist, etc)
- Endos/non-traumagenic "systems" DNI. block me if u want, i wont argue abt it in the comments/reblogs. or interact if u want but im not gonna follow u back or anythin shrugs.
- reality checkers or anti-IRLs DNI. I aint "romanticizing" shit, I'm existing and living my life, if thats a problem to you too bad cause my psychologist aproves of what I'm doing, since I aint harming anyone and I myself am doing dandy.
- anti-kin also DNI cause most of my friends are fictionkins and if you talk shit abt my fellas idk i wouldnt like having u around much
CCs I'd rather if you didn't interact, but if you shall do so anyways, do so at your own risk, you've been warned. /lh
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- I talk about MajorMoon (Scott x Pearl) a LOT, if u didnt notice by the acc theme. These are my romantic memories, its a gay ship, not woman/gay man, so if it makes u uncomfortable or u hate it or whatever then ur probably not gonna like my content lmao. COUGH, consider joining us if you do like what you see... /nf We're a small comunity of supporters.. just me.. and a few of my peeps... that was a joke, sir. /ref
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- This isn't roleplay, its my main acc where im ""unapologetically"" myself, but if u do wanna rp outsiders/life series/empires/fnaf u can always shoot me a dm and maybe I'll give u my discord.
- I talk about myself (c!Pearl) using 3rd person in many posts tagged with main fandom tags. This is to cause less confusion to casual fans slash ""normies"" (lhj) that well.. don't know what IRLs are! Also that way I feel safer and don't have to worry as much abt getting harassed and such for my identity.
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Special People Mentions!! fps = * (1 or more.. wouldnt say in a priority sorta order but. more or less yea)
Family! <3 🌼 @pehpurr* SISTER!! YOU'RE AMAZING, DAISY. SO SO GREAT. YOUR ART IS INCREDIBLE, YOU ARE SO PASSIONATE ABOUT EVERYTHING YOU DO, YOU ARE SO VERY CARING FOR OTHERS, SO KIND AND TALENTED, A GREAT WRITER AND THE BEST BEST SISTER I COULD EVER ASK FOR!! Scar, you changed my life, you were there for me when I needed you the most, I know you ALWAYS have my back. You're kind to me even when the world isn't, and know that even if we fight or if you do things I disagree with (ehem forgiving too much ppl /lht), I will never leave you, and I will never stop coming after you. I love you, Kanna. You're the best Peeps, keep it up, for you're a beacon of hope in everyone's lives. I'm so proud. ♡ ⚙️ @gentlexmadman DAD!! I FREAKING LOVE YOU DAD OMG!! I am SO very happy we got to spend our first fathers day together even if just a little, you made this the first year I was actually happy to celebrate it, looking forward to it and making a gift of my own :) Im so so happy to have you in my life. You are, likewise to Pepper, an AMAZING artist, so much detail, just so awesome in general. I love hearing all your silly stories about work and the people you know, old man. Thank you for being with me, papá, I never thought I'd actually find you again. Thank you so so very much. ♡
🐸 @bigb-enthusiast SIBLING!! MY SIBLING IN ZAYA OH MY GOODNESS IS THAT USER BIGB ENTHUSIAST?? YES IT SURE IS!! Bro I could listen to ur analysis and rambles til the end of the world u got the best ideas ever wtf!!?? Ur very freakin insane but also ur my best buddy, my nosey neighbor for life!! I appreciate u a lot, Bee, my favorite insane asylum escapee ♡
Simply special <3 ☕ @insomniac-coffeehouse** You're all simply so very special to me. I love every second we spend together. I love seeing yall thrive. I love your insane yet endearing behavior. You might be a bit unhinged sometimes, and admittedly not the healthiest person when it comes to your schedules, but I'm just so proud of everything you create and accomplish. I hope you get to accomplish all your dreams, and I hope I can be here to see that happen, if you let me :)! For many years more, cause I'm just oh so glad I met you. You spark joy in my brain and my heart <3 From the bottom of my heart, I'm in love with the hope you bring to this world. 🍊 Jack***, Oh my dearest, where do I even begin with you, sport... you trully are my soulmate, my other half... mi media naranja, if you will, heh.. Every second I get to spend with you is like heaven, no matter whats going on, I know everything will be alright cause I have you. You mean absolutely everything to me, my Hero, I know you'll always be there for me. You are the sweetest man I've ever met, and I'm so proud of the person you've become. If I had to choose between you or the world I'd choose you 10 times over, and I can say surely, that you'd do the same. I love every single detail about you, thank you for being so patient with me, you're wonderful, cielo. I love your voice, I love your eyes, I love your smile, your laughter. I love your use of words, the way you speak, your humor, your seriousness and stupidness. You stiff fuck, you were made for me and I was made for you, and I wouldn't have it any other way. You're my everything, mi vida, mi luz, mi estrella. Mi amor, mi mundo. ♡
Friends! 🏜️ @thecranewivesrpf My right hand man!! OMG we havent talked in a WHILE but ILYSM !!! MY SECOND IN COMMAND IN THE MAJORMOON SERVER FRFR!! WE SHOULD TALK AGAIN, I MISS U POOKIE </3
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Badges I've earned:
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(More TBA)
That's it for now folks, love yall and see you around!
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gingery-juniper · 1 year ago
-long personal ramble ahead-
I don't really post personal stuff here, but there's no other platform I feel safe sharing. I don't really share a lot personal stuff online anyway, but I'm really excited about this and I'm just dying to get it all out and share my excitement with someone.
Orange-cat zoomies excited.
I've been afraid to open up and unmask for so long, but this is the one place I feel like I can be open about who I am. I don't care if anyone actually reads it, I just want to vent it out.
I'm about to start taking T (testosterone)!!!
I am AFAB and non-binary, and now trans-masc.
I've always hated the body I was born with since I was a kid, but never quite knew why. I was raised in a very conservative Christian household that strongly condemned anything outside the "norm". I was raised to be a "good submissive wife"
That never sat right with me, even as a religiously brainwashed kid. And now I understand why. Not just the creepy religious aspect (that's a whole 'nother deal), but that I was never supposed to be a woman.
I knew something was different about me ever since middle school, but I didn't have the experience or exposure to know why I felt wrong in my own body. I was a tomboy I guess, but it was more than that. I my autistic ass always hyperfixated on male fictional characters. Everyone always assumed I had a crush on them, but no, I wanted to BE those male characters.
I spent so many years thinking maybe if I was more perfectly feminine I'd be happy, starving myself to be ~pretty~ and accepted by my family and peers. That didn't do shit and just made me deeply and harmfully depressed and more confused.
I spent so many years "believing" gender and sexuality was a strict "good vs evil" thing. Even daring! to think of deviating from being cis or hetero (those terms are evil and "woke" btw /s) was an abomination. Anyone at all queer (definitely used as a slur by them) was going straight to hell.
I feel sick knowing I used to believe that.
Well, I didn't really believe it. It didn't make sense to me, but I was conditioned to think that way (for fear of punishment) so I went along with it. But it didn't make sense and confused me when I started to meet and make LGBTQ friends in high school and at my first job. They were such amazing people. I couldn't figure out how they were possibly "evil".
I'm so angry it took so long for me to finally break out of that brainwashed mindset and start thinking clearly for myself.
10 years later, after a long time away from my parents/family, it's all making sense. The egg has cracked.
I've since found the LGBTQA+ community and have never felt more accepted and understood. This is where I have always belonged and I'm so grateful to have made it this far to realize that.
I was making formal plans to off myself a few years ago (many factors involved), but seeing some of the things people posted here made me realize that I'm not broken and not worthless and helped inspire me to live.
Over the last few years (and yeah honestly tumblr has been an incredible learning and supportive community resource) I have come such a long way in my personal journey. I am learning who I am now.
I had top surgery earlier this year and it's the best decision I've ever made. I've never been happier in my life.
Somehow my family hasn't noticed.
Now I'm going to start T.
My family won't take kindly to this change. They are very homophobic and especially transphobic. But I'm no longer interested in being palatable to keep them comfortable. I am going to be me whether they like it or not.
For the first time in my life, that I can say with confidence, I want to live.
I am asexual.
I am aromantic.
I am non-binary.
I am trans.
I am queer.
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frogofalltime · 1 year ago
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comic con 2023
i cosplayed my favourite gay angel >:) if you look in the bottom left of this photo there's a rainbow light flare that showed up on camera which is Very appropriate
there were also so many other really cool cas cosplayers, some of them had very pretty wings ! and i saw a few sams and deans, and lots of supernatural fans in general because several actors from the show were there including misha and jackles !! i'm fairly sure i saw some people who had the anti possession tattoo on their chests, which is Real Dedication /pos
me and @etherealspacejelly got a hug from misha collins omg !!!!!!!!! (i'm still freaking out about this aaaaaaaaa)
also the howl's moving castle and doctor who and star wars and jurassic park and good omens and marvel and fnaf cosplayers, tbh All the cosplayers, were So Cool
there were hundreds of really amazing artists selling things but i was too excited and forgot to take all of their business cards
i bought a baby dragon which is the best stim toy i have ever owned, and also a sword
the sword is so cool, it's a replica katana, i've wanted one for Years
being with my (also autistic) partner meant i didn't have to explain why i needed to regularly go outside for a break. i think i did well at taking care of both of us, robin said i kept xem sane during the stressful journey on the way to the convention, and the chocolate i brought as emergency sugar was much appreciated, so i'm happy i was able to help a little bit
i am So Confident whenever i go to cons. i think it's because i'm in cosplay so i'm not Myself and also the atmosphere, everyone else there is also weird and nerdy and obsessed with fandoms, so i'm able to approach people to say i like their cosplay and stuff like that which i could never do in a normal context
on the train home some football lads were admiring my sword and they even gendered me correctly, saying to each other "don't mess with him, he'll chop your head off" and things like that ! i don't think i pass very well if at all so it was a really nice surprise, especially from a group of sports fans who are stereotypically less accepting of queer and trans people, although stereotypes are just stereotypes, they probably aren't even true :D
this was my 11th comic con i think ? but it was robin's first time, so it was a great experience to introduce them to something that is such a big part of my life <3
i'm so happy !!!!
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honey-from-hell · 2 years ago
Red, White, & Royal Blue Movie Rant
Spoilers. All the spoilers. You've been warned.
I'm going to be talking pretty negatively about the movie, and if you don't want that, please, please scroll. I'm not trying to rain on anyone's parade. I know how important this movie is to a lot of people and the last thing I want is to upset anyone with my opinions. I just need to get my thoughts down. I'm a list autistic (yes, ha, like Alex).
My ramblings about this are not in any way meant to take away the importance of this movie. It is sacred in a way to a lot of people, the same way Harry Potter was when it came out (fuck JKR). It makes people feel seen despite how good or bad it is and that is important. This is my opinion on this piece of media as just a movie, as a thing. NOT as a concept that is good and needed and unashamed. I really hope this is the beginning of more feel-good queer movies. As a queer person, as an American in a time of trans-bills who is dating a trans person, this movie is powerful. But like, also bad. And I have opinions on it. 
So, I didn't like the movie. The mixture of the promos, the R rating, and the 90% it had on Rotten Tomatoes before it came out definitely got my hopes up. And I love the book. But in the end, I don't like the movie. I wasn't expecting something worthy of awards and critical acclaim, but I was expecting something more.
I think the reason I can say I didn't like the movie and not something more along the lines of, "I enjoyed it despite its problems," is because of how many issues I have with it. If it was just pacing, or just the cheesiness, or just an actor I think I would have liked it. But I pretty constantly went, "Oh, I don't like that." And the issues just kept stacking.
Going into it, I knew the main differences from the book were the lack of June and the fact Ellen and Oscar weren't divorced. And I think those two huge elements that play a part in Alex's character are really apparent in the movie. I thought Alex was kind of flat. I thought a lot of the characters were kind of flat. And this one is going to piss a lot of people off, but I didn't like Nicholas Galitzine's acting at all. I think the moment the movie went from enjoyably bad to bad bad for me is the last third where it's from Henry's perspective. The scene where he started browsing the books in the red room like that was particularly awkward and stilted. A lot of his scenes felt like that, like he was acting for a play or something. It wasn’t realistic. Since he’s a main character, it really did affect my opinion of the movie as a whole. 
Amy and Zarah were amazing. And Stephen Fry as the King did a great job. Taylor Zakhar Perez’s acting was on point, most of the time. I think some of my favorite scenes were Alex interacting with his mom, Zarah, Amy, and Nora at the beginning of the movie. Also, I fucking loved Nora. I wish she had been in the movie more, and also explicitly bisexual. And Pez. I just really wanted Nora/June/Pez, but I digress, not having that is not what made the movie unenjoyable for me.
I tried not to compare it to the book as a way to determine how good or bad it was. Like, when I heard June wasn't a character, I didn't immediately go, "Well, that means it going to be bad." But one of the great things about the book is the way all the characters interact with each other, not just Alex and Henry. We get to see what kind of relationship Alex and June have with their mom as their mom and as the president. We get to see the White House Trio be goofy but genius young adults figuring themselves out. Those were the moments that flesh the characters out and make you care about them. And there just really wasn’t very much of that in the movie.
The R rating made me happy, for one, because Alex says “fuck” so much in the books. His potty mouth is commented on. It is part of his character. It’s such an easy way to portray this very genuine and good character as someone who is still brash and a bit of an asshole. I had also hoped that the rating would help it feel like the book (says the person desperately trying not to compare it to the book). It is supposed to be sexy and fun on top of being unapologetically queer. But on the flip side, that was such a PG-13 movie and I have a feeling whoever decides the rating of movies was being homophobic. Because a gay sex scene is more “inappropriate” than a straight one. I also associate a level of maturity with R-rated movies, not because of more mature content but because the people consuming the movie and the movie itself should appeal to a more mature audience. If that makes sense. But it felt like a Hallmark and Disney’s ever so slightly more raunchy lovechild. 
The pacing immediately took me out of the movie. It was like watching a movie on 2x speed. I totally get why so many people thought it should be a mini-series or something. And I know they couldn't fit all 400 pages into a movie, but there have been adaptations before that do a solid job. I don't think RWRB did. I feel like Alex’s character development was flat and a bit magical—unnatural and unearned. Like, Henry apologizes and suddenly they are BFFs.
AND THE EMAILS. That’s what the whole ending conflict and it felt very much forgotten. We got the text messages and stuff, but when it came to the emails, it was just voiceovers. I think, like in the book where Alex thinks about private email servers (which is like my favorite joke in the book, it’s so layered in so many ways), there needed to be the equivalent of that in the movie before to bring attention to it. But this catalyst just kind of gets overlooked until it’s relevant.
And motherfucking Miguel Ramos. He felt like just a juvenile addition by being into Alex and being big bad because he’s into Alex. It was kind of icky in a way the book avoided. In the book, it was about politics, and while icky, they didn’t use a queer character to achieve the big conflict. His character, and really the whole progression, reminded me a lot of fanfiction written by a new writer. Like, the concept is good but the execution is what holds it back. 
Okay, so, I for sure have more things I disliked than things I liked, but I did appreciate the humor. It was the one part that 100% felt like the book. It was stupid and inappropriate, but witty and compelling. The direct quotes had me fangirling. Zarah, Amy, and Nora. Just ugh. I’m gay. Shaan? I also miss his sweet ass. 
I didn’t expect this movie to be perfect but I would be lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed. I’ll try watching it again when I’m not in hyperfixation mode. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
EDIT: Also, Alex confirmed their relationship in the speech BEFORE the talk with the king. Like, Sir King Stephen Fry, it's already out there, man. The speech was supposed to take place after their talk with Philip and the King.
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justagaymoth · 3 months ago
i completely get you. ive become so sick of all the post talking about how amazing it is to be aspec, how we get to cross boundaries and explore relationships and attractions allos cant, how autism is a different way to see the world that allows you to cut through allistics bullshit social rituals (completely ignoring the people who are disabled due to their autism ig), that being trans is beautiful and you get to mold your body to fit you and how great it all is....... but all the "boring" "constrained" allo allistic cishets i know seem to be having a great time. they dont have to agonize about which type of attraction theyre feeling, they dont alienate people around them with "weird" relationships wants/needs, they dont feel dysphoria and they can save up for houses and investments instead of surgeries and hormones. like maybe theyre missing out on some of lifes diversity or whatever, but wow all the positivity posts are just so much cope. maybe being discriminated and hating your body and wanting to interact with people in ways they dislike or even find immoral isn't better than not having to deal with that. i'd rather be happy and conformist. not possible for me unfortunately though.
We will stand together. Joy is important but sometimes all the posts talking about queer joy can be too much to bear especially since the Trump presidency will make all of us suffer. Queerness is linked to suffering for so many and we can not forget that. I'm glad my posts resonate with you and hopefully others. I appreciate this ask so much. I am so glad I'm not alone. I definitely relate to feeling bad when seeing all the queer joy without much posts about the struggles of being queer and autistic. Sadly the Trump presidency will make things worse especially for queer kids and disabled kids in the public school system in America. Dismantling the department of education will leave no federal protections for disabled children to get the accommodations they need to get a proper education. Being nuerodivgent and or queer is difficult and it always will be. Nothing will change that the best we can do is stick together. Fight together for all people. No one is free till we are all free.
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bisexualjonahsimms · 4 months ago
Bones 💕🏳️‍🌈🎥
🎥 do you have any favorite scenes from your hyperfixation?
So many but I love the Hot Blooded scene and Brennan getting to talk about music in 1x15, also the last bit of Mayhem on the Cross when Booth and Brennan open up to Sweets :(( they’re so family
💕 tell us about one of your favorite characters and why you like them!
Bones has so many amazing characters and I love them all, but as an autistic person Brennan is especially important to me! Seeing a character to allowed to be blunt, and not understand jokes, and tie all conversations back to her main interest, but also be kind and respected and have people who love and care about her means so much
��‍🌈 do you have any headcanons (lgbt, race, neuro, etc) that are important to you?
going through this character by character cause there’s so many (just going the ones that are very important to me, but know that I also love the other characters)
Brennan: autistic, (ok that’s canon but yknow) and bi
Zack: autistic (also more or less canon), trans, and gay
Hodgins: audhd, trans, bi
Sweets: autistic, ocd, gay or bi im not sure yet, canadian, trans
Vincent: audhd, gay, trans, some sort of anxiety disorder
Cam: ocd, queer but idk specifics maybe unlabelled
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drdemonprince · 2 years ago
i’m kind of curious about if you have any comments on ableism, specifically towards queer autistics, within the queer community.
My gut reaction to this question is that is honestly that I see so much more homophobia, transphobia, queer phobia, and moral sex panicking within neurodiverse spaces than I see the reverse. Hell, I see more of those problems within the actual queer community as well than I see ableism.
Most genuine queer community spaces recognize the intersections between queerness and disability pretty intimately. That's because in order to function lastingly and have meaning, good queer community spaces are inclusive of elders, who are more likely to be disabled themselves and who remember the mass disabling event that was the AIDs epidemic. ACT UP was a disability justice movement. There is no separating queer history from anti-ableist work. And no separating anti-ableism from queer liberation, of course, but queer groups seem more aware of this than many neurodiversity spaces are.
But certainly one does encounter massive neuronormativity and a lack of accessibility in queer spaces, if one's gauge of queer spaces is locations like circuit gay clubs and bars and the cruising/dating scene. And I don't intend to minimize those problems, I just don't think those spaces are community spaces so much as they are places of business that have targeted a queer demographic.
Obviously the line between business and community space gets fuzzy in lots of places. Non-circuity Gay bars filled with old timers are a real fucking treat. Every young queer person who thinks badly about cis gays should spend a lot more time in old timer gay bars meeting actual older cis gay people and realizing how many of them are embracing of transness and neurodiversity as well. They get it, because many of them have lived it far longer than we have.
Cruising spots and gay saunas can be amazing spots for disabled queer people to visit too. if you haven't ever been you'll likely be surprised by the number of disabled people there, both physically disabled and neurodivergent people. Lots of trans people too. People with all kinds of bodies and accessibility needs.
In short, I really can't say I have ever been part of a queer community that wasn't made, founded, and led by disabled, neurodivergent people. And I've moved through quite a few realms. I know the ableism is out there, just as I know the massive superficiality and fatphobia is, and it operates in some parallel and some distinct ways. But I think for a queer community space to even really be one it has to have already had disabled people shaping it from the very start, and in my experience the communities dovetail so much that that's always been the case.
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bardicbramley · 2 years ago
Bramley's Book Of The Week - Master Thread
I've been adding to a thread over on my twitter (bardicbramley) every week-ish with a new Children's or YA book that I have read recently and would recommend! With everything happening on twitter, I'm going to make a master list of all my recommendation so far here, and then continue adding them to a tag on this blog as well, just in case!
So, without further ado... #bramleysbotw so far!
31/10/22 - Home by Tonya Lippert and Andrea Stegmaier
A gentle story of homelessness giving so much space for understaning & discussion. A great tool for deeper talking ab houseless people, different types of homes and unstable living situations with gorgeous, simple yet detailed art.
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7/11/22 - How To Be More Hedgehog by Anne-Maire Conway
So much deep and true emotion, a relatable MC and great messages of self advocacy, confidence and activism. As someone with selective mutism and tics, I enjoyed every second of Lily's proudly stammer-filled journey.
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14/11/22 - Lifesize by Sophy Henn
Over to my library kids for this #bramleybotw A new addition that they've not stopped talking about...Even my most energetic readers are sitting on the floor, reading the animal facts to their friends and comparing their hands to that of a polar bear!
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21/11/22 - Me and My Dysphoria Monster by Laura Kate Dale and Ang Hui Qing
In honour of #transawarenessweek2022 and as a personal thank you from a trans educator. An amazing addition to trans children's literature (& kidlit in general) that I would highly recommend to other educators!
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28/11/22 - Love Your Body by Jessica Sanders and Carol Rossetti
A beautiful and uplifting non fiction to support girls in loving and appreciating their body for all the amazing things it can do, and all the incredible ways it can look.
I needed more words to also talk about the incredible art in this week's choice. The colour pallet just so comforting and the style is a new favourite of mine!
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5/12/22 - Paws by Kate Foster
My younger self would have loved this book and even now I adore it. It has authentic #actuallyautistic representation (without negativity!) and is all round a lovely story.
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6/1/23 - When I See Blue by Lily Bailey
An emotional and gritty real world adventure with Ben, as he navigates making friends, protecting his alcoholic mother, and battling the bully in his head, his OCD. A tough but beautiful read.
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30/1/23 - Star Knights by Kay Davault
A Graphic Novel filled with self acceptance, incredible worldbuilding and animals that turn into magical adventurers?! I mean come on, how could I not rec this one 💖 bonus points for queer rep too.
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9/2/23 - All To Play For by Eve Ainsworth
It's recommended by Empathy Lab UK this year and I couldn't agree more. It has Barrington Stoke's signature dyslexia friendly pages and font - but so much more than that. A story of family, class and determination.
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20/2/23 - Birdsong by Katya Balen
I'm a bit late to the party with this one. I've seen so many people sing it's praises! A gorgeously honest, emotional and raw story that any child will love, but will strike a chord with certain ones especially.
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27/2/23 - Speak Up! by Rebecca Burgess
A graphic novel about a secret teen pop star with a wonderful autistic main and genderqueer side character representation? Of course it was amazing!
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6/3/23 - Tyger by SF Said
Much like Phoenix, the dedication to world building, the layered, lovable characters, and the beautifully descriptive language had me gripped from the very start. Dave McKean's incredibly detailed and emotive illustrations surely helped!
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13/3/23 - Needle by Patrice Lawrence
An incredible heartfelt read for UKS2/MG/KS3 - exploring often avoided topics of fostering, UK police and court systems, racial profiling, when to be honest (or fake it), whose voices matter most and questionable justice.
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20/3/23 - Twelfth Grade Night by Molly Horton Booth, Stephanie Kate Strohm and Jamie Green
Sometimes you really just need a queer, unapologetically corny modern Shakespeare smash retelling of Twelfth Night and A Midsummer Night's Dream, and that's 100% okay! I got you covered!
In all seriousness, with all the hatred filling queer spaces atm, it was great to just float in a fun, sweet, dramatic world full of lovable ✨fairies✨The illustrations caught me instantly - the pining faces, the dramatic lighting! A teen romcom Will'd be proud of.
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28/3/23 - Other Words for Home by Jasmine Warga
A beautiful UKS2+ novel in verse following Jude's journey across oceans, growing up, making friends and finding her voice. Rich and realistic, not shying away from subjects often avoided, and with poetic Arabic intertwined.
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3/4/23 - Frizzy by Claribel A. Oretga and Rose Bousamra
Whilst not my own cultural story, it resonated deeply still 💖 an incredibly honest, beautiful and joyous graphic novel with gorgeous colours and rebellious questioning of generational trauma!
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12/4/23 - Sir Callie and the Champions of Helston by Esme Symes Smith
I put it off for so long bc I was a little scared it might not live up to my hopes, but it was so much more than I imagined. The love I have for these kiddos (and Callie's dads 😭) is intense. Kidlits often shy away from big, scary or rebellious topics. Neither Callie nor Esme are afraid to speak up ab what trans kids (and so many others) need/deserve to hear, and I am so proud of them for that. This is the book I needed as a kid - I am so glad it exists now 💖⚔️
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24/4/23 - Jamie by LD Lapinski
A powerful story of never backing down and demanding your full self to be acknowledged. I'm so excited to see a story encouraging children to stand up for themselves and recognise that adults can be (& often are) wrong.
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5/5/23 - Dungeon Club: Roll Call by Molly Knox Ostertag and Xanthe Bouma
Great for those who haven't played and incredible for those who have - the use of D&D stat blocks and dual narrative (irl and in game) 🙌🏻 simply amazing! Can't wait for the next!
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15/5/23 - Call Me Lion by Camilla Chester
Being autistic, sometimes partially or non-speaking, and having struggled with confidence all my life - I just loved this little joyful tale. Realistic but hopeful, with easily likeable, well rounded mcs!
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22/5/23 - My Brother is Away by Sara Greenwood and Luisa Uribe
A /beautifully/ illustrated and gently poignant picturebook of a child whose brother is incarcerated. I've seen this kind of book before, but this is it done right, well, and to a v. high quality.
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19/6/23 - Front Desk by Kelly Yang
Been meaning to read this for so long, finally have, and of course its been added to my all time favourites list! What an incredible, reflective and honest piece of art for children. I don't do mandatory reading, but if I did: top of the list.
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26/6/23 - The Golden Hour by Niki Smith
A gorgeous graphic novel, upper KS2-3 cusp/YA. It takes a beautifully artistic and honest look into managing childhood PTSD from gun violence, with help from an eye for photography, a cute calf, and a first queer crush 💖
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3/7/23 - My Aunt is a Monster by Reimena Yee
A sweet and exciting story of adventurers, curses and mysteries with a healthy dash of queer and disabled representation, all whilst learning to see past first impressions.
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theoliveflower · 8 months ago
So sorry but I’m gonna go a bit off topic w this long winded yap about fear mongering T and masculinity as a whole.
Honesty fear mongering around T is huge, even within the Queer community. I had multiple people tell me they were scared of what I would “become” on testosterone. I had people telling me to be careful, as if T would make me into some dangerous monster, or completely twist my personality.
And that obviously didn’t happen. I was more high strung than usual at first sure, but even before, but I’d never been one to react to anger with violence towards people anyways, my entire instinct was to just cry and maybe throw a few of my own objects while alone when it would turn into an autistic meltdown and then internalize it.
But after T? I felt more in control of my emotions, for the first time I felt like I had real control. I felt clearer. My feelings weren’t all consuming like they used to be. I couldn’t understand why this amazing thing for me was so demonized, especially by other gnc people.
I’ve noticed Testosterone is completely fear mongered with cishets and a fairly big thing with some cis queers and trans folk. A big aspect of it imo is the growing hatred for masculinity as a whole. Binary or not. I know cishet men (white specifically) are a consistent “DO NOT GO HERE” for most minorities, for good reason and valid fear. And that won’t change without real societal change, but a step of that we can take now is to rethink what masculinity is and if we gave it a chance, what it could become positively. What we’ve been told and the negative experiences VS what we’ve seen in our positive experiences and relationships.
Trust me when I say I’ve seen a huge spectrum of it. For a lot of my life I viewed it through the negative, and there was a lot of that. Abusive, violent, Impulsive, and inconsiderate are a few for me as I’m sure they are for many. But the men I surround myself with now are some of the kindest, and sweetest souls. Their masculinity is shown through their loyalty, softness, proactiveness, and drive to help the ones they love. The way they find/see you as capable, even if you can’t yourself.
I’m not saying you can/should trust every man, that’d be ridiculous. Especially as (white) cishet ones are raised in the disgusting patriarchal world and receive the brunt and of fulfilling those abstract expectations. What I’m saying, is that a single hormone doesn’t and can’t define people like that.
We as trans and queer folk should know that, and why would we as queers allow the definition and behavior of masculinity to be defined by that of the worst parts, powerful white cishet men created for it?
i am SO sick of the fearmongering around T and how it will affect your singing voice. i have been singing since i was a kid. i mean i have been singing as long as i could talk, i was once in an all girls choir, i was the youngest person in my churches choir when i was, like, 8. i never had much confidence in my voice because i sounded like a girl, which led me to singing less, which led me to sounding worse. before i started T i was SO worried that it would ruin my beautiful feminine singing voice.
but the difference is like night and day. i sound SO much better than i did pre-T. i can sing without hating myself. i sound like a man and i can sing
and yea maybe i’m no longer and 8 year old soprano. but i can sing and listen to myself and not want to die and isn’t that fucking wonderful?
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kdinjenzen · 2 years ago
I love you you’re amazing and an icon and I will kneecap any RWBY “fan” who gives you shit. The fact that when vol 8 was in its height of release I saw so many “PENNY IS AN ALLEGORY FOR BEING TRANS” takes which passed right over May Marigold made my blood boil. Both the character and your performance deserved better.
Also, as a cis woman, your stories from what you’ve struggled with helps me understand my trans friends so much better, so I’m sorry you’ve been through that, but thank you for granting me a level of understanding I didn’t have before.
To finish this off, give your fur babies an extra smooch for me 💜
I’m going to start this off my saying this:
If you resonate with a character, if they speak to you, even if they are not “intended to be” representation for someone like you. You have every right to love that character in that way, I love headcanons, I love that fans can see themselves in characters in so many ways, I love it so much. Because, let’s be honest, representation in media is still NOT where it needs to be.
The fact that Penny was not written intentionally as a trans allegory (or autistic) doesn’t mean that it doesn’t mean something when someone says they feel something when they relate to her.
I love Penny, I had a lot of the same thoughts and even mentioned them to everyone. (I also mentioned “Y’all really put Nora in the trans Pride colors, didn’t you?” and everyone was like “WHA!?”)
But this is where I get at odds with things… you get a canon queer character voiced by a real queer person and… ignore it.
Bridget got a TON of love for being trans… not voiced by a trans woman.
Penny gets TONS of love for being trans… not actually a trans woman.
I need y’all to actually come out and vocally and loudly support characters that are ACTUALLY CANONICALLY TRANS AND VOICED BY TRANS ACTORS the same way y’all support these head canons and “partial representations”.
Instead I got (and still get) harassed for voicing May Marigold. I see her be demeaned and diminished constantly. I see her being made fun of and ignored.
And it hurts.
And that’s really it.
I love Penny, easily one of my favorite characters in the show, I was SUPER upset when I found out she was going to die again (trust me, I said as much).
But, also, I know how much the fandom tries to forget/ignore that Penny had one of the ickiest bits of accidental transphobic dialogue in the early volumes by assuming Blake was actually a man but just disguised as a woman.
That all said, have any criticism you want (without harassing people or being a jerk about it) but at least the RWBY team listened to me when I spoke about queer issues and the problems we face and took me SERIOUSLY about it and made sure to be better about things… because the GenLock 2 writing team sure didn’t care what I had to say at all or care about the problems we face.
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dumyhead · 2 years ago
anyways erm heres a humongous intro post to my account for 2023!!
my (host) name is sunny, im a white teen from funny upside-down country and im sooo silly and. Cool and amazing😼
more details :
+.* im autistic w anxiety and ocd (and possible adhd)
+.* self-diagnosed-ish osdd-1 system (alter carrd coming soon 😋)
+.* i post art and funny text posts
+.* soo many labels but as of right now i mainly identify as a queer trans/nonbinary/genderqueer gnc person
boundaries/stuff u should know !!
≈ pls dont talk to me abt nsfw stuff unless we're close friends/mutuals and have talked about our boundaries with said content (will get blocked otherwise)
≈ i get anxious in conversations very easily so sorry if i dont respond for a while to certain messages !!
≈ im fine with being tagged in some silly little things and receiving asks, just dont get too personal :3
≈ dont ask for my location or anything alike, that stuff is for extra-close friends
≈ i procrastinate and forget a lot so sometimes ill cancel plans or give up on projects out of nowhere, so dont expect too many big things from this blog
interests !!
bold = hyperfix
italics = special interest
mortal kombat
madness combat
the owl house
the walten files
the mandela catalogue
plague doctors
torture devices/methods
sea creatures
horror in general
dni !!
× proshippers, comshippers, profic, whatever term you guys use nowadays
× exclus
× stans of real-life serial killers and criminals
× zoophiles/feral nsfw enjoyers
× l0li/sh0ta/cub nsfw likers
× bigots in general
× terfs / radfems
× people against sex workers. i mean come on they're just doing their jobs
× people that want to get mental disorders?? like no subliminals arent gonna give you depression man why do you want that 😭😭
× people that believe in cringe culture and cancel culture
ermm i think thats it :3c
have a nice day n take care of urself ‼️💯💪👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨
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annabellelupin · 3 years ago
As some of you may know, there has been a good bit of negativity on my account recently. I got into a bit of an argument with a couple of terfs. Pretty much everything is fine now, and I'd really like to thank everyone that reached out to me and supported me through the argument. I'm dedicating this post to all of my wonderful followers. So without further ado..
Positive Marauders era Headcannons:)
Mary is not only genderfluid and omni, but polyamorous as well and has two partners
He/They Trans masc and asexual Regulus (yes you all should've seen this coming, it's my most favorite hc ever lol)
A lot of people hc Lily as demisexual, and honesty I do too, but here me out:
Demiromantic Remus and Demisexual Lily
Also chubby, plus sized Lily and Dorcas is canon at this point right?
I haven't seen many headcanons for James but I feel like he'd be aspec
Alice is almost definitely aspec (probably aegosexual) and gives off queer femme girl vibes. Actually when I think about it she lowkey gives of bi wife energy lol
Frank kinda gives off bi husband energy but is probably pan
Also just,, Alice with vitiligo is *chefs kiss* (Ik for some people it can be an insuceurity, and I really don't think they realize just how beautiful they are *my friend Megan plays that's what makes you beautiful by 1d in background*
If Dorcas isn't an African-European, then my whole life is a lie (I apologize if that isn't correct term for it and feel free to spray me with a water bottle and correct me if it isn't)
And obviously Dorcas has the prettiest hair ever. they usually styles it in an afro or multiple braids and either way she looks amazing
i personally headcanon them as a pan, femme nonbinary, but ik most people hc them as a she/they demigirl lesbian and that's super cool too
Marlene and Remus are both covered in freckles and their partners think it's the cutest thing ever
Also if Marlene isn't a femme lesbian giving off masc energy idek what is
Andromeda is omni and a demigirl
James is a total feminist prove me wrong
He's also definitely a house husband and destroys gender norms with Lily (who is the potions professor at Hogwarts)
Honestly tho all of the Marauders era characters completely destroy gender norms
Adhd James just makes sense to me
As well as neurodivergent (probably autistic) Reggie and idek why
Frank is partially blind and someone made fun of him for it in 4th year and James and Sirius came to his rescue (and that's how they really began talking to each other)
Just jegulily being a thing (personally I don't headcanon this but think its super cool and like the polyam rep:)
Regulus has social anxiety and you can not convince me otherwise
also *transes all of your favorite characters* here yaa go
and umm *declares all of your favorite characters gay*
also we need more ace and aro rep so all of your favorite characters are now aspec and/or arospec
your welcome :)
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nonbinarygerard · 3 years ago
sorry for my gerard and grant morrison autism rant but i need to talk about them. so the theme of gender through out gerard’s lyrics it really reminds me of grant morrison’s comics specifically doom patrol and the invisibles, some of my favorite pieces of art ever.
if you haven't read doom patrol its about a group of outsiders who are superheros and as grant said in their forward (im kind of paraphrasing but this is the vibe) this comic is for all the weird kids who relate more to robot men and people in bandages than actual people. so the autistics lmao. if you ever read doom patrol they just all read as autistic (soz but they do) and either trans coded or explicitly non cis or trans like rebis, essentially nonbinary (both male and female) god like superhero or danny the street a trans gay sentient street. im so obsessed. it has a lot of representation of the gay and transfem community. grant puts so much of themselves into their work they said if they haven't experienced they wont write about it and also gerard writes metaphorical stories but you know they are about real shit they went through. but i dont think they both realised, or maybe they did, how much their art is about not only the abstract idea of gender but their gender and using it as a space to experiment. but its not like doom patrol is about overtly the gender struggle or being nonbinary, (grant is out as nonbinary if you dont know) its about this superhero squad right but reading in 2022 god its quite obvious it is. like revenge is about a man who makes a deal with the devil to get make his female lover, but obviously its so much more about than just that.
when grant wrote a transfem character, lord fanny, into the invisibles they were like well i have to do drag now to know what its like! and the way gerard said they used their persona on stage to explore and express their femininity, perhaps not to full extent they wanted until the cheerleader outfit though i assume they would like to do more. but i just love thinking about how their art both gave them a space to explore who they were and their gender in a way they never thought they could really do in their lives before.
imagine gerard reading doom patrol and the invisibles as the issues were coming out and how much it must have meant to them as mcr means to us. i want to emphases how explicit the lgbt representation is and how its such a massive element of the comics you cant just make the characters cis and you wouldnt notice, you cant just make the gays straight by changing their pronouns. many characters are plots are about the lgbt experience, so may different experiences. i feel like no one recognizes them for the amazing lgbt fiction they are, and despite some of the language being a bit of date, the exploration of the queer themes still hold up today and honestly is better than a lot of mainstream representation we get (sorry but im kind of right).
i just have so many grant and gerard thoughts sorry i yet again could write so many essays about them i love them both so much.
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