#like the weather is really nice and lots of people are chilling outside the dorms but these two hang out in their room studying
shsl-gay-thoughts · 4 years
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..and they were roommates...
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
The Kind of Girl You Take Home to Mom | Andy Barber x reader (part 1)
summary: Jacob was finally taking his college girlfriend home to meet his family.  how was she, a sheltered Harvard girl, supposed to know not to trust the famous, respected lawyer who just so happened to be his father?
word count: 3.5k
warnings: smut (dub con??), age gap, infidelity, fingering, dirty talk, a lil choking, wedding ring kink, lots of awkward conversations lmao
@donutloverxo @evnscvll @ballyhoobarnes​
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“They’re gonna love you,” Jacob beamed at you as you buckled into the passenger seat.
“I dunno, Jake, I’m not usually a parent’s favorite…” you mumbled nervously, adjusting to be comfortable for the drive.  It wasn’t that long of a trip— just from your dorm at Harvard to the southern suburbs of Boston; your discomfort was a lot more psychosomatic, in fact.  Isn’t it normal to be afraid to meet your boyfriend’s parents?
“Well, my parents are pretty chill,” he assured you.  “Besides, what’s not to like?”
You still felt a little dizzy as you tried to prepare yourself for a weekend with them.  You’d hoped Jacob would just have you guys meet at lunch or something but nope, he insisted that you come with him the next time he visited over a three-day weekend and you’d agreed cause you didn’t know how to say no.  Now here you were, practicing ‘Hi, it’s so nice to meet you!’ in your head as if you were going to forget how to speak English in the next fifteen minutes.  
Honestly, with how nervous you were, it was plausible.
The sun through the trees cast flashing light and shadows through your window as you watched the scenery roll by.  Something by Bon Iver was playing through the car speakers, but the mumbled lyrics were lost to your distracted mind.  You’d heard a decent amount about his parents through him— his dad was apparently quite the bigshot lawyer— but you had no idea how much they knew about you.  You hoped he talked about you a lot but you also sort of hoped he didn’t, so that you’d have a clean slate to start with.
“Your destination is on the left,” Google Maps informed you both.
“There it is,” Jacob smiled as he lifted a hand from the wheel to point to the house.  It was nice, really nice, and a little tinge of jealousy hit you.  
You took a deep breath and gave him a weak smile as you prepared to meet Mr. and Mrs. Barber.
You went through the motions of every great introduction to people who need to like you.  So nice to meet you, I’ve heard great things, you have a lovely home, all that good stuff.  Laurie, his mom, was bubbly and kind, and insisted you not call her Mrs. Barber because it made her feel old, apparently; Mr. Barber was a little more stern but still seemed warm enough.
After some basic hand-shaking and introductions, Laurie had explained that she was making dinner.  You offered to help but she insisted that you wouldn’t lift a finger while staying in her home.  That sure did sound nice, though you felt guilty.
So, while Jacob unpacked your and his stuff in the guest bedroom, and while Laurie was cooking, you and Mr. Barber were stuck together in the living room.
“We’ve been hearing a lot about you,” he informed you.
“Oh, r-really?” you stammered.  “Only good things, I hope.”
“Only great things,” he assured.  
You nodded, not sure what to say but realizing the conversation was going to peter out quickly…
“You can relax,” he encouraged with a smile, “we’re not giving you the third-degree or anything.”
You let out a little laugh of relief, trying to keep from looking too rigid.  “I’m sorry,” you sighed, “I just really want to make a good impression.”
“You already have,” he assured you.  “You’re a natural.”
“Oh, I don’t know about that,” you laughed nervously, “I’ve never met anybody’s parents before.  I mean, of course I’ve met people’s parents, just not a boyfriend’s or anything— that’s not usually my sort of thing…”
His eyes went a little wide, and you mirrored it as you realized the implication.  “Oh, I don’t mean— it’s not like I only do hook-ups or something, I don’t do that, I just meant I’ve never really had a serious relationship before—” oh god, is that a bad thing to say?  Does it make me seem like I’m too immature for Jacob; or does he not think we’re serious?  “I mean, it’s not like we’re serious serious, it’s not— we haven’t really— we’re not thinking that far ahead, we’re young and all that…” God, even Jacob and I haven’t had this conversation, why am I having it with his father?!
“Well, whatever it is that you two are, he seems to care for you greatly.”
“That’s… good to hear,” you sighed, hoping you could just keep your mouth shut for a few minutes.  Awkward silence was leagues better than this.
“The weather’s great so I thought we could sit outside for dinner!” Laurie suggested.  
“Sounds lovely, honey,” Mr. Barber nodded, jumping off of the couch at any excuse to get out of this conversation.  You resisted the urge to hide your face in your hands.
Their patio was spacious and covered in meticulously-gardened plants, with a glass table that had already been set with four place settings.  You helped carry out some of the food and took your seat in the wrought iron chair.
“Do you want any wine, sweetie?” Laurie offered as she turned towards you, bottle in hand.
“Oh, I’m not twenty-one yet,” you explained quickly.
“Well, yeah,” Laurie raised an eyebrow, “but we’re not so sheltered, we know what college kids get up to— just a glass won’t hurt.”
“You’re kind to offer,” you relented, “but I don’t drink.”
“Really?” Laurie questioned, looking a little incredulous.
“Really,” Jacob butted in.  He laughed when his mother gave him a look of surprise.  “Yeah, I know, she’s like, the one person at Harvard who’s sober.”
“Finally, a little respect for the law in this house,” Mr. Barber added as he stepped out onto the patio.  
“You want a glass, honey?” she asked him, seeming to ignore his apparent distaste for her offering alcohol to you.
“Sure,” he nodded, taking a seat.
“So,” Mr. Barber addressed you as he sat down, “what are you majoring in?”
“English,” you answered with a nervous smile.
“And what do you wanna do with that?”
“Whatever lets me read as much as majoring in it allows me to,” you chuckled.
“Do you think you’ll go to graduate school, get a Master’s?” he pressed.
“Actually,” Jacob interjected, “she’s thinking of going for a doctorate.”
Mr. Barber turned back to you with an impressed expression.  “Wow!  Smart girl.”
Something about him calling you ‘girl’ made you feel yourself blush slightly, and shift in your seat.  Or maybe it was the praise.  Still, for some reason it coming from him felt wrong but wonderful at the same time.  “Um, I suppose so…”
It continued on like that for a while; he and Laurie asked you questions, you and Jacob told a few stories.  Mr. Barber managed to get you to open up a little and not be so worried about him judging you or assessing you all the time.  But then again, you’d heard he was a bigshot lawyer so he probably knew how to get people comfortable and talking so he could go in for the kill.
Sometimes you caught him looking at you like he was about to go in for that kill at any moment.
“Do you think it went okay?” you asked with faux nonchalance as you slipped into bed, watching Jacob brush his teeth in front of the mirror.
“Okay?  I fink it went greaf!” he responded, the toothbrush in his mouth making his words difficult to parse.
You laughed a little at his silliness, though you were glad to hear he thought it was a successful day.
“And they don’t mind us sharing a bed?”
Jacob snorted with a quick laugh before spitting out his toothpaste into the sink.  “They’re not conservative like that,” he dismissed with a shake of his head.  “I mean, we’re boyfriend and girlfriend, it’s normal for us to share a bed.”
You nodded because it was true, but you also found yourself twisting a piece of your hair between three fingers; you wondered if his parents assumed that you two did everything that was normal for boyfriends and girlfriends to do… and, as always, you wondered if Jacob was growing impatient with you in that regard.  He always said that he didn’t mind and was going to wait as long as you needed, but it was still hard to believe.  Sometimes you just wished he would break up with you so that he wouldn’t have to deal with celibacy and you wouldn’t have to deal with the guilt.
“You ready for bed?” he prompted, tearing you from your train of thought as he sat down on the other side of the bed.
“Oh, uh, yeah,” you agreed with a nod, laying down completely and plugging in your phone.
Jacob switched off his bedside lamp, and you were ready to fall asleep, but he quickly pulled you into him.
Oh, yes, cuddling.  This was normal, this was expected; you should feel relaxed right now, and not nervous and confused.  You tried to force yourself to, but it didn’t really work. 
He hummed contentedly, kissing behind your ear.  “Goodnight, honeybun.”
Another girl would love this kind of attention.  Any girl should.  You smiled, but it was fake.  “Goodnight, Jake,” you replied quietly.  You really did like him, you never doubted that.  But as he drifted to sleep beside you and you took in the surroundings of Jacob’s old room— renovated and updated, but still feeling like the graveyard of a childhood— you couldn’t help but question why you were here at all when you knew, deep down, that this relationship was missing something that couldn’t be found.
You woke up for no particularly good reason in the middle of the night, a habit of yours.  Squinting as you lifted up and unlocked your phone, you read the clock: 2:16 a.m.
You sighed and realized that you weren’t going to be able to get back to sleep, at least for a while.  
Peeling Jacob’s limp arm off of you and slipping out from underneath the comforter, you tiptoed out of the bedroom and shut the door behind you.
The streetlights cast faint yellow light into the kitchen, enough that you could see somewhat; enough that you didn’t stub your toe, thankfully. 
You did your best to open the refrigerator quietly as you searched for a snack.  I could make a sandwich but that’s a bit too much food.  There’s so much weird diet food in here, is that Mr. or Mrs. Barber’s?  A glass of juice probably isn’t enough.  Yogurt?  Hmm, maybe…   
“Burning the midnight oil?” the deep and smooth voice of Mr. Barber came from behind you.
You jumped a little as you spun around, finding him standing in the entryway to the kitchen, wearing pajamas and a smug little smile.  You let go of the door and it slowly closed itself; Mr. Barber turned on a dim light and you were able to see him a little better.
“I think we’re a little bit past midnight, sir,” you chuckled softly.
He seemed slightly uncomfortable with the title, shifting awkwardly and clearing his throat.
“Did I wake you up?” you asked, concerned.
“No, no, not at all,” he shook his head.  “I haven’t been sleeping so well recently.  A finger of scotch usually helps…”
For some reason, him telling you this felt too intimate.  You cleared your throat nervously as he poured the aforementioned drink into a crystal glass.
“You really don’t drink?” Andy asked you suddenly, and you laughed a little.
“I don’t know why it’s so hard for you guys to believe!” you replied.
“No, no, I believe you…” he trailed off.  “I guess I’m just surprised because Jacob seems really into the party scene.  You two seem sort of opposite in a lot of ways.”
“Yeah, we are,” you admitted.  “I think it works for us.”
“You keep him honest?” 
“I keep him from failing out,” you scoffed, though as soon as you’d said it, you instantly regretted your brutal honesty.
“Ah, I get it,” Andy smirked.  “He’s partying while you’re back in the dorm studying enough for the both of you.”
“That’s not—”
“Don’t lie to me,” he instructed, a little more stern than you anticipated.  “With what I do for a living, I’ve learned to spot a lie from a mile away.”
You swallowed, thinking this was getting a bit out of hand already.  “Well, I ought to get back to bed,” you realized, “and… so should you.”
As you stood up and started to walk past him, he suddenly reached out and grabbed your arm, stopping you.
“Mr. Barber, I—”
“Call me Andy,” he encouraged, stepping closer until you were pressed against the wall and he was pressed against you, finally releasing your arm but leaving you just as trapped.  This close up, your height difference was staggering.
“O-okay, Andy, I don’t—”
“Has he fucked you yet?” 
The question made your eyes shoot wide open and your stomach burn with embarrassment.  How could he ask you something like that?  But he seemed cool and collected, staring down at you as he took the last sip of his scotch and set the glass aside.
“I think as his father, I have a right to know,” he added firmly.
“I… we don’t… he and I aren’t…”
“So, no?”
You nodded quickly.
“Well, why not?  Is there something wrong with him?”
No, there’s nothing wrong with him at all, and I hate that about him because I should love him but I don’t.  “N-no!”
He looked you up and down quickly before responding.  “I can’t imagine how he keeps his hands off you…”
You knew you shouldn’t be enjoying this kind of attention, especially from your boyfriend’s father, but something about his gaze made shivers erupt in its wake.  You looked away and forced yourself to remember everything great about Jacob.
“He’s been very patient with me,” you explained shakily.  “He knows I’m not ready.”
“Not ready?”
“To be with someone… that way…”
You shivered when his fingers began to toy with the hem of your nightgown.  “This is nice,” he complimented softly.
“Um, thank you…”
“You’re a very beautiful girl,” he informed you, leaning in a little closer.
“I—” you began, but he was already about to kiss you.  You almost melted into it, you almost let your eyes flutter shut as you tilted your head; thankfully, you stopped yourself at the last second, pushing your hands against his chest.  He was strong enough that your protest would’ve been useless if he hadn’t chosen to stop in the moment.
“Andy, your wife…” you explained weakly.
“She hasn’t touched me in years,” he grimaced.  “She just wants my money, and the appearance of the perfect family.  You have no idea what it’s like to lie next to someone every night and still be completely alone.”
For a split second, Jacob flashed in your mind and you wondered if you did have an idea.  
“I’m… sorry to hear that…” you mumbled.  “But I can’t— you can’t—”
He lifted your chin with one finger, and you looked up at him with wide doe eyes.  “Is he treating you right, sweetheart?  Is he everything you deserve?  Don’t lie to me…”
“He’s…” you whispered shakily, unsure how to respond, “he’s great.”
Andy chuckled incredulously, seemingly not believing your answer.  “Listen, he’s my son; I love him, obviously.  But I know his flaws better than anyone.  And even though I like to think he’s smarter than a lot of boys his age, they’re all the same when it comes to one thing: girls.”
“I think he’s pretty smart in that regard,” you defended.
“If he was smart, he would be taking you to nice places, buying you nice things, treating you right.  If he was smart, he would’ve fucked you already.  If he was smart,” he smirked a little, “he wouldn’t have left you alone with me.”
His hand slipped under the bottom of your nightgown, grabbing your thigh.
“Andy!” you yelped, but he lifted a finger to his mouth with a soft shushing noise.
“Don’t wanna wake anybody, now do you?”
I kinda do though… you thought to yourself.
His fingers travelled higher and higher, nearly brushing against the edge of your panties; you shivered, wondering if you should stop him, and if so, how.
Your hands were still resting on his chest from when you’d tried to push him away, but instead of fighting back all they did was clench and pull at the soft cotton of his t-shirt as his pointer finger hooked into your underwear and pulled them down.
The thick, calloused pad of his finger swiped through your folds, and you bit your lip.  Something about it being the middle of the night, about the forbidden nature of it all, about the way his gaze burned right through you made your entire body so sensitive.  He found your clit instantly, and barely had to touch it to get you bucking your hips into his touch; you only somewhat managed to suppress your gasp.
He leaned in to kiss you again, but this time it actually came to fruition and his lips were soft but determined against your own.  You reciprocated eagerly, eliciting a little smile from him as you both realized how bad you wanted this even when you shouldn’t.  The moment his tongue slipped into your mouth was also the moment his middle finger slid into your tight and pulsing channel.  You moaned with surprise and it mixed with his own soft groans while your tongues intermingled.
A second finger joined his first, stretching your walls and making you nearly bite down on his lip in your mouth.  He smiled and twisted them within you, pushing right against a spot that made your knees weak, while his thumb stretched out to keep circling around your clit.
He broke the kiss to watch your face, admiring the way your brows furrowed together, and your eyes fluttered shut, and your swollen lip caught between your teeth.  Your head fell back against the wall, the effort of supporting it suddenly seeming too much, and it caused you to look up at him and make some awkward yet sensual eye contact.
“Has he ever made you come like this?” he whispered, jealousy apparent in his tone.  You shook your head ‘no.’  “Has anyone ever made you come like this?”  You shook your head again.  “Fuck,” he groaned.  “Including yourself?”
You nodded and he laughed a little, stooping down to kiss your neck.  “Always such a good girl, huh?”
His tone shifted as realization crossed over his face.  “Baby… am I the first thing that’s ever been inside you?”
You bit your lip, feeling a bit embarrassed, and nodded again.
He groaned and pressed his hips forward into your hip; the hard shape of his cock against you made you gasp.  “Feel what you do to me?” he smirked.  “God, you’re too fuckin’ perfect…”
“A-Andy, ‘m close,” you whimpered 
“Come on my fingers, sweet girl,” he encouraged.  “I wanna see how pretty you look when you let go.”
It felt like a wave of sensation was about to crash over you, faster than you knew how to handle it.  You reached down and tried to push him away by the forearm, an instinctive way to run from the intensity of the feeling as it started to make your eyes roll back and your toes go numb.  But he was too strong; your fighting was useless as his fingers kept fucking into you and pressing against your constricting walls.
“No, baby, you can take it,” he hissed.  “Come for me, sweetheart.”
Just as you were sure you were about to scream, his other hand clapped over your mouth.  You could feel the hard shape of his wedding ring against your lips and just as guilt hit you, so did your orgasm.  Your knees went weak; you would’ve fallen if it weren’t for the hand inside you all but holding you up.  
Your moans were muffled into his calloused palm as pleasure rippled through you.  You felt your channel grip his fingers at the same time as a gush of arousal coated his hand and even began to drip down to his arm.
Your breathing slowly stabilized, and Andy trusted you enough to finally take his hand away.  He pulled his fingers out of you and brought them to his lips, licking them with a smirk.  “You taste like heaven, honey,” he praised.  “Go ahead, clean off my fingers,” he instructed as he pressed the fingers into your mouth; it was already hanging slack from exhaustion.  You closed your lips and sucked on his fingers, moaning at your own taste and at the way his skin felt on your tongue.
Once he was apparently satisfied with your work, the hand in your mouth moved back and instead wrapped around your neck as you whimpered.
“Tomorrow,” he growled against your ear.  “I’m gonna get you alone, and we’re gonna finish this.”
You were a little too busy panting to respond to that.  Honestly, you had expected that you would have some post-nut clarity at this point, or even just be satisfied once you’d reached your peak.  But apparently not; even still coming down from it, you already wanted more.  With a sigh, you realized that you were already completely addicted to Andy Barber, and you were going to come back for more as soon as you could.
“Tomorrow,” you agreed in a raspy whisper.
(part 2) // (part 3)
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dearest-kibble · 4 years
Can I request headcanons for yandere Bakugou, Todoroki and Deku where they have been leaving their darlings voicemails proclaiming their love and whatnot and seeing as they're not reacting badly to it, their darling must be happy. Turns out they haven't heard any of it because they don't know how to access their voicemail
Oh gosh oh gosh I love this concept??? Thank you for requesting! 
Okay so,,, these get a little unhinged real quick because i am in a mood so!
Tw: Dacryphilia, degradation, stalking, yandere relationships, unhealthy relationships,  (Maybe?? just in case,,,) dumbification, lots of cussing (Thanks katsuki.) They’re all pretty abusive,,, Midoriya’s gets a little n/sfw-ish? Like just motions of moans but,, to be safe also panty stealing. I love these boys so much so i’ll make them terrible,,, as a treat.
All of these characters are third years!
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So here now, we have a temperamental one.
And no, it’s not Katsuki.
It’s Shoto.
Half cold, half hot.
He’s easy to anger. If you say the wrong thing, well you’re in for it.
But, he likes you.
You’re always smiling at him.
He knows that you smile at others but there has to be something to smiling at him, right?
People tell him he’s handsome, they tell him he looks good. Women ask for his number.
So you smile at him because you like him.
So he’ll dote on you a little.
He has your number. He paid someone for it.
And he’s been leaving you just about the nicest things he could.
He loves talking to you, even if he doesn’t quite feel comfortable talking to you face to face.
And he just loves telling you how sweet you look for him. How cute your voice sounds and how he just loves you.
“I’ll make sure to marry you one day. You’ll have anything you want.”
“You looked so sweet in that outfit today, once we’re married, I’ll get you something like it. Would you like that? I’ll make sure you have the nicest clothing for when you walk down the isle, goodbye.”
“Your voice is stuck in my head, I can’t wait until I can hear your voice all day in our house together. Goodbye, I can’t wait to see you.”
“When we have a child, you’ll be a wonderful parent. I love you, goodbye.”
“You’ll marry me, right? Goodbye darling, say yes.”
And well, Shoto wasn’t being told to stop, but you weren’t talking to him.
At all.
And so, he tries to ask you about it after class, in the dorms when you two are in the common room.
Luckily for Shoto, you’re the only one there.
You send him a quick smile as you see him sitting in the corner, before you return to stretching.
It makes his heart stop - just for a few seconds - before hastily standing up and walking towards you.  
“Why haven’t you said yes?” He’s got that intense sound in his voice, like it’s as important as finding a villain.
“Yes to what?” You’re still stretching as you look up into his eyes.
It’s clear to him that you don’t have a clue. And really, that shouldn’t make him angry. It’s irrational to think that you’ve been deliberately ignoring him. But who doesn’t check their voicemail?
“The messages I’ve left you, why haven’t you responded to any of them, don’t you love me?” Shoto feels as calm as ever.
You’ve stopped stretching. Expression blank as you attempt to process whatever is going through your head.
“Of course I love you!” And your smile is back. Shoto nods, of course you love him, he can give you whatever you nee- “You’re one of my friends!”
“Oh.” Ice begins to melt beneath his flesh
“I don’t know what messages you’re talking about though, did you ask Sero for my number? Class notes, right?”
You can’t not know how to check your voicemail. No one is that stupid.
“The messages I left you. You must’ve checked them.”
“I’m uhh..” You laugh a little. Normally it’d make him blush. “I don’t know how to check them. Sorry Todo...”
“You know exactly what I am talking about.” The look you give him is nothing but confused.
“I... don’t, could you explain it to me?”
“You wouldn't need this explanation if you just talked to me.”
“Sorry Todoroki, I didn’t know you wanted to talk.” You’re a good actor, because there's no way you didn’t know he wanted to talk to you, to marry you.
“I’ll show you.” He grabs you hand and yank you off the ground. “Give me your phone.”
“Wha-” You shiver.
“Your phone. Give it to me.” You hand it over without hesitation. “Good.”
It doesn’t take long for him to find the messages he left. 
“How do you know my password?” He ignores your question.
He opens the most recent message he left. Just this morning.
“Good morning. I want you to know, that our marriage won’t be a quirk marriage. I can’t wait to see what you’ll look like in the dress i have picked out, I love you. Goodbye.” 
“Shoto. I’m going to be your husband.” 
“I- give me some time to process-”
“You have had plenty of time to process. So you must’ve been ignoring me.”
“I haven’t!” It’s adorable how desperately you try to lie. You’re quite good at it. 
“Be quiet.” His voice is devoid of emotion. “You can’t go around ignoring your future husband like that. Now we’re going to have a nice, long chat about this in my room.
“But Todoro-”
“You will call me Shoto.” He sends a flare of ice up your arm.
“Shoto! You’re name is Shoto and I-” Your free hand scratches desperately at the ice. 
“Desperately trying to get me to remove the ice.” He gives you a cold smile. “Once you really learn your lesson, that won’t happen again. Got it?”
You nod. Tears dripping down your cheeks. 
“You wouldn’t be crying if you didn’t ignore me.” He pets your hair. “Now, I’m more than a friend to you, right love?”
“Of course Shoto! I love you more tha-”
“Then smile like you do.” You look like you’re helpless with those tears in your eyes though. 
You try, you really do but this is where your acting prowess stops. It’s not a cute, sweet thing like normal. No, it’s ugly and contorted.
“Try again.” Practice makes perfect. “That isn’t what I asked for.”
You wipe your tears with your free hand. He should’ve frozen them both. You’d have to learn to rely on Shoto sooner or later. You take a deep breathe and fix your face into that adorable little smile you gave Shoto.
“Was that so hard?” He brings a chilled hand to your face to wipe away a tear that had gotten away from you. “Come, we’ll talk in my room. Once your arm melts, we’ll see if you’ve learned your lesson.” 
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Katsuki only has your number for study sessions, he swears.
Your friends don’t believe it no matter how loud he yells.
Probably for good reason.
You’re not doing nearly as poor as Kirishima in terms of grades, and you weren’t a bad note taker either. So the fact that Bakugou still invited you to study and the fact that he seemed a little extra harsh on you?
Your friends find it a little strange.
But Bakugou also calls Kirashima “Shitty Hair” so it’s not really out of character for him to tell you how much of a dumbs you are for getting from point A to B in a different way than normal. 
Hell, Bakugou does it the way too.
He tells you it’s because you’re “A shitty extra who’s just trying to be better than me!”
Which, to be fair, checks out with how he treats the rest of the class.
So he’s fine.
Your friends are just a little paranoid that’s all.
And he can understand that. After all, who wouldn’t want to protect you?
He even leaves you little messages. He thinks they speak for themself.
“You got bruised today when you were trying that shitty new move of yours. Be more god-damn carful next time!”
“Hey. Why aren’t you at our study sessions? Shitty Hair isn’t as stupid as you and he actually understands the material. I’m stuck here for another damn hour if you don’t- Oi! Pick up the fucking phone you shit head!”
“Fuck, I went a little far with the last message. I saw your new cut. Did you get it from a shitty piece of paper? You’re a fucked up excuse for a hero if you got beat by a piece of paper. Don’t worry doll, once I’m with you, I’ll kiss it all better.”
He leaves countless messages a day. 
You haven’t even thought about them he bets.
Your brain might as well be a cows, you’re so fucking stupid. 
“Oi! Cow brain! Talk to me.” He doesn’t dare drag you over. You’re still delicate even if you have the mental capacity of a shrew.
“One second Bakugou, I’m going to talk to Mr. Aizawa about mastering my quirk.”
You haven’t even figured out how to master your quirk? So fucking useless. But he waits for about fifteen minutes outside the door. 
“We need to have a study session.”
“Why? I’m doing pretty well, aren’t I?”
“Not with that stupid burn mark you got from sparring with the laser extra!”
“Fuckin Aoyama.” Little blond bitch is trying to hurt you. 
“I’m fine Bakugou, i’m going to be a hero I should get used to a few cuts and burns, with the villain climate,”
“The fucks a villain climate?” You don’t even know that climate is used for weather. You really are a stupid pig. Someone needs to save your bacon, huh?
“The way villains are at the-” Damn your eyes look like a deers’
“I know what a villain climate is!”
“So, you pulled me aside to study, right?”
“At least you remember that.” Any smart person would’ve figured out that was a lie though. “But you’re a fucking idiot for thinking that was the case. You’ve been getting my notes, you know how fuckin worried I am about you getting hurt.”
“You worry about me getting hurt?” Your mind really did move like molasses. 
“Pretty fuckin slow on the uptake there sweetheart.” 
“You’ve been sending me messages?” Oh fuck. You’re even dumber than a cow. 
“Are you completely braindead? I’ve been calling you a dumbass for months,” 
“I don’t know how to open my voicemail, not my fault technology is confusing baku-”
“No one is that fucking dumb!” 
“Bakugou, you’re yelling.”
“No Shit?! I wouldn’t need to be if you actually understood anything that I’m telling you! It’s not that fucking hard to understand you just open your damn phone, and click on those stupid ass red icons on the phone app.” If you weren’t so delicate and in need of keeping safe, he’d punch you.
“Oh uhh- Bakugou? Did you mean to play these?”
“Fuck no I didn't.” Maybe he’s a little obvious. But not so obvious that you’d pick up on it.
“I uhh really think I love you? Maybe it’s cause you're such a fucking dumbs that I can’t stand that you get hurt. It’s painful to see. Shit. I hate that I love you. Just die already.” Katsuki in the phone sounds like he’s gone soft. Can’t have that.
“Bakugou, it isn’t very heroic to tell someone to go d-”
“That’s the thing your shitty mind picks up on?” You’re such a cute little doll. “I just told you that I loved yo-”
“Even more of a reason to report you. Two pro heroes shouldn’t have a relationship, it’s unprofessional.”
“Your stupid ass really thinks you’re gonna be a hero? You can’t even go a round with Aoyama without getting a burn. Nah baby, you’re gonna be at home, well protected and away so that you don’t have a chance to fuck something up.”
“I’m going to be a hero Bakugou.”
“I tell you that I’m gonna keep you at home, away from everything and everyone and you’re concerned with being a hero? Dumb as hell.” 
“Bakugou, you seem to be especially mean to me-”
“Fuck it. You wanna get a shitty Lunch Rush meal?” Oh it’d be so easy to drug you up. You probably don’t even think about people who might drug your food. You're just a stupid little doll.
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Midoriya really likes stalking you, okay?
You’re cute, a real old family friend and really sweet too.
You were absolutely ecstatic when his mom held that dinner to celebrate his quirk’s manifestation.
He almost told you the truth about All For One.
Big developments should be shared with the people you love, right?
Course he never really got your number cause he’s a little bit shy, but.
You won’t mind if he finds it in your house, right?
He’s been there countless times before, so it’s not like this is anything big or new or a groundbreaking development. 
It’s just, he’s here at night now, and you’re asleep. And so are your parents. 
But he’s quiet, don’t worry! He’s not gonna wake anyone up. It’s a hero’s duty to make sure that others are okay, and that includes getting the proper amount of sleep!
So he makes his way around your house with a nervous shuffle. 
How can he be calm when you’re sleeping just mere rooms away? It’s very distracting with you on the bed, just splayed out for him to watch and look at while you dream. 
Sometimes you moan. 
He likes to think he caused that.
He’s a little disgusted to think it, but he’s a little pent up. All the time
And you just look so cute on top of that bed-
But he came here for a phone number, and he’s gonna get one. 
Besides, he’s going to be the number one hero, a symbol of peace! He can’t sully All-Might’s legacy with dirty thoughts!
So he finds your phone charging on a chest of drawers in your room. 
After a few seconds of watching you sleep.
And oh you look good in a tank top and shorts, eyes closed and-
He picks up your phone to distract himself.
You were really trusting, weren’t you? You didn’t even have a lock on your phone.  
He’d hug you if you wouldn’t wake up from his cold skin.
He’d do more than hug you-
Nope, not gonna think about that and Midoriya hates himself a little for looking through your drawer to find where you keep your panties. 
There a lot of pairs to choose from, colored, patterned, laced... So many, pretty kinds of panties.
He settles for a pure, white pair. It’s plain. You won’t miss it.
After he pockets the guilt-inducing panties, he once again sets his sight on your phone.
Once again, he opens it, tries to find where you’ve put your contact information, and quickly duplicates it for his own device,
“Goodnight Bunny! Sleep well!” Oh what he wouldn’t give to kiss you goodnight.
After that, he decides to send you a few messages. They’re quick, innocent, sweet. He almost recorded himself cumming in your panties.
That morning, he wakes up bright and early, with even more energy than normal. He send you a good morning message, and moves on to stretch before class. 
He isn’t late but the only notes he can take in classes are those about your sleeping habits.
You snore, you like to sleep on your left side rather than your right, meaning Midoriya is the little spoon, and you like to sleep in tank tops which means Midoriya has to start wearing them.
When lunch rolls around, before Midoriya meets with Iida and Ururaka he sends you a quick update.
He should probably return your panties,
After he washes them, of course. 
He returns that night to your house with a notebook he’s decided to dedicate to you and your shared love story.
He checks your phone again and debates playing the recordings back to you in your sleep, or waiting for you to find his sweet surprise.
You’ve always likes surprises, you’d love one from him!
He looks at your panty drawer again.
It takes most of his willpower not to take another pair.
“Goodnight! Sleep well bunny!”
He makes a swift exit and leaves another message.
He repeats the process for several days and maybe it’s his imagination, but you sleep with a smile on your face now!
He wonders if it’s the returned panties that did it, or his messages.  
Sunday is date night for your parents, and it’s U.A’s day off. It’s like the stars have aligned themselves for Izuku Midoriya and your love.
He’s going to ask if you like his messages and if you’d like him to start texting you.
After five days of sneaking in the night, finally Izuku can knock on your door and see the light shining on your perfect face.
He knocks on the door, dressed in casual clothes. 
You answer in an All-Might hoodie and Izuku imagines it’s his All-Might hoodie.
“Oh! Hey Midoriya! Parents are out now, would you like to come in?”
“Oh uh! Yes please!” Even if he’d imagined this playing out so much, he can’t help the nervous tick of his hands. He’s so so close to you.
The door stays open until Izuku walks through, It’s nice to come in the front, and not a window.
You begin leading him towards the kitchen, hang a left out of the foyer. 
“I just started some chicken nuggets, hopefully I made enough for you,” You spin around suddenly. “I don’t know why, but I don’t think I have your number.”
That means you haven’t listened to any of his messages then? Izuku’s smile drops.
“Oh it’s nothing personal, I just never thought of giving it to you before, agues i should’ve considering how long we’ve known each other. I didn’t mean to make you look so sad Doriya, here its...”
Would he have to show you his messages? Would he have to make you see how much he loved you?
But that... sounded so violent! So villainous. It wouldn’t be right.
“Hey..” You put a hand on his shoulder. It fits perfectly. “You got that Doriya?”
“Yes!” His smile isn’t hard to regain with your hand so warm on him.
“Nuggets are done too! How many you want?”
“Oh, I’m actually, not- that hungry.”
“Any reason?”
“In my-” What did should he  — that’s got to work. “In my most recent work-study, there’s this case where someone is leaving voicemails to their targets,” But that makes him sound more villainous  than he wanted to.
“Oh shit really?” You look very cute with your wide eyes. 
“Uhm, yes?” It’s a terrible lie and anyone could pick it up if they weren’t so good and kind and trusting - and oh no.
It just had to make him sound like a villain.
“I’ve been getting some voicemails recently, and if it’s evidence or anything, do you need to take a look?”
“No,” He can feel the sweat dripping from his face. “It’s ah, fine?”
“Midoriya, if I have evidence and I don’t bring it in, wouldn’t that make me an accomplice?”
“Technically-” But if you knew they were from him why would you think they were an accomplice- you thought he didn’t have your number. 
You hadn’t heard those messages.
“Do you know is it’s evidence?”
“Well I can’t actually open m voicemail but if it’s anything, you can teach me, right?
“Of course!” He offers a hand to take the phone. “You just -” He taps a few things, “There!”
And you two listen to them. Izuku has such a big smile on his face.
“Good morning! I hope you feel great today! I’m going to do the best i can today, and i know you will too! I love you!”
“I’m about to at lunch, i wonder what you’re having. Maybe one day, we can cook together? Love you, have a nice meal!” 
“I’m about to get ready to come see you tonight, if you want to, stay up! I want to kiss you goodnight! Love you Bunny!”
“What is this?”
“I’m a little embarrassed, but it’s like the voicemails said! I love you, morning noon and night!”
“Midoriya, have you — oh god is that where my panties went?” The anger in your voice hurts him. “Get out.”
“Bunny I-”
“Get out of my house Midoriya. Before I call a real hero.”
“I love you!” 
“You don’t love me, you like my panties and an idea you’ve cultivated because we were never really that close.”
“I’ve known you since i was-”
“Yes, you have, but it’s our parents who are friends - not us. If we were friends, by now I’d call you Izuku.” And like that the notebook of his brain that’s pages were being torn out and stomped on were being sewn back in by a practiced hand.
“You can call me Izuku, if you want.”
“Midoriya, i’m telling you, get out and I won’t report you. You could get your license revoked. You don’t want that.”
“Leave.” The way you stood your ground was very admirable. 
He makes a mental note, you are trusting, sweet, kind and headstrong. 
He can work with those. 
He’s suddenly glad he only returned one pair of panties.
He’ll get to visit you again real soon.
HOLY SHIT DID THAT TAKE FOREVER TO GET Through. I rewrote Shoto’s part five time but im pretty happy with it. Overall I think Bakuboi’s is the best.,., and Izuku,,, my poor deku,,, yours is.... interesting. Anyway thank you for the patience of the requester! And for also requesting these three lovely lads. Oh boy,,, time for some smut coming up... 
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ephemeral--dreams · 3 years
Rainy Night
Keito Hasumi/Reader
Rating: G
Word count: 968
Notes: Hello I think about keito being soft a lot. That is all
☆ ☾ ☆ ──────────────────
You'd stayed too late. 
It was dark, and raining, and you certainly couldn't walk home in such conditions. You ended up moving to the dorms. Of course, you didn't have a room there - it was for the idols only, but you could wait in the common room, until things calmed down. It was far more comfortable than the office. If it stopped raining, you could at least get to the train station…
Though the walk from the office to the dorm building had left you completely soaked. How unfortunate that you hadn't checked the weather report that morning, else you would have been better prepared. As it was, you sat there shivering for a bit, wondering why you hadn't planned ahead, until you were interrupted. 
"___. What happened to you?"
"...Keito-san. I may have forgotten to go home before the storm started…"
"Why were you even working this late?"
"I'm not sure I want to hear that from you of all people," he was far more of a workaholic than even you. 
"Incorrigible," yet he wasn't denying it. "Well, you can't just stay here like that. The storm isn't stopping anytime soon, and since you're here, you're my responsibility. Come."
Before you could protest, he was leading you through the hall until the two of you reached his dorm. You were going to protest- what about his roommates? - but you needn't have worried. Neither were around. 
"Just you tonight?"
"Shino and Hidaka are out for the night. Sit down, I'll get a towel."
You obeyed his directions, too happy about the idea of finally getting dried off to do otherwise. Still… "I would've been fine, it was just a little rain. I'd have cleaned up after myself."
"That's not the issue. I swear, you're almost as bad as Eichi…" he complained as he draped the towel over you. Yet however much Keito lectured, it was no more than words. It was his actions that said the most - he could have turned you away and left you to deal with things on your own, but here he was fussing over you. "...You can't stay in that, you'll catch a cold."
Perhaps having to deal with Eichi's lack of regard for his own health for so many years had made him unable to resist taking care of those who needed it. Perhaps he was just like this. Or did he care for you in particular that much? Either way, it was nice that you could trust him to make sure you were taken care of. You reached up to try to dry off your hair as he left again, looking for something that you could change into. It did not work all that well. "I'll be okay. You don't need to be so worried."
"Regardless, we don't need you getting sick. Since you are here, I will not sit by and do nothing," he returned to you, holding out some clothes. "You can't show up like this and expect me not to worry."
"Fine, then. I can't stop you," you only hoped this hadn't raised his stress levels too much. Keito really needed to learn to relax, sometimes… That time wouldn't be now, it seemed. "I'll be back in a moment."
The shirt was far too big for you, but… It was nice. Comforting. It smelled like him. The pants didn't fit, so you didn't bother with them. The shirt was long enough to cover everything anyway. It was far better than the wet clothing you had been wearing before; you already felt better, though the chill from being outside hadn't fully left you yet. You hung up your clothes to dry before leaving.
You returned to the room where Keito waited, settled on the bed with a hair dryer. His eyes took you in, but he didn't say anything about your state of dress. "Come here, let's finish drying you off."
"I could do this myself, you know," you said, though you didn't argue further as you sat down with him. 
"Well, I'm doing it, so there's no need to complain about it," Keito combed his fingers through your hair as he let the dryer blow over it, just as attentive as he was when he worked. With how he went around lecturing everyone, most wouldn't expect him to be as gentle as he actually was. It was easy to give in to him, to let him care for you. You felt like a bit of an inconvenience for making him do this, but… surely it was fine. If he really minded, he wouldn't do any of this, after all. 
Soon enough your hair was dry. You were almost disappointed when he stopped. "Thank you. I'm sorry for the trouble."
"...It wasn't a problem. Is there anything else you need?" 
"No, no… I'm mostly just tired now." 
"You can rest here, so long as you're quiet about it," Keito wasn't going to kick you out so suddenly. If he hadn't been prepared for you to be here for a while, he wouldn't have let you in.  "I need to finish some things."
Always work with him. What had you expected? You had most likely interrupted him in the middle of something. "Alright. But don't overwork yourself, please."
"I'll… try. Don't concern yourself with it," he hesitated a moment, reaching out to pat your head one more time before he went back to his desk. You ended up watching him as you laid there, the exhaustion slowly overtaking you. Well, there were worse places to fall asleep… It's not as if anything would happen to you here. You were safe with Keito, and he had already given you permission, so… Why should you deny yourself some sleep?
You drifted off to the sound of Keito's pen scratching at paper.
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On Illness and Recovery, or: Sickfic, Baby!
You know the drill! Please let me know if you liked it, and check my Twisted Wonderland fanfiction tag if you want other shit I’ve done.
Contains coarse language and emotional whiplash.
Some things stay true no matter where you are; the truest, right now? Schools are disgusting fucking petri dishes, as your miserable cold will tell you. Your cough had only been getting worse as the days went on, with it came exhaustion and a chill that wouldn't leave your bones. You should probably be holed up in your dorm instead of going to class, but that had it's own issues that you were struggling to solve.
"Are you done yet? I want to eat." Grimm's nose, and little else, poked out from a pile of blankets on your bed.
"Nowhere close. Shh." You taped the last bit of plastic over the balcony entryway, and swapped the roll of tape for a heavy duty stapler. "Hold that right there."
The skull-faced ghost held a packing blanket over the plastic as you stapled it in place. By the time you were done, you couldn't see much, which at least meant you could no longer see your own breath. Maybe now, you would be able to feel your own fingers.
Ah, they joys of your own rotten, ancient place - you wake up with frost on your bedsheets and your washbasin shattered from the ice within it. There were other rooms in the place, but most had holes in the ceiling or were too big to heat effectively. So now, you were going to live in one room, that you'd yet to figure out how to run electricity to, and only leave for class or the bathroom. Even if you were ill, could anyone blame you for still going to class when your own home had a nasty quirk of being even colder than outside?
Anywho, it was time to do some homework. By the light of an oil lamp. In five layers of clothing. Curled up so close to a tiny fire you might as well be inside of it. While your not-a-cat complained the whole time.
"You really should be resting."
You scoffed. "You just feel bad because you're the one who got me sick."
"You can't prove that, everyone's had a cold the past few weeks."
"No one else has been exploring my tonsils, dude."
Idia clapped a hand on your mouth, which you did not lick solely because you were wearing a cloth mask. "Quiet! That's secret intel."
"What? No it's not, everyone knows."
"I don't want to advertise. Then I'm a raid boss and you're the rare loot drop."
You elbowed him in his boney ribs. "No one's going to kick your ass out of jealousy. Just because I'm the hottest bitch in this place doesn't mean I've got universal appeal."
"You're still the only girl and people are weird about it." He placed the back of his hand on your forehead and winced. "You're too warm."
"How can you tell? You've got gloves on."
"That's how bad it is. I'll make some tea."
"I'm not drinking anything out of the damned lab equipment."
He frowned. "I've never had anything bad happen, it's cleaned correctly."
"You're smarter than that. One of these days you're going to grow a tail due to residue in the glassware, and I'm going to haul you around in front of god and everyone by it, going 'I told you so' the entire time."
He blanched, knowing that that was not an idle threat, and someone laughed. "I think I should make that happen, just so we can see that."
"Jade, no. No magic mushrooms for my man, or any other concoctionary bullshit either."
Idia looked ready to die, so to take attention off of him you leaned over and poked Silver awake before he fell face first in the potion he was working on. Logically, you know his narcolepsy was debilitating. Right now, you wish you could have borrowed it last night. You don't remember walking up during the night, but you must have, because why else would you be so tired?
He started up, mumbled "thank you" and went back to stirring as if he hadn't been about to drown in dubious magichemicals. God, you wished that was you right now.
"Idia, deal. You help me get through this class, I'll grab some hot food and go home."
He made a show of hemming and hawing before saying, "Grimm needs to let me hold him when I drop you off, and I will."
Ordinarily, you would have just said "Ask him yourself and don't be weird about it," and Grimm would have simply told him no until sufficiently bribed. But Grimm was still in bed at home, saying you kept him up all night, so instead you bumped Idia with your hip and said "What, you can't think to ask for better pussy to fondle?"
Of course, you just had to say something crass at the moment where everyone went quiet. Even Crewel raised his head and both eyebrows at you. The only reason you didn't get a riding crop to the face and a week in horny detention (where, you assumed, they punished you for being a bad girl indeed) was Idia, rapidly going through every stage of confusion and grief, with a few currently unknown to man. You'd intended to tease him, but that sheer amount of confused, horny misery on his face was just too much, and you laughed so hard you bent over.
And coughed. In a short time, there was no laughter left, only miserable coughing from the depths of your chest that left you on the floor with your eyes watering. Someone thumped your back a few times, and when you yanked your mask off to catch a proper, if shallow breath, your mask was full of a red-streaked, pus coloured slime.
A fur coat was draped over your shoulders as everyone made various noises of disgust. "Class dismissed. Let's get you to the nurses."
"How in hell are you still mobile."
"Pettiness and a desire to not freeze to death."
Crewel narrowed his eyes at you. "Both lungs."
"That is what double pneumonia means, Professor."
You could see his whip fingers itching. "Yes, well. You can't come to class like that. And... Is it really that bad in Ramshackle?"
Idia raised a hand. "It was really cold the last time I was there."
"Ugh. I told Crowley we should have razed the place for an expansion on my dog run." He looked at you with a curious mix of genuine fondness and even more genuine disgust. "I'm not putting you up until your place gets fixed, you'll leak all over my furniture. Anyone here going to babysit?"
"I've done perfectly fine in my own dorm, I don't need to become the pet of another dorm."
"Those little fairies said that if you don't stay on bedrest and stay warm, you will die. I am not filling out that paperwork." He looked to you classmates. "Speak up or I'm docking a letter grade."
Silver raised a hand. "I think we could do it but I don't think D- Lilia would let me. Malleus would end up trying to play nurse and skip class."
"Oh god, no, we don't tell him I'm sick until I'm safely ensconced somewhere, he would lose his damn mind and I'd try to strangle him after a week of it."
"There are no spare rooms in Octanivelle. However, I could try some experimental medicines I've been-"
"Jade, no."
Idia was quiet, before speaking up. "I... I don't know if Ignihyde has a spare room, or would be good for healing."
He'd not left your side since your collapse, and gone so full of writhing, barely concealed anxiety he'd broke through the other side and simply shut off. You didn't get it, it wasn't actually anything serious. The nurses had pumped you full of medicine, you'd be up and about a week or two at the most, instead of the month's worth of hospital rooms and bad food it would have been.
Crewel sighed. "Time to start checking the files to see where you can be squeezed."
There was a cough, from the fifth student so quiet despite his size. Everyone had honestly forgotten he was there.
When he spoke up, it was to you, and not anyone else. "There's an unoccupied room down the hall from me. I think the weather in the Savannahclaw dorms will be good for your health. You shouldn't have to stay where you won't be wanted, or get sicker. Would that work?"
You looked at him, assessing. You and him hadn't talked overmuch, and he didn't seem to mind. But as severe as he looked? You could see the sincerity in his offer.
"That should work. Jack, right?"
His ears flicked, and his tail twitched. "Yes."
"Thank you, Jack. You're very kind."
Easy to see why the room was empty. You suspected it might have been a storage room, or that there had been a monastic order in the dorm at one point. A single bed just fit the far wall, with a chair, a desk, a bureau, and little else. But the far wall had a large window, and the room felt... nice. And a hell of a lot warmer than than your room in Ramshackle.
"It'll make an excellent sickroom." You set your schoolbag and an entire case of tissues on the desk. "Thank you again, Jack. You sure it won't be any trouble?"
"I've already cleared it with our dorm leader, he said he doesn't care as long as you don't rub phlegm on his things." Jack was a solid block of frown and muscle in the corner. "The window does open, you should keep it that way for circulation. There's a bathroom down the hall, there's showers in there. If you need anything or anyone tries to bother you, please let me know."
"Will do." You were already unpacking the few things in your bag, trying to get them arranged before another coughing fit took you.
"I can help get your things, if you need?" For a dude who was very do-that-shit-yourself, he was being very helpful.
"Idia's grabbing Grimm and anything else I'll need. He'll know what I want."
"I see." Silence, and more interesting ear flicks. "So."
"You and him are..." He made a guesture with interlaced fingers.
"Yeah. Jealous?"
He snorted. "No. Just curious. He's a bit..." Hand wiggle.
"I'm a bit too. It works. Would have been nice if he'd gotten the hint before I had a ghost turn me inside out in front of him and everyone else."
"You know that's why you're so sick, right?"
You made a noise that was hard to decipher, that he used as cue to continue. "You never smelled quite right after that happened. Even after the healing. You're always a little..." He moved his hands, trying to grasp the right simile. "Like when a flower's starting to drop petals. Overripe."
How in the hell were you supposed to take that. What do you even say to that? Does everyone know you smell? Does - 
"Oh god, you all know when I'm on the rag."
A single, curt nod, and you put your head in your hands and groaned.
A knock on the door
"Who is it?"
"Your worst enemy."
"Get your ass in here, Vil."
Vil had on... good lord. Mask, gloves, face shield. An absurdly fashionable CDC agent. "You look like shit."
"Thanks, Vil. Means so much coming from you."
He stayed by the door, ready to flee if a spare germ came floating towards him. "Heard you're out of commission. Thank the seven, I'll get some peace in my life."
You flipped him the bird, but smiled as you did. "Don't say that. I'll made a sheet ladder and mix sputum in your cold cream."
"If you do that I will personally burn your clothes and replace them with something decent that you will hate."
"Try. Come to gloat?"
"Just a bit." He set a large cup with a straw at the very edge of the desk, straining at arm's length as he did. "This should unfuck your throat somewhat."
"Such language!" You waited until he retreated to the door before you took the smoothie. It was... very, very purple, and smelled minty. "Trying to poison me, finally?"
He rolled his eyes. "When I decide to poison you, it's not going to be through something that obvious. You will never see it coming, and then I'll sell your corpse to Floyd and everyone will just think he finally decided to go full crazy and Riddle is next."
You snorted. "Honestly? I think he'd shit his pants if I actually returned the affection. One time I saw Riddle give him a genuine smile and he had to go sit down because he started shaking so bad." That might have been because the smile was caused by Floyd cracking his head on a doorway and falling flat on his ass, but the point still stood.
When he stopped laughing, he turned to leave. "Take at least an extra week to get better, for my sanity. And don't give the creature any, it won't agree with him."
"Shh, I just got him down for his nap-"
Grimm made a horrible snort from your feet and say up. "Food?"
You made a look-what-you-did guesture at Vil, but he left instead of helping you deal with your beloved yowling idiot.
You woke up coughing in the dark. It took entirely too long for you to figure out where the hell you were, and why, and you took the offered tissue with great-
"JaySUS FUCKING CHRIST" You jumped back so much it was only Malleus's grip on your arm that kept you from going through the open window.
"People are sleeping, please do not yell."
"Don't yell my ass, how long have you been there?"
He shrugged. "Since before sunset. Ortho was here first."
You leaned around Mal, to see Ortho sitting on the desk, scritching the belly of a drowsing Grimm. "Hello, Yuu. Your fever has gone down half of a degree since I took over."
The audacity of these idiots, you swear. "Both of you go home and go to bed."
"No. You need watching." Mal had not blinked once since you'd woken up, and how about that? His eyes glowed in the dark, or he had very strong eyeshine; either way, there was no iris around the blown out pupil. "You are very ill and need taken care of. I can do that, I took care of Silver when he was ill."
"Do we need another boundaries talk?"
He frowned. "But you are ill."
"Mal, I will call Lilia and tell him what you are doing right now. I will personally write your grandmother and tell her you're neglecting your studies. I will get Leona down here and he will call you a simp until you go outside and fight him on compulsion."
"Those all sound terrible!"
"Ortho, don't kiss up because you're next. Why are you here and not home charging?"
"Idia wouldn't go home to sleep until I said I would let him know if you got worse."
You opened your mouth, and shut it again. Why's he so worried? You had to physically shove him out the door to go to his next class, looking like his heart would break, and he'd still skipped board games to fidget miserably in the chair Mal now sat in, looking ready to burst into tears every time you coughed.
Ortho seemed to read your mind. "He gets worried when people get sick. I got sick once."
Ah. That explained a hell of a lot that you were too polite to ask.
"... Okay, you can stay."
Mal perked up.
"You go home. I'll never go back to sleep if you keep staring all night, and you do need to sleep some."
Mal's face fell.
"You can come back tomorrow, after class."
He perked back up. "Goodnight, Yuu. I will see you tomorrow!" A brief kiss against your sweating temple, and he was out the same window he most likely came in.
"Hey, Ortho?"
"If you can dim your lights a little, you can come lie down with me."
You were rudely poked awake by a giant asshole.
"Why are you in my nap room." Leona hovered over you with obvious displeasure.
You blinked and sorted yourself. Ortho was crammed between you and the window, hopefully dreaming of electric sheep, and Grimm was still dead asleep, the little bastard. "Jack put me up here because my dorm's a block of ice and I can't stay there on doctor's orders." Crewel might have a doctorate, it's not a lie.
"Why didn't he tell me?"
"I did." Jack was behind him, his own link in a chain of hovering displeasure. "You said it was fine as long as she didn't make a mess. I brought yogurt."
"Thank you-" More miserable coughing, with now everyone either rubbing your back or passing you tissues. Except Leona, who simply held back and watched. By the time you were done, he just nodded.
"I'm not moving you, but..."
"I'm calling in a favour next time Cheka gets pawned off on me. He likes you."
You'd argue that, but you liked the kid. "Aight. Everyone get out, there's too many fucking people in here and I'm discovering new and interesting depths of claustrophobia."
Leona didn't need to be told twice.
"I'll be back after class with your homework. Maybe at lunch with something. Not before then. Stay put."
"Oooo, oo. I'm going with you, big guy." Grimm scampered over. "I'll get bored here all day. You can just nap."
You rolled your eyes "I can just nap. Jack, if he sticks with you, he's going to want to eat everything you do."
"I'll manage."
"Would you like me to stay?" Ortho was finally up, or maybe you hadn't noticed him exiting screensaver mode.
"I'd like you to tell your brother that I'm not going anywhere. Use those exact words."
He nodded, a faint whirr as he did.
"I'll see you guys later, okay? I need more sleep."
Someone gently shook you awake, and said someone was leaning in the window.
"Hey, Kalim." Why'd you have to be the center of attention when sick, and therefore couldn't kiss anyone to thank them for said attention.
"Hi! I asked Jamil to make extra lunch for you!" He set a covered dish on your knees.
"Thank you. Was he okay with that?"
"He was when I said it was for you. Everyone's heard that you're laid up!"
"News travels fast. Am I about to get even more popular?"
"You're always popular because you're great. Feel better! Jamil said he'll have extras tomorrow too. See you!" And off he went.
You needed to tell Jamil thank you, but he would probably just tell you to just stop talking about abolishing the monarchy instead. (Not because he didn't support the idea, but because he didn't want to be punished for not keeping the idea from Kalim.) What did he make, anyway?
"Oh, curry. Sweet."
The days progressed roughly the same. Drowsing most of the morning, lunch, more drowsing in between laptop stuff, maybe actual sleep. Coughing up far less gunk as the days went on. And entertaining an absurd fucking amount of people. Everyone seemed determined to check on you, even people who you'd never seen before in your life; Ruggie made something like 10k madol charging people to try and see you through the window before you cursed him out. Your Heartslabyul boys dropped in every couple of days to relate shit that they hadn't simply texted you (along with a pile of pastries from Trey and handwritten instructions on recovery from Riddle, the latter far less appreciated than the former). Floyd dropped in once to mostly complain about how you weren't around to eat the mushrooms he picked out of his food, tried to convince you to let him carry you over to the Monstro Lounge himself, and when you refused, kissed the tips of your fingers and left pouting. Jack, true to his word, dropped in at least twice a day to deliver food and homework, and once spent forty-five minutes glowering at anyone approaching the bathrooms while you took a shower that ached on your oversensitive skin.
Some people were far more regular. Every day like clockwork, Malleus perched in your window and was the world's friendliest, most affectionate vulture. Twenty minutes after that, Idia would come in, sit in the chair, and exude such concentrated grief that you were at a loss for what to do beyond asking if he wanted to talk about it, to which he would shake his head and simply resume sitting there, tapping away at his screens until the next panicked flurry of activity every time you made a unhealthy noise.
"You are allowed to go home. I'm not going anywhere, and I'm much better than I was."
He just shook his head.
"I will come get you if something happens," Mal offered.
More head shaking, and a "no" from his tablet, before adding, "Never again."
"I'll call Ortho and make him tag you out."
"I said no. And Ortho is with Lilia."
Lilia, small, beloved pest, has what you like to think of as a compulsive need to parent. He was god knows how old, had raised at least three of your classmates that you know of, and seemed to consider you his newest fledgling. After hearing about what happened, he'd taken it into his own hands to fix Ramshackle to... well, not OSHA compliance, but you wouldn't be cold.
"Does he know how much I appreciate it? Appreciate all of you, really?"
"Of course he does. He loves talking about you. He wears that shirt you made all the time."
"Which one? I've made him seven so far."
"When do I get one?"
"When they make T shirts that'll fit over your horns." Something drooped in the corner of your eye, and you looked over to see Idia shaking himself upright. "Hey, babe. When was the last time you slept?"
He took an embarrassingly long time to lie through his teeth and say "Last night" through his tablet.
"Yeah, no. Get over here." You took a moment to drag Mal's hand down before he could just do a sleeping spell, or something equally well meaning but deeply inappropriate.
You held your arms out until he couldn't resist, and soon you'd arranged his head on your chest.
"You hear anything more sloshing around in there?"
He shook his head.
"I am on the mend. I... don't really know what happened before. And I sure as hell don't know what you did to get him back. But I'm not going anywhere. So rest." 
He gave a faint nod.
"I will wake you, if need be?"
To both yours and Mal's surprise, Idia answered him with a pat on his leg.
"Thank you."
Idia was already asleep.
"Do you know what 'cyanosis' is?" You’d been stroking Idia's head for hours. Or minutes. Time flies, and you could not tell the difference.
"Not immediately, no."
"It's caused by a few different things. Hypoxia, hypothermia, that sort of thing. The blood in you doesn't have enough oxygen. So little that, instead of red, parts of your body turn blue or grey due to the lack of oxygen."
"I see." He looked intently, much as you did, at Idia's greyish nails and blue lips. "That doesn't seem survivable."
"Not if it's severe, no." The flames from Idia's head curled around your fingers, grasping at you even when he's not aware of it. "It's not something you see on someone as... lively as him. It's something I think about a lot. Whether it's to do with his magic, or that curse he won't elaborate on."
"I've heard rumours."
"The Shroud family curse. Nothing concrete, for an origin. Madness, misfortune, and illness have plagued the family throughout history. Add in a trend of cousin marriage beyond the norm for upper-class families due to people not wanting to subject their loved ones to a cursed bloodline, and the tree is more of an notorious, ingrown shrub."
"That just sounds like shitty genetics and what happens to every family as the years go on, not a curse."
Mal shrugged. "is there a difference? Even in the sleeping curse my grandmother bestowed so easily, much of the power came for the fear of it. A girl grew up without her family because of the fear of it."
"True." You leaned down and kissed the top of Idia's head, feeling an unconscious smile as you did. "There must be a little hereditary something. He gets so anxious about this beautiful hair! He hates people looking at him, and he doesn't even realize it's because he's the most beautiful thing in any room he walks in."
"Thing?" Mal raised an amused eyebrow.
"Even the finest art in a museum doesn't have the benefit of being actually alive."
"Your capacity for love and beauty is enviable. Hunt would be jealous." He reached out and brushed a stray lock away from Idia's face, and you could feel another smile against your chest.
"Aight, so we've patched up holes in the walls, insulated the windows - Idia here," Lilia clapped Idia on the small of his back, causing him to make a distressed squeak - "smart boy, found some solar panels and we've got electricity up in your room, the kitchen and the bathroom by your room, not just the front room anymore! The rest we got the ghosts to help seal off to hold the heat in. I got you a space heater for your room, so you don't have to do a fire the whole time, and as long as you don't open the windows back up before spring, you won't freeze."
"Thanks, guys. One question."
"What did you do to my room."
Lilia smiled. "I don't know what you're talking about."
"You're a walking prank and can't keep out of there, what did you do."
"Nothing this time! I promise!" He held his hands up. "At least you can stay home for the next few days, Crewel says you gotta be back Monday or he's going to start making funeral prep."
"I'm literally better, but if he does that I get to help. Always wanted to plan my funeral, I have very specific ideas about what flowers to use and preferred corpse disposal."
"Maybe you should go upstairs and not talk about funerals and their associated things."
"Sure thing, dear."
After settling in your room, most everyone cleared out, even Idia. The only person still there was Jack, looking this way and that with a stern look.
"Hey, Jack?"
He grunted in assent.
"So like, why'd you put me up and help take care of me? We've hardly talked before then."
He sighed. "You've been very nice to me."
"You sure? I'd remember you."
It was a beautiful day, if chilly in the wind. The sun was warm, the trees turning, and you just came across one of your best friends.
"Hi buddy! Are you lost today?"
The very large dog shook it's head and pressed into your knees.
"Okay, you wanna walk with me? Come on."
You'd found this enormous white Malamute wandering campus the first time a few months ago, and after checking in with a few other students who kept laughing when you asked if he was their dog, simply decided to enjoy your new friend and run and play. He was very smart, and initially standoffish, but could not resist a friendly face and good ear scritches. Today, you and Buddy here simply ran around like a couple of idiots after a lost soccer ball until it was time to go eat.
"I'll see you later, buddy. Bye!" You held out a hand, and after a firm shake, kissed the point where his snout met the rest of his face. "Stay safe, I love you."
Buddy made a low grumble and rubbed his paws over his face, and you went off to supper.
"You couldn't have told me?"
"How do you explain that? 'Hey, I run around as a wolf sometimes and you mistook me for a lost dog so you lovebombed me and I was at a loss and by the second time it was too awkward to say anything'?"
"I've been playing with you for months! I let you run with Crewel's dalmatians!"
"I run with them as a person, too, that's nothing special."
You pinched your nose. "Everyone must think I'm an idiot."
"I'll deal with them. I'm sorry, Yuu."
"I know. You are my good boy, after all."
His tail started wagging in spite of itself, and you laughed.
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atinydise · 4 years
Ateez reacting to their s/o’s friend flirting with them
❦ Genre: Fluff.
❦ Pairing: OT8.
❦ Word count: 15k.
❦ Requested: Yes, thank you! 🦋 
❦ Masterlist.
❦ Warning: ⚠️ The friend’s name used here are not related to an Kpop Idol or Korean public figure. This was just inspiration.
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You invited your friend Seungyeon for a girl’s night. Because of your work and studies, you didn’t have enough time to spend some time with the first friend you’ve made when you came to Korea. As always, it would be a good and chill sleepover. You would order pizzas from your favorite restaurant and gossip in front of a movie. So cliché. You were about to talk about Seungyeon’s crush when you saw Hongjoong entering the apartment. “Oh? Am I ruining something?” He asked, scratching his head a bit embarrassed.
You stood up to greet your boyfriend. “Hello Sir!” You kissed his cheek. “I forgot to tell you I was with Seungyeon tonight.” “Ah,” he bowed politely toward her. “Nice to meet you.” “Oh, really grateful to meet you too,” she smirked. “Maybe I should come back tomorrow?” Your friend walked quickly between both of you and pulled Hongjoong by his arm. “No! Just sit down so we can talk with you.” Hongjoong chuckled a bit, visibly embarrassed but accepted and sat down next to Seungyeon. For the rest of the night, you noticed that your supposed friend was too touchy with your boyfriend. She was asking him a bunch of questions, erasing you from the conversation. Hongjoong tried few times to interact with you, but in vain. She was always there, getting his attention back. You understood that she was flirting with him. And in front of you. “Well I think you should leave,” said Hongjoong standing up, arms crossed on his chest. “What? The party just started.”She replied. “It’s better if we stop here.” “What? Why?” You scoffed, “you’re flirting with my boyfriend in front of me and you are asking why?” Hongjoong stood up in front of you, knowing that you could beat her ass without hesitation. “I’m not flirting. I’m just trying to be nice.” “You better leave now.” Advised Hongjoong. Seungyeon grabbed her stuff back, clearly scared of the deadly stare she felt on her. In a matter of time, she left. “Babe...” you started. “I can’t believe you didn’t beat her ass earlier.” He claimed an angelic look on his face.
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You were chilling with your friend and your boyfriend. You were not really close to Minah but you were a bit stressed. It was the first time she met your boyfriend and she was known to be a bit rude with men. But unexpectedly, she was kind of nice and joyful today. “So Hwa,” she started. “How it feels to be an idol?” “Hwa?” He raised his eyebrow. “It’s exactly how Y/N is calling me.” You smiled a bit at his comment. “But it’s exceptional. I really like being an idol and stuff.” He simply replied. “Yes it might be really exciting.” She winked. You didn’t notice that she was clearly hitting on your boyfriend and just in front of you. You just thought that she was acting nice even polite. “So... what’s your plan for tonight?” “Hum... this is not really defined but maybe chill at the dorm.” You replied, looking at Seonghwa. “Good idea, I’m tired and a good movie will help me to relax.” “Oh I kn-” you started. “You know what is good for relaxation? Massage!” She snapped. “And lucky for you I’m good at giving massage!” “What about ordering Chinese food too?” He ignored her. “Huh yes sure.” You answered a bit lost. “Y/N? Can you grab another coffee for me? An expresso.” Asked Minah, handing some cash. “Sure. Sugar?” “Nop, thank you love.” Just when you went to the queue, Seonghwa stared intensely at your friend. “Why are you looking at me like that?” She smiled. “Do you think it’s a good idea to flirt with your friend’s boyfriend?” He asked straight. “Oh come on... you are even not really into her.” She rolled her eyes. “When Y/N was talking about you I never thought you would be so mean and selfish.” “You have a strange way to confess Park Seonghwa.” “Listen.” He sat up correctly. “I don’t like you. Friendly or lovingly. Nothing will happen between us because I’m with Y/N and I’m in love with her. And her only.” He explained seriously just before you came back. “Here’s your order princess.” You said, sitting back on your chair. “What did I miss?” “Nothing special,” smiled Seonghwa. “I was just saying how much we are lucky to have you.”
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Yunho was meeting your closest friend Ahin today. You met her randomly at a party. Both of you were bored so you ended talking the whole night together. After that, you ended seeing each other a lot. You talked about her with Yunho, almost every day: “Ahin this”, “Ahin that”. Your boyfriend was probably done hearing this the whole day, but he just accepted it and nodded at each gossip. When he told you that they should meet-up one day, you were so excited. So, you planned a good moment with your favorite people. “Ahin!” You stood up, waving to your friend who entered the cafe. She waved back at you and rushed to the table. “Hello Yunho!” She greeted your boyfriend. “Y/N talked a lot about you!” “Same for you,” replied Yunho, smiling widely. “Oh really? I hope she only said good things!” She claimed, sitting in front of you. “Of course.” He giggled. “She told me that you went to a famous university in France.” “Yes, for 3 years.” She answered. “I think you would like Paris, it’s pretty cool!” “I went there for our world tour. It’s beautiful!” He smiled again. “I really want to visit Europe. I heard so many good things about it.” You added, entering the conversation. “I hope I can be your guide one day.” She pushed his arm lightly. You stared at your boyfriend for a sec. He made a head sign, telling you that he ignored how to act. “Ahin, do you have any news about your boyfriend?” You asked, trying to stop this weird interaction. “We broke up.” She simply replied before sipping her ice americano. “Too different.” She shrugged. “I need someone who can understand me.” The look she gave to Yunho was really sensual. Too much for your liking. “Are you really flirting with me right now?” He asked, before you could ask the same question. She almost chocked with her drink. “I’m just nice.” “Friends my ass.” You stood up, grabbing your bag. “Let’s go babe.” You smiled at Yunho, following you. Your boyfriend didn’t hesitate a second and grabbed your hand. “Bye Ahin! This wasn’t a pleasure to meet you!”
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Yeosang and you were enjoying a nice date at the Han River. It was a bit cold outside, but the atmosphere was so chill that you forgot your shaky hands. You were talking about your week and his. Nothing special happened this time but you like to know these insificants things about each other. “I went to the theater with Jingi. It was pretty cool.” “Are you sure this girl is what she seems to be? I don’t really like her.” He stated. “You never saw her babe. Just give her a chance.” You rolled your eyes. “You know that my instinct is never wrong Y/N.” “Bla bla bla,” you added. “Jingi is not the type of girl that you think she is.” “Are you sure about that?” “Yes!” “Okay then.” This conversation with Yeosang made you a bit confused. Since you started to date, he was always right about people. He has like a 6th sense or something like that. But Jingi was your friend and you know her too well. She’s not the hypocrite type or something. “Y/N!” Both of you stared at the girl calling you from the grass area. “Oh Jingi!” You smiled. You pulled your boyfriend with you. “What are you doing here?” You asked, happy to see your friend. “Just chilling a bit! You know how I like cold weather.” She replied. Yeosang stayed there, standing next to you, completely quiet. “You must be Yeosang?” She smiled, standing up. “Yes,” he bowed politely but still looking for any hints of her behavior. “Nice to meet you.” She winked. You didn’t say anything, but you saw the wink. Okay you never saw her do something like this with other people, but it might be because he’s your boyfriend. “Same,” he simply said. “Well, you are not the talkative type obviously.” She claimed. “Depends with who.” “You can talk with me, I’m nice.” She whispered. “How was your day, I didn’t have enough time to text you today.” You cut the conversation. “Pretty boring but your company made my day.” She said. “Yeosang you should have come a sooner with Y/N.” Yeosang turned around, ignoring her comment. “See I was right.” “Yes, you were...” you rolled your eyes, heading to your precious way. “Where are you going?” Asked Jingi. “Far away from your toxicity!” You screamed back, middle finger in the air.
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Your American friend: Ashley, was visiting South Korea for a week. You were so happy to see her again. She wanted to see most of the touristic places. You thought that it was a good thing to bring your boyfriend. Firstly, you are always together when he has free time and secondly it would be cool since San wants to learn English. He’s pretty fluent but not enough good for his liking. “I can’t wait for you to meet her!” You clapped enthusiastically. “Me too! She looks so cool!” “She might be shy at first but when she will know you better, it’s going to be chaotic.” You giggled in advance. 30 minutes later, Ashley knocked at your door. You were so happy to see each other that you were talking really loudly. San needed to step away sometimes and avoid your giggles. The dinner went really well. Ashley was more and more comfortable with San. You were happy because she praised his English skills a lot. “No you are really really good!” She insisted, sipping her beer again. “Thank you,” he smiled shyly. “I love your eyes when you smile!” She complimented him. “Ah?” “Even all of your face features.” She added. You thought it was a bit too much but it’s okay, she just tried to be nice or warm. “What is your type of girl?” “Huh...” San glanced at you, trying to get your help. “I think he doesn’t have a real type. Just feelings and personality you know.” You answered. “But my eyes are only on Y/N.” He added. “Like really on her.” He insisted. “Yes yes. I got it but what if you weren’t dating Y/N?” Asked Ashley, smirking. “Are you flirting with me?” He asked, a bit confused. “N-no.” “Yes you are.” You crossed your arms on your chest. “I saw how you looked him the whole day. Your hands on him. And this.” You enumerated. “I was doubting but now it’s more than clear.” “I think you should leave.” said San. It was the last time you saw Ashley. She tried to send letters and to get you back but in vain. We don’t mess with you and San.
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You were walking behind your boyfriend and friend, Soyeon. Soyeon is your longtime friend. You met at high school and you were kind of inseparable. Until you met Mingi. Not to be so cliché or kitschy but it was like a love at first sight. You were a bit anxious at first, maybe your friend would feel alone but not at all. She was really happy for you and you know she was honest. When you got graduated, you lost contact with her. You went to a different school and your schedule was so tight, it was hard to meet her or even Mingi. But you randomly met at the supermarket and talked again. Like before. You noticed she changed a lot. She seemed more confident and sexier but who are you to judge her. But this is not the only thing you spotted. Soyeon was touchier or kind with Mingi. “Mingi you are taller than before! What did you eat?” Giggled your longtime friend, stroking Mingi’s arm. “Almost nothing I was on diet when I was a trainee.” He giggled. “Wow. Then it’s a miracle.” She giggled. You were looking at the scene in front of you. Mingi has completely no idea that Soyeon was flirting or inciting a lovely interaction. But you were not stupid. “I wish my boyfriend was tall as you, I find this really attractive!” She added. You rolled your eyes. She was definitely not the girl you knew before. “I think there’s a plenty of tall guys in this city.” “Yes, but tall and awesome... don’t think so.” She giggled. “Okay,” you grunted. “Mingi we should go Huh?” “Already? At thought we needed to-” “Yes now.” He insisted. “Come on Y/N, we just-” “I won’t let you flirt with my boyfriend.” You raised a brow. “If you think I’m still naive, you are wrong.” “You made me uncomfortable…” interposed Mingi. “Huh okay?” He replied. “It was nice to meet you.” he bowed politely. “No, you are not babe.” You declared, giving her a dead stare.
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Wooyoung loves to be the attention center. He loves to talk with people who likes him. Being an idol is the perfect career for him, you always said. You never said a thing about this. You only teased him few times, but this wasn’t a big deal. But today, it was. Aeung your closest friend, came to your apartment to give you a late gift for your birthday. It wasn’t the first time Wooyoung and her met. She was always talkative with him and praising him a lot about his performance. You were happy they went along so well but every time they met, her behavior changed a bit. You talked about that with your boyfriend. But he clearly said that you were wrong and that she was just friendly. Of course, he wouldn’t say anything since he loves how she acts with him. Especially like today. “Wooyoung!” She screamed. You clenched your fist when you heard her using her cute voice. “I saw your performance yesterday!” “Ah really?” He smiled. “Yes I had enough time so I went to the building! » “Oh! You were in the crowd?” He clapped. “Yes! Almost front row!” You rolled your eyes. “You should have told me! I would give you a signed album or something.” He said nicely. “You are too nice Wooyoung!” She giggled. “Should I leave you alone?” You asked, pointing at the door frame. “What’s wrong Y/N?” Asked Aeung. Wooyoung was looking at you. You saw in his eyes that he felt bad for you. He enjoyed all of her compliments, but you were there just listening and boiling inside. “I thought we were good friend, but friends don’t make these kinds of things.” You added. “Y/N is right. I think it’s better if we don’t see you anymore.” He said, smiling right at you. “Come on… I’m just nice.” She rolled her eyes. “I thought you were but obviously I was wrong. You shouldn’t do that to your friend.” “I don’t have any lesson to take from you.” She grunted before leaving. She was pissed. You know it, because she had this vein on her forehead. You were sad to lose a friend, but it was the right thing to do. “I’m sorry babe. Let me offer you a good meal.” He smiled at you. “You always know how to comfort me.” You replied.
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“Hum... why not? I mean she would like to spend a whole day at the mall.” You said. You were helping your friend to organize the perfect birthday for her sister. “Do you think we should buy something for her birthday?” Asked Hina. “Definitely!” You replied enthusiastically. “She’s always asking us to not spend our money on gift but we both now that she looooves it.” Jongho entered the living-room. “Hello young ladies.” He greeted both of you, kissing your cheek. “Morning babe.” You greeted him back. “What are you doing so early?” “Where is my kiss Jongho?” Asked Hina. Jongho chuckled a bit, embarrassed. “We are planning a good shopping day for Hina’s sister. She’s 18 and now deserves a really good wardrobe.” You explained. “So cliché,” he coughed. “Why not doing something more... manly too?” “I don’t know what you call ‘manly’ but after that we planned a bowling and a laser game.” “Do you want to come with us Jongho?” Asked your friend. “I really want to try Laser game with you.” “Ah,” he only replied. He walked out slowly of the room but made a sign for you to join him in the hallway. You excused yourself toward your friend and went back to your boyfriend. “What’s going on?” You asked. “Your friend is flirting with me.” You bit your lip, “I was not sure about that. I thought I was being jealous again.” “Come on Y/N... even a blind man could see it.” “But she’s my friend, she would never do this.” “Just ask her to leave or to calm down... I’m uncomfortable.” He scratched his head. You went back to your friend to have a serious conversation. You explained that you felt like she was flirting with your boyfriend. At first, everything was calm and mature. But you ignored how you ended with your hands in her hair, pulling her outside of your living-room. Jongho was trying to stop you but he was kind of scared to see you this mad. “Just get out and never come back here otherwise it’s not your hair that I will pull away!” You yelled at her before closing the entrance door. “That was… something.” Whispered Jongho, not daring to say anything.
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arsenic-posts-shit · 4 years
Petrichor (n): a pleasant smell that frequently accompanies the first rain after a long period of warm, dry weather.
Hi everyone! I’m back in business!! I won’t be posting frequently because I’m trying not to have another huge burnout like last time, and I haven’t had many ideas lately... I’m working on the 3rd part of Golden Hours right now! I have to rewrite it entirely. But until then, I’m going to post this, which was inspired by “Umbrella” by Ember Island. Also tell me if I made any mistakes with pronouns. Enjoy!
f/e: favorite tea, f/d: favorite donut, e/c: eye color, h/c: hair color
-+The rain poured down on the roof of the coffee shop that the two were in. The pair was outside, enjoying their respected drinks and snacks, but once it started to sprinkle they quickly retreated to the indoor seating. Y/N shook the water droplets out of their hair as the the two stepped inside.
“Christ that came fast!” Y/N sighed loudly. “I didn’t even know it was supposed to rain, I would’ve brought a coat!” Their body shuddered as they clutched their arms. Of course, Y/N had decided to pick a very light outfit that day. Mondo frowned, sighing as he rang out his hair the best he could without ruining it too much. Though it was already falling apart, so there was hardly a point anymore.
“I did tell you it was going to rain.”
“Yeah, well I didn’t believe you! You’re not a weatherman.” Y/N pouted. “You’re normally the wrong one. Plus it was super nice out, minus the clouds.” They usually liked it cloudier anyway, and a little rain, but this was a little excessive. If it wasn’t summer you’d think it was hail. Y/N sauntered up to the side of the counter where you’d return your tea cups. Dumping out the rest of the now ruined cup of f/t, they placed it next to all the other empty cups. Y/N somberly returned to Mondo’s side. “Did you save the donuts?” Mondo held out his empty hand. A defeated groan escaped Y/N’s lips.
“Hey, at least we got a couple in our system.” Mondo smiled half heartedly. Y/N nodded, somber about the lost donuts.
“Yeah, at least.” The two sat down at an empty booth, attempting to wait out the rain. Mondo had actually come prepared, wearing a brown jacket and jeans, so he was doing much better than Y/N. Y/N turned their head out to the window, watching the aggressive rain hit the ground and roofs. Mondo turned his head to watch as well.
“It’s not supposed to end for a couple hours.” Y/N stayed silent for a few minutes. The smell of coffee and sweet filled the pair’s nostrils, along with the very faint scent of the rain that remained absorbed into them. The male stood up and retreated. Y/N did not look where.
A couple minutes later, he returned with a second cup and 2 donuts wrapped in a napkin. One f/d and one with chocolate glaze on top. Y/N gave a soft smile and gently took the f/d one from Mondo, careful to not touch the donut itself. The two ate and watched the rain for a few minutes in silence. Y/N slowly began to zone out, wondering if this would be considered a date. Not like it mattered, they had thought. This is fun. But even so they felt a bit curious, and a part of them wished it was. Once they finished their donuts, Y/N slipped out of the booth.
“Race you back to the dorms?” Mondo looked up from his seat, his eyes widening.
“Are you serious? You’re gonna slip and die out there, or catch a cold.” Y/N shrugged, smiling. A small, mischievous glimmer was eminent in their eyes.
“At least I had fun before I died.” His eyebrows furrowed angrily, glaring daggers into them. Y/N laughed, mustering out a quiet ‘what??’. Mondo sighed. He slipped out of the deep brown seat and stood next to them at the glass doors. The streets were empty, not even any cars around. It was around 4pm, so people wouldn’t really be out until 5-6ish, making their ways home if they weren’t already there. The two began to count in unison.
The two glass doors were shoved open, Y/N quickly getting ahead of Mondo, her boots slamming against the cold, wet ground. Water kicked up everywhere around them. Mondo, however, caught up quick and, carefully, shoved Y/N to the side. They laughed and shoved him back. They ducked under his next swing and slid down the sidewalk, picking up speed with the water. But their laughter died fast as they tripped on the drop of the sidewalk into the road, falling thankfully, palms first. Y/N released a loud curse, hands scraping across the ground as they flopped sadly onto their stomach, face landing in a puddle. Mondo slowed to a stop behind them.
“Hey, you okay?” He held out his palm, holding in laughter. Y/N looked up at him, and smirked.
“You jerk, this isn’t funny!”
“It totally is.” They both laughed, their boisterous sounds echoing through the empty, dim lit streets. Mondo helped them out of the soaked road, checking their palms.
“Christ, Dad-” Y/N exaggerated, rolling their eyes, “I’m fine, seriously.” Mondo snickered.
“Sorry, just thought I’d check. You do get hurt easy.” Y/N’s jaw dropped, clearly mocking offense. They smacked his chest, mumbling about how he was a jerk, which obviously made him crack up laughing. The two continued to walk across the street and back onto the sidewalk, where they slowly began to notice their gorgeous surroundings. It was gradually getting dark now, both from the fog and the time passing. Water droplets fell down the foggy store windows and there was dew on the flowers and plants they’d occasionally pass by. It also smelt amazing, since it hadn’t rained in a while. It was so fresh...calming, and beautiful. The petrichor made the moment that much better. Though, it was absolutely freezing. The two students were both absolutely drenched. The rain had slowed down by now, but it definitely wasn’t stopping anytime soon. They agreed that they could call the race a tie, after a few minutes of back and forth arguing about it, and decided to just admire their surroundings. Mondo’s eyes glanced over at his best friend. Their eyes shined in the rain, their hair a strewn and soaked mess. Thankfully they didn’t look injured from the fall, but...they were clearly shivering pretty bad. He rolled his eyes, internally groaning. If only Y/N had listened…
Even so, he removed his jacket and gently placed it over them. It was also soaked, but still gave a bit of warmth compared to their hardly covered form. Y/N looked over and gave him a small smile.
“Thank you.” Mondo grinned back, ruffling Y/N’s already destroyed hair. His pompadour had finally fallen out and blocked most of his sight. He slicked it back, blowing a stray strand out of his eyes.
“Fuckin’ hair. Sucks being this long.” Y/N shook their head.
“It sucks to take care of, but you look good,” Their arm rose to wipe their own face with his jacket sleeve. “Plus I don’t think you’d look very good with short hair. Maybe if you slicked it back.”
“Yeah, but then I’d be a carbon copy of Daiya.” Y/N laughed, nodding.
“Very true.”
The rain pitter pattering around them slowly absorbed their words. Y/N focused on their feet and the reflections in the puddles on the ground, but Mondo focused on them. God did she look like a mess. But a really, really good looking mess. Their e/c and hair blended nicely with the cool colors of their surroundings. His eyes twinkled as he took in their features. Even what they thought were flaws, like their small bit of acne or their rolls or their skin. They all were so… them. He couldn’t really explain it, but he really liked them for who they were. He was sure of that.
“Thank you.” Y/N looked up at him, confused.
“For what?” Their smile was awkward as Y/N slightly tilted their head, the clumped wet hair on their head falling to the right side of their face with a quiet splat. Mondo held in a laugh.
“For coming out here with me. Going on a date with me.” Y/N’s eyes widened, looking shocked. He quickly realized his mistake. “Shit, sorry, I never really asked you out, huh? I dunno this just really felt like a date to me and I-”
“It’s okay,” They interrupted. Mondo stopped, his mouth shutting. He probably looked like an idiot deer in the headlights. Y/N snickered, a small smile shining on their shadowed face, the rain rolling off her. “You can call this a date. I sort of thought the same thing.” Y/N paused.
“...I had a lot of fun too. I always have fun when I’m with you, Mondo.” Mondo huffed, smirking. Of course they do, he thought. I’m super cool.
He was really glad they had fun. And a thought crossed his mind… Did he finally get somewhere with them? He quickly snapped out of it when Y/N spoke.
“Sorry...say that again?” Y/N looked up at him, stopping walking. He did as well, anticipation sending more chills through his already cool body. Y/N smiled.
“Would you want to do something like this again?”
“That was supposed to be my line.”
“Should’ve said it sooner, dork.”
“.....” He sighed, but slowly smiled, the corner of his eyes creasing. He felt warmth in his chest. It helped him fight the cold, even for just a minute. “Yeah, obviously.”
They both discovered they had a cold by the time they had gotten home. But oh well, it was worth it. Since now, they’d be going out again soon. ...Right after they recovered. Gross.+-
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yandere-mha-blog · 3 years
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Chapter 3: Getting interesting
Words: 2176
You sat alone at your desk that day, looking over at Fumiko who saw you looking knowing that you knew that she was looking at you, and quickly turned her head, she must have felt ashamed about how everything was handled. You were paying attention like usual when you overheard some girls talking.
“So did you hear that Akio got put in the hospital by the nighthawk.” one said
“Really, you would think the heroes would have caught him by now.” the other one said, you had to hold your tongue saying how Akio was actually a bastard and had it coming that night, still then people would talk about you and your involvement and right now you had to finish school, four years of this wasn't about to be flushed down the drain because you were interested in this so-called villain, still it brought up a lot of questions now, how many of these attacks were actually prompted, what other tricks was he able to pull off.
You left your last class around 9 at night, night classes always sucked but what else could you do as you kept walking down the pavement only to see something bright red catch your eye. You stopped to make sure your eyes weren't playing tricks on you as you saw the red feather laying on the ground the other way, was this another “gift” of his?
Curiosity may have killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back, so you went over to the feather and it moved down the street, was he playing with you, it was either follow the feather or go home and do more boring work. So you followed the feather to satisfy your curiosity as you went down the street. What exactly was he doing as the feather stopped outside a public park? It was empty or so you thought as you picked up the feather and walked in.
“I believe you dropped this,” you said looking up in a tree to see him with his foot dangling down
“Oh is that where I left it, you are doing me a big favor by bringing it here,” he said as the feather flew out of your hand and attached back to his wings
“I know you can control them, so what is this about?” you asked
“What about it, I am just chilling in a tree.” he said, “you are the one who followed my feather-like a baby duck following its mother.” “I am not a baby duck.” you said “Why do you keep leaving them for me to find?”
“Because...we are both birds,” he said
“You have to be kidding me, I'm not a bird,” you said
“Sure you are, you got them sharp talons, you can do some serious damage to someone if you wanted, is that why you want to become a doctor.”
“Excuse me, how do you know that?” you said
“I can also hear through my feathers you know.” he said “And see, like how a dolphin has echolocation.” “More like a platypus and it's bill,” you said
“Hahah true, true.” he said “When you sliced open my feather oh so rudely the other day, I was also able to see all your textbooks.” He said stretching his wings out “is why you want to become a doctor, because it's the only way you can cut people open without being labeled violent.”
“...” you were silent as one of his bigger feathers nudge your face
“You can tell me.” he said “I am not one to judge here, you know.”
“Why are you so interested in that?” you asked
“Tell you what, you tell me the truth and ill tell you something interesting about my glorious self,” he said
“Okay fine, you got me okay, I don't know what it is but as a child I would find dead animals and just want to use my talons to study them more, I was curious about it,” you said
“Well birds gotta fly, you gotta do that.” Hawks said, “So did your parents find out.”
“They did, they sent me to therapy and I suppressed it, till well I was doing dissection in class and well old habits die hard I guess,” you said
“You are telling me.” Hawks said, patting your head with one of his wings “So then what happened?” “I got sent to the school therapist, again, and she told me my curiosity was good but wasn't being used the right way and that there are other ways to learn about stuff and maybe biology was my passion, but using a scalpel can only go so far.”
“I get that like I can fly a plane, but it isn't anything like using my wings.” Hawks said, “Now my turn, hm let's see what can I tell you.”
“Why are you a villain?” you asked
“I don't like people telling me what to do, I like to do what I want on my terms.” He said, “I can't exactly do that if someone has their hands on my wings.”
“So you don't see yourself as a villain?” you asked
“Not really, the Hero public safety commission has been trying to get their hands on me since I was a child, maybe that's why I;m able to be better than most trained heroes.”
“Really now,” you said, so that's why they were so adamant about catching him.
“Haha, they won't ever catch me.” Hawks said “Anyway, I think you need to stop suppressing your quirk. When I saw you use your quirk on that guy who attacked you, you got scared after using your quirk on him.”
“I was mostly angry at him, why did you go after him?” you asked
“It's what I do, I see someone hurting someone else. I don't care if they are a hero, villain, or civilian.” “Well right now you are the only one who is on my side,” you said kicking the ground
“Funny, I feel the same way about you.” He said with a smile, you laughed a bit
“YOu aren't anything like I expected.” you said “I read so many news stories about how you were some evil killer villain, yet here you are having a full conversation with a civilian.”
“Hahah it's kinda funny when you think about it, you get bored easily huh?”
“I do and I hate it.” you said swinging your arms out “I mean each day something over and over again, learning stuff I already know just so I can satisfy my quirk.”
“Well if you got talons use them, you don't see me not using my wings.” he laughed with you “Still you should enjoy your boredom when you can.” “Haha I’ll try, thanks hawks I feel better,” you said
“I feel better too, when you are running from the law you don't have time to sit back and talk much, most people run away screaming.” “Hmm wonder where they would get that idea from,” you said
“Haha yeah wonder where.” Hawks said before his laughter died down. “Still it's getting late. You should head back to your dorm and enjoy a nice cup of tea.”
“I will, thanks for talking to me, you think we will talk again?” you asked
“Maybe if our paths cross again,” he said standing up in the tree
“What does that mean?” you asked, he just tilted his head before smiling, and in the blink of an eye, he was gone only with a gust of wind left in your face.
Maybe it was the fact you were smiling all day the next day that Fumiko was getting worried about you since at lunch she walked over
“Hey…(name) can we talk?” she asked
“Sure,” you said
“Well, Akio is getting out of the hospital and I would like if we can all talk this out,” she said
“Fine, I'll 'talk 'to him,” you said, wanting to see his face and maybe giving him a couple of good slaps.
“Great, I'm glad we can all sweep this under the rug,” she said, no you were not going to sweep this under the rug, what delusional world was she living in.
Still, you went with her to the hospital to see this man again, you and her went into his hospital room and he was slashed up, good you thought.
“Hey Akio how are you feeling?” she asked
“I'm doing good, thanks,” he said
“That's too bad,” you said crossing your arms
“(name) Akio is recovering can’t you try to forgive him?” she asked
“Forgive him, after what he tried to pull,” you said
“Hey, I was drunk. I didn't know what I was doing.” he said.'' Besides, didn't pay the price, I almost died.” you rolled your eyes
“Oh please if the Nighthawk wanted you dead you would be dead.” you said “I let me tell you i will never forgive you, oh you were drunk, you seem sober enough to try to get me home, to walk out of the bar without stumbling, the only reason I'm not taking this to the police is that I know shit bags like you get off with this every time.”
“Hey I was just trying to be nice!” he said, ” Hey Fumiko I thought you said you were here to smooth things over.”
“That's what I thought.” Fumiko said “Hasn't he suffered enough?
“No,” you said, “and if I see you come near me on campus again, you will wish the NIghthawk killed you.”
“(NAME)!” she yelled at you grabbing your arm, you brushed her off
“You are just as bad as he is,” you said and stomped out you got your message across by slamming the door.
You had better things to do anyways like reviewing your notes, you were getting bored again as you tapped your pencil on your desk.
Hawks on the other hand had just got done stopping a purse snatcher, where were the heroes anyway he thought that there should be more around this time as he reattached one of his bigger Primarie feathers, his work still wasn’t done for the night crime never slept there was always something going on somewhere. But he was getting hungry so he might as well grab something to eat as he landed in an alleyway and hid his wings and put his jacket over and walked into a convenient store to grab a bite.
“Is that all?” he asked
“Yup.” Hawks said
“Okay your total is 580 yen,” he said, hawks took out his coin pouch and paid the man, before leaving, convenience store food was easy to get and rather cheap but he was worried he was gonna gain a gut at this point, with his wings he wouldn't have anything hindering his flight ability, he wondered how miss talons were doing right now, maybe he would stop by for a visit.
You were about to pass out at your desk when you heard a tapping at your window, you looked over and saw Hawks hanging upside down tapping at your window. You walked over and opened the door.
“Oh so our paths do meet again it seems,” you said
“You know it chickadee,” he said. “Man convenience store food is good and all but it's so greasy.”
“How do you pay for that?” you asked
“I take money off the people I beat up.” Hawks said, “You look like you are in a bad mood?”
“I am,” you said
“What's got you under the weather?”Hawks asked
“Akio is getting out of the hospital and everyone is telling me to forgive him when I'm not.” You said
“Ahh well if it makes you feel better, I stole his wallet the other day.” Hawks said, you rolled your eyes
“I wish that made me feel better, I don't know why everyone is thinking I'm in the wrong here,” you said
“People are complicated, they don't like to believe someone they know is capable of doing dirty things.” Hawks said rubbing his chin “You can either let other people get you down when you are in the right, or you can know you are right and say screw em.”
“I say they screwed them.” you said “It feels nice to have someone on my side for once, this school sucks.”
“Why don't you leave, do something worth your time?” Hawks asked
“I...can’t,” you said
“OH, I see.” Hawks said, narrowing his eyes and flipping back up on the pole to his feet, “And here I thought you were different.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” you said getting a little upset with him
“Nothing, nothing, I just thought you were a woman who did stuff worth her time is all, it's sad to see you wasting your potential here.” Hawks said
“I'm not wasting-” you want to say but a large gust of wind hit your face again and you sighed, before slamming the window shut in anger, anger that you felt like he was right.
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jjpmoans · 4 years
jaebeom + college dorms + enemies-ish + funny angst
To All The J’s | iv. Jaebeom +  college dorms + enemies-ish
sdjsdjkndf i’m so excited to write this one let’s see what I can do! (alsoo sorry i didn’t include any college dorm....i’m sorry?)
warnings : it’s longggg
You see, life in college is always better than high school-- at least that’s what you think. College gives you another thrill and excitement and peacefulness that you will never get back in your high school. 
But of course one shall never be easily satisfied with their current situation because sooner or later, that peace destroyer will find you in no time.
In this case, your destroyer comes in a form of Lim Jaebeom.
“Hello miss, do you want some flower?” you stop in your track as a certain accent greets you, causing you to whip your head to the direction of where it comes from. 
“Oh my god, Jackson.” you clutch the clipboard, scared for a moment. It’s the college open day and you know you should not have been scared since it is predictable that outsiders are inside the campus too but you can trust no one at this point. “You scared me!”
“Ayy- why would you?” standing behind the pails of fresh flowers is Jackson the one and only salesperson at the booth. The flowers arrangement that decorates the whole booth are so pretty, you’re amazed at what have your dormitory mates arranged for the Open Day. The first time you heard about their suggestion to open a flower stall, no offense but you’ve been really skeptical about it.
“Where are the others?” Like you said, Jackson is the only one at the stall and there are approximately nine boys in your dormitory which is not a small number. Did they ditch Jackson to go have some fun? 
“Jaebeom went to get the fresh flowers from the florist, Jinyoung and Bambam went to get the list for delivery, Gyeom Youngjae and Mark are hawking around. That leaves me alone here.”
“Want some flowers?”
“Actually,” you carefully scan the flowers and as you’ve expected, there’s no sight of your favourite flower at the booth. It’s not surprising though, since it’s hard to bring them in and not a lot of people love it. “I do want one but I know you guys don’t have the flowers I prefer.”
"No tell me! What type of flower do you want ? It's on the house!" Jackson winks. "Just choose one."
“If everything is on the house, where does the profit comes in, Jackson?”  Jaebeom interrupts his offer, entering the booth with the fresh flowers he just got from the supplier. In his arms, there are fresh baby breath flowers ready for trimming and composition. You don’t turn to the voice that has just silent you, in fact you ignored him, fixing your eyes on Jackson instead. It has been a well known fact that you can’t be in the same room as Jaebeom. It’s highly likely one of you could get killed.
Meanwhile, knowing both of you too well, Jackson hisses at Jaebeom for interrupting his business. "You are ruining the mood." "It's lucky that these flowers hasn't wilt with the presence of a nature killer." you replies monotonously. It just doesn’t sit right with you to not be able to say anything. It’s in your blood. and your blood is burning with passion to say something mean. "It's even luckier that the flowers aren’t dead frozen with the presence of Artic queen in the booth," Jaebeom starts bringing out the flowers, carefully transferring it to the pail to be displayed. "What kind of flowers do you want?" Jackson quickly interferes. This whole booth could be on fire if your laser eyes keep shooting each other. You switch your vision back to Jackson. "The flower I want is not here." "Of course. We don't sell dead flowers." Comes the scoff. “Only fresh flowers. Though, I think there might be something that suits your dead soul.” You can feel the hair on your neck stands at the chill that creeps up your body, your hand forming a fist in order to stop yourself from screaming in the middle of fair. Oh the audacity of this man.
”Why I oughtta-” "Hey, hey. Listen to me. Ignore him. What flower do you want, sweetheart?" Jackson sighs as he thinks of ways to avoid an upcoming public mass murder. Is it possible to find a fire extinguisher here? He can feel both of you burning and soon enough one of you would probably explode. "I'll find it for you." You give in to Jackson’s request, wanting to get over this. Though you hated Jaebeom, you don’t want to let Jackson down. "Hmm. Do you have peony?" "Why do you have to request the only flower that we don't have? I’ll search the mountain for you if you ask for the Rafflesia,” Jackson shakes his head, exaggerating his disappointment. You have already known that they don’t have it that’s why you rejected his offer from the start.
However the genius Jackson never back up, snapping his fingers as the light bulb goes off in his head. "I know what can replace it." 
You watch him with your eyebrows lifted as he turns around to give instruction to Jaebeom at the back. "Jaebeom hyung. One red rose, full bloom, with baby's breath in a bouquet please. Wrap with white organza." He snaps his fingers. "Pink ribbon." 
The way he talks sounds exactly like a flower connoisseur that you’ve seen in movies, perhaps this is why their flower business gains a lot of attention. 
Jaebeom who has just finished arranging the fresh flowers turns around, staring incredulously at Jackson. "The I-Love-You ensemble?" The-what? "Jackson. I don't play with this kind of thing." Jackson on the other hand, gapes at the older guy with wide eyes. "You know the language of flower too?" "No biggie." “Then can you- oh hi!” Jackson is about to reply when a family stops by the booth, staring blanking at the type of flowers on display. Immediately Jackson changes, flashing his hundred watt smiles to greet the family. He turns to Jaebeom again, requesting, “Can you help to ensemble y/n’s bouquet for me?”
Jackson looks at you, dismissing himself. “I’ll get back to you later okay?”
You watch as Jackson helps the family to find their desired flower, naturally showing his charms. It’s no doubt that Jackson is a natural born salesperson. He could probably sold out a rather old fashioned boring stuff. It’s just in his blood. "Here." You shift your sight you sight to the single red rose which is a few millimeters away from swatting your nose. 
“Uhh.” Yugyeom stops in his track, together with Bambam next to him. Their vision are fixed to the sight in front on them, refusing to believe what had happened. "Is the weather too hot or am I hallucinating?"
“I don’t have any fever, do I?” Bambam checks his temperature, eyes unmoving. Joining them are Mark and Youngjae, both frozen in their track. 
“Wow this must have been the parallel universe.” Youngjae said.
“Damn Jaebeom. I thought he would never ask her out.”
"Flower?" Their gazes are still fixed to the transaction of flower that is happening in front of them. "Jaebeom?" "y/n?" "Single red rose?" "Full bloom?" "Olala," they say in unison. Jinyoung returns from his room with a list in his hand, relieved that the list is still there all along. However he bumps on Yugyeom, slightly annoyed of why the other four guys forming a line in the middle of his way. 
“What’s wrong with you guys? Seen any ghost?”
“This is much much bigger than seeing any ghost.” Yugyeom replies, the clipboard slipping from his hand. “I think the world is ending. “What-” Jinyoung turns his head to the booth, jaw dropping. “Fucking finally.” He then walks toward the booth, others trailing behind him like ducklings. It’s evident that both of you are in your own world, Jaebeom’s hand extended to give you your bouquet.
“Is it just me or love is in the air?” Yugyeom snickers, followed by Youngjae and Bambam, all of them teasing you with a smile. “Nice pick, Jaebeom hyung.”
“Do you want me to kill you?”Jaebeom glares.
“Or do you want to try my backhanded punch?” you offer. You know there were many eyes watching your interaction just now and you can’t help but feeling your cheeks turning hot. This is not supposed to turn this way. Yugyeom raises his hand to defend himself after getting death threats, "Hey. Action speaks louder than words okay." His grins is full of mischievous and tease. " And thats..a giga one to interpret." You don’t know what to do, instead you snatch the bouquet from Jaebeom, turning your heels away from the booth. You can’t stand there any longer, your face would probably explode from embarrassment.
What you don’t know is that Jaebeom is also being teased to death at the booth, silently accepting all the teasing the boys have thrown to him. 
“So, I Love You ensemble huh?” Jinyoung nudges him, grinning in triumph. 
Jaebeom laughs, shaking his head in return. “I gotta thank you for teaching me that ensemble one day.”
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To All The J’s Masterlist
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jjuzoir · 4 years
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Daily life at the Mankai Dorms [Act 1]!
A/N: another one that’s been on the folder this ones from like May this is embarrassing 💀 i never post imfhshde ALSO this takes place during act 1 so no Chikage (🤢) and no university for banju!
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- Izumi and Omi wake up at 5:40AM weekdays, Izumi showers first while Omi organizes the kitchen, making sure to prep the space so he can start cooking early for the members.
- By 6:10 the two are ready (showered and all) and starting to cook breakfast, soon they’re joined by Sakyo for a while before he goes to take a shower (he mostly pesters Izumi about schedules and money poor Izumi).
- At 6:15, on the dot not a second late, Tasuku leaves to go on his morning jogs and Tsumugi is already working on the garden, he likes giving his plants a schedule and plays them music (mostly classical (though sometimes Homare insists his CD’s be played)).
- A few minutes before breakfast is ready, the remaining Uni students (read: Kazunari and Tsuzuru) are sitting at the table watching the news or are on their phones, Kazu is updating his followers about his schedule and Tsuzuru is texting his brothers about the weather so they make sure to bring a coat.
- At exactly 6:40 Sakyo wakes up the high school and middle school students and chaos officially ensues.
- Masumi and Sayaka are the first two to shower, since they have to arrive at 7:50 and their school is notoriously strict when it comes to schedules.
- Sayaka goes first and Masumi goes second, they wake him up a bit earlier than the rest because he tends to fall asleep standing in the shower and he can and will push everyone back by an hour give or take
- Yuki is next, followed by Muku, they have to arrive at 8:20 but both enjoy having a head start since they sometimes walk to school instead of getting a lift from one of the older members.
- By 7:15 1/2 of the boys are ready and breakfast is served, Izumi and Sayaka start organizing the bags and lunches. Sayaka insists on leaving notes for the lunches for everyone, it’s very cute and at first Itaru was very against it but he warmed up to the idea the more it happened.
- Taichi makes a run for the bathroom and gets ready quickly, he does take some time with his hair but Sakyo pulls him by the ear to sit down and eat because if he didn’t he would spend the whole morning gelling his hair.
- Tenma goes in next, nothing much happens with him, he’s rather chill, yes he’ll make a mess but he’ll (try his best to) clean but overall; Tenma is a good bathroom user 20/20.
- Then, Banri strikes; he takes 20 minutes (when he’s feeling nice) to get ready because he knows Juza’s classes start earlier than his, Juza gets pissed and knocks the door open and pushes Banri (who’s probably been done for 10 minutes but stays in to piss everyone off) out- it happens almost everyday and Sakyo tried buying an alarm clock but it ended up breaking after Juza threw it at Banri’s head one morning.
- By then it’s 7:35 and Taichi, Juza, and Tenma leave- Izumi hands Juza a big lunch and snacks as a sorry gift for Banri since he often misses breakfast because of the other boy.
- During the whole chaos, Itaru wakes up and gets ready to leave for work, he crams himself in after Juza leaves the bathroom- Itaru either gives the middle schoolers or the Hanasaki students a lift (not really the others since Hanasaki and St. Flora is on the way to his work).
- Izumi and Omi will give the boys their lunches and help them with their bags, this is also the time when Muku ends up freaking out about possibly forgetting something and Yuki needs to assure him there are no missing assignments or extra cardboard to bring to class.
- By 8:30 Tsumugi joins them in the kitchen as they clean the place up. Since most of the loud members are gone by then, it’s fairly quiet but you can hear Homare ranting about his latest poem if you strain your ear enough.
- After that, the rest (aka; Hisoka, Azuma, Homare, Tasuku, Tsumugi, Citron, and Misumi.) take their mornings slowly- Izumi will be out for the rest of the morning stuck in meetings while Sakyo bounces around town doing whatever yakuza do (idk I’m not part of the mafia).
- Omi and Tsuzuru head to classes alongside Kazu at 10:30, though sometimes the green-eyed boy will leave earlier if he’s going out with friends or has a project (art students things).
- Depending on the day, Omi or Izumi will arrive and make lunch or they’ll go out to eat at one of the cafes nearby (I feel like Veludo has many cafes and bars, it makes sense since it’s a hotspot for theater and art lovers so it’s only natural a lot of places would open up).
- Tasuku can be seen walking alongside Veludo helping other troupes, sometimes Tsumugi will join him; if you wanted you could probably play a game of how many theaters can you see Tasuku in a day (Citron once claimed he saw him at 30 but Tsuzuru doesn’t belive him).
- If not alongside Tasuku, Tsumugi will be preparing the work for his students and tending to the garden, though sometimes he enjoys going out into town and visiting cafes and flower shops. He’s well liked around the elderly women population, very good with old ladies.
- Citron will spend the rest of the morning outside of the dorms experiencing Japanese culture and/or helping the vendors in Veludo, if he wanted he could help the dorm save up a years’s worth of groceries with all the favors he’s done.
- By 12:00PM most of the members are outside of the dorms and, if she hasn’t arrived earlier us to shorter work days, Izumi arrives from her meetings (though there are the odd days she’s out for longer).
- At around the same time, Misumi will start his triangle hunt, comes back with gifts and then goes to work at a circus (he has a clown card and I’m sure he’d make a good acrobat or flexible man... I think) or whatever, sometimes the schedule will change depending on what’s around the area. No one understands Misumi’s schedule but he says it’s made to be as triangular as a schedule can be (I belive him).
- Hisoka and Azuma stay in the dorms until work starts for both of them which is often later than most, Homare comes back at this time from his meetings with publishers but will leave again. He likes going to museums and art expositions often, might take Azuma out with him if the silver-head isn’t busy.
- By then it’s 2:40-3:00 and Omi comes back, normally without Kazunari (who’s out with friends) or Tsuzuru (who’s working part time somewhere).
- Izumi and Omi will start making snacks for the students, first come the St Flora boys at 3:30, then Hanasaki high 3:45, and finally the remaining students at 4:00. Normally at the same time, Tsumugi will go to his students and start his classes.
- Misumi pops up, now done with his job, with some triangle gifts, he also manages to somehow cram some other part time job during his absence (like truck loading). It’s very weird but he brings in money so no one can really complain, he seems to enjoy it too.
- Sakyo arrives and makes sure the students (uni or not) have done their homework and lets them spend the rest of the afternoon practicing if they’ve got a performance coming up or doing whatever as long as they aren’t too noisy or do anything dumb (his wishes are almost never fulfilled).
- By the time all the students have worked to Sakyo’s standard (aka finished all of their homework for the next month basically), it’s 5:00 and Tsuzuru and Hisoka will come back home.
- Hisoka tends to work around the evening instead of early in the morning, it’s an odd time to work (especially since he works odd jobs mostly) but it keeps him busy and with a steady income.
- At 6:00 Kazunari and Tasuku come back, Tsumugi and Azuma will follow a few minutes later.
- By then, most of the dorm is back (excluding Itaru, the household desk worker), and practice starts with the whole troupe- depending on who’s practicing Izumi will make dinner with either Omi or Tsuzuru.
- Official full-troupe pratice starts at 7 and ends at 9 during weekdays, though it’s not rare to find people practicing during the day/outside of the schedule.
- Depending on if the Spring troupe has a performance or not, Itaru will arrive at 8 or 6, if it’s at 8 he’ll go straight to his room and play games, if it’s at 6 and he’s got a play he’ll head to the practice room and play mobile games during breaks; the grind doesn’t stop when your Itaru Chigasaki and there’s an event going.
- By 9:15 dinner is ready and the whole dorm comes together and eats like a family!!
- Once they're done it’s 10pm and the students are sent to their rooms to get ready to sleep unless they’re on cleaning duty (20-26 plates don’t clean themselves and Sakyo refuses to buy a dishwasher he says it’s too expensive), it takes 30 minutes to clean the place up and by 11PM Izumi and Sakyo are making rounds to make sure the high schoolers are in their room sleeping.
- By 12PM the whole mankai dorm is asleep, except Itaru who’s probably gaming… and Homare who could’ve gotten an inspirational rush at 1AM… or Tsuzuru while he works on a script… or Misumi who’s stuck trying to take out a triangle sticker out of some magazine he found.
- It depends on the day of the week, the moon cycle, and if Misumi prayed to the triangle gods.
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kindofcashton · 5 years
𝕕𝕚𝕤𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕕  •  chapter 1  (Calum Hood AU)
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RAIN SLID DOWN the windows of the taxi in iridescent gray droplets. Outside, the sky was a silken silver, the occasional peak of sunlight threatening to break through the clouds. Blanketed over everything, from the treetops to the sidewalks, was a cool dampness that left a chill in the air.
My breath began fogging up the glass, and I wiped a hand across the window to clear my view. I always loved rain, and the way it seemed to soak the whole world. It was calming in a way, almost an excuse to slow down and just breathe.
In the seat next to me, Hannah clearly wasn't as big a fan of the dismal day as I was. Her sighs whooshed through the small cabin like gale force winds. The crossing of her arms and scowl on her lips was another indication of her utter displeasure.
"I promise you it's not like this all the time," she told me, irritation edging her tone. She glanced up at the driver, and threw her hands in the air. "Could you pick it up a little please? I'd like to get there sometime this week."
A small smile twitched at my lips. Hannah was quite the character, but in the 7 months I'd known her she'd become one of my best friends. Living together in a cramped dorm would sort of force you to become at least sort of friends, and luckily the two of us hit it off immediately. We had very different approaches to college life, but it was actually nice having someone so unlike me around. When differences would normally push people apart, they brought us closer together.
"I don't mind the weather, actually," I commented. "I used to love the rain as a kid."
Hannah snorted good naturedly. "Of course the philosophical scholar would love rain." I chuckled at her joke, and turned my attention back to the window.
As well as being serene, the rain was also a great distraction. A thousand thoughts were swirling through my mind, but I let the raindrops wash them away until my brain was empty. I promised myself I wouldn't worry over things anymore; everything was totally out of my control.
"Finally," Hannah exclaimed as we turned down a neighborhood road. I watched the houses blur by, all of them quaint and colorful. Hannah was right; this area was amazing.
"I hope the guys are all home," she voiced, frowning. "Ash texted and said he was over." Hannah's demeanor visibly brightened when she mentioned her boyfriend. Ashton had been a staple in her life ever since I'd known her. The two of them started dating in high school, and even when she went off to college and he stayed back they never broke up. Their relationship wasn't all sunshine, though; I'd heard her scream at him through voicemail more times than I could count, and he often blew up her phone with texts for hours on end. But they were madly in love, and I doubted they'd ever split.
The other guys were a mystery to me. From what Hannah had told me briefly before we left, Luke, Michael, and Calum lived together while Ashton had his own apartment. Her boyfriend had a pretty well established job apparently, but the other three were still figuring things out. Michael was described as "colorful in more ways than one", which confused me to no end. Luke was the "pierced puppy", a rugged exterior with a sweet personality. And Calum was the quiet one, always in the room but never in the conversation. Hannah insisted he wasn't a creep though, and that she actually really liked him despite his lack of participation.
I hoped the guys were as great as she described, seeing as I'd be spending a lot of time with them in the near future. Hannah had basically forced me to come back with her when we both left uni, and even though she lived with Ashton when she wasn't at school she offered to stay at the house with me so we could all be together.
Seeing as I didn't have many more options, I agreed. That's the thing about being stone-cold broke; you take what you can get.
"Here you go," the driver said tiredly. Hannah threw him a wad of cash, and he looked at me in the rear view mirror. My cheeks flushed crimson, and I forced a sheepish smile before getting out of the car.
"I feel like I'm drowning!" Hannah yelled over the pouring rain, pulling her suitcases out of the trunk. I squinted against the onslaught of rain, fumbling to get my own bags and praying I didn't forget anything. I heard someone's voice call out from the porch of the house, and Hannah cheered in response. She ran up the driveway, suitcases swinging, then flung them down on the wet grass without hesitation so she could jump into the arms of whoever was waiting. Ashton, I assumed.
The cab backed out of the driveway, and I struggled to lift all of my bags which were slick with rain. A figure appeared in front of me, clad in jeans and a damp hoodie.
"Need some help?" I caught the subtle glint of a lip ring, and guessed this was Luke. Breaking into a grateful smile, I nodded.
"Beautiful day, isn't it?" I said, handing him a suitcase. He laughed, head ducked to avoid getting rain in his eyes.
"Makes me want to stay outside, soak up the sun," he replied, leading me up toward the front door.
Once inside, I dropped the bags in my hands and pushed my sopping wet hair out of my face. A quick once-over of the house showed me a living room to my left, what looked like a kitchen extending off of that, and staircases winding to an upstairs that had half a dozen closed doors.
Hannah was still attached to Ashton, but tore her lips from his long enough to say, "What do you think, Scar?"
Luke's blue eyes looked at me quizzically. "'Scar?'"
I extended a hand. "Scarlett." He shook it with a jovial smile, and I gave Hannah a questioning look. "You didn't tell them my name?"
She shrugged, giggling as Ashton kissed the side of her head. "Guess I forgot."
Embarrassment sizzled through me, no doubt making my skin flush. The last thing I wanted was to be a nuisance to the guys who were so graciously letting me stay. I mean, a random girl barging into their lives, living in their house, without them knowing so much as her name? It was a miracle they didn't hate me off the bat.
"Are you sure you have to stay here?" Ashton asked Hannah, hands looped around her waist as she tousled his hair. "I want you with me."
"Sorry Ash, but I'm here for my girl. You can stay too, if you want. We can share the bed, even if it does get a little cramped." She poked his chest suggestively, and Luke rolled his eyes at the two of them.
"Alright, hormone monsters, dismount before I go blind from watching you," he reprimanded, shooting me a smirk. I liked Luke; he was so easy-going, and I'd only known him for less than five minutes.
"Ashton, I don't really care if you stick around. Hannah'll be staying in the basement with the futon couch, so you're welcome to share."
Hannah wrinkled her nose. "You stuck me in the basement? Where is Scarlett staying?"
"Michael's room. He offered to take the couch."
I instantly spoke up. "He doesn't have to do that, I'll gladly sleep down here—"
"Not happening," a voice interrupted from upstairs. I looked up to see someone leaning against the railing, watching us from above. He had fire engine red hair arranged in haphazard spikes fringed across his forehead, and what looked like a piercing through his eyebrow.
I guessed it was Michael, judging by the red hair which must have been what Hannah meant by "colorful."
"You couldn't drag me back to my room if you tried. You're sleeping in it whether you like it or not."
I huffed disbelievingly, slightly confused why he was being so generous. A small fear that Hannah told them a bit too much information about me and my life crept into my brain, and I fought to ignore it.
"I really don't want to intrude, it's your house after all," I responded as Michael made his way down the stairs to join us.  I wasn't one to accept charity easily, even though I knew I had to right now. He was just being kind, but I didn't want to make the impression that I was selfish.
"If you really feel that bad about it we can switch off every other week."  His goofy smile told me he was joking, but I appreciated the effort even still.  I just shrugged in defeat, and shot him a warm smile.
Michael clasped his fingers together, a grin stretching his lips. "I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm starved. Pizza?"
Luke groaned. "How many times are we gonna order pizza, Mike? Some of us get sick of it, you know."
Michael flipped his middle finger up at Luke, and I resisted a grin. Maybe staying with these guys wouldn't be so hard.  Judging from our first interactions, we'd get along great.
The only one I hadn't met yet was Calum, and when I asked Hannah where he was she merely rolled her eyes.
"Who even knows?  He'll roll in at around midnight and be gone by noon the next day."
Frowning, I followed the others to the living room as Michael went to order in the pizza.  Why would they all want to be friends with someone like Calum?  He didn't sound very nice at all.  But even so, Hannah spoke about him with a certain forgiving tone, and I think she truly did care about him. The five of us gathered on the big couches, Hannah laying across Ashton of course, and turned on some action movie that Luke and Michael got overly excited about.
"This is the best scene, watch," Luke said to me, pointing as the hero and the villain began fist-fighting in a series of jumpy, jarring cuts.  I raised my eyebrows doubtfully, and when he glanced over to see my reaction I laughed.
"It's really good, I swear.  After this, he's gonna go blow up that building and—"
All of a sudden, the front door opened with a bang, announcing a new arrival.  Michael shot up from the sofa, and called out a greeting.
Hannah jutted her head toward the foyer.  "Let's go."  We all followed Michael toward the front door, and saw someone holding a few boxes of pizza loosely in his arms.
His dark hair was wet and plastered across his forehead, looking curled and disheveled.  A black leather jacket shone with raindrops, the band tee shirt underneath spattered with water.  Black jeans tucked into dark boots, and a scowl to match the overall dreary aesthetic was painted across his face.
I knew it was Calum without even asking.
"Look who finally showed up!" Luke accused, arms folded with a smirk.
Calum used one hand to push his wet hair back, the other holding the pizza.  "You seriously ordered pizza again?  The delivery guy practically threw these at me because he was so sick of seeing Michael every other day."
Michael snorted, and happily took the pizzas from Calum into the kitchen.  He then turned his freezing gaze into me, and his brown eyes were entirely unreadable as he scanned my appearance.
I felt hot and self-conscious under his close stare, and tried to muster a smile.  "I'm Scarlett, nice to meet you."  I extended my hand, expecting him to at least shake it.  But Calum simply watched me, a blank expression on his face, and I jerked my hand back in embarrassment.
"Way to be friendly, Cal," Hannah scolded, sighing.  "Can't you be civil for like, two minutes?"
"Who shakes hands in this century?" he rebutted, the scathing look he sent my way burning into my skin.  "Whatever, I'm starving."  He started to make his way toward the kitchen, completely ignoring me as his shoulder bumped into mine.
Hannah shouted after him, "Yeah, that's what happens when all you have is beer all day."  Ashton turned and said something into her ear, and Hannah stamped her foot in response as she hissed something back.
Taken aback by Calum's chilly greeting, I began to feel less comfortable about living here.  Why couldn't he be as easy-going as the others?  He was just making things difficult by being so cold.  I knew it wasn't an opportune situation, but we all had to make the best of it.  But something told me Calum would stubbornly oppose this idea.
"Cheese or pepperoni?" Michael asked me as I handed him my plate.
"Plain is fine," I responded, and forced myself to ignore Calum's snort.  What was so wrong with liking plain pizza?  Don't let him get to you like this, Scar.  
We all gathered around the table and chowed down, and I realized this was my first real meal of the day, seeing as I'd only had a granola bar before leaving for the airport that morning.  Everything happened so fast, I felt like I'd just been in my dorm five minutes ago.  How quickly things could change.
"So, how long are you two gonna be here?  Till the next semester?"  Luke bit into the last bit of crust on his pizza, glancing between Hannah and me.
"Not sure," she answered for us, and the look we exchanged was enough communication for her to continue.  "We're pretty flexible right now, just trying to keep ourselves open for new opportunities."
"I'm hoping to take some summer courses," I added.  "Keep up with my class load."
"But it isn't even summer.  University is still in session."  Calum's voice was searing, and I winced at his words.  I was well aware of this fact, as was my empty bank account.
Hannah glared at him from across the table.  "Our schedules weren't the same as everyone else's, so we're home now.  Is that a problem?"  It was hard to believe the two of them were best friends, what with Hannah's curt tone and Calum's glower.
"No, just wondering."  I didn't expect a longer reply from him, and after he said this Calum scooted out from the table and left, without so much as clearing his empty plate.
A defeated breath whooshed out of my lips, and I slumped back in my chair as I rubbed my temples.  My first day here hadn't even ended, and already I wasn't sure how long I would last.
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parkaiur · 5 years
Snowy Days - Jihoon
❀ genre: college life + romance + a dash of angst 
❀ word count: 5491
❀ a/n: just read the tags below but if ur too lazy to basically: don’t expect lots of updates and i just wrote this as a form of therapy for me. i guess i missed writing and needed to rant /shrugs/ 
also this title sucks but idk what to do with it either LMAO 
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It was a quiet, winter evening; the snow was gently falling outside and the laughter of college students filled the dorm hallways. 
I, on the other hand, was curled up in a ball on my bed, reading a book. The soft sounds of my hand turning the pages lulled me in a dreamland of swoon-worthy boys. 
Suddenly, I heard a loud bang. 
I flinched and jumped up on my bed to see what had dropped. 
“Sorry! Just dropped my pan, how’s it going?” I sighed thankfully, realizing it was just my roommate, Naeun. Naeun was a freshman like me; we hadn’t talked much before rooming together. We got along most of the time, but being around people just irked me sometimes.
I pointed at the book, trying to hide the girlish daze in my eyes. 
“Just reading, like usual.” I kept my words short, hoping she would get the hint that I wasn’t in the mood to talk. It wasn’t like I was mad at her or anything, but I need my breaks with all the socialness of college. I don’t think people understand how tiring it is for introverts to have to be “on” all the time; “on” meaning social. 
She nodded. “What book?” 
“It’s called ‘Win Some, Lose Some’ by Shay Savage. It’s a really amazing novel about a boy who was Autism and a girl who ...” I trailed off when I realized she had her back towards me. The sound of her pots and pans flying into her drawer was distracting. “A girl who befriends him basically. How was your day?” I asked politely. 
I braced myself for her long winded answer. Most people just say “good” or “it was pretty alright” but not Naeun, she pops off and talks about things no one really needs to know, and no one really cares. 
“It was okay. I saw one of my friends on campus and I waved to her because it’s so weird, right? Seeing people you know on such a large campus. And then I walked to English and my professor was just such in a good mood today, she’s so nice, I love her.” 
I smiled carefully, hoping she doesn’t realize how much I do not care about who she waves at or how her professor looks. 
“Then, I went to the library and did some of my math homework and I got started on the next chapter. And then I started to do my English homework which I got kind of stumped on. Anyway, all I could think about is this big burrito when I was studying.” She took out two large burritos and plopped them on a blue plate. 
I nodded and told her I was going to go back to my book. She nodded and right as I was about to plug in my earbuds to drown out her voice while I read, she stopped me with her voice.
“Hey, I’m bored, do you think Ahyoung and Somi are busy?” I took out my earbuds once more and shrugged. 
“Probably not.” 
“Hm. Is it cool if I invite them over? I mean, you don’t have to say yes if you just want to be alone, I know how you get like that.” 
I forced an awkward smile. “Um, I actually want to just chill and be alone, but you can always go to their rooms... they live in the same building.” I tried not to let my annoyance show in my voice, but it was rising. 
She furrowed her brows and sighed. “Yeah, but they’re so far...” She whined. 
Don’t roll your eyes. Don’t roll your eyes. Don’t roll your eyes. 
“I mean, they always come to our dorm, maybe go to them today?” I really didn’t care what she did, I just wanted to be alone. 
I turned on my music and opened my book so I didn’t have to hear her complain. She went back on her phone and I was content reading in peace. 
Five minutes later, I heard loud knocking on the door. 
What? She did not just...
“Oh, hey, Ahyoung! How’s it going?” 
No way, she did not just invite people over after I told her not to. 
I felt my blood boil, but I tried to keep my calm. I was not going to make a scene, especially since Ahyoung was my friend. 
I locked eyes with Naeun, who I visibly glared at. 
“It’s chill, y/n, you don’t have to talk we are just gonna hang a bit and then go watch some TV.” 
I bit my tongue to not snap at her. Her insensitivity was rubbing me the wrong way, but I didn’t want to blow up. We were all adults here, I didn’t want to seem like a child who got irritated when they were forced to socialize with their mom’s friends. 
Soon, I heard another knock. 
“Hey, Sooyoung! Come in, we are picking a show to watch.” 
I tried to calm down and read my book, but when I say I want to be alone, I really mean I want to be alone. 
I felt myself boil over in anger as I could still hear them over my earbuds. Their laughter and constant chatter couldn’t be tuned out. 
“Ok, we are gonna go to the lounge and watch TV. High five!” Naeun held her hand right in front of my face and I hit it just to make her leave. I swear, I’d rather hit her face instead. 
As soon as I heard the door slam shut, I pulled out my earbuds and went to rinse my face. 
How insensitive of her! I explicitly told her not to invite anyone over to the dorm, and there she goes. She can’t walk up one flight of stairs to see our friends?? So fucking rude. 
Living in the dorms as an introverted person was terribly hard. I don’t even know if introverted is the right word for it anymore if I want to go days without talking to people. And it sucks when no one truly understands me and doesn’t take my words seriously. 
I groaned and stared at myself in the mirror.
“Just two more quarters and you’re free for the summer.” 
I sighed and wiped my face on my towel. 
College was hard. 
I had found my group in college, but unfortunately, I had made the same mistakes as I did in high school. First, I stayed connected with some friends from high school who I had planned on cutting off. And most importantly, I put too much time and effort into people who disrespect me and don’t care for me. 
And now I live with someone like that. 
It angered me to feel so out of place, so alone in the dorms even when I had friends. Whenever I wanted to escape, there was no where to go. All my friends were here. 
I clenched my fist. 
All of a sudden, I couldn’t just sit down and read. I glanced over in the corner of the room and saw the camera from my photography class sitting there. 
I looked outside my window and saw the soft snow falling down. 
I quickly pulled on a warm, puffy jacket, jeans, and headed out to take some photos with my trustworthy camera. 
The air was colder than I remembered. I felt my nose crinkle as the wind blew snow into my nose. 
The city was beautiful; it was painted in white sparkles. I snapped a few photos and took a deep breath. 
I loved being outside and having no one notice me; this was one of my favorite things about living in the city and college in general. I snapped pictures of groups of people walking across the street. The blur of the street lights combined with the softness of the snow captivated me. 
“Some nice pics you got there.” 
I jumped at the voice and almost dropped my camera; thankfully, it’s always wrapped around my neck.
“Oh gosh, I’m so sorry! I didn’t think you’d get so scared.” 
I looked up and saw a boy around my age staring at me. And dang, was he cute. 
I thanked God for the weather because my cheeks were already red. 
“Uh, um, it’s fine.” I fibbed quickly. I felt awkward because I didn’t know how to act around guys my age, especially ones as cute as him. 
Be friendly, be friendly. He just wants to be friends.
“Um, I’m y/n by the way.” I took out my hand to shake his. He chuckled and reciprocated the action.
“Jihoon, Park Jihoon. You live in this building too?” He pointed at the building next door to me. I shook my head and watched as the snow fell onto my shoulders.
“Oh no, I live in this one.” He nodded. “Are you a freshman?” I asked. 
He laughed heartily. I liked how he didn’t hide his emotions. “Oh no, I’m a sophomore this year but I’m an RA in this building.” 
I made an “O” shape with my mouth. “Ah, a resident adviser. I’m applying to be one next year, kinda nervous but hopefully I’ll get the job.” 
His eyes widened. “Oh really? I rarely meet people who want to baby a bunch of freshmen.” I laughed at his comment. “But hey, it’d be cool if we were in the same dorm next year. You could teach me to take such pretty pictures.” I laughed and flipped through the photos on my camera out of habit.
“Don’t get your hopes up, I haven’t even been accepted for the job yet. Also, I’m taking photography 101 with Professor Lee Miyoung, I’m sure she’s a better teacher than I am.” I teased. 
He shrugged. “Well, I doubt she’s as pretty as you.” 
My heart froze. 
W-what? Did he just flirt with me? Oh god, what do I say now? How do I flirt back? I-
“Sorry, was that weird? I wanted to call you pretty but I didn’t mean to lowkey talk about a professor’s beauty either.” He looked mildly embarrassed when he shook out his hair full of snow. 
I gave him a small smile. “Um, no, not weird, it was actually kind of smooth. I don’t really know how to respond to flirting.” 
Oh my god. I just said that. 
His eyes lit up mischievously as I tried not to blush even harder.
“Oh flirting? Is that what we are doing?” He teased.
“Technically, that’s what you are doing.” He laughed loudly and his voice echoed throughout the streets. I only hoped to have that loud of a voice as an RA. 
“You got me there.” He then looked down at his watch and frowned. 
“What’s wrong?”
He looked up at me with his soft brown puppy eyes. I swear this guy is too cute to be real. “Um, my shift is starting soon.” He then took out his phone. “I know we just met, but you seem pretty cool-”
Before he could finish, I took his phone and typed in my number.
“There, now you can teach me how to be an RA and I can teach you how to take photos.” I said as confidently as I could. 
He seemed a bit surprised at my voice, but nodded.
“Sounds great, see you later.” He waved to be as he walked away, but slipped on a patch of snow. 
“Ah, be careful!” I shouted. He gave me a small smile and walked back into his dorm.
Well, at least this day ended on a high note. 
“Hey, where’d you go last night? We were wondering where you were at.” 
I’m an adult, I don’t have to tell you everywhere I go.
I bit back the words and forced a small smile. “Oh, I just went to take some photos for my photography class. The snow looked really pretty last night.” I left out the minor detail that a cute boy started to talk to me. I wanted to keep the giddiness to myself. 
“Oh cool. I just came back from the gym. I saw a really cute boy in there. He was really fit, dark skinned, dark hair. And he smiled at me and I smiled back. We didn’t get to talk because I was so out of breath, but I hope he’s at the gym again.” She went off without me asking her too. 
I understand that I’m being a bit tough on her, but she irritated me first by inviting people over when I told her not to. People always talk about communication in college, but sometimes people just don’t listen to you. 
“Cool, hope you see him again.” I said nicely. I have to put on a nice face with my roommates, as I don’t want to be in an awkward living situation. 
“Yeah... how was your day today?” 
“And then she just invited you guys over, disregarding what I had just said before! Isn’t that rude?” I voiced to Ahyoung, my best friend. I’d known her before going to college, well, I’ve known her since we were 8. 
She looked a bit hesitant on what to say. 
I went on about the situation. “I’m not saying I hate seeing you guys, but you know how I get when I want to be alone. I...I just want to be alone and it makes me crazy when I see people. Plus, I told Naeun I wanted to chill out and be alone and then she just invites you guys over, without telling me?? I’m not crazy.” I ranted. 
Ahyoung sighed and took a sip of her coffee filled with milk and sugar. 
“I mean, she did say she was inviting us over in the groupchat.” 
I glared at the younger girl. “Excuse me, I was sitting right next to her, she knows I didn’t check my phone. It’s rude to not tell your roommate you’re inviting people over, and it’s even ruder when we just talked about how I didn’t want her to invite people over. It’s not like she forgot within the five minutes.” 
“True. That wasn’t nice of her.” I noticed she hesitated on saying anything bad about her. We were all friends, but I was the one who had problems with friends in the group, as usual. I didn’t like very many people, but I was civil and nice to everyone; that’s what being an adult is all about. 
“Yeah...” I trailed off. I don’t know when it got so weird between us, but it felt like I couldn’t talk to my best friend about things in my life. I didn’t even tell her about the cute guy who flirted with me. Deep inside of me, I knew she didn’t deserve to know these things about me when she didn’t want to hear the bad parts of my life. 
It felt like everyone wants to be around me when I’m laughing and joking, never when I’m serious and want to talk about my feelings. No one wants to listen when I want to rant about real things in life, yet they love when someone rants about some “dumb” thing a girl did in the hallway. 
I didn’t get why they judged people before they knew them. I always tried to talk with people before I made judgements, yet people think it’s weird when I judge people I talk to. That’s the way you’re supposed to judge people... when you get to know them personally. Duh.
As I was talking, I saw her eyes focused on something far away from me. 
I turned around and saw her crush standing there. She stopped listening to me as he waved at her. I saw her eyes bright up when she saw him and I grew annoyed. I was telling her about something that was bothering me, and then she chooses a boy over me. Not cool. 
“Hello? Earth to Ahyoung??” I teased. She shrugged me off. 
“He’s so cute. I know he doesn’t like me, but I can’t help myself.” 
I snorted. “Yeah, he doesn’t like you and actually, he only dates white girls and you my friend, are not white.” I knew I was being harsh, but I hear about him every single second and it angers me when I want to vent about something in my life and she doesn’t think I’m as important as her crush.
She flinched at my harsh words. 
“You just wouldn’t understand, you’ve never had a crush before. You’ve never been in love before.” She said matter of factly. 
This was all true, but it hurt when she said it like that. I’ve never felt romantic love, wow, thanks for reminding me. Maybe I’m too busy taking care of my dumb friends who don’t care about me. 
“Bye, see you later.” I waved her off as we both went to class.
As soon as I turned around, I saw a familiar face. 
I fixed my hair and prayed none of my mascara had smeared on my face. 
Be confident, make friends. 
“Hey, Jihoon.” He turned around with a confused look on his face. I felt a leap in my heart when he smiled at me.
“Oh hey y/n, it’s weird to see you without a camera.” He joked. 
I felt my heart skip a beat when he said my name; I was so used to people forgetting about me. 
“Hah, well it’s weird to see you in the daylight.” I joked. When I saw him left an eyebrow, I knew I said something wrong. 
I felt my face burn up at my own words. 
“Not like that.” I blubbered out. He let out a light laugh. 
“Well, I mean, you’re right.” He took note of my embarrassed state and changed the subject. “So, what class are you headed to?”
“History of the Ancient Greek and Roman worlds, how bout you?” 
“Woah, what an interesting class. I’m heading to choir practice actually.” That made me stop in my tracks.
“Wait, you sing?” 
He chuckled. “Yup, that is what you do in choir.” I felt a bit embarrassed at my statement. “I’m joking, I’m joking, but yes, I do sing. Have been doing so for my whole life.”
“I did choir up until high school, I didn’t feel good enough for college. I still don’t know how to read music and it’s been years.” 
“It’s hard, but you get used to it. You should give it a shot if you really want to though. Or come watch one of our performances.” I smiled at him.
“One day.” I stopped walking and pointed at the building in front of us. “This is me. I’ll see you later?” 
He nodded and smiled. 
“I’ll see you later.”
Two weeks had passed and I hadn’t seen much of Jihoon. We waved to each other in passing, but it was midterms soon, and exams were the only thing on my mind. We sent each other memes daily though and we just got each other’s humor- that was rare. 
I was filling out my history study guide until I heard my roommate, Naeun, walk in.
“Hey, y/n~ Ahyoung, Sooyoung and I saw you talking to a boy yesterday~ Oooooooo what’s his name?” 
She sat right in front of me, not giving me any personal space. 
I tried not to blush but honestly, my face was turning red because I was so annoyed at her.
“His name is Jihoon. He’s an RA in the dorm next to us, we met at an RA informational meeting.” I lied. I didn’t want to tell her I ran out of the dorm because I couldn’t handle her and people.
“He’s cute, nice body too.” I felt a an overwhelming sense of jealously and protectiveness wash over me. I hated it. I didn’t want to be this person. I probably only felt this way because I didn’t like Naeun right now. 
“Yeah, you can have him if you want. I’m not into him.” I lied. 
She raised a brow. “Really? Don’t be upset if he falls for me then.” I knew she was joking when she flipped her hair dramatically, but I wasn’t into it. 
I felt my buried insecurities rise when I stared intensely at her face. Her eyebrows were neatly plucked, which I was always too scared to do. Her skin was tanned and even, not blotchy and red like mine. Her fashion was trendy and most boys liked her because of her socialness, on the contrary, I was awkward and mean to boys, unintentionally. 
I just went back to doing my homework, shaking off the comparison. 
Later that night, I saw a message pop up in my texts which was weird because I usually mute everyone.
‘hey midterms are killing me and i dont understand anything... want ice cream?’ 
I tried not to laugh even though both my roommates were at the library. 
‘uhhh shouldnt u be studying if u dont understand anything?? mayb??’ 
‘LOL thats not how it works young padawan’ I rolled my eyes. He thinks he’s so much older than me. 
‘also I don’t eat ice cream, i don’t eat dairy’
‘... aight imma head out’ 
I snorted and tilted my head back in laughter. 
‘ok, no ice cream... what DO you like?’
You. I like you. 
... Definitely not sending that.
‘UMMM i like hot chocolate?’ 
‘okay, i’ll be at your dorm in 5. what is your room number again?’
I looked down at short shorts and tank top and then at the harsh winds outside. I threw on a pair of cute leggings and a heavy sweater. I put on a black jacket over it and placed a beanie on my head. 
I did my brows and put on a few swipes of mascara. I carefully applied my lightly colored lip balm and sprayed face mist to look dewy and cute. 
Is this a date? Or is this just two friends being adventurous? 
Whatever, I want to look cute at least.
Seconds after I finish, I hear a knock at my door. I took a deep breath.
This isn’t a date. This isn’t a date. Calm down.
I opened the door. 
He was wearing a puffy jacket and dark black jeans that outlined his thigh muscles. Yum.
I also noticed he was wearing a gray beanie... which was identical to mine.
“Cute hat.” I noted. He grinned and tugged on my beanie. 
“Same goes for you. Ready for some hot chocolate?” 
“Yes, where are we going to get said chocolate caliente?” 
Jihoon gave me a weird look. “Chocolate what?” 
I stared at him, stunned. “Chocolate caliente. Caliente means hot in Spanish. Therefore, hot chocolate. You didn’t take Spanish in high school?” 
He shook his head. “Nope, I took Japanese because I’m a weeb.” I snorted. 
“Wow, I should be surprised but I’m not.” He pushed me playfully and I tried not to freak out over the warmth of his skin. 
“You’re telling me you don’t watch any anime?” 
I rolled my eyes. “Of course I watch some anime. But am I full blown weeb... no.” 
He narrowed his eyes at me. “I can change that, don’t worry.”
“You still didn’t tell me where we are going.” My fingers felt crisp from the cold air. It wasn’t snowing tonight, but the ground was still white. 
“Aha, we are going to my favorite cafe called ‘Pink Heart Cafe’. It is decked in pink hearts.” 
“As expected from a Pink Heart Cafe.” I joked. In the near distance, I noticed a sign that had a baby pink heart that wrote ‘Pink Heart Cafe’ in cute lettering. 
I crinkled my nose from the cold air. “What, you don’t like pink?” 
“No, no, I love the color pink actually. It’s just kinda cold out here.” He nodded. 
“Maybe it would be warmed if we held hands... maybe.” 
For the first time, I felt comfortable with someone’s flirtatious comment.
I smirked and hooked my hand with his. I felt my heart beater faster. Much faster. And I loved it. 
I saw him smile widely and hide it with his hair. 
“I’m a lucky guy.” He whispered. 
We walked into the cafe. 
“Hi! Welcome to Pink Heart Cafe, for here or to go?” 
“For here, please.” The woman nodded. 
“Please take a seat. We will come take your order soon.”
We took our seats in the corner, next to the pink fairy lights. I was in love with the aesthetic. 
“Cute place. And fancy it seems, they come take our order at the table.” I sang a bit of Twice’s Fancy. 
“Oh gosh, you love Twice?? Me too!” I shrugged nonchalantly. 
“I mean, I like them, their songs are cute and catchy but I’m not a diehard fan.” 
He frowned. I can change that too. 
I sighed and rolled my eyes dramatically. “Wow, it seems like there are a lot of things you want to change about me. What do you even like about me?” I teased. 
He smiled harder and I noticed a blush on his face. 
“Uhhh, that’s a good question. I like... I like how you’re honest with your emotions. I like how you’re good at photography. I like that you want to become an RA because of the money and--” I gasped and pushed him on the arm.
“That’s not the only reason! Yes... the pay is good, but I like helping people.” 
Our laughter died down as he gazed at me intensely. 
“You like helping people? Tell me more about that.” 
I paused. No one had asked me that before. 
“Um, no one’s asked me that before. I guess I just like to see people happy. I like appealing to people’s emotions and most times, I’m pretty good at making people like me.” I said honestly. I saw his face light up at my words. “And I also want to be a teacher after I graduate, so being an RA would help improve my social skills and teach me how to interact with those younger than me and work through their problems. I don’t know, people say it’s hard and that it can be tough if kids come to you with suicidal thoughts and feelings of anxiety and depression, but I mean, I just want to do it and give back to the community somehow... I don’t know. ” I mumbled off, feeling like I said too much.
His gaze was so serious, I was scared I bored him to death.
He leaned closer to me and I freaked out. I held my breath, waiting for what was next until he spoke. 
“You’re so awesome.” He finally said. 
That... that was surprising.
“Um, thanks?”
“I’m serious! That’s so amazing why you want to be an RA. Honestly, I took up this job because it pays well and I’m good at talking to people, but sometimes I couldn’t care less about my residents. I like how you’re so kind to people.”
I laughed, “I’m not that nice.” 
“Yeah right, you were nice to me the first time we met. And I could’ve been a creepy dude and I almost made you break your camera.” 
“Well, I was nice to you because you are a cute boy.” He choked on his drink at my blunt words. I grew shy all of a sudden and laughed with him. 
“Jesus, give a boy a warning before you say such words.” He was pink in the face and I felt my heart warm. 
“It’s true, you are attractive. But it is also true that I’m not nice. My roommate is irritating the heck out of me and I have to tell myself every time I talk to her to say nice things and not hurt her feelings ‘cause she’s so damn sensitive.” 
He paused for a moment. I was nervous he would think I was a bad person. Which... technically is what I’m trying to convince him of. 
“Wow, you just got ten times nicer.” Now it was my turn to choke on my drink. 
“What? I just told you I have to force myself to be nice to my roommate even though I just want to snap at her all the time.” 
Jihoon leaned back in his chair with a smug look on his face. “Exactly! Most people would’ve just called her a bitch and moved on! Moved out or from what I’ve seen, some girls do mean shit like throwing another girl’s clothes out of her closet or flirting with her boyfriend. You... you just be nice when someone is mean to you.”
“She’s not mean, just rubbing me the wrong way.” Jihoon rolled his eyes.
“See? You are still defending her even though I’m sure she’s putting you through more than other people would take.” 
I shrugged. “I don’t know, most people don’t take me seriously when I talk about it.” 
“Try me.” 
I hesitated at first, but when I saw his open and honest look, I spilled.
“Well, I’m quite an introverted person so I need my alone time. And when I told her, this was actually the night that I met you, um, I told her that I wanted to be alone. And then she invited people over to the room and yes, they left soon, but when I’m in my isolation mood, I just... I just don’t even want to look at people.” 
He stared at me with a curious look so I rambled on. “I know, it’s dumb-”
He placed a gentle hand on top of mine.
“No, that’s not dumb at all. She should’ve respected your words. I would be so mad. Give me more!” He pounded his fist on the table for dramatic effect. 
I felt my heart lighten when he wanted to hear more of my words. I was so used to people ignoring me and brushing over my concerns.
“Uh, well, just... well not just Naeun, my roommate, but some of my friends in the same dorm as me. They are just really judgmental and the negativity just pains me. I don’t like judging others before getting to know them, so hearing them talk bad about random people they don’t know just pains me. And I’m no saint, yes I judge people, but I make sure I talk to them first and get to know them before I make judgments.”
Jihoon smiled. “You keep getting better the more I get to know you. I do the same thing, my friends think I’m crazy when I say ‘hey that dude looks kinda mean and no one likes him, i’ll be friends with him’!” 
My eyes widened. “Oh my god, that’s how I met most of my friends!” 
We laughed as we bad mouthed our friends and the people who have hurt us. 
“Why do you stick with such crappy friends? No offense, you deserve so much better.” 
I shrugged. “I mean, everyone says that to me and truly, I don’t even know. I just feel so connected to them now and they have their good moments-”
“Good moments aren’t enough if they consistently hurt you.”
“I know, I know! I just... maybe I’m not that good of a person then if I stay with them. Like people say, you are who your friends are.” 
“That’s bull, you’re a good person, I know that. And your friends don’t even care to listen to you rant, I can tell I’m the first person you told all this stuff too because you have flames in your eyes. You deserve friends you can trust and are able to rant to. I promise.” 
I bit my lip, thinking of what to say. 
“Thank you, I guess I just think I am helping them by staying with them. I don’t want to hurt their feelings.” 
“Just know that you have me now, and if you ever need to rant or vent or whatever, I’m here for you. You have me now.” 
I felt a wave of emotion wash over me. No one’s ever said that to me before and meant it. I know he meant it, it was written all over his face. 
I nodded slowly, accepting the moment we were having. 
We sat in a moment of silence until the waiter came for the check.
I dug through my pockets to get out the ten dollar bill I stuffed in there. 
“Hah funny,” Jihoon chided when he whipped out his card before I could do anything. I gasped. 
“Ah, Jihoon, I brought money!” 
He tsked and stood when the waiter gave him his card back. “Yeah right, I’d never let a girl pay on the first date, that’s like... illegal.” I rolled my eyes, until I realized what he had just admit.
“Date?” I questioned carefully. 
He looked away from my gaze, like he didn’t mean to say the word. 
“Yes... date. Do you have a problem with that?” 
I grinned.
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storytellerssanctum · 4 years
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Petals & Thorns - chapter 5/?
Pairing: Fred Weasley x oc
Warnings: none
Word count: 2k
SONG OF THE CHAPTER - don’t get me wrong • lewis capaldi
The library was quiet, there was few people in the room. The books stood sturdy on the shelves, calling to her as she walked towards them. The room had a chill; a small draft wafted through the windows. The end of fall was near, and the weather was proving it. The castle was not very well insulated. She found her fingertips drifting over a few hardcover novels on the wooden shelf. She picked up one that peaked her interest, and she brought it to an empty table. It spoke tales of the history of magic. She needed it for her essay, but she did enjoy learning about it. As she sat, the old chair groaned under the slight weight. She opened the cover, and dove inside a world away from her own. As she flipped through pages, she heard footsteps crawling towards the table. Her eyes filtered up over her glasses as she caught sight of a few fourth year Hufflepuffs watching her. They were all girls, and looked as if they wanted to ask her something. They were issuing hushed whispers, clearly talking about her. Their eyes averted to the floor as she caught them.
"Enlighten me on what you find so interesting." She snapped, now her neck was straightened. Her eyes bored into them. They didn't answer. "I'm speaking to you?" She ushered them to respond. Her foot tapped against the floor as her impatience grew.
"We were just wondering if you knew.... if your brother had a girlfriend." She rubbed her face in her hands at the word and snapped her book shut.
"You came to bother me... to ask if my brother had a girlfriend?" She repeated their question. One of the girls nodded. "Do you really think I have the time to answer questions about my stupid little brother?" She scolded. They didn't answer. With a sigh, she stood. "No, he doesn't. Don't waste your time on him." She snapped, walking past them. "Next time, ask him yourself." She signed the book out and walked out of the library. The halls outside of it were littered with students from all houses. She suspected they were just trying to pass the time until the other schools arrived. It was mid-October now, and soon enough it would be the thirtieth. Maybe they were waiting for the day after, when the Triwizard champions would be selected.
She walked down the hallways leading to the dungeon. The time was just after dinner, the lot of everyone would be back inside anyway. Most of the people in her house were lazy, and got tuckered out any time after six o'clock. As she passed, her heels clicked angrily against the floor. When she passed through the entrance hall, the Weasley twins were arguing with each other over something she didn't care to understand. As she walked, Fred stopped arguing and followed her with his eyes. Usually, she would feel any type of satisfaction at this. Now, she was angry at the Hufflepuff girls for bothering her. She didn't give the two a second look.
"Close your mouth, mate. You'll catch a fly." George shot at his brother. This made Fred give him a glare. "Just looking out for you is all." Addy couldn't even laugh at their banter. This week had been a week of hell for the girl. An essay in three of her classes were due, her brother was driving her up a wall, and she was dealing with daily coercion from her boyfriend to do things she didn't want. Now, she was doing everything she could to avoid Adrian. She spent her time in the library or in her dorm, where he couldn't get to her. He rarely stepped foot in the library in his years of schooling; she didn't have to worry about him looking for her there.
She found herself in front of the stone wall that hid the Slytherin common room. Her lips let the password escape and it opened to reveal a staircase leading down to the dungeon it was located. As she took the steps, she could hear chatter at the bottom of the staircase. She pulled her book closer to her chest as she revealed herself into the opening. A few second years scattered out of her way as they saw her. She scanned the room, seeing her boyfriend sitting in an armchair by the fire. To keep up the reputation of their relationship, she went to him and placed a kiss on his lips. She wanted to throw up at her actions. Being with him made her feel physically ill sometimes. This year, especially. His actions of late were not close to what a relationship should hold.
"Where have you been hiding?" He asked, giving her a smile. He was being nice, it came to her as a shock.
"Library," she showed him her book. "I have some homework due this week, I needed to catch up on it." She gave him an honest answer.
"Looking to take a break?" He asked, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. She gave a small shrug.
"Maybe not a break, just some company. Some Hufflepuff girls got on my nerves earlier." She let her lips upturn into a smile. "I had to leave the library before I hexed them."
"Mrs. Prince didn't get them?" He took her hand into his own.
"Must not have been paying close enough attention." She joked.
"Her, not paying attention? That's never happened." He stood and placed a hand on her lower back, leading her back out to the deserted hallway. The castle was quiet near the Slytherin room. Hand in hand, they walked to the astronomy tower. This was a place Adalinda loved dearly. He knew this, and used it to his advantage. When she was up there, her mood drastically increased. As they took the stairs to the top, they didn't speak. When they reached their destination, she let a sigh of relief out of her mouth.
Her hands rested over an old tattered desk as she let her book fall to it. Her eyes fell over the telescopes that grazed the open windows of the room. The darkening sky held speckles of stars. "It's so beautiful up here."  She stated, walking to one of the openings in the wall.
"Yeah," his eyes fell over her, watching her take in her surroundings. "It sure is." He made his way over to her, wrapping an arm around her small figure. She fell into him, accepting the hold. He leaned down and brought her into a kiss. She accepted, holding him there for a moment. Adrian wasn't awful when he wasn't angry. When he was kind, it almost made her forget about the bad times they shared. Still, deep in her stomach she couldn't pass the feeling of uneasiness. She knew the good times would pass by almost as soon as they arrived.
The words of her father held her captive in his love. Though, Adrian didn't even know if he truly loved her. He was obsessed with the idea of being with her, but he wasn't sure if it was out of true feelings or simply the idea of a powerful girlfriend. He made her angry often, and feel appreciated seldom. He wasn't sure if the time spent with her was worth it. Yet, when he held her he forgot his doubt. He was peaceful when he had her in his arms, until she tried to push him away. Adrian hated nothing more than being rejected.
"I should probably get to work." There it was, the withdrawal. She couldn't be affectionate with him to save her life.
"You always have something better to do." He muttered, releasing his hold on her. She gave him a quizzical look.
"What are you talking about?" She sighed, walking away from the view.
"You. You couldn't pretend to love me if your life depended on it." He took a seat in a chair, looking away.
"I do, Adrian. This week has been busy." She tried to console him, to prevent him from getting angry.
"Then what'll it be next week? You're too tired, or you have to help your stupid brother with something?" His words were hard as he avoided her face.
"That's not true."
"Then what is it? I brought you up here! It's your favourite place, I wanted some alone time, and you can't even give me two minutes!" He was shouting now. She cowered at his words, scared of his clenched fists.
"Fine," she walked over, placing a hand on his shoulder. He hit it off, not wanting the contact anymore. Her heart sped at his actions. "What do you want from me, then?" She was getting angry now, too.
"I want you to have some kind of feelings for me! Stop pretending that what we have is more than a public face! You're only caught up in the thought of pleasing your father, stop leading me on already." He snapped. The sentence hit her deep in the stomach.
"I'd love to tell you whatever you want. I want to make you happy. I can't do that if you aren't letting me." She took a chair beside him, nearly falling into it.
"Haven't you had enough of loneliness already? You have all of these people around you, but you don't let anybody in. You keep us around because it makes you look like you have a purpose. Aren't you sick and tired of lying to be someone your father wants you to be?" A grimace took her expression. "I know you, Addy. This cold person, the one you believe is truly you, it isn't. You put on this face to make everyone scared of you, to make them believe you're the a true Malfoy. I see you when you're not around a crowd."
"I am exactly who I present myself as." She grabbed his hands, making him look to her. "I would not be sitting here with you if I didn't want to be. I chose you, out of everyone I could've had." His eyes met hers, falling into them. As much as he didn't want to believe her, her powerful stare influenced him. She leaned forward and made their lips meet. She was scared that he was discovering her true emotions. When you spent so much time with another person, they could pick up on things. When they parted, he held her with his expression.
"Every time we talk about other people, we make fun of them. You don't join. Your brother hates mudbloods, and he shows it. You have never said that word. In the six years I've known you, you have never let it slip. You'd think, if you hated them so much, you wouldn't avoid it. You don't join in when we laugh at anyone. You laugh at the Weasley twins like they're funny, not like they're stupid. You don't hold a distaste when you see a half-blood, or a blood traitor. You try to, but I can see past it."
"I am a Malfoy, Adrian. I hate everyone who's blood isn't clean. I have to. I don't say it, because there's no need to. With my name, it's assumed. I don't have to show it like Draco. He's trying to prove himself for no reason." His hand reached out and caught her cheek, holding it there for a moment.
"Soon enough, I won't be the only one you have to convince." It was the only words he responded with.
"I'm not convincing you. I am simply telling you."
"You have to prove the words for them to mean something." His thumb drifted over her bottom lip. She felt nothing, no emotion or love at the gesture.
"I love you. We were meant to be together."
"Then show me."
Tags: @play-morezeppelin
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starmakerdotcom · 5 years
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summary : a night alone with her group’s producer makes eunji think there could be something more between them
characters : min eunji , jeon kyungwon , lee sooyoung (for the first few paragraphs shj) , mentions of park hyeonmi and kim ahreum
genre : fluff ? i dunno how else to categorize it
warnings : eunji overthinking everything like usual , kissing , mentions of sex and like they do fuck but it’s not explained in detail , he feels her up , all that good shit , if i missed anything pls let me know
words : 1.9k
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[ august 2019, 12:35 am, fruit basket’s dorm living room ]
“alright, i think i’m done for the night.” suyeong stood up from her chair, stretching her arms. eunji hadn’t even noticed how late it was, how long had the three of them been together for?
it was one of those nights where the girls got together with kyungwon, had a few drinks, and discussed ideas, mainly for music. although kyungwon didn’t participate in the lyric writing most of the time, he’d always be happy to give his input.
“is it that late already?” eunji asked, pulling out her phone only to see that it was twelve thirty in the morning. “oh, well i’m not tired yet so i’ll stay out here for a while.” that was a lie. eunji was very tired but she wanted to stay up and talk to kyungwon, she really liked hanging out with him.
suyeong nodded and grabbed her sweater and the can she was drinking out of, seconds later she was out of the room, leaving only eunji and kyungwon behind by themselves.
it was quite a nice night, although darker than usual due to the dark clouds overhead and the soft pitter patter of raindrops on the glass of the window, indicating the rainy weather outside. the rain didn’t stop them from cracking the window open for just that little bit more midnight coolness the air conditioner couldn’t provide, however. it was a nice rain, not the icky middle of summer hot rain, or the unpleasant cold rain, it was just right.
eunji liked nights like these, a calm hazy atmosphere and having a drink with her friend in the safety of her company’s building. she felt at ease, she wasn’t worrying about any of the next day’s events. kyungwon had that effect on her, she always felt at ease around him.
just a super chill friend, i guess.
“are you tired?” eunji asked, “i don’t wanna keep you up, i can go back if you want to go to bed.”
kyungwon shook his head, “it’s fine, i’m not that tired.” eunji nodded solemnly, letting her eyes fixate on the raindrops running down the window. “what are you thinking about?” he asked innocently.
eunji shrugged, still looking at the window, “not a lot really, just- taking in the moment, i guess? there’s not a lot of times i get to relax this much.”
kyungwon nodded, “i get it, the entire time i’ve worked with you guys i’ve been so amazed at how you guys could survive a single day doing so much.”
“i guess i’m just used to it,” eunji replied, she was still fixated on the raindrops so she didn’t see kyungwon with his gaze locked on her.
“i don’t think i’d be able to handle that. i think working on music for other people behind the scenes is much more my speed. plus i can’t sing,” he chuckled.
eunji shook her head, smiling slightly as she turned to face him, “i’ve heard you sing. you’re not bad.” kyungwon laughed softly again seeing eunji smile.
she’s really hot when she smiles.
wait- no.
he mentally punched himself for that. she’s just a coworker, nothing more. he shouldn’t be having thoughts like that about someone he worked alongside.
she’s just a coworker.
a hot, nice, funny, sweet, fun to be around coworker.
kyungwon sighed rather dramatically, enough for eunji to notice.
“you okay?” she asked.
he nodded quickly. “can i sit next to you?” eunji nodded back, and patted the couch cushion next to her.
kyungwon sat down and wrapped his arm loosely around eunji’s shoulders, which she didn’t mind. she liked how broad his shoulders were in comparison to her thin and dainty frame, it was nice to be smaller than someone for once. although she was thin, she was the tallest in her group, which she hated most of the time, so this was a nice change.
everyone else present in the dorm was asleep by that point (ahreum was out with her boyfriend so she didn’t count), which made for a quiet atmosphere they didn’t get very often in the dorm. it was slightly unusual, and a bit boring honestly. kyungwon could tell by the way eunji was picking at the fabric of the couch that she was looking for something to occupy her mind.
she looked over at him, “so, what-“
“can i kiss you?”
the question came as a surprise to both eunji and kyungwon. it just sort of slipped out, he wasn’t really thinking about what he was saying. eunji didn’t say a word, which made him feel worse.
“please don’t take that in a weird way,” kyungwon said quickly, “i just- i wasn’t thinking-“
but to his surprise, eunji was laughing, “don’t apologize! why were you thinking about kissing me?”
kyungwon exhaled softly, “i-“ he couldn’t find the right words to say. he didn’t get it, he was always so good with girls, but now in front of eunji, what was so different about it?
before he could get another word out, eunji abruptly leaned in to press her lips against his. he was so surprised he didn’t kiss back, and when eunji leaned back, she laughed softly again.
“why didn’t you kiss back? you wanted it first.”
“you didn’t give me time to react, can we try again?”
eunji, surprised at how bold he was all of a sudden, especially considering a few moments prior he was blushing and stuttering, nodded.
kyungwon brought his hand up so he had a soft hold on one side of eunji’s face, but before he leaned in to kiss her again, he froze.
“don’t just do this because i want to, please. you don’t need to if you don’t want to.”
eunji rested her cheek on his hand, “who said i didn’t want this?” she carefully brought her hand up to the side of his face and pulled him in.
they kissed for a second time, this time less awkward. they sink into it more comfortably this time, kyungwon lightly caressing eunji’s cheek and eunji moving her hand back to run it through his hair. he usually wore his hair up, but tonight it was down, and eunji liked it that way, although it felt a bit dead from a recent dye, but she was sure hers felt mostly the same.
“did i ever mention that i think you’re really beautiful?” kyungwon asked suddenly.
eunji shook her head, “are you just saying that?”
“of course not,” he said softly, wrapping his arms around her waist, “you’re gorgeous, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”
that was hot. eunji couldn’t deny that was hot.
she didn’t know if it was because she was exhausted that or because the drinks were getting to her head, but her memories of that night were rather foggy. they kissed for a while, kyungwon felt her up, all that good stuff. she remembered how gentle he was with her though, like a vase made from sparkling glass that could potentially shatter if handled the wrong way. although eunji didn’t ever really mind if things got rough with her and a guy, it was nice for someone to be so gentle with her.
but what exactly were they? was that night an indication that there was potentially something more between them? maybe this was the start of something wonderful, like a bulb in the early spring just starting to sprout into what would later become a beautiful and colourful but delicate tulip, perhaps. if anything, the way they woke up the next morning was a sure indication.
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the following morning, eunji was in her own bed. that would’ve been normal if she wasn’t wearing nothing besides a shirt that didn’t smell like her and kyungwon wasn’t fast asleep in bed next to her.
hyeonmi was gonna kill her. she always had to approve of a guy before any of them brought him into the dorm. hyeonmi liked kyungwon, from what eunji could tell, but as a friend, not as a partner for her. what were the others gonna think about them? kyungwon was still fast asleep next to her, and she didn’t wanna wake him up, so she just laid there, the events of the previous night filling her head.
not that eunji didn’t enjoy it, the sex was good as far as she was concerned, he definitely knew what he was doing, but would this continue? they definitely weren’t official, was this a one time thing? eunji didn’t want it to be in all honesty, that’d make for some awkward future interactions. but eunji didn’t want it to continue just for the sake of having less awkward interactions, she actually thought she was starting to like kyungwon. she never realized it before, but she definitely liked him.
eunji found her eyes drifting to the side of the bed he was on, observing how her comforter was draped over his body. she wondered if he felt the same way she did about him.
well, obviously he felt the same, they literally had sex, but, she didn’t know if he wanted a relationship. would they just be fuck buddies or something? eunji didn’t want to be a fuck buddy, she wanted to be part of a committed relationship, something she’d gain something from. eunji sighed. her sigh was soft and drawn out, like a lifted tension that left her with a feeling of not exactly relief, but more melancholy.
at this point, kyungwon had begun to stir beside her, and she knew that he’d be awake very soon. she hoped that he’d just grab his stuff and leave, how he would leave without getting his ass beat by hyeonmi, eunji didn’t know, but she wasn’t worried about that. she was worried about him putting his pants on and waking out the door, leaving eunji alone to process what was going on between the two of them.
kyungwon was waking up now, he locked eyes with eunji and smiled lazily, which kinda sorta made eunji’s heart melt a little but she wouldn’t admit it. “good morning,” he said softly, “you sleep okay?”
eunji nodded carefully, “i slept fine, do you want me to call you a cab or something?”
“you already want me gone, okay,” he laughed, “it’s fine, i get it, hyeonmi will beat both of our asses.” at least he knew hyeonmi well.
“yeah...” eunji replied, fiddling with a loose thread on the hem of her- well, kyungwon’s shirt, “can i ask your something?”
“go ahead.”
“so...” she started, “so last night... about that, is this just a one time thing? i mean- not that i wouldn’t want to do that again- but, i just wanna know what you thought about all that, i guess?”
kyungwon chuckled, “well, i certainly wouldn’t mind doing this again...” he replied, smirking.
“ugh, i almost forgot how gross and flirty you are.”
“says the one who had sex with me last night!”
“shut up! hyeonmi will hear you! put your pants on and leave.”
“damn, okay,” kyungwon laughed, “your mood sure changed quick.
eunji laughed with him, actually talking to him was relieving her tension way more than she thought it would. at least she was sort of sure that there was a chance something more would become of this.
one thing was for sure, the next little while was gonna be interesting, for kyungwon, the girls, and eunji.
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knock-me-out · 6 years
could you give us a rundown on each member's individual fashion style???
abso-fuckin-lutely, have some moodboards too for good measure
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likes looking “swaggy” like the swaggy rapper he is 
wears a lot of looser patterned clothes that are technically “in” for hip-hop 
often sees something on another idol and goes “that’s neat” then tries to find it on the internet 
supreme? he’s got it because he’s full of swag and the company can afford it for him so he’s gonna take advantage of that shit 
his entire closet? filled with stupid bucket hats and fanny packs. has decided he has too many. decided to sell them to owen and daesung. they were stupid enough to buy them 
around the dorm you can usually just find him chilling in a sweatshirt and sweatpants. loves himself some sweats oh boy. probably wears sweatpants to the airport as well just because he wants to be comfortable on the plane so he’s not gonna give two shits about whether there’s a stain on his pants or not
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the stylists always end up dressing him a lot more showily than he’d want to
aways likes to have at least one red accessory somewhere, big sucker for it
styled with dangly earrings and tons of rings? It’s more likely than you’d think
doesn’t dress with the complete mom aesthetic most expect of him when on his own time; is a supporter of skinny jeans, turtlenecks, layers, jewelry. he likes fashion, takes pride in looking good. when everything else feels out of his control, his outfits aren’t. 
doesn’t tend to like wearing super bright colors, sticks to greyscale and red for the most part.
at the dorms, catch him walking around in sweatpants and ryeo’s t-shirts, silk robes, and glasses. his eyesight is garbage. usually is a complete mess on days off; wearing two different slippers, no glasses because he’s dumb so he’s just squinting at everything really suspiciously, no pants, and a t-shirt like five sizes too big while he cleans. help him.
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has two completely different styles. his idol fashion and his dorm fashion. they’re so insanely different that if any fan saw him in dorm fashion they’d be like “whomst is that???” 
idol fashion: big comfy sweaters, jeans, the biggest long sleeve t-shirts because wc absolutely cannot have him showing off his muscles 
dorm fashion: very tight work-out tees. basket ball shorts. but lets go back to the t-shirts. because when i say tight i mean he’s grown two sizes in t-shirt, but hasn’t gone shopping for new ones yet tight
would love to get to wear something other than long sleeves outside, but working for wc means that he’s supposed to maintain his sweet angel image so sweaters in 90° weather it is 
finds work out clothes very comfy and would like to just be in them all the time 
he tends to just sleep and wander the dorms in the morning in a pair of boxers and a large t-shirt that isn’t that big on him, but jui would drown in it
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he’d like to say that he’s the most fashionable member of k.o, but dohwan would probably punch him in the face if he said that and then proceed to go on a rant about why he’s the most fashionable member
loves anything that will button up and tuck into some tight jeans because he actually has great proportions and his legs are to die for, so he’s gonna show them off
wears only the finest of materials. hit him up with some nice silk and like designer denim. wishes he got that gucci deal instead of dohwan
accessories are a big yes. wears a lot of fun earrings and rings and bracelets. there’s always a nice belt holding up his pants because he’s that bitch 
fashionable even at home. definitely has like silk pajamas and parades around in them being comfy and fashionable
can only steal jungsoo and kyungsoo’s clothing and is salty. wants to steal dohwan’s shit but the man’s 5’11” and it makes jui angry
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he’s low-key legally obligated to wear gucci at all times, according to him. he’s the fashionista of the group and debatably the best at styling himself, loves clothing.
has no problem with showy high fashion, loves anything with a bit of shimmer to it, silk, flowy shirts with the top few buttons undone, chokers, turtlenecks and button-ups. 
big on accessorizing, especially gucci belts/anything with a brand name on it.
color wise, he likes blue and purple in particular — isn’t afraid to go bold with color to stand out.
doesn’t usually like showing much skin publicly, covers up even in the sun. he’s been made fun of by fans for wearing literal suits on the beach.
at the dorms, he’s more free with how he dresses. catch him making cereal at one in the morning wearing silk pants and no shirt. 
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the SOFTEST sweater wearing fool — loves sweaters, cardigans, and warm fabrics. he could complain about being cold in the middle of the rainforest.
likes bright patterns and colors, mainly because he’s so damn short and needs to find a way to stand out somehow.
has two modes: on stage, he’s usually styled very precisely and looks pretty damn hot. offstage, he seems tiny and about twelve years old, likes to pull his sleeves over his hands and swat people with them for attention.
is 10/10 the most likely to rip something by not even doing anything, is just a clumsy lil baby.
likes jewelry, usually necklaces and rings, has a necklace with a star on it he never takes off.
at the dorms, wears hongsol’s hoodies religiously and shorts or pajama pants with cute patterns like ducks. will defend his ducks with his life, don’t make fun of him, you’ll get a shoe thrown at your head.
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wow he’s just not put together when it comes to fashion much at all. has a stylist buddy that plans his outfits for the week cause she doesn’t trust him to do it himself
pun t-shirts? oh yes please. he has just the worst graphic t-shirts that are all like a million years old that he pairs with jeans 
has once just gone to the airport in one of these stupid ass shirts and a pair of ripped to hell jeans and there were victories that laughed at him 
likes denim. a whole lot. like he only wears jeans. usually black jeans paired with a white t-shirt or a black t-shirt 
his fashion isn’t actually all that interesting in public because he still wants to wear a t-shirt and jeans, but his stylist friend is like “what the fuck do you think you’re doing” whenever he wears a fun shirt 
his color palette is exclusively black and white unless he’s being directly dressed by a stylist for a performance
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boyfriend aesthetic, completely. likes to dress in layers with flannels, cardigans, etc. dresses for comfort and for practicality.
prefers muted and warmer earth tones, nothing too harsh on the eyes. 
he’s usually styled in a lot of flowy and silky things, he’s not a fan but doesn’t complain.
has this one denim jacket all of the members have signed, he wears it all the damn time. it’s incredibly important to him, and he brings it with him wherever he might be filming.
doesn’t normally accessorize much or wear a lot of jewelry besides a designer watch — practical.
around the dorms, he’s usually in jeans and a flannel or knit sweater.
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edgy bitch aesthetic, as could be expected. ripped jeans, leather jackets (if he can get away with not wearing a shirt under it, bet he’s going with that), flannels, denim jackets, anything experimental and showy. if he’s not really making an effort, sticks to jeans and black t-shirts. 
the more skin he can show, the better; likes to show off his tattoos, has no shame with it.
doesn’t like wearing a lot of jewelry besides rings and earrings. he dislikes dangly earrings and prefers studs, and with so many piercings in each ear, that’s wise. 
if he’s not wearing doc martens or converse, there’s an issue here, chief
part ii of the monochrome and red gang, but wears dark jewel tones from time to time. claims wearing white washes him out, usually avoids it. 
at the dorms, he’s usually shirtless and wearing grey sweatpants. hates shoes and will be barefoot any time he can. refers to shirts as nipple prisons and usually gets smacked for it, don’t let him have rights.
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if there’s one thing to say about kyungsoo’s fashion taste it’s that everything he wears is at least three sizes too large on him. big sweaters, shirts, jackets, and more are his favorite things to parade around in 
habitual clothing thief from his members. likes to steal jae and ryeo’s stuff the best. usually takes ryeo’s sweaters because they have similar styles 
he’s already pretty small but his clothes always make him look even smaller. people comment that he always looks so soft in his big sweaters and flannels and stuff
likes pastels and greys more than your average bear. can almost never be found in a fully saturated color 
a lot of his clothing falls into the ‘comfort over coolness’ area since he’s super sensitive to certain materials and doesn’t like tight fitting clothing 
really loves the dress shirt under sweater combo as well as buying too big t-shirts/button ups and tucking them into a tight pair of black jeans
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the boy! loves! colors! pastels are a big yes for him and pairing those pastels with things like overalls and such is so much fun 
he’s also a huge fan of things with pockets. like, the more space to keep stupid things in the better. owns a jacket with fifteen pockets that remi and kiyong bought for him as a joke, but he actually adores it and wears it all the time 
follows like those modern flower-boy trends where he puts on some mom jeans and tucks a t-shirt into them. fans think it’s super cute

also a big ol’ sucker for putting cool jackets on top of his sweatshirts so he looks fun and edgy. his sweatshirts are 99% of the time stolen from dae 
can just be super simple too. half of his shirts are just white or stripy and he’ll usually stick a button up on top of those and pair it with some jeans and white sneakers 
speaking of sneakers, you’ll never find him in any other shoes unless he’s forced to. once wore converse with a suit on the red carpet
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loves sweatpants and oversized shirts/hoodies, skinny jeans. usually just looser tops and tighter clothing on the bottom, really.
big sucker for the color green, he claims it looks the best with his hair and skin color.
dresses for comfort and looks uneasy when he has to wear more delicate clothing and anything ridiculously expensive and fancy.
10/10 the most likely to buy some $3 t-shirt and wear it for like a week straight.
almost always wears athletic shoes of some kind.
around the dorms, he dresses pretty similarly: sweatpants, hoodies, burrows in his clothes.
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onesmallbunny · 6 years
Jaehyun x Reader
Request by the lovely J.: Can I request a Jaehyun scenario where y/n is introverted and Jaehyun I know he said somewhere he's kinda introverted too so its up to you how you will make the story. Fluff please. Thank you in advance! 💟-J.
Hi cutie 💖 I hope you’ll like your scenario!! Let me know if you did :3
Genre: fluff (100%) Words count: 2k
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People seemed to be really busy inside NCT 127’s dorm, today. Each member was doing something to prepare tonight’s dinner. While Winwin, Yuta and Johnny were setting the table, Taeil, Mark and Doyoung were cleaning the living room, and Haechan, Taeyong and Jaehyun were busy cooking in the kitchen.
Jaehyun were silently cutting meat while Haechan and Taeyong were arguing on what sauce they should use.
“We should use this one, Hyung.” Said Haechan.
“No, I think this one is better.”
“Hyung, listen to me…”
“Jaehyun, what is Y/N’s favourite sauce?” suddenly asked Taeyong, coming closer to his younger friend.
A little confused of this sudden question, Jaehyun stared at him and gave him an embarrassed smile.
“I don’t really know…”
“Hey, do you guys talk sometimes?” jokingly said Haechan.
“Yeah, of course…”
“How are you supposed to ask her out if you don’t even know what she like?” giggled Taeyong. Then, he looked at Haechan very seriously. “Let’s do as I said.”
Haechan sighed and started cooking again. Carefully cutting the meat, Jaehyun was thinking of what his two friends just said.
“You two are seriously hopeless, sometimes.” Said Taeyong with a soft smile.
“Why?” Jaehyun laughed, blushing a little.
“You are so awkward!”
“We are not… Y/N and I are very introvert, we do not like to talk when there’s a lot of people screaming around us.”
“Who is screaming? We are not screaming.” Replied Haechan, feeling attacked. His Hyungs laughed.
“Oh, you are. And so are Doyoung, Mark and Yuta. It’s really difficult to talk when you’re all screaming.”
“Why do I feel like someone is talking on my back?”
Yuta just entered the room and was about to fight Jaehyun, a plate on his hands. They all laughed.
“Alright, we are done with the table guys. And I think Doyoung and the others are done too. How are you doing?”
“We’re almost done too, we just need to cook the meat. What time is it?”
Jaehyun put the meat in the pan, covered it and smiled to his friends proudly.
“Okay good!”
They all walked to the living room, already exhausted, and sat on the sofas.
“Alright kids, Y/N is coming very soon.” Started Taeyong. “What’s the mission today?”
“To make sure Y/N and Jaehyun are together at the end of the night!” replied Doyoung, giggling.
“Seriously guys, I don’t think it’s a good idea…” said Jaehyun, laughing of embarrassment.
“Are you kidding? This is the best idea I had.” Said Haechan, proudly. “You guys are incapable of doing anything alone, we have to help you.”
“And as I said, it’s only because you guys are too loud and annoying, you’re probably scaring her!”
“Haechan, your language…” Johnny softly punched Haechan’s head, with a smile. The youngest member stuck his tongue out and Winwin laughed a little. “Jaehyun is right, though. You guys need to chill a little, okay? I’m talking to you, especially…”
Johnny pointed the loudest members with his finger, and all of them looked away, feeling embarrassed, and making everyone in the living room laughed a little.
“If you want Jaehyun to get is chance with Y/N, we need to leave them alone, okay?”
“This is boring…”
“She probably needs some calm, idiot.” Added Winwin, laughing at Haechan.
“That’s right. So, are we ready?”
They replied all together to their leader, and then, suddenly heard the door bell ringing. Jaehyun couldn’t hide a little smiling, making his dimples appeared.
“Our guest of honour has arrived. You should welcome her, Jaehyun.”
The young man smiled to Taeil and walked nervously to the door, then opened it. He automatically smiled when he saw you, his cheeks getting a bit pinker than usual.
“Hello Y/N.” he said, softly taking you in his arms.
“Hi Jaehyun.” You gave him a shy smile and hugged him back.
He let you enter the room and all the members greeted your happily. Obviously, they promised but most of them couldn’t stay calm. At first, Jaehyun felt a little nervous about this, but seeing you smile made him feel better.
You and Jaehyun were introvert. You both loved being with all NCT members, but the best moments were when you were alone, or just with the two of you. You guys were really close, even if the other members didn’t believe Jaehyun. You didn’t need words to talk, you could understand each other a lot with silence, just by being at each other’s side…
This very special relationship made Jaehyun fall in love with you so hard. You were all he wanted as a girlfriend; pretty, quiet but funny, calm, mature but so cute… Jaehyun was in love with the way you were always blushing when you had to talk, he was in love with you shy little voice, your cute smile while watching the others having fun around you… If he could do one last thing in his life, it would probably be right next to you and just watch you being your adorable little self.
You weren’t aware of Jaehyun’s feeling, but all you could say, was that you were deeply in love with him. You’ve always been ashamed of being so shy and introvert, but Jaehyun always made you feel good about this. He accepted the way you were, and, most of all, he understood when you needed to have some time alone. Sometimes, even when you were at the dorm with him, you guys could spend hours just being next to each other, reading a book or being on your phone without feeling awkward. That was what made you fall in love with him. Feeling free while being with Jaehyun.
After a long moment, Taeyong finally proposed to go eating the dinner they prepared. You were suddenly very excited to taste all the things the boys made for you. You sat right in front of Jaehyun, and between Taeyong and Taeil.
“Alright! Jaehyun made this for you, Y/N!” said Mark while serving you a soup. “He said you like this a lot…”
“Mark!” whispered Jaehyun, embarrassed.
“He was right.” You replied shyly as you took your full plate back.
You happily started eating with all NCT 127’s members. From time to time, you could feel Jaehyun stare on you, and blush while looking away. His cute dimples were your week point…
“Thanks for the meal guys, you are the best.” You said with a cute smile. Jaehyun looked at his members proudly, then made a cute little wink in your direction, making you laugh.
Right after that, you helped the boys cleaning the table and the kitchen. While the boys where loudly tidying everything up, you were cleaning the plates, very carefully. Jaehyun came closer to you silently and smiled, watching you.
“Do you need help?” he asked with his sweet and low voice.
“No, I’m almost done, don’t worry.”
“Okay.” He stopped for a moment, still looking at you. “Y/N I was wondering…”
“Would you like to… Go out after? I mean, just to enjoy tonight’s weather, you know.”
You blushed a little and looked at him, confused but happy. You shyly smiled to him, and he looked away, feeling embarrassed.
“I mean…” he started. “If you want to stay outside with the others, it’s okay.”
“No, I’d be very happy to walk outside with you for a while.”
Jaehyun just smiled, looking down and walked away, happily. He was feeling so happy, as if he just achieved the biggest goal of his entire life. When he walked out of the kitchen, he saw his friends at the door, listening to your conversation. He automatically stopped and stared at them, embarrassed.
“Yah…” he whispered.
“Congrats, you have your first date!” whizzed Yuta, his thumbs up.
“Can we even call that a date?” mocked Haechan.
“Yeah, for them it’s a date…”
“What’s wrong?”
They all looked at you and acted like nothing happen, walking away. You blinked twice, confused and Jaehyun smiled, telling you to put your coat on to go out.
A moment after, you were both outside, walking next to each other, in silence.
“They are pretty noisy, right?” finally said Jaehyun, laughing a little. You nodded, smiling.
“Yeah, they really are. But they’re lovely.”
“Oh well, I think they are more annoying…”
You giggled and kept walking next to him. After a moment, you stopped and sat on a little bench, admiring the Han river. You stay silent for a moment, admiring the landscape. Suddenly, Jaehyun turned his head and looked at you. You blushed a little.
“Nothing.” He smiled innocently. “I’m just happy to be here with you.”
“Of course! I like just being here doing nothing. As long as I’m with you I’m happy.”
You blushed even more and tried to hide your red face and your satisfied little smile by turning your head back on him.
“I’m happy then… I always thought you were so bored with me.” You laughed, a little embarrassed.
“What? No, I’m not bored! It’s the exact opposite, actually. You know… You and I, we are the same.” You stared at each other’s eyes for a moment. “I mean… We don’t need to talk all the time to enjoy being with each other.”
Jaehyun gave you a sweet and shy smile, and bravely took your hand in his, still looking into your eyes. His gaze was so soft, so innocent and shy, you were literally melting.
“And that’s what I like about you.” He whispered, caressing the back of your hand with his thumb. “I don’t have to force myself to do things I don’t want to. With you, I can be myself.”
You had no idea Jaehyun was feeling this way. You were always afraid to bore him, not to be able to have a decent conversation with him… But Jaehyun as so pure, tender, nice with you. And that was probably the reason why you were so in love with him.
“I… I don’t know what to say.” You replied after a moment, feeling shy.
“It’s okay Y/N. I wasn’t expecting a reply, you know!”
“You… I kinda feel the same way. I mean… I always feel good, secure and accepted when I’m with you. People are always wondering why I’m not talking or stuff like that. But you never did. I don’t feel judged when I’m with you. And it means a lot to me.”
Jaehyun blushed a little and shyly looked down, feeling the happiest in the entire world.
“I’m happy to hear that, Y/N.”
You both stared at each other’s eyes in silence for a moment, then, Jaehyun came closer to you, looking at your lips. You did not move and watched him going closer, and closer… And as soon as you felt his soft lips touching yours, your closed your eyes.
The kiss was soft, sweet no one was moving, as if it was forbidden. After a moment, Jaehyun took all his courage and slowly moved his lips against yours, making you blush and smile at the same time. He was so gentle, so sweet, so shy, your heart was melting. You did not really understand why, but this was happening. You were kissing Jaehyun…
He finally broke the kiss after a moment, and stared at you. Your lips were pink and wet, your face was red and your eyes were shining like diamonds. Jaehyun couldn’t hold back a little giggle as he was admiring your beauty, and, in silence, you put your head on his shoulder, smiling shyly.
“So are we…” you asked, suddenly.
“I think so?” he looked at you with a cute little smile.
Jaehyun was right; you did not need words to understand each other. You guys were so similar.
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