#like the fact that they were canonically supposed to have a child in the movie if it actually went into that direction breaks me because it
elysabeththequeene · 1 month
thinking thoughts™️ about the idea of christian and satine as parents like i know christian would've been such a girldad and him and satine would have three little girls running around their household christian would write fairytales and tell them bedtime stories satine would have so much fun dressing her girls up and singing to them they'd all have picnics together they would take their daughters to a ballet and to a carnival but the most important thing their own children would get to have is growing up in an environment filled many great things and love being the most compelling thing ever
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autumn-foxfire · 5 months
Like, I get why the shippers are upset at the news. But it is not lazy writing; most of his stories have been built over time and stretched. Just because an uncanon ship is incest does not imply he is lazy. There are other situations in the manga that imply that they have been related for years, and Gosho even stated in 2013 that there is more to unveil between these two.
Like just keep shipping them, many people sleep with their cousins.
Do you think I'm mad because of my ship? Yeah it sucks but I'll still ship them as cousins because they were never going to be canon anyway!
No, I'm mad because it was bad writing. He ruined a relationship that was fun for me, not Shinichi and Kaito but rather Toichi and Kaito a Yuusuke and Toichi. I'll get into Toichi and Yuusaku first but he's had YEARS to imply a familial relationship, it could have been implied in canon when Shinichi encountered Toichi as a child! It could have been included in past movies if he wanted to go the movie route! The first Kaito KID focused movie was based on FAMILY. It could have set up properly a long time ago! But it wasn't and I'm tried of people pretending it was. Him saying he'll explain it is NOT him setting this plot point up.
So you're telling me for no good reason (and no Toichi fighting a criminal organization is not a good excuse considering he didn't mind having a son meanwhile) Toichi and Yuusaku did not introduce their families? That Toichi, who is supposed to be important to Yuusaku, is never even mentioned?! That they didn't think it would be a good idea for Kaito to have support from someone his own age and family while he was grieving his father?! Do you really want him to be such a selfish man because I don't.
And a more personal note, I enjoy the plot of two rivals of matching intellectual prowess actually facing against one another but he's taken all that away with this reveal. He's ruined Toichi and Yuusaku's relationship for me.
And this isn't me even getting into the implications of what it means for Kaito. He idolised his father! He risks his life to bring him justice! And his father is alive and letting him! What. The. Fuck. I always knew Gosho wanted him to be alive but I had hoped that he would recognize the bad decision it would be. I'm afraid not.
And do you want to know why I think its lazy? THE SERIES IS FULL OF LOOKALIKES. Okita for example is right there! Is he a cousin too? Are Ran and Aoko cousins now? They look alike! It's even commented in the manga! Shinichi and Ran look alike.
Gosho has never been very creative with his character designs, it's a fact acknowledged by fandom, so that's why we know this him making Shinichi and Kaito cousins is a cheap excuse to disguise that.
You won't change my mind about his writing being terrible, Anon, and I'm not the only one who thinks so.
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emmafrostdefender · 1 month
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a fine line between god and animal | logan howlett x fem reader
prologue - that which cannot be held in your hand | masterlist
your mother was a god-fearing woman. but she feared you much more. some part of you was wrong, at least in the eyes of god, but you answered to something much bigger. and so did he.
hi friends, this was written when i was struck with inspiration by the one and only ethel cain. of course, the inspiration was paired with my recent renewed interest in wolverine and x-men. some of the characters are more like how they are in the comics because the movie writers did them dirty! like jean slays in the comics okay! anyways, i wanted to write about wolverine and it be sexy in an ethel cain way. do we get the vibe? i hope so. also, i, in fact, do not have religious trauma but if you do this might be the story for you. enjoy.
warnings: cursing, religion, religious trauma (will pick up), lowkey a lot of blasphemy, people be bad sometimes, reader's mother was not chill, a ton of exposition (sorry!), i’m writing this mainly for practice (especially regarding dialogue, so that’s why some of it might be kinda choppy), definitely won't be canon compliant, 4k words
By the grace of some unholy god were you created.
The priest with silver hair expelled the demons from you; those crawling, crushing, wriggling, squirming demons that lived within you. Those demons that whispered in your ears, caressing your skull with a language lost to time. They pushed to be revealed. Today, your mother shoved you to your knees before the altar of your true Mother, the Mother of all. “Holy Mother, bless this rotten soul,” she whispered by your side, eyes clenched shut. You watched her. There were no tears, not for your lost soul. Your rotten soul. As if your morality was like an apple. Something that could shrivel up and die if left too long in the scorching sun.
Your skin crawled under the light that beat down on you through the skylights of the church. The air was thick with incense and smoke from the ever-burning candles. The stench filled your nose. Your mother grasped your hand in hers, forcing you to focus on her words. She spoke so quietly, so quickly, you’d think she was chanting some spell. Something to save you from your fate.
“Heavenly Father, take the Devil’s spirit from her body; take this ugly, horrid wickedness from her.”
You closed your eyes, not in prayer, but to lend your ears elsewhere. To the birds chirping outside. The wind whistling through the trees. 
You were connected to nature. In some primal, peaceful way.
Before your father died, he would take you into the woods and you would wander together. Sometimes you would pack supplies for overnight trips, sometimes you would bring nothing but your spirit with you. Now, you thought he knew that something was different about you before you did. When you were a stumbling child, he knew. There were days he would force you to lead the both of you back to safety after getting you lost in the middle of the woods. Force you to reveal yourself to him. The part of you that God shunned.
And you did.
Your spirit became one with the natural world around you. You could hear and smell and see. For what felt like the first time. It was a beautiful thing that came over you.
The trees spoke to you, in their ancient language lost to humanity. And you spoke back. Using sounds that had never before emerged from your lips. 
And they led you home.
Never once did your father ostracize you for your gift. That’s what he called it. A gift.
When you turned sixteen, your gift shifted. You fought back as it reared its ugly head at you. It pushed and pulled at your insides, begging to be released fully. The day your father died, lying still in a sterile hospital bed, it burst out of you. The monotonous tone that rang out death filled your ears as you lay beside him on the thin sheets. He wasn’t supposed to die like this. Not here. The thought blared in your brain. He should’ve been somewhere he could see the sky, the trees, the clouds, not the plastered ceiling of a hospital room.
In your memory, nothing changed. But your mother, eyes blurry with tears, watched as something inside you morphed. You became still, grasping your father’s hand, and whispered something that sounded to her like sin. The tongue of some animal, some demon. She watched as her daughter became something unholy. Your eyes went pitch black, your skin glowing with a soft light. And suddenly, vines were creeping into the room from all around.
Through the window, the door, from the cracks in the ceiling. Crawling to the thrumming in your veins. The winds answered your call, blasting open the window, broken glass scattering across the linoleum floor. Your mother screamed at the sound. 
As vines wrapped around your ankles, around your father’s bed, your mother watched as you continued your senseless muttering. She couldn’t move to stop you. She began to chant a prayer of protection. For herself, for her husband’s lifeless body, for your soul. 
Anger filled your spirit, the anger of a thousand year old mother. Tar filled your veins, smoke filled your lungs, oil in your eyes. The drilling, the pounding, the burning, the slaughtering. It all pushed into your brain as the vines choked your soul. And you screamed.
Your mother grabbed the metal tray from your father’s final meal and slammed it against your head.
And she continued to pray. Gripping your hand until it hurt. And you let her. Let her expel the demon from you. 
Your bare skin bathes in the moonlight shining through the early autumn foliage as you sit on your knees before a different altar. 
You cringe at the memory of your bruised knees and that crushing hold on your hand. Begging God to turn you into a flower, while your mother begged for your mortal soul.
You shake your head to clear the memory. That was ten years ago now. Seventeen and terrified of who you were, what you were. She was wrong about you and you were wrong about you. 
The day the priest came to perform another exorcism of sorts, something that had no effect on you whatsoever, a new man had entered your bedroom. A man in a wheelchair. Professor Charles Xavier. He saved you. 
Made your mother forget who you were.
And you came to live on a beautiful estate in upstate New York with people like you. Mutants. A word used in such a way you had never heard before in extremely rural Oklahoma. “What do you mean, mutant?” You asked, not sure if you should feel insulted.
Professor X looked at you from across the plasticky diner table, studying your features. You studied his right back. Soft eyes and a kind smile. Such a stark contrast from your mother’s severe gaze and thin-lipped grimace. “Mutants are like regular people, only with a mutated gene that gives them special abilities. I’ve been studying mutants and their mutations for decades. Each mutant I meet is unique and you are no exception.”
Your eyebrow raised ever-so-slightly as you sipped on a strawberry milkshake. “How many are there?”
And so began your relationship with Charles Xavier. He became your mentor, someone to go to for guidance. He assisted you in harnessing your abilities, treating them like a muscle to train rather than a burden to bear. And yet, every night you prayed to God that you could be rid of it. That you could go back home and live a normal life. 
In your years at the mansion, friendships blossomed all around you. You never made friends easily back home, but here they came quickly and firmly.
And you felt complete. You are complete. You remind yourself.
Something deep inside of you grumbles in response.
You ignore it and stretch your arms to the sky, cupping the moon in your hands. The moon is slightly out of your jurisdiction, but she controls the tide, which controls the winds. It all works in harmony, you’ve learned. When another girl with similar mutant abilities arrived at the mansion a few years after yourself, you became close partners. Storm, Ororo by birth, was your closest companion. She had striking white hair and a piercing gaze and a personality to match. In combat, she is your most trusted partner. 
You spin your arms in a practiced circle, beginning to feel the thrumming of power in your veins. Every full moon, Charles would send you out into the woods of the estate to become one with your abilities. He says the most dangerous mutant is a mutant that severs all connection to their powers. One that has no real idea what they are capable of. “They could destroy a whole city and not understand why,” he replied when you first asked him the meaning of these exercises. “You must be in tune with yourself if you ever want to feel some semblance of control.”
Control. The word forced a shiver down your spine. Mother Nature revolts at it.
And yet, you managed to tame the primal part of yourself. The part that screamed to be let loose. 
The world pulses around you as your eyes flutter shut. This is your favorite part of the night. When you merge with the natural world. When you feel and hear and see everything around you. The flapping of an owl’s wings. The beat of a young doe’s heart. The smell of the moss and the dirt and the stream miles away. You feel another heartbeat. This one is firmer. More distinct. It reminds you of the steady thumping of your father’s heart when you would lay on his chest as a small child. You can’t pinpoint its location. It seems to come from everywhere at once. A sense of serenity washes over you. 
And you simply listen.
You spread your fingers on the plush grass below you, feeling that heartbeat skitter along your skin and wash itself in the blood that pulses through your veins. You hear the sound of drifting snow, feel its cold sting before it melts against warm skin. Your eyes scrunch up as you focus. The thought of even wondering what you’re tuning into never crosses your mind. You just want to keep feeling and hearing. Your gluttony for the senses takes over and you taste the sheen of melted snow on this stranger’s skin as if you licked it yourself. Salt and something man. You hum. And then you smell something so distinctly like smoke that you are thrown from your reverie. Your body repulses against itself and you cough. Being connected to Earth has its disadvantages. 
Desire to return to that state of complete contentment fills your mind, but you stand. Your nude form basks in the moonlight for not a minute longer. You shrug a pretty little silk robe on and make your way back to the mansion. Although it is early October and New York has not yet succumbed to the winter weather, you still feel the keen chill of snow. 
As you slowly walk back to the mansion, the new thrum of energy courses through you. It spreads down your legs to the pads of your feet, which leave trails of newborn flowers. As quickly as they are born, they die. The circle of life and death. Darkness and light.
The exact breadth of your powers is still unknown to you and your fellow mutants. Before being taken in by Professor X, you thought they were limited to simply being one with nature. The memory of your father’s death and the events that quickly followed were hazy, but being far away from your mother and her religious zeal allowed you to connect to that piece of your past. To your chagrin, Charles refused to go into your mind to help you remember. It took you two months to fully remember the events. Memories came in dreams, waves of disconnected images all straining in your mind. The first night Charles sent you into the woods to “figure it out,” the pieces fell into place.
And you finally knew yourself again.
Now, you’ve chalked your abilities up to being a reincarnation of Mother Nature, a realization that pulls at the small cross that rests in the hollow of your neck. Despite the trauma incurred by your mother in the name of the righteous God, that part of yourself hasn’t been severed. You remember your father knelt in the church, clasping the chain around your neck, thereby forever bonding you to your faith. You’ve never feared any man you’ve gone against in combat, but you fear the one waiting to judge you.
If He’d even bestow that luxury upon you.
You look up at the sky as you step through the woods, drawing lines between the stars like the ancients. Stringing stories and myths and legends. You wonder if the monsters of olde were simply mutants, like you. Misunderstood and begging to be believed.
The soft glow of the mansion enters your vision. The weight of sleep hits you in the shoulders and you slouch to the back entrance. All the young mutants are asleep at this time, but you hear the skittering of a few rebels in the halls. The mansion never fails to awe you, with its tall wooden walls and bright windows. A far cry from your small rancher of a childhood home. You pass the main entrance and make your way up the stairs that lead to your bedroom on the third floor. This floor is for the older mutants, the X-Men.
Originally, you declined Charles’ offer to be a part of the mutant bad-guy-fighting team. A lack of confidence in yourself, you realized later on. The belief that something was still too wrong with you to even have the ability to help anyone. That belief changed rather quickly. 
When you realized there wasn’t much of a place for mutants in this world, you accepted his offer. You took on the name Proserpina, the Roman goddess of spring, at the behest of your teammates. Despite your initial disdain towards the alias, you soon grew fond of the name.
Your ears perk up at the sound of whispering voices down the hall.
Coming from Jean’s room.
Jean Grey is another member of the X-Men and another close friend of yours. You were one of the first people she met when she arrived at the mansion a few years ago. You were the first to confront her about her obvious feelings for Scott Summers, who is something of a brother to you, before she even recognized them herself. You are the first person she goes to whenever she feels out of control, which seems to be more frequently as of late. “He wants you and Storm to track them down,” she says in a soft voice.
“Just the two of us?” Scott asks.
You assume she nods.
You raise your eyebrow. Track who down?
Deciding to enter the conversation, you continue to her room and open the cracked door fully. “What, so Charles doesn’t want me tracking anymore?” You question with a hand on your hip.
They both stand in the center of the room and turn their heads to look at you. Jean rubs at the space between her eyebrows. “Not necessarily. He just isn’t sure you should go on this one.”
“Why? Is it because we’d be fighting Captain Capitalism or something?”
Scott quirks a smile. “He’s found another prospect for the X-Men.”
“And how does that impact my ability to find them?”
Jean approaches you slowly. “Don’t be offended, honey, but sometimes you come off a bit…”
“Bitchy,” Scott finishes with his arms folded across his chest. 
Your mouth drops open and you move to slap him or punch him or kick him, but Jean puts her hand on your sternum. “I meant to say, you can come off a bit guarded. And that isn’t always helpful with new recruits.”
“But no one is better at tracking than me,” you say with a pout. “Besides the obvious.”
“Sorry, babe, Charles isn't letting you come on this one,” Scott says with a grin. “Too bad.”
You flick him in the forehead and he flinches. “Asshole.”
“You can stay here and help me with my exercises. Charles is trying to get me to move a car,” Jean suggests. “I know,” she says in response to your eyebrow raise. 
“You can barely move a book without it flying at your face. Or, in most cases, my face.”
She shrugs. “Out of the frying pan and into the fryer, I guess.”
“Fine. I’ll be nice.” You turn to leave and toss a dismissive hand up behind you at Scott. “Good luck tracking without me, bitch.”
He hums. “Goodnight.”
As you shut the door he throws out, “Can’t wait to bring them back in record time tomorrow!”
Them. So it’s multiple. Interesting.
That night, your dreams are filled with images of your old church. The windows stain everything around you a blood red. 
You are on your knees before the altar of Mary. But today, her hands are folded away from you. She scorns you with a downwards glance of repulsion. You know this isn’t real. It’s not real.
Yet, your body burns in her gaze. Your skin is on fire and no one is there to quell it. You are chained to the floor by your hands, you feel your chest being cracked open to onlookers. Your heart is yanked from your ribs, your impure blood oozing from gray hands. Roaming hands belonging to a wisp of smoke pull at your bones, branding them in silver. Bugs crawl out of the cavity in your chest, maggots and cockroaches. You scream and the onlookers laugh. Your body vibrates with fear and disgust. And you scream. 
You wake with hands pinned to the bed by your own force, your necklace set between your teeth. 
Your nightgown is soaked in sweat, sticking to your skin. Your heartbeat pumps hard and fast in your ears, an almost unbearable sensation. Not the way you hoped the night would go.
Despite appearances, you are used to the nightmares that plague you whenever there is a full moon. With the resurgence of your power, comes a resurgence of memories. 
You spit the cross out of your mouth and slam your head against your pillow. 
Dawn has skipped across the sky, bringing streaks of hazy light into the darkness. You stare at the ceiling, allowing your heart to return to its usual rate.
It seems like the dreams are only getting worse with time. You thought they would subdue after a few years, but they’ve been building steadily. And you would never tell Charles that, lest he pry into your brain and see for himself. You couldn’t let him, or anyone, see that part of you. The part you worked so hard to tamp down. It would only make things harder.
Therapy for one?
You laugh in self-pity and sit up, your muscles tense. You stretch out your arms, moving them in circular motions as you control your breathing. The last thing the team needs is something else to worry about. Magneto, your main opposition, has been pushing harder and harder toward his goal of world-domination and mutant-superiority. Charles doesn’t need another burden. You crack your neck and stand. 
Your room has floor-to-ceiling windows that overlook the gardens and the woods. A special request you made the first time you moved in. You can just barely see the sun beginning to peak over the horizon, glimmering off the dewy leaves. 
Someone knocks on your door. “Yes?” you ask, turning to face the entrant.
The only other person ever up this early is Storm. She stands before you in her leather suit, stark white hair hanging by her shoulders. “Put some clothes on, Charles wants to speak with you.”
“You don’t think he’d appreciate this?” You gesture to your sweat-stained dress.
“Bad dream?”
You shrug. “I was actually having very passionate sex with Christian Bale.”
“Slut!” She smiles, but her eyes see right through your lie.
You wink. “Always.”
Ororo is the only person you’ve let see the terrified side of you. The side that you keep locked away. And it makes your skin crawl when she sees straight through you. As if she’s the one that can read minds.
When you’ve changed into a sweater and jeans, you follow Ororo downstairs to the professor’s study. The sun has fully risen by now, along with many of the students. You dodge sleepy children and annoyed teenagers as you make your way to the study. 
“I’ll wait out here for you,” Ororo says softly as you open the study door. 
“I feel like I’m about to be scolded for something.”
She laughs.
You shut the door behind you and see Charles sitting at his desk. “Good morning, Professor.”
“Take a seat.”
You grin as you make your way to the plush seats in front of his desk. “Am I in trouble?”
He smiles back. “No, you’re not in trouble. But I did need to speak with you.”
You nod, allowing him to continue.
“I understand that you already know about the retrieval mission Scott and Ororo are to be sent on today?”
“Yes, I overheard Jean mention it to Scott last night.”
He hums. “How was your night besides?”
He’s referring to your monthly ritual. You smile. “It went well.”
“Anything interesting occur?” he asks with a quirk of his brow.
You narrow your eyes slightly. Is he asking about the dreams? You pivot. “Not really. I seemed to connect to someone far away, though. That hasn’t really happened before.”
He nods, a glint in his eye. He knows you’re omitting something. But he lets you get away with it by switching the topic. “I suppose you might be wondering why I’m not sending you on this particular retrieval?”
You shrug, trying to be as nonchalant as possible. “I mean, it crossed my mind. But it’s your decision.”
“I’m not sending you not because you aren’t useful, you must understand. Or because of you’re 'attitude,' which I must admit, I disagree with. You are truly the best tracker we have. And you are fairly good at calming new people down. However, I have recently been made aware of a plot by Lehnsherr to somehow use you to further his plans,” he says with a straight look on his face.
Before you register the second part of his statement, you feel smug pride at the fact that you were right and Scott was wrong. “Wait, he wants me?”
Charles nods. “Yes, it seems he believes your mutation would be useful to him. But I am not aware of how exactly.”
“How were you able to read his mind?”
“We were both at a speech given by Senator Robert Kelly a few days ago. I found his mind in my scan of the room. His is much different from everyone else.”
The unspoken part: We are connected.
The professor never seems to fully admit the strong connection he has to Erik Lehnsherr, but you sensed it the same way you sensed Jean and Scott. It might be different, it might be the same, but the history they share has never fully dissolved.
You wonder if a part of your mutation is sensing innate connections between people. That invisible force that pulls some together, while pulling others apart. That which cannot be held in your hand. You suppose it is something only nature could define.
He continues. “He believes that your connection to nature could be used in conjunction with his control over metal. How? I’m not sure. I’m not sure even he knows.”
You consider this, bringing your hands together. “So you’re nervous I wouldn’t be able to hold my own against his goons?”
“Not necessarily. But if you were abducted, we might not be able to reach you. It’s safer if you stay here with all the protections this mansion affords.”
You fight the urge to roll your eyes. “Are you sure that’s the only reason?”
“It’s the only reason I need.” He looks at you with such care that your annoyance pauses. “If not sending you on a monotonous tracking mission means keeping you from uneccessary harm, then I will do it. Even if it upsets you.”
You break his gaze and sigh. “Fine. I’ll stay.”
He leans back in his chair and smiles.
“I just hate seeing Scott’s ‘I-did-better-than-you’ face. He’s so smug,” you whine.
“You two have that in common, I see.”
The grin that spreads across your lips is impossible to fight.
Scott and Ororo board the jet after an hour of briefing from the professor about where the mutants are most likely located. Somewhere in Canada. Far, far north.
Before they head off, Scott ruffles your hair. “Hey, don’t look so disappointed. You can stay here and grow some flowers or something.”
You shove his hand away from you. “Shut up.”
“Save that fire for when we get back. You never know what these mutants are going to be like. They could be gearing up for a fight.”
“I think I’ll just let you handle that, since you’re so confident you’ll even be able to find them properly without me.”
“It’s not just confidence. It’s a guarantee,” he says with a grin.
“Whatever. Be safe.”
“Always am. Keep Jean company.” 
“Mhm. ‘Bye now!” You say with a wave of your hand.
Jean exits the jet where she was speaking to Ororo and comes to stand next to you. Ororo gives you a thumbs up and she and Scott exit your line of sight. Although you would never admit it, you like going on these missions to keep your teammates safe. And not being able to protect them itches at your skin. Before you go crazy pacing in the hangar of the jet after it takes off, just waiting for them to get back, Jean reminds you of her own practice.
“Time to move that car!” You say with gusto, hooking your arm with hers. 
You fight the urge to glance behind you. Your other hand comes up to worry the cross at your neck. They’ll be fine. 
ugh i know i know she didn't meet him this chapter aw man....
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hobiebrownismygod · 11 months
What if Hobie Brown's Police Captain Canon Event was losing Captain Anarchy?
Every Spider-man loses a police captain who tries to save a child and ends up getting killed. We saw it almost happen to Pav and we see different Peter Parkers' and various other Spider-man variants looking at the holograms of themselves holding their police captain in the scene where Miguel is explaining everything to Miles.
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We see Peter B. Parker looking at his captain's death and we see Andrew Garfield's Spider-man doing the same.
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*sorry for the crappy quality*
Keep this in mind as you continue reading.
Hobie Brown hates cops.
He kills them. He calls them pigs. He calls them fascists. In his comic book cover entrance, the cops are literally depicted as pigs with snouts and everything. We see him fighting and beating up cops, we see him openly talking about hating the government and even more. Comic Hobie is notoriously ACAB and hates police officers with every fiber of his being.
But if losing a Police Captain is a canon event...
Hobie must have lost a police captain too, right?
Except he doesn't like cops. He would never befriend a cop, it just doesn't make sense for his character. If he befriended a cop it would go against his entire agenda of how all cops are pigs.
So what if he didn't lost a police captain?
What if Hobie's canon event was losing his long-time friend, Captain Anarchy?
Look back at the images I showed you in the beginning. We see the Spider-people mourning over the loss of their captain. We also see the Captain's faces. We see that they are in fact all variants of Captain Stacy.
But we don't see Hobie's canon event.
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We see him looking down, obviously at his canon event, and then looking back up and trying to play it off.
We don't see his universe's version of Captain Stacy. All we see is him. We don't know who died during his canon event because they were never shown.
This is why I think Hobie didn't lose a police captain. I think he lost his best friend. Because if he lost a cop, it wouldn't have an impact on his character, and thats what canon events are supposed to be. Canon events are the events that shape every Spider-man's journey, but losing a cop wouldn't have changed anything about him because Hobie hates cops. But losing his best friend...
That would be a life-changing event. Which is what its supposed to be.
Note: You can always argue that Hobie wasn't sad about his canon event because he doesn't look sad in the gif provided and because these are headcanons, I can't say anything against it. However, you have to note that him losing a cop would not have impacted him and Miguel says in the movie that canon events have to have an impact on the person they're affecting.
Hopefully this made sense. I didn't really do that much research on it besides figuring out who Captain Anarchy was and finding the gifs online, so if anything looks or reads inaccurately please let me know!
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Mama's Boy
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Depressed!Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: A very normal day at the Munson house. You were happy to visit your sweet boyfriend, too bad for you, he couldn't say the same thing. He wasn't in the mood and wanted to be alone. You had never seen him like this and that's why you had to ask Wayne for help.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: Insicure!Eddie, Depressed!Eddie, Patient!Reader, blurb, fluff, hurt/confort, theme about alcohol addiction, theme about sigarettes, theme about drugs, past traumas, mommy issue, suicide, bad language, Eddie act like little child. (Whatever you now read about this one-shot is made up. Nothing I've written is canonical. Everything I have written is nothing that has been seen or confirmed in the Duffer Brothers' Stranger Things series!!!)
𝐀/𝐍: Sorry for my english, this is not my native languages. Please support new writers and reblog!Hope you enjoy! Anyway, if you shake your phone/tablet the daisies move :/ (DIVIDER NOT MINE)
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It was a simple fall day in Hawkins. The streets were quiet and the days too, while the citizens were already preparing for the Halloween party that would take place in a few months.
Autumn was perhaps one of your favorite seasons and apparently also that of your metalhead boyfriend, Eddie Munson.
Today as expected, you got ready to go to his trailer. You were supposed to go out together to pick up a movie at Family Video and spend the afternoon like that. You were happy to see Eddie again after a long week due to your studies. You were finally free and no one could take that smile off your face. Or at least that's what you thought...
You knocked cheerfully on the door only to hear an "Coming!" from the other side. His voice was hoarse. It wasn't Eddie. In fact, Uncle Wayne opens the door for you. He gave you a warm smile and invited you in but after you stepped into the trailer his smile disappeared turning his face into a worried look. You wanted to know what was wrong, but you thought maybe it wasn't any of your business. Maybe it was personal stuff and you didn't want to intrude. So you looked around noticing that Eddie wasn't there. "Is Eddie home?" You put your arms behind your back waiting for a response from the adult as he headed towards the kitchen counter.
He nodded "Yes, he's in his room but..." He didn't continue his sentence, in fact he seemed to be looking for the right words. You got worried thinking something bad had happened but then Wayne spoke "If you want I'll call him but I'm warning you kid, he's not well" His tone was low and you could see the concern "What happened?" You asked while hoping that nothing serious had happened. Wayne sighed and then pulled a photo out of his left pocket and placed it on the counter for you as you walked over.
It was old and what's more it was also in black and white. In the photo you could see the panorama of a wonderful beach with two subjects present in the photograph: a woman and a child. Both had their backs turned as they looked at the sea or perhaps the sunset. The woman, even if you couldn't see her face, was definitely beautiful with comfortable clothes. The child's features appeared to be five or six years old. You were confused but let the man in front talk to you.
"Today my nephew and I cleaned out the closet," he began, continuing to talk "In one of the junk we found an old photo album with him and his mother" at that news I felt a great weight on your chest.
You knew that Eddie was without his parents and that he had lived most of his life with his Uncle Wayne, but he had never openly told you what had happened to them.
"After we settled everything, he took the photo album and locked himself in the room. I tried to talk to him, but he said he wanted to be alone" You didn't know exactly how to react. You wanted to know more but at the same time you wanted to go console your boyfriend and find out how he is doing. After a moment of reflection and silence you decided to ask questions.
"If I may ask Wayne...what happened to Eddie's parents?" You were unsure whether to ask since the topic seemed sensitive. The man looked away for a moment and then took a cigarette and put it between his lips and motioned for you to go outside. You followed him, you both exited the trailer and Wayne sat down on the steps in front of the front door while you sat down next to him. He took out his lighter, lighting the cigarette, inhaling the smoke and then releasing it.
"Sorry for taking you out, I'd like to talk to you about it in private" He said. You nodded understanding his reasons.
"My nephew never told you about them, did he?" He asked, surely knowing the answer, but it seemed he wanted to be sure. "No, never. He only told me that they died, he never told me how" You replied as you fixed a lock of your hair feeling the cool air hitting your skin making you shiver. Wayne was silent for a moment, continued to smoke as some ash fell to the ground and he sighed. "My nephew. Before living with me, he lived with his mother" The question arises spontaneously "And his father?"
"That asshole brother of mine? He ran away. When he found out that his wife was pregnant he ran. I never heard from him until I was told that he died in a car accident" you were shocked at the news "His mother was desperate, she hadn't accepted being left like that" her eyes looked at the surrounding landscape of the Trailer Park as more smoke released from her lips "She raised him until he was six and then one day we found her dead on the sofa in her house" you were speechless and every part of Wayne's story made you feel bad, you had become a stone statue no longer knowing how to react and comment on those words of his coming from a difficult past, but the story wasn't finished.
"After my brother left, all she did was drink and take care of Eddie when she could. Most of the time I helped her and tried to keep her away from alcohol, but she never wanted to listen to me." Wayne sighed as if he were throwing himself into memories "She then started using narcotics and smoking more often, it had now become her daily routine..."
You wanted to say something but you was immediately interrupted by him "When she died for my nephew was a hard blow at that age. He loved his mother very much...even if every now and then she forgot that he had a son to raise and spent the hours watching television drunk" This time the man looked at you and noticed your sweet soul worried "I can't imagine what it was like for him, losing a mother at such a young age..." you said it in a whisper and Wayne heard you and nodded "It was very difficult for my nephew. His mother was everything for him, even if it doesn't seem like it now...he may seem scary but in reality he has always been a mama's boy" Wayne smiled and his words had the same effect on you.
You had never thought of Eddie as a mama's boy, and it made you feel tender. "Really?" You asked as if you were in disbelief and he chuckled "Really. At the age of five he was already helping her, asking her for help and taking advice from her for anything. However, he never came to me to ask me for something, for my nephew it was obligatory ask mom" You were touched by this side of Eddie that you didn't know. You were really curious to see how he would act if his mother was still here.
"His mother though? How did she react to it?" You asked and Wayne smirked again "Well, yes, she was happy to have this relationship with Eddie, they spent time together, even if it wasn't much, but for my nephew that time was enough for him to be happy" your smile widened hearing those words "But as I told you before, she forgot about him and spent the rest of the days on the sofa. At times like those I took my nephew home with me so he wouldn't see the horrible state of his mother..." Wayne finished the cigarette and threw it on the ground, stomping on it. "Has he ever thought that his mother didn't love him?" Your lips moved by themselves, you didn't know where this one came from but you tried to identify with that little Eddie who was just trying to stay close to his mother even in the most difficult moment, but she was psychologically destroyed and let her uncle get away with it took care of it for him, you would surely have thought something like "Does mom love me?" or “Why does mommy do this?” something similar.
Wayne nodded "Yes...I remember he told me this on an ordinary day while he was having lunch with me. I didn't know how to answer him, I mean, how can you tell your five year old nephew that his mother takes drugs, drinks and that does he do anything but smoke? And what's more, she only loves it because it reminds her of my brother?" That answer left you stunned and Wayne seemed to understand your reaction "Exactly. His mother, as much as she might love him as a son, loved him even more just because he reminded her of my fucking brother... she always said that Eddie looked a lot like him" The cool air moved your hair slightly "And that's it?" He glanced at you "Do I have to be honest? Not at all, it's all her mother. Especially now" You let out a giggle.
"But now I don't know how he must feel years later. Now he knows things that we hid from him as a child and knowing the truth certainly hurts, but he must learn to face it" You looked at your shoes while thinking about what to say "Do you think he has he gotten over his mother's death?" It took Wayne a while to answer "No. I'm sure of this...As I told you, his mother's death was a hard blow for him and he still suffers from it today" his look was sad, and not do you think you've ever seen this sensitive side of Wayne "I tried to do my best to reassure him and be close to him, but my nephew will never be able to get the image of his mother lying on the sofa lifeless out of his head..." his eyes began to become shiny and you instinctively put a hand on the man's shoulder "Hey, you did a great job with him. You may not have managed to heal that wound of his but you healed many others during his life and I'm sure you never let him lack anything." Wayne smiled big and seemed to feel better "Thanks kid" He stood up and you did the same "Can I talk to him?" You asked as you both walked back into the trailer. He nodded "One moment..." He told you as he headed towards his nephew's room.
After a couple of minutes Wayne came back to you motioning that you could go into the room. Before leaving you took the black and white photograph and headed towards Eddie's room. You found him sitting on the bed looking at the photo album and it made your heart ache. As soon as he saw you he whispered a soft "Hey" while you whispered a soft "Hi" and sat down next to him.
"I'm sorry sweetheart, today we were supposed to go to Family Video and catch a movie to watch-"
"Don't worry Eds, it's okay, it'll be for another time" Your tone was sweet, making him understand that you didn't care about seeing a fucking movie now, but rather being close to him.
"Did my uncle tell you everything?" He said as he looked at you. As soon as his eyes met yours you could see his wet cheeks. He had cried, and it broke your heart in two. You hated seeing him like this and just wished you could console him as best you could. You nodded "How are you?" He didn't seem to want to answer you. Your hand began to caress his back as your eye fell on the album. “I miss her..." Was hi answer. You now saw a color photo of a woman, who you understood to be very beautiful, holding little Eddie by the hand. "I can tell,"
"She's very beautiful and looks a lot like you" now you understood Wayne's words. Even if you didn't know what Eddie's father looked like, he sure as hell couldn't have looked like Eddie looked like his mother, they were identical "Uncle Wayne tells me that too, but she always said I looked like my father" you could hear the note of sadness and contempt falling from his lips "And that's why she left..." You saw how he bit his lower lip tightly, surely keeping himself from shedding tears as you moved closer to him "Why do you think that?"
"Why is it like this... I ruined her life. Every day he woke up looking at the spitting image of my father and that's why he despaired on the sofa ruining himself day by day" Damn it hurt to see him like that. You immediately wanted to hug him tightly "But she loved you and you loved her right?" He nodded "Yes, i love her very much but she didn't love me and she had her reasons, I was the cause of her pain and it ended with her death" Eddie hid his face with the palm of his hand. “I ruined his life Y/N… I'm ruining the lives of everyone around me, starting with Uncle Wayne and-”
"Eddie look at me" A note of seriousness came out of your mouth and you didn't let him finish. Not after he started shedding tears. He looked up and looked at you and with your free hand you cupped his cheek, his eyes were bright "You're not ruining anyone's life Eds. Get it through your head-" "How can you say that? I should never have been born in the first place, so she wouldn't have died" He said irritated and immediately more tears hit his cheeks.
"What happened to your mother is not your fault, nor was your birth. Maybe it's true, your mother loved you above all because you reminded her of the man who abandoned her, but that doesn't mean she doesn't has ever truly loved you" You took out the photograph Wayne had shown you. "This photo is of you and her, Eddie. And all these others too" you pointed to the album "You were always her baby, and as hard as life was on you that doesn't mean she stopped loving you as a son"
"I don't know exactly the whole story, but I know that there is no more beautiful bond than that between a son and a mother, and yours was a beautiful bond Eds and it certainly didn't lead her to kill herself" Fuck... he started to sob "You haven't ruined anyone's life honey, not your uncle or even the people around you. If your mother isn't here today it's certainly not because of you, she was suffering too much and wasn't able to move forward" With your thumb you dried the tears Eddie was shedding "But at least she left with the knowledge of having given birth to a wonderful son" you wrapped him in your arms while he let himself go, wetting the cotton of your t-shirt with his his tears. You gave him a light kiss on his scalp as you stroked his hair. "You are the most beautiful thing your uncle could have asked for and the same thing goes for me. You are one of the sweetest and most special people I could have ever asked for. Every day you improve my life so don't even think about something like that" you whispered in his ear as he held you tighter.
Eddie didn't answer but vented his tears some more before trying to compose himself.
You didn't accept that your boyfriend talked about him that way. His horrible past had left him with too many insecurities and doubts after his mother's death that a poor child like him at that age didn't have the strength to face. An image of a little Eddie spending moments with his mother appeared in your mind. The afternoon, the first day of school, the days with his uncle. Your imagination of that sweet, beautiful child was overwhelmed when you then thought about how he and Wayne found his mother dead. Coming home, ready to hug his mother again but she was gone forever. You felt a lump in your throat as you thought about how he must have felt when he tried to wake up his mother. The tears and desperation he felt, something you absolutely couldn't understand but imagining it was definitely heartbreaking. No one would have tolerated it...
Eddie was one of those people who never fully enjoyed his parents. He never knew his father and his mother had passed away dying of an overdose. You begin to think that in all respects you were lucky compared to him. You had a mother and a father, even if they were distant because they no longer felt the love they had before, but they were still your parents. A feeling of guilt invaded your abdomen thinking about how although you had a mother who takes care of you, you didn't have the relationship that Eddie had with his and that perhaps he would like to have again. You were also envious of this, yes. But you felt like somehow it was your fault. You have always had arguments with your parents, especially with your mother and now you realize that not everyone was lucky enough to have a mother who takes care of you.
You really appreciated what your mother did, but you never admitted it and maybe that was the reason why you didn't have a good relationship. You could sense that something in you had changed as you caressed the boy's dark curls, pressing light kisses from his ear to the crook of his neck. His breathing had returned to regularity but he was still sniffling and sobbing slightly. Now you felt somehow good, lighter with less weight on your shoulders. You wanted to be even closer to him than you already were and somehow heal his wound that was still dripping blood if touched with a finger.
"Feeling better big boy?" You used the nickname he loved so much. He just nodded. "If you need anything you know you can tell me right?" He nodded again and gave him another kiss near his ear. It was hot, actually burning hot. You could tell all that heat was from the outburst, the crying and even the embarrassment. He absolutely didn't want you to see him in that state and be able to understand it. Eddie had always been a guy who preferred to do everything alone and without anyone's help, which is reasonable, you had been there too...
But Eddie will also have realized that obstacles are not always faced with one's own strength. Sure, you've always been there for him and definitely Wayne too, but you didn't know how many times Eddie needed his mother. To go to her and ask for help or hug her if he was sick, something Eddie desperately wanted. You felt his grip tighten on you again as he started to sob again "Shh Shh Shh...it's okay Eds" a hiss came out of your sweet lips and after a couple of minutes he broke the hug trying hastily to clean his face “I-I'm really sorry, you shouldn't see me like this.”
"Why do you say this?" He shakes his head "Beacuse...well you don't-" you didn't let him finish "You didn't want me to find out about you and your mother?" He looked at you in surprise as he nodded quickly “Did you by any chance think I would judge you?” He looked at you and was afraid to give you the answer, because even though he loved you to death and had known you for a long time he was afraid that you would actually judge him, he didn't answer "You know I would never judge you, especially on something like that," you placed your hand on his. "Knowing about you and your mother makes me happy, because I know that you loved her very much, and that she loved you despite everything" now your foreheads were touching "I'm sure your mother is very happy to see the mama's boy grow up" you smiled and he did the same and you pressed a kiss to his forehead "Let's do this..." Eddie looked at you with his puppy eyes "How about I'll bring you a glass of water and then, if you want to, can you tell me about your mother?" You asked. You couldn't lie, those photos intrigued you and you wanted to get to know Mrs. Munson a little through those beautiful photographs.
He sniffed and you nodded smiling at you "Now big boy, dry these tears, I'll be right back ok?"
“Okay” He said and you gave him a kiss on the lips which widened his smile.
And so you spent the afternoon with your boyfriend. Sitting leaning against the headboard of the bed while together you browsed through those photos showing off smiles while you were wrapped in each other's arms. Eddie's head rested on your shoulder while yours rested on his head. He looked up when you finally closed the photo album "Thank you sweetheart" He said as you caressed his scalp "Whenever you want big boy, you know that I'm always there for you"
“I wouldn’t know what to do without you” his chocolate brown eyes got lost in yours.
"Well, don't think about it then. Just think that now I'm here with you" He chuckled and you both smiled at each other as your sweet boyfriend fell asleep in your arms.
Even though he was now a grown man, Eddie was still a mama's boy.
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ghostingcrows · 1 year
Okay because generally I’ve been seeing a lot of fighting a weirdness I wanted to talk about this for a second
Hobie Brown is not an adult
Please stop being weird about him!!
More explanations under the cut
I’ve been complaining about this a lot and for people that don’t understand this situation essentially in an interview one of the directors said that an early concept of Hobie design was that he was supposed to be like the cooler older kid and as the example used for this he stated the ages 19/20
Because of this many people took it as still being canon which has led to a large bit of debate in the community between people about his age
The people who have taken this reference to the early concept as canon have started bashing people who ship Hobie with others in the group (mainly Miles and Pav which is important and which I will come back to later) as well as used this as an excuse to sexualize Hobie because hes an adult
A barely legal one which even if this was true is its own separate issue
However the issue with this specific take is that its wrong
For a variety of reasons
1) For starters people say that since the director said he was 19/20 it must be true however another director/creator of the film has stated that Hobies age is up for interpretation meaning he doesn’t have a specific set age
However, it is very clear based off of everything else that Hobie was still meant to be in the teenager range in terms of age 
For starters the actual movie
Throughout the first half of the movie Hobie is referred to a couple times by both Gwen and Pav and later Miles
Every time he is talked about in this context it is always with the undertoned implication of him and Gwen supposedly having a romantic relationship with both Pav and Gwen treating it as a sort of thing that could potentially cause friction or other issues in regards to Miles and Gwens relationship
If Hobie really were 19/20 this would be, cannot stress this enough, incredibly weird and creepy on the writers part
Unlike Hobie Gwen does have a confirmed age and she IS a minor and the movie imply that she had a relationship with Hobie whether she actual did or not and treating it as a joke would be weird and out of place if he was an adult
Not to mention that a lot of people referred to Gwen, Hobie and Miles dynamic as a love triangle which again weird and gross and uncalled for if Hobie was an adult
2) The art books both in the english and Japanese translation refer to Hobie in a way that either implies hes a kid or outright uses terms that mean hes a child
In the English translation of the book Hobie is referred to as the cool slightly older boy the girls want to date
Meanwhile the Japanese translation literally spells it out
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3) I’ve heard a variety of different deflect in regards to all the above mentioned stuff
“Hobie doesn’t look like a kid” people age differently. I’ve met kids in high school who were the same age as or younger than me with full ass beards and mustaches as well as people who are well into there 20 who look like they’re still 15 he simply just has a structured face
“He was bit at 16 in the comics and said he was spider-man for 3 years in the movie” We aren’t in the comics universe though and in this iteration Miles was bit at like 13 and Gwen at like 14 meaning that in actuality the kids are usually bitten really damn early and the actual facts are that we don’t know how old he was when he was bitten and since we very clearly aren’t in the comic universe as these movies are significantly different from the comics you can’t just go off of that
“Just because it was a concept doesn’t mean it was changed it could still have been kept” While it is true that yes sometimes things from first draft concepts are kept a lot of times they aren’t such as Hobies best friend Pavitr who was supposed to be 13 in his concept but very clearly isn’t in the movie (I don’t actually have solid evidence for that claim I just think it would be weird that they make comments about Pavs body and show him shirtless if he was still 13 in the final-) both Pav and Hobie had a shit ton of changes done to them  alongside basically all of the main 4 (Hobie, Pavitr, Gwen and Miles), except for maybe Miles but he was already an established character, so using his concept as hard and fast evidence when he very clearly was changed a lot and everything else points toward him being a kid just doesn’t work
“He mentions going to a pub so he has to be at least 21” first Hobie is British and the legal age in Britain is 18 also you don’t have to be of legal drinking age to go into a pub you just have to be old enough to actual order drinks which doesn’t even account for the fact that this is also Hobie we’re talking about who would not give the slightest fucks about the legal drinking age “But they show him with a beer in his montage and they wouldn’t encourage that in an underage character” Hobies montage is so fast paced and colorful that I genuinely don’t even know if thats true because you can barely comprehend the stuff that happens in that scene the first time you see it and not to mention that he also flips off the cops in that montage so I don’t really think they were too concerned about encouraging certain behaviors or not since half of Hobies speech in that scene was about overthrowing governments saying ACAB
So in conclusion
Hobie doesn’t have a confirmed age but based off off all the information we are given he is probably actually closer to 16/17 as his age
Now as a side tangent something else I want to address is the inherent homophobia and racism undertones that came with the initial spreading of his false age
Because when people initially heard that age they’re first instinct wasn’t to jump at the actual movie for imply a ship with Hobie and Gwen or even on the people make jokes about but was instead to jump on the people shipping Hobie with Pav and Miles
Both other male characters who are also characters of color
Odd that the first though was the (honestly at that time) relatively new and unpopular gay poc ships (Yes I know the ships are more popular now they had BARELY any content at the time of the interview)
Like genuinely the absolute giddy JOY I saw some people have at the idea that people who were minding their own business would have had a ship they liked ruined for them was insane and still is to me
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kneesheee · 15 days
I haven’t watched D4, and I’m probably not going to, but one line that I see floating around is when Cinderella says:
Some people act mean at fist cause they're too afraid to feel. It's survival, it's protection. That's why roses grow their thorns.
Who were the first two “good” people that we met that were “mean?”
Chad and Audrey.
We know Auradon isn’t all sunshine and rainbows.
Audrey had a mental breakdown and fell victim to a lingering curse and she was still punished by planning the wedding for Ben and Mal; the reason for said breakdown. Yes, it’s funny, but who would want to tempt fate like that again? Also, yall wasn’t scared that she’d do something to mess it up?
I’m not having someone who does not like me and had literally just said that she wanted to hurt me plan my wedding no matter how sorry she is.
Then we have Chad who this quote fits the best honestly.
Chad has been described as dumb, a womanizer, a jerk etc.
1. He’s the heir to his kingdom.
At the time of D1-D3, he was presumably an only child, meaning that at the time, there were no thoughts about how the inheritance to his throne would go.
This means any girl that succeeded in marrying him and birthing an heir has secured her and her family’s future with no threats.
(This is now a challenge due to Chloe’s existence; if the girl decides that she even wants kids.)
Chad isn’t dumb; he’s proven to be quite smart considering that he made a copy of Jay and Carlos’ dorm room key so that he can use their 3D printer. He’s smart about things that he prefers.
In D1, Doug describes him as someone that inherited all the charm and not much else.
For opportunists, this basically means: He’s an idiot. If I marry him and give him a heir, I can basically be the real power behind the crown.
Not sure how well that’s going to work because in the book Return to the Isle of the Lost; he does seem to care about his kingdom when Ben takes him on a trip there due to Madam Mim’s escape.
Also, it does show that he is concerned about how the line of succession moves if something happens to Ben, and I have thoughts on him, so that’s for another post though.
Back to the point, if he’s “dumb” and they want to take advantage, who wouldn’t turn it around on them? In the movies and books, he canonically had three official girlfriends and a lot more unofficial girlfriends.
1. Ruby Firzherbert; Second in line to Corona and Dark Kingdom.
In some cases, she could be the heir to the Dark Kingdom since in Frozen; Hans mentioned that his brothers were set to one day inherit different kingdoms, and it happened a lot in Ancient Greece that sons would have to find their own kingdoms.
Why not make her the Queen of the Dark Kingdom? It’s been about twenty years. It has definitely been restored to glory.
2. One of Ariel’s nieces.
Ariel has six sisters, and unknown amount of nieces so it’s hard to say what number she is to inherit because the only niece we know of canonically is Arabella. However, if we go with the idea that the sisters were supposed to inherit the seven seas like in the live action version, as a nod to their names and numbers and tails, then this niece would have also been secured in her own lineage.
There is also the fact that said niece could have been the one to inherit the throne to all of Atlantis.
3. Audrey.
She has two kingdoms. Her Father’s and her Mother’s. If we go by the live actions, she has the Moors. She’d also a direct descendant to Queen Ingrinth’s old kingdom. That gives her four kingdoms, but we’re going to stick with two.
Chad was very excited when Audrey wanted to date him. He drove six hours to her with a tire. They broke up in Return to the Isle of Lost, but he still immediately went to help her even after he spent so long on having Evie design his outfit for the Royal Cotillion.
So, the past how many years and months that Ben and Audrey had been together, which really sounds like an arranged marriage from the first book and her line in Queen of Mean where she says “she always thought she’d be the Queen”… then this means he’s watched the only girl he loved be in love with someone else. His best friend basically.
Back to the quote, in D1, we see from Lonnie that the Auradon kids operate under the belief that the villains loved their kids.
Stay with me now.
In D4, we learn that Chad has a younger sister. The early assumption was with the first three movies that he was an only child. Now, we move on to a bit more canonical side. He has a younger sister.
A thing that some mothers fall victim to is living through their daughters.
This gives Cinderella the chance to give her daughter the life that she never had. That same headcanon where everyone says that she spoiled him rotten to make up for her own childhood… it fits better with Chloe because again, Chad is the oldest and the presumed heir so he’d be having a bit more lessons in regards to the kingdom meanwhile he sees his Mother and sister going on another shopping trip or wtv else.
He sees her doting on what he can assumed is the child that she always wanted. He’s obviously not that much older than Chloe, so he could see the difference in how they are treated.
Going with the thought that villains loved their kids and under the presumption, that yeah, his mom loves him, but he wasn’t the child that she wanted… he lashes out.
a. Mal love potions Ben, causing him to publicly embarrass and hurt Audrey.
b. Evie tries to use him just like everyone else.
c. Jay doesn’t have sportsmanship, but he’s quick to take up for the girls. Something that Chad is doing for Audrey, and the parallels are staggering and not something that he wants to see at that point of time.
Now, this my own personal interpretation. You may feel differently. You can disagree with me just as I can disagree with you. That’s your personal right.
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fandoomrants · 7 months
Okay, so here's part two of the canon things about the Marauders. This time, it's lighter than the previous one.
-They created not only the Marauder's Map but also a thing called Marauder's Puzzle, which was a parchment that had a challenge and the next one was revealed only after completing the previous. It was in order to test if someone was a real Gryffindor.
-Sirius actually had short hair pre-Azkaban. I refuse to accept it but it's a fact. I also remember that he kept it longer after that but he is described as having short hair in Goblet of Fire too. I believe tha the movies made us believe otherwise.
-Somewhere after their graduation from Hogwarts, James and Sirius were caught in a motorbike chase with some Muggle policemen.
-Remus is supposed to be ENFJ type of personality. I don't know where that E comes from, I always thought he was more of an introvert...
-I think that's something most people would know but Sirius was not only Harry's godfather but also the best man on James and Lily's wedding.
-It is implied that Peter might have been left-handed as he cut a finger from his right hand (And as a left-handed person I can see it - 1) it's easier to use your dominant hand and 2) you'd definitely prefer to preserve it).
-James started wearing glasses only around year 5, unlike Harry who always did as long as fans are aware.
Bonus facts which most people probably are aware of yet I've seen so many fics including this information that I feel like mentioning.
-Remus was an only child. (I've seen lots of fics where he has a sister but nope.)
-He also isn't Welsh. His father meets his mother in a Welsh forest but there's no indication she was too.
-And Sirius isn't French either.
I'll totally add to that too but that's all the facts I can think of for now.
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Spiderverse Theory: It’s All This Guy’s Fault (And It’s Probably Not The Guy You’re Thinking Of)
Theory: Canon isn’t why the multiverse is falling apart. It’s Miguel’s fault, specifically.
Overall, Miguel is a failure of a Spider-Man. This is lampshaded many times (“a vampire good guy? I’d pay good money to see that!” “you’re the only spider-man who isn’t funny.” “are you sure you’re a spider-man?”). Heck, Miguel himself even says “I’m not like the others” when he injects the drug that enhances his powers (which WERE NOT FROM a spider-bite to begin with!). Furthermore, Miguel is not a character parallel to Miles— he’s a foil to Kingpin. Kingpin sought to find himself a family by messing with the multiverse, and Miguel successfully did the exact same thing— until it came crumbling around his ears. I theorize that there is a factor that he is not telling us, perhaps something that he hasn’t even noticed for himself, and that universes are crumbling because he is tampering with them so much— kind of like he’s externalizing glitches into the universes themselves, rather than Them causing Him to glitch. He says he’s “the only one holding it together” and calls Miles “the original anomaly,” despite the fact that he messed with the multiverse first and might be causing all of it. This means that Miguel is, in summation, failing at the ultimate Spider-Man rule: with great power comes great responsibility. He isn’t taking responsibility for the role he may have played.
Further evidence for the non-involvement of canon:
In canon comics, Peter’s child either dies in utero/in infancy or is nonexistent. Mayday should therefore break the canon.
Gwen’s dad resigns. He’s no longer captain. That should break the canon.
Miguel wasn’t bitten by a spider to gain his powers. Neither was Jessica Drew (she got them via experimentation). That should break the canon.
Miles was (allegedly) not supposed to be a spider-man whatsoever, but his universe is still standing.
Both of the movies begin with the stamp “Approved by the Comics Code Authority”— which used to dictate the canon.
Canon isn’t the reason the multiverse is crumbling, Miguel is, and until he acknowledges that, he’s not a Spider-Man at all.
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hellsbellschime · 3 months
How do you feel about them botching B&C? And also the random Alicent/Cole thing? My expectations were too high assuming they'd just adapt the source material. I think cutting Daeron, Maelor & Nettles was a bad choice.
This show is supposed to be canon with GoT too (the books being their own separate canon) and somehow Cregan is worried about the army of the dead? Talks about the dragons not going beyond the Wall yet they did in S7?
LOL I mean, I'm just along for the ride. I was quite shocked by Alicole and disappointed at how abruptly they just threw it in there, but it is what it is. I'm way more disappointed in Alicent's absence and presumably Criston's lack of guardianship being explained by them literally banging while Jaehaerys is being beheaded, and I'm way WAY more disappointed in the fact that they will probably blame themselves or see this as some kind of cosmic punishment for loving each other in the "wrong" way. Like I really don't think they needed even MORE sexual trauma on their trauma pile but sure, okay.
I was interested to see how B&C would be executed because child murder in media is a classic no-no (like showing a child being killed in a movie is an automatic NC-17, so you'll almost always see something like what we saw where it's clear that Jaehaerys is dying but it's not on screen), and honestly my attention on that sort of glossed over how meh it was. However, I did film my reaction to it and even as it was happening I was like "huh, why am I having no real emotional reaction to this?" (because obviously not like you'd know but I am a fucking cryyyyyybaby when it comes to movies and TV like I cry so easily and intensely that it's really unnecessary), so in retrospect the biggest bummer is simply that it had no emotional impact. I can really go with any narrative alteration as long as the change is somewhat satisfying, but this is in the minds of many the most shocking moment in the entire world of ice and fire, so for it to have no emotional impact is a bummer.
Obviously, given that we don't know Jaehaerys as a character, it's not going to have the same kind of effect as the Red Wedding, but doing something like removing Alicent from the scene entirely basically cuts the potential for the emotional impact in half because she's one of two characters in the situation that we actually DO know. Phia did a great job considering that the scene basically entirely relied on her reactions, but having Olivia there to work off of (and regardless of the fact that most people hate Alicent, it is undeniable that Olivia CRUSHES emotional scenes) would have at least offered more potential emotional resonance. So yeah, I think it could have been better, some of the choices they made to change it actively made it worse, but it is what it is.
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wildissylupus · 2 months
Sorry if I rant, but what is up with the ages of characters? Did no one in lore double check if it makes sense?
Sojourn is a child soldier that joined at 14/15 and her sister is a teen pregnancy
Kiriko's age not matching up with the Shimadas
Etc etc
Most issues are with the ages of the women.
The problem appears to be that the ones in charge for some reason want to make the girls as young as possible for some reason with heroes like D.Va, Illari, Kiriko, Juno etc😬
It's like no one but Ana and the men allowed to be old with several characters having reasons to be physically younger than they chronologicaly are: Mercy with her suit, Tracer being lost to time and Mei being frozen for years
After the entire Blizzard scandal it leaves a bad taste in my mouth I want to separate the game from it but...😔
In all honesty this is a problem with media in general, mainly cause the characters do look their ages for what they do on a regular basis, physical exercise and general healthy living. The problem being we as a society having a warped view on what people are supposed to look like at cirtain ages because TV shows and movies often cast adults to play teens, and basically just cast older actors to play younger roles in general. I know several people irl that have the similar heavily active, healthy lifestyle that are older then the Overwatch characters that actively look the same age as them.
That doesn't mean I don't have my own complaints about how the art team doesn't add stress to the equation when it comes to how characters age but there's still a bit more to talk about so that'll be at the end.
There's also the fact that they did fix Sojourns age to make it make sense. So yeah that one was fucked but they did rectify that.
Another thing is that with at least D.Va and Illari there is a reason why they are so young. D.Va is not only a character that is used to show the pressures of stardom paired with the pressures of being a leader, she is also shown to be a narrative parallel to Cassidy. Joining MEKA at a similar age that he did Overwatch. With Illari her being 18 adds to the tragedy of her story, she's do young and we know it's only going to get worse because she's a child who's gone through something severely traumatic and is alone while dealing with it.
This is also why Juno is the rare occasion when I want a character to be on the younger side. It adds tragedy to Mei's story along with Juno's story presumably because the three characters she has the most connection to are Mei, Winston and Hammond. I don't know what her backstory will be but it's going to be tragic.
Kiriko here is the only one I agree with cause her lore actively contradicts itself. She was 12 when Sojiro Shimada died l, he died 14 years ago, yet she's 21? It doesn't make sense. Though I am of the opinion that her having a big age gap with the brothers adds to her story, at the very least she should be 26.
Now let's get into my complaints, that's specifically Mercy. She should look older specifically because of stress, and I don't like the idea of her nanobiotics changing that. At the very least she should have bags under her eyes. Not only is she a doctor and field medic, she also going through gifted kid burnout. She should also definitely have back problems since we only ever see her sleep at her desk. Grey hairs as well cause again, stress.
I do firmly believe that they should be adding older women characters, I push Frankie being a playable character cause canonically she is the same age if not older then Ashe. I personally believe that JQ should have been older as well. I would also love to see Ingrid or one of Torbs older children be a playable character as well since if the Crisis is happening again it doesn't make sense for them to sit on the sidelines this time. In general I really do wish there were older characters in this game.
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What you say to this
Let's debunk all the lies:
1 - "Kataang is one-sided" We literally hear Katara talk about how he gives her hope in the begining of EVERY SINGLE EPISODE, she canonically starts thinking of him as potential boyfriend instead of just a friend right in the middle of the first season (and after it we never see her having a crush on another boy like say Jet), the kiss on the cave at the start of season two is HER idea and she clearly enjoyed it, she is visibly upset when he's pulling away from her after Appa's kidnaping, her rage at his death is a clear parallel both to Tui and La as well as Oma and Shu, she is jealous when he's paying attention to other girls and flirting with him, she clearly liked the kiss during the Invasion even if she didn't see it coming, she threated to murder Zuko if he ever hurt Aang again, and even in the Ember Island fiasco she full on says to Aang that what her actress said about her only seeing him as a little brother is not true.
2 - "The age/maturity gap makes it weird" It's literally the same age gap as Zutara. It's TWO years, not twenty. Katara likes having fun and goofing around just as much as Aang does. Aang steps up and embraces his responsibilities just as much as she does when he discovers what the Fire Nation did to the world, and his people. Honestly, despite being older, Zuko is the least mature of all three - hell, 16-year-old Zuko is less mature than 13-year-old Zuko, which makes perfect sense because his abuse and banishment made him double down on all of his flaws, mainly his stubborness and tendency to lash out in rage.
3 - "They spent the second half of book 3 always fighting and disagreeing" They literally were only in conflict during The Southern Raiders, Ember Island Players, and then on the first episode of a four-part saga. Three episodes out TEN. Katara and Zuko meanwhile spent 5/6 of the entire series being enemies, AND she only forgave him when there was only ONE more episode left until the finale.
4 - "Zutara doesn't have any real red flags" Ya know, besides the fact that Zuko's nation and family commited genocide against Katara's people, and that he believed that was 100% okay, and that he chased her and her friends all over the world being openly hostile and violent, and he once hit her so hard it knocked her out cold, and he constantly calls her a peasant because he's very classist AND racist to the point of not recognizing her father's authority/status, and he attacked her when she offered to heal his uncle and then again in Ba Sing Se after she thought they had bonded, him helping Azula in battle was why she got to murder Katara's best friend and then he also sent an assasin after the Gaang to finish/repeat the job, and after all that he still felt entitled to her forgiveness after he was accepted into the group. Once again: this is why no one takes zutarians seriously. They love bragging about their ship being "complex and intriguing" then try to completely negate canon because for all their talk about "calling out abuse in Kataang/Maiko", they are, at their core, enablers.
5 - "Zutara was part of Ehasz's vision for book 4" No, it wasn't, and the man said so himself. He liked Mai and Maiko, and wrote lots of Kataang episodes. He has repeatedly let everyone know that the supposed interview in which he talks about how Bryke forced Kataang to happen at the last minute is FAKE.
6 - "We didn't get book 4 because Bryke wanted a movie" Bryke didn't really WANT the Shyamalan movie, but Nickelodeon, their bosses, wanted money. They literally walked out on the production because they were unhappy with it. They were OFFERED to make season four, but didn't feel it was necessary and stuck to three - and while I don't think that was the best choice, it still worked and it was a decision fully divorced from any movie deal or ship war.
7 - "People get angry at mention of zutara despite there being nothing wrong with the ship itself (besides not being canon)" Literally no one is obligated to like a ship just because YOU think it's perfect, and that kind of entitlement, the "I'm better/smarter than everyone else" complex, combined with all the lies, is exactly why people tend to hate the SHIPPERS and by extension the ship itself.
Admiting that zutara has always been pure fanon and that it isn't for everyone doesn't mean you have to stop liking it. Quit acting like a spoiled child, go enjoy your ship in peace, and respect other people's right to be indifferent to it or actively disliking it. Their personal preference is not a personal attack against you, stop treating it as such.
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Hunter x Hunter: Shalnark kurta theory part 2 i think
so as far as kurta attire goes we have some dubiously canon examples from the phantom rogue movie/volume 0 of hxh and of course kurapika himself.
and my questions are: are the robes shalnark wears actually kurtan and if so, what do the symbols mean?
here's a wide shot we get
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and here's a close up of a handful.
i am absolutely perplexed as to what each robe means.
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there are a couple of repeating patterns on each style of robe. the swirlies seem to be the most prominant and at first i thought it was significant of lineage. like the swirlies (circled in red) are one family and then the circle patterns (circled in blue) are another family and the multicolored stripes (circled in yellow) are another etc etc.
but the ones with the pointy symbols (green arrows) caught my eye because those are the same types of symbols kurapika's yorknew fit had. so for that at least i believe are kurtan battle robes.
so by that logic i can imagine that the rest of the patterns correlate with different roles in the tribe, with families usually occupying the same role so therefore wearing similar patterns on their clothes.
as for the style of clothing. i think that's entirely arbitrary. there is zero correlation to who wears what style no matter how i tried to slice it.
but for shalnark's style specifically.
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this is a fit we see him rock in one of the promotional posters for the phantom rogue. so it is just as dubiously canon as the rest of the kurtan attire.
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of the wide shot, i can pick out 3 that have a similar style.
so phantom rouge shal definitely fits the kurtan style with the exception of the pattern. what does the pattern actually mean? who the fuck knows but i have a theory.
so the kurtan shalnark theory gets fucking wild. because consider this: after the clan is massacred, shalnark believes he is the only one left. and he is proud of that fact because now he lives on as the legacy that the kurta clan would willingly push their own away. and as a child, he was given kurtan exile robes, marked with those two white stripes no matter what combination of colors were used for the rest of the tunic.
like he is still very kurtan: stubborn in his beliefs, holds grudges like no one's business and fiercely loyal. But applied differently.
This petty mf, either during or after the massacre, finds a stash of these exile robes and saves them for when he grows into them. he burns the rest. he's an exile and he's proud of it because that is what they did to him and probably several other mixed blood kurtans sent to die.
he was lucky, meteor city turned out to be a loving place where he found friends and made a new family.
the kurta abandoned him. so their legacy will die with him, the last exiled kurtan.
also in his current fit (the purple and green one) he just grew too damn tall XD. the fit was too short and only goes down to his thighs where it was supposed to go to his knees but shh its fine.
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misscinnamonroll16 · 9 months
brozone and the bunker part 1
im sorry but i have to break this up into more than one part bc tumblr only allows 30 images on a post. so i tried my best to get good screenshots of everything and ill tell you a little about my thought process 😁i tried to make all of them good looking bc they were pop sensations so theyre are still gonna be good looking (aged like a fine wine) bc majority of celebs do
so first up, as the oldest, is john dory. i tried to recreate his jacket but there were no vests like that, theres no option for glasses/goggles on the head so theyre on his face. i also tried to do the fingerless gloves but again no option :(
you got the close up of his face with and without goggles. i picture him as kinda scruffy. you cant tell bc of the clothes but hes fit and toned. he has body hair, arms legs and chest. i also gave him a little tattoo. i didnt have many colors to work with for hair so i felt the green fit him the best.
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next is bruce. same as john, didnt have many colors to work with for hair but it works. like john he has facial hair and body hair, especially chest hair. i choose a tied back style bc 1 there was no hair as big and beautiful as his hair and 2 he works in food as his hair is supposed to be tied back. i gave him his dad bod but still kind of toned? hes still strong. i went through every outfit and added his wedding ring
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onto the middle child, clay. i tried to do the wild hair but none of the styles suited him. i headcanon that clay often ties his hair back when hes working so i choose that style. i didnt see any shirt choices with the pattern he wears but i did kind of incorporate with his pants. clay and floyd both lean towards thinner body types so thats what i did. idk if itll show up once i post this but i wanted clay to still have some of that 'fun boy' charm so i gave him freckles bc whats more boyish than freckles
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time for the sensitive one, now bc i didnt think anyone would want to see these, i did use cc for some of them. i remember floyd for sure. i couldnt do one earring like i wanted so he has two. i tried to give him more piercing but they didnt work. i gave him heavy eye makeup and a beauty mark. it just seemed to fit in my opinion. i leaned into soft boy image, the 2000s emos, and the fact that his body was probably not the same after dying. so he looks soft and cozy and comfy.
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on to the baby, bitty b, baby branch. i leaned into the greens in his canon outfit. i wanted him be wearing woodsy, hand made, patched up looking clothes. again did my best with the hair. hes got a sturdy build like john but hes slimmer than john. i wish i would have put some kind of scar on his face, that fits him.
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for the actual bunker i tried to base it off branch's drawing and what we see in the canon of the movies and show. i was mainly trying to set it up like the drawing. there are on elevators in the sims so i just made a basic room to act as an entry way or foyer with a staircase. i feel like branch would have a bunch of clutter and junk. so when his brothers "moved in" hed have to move stuff around and i imagine that hed have some of their grandmas stuff and some of his brothers old stuff. i also wanted to incorporate the fact that he probably started building this when he was still really young so some design choices were made by a little kid
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@djmurphy @aerodominics @cow-boy000 @lululemongurl @sharks-n-bones
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aihoshiino · 10 months
chapter 132 thoughts!
All joking aside, seeing some of this new movie material is very interesting. Given her focus on smiles, I wonder if Nino is at all inspired by the similarly named Nico from Love Live?
And holy crap, it's the real Takamine and Nino! Seeing them here was a bit of a surprise but it does sew up some internal logic that some folks had been questioning for a while - such as the fact that you, uh, can't make a movie about real people without their permission! This seems to confirm that the B-Komachi members included in the movie, at least, were fine with their portrayal even with it being relatively negative. Indeed, Takamine seems to be taking things in good humor even if her bossiness hasn't gone anywhere in the intervening years…
That said, I think this does highlight one of the emerging issues of the Movie Arc which is just that things are feeling so… truncated, I guess. Given that OnK is supposed to be about the entertainment industry and how closely it has focused on this sort of behind the scenes technical stuff, it feels really weird that we're just blasting past anything that could be inconvenient or slow down the filming even if it would be interesting to see. Like, how did Himekawa feel about this script, that portrays his mother (presumably) as a child abuser? Was there any legal red tape involve in portraying these real people? What did the old B-Komachi think about this movie proposal? It's just weird that we're not getting any focus on these sorts of details when they're otherwise Onk's bread and butter,
And speaking of things that feel weird… is it just me or is it kind of bizarre to see the twins having such a lowkey, understated conversation? This is the first time they've had an extended on screen exchange since the big reveal and it's kind of… nothing. In general, there has been a really baffling lack of focus on Aqua with regards to Ruby in the last chunk of chapters (seriously, no reaction at all to Ai!Ruby?? For real???) and Ruby similarly was in such a loved up haze about him it's weird to see her being so chilled out.
That said… Ruby calling him 'Sensei' is interesting. It confirms more or less that she is essentially projecting/overriding Aqua with Gorou and seeing him entirely as the latter and I can't help but wonder if our relative lack of insight into Aqua's thoughts and feelings since this reveal dropped are because he's having a very different set of emotions to this recontextualization of their dynamic than Ruby would like…
Moving on to Kana and Nino, I think this is a super interesting conversation for a whole lot of reasons I'll get into shortly but mostly for how it characterizes Kana and the KanKane rivalry in contrast to Nino and B-Komachi. To paraphrase a friend, the main tension that fuels KanKane's animosity towards each other is the pedestal Akane put Kana up when she was young and the way she continues to characterize Kana largely only in relation to that pedestal, whether she's on or off it. Akane has not, however, fallen as far as the B-Komachi members and in turn, Kana refuses to do the same. Regardless of her idolization of Kana, Akane acknowledges her as a rival who can be beaten — and therefore, implicitly, a flawed human. That the two of them can have victories and losses in their relationship means they recognize each other as equals. And as Nino puts it, that simply didn't exist in B-Komachi because 'nobody could rival Ai'. The process of idolization is also a process of dehumanization.
And this process, IMO, reveals something incredibly exciting I've been wondering for months. This chapter almost without a doubt confirms Nino as the narrator of 45510, one of the canon short stories written by Aka. The tangle of hatred, desire, jealousy, admiration, animosity and idolization are all things expressed both by Nino and the 45510 narrator who we know to be one of the founding B-Komachi members. Not only that, but her destructive vindictiveness towards anything that could tarnish her image of the perfect idol, Ai, as expressed in 45510 also surfaces here… but I'm getting ahead of myself.
evil gay women huge w miss nino i'm free thursday night and would like to hang out please respond to th
The moment between Ruby-as-Ai and Nino is both sweet and a little disconcerting for a variety of reasons. Ruby's intentions here are undeniably kind and it was, ironically, incredible like Ai of her to see someone in pain and immediately decide she wanted to reach out and do her best to help. Even so, it's a little eerie to see Ruby so confidently put words in Ai's mouth when we ourselves know just how deeply Ai was hurt by the animosity thrown her way by the other girls.
And Nino… whoa boy.
This exchange more than anything else confirms 100% for me that Nino is the 45510 narrator. Her disgust and immediate rejection of Ai's humanity and the possibility that she could be vulnerable and hurt is exactly the same as the one that leads the 45510 narrator to delete Ai's final cry for help. She clings to the image of Ai's perfection in her mind, unable to conceptualize her as anything other than a shining, invincible, untouchable goddess because then she might have to take responsibility for the fact that Ai was just a human who was in pain and that Nino exacerbated that pain.
thank god kana is here to say what we're all thinking. she's right, too. gen 1 b-komachi is a freakshow and i don't respect literally any of these people
And the last page…
I honestly don't know what to make of it, really. It's exciting to see Hikaru potentially finally getting involved in the story and to confirm a connection between him and Nino. This raises a whole armada's worth of flags about her involvement in and knowledge of the events that lead to Ai's murder but with so little info to go on, it's hard to make a guess either way. It's also, admittedly, a little hard to get too excited about this just because the manga has been so unfocused lately, bouncing around from topic to topic and even things that seem to be gearing up to have a major impact on the story and characters have just breezed by without any long term changes. I hope that this means the movie arc is finally really getting into gear but… man, I don't think I'll know what to make of it until we're on the other side and can review it in hindsight.
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Isabela or Luisa as Bruno's daughter seems to be the most interesting option.
I feel like what makes Bruno's connection with Mirabel interesting in the movie is the fact that he is a complete stranger to her, but understands how she feels better than anyone else in the family. Him being her father completely ruins that dynamic.
All papa Bruno Mirabel's tend to be written as Bruno 2.0. This seems to be the case with most of the characters, since the warm colour siblings don't have enough screentime to really have set personalities.
Isabela and Luisa would be interesting as his children because they have the best reputations of the grandkids. Bruno having such a bad reputation could add onto the pressure they feel to keep up their images and would give them more of a reason to hide how they really feel. Bruno's struggles with his reputation would also make it difficult for him to understand how having a good reputation can be harmful, making him oblivious to his child's problems.
I think Isabela works better for this concept since she and Bruno are really two sides of the same coin, but Luisa would work too. (Although it would make her relationship with Mirabel make less sense)
I don't think there should be a partner because Bruno being a single parent would make his relationship with his child much more interesting. He'll be much more anxious and protective over the child, which would probably make the child more inclined to hide their struggles from him. Whether the mother leaves or dies, I don't think it matters much.
Bruno should stay behind this time, though there is interesting potential for if he doesn't. Bringing a child into the walls is honestly a ridiculous idea that is obviously harmful to the child. I don't think even Bruno is that stupid. He runs away in canon partially because he wants to protect Mirabel and partially because he's afraid of showing the vision. He's probably more likely to believe that the child is either better off without him, or that he needs to do this for Mirabel and can't involve his child.
Bruno leaving makes him a terrible parent, so if he's supposed to be likeable in this au, he should stay. That being said, I think having a child with no parents left is also entertaining, as long as Bruno being a bad person is okay. The child would probably have abandonment issues and would probably grow up trying to be as ideal of a person as possible, so that nobody would have a reason to leave them again. The child would probably end up latching onto another adult figure in the family, in place of their missing parent. The child would probably resent Mirabel, since her father leaving the night of her failed ceremony has to mean something. I think all of these work perfectly for Isabela, but someone else could have problems too.
If Bruno were to stay, it would be for his child. He'd probably hide the vision and lie to Abuela (which I do think he's capable of), and continue being the family disappointment. I think this version of Bruno would accept that his gift makes him disliked and instead of trying to please people who don't like him, would focus on the person he cares about the most. This Bruno would probably be a bit overprotective over his child at first, though if his child has a good reputation he might end up distancing himself from the child so that he doesn't ruin that. Not to the point of actually ignoring the child, but maybe he would keep his distance in public. They would still talk, though I think their conversations would become awkward, with Bruno praising the child like everyone else does and the child lying to him like they do to everyone else. If the child has a bad reputation, Bruno would probably become more protective and would be closer to the child. I don't think there's much to say for that one, since its already overdone and is less interesting to me personally. Bruno staying would also allow him to bond with Mirabel, since they're both the family disappointments. Bruno could become the person Mirabel goes to when she needs someone to talk to, at first because everyone else is out working, but later because she knows he understands. This would also negatively affect Mirabel's relationship with Bruno's child, since they'd probably know that those two understand each other, but also they'd also probably be annoyed with it. After all, Mirabel already has two parents, why does she need to take Bruno as well?
Anyway, those are my thoughts on the papa Bruno au. You don't need to use or listen to any of them, but I thought I might as well give my perspective on it, since I'll be keeping up regardless.
I really like these ideas! Thank you, anon!
We’ll have to see which way the poll goes.
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