#like stop asking if I’m okay bc I’m gonna always stare like a deer in the headlights
care666bear · 4 months
trying to explain to ppl in my house that somedays there’s not much wrong. my head is busy, not quiet and I feel heavy and talking with my voice for even a minute feels like an impossible chore. I am physically not functional and pulling myself out of this feels like stepping out of quicksand :)))
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Little to No Space
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summary: tendou has a little crush on a certain someone, their straight faced manager that never reacts to his weird shenanigans. his best friend advises that they should get closer. 
-or, you get stuck in a locker with the guess monster.
a/n: this was based off an asmr i listened to a couple nights ago (you were hiding in a locker with a teacher of yours) it was kinda funny bc the one who  voiced it was oikawa’s official va. anyways, take whatever this is lol.
pairing/s: tendou satori x reader
wc: 2 147 (whoops)
tags: crack, comedy(?), humor, ur literally just in a funny situation lol, nsfw implication if u squint
-ꦼ———▸  crossposted on ao3
⋅. ♪ .⋅  Loving Tendou Playlist
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“You need to stop staring at our manager and actually talk to her Satori.”  Ushijima’s deep voice broke him out of his trance, catching his attention.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Wakatoshi-kun.” He deflected. Okay, maybe he did tend to stare at you. But he swears he didn’t do it that much.
Ushijima rolled his eyes at that, “I may not be the brightest when it comes people-”
“You got that right.” He snickered while putting his gym clothes away.
“As I was saying, I at least know she isn’t the least bothered by you,” he shut his locker door with a firm bang, interrupting his musing for a moment, “we can all see how she isn’t fazed by whatever antics you flung at her.”
“But that’s just because she’s just like you!” His best friend raised his brows at him. “Not completely, but she’s uhh, I don’t know-stoic. Straight faced and doesn’t say anything much unless necessary.”
“I’m not stoic.” 
“Sure you aren’t.” Has he really not noticed?
“So you’re implying that you can be close to her?” He knew his best friend can be quite obtuse sometimes, but where did that come from?
“That’s not what I’m saying at all, where did even get that idea?” He turned his attention to his duffel bag, already done with the conversation.
But it seems Ushijima wasn’t, “You said she was just like me, even if it was just a bit. And since we’re close, that means you could be with her as well.”
“You’re grasping at short straws here Ushiwaka,” he teased. “Why do you seem so persistent to get me to talk to her?”
“Because I think she might be one of the few people that would actually tolerate your weird personality, rather than shun you for it like most people would.” Oh, that was actually helpful. He knew Ushijima rarely spoke, but whenever he did, it was always something meaningful and helpful.
Ushijima scratched at his neck, looking around the locker room looking for something.
“Uhh, watcha looking for there buddy?”
“I’m missing my pair of socks.” Ushijima groaned. Suddenly, all his previous thoughts of him being meaningful was diminished within a second. 
“That’s the fourth time this week ‘Toshi.”
“I know, but for some reason they don’t end up where they’re supposed to be.” He was pouting, the redhead could tell. You wouldn’t actually see it until you looked closely.
He had to reassure their captain before he drones about ads he read in today’s newspaper. He was not interested in discounts held for sock stores. “We’ll ask the janitors tomorrow, okay? Don’t fret about it.”
Satisfied with his answer, Ushijima nodded. They both grabbed their bags then turned to leave, until they heard a knock at the door.
“Uhm, excuse me. Is Tendou-kun here by any chance?” Speak of the devil...
He stilled, clearly not expecting for you to look for him. He wondered how long you’ve been there, hoping you haven’t heard a single word from their conversation that just happened to be about you.
Ushijima looked at him, a faint smirk curved at the corners of his lips. He gave him a look as if to say, this is your chance.
Without consulting him if he even wanted to answer, he strode towards the door and opened it without warning, causing you to jump back in surprise. The basket of jerseys nearly fell from your hands in shock. 
He mentally slapped himself in the face. Way to go Wakatoshi, scare off our manager.
“Satori’s right here,” He waved to him, standing still like a deer in the headlights. “I must go.” He walked past you, leaving no space for you to even start a conversation with him.
“Oh, uhm alright. Thank you Ushijima-san.” You waved to Ushijima before to turning to him, looking at him with a blank expression.
“I’m sorry, it seems I interrupted you on your way home. But I promise this will be quick.” You said with a flat tone. You reached down on the freshly laundered basket of jerseys, fumbling with the different colored fabrics as you looked for something. 
With a victorious ‘ah’, you held up a familiar pair of socks. 
“I kept seeing these somewhere in your locker rooms whenever I clean after practice. I usually just place them on the benches but this time it was on basket with the rest of the jerseys so I took the liberty to wash them.” He took them from your hands, fingers lightly brushing when he grab ahold of the very socks his best friend was pouting about. He jolted, feeling a sensation from the minimal contact.
Either you ignored him or didn’t notice, which was probably the latter, you moved on to place the basket on a corner. 
‘You need to stop staring at our manager and actually talk to her Satori.’
“So, how are you managing so far manager-chan?” He hoped his voice didn’t reveal how nervous he was to be alone with you. 
In truth, he liked being with you at any chance he could get. It was fun flinging non-nonsensical shit at you, just to get a reaction. It was like a challenge for him really, wanting nothing more than to see you flustered or even better, laugh at his jokes just for once.
You never looked irked or disgusted by his whole demeanor, which was something he appreciated a lot. He hoped you never would, fearing that it might be the inevitable truth he wasn’t willing to accept.
That he was a monster no one could truly understand.
“I’m still afraid of getting hit by a ball every time Ushijima-san serves, but other than that I’m doing fine.” You wiped your forehead with the back of your hand, exhaustion evident on your face. “You’re not going home, Tendou-san? It’s already late, I suggest you hurry now so you can rest easy for tomorrow’s practice.”
He smirks, suddenly feeling a mood for a good teasing. “Dawww, is our dear little manager concerned for the resident Guess Monster?” He quirked a brow as he leered at you with a teasing grin. 
Unperturbed, you tilted your head, looking a bit puzzled. “Of course I am. I am your manager after all, isn’t it my job to look after the team?”
“Don’t be shy, you can just say you like me, manager-chaaan~” He thought really shouldn’t tease you like that but he really can’t help himself.
What happened next surprised him the most.
He figured you’d wave off his teasing like always, roll your eyes then move on with your day. But instead, he spots the blushing of your cheeks. Something he didn’t expect from you at all.
He opens his mouth to say something but stops at the sounds of footsteps nearing the locker room.
Shit. If the team saw you alone with him in the locker rooms at this hour it’ll be the death of him. You wouldn’t have cared, but he knows they’ll hold it over his head and tease him relentlessly, insinuating that there’s something going on between the two of you.
With a hushed ‘Quick!’ he grabs your arm then pulls you into a vacant locker. He shuts the door in haste, making a loud bang that makes him wince. 
“Tendou what’re you-” he shuts you up with a hand covering your mouth. He looks at you pleadingly as he zips up his lips, urging you to stay quiet. You nod with his hand still covering your lips. 
“Hurry up Semi! We’re gonna be late!” Reon’s voice booms loudly as they enter the room, causing the both of you to jump in surprise.
“Wait a damn minute will you? I just forgot my wallet.” The sound of a locker opening fills in the sudden silence. He waits with a bated breath hoping they’ll leave soon.
But it seems that wasn’t the case. 
“Say... Isn’t that Tendou’s duffel bag?” You both hear Shirabu’s voice ask with uncertainty. Tendou freezes, unsure what to do.
There’s a muffled noise of shuffling. “Yeah, it’s his alright. It’s his jacket draped over it.”
“Then why is it still here? Shouldn’t he have left by now?”
“Didn’t we pass by Ushijima just earlier?” Shit. Shit. Shit.
The locker you were both hiding in was getting hotter by the minute. He feels a sweat trickle down his neck as he tries not to breathe loudly as to not grab attention. 
When Ushijima told him to get closer to you, he surely didn’t mean this!
Your soft hands reach to take his off your mouth. He mouths a soft ‘sorry’ but you shake your head softly, not minding his mistake in the slightest. With the ongoing conversation about his whereabouts outside he distracts himself with little details he begins to notice.
Like how you smelled of baby powder and faint deodorant, or how there are strands of your hair sticking to your exposed neck from your ponytail. He tries hard not to think about how close you were. Your shoulders pressed against his chest, head just below his chin, and your hips just right where his-
“Tendou-kun,” he hears you whisper. He cranes his just a bit, trying to get a look at your face. “Your phone is bumping my hip, I know there’s not much space but can you please move it a bit?” 
Phone? What phone? He was pretty sure he left it in his bag━
“Sorry.” He apologizes meekly, wiggling his hips away from you as he desperately wills his sudden hard on to calm down. This locker was gonna be the death of him soon if he stays here any longer. 
He thanks whatever deity is at work above for your obliviousness. A blessing in disguise he’s really thankful at the moment.
“Eh, why’re we wasting time here? He probably just went to the bathroom.” Semi cuts off as he grabs his wallet. Tendou thanks the ashen blond silently, promising not to tease him just for a day.
He hears the door shut. He waits until the footsteps are completely gone, then sighs in relief when no one comes back.
“Phew, that was a close call. Who knows what might’ve happened if they found us here.” He lets out a laugh, “we can leave now, [y/n]-chan.”
Then he’s looking at you, head ducked so he couldn’t see much of your face. But he peers between the strands of your hair and finally notices how flustered you look.
He smirks. “[y/n]-chan?” 
For once in your life, you try to avoid his eyes.“O-oh! Tendou-kun, are they gone yet?” 
“If I knew better manager-chan~ Judging by your flustered face, I would assume you actually wanted to stay here with me.”
Your eyes widen like saucers. “No! It’s just that it’s cramped in here, it got hot so I am blushing for different reasons!” Your composure was breaking by the minute, hands flailing in exaggeration as you try to explain in defense. 
He barks out a laugh. “Manager-chan, I was just kidding! Calm down for me, hm?” You don’t reply.
“Alright, I’m sorry for teasing you.” He says as he reaches for the knob, “let’s just get out of here-”
You shoot your hand on his wrist, surprising the both of you. “Uh... about what you just said.”
He waits for you to continue. With a deep breath you try to finish your sentence. “I don’t mind, being here with Tendou-kun.... that’s all.”
The message clicks in his brain. I like you Tendou-kun.
“Oh.” He replied numbly. He was sure he must’ve looked stupid with the face he was making, still awestruck at what you just admitted.
You giggle, a sound he finds himself emitting to his memory.
“You’re weird as ever Tendou-kun,” the look of adoration you gave him nearly made him choke. “But that’s fine, I like that about you.” 
Two confessions all at once? Was this a dream? Boy, he surely was gonna panic about this to Ushijima later, not that he’d be any of help.
Waving away the butterflies in his stomach, he ruffles your hair. “You’re too full of surprises today [y/n]-chan. Someday you’re gonna give me a heart attack if you just suddenly give me these cute faces without warning.”
He feels himself smile wide at another bashful look you give him.
“Now let’s get out of here.” He twists the knob inside but it doesn’t budge. Confused, he tries to twist it another way but it still doesn’t move. He struggles with it for a minute until he gives up. 
It wouldn’t open.
“Uhh... Tendou-kun, I think we might have to call the others.” He hears you say tentatively. 
“Sure, do you have your phone with you?”
You pat your pockets for a second. “Oh, I must’ve left it in my bag. How about we use your phone instead?” 
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daisybeewrites · 3 years
Academy Blues
oh, deer
word count: 2.8k
warnings: none for this chapter, vague foreshadowing
ship: dousy (daisy johnson x daniel sousa), background Fitzsimmons and Philinda
heyyyyy…. yes i posted it early on Ao3
howeverrr you guys are gonna like this chapter. i just feel it in my bones (bc its fluffy and the angst starts kicking in in the next one)
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“You look like Rudolph, Daisy,” Elena greeted.
Daisy took a large swig of coffee, rolling her eyes but smirking. The pair were walking together to Elena’s first class after a tough early-morning spar.
“You’re the one who punched me where I already had a bruise,” Daisy shot back.
“Hey, I already told you I was aiming for the jaw. It’s not my fault you didn’t duck quick enough.”
They laughed as Elena swiped her key card to the comms building. Daisy held the door for Elena, shoving her lightly in the back as she passed.
“Not my fault you can’t see backwards,” Daisy teased.
It was Elena’s turn to roll her eyes and laugh, slowing to a stop outside May’s lecture room.
“Right. Wish me luck, I heard May was giving a pop quiz today,” Elena grimaced.
“You don’t need any luck. I’ll see ya, Elena,” Daisy replied.
“Yeah, you will!” Elena said, backing into May’s large lecture room.
Daisy watched her wave and sit down with a group of third-years, her perfect french braids swishing behind her, before turning around. Daisy didn’t have a moment to think about where she was going before she ran into a solid wall.
Daisy looked up into a pair of dark chocolate eyes, crinkled at the edges with a small smile. The wall’s hair was ruffled, as if he had just gotten out of bed. He wore black SHIELD sweats and a white t-shirt. The wall was very attractive. She vaguely registered the smattering of books on the ground, her mind more focused on his hands on her shoulders.
“Daisy, are you okay?”
She must have been staring for too long. “Yeah, I’m good! Great! Sorry, Sousa,” she apologized, quickly bending over to pick up his books. She almost dropped them again when his hand brushed hers while she handed the thick textbooks back. She gave him a quick smile, taking a deep breath to compose herself, reciting her affirmations. I am Daisy Johnson. I am an Agent of SHIELD. I can move the Earth. I am powerful. I am in control of myself.
Daniel’s smile grew a bit when he heard Daisy laughing quietly to herself.
“I guess you could say I really swept you off your feet.”
Daniel chuckled at the quip, his hands still on her shoulders. “Yeah. Foot,” Daniel corrected. Daisy furrowed her brows, but ignored the strange comment.
“Right. Well, the bell—” Daisy was cut off by a long, high-pitched bell. She closed her eyes tight, the blaring alarm causing tiny vibrations to travel through her skull. When she opened them, Daniel was still standing in front of her, white tee and black sweats and messy morning hair encouraging just a bit more flirting before he had to leave.
“Wow, look at you. Late! I’m a bad influence on you, Danny.”
Daniel shrugged, glancing at his watch. “S’not the first time,” he murmured lowly, stepping away and giving her a last look before he disappeared into the classroom.
Daisy pretended not to notice her heart rate had risen from it’s usual sixty beats-per-minute to seventy-six beats-per-minute.
Daisy spent the rest of the day absentmindedly completing work in her classes. For some reason, flirting with Daniel felt… different than it had with her exes. Even her exes in SHIELD. Daniel was grounded. He had a calm presence. Being late didn’t phase him in the slightest; Daisy would have internally berated herself for the rest of the day.
She was finishing a short answer assignment from International Law and SHIELD Policy while stretching on the outdoor training grounds when she saw him again: still in sweats despite the heat. He was still walking with same, familiar limp. Then it clicked—’Foot’; the throwaway comment from earlier made much more sense now. He had a prosthetic. Before she could think anymore about that revelation, May called the Ops trainees to gather around her under a giant maple tree. Daisy was the last to get up, hanging towards the back as usual.
“Ops training, eh?”
Sousa turned to Daisy standing beside him, breaking his focus on May to turn to her. “Yeah. I used to be military, remember? 28th Infantry Recon Scout. I figure I’ve got to get at least near the level I used to be before I can go in the field.”
Daisy nodded, her hair caught in a slight breeze. “As long as you don’t steal my crown as the Queen of Spar, Master of Field Ops Physical Training.”
Daniel chuckled quietly, turning his attention back to May, who was explaining today’s exercises.
“Partners,” Daisy breathed. Daisy hated partners, unless it was May. She’d rather condition. It wasn’t that she didn’t like the other trainees, they were great people! But her nerves got the better of her and she ended up holding back, not helping herself or her partner. She knew how to control her powers, how to keep herself from using them while sparring. Whispers of doubt and guilt still invaded, fogging her mind like deadly mist.
You could kill them. It’s happened before…
She was taken back to the moment by Daniel tapping her shoulder. “Partners?”
Daisy reluctantly nodded and motioned to him to follow her over to a thick pad of grass next to a small willow tree.
“So, what exactly are we supposed to be doing? It’s Tuesday, which is usually a mix of breathing and nerve control and focusing on technique, rather than strength.”
Daniel glanced over at the other partners, who were all going through defensive and offensive stances slowly, like tai chi, he thought.
Daisy walked closer to where he had stopped beside the willow, pointing out a pair of partners moving almost in sync.
“They’re focusing on how their breathing can help their fighting. Mentally and physically. If you’re nervous, your heart rate spikes, your brain goes fuzzy and then your body gets sloppy. If you aren’t breathing, your heart rate spikes, your brain goes fuzzy and your body gets sloppy. Breath can make a punch more powerful and a kick more accurate, if you know how to use it. I’ll show you the moves.”
Defensive, offensive, block, strike, block, kick. Daisy continued in a cycle until Sousa could mirror her movements with little effort.
Daisy stopped him then. “Great! You’re a quick learner,” She winked, smiling wide.
Daniel smiled back, “So how do I do the breathing thing?”
Daisy pondered how to explain it for a second. “You have to flow, like water. You control your breathing, you have the power. But at the same time, you have to let the air flow naturally. The moves will align with your breath, don’t force it.”
Daniel nodded, and they were off. It took a minute to get into the groove, but once he did, it felt effortless. Every kick, block, inhale and turn, exhale and strike came naturally. It gave him the opportunity to study Daisy.
Usually, especially in the early mornings in the computer lab, Daisy looked tired. Her brows were drawn slightly, fingers fidgeting, knee bouncing. In the halls she walked briskly and adjusted her bag or checked her watch often, a small tic she didn’t seem to notice. Right now, though, breeze across her olive skin, Daisy looked cool as water.
She felt the earth beneath her. The trees and grass and flowers in the wind. She tuned in to the radio of her surroundings, letting her muscle memory guide her. The forest was really loud. The concrete buildings had a sort of buzz, too. They mixed in her bones like the sounds of a great symphony, low rumbles and high-pitched chittering and long, constant notes that provided a harmony to the undulating melody. The frequencies of each living and non-living thing in the area seemed to be flowing around her, steady.
Daniel softly stared at her as she moved through the flow with him. She was very good at this. He was having a bit of trouble, though he doubted he would be having this much trouble if it wasn't Daisy right in front of him. For an exercise designed to relax them, wasn’t it counterintuitive to partner with the girl that made his heart skip a beat when she smiled?
When May clapped her hands and signaled the end of the session, the tired, sweaty kids gathered around May’s oak tree. The sun was beginning to dip towards the horizon, bringing a glow to each of their faces. Daisy looked radiant.
“Class is dismissed. Tomorrow, we’re conditioning,” May warned. In a quieter voice, May called, “Daisy, can you hang for a second?”
Daisy stepped away from her bag and towards May. “Is everything okay?”
“Yes, everything’s fine. I have a question for you. Would you mind giving up your free period three times a week?”
Daisy’s eyebrows raised, no classes that she knew of only took place three times a week. “I want to say yes, but I’d also like to know why?”
“Fair. Top brass called. If you want to be a field agent with powers, you’ve got to practice fighting with them, get comfortable with them. I know everything that happened with Lincoln…” May paused, gauging Daisy’s reaction. When there wasn’t any, May continued. “Your powers didn’t make you an agent, I did.”
May paused, giving Daisy a chance to settle her thoughts before adding, “But I think this is important.”
Daisy slowly nodded. If this was important to May, then Daisy had no problems giving up her free period.
“Who will I train with?” she asked.
May smiled. “Meet Yo-Yo and I behind the garage at seven sharp tomorrow morning.΅
Daisy saluted playfully, wandering to her bag and walking in the direction the other students had gone. She could see them filtering into the cafeteria. A smoothie sounded nice…
The canteen was full of students grabbing plates of chicken and veggie tacos. Daisy was always happy during dinner on taco Tuesday. She grabbed her plate and a small green juice and searched for a familiar pair of heads, warm brown eyes and freckles sitting next to dirty blonde curls.
As she approached, two hands went up, waving. Weaving her way through students, she saw Fitz pat the seat beside him.
“Oi, Dais! I've got something to show you!”
Daisy sat down, her attention drawn to the tiny device on the table in front of her. It was small enough to fit in her hand, but surprisingly heavy for its size. Multiple coloured wires stuck out from various surfaces. Fitz was grinning at her with a mischievous twinkle in his eye. He pressed a button on a small remote that sat on the table. Daisy looked over at Jemma, puzzled. Was something supposed to be happening?
Daisy glanced down at her hand. There was nothing there but a constant weight.
“Fitz! You replicated cloaking!”
Jemma and Fitz immediately shushed her, looking around. “He wasn’t supposed to! It’s above his ‘level’. Professor Weaver practically forbid him.”
Daisy’s eyes widened. This was very Fitz. Tell him he can’t, and he will, just to prove it to himself. Holding it up to eye level and moving it around, Daisy marveled at the seamless invisibility. “What are you gonna do with it?”
Fitz shrugged. He began to explain a number of uses for the device, along with the technical modifications he’d have to make for them to work. She tuned out after Jemma exasperatedly told him they couldn’t train monkeys to be invisible recon scouts.
Her plan to learn something from Fitzsimmons banter was derailed when Daisy noticed a shadow at the corner of her eye. It slipped away as quickly as it came, around the corner of the cafeteria and out of sight.
Why was she getting déjà vu?
“Dais, you alright there?” Fitz asked quietly.
Daisy turned back to him, smiling. “Yeah, I thought I saw something. Probably just tired.”
The sandy blonde boy laughed, “S’only Tuesday, Dais. We’ve got a whole week ahead of us!”
“Ugh, don’t remind me. I’ve got six tests this week!” Simmons countered.
Daisy’s mouth opened in surprise, quickly shut when Fitz made a comment about catching flies. “Wait, so you aren’t excited for the tests?”
Jemma shook her head miserably, her amber eyes rolling. “No. Usually I would be, it’s so odd! But I was studying the other night and reviewing old tests, and my chest felt so heavy and my head started spinning—”
Fitz stopped her by putting his hand over hers, gently reassuring her. Watching the two, Daisy thought her heart might burst, a bubbly feeling rising in her chest.
Jemma turned back to her, considerably less distressed.
“Do you want some help studying?” Daisy offered.
Jemma nodded. “Tonight, 8, the rooftop?”
The group nodded.
At eight o’clock, Daisy carefully climbed out her window and around the corner to the fire escape. The stairs whispered and creaked with the wind, but you would never know anyone was climbing the iron to the roof unless you ran directly into her.
She arrived at the last landing, one floor above her own, and crouched down. She jumped, using small quakes as a make-shift propulsor. Jemma turned her head towards the soft thump of Daisy landing on the roof.
The space was decorated with a jungle of potted plants and fairy lights strung around the ledge, mix-matched multicoloured and shades of white. They cast a warm glow across the spread of notes and textbooks neatly placed in front of Jemma. Daisy approached, pulling out her laptop and a pouch of pens, pencils, highlighters, and white-out.
“Ready for our study date?”
Jemma smiled. “Yes. Fitz should be here any minute.”
The two girls got comfortable, beginning to go over notes and chat idly. Daisy wrote down vocab and key ideas on note cards and organised them by subject. Jemma laughed loudly when Daisy expressed her confusion at the difference between the three biochemistries that she was taking. Suddenly, loud clanging was heard from the side of the building.
“Daisy! Jems!”
The two girls shared a glance at the panicked voice. Fitz.
They rushed over to where he would be coming onto the iron landing, grabbing his hand and helping him over the concrete barrier onto the roof.
Fitz supported himself on his knees, panting. “There's a guy down there. Creepy bastard.”
Jemma and Daisy shared another glance, this one full of concern and trepidation.
Fitz pointed to Daisy. “Askin’ about you, Dais. Your…” Fitz trailed off, drawing waves in the air with his hand.
Jemma rested a hand on Daisy’s shoulder, squeezing slightly. “Go check it out, we’ll be here when you get back.”
Daisy reluctantly jumped onto the metal landing below, resisting the urge to use her powers to cushion her landing. She quickly checked the perimeter of the dorm, then wandered closer to the forest that backed up to the dorms.
If only she had night vision as well as the power to create earthquakes.
A subtle movement caught her eye, a dark silhouette shifting in between the trees. A haze of clouds covered the moon, making the forest darker than usual. Daisy stepped forward slowly, her breath speeding up.
The air seemed electric, the few clouds in the sky bloodred with the remaining rays of sunset. The tall pines and thick oaks were silhouetted black against the sky, branches seeming to reach out to grab the twilight shadows. Daisy threw a quick glance over her shoulder, letting out a relieved exhale when she saw Fitz and Jemma watching over her from the roof.
A twig snapped right in front of Daisy, the treeline only twenty feet away. Daisy felt the echo bounce around the forest. She took a deep breath, steadying her hands and lungs. Something, someone, was right on the other side of those bushes…
A deer leapt out of the brush, landing right in front of her. Its large doe eyes stared at her, ears back. It was just a fawn.
Daisy slowly let out a sigh of relief, dropping her arms from where they had come up in front of her. She snorted.
“You’re just a baby. What are you doing in the bushes by yourself?”
Daisy tentatively reached out, the fawn showed no signs of moving. She opened her palm, letting the deer sniff before it bounded away across the field.
Daisy sighed. She felt something was off, like you would the moment before you were struck by lightning. Like any second, something else would pop out of the forest, this time a real threat…
Daisy sighed, shaking her head and rubbing her eyes. I just need sleep. If the paranoia has set in, I definitely need sleep.
Daisy headed back to the dorms, the feeling of eyes on her following until she was safely on the roof with her friends.
The twinkling fairy lights lit the rest of their evening, shadows and deer forgotten in the warmth of laughs and starlight.
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sortasirius · 4 years
Any ideas on Claire (maybe w/Kaia) and Jack post finale interaction as TFW kids? They would be the most chaotic duo/trio, remembering what a bamf Claire is, how much Jack enjoyed his time with those teens in s14 (he really needs friends asap!!) and how he bonded w/Kaia in s13/15 Also! maybe a prompt, them trying to delicately ask Sam or even Jody about wtf is destiel’s status (before those two idiots get together) and Sam/Jody getting super awkward but actually explaining some of it? Xx
My chaos children, I love them, I sorta made this about everyone in wayward bc I desperately miss those ladies and will never get over the injustice of them not having their own show.
These were so fun to do!!!
After they beat Chuck, Jack ends up going to Jody while Sam/Eileen and Dean/Cas just...take some time for each other and themselves.
Jack knows Kaia, obviously, but he’s accepted by all the ladies immediately.  Donna especially adores him.
Claire teaches Jack how to throw knives, and he accidentally breaks two of Jody’s windows before Jody finds them an abandoned field to throw projectiles in
Jack tells Claire that she reminds him of Dean.  Claire rolls her eyes but swells with pride.
Claire also makes Jack tell her everything about Cas, about what kind of dad he was to Jack, what she learned from him.  Jack tells her everything and more, he tells her how much Cas loves her.
Jack doesn’t really like to go hunting anymore, so he stays home with Alex and Patience when the others go hunting, they teach him how to make a really good mac and cheese and teach him the difference between curry and cinnamon (they almost learn that the hard way when making an apple pie)
Kaia and Claire want to take Jack everywhere, because he’s never really been able to just be a kid, so they end up spending a lot of time skipping rocks at a creek by Jody’s house.  Jack learns to talk to them openly about just about everything, and it helps Kaia open up to someone other than Claire too.
They all spend Friday nights watching movies, Jack asks a lot of questions
Kaia and Jack talk about the different worlds they’ve seen, and are able to help heal each other’s traumas
Jack, in classic Jack fashion, is also the one who asks blatantly about Claire and Kaia.  Claire turns beet red and Kaia looks away immediately, but it’s only a few days later that they start holding hands.  Jody thanks Jack later, he doesn’t really understand why
When Sam or Dean or Cas check in on him, Jack talks their ears off about all the things they did that day, from the very mundane window cleaning to the clearing out of a vamp’s nest and learning how to use Donna’s flamethrower.
Jack finds a second family in Sioux Falls
Pairings: Claire/Kaia, Dean/Cas
Words: 1219
Claire Novak is no idiot.  She may have been a little oblivious about how Kaia had felt about her at first.  Look, she had just been carrying around a lot of guilt and thought Kaia would hate her for leaving her, it’s perfectly natural.  But she’s gotten better about seeing things that are right in front of her, especially since she and Kaia had been, well, dating, for nearly two months. She turns all mushy every time she thinks about that.
Point is, Claire can tell something is going on with Dean, and it has something to do with Cas.  But everytime she asks him about it, Dean just huffs and rolls his eyes, tells her it’s nothing or that she’s seeing things.  Even Cas is no help, training his eyes to the ground and asking her not to talk about it.
Claire has had just about enough of the weird energy being created.  Hell, they all have.  Patience and Alex said to leave it alone, that Sam, Dean, Cas, and Jack were only visiting for a few days, checking in on Kaia after everything, bringing Jack by to meet everyone, but Claire has never been one to just roll over when presented with a problem, so she’s going to get to the bottom of it, even if Dean and Cas themselves are no help.
“Hey Jack,” Claire sits down heavily next to him on the porch swing in the back, where he’s watching the hummingbirds fight over the sugar water in Donna’s feeder.  Kaia trails behind her, leaning against the doorframe leading into the house.  She didn’t particularly understand why Claire was so…obsessed with finding out what was going on, but they were in it together now. (Again, it makes Claire feel mushy).
“Hello!” Jack is a little weird, but a good weird. He doesn’t get any of the movie references Claire makes but understands all of Dean’s, which is a travesty, Dean has terrible taste in movies, but he’s got a kind, open face and reminds Claire of Cas quite a bit, so she likes him.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Sure,” Jack is still watching the hummingbirds, but Claire assumes he’s listening, so she just dives right in.
“What’s up with Cas and Dean?”Jack turns back to her, looking a little confused.
“What do you mean?”
“They seem, um, weird.  When they’re together.”
“Oh that,” Jack turns back to his birds again, “They’re always like that.  It’s getting worse, but they ignore me when I ask about it.”
Claire slumps.  Dammit.  Back to square one.
“Claire,” Kaia grabs her hand as they head to their next target.  Claire stops immediately.  She still can’t get over the fact that Kaia is here, with her, and still likes her apparently, even though she left her for dead in the Bad Place.
“Yeah?” she gives Kaia a smile, which is returned with interest.  Claire’s heart is going to burst out of her chest, just watch.
“What are we doing?  Shouldn’t they figure out their own stuff?”
“Ugh, as if they ever would.  I get that they’re older than us.  In Cas’ case like, thousands of years older than us, but if we don’t figure this out and fix it, they never will.”
Kaia sighs, leaning in to kiss her.  Man, Claire was never going to get enough of this.
“Fine,” she smiles again, “Lead the way.”
Jody is working in the garage on a weapons project for Donna, something about powering up the flamethrower or something?
“Hey Jody,” Claire gives her the smile that will tip Jody off immediately that she wants something, but there’s no time to waste here, Dean, Cas, Sam, and Jack are only here through tomorrow.
“Hey girls, what’s up?” Jody turns to face them, “Oh boy, what do you want?”
Kaia laughs.
“Nothing much, just wanted to know if you know what’s going on with Dean and Cas.”
“Dean and Cas?” Sam’s voice comes from the open garage door and he appears, carrying a box of books for Patience. Unsurprisingly, they were essentially best friends now.
“Hey Sam,” Claire puts on her best smile again and Jody sighs loudly, not that it would stop her, “Yeah, they’re just acting weird around each other.  We, well I wanted to know what’s going on.”
Sam’s face whitens by degrees, and he looks from Claire, to Kaia, to Jody, who just shrugs.
“Don’t tell me you don’t know, you look like you’ve seen a ghost.  Okay, that’s a stupid analogy, but you know what I mean.”
“I don’t know anything…” Sam hedges, but that is not going to be good enough for Claire today.
“But you know something,” Kaia interjects, and now Sam knows he’s outnumbered, because Jody is looking at him with as much interest as Claire and Kaia are.
“Just that.  Well, ugh,” Sam is swaying from foot to foot, like a deer about to bolt, “Even I don’t know what’s happening but…things are escalating.  Stuff that was only simmering below the surface before is now boiling.  They don’t say anything, but um, I think there’s something there.”
Claire grins.
“Great, that’s all I needed.”
“You did not hear this from me.”
“Sure sure.”
Sam makes his escape before they can ask him any more uncomfortable questions.  Claire and Kaia high five as Jody laughs.
“Don’t make them too uncomfortable,” she warns, turning back to her workbench and flamethrower, “They’re our guests.”
“Come on Jody,” Claire grabs Kaia’s hand again, “It’s Dean.”
“So,” Claire leans against the Impala as Dean works under the hood.  She knows him well enough to know that that would put him in a good mood.
“When are you gonna make a move on Cas?”
Dean bangs his head on the hood of the car.
“You heard me.”
Dean stares at Claire, who stares right back, listening to Kaia, Patience, and Alex laugh from the living room window.  Dean’s eyes snap to the sound and then back to Claire, then up and down the empty street.  His ears are turning redder by the second.  She knows she has him.
“Yeah I heard you I guess.  Just don’t understand where the hell this is coming from.”
“You’re not exactly subtle,” Claire points out, as Dean’s blush deepens, “Also you two have been acting weird since you got here.  So me and Kaia did some reconnaissance.”
Dean looks at her with a set in his mouth, like he’s ready to argue.  Claire just grins at him.
“We asked Jack, and then Jody, and then Sam about it.”
Dean slides a hand down his face.  It seems like he’s admitting defeat.  A good thing.
“Listen it, it’s nothing.  We’ve just got our own crap to work through, and we’ll work through that crap, and then get back to normal.”
“Or you could make a move on him.”
“Why do you care, anyway?”
“Because stupid, I care about you and I care about him. And if this will get you out of your weirdness then I’m all for it.”
Dean looks into the engine block of the Impala, sighs, and then slams the hood shut.
“Fine.  Fine. But if this doesn’t work, I’m melting down your knife.”
Claire grins and runs off to find Kaia. Mission accomplished.
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lovethoery · 5 years
mark being stressed in the studio and his s/o offering to suck him off (which would be the first time) and he wants it so bad but he’s so nervous and justshdhshd🥺🥺
i understood this as it being mark’s first blowjob so i hope thats what u meant!!! this got. Long and it’s a little different from his s/o offering bc i love shy, sweet mark.
i tried to make this gender neutral!!
[3:26 AM, est] [m]
mark’s fingers tug at his hair, sliding down over his face to rub roughly at his cheeks. he’s been stuck in this god forsaken box of room for seven hours, working through the beats he and taeyong had come up. they’d spit-balled lyric ideas, made a few short demos, and dicked around on the machine, but that had been at the beginning of the night.
it was nearing four a.m. and taeyong had gone back to the dorms around 11 to tend to the dreamies and catch up on the sleep he so desperately needed. mark had asked to stay back, promising to finish at least one full demo before heading back to the dorm.
that’s when mark had called you, asking to keep him company. you’d brought him some take-out, able to hear the distress in his voice. his eyes were swollen, bags beginning to take place, a little red around the rims from staring at the computer for too long. mark hadn’t noticed you walking in, headphones over his ears, until you sat the food down and rested your hands on his shoulders. your fingers began to knead into his muscles, mark’s head lolling back. pretty doe eyes look up at you, glazed behind the lenses of his glasses. you smiled at him fondly.
mark pulled his headphones off, turning around to face you. his hands wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to rest his forehead against your stomach. your fingers threaded through his hair, soft and freshly cut and you couldn’t miss the way he whined into your shirt as his body relaxed.
“hi, baby. you okay?” you asked him, fingers digging into his neck to rub out one of the kinks he’d developed over the seven hours.
his head pulled back, glasses falling down his nose as he pouted. “i don’t know anymore, honestly. i don’t know what i’m even doing anymore. everything’s started to blend together.” your heart ached for him, your lips pulling to match his pout.
“play what you have so far for me, hm? maybe i can help.”
mark appreciates your opinion, and you know that. there’s a small couch to the left of the desk and you have a seat, opening up the bag of take-out. you hand him the tangsuyuk you know he can’t get enough of and he groans, mumbling an “oh my god i fucking love you” before he hits play on the demo track.
it’s good, mostly an instrumental with sprigs of his and taeyong’s voices. you assume the empty space is where they’re gonna load in some recordings of doyoung or taeil. you tell him that much, offering some suggestions about how to make the beat fit the concept they were going for. he writes down the notes, sure to give them to taeyong later.
mark finishes his food, or at least as much as he can eat, and he turns to you. your lips wrap around the straw of your water bottle, and your boyfriend can’t help the way he gulps. your tongue slips out, licking away a droplet of water off your top lip. his mind drifts, as it usually does when it’s late and he can’t sleep. he thinks about how pretty you’d look between his knees, tongue licking at his cock as you take him in as far as you can. your eyes would shine, filling up with tears as he pushes you further down his length until you’re gagging. his hips cant up into your mouth and your fingers-
the boy before you gasps, jumping in his seat as he’s pulled out of his thoughts. he looks like a deer in the headlights, cheeks turning pink before he looks away from you.
“you were lost in that pretty head of yours. what were you thinking about, sweetheart?” mark’s cheeks turn brighter, ears turning with them and you immediately know it’s something he’s not too proud to share. you stand from the couch, moving to where he’s sat 15 feet from you and you cup his cheek, the skin warm and pink. “tell me, mark. you know i won’t judge you.”
he sighs, leaning into your palm before he looks up at you, mouth falling open. he really thinks you’re the most beautiful thing to ever exist, and he tries to remind you of that when he gets the chance. “just... thinking about you,” mark admits. his eyes flutter when you slide your hand back to his neck, squeezing the muscles again.
“what about me?” you urge. you know mark. you’ve known him for half your life. you’ve known him romantically for the last three years and you’re beginning to know him sexually. and over the course of those years, you’ve come to know that mark won’t make any moves himself when it comes to anything more than light making out. “tell me, baby.”
mark flushes even more, if that’s possible, and rubs a hand over his face, pushing his glasses up. “i was... thinking a-about you... um.”
“yeah? you got it, baby boy.”
“was thinking about youmaybesuckingmeoff?”
“sorry, didn’t hear that last part, mark.” you definitely heard it, you just wanted him to repeat himself. you loved to tease the boy, he just looked so cute with his eyes glossy and his lips parted as he flushed and whined.
the two of you had explored below the belt, but you hadn’t gotten far, mark too nervous to even suggest getting his pants off to pleasure him. a few quick handjobs, sloppy fingering, mostly dry humping in his bedroom when the others were busy. your sexcapades were few and far between but they did occur and mark was always more focused on you than himself. “tell me what you want, mark. let me make you feel good. you want my hand?”
he shakes his head, eyes squeezing shut when your fingers start to trail over his chest and down his sternum. that makes you raise an eyebrow. “no?”
you watch the way he squirms, avoiding your eyes and you can’t help but coo, bringing your hand up to rub at his earlobe. “say it.”
“will you please give me head...?” it comes out as a whisper and it’s a little awkward and he still can’t look you in the eyes, but it stirs something in your stomach, forcing you to your knees immediately. you’ve been waiting for so long to get him in your mouth and you’re not gonna let the opportunity pass—setting be damned.
“you want me to give you head? want me to suck you off?” mark looks absolutely gone already and you haven’t even done anything, his eyes wide and lips bitten red.
“please, baby.”
you take your time with him, hands sliding up his thighs as you pull his sweats down and kiss up his thighs. they’re already trembling when you get to the waistband of his boxers. it’s easy to rile him up, it’s always been easy, but now with the warmth of your breath, mark’s cock hardens in an instant. there’s already a wet patch forming and you suppress the whine that threatens to slip out. mark’s so shy, it makes your toes curl.
“you want it that bad, mark? god, you’re already leaking. you’re so fucking cute.” he whines at that, covering his eyes. it’s a stark contrast to the confidence he normally exudes, all bark and no bite. “i’ll make you feel better, baby. bring that head of yours back down. make you feel better.” your palm rubs against mark’s clothed cock and he tips his head back, sighing into the room.
“please. want it, so bad.” his voice is higher now when you pull his cock out, all red and leaking. he’s thick and heavy in your hand and you lock eyes with him when your tongue kitten licks at the tip, lashes fluttering at the taste of pre-cum practically dripping out of him. his hips jerk and you know he won’t he won’t last. by no means is this your first time giving head, but it’s definitely his first time getting his dick sucked.
it’s obvious in the cry he lets out when your lips close around the head, suckling softly. long fingers tangling in your hair. they’re not forceful, not trying to push you down, not anything like how mark thought he’d react to your mouth on his dick. he feels almost helpless, letting you do whatever you want to him.
his groans when you take him in further, pulling back to run your tongue along the underside of his cock, just to tease him a bit before you’re taking him back into your mouth. he lets another cry go when you force yourself down, deepthroating him. one of mark’s hands reaches to grasp the arm of his chair, the one in your hair gripping harder as he curls his toes.
“fuck... fuck, ____!” he’s gasping, balls drawing up and you know he’s coming soon. he never lasts long when you both do something new. when you pull off, it leaves the boy above you whimpering, hand loosening in your hair as he relaxes against the back of the chair. “feels so fucking good, please don’t stop,” he admits.
you can’t argue with him, not when his eyes are filled with tears and he looks so high-strung he might snap. “i got you, baby. don’t worry.”
you move down, bobbing your head on his cock and he doubles over, so sensitive and reactive to everything you do, you feel your own stomach churning and an ache between your legs at the sound. “please, please, pleasepleaseplease, make me cum...!”
mark is gasping and squirming under your mouth, hips jerking finally and you give him one final, harsh suck before he’s crying out, coming on your tongue. you swallow what he gives you, making sure to clean him up and he whimpers at the overstimulation.
when you pull off, he’s still wide eyed, but he looks more soft around the edges, shoulders dropped and his mouth open. “feel better?” you ask him, wiping at the corner of your mouth. his eyes follow your tongue when you lick away the droplet of cum.
mark nods slowly, brain still running on the high you gave him. “uh-huh...” you giggle, kissing the inside of his knee before you stand, hands out to take his own.
“what do you say we take off and head back to the dorm? you look like you’re half asleep, i’m sure taeyong will understand you not finishing the demo.” mark frowns at your words, but stands with you, albeit on shaky legs.
“fine... let me clean this mess up. and give me a kiss.” your boyfriend pouts, pulling you close to him. you plant a sweet kiss to his mouth, tongue slipping out just a little. if he moans at the taste of himself on your tongue, you don’t say anything—too focused on getting him back to the dorm in one piece.
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poguesofthebau · 4 years
Hey! I was wondering if i could get a ship? I’m 5’5, a saggitarius and I’m 16 years old! I’m in theatre, i love hockey, writing, history and concerts! I’m super shy when you meet me but when i get to know you it is OVER, i’m loud, outgoing, as well as the group therapist. I love being able to make people feel loved and supported. I’m a harry styles, niall horan, why don’t we , ruel, and 5sos stan as well as I love show tunes, country and classic rock ! Thank you 🥰
i would first and foremost like to applaud and publicly appreciate ur stanning harry niall and 5sos bc after the falling of 1d i thought i was the only who still loved all THREE of them hoes. bless up. now back to ur regularly scheduled shipping :) (also this is one of my fave blurbs i’ve written so i hope u like!!)
i ship you with john b!! (honorary mention: the amount of mothering you would force on jj... like the ‘mama’s mad’ thing that he said about kie that one time? yeah, like that but times a million bc you were always being jj’s mom and it would be wholesome as fuck bc you’re the only one that child will ever actually listen to)
you would definitely have grown up a pogue. you would’ve gone to middle school with john b and jj back in the day, and the three of you would be a trio that nobody really saw coming. you’d be that one girl in fifth grade that everyone just thought was quiet and liked to keep to herself because you never really went out of your way to make close friends. your not being a part of a clique would be what brought you and the boys together. one day, some group of girls would take their usual table that they ate lunch at, so they’d wander over to the one you were sitting alone at, dropping their trays down with awkward smiles and even more uncomfortable body language. you’d smile back at them, not giving them much attention as you went back to the homework you’d been doing. when you made it clear that you weren’t going to bother them even if they were at your table, the boys relaxed and continued their conversation. the situation at hand would definitely include jj being pissed off and wanting to fight someone, along with john b trying to calm his friend down so he doesn’t get in trouble again. soon enough, you’d finished up all of your homework, shoved all your books back into your bag, and started eating doritos out of the bag while blatantly listening to the conversation going on before you. things seemed to be coming to a head, and the low voices between the two were getting louder and louder. eventually, jj would yell something like “shut the hell up, john b!” and earn himself a very dirty look from the teacher currently on lunch duty as well as a whack on the head from john b. rolling his eyes, jj appeared to be deep in thought as his eyes started scanning the room quickly. suddenly, his head was snapping to you, and your eyes widened when you were addressed. “what do you think?” stammering a bit, you glanced nervously between jj and john b. “wha-- what do i think about what?” jj sighed, turning in his seat to fully face you. “c’mon, you have to know what’s going on, don’t you?” john b would nudge jj then, giving him a face that told him to take it easy on you. “what? you think just ‘cause she’s quiet, she’s deaf too? i just wanna hear an outside opinion, john b.” surprised at jj���s (correct) assumption about you noticing the things that happened around you, you coughed. “um, i actually have heard,” you interjected, pulling a cocky smile out of jj. “told you, bro.” “but, no, i don’t think you should fight anyone, if that’s the question.” john b’s turn. he scoffed, looking jj in the eye. “told you, bro.”
after that one interaction, john b and jj basically took you under their wings. it was never a big deal. you just started hanging out with them-- when you were waiting for your ride home, they’d stand outside the school with you until your mom pulled up, only walking back to The Chateau when they knew you were good. they’d meet you at your lunch table every day after the first time, a tradition that would continue on through high school. they’d stand next to your locker, bickering over what the plans for after school were, while you swapped out books and laughed at their arguing. when pope and kie came into the picture, your two boys forced you to stay out of your shell, to let the new pogues get to know you like they did. before you could stop and realize it, john b and jj and kie and pope would come to know everything about you, and you them. and even though you knew all of them so well, there would sometimes be things that they kept from you-- including john b and jj. you’d catch the two of them whispering during keggers, or staring at you from across the room as you stood chatting with kie. after a few months of this sneaky behavior, you convinced yourself that one of them was into kie. you had the idea so deeply engraved in your mind that, soon enough, no other explanation seemed possible to you. that’s what you told pope one night at john b’s, when he’d come out to the hammocks, where you’d been swaying alone, to ask what the problem was. figuring it couldn’t hurt to talk things out with pope, you told him the truth. the day after you confessed to pope that you ‘knew jb had it bad for kie’ and he deciphered that you had feelings for john b, things got weird. you’d call jj that morning to see if he knew what the plan for the day was, and all he was able to do was stammer and stutter through your conversation. when you called pope to see if he’d need a ride to The Chateau, it was the same thing. so instead of trying with john b or kie, you simply made your way to the house. 
when you pulled up to The Chateau, parking in your usual spot next to the van, confusion flooded your body. jj’s bike was nowhere to be found, and neither was kie’s car, which was supposed to have brought her and pope there. you made your way into the house, finding john b putting beers into a cooler. “um, hello there? is there a reason our friends are not here like i was told they were?” john b would smile quickly at you, picking up the cooler and nonchalantly grabbing your hand to pull you along with him as he walked out of the house. “just us today.” your eyebrows would raise at that, not seeing why your friends had lied about the day’s plans so you could be alone with john b. “what do you mean, just us?” john b ignored you completely, quickly moving in and out of the hms pogue a few times as he packed it with the day’s supplies. “john booker,” you’d call tightly, getting his attention right away. he’d look up at you, still bent over from putting down the cooler on the boat, eyes wide. he knew that tone. “don’t yell at me. please.” you’d slit your eyes, arms crossed as you waited for an explanation. john b would sigh, stepping out of the boat and pacing in front of you a few times with his hands rubbing repeatedly over his face, clearly thinking about how to begin as you watched. “are you okay?” he stopped at that, staring at the ground as he replayed your words in his head. “john b. are you okay?” he’d turn to you, expression like a deer in headlights. “i’m in love with you.” you’d squint suspiciously at him again, arms falling to your side. “don’t-- don’t fucking look at me like that! i just said something very, very chillingly groundbreaking, okay? so don’t give me that look. i’m panicking, okay? you think i like this feeling right now?” you couldn’t help but laugh at that point, taking a step toward him and putting your hands on his shoulders. “john b, i can’t believe this is finally it. i mean, i knew you were gonna crack eventually, but... today? you’re choosing today, to have your psychotic break?” he’d shake his head, trying to cut you off but not getting the chance as you continued. “seriously! i just wanted to relax for five minutes. but i guess we can go back inside and handle your unstable mental state. no problem--” all of a sudden, john b’s hands had found their way onto your face, palms pressing against your cheeks as he pulled your face into his. he was kissing you. john b routledge. he was kissing you. when john b pulled back after a few moments, you were essentially stunned into silence. “hi. hi, it’s me. john b? remember?” john b was waving his hand in front of your face nervously, and you caught him by the wrist, stammering over a few words before he spoke again. “okay, sooo words seem to be kinda hard right now. that’s fine,” he’d chuckle, moving his hands to rest on your shoulders as he hunched down a little to get to your eye-level. “do you wanna get on the boat with me right now, or was that not okay, that i just did that?” you shook your head, trying to clear some of the love fuzz out of it. john b, misunderstanding your response, dropped his hands from your shoulders and took a step back, panic resurfacing in his body. “hey,” you’d call to him offendedly. “what are you doing?” “what am i doing? what are you doing?” you’d laugh then, slipping your arms around john b’s waist and hugging him when you closed the distance again. “so, that was actually okay?” “yes, idiot. that was perfectly okay.” john b wrapped his arms around your back, smiling and releasing the breath he’d been holding in. “cool. cool. so, we getting on the boat or what?”
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shuwuwua · 5 years
in which your first time in the rural countryside–crap internet, 20 minute drives to the nearest grocery store, random deer in the roads, and all–is not bad. not bad at all. (aka joshua and animals and being very soft) [fluff]
word count: 3k
disclaimer: not all rural areas are the same. you can get high speed internet. (just not in my personal experience lmao)
you were born, raised, and spent most of your livelihood in the same city
a proper skyscraper sort of city, not a “it’s bigger than a town so i guess we have to call it a city but the tallest building here is still only 4 stories high” city
your family wasn’t really one for vacations but this summer your parents decided to switch it up and spend a few weeks with your relatives who live in the countryside
and although you’ve been skeptical as to what’s possibly worth spending that long in the boonies, you figure it’s been a while since you saw those relatives and don’t say much against it
you’ve tried unsuccessfully for the past few days to avoid nature by browsing YouTube, but it’s proving difficult with your relatives’ lack of surfable internet
they finally suggest you go to the petting zoo
and you snort a little at first bc it’s not your ideal pastime but you suppose that’s what you gotta work with now in the boonies
so you drive to the nearby petting zoo. you exit your car.
and your hit with the Smell™ (of dried grass and poop, to clarify)
and you’re like. oh yeah. i’m definitely in the countryside.
you proceed.
as you walk up the path to the main buildings, you see some of the larger animals around you. horses. cows. the pigs are outside feeding at this hour. you’re kind of in awe because you’ve never seen a Live Cow and,,, they’re kinda cool how they’re so chill and they look sorta Smooth like they’d be really pettable and you wonder if you’d be able to milk one or smthn
but you’re getting a little ahead of yourself.
you open the barn door. and are immediately hit with more Smell™
you wonder if it’ll attach to your clothes. you figure you will deal with it later.
there is something else to deal with at the moment.
“wait, no–lucky! come back!” someone yelps as they rush around in front of you, chasing what seems to be a ball of fur that moves at the speed of light
or a puppy. same thing, really. 
that someone takes a giant leap of faith, only to just barely miss the pup and end up face first on the floor, which you can’t imagine being the most sanitary of surfaces
you look away in search of the flurry of fur. you can’t see it, but you can definitely hear it. unfortunately, it doesn’t sound like it has a collar, so you prepare yourself to scoop it up completely rather than grabbing its collar. as expected, it runs into your direction and you launch at it...
lucky squirms in your grasp, barking and sniffing at your shirt. they must decide that you’re an agreeable human, because they start trying to lick your face
“wow, you caught him!” you look up at seemingly the body from earlier
and like,, not to exaggerate but is this what looking at an angel is like?
the boy you’re looking at looks back with such bright eyes and with a gaze full of affection, although after a second you realize the affection is probably for the dog. he has the best smile you’ve seen in a good while, because people you pass by in the city don’t smile that much. he just radiates Warm and Good and is probably great for business, because he’s just as cute as the puppy who is still going at your chin
“i… yeah, guess i did. uh, you kind of have straw all over you” is what you settle on saying to him, because out of all the things you noticed about him, your brain decides that the straw and dirt still sticking to his cheek and various parts of his shirt were the most acceptable features to point out. while they weren’t the more flattering options, they probably saved you from the complete AWKWARDNESS that would have come from mentioning his eyes or beaming smile or really anything else bc the straw and dirt were the only flaws.
“oh!” he exclaims, straightening up and brushing off his shirt
“… here too,” you say, grasping lucky in one arm as you move your other hand to your cheek
of course, he wipes at the wrong side.
“the other side”
“right. ok. am i good? sorry, that’s not a great first impression.” 
he still has a smear, but you decide it’s probably not going to budge and he’ll figure it out later. and he has no clue what a great first impression it was. clearly. “no, it’s fine.” 
he continues to smile at you and you’re still crouched, clutching lucky. lucky then decides to yelp because he’s tired of the severe lack of attention, which snaps you back to the situation. 
“oh, right.” you stand and give lucky back. 
“here he is!”
once lucky is back in the boy’s arms, he immediately starts to lick at his jaw. the boy sighs and pulls a treat out of the pocket of his apron, waving it around lucky’s face. “what are we going to do with you?” 
he turns back to you. “sorry about that, lucky is a very excited young pupper, as you just saw. the most problematic of all his siblings. anyway, i’m joshua! welcome to nabiya petting zoo. is it your first time here?”
you nod. “er. it’s actually my first time in this area, or in this part of the country, really. i’m from a pretty big city.”
“oh! well, a bigger welcome, then. i hope you enjoy your stay.” 
he rubs lucky between his ears. “isn’t it nice to get away from the busy urban life sometimes? i’ve always thought it’s really relaxing around here.”
“yeah, it seems… nice so far,” you say loosely, reflecting on how you haven’t really seen enough to come to that conclusion
he still has that warm smile. “i’m going to put lucky in his pen. hm… you’re the only one who’s come in so far today, so i could show you around if you want?”
“yeah, sure! i haven’t seen a lot of these before,” you reply, going down the list of animals at the side on the wall.
“ok, i’ll be right back!”
when he comes back y’all walk around n look at things and he asks you if you want to hold or feed some animals and you take everything pretty well, more than even you expect
you look at the normal domestic sort of animals like a litter of kittens, and the pen with lucky and his other pupper brothers and sisters
typical farm animals like pigs and sheep
sheep are not as fluffy as you imagine, they’re actually kind of gross looking if they haven’t had a bath recently
nonetheless you find them kind of cute, and you even pet one of the rams, aptly named… sam the ram
something tells you joshua was responsible for the name
you guys go out to the field and observe some turkeys strutting around
“huh so that’s the thing you see in clipart, the thing hanging off their faces”
“yeah it’s called a snood”
“LOL huH”
“only the dudes have snoods”
“during mating season, female turkeys pick male turkeys with longer snoods. you could say they’re in the snood for love.”
“please stop”
y’all spend a lot of time with the rabbits bc “bunnies are my favorite animal” says josh as he crouches next to a brown fluffball of a bunny, petting it
it’s just such a Good n Wholesome scene you can’t help but let slip “wow ur so cute”
he looks up, but his expression says he is otherwise unbothered
“sorry, what’d you say?”
“i SA ID the buNNY is sO cuTE” panics
“oh” joshua says. “alright” he turns back to the bunny, a tiny smile on his face
before you know it, 4 hours have passed and your stomach is letting you know dinnertime is approaching, so you bid josh farewell and wonder if you’ll ever see him again because that was a hecking nice 4 hours
you find yourself coming back again two days later lmao
today, joshua is putting out slop for the pigs. he grins at you. 
“hey again. what brings you back so soon?”
you find some excuse like “ykno i just bonded with sam the ram so well i had to come back, we’re bros now” and josh just laughs softly at you
“ok. you wanna look at some horses today?”
“whoa. o-okay.”
when he brings them out ngl you’re kinda intimidated bc like,, they’re some toL bois.
one time you saw a pony at the state fair but that was smol n cute and walked at a pace of 3 miles an hour
but these horses?? threatening. now you understand where the horse in horsepower comes from
“hey, don’t look so scared. they’re harmless!” the black stallion chooses that moment to snort and buck a little. 
you gulp.
“no, really.” he pets the stallion. “snuffles has never hurt anyone.”
you blink
“,,, snuffles ??”
joshua gives you a hard stare. “7 year old me thought that was an appropriate name and today years old me still thinks it’s fine”
you raise your hands to say “ok man ur turf ur way”
joshua clears his throat dramatically and turns back to ,, snuffles. “so aNyway, i brought snuffles out because i think he’s the best for a beginner to ride, and i’m assuming you’ve never ridden a horse before.”
“yeah i haven’t… wait did you say we’re gonna riDE them??”
“yeah, we don’t usually let people do that but i feel like you need the whole farm experience so you can go home and tell your friends the country isn’t just yeehaw and old town”
“but like… isn’t this just proving the point of old town? you literally have the horses in the back.”
“however, my hat is not matte black. i don’t even have a cowboy hat. or Wrangler. or anything else the song mentions. just the horses.”
“ok joshua if it makes u happy i will take snuffles to the old town road”
he gives u a big :D
he instructs you on how to mount the horse and stands behind you in case you start falling but thankfully you don’t so we don’t have to go over any kind of cliche
~ gripping of the waist for balance ~
~ catching you in his arms ~
: ))
“hey, good job! give snuffles some pats or something.” you reach a hand out to stroke the side of snuffles’s face. he whinnies a bit. Well frick, you think, that was kind of cute.
joshua decides he’ll walk some laps around with you before letting you actually ride snuffles by yourself. after you seem to be comfortable, you guys walk/trot around some and that’s how the rest of that afternoon goes :)
picture this with me
the sun is low in the sky
and y’all and your horses are just looking out over the hill
skin lookin immaculate bc it’s the golden hour
a massive grin you don’t even realize you have on your face.
and then you gotta go home, as your stomach reminds you again.
over your stay at your relatives’ place, you visit the petting zoo more times
you and josh become pretty comfortable with each other
he always has a lot of time to spend with you bc people don’t come that much this early in the summer, and in general they don’t get a huge amount of traffic but that’s okay financially bc the petting zoo is just a side thing, it’s mainly his family’s farm
and so you learn more things about him and his family from your times together, you guys sometimes sit around with some lemonade and hold some bunnies. lucky has also taken a liking to you, so you hold him a lot.
joshua tells you about his parents having always wanted to live peaceful and healthy lives, eating their own produce, moved to the area before he was born and it just expanded into the farm.
so although no one lives on the farm, they live pretty close by and he spent most of his childhood around all the animals.
you wonder if he was born with the soft, patient, and gentle nature needed to care for all the animals or if the animals shaped him to be that way.
but on top of that, he really loves spending time with them. even though he’s there basically every day, he never seems tired of his job.
“but what about you though? i’ve never really been that far from here, so i wonder what a big city is like.”
you trade your chaotic urban stories for his peaceful rural ones, and he trades his farm accident horrors for your memories of solidarity in the city.
you tell him about all the great food, countless different flavors of restaurants and a bubble tea chain every few blocks
you tell him about the convenience, the variety of transportation and the proximity of things, like basic groceries
the crowded sidewalks, the crowded metro, the crowded shops
the neon signs that light up the night, the period of quiet and calm somewhere around 3 in the morning, when you can open the window and hear the city nightlife in its most muted yet most raw state.
not only has time in the countryside made you appreciate it more, but also your home life more.
while you’re still wrapped in your memories, joshua smiles softly at you from the side. lemonade long forgotten, ice long melted. “that sounds really nice. your stories make me want to visit you in your hometown some time.”
huh. he could’ve just said visit the city, but he said visit you in your hometown. joshua has such a way with making the conversation personal.
you process what he said again and think about what it’d be like if he came. you could take him to all those places you raved about… it’d be like…
,,, a bunch of dates really. your brain frazzles a bit at the thought.
“… yeah! … that’d be pretty cool.”
and that’s how your afternoons pass these days. lemonade at the side, bunnies in hand, breeze passing through hair.
eventually josh asks you if you want to hang out like… nOT at the petting zoo
and you’re like whoa ok what’s your idea
and he’s like “can you meet me at watchtower hill tomorrow at 8pm?” 
he thinks about what he just said and quickly follows with “i know that’s kind of a really late time, but i promise i have no nefarious intent! oh, shoot that makes it seem like i do. i really don’t i promise! i just wanted to show you what the sunset and night sky are like in the countryside. oh, i just spoiled it…” he flashes you an awkward smile and some finger guns. “yep, that’s what we’re doing! no nefarious activities.”
you grin at him. “calm down dude, i didn’t think like that in the first place. i’m usually out even later at home anyway.”
he rubs the back of his head and laughs it off with you.
you do meet the next day at 8pm. he brings some midnight snacks that his mom made. except they’re not really midnight snacks, because you’re not trying to stay out there until midnight (spoiler: you do, because y’all yak a lot)
you guys sit on your jackets, watching the sunset. it’s the kind of temperature that’s says it was mad hot during the day, but now that the sun is going down, it’s cooled into a pleasant room temperature with an occasional warm breeze. 
for once you all don’t say much, because it’s nice to just share the moment. 
you reflect on how you’ve come to experience the area recently. most of it was the petting zoo, but sometimes you’d take up some of joshua’s suggestions about the area and report back to him how the experience was later on. 
looking out at the sun that bleeds out into the blueish black night, you think that it’s been a pretty good time here, and maybe it does have an edge on city life.
as the last of warm colors finally seep out of the sky, the moon takes over the night and the stars become more apparent than you’ve ever seen before.
seriously, it’s a scene out of a movie. you know, the wide screen shot of the protagonists staring at the sky, mystified. the panorama over the constellations that twinkle down at you, a little gift from the galaxy.
“i’ve never seen the sky like this. all the twinkling lights in the city come from the streets, and the buildings. which are pretty in their own way, i think. but Mother Nature… is really something else,” you say.
“yeah,” he says, looking at you as you’re still in awe at the sky. “something else.”
a few more moments pass, but it’s a timeless night as the sky is frozen in space.
joshua lays back on his jacket.
“hey,, maybe this is sort of crazy but.”
you turn to him, raising a brow.
“it’s been really, uh.. it’s been. really awesome getting to know you. i’ve just kind of… seen the same sorts of things all my life. the same sorts of people. i mean! of course, everyone is unique in their own way but! you know.” he takes a glance at you. “rural folks, urban folks. there’s a difference. so I’ve really enjoyed talking with you. uh, i mean i enjoy talking to you regardless of if you’re from the city or not!”
he puts a palm to his face and sighs. from behind his hand, he says, “i just like you.”
“i like you too, joshua! you’re a really great guy.”
“no, not like that. i mean. i like you.” he finally removes his hand.
you blink a little. and finally burst into a grin. “yeah. i like you too. you’re a really great guy.”
it’s his turn to blink
you lie back as well. he slowly starts to smile next to you
the stars above shine on.
yeah. this is a life you could get used to, too.
a/n: i stole the snood puns from a website i was reading sry website. hope you guys enjoyed and i had a lot of fun writing joshua this way (he’s all squishy, not exactly canon i would say lol)
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in response to getting another guy in ur life
i'm submitting this bc it's tough trying to squeeze everything into one ask. as i kept going the pov would lowkey switch back and forth pls ignore i am kind of sleepy
i think it would be rough on him. any normal person would assume it'd be because he had feelings for you, which of course wouldn't be true, but he'd be hurt and he'd feel conflicted about it.
he'd know there were no strings, and of course you'd both had that conversation of "if you find somebody that's fine, but this is just for us at this point in time" and he always had that looming in the back of his mind. but when you stop texting him, calling him, and only see him for work, it'd kind of infuriate him. you could have at least told him if you no longer wanted to do anything with him or if you found someone.
aside from that, he'd miss it. he'd miss the sneaking around, buying things for you, making you cum with just his fingers...he'd almost feel like it was a waste of time. he knew your body like the back of his hand. he knew what made you shiver and what made you cringe. he knew exactly how to fuck you, when to fuck you, and where to fuck you. he knew you liked it when his fingers would find your necklace charm, rolling it through his fingers before continuing to work his way down. he knew how to fuck your throat, what your limits were, and how long you could take it before you needed air. he knew that as much as you loved when he came in you (most of the time before you go out so when he sticks his hand up his skirt to feel you up, he still feels himself dripping out) you also loved when he'd cum on your stomach, continuously dipping his finger in it and putting it in your mouth. he knew you loved when he kissed you after you swallowed. he knew you loved to taste yourself on his lips. he knew what positions you liked, how tight to tie your wrists to the headboard. he knew how hard to choke you and he could tell when it was too much. even when he bit your lip so hard it started bleeding and you told him, very enthusiastically, to keep going (he learned lots that night). he knew so much and vice versa.
you knew he loved feeling your hands on his chest. you knew he loved the rush of cockiness telling you what to do (and you obeying) gave him. if you didn't obey, you knew he loved punishing you. you knew he loved when your actions made him tie you up, spank you till you're dripping, or fuck your throat till you can't speak. you knew he loved the aftercare, having you sit on his lap in the bath, pressing lightly into bruises and scratches and bite marks until you hiss and smack his hands away while he giggles, saying, "you wanted them!" you knew he loved when, one night, after losing a bet with you, he let you dom him and you knew he hadn't ever cum that hard with you before (even still, he refused to admit that and continued his normal domming afterwards). you knew he loved when you talked back to him. you knew he loved when his hips would still at your hilt, a glorious groan escaping his lips, nails digging into your skin, as he finally cums in you. you knew he loved that first time you sucked his dick, realizing you took it all your first try. you knew he loved when the tears would run down your cheeks from being fucked so good. you knew he loved the walk of shame (as he sleepily watched with a smile on his face) out of his bedroom.
it'd almost be like it went on too long. you knew each others bodies too well, which made you such great lovers in the bedroom but you'd never end in a relationship. it'd be hard to navigate.
i think his breaking point would be when you bring the new guy by his house when jason is there, saying, "hey jason, just telling you this is the guy i met because of you!" you'd hug this guy's chest, smiling, as your eyes land on david's. it'd be the first time he'd look away from you. jason is eager and happy for you, joking that maybe you'll start being uptight again. (once you'd started fucking david on the regular, both of you had been consistently relieving stress, allowing both of you to work better, both together & individually)
david would say, completely fake, "i'm happy for you. hey, uh can you come show me how to do this thing on final cut?" you'd be reluctant as he pulls you into his room.
"so, uh," he'd clear his throat, "what's this guy's name?"
"um. david." you shifted in your seat on his bed. he was standing in front of you, slowly pacing.
"no, like. his name is david." his eyes would widen. instantly, he hears you moaning his name. that was supposed to be reserved for him. he doesn't tell you that, though.
"oh. why didn't you tell me anything? like, that's what we agreed on. i would've liked that more than just you leaving me in the dark. it's not that hard. also, of all places, why my fucking house?"
"david. don't get pissed-"
"i am pissed."
"why? did you have feelings for me or something?"
"no, you know i didn't, i just- it feels like it was a waste of time."
"are you and this dude official?"
"not yet."
"so i could still fuck you?"
"davey, baby-" at this point, it was an argument. albeit, a whispered one.
"you don't get to do that! i can-"
"why are you so upset?"
"because i know everything about your body. you will never find anyone who can make you cum as hard as i can. it goes both ways. i've fucked a few girls since you, but none of them fuck the way you do."
"so what am i supposed to do, dave? not find love because you know how to make me cum better than anyone?" he went quiet. a few moments passed.
"he's a real asswipe."
"you don't even know him!"
“well, he exudes it, okay?”
"you're an asswipe, too, you know?"
"maybe. an asswipe who knows how to fuck."
"i don't know what you want me to do, dave."
"tell him to go home, i'll send jason home, tell natalie to go out all night, and i will fuck the living daylights out of you." you groaned and put a hand over your face. you were getting a headache. you knew you didn't have to do it. he knew it too. but he stared all wide, like a deer in headlights, meeting your eyes for the second time that night.
at that moment, jason would walk in the bedroom door, asking what's taking so long. the other david would follow him, leaning in the door frame. david was right, that's a really asswipey move in a house that's not your own, especially in a room that's not your own.
you smiled sweetly, "david, i'm gonna have to stay here. sorry. it's work. he's having a few issues. i need to help him so his vlog can go up on time. i'll see you later. you can see yourself out."
your david beamed.
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grapesodatozier · 6 years
5 Times Nancy Wheeler Saw Her Little Brother Cry and 1 Time She Saw Him Smile
here’s that st fic i mentioned a few days ago! i wrote this when 5+1s were still a thing lmao.
this is, for the most part, canon compliant. ship wise, there’s lots of mentions of mileven, but this is mostly just nancy caring about/looking after mike and being a good older sister (duffers take note) bc i love them both and wanna see more of their relationship lol. this is my first (and tbh v possibly only) st fic. i’d post it to my st blog ( @curlywheelers hmu lol) but my irl friends follow that blog so i’m posting it here instead lmao
words: 2,190
warnings: mentions of canon character deaths, generally v angsty lol
read on ao3 or below (:
Nancy Wheeler has seen her little brother cry plenty of times. He cried nearly every Thursday afternoon and Saturday morning the one spring their mom had signed him up for baseball, and she always rolled her eyes at him. He cried when he went down a hill too fast and fell off his bike when he was nine, and she put Band-Aids on his cuts. He cried when their parents would argue, and she hugged him until long after the shouting stopped so he couldn’t see her own tears. Still, her experience with Mike’s pain didn’t make it any easier for her as his older sister to witness.
* * *
Nancy sat in the living room with her parents, the three of them deafeningly silent; what was there to say? They had just received the phone call that Will Byers’ body had been found in the quarry, and they had no idea where Mike was, or whether he had heard or not. The only sounds that cut through the heavy air were Karen Wheeler’s uneven breaths as she tried to stifle her sobs of concern, wringing her hands. Nancy bit her lip to keep herself from crying too.
After what felt like hours, they finally heard the front door open. Mrs. Wheeler jumped up and met her son in the entryway of the house. Nancy watched as Mike crumpled into his mother’s embrace, sobs wracking through his body. Her chest ached and the tears started flowing; she wished she could do something to help, but what was there to say? Kids aren’t supposed to die. Kids aren’t supposed to watch their friends die. Nancy trembled as she watched her brother cling to their mother.
* * *
Nancy didn’t know what to say, but she knew she had to say something. Or maybe just listen, or even just be there. She had to do something for him; he couldn’t even tell their parents. She knocked on his bedroom door, but it opened slightly to reveal that he wasn’t in there. She sighed, knowing where he’d be. She did her best to avoid her parents as she made her way to the basement; she only ever went down there to do laundry and look for old clothes, and she felt almost like she was intruding on a space not meant for her as she swung the door open and started down the staircase. The sight before her stopped her in her tracks about halfway down.
Mike’s watery brown eyes stared up at her from a fort she had never seen before, making him look like a deer in headlights. He dropped the walkie-talkie he had clutched in his hands and began wiping his eyes as he sniffled. Nancy hurried down the stairs, sitting beside him. Nothing was said between them as she pulled him into her side, resting her cheek on the top of his head. The words she’d heard him say in Will’s hospital room echoed in her mind; She saved us. But she’s gone now. “Do you wanna talk about it?” she asked quietly. He shook his head, and she left it at that. She felt his body begin to shake as his tears came again, and as she rubbed his arm she willed herself to keep her own at bay.
The two siblings may not have been the closest in the world, but Nancy was good at reading people, and Mike was an open book anyway, so she could tell that Eleven had meant a lot to him. Thinking about it, El had probably been Mike’s first serious crush. Nancy’s chest ached; she was feeling loss too, and she couldn’t bear the thought that her little brother was feeling anything remotely similar to her own pain. He was only twelve – no twelve-year-old deserved what happened to him; he had been through far more grief than any twelve-year-old can be expected to handle. He was a good kid, and so was Eleven; they had both just been trying to help, and now Mike was heartbroken, and Eleven-
Nancy pulled him closer. He cried a little harder.
* * *
Jonathan jumped out of the car as soon as it was parked in his driveway, barely stopping to take the keys out of the ignition. Nancy followed, rushing up the porch and holding the door open for him as he carried Will’s unconscious body out of the car and into the house. Hopper’s truck was right behind them, and Nancy watched as he helped Joyce out of the car and into the house as well. She was about to follow them in when she realized Mike hadn’t gotten out of the car. Dustin, Max, and Lucas rushed into the house, Steve behind them. He paused in the doorway when he realized she wasn’t following.
“Hey,” Steve said softly, “you coming in?” She shook her head without looking at him.
“I need to check on Mike,” she whispered, descending the stairs of the porch and heading back to Jonathan’s car. She heard the front door close behind her.
She took a deep breath outside the car before opening the door and sliding into the backseat next to Mike. He didn’t react; he just stared at the seat in front of him, his eyes wide and faraway. “Hey,” she spoke gently. When she still received no response, she took his hand in hers – it was shaking. “You okay?” She knew it was a stupid question, but she had no idea what else to say. Normally she’d just be there for him, but he wasn’t crying or yelling or anything – she needed something, even just for him to squeeze her hand back. It took about a minute of silence, but he finally spoke up.
“I could hear them,” he whispered, his voice breathy and broken. She felt his grip on her hand tighten as his tears started to fall. He turned his head to look at her, not bothering to wipe away the tears that were rolling down his cheeks. “I heard those- those things-” he began saying, his own sobs cutting him off. Nancy’s heart sank into her stomach; no one had mentioned why Bob wasn’t in the car or why Mrs. Byers was sobbing, but it wasn’t too hard to fill in the gaps. Nancy thought she might be sick at the thought of her little brother witnessing that. She wanted to put her arm around him, but he had her hand in a death grip.
“Mike,” she whispered, beginning to cry herself, “I’m so sorry.” And then he was in her arms, rocking back and forth slightly while he sobbed. She rubbed her hand in circles on his back while holding him as tightly as she could, as though he might float away. He could’ve, god, it could’ve been him who’d been eaten alive by those things. And now she was really, truly crying as well. “I’m so glad you’re safe,” she sobbed, not wanting to ever let him out of her sight again. “I’m so, so sorry, Mike, I’m never gonna let anything happen to you, okay?” she vowed. He pulled back to look at her and nodded.
“Y-you too,” he said, his entire body still shaking, his face red and puffy. They stared at each other for a moment before Mike started wiping his eyes. “You shou-hould p-probably go check on Jo-onathan,” he said, his words hiccupped with small sobs.
“I’m not leaving you,” she said with an air of finality. He looked at his older sister with an incredible amount of grief and fear, but also with clear gratitude before burying his face back in her shoulder. They stayed like that for what felt like an hour, but was really more like five minutes before collecting themselves and heading inside to join the others.
Just as Mike was about to open the door, Nancy stopped him. He gave her a questioning look, and she did something she hadn’t done in years: she kissed his cheek. “Agh, gross,” he complained, pulling a face. But he still squeezed her hand before going inside, and they both understood.
* * *
After making sure Joyce and Will were comfortable and safe in the backseat, Nancy climbed into the passenger seat beside Jonathan. Her eyes strayed to the Byers’ porch where Steve was standing with Lucas, Max, Dustin, and Mike. Her heart tightened as she thought about the conversation she’d just had with Steve – if you could even call it a conversation. But her heart hurt a whole lot more when she saw Mike watching El leave with tears in his eyes. She could only imagine what he was feeling right now, having just gotten her back and now having to watch her leave again. Nancy knew as well as everyone else that there was no certainty that any of the six who were leaving were coming back, and El was least likely of all to survive, excepting Will. Nancy watched her brother get smaller and smaller as she drove away, wishing desperately that she could be on that porch telling him everything was going to be okay. But Jonathan needed her, too, even more than Mike, and she knew Steve wouldn’t let anything happen to him. Still, it broke her heart to see her little brother in so much pain when there was nothing she could do to help.
* * *
“Mom, have you seen my pink lip gloss?” Nancy called from the stairs.
“I haven’t,” her mother’s reply came from the kitchen. “Have you checked the bathroom?”
“I already did!” Nancy called back in frustration, running back up the stairs before she could hear Karen’s reply. On her way to her room, she noticed Mike’s door was open a crack. She could hear muffled sniffles coming from his room as she walked closer. The door creaked open when she knocked to reveal Mike sitting on his bed with his head in his hands. He jerked up at the sound of Nancy’s entrance. She noted the tears on his cheeks and the suit and tie lying next to him on his bed, nice and neat and definitely untouched since their mom had put them there for him. Nancy closed the door and walked further into the room. “God, Mike, I know you can’t dance, but it’s nothing to get so worked up over,” she joked lightly, taking a seat next to him.
“Leave me alone,” he grumbled, wiping at his cheeks.
“What’s up?” she asked gently.
“It’s nothing,” he mumbled in response. Nancy just sat there, waiting until he was ready to share. He sighed eventually, still avoiding her gaze as he confessed, “I promised her I’d take her.” Nancy’s heart dropped. “I told her all about it, and I promised I’d take her, and now I can’t.” Nancy hated hearing the pain in his voice, but at least this time it was easier, because this time Nancy wasn’t useless to him; this time, Nancy knew something he didn’t, she knew she would be able to help make him feel better. Still, it sucked to see her little brother so upset. But she wasn’t about to ruin the surprise.
“I’m sure she understands,” she said. “It’s safer this way.”
“That’s all anyone ever says,” Mike answered, sadness evident in his voice though he tried to sound annoyed.
“I know,” Nancy replied softly. “But hey, you’ll have a great time with your friends! And maybe I’ll even save you a dance,” she teased.
“Ugh, gross,” Mike complained, pretending to vomit as he shoved her away. She giggled, but left the room anyway.
“Get dressed!” she called before closing the door, “Mom put a lot of thought into that outfit!” He flipped her off, a gesture she returned with a smile before returning to her search.
She gave one last look around her room, finding her lip gloss under her dresser, before taking her makeup case and slipping out of the house before Mike could see her with it.
* * *
Nancy smiled down at Dustin, nodding her head to the music as she swayed. She let her eyes linger for a moment, disappointed to see that Mike was sitting alone, staring off into space forlornly. It was upsetting, but she knew he’d be smiling soon enough. As if on cue, she watched him look toward the door, eyes wide as he jumped out of his seat. Nancy smiled to herself, watching as Mike started walking toward El. Nancy silently congratulated herself on her styling abilities, proud that El’s hair had stayed the way she’d styled it.
“Holy shit.” Dustin’s eyes had followed Nancy’s and the two of them watched as Mike took El’s hand. “Is she allowed to be here?” Dustin whispered.
“Hopper knows she’s here, and he’s outside if anything happens,” Nancy assured him, a smile on her face. Dustin’s face lit up.
“You knew about this?”
“Who do you think did her makeup?”
They glanced back over at Mike and El. They were resting their foreheads together as they swayed to the music, and Nancy’s heart soared; she hadn’t seen her little brother smile like that in such a long time.
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beep-beepbitches · 7 years
bork - b.d.
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Title Credit: Gabe the Dog (rip) 
Request: Hi can I request an imagine for Bill x reader where the reader saves the loser’s using her guard dog on The Bowers gang?
Summary: (Y/N) was walking her dogs when she sees the Losers being chased by the Bowers gang. Her dogs attack Bowers, leaving her and the Losers to play with her dogs. Then fluffy shit :) 
Warnings: dogs (bc if you don't like dogs, this imagine isn't for you), violence, (some) blood
Word Count: 1,010
Pairing: Bill x (fem) Reader 
There was no doubt that (Y/N) was a dog person. Having a golden retriever, a German Shepard, and a Rottweiler, she loved them all so dearly. And whenever hell broke lose, she always came to her dogs. 
It was a normal summer day in Derry, Maine when the small girl was walking her three giant dogs. The smell of wet grass painted the air and the hot summer heat baked the Earth. Her golden, Bud, started to pant out of exhaustion, making her and her three pooches to sit on a nearby bench in the park. 
She fed the three of them water, while she observed the park. It was oddly quiet for a Saturday afternoon. Normally there would be children playing on the playground, people jogging or riding bikes, walking dogs, or even having a picnic - but not today. Not a life form was in site, which worried (Y/N) a little. She knew her dogs would protect her (they were trained guard dogs, after all) but she as worried that she couldn’t protect them. (Y/N) loves them with all her heart, and she would be so upset if something happened to them. 
A branch snapped in the distance, causing (Y/N)’s head to snap around quickly, followed by her dogs. 
A growl came from each of them and she pet their heads in comfort. “Hey, it’s okay guys. It was probably just a deer.” 
But it wasn’t just a deer. Bursting from the trees was the entire losers club, quickly followed by the Bowers Gang. 
Seeing them attack the Losers made (Y/N)’s stomach churn in anger. She wasn't close to the losers, but they were very nice to her; and seeing them in pain made (Y/N) even more angry. 
In anger, (Y/N) shouted after them. “Hey, Bowers!” 
Henry Bowers stopped dead in his tracks and turned around, almost causing him to have a whiplash. “What do you want, bitch?” 
His friends laughed at his pun, causing (Y/N) to cringe. “Leave them alone.” 
Henry and his gang laughed and walked closer to (Y/N). “Or what? Are you gonna make your dogs attack me?” 
(Y/N) smirked. “You asked for it. Attack!” 
The dogs didn't hesitate to attack the three assholes in front of her. Each dog pounced on top of the three boys - biting and barking. After blood was shed, (Y/N) commanded, “Stop!” 
Her dogs walked over to her and sat right beside her, proud of their work. (Y/N) inched towards the Bowers Gang. 
“Don’t ever hurt the Losers ever again, or you’ll have to deal with me and my dogs.” (Y/N) said through grit teeth. She kicked Henry in the gut, and commanded her dogs to follow. All three dogs growled at the three boys as they walked pass. 
Bill stared at her in awe. He honestly couldn’t believe someone, especially a girl, stood up to Henry Bowers. 
“Hey, are you guys okay?” (Y/N) asked in a sweet voice. 
Bill stared at her. “Y-y-yeah. W-we’re fine. T-thanks.” His stutter was worse because he liked (Y/N) a lot. He always liked her, but now he was almost head-over-heels for her. 
“No problem.” (Y/N) smiled. The group of losers looked behind her in fear because that’s where her guard dogs sat. “Don’t worry about them. They won't hurt you unless I tell them to.” 
She sat on the ground and all her dogs tried to fit in her lap. “You can pet them, just be careful. Besides being vicious when told, they can be quite friendly and sweet.” 
Hesitantly, Bill was the first to get down on his knees. Before he knew it, Alex, (Y/N)’s Rottweiler, came over to Bill. Alex sniffed Bill’s hand and licked it, meaning that he liked him. The Rottweiler came over and tried to sit in Bill’s lap, but was obviously too big. 
“That was me when I tried to fuck your mom.” Richie laughed as he fixed his glasses. 
“Shut up about my mom, Richie.” Eddie said in disgust. 
Then, the rest of the gang eventually got down on the ground and started to pet Hamilton, (Y/N)’s German Shepherd and Bud, (Y/N)’s golden. They all were throwing sticks, while the dogs ran to catch them. They also cuddled and pet them, and eventually started to play frisbee. 
Bill made his way over to (Y/N), and she turned around and notice him. “Hey, Bill.” 
And that was it, he got lost in her beautiful (E/C) eyes, and was enchanted by her amazing smile. He was in denial that he liked her, and now her came to accept that he really liked her. 
“Bill, are you okay?” She asked, waving her hand in front of his face. 
This caused him to turn bright red, was he really staring at her for that long? “Y-yeah, I’m fine. W-w-we just wanted t-to say t-thanks for s-standing up f-for us.” 
“Of course.” (Y/N) smiled. “That’s what friends do.” 
“He’s so cute.” (Y/N) thought to herself. 
Bill thought, “She’s so beautiful.”
“Yeah, welcome to the Loser’s Club, (Y/N)!” Richie screamed, throwing the frisbee to her. She caught it with one hand and then threw it to the dogs. 
“L-l-listen.” Bill stared, gaining (Y/N)’s attention once again. “U-uh. W-w-w-w-w-” 
“Yes, I would love to go out with you, Bill.” (Y/N) smiled. 
Bill smiled too. “G-great. A-and you can bring y-your dogs too. A-after all, t-they did save o-our asses.” 
 (Y/N) laughed. “So, dog park at noon?” 
“Can’t wait.” Bill grinned. 
Standing on her toes, (Y/N) reached up and gave Bill a small peck on his cheek, causing the two of them to turn beat red. 
“Damn, Bill. Get some!” Richie shouted at the two. 
The entire Losers Club rolled their eyes. “Shut up, Richie!” 
@firefistnoct hope you like it :)
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lysyuta · 7 years
Girl In Luv — Kim Taehyung
Anon said: can you write a scenario where the reader is a rebel and is mean but whenever she sees taehyung she freezes and loses her train of thought. then one day she gets hurt during a fight bc she sees him. after that she starts acting different (tae doesn’t like that) and doesn’t act out but people call her weak and stuff. sorry if it’s too specific. you’re the writer so you can change it ofc :)) lots of angst a fluff ending please. ily and your writings. I wish I could support you :( sorry I can’t
Thank you so much for requesting this! It was so fun to write! And don’t worry, I️ completely get it! Having your support as a reader is enough! ❤️
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(I do not own this gif, creds to the owner❤️)
Words: 3,507
Warnings: High school au + fluff
Description: You’ve always been the thought girl in school, but there was one person who always made you soft—Kim Taehyung, your crush.
How stupid can someone be when it comes to love?
The answer is: not as stupid as you.
When it came to love, you were a complete idiot.
You haven’t really been in love so many times, but the times that you were, it was a disaster. You always ended up with your heart broken or getting your feelings hurt.
After your heart was broken for the last time, you told yourself that you wouldn’t fall in love again until you were older and had your shit together.
That was a big, big lie.
Because sadly, you can’t really control whether you fall in love or not. So as a result, you did end up falling in love again.
You fell in love with a close friend—well—he was more of your brother’s close friend, but he was also your friend.
Kim Taehyung.
He was so amazing. Whenever you spoke to him, you felt like you could listen to his voice for hours.
You fell in love with everything about him. His smile. His chuckle. His laugh. His eyes. The way his eyes look when he’s standing out in the sun. He was beautiful.
You just wished that he saw you the same way.
He didn’t know that you were madly in love with him. No one knew except for you. You were good at hiding your feelings, but also terrible at it.
Whenever you saw Taehyung, you were like a deer in headlights. You froze. You don’t know why he had this sort of affect on you.
When you saw him, you just stopped everything and started blushing like crazy. Whenever he walked into a room that you were in, you couldn’t help but stare. He was just so good looking. How could you not?
You’ve been in love with him for the past year and a half. Surely he should’ve known by now, but you’re way too afraid to admit your feelings. You’re scared that he’ll reject you and you’d get your heart broken once again, since that’s what always seems to happen.
Maybe if you had a bit more courage, you could admit it to him, but sadly, all the courage you normally had disappeared when it came to Taehyung. You could barely think straight when he was around.
And that’s what made you such an idiot.
“Skipping classes again? Are you actually trying to get in trouble with mom and dad again?” Your brother asked you as he started driving his car.
You sat in the passengers seat, playing on your phone and not really paying attention to your brother who was trying to scold you. “They won’t find out.” You say.
“If you keep doing it then they will. Why do you keep skipping important classes? You know you need to pass History to graduate right?”
“That’s stupid. Why do I need to learn about most of that stuff? Maybe if they taught us how to get a job and how to pay taxes in school, then I’d actually consider going.” You explained. “And don’t act like you’ve never skipped a class, Jin.”
“I don’t skip as much as you do. And don’t try to turn this on me. Do I have to remind you that I graduate in four months? I already have all my shit together.” Your brother says.
You rolled your eyes.
“Jin, don’t be so hard on her. I’m sure that last year we all skipped just as much classes as she did.” A voice came from the backseat, reminding you that there was another person in the car.
Hearing his voice sent butterflies to your stomach. You just kept looking at your phone, trying your hardest not to turn around and look at the beauty that was sat one row behind you.
“Sure, we skipped. But that’s not the only bad thing y/n has done. She’s always getting into fights and getting in trouble. Y/n, I wish you weren’t such a rebel all the time.” Your brother tells you.
“What can I say? I hate listening to other people.” You commented.
“Everyone gets into a little trouble during high school.” Taehyung says. “Besides, I think that y/n being a rebel is really cool.”
You almost forgot how to breathe after he let out that last sentence. He complimented you! Sure, this wasn’t a new thing, but whenever he did it, it made you feel like you were an angel.
“All I’m saying is that maybe y/n should at least try to focus on school. How are you supposed to graduate next year if you’re always in trouble and barely in class?” Jin asks.
“Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine.” You said. You were never worried about graduating. You knew that it would happen eventually.
Yeah, you skipped class a lot, but you were actually really smart. You’ve failed some classes, but you’ve always gotten your grades back up. You weren’t a straight A student, but you weren’t failing every class and that’s what matters.
“You need to be more like y/n, Jin. She’s so cool and laid back. You’re always worried about something. Y/n is always relaxed and calm about everything.” Taehyung complimented you yet again.
You smiled and blushed, but tried your best to hide it.
Why did he have such an affect on you by barely doing anything?
Your phone fell out of your hands and dropped to your lap as a volleyball suddenly hit your hand.
You were sitting on the bleachers outside of school, bored, while some girls on the volleyball team were practicing.
“Watch out!” And annoying voice calls. “Emma.” You groaned. You absolutely despised her. She always did anything she could to piss you off.
“Why would you say ‘watch out’ after the ball hit me, idiot?” You asked, grabbing the ball that had previously hit you.
“Oops. My bad.” Emma says, giggling.
“You’re such a bitch, you know that?” You asked, standing up from where you were seated on the bleachers and walking down to the ground.
“Whatever, just give the ball back so we can finish our game.” She rolled her eyes.
“Of course, Emma.” You put on the fakest smile you could before tossing the ball at her, “accidentally” hitting her in the face.
The ball fell to the ground and the look on Emma’s face was hilarious. She looked so pissed off. Payback, bitch.
“Y/n, you’re gonna get it!” Emma yells, running to you and slapping you.
She shouldn’t have done that.
Your parents always said “don’t start a fight with anyone unless they hit you first. If they’re the first one to make a move, then you have our permission to send them back to whatever hell they came from.”
“You don’t know what you just started.” Was all you said before pushing her to the ground.
Emma grabbed you, pulling you to the ground with her, sending punches and kicks your way.
“Let go of me!” You tell her as she grabbed a fist full of your hair.
“Bitch!” Emma yelled, not letting go.
You two fought. You were at an advance, getting on top of her and trying to get her to stop hitting you. You’re pretty sure she even tried to bite you.
“Calm down, crazy.” You said, hitting her after she had hit you.
By now, a crowd had gathered around the two of you, enjoying the “entertainment”.
“Y/n!” You heard someone call.
You held down Emma’s arms and turned your head to see who the person was.
Taehyung. Of course, it was Taehyung.
Your eyes widened and you lost your train of thought for a second. What were you doing again?
Oh right, fighting.
Just as you were about to turn back to face Emma, who was still underneath you, she freed her arm from your grasp and punched you, in the face.
You yelled, letting go of her and holding your nose, which was now bleeding.
You held your nose with one hand, and almost punched her with the other, but then you were pulled away by someone.
“Y/n, stop!” You hear your brother yell as he pulled you away from the girl. “The fuck is wrong with you?” Jin asked, turning to Emma, who was being checked on by her friends.
Jin turned you around to face him and his eyes widened. “Jesus Christ, y/n. Why are you always getting yourself in trouble?” He asked, taking a tissue out of his book bag and handing it to you.
“She started it.” You said, placing the tissue on your nose.
Taehyung stood beside Jin, watching you. “Y/n, are you okay? Does it hurt?” He asks.
“I’m fine. Don’t worry.”
“Good. Even though you’re bleeding, you still beat her ass.” Taehyung says, putting his fist out for you to bump it with your fist. “She deserved everything she got.”
You smiled and put your fist out when Jin pushed your hand away and sighed. “Taehyung! Stop encouraging her!” Jin hit Taehyung on the back of his head.
Taehyung just laughed and looked at you, winking.
You tried to hold back your blushing. He had such an impact on you. How could he make you blush in just a matter of seconds?
“Y/n, I️ think you need a big ice pack. Your whole face is turning red. And—gross! I think your nose is throbbing!” Your brother tells you.
Your nose wasn’t the only thing throbbing, but also your heart. Maybe you needed a big ice pack for your heart too.
“So your making dinner tonight?” You asked your brother as you two walked down the hallways of your high school.
“Yep. Mom put me in charge of making dinner. I️ know I️ won’t disappoint.” Your brother smiles, feeling a little too confident in himself.
You laughed. “You better not.”
“I️ won’t. You know how well I️ cook. You love it when I️ cook.”
“You’re cooking?” You hear a voice.
He approached the two of you and began walking with you.
“Yeah. Y/n, tell Tae how good of a cook I️ am.” Jin says.
“He—Jin—he makes—y-yeah. He’s a good cook.” You stuttered, mentally facepalming yourself.
“Aw yeah! I’m definitely coming over tonight.” Tae announced as you three approached your locker.
Looking at your locker, you saw that there was a piece of paper on it. Written on the piece of paper, in big red letters: “you got beat up by Emma. Guess you’re not so tough after all?”
Your jaw dropped and Jin and Taehyung read the paper also, wanting to know what had you so shocked.
People who passed by your locker saw the note and laughed. They laughed at you.
Your brother ripped the note off of your locker. “Who the hell wrote this?” He asked, yelling in the hallway. No one answered. Who would? “Who did it?”
“Jin. Just forget it.” You sighed, taking the note from his hands and crumpling it up. You placed it in the nearby trash can and opened your locker.
As soon as you opened your locker, another note caught your eye.
“You’re weak. Y/n y/l/n is weak. Emma beat you up.”
“What the fuck.” Jin says. “Who the fuck is doing this?”
You just grabbed the note and threw it in the trash, just like you had done with the other one.
You got your books and closed your locker, turning to face the two boys that stood in front of you.
“Is that y/n?” You hear some girl ask her friend. The girl stood on the other side of the hallway. “I’m surprised she came to school today. I️ would be embarrassed to show my face in school if I️ got beat up by Emma.”
“I️ know right.” The girl’s friend replied. “I️ would call it bravery, but let’s be honest, y/n is a coward.”
“I️ heard she started yelling at Emma and then hit her. That’s why Emma started fighting her. Well, she got beat up. It serves her right for hitting Emma first.”
You felt tears build up in your eyes. Why were they talking about you so openly like this?
You quickly wiped your eyes, hoping no one would see.
“Y/n…” Your brother trailed off. As he was about to speak again, the bell rung, signaling that class was starting soon.
“I️ have to get to class. I’ll see you later, okay?”
You rushed to your class, not waiting for your brother or his friend to say anything else.
You were so embarrassed.
“Y/n.” You hear someone call. You were walking in the hallway in between classes because you had to get something from your locker.
You turned to see who the voice was coming from. It was a girl. Her name was Melanie. She wasn’t a friend of yours, mainly because the way she treated people was terrible. You always decided to just stay away from her.
“I️ can’t really talk right now. I️ have to hurry and get back to class.” You say, reaching your locker.
“I’ll make it short then.” She says, catching up to you. Melanie stood in front of you. She was taller than you, so she towered above you, looking down at you.
“I️ heard from someone that you wanted to fight me. Is that true? Because we could fight right now if you really want to.” She says.
“What? I️ never said that.” You tell her.
“Are you sure? The person that told me this wouldn’t lie to me. I️ know that. Why won’t you just admit that you want to fight me? You scared?” Melanie asked.
“No. I️ don’t want to fight you. Look, I️ really need to get back to—”
Before you could finish your sentence, you felt a sharp smack on your left cheek.
“What the hell?” You asked.
“That’s for telling people you want to fight me. You act so tough with other people, but your not so tough now, are you?” She asks.
You put your hand on your cheek. “I️ never said I️ wanted to fight you. This is stupid.”
“So now you’re calling me stupid?”
“I️ didn’t say that.” You sighed. “Can you just leave? I️ need to get back to class.” You started to walk away, not bothering to get anything out of your locker anymore.
“Hey!” Melanie called after you. “Don’t walk away. I’m talking to you.” She says, grabbing a fistful of your shirt and slamming you against a nearby set of lockers.
“Let go of me.” You tell her.
“Or else what? What are you gonna do about it? Fight me?” She asks, laughing.
“Just leave me alone.” You say.
“What? You gonna cry? I️ heard that’s what you did when you fought Emma.” Melanie chuckles.
“I️ didn’t cry when I️ fought her. I’m not gonna cry now. Now let me go and leave me alone.” You tried to walk away again but Melanie slammed you against the lockers again. This time, you hit your head on one of the lockers.
You held your head in pain and yelled. You weren’t that loud, so you’re sure that no one in any classroom heard you.
“Let go of her!” You heard a voice shout. A familiar voice.
As if this day couldn’t get worse, Taehyung ran over to where Melanie had you pinned to a locker.
“Let her go, Melanie.” He says.
“Whatever.” Melanie rolled her eyes, letting go of you and walking away. “This isn’t over, y/n.” She called.
“Yes, it is over.” Tae said to her. Melanie stopped walking and turned to face the two of you.
“Wow, y/n. You need someone to stand up for you? Is it because you’re too weak to stand up for yourself? How pathetic. I️ thought you were better than that, y/n.” She laughed before waking away saying, “wait til’ the rest of the school hears about this.”
Taehyung turned to face you. He saw you holding your head and moved closer to you, inspecting your head. He must’ve seen nothing there because you just looked back at you, sighing.
“Y/n, are you okay?” He asks, looking you in your eyes.
“Why did you do that?” You asked. “Why did you come over here?”
“She was hurting you.” He says.
“You made it worse. Now she’s just gonna tell the whole school that I’m too much of a loser to stand up for myself.” You tell him.
“How were you even supposed to stand up for yourself if she had you pinned against a locker?” Tae asked. “It doesn’t matter. You shouldn’t have come.” You sighed.
“Y/n. She was hurting you. What was I️ supposed to do? Just stand there and watch you get hurt?”
“Why do you care? Why can you just leave it alone, Taehyung?”
“Because I️ don’t like to see you like this. People are picking on you, and you’re letting them. You’ve changed, y/n. Ever since you got into that fight with Emma. People are calling you weak and you’re starting to believe them.” He explained.
“Maybe I️ am weak. Maybe everything they say about me is true.” You said, looking down at the floor.
“Are you stupid? Y/n, you’re not weak. You’re one of the strongest girls I️ know.”
“You’re just saying that because you don’t want me to feel bad.”
“No. I’m saying it because it’s true.” He says. “I️ need you to stop letting people walk all over you. This isn’t you, y/n. The real you would curse someone out before they even try to bully you. The real y/n is not weak.”
You turned around, not wanting him to see you. You didn’t want him to see the tears that poured down your face right now.
“You’re not weak, y/n. I️ know you’re not. Your brother knows your not.”
“But the whole school thinks I️ am.” You wiped your tears with the sleeves of the shirt you wore.
“Since when do you care what the people in school think?” He asked.
He was right. You never cared about what the rest of the school thought until recently.
Taehyung was right. You are changing.
You tried to wipe the rest of your tears away but they kept coming.
“Y/n, look at me.” Tae says.
You shook your head. “I️ don’t want you to see me cry.”
“You think I️ care?” Tae asks, placing his hands on your shoulders and turning you around to face him.
Taehyung used both of this thumbs to wipe away your tears as he looked you in your eyes.
“I️ know who you are, y/n. I️ know you’re strong. You’re not weak, no matter what anyone says.” He says.
You just looked up at him, not knowing what to say.
“You know,” Tae starts, looking at the floor before looking back up at you. “even when you’re crying, you’re still so pretty.”
His words caught you off guard. Did he just—?
“I'm—what?” You asked.
Taehyung smiles at your cluelessness. “You’re pretty. Do I️ have to say it again? Because I️ will if I️ have to.”
You looked up at him, blinking several times just to make sure you weren’t dreaming.
“You’re so cute.” He smiles after seconds of you just looking up at him with doe eyes. “Come here.” He says, pulling you in for a hug. He hugged you tight. You didn’t know what to do. You wrapped your arms loosely around him, still shocked at what was happening.
“You think that I️ don’t know about your little crush on me, right?” He whispered in your ears.
You gasped, eyes widening and Taehyung chuckled.
“You know?” You asked, quietly.
“Yes I️ know.” He says, looking at you. “I’ve always known.” He smiles.
“So what now? You’re going to tease me forever for having a crush on you?” You ask.
Taehyung chuckles once again. “If people get teased for having crushes then I️ think I️ should get teased as well because I️ have this huge crush on the girl standing in front of me.”
Your eyes widened once again. “What?”
“You’re so adorable. How about we go get some ice cream or something after school? I’m sure Jin won’t mind.” Taehyung suggested.
You nodded, not trusting your voice to speak.
Taehyung smiles and placed a quick peck on your nose, sending butterflies down your stomach.
“Great! Then I’ll see you after last period.” He says, taking his hands off of you and starting to walk away, leaving you by the lockers, a shocked mess.
“Wait.” He says, stopping and turning back around. “I️ think I’m forgetting something.” He says, walking back towards you.
Before you could even process what was going on, soft lips had attached themselves to yours. Soft, warm lips. They felt amazing.
Taehyung pulled away and smiled.
“Okay. Now I’m ready to go back to class. See you later, babe.”
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j-whirl44 · 4 years
Uneventful Days
Me??? Writing more The Magnus Archives fic??? yeah.
This is chapter 1 of a series im gonna do i think bc the discord truly has me going through it all hours of the day so im gonna try and write little “missing scenes” throughout the series before every episode bc.........yeah
The series itself is called Statement of: Missing Scenes bc i’m that extra i think. 
Ao3 posting (x)
anyways enjoy
The air was cold and there was a mist coming from on top of the lake. Jon grumbled to himself as he wrapped his jacket tighter around himself. He heard a snicker from behind him before he felt a hand clasp onto his shoulder.
“Come on, boss! This’ll be fun!” Tim said as he pushed ahead. Sasha followed behind him. Martin was beside him, he reached out and held a cup towards Jon.
“There was a little bit of tea left if you want it,” he said. Jon looked down at the cup and gave a sigh as he took it.
“Thank you,” he mumbled none too kindly. Martin just gave him a small smile in return as he stumbled on ahead.
The four of them were out on a ‘weekend team bonding retreat’ as Elias described it. According to him, Elias noticed an “unseen tension” within the group and thought it’d be “effective if they spent more time together” so he sent them into the woods for the weekend in order for them to fix whatever.
Tim and Sasha were immediately up for it and Jon had stated his many objections to it. In the end he was outvoted and now they were here, walking down the hill towards the mouth of the lake where two kayaks waited for them.
“So,” Tim said in far-too-loud of a voice, “Sasha and I will take one so...Martin! You and Jon can have the other,” he finished. He had a look on his face that Jon couldn’t really make out as Sasha slapped his arm. Jon looked over at Martin who was looking at anything but Jon.
Finally they looked at each other, “I mean if that-that’s okay with you Jon, uh,” he said.
Jon sighed, “I don’t rather care, really, the faster we start this the faster we can get home.”
Martin laughed the same laugh he did whenever he seemed uncomfortable Jon had noticed, “Right, uh yeah, you take the front. I can steer from the back,” he said.
The four settled into their respective kayaks and began their trek.
“So where are we actually going exactly,” Jon shouted out.
“Oh don’t know. I guess we just kinda go,” Tim said.
Jon rolled his eyes. “Perfect so what are we supposed to do while we row out into nothing? Talk about our feelings,” he said.
“Oh sorry boss I’m a shut book, I don’t open that easily unless you buy me a few drinks first,” Tim said. At least Sasha swung her elbow back into his ribs. Tim yelped.
No one spoke for a while after that as they continued to move further and further away from land, towards the middle of the lake. Jon had to admit he didn’t mind the silence and the scenery around them was a sight to behold.
It was just beginning to be fall and the trees that lined the shore began to change their colors. The wind was blowing enough to sweep some of the leaves off their branches. Jon closed his eyes and took in the sounds of it. The bristling of leaves, the early morning birds, the sounds of the oars as they entered and exited the water. He didn’t realize he was falling backwards until Martin’s hands shot up along his back to steady him.
“Whoa, whoa you okay there, Jon?” he asked.
Jon opened his eyes and quickly readjusted himself, which almost capsized the kayak in the process. Tim and Sasha laughed next to them.
“I’m fine Martin I just uh, dozed off I suppose, uh sorry,” Jon said. He hoped the blush on his cheeks from embarrassment, and maybe a little of something else, wasn’t too obvious.
“It’s okay,” Martin said. Another beat of silence, “good thing you weren’t in the back then,” he added with that same nervous laugh. Jon nodded noncommittally.
“What are you making Martin do all the work while you take a nap then, sir boss,” Sasha said.
“No,” Jon snapped, “No I just didn’t sleep all that well last night and kind of, dozed off I guess,” he said.
“Well we could stop soon. I looked this place up and there’s actually a nice little place we can go eat our lunches-”
“We brought lunch?” Jon said.
“Uh yeah, it’s in your bag. You’re the one who packed it remember?” Sasha said. The tone in her voice didn’t go unnoticed by Jon, but he couldn’t quite place the feeling behind it.
Jon looked down at the bag at his feet and took in a breath, “of course, yes, I-uh, must’ve forgot,”  he said.
There was an uncomfortable silence between the four of them now. Tim and Sasha shared a look out of the corner of Jon’s eye. Martin cleared his throat, “Right well it’s just up ahead. It’s a bit of a walk but people say the path isn't too hard to navigate,” he said.
“Martin, when did you plan this,” Sasha asked with a smile Jon had never seen her give to him.
They pulled their kayaks into the sand and got out. Jon could see the blush on Martin’s cheeks, “Oh when Elias told us where we were going I didn’t recognize the name so I looked it up to find out if it had any secrets,” he said.
‘If only you were that thorough in your work’ Jon wanted to say, but he bit his tongue. He wasn’t entirely in the mood to be the asshole right now. For once since he started this job he actually felt comfortable around the three of them and he didn’t want to lose it.
“Well then lead the way, boy scout!” Tim said. The three made their way forward while Jon brought up the back. He listened as they talked amongst themselves about whatever current events going on that Jon didn’t really know about. He’s started to spend more and more time in his office either recording or writing down statements that he hasn’t been involved with much else. He didn’t expect this job to entail so much work, but the others seem to be handling it well enough.
Lost in his thoughts he nearly bumped into Tim as he now realized the three of them were looking at him expectantly.
“Your bag, mate,” Sasha said.
“Oh right. Here,” Jon rushed out as he swung his bag off his back and handed it to Sasha. He felt Martin watch him with worried eyes but he shook it off.
It took a few minutes to set up and there was a lot more pushing and shoving involved than probably necessary but the four of them were finally sat down on a blanket with food in hand.
Jon heard Sasha gasp and he looked up. “Oh this is beautiful,” she said, “I didn’t realize we climbed this high!”
Jon followed her gaze and even he couldn’t deny the beauty of the view laid out in front of them. They climbed up just enough to be able to see even further out and get a better glimpse of the trees changing. The water was just expanding into the horizon. The sun was at its peak and it’s warm rays beat down upon them and it seemed to be at the perfect temperature to stay warm but not drown in the heat.
“Whoa wait guys look. I...I think there’s an actual smile on Jon’s face. I mean, Sasha, Martin do you see that?” Tim said.
Jon turned his attention back to the group and rolled his eyes at the shit eating grin on Tim’s face. His smile stayed though.
“Yes well the view is quite remarkable, Sasha’s right. Uh, good work finding this place Martin,” he said.
Martin looked surprised at the direct complement. He nodded his head and smiled in acknowledgement.
“Well the view isn’t as good as just staring at me though is it?” Tim declared as he now stood and posed. The four of them started to laugh.
“No one wants to see that, Tim,” Sasha said. Tim looked at her with mock hurt.
He settled down again as they all ate their lunch in, for once, was a comfortable silence.
“So what’s on the agenda now?” Tim asked.
The three of them instinctively turned to Martin who was in the middle of pouring himself another cup of tea. He looked like a deer caught in headlights. Jon noticed how much his glasses made his eyes bigger.
“What? I-I don’t know,” he said.
“Oh come on I know you researched this place more than just this spot. You’ve got more places up your sleeve don’t you. It’s always the cute unassuming ones,” Tim said.
Sasha again slapped Tim in the arm at his brashness, “honestly Tim,” she muttered with only mild annoyance.
Martin cleared his throat, “Well there were a few places I saw,” he said.
“There it is! Hey! Maybe you should be the boss. What do you think, boss ?” Tim said, turning his attention to Jon. There was a look he was giving the two of them, almost like he was begging Jon to bring it up.
He was about to before Sasha loudly cleared her throat and stood up, “Right well TIm if you’re done torturing us we should get back to the kayaks. Personally I wouldn’t mind just rowing out there for a while,” she said. The three men just nodded and shrugged as they made the way down the hill.
Jon could get used to this, he thought. When there wasn’t whatever weird tension between all of them, they actually got on great. He started to think maybe it was the Archives itself causing the friction between them all. He can admit that the feeling of being watched so strong sometimes while he was in his office was distracting to focus on anything else.
Of course he didn’t talk to them about it, but maybe he should. Maybe they feel the same.
Now wasn’t the time though, as they got into the kayaks and started out on the water again. Things were good. They ended up getting into a splashing contest and Tim and Sasha capsized. Jon and Marin were laughing too hard to notice them approaching their own kayak and forcing them into the water as well.
They ended their weekend back at their small campsite, sat around a fire and continued to talk about nothing of significance.
Jon thought maybe he should thank Elias for suggesting to do this after all.
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