#like she laid the baby on her hard floor
angesaurus · 7 months
I fell asleep last night before 10 (maybe like 9:30???) and slept until 5:30! I was amazed. We had Christmas at my cousins yesterday (my mom’s side) so it was a long ride to NJ and back.
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Gavin officially knows now that the Santa who comes to parties/the mall etc is not real (he loudly yelled, that’s Papa!!!! And I had to explain he needs to pretend he is real for the sake of the little kids/you’re part of the magic now etc etc lol) but he says he knows Santa on Christmas morning IS real because “you’re too cheap to buy me these kind of things” 😂.
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arminsumi · 8 months
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found footage of satoru's student years... recorded on the camcorder that he carried around everywhere.
warnings : heavy angst, fluff, implied death, not proofread
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[ the first footage is one minute long. there's two blue eyes widening comedically on the screen. the resolution is low and the audio is tinny. ]
"Ooo it works... well hellooooooo there... i'm... GOJO!! SATORU!! and this is... suguuuuruu getooooo... oh look at that walk, you're such a model."
[ the camera is on suguru, who's walking with bad posture. he doesn't like the camera. ]
[ he has his old hairstyle; this was recorded before his hair was long enough to be in the bun style. he hides his face from the camera. ]
"... aw, he's a model that doesn't like cameras. anyways... this is the beautiful... STUNNING... hot... talented... playing-hard-to-get... (haha kidding)... y/n~"
[ the camera pans to you. you can hear the flirty tone in satoru's voice. ]
"... we are currently walking through the gates of hell..."
[ the camera pans to the school. the resolution clears for a second to show a blue sky with slowly drifting clouds. ]
"okay. we have arrived in hell; look there's satan himself—"
[ the camera pans to yaga. ]
[ the footage ends with yaga confiscating satoru's camera and scolding him. ]
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[ a video starts off shaky. the camera is dropped on the train floor and suguru sighs. ]
"satoru...... did you just break it after having it for one day?"
[ satoru picks it up and gives a toothy smile to the screen. ]
"nah. she's all good. not even a scratch. ooh... suguru we look so hot. and look how hot y/n is... she's so scandalous — sittin' next to me on the train. this proximity's got me sweatin', baby... kidding kidding... don't gimme that look!"
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[ suguru gives the middle finger to the camera and satoru's iconic laugh sounds beautiful even through the crap audio quality. ]
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[ there's a 3 minute video that's half-corrupted of a party happening in your apartment... of just you, satoru, suguru and shoko. lykke li's "i follow rivers" is playing loudly, satoru is screaming the lyrics in broken english and suguru is recording you and him dancing like maniacs. shoko is offering her cigarette to the camera and blowing smoke into the lens. ]
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[ there's a 25 second clip of satoru aggressively kissing you until you laugh. ]
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[ there is a photo of satoru crouching to pet a cat. he's holding an umbrella. ]
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[ there is corrupted footage of laughter and a flicker of the video shows a tiny pot on a stove with ramen cooking in it. ]
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[ there's a photo of you, satoru, suguru and shoko. you and satoru are looking at each other like lovebirds. suguru is giving the finger to the camera. shoko is laughing with her eyes closed. ]
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[ a long video of satoru waking up in a hotel bed. he looks like he just woke up. he blinks at the camera, bleary-eyed and cute with puffy lips and messy hair. ]
[ his morning rasp is strong. ]
"i'm awake... but miss sleepy head and mister sleepy head are not, as you can see..."
[ he zooms in on your face. you're laid at his right, and suguru is laid at his left. ]
"here's the sleeping angel... and here's the sleeping dragon... anyways... WAKEY WAKEYYYYYYYYY!!! IT'S A BRIGHT NEW DAY!!!"
[ suguru's wakeful groan sounds groggy and disturbed by satoru's loud, piercing wake-up call. you scrunch your face as you wake up, seemingly out of a dream. ]
"satoru... what the hell is the matter with you..."
[ it's an ultra close-up shot of your nose as you mumble this. ]
"i was lonely being awake by myself, gosh. you're so mean!"
[ he experiences a voice crack. suguru gives a sleepy, murderous look at his best friend. ]
"satoru... i swear i'm gonna throw that camera into traffic one day."
[ suguru's mumbling into his pillow too softly to be taken seriously. ]
"wanna say that to the camera?"
[ suguru looks grouchy. ]
"i'll kill you."
"WOW... buddy, this is evidence if you ever do kill me... the police will find this footage... 'n put your FLAT ass in jail. aw... y/n fell back asleep look look... aw she's so fucking precious."
[ suguru and satoru admire you for a bit. there rest of the footage is corrupted. ]
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[ footage of a breakfast in the same hotel. sunny side eggs are zoomed-in on. and there's only eggs. ]
"we're too broke to buy bacon, isn't that cool?"
[ satoru gets a nice view up his nose as he tilts the camera to himself. then he turns the camera to you, who's sleepily eating this miserable breakfast. ]
"... so we just have eggs to eat... heyyyy hot babe..."
[ satoru flirts with you and you roll your eyes in response, smiling and chewing on your egg, fork in one hand. ]
"wanna hear a joke?"
"if you ever broke up with me, what would you call me?"
"an idiot?"
"your eggs."
[ you groan and stop eating because his pun was so awful, but you've got a big smile on your face and satoru is laughing heartily. ]
[ the video ends with you and satoru leaning in for a big kiss and a sleepy suguru walking into the room, itching his tummy under his shirt. ]
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[ there's a clip of you, satoru, suguru and shoko yelling happy new year and watching fireworks explode into blazing, brilliant colors. suguru winks at the camera as you hold it and you giggle flirtatiously back. there's clearly tension between you two that neither satoru nor shoko acknowledge in the moment, because the fireworks distract them. ]
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[ there's footage of you, satoru and suguru kissing. it ends with satoru kissing the camera as a joke. ]
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[ most of the footage is corrupted after this. in the next video, satoru seems a bit older. ]
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[ there's footage of a solo satoru, who's been enlightened and and burdened with being the strongest. he's on a mission alone, keeping the camcorder on as he exorcises a curse. he trots over to the camera. he seems less enthusiastic compared to the other videos. ]
"aaand that's what the strongest looks like while he's at work."
[ satoru looks smug and goofy, but something is off. his features look worn and tired. ]
[ there is already that slightly disingenuous liveliness showing in his demeanor just in this small video; the version of satoru that his students would know as just normal gojo sensei. ]
[ his smile falters as he rambles about y/n and suguru. ]
"i'm gonna give y/n a big kiss when i get home. miss you, angel. haha... why am i talking to a camera all by myself... that's so sad. i'm gonna film myself gettin' that kiss at home, just to prove i'm not some lonely idiot. i have a hot fiancé..."
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[ one of the last photos taken on this camera is dated; august 2009. it's of you and satoru sharing a big kiss... neither of you knew it at the time, but it was your last kiss. ]
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[ the next piece of footage is from 2018. it's a 28 year old gojo, his features show his maturity and the weathering of all the years he's endured living without you and suguru.]
"i found this camera while cleaning up. if i look 'n sound funny it's 'cuz i've been crying haha......"
"...... i miss you two..... haha... i can't shove the camera in your faces like i used to, now can i?"
[ he awkwardly smiles at the camera but then his face trembles and contorts into an ugly-cry as if he just remembered every single memory of his youth. ]
[ the footage ends with a broken, barely audible "fuck..." falling from the teacher's lips as he starts to cry and drops the camera to the floor. the rest is corrupted footage... just heaving sobs of the man who has no more memories to record with suguru and y/n. ]
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© arminsumi
I do not permit the copying/reposting/translation/plagiarism of my works. Do not steal what I've worked hard to create.
This is fictional work.
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drefear · 11 months
Closer by NIN
This is part two for Nasty
Summary: You and Miguel have been finding things out about each other through your music choices.
TW: When I say that this one is rough, I mean that this type of sex could get you arrested. I'd bail him out. biting, scratching, dacrophilia, p in v, breeding kink, honestly just everything.
Miguel was panting a bit, rolling off of your body as you both came down from your high together. It had been a few weeks since he listened to that damn song you loved and found out about what you liked in bed, fully using this to his advantage and constantly making you a squirming mess underneath him. 
His eyes stared at the ceiling with a smile on his lips, then closing them for a second before feeling you shift beside him in his bed. He felt your breast press onto his chest as you laid on top of him and his hands slid to hold your waist, peaking open one eye at your smirking face. 
“What’s going on in that head of yours, mamacita?” He questioned, tapping his fingers into your skin a bit as you rested your chin on his pecks. You could feel his heartbeat becoming normal again after your rigorous rounds. 
“I’m just wondering what your turn ons are? What makes you insatiable and want more?” You go on and on as he just chuckles, brushing some of the hair from your face as you stare at him with your big doe eyes, filled with curiosity. 
“You, mi amor.” He answers and closes his eyes again, pulling you tight to him as he rolls onto his side and pecks your forehead. “Now we need to sleep, we have an early debriefing tomorrow.” He mumbled and you pouted a bit, pushing out your bottom lip even though his eyes were closed. 
You maniacally rubbed your hand against his still half-hard cock and his grunted, grabbing your wrist quickly to stop you. “Bebe.” His tone had shifted to authoritarian fast and you let out a ‘hmph.’
“One more, papi, please. One more round and I’ll sleep like a baby.” You begged and his eyes opened as an amused grin fell on his full lips. “I promise.” You finished and he yanked one of your legs around his hips, burying his face into your neck. 
“I can’t so no to my precious girl.” he nipped as you giggled, and you both continued once more, before falling asleep. 
The next day, Miguel was exhausted. One more round turned into three more rounds and then sex on the bathroom floor, in his kitchen, and giving him head in his elevator. 
So you could say it was definitely worth it to him. 
You brought out a sexual prince in him, someone caring and full of sweet, buttery smooth words that made your panties a swimming pool in the middle of July. And he was always welcome to dive in. 
“Wow. That’s a new record.” Jess spoke and you looked around, confused. “The hickeys, I mean.” She points to your neck and you immediately close the mask of your suit to avoid her scrutiny any more. She laughed lightly, “don’t be like that, remember that I’m technically the one who led him to give you said hickeys.” She prompts and sits, leaning on your desk. “So I’m guessing it’s all going good?” 
“Better than good, Jess. He’s- he’s like a God in bed.” 
“Wow. He must really be into it.” 
“What do you mean?” You asked, now scrunching your brows together. 
“Well, listen- he’s an attractive guy, and you’re not the only person with eyes at the HQ. He’s slept with a few in the past before he met you, but it was always a one-and-done thing, so I’m just impressed that he’s opened up about what he’s into.” 
And then you sunk down in your seat. “What… he’s into?” You questioned. 
“Well, yeah. You two always do what you both want, right? He used to complain about how vanilla most people were, so you must be doing something right.” She stands again and walks off. 
Leaving you alone to your thoughts. What�� he wanted? You assumed that he was into what you were into, since you’d found him jerking off to exactly the things you’d wanted to hear, especially after that song- 
The song!
Oh, Jess and her big mouth probably told him about your love for that song! You blushed in embarrassment as you thought about him submitting to what you wanted. 
You didn’t want him to only focus on your turn ons, you wanted compromise and to share his darker fantasies. Isn’t that what a relationship was? 
“Lyla,” you called out and found the little AI pop up in front of you. “I need to know what sexual interests Miguel has.” The orange hologram sputtered a cough for a second while you rolled your eyes at her overdramatic display. “Lyla, you don’t even breathe.” 
“If I did, I'd be gasping in shock and clutching my pearls.” She shot back and you just sighed in defeat. “Besides, those files aren’t accessible to just anyone. You need permission from Miguel or me.” She folded her arms.
“Wait- permission? Like… his passcode?” You blurted out with hopes and Lyla nodded. 
“Well, yes, but-“ 
“Thanks Lyla.” You cut her off and hurried to his office, ignoring the hologram calling back to you. Your steps finally made it to the dark office Miguel used, more like a workshop for a robotics technician, but you didn’t dare correct him when it came to the Society. 
“Miguelito?” You called out, testing out a theory. When silence was your only companion in the room, you smiled and continued your plans. 'Perfect!' You cheered to yourself and hopped to swing onto his platform. 
The screens were much higher than you could see or reach, so you jumped up to sit on his desk and tap along the floating screens. You found what you were looking for after a minute, being greeted by Lyla once more. 
“You know, he’ll be made when he finds out.” She announced and you shrugged. 
“Not if I put what I find to good use.” You answered and the AI pretended to wretch, feigning nausea. 
“Gross. Hold on, if it’s that important to you, I might be able to bypass the code. But I’ll deny ever being here if you throw me under the bus.” Lyla answered and tapped something, then letting you watch the code fill itself. 
“This is his porn history. He doesn’t know I can see it, and I’m happy he doesn’t because that conversation would be really weird.” She pops a few screens, but most of them are just… 
“Is this... my social media?” You wobbled on the desk for a second from leaning back in shock. 
“Yeah, it tends to get him going pretty easily. Sometimes he listens to certain music, too.” She adds and you look directly at her, making her sigh and hold her glasses in disappointment. “I hate that I’m enabling you.” 
“Don’t stop now.” You demand and she lets his playlist pop up, one titled after you. 
Most of the songs seem to be very lovey dovey- and that’s when you find it. 
“Nine inch nails…?” Your surprise was evident as you read the band name once more. “I listened to this band in high school.”
“So did he. Believe it or not, he was a little rebellious in high school. I think it was the daddy issues.” Lyla tapped the song and the strange sounds from the song played heavily. 
“Thanks Lyla!” You tapped her away and ran from his desk, trying to make it as though you had never been there. Your mistake. 
That night, you began playing the song while cooking and tried to focus on the lyrics. 
“You let me violate you 
You let me desecrate you 
You let me penetrate you 
You let me complicate you”
Your jaw dropped, listening to the words. Oh.
The song exuded dominance and power, something very Miguel. But you didn’t think he could be so… rough. Of course he could be rough, the man had fangs and claws, but you thought he was much more into sentimental experiences, making love and such. You didn't realize he wanted to fuck.
Pressing your palms flat into the counter, you'd long forgotten your meal when the chorus bursts through your speakers. 
“I wanna fuck you like an animal 
I wanna feel you from the inside 
I wanna fuck you like an animal 
My whole existence is flawed 
You get me closer to God”
Your knees became jelly as you imagined him saying thing these things to you, gravel voice smirking as you fall to the ground before him and worship him like he deserves- like he would demand. 
“you tear down my reason
(Help me) it's your sex I can smell 
(Help me) you make me perfect
Help me become somebody else”
You could feel the desperation in the reverb of the songs drums. It’s no wonder he always inhales so deeply when he eats you out, he’s letting his animalistic instincts take over. He’s technically part spider, which is inherently an animal. He literally needs to fuck you like an animal to feel his whole DNA’s satisfaction. 
“I wanna fuck you like an animal 
I wanna feel you from the inside 
I wanna fuck you like an animal 
My whole existence is flawed 
You get me closer to God”
You breath hitches and you hear the door close, your head shooting up as you can hear the sound of his boots coming closer, spider senses tingling from behind you. 
“So… the scent of your wet pussy was all over my desk when I got back from Peter's universe… want to tell me why?” He inquired and you wanted to answer, but the hand sliding up your body and the thoughts plaguing your mind from the still-playing song we’re holding your tongue hostage. “No answer? My good girl always answers me, what's wrong? His gentle kisses land on the slope of your neck and you give him more access by tilting your head.
“What if I don’t want to be a 'good girl' tonight? What if…” he freezes and starts to put everything together. You snuck into his office, this song, your pheromones filling the room. 
“What if what?” He growls and you practically cum at the sound of his aggravated voice hissing at you. 
“What if… I want you to do what the song says… and fuck me like an animal.” 
His brain drowns in conflicted emotions. He wants nothing more to practically maim your skin with his claws and teeth, fucking you so roughly that you beg him to stop and take a break, plead for him to breed you like a whore, to hear you crying from how hard he’s going, how bad it hurts and amazing it feels. He wants to see you wake up with a limp in your walk and a belly full of his potential children. 
But then he also doesn’t want to scare you away. He doesn’t want you to be forced to do those things just because you want him to finish, to feel satisfaction. He’s more than satisfied with you, loves the sex you two have, he doesn’t need-
The words fly through his head, but everything stops when you roughly grab his cock through his suit and get onto your knees before him. 
“Mi corazón… you don’t know what you’re asking for.” He encourages you to stand up again, to stop asking for this, but you bury your face into the fabric and breathe in deeply. 
“Please, I need it in my mouth. I want you to fuck my mouth.” You beg and who is he to deny such a gorgeous request when he can see your fat tits practically spilling from the keyhole of your spider suit from this angle. 
“Fuck. Fine.” He says through gritted teeth and yanks your head backwards by your hair, disabling his suit completely as his cock pops out and smacks you a bit. He likes the sounds, likes the view of his face smothering precum across your cheeks and lips. And he wants more. “You like the idea of me suffocating you on my cock, forcing myself down your throat for you to suck?” He slaps his hard dick across your face and because of the weight and width, it actually kinda stings. “That’s it, my little slut… so horny just for me, so hungry to take my dick.” He roughly grabs your face and forces your mouth open, smushing your cheeks in his large hands and tapping his tip on your tongue. “Open wide and stick out that tongue.” He commands and you comply, tongue out and mouth open for him. 
He slams into your mouth until you can’t take much more, still missing a few inches of him. “Relax your throat, or I’ll fuck it so hard that you’ll be forced to.” He threatens and you try to lessen your muscles tightening. Pulling your hair into his body until your nose is smashed against his pelvis, dark happy trail against your lips.
The gagging makes him practically cum then and there, but he won’t let this end just yet. No, he needs to enjoy this more. unbeknownst to him, you were on the verges of an orgasm just from him fucking into the back of your throat one time. You hand slides down to touch your clit and rub yourself in gentle circles.
Sliding out, he rams his cock back into your waiting cavern and begins a relentless speed, shoving himself further and further each time until he can see the bulge of his dick in your esophagus. His head falls back and his fingers tighten in your hair, tears flowing freely down your cheeks as he brutalizes your throat and refuses to stop. His hand pins your head between the countertop of the kitchen and his postponing hips, refusing to stop until he feels your nails on one hand digging into his thighs and making him almost cum. You groan on his dick and he realizes that sound, he knows that's a signal that you've just finished with your own hand. He yanks himself out and starts fisting his cock fast as you cough and gasp for air, tears still forming mascara tracks down your cheeks. 
He bends down and hurls you over his shoulder, then throwing you onto the ground of the living room and making you do a split on your back, blushing at how exposed he had you. Three sharp claws formed from his fingers and he shredded the hips of your suit, bending down to your tits and latching the top in his mouth so when he turned his head, the rip was loud and your nipples were open to the cold air. 
“You’re going to lay here and take my cock until the only words you know how to say are ‘Miguel please fuck me.’ And I’m not stopping until you pass out from exhaustion.” He declares and puts the tip of his dick in your entrance, not even wasting a second and thrusting into you completely, making a scream tear through your throat in pain as he once again found your hair and thrusted. The lack of accommodation made you tighter than you’d ever felt, jerking hips his harder as your hand fell onto his abs to push him away, hiccups coming from your lips as the pain begins to grow at how hard he could go. 
“That’s it, shut the fuck up and take this cock. Cry about it, try to get away, but I’ll pull you back and fuck. You. Harder.” He rammed his hips into yours to punctuate every word of the end of the sentence. “I’ll fuck you so hard, you won't be able to get up for work tomorrow.” He says as he pounds his tip into your cervix, most definitely bruised and possibly hurt worse. But god, did it feel good, watching him get so crazy, so psychotically obsessed with you. 
“Migu-el!” Your words get broken up with as I should have been gone. 
“That’s it, my little bitch in heat, I’ll fuck you so hard, your entire bottom half with be black and blue.” He grunted and groaned, starting to feel like an animal on the discovery channel, then bending down and biting into your skin hard. Blood drew at the little punctures and he continued to bite deep, painful marks all over, looking like you were stung by a bunch of bees. His hands slid up your back and you felt the claws in his fingers latch onto you, scrapping across your smooth body and forming bloodied lines and marks of what looked like pure aggression, but if only everyone who saw them knows… 
You were fucking loving this.
Your body looked like an anomaly mission gone wrong; dark, scattered bruises that looked like they’d take weeks to heal, punctures all over your body like you were a piece of cheese, and red scraps like you’d tumbled into a bed of razors. All done by Miguel and his primal needs, and you’d let him do it again and again as long as he used his cock to completely pummel your insides. 
“F-fuck me, please, Miguel…” you gasped and choked out as his eyes blared red like sirens on a cop car, heaving and large above you. You orgasm around him and he makes a sound as if he’s a roaring lion.
“That’s it, ask me to destroy this slutty pussy, to breed you, to own you.” His words come out in an octave you didn’t know he could reach and your back arches, keeping his dick in you as he flips you over. 
Like a battering ram in and out of your pussy, he holds your arms and yanks your body back and forth on his cock like his own life sized pocket pussy. “Perfect little cocksleeve, letting me use her body like a fuckin whore. Only mine, no one else can touch you, mine.” he grunts and growls as he attacks your back again, wet lines of him basically slobbering all over you like a dog. He humps into you at a dizzying speed and you cum again, the searing burn of a too-fast orgasm swimming through your belly as he smiles and ruts upward, bullying your g-spot more and more. 
“One more, you can do one more, right?” He insists and makes sharp, hard movements against that spot. You weep louder as the lewd sounds of your wet pussy sucking him in and milking him dry echo around the room. Miguel moves to web together your arms behind your back, holding them now with one hand and grasping the back of your neck like a handle with the other, smashing his hips into your suffocating insides. "I'm not asking, you will give me one more, I want to feel your cunt clamp down on me again and try to suck the cum out of my cock."
Everything becomes white noise as another painful and overwhelming orgasm wracks though your body, making you jerk and shutter wildly as he holds you in his control and rides you through it. 
“That’s it, you’re my fucktoy, my personal little cunt for me to ruin and get pregnant. Gonna be all knocked up, gonna let me cum in you and fill you up. You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Fuck this cunt for the rest of my fuckin life.” His words send him tumbling into his own climax, shooting his seed so deep inside you that you swear it’s gonna spill out of your mouth. Miguel’s dick is so deeply buried within you as he cums that your legs shake and the muscles cramp, dropping below him. You’re completely fucked out, everything feeling like an irritation to your bloody, bruised skin. 
And the look on Miguel’s face is heartbreaking once he looks at you. Yes, it makes his dick hard again, but it makes his mind unravel into panic. He needs to apologize. How could he mark you up like this, damage you like this? He never should have let go, never should have-
“Wanna go again?” You mumble out and give him a little smirk. And he completely malfunctions.
“You… enjoyed that?”
“Are you joking? That was the most amazing sex of my entire life. We can do the sweet sappy stuff I taught you some other time, now abuse my cunt with your cock again please.” You beg and Miguel thinks he’s gonna lose his mind. 
You will be the death of him, and as he plunges into your hole once more, propping a pillow under your hips, he thinks about what type of sex playlist you two are gonna make together.
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saintels · 7 months
— “well? dig in!” ★ MUNCHIES 𝖾𝗅𝗅𝗂𝖾 𝗐𝗂𝗅𝗅𝗅𝗂𝖺𝗆𝗌
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cw: loser + stoner ellie. mean gf femme reader. groping. pretty much just food play. praise. ellie is a messy bitch but a munch nevertheless. obvious wlw themes. weed. high key this is so unhygienic. heavily unedited. lowercase intended. drabble don’t like it? don’t read.
“y’so handsy.”
ellie looks like a dog. a desperate puppy with her mouth hanging open on a hot day.
her chin digs into your shoulder and her free hand that isn’t holding her messily-rolled joint is grabbing at your breast like they’re going to run away. they had already spilled from their black, lacy cups the second you leant back in between ellie’s thighs, allowing her fumbling hands to grasp what they needed to keep her grounded.
“ow!” you wince as she lands a particularly hard bite on your shoulder.
“sorry, baby,” she apologizes sheepishly, grinning lazily as her lashes flutter to shade her green eyes. they look up at you, red and hazy, “i’m hungry.”
“yeah,” you mumble, standing up and tossing your bra to the floor, “i can fucking tell.”
you waltz over to her fridge, feeling the way her eager eyes burn holes through your underwear.
you scoop up an assortment of ingredients, not really taking notice of them until they’re laid out on the coffee table, her bowl and papers pushed to the side.
you roll your eyes at the sight of her lazily laid back against the arm of her sofa. she props herself up on one arm, her jeans already unbuttoned and white tanktop riding up to reveal her wispy auburn happy trail.
her eyes widen as she spots the food on the table and she freezes for a moment.
“well?” you stand with your hands on your hips, “dig in!”.
yeah. ellie thought. i’m going to dig in, alright.
“lay down.”
you turned to look up at her from your position of bending to pick your bra up.
she stares at you blankly, sitting up now with her hands hanging between her knees.
“leave the bra and lay down on the couch. face up.”
you squint at her, suspicion crawling over your expression as you move to lay down across from her, shifting the cushions and throws to get comfortable.
she pulls off her tanktop, slowly crawling up your body in just her sports bra and unbuttoned jeans until she’s face to face with you.
“you comfy?” she whispers against your lips. she smells of hemp, champagne and the musky incense burning on the side table.
you nod and she messily presses a kiss to your lips, getting a good handful of your tit in her hand. she savors the way you gasp into her mouth, back arching into her touch. she chuckles lowly.
you watch curiously with bruised lips and hooded eyes as she grabs a strawberry and the bottle of honey. she takes a bite of the strawberry, placing it to the side and chewing as she opens the lid.
“wha- ah!” you gasp as the cold honey hits your nipple, the syrupy gold liquid slowly dripping down your rib cage, “ellie!”.
she grins and leans down, her eyes never leaving yours as she swirls her tongue around your hardened bud. her hands grip your hips, thumbs rubbing circles into your hip bones.
she collects the syrup on her taste buds, moaning as she finally takes your whole nipple in her mouth, doing her best to suck everything off.
“fuck,” you hiss as she releases it with a pop. the skin swells slightly and she grins, knowing a hickey will form there.
this feels like a fever dream, your mind blurry as she flattens her tongue on your skin and follows the sticky trail down to your navel.
“having fun there?” you manage to choke out, hands subconsciously tugging at the hair that lays by the nape of her neck.
she smirks lazily, collecting the sweet remnants on two of her fingers and bringing them to your face.
“have a taste, baby.”
you eye her down before slowly opening your mouth a little, letting her shove her fingers in. she moans at the warmth, your saliva coating her fingers as she sinks two slender digits in until you’re gagging on them knuckle deep. she feels herself getting irritable, her boxers now wet and uncomfortable.
“that’s it,” she whispers, looking down the bridge of her freckled nasal at you, “good fucking girl.”
she pulls them out and your hole clenches at the sight of your spit leaking down the veins in her hands and wrists.
after wiping her hand clean, she turns back to the coffee table.
you feel dizzy, trying to process the sensuality of what just happened to the point you hadn’t even noticed ellie tug your panties to your ankles.
she giggles slightly as your hips jump at the feeling of her nose bumping your puffy clit. you forgot she was high.
“ellie, i swear to god- fuck!”
you hear it before you even feel it. the slight hissing sound and then the feeling of the cold whipped cream swirled in perfect little mountain on your mound.
she ogles it, proud of her creation before she’s got her whole mouth on your pussy.
your jaw slacks and your mouth falls open yet your brain short circuits, failing to produce any sounds.
“mmm” she hums, lips smacking as she pulls off, “fuck yeah.”
ellie’s long fingers wrap around your ankles, the anklet she got you for your anniversary jingling in her ear as she raises them up, pressing your knees toward your chest.
you cry out as she latches onto your throbbing clit, tongue plunging deep into your hole to taste the main treat. you grip her hair, forcing her face into as if it were even possible for her to be any deeper inside you. trying your best to remember curtesy and your elderly neighbors, you chew on your bottom lip until it’s beaded raw and puffy. your mind goes misty, already hazed from how much you smoked and the spot ellie was repeatedly hitting with her tongue.
your orgasm is accompanied by a string of curses and white vision as your saccharine juices coat ellie’s chin and lips. your limbs twitch, toes curling as you struggle to grab onto any remaining strings of sanity let alone your own breath.
she gives you a lopsided smile and flops back against the sofa, rubbing your thigh tenderly just the way you liked.
“that was like— munchies but on steroids, babe.”
that was the last you heard of her ramble before you fell asleep. god, she was such a fucking weirdo.
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eddiesxangel · 15 days
Noisy Neighbours | E.M
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Summary: Eddie has no idea what he’s getting into with the two new girls next door.
An: HAPPY PRIDE 🏳️‍🌈 this is my first fic like this so im hoping you’ll like it! Today is my birthday and I wanted to do this as my little gay gift to you! And shout out to @xxbimbobunnyxx for listening to my deranged horny thots throughout writing this 😘💋
Cw: f!reader x f!readers girlfriend x Eddie. Reader and of gf are bi/pan/ whatever you want them to be. Threesome, oral ( fxf + fxm) fingering, , 69ning, ass play ,p in v.
4.3k words
Eddie felt a surge of frustration and disappointment when he learned about the impending arrival of new neighbours that would be moving in directly beside his apartment. Despite the several vacancies in the building, the landlord, Gerry, opted to place the new tenants next to Eddie. This decision left Eddie contemplating whether Gerry held a personal grudge against him, possibly due to his occasional late-night guitar solos that may have disturbed the peace of the building.
Eddie had grown accustomed to the absence of tantalizing food aromas wafting from his neighbour's kitchen and the absence of music that he imagined others endured. He found solace in the cozy life he had built for himself in apartment 3A. However, the impending arrival of new occupants in 3B threatened to disrupt the tranquillity he had carefully cultivated.
Eddie changed his tune the second he got wind of who his new neighbours would be. When he had seen the moving truck out front through his window, his eyes almost popped out of his head. Eddie watched and waited as one of the hottest girls he’d ever seen get out of the driver's seat; he soon learned her name was Sabrina. He continued to watch, his eyes begging him to blink but he couldn’t move as he watched you hop out. You had giggled at something at what the bombshell blonde said. His jaw hung open, and his tongue almost hit the floor like a cartoon character as he ogled you as well. The set of you sure was a sight for soar eyes. What karma Eddie had was finally coming for him, and he was so grateful.
Eddie felt he had to introduce himself, it was a neighbourly thing to do.
After two days, he worked up the courage to knock on the door of 3B.
“You expecting someone?” Your girlfriend pops her head up curiously. You’re both cuddling on the couch, exhausted from unpacking.
“Nope,” you emphasize the p sound.
She shuffled up and opened the door. “Oh, hello,” you could hear the smirk in her voice, and your morbid curiosity took over, needing to see who stood on the other side.
“H-Hi,” you hear a deep voice. "I'm Eddie.” He sounded hot. You quickly get up off the couch and make your way to where Sabrina stood.
“Who’s this?” You caught sight of the man before you and gave a small smile.
“This is Eddie; he lives next door.” You grab onto your girlfriend’s waist as she speaks.
“Hi Eddie, it’s nice to meet you.” You smile genuinely.
“Pleasure is all mine.” His eyes scan your body; you’re in tiny sleep shorts and a baby tee with no bra.
“Do you want to come in? I think we have something to drink around here.” Sabrina offers.
“Oh no, I can’t impose, I-uh… just wanted to come to say hi, but another night when you’re settled.” Eddie is trying so hard not to stare at both sets of tits laid out for him. The fabrics of your shirts were so thin he could see each of your nipples. And he can tell the AC is working, to his pleasure.
“Okay, Eddie, it was nice meeting you.” You both smile and shut the door.
The second the door closed, you both gave one another a knowing look. He's hot.
You run into Eddie sometimes on the elevator, but you still haven’t had time to coordinate a time to have that drink.
Eddie will see you leaving and Sabrina coming, or vice versa. He figured it was a pretty sweet deal for you two to set up, each having your own space but maintaining a good friendship.
You’re both quiet and listen to decent music. At least one of you is seemingly an amazing cook because the food smells delicious each time.
He hasn’t thought much of how touchy the two of you were when he first met you. He was too focused on not getting a stiffy while meeting the both of you for the first time. He scolded himself for turning down Sabrina‘s offer for a drink, but he didn’t think he could conceal the ever-growing issue in his sweats.
It’s been a month since you and your girlfriend, Sabrina, just moved into your new apartment. It wasn’t much to boast about; sure, the wallpaper was ugly-but the rent was cheap, and so far, you haven’t seen any critters crawling around, so that was a huge plus.
You wished your schedules were more aligned, but with Sabrina’s new job and yours, life had gotten a little hectic. You’d hardly seen one another until tonight.
Tonight, you both ensured one another that it was date night. You haven’t had the chance to spend quality time with one another since you moved in, but that changes tonight. You will wine and dine and get that much-needed time together…
Sabrina and you are stumbling over your heels, trying to balance yourselves as you make your way through your front door without trying to break the kiss. It’s hot, it’s needy, and god, you missed her like this.
Her long, soft hair is tangled through your fingers as you pull her into you for more. You don't want to mess it up because she looked so pretty and spent so much time on it but that went to the wayside when she let out a soft moan.
You can feel Sabrina’s emerald green slip dress rub between your fingers as you grip her by the hip. This dress has been teasing you all night, and you can't wait to get it off of her.
Your lipsticks are smudged, but none of that matters because they’ve created a beautiful new pink colour on both of you.
Stumbling through the hallway to your shared bedroom, you land on the bed with a squeal as your girlfriend crawls on top of you.
“Oh, baby!” You let a moan a little louder than usual; you and some cocktails were starting to take effect- not that you needed alcohol to loosen up, but it definitely made you more vocal in the bedroom.
Her perfectly manicured hands trailed up your inner thighs and under your mini skirt, brushing over your bare cunt.
“No panties?” She whispered. “Naughty girl, hiding this from me all night.”
“Baby, please, I want you so bad.”
“Don’t worry, pretty girl, I’ll take care of you.” She sinks down, her glossy wet lips make contact with your pussy and you let out a cry of pleasure.
Just as Eddie is ready to fall asleep, he hears a sharp squeal through the paper-thin walls of his bedroom.
Maybe she saw a spider? He almost called out to see if you're okay, but-
“Oh, baby!”
Ok, maybe not a spider…
A pang of jealousy shoots through Eddie's chest. He wanted to be with the one to be on the other side of his wall. It didn’t matter what roommate it was; he wanted both of you.
Eddie listened and waited to see if he would hear anything more, but it was silent for a few minutes. Maybe Eddie was hearing things?
“Your pretty little clit is so puffy, begging for me to suck on it.”
“Baby, please stop teasing!
Nope, he heard right.
Eddie can’t help his curiosity. He presses his ear up against the wall to listen.
“Yeah, baby, just like that! Such a good girl f’me- OH YES!”
No way this was happening right now? No way he had the two hottest neighbours on the planet, and they were fucking?
"Sabrina!"—"Good girl, y/n say my name.”
Yes. That was 100% what was happening on the other side of the wall.
Both you and your girlfriend’s filthy words and moans fill Eddie's silent room, and he can’t help but touch himself. It was impossible to not be turned on. He can picture the both of you, how one is spread out under the other- Or maybe one of you has their ass in the air and is getting eaten out from behind? Or maybe you’re pussy's are rubbing together?
The sounds mixed with the images Eddie is mustering up in his own head have him whimpering and moaning. No longer aware of the fact that since he can hear you, you can hear him, he gets lost in it as he fucks his fist.
Eddie’s moans fill your bedroom as you’re about to go down in Sabrina. She’s on all fours facing the wall where Eddie’s bed lays on the other side. She quickly crawls up closer to get a better listen.
You follow suit and kneel beside her. “He’s so hot I want him to fuck us,” you pout.
Sabrina turns to you with a mischievous grin on her face, and you can’t help but lean into her touch. She starts twirling a piece of your hair. “Oh, my baby wants that pretty boy next door? I’ll get him for you; good girls always get what they want.”
“I'LL DO IT,” Eddie immediately blurts out, not realizing you don’t know he can hear you.
“What the?” You gasp.
“Eddie?” Sabrina taps on the wall like she knocking on a door.
“Yeah,” he answered, and you giggle.
“You naughty boy, have you been spying on us?” You giggle again.
But there was no answer. You wait a few more seconds before repeating his name, but you’re both startled when you hear a knock on your front door.
You both quickly get off the bed, not bothering to put on clothes and look through the peephole to ensure it’s him.
He stood in the hallway in only his boxers hands in front of his boner, as if that would do any good at hiding it.
Sabrina opens the door and you quickly grab him and pulls him inside before he could say anything and before anyone else could see you.
“Holy shit” his bold brown eyes go wide when he sees the pair of you standing there naked in front of him.
“Did you like listening to us?” You ask.
“Yeah,” he nods his head dumbly.
“I bet you did. You’re so nice and hard.” You both look down at his cock strained against his boxers.
“You wanna play with us, Eddie?” You ask with your voice, which is so silky and sweet. Stepping towards him, your fingers trace their way down his arm moving it from where his hands cup his cock so you can graze it yourself.
“Fuck yeah” he pants.
“Come” Sabrina takes his hand and you take the other and you both lead him to your shared bedroom.
I can’t believe this is happening Eddie thought.
“Better believe it, big boy”
Oh shit, Eddie didn’t think he said that out loud.
Eddie falls on the bed and watches as you and your girlfriend crawl up into the bed and hover over top of him.
“Like two goddamn succubus,” he lets out, and you and Brina can’t help but giggle.
“Oh, this is going to be fun.” Your girlfriend looks to you.
You lean in to give her a kiss as Eddie watches from below. His cock still growing by the second; it was like he was watching a live prono.
Nerves suddenly flooded Eddie. What was he allowed to do and not do? Would he get to fuck either of you? Maybe just one? Maybe none? Maybe you’ll only make him watch. Not that he minded, but go, he needed to fuck at least one of you.
“I think we’ve teased Eddie long enough.” She spoke as her hand grazed up Eddie’s cock.
“I’m sure he’s more than ready for us, don’t you think?” you counter.
Eddie lay there propped up on your pillows, too stunned to speak. He didn’t even know where to start. His mouth was getting dry and he did not want to fuck this up.
“What do you?-what can I?” His hands pointed between the two of you.
“You can do whatever you want to use, Eddie.” Brina took a loose tendril of Eddie’s hair and twirled it around her finger like she did with you; all the while, you were starting to remove his checkered boxers from his hips.
“Tell us what you want, sugar.” She purrs.
“I wa- I want to fuck you both.”
“Oh, tell us more” You plant a kiss on his upper thigh, moving towards his hard cock, which is painfully being neglected.
“I want to watch you fuck each other.”
“Mmmmm, that’s so hot.” Brina moaned before moving down to where you are and taking Eddie’s cock in her light grasp.
You make your way up Eddie’s body by kissing him inch by inch until your lips are latched on Eddie’s neck.
“Holy shit, I can’t believe this is happening.” Eddie whimpered.
“Want to taste this pussy, make sure it is real?”
“Please” he sighs.
You hear Brina moan around Eddie’s cock at your words.
It’s been a while since you had a cock in your mouth, and you wished you were the first one who got to go down on him, but the thought of sitting on Eddie’s face while your girl was swallowing him was too hot to pass up.
“Look at these nice big balls; I bet they’re filled with so much cum, just for us,” you hear her moan.
“Fuck me, you’re so hot,” Eddie brushes Sabrina’s hair out of her face.
You turn your body to face her so you can watch while you perch yourself right atop Eddie’s face.
“Yes, yes, come sit on my face,” you feel his big strong hands grip your hips and pull you down so your pussy lips meet his mouth.
“Oh fuck!” You laugh as the rough stubble of his face brushes the inside of your thighs.
Eddie wanted to waste no time. He needed to prove to you that choosing him was the right decision, and he needed to prove himself so you guys would let him play again; with much thought, he drags his tongue, moving through your folds to your clit, tasting every inch of you.
A loud moan left your throat as you looked down at your girl smiling up at you.
“He that good, baby?” Brina asks as she begins to jerk Eddie off with her hand.
“Oh yes, baby.” You grind your hips into his mouth, and Eddie smacks your ass before grabbing a handful of it.
“Oh!” You let out an excited squeal.
“Oh, you like a princess?” Eddie mumbled into your pussy.”
“Mmmph, yes, Eddie,” You were already so worked up by the situation you were already about to cum.
“Come on, Eddie, make my girl cum, and we will let you fuck us both.”
That piqued Eddie’s interest as he continued to flick his hot wet tongue over your clit while slowly sticking a finger up your dripping hole.
“Oh fuck!” You fall a little bit forward on your hands, your pussy in Eddie’s face, and your ass up in the air.
"Tastes so fucking good."
“Fuck that’s so hot"
You nod in agreement, unable to form words.
With Eddie's cock so close to your mouth, you can't help yourself but take it in your hand and bring it to your lips.
"fuck me, that is so good," Eddie speaks as your mouth finds his tip and Sabrina licks his balls.
Eddie needed to make you cum now, or else he wouldn't have the chance to fuck either of you if the two of your kept it up like this.
His long, thick fingers worked inside of you, hitting your g spot perfectly.
"Don't stop" You pop off his dick, drool dripping down your chin as your cry out.
"He making you feel good, baby?"
"Yes!" You shake as your orgasm hits you.
Eddie doesn't stop until Sabrina pulls his face away from your pussy.
"Let me taste." She moves his head to face her and kisses Eddie while you collect yourself.
"You taste so good, baby." She pulls away and leans into you, "Want to see?" You nod your head dumbly as she leans in to kiss you, sticking her tongue in your mouth.
Her soft lips pull away, and you whine at the disconnect.
"Wanna show Eddie how we play together?"
"Mmm, yes," you nod enthusiastically.
Quickly, Eddie moves to the end of the bed and steps off so Sabrina can take his place. She lays out for you, legs spread wide, showing you just how turned on she is. Her pink pussy is glistening, just begging for attention.
"Oh, baby, you're so wet for me" You lay down in front of her with your legs propped up to show Eddie your ass.
You slowly kiss up her inner thighs, teasing and biting at her skin until you reach the apex. You kiss around her pussy lips until she's grinding and begging for you to touch her.
"Baby, baby, baby." She begs until you give in. Placing your lips onto her clit and giving it a kiss before you poke your tongue out to finally run it along your girlfriend's sweet pussy.
The view in front of Eddie was enough to make him cum on the spot. He needed to stop stroking himself, or else he would be finishing before he even got started.
He was so tempted to fuck you right now. It would be so easy to slip his cock inside your pussy that was perched on display for him, but he also needed to commit this picture to memory. Nothing would ever let him forget this moment. Watching you go down on your girl and having her cry out from the pleasure you were giving her. Your skills are so good that her hips won't stay still on the bed. You need to hold her down as your fingers enter her weeping pussy. The lewd, wet sounds filled the room, along with Eddie's heavy breaths trying to hold back. His cock was so hard it was edging on the point of pain.
"Fuck I'm going to cum! I'm going to cum." She screamed.
"Fuking cum for her," Eddie growled.
The command was so hot it made you moan into her making her cum instantly.
"Good job, baby," you praised. You crawled back up to kiss her lips, and Eddie couldn't take it anymore. He needed to feel his release.
"Can I?" He looks at the both of you with those gorgeous puppy dog eyes.
"I think he's been a good boy; he deserves a treat. What do you think?" You ask.
"Oh, he's been a very good boy." She smiles back and moves to get a condom from the drawer.
"You guys just leave those around?" Eddie chuckles in disbeliefe.
"Never know when your hot neighbour will agree to have a threesome." You pull him into a kiss. His lips are so soft and supple that another rush of arousal courses through you as his hands roam your body. He pulls away to kiss down your neck to your breast, taking a perked nipple into his mouth while he grasps the other one in his large hand.
"Her tits are perfect, aren't they?" Sabrina hands Eddie the condom.
Eddie's tongue flicks off your nipple deliciously before he moves to answer.
"Can you fuck us now?"
"Yes!" Eddie said a bit too enthusiastically, but it was endearing.
"How do you want us?"
"Doggy," he points to you, "on top." He points to Brina.
You enthusiastically turn around in anticipation of his thick hard cock stretching out out.
"Fucking perfect." Eddie rolls the condom on, but before he gets to you, he watches as Sabrina makes her way closer to you.
"You know this is her favourite position because she loves a finger up her ass." She smirks, and a rush of arousal flooods your pussy once again. You hear her spit drip from her lips, and a warm wet liquid runs down your ass to your hole before you feel her tongue flick your small hole.
"Fuuuuuuuuuuuck," Eddie grounded, letting his head fall back, not knowing he could get any more turned on.
"Your turn, big boy"
Eddie walks to the edge of the bed; your pussy is at the perfect height, so he runs his cock up and down your folds collecting all of your slick so he can glide in easily.
You wiggle your ass into him, already cock drunk before it even begins.
"God baby, look how desperate you are for his cock."
You nod in agreeance.
"You just can't help yourself, can you? Greedy girl." your girlfriend leaves an open mouth and kisses you, watching and waiting for Eddie to enter you. She loves watching your pussy open up while taking cock, whether that be real or dildo.
"She is, isn't she" Eddie agrees while kneading your ass as he finally slips his cock into you.
A feral noise leaves your throat as Eddie's cock stretches you out.
Nothing occupied your mind other than how Eddie was making you feel now. His delicious cock, pumped in and out and out, not letting up.
"Fuck right there!"
"I think you found her special spot," Sabrina smirks before taking her fingers in her mouth to wet them. Too consumed to listen to what they were saying, your focus on only the feeling and when it intensifies because Brina's fingers enter your ass, you can't help but cry out again.
“Such a good girl. Take that cock, baby.” Sabrina praises as her fingers pump in and out of your ass.
The combination of Eddie's cock and her fingers made you feel so full. Nothing mattered other than how you were feeling.
"More" you cry.
"Oh, she is greedy." Eddie's hips slap into you at a more frivolous pace.
His balls hit your clit with every thrust until, out of nowhere, you feel a vibrator on your clit. She must have gotten it out while getting the condom, but you hadn't noticed or cared because it was just the thing to bring you over the edge.
"I'm going to cum!" you cry.
Not even a minute with the vibrator to your clit, and your pussy was clamping down hard on Eddie. It was like a tidal wave crashed into you; never had you cum this hard before. Your body shakes so hard under their touch that your arms and legs give out, and you collapse face down on the bed.
Mindless giggles leave your lungs as you ride out your high.
"Fuck did we break her?" Eddie looks at Sabrina.
"No, she's more than good. Never had cock that good, though." She smirked, and Eddie shuffled onto his back so she could get ready to be on top of him.
Exiting your daze, you see your girl already mounted on Eddie- and what a sight to see. A tit in his mouth as she bounces on his cock.
"God, that's so hot," you moan, and you sit up.
"Come here, princess," Eddie commands.
You obey and crawl your way over.
"Kiss," he instructs.
You lean into Sabrina, and she willingly takes your open-mouth kiss. Your tongues fight for dominance against one another, your lipgloss and hers are rubbed off, and your lips are swollen with a hint of colour flushed through them.
“Oh fuck I’m going to cum.” She pulls away.
"You're doing such a good job bouncing on his cock, baby," you praise before pressing your lips to hers once again.
“Mmmmm fuck her good; she’s been such a good girl she deserves to cum. Don’t you think Eddie?”
“Yes, she has,” he agrees while giving his ass a slap. “Fuck, you’re just my bunny, aren’t you?”
“Yes,” she nodded her head. You can tell she’s so close, and you want her to experience cuming in Eddie stock just as you did.
“Come on baby, cum in his cock like I know you can.” You slip your hand between where she and Eddie connect to rub her clit, knowing it’s that little extra boost that will send her over the edge.
A loud cry leaves her lungs, and you know she’s cuming and cuming hard.
“Oh, good job, baby.” You purr before leaning in to kiss her neck.
“Fuck!” Eddie screams out, finally letting go as he allows himself release into the condom.
“Oh, Eddie, you did such a good job for us.” You praise sticking his hair out of his face before taking his lips into yours.
Eddie lay there in a daze as you helped Sabrina off his cock.
“Baby, did we break him?” You giggle.
“I think he’s reprogramming his brain,” she laughs.
“Nothing in my life will ever top this moment,” Eddie admits breathlessly.
“Oh yeah, wanna bet?” Sabrina challenged.
“You mean? You wanna do that again?”
“Not now, silly. I don’t think any of us would survive. But who said this has to be a one-time thing?”
“Best neighbours ever,” Eddie fist pumps.
After you all catch your breath, Eddie gets up and finds his boxers to go home.
“Wait, where are you going?" You pout.
“Uh, I thought?” He points to the door.
“Stay. Please?” Brina lifts up the blankets to invite him to sleep between the two of you.
“Really?” His eyes go wide with disbelief.
You both nod your heads enthusiastically.
“It will be like a sleepover!” You clap.
“You don’t have to tell me twice,” Eddie scrambled back to the bed between you. No one would ever believe him, but he will take everything to his advantage out of this new and exciting situation.
“We really like you, Eddie.” You smile and snuggle into his side.
“I really like you guys, too.” Eddie falls asleep soundly, smiling, and without a care in the world.
Tags: @strangerstilinski @voyeurmunson @espressomunson @littlexdeaths @lokis-army-77 @andvys @taintedcigs
@tlclick73 @penguinsandpotterheads @nailbatanddungeon @hellfiremunsonn @paybacksawitch @jamdoughnutmagician
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moonchildstyles · 2 months
I would simply die for an Aster blurb about them moving in together and christening their new room
wordcount: 9.4k+
(Y/N)'s body felt heavy by the time she stacked the final box in what was now her new bedroom. She couldn't help herself before she was flopping onto the bare mattress on the floor, her back popping as soon as she laid back. 
It'd been a long day and a half between transporting the boxes, breaking down furniture, and cleaning out whatever she wasn't taking with her in the move. The last step had been spending the morning unpacking what she could and organizing the remaining boxes. Harry was doing the hard work of putting together the furniture they'd just broken down, and setting up the new pieces they picked up to fill out the rest of their space. 
Mitch and Sarah had helped as they could, but they were readying for their own move. Now that (Y/N) and Harry were in their own place, Sarah would be moving in with Mitch in the house, leaving their apartment empty at the end of the month. 
(It had been a tearful conversation when they realized neither of them would be signing onto the lease once more, (Y/N) especially saddened at the thought of the first place she considered a real home now sitting empty. Her reassurance came in the form of knowing Sarah would still only be fifteen minutes away from her new home, and she would be with Harry now—her real home, if she wanted to get sentimental). 
Staring up at the ceiling with her limbs spread out, (Y/N) took in a long breath. 
It was odd already, seeing the differences in the ceiling despite the texture not being too far off from what it was like at her apartment or Harry's old house. Even the mattress under her wasn't the same, Harry having urged them to get a bigger one—even more than the one he used to have. Though the walls were still bare, she already knew how different it would be from either of her previous spaces; more black would be involved than she ever imagined herself living in. 
All the change had her bones aching that much more. 
"Break time?" 
Craning her neck up, she spotted Harry standing in the doorway wearing a small smile on his lips. Though he had his hair tied back with one of the many scrunchies he'd stolen, stray curls still stuck to his temples, attracted to the sheen glossing his skin. No eyeliner darkened his gaze at the moment, but the sleeveless cut of his shirt allowed all of his tattoos to sit in the morning light. 
God, she was going to have to buy curtains soon, too. 
"I guess," she sighed, flopping back onto the mattress. 
Harry let out a huff of laughter, his footsteps giving him away as he crossed the room only to flop beside her. 
He laid in silence next to her, looking at the same ceiling they would be gazing at every night together. 
"What are y'thinking about?" he asked, his voice a murmur. 
(Y/N) swallowed, reaching for his hand between them. "We're moving in together." 
She could hear the smile in his voice when he said, "I know." 
Hearing his own joy, she couldn't help the smile touching at the corners of her lips. "You're excited?" 
He pulsed his hand around hers. "Of course I am—I've been excited since Barcelona. 'S me and you now, baby." 
She liked the way he talked about this change, shaving the nervous edge from her thoughts. Change didn't sound so bad if it meant she was doing it with him. "You'll never have to drop me off anymore."
Letting out a plume of laughter, Harry rolled over to hover above her. Stationing his elbow by her head, he placed his cheek in his palm, squishing his smile as he gazed down at her. 
"I know—you'll be stuck with me all the time now." 
"You'll be stuck with me," she countered, voicing one of the thoughts that'd been floating through her head these last weeks as the move became more real. What if, once the honeymoon wore off, he'd realize he didn't like living with her as much as he'd hoped? 
"Sounds like a dream to me," he told her, readily fending off her unsaid worry. "How long do y'think 's gonna take for you to start getting up early with me, or for me to start sleeping in with you?" 
A small huff of laughter fanned from her lungs. "I don't know—you tell me, because I'm not getting up early like you unless I have to." 
"We'll see," he said, placing his free hand on the soft of her cheek, "It'll only take a couple mornings of breakfasts before you're up with me every day." 
He had her there, truthfully. She loved breakfast, and she wouldn't put it past him to use it against her in an effort to change her sleep cycle. 
Leaning into his hand on her cheek with her eyes matching his above her, she felt herself soften up that much more. "You're really happy, though? No cold feet?" 
Harry's expression leveled out, sincerity in his eyes. "'M more than happy, angel. Really, I've been thinking about this for a long time with you. Get t'have you all the time now—everything feels real now. 'M excited." 
It was the light in his eyes, the way he didn't flinch from her gaze or trail away, that had her chest tightening. His words felt like a vow to her ears. Everything did feel real now—in the scariest, most exciting, nerve-wracking, dream fulfilling way. 
This was all she'd ever wanted, to have a home filled with love and trust. Harry would make that a reality for her, starting with this move. 
"You're happy?" he prodded, thumbing over her cheekbone. 
"Really happy," she affirmed, nodding her head, "Scared, but in a good way." 
He tipped his head as he listened to her, a dimple popping into his cheek. "'S a change, but a good change, right?" 
"Yeah," she smiled, "Good change." 
Ducking down, Harry pressed his lips to hers. Despite the long morning they had picking through and transporting boxes, he didn't lack any energy as he poured that assuring affection through the kiss. 
"Love you," she murmured when he pulled away, lashes fluttering in a blink. 
"Love you, too," he drawled, voice a low rumble just for her. "After I finish putting up the shelves, we can get lunch." 
Maybe it was nostalgia or reaching for something familiar amidst the change that had her suggesting, "Little House?" 
His grin stretched with dimples in his cheeks and bunny-like front teeth on display. "Anything y'want, lovebug." 
She could definitely get used to hearing that. 
"What's next on the list?"
Peering at her phone with knitted brows, (Y/N) scrolled through the list of all the things they needed to pick up during their grocery trip. 
"Um," she mused, making sure she was noting everything they had packed away in the trolley already, "Pasta." 
Harry hummed in response. "This way, I think," he murmured, leading them down the aisles until she saw the many different boxes and bags displayed on the shelves. 
Parking the cart on the opposite side of the aisle, Harry looked at the different options before them with a critical eye as if he were looking at more than just varying shapes of pasta. 
"Do y'care what kind?" he asked, reaching for a blue box of plain spaghetti on the shelf.
"Not really, but," she started, spotting her preferred brand just a few boxes down, "The green box is better." 
Following her line of sight, he found the brand she referred to just for his features to pinch. "Wheat noodles?" 
"Well, yeah," she said, her own brows meeting in the middle with a pinch. 
"You... actually eat that?" Harry asked, almost looking offended at this new detail he found out about her. 
"They're good," she countered, defensive.
Harry shook his head, a huff of laughter falling from his lips. "I always thought those were Sarah's when I was over." 
"Do you not like them?" (Y/N) pressed, popping a hip the longer he stood there arguing with her.
"No one likes wheat noodles, love. You're the first person I've ever met that eats them by choice." 
"They're good!" she repeated, a whine to her voice, "Stop being mean." 
"I'm not being mean," he shook his head, grabbing for one of her wheat boxes along with one of his regular blue boxes, "Jus' didn't know that about you. Next, you're gonna tell me that y'only eat green bananas or plain yogurt." 
When she didn't answer as he loaded the cart with their new finds, Harry glanced up at her with amusement in his eyes. 
"Green bananas last longer," she cemented, "And plain yogurt is really good with honey. Don't be mean." 
Harry only shook his head, wrapping an arm around her shoulder as he steadied the trolley with his free hand. "You're cute, angel. That's all." 
He pressed a small kiss to the top of her head in the privacy of their aisle, his smile felt against the strands. 
"And, a little weird." 
Looking up at him with accusing eyes, (Y/N) whined out his name. "No, I'm not." 
"Sure," he smiled, teasing her that much more before dotting a kiss to the tip of her nose, "What's next?" 
(Y/N) hoped he didn't catch the smile gracing her lips when she shook her head. 
Though it felt a bit silly to be so dressed up with nowhere to go, (Y/N) couldn't resist twirling before the mirror in her bedroom.
Her dress was short, a stiff corset making up the bodice while the skirt flared around her hips until hitting the mid of her thigh, everything draped in baby pink satin. Her arms were left free aside from a barely there gathering of lace that sagged over her biceps, a faux sleeve that did nothing to keep the bodice high on her chest. More lace was overlaid on the rest of the dress, threaded with shimmering gold to sparkle every time she caught the light.
It was a dress she'd had for over a year now, having never worn it before tonight. It always felt much too fancy for anything she'd go out for, and much too extravagant for her to feel comfortable in. 
But, tonight was date night. Their first date night in their new home. It felt like a special enough occasion to finally grow the confidence to don the gown, even if she was still a bit nervous that she was doing too much. Especially since this date night would be spent in their dining room. 
Satisfied with the way her hair fell and her cheeks held a dewy flush thanks to all of the cosmetics on the bathroom counter (Harry still needed to finish building her vanity, so until then she was taking over their ensuite), she padded out of the bedroom on socked feet. 
They had almost completely finished packing, only. a few boxes and pieces of furniture waiting. Everything was a perfect mix of the two of them, (Y/N) thought. There was a pink throw blanket over their grey couch, a cherry blossom shaped lamp on their glass coffee table, a fluffy pink cat bed housing a black bat toy. There were photos of them littering the walls, some from their time in Barcelona, but many from the quiet moments they spent at home with one another. While (Y/N) had never imagined living in a home with so much black and other muted tones, everything served as a reminder that this was a home she'd made with someone else—someone she loved. 
She'd learn to live with it, she decided. 
The kitchen was warm as she padded over the tiles, the light in the oven on as she peeked through the glass to check on the lasagna cooking inside. With the extra cheese bubbling on top, she figured—hoped—the dish would be ready in a few minutes, giving her just enough time to plate and serve everything when Harry walked through the door. 
Evie circled her feet as she moved towards the dining table, nearly tripping (Y/N) just as Harry warned her his kitten would attempt to do the first time (Y/N) met her all that time ago. 
"Careful, Evie," she scolded her with a gentle tone, reaching down to pet between her ears, "I almost kicked you." Ever the beggar, Evie only chirped up at her with big eyes the way she had when (Y/N) was layering the lasagna in hopes of earning some extra scraps. "Later," (Y/N) promised her, carefully stepping around Evie, "After it's out of the oven, I'll give you some pieces before your dad sees." 
The table was already set, complete with candles and intricate place mats. There was a bottle of wine chilling in the fridge (did wine even go in the fridge? She'd have to ask Harry later) next to the strawberry shortcake she'd bought from the shops, and the heart shaped speaker she'd stolen from their bathroom was now perched on the kitchen island. As soon as the lights were lowered, (Y/N) hoped their home would feel just as nice as the restaurants Harry loved taking her to. 
After the timer went off, she pulled the dish from the warm oven, basil and oregano scenting through the space. Checking the time, she made haste as she put the finishing touches on the space. Once squares of lasagna were cut out, she attempted to place extra basil leaves atop the bake in hopes of emulating a heart—an idea she'd seen on Pinterest. She connected a soft playlist to filter from the small speaker. Flames danced in the candle votives, warming the space just as he lowered the lights. 
Just as she popped the plates on the placemats, she heard the distinct crackling of the garage door opened. A smile spread across her features.
Harry was home. 
She couldn't contain how antsy she was as she stood next to the made up table, rocking in her spot with her dress twirling around her. Gosh, she hoped he liked what she did. 
Evie chirped at the door she'd learned Harry would come through when he came home, circling and looking up in wait of her dad. (Y/N) sympathized with her energy. 
Harry's heavy footsteps sounded just before the door swung open, his gentle voice crooning as soon as he saw his Evie running out to greet him. 
"Hey, you," he smiled, reaching down to pet her head, "How was your day, hm? Where's mummy?" 
At that same moment, he peered up, noticing the low lights in the house and the warm scent drifting through. She had her hands knotted behind her, unable to stop them from fidgeting by the time his gaze slid over her. 
"Hi, love," he said after a moment, though his eyes never strayed from the neckline of her dress, "What's got you all dressed up? Did I forget something?" 
She shook her head. "It's date night," she told him, "First one in the new house." 
"Pretty special occasion, then. When did y'get that dress?" His eyes finally shifted down the rest of the length to where frilly socks circled her ankles before landing on her face once more. A smile bloomed on his cheeks. 
"I've had it for a while, just never wore it," she shared, swallowing around the nerves that all of his attention garnered, "I made dinner." 
It seemed then that he realized there was more than just her and her dress in the room. She watched as he took in the set up and the plates of dinner, the smell in the house and the candles lighting the room. 
"You did," he said, finally stepping away from the threshold and towards her, "Everything looks wonderful—especially you." 
"Thank you," she smiled, falling into his arms as soon as he opened them. Settling her chin on his chest, she dazed up at him with moony eyes. "How was work?" 
While it was far from the first time she'd asked him that exact question, it definitely had a different ring to it knowing that he'd just come home—to their home—from his first day of work since moving in. 
"Good," he murmured, his eyes seemingly twinkling in the candle light with his eyeliner smudged under his eyes, "Long. Jus' wanted to be home with you and Evie." 
Hearing that never got old to (Y/N). "I missed you, too," she declared, squeezing her arms around his middle, "Did you still have fun?"
"A little," he teased, "Y'were busy today though, hm?" 
"A little," she parroted, growing sheepish under his gaze, "This is our first real dinner that isn't takeout here. I wanted it to be special." 
Tearing his eyes from hers, he looked at the spread on the dining table once more. "Definitely did jus' that, angel. I feel underdressed," he laughed, his hands laced behind her back trailing down the flared skirt of her dress. 
"I think you look nice," she countered, drawing her own eyes down to the ink on his neck, the roses blooming as he swallowed. 
"I look like I jus' came home from work," he said, laughing off her compliment. 
"But, you came home to me," she murmured, unsure of what her point was, but knowing that there was no way he was ever going to look bad when he was coming back to their home. 
His expression softened then, leaving only a single dimple dented in his cheek and a lopsided smile on his raspberry lips. "I did, didn't I?" 
(Y/N) nodded up at him before Harry ducked his head down and pressed a kiss to her soft lips. She could feel her lip gloss sliding between their mouths, surely leaving a stain on his own though he didn't care with the way he slotted their lips together. It was a kiss full of affection, where his hands on the small of her back had her pressed to him. Tipping his head just so, he deepened the kiss with a taste of her lips on his tongue. 
He pulled away first, only after smattering a string of pecks across her pout. He was rewarded with a plume of laughter fanning from her mouth. 
"'M gonna get changed, but I'll be right back, 'kay?" he told her, untangling his arms from around her waist. 
"Okay," she sighed dreamily, reluctant to let go of him though she was able to, instead, watch him walk to their shared bedroom instead. 
He only turned around once to catch her admiring him.
(Y/N) wanted to huff when Harry blocked her from reaching into the water-filled sink for the third time. She settled for planting her hands on her hips, and pouting at the back of his head. 
"I can help, H. It's fine," she attempted to reason with him again. 
As if he hadn't heard her at all, he continued with his hands in the soapy water, cleaning off the dishes they'd used for dinner. He'd already packed away the leftovers of the lasagna and stowed away the remaining half-bottle of wine she'd uncorked for the night; she wanted to help before the opportunity was gone. 
Her pout only puffed out further, feeling a tiny bit like an insolent child when she debated if stamping her foot would catch his attention. 
"Harry," she scolded. 
"(Y/N)," he countered, parroting her scolding tone right back, "I've got it, my love. Jus' relax now." 
"But we're supposed to be a team," she complained, "I'm not supposed to let you do this by yourself." 
At that, Harry finally chanced a look over his shoulder at her. His eyes were tender, bright green against the refreshed liner he had applied when he changed before dinner. The lines of his face were soft as he gazed at her, his lips slightly curling while the line of his jaw held a rounded edge.
"We are a team, baby," he emphasized, wiping his hands down before turning to face her, "You made dinner, so 'm doing dishes. That sounds like teamwork to me, don't you think?" 
(Y/N) opened her mouth before swiftly closing it, unsure of what to say to that. At the end of it all, deep in her chest where she didn't enjoy digging, was that fear that if she didn't pull her weight, show her worth as more than just a little playmate for Evie or someone to crowd the bathroom with all of her products. 
But that wasn't exactly a romantic date night conversation, was it?
He waited patiently as she attempted to find her words, leaning back against the counter with an adoring gaze. When nothing coherent came from her lips, only a sputtering of a half-baked excuse, he reached towards her with gentle hands. 
Grasping her waist over the structure of her dress, he pulled her towards him until she was flush to his chest. Only when she wrapped her own arms around his middle, fingers looping around his back, did he set a careful hand on her cheek. 
Brushing stray hairs from her face, he tilted his head as a small smile touched his lips. "You know 'm still going to take care of you, right? Jus' because we live together now, doesn't change that. Y'don't have to prove anything—not to me."
With a flutter of her lashes, (Y/N) swore she could have cried hearing his words. She melted into his hold instead, enveloping him in a warming hug. 
He knew her better than anyone before, that much she knew. It was enough to have her heart breaking only to grow bigger so she could fit more of him inside. 
"Love you," she murmured, the words muffled against his chest as she squished herself against him. 
"Love you more, angel," he reciprocated, dotting a kiss to the top of her head. Shifting his hands on her, he moved until his palms landed on her hips. "So you're going to sit right here, and let daddy take care of you." 
It was the amusement swimming in his eyes and the lilting in her voice that made it clear he was only teasing, prodding and poking at her to get her in a lighter mood, but (Y/N) only felt her skin heat at the use of that title. It was quite the adjustment to know that he could speak so boldly outside of the bedroom now that there weren't any kind of roommates that could walk in at the last moment. 
In a daze, she stepped back as he herded her to sit up on the counter beside the sink. She was left with her legs dangling with her skirt fanned across her thighs, hands knotted in her lap, and her eyes on his back. The music she had connected to the small speaker continued to thrum through the room, soft and low, creating a soundtrack for the moment. 
It was silly, to feel so entranced as she watched him do something as mundane as rinsing dishes, but that was definitely what she was feeling. 
He hadn't even changed into anything special before dinner, only a black button down with embroidered white flowers and a pair of fitted black trousers. His hair was left down after adjusting some of the curls he'd mussed during work, the length falling longer than she'd seen it before. 
Maybe it was the fact that she could still hear his teasing comment ringing in her ears, or how much she truly had missed him throughout the day, but she couldn't take her eyes off him. She watched as his shoulders tensed and flexed through the fabric, the line of his muscles down the length of his arm. A part of her wanted to reach out, drag her hand down his biceps and feel the way they bunched and released as he worked. 
She felt herself growing impatient the longer he worked through the soapy water, despite knowing there wasn't much of a mess for him to clean up given the limited dishes. Without thinking, she swung her socked foot out and tapped against his leg, dragging over the back of his calf. 
A huff of laughter left Harry's lips though he continued working with only a small glance at her. "Wasn't enough to jus' watch me? Gotta touch me, too?" 
She felt flustered to be called out like that, as if she hadn't wanted his attention in the first place. She only managed a small shrug of her shoulders. 
Shaking his head, Harry put the last rinsed plate into the dishwasher and drained the sink. He took his time drying off his hands before reaching for her crossed legs. Setting his hands on her thighs, she pliantly let him spread them apart before he came to stand between her legs, his hands settling on the full of her thighs with a lingering touch. 
"What are y'thinking about, love? Got all my attention now, jus' like y'wanted, right?" 
His gaze on her features was warm enough that (Y/N) swore she could feel a warmth in its wake, heavy and unrelenting. She blinked up at him, a flutter of her lashes as he grew breathless. "I don't know—just... You." 
"Me?" he smiled, dipping his head down until he was level with her, "You've got a crush on me or something?" 
His teasing was enough to have a laugh drawn from her lungs, dropping her hands to land on his own as they roamed over her thighs, dipping underneath the hem of her dress. "Stop," she giggled.
"Ooh," he sung, "You like me, don't you? C'mon, love, can't hide it from me. So obvious, isn't it?" 
"Stop it," she laughed, letting go of his hands and instead opting to loop her arms around his neck in a controlling hug, "I don't have a crush on you!" 
"You don't?" Harry whined, a pout audible in his voice, "But, why'd y'move in with me then if y'don't even have a crush on me?" 
Hooking her ankle around the back of his leg. She murmured into his neck, "Because I love you." 
His arms created a cradle around her back, keeping her close as he quieted in her hug. "I love you too," he hummed, "So much. Thank you for doing all of this for us, love—everything was perfect." 
Her grin stretched wider over her cheeks, "I'm happy you liked it all. First date at our new house." 
"Still gotta take care of a lot of firsts here, don't we?" His hands on her body shifted then, caressing the structure of her dress, the pads of his fingers tracing the detailing of the lace. 
With the way his voice dropped—and the fact he'd said what he said only a handful of minutes ago—, (Y/N) had somewhat of an idea of what kind of firsts he was referring to. 
The past week had been hectic to say the least. Nothing more than cuddling and a few stray kisses were shared in their new bed, their bodies not having energy for anything more after their long days of making their house a new home.
Tightening the loop of her arms around his neck, she clung to him as she nodded into his neck. "Yeah."
"Yeah?" he parroted, a smile in his voice. Turning his head, he pressed his lips into a string of kisses from her temple down to her cheek, lingering kisses that dragged over her skin. She could feel her blood warming in his wake, her lashes fluttering as her eyes came to a close. 
"Yeah, daddy."
Harry pulled in a long breath at the sound of his title wrapped in her voice, the tip of his nose dragging across her cheek. Finally, he planted his lips on hers, slotting between her own. 
With her arms around his neck, (Y/N) practically melted into him with the broad of his body keeping her upright. She half-expected him to smile into the kiss, a small tease over seeing how ready she was for something as small as a kiss, but he did nothing more than tilt his head and strengthen his grip on her form. 
It wasn't until she felt the tip of his tongue sweep across her lower lip that she gathered they hadn't even so much as kissed like this since moving. She hadn't realized the week had been so hectic as to leave no time for anything more than a few kisses and their cuddling before passing out as soon as the sun fell. 
She hadn't realized how much she missed him until that second. 
Reciprocating his kiss, lips parting and inviting him in, (Y/N) hitched a thigh over his hip. She clung to him with her fingers working into the baby soft curls on the back of his neck in a soft tug. He let out a sigh into her mouth, his hands pulsing on her waist. With her position on the counter, every flex of his hands on her body, she was drawn closer and closer to the edge, leaving her to wrap her limbs instead. 
His tongue ran over her own, the taste of the strawberry shortcake dessert lingering. She could feel the tip of his nose nudging into her own, tracing the bridge with every tip of their heads. The soft sound of their lips parting and coming together filled the kitchen, sounding over the music she still had playing from the small speaker. 
Drawing away from her kiss, he started down her jaw to the column of her throat. (Y/N) tilted her head back, allowing him more access to her heated skin as he kissed down to the neckline of her dress. Her hands in his hair tightened. 
"Where are you going?" she murmured.
"Gonna take care of you, remember?" he said into her neck, the words melting into her skin, "Jus' like I promised."
With that, he fell to his knees before her, settling between her own spread legs. Her hands shifted, now combing the strands out of his face as she looked down at him. His palms glided over her dress until he found the hem, pushing it up and over her thighs to wrinkle at her waist. 
"That okay, baby?" he asked, suddenly breathless as his eyes met the small part of underwear she had covering her core. 
"Uh-huh," she nodded her head, nails catching on his scalp. 
He shot her a soft smile, enough to dot dimples into his cheeks before her attention was diverted to the feel of his hands sitting on her bare thighs. Hooking his fingers into the waist of her underwear, all she needed was to lift her hips just enough before he was pulling the fabric down her legs. 
The way he looked at her then, after pulling the garment off and fitting his hands between her thighs to widen the gap, brought her back to the first night in his office at the tattoo parlor. He gazed at her like he'd never seen her before, like this was the first time all over again. He didn't have to say anything to let her know that he saw her as something special. 
Planting his lips across the inside of her thigh, the tip of his nose and the fan of his breath brought goosebumps to layer over her skin. He dragged his mouth across the sensitive skin, using his grip on her thighs to keep her steady as he tugged her towards the very edge of the counter—and his face. 
It wasn't until she could feel his breath skimming over closer to her pussy that her muscles bunched, her own lungs stuttering. He peeked up at her through the fan of his lashes, matching her eyes for a lingering moment, leaving her with no other option than to watch as he pressed his lips to the crease between her thighs and her core, her body jumping at the tickling shock that touched her spine. With her hands holding back his hair, her fingers flexed between the strands.
She could feel his smile against her skin as he closed that remaining distance, pushing his lips against her clit. She hadn't realized how wet she'd grown until she pulsed around nothing, her breath stalling. His nose mushed against her mound, his lips puckered around her clit in a sucking kiss. It was enough to have her toes curling, eyes fluttering. 
He lingered on her clit, peeking up at her through the fan of his lashes, for a moment before dipping lower. (Y/N)'s throat ran dry as she watched his tongue sink between her folds, a small whine falling from her lips. A light flickered through his eyes then when he peered up at her, though he didn't stop to tease her or pull away to let out a huff of laughter. Instead, he kept her gaze as he skated the tip of his tongue down the length of her slit, lingering over her shuddering opening. 
Her reaction—a choked moan, flexing hands, and shiver down her spine—was finally enough to have him smiling against her wetness. He pulled away just enough, his breath fanning across her core.
"Feel good, angel?" he asked, punctuating his words with a kiss to her clit. 
With her mouth dropping open, (Y/N) wanted to answer, knew she had the words to give him, but nothing left her lips. She was left with a frantic nod of her head, wiggling until she was precariously dangling from the edge of the counter with her pussy right in Harry's face. His brows bounced over his eyes, a smug smile touching at the corners of his lips. 
Expecting another teasing quip, (Y/N) readied herself to attempt to actually answer him, but her mind was drawn completely blank when he only dove back into her folds. His nose was pressed against her swollen clit, her wetness sliding around his chin. She could feel the motions of his tongue through her slit, his lips kissing her in-between each lick. Eventually, Harry couldn't manage to keep his eyes open, his lids falling closed as he buried his tongue among her taste, the tip peeking against her opening.
It wasn't until he wagged his head, spreading her folds around him with his hands keeping her shaking thighs from closing around him, that (Y/N) found her voice. 
"H—Daddy, I—" she choked out, the call crackling and stilted through her lungs. 
The mentioning of his title only spurred him on it seemed. He attempted to mutter something against her core, something lingering and drawled, though (Y/N) couldn't even begin to decipher his words as they were pressed into her pussy. The vibrations of his voice was enough to rattle through her, his nose still mushed into her puffy clit. 
She just needed that much more, she thought, her toes curling at his back. With her hands in his hair, she attempted to get that more she needed, pulling him closer to her core in hopes of feeling him inside. 
Harry's grip on her thighs tightened then, his eyes peeling open to match her cloudy gaze. Despite her hand in his hair, he drew away with the pillows of his lips barely dragging across her sensitive skin. 
"Close already?" he asked, breathless. 
"Y-Yeah, I'm sorry," she stuttered, swallowing around her dry throat, "I—"
Before she could finish her thought, Harry smeared one last kiss against her clit before he was parting her thighs and standing to the full of his height between her legs. She craned her neck to look up at him just as he fixed his palms to mold to the curve of her cheeks, bringing her in for a kiss. His lips were already swollen by the time he sealed them to hers, a taste lingering on his tongue. (Y/N) acted as his crash pad through the frantic shift, taking all of the affection he was pouring into her. She didn't have to see him to know there was a furrow dipping his brows, his eyes cinched closed as he kissed her with the same intensity he had shared between her legs. With the way he was flushed against her, keeping her upright on the countertop, it didn't take much to feel the bulge straining behind his pants. 
Her breath caught. That wasn't something she'd never completely get used to—knowing he loved touching her enough to get his own satisfaction. 
Harry only kissed her harder, this nose nudging against her own. 
When his hands disappeared from her cheeks, sliding down the length of her body, she expected him to wrap underneath her thighs and hoist her up into his arms. Instead, he only lingered on the bare plush of her hips, thumbs brushing the sensitive skin.
"Baby," he breathed against her mouth, drawing just far enough away for the syllables to be audible. "I need to fuck you." 
If her heart hadn't already been hammering into her ribcage, she's sure it would have started then, the vulgar words ringing in her ears. 
Puckering her lips enough to close the space between the two of them, sharing a small kiss, she nodded her head. "Okay." 
"Right here." 
That had (Y/N) blinking her eyes open, pulling far enough away to peek at his still closed gaze. Instinctively, she wanted to protest, to tell him to take her to the bedroom where there was privacy and a locked door. But those were instincts that came before they had their own space, before they were void of roommates. There was no need to hide if Harry was the only one around to catch her in that pleasure. 
When her pause lingered, Harry finally cracked his eyes open, the pupils dilated. She could see the darting of his gaze as he took in the details of her eyes, the fan of her lashes, the shape of her nose. 
"Need me to stop?" he asked, his breathing coming out in heavy swatches. 
"No, no," she answered in a rush, looping her arms around his neck, "Just... We don't have roommates." 
A small smile curved his lips. "We don't." 
"This is our house." 
"It is." 
"We can do this right here." 
His grin grew. "We can do this right here." 
(Y/N) couldn't help the beaming smile that took over her features. Taking advantage of her arms around his neck, she pulled him in for another kiss. It was messy, a bit off center with their mouths smeared across one another, though that was only because she couldn't completely erase her smile. 
"Y'want to?" he murmured into her mouth, his hands on her hips sliding until he was palming the full of her thighs.
"Please," she answered, the word falling from her lips without a second thought. She could only imagine the dimple that bloomed into his cheek then. 
Shifting between her thighs, he tipped his head to trail his lips onto her cheek. "Get me out, baby." 
Her hesitation lasted only a moment before she processed his instruction, her hands sliding from where she had them around his neck. She had the privilege of tracing down his body, feeling the blocks of muscle on his abdomen and the soft pudge on his hips. Reaching the waist of his pants, her hands grew just a bit frantic, fumbling as she moved. 
"'S alright, lovebug," he murmured to her, dotting his lips onto the height of her cheekbone, "Jus' me." 
That was the problem, she wanted to tell him. She wanted him now, and she couldn't make it happen fast enough. 
Unfastening the waist of his trousers, she pushed them down until they hit just the middle of his thighs. She brushed his skin, feeling the coarse hair on his thighs brushing her hands. Peeking between them, she could see the way his cock stood hard between his thighs, the black fabric of his briefs straining around him. 
Hooking her fingers into the band of his underwear, she carefully pulled the garment down, tugging until they were in line with his trousers. His cock bobbed against his stomach, hitting the material of his shirt, with a glistening stain left in its wake. 
Wrapping a leg around his hip, (Y/N) didn't even realize she was trying to pull him closer until she felt herself teeter on the edge of the counter. Harry caught her with a huff of laughter leaving his lips. 
"Careful, love," he muttered, hooking an arm around her waist while the other stayed right on the full of her thigh.
"Sorry," she breathed, planting her hands on his chest though she couldn't keep her gaze off of his length, "I'm just..." 
"Ready for me?" he said, posing a question as much as he was finishing her sentence. 
"Yeah," she said, nodding her head with her fingers curling into the material of his shirt, "Please, daddy." 
She swore she could see his cock jump at her words. 
"Okay, baby," he told her, his voice stilted some, "Hold me, 'kay?" 
Unfurling her fingers from his shirt, she curled her arms around his neck and hugged herself to his chest. His cock fit snug between them, the base pressed into her clit enough to draw a shaky breath from her lungs. Harry's own breath became strained, his chest stuttering.
He held her steady with his arm around her waist while his other slid from her thigh. She could feel the faint touches of his fingertips as he felt around, wrapping his fingers around his cock before lining up with her core. The first touch of his tip against her pulsing hole, her breath caught, her spine stiffening.
Giving her a moment to breathe, he ran the head through her fold. With every bump to her clit and lingering nudge against her opening, she was reminded just how close she'd been before when he had been on his knees between her thighs. She curled her leg around his own that much more, drawing him nearer. 
"Good?" he crooned, the word coming out in a breath.
She didn't even think before, "Yes, daddy," was spilling from her lips. 
That was all Harry needed to hear before the nudges turned into a full thrust of his hips, pressing his cock into her core. A whimpering moan built in her chest as he sheathed himself inside her, her walls parting for him with shuddering pulses. Harry had his own lingering moan that sounded in her ear, elongated and low as he finally got to feel her around him for the first time since moving in. 
"Been too long," he panted, smearing his lips against the hinge of her jaw as she hugged him tighter. 
"It-It's been a week," she told him, stuttering over her tongue as he reared his hips back. Feeling the ridge of his head glide against her and catching on her entrance was enough to catapult her heart to her throat. 
"Too long," he affirmed, thrusting forward, his hand landing on her hip to keep her steady as she was pushed back at the force. "Too long for daddy not to have you, baby. Not gonna happen again, okay? Not since I've got you all t'myself now." 
His words melted into her skin as he kissed down her jaw, his hips curating a pace that had her body pressing back into his anchoring arm. She swore she could feel his head reaching places she had forgotten existed until he was inside her. His base smushed into her clit every time he bottomed out, giving her a jolting touch before he disappeared again in favor of sinking through her walls. She was sure he could feel that jolt just as much with the way she tightened into a snug hold around his length. 
"Not gonna happen again, daddy," she repeated, feeling a bit delirious as she threw her head back, just barely missing the edge of the cabinets as she presented more of her neck for him to kiss. "All to myself now." 
She could feel the huff of his laughter fanning across her heated skin as his lips met the neckline of her dress. "You've got me all to yourself, baby."
Her thighs bunched around his hips, the muscles tightened when he removed his steadying hand on her thigh. She rocked against the counter with every thrust of his hips, the force knocking a small noise loose from her chest each time. 
Curling his fingers around the corseted top of her dress, Harry pulled it down until her bare chest was put on display for the warm air between them to reach. Moving her hands up until she had her fingers dancing through the long curls of his hair, she combed her fingers through the strands as he kissed down her chest with his own hand landing on the thick of her thigh. 
His lips planted a trail over her skin, outlining the swells of her breasts and the line of her cleavage before catching her nipple. The sucking kiss had the pit of her stomach twisting and tying into a tight spiral, knocking her lungs against her ribs in favor of making room for the warmth filling her abdomen. It wasn't a touch she was usually accustomed to, but every now and then, Harry toyed with her body just right to have the feel of his mouth on her chest rivaling that of his touch on her clit. 
"Daddy," she squeaked, her fingers curled tight in his hair, "I think—I—" 
"I know, love," he murmured against her chest, the tip of his nose skimming the flesh, "I can feel it. Y'cum whenever you're ready, yeah? Let daddy have it—I've missed it." 
Even if it was a bit silly—something she may feel embarrassed over with a clearer mind—(Y/N) swore she could feel his voice against her heart, the rumble of his words sinking through her muscle and bone and straight to the pumping chambers. 
"I missed you, too," she stuttered out, her tongue thick in her mouth, "Missed you fu—"
A pinch settled between her brows when she realized what she had been about to say. 
"Missed me what, baby? What were y'gonna say?" Harry prodded, dragging his mouth up from her chest to land on the point of her chin in a searing kiss. 
"Um—I don't know," she breathed, attempting to catch him in a kiss before he pulled just too far out of reach.
Between them, the sound of her folds parting for him with her slick making a mess of their legs sounded within the space, suddenly louder than any soft song that could be playing from her heart shaped speaker. Harry chanced a look down, catching the way his length glistened in the low remaining light with his mouth dropping into a small gape as his breath came out in pants. His arm around her back tightened, angling the small of her back just right to allow him deeper inside. 
"Were y'gonna say y'missed me fucking you?" he asked, breathless as he couldn't tear his eyes from where they were joined. 
Combing her fingers through his hair, she caught the long strands falling in his face. She swallowed around her dry throat. "May-Maybe," she peeped, stuttering through the word as he surged his hips forward in a particularly deep stroke. 
A deep groan rumbled through his chest, his arm around her and his hand on her thigh tightening as he fell into her. His face was buried in her neck, his lips brushing the column of her throat. 
"Will y'say it for me, angel? Please," he murmured, his voice pitching with the plea. 
Had there been anything going on in her head, (Y/N) might have protested, just as she always playfully did when he poked about this same subject. But her head was too full and too empty at the same time. Her only feasible option was to give him what he wanted—especially when he was taking care of her the way he was. 
"I-I missed you fucking me, daddy." 
The heavy groan he let out dripped over her shoulder, warm and rumbling. His own curses filtered through after, his hips still knocking against her own with every stroke as he bottomed out inside her. 
"Never gonna let it happen again, right, love?" he panted, sounding a bit delirious as he began to babble into her neck. 
His bubbling words became the soundtrack as he felt his hand slip from her thigh to head between their bodies. He pressed his palm into her mound with his fingers stretching across the small of her tummy, leaving his thumb to dig right against the pad of her clit. 
"Can y'say it again? Please?" he asked, bringing her back to the moment with decipherable words. 
Her eyes fell closed, her too stimulated from everything to worry about the world beyond the cocoon of their bodies. Every muscle seemed to be bunched that much tighter, pressure leaking through until there would be nowhere else for it to go, but out. 
"I-I'm so close," she whimpered, clinging to him as he mouthed at her throat, his cock twitching inside her, "Keep fucking me, H." 
A moment later did (Y/N) feel the way he shuddered against her, his hips lingering once he bottomed out, only to roll against her. His mouth was in a gape at her neck though no noise came out, leaving him slack-jawed as the first paint of his cum roped out. Though he attempted to keep his thumb on her clit moving, he was far too heavy headed as he rolled his hips into hers, soaking in his own orgasm. Wetness flooded her walls, her insides shuddering as she felt each motion of his cock inside her, hyper aware of every ridge and minute rock of his hips.
"Fuck," he muttered, her first clue that he was floating back down to earth, "I love you—shit, 'm sorry." 
"Don't be sorry, why are you sorry?" she breathed, combing her fingers through his hair. She couldn't help but to wriggle in his hold, her own release teetering after feeling him cum inside her. 
"I—You're supposed to be first," he said, breathing heavily into her neck once the last dredges of his pleasure seeped out of his system. 
"I'm fine, it's fine," she smiled, pulling him from her neck only to press her lips to his, "It's okay, you d—" 
Her words were choked off when he started circling her clit with new vigor, rearing his hips back just enough before stroking into her once more. Though he was slowly softening and she could tell the feel of her walls sucking around him was too much, he didn't do anything other than tuck his bottom lip between her two and work her back to the edge she had been balancing on. 
It didn't take long for her muscles to bunch under her skin, her spine to stiffen, and stomach to mold into a tight ball. Her toes curled from where she had her legs wrapped around him, her fingers doing the same in his hair. 
"'M here, baby," he murmured, smearing his lips against hers in a kiss, "Cum for me." 
With a flutter of her lashes as her eyes fell closed and a bubbling call of his name falling from her tongue, (Y/N) felt every bunch of pressure in her body release. Her walls shuddered just as her lungs did, her breath stilted. A heat surged through her system that felt cold by the time it touched her fingertips and toes. Her clit pulsed under his thumb, her insides tightening around his softening cock and the mess he'd left inside her. 
Harry worked her through it as best he could, letting her take her time in the clouds before every touch became too much for her. Though she kept her arms wound around his neck, she loosened her legs from around his waist, leaving him free to pull out with a slick sound filtering through the kitchen.
(Y/N)'s breathing came in pants as she closed her thighs around his hips, knocking his hand just off center enough to show him she'd had enough for the time being. 
"Harry," she breathed, an aftershock reaching up her spine.
"(Y/N)," he answered just before giving her a small peck, a smile on his lips. 
Hugging herself to him, jumping when her sensitive clit touched his soft cock, she tucked her head under his chin. 
"We just had sex in our kitchen," she murmured into the dip of his collarbones. 
A laugh fell from his lips, loud and boisterous. Arranging his arms around her to reciprocate her hold with his palms pressed into the planes of her back, he squeezed her that much tighter to his chest. "We did, didn't we?" 
"Is that gross?" she peeped, suddenly hyper aware of the cold countertop under her legs. There wasn't much time left before she was sure there would be a bigger mess to clean up given just how slick her core felt. 
He shrugged around her, giving her a kiss to the top of her head. "Did y'like it?"
She answered him in a shy nod as if she hadn't been begging him to fuck her just a handful of minutes before. 
"Then, no, 's not gross." 
Smiling into his throat, she melted into him. Even with the boning of her dress poking into her skin, the way her slick was beginning to cool on the inside of her thighs, she could see herself sticking to his moment for as long as she was allowed. 
"I had so much fun with you tonight, baby," Harry muttered, his voice as soft as the touch of his lips to her hair, "Thank you." 
"I had fun, too," she told him, peeling away just enough to look up at him with moony eyes, "Thank you for wanting to live with me." 
Dimples appeared in his cheeks, his smile tender to match the way he looked at her. "Didn't have much of a choice, did I? 'S not normal to send half of m'heart to another house every night, is it?" 
His corny, sticky-sweet words only served to make her heart bloat and reach for his own as if it could leap out of her chest if it tried hard enough. A bubbly laugh fell from her lips, (Y/N) hugging him that much tighter with her cheek laying against his chest. 
"But, seriously," Harry amended, his voice void of amusement as he murmured against her hair, "Thank you for choosing me—I feel lucky everyday that I get to have a life with you like this." 
Every bit of laughter in her chest waned out in favor of fluffy affection tickling the chambers of her heart. She nuzzled closer to him, basking in his warmth and the scent of his skin. She wondered how long it would be until she had those same notes imprinted on her, how long it would take for Harry to linger with notes of cherry on his clothing.
"I love you," she told him, sincerity dripping from each syllable. 
"I love you more," he cemented, dropping a lingering kiss to the top of her head.
Before she had a chance to playfully argue back, Harry shifted his hold on her, adjusting his hands until they slid underneath her bottom. He lifted her from the countertop, (Y/N) clinging to him with a gasp escaping her throat. 
"What are you doing?" she rushed out, wrapping her limbs around him as tight as she could manage.
A bubble of laughter plumed from him. "We've got to clean up and then look at the damage we left here. Or did y'plan on sleeping in your princess dress?" 
The thought of spending the night in the boned corset without panties or even socks on had a frown embedded on her lips. "No. Clean first." 
"That's what I thought," he smiled, carrying her off with a kiss planted on her temple. 
On their way to the bedroom, (Y/N) laid her cheek against his shoulder, the walls of their home passing them by. Her gaze lingered on the photos of them littering the walls, the memories she'd made with him over the short time she'd had her Harry in her life. 
She wondered how many picture frames the walls could hold. They had a whole lifetime now to share many more special moments, and she didn't want to miss a moment.
ahhhh! im so happy I finally got this part of their story out!! thank you so much for reading, sorry for any mistakes, and please lmk if you have any fun ideas or anything at all :)
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inkskinned · 1 year
i'm used to it, and how bad it is, and how often it's so bad that it rings like a bell inside of me, drowning out everything around me. and the truth is that i get frustrated with myself about it - again? we're like this still? again? it's not that i feel weak, precisely. it's just this sense almost like - i've already been pushing against this thing for years now, shouldn't i have gained more ground?
i get frustrated because i'm sick of picking up the loose ends every six months. i get frustrated because it's always this same shit, same problem - i lose myself in a matter of months; spiral out of control, lose touch with friends and loved ones. i stop taking care of myself and therapy gets hard and i let everything around me wilt and shrivel and fall off; start somehow both sleeping too much and not-enough. i panic-attack and cry in my car in a target parking lot, pulling my hair out and hurting my ribs from sobbing so hard - and later, when i'm better, i'm embarrassed because how could i let it get that far?
it feels like - i already have done this so many times. isn't there a way out of it? isn't there a point where i've just... won? that it never happens again, that i just get to be done? maybe this is weakness, i guess - that i still (so often!) succumb.
i am used to it, so i forget exactly how hard it gets. do you even know how many times i've laid in bed, exhausted, blank and numb and listless and said - i can't anymore. i just can't. i'm not even really upset. it's okay. i've been here long enough. so much of my life was beautiful.... i'm just... done.
do you know how many times i woke up and i said - i can't and put my feet on the floor and said i can't, i don't want to and took a shower and walked the dog and bought myself fresh bread and put a nice playlist on and said i really can't, there's no end to this and i went to work and i called a friend and i made myself cookies even if food tasted like ashes and decided that i really should wait for the new album from that artist i love and i thought i can't, it's not worth it and then i washed my hands and cut my hair and drank more water and wrote a poem and signed up for an art class at the local community college and said i can't, i can't, i won't do this again, and i paid my rent and let the dishes rot in the sink but still made myself eat anything fresh even if it meant overdrawing my account on a stupid bag of plums just because they looked delicious and do you know how often i closed my eyes and thought this is it i really fucking can't, something has to give and i have nothing left that it can take and then i went to bed and i got up and i fucking survived anyway
yesterday the local ice cream place opened up for the first time this season and they were giving out tiny samples of their new dairy-free options and i tried a mango sorbet. three months ago i was positive that februrary was going to be my last month on the planet. i am teaching my dog a new trick and i just discovered a new band i love. i got a plant from the clearance aisle and repotted her and she's been perking up. i made salmon for alison and we ate it in her new house with her new beautiful baby girl. my manager told me he keeps recommending my work to others just because i always include a stupid number of puns. tomorrow i'm trying a new dance class. tomorrow i'm maybe going to buy more plums.
i forget, you know? it's not some bone-deep strength or some magical power. it's that some part of me knows - i need to stay. in all of this; out of all of this - i just want to choose love.
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littleprinces · 1 month
Father's Desires in the Bathroom
Haneul x M! Reader, Happy Haneul Day
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Tonight is a summer night, and I was alone in the house, tidying up some things in the bathroom when I heard a faint knock on the door. I opened it to find Haneul, my beautiful daughter standing there with a shy smile on her face.
"Sorry to bother you, Dad" she said, her eyes cast downward. "I hope I'm not disturbing you."
I couldn't help but notice how stunning she looked, with her long, silky black hair framing her delicate, porcelain-like face.
"Not at all, Baby. You're welcome to use the bathroom. And if you need any help, just let me know," I said with a smirk.
She blushed and giggled nervously, her eyes meeting mine for a brief moment before she quickly looked away. I could tell she was intrigued by my flirtatiousness, and I decided to take things a step further.
"Actually, Baby, I could really use some help in the bathroom. Would you mind giving me a hand?" I asked, raising an eyebrow teasingly.
She hesitated for a moment, clearly unsure about what to do. But the curiosity in her eyes was too strong to resist, and she eventually nodded her head in agreement.
Once inside the bathroom, I turned on the tap in the sink and started washing my hands, making sure to splash some water on my face to create a genuine need for assistance.
"Oh no, I seem to have splashed some water on my shirt. Could you please help me dry it off?" I asked, turning around to face her.
Haneul's eyes widened in surprise, but she didn't back away. She cautiously stepped forward and reached out to dab at the wet fabric on my chest. Our eyes met, and I could see the desire building up in her.
I took her hand and pressed it against my growing erection, making it clear that I wanted her. She gasped in shock, her eyes wide with lust.
"Even if I am your daddy, you still want me, my daughter?" I asked in a husky voice, slowly unbuttoning her shirt to reveal her small and perky breasts.
She nodded, her voice barely audible. "Yes, I do, Dad"
I pulled her close and began kissing her passionately, our tongues exploring each other's mouths in an intense French kiss. I could feel her body trembling with anticipation as I continued to undress her, eager to feel her warm, soft skin against mine.
Once she was completely naked, I laid her down on the bathroom floor and spread her legs wide open. I could see her glistening pussy, a stark contrast to her smooth, pale skin.
"You're so wet for me, Baby" I whispered in her ear as I began to lick her clit, teasing her with soft, gentle strokes.
She moaned in pleasure, her hands running through my hair as I continued to pleasure her. I could feel her getting closer to the edge, her body tensing up with each passing second.
"Please, I can't take it anymore," she breathed, her voice barely audible.
I smiled, knowing that she was ready for what was to come. I slid my fingers inside her tight pussy, preparing her for my throbbing cock. She gasped in pleasure, her eyes rolling back in pure ecstasy.
"I'm going to fuck you so hard, Baby. You're going to feel it for days," I growled, positioning myself behind her.
She looked over her shoulder, her eyes pleading with me to take her. I grabbed her hips and slowly eased my cock into her wet, inviting pussy, savoring every inch of her tight warmth.
"Oh, yes, Haneul. You feel so fucking good," I groaned, starting to thrust deeper and harder with each passing moment.
"Yes, fuck me, please daddy!" she cried out, her voice echoing through the bathroom.
I pounded her relentlessly, feeling my cock swell with each powerful thrust. She was moaning and panting, her body writhing beneath me as I brought her to the brink of ecstasy.
"I'm going to breed you, Haneul. I'm going to fill you up with my cum," I growled, feeling the tension build up inside me.
"Yes, do it, please dad! Feel your good girl with your cum!" she begged, her voice trembling with desire.
With one final thrust, I exploded inside her, filling her pussy with my hot cum. She cried out in pleasure, her pussy clenching around my cock as she experienced the most intense orgasm of her life with her own father.
We lay there, spent and breathless, our bodies intertwined in a passionate embrace. As I looked into her eyes, I knew that this was just the beginning of our secret, i love you my daughter, won haneul.
Happy birthday haneul!
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offthepages · 2 months
And so the stars aligned. Pt 3
Azriel x Archeron!Sister reader.
Summary: After a few weeks of Azriel teaching you to read, your sisters confront you about how much time you’re spending with him.
Warnings: Some slight suggestive stuff? Nothing explicit.
Ageless and MDNI
a/n: I know that I should probably- not upload so often. However, this has been knawing at my brain all day and I really just needed to post it so I can write the next part.
Part One, Part two, Part Four Requests are open!! Masterlist
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You and Azriel walked up toward the exit of the Library after yet another reading lesson. Your arms linked, as you let your hand rest on his forearm. He always offered you a hand, an arm, something to keep you close to him. Not that you minded being closer to him. The Illyrian was tall, warm, and very easy to hold onto. His scarred hands never purposely reached for yours, but sometimes you’d brush hands as you exchanged books or he delicately took the pencil from you to help you spell. You’d have to think pure thoughts for the next few hours. Keeping your mind off of what you wanted to feel them doing.
For about two weeks you’d meet here for a few hours each day and practice your writing, spelling, reading, and anything else Azriel deemed important for you to know. Clotho had stopped him apparently from bringing in a punching bag to train you. You couldn’t help but laugh so hard tears gathered and your stomach hurt after, when you walked down to the fifth floor only to see him pouting about it. "You big Illyrian baby." You coo'd after your laughs died down. And you rubbed his shoulders a little. He hadn't looked you in the eyes that day. But the lessons were working, you could now confidently read through the stack of books he brought to every meeting.
“I think we can upgrade to chapter books soon.” He speaks up, pulling your attention away from your thoughts. His warm, honey gaze finds yours as he lets a soft smile break through that normally stoic face of his.
“You think so?” You hum, with a slight tinge of hope. Maybe you could actually read the book you toted around thanks to him.
Azriel nods, closing his eyes as he does so. “Mmh. You’ve got the foundation down. Now we expand it.” His voice is smooth and calm. He spoke with ease, and somewhere deep within you it made you feel safe, calm. You’d wondered if that’s why you learned so quickly, because the words you didn’t know- they sounded like rich, warm melty chocolate in his voice. And you’d repeat it in your head all night long as you laid there in bed recounting your day. You didn't want to admit to yourself how late you stayed up thinking about him.
Your reply to Az gets cut short however as you hear your oldest sister's voice cut through the library. “Ah! If it isn’t our one and only, y/n.” Her voice drips in condescension, and normally you could handle Nesta. She didn’t scare you, not like the others at least. You knew her and knew that tone, you knew that tone of voice all too well. She was like a lion ready to pounce. Relentless teasing awaited you as you gazed at your sister. And she knew it too, watching you with a feline smirk as her hands rested on her hips in a power pose.
“Nesta.” You nod at her, removing your arm from where it had safely rested in the crook of Azriel’s arm. Immediately feeling colder, less protected. Vulnerable in front of your sister now. You felt the cool swirling sensation of Azriel’s shadows rising to attention, aware and ready to pull you back if needed. Nesta raised an eyebrow at the two of you, a slight smirk she tried to will into nothing. “How can I help you?” It was then you noticed your other two sisters, and now your brow furrowed. Elain stood smiling dumbly, like a love sick little puppy at Azriel. Her eyes raking over him. Something in her gaze made the hair on your arms stand, and you wanted her to stop looking at him like a piece of meat. Feyre stood watching you with a quirked eyebrow and a little grin. Her blue grey eyes shinning in amusement, like she too couldn’t wait to tease you. But it wasn’t everyday your sisters came together. Had something happened? Was everything okay?
Nesta looks Azriel up and down, not in the same way Elain had been. No she was sizing him up, in a fight you’re not sure the shadowsinger would win. Squinting at him before using her chin to motion him out. “We can assist her home. Thank you.” Nesta’s tone leaves no room for argument. Azriel for the briefest moment locks eyes with you. Asking you silently if you’d be okay with that, so you give a subtle nod. His shadows swirl around him again, something that was less common when it was just you too. They always pooled around your feet like a dog. You wondered if you could pet them. Unable to help the smile that spreads, you give a small wave to see him off. Watching him hesitate as he looked at you and your sisters, but his eyes glossed over and he chuckled lowly under his breath. And gods what you wouldn’t do to hear that sound again. Feyre must have said something to him with her daemanti powers.
So with that, Azriel left your side. Albeit a little unwillingly as he pressed a kiss to your temple before glaring at Nesta as she coo'd at you. He disappeared into the shadows. Leaving you now with your sisters who were all staring at you expectantly. Suddenly you felt like you were nothing but a child in front of them. Caught with your hand in the cookie jar and chocolate smeared on your face. Subconsciously you wiped your lips. "…hello." You greeted.
Nesta continued to smirk as she watched you. Knowing what her gaze did to her youngest sister. She uses her head to motion them out, not waiting for anyone to argue with her. And the rest of the Archerons followed suit, finally, Feyre speaks up, as if she didn’t just bombard you and demand you go with her. "So, will you join us for lunch?"
"I don't think I had a choice." You jest, elbowing her playfully. Feyre looks over at you with slightly wide eyes, as if feigning hurt, before her smile breaks through. Her laughter becoming instantly contagious. “Whose idea was this?" You look over at Nesta and Elain.
"Why must there be a reason for sisters to hang out?" Elain shrugs, looking at you with an amused smile and shooting you a wink. Squinting at your sister she can’t help but just smile more. Nesta just winks at you as she leads you to Rita's, it didn't surprise you that it was Nesta's favorite restaurant. With the vibrant music that always played, sometimes accompanied with bad karaoke singers; those were your favorite nights. Rita’s was a busy place- easy for conversations to get lost amongst others. Oh, and of course, the food was delicious. You truly didn't mind going out to lunch with your sisters, it was nice to have an actual familial bond with them.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
Conversation came easy as you all discussed everything and anything. Catching up with each other like old friends, part of it made you long for this in your girlhood. It would have made those years of poverty just a little brighter. Feyre told everyone how Rhys was trying to teach Nyx to fly, except for the fact that Nyx's wings were still too floppy to work. You admired the way that she lit up talking about her family. Seeing her happy meant that maybe you’d be that happy one day too. Nesta tells everyone about Gywn and Emerie's recent book recommendations. And her words made you long for friends that could talk back, unlike the flowers in the gardens. Elain discusses her garden plans- and even asks what they think about her opening a flower shop. You wondered if she’d let you work there, it be so nice to get out of the house. To have a purpose.
And then- like the vultures that your sisters were, their eyes landed on you. Blinking owlishly at them, you noted Feyres smirk. Nesta had a raised eyebrow as she rested her head on her intertwined fingers. Elain had her hands folded neatly in front of her. This just became an interrogation. "…what?" You ask, looking around to see if there is a reason why they're looking at you like this. Your heart beating a mile a minute, and you tried to subtly wipe your now sweaty palms on your dress. “Did I do something?”
"Let's get to the real tea." Feyre grins, setting her drink down and putting a hand on yours. She knew physical touch was one way to help you calm down. She’d offended used it to help comfort you as a child. "What is going on with you and Azriel."
You blink again and suddenly- you can't help the laughter that erupts from you. They had truly thought something was going on with you and Azriel! As if it wasn't obvious that Azriel was hopelessly in love with Elain! You wave away the ridiculously thoughts coming out of your sisters mouths. “You guys are ridiculous" You laugh, sighing heavily as you continue to grin. "Nothing is going on between us."
"He meets with you every Friday for hours," Elain says sharply. Her tone catching you and your other sisters off guard. And for a second, your hurt. Hurt that she could ever use that tone with you, not believe the words you were saying. "Something is going on."
Your eyes lock onto Elain's and there's anger in hers. She's upset about it, upset that you made a friend. She had friends! She had Cerridwen, and Nuala! The was two more than you had. Ever. Your nose wrinkles in disgust as you watch how she tries to intimidate you into answering her. Was this how you looked that first night in the Library? Is that why Azriel laughed at you? Elain looked as harmless as a kitten. "Nothing like your thinking." You reply cooly, trying not to start a fight with your sister. That was the last thing you wanted to do, and Cauldron. It would ruin the friendship you and Azriel had just started to form. That hot headed, stubborn Archeron temper didn’t need to come out now. Not when there was another hardheaded and stubborn Archeron in front of you.
"So then it shouldn't be a big deal to tell us." Elain snaps back. Nesta and Feyre exchange a look at the two of you. You can feel your blood boiling at her tone. But you knew you had to stay cool, calm and level headed. So as gingerly as you can, you reply.
"It's none of your business." And you would have thought you just insulted Elain by the way her face twisted with rage. She puts her hands on the table and stands with a swift, graceful movement. The chair loudly scooting out from behind her, dragging attention to the table. But Elain didn’t seem to care. Staring at you with fire in her eyes, like logs on a campfire.
"As your sister, it is. And as someone who is in lov-"
Knowing exactly what was about to come out of her mouth, you feel the ugly green monster boiling up inside you. You couldn’t stop it, no matter how hard you tried. She had a mate. Someone who wasn't Azriel. What happened when Azriel found his mate? What then? Would she demand that he stay away? It was ridiculous. An absolute ridiculous thing to say and expect of someone else. In a less graceful, more forceful way. Your chair shoots out the same way, and you thank the mother Feyre grabbing it before it could fall. You match Elain's actions as you glower at her. Surprised by how low your voice had gotten, "You have a mate. That you claim you don't love because you simply refuse to get to know him. Lucien is a kind man, he gets you a Winter Solstice present every year and tries to make it as thoughtful as he can while knowing so little about you. He is allowing-"
"Allowing?" Elain laughs shortly, "I should be grateful for him allowing me to reject him?" Her eyes bare into yours as if she is trying to find any little thread to unravel you with.
"Have you even told him you rejected him!?" You shout back at her. You hadn’t meant to raise your voice, people were usually quiet, and gentle with Elain. And here you were screaming at her in a bar…
Elain's face drops but it doesn't stop you from going in again, despite knowing you had made your point. This was about more than just her rejection of Lucien. It was about the lack of care and compassion your sister showed a man who tried to help her. "He is allowing you space- which you asked for, mind you! He could be all over you; there are horror stories of mates, Elain! But instead of trying to get to know him you instead clung onto someone else. And what? You're in love with someone else's mate? Lucien is a good, kind man. And it’s also not his fault that you were mated from the moment you stepped out of the cauldron. But he tried to be there for you. Badgered us about getting you food and sunlight. Even now! He writes you letters, but do you ever answer? Do you give him the time of day? I’m not saying you owe him your affection, but I am saying he deserves a mate who is willing to try.”
The table is silent for a moment. Letting your words hang in the air before Elain holds her head higher. "Mates do not have to be accepted."
"Elain." Nesta snaps, "Y/n has a point. You are in love with someone else's mate. You see how happy Cassian had made me, helped pick up my broken pieces! Showed me love while I healed. How happy Rhys makes Feyre! Giving her a life she could have never dreamt of. You can't so easily dismiss Lucien without at least trying."
"Oh, and you were one to so easily accept your mate?" Elain lashed out. Her eyes turning slightly misty. You quickly exchange a glance with Feyre who looks just as concerned as you. And the hurt on Nesta's face was there for just a split second before she steeled herself and opened her mouth-
"He's been teaching me how to read." You answer the first question quickly, looking down at your glass. Your reflection reminded you of your younger years again. Your sisters arguing at the table as you ate a meal you prepared. Trying to keep from your cheeks redding as your sisters turned to you. You could just imagine their expressions, shocked, disappointed and maybe a little upset you hadn’t asked one of them. Not being able to read was the last thing you wanted to admit, but you'd rather embarrass yourself than have them at each other's throats. There had been so much fighting in this world recently. There didn't need to be more. The fighting didn’t need to be between sisters. You dared to look up at them, Feyre was smiling gently as she reached out and took your hand. Giving a gentle squeeze. She understood you the most, both of you didn’t have the education that the other two did. Nesta looked at her water, frowning and contemplative. It was almost as if she looked guilty. Elain found a spot on the table interesting. The silence was too heavy, so you continued, "He realized the book I always carried around…he realized I wasn't reading it. And so he tricked me, got me down into the library, and made me try to read…ever since then he's been teaching me…"
"You know, Rhys also taught me how to read." Feyre supplies to help ease the tension. “By making me write about how handsome and charming he was.” Nesta and you snort, rolling your eyes affectionately at your brother in law. Feyre takes your hand better, giving another squeeze. “And now I can read and write just fine. And I would bet good money that Azriel is a better teacher than him." She winks. You gave her a thankful smile.
"He says we can move onto chapter books soon…" A small smile spreads across your face as you recount what had happened just a few hours earlier. "Maybe I can join your book club then, Nes." You look at your oldest sister in hopes of pulling her out of her thoughts. The last thing you wanted was for her to feel guilty about it, your father should have picked up the slack. Not her. Nesta looks up at you, smiling back at you with a softness rarely seen.
"If you can handle it." She shrugs with a half committed grin. After another beat of silence she sighs, reaching across the table to take your other hand. "I'm sorry. Like Feyre, I had no idea where your lessons started and how much you knew…"
Shaking your head, you squeeze her hand. "It wasn't your job. You were a child just like me. If anyone should have stepped up it was Dad. And besides, reading wasn't going to help us get out of poverty. We did what we could. And now, we have a life of comfort…" You give another thankful smile to Feyre. "Thanks for mating the most powerful High Lord in Prythian." You tease, your sisters laugh unexpectedly at the comment. It was a strange thing to thank Feyre for. There was so many things you could have thanked her for- and yet you chose her mate. But Feyre didn’t seem to mind, she welcomed it with open arms. Bowing her head as if to say ‘you’re welcome.’
Then, when the laughter died down, you look over at Elain, "And if you want me to stop the lessons with Azriel then I will. I'm sure we can get me a tutor now that I know the basics."
Elain raises her head to look at you and then sighs. Shaking her head, "No. You're right. I haven't been fair in demanding attention from Azriel, giving him my heart so easily when…when I haven't given my own mate the chance. Truthfully, I'm just scared. To lose someone like I lost Greyson. I thought… I thought for sure Greyson would love me no matter what. I thought our love was stronger than just some pointy ears. And,” She pauses as she purses her lips. Nesta gently rubs her back, Feyre takes her hand as you take the other. Gathering around her in support. “And i’m scared that something with happen to Lucien as well. I see how much you love your mates and I just- I just couldn’t bear to loose anyone like that again.” Elain lets out a shaky breath at her confession, squeezing you and Feyre’s hands. “Azriel would be a good partner. I know to expect him to leave at times…" She leans back into the chair and lets out a whistful sigh, "Plus he's hot."
That gets the table to erupt into laughter again, "As if Lucien isn't?" You ask playfully.
"Oh please, Illyrian men are the way to go." Nesta winks, "They don't talk about the wing spans for no reason."
"Gross!" You giggle as the conversation starts up again, becoming easier between you and your sisters. ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
As you arrived back at the River house, laughter still surrounded you and your sisters. The four of you make your way into the living room to continue your fun night, but find it already occupied with the Inner Circle. Spread across the rooms with various wine bottles, and a few snacks scattered about.. "Hello, Feyre Darling." Rhys greets and gets up, taking her in his arms, "We couldn't let you have all the fun. Now could we?" He smirks, looking over at you and your sisters. “Did you girls have a goodnight?”
“Not as good as the one here.” You muse, crossing the room to grab some of the charcuterie board they had left. “Rita’s doesn’t have fancy meat.”
“At least not when you’re not there.” Cassian ribs, elbowing Rhys as he passes by. Rhys’s quip back gets lost in the laughter the ensues from your joke. And as Cassian always does, presses a kiss to Feyre's cheek. He ruffles your hair, causing you to make a small noise of disapproval before quickly smoothing out your hair. He kisses Elain's hand before he pulls Nesta into his arms. Kissing her swiftly, causing you to avert your eyes.
You hear some shuffling and look up to find Azriel coming closer, something you noted he only did when he wasn’t trying to sneak up on people. His footsteps so light that he want to accidentally spook anyone. You smile at him as you notice for once he wasn't in his leathers. But that didn't mean that he wasn't still insanely attractive. It was unfair how effortless it seemed to be for him. A pair of black jeans that were a bit looser than his normal pants but still hugged his thighs, a long-sleeved blue knit shirt that had the sleeves pushed up to show off his forearms. Showing off more scars, His siphon-topped hands shoved into his pockets. Even his casual dress made you feel under and over-dressed at the same time. Your sisters and you usually wore dresses- Nesta and Feyre opted for Illyrian leathers while training. But you had done none of it, so here you stood in front of him in a plain purple sundress. Smoothing out the fabric you looked up at him with a gentle smile. "Did you have a good night?"
Azriel nods, a faint smile from him almost had you trying to catch your breath. His attention focused so innately on you, that nothing else seemed to matter. "Better now that you're here. Rhys and Cass wouldn't stop complaining about how much they missed their mates." He sighs heavily, not revealing the smirk that graces his features to anyone but you. You couldn’t help but let out a quiet giggle, shaking your head at him. His beautiful hazel eyes glimmering with amusement.
"We did not!" Cassian interrupts, pulling you and Azriel from your moment. Nesta still pressed into his arms as she held onto him. "Don't let him fool you, y/n." He pouts, “We weren’t the only ones complaining!”
You raise your eyebrow and look at Elain. She shares the amusement. "Cassian, with all due respect. You are annoying about Nesta even when she's in the next room over." Elain teases and you cover your mouth to stop the bark of laughter. But it’s too late, the room is filled with it.
"Do you hear them, Nessie?" Cassian pouts and barries his face into her neck. "They're being mean to me." Nesta laughs and pats his back. Looking at the rest of you with playful exhaustion.
"You big baby, you can take it." She offers no sympathy to her mate, who only whines in her arms. Causing Nesta to roll her eyes and look over at you and Elain again. "Drama king." She mouths.
And something about the normalcy in your sister's affection, loving her mate so openly. Being held with no reservations, bantering and kissing, and….being loved. Both of them…it causes that ache in your heart again. The crippling loneliness. Even Elain had found a spot next to Mor and Amren, letting them pour her a drink. You can't bear to watch it, it hurts too much. To feel so outside, like a stranger peering through a window. You step away from Azriel, unaware of his his eyes quickly follow you, ensure you aren’t going too far. He’s about to offer an arm when you yawn and stretch. "I think it's time to head up to bed." You give a tight-mouth smile to everyone else and bid them goodnight. Ignoring the boo’s from a tipsy Mor.
Azriel follows you up though. He’d seen the sudden change in your demeanor, almost like you closed yourself off from the family. He didn’t know what was said to you tonight, but he’d assure you til dawn if anything he deemed wrong.
You hadn't noticed him until he cleared his throat, just outside your bedroom door. Causing you to startle as you looked back. "Azriel!" You hiss as you put a hand over your heart with a little laugh. Azriel looked like a kicked puppy, his beautiful hazel eyes wide, eyebrows raised in surprise. You hadn't ever expected to see that look on his face, biting your lip to stop a laugh.
"I'm sorry!" He rushes, "I thought you knew!”
You let out the laugh that you were holding back and shake your head. "Oh, Azriel." You giggle and shake your head as you pat his bicep, the sheer size of it made your hand look downright childish. So small in comparison to all that muscle. "It's alright, don't worry. Did you need something?"
He cleared his throat, in the dim faelighting you could have sworn that you saw a blush creeping up on his cheeks. You pushed away the thoughts of how adorable he was. "I, wanted to make sure that you were okay." He whispers as he awkwardly rubs the back of his neck, refusing to meet your gaze. Watching how it darts around like he is growing more and more anxious by the second. You had never seen the Spy Master like this- so flustered and awkward. It made you wonder what he and the rest of the Inner Circle talked about while you were gone today. Cassian mentioned someone else complaining… was it him? Was he complaining about your lessons?
You blink at his words, finally registering them, before tilting your head. "…yes? Why wouldn't I be?"
"Your sisters all but kidnapped you." He says simply. His eyes finds yours again as he raises an eyebrow at you. Slightly worried that you might have forgotten. His eyes also shine with amusement as he recalls the way they'd shown up. Only for himself to be bombarded when he returned to the River House as well. No doubt Feyre, Rhys, Nesta and Cassian’s doing. Nosy fuckers. "Nesta was…" Azriel shivers as he recalls her glance. Shaking his head you laugh again at his reaction, patting his arm again. He couldn’t help but also notice the size difference between you two and it drives him up a wall.
"They just wanted to know my intentions with you Azzy." You wink, and on the Shadowsingers face was definitely a blush. "Don't worry I assured them it was nothing but evil, evil plots of learning how to read to start a coup." You continue to tease him.
Azriel glares lightly at you, but any harshness in his eyes soften the minute you giggle so hard you snort and lean into him. Resting your forehead on his chest- the closer you’d ever been to him. The way you did so in such a simple, effortless way…touching him and laughing like it was the easiest thing in the world. His heart races out of his chest as he looks down at you, shocked as he doesn’t quite know what to do, his shadows curling around your ankles and his hands on your hips to keep you from falling back as you laugh- still dazed by the pure beauty of…you and it snaps. The mating bond. You were his mate.
From now until the end of time. You were his, and he was yours. And it suddenly felt like everything in this world made sense. Holding you in his arms would feel like home, never again would it feel like he didn’t have a place in this world again. Because his place was next you. Starting from this day on. Now and forever. It feels as if his entire life had been an endless storm, constantly searching for salvation only to find it in your smile. The darkness that enveloped him washed away by your laugh. The self deprecating thoughts eased by a touch of your hand…there was nothing he wouldn’t do for you. The snapping of the bond felt as if though part of him had truly become complete. There was no greater honor than being yours. So holy dedicated to you.
If he were a lesser man, he would have surged forward and pressed his lips to yours. Needing to feel the touch of your skin against his. Giving in to his primal instincts. Tugging you closer as you both accept the bond and two- became one. Over, and over, and over again until you couldn’t move anymore.
But Azriel looks at you as you smile up at him. So innocent in the way only someone who had no idea what dirty thoughts were coming through his mind. Completely unaware of what you had just done to him. How you now had him wrapped around your finger forever and always. And then, like a freight train crashing he realized.
It hadn't snapped for you…
"Goodnight Az." You whisper as you lean up, one hand delicately on his chest, the other squeezing his forearm to help keep you steady, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "I'll see you in the morning." With that, you stepped into your room closing the door. Leaving Azriel in the hallway alone, again. ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── a/n: This one was really fun to write! Also, if you guys wanna know the dress I was picturing for the reader, its this one here. If yall have anything you wanna see, or wanna be added to the taglist let me know! tag list: @sidthedollface2 @cat-or-kitten @impossibelle @brunette-barbie1220 @scatteredstardustt @sammanna @cherry-cin @tele86 @judig92 @lana08 @stained-glass-eyes0708 @oucereeng @persephonesalvatore @fightmedraco @juniperberriesaries @whatdoyxumean @harrystyke21
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worldlxvlys · 3 months
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chris sturniolo x singer! reader
warnings: smuttt, fingering, oral (male receiving), no actual p in v
a/n: this is for @annamcdonalds67 ‘s writing challenge !! hope you enjoy <33
la da da da
da da da
the crowd went crazy after hearing only the first few chords of the unreleased song that i’d been teasing for weeks.
considering the fact that they’d never heard the full song, i found it funny how many people genuinely loved the song.
if i told you how much i think about her
you’d think i was in love
i looked out to the sea of people in front of me, growing slightly nervous at the thought of every single one of their attention being on me.
i had definitely performed before, but never in front of a crowd of people this large.
and if you knew how much i looked at her pictures
you would think we’re best friends
my nerves eased a little when i actually looked at the crowd. my eyes bounced from person to person, seeing bright smiles, tears of happiness, and people singing along.
deciding to pretend as though i wasn’t singing in front of an insane amount of people, i let myself enjoy the song.
as the words flew past my mouth and into the microphone, i thought about how excited chris was when i first played the song for him.
right before i got to the chorus, i looked over to the VIP section, immediately catching his gaze.
when i caught her gaze, there seemed to be a glint of something in her eyes, but i couldn’t pinpoint what it was.
although her face held a sweet smile, i could tell she was about to do something that would have me struggling to contain myself.
i’m starin’ at her like i wanna get hurt
and i remember every detail you have ever told me
so be careful, baby
she began to jump around on stage, her energy and happiness becoming contagious as everyone around her seemed to bask in it.
any nerves that she may have had at the beginning of the song easily washed away as she sang.
i’m so obsessed with your ex
yeah, i’m so obsessed with your ex
her hair bounced on her shoulders as she moved her head to the beat. she looked majestic, the stage lights giving her body a soft glow.
she’s got those lips, she’s got those hips
the life of every fucking party
it was almost as those she was singing about herself, her hands running up and down her body, my eyes following them.
the confidence she had was evident in her stage presence, making her seem all the more attractive.
she laid on the ground on her side, running her hands down her body while she danced seductively on the floor.
there was something so enticing about it, she made such a simple action look so alluring.
she made her way through the song, the adrenaline seeming to course through her as she bounced around on the stage.
she showed the love and passion that she had for music through a wide smile, her eyes shut as she soaked every moment in.
the further she got into her set, the hornier i got. i tried to stop myself, but my mind was consumed with the things i could do to her in her dressing room. i just needed ten minutes.
her tight skirt inched up her legs slightly with every jump, causing the curve of her ass cheek to peak out.
her low-cut top gave the perfect view her cleavage, the pendant of her gold necklace hanging just above where her tits met.
at this point, i was so hard that i was genuinely in pain. luckily for me, all eyes were on y/n, i didn’t have to worry about anyone noticing my raging hard-on.
“hi everyone!” i heard her speak into the mic, making my head whip up to her direction.
“i hope you guys are enjoying the show so far!” she was met with a roar of applause in response, causing her to let out a light chuckle.
“we’re going to take a brief, ten minute intermission, so go to the bar and grab a drink or snack, and we’ll be back soon!” she spoke, giving a light wave before walking off of the stage.
looks like i got my ten minutes.
“going to the bathroom!” i yelled out to nick and matt, bringing a hand down to cover my crotch as i sped walked to the backstage area.
i flashed the security guard my backstage pass before rushing to y/n’s dressing room.
i knocked on the door loudly, waiting to hear her answer before opening the door.
“oh, chris!” she spoke as i closed and locked the door behind me.
she rushed over to me, a bright smile on her face as she wrapped her arms around my neck.
“i’m so fucking proud of you, baby. you’re so good out there” i spoke into her neck, pressing slow kisses to her neck.
she tilted her head to the side, letting out a small sigh as her fingers slid up to my hair to pull on the brown strands.
“such a good girl for me” i sighed into her neck, “you deserve all of the love” i spoke against her skin.
i moved my head to her chest, leaving kisses to the exposed skin.
her hand quickly found my crotch, beginning to palm me through my pants. “want some help with that?” she asked me.
“i- yes, please” i spoke, my breathing picking up as she sunk onto her knees in front of me.
she pulled my pants and boxers down with one tug, wrapping her hands around my thighs as she licked up the small bit of pre-cum that leaked out of my tip.
she swirled her tongue around it before taking me into her mouth, hollowing her cheeks.
“fuck” i moaned, my hand finding its way to the back of her head.
i attempted to control myself, refraining from moving my hips.
she momentarily pulled her mouth off of me to say, “c’mon baby, fuck my mouth” before moving to take me fully into her mouth again.
i did as she said, beginning to buck my hips into her mouth, holding her head steady.
she glanced up at me through her lashes, eyes filling with unshed tears as i pushed myself in and out of her warm mouth.
i stared down at her tits, watching as they bounced harshly from the force of my hips against her body.
when she caught my gaze, she pulled the straps to her top down to expose her boobs to me.
“oh my god, yes. feels so good” i groaned out when her nose hit my pubic bone, her head shaking side to side.
there was a sudden knock on the door behind me, catching me by surprise as she continued to suck me off.
“5 minutes until you’re on!” a voice said, leaving as quickly as it came.
i watched as her hand disappeared under her skirt, causing her to begin to moan around me.
i could hear the wet sounds of her fingers inside of her pussy, my head flying back at the thoughts running through my head.
i twitched inside of her mouth, causing her to pull away from me. her mouth remained connected to me by a long string of spit while she began to twist her hand around my length.
“ come on chris, you gonna cum for me? all over my tits?” she asked, raising her eyebrows at me.
i was only able to nod my head as my eyes rolled back, thick ropes of my cum flying onto her chest.
she stood up onto her feet, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand as she grinned at me.
without another word, i turned us around so that her back was facing the door.
i hooked a hand under one of her knees, lifting it up with one hand, the other finding its way under her dress.
“let me return the favor” i spoke as i moved her panties to the side and pushed two fingers into her entrance.
“fuck, chris” she squeaked as her mouth hung open, her head falling back into the door.
her tight walls squeezed around my fingers, clamping down onto them.
there was a pounding on the door behind her, making her let out a yelp in surprise.
i covered her mouth with my hand, while she moaned into it, gripping my forearm harshly.
“2 minutes !” the voice yelled through the door.
she pushed her hips down to meet my movements, desperately chasing her orgasm.
i circled my thumb around her clit, enjoying the way she shuddered under my touch.
her head fell forward onto my shoulder, while her fingers threaded through my hair. she tugged on it harshly, eliciting a deep groan from me.
“you close baby?” i asked as she began to clench around my fingers again.
“yes, please let me cum. i’m so close, chris” she moaned out as her face scrunched up in pleasure.
“let go, princess. make a mess on my fingers”
she looked so pretty like this, her messy makeup running down her blissed-out face.
her legs began to shake, hips jerking up involuntarily and her back arching off of the door.
she let out one last cry of my name before letting go, coating my fingers in her pleasure.
“here, let’s get you cleaned up” i spoke, wiping away the smudged makeup on her cheeks.
i helped her fix herself up, before doing the same for myself.
once we deemed ourselves presentable, i opened the door. i was met with a member of the stage crew, who seemed to be preparing to knock on the door.
he gave us a knowing look before speaking, “you two couldn’t have waited until after the show?”
the two of us glanced at each other, giving the man blank stares.
“you” he pointed to y/n, “need to go get your makeup touched up” he spoke, waving over her makeup artist.
“and you” he pointed to me, “need to go back to your seat. stay away from her until after the show, got it?” he asked as he placed his hands on my shoulders, turning me towards the direction i originally came from.
when i tuned back to look at y/n she was already getting whisked away by her makeup artist.
i made my way back to my seat, meeting my brothers’ gaze. “so, you enjoy your bathroom break?” nick asked, brows raised.
“yeah, it was fine” i spoke, keeping my eyes forward to avoid his gaze.
“really? cause you just came from the opposite direction of the bathroom” matt pointed out.
before i could say anything in response, the crowd broke into a round of loud applause.
i watched y/n walk on stage, lightly smirking at the way her legs lightly shook with each step.
“so subtlety just isn’t your thing, huh?” nick asked.
“never was going for subtlety, just speed”
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collide (matt version)
tag list: @lustfulslxt @flowerxbunnie @sturnssx @mattslolita @its-jennarose @sophssturn @bernardsleftbootycheek @queen161718 @cupidsword @imwetforyourmom @nickmillersn1gf @mattsneezing @chrisstankyleg @sturniolobltch @bethsturn @bernardenjoyer @mbbsgf @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @ssturniolo @blueeyedbesson @mxqdii @sturniolowhore @readerakayourname @defnotayonna @urmom2bitch @rootbeerworshiper @starsturniolo @hearts4chriss @theyluv-meee @carolinalikesthings @itzdarling @chrisstopherfilmed @judespoision @sstvrnioloo @nicksdrpepper @chrisloyalgf @robins-scoop @fandomhopped @chr1sgirl4life @bbglmfao @55sturn @nicksmainbitch @meg-sturniolo @yamamasjumpercables @vanteguccir @ineedchriscock @junnniiieee07 @breeloveschris @luverboychris
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prettymonegasque · 3 months
Can you maybe write smut about Charles and Lando after their 2-3 finish in Australia? <3
Charlando x Reader (Charles Leclerc x Reader x Lando Norris)
A/N: I got a little (very) carried away
Warnings: Straight up porn with absolutely no plot'
Seeing your boyfriends soak each other with champagne on the podium turned you on more than you expected. It was their first podium together in over 4 years. They celebrated like starved men and you wanted to feed them. You got to Charles’ driver's room as fast as you could knowing that’s where they’ll be headed.
A few minutes later, your very sweaty boyfriends entered the room deep in conversation. They didn’t see you lying on the bed with nothing but a pair of red lingerie that left very little to the imagination. Charles was the first to notice you and he had to do a double take to believe what was before him. Lando saw his boyfriend’s jaw drop and followed his eyeline.
“Hi boys” You called out softly. “Fuck” “Putain” You giggled at their surprised faces. “Baby anyone could’ve walked in on you” Charles breathed out as he walked to you. “That’s what makes it more exciting huh? Anyone walking in and seeing how I’m laid out for my sexy winner boyfriends waiting for them to fuck me good.” He let out a groan and dropped his trophy on the floor. “Lando look at our little slut so desperate for us.” Lando was in a trance. He looked at you like a mad man but he didn’t move.
“Lan. You okay?” You pulled yourself up slightly worried. “Lay the fuck down” He demanded without blinking. Charles turned to see him. Lando wasn’t usually the one to be dominant. He was glad to let you both take the reins. But clearly, something had come onto him today. He got in front of Charles and kissed him so hard, that the poor guy stumbled a little. Lando was quick to undo both their race suits without breaking the kiss.
You couldn’t help but slide your fingers down your body. Charles finally broke the kiss to catch his breath and looked flushed. Lando turned to see you touching yourself through your panties. “Aw, my baby couldn’t even wait till I finished kissing him huh? So impatient” He tutted and harshly pushed your fingers away.
“Charlie finished second. Don’t you think he should be the first to cum today?” He got to work pulling down Charles’ boxers and taking his swollen cock in his mouth. Charles groaned and whined but he felt helpless and had no choice but to watch his boyfriend ravage him. You moaned at the filthy sight in front of you and squirmed in your place unable to do anything. Charles could feel himself getting close and he pleaded Lando not to stop. But the little shit had other plans as he pulled his cock out and smiled innocently. “Merde. Why would you do that amour? I was so close” Charles felt like he could cry.
“I want you to cum in her baby. She obviously wants us to fill her up and let everyone know who she belongs to. Look at her, we haven’t even touched her and she already looks like she’s about to cum.” Lando got rid of his boxers and pulled you to the end of the bed by your leg. He admired your body for a good minute before kneeling and tearing the tiny fabric of your body. He licked a long stripe on your pussy while Charles crawled on the bed to kiss you, swallowing your moans. Lando sucked your clit and fingered you, forcing an orgasm out of you.
You had to muster every bit of energy to not scream and let the entire Ferrari Motorhome know about your little sex capades. You didn’t have much time to recover before you were on fours and Charles lining up on your ass. Lando stood in front of you with his cock in his hand. Both your boyfriends pushed their cocks in it at the same time and you wanted to scream in pain but you stuck to sucking the cock in your mouth like there’s no tomorrow. It was their turn to now hold back their moans and avoid making any loud noises.
Charles pounded mercilessly in your ass while spanking it. “Fuck look at our slut Lando. Taking us both so well. If only everyone could see you now baby. Letting yourself be used by not one but two F1 drivers.”  “Look at how helpless she looks Charlie. Wish I could take a picture of this baby.” He moaned and fucked your face harder.
  “Putain. I’m getting close. I’m gonna cum baby. Do you want me to put a baby in you huh? Should I do it Lando? Make her look all nice and swollen for us.” Charles moaned out. “Do it Cha. Fucking cum in her. Let everyone know who she belongs to.” That was enough to tip them off the edge as they both came in you. Caution was out the window as the room was filled with pornographic noises. You were dripping from all your holes.
A minute later when you all caught your breath, they pulled out of you and you whined at the instant emptiness. Your boyfriends snuggled to you from both sides and held you tight while your body relaxed. “Was it too much baby?” Charles asked as Lando gently moved your hair out of your face. “No, it’s okay. I’m good” You smiled at him. “I hope you both realise this is only round 1. Next time I get to fill her up.”
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lets-get-saucy · 6 months
One More - Leah Williamson (smut)
Leah Williamson x reader
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Summary: a night in where your girlfriend takes care of you
Warnings: smut, reader receiving, aftercare, fluff mixed in(kind of)
a/n: somewhat rushed but I hope you like it. Let me know have any requests or suggestions 💙
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The evening had started out as a typical Friday night with your girlfriend. The two of you had dinner together and then cuddled up to watch a movie on the couch. Leah's head was currently resting on your chest as she laid on top of you. Your fingers traced shapes on her lower back under the t-shirt she was wearing. Her skin was warm to the touch and as your fingers continued their pattern the blonde squirmed in your grasp. When your hands stilled Leah's head popped up, her brows furrowed.
“Whats wrong babe?” you questioned, silently laughing to yourself at your girlfriends grumpy expression.
“You stopped” she pouted.
 Bringing your hands up to cup her cheeks you place a kiss to Leah’s lips. As you pull away she quickly recaptures your lips deepening the kiss. Her nails lightly scratch up your sides causing a groan to slip from your lips allowing Leah to slip her tongue in your mouth. Your hands move from her face to her hair, gently pulling as your mouths move together. Leah adjust slightly, one of her legs slotting in between yours. Her thigh brushes your core as her lips trail across your jaw causing you to moan at the sensations. She works her way down your neck biting and sucking as you arch up under her.
“Leah please” you whimper.
“Please what baby girl?” Leah says before biting your ear.
“I need you”
Leah pulls away from you sitting back on her heels her hands rubbing up and down your thighs.
“So needy and all from a few kisses” smirking she tsk at you.
Propping yourself up on your elbows you, look up at her from under your lashes, “please Lee.”
Sliding her hands from your thighs up to you stomach, her fingers brush under your shirt slowly pulling it up. You sit up more to make it easier to get the shirt off. Once the shirts over your head Leah tosses it to the side staring at you. You didn’t have a bra on, and your nipples were already hard.
“So beautiful” Leah says before leaning down to kiss you again.
You stop the kiss only to pull Leahs shirt off before you pull her back to you reconnecting your lips. Leah nips at your bottom lip as you pull her down with you as you lay back down. Leahs hands find your breast squeezing gently playing with them. Her kisses move down your neck once more before swirling her tongue around one of your nipples, her hand pinching the other. Moaning, you press your body further into hers wanting more, needing more.
“Lift you hips for me baby” you do as your told and Leah pulls your shorts and underwear down your legs before tossing them to the floor.
Her lips find your neck pressing open mouth kisses and sucking as her fingers trace soothing circles on your hips. One of Leah’s hands slides down her thighs, lightly scratching. You can feel how wet you are, all from a few kisses and gentle touches.
“Leah please” you gasp, “I need you”
“Patience baby” she reassures you, “it’ll be worth it, I promise”
You let out a whimper as two of Leah’s fingers graze up your slit. The blonde nips at your ear before groaning.
“So wet for me already” her fingers brush up in down teasing you in the most agonizing way.
You can’t control the moan that slips out when Leah’s fingers circle your clit. Your hands grab Leah’s face pulling her in to reconnect your lips. Gasping as her fingers work Leah’s uses this to slip her tongue in your mouth deepening the kiss. Your hips move in rhythm to her fingers, you’re already so close feeling the tension build up in your lower stomach.
“Do you want my fingers baby” Leah ask slowing down the movement with her hand.
You nod in response, grinding your hips up into her.
“Words darling” she says kissing your neck.
“Yes Leah, god please” barely able to string together words to respond to her.
Two of her fingers slip inside you, causing your back to arch as you head falls back. Leah’s fingers pump in and out hitting that perfect spot each time. You’re a mess underneath her, moans and gasp falling from your lips. You grip on to her shoulder with one hand the other scratching down her back as waves of pleasure wash over you. Leah adjust her position slightly, so her palm hits your clit on each thrust of her fingers. You feel your walls clinch around her fingers knowing you won’t be able to last much longer.
“Leah I’m going to” you mutter burying your face in her neck.
“It’s okay baby, let go” she reassures you, using her knee to help fill you even deeper.
Your orgasm overtakes you, your nails digging into Leah’s back as she works you through the pleasure. Panting you try to catch your breath as you come down from your orgasm. Leah’s fingers still before she slowly removes them. You whimper at the loss, but Leah uses her other hand to brush your hair out of your face tucking it behind your ear.
“I know, you did so well sweet girl” she kisses your cheek, then your temple, before placing a gentle kiss to your lips.
You both lay like this for a few moments sharing kisses as Leah whispers sweet praises to you. Soon enough your eager to please Leah, showing her just how good she just made you feel. Leah stops you and you look at her confused.
“I want to touch you” you say as your hands slide up and down her sides.
“I know, but I want tonight to be about you.” Leah says sitting up slightly, “let me take care of you”
With that you nod at your girlfriend, never one to tell her no, especially to more orgasms. Settling back on top of you, Leah places warm open mouth kisses down your body. Her hands pull your thighs up as she kisses down your thighs, softly biting your inner thigh causing your hips to thrust up. She lightly licks up your slit causing you to shutter, still sensitive from your first orgasm, as she settles between your legs the best she can on the couch.
“My sweet girl” Leah groans, her fingers digging into your hips “You taste so good”
Your fingers grasp on the couch, Leah’s warm breath hitting your center sending a shiver up your spine in anticipation. Leah licks lightly at first slowly building you back up. Her tongue grazes your clit, and your hands grab at her hair needing her closer. Licking down again, Leah’s tongue dips into your entrance causing you to let at a moan pulling at her hair. Her tongue works its way back up before she sucks at your clit. Arching up into her you know you wont last long, you second orgasm building up faster than the first. One of Leahs hands scratches down your thigh, as her tongue stays attached to your clit. You feel her fingers make their way back up before she inserts two into you. Leah curls her fingers up to hit your g spot while sucking on your clit. Your thighs shake as your toes curl, digging in to the couch under you.
“I’m so close” you whimper.
Leah speeds up her movements, using her free hand to hold your hips in place. Grinding down on Leah’s face you let go, your second orgasm of night fitting in full force. Leah licks at your clit as you come, her fingers gently moving inside you working you through your orgasm. As you start to come down from the orgasm, Leah removes her fingers, gently licking up your juices. Your hands fall from her hair, your body limp with pleasure as Leah kisses your hip before sitting up.
“Are you okay baby?” Leah ask her hands softly rubbing your thighs.
You nod and mhm at her unable to form words. She bends down to press a quick kiss to your lips before standing.
“Be right back” she says walking to your shared kitchen.
From where you lay on the couch you can hear Leah grabbing a glass and the tap turning up. She comes back to the living room with a glass of water. She sets the glass down on the coffee table before helping you sit up. You cuddle in close to her side, never getting tired of close contact with the woman.
“I need you to drink some water for me baby” Leah says running her hands soothingly through your hair.
After you have a few sips you sit the glass down leaning back into Leah.
“Bath or shower?” the blonde ask after a few minutes of cuddling.
She stands up, causing you to pout. You didn’t want to get up yet. You were comfortable curled into her side on the couch.
“come on, ill run you a bath then after we can cuddle in bed” Leah reaches a hand out to you and you take it standing on wobbly legs.
Her hands grip your hips steading you before leading you to your shared room. Now long after you’re in the bath, settled between Leahs legs resting your head on her shoulder. You notice Leah’s hands begin to mutter and you whimper. She bites your ear as her hands inch closer to your center.
“One more baby, then I promise cuddles in bed” she says tilting your head up so she can kiss you.
Your hinds find the blonde’s thigh and you squeeze, a silent okay to continue what she was doing. She’s slower this time, her fingers barely touching your clit as her lips move down your neck. Your hips begin to move as pleasure finds you again. Leah bites down on your neck sucking as you moan.
“That’s it, be a good girl and come for me again” she says, her fingers circling your clit.
Your third orgasm hits you faster than the previous two. Leah’s fingers are steady as your head falls back her lips meeting yours, working you through your orgasm. After you come down, Leah kisses your neck, your shoulders, her hands gently moving across your skin as she whispers how good you are. She begins to clean you up sneaking kisses as she helps wash you. Once your all clean Leah gets out of the bath first, returning to you with a warm towel before drying you off.
Settling down in bed, you wrap yourself around Leah, unable to get enough of her. Her hands rub up and down your back, pulling you closer to her.
“I love you” Leah says pressing a kiss to your temple.
“Love you too baby” you say before kissing her.
“Let’s get some sleep, maybe tomorrow you can repay me” the blonde jokes.
You scoff, rolling your eyes even though she can’t see it.
“I’m only joking love” Leah says.
“I know baby, goodnight” you say placing one last kiss for the night to her lips.
“Goodnight baby”
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elainavoid · 8 months
LN4 - And it's all too much for little Lando Norris
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Hellooo! I'm back, sorry for not being active for like six months :'c I was actually on tumblr but just didn't feel like writing anything. And this just came up to my mind randomly. Enjoy reading, feedbacks are much appreciated. Also there might be some grammar mistakes, i know they are very annoying but i just loved this sm. Love you, enjoy again <3
dad!Lando x mom!reader
You were lying in bed comfortably, moonlight was your only source of light in the middle of the night. Since you were pregnant, bright lights annoyed you, even the smallest bit of light while sleeping woke you up. You rolled onto your side, seeing your husband sleeping peacefully made you smile. You slowly raised your hand, tracing his facial features. Lando kept his little mustache and beard growing before you gave birth, but when he read an article about how it can irritate baby’s skin, he shaved it all of. Even if Daniel made fun of him.
While staring at your lover, you were disrupted with the sound coming from the baby monitor on your night stand. You sighed and tried to get up, before feeling Lando’s hands stopping you. “Sorry for waking you baby. You can go back to sleep, i’ll check on Julia. She’s probably hungry.” You said quietly. Lando laid you down, “Shh, you don’t get enough sleep darling, I’ll take care of her.” You smiled at his words, your pregnancy was tough, Lando knew this very well. He scolded you whenever you tried to get up, cook or do some housework. After giving birth to Julia, you had many sleepless nights. But Lando always stayed by your side. He couldn’t stay in bed, knowing you were probably sleep deprived and tired while taking care of Julia.
You watched him as he got up, leaving your bedroom and closing the door after him, so you wouldn’t get annoyed by the lights if he ever turned them on. You heard the nursery door opening, Julia’s soft cry, getting louder as the footsteps told you that they arrived to the kitchen. He turned on the kettle, he was probably preparing some baby formula. You heard Lando talking to Julia, trying to get her calmed down before her food cooled a bit. “Please don’t cry my little ray of sunshine. Daddy’s here now…”
After a little while, there was nothing but complete silence. Lando left the bed probably twenty minutes ago. You decided to get up, look at what they were doing. Of course you didn’t really want to interrupt their daddy-daughter time but you were getting kind of nervous. You slowly got up, you had shivers down your spine as your bare feet touched the marble floor. Getting out of the bedroom, you found them on the sofa. Lando probably fell asleep while trying to get Julia to. He had one of his arms wrapped around her, other one was holding the half empty baby bottle. You stared at them smiling, knowing that you chose the right person to spend your entire life with, you chose the perfect husband and the perfect father. But probably being a father at a young age was hard and the responsibilities it brought was a bit too much for little Lando Norris.
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jwanniie · 4 months
can you imagine Yunjin pinning you against the wall and then fucking you? Damn. I'm just thinkin' of that rn. Idk why.
First of all I love your mind oh my god. Second of all bae Yunjinnie been too fucking fine these days😮‍💨I saw your other Dom Yunjin ask and I combined those two.👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
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Pairings: G!p Yunjin x Fem reader!
Warnings: unprotected sex (don’t be silly wrap your Willy), p in v, fwb, kinda rough sex, overstimulation, Mommy kink, dom Yunjin, sub reader, not proofread and just filthy smut!!
Word count: 700 (thanks for the person who actually counted them🫡)
Nah because imagine you’ve been out with your friends all day and Yunjin who you agreed to be friends with benefits with, sends you a text message:
“You better be at my door in ten minutes, need you bad!”
As soon as you saw this message pop out into your screen you smirked at yourself, and gave random excuse to the girls.
You immediately drove to Yunjins apartment and as soon as she opens the fucking door she grabs you into a desperate kiss, not even a kiss just mouth on mouth, exchanging saliva. You feel your head hit the cold surface softly before Yunjin grabs your thighs lifting them up, your legs wrapped around her waist, her visible rock hard boner rubbing against your clothed sensitive bud.
Soft filthy sounds coming out from the both of you. She starts pressing herself harder against you, before she hisses and lets you down.
She quickly slid her slacks down, her length doubled in size while you stared eyes wide and pupils blown.she gave you a raised eyebrow look and you obeyed her, your clothes all over the apartment now.
She wrapped her hands around your thighs before repeating the same action, lifting you up. Her tip was now rubbing directly against your walls. She smeared your wetness all over your pussy before sliding herself in. Your wetness making it ten times easier.
She was gripping your inner thighs so tight that there was her nail marks. You were holding onto her shoulder for dear life while she looked at the way your lowers regions connect roughly, lewd sounds coming from you and the squelching sounds coming from your pussy making the know in your stomach build up.
With few more rocks from her hips, you started uncontrollably squirming against her body while she held you tight still. The continuous hammering of her hips against your core making you cry in pain and pleasure.
You were squeezing her extra tight now, groans coming out from her vocal cords, you squeezed her one more time knowing how she liked it and she shoot her warm substance into you, soft whimper coming out of you.
Her cock was still buried deep inside you, she hugged you while her other hand squeezed the soft flesh of your ass. You both heading towards the room in the same position, holding you like a baby.
She laid you down on her king sized bed while she hovered on top of you. The traces of her cum was all over the floor making a route from the wall to her bed. Her hands on your sides next to your head.
Her hand went down to rub your now extra sensitive pearl, your nails sinking deeper into her shoulder, while your jaw was slack open and eyes tightly shut.
“Loot at me princess!”
Her voice was soft with a hint of dominance that she knew you were easy to melt for. You instantly opened your eyes, meeting her lust filled gaze, that made your pussy muscles tighten around her more. Even tho your swollen cunt was overstimulated, you still wanted more.
She pushed her cock fully out, cum dripping down before she slammed it in again, the cum back in you.
Her cock started exploring your cunt once again. No matter how many times Yunjin has fucked you, it was a different and new experience every time.
The harsh skin slapping sound leaving crimson red color flushed on your skin. Your knees were pressed hard against your chest while she basically was torturing your cervix with her rough thrust.
“Y-yunjinnie I’m..c-close..” you moaned out, too occupied in pleasure.
“It’s mommy baby” she flashed you another smirk and that’s when you were over the edge, your orgasm hitting you hard but you still managed to mumble “I-I’m close m-mommy.”
She threw her head back, hearing what you just muttered she couldn’t help but cum embarrassingly fast. Another round of fresh new creamy liquid stuffed you up.
She pulled out leaving your exhausted body laying there helplessly. She grabbed a towel and soaked it with warm water before heading over your figure. Cleaning your inner thighs and body, before dressing you up in a clean pair of panties and clothes that you left in her house in case you were staying there. She cleaned herself before dressing in clean clothes.
She tucked you in bed before pressing her chest against your back, exchanging body warmth both in a deep sleep.
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the-froschamethyst4 · 4 months
Mommy needs her rest
𖤐Pairing: Husband! König x Wife! Reader
𖤐Pronouns: She/Her
𖤐Warnings: EXTERME fluffy, language, König being a helpful husband, children, mention of some insecurities, L word, kissing
𖤐Summary: Y/n just gave birth to hers and König’s baby boy and she needs the most rest she can get
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Y/n waddled around the house still in pain after giving birth to hers and König baby boy Leon.
Leon laid in his crib for his nap. He didn’t sleep at all last night König and Y/n both were constantly getting up every 10 minutes because he didn’t want to sleep.
Their daughter Heidi would call Leon an annoying baby because of his crying and screaming.
Y/n leaned against the kitchen sink splashing water onto some dirty plates before loading them into the dishwasher. She’s done so much for the past 9 months but she still can’t seem to relax, she feels like she needs to be up and moving around constantly.
Heidi came downstairs holding a coloring book and markers before sitting at the counter and dumping the markers all out on the counter top.
Y/n looks behind her shoulder to see Heidi coloring and humming a soft tune, well at least she seemed like she slept well.
Y/n faced the sink again and her eye lids became heavy. She forced them back open quickly and saw that some of the water from sink was on the floor.
“Dammit,” Y/n mumbles as Heidi giggles to herself.
“Mommy, you spilled water.”
“I know baby, I see that,” Y/n was trying to not sound annoyed or anything.
Y/n placed the dirty rag in the laundry room and came back to the kitchen leaning on the sink again, taking some deep breaths and holding her stomach.
Her stomach has gone down just a little big but she wants to completely gone.
“Mama, why isn’t Leon sleeping at nights?”
“I’m not sure, Heidi. He might not be use to the transition from hospital to home just yet.” Y/n says pouring herself a glass of water and chugging it.
Y/n has also been a bit stressed because of Heidi's school, since Y/n had Leon (which was a week ago), Heidi has been staying home a bit more often than usual. So, she has a meeting with her teacher and the schools principal at the end of the week.
König says he'll do it but the school simply requested for Y/n. The school is a little terrified of König.
Y/n placed her hands on her forehead as Heidi looked at her mom a bit worried now.
"I'm home!" König's voice boomed through the house. Heidi got off the bar stool and ran to König pulling his hand into the kitchen, he thought it was cute how Heidi was pulling on him, but his smiling face dropped when seeing his wife on her knees crying.
"Liebe! What's wrong?" König asked, getting on his knees next to her, holding her hand and helping her up off the kitchen tile.
"I...I feel weak," she says, it's hard for Y/n to say that because she was strong she carried a baby in her stomach for 9 months for Pete's sake.
"Liebe...maybe you should rest."
"But I want to help."
"I know you do, but you need your rest, you just had a child a week ago, you need to be in bed resting..." König's hand went to the back of her head pulling her close and kissing her forehead as Y/n cries into her husband's chest.
"If I go to bed...do you have everything under control?" She looks up at him.
"Of course. I'm a parent as well, I got everything under control, go take a rest." He kisses her forehead again.
"Okay," she looks at Heidi and bends down kissing her forehead and heading upstairs.
"Daddy, is mama okay?" Heidi asked, looking up at her father who removed his black mask showing off his scarred face.
"Yeah, yeah, she just needs some rest," he says, bending down to her level. "Now, what are we going to play?"
As Y/n made it upstairs, she gently pushes open Leon's nursery door seeing him peacefully sleeping. She smiles to herself before closing the door and heading down the hall to hers and König's shared bedroom.
She pulls the covers back and rests her head on her pillow.
König smiles at his daughter as she was telling him stories between her Barbies.
"This is Stephanie and she is married to Henry, but Henry is cheating on her with Martha."
"The one married to the baker or the one married to the Stock Broker?" Konig asked his daughter.
"The Stock Broker."
"Ah! Okay, got it." König was a little concerned on how Heidi knew about cheating or what a Stock Broker was.
"Daddy, is mama really okay?" Heidi asked him one more time as she drops her Barbies.
"Yes, baby, you know how we went to the hospital and she gave birth to Leon?" She nods in response. "Well, she became...not weak but tired all the time, she carried Leon around in her belly for 9 months, she was so strong during that time, but she just grew so tired," he tells her.
"But when she is asleep, she'll be okay?"
"Yes, baby. When she sleeps, she'll be strong again and will feel so much better," he smiles. "She just needs to heal, and she'll be just fine."
Soon loud cries filled the household, König shot up like a meerkat coming out of his home. Heidi watched her father run up the stairs and saw Leon's nursery door opened.
"No, no, no," König says as he opens it and he knew it. "Liebe-"
"I'm sorry...it was like an instinct to come and get him," she says, walking to him and giving Leon over to his father.
"Liebe, go rest, I got this okay?"
"Okay...he's hungry by the way."
"Okay," he chuckles at her. He puts his hand on the back of her head and pulled her closer to his and kissed her forehead.
König goes back downstairs and opens the freezer and saw packs of frozen breast milk. He grabs the oldest one and putting it in the microwave for some quick seconds.
"Leon, is so annoying," Heidi says.
"Heidi," he gave her a warning tone.
The microwave beeps and he pulls the pack out pouring the milk into a bottle and placing the bottle into the little bottle warmer machine. He bounces up and down and gently patting Leon's back making his cries soften.
Soon the machine beeped and he takes the bottle upside down and lets the milk drip on his skin to see if it was too hot for his son, but it was just fine.
He takes Leon to the couch, he sits back and lays Leon on his back in his arms and brings the bottle to his lips. Leon soon attached himself to the nipple of the bottle and starts drinking it.
Heidi get off the floor and comes over to her father and baby brother. She leans over König's arm to look at Leon suckling on the bottle. His tiny hands holding onto König's big fingers.
"You want to hold him, baby?" He asks his daughter.
"Not really...what if he poops on me?"
"He has a diaper on," König chuckles.
"What if he throws up?"
"We have a washer."
"No, I don't want to hold him," Heidi says shaking her head and backing up from her father.
Y/n laid on her back looking up at the ceiling, she feels like 30 minutes have passed but truly it was an hour and she hasn't slept. She just wants to hold her baby boy, spend time with her daughter and love on her husband.
She moves the covers off her body and gathers her thoughts and bearings before walking to the master bedroom door. She opens the door and hears giggling from Heidi, König's voice and hearing Leon soft giggles which makes her heart clench in her chest.
She comes around the corner and saw her husband holding her daughter by the ankles upside down hearing her joyous laughter and sees Leon on his back on his playmat Heidi above him.
"Rawww~" König yells. His daughter laughing and his son giggling kicking his feet.
"I'm Spider-Man!" Heidi yells.
Y/n leans on the doorframe and smiles at her husband and children. She took the courage and went back upstairs, she tries to be quiet and heads to bed, she gets under the covers and closes her eyes.
Y/n yawns and sat up in the bed. She rubs her tired eyes and looked outside, it was night time. She smiles knowing she was finally able to get some sleep without getting interrupted.
She moves the covers off her body and walks downstairs, she sees König asleep on the couch, Heidi on his left side, her head on his lap and Leon was being held in his right arm as the TV was on playing a cartoon called Bluey.
Y/n turns off the TV and Picks up Leon from König's arms. She gently shakes König, his eyes fluttered open.
"Good morning, handsome," she says, kissing his lips. König stretches up and picks up his sleeping daughter. "How long was I asleep?" She asked him.
König looks at the clock. "I guess about 5 hours." He smiles.
"Wow." She says. "I need to sleep more often."
"Well, when's the last time we both got some good sleep?"
"When we didn't have kids," Y/n says.
"True," he says, leaning down and kissing her lips. "I love you."
"I love you too...thank you for being a good husband and father."
"Of course, liebe," he smiles down at her, kissing her again.
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crxss01 · 1 year
hiii, can i request a e-42 miles morales where he just wants to be comforted but he’s that miles so obviously he doesn’t want to admit it and puts up a strong facade in front of reader but she knows what’s up. thank you!!
— After Dark
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pairing ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ e-42!miles morales x reader
summary ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ you have come to know miles so much that you know when he is stressed and in much need of comforting even when he tries to act tough in front of you.
warnings ✧˖ ° angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, kissing, miles is our baby boy and needs to be held, cuddling, you being a good partner.
m. list, main m.list.
translations ✧࿓☾ bonito: handsome/or pretty boy, (mi) princesa: (my) princess, cariño: dear, amor: love, te amo tanto: i love you so much, mi angelito: my little angel.
a/n . . ◟੭ hey, sweet anon! i felt this request in my heart while writing it, hope you enjoy!
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you were awaken in the middle of the night by the creak! of your window as it was forced open, you flopped back down from your sitting position after realizing who the intruder was. your boyfriend, miles morales.
"bonito, what are you doing here?" you asked him, you felt exhausted and when you looked at the clock on your nightstand you noticed you had only slept for an hour.
"sorry for waking you, princesa." he apologized, then sat on the end of your bed just examining your face. he did this often, but now there was something off with him.
"what's wrong?" you sat back up, and moved until you were kneeling on your bed right in front of him, taking his head in between your hands.
"nothing, mami." he shook his head, a small smirk making its way to his face as he looked you up and down.
the covers had come off when you moved towards him and in the process revealing your pijama shorts along with the pijama cami top.
"miles, don't play with me." you warned which wiped the smirk off his face. "tell me what's up with you."
"it's nothing, cariño. don't worry about it." he dismissed once again.
"mhm..." you hummed, then proceeded to get off your bed to kneel on the floor. grabbing his feet, one by one, you took off his jordans. you put them to the side neatly and stood back up, unzipping your boyfriend's jacket while he just observed then you took that off too and since he doesn't like sleeping with a shirt on you took it off of him.
"come on," you said getting in bed once again and grabbing his hands, pulling him up the bed which he obliged to.
he laid under the covers with you, between your legs with his head on your chest as you ran your hand up and down his back trying to bring as much comfort to him as you could.
it was silent for what felt like hours and you couldn't figure out if he was sleeping or not because of how relaxed his breathing had become, but you had your answer when he spoke up again.
"it's my mom,”
you stayed silent, wanting him to continue at whatever pace he would like to.
"she keeps working overnight shifts and i know she is doing all of that to provide for me, but it hurts me so much to see her work herself so hard like that. it makes me feel like a burden to her, because if it wasn't for me she wouldn't have to do that." he took a shaky breath, pausing.
once again you remained silent, not pushing him to continue.
"when she comes home she looks so tired and she doesn't even sleep that much because she immediately starts worrying about how i didn't eat properly and if my clothes are washed or some other stuff and it just makes me feel like shit seeing her like that and all because of me." he finishes.
you waited just in case he had something else to say before you said anything, when he didn't you took his head in your hands making him look up at you. you wanted him to look you in the eye as you spoke.
"miles morales, you're not a burden to your mother." you stated, loud and clear. the thought that your parents might hear you did not go through your head. "she works like that not only because she is raising a child all on her own and has to take care of him because she loves him so much, more than anything in this world. she also works like that so that she can be able to provide for herself. she works like that because she is a strong, beautiful and independent woman who others can not compare to. miles, you're her son, of course she would do all of that and more for you because the love of a mother is something that is unrivaled."
you took a deep breath. "if tia morales had considered you a burden, don't you think that she would've given you up to some child system or whatever? but she hasn't and would never do it, i know she wouldn't. she loves you just like you love her."
miles was looking at you, eyes watery but only one tear came out before he wiped it off, breaking eye contact as he did this. he buried his head on your chest for a moment.
"so if you ever feel like a burden again, just remind yourself that she loves you and that she also needs to do that for herself. okay, amor?" you asked.
miles lifted his head up, nodding.
"no, i want you to say it for me." you told him.
"okay." he said.
"i love you, did you know that?" you smiled down at him.
"yes and i love you too, mi princesa." he smiled back and pulled himself further up on top of you until he was on eye level with you. "te amo tanto," he kissed your forehead. "the love of my life," he kissed your right cheek. "my one and only." he kissed your left cheek. "my happiness." he kissed your nose. "mi angelito." he kissed your mouth.
you smiled into the kiss, and kissed him back before pulling away. "i'll always be here for you." you told him.
"i know." he smiled, full teeth showing which was rare, then kissed you again.
life was perfect when he was with you.
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