#like riven being spelled into liking her is one thing
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floralovebot · 10 months ago
Oh! I have some headcanon of the friendship dynamic between Darcy, Riven and Helia (plus if Nabu or Flora are added). It's like a kind of strange trio that understands each other perfectly.
And Helia and Stormy would be chaotic!
Sometimes it's nice to experience interactions between Trix and Specialists.
What headcanons do you have about Florelia/Driven?
darcy/riven/helia friendship dynamics... ohmy we love to see it..... they'd be pretty messy at first but i can see it growing to a real power trio dynamic! same dude i love trix/specialists dynamics it's so funny tom me (like stormy liking brandon in the comics or the trix trying to get helia to talk to them while he just blank face silent treatment Like aljhgdldahgl)
if we're talking romantic florelia/driven... i was just obsesed with rivelia and flora/darcy (florcy?? dara... flodar... florarcy..... good god their names Do Not go well together) separately and then i was like wait,,, i can combine this aljhgdl
flora and darcy making potions together.. darcy and helia doing yoga together... riven teaching flora self-defense,, darcy ranting to all of them about icy's new monster boyfriend,,, helia and darcy going to their stupid hipster goth cafes,,,, darcy loving flora's grabbing vines (darcy is the only other person the vines are nice too),,, OUGHHHHH just absolutely obsessed with them
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blue-sophia · 5 months ago
I think the show in no way captured just how hard season 3 was on the Specialists. I mean, obviously they were barely treated as nothing more than love interests, but season 3 broke these boys.
Sky was spelled and manipulated to the point where he had no idea what reality was. Coming out of that must have been terrifying. Having no clue of what's real or who to trust, it must have taken him such a long time to start feeling like he had somehwat control over his life again. And knowing his parents didn't even recognise the state and pain he was in only makes it more painful.
Brandon was captured and treated as a traitor by the realm he spent his entire life fighting for. Growing up as a child soldier, he was taught that the only thing he was good for was being Sky's meat shield. But at the moment his best friend needs him the most, he gets thrown into a prison cell for wanting to help him.
Timmy's grief over losing Tecna gets a surprising amount of recognition in the show, I'll give them that. But I still think the show moved on too fast from the fact that everyone assumed Tecna to be dead. The sleepless nights trying to find her, his refusal to come to terms with what happened... Even after finding her, that shit stays with you.
Riven is the only one that caught somewhat of a break in season 3. Him and Musa are doing better and he's finally learning to let the people around him into his life. However, seeing Darcy once again trying to take over the world, hurting the people he loves, must rip open a wound that he's tried to stitch up about a million times. He'll forever feel guilty for his actions in season 1, and Darcy will forever be a reminder of that.
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magixfairyix · 2 months ago
What You Don't Know Cannot Kill
Riven gets a gift for Darcy to show his appreciation for her, but he begins to doubt his decision on the way to the cafe they were supposed to meet that day.
TW: Family death, mentions of suicide
Riven clutched the small box in his right hand as he walked through the West side of Magix City. No doubt if Sky knew where he was going, blondie would lecture him—or at least supposedly warn him—about the risks of going places where witches frequent.
But then again, Sky had no experience with witches and somehow had the authority to form unshakable opinions of them.
Sky would no doubt lose his cool if he knew where Riven had been disappearing off to for the past two months he'd been seeing Darcy. It's been a well-kept secret for those months, and as far as Sky knew, Riven was going off to visit his parents.
It was the most believable lie, but if Sky ever started to doubt Riven and would try to find out about his parents, Riven would have to come clean.
Sky wouldn't have been able to find much of Riven's parents except for a news article or two; describing how a mother had gone insane from a rouge spell, and ended up killing her husband and younger son, and then herself.
Riven had accidentally spoken to Darcy about the event after he woke up in a sweat from a nightmare. He had seen his mother hanging from a ceiling and the rest of his family dead on the ground. That sort of memory didn't just go away.
He expected her to tell him that he was fine, that it was just a dream and that he should be able to go to sleep without any further problems for the rest of the night. Riven would then nod, man up to put it simply, then try to get a half-decent sleep.
What Riven didn't expect was for Darcy to wrap an arm around his trembling shoulders and reassure him that things were fine. He knew the witch was far from cold—he'd seen soft looks in her eyes, and gentle smiles on her face—but the comfort wasn't something he expected to have so soon.
It wasn't something Riven expected to earn this soon.
He guessed that it was part of the reason he made the decision. One that he was beginning to doubt each step closer toward Talis' Cavern, the cafe the two would normally meet on a weekly basis.
Or bi-weekly.
The meet-ups were becoming more frequent.
Riven waved a faint greeting to one of the witches who normally was with friends on the patio of the cafe—she returned it with a distracted gesture—before walking into the establishment with his hand still tense around the small box.
He spotted Darcy almost immediately, the witch seated at their usual table in the far left corner of the cafe. Far away from the crowds that would file in periodically.
Riven was distracted for a brief moment of how the morning sunrise reflected on the witch's hair and her tinted glasses. He shook his head and breathed in deeply, trying to act as if he was calm and collected when in reality his heart was beating in his chest to the point where it was becoming annoying.
Yes, the two of them have had several meet-ups like this before.
But for the first few, Riven didn't think it would turn into anything serious. As much as a few of the specialists at Red Fountain—not his own squad, thank the dragon—thought he was somehow who broke the hearts of everyone he spoke with, being with Darcy for these first few months had been his first experience in something like this.
He just thought it would be a few dates with an attractive girl that happened to save his ass in the hoverbike competition on the Day of the Rose.
That was before he realized Darcy got him in a way no one else really had before. Timmy and Brandon tried. Though this was different, and Riven realized it on a deep level that night Darcy comforted him through his nightmares.
"Hey," Riven started, coughing out the uneasiness in his voice as he sat down in the seat in front of the witch.
Riven watched as Darcy looked away from the window beside them to briefly look him up at down, a habit she told him unnerved some people, but he was never put off by how easily she seemed to read people.
How could he feel unnerved?
"Hey," Darcy said, the corners of her lips tilting up in a slight smile. "You're nervous."
"I might be," Riven sighed.
At least Darcy being able to read people saved him the chance of chickening out. But the thing was that she never crossed lines that weren't meant to be crossed with that.
Riven felt Darcy softly rest her hand over his reassuringly, and he gave her a grateful look. He gripped her hand gently, trying to ignore the urge to back out of this situation.
"Is something wrong?" Darcy questioned, raising a brow. He was silent for a brief moment. "Babe?"
"No, nothing is wrong," Riven answered.
Darcy pursed her lips for a moment in thought. "Is it the nightmares again?"
Riven at first felt put off by the witch's concern, feeling a reflex to shove off his worry and buried fear from the nightmares in order to feel like he has control over himself.
But after so many of these talks, Riven could slowly feel the witch peel back every wall he had put up in order to protect himself—or maybe that was just the excuse he'd been telling himself for years—so much so that he didn't quite know how to put them back up.
"Maybe..." Riven mumbled.
Darcy paused, and Riven saw the look of worry in her eyes. "Bad ones?"
"Just... of my parents again, and all," Riven explained, slightly tense as his fingers tapped on the table. The bracelet he got for Darcy was in his pocket, and he hoped he wouldn't forget about giving it to her. "But that's not what I came here to talk about."
"You kind of—"
Riven gripped Darcy's hand softly, giving her a reassuring look. "I will talk about it, but... not now."
Darcy froze slightly, an almost unnoticeable flush on her face at the way Riven held her hand before she coughed, reaching for her tea and taking a sip of it.
"I'll hold you to that," Darcy said with a sweet smile over her cup.
Riven felt his heart flutter at the witch's soft smile that he was getting to see more often nowadays. When the two of them first started dating it was a rare sight due to how he learned that he was not the only one who had difficulties opening up, but Darcy's smile and her soft laughs were something that became like music to him.
Riven shoved his hand in his pocket before he could second-guess his decision. He pulled out the small jewelry box, Darcy clearly both intrigued and confused.
"I have... enjoyed these two months," Riven started.
Darcy paused. "... I have, too."
The words that Riven had prepared to see seemed to have disappeared when the moment finally came. He didn't think he was such a disaster with words, but compared to Brandon he supposed that he was a bit more unsure over himself in romantic situations.
Darcy inhaled slowly. "Riven, if something is wrong then please tell me."
"What do you mean?"
"You come to the date nervous, and you..." Darcy started, voice filled with worry and not blame. "You are holding a small box, and now I'm just wondering if there's an apology note in there."
Riven thought for a moment. "Why would there be—"
"Are you breaking up with me?"
Riven's eyes widened as he glanced at Darcy whose eyes were averted off to the side. That was an anxious habit of hers, and so was the way her fingers tapped on the table to try top stop herself from fiddling with one of her hair highlights to soothe her nerves.
His heart panged.
"I was going to..."
"Riven, forget I said anything."
"I was going to ask you to be my girlfriend!"
Riven said that far louder than he meant to, and when other patrons of the cafe looked towards their table he raised a hand over his face and pointed his eyes downwards towards the table.
Riven didn't hear even a breath from Darcy.
"I mean, like, officially?" Riven corrected.
After a moment of silence, he found the courage to look up only to see Darcy stand up from her seat. He didn't even dare look at her face, and his stomach dropped when he realized that he probably went too far and that this would be the end of this—
A familiar pair of arms wrapped themselves around his shoulder. Riven paused when he realized that Darcy hadn't left the cafe and was still here, currently burying her face into his shoulder.
"I love you, I do hope you know that..." Darcy said quietly, voice slightly muffled. "I know I don't, I guess, say it as often as I should."
Riven rested his hand on one of Darcy's arms after he got past his shock. "You do, and I know that. I also know that we're not..."
"The most open people ever?"
Riven nodded.
He felt Darcy bury her face a bit more into his shoulder, his heart fluttering even more. Darcy was right about that much. Riven had trouble trusting people on a deep level, and Darcy had trouble talking about whatever was going on inside her head; both emotionally and mentally.
"I did get you something," Riven said, opening the box. "To... thank you for still being here and all."
The lid of the box snapped open to reveal a thin gold bracelet with a little amethyst moon charm hanging from it. Riven had found the courage to talk to Stella about good places to get jewelry—that wasn't too expensive, cause dragon—and he thought Darcy would like it.
From Darcy's face buried in her shoulder, she felt her shake slightly.
"Darcy, are you—"
"No, I'm..." Darcy started before letting out a shaky chuckle that was choked with emotion, so much so that it might as well have been a small sob. "Dragon."
"If it's too much then..."
"Riven, I love it."
Riven paused. "You do?"
Darcy nodded into his shoulder. Riven let her still rest her face in his shoulder for a few moments, enjoying the warmth of it and the feeling of being so comforted by her closeness, before he spoke.
"I..." Riven swallowed. "I love you."
"I love you too," Darcy said, leaning back but still standing beside Riven. She rested her forehead against his, but before she did so he saw for a moment how her eyes slightly shone with tears. "Thanks for still staying after all this time."
Riven grabbed Darcy's hand once again, clutching it comfortingly as he slid the bracelet over her wrist. "Well, I'm not leaving anything soon."
"You'd better not," Darcy laughed, smiling as she looked at the braelet without pulling her hand back from Riven's.
He truly was lucky.
Both of them were.
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devilheartsblog · 1 year ago
So I’m making a Winx rewrite and decided to doodle some ideas and explain them below
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I think it was a missed opportunity since Orgon is literally the Wizard of absorption and should have the ability to mimic powers after stealing them instead of absorbing their strength. I also changed the White Circle to be a weapon against the Wizards without any Earth Fairies being trapped inside of it cause in my rewrite they’re all dead (except Morgana and Roxy). Maybe they’ll appear as ghosts or something.
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I don’t really remember if Roxy had mommy issues but I’m giving her that and her dad wife issues. She left haphazardly and Klaus didn’t get his memory wiped of her, so he resents her for leaving and essentially abandoning him and Roxy. Roxy would want to know of her mother more which makes them clash
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Riven being jealous and butting heads with Musa was the only melodrama I thought fit, but the whole Jason Queen record deal thing isn’t really brought up after Season 4. And yeah here Jason Queen’s offer to Musa ends up putting a wedge in their relationship because that means she’ll be staying on Earth while Riven returns to Red Fountain, kinda like a couple separate worldwide which is quite hard for him.
I’m actually not 100% sure if it’s cannon, but it’s cannon in my rewrite soooo yeah
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This is a weird one but HEAR ME OUT-
So Duman gets badly hurt and Nabu helps right? I didn’t like the idea of the wizards pretending to be allies before backstabbing the good guys, then Nabu dies and they just became lame. I plan to give most wizards a redemption arc and it starts with Gantlos and Nabu trucing for a bit to find a cure for Duman’s illness (caused by the white circle casting some spell on them, hence why they destroyed the other white circles). Gantlos gets Nabu’s help since he’s a wizard, the most cooperative and it’s the least awkward option. I like to imagine he calls Nabu a rookie in sorcery lmao
That’s it for now, and I have the first 2 episodes done for the rewrite
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scrollsfromarebornrealm · 2 months ago
on our fates alight--grave miscalculation
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"There are two Halones."
Menenius' words had the effect of a Silence spell going off in the room. All eyes immediately tracked to the IVth Legion's Tribunus, who was slowly crushing a report in one gaunleted fist.
"What did you just say?" Lyon got out. Surely--he'd been hearing things--
"There are two. Halones." Menenius repeated, his voice clipped. Lyon's eyes scanned the room--no sight of Misija. She'd been sparse since losing another Gunnhildr Eikon--to Mathye Bishop, if what he'd heard was true.
"That doesn't make sense! Halone is not a duel deity!" Albeleo interjected.
"Apparently, she is now." Menenius said. Forcing himself to unclench his fingers, he held out the crumpled paper, watching as Lyon snatched it from his fingers.
"Two engagements. Opposite sides of the Front. Augustine Bishop at one end, his brother Mathye at the other. Both Primed."
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"But...they need..." Albeleo was stunned, shock clear on his features. "That's--"
"The older brother practiced Thavnarian religious rites in Coerthas." Lyon let Albeleo grab the paper from him as his gaze flicked to Menenius.
"Misija said something once that she'd heard that it'd been something about him that let Halone pick them both. And I bet you anything that whatever they've done the past year and a half has empowered their Eikons. Odin was a right fucking handful when I dueled him, and that was only as his semi-Prime."
"...War and Ice." Menenius said aloud. His eyes widened. "So that means..."
"The paladin's War, more than likely." Lyon declared.
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"And the priest is Ice. Which effectively means the Scion Eikon count here is now five." Albeleo finished.
And they're burning through Misija's Eikons of the Gunnhildr Queens. Menenius thought. What had originally seemed like a good idea to demoralize and break the Bozjan Resistance was fast becoming a liability. Especially if the Scion Dominants had been...holding themselves back.
"Do we have any word on Zurvan and Valefor?" He asked.
"Not yet. If what Votyasch told us was true, the Resistance will be fielding them in their next push, and letting Halone...or rather both Halones rest." Lyon answered. "That at least seems to be one thing going well for us, the Eikons are at least being held in check due to the aether of the area." Valefor had to be chomping at the bit, the Beastmaster thought. Riven Sadler wanted Misija's head.
Maybe it could be given to her.
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vicontheinternet · 10 months ago
Fandoms you couldn’t pay me to join even though I either really do like the show, did once or have been interested but for whatever reasons have been turned off by its fandom in no order
9-1-1 (did watch but fell off vapid fandom)
Buddie (no)
Bridgertom (was interested vapid racist fandom I find shonda Rimes to be very...)
Greys anatomy (did watch fell off vapid fandom with hints of racism)
Japril (I hate this ship with a passion mostly because their stans are annoying and turned me off)
Atla cartoon (comfort show vapid vapid fandom)
legend of korra ( I have a love hate relationship with this show)
Driven (I do like them on a surface level but some of their fans can be intense) you will never get me to interact with driven content one I’ve seen multiple post attacking musa for being with riven or or calling musa ugly (she’s a cartoon character) or calling Darcy’s “spell” a dubbing issue while that might be true atp I’m over driven
Klaroline (jesus fucking christ sorry for using your in vain but this ship stans I once saw a fanfic that made caroline a original heretic and she was in the box instead of ester I'll give the points for originality but if they were to do a heretic bonnie was right there you know the wich that already had powers
Anti jegulus ( im not entering a fandom where the couple is written ooc to be together atp they are whole different characters) not trying to yuck someone yum
Sterek (these are some of the most annoying fanbase they don't even like these characters fr because rewrite them to make them so ooc that they are new characters. Why would stiles be in derek pack)
Stiles (I'm not going to lie I used to like stiles but his stans ruined him for me they were insuffible he could do no wrong in their eyes. All because he's a white snarky/sarcastic boy. Dont let write a crossover then they'll make him the most powerful being in the universe. Crossover with tvd/to he's loss mikealson crossover with supernatural hes either a Winchester that has demon blood also or an angel. They think that stile would be a better werewolf then Scott when everything in the show has told us that if he was the that had been the that had been bit his eyes would been blue by the end of season 1. And don't get me started on the friend subject)
The mcu (I used to love the mcu and watch every release but it became quantity over quality and its downfall for me was very sad)
Wanda maximoff and wandavision (I could make a whole video on the whole rollercoaster of thoughts I had on wanda and wandavision because like the mcu I liked both then I didn't. The decent of wandavision was more gradual with wandavision it was episodic to me it was a let down and didn't make sense while I thought Elizabeth Olsen acting was good the writing was not it find out that the writers were swayed not to look at the source material for the show because kevin fegie didn't want them to be influenced although that's the whole point because you're making a supposed comic book adaptation then there's the alleged part reshoot that happened because ppl guessed the ending and let's not forget the whitewashing of Wanda and peitro maximoff who are canonically romani and the mcu deliberately changed it to a made up country somewhere remotely European and made wanda a knock off Jean grey (red hair, pale skin, mind powers) for over ten years so bad that it started to influence the comics
Tony stark (hes a war profiteer, his fans infantilize him. They recognize his PTSD and mental problems only. His side of civil war was dead wrong and ppl to this day will not accept that even if you explain it to then like they are 2. Come onguys the un is useless even iron man knew he was wrong he broke the accords three times in the movie and kidnapped a child to fight adult that he had no business fighting. Also his fans are insane)
Specifically black arianitors that excuse everything thing that grow women does (now I don't dislike her or hate her but man her fanbase is annoying as hell especially the black ones it's like the one non black person who does problematic shit but has a lot black ppl in their corner rooting for them so when they do something out of pocket they don't even have to say anything they're black friends do it for them)
Taylor swift (need I could say more mind you I like some of her songs)
Obx/jaira - yall are psychotic!!!!!!! Yall have been tweaking over fictional characters for a few days
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winxngasks · 1 year ago
Tattoo Headcanons!
Following after the previous piercing headcanons, finally here are my tattoo headcanons for the main cast! Like I mentioned on that post, similar to their civilian fashion posts these are just my general ideas and they don't take place at any specific point in time/season. But, you can consider these as all the ones they will have in the future, with many getting them done here-and-there throughout the seasons/their young adult years. Also, there are specific characters I chose to give multiple tattoos to for their own reasons(for example, a couple of them I just see really being into tattoos), but some characters have multiple tattoos simply because I just came up with multiple design ideas for them lol.
I hope you enjoy reading these! :3 If there are any other canon characters you guys want piercing and/or tattoo headcanons for, feel free to send them in an ask!
- The Winx Club
* Bloom: dragon tattoo on left hip, fiery nymph on back between the shoulder-blades, and daphne flowers on right forearm
* Stella: moon with sunflowers on right upper-arm and sun with moonflowers on left upper-arm, and triple goddess-moon symbol on the back of her neck
* Flora: family tree on her back down her spine, flowers on both sides of ribcage mirroring/matching each other, flowers on back of neck, her family's birth flowers on her right leg, and Helia's + her future children's birth flowers on her left leg
* Musa: giant lotus on back, two sleeves that spill onto the back(one of music notes, traditional Melodian flowers and birds, and the other of other random things she likes), and random ones all-over her legs
* Tecna: binary code on left forearm, geometric heart on back of the neck, motherboard details on right forearm, qr code(specifically spelled to change to whatever she currently likes) on the inside of the left upper-arm just above her elbow, and simplistic blackwork cybernetic design on side of right calf
* Layla: yin yang fish on her left collarbone near her shoulder, ocean wave on the side of her left foot, the word "freedom" turning into birds on the inside of her right wrist, an Androsian rune on the inside of her left wrist, and an outline of a dancer between her shoulder-blades
- The Trix
* Icy: snowflakes on her left hip, and a matching tattoo with Darcy and Stormy to represent their coven, on the back of her neck
* Darcy: delicate and minimalistic tattoos on her fingers and wrapping around her hands and wrists of occult symbols, a cauldron brewing up a poison-skull on the side of her left calf, an armband of the moon phases wrapping around her left forearm, a witch hat inside a crystal ball on her left upper-arm, purple crystals on her right upper-arm, moths on her right hip, and a matching tattoo with Icy and Stormy to represent their coven, on the back of her neck
* Stormy: storm clouds on both upper-arms, lightning starting from both ankles and shooting up the lower-legs, and a matching tattoo with Icy and Darcy to represent their coven, on the back of her neck
- The Specialists + Nabu
* Sky: Erakylon prayer of protection down the spine
* Brandon: sword tattoo going down almost the entire side of his right calf, and right sleeve of a forest/mountain scene with a silhouette of someone rock-climbing
* Helia: his favorite short poems on his back, outstretched bird wings above the poems, an origami bird on the left side of his ribcage, a quill writing "love and peace" underneath his origami bird, flowers Flora drew on his left forearm, and flowers his future children drew on his right forearm
* Riven: Red Fountain's motto across his shoulders on his back, a giant griffin taking up most of the rest of his back, two sleeves made with heavy blackwork; one with a wolf and skull, the other in a more Japanese-style with swirly elements and pops of red, a sword on the side of his left ribcage, and random ones over his legs and chest
* Timmy: a small blaster-gun on the inside of his right arm above his elbow
* Nabu: matching purple tattoos that span across the entire length of his forearms and onto his hands a little bit; they consist of a butterfly with swirly leaves and energy swirls, and wizard runes/glyphs on the side of his left calf
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des2dream · 6 months ago
Winx Club Hot Take 9!
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Artist: hanzomaimntw
JUSTICE FOR CHARMIX!!! The girls earned their Charmix in Season 2 when they had to learn to face their fears or conquer an obstacle that's holding them back from their character growth. Bloom earned her Charmix from saving her girlfriends, The Specialists, and The Pixies from almost dying on their vacation. Aisha earned her Charmix by facing her fear of the dark to help her new friends. Musa earns her Charmix by facing Riven especially after his actions from the previous season. Techna earns her Charmix by facing her emotions mainly towards Timmy. Stella earns her Charmix by being able to open up about her troubling emotions to Aisha such as her parent's divorce, how much The Winx Club means to her, and how she's happy that Aisha gets to be a part of that. Lastly, Flora earns her Charmix not by saving The Pixie Village, but by finally coming out of her shell by gaining the courage to tell Helia how she feels about him.
These special accessories were pretty helpful during the fight with Lord Darkaar and they're a fun booster for The Winx. They also look so cute! However, Charmix was introduced around the 20th episode in Season 2. Episode 20 in the duration of 26 episodes this whole season! If this was such an important tool to earn on the path to becoming a full-fledged fairy then why didn't it get any build-up in previous episodes? I know this season was a bit more laid-back seeing as Darkaar was a distant threat and the story mainly focused on the girls learning to work better together (especially with Aisha being a new addition to the group) so they can master Convergence spells, but I feel like learning about Charmix beforehand could've been important too! It also hurts that these boosters were never used again after Season 2! I feel like they could've used some Charmix help in Season 3! Season 6 "celebrated" the 10th anniversary so having Charmix along with their Bloomix or Mythix transformation would've been nice! Season 8 was ALL about giving nostalgia back with having Valtor and The Trix return along with bringing back Enchantix, Sirenix, and Butterflix so WHY NOT have Charmix there?! There's one last thing I want to bring up. As much as I love "The Power of Charmix" song from The Nickelodeon specials, it also hurts that Nick decided to have Charmix be known as the girl's first fairy forms instead of "Magic Winx" and they don't even have their boosters!
I just wanna see Bloom carry her cute, pink, fluffy, little heart-shaped purse again!
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 2 years ago
Tiny Not Sober AUs for DC/DP to encourage my hyper fixation:
1) Jack Fenton is the time traveling clone/son of both Superman and Batman. An organization mixed their DNA. A scientist felt guilty about raising a baby to be a weapon so they stole the baby. Would have given them over to the heroes. Didn’t happen. Baby got lost in time to become Jack. He’s thrilled learning this when it comes out after the organization is exposed and the heroes look for the baby.
2) Okay so I read a fic where Maddie is the one gunho about dissection and stuff while Jack FREAKS out, saving his son. I wanna use that idea and have Jack discover Danny is Phantom when he was walks into the lab to find his wife HURTING THEIR KID. He stops her, learns everything, tries to help his son and is forced to knock Maddie out. He takes Danny and Jazz, running to Gotham to protect them because Jazz was also locked up because Maddie learned she is liminal. Jack meets a very nice man who runs a club he works as a bouncer for while keeping his kids safe. His kids were making friends and his boss was awesome about the fake ID stuff. Now if only that furry wasn’t breaking things at the club and his son’s ghost enemies didn’t follow him
3) I latched onto Jack. I don’t know why. But okay so Jack and Maddie get divorced after the portal thing because they found Danny going into it, freaked and Maddie didn’t take it well. Jack refuses to let her hurt him and divorces her. Her claiming her son is half ghost, evil and must be destroyed gets held up in court.
Then Phantom shit happens and everyone figures it out really early. Maddie is keeping the portal open and shit. I’m a little not sober as I write this so… I will expand later if asked. Jack decides he needs to call up his old friend from college he made before he got into ghosts: Barry Allen, forensics scientist. Why? “Oh he’s the Flash. The guy was BAD at hiding it. Like super bad.”
*proceeds to not see that Vlad is evil until Danny spells it out* “ah. Oh maybe it’s cause we dated.”
Cue record scratch and insanity.
4) Ellie out of nowhere rapidly gets sick. Trans!Danny needs to mix her DNA with someone else’s or she’ll die. He panics and uses a random DNA sample from the ghost zone cause there’s a ghost there with an obsession for science he was visiting. The DNA is of either: Tim or Dick.
Ellie gets deaged to newborn and Danny freaks out. Of course now he’s aware he needs to tell the other parent cause it’s be fucking rude otherwise. Luckily, he had slept with the other ‘parent’ long enough it fits. Danny has some help acting as if it was a pregnancy out of nowhere. As in ‘didn’t notice at all’. Mostly doctors help faking it and some illusions.
He then contacts the other dad.
Or: Ellie’s orb gets absorbed and now Danny has to give birth so he seduces the other person so Ellie can have two dads. Or he just has to find someone to do that with?!?
5) … I have a thing about pregnancy fics and kid stories but like: some rouge kidnaps trans!Danny cause his DNA was in the system after his parents had him and Jazz be put into it before he went ghost. Why? Cause Jack was worried that his connection to his cousin Clark would be discovered. Because Jack knew Clark was Superman and worried. (Also: this AU has the parents knowing from the get go cause I keep trying to find a fic like that, with good parents.)
But so like I did some bitty gritty research on this but fuck it its a world with ghosts and superheroes. I don’t care if it doesn’t match with reality. Danny’s DNA has him being riven to be a genetically compatible person to one of the bat kids. Like any child born from them would be the ‘perfect’ specimen or bled or whatever. So now Danny got snatched and pregnant and the Batfam saves him cause Jack calls up his cousin. They find out and it’s chaos.
6) Trans!Danny is the twin of Damian cause I’ve only seen it once but the sentance: you picked a name for yourself but go by another is stuck in my head and also the shenanigans of Damian learning his twin survived, is really a boy and all is fun. Bonus: Ellie is a baby so Damian is convinced he’s an uncle.
He’s not wrong.
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straytoffee · 1 year ago
things in winx club that i did not like ...
musa and riven's relationship
one of the worst relationships in animation. it was nice when they were getting along at the end of season 3 but then the writers make them awkward and fighting again for the next season like ?? make up your mind ..
stella and brandon's relationship
a lot of the things that i hate are the ships because they never make sense most of the time — so let's talk about the princess of solaria and her lovely boyfriend .. WHO LOWKEY ALWAYS CHEATS ON HER. this was already evident in season 2 but amped up during season 4. brandon cannot keep that dick in his pants at all and stella needs to see that.
when tecna got mad at timmy for not stopping the trix
this was during season 2 when the trix were at red fountain to take the codex. timmy let them go because he knew he stood no chance and tecna got mad as if she was doing something to stop the trix as well .. girly was just floating and sad that timmy did nothing. she could've casted a spell, but she didn't — it was stupid. she was stupid.
roxy's extra indecisiveness
it seems like they really dragged out the idea of roxy being way too confused but i didn't like that push-pull attitude of hers during the half of season 4.
bloom constantly comparing herself to roxy
fairy princesses that don't know they are one. has to save her homeland in some way. actual parent/s were not in the picture. yeah, they have a lot in common but come on bloom, not everything is about you.
inconsistent trix revivals
it was consistent for season 2. however, during the end of season 3, they were sent back to light rock monastery thing but on their return during season 5, they were in the dungeons under the sea? how the hell did that happen?
that's all .. i honestly can't think of anything else. this was just a blurb.
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mu5a · 1 month ago
aisha/nabu + the five love languages
a/n. this is a more of a nabu centered, mostly because in winx club it’s mostly the guys who do things for the girls. mostly canon, as in my interpretation of canon.
words of affirmation (+ general communication)
• nabu is similar to brandon, in a way that they’re both charismatic people, who are great communicators. you can see the difference with their relationship with riven.
+ both are honest, aren’t afraid to call someone out. while nabu doesn’t shy away from teasing riven, i do think that brandon can get carried away with it.
• has a witty, rebellious side that’s shown through ophir.
• someone easy to talk to, aisha initially thought he was charming her with a spell because of how quickly they bonded and shared values.
• nabu is an open person, and has no issues in communicating his feelings. someone who values his independence, and freedom.
• i think depending on the dub, but when i was rewatching nabu clips i realized that he sounds really formal/polite? has warmth to it.
• to be honest, i feel like struggle putting it into words how to describe aisha. she’s extremely loyal, and protective of her friends. i’ve always seen her as a confident, “put-together” person.
• pls she’s the type of friend that, whenever you talk to her about problems with your boyfriend. she’d be like break up! but then would really give her advice yk?
• someone a lot of the girls rely on for emotional support. i think that she can be more hesitant with being vulnerable than most people. has the tendency to assume the worst of people she doesn’t know well.
• aibu together? because of how open they are about how they feel, very little miscommunication. if they ever fight, it wouldn’t last long.
physical touch
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• adoring, gentle. i noticed that he cups her face a lot. he rests his hands on aisha’s shoulders, or he usually holds both her hands. similar to florelia!
gift giving
• not to big on gifts i’d imagine? even when nabu had proposed askedaishatobehisforevergirlfriend there wasn’t even a ring.
quality time
• both extremely important to them. one of the main reason they both opposed the arranged marriage, was the fact that they just didn’t really know the other person at all.
acts of service
• not really an act of service, but that scene where nabu could’ve gotten out of his handcuffs the whole time, and chose not to, has always stuck with me while writing this. he knew how important aisha’s trust was, and he had only gotten out (and even asked aisha) to protect aisha when she was in trouble.
• aisha’s strength is something nabu admires, and one of the reasons he fell in love with her. they both become each other’s rock
++ jealousy
• nabu isn’t the jealous type at all. doesn’t mind if other guys dance with aisha, as long as aisha would be happy (to which aisha responded, that nabu is the only person she wants to dance with TT they are so cute)
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fiftyfires · 2 months ago
darmusa headcanons because i cannot sleep:
darcy secretly likes and listens to opera, but is ashamed of it. when musa found out, she was ecstatic to have something in common with her—music. so forth comes theatre and musical dates.
sometimes during these dates, when darcy gets bored during songs she doesn't vibe with, she'll play a little magic trick with the actors/singers for fun. musa doesn't know. she just thinks how creative it is for the performances to include something new and dofferent (yet dangerous) each time to keep the excitement going.
darcy surprisingly REALLY cares about her own appearance, and has a habit of consistently rubbing dirt or dust off her clothes to keep herself clean. whereas, musa doesn't care as much about getting her clothes dirty because of her tomboy nature.
however, since dating darcy, she has gained an interest in dressing up for darcy. it's helped her get closer to stella.
musa only wears girly clothes (skirts, dresses, heels, nails etc.) for darcy because darcy likes to be the one wearing the pants in this relationship.
it's known that musa is incredibly insecure in herself. however, darcy doesn't care about musa's flaws. she's also expressed this many times and states that she likes musa because of the way she is. sometimes annoying. sometimes too kind for her own good. but she likes that musa is quiet yet passionate about her own interests.
darcy also finds that she relates to musa. she's the most quiet of the trix (though it's because she's always planning), and she finds that she doesn't get the spotlight as much. seeing musa being her equivalent in the winx made her take an interest in the music fairy.
it helps that neither of them are big into PDA.
out of all her friends, musa hates stormy the most because they have a lot of cat fights for some reason. darcy hates stella because she claims stella is the most annoying of all the winx. they both take the time to defend their own friends respectively.
being the witch of darkness, darcy can easily see things in the dark with the help of her powers. but since musa has really pale skin, she doesn't have to try to find musa. darcy loves this detail because it's almost like musa is the light of her life.
whenever musa, the winx and the specialists go on shared missions and riven acts out, musa would later gossip with darcy about it. they both gossip about their shared ex whenever they can and they love doing it.
when the winx are faced with the trix, darcy would single musa out into another, more secluded area. then they would spend their time talking and chilling instead of fighting just to catch up.
both musa and darcy are academic weapons. the only difference is that musa has to study and practise her spells a lot, whereas darcy doesn't study and can master a spell on the first try. darcy brags about her superiority with this one.
even though darcy is the top in the relationship, musa tends to make the first move.
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skylaryozora · 2 years ago
How do you think Rivusa overcame the awkward stage for physical touch, like how they become so comfortable with each other, at what each of them prefer to do?
Oh, thank you for this lovely question and sorry for taking so long to reply (haven't noticed the ask at first).
Hmm, let's go to the first canon moments of them actually touching each other because each such moment can be considered a small milestone in them getting more and more comfortable with their company. I guess the very first one is Riven carrying (!) Musa when they all encounter a monster at Alfea in S1, back then there isn't that much of romantic tension between them yet since they met only recently. Even though they already have their eyes on each other, it isn't such a big deal for them, or at least for Riven. Still, you could say it was a certain ice breaker in touch.
Next, we have Musa clinging to Riven's chest in S2, and Riven has no idea how to respond to it, since it's something out of his comfort zone, but he still tries to awkwardly embrace her. Later this season, Musa puts her hand on his shoulder when they spy on Trix, and it's when Musa shows that she trusts him (which in turn gives her a Charmix upgrade). Later, Riven grabs her hand and pulls her into a hideaway. And finally we have the ending episodes of S2, when this time Riven pulls Musa into a sudden hug which speaks volumes because he finally musters courage to say that she matters to him, and some time later Riven shields Musa against a spell. While sobbing and holding him, Musa expresses her gratitude and feelings for him with an emotional kiss, which is their first one.
After that touch comes much more natural for them, partly because they are now dating. But with the small steps mentioned above they realize they both value touch as a love language. From what I see in the canon, Riven becomes more confident about initiating touch. As for how I headcanon things later, I can see them slowly lowering each other's walls, which leds to longer hugs, cuddling, and then actual intercourse. They may not seem like it, but they do like holding hands. I guess the reasons for touch being one of their primary love languages are different for each of them; Musa craves physical intimacy in general, but she also desperately wants someone to fill the void she has felt for years after losing her mother who offered her much more powerful parental touch than her father ever did, whereas Riven sees touch as something substantial and meaningful. For a hands-on person like Riven, touch is a channel to display his emotional side, and for Musa it provides warmth and security she was lacking. There might also be a different layer of meaning in it: touch doesn't need speaking, which makes it attractive for Riven who has trouble expressing his feelings vocally, and silence which accompanies touch can be a stepping-stone from all the noise and sound overstimulation Musa experiences on the daily basis. I like to think they have no-talking cuddling-snuggling sessions in private during which they recharge their batteries and just enjoy their safe spaces.
As for what they like to do, Riven embraces Musa casually even in public, and she gladly reciprocates it, but neither of them is into intense public display of affection. When they're alone, apart from snuggling, Musa likes to run her fingers against Riven's face, hair, and chest, while Riven often caresses her waist and plays with her hair, however long is it. When he wants to kiss her, he usually grabs her by the chin.
Drop your headcanons in the comments!
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magixfairyix · 8 months ago
Winx Club Sexuality/Gender Headcannons 02
Time for the Trix let's gooooo. (Spoilder for one ep of season 8)
Darcy: (They/them, non-binary, omnisexual)
~Once again saw a fic where Darcy was non-binary and it stuck we mentally. Also I dunno those are just the vibes because I have no proof other than YES
~I headcanon Darcy as omnisexual with a preference for men (and yes I belive they genually had feelings for Riven) BUT HERE ME OUT as to why I think Darcy also likes women. It's a stretch but~
~Okay (SPOILERS FOR SEASON 8) so when the Winx went to Linfea to get one of the Prime Stars yada yada all of that, the Trix showed up to do some things. Long story short Darcy attacked Mielle (Flora's sister) and was discussed as her and whatnot...
~So CONTINUED, Flora finds 'Mielle' injured and carries them bridal style to where the Winx vs Icy and Stormy battle is going on. (Darcy could've not been injured and used a different strategy but anyways) So yeah Darcy was carried bridal style by Flora all the way to the Prime Star before stealing it and reversing the spell
~Eh Darcy has thier priorities straight at least. But yeah that's my minimal proof. (Also Darcy's homosexual vibes with Musa)
Stormy: (They/she/he, genderfluid, pan)
~Pan because the vibes Stormy had with Musa in season two were very homosexual like the lipstick drawing of Musa on the mirror! Other than that it's just the vibes
~I dunno feel like Stormy has a slight preference to the first two pronouns and gives a slight bit more fucks than Musa does (also head cannoned as genderfluid)
~Those are the vibes, no explanation otherwise for me
Icy: (She/they, cis, bisexual)
~Gives the vibes that she doesn't mind either pronoun being used over another, and likes both
~For the bisexual, her tension with Bloom was yes. All the friggen moments in season 1 and, hell, season 3! Even season 5!
~The freezing Bloom to a wall in season 1 ep 18, the "now what am I going to do with you" In season 3 when they're at the Red Tower, and all the calling Bloom "honey" "dear" condescendingly is AHHHHHH
~She just gives the vibes
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charmixpower · 2 years ago
Issue Twenty-Three: Return of the Trix Girls
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I love how everyone is obviously weirded out by the Trix and they have like no clue why and are just assuming everyone thinks their hot shit
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That memory spell did not fucking work, stop lying to me
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And none of you have a memory return spell or potion???? No????
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These are the best outfits in the comics, everyone go home
You may not like it but this is what peek male fashion looks like
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>Implying Icy is straight
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Oh my god he's such a dork
Plus Timmy needing a bunch of hair stuff, vs Riven's hair just being like that is hilarious
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I love how Helia just didn't come, no parties for me thank you, I am not showing up
I can't tell if this is so Aisha isn't alone or if they just didn't want to add Helia to the band
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Interviewer: And what would you say is your greatest weakness?
Brandon: Being too likeable
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Comics Lucy is such a terrible person, YOU COULD GET PEOPLE KILLED BY DOING THIS!!
She does this because she wants to be one of the Trix, who are social pariahs, something show Lucy wanted to no longer be, so I'm assuming comics Lucy wants their power
Fucked up babe
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I love how they don't believe her despite everyone treating them weird because it's such an outrageous story, that's hilarious
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I wish they actually committed to the Trix not remembering anything and had their memories be returned by a spell or something instead of this, but c'est la vie, not my choice
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You remember the weird stares and avoidance hun, I wouldn't call that forgiveness
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Look at Riven and Helia hanging out
Barely any dialogue background boyfriends club
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Stormy attempts fucking murder
See, the spell sent them back to their first year at CT, but at their first year at CT they probably were already evil and wanting to take over the world
You do not go from normal person to aspiring dictator that quickly
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Helia and Riven dont speak during this entire comic until they are rescuing the Winx in the bus
On top of that they're both extremely quiet and usually quite serious in the comics adding a very interesting dynamic!!!
They're both very mission focused and pretty often keep their thoughts to themselves, Helia obviously much more than Riven bc Riven makes comments here and there but he doesn't have sustained conversations with really anyone in the comics
(also this being after the Shab stone is so weird, comic Riven is acting more like his show counterpart and being a loose canon who hates authority, wait, now he's back to normal and hanging out in the background again)
It also really looks like they're making silent eye contact here, which I know is just me reading into things, but I enjoy it
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Ooooo!!!! Witch transformations!!!!! I love love love this!!!! Look at them!!!! ��😍😍😍
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scrollsfromarebornrealm · 2 months ago
another way to die-- meet you at the docks
(behold, these two.)
"I am so sorry, Sunforged!" The Landsguard spellcaster gestured helplessly behind her. "There was an accident in the harbor this morning, and now we're backed up by several hours. We can try to expedite your request--"
"No no, don't!" Sebastian said quickly, holding up his hands. "Please. Don't. Things happen." He glanced around the Mamool Ja, taking in the snarled chaos that was Tulliyollal's docks. Tents were set up nearby, with Landsguard directing traffic as needed to individual setups. One was white with green and red ribbons--the healers--and quite a few people were being assisted inside.
"What happened, if you don't mind me asking?" The Boonewa woman followed the hyuran man's gaze.
"From what we know right now, it seems like a ship ran aground on the worst part of the reef." She said. Sebastian winced visibly, and the Mamool Ja woman nodded in agreement.
"It does not help that the sea is high and rough right now, which is hampering rescue efforts."
"Is there anything I can do to help?" Sebastian offered. The Boonewa gave him a warm and toothy smile.
"You are generous, but no. Things are well in hand. Are you certain you do not want me to-?"
"It's a care package for my brother, the healer. Nothing that can't keep until things get organized again." The gunbreaker assured her. "Besides, I may not be able to even pick it up anyway. He may need to come to the docks to sign for it."
"Ah. Controlled substances then?" Seeing Sebastian nod, the Boonewa hummed thoughtfully. "On that, I am not too certain of. At least allow me to send you a message if matters here clear up enough that the customs agents can start processing goods again."
"Fair enough." Sebastian agreed. He accepted a wooden token from the mage.
"This will turn blue when they're back to work." The woman told him. "Keep checking every so often."
"Your business here, outsider?"
"Work." Brucemont answered. The Xb'raal guardsman narrowed his eyes, surveying the elezen from head to foot.
"What kind of work?"
"A friend of mine told me about some Sharlayan scholars putting out a call for sell-swords to accompany them on survey trips." Brucemont answered. He'd swapped out his spear for a plainer but well-maintained weapon, and had replaced the upper half of his drachen mail with a reinforced leather coat. Combined with the battered satchel he was carrying, it gave off the air of 'itinerant adventurer'.
I keep forgetting, I need to thank Lady Fortemps for gifting me her holding spell. Riven had given him a bracelet charmed with her most powerful storage array, which permitted one to magically transport...well, damn near anything. It also allowed fast armor and clothing changes in and out of combat. The Landsguard grunted, looking back down at the papers.
"Ishgard." He rumbled, tapping one with a claw. "Aren't you going to melt out here? They say the place is naught but an ice cube." Brucemont snorted, putting his hands into his pockets.
"I've spent enough time outside home that I can easily adjust." He replied. "Though I admit, I've never been anywhere that's so colorful!" Around him and the immigration agent, the Tulliyollal docks were an explosion for the senses. Bastion had been excitedly chittering in the back of his mind at all the colors--and Brucemont indulged his other half, turning his head to take in the view.
<Is this place brighter than Thavnair?!>
Probably might be, or give them a run for the money. Brucemont thought. His gaze landed on the tents, and he frowned. The Landsguard turned his head, noticing where the elezen's gaze had went.
"Ah. That. Boat ran into the reef this morning." He said, going back to Brucemont's paperwork. "You were lucky, getting in when you did."
"I would have thought that the captains that sail here know how to avoid the shallows?"
"Think someone fell asleep at the wheel. Nothing to declare?"
"A bottle of Limsa Black." Brucemont replied. The Xb'raal snorted, producing an official looking document with the Tulliyollal emblem stamped near the bottom.
"A child's drink. I won't charge you for bringing that in." Carefully he filled out the blank spaces on the page. "Where is this Sharlayan expedition you're joining?"
"Ur...Ur...kopacha?" Brucemont stumbled over the word.
"Urqopacha." The Landsguard corrected him. Brucemont felt Bastion shift in his thoughts, tasting the word's sounds. "You're permitted entry there and to the city. If your people want to go anywhere else you'll have to reapply--but I imagine your handlers will take care of that." He handed Brucemont the paper, and the elezen accepted it.
"Thank you."
"Welcome to Tulliyollal. Next in line!"
<One wonders what drinks they have here if they consider Limsa Black to be child's play.> Bastion commented as his dragoon picked up his satchel and started to walk away from the processing point.
"Tequila for starters." Brucemont replied. "And I should probably plan to bring a bottle or two back for the others. Otherwise I'll never hear the end of it."
<Don't give it to Helgrim. He'll drink it all and try to fight everyone again. Including Aymeric.>
"Don't remind me." Brucemont sighed. Climbing up the steps that were the main entry and exit for the harbor, the dragoon, the elezen came to a stop. If the docks were a sensory explosion, what he was seeing before him was a riot. People were everywhere--merchants hawking their wares, guards on patrol duties, children laughing and and playing in the streets under watchful eyes. The air was filled with the smell of salt, of spices, of sweets, of something savory--too many scents for Brucemont and Bastion to distinguish.
<Don't even think about it.> Bastion suggested. <You'll be overwhelmed.>
"No argument there." Brucemont agreed. He'd had the brief thought of opening his senses to see if he could pick up on Reinhardt. Better to let Bastion be the one to handle the sensory overload and give him the needed information first. His stomach growled, reminding him he'd had naught but a bowl of grits on the boat that morning.
<Food is a good idea.> Bastion commented. <Food keeps you from falling flat on your face in front of strangers. Or the Azure Dragoon.>
"That was one time!" Brucemont snapped.
<Or the Lord High Commander.>
"Fury's tits, look! I'm going to find something to eat now!" And with that, Brucemont began to walk forward once more, looking around for a food vendor...
And he froze. Bastion flared in alarm--and then paused, realizing what his dragoon had just found. With a quiet hum he respectfully pulled away--leaving Brucemont to stand in the middle of the street, staring.
"I can stick around if you want me to, Mathye."
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Sebastian was here.
"No, it seems like they have things under control. I asked."
Sebastian was here. In front of him.
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But he'd...changed. Or...had he? Brucemont blinked. He suddenly felt like he couldn't breathe, like a thousand butterflies had just exploded to life in his stomach, his brain trying to reconcile the last memory he had of the gunbreaker with...what was in front of him. Unaware he was being watched, Sebastian deactivated the pearl. As his head turned--his gaze caught Brucemont's own. The hyur froze, surprised.
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"Brucemont?!" He exclaimed. Brucemont couldn't reply. He could only stare back, dumbfounded.
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Sebastian was in front of him. Sebastian was safe. Sebastian was alive.
But he'd...when had he become...? The elezen swallowed. Now it wasn't the just the butterflies in his stomach, now there was a coil of heat too...
"Hi." He got out, his mouth suddenly dry. When had Sebastian become beautiful?! He'd always been lovely, but this... Brucemont swallowed again, trying to form words.
"I...Your--your last letter..."
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