#like oh don't forget because of my foot and then I'm like wait a second they've got that stuff
crimsonblackrose · 1 year
Currently fighting the urge to over-pack. I don't need to take all my coupons just in case for what, based off of planning and history will be a busy weekend. I don't need to pack four books and a pile of magazines. I don't need multiple shoe options (Stepping on a shard of glass obliterated that option yesterday) I don't need to take my in-progress cross-stitch. But the urge to pack all of these and more is very strong.
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celaenaeiln · 1 year
Am I interested in Dick Grayson's innovativeness and how that makes him a terrifying opponent?
Nah, not really, no, it's no- EXCEPT THAT I AM!
I love your analysis and honestly, I always surf through the dick Grayson tag once a day to see if u have posted. Pls drop the innovatiness wala analysis. I would absolutely eat it up
But I am here to deliver *bows*
Let's start this off with a bang
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Dick is completely naked except for a towel and with one (well defined) leg he hooks the handle of the beer bucket and sends it smashing into Midnighter to stop him from using the knife on another person.
Pure. Fucking. Platinum.
That move was so delicious, there's an ease-fluidity-grace-to that split second movement. Also notice how accurate his aim is despite swinging it with the arc of his toes. The bucket slammed right into the medulla oblongata, or more specifically the pyramidal tracts which are crucial for controlling voluntary muscular movements. Nerves from the brain cross over at that area as they go down and then synapse onto other nerves that are responsible for controlling muscles when they leave the spinal cord. The precision at which he aimed the bucket is glorious. And with what? His feet.
The only reason Midnighter wasn't injured is because he is a meta which is the point. Otherwise Dick wouldn't have aimed there unless he was fighting an enemy.
Oh that brings me to my next point.
Dick has extraordinary control of his actions
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He's so right though. Nightwing doesn't need to kill because fighting is too easy for him. I swear he has some kind of messed up idea (aside from his need to be absolutely good) that killing someone with a gun would take the joy out of fighting. He loves to live life on the hardest mode only.
The rapid fire throw of the gun, calculating the distance, time, velocity of return, and angle? I mean I studied physics and calculating even half of that on paper is a headache. The fact that he did it in one second? It's extraordinary. Things that are pure, dumb luck to literally everyone else is carefully calculated at a speed faster than light, making it look like luck. Damn.
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Forget Slade. Midnighter is my new favorite nemesister.
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Please take a moment of silence to relish in this sight.
Dick's innovativeness is a formidable skill when fighting allies.
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Dick and Ras are evenly matched in sword fighting.
Wait, wait. I don't need any doubts about Dick's strength in sword fighting so I'm going to include a couple panels here:
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Dick fights Azrael to a standstill which is absolutely incredible because Azrael solos. He's gone through many upgrades and skills and is one of the best fighters ever. He's even defeated Bruce.
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He also defeated Jason and Tim together in Batman and Robin Eternal.
This is just another point towards the fact that Dick actually won in his fight against Bruce before going into Spyral. They weren't holding back.
Oh yeah. Ra's vs Dick panel, Dick and Ra's aren't going anywhere because Dick is a swordsman equivalent to one of the best in the world. So how do you win a draw? By one upping the opponent. He swings his foot up in midair and completely defeats him. "But that isn't a defeat...Ra's just stopped fighting!" It was complete defeat because Ra's is intelligent and knows when he can't win. Also they have been fighting for a while until they reached the breaking point in the battle. This move is a show of how Dick has that just one inch more that will lead him to be a victor.
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Ra's honors Dick so much he tried to give the sword he used to fight with Batman because he thinks Dick is worthy of it. Can anyone receive a higher honor than this from that man?
He'll also use the broken glass of a car window to take down his opponent. If that's not innovation, then what is?
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But one last thing since a car door cannot be considered innovative these days.
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sticks. He literally took two twigs off the ground to use as weapons against his highly skilled, one of the best assassins, great-grandfather who is fighting with daggers in his hands and all over his body.
But you know the best part?
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He draws his opponent to a tie. A tie? Not a win? No it was win after, considering he used his relative's falling body as a launching pad in the middle of the air when they were falling off the bridge to grab onto the bridge with the help of his friend. So it was his win but it's insane how incredible Dick's skills are.
It's really innovative because who thinks of using twigs and winning? Let me also clarify another point. Dick could've used the knives he'd gotten from his talon suit and thoroughly won because when he was brain washed he almost killed Red Condor from how skilled he was but he conscientiously chose to use twigs. In a sword fight. This man.
His improvisation is an asset that many have come to know him for and classify him as dangerous because he can fight with anything, anywhere, and win.
Something I want to end with. Dick only fights people who are stronger than him. I know he's fought mob characters and stuff but his enemies? They are all metas, assassins, skilled fighters, Russian Black Ops, and more. Essentially, people who are the top of the class in their categories and him defeating them equally and fairly is the reason why he has the respect of his enemies. He's just that good.
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gtsdreamer2 · 7 months
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"Mmmph. Yes. That's it. Umph! I can feel it pouring into me!" You hugged the lamp tightly to yourself, hidden under your shirt and nestled between your petite breasts, bucking against the air as you laid in bed. Having the warmth of the lamp contained with nowhere else to go, your body seemed to absorb its energy quicker than your mother had. The heat was almost unbearable, but you knew that you needed to hurry. Your brother's girlfriend would be here soon to steal away this treasure that was suddenly thrusted apon you. After seeing how large your mother had grown simply from this morning at breakfast to only a few hours later, you were hoping that you could at least gain a few inches before then.
Aa your body adjusted to the heat, your arousal levels began to spike. You could feel your body expanding and becoming more sensitive. The lamp's energy being concentrated around your breasts was causing them to swell more quickly than the rest of you which elicited a coo from your plumping lips. You felt them growing bigger and bigger as they began to envelop the lamp, which was quickly running out of room under your shirt. You felt your feet sliding further down the bed and figured you must be close to the six foot tall mark by now.
"This feels so good!" You cried as you bit your blanket to try and stifle your moans and whimpers. Sweat poured off your body, but the heat only felt like a gentle, loving caress at this point. Just as you were starting to get lost in the throes of ecstacy, a knock at the door forced you back to reality. "Shit. She might wake mom."
Quickly you withdrew the lamp from its prison and put it on your nightstand. All your clothing was sopping wet from sweat and desire as you got up. Stretched beyond its limits, your pants tore at the seams, as did the sleeves of your shirt. Your midriff was exposed and glistening with sweat as your now massive and surprisingly perky tits tented your top. As you exited your room and made for the door, you were suddenly overtaken by your mother, who's stride greatly outpaced yours.
"Don't worry, sweetie, mommy's got it." As she opened the door, you were surprised that it wasn't Katy, but instead a delivery man for Doordash. "Finally. I'm famished." Your mom said, hungrily. Being in the presence of your eight foot tall mom, the poor man was immediately captivated by her overwhelming pheromones. "Come on. We're going to enjoy this in my room." Cindy beckoned the delivery driver and he shambled behind her, caught in a trance while carrying enough food to feed three people.
'Well that was weird' you thought to yourself, watching the whole scene play out until the door to your mom's room was shut. Just as you thought you might have more alone time with the lamp before Katy arrived, there was a second knock on the door. Before even waiting for an answer, your brother's girlfriend let herself in. She was immediately thrown off by the size of her boyfriend's "little" sister.
"Woah, Des, you're massive. What the fuck happened to you?? I mean, don't get me wrong, you look gorgeous, like seriously, super amazingly scrumptious, but your clothes are all torn because you're just...bigger." She was practically drooling as she took in all of your new stature. "Your tits grew. And your muscles grew. And you're like six foot two or something. I'm seriously jealous."
You were suddenly aware of the effect you were having on this woman in front of you. It seemed similar to the way the delivery guy had just reacted to your mom, although not as strong...yet. You began to form a devilish plan as a smile crept across your face. "You wanna feel these muscles? I'll give you a taste. Come to my room, it'll be fun." She only hesitated for a moment.
"I..um...your brother sent me here to get...something. A present? I forget...um..."
"Oh, don't worry about that. It's in my room! Come on. I'll show you! You replied jubilantly. Grabbing her hand, you pulled her into your den, trying hard to ignore the moans that were escalating from your mother's room.
You pushed Katy gently into your room and closed the door behind her. "Wow," She said, dazed and dosed with an even higher concentration of your phenomenal pheromones. "It's smells so good in here. So sweet and feminine. Nothing like your brother's room. It's nice." She took the liberty of sitting on your bed while you closed the vent above your door, which you had no trouble reaching. When you turned around, Katy was staring at the lamp, still aglow beside your bed. "Hey, this is really pretty. It's totally my aesthetic."
"Ya! Isn't it cool! That's your present! I'm borrowing it right now though." You hopped into bed between Katy and the lamp and rested yourself against the headboard before grabbing it to give her a better look. As soon as it touched your hands, the familiar warmth began to spread through you. You couldn't help but let out an audible coo."
"What was that?" Katy asked quizzically, reaching for the lamp instinctively before you pulled it further out of her reach.
"It just feels really good...and it's turning me on.", you confessed, embarrassed about how honest you were being with what the lamp was making you feel. You spread your legs, revealing the split seam of your pants and a pair of strained and soaked pink panties beneath it. "I need you to...um...help me. You rubbed the soft wet spot between your legs enticingly and Katy began to drool subconsciously. She was easily being overwhelmed by your pheromones in this confined space.
"I...um....what?" She said absent-mindedly as saliva began to pool in her mouth.
"Here. Like this." You pressed the lamp to your chest with one hand while you grabbed the back of her head with your free one. With ease, you forced her head between your legs and she automatically stuck out her tongue and began to eagerly lick you over your panties, completely unaware of what she was doing. She was yours now.
"Mmph mmph mmph." Your brother's girlfriend made rhythmic whimpers between laps of her tongue as you grew more and more aroused, the warmth of the lamp still pouring into you. 'This is my own personal heaven.' You thought to yourself, your panties growing tighter as the seam in your pants split further and further with each pulse of energy.
"You know...umph..I know you're my brother's girlfriend and all, but...(holy shit I'm getting so big) you're so good at this. I might just have to steal you and make you mine." You let the lamp rest between your massive tits which had no trouble gripping onto it unassisted as you reached down and grabbed two fistfuls of Katy's hair to both pet her and force her harder against your sopping panties. Looking down on her, you suddenly realized that she was packing more ass into her jeans than she was when you ushered her into your lair. 'This girl is leaching size off of me!' You thought to yourself. You could feel yourself still growing, but you were also now aware that the warmth of the lamp was being fed to her through you. 'This is so hot.' You bucked your hips harder against her as your jeans and panties snapped off. Katy peeled the remnants away and continued her work, now unobstructed.
As Katy grew, she was slowly starting to shake off the pheromone fog caused by her boyfriend's gargantuan little sister.
'What the fuck am I doing?' Was her first thought as she was tongue deep in Destiny's snatch. Her second thought was 'why was she enjoying it so much?' Her third thought was 'why was the bed so small?' Quickly coming to the conclusion that her boyfriend's sister was causing this and that she wanted more, she continued to indulge her temporary lover. No longer bound by Destiny's pheromones, Katy began to get more aggressive with her movements. She gripped Destiny's hips with force and tried to maximize her skin-to skin contact by laying her arms against her larger partner's thighs.
"Fuck, who taught you to eat like that?" Desiny moaned, crying out in sudden ecstacy. Unable to hold back, she finally let go and succumbed to her first orgasm of the evening. The heat of her arousal peaking only added to the lamp's power, forcing a sudden growth spurt out of her and causing destiny to crest the ten foot mark. "Fuck!" She cried out, gripping Katy's head and adding a second climax.
"Who taught me that? What, like your brother has been my only lover?" Hearing Katy's voice snapped you out of your euphoria only briefly. How had she broken your spell? You felt her grip on your hips change as she pulled herself up to get on top of you. She was still clearly some feet shorter than you as she maneuvered herself swiftly face to face with you. Lowering her weight, she was suddenly sandwitching the lamp between your ample chests as she pressed her lips to yours. A small whimpered moan of surprise escaping your lips. "Let me show you what else I know." Sharing the lamp between you and tasting your own arousal on your tongue immediately relit the fires between your legs and ignited another session of passion.
Your first thought pulling up to your house after a long day of work was that Katy must have been late to pick up her gift if her car was still out front. Your second thought was curiosity about the extra car that belonged to the delivery driver trapped (unbeknownst to you) in your mother's clutches. As you opened up the front door to your house, you were greeted by a half naked delivery driver making a mad dash past you to his car. He sped off, not even bothering to collect the money for his deliver. As you turned back towards the inside of your house, your eight foot tall mother exited her room, covered in nothing but a bed sheet. "I wasn't done with him." She pouted.
"What's all that noise?" Your sister said groggily, squeezing her twelve foot tall frame out of her doorway. She had to crouch next to your mom as to not dent the ceiling.
"Oh fuck. Des, what happened? You were supposed to give that to Katy, not use it!"
"Oh, I gave it to her alright, she said sardonically as a ten foot tall Katy followed your sister out of the bedroom. Seeing your twelve foot tall sister, your ten foot tall girlfriend, and your eight foot tall mother was too much for you to bare. You fainted at the sight, and the gaggle of girls giggled about what to do with you next.
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melanieph321 · 7 months
Angsty Idea for Ruben Imagine:
Y/N has been on a girls trip and Ruben promised to pick her up from the airport and spend the day together but he forgot and goes out with the boys. Y/N is hurt and feels like he doesn’t care about her and they get in a big fight but make up at the end !!
This request was great. The people thought it was great. And so here it is, greatness.
Ruben Dias x Reader - The Only Girl In His World
⚠️Warning ⚠️
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You called your mom as soon as you got into a taxi outside of the airport.
"Y/N, this is the third time!"
But calling her might have been a mistake.
"Mom, Ruben hasn't forgotten to pick me up before."
"No. But last week he forgot to e-mail you the plane tickets for your trip and the week before that he had trouble remembering which country you and your friends were even visiting. It's how it starts honey and you need to put a foot down, or else."
"Or else what?" You frowned, although deep down the truth hurt.
"Or else you'll end up alone in a big house with four kids whilst your husband is running around living his life like some hot shot bachelor."
"Mom, that would never happen. You know Ruben, besides he doesn't even want kids." You defended, just like you had defended Ruben's mistake to your friends, saying he had alot going on and therefore forgot to e-mail you their tickets. "....At least we haven't talked about that yet."
"And you won't need to." She said. "Because he'll forget to pick you up for that meeting too."
"Jupp, okay. I see where this phone call is going mom. I'm hanging up now..." You had already cried at the airport when, after two hours of waiting, you realized that your boyfriend had forgotten about you. Your mother was not about to ruin the make up you had to redo because of that.
"Y/N, I just don't want you to get hurt." She said, more sympathetically.
"Like I said mom. It's Ruben we're talking about. He would never hurt me, ever."
The phone call ended.
Thirty minutes later the taxi pulled up to Ruben's apartment building. You took the elevator up and felt your heartbeat with longing for a hug from the love of your life, however, all you were met with was an empty apartment and no Ruben.
You went from room to room, switching on the lights just to confirm that "Jupp." Your boyfriend forgot about you, or he simply couldn't care less about you. The worst thing was the realization that today was Ruben's day off, and thst at some point he had been home, and not alone. The Playstation was still plugged into the TV and there were empty bottles of that recovery drink that Ruben loved. However you couldn't imagine he'd ever recover from this, you'd never allow Ruben to make you feel this way again.
It was around eleven o'clock at night when you heard keys turn in the lock. Ruben must have sighted your open suitcase in the living room, for he was shouting your name.
"Fuck me." You heard him sigh. "Y/N, are you here?"
"In here!" You shouted from the bedroom. You were on the floor emptying drawers of all of your things.
"Oh my god, Y/N. I'm so sorry baby, so fucking sorry." Ruben appeared in the door frame, a pale look on his face, knowing damn well that he fucked up by forgetting to pick you up at the airport.
"I swear you said Sunday." He said, which was not an excuse, you thought. Why hadn't he checked with you if he was so unsure? A quick text message would have sufficed.
"No Ruben." You mumbled. "I specifically told you four o'clock, Saturday."
He slapped a hand over his face and sighed. "Fuck, I must have mixed up the dates."
"Of course you did."
"So...how did you get home?" He asked, the question so dumb that you wanted to slap that stupid look of innocence that he wore on his face.
"I took a taxi Ruben. Another will be here in a minute to pick me up."
He frowned "Why?"
You stood, a pile of folded clothes in your hands. "I'm leaving you Ruben. I'm tired of feeling like I'm always second best to you. So I'm prioritizing myself by leaving...you."
"What?" He blurred out. "W...what do you mean?"
You pushed past him as he stood in the door, once in the living room you dumped your folded clothes into your already packed suitcase.
"Baby, what do you mean your leaving me?" Ruben was close behind you, demanding answers. Why he was upset you  couldn't  even fathom. "Is this you breaking up with me or something, and for what, because I forgot to pick you up from a fucking airport?"
"And you forgot to send me my plane tickets! And you forgot which fucking country I was even in!" You shouted, with tears trailing down your face . "Did you even notice that I was gone Ruben? Did you even care that I was gone?"
"Baby?" He looked confused, confused as to why you were shouting and crying. "Why would you even ask me that? Of course I cared that you were gone. That's why I've had Bernardo come over here and play FIFA with me everyday since you left. "I...I don't know what has made you come to this conclusion about me...about us?" He looked to the suitcase on the floor with terror in his eyes. "Please, let's just talk about this first before you decide to do anything neither of us want.
You hated that he made you feel like the dramatic one, however he was right, the two of you should talk things out before you did anything that might be irreversible in the end.
"I don't wanna talk." You muttered.
"No?" Ruben looked on the verge of something, something he wouldn't recover from. "W...what do you want then?"
"I want to feel loved."
"Fuck." He sighed, rushing to cup your face in his hands. He lifted your head, bending down, kissing you. "Of course I love you. Your the only girl for me." He kissed you again, harder.
"Prove it." You said, pulling away from him.
"What?" He looked confused, so confused and afraid, afraid of losing you.
"Prove that you love me and only me"
"Y/N, how would I even do that?"
Your eyes looked him up and down, indicating nothing more than what you needed right now. "Fuck me."
Ruben's brows lifted.
You smiled. "Fuck me like I'm the only girl in the world."
Nothing more was said. Ruben didn't even let you leave the living room before your clothes came off. He had your legs spread wide with his cock thrusting in and out deep in side if you. He fucked you right there and then, on the living room couch, like you were the only girl in his world.
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A Healing Kiss
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This fic will cover my "Let me kiss it better." square on my 2nd @jacklesversebingo card. The prompt will be in bold.
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Summary: Y/N causes Dean a bit of damage. Can she fix it with a...kiss?
Warnings/Explicit 18+: Just a little bit of smutty goodness. Blowjob. slight handjob. Oral (m receiving). Implied oral (f receiving). Crack if you squint.
Pairings: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 1,968
A/N: Here is the next request for my second @jacklesversebingo card. It came from @suckitands33 :
Oh I’d love ‘let me kiss it better’ how about along the lines of flirting Dean and reader. Nothing actually happening though then reader hurts Dean in the dick and balls by mistake and says that ‘line’ and dean thinks she’s joking but she follows through with it. Love a bit of mutual pining then they give in to their desires. 🙏🏼
The pining ended up being a bit more from the reader's POV, but there's a hint that Dean's in the same mindset. Hope you enjoy it, hon! Hope everyone enjoys it! If you do, please don't forget to reblog, comment and/or like. I so appreciate it! ❤️
The beautiful dividers are created by @talesmaniac89 .
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“Shit! Shit! I'm so sorry!”
Y/N winced as Dean just groaned out his pain and rolled into the fetal position. 
“Dean! I'm so sorry!” She repeated, kneeling beside him, hands running up and down his sweaty bicep. “I just stumbled, I was aiming for your thigh.”
She grimaced again as she remembered the powerful kick she'd delivered, intending to connect with his meaty thigh, a move he could have blocked, or taken easily. They were training and Dean was on the attack, she was on the defense. But she’d just lost her center of gravity for a half second as she shot her foot out and she stumbled, landing the blow to a much more sensitive area.
Dean just waved at her as he sucked in deep breaths. She wasn’t sure if he was telling her it was okay, or telling her to get lost. Eventually he pulled himself up and disappeared into the bathroom. She thought he might be checking for permanent damage. She grabbed the bucket and filled it with ice from the machine just outside their room.
She knocked on the door of the bathroom. “Dean? I have some ice for you.”
The door opened a crack, but only Dean’s big hand stuck out, reaching for the bucket. He groped in the air for a minute until she grabbed his wrist and set the bucket on his palm. It disappeared back inside and the lock clicked. 
She sighed and flopped down on her bed. This was definitely not how she’d wanted this evening to go.
This was only the third time she’d been out hunting with the Winchesters; there was a lull in the case and they had to wait until the next day to interview a couple of witnesses to what they were fairly certain was a demon possession. So Sam was off with the pretty librarian they’d met earlier, and had texted Dean not to wait up. 
So it was just the two of them in the motel. This was the first time they'd ever been completely alone for any length of time and Y/N was feeling the tension. She felt as though there had always been a bit of something between them, just a spark that sprang to life sometimes, a touch here and there that felt like it could be much more if they allowed it.
Or at least, she thought there was a spark. She was a tiny bit worried she'd become delusional because of how badly she wanted the green-eyed hunter. So when Dean had suggested they spend their evening getting in some training, Y/N had jumped at the chance, hoping he was suggesting it as a way for them to get close - and physical. 
She did her best to be at least a little subtle in her excitement over the prospect of sweaty, hand to hand grappling with the hottest fucking man she’d ever known. Since they’d met less than a year before she hadn’t been able to get him out of her head. She was crossing every finger she had that this evening would lead to something she’d been craving for a very long time.
Everything Dean did was sexy, every part of him made her melt - his thick, solid, hunter’s body, long and powerful and begging to be taken for a ride. His deep, rumbling voice, like a shot of strong whiskey, always made her shiver. His eyes and the way they held secrets and promises in equal measure within their mossy green depths. And that mouth - Jesus, it should be illegal for a man to have a mouth that pretty.
He was basically walking temptation and she desperately wanted to give in. 
But now, instead of using their physical closeness and panting exertion to finally get him naked, she’d probably made it impossible for him to have children. She clapped her hands to her face and tried not to scream.
Finally, ten minutes later, Dean came out of the bathroom. Y/N sat up as he set the bucket of melting ice onto the counter beside the coffee maker. She scrunched up her face in sympathy. 
“I’m really sorry.”
But Dean just shook his head and fell onto his bed. “Nah, it’s fine, sweetheart. I’ll live. But you should definitely use that kick on a bad guy; he’ll be down and out like that.” He said with a snap of his fingers.
Y/N bit her lip. “Good to know.”
Dean folded his arms behind his head and grinned at her. “Where’d you learn that little ninja kick, by the way? It’s pretty badass.”
She rolled her eyes. “Yeah, it’s much more badass when I don’t stumble and miss my target.”
Dean chuckled. “Well, I will admit that wasn’t exactly how I was hoping our sparring session would end.”
Y/N’s stomach clenched. She licked her lips, eyes locked with his. “Really? How uh…how were you hoping it would end?”
Those wicked promises were back in his gaze as he shrugged and smirked. “I was hoping to win, of course.”
“Ah, of course.” Y/N said, trying to gauge his mood. Was this friendly flirting or something more real? “Sorry I nailed you in the nads instead.”
Dean chuckled again, a low rumble. “I feel like that apology wasn’t as sincere as the others.”
Trying hard not to think of the consequences if she was reading him wrong, Y/N got up to walk to his bed and sit down at his hip. “I’m sorry, Dean.” She said sincerely, but slightly breathless. “Let me kiss it better.”
Dean’s eyes widened and warmed. His tongue darted out and he pulled his bottom lip into his mouth, sucking on it for a moment before letting it go, leaving it plump and wet and enticing. He forced another small laugh and a smirk. “That’s funny, sweetheart.”
Y/N smiled and then moved her hand to his belt buckle, just resting it there. “And if I wasn’t joking?”
Dean breathed out roughly, his eyes downcast and staring at her hand. When they raised back to hers, the pupils were bleeding into his bright green irises. “Then I’d say, it will probably take more than a kiss to make it all better.”
Y/N’s grin became wicked as she worked at his belt with one hand. “I’ll see what I can do.”
Dean’s breathing picked up as she unzipped his jeans and reached her hand inside. She groaned along with him as she ran her hand over his underwear and along his incredible length. He was semi-hard already and so thick it made Y/N’s mouth water.
She tugged on his jeans and he lifted his hips to let her pull them off. She climbed onto the bed and straddled his bare legs before running her hands up his thighs. She dug her nails into the thick, meaty muscles there and Dean hissed.
She bent her head down and pushed his t-shirt up so she could lay wet, sucking kisses across his flat stomach. She lowered the waistband of his boxer briefs just a bit so she could bite into the taut v-shaped muscle that disappeared into his underwear, making Dean buck slightly beneath her.
He moved his hands from behind his head to grip the sheets in his big fists as Y/N slid down his body slightly so she could place a light kiss to the thick ridge straining against the black cotton.
“All better?” She teased. Dean huffed out a laugh and his voice was pure rasp as he answered.
“Not quite.”
She hummed and nodded. “Better get a closer look then.”
She slowly peeled his snug briefs down over his hips. He lifted for her again briefly and she freed his dick to slap against his lower abdomen. 
“Fuck me.” She said quietly as she took in the beauty of his perfectly marbled cock, long and thick and leaking.
“That's the idea, sweetheart.” Dean said with a breathy chuckle.
She leaned down to kiss the very tip, flicking her tongue into his slit and making his cock twitch. She moaned as she wrapped her hand around the base and couldn’t quite make her fingers touch. She began placing feather light kisses all along the shaft and she could feel it throb beneath her lips.
She pushed it flat against his stomach and swirled her tongue around each of his balls, earning a grunt and a ragged curse from Dean.
“Fuck Y/N, fuck.” He mumbled.
She mouthed her way up his shaft, teasing and tormenting him by occasionally scraping her teeth very gently over his velvety skin. Finally she closed her mouth tight around the tip pulling in her cheeks and sucking on him like a popsicle. He groaned deeply and her core muscles clenched painfully.
His left hand moved into her hair and he gave it a tug as she slid further down his length. “Yes, baby take it all, swallow me down.” He ground out between clenched teeth.
Y/N hummed her agreement and pushed down as far as she could, till he was touching the back of her throat. She dropped her jaw, and let go of the base of his dick so she could plant her hands on the mattress on either side of his hips and arch her neck so that she could take his whole cock, pressing her nose against his pelvic bone and letting him stretch her throat.
Dean’s hips bucked and she pulled all the way off of him, letting her spit and his cum keep them connected as she looked up the length of his body to watch him push his head back into the pillow and growl. His hand in her hair kept tugging and pulling as she began bobbing up and down on his cock. The slight sting spurred her on, and she moved faster and faster on him, letting him hit the back of her throat every time.
She pushed down hard on him and the spongy head of his cock slipped down her throat once again. She swallowed around him, and then sealed her lips tight and sucked hard as she pulled back up.
Dean pushed against her shoulders. “Fuck, I’m close, I’m gonna cum.”
Y/N gripped his dick in her hand again, pumping it a few times, before she opened her mouth wide and bounced his heavy cock against her tongue. Her saliva ran down his length, allowing her hand to glide over him smoothly as she kept milking him. Finally with a fierce yell, Dean gushed into her mouth and down her chin. 
She pumped him through his whole climax, licking and sucking on him as his hips stuttered and he finally fell back onto the mattress, spent and panting. Y/N cleaned him up with her tongue, making sure she got every drop.
As his breathing normalized and began to even out Dean grabbed her wrist and yanked her forward to fall across him. He brought her mouth to his and kissed her long and hard, not caring that he could taste himself on her lips. He rolled her over and pinned her beneath him before pushing to his knees and yanking his shirt off so he was completely naked. She was still fully dressed.
He tugged on her t-shirt. “Gotta do something about this.” He said as he pulled it off. 
Y/N giggled breathlessly and then gasped as he moved to unzip her jeans. “Does this mean my kiss worked?” She gasped. “Feeling all better now?”
Dean yanked down her jeans and panties with one tug and groaned as he saw how wet she already was. 
He nodded. “Yeah, much better, but now I’m starving.” He said with a grin before sinking down to feast.
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scarletwinterxx · 1 year
loving you is easy - mark lee imagine
hiiiii, 127 cb i have been summoned😅 for the past few weeks i've been inactive on all socmeds, sorry for the very few and slow posts. anyways, let's talk Fact Check haha what's your fave track? i think mine's Parade. the vocals in that one is soooo good.
So yeah i hope you like this one, i'll be back when I can💛🌻
if you have a request or scenario you want me to do, just send me a message I'll see what I can do😊💌
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2023 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
(gif not mine, credits to rightful owner)
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"It's one plane ride away, I'll be there in 3 months"
"That's 3 months too long" he grumbles, still pouting as he zips the last of his luggage. Mark hated being away for you, too many days and nights your time zone's don't line up. By the time it's morning for you, he'll be saying goodnight.
But now, things are about to change. This will be the last time you're saying goodbye to him for a long time but he doesn't know that. For now it's your little secret.
"It'll fly by fast, just like every other time. Now come here and give me cuddles, stop pouting like a kid" you tease him, opening your arms to welcome him.
Feeling his arms go around you, you further confirmed a fact you've known for years. The two of you can be continents away from each other, but your heart will always stay with one another. Mark really has become your home and in his arms are where you feel the safest and most loved.
"If you're sad then it's gonna make me sad, I don't want the last night to be all tears" you tell him, feeling his embrace tighten against you. He kisses the top of your head a few times before letting you go.
"You're right, sorry. No more sulking, it's just 3 months then you'll come to me" he smiles at you, the cute little dimple you love so much appearing on his cheek. You stand on your tiptoe to kiss it, savoring the warmth of him against your lips.
And you were right, the 3 months did fly by fast. Mainly because you were busy packing your apartment to move to another continent. You didn't keep much apart from your stuff and some of Mark's. It's kind of hard to travel with everything so you got rid of what you can.
The only person who knew you were coming was Johnny, who is currently waiting for you at the airport. Easily spotting the 6 foot Chicago guy from a distance.
"There she is! About time you got here, I don't think I can take another day of Mark whining about how much he misses you" he jokes, giving you a quick hug and taking your stuff to carry it himself.
"He doesn't know I'm coming, I'm suppose to fly out this weekend" you tell him while following behind
"Oh believe me I know, he won't let us forget"
You chuckle at his story, just thinking about surprising Mark makes you grin.
He dropped you off at Mark's apartment, you're familiar with the place since you've stayed here every time you fly over. What he doesn't know is you're here to stay with him for good.
It did took a lot of courage to make this decision but you didn't doubt it for a second. You know there's no other place you'd rather call home than where he is.
For a couple of hours you rested, cleaned the few dishes on the sink and picked up the towel he threw on the floor. A habit you knew he had, you've had that talk with him more than a few times and he always promises he won't do it again. You let him off the hook, for now.
You were in the bedroom when you hear someone by the door. Mark entered his place, tired from the whole day of work to notice the other pair of shoes by the door.
He threw his bag by the couch, along with his coat. He then walked to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water, resting against the counter while he drinks and take a moment to look around.
This time he notices the dishes he was suppose to do this morning was gone. He brushed it off thinking he must've just forgotten he already did it. He then walked to the bedroom, the first thing he noticed was the towel that he definitely threw by the bed this morning. He remembers it because he's been thinking about it all day and how you'll be mad if you found out he threw it on the floor yet again.
He looks around, checking to see anything missing or different just in case someone broke in. But who would clean up if they're here to steal, he thoughts.
Mark then walks towards the bathroom to check, nothing there too so he walks back the bedroom. Just when he was about to go outside, you jumped out of your hiding spot to surprise him
"WHAT THE F- OH MY GOD WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE" you didn't even get the chance to walk towards him because he's already running to you. Picking you up in an embrace.
"Is this for real or am I dreaming?" you hear him mumble
You giggle, patting him on the back so he could put you down. "This is real silly. I'm really here" you tell him.
He grabs you by the face and kisses you. As his lips lands on yours, he knew this was really real. You're actually here with him.
You can feel him smile against your lips, tilting your head to the side to kiss him deeper. Too many days wish he was with you, now he's here and you're not going to let go that easily.
He walks backwards until the back of his legs hit the bed. Landing on it gently with you still in his arms. You straddle his legs while the two of you get lost in each others kisses.
"Okay okay wait a sec" you giggle, pushing your lover away gently. Mark follows your lips though, kissing you a few more times before he lets you go but not too far.
"When did you get here?" he asks you
"Today, Johnny picked me up at the airport so I could surprise you" you tell him, your hands intertwine around his shoulders.
"I could've come and pick you up" he pouts.
Oh your sweet sweet boy.
You smile at him, rubbing your nose against his. Feeling like you're on cloud nine now that you're back together.
"Then it wouldn't be a surprise" you tell him, speaking of surprise you can't wait to see his reaction once you tell him your news.
"How long are you staying? I can take a few days off so we can go out" he tells you excitedly.
For you he would do just about anything. He can put his world on pause, stop everything for you.
"About that..."
"What? You can't stay that long?" he asks, already feeling sad but he tries not to let you see it.
"Actually, I'm not gonna go back" you tell him, not sure how to break the news to him either
"Surprise number 2 I guess, I wanted to tell you for months now but I waited until everything is settled. So yeah. I'm here to stay, that is if you're looking for a roommate?" you ask
Mark didn't say anything for a couple of seconds, your words still processing in his mind.
"You mean you're staying here, with me ? Here? and you're not going to fly back? You're staying with me?"
You can't help but laugh lightly at him, pulling him closer once again to kiss him
"I'm gonna stay right here" you whisper, looking straight into his eyes.
"But what about your work? your friends? I can't ask you to leave your life there"
"Baby you're not asking me, I want to. I have friends here too, I can call my friends there and we can visit them. Plus you're my bestfriend. As for work, it just so happened they were looking for someone to relocate here to Korea. It was like fate wanted me to be here"
"Are you sure? I don't want you to give up everything, I don't mind the flights-"
"You do, I do. We both do. We just never said it outloud because we didn't want to be sad, but all I can think of when you're not around is how much I want to be with you. To be honest it's harder for me to be there than moving here where I know I could be with you"
He looks at you, trying to find the words to say
"Are you really really sure?" he asks again
"I wouldn't be here if it wasn't. So you're stuck with me, for good" you tease a smile out of him
"It's hard for me too. It's the hardest when I'm so tired and I come back here and all I can think of is how much I want to come home to you. Every flight away from you was never easy"
"I know"
"So I guess this is your anniversary present?" he jokingly asks, you get off of his lap to stand up.
"It'll be hard to top this one" you joke
"I can just ask you to marry me" he says ever so casually, not missing how your cheeks reddened. You hit him lightly making your boyfriend laugh
"Hey, that's not fair"
"You're the one who's stuck me, you know I'm never letting you go now?"
"Good, cause I'm not going anywhere. Here's to 7 more years"
He smile at you before standing up to hug you again,
As you stare at each other eyes you can't help but feel this warm sensation in your chest. You really are home.
"I read somewhere that our cells change every 7 years or so" you mumble, he hums waiting for you to continue
"It's been 7 years since we first met, and until now I still feel the same way about you. I want every cell in my body to know what it feels like to love you, I want it to never forget how warm and lovely it feels it be in love with you. 7 years from now, 14 years and until the last cycle of this life, I want all of me to love all of you"
He stares at you, soaking each word coming out of your lips like a spell enchanting him. Making him fall even deeper in love with you.
"You know they say love isn't easy, but loving you is easy. It's like it's the only thing my heart and soul was made for. Every thought in my head, awake or even in my dreams, is always you" he tells you.
You can feel the tears starting to build up from too much happiness you're feeling right now.
"Wanna hear something crazy?" you mumble
"Do tell" he chuckles
"If you ask me to marry you right now, I'd say yes"
He smiles at you before closing the distance once again, like he just sealed a promise. Speaking a silent vow to make that come true, maybe tonight or tomorrow or 7 days/months from now. All he knows is he will live this life with you.
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wexhappyxfew · 4 months
Hi! I love your Silver Bullets girls, and Carrie x Douglass has a special place in my heart (even more since your last writing with them). So, for them I'd like to ask 35. (kissing their bruises and scars) from the Touch prompt list or 5. (the last thing they're thinking about before falling asleep is always the other) from the Subtle love list. 💗
HI FRIEND!!!! thank you so much for sending this and i am so so glad carrie and dougie have meant a lot, alongside the Silver Bullets girls (it seriously means SO MUCH and i always say it but its true!!!) THANK YOU FOR THE OPTIONS TOO!!!! i couldn't help myself and went with the second prompt (5) and decided to focus on some of their earlier meetings with one another and how they've developed into the people today. let's just say, i had a lot of fun! thank you SO MUCH!!!!! :D this was so much fun! <3 (and sorry for the wait for this....the semester was its usual chaos haha!)
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(a/n): safe to say, for my carrie x dougie enjoyers, this was FUN to write. we get a bit into life before the annie bradshaw era of silver bullets! WITH captain birdie faulkner. BUT, because i am a sucker for someone who haunts the narrative and is simply talked about, we don't actually meet birdie here, just hear about her as a leader and all (a running theme!). we also get a bit into the storyline of what dougie means when he said he wanted to ask carrie to 'dance in greenland in THIS PIECE. and also carrie's dislike for greenland lmfao. please enjoy!!! <3
Greenland was anything but green, it seemed.
Maybe that's why the Vikings called it that - to freak the living fuck out of any sort of enemy that was bound to come this way and make them mistake what was actually a stupid ice block for well - 'green land'.
The landing had been less that superb and Captain Faulkner had dismissed them all to the bar to the left of the tarmac for the rest of the evening off.
Birdie Faulkner was everything, including a realist, and she seemed to understand that the rather harrowing conditions of their landing was something that required at least a drink or two before bedding down for the night.
With a half-finished beer, Carrie was sure that she could've fallen asleep in that very chair for the time being, but she had to present herself a best she could. With the newest B-17 group collected, Silver Bullets was formulated and crafted by that oh-so-brilliant mind of Birdie Faulkner, and they all had her to thank. And Carrie had to look a bit more put-together than usual - prove she's not just a wash-out bombardier with lackluster experience. That she deserved the spot in Silver Bullets more than anyone else.
"So?" a voice came from her right, settling into the other plush, leather seat at her side, the smiling face of Bessie Carlisle appearing as she popped open her own beer bottle, "Greenland, huh?" Carrie smirked and rolled her shoulders and glanced around.
"It's cozy, really," Carrie offered, "I'm considering taking a swim in the river, suntanning-"
"Okay, smart ass," Bessie said with a chuckle, her boot nudging her own foot, "can't say I'm complaining. Finally out of those training cycles, working towards the war. Maybe, we'll actually put ourselves to use instead of waiting just to go on a practice run." Carrie watched Bessie and then smiled widely.
"Love it so much that I may tell my future husband that 'Hey, we're moving to Greenland!', pack up the truck, babe, forget Brooklyn, home is where the grass is a solid as a fucking rock," Carrie said, sipping her beer, "not to mention the weather. I love to freeze."
"Someone's happy." a new voice chimed in, as Francis settled into a chair opposite them, sucking down a portion of her beer and grinning, "I've never seen you so enthusiastic about something." Carrie deadpanned.
"I'm really jumping for joy over here, Monty." Carrie told Francis, raising her glass of beer up in mock ceremony, "You know me so well." Francis and Bessie burst out into laughter as Carrie leaned back in her chair with a sigh and looked towards the ceiling.
"When the hell are we going to England?" Carrie asked, counting the flecks of rotting wood in the wooden ceiling, her eyes tracing the pieces that stuck out of the ceiling panels before losing her spot and recounting, "If I could just get another beer started, I'd be ready by tonight to head out. No pit-stops for me, I'm just fine with a beer stop and then jetting off to England and calling it a day."
"I wish I had the same energy towards that, Bergie, I really do," Bessie said, "afraid to say I'd ask for a few hours of sleep thought over that."
"Sleeps overrated half the time!" Carrie admonished still staring up at the ceiling, "How you gonna get a thing done when sleep's-"
"Exactly what you need." Carrie blinked a few times and into focus above her head came James Douglass - fellow bombardier, with whom Bessie had introduced on one of Carrie's first days after her transfer on base.
Carrie remembered first time seeing him coming towards them, with that carpet on his face he called a mustache, a sharp smirk, a rather loud, somewhat obnoxious voice, a quick hand-shaking, before he was wrapping his arm around her shoulder and pointing out to various areas along the base like they'd been friends for years - something that had caught her completely off guard. And ever since then, with their few chance meetings, they'd been nothing but a trifle of teasing jabs and somewhat good-natured fun.
Key word: somewhat.
Because she could never actually read James Douglass unlike Benny DeMarco or Hambone Hamilton who were just about as sweet to her as her grandma's hotcakes. He'd see her and beeline, make a few jokes, flirt shamelessly, and then go dance with the next girl who'd take his hand. He was quite the character and Carrie usually didn't engage in much conversation past when he'd come to seek her out.
Except now, he was hung above her like a hyperactive golden retriever, like the dog, Kering, that had lived down the street from the Achterberg's in Brooklyn all her life. Running out of the Wilkes house anytime the door opened, barking and sniffing and tearing around the neighborhood like a lunatic. Yeah, Kering the golden retriever who looked like he was a lunatic reminded her exactly of James Douglass.
Nice to know home was never far.
"What are you trying to say, huh?" Carrie asked, still slouching in the chair and staring up at him hovering over her. Douglass grinned at her, showing off his pearly whites and that charming look on his face and he let out a chuckle.
"You know, a little sleep never hurt a soul. Only reason we're even alive," Douglass said, reaching forward to rub her shoulder, "makes the brain happy or some shit. Makes people less….cranky."
"You calling me cranky, now?"
"Cranky. Now that's just one of many words-"
"Oh, you little-"
"Alright!" Bessie said standing and shoving Douglass pack from where he currently was occupying Carrie's headspace, "Nice to know some things never change." Carrie glanced at her as she sat up and Bessie raised a brow with a smirk.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Douglass said from behind Carrie, before he moved around her chair and took the other open seat in the grouping of four, and kicking back to relax. Carrie watched Bessie before looking at Francis, who was rather interested in her cup of beer, before glancing at Douglass, who was already looking at her.
"What?" she murmured, before he made a face and she rolled her eyes.
"How was the flight over, Douglass? Invigorating?" Bessie asked Douglass, with a smile - leave it to Bessie to be sweet as cream on any given occasion.
"You woulda thought Greenland would be, well, fucking green-"
"That's what I said!" Carrie butted in, getting looks from the other three, before settling on Douglass who was watching her, with a mixture of interest and annoyance, but she couldn't seem to decipher the two and sank back in her chair, "Greenland's cold as fuck, not some East Coast paradise I'll give ya that." She heard Douglass chuckle at that as Carrie took in more sips of beer.
"With the way we were flying in, I wasn't even sure we were gonna make it at first, I'll tell you that," Douglass said, "you sit in that nose and you swear to God that you'll smash right into the tarmac. Good ole Ev Blakely don't let that sorta stuff happen though."
"Yeah, a real crap shoot." Carrie muttered, "Thought Birdie was gonna bring us in sideways." Douglass raised a brow as he sipped his beer.
"Guess you can say they lied about the fucking weather, too," Douglass offered, "really nice place here. Could barely move my fingers and toes when I actually stood up fully." Bessie let out a chuckle and started sipping her beer again as Carrie narrowed her eyes at her.
"Hey, they're putting on some music to dance, y'all wanna come?" Judy Rybinski's joyfully said as she appeared behind Francis, "C'mon Bessie, I know that look anywhere, you wanna!"
"You know me too well, Jude," Bessie said, getting to her feet and finishing off her beer.
"I'm coming with! No shot I'm missing a chance at good music and good company." Francis said getting to her feet, "The company part may be a stretch-"
"Oh c'mon!" Judy said, taking Francis' hand before looking at Carrie and Douglass unmoved in their chairs, "You two coming?"
"I'm going to continue working on these beers, Jude, but I appreciate it," Carrie said, "Greenland's officially fucked me up." Judy let out a chuckle.
"You enjoy that then, Bergie," Judy said before looking at Douglass, "Dougie?" Carrie glanced sideways at Douglass who sat quietly, before glancing over at Carrie and then Judy again.
"Maybe next time," he said with a nod, "I promise you a dance, got it?"
"Sounds good! Don't have too much fun!" Judy called before she disappeared and some Artie Shaw began playing over the speakers.
"Good to know we have one thing in common, Bergie." Carrie slowly looked over at Douglass, that annoying nickname rolling off his lips like it had before, "We both hate Greenland." And he grinned at her and couldn't help but smirk back.
"First off, don't call me that. Second, you might be right about that," Carrie said, sipping her beer again, "you know that it's called Greenland because of the Vikings?" Douglass let out a chuckle and shook his head.
"Nah, you're fucking with me," he said, "the Vikings? The guys with the horns on their heads?"
"I'm not kidding," Carrie said sitting up and fully meeting his gaze for the first time since he had hung overtop her, "I swear to you, they did it. Tricking their enemies. For the sake of how much can they fuck a person in the head." Douglass watched her for a moment, before letting out a laugh and sipping his beer again, before smirking.
"Maybe they were just being smart," Douglass countered, "before they knew that it was just one sheet of ice for miles on end. Then they realized what a shitty name Greenland was." Carrie stared at him for a moment, before smiling slightly, unable to hold back her grin.
"You really know how to get under my skin, don't ya?"
"Guess you could say I know what makes you tick."
"Oh so now you suddenly know everything about me, huh?" Carrie said, leaning over to give his shoulder a playful shove, "Well, go on, what's my favorite color?" She watched him and noticed him glance at her lips - surprisingly - before moving back to her eyes.
"I don't know….blue probably." Carrie watched him and stilled for a moment.
"Uh….yeah, actually." she said quickly, and forced down the way her cheeks flamed (and for what she didn't know), "Alright, well, where do I come from?"
"Brooklyn." Douglass said, laughing at the look on her face, "Look, sweetheart, that New York accent ain't just a voice with Southern twang. I know if I was walking down the streets, and I heard your voice, it'd be you."
"God, what the hell." murmured Carrie as Douglass chuckled, "You won't get this - school subject." Douglass looked at her and then smirked before leaning forward.
"Something with math, right?" he asked her confidently, "You don't just get interested in this sorta shit without having some interest there." Carrie watched him and tilted her head.
"Are you mind-fucking me or something?" she asked him, "How the hell-"
"Just good at reading people I guess." Douglass said with a smirk, "Contrary to popular belief, Bergie, I usually know what I'm talking about. There's a reason I'm a bombardier and not just some journalist or something." She watched him and licked her lips.
"Is that why you joined?" she asked him, "The Air Force? Flying in B-17s?" Douglass glanced at her and nodded.
"Had to join the fight somehow, couldn't just sit back and let the fucking Nazis think they could walk all over us," Douglass said, finishing his beer, "that sorta stuff just don't fly around here. Well, except us. We fly." The two burst out into laughter, before they both died down and looked to one another. For a moment, they were quiet regarding one another with somewhat hesitant gazes as Carrie finished off her beer.
"Well, I'm gonna head-"
"Did you wanna-"
They both watched each other, before breaking out into laughter and righting themselves.
"You go." Douglass said.
"I was gonna head out. Get some rest. Pretty tired." she said quickly, her heart racing as she smiled at him with a nod, "You?" Douglass stared at her and for the first time, she saw the sudden shyness in his gaze as he glanced away from her and then back.
"Just…was gonna get another drink, but you head out, get some rest," he said, before smirking at her, "you need it."
"Oh, you asshole." grumbled Carrie knocking his shoulder before standing to her feet, Douglass following suit. The stood there for a moment, looking at one another - usually, if this were a Silver Bullets girl, she'd give them a hug, but with Douglass, she felt frozen in place. She stuck out her hand instead, to shake, and he shook her hand, and she felt more awkward than ever before, as she shook back. His handshake was firm though, and confident and suddenly made her feel like some 16-year-old girl in high school and balked.
"Well, I'll see you around." she said, stumbling back a bit, "Night!" And she disappeared quickly - like she always did. She found the barracks, promptly settled into bed, and then stared at the ceiling, counting the dried pieces of wood hanging from the panels again.
And she replayed the look in James Douglass' eyes - over and over.
And for the first time in years, all she could think about was James Douglass' eyes that had watched her like that, as she tried to fall asleep.
To say the least, it was the best sleep in months.
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billieeilishshusband · 11 months
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Eva - Swarm 2023
Summary: you wake up in a house after a long night of drinking. Eva decides to help you after a long hangover
I woke up with a burning headache, I sat up and looked around, scratching the back of my head. 'Fuck, where am i?' i thought. I was so lost in my thoughts i didn't hear or see the door opening "Are you okay, feeling better" I jumped at the soft voice, turning to the sound of the voice "Huh? What?" I said standing up a bit scared. "Are you feeling better? You were throwing up last night" She said smiling, her blue eyes were so bright but perfect "Yes, i'm fine, Who are you?" I said tripping over the bed behind me sitting down on it. She looked at me chuckled and sat down next to me. "You were drunk and you were wandering around and you walked into the store, not far from here and started flirting with me and then you puked outside. I asked where you lived and you said you lived like hours away and you ditched your car in a lake. so i helped you out. I'm Eva"
I cringed at myself "I'm sorry man, i normally don't do that, i don't even remember getting there or the car, or the drinking." You looked down. She was about to say something but you accidentally cut her off "Oh fuck man, I shouldn't of gotten drunk, I think i was drunk driving. Fuck i'm sorry for drinking, and flirting with you-" I started to ramble but she cut me off "Seriously it's fine" She smiled. "Want a glass of water?" She stood up turning around to face me. "Yes, please" You stood up following behind her. I stood in the kitchen with her looking around at the things around me "So...What did i say exactly?" I looked down, twisting my foot back and fourth "Before or after you puked?" She said turning the sink on and then off placing me the drink "Here you go" She smiled, edging me to go to the table, which i did. I sat down not facing her looking at the water in the cup. "When i was flirting with you..."
"Don't be embarrassed, you can face me" I slowly looked up at her, her eyes staring at mines, darting between my eyes. I looked at her lips and then her nose "My eyes...look at my eyes" I looked at her eyes "you seem nervous, You can look away if it's bad" You stared at her face, just looking at it. "So with your flirting..."
I felt so sick, i was stumbling around a place i didn't even fucking know. My car was fucked. I looked at the bright store, I looked around at the items. I felt a tap on my shoulder, My hair messed up. i turned around looking down at the girl "Hello, pretty gal" I held her shoulders, she was a bit jumped but smiled "You look lost are you okay?" She asked "Fuck, your so pretty" I said quietly she smiled at the comment. "I think i'm gonna be sick" I said she dragged me out of the store and i threw up by a bench "I just want you to know i wasn't throwing because of you. I think i love you...? Are you free, like right now?" I threw up again right after "I think we should worry about this first sweetie" She said patting my back.
She helped me stand up properly, She was way shorter so it was harder for her to carry "You're so fine, you made me forget my pickup line." God, her eyes were so pretty, her face was perfectly made and her eyes, her hair. "I never believed in love at first sight, but that's before I saw you." The pickup lines i could only remember. She carried me home and when we got to the front of the house i tripped and fell. "Fuck" I said "your okay, I'll get some plasters" She helped you up and took you inside "Sit here, please" She smiled softly, I drunkenly sat down waiting for her to come back. She came in a few seconds later with a few items. "okay can you lift your head up a bit to stop some blood" She said standing up looking down at me. "there's a lot of blood" There was you must of cut it on something harsh "it's okay though i'll clean it up and then they'll i'll put a plaster over to stop the bleeding" She smiled, dabbing items i couldn't see to get rid of the blood. "Ow it's sore" i slightly nudged her away. "Do you want to hold something to stop the sore?"
"Yeah" I quickly grabbed her hips with my hands, She gasped, but got back to it. "This might hurt a bit it's alcohol stuff." She smiled, dabbing it carefully "ow" i said squeezing her harshly. She let out a little quiet whimper. "Sorry" I said my voice cracking. "It's okay" After a few minutes, she had my nose fully fixed "So i have a guest room. if you want to sleep there" She said picking me up a bit. Moving her blonde hair out of the way, She got me to the room and sat me down "If you need me just call me. My name's Eva, i'm sorry i forgot to mention that"
"Suits you" I smiled "Wait, stay please" My short hair is getting in my face. She didn't respond but she got in the bed that was next to me. She turned to face me "Night" She said, She closed her pretty blue eyes, I held her hand. I fell asleep.
"So, yeah at 5:00 i left the room, to plan the day" I hid my face in my hands "god" I muffled "It's fine" She took down one of my hands from my face Holding it in my hand. I felt the heat come up on my face. She got closer to me, right to my face "Your nose looks better, she said touching my nose. I leaned in and kissed her but quickly pulled away "i am so sorry"
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faetaiity · 2 years
Bad day cuddles (Turtle brothers x Reader)
Yeah, I’m having a shit day, so I decided to make this CW: This talks about intrusive thoughts, depression, antidepressant withdrawals (YEAH THOSE HAPPEN, AND THEY FUCKING SUCK) and chewing/picking on your skin (something I do a lot.)
You laid in your bed, you’ve been awake for a couple hours now, but simply feel like you don’t have the energy to do more than twist and turn in your bed
this was normal, though, you had bad days where you didn’t have the willpower to hype yourself up to make it through the day, of course, you COULD blame it on not having your antidepressants, it’s been a week now since you last had taken a pill
but you knew the real problem to blame was yourself, you’ve been hanging out with your friends so much that you just... forget...
you stared up at the ceiling for another... ten minutes? you have a horrible sense of time during these episodes, but luckily after that time has passed, you finally managed to get enough energy to look at your phone
1:23 PM
‘awh fuck’ you thought, seeing well over 40 messages on your lock screen, 35 of them are from the group chat you have with the brothers, but this part of the conversation startled you
Neon Leon: Hey! we still up for pizza night at [Y/N]'s place?
BootyShaker9000: Think so, ask [Y/N] though, we might need to reschedule or move the location to the lair.
Neon Leon: @[Y/N] @[Y/N] @[Y/N]
BootyShaker9000: Oh, my fucking god, STOP, they're probably busy
~~30 minutes later~~
Raph-A-Doodle-Do: You think they're okay? They never take this long to respond, even in School.
Magic Michael: Hope so! What if they're sick?!
a few minutes after Mikey sent that message, you got a DM from Raph
Raph-A-Doodle-Do: Hey honey, you okay? Mikey's throwing a little panic episode right now, please respond when you see this, love you.
you sighed, knowing damn well that they know you read this now, due to the 'Read at 1:30PM' snitch marker, you decided to message the groupchat instead of just Raph
[Y/N]: Hey guys, I'm sorry I didn't say anything sooner, I'm just.... not feeling the greatest right now.
Magic Michael: Oh, No! Are you sick?!
[Y/N]: No, just down with a bad mood, don't worry, can we reschedule for next week?
you got no reply, but you knew they read it
15 minutes later, you got a knock on the window, you groaned, you knew who it was, but you just... can't get out of bed, you feel like if you do, you'll just die of exhaustion.
The knocking became more desperate before stopping for a moment, you sighed in relief, hoping they just went away
that thought was too hopeful, though, because a minute or two later, you heard your window break making you anxious and started biting the inner part of your cheek plus picking at various scabs on your body, before you also heard hurried footsteps come near your bedroom
They stopped right in front of your door, knocked softly for a few seconds, waited, then opened
You saw the four brothers; they all had worried looks, you relaxed before tiredly waving at them
Mikey instantly bounded towards you, hopping on the bed, hugging and peppering you with small forehead and cheek kisses
"Honey!!!! What's wrong?!" bless Mikey's heart, he was always the sweetest, hell, he even somehow melted Draxum's ice cold heart
Leo followed next, going to the opposite side of your bed and sat next to you, Leo wasn't nearly as concerned but he asked you in a soft tone "Did something happen?"
Raph and Donnie approached at the same time, sitting at the foot of your bed "Darling, you wanna talk about it?" Donnie nodded in agreement
You shook your head "Not now..." you mumbled, continuing to pick at the scabs on your arms, Leo gasped softly, he grabbed your hands and gently pulled them away
"Hey,,, Don't do that, love, please talk with us, we don't wanna see you like this" he mumbled, kissing your arms where you were picking softly
You started tearing up, venting about everything that's happened recently, and how you bottled it up until you just couldn't do anything anymore
They listened, nodding softly, letting you finish before you felt Leo and Mikey hug you, Donnie and Raph moved up and joined the three of you
you stayed like this for a while, basking in the touch of your lovers, Donnie got up, took your phone and started ordering pizza for the five of you, once he was done, he looked over towards you
"You wanna take a self-care day and watch your favorite movies?" he asked gently, you nodded softly, tears still pricking your eyes
He let out a ghost of a smile and picked you up, bringing you into the living room, he stopped at the couch and set you down softly, the others followed, each of them setting beside you
"Whatcha wanna watch?" Raph asked
"Can we watch [F/M]?"
"Of course" Leo purred, cuddling you and getting comfortable
The rest joined in
"I love you guys" you yawned out
"we love you too" they said in unison, softly nuzzling into you from four different angles
Augh, I needed something that would be self indulgent and somewhat of a comfort post.
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umi-adxhira · 1 year
So Ikevil MC seems to be brave at times but she’s pretty demure
so can I request a more sassy, fiery, feisty, take no shit MC?
Spacific lay with our favorite foul mouthed man Jude (my fav 😍)
The others if you want but not required only if your in the mood to write them
I’m thinking maybe when she’s first getting to know them and Jude is being his normal foul mouthed rude self and MC Is basically just “oh hell no I’m a put this man in his place”
I imagine this type of mc x Jude down the line would wind up turning into a sort of enemies to lovers type tho g 😂 (ofc my fav trope)
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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒: ᴊᴜᴅᴇ ᴊᴀᴢᴢᴀ
𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑'𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄: We love a sassy MC putting a foul-mouthed man in his place. Also, enemies to lovers is my favourite trope, and Jude is my favourite character in the game, so this is perfect. Uses she/her pronouns but could also be gender-neutral
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"Quit your yappin' already. You don't want to see me mad,"
"Oh, I definitely wish to see the 'foul-mouthed', 'evil' Mister Jude get mad. It will certainly be entertaining to see a child throw a tantrum for his favourite toy," You mock teasingly, causing an irk to rise from Jude's forehead.
Ellis intervenes, hopefully before his contractor decides to put a hole in your head, "Should we get going, Mister Jude? We need to leave now so we can get to the company on time for the meeting,"
"..." Jude pauses for a moment before ultimately letting out a sigh, "Fine, let's get this shit over with. I had enough to deal with today, I'm already in a foul mood because of this ugly, scrawny dimwit,"
"I'm not a mirror, Mister Jude," You retort with a giggle, catching the way his features tensed up for a second before maintaining his cool.
This was always a thing between you and Jude. You'd like to say he started it by being the Emperor Ass that he is, but you have to admit you caused this situation to rise a little bit.
From talking back to him to openly defending Victor in the petty squabbles those two have, no matter how much in the wrong Victor is, but you digress.
You could say you were enemies. Everyone would notice the tension build up when both of you are in the same room together, but despite this, you admired his ability to take control of the room with ease, especially in a well-known trading company. But you'd never admit that.
But there was one incident you would never be able to forget...
"I'm not interested. Please leave," You were waiting for Harrison in a pub as this was the place he usually be at around this time. He did mention that he may be a few minutes late, which wasn't a problem. Well, until that drunkard tried to score you.
The man wasn't having it, grabbing your arm and pulling you off your seat. "Aaah, come on! I can show you a good time~ I'm sure whatever man you're with now can't pleasure you the way I can!"
You tried to pull your arm away from his grip, grunting as he cackles at your failed attempt. Apparently, being drunk gave him super strength.
You look around desperately at the other people at the bar as a desperate plea for help, to which they all avoided their eyes. Well, you certainly aren't going to be coming to this pub in the future.
He drags you out of the pub, and his sloppy movements cause you to lug around poorly, sometimes tripping on your own feet. You pray to find Harrison walking to the pub, but alas, he was later than usual.
The drunkard continues on, throwing you against the wall of an abandoned alleyway, holding you in place with his foot pressed up against your stomach.
The sudden impact made you yell in pain, toppling over if it wasn't for his leg in the way. "Stop being so loud... do I have to teach you to be obedient?"
"Maybe when you fixed that rugged look of yours and get a decent life, maybe then you can think that you can control me, you utter idiot,"
"You..." He mutters, teeth gritted as he kicks your stomach again, harder than the last time. "You're just like your boyfriend, huh. A foul-mouthed rat who should be better on the streets,"
"What... boyfriend...?" You try and muster the courage to ask.
The drunkard was irked at your question, "That bitch of the trading company. Seeing his girlfriend suffer like this will make him pay... maybe I should kill you for revenge!"
So he hurt you because he thought you were associated with Jude, huh? Maybe you shouldn't go near him anymore if you even survive.
Suddenly, the man was on the floor unconsious, leaving you free. Before you could land on the floor, strong arms held you up. "Mister Jude, she’s injured,"
"She’s fine," Jude dismisses almost immediately, watching you with a small glimmer of pity as he sees you clutch your stomach in pain. "Give her to me," He orders, practically pulling you towards him to be carried.
Ellis stands up from his crouched position, "Are you sure?" He does not answer, simply walking away from each passing second, not realising the soft breaths coming from your sleeping form.
You woke up the next day, Roger said you were fine but advised you to stay in bed for, the next few says until you feel 100% better for you to walk around with no abdominal pain.
Harrison apologised for leaving you alone in a pub, hoping to make it up to you. Ellis visits you every day, asking you the same question, "Are you okay?" before making small talk and leaving.
Today, you finally decided to ask why he asked you the same question, to which he replied: "Mister Jude ordered me to check in every day to see if you were alright. I think he felt bad because you got hurt because of him,"
"He's in his room right now. I can take you there if it makes you happy,"
"Thank you, Ellis,"
With a knock on his door, you enter, not bothering to wait for his response. After all, you would have come in even if he said no.
His eyes look uo to find yours, in a small shock. His expression immediately turns back to his normal, grumpy façade. "What do you want?"
"You know, if you wanted to know how I was doing, you could have just come to me yourself,"
He turns away, mindlessly sorting through papers scattered on his bed. "I wasn't worried. If you died, I would not hear the end of it from the Queen. Besides, yer fine. You were just on bed rest because Mother Roger wouldn't stoo yappin'"
"But why bother asking Ellis to ask me how I'm doing if you knew I was alright?" You close the door behind you, making your way to his bed, sitting down on the edge of it.
Jude pauses for a moment, trying to come up with a structured answer, which would make you go asay the fastest, "Because I was worried for yer stupid ass. That fatass won't hurt you again, I've made sure of it. So don't worry about shit, alright?"
You giggle at his tsundere side, leaning over to gove him a wick peck on the cheek. "Well, thanks for saving me, back there. Who knows what would have happened," You stand up from your seat, making you way to the door, noticing how Jude's face flushed a bright pink. "See ya around, Mister Jude~"
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©️umi-adxhira [27/06/2023]
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stylexrepp · 6 months
Stolitz // The Next Full Moon -
(I did not proof read so if you see any grammatical errors… you didn’t)
*After Stolas had given Blitzø the Asmodean Crystal, Blitzø had shouted at stolas for being a selfish entitled rich prick, this was his way of still trying to hide his feelings and make Stolas hate him before he could say something he would regret in a time like this. While the berating tookplace, Stolas just stood there and took the backlash. He would rather Blitzø be happy and hate Stolas than have him unhappy.*
Stolas sat in his bath filled with his tears and lukewarm water. After their arrangement had ended Stolas had done nothing more than cry, work, and sleep, leaving no time for himself. Only staying awake to wrap his head in paperwork and try his best to keep up with Octavia, making sure she is happy.
Stolas jumped up from the tub and ran to see what happened, ignoring the fact he is fully exposed and his robe was laid perfectly where he left it out for after his bath.
As he dashed into his bedroom he sees Blitzø tripping into his quarters.
“You STupID AsS bIrD BrAIn!! You tHiNk yOU Can JUst diTcH me lIKe tRAsh!!!” Blitzø slurred
Stolas stood in disbelief, “Blitzø what on earth could you possibly be talking about! You are way to tired to be talking about this right now, please come lay down darling.” As he approached Blitzø he could hear his heart rate increase.
“IM NOT DOING SHIT FOR YOU!!” Blitzø screeched
“Blitzø ple—“
“Push you out! Blitzø I gave you the choice and you walked away, you think I’d ever just use you for pleasure?” Stolas’s bottom eyes began to tear up
“Oh PLEASE you never wanted me for anything more than my dick! Let’s just get this dicking over with, come on!!!” Blitzø started shuffling towards him and placed his hands on Stolas’s hips. Stolas flinched away from the touch. “Fuck ‘s that all about huh?”
“Blitzø do you not remember a month ago when I poured my heart out to you! I gave you my all and I was completely and utterly vulnerable with all my feelings for you. Did you just forget all of that, all that I said when I laid my heart out for you on a silver platter!!” Stolas was basically sobbing at this point. He began to walk back into his bathroom hoping Blitzø would not follow him but Stolas was wrong. Blitzø followed along directly behind him staring as his feathered ass. “Stols come on, I know you want this ‘thick red dick’ so stop it with your innocent prude act. Just get your bird cunt over here!!” Stolas refused to listen and closed the door on him.
“STOLAS YOU CAN TRY TO LOCK ME OUT BUT WE BOTH KNOW ILL FIND A WAY IN” Blitzø shouted from outside the door.
“Blitzø if you are just here to continue our outlandish arrangement I-I won’t have it! Just leave if that’s all you are here for my dear.” Stolas begged at the foot of the door. As his tears fell he started to wheeze as he waited to hear Blitzø’s footsteps walk away.
Blitzø didn’t even think twice before yelling back, “There you go again being a spoiled fucking brat thinking you can tell me what the hell to do. Well, guess what bitch? I'm done being your ‘impish plaything’. From now on, I'm going to treat you like the worthless, empty piece of shit prince that you truly are. You don't deserve my time, or my energy, You are nothing but a sex toy for me to use and discard, just like you did to me. So enjoy your lonely ass existence, because I’m done letting you decide what the fuck I do with my dick!”
Stolas didn’t even respond. He sat there in a pool of his own tears soaking up every word blitzø said. Stolas had always blamed himself for everything no matter what happened. But hearing someone that he truly loved tell him he was to blame put everything into perspective for him.
Stolas walked over to his vanity and looked himself in the eye and all he could see was a monster. All of a sudden full of rage Stolas punched the mirror causing it to shatter, tearing up his hand now covered in black blood and glass shards. As Stolas began to drop to his knees Blitzø busted open the door to see what had happen.
“P-please Blitzø just leave. There is no need for you to stand here and torment me any longer, I’ve had enough right now. If you wish to continue to batter me you can come back tomorrow but I cannot do it tonight.” Stolas was a shell of himself. He showed no emotion what so ever.
Blitzø made no effort to leave, he just stood there trying to find any kind of expression in Stolas face to be able to make a suitable comeback.
“BLITZØ LEAVE, DO I HAVE TO GET ONE OF MY GUARDS TO ESCORT YOU OUT OR CAN YOUR LEGS DO IT THEMSELVES” blitzø was shocked that Stolas had just raised his voice to a yell for the first time. Usually if he was upset he wouldn’t get too heated but Stolas was at his breaking point.
“Stols I-“ Blitzø didn’t have anything to say. As he looked down at Stolas he realized how much harm he really caused. This whole time he thought everything wrong with this relationship, or whatever you wanted to call it, was because Stolas was a prissy royal when all along Blitzø just refused to let him in and kept pushing him away.
Stolas looked up at Blitzø with the most heartbroken look on his face. Neither of them said anything for a minute. With tears sneaking past his eyes he let out a heavy sigh, Blitzø knelt down beside Stolas, reaching out to gently touch his cheek. Once again Stolas flinched away from his touch.
“I'm sorry, Stolas. I not good at this talking shit and the sappy fucking feelings, but I know it’s not an excuse for the way I’ve treated you" he whispered, his voice filled with remorse. He blinked back his tears and kept all his concentration on NOT fucking up again (like that’s gonna happen). Stolas held his gaze on the floor knowing that if he looked at blitzø he would break down for the hundredth time today.
“Stolas please just look at me, I know you don’t give a rats ass about what I have to say but right now is the only time I will probably ever be this vulnerable.” Blitzø said with sniffles as he couldn’t hold it in anymore. Stolas peered up at Blitzø slightly and winced as he accidentally placed his hand back down in the glass shards.
Blitzø took a deep breath, his eyes locked with Stolas'. "I need you to know this," he began, his voice tinged with vulnerability. "I've spent so long blaming you for everything that went wrong between us. But the truth is, I was scared. Scared of letting you in, scared of being vulnerable, scared of letting you get hurt again, scared of me fucking up everything we created." He paused, his voice wavering slightly. "But, Stolas, I can't keep pretending that I don't need you in my life. You're the one person who sees me for who I really am, and I don’t understand how you like me this much I mean got not even M&M like me enough to talk to me on off days for sevens sake!” (unless I’m stalking them) “I've been pushing you away because I was too afraid to admit it." Blitzø's gaze softened, his walls crumbling with each word. "I love you, Stolas. And I'm sorry for all the pain I've caused your bird brain.”
“Yo-you love me blitzø?” Stolas began to cry yet again being the emotional man he is. Everything was twisting and turning in his head. Any words blitzø had said now were going through one ear and out the other.
Blitzø's heart clenched as he watched Stolas cry, the raw emotion in his eyes tearing at Blitzø's own resolve. "Yes, Stolas, I do, but I can’t promise I’ll ever say those shitty words again" Blitzø replied softly, reaching out to gently wipe away Stolas's tears. "I've been too much of a pussy to admit it but don’t expect anymore more of this mushy bullshit." He took a shaky breath, his own emotions threatening to overwhelm him. "But seeing you like this, it's breaking me too. I can't stand to actually see you hurt because of me."
Stolas sniffled, his tears subsiding slightly as he looked up at Blitzø with a mixture of disbelief and hope. "Blitzø, I... I l love you," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "But we can't keep antagonizing each other like this. We have to figure out a way to make this work, or else..." He trailed off, the weight of their uncertain future hanging heavy in the air.
Blitzø nodded, his resolve strengthening as he tightened his grip on Stolas's hand. "I know, pretty bird. And I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make things right between us," he vowed, his voice filled with determination. "We got a long fucking road ahead of us, but I believe we can try this as long and I pull the plug out my ass and man the hell up." With those words, Stolas showed what he could of a smile. His hand had finally healed, not like he didn’t expect that, and went to go grab his robe finally realizing he was butt naked.
“Sorry for my indecency dear, I didn’t expect anyone to smash through my window ever again.” Blitzø took a hold of Stolas’s arm before he could reach his robe. He ripped Stolas back across the room. “Never bothered me pretty bird!” Blitzø smashed his lips onto Stolas’s beak. Blitzo pulled back and sternly looked into Stolas’s bottom eyes, “Also, Don’t you ever fucking try to get rid of me again!!”
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florencetypemaniacs · 7 months
I cannot wait for the update. It's in my calendar 👀😅
How are you doing? I hope you are well.
I was wondering how the ROs would react to MC giving them flowers on valentine's day during the crushing stage.
I know I'm a bit late with the valentine's day ask 🙈
Thank you so much! I am doing well! I do hope you enjoy it. I do hope that chapter three isn't too short; it is longer than any other chapter in My Inner Sins, but either way, I hope you and everyone else enjoy the story. 
As for the ask.....
💛 Marcel
Marcel looked at the beautiful bouquet of daffodils that you handed him. 
The man in front of you smiled, and for only a second, you thought you saw his eyes tear up, which made you panic until he glanced back at you with a bright smile.
"They are beautiful....." Marcel grabbed one of the flowers and placed it behind your ear. "Thank you, $Name; I will make sure to repay you for this gift." 
He held out his hand, which you took, making your skin warm all over as he led you down the street towards the boutique. 
No matter what you said or did, you came back with a handful of flowers, chocolates, and an ecstatic Marcel, who made sure you didn't stay out too late and walked you home.
🧡 Margaret
Margaret was a buddle of nerves as she took the bouquet of bright marigolds. "I-thank you so much, $Name." Margaret said softly as she looked at you with shiny eyes, When your eyes met, her blush became more radiant.
You noticed her tapping foot as she started spitting out facts about flowers. As she hid herself behind the flowers, she made a sound like a squeak when her words started to jumble together.
"M-M-Marigold flowers are edible. Whether u-used fresh, dried, or infused into v—various beverages, m-marigolds have a-a-a multitude of uses in the kitchen."
You let her ramble on as you both walked down the street; eventually, she took your hand and gave you a nervous smile when you squeezed it back in reassurance.
♥️ Owen
"What the bloody hell are these?" Owen wrinkled his nose at the roses that you presented him with.
Owen rolled his eyes. "Well, no shit lass/duck/lad, I am more confused. Why the hell are ye giving them to me."
You started to explain what Valentine's Day was and noticed how his face changed from surprised to uncomfortable. "Listen luv as much as I appreciate the gift; this holiday sounds stupid as hell."
You tried not to let your disappointment show; however, you knew that Owen caught the look as he groaned, seeming to fight with himself. "Food."
"What?" You were surprised as Owen put his arm around you, leading you down the street. "Lets go get dinner."
It would turn out that the red roses were forgotten on the table at the restaurant, but you both were caught up in the night of good food and drinks that Owen paid for. On more than one occasion, you saw Owen's eyes on you with a look that made your heart race.
💙 Rosemary
Rosemary smirked at you as she took the orchids. "Oh, dollface/handsome/angelface, aren't you just the berries?"
You rubbed the back of your neck. "Well....yeah, I thought you deserved something on this special day." 
"I always deserve something special, hun, and don't you forget it." She winked, her shoulders a little tense as she walked towards you, seductively. "I suppose you also deserve a little token of my affection." She purred, and while her tone was light and flirty, it made you frown, and the easiness didn't quite reach her eyes. 
You took a step back. "You don't have to give me....uh..any token. These were a gift." 
Rosemary looked at the flowers and back at you with a raised eyebrow. "Really? No strings attached?" 
"Of course, Rosemary, I want you to feel comfortable." Rosemary must have seen something in your eyes because her own immediately widened in surprise as she really took the flowers in, her gaze softening. 
"Thank you, $Name." 
🩵 Tai
Tai stared at the blue lilies, his face a bright red against his pale cheeks as he stuttered. "I-you-what-"
You gave the man in front of you a small smile. "It's to show that I care about you."
Tai didn't give you any more emotion as he turned around and shut the door to his office in a hurry, leaving you swallowing disappointment and cursing at the flowers in your hand. You started to turn around to leave the clinic, but Tai came out of his office, holding a brown paper bag and some water.
"Here." Tai said in a tone you didn't recognize as he took the flowers from your hands and sat them carefully on the desk before practically throwing you the weighted brown paper bag and water, not even wincing as you almost dropped it.
"What the hell, Tai?"
Tai just rolled his eyes at your tone. "It's sweet and sour pork with two spring rolls. It was my lunch for today, but since you got me these-" Tai looked at the flowers, his eyes softening a little, but his tone was curt as always. "gift. You can have my lunch; I hadn't prepared anything, and I am not one to participate in this commercial holiday, but you still deserv- expect something in return, yes?"
You looked down at the paper bag, and there were indeed containers of food inside. "I can't just steal your lunch, Tai; these flowers are a present."
The young doctor just pushed you out of his office. "Oh, please, you need it anyway, Oleander, with how much junk food you probably consume."
You started to argue, but like always, Tai just toned you out until you left. You actually did end up eating the food, which was delicious. Your mouth was still watering even as you dropped off the tupperware the next day, and you smiled when you saw the blue lilies presented on his desk in a crystal vase.
💚 Zane
Zane hissed. "Why are you giving me these?" He looked down at the tulips, like they were poison. 
"They are to show that I care about you." 
Zane's eyes narrowed, and for a second, you swore you saw something other than distrust in his eyes. "I don't need your flowers, Little Lion, but since you went out of your way to give me a sacrifice-" 
"A gift." You corrected, but Zane droned on. "I shall grant you the tolerance of accepting them." 
More than once the next week, you caught Zane staring at the flowers intensely with curiosity and confusion. 
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enchantedchocolatebars · 10 months
Fic request: Evelyn introduces her parents to Caleb and kid Philip.
Evelyn's Parents
"Caleb, there's no need to worry," Evelyn voiced softly to her boyfriend as they, along with his gremlin little brother, arrived at a front door. "My parents are gonna love you."
"How can you be so sure, Evie?" Caleb asked his girlfriend nervously, chewing on his lip while wringing his hands.
Meeting Evelyn's mother and father for the first time was a tense situation for the teen, as his biggest worry was them learning about his previous work as a witch hunter.
Evelyn could sense this as she smiled supportingly, taking hold of his worried hand and squeezing it gently.
"Well, for starters, I love you, silly," she giggled lightly as she continued.
"And also because there's so much more to you than your past, Caleb. You're a person who chose kindess and change despite the witch hating environment you were raised in."
She starts to rub circles in his palm with her right thumb.
"If I'm capable of seeing that, I'm certain my parents will too."
'Her smile was so infectious...' Caleb thought as he felt his worry slowly melt away with her tender touch.
He sent Evie a smile of his own and nodded. "You're right."
Meanwhile, Little Pip stuck out his tongue in utter disgust as he watched the two teenagers display their dumb lovey-doveyness in front of him, making gag noises.
Caleb chuckled at this while Evelyn gave a playful roll of her golden eyes at the small brunette boy before knocking on the door.
When Mr. And Miss. Clawthorne answer, Evelyn is extremely elated to see them.
"Mom! Dad!" she exclaimed, joyfully hugging both her parents.
"Witchlet!" Both Mr. And Miss. Clawthorne exclaim in sync as they return their daughter's affection.
"How's our lovely little girl doing?" Mr. Clawthorne asked with a chuckle, ruffling Evelyn's wild red hair.
"I'm doing just fine, dad," she answered.
Miss. Clawthorne soon took notice of the boys beside her daughter. "Oh, sweetheart, is this the company you were talking about inviting over for dinner?"
Evelyn gleefully nodded. "Mm-hmm." She took a breath. "Mom, dad, this is my boyfriend, Caleb Wittebane. He's the best thing since diced bread."
Caleb sends Evelyn's parents a shy and kind smile, offering his hand for them to shake.
"Hello, Mr. And Miss. Clawthorne. It's a pleasure to meet you both."
"It's a pleasure to meet you too, Caleb," Mr. Clawthorne said with a smile, shaking his hand.
"Evelyn's told us all about you," Miss. Clawthorne states, shaking his hand right after while smiling. "It's a great honor to be meeting another fellow carver."
Caleb's eyes immediately lit up when he heard that. "Wait, you both carve?" He gasped.
Both parents nod. "It's what the Clawthornes are most known for," Mr. Clawthorne reveals with a chuckle.
"Yup! We're pros in the Palisman making game," Evelyn adds with a grin.
"If you're ever comfortable sharing your work, we'd love to see it someday," Miss. Clawthorne told him gently.
"I would be honored!" Caleb beamed, brimming with joy.
Sharing a common interest with his girlfriend's parents was something he felt extremely happy about.
Philip proceeds to LOUDLY clear his throat, feeling totally ignored.
"Oh!" Evelyn went, almost forgetting. "Mom, dad, this is Philip. He's Caleb's baby brother--"
"Little brother," Philip corrected her with a huff.
He's not a baby.
Evelyn, along with her parents and Caleb, chuckled as she continued introducing him.
"He's basically a baby griffin with really sharp razor claws and fire axe breath."
"I'm NOT a baby!" He protested once again with a stomp of his foot, which made the teens and adults laugh at his cuteness a second time.
"Why don't we all head inside?" Miss Clawthorne suggested with a light hum as her husband and everyone else followed her inside.
"The dinner I made is almost done baking in the oven."
"See, goldilocks?" Evelyn whispers to Caleb, playfully elbowing his shoulder. "My name and dad totally like you. You're a natural at being likeable."
She winks.
This caused Caleb to chuckle at her as he smiled, slight blush on his cheeks.
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atxxzist · 2 years
broken | c.s (03)
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prev // next // series m.list
pairing: choi san x reader
word count: 9.1k
warning: allusion to traumas, pervert san, some smut (read at ur own risk!)
your stomach drops at the sight of the large crowd, and that loud, unpleasant sound of the music blasting through the speakers already grating to your ears, your feet tempting to turn back around.
"wow," yuna says in awe, your eyes moving to her.
the weekend you so long have been waiting for finally comes, meaning so does wooyoung's party.
a quiet sunday that's about to flip completely; your heart already beating alarmingly inside your chest just at the thoughts of meeting the boy who invitedly you so kindly with such a handsome smile on his face.
yunho has decided to sit this one out, but yuna filled in the spot pretty quickly, after seeing her mope around the dorm with no plans for tonight, you asked if she wanted to come along.
it's going to be her first ever college party.
"shut up! you're really going?" mingi squeals a little too loudly, you have to merely double check the area again.
you nod at the question, chin bumping the top of the textbook being hugged as you both continue on the path with light steps.
"this is all because of that guy, huh? san?"
you shoot mingi a daggering glare and shush him with an index finger, fear raising at the name drop.
"it is!" he cheers too excitedly, like he's cracked you, forgetting about just everything you told him not to do.
"it's not!" you counter.
mingi moves from the side to in front, halting your movements so suddenly, your toes nearly dig into the ground.
"is that a blush i see," he teases, amusement written all over his delivery.
"oh my gosh, mingi!" you whine, stepping around him to continue along the narrow path.
a cackle is heard from behind until he catches up, shoulder touching yours again.
"jesus, y/n. what exactly did that guy do at the party? you were giving him lovey dovey eyes the entire time we were at the restaurant."
you swallow down a nervous gulp. because if mingi noticed, you wonder if the rest at the table did as well. fuck.
"i told you, it's nothing! i just... i just want to get out of my shell a little bit," you lie through your teeth. and of course, it doesn't work. not on mingi.
he chuckles and shakes his head.
"this is the same girl that didn't even want to show up to her own graduation, and now you're trying to convince me you're all for a place full of drunk and annoying people?"
you shrug, putting on an act.
"people can change."
"right, and i think i know the exact reason why."
there's a few seconds of silence, you hoping that he will just let it slide because you're not in the headspace to be confronted about your crush on san.
"but, that's a good thing," he adds.
you snap to him, your eyebrows pinched together and in utter surprise, because you did expect him to maybe go off about the gut feeling he has about san, similar to yunho.
"it's about time you get laid."
"pfft!" you scoff, and almost choked.
"i'm forreal!"
but you don't want to just get laid, or let it be a one time thing. you want something more than that.
"he looks like he gives good head, you're going to have the best first orgasm of your life."
"gosh, mingi! keep your fucking volume down!" you nudge him, flustered.
"no, actually, I don't know that. you could've already finger--ouch!"
mingi cries out pain when you land a hit to his foot with your own.
"that's what you get for having such a big damn mouth," you hiss, sticking a tongue out at him and walking ahead.
"rude!" he comments, before limping the rest of the way.
"okay, so how about this. we go shopping later this afternoon and get you the sluttiest party outfit ever. you know, hot bitches stuff."
you look up at him, disbelief in your expression.
"are you, my literal best friend, trying to pimp me out?"
"no," he denies casually, "i'm just excited that love isn't completely dead to you yet, after what happened the last time."
you roll your eyes. "whatever. don't sour the mood."
"oh! so it is what i think it is," he takes the chance to annoy you even further.
"no! i just... want to get to know him a little better..."
"that's what they all say at first, and before you know it--ouch!"
after telling mingi that, no, you're not showing up to the party half naked since you already have an outfit planned, he still insisted on pushing the shopping spree date back just in case.
but you're just glad he finally stopped interrogating you about the jacket that looks familiar, because yes, it belongs to san, and yes, he asked you to wear it to the party.
"hold tight, ladies. don't get lost," mingi announce, grabbing at your wrist, and you continuing the pattern by grabbing yuna's.
he guides the way inside the house, the limited space causing his grip on you to tighten, and you equally returning the strength to the poor roommate, knowing how effortlessly it takes to get lost in such a setting.
you guys make it to the same corner, the couch to the right that was a lot more stained last time but now looking like it's been somewhat sanitized.
you get to spare a single glance at it, before wooyoung pops out. no drinks in his hand; all open arms and ready to give some bro handshake to mingi.
"hey, man!" he greets.
he then catches you in a staring contest and a bigger smile quirks up at the realization.
"hey, y/n! you really came!"
you return a small nod.
you did come. but it's already defeating that the one reason you're showing up for is nowhere in sight. you just thought maybe, just maybe, since san so eagerly invited you, he might be with wooyoung for the arrival.
just maybe.
"oh, and this is?" he refers to the new face; your roommate who you brought along, just patiently hanging off by the side and waiting for her turn.
"hi! i'm yuna!" she holds out a hand immediately, a complete contrast to how you were at first meeting. even she doesn't flinch when wooyoung delivers a kiss to the top of it.
"nice to meet you, yuna." he smiles. "you guys roommate?"
"yup," she answers.
"lots of roommates situation lately," he remarks, "everyone's been wonderf--"
"--woo!" he's interrupted when another voice comes into attention. a male you haven't seen before, shoving through the abundance of people until he comes into wooyoung's view.
there's a troubled look on him as he goes to inform the much shorter boy.
"there's some wacko in the back stirring up troubles again."
wooyoung's stance changes from relaxed to annoyed, releasing an irritated click of his tongue.
"these fucking losers, i swear," he mumbles under his breath before turning to the three of you. "i'll be right back. have to make sure none of these fuckers leave any of their shit on my property."
"seonghwa, keep them entertained," he speaks to the taller male, and begins making way to the back, yelling for people to make space as he goes.
"what's going on?" mingi's the one to ask.
"a fight," seonghwa answers, "they happen more than you think, so just heads up. i guess that's just bound to happen when anyone can come. woo really gotta start taking those invitations seriously."
"so all this time, we could've just showed up?" mingi pretends to be offended. "or are we literally the only ones who actually got an invitation."
"well, at least that means wooyoung actually wants you guys here. everyone else just enters through the front door. not that wooyoung cares. for him, the more the better. but because of it, we get this shit show."
"yeah, i remember hearing about something similar happening the last time, around the front of the house. can wooyoung not afford any security guards?" mingi pokes fun.
seonghwa lets out a low chuckle.
"then that means his parents will hear about all the troubles going on, and a little disastrous party is better than none at all."
mingi nods in understanding. "true."
"oh, right!" something suddenly comes over him. "this is the sophomore i was telling you about, y/n."
the sophomore that he left with wooyoung to go hang out with, that lead you right into the chest of an incredibly charming stranger who's still yet to make an appearance.
"hey," you offer a greeting that sounds more like a whisper; seonghwa sending one right back, but with more enthusiam.
the conversation continues in a similar fashion; introducing one another and smiles plastered on your guys' faces, until it just keeps going on and on.
unable to keep up with the topics and feeling like you don't have much to offer anyways, you once again, end up on the couch as you watch everyone else like a bystander.
the jacket still on feels like it's taunting you more as the night carries on. your eyes trailing from one side to another; the people on the dance floor, and then to your friend group off by the corner, all chatting and looking like they're having a good time at least.
maybe after all, it was wrong to come just because a boy asked you to, knowing if san's request wasn't so tempting, you'd be with yunho right now, working on assignments or studying the night away.
you sigh, keeping your focus on the friend group. yuna is laughing at something seonghwa said and mingi has a smile on his face. the two got along pretty fast, it's like you didn't even need to be the middle man at all.
smalls talks and making friends must be so easy for someone like yuna--you knowing how easy it is for mingi. not having to worry if you'll say something stupid or worst case scenario, scare them away because you're just that boring.
wooyoung finally comes back after some time, bringing along someone new at his side, you wonder just how many more introductions you're going to have to witness before the end of the night.
"look who i bumped into. mother fucking kim hongjoong." he slaps said boy on the back, making him chuckle.
"why are you so suprised for? you literally invited me, you maniac."
"a maniac who hasn't seen his friend in fucking forever. where the hell have you been?"
"i've been... busy," hongjoong replies, aloof.
wooyoung rolls his eyes; the rest watching in amusement.
"well, since you're here, how about we play a drinking game?"
hongjoong shakes his head.
"no can do. i have to be out of here within an hour."
"seriously?" wooyoung whines, and even you giggle a little at the scene.
it's now a party of five, or six--including you, you don't really know. but you're glad mingi's making friends and yuna is fitting in perfectly. it's just you whose spirits is getting worse by the moment, thinking to yourself if san is even here tonight at all.
wooyoung hasn't mentioned him and there doesn't seem to be any other telltale signs.
you didn't really think anyone from the group would notice, besides mingi who keeps glancing once in a while to check on you. but it's been more than a couple times that you accidentally catch hongjoong's gaze in yours, only to shyly look the other way immediately.
it might be a coincidence, but seeing as how he's literally making way over to you right now after whispering something to mingi, you think he caught on to your pitiful state.
"hey," he says softly, taking the seat right beside you--you clearing your throat and fidgeting awkwardly.
"not much for parties, huh?"
you slowly shake your head. there's just something about you that gives it away, considering this is the second time you're hearing such a thing.
"your friends didn't force you to come, now did they?" he jokes lightheartedly, causing a smile to crack on you.
"nah. it was all my doing, but i'm already starting to have second thoughts."
hongjoong giggles at the pessimistic tone.
"i understand. if it wasn't for that asshole wooyoung always pestering me, i wouldn't show either. i mean, it can be fun. you just gotta be the right person for it, you know."
you agree with a nod, a more faint smile on your lips from the remark directed at wooyoung.
"i'm hongjoong," he properly announce.
the more the conversation drags on, you find yourself shifting his way more and more, until you're at least comfortable enough meeting his eyes even if just for a few seconds.
"you're also a freshman, correct?"
you find that the sequence usually consists of him asking you a question and you answering with just a nod. but something about hongjoong, even if this is your first time speaking to him, makes you feel so comfortable.
he's very easy to talk to and despite your short replies, never fails to carry on the conversation.
with hongjoong, it's almost like you're speaking to an older brother; one that you want to listen to, because you think he might have something important to say.
it feels a lot more different than san; wanting to listen to him because his words are like the call of a siren, and his smile and eyes lures you into the deepest temptations.
temptations that are slowly but surely dying because you're ready to accept it at this rate that san will not be showing.
"you go to the same school as the rest?" hongjoong asks another question.
"yeah. i-i haven't seen you around before," you answer, crawling out of the shell bit by bit.
he releases a short giggle.
"i attend another university not too far from here, but i visit the area sometimes."
"oh..." you say, mouth drawing an 'o' shape. well, that explains it.
"have you decided your major, yet?"
"i have. i'm uh... majoring in information technology."
"oh, cool!" he beams. "i haven't heard of much women going into that field. how are you liking your classes so far?"
"they're okay. just intro classes and the usual general educations. i don't think i've seen anything yet."
he chuckles.
"oh, definitely not. i heard it only gets harder. but best of luck to you, y/n. you can do it."
"thank you," you mumble, the shell coming off almost completely when you go to ask him the same question. you don't want it to just be about you, because you are just the tiniest bit curious about kim hongjoong, too.
"how about you?"
"creative writing," he says, waiting for your reaction but you're exceptionally unmoved.
"usually when i tell anyone that, they always say i look like a music major."
you snicker quietly.
"you do, but, you're also definitely believable as a writing major."
he delivers an endeared smile your direction.
"that's a first. but thanks. if you told me a couple years ago that i'd end up choosing writing, i wouldn't believe it either. it was never really something i was ever into or cared too much for growing up." he pauses briefly.
"but there was a tough period in my life, and to deal with it, i kind of just started journaling and writing my thoughts down onto whatever paper or notebooks i could find, and it made me feel a little better afterward."
he spares you a glance for a second too long and starts laughing nervously.
"i'm sorry, for dumping all that information on you first meeting."
you shake your head, objecting.
"no, no. you're fine. that sounds interesting. i'd love to know more about how you got into writing," you assure him. a simple smile gracing his features.
"have you ever had intrusive thoughts that keeps you awake at night? or things that just, no matter how hard you try pushing to the back of your mind, you can't seem to get rid of?"
you have to actually take a moment and consider the questions. at least not currently, you cannot think of anything. so you shake your head.
"well, writing down my thoughts at the moment was kind of my way of countering those feelings, and somewhere along the way, i just found my love for writing."
"i mean, i'm not saying if you start journaling, you're all of a sudden going to find your love for writing, too, but just advising maybe if something ever bothers you and you need to let off some steams. sometimes you don't necessarily need to talk to someone; it's just a way of comforting you for the time being. for you to look back on and reflect on what you were feeling back then. but of course, that's only the first step."
the passion burning in his eyes is almost visibe; the words leaving him and how they're conveyed, you can tell it is something from the heart; from a place of sincerity.
"i'll think about it." you smile, and he returns one.
"joong! y/n! over here!" both of your heads snap to the voice, belonging to wooyoung and he's ushering with his hand.
"let's go," hongjoong mumbles, standing up and waiting for you until you're both walking back to the circle of friends.
"so, we're having a bet. wanna put your money down?" wooyoung enlightens, earning a groan from hongjoong.
"again? the last time we betted something, the cop almost busted your ass for prank calling them. if you want your parents to take away your privilege of having a house off campus, just say so."
you giggle a little; the interaction giving it away that hongjoong pretty much looks out for the other boys.
"you're no fun," wooyoung boos, rolling his eyes.
another round of fun banters between the group are exchanged, but you already begin feeling like you want to leave, after only being met with disappointment from the one person you came for.
but at least you got to know hongjoong and can go back tonight with a small victory that you actually talked to him. which is why you really want to leave once hongjoong takes his official departure of the night as well.
it's been a literal hour, and mingi can sense the shift in you, a part of him feeling sorry knowing you were probably swarming with butterflies before the arrival.
but it just isn't right to ask, also aware you'll probably step on his foot again if he even dares to say san's name out loud.
mingi opens his mouth to make an excuse for you, only to stop when an arm is thrown over wooyoung's neck from behind; the culprit coming into full view, and he doesn't even have to look to know how ecstatic you probably are.
"hey!" san greets the group.
"oh, look who finally decided to show." wooyoung turns to his friend and untangle the hold off of him.
san chuckles and situates himself next to wooyoung, nodding off mingi's direction.
mingi respond with a raise of his head back. that's when san moves to you, his gaze biting deep and you feel yourself cowering in. if he will take in and appreciate the fact that you did exactly what he asked of you.
"hey, y/n. you really came," he says with a lower volume, settling on a tender smile.
it's all he gives you before prying away, eyes already on the next person. no reassurances or anything that will make you feel just the slightest bit better about waiting for him all this time.
all as if he wasn't so keen on getting you to come. he barely even acknowledges the jacket on you, like it doesn't belong to the man himself.
"don't think i've ever seen you before," his comment directed at your roommate.
"hi! i'm yuna!" she holds out a hand; you watching in apprehension as san goes to shake it with some type of mirth in his eyes that makes your stomach sinks in the worst way possible.
but you shouldn't be feeling like this. there's no reason for you to be so bothered about how he's looking at your roommate right now--or how she's holding his gaze right back with some form of fascination.
you thought maybe san's appearance might dispel some of the doubts building up, but it's having the complete opposite effect, and at the moment, there's nothing you want more than to disappear, feeling like the entire thing was a mistake.
it also doesn't help that he's so charismatic, yuna's bubbling laugh ringing against your ear once in a while from the jokes he'd make--or maybe she laughs at all of the boys' jokes but you're just too hyperfocus on san.
you wish he's looking at you the way he's looking at her right now; intrigued eyes and attention hanging onto every words. he has yet to even look back at you ever since.
foolish; so foolish of you.
you think you're about ready to go back at this point, but with everyone talking over one another, it's hard to properly excuse yourself without coming off disrespectful.
if only mingi catches on as well, but he's too busy making small talks with seonghwa that eventually, when wooyoung suggests karaoke, you wind up in a room upstairs with all the others.
yuna takes the seat right next to san, causing you to sink in your spot and posture deflating more as the clock ticks.
the jacket on you sliding down your skin one by one until it's completely off and you can start feeling a little less pathetic about everything.
your curiosity still naturally averts to the two, chatting away like they've known each other right out of the wombs.
yuna looks like she might be san's type. you wouldn't really know. but she's pretty, her eyeliners are always perfectly winged and she makes heads turn when she passes by--so really, what is there about you that is worthy of being looked at when yuna's in the same room.
but surprisingly, you're not having too hard of a time accepting the reality of it. it's easy when you're accustomed to always being second place; second choice, and being a mere back thought.
a light headache creeps up, and the screeching voices of mingi's and wooyoung's out-of-tune's singing is adding to the misery.
you need to use the bathroom, or at the very least, sneak away to a space where you don't feel so suffocated. you leave san's jacket on the seat and leave unannounced, seeing as everyone's occupied within their own little bubble.
thank goodness wooyoung had made the location to the bathroom direct enough beforehand, or else you'd probably spend the whole night just looking for it.
you sit on the idea of staying in here until mingi comes looking for you, or perhaps, make your way back to the dorm and give both him and yuna some lame excuse later like your head hurt so you had to go back.
not like it has anything to do with a certain boy and his broken promises that's making you the slightest insecure from the lack of attention.
how weird, given you've never really put too much emphasis into anything like that--especially from a boy.
but san. you can admit you want it from him, and you weren't getting it. you can come to terms with it, and at the same time, allow yourself to be just a little sad.
between hiding in here and scuttling back to the dorm, you don't even get to choose because there's a knock at the door.
quickly drying your hand and throwing the paper towel into the small bin, you apologetically nod your head at the girl who's soon to take your place in the bathroom, giving her a shy smile as she passes by, slamming the door shut.
damn other human beings for having to take care of their needs.
you sigh in defeat, thinking that maybe, you'll just head back and explain yourself later; the image of san and yuna snuggling so close to one another conjuring up a bile in the back of your throat.
and suddenly, it all happens very fast.
an unseen figure from the side snatches your wrist and hauls you away into what looks like a closet. you're about to release a string of muffled protests, until the light comes on and all the fear dissipates, seeing who it is.
"sorry, didn't mean to scare you," san says, an apologetic smile on his face and letting go of the hold he has on you.
just as you were about to forget about him and accept your losses, he decides to show up again--making your heart pound immensely because of the proximity.
you take a nervous step back and utter in such a quiet, doubtful voice, "w-were you looking for me?"
your lips draw into the tiniest pout; san thinking someone shouldn't look this cute when they're sad, though he's noticed you being adorable too many times tonight.
he's stolen countless glances, all with a smirk at the corner of his lips, but you didn't seem to catch on--probably too busy thinking he doesn't care about you--or maybe he wants you to think that.
wants you to believe that he's so intrigued by your roommate though he doesn't remember a single thing she's said to him.
"i was. you left this."
he pulls something into your view, and your eyes swell a little, seeing that it's his jacket.
neatly adjusting it around your shoulders and tugging on the collar so it can hug your smaller frame more firmly, you feel a rise beginning to settle on your cheeks--the small gesture taking your breath away.
"i just thought maybe you forgot about it..." you mumble, similar to a whisper.
he smiles and using the grip on the collar, pulls you inward with a jerk, releasing a short gasp that falls from your lips when your chest bumps into his.
lips that are almost way too close to his right now, if you just dive in a little more, it just might.
because yes, he didn't really acknowledge you earlier and was all over yuna, but he's here now. he came looking for you and he remembered the request.
and just like that, you feel yourself falling into the temptations again.
"of course i didn't. just, everyone else was there. you would understand, right?"
it takes a quick silence for you to nod, convincing yourself that what he's telling you is the truth. that there really was just too many people and the timing wasn't right. that it's not because he was purposely ignoring you or trying to string you along.
"the rest are drunk as shit right now. you want to go home?" he asks, breath ghosting the tip of your skin and returning goosebumps. the limited space and his face only inches away not making it any easier.
"i do, but i wouldn't want to leave yuna and mingi in that state."
he chuckles, admiring the fact you always look out for those close to you.
"well, everyone else besides yuna. wooyoung should have someone help mingi later on. if not, he's got plenty of spare bedrooms for him to spend the night," he assures, like he knows the layout of wooyoung's house at the back of his head--which he does.
"oh, okay..."
"you got classes in the morning, don't you?"
"yeah..." you answer, refusing to meet his penetrative gaze that makes you so shy.
he smirks at the endearing sight, taking it as a victory even if you're always as red as a tomato either way.
"let's go," he declares, taking your hand in his in the same fashion he did last time at the restaurant and escorts you back to wooyoung's karaoke room.
unsurprisingly, wooyoung, mingi, and seonghwa are as expected, drunk as shit, but still singing their hearts out rather sloppily and slurring half of the lyrics.
yuna's off to the side with her arms crossed and watching the show with an amused smile on her glossy lips. she's the first to catch your and san's arrival considering she's the only one sober enough.
after bidding goodbyes to the rest and saying each of your farewell of the night, which you're sure none of them understood because of their state, san walks both you and yuna back to the dorm.
the house is just right across the street from campus, and because wooyoung has a thing for making everything all more convenient, it's going to be a rather short walk.
yuna and san exchanges small talks along the way, but it's almost weird and uncanny how disinterested he sounds in comparison to back at the party.
even weirder when he'll laser you a glance once in a while like he's trying to catch your attention--when you were the one being pushed to the side before.
"but pastel colors for sure. those are my favorites," yuna replies to a question asked by san--what's her favorite colors to paint with--but you don't even think he's listening.
his head is elsewhere and there looks to be a moment where he snaps back to reality.
"yeah, that sounds cool..." he murmurs, stopping in place when the big '43-d' comes into view.
"here we are," he changes the subject almost instantly.
yuna turns to him, a tight smile on her. "thanks for walking with us."
"my pleasure."
you stand there, conflicted of what to say. because it would be a shame if the night with san ends right here. but what do you tell him?
"well, be careful walking back, and see you around on campus some time." yuna waves, and san's unreadable eyes move from hers to yours, then back to hers.
"you go in first. after i'm done with y/n, i'll give her back to you. just a few minutes."
you momentarily catch his gaze in yours and a handsome smile decorating his lips that eventually changes into a smirk.
"ooh..." yuna coos, "okay!" she jumps in her position, a relaxed expression before going to undo the lock with a jingle of her keys and prying the door just slightly open, head turning back to you.
"see you in a bit."
he doesn't speak until he hears the door fully shut.
you do wonder what exactly he has in mind. not that you have anything to complain about getting to be in his presence for just a little longer.
he has both his hands jammed into the pockets of his pants; a visual that makes him look so mysterious and enticing.
"didn't mean to hold you back, but, i heard you're looking for a job?"
you raise an eyebrow, aware it's probably mingi's doing. you have only slightly mentioned it in passing conversations.
"i've been thinking about it, yeah..."
you have thought of it, applying a few places here and there but that was so recent, you haven't gotten a reply from any, yet.
"i know a few people. if you want, i can try passing some words around. try your luck."
"oh no, it's fine." you shake your head, unwilling to let someone else do the work for you. if you're going to find a job, it will be from your own effort.
"i'm serious." he chuckles. "it's just a small little favor. if you're only looking for part-time or something to do on the side, i have a few options."
"i hope this isn't because mingi got on his knees and begged on my end or anything. he can be a little bit..."
san laughs and those dimples you like a little too much, appearing and then disappearing.
"not at all." he quirks his lips to one side to think.
"how about this." removing one of his hand, you see he's gripping his phone. "you give me your number first, and after looking around, we can meet again to further discuss?"
you hesitate, but at the same time feeling like denying such an offer will be even more rude. and especially when it's from san, it will only be a missed opportunity if you don't take it.
you nod as a response, and he smiles, extending an arm to hand you the phone.
quickly inputting your number, you simply name yourself 'y/n', returning back the device and watching him gracefully put it back into the pocket of his pants.
"perfect. i'll text you my address if i get any news."
you thank him, observing his features through your eyelashes before realizing once again, you've yet to return his jacket--slowly slipping it off your shoulder.
"keep it," he says, stunning you. "you look good with it."
"it's getting late, so, i should get going. thanks for showing up to the party, and you should be hearing from me within the next few days."
when he so suddenly pats your head, you wince just a little from the touch that makes something inside you flutter.
"see you around, y/n."
and he's walking away; you pouting from the distance because the more you're with him, the deeper you seem to fall. all kinds of scenarios and "what-ifs" flying around your head.
maybe yunho is wrong after all, and maybe san really is genuine. because no one goes to this extent if they don't have some good intentions.
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for some reason, hongjoong's words stick with you.
“have you ever had intrusive thoughts that keeps you awake at night? or things that just, no matter how hard you try pushing to the back of your mind, you can’t seem to get rid of?”
“i mean, i’m not saying if you start journaling, you’re all of a sudden going to find your love for writing, too, but just advising maybe if something ever bothers you and you need to let off some steams. sometimes you don’t necessarily need to talk to someone; it’s just a way of comforting you for the time being. for you to look back on and reflect on what you were feeling back then. but of course, that’s only the first step.”
it's not like you're going through it presently, but you think the idea sounds nice. and to be able to write out your feelings somewhere; feelings that even you cannot tell mingi or yunho, can be relieving.
you find yourself in the university's bookstore that sells lots of goodies, ranging from the school's merchs to even snacks, and plenty of colorful notebooks in all kinds of colors.
the yellow spiral notebook with dandelions on the cover catches your eye, and you buy a stack of brightly-colored pens to match it, mumbling a thank you to the student working the register and trailing back to the dorm with the newly bought items.
prying it apart to the first blank sheet, your mind becomes as equally empty, unsure of what to put as your first entry.
“but there was a tough period in my life, and to deal with it, i kind of just started journaling and writing my thoughts down onto whatever paper or notebooks i could find, and it made me feel a little better afterward.”
you do dwell in the curiosity of what exactly happened to hongjoong for just a second, but in all, trying the best to not speculate too much, as that would be rude because it sounded really personal when he said it.
maybe he might expand more on it next time, though you're not sure when that is. he just seemed like a sweetheart and you don't mind talking to him again.
clicking the end of the black-colored pen, you go to write the first entry. you're probably doing it wrong, but you're just going to write whatever is currently on your mind.
a start is a start.
entry #1
i am still not sure of what to write yet, but i got the idea from hongjoong, someone i met at one of wooyoung's parties. maybe as time goes on and i start inputting more of my thoughts, i'll get the gist of it, but for now, i'm just rambling. well, i started college? moved out of the old hometown and came to seoul. it's nice but i haven't really done much. i hope to, though. maybe sometime in the summer when school isn't in session and mingi and yunho are also free. the people i met so far... i already talked about kim hongjoong, but i guess i'll also mention kang yeosang too. mingi and yunho really likes him and i don't get it at all. so far, he's been nothing but snarky to me. he hasn't bothered me ever since the last time, though. so that's good? my roommate is kwak yuna. she's cool. i did got a little jealous of her this weekend because san was giving her attention. but after he left, we talked a little and she was very supportive of my crush. and lastly, choi san. i bumped into him at one of wooyoung's parties also. it looks like that's where all things happen lol. i still don't know much about him, but i want to? i gave him my number and he hasn't texted or called yet, but then, it's only been two days. he seems nice, and i hope to get closer to him :) i also think he's really cute.
you giggle a little to yourself, rereading what you just wrote. proceeding right under the text, you begin doodling and outlining the shape of a boy. one with a deep set of eyes and slicked back hair that makes him so handsome.
you give him the cutest dimples to complete his cheeks and the most daring slit in between one of his eyebrows to make his appearance such a contrast of one another, yet, they blend in so perfectly on him.
after finishing the last stroke, you settle on a soft smile, closing the notebook.
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it takes four days in total for a text from san to show up.
a thursday morning when you're just about to go on your day, you get a text from a foreign number you do not recognize--with an address on it and worded in simple terms no more than a "tell me when you're available".
somewhere in the later afternoons, you tell him. that's when you finish with the last class of the day.
he suggests to meet at four, and you agree, eager to be done with the final class, and ready to give an excuse to mingi and yunho that you won't be able to make it today, just so you can take a cab over to san's apartment a few minutes off campus.
it's not too far out, but still a good distance away from the site. it's a smaller complex with two stories situated just right next to a couple of stores.
the walls are a nice light peach and the neighborhood is peacefully quiet, not many people outside when you go to knock on apartment number 205.
as you await for the door to open, there is a turmoil in your stomach sitting in great distress about having came all the way here just for a boy who makes the adrenaline in your body course in a way you've never felt before.
but, you also came because of the job. yeah, the job.
the frame flashes open and there stands san in his casual clothing, all bare face and hair in their natural state, some bangs falling on top of his forehead.
he's in a grey sweatpant and white t-shirt, and you're literally thinking to yourself if it's even possible for someone to look this good in the comfort of their own home.
"good afternoon," he greets with a smile that takes the smallest of your breath away.
"hey," you simply reply.
"come on in." he widens the door and moves aside just a smidge to make space.
your sneakers scrape the flooring, taking light steps into his apartment that is surprisingly easy to the eyes.
you're not saying just because he's a guy, you expected it to be somewhat cluttered, but the style is very minimalist with very few picture frames as possible, the wall almost blank.
there is a lone grey couch in the tiny living room and a medium-sized flatscreen right across from it.
aside from a few clothes hanging out from the laundry basket sitting in the corner and maybe one or two unwashed dishes, it really is well put together.
you're starting to think a guy like san just might be perfect in every aspects of his life.
"so, for the job," he utters, shutting the door and making you jump a little. "i have a couple options."
you turn back around, meeting his gaze.
"want to take a look?"
you nod and he responds with a gentle smile.
"over here," he says, trailing to what you assume is his bedroom. you follow behind, entering the room to a bed right in the middle, everything all white. from the pillows to the sheet.
his computer setup is also just across from it, the screen lit up and the gaming chair pushed way back.
"you have a 4k monitor. cool," you comment, unable to hide the excitement from the sight.
"yeah." he giggles. "wooyoung got it for me as a gift last christmas. he can be a little... extra."
he plops down onto the chair and scoots forward, closer to the desk.
"must be nice. last christmas, mingi and yunho chipped in money to get me a laptop that could barely even run the sims 2."
both his hands now resting on the arms of the chair, and he's laughing at what you just said.
"you're into stuff like this?" he asks, some genuine curiosity.
"kind of."
"i'll keep in mind." he smiles, then gestures toward something behind you. "take a seat."
there's a spare chair and you think he must've gotten it from the kitchen for your arrival.
you pull it forward, sitting down; the gap bothering san and he has to keep telling you to come closer, until you're practically next to him, both of your knees nearly touching.
again, the proximity is not good for your heart. and given the quiet atmosphere, you're afraid he just might hear how loud it's beating in your chest.
you watch him navigate to a tab, scrolling through what looks like a site to a company you haven't heard of before.
"how does an office assistant sound to you?" he asks, eyes on you and anticipating your answer.
"office assistant?"
"yeah, you know... just helping with basic tasks, sometimes answering and directing phone calls, greeting customers, and getting a superior a coffee if they ask. i think it's a good job if you're just starting out and not looking for anything too demanding."
it doesn't sound too bad; an office assistant kind of fitting for your field as somewhat of a start as well, but considering your social skills, it's the phone calls and customers part that's making you just a little doubtful.
"i can probably work with that, just..." you try to be optimistic about it, because it's san after all, and he's taking the time out of his day to help you. but even he can read your tone.
"if you're not sure about it, we can skip to the next one."
he switches to another tab; a different looking website with kids and the alphabetical order as the banner.
"how about a teacher's assistant?"
"like... working with kids?"
he nods. "yeah. just the usual, keeping them in check and reviewing materials with them. and whatever other things kids usually needs help with."
working with kids rather than adults definitely sounds a lot more doable and tempting.
a quiet hum departs from you, actually considering the idea.
"are there any requirements?"
"as long as you graduated from high school," he answers, with something playful in his voice. "i know a couple people from the field. if you want it, i surely can secure you an interview sometime next week."
you stare at him like an idiot, kind of wanting to ask how he got all these connections, but deciding not to. because you really are so grateful.
"thank you, san... really," you whisper, earning a smile from the man himself but with something that can almost be mistaken as a smirk.
"of course. want to look through the site? it should give you a better idea." he takes his hand off the mouse to give you full control.
you comply with a nod, shyly going to grab the mouse, the warmth from his touch still lingering and you're scrolling, clicking different navigations, and reading just about everything you can.
your body leaning closer to his as time goes on but you're way too occupied to be flustered that you don't notice his gaze tracing your lips, down to your collarbones and to the long sleeve blouse you're wearing that he thinks will be better if they're off.
he scans the shape of your breast and already, they look just like the perfect size.
moving his focus back to your lips, then taking in the way your eyes always blink so innocently making your lashes extra pretty, and that cute pout that you probably don't even realize you're doing because you're just trying to digest in the information, he thinks he's going to have to.
because the thing is, san's never actually waited this long. usually, it only takes a couple hours, or maybe a day, until he's buried in between some girl's legs or fucking them from behind.
but with you, there's something so innocent, something so pure about you, that it would be no fun if he ruined it so fast.
but those very same reasons making it hard for him, and right at this moment, all he wants, is to do that very thing.
because he didn't go through all the troubles of job searching and trying to get you two alone alone for nothing. he's gonna have to get something in return.
he knows he won't have a problem getting it either way, but he wants it now. and when he wants something, he always gets it.
"oh, it seems the school is also kind of--" you turn to him, about to make a comment regarding how convenient it is that the elementary school also isn't too far from campus itself, only to meet his lustful gaze that makes you shrink on the spot.
he's merely only centimeters away from you, his scent intoxicating and you can hear his heartbeat loud and clear, though at this rate, you're not sure if it's his or yours.
"do you want to thank me properly, beautiful?" his voice low and seductive, his fingers suddenly going to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear.
your words get stuck inside your throat, also unsure if it's the nickname or his touch that's making the heat on your cheeks burn a flaming red.
"you really don't know how fucking pretty you are, huh?"
his fingers begin moving down to your jawline, the sensation tickling your skin, until it stops below your chin, lifting it and making your head raise so abruptly.
and just like that, he takes your still lips that only slightly opens to release a gasp, in for a messy kiss.
your fists balled against his chest, eyes wide still caught in a surprise and lips still unmoved, only letting him take you as he wishes. because choi san is fucking kissing you right now, and you didn't think it'd happen so fast.
also because you haven't kissed in such a long time, you're basically back to square one.
but he's moving so nicely against your flesh, and with each kiss, he grows more desperate, only overtaking you more and more, until the arm of his chair prevents him from doing so any further.
he breaks the kiss, and locks eyes with you shortly after. his deep brown irises staring back at yours and you might've catch your own reflection in them, your lips parted and expression like a little deer caught in headlights.
"do you want this?" he asks, as if he already doesn't know your answer. as if he actually values something like your end of the agreement, when he took your lips in the first place without it.
and as expected, you nod.
again, you don't know much about him yet, but you want to. and you're not sure what he's going to do; if he's really going to initiate sex right here and then, but you just know you want it. anything about him, you'll take it.
you feel like he's got you under a spell and you have no choice but to be ruled by it; fall for his irresistible charms, for his alluring eyes, and his words that hit your heart strings in all the right ways.
if choi san wants you, you're going to let him have you.
which is how you wind up under him, both his palms pinning the mattress and enclosing you in between, his hot breath meeting yours again and swooping your lips for another kiss. this time, slow and sensual.
you have no idea what you're doing, but you're meeting his rhythm, flesh against his like waves of a current that travels in one direction.
he removes one of his hand from the soft material so he can latch it onto the side of your body, palm snaking until he finds your breast, settling on it with a light squeeze that makes you grunt out a moan, disrupting the pattern of the kiss.
both of your arms are stilled above your head and spread across on the covered mattress.
"fuck, even your moans are pretty," he hisses, pulling away to look at you. your lips are red and your breathing already a little unstable, and he's just getting started.
there's barely any time to catch your breath, when he dives into your neck, peppering kisses and love bites, some at your jawline, a few at your collarbones, before he's face first at one of your breasts and he peeks up to get a glance of your fucked-out face.
"may i?" his fingers clip at the neckline of your blouse.
"please..." you answer, almost like a whine.
he smirks, fingers stripping you of the shirt along with your bra straps from the shoulders first, then tugging down the neckline after to reveal your breasts in its bare form.
your nipples already hard, and dare san say it, you also truly have the prettiest fucking boobs he's ever seen on anyone.
with a quick cup of both of them, he hooks your left one into his mouth, causing you to twitch in pleasure. your hands now tangled around his hair, indulging in that wet sensation that keeps encircling your nipple.
your mind all of a sudden wandering back to the times you'd refuse sex, but now letting a guy who isn't even your boyfriend get on top of you and take over like he owns your body.
maybe after all, junseo is wrong, and you're not just some prude. maybe you just needed that special someone who makes you feel so strongly, you want to give him your all.
when san's other hand begins creeping down till it lands on the buttons of your jeans, he detaches from your nipple again so he can say something.
"if you're uncomfortable with anything, you can tell me whenever, and i'll stop."
you nod, and he doesn't return to what he was doing before, instead proceeding to scoot up, your arms naturally falling down to rest around his neck, and he goes back in for a kiss, you readily accepting as if you've done this a thousand times before.
he sucks your lower bottom in between his, drawing away, then continuing back on track and meeting your pace but gradually, because he's also focus on trying to undo the buttons of your pants.
he gets to the last one, the jeans unloosen itself around your hips, just enough for him to slide his right hand inside your underwear, palming the surface of your entrance that's already making you squirm.
dragging his middle finger up to your clit, you whimper in between the kiss, nails accidentally digging into the skin of his neck when he starts drawing circles on it.
everything is moderate at first; your moans along with the slight creaking of the bed, till he thrusts two fingers in almost instantaneously and you yelp, arching in your position.
he pumps them inside your core as if he's an expert, aware of exactly the spot to hit and how to get you to come in a minute. and you do.
san kissed you that afternoon and made you cum on his fingers, and you're still thinking about it.
as you lay awake in your bed that night, eyes on yuna's sleeping figure across from you, you can't stop thinking about what happened today.
there's something heavy sitting on your chest, and you feel you have to get it out. but you definitely cannot tell yunho or mingi, and yuna doesn't seem like the right person for it as well.
moving your gaze away from her, your backpack on the floor slanted against your bed gives you an idea.
taking the yellow notebook that is buried behind a bunch of other school materials, you pull the blanket over you, using your phone as a flashlight and with the inked black pen, scribbling a line right under the first drawing to make a separation, you go to write the second entry.
entry #2
it's been two days since i wrote my last one. to be honest, i didn't think i'd be writing again this soon, but i kinda needed somewhere to put my feelings. well, today, i went over to san's apartment and he helped me with finding a job. i am super grateful for that because he really didn't need to, but he insisted. and after, we did some things. i'm not gonna go into details, but it felt really good. it was my first time and i don't know why i trusted san so easily, but just something about him. after we were finished, he helped with the cleaning part as well as helping me get dressed and said we can meet again sometime soon, that he looks forward to doing more with me. he's sweet, and i think i really really like him ༼ಢ_ಢ༽
you don't draw anything this time, instead closing the notebook and thinking to yourself that it truly will be a tragedy if someone is to ever find out what goes on in your head.
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ssahotchnerr · 2 years
I'm thinking about Aaron/Greg being so overwhelmed (in a good way) when their s/o is so clingy! Like them just koala hugging the boys when they're home and giving them kisses on their cheek/lip/neck any chance they get. Coming home from the mall and getting them something because "this reminded me of you and wanted to give it to you, Aar/Greg." Or when they're away them just being flooded with texts about how much the reader misses them and can't wait to see them! Just them feeling so happy because they feel so loved and wanted 🥺
this may or may not had just turned into an essay about aaron IM SORRY BUT ONCE THE BALL WAS ROLLING I COULDN'T STOP <3 but hehe clingy for greg you're so right <333
cw; mentions of divorce, angst if you squint
bye can you imagine just jumping into aaron's arms as soon as he opens the door because you just missed him oh so badly 🥺<3333 like literally- he barely has a foot through the door and something just slams into him immediately 😳 BUT it's you hehe 🥰 instantly all the tension from the past few days drains from his shoulders and he just melts in your embrace 🥹 with a job like his, it's so easy to forget that there is good in the world, BUT all he needs to be reminded that there is - just the thought of you 🥹 that's it. ps this happens even when he's not on a case hehe, the man could just go anywhere, for no more than five minutes, and be welcomed back by the same energy <3
plus can we discuss that you taught aaron how much he loves the feeling of being needed??? 🥺 i think it's kinda plausible that yeah, he's always felt needed. he's needed in the field, to the team as a leader, he's needed in the whole fbi department and such as a whole. everyone knows who he is, he has endless connections, but it's different. it all relates to his work ethic and professionalism. it's how people view him, and so he forgot what it was like to feel needed in a more personal and intimate way :((( so more often than not he isn't able to just let go, give in, feel vulnerable, to be human, because he never felt like he had the room to. his divorce with haley also contributes. like she's the one who initiated she wanted the divorce first, so just imagine how he must've felt in that moment :( def not needed :( that he wasn't worth it :( or when he came home to her being gone :(((((( so when you immediately meet him at the door when he gets home, it means so so so so much more to him than you know :(((( because part of him fears that at some point, you won't need him anymore too :(
so at first when you expressed clinginess, the man is confused as hell :( it's something he's never received to this extent, and oh my god he had no idea how much he needed it. he's genuinely shocked when you come home from the mall or whatnot and you've gotten him something that reminded you of him. he's like?? you thought of me?? his reaction breaks your heart a bit, because no one has really ever made him special and :((( how could they do that??? he's this amazing man and here he is questioning whether or not he deserves something as little as socks or something :(. BUT now you have even more of a reason to spoil him and make him feel so so so so so loved🥰 and soon enough, he's equally as clingy 🥺 when he's home, he's glued to your side, which you definitely can't complain about 🥰 AND AND AND he's always telling you how much he loves you 🥺 he reciprocates every!!!! kiss you give him 🥺 just all that fluffy goodness hehe <3
if he's gone on a case, your many texts are what gets him through every single second of the day 😭 especially with those rough cases :( plus!!! hehe each text of yours just motivates him so so much <333 he's tired and doesn't particularly want to give the profile? rereading a sweet text of yours gives him the instant boost he needs <3 he has to deal irritating detectives who don't listen to him/the rest of the team and ughgbdbd he's just about had it with them? he'll look at a selfie of you and jackers that you sent him and his mind is so so much more clear <3 plus, neither of you can sleep at night without talking to each other on the phone 🥺 both of you just need to hear each other's voices daily.
to sum it up, he really becomes dependent on your clinginess 😭 it's like a lifeline for him; ughgbljdg you just make him feel so needed, and so so very happy 🥺
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chilly-me-softly · 2 years
Hey can I request Alice at training with mason and some cute x
"Oh I see it didn't take you long to spot the neighbourhood cafe"
"Mason - (y/n) gasps looking up at him bewildered - you almost made me drop my breakfast, and that's certainly not the way I want to start my day"
"Sorry" he chuckles opening the door to the facility and like a good gentleman allowing her to pass through first, waiting for Alice to do the same hand in hand with him and only then setting foot in there as well.
"I forgive you just because you have a little guest with you and you cannot sulk around a kid"
"Good to know" he smiles looking at her before focusing on the little one who is clinging to his coat. "Will you tell this nice lady your name?"
She takes a few seconds as she hides half her face in one of her father's legs continuing to look at the new person, almost playing embarrassed, then murmuring an "Alice" smiling like her father.
"Alice, really nice name. I'm (y/n). Have you come to watch your daddy's practice?" she asks sweetly, receiving a nod from the little girl.
"It's cold though"
"I know, right?" she coos, quickly waving at someone walking past them. "Your daddy should have at least put a hat on you"
"Hey she's the one who didn't want to!" Mason gets defensive as (y/n) looks at him funny.
"Relax tiger" and somehow triggers the little girl's laughter, causing a mock astonished expression to appear on Mason's face.
"What are you doing?! Are you laughing at me?" in an instant Mason crouch down next to her drawing her to his chest and the hall fills with her cries of joy as everyone seems to forget where they are for a moment.
"Alice do you want a piece of croissant?" Mason has already looked at the clock hanging on the wall nearby a couple of times, she's pretty sure he's late or close to it so she decides to step in.
"Yes" Mason's attempts to protest are useless because the little girl has already accepted and seems to be anxiously waiting for food. As if she hadn't eaten even a piece of his breakfast only a short time before.
"You don't have to, it's your breakfast" he tries for the last time as (y/n) lifts Alice up to sit on the nearby desk starting to open the bag she had laid there with her coffee just moments before.
"Mason - she sighs - you really should go, us girls have something really important to do"
"Yes daddy, important"
"Oh I see" Mason then gives up taking his bag, but not before reminding his daughter to behave.
"So... I saw you and (y/n) pretty cosy" Mason rolled his eyes as he tied his shoes, Ben and his stupid smartass grin just waiting for the right moment to come out.
"Stop it, don't even get there"
"Why? I'm not saying anything, just what I saw" the boy shrugged by his side.
"Because I know you Chilly and your mind is probably already full of stupid fantasies"
"Yeah sure" the boy scoffs and Mason doesn't have time to answer him because he gets distracted.
"Hey didn't you say you were coming with Alice today?" Reece asks from the seat opposite theirs and when Ben chuckles at his side, he hits him with his knee intimating him to be quiet. Which of course he doesn't get. 
"SHe's with (y/n)" his friend is quick to answer, causing him to roll his eyes again.
"The new admin girl"
"And since when do you know people aside from football?!" the mate teases him slyly but he doesn't seem to mind.
"Hey I'm single - he shrugs his shoulders as if that's enough to explain everything - but don't worry, my hands are tied" Ben squeezes one of Mason's shoulders before exiting the locker room, leaving a confused Reece raising an eyebrow at his friend and Mason waving him off.
He wanders off a little to pick up Alice and smiles when he can already hear his daughter's giggle from the hallway.
"Hey you, time to go" he knocks lightly on the already open door attracting the attention of the two girls, the younger one happily leaving her pens on the table to run towards him.
"I hope she didn't bother you"
"Please, she's been an absolute angel" she smiles at him and Mason is quick to dismiss himself for the training that is about to begin.
"Mason?" however he stops immediately when (y/n) calls him back, "Alice's coat"
"Oh - he looks at the item with a strange feeling, as if he had been waiting for more for a brief moment, before picking it up awkwardly - thank you. I need it" he chuckles embarrassedly, mentally slapping himself for what he just said, quickly disappearing with the excuse of having to chase Alice.
"What did you have to give Kepa?" Alice fumbles for a moment with the pocket of her jacket - which Mason had struggled to get her to put on again - before picking up a paper folded in four and handing it to the keeper.
"For me?" the boy asks somewhere between surprised and amused as he crouches down in front of her, a sweet smile spreading across his face when he sees her messy attempt at colouring a butterfly.
"It's so beautiful. Can I give you a hug?" after her nod, he gently wraps his arms around the little girl's small body bringing her lightly towards him and even leaving a kiss in her hair. "Thank you, I will keep it in my locker for good luck"
Then the training finally begins, Alice staying to the side with the various assistants keeping an eye on her making sure she doesn't get into any dangerous line and allowing Mason to train for a while.
Mason looks around, taking a moment longer than he should to find Alice after stopping for a drink in the break that has been given. And he smiles as he sees that she has run to the goalkeeper and that he too seems to have a soft spot for his daughter, even giving up the chance to sit for a few minutes between his own training sessions.
The boy is between the posts as usual as he challenges Alice to throw the ball at him as hard as she can. He can't see her face but he bets she has put on her most focused expression possible as she takes a little run-up and kicks towards the bottom right corner, cheering when Kepa obviously doesn't get there.
She kicks a couple more balls before Mason decides to approach, walking slowly until he's behind Alice lifting her up catching her by surprise and making her scream in amusement. Mason kicks the ball in the net as "Daddy, you cheated!" the little girl picks him up.
"I did not" he pouts as Alice starts playing with his cheeks soon making the grimace disappear.
"Yes you did"
"Yes you did" echoes the keeper as Mason rolls his eyes playfully.
"Okay then, let's see who's right" the boy puts the little girl down before positioning himself between the posts and signalling for the two of them to go for it.
Little Mounty
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