#like of course i'd Like to be something cool but in reality i'd probably just be. pure white or something Boring like that
damnation-if · 2 years
can confirm, war of the spark is absolute garbage. Worst part being that apparently it wasn't the author that retconned Chandra's sexuality, but WotC that told him to >:|. At the very least in the short stories they seem to have gone back to her being pan, but it's hard to tell if it's the main writers fighting against the company, or just plain old queerbaiting.
yeah it's hard to say what Really went on but. from what i can fathom reactionary panic was caused at wizards hq or wherever they talk about this stuff when a Predictable (to anyone who actually knows even vaguely what it's like to be a marginalised or queer person) backlash of straight dudes going "nuh uh, chandra Only wants to have sex with Me, a Cis Man" hit at roughly the same time as other people saying things like "hey. maybe it doesn't need to be a whole Thing that she also really thought Gideon was Hot while she professes her love for Nissa" and the... let's call it "pincer movement" of criticism caused them to hit the Eject button on the whole idea
i do believe they Intended it, though, not that it was queerbaiting... they wouldn't have published it in the first place otherwise. i think they just didn't anticipate... how many of their fans and readers will seethe in silence about queer male characters but draw a firm line in the sand at the idea of any woman they want to make kissy with having ever had a non-straight thought :/
it's a big old shame, i guess... luckily the book still sucks arse so nobody's missing out if they choose not to read it lmfao
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i'll just add this one on here to keep the mtg discussion neat! uh, well... if you've been reading my tags, you'll know that. if gorgon pirate mercenary queen assassin green/black swarm's eminence icon Vraska asked me to do Literally Anything... i would not say no XD
i have a soft spot for... Many green planeswalkers, though. my green/blue babe Kiora, Arlinn... the big green v, Vivien... Saheeli........ Ral Zarek of course... there's probably a lot more if i'm being honest but those are probably my favourites.
i also Enjoy Rakdos and Ob-Nixilis as characters even though i wouldn't. personally want to be around them lmfao. the bit where Ob-Nixilis defeated Gideon's invulnerability by drowning him in a puddle was Amazing XD eat it gids
i also, possibly unsurprisingly, have a mild fondness for the Phyrexians 😔 i just enjoy transhumanism okay ajkdbhfasdfa
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mirai-e-jump · 10 months
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Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger Character Book: The Bonds Connected by Moffun and Racules?! Main Cast Member Interviews (translations below, long post)
(other pages)
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Murakami Erica x Hirakawa Yuzuki x Hasegawa Kasumi
"Since this is a roundtable discussion, please introduce each other. Let's have Murakami-san with Morfonia, Hirakawa-san with Hymeno, and Hasegawa-san with Rita."
Hirakawa: Hymeno Ran is the queen of Ishabana, she's a beautifully gorgeous, strong and cool woman. Also, she's very compassionate…
Hasegawa: (to Murakami, in a low voice) This is pretty embarrassing.
Murakami: It's not about me, it's about the role I play.
Hirakawa: …If there's someone in trouble, she'll always reach out to them. She's a person who focuses on what she wants to protect and the path she believes she should take, and then pushes forward toward that goal.
Murakami: Morfonia is the retainer for Gokkan's king, Rita Kaniska. She works together with Rita, but is a lazy slacker who hates her job.
Hasegawa: (staring intensely at Murakami)
Hirakawa: She's mad (laughs).
Murakami: She also says, "I'm going home" as soon as the work day is over, but when it comes to Rita, she can become alittle emotional, and she watches over Rita and can't leave them alone.
Hasegawa: Rita Kaniska is the king of Gokkan and the Supreme Court Justice…..wait, that's not right.
Hirakawa: The Chief Judge of the International Court of Justice
Hasegawa: Right, the Chief Judge of the International Court of Justice. It's hard just saying it out loud again (laughs). At a glance, they appear strong, dignified, and unmoved by anything, but they're probably the most human among all the members of the Royal Sentai, or rather, they have alot of weaknesses…..they're cute (laughs). At the start of the broadcast, Rita stubbornly insisted about being strong and being equal, but as they came into contact with the kings, Morfonia, and various other people, they learned how to rely on others. In a real sense, I think they're getting stronger.
Murakami: Amazing. It's like there's nothing you don't know about Rita.
Hasegawa: (laughs). I think Rita will become stronger in the future by showing more of their vulnerabilities, so I'd like to see Rita like that….I'm just saying what Morfonia is thinking! (laughs). Regardless, Rita is a wonderful person.
"Next, in regards to the other two, we'd like to hear about the similarities and differences between them and the character they play."
Hirakawa: Marie (Murakami) is as elegant as a princess in her gestures, speech and actions. Also, she's strong and cool. Although, she's not as selfish as Hymeno.
Murakami: Eh~?
Hirakawa: She seems to be very similar to Hymeno, but Marie likes to mess around more than I expected, so I guess that part's alittle different. You like talking with everyone, right?
Murakami: I like it.
Hirakawa: When Hymeno sees everyone messing around, I feel like she'd say something like, "How childish…"
Hasegawa: I wonder, does Hymeno want to be around where banter is going on?
Murakami: I think she'd be strong and say, "I don't want to join in." That's definitely the opposite of me.
Hirakawa: Marie has a playful side, and I think that the description of "cute" fits her well. In reality, I think she tends to be described as "cool."
Murakami: Things like, "She's just like a ViVi Model" and such? (*fashion magazine)
Hirakawa: That's right. Of course there are many cool things about her, but I get the impression that she has more of a cute side. Also, I wonder if Morfonia and Kasumin (Hasegawa) are the opposite. Or atleast, the exact opposite when it comes to work. She definitely doesn't have an attitude of not wanting to do anything.
Hasegawa: Well, it's work (laughs).
Hirakawa: Kasumin is older than me, but she speaks from my point of view, so it's easy to talk to her. I think Kasumin is alot like Morfonia in the sense that she adjusts to the people around her, not just with me. She goes at her own pace, and also feels "floaty," which is just like Morfonia.
Hasegawa: I recently learned that I'm a person who likes to go at my own pace (laughs). I didn't think that was the case….
Hirakawa: I basically go at my own pace, but I can adapt to others depending on the situation.
"Now then Murakami-san, we'd like to ask you about Hirakawa-san and Rita, and Hasegawa-san and Morfonia."
Murakami: Yuzuyan (Hirakawa) and Rita are similar in that they're both dignified and unafraid. Also, Rita is the unmovable king who is "quiet", but Yuzuyan is a "movable" person (laughs). In episode 28, Rita and Yanma's bodies were swapped, and Rita, who had Yanma's personality, was just Yuzuyan's usual self. I think that difference is also appealing.
Hirakawa: I'd agree that I'm "the king of hyperactivity." It's really true (laughs).
Murakami: Kasumin and Morfonia are similar in that they both end their words in cute ways. Morfonia says things like "Sow~wy" but Kasumin also says things like "I'm sor~ry" (in a cute way), and the way they speak is abit similar, they also share the same loose slurring of their speech. Like Yuzuyan said, the difference is that Morfonia doesn't take her work too seriously.
Hasegawa: Now then, it's my turn. Hirakawa Yuzuki is a person who has the mindset that she has to behave herself in front of others, and is thinking about alot of things in her head. I guess she's similar to Rita in that respect. The difference is that she's "movable" (laughs).
Murakami: You're right about that.
Hasegawa: The only time Hirakawa Yuzuki is calm is when she's sleeping in the dressing room. When she's not talking to anyone….
Hirakawa: Is there ever a time when I'm not talking?
Hasegawa: Not really I guess (laughs). And then there's Marie and Hymeno. It might just be my imagination, but I think Marie has a firm idea of what she wants to be and how she wants to live her life. Isn't it the same way with Hymeno? Another similarity is that they're both beautiful. Her gestures, or rather her movements are so beautiful! I'm not sure how to describe it…..
Hirakawa: Picturesque?
Hasegawa: Right! It's picturesque!
Murakami: Uw~ow, I love that~ (laughs).
Hasegawa: Me too~ (laughs). I think that they're similar in that way, and I think she's a perfect fit for the role of Hymeno. The difference is that, like Yuzuchin mentioned, when there's a lively gathering, Hymeno is like, "I won't get involved with that," while Marie is like, "Let me in! Let me in!"
Hirakawa: Marie is adorable.
Hasegawa: Yeah, she's cute. Similar to Hymeno, she's also kind and attentive. Hymeno tries to be strong and not let it show.
"Now, we'd like to know how you interpret what the character you're playing thinks about the other two characters. For example, Hirakawa-san, if you could tell us what Rita thinks about Hymeno and Morfonia."
Hirakawa: Rita sees Hymeno as the closest thing to a friend among all the kings. They can't say for sure yet that, "This person is my friend", but their relationship definitely isn't just that they're kings to each other. Compared to the beginning, they can tolerate Hymeno's selfish personality. At first, Rita didn't necessarily reject Hymeno's behavior, but they didn't even try to understand them. They didn't have enough interest in not only Hymeno, but all the kings to want to understand them. But now, their stance is that they want to understand her feelings. They've developed a sense of camaraderie with everyone, and among them, Hymeno has become the person they want to understand the most.
"In episode 30, Hymeno called them a "friend," how do you imagine Rita felt about that?"
Hirakawa: I think they were happy. Rita is stopped by Hymeno when they try to seal away Grodie, the enemy of Karras, former king of Gokkan, as well as Hymeno's parents. While I was acting, I had about a 5% feeling that I wanted someone to stop them. I think that Hymeno, who actually stopped them, became a very special person, different from Morfonia. And since sealing him would freeze Rita as well, it can be said that she saved their life. After Hymeno stopped Rita, she told them, "(about Grodie) We'll defeat him. We'll do it together." Having someone who says, "Together," must be a great source of support for Rita.
"Regarding Morfonia, you previously said in the interview for "Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger Character Book: We're KING!!!!!!" that "For someone who finds their work to be a bother, she's a hard worker," but what about now?"
Hirakawa: Lately, Rita doesn't suppress their emotions so much in front of Morfonia anymore. They used to feel that they had to behave properly in front of Morfonia, that they couldn't let their retainer see them acting strange, but now I think they seem to recognize her as their partner. She has the utmost trust in Rita, that she will not leave their side no matter what, and that she will believe in Rita, even if they're accused of committing a crime
"Murakami-san, what do you think the two of them are like from Hymeno's point of view?"
Murakami: Hymeno's very excited that they recognize her as their friend.
Hirakawa: Are you also excited?
Murakami: Yeah. Because they're Hymeno's first friend. Hymeno lost her parents when she was young and became queen, and I don't think she had anyone she could talk to as an equal, but Rita is able to express their opinions to her. I think the reason why she invited Rita to tea in episode 30 was because she was excited that Rita, who she considers her first friend, came all the way to Ishabana. Rita's presence in Hymeno's life has grown, and a childlike feeling of happiness is building up inside her. Until now, Rita was just one of the kings, but now that they have a common enemy, they've grown closer and have become friends. I think this is a very happy relationship for Hymeno. I think Morfonia is recognized as an understanding person who is with Rita all the time, who as a friend, helps improve Rita's well being. There's a scene in episode 38 when Rita was having an idol audition, and although Hymeno doesn't often talk with the other members of the royal entourage, she was having a normal conversation with Morfonia as an equal. Hymeno was able to do that because she knows that she's a good and understanding friend. She probably met her more than other members of the king's entourage, and I think that in Hymeno's mind, Morfonia is a friend of a friend.
"On the other hand, How does Morfonia view Rita?"
Hasegawa: It's possible that she doesn't view Rita as a king. Her feelings are of parental love, rather than loyalty. They're just so cute that she can't stand it. Yuzuchin said that Morfonia would always be on Rita's side, which is the same as how I feel regarding my own parents. Of course, they're not a child (laughs), but they're her work partner, and is someone she wants to watch over all the time.
"Morfonia is also Rita's potential successor, so the relationship between the king and their retainer is quite different from that of the other countries. Gokkan has practically no people to rule over."
Hirakawa: If you think about it, it's only just the two of them.
Hasegawa: That's true.
Hirakawa: They're in a situation where they have no one to rely on but each other.
"How does Morfonia view Hymeno, the king of another country?"
Hasegawa: My own interpretation is that at first Hymeno was just like the other kings, and Morfonia honestly didn't care about her (laugh). However, when she found out that Hymeno was someone who understood Rita and became their friend, she felt happy, but she also felt like she couldn't let go of her feelings and be too pleased about it. It's kind of like the loneliness you feel when your child is about to leave your care…..But, while Hymeno may look like a selfish and troublesome person at first glance, she is in fact a kind and gentle person who is always looking out for those around her. If such a person were standing beside Rita and stirring them up, it would make Rita feel more human, and that they could live an easier life. In fact, I think they'd probably feel grateful.
"When performing with the people here, do you have any discussions about your performance or anything you need to be careful about?"
Murakami: When I'm in a scene with Yuzuyan, I try to clearly tell her, "Your spot is over here, and I'm right here." Yuzuyan's face is mostly hidden due to her costume and makeup, so her visibility is poor….Even in the scene in episode 36 where we did ballroom dancing, I said, "My hand's here. Don't worry, I'll move first."
Hirakawa: It's not just about having a performance plan, it's simply that I can't see (laughs). Even when we danced, I couldn't see her, so I had to remember her position before I could hold her hand.
Murakami: But, the only thing we talk about before acting is confirming those moves. I almost never have meetings related to acting. We both perform with what we have, and I think that brings out the best in each of us and has created the relationship we have now.
Hirakawa: The kings are just a clash of personalities, aren't they? That's why when we start talking, we all get together, or rather, we get strangely grouped together. I think it'd be better if the kings just expressed their own ideas instead of talking to each other, giving the impression that the kings were doing whatever they wanted. If we talk and try to get closer, then maybe…
Murakami: It wouldn't be interesting. We only talked about each other's roles during the body swap episode (episode 28). That episode was a great opportunity for me to learn things about each character that I didn't know before.
Hasegawa: Yuzuchin and I would talk alittle before shooting a scene between Morfonia and Rita. We both think alot about what kind of performance we want to do, and then we talk about it and make sure we have the same understanding.
Hirakawa: Ultimately, the understanding of what we want to do and what we want to convey in the scene has to align.
Hasegawa: Just don't go overboard……
Hirakawa: We're on the borderline
Hasegawa: Yeah. I remember having to decide for some important scenes.
Hirakawa: In episodes 10 and 25, regarding the scenes with just Rita and Morfonia, I'd say, "I'm thinking of doing it this way, but what about you Kasumin?" We tried it once, and if it wasn't right, we'd come to a good compromise. We also talked about the kabedon scene in episode 25. Morfonia's trying to escape from Rita's room, and at first Rita grabbed her arm and tried to hold her back, but then I thought, "Rita doesn't pull people's arms, do they?" I thought that if they did, it would give the impression that she was used to being restrained.
Hasegawa: We talked about how it'd be better if they were more clumsy.
Hirakawa: I wanted to express Rita's clumsiness due to their lack of human relationships, but I also wanted it to look cute. As a result, they ended up doing a kabedon.
Hasegawa: However, we don't always talk about the performance in detail.
Hirakawa: We don't talk about specifics like, "Let's do this at this moment," but rather about the nuance of matching the groove. When we need to pay attention to our movements, we communicate specifically to each other. Things like, "I'm going to put my hand here when I hit the wall, so be careful."
Hasegawa: For the kabedon scene, the staff behind the wall were trying to keep it together (laughs).
Murakami: They were holding back! The only scenes involving Hymeno and Morfonia was in episode 38, where they had a conversation, but that was about it…..
Hasegawa: I'd like to talk to you alittle more.
Murakami: I think I could if there was a time to visit Rita. Maybe Hymeno would ask Morfonia, "Prepare some tea" and she would respond in a slightly disgruntled voice, "Eh~?" (laughs).
Hasegawa: (in Morfonia's voice) "Is cocoa okay~?"
Murakami: (in Hymeno's voice) "Ishabana has black tea, but Gokkan's tea time is cocoa, huh? Hmmm~"
Hirakawa: I started this (laughs).
"We'd like to ask about any particularly memorable moments or scenes so far."
Hirakawa: I liked episode 10.
Hasegawa: Me too. There's the scene where Morfonia says, "I want to be with you," through the giant Moffun plushie.
Hirakawa: Rita was vulnerable for the first time…..
Hasegawa: Morfonia also stepped into Rita's mind for the first time.
Hirakawa: We were both still getting a feel for each other, but it was the moment when we tried to come out of our shells by telling each other how we really felt, and it was also the moment when our relationship started to change. After filming episode 10, Kasumin and I became closer.
Murakami: As I said before, Hymeno and Morfonia don't really interact, so it's hard to name any memorable scenes…I'd like a scene together with Morfonia by Takamina Sensei (screenwritter Takano Minato). Please! (laughs). I think episode 16 is the one that left an impression on me due to the interaction between Hymeno and Rita. Rita turned to Hymeno to get to the bottom of the murder of Karras, Rita's former king, from 15 years prior. Hymeno is a king who's full of hospitality as a doctor, so she's very happy when asked to do something for them. Furthermore, it was a big deal for Hymeno to be trusted by an equal king, and from there, she and Rita started working together to get to the root of the incident. After the truth was revealed, there's a scene at the end where Hymeno gave Rita a rare good called the "Chibi Moffun Premium," and I think that was the beginning of Hymeno's excited state of mind (laughs).
Hirakawa: She was so excited when she left the Chibi Moffun in front of Rita's room.
Murakami: She was so excited. It was her first time making a friend, so she couldn't help but be happy.
Hasegawa: That scene was great. Rita really wants the Chibi Moffun Premium, but they refused with, "I'm neutral," and won't accept the gift, so Hymeno tells them, "Then throw it away. It's garbage. It doesn't matter what you do with garbage, right?" and then leaves. Then, Rita accepts the gift and mumbles, "Thank you." I thought that Rita's understanding person had appeared.
Murakami: I'd say it was Hymeno's forceful kindness, knowing that Rita wouldn't accept it as a gift. In episode 3, which was Hymeno's main episode, there were multiple scenes where this forceful kindness is shown, and even if it doesn't appear that way on the surface, Hymeno often acts with the other person in mind. On the other hand, there's something about Rita that makes her want to do something for them, and that builds up from episode 16. In episode 30, Rita comes to Ishabana again, and they interact by inviting them to tea. As they deepened their relationship, Rita's presence within Hymeno grew. In episode 38, she was so moved by Rita's stage presence that she cried and cheered for them.
Hirakawa: That episode was amazing. The script said something like, "Rita will perform a spectacular dance," and for that one line, we had to put together a large set and have a large number of extras gather…..They filmed with four cameras, which is quite alot.
Hasegawa: We usually use alot of green screen, so it's normally one camera!
Hirakawa: I was nervous when I heard voices saying "Camera's rolling" from four different places~!
Murakami: It was much bigger than I had imagined from reading the script, and I got the sense that this is what happens when adults get serious. Going back to Hymeno in that episode, she thought Rita's dream was to become an idol and said, "I'll be the producer, you be the idol!" She can't leave Rita alone, so in true Hymeno fashion, she tries to drag Rita along in the way she wants. I think that kind of uniqueness to Hymeno came out.
Hasegawa: The ending of that episode made me happy. There's a scene where Morfonia says to Rita, "I think it's okay to be yourself in front of your friends."
Hirakawa: It was also good that there was some adlibbing. In the script, it ends with Morfonia saying "I…I like you," but Rita didn't hear it, so they said, "You were just complaining, right?," to which she replied, "It's okay if you didn't hear."
Hasegawa: It was a nice scene. Gokkan looked warm.
"Let's also ask a question unrelated to your roles. You've been calling each other by your nicknames for awhile now, but what do you usually call each other?"
Murakami: I'm often called "Marie" on set, as well as from these two. I call Hirakawa-san "Yuzuyan."
Hasegawa: I call Hirakawa-san "Yuzuchin."
Hirakawa: Hasegawa-san is "Kasumin."
Hasegawa: At the beginning of filming, when the three of us were in the dressing room, I remember asking, "What would you like to be called?"
Hirakawa: That's right! At that time, I was already calling Murakami-san Marie.
Hasegawa: I said, "Who's Marie?" (laughs). From then on, I also called her Marie.
Hirakawa: I also asked Hasegawa-san, "What should I call you?" and she said, "People often call me Kasumin," so I decided I'd call her that too.
Murakami: When we first met, I called you "Yuzuki-chan." I think I said, "Yuzuki-chan, you're good at remembering directions."
Hirakawa: I also used "Erica-chan"! Uwah…..it doesn't feel right anymore (laughs). It feels like, "Wow"
Murakami: It's nostalgic (laughs).
"We'd like to know about any unexpected aspects of the other two that you've discovered between photo shoots or in your private life."
Hirakawa: Since we're always together, we have a common understanding.
Hasegawa: Ummm~, Hirakawa Yuzuki actually likes glasses.
Hirakawa: I love them!
Hasegawa: Those who know me know that I like glasses, but Yuzuchin also likes them.
Hirakawa: When Marie makes a joke, she gives a look that says, "I'm going to make a joke now, so please laugh."
Murakami: Ah~! I only get silly in front of people like Kaku-san, who definitely pick up my jokes (laughs). Yuzuyan will also definitely respond to them. She accepts them so willingly, that I end up getting carried away. For Kasumi-san, there was something strange in the book she was reading the other day. It was called "The Complete History of Sapiens."
Hasegawa: Ao-tan, who plays Yanma, told me, "It's interesting."
Murakami: The fans probably didn't know that we're reading such books, huh?
Hirakawa: Ah! Speaking of Kasumin, she really likes patterned items, like on clothes and such.
Hasegawa: That's true, I might have alot of things.
Hirakawa: You also like embroidery, don't you?
Hasegawa: I love embroidery! The cushions in my house have embroidery on them. I never thought about it until you mentioned it.
"Finally, we'd like to get a title suggestion for this Character Book."
Murakami: "Moffun and the Delightful Friends"?
Hirakawa: "The Bonds Connected by Moffun"
Hasegawa: That's good, that's good! We didn't take any pictures with him, but it looks like Racules will be making an appearance, so "Racules" should also be included.
Murakami: The relationship between these three people is centered around Rita.
Hirakawa: Then, how about, "The Miracle Connected by Rita"?……I thought about it, but it's not a good idea not to include the names of Hymeno and Morfonia.
Hasegawa: I hope it can give off a feeling of taking a step towards friendship.
Hirakawa: I think we've given you alot of hints, so please come up with a great title! (laughs).
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Kaku So x Kamura Mami x Masato Yano
"Since this is the long awaited roundtable discussion, please introduce yourself with a role that you're not playing. We've prepared a lottery with the names of all the characters, so please draw and tell us about the role written on it."
Kaku: I got…..Racules? If I were to describe with one saying the character of Racules Husty, played by Yano-chan, it'd be that he's charismatically evil.
Kamura: Oh~ (applauding).
Kaku: His fans are extremely enthusiastic, which is understandable. When he makes an appearance, the atmosphere changes. Viewers often say, "It gives off the atmosphere of a night time drama." I get the impression that he spices up and enhances this production.
Yano: That makes me happy! Now, I'll introduce Suzume Dybowski. She's the cute younger sister of Kaguragi Dybowski and is also a schemer. Also, in episode 20, there was the wedding scene with Racules, and I thought that wedding dress looked really good on her.
Kamura: Yay~! (laughs).
Yano: Suzume said she liked Racules in the first chapter (episodes 1-26), but behind the scenes she was working for Kaguragi, I also wasn't sure, did she really have feelings for Racules or not? However, in the second chapter, there are many depictions that make you feel that it's real love. The scenes involving Racules and Suzume are always abit embarrassing for me, like when we look at each other (laughs).
Kamura: Next, I'll introduce Kaguragi. He's the lord of Toufu, but you can say he's a character in the gray area…..
Kaku: He's not very hero like (laughs).
Kamura: Right, there's a reverse side. But, he loves his sister, and he loves Toufu. He's a very cool king who dirties himself and lies for the sake of his country.
Kaku: Thank you so much.
Kamura: It's wonderful that he's able to tell lies and keep with it. King-Ohger is a show for children, and perhaps it should be portrayed that it's not good to lie. But, everything he does is for the good of the country and his people, and there's no lie in that. I like that he has a strong core and doesn't hesitate. Lying is part of being a "man" that ultimately makes them feel cool.
"Next, regarding the other two, please tell us about the differences and similarities between their role and themselves."
Kaku: Yano-chan is a very playful person. We joke around with each other between takes. He's also very funny. That's one of the things that separate him from Racules.
Yano: There are times when I feel like I'm just screwing around (laughs). If I only give off the impression of my role, people will think I'm a scary person.
Kaku: Suzume is the opposite of Racules, and is always smiling, which is something she shares with Kamura-san. But, you're not a schemer, right?
Kamura: I'm not (laughs).
Yano: I don't know. A schemer wouldn't admit, "I'm a schemer" (laughs). But my intuition tells me that Kamura-san and Suzume are close. (to Kamura) What do you think about Kaguragi and Kakkun (Kaku)?
Kamura: I wonder…(thinks for a moment). As her older brother, Kaguragi is always kind to Suzume-chan. I think they're similar. I think there's a sense of security.
Kaku: The only time Kaguragi shows real kindness is when it comes to Suzume. He always seems to be thinking about how to trick other people.
"Kamura-san, do you think there are any similarities between Yano-san and Racules?"
Kamura: Any similarities…
Yano: Well, it's a difficult question because you probably don't even know that much about what kind of person Masato Yano usually is.
Kamura: That's true, I don't really know Yano-san that well privately.
Kaku: All three of us, Chiwata Yuhei-kun, who plays Shiokara, and Hasegawa Kasumi-san, who plays Morfonia, all cast members in our 30s, went out to eat wanko soba (small bowls of soba eaten quickly, is immediately refilled, and repeated).
"Wanko soba?!"
Yano: That's the kind of reaction we get (laughs). It's not simply, "We went out to eat soba."
Kamura: I'm from Iwate Prefecture, so a conversation started of, "What kind of specialties are from there?"
Kaku: We were all excited saying, "Wanko soba is famous," "I've never had it before" and "Alright, let's go everyone!" That day, we ate wanko soba, walked around Yokohama Chinatown, and had our fortunes told.
Yano: I didn't enjoy it properly. I ate way too much wanko soba… (laughs).
Kaku & Kamura: (laughs).
Yano: My stomach was so full I couldn't think straight. I think I ate about 130 bowls. Kakkun ate about 150 bowls, right?
Kaku: I could've eaten more if I wanted to, and I was totally fine! That was a fun day. It's become a good memory.
"From Yano-san's point of view, do you see any similarities between Kaku-san, Kamura-san and the characters they play?"
Yano: Kaguragi's alittle scary, and I don't know what he's thinking behind that smile. But, is Kakkun easy to understand? (laughs). I think it shows on his face. Also, Kaguragi is kind only to Suzume, but Kakkun is kind to everyone. As for Kamura-san, I don't really know what kind of person she is, but I thought she wasn't that far off from Suzume…but now that I look at her face, I don't recognize her anymore.
Kamura: Eh? Why's that?
Yano: No, I think it resembles Suzume after all. Kamura-san is always smiling, just like Suzume, but I don't know what she's actually thinking (laughs).
"Continuing, we'd like to ask you about your perception of each other's characters. First, how do you think Kaguragi sees Racules?"
Kaku: At this point in time, there are some things I don't understand either. Racules, who was thought to have died after falling off a cliff in episode 20, reappeared in episode 34, but in reality, I'm wondering if Kaguragi actually knew that Racules was alive and had been colluding with him all along or not.
Yano: I'm definitely curious.
Kaku: Even in the interactions between the two of them so far, it's not clear how far in advance their actions were based. In the beginning, I thought that Kaguragi was playing political games with Racules for Toufu's sake, but I have a strong feeling that it's not the only reason. Furthermore, I was also aware that Suzume's love for Racules was just her acting for the sake of the country, but as the episode progressed, I came to believe that she was serious (laughs). I think Kaguragi's feelings are that he's shocked because she's his precious little sister, and he hates the idea of Racules and Suzume getting married, but he also wants to congratulate them. I can't help but feel that his feelings are similar to those of a father watching over his daughter who is about to get married.
Kamura: Fa~ther!
"Yano-san, what do you think Racules thinks about Kaguragi and Suzume? By the way, do you know what will happen next?"
Yano: Somewhat……
Kamura: Hmmm?~
Kaku: (in a monotone voice) What's gonna happen?
Yano: No, no, I can't say (laughs).
Kaku: You always keep your lips sealed.
Yano: People tend to say that, but the more I say, "I don't know," the more they think I definitely know (laughs).
Kaku: Maybe it's because of the way you sometimes smile with a sence of sarcasm? When I asked him if he knows what'll happen, he says, "No, I don't know. How much do you know?" When I replied, "I heard this happens," he replied, (with a blank expression) "Ah, I see" (laughs). I think Yano-chan probably knows what's going on!
Yano: But I really didn't know anything about Suzume either. When I was told that although he was holding Kaguragi's sister hostage, she was officially his fiancee, I was surprised and said, "They're getting married?!" (laughs). I often act without knowing what'll happen next. Come to think of it, the ring that Racules put on Suzume's left ring finger in episode 20 was actually important.
Kamura: It's a key item!
Kaku: Was that a calculated move by Racules in anticipation for the future?
Kamura: When we were filming the wedding, Yano-san said, "Isn't this ring pretty important? I said, "Absolutely not!" But, in the end, it turned out just as Yano-san predicted (laughs).
"The ring was an important item, since it was thanks to it that the kings were able to return to Chikyu from Earth. What does Racules, who entrusted the ring to her, think about Suzume? Is there actually love…?
Kamura: I want to hear it!
Kaku: What does he think of my Suzume?!
Yano: I don't think he dislikes her. Well, I don't know if Racules has feelings to like people or not…
Kaku: It sounds like you're thinking if he's qualified to love someone.
Yano: There were also opinions on SNS that he may have been drawn towards Vedalia, who appeared in the spin off drama "The Secret of King Racules" currently being distributed on YouTube, and was working at Shugoddam's research institute…but what do you think? In the future, I think it'll be an interesting point to see how Racules interacts with various people, including Suzume.
Kaku: I wish he was alittle more "lovey dovey."
Kamura: I know, right~
Yano: But, in episode 22, there's a flashback scene where Suzume sleeps on a futon in front of Racules's throne. Maybe it's Racules's way of expressing his love for her that he's allowing that behavior. If he felt it was a nuisance, all he had to do was order someone to, "Take her away."
"It was interesting that Suzume described that scene as a "bedtime story." Kamura-san, what do you think Suzume thinks of Racules and Kaguragi?"
Kamura: When I was given the role of Suzume, I was told that she loves her brother, the country of Toufu, and that she doesn't dislike Racules. At first, that was my intention, but as I played the role more and more, I began to think, "I love Racules!" (laughs). There are similarities between Racules and Kaguragi, so it's not surprising that Suzume loves them. I'm not sure if what's in Racules's heart has been revealed yet though. On the other hand, although she still loves her brother, I think Suzume also thinks that working with Racles will ultimately benefit her brother.
"Kaguragi, Suzume and Racules all have alot of suspenseful scenes where they're trying to expose each other, but is there anything you keep in mind when performing together in confrontational scenes?"
Kaku: For scenes with Racules, I try to be conscious of overacting when I'm bluffing, and dropping my tone when I'm talking about something more serious. Also, I try to look as cool as possible! (laughs).
Kamura: You're so cool! The atmosphere between the two of us is different, isn't it?
Kaku: I try to make scenes with Suzume look as humorous as possible, as it's funny to see Kaguragi being pushed around. There's a scene in episode 15 where Suzume says, "I love you, Racules-sama!" and Kaguragi begins to hyperventilate. It wasn't written in the script, but I thought it'd be funnier if I played my character in such a stressed state. I think he feels that way because he dotes on his little sister. I enjoy the scenes with Suzume because I can have fun with her.
Yano: I don't have a specific plan for what I do, but I want scenes with Kaguragi to have some "weight" to them in the work of King-Ohger. Also, the scenes where I interact with Kakkun I can really feel emotionally. There are many scenes with Gira, but Taisei Sakai, who plays Gira, is still young, so I have a strong desire to watch over him and take him under my wings. But, when I'm performing with Kakkun, I have a sense of trust that no matter what I toss at him, he'll always react, so I can concentrate everything into the performance.
Kaku: (has a satisfied smile on his face)
Yano: (looks at Kaku) A smile of satisfaction!
Kamura: It really is a satisfied smile (laughs). What I pay attention to…I often have to worry about my brother and Racules, so I guess I'm just trying to, "Give it my all!"
Kaku: We need to raise the tension
Kamura: In episode 15, the first time I participated in filming, I was so close to Racules that I was hugging him. At that time, I really felt like my heart was going to jump out of my mouth (laughs).
Yano: You were nervous. You also had alot of lines.
Kamura: I was under alot of pressure on the first day. But I knew I couldn't give up, so I just gave it my all.
Yano: I thought it must've been difficult, but I was desperately trying to hold back my laughter (laughs). Just the thought of, "Suzume is approaching me, and getting closer!" is funny….
Kamura: Moreover, on the first day, we were filming on a set. Usually we film with a green screen background because of the CG.
Yano: Unlike the openness of a green screen, the space on set was cramped.
Kamura: That may be why I felt a difference in atmosphere on the set, which made me even more nervous. When we finished filming, I was drenched in sweat.
Yano: I see. I wish I could have helped you relax more.
Kamura: But, it was also the first time for me to hug someone I'd never met before, so it was good experience. In the scenes with Kaguragi, I still give it my all, but sometimes Suzume acts like a queen, and at those times I was instructed not to be too harsh and to act cute. So, I try to keep that in mind.
Yano: For me, I'm on the verge of grinning during scenes with Suzume. It's funny, but it's also really embarrassing. Doesn't Suzume just give off the feeling of, "Racules-sama~❤️"? When I play Racules, I get the feeling that he's apart of me, but that Racules is embarrassed.
Kaku: Racules is also shy.
Yano: "It's not Racules-sama, don't call me Racules-sama or anything like that…" (laughs).
Kamura: How cute~!
Yano: The scene where I put your ring on during the wedding almost made me start grinning (laughs).
Kaku: You did your best to endure it, huh?
Yano: I wish I could interact with Suzume in a less serious situation…
Kamura: Yeah~ I think it'd be fun.
Yano: The scene mentioned earlier where she sleeps in front of the throne was also fun. When I play the role of Racules, my shoulders tense up and I get tired, so I tend to act out when the cameras aren't rolling. I make alot of strange faces on set (laughs).
Kaku: It's true, even while we were getting ready, the cameras were rolling, and when we looked into the monitor, we could see him making strange faces (laughs).
Yano: I have to mess around to maintain a balance. That's why I hope there'll be more funny scenes with Suzume.
Kamura: On the contrary, Suzume always has alot of funny scenes, so I was nervous about the Toufu scenes in episode 37. This was the first time in this production where all the scenes involved were serious, so I wondered, "Am I doing the right thing?"
"Looking back on the past, please tell us about any scenes with either all three, or just two of you, that left a particularly strong impression on you."
Yano: It has to be the first time all three of us filmed together…
Kamura: Episode 15 right? I really liked that one!
Kaku: But, is that the only scene where the three of us were together?
Yano: There was also the three of us at the wedding ceremony. Although it wasn't all three, the scene where Racules and Kaguragi talk about Suzume for the first time left an impression on me.
Kaku: Ah, episode 12.
Yano: I like that scene, where they stood back to back and talked without looking at each other. When Kaguragi was reporting to Racules about Jeramie, who was still a mystery at the time, the subject of Suzume came up, and Kaguragi changed his tone of voice and asked, "Is Suzume doing well?" Racules replied, "Of course. But, depending on your attitude, that could change."
Kaku: I'm sure the viewers were surprised with, "Kaguragi has a younger sister, and she's also being held hostage by Racules?!"
Yano: I was surprised too (laughs). I remember thinking that her name sounded like the bird (sparrow). I later realized that it comes from the vespinae wasp.
Kamura: How interesting~ (laughs).
Yano: When we were filming that scene, everyone was wondering who would play Suzume, even though she would eventually make her appearance.
Kamura: I see!
Kaku: She made her first appearance in episode 15, where she suddenly hugs Racules…But, there's also the scene where she vows, "Let us dirty our hands together and defend Toufu. Brother!" She is indeed Kaguragi's sister, and she showed that she's not crazy about love, but is committed to her country.
Kamura: I really liked the part in episode 18, where Kaguragi appears in front of Racules and takes the OhgerLance and OhgerCrown. It was an intense development that revealed all the foreshadowing of Kaguragi's actions.
Kaku: Toufu's theme song, "It's a Banquet Ohger!" was playing. In episode 18, it was funny to see Kaguragi squeak "Gii Gii" when Suzume orders him with, "Show your respect for Racules-sama and pretend to be a rhino beetle."
Yano: I've seen alot of onomatopoeia in the scripts, like "Gii Gii." Especially recently, they seem to be getting more and more frequent…I guess screenwriter Takamina-san likes them.
"Do you have a favorite line as Suzume?"
Kamura: What would it be…..
Yano: I always have the image of her saying, "Racules-sama~❤️"
Kamura: Well then, "Racules-sama~❤️" it is (laughs). Just now, I thought of the scene in episode 33, where Suzume sticks the Ohger CrownLance under the floor of the throne to move Caucasuskabuto Castle. I like the line, "If that is your will, I'll make it all come true!" because it shows that she's determined. Especially since there's always so many comedic scenes.
"Kamura-san and Yano-san seem to be especially interested in doing funny scenes, but are there any scenes that the three of you would like to do in the future?"
Yano: I really want to do something comedic. You want to play around too, right?
Kamura: I want to, even if it's in a spinoff!
Yano: If we can joke around there, we might not have anything to say off camera (laughs). Also, a scene of Racules being bullied by Kaguragi and Suzume…that'd be good. He'd keep being served food endlessly and forced to eat. His body would swell up and he wouldn't be able to arm himself with the royal armor (laughs).
Kamura: That's good. I want to see it, right now!
"Kamura-san, are you interested in trying action scenes?"
Kamura: No, I'm afraid I'll just be an inconvenience…(bitter smile)
Yano: Kamura-san, you can move, can't you?
Kaku: However, it seems it'd be difficult since Suzume's costume is a kimono.
Kamura: That's right. However, in episode 15, I was about to pull a katana out of its sheath, so I thought there might be a scene where she'd do something with the katana when the time came, but so far nothing's happened.
Kaku: That katana, I was wondering if it had been passed down in the Dybowski family from generation to generation, but I guess not?
Yano: I wonder if there'll be a scene where Suzume slashes at Racules with that katana.
Kaku: Racules hasn't had any action scenes since episode 20. It can't be helped that he left the show at the time of that episode…
Yano: That's why I'm looking forward to seeing future action scenes where he doesn't transform. I think a sword fight with Gira will happen someday, and I think Sakai is getting better at it.
Kaku: In episodes 32 and 33, I experienced the production directed by Sakamoto Koichi, who's famous for his action direction.
Yano: Watching those two episodes, I was impressed with how well Sakai could move. In the scene in episode 20, where he confronts Racules in the trial by combat, it looked like he was having a hard time with some of the moves he wasn't good at. I co starred with Sakai in the drama "Shinyu wa Akujo" which was also his debut work, and right after that we started filming in King-Ohger, so we've been on the same set for a long time. I've been watching over him for about a year now, and he seems to be growing properly.
"As a viewer, I feel like I'd love to see Racules fight alongside someone."
Yano: That'd be nice. I'd love to fight with Gira for a given reason, or Kaguragi, with our backs against each other.
Kamura: It'd be cool if that happens.
Yano: It'd also be nice to see Kaguragi and Suzume get involved in the action scenes. Suzume would be fighting with a katana, but when she finds herself in a pinch, Kaguragi comes tackling in to help.
Kaku: It's not hard to imagine Kaguragi springing into action and saying, "What are you doing to my little sister?!" (laughs).
"We'd like to ask you about your private lives. Are there any aspects that only the other knows?"
Kaku: Yano-chan has been working hard on muscle training to gain weight. After losing weight for another production, he's not just trying to gain the weight back, he's trying to gain it back with muscle.
Yano: I lost around 10 kg (23 lbs)…..
Kaku: To be honest, he's quite macho. I do strength training myself, and I have a set menu made that'd surprise you.
Kamura: I don't know if I'm allowed to say this…
Yano: Is it something bad? (laughs).
Kamura: I'll say it! There's the cast's LINE group, and Yano-san sends us some playful photos (laughs).
Kaku: That's right! Seeing them, I think he must be bored on set. Yano-chan often films alone.
"In response, the general reaction was…"
Yano: They don't check them often. It makes me think that the kids of today aren't interested (laughs). As for Sakai, he probably hasn't even seen them. During this time, I contacted Sakai and asked, "Are you free?" I thought I'd invite him to dinner if he had time. Then, I received a reply saying, "Please invite me again." (Japanese gesture often used to decline a date)
Kamura: You're kidding?!
Yano: There was no, "I'm in the middle of filming right now" or anything like that. Even though I didn't say, "I love you" I feel like I was dumped…..
Kaku: He can be direct, so it's a shame that we understood his response (laughs).
Yano: Oh yeah, I'd love to mention this too, when I film alone, Kamura-san also stays behind to watch over me.
Kamura: But, the other day, I stayed behind thinking that there was just one more shot left, but then I realized I was wrong and said, "Ah, there's still more filming to do? Well then, I'm going home" (laughs).
Yano: At that time, Morioka Yutaka-san, who plays the role of Douga, was also there, and I overheard him saying, "Yano-chan, you're almost done, so I'll watch over you until you've finished." Then, just one minute later, he started leaving and said, "Good work today!" I was surprised and said, "Eh?!" (laughs).
Kaku: (laughs). In the show, we have a very tense relationship, but we get along well when filming! Please look forward to the second chapter!!
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Runaway Bride | Bucky Barnes
bucky barnes x fem!reader ✧ oneshot
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Summary: When wedding bells sound like a death sentence, you flee your big day and desperately look for an escape plan. Lucky for you, Bucky and a motorcycle just happen to be there.
A/N: This one's short than usual and is actually fluff! I know, it's shocking even to me. 🤍
Warnings: none, for once
Word Count: 2,018
Dreading your wedding day probably isn't the best sign.
My bridesmaids hurry around me, fixing the veil atop my perfectly styled hair and making sure my dress is perfectly fit. I should be smiling, giddy, maybe even a little nervous. Instead, all I feel is dread, cool and heavy in the pit of my stomach. 
"Mom, how do you know if something you're about to do is right?" I suddenly ask when my mother walks by. She pauses and looks over at me, barely even registering my questions and beginning to gush about how beautiful I look.
"Oh honey, look at you all grown up!" she squeals, smiling warmly at me. She must not recognize the unease in my eyes because she completely dismisses my question. 
"How did you feel on your wedding day?" I try again, this time garnering a response. A far away look takes to her face and her smile becomes nostalgic.
"Oh I remember it like it was yesterday," She begins, letting out a sigh, "I was nervous, sure, but I'd never felt lighter in my entire life. I was the happiest I've ever been"
This only makes me more uneasy.
"So you weren't having second thoughts?" I clarify, swallowing nervously and wringing my hands together before the tule of the bottom of the dress I didn't even like. I only bought it because Aaron, my fiancé, was paying and he liked this one best.
"Of course not, don't be silly!" My mom exclaims, letting out a laugh before turning on her heel and marching away to speak with one of the coordinators passing the outside of the room. 
I open my mouth to call out again, but think better of it. Instead, I turn to my maid of honor who is doing the finishing touches to her makeup in the bridal suite of the church I didn't want to get married in. I'd always dreamt of an outdoor wedding, but Aaron, the money of the operations, didn't want the bugs or the elements interfering with his day.
"Am I doing the right thing?" I ask my maid of honor, hoping that at least she will give me a straight forward answer. My best friend turns towards me, a confused look upon her face. She approaches and fixes on last piece of my horrific dress with a sigh. 
"Of course you are, this is just cold feet, Y/N," she assures, giving me a confident smile, "You and Aaron are great together. Think of the genius kids you'll have, think of how cute they'll be!"
The thought of having kids with Aaron nearly makes me sick, which increases the unsettled feeling of dread in my stomach. Looking into my best friend's excited eyes, I know that no one I talk to is going to say what I want to hear. 
Which means that I already know the answers to my own questions. 
Like a death toll, the bridal music starts up just outside the suite, alerting the bridesmaids that it's time to line up on the aisle with the groomsmen. They each give me a thumbs up or an excited smile before rushing out of the room, leaving me alone. With a racing mind, I examine the girl I see in the mirror. 
A dress I don't like, a venue I didn't want...a man I don't love.
When the last thought hits me, I feel as though I've been woken up with a bucket of ice water, snapping me back to reality. My eyes widen slightly as I think over every date I've had with Aaron. Maddie was right, we are good together, but we aren't in love. This can't be what love is. It's always about what he wants, what he's feeling like, how he wants the day to go. Now that I think about it I don't think I ever chose one date we went on. He practically laid out our future—big house, same workplace, and three kids named Aaron Jr. 
I never saw that for my life.
Even though it has been a while since I have even thought for myself, I have always seen so much more for my life. I want to travel anywhere and everywhere, and I crave a life of adventure and fun with my husband, a husband that I love. I only agreed to marry Aaron because everyone convinced me that it was perfect, convinced me that we were the perfect couple.
But not perfect for each other.
"What am I doing?" I breathe.
"Come on sweetie, it's almost your turn!" my dad calls out from outside the suite. 
I jerk my head in the direction of the door and my heart rate begins to pick up its pace. As I walk towards the door and out into the area just outside the aisle where only my father waits, each bridesmaid already gone through, my mind becomes increasingly made up. 
Never once was there any charge or chemistry between Aaron and I. Never once did I lie awake at night thinking about a life with him. I was so caught up in the excitement of everyone around me at the 'power couple' that I never stopped to question the countless times he'd blow me off or make passive aggressive comments about my intelligence being inferior to his, or even the times when he'd do what he wanted and not what I wanted because he automatically assumed that his mind was our mind. 
I don't love him, I don't think I ever have. I just loved how happy I made everyone. 
When the doors to the aisle open one last time and the bridal music swells, each person standing in the pews and turning to get a look at me, when my eyes connect with my fiancé who's smiling as though he's just won a game, I decide for one of the first times in my life that I'm done making everyone happy.
It's about time I do something that makes me happy. 
My heart begins to hammer in my chest as my dad walks with me to the start of the aisle and I can't help the giddiness that begins to pool within me, replacing the dread. I'm not giddy to get married, but rather because I already know exactly what I'm about to do. The fact that the thought of what I'm going to do makes me so happy is all I need to seal my decision. 
My eyes rapidly scan the back rows of the audience until my gaze finds the man I'm looking for. My best friend, the only person I've ever really felt like myself with, the man I've tried to deny my feelings for ever since I met him. My eyes meet Bucky's, and when he sees the look I give him, the thinly veiled sorrow in his vanishes. Suddenly, he sits up straighter and lifts an eyebrow at me. His eyes cast towards the door and I nod hurriedly. The fact that he understand what I mean to do without me saying a word...it makes my heart stumble in its rhythm.
Without another word, he's slipping out of his seat and rushing out of the church.
I freeze in my step, making my father halt beside me. 
"Uh," I begin, pulling my arm from my dad's and surveying the increasingly confused church until my eyes connect with Aaron, who's features are beginning to crawl with panic at the look upon my face, "I...am so sorry for this"
Then I turn around and sprint away, not feeling sorry at all.
The room behind me erupts in frantic voices as confusion settles in. Above them all, I can hear the best man, Aaron's brother, laughing as he shouts out to me.
A crazy smile breaks onto my face and I laugh as I sprint right out of the church, bursting out of the doors and kicking off my heels in one motion. The front of my hideous dress is clutched in my fists as I hike it up to keep from tripping down the stairs 
"Y/N! Stop! Y/N!" Aaron shouts into the spring New York air. 
Pedestrians passing by all stop to survey the scene in shock and amusement as I jump the last four steps to the church in my wedding gown and begin sprinting down the sidewalk with my groom sprinting after me. As I do, I can hear a few people cheering and egging me on to run. 
I cast a quick glance behind me to see Aaron being slowed down by some of the people who were cheering and I can't help but smile at the thought that they're doing it on purpose. I wave at them while I'm still turned.
"Thank you!" I call back, whirling around and searching the streets before me for Bucky. I can hear Aaron gaining on me and my giddiness turns to desperation. I falter in my sprinting, my frantic eyes scouring the streets for my best friend.
Just when my heart begins to fall, a motorcycle roars down the street and screeches to a halt in front of me.
"Need a ride?" Bucky calls out, a smirk dancing on his lips.
I smile wide, shaking my head at him and hopping onto the bike with my dress in my fists. I wrap my arm around his torso just as Aaron catches up and sees me. I tighten my grasp on Bucky, my stomach dropping slightly.
"Are you all good to-" he begins, but I cut him off in panic.
"GO GO GO!" I shout, and his motorcycle roars to life in response.
He pulls out onto the street and speeds away just in time. I look back to see Aaron stomping his foot in frustration behind us and when I wave at him, my veil flies off towards him in the breeze. I laugh, turning back around and smiling widely as the wind whips against my cheeks. I lay my cheek against Bucky's muscular back and sigh.
"You're my hero, Buck."
His muscles tighten at that before instantly relaxing in response. It's then that I realize what my words must mean to him. I know what he's been through, and I've been trying to convince him that he's good for so many years. I grasp onto him tighter, and not because of the wind.
"Anything for you, doll"
My heart flutters just like it has for years whenever I'm around Bucky. I don't know why I ever tried to convince myself that I could want anybody but him. Being here, pressed up against to him as he chariots me away from what would have been the worst decision of my life, I'm exactly where I'll ever want to be.
"Where are we going?" I call out over the wind.
"Anywhere you want, so long as I finally get to take you out on a date" Bucky calls back.
I'm glad for the roar of the bike and wind, because it hides the small squeal that leaves my lips. Sitting up straighter, I press a quick kiss to Bucky's shoulder and catch the way his lips twitch up.
"Finally, I thought you'd never ask," I reply.
"Well, you were kind of engaged," He reminds.
I smile, letting the city whizzing by and Bucky's taut muscles under my hands ease away the tension and pain and loneliness that has dominated me during Aaron and I's entire relationship.
"Not anymore,"I murmur, more to myself than anyone else.
I never once cheated on Aaron, not once. Even when I began to realize how badly I wanted Bucky, I still didn't cheat on Aaron. That is perhaps the only thing I don't regret from that relationship, because it makes this moment that much sweeter. Knowing I'm taking my life back into my hands, knowing I did it the right way, knowing Aaron had that stupid, smug smirk wiped off of his face.
Knowing I finally get to be in a relationship with someone I already love.
It makes running all the more worth it.
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annoying--moth · 5 days
No matter how many times it is explained to me or I talk about it with someone, I can't fully grasp what exactly is going on with art in the arc of a scythe universe. Because like,
It's stated multiple times that post-mortal art is "bland" and "uninspired" and "redone to death," and while I can certainly understand SOME art being like that, surely not all art is like that?? And I understand this in the sense that like, everyone's constantly remaking/repainting/making their own versions of famous paintings and such, but also there still has to be people who don't do that, right??? Like maybe I just have zero reading comprehension and somehow missed the bigger picture, but I feel like all this talk about art being redone to death implies that no one is making original art anymore? Which just. doesn't seem feasible to me?? Because as an artist myself, I can't see immortality taking away my ability to draw or come up with cool ideas. I don't draw because I'm going to die one day, I draw because I like it, and it's a form of creative expression. You can always come up with something new to draw- whether it's a cool oc, or someone you know, or just something random and abstract. The possibilities never end!
Of course, I suppose there is the argument then that people just aren't creative anymore, but I also find that hard to believe. I couldn't imagine ever truly running out of ideas. Like I mentioned above, OCs people??? I highly doubt there's no one in the post-mortal era still making weird, whacky, badass, or just cute OCs. Heck, I'd expect scythe ocs to be really popular! I wonder if it's like a thing for every kid to have a scythe oc phase..? Or at least kids in certain communities/fandoms (like scythe card trading- maybe they make their own cards for their scythe ocs!)
And also, it's confirmed that fiction is still very much a thing in the post-mortal era (I know zombies are referenced in one Gleanings story) so it's not like people can only connect to non-fiction. That's another thing that's discussed more in terms of theatre and writing- people not being able to connect to the themes because they're so far removed from it in reality. But my thing is, I've never experienced war or death (until very recently at least) and I still don't find myself unable to sympathize with people losing their loved ones to death or war or disease, although I suppose this could also have to do with the nanites. Plus the fact that death and war still exist in society as an actual thing that happens, but idk.
Also by the way- I feel like that one Gleanings story The Mortal Canvas has a subtle diss on digital art? And I have nothing against traditional art- heck I probably draw traditionally more often since I'm always doodling/sketching, but I feel like just because art is digital doesn't mean it's "uninspired" or whatever people were saying in the books. In fact, I've found myself moved emotionally by more digital pieces than traditional ones (although I don't see a lot of traditional paintings compared to digital ones tbf)
Also also I want to say- I don't exactly know how well this relates to my point but that one dude in The Mortal Canvas who made the others' artstyles into filters was a huge douchebag. AI art type shit, I was ready to strangle him reading that.
I remember the bit in The Toll about Ezra the artist, and how he said he was just "decent" or "moderately good" or something along those lines when we first met him, and I was going to make an argument about that part too but to be honest it's been a little while since I've read The Toll so I'll have to come back to that one once I reread it. But I think it also had to do with the emotional/creative aspect of art, which again, I refuse to believe immortality has such an influence on creativity that no art is original or interesting anymore. Sure it might make certain things harder, or make motivation worse, but I feel like if someone is truly creative it doesn't matter? Though then again, I'm not immortal so what do I know.
I briefly mentioned nanites earlier, and that is one thing that I do think probably has an impact, and I specifically mean emo-nanites. Since post-mortals can't feel as strong emotions as us mortal humans, perhaps that's also why their art seems more uninspired or whatever, because they can't put as much emotion into it. However, an excess amount of emotion isn't exactly needed to make art either. Like as I was writing this I was looking through my own art and realised that for some pieces I wasn't putting any emotional thought whatsoever into the pieces, yet there's still a clear emotion there when you look at them. Joy, wonder, whatever.
Anyway in conclusion, I think that it's unrealistic to say that all post-mortal art would be dull, uninspired, and meaningless, because I believe there will always be creative people who will make art not because they're gonna die one day, but because they want to and enjoy it, simple as that. Thanks to whoever stuck around long enough to read this far, I really hope it made sense. It's kinda late while I'm writing this and tbh I'm half-expecting there to be some huge detail/plot point that I missed that makes my whole argument totally invalid, whether that's me misinterpreting all the bits about post-mortal art or just being a complete dumbass with zero media literacy. Either way hope this was a fun read, I don't write long-form posts like these super often (note the lack of confidence in my media literacy skills) and if I made a really bad argument/missed something huge please be nice in the notes, I have a fragile ego :(
Uh yeah anyway I think I got everything as usual don't take my rambling *too* seriously, I just always found it confusing how post-mortal art is said to be so "uninspired" (I keep using that word cause I reread chapter 3 of Scythe today and Faraday uses it there) when I personally can't imagine not being able to be creative, though perhaps I'm just self-projecting. So uh, yeah.
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bogkeep · 1 year
the post i intended to write:
[flirting] hey wanna watch princess mononoke with me
what i intended to write in the tags but is long enough to become its own essay:
howls moving castle is a transgender comfort movie for sure and spirited away is absolutely a classic but princess mononoke is My ghibli movie. i saw it for the first time as a single digit age child when the czech dub played on TV and i was probably too young for it, but because Animated Movie = Kid's Movie i ended up absorbing the most violent animated movie i had ever seen and i think it permanently changed my brain chemistry and i regret nothing, i was so deeply enamored with the large forest and its godly beasts, i was entrenched in the narrative of the curse that slowly swallows you up, and of course san was the coolest character i had ever seen in my entire short life and i had several OCs inspired by her vibe and design and several others ended up with similar face markings, like who out there is immune to feral wolfgirl with Knives? not me that's for certain. none of my friends had seen this movie and over the years i was starting to feel like maybe it didn't exist? how could something that left such a huge impact on me not make a dent in the world around me? does nobody remember the giant wolves and the moss covered forest and all the wriggly curse worms?? BUT THEN i found the dvd in a norwegian cd shop and the norwegian dub was out of sync and it didn't have a norwegian subtitle track so i'd have to watch it with swedish subtitles, which i did many many times, and one time some czech guys were visiting while i was watching and went heeeey it's princess mononoke! good movie!! and i felt tethered to reality again. i keep coming back to this movie and every time i understand it a little more, because of course a small child such as myself wouldn't understand much of the plot beyond Angy Wolf Girl Go Grrrrrr, and the more i watch it the more i find myself relating to ashitaka even though he didn't make as much of an impression on me as Cool Wolf Princess did the first time, and the world is cursed but we find reasons to keep living, and i know the "i'll slit your throat" "you're beautiful" scene is Iconic but almost every screenshot or redraw or gifset leaves out how san drops the knife and recoils as if the vulnerability of the confession will burn her, and maybe it's just very easy to Get me with two outcasts who can't fit in fully anywhere anymore find eachother storyline but yeah anyway i rewatched this movie the other day and it's still really good
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Dealing with the Stank
Okay, so- I had this idea cooking in my head for a little while and decided I might as well share my thoughts as part of a little treat!
After reading "Dog and Phony Show", I began questioning why the show never alluded to Randy getting stanked- of course, this is likely only due to him being the main character, but in context of the canon - this is quite an interesting thing to not have included within the show. Do Ninjas simply not get stanked because the suit is protecting them? Of course, there's also the fact
Stanked! Randy Headcanons
So, genuinely this whole thing happens because Randy either gets distressingly overwhelmed with being the Ninja OR it has to do with a ridiculous feeling of inferiority- (think something like what happened during the whole Lucius O' Thunderpunch fiasco, but you know, if it had done a little more realistically)
He does try to fight off the stank, but ultimately the Sorcerer manages to take over and Randy remembers briefly blacking out before ‘waking up’ in a daze- of course, he doesn’t have the foggiest what’s happening and feels this overwhelming urge to break free, and run… so he bursts out of wherever he’s in
I do view Randy as being this quadrupedal creature and has this fluffy mane but okay- first things first…
Stanked! Randy Headcanons
🧣 Randy would be themed either after an oriental dragon, a lion of sorts, or even… some sort of cheetah-looking creature. For some reason, this just makes sense to me-
🧣 He's going to be fast and that makes him harder to catch, but at the same time- I feel he might be slightly uncoordinated, letting himself be governed by present emotions
🧣 Randy will have purple somewhere on his stanked form- at least to make sure that it's him and not someone else. If I remember correctly, Dog and Phony Show had it as a mane and I think it would be a pretty cool feature to have!
🧣 I also feel that Randy isn't going to be easy to be destanked, but he also did attempt to resist- purely because he knows that as the Ninja, him getting overpowered by the Sorcerer is not ideal
🧣 He obviously doesn't have any of his powers as the Ninja- apart from being agile and lithe
Additional Thoughts + Analysis
If we're speaking on the angle of him getting stanked because of being overwhelmed, and that is putting it mildly, I imagine he's just full of anger and frustration which means the only way to destank him is by convincing the boy what he's doing is important- that he's capable, that he's a good Ninja. I honestly think that if the show were done for a more serious angle, he would be a little bound by the mantle he carries.
At some point, he reaches breaking point- feeling he can't juggle his own career, so to speak, as the Ninja and his own life as a high schooler which is what leads to his own 'demise' so to speak. In doing so, probably the only people who have the power to reverse the stank are Howard and Theresa for reasons to say the least- one being more obvious than the other.
As a bonus! This idea was cowritten between myself and a lovely mutual of mine @just-animaxiz featuring a non-canon take on "Into the Ninjaverse" - in an alternate reality where Spike, the leader of the punk bots, is the Ninja and Randy's a regular human... our favorite boy deals with a certain ahems loss to keep from spoiling the story too much. Overcome by grief, he falls pawn to the Sorcerer and goes on a violent rampage to the point he nearly ends McFist. This AU of course, is a lot deeper but I'd hate to ruin the fun so early.
Out of curiosity, and a quick show of hands- would anyone be interested in me writing a fic where Randy's stanked?
I might honestly do both versions- the one where he's stanked in a canon divergent timeline, and one for my beloved (/p) mutual.
I'll be back later tonight with more! Until we write again, my lovely readers~)
~ Destiny & Erin (They/Them)
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ovwechoes · 2 months
Juno Headcanons!
Since Juno's a new hero, these are just some headcanons and things I'd like for her to have as apart of her lore! This was requested in my last post, just in a separate one c:
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Juno's main inspiration for becoming a space ranger was Winston; she was very young when she heard about the monkeys on the moon that were developed to be able to talk, understand science, and was fascinated with these discoveries. The more she learned about the work on the moon and what happened, the more her love for space grew and she entered program after program to keep improving her knowledge, and keep growing her interest in space. She always reminds Winston that he should be proud of himself because without him, she wouldn't be able to work alongside them in the way she does now.
She's not directly related to Mei, but her family were extremely close and her mother was one of the experimental scientists who worked with her in Antarctica. This is sort of confirmed with the picture of Mei and another woman inside Juno's airship on the Dorado map, but it would be really cool if it was a situation where Juno had heard all about Mei from her mother, and that Mei helped her join Overwatch and learn the ropes.
Speaking of Juno and Mei, I think while working together, Mei would definitely be like a mother to Juno. She would always try and keep her safe, tell her off for getting herself in too much danger (in a very kind and soft way of course), and would make sure she was eating and taking care of herself between missions. She knows first hand how much stress gets put on them as Overwatch agents, so she wants to help Juno as much as she can.
Juno would probably be good friends with D.Va, Tracer and Kiriko. She'd relate to them a lot more and she'd be fascinated with their own stories and life experiences, especially Tracers and with her particle accelerator. Mei would have to remind her that it's rude to ask Tracer about how it happened so bluntly, but Tracer wouldn't mind if it satisfied Juno's curiosity. She would love to learn internet slang off D.Va and would be open to joining her on live streams (since D.Va's the type to vlog everyone and hold interview style streams just so she can beat them at video games they've never touched) and Kiriko would teach her about what's going on in the world and keep her in the loop with the news.
Juno's the type of woman that once she's invested in something, there's no stopping how far she'll go to learn everything about it and understand it completely. She would get involved with it as though it was her life long dream, when in reality she's just a curious cat who needs to know everything about something that's peaked her interest.
I can imagine Juno's the type to 'kill them with kindness' and she lives by that motto. She's been raised with the same mindset as Mei's where she believes that violence isn't the answer. But, she also understands why it's used sometimes and knows that if she needs to use it too, she won't hesitate if it's for the right reasons.
Everyone keeps Juno out of the loop with what happened to Overwatch initially. It was Winston's idea, even though Brigitte is against it. He doesn't want her image of Overwatch to be tainted with Blackwatch and vigilantes that have come out as a result of Overwatch being banned. Juno knows she's working with a secret organisation that's criminalised, but she doesn't know why and it seems like she'd be the type to turn to the wrong people for answers if she was backed into a corner.
Juno has a hard time with people pleasing in the sense that she doesn't know how to stop it. Tracer's teaching her how to be better with it and stand up for herself, because it's hard for her to see someone so naïve on the frontlines. It's easy for naivety to be used against you, so she knows that Juno needs to learn how to stand up for herself and say no before it's too late.
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idk if you've seen Wonder Egg Priority, but you if you have you can skip the anime description!
WEP is an anime about this teenage girl whose friend k1lled herself and she gets these special eggs that contain teenage girls who also k1lled themselves. the girl breaks these eggs and has to protect the girl inside from a "wonder killer", which is the personified and monster-fied version of their trauma/cause of suicide. the girl has a weapon thats a normal item (i think it was a pen? i dont quite remember) and it turns into a large, cool (and obviously lethal) weapon to fight these monsters. once the monster is killed, the egg-girl disappears and is reborn (oh, btw the main character is invincible while fighting the monster, but whatever injuries they get during the fight can affect them in the real world, but the fighting makes them stronger so its easier for them to heal...its easy to overdo tho)
imagine if the reader is in the same situation, having to fight all these monsters by themselves (the monsters in the anime are in a dream world, but lets pretend they can fight them in their dreams and in reality) and going to school with random injuries.
peter, being their stalker of course, is very confused as to how this happens. he watches them all the time, he even has cameras in their room! how could they possibly be getting hurt? natasha and clint are following them whenever peter can't (y'know, spider-man duties and school stuff), tony put a tracker in their favorite jacket. they should be absolutely safe!
one day the avengers, peter, and reader are all hanging out in the avenger's tower, watching a movie or something, when an egg falls out of reader's pocket and makes an audible crack. reader starts the breathe really fast, whispering curses at themselves while they try to move the egg out of the room and away from everyone as quick as possible.
everyone is confused and a bit concerned, bucky tries to calm them down by saying things like "it's okay, we've got plenty eggs in the fridge" and reader isn't acknowledging him at all.
a girl pops out of the egg. a full size, teenage girl, just around peter and reader's age. there are screams outside as a large, unidentifiable creature terrorises the crowd, making its way towards the tower.
reader grabs their favorite pair of scissors as they break apart, turning into two large swords that vaugely resemble what they once were and jumps out of the window, girl tightly held in their arms and determination radiating from them like the sun radiates powerful energy
i feel like up until this point, the avengers and peter greatly underestimated reader's strength. i mean, they were totally babied by all of them, as they all thought reader was just a normal civilian. what they don't know is that they've fought these monsters a lot and has won every. single. fight. by themselves.
sry for the drabble, i thought it would be much shorter! anyways, you can continue the drabble i wrote if you'd like, i'd love to see your addition to my rambling! <3
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
Since it's the wintery season, I thought I'd suggest something somewhat fitting: I've always sorta thought Blake would hate/fear snow because of what happened to him on Mt. Silver, so how about a Reader x Blake where Reader tries to help him with his fear of snow by just like taking him out in front of their house after a light snowfall (or during one, if he feels okay enough to try)?
For many, the sight of light snowfall on a cool winter's night would bring happiness and joy, especially during the Christmas season. People and Pokémon alike would be out enjoying the weather, along with all the decorations Johto had to offer.
But for one trainer in particular..the sight only filled him with dread and anxiety.
Just looking at a single falling snowflake was enough to make him feel sick to his stomach, wanting to hide away from the world. And that’s exactly what he ended up doing when he visited your house.
He brought his whole Pokémon team over to help you decorate. He was going to finish helping you set up the tree.
Though after it suddenly began snowing outside, he panicked and retreated into your shared bedroom with Typhlosion.
For hours, he remained huddled there, curtains drawn and the lights off. Nothing but his starter’s gently flickering flames illuminated him, keeping him warm while he rested by his bedside.
But even with that and all the blankets..it didn’t feel like enough for Blake. 
He was still shivering, recalling how he felt this exact same way atop Mt. Silver.
Despite all the therapy, sleep didn’t come for him easily. He was far too scared to even close his eyes, fearing he’ll wind up back there--with his entire team dead and Typhlosion barely able to keep himself alive.
It definitely would have been the worst nightmare he’s ever had: thinking that you saved him and he recovered from the horrors after a few long months, only to find out it was all just a figment of his imagination.
Dying cold and alone in the snow after having this much hope would have been the cruelest reality.
Yet...part of him felt guilty for thinking such things.
He knew you saved him. He knew he was getting better. He knew this situation he was in right now was real.
He should be out there with you, decorating and enjoying the season like any normal boyfriend would.
But here he was, the once confident and cocky Blake Gold--now a coward who’s afraid of a tiny snowflake. You probably thought he was a real loser for basically ditching you and the festivities. 
However, you understood his fears. And you didn’t wanna push him to come out if he wasn’t ready yet.
Though..the longer you spent decorating the tree with his Pidgeot, some Unowns, and Tyranitar, you wondered if it was healthy for him to stay in that dark room for hours on end. It was already nighttime and he still hadn’t come out. Not even for food.
You wanted him to be surprised and give him something to smile about. So you added some pizzazz to the tree: with plushies and ornaments made of glass and plastic that the markets were selling. You even had a little tribute to Articuno in the corner, hoping it would keep the blizzards at bay.
Not only for the town’s sake, but also Blake’s.
Speaking of whom, you decided to check on him after Tyranitar put the star (of course, shaped like a Shiny Staryu) up. You wanted him to see the finished product, so you headed down to the room.
You gently knocked, hearing him say you could come in. But upon opening the door, you felt like you just walked into a dark cave; though luckily you didn’t need Flash in this case, as Typhlosion’s fire was enough for you to see your boyfriend’s exhausted state.
Forcing a light smile, you knelt beside the bed. “Hey, honey. We finished the tree if you wanna come see it.”
“....awh man, really? I was gonna help..” Blake pouted, although that convinced him to sit up. He kept the blanket around himself as he reached for his hat, hiding his messy bedhead. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright. We can add more stuff to it together.”
Nodding, he mustered up the strength to get out of bed. Alongside Typhlosion, he followed you back into the living room, finally seeing the tree lit up.
But while his fire-type smiled fondly, Blake’s attention was instantly on the outside world--and the persistent snowfall. It was a lot lighter now, but it didn’t make him feel any better. 
In fact, he could only feel worse the longer he stared out the window.
Yet..it was so hard to look away.
He felt stupid for being so scared. It seemed so childish, though that tightness in his chest told him otherwise, as it hit him so hard he nearly forgot how to breathe.
It was suffocating.
“I know your Pokémon aren’t interior designers, but they did--Blake? Blake, honey?” 
Feeling your hand taking his own, he gasped rather suddenly, not even realizing he refused to breathe a few seconds ago. And it made him cough as he turned away from the window, dissolving into small gasps amid his fit of panic. You helped him sit down on the couch, rubbing circles into his back as you led him through some breathing exercises, comforting him through it all. 
“Shh, it’s okay..it’s alright. I got you. You’re okay, you’re safe.” You soothed. He just shuddered in response, head buried into your shoulder as his prosthetic arm wrapped around you tightly.
A few sobs escaped him during that time, though within a few minutes he had calmed down a little bit. His shoulders slumped with newfound exhaustion, hating the fact that he was still feeling this way.
He wanted to tell you what a great job you did on the tree. But his fears wouldn’t even allow him to do that.
“M-Maybe I should go back to my room..” He was close to crying, wondering why you put up with him.
“You can’t spend Christmas locked away in there.” You gently insisted. “I’m sorry, I should’ve closed those blinds-”
“Y-You shouldn’t have to do that for me.” Shaking his head, he sniffled and looked up at you. “I don’t wanna feel like this anymore..it’s hell, [y/n]. I wanna enjoy the snow with you and...a-and remember it’s not all scary and stuff.”
You were surprise he admitted to wanting to see the snow, but that gave you an idea that just might help him slowly conquer his fears. “Maybe..we can do that.”
“What..do you mean?”
“You wanna try watching it through the window?”
At first, his eyes widened at the mere suggestion. But you added onto that, hoping he’ll at least try it. Just this once.
“I mean we can look at it together for a few seconds. I’ll be right beside you, and Typhlosion’s welcomed to come along if he wants.”
"That’s right.” You looked at the Volcano Pokemon, smiling softly. “You know we both won’t let anything happen to you, Blake. But it’s up to you.”
Blake was silent for a few moments, internally debating on whether he was up for this task. But he agreed, not wanting this phobia to rule over his life more than it already did.
After seeing his nod, you took his hand and stood up together, heading over to the window. Typhlosion remained close by his master’s side, leaning his head against his leg.
You could see Blake’s hesitance, given his eyes remained downcast. “I got you. Whenever you’re ready.”
“...a-alright, here goes nothing.”
Finally, he bravely looked out the window. That familiar panicked feeling was coming back, though you squeezed his hand to assure him everything was okay. And the more he looked....the more he realized you were right.
It was quite beautiful out. With all the lights and the snowfall gently coming down, blanketing the ground in white. He could even see a few ice-types in the streets, including a Swinub digging its nose in the dirt.
His mind would normally tell him it was in distress, about to be overcome with frostbite, yet it looked quite happy as a few other Swinubs joined it in their search for food.
"Y-You..see that pack of Swinub looking for food? It’s cute.” A small chuckle left him, though he decided that was enough and looked away from the window. A shaky exhale escaped him next, but he didn’t feel his heart hammering against his chest like before.
You could see that he enjoyed it, too, and smiled, kissing his cheek. “Yeah, it was. I’m proud of you, hun.”
“Th-Thanks.” With a smile of his own, he let go of your hand so you could close the blinds. “Maybe tomorrow I’ll..try stepping outside. Maybe.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
Satisfied, you both walked away from the window. And you showed him the Christmas tree and all its holiday glory, making him smile grow even more.
Maybe in time, he’ll learn not to fear the snow. Atop that mountain, it was a merciless, awful thing that forever changed his perception of it.
But he realized that down here...it was quite gentle. 
And with you here to help him, hopefully he’ll start seeing the good in it again.
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phantoms-lair · 1 year
Batman Exalted Thing
Because thought experiments never stay thought experiments
"Thought you'd be up on the roof, Commish?"
Gordon turned to Bullock, "Why?"
"Signals up. Usually mean you want to talk to Bats."
Gordon rolled his eyes. Some rookie with stars in his eyes probably wanted to see the local vigilantes. He sighed and made his way up the stairs.
It wasn't a rookie he found, but a woman he knew he'd never seen before. She turn and looked at him and suddenly he felt like his very soul was being turned inside out and examined before everything snapped back to normal.
"You felt that." she sounded surprised. "Oh, I do hope he hasn't factored you into his plan."
"What was that? Who are you?"
"You may call me Quill." The woman nodded
"But that's not your name." he guessed.
She looked bitter. "I had to destroy my name to prevent magical tracking. Quill will have to do., for both of us."
"Tracking from who?" Of course Batman had appeared without notice. His full attention was on Quill.
"Ketchup Carjack." She answered succinctly.
Neither man responded for a moment. "Who?" Jim finally asked for clarification.
"It's not his real name, just similar sounding words. But he's one of those 'I demand respect' types, so I give him none on principal." Her cool façade fell as angered colored her tone. It was clear to see it wasn't just a matter of principle, she despised whoever she was talking about.
She turned her gaze to Batman. He had a notorious poker face, but years of knowing him let Jim see his discomfort as the woman's glanced at him and knew batman was feeling the same inside out feeling he had.
"You're a meta." Batman observed.
"I am something entirely different. More magical than meta. And I will explain more later, but lets get to the meat of this meeting, shall we? Ketchup is going to try to empower you and your family of vigilantes to create a permanent foothold between your world and his so he can conquer it and I'd rather like to stop him as I hate his guts and everything he stands for."
"So he's going to offer us power and we have to refuse." There was a lot in that statement that needed unpacking, but that seemed the simplest thing.
"No. He's not offering. He's going to manipulate your fates to give you power, then offer to teach you how to use it, make you a political power and through that become the true ruler behind the throne." Quill was practically growling. "And you can stop him from empowering us?" Batman pressed.
"Er, no. My plan kind of relies on you being powered up." Quill admitted awkwardly. "Look, if you can make your own fates read-only so he can't mess with them, great. That's a win condition and I can go back to hiding in the underworld until he tries again. If not, don't knock my plan of you don't have one of your own."
"You're defensive. Frightened." Batman observed.
"Of course I'm frightened!" Quill snapped. "I lost everything because I didn't know how to stop it! And now I'm trying to stop this from happening ever again. But I am one person with powers I don't really understand and even if I did they are NOT made for this kind of thing. My exigence is based around stories. And the only story I've found that can block Ketchup's world off from the multiverse is of a ritual called the Seal of Eight Divinities, which I couldn't do myself even if I was a sorcerer, which I'm not. And the only people with power that Ketchup can't track are the fair folk, the demons, and the undead, all of whom want to destroy or at least conquer reality, so my only option for help to power this is letting the monster who destroyed my life mess with other peoples." Batman sat on the structure of the bat signal next her her, his body language changed to the one he used dealing with scared children. And seeing the crying woman in front of them, Jim felt that was a more accurate reading of her that the cool and collected persona she'd first tried to project.
"This isn't the first time he's tried this, is it?" Batman said in a gentle voice.
"He tried it the other way first. When our worlds got close he grabbed a bunch of us and tried to force us to Exalt. That's, um, that the word for this power. He can't manipulate the fates of other worlds as easily. So he brought us to his to make it happen naturally. But to exalt in his world you have to prove yourself to the gods and that's dangerous and..." She gulped. "He lied. All he does is lie. He told us our world was going to be destroyed, but would be spared if we proved out worth as representatives. The others died, but for some reason I was chosen. My power was stories and when I looked at him, I saw his." "I saw his lies. Our world was never in danger, his was. He was the leader of a group of shadow manipulators who controlled fate through magic and deceit. But his very manipulations had brought their world to the brink of collapse. His work had disrupted the protectors because they were threats to his rule, and now the enemies of existence were at his gate. But he couldn't even acknowledge it to himself! As far as he was concerned if things were failing under his leadership, then they were always destined to fail and nothing could fix them. So he just had to find a new world."
"But when realities touch, it's brief. It wouldn't be enough for him to move his whole operation unless a bridge was formed. Something that joined the two worlds, say a mortal from one world empowered by the other. I knew I had to stop him so I broke my story. I erased all of it from before he caught me. So there was nothing to tie me to my original world. Not even memories." She sounded so lost, but in a way she was. So lost she didn't even have a concept of home.
"Why come to us? Why not try to contact the Justice League directly?" Batman inquired. "This may be starting on Gotham, but it sounds like it would be a global problem." "Three reasons." Quill explained. "The first is that Ketchup has narrowed his focus down to Gotham and I don't want to give him ideas about expanding. The second is as far as I know, Ketchup does not know I'm here, nor that I'm actively plotting against him. Outside help being brought in before he's even made a move will let him know something is up and may cause him to escalate or be harder to pin down. And the final and main reason-" Quill shuddered. "Cash and Murder Games on Superman."
Jim and Batman waited for further explanation, but when none seemed coming a prod was necessary.
"Is that some sort of gladiatorial colosseum?" Jima asked. "It's a ...spell is the wrong word but get the point across without going into semantics. It's one of Ketchups favorites and allows him to define the relationship between two people."
"Such as defining himself as 'beloved master' and Superman as 'devoted servant'." Batman deduced.
"Exactly! And that's far from the only mind manipulation tool in his box. They can be resisted but given Superman's specific vulnerability to magic-" Quill looked deeply uncomfortable.
"How much of the Justice League have you looked at thee way you looked at the Commissioner and myself?" Batman inquired.
His tone wasn't accusing, but Quill flinched. "A lot. Your world depends on knowing who was safe to trust, And as with Superman, not just in terms of morality. I am well into desperate times." She gave a self depreciating laugh then took a breath.
"Justice League Dark I would trust to got over the ritual to see if it needs adjustment to this world, but the magics they use would be incompatible with casting it. On the ground, if it were called for, my first choice would be Wonder Woman. Shazam as a last resort. Dr. Fate...would be a potent ally, but I don't think I'd be able to work with him personally. But then again I'm not sure what use I am on the ground either."
"Why is Shazam a last resort?" Wonder Woman made sense, and the issue with Dr. Fate seemed to be a matter of clashing personalities, but Shazam being a last resort seemed...odd.
"He has his own things he's dealing with, As a fiercely independent person, he doesn't want or need help, but I'm loathe to put another burden on his shoulders."
"Fiercely independent?" Batman raised an eyebrow.
"Can you name one times he's asked for help instead of volunteered it?" Quill challenged. "Also you might want to talk to him about workshopping a new name. Or not. It's his...I shouldn't have said anything." She pulled out several file folders. "Here, this is all the relevant information on Ketchup and different Exaltations. And the ritual. Um, I don't have a phone or anything, but I we can set a meeting time if you have any questions."
Batman pulled a small phone from his belt. "This is a burner. We can use it to contact you or vice versa. Do you have a place to stay?" "It's not hard to hide in Gotham, at least not with Ketchup having trouble with fate."
"Not back to the underworld?"
"Not if I can help it. But still better than Hell."
Batman shared a quick glance with Jim. If half of what Quill was saying was true, this woman likely had severe PTSD. They'd need to look into getting her help after the crisis was over.
"I'll have Justice League Dark look over the ritual. We'll go from there."
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cars-and-planes-dork · 9 months
So I randomly felt like quickly sharing my thoughts on all three Cars movies and both Planes movies. Quick disclaimer, no matter how I feel about certain things it's totally cool if you feel different and I respect that.
I love Cars. This was my childhood movie that I watched over and over and over again since I was a young child. I love the characters, the plot, and I think the animation holds up really well. I also am glad to see it with adult eyes cause there's a lot of nuance and stuff that I of course didn't get as a child. Recently on a whim I needed to unwind from stress and I put on Cars (just like my parents used to do for me as a kid, lol), and it genuinely did make me feel better and woke up a part of me that had laid dormant for years. Cars is a film that almost makes me wanna take a long drive on Route 66...until I remember I'm not any good at road tripping, lol.
Cars 2:
I have a distinct memory in my mind of being a child in the theater watching Cars 2, turning to my dad and saying 'can we go now?'. I didn't watch it all the way through until recently and I can thoroughly say that I don't despise it, but I'm also not its biggest fan. It's actually something of a guilty pleasure for me now. Sometimes I'll just put it on in the background while I do things. It also makes me contemplate the inner workings of this world more than the writers themselves probably thought about, like how the heck do different makes and models come about, what is the impact of climate change on a world of vehicles, but that's probably its own post. But yeah, I accept it for what it is and even enjoy some parts of it.
Cars 3:
So confession, it took me over 6 years to work up the courage to watch this one. I don't know why I was so worried, but I finally did it. And I loved it. I really think they ended on a good note. I'll admit the first part was probably the weakest in my eyes, but I really enjoyed the tribute to Doc Hudson and I actually teared up and I was happy to learn more about his past. I liked the torch passing narrative as well. I think my biggest complaint is that I wish we could've seen more of Lightning and his friends. (I may be biased because somehow Cal Weathers worked his way into my heart).
Planes took longer to stick in my brain than Cars did. I remember going to see it actually, the local air and space museum did a showing of it and I went to watch it with my family. My parents didn't like it much but I remember being happy with it. Upon rewatching, there's things I like, but there's a part of me wishing it was something more. I can't fully explain it. Also I find Dusty's attitude off-putting to me personally (particularly his feeling of being entitled to being trained by Skipper and essentially demanding that Skipper tell him about his clearly traumatic past strikes me as kinda callous). But I still enjoy putting it on in the background and enjoy thinking about the world itself, much like Cars 2. Also fun fact, Skipper is one of my favorite kinds of planes.
Planes Fire & Rescue:
I'm sorry but I have much less patience for this film, but like I said above, I respect those who do. I will say, I appreciate them highlighting some of the realities of firefighting (like how the general public doesn't hear about a lot of fires that are dealt with). But other than that, I don't have much positive to say about it. The characters for the most part feel underdeveloped and I can't say I'm particularly endeared to a majority of them (Blade is the exception for me, tbh). And Dipper in particular needs to chill the hell out, her behavior is pretty inappropriate and creepy while being played off as jokes. Beyond that, my aforementioned issues with Dusty remain in this movie. Honestly, he doesn't strike me as capable of doing this job and he actively creates a situation that nearly gets Blade killed. I could spend awhile talking about it, but I'd honestly rather not. To end on a positive note, I think the married RV couple are adorable and I like them.
So that's all my thoughts. I enjoy both franchises and tend to overthink the hell out of them (if I overthink something it's usually cause I enjoy it). Hopefully I didn't piss too many people in the fandom off, lol.
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kinky-moth · 1 year
“Characteristics wise i think you may have noticed I like guys who like to think they're tough and dominant so I can show them what their place really is”
God has to send in an ask just to say you are soooo right and sexy for this.. finding ur blog w pegging businessmen and pretty boys? <3 cheers
I was wondering :0 if we could get some literal pegging businessmen <3 straps are sooo under rated.. being able to switch them out stamina etc…. <3 trans supremacy lmao. For other details prob just the stuff you mentioned liking! Bigger guy/sub etc.. as a trans guy great ego boost for me that type of shit lol
Thank you anon we both obviously have superior tastes, all guys have a good boy in them imo
Seriously tho I'm glad you like my stuff, I'm a trans folk as well so I'm glad to be able to have a ommunity of people with my same tastes, stay cool <3
cw: obedience, pegging
Getting a job in that company wasn't easy, he'd worked a lot and made the right connection to get in a favourable position with a decent salary right off the bat
His arrogance had a charm to it that only people in business could make work, belittling the meeker competition and still gaining the kindness of the clients and useful coworkers
Oh he's had women all over him as well but he's got a beautiful girlfriend at home, or at least that's what he says to uphold his image
In reality things are a bit.. different
It's funny to think of it, someone who did so much for his image and job just meeting someone in a bar, it almost made him embarrassed, just like how he was when he realized he enjoyed his company a bit more than he thought
In fact, he had a lot of unlearning to do ever since things became this different, starting from the fact he may not be as straight as he thought
His "girlfriend" he liked to mention when he wanted to appeal to a client couple's hearts was never really a girl to begin with, he was just some guy he met at a bar
Something about such a mundane setting slowly eased him into dropping the stiff charade he put on, that guy eased him into this; it was a talent really, cause after that he was eased in a lot more things.
"Hello babe" that voice made him lift his eyes from the computer screen, it was him "did I keep you waiting?"
He quickly hushed him "don't call me that, people can still hear you!" Not like it would've been anything compared to the sounds that were about to come out of that room anyway
"Of course darling, your reputation is so important" he was dressed professionally, probably to not stick out "but you called me here, didn't you?"
"I- I never did that"
"Of course, you just joked about it over and over hoping I'd get the hint" his hand shifted over to the buisness man's crotch, already hard "you're lucky I know you. We don't have much time
You know what to do."
Soon he was bent over the desk, swallowing down his pride as the other man's fingers stretched him, purposeful movements made his cock twitch with the anticipation of what's coming next
As the man laid there panting he felt the smaller one's zip come undone, his strap already in place: he remembers he told him about these.. uh.. STP was it? Something 3 in 1 anyway, he found out the first time he bred him outside the privacy of his bed.
"Look at you, you're taking it so easy now" his hand brushed his balls, taking in the sight of the bigger man spread out on a desk for him "you're so handsome like this"
He knew he needed the praise, he needed something to keep him feeling good about himself until the pleasure built up, he wasn't a trained whore just yet, but he liked the chase anyway
"You ready babe?" but he merely asked to see the once proud man shily and ever so imperceptibly nod before he pushed his strap in him.
The feeling was as weird as the first time he tried it, he secretely hoped it would never stop feeling that way: being filled all over and over, his prostate being relentlessly stimulated by the thrusts
He thought he could only feel good with his dick, he wasn't ready for the deep, visceral pleasure he would receive by being touched so deep
Truly, he loved the man's cock, he had a whole collection at home almost as if he never wanted him to get used to it: every time he succumbed to the pleasure he would switch it up, textures and bumps changing to rub spots he didn't know he had and fucking his self respect out thrust by thrust
His mind went blank thinking about it, all the different cocks he's been fucked with, all by the same man, the one that was taking him again in his own office, the only one who managed to take him to suck a high
He had worked so much for this job, truly
And now he's staring at his door, secretly hoping he's have brought a gag as well
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fiona-fififi · 9 days
Wee woo show asks!:
1, 17, 19, 39, 43, 63, 66, 69💕
1. What made you start the show?
Well, this has two answers for me.
The first time, I was looking for a new show to watch on Hulu, and 911 was a brand new show. So I watched, and I got pretty caught up in it in s1. However, s1 emotionally drained me SO much during every episode that I decided not to continue in s2 (jokes on me because the tone definitely changed, and I would have been able to handle s2).
Then, at the beginning of s5, I was again searching for something new to watch on Hulu, and the season premiere had just dropped. I'd seen bits and pieces from being on tumblr (which had ramped up with the end of s4, of course), and decided to try it again. Watched for a couple weeks "casually," and then binged 2-4, and it's been my primary tv obsession since.
17. Favorite minor character?
Linda. I adore Linda. She should be around SO much more than she is.
19. Favorite soundtrack moment?
"Eddie Begins"—that first use of Ruelle's "Carry You" is just iconic to me.
39. Your favorite headcannon?
Maddie and Eddie do not get along. No chance they would ever be besties. Like, they don't hate each other or anything, but that man is nothing more than her little brother's best friend and he annoys her to no end. Especially because he has different opinions on what's best for her little brother. In reality, she would trust him with her life (and her daughter's), but no way would she spend any extended time with him without a buffer.
43. Which season is Eddie's best hair?
Season 6, hands down, for me. Looooved his s6 hair.
With that said, season 8 could take it for me if they actually let it be a little loose. I love the current look on Ryan. However, at the moment, it looks like they're going to be keeping it slicked back, which is unfortunate.
63. Moment that makes you go i n s a n e?
Eddie shoving himself into the corner of Buck's hospital room, crying silently and choking on his grief and fear to the point that he's unable to even answer Christopher's questions. That poor sweet man was falling apart at the mere sight of Buck in that hospital bed with a machine breathing for him.
66. Any crack ships?
I'm a little bit into Hen/Maddie, but apparently that isn't actually a thing for anyone else and I don't have time to write it, so I don't know if that counts.
69. What kind of episode would you kill to have happen?
Okay, this is a VERY selfish personal desire for an episode based on my experience when I was young, and probably wouldn't make sense for 911.
With that said, I would kill for an ice storm episode (or some other disaster that shuts the city down) and leaves the fire station standing in as an emergency shelter.
When I was young, my dad was with our local volunteer fire station, and when an ice storm shut down power in the middle of winter for 2 weeks, the fire station served as a shelter for people (and pets) because they had generators and space and the building was sturdy. My dad was around unless they had a call, but there were few calls because most of the roads were impassable, so people weren't out getting on accidents (which were most of the calls they handled in our town). We stayed there for several days, as did everyone. It was just kind of a cool experience. They had board games and cards and puzzles around to help everyone stay entertained. The firefighters and the auxiliary made sure there was food for everyone. At nights it was quiet, with just a few dim emergency lights in place of the harsh overheads, and I would sit up and read or whisper with my friends in the corner. It was a formative experience for me.
So anyway, I would love to see an episode like that where instead of going out to protect the community, the community has to shelter in the station. I just think it would be fun to see how it played out with everyone interacting. Playing games with community kids. Lending an ear to elderly community members who just want to chat. Keeping everyone fed and comfortable. Kind of like a bottle episode, but with the community taking the focus, so we could see what it would be like for the 118 to invite the community into their space and keep them safe in an entirely different way.
Wee Woo Show Asks
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lawbyrhys · 2 months
A Lawyer's Last-Minute Advice For Bar Examinees: Five Tips From The Other Side
With the bar exam mere days away, I thought I'd offer up some tips for those of you preparing to take the most important test of your lives. As a practicing member of the State Bar of California—having passed the hardest bar exam in the country on my first try—I'd say I'm decently qualified to give you some actual quality advice.
Here are my top five bar exam tips for success on your first try; no pressure, but you got this.
Preparedness is Everything. I'm going to assume that you've all done the work to be ready for this exam; I assume you have taken prep courses and crammed like crazy. That said, though, it doesn't hurt to brush up one more time before the exam. As a practicing attorney, you can never be "too prepared," and the exam is just a taste of what's to come. Make sure you know the material, have your bearings, and go into the exam with all the knowledge you need. If you need to, you can even take a practice test under actual test conditions and feel what it's like so that when the real thing gets here, you're ready.
Confidence is Key. I'm sure you've heard about the theory that your likelihood of success increases if you go into it thinking you think you can succeed; this applies to the bar exam as much as it does anything else. If you go into the exam with any doubt or concern toward your capability to pass, it's more likely that you won't. It's crucial you walk into the exam with the wholehearted belief that you can pass—because you can. If you have a handle on the law, you can do it. It's a standardized test like any other, and you've done those countless times by now. Just give it your best effort with a positive mindset.
Stay Cool, Calm, and Collected. As important as it is to be confident, it's just as important to be cool and calm about it, too. Nobody gets a perfect score on the bar exam; knowing legitimately everything just isn't reality. That being said, you've spent the last three years learning as much as you can, and there's no reason to worry now. Worst case scenario, you simply retake the test. It can be a scary realization—especially if you have a pending job offer—but it's really not the end of the world. Going into the test stressing the fuck out will only weaken your performance. The higher the pressure you put on yourself, the higher the likelihood you perform poorly. It's not this big, impossible monter; it's just a test, and you can do it. The less you care, the better. Walk in with a cool, level head, and give it your best.
Pace Yourself. The bar exam has scheduled lunch break for a reason—don't blow it off. Your exam performance is dependent on a cool, confident, and prepared mindset, and if you overwork yourself, you will struggle to maintain those qualities throughout your test. When I took the California bar exam, I utilized my break to remove myself from the situation and give myself a brief yet effective recharge. Go on a walk, eat something, and center yourself to resume the test in a more refreshed state. In practice, you will always get short breaks, so why deprive yourself of utilizing that luxury when it is afforded to you here as well?
Stength is The Utmost. This is probably the most important thing I could tell you. You've gotten this far, so it's obvious you've got what it takes. Law school is fucking hard, you know? It takes true grit, real strength—both physically and mentally—and that tough emotional edge you've had to perfect throughout this entire process. The bar exam is no different, and your entire journey thus far has literally prepared you for this moment and what's to come personally and professionally after this. So don't lose that strength now! The exam, just like law school, is one of the biggest stepping stones to a successful career as an attorney; a career that is not for the week. Similar to your future practice, a big part of the bar exam is having the strength and intelligence to navigate situations presented to you. Even if you don't know every single minute detail about something, as long as you keep it together and recall your core legal principles, using them to provide solid, legally sound reasoning and analysis, and you do it well, you'll be fine.
I hope you found this advice to be helpful. I know it's more generalized, but I wanted it to be most applicable to as many examinees in as many states and situations as possible, and this was the best way to do that. From your California attorney friend and presumptive colleague and peer, I wish you all the best of luck, and I look forward to having you be a part of the practice of law. I couldn't be more thrilled for you.
If you have any more questions, please ask.
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39oa · 1 year
hi! i’m slowly getting interested in f1 but i don’t really know how to start. so i was wondering if you had any content to recommend (except for the races of course) to get into the fandom, or anything else that could help, really.. thanks :)
oh anon i would love to help!!! are there any drivers/teams you're already particularly fond of or things you want to learn more about? i feel like it'd be easier to narrow down content if i understood your interests better since it's really something you can mold entirely to your own tastes and there are a million different ways to Enjoy and Consume the sport LOL. tbh i call myself an f1 fan but i mostly just rep oscar and in reality enjoy junior formulae more as a whole because i find the process of getting to f1 more intriguing than actually being in it... so it's really whatever you make of it! i'll try to divide my notes categorically so hopefully that helps a little bit but lmk if there's anything specific you're looking for :') and as always apologies in advance for my rambling 💔
getting into the actual sport
having a baseline understanding of the sport is obviously useful but i'm not sure how much you already know so i'll assume you can find super basic info about how seasons and points work! if you want to delve just a Bit further then:
i think chain bear is a decent youtube channel for easy explanations on some technical aspects and little things you may not have picked up on yet that will help when watching races
drive to survive is of course Not Great but it can be a nice and quick window into learning names and faces, even if a lot of it is ridiculously simplified or overexaggerated. it's basically like using duolingo for learning a new language in that it should be regarded as a semi-reliable supplemental material readily packaged for convenient consumption. if there are specific drivers you're interested in you can always pick and choose eps to consume decent Background Lore for, e.g. you can just watch s1e8 if you're a sharl fan
honestly not to shill for official f1 media but i do think f1tv is a pretty decent streaming platform when getting into the sport... definitely not saying you should subscribe to it (if it's even available in your country!) but just as an aside and maybe for future reference i do believe it's very friendly for new watchers because live races have different feeds that let you track race data (gaps, tyre usage, granular sector data during quali, etc.) and it also lets you switch between driver onboards which can be cool. moreover it has pre-race/post-race shows, technical analyses, archives of past seasons, all the f2/f3 content, documentaries, etc. so it's a pretty complete package! although a good amount of stuff gets x-posted to the official youtube channel so it's not a big deal
if you like podcasts, i think beyond the grid is cool because it has a fun variety of interviews (current drivers, retired drivers, tps, engineers, etc.) about both past and current events so you can basically seek out whatever you're interested in learning more about. otherwise i don't really listen to f1 podcasts regularly because i have weirdly low patience for them compared to hockey, but my friend told me that shift+f1 does yearly primers so that could be something useful to check out! (here's the 2023 season preview, i haven't checked it out but i thought i'd link anyway)
keeping up with news
obviously an important part of fandom is trying to keep up with current affairs, so if you haven't already then i would of course follow the f1 youtube channel + twitter account (or whatever other social media you use), f1 nowadays is extremely effective at marketing itself so it's not like hockey where you're fighting for your life waiting for the unfunniest puck personality video in existence to drop every 8 months. not that all f1 driver content is necessarily funny but there's probably a touch more investment in maintaining the illusion! anyway.
if you use reddit then r/formula1 is honestly probably the best aggregate source of f1 news and up-to-date info, i don't read everything there but it's pretty useful and easy to navigate. plus sometimes when i want to cause myself irreparable psychic damage from something that already pissed me off i can venture into a 500-comment section to get my blood boiling even more... 10/10 would recommend
other than that it's really like — follow official channels for any other drivers or teams you're fond of tbh, i do have a few motorsports journalists in my twitter list but since i respect the fact that some people don't enjoy endless news spam i'd maybe just recommend chris medland if you want a succinct live feed during races for the moment? f1 journalism is kind of godless so you don't *need* to follow that many reporters on a whole.
driver personality content
unfortunately i'll be showing my age when i say i don't have a tiktok account but now that i think about it that's probably a great source of information because it seems like f1 fandom is thriving over there!!! regardless the official f1 youtube does have a lot of little driver personality videos you can watch to get to know them more, and again i'd recommend checking out official team + driver channels for more tailored longform content. for ex just from very recent mcl fan pov they have an unboxed series with behind the scenes of select races and also loads of fun minigame content; every team should have at least SOMETHING to nibble on but certain teams are definitely more marketing-savvy than others (aka big 3 + mcl) 🥲
official f1: f1 has a yearly series called grill the grid with just mini quizzes that all the drivers compete in, some are less interesting but it's overall not bad content. the channel has a playlist for the 2021 gtgs which includes the iconic sebvettel world champion video LOL... actually if you sort the f1 channel by Most Viewed there are probably some fun classic videos in there (looking now it's a lot of crashes but you can ignore those lol), like press conference highlights and other convenient top 10 lists. for a random rec i was just nostalgically revisiting the 2019 rookie of the year video and it was getting to me a little bit!
sky sports f1 will also occasionally have good interview/inside content that you can check out, a lot of it is geolocked though (same with canal+ content in france). but for example i felt so much experiencing this random alex interview from last week... he is truly guy of this world
fan compilations: again if there are any drivers you like then you can just search up their names and there will be a ton of comps with Funny MomentsTM, sometimes it helps to just pick a guy and see how you feel about him as you consume content because your true interests will organically develop and surface eventually... sorry i feel like i'm writing a manifesto on fandom in general which is definitely not what you asked for LOL. but like twitch quartet (aka charles, george, alex, and lando) have a ton of silly streaming highlights you can find on youtube, lando has a gaming company called quadrant that he does videos with which can be uhhh hit or miss depending on how much you enjoy Lad Culture, etc...
really it's so easy to get hyperspecific with content once you pick a team or driver so i'm not sure what else to recommend on a general level but that's what i've got off the top of my head! fandom definitely skews a lot toward rb/merc/fer/mcl so it's easiest to consume both video content and fic for them, but if you're willing to go trawling for interviews then you can really get invested in anyone... fandom culture also varies so wildly depending on how you follow the sport and which drivers you invest in emotionally. my closest friend is a "chirlie" as they say and it really is an experience rife with organizational trauma and TFW You're Beholden To The Stranglehold Of Your Legacy so that's always a great pick if you're craving maximum narrative evisceration, or if you're in it for the fic then you could literally just get really into maxiel, but i'm basically chilling in my land of rookie stonks and sit down to watch non-mcl content maybe once a month.
honestly i only follow like 3.5 f1 fans on tumblr because i'm objectively terrified by the size of the fandom HLSHDFLKH so i mostly consume things in a vacuum and talk to like one friend 😭 but there loads of cool creators out here and you can always find a few gifmakers/fanartists/etc. and just follow the rabbit hole from there!!! best of luck and hope this helps >__<
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nickfoo · 11 months
Was there ever a time Bege struggled with his devil fruit? What parts can he move on his own(cannons, weaponry, etc) and what requires help from his men to do?
I've seen some folks say that Bege's fruit requires his large mafia pirate gang to help him operate, but I don't think that's the case. Its a lot less of what he requires and more simply what he doesn't have to do. From what we've seen, Bege seems to have total and complete control over the castle. It's his body, it makes sense! Inside the pocket dimension castle he has near omnipotent control to where its reality breaking. We've seen him transform part of a marble checkered floor to have the consistency of quicksand, control the movement and shape of furniture at his will ( turning candles and flames into knife blades on a candelabra ) , and manifest cannons out from the castle floor. I say he could manage the whole thing by himself if he wanted. But he doesn't need to. And Bege's a boss. Part of what a boss does is make their guys do stuff for them. Its one less thing for him to manage. And now, I'm going to go on a talk about Bege's fruit, because the door has been opened now. Read more inserted for your dash convenience
I'm going to start by saying I l-o-v-e Bege's fruit. Its one of the most unique and interesting devil fruits in One Piece to me. Not only is it just cool, it says so much about his character hidden in plain sight! Did Bege have trouble using his fruit? I imagine there's a learning curve to all Devil Fruits, but Bege happens to have a type of fruit I'm going to call a 'High Management' Devil Fruit. These are devil fruits that have more complex mechanics than others. Fruits that require a lot of focus as the user can often be manipulating the multiple abilities that their power has at once. Another good example of this would be Law's fruit, the Opi Opi no mi or Robins Fruit the Hana Hana no mi or Doflamingos Ito-Ito no mi. The Shiro-Shiro-no-mi has a lot going on. An entire pocket dimension to be managed on the inside and also managing everything that implies with it. The user can manifest their own consciousness inside said pocket dimension, and to show his prowess, Bege has shown to be able to control his body on the outside despite his consciousness being manifested inside ( as well as switch back to his main body in a snap ). On the outside, there's plenty of port doors, portcullis and drawbridges to open along with the cannons to fire. Its fair to say, it takes a lot of concentration and multitasking to use.
Of course, its probably second nature by now. Bege isn't a scientific genius character like Caesar or Judge, but he's very intelligent. Its an interesting part of his character that sets him among only afew of the other Worst Generation pirate captains. Bege will try to use his wits and defenses to out do his opponent rather than just raw strength. ( Again playing into his Chess motif. ) Bege is also shown to be meticulous and very well organized. So I'd like to think he was able to master his fruit very efficiently.
But again, Bege is a boss. If there's something his guys can manage for him, its one less thing for him to concern himself with and he can turn that concentration elsewhere. I think its also a show of sorts, that Bege wants to show off the efficiency and competence of his crew and he trusts them to get a job done. ( And before the time skip I have a feeling the consequences for failure were...alot more violent.) I could probably go on, but I'm sleepy and must rise early tomorrow. Thank you for the question!
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