#ovw juno
ovwechoes · 25 days
Hi! I was wondering if I can’t request Juno dating hc’s with a fem witch!reader who also works with overwatch? 🫶🫶🫶
Juno & Fem/Witch Reader Headcanons (SFW) I'm happy to write this for you anon! Thank you for the ask and it's under the cut, enjoy! (there's no questions with this like I usually do with hc posts tho)
Minh honestly would be extremely curious about your witchcraft and abilities - she's only ever seen magic in movies like ‘The Craft’, ‘Harry Potter’, and ‘Enchanted’ so she wouldn't understand how yours worked unless you told her. She's very curious about these things, and so you've got to be prepared for a million and one questions about the intricate details of your abilities.
There's definitely some concerns Minh has surrounding your magic, and it's effects on the world. She would want to understand if it hurts you to perform it, how it would work in battle, and how she could support you in missions. It's her way of protecting you, and ensuring that your magic works to the best of your abilities and the situation. Minh will always have her eyes on you, making sure that the mission goes smoothly and your witchcraft does exactly what it needs to in order to keep you and your mind safe. The last thing she wants is to have something go wrong and to lose someone dear to her, especially to their own witchcraft.
Be prepared for Minh to tell everyone she knows a real witch, not understanding that it's something that others might look down on. For her, she admires it greatly and envies your abilities, wanting to show off how amazing they are to her to anyone that will listen. It can come off as though she's parading it around, but truly she means well and wants people to know how important you are to her (including who you are).
Minh would definitely defend you and your witchcraft to the ends of the Earth and to anyone that might question the worthiness of your abilities. She holds those close to her dearly, and would dilute any arguments against your abilities with kindness that would kill them. It's something she'd always do with any part of you, but your witchcraft especially as she would become aware overtime how much it's looked down on by other people (especially religious folk).
When you're performing spells or buying things to go with them, Minh would be there watching and analysing your every step, making sure to take in everything you're doing. She's interested in the process and, with your consent of course, she would want to understand what each step is for, taking mental notes of the things used and how your craft works. Even if she's nervous or wary to partake, she still wants to watch what you're doing.
Minh would be the type to google exactly what kind of witchcraft you do, and find the most interesting facts to discuss with you whenever she could. She'd want to surprise you with her newfound knowledge, and use talking points apart of your witchcraft to develop your relationship with her even more.
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kittysauce · 2 months
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xmoonlitxdreamx · 2 months
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ok. my true final post on juno's silhouette fjfndjfjfn;; slightly more detailed silhouette rework attempt... idk i'm so not a mech artist, some of the detail changes are arbitrary 😓
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pkdaydream · 12 days
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i like them :-)
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moiraweaver · 1 month
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Juno in the new Overwatch comic, 'The Red Promise'.
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captntea · 3 days
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Juno Overwatch icons + tumblr header
Images from the cinematic, sprays and MangleMix on tiktok
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odeysk26 · 2 months
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Juno - Fanart by me
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sunniethunder · 20 days
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bwaaaah juno wip
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vthewriter1121 · 2 months
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Beyond the stars
Juno x Fem reader
Anthem for a seventeen year old (Chapter three)
I was ever so amazed, surrounded by the vastness of space within a giant inflatable dome that projected mesmerizing constellations and stars. Sitting beside me was my best friend, Juno, the only other girl in our fifth-grade class who shared my fascination with space. Her striking purple hair shimmered under the dim light, and her brown eyes were fixed intently on the image of the red planet displayed above us. As we sat in the cool interior of the dome during our summer camp, I couldn't help but wonder what captivated her about Mars.
"One day I'm gonna be an astronaut," Juno declared suddenly, turning to me with a determined gleam in her eyes.
"Then I’m gonna see the universe and everything." Her excitement was contagious, and I couldn't help but smile as I lay on the gym floor, gazing up at the stars twinkling above us.
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Leaning closer, Juno caught my attention, and suddenly, I found myself lost not in the stars but in her gaze. Her eyes seemed to reflect the very constellations we admired, and her long, radiant purple hair resembled a galaxy dotted with stars.
"What if you come with me, Y/N?" Juno asked, her voice filled with hopeful anticipation.
"Imagine if we could figure out how to live on another planet. Would you go?" Her question hung in the air, and I closed my eyes briefly, imagining the possibilities. Then, reaching a conclusion, I opened my eyes to find Juno still gazing up at Mars.
"I wouldn't know," I answered softly as Juno slowly turned to me.
"I have a good life here with the people I care about, especially with you. I like how things are, and I appreciate my life on Earth. Besides, what if something happens to that planet? Personally, I wouldn't want to be among the first to live on a planet that isn't Earth," I added thoughtfully .Juno slowly lay back next to me on the gym floor. Her eyes never left the simulated Martian landscape above us.
"Could it really be all that bad?" Juno mused softly, a thoughtful hum escaping her lips. "What if you get that chance and your well-being is okay? Wouldn't it be amazing to live among the stars? Take Mars, for example," she continued, pointing towards the distant red planet.
"The gravity is lighter, and we could live in pods that produce oxygen since the atmosphere there is gas." She let out a giggle. "And we could bounce around in spacesuits too!"
Her playful enthusiasm was infectious, and I couldn't help but smile at her excitement. Juno reached out and gently took my hand, and together, we lay there in the peaceful silence of the dome, contemplating the vastness of space and the possibilities it held for us.
"It does sound thrilling," I admitted, squeezing her hand in return. "Living on Mars would definitely be an adventure. Exploring new things , bouncing around in spacesuits, and discovering what life could be like beyond Earth—it's a tempting thought."
Juno grinned back at me, her eyes sparkling with a mixture of determination and wonder. "We could be space rangers , Y/N," she said softly. "Imagine the discoveries we could make, the places we could explore."
As we lay there, hand in hand, looking up at the stars and envisioning a future, time seemed to stand still. Little did we know then that our dreams would lead us on different paths.
[Time Skip - Six Years Later]
The soft glow of a desk lamp cast a warm light across Juno's bedroom, where we now sat surrounded by textbooks and notes. The chatter of our conversation filled the air as we discussed the upcoming assignments due after winter break.
"Who the heck would assign work over break? It's so stupid!" Juno exclaimed, her voice carrying a hint of exasperation.
I chuckled, flipping through the pages of my textbook. "I know, right? It feels like they're trying to sabotage our holidays."
Juno leaned back against her pillows, her purple hair spilling over the sheets as she sighed dramatically. "Well, at least we have each other to suffer through it," she said with a grin ,and I nodded in agreement.
"So, any plans for after graduation?" Juno asked, changing the subject as she started sketching on her homework.
I shrugged, pondering the question. "I'm still figuring that out. Maybe grad school or going to community college depending."
Juno nodded thoughtfully, her expression distant for a moment. "I've been thinking about applying to be the first person on Mars. For that one big company since they were looking for volunteers." she admitted quietly.
I felt myself freeze for a minute. As much as I felt proud of her, I wanted to tell her not to leave. All I could manage to muster out was.
“Oh....... really?”
Juno looked up from her sketch, her eyes searching mine. "Yeah," she said softly. "It's a huge opportunity, you know? To be part of something historic."
"Yeah, it definitely is," I replied, trying to keep my voice steady despite the swirl of emotions inside me.
Silence settled between us, punctuated only by the scratch of Juno's pencil on paper. The weight of her words hung in the air, and I struggled to find the right ones to say. Part of me wanted to encourage her dream, to see her reach for the stars as she always had. But another part of me feared the prospect of her leaving, I felt this gut-wrenching ache in my belly ,and the feeling was a feeling I'd never forget.
"Juno," I began, my voice barely above a whisper, "what if something goes wrong? What if..." I trailed off, unable to voice the deepest fears that gripped my heart.
She set her pencil down and reached across the small distance between us, taking my hand in hers. I blushed slightly at the warmth of her touch, feeling a mix of comfort and apprehension swirling within me. Her thumb gently rubbed the back of my hand, a soothing gesture that spoke volumes of her understanding and empathy.
"I know it's scary," she said softly, her gaze unwavering. "But I've thought about this for a long time. I believe in the company, and I believe in myself."
Her voice was like a gentle caress, soothing yet stirring up a whirlwind of emotions within me. Juno's kindness and determination had always been constants in my life, but now, faced with the possibility of her leaving, I felt a weight settle in my chest. The thought of not being able to touch her, to talk, to laugh, to share moments with her for years, was almost unbearable.
She was my best friend, my confidante, the person who knew me better than anyone else. And yet, a few months ago, I had come to realize that I wanted her to be more than that. The fear of losing her had kept me from confessing my feelings, afraid that revealing them would jeopardize everything we had built together.
"If you are picked, promise me you will tell me," I said softly, my voice tinged with vulnerability.
Now, as she sat beside me, her presence a comforting anchor in the storm of my thoughts, I couldn't help but cherish every moment we had. Even if it meant keeping the title of her best friend, I knew I would rather have that than nothing at all.
Juno scooted closer, wrapping me in a warm hug. Her embrace was reassuring, a silent promise of solidarity and understanding. "Of course, Y/N," she murmured against my shoulder. "I promise I'll tell you everything.”
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splatville · 1 month
adds lifeweaver because ive been playing him like a weirdo
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starscloset · 8 hours
I’m not into OVW anymore but that new hero Juno has the vibes of my old OVW insert with the whole space theme lmao
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ovwechoes · 2 months
Juno Headcanons!
Since Juno's a new hero, these are just some headcanons and things I'd like for her to have as apart of her lore! This was requested in my last post, just in a separate one c:
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Juno's main inspiration for becoming a space ranger was Winston; she was very young when she heard about the monkeys on the moon that were developed to be able to talk, understand science, and was fascinated with these discoveries. The more she learned about the work on the moon and what happened, the more her love for space grew and she entered program after program to keep improving her knowledge, and keep growing her interest in space. She always reminds Winston that he should be proud of himself because without him, she wouldn't be able to work alongside them in the way she does now.
She's not directly related to Mei, but her family were extremely close and her mother was one of the experimental scientists who worked with her in Antarctica. This is sort of confirmed with the picture of Mei and another woman inside Juno's airship on the Dorado map, but it would be really cool if it was a situation where Juno had heard all about Mei from her mother, and that Mei helped her join Overwatch and learn the ropes.
Speaking of Juno and Mei, I think while working together, Mei would definitely be like a mother to Juno. She would always try and keep her safe, tell her off for getting herself in too much danger (in a very kind and soft way of course), and would make sure she was eating and taking care of herself between missions. She knows first hand how much stress gets put on them as Overwatch agents, so she wants to help Juno as much as she can.
Juno would probably be good friends with D.Va, Tracer and Kiriko. She'd relate to them a lot more and she'd be fascinated with their own stories and life experiences, especially Tracers and with her particle accelerator. Mei would have to remind her that it's rude to ask Tracer about how it happened so bluntly, but Tracer wouldn't mind if it satisfied Juno's curiosity. She would love to learn internet slang off D.Va and would be open to joining her on live streams (since D.Va's the type to vlog everyone and hold interview style streams just so she can beat them at video games they've never touched) and Kiriko would teach her about what's going on in the world and keep her in the loop with the news.
Juno's the type of woman that once she's invested in something, there's no stopping how far she'll go to learn everything about it and understand it completely. She would get involved with it as though it was her life long dream, when in reality she's just a curious cat who needs to know everything about something that's peaked her interest.
I can imagine Juno's the type to 'kill them with kindness' and she lives by that motto. She's been raised with the same mindset as Mei's where she believes that violence isn't the answer. But, she also understands why it's used sometimes and knows that if she needs to use it too, she won't hesitate if it's for the right reasons.
Everyone keeps Juno out of the loop with what happened to Overwatch initially. It was Winston's idea, even though Brigitte is against it. He doesn't want her image of Overwatch to be tainted with Blackwatch and vigilantes that have come out as a result of Overwatch being banned. Juno knows she's working with a secret organisation that's criminalised, but she doesn't know why and it seems like she'd be the type to turn to the wrong people for answers if she was backed into a corner.
Juno has a hard time with people pleasing in the sense that she doesn't know how to stop it. Tracer's teaching her how to be better with it and stand up for herself, because it's hard for her to see someone so naïve on the frontlines. It's easy for naivety to be used against you, so she knows that Juno needs to learn how to stand up for herself and say no before it's too late.
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rabdoidal · 7 years
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some dooblydoo requests from yesterday
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xmoonlitxdreamx · 2 months
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Also here's a completely alt coloration for juno, centered more around her bright hair color
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Alright writing to do list
Next chapter of Old Stories, New Faces (OVW/MCU)
Hockey AU Brigette/D.Va (OVW)
McCree runs into Soldier 76 (OVW)
Next Monsters of Mars fic, finally with Juno (The Penumbra Podcast)
At least ONE of these should be out by the end of August.
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xmoonlitxdreamx · 2 months
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idk minor changes bc I wanted to mess w her silhouette a bit (and also change the hair color)... honestly made the legs too similar to lúcio but whatever i just was curious to see what i could draw lol
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