#like listen I don’t have any problems with ppl making goods and selling them
ohithankyou · 27 days
kinda hilarious to me how u shit on an actor for making cameos and fans for buying cameos and you’re out here trying to make money off of your followers now hmmm
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krokonoko · 4 years
The new Hitman trilogy is 100% made for people with ADHD and you should check ‘em out!
the other day I wrote up this huge rant for a friend on why I consider these games perfectly designed masterpieces that sometimes seem to be specifically made for people whose brains work like mine. Since the last part of the trilogy is about to drop this month, I thought hey, why not make this thing public, cuz I don’t see enough people talking about these absolute pieces of art!!!
Most ppl think the Hitman games are about shooting people, when actually, they are bona fide puzzle games with more in common with point-and-click-adventures than shooters.
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The Hitman games are cut into individual levels. Each level is a completely new place with a completely new target that's got something else going on. One level is a huge estate with a fashion show inside, one level is a picturesque Italian coastal town with a genetic laboratory underneath it, etc. the maps are huge and contain hundreds of NPCs.
Strictly speaking, you have only one objective: find the target and eliminate it. That in and of itself is often not very difficult. BUT. the point is that you can approach the objective however you want. You can run in guns blazing, you can sneak over the roofs of the town into their kitchen and poison their food... or you can dress in a flamingo costume and blackmail them with classified information you stole from the original owner of the costume, which makes the target want to kill you, which means they will send their bodyguards away, which gives you an opportunity to get rid of them without any witnesses.
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You can make the two targets meet each other, resulting in one killing the other, but not before they had a dramatic confrontation.
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There's not much sneaking going on, most stealth is achieved through disguising yourself with every possible available outfit on the map, butler, bug extinguisher, hippie, masseur, surfing instructor, you name it!
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of course 47 prepares extensively for all the roles he could potentially take on and excels at perfectly impersonating any and all of his disguises. make him take up the mantle of a drummer and watch him turn into a professional percussionist! 
or turn him into a real estate agent and watch him do his best to sell a house!
The true stars of the game are the NPCs, especially the targets.
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They will often seem like a stereotype at first, but the more time you spend on a map, the more you follow them around, explore each corridor and listen to NPCs talking about them, the more you will realize that they have rich backgrounds, often even almost sympathetic motivators for their horrible actions. But it is not your job to judge them, you are just here to fulfill a contract. And as the man who hits, your gift and your curse is that you touch people's lives only by ending them.
The maps are meant to be played multiple times, and the better you get to know them, the more they turn into your personal playground. They are 1000 pieces puzzles, and you get rewarded with information (and just plain up hysterically funny dialogues) for exploring, listening to NPCs, experimenting with items and killing methods.
All you HAVE to do is get rid of your targets. how much you meander on your way there, and which way you take is completely up to you.
Now how is that good for people with ADHD? Ofc I can't speak for everyone, only from my own experience. But for me the way in which this game gives you little snippets of information on every corner is absolutely perfect. You get a little puzzle piece here, another two there, and if you are interested in the target’s motivations, you can put them all together in your head to form one full picture - if you want.
If you’re not interested in an aspect of a mission, you don’t have to slog through endless amounts of information or cut scenes, you can just shoot your target in the head and leave.
Probably my favorite thing about the game are mission stories. They are clear routes to eliminating your targets you can take, where the game guides you through the level and tells you exactly what to do to achieve a particularly interesting or scenic route. One of my favorite mission stories is on the first map, in Paris, where you disguise yourself as a supermodel who is secretly a spy in order to get a private meeting with one of your targets.
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For me, every new map is a new hyperfixation, and every new map has endless amounts of information hidden away in every nook and cranny that you CAN get lost in - if you want to. You don't have to. But BOY do I want to. Even after I’ve sunken over 200 hours into the first two entries in the trilogies, I still find stuff that I didn’t even know existed! The amount of intricate detail the developers worked into these games is not even comprehendable. On every corner there's something else going on, you stumble upon a gold mine of NPC dialogue on every corridor, and if you wonder: is there a way to approach the target like THAT...? There usually will be. 
It's like it's Christmas every five minutes and my brain is firing like a racing motor cuz wherever you turn there's some new stimulation going on. And if you get distracted from what you were currently doing by some other shiny thing, well that’s no problem at all! Where often other games will slap your wrist for getting distracted, the developers put so much love and care into rewarding you for exploring every corner of the map. The game wants you to get creative and think outside of the box.
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Every time Steam has some form of sale going on, the first two games are available for reduced prices. If you think any of what I said above sounds interesting, I highly recommend you check em out! I’d honestly say they’re some of the best video games I have ever played.
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shijiujun · 4 years
Hi! Is it okay to ask you for a small advice? I started reading Thousand Autumns recently (currently on chapters ~85-88) and I'm having a bit of a problem with Yan Wushi's character. I am so turned off by his behavior towards SQ for the whole novel up to this point and I just wonder - is it gonna get better...? I can't stand seeing him openly abusing SQ and treating him like shit, I'm sorry (1)
I know he's evil and it's expected of him to be bad but with future romance prospect I'm really struggling to like the relationship between him and SQ; and if in the first half of the novel I didn't expect big changes, now I keep hoping to see something different from him but I'm not seeing much. He keeps treating SQ horribly. I'm not sure if I can forgive him for what he's done and has no remorse whatsoever - (2)
- abusing SQ and manipulating him, using him as an experiment as if he's a toy to play with; selling him to a r*pist knowing he'll be tortured to death...! And after everything that happend I still barely see anything good in his attitude towards SQ. I can't help but think SQ deserves so much better. I suppose I should try to have some hope for the upcoming chapters to be better? Is it worth it to continue reading or nothing will change? Excuse me for writing so much, Thank you
Heya! Oooof okay so you’re totally valid, Yan Wushi isn’t like a character for everyone - so let me break it down with the first part and then the second part where his attitude turns for the better XD
Spoilers under the cut
Before SQ goes to save him:
Yan Wushi does have a goal which is to play mind games with Shen Qiao and (1) throw him into despair (2) try to see if Shen Qiao is a worthy opponent - sure, he’s an asshole with an agenda of his own. YWS doesn’t believe that there is any good in anyone - he thinks Shen Qiao is a hypocrite and that everyone will turn evil given the right circumstances, and so YWS doesn’t trust anyone, or even considers anyone as an equal to him.
He wants to see Shen Qiao become evil basically and does everything he can to direct him towards that but I’d say his actions (with two exceptions) fit his character and the two motives above pretty well and I’m not sure I’d count it as abuse (based on my understanding of abuse, feel free to disagree). I think it’s easy to forget that Shen Qiao is not delusional or naive or ‘innocent’, and he does not paint YWS as some saviour or a friend (at least in the beginning) - he knows who YWS is, knows that he’s insane, not compassionate, totally evil etc. even from the start the moment he realizes that YWS and his disciple lied to him.
1. He lies to Shen Qiao that he’s his shizun, and then sends him to kill someone, but he’s not there to enforce it
2. Throws him out on the streets without his memories, but Shen Qiao is anything but a weak youngling, once again, YWS doesn’t do anything to him
3. YWS turns up at the temple and has Shen Qiao read the scripture - SQ’s not sure what’s going on at first but he more or less figures it out, but also the scripture reading inadvertently helps to heal him (and YWS knows this)
4. YWS flirts with Shen Qiao for a reaction for a while, he’s not genuine of course, but Shen Qiao knows he’s not genuine
5. YWS doesn’t help Shen Qiao out when he’s faced with an opponent while he’s still injured just to see how long Shen Qiao can hold out for - but firstly, Shen Qiao never really expected him to help in the first place, because he has no delusions about the man - and YWS ends up helping anyway, of course not out of the kindness of his heart, but I don’t see why I should hold that against him XD
6. Stands by and watches as Shen Qiao and his shidi Yu Ai have their confrontation - Sure, he’s there to watch the drama, but it’s Shen Qiao who makes the decision to go with him - the lesser of two evils
7. Forces Shen Qiao to fight him while he’s still injured because he wants to see if Shen Qiao’s recovery level has reached a certain point, enough to be an adversary worth dealing with - yes, he’s forcing Shen Qiao to fight when he’s still blind and weak, but throughout the fight you realize that YWS is right - it’s that very battle that basically lets SQ recover his previous abilities by a bit. He’s not hurting SQ for the fun of it (out of sadism or shit) - he purely (or evil-ly) wants to know if SQ is every bit of the skilled warrior he’s heard about 
The exceptions are these: (1) When he plants the demonic seed thing in his heart (2) When he trades SQ to Sang Jing Xing for his sword, knowing full well that SJX has a habit of sexually torturing his prisoners - I feel like YWS was almost warming up to SQ when his habit of distrust and everything kicked in and he reverted back to his cynical self - Not an excuse for what he did though, because yes Shen Qiao especially didn’t want the demonic seed thing firstly (and YWS knows this), and then he despaired at being left to SJX. This is the incident that has SQ basically give up on YWS and allows him to erase any notion of him ever becoming friends with YWS. I’m also rather curious how exactly SQ kind of like got over this - but in the settings of the book, I guess it’s explained away with (1) SQ actually fully recovering as a result of this incident (2) SQ has a big heart, and forgives YWS after - but whether or not that’s convincing, that’s up to every reader.
After SQ goes to save him:
1. So after the SJX incident - where he chose to self-destruct and die, taking SJX along with him but ended up surviving and being able to cultivate properly again from the start (previously he couldn’t because he could only recover to a certain extent as there was some blockage etc., but the blast in this incident clears the blockage) - and after he’s sort of recovered like 50-75%, he hears of an ambush on YWS by the leaders of like 5 other sects, and decides to go forward to save him 
2. Not because he harbours any like delusions on YWS, but to show him that despite all YWS has done to him (especially with SJX), SQ is still SQ, and he still adheres to his own principles, that YWS did not make him change his mind about being good basically
3. YWS’s views of him starts to change because of this - YWS has never found someone with this much grit to stick to his own principles etc., to still be kind and righteous basically despite being betrayed again and again. Of course this does not excuse the fact that YWS did indeed deliberately leave him to a potentially painful death with SJX - and SQ doesn’t forget either. 
4. SQ saves YWS, and then his heart melts because while YWS is recovering from the ambush, he has two other personalities that show up - so YWS when he was much younger, then YWS when he was a teenager, and YWS now. So YWS as a kid and teen are more trusting and open, and SQ likes kid YWS a lot (like as kid brother), and now-YWS wakes up occasionally from the switch in personas, he realizes that SQ likes kid-YWS and starts thinking about why SQ hates him and likes his kid self.
5. Even then, YWS still does try to jump ship once and leave SQ and other evil people behind in a dangerous cave, but thankfully teen/kid-YWS personas fight to turn up in time, and then YWS goes back for SQ
6. SQ knows this - he doesn’t think YWS has had a sudden change of heart or shit, and knows full well that if it was now-YWS, if kid-YWS didn’t turn up, he would probably be left to think about how to leave the cave on his own
7. YWS’s behaviour towards SQ does a 180 - now that he knows he cannot sway SQ, he starts to listen to SQ, and despite all the barbs on the surface, even if he disagrees with SQ’s positive outlook, he makes an effort to contribute and consider SQ’s opinion even if he doesn’t, intrinsically, believe in it. Starts putting himself in front of SQ, and of course SQ doesn’t believe this all the way to the end, where he realizes that he actually, just that tiny little bit, has started liking YWS and doesn’t want him to die.
8. Then they confirm their relationship in the extras, and YWS does do that hot-and-cold thing once so SQ figures out his feelings for him properly - It’s SQ that initiates the confirmation at the end I think
I think at some level, YWS cannot stand how naive Shen Qiao is, and some of the things that he’s leading Shen Qiao to think about/discover are valid - And throughout the book it’s proven true - SQ is kind to Chen Jing, but Chen Jing sells him out (not just once but thrice). He’s kind to and has always doted on Yu Ai, but Yu Ai sells him out too. The elders in his sect - some of them obviously turned to Yu Ai over him despite SQ never having given them reason to doubt him. I don’t think YWS is being deliberately cruel (or abusive) - he’s forcing SQ to look at reality, a reality that YWS sees and lives in.
He always asks Shen Qiao why he trusts others so easily, and afterwards, Shen Qiao does admit that YWS is right in this aspect - he won’t give up his ideals and how he gives everyone the benefit of the doubt, but through YWS, he realizes he needs to be able to think ahead to protect himself and the ppl around him.
Doesn’t excuse the SJX thing YWS did, and I’m sure SQ doesn’t conveniently forget about that either, but in terms of how/why they got together, I guess it’s because despite everything they do know each other best, and are soulmates (tho not only in the sugar-spice-and-everything-nice way i.e. SQ does think YWS is handsome and YWS thinks SQ is the cutest thing ever later). SQ has seen the worst of YWS, and YWS has seen the worst of him - and SQ is made to realize that what he was before was not the best path he could go on because of YWS, but he adjusts his attitude slightly and holds on to his ideals sufficiently. 
On the other hand, YWS still does not believe everyone except his Ah Qiao can truly say they’re good and keep to it in every way, still thinks the worst of a lot of people if not all, but he stops to consider SQ’s POV and input now, whose opinions and every action now mean more to him than anything else ever will. Of course he has to prove himself and earn SQ’s trust back, but I guess he also doesn’t expect SQ to reciprocate, even after he developed feelings for SQ, knowing full well that he’s a mofo and SQ has every right to hate him after all he did.
They don’t fix each other, they’re not each other’s salvations, but they fit and come sort of to a truce, despite having differing views and principles.
Manipulation? Sure, but I think we forget that Shen Qiao is not a victim (except the part where he’s given to SJX) and his agency in every situation is apparent - He’s pretty clear-minded, he knows what Yan Wushi is doing, knows what his character is like, knows that he’s doing/saying things all to get a reaction out of him. He doesn’t expect YWS to help him either, because he knows YWS is here for fun and games. He doesn’t go along with YWS just because, either. He just made a wrong call by trusting that YWS reciprocated his feelings of friendship (not that it’s his fault at all), but that is certainly a moment of weakness he probably regrets.
In summary, I personally wasn’t all that put off by YWS’s behaviour, altho I agree the SJX incident is pretty much unforgivable. For me I read this more from the SQ perspective, because his strength shines in every moment and interaction with YWS and overshadows YWS by a lot, which is why the end makes sense to me.
In response to your question - yes YWS does get better when he’s finally totally convinced that SQ is not a hypocrite (although yeah it takes him a while to get there). And for me it’s nice to see Shen Qiao figure out himself, and also his feelings for YWS after, but also never once compromising himself for YWS.
But YWS is definitely less palatable than most other characters in danmei, so it’s natural if you dislike him and remain unconvinced! It happens XD If you hate this, I suggest you try Wu Shuang! Set in the same universe and timeline, and actually doesn’t have much angst - full on bantering between the main CP, constant veiled insults etc.
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aphrodite1288 · 4 years
Hi aphrodite, firstly, happy new year! We're getting closer and closer to Kyungsoo's discharge, so I'm excited. But, what I want to ask is not related to kaisoo. What do you think of Chanyeol's scandal? It seems obvious to me that it's fake, but I don't understand that why Chanyeol doesn't say anything about it. It saddens me a little and makes me scared. And Korean fans also seem to believe in this scandal? They literally hate him, in pann. That's why I'm a little worried. I want him to defend himself but he disappeared. Thanks ur answer.
I'm so sick of this question so I'm gonna speak. He is giving the stupid koreans the cold shoulder they fucking deserve, he finds it that they don't deserve any explanation, cuz if he outed to explain ppl would still trash on him and call him scared for his reputation and making excuses and that he is a golddigger , so what's best to make a scandal subside? Is by not talking abt it at all. Also SM has a hand in that. He was so shocked koreans believed that scandal so he gave them a taste of their own poison. He was saddened cuz he made a promise with ExoL and asked them in 2016 not to trust media and only trust his words and that if he has a serious relationship he would come and tell us first HIMSELF. And he made a promise about it when his dating rumors came around in late 2015/2016 Remember. But they forgot about the promise and he was sad they immediately believed so he is ignoring their asses.
He didn't do a thing he is innocent and one of the sweetest ppl alive (him and Jongdae). It's all a lie. He is fine don't worry. But just disappointed, watch him change like how Sehun and Kyungsoo changed years ago cuz of stupid fans' behavior.
Believe in him that's all I gotta say. And please don't listen to those sasaengs who say that the scandal is 70% true and that what that bitch said abt him is true. Nothing's true. He is innocent I've seen many many Sasaengs trashing on him and Exol believing in them and that made me so sad so how would chanyeol feel? Ofc disappointed.
And I don't want any bitch in here to be calling me a soft Exol and that I make innocent narratives about my faves cuz I'm a soft fan who only believes in Soft "innocent flower boys Exo" and that my faves are some nasty ass boys who fuck around and mess with girls' feelings cuz they rich. That's not true. Yes they have a dating history and they're not saints, they date they drink they have sex like duh? Don't y'all do this too? the youngest of them is 26 for fuck's sake. But all I want to say is that Yes They have good hearts and they're so nice. And they've never hurt their ex-girlfriends or played with their feelings. The Exo u see onstage is 97% the exo u don't see off stage. Not much difference. Just some 3% they hide and that's "their private life", they have the right duh.
Baekhyun, CHANYEOL or Sehun have a lot of sasaengs calling them "Badboys" just cuz they talk back to sasaengs and face them and call them out loud and clear in front of many fans, they even caused them problems and arresting many times, so ofc sasaengs will syay shit abt them, and spread fake rumors, they aren't playboys as claimed. They're just unlucky in their relationships that it never worked they had to split not that they're fucking around. But most likely they're always hurt cuz most korean girls are golddiggers and they sell their info with them to sasaengs sometimes they lie and say bad shit to sasaengs for money, yes their Ex-Gfs but some were so nice just they were unlucky somehow. It's hard for exo to trust girls mostly all idols females and males. They're most likely disappointed in them bitches just wanting a piece of their shit. It's hard when ur famous, u have predators everywhere.
Get it from urself, how many relationships u failed? For me I can say 40? But am I a hoe? No. I'm just looking for the best person and I'm being unlucky cuz my ass only drags me problematic assholes.
And for bitches who would come at me, I have a proof. So don't dare talk shit.
Happy New Year.
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bellamyblake · 4 years
so I saw some posts in the bellarke tag (from a few bellarke) saying how season 6 bellarke was terrible and that Bellamy was out of character and would never do the things he did for Clarke that season.. and that he was bland, and the cpr scene could’ve been any sappy couple, but like ?? I loved season 6, and I thought Bellamy was in character (as opposed to season 5 where they barely interacted and had any big emotional talks after 6 years of thinking she’s dead and ugh s5 to me felt the least like them) i mean to me him doing anything for her seems like something Bellamy would do? Look at the all past seasons and all the sacrifices and thing he did for her and how protective he was over her for any little thing! I feel like Bellamy leaving everyone to save clarke would be something that would happen? And him basically in tears trying to save her as she’s dying in front of him pleading that he needs her seems in character and something they would do and it felt special and sweet to me :/ how was Bellamy bland for doing the most he can to save someone he loves?? Idk, s6 was one of my favorites for how actually romantic it was and it bums me out hearing some bellarkes hating it. How do you feel about it? Do most of the fandom think it’s ooc and Bellamy’s bland?
I think the most important fact to begin with here would be that you gotta understand something that was also a little hard for me to understand at first but that I learned fast when I got into the fandom and that is that-
Nobody judges Bellamy Blake more than his own fandom.
I’m even gonna be as brave as to say that the pinapples might not even know what to put on his shoulders besides season 3 to blame him for every mistake but we can. We absolutely can say the worst things about him and call him anything.
You know back when I got in the fandom that was season 3 and that was the WORST time to join but haha, silly cute lil me, I knew of so many blogs and Bellamy and Bellarke fans who HATED Bellamy and refused to understand his actions which yes though questionable, were at least supposed to be put under the microscope and understood.
I knew people who hated season 2 Bellamy too which was such a surprise to me, those were mostly original season 1 fans who said that he was *too  herioc* in season 2 and it *doesn’t fit his character*.
So after that, like season 3 and everything (and after Bob explained how much was missed on and not told and the better part of the season which made some fans show some mercy towards his character), I decided myself that I’ll always step back, think over everything that happens to him with as clear of a head as I can and decide for myself. 
I kept doing it to the end which is also why I am the only one in the fandom who didn’t call him ooc in s7. But THAT is another subject.
I think what I mean here is that nobody and I believe that wholeheartedly is more rude or more brutal to Bellamy Blake than we are. I often felt like we as a fandom hated him more than any anti can and it broke my heart. Most of all what broke my heart was the blatant refusal to understand him or his actions.
I think after season 1 people just had this image of the bad boy rebel king with soft heart who lets Clarke and the 100 in and that was it and that still sells most to these days in fics and amongst the fandom. 
That’s literally where they stopped and they refused to add anything else to his multilayered character in their heads.
You asked about season 6 and I LOVE season 6 despite most bellarkers not being fans of it. I think here it comes again a lot to fandom and how the said old gen bellarkers refused to like season 6 bellarke because apparently it wasn’t written as well, the dialogue was bad, they kept recycling stuff, I’ve seen this over and over and over again but for me, personally season 6 was a whole ass trip from beginning to end that is just that-
a love story.
His love story to Clarke.
I think through it he manages to achieve in his heart what he never got to do for her in season 4 and season 5. I have had a few friends at the time who thankfully felt the same way and we discussed the fact that-
season six is filled with all the romantic tropes that we as bellarke writers (and old gen bellarke) KEEP WRITING but complain that we never actually had
but somehow it is not good enough for them. 
So to answer your quesiton, no, not all people in the fandom thought it was bad, but I feel like again as before with just bellamy and season 3 there was this PUSH as if on purpose, to hate this, to condemn it, to call it *not the same*. I understand what they say that yes they are not entirely the same people and here comes my next point-
and newsflash-
I think a majority of the people refused to accept the fact that they grow as characters and they have layers added to them just as the story grew and went from one planet to another. I think not everyone can accept that and that is fine, I have no problem with that I just wish it wasn’t just so blatantly hated.
I personally think that the CPR scene is where they PEAKED in all aspects. THIS is the most they’ve been truly romantic I believe that and that it is actually expressed in the DESPERATION with which he saves her and her waking up and throwing herself in his arms. Also let’s not forget his lips touching hers which for us is like basically sex.
And after that scene came out I saw a lot of hate and I was so surprised, mainly on twitter from old bellarkers, fic writers who said LOL what a dumb scene, haha he can’t do CPR right and i was like WHAT-
You were okay when she peckered his cheek for 0,02 secs and left him all the fuck alone in season 2 to deal with EVERYTHING and the kids but this is-
HIm reccassitating her and begging her and crying and his own effing sister seeing his break down and then managing to get to her, to make her to pull through and her coming back and throwing herself in his arms IS BAD?
I mean I literally died there and it is still my favorite moment.
I know nobody would agree with this but I still think this is the best one. The hugs were great but at some point how many hugs can you have?
This was more. This was so much more and I loved it.
I think also there is something else when people call some scenes blind and that is that Bob was in a lot of pain filming that because of his injury. He literally couldn’t walk and had to redo some scenes from the beginning of the season back in the end when he was a little bit better so it is clear that it is very hard for him to do this but he still does his best imo and by the time the CPR scene comes he clearly is much better and it shows in his acting too (which is also why i personally love his acting in s7 it shows so much how when an actor takes care of themselves, takes a step back, recovers and comes back he literally crushes it but AGAIN i am a lone wolf in that aspect)
Anyway, here is my advice:
1.Stay out of the tags;
2. Find people who you enjoy seeing on your dash to follow and who do fit your interests in terms of the show.
3.Don’t read ppl’s opinions, frankly, don’t listen to anyone, not even me in that ask if it doesn’t sit right with you. Instead find your own thoughts and emotions. 
When I first got in the fandom there was so much meta and meta blogs and you dk the hate I saw in our fandom when it came to bellamy or the wrong discorse about his actions so I just unfollowed them all and did my own thinking. 
That’s what i advise you to do!
Thank you for your question, sorry for the length!
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reversecreek · 4 years
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struts onto the dash carrying this deliriously wriggling little elf in my arms like a swaddled bebe......... they’re genuinely my oldest muse of all time i think i created them when i was like. 13 possibly. n i haven’t written them in Years but. i’m literally so excited to jst vibrating w muse. smiles at u all demurely..... they have risen. u can find their pinterest here n their playlist here.
* alana champion, nonbinary + they/them | you know nyla palmer, right? they’re twenty-two, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, eight months? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to 6669 (i don’t know if you know) by neon indian like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole a two headed doll of a prairie girl with stitched on rabbit ears and butterfly wings, befriending shadow puppets & finding god with your eyes open underwater in a public pool you broke into thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is march 2nd, so they’re a pisces, which is unsurprising, all things considered. ( nai, 24, gmt she/her  )
was born in georgiaaaa georgiaaaa (phoebe bridgers voice holds my bang...) to a vry honest hard working man named george (omgggg he’s called GEORGE and he’s from GEORGIA? ahaaaaa fuckk ur jestinggg) nd a woman who did her best named pamela..... george worked on a construction site n pamela was a pharmacist..... their house was this small rickety white thing with a wrap around porch n a very rabid overgrown garden tht kind of looked like the earth ws trying to reclaim it bc nobody ever hd the time or motivation to mow the lawn.... there ws literally a piece of fold out furniture just entirely submerged by weeds n foliage
nyla ws always closest w their dad george..... he hd this way of looking at the world tht was seeing the best in all of it.... he took them on long walks where he talked abt how u have to respect the trees bc they’re breathing fr us n we’re breathing fr them..... he hd a strange whimsical sense of humour n a gnome alter ego called grundlebolt who always tickled them..... in a way this closeness created a distance between nyla n their mother but not so much that it ws rly a problem. just enough tht nyla sometimes waited until their mother ws out of eye n ear shot to tell their dad they loved him bc they didn’t wna make her sad >_>
(mental health, death & grief tw) pamela always struggled w her mental health but george ws great n understanding n knew how to help her thru this... nyla didn’t get it too greatly at a very young age bt they knew their mum got “the sads” sometimes (how their dad wld explain tht she needed to lay down in the quiet for a while or why she’d stood at the stove n let the dinner burn until the smoke detector went off without doing anything abt it). when nyla was 14 they got home one day to a police car in the driveway n came prancing in exuberantly as they always did. immediately hugged the legs of an officer bc this is hw they wld greet everyone they ever met. they only realised something was wrong when they let go n saw their mum sat at the table crying. essentially there ws an accident at the construction site george worked at n :/ yeah. 
(jst mental health & grief tw now) this rly had an intense ripple effect on everyone tbh. pamela’s mental health deteriorated quite a lot without george there as her rock n nyla sort of had to step in as best they cld but it was....... hard. some days she ws better bt some days nyla had to sit her in the bath n stroke a wet sponge over her back bc they didn’t know how else to calm her down. nyla always had a very overactive imagination which george encouraged bt it ws like. losing him rly opened a window in nyla’s head n all rationality went floating out of it. their dreams seemed more real than being awake. fantasy wasn’t jst the way they coped bt it was the way they thought n the way they saw. everything on earth was alive. the trees n the clouds n the wall with a brick missing at the bottom of her road n especially their dad. their dad was alive in everything in nyla’s head. the sun shining extra bright in the morning was george. ponds were a veil they could dunk her head under and find george waiting on the other side. reality rly just pulled the plug n said bye tbh n they were ok w that <3
(abuse implied tw) their mum remarried too fast to a man named stephen n it was jst not a good arrangement. he was Not a nice man. i won’t go into this but home wasn’t a nice place for nyla any more n after a couple of yrs stephen wound up asking them to leave n their mum said nothing to contradict tht. there’s more to this bt long story short nyla left <3
(drugs tw) they couch surfed fr a while before settling living w their best friend. they got up to like... all sorts of trouble n grew up far too fast. nyla’s lack of sense n realism hd a habit of getting them into some sticky situations n these few yrs were a rollercoaster where they got by on the skin of their teeth. when they think of high skl they think of gravel and skinned knees and sucking sherbet dunkers to ignore the taste of pennies in ur mouth and getting lost in the woods a lot bc they’d take FAR too many drugs n be lead astray having conversations with kind trees whose branches held their hands
(drug mention) got by on odd jobs like making candles n selling them at market stalls. leaf blowing at cemeteries. face painting fr children’s parties (where they were blatantly high). random stuff. all over the place. in this time them n their best friend also hd a sugar daddy named tony who always wore very impressive colour block suits n mink stoles n jewelled fedoras n hd a swanky apartment w marble floors. rly just. surreal. lots of strange stories frm this time.
things kind of blew up in their friendship group n they fell out w their best friend raya bc she slept w this guy aj who nyla hd been madly in love w for yrs.... he was a Stinker n honestly so ws their best friend so good riddance i say bt obviously it felt like having their entire world flipped upside dwn fr nyla.... they split after this came out bc they just did Not want to b around these ppl any more n they decided to leave w this guy frm a band they barely knew tht much save fr a one night stand to tour w them..... this ws another whirlwind. jst chock full of them. it ws similar to being on a teacup ride at a carnival n spinning round n round n only knowing u were surrounded by lots of lights. tht’s how they’d best describe their time on tour.
SO in terms of them coming to irving 8 months ago they came w the band.... they honestly did pretty well on tour n wound up renting a big beach house on dorado as a kind of “retreat” sort of place fr them to shack up in while they worked on writing and recording their first big studio album (they gt signed w a label so it’s all vry exciting stuff). nyla among like 3 others were allowed to stay w them too bc they hd a lot of fun on tour. literally jst. taken on as professional groupies essentially. nyla loved it bc they’d never seen the ocean n when they first got there they jst threw off all their clothes n ran straight into the water. it was 3pm on a tuesday afternoon. they got arrested fr public indecency n didn’t get why bc they were like but i just wanted to hug the ocean u silly little oinker? i picture the beach house as like. the loudest one on dorado.... comes alive like a jungle at night..... they r probably bad neighbours. anyway. onto personality puts hand on hip.
sets out patio furniture on someone else’s lawn n jst takes a seat n leans back like ahhhhh vat a nice day to be alive ya! (swedish accent suddenly bc they think it’s fun). they come out n start yelling n they’re jst so confused they’re like hey wat’s the big idea hey wat’s go on here why u angies why this happen?
likes drawing imaginary veins over their arms in all different colour blue pens in a sudden fit of hyperfixation n then forgets all abt it n goes out like tht n scares several townsfolk bt they’re oblivious they’re jst in her own world loving life already onto the next fixation. has many many different fads like this. one day will jst start snipping up a bunch of magazines bc they’re like EYES ARE COOL N THEY SEE EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P n they’ll stick a bunch of them over their wall n then forget they was doing that n leap onto the next. quite a pattern. bt they love the vein thing a lot it makes them feel like a walking planetarium like they have their own constellations
sometimes jst doesn’t make sense. they’re honestly kind of strange. pops up in places like they suddenly materialised there n it’s like how did u get there where have u been when were u last seen are u ok. has the energy of an ancient deity frm deep in a mountain cave n an ambiguous forest sprite all at once..... talks shit honestly. abt anything n everything. sometimes outrageous. sometimes plain incoherent. like what are u talking about? i dnt kno. even i dnt kno sometimes.
luvs stick n pokes will let anyone tattoo whatever they want on them for the price of a gummy bear kindly placed onto their tongue n swallowed whole
has this obsession w being underwater w their eyes open luvs it. calls it their tadpole time. runs baths just to lie there blinking looking around n drifting her arms. best friends w the bottom of any local swimming pool n hs probably given it a quick kiss so it knows they’re bff’s n then got sick bc there’s sm germs in a public pool. says the kgb probably poisoned their oatmeal n r finally here to deliver on their promise n THAT’S why they got sick unrelated to the pool incident. what promise? noone knows.
unclear if they believe what they say or if they jst has a very expanded sense of humour where they nvr let on if they’re joking.... lines r blurred a lot..... 
loves excitedly shouting things. sometimes just screams at the sky bc they say it’s good to let the creatures in ur belly fly out every once in a while otherwise their wings get sore.
(drugs tw) still does an excessive amt of hallucinogens n it kind of shows. very bad fr their brain bt we’re going to ignore it.
dresses fun n strange n eccentric n careless. loves to experiment. does nt care abt what’s considered to be societally appropriate. living in their own world.
sleeps around a lot... jst doesn’t rly see sex as a big deal.... very free w themselves in that way..... sometimes greets their friends w a kiss on the lips they’re like awww :) kisses <3 when they run into them in the middle of the cereal aisle n then pulls away n suddenly breaks into a box tht has a free toy in it bc it’s a banana with googly eyes n that’s the best thing they’ve ever heard in their LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! n isn’t he so HANDSOME????? enchante indeed my good sir ;)... gives the toy a kiss too.
other groupies of the band: self explanatory a little.... i dnt have a name for the band yet bt all can b worked out..... i picture them as kind of. not that nice but like. there for a good time........ rock genre.... bit chaotic...... to say the least........ they dnt have to have come there w the band like nyla n the others they cld have been adopted in their time there.... whoever wld b wild n down fr a good time <3
chaotic trash goblin friends: idk what this title rly means it just came to me in a vision....... jst ppl tht r rly kind of off the rails n don’t care abt anything...... they r who nyla tends to mesh very well w......... they rly r living in their own world n by their own rules n they like ppl who do this too <3 inevitably they get up to no good n party far too much...... cld be angst to this if they enable each other’s bad habits...... world’s our oyster. opens my office door. let’s talk abt it.
nyla set up camp on their front lawn: maybe jst w a fold out chair. maybe w a literal pop up tent w someone else too. genuinely so bizarre of them bt that’s what we’re dealing with. they poke their head into the tent n nyla’s lying down crunching on a cracker crumbs over their tits n they just hold it out to them nt even fully consumed n are like hey polly want a cracker? :)
they responded to her craigslist ad: they posted one saying they cld cleanse their house of demonic energy bc they’re an all seeing eye in touch w the spirits. this is a lie. they came n waved sage around n did a little dance as they did it w bird sounds playing on a special cd they brought fr the occasion (had weird indistinct doodles over the case it ws brought in) n then ws like OOH! scary.... n jumped at something in the hall. they go in thinking maybe they’ve seen a ghost bt they just were startled by their own reflection in a mirror n is like. scary mirror placement...... might wna reconsider that........ they charge them merely 10 dollars fr their time n is like this was so fun we shd do it again some time :) also i think u have mould on ur bathroom tile! vanishes. they dnt recall them ever going to the bathroom.
came knocking asking for items for a garage sale: yes. u heard that right. they’re asking for ur muses things to set up their own garage sale. selling items that do not belong to them. they think this is a genius business strategy n don’t understand why ppl think this is so strange or why they cant just ask ppl to donate them things to sell bc hey they’re an entrepreneur? they even had a pencil behind their ear when they knocked on the door so why aren’t ppl taking their business seriously? probably got distracted several times trying to explain their pitch n chattered abt random other things instead.
honestly anything... fwbs... flings... good influence... someone who cnt stand the fact they’re barely coherent.... someone they stopped on the street one day n asked for their opinion on water beds.... we cn do literally anything. fling ur chara my way n we can talk.
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papaue00 · 4 years
THANK YOU! Honey, I don’t like Iris because she’s kinda snowflake, this sAdNeSs thing and behaviour at home. And at the end, why they never spoke about what happened? Like, That’s their main problem which ruined their relationship. Aaaand like my mom says- if both people want it- they will got it. But not in that cost ;_; and second thing, WHY NO ONE WRITE FF ABOUT OLGIERD
ye, like, i like iris but i also can’t deny a lot of of what i like abt her are extensions of what little they give her
(for example idk in olgierd’s love letter he mentioned she liked singing bawdy songs to him while they drank from the same bottle and fucked around in that pub in oxenfurt till dawn or sth, which i find really cute and then i hc she’s actually more playful and laid back than she lets on in the game; not always the prim and proper princess that she appears. and i love the idea that she can be her true self around him, that he’s her enabler for those raunchy behaviors lol.)
i agree things might have turned out much much better if she listened to olgierd when he told her to elope with him—that’s a smaller sacrifice than selling ur soul to the devil lol, but then again, i also don’t resent her for not being willing to abandon her family cuz that’s totally valid. plus in such a dire situation it’s not always easy to make a right judgement anyway lol.
i dont quite get what ur referring to when you said “they never spoke about what happened.” if u mean the pact, she’s definitely aware of it because she told geralt (albeit in an optional dialogue iirc?) that she asked olgierd to wish for immortality for both of them. so ye she’s aware of the content of the pact (but we don’t know to what extent did olgierd tell her.)
i know i know im also constantly wondering why the fuck ppl don’t write more fics for him lmao. but i guess it’s bc fanfics by nature thrives more on unsatisfying executions of stories, and olgierd’s story imo (and i would say in many other ppl’s opinion) is pretty cleanly executed and kinda has no loose ends so it’s not like ppl are itching to fix it or fill in the gaps lol.
im reading a pretty dope (albeit a work-in-progress) fic tho which explores his life post-tw3. he’s not a main character and not a plot-driver in any way but the plot itself is really good and im enjoying the spicy slow burn gay romance (?) he’s having with a main character (who is an oc) 🥵 oh and he goes by a different identity too. just putting this out there in case anyone is interested.
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potahun · 4 years
Some more Qin Shen Shen moment translations (part 4/?)
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Link to other translations so far
-Pretty much all the cuts in Ep. 9
a. Episode 9: Zhou Hua Jian is on stage, patting his face with a tissue after his and Yi Qiao’s performance, and Li Keqin basically decides to throw Zhou Shen under the bus. 
ZS, talking discreetly to LKQ about ZHJ: Why does he consistently carry those tissues to absorb facial oil? haha 
LKQ: *lightbulb moment* ...Ask him in a moment.
ZS: !...I don’t want to. Haha *cutely, with his arms in a cross* No! 
LKQ, raising his hand (to ZHJ): Wait a second, just to ask... Earlier, when you finished singing, the young singer next to me had a question he wanted to ask you.  (ZS, pointing at LKQ in disbelief: EEEEYYY )
ZS, helpless but goes with it (to ZHJ): Uhhh....It’s teacher Keqin who asked me to ask this...... Why do you consistently carry those tissues to absorb oil or to wipe sweat? 
ZHJ, being a great sport: ?? Why wouldn’t I carry them? *laughs*
LKQ (to ZS): That’s just how senior singers are!
ZS: Oh. Alright! (to ZHJ) It’s teacher Keqin who asked me to ask this. Sorry elder brother Hua Jian. *bows*
ZHJ, playing along: Not at all. Not at all! You’re asking for the brand of the tissues, aren’t you?
ZS, panicking while LKQ is cracking up next door: Aaah...?? *uneasy laughter* (ZHJ, still playing: Or is it the price??) Yes - uh, the brand! Y-y-you can just tell me backstage. 
ZHJ, still laughing: No problem, no problem.
ZS, barely recovering, but grabbing LKQ’s shoulder while LKQ looks like he’s having a blast: Is this how you throw people under the bus?? Is it??? (LKQ leans into ZS’s part of the sofa, still enjoying himself too much)
b. Episode 9: Football cut, Li Keqin had told Zhou Shen that if he could shoot the ball into the goal, he could choose the song. If not, Li Keqin would choose. The result’s not surprising.
LKQ, each of them sitting on a football: I’d like a song with a lot of long notes.
ZS: A lot of long notes right? *thinks*
LKQ: Actually, I used to have this song called “Great Concert Hall” *demonstrates a little* But I’m scared that you’ll have to sing in Cantonese again -- it feels like each time, I’m bullying you. *snorts*
ZS, kickstarting broadcasting mode: Not at all. Why would everyone else think that you’re bullying me? They’ll just think that you’re giving me an opportunity to practice my Cantonese. *impish smile*
LKQ, patting ZS on the shoulder: Good kid. (Both crack up)
They talk about Han Hong’s “Tian Liang Le” and its sad backstory and ZS does a K.O on Li Keqin with his “my every song are my children” line. (already translated)
LKQ: What else is there?
ZS: *sings a little bit of “That Sea” / “Na Pian Hai”* (LKQ: Ohhhh! )
LKQ: *sings along* Eh, this song is really good. (ZS: It is a really good song.) But if we really decide to sing this one....we might have to make some changes to it.
ZS: Truth be told, if it’s a duet, it will already be a little differen-- eh? At the end, wasn’t it supposed to be you choosing the song? Why am I giving so many ideas?
LKQ: Eeeh, we’re a teaam... (ZS: Aaaahh) Okaayy *snaps fingers* (ZS: As expected of senior singeeers *snaps fingers with him* Role model artists are just differennnt) LKQ: It’s like you and your every song being your childreeenn. (Both start laughing again) 
c. Episode 9: During Qin Shen Shen’s performance, Li Keqin’s earphone monitor fell during his high note and was basically hanging behind his butt for the rest of the song. At the end of the song, the MC points it out:
MC: Elder brother Keqin, had you realised that it fell?
LKQ, no shame whatsoever: Yeah. *clears throat* 
ZS, very impish: Haha!
LKQ: So I was scared that this...this young person here *designates ZS* (ZS: You’re young too.) ...would feel embarrassed, so I...tried to give it my maximum. 
 ZS, using the polite form of “you”: Ah, no, no, no. Please do not say that. I am scared. *still laughs* 
Fun fact:  Li Keqin’s earphone monitor fell in Zhou Shen’s presence not once, not twice, but three times: once here, once in Episode 12, and one time during their 2020 New Year’s concert event (Ye Lang Disco) after which Li Keqin probably couldn’t hear the music anymore and looked like he had to find his rhythm back by reading Zhou Shen’s lips.
d. Episode 9: Backstage room. Even though they’d introduced what they’d sing as “That Sea”, what they sang is actually a combination of “That Sea” and another song called “Listen to the Sea” ( “Ting Hai”). Li Keqin explains.
LKQ: Actually, I think those two songs’ lyrics overlap quite a bit. So...I thought, if we could mix them together, it could give a bit of a ....... *wiggles silently while looking at ZS*
ZS (to the camera), translating: ...a nice surprise!
LKQ: A nice surprise! Yes!
e. Episode 9, after each group wished Li Keqin happy birthday using their own musical way. 
MC (to LKQ): So the show’s staff team doesn’t really have a birthday present for you, but we’ve found a very special song and through this song, we’d like to ask you a question, is that ok? *the staff puts on a song*
LKQ, thinking briefly before nodding: Mm.
MC: Elder brother Keqin, this song is very meaningful to you. 
LKQ: Of course. I used this song to enter a competition (T/N: the competition thanks to which he debuted).
MC: 34 years ago... (LKQ makes a face) you used this song to win a singing competition.
LKQ: Yes, at 2 years old. 
ZS laughs. LKQ, next to him: ;;;;;;;;;;;
Li Keqin then explains how, at the time he won the competition, he had signed up for college (he was actually 18) and told his parents to give him 2 years, if after 2 years there were still ppl willing to sell his CDs, he’d stay in the industry etc. etc. 
f. Episode 9: Easter egg at the end of the episode, i.e. Zhou Shen rallies the other participants one by one and organises a bday surprise for Li Keqin. 
ZS (visiting ZHJ): Hello teacher Hua Jian.
ZHJ, while asking ZS to sit: Eeehh! Hello little Zhou (ZS: Hello, big Zhou) Old Zhou finally meets small Zhou.
Zhou Shen explains that he wants to do a bday surprise for Li Keqin. Zhou Hua Jian replies that he’ll think of a few lines to sing to him, including writing a few lyrics, which Zhou Shen finds to be great. 
ZS, bullshitting: Then...Then the day after tomorrow is my birthday, can you also write a song for me? (both crack up)
ZHJ: Let’s talk about that tomorrow. (Both crack up again) So, now that I’m already going to put in work for him *grabs ZS’s arm* what are you guys singing tonight? *laughs*
ZS: Ahh! *slides away on his chair* We’ll sing whatever you’ll sing!!
ZHJ: Hey, no need to slide away on your chair like that! (ZS slides away even more)
(Later, when Zhou Shen visits Ren Xianqi) RXQ: So, what you’re saying is that you’d like to give him a “surprise” (said in English). 
ZS: Yes. 
RXQ: How do you want to do it? Splash him with cake?
ZS, laughing: That’s not a “surprise”, that’s a “shock” (also said in English).
Zhou Shen then says he also needs the younger singers’ help and visits Ayanga first. They say hello and start acting needlessly formal.
ZS, in an uncharacteristically deep tone: May I ask if this is gentleman Ayanga?
AYG, in the same tone: It is.
ZS: I am gentleman Zhou Shen. 
AYG: Please sit.
ZS, shaking his hand, still acting formal: Tonight, I need your help for something. 
AYG, playing along: Tell me.
ZS: Tomorrow....*switches to mischievous whisper* ...is teacher Li Keqin’s birthday!!
AYG: Then what do you have?  Do you have cake? *laughs*
ZS: Of course. A birthday surprise should of course have birthday cake.
AYG: Is it those cakes that have multiple levels and are really high?
ZS: Full of peaches.  (ZS cracks up and looks at the camera) No need to broadcast this (T/N: Not too sure, but I think there’s an inference with peaches and old people?)  Anyways, I’ll count on your cooperation, Ga Zi Ge. (AYG: Of course! Such a good thing) See you later, gentleman Ayanga.
AYG: Ay. Ms. Zhou Shen-- (ZS, holding him down: Don’t stand up.) 
Zhou Shen then realises what he said and hits him while Ayanga laughs. Zhou Shen finally visits Xiao Zhan.
XZ: What do you need me to do? 
ZS: Push the cake trolley!
XZ: No problem, I’m the best at pushing cake trolleys! 
ZS: Ah, really? Then ok, thank you. *shakes his hand*
XZ: Ah, that’s it? Whoa, this surprise is pretty easy to do!
For the surprise itself, Zhou Shen hides behind the sofa in the backstage room where all of the senior singers will come sit & chat. He lies down with a confetti cracker and his gift for Li Keqin. The seniors come in and start chatting about things, including their younger singer partners. Ren Xianqi mentions that whenever people see him and Liu Yuning together, they find Ren Xianqi’s legs really short (because Liu Yuning is super tall), and Li Keqin picks up:
LKQ: Well, my partner is not easy to work with either!
ZS, hidden behind the chair: ????? *narrows his eyes*
LKQ (to the others): You (RXQ) said just now that after working with yours, you found out that your legs are very short. Well, me? After working with mine, I suddenly found out my key is very low! 
Zhou Shen laughs silently behind the sofa, while the seniors agree.
RXQ: Right, Zhou Shen’s singing key is really high. 
LKQ: Yeah, my key is like here, and his is there! *demonstrates the gap with his hands*
ZHJ: That...that, we all know already. Doesn’t he have any other small problems/bad points? (RXQ: Right, any other small....?)
LKQ: ...No. No, he doesn’t. Appearance-wise, we match quite well. It’s very nice. 
ZHJ: *chortles* He makes your legs look long. 
All the seniors laugh, and Zhou Shen feigns being hurt behind the sofa, rolling his eyes. 
ZHJ: He really doesn’t? Not even a small problem?
LKQ: No, no. I find him very fun. He just doesn’t like sports. So I’ve asked him, what do you usually do at home? And he told me... “I lie down at home”. That’s it! (ZS is covering his mouth behind the sofa) So each episode, I take him out to play a sport. (RXQ, interested: Eh? ) Yeah! Yeah, yeah. For the 2nd episode, we played badminton, and yesterday, we played football.
ZHJ: Oh, no wonder, no wonder -- I think he grew taller! (all the seniors laugh, and ZS also laughs behind the sofa) That fast!
Zhou Shen finally makes the confetti cracker explode, scaring all the seniors. Li Keqin is in complete ????????? mode while Zhou Hua Jian is already dying of laughter at seeing Zhou Shen come out from behind the sofa. Li Keqin finally sees Zhou Shen and jumps to his feet:
ZS, vaguely threatening: Teacher Keqin~ 
LKQ, dying of laughter but also cowering: Eiyo, yo, eiyo, ey... Whoa! You’ve been hiding there for this long?? 
RXQ: You want to scare us to death?
ZS: From the beginning, I’ve marked down each and every single one of the bad points that you’ve raised about us young singers. (ZHJ laughs) I shall transmit them to the others one by one. But especially you *grabs LKQ’s arm* What you said was exceptionally truthful. 
LKQ, opening his mouth like a goldfish: Thank God I praised you a tiny little bit in the beginning, huh? Otherwise I’d be done for, huh? *makes space for ZS on the sofa* Sit, sit, sit...
The other young singers finally come in with the cake and more confetti crackers, thus completing the surprise.
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Episode 9 bonus, not a QSS moment, but the others’ comments on their performance: 
FYQ, on behalf of him and Ayanga: Really, really really. This definitely needs written notes. (...) These two have already collaborated multiple times; there’s plenty of chemistry. And especially Zhou Shen...his voice is multi-layered, it keeps piling upwards...... Li Keqin’s voice is SO stable! You sang these songs of yours, changing back and forth, it made us really enjoy it... *remembers his killer line* The score will definitely be high. (T/N: he says that line for every group throughout ep. 9) 
ZHJ (about FYQ): It sounds a lot like a report on the situation of the stocks market. 
ZHJ, on behalf of him and Yi Qiao (about LKQ and ZS): I feel like this group, from ep. 1 onwards, they’ve kept levelling up (...) We will work hard too. In the future, when we grow up, we’ll definitely learn from you. *laughs* 
AC, on behalf of her and Xiao Zhan: Oh, I was closing my eyes earlier on and thinking ‘where did this girl come from? Her singing is so beautiful! (ZS looks to the side, embarrassed) (...) Especially, these two, they have a kind of...It’s like, when we used to do acting in the past, the director would tell us that acting is like a ball game, if one side’s ball falls to the ground, the scene won’t look good. This scene (referring to Qin Shen Shen) looks really good.
RXQ, on behalf of him and Liu Yuning: I think it’s really pleasing to the eye. Especially the stage design, and those two looking like they’re looking at each other across the sea, and then slowly, slowly getting back together. It makes you feel the sea waves coming and surrounding you. *appreciative sound* Good. *thumbs up*
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i am very much enjoying my vague void! it's currently blasting hozier at full volume and that's almost louder than my internal screaming (don't worry, everything is fine, i just saw a spider)
i've never once in my life have followed a recipe correctly. all of my measurements are completely random and whatever happens happens. it is no longer in my hands. whatever eldritch entities exist take the wheel. and i absolutely refuse to spell anything in english without autocorrect because y'all have way too many double letters and random vowel placement
thank you! sadly, i won't have a break right now, because we just had christmas vacations, but the start of the new semester is always pretty chill. and you're absolutely right, i should take up necromancy! the snow and the cold will add to my mysterious vibes. i just need to get a big black cape with a hood to complete the aesthetic
i definitely picture everything above 5'6 feet as the same height. 5'7 and 6'2? the exact same thing. no difference here
how is morepork a real bird name. it's just... more pork? but the bird is magnificent. i completely approve of your first order as bird queen, not that you need approval from mere peasants like me, but it's a great order. ohhh salps look really cool, and it does look a lot like it! when you said boob implant i thought of mermaids and them using salps as boob implants but then i realised wait wouldn't jellyfish be better for that? because of their shape? ignoring their little leggies they're quite boob shaped, no? and then i realised that i was thinking about mermaids and alive boob implants... if i had to think it, you have to read it. i'm sorry
i was sold before but now i'm even more sure that i want to hire you. and I'll make sure to have lactose free cheese for the backflips (unless you want the lactose version? i'm not judging). will the biting of ankles cost extra?
that sounds like a brilliant set-up for a horror movie where they kill off all the children one by one. it's absolutely horrifying. if something like that would've happened to me i would've most likely just passed out. whatever happens afterwards is not my problem. and now i really don't want to know what the hell your leg was caught on because that seems like knowledge that would get me killed
ah so you're a fellow dirt eater? according to my mom my favourite thing to do outside when i was a little kid used to be eating sand. just shovelling handfuls of it into my mouth and crying when my mom made me spit it out. which i refuse to believe. if there are no photos it didn't happen
you warm climate people are starting to make me think that i'm better adjusted to the cold than i thought i am! it's either that or our buildings are better heated. i definitely don't know if anyone else calls hot water bottled hotties but i like it so from now on i'm using it
that's so cute! i was clearly a way more selfish child because when i found any amount of money i just kept it and bought candy as soon as i could. i clearly couldn't save money then and i can't now. we have stores like that (or i'm assuming that they're like that solely based on how they sell lollies) and they used to be my favourite thing because you could get so many lollies for such a small price!! and my mom even used to let me order for myself sometimes so i always felt like a very big girl jsjshsbsjk
also the fact that i can't send pictures on anon is a crime (yes i know why and it's good that that's not possible because can you imagine anons being able to send pictures? oh no is all i have to say about it) but anyways. because i have this one super cursed photo that reminded me of you and now i can't share it :((
duuuuude, sick void bro. sounds like a vibing void. I feel like I haven’t seen a spider in awhile. Other than daddy long legs. But they’re chill. They mind their own business. 
I nearly always follow recipes exactly. My mum is like oh cook this for about 7 minutes? Yeah sure. I’ll take a wild guess. I’m like they say exactly 7 minutes so I’ll set a timer for 7 minutes and start a stopwatch so if it does seem to need more than 7 I can keep an eye on the extra time and be aware of exactly how long it takes me for next time. Other people are like oh let's see I have [lists 5-10 things in their fridge], hmm...oh I know what I could make with that! I’m like I have beans in my freezer because one recipe required them and no other recipes I know how to make do so what am I supposed to do with these now,,, this is stressful,,, basically I barely know how to cook and recipes are the only things saving me in that area. That is entirely fair. Except for the fuck duck, and murder is not the word you want surely, situations, it’s pretty helpful.
Ohhh I see. At least the start is chill! For a little! Before your entire situation spirals out of hand and you’re behind in every class and it’s taken you a whole day to read 10 pages and you’re exhausted and it’s only week 2. Just me? ok. fair. anyway. I want a cloak so bad. One of my uni friends tempted me to class because she said she was wearing a cloak so my depressed ass honest to god dragged myself out of bed and to said class just to see it. It was worth it. They’re incredible. Everyone should own a big cloak for the aesthetic.
I’m glad it isn’t just me hahaha. I can visualise my own height in feet but everything else is just the same size that is a vague amount taller than me, mentally.
It’s also known as the ruru. But the name morepork amuses me. It’s named after the call it makes haha. It does sound like it’s asking for more pork if you know to listen for that. thank u for ur approval, it means a lot, turns out becoming bird queen didn’t ACTUALLY get rid of my anxiety disorder weirdly enough so validation is great! lmaooo. What if the jellyfish stung them tho? At least salps wouldn’t do you dirty like that. The mermaids would just look like there are hundreds of bugs crawling around in their boobs, flesh shifting as they float around. Which is a vibe. If you’re into that. Jellyfish WOULD make a more solid, single, implant, some of them are definitely boob shaped. But that’s kinda boring no one’s gonna be traumatised by that. Salps on the other hand...yeah, that sight will DEFINITELY traumatise someone.
To be PERFECTLY honest I haven’t done a backflip in years but for lactose-free cheese? Dude. I’ll be going back to training. Gonna be the best backflip you’ve ever seen. As long as it’s not Tasty cheese I am content, but lactose free IS better. The biting of ankles will not cost extra, it is a pleasure to be allowed to do that.
Oh it absolutely would be. It’d be very funny if it reached the wider world bc people would probably be like ok but who would send kids into the bush like that,, it’s an odd concept. meanwhile everyone who grew up in nz is gonna be like y’all, you’re not gonna fuckin BELIEVE what i experienced growing up, it’s real dude. On one hand, I feel like murdering kids in a movie is questionable, on the other hand, It exists, so maybe people would be down for it. I feel like it’d be a good concept even if it wasn’t murdery tho. Like psychological horror? I’m not sure if I’m using that category correctly I don’t watch much horror. A kid following the rope but then being shifted into a different horror dimension but they never take the blindfold off because their teachers said not to and they’d probably have to let go of the rope to do it...I feel like this could work super well as a short film. The viewers see everything. The child just knows something is off and no one is coming when they call for help. I am so down for this. I also do not want to know what my leg was caught on. Some things I am better off not knowing.
yes! I am a fellow dirt eater! We had a sandpit at home (that’s a little bold. It was a large plastic shell that my parents filled with sand. technically a sandpit. but not fancy sdflsdkfsdf) but I don’t think I ever tried to eat it. Then again, I possibly did and just don’t remember because there’s no photo evidence of that one. I’d have to ask my parents sdfhsjdfs, I would however fully believe them if they said yes. it’s very characteristic of me. I don’t doubt it for a second. muuuum that’s my emotional support sand don’t make me spit it out smh the disrespect these days.
Oh I’m absolutely terrible even by most people’s standards around here when it comes to cold and hot temperatures. I remember sitting in the sun in my school shirt and school jersey in summer on a blazing day like it’s a bit chilly, isn’t it? Meanwhile my friends were in the shade absolutely dying from the heat. Likewise in winter I’d be shivering, teeth chattering, dying with my long sleeve thermal, my school shirt, my school jersey, my school jacket, my longs, warm socks and sneakers and gloves and school scarf while ppl would be walking around in a shirt and shorts like it’s a bit warm this winter huh? my body didn’t learn how to thermoregulate and it shows. But yeah NZ does also have a reputation for shittily insulated buildings and such. It shows. skhdfsfs if it’s not common use maybe don’t say can i have a hotty to someone without context but otherwise go ahead lmao. it’s a fun shortened version.
I was typically a very good saver, to the point where my extended family started gifting me gift cards and vouchers for Christmas and my birthday because if they just gave me money I’d put it in my bank account to save towards uni once I hit like, 12 years old. Which I think was a smart move. But apparently, I’m supposed to buy myself ‘something nice’ with it. I think I’m still an okay saver but I’m not as strict anymore. I’m aware of how much I can spare and I’m not just like you can never get anything for yourself ever, so I do get lil things for myself sometimes. oooo yay! At least you know what I mean. But yes. They were the gold mine for lollies. Absolutely terrific stores. My mum would be like hey lindsey how about you order? And I’d be like mother, I am 7 years old and I have an undiagnosed anxiety disorder everyone assumes is child shyness why would you think I would want to do that. Instead I will whisper my choices to you. After therapy tho I felt pretty rad for picking my own lollies by myself. I was like 13 at that point but sdfkjhsdf listen I got there in the end.
sdfkjsdfkjhsdf I like that a cursed photo reminded you of me. That’s all I need to hear. Tumblr said no anon dick pics but they also said no anon cursed photos either,,, very sad. for the latter part. the first part thank god. If I could turn on photos on anon I absolutely would just to see this but I don’t think I can :(
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plainvanillapotato · 4 years
the 100 diaries S2 E12
quarantine: may 31 2020
season 2 episode 12: “Rubicon”
the guy is running. watch he just die and no one gets clarkes message. i would love it if clarkes plane just backfired but of course they save him. 
ok but wait why was cage just random carrying a oxygen tank when he himself doesnt even need one.
tsing out here with her own personal army. then just plucking these kids one by one. damn 
these grounders really be listening to clarke just because lexa said so?? damn these grounders be loyal minus gustus and that one guy that tried to kill clarke but then got eaten by king kong
is raven really the only person out here doing all this crap?? like does clarke not realize how big of an ask shes asking of raven? raven is magic and shit but she has some limitations just to be somewhat realistic. just chill the fuck out clarke raven is doing the best out here arguably more than clarke.
i love how bellamy is still wearing that hat still looking like sean malto. but also how has someone not noticed him? but i guess bellamy like joe from you as in if he wears a hat he magically blends in.
“...all of this is for nothing” way to put pressure on prettyboy bellamy like he didnt already know that. chill clarke everyone is trying their best out here. ngl i would hate to have clarke as a manager cuz i think she would micromanage the shit out of people. 
remember in the last episode when clarke asked what her job was well i think that i figured it out:
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i also wanna mention that finn literally died idk less than a week ago but clarkes in charge being out and about commanding people years her senior. i get that we had that whole episode dedicated to how finns death affects clarke but still she got over that pretty quick. a little too quick. but i guess that if youre a sky person your emotional metabolism is just through the fucking roof...
ooo clarke still be salty toward her mom. but yeah kane is kinda an enabler
but why do these people have clear paper. the art department is feeling themselves on that one. like is it because they wanted to be edgy and futuristic or is it from an actual realistic viewpoint that the space people dont have trees to create paper................does this also mean that the space people didnt have toilet paper???????? but also back to the paper thing did these kids never learn how to write in cursive??? since i would imagine actual writing utensils are limited so idk if they waste it on teaching kids cursive. actually tho does anyone have an answer to these questions??? 
where did jaha get that antler stick. i kinda want one. i like to imagine that he just saw it lying somewhere on their way to the desert and said to himself i would look epic holding that stick and then went to pick up and started using it even tho he doesnt actually need a walking stick....any hunter x hunter fans?
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jaha’s mask at 8:29 is an example of what not to wear during corona season
“thanks for the water?”...while looking down a bit flustered ”its, uh..it was no problem” emori and murphy? ship?
bellamy crawling through air vents to save the day...magenta from sky high who??
also bellamy’s ear piece is giving me everything. *i know that the following meme is just a tiny phone but i just really like it so idgaf
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again with the inaccuracy of bone marrow extraction.
but what really gets me is clarke recognizing what procedure is going o just by the sound of a drill. ok who is she? she be like the boy that can identify a vacuum just by the sound. For those that don’t know what I’m talking about:
A missile?? where did these people get a missile
But also imagine if clarke was like actually i didn’t catch any of that conversation and bellamy just had to recap it like Luis in ant-man. I would die
thats a lot to ask of raven clarke. Like i could never get that shit done no matter how long you gave me. Yeah ppl be screwed if i was part of the 100
That hug btw Clarke and raven...ship? Jk i know it was just a friendship hug but yah can never know with these writers. Like i honestly wouldn’t be surprised if the writers said enemies (being part of that love triangle with finn) to friends to lovers
murphy and emori are definitly a ship. walking together behind with everyone else. Murphy said “i killed two people. I had my reasons but nobody cared.” Fuck you murphy you killed them cuz you a salty bitch. I also hate how he says this so blasé. Like dude want?? Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. Murphy also said im the bad guy. Murphy is a billie elish fan?? Duh.
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woah when that girl pulled out her claw????? I fell out of my seat. its actually huge. she could grab a whole basket all. They did a great job concealing/ not drawing attention to her hand before like i was so fucking surprised.
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“Its pretty badass” and murphy looking at that claw tho...murphy is into kinky shit. But also that look he gave her while she walked away that was the most genuine look I’ve ever seen out of murphy.
Bellamy shoving jasper into a wall and whispering...bellamy and jasper? ship?
this secret talk between bellamy and Dante....bellamy and president Dante? ship?
But i also like to imagine that during this meeting that bellamy has the song dont be suspious. Dont be suspious playing in his head
woah. Mountain man said inconito mode activated. Reminds me of one of those green soldiers in toy story especially during the opening scene of i think the first movie
This character development in clarke is something else like remember when she talked about the grounders wanting finn out in the open and not in private causing a huge public uproar. Look at her now talking in private with Lexa about the missile. Phenomenal character growth if you ask me.
they really put all their eggs in one basket with bellamy. But bellamy be a really good basket tho. Trust Lexa trust.
where tf did this guy get an RPG??
Woah Emori be the real bad guy. But honestly she could slit Murphy’s throat and he would still live because cockroaches can still live without their head.
raven you should have just shut up. You really dropped the ball there.
lincoln???? What are the chances??? Isn’t he still a druggie?? Honestly octavias little speech would not motivate me at all. If anything it would make me want to take more drugs. At this point i would just say to Lincoln “dont fight it”
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i like how they took everything but they let jaha keep his stick.
caspian is reall dressed like a hipster that sells artisanal kombucha
Jaha really has some faith in murphy...jaha and murphy? ship?
Also that was a really good shot of them murphy, jaha, and their crew climbing up the hill with a giant moon in the background
Lexa is giving me padme vibez wearing that head scarf like that
they were going to let kane and indra die
yeah sorry to break it to you abby but your child is a killer but then again so are you sooo..you really cant be out here to judge your kid like that. Like mother like daughter. But you really cant lecture clarke on this. you literally gave your husband up and you let your daughter blame her best friend for it. And on top of this you were part of the council that sent 100 kid down to earth without even knowing if earth was survivable. ma’m get the fuck outta here.
but all those lives for bellamy. i think its worth it. Because bellamy is worth everything.
theyre linking arms they got monty no!! absolutely not. they took jasper but i gotta say better he than monty bc Monty is king. Yeah jasper really fumbled with that gun. Really not smart. jasper should have just shot tsing instead
Oof a containment breach. wow what an epic door stop. Sooo loong tsing. That was such a cruel death tho but yeah she kinda deserved it.
Does Dante play the cello?? A real renaissance man isn’t he?
wow this makes octaiva and lincoln like an epic couple that conquered the world. power couple. Goals *gag* but ok does that mean that Lincoln just stopped cold turkey just like that?? Hes just automatically better? No this is not how drug addiction works. But ok sure Jan.
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aqvarius · 4 years
lol i gotta ask, why do you hate the romance md mc? i haven’t played the game (i hate love choice) she popped up in ayumu pov and err she seemed a litte eccentric ? lol ppl seem to love her from what ive seen so i would a different perspective on her character.
haha okay so i touched on this a bit in my reviews of takado and hosho but let me try to summarise:
basically, i love mcs i can relate to but also find inspiring? like i like mcs who i can see parts of myself in, enough that i look at them and think “if i try really hard to be a good person, i can be like them”. that’s why even with the masukisu mc, i like her well enough, but i like her the most when she fails and makes mistakes bc perfect characters are so boring. 
anyway with otoge, i know a lot of people are like waaa mcs are too emotional and weak and insecure about everything but (and maybe it’s just because i’m Peak Insecure) i love that? i like it when they’re emotionally vulnerable and feel things and get hurt cause it helps me (1) be able to relate based on my own relationship/love/hurt/failure at work experience and (2) feel more invested in their character and relationship and development bc it’s clear through their emotional responses that they’re falling in love (or overcoming a problem in their relationship or at work/school/etc.). and if you’re like me and read with a semi self-insert intention, then it’s easier for me to fall in love with not just the LI/MC as a couple but also the actual thought of being in mutual love with the love interest. 
so for me the problem with the rmd mc is that she is all surface sass with no emotional substance. i found it very incongruous that she’s supposed to be all meta and love this one (v generic) otome game character but have no interest in real men, because ALL OF RMD’S CHARACTERS ARE VERY CLEARLY OTOME GAME CHARACTER ARCHETYPES. her dialogue with them often reads as like they put 100 points in “snark” and 0 points in any other personality trait. she’s really full of herself (she’s literally in a university/training hospital and somehow thinks she knows better than these elite specialists just bc she’s read a lot of journals??). she’s eccentric in a way that i don’t find particularly cute bc it comes off more as arrogant than passionate to me (maybe bc the writing style for her dialogue is so clinical?)
with someone like hlitf mc, she is righteous to a fault and often will try to like butt in where she’s not needed and be like “noooo i can’t compromise my MoRaLs” but she also has respect for her instructors and is humble enough to know that she does need to listen to their advice, and we often see her fail when she just does it her way without taking their expertise into consideration. because of this, we get to see her self-doubt from the beginning develop into confidence and applicable skill as a working detective. we also get to see snippets where she has to compromise on those morals and overcome adversity to do her job. so we actually get to see her realise her own flaws and learn and grow from them.
however, with rmd mc, we basically never see her have to face any adversity and thus we don’t get to see her develop. she hardly has any inner weaknesses to develop or overcome because she has no personality substance beneath that sassy and nerdy exterior. that’s why she’s only ever interesting when she has the entire crew of doctors in that room off which to bounce dialogue but is so bland when it comes to actual relationship development. her inner monologue as she’s supposed to be falling in love is so insincere because she is written in a way that is very... unemotional? so she goes from “i don’t care about men i only care about READING” to like “what????? i love him????/”  and like if your own first person perspective character doesn’t know or believe she’s in love, then how am i as a reader supposed to suddenly believe it. that’s why i find rmd quite disappointing overall because the LIs actually have good backstories and it would be rewarding to see them gradually open up and fall in love but unfortunately that story is wasted on someone who in my opinion doesn’t allow us to see the full emotional potential of that development. 
for example, there are elements of hosho’s route and rei kamiki’s route (from irresistible mistakes) that i find very comparable, in that hosho and dr mc end up cuddling to sleep a lot and rei and the im mc end up basically sharing a bed to sleep together as well iirc? in both cases, we are confronted with having to deal with growing one-sided feelings in a relationship where there is physical closeness but it’s only platonic. and yet somehow, even tho hosho’s back story is way more traumatic than rei’s, the emotional ride of falling in love, having that conflict and then ending up together is so much more convincing and rewarding in rei’s route because of his mc (i.e. the perspective that we read in the MS). 
also tbh i think i just like softness? i think it’s really clear by my posts that my favourite moments are when LIs who are normally more stoic/mean are all soft and gooey for the person they love. but rmd mc has no softness under her prickliness lmao. anyway i said i would summarise but i ended up ranting again so my apologies if you like this mc but i personally think the only time she reads as interesting is if you literally only see like 5 slide screenshot posts on tumblr bc you can enjoy her being sassy without having to suffer through her lack of emotional substance 
EDIT: i do wanna disclaim that in some more recent hlitf stories/chapters (although can’t remember which ones gave me this impression off the top of my head), i have seen dialogue that sometimes gives me rmd mc vibes. i’m not sure if it’s the same translator/translation team or this is just a trend that voltage is heading towards, but i do remember getting that feeling a couple times and then getting a bit anxious lmao that one of my favourite genuine mcs might be getting corrupted. i haven’t yet been able to pinpoint what exactly it is, but i think it’s that the tone can sometimes come across as blasé or is expressed in a more meme-y turn of phrase where i feel it should be more genuine/sincere? but either way, the writing in hlitf is amazing and we’ve already been given so much wonderful development so i’m not overly worried 
EDIT 2: i also wanna add that i know a lot of people like her nerdiness and sassiness i respect that but let’s not pretend that she’s the first nerdy or sassy voltage mc ever lol. hlitf mc forces ayumu to watch freaking era of samurai code of love and nerds out over old school detective dramas (amongst many other things... mizuki fujisaki.....). im mc is a workaholic and a cat lady who could literally talk for 5 hours about tachibana’s ads. bmp mc is CONSTANTLY sassing all of them, esp prince keith lol. mlfk mc is such a dork. scm mc knows every single Greek myth about the stars. msb mc is a theatre nerd. eitm mc does not ever let miyabi or kyoga get away with their shit. however, they are all still VERY CUTE MCs.
anyway i could keep going on and on but all i’m saying is that in so many voltage games, the mc is CLEARLY the only one with a braincell out of the entire cohort of men and the fact that she is the only person with common sense (while also having her own hobbies and interests) while all these men around her are ridiculous is a great selling point so personally i don’t think voltage needed to overcompensate the way they did and delete her emotional capacity function. 
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zenosanalytic · 4 years
People What Aint From Round Here Is The Problem...
So I just watched Once Upon a Time... In Hollywood and I have THOUGHTS:
Ive read a few reviews&ruminations on this film at this point and I can’t believe that none of them got(or at least, mentioned explicitly) the primary thesis of this movie, spcl given that Tarentino flatly states it out the mouth of his primary protagonist within, like, the first 15-20mins of the film: “...most important thing in this town is when you’re making money you buy a house in town. You don’t rent... Hollywood real estate means you live here. You’re not just visiting, not just passing through. You fuckin live here.” i.e., the most important thing in Hollywood, to Hollywood, is the people FROM Hollywood; Everyone else is just a filthy, trouble-making tourist or profiteer who is “Passing Through” and “Doesnt Get It” and  “Is Fucking It Up”(It being the film industry), and probably “Secretly Hates Movies”. There are places and aspects of this movie that are basically a Nativist Angeleno rant, written by a life-long Angeleno film-nerd-turned-film-maker, against Hollywood’s critics(and his critics which he just totally conflates with the former), and probably non-Angelenos(and non-Californians?) in general.
There are two ways to read this thesis: Straight and Subverted/Satirized.
The evidence for reading it straight is pretty plentiful. Lots of reviews have puzzled at where the line connecting the constant hippie-bashing, the weird focus on knocking Polanski’s Polishness & preference for shooting in London, and the inexplicable pot-shot at Bruce Lee is, and I think this is it. “The Hippies” are repeatedly presented as a corrupting force: digging through trash, living in squalourous filth at the Spahn Ranch dragging members of “Old Hollywood” like its owner into it with them, selling drugs, and using sex to “control” men. And attached to this is presenting “The Hippies” as foreign; not only from another place, but refusing to assimilate with the LA way of life and hostile to it. The Manson family are the only explicitly identified “Hippies” in the film(other than, possibly, the one who sells Cliff an acid cig). The only “positive” portrayals of Bruce Lee in the film are silent ones of him teaching anglos kung fu, which has some fairly obvs and well-understood Implications.
But there’s also good evidence for reading it as subverted and satirized. Both Tate and Dalton are NOT from California, let alone LA, and Booth’s origins are left unclear. Dalton’s the only one of them explicitly id’d as being from elsewhere(Missouri), but Tate’s easy to google and she was a military kid who grew up all over the place. When Dalton returns from Italy, that sequence and his look in it are VERY reminiscent of the scenes introducing Polanski at the beginning of the film. The side-characters around Tate, perennially shown in a positive light, are also non-Angelenos. Doing Spaghetti Westerns revitalizes Dalton’s career, despite his disdain for Italian cinema. Tate and her crew, while not explicitly ID’d as “Hippies” and often shown in Mod and other fashion styles, are also presented in “Hippie” fashion, shown listening to “Hippie” music, smoking the “Hippie” Reefer(Im sorry, but Comedy Demanded this phrasing and I am Devout u_u), and implied to be living a polyamorous “Hippie” life.
It really is difficult for me to say which predominates. On the one entirely metaphorical hand, the ways in which Dalton’s Angeleno chauvinism are subverted and mocked are fairly obvs, but on the other emh, the film is FILLED with LITERALLY GLOWING nostalgia for this pre-Hippy, pre-Lefty, pre-70s, Conservative and Republican California&Los Angeles. Dalton’s focus on property-ownership&the film industry in the opening thesis could easily be seen as resolving these subversive contradictions to allow for a straight read(ie: Tate, Booth, and Dalton are “Hollywood People” who’ve both bought real-estate in LA, and who’ve grown up in film or film-adjacent fields and choose to center their adult lives in the film industry). So much, in fact, that I kinda started to wonder abt QT’s politics while watching it. And, if it WAS satirical, then what’s the point of the knock to Bruce Lee and focusing criticisms of Polanski on his Polishness and shooting in London? Is that just meant to characterize Dalton and Booth as nativists and racists?
It really cannot be said enough that there are REALLY MORE APPROPRIATE CRITICISMS to make of Polanski than 1)begin Polish, 2)possessing boyish effeminacy, and 3)preferring to shoot movies in London instead of LA. Which are this movie’s only problems with him(though it also takes the time to show him bitchily smoking a cigarette in an evening gown while being rude to a dog). Obvsl I dont object to villainizing an ACTUAL REAL LIFE VILLAIN like this shitstain, but I DO object to being asked(albeit gently) to participate in this film’s understated nationalist bigotry.
It’s possible that Cliff’s turning Pussycat down during the drive to the ranch was intended to be this but I highly doubt it. And if it was it’d be misrepresenting Polanski’s misdeeds enormously, considering that Pussycat, the too-young girl, is the sexual instigator in this film. Polanski liked to manipulate, drug, and rape underaged girls(he pulled the same shit with models in Europe before getting busted for it in LA, btw, then continued doing it after fleeing back to Europe); really not the same situation.
There’s another irony in that, while the film goes out of its way to call Polanski “boyish” and imply that makes him feminine and that this is Bad, there’s also a subtle under-current that... Tarentino sees himself in his youth the same way? He’s certainly never been short like Polanski and Jay Sebring are/were, QT’s 6 1, but the actors he cast to play them and the description made of the pair in-film are more than a bit reminiscent of how Tarentino looked&was discussed in the press back in the 90s when he was starting out. AAAaaand the film explicitly calls that Tate’s “Type”; leaving me with the question: would Tarentino be able to stop himself from implying a dead starlet would have been attracted to him? I leave the answer to your imaginations, Dear Readers u_u
Having said all that it IS a really good film, which I liked, I dont think it’d be very hard to set aside this political stuff while watching, the driving sequences are especially emotive&exhilarating, and there’s some seriously great acting in it. IDK if I’d say I liked it more than the recent Emma movie, tho.
I feel like each of the trio, Tate, Dalton, and Booth, were meant to symbolically Embody LA/Hollywood/California? Like Pitt especially seemed to be channeling movie characters and CJ from GTA: San Andreas throughout his performance, while I couldnt help but think of Ronald Reagan watching DiCaprio(spcl given the character’s likely politics). So there’s this sense in which the film is a fantasy of “Old Hollywood”, embodied by these three, Vanquishing its “Enemies”, represented by The Hippies(moralizing, pretentious, gross leftist) and potentially Polanski&Lee(foreign film ppl who refuse to integrate into the LA scene). Again, given the political history of Cali after this era, this embodiment raises some questions for me abt the film and QT’s politics(particularly in re: misogyny and feminism).
Also DiCaprio is totally going to get pitched a Reagan biopic off of this role and I sincerely hope he has the good sense to turn that shit the fuck down.
Circling back to the ranting at his critics, this movie was definitely and consciously a response to them. Like: up until the last 5-15 minutes of the film, and aside from a handful of too-lingering too fetishistic too on-the-nose creep shots of the female cast that Tarentino simply could not stop himself from making, OUATiH is precisely the sort of “Serious” film Tarentino’s critics have been saying he should make for decades now(of course he did Jackie Brown, which was that and which he blew Completely out of the park). And then there’s that bloody, gross-out, exploitation-movie ending. I dont actually think it was as bad as many critics were saying it was? For some reason I was thinking there was gonna be a massacre of the ENTIRE Manson family, which would have been totally out of left-field. But it WAS clearly a stinger of a major tone-shift thrown in as a Fuck You to the ppl who’ve called out his violent and exploitative preferences throughout the years. As for me I generally like his movies and think he’s a great filmmaker but he absolutely does go too far sometimes.
Rick Dalton, in an evening-gown, with a mixer full of iced-margarita in one hand, getting all up in the face of the driver of a loud exhaust-spewing jalope in his PRIVATE STREET was TOTALLY Tarentino himself :| By which I mean NOT ONLY that That’s ABSOLUTELY the sort of cameo he would have given himself 30 years ago and if it made any sort of sense at all in the film(which here it wouldnt have, obvsl), BUT ALSO that I feel 94% confident that Tarentino has actually done that at least once in his lifetime :| :|
I think the monologue&interactions T gives Bruce Lee leading up to the fight were probably more insulting to him than the fight itself. Contrary to popular discussion, it isn’t Pitt’s character totally trashing Lee, he gets in one good throw after Lee repeats a successful attack at his request(which I doubt Lee would have ever done from what little I know about him; not being predictable in a fight was his whole Deal), but rather an even duel between them(most of the fight is just the two blocking each others’ attacks). I dont think the film was trying to say “Lee was full of hot-air”, if it wanted to say that it’d have shown him getting trounced instead of showing him knock Booth down then trade him blow for blow, but more “Lee was pretty arrogant and a bit pretentious”.
OK, that’s abt all that I can think of right now: thanks for reading ^v^
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shizekarnstein · 5 years
At first I had doubts about posting this bc as a prequel fan I GET how annoying is to have to read and listen as so many ppl at once make fun and nickpick everything about a movie you like but... god was this bad. Like so so bad.
Lets start with the opening credits. I honestly start laughing right there. Palpatine pulls as Moriarty and leaves a threatening message announcing his return and im ????? HOW DID THAT HAPPEN AND WHY ARE YOU TELLING ME INSTEAD OF S H O W I N G AAAAAAH. As soon as I saw that I knew I was in for an unconfortable ride.
I'll try to make this short.
Things I liked: aka the Good.
For the first time in years C3PO was actually funny? He made me laugh fulltime.
The new droid. Protect it pls.
Reys training montage.
Hans cameo. Especially his I know.
Luke and Leias flashback even if kind of contradicts everything about ST Leia but more on that later.
Force ghost Luke.
Oh god I can't think of anything else????
Lando and his like three lines.
Oh I supposed all the people arriving to end the new sith fleet or whatever was cool if kind of unrelevant. Yes disney we know it's up to us regular people teaming up to put a stop to tyrannical regimes but the OT already told that. And better.
Palpatine's evil bitch energy. On that note I also liked Hux petty and dramatic energy.
The seeds for Kylos conflict were there more or less for the wholr three movies so AT LEAST that arc felt somewhat logical. Even if the execution leaves a lot to be desired.
At least the final shot was pretty??????
Oooh and Chewie's medal.
Things I didn't like: aka the Bad.
Lack of any semblance of glue connecting the story as a whole. For me at least it felt like a lot (and I mean a lot) of disconected threads and plot points one after each other.
John is a phenomenal actor but omg the "trio scenes" are horrible. I tried but I couldnt feel a single thing watching them. Their lines also felt so empty to me. In general I didn't connect with any of tje dialogue.
Finns arc is?????? Horrible.
Same as Poes (even is Oscar is like extra sexy this time around). Please stop trying to make him the new Han Solo.
Rose. Like cmon she deserved a better role.
The whole lets erase 3pos memory arc.
Rey can use force lighting.
Honestly I hated all the storylines.
Rey and Kylos fight in the watery version of Mustafar.
Palpatine is... just there. No explanation whatsoever.
His weird ass ritual like sooo unnecesary pls.
The force reviving people just bc rip Anakin.
It's not as if they didn't have the budget to make all the forces ghosts they wanted so WHY ONLY VOICEOVERS IM SO MAD.
The exegol plot was just such a mess. And boring. This is one of my major problems with the movie: I had never been so bored watching sw in my entire life. I almost fell asleep multiple times. Why.
LEIA BEING A JEDI CONTRADICTS LIKE EVERYTHING OF THE PREVIOUS MOVIES LIKE. AND HER REASONS FOR QUITTING IM. It was all in vain. Also omg they should have killed Leia in TLJ and be done with that bc her scenes in ROS are so so messy.
How they rushed Kylos redemption like. Well you healed me and my mother died and after interacting with this hallucination of my father (whom I killed btw just bc for the evil lols) I guess I don't want to opress the galaxy anymore.
Rey returning to Tatooine to bury the lightsabers pls.
Also wtf is that narrative: we, the palpatines, love our daughter very much. So we are going to sell and abandon her. For her own good.
Also ew Palpatine had a biological son. Who apparently wasn't as important as his granddaughter or something.
And now the Funny:
C3PO is the MVP. srsly he was the only character I liked in the whole movie. What a legend.
Kylos new mask with red veins like omg I was laughing so hard
When they ran out of Carrie Fisher footage and compensated by throwing some pillows under a blanket and tried to make me feel something for "leias body".
The mustafar watery edition.
Rey being so angry all the fucking time.
Finn in general was a joke. Sorry finn fans.
The dialogue was so forced I coped by laughing all the time.
Palpatines evil lair.
The tiny alien whose name I forgot.
Chewies resurrection.
The final showdown.
Guys I can't wrapped my head around the fact PALPATINE FUCKED.
When Ben dies and zaz his and leias bodies dissapear I laughed so hard the guy who was sitting at my right (who btw fell asleep in the middle of the movie 😂) startled.
So as you can see... i had to use humour as a coping mechanism to even endure this movie. They truly ruined Anakin and Luke so I guess the ot and pt are a waste of time. Anakin didn't destroy palpatine. Leia and the rest couldnt do shit to at least preserve the so hard won peace. Also rip padme im sorry the secret spell to revive the dead was invented like 50 years later.
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painandpleasure86 · 5 years
Burned all my energy (BreakyWeek2k19)
Author’s note: Hi ppl! This was for Day 4, but this last Thursday and Friday were so frenetic... I couldn’t post this before! Probably I’ll post for the last day... Thank u @runningfortocome​ for hosting this special week for this underrated ship and for supported me last Tues for the hateful anons.
Prompt for Day 4 that I choosed: “Back Chat/arguments in the studio”
Warnings: Angst and fluff.
Word count: +2.0k
Tag list: @warriorteam1924  @runningfortocome​
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They love to each other. So much. But also argue a lot. Both have a big pride about their own opinion and that didn't helped at all. Not only in the studio, but also in the intimacy. At least in the last one scenario was always a lot easier to fix the things. Nothing like a special meal or something sexual couldn’t fix.
Record an album always was a challenge for the group. The four of them have different points of view about what to do. But the two of them were usually the worst. Fred always mediating, Roger always mocking to the couple. 
Around 1979, John showed to the group Another one bites the dust. He recorded bass, guitar, synths and claps as a demo. Meanwhile the group was listening it in the studio, Bri and Roger started to feel in disconform, mainly Roger. 
In a whisper, Roger told to Brian “please, if you want to say your disagree, be careful... despite that it’s so funny mocking him, i’m quite tired of both of you arguing”. Brian nodded.
Once the demo ended, Bri said to John with a kind smile "Nice song really, but..."
The youngest one started to feel the anger. Still in his chair, turned to them and he watched right to the hazel eyes of his man. Said sighing “ah shit here we go again ... always but. Nothing that I make likes you!”
Fred, half turned to Brian and John. Trying to calming the atmosphere, said with a cheeky face “You mean musically darling no?”, while winked and made some sexual gestures with his hands.
Brian watched at him pretty disgusting.
"That stuff it's irrelevant here" he said.
"It is Bri. Thanks to the gods that you're happy at bed, hehe." His blonde friend winked an eye. "If not, more hysteria. And the three of you are drama queens. Despite that's quite funny, sometimes it's tiring to see the three of you always discussing" throw Roger.
Bri, pretty done, almost screamed "oh okay, look at you, calling to us drama queens when you made a number for your song of the car some years ago!”
Roger started to be really irritated.
"That's your only argument! Change your cassette Bri!" yelled the blondie.
Fred stand up of his chair and puts between Bri and Rog, separating them with his hands. John just was covering his face trying to not say nothing. "That childish fight again…" he thought.
"Guys, quiet." said so calm.
They still watched to the another pretty upset.
"Relax, guys." continued the singer.
Looking at Roger, he said "the four we're hysterical queens in a some way… But just a real one, ha!" Roger smiled. 
Fred turned his face now to Bri.
"Now you can continue with your opinion about John's song."
Bri started to talk, but Fred interrupted him.
"First, something more Bri". His hands leaved the chest of his friends and walked near John to grab his shoulders, which was on one side watching all the scene. He ducked his head in direction of the face of the bassist.
"And you, darling… don't interrupt to Brian and start to argue again. Let the man speak".
Deaks looked at his friend and sighed deeply.
"Okay, Fred."
Looking at his lover "I'll not yell this time, love." He stand up of his chair. Fred was behind John now. The bassist walked to his man and hugged him with his left arm. Watching to that hazel eyes and caressing the cheeks of the guitarist, continued speaking. "Go ahead." And he kissed him in the cheek. 
Brian watched at the bassist and smiled, slightly blushed.
The environment it's relaxed again.
A couple of months later, The Game album was released. Another One Bites the Dust it's the most selled single. Bri and Roger should to recognize the ability of John there. And that was right  heeding to Michael Jackson that suggested to release that song as a single.
That album gave them tours for common lands to them like Japan, and visit for the very first time places like South America; where the band had an excellent and very warm reception from the fans. Where Another one bites the dust sounded in the discos and a lot of people enjoyed that funky vibe in the dance floor.
Even that song won the prize as Best Pop Single. Deaky and Rog were there to receive the prize. John, very happy. But Roger, pretty deceptioned "we are a rock band and we won a prize for best pop single? For God's sake…" he thoughts while they’re receiving the prize.
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Flash recording. Releasing. And now another recording, the album that would be named Hot Space. Now have even more argues and problems, the sound of this album its pretty away of the rockish sound of  the band. The experiment with AOBTD was successful, so, the funky and the (slowly dying) disco music took over the album concept. Even of that way, Brian and Roger could insert rockish songs or at least with powerful guitar riffs. Deaky and Fred must accepted that after a lot of argues, for maintain the good environment in the studio. Specifically, Deaky didn't wanted to have problems with his lover. They have already problems pretending being straights, until decide get out of the closet. He often just sighed deeply, pretending that everything's okay. But his patience was reaching it limit.
One night he couldn’t sleep. Changed a lot of time his position in bed. Deep breath didn't worked in him. He have a lot of angry inside. He needed to vent thru a song. 
He get up of the bed so quickly and was to the studio where he write his songs. In that studio he haves books that covered almost an entire wall, having infront a comfy couch. Next, the window and in front the desk. To the right side of the window, lied his Fender Precision Bass 1968, a keyboard and an acoustic guitar.   
In the studio, he grabbed paper, pen and sat in front of the desk to start to write. Isn't that often that him haves a suddenly inspo to write a full song. But that night was one of the examples. Back Chat born. Reading the paper, he though “I love you… but i’m tired of you complaining about my things and talk behind my back, my dear”.
Trying to not make a lot of noise, he grabbed his bass that are there. He connected to an amp and started to play a bassline. Meanwhile, he thought “I’ll be so funky, more than another one bites the dust… and you will not have your solo. If i can’t modify your arrangements, you will can’t modify this. Eat from your own medicine. I’m so patient, i’m so kind with you, but i’m also done.”
Next day at the studio, he came with that paper in one of his pockets. They entered like any day, but he have a little surprise…
Fred asked finally to him “well darling, do you have something to the new album?"
He extended the sheet to the singer. He has read. The face of Fred was a mix between laugh and confusion.
"My dear, who made you that damage?" finally said watching at the greenish eyes of his friend, curious.
He crossed his arms and "posed". That pose. That face. That smile.
"Don't matters" he said with a ironic voice, and his eyes focused in his lover. Bri watched at him so confused.
Roger, watching the scene and drinking a coffee, said "ha! Couple issues. That's fun guys… I love the drama between you! Thanks to God that I always haves some popcorn! That's better that any soup opera…
Despite the joke, the tension came back once again to the studio. And that just was the beginning. Because after that, Deaky specified that he will play also the guitar, keyboards and even a drum machine.
Bri and Roger started to be very upset. 
"Deaky, man, I love you… but trying to replace me? I'm the drummer! Despite all, I must to play that part!" said the blonde.
Bri, of course, reacted even worst. "Really… REALLY? What the actual fuck? Plus… YOU DON'T WANT A GUITAR SOLO? AND YOU WANT TO RECORD ALMOST ALL? Seriously, this isn't the way to speak about our problems!
Deaky watching to his face and yelling, said: "I'm so done of that attitude of you and more when we try to experiment new things… Always guitar riffs it's boring! Not always we should sound like rock music! Really… my patience it's done for today. Don't speak to me, even you Fred. I just want to be alone!!!"
He grab his things and started to leave the recording studio.
"You should to be alone for being so mean with me!" said Bri almost crying.
John sighed and turned back.
"Look Brian… we're a couple no? Learn to accept your part of the responsibility. I have patience, but isn't endless." he said in a serious tone.
He watched to Roger and Freddie.
"Guys, for today I don't want to work. I'll go to drink something perhaps. Don't try to catch me, please."
He sighed. "Sorry Fred."
And leaved the studio slamming the door.
The three of them tried to back to work. Brian couldn't really. He was crying and drinking a lot of beer. After some hours, he fell asleep in a couch, so drunk, so sad.
Similar scene was John. After a lot of drinks in a near bar and avoiding the occasionals fans trying to get an autograph, came back to the home where the four habits when they're recording an album.
Barely could close the door. His head hurts. His throat wanted to vomit. Walked as he could to the bathroom and threw in the toilet.
When he ended, he just wanted to go to bed.
Opened the door of the room… him was already in bed. And he almost started to cry, but he hadn't energies at all. Just gone to sleep, trying to not wake up to him.
Next morning, first in wake up was the guitarist. And he saw to the another one sleeping so deeply, snoring. He kissed him in the forehead and whispered "I still love you, funky man". And leaved the bed and the room. Moments later, John woke up and he find himself alone, with a hard hungover. He rubbed his eyes and said “ugh why I need to get out of this bed, i’m feeling so terrible”.
He took a bath. After choose his outift for that day and dressing, go to the kitchen to have some breakfast. He found the another three having a nice chat while they were taking their breakfast, until he entered to the kitchen to prepare some tea.
The three watched at him in silence preparing everything to his breakfast. When put the kettle to boil some water, he turned to his bandmates and ask “Who’s died that you’re in silence?”
“Are you better, darling?” Finally Fred says to Deacon.
He sighs deeply. “Yes and not. From the anger from yesterday… fine. But i’m still having a hungover and i’m hungry.” he says, touching his forehead and after his tummy.
Silence again.
Roger, after sipping of his cup of tea, look at John and says to his friend “c’mon mate”
He was confused. “What?”
Brian without rise his sight and moving the little spoon inside the cup of tea, said “an apologize, perhaps.” He sighed deeply and rise his head. Turns around still sat in his chair in Johns direction. “ Sorry for being rude with you yesterday.” added the guitarist.
He watched at him with tears in his eyes. The bassist ran to hug him so tightly.
“no, I’m the one that should apologize”. He caressed the curly hair with his left hand. Being near of the right ear of the guitarist, whispered “you will can have your damn solo if you want. You always get your way, haha”. Watched right to the face of his man, both hands holding that smiling face. He’s smiling too. “I love you”. “Me too my grumpy bassist”, added the elder one. And both kissed softly.
Roger and Fred watched the scene so happy to see that two happy again, until Roger watched to the cooker.
“Fred…? I should say it?” asked sipping his tea, quite cold.
Freddie watched to Roger and shaked his head. “Let them be happy for a moment” and giggled a little.
The water from the kettle was boiling intensely since a couple of minutes...
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If you liked this fic, reblogs are highly appreciated! -Lily
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axther · 5 years
hey there! could i get a bnha s/o match-up? i go by Willow, i use she/her and i’m a lesbian. my Myers Briggs is INFP-T. i’m a very anxious person, sometimes freezing up at seemingly small things. i enjoy many different genres of music, you play it i’ll probably like it. i sometimes let my mental problems get in the way and sometimes have to be dragged into doing things that aren’t just at the house. i am VERY non-confrontational, to an extreme. i spend free time drawing and making art.
🥺 🥺 🥺 bb thank you so much!!! Anxiety gals unite am i right!! But do ur best to remember that ppl love you!! Like me!! 
Also last note?? I realised at the end of writing this that i’ve been calling you LesBean (lesbian bean) and i just??? It makes me soft 
#1 is...Jirou!! 
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I won’t lie, you two would be the ultimate music couple. She’ll make it, and you’ll listen, and it’s just good vibes everywhere, yanno? 
I think a really important part is how lowkey she is!! There’s no pressure about doing anything besides being yourself, so I think she’d be just 👌 for you!! 
Dates would be super chill, and usually, it’s just chilling in her dorm while she fools around with her guitar. Sometimes, if you turn fast enough, you’ll catch her staring with a bit of a lovestruck expression. That, and if you look hard enough, you’ll see a bit of a blush. 
Though she doesn’t do it while you’re around, as not to make you feel exposed, she absolutely brags about you!! 
It’s not quite the puff-up-the-chest kind, as it is the gentle ‘my girlfriend isn’t a fucking idiot like you lot’ that makes people think of you. 
To be honest, all of 1-A probably thinks just from Jirou’s pride that you’re an angel 
(I mean, they aren’t wrong) 
She thinks you’re the sweetest thing, and honestly thinks that your lack of need to fight is rare and a breath of fresh air 
Let us not forget she’s in the same class with the beloved morons like Denki and Bakugou. They are always going on about something, though on different levels, so if she needs a break, then you’re there with a hug and top tier cuddles. 
And speaking of which!! Consent is a big thing here!! 
She always asks before kissing you anywhere, be it on the cheek or the lips. Hugs are announced, cuddles are predicted, and no matter what she asks for permission
The last thing that both want is to surprise you in a bad way, and this actually brings up something else!!
If maybe some of the students try to maybe plan a surprise party and talk about acting like they forgot your birthday to sell it, Jirou shuts them down on the spot. 
There is no way in hell she wants to see you get an attack at all, even less so on your birthday. 
She directs it by force and makes it the best party for you that it could possibly be. 
Even if it means everyone wishes you happy birthday, drops off the presents, and Jirou just hangs out with you
#2 is...Ochako! 
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I know it might seem like she’s just a tad bit too bouncy, but hear me out here 
First off, she doesn’t expect a lot in the way of dates!! She’s broke, so there’s gonna be a lot of stuff you guys do at home 
Not only that but she’s v soft...would absolutely just hold you if you had an anxiety attack 
(Side note I now feel like I should write anxious s/o headcanons!!) 
 Depend on how you react, she might even use her quirk to help you relax. 
If gently floating with her hands on your back helps you then she’ll do it!! 
She loves you so much!! If you guys share a class together, she will stare with a bright smile and no she will not look away if caught!! 
What has she to be ashamed of? Nothing!! She’s soaking in her lovely gf dammit!! 
I’ll be honest there will be one thing that might be considered a flaw in the relationship? 
But she’ll sneak pictures of you when you’re not looking so you don’t try to hide your face 
You only find out when she asks for you to bring her phone you see that you’re her lock screen 😳
If you call her out on it (though I doubt it) she’ll just giggle, but will actually respect it if you truly don’t want any pictures of you. 
There is a chance though...
That if someone decides to give you shit for being in the hero course but being so anxious, Ochako’s on it. 
She will go all out. She might not tell you (as to not trigger an attack or make you worry about the repercussions) but would have herself and the 1-A girl gang go after whoever is being so shitty 
🤷🏻‍♀️ ain’t nobody messin with her gf 
Even if she gets ‘house arrest’ she won’t regret it, smiling the entire time and saying she’d do it again. 
So don’t worry!! She’s got your back, and your front too!
And your sides, now that I think about it…
Oh wait nvm she’s hugging you 
#3 is...Nejire! 
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Lemme stop u right here ✋ 
You will never have to wonder what she’s thinking 
You two could be in your dorm and she’d be staring before just bursting with ‘is that a new eyeshadow!!’ ‘did you do something with your hair!!’ ‘you look super cute today!’ 
So don’t worry about her trying to hide it!
She also knows plenty of anxiety exercises like Four Square, so if you get an anxiety attack while she’s with you then she’ll help you control your breath and get back on track. 
While she understands that you just want to stay at home as much as possible, she also does her best to get you out and about! 
She’ll ask you if you want to go on a walk, and she’ll ask if you want to train with her, but if you’re not feeling up for it, then she won’t push you. 
There are times where she’ll say that you need sunlight, I know you don’t want to but it’s for five minutes 
Once you do whatever she’s trying to get you to do she lets you bail and go back again. 
But she definitely wants to help you be less anxious overall! 
It’s something that’s near and dear to her heart, what with having not one but two people close to her being severely anxious.
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diisenchvnted · 5 years
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KIERNAN SHIPKA,  DEMIGIRL,  SHE/HER.  —  looks  like  BEATRICE “TRIXIE” BELLEROSE  is  attending  AURADON PREP  in  auradon.  they're  the  NINETEEN  year  old  child  of  THE ENCHANTRESS,  which  means  they're  from  THE ISLE.  heard  they're  ENERGETIC  &  CREATIVE,  but  can  also  be  OFFBEAT  &  NAÏVE  ;  we all have our bad days.  people  normally  associate  them  with  RED PETALS FALLING OFF A BLOOMING ROSE, A CRACKED HANDMIRROR BY YOUR BESIDE, RUBY RED LIPS AND BIG BROWN EYES, WORN STUFFED ANIMALS SALVAGED WITH A POOR SEWING JOB.  —  hylia.
                             ❛ it’s only me who wants to wrap around your dreams                                 and...  have you any dreams you’d like to sell ?? ❜                                playlist. pinterest. to listen as you read.                                tws : mental abuse ( by a parent )
so hi again i am hylia and this is Baby. idk how long this one’s gonna end up eITHER bc my allergies are kickin’ my ass today and I should be resting but I cannot stay away from this group for that long. So yes !! pls continue reading for more info abt trixie bby here. i lov her.
The daughter of the Enchantress - yes , the same Enchantress that turned Prince Adam into a beast - Trixie never really understood why her family was stuck on the Isle. Since of course , the Enchantress only taught Adam a lesson , yes ?? It was maybe through more harsh means than one would think , but . . . she wasn’t a bad guy.
...Right ??
All Trixie knew was that this was the life she was given , and she had to suck it up and deal with it. And never one to really sit around feeling sorry for herself , she took it. And her life was pretty normal for an Isle kid , save for her mother projecting her anger at being thrown on Isle onto her child. 
There was always a talk of showing them. Telling Trixie , One day we’ll show them what a real lesson is since they didn’t learn from last time. Excessively tutoring her in all things magic and enchanting despite the fact that powers like that actually terrified the child to her core. 
But there was always pressure - and it only increased when it was found out the Isle kids were getting a chance. In Trixie’s mind , this was a new way to explore , a new opportunity for a brand new life - UNTIL Trixie’s mother decided it would finally be able to kick their plans into motion. All of that tutoring , all of the training that made it so Trixie never had many friends , couldn’t leave the house much - it would have to pay off.
Gifted with an enchanted mirror and an enchanted rose by her mother - exact replicas to the beast’s , the Enchantress gave Trixie an ultimatum to make sure revenge was sated : give the Beast’s family the same fate he once bore ( essentially , transform them all into beasts like he used to be ) by the time the last petal falls , or be doomed to become a beast herself.
And . . . that’s where she is now. 
SO YES THAT’S IT - Trixie’s mother basically wants her to turn Belle, Adam , and their kids into beasts to get revenge or else Trixie’s gonna be the one turning into a beast if she doesn’t do it. And yes it’s fucking terrifying.
Nobody knows of this secret except for the two people involved in the deal - Trixie , and her mom. And by God Trixie does not want to do this.
And realistically , for RP purposes , I’m gonna inform you now that there is no way that the revenge is gonna be carried out. The Florians are fine. We all know she’s not gonna do it. But right now , since Trixie just got here and has that ultimatum , she doesn’t know that yet. So she’s struggling with a lose-lose situation since if she does do that , she makes herself an Auradonian criminal , and if she defies her mother and doesn’t , she becomes a beast and she has no idea how to undo a spell like that.
So yeah , just to clarify - nobody else really knows about this. Trixie keeps this deal hidden , and also hides the two items related to it in her closet ( the handmirror and rose ) so nobody finds them. Even though she routinely carries the mirror around with her and checks on the rose frequently because yes , its petals are starting to fall. 
Which brings me to my next point - Trixie has AMAZING power , and essentially , later on in her life it’s destined that she’ll become the next Enchantress. But because Trixie’s magical prowess isn’t manifesting fully yet , aka - it’s not showing on the outside , she doesn’t think she has much of a talent with it. She doesn’t know her own strength yet.
And of course , her mother knows of this. Her mother knows she’s going to excel - but there’s both difficulties in keeping that a secret and letting her become aware.
She keeps it a secret right now - it’s in an effort to keep Trixie under her thumb. But this is also proving difficult for Trixie to carry out the revenge scheme due to a lack of confidence paired with her morals.
If Trixie becomes aware of her power , then that means she’s going to find out she’s growing stronger as her mother’s magic is waning - kind of like the deal with the Supreme in American Horror Story. Trixie’s power grows stronger as her mother’s grows weaker , but that isn’t showing yet in the former of the two. 
So right now , Trixie is forcing herself to practice her magic to get stronger to appease her mother - even though honestly ?? She does not like magic. It terrifies her , and she blames her ability to use it for why her life kind of sucks right now.
To sort of make sure nobody is suspicious of her , Trixie doesn’t even tell people who her mother is. She just says her mother was a fling of Gaston’s banished to the Isle by association - that’s it.
And this is sort of how she’s managed to get a part-time job working in Ben’s castle as a maid to get close.
...Even though she really , really , really doesn’t like that.
But also !! One thing she has going for her is that despite everything - she is very outwardly FRIENDLY and optimistic - always smiley , always chatting up somebody up. This is sort of an effort to make herself feel better rather than put on a facade , since Trixie’s more keen on focusing on things that don’t make her feel sad to distract herself from the actual situation. 
“Trix you’re in denial” “I know.”
Also this sort of influence her tendency to ignore or run away from situations as much as she can bc... mood.
Acting in her own world is very normal for her - and it’s a major coping mechanism. She’s very creative , obsessed with fairytales and stories and probably knows the whole story about your parents more than you do. She in fact writes some of her own in her spare time , always keeping a journal around with her for writing when she’s bored.
Also keeps a dream journal ( mR. ELECTRICDAD SEND HIM TO THE PRINCIPAL’S OFFICE AND HAVE HIM EXPELLED !!11!!1!!!!!! ) bc she is big into the belief our dreams have deeper meanings n stuff
She’s not the type to shy away from stuff tho in the sense of like... conversing about very out there topics or saying weirdass things that pop into her head. Sort of seen as a little weirdo for this but it all comes for the fact that Trixie is a HUGE thinker.
Also into the supernatural even on the slightly more malevolent side just bc she finds it interesting - she’s 100% the friend that proposes u guys try and summon demons during sleepovers
My lil weird baby
Looks rly good in green and red tbh and probably owns like forty-five different shades of lipstick since coming to Auradon 
Also has a lot of rose-patterned/themed stuff just bc frankly it’s cute. 
God as a character it’s so hard to describe her like... in words this sounds so pretentious but I do so much better showing and not telling bc her character is so complex in the sense that she’s. She’s like a dream. That’s the best way I can describe her - a dream as in the random , thought-induced , fantasy-like parts of dreams rather than the romantic parts of everything.
That probably makes no sense but. Yeah.
She’s weird I love her
Probably would do well in Wonderland if she didn’t have her mother lOOMING OVER HER HEAD
In general I just want friends that Trixie has that she can’t rly tell what’s going on with her. At all. And it breaks her heart bc she finally has the chance to fit in and get along with people but either way she decides to take her mother’s deal makes it so she can’t keep them.
Lots of secrets are gonna be passed about.
I’d lov her to eventually bond with sb so she can actually EXPLAIN her problem to and cry about it bc baby lowkey feels like she’s on her own in this and can’t turn to anyone for it
Ppl who Trixie rly likes in any sense to point where she bases some fairytale characters in her own stories off of them
I’d also love some enemies pls gimme gimme gimme
Some ppl who suspect Trixie bc she seems so... vague. Like she’s not giving the full story.
Isle kids who know EXACTLY who Trixie’s mother is and for some reason resent her for tht bc I don’t think the Enchantress is the nicest magic user out there rn
Friendships that went sour bc Trixie’s been keeping so many SECRETS
First love who went sour for the same reasons : /
The general uhhhhh exes, crushes, that sorta stuff
Any ship that’s gonna b like a full on sHIP SHIP will have to b seen how chemistry works out !! But Trixie’s a panromantic asexual bby who I adore. 
I’d love some folks she aCCIDENTALLY exposes her magic to and they can either
A .) Blackmail her n threaten to expose her for it
or B.) Find it RLY RLY RLY cool n she just shows them a bunch of magic... trix
please clap.
BT ALSO LETS DEFFO BRAINSTORM SOME !!! again i’ll be making an official connections page for her like i am w/ luke but in the meantime ! lets plot !
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