#like let them be a villain!! idgaf!!
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floralfaced · 2 days ago
I understand the whole “Chara isn’t THAT bad” sentiment but what if I DO think they should be evil coz it’s cool as FUCK
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chimkennuggies · 6 months ago
It started as a joke between a friend and I, now I'm not sure what it is bc I've spend too much time drawing/writing stuff related to them that I've actually ended up getting invested in this crackship.
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Just let me explain, they're both AWFUL and suck so much LIKE- THE POTENTIAL, THE TOXICITY, + they both like poetry and are theatre kids I just know it.
Also, I made an AU were instead of actually dying, after being killed by the protagonists party both Cazador and Raphael end up in the Hells, being more specific, in Mephistar and double punishment bc they can't stand each other at first and they both want to return to they former life and stuff.
ANYWAY, long story short, kind of an enemies to allies to extremely toxic lovers to actually strangely decent lovers bc tbh I'm a sucker for tragic villain stories and these two have the backstory and the vibes to just fit into that (their narcissism and egomaniacal traits and behaviour have captivated me).
Btw they're t4t bc I'm trans and I say so.
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I do have LOTS of stuff of them bc tbh I've been having quite the brainrot with this shit, so I'll be uploading more of it in the future idgaf.
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graceshouldwrite · 7 months ago
Writing Villains (Underrated Tips)
1. Variety
Not all villains have to be the next Darth Vader, Luke Castellan, John Wick, etc. Your villain’s arc doesn’t have to originate from the Big Traumatic Thing that happened when they were X Years Old. Here are some characterization ideas that still keep them interesting (no tragic backstory required):
misguided villain. They don’t think what they do is that evil/they think they are benefiting others (e.g. Thanos from the MCU)
IDGAF villain. They just don’t care about the disaster they leave behind them (e.g. Ozai from ATLA)
past bystander villain. Nothing bad happened to THEM particularly-- they just saw bad things happen to other people, and decided that they need to correct society (e.g. Light Yagami from Death Note)
I was bored villain. They were bored. And millions died for it. They’re probably also an ENTP. Oh, well (e.g. Ryuk from Death Note)
zealous villain. They do it for their cause--god, cult, organization, whatever--there’s a greater power that is their greater purpose (e.g. Cthulu cultists from Call of Cthulu)
staunch traditionalist (often allegorically racist) villain. They want to act according to, and preserve the statusquo (tends to be heritage, race, class, personality, etc.), and believe that any change is bad (e.g. Lucius Malfoy from Harry Potter)
These are just some examples of interesting villain characterizations that absolutely do NOT need a tragic backstory to function.
2. Spill the tea
Show how they treat the people closest to them.
Instead of just focusing on their actions, create moments where readers can see them interacting with their family, friends, etc. This is a powerful tool with the potential to humanize them in a softer way, or make them seem even more scary, merciless, corrupt, secretive, etc.
For example, the audience doesn’t just see Azula from ATLA fight people and conquer cities with a crazy amount of skill and power. The writers show how she interacts with her two best friends; the way she shamelessly belittles them to their faces, manipulates them as pawns, and has no problem putting them in incredible danger reveals a LOT more about her character in a way that only showing her actions cannot.
3. Polarize
Consistency isn’t always key. Sure, the cold and calculating overlord should generally make cold and calculating decisions, but to spice things up, find the thing that will make them snap. Change. Show weakness. Become their opposite, if only for a moment.
Silco is a drug kingpin in an underbelly city that is full of gangs, criminals, murderers, thieves, and the sort (you get it).
He not only survives--he THRIVES in that kind of environment as one of the scariest authorial figures. He himself had to experience crazy backstabbing, and grew to be nothing but calculated, manipulative, and ruthless...until he unofficially adopted a daughter! He realized that she had “undone” him to the point where he refused to give her up for a dream he would have been willing to die for.
It DOES sound pretty inconsistent for the ruthless drug kingpin to sacrifice EVERYTHING he’d worked for to clean up after an insane daughter who runs around making murderous messes that attract flocks of authorities. And, it is. Like he says himself, he loses “nothing but problems.”
But, real humans are almost never 100% consistent, and this sort of polarity will humanize your villains without necessarily requiring a tragic backstory or a noble motivation.
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instagram: @ grace_should_write
Hope this was helpful, and let me know if you have any questions by commenting, re-blogging, or DMing me on IG. Any and all engagement is appreciated :)
Happy writing, and have a great day!
- grace <3
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mac-n-chees · 5 months ago
man i fucking hate enji todoroki
when i say that i hate endeavor i dont mean i think he’s icky and i dont like him. i mean i dont think he deserved the forgiveness he got im so sorry. for context let’s back things up. the entire todoroki family lore is SO FUCKED UP. the whole “convenience marriage” thing? WHACK. sa-ing rei until she gave him the child he wanted? WHACK. and we don’t talk about that enough! it was rape! he didn’t care about her at all, he just wanted the perfect weapon to beat all might! and then touya’s whole deal? the fact that he was literally self destructing bc he thought he wasn’t good enough? and endeavor never made him feel good enough? he had all the right to become a villain.
and then, shoto. literally alienated him from his siblings so none of them know a single thing about him and vice versa. weaponizing him since he was a TODDLER. and saying he was “tough on him” is a SEVERE understatement, that little boy was thoroughly abused.
and then the aftermath of the whole thing with rei. he traumatized her so bad it led her to BURN HER OWN SON’S FACE. and what did he do instead of reevaluate his behavior? LOCK HER UP IN A MENTAL INSTITUTION. and not because he cared for her health, but because he didn’t want her to hurt shoto again. messed. the fuck. up.
and if yall gonna come in here and say “oh but other characters have been forgiven after their redemption arcs like zuko and regina mills” DONT YOU EVER COME IN HERE WITH THAT SHIT. their entire redemption arc revolved around them making a wrong choice that further proved to them that being good was the right way. they felt severe unease, and like it wasn’t “them”, so to speak, at being inherently “evil” so they CHOSE to convert because being “evil” was not their true selves. they made MISTAKES but learned from those mistakes BY THEMSELVES without anyone else influencing their thoughts or telling them anything. they CHOSE good because the people they cared about were good, and they wanted to be with them. they made a bad choice, yes, but the whole point of the redemption arc was that they learned from it and improved their characters. endeavor did not make a bad choice, he abused actual, living people for many, many, MANY years. it wasn’t a “bad choice” it was a deliberate decision to fulfill his stupid fucking delusions of grandeur.
how are those antiheroes different from endeavor you ask? I WILL TELL YOU. sure, he got a redemption arc, and sure he got forgiven. but did yall notice he only did an effort to do better after he became the number 1 hero? after shoto was in UA and his children were grown? after rei was locked up so she couldn’t tell anyone about what happened? after all might was no longer the symbol of peace? he only made the effort to become a better person once his OWN PERSONAL GOALS were fulfilled. he always prioritized himself. he didn’t learn shit. he’s not sorry for shit. he regrets nothing. he just wants to be perceived as the perfect #1 hero like all might was.
be fucking for real, his redemption arc was NONEXISTENT, and his children should not forgive him no matter how hard he begs. he does not deserve forgiveness. he’s a fucking abuser, rapist, and all around ASSHOLE.
if he has no haters im dead. and if i see even one endeavor ass kisser in the comments, you’re getting blocked idgaf. the fact that you think he’s hot and just because of that he earned his forgiveness will not fly here hoes idc. that man deserves to rot in hell for all he’s done, if he wasn’t (and i cannot stress the “quote unquote” part enough) “attractive” yall would be on the other side. i can’t anymore, endeavor stans gtfo.
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heliomuse · 15 days ago
Okay all I’m saying is Luke Castellan is not in Elysium. That is the only option for a afterlife he had no chance at getting idgaf what Hermes says. And I’m not saying this because Luke Castellan is actually a evil villain and he doesn’t deserve paradise (I have a whole other rant about that) I’m saying this because his soul would never rest enough to be able to get into Elysium. Elysium is supposed to be a place of rest where you can enjoy the best version of life. Luke will never rest. His soul was destroyed by Kronos and I think the only thing that could kind of bring his soul ease is the gods being destroyed but let’s be honest that’s not happening for a long time. So instead I’m going to list what possible afterlives I think Luke actually got,
1. The Fields of Asphodel. A place for souls who were a mix of good and bad and are haunted by guilt or shame. They turn into trees to keep them stuck in their heads and not able to properly move past their life. I feel like it’s a good fit for Luke considering he’s is messed up in the head from being betrayed by the gods, Kronos, his dad, his mom, his family (you can’t tell me Annabeth and Thalia not siding with him didnt hurt). I think this is the closest Luke will ever get to resting.
2. The fields of Punishment. Where bad people go to get punished. Luke’s not a good person and the gods the gods and judges are definitely not sticking out their heads to help him. He’s committed a lot of crimes and let’s be honest he kind of had this fate coming.
3. Wandering Spirit. This is my personal favourite idea and I think it makes the most sense. Wandering spirits in the pjo universe can have a wide range of reasons as to why they wander but part of the reason is always because they are not able to rest yet. Luke’s soul although in the underworld has not made it to the afterlife. I also think Luke being stuck at the bank of the River Styx makes a lot of sense. It’s a constant reminder of what he became.
4. He haunts demigods. This one with a little out there but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was true. He accidentally becomes something like Kronos. He haunts newer demigods who are bitter and angry he haunts their dreams with his presence and he haunts Camp Half Blood the same. He pushes the demigods to keep fighting against their parents while simultaneously scaring them into not being like him. The stories at camp of him going crazy is what stops the angry demigods from reaching out to darker forces and instead makes them figure it out on their own.
I have a lot of opinions on Luke. Hope you have a good day!
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shintaru · 3 months ago
I won’t write fanfics ever again.
A couple of mutuals thought I was back I never deleted my account so I could return to writing. I did want to delete it but so many people still reacted with what I already wrote so i decided to leave my account up so people who loved what I did write could still read it. I probably won’t be active on here just occasional posts about windbreaker. Once windbreaker ends I’ll change the password and I won’t log back in.
I’ve grown to hate sharing any fandom I’m in on social media because people are very rude. They are quick to attack, cancel, dox, threaten, and etc all over fictional stories… its ridiculous I’ve been on fandom social media since I think 2014 and I’ve been told I should kms numerous times over artists I had a fan page for over liking characters that were either villains or morally gray and for reading BL. I got told idiotic things over posting about a yogurt… I also got attacked for making dark jokes I love dark jokes and I never once made fun of anything bad like someone passing away. I’ve had people become obsessed with me and threaten me, I’ve also had people twist my words in here when I meant to genuinely be nice and let them know they aren’t alone and they get vicious with me because of that.
I’ve had people say we can’t support certain artists or their companies but never explain why but the second you say anything about liking their music they get nasty because apparently you are supporting bad people but no one will inform you. I understand you can do your own research but a lot of the things people are talking about I never heard it never popped up when searching the artists it’s only listed on Reddit so a lot of it’s buried in the internet.
I’m just very tired of being in fandoms online cause you can never enjoy it cause people lack common sense I’ve had someone get rude with me on here for writing about a fandom they hated. Just block me and don’t read my post cause idgaf it’s my page I’m not going to cater to you that pmo cause it’s not hard to block something you disagree with. I don’t like fanfics about real people it’s fine if it’s their character like Ryan playing Deadpool I’m ok with but not fanfics about Ryan himself I’m not hating on anyone who writes or reads those that doesn’t bother me at all I’m ok with that. I personally just am uncomfortable with it so if that pops up on my explore I block it I never hate on the writers or readers because that’s cruel to do when I’m the one that doesn’t like it but I have enough common sense to do that these other people don’t. If it’s their own personal preference or issue with something not everyone has to join them in that.
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batsylikeme · 8 months ago
so here’s my silly little rant/opinions on the new doctor who season
if what i say pisses you off just keep scrolling mary i don’t have the energy to deal with negativity rn
so firstly i don't wanna talk abt how the new doctor regenerated okay that made absolutely no sense to me. idk why even 10 came back as well like ig donna's story was left "untold" ….but so is every other companion’s?
and idk how they split??? i really don't understand how they can do that but it’s aliens so whatever.
im also not gonna go into the christmas episode or the baby episode i...dont wanna relive that.
so!! i love the doctor i think he’s so fun and hip and his style is amazing.
personally i think the fact that he doesn’t have a set outfit is bc he’s trying to figure out who he is, which is always so exciting as the viewer going on this journey with him.
and ruby is awesome as hell!! low key fuck you writers for not making her a lesbian ( i mean she has the eyebrow slit and everything you should be ashamed).
also cool background story i love that she's interesting and a mystery. plus when villains are like "who...are you" that's always so dope.
i think that the "family" of the different "gods" is really cheesy but GOD i loved jinx they did so fucking amazing their performance was everything. i want them to act in every show ever honestly.
with that being said.. that episode specifically wasn’t my favorite, it was a cool concept but idgaf abt the beetles so 😭
and in that episode when the doctor ran away and hid?? that was new to the doctor that we know and i was like “yeah let’s go we’re gonna watch his character develop!”
so you would think it would build up to some sort of solution bc the doctor is tryna figure out who he is and that's gnarly love it
….then they DIDNT?
they didn't do anything with that?!?? at least that i was able to notice?
okay but after the jinx episode the rest of the episodes were actually fierce!
the landmine one had some really cool dialogue moments especially with the bickering like love i'm obsessed. ruby was also really cool and i love how much she cares about the doctor and how she wasn’t scared. i think that says a lot about her character. not to mention i think having her so in awe of the planets was a really good choice bc that reaction is so human and i love it.
buttttt the other characters were like mad infuriating which may have been the point? and throughout the episode it was so tense and nerve racking but the end was so anticlimactic. i loved the idea, and i loved that the dad was able to save the day (even tho i wanted the doctor to save the day but whatever) but i wanted MORE. i wanted the doctor and ruby to go into town, or to see the government and face them and call them out on the war! the fact that it was in one area the entire episode was just not it, me no likey.
the ruby centered episode was AWESOME.
that one was so unsettling (in a good way) and it was sooooo cool to see her like basically save the world and then she dies but BOOM they're back when the episode first started. i loved it, so peak doctor who timey wimey stuff
even tho i'm still a little confused as to if the lady was ruby? but whatever i still really enjoyed it i honestly have no cons on this episode it displayed what kind of person she is perfectly.
next, the bridgerton episode was fun! love the gayness they even kissed and they flirted it was so fierce. and ugh ruby’s character just keeps getting better and better honestly shes so fun and it’s so easy to root for her.
…but… the dialogue wasn’t good in this episode….at all. especially having the aliens say the word ‘cosplay’ took me out of the fantasy completely
also side note but not really-
what always impressed me growing up watching doctor who was that even back in 2005 the alien makeup was always so FIERCE like cunty boots down house houston bc it's makeup centric!
it also allows talented people to show off their skills and add really personal features to the actors who are playing the aliens. but nowadays they rely on the cgi so much that it just doesn’t seem believable and honestly it doesn't look good anymore. like mentioned before with makeup you can use the actor’s features to your advantage which creates the perfect illusion.
makeup + a LITTLE bit of cgi is the way to go and i don't get a fuck if it's more expensive ur a fucking successful ass company you have the money now USE IT
the episode itself was good until the very end when rouge sacrificed himself and then the doctor was like "i move on that's what happens" like bruh
by having him say that, it honestly makes you think that all of the losses the doctor has endured is just moments of his past, and that he’s moved on
like no i want the doctor to be angry, to be motivated!!
and that's what i think this doctor lacked.
there was no motivation or drive for him, which is so fucking stupid bc the actor is amazing.
the episode that ended with the doctor experiencing racism for the first time…you can tell that the actor put his whole heart and soul into his performance (especially the scream). he was unleashing a whole new part of his doctor and it was absolutely perfect.
so why not use that to give the doctor more motivation, more anger? seeing the doctor not being able to move on, to be selfish at times bc that makes him feel human. which would make sense BC!! he has spent so much times with humans and earth is important to him.
moving on; one of the biggest things that made this season an issue was that they cried every. single. episode.
when you only get something every once and a while it makes that thing so much more precious. the doctor only cries like once a season, and when he does it's like actually thrilling bc you don't get that side of him a lot.
and usually it's with a lot of anger bc the doctor is angry!! we've been through how many seasons of the doctor suffering?? i mean the man literally blew up his own planet. he's been thru the ringer.
there are so many episodes of the doctor not having the best morals, of him letting the villain die bc of his own selfish intentions. he's not supposed to be a hero, and i think that’s also what makes the doctor so compelling.
another con was the dialogue. one of my biggest tv / movie turn offs is when they say what they’re doing. and not in the super impressive like monologue way but in the simple way of being like "i'm cooking" like mary yeah i see you doing that??
and this season used that a lot. and again NOT in the cool monologue saving the day way speaking of that, no cool monologues? none? nada?
the best part of doctor who is when the doctor goes against all odds and saves the day with that sexy smirk and has the coolest monologue with the kick ass music in the back and during it gives you goosebumps! it also allowed the actor to put forth a lot of emotion into their performance and allowed them to build who their doctor is.
despite all of that, i did really enjoy the episode with ruby growing old and the racism episode. the fact that they didn’t have to say it was perfect and i think was a really good choice bc it was a surprise factor, especially with the doctor’s reaction. when they brought in a random character to save the day and him be so unlike the rest of his race and then kill him is always gonna be classic trope, bc my sister and i were GAGGED. perfect, absolutely perfect.
however. the season finale can go fuck itself.
UNIT is so cheesy now, and it feels so unreal and silly which i think is stupid. they’ve had this facility for so long so the fact that it is unserious now is lame. it feels really fake whenever they're trying to be serious and sciency, which is not the way to go when ur a literal army based facility.
anyways back to the season finale-yeah it was cool to have a throwback especially with the fact it was “the one who waits” that was gnarly! however,,, when sutukh whatever his name was literally kills the entire universe…it didn't feel like it??? it happened so quickly it didn't have that shock value it was supposed to and i was actually confused.
i did love the throwback to the ruby episode so it made you feel like it was tying that together which is nice!! give them some recognition yay!!
now let’s talk abt the whole plot with Ruby’s birth mother.
the build up of her real mother i mean it's been every episode when they mentioned it. in the first part where they were in the time window, that was giving me the creeps! i loved that it was scary and confusing and i couldn’t wait to figure it out!
so when the birth mother of ruby, the woman that even the god of death was infatuated with, the woman that the doctor couldn't figure out, the woman that was stuck in some sort of time thingy…………..is just a regular woman? its just some teenager who got knocked up and gave away her kid? that's it?
i've been getting edged this entire fucking season just for this?
if you enjoyed that it was a regular person i get it! it’s a throwback to whenever the doctor made his speech about how no one is ever just unimportant, which i do love and appreciate.
the whole reason she's important is bc the unknown is the most powerful thing which honestly i agree. my biggest fears are always the unknown. so yes absolutely i get it….but….are you...are you kidding me?
and then ruby leaves? ruby is done traveling with the doctor? i just. ugh.
there was so much potential and i’m just so empty now.
yes it had its cool moments, but im honestly so heartbroken and disappointed with how it turned out like, some bitch on tumblr could have written this season better than this.
i really really really hope the next season is better, at this point it’s just the writing. so get it together writers!! Ncuti is a phenomenal actor he is so fun and his range is so raw and captivating. not to mention Ruby! i’m really sad she’s leaving so soon, she was really fun and complimented the doctor well.
i can’t wait to see what’s next, and honestly no matter what i’m gonna watch doctor who bc it’s so special to me <3
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deadmegumi · 1 month ago
are gojo and sukuna to megumi what itachi and orochimaru are to sasuke…in the sense that (idk i dont go here)
Very much In the sense that. My previous thoughts on the matter.
sukuna and orochimaru play very similar roles in megumi and sasuke's development- predatory outsiders to the hierarchies mgm and ssk are familiar with (jujutsu society/konoha) who offer power and guidance separate from those known quantities but with the caveat of "the moment you drop your guard/it becomes convenient I Am going to steal your body". they're villains who have explicitly villainous intentions toward mgm/ssk but are more conducive to their growth than any of their other mentors/authority figures, who range from caring but unable to actually help due to their own enmeshment in the sorcery/shinobi system (nanami, kakashi if I'm feeling generous) to withholding/manipulative + actively exploitative at worst (gojo, mei mei, danzo, etc). Probably my favorite part of these specific dynamics/both the works as a whole is megumi and sasuke being forced to choose (or at least being presented with the illusion of a choice lbr) between like... the honest evil offered by skn/oro vs jj society/konoha's manipulation. like at least with sukuna and orochimaru you know what you're gonna get. so yes they are similar. in the sense that. (although actual character-wise i would say orochimaru is closer to kenjaku (mad scientist obsessed with immortality + the gender of it all) and sukuna is like. a madaratype i guess. start beef -> beat everyones ass -> find one guy who puts up a good fight -> get a mid-battle boner -> kill him, be slightly disappointed -> autocannibalism moment and then continue gauntlet run -> repeat )
gojo and itachi have less overtly parallels roles in both the story and mgm and ssk's lives BUT as i have said the similarities are there. first of all there's the parent murder although the reactions to this are obviously different (sasuke has never won the idgaf war once in his life while megumi is a seasoned veteran). secondly Big JJK/Nart Fandom will try to convince you these guys did everything for the greater good/safety of their Favorite Person but if you simply interact with the text in a non delusional manner you will see: both of them are sickos. in this shit for pure love of the game. they're similar in that respect (although itachi's personality is generally more reserved he is still gojolike on occasion especially in pt1... choking sasuke against a wall despite already having beat his ass into the ground was a certified #gojomoment) and they're both motivations for sasuke and megumi's "improvement" but like strictly in a nasty way. sasuke gets stronger at the expense of his health and autonomy to defeat itachi while megumi's suicidal recklessness in battle is a consequence of gojo's """teaching""". idk if i'm articulating this well but ⬇️ let's look at the material
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you get it. i think it's really beautiful that they both employ the "beating my brother/son/victim's ass to help him grown as a person and a child soldier :-) wait why is he suicidal now" method of instruction. other smaller differences: sasuke is always itachi's #1 priority while gojo does care about megumi but sees him as a sort of replacement geto, itachi loves killing himself and everyone around him for fun and profit but gojo lowkey thought he would live forever, etc
but. finally. the most critical difference between sukuna and orochimaru is that skn is an evil uncle and oro is an evil mother. and the most critical difference between gojo and itachi is gojo is an evil uncle and itachi is an evil older brother. lowkey gege is a shadow of a doubthead. okay i'm done
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murfpersonalblog · 2 months ago
A Response to the Lestat Simps (Interview With The Vampire) - Said By Ty
Y’all Lestans need to STAY MAD! 😂🤣 Once again, I agree with everything Ty said. These nuggets in particular are absolute gold.
So let's address the books. First, stop--IDGAF about what's in the books, it doesn't matter, stop bringing them up, it's redundant. From what I've seen, a lot of the Lestat sympathizers seem to think that the books should be some sort of prerequisite or mandatory reading in order to consume the show . That's stupid. I haven't read the books, but I'm pretty sure that Claudia wasn't 14 in the books! I'm definitely sure that Louis wasn't BLACK in the books! And I'm D@MN SURE that Lestat didn't drop Louis from 100+ feet in the air in the books! So if those things aren't even in the books, what sense does it make to constantly bring up the books, when we're talking about the actions in the show?! (1:58 - 2:38)
And I’ve seen the same Lestans throwing SO MUCH shade at Ty on Tumblr, who’ve also outright said that they KNOW Rolin’s NOT doing the Lestat from the books! This is NOT their precious uwu blorbo, yet they go BALLISTIC when show-onlies say AMC!Lestat’s a p.o.s!? Lestans stay mad cuz of 1x5, and CONSTANTLY complain that they wish the last half of Ep5 never happened, cuz it changes Lestat’s character oh he would never do such a thing~! Even though IN THE BOOKS he’s still a p.o.s. abusive rapist cheater liar pedo etc, so WTF? I’m a book reader, and I’ve seen the movies, so I DO treat them as prerequisites for my own approach to AMC’s adaptation, and I DO recommend that everyone have that extra context, but I’d never say anyone is REQUIRED to read the books or watch the movie in order to have valid takes on the show--even if those are takes I don’t agree with. Y’all Lestans are wild istg, and attacking Ty just for speaking his mind proves how out of pocket y’all are--esp. cuz he’s not the first or last, y’all did the exact same thing to FrankFreezy & Olurinatti etc.
Many people in the comments kept bringing up the books or telling me that I don't understand Gothic media and there are no good guys and bad guys and everyone's the villain and blah blah blah. Please shut up. Y'all use that as a CRUTCH, to turn your brains off and avoid analyzing bad behavior. Just because a show is gothic and meant to show horrendous sh*t doesn't mean I have to like or absolve a character OF that horrendous sh*t, and I can STILL enjoy the show that HAS that horrendous sh*t! I know--shocker! (0:57 -1:32) ....Now onto this idea that consuming Gothic media somehow means I shouldn't acknowledge or talk about a character's sh*tty behavior...I can enjoy...a dark show that's meant to be Gothic & dark and still feel my feelings towards certain characters; especially when that character is a driving force behind the narrative. And if feelings are supposed to be taken out of it, why is it okay for YOU to love Lestat, but ME hating him is a problem???? This is especially stupid, because the people saying things like this are the same people who hate Armand--and not in the love to hate kind of way--they just HATE him, and that's fine, but God forbid someone hate Lestat; then suddenly oh it's a Gothic show blah blah blah (5:53 - 6:34)
Just say y’all like Lestat cuz he’s cute~! 😂 You just wanna self-insert all your sexual fantasies into the character you’re most sexually attracted to, and not have to think about or be reminded of his problematic actions, and all the critics out here calling Lestat out are ruining your fun and drying your juices. THAT’S FINE! Just say that, and leave the people who WANT to analyze the show more seriously ALONE.
And then there are those of you who also say that I'm an Armand sympathizer or apologist because I believe his actions are more justified than Lestat’s--which many of you have misrepresented as me implying anything he did was good. NO. I just believe that he's more justified in comparison to Lestat, and I stand on that until further notice, and you can stay mad about it! (1:37- 1:58)
PREACH! Even in the books, Armand HAD A POINT! Like I’ve always said about him: He does wrong things for the right reasons--the road to Hell is paved with good intentions! He’s a religious fanatic cult/gang leader who’s been brainwashed into believing those garbage Great Laws, and is trying to maintain some sense of order, whenever Lestat & his fledglings come bringing nothing but chaos to his doorstep. Is he effed up for doing the things he does? Absolutely. But LESTAT is the one I blame more, for not warning his family about Armand & the coven--not back in NOLA, and not back in Paris. 
So apparently Armand forced Lestat to be part of that Trial in the books or whatever--I don't know, I haven't read the books.... You're so desperate to save face on Lestat's behalf, that you're revealing sh*t that the show hasn't even revealed yet. If you are not able to justify Lestat's actions within the realm OF THE SHOW, with what we know so far, shut up!!! Now if it turns out to be true, I have have no problem acknowledging that, and I can give Lestat grace in that specific instance. However, I'm still not going to FORGET about HOW HE TREATED LOUIS AND CLAUDIA--he was still abusive, I'm not absolving him of that, and I said as much in my video when I said no matter what he went through, what he did to them will NEVER be justified! (4:44 - 5:53) ... Maybe this is news to you guys, but you CAN understand a character, and why they do the things they do, without absolving them of the sh*tty things that they do. I can understand Lestat and why he behaves the way he does, and I'm sure Season 3 will provide even greater understanding, and I'm excited for that. But that doesn't mean everything he does suddenly becomes justified or is to be dismissed; that's not how that works. (12:38 - 13:04)
This is the god’s honest truth. IDGAF about Lestat’s sob story in TVL & S3. What I want to see is Les realize that despite the trauma he went through in the past, he’s done nothing but project his issues & hangups onto Louis & Claudia in the present, and that they didn’t deserve being thrust into his cycle of generational trauma just cuz Les didn’t know how TF to properly process his abandonment issues from depressed!Gabrielle ignoring him all his life to read books (#Louis); the abusive!Marquis not letting Les leave home to get an education or be an actor (”come play chess with your father”) (#Claudia); suicidal!Magnus raping him into vampiricism then abandoning/orphaning him without ever teaching him how to survive on his own (#Marquis/Gabrielle); depressed!insane!Nicki deliberately spiting Les and wanting him to suffer like he was suffering (”I hoped we would fail in Paris!”) (#Louis); know-it-all!/holier-than-thou!Marius abandoning Les for waking Akasha after Les had left everything behind & wandered around for so long looking for him & looking for answers Marius GAVE HIM, then reneged on when he got jealous Akasha liked him more (#Marquis/Louis).
I was also very clear on why I don't think [Armand] is worse. Yes he orchestrated the Trial, yes he did, he's sh*tty, I agree. But LESTAT IS CLAUDIA’S DAD. He participated! That is worse to me, and you're not going to convince me otherwise, until Season 3 gives me a reason to believe otherwise.... And I really don't understand why y'all are so intent to focus more on the fact that Armand lied for 70+ years, as opposed to Lestat helping getting his daughter killed. That sh*t actually confounds me. Oh, Armand erased Louis’ memories and lied about directing the Trial for 77 years omg he's clearly the villain~! Lestat dropped Louis from the sky just because Louis considered leaving with Claudia! And then later on he got Claudia killed! Like, hello?! At least with Armand we already know that he had it in him to kill Louis; he contemplated doing it when Louis didn't join the coven [in 2x3], so you expect me to suddenly clutch my pearls because he was prepared to let Louis die AGAIN? NO! ...Is he sh*tty? YES. Is he worse than Lestat? NO, not to me! He was NOT attached to Louis and Claudia like Lestat was. Two decades [Lestat] lived with them; two decades of living under the same roof, and he's their Maker, apparently sharing the Vampire Bond [with Claudia], and apparently he loved Claudia! But you expect me to be more mad at Armand...this random dude that they ran into and spent some time with for a few years, over the man who created them had a bond with them lived with them for two decades and then abused the sh*t out of them and then gets one of them killed! But he loves them~!... And I know a lot of you will stick to the idea that it's not about assigning blame and figuring out who's worse than who--f**k that! I have eyes and I know what I saw, and what I saw I did not like. (9:59 - 12:24)
ISTG I feel so vindicated and RELIEVED that there are Real Ones in this wretched fandom who actually have a effing spine, who aren’t afraid to speak their minds and call heinous ish out how they see it, and DGAF if the fandom gets mad & talks crap--SO BE IT. TALK CRAP, and look like simp apologists while you do it! 😂🤣 Go cry on Twitter or Reddit or Discord or wherever TF you want, but you’re not shutting up any of us viewers who are looking at this show with our eyes open and calling a spade a spade. I said it 1000x: LESTAT IS CLAUDIA’S BLOOD FATHER. Not Armand, not Santiago, not Louis. LESTAT. 🙄😒 IDGAF how cute he is: she’s DEAD, and he needs his lashings for it.
Oh, and don't even get me started on the comments that kept on saying: Well you can't look at it from a human lens~! Vampires aren't moral, we shouldn't put human morality on them~! ...I happen to think that it's reductive to make that statement, as if vampires are thoughtless wild things who are just INCAPABLE of having ANY type of morality. Louis, for example, CANONICALLY ON THE SHOW has not killed anyone since the year 2000.... This point proves that they ARE capable of having some type of personal morality, and DEFINITELY when it comes to them dealing with EACH OTHER. I CAN hold them accountable for the sh*t that they do! They experience remorse, they experience empathy, they are intelligent beings who DO know right from wrong to some degree. When it comes to each other...morality is why Lestat is apologetic to Louis! Morality is why Louis comes back crawling to Lestat expressing his own regrets for how he treated Lestat, even though in my personal opinion Louis was completely justified in his treatment of Lestat (but that's besides the point)! And it's how they're able to understand that what Bruce did to Claudia was WRONG! If they were just all-round immoral creatures, we wouldn't have the show, or at least not an interesting one! So yes they are fully capable of having morals and acting within those morals. Yes are they deep and complex and it's not black and white when it comes to how they interact and what they've been through...but I'm still able and IN MY RIGHT to analyze their behaviors and how they treat each other and still deem it wrong. They themselves do it! Why am I as a viewer burdened with the idea that I shouldn't be judging them for their horrible actions, when they themselves are!? That doesn't compute; try again (13:04 - 15:19).
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AR’s vampires ARE still inherently human; that’s the whole point. She DIDN’T want to portray vampires as stock monsters with no souls or concept of morality. And that’s also why I disagree with what Sam Reid said about not seeing one vampire as good or another as bad. I can TOTALLY see some of these vampires as good or bad, wtf--Santiago & Bruce are inherently BAD. Sure, Armand & Lestat are more COMPLEX than they are, but that doesn’t mean they can’t EVER be seen as bad either! But y’all Louis-antis & Claudia-antis talk about how they’re p.o.s. people too! So don’t be effing hypocrites saying OTOH vampires don’t apply to human morality, BOTOH saying omg Louis’ the worst vampire on the whole show he’s so terrible to my blorbo Lestat/Armand~! Yes, there’s a difference b/t antagonists & villains, but y’all make me rotfl when you try to force Louis & Claudia of all people into the villain role, while saying with your whole chest that villains don’t exist in TVC/IWTV cuz that’s not the point and you don’t understand Gothic horror/romance as a genre~! STFU.
I don't have to agree with Anne Rice or the showrunners or the actors. My opinion is my opinion; stop trying to enforce this idea that because these people see it differently that we should all see it that way too. Once you put art out there, it is no longer yours; it is up for the audience to interpret! INTENT DOES NOT NEGATE IMPACT. This is a fundamental concept when it comes to writing for an audience: it doesn't matter what your intention was! If the audience sees it a different way, then you have to live with that!... So bottom line: the book and the show are two completely different entities, and they should be consumed as such. So stop trying to use the books to justify actions on the show; you look silly. (3:27 - 4:34)
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totally-not-a-slug · 10 months ago
Never felt to destroyed! Now let's make theories and cry together.
Obviously from what Caine's explained on NPCs making it to the circus he'd get rid of them to not be confused on who's real or not.
Now what if Jax was a villain npc who kaufmo took in?
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or.. The roles were actually reversed?
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Jax wanted a bond that didn't stress him with the worries of another person freaking out on finding the exit for once, there comes kaufmo! He snuck him in as a newbie
Unfortunately for circumstances Caine was suspicious, thus bothered by Caine and kaufmo beginning to question his reality abstracted just like any other person there, because he was treated as real, therefore "died" as real.
There we have Jax who's losing his idgaf challenge because his best friend is now dead.
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on-wine-dark-seas · 2 months ago
I have several things to say about Uraume's epilogue:
I am too moved by how Gege handled their relationship. At first they seemed like typical servants who serve the villain and will be discarded. But it turns out that their relationship is much deeper, Sukuna is like a father figure to them. And I don't doubt that Sukuna has taught them to control their powers as well. To me Sukume is a father/child relationship from now on.
It's also very symbolic that Wasuke, the other half of Sukuna's soul was responsible for lovingly raising Yuji, while in turn, Yuji somehow returned that love to Sukuna when he offered his compassion and another chance for the two of them to live together. That was absolutely beautiful, and when I understood how truly deep Yuji and Sukuna's bond is I couldn't stop crying. We already understood that both of them have always been the main characters of Jujutsu Kaisen, Gege.
Gege is such a fucking Pisces with this circular shit like the man MOVED ME, anon.
Okay, so anyone who's been in the anime bag for a while knows that mangakas have a habit of humanizing their villains by giving them someone to care for. I always KNEW Sukuna was a fake IDGAFer because the way he reacted when being reunited with Uraume in Shibuya was so wildly different from how we'd seen him interact with literally every other character. Even his capricious and mercurial nature was withheld when it came to Uraume [he was very forgiving with them].
I also agree that Sukume is found-family relationship. I know my friends who shipped those two are grieving right now because in theory it WAS a cute ship before we got more context. Sukuna saw this orphaned child, broken and weeping amidst the corpses of their parents they ACCIDENTALLY MURDERED, and he saw himself in them.
He took them in because of that and taught them that their power was useful and nothing to be afraid of or ashamed of; Sukuna had a heart under all that cynicism and roughness, and the world treated him so badly he had to become a true monster to survive on his own. I love him so much it hurts. It also makes me wonder if, like Uraume, Sukuna also accidentally hurt people with his technique and likely had to learn to harness his power on his own because his appearance made people shun him out of fear.
The thing about Wasuke also hit me where I live! Like...you have Yuuji, who was raised to be generous, kind, and compassionate, and Wasuke's dying wish was for him to never lose that compassionate spirit. It makes me wonder how much Wasuke knew about the jujutsu world, and about Yuuji's origins since he tried to tell Yuuji about his parents before he died.
How different Sukuna might have been if he'd had someone to show him that same gentle guidance. And Yuuji never let anything that happened to him break him. Sukuna hated him because in Yuuji he saw that unshakeable strength and refusal to let the horrors rob him of his humanity that he never had when he was facing loss and hardship in his old life. He became a monster because it was all he knew, he had no one to guide him. Fuck, I'm gonna cry again but Gege really did his big one with JJK.
That epilogue made me so fucking happy and I feel so vindicated. Sukuna was never really a "villain" in the traditional sense. One might even argue that he was the true deuteragonist of the story, because JJK was always about Yuuji and Sukuna and their duality.
I'm still buzzing about this but I'm so inspired to keep writing now.
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tempeststhings · 11 months ago
WHITE NIGHT (song by HOYO-MiX and Jake Miller) -but everything is about Aventurine
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"I want you to show me your fantasy (your fantasy) No past and no future, that's what I need (that's what I need)"
-The first line made me think about how in his line of work, he had to please a couple of his clients.. and then there was a part in the quest where he mentioned that he tried to end his life in the dreamscape right? No past, and no future.. no life.
"I thought that dream could light our way (You take me higher, take me away) whoa Oh, be my savior, take me away (away, away) Take me away"
-Correct me if I'm wrong but in the quest, he was hoping for Acheron and the Trailblazer to stop him (aka kill him) in the midst of the fight when he decided to put on the final show, where he plays as the villain. He wants to be saved (killed). Even in the dreamscape he was looking for salvation (death).
"Tick and tock once more, you're hosting (you're hosting) A magic show I cannot escape (cannot escape) There's nothin' else left for me to do Goin' to the other side, other side"
-Why do I feel like he was referring to Sunday here? Just after the confrontation with him, when Sunday used the influence of the Harmony on Aventurine. Future Aventurine mentioned that he was "the closing act, the final sacrifice" and present Aventurine said [he] can do it and it will be flawless; the tone of that conversation felt like he already accepted that he was the sacrifice, that he can't do anything about it and the "other side" he was talking about was probably "the next life"
"I don't wanna be alone tonight Oh, bring me to the other side (come on) There's no one else left for me to lose Goin' to the other side, other side"
-I feel like he was referring to his family on this one. When Sunday asked him if he loved his family more than anything, he said 'yes' with absolutely no hesitation; but he lost them, he's already all alone. He was willing to do anything to be with them again cause he doesn't want to be alone anymore (even if it means dying). But he already knew that they're gone, he was the last Avgin left (even if he told Sunday that he wasn't sure if he was the only survivor), he had no one else.
"I don't wanna be alone tonight (oh, whoa) I'll bring you to my best disguise (let's go) 'Cause you don't need, don't need to know the truth Let me rave forever in your life"
-His best disguise is probably this whole "IDGAF about anything, let's gamble" personality, or in the 'final act' where he portrayed himself as the bad guy. What truth was he trying to hide though? and who is he hiding it from? was it the truth about his plan? the truth about his persona?
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canonically47 · 6 months ago
review pls!
disventure camp all-stars episode 20: review!
spoilers!!! (no duh.)
i despise how emily was turned into a villain and betrayed trevor. absolutely dogshit, poor writing
ally and jake not being petty??? LMFAOAOAOAOAOOO
riya you did NOT work your ass off you got plot armour. KYS.
oh NOW jally are friends?? now they bond? oh my god fuck you. literally fuck you. such cheap writing to make them bond just in the second to last episode, out of NEED rather than WANT. my god.
“i’m glad you’re still here, jake, we all are” first tom says jake sees the best in people and now this? ONC stop mischaracterizing your characters lmaoaoao
why did ally INSTANTLY agree to this. the fuck.
oh this is cheap. this is just cheap. not only is ally fucking stupid, but didn’t she just say she saw season one? like? she wouldve seen how jake cried at his grandmas death?? the fuck?? do the writers think we are stupid?????
thank you kristal for putting an end to that cheer
why didn’t they make yul’s scar permanent ://
what the fuck is that flashback sequence
“can’t get caught lacking” killing myself
why did they stop mining while they talked bro
why is ally using minecraft logic in real life i despise her actually i’m so sorry 😭
YAY YUL DIED oh nvm ://
and james fell in love right then and there yay!
this emily plot is so annoying i despise how they wrote her, why are the writers so fucking stupid
why are yul and riya so stupid also
i love how alec is rooting for ally because fiore is helping her. they’re so family-coded <3
jake protecting fiore awwwww :((( <333
“riya #screenhog” I LOVE YOU JAMES
why did he put his whole body on his to listen to his pulse omg thats crazy gay people are insane
ew why are these two here
im with emily on this why do you care for him trevor
derek why are you acting surprised he kissed you the fuck 😭⁉️
yeah i hate how they treated emily. it’s actually so bad how they made her this super likable character then ruined her for shock value, god forbid a woman gets between the no-chemistry yaoi right? such cheap writing is crazyyy
like they know the fans love her so much to the point where they confirmed her as queer because in ONC’s eyes queer characters > non-queer characters,, i guess, and then they gave her. this treatment. wow
for once im with yul on this !
yo riya if you want to win you should like. keep going???
yas ally your feelings matter! i wish i cared for you, or that the show was good, or that the writing wasn’t trash, so this moment meant something to me!
oh WAIT?? WAIT??????
OH MY GOD??????????????
man fuck your emotional moment ally idgaf JAKEEEEEEEEEE WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO 🗣️🗣️🗣️‼️‼️‼️🔥🔥🔥
if riya wins i am KILLING MYSELF !!!!!!!!!!
why are we panning back to trevek eurgrhrhhr ew
thank you so much for ruining that kiss kristal i owe you my whole life
uhhh this episode was dogshit for the first ten minutes, and then for the most part was just mediocre if not just bad. the audio mixing was bad, the voice acting & delivery horribly mid, especially for the high stakes here, like cmon ally a little more emotion would be nice i refuse to hype up yul but my god his actor is the best of all; and then just. i realized how much this finale fucking sucks and how i genuinely do not care for these characters and how badly the show WANTS me to care for them. they’re trying SO HARD. it’s SO FUNNY
i believe emily is the worst written on the show, and she deserved so much better. she was hyped up for nothing and her villain arc came out of nowhere. my theory is, ONC knew how little chemistry trevek actually have, and how much better tremily is, so they decided to make emily a villain so she wouldn’t get between the ship. which is laughable, and such cheap writing.
i say ‘cheap writing’ a lot sorry :(( unfortunately thats all ONC can do! so yea
uhh idk man this is like.. a 4/10 maybe? if i wanna be nice about it. cuz theres some good stuff in it (alec has a speaking line) (james is gay for jake) (ally loses) but otherwise idrk.
i am so so SOOOO happy this show is almost over i am counting down the days until its done 😭🙏🏼 yall are not catching me watching season 4 or rewatching anything. im gone the moment i put out the review for ep 21. like a dad going for milk. perchance
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havikshoochiemama · 6 months ago
My Star Wars Acolyte rant >:(
This shit is not proofread LMAO it’s 5 am i’m mad leave me alone just me being the hater that i am 🤭
I originally wasn’t gonna talk about the Acolyte because clearly the show was just another emotionally immature shitty Disney cash grab with horribly written characters BUT DUDE i keep seeing ads and stuff on my tumblr NONSTOP and i’m actually sick of it .. most of you guys saw one Tumblr Sexyman and just went ham with that…We as a fandom need to stand up because Disney doesn’t care about star wars imma keep it a buck they just want to make their next mcu and they just greenlighting anything at this point
“oh but i like Andor” yeah that’s like what ever 10 shows they make they make one good one that’s not good 😭… anyways like i was saying they are literally pulling shit out their ass they are getting shit from the star wars legends that’s it’s own universe and putting it in…like excuse me ??? those books don’t follow the events of the movie so why would your show that allegedly takes place before the movies (I said allegedly because writers can’t even get characters ages right ) also i’m talking about that bs w the helmet that stops lightsabers… apparently it’s called cortosis from legends never once mentioned in any of the movies (i’m not watching them live action shows idgaf i like SOME of the animated ones) but they use it as a Mcguffin when they want bc they never built on this they just stole it from legends LMAOAA you just can’t do that  i’m literally about to pop a blood vessel 😭 i’m not watching that show again but let me critique the shit i do remember… also the “Gayest Star Wars we ever made” KEEP MY PEOPLE OUT YOUR SHITTY WORK !!! but after that man who’s to edgy for a name killed all her friends she “loved” she’s sees his face and is like wow 😍 literally thinkin with her pussy very hetro of you 💀 gah this show just pisses me off star war at its heart is a fuckin space opera and i dont think disney understands that. i literally fell in love with star wars back when i played battlefront and watched all the movies read as many comics and books as i could get my hands on and seeing something you love become something you hate is fuckin sick and crazy it’s started with me from the force awakens that movie is horrible you bitches say pretty graphics and said oh good movie 😍 NO NO it literally was just a new Hope setting everything that luke did back making him basically useless LMAO and they butchered the old characters to help the new ones which are really not that great 💀 i’m still mad that them used Finn as a token black person 😐 i could rewrite the force awakens better same characters and all and yk actually do something better (joking i would if Disney paid me to)LMAO also i hate kylo ren don’t get me wrong i love my cry baby tantrum throwing villains but he’s nawt it LMAO i’m sorry this is a rant about the shitty show YALL NOT READY FOR ME TO SPEAK ON THE FORCE AWAKENS 😭
yeah i hate that show i literally don’t wanna talk about it anymore heart emoji 😝 remember when people said the Phantom Menace was bad yeah…  at least it have character development atleast it had good world building atleast the universe was establish and yk i liked it but the prequel’s have always been my favorite clone wars literally came out on my birth year >:3 it was made for me 🤭 but i’m just a whore for world building and lore yeah… umm idk to me start wats ended with the return of the Jedi 🗣️
dont @ me idc this is my opinion and if you want to continue meat riding corporate greed that literally is ruining my fave franchise pop off if you liked the show i don’t care good for you (your def new gen star wars fan)
also Darth Plagueis ?? LMAO WHAT they just doing anything i see and why where all the jedis fuckin morons … okay ? and your main character sucked you don’t get the satisfaction of character arcs like “her joining the dark side” if there was no character building to begin with like ? it not to late Disney just burn it get it over with. Also it’s all so Fuckin boring LMAO also i can talk shit about character development and arcs all i want bc i’m writing my own novel and i’ve did a lot of research even tho this whole rant is a mess it’s 5 in the morning give ur girl a break i just really like my silly space movie okay 🥹 i literally spent a band on the Star Wars encyclopedia leave me alone
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Um if you wanna argue my comments are open <3 i love arguing i’m somewhat of a scorpio myself
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deconstructthesoup · 2 months ago
*lights the candles on my summoning ritual and starts chanting your name*
So what more ya got about The Damsel & The Damned?
*rolls over my corkboard that's full of paper and red sting* A LOT MORE
But we'll start with some simple triva!
-The world that they're in is called Nexus, which is a world that I'm actually creating for a future D&D campaign---it's mostly steampunk-meets-art-nouveau levels of tech, with some notable exceptions. There's a few civilizations who have less advanced tech or rely more on magic, but Deepside (Nexus's version of the Underdark) is fully living in a 1930's-40's film-noir, art-deco, Golden-Age-of-Hollywood era, complete with a thriving film industry. And yes, my weird elves are in full swing in this world.
-Everyone's sexualities are as follows: Adelina is biromantic ace, Romi is an ace lesbian, Hilda is pansexual, Kassius is gay, and Tilly is bisexual. (Julio is achillean and demisexual, and Lorelai is the campiest goth lesbian you'll ever fucking meet.)
-The Damsel & The Damned is a fairy-tale-with-D&D-elements-adventure, but it is, at its core, a love story between Adelina and Romi. I've read a lot of allosexual love stories, and don't get me wrong, some of them are really good, but I kind of wanted to write a fairy tale that I could see myself represented in---with sapphic characters, genderqueer characters, and ace characters. It's a slow-burn, it's about being each other's anchor, it's about becoming devoted friends first and partners second... I dunno, man, I just love these guys.
-Kassius and Julio have a "classroom-rivals-to-frenemies-to-casually-dating-to-exes-to-enemies-to-friends-to-lovers" dynamic. It is fun, it is fraught, it has a lot of angst on both sides, it shows how both of them are absolutely insane in different ways... and yes, they're both undead, because I love spooky romance. Just a mad scientist vampire and a huntsman Frankenstein's monster being dudes.
-Hilda's "not my ex-wife, we're just separated" is named Madeline Bane (who was an NPC in the first campaign I ever DMed, and seeing as I literally designed her to be as appealing to my sapphic heart as possible I needed to bring her back), and she's a drow in charge of a smuggling ring in Deepside that's focused on bringing upper-world resources to the underground and vice versa, since there's some hostility between the two realms and Madeline wholeheartedly believes that they'd both benefit if they worked together. Basically, she's a crime lord for a good cause. (And, yeah, she and Hilda are gonna get back together eventually, but they've both got growth to go through.)
-Initially, I had a completely different villain in mind for Damsel & the Damned---a cold, quiet, almost regal man who sought to bring about a reign of permanent undeath and viewed himself as a savior who would be removing the world of pain. However, in the end, my desire for a campy, IDGAF, evil-because-it's-fun female villain won out, and I made my previous villain Lorelai's now-deceased father---who she's attempting to one-up as a fuck-you to his memory. Even though she's well over a century old, she still very much acts like a spoiled, egotistical teen... and, well, that's partially why she's so dangerous. (Also, yes, her full name really is de Crypt. Like, "the crypt," as in a place to bury your dead, and the word "decrepit." Yes, I'm aware it's an awful pun. Let me be a little bit silly.)
-This story is inspired by the following: Slay the Princess (the inherent horror that comes with actually being a damsel in distress, maybe the trapped princess is actually incredibly dangerous and she doesn't even know it); Dimension 20: Neverafter (see my first reasoning for StP, as well as the very unique take on fairy tales and curses) and Dimension 20: Fantasy High (the incredibly rich and unique world perfectly suited for adventuring, the interpretation of devils as not truly being evil but instead just serving to punish evil souls, the impeccable friendship dynamics); Adventure Time (see my first reasoning for Fantasy High, Kassius's character and conflict with vampirism, engaging fantasy stories don't need to take themselves too seriously); and The Owl House (Hilda and Madeline's relationship, Romi's unstable magic, magic as an intrinsic, natural force)
-I do have D&D classifications for pretty much everyone (Adelina: College of Spirits bard/Fiend warlock, Hilda: Swashbuckler rogue/Battlemaster fighter, Kassius: Chirurgeon artificer, Tilly: Oath of the Ancients paladin), but Romi's power set required me to create an entire homebrew sorcerer subclass for them... and honestly, I might make a homebrew artificer subclass for Kassius, since we still don't have an official necromancy-themed artificer subclass. (Julio is a Gloomstalker ranger, and Lorelai is... well, either a really OP Necromancer wizard/Shadow Magic sorcerer, or just a straight-up lich.)
-Adelina has an undead cat named Paczki, who looks like a very fluffy, glowing purple cat... except for the fact that she is completely translucent, and you can see her bones. And those bones are black. Paczki is meant to be a combination of a princess's animal companion and a witch's familiar.
-All of the main cast (thoroughly unintentionally, but that's the way it shook out) are in some way based off of established fairy-tale tropes: Adelina is the damsel in distress (obviously), Romi is the cursed royal (think Sleeping Beauty, the Frog Prince, Prince Lindworm, etc), Hilda is the heroic knight (without, y'know, the knight aesthetic), Kassius is the wise old wizard (who is also, again, a mad scientist vampire), Tilly is the fairy godmother, Julio is the huntsman, and Lorelai is the evil queen.
-Even though Adelina's prison is very Rapunzel-esque (fitting, as it's my favorite fairy tale), her overall tale ended up being largely inspired by Snow White. Honestly, once I made Julio a badass hunter-assassin-type, there was no going back. It's actually kinda ironic, since Lorelai does, in fact, have pale white skin, pitch-black hair, and... lips that would likely be red if she wasn't always wearing black lipstick.
I will talk more about character dynamics and personalities later... if I get more asks :p
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edwin-paynes-bowtie · 1 year ago
can i ask your reading for disliking emma and julian? (i feel the same way abt them hehe)
God I hate them lmao they're the only TSC ship that I actually despise. Idfk what happened because most of Cassie's romances hit a GREAT spot. But Jemma hits all the Bad Buttons.
More under the cut.
Okay well first I HATE Julian with a burning passion. Let's consider some of his most shining moments!
Drugging his disabled uncle for years
Maintaining a creepy room full of portraits of the girl that he's creepishly obsessed with
Getting off whenever Emma tells him he scared her
Sending a vampire to what will probably be his death for selling some weird pizza (no, idgaf that the vampire was revealed to have done evil later - I don't think Julian knew that and what's more think Cassie added it to make Julian more morally correct)
Actually killed some Shadowhunter kid who did admittedly deserve it
Fucked Emma while bathed in his dead sisters blood (I get comfort sex and am not bothered by that, but the BLOOD)
Emma ain't my fave either, but I don't think she's evil. I think Julian is basically the Darkling if the Darkling were younger and made pancakes. I do think that Julian makes her a more toxic person solely because of how freaking codependent they are.
"I cannot live without you" "I breathe when you breathe" "I bleed when you bleed" are NOT romantic and healthy sentiments I'm sorry! And his room of Emma paintings is stalkery. They cannot be apart and it's crazy. It's insane. I think people like this about them but it makes me physically uncomfortable. The "I'd do anything for my Emma and my family" is possessive and unbalanced, not virtuous.
Also it drives me CRAZY that he wasn't allowed to go dark at the end. Julian made a fucking terrible hero, but he'd have been a damn good villain. But I'm supposed to ignore the fact that he's an insane asshole with 0 regard for others because he's All Better Now and makes pancakes for kids? Nope, not buying it.
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