#like jessica sweetie i love you but i think you are the bad guy in this scenario. god bless 🙏
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autismmydearwatson · 6 months ago
Jessica Jones is so fucking funny she sucks so bad. She is such a silly, maladaptive asshole like "omg stop being dramatic you dumb bitch it's not like I'm torturing you or anything 😒" and Kilgrave is like "??? BUT YOU ARE"
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weebsinstash · 2 years ago
As much as I want to have children by this man, let's take a moment to sip our platonic yandere Miguel juice
-i can't decide which sex he'd be more partial to in a 'child'/you since in the movie there was Gabriella but in the comics he eventually has a son who becomes the next Spiderman but--
-as a girl i just naturally think of a lot of those sorts of gender specific ideas 👉👈 he's this big scary hulking intimidating threat and his "daughter" is the one melting his cold exterior
-doesnt matter if you're a grown ass woman, Miguel sees you struggling to braid your hair and suddenly here he is, full dad mode, doing it for you,and depending on how close you two are, maybe he disguises it with "ugh, stop spending so much time messing around with that. If I do it for you will you get back to work? 🙄", but really it's just your new self proclaimed dad/tio wanting to help braid your hair and help you feel pretty and, oh, how he can fondly remember the last time he helped braid "his daughter's" hair...
-of course this evolves to him just loving to do things with your hair. Braid it, wear it natural, style it, use products on it, hes got you. you were just trying to put your hair in a lazy updo like a ponytail or bun and this man doesn't let you leave until he's got you completely combed out, hair braided with ribbons, and of course this entire time youre awkwardly sitting there in a chair in his absolute cave of a workstation with this gargantuan 6'9 man there, "so how was your day? Staying out of trouble?"
-really I mean. Is stealing other people's kids NOT technically in character for him. You're unfortunate enough to trauma bond with this man and you're never getting rid of him
-you hear Miles Morales call him tio (as in the tio meaning dude) and you jokingly teasingly start calling him tio, which Miguel secretly pretends is the version that means uncle. You're just constantly joking around or looking up at him with these big pouty eyes, "but tio 🥺 can't I PLEASE--" and its like. Lmao people know that if they need to ask Miguel for a favor, that it increases their chances to have you ask in their stead
- I mean, as a female adult abused as a child by my own father, raised by a single mom myself, like...
Reader flinches away when Peter B goes to give you a supportive pat on the back or comes in for a high five after a mission and you force yourself to laugh because you're feeling more than just a little awkward and in the spotlight. "Oh, sorry, that was dumb!" And they eventually get you to kind of anxiously word vomit "my dad used to just kind of, rough me up sometimes when I did something wrong! It-it could've been a lot worse honestly, but, it-it just makes me kinda jumpy around guys sometimes! It's not a big deal, or personal or anything. I'm sorry if I made you feel bad 🥺"
Peter B, Jessica, and Miguel all there as older parental figures and also literal parents, immediately exchange looks and agree like "oh hell naw, don't like that" and you get silently adopted by all three of em right then and there
-if it's a physically abusive father and you're still the victim of abuse, I imagine your dad had some suspicious figures suddenly show up in the middle of the night to terrify and threaten the shit out of him and suddenly you aren't getting as manhandled anymore
-can you imagine, like, you show up to Spider Society one day with a black eye "oh, this? It's, it's nothing. My dad is just, he's about to make police captain and he's really stressed about it is all" cue all your friends mentally high fiving around the table because your abusive piece of shit dad is going to die and you don't even know. When it happens they'll all be "oh no, sweetie, I'm SOOOO sorry :(" meanwhile they're thrilled bc now you don't have any parents and they can weasel in there as your new family, schedule your birthday parties, monopolizing more of your time, things like that
-goddd I just imagine it could become some kind of weird fucked up enmeshed scenario where the structure it's providing for your life is actually good for you meanwhile Miguel is like, retroactively kind of soothing some of his trauma both from his own childhood and what happened with the second universe he broke that it's just like. You're a grown ass adult and this man is tucking you in goodnight and saying "te amo, mija" at the doorway and you bet his ass is going to stand there and not let you sleep until you say it back. He knows you're just absolutely seething at him and he'll still refuse to leave without a grumbling "te amo, papá 🙄"
-He eventually just has you doing so much shit and depending on him so much that it starts to become second nature to you. one day you're in the Society doing one of the odd jobs you're allowed to help with and suddenly you're thinking, "Ugh I actually don't know what to do next, I wish Papá was here to-- WAIT SHIT NO I MEAN MIGUEL--"
-lmaooooo as a non Spanish speaker I keep thinking of how awwwwwful it would be if he actually forces you to learn Spanish. Not inherently because there's anything wrong with Spanish, but, I'm not always smart, and I can just SEE him quizzing your ass, forcing you to have entire conversations in Spanish, always clicking his tongue or chuckling at you when you make a mistake and he just thinks you're so cute struggling to learn 🥰 man hears you're trying to take extra lessons from Miles and he instantly drops everything he's doing to go track the little scamp down. Insert meme "I can forgive being an anomaly but I draw the line at teaching Reader bad Spanish"
-siiiiiiigh eventually the day comes when you're in big danger and you need his help, maybe you disobeyed him and was hanging out with some other Spiders in another dimension when there was a sudden villain attack, and he comes to your rescue as a villain does something dramatic like has a gun to your head or a knife to your neck and the second you see him you're just overwhelmed wirh a sense of relief, calling out for him, calling him dad/tio/papá whatever, and he's just like 😭❤️ pumping his fist internally, like YES you are so grounded when you get back home but also 🥰 you finally called him dad without him having to twist your arm 🥰 nevermind if the "villain" who kidnapped you was actually a Spider who owed him a favor, and this whole thing was to teach you a lesson about listening to your Papá, that's not important ❤️
-Miguel who forces you to learn Spanish vs Miguel who forces you to be Catholic. I can excuse kidnapping and forced adoption but I draw the line at making me practice religion 💀 no but seriously, he probably does have certain morals and values he instills/forces upon you if he thinks you need them, and he'll probably be one of those fathers, "are you leaving the house dressed like that? Go change" and orders you not to hang out with certain people he doesn't approve of or thinks have bad character (like hobie lmao)
-bruh you two will be on a super serious important mission and this man will be like "it's dark, hold my hand so we dont get separated"
Eventually it comes to a point where you're, not perfectly behaved but, just about. If someone finds Miguel, it means you're not very far away, or vice versa. Members of the Society quickly learn not to make any advances on you or make any "adult" comments unless they want to get suspiciously hurt during a personal training session by the big boss himself. You think you're safe just cause Miguel isn't around? Nah, cause then you have Peter B and Jess keeping an eye on you, and, not that YOU'RE aware of the extent, but, if Miguel ever gets worried, he can just ask Lyla what you've been getting up to, since your modified little daypass has her installed into it and she can track your every move ❤️ helicopter parent? Oh honey, you have NO idea...
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fandomwe1rd0 · 6 months ago
In defense of Morty
I mean...I did one of these for the drunk, abusive, old man...it's only fair if I do one for the sweet, good-natured grandson whom he traumatized.
Now, like the Rick one, I will not be defending Morty's actions despite the title. While I think Morty is A LOT more easy to defend than Rick, I will not be defending him, I seek to understand why he did what he did, and not to defend it. Cool? Cool.
Sooo let's choose 3 especially bad things he did. One of them is ask Rick to make a love potion for Jessica...that was...oof...yeahhh that was bad. 2nd is killing innocent people in purge planet that was...something. And last but not least, killing people while using the death crystal. This will be an interesting one folks!
Okkk let's start off with him asking Rick to make a love potion for Jessica, sweetie, I love you but this wasn't cool. Rick wasn't too far off when he called it a "roofie-juice serum" you're making someone do something they normally wouldn't do so you can uh...do...activities with them. Not cool sweetheart. But, this was done to show Morty's naivete. In season 1, he was all in all a pretty innocent and naive boy, I mean, he was TRAUMATIZED the first time he shot someone in season 1, now he's cool with shooting anyone. Season 1 was about breaking down that innocence, asking for a love potion is a pretty childish idea, since when you're a kid, you don't think too hard about consent or any of that, and think that if you give them a love potion, that's the equalivilent to consent, obviously now we know that's not true, but when you're a kid, it doesn't really sink in and, like it or not Morty is, wait for it, a kid. He also DEFINETILY does NOT have a healthy view on what love is, due to his parents being to only adults in his life besides Rick, and Rick has cynical views on love, and his parents argue all the time. He doesn't know what love is, and that would probably be the healthiest thing to "love" in his books. Is it healthy? No. But since he doesn't know what healthy love is, he would consider that healthy. He also acknowledges that he was partially to blame, while Rick takes none of the blame. Why are people so much harsher to Morty about this than they were to Rick? Rick is the adult. The smartest man in the universe. He should've been smart enough to refuse it, but he didn't. He never accepted his part of the blame, but Morty did. What Morty did wasn't right, but he doesn't know what healthy love is, which is a part of why he's obssessed with Jessica.
Okkk next up Purge Planet! Oh boy what an episode. So quick brief on what he did in this episode, he went to a planet that was purging. Morty at first was hesitant to participate in it, wanting to just go home and not watching the purge, at first he was pretty clearly on the side of good, but eventually gets into it and goes out of his way to kill people who were purging, but even some innocent people that were just trying to hide. He was clearly not in the right headspace, he was letting all the repressed rage he's been bottling up for who-knows-how-long. Now while death and destruction don't really matter in this universe, so it isn't that bad in the context of the show, I already started writing this soooo it's too late to turn back. Besides there's not that many outwardly bad things this kid did soooooooooo. Alright back on track, now, obviously not defending murder (unless it's the murder of mr. Jellybean or Planetina fuck them bitches) but let's take a look at the person who he spends most of his time with. You guys know who it is. Rick! Now Rick is a pretty violent person, he usually kills in self defense, but there was a handful of times where he didn't. Most famously Mr. Jellybean, we can all agree that he deserved it though. Now Morty hangs around Rick all the time, and Rick forces him to shoot people, the very first time was in the pilot, where he told Morty to cover for him and when Morty said no, Rick lied about the people chasing them being robots. There were mutiple times where he has been forced to shoot people. And Morty clearly holds a lot of resentment towards Rick, I mean it's clear as day, he even threatened to kill Rick in this very same episode, Rick forcing Morty to be violent, along with the repressed rage he has, is a lot on the little guy. So when he finally has a chance to let out that repressed rage, no matter how unethetical, he's going to do it. Is it right? Ha. No. But we are not here to defend him, we are here to understand his actions better. And it's worth mentioning that he felt horrible afterwards, Rick very rarely feels guilt for his actions, yet people give him a lot of flak, Morty feels guilt and is a literal child. He deserves more slack than people give him, his actions here were not right, but combinding the repressed rage, stress, and violence, this makes perfect sense.
Last up! The crystal episode, now the episode starts with Morty leaving Rick for dead. He attempted to shoot Rick in season 3, so this isn't all too surprising, besides, Rick does treat Morty pretty horribly on a day to day basis, so it makes sense that Morty would be done with it by now, I would've been done with Rick after season 1. Besides, that's not the real issue here, the real issue is how many innocent people he killed in the process. So another quick brief on this episode, Morty finds a crystal that tells you how you're gonna die. Despite Rick saying the crystals aren't useful, Morty uses one of them nonetheless, he sees that if he does things in a speific way, he will be able to die with Jessica, so he does exactly what he needs to do so he can die with Jessica. This is more proof on his obssession with Jessica, but we already covered it, so I will not elaborate on it. So, he kills people so he can die with her. I will do a quick kill count, he kills appromiately (This is an extermely rough estimate)
2 bullies. (One bully wasn't killed but was stuck to the wall)
Servely injured 2 policemen (They were still alive but permentently disfigured)
17 miltary people (Damn)
And that's about it. I'm fandomwe1rd0, and this has been the kill count, (heh, dead meat reference)
Ok so he kills a lot of people here, like a lot. But also, Morty just isnt happy in his life. Really Jessica is what makes him happiest, which might also be an explaination for his obssession with her, but that's a topic for another post, maybe, if people are interested. Now he sees a way he can be with her, and he'll do anything to chase that happiness, it's not right, it's not healthy, but he wants to be happy so bad that he'll do anything. He also takes responibility for his actions, which is something Rick doesn't do, so cut Morty some slack, ok?
Now all of the things I've mentioned are very, very bad. But I like seeing how we can understand these characters and see the reasons why they do what they do, they always have a reason for it, and that's a testamate to how great the show is and how human the characters are. Morty has done a lot of bad, but there are reasons behind them that show us the poor broken scared kid that Morty really is.
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Solar Opposites in The Ultra Opposites Episode #4: “Electric Rage” (for @avaveevo and @crazychanuwu77)
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On a normal typical school day, Jesse Solar-Opposites was walking through the halls, until suddenly she got hit by an eraser. By Stacy K and the Stacies.
Jesse: Uh oh, the Stacies.
Stacy F: Oh my God. What the fuck are you doing in our halls?
Jesse: Uh…
Stacy K: Oh my God, Jessica. You are so embarrassing! Ugh!
Stacy B: Get the fuck out of here! hump kicks Jesse as she moans
The Stacies laugh as Jesse started growling and electrify spreads around her body. Miss Frankie sees Jesse and gasp in horror.
Miss Frankie: Oh shit! Better call her dads.
Later, Korvo and Terry head to the Principal Cooke and Miss Frankie exchange awkward looks at them than last time.
Terry: Uh is everything okay with our kids?
Korvo: Don’t tell me Yumyulack-
Miss Frankie: Oh no. It has something to do with your daughter. She looks very stressed.
Korvo: What?! Really?!
Principal Cooke: To be honest, the Stacies have been harassing her for the past weeks and she look very overwhelmed.
Terry: What?! Jesse has been picked for the last couple of weeks? Why didn’t she tell us?
Miss Frankie: I-I’m afraid the stress has gotten to her. So, I think it’s best if we suspend her. For two weeks.
Terry and Korvo: What?!
Korvo: But Jesse didn’t do anything wrong!
Principal Cooke: We know, but it’s for the best. All the stress is causing Jesse to react in some kind of weird energy.
Terry: Uh?
Principal Cooke: So, I think it’s best if you guys keep her home. Now, get the fuck out of my office!
Later in Ms. Perez’s class…
Ms. Perez: Now class, I notice you’ve been going through some changes. It’s a big thing for you kids. Especially that one day, you’ll blossom into a beautiful adult.
However, Jesse is not enjoying it because the Stacies are longer objects at her.
The Stacies: laughing mischievously; quietly
Jesse: groaning in annoyance
Ms. Perez: Jesse, is there anything wrong?
Jesse: Ugh, you see-
But then, Jesse gets grabbed by Korvo and Terry who panicky took her home. Later, Jesse's sitting on the couch with Korvo and Terry looking at her worriedly.
Korvo: The fuck is wrong with you Jesse? Why didn’t you tell us the Stacies are bullying you?
Terry: Sweetie, we are really worried about you. These girls are a bad influence and pushing you too far.
Jesse: But I want to be like them! Ugh! I hate this decision! It’s too much pressure!
Suddenly, a white Goobler sprouted out off Jesse’s mouth as it lies on the floor. Korvo and Terry froze in horror once Janiz came down and gasp.
Janiz: Oh my God. Is that a White Goobler?
Korvo: Oh shit! Not again!
Later, Janiz did some research on the white goobler as she gasp.
Janiz: Aw man, I’m afraid this would happen! All the stress has catch up to Jesse. It created another White Goobler.
Jesse: Aw no, not again! Ugh! electricity spreads around her body
Korvo: Whoa whoa whoa. Easy there honey. Take it easy! If you keep doing this, the white Goobler is gonna grow bigger than last them.
Jesse: Aw okay.
Terry: We should start training you first thing in the morning. But first…
Janiz made a huge tube keeping the white Goobler locked up. The next morning, Yumyulack and Jesse were in their bedroom where Yumyulack grows annoyed by Jesse reading a magazine.
Yumyulack: Damn it, you are seriously reading about pretty girls again?!
Jesse: But I love it.
Yumyulack: Oh really? That how come you are not pretty?!
Soon enough, it was the last straw. Jesse’s anger caused her to release a huge amount of that shocked Yumyulack as he scream in pain. Jesse’s anger then fades away as she gasp and tears burst from her eyes.
Yumyulack: Oh shit. Jesse I am so sorry, I didn’t mean it.
Jesse: tearfully Y’know what?! Maybe, it’s best if I just leave. I’m too much of a burden anyway. I wish I never found these stupid powers in the first place.
Jesse runs off crying.
Jesse: in tears Don’t follow me!
Yumyulack: Jesse! Don’t be like that! Come on, talk to me!
Later, Jesse is shown the ship crying as Korvo approaches her in a concern tone.
Korvo: Jesse? What’s wrong babygirl, are you still upset over what happened yesterday?
Jesse: tearfully Yes. You were right. I do have anger problems. I having trouble controlling my anger. I don’t even know what my powers can do.
Korvo: Oh Jesse, this is all my fault. I should’ve given you more attention and I should’ve never put all that fucked up pressure on you and bullied you.
Jesse: crying Well I deserve it! Everyone thinks I am the weakest link of them all.
Korvo gasp in concern as he puts his arms around Jesse and started to soothe her.
Korvo: Oh honey, I am sorry. I never should’ve treat you like shit all those years. I guess it was because I hated myself and you all know it.
Jesse: sniffles It’s okay. I know you didn’t mean it. I just can’t do anything right. crying
Korvo: Oh honey. That is not true. You done so many amazing things. You did an awesome job at the pronunciation bee! You defeated a giant Goobler! You saved Yumyulack from a giant penis! You are a very brave young lady and you’ve grown so much since our mission. I am so proud of you. And I’m sorry I never told you that all the time. You are a special girl and I should’ve given you more credit. I am so proud to call you my daughter.
Jesse smiles as tears swell from her eyes, finally receiving attention from her step-father for the first time in her life.
Jesse: Come here you big lug.
Jesse and Korvo hugs as Janiz watches and smile.
Janiz: So how are you two doing on here?
Jesse: Everything’s okay now. But, I think I should training on my powers. Because, I don’t want to get anyone hurt again by them.
Janiz: Don’t worry. I’m sure this training session will be perfect and- Yumyulack taps her on the shoulder with a remorseful look on his face Huh?
Yumyulack grabs Janiz as he looks at her remorsefully.
Janiz: What is it honey?
Yumyulack: Aunt Janiz, can I be the one to help train Jesse? I really messed things up with her lately. And, I want to make things right with my sister.
Janiz: Aw okay honey. You go right ahead.
Yumyulack smiles and hugs Janiz as he heads off. The next morning, Jesse approaches the training room. She then sees Yumyulack in his Ultra Opposites suit
Yumyulack/Psylock: Hey uh sis.
Jesse: Why are you here?
Yumyulack/Psylock: I decided to make things up for what happened yesterday with some training.
Jesse: thinks about it Hmmm… okay!
Yumyulack: Good now let’s get started:
Cue training montage:
A few minutes later, Jesse had finished training as Yumyulack grows impressed.
Yumyulack/Psylock: Wow. You were amazing.
Jesse: I know and look! summons a wrecking ball I have a wrecking ball.
Yumyulack/Psylock: Yeah. Hey, sorry for being a dick yesterday. I was treating you the same the Stacies treated you and that wasn’t very nice.
Jesse: Aw you may have been a dick. But it’s okay now.
Yumyulack and Jesse hug but then Jesse accidentally shock him.
Yumyulack: Aah!
Jesse: Oops sorry.
Yumyulack: It’s okay. I still like your hugs.
Jesse: Aaaw.
But then, Janiz notices the white Goobler growing.
Janiz: Jesus Christ, what’s happening now?
Korvo: comes in Damn, looks like Jesse’s stress are getting worse.
Terry: Aw our poor little girl.
But then, they heard something outside. Jesse was walking peacefully until, the Stacies came again and bump into her.
Stacy K: Ugh. Ew. Jesse, you never told us you live here.
Jesse: I did on the first day of school.
Stacy K: Next time speak up Messica! If you weren’t part of school, you wouldn’t be here with us!
Jesse groans in frustration but Korvo, realizing the Stacies are treating Jesse the same way he treated her in the past, looks down remorsefully. Then, his face turns to anger and he marches down the stairs.
Terry: Korvo, where are you going?
As Korvo heads outside, Jesse solemnly heads back to her room. Korvo marches towards the Stacies in anger as he grows extremely pissed off.
Korvo: You three!
Stacies: Huh? What the?
Korvo: How dare you treat my sweet little girl like that, you three fucking brats?!
Stacy K: Excuse us?
Stacy B: You don’t scare us, Mr. Opposites.
As the Stacies laugh, Korvo growls and transforms into his Super Shlorpian form and growls.
Stacies: Aaaaaahh!
Stacy F: Aaah! Jesse’s daddy is a monster!
Stacy K: Let’s get the fuck out of here!
The Stacies ran away screaming as Korvo watches and chuckles.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Ha ha ha. Still got it.
Janiz: Damn Korvo, why did you do that?
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Well, let’s just say I’m like a Hawk. I may look pretty as I look, but mess with my lil chicks, you get the fucking talons!
Terry: Damn honey, you were pretty badass.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Thank you.
Terry kisses Korvo on the lips. Later, Janiz was heading up to her lab, until Aisha and Eva pop up.
Aisha: Janiz! Quick! Something strange has gone wrong!
Janiz: What?! What the fuck happened?!
Janiz rushes to the lab and gasp to see the tube broken and the White Goobler gone.
Janiz: Oh shit.
Meanwhile, the Solar Opposites are looking at the meteor shower.
Jesse: Wow. The meteor shower sure is beautiful.
Korvo: It sure is. These stars look beautiful to gaze at.
Yumyulack: It really is beautiful.
Pupa: Stars!
Terry: Pretty amazing once you think about it.
Suddenly, the family heard a rustling sound and birds going crazy.
Korvo: Shut up! Do you hear that?! tippy toes quietly with his family Use the single match app on your phone to get us more light.
Terry: Right. gets out his match app Steady. I hope this work. This app only has one match before it makes you watch an add. Phew, there we go.
Terry lifts up the phone and the light shows the white Goobler gigantic now. The family screams in shock and horror. The white Goobler then grabs Korvo as he gasp.
Korvo: Help! It’s hugging me! Help! Help!
Janiz: The white goobler got out! And now I know what happened! I think he’s eating other people!
Korvo: Yeah! Thanks for telling me that! Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck! gets eaten
Terry: Oh no! My Korvy!
Jesse: We have to get you guys somewhere where you can transform!
But before they could do that, the white Goobler grabs Yumyulack.
Yumyulack: No ho!
Jesse: Yummybear!
Yumyulack: screaming as he gets eaten alive
Terry: We need some speed luckily I wore my healies. rollers get stuck in mud Man stupid naive rolling in the dirt.
Jesse: Run Terry!
Terry: I’m trying! These heely shoes betray me! gets eaten by white Goobler
Janiz: drives her motorcycle Auntie Janiz to the rescue!
Jesse hope on her aunt’s motorcycle, puts on a helmet and the two Shlorpian drives off.
Janiz: We gotta do something before they get digested!
Jesse: comes up with an idea I have an idea! But first, Auntie Janiz, ram this baby up for speed!
Janiz: What?! Why?!
Jesse: Trust me!
With that said, Janiz raves up her motorcycle as it brooms up into the white Goobler. Jesse and Janiz made it down here where it turns out the family has transformed into their Ultra Opposites forms.
Jesse: Wow, I didn’t know you guys transformed that quick.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Well, that bad news is, I’m afraid those powers have been proven immobile to the goobler. My ice powers just make his gut more stronger.
Yumyulack/Psylock: And I couldn’t even find his brain with my mind reading powers. I think it because it doesn’t have a brain.
Terry/Solar Flare: Yeah, and I’m afraid I use my powers in there, we’ll melt since we’re in his stomach.
Janiz: Well, what do we do now?!
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Hmm… then realizes how it all started and comes up with an idea That’s it! Jesse, imagine me as the worst Stacy in the whole neighborhood.
Jesse: What? Oh it’s Stacy K.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: That’s right. Now, I’m gonna act like her and you are gonna confront her!
Jesse: Huh? What?
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: teenage girl voice Oh my God Jessica. You are so embarrassing. It’s your fault you’re a loser.
Jesse: gasp Stacy K… shut.. shut…
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Come on Jesse! Imagine me as Stacy K! You can do this! Let all that anger out!
Jesse’s eyes then shine as she started to let it all her fury out as electric lightning sparks spreads around her body.
Jesse: Shut up Stacie K! It’s your fault my family and I are trapped in here! If it weren’t for you and your fellow Stacies bullying me, I would never had another fudging white Goobler in the first place! You and your Stacies are nothing but a bunch of bullies because I am not beautiful and glamorous as you three are. But, that ends today!
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: mimicking Stacy K I’m not a bully. Don’t try to pin this on me!
Jesse: stomps her left feet as the sparks grow stronger and she starts floating I’m not done! You three are rude, mean and selfish and you just hate yourselves and everyone at school knows it.
Yumyulack/Psylock: looking up at Jesse Y-You don’t like them?
Jesse: No. I don’t like you girls. Korvo was right about you girls. You never let me join in your group activities and you always make fun other girls who are less prettier than you.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: mimicking Stacy K Alright Jessica, you can hang out with us if you calm down. smirks
Jesse suddenly starts glowing
Terry/Solar Flare: Woah! What's happening???
Jesse/Electra's Transformation Sequence:
After transforming, Jesse uses her electric wrecking ball to explode the White Goobler.
Janiz: Alright! We're free! But...what happened...?
Korvo/The Legendary Super Shlorpian: Unless I'm mistaken, Jesse's anger must have tapped into her powers...
Terry/Solar Flare: WHO CARES?! Her transformation was super cool!
Yumyulack/Psylock: No. It was weird.
Jesse/Electra gives Yumyulack/Psylock a death stare.
Yumyulack/Psylock: Uh, I mean cute.
Jesse/Electra: giggles Better.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Bravo Jesse! I am so proud of you! Welcome to the Ultra Opposites!
The family embrace Jesse, as she smiles with tears of joy in her eyes and she walks towards the White Goobler’s corpse.
Jesse/Electra: Guess what you damn dirty Goobler?! You just got… Electra’d!
Jesse, now going as Electra, does her own super hero pose as she smiles in triumph. Two weeks, Jesse has return to school with a smile on her face as she heads towards the halls. But then, the Stacies came.
Stacy K: Hey Jessica. We like a word about you about your father.
Jesse: with tranquil fury No! You listen here Stacies! I had a horrible week! A horrible day! My family was almost devoured by a fucking white Goobler! And I had enough you girls pushing me around! So if you don’t mind, GET OUT OF MY FACE!
The Stacies: run away screaming
Stacy K: running away;crying out You’re scarier than your daddy!
Jesse laughs as Yumyulack smiles with Daryl.
Daryl: Damn honey. Your sister’s all badass now.
Yumyulack: Yeah. She sure is. heads to Jesse I’m really proud you saving us last night. Thanks for saving our asses.
Jesse: No problem, and thank you for training me. You may be a dick, but you’re my big brother. And I love you. Come here.
Jesse and Yumyulack hug as the screen fades to black.
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panlight · 3 years ago
How do you think the saga would be different if every character (aside from 3 'bitches' 😒) wasn't written to immediately love and adore Bella?
I'd like to think Esme would be one of those 'no girl will ever be good enough for my son' mothers lol.
I think I would have liked Bella better, for one.
I don't know what it is about me, but I NEVER put myself in the main character's shoes. I don't know why. It's just not how I read or consume media. The main character, in my head, is just one of many characters and not my proxy, so books like Twilight that are, per word of the author, kind of designed with the main character as the reader proxy, a vessel through which the reader can experience the world, just don't work for me. I know I'm supposed to be thrilled by the attention Bella/I get from Edward, to be thrilled to be loved and welcomed by this rich, beautiful family; to be included in this group of boisterous, warm friends in La Push; to have this amazing perfect daughter I don't even have to raise; to get to be the best vampire ever.
But I don't read books that way, so the whole time I'm just like WHY is everyone bending over backwards for this girl? Why is everyone in love with her? Who IS she? I wasn't filling her in with my own personality and interests, I was waiting for her to be fleshed out (it took Midnight Sun for that to happen).
It just didn't feel realistic to me that everyone was 100% on board with Bella and protecting her and it was all no big deal and of course we'll do it, sweetie, and if they didn't, they were BAD. Rosalie is a monster for wondering if it's worth risking the whole family for this girl Edward has been dating for like two minutes. The wolves consistently show up for Bella when this is absolutely not their fight/not their problem and none of them have a problem with this apparently except Leah, who is framed as a 'bitter harpy.' Everyone at school wants to be besties with Bella the shiny new toy except for Lauren who, again, super bitch, apparently. Bella makes like zero effort to be friends with any of these human kids but they all still consider her a friend in Breaking Dawn and she just cuts them all out of her life and never thinks of or mentions them again; in New Moon, Jessica is ABSOLUTELY within her rights to cut off contact with Bella after that stunt at the movies where Bella approached that group of sketchy guys.
Alice is just like "yeah it must be hard to choose between Edward and Jacob!" like Edward isn't her brother and will be miserable for eternity if Bella picks the other guy. How on earth can Alice be neutral here and not be like "You're like a sister to me, but if you break my brother's heart I will never forgive you." It's so weird! The Cullens are apparently just not bothered at all by whatever she has going on with Jacob, none of them are skeptical or worried for Edward's sake that she's going to dump him? They're just 100% totally supportive?
Likewise the wolf pack is still willing to include her with things and be friends with her when she keeps choosing actual vampires over them? Why? Jacob didn't imprint on her. They aren't forced to hang out with her for Jacob's sake. I get their mission is to protect humans, but it seems more like Protect Bella than anything.
Leah shows up and yells at Bella for being selfish about Jacob, keeping him around when she knows it hurts him, and we're supposed to be mad at Leah for yelling at a pregnant lady rather than accept that maybe Leah has a point?
The idea that Esme might not think Bella is "good enough" for Edward is such a fun one. Rather than just "you are already a beloved daughter to me! Let me tell you my sad story and then we'll never meaningfully speak again!" maybe she's like "She seems nice Edward but Tanya can match you intellectually and musically and isn't a fragile human high school girl." Maybe Jasper is more vocally opposed to her presence like "I can't relax in my own home with this human girl around because I have to constantly fight the urge to kill her, maybe spend time with her somewhere else, Edward? Just because you seem to get off on torturing yourself needlessly doesn't mean the rest of us do."
Maybe Emmett is more on Rosalie's side? Not mean to Bella or anything but like "Rose ain't wrong about having this human around constantly putting us in danger, Eddie. I know you like her, but what about the rest of us? Is Ma or Pops or me getting killed by some nomads or wolves or the Volturi so you can stare dreamily at this girl really worth it?"
But none of these characters are allowed to experess anything like that because the fantasy IS that Bella is loved and accepted and instantly brought into this family, no questions asked (except Rosalie, whom no one seems to like).
It would help balance things more. And in a paradoxical way it would make Bella more likeable to me because there wouldn't be this weird bubble of protection and adoration around her. She'd feel more like a real person, a real character, when everyone else's "goodness" isn't dependent on whether they are Team Bella or not.
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hey-its-cweepy · 2 years ago
Hey its fumi being annoying again but... call it curiousity... you think there is anyone of your ocs who could get along with Carol... she is just my most fav oc to talk about so I just collect stuff for her as usual.XD
YOU ARE NOT ANNOYING- *loving bonk*
But hmmmmm- Carol-
Kinda obvious, but I think the more friendlier ocs would definitely go well with Carol (like Dell, Momo, Cweepy the oc)
But if Im going into specifics-
Faust, Kenzo, Benibara, mean gorls trio👹💅✨™ (Avery, Clover, Jolie) and Aotome would probably be OUT tho bcs they're pricks
Dallas is an obvious no because he's more of a prick than the last people💀
Banji has a bit of a temper, so if she bumped into him at the wrong time he'd be a bit of a salty prick, but otherwise they could probably be friends (I need to develop Banji more tbh lol)
Kumo would probably be a slow friendship if she stuck around long enough, he starts out a bit prickly but he's a sweetie at heart
Cho-Hee's a similar situation except he's just unintentionally big and spooky to people😔✌️
Cweepy's pretty shy at first, but I think they could still be friends! And Cweepy would be very hesitant to ask for help from Carol tho- she doesnt do well with strict attitudes
The Festus twins are just protective over each other, but they could still probably be friends!
Marinus might be unfortunately OUT, since he might unintentionally jump Carol if he was hungry enough💀 ALTHOUGH maybe it could work if she just packed snacks in her bag just in case (kind of like this post!)
If Carol was 2 inches taller, Momo would vanish💀 but since she's not, they could be friends after like a week or so! However, I feel like Carol probably wouldnt be able to unless she can keep Dallas out of the image PLEASE SAVE MOMO
Venus and Dell would probably approach Carol first! They're both very curious and social so they'd be interested in knowing about her!
Hextian and Kamïk are also OUT because I dont think Carol can handle the utter stench that comes from Hex (unless she has a face-mask ig?), He's not a bad guy! He just stank💀
Kamïk is because he's a mischievous gremlin, however, if he's with his girlfriend (who I still need to draw+make refs for💀) they're much more tolerable and friendly!
Roan is maybe a no, because he's also kinda prickly
Pepper is really paranoid, so its unfortunately a no😔✌️
((I hope you dont mind I include RSA/HSA OCs too!))
Amos might be a bit too forward and flirtacious so idk if Carol is ok with that lol
Enid would be alright with Carol! Kinda like the bestie that fights people for you-
Lorien might be friends if they ask Carol for assistance in subjects they struggle with!
Jessica would probably call Carol a wimp for sucking at sports, Im sorry 💀
Mao wouldnt really say much, but just know they're listening<3
Sylvester's a fucking bitch /LHLHLH okay but would leave more questions than answers
Mindel and Carol would definitely be friends! Someone to chill with in a sort of coffee shop setting while looking through notes or smth
Jaiden would also enjoy being friends with Carol! He doesn't mind the clumsiness and sort of relates (despite being able to go around and adapting to life with his eyes closed, if he's in a hurry he's more likely to crash into people/things)
Frey would also want to approach Carol first! Might ramble about tomatoes and gardening!
Cherokee would probably see an opportunity to flex the magic tricks >:)
If he ever got tutoring from someone else's recommendations, he probably accidently dozed off once and then never again
Shiloh would be quite shy at first but eventually open up to her! Probably sees her as a big sister and would develop the habit of holding her hand a lot
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dms-saggicorn · 3 years ago
so what are the things that makes you go…. AWOOGA? 🤪
Oooooooooh my~ Anony~
Let's see by character standards:
cause for Awooganess I'd say are tall dark and handsome guy characters who're genuinely nice/gentlemen like. They make me weak~ if they're physically fit too Ohmigawd yes.
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Pervy/Flirty dudes are a triiiiip. They make me laugh and can be so smoooooooth like "hold on, I didn't think I was gonna be charmed today??? But thank you~ Please keep going lol"
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Yo goofy dudes? come get ya girl, I stay stressed out and gloomy too at times I need to let loose and chill out and they're just the fellas to do it :)
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Soft dudes going dark or just soft boys with an edge O/////O !!!!! Yesyesyes please. It makes the "bad boys are pretty neat" part of my brain quite happy lol all the bad but still a sweetie? packing my bags, lesssss gooooo
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The hopeless romantic/baby/childhood best friend. He trying his best, he loves you a bunch, knew you and wanna protect you ever since you were both little or the other way around ;u;🌟💍🌟💍Ugh! Let's get married now!!!!! >:O
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Emo/Goth look *swoon for 1000 years* Gah you're so cool, mysterious, and confident bud!!!! Because you got the nerve to wear and werq that outfit so damn well!!! (sometimes make up too!!! 👀👀👀) The audacity! I would very much like to hangout with you pretty plz👉👈 (smooch ya too...hold hands definitely...Fu-)
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An attractive voice can make a gal "squee" or "eep" quite easily~ It's practically crucial for ya girl really. Bonus points if it's in a smexy accent U///U Oh Oh Oh and if they can sing too??? ? GYAT damn
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and lastly
Pretty pretty pretty goddess gals make my art brain flip!!! Like "Damn girl you're gorgeous!!! Can I draw you!?!?"
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Guy examples:
Malleus Draconia
Idia Shroud
Clark kent/Superman
Johnny Bravo
Space Dandy
Okuyasu Nijimura
Emo Peter
Robin (degrees of lewdity)
Goddess gals:
Sailor Pluto
Jessica Rabbit
Lola Bunny
Obsidian (Steven universe
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loserholland · 5 years ago
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Pairing ➺ Spencer Reid x SSA!Reader
Warning ➺ None really, just flashbacks to episodes from season 7 
Word Count ➺  6,408
Summary ➺  When the Reader needs a date to her sister’s wedding, Spencer volunteers to be her date.
A/N ➺ Please enjoy! Maybe I’ll do a part two, who knows! But the bold text are the readers thoughts (:
✿ 𝓟𝓮𝓻𝓶𝓪𝓷𝓮𝓷𝓽 𝓣𝓪𝓰𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽 ✿ - @loveyathreethousand @taronxfiction @killerqueen-gunpowdergelatine@spideyyypeter @lou-la-lou @babebenhardy @rivervixenbaby @acklesholland@zabdisamor @keepingupwiththehollands @sweet666pea @sspider-parker@jackiehollanderr @caro0512 @thewinchesterchronicles @cporter003@kisses-holland @spideysnugget @cryszus @sunflowerharrystyles@peterunderoos @jessybellsworld @spider-mendes @ohbabycal​ 
@iloveyou3000morgan @random-things-i-love
*The strike through your name just means I couldn’t tag you, please message me if anything*
☞  Masterlist  ☜
Garcia shouted as she placed a the tray onto the table of the booth, it had been one hell of a long week and they finally had a free night. And with a free night meant head to the local bar make it one hell of a night.
Everyone reached for a shot glass whereas Reid raised his glass of Arnold Palmer.
The bar was slightly packed, mostly by FBI agents, the sound of music plus the amount of chatter in the club brought a smile to everyone’s faces. It’s been a while since they had gone to the bar as a team.
The booth was filled with laughter, the team had been talking about anything and everything, passing around jokes about one another.
Originally it was supposed to be a girls night, but the boys had begged that they allow we allow them to join. Well Rossi and Morgan were the ones who pleaded and insisted on dragging Reid and Hotch along.
(Y/N) felt her phone vibrate causing her to bring it out of her pocket wondering who was texting her at this time.
𝘚𝘰 𝘸𝘩𝘰’𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘸𝘦𝘥𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘥𝘢𝘵𝘦?
She groaned loudly reaching for another shot placing her phone face down on the table. Morgan raised his brows lightly noticing her sudden mood change.
“What’s up with you (Y/L/N)?”
(Y/N) leaned back into the booth drawing out a long sigh before answering “Nothing, my sister was just asking who’s my date to her wedding which is next week.” 
Rossi chuckled lightly before asking, “Who’s the lucky fellow?”
Yeah that’s the thing
There was no lucky fellow.
“Funny story..”
The team had just gotten back from Atlantic city. It was one of those cases where Hotch had given the team a long weekend off.
(Y/N) sighed lightly opening the door to her apartment kicking her boots off as she entered and locking the door behind her. Shrugging her coat off and placing it on the coat rack, she walked over to the kitchen placing the stacks of mail she had gotten before coming upstairs. 
After one hell of a week, she opened a new bottle of red wine and poured it into a glass before heading into her room for a nice hot bath.Once she was done relaxing she headed back into the kitchen, sorting through her mail till she stumbled upon a wedding invitation.
𝗝𝗼𝗶𝗻 𝘂𝘀 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘄𝗲𝗱𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗼𝗳 𝗥𝘆𝗮𝗻 𝗔𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗦𝗰𝗮𝗿𝗹𝗲𝘁 (𝗬/𝗟/𝗡)
“𝘋𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘧𝘶𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘢𝘤𝘤𝘦𝘱𝘵𝘴”
“𝘙𝘦𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘧𝘶𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘥𝘦𝘤𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴”
“Are you bringing a date?” (Y/N) mumbled to herself as she read the options to check off, of course only Scarlet would want to include that.
Not, number attending but are you bringing a date. Letting out a deep sigh her eyes gaze over to the pictures scattered over the fridge. (Y/N) was the second oldest of four siblings. She was the one out of four siblings to not be:
One- Married
Two-Soon to be married
and Three
Recently engaged.
Without thinking, she grabbed a pen and checked off to where we are now.
Morgan bursted into a fit of laugher before saying in between breathes “So, what I’m hearing is you don’t have a date?”
She glared at Morgan sticking her tongue out at him like a five year old child. It was already bad enough that every time she goes home to visit her family will ask: “Found anyone special?”
“Yeah, I don’t.”
It was a simple mistake, and well that simple mistake left her with no date. The last thing she wanted was to text her sister, “I actually have no date lmao.” because if that were to happen bridezilla would make quite the show. And she’d also never hear the end of that. Now, she has a week to find a date. That can’t be that hard right? Just who?
Morgan could barley catch his breath, (Y/N) kicked his ankle in annoyance “It’s not funny Derek! All I hear from my aunts are, oh you’ll find someone sweetie or you’re getting order you’ll find someone soon enough!” she leaned her head against the wall continuing to glare at Morgan.
“I could be your date.” Spencer spoke up trying to ease the tension that filled the booth.
Emily used her foot to nudge (Y/N) leg, she glared at the woman sitting across from her who wore an amused smile. (Y/N) glanced over at Penelope and JJ who also had the same expression on their face.
His brows furrowed, he didn’t see anything wrong with what he offered so- why was everyone staring?
“What? I-It was a suggestion.. that’s all.” His nose crinkled as he spoke pressing his lips into a thin line focusing his attention to the table in front of him.
Spencer may have an IQ of 187, and (Y/N) may be the youngest and second smartest of the team. These two are blind. Literally blind. It was quite obvious that boy wonder and miss.young and beautiful (well said from the one and only Penelope Garcia) have feelings for one another. 
If there was someone who can talk Spencer down, to get him to bring his walls down, it was (Y/N). Just a few months ago when everyone found out that Emily was in fact alive and not dead, everyone was happy that she was alive but that also came with being questioned by the Senate Committee for our retaliatory action.
But before Emily had came back everyone was dealing with her death differently.
There are five stages of grief:
With those five stages, everyone deals with their emotions differently. (Y/N) and Garcia did as much as they could to honor Emily’s name. Whereas Morgan felt guilty, telling himself he if he were there a second early he could’ve saved her. Spencer took it the hardest, he had gone to JJ’s house crying for almost 10 weeks.
Now with Emily back, the team felt back to normal. Well, some what back to normal. We had been called to Oklahoma, and it wouldn’t be a lie to say Spencer was not Spencer adding into the conversation or throwing in "Did you know.. facts”
He was quiet, distant.
“It’s too late alright!”
“Reid?” Emily spoke only watching as walked away.
(Y/N) looked at Hotch before saying “I’ll go talk to him.” giving her a nod of approval she grabbed one of the car keys and headed out towards Spencer.
Running out she watched as he continued to walk away, “Spencer!” she shouted yet no response.
“Spencer Walter Reid!”
The nearly 6’1 genius continued to walk away ignoring your calls. 
“Hey loverboy! I am talking to you! You know I don’t like being ignored!”
Spencer stopped in his tracks throwing his head back lightly “I don’t want to talk.” he spoke without turning around.
The heels of her boots clicked against the sidewalk once she was next to him she linked her arm with his pulling him towards one of the SUVS.
“Who said I wanted to talk? What if I wanted to get some coffee.”
Luckily there was a coffee shop that was a few blocks down the road, the car ride was silent- comfortable silence. (Y/N) never pushed Spencer to talk, she waited patiently for him to bring it up on his own.
In which, he did.
“I cried.. for ten weeks (Y/N).. ten weeks back to back.”
His voice barley above a whisper.
(Y/N) brought her right hand forward taking ahold of his left giving him a reassuring squeeze.
“Spencer, Hotch and JJ kept Emily safe. The less people knew that Emily was alive, the better because Doyle was still out there. If he found out Emily was still alive, he would’ve gone after not only Emily but the rest of the team as well. Trust me, it’s odd to have Emily back I mean we ‘buried’ her for christ sakes. But she’s here, with us again. Not six feet. under. I can’t speak for JJ but, I know she never meant to intentionally hurt your feelings or make you feel vulnerable. We were bound to find out sooner or later Spence.”
Truth be told, (Y/N) hated seeing Spencer sad and angry. Something she never saw all that often but knew him being sad made her feel sad.
They had spent an hour an a half in the coffee shop, now they were walking back into the station. Slowly Spencer had opened up more, she let him go uninterrupted allowing him to speak as she listened.
“Thank you by the way.”
(Y/N) smiled nudging him with her elbow, “Anytime loverboy.”
"Look at pretty boy go!” Morgan chuckled raising his enclosed fist towards Spencer who awkwardly fist bumped him back. She watched as he pursed his lip his gaze fixed on his drink avoiding eye contact with the rest of the team and especially (Y/N).
Hotch sighed lightly glancing at his phone before giving Rossi a nod, “I better get going, I don’t want Jessica to stay too late. Have a nice weekend guys, I don’t want to see any of you at the office.” 
It was just fifteen minutes past eleven and everyone was ready to head home and call it a night. Stepping out of the nearly now packed bar greeted by the cool air of Washington D.C. They had bid their goodbyes and headed to their cars. 
All she could think about was what Spencer had said, “I could be your date.” I mean, there is no problem with him being her date right? Beside the fact that you have a huge fat third grade crush on boy genius. 
Once she got home she kicked off her boots padding over to the kitchen for a glass of water placing her belongings on her couch. A loud ding echoed throughout her apartment, it may be her sister again wondering who her date is.
Grabbing her phone out of her purse the notification flashed across the screen:
A message from Scarlet. Swiping her thumb across the screen unlocking her phone to read the message.
𝘏𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘰? 𝘋𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘮𝘦, 𝘸𝘩𝘰'𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘥𝘢𝘵𝘦?
𝘈𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘸𝘢𝘬𝘦?
𝘊𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘰𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘰𝘸.
𝘈𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘮𝘰𝘮 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘥𝘢𝘥 𝘰𝘳 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘨𝘰𝘯𝘯𝘢 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘺 𝘢𝘵 𝘢 𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘦𝘭?
𝘐'𝘮 𝘵𝘪𝘳𝘦𝘥, 𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘰𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘰𝘸 𝘰𝘳 𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘦.
𝘗𝘴, 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘢𝘩 𝘸𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘦!
“Love you too whore.” (Y/N) mumbled placing her phone onto the coffee table walking away to her room to get changed. Another loud ding caught her attention, “I thought she was going to sleep?” (Y/N) thought to herself.
Instead it was a message from Emily.
𝘚𝘢𝘺 𝘺𝘦𝘴! 𝘛𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘥𝘢𝘵𝘦!!
Plopping herself onto her couch running her fingers through her hair.
He’s awake right? I mean it’s only twelve-fifteen? She held her phone in her hand tapping it lightly against her thigh contemplating whether or not to call him. 
“Just call him.” she mumbled to herself
Her family didn’t have any problems with Spencer. The one thing she’ll never forget is when he had told you father "The number of pathogens passed during a handshake is staggering. It's actually safer to kiss." The look on your fathers face was priceless.
Besides that her family had no problems with Spencer. They just describe him as being bit awkward and rambles on about well anything. It’s almost been four years since she joined the BAU. She was lucky enough to join at the age of twenty-three. And she’s been with them ever since.
When (Y/N) first joined the team Jason Gideon had just recently retired and David Rossi had returned voluntarily. You know that new kid feeling? New school, fresh faces, no friends? Yeah, that was the was her current feeling.
(Y/N) had barley gotten any sleep the night before. She felt anxious, tossing and turning the almost the entire night only to get about three hours of sleep. She had gotten up thirty minutes before her alarm, and had gotten there thirty minutes early.
Now she was currently sitting in SSA Aaron Hotchner’s office. You’ve heard many amazing things about his team, they are truly one of the best. Brushing her hands against her skirt for what felt like the hundredth time.
Pull yourself together, there’s nothing to be worried about.
“Agent (Y/L/N), would you like to meet the team?” Hotch spoke, (Y/N) turned her attention to the door giving him a nod of approval. Standing from her seat she followed him into the conference room.
“You’ll be fine.”
(Y/N) chuckled lightly, “Sorry, I’m just extremely nervous.” he smiled lightly opening the door to the conference room, the only person she knew was David Rossi, the BAU wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for Gideon and Rossi.
“SSA (Y/L/N), this is SSA-”
“David Rossi, I’ve read your books and they are magnificent.” Rossi chuckled lightly sticking his hand out for her to shake in which (Y/N) gladly shook. She had just met one of the greatest profilers of all time.
(Y/N) looked up at Hotch before quickly apologizing “This is SSA Prentiss.” The beautiful raven haired woman smiled “Emily, nice to meet you.” moving to the man standing next to her “SSA Morgan.” he smiled shaking her hand “Derek.”
“(Y/N).” she replied.
“Our Communications Liaison Jennifer Jareau.”
“You can call me JJ.”
“Our tech analysis Penelope Garcia.”
Finally, the last person whom she had grown closes too.
“And Doctor Spencer Reid.”
That was your team. And they were more welcoming than you thought they would be, they were your second family. If you guys weren’t on a case, you’d be at the bar raking up Rossi’s tab. You were able to talk to them about almost anything, if you needed time off Hotch understood.
The first year she had worked with the team, they were very welcoming. Hotch had partnered you with Spencer most of the time, either you two would check out the M.E or stay back at the police department. It was safe to say it was a bit awkward at first when you were partnered with Spencer. But, she wouldn’t have wanted to be partnered with anyone else.
Shit! He’s awake. Wait, when did I call him up?
Say something, he knows you’re on the other end of the line.
“Are you okay?’
Are you having a stroke right now? Say something!
“H-hi, sorry to bother you so late.”
It was fifteen minutes to one, did it really take me almost thirty minutes to call him?
“It’s fine, just getting a little bit of reading in. Did you need something?”
She bit the bottom of her lip getting up from her seat on her couch, just say it! Tell him you’d love to have him as a date.
“If your offer still stands.. I’d love to have you be my date.” she paced around her living room. Please say yes, this would be totally awkward if you said no but- you did offer to be my date?
Spencer smiled widely “Yes! I-I mean of course, I mean- I’d love to accompany you.” though (Y/N) couldn’t see him she knew he had his hand covered over his eyes mentally curing at himself.
“Great! I’ll text you the details tomorrow? Thank you again Spencer, I appreciate it.” 
“Y-yeah cool cool, um good night, sleep tight.. don’t let the bed bugs bite.” 
He could be such a dork sometimes. A cute dork. Rambling on until someone says something or he’d catch himself and apologize. Usually the team would exchange looks but, you’d sit there listening intently. It’s amazing that someone so young has already three PhD’s and as the genius said himself “I just keep getting PhD’s”
“Good night loverboy.”
Spencer had his nicknames, from Pretty boy, boy wonder, kid, doc etc.
Loverboy however, kinda just slipped. They had been working a case and Spencer was deep in his thoughts, she had been trying to get his attention for the last five minutes. When she had said it, he cheeks were painted a deep shade of red. Ever since then, the nickname just stuck.
(Y/N) tossed her phone onto the couch squealing loudly, surely enough she knew one of her neighbors would file a complaint against her but she didn’t care. All she cared about was the fact that Spencer Reid was her wedding date, and she couldn’t be more excited.
The entertainment capital of the world
Sin city
Fabulous Las Vegas.
Home to Spencer and (Y/N), the two were going to be staying with her parents since they live the closes to the venue. The drive to her parents house meant passing by her high school, and without a doubt she knew Spencer would have something to say.
“Isn’t that your old high school?” 
She glanced at Spencer for a short moment before answering, “Yup, class of 2003.”
About a month ago the team had gone to Boise,Idaho where a serial killer is murdering the survivors of a high school massacre that took place exactly ten years earlier. Hotch had sent (Y/N) and Spencer to examine the crime scene. 
“The unsub has to be tied to the school somehow. Maybe a current student, alumni, or a family member who lost someone?” (Y/N) mumbled as she scanned the crime scene 
“It could be a Slade groupie celebrating his hero. He taped nails to the exterior of the bomb. Specifically to rip open flesh-” Spencer spoke turning his head slightly to see (Y/N) examining the various pieces of nails.
“That’s a Slade detail of Slade’s the unsub copied.”
“Except he tricked Givens into blowing himself up.A groupie probably wouldn’t show that much self-control.” (Y/N) pointed out her eyes looked from the ground to the ceiling.
“But someone with an ax to grind against the principal would. Maybe he’s a surrogate for the tormenters in high school he can’t punish...” he examined the photos he held in his hands, “who were yours?”
(Y/N) chuckled reaching forward to touch the piece of nail in the wall, “I don’t even remember.” she mumbled.
Spencer raised his brow in confusion, “You don’t even remember?” his voice filled with disbelief. He stepped forward still stuck on the subject, “Wait, were you one of the mean girls?”
She turned around in surprise her eyes widened at his question, “What? No!” Okay maybe there were some people she was a bit rude to. That only being her  younger brother who was a freshmen when she was a senior.
“Track star with a full ride scholarship to UNR and was accepted by many universities, one of the valedictorians of her class, and the student body president? That not only screams popular but you could’ve been one of the mean girls!”
(Y/N) gasped loudly walking past Spencer to get to the other side of the room, “Could’ve been, I was actually one of the nice popular girls! I was even friends with guys like you!” 
“Guys like me? I'll have you know that my social standing increased once I started winning at basketball.“ now that was hard to believe.
“Spencer Reid playing basketball no way.” (Y/N) snickered causing Spencer to press his lips into a thin line, “Okay, I coached basketball. I broke down the opposing team's shooting strategy.” Now that sound more like Spencer.
“Is that why Morgan kicked you out of the pool last week?“ Rossi held a BBQ last Sunday, inviting the entire team over and Spencer and Derek were going at it in the pool bickering with one another.
“Yeah. Took him three rounds to realize I was hustling him.”
(Y/N) pulled into the driveway shifting the gear into park, she turned slightly to face Spencer. “Spence.” she whispered, he turned his head in confusion. Spencer had met her family, but he was about to meet MORE of them. As much as she loved them to death, they could be a little too much.
“First off, I wanna say thank you so much for being my date. Second, my family.. they are loud and can get very.. touchy? If you feel uncomfortable in any given moment please tell me because I don’t want you to think you made a mistake by coming.” He gave her a warm smile, placing his hand over her’s.
“(Y/N/N)!” a voice shouted causing (Y/N) to jump slightly pulling her attention away from Spencer. Her mother smiled happily, she was beyond excited to hear that (Y/N) was bringing Spencer as her date. The two exited the car retrieving their luggage from the trunk. 
“Hey mom!” (Y/N) shouted as she closed the trunk watching as Spencer waved hello to her mother.
“Hi Mrs.(Y/L/N).” 
“Oh Spencer! How have you been? Come in get settled Steven and I are treating you two to dinner tonight!” She watched as her mother followed Spencer into the house, it would be an understatement if I said my mom loved Spencer.
I mean who wouldn’t?
Later that night when they had gone out to dinner they just so happened to run into one of her family members that every so gladly invited themselves to dinner. 
And the immediate question was, “So (Y/N), who’s this?” that lead to a somewhat awkward dinner. You know how everyone has that one favorite cousin? Then there was that one cousin that was a tattle-tale and much of a show off? That was the cousin that was at dinner tonight. 
“This is Doctor. Spencer Reid, he’s my partner. I-I mean the partner on my team, a-
“So what I’m hearing is you’re single?” Gwen questioned causing (Y/N) to gasp lightly watching as Spencer shifted in his seat “Um- well yeah but-” his voice had gone up a couple octaves. Drawing his hand away from the table watching as Gwen’s cheeks tinted a deep red.
“Gwen quit it, you’re making him uncomfortable!” (Y/N) snapped annoyed with her cousin’s behavior. This was the last thing she wanted Spencer to feel, uncomfortable. She didn’t want Spencer to think he made a mistake, before she could say anymore he glanced at her for a second before whispering “It’s okay.” If only she could strangle Gwen right here, right now. The table was filled with awkward silence, (Y/N) mother chuckled lightly before quickly changing the subject “So, who’s ready for tomorrow?”
The only thing (Y/N) always looked forward to was the reception. Her least favorite part was the ceremony where most of her family members would be asking her one too many questions. She had spent half of her morning mentally preparing herself for what’s to come today. What she was not prepared for was the suit Spencer had worn, well the velvet suit jacket to be exact. It had matched perfectly with the red dress she had worn.
Spencer sat with (Y/N) siblings watching as she chased around her niece and nephews, “I’m gonna get you!” she shouted causing her niece to squeal loudly running father away from her aunt. (Y/N) had always gotten along with kids, they’d easily adjust to her. When they had cases dealing with kids, it would either be Spencer, JJ, or (Y/N) to be the ones to talk to them.
“Remind me, the next time Garcia tries to get me to go to a shoe sale I need to say no.” (Y/N) spoke in between breaths settling next to Spencer, Wonderful tonight began to play bringing almost everyone to the dance floor. She took ahold of his hand dragging him up from his seat, “Spence we need to join them!” 
The sound of his heart beat was music to her ears, beating softly. The feeling of being so close to him, left butterflies in her stomach. It felt so, domestic? It’s not an everyday thing to dance with Spencer Reid.
“Do you see yourself having kids some day?”
(Y/N) pulled her head away from his chest looking up at him with a raised brow. That was a bit out of the blue.
“Just the way you interact with your niece and nephews, you’re good with kids. i’ve noticed that when we work on cases dealing with kids. you’re patient with them.” Spencer glanced down at her, she looks so beautiful.
(Y/N) sighed lightly before answering, “Yeah, ideally... I want to have kids by the time I’m thirty and well, I have three more years to make that happen.”
Spencer hummed at her response allowing (Y/N) to continue.
“My parents... they had told my siblings and I that I would be the first to have kids, and well-“
Her eyes gaze over to her older sister whom was the first to have kids, her beautiful niece and nephew. Seated at the same table her brother whom was recently engaged and his fiancée awaiting their first child.
And now her younger sister wouldn’t be too far behind.
“I’m not a profiler, but aren’t those two completely oblivious about their feelings for one another?” Isabelle commented watching as her sister dance with her date.
“That’s what I was thinking the entire time! The FBI should hire us, we’re good!” Cole exaggerated lifting his hand for Isabelle to high-five.
(Y/N) turned her attention away from her siblings back to look at Spencer. If only she could hear her siblings conversation.
“I’m gonna be the last to get married.” she said with a light chuckle.
There was no one to blame, i mean at this point she was married to her job and she knew the pros and cons. But there’s still time for her, time to find someone, to have kids.
“What about you doc? Do you want little geniuses?”
Spencer sighed lightly moving his right hand that was resting on her waist taking ahold of her left, spinning her around.
He held her hand for a moment swaying the two from side to side, “Of course, as much as I love being a godfather.. I wanna have kids of my own. An entire soccer team as one may say.”
That was something the two had in common, being a godparent. (Y/N) loved spoiling her goddaughter, even before she was asked to be the godmother.
(Y/N) giggled at his response, any woman would be lucky enough to have a child with Spencer. He’d make a wonderful father, he’d be ever so patient with his little boy or girl.
“Well your future wife is in for it.”
He felt a slight tug on his suit jacket, he looked down to see (Y/N) niece Lyrical, “I wanna dance.” the four year old said moreover demanded.
(Y/N) gasped lightly before letting go of Spencer’s right hand and moved to wrap her arms around him.
“No he’s mine.” she joked sticking her tug out at the four year old.
If he was standing in front of a mirror right now, he’d be as red as a tomato.
“No! My boyfriend!” Lyrical huffed wrapping her chubby arms around her chest with a pout. That was something Lyrical basically established during prior visits.
Whenever they’d have cases in Vegas the night before they leave the team goes to hangout with (Y/N) family. Her second family meeting her well family
(Y/N) drew back her arms from him as she looked between Spencer and her niece, “So- who’s it gonna be loverboy?”
Spencer hummed at her question before picking up Lyrical causing her to giggle lightly wrapping her arms around his neck swaying from side to side.
She held onto him, her fingers slightly tugged at the back of his hair. (Y/N) smiled, the warm fuzzy feeling she felt earlier was back again.
If Spencer’s first born child is a girl, she’d have him wrapped around her fingers before she was born.
She walked up to her niece peppering kisses onto her chubby cheeks earning a burst of laughter, the song changed into a more upbeat rhythm causing almost everyone to come to the dance floor.
“So, who was going to tell me they were dating?” Scarlet questioned, walking over to sit at the same table her siblings were seated. Isabelle snorted reaching for the glass of water in front of her.
“Why would we? They aren’t dating.. yet.” Cole answered sarcastically earning a slap to the back of his head. He glared at his younger sister, “I answered your question why did you have to hit me!” Scarlet shrugged lightly taking a sip from her champagne glass.
(Y/N) looked over to her siblings, who were bickering as usual.
“I’m gonna go sit for a bit.” Spencer nodded watching as she walked back to sit with her siblings before turning his attention back to the four year old.
“Woah Lyrical stole your date.” Cole snickered causing (Y/N) to roll her eyes playfully, “I know, better watch out she’s gonna have boys waiting on her beck and call.” The table rose with laughter, as they moved onto a different topic.
It felt like old times, sitting around with her siblings as they talked about childhood memories and embarrassing moments. She needed to come home more often instead of having them fly out to only spend a day or two.
Her eyes gazed over to Spencer and her niece who were stilling dancing, that warm fuzzy feeling. It’s unexplainable. She couldn’t help but imagine, what if. What if her and Spencer do end up together? Oh would their daughter be his princess. He would do anything for her. Whoever get’s to be the future Mrs.Reid would be the luckiest women in the world, his kids would be blessed with such a wonderful dad.
Scarlet looked over to her older sister who was too deep in thought as she watched her date dance with their niece. She couldn’t help but notice the smile that tugged at (Y/N) lips.
“So does that mean you’re next?”
Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, her train of thought coming to a screeching halt. Next?
“For?” (Y/N) questioned back, unsure of what Scarlet was trying to lead on.
“You and that handsome Doctor Reid.”
(Y/N) eyes widened causing her to shake her head from left to right, “What? No no, we’re just friends.” she tried to suppress the smile that dared to paint over her lips.
Her siblings look between each other before bursting into a fit of laughter, “Sure keep telling yourself that.” Cole spoke in between his laughter.
Y/N rolled her eyes crossing her arms over her chest before responding “Hey! We’re just friends.” 
Cole leaned back into his chair raising a brow at her, “So, you’re telling us you don’t have any feelings for him? Zero, nada, zilch?” she glared at Cole kicking his ankle lightly. He winced at the sudden action reaching down to sooth his ankle.
“I don’t have feelings for him.”
Isabelle rose her brow at her younger sister, “You’re doing that thing.” If there was one thing she was bad at it would be lying. You’d think for a profiler she’d be better at lying and would be able to keep a poker face.
“What thing?”
Scarlet sighed loudly, “(Y/N) you may be a profiler but, we’re your siblings we know when you’re lying.” That only caused (Y/N) to scoff loudly and shake her head at her siblings.
Why are they attacking me right now?
“You cross your arms over your chest and you smile, A LOT it’s kinda no it IS creepy. Plus you get defensive, like very defensive.” Cole pointed out only for the rest of her siblings to agree.
Let’s forget what I said early about visiting more often. They can continue flying out to D.C.
(Y/N) got up from her seat slipping her heels back on causing Cole to flinch slightly, growing up the only boy meant dealing (Y/N) scared him. A lot.
 “I wasn’t going to hit you ass clown!”
Maybe, just maybe she was spending a bit too much time with Rossi.
 “I’m gonna go for a little walk.” 
The three siblings looked between each other. If there was something she knew all too well of doing it was avoiding her feelings. Not opening up to others, building walls high enough so no one can look over and see what she’s feelings or thinking. 
“Don’t close yourself off! Say what needs to be said!”
It felt like deja vu. 
Emily had told her the exact same thing a few days ago.
"Oh my sweet angel face (Y/N)! You and boy wonder are blind!” Penelope slurred as she attempted to place her glasses on (Y/N) face. JJ couldn’t help but laugh at Garcia’s actions.
“My vision is 20/20 as a matter of fact!” (Y/N) answered earning another laugh from Emily, “Pen is right you know? Don’t close yourself off! Say what needs to be-”
“Hey, you missed the bouquet toss.”
(Y/N) blinked a few times before looking up to see Spencer.
“Did you know the tossing the bouquet is a tradition that stems from England. Women used to try to rip pieces of the bride's dress and flowers in order to obtain some of her good luck. Today the bouquet is tossed to single women with the belief that whoever catches it will be the next to marry.”
This was one of the many things she loved about Spencer. The amount of knowledge he holds in that huge brain of his. Usually the team isn’t much of a fan when he rambles on but, you loved it. The way he uses his hands to explain what he was thinking, or how he basically has an answer for well everything.
“Who caught the bouquet?”
He chuckled lightly taking a seat next to her, “Well Scarlet kinda threw it at me and said you know what to do. But your mom made her redo it, got a laugh out of everyone though.”
“Pretty sure you’re suppose to catch the garter.” (Y/N) giggled turning her head slightly to look up at Spencer who was laughing along with her. There was a sudden cool breeze causing her to wrap her arms around her chest.
“I knew I should’ve brought my jacket.”
Spencer shrugged off his dress jacket draping it over her shoulders. It was ever so slightly bigger on her she slipped her arms through the sleeves
“Thank you... and another thank you for being my date. I really hat- dislike attending weddings.”
“Did you know the first recorded evidence of marriage ceremonies uniting one woman and one man dates from about 2350 B-“
Her eyes fell towards the ground in front of her. Fixated on the shoes he was currently using.
The converse she had bought him for his 30th birthday, well belated 30th birthday. Not only was he using the converse she bought him but the mismatching socks as well. The team had been called to San Francisco to investigate a possible Zodiac Killer copycat. There was something up with Spencer however, he was quieter than usual. 
But it was only because he had doubts on why he’s in the FBI, questioning that he should be doing something more in his life with the amount of knowledge he had accumulated over the years. The team didn’t even realize they had missed his 30th birthday, and (Y/N) felt so bad for it. She was the one to always bring in the birthday boy or gal their favorite donuts and a cup of coffee. 
When the team had gotten back to Quantico she had stopped by to get him a new pair of converse and of course mis-matched socks.
“How did I not notice you’re using the shoes and socks I gifted you?”
His brows furrowed,“Is something wrong (Y/N)?”
(Y/N) sighed ignoring his question “I read that a crush only last four months. But if it last longer you are considered to be in love. is that true?”
“Actually, many people often mistake crushes and infatuation with love. The initial feelings of crush and falling in love are very similar. The rush of euphoria happens in both cases. The butterflies, and the feelings of pure joy at the sight of them happens in both cases. It’s easy to see how the two are mistaken for love because the feelings are so intense, but there is a difference. Crushes and infatuation go hand in hand, and are very similar-
He paused for a second catching his breath before continuing, “-a crush is defined as a brief but intense infatuation for someone, especially someone inappropriate or unattainable. Infatuation is defined as an intense but short lived passion or admiration for someone or something.
Involuntarily she rest her head against his shoulder, “What about love?” she questioned. You glanced up for a second watching as his tongue swiped across his bottom lip.
“Love is truly seeing and accepting their object of affection. It’s an intense feeling of deep affection. to be patient and understanding, love is forgiving. It desires a deep connection. When we truly love someone, we see their flaws, and we accept them. there are thoughts of a future together, and realistic expectations of ea-“
JJ sighed, “Just tell him say I love you. Not as a friend. But I love you, on a deeper connection. What’s the worst that could happen?”
“I’m in love with you.” her eyes fluttered shut, her heart was pounding in her ears, she felt Spencer tense at what she had just said. Oh god did I make a mistake?
She pulled her head away from his shoulder, tell him why just tell him.
“You’re the most sweetest, yet awkward guy I know. Not only are you sweet, you’re also so smart. I love to hear you ramble on about, honestly anything. You’re so caring, and kind. It hurts me when you beat yourself up, I just want to hug you and tell you why you’re wrong and tell you that I love-” 
Spencer placed his hands on her cheeks pulling her into a slow passionate kiss, everything happened so quickly it took her a moment to process what was happening. Wrapping her arms around his neck pulling him deeper into the kiss, the feeling was so surreal.
He pulled away slowly his hands still on her cheeks as he rest his forehead against hers, “I love you too.” he spoke as he stared into her (Y/E/C). (Y/N) smiled from ear to ear, stealing another kiss from Spencer.
“Finally!” a voice spoke startling the two. (Y/N) peeked over Spencer’s shoulder to see Cole standing there with well the rest of her siblings, oh yeah she was never going to hear the end of this. 
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atlafan · 5 years ago
My Everything - Part Nineteen
A Take it Slow Sequel
What happens with Harry and Y/N after he proposes? How will the two navigate the engaged life while also continuing to juggle their jobs, friends, and families? Let’s find out.
Warnings: fluff, slight angst, and smut
Words: 11.5K
a/n: I can’t believe this is the second to last part! 
You always really liked the beginning of November. The leaves had changed, and it was the middle of the semester. You also, finally, looked and felt your best for the first time in a while. Since Jessica was over six months, she was able to go to day care at the college with Jack. Harry really missed bringing her with him to work, but at least he still had Buster. You couldn’t believe that next fall Jack would be going to preschool. There was a nice place in Milton you and Harry found that you’d enroll him in once spring rolls around.
At the end of your work day, you go to pick the kids up from daycare. Jack was coloring with Ryan, like always. You were happy to see they had stayed such good friends. You told yourself you’d do your best to keep them in contact next year since they’d be going to different preschools.
“Mumma!” Jack exclaims.
“Get your backpack, sweetie, we gotta grab your sister from the other room.” You bend down and kiss his forehead. He holds your hand as you walk over to the next room where the kept the babies. “Ah, there’s my sweet girl. How was she Anthony?”
“A doll, as usual. She giggled a bunch, and took a great nap.”
“That’s what I love to hear. Hi, angel.” You cuddle her to your chest. She was very excited to see you. “Let’s get you both in the car, come on.”
Jack is patient as usual while he waits for you to get Jessica situated in her car seat. You pick him up to put him in his. You furrow your brows at your backseat.
“How the hell am I supposed to do this with three?” You ask yourself. “I’d need to get a car with another row of seats.” You sigh and get into the front seat.
“Three what, Mumma?”
“Oh, nothing, baby doll. Mummy’s just talking to herself.” You laugh.
You and Harry hadn’t really talked about another kid in a while. Things in the house had finally gotten into a decent routine. You were almost scared to bring it up.
“Yes, Mumma?”
“Do you like having a little sister so far?”
“Yeah.” He shrugs. “I just don’t like when she gets loud.”
“Like when she cries for a long time?”
“I don’t like it either.” You chuckle. “Her bottom teeth are coming in, that’s why she’s been crying a little more than usual. It can be a little uncomfortable on her gums.”
“Did I do that when I was baby?”
“Mhm, we used to freeze carrots for you to gnaw on.” You shake your head at yourself. “Sometimes we’d throw a wet rag in the freezer too, anything to soothe you, honey. You used to bite on Daddy’s fingers too.”
“I did?!”
“Yeah.” You laugh. “It was cute. Jessica hasn’t seemed to want to do that. The teething rings work just fine.”
“I like her.” He looks at his sister and smiles.
“Me too…would you ever want another?”
“Or a brother…I don’t really get to decide…”
“I want her to get big so we can play.”
“I want the complete opposite. I want you small forever.”
“But I’m a big boy, Mumma.”
“Yes.” You sigh. “A very big boy. Dr. Philips thinks you’re going to be very tall, and your sister may end up a shrimp like me.”
“Daddy’s tall.”
“Daddy’s very tall.” You smile.
You liked your chats with Jack on the way home from work. You’ll miss them a lot once he’s in preschool, but you didn’t need to think about that just yet. You hit a little bit of traffic on the way home. You’re grateful when you pull into the garage. You get Jessica into your arms and Jack out of his car seat.
“Hang your backpack up please when you get up into the kitchen, and then wash up for snacky.” You tell him. “I gotta feed this one too. Are you hungry, darling?” Jessica makes a noise and you nod.
You get jack some cut up grapes and then get Jessica a bubby. Once she’s burped you set her down in her bouncy so you can go use the bathroom.
“Wanna see what I colored today, Mumma?”
“Of course I do!” You plop on the floor with him in the living room so he can show you his many drawings. “Is this our family, honey?”
“Mhm.” He beams. “There’s Daddy, you, me, Jessica, and Buster.”
“Are you riding Buster?”
“Yeah.” He giggles.
“We have to put this on the fridge for Daddy to see. He’s going to love it.” You get up and find a magnet and some space to put the picture up.
A little while later just as you’re preparing dinner while also going over ABC’s with Jack, you hear the door slam downstairs. You sigh heavily, especially when you hear Harry stomping up the stairs.
“Daddy!” Jack exclaims. You also hear Jessica getting excited from her high-chair.
Harry doesn’t even come into the kitchen. He just grumbles and goes right into the bathroom to wash up. He comes into the kitchen when he’s done, and looks at you.
“Hi.” He grunts and opens the fridge to grab a beer.
“Our son is waiting.” You nod over to Jack.
“Hey, buddy.” Harry goes over and kisses the top of Jack’s head. He looks over at Jessica and can’t help but smile when he sees her smile. He gives her a kiss as well. “What’s for dinner?”
“Roasted veggies and rice. Should be done any minute. Are you alright?”
“M’fine.” You roll your eyes at him and turn around to look at the veggies through the glass in the oven. “Shouldn’t do that in front of him, not a great habit to pick up.”
“Neither is coming home angry, and immediately grabbing a beer out of the fridge.” You cross your arms and look at him.
“Touché.” He smirks. “I had a long day. Not something I can really discuss in front of little ears.”
“Later then?”
You nod and get dinner plated up. Harry helps feed Jessica while you make sure Jack’s veggies aren’t too hot. He really liked when you roasted veggies, and you were thankful he didn’t just want hotdogs all the time.
“Mm, delicious, babe.” Harry says.
“Thank you.” You whistle for Buster. “Come eat, baby.” He barks and eats the food you put out for him.
After dinner you and Harry give Jack and Jessica a bath. You lull Jessica to sleep, but Jack is allowed to stay up in bed a little longer. You come into his room and see Harry reading with him.
“Time for bed.” You say. You kiss Jack on the forehead and so does Harry. “Night, angel.”
You both creep out of his room and go downstairs. You both sit on the couch.
“Alright, tell me what happened.”
“I have two interns this semester, remember?” You hum your response. “Well, I couldn’t find either of them for a hot second, so I go to the back to see if maybe one of them was in the bathroom and maybe the other was in the storage closet. No one was in the bathroom, so I go to check the storage closet, and I see it’s locked. I grab Mariah and ask her why it would be locked during the day, and she had no idea, so I grab my keys and I open the door to find the two of them pulling their clothes back on.”
“Stop!” You gasp. “You’re kidding.”
“Nope.” He shakes his head. “Full on fuck fest in my storage closet. Even we haven’t fucked in there.” He scoffs. “So, I obviously had to let them both go, but that means they may not get college credit, which I sort of feel bad about…they might be able to get one or two credits since they completed half the semester. I have to come to your campus tomorrow to speak with a dean or something. And now I’m down two people right before the holidays. I’m gonna get super busy.” He sighs.
“What about a paid thing?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, you could hire a couple of other college students and pay them hourly or something. It could just be a seasonal thing for the holidays. You’re getting new interns for the spring anyways, right?”
“True…it would only be for a couple of months I’d need to pay them. Do you know any responsible students looking for work?”
“Oh, sure, tons. I can send an email to the film club and see if any of those guys wanna make a quick buck.”
“I can’t believe I have to deal with this.” He groans.
“It’s kinda funny when you think about it.” You chuckle and he glares at you. “Oh, come on!”
“Little rabbits couldn’t keep it in their pants.”
“You remember being that age, Harry. Even in your twenties, you were like that.” You laugh.
“I wouldn’t have risked college credit like that.” He shakes his head. “Morons.”
“Did they at least feel bad?”
“They did, and they were really embarrassed. Isaac spoke to them mostly, I was too aggravated and Mariah had a client coming in.” He sighs. “I just can’t keep them on after something like that, you know?”
“No, it makes perfect sense to let them go. They need to know there are consequences to their actions. You’re doing the right thing, babe.”
“Thanks. Sorry I came home grumpy. Usually I can cool down on the train home, but everything was pissing me off, and then there was traffic from the train station back here.”
“I hit traffic on the way home too. I wonder if there was an accident or something.”
“Who the fuck knows, it’s Boston, there’s always traffic.”
“Poor thing.” You pout at him. “Come here, come lay with me.”
You lean back and rest your head on the arm of the couch, and Harry rests his head on your chest. You wrap your arms around him and rub his head and back.
“How was your day?” He mumbles.
“Good, my students are starting in on their projects. Some of them, uh, are taking bets on if or when I’ll get pregnant again.” You laugh nervously.
“Seems like an incentive thing to make bets about.” He looks up at you. “What if you weren’t able to have more?”
“I’m very honest with them, especially the students that have had me for years. They’re fine. I thought it was sweet. They like seeing pictures of our family and stuff.”
“They just like when you go on your little tangents.” He chuckles.
“What students wouldn’t?” You kiss his forehead. He props himself up to look at you. “What?”
“Your heart is, like, racing.”
“Aw, isn’t that sweet? Even after all this time you still make my heart flutter.”
“Y/N.” He sighs with a smile. “Are you trying to tell me something?” He thinks for a moment and then gasps. “Are you pregnant?”
“No! God, no…but…I’ve been thinking about maybe…what if it was time to try again?”
“I feel like we just got a routine together. Everything’s gonna change next year with Jack going to preschool. Our schedules are going to need to adjust a lot, and you wanna add a baby to the mix of that? You were pregnant during our five year anniversary so we couldn’t go anywhere. This April is gonna be our five year wedding anniversary, I was sorta hoping to take a vacation.”
“While I’m teaching? We’d have to go in March when I’m on spring break.”
“Plus, Jessica’s first birthday will be in April. We’re gonna be really busy. Jack’s still too little to help out.” He sighs. “I don’t know, the idea of it just really stresses me out.” He gets off you to sit up, and you sit up as well. “And you’ve been talking about how much you’ve loved the way you look lately, you wanna start changing all of that?”
“I told you before, I’d do it over and over.” You look down at your lap and twiddle your thumbs. “You…really don’t want another?”
“It’s not that I don’t, I just don’t think right now is a good time.”
“Well, it wouldn’t be right now.”
“Y/N.” He puts his hand over yours and you look up at him. “You know what I mean.”
“Even if I was pregnant during our anniversary, we could still go somewhere. We could go away for a weekend or something. I’d still have fun.”
“Not if you were nauseous and sweaty. Been through it twice with you now, I know how you are.”
“I just feel like I’m playing beat the clock or something. Like, I’m thirty-two, so if we got pregnant soon, then I’d be thirty-three probably when the baby’s born, and then I think that would be enough. I feel like three is the magic number. How nice for Jessica to be so close in age with a sibling, and Jack could find little ways to help if he wanted.”
“We’d be giving up our guest room.”
“We do have my office down here that could be converted if we put a small pull out in there.”
“You want my mother to sleep on a pull out?!”
“No, she could have our bed. Plus, those bedrooms are large upstairs, Jessica could share with the baby. We have one of each, so either way two could share as they got older. I’m…a little shocked you’re not jumping at the chance.”
“I just think we need to be realistic. That’s a third college fund we’d need to invest in.”
“The timing’s never going to be good, Harry.” You cross your arms. “And so what if it’s a third college fund? Do you know how much money I’ll be making by the time the kids would even be old enough to go to college? I’m set to teach two courses online this January, you know that money goes right towards those accounts.”
“I just don’t understand why you want to throw off the balance we have right now. There’s four of us, we have one of each…why do we need another?”
“Harry.” Your bottom lip starts to quiver. “I just have so much love to give, and I wanna give it to another baby.”
“You’re already spread so thin! Jack still fights for your attention anytime you hold Jessica for longer than five minutes. Now you want him to compete with two?”
“Are you sure it’s not you who wants to compete for my attention?”
“Oh, please.” He scoffs.
“Besides, I thought you liked me when I’m pregnant.” You pout.
“I like you all the time, that’s not fair.” He cups your cheek. “As much as I love the idea of having a ton of sex to get you pregnant, I just…can I have some time to think about?”
“Okay.” You lean into his touch.
“I know that’s not the answer you wanted.”
“You’re not saying no, so I’ll take it for now.” You kiss his palm and stand up. You stretch a little, really putting yourself on display for him. “Think I’m gonna turn in.”
“Me too.” He yawns. “I’m fucking exhausted.”
You both do your nightly routines and get into bed. You roll over and Harry wraps himself around you. You wanted to have sex right now, but you didn’t want him to think it was just because you wanted to make a baby. You didn’t want him thinking that was the only reason you wanted him. Maybe once he falls asleep you could go take care of yourself in the bathroom or something. No, you didn’t want some piece of plastic to get you off, you wanted him. You roll over to face him and see he’s already asleep. Of course, just like a man to fall asleep so easily. He pulls you in closer to him, but you pry away, flipping onto your back.
“You’re restless.” He mumbles with his eyes closed.
“What’s wrong?”
“Are you mad at me?” He opens an eye to look at you.
“Of course not.” You look at him. “I’m just…in the mood.”
“Because of the baby talk?” He smirks.
“No…just…in general.” You roll back on your side to face him. You grab one of his hands and place it between your legs. He grunts when he feels how wet you are. “Just want you, babe.” You whimper as he presses his palm against you.
“I can see that.”
He slips two fingers inside you, and you grind against him. He keeps a slow pace, just enjoying the way you feel around him. His thumb presses circles into your clit. You press your forehead to his chest to try to muffle your moans. Your nails scratch at his shoulders, causing him to groan.
“Fuck it.” He retracts his fingers from you and pushes you to lay on your back. He drags his boxers off and throws them to the floor. He practically rips the t-shirt you were wearing off.
“What do you mean fuck it?” You giggle.
“I’m gonna pump you silly and get you pregnant. I’m fuckin’ done using condoms.”
“Harry…” You cup his cheeks. “An hour ago it didn’t really seem like you wanted-“
He crashes his mouth over yours, and practically rams his tongue in your mouth to shut you up. He had his reservations, but he had such a tough time telling you no or even denying you of something you really wanted. The thought of you being so willing to put your body through this again because you wanted to carry another one of his children drove him absolutely wild. You said you had all this love to give, and so did he. He wanted to turn into another little bundle with you.
He bites your bottom lip before sitting up to give you some air. You look up at him stunned. He had a dark, lustful look in his eyes. One of his hands travels up to grip your throat.
“Got me all riled up now, gonna let me take care of it?” He asks.
He grins at you and loosens his grip on your neck.
“Will you go down on me?”
“Do you wanna know why we had so much trouble with the first two? I kept eating you out like every time we tried, and apparently saliva can, like, kill sperm. So, unfortunately, I can’t put my tongue on you.” He starts kissing on your neck and down your chest. “Well, can’t put my tongue on your there, at least.” He swirls his tongue around one of your nipples.
“Harry don’t suck or bite, I’m still making milk…”
He rolls his eyes as he kisses between the valley of your breasts. He kisses on the area just above your nipple and bites down hard, causing you to gasp. His hand goes back between your legs to spread you apart. He lines himself up and rubs his tip around your folds and throbbing clit before pushing inside. You let out a relieved sigh. He grabs both of your legs and throws them over his shoulders. His fingers dig into your calves as he starts thrusting in and out of you. Your head rolls back into the pillows as one of your hands travels down to lightly rub your clit.
“Christ.” He grunts. “How are you still so beautiful?” Your eyes meet his and all you do is smile at him. “I mean really, it’s just not fair.”
He drops your legs and comes to you so you’re chest to chest. His mouth is on yours again and you wrap your legs around his waist. Your hands travel to his hair as he takes over rubbing your clit.
“Can’t wait to feel your come, Harry.” You groan.
He drops his head to the crook of your neck. He nearly lost it at your words, but he needed to make sure you got yours first, not that it was a race or anything. He wanted you to feel good all over, and for a little while longer. He rocks into you in a way that hits your g-spot, making you arch up into him.
“Like that, baby girl?”
“Fuck, yes, don’t stop.”
He feels you tighten around him and he knows you’re close. He rubs your clit faster, and that’s when you lose it. A cracked gasp leaves your lips. You twitch and writhe under him as he tries to hold you down. You kiss him as his pace picks back up. You can’t remember the last time you two weren’t interrupted or had to be quick, this was amazing.
“Harry.” You whimper. You weren’t making this easy for him at all. He couldn’t hang on much longer. You were too much when you were so needy like this. “Want you to come.”
“Want me to come, angel?” He whispers in your ear and it sends a shiver up your spine.
You smirk to yourself and grab his face so he’ll look at you.
“Come on, Daddy, put another baby in me.”
“Jesus, fucckkk.”
His come shoots inside you and paints all your walls. You moan out from being able to feel it after so long. He nearly collapses on top of you. He was exhausted. He slowly slips out of you and you clamp your legs together. He rolls onto his back and he looks at you.
“That was evil.” He breathes. You look at him and chuckle. “S’not funny.”
“Yes it is. I call you Daddy all the time.”
“Yeah, in front of the kids. Little bit different in the bedroom.”
“Got you to come didn’t it?” You boop his nose.
“Didn’t need that much help, love, I was about ready to explode either way.” He reaches out to stroke your cheek. “So beautiful.” He gets up from the bed to go clean himself up, and after waiting a few minutes you do the same.
“So…you’re really into having another baby? It’s not just me wanting one?” You ask as you both face each other and cuddle up to one another.
“I want it. I was just being silly earlier.”
“No, your feelings were completely valid, honey. Sometimes I need a reality check.”
“I think…three will be enough though. I think anything more would be a lot for us, but a family of five sounds nice.”
“Technically six, can’t forget about Buster.” You chuckle.
“Right, can’t forget about our oldest.” He smiles. “Do you agree though? Three’s enough?”
“Yeah, three’s plenty.”
“As long as we’re on the same page about that, I’m good with doing it all over again.” He kisses your forehead.
“And then you can get a vasectomy.”
“Y/N.” He groans. “I don’t wanna shoot blanks.”
“But then we’d literally never have to worry.”
“Sometimes they don’t take.”
“So you’d rather me go through some kind of invasive procedure when you could just easily get a little snip?”
“Why are we talking about this now?”
“Because it’s something we’ll need to be on the same page about, Harry. I don’t wanna get an IUD or get my tubes tied. I shouldn’t have to when there’s an even easier, low risk procedure out there.” You rub your thumb over his cheek. “Just think it over, okay?”
“Okay.” He kisses your nose. “Let’s get you pregnant first, though.”
“Agreed.” You yawn and wrap yourself tighter around him. He pulls you in nice and close. Times like this it felt like before you were even ever married with kids when you’d just hold each other like this. “I love you.” You whisper.
“I love you too.” He whispers back.
Saturdays were for raking leaves. Jack loved being able to help Harry outside a little more now that he was a tad older. You were inside with Jessica making grilled cheese and tomato soup for everyone. She enjoyed watching you cook. Once in a while she’d whine because of her teeth.
“Need a new ring, darling girl?”
You go into the freezer for a teething ring and hand it to her. She happily puts it into her mouth to suck on. You smile at her and kiss the top of her head. You were happy she didn’t fuss when she was in her highchair. You go over to the sliding door and you love what you see. Harry tackling Jack down into one of the larger pile of leaves and them both hysterically laughing. If your ovaries weren’t ready to explode already, there sure as hell would be now. You slide the door open and step out.
“I hate to ruin the fun boys, but lunch is ready!”
“Grilled cheese!” Jack shoots up and runs towards you.
“Wash your hands please.”
He groans, but does as you say. Harry comes strolling up to you.
“You as well, Daddy.” You grin.
“Sure thing, Mummy.” He pinches your bottom and goes down the hall to wash his hands with Jack.
You cut up Jack’s sandwich for him in to long quarters. He looks at it funny.
“Why’s it like this, Mumma?”
“So you can dunk it into the soup if you want.” You blow on his cup of soup for him. “Should be cool enough.”
“Hey, do that to mine.” Harry smirks.
“Blow it yourself.” You shake your head at him. “It tastes good, Jack, see?” You dunk your own piece of sandwich into the soup. “Mm, so yummy.”
Jack watches Harry do the same, and that was enough for him. He dunks his sandwich into the soup and takes a chomp out of it. His eyes grow wide and he smiles which makes you and Harry laugh.
“Mm, that’s good, Mumma.”
“Knew you’d like it.” You smile and look at Harry. “Got much left to do out there?”
“Just need to bag it all up and drag the bags out front.”
“Do you need my help for that?”
“Nah, I should be able to manage.” He shrugs. “But thanks.”
“Mumma, Daddy said we have enough twigs for a fire later.”
“Oh, did he?” You tap your chin. “Hmm, I guess that means I’ll have to go to the store and get some marshmallows.”
“You can take him while I finish the yard if you want.”
“Sure, that’ll work out well. Jessica can nap while I drive around.”
“They both can.”
“No naps.” Jack pouts.
“If you don’t nap then we can’t have a fire.” Harry says firmly. Usually you didn’t like when he would get so stern with Jack, but right now it was working for you.
“Daddy’s right, Jack. We can’t have a fire if you don’t nap.”
“Fine.” He huffs and finishes up his lunch.
Harry helps you get the two of them in the car and kisses you goodbye before getting back to work in the yard. You had Jessica strapped to your chest and Jack in the little seat in the shopping cart. You kept wondering how you might do this with three kids, but by the time a third would be born, Jack and Jessica could both sit in the shopping cart.
“Can we have s’mores, Mumma?”
“Sure, we could do that, honey.” You smile.
You walk around the store and grab all the items. Jessica was absolutely passed out, and Jack’s eyes were getting droopy. You needed to get them both back in the car stat. You just needed to grab the graham crackers.
“Shit.” You say to yourself. You couldn’t really reach the brand that Harry liked. You probably could’ve just lifted Jack up to grab them, but a man standing near you saw your dilemma.
“Need some help?”
“That would be great, thanks.” You smile as he grabs the box and hands it to you.
“Cute kids.” He smiles.
“Oh, thanks. They’re fading fast.”
“I didn’t even know they made gluten free graham crackers.”
“Yeah, my husband prefers them. They actually taste pretty good.”
The man nods as you start to walk away. You get in line and notice that he gets in line behind you. You smile at him again and he returns it. You feel his eyes burn into you as you put everything up on the belt. You were starting to feel uneasy, but you weren’t sure why. You pay for your things, and hang back a moment. You pretend to check the receipt as the man walks by you and out of the store. You notice that he doesn’t walk out to a car. He was just standing near the door. You take a deep breath. It could easily be nothing, maybe he was waiting for a ride, but you were starting to freak yourself out.
“Mumma?” Jack says sleepily.
“I just need to…” You look around. “I need to call Daddy.” You take your phone out and call Harry.
“Love? Everything alright?”
“No…this guy at the store is giving me the creeps, and I’m afraid to walk out to the car.”
“Gimme ten minutes, I’ll take an uber so I can just drive you home.”
“I’m sorry, I just-“
“It’s okay. Ten minutes, honey.”
You couldn’t believe that the man was still there, standing outside. He was definitely waiting for you. You see Harry’s uber pull up and you feel a wave of relief. Harry looked very rugged today. His scruff was due for a shave, he had his bandanna on to keep his hair back, his work boots, loose jeans, and a sweater.
“Hey.” He smiles when he comes in. “Is it the guy that’s right out there?”
“Alright, gimme the keys.”
“Hi, Daddy.” Jack yawns.
“Hi, buddy.”
Harry takes your keys and grabs the couple of bags out of the cart, and also lifts Jacks out. He keeps him on his hip while he walks out with you. You don’t look at the man as you walk by, and out to the car. You get the kids in their car seats, and Harry drives you home. You were shaking slightly.
“He had to have been waiting for me.” You whisper. “I can’t even go to the grocery store now?”
“You have your pepper spray in your bag, right?”
“And I showed you how to stab someone with the keys if need be.”
“It’s different when the kids are with me. If I was alone…I don’t know I probably would’ve been fine, but if something happened to me…”
“Don’t think like that.” He puts his hand on your thigh and gives it a squeeze. “What happened, did he interact with you?”
“He helped me grab the graham crackers off that top shelf. You know I can never reach those. I even mentioned I had a husband. Then he ended up in line behind me. I stayed back to see if he was planning to follow me, and he just stood there.” You shake your head and put your hand over his. “Don’t know what I would do without you.”
You and Harry got Jack and Jessica inside for a proper afternoon nap, and the two of you cuddled on the couch for a bit yourselves. You had calmed down from the little scare. You thought to maybe call the store tomorrow to have them check their tapes to see if that man had come in and done anything weird like that before.
“Should we invite Sarah and Niall for the fire tonight?” Harry asks, stretching out to sit up.
“Sure! I’ll text them now.” You take your phone out and text in the group chat you have to let them know they’re welcome to come by. “Probably gonna be one of the last ones. It’s starting to get too cold at night.”
“Can’t wait for Thanksgiving break. Love when we get to be home together for a few days.”
“I know, only a few weeks away now.”
“I’ve lined up a couple of interviews with those students you sent my way. I’m gonna see ‘em Monday. Hopefully they’ll refrain from fucking in the storage closet.” He rolls his eyes.
“How was your chat with the dean?”
“Fine.” He shrugs. “I tried to come see you, but I think you were teaching, and I didn’t wanna disturb you.”
“Since when do you not wanna disturb one of my lectures?” You laugh.
“Well, it’s one thing if it’s at the end of class. Those kids are paying for a proper education, you know?” He smirks.
“How considerate of you.” You crawl into his lap and straddle him. “You know…those two should be asleep for a little while longer.” You lean down to his ear as he wraps his arms around you. “When was the last time we fucked on this couch?” Your words send a shiver up his spine.
“What if he comes trotting down the stairs?”
“Buster will distract him. You know how he loves to pet and play with Buster when he first wakes up.”
“True.” His hand slide into the back of your jeans so he can grip your ass. You roll your hips down on his. “Just gotta be quiet though.”
You nod your head in understanding. You stand up briefly to take your pants and underwear off. Harry undoes his belt and zipper to take his dick out. You grab the blanket and wrap it around your back so you weren’t totally exposed, just in case. You get back on his lap. He rubs your slit to make sure you’re wet as you pump his dick.  
Once you’re both ready you slide down on him. You both grunt and moan. He wraps his arms around you and pulls you close as you tuck your face into the crook of his neck. He moves you up and down on him and you whimper into him. You bite down on his soft skin and it makes him thrust up into you harder. You grip at his shoulders and make fists with the material of his sweater.
“Oh, god.” You moan and move your face too look at him. You slot your mouth over his as he continues with his movements. You rock against him to give your clit some much needed friction. “Harry.” You gasp. “Shit, oh my god.” He had you panting already, and with another sharp thrust up he had you coming around him. Your lips find his again to help capture the noises you were making.
It didn’t take him long to come after that. He lays you down puts a pillow under your knees to prop your legs up a bit. He covers your lower half with the blanket.
“Gonna have to wash that.” He chuckles and kisses your forehead. He sees your phone light up and looks at it. “Sarah and Niall are in for the fire.”
“Oh, great! This’ll be fun.”
“Daddy!” You both hear Jack call from his room.
“He must need to shit.” Harry chuckles and you swat at him. “What? You don’t think it’s funny that he only wants my help with that?”
“He gets embarrassed when I help him, and I feel terrible about it.”
“He’s just too polite to shit in front of his mum, it’s cute.”
Harry goes up the stairs to Jack’s room. He was doing a dance like he really need to use the bathroom. He had been using the actual toilet more and more, but he had a tough time going number two alone. You eventually get up and get yourself situated. You go up to check on Jessica who was making babbling noises in her crib.
“Oh, someone’s awake.” You coo. She smiles up at you. “Hi, angel. Mummy change you now.”
You lift her out of the crib and set her on the changing table. You get her all fresh and cozy in a change of clothes and carry her out of the room. You take her to the living room and sit on the floor with her. You watch as she slowly gets herself to her feet.
“Good job, Jessica! Now, walk to Mumma.” You hold your arms out for her to balance on. Harry comes down with Jack and Buster. “Come on, you can do it.” She takes little steps. She wobbles a bit, but she makes it and you scoop her up in a hug and tons of kisses.
“Hey.” Jack pouts and runs over to you.
“Oof!” He nearly knocks you down.
“Jack, that’s too rough.” Harry says and gets on the floor with everyone. He takes Jessica from you and snuggles her close. “Hi, darling girl, did you have a nice nappy?” He boops her nose and she giggles.
“Jack, why do you get so jealous?” You laugh.
“I walk all the time, and you don’t give me kisses.” He pouts.
“Oh…well, I did when you were her age. I’m sorry.” You hold him close to you and give him tons of kisses. “All better?”
“Much.” He smiles.
“Everyone have enough blankets?” You ask the group as everyone’s sat around the fire.
“Think we’re good, Y/N.” Niall says and pulls Jack into his lap. “Now, let’s get this marshmallow roasted.”
You had the baby monitor on your hip so you’d be able to hear if Jessica needed anything while you were all outside. You snuggle up with Harry and he hands you a s’more.
“Thank you.” You kiss him on the cheek.
“Uncle Niall?” Jack asks.
“How come you and Auntie Sarah don’t have a baby?”
“Jack.” You say. “Not an okay question to ask.”
“It’s personal.” Harry says. “Not all adults have babies.”
“It’s okay.” Sarah says and takes Jack into her lap. “Jack, I work with lots of little kids all day long. I have so many kids that I love and that I care about. So, Uncle Niall and I didn’t really feel the need to have one of our own. Besides, we like just being an Auntie and an Uncle. We get to give all our love to you and Jessica.”
“I thought all married people had babies.”
“Not the case, bud.” Niall says.
“How come Mumma and Daddy had us, then?”
“Because your Daddy likes getting your mum pr-“
“Niall!” Sarah swats an arm at him and he starts laughing.
“Jack, come here.” You chuckle and he walks around over to you with a gooey marshmallow in his mouth. “What’s with all the questions, hm? People like to express their love for each other in different ways. Daddy and I wanted to turn our love into babies, and Sarah and Niall wanted to turn their love into, uh…” You look at them for help.
“Vacations.” Niall says. “We get to travel and see the world, and show everyone around us how much we love each other.” He grabs her hand and kisses it.
“And, we give back to others in need, Jack. Niall and I use the money that we’d spend on babies to donate to different causes. That’s another way we show our love.”
“See, honey, there’s lots of different ways to show love out there.” Harry says. “But I do like getting your mum pregnant.” He grins.
“Okay!” You stand up with Jack. “I’m taking him to bed because you two are idiots.” You shake your head and carry him inside. The three of them laugh.
“Sorry ‘bout that, hope he didn’t make you uncomfortable. It’s sorta rude to ask someone why they don’t have kids.”
“It’s okay.” Sarah shrugs. “Unfortunately we’re used to it. I can’t tell you how many of the parents, even some of the other teachers at school have told me that I’d change my mind.” She scoffs. “I don’t have those motherly instincts. I can babysit no problem, but doing it 24/7? No thanks. I’ll leave it to you guys.”
“I truthfully don’t mind just being an uncle either. I like that we can pick and go as we please, and just do things spontaneously without having to worry. I feel completely fulfilled.” Niall says.
“Me too.” She kisses his hand. You come back out shortly and pinch Harry’s arm as you sit down.
“Ow! What the fuck?” He rubs his arm before throwing it around you.
“He kept asking me why Daddy likes getting me pregnant, you fucking moron.” You take a sip of your drink. “I’m lucky he was tired. Thank god Buster likes cuddling with him or he’d never sleep.”
“Sorry.” He chuckles. “Guess I shouldn’t have been goofing like that.”
“Y/N, has Harry told you about our little plan for spring?” Niall says.
“No, what’s that?”
“We were thinking of becoming soccer coaches, getting Jack started on a team and all that.” Harry explains. “Lots of kids in this neighborhood, could be fun to start a league for the really little kids.”
“Yeah, get some skills early on.”
“But Harry…you’re not very good at soccer.”
“True, but Niall is. Gotta have a kid on the team to be a coach, so he could be my assistant coach, but do all of the actual coaching, while I would bring the snacks and make up the rosters.”
“Does Jack want to play soccer?” Sarah asks. “He really likes to draw.”
“Yeah, he’s told me a couple times, especially when we play in the backyard. He likes kicking the ball around.”
“Then I think it’s a great idea. You could pick him up from daycare and take him to whatever field the practices would be at. It would be fun to see him play on the weekends too. He’d look so cute in his little uniform.” You pout.
“It’s settled then, we’re puttin’ a soccer team together.” Niall smiles and looks at Sarah. “And you can be the cheerleader.”
“Oh, please.” She scoffs. “Y/N and I will be off to the side sipping wine in inconspicuous bottles.”
“I like the sound of that.” You giggle.
You were in the middle of one of your lectures when there was a knock on the door. You go to open and it see it’s one of the workers from the daycare.
“Hi, Dr. Y/L/N, sorry to disrupt your class, but you may want to come get Jack. He’s not feeling well.”
“Oh no! Has he thrown?”
“No, but he says his stomach definitely hurts, and we took his temp. He has a little fever.”
“Alright, um…shit, I have two more classes today. Let me call my husband and see if he can grab him quick.”
“We’ll need him to take Jessica too, she could also easily be sick.”
“Okay.” You go back into the classroom and grab your phone. “Kids are sick, talk amongst yourselves for a moment.” You tell them and step back out to call Harry. “Hi.”
“What’s up?”
“Jack’s not feeling well, can you pick them up from daycare? I’d just take them home, but I have two more classes today.”
“Uhh…oi! Isaac!” You take the phone from your ear at how loud he yelled. “Yeah, I can step out for a bit to get them.”
“Thank you, you’re a lifesaver.” You hang up. “Harry will be there soon to grab them.”
“Awesome, thanks! Sorry again for disrupting.”
“No, I’m glad you came to tell me. Thank you.”
You go back into class and get on with your lecture.
Harry gets to the daycare. He frowns when he sees how pale Jack is. He scoops up Jessica and gets them both into his car.
“Don’t feel good, Daddy.”
“I know, buddy. We’re almost home.”
Luckily Jack didn’t puke in the car, but Harry was nervous he might so he sets him up on the couch with him so he could properly watch him. He puts Jessica in her bouncy. She didn’t have a fever, but he knew that could easily change. Harry gets his laptop once Jack is settled and comfortable, and answers some emails. He felt terrible for leaving, but it was nearly the end of the day anyways.
You get home around four, a little later than usual, but you had a ton of students come during your office hours. You run right upstairs to the living room. Harry was stretched out on the couch. Jack and Jessica both laying on his chest. Both curled up and comfortable on their Daddy.
“Hi.” You whisper.
“Hi.” He smiles. “He puked a couple of times. Think he has a little bug.”
“Oh no.” You frown and sit on the edge of the couch to stroke Jack’s back.
“Gave him some children’s Tylenol. She’s been fine, but she could easily get sick too.”
“I’m gonna go change his sheets. How’s Buster?”
“Been an angel f’me all afternoon. Love being able to just let him outside when I can’t really walk him.”
“Okay, let me take care of his bed and then I’ll get us all fed.” You kiss Harry’s forehead. You start to walk towards the stairs, and then you turn around and look at him.
“Nothing.” You smile.
“I know that look, and you’re nuts if you think there’s gonna be any baby making tonight.”
“The thought never occurred to me.” You scoff. “You just look so cute with them.” You pout. “It’s hard not to want a dozen little babies.”
“Go change his fuckin’ sheets, will you?” He chuckles.
You get Jack’s bed settled, and come back down to feed Buster. You decide that vegetable soup would be a good idea, so you get to chopping and throw everything into a pot with some broth and let it cook. You come back over to Harry and smell Jessica’s bum.
“Oof, she stinks.” You laugh and take her from him.
“I was afraid of waking him up.” Harry sits up slightly and keeps Jack curled up in his arms. “Poor kid. Cried after he puked. I think it made his stomach feel worse.”
You take Jessica upstairs to change her and put her pj’s on, and then bring her back down to get her to walk a little. She balances on your forearms as she takes her little steps.
“She’ll be doing it on her own in no time.” Harry says.
“Eight months, she’s growing so fast.” You sigh. “I love the little curls that are coming in on her head. Gonna have another mop like with him.”
“Must have strong genes.” Harry chuckles. Jack groans, but Harry rubs his back to soothe him.
“I’ll be able to stay home with them tomorrow since I don’t teach. I can just work from home.”
“Are you sure? I could probably stay home.”
“Don’t be silly. I’ll take care of them.”
“Mumma?” Jack adjusts in Harry’s arms and opens his eyes slowly.
“Hi, honey. Having a nice snuggle with Daddy?”
“Mhm. Don’t feel good.”
“I know.” You pick Jessica up and carry her to the highchair. Harry carries Jack into the kitchen. “Wanna try eating some soup?”
“No.” He pouts.
“How about some toast?”
“No.” Tears nearly form in his eyes.
“I think he’s afraid of spewing again.”
“He needs to eat something. You know what they say, starve a cold, feed a fever.”
“Toast is probably better, but I’ll have soup.” Harry says.
You nod and fill up two bowls. You give Jessica a bubby for dinner while Harry gets Jack to have some toast. After you clean up, you bring them both upstairs for bed. Buster snuggles up with Jack.
“Baby, we’re leaving this bucket here, if you don’t feel good you can just use that, okay?”
“Wanna sleep with you.” He whines.
“Daddy and I aren’t going to sleep yet. I put nice new sheets on your bed a little while ago, isn’t it cozy?”
“Got her down.” Harry says, coming in. “Buster will make you feel better, buddy. You like sleepin’ with him.”
“Wanna sleep with you.” He pouts.
“Jack, just try to sleep in here, and if you really can’t then you can come in with us, okay?” Harry says. You both kiss him goodnight and leave his room.
“I need a shower, gotta make sure we both don’t get sick too.”
“Oh, good idea. I’ll bring the baby monitor into the bathroom.” You say.
“You’re joining?”
“Why would we shower separately?” You scoff and go down the hall to your bedroom.
You hadn’t wanted Harry this much in a long time, or that’s at least how he felt. It sort of annoyed him that you had basically been fucking a lot just because you wanted a baby. He walks into the bedroom and starts taking his clothes off.
“Actually, I’d like to just have time to myself if that’s alright. They were on me all afternoon.”
He turns to go into the bathroom, only wearing his boxers. He sighs and turns around to look at you.
“Are we only fucking so much because you just want to get pregnant?”
“It would just be nice to feel wanted because you want me, and not because you know I can give you another baby.”
“Oh my goodness, Harry.” You stand up and wrap your arms around him. “Have I been making you feel that way?”
“Yes.” He mumbles.
“I’m so sorry. I’m not sure what it’s been lately, I feel like my sex drive has just really come back in full swing. I mean, I want this baby, but I also just…want you. We’ve been getting interrupted less. I feel like we both have been able to figure out the good times of day to be intimate. I do just want you because I want you. I’m sorry if you’ve been feeling…used.”
“So…you really just wanted to take a shower with me?”
“I thought it would be some nice alone time, but if you want some time to yourself, that’s fine too.”
“No, let’s go in together. I want to now.” You smile and kiss each other before going into the bathroom.
You take your clothes off as Harry gets the water going. You both step in and sigh once the warm water hits your skin. You take turns washing each other, and then he pulls you close to him to kiss you. He backs you up to the wall and pushes you against it. His tongue felt so good against yours and you loved the way his hands were gripping your cheeks. He reaches between your legs to finger you.
“Jesus.” He groans. “So fucking we-“ He looks down as he pulls his fingers out. “Um…love?” He holds his fingers up and you frown when you see the all too familiar reddish color.
“Sorry.” You slip away from him to finish rinsing off.
“Babe, we can still…”
You turn to look at him with tears in your eyes. He pulls you in close and lets you cry into him. This was always the worst part of trying. He kisses your cheek and you look up at him.
“Sorry, um, I can just suck you off or-“
“If you’re not in the mood now, it’s okay.”
“No, we just talked about this not being about making a baby, so-“
“You’re getting upset. You got period, and that sucks, but maybe next month you won’t. We only just started trying again, Y/N. It’s gonna take some time.”
“Right.” You nod. “We should get out in case Jack needs something.”
Harry nods and turns the water off. You get yourself situated and dressed and crawl into bed with Harry. As if on cue, Jack comes walking in with his thumb in his mouth, and his blanky in his other arm. Buster follows as well and plops on the floor.
“C’mere, darling.” You say to Jack. He crawls up on the bed and gets between you and Harry. You put your arm around him and hold him close to you. “Poor thing, Mumma’s gonna stay home with you tomorrow and we can snuggle all day if you want.”
“Mhm, anything you want.” You kiss the top of his head as he closes his eyes. Harry was on his side looking up at you. “What?”
“I get it now.”
“What do you mean?”
“Why you always get so…in the mood when you see me with them. You’re such a good mum, makes me wanna make more too.” He smiles.
“And you’re the best dad.” He leans up to kiss you goodnight, and then he turns the light off.
It took Jack a few days to feel better, but once he did he was back to his old self. Jessica caught a small fever herself, but she was fine. You were just happy that neither you nor Harry got sick. The second your period ended, it was on.
Jack and Jessica would be having a cousins sleepover at Erica’s after Thanksgiving dinner, and you may or may not have been excited to have the house all to yourselves for the night.
“Do you think Michael will have fun with so many little ones?” Harry asks on the drive home.
“Oh, sure. He likes being the big cousin. I still can’t believe Erica even offered it up.”
“Her and Mike can handle it. I think she was excited to snuggle up with Jessica.”
“I feel terrible she couldn’t have more…she always says I keep having them for her.” You laugh. “My Nannie used to say the same thing to my mom.”
“Speaking of Nannie…I was thinking for your spring break we could take a little family trip and go see her.”
“Are you serious?!”
“Yeah. She’s only seen Jessica once, it would be nice for her to spend some time with them. Plus, she always comes here. Florida’s beautiful in March.”
“You don’t need to convince me. We can start looking at flights soon. The kids are gonna be so well traveled when they get older. Once they get a lot older when we take them to the U.K. we could start taking them to some other countries.”
“That would be fun. It’s so easy to just take day trips and what not. They’ll be nice and well-rounded.”
“But I don’t want them to be spoiled. Gotta keep them humble.”
“Gem’ll keep them knocked down a peg, she’s really good at that.” He chuckles.
You both get into the house and kick your shoes off. Harry scoops you up and carries you up to the bedroom. Once he sets you down, you’re being pressed up against the wall harshly.
“You’re not too full or tired?” You ask between kisses.
“Nope, are you?”
“Nope.” You grin.
His lips find yours as you wrap your arms around his neck. You tug at the curls on the nape of his neck. This was very exciting. You could be as loud as you wanted, hell, you could leave the door open if you really felt like it. His hands were all over you, groping you wherever he felt like it. He fiddles with the zipper on the back of your dress, but finally gets it unzipped.
“Want you.” He mumbles into your neck as he sucks on your skin. You giggle on him.
“Really? I had no idea.”
“Don’t be cute.”
Your dress falls to the floor. You help him get his clothes off too. You’re just in your underwear as he hoists you up, bringing you over to the bed. He didn’t want his lips to leave you at all. He nipped where he felt like it, leaving behind little marks. He gets your bra and underwear off, and soon his fingers are rubbing around your folds.
“You obviously want me too.” He smirks, holding up his now slick and sticky fingers. He sucks them into his mouth before pressing them inside you.
You groan as you feel him curl them up. His thumb rubs circles into your clit as he pumps in and out of you. He sucks one of your nipples into his mouth but you tug his head up.
“I’m still making milk!”
“So?! S’not like I’m fucking sucking on it to grab a quick drink. You pumped before we left, you should be good.”
“It’s just weird…some could come out.”
“You really think I of all people give a fuck?” It was true, Harry didn’t care about anything of the things you thought would be gross for a guy, like hair and periods. 
“Fine, but if you taste anything you have to come off.”
He goes back to sucking on you, more so just swirling his tongue around your pebbled nipple. He kneads the other one with his free hand has he continues to finger you. You tug at the blankets as your body begins to feel hot all over.
“Oh my god.” You moan. “Harry.”
“Gonna come?”
“Yes, fuck, oh shit!”
He works you through it until you can’t take it anymore. It felt so good to just let your little cry out instead of having to bite it back. He retracts his fingers and sucks on them again.
“Look at you.” He strokes your face. “So flushed.” He smiles. “Was that a good one?”
“Very good.” You giggle.
“So beautiful, my sweet angel.” He leans in to kiss you. “My amazing wife.” He kisses you again. “Love you so much.”
“I love you too.”
He adjusts himself so his tip his playing with your clit. You grit your teeth as he pushes inside you. Your nails scratch down his back, causing goosebumps to raise on his skin. He rocks in and out of you as his tongue finds yours. He just couldn’t get enough of your mouth tonight.
“Have you been, ngh, using a new lip balm or something?” He asks as he runs his thumb over your bottom lip. “So soft.” He leans in and bites down on your bottom lip, sucking it into his mouth before letting it go.
“I exfoliated them with, shit, this, ugh Harry, I’ll tell you later.”
He chuckles as his thrusts quicken. You wrap your legs around him to pull him closer. His hands find yours and he pins them to the sides of your head, fingers intertwined.
“You feel so fucking good, babe.” He grunts.
Your heart’s racing as his tip starts to brush against your g-spot. Your head rolls back into the pillows, and he kisses on the now exposed part of your neck.
“Harry.” You moan.
“Say it louder.” He says into your ear.
“Harry! Oh fuck!”
You come undone just as he’s coming inside you. You felt like you were swimming. You raise your hips to meet his over and over to really ride it out. He pulls out of you slowly and rests beside you. He pulls you close and kisses your hairline. It was quick, but so good. You imagine it wouldn’t be the only time you’d be making love tonight, and you were right. He was inside you again before you knew it.
Jack was finally old enough to understand Hanukkah a little more, and it was the cutest thing in the world. You had a menorah on the kitchen table, and a very small tree in the living room. Your home was decorated with snow men, and other winter scene things.
“Look at this little kippah Nannie sent him. His name is on the inside, so cute.” You show Harry as you get some gifts together.
“He’ll love it.”
“He’ll probably ask why Daddy doesn’t wear one.” You giggle.
“I’ve worn one at more of the formal events.” He defends himself.
“Very true.”
“Mumma! Is it time to light the candles?!”
“Look outside and tell me if it’s sundown.” You chuckle and shake your head as he pouts at you. “Got about an hour, baby doll.”
“Will we get to do it at Grammy’s?”
“Of course we will.” Harry says as he picks his son up. “Grammy has lots of menorahs for us. Are you excited to go on the plane in a couple of days?”
“Yes.” He smiles. “I told Jessica it’s not scary.”
“Well, that was very nice of you.” You kiss Jack’s cheek as you go to pick your daughter up. She’d been crawling on the floor. “Come on, darling, you can stand up.”
“I wonder if she’ll babble a bunch on the plane. I always feel bad for the people around us.”
“Oh well.” You shrug. “Babies make noise.”
An hour or so later, everyone gathers around the menorah. Harry holds up Jack so he can watch you like the two candles and he mumbles along the prayer as you chant it. You were happy he thought it was so much fun.
“Can we have latkes?” He nearly whines.
“We’re going to make them at Grammy’s.” You tell him. “We can stink up her house.” You laugh.
You were incredibly nauseous on the plane. It was rare for you to not feel well with how often you travel this way. You tried to just keep your eyes closed, and focus on your music, but it was difficult with Jessica in your arms, and Jack complaining that he wanted to cuddle with you too.
“Let Mummy rest, Jack, you can sleep with me.” Harry says, lifting the armrest between them. “Come here.” He puts his arm around Jack and holds him close.
“Why does Jessica always get Mumma?” He pouts.
“She doesn’t, Mummy and I take turns with her just like we do with you. Mummy might have to feed her quick, so it’s easier for her to hold her right now. What’s wrong? Don’t wanna snuggle with Daddy?” Harry pouts at Jack and it makes him giggle.
“You’re silly, Daddy.”
“Course I am, Daddy’s are supposed to be silly.”
Harry catches you smiling with your eyes closed, and it makes him smile more. Jack settles into Harry, and then he slowly drifts off. You reach your free hand out for Harry’s, and you’re able to hold hands. Sometimes you missed when it was just the two of you so you could cuddle on these long flights, but you also loved what you had now.
Once you’ve landed, you had to rush to a bathroom. Harry was a bit frantic since Jessica would definitely need to be changed. He hated changing her in the men’s bathrooms because they often didn’t have changing tables. Normally you would take the kids in with you to get them in fresh clothes, but you were so nauseous. You get into a stall and throw up.
“Please, fuck, don’t tell me I have the flu.” You say to yourself as you wipe your mouth. You get up and go out to the sink to brush your teeth. You come back out and wait for Harry.
“Are you alright?” He asks as he hands Jessica over to you.
“Yeah, I just don’t feel one hundred percent.” You didn’t want to say you got sick so Jack wouldn’t be scared. “Jack, hold my hand, baby.”
Harry gets all the luggage, and you both make your way to your rental car, which was a minivan this time around. You get the car seats settled, and get the kids strapped in. Harry holds your hand as he drives to Anne’s.
“I’m sure mum has some pepto you can take. You were nauseous right?”
“Yeah, usually I’m fine, it’s so weird.” You shrug. “I can always go to the drug store if need be. I feel better now.”
Anne was delighted to see her grandbabies. Jack attacked her with hugs and kisses, and Jessica babbled on to her.
“She can sort of walk now, Mum, look.” Harry helps Jessica stand, and she toddles over to Anne’s legs.
“Oh my goodness, growing up so fast! Wait until Auntie Gem sees you! Come in, you must be tired.”
Anne had lunch ready to go for everyone like she usually did. You felt hungry now, but as soon as you sat down you felt nauseous again.  
“I’m so sorry, I think I need to lay down for a bit.”
Harry stands up but you put your hand on his shoulder.
“Stay here with everyone, I’m fine.” You smile and go upstairs. You lay down on the soft bed and fall asleep immediately. Why were you so tired? Later, you’re woken up to the sound of Gemma’s voice.
“Y/N?” She whispers.
“Hm?” You sit up. “Oh, hi Auntie.”
“Hi, Mummy.” She smiles and sits on the edge of the bed. “Harry said you weren’t feeling well.”
“I think I’m coming down with something.” You frown. “I spewed at the airport.”
“Interesting.” She smirks, and tosses you a pregnancy test. “Need to pee?”
“Did he tell you to get this?” You chuckle.
“No, but when he texted saying you didn’t feel great I figured…”
“I suppose it would make sense.” You think for a moment and look at the period tracker on your phone. “I haven’t gotten my December period yet.” You furrow your brows.
“When was the last time you two…”
“Um.” You blush. “Well…I mean…”
“Right, right.” She blushes as well. “Think you two are the only married couple with kids that actually make time for that.”
“I do need to pee…I feel bad, usually he wants to be in on it, but how cute would it be if I am, and then I give this to him on Christmas?”
“It would be very cute! Go on, take a wee.”
You go into the bathroom and take the test. The two of you sit in the bedroom until the three minutes is up. You gasp as tears form in your eyes.
“Congratulations.” She says, hugging you.
“Can you hide this in your room? I have a really fun idea for how to give it to him.”
“Of course!” She wipes some tears away. “This is amazing.”
Christmas was wonderful, and it wrapped up Hanukkah perfectly. Jack got to have his latkes. You couldn’t wait to give Harry his surprise. That evening as you were settling in for dessert and pj’s, you grab Jack before he sits with his new toys.
“Honey, I have one more gift for Daddy, could you give it to him for me please?”
“Yes, Mumma.” He beams, excited he’s been given a task. You hand him the small box Gemma had picked up for you, and watch as he goes over to Harry, who was sitting with a cup of tea on the couch while Gemma held Jessica. Anne was sitting on the floor setting up one of Jack’s toys. “Excuse me, Daddy.”
“My polite little boy.” Harry coos. “Yes?”
“This is from Mumma.” Jack hands Harry the small box. Harry looks over at you and you gesture to open it. “Hmm…” He shakes the box and hears some rattling. “What else could Mum have gotten me?” Harry genuinely had no idea what else you could have bought for him, but he was excited nonetheless. Gemma props her phone up to record his reaction. He opens the box and his mouth falls open. He looks at you immediately, who was biting back a smile and tears. “Are you serious?” His voice cracks as he smiles.
“Oh my goodness.” He chuckles and stands up to walk over to you. You wrap your arms around each other. “When did you find out?”
“Took it the other day. I have no idea how far along I am, could only be four weeks. I’ll go to the doctor when we get back later in January.”
He cups your cheeks and kisses you.
“Wait…” Anne snatches the box and sees the pregnancy test. “You’re?!”
“Yes.” You giggle. She stands up and gives you a hug.
“What’s going on?” Jack asks.
“Well.” You rub your lower tummy. “I got something growing in here.”
“Another baby?!”
“You bet.”
Jack rushes over to you and gives you a big hug.
“You’re excited?!”
“Yeah! Jessica needs someone to play with too. She’ll be a big sister, and I’ll be a big brother again.”
“He’s smart.” Harry laughs. “You’re the best brig brother there is.” He kisses you again. “Wow, a third baby.”
“And then you’re done, right?” Anne asks. “I love grandkids, but you two wanna be smart about this.”
“Once I know this one’s gonna stick, he’s getting snipped.” You say.
“Oi, I still haven’t agreed to that.”
“Harry.” His mother says. “You’ll do it, and not put up a fuss about it.”
Later that night, as the four of you settle into bed, yes the four of just slept in the same bed while at Anne’s, Harry was beaming at you. You had put Jack and Jessica on one side of the bed for a bit so you and Harry could cuddle.
“Stop looking at me like that.” You whisper.
“Can’t help it, you’re just so beautiful.” He puts his hand on your lower stomach. “Got another one in you, can’t believe it. Do you think it was Thanksgiving?”
“Could have been.” You giggle. “Does this mean you’ll go back to eating me out? Really been missing that.”
“Honey, I promise once Dr. Johnson really tells you you’re pregnant, I’ll go down on you for hours.”
“That sounds nice.”
He leans down to kiss you.
“I’m the luckiest man in the world.”
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haruhey · 3 years ago
chronological thoughts of 11x11
yes i got my calc mark back and decided to treat myself what about it 🙄
omg did eugene sleep with stephanie
omg he’s an author hell yeah
omg me explaining my fanfics to my friends
oh wait they’re actually
OMG OMG they’re actually so cute
key to his heart <3
omg eugene said ily
look at them smiling at each other
omg omg omg princess being besties with everyone this is all i want for her
oh no is he gonna get ghosted
no no no no no
oh my god his stupid rat tail
oh noo no noooo nooooooo
omg why does this interior look like a fucking submarine
oh no is stephanie dead
oh omg stephanie is running away????
connie girlboss
oh no oh no oh noooooo
corruption tingzzz 🥰😍😍
omg mercer’s scowl is so scary
eugene is so in love :(( he just wanna find his girl
omg carol and hornsby date actually????
carol fr is gonna singlehandedly take down the commonwealth by her pure girlbossing
i wish i knew asl
omg why is mercer so scary im so scared of him
omg eugene went full on patricia cornwell for stephanie
oh my god i thought princess was gonna cross him oh my god i’m sorry princess
am i just fucking watching nancy drew
no his breaking voice stop eugene omg
i would like to imagine that eugene sat there and drew out mr rob
why is this giving me jessica jones energy
he’s rlly doing the most wow pop off eugene
mercer is so fucking intimidating im so scared of him
a month time skip?? following another month??
omg mercer is VOLUNTARILY letting the military be manipulated by the politicians omg acab fr fr
eugene is so endearing
their relationship im sorry caryl you might have to take a backseat
princess just HAS to be a good friend :(
omg carol girlboss as she should
okay at least hornsby is decent
omg carol and that woman should kiss
ooo keys
oh no bestie is armed
pamela?? pamela??
at least he knows how to apologize
oh no princess and eugene
oh omg just low light
oh no i think something bad is happening
hit list hit list hit list hit list
who is this white lady
wouldn’t the hat obscure his view eugene u r not being efficient rn
they’re resistance fighters aren’t they please please guys please i wanna be team stephanie and hornsby so bad
oh my god
aw i feel so bad for eugene noooo
omg he’s rlly giving exposition
oh my god
oh my god hornsby
omg this is giving like… pretty little liars idk how to describe it but its giving that
this is so like i dont know how to describe it but it’s so cliche?? i love it omg yes hornsby give me whitebread villan i love it
why does hornsby never blink im so scared of him
hornsby is rlly gaslight gatekeep girlboss rn red flags EVERYWHERE 🚩🚩🚩
i feel like hornsby is just trying to be like another negan but slightly less jolly all the time
eugene also kinda looks like this chem teacher one of my friends had in high school
oooo real stephanie lez goo
guys wait i actually kinda like hornsby oh no oh my god guys oh no
we’re really getting into the meat of the daryl x maggie drama and that’s all i want fr fr
n e ways i missed daryl in this episode :(
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holylulusworld · 5 years ago
Top-Notch Wrestling
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Summary: You’ve got no clue how you ended up watching a top-notch wrestling show with the brothers.
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Characters: Sam Winchester
Warnings: mentions of characters death, grown child Dean, Top-Notch Wrestling love, fluff
A/N: Inspired by the episode “beyond the mat”
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You’ve got no clue how you ended up visiting the burial of an unknown top-notch wrestling dude but here you are, right by your boyfriends’ side while he smiles wildly.
Larry ‘The Hangman’ Lee died, and Dean wanted to check on his ‘mysterious’ death. Which means your boyfriend of five years tries to revive memories from his childhood.
“There’s Wrecking Ball Calhoon. Wow. The Brooklyn Beast? Sammy look, Gunnar Lawless is her too.” Dean freaks out, his eyes shine like he hit the jackpot and you cannot hold back a smile at his enthusiasm.
All you can see are broken wrestler trying to get around with a show which no one wants to see but to Dean, those men and women are icons, a tiny snippet of happy moments with his dad.
“You have to excuse your boyfriend, he’s a groupie…” Sam snickers but you don’t care about your friend’s words. Your man is happy, so you will bear the burial and give him a few peaceful moments.
“Shut up, bitch. Should I go say hi?” Dean suddenly shyly glances around the room until his eyes land on Gunnar Lawless again.
“How about we introduce ourselves, Dean? I bet he would be honored as a fan as you remembers him since childhood.” Nodding Dean grasps for your hand, walking toward the wrestler.
“Hi-uh…” Dean clears his throat, holding out his hand. “I am sorry for your loss. My dad was a huge fan of Larry ‘The Hangman’ Lee. Some of my happiest memories are when I think of your shows.”
Swallowing thickly, you give the man shaking Dean’s hand a thankful smile.
Gunnar smiles while your still star-struck boyfriend enthusiastically shakes his hand.
“That’s a great honor you remember me, son.” Dean’s eyes lit up when Gunnar calls him 'son’ and you gently place one hand onto his shoulder.
“I... I got to tell you. I... worshipped you, growing up. My dad, when he found the time and took a day off…you know from work and all. He loved those shows. I bet he would be honored to meet you, Mr. Lawless.” Dean stammers and you need to blink back the tears.
“Nice to meet you, just call me Gunnar, son. It’s not necessary to call me mister.”
“Dean, Dean Winchester and this lovely lady is my girl, I mean my girlfriend Y/N. She’s not a fan…yet.” Gunnar shakes your hand, smiling at you.
“You’ve got yourself a great fan, sweetie. Don’t let him go.”
“I plan on keeping that man.” 
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While Dean talks about his first breaking and entering to borrow some family’s pay-per-view to watch a match with Gunnar you let your eyes drift toward Sam who stares at a woman.
He seems to notice someone familiar on the other side of the room and you assume, it’s Rio, the woman he was talking about on your way to the burial.
“I think Sam just met his icon too, Dean.” Pointing toward Sam who is awestruck when Rio turns to look at him you giggle.
You can hear Sam stutter awkwardly when he tells Rio she was his first crush. Your eyes round hearing the woman ask if Sam had a poster of her above his bed.
“He had one, I swear, sweetheart. The boy’s eyes were glued to his crush for at least two or three years.” Dean whispers and you watch Sam smiling slightly embarrassed, hiding he had one of the posters.
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“Why did we come here?” Looking around the hall you sigh deeply. Dean and Sam talked you into watching a top-notch match.
Inside the hall, Rio is announcing the wrestling match. You don’t hear the names of the wrestler, too busy to check on the information about ‘The Hangman’s’ death.
The boys chose to take seats in the front row, beers in hand, they are laughing, excited to be there while you hope the show will be over soon.
Watching a man enter the hall with his son you wonder why a father would bring his kid to such a place. The boy seems to be excited so it should be alright, still, you would not want your kid to see violence, even faked violence, at such a young age.
“Got to love some wrestling, am I right?” The man grins and Dean nods. “Beer’s cheap, food too, my son’s entertained... parenting.”
Humming you try to concentrate on the file on your iPad and not the A+ parenting of that guy.
“That brings me back.” Sam huffs and you can see Dean’s face fall. “Can you not try to ruin one of the nicest things dad ever did for us, please?”
The audience is screaming for the wrestler, including Dean. When Gunnar punches his chest, raising his fists in the air. Dean gets up, just like the few other people in the hall so you shut off your iPad to get up too.
“Yeah!” Dean smiles, taking your hand. “Hey, get up, Sammy.” Sam, who still sat on his chair reluctantly gets up.
The wrestling match begins after what feels like ages and you can finally sit back down to check on the autopsy report.
Sam and Dean are cheering, looking happy for the first time in weeks. Your eyes glued to the brothers you don’t follow the match.
You can see the happiness on your boyfriend’s face, and you chuckle as he jumps out of his seat, cheering for Gunnar.
Sam gets up laughing next to his brother, smiling wildly as the crowd celebrates Gunnar’s move. While you clap your hands, smiling at Dean, you hear sirens outside – never a good sign…
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“Another death.” Sighing you walk back into the hall to tell Dean the father got killed.
Your eyes round and you must hold back a chuckle when your boyfriend rolls into the ring. He bounces back and forth off the ropes, rolling into the ring again and again.
Smiling he struts across the floor, cheering for a crowd, or rather empty seats. He climbs onto the ropes, raising his hands like a victor.
“You could always have a new career.” Smirking you watch Dean jump off the ropes, awkwardly clearing his throat. “You’re moves were not that bad.”
“What’d you find out?” Changing the subject Dean rolls through the ropes, to leave the ring. “Sweetheart?”
“According to the paramedics, the father of the boy two rows behind us got killed. Looks like he lost a fight with a knife. There are marks on his back. Sounds like a job for us, Dean…”
“Here we go again…” Dean wraps his arm around your waist, looking at the ring one last time. “All good things come to an end, I guess…”
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SPN Forever Tags
Dean/Jensen Forever Tags   
A/N: If your name is crossed out Tumblr won’t let me tag you.
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ffakc · 4 years ago
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A Midwest Christmas - a Jeffrey Dean Morgan fanfiction
Again, I’m aware I’m late posting this. I know it’s no longer Christmas, don’t yell at me. Christmas is one of my favorite holidays and I LOVE writing stories that are based around Christmas.
Jeff crushed out his cigarette and breathed hot air into his hands to warm them. He shrugged his shoulders a few times, almost as if he was psyching himself up.
“You okay, babe?” I ask and kiss his cheek, shutting the car off.
“Yeah, I’m fine. I don’t know why I’m so nervous! I’m a grown ass man, damn it,” my boyfriend chuckles.
“They’ll love you, Jeff. You know my mom and dad love you already, you have nothing to worry about, baby” I give his thigh a squeeze and kiss his neck deeply. Jeff moans and tilts his head to the side.
“Please don’t give me a boner before meeting your female relatives,” Jeff chuckles. “I don’t know, babe. Dad might not love me after I walk through the door,” he gestures to his Seattle Seahawks beanie.
“He’ll get over it,” I laugh and open the car door. Jeff grabs the box of gifts from the trunk and holds my hand as we walk to the front door.
“Merry Christmas Eve!” I holler from the foyer. Jeff kicks off his boots.
“Hey sweetie! Hey Jeff, what’s up, brother?” my dad calls from the den.
“Hey, Mr. C,” Jeff smiles warmly.
“Oh no, oh no. You take that hat off! You’re in Bear country!” my dad laughs. “Just when I thought I liked you!”
“I knew you’d say something! GO HAWKS!” Jeff chuckles and tosses it onto the bench. My dad jokingly makes a fist. I roll my eyes playfully and ruffle his hair as we head upstairs. Men and their sports, I’ll never understand it.
“You can just set the gifts under the tree,” I whisper to Jeff and give his arm a squeeze. He waves at my female relatives at the table.
“Hiiiii! Merry Christmas! I’ve missed you!” my cousin Amy hugs me. “How’s New York?”
“Absolutely incredible. Every day feels like a new adventure with this one,” I gesture to my man standing behind me. “This is my boyfriend, Jeff!”
“Hi there, you must be Amy? I’ve heard so much about you!” Jeff shakes her hand and kisses her cheek.
“All good things I hope!” Amy laughs.
“Yes ma’am. I’ve heard y’all are super close, and I love that. Family togetherness recharges the batteries.”
“I’m glad to hear it! I can’t think of a single holiday we didn’t spend together,” Amy gestures around the table.
“Have a seat!” my mom says. “Can I get you anything to drink? We have wine, beer, Coke Zero...”
“I’ll have a Coke,” Jeff replies and sits next to me at the long dinner table. I pull a small bottle of Crown Royal out of my bag.
“I’ll take a Coke as well,” I laugh.
“You came to party! I’ll take some too,” Jeff wraps his arm around me and kisses my cheek as I add the liquor to his glass of ice, “It smells amazing in here, Ma,” Jeff says to my mom.
“Thanks, Jeff! It’s a tradition on Christmas that we have Grandma, my mom’s, tacos. The shells are from a tiny little Mexican kitchen downtown, that’s how my mom always did it. I think we’re just waiting on Jessica and then we’ll be ready to eat!”
“Sounds delicious,” Jeff sips his drink.
“How’d you guys meet? You look super familiar, Jeff,” my aunt Janine remarks. I rest my head on Jeff’s shoulder.
“It all started when I began frequenting this coffee shop that opened near my, well, OUR farm while on hiatus from work. I couldn’t take my eyes off this brown eyed manager with the messy bun in her hair who would always ring me up and make my drink. Golly, she looked cute in that apron,” Jeff nudges me and everyone laughs as I blush. “I finally had to ask this pretty young thing out. I invited her over for dinner and the rest is history. One year and some change later and I can’t imagine my life with anyone else but my baby gal,” he kisses me softly. “Oh! I’m an actor, by the way. I’m currently on a show called The Walking Dead, I play the bad guy named Negan. A lot of people still recognize me as Denny from Grey’s Anatomy and John Winchester from Supernatural though,” Jeff smiles warmly.
“I knew those eyes looked familiar!” my aunt exclaims. “Wow, girl, a famous actor? Check you out!”
“He’s pretty great. I thought the concept of soulmates was cheesy til this man came along. I mean, nobody’s perfect, but Jeffrey comes pretty darn close,” I rub his thigh under the table.
“How old are you anyway? That gray beard says you’re old,” my 13 year old cousin Alyssa asks.
“Lys! You can’t just say that!” her mom quiets her.
“It’s okay, hon! I’m not offended at all! I AM old, real old. I’m 54,” Jeff laughs.
“And how old are you?” Alyssa turns her attention to me.
“24,” I link my arm with my man’s and nuzzle his shoulder.
“Sooo, you were 30 when she was born?” Alyssa makes a sassy face.
“Don’t push it, little girl,” Jeff teases and we all laugh.
*Jeff’s POV*
“So, this is the man cave, huh?” I glance around at the fishing poles adorning the chocolate brown wall and Chicago sports gear.
“Yeah, it’s pretty nice! It gets cold down here, but the fireplace helps!” my girlfriend’s dad Tim tosses some kindling on the fire.
“Super cozy,” I remark. I haven’t been this nervous in a long time. I had something I desperately wanted to ask him, but I didn’t want to just get right to it.
“How you doin’, bud?” my girlfriend’s grandfather Ray asks.
“Good, Ray! I’m really good, fantastic actually. It feels so nice to be off work for the holidays! Thank you guys so much for welcoming me into your home. Dinner was delicious and the Midwest hospitality is much appreciated.”
“You’re always welcome here,” Tim says.
“This is for you,” Ray reaches into his coat pocket. He passes a CD my way with small writing on the jacket, “To: Jeff. Love, Grampa.”
“Aww, what’s this?” I say, pushing my glasses up.
“Elvis Christmas songs. Something for you and your girl to dance to. You better treat her good,” he smiles his adorable old man smile.
“Thank you so much, Grandpa,” I get up and give him a hug. “You didn’t have to get me anything. So, um,” I clear my throat as I settle into the couch. “There’s something we should talk about. I mean, something I need to ask you. I don’t know, I’m shaky as hell. So, how do I put this?” I pull a small velvet box out of my pocket. “I brought this with me.”
“You want to marry me? Let me go get my dress!” Tim teases. Whew, a joke to break the tension.
“Yeah, totally! I, wow, I’m going to cry. Pull yourself together, Jeff. I wanted to know if I can ask your daughter to be my wife. She’s got me wrapped, man. When I look into her eyes, I just fall in love over and over again. I know it’s old fashioned of me to ask, but I thought I’d do the right thing and ask for your blessing. I love your girl so damn much, you have no idea,” I wipe tears away.
“I had a feeling this would be happening. You kept staring at me all through dinner with this lost puppy look in your eye, like I was going to yell at you or something! Jeff, I see the way she looks at you and it warms her dad’s heart. Every time you speak, she stops immediately what she’s doing and stares at you with hearts in her eyes. I’ve never seen my daughter so happy. Of course you have my blessing.” My heart begins hammering in my chest as my soon to be fiancée’s dad pulls me into a hug.
“Thank you so much, sir! Oh my god, I’m freaking out. Thank you, thank you! So, next question, where’s the best place to propose around these parts?”
“Well, downtown near your hotel on 5th Avenue, it’s all decked out in Christmas lights. Maybe you guys could take a walk down there?”
“What a great dinner, your family is so kind and welcoming!” Jeff says as we climb into the warm car. “I love you so much, doll.”
“I’m so glad you had a good time, honey. I knew you would! I love you too, Jeff. I’m so looking forward to the hot tub when we get back to the room, I don’t know about you.” Jeff slides his hand over my upper thigh seductively as I drive through the city in the direction of the hotel. I glance over at my boyfriend and he gives me the sexiest bedroom eyes. I could have just stopped the car and taken him right there. We jam out to our favorite Christmas songs and giggle like kids.
“Fifth Avenue,” Jeff mutters. “Pull over, babe.” I pull into a parking spot and Jeff grabs my face and kisses me deeply, “Let’s go walkin’ in a winter wonderland.” I smile and shut the car off and follow behind him. Jeff’s adorable spontaneity was one of his best qualities. He takes me by the hand as we look at the twinkling lights. There’s no cars on the road and the snow dampens all the sound.
“Hey, sweetheart?” Jeff places his hands on my hips.
“Yes?” I wrap my arms around his neck. We hold each other close.
“You’re so damn perfect,” he pecks my lips, I run my fingers through his soft gray hair. “I tried to come up with a long romantic speech, but words are failing me. You’re everything I’ve hoped and dreamed for. You’re the reason I wake up in the morning. You’re the reason I can’t wipe this smile off my face. Every time I look into those gentle brown eyes, I’m reminded of why I fell in love with you all over again. A life without you is a life I don’t want to live. You’re my entire world, sweet girl.” Jeff pulls away and reaches into his pocket.
“Oh my god,” I sigh, “Jeffrey, I-I-“ I’m utterly speechless. Jeff brushes away the snow on the sidewalk with his gloved hand and gets on one knee.
“Will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?” Jeff smiles widely, opening the velvet box and revealing a simple, shimmering band. That man knew me so well, it was exactly the
“Oh god, Daddy! Yes! Yes, Jeffrey, yes I’ll marry you!” I jump up and down excitedly. Jeff’s hands shake as he slides the ring on my finger. I gasp with delight, “I love you. Oh baby, it’s beautiful!” Jeff gets to his feet and rests his forehead against mine as we both cry tears of joy. My breath quavers from excitement and the biting cold as Jeff kisses me over and over again.
“I want you to be mine forever,” he whispers against my lips.
“Forever and ever. Oh my god, my heart is racing! You’re so amazing, I love you so much.”
“I love you the most, baby gal.”
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Jeff and I could hardly keep our hands off each other as we hustled to the elevator.
“Merry Christmas!” the front desk agent calls out.
“You too!” Jeff replies with a friendly wave. I untie my coat as the door to the elevator shuts. I tangle my fingers in my silver fox’s thick hair and moan as he kisses my neck and pulls down my sweater, brushing his scruffy beard against my chest as he kisses and sucks gently.
“Jeffrey, you naughty boy,” I gasp. His large, slender hand find its way between my thighs. “Please, Daddy,” I whine. Jeff slides his fingers down the front of my leggings. He pulls them out just as the elevator chimes, my face goes red as I readjust my Christmas sweater and Jeff fixes his hair as if nothing ever happened.
“Merry Christmas!” an innocent, elderly Mrs. Claus looking woman greets us.
“Merry Christmas to you too!” I reply, the cool air of the hallway hitting Jeff’s saliva on my chest, causing me to shiver with delight. We laugh to ourselves as Jeff opens the door to our suite. Oh, that poor old lady, I hope she didn’t hear too much.
“Let’s see, how about we celebrate with a drink!” Jeff says with a wide smile, slinging his coat over a chair.
“Hmm, how about something sweet? I kind of want dessert after all those tacos,” I wrap my arms around my now fiancé’s waist as he kisses me, his large hands squeeze me closer.
“Your sweater reminds me, how about a White Russian?”
“I am, in fact, the Dude. One of my favorites,” I reply with a laugh.
“Hmm. Vodka, check. Coffee liqueur, got it. Cream, hmm. Cream, cream, cream,” Jeff taps his chin. “Got it!” he grabs some half and half packets from the coffee station.
“Ah, resourceful! I like that!” I kiss him and sit on the bed, “I’ll get the bath ready.”
I draw the bath and Jeff hands me a drink, setting his on the rim of the tub. He unbuttons his shirt revealing his hairy chest and stomach. He kisses me.
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“I love you so much,” he says. “Nice ring you’ve got there.”
“Thanks!” I run my fingers down his chest, “My handsome fiancé gave it to me.”
“He must be a lucky guy,” Jeff’s pants come off and he slides into the tub with a loud groan.
“Jesus, that feels so fucking good,” he runs his fingers through his hair. “Come on in, baby gal, the water’s fine.” Jeff bites his lip eagerly as I take my clothes off. “You’re so sexy, you know that?”
“I could say the same about you, darlin’,” I reply, tossing my bra on the floor. I tie my hair up as my fiancé looks me up and down. I climb in the tub, opposite of the rugged older man that I was so lucky to call mine. Jeff grabs my leg and begins kissing the length of my calf.
“When and where do you want to get married?” he asked with a sly smile, kneading my legs.
“Honestly, I’ve always dreamed of a fall or winter wedding. You know how I feel about hot weather,” I take a sip of my White Russian.
“Babe, it’s too hot! This is stupid! Ninety degrees? Ew, fuck that!” Jeff imitates my whining. I laugh.
“You know me so well!”
“Daddy, I have a headache!” Jeff cackles.
“Will you shut the fuck up?” I playfully splash water in his face with my foot. Jeff sputters.
“I give you shit because I love you!” he wipes his face.
“I know, and I give it right back to you, asshole! What were we talking about again?” I giggle.
“Wedding plans?”
“Oh, right. So, definitely a fall wedding. What about on the farm? Ballrooms have never really struck my fancy. That little area off beyond the pastures would be beautiful, don’t you think?”
“I agree, I don’t need a big gala with a stuffy tuxedo to show everyone how much I love you. Ooh! How about under that big tree where we had a picnic and carved our names?” Jeff places my legs on his shoulders.
“J hearts K, yeah, I remember,” I sigh longingly. “That’s where you first told me you loved me.”
“Aw, it was, wasn’t it? You packed us a picnic and everything! You’re just a regular Ina Garten, aren’t you? Remember me yelling at the dogs to stay away from the alpacas? ‘Guys, those aren’t puppies, they’ll kick the shit out of you!’” Jeff laughs.
“Well, if I’m Ina, you’re Jeffrey! Hey, look at that! It works!” I tap my glass against his. “Those dogs are so cute, but they’re little shits sometimes.”
“Oh, absolutely they are,” Jeff agrees. “Wow, that cute barista who I was scared to ask out is going to be my wife? How did I get so damn lucky?”
“You were scared to ask me out? Why? We would always chit-chat back and forth.”
“Yeah, I don’t know why. I think it’s because I didn’t want to be THAT guy. You know, the guy who thinks the food service worker is flirting with him just because she’s being nice,” Jeff rolls his eyes.
“I didn’t get that impression from you at all! I think you’re sexy as fuck, and have since the day I first met you. If I thought you were a scumbag, I wouldn’t have flirted back. And I wouldn’t have had sex with you on the first date, would I?” I tease.
“You’re right. Man, that was a wild night, eh? My heart still beats fast when I think about it,” Jeff grins. “You looked so damn good in my shirt too. Come here,” he holds out his arms and I make my way to his side of the tub, sitting on his lap. He runs his manly hands all over my body and buries his face in my neck, kissing and moaning, “You’re the best thing that ever happened to me, Mrs. Morgan.”
“I love the sound of that. I get to be your wife and I’ve never been happier in my entire life. I love you so much, Jeffrey.”
“I love you too.”
We eventually climb out of the tub, after kissing and laughing and talking til the water turns our toes to raisins. I wrap myself in a fuzzy bathrobe and Jeff quickly does the same. I climb in the big, fluffy bed and Jeff snuggles next to me. He wraps his slender arms around me and I immediately drift off to sleep.
“Merry Christmas, gorgeous,” Jeff’s croaky, sultry morning voice rings in my ears like church bells. He kisses my forehead, his scruff brushing against my skin. I squint my eyes at the bright sun bouncing off the snow and flooding our suite.
“Merry Christmas, Daddy,” I curl up closer to his warm body. I close my eyes and bury my face in his chest, “Has anyone told you that you look like Santa Claus with your beard?” I laugh and kiss his collarbones.
“Every damn day on social media,” Jeff chuckles. He moans softly at my touch. I stop and hold out my left hand, my vintage gold band shimmering in the light.
“Just had to make sure I wasn’t dreaming,” I smile.
“You ain’t dreamin’, sweet girl. You’re going to be my wife,” Jeff kisses me and strokes my hair. He climbs on top of me, our naked bodies still cloaked in the beige comforter. He buries his face in my neck, leaving sloppy kisses.
“Daddy,” I whimper.
“Yeah, baby?” I hold his face in my hands.
“Nothing, I just like looking at you. You sure are pretty. What do you say we have a little fun before going back to Mom and Dad’s?”
“I would want nothing more,” I reply as Jeff pulls the blanket over his head and begins kissing down my body. I giggle with delight as his beard tickles me. Best. Christmas. Ever.
Tag list: @negans-attagirl @jdmbbycakes @iluvneganandjamie
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like-rain-or-confetti · 5 years ago
High School Reunions (Heidi Volturi x Reader)
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You groaned again. You dreaded this day even the very first moment you were officially no longer in high school. High school reunions weren't fun, nor completely friendly from what you knew. You'd be surrounded by your year group who had gone off to do major and minuscule things and the many things that sat in between. Maybe there would be doctors and lawyers but there'd also be those who would be considered failing at life. That category had no discrimination. Married? Kids? Stable job? Salary? Vacations? How many cars? The thousands upon thousands of contacts people would promise to get in touch with to help an old friend when in reality they'd do no such thing and instead leech off of the gossip and ego boost. It was a competition, who did life better? You wanted no part in it but you couldn't just simply not go. That would be so much worse. The gossip would thrive! However, you had nothing to 'show off', nothing in your eyes anyway. Nothing is ever enough in this game and you were content with what you had. However, that didn't mean you weren't affected by judgement. 
Emmett nudged you. "Cheer up lil' human." He teased. "It won't be as bad as you think!" "It'll be worse." You grumbled into your hands. "At least you don't have to re-live highschool." Emmett grinned. You jumped slightly hearing Heidi's heels clicking behind you. You had forgotten the Volturi were visiting the Cullen's for a full ten minutes after receiving the invite to the reunion. "What's wrong?" Heidi smiled brightly. "(Y/N) has a high school reunion to go to." Emmett grinned at you. Heidi hummed, intrigued. "What's that exactly?" She twirled a lick of curled hair between her fingers, head tilting slightly. "Hell." You sighed. "I meet up with my year group for a reunion. The idea is innocent, but in actuality it's a sea of adults flaunting their successes like it's a competition." Heidi hummed. "What's so bad about that?" "It's condescending! I'll be around people with high paid jobs, massive houses and many cars and married with hundreds of kids!" You paused. "So maybe not hundreds of kids but you know what I mean." "I do, but you can flaunt too. That's the fun in it." Heidi leaned over the counter slightly in front of you as though you had her full attention. Her red eyes boring into yours.  "I don't flaunt. I don't have anything to flaunt. I'm not married, I don't have kids and I don't have an amazing mansion or a fancy car or any of that stuff. I'm just me and that wasn't enough in high school." You sighed. "I had a tough time in school, other kids weren't...friendly toward me." Heidi narrowed her eyes slightly, quiet for a moment. "When is it?" "Three days away." "I'll go with you. Tell them we're engaged or that we're married. Flaunt me all you like. In return, I get to feed on one of them- my choice." 
Heidi was very attractive, it was her gift. Humans nor vampires could resist her. You were no exception but your guilt set in quickly. "I couldn't do that. You're not an object-" "I'm not asking, sweetie. It'll be fun! I get to feed and enjoy a little revenge and you get to be on the winning team. It's a win-win." That's how it began and she kept true to her word. 
Your jaw hit the floor. Heidi was gorgeous. You weren't surprised when she had chosen a red dress. Her curled hair perfectly framing her face and her make-up was perfect. More notably, she wore a very expensive looking ring on her ring finger. That must have been the 'engagement ring' . "Ready to knock 'em dead?" Heidi smirked seductively. Your heart was racing and you weren't entirely sure of your response. No words coming to mind. "Well one of them more literally." She winked, looping her arm in yours. 
The punches rolled in immediately. You barely arrived and were immediately greeted by Hayley. She was the head cheerleader and was a nice person, soft spoken but her company were vicious. So much so that many didn't speak to her just so they wouldn't have to endure her group of friends. "Hi! (Y/N), yeah?" You nodded. "Yeah." "Oh you look great! It's so good to see you!" You chuckled nervously before attempting to divert the attention from yourself. "Hayley, this is Heidi. She's my-" You stumbled, bit entirely certain of what to call her. Luckily Heidi didn't skip a beat, leaning into your side. "I'm their fiancee. It's so nice to meet you." Hayley looked taken aback. There was a brief second she looked enamored my Heidi before shaking herself out of her daze. "You look lovely tonight! Congratulations on your engagement. That's very exciting!" "It is!" Heidi mirrored Hayley's pleasant and polite smile, although Heidi seemed more enthusiastic. Heidi raised her hand, showing the ring. "I'm very lucky to have gotten such a great catch." You stifled a laugh at the dark humour, her job was considered 'fishing' after all. Hayley seemed to look you over slightly, before her eyes moving back to Heidi. Hayley seemed to be judging that statement for herself. "It's beautiful! I'm afraid I must be going, so many people to see! I'll be sure to catch you soon!" You looked at Heidi who turned to look back at you. "I'm very good at this game." She smirked. "She doesn't think I'm good enough for you. I've seen that look a million times." Heidi scoffed. "I bet she thinks a lot of things. I do too but there is a distinct difference between people like me and her." "What's that?" You asked. "I have the guts to say them." Heidi twirled a lock of hair as her eyes travelled around the room. You eyed a few familiar faces around the room. "Maybe this was a bad idea. Maybe we should go." "No, we had a deal. Besides, I've got your back. You don't need to worry. We're going to show them how wrong they are about you." "Promise me you have my back." You said quickly as you locked eyes with someone who made their way towards you. "Promise." 
"(Y/N) (L/N), I cannot believe it!" The blonde slightly overweight man grinned, pushing his glasses up to the bridge of his nose, a darker haired and scrawny man followed behind him closely. The blonde was your old classmate Tommy. You remembered how lovely he was and that he was the theatre kid. He lived and breathed theatres and knew just about every single musical every written. "This is my husband Theodore!" Tommy gestured to the dark haired man who offered a small smile, stuffing his hands into his pockets. "I knew it was you! I told him! I told you Theo!" You smiled at Tommy. He seemed genuinely glad to see you. Then again, Tommy was always a good guy. "This is my fiancee, Heidi." You felt a little guilt about lying to Tommy but this was how it has to be. You couldn't go back now. Heidi greeted the couple. "Tell me everything!" Tommy said in delight. "I want to know everything I've missed!" You told him of your job and the real details of your life. Heidi was quick, creating the story of how you both first met and how Heidi fell for you immediately. After a couple of years you proposed. She gave such a convincing story that even you forgot she was talking about you and that you hadn't done anything of these things. 
You weren't sure if Tommy and Heidi got on well naturally of if Heidi was just playing along. "Well, in the summer time we hope to finally bring our little girl home permanently. We're finalising the papers." Tommy grinned and even Theodore cracked a smile. "You're adopting? That's amazing, Tommy. Congrats." "I know, I always wanted a daughter! What about you two? Any kids?" "Actually-" Heidi wrapped her arms over your shoulders. "None yet but I'm sure there will be one or two not long after the wedding." Heidi went even further planting a kiss to the corner of your mouth. 
 Heidi's eyes shifted to a woman before nudging you. "Who is that over there?" "Oh... That is Jessica. Why?" "Because I'm trying to listen to everyone's boring lives and all I can hear is her shrill voice shrieking about her golden child who can do no wrong." "Oh...well it looks like she's coming this way." Heidi exhaled slowly, you could tell Jessica aggravated her. "Hello there!" Jessica sang. "My, how you've changed!" Her eyes moved up and down your body making you hold back a shiver.  You remembered Jessica to be a snob, much like her parents. You tried to avoid her as much as possible during school. She always wanted to flaunt and that got annoying after ten minutes. "Tommy tells me there is possible little ones in your future! Good for you! And congratulations on your engagement!" Of course Tommy told her. Anyone would give up any information to divert her attention from them and onto someone else. "Yes, perhaps after the wedding." Heidi said sweetly, sickeningly sweet. It had to be intentional but you couldn't tell her that Jessica had no kind of radar for such hints to back off. "We're waiting until I'm more financially secure." You played along in hopes of settling any tension with Heidi. You were practically saving Jessica's life in your eyes. "I'm hoping a promotion is in the near future for me. A lot of my money has went to the wedding." "Oh I wish I had time for a job!" Jessica swooned. "I simply don't have time for that. I have a little one of my own, she's seven and quite possibly a genius! Naturally all my time goes to her and I'm absolutely exhausted! Oh how she's worth it though. My extraordinary child. Any other parent would be jealous!" Heidi hummed pleasantly but it was very forced. Anyone but Jessica could see it.  "(Y/N) works for the government. I want a big white wedding and my (Y/N) made my dreams come true! Now we hope to have children after the wedding and put some money away for private schooling. We'll have to be careful though in timing." Heidi pulled you closer to her, wrapping an arm around you. "I'd like to enjoy (Y/N) myself without any interruptions. Oh the things they can do!" Your jaw dropped. "Heidi!" "Honey, I promised I wouldn’t talk about your position in the government since it's a secret. You never said I couldn't talk about you." Jessica chuckled slightly uncomfortable. "Well if you excuse me..." 
"Really? Implying sex? Really?" Your eyes were wide. "She was insufferable before she came over here, I did you a favour. I said it because she's recently divorced and is very jealous of every couple here." Heidi paused. "Besides if she said rammed one more brag about her child in our faces I'd expect she'd pull the child out of her bag and trying to force her down our throats. Children are not that special, I don't care who you are." You sighed before a thought occurred to you. "I don't think I've ever heard anyone say something like that about their child. She just promised us a prodigy." "That's because she's insecure in herself, she's trying to show everyone she's a great mother who's managing perfectly her divorce from her husband who likely got bored of her long ago." "Maybe she is coping well." "Perhaps, but no one copes perfectly. That's the difference. She doesn't want a single crack to show and I bet on the inside she is one more crack away from falling to pieces." "I feel like everyone has it put together but me." Heidi snorted. "Are you kidding? Look. See Hayley over there? She went from everyone's perfect princess and now has nothing to show for it. She's learned she's normal like the rest of us. Tommy, no doubt has his issues with his husband because he couldn’t stress enough that his life was perfect along with his marriage. Even with the right person, marriages aren't always easy. I've made my case with that Jessica over there already." Heidi turned to look at you. "Everyone here is miserable and insecure and trying to pretend they aren't. They feel they have something to prove just like you do. As soon as they leave here, they'll be ripping one another apart just to make themselves feel better...it's a little cute if you ask me." Heidi finished with a smile. 
You suddenly stifled with a gasp. Liam. The ringleader of all bullies was in front of you and heading your way with a sickening smirk. You were his favourite to torment and judging by the smile he gave you, they're wouldn't be much difference. Liam looked down at you, a good head taller than you. "(Y/N) (L/N). I didn't expect you'd make it. We all know what you're like around...people." He smirked and you couldn't bring yourself to respond. "Who's this? How much did you pay her to go with you, hm?" Heidi's nostrils flared before she responded. "I'm their fiancee." She said sweetly, holding up her ring. "Has to be a fake. This moron can barely tie their own shoes never mind get you a ring like that." He snorted. Then his eyes ran up and down Heidi, the sight making your skin crawl. "Let me know when this one bores you princess. I can show you a better time." As soon as he left, you exhaled. "Can we go?" You asked Heidi. "No." She said looking at Liam who had walked away. "Why?" "Because I found my meal." "Him? Really? He might make you sick. I think he has tar for blood." "Oh no, he's the one." She said smoothly. "That's the one who gave you a rough time?" "Yeah, but it doesn't matter, let's just go-" "We'll stay for another half an hour. Right now, let's get you a drink." 
Heidi kept you distracted for the next twenty minutes, talking about everything and anything with you as you sipped on your drink. She even reassured you that you were the better catch than Liam...the pun was intended. "Listen honey, I'd spend my time with you before him. He's the type of guy who doesn't have a brain." She tilted her head almost adoringly in his direction. "He's a loser." "That's...not a compliment." "It's not supposed to be honey. Anyway, say your goodbyes. I'm going to get my meal. I'll meet you outside in ten minutes." She kissed you cheek before leaving. She didn't have to go so far in this act but you wouldn't complain. 
You moved away from your original position to see Heidi brush past Liam and giving him a seductive smile, all the while nodding at him to follow her. Liam had no problems and immediately complied. 
You left exactly ten minutes later, saying your final goodbyes to Tommy before Heidi turned the corner, smiling. "Darling, I was just checking the car. Are you ready to go?" Tommy was quick to pull you into a hug. "It was great seeing you (Y/N), remember to add my number! I'd love to hear from you again soon!" You nodded with a smile. "Bye, Tommy." There was something oddly sad about the situation. You already missed him and didn't know why. Perhaps he represented normal human life. Ever since you've known about vampires, your life hasn't been normal. An adjective you missed greatly. Heidi's cold hand slipping into yours broke you out of your thoughts before she lightly pulled you away. You offered a wave to Tommy as Heidi called back that it was lovely to have met him. "Your hand is freezing." You mumbled. "Would you like me to let go?" "No, it was way too hot in there, the cold is welcomed." Heidi smiled in response. "Did you...is he alive?" You asked. "No, he isn't." Heidi said simply. "He was delicious, just the right amount of Karma too " 
Heidi walked you to the Cullen door before kissing your cheek. You blushed immediately. "You were a lovely date tonight and I'm happy to have helped you. Perhaps you should take me out more often." She winked.
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thevelvetseries · 5 years ago
The Heart Wants What It Wants
Summary : The Ackles oldest daughter Y/N has been growing up hiding a secret from her whole family and the entire world. She tries her best to keep it hidden, until one day her secret is released to the world.
Pairing : Jensen Ackles x Daughter Reader / Danneel Ackles x Daughter Reader / JJ Ackles / Arrow Ackles / Zeppelin Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Genevieve Padalecki
Warnings : Lesbian Reader, Forced Out, Swearing, Drinking
A/N : I had just finished reading the book ‘Simon vs. The Homo Sapiens Agenda’ and really enjoyed it. After watching the movie with a few friends it gave me the idea to write a short one-shot about a female reading being outed.
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I was currently sitting in my last period of the day at school. We had 10 minutes left until the end of the day. I was meeting Bram, Alexandra, Hannah, Nick and Marcus we were heading to the mall after school to look around get dinner and see a movie like we do every Friday. Once the bell rang, I put away my books and picked up my coat and leave the classroom and head over to my locker to grab the rest of my books to take with me for the weekend. While I was placing books in my bag Hannah bounced up to me.
“Hey Y/N” she says while leaning up against the locker next to mine. She was wearing a light blue top with black skinny jeans and some simple sneakers. She looked amazing she always did. They way she would do her makeup and hair everyday she looked beautiful.
“Hey Han, have you seen the others.” I say while closing my bag, placing it on the floor to put my coat on.
“They are walking to us now” she points behind me and I see Bram, Nick, Marcus and Alexandra walking our way. I close my locker pick up my bag and we all had outside. Since there is 6 of us we take two cars, in the mornings I pick up Hannah, Nick since they live on near me while Bram picks up Marcus and Alexandra. We get into our cars and head off to the mall for the night.
Around 8pm I get home. When I pulled up in the driveway I noticed that Jared and Gen were over. I park my car and turn off my engine. I take an deep breath, and lean my head against the headboard and closed my eyes. After 5 minutes I grab my bag and head inside. I open the front door, took my shoes of sand hanged up my coat on the hook by the door. I walk into the kitchen place my bag on the counter and grab myself a bottle of water. I had drank about half the bottle when dad walked in the room.
“Hey kiddo, how was school today?” He asked while giving me a kiss on the head while continuing over to the kettle and tuning it on.
“It was ok, nothing out of the ordinary.” I say while putting the lid back on my water bottle. “I saw the Padalecki’s are here” I say while pointing to the living room.
“Yeah, they decided to come over tonight.” Jensen says while making coffee.
“I’m gonna say hello and head upstairs.” I say walking out the kitchen. I say hello to everyone in the living room and head upstairs to my room and start to do my math homework. After about an hour I make my downstairs to get myself a snack. I walk into the kitchen and see dad and Jared sitting at the table talking.
“Hey Y/N” Jared said while drinking some of his drink.
“Hey J” I say while grabbing myself an apple and joining them at the table.
“How’s school been?” He asked.
“It’s been fine. Nothings really changed” I say while biting into my apple.
“Got a boyfriend yet?” Jared says while dad gives him a look.
“Hey”dad says while putting a hand on Jared’s shoulders “She’s 16. She doesn’t need a boyfriend.” Then he looks at me. “You don’t have a boyfriend do you?” He asked me.
“No dad, I don’t” I say. What he didn’t know is that I didn’t want a boyfriend or a husband when I got older. I wanted a girlfriend, and a wife. I’ve know this fo a long time. Like when me and my friends would watch TV shows or movies I would always pay more attention towards the actresses.
“Well good. Wait until college or after college.” He says. I give me a smile and tell him I would. It was a way to keep him off my back. I get up from the table and head into the living room where mum and Gen where with the little children. They were watching Frozen and eating popcorn. I make my way over to mum and snuggled into her side. She gives me a kiss on he head and continues o talk to Gen and watch the movie, at some point I’ve fallen asleep.
When I woke up I was in my bed and it was light outside. I look at my bedside table and saw it was 6am. I get out of bed and make my way downstairs and find mum and dad in the kitchen cooking breakfast, JJ and the twins where in the living rom watching cartoons.
“Morning sweetie, did you sleep ok?” mum said while cracking some eggs into a bowl to whisk them together.
“Morning mum, dad.” I say while sitting at the table and yawning.
“Oh, is it still ok for me to go to Jessica’s party tonight?” I’m ask to the room. Mum and dad both agreed so when I finished my breakfast, I sat with my family in the living room for a few hours before heading upstairs and texting my group asking if they were going to go. We all were. We decided that I was going to head over to Alexandra to get ready with her and Hannah since she lived closer to where the party was being held. Jessica used to go to out school before she transferred when she moved last year but everyone still loved her.
Around 9pm we arrive at the party. We head to the kitchen to get ourself some drinks. By 12am I was drunk. I wasn’t really sure what was going on, all I knew was that I was with Hannah and Alexandra in the car and was heading back home. They pull up to my house I grab my bag and head inside. I quietly enter the house and close the door and went upstairs to my bed. I had a good night, but what I didn’t know was that my life was going to change when I woke up the next morning.
My head was pounding like crazy. I slowly open my eyes and immediately shut them when I come contact with light from my windows. Yes, I was definitely hungover. It wasn’t the first time it had happened but never this bad. After about 20 minutes I was finally awake enough to head downstairs. It was 10am. I left my phone by my bed. When I reached downstairs I saw JJ, the twins and their three little Padalecki’s in the living room while mum and dad and Jared and Gen where in the kitchen talking with a laptop in front of them. When I enter the kitchen they all look at me. I grab a bottle of water from the fridge and turn around and looked at them.
“Why you all staring at me like that?”I asked confusedly while opening my bottle of water.
My dad looked at me and asked my to take a seat. I sit down and now I’m starting to get a little worried.
“When we woke up this morning there was an article wrote about you. It looked like someone took some photos of you at the party you went to last night.” Dad said while looking at me sweetly.
“Ok. That’s not bad. Is it.” I ask nervously.
Mum turned the laptop around and I could hear my heart break. The headline was the first thing I saw ‘Y/N Ackles seen kissing a mystery girl’. No, no no no no no. Fuck no. I start to scroll down and I see a photo of me kissing a girl. Tears start to build in my eyes. Why was this happening, for the past 3 years I’ve kept this hidden inside me. I look at up and a single tear runs down my face. I didn’t know what to do, they were all staring at me. 
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I got up from the table and ran up to my room ignoring the calls for me to come back. I enter my rom and lock the door and crawl into my bed. My phone was blowing up with missed calls and texts from my friends asking if I was ok and I just broke down crying.
I could hear my dad and mum, outside my room knocking asking for me to let them in. I couldn’t move. I stayed in my room all day.
When I woke up the next morning I woke and immediately hated the day. It’s Monday. School is in 2 hours. I head to my ensuite took a shower then go dressed, did my hair and makeup and went downstairs. When I enter the kitchen I see mum and dad and JJ eating breakfast. When they saw me dad looked me in the eyes. We hadn’t talked since they read the article. “Would you like a waffle sweetie?” He asks I just nod.
I seat down at the table not talking. I know I need to say something I should just tell them they already know. Dad placed my waffle in front of me and sat back down next to mum.
“I want to talk to guys about something.” I say. They both look at me, JJ was bus eating her waffles. “Well… I… I.. I like girls. And I don’t want you guys to think anything different. I’m still me.”
Mum jumped “of course you are sweetie” she said. “It’s ok hunny.” I give them both a small smile. “I loved you”
“We love you too” dad said. “Come here” he put his arms out. I get out my chair and walk over to him. He gives me a big hug and kissed my forehead. Then mum comes from behind me and joins the hug.
2 weeks later. Everything was great. I’m not sure why I was so worried in the first place. Nothing has really changed in my life except everyone knows my little secret, my family and friends still loved me everything was ok. I’m not sure why I was so scared too begin with. I’m was now myself. Who cares, the heart wants what it wants.
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mlovesstories · 5 years ago
Words: 3500
Warnings: threats to life, cussing, gun shots, stalker, protective Dean
Dean x reader!platonic
Sam x reader!platonic
Mom x daughter!reader
Summary: Dean and Sam are part of a security team charged with protecting a political figure and her daughter.  
AN: child au for @spngenrebingo
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“You get your ass back here!  I need to talk to you, mister!”  The seven year-old pounded her shoes into the floor after Dean.  He stopped in his tracks.  She slammed into his leg, not paying attention.  “Ow!” She fell back onto her rear.  
“Excuse me?”  He turned.  Towering over her, he asked, “What did you say?”
“Umm,” she stuttered.
“Room.  Now.”
“Mom wouldn’t care!” Reagan stood and stomped her foot. 
“Yes, she would!  Do you treat everyone else like this too?” She silently shook her head. “Go.”
“Ugh!” The little girl pushed passed him and dramatically exited the room.  
Dean’s phone rang.  He saw Reagan’s mom displayed on the screen.  
“Hi Senator Downing,” he smiled into the phone.   “How is Italy?”
“Beautiful, but politics are so difficult.  I am out of my comfort zone here, Winchester.  I just happened to check the security cameras, and my feisty daughter seems to not be having a good day.”
“You saw that just now?” Dean laughed.  “Yeah, I think she misses you, ma’am.”
“You aren’t the nanny, Mr. Winchester.” Ms. Downing sighed.  “Don’t take on nannying too.”
“I love her, you know that.”  Dean offered her a dry laugh.  “Political figures’ kids never listen to nannies anyway.”
“Fine, Mr. Winchester.  Keep her alive, please.  And tell her that if she uses that word again, our pizza night is canceled on Friday.  Tuna sandwiches instead,” she giggled knowing her daughter would hate it.
“I will alert her, thank you, Ms. Downing.  Stay safe, tell Sam hello,” referring to his brother and co-worker.
“Will do, thank you, Winchester.  Oh, you better get to Reagan.  She is trying to sneak out my office window.”  Senator Downing raced to get her words out.
“Yes, ma’am.”  Dean hung up.
“What in the world do you think you are doing, Reagan Marie Downing?”  Dean quietly entered the main hallway where he saw her trying to open the window.
“Leaving!  I am going to Italy to be with Mommy!  She doesn’t have rules like you!”  Reagan crossed her arms.
“She is more strict than me, and you know it.  Besides, I just got off the phone with her, because she saw your temper tantrum.”  Dean smirked inwardly.
“On the cameras?”  She had forgotten about those.
“Yep.  Your mom told me that you’ll be eating a tuna sandwich Friday night if you don’t change your behavior.”
“What? No! I want pizza!”
“Then act like you want it, kid.  Back to your room, no more escaping.  Let’s go.”  The bodyguard escorted her to her room by guiding her shoulders.  “Seven minutes.”  He watched her walk to her bed and plopped herself down.  Dean shut her door and guarded it so that she would not sneak out again.  After her time was over, he opened the door.  “Come on, all done.” He faced her in the doorway.  She stood from her bed and froze. “What’s up kiddo?”
“I just want my mom.”
“I know this is new, sweetie.  New house, new schedule.  But your mom has a really important job to do.  And sometimes that means she has to leave.”
“I hate it.”
“Stop using bad words.”  Dean said shortly.
“I don’t like it!”
“But you have me!”  Dean laughed.  
“Winnie!”  Reagan whined.  
“Come on, dinner time.”
“No, thank you,” she moped.  Before she could cross her arms, he swept her off of the ground and whisked her into the kitchen as she giggled.
“You don’t get to be a sour puss tonight.  Eat up.”
The next Friday night Reagan and her mother enjoyed pizza together.  Sam stood watch at the door for the evening shift.  
“Baby Winchester, go home.  There are other guards here.  Have a drink with your brother, go cause trouble or something.”
“No, ma’am.  My shift does not end until the morning,” he stated very professionally.
“I hired you personally, don’t make me suspend you.  Go.”  She grinned to herself.
“One,” she started counting.  “Two-”
“Yes, Senator Downing.  Enjoy your evening.  Sleep well, Reagan.”  The little girl waved at him as he exited the house.  
“Where’s Winnie?”  The seven year-old asked her mom, tucking her stuffed animal underneath her arm on the couch.
“He isn’t working tonight, baby.  This is his job, he doesn’t always have to work.  Dean also has to go home and watch his own TV and do every day things like we do. He’s been with us for a while, you know he doesn’t live here with us.”
“But- I want him here to watch the movie with us.  He likes pizza too.”
“He likes you, but he also likes to hang out with his friends and go to his house too.  You know this, what’s up?”
“I know something is bothering you, kid.”  Dean walked into Reagan’s room a week later as she was coloring on her bed the next day.  She had been withdrawn and to herself over the previous few weeks.  “I’ve been with you long enough to know when something is wrong.” He planted himself on her bed, moving her feet from the bed to his lap.
“Mommy hates me, and you think I’m stupid.”  Reagan did not make eye contact.  He took a deep breath knowing not to react with a hair trigger.
“You know neither of those are true.”
“Yes, it’s true.  Mommy is gone all the time now since she became an sena- senat-“
“We used to do stuff, now she is gone.  And you haven’t been here!”
“I took vacation days, baby.  I’m not leaving you, promise.”
“Fine, but pinky promise?” She put her finger up, and he wrapped his around hers.
They soon changed the subject which led to giggles and jokes.  
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“Winnie! Come on!” Reagan whined to Dean.
“Punching another kid, seriously?”
“She punched me first!”
“Right…” Dean rolled his eyes.
“The principal saw it on the camera at school!”
“Let’s go home. We need to have a freaking talk before I call your mother. I hate making these calls, Reagan.”
She huffed.
“Get over here.” Dean gritted his teeth. Reagan walked over to him quietly in the living room later that afternoon.  Averting her eyes, she shifted on the balls of her feet. “Look at me.” Dean crosses his arms.  Reagan slowly met his eyes, tears starting to fall. “I know you didn’t punch first. BUT you had words with her before that punch. Next time keep your words to yourself when you know it will escalate. Sit down.” Dean pulled out his phone.
“No!” Reagan stood up and tried to grab it.
“Sit. Down.” He moved away from her. “If you be quiet, I won’t tell your mom you just tried to do that.” Reagan backed up and sat down again silently. She put her head in her hands and quietly teared up. A few minutes later he handed her the phone.
“Seriously, Rae?  You keep getting into trouble. You’re lucky Dean is there and not me.”
“I know. I’m sorry, Mommy.”
“You can stand up for yourself, but make sure that you don’t instigate something you can’t handle. You’re grounded until Friday. Anything technology goes to Dean unless you need it for school. I need to go, listen to Dean and be good. I love you.”
“Really, Mom? I need to get in trouble to talk to you?” YN yelled at her mom.
“Goodbye, Reagan.” Susan hung up.
“All your devices. Go get ‘em.”
“Phone, iPad, computer, all of it.” He put his phone in his pocket. She turned and stomped up the stairs to retrieve them.
“Here.” Reagan practically threw them at Dean.
“Cool it.”
“No.” Reagan growled at him.
“Take a breath. Relax for a minute. Sit on the porch. Do something to calm down. And just for the record, don’t throw stuff when you’re mad. Go punch a bag or something.”
“Okay,” she slipped outside to sit on the porch swing.
Benny, another security team member walked in. “Umm…”
“She’s growing up. And it sucks.” Dean turned to his coworker.
“Yep. Maybe you should step back, man. You’re not in charge of her like that, ya know?”
“What?” Dean turned.
“You’re not her babysitter.”
“That’s actually my job, Senior Winchester,” Jessica, one is the nannies walked in.
“We’ve talked about this, Benny.” He became defensive, jutting his jaw out. “Sorry, Jessica. Don’t mean to undermine you.”
“I’m just saying, Winchester.” Benny sighed.
“Say it somewhere else, Lafitte.”
“Winchester-“ Benny started.
Dean and Benny went running toward a screaming sound. They threw open the backdoor to find Reagan hiding behind a planter.
“What happened?”
“Bad guy!” Reagan screeched out.
“Where?” Dean growled protectively. Reagan pointed to the tall wrought iron fence. “Okay, go inside and up to your room but away from the window!” He pushed her through the door into the kitchen.
“Okay!” Reagan yelled back.
“Yes, Ms. Downing. She is fine, I promise. Stupid guy tripped when he fell off the fence and broke his ankle. We have moved to a safe house in case he is not working alone.”
“Let me talk to Reagan, please,” Susan growled, defeated.
“Yes, ma’am.”
Dean walked to Reagan and handed her the phone.
“It’s okay. You’re not in trouble, kiddo,” he whispered. She took in a deep breath.
“Mommy?” The girl’s voice was quiet.
“Hello, sweet girl. Are you okay?”
“No. I mean, Dean and Benny saved me, but I’m scared.”
“I understand. I’m coming home, okay? I’ll be there soon.”
“Okay, Mommy.”
“Let me have the phone,” Dean gestured. Reagan offered the device back to her security guard. .
“Ma’am, I can’t allow you to come back here. We don’t know why the person tried to attack. Yes, he is caught, but who knows if there is something else going on.”
“Winchester! She is my daughter, and she was almost attacked.”
“I am very aware of that, Ms. Downing. And I’m so sorry that we didn’t catch him before he got on the property. We have increased her security and have taken other precautions as well.”
“If a hair on her head-“
“Understood. Please stay where you are. I’ll have Sam take good care of you while you are separated from Reagan. I promise.”
“Call me every hour with updates, are we clear?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“I’m so sorry, baby. Do you feel okay now?”
“Yeah, we had to move houses though. I don’t like it.” She shrugged.
“I know. But it is to keep you safe.”
Over the next few days Reagan and her security team stayed at the secondary house.
“Can I go to school, Winnie?”
“Not yet,” Dean huffed, sad for her.
Benny barged in.
“Security alert, northwest corner, upstairs window!”
“Reagan, come here!” Dean dragged her to the center of the house. Dean pulled his gun out. He heard glass breaking in the upstairs bedroom.
Senator Downing’s room. Italicize
“Come here,” he pulled her into the secure basement and yelled for Charlie to follow. “Stay inside with her until I come back.”
“Winnie!” Reagan cries out for her favorite bodyguard as Charlie forced her body to move behind a door and locking it. “No!”
“Breathe, kiddo. You have to breathe.”
“Winnie could get hurt!”
“He’s Batman. Batman never gets hurt.” Charlie smiled st the girl. “You know he is Batman because you’re who?” She raised a brow with a smirk on her face.
“Let’s just hang out here. Look, we have a full room down here.” Charlie turned so that Reagan could view the whole basement, a small apartment, really. They heard a loud boom and Reagan cowered, latching onto Charlie. “We’re safe. That door won’t let anyone in.”
A few minutes later Dean yelled, “Poughkeepsie 1-9-6-7!” On hearing the code word, Charlie used the heavy lever to open the door. Dean was bloody.
“Winnie!” Reagan gasped and ran into his arms. “Are you okay? Is the bad guy out there?” Her voice level wavered.
“Hey, it’s okay. Yes, I am fine and the bad guy was taken to the bad guy place. It’s alright. I promise.” The ten year-old was getting in his arms, but she cried rivers onto his reddened shirt, leaving him no choice but to continue holding her.
“We need to go. I know this is hard, but we get to go back to your house at the Embassy. We made sure no one can break in again. Can you go sit with Charlie while I make sure everyone is okay?”
Reagan nodded.
Even after extra precautions had been taken, Reagan was not permitted to go to school. Her homeschool teacher was mean and intolerable of anything other than focused, hard work.
“Forget you!” Reagan stood from her chair and walked down the hall.
“REAGAN!” Dean shouted after her. She walked up the stairs, and went into her mom’s room. “What in the heck was that?”
“It’s her fault. Mommy didn’t have to take this job. I miss school! Her job makes me scared! I miss my friends and my normal stuff!”
Dean inhaled.
“I’m sorry.”
Taken aback by his sweet response, she could tell he didn’t want her in this situation either.
“Dean, why?”
“I don’t know, Rae.  I really don’t. But I do know that you can’t talk to your teacher like that. If you have a problem with your mom, you need to tell her, not get mad at the teacher. You understand?”
“Yeah, I get it, kiddo. Now I think you have some apologizing to do and some math to learn, yes?” Dean raised a brow, expecting a specific answer.
“Try again,” he widened his stance.
When it was deemed safe for both Downing family members to be home, the ambassador was welcomed by Dean at the door.
“Hi, Senator. Glad to be home?”
“Yes, thank you.” She stepped in as Sam bright her luggage behind her. “Are you sure it’s safe?”
“I wouldn’t have brought Reagan back here if we didn’t put extra security measures in place.”
“I appreciate that.” As she entered the foyer, Reagan happened to walk through.
“Hi, Mommy.” Reagan continued walking to the stairs.  
“What was that?” The senator looked toward Dean.
“Ma’am, I think that’s a conversation for you two. We will take your bags, go say hi to her.” Dean offered a weak smile.
“That bad, huh?”
Ms. Downing ascended up the stairs and opened her daughter’s room door.
“Hey, pumpkin.”
“Hi, Mommy.” Reagan looked up from a magazine she was reading.
“Are you mad?”
“About what?”
“I know I’ve been gone a lot. And it’s been scary. But I couldn’t come home, sweetheart. Dean and Sam don’t know what’s going on, so they didn’t want me here. Now it’s safe. I’ll be home for a while. Would you like to watch a movie?”
“No, thanks.” Reagan looked back down at her magazine.  “DEAN!” The bodyguard walked into her room. “Can we go get ice cream?”
Dean looked to Reagan’s mom. She sighed and turned.
“Sure, sweetheart. Let’s go.”
At the ice cream parlor, Dean took a deep breath before starting this conversation.  
“I need you to listen to me,” he stated lowly.  
“Yeah?” Reagan licked her ice cream cone and glanced at him.  
“Your mom missed you terribly while she was gone.  She was gone for weeks to keep YOU safe.”
“It’s not my fault she took this job.  Mom did.  I get to be in this too.  Lucky me,” Reagan sighed.
“You’re not listening to what I’m saying.  You interrupted me.”
“Fine, yes, I’m listening.”
“You’ve been through a lot, but so has she.  All of those decisions about you and your safety had to be made thousands of miles away.  Your mom couldn’t be here to make you feel safe,” Dean watched for Reagan’s reaction.  
“You make me feel safe.  She just bosses me around when I get in trouble.  You actually care about me,” Reagan admitted. “I don’t like her.”
“You told me not to lie.  I’m not lying.  But I can be nice.”
“I appreciate all of those things you told me, but when we get home, I want you to invite your mom to watch a movie.  Or do your nails, or whatever.  I am off the clock soon, so I expect you to do this on your own,” Dean stared at her.  
“Okay,” Reagan shrugged.
“Thank you,” Dean cleaned up his melted ice cream on the table.  “Let’s go.”
“Mom?” Reagan and Dean took off their jackets. The two walked into the living room after climbing many stairs.  
“Hi, sweetie.  How was your ice cream?” The senator stood from the couch and walked to greet Reagan and her bodyguard.  
“Yes, it was good.”
“My shift is ending.  Charlie should be coming on soon if you need anything.  Have a good evening.” Dean smiled and exited.
“Thanks, Winchester,” the mom waved.  
“Can we watch that movie?  Which one did you want to watch?” Reagan nervously asked her.  
“Oh, I thought you didn’t want to.  Sure.  You like The Princess Diaries, right?”
“I haven’t seen that in a while.  Dean refuses to watch it with me,” Reagan laughed.  “Can we have popcorn?”
“Absolutely. Why don’t you go get your pajamas on, and I’ll get everything set up,” her mom smiled.  
“Cool, be right back.” Reagan ran up the stairs and changed her clothes.  She grabbed her stuffed Winnie the Pooh and ran to meet her mom again in the living room.  
“Who is that?” Reagan’s mom asked her, looking at the thing tucked under her daughter’s arm.  
“Winnie got it for me.  It’s Winnie the Pooh.”
“That is very cool, Rae.  Thanks for sharing that with me,” Susan smiled at the connection she had made with her daughter.  As Susan started the movie, she felt her daughter snuggle into her and relax her body.  “I’m so sorry I missed these last few weeks.  I’ll be around more.  Dean promised that he and Sam will be extra careful about keeping us safe.”
“Okay, Mommy.  Love you.”
“Love you too, Reagan.”
Sam was on Reagan’s detail the next day.
“Where’s Dean?”
“I’m not cool enough for you?” Sam laughed.  “Come on, time for school.”
“Fine,” Reagan sighed.  “Is he okay?  He was supposed to come today.  He sai he would see me today.”
“He’s sick.  That’s why you got me today.”
“Winnie?” Reagan called him on the way to school.
“Hi, Rae.  Is everything okay?”
“She wanted to call and make sure you were okay,” said said into the car speaker.  
“Oh, thank you, sweetheart.  I have the flu.”
“Okay, then maybe you should sleep.” Reagan pouted knowing she woudn’t see her friend for a few days.
“I’m okay, your mom made me take time off.”
“Yeah, ‘cuz you wouldn’t if she didn’t tell you to!” Sam laughed.  
“Don’t come back til you feel good, Winnie!” Reagan told him protectively.
“Wow, you’re all ganging up on me,” Dean started coughing.  
“Go to bed, Dean,” Sam advised.  
“Yeah, be good,” Reagan laughed.  
“Wow, you two are really laying down the law over there,” Dean laughed but continued his coughing.  
“Okay, we’re off to school.  Love you, buddy!” Sam ended the call.  
“He doesn’t sound so good.”
“Maybe we can bring him soup,” Reagan suggested.  
“No, you will not be bringing him soup.  You’ll get sick.  But if you want to make him a card after school, you can do that.  Okay, let’s get out, time for school!” Sam said energetically.
“No…” Reagan whined playfully.  
Three days later, Dean showed up to clock in.
“Hi, Winnie!” YN wrapped her arms around him.  
“Hey, Reagan!”
As they settled in, the girl reported what she and her mom had done together since he had been gone.  
“Good job, Rae!  Proud of you.”
“She isn’t so bad.  Mom’s been around more.  She even said I could go to France with her on my spring break!” Reagan let go and bounced on the balls of her feet.  
“That’s awesome!”
“I’m so excited!
Sam and Dean led the team of security on the trip to Europe.  Reagan took everything in as they walked down the street.  As the group was guided into a government building, gunshots were heard.
“Ms. Downing!” Sam screamed.  The political figure fell to the ground.  Sam dragged her into the building and Dean shielded Reagan from the commotion outside.  
“Mom!” Reagan screeched.  Sam lied her down on the carpet in the lobby.  The team didn’t see any blood.  
“I’m okay,” Susan whispered.  I’m not hurt,” she calmed them.  With guards covering the entrance, Sam and Dean looked her over.  
“No wounds,” Dean affirmed.  “She’s okay, Reagan.”
Dean looked over to the young girl as she ran into his arms.  Reagan cried quietly into his suit jacket.  
“Thank you,” Susan said, “for being so damn protective,” she smiled. 
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  Forever Friends (Everything):
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winchesterbrotherstan · 5 years ago
Supernatural- Nightmare (1.14)
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Pairing: N/A, Olive Winchester (OC)
Summary: When Sam starts seeing things, the siblings pack it up and move out. Olive is majorly excluded, Sam can’t keep his head on straight, and Dean goes into big-brother mode.
Warnings: cursing, guns, a knife, blood, etc
Word Count: 4893
“Olive. Dean.” Something grabbed my feet and I jumped awake, kicking away as hard as I could.
I sat up, cowering in the corner. I gripped Dean’s arm, shaking. Sam was at the edge of the bed, cupping his jaw with a pained look on his face. Dean sat up with a yawn and looked at me, pulling me into his side.
“What are you two doing? It’s the middle of the night.”
“We have to go.” Sam hissed, rubbing his jaw and squinting at me.
“What is happening?” I asked, looking to Dean.
“We have to go. Right now.” Sam pulled a pair of jeans on, grabbed his bag, and walked out the door.
Dean and I looked at each other again, and we both yawned at the same time, blinking afterwards.
“Is he okay?”
Dean shrugged as he rubbed his face. I rubbed my eyes, yawning again.
“Guys. Now!” Sam popped his head back into the door.
I sighed, cringing when I felt something flutter against my lip. I pulled at it, seeing one of Dean’s hairs in my grip.
“Ew. You need better shampoo.”
Dean rolled his eyes as he stood, getting dressed. “Your hair ends up in my socks when we sleep, so shut it.”
I sighed as I stumbled out of the bed, pulling on socks and grabbing Dean’s black hoodie. I swung at him with the left-over ends of the sleeves, and he flicked my forehead.
“Let’s go.”
I pulled my bag over my shoulder and pocketed my phone. Dean sat to tie his shoes. I sniffed, trying hard not to yawn again.
“Can you bring my shoes?” I asked, picking the keys out of his pocket.
He side-eyed me, but nodded anyways. I kissed the top of his head before walking out the door barefoot, grinning at Sam.
“McReady. Detective McReady. Badge number 158.” Sam spoke into the phone, still rubbing at his jaw.
I yawned and leaned closer to Dean, tired. Dean chuckled.
“Man, you really got him hard.”
I shrugged. “Well that’s what he gets for grabbing my feet to wake me up.”
“Yeah, okay, just hurry.” Sam snapped into the phone.
“Sammy, relax.” Dean huffed.
“Bubs, I’m sure it was just a nightmare.”
“Yeah, tell me about it.” Sam sighed.
“She means it, Sam. Y’know, a normal, everyday, naked-in-class nightmare. The plates won’t check out. You’ll see.” Dean spoke, eyes on the road.
“It felt different, Dean.” Sam shook his head. “Like when I dreamt about our old house… and Jessica.”
“Yeah Sam, that makes sense. You dreaming about your house, about Jess. But this guy in your dream, have you ever seen him before?” I asked.
Sam shook his head, mumbling a no.
“No. Exactly.” Dean gestured. “Why would you have premonitions about a random dude in Michigan?”
Sam sighed. “I dunno.”
“Yeah, me neither.”
“Yes, I’m here.” Sam’s attention snapped back to the phone.
He glared at Dean as he pulled out a pen. “Jim Miller. Saginaw, Michigan. You got a street address? Thanks.” He hung up with a huff. “Checks out. How far are we?”
Dean looked at him like he was crazy. “From Saginaw? Couple hours.”
“Drive faster.”
Dean pumped the brakes as we came onto the road, seeing the flashing of emergency vehicles as a stretcher with a body bag was rolled out of the house. Dean, concerned, turned to Sam, who was upset. I sighed as I sunk into my seat between the two.
“What happened?” Dean asked a woman as we slipped into the crowd of people watching.
“Suicide.” The woman shook her head. “Can’t believe it.”
“Did you know them?” Sam asked from her other side.
“Saw him every Sunday at St. Augustine’s. He always seems… seemed so normal. I guess you never know what’s going on behind closed doors.”
Dean stared right at the house. “Guess not.”
Sam asked the woman something, but I only focused on Dean, who was staring straight ahead with an angry look on his face. He was concentrating, but his eyebrows were furrowed too close together to be calm. Something was upsetting him, he just didn’t know what it was.
“Oh, it just happened about an hour or two ago. His poor family, I can’t even imagine what they’re going through.” She stared at the family on the porch.
A woman stood on the front step of the house, crying into the arms of a middle-aged man. A boy my age stood behind them, looking distressed. Sam grimaced before walking away. I grabbed Dean’s arm and tugged on it, pulling him to follow Sam back to the car.
I leaned against it, inching closer to Sam.
“Sammy, we got here as fast as we could.”
Sam shook his head. “Not fast enough. It doesn’t make any sense. Why would I even have these premonitions if there wasn’t a chance I could stop them from happening?” He stuck his hands in his pockets with a groan.
“I dunno.” Dean shrugged.
Sam shook his head again, this time sighing. “So what do you think killed him?”
Dean and I looked at each other and I grimaced as we turned back to Sam.
“Maybe the guy just… killed himself? Maybe there’s nothing supernatural going on at all.”
“No, I’m telling you. I watched it happen. He was murdered by something, guys. I watched it trap him in the garage.”
“Then what, Sam? What was it, a spirit, poltergeist, what?” I asked.
“I don’t know, Olive! I don’t know why the hell I’m having these dreams. I don’t know what the fuck is happening, guys.” Sam scoffed.
I sighed, and Sam stared at Dean.
“Nothing. I’m just… I’m worried about you, man.”
“Well don’t look at me like that!” Sam hissed.
Dean looked down. “I’m not looking at you like anything.” He took a glance back. “Though I gotta say, you do look like crap.”
Sam rolled his eyes. “Gee, thanks.”
“Come on.” Dean stood, stretching and cracking his back. “Let’s just pick this up in the morning. We’ll check out the house, talk to the family.”
“Dean, you saw them. They’re devastated. They’re not gonna wanna talk to us.”
Dean pouted, thinking. “Yeah, you’re right.” He glanced down at me, a devilish grin on his face.
I giggled. “We know who they will talk to.”
Sam groaned. “Oh God, what are you getting us into now?”
“This has got to be a whole new low for us.” Sam groaned as Dean put the car in park.
I grinned. “I think you guys look adorable.”
Dean chuckled as Sam glared at me. “You two are gonna pay for this.”
I shrugged. “We’re already going to hell anyways, might as well have fun with it.”
Dean laughed before leaning in to kiss the top of my head. “Alright. We’ll be back. Stay in the car, don’t talk to anybody.”
“Love you, be safe.”
“Always, sweetie.”
“Love you too, bug.” Sam kissed my forehead before climbing out of the car.
I watched as my big brothers, dressed like priests, went up to the door and rang the bell. I sighed and leaned back into the seat. This was going to take a while.
I shook my hair out as I came out of the bathroom. Sam was sinking onto his bed, and Dean was cleaning his gun.
“No grave yards, battle fields, tribal lands or any other kind of atrocity on or near the property.”
“Hey man, I told you. I searched that house up and down. No cold spots, sulfur scent. Nada.” Dean huffed.
“Family said everything was normal?” I tossed the towel over one of the chairs before sitting next to Sam on the bed.
“Hey, beanie.” Dean smiled at me. “If there was a demon or poltergeist, you’d think somebody would’ve noticed something. I used the infrared thermal scanner. There was nothing.” Dean shook his head.
“So what, you guys think Jim Miller killed himself and my dream was just some sort of freak coincidence?” Sam asked, propping himself up on his elbow.
“I dunno.”
“I’m just sure there’s nothing supernatural about that house.” Dean put his gun back together.
“Yeah…” Sam sighed, rubbing at his temples. “Well, maybe it has nothing to do with the house.
“Maybe it’s just…” He grunted. “Gosh…” He put a hand to his forehead. “Maybe it’s connected to Jim some other way?”
Dean and I looked at each other, and I leaned forward to feel Sam’s forehead. It was boiling. He groaned as he sunk from the bed to the floor. Dean came running.
“Sam? Hey. Hey! What’s going on? Talk to me.” Dean grabbed his arms.
I ran to the bathroom and soaked a hand towel in cold water, coming back and placing it over Sam’s forehead. He threw his head back against the bed and looked at Dean.
“It’s happening again. Something’s gonna kill Roger Miller.”
Dean and I looked at each other once more, concern on our faces. I sighed before wrapping my arms around Sam and leaning my head against his.
“Roger Miller.” Sam spoke into the phone, softly. “Ah, no, no.” He groaned, clutching his hand. “Just the address please. Okay. Thanks.” He flipped the phone shut and turned to Dean.
“450 West Grove, Apartment 1120.”
“Are you okay?” I turned to him, only to get a nod in response.
“If you’re gonna hurl, I’ll pull over the car… ya know, the upholstery.”
“I’m fine.” Sam closed his eyes and sunk back into the seat, antsy. “Just drive.”
Dean and I glanced at each other with sad eyes. Sam sighed heavily.
“Guys, I’m scared. These nightmares were bad enough, now I’m seeing things when I’m awake?” He gripped at his hair again. “And these, visions, or whatever. They’re getting more intense.” He hissed.
“And painful.” I noted, reaching up to brush my fingers through his hair.
“Come on man, you’ll be alright.” Dean sighed, hands tightening around the wheel. “It’ll be fine.”
“What is it about the Millers?” Sam asked, rubbing his forehead. “Why am I connected to them, why am I watching them die?” He groaned. “Why the hell is this happening to me?”
“Sammy, I don’t know, but we’ll figure it out. We’ve faced the unexplainable every day. This is just another thing.”
“No!” Sam scoffed. “It’s never been us. It’s never been in the family like this. Tell the truth, guys. You can’t tell me this doesn’t freak you out.”
Dean looked over and shrugged. “This doesn’t freak me out.”
Sam stared at him, then at me with a glare. I shrunk into the seat.
“Doesn’t freak me out either.”
“Hey, Roger!” Sam put his head out the window.
He was walking up to his apartment, arms full of grocery bags. “What are you guys, missionaries? Leave me the hell alone.”
“Roger, please!” I pushed past Sam.
Roger kept walking, disappearing into the building.
“Grab her.” Dean ordered Sam, who did so without question.
Sam wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest as Dean gunned it, jumping over the curb and putting the car in park.
“Hey. Roger! We’re trying to help!” Sam pushed me away and got out of the car, running after him. “Please! Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!”
“I don’t want your help.” Roger slammed the door in Sam’s face.
“We’re not priests, you gotta listen to us!” Sam called, hitting the door.
“Stay in here.” Dean growled as he climbed out of the car. “Roger, you’re in danger!” “Come on. Come on, come on!” Dean grabbed Sam by the arm and dragged him to the side of the building.
“What happened in there?” I asked, sitting criss-cross on the bed.
“There was nothing in there. No signs either, just like the Miller’s house.”
“Dean, what happened?” I grabbed him by the sleeve, tugging him my way.
“I saw something in the vision. Like a dark shape. Something was… something was stalking Roger.” Sam hissed.
“Boys!” I stood up, angry.
Sam sighed and Dean growled. “Something cut his head off, Ol.”
“What?” I stumbled back to sit.
“Windowsill. Window shut. Head gone.” Dean slammed his hands together.
I scoffed. “Whatever the hell was there, are you sure it’s not connected to their house?” I asked Sam.
He shook his head. “No, it’s connected to the family themselves.”
“So what, like a vengeful spirit?”
“Well yeah…” Dean sighed, dropping onto the bed next to me. “There’s a few that have been known to latch onto families, follow them for years.”
“Angaik.” Sam shrugged. “Banshees.”
“Basically like a curse. So maybe Roger and Jim Miller got involved in something heavy. Something curse worthy.”
“And now that something is out for revenge.” Sam sighed. “And the men in their family are dying.”
I nodded, and Dean sighed.
Hey. Do you think Max is in danger?” Sam asked, eyes wide.
Dean shook his head. “Let’s figure it out before he is.”
“Well, I know one thing I have in common with these people.”
“What’s that?” I asked, leaning into Dean with a huff.
“Both our families are cursed.” Sam snorted.
Dean stiffened, angry. “Our family’s not cursed! We just…” He looked down at me and slung an arm around me, brushing my hair back. “Had our dark spots.”
Sam chuckled. “Our dark spots are… pretty dark.”
Dean and I looked at each other, and I broke into a small smile as I turned back to Sam. “You’re dark.”
Sam stuck his tongue out at me, and I laughed.
“No family’s totally normal and happy. See when he was talking about his old house?” Dean asked as he walked down the driveway to Baby.
“He sounded scared.” Sam nodded, sighing.
“Yeah. Max isn’t telling us everything.” Dean tsked.
“I say!” I popped to my feet with a grin. “We find the old neighborhood! Find out what life was really like for the Millers.”
Dean looked at me with pride on his face, and Sam shook his head.
“Let’s go, beanie.”
“Have you lived in the neighborhood for very long?” Sam asked.
“Yeah, almost twenty years now. It’s nice and quiet.” The man nodded. “Why, you looking to buy?” He looked at the boys, then down at me with a large smile.
“No, no, actually. We were wondering if you might recall a family that used to live… right across the street I believe.”
“Uh, the Millers. They had a… little boy named Max.” I tilted my head.
“Right, right, yeah.” Dean nodded.
“Yeah, I remember. The brother had the place next door. So uh, what’s this about? Is that poor kid okay?”
Sam and I looked at each other, and Dean tilted his head.
“What do you mean?”
“Well in my life, I’ve never seen a child treated like that. I mean, I’d hear Miller yelling and throwing things clear across the street. He was a mean dunk. He used to beat the tar out of Max. Bruises. Broke his arm two times that I know of.” The man scowled.
“Would this happen regularly?”
“Practically every day. In fact, that thud brother of his was just as likely to swing at the boy. The worst part was the stepmother.” The man shook his head. “She’d just stand there, checked out. Not lifting a finger to protect him. I must’ve called the police seven or eight times.” He sighed. “Never did any good.”
Dean flinched. “Now you said step-mother.”
He nodded again. “I think his real mother died. Some sort of… accident. Car accident I think.”
Sam held back a grunt as he grabbed his head, a grimace on his face. I immediately went for his arm, holding him.
“You okay?”
“Uh, yeah.” Sam winced.
“Oh, Sams.” I whispered, letting him crumble into my side.
“Thank you for your time.” Dean grabbed Sam by the other arm, helping me to hold him up.
“God.” Sam grunted, and his eyes began to roll into the back of his head.
Dean shouldered his weight, and I smiled at the man as I helped him pull Sam along.
“Is he gonna be alright?”
I nodded, and Dean stumbled over words.
“Yeah, he’ll be fine. Just has really bad migraines.” I wedged my shoulder against Sam’s ribs and hooked an arm around his waist.
“Max is doing it.” Sam gasped from the backseat of the car. “Everything I’ve been seeing.” He forced himself to sit up, and Dean slammed on the brakes
“You sure about this?” I turned around to face him, one boot on the seat.
“Yeah. I saw him.” Sam nodded.
“How’s he pulling it off?” I asked, twisting around entirely, patting Dean’s shoulder. “Keep driving.”
“I don’t know… like… telekinesis?”
“What, so he’s psychic?” Dean asked, slamming the gas again.
“The fuck is he, a spoon bender?” I asked. “Like that bald kid from the Matrix?”
Sam rolled his eyes with another groan.”I didn’t even realize it but the whole time, he was there.” He shook his head, sitting up further and leaning against the front seat. “He was outside the garage when his Dad died, he was in the apartment when his uncle died. These visions, this whole time!” He sighed. “I wasn’t connected to the Millers, I was connected to Max.” He pushed his head against my arm with another groan. “I don’t get why, man. I guess… because we’re so much alike?”
“What the hell are you talking about? The dude’s nothing like you.”
“Well, we both have psychic abilities, we both-”
“Both what?” I asked, eyebrows furrowed as I pushed a hand through his hair.
“Sam, Max is a monster. He’s already killed two people, now he’s gunning for a third.” Dean scowled, glaring at Sam in the rearview mirror.
“Well with what he went through? The beatings? To want revenge on those people? I’m sorry man, but I hate to say it. It’s not that insane.” Sam scoffed.
“It doesn’t justify murdering your entire family!”
“De…” I warned, a hand on his shoulder.
He scowled as he pulled over at Max’s house. “He’s no different from anything else we’ve hunted, alright? We gotta end him.”
“We are not going to kill Max.”
“Then what? Dean turned this time, arm over the back of the seat. “Hand him over to the cops and say ‘lock him up office, he kills with the power of his mind.”
“No way. Forget it.” Sam shook his head.
“Sam.” I pulled the keys with a sigh.
“Guys! He’s a person. We can talk to him. Promise me you’ll follow my lead on this one.” Sam begged.
I sighed and Dean shook his head, reluctantly.
“Alright, fine.” I nodded.
“But I’m not letting him hurt anybody else.” Dean pushed me aside, reaching to grab his handgun from the glovebox.
He turned to glare at Sam once more before storming out of the car.
“That’s right! You didn’t do anything! You didn’t stop them, not once!” Max shouted through the door, and I looked at Sam with a sigh.
Dean forced the door open.
“Fathers? Uh?” Miss Miller looked at me, confused.
“What are you doing here?”
“Ah, sorry to interrupt.” Dean smiled. “This is Olive, my kid sister.”
Before Miss Miller could ask anything about me, Sam started.
“Max, can we uh, can we talk to you outside for just one second?”
“About what?” Max furrowed his eyebrows, suspicious.
“It’s… it’s private. I wouldn’t wanna bother your mother with it.” Sam turned to Miss Miller. “We won’t be long, I promise.”
“Okay.” Max sighed.
“Great.” Sam forced a calming smile as we turned for the door.
Dean smiled at Max as he grabbed the door handle. The knob pulled itself out of Dean’s hand and the door slammed shut, the blinds drawn all at once.
“You’re not priests!” Max shouted, and Dean yanked the gun out, but it flew out of his hands and across the floor to Max.
He picked it up and held it on us. Dean grabbed me by the waist and pushed me straight behind him, shoulders squared.
“Max, what’s happening?” Miss Miller asked.
“Shut up.” He growled.
“What are you doing?”
Max flinched, and Miss Miller went flying backwards. Her head hit the kitchen bench, and she fell to the ground, out cold.
“I said shut up.”
“Max, calm down.”
“Who are you?”
“We just wanna talk.” I spoke up, trying to peak over Dean’s shoulder.
“Yeah right, that’s why you bought this!” Max growled.
Dean grabbed me by the wrist and jerked me back down behind him.
“That was a mistake, alright? So was lying about who we were? But no more lying, Max? Okay? Just please, hear me out.”
“About what?”
“I saw you do it. Okay, I saw you kill your dad and your uncle before it happened.” Sam sighed, hands up.
“I’m having visions, Max. About you.” Sam spoke softly.
Max shook his head, frantically. “You’re crazy.”
“So what. You weren’t just about to launch a knife at your stepmom?” Sam tapped his eye. “Right here. Is it that hard to believe, Max? Look what you can do.” He tried to reason. “I was drawn here, alright? I think I’m here to help you.”
Max began to sob. “No one can help me.”
“Let me try. We’ll talk, me and you. We can get Olive, Dean, and Alice out of here.”
“No. No way.” Dean hissed, and I dug my fingers into the crevice of his shoulder as the chandelier began to shake violently.
“Nobody leaves this house!”
“And nobody has to, alright?” Sam got a little frantic, hands out. “They’ll just… they’ll just go upstairs.”
“Sam, I’m not leaving you alone with him.” Dean growled.
I sunk my fingers further into his skin, and he flinched as Sam turned to face him.
“Yes you are. Look, Max. You’re in charge here, alright. We all know that. Nobody’s going to do anything that you don’t want you to do but I’m talking five minutes here, man.” Sam begged.
“Sams. Bubs.” I whispered.
“Five minutes?” Max asked, staring back at his stepmother, then glared at Dean. “Go.”
Dean sighed, and I pushed my fingers until he took my hand away, keeping me behind him as we inched toward Miss Miller, who was still out on the floor.
I paced, hating the creak of the floorboards under my boots. Sam was alone with Max, and I did not like it. Dean was ansty too, but he had tried to focus more on getting Miss Miller back to consciousness. He was by her side, cleaning her head off with a wet towel.
The door busted open, the frame splintering. Dean was up in an instant, and I met him halfway, ducking behind him to yank out a knife. The gun was pointed at Miss Miller, and Dean squared his shoulders. Protective, angry, putting himself in harm’s way, ready to die for someone who didn’t deserve his grace.
“Stay back. This isn’t about you.” Max warned him.
“If you’re gonna kill her you’ve gotta go through me first.”
“Okay.” Max turned the gun.
“No!” Sam busted the door open. “Don’t! Please. Please, Max. Max, we can help you. Alright, but this, this, what you’re doing, it’s not the solution! It’s not gonna fix anything.”
I gripped the knife in my hand so hard that my hand split open. I hissed, feeling rage in my bones. I watched as Max began to sob with a smile on his face, pushing the gun toward Sam’s head, safety clicking off. Dean moved, but I moved faster.
I swung my arm, and the knife flew on its own. The thud was wet and heavy, and I winced, feeling my chest clench. The gun dropped at Sam’s feet and I let out a sob, crashing into Dean as Max’s body hit the ground.
Knife against skin, blade striking through bone, blood down front, eyes dead.
My fault.
I groan, and everything in my stomach comes back up. Vomiting on the floor, splashing onto Dean’s shoes. Feeling light-headed, sick, empty, yet full of something bad.
“You’re okay, baby girl.” Dean grabs me by the middle, pulling me into his chest, off my feet, trying to keep me breathing.
“Kiddo. Kiddo, come here.” Sam takes me from him, sets me against his shoulder, holds the back of my head as I let out a scream.
“Max attacked me.” Miss Miller sat on the couch, next to Sam. “He threatened me with a gun.”
I was leaning against Dean, breathing steadily.
“And these three?” The cop looked at us.
“They’re family friends.” She sighed. “I called them as soon as Max arrived. I was scared. They tried to stop him. They fought for the gun.”
“And where did Max get the gun?”
Sam and Dean glanced at each other, and Dean pulled me further into his side. Miss Miller looked up at the ceiling and began to cry.
“I don’t know. He showed up with it, and…” She sobbed again, crumbling into her own hands.
“It’s alright, Miss Miller.”
“I’ve lost everyone!” She let out a strangled cry.
The cop turned to us. “We’ll give you a call if we have any further questions.”
“Thank you, officer.” Dean nodded, pulling me to my feet and grabbing Sam. “Come on.”
The knife, shoved in the back of the Impala. Gun gone, an entire lie constructed, Dean and Sam hovering me.
“I shouldn’t have done that.” I shook.
“Don’t do this.” Dean wrapped an arm around me.
“What?” I asked, shaking harder.
“Torture yourself.” He whispered. “You did what you had to do.”
I hadn’t thought about it. I did it, without a question. It just happened. I sighed.
A predator in an alley, a shapeshifter wearing Dean’s face, the salt and burn of a serial killer, a crazy doctor, an insane drive through ice and wet roads.
Now a human. A boy named Max.
It might top the thing that was previously worst.
Trying to kill the woman in Nebraska.
Yes. This was worse. I did this as myself. I did this with a clear mind. Max Miller’s blood was most definitely on my hands.
“Let’s go home.”
“I’ve been thinking.” Sam started.
“Well, that’s never good.” Dean snorted, and Sam rolled his eyes.
“Dude, I’m serious. I’ve been thinking… this demon, whatever it is. Why would it kill Mom? Why Jessica, why Max’s mother, you know? What does it want?”
“I have no idea.” Dean shrugged.
“Well, you think, maybe… it was after us? After Max? After me?”
“I mean, either telekinesis or premonitions. We both had abilities, you know… maybe he was… he was after us for a reason?”
“Sam. If it had wanted you, it would’ve just taken you. Okay? This is not your fault, it’s not about you.”
“Then what is it about, Dean?”
“It’s about the thing that did this to your family.” I sighed, hands in my head. “The thing that we’re gonna find, the thing that we’re gonna kill. And that’s all.” I huffed.
“Actually, there’s uh… there’s something else too.” Sam sighed.
“What?” Dean asked, looking down at me with a sigh.
“Max left me in a closet, with a big cabinet against the door, and I… I moved it.”
“Huh.” Dean huffed with a laugh. “You got a little more upper body strength than I gave you credit for.”
“No, man. I moved it. Like… Like, Max.”
“Oh.” Dean paused.
I got to my feet and rummaged through the kitchen drawers. I fished out a spoon and shuffled back to Sam with a sigh.
“Bend this.”
Sam smacked the spoon away with a roll of his eyes. “I can’t just turn it on and off, Ol.”
Dean tilted his head. “How’d you do it?”
“I don’t know. I can’t control it. I just… I saw you two die and it just came out of me, like a, like a punch. You know like, a… a freak adrenaline thing.”
“Yeah, well I’m sure it won’t happen again.”
“Yeah, maybe. Aren’t you worried, man? Aren’t you worried I could turn into Max or something?”
“Dean… maybe Sam’s right. I mean… I did just-”
“No way. Wanna know why I know?”
Sam and I glanced at each other, hesitant.
“Cause you two have one advantage Max didn’t have.”
“Dad? Because dad isn’t here, Dean.”
“No, not dad.” Dean grinned. “Me. As long as I’m around, nothing bad is going to happen to either of you.”
Sam gave him puppy eyes and I flashed the same grin back at him.
“Now.” Dean grabbed his back and slung it over his shoulder. “I know what we need to do about your premonitions.” Dean grinned. “I know where we have to go.”
“Where?” Sam asked.
Dean’s face set into a serious look. “Vegas.”
Sam tilted his head, looked away, and then back to Dean with a bitchface. He got up and walked out the door.
I laughed as Dean grinned.
“What? Come on, man! Craps tables! We’d clean up!” He got up to follow Sam out the door as I skipped past him, finding Sam leaning against the car with his arms crossed across his chest.
I sighed, and Dean came up behind me, hands on my shoulders.
“Let’s go, sweetpea.”
Previous Ep: Route 666 (1.13)
Next Up: Sammy the Birthday Moose
Next Ep: The Benders (1.15)
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