#like its starting to agrivate me
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feel like some of yall forget that wheatleys #1 character trait and the basis of his character as a whole is that hes stupid as a bag of rocks
#portal 2#portal#wheatley#like its starting to agrivate me#he is literally stupid. and closed minded. and ignorant. and full of himself.#these arent headcanons these are canon traits showcased in the game#hes selfish and mean and literally skooo stupid like so so so soooo stupid#yall are FORGETTING WHO HE IS !! please go listen to his voice lines#discomfort character#and no dont you dare tell me it was the chassis that made him that way bc its not and if you think that you have zero media literacy
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Reading the Iliad, Book 11 thoughts
This is my first time ever reading it and I know next to nothing abt greek mythology so if I interpret anything wrong by all means pls correct me
Im reading the Robert Fagles translation
Okay so the books called "Agamemnon's Day of Glory" so I thought the war was going to tip in favor of the Greeks again. It actually got worse tbh
Loads of people die
It's the next morning after the last book and Zeus tells the goddess of strife to encourage the Agrives to go fight
So everyone gets ready for battle but Zeus is definitely on the Trojans side today (again)
The gods don't interfere with this battle all at I think
Agamemnon goes on a mini killing spree and kills a bunch of ppl
Zeus doesn't like that all too much so he sends Iris down to tell Hector "Hey, hang back for right now but when Agamemnon gets wounded and retreats from the battlefield it's free real estate."
Agamemnon ends up getting his arm slashed and he goes "That hurts bad"
Homer compares this pain to the pain of giving birth... No, the fuck it is not, Homer
Character: *Gets hurt.*
Homer: "Its like when a Lion-" He compares wounded people to animals a lot in this one.
Agamemnon goes back to the Greek camps
Hector sees this and he just knows this is his moment
And he fucking takes it
So Odysseus grabs Diomedes and starts to kill people
Hector starts booking it toward them, Dio throws his spear which hits Hector's helmet but it just kinda bounces off (Apollo gave it to him)
Dio complains that if HE had the help of a god, Hector would be dead
Just get in the chariot Diomedes
Lmao so Paris is off in the distance somewhere and he takes a shot at Diomedes while he's striping some guys armor
Paris IMMEDIATELY starts going "Omg I'm the best, I just shot Diomedes♥️😩"
Diomedes tells him if they fought hand to hand rn that Paris would lose bc he sucks. Which, fair.
While Ody shields him Diomedes pulls the arrow out of his foot and has to go back to camp
So Odysseus is left alone lol
The Trojans end up jumping the shit out of him to the point that he has to call for help
Menelaus and Ajax(greater) hear this and rush over to help him
Odysseus ends up hurt as well so he too has to go back to the Greek camp
Ajax remains and kills a lot of the Trojans that were jumping Ody
Thennnnn Paris shoots Machaon (YK the healer of the Greek side)
Yk its bad when Paris starts fucking up ur team
Nestor and Idomeneus lose their shit and they're like "Get Machaon tf out of here NOW!"
TONS of important ppl have been injured by this point
Zeus stuns Ajax and so he falls back to protect their ships
A man named Eurpylus runs in to help Ajax.
Paris sees this and shoots him too😭 this time in the thigh
Jump to Achilles. He's watching shit go down from his boat and he's Nestor rushing back into camp with someone who looks like Machaon, and he says "lol finally they're going to beg for my help"
He calls for Patroclus and sends him to see if the person with Nestor is Machaon. (It is)
Patroclus mentioned♥️♥️♥️
Nestor tries to sit Pat down for some win but he refuses
Nestor talks abt how now is really not the time for Achilles to be acting like a child
Then proceeds to go on one of those "Back in my day " rants and talks for like 3 full pages abt something idk anymore
Holy shit Nestor
At the end of it all Nestor says Achilles really only listens to Patroclus
And here's where TOSA kinda fucked me up because I really thought that Pat came up with the idea to lead the Myrmidons into battle himself but it was actually Nestor who suggested the idea
On the way back to Achilles, Patroclus runs into Eurpylus (who is not in good shape)
Patroclus says "hmm idk I'm supposed to get back to Achilles." BRO?
But he ends up healing him anyway. The end
#I sense things are heating up#achilles#patroclus#the iliad#reading the iliad#hector of troy#paris of troy
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Unbroken Promises-Derek Hale (p5)
Delilah P.O.V:
I was sitting at the top of the steps watching as Erica and Isaac dragged Jackson into the middle of the room. Usually I’d be against this type of method Derek uses, but this kids a little jackass so I’ll allow it this once.
“What happened to you on the night of the full moon?” Derek asked from his spot in the corner, “What?” Jackson asked slightly agrivated, “Nothing. Nothing happened.”
Dered looked up at him, “You’re lying.” Jackson at this point was breathing heavily. Derek started putting on gloves and Jackson got even more anxious “No, wait! No, wait! I can—I can prove it. I taped myself.”
Isaac and Derek laughed, and I gotta admit I did too, what the hell is he trying to say? “You taped yourself?” Isaac asked him amused.
Jackson looked at him and started getting angry, “Yes, it was the full moon. And maybe, while you were curled in the corner having an existential crisis about turning into a monster, I was preparing for the gift your so-called Alpha promised me. And what did I get? Nothing.”
I leaned forward on my knees. His body’s rejecting the bite if nothing happened. Or he’s the Kanima-either way he’s screwed.
“You want proof? Let me get the video.” Jackson tried to bargain. Derek smiled to himself then shook his head, “No.” He pulled the broken piece of the mirror out from behind his back. “No, I have a better idea.”
Jackson’s eyes filled with panic. “What is that?” He asked as Isaac and Erica got him on his knees. Derek stood up and started walking over to him. Jackson was struggling but Isaac held his mouth open.
“You know, Jackson, you’ve always been kind of a snake, and everyone knows a snake can’t be poisoned by its own venom.”
He then walked closer and tilted the mirror over Jakson’s mouth as some of the Kanima goo dropped inside. Erica and Isaac let him go as Jackson froze up unable to move.
Sooo, not the Kanima. Isaac and Derek looked at each other and Derek sighed, then walked over and crouched next to the frozen boy.
“You’re still a snake Jackson. Just not the one we’re looking for.” Then he walked up the stairs towards me and before we left I heard Isaac downstairs, “You’re still gonna have to do one more thing for us. Well, actually, for me.” Then he walked up the stairs to us and the three of us drove to the loft, Erica got into her own.
Derek P.O.V:
We got back to the loft and Isaac immediately went over to the fridge, searching through it like I don’t feed him-well, like Delilah doesn’t feed him. Lilah and the twins have been staying over more often, and it’s perfect. Having the three of them, and I guess Isaac sometimes, is the best part of my life.
Boyd was at the counter on his phone talking to Isaac about what happened with Jackson, and Delilah was outside on the phone. When she walked in she looked stressed and walked over dropping her head on my chest, something she’s done since we were ini highschool. I laughed and wrapped my arms around her. “What’s wrong?”
She looked up at me, “There was a pipe burst at the school so now I gotta go pick up Eli and Liah but my mom really needs my help at the diner. So I called Melissa but she’s working a double tonight and I know you have to find out what’s going on with the lizard—which means I have to find a last minute sitter—”
“We can watch them.” We turned around and saw Isaac and Boyd looking at with a bag of chips between them. “What?” I asked.
“Now that I’m not longer wanted by the sherrif station I can go out again, so me and Boyd can take them to the arcade or something.” Boyd nodded seeming okay with the idea. I looked down at Delilah and she looked like she was thinking about it, “You guys wouldn’t mind?” She asked.
They shook their heads, then Lilah looked up at me, “I’m good with it.” I nodded and she smiled thanking the boys then calling the school letting them know that Isaac and Boyd would be picking up the twins.
I walked over to the two of them and grabbed the back of their necks draggin them over to the window, the two of them wincing. “Listen to me very carefully. If anything-and I mean anything, happens to either of the twins, the bones I have broken so far will be nothing compared to what I will do. Understand.” They both started nodding quickly.
Isaac looked back, “We are however going to need a mode of transportation.” I glared at him and pulled my keys out of my pocket putting them in Boyds hand. Isaac’s jaw dropped, and Boyd smirked at him.
Delilah walked back in and clapped her hands, “Alright everythings ready, thanks again guys.” I walked back over to her, “Are you completely sure about this?” She smiled and kissed me before reaching into my back pocket causing my eyes to go wide. Lilah laughed and pulled back holding up my wallet.
I glared at her, “Seriously.” She shrugged, “For the twins.” I rolled my eyes. She walked over and handed my card again to Boyd. They better be smart about this.
Isaac P.O.V:
Boyd and I walked downstairs and made our way to Derek’s car, “Can’t believe he gave you the keys.” I grumbled buckling my seatbelt. He laughed and started the car putting the school into the GPS.
Atleast I was able to pick the music, and we listened to my favorite playlists the whole way there. When we pulled up to the front of the school I got out and walked inside to the check-in counter. “Hi I’m picking up Eli and Thalia Hale.”
The lady at the front desk gave me the bitchiest look I’ve ever seen. Is she really allowed to work with children? “And what is your realtion to them?” I rested my hands on the desk, “I’m their brother.” I told her smiling.
She looked me up and down the rolled her eyes. Again I say, bitch. “You’ll have to sign them out on that form.” I looked over and pulled the clipboard over to me filling out all the spots. “Isaac!” I turned to my right and saw Eli running towards me.
I smiled big and picked him up placing him on my side. “Hey kid, you’re hanging out with me and Boyd today. That cool with you?” He nodded quickly. Something hit my leg and I looked down seeing Thalia with a slight frown. “Hi Izzy.”
I picked her up and she put her head on my shoulder, I’d have to ask her about that in the car. “Hi hon, do you know this man?” The front desk lady asked not changing her expression for the twins, Eli gave her a sass face, “He’s our brother lady.”
I pursed my lips trying not to laugh and she glared at me before going back to her computer. I walked outside towards the car with them and Eli turned to me, “Mommy doesn’t like her.” I laughed out loud this time, “Yeah me neighter buddy.”
I set them down and Eli ran over to the other side of the car and got in his car seat, buckling himself in-then started talking to Boyd. I helped Thaliah in the car and grabbed her bag, the crouched down next to her level.
“Hey T, what’s wrong?” She looked up at me with sad eyes that broke my heart. “Tyler.” Who is this Tyler and what do I have to do to him?
“Who’s that bubs?” I asked. “He’s the boy that sits next to me and he keeps annoying me. Like he kicks my foot and takes my pen all the time.” I dropped my head, “Lia, I think he has a crush on you.” Boyd answered for me, she furrowed her eyebrows, “Sometimes when a boy likes a girl he teases her, or annoys her.”
She scrunched up her face, “But boys are weird.” I smiled and hugged her, “Always think that Thal, never fall in love please. No ones good enough.” She smiled and hugged me back already her bouncy happy self again.
I got in the car and Boyd drove off towards the arcade. Now back to themselves, Eli and Thalia chattered away in the back seat, so much that I was slightly relieved when we parked.
Making our way inside their eyes got huge and went to run off but Boyd and I caught them, “Not so fast.” He said with Thalia in his arms. “You guys gotta stay by us okay?” They groaned but nodded.
We walked up to the counter and a girl walked over, “Hi, how can I help you?” I handed her Derek’s card which I had swiped from Boyd in the car. “Can we fill a card up please.” She nodded, “Sure how much?” I looked at Boyd and we smiled, “$100 please. We’ll probably be back for more later.” I joked.
She smiled and walked to the back to fill the game card. Boyd pulled out his phone and read me the text he got, “Derek said he saw the charge on his phone.” “And?” “He said he’s going to kill us.”
I laughed and put Thalia down next to Eli and told them to smile, they did and it was clear they were incredibly happy being here and spending all their dad’s money. Boyd laughed and sent a photo to Derek who left him on ‘read’.
The girl came back with the cards and handed back both. “Have fun.”
“Alright guys, where to first?” They looked at eachother and thought for a moment before announcing at the same time, “Claw machine.” The, exact, same, time. That’s never gonna not be creepy.
“Alright claw machine it is.” Boyd grabbed Eli’s hand and I grabbed Thalia’s as we made our way to the back. After trying several times and getting nothing the twins started to give up but I looked at Boyd and tilted my head towards the back of the machine. He nodded and walked around to stand there.
“Alright let’s try again.” I told them swiping the card on each of their machines. This time however they had a little extra help, and as the claw missed a toy, Boyd gave the games a slight push and 3 stuffed animals fell into each slot. Thalia and Eli started jumping up and down beyond excited.
And that’s how most of the day went. Eli and Thalia trying to win certain things, me and Boyd giving them some help. We were now at the racing games and the twins were going against eachother on Mario Kart. Eli won in the end and Thalia groaned tilting her head back in the chair to look at me.
“Can you and Boyd race now?” I looked at him and shrugged, “Sure.” We went to walk over to the bigger car racers, but they pulled out hands, “No you gotta do this one.” Boyd and I looked at eachother and groaned before trying to manuver into the seats.
I looked over and started laughing seeing him in the child size chair. “Shut up.” I calmed down after a little and we started our race, getting surprisingly competetive for a kids game. I won in the end after cheating a little but he doesn’t have to know. “Alright guys where to next?”
I turned around and didn’t see either twin. Shooting up out of the chairs Boyd and I started running around calling their names, but ran into each other again, “Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. Derek’s going to murder us. Like he’s seriously going to—I don’t even know what he’s going to do. He’s going to invent a new way to kill us.”
I ran my hands through my hair pacing back and forth. I had one job, one job and I lost my little brother and sister. “Forget Derek, what about Delilah?” Boyd mentioned, “I mean we lost her kids, she’s going to be a complete mess-” I grabbed the front of his shirt, “You’re, not, helping!”
“Uh oh!” Boyd showed me his phone and I saw Derek’s number flashing across it. “Can we just not answer?” I asked, “No he’s going to think somethings wrong.” he answered. “Something is wrong!”
“I know that stop yelling!” “Well now you’re yelling!” The phone turned off and our eyes went wide as we looked at each other. Then it lit up again with Derek’s number flashing. Boyd pressed answer and put it on speaker.
“Hey Der, what’s up?” he asked trying to calm his voice. “Hey. Everything okay over there? Where’s the twins?” I cleared my throat before speaking up, “Everythings great, they’re playing a game and really into it, so we should—”
Derek cut me off, “Isaac put them on the phone.” I swear at that moment I could’ve started crying. “Listen I would but they’re really into this game. Last time they lost focus I swear I thought they were going to break something. But we’ll call you back when they’re finished.”
There was silence for a second then a sigh, “Alright fine—but what are you guys buying. Seriously what the hell?” I started checking my pockets, Derek’s card was gone…maybe this is why Delilah gave it to Boyd.
“Uh, which purchases are you talking about? Cause I think they’re all pretty normal.” Boyd asked. “Normal? $75 candy store, $50 pet store, what were you even doing at the pet store?”
I looked at Boyd, oh crap. No, no, no, no, please no. “Yeah those sound pretty normal to me—hey listen we gotta go but we’ll call as soon as the twins are done.” Without another word Boyd hung up and we ran out to the pet store.
The twins had asked when we got here if they could get a dog, but we figured they meant like a stuffed animal or something from the prize counter. But there’s no way a store would just sell a dog to two little kids. Right?
Well I couldn’t have been more wrong. We got to the pet store and I saw Eli and Thalia walking out, and Thalia had a puppy in her arms, the two of them smiling big. “Hi Izzy.” Thalia said as we got to them.
“Where were you guys!” Boyd asked picking Eli up. I picked Lia, and well the dog, up and grabbed the credit card that was in her hand. “Doggy store.” Eli strugged like it was no big deal. “We told you guys to stay by us.” I told them walking back into the pet store.
Hopefully they have a return policy on dogs. “But you guys were racing.” I sighed and Boyd and I placed them on the counter, “You guys can’t run off like that we thought we lost you.”
They looked down, “We’re sorry.” “It’s okay guys but stay by us from now on. Okay?” They nodded and I was reminded of the animal Thalia was holding when it barked and started licking my hand.
“Can we keep him?” I shook my head, “Sorry guys, he’s gotta go back.” A man walked up to the counter, “Actually he can’t. We don’t accept returns of dogs after they’ve been sold.”
I looked over at him, “Who the hell sells a dog to two children!” He shrugged, “A sales a sale.” Before I could get angry Boyd shook his head and pulled us out of the store. “Alright I guess the dogs here to stay.” he told them.
“Does he have a name?” I asked and they started smiling big and nodded. “Isaac.” They shouted. Boyd scoffed and I smiled at him. “Alright, I think we’ve had enough fun today, wanna head home?” He asked clearly jealous.
“Alright, but first things first.” I called Derek who immediately answered, “Hi daddy!” The twins shouted and we could hear him sigh in relief, “Hey guys. You headed home?” They nodded, “Yeah.”
“Alright well I’ll see you soon. Love you guys.” This time even Boyd and I answered, “Aww you’re too sweet.” “We love you Der Bear.” Then I hung up and we walked out to the parking lot.
The whole time Boyd was trying to convince the twins to name the dog after him but they kept shooting the idea down. “No, his names Isaac.”
We walked in the loft and saw Derek and Delilah sitting at the kitchen counter with a bowl of fruit in front of them. We left other Isaac outside the door with Boyd as a surprise. “Hi mommy, hi daddy.” Eli ran over. I was holding Thalia who claimed she was too tired to walk.
“Hey bubba, how was your day?” Delilah picked him up and kissed him on the head. “It was amazing, Izzy and Boyd took us to the arcade.” “Oh they did, did they?”
Derek walked over to me holding his hand out. I placed his credit card in his hand as well as his keys. “Where’s Boyd?” I nodded my head towards the door and he walked over pulling it open.
As soon as it was completely open dog Isaac ran through is legs towards Eli who was sitting on the floor waiting for him. It started to lick his face and Eli laughed petting him. “What. The. Hell. Is. That?” Derek asked me and Boyd.
Thalia answered in a tired voice, her head still on my shoulder, “That’s Isaac. He’s our new dog. But we can call him Isy.” I smiled at Derek who’s eyes were wide. Delilah walked over to dog Isaac and picked him up. “Hello cutie. Oh Derek he is actually really cute. Hi Isy.” She started petting him.
Derek shook his head, “Nope, no dog.” Eli groaned and walked over dropping his head on Derek’s leg then looked up at him, “Pleaaaaase.” He made his best puppy dog eyes, Derek looked at him and tried not to give in but we all knew that wasn’t possible.
He picked Eli up, “Fine-but you guys are going to have to take care of him.” Eli started nodding quickly, “We will.” Derek set him down and he ran over to Delilah who was now sitting on the floor. Boyd dropped all the stuffed animals, and dog toys, and pretty much everything else that the twins got today on the couch.
“Alright, well I’m out. I gotta head home.” We all waved at him and I looked down, Thalia had fallen asleep, I walked over to the couch finding the one empty spot and sat down on it, feeling the tiredness as well.
These two really take the energy out of me. “Izzy?” I looked down and hummed, “you’re a good big brother.” Thalia whispered before placing her head in the crook of my neck and falling asleep again.
I smiled to myself and hugged her before turning and laying my head down on a giant turtle with my feet resting on the end of the couch—falling asleep too.
Derek P.O.V:
“You’re a good big brother.” I heard Thalia say before she and Isaac fell asleep on the couch. I smiled and walked over sitting next to Delilah. Eli was running around with dog Isaac, I’m surprised he’s still awake, it’s like he has an endless suply of energy.
“She’s right you know,” Delilah said, “he is a good big brother.” I nodded, “Yeah he is.” I’m glad the twins have him. He’s a good kid and didn’t deserve the life he had before this. But he’s with us now.
Isy ran over and jumped in my lap looking up at me. “Hey, you’re not so bad.” I petted him and he crawled over in Delilah’s lap falling asleep. Eli walked over slowly and sat in my lap, “What’s up little man?”
He leaned his head back, “Tired.” is all he said before falling asleep. I laughed and picked him up carrying him to what was now his and Thalia’s room. Walking out I saw Delilah on her phone, Isy asleep as well.
I went to move Thalia to the room but decided against it and just placed a blanket over her and Isaac. “Night kid.”
#Derek Hale son#Derek hale#Derek Hale daughter#Derek Hale x oc#fanfiction#teen wolf#teen wolf fanfic#Delilah hale#thalia hale#Eli hale
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Tanjiro Kamado x reader
Ok so i made something i think would be cool so yeah.
-you are 18 and Tanjiro is also 18 in this story
-16+ ig idk
-lowkey if your under 13 read like half then stop please, but read it at your own will i camt stop you tbh u probably read a lot more graphic things.
-i apologize for the bad spelling in advance lol
3rd person pov
Y/n was on her way from yet another boring in mission 'it was to easy' you state rolling your eyes in a aroggant fashion. y/n was wallking like a sloth barley dragging her self. 'Ugh. So boring, i wonder what my little brother is doing rn...probably having a lot more fun then me..' she said with a sad expression. Zenitsu is your little brother well 'little' your twins but your older for a little yet you still refer to him as little brother. You were both taken in by the old man, and unlike Zenitsu you were never rly a crybabby, you always wanted to become a hashira so that ur little brother didn't have to be a demon slayer cus it was never his first choice. You cares for your little brother a lot considering your something like a mother figure to him cus you're perents died when you were both around 5 years old you had to move fast abandon your childhood for your little brother at a young age you left him in the old mans hands and asked him to atleast teach him 1 move nothing more nothing less as long ass the move was affective, just so Zenitsu could protect himself. And you cant believ you acomplished becoming a hashira your gratefull too Shinobu who is currently training Kano (yet when i was training i didnt even bother to lern the quiet girls name she didn't seem to really care anyways, when you two were training together ,yet i tryed to avoid it, it use to get really awkward you couldn't really seem to talk to her it kinda feels onesided ,it was).
Your Pov
Well that got boring reall quick. {You'r crow suddenly comes out of nowhere and starts yelling} "Go the butterfly mansion!GO TO THE BUTTERFLY MASION!!" "OK!OK! I GET IT U DAMN CROW." {Even if u can be quite rough on your crow that dosent mean you hate it just that it can agrivate you some times when you hear it yelling.} Oh well its not really like i have much to do.
-at the butterfly mansion-
You enter the manssion and low and be hold your little brother Zenitsu was there, for once you actually didnt expect this u haven't seen him in only a few weeks tbh u have a small crush on one person that hes traveling with its this boy named Tanjiro but hi s little sister is so CUTEEEE. Zenitsu rushes to you "Sissss!!" He says while crying.
You had the erge to just move out of the way so he hits the wall but you stayed in place he didnt see you in quite long. "Sis WHERE WERE YOU!???" "Missions and shit." You werent really good with words pretty much everything you didn't know how to describe you labeld as
✧*。SHIT✧*。. You realised someone was standing there, it was Inosuke you waved to him he really didnt care all that much about the wave he just ran to you "FIGHT ME Y/N IF YOU FIGHT ME AND I WIN I WILL PROVE THAT I AM BETTER THEN A HASHURAS STUDENT!" "Uhhh..No?" You said and he just keept going on ratling on about how he wants to fight me an Blah, Blah, Blah, Something else cought my attention though the dark red haired boy tanjiro looks like he's training his hair's not like usual its down i guess u cant train and maintain the hairstyle you started training with, its in you to obviously fell a bit of attraction like c'mon who wouldnt .
Then aggain it wasnt just a bit or just now it keeps happening i guess you could say it was a mild crush. You never really thought it but ur lack of communication and coldnes you directly show towards him pretty much countering every time he did something good for you. Obviously you weren't doing it on purpouse its just every time he did a simple thing like help you up or offer you a hand u tend to turn beet red and just end up doing it by yourself, you actually rly want to take his offer but in that momment its like ur mind and body just cant work together. At this point you were staring for a bit to long and Zenitsu and Inosuke were long gone, ig Zenitsu got the hint but no idea how the hell Inosuke stoped asking u to fight him, hes usually quite the persistant kid. maybe Shinobu "needed" them? Oh well thats better anyways.
-You wanted to see Nezuko so u decided to try and find her you alreday knew your way around the butterfly manssion i mean u were here for over 4 years, it didnt take you too long to find her but she was asleep as expected, you alreday knew about how instead of eating humas Nezuko got her strength back from sleeping. Since were on the Nezuko topick when u were at the hashira meeting you also put your life in her hands like both blue boy, Urokodaki and the dude who's name you dont care enough to remember. Considering you were a hashira you were there, and thankfully Urokodaki told you about the situation, even though he isn't the one who trained you the old man and Urokodaki were good friends so sometimes he would wisit. When the white haired peice of shit took Nezuko u were pissed u said " Listen, i dont really like breaking the rules but if u so much as hurt a hair on her haid i wont hesitate to kill you." Everyone was shocked at ur statment the white haired boy was amused "Oh i dare u to try!" You burst up on the platform witg one yolt of speed u weren't even visible how fast u were u pinned him againt the wall with pne hand "Luckly u didnt hurt her this time" As u droped the boy from chocking. U bowed and apologised to the master as u walked out the master had a soft spot for you considering u hung around here since u were 11 u were the youngest person to ever pass the test ~purple flower place where u kill demons forgot the name~ Thats also mostly why shinobu took me in she trained me for over 4 years and then i started doing more serious work after i beat 2 members of the 12 kizuki im acepted as a hashira well it would have been after the first one no.11 but a lot of the other hashiras objected saying that one was too weak and to easy to defeet for any hashira so i went and killed the no.3 at that time i must say it was hard as shit vonsidering i had a broken leg a broken arm and a few broken ribs. I was 17 at the time and that w as 1 year ago. But lets not talk about the cringey me in the past. Tbh my priorites rn are to get stronger then the water kid, whats his name...name..name..OH yeah its Gizu or is it Giyu or myb Giyuu, yk what idc tbh.... -you fell asleep next to Nezuko's bed u honestly cant sleep well at night bc u kerp getting nightmers about ur parents, all u remember from ur parents is that they went on a bussines trip and left you and Zenitsu with the old man as they left and you never saw them again.-
Tanijro pov
I guess shes back. I still to wonder why she started giving me the cold sholder right of the bat yet she was even nice to the boar boy who actually came of as aggresive from the start. I can't help but fell jealous. She can' even look me in the eye. Everytime i offer her help even as simple as getting up she just does it her self coldly. Yet there were some of our interactions when it wasnt bad at all she wasnt being cold she was actually being super nice. It was the first time y/n met Nezuko she didnt threten her even though y/n was a hashira, the both of them quickly became friends. That night she was reading a story to Nezuko it warmed my heart to see someone seeing Nezuko not as a demon but as a little girl just like i did. Tbh i think thats when i started falling for her. I fell f or her even more when she defended Nezuko but i felt guilty bc she was putting her reputation on the line while i was just standing there tied up, weak. I couldnt even say thanks. I sidn't feel jealous of Nezuko for being protected by y/n i was happy about it, yet i wish y/n cared for me that much
{she does︵‿︵(´ ͡༎ຶ ͜ʖ ͡༎ຶ `)︵‿︵} . I actually think i'll go wisit Nezuko, i cant sleep anyways. *tanjiro walks over to Nezukos room* As he opens the door je sees...y/n!? What was she doing here? Why's she still dressed? Should i wake her up? No. Im a YOUNG GENTELLMAN. I'll just carry y/n too her bedroom and she wont evwn realise. Yeah, yeah that will work.
3rd person pov
As Tanjiro carys you to your beddroom he does so as slowly as possible so he dosen't wake you up in the middle of walking just as you were crosing Zenitsus room, low and behold who you bumped into Zenitsu ofc. "OMG!!WTH R U DOING WITH MY BIG SISTER TANJIRO!!!" he keept nagging and nagging. Then u kinda woke up u were in ur half sleep " Zenitsu stfu, i dont care enough. Say one more word and ill kick your ass. Tanjiro love would you be so nice to cary you-uh-me to my room or in general some where." Zenizsu waa shocked his moth widened as he was looking at the sight of his annoying big sister in the arms of his caring friend. CALLING TANJIRO LOVE!? WHAT!? AND HIS FRIEND'S FACE THE SAME SHADE AS HIS HAIR!? HUH!? HE THOUGHT YOU HATED TANJIRO!? AND NOW THIS!?
The poor kid was so confued not being to put the peices together he stood there just watching you two walk away.
U got too your room slowly. Tanjiro put you on you're bed as he was about too walk away you grabed his haori "Tanjiro wait. You do understand when im here u can talk to me" You said releasing his haori patting the spot next to you as the boy sat down " Befor i heard you crying in your bedroom are you okay? And u also tosed around like you were having a nightmare. Do you want to talk about it. Or maybe sleep here, considering everything maybe jt would help you calm down, im nkt usually the best person with words or the most comforting, but i try." The boy was smiling to cover up that he was barley holding back tears. You hugged him and he just started crying, sobing his eyes out. Letting all the stress that was stacking up. When he was done you encouragde him to stay untill he gave in. You tucked him in "I'll be right back just to get something, ok?" He noded. You walked down to Tanjiro's room u took the sheets and pillow going back you saw Nezuko you quickly tucked her in and told her too sleep she needed the strength. (honestly sometimes u seemed like 2 people that were polar oposites the energetic you that has no empathy what so ever and the affectioneit human tbh the affectioneit human was mostly reserved for Tanjiro, Nezuko and your annoying little brother Zenitsu )
You bolted to your room to find Tanjiro asleep you pecked his cheek and huged him tightly you were so worryed you even shed a few tears untill you snaped back. You placed the pillow and blanket onto the floor, you thought it would be inapropriet to sleep next to him. You didnt really know where to change but tbh u didn't really care if Tanjiro saw u half naked, like underwear reveals as much as a bikini. Luckily he didnt wake up at that moment but while u were changing u notived his eyebrows were creating a worrying expression.
After you were done changing. You sat down next too him, you were worried sick "Tanjiro, hey. Wake up." you said as you shook him a you wanted to yell at him to wake up but you could wake up Nezuko and she needs the sleep. Do you just super aggresivley start shaking him. Meanwhile Zenitsu with his hearing things in his sleep he hears the bed squeking faster and faster then just stops, poor boy was scared. But nvm that, after shaking him for ages Tanjiro finally woke up. "hey are you okay?" he just started crying and hugged you pulling you down "Im so sorry if im making you fell uncomfortable y/n, im so sorry." " Hey, hey its okay your not makkng me feel uncomfortable at al, i could never feel uncomfortable becouse of you." Tge boy keeps crying and telling you stuff from his past here and there. When he colected himself he said "Is that bed for me ilm get into it." "Oh god no, loom at your mentall state ur no t sleeping on the ground." " but-" " no buts Tanjiro" you said the ladt part firmly light l y pushing hum down to lay down. As you layed down on the floor truly it was very uncomfortable but you'd to anytging for that red head, anything. Plus i really like how he smells and you love the idea your bed is gonna smell like him for at least one more night and his scent was all over these sheets which helped you sleep better, but you could have slept next fo him yet you didnt wanna take advantege of his currant state.
Your pov
Honestly i never thought this boy could be as bad with words as i am some times. Honestly i think i fell for him even more. (You were tosing and turning all night bc you couldn't sleep that kept going on till 4 am when you devided to just go make something) -honestly i have no ifea what to make for everyone i mean i've got a solid 3 hours till everxone wakes up. And honestly i think i should make something extra for Tanjiro he's got it rough. And maybe i should wright an apology leter on it for being so cold some times, i try not to but i just get nervus. Oh well. Yeah i got the perfect thing to make! Japanese pancakes everyone loves those, right?
Everyones gonna get one and then i'll give Tanjiro a whole stack.
Uuu and i'll add some barries it will be delicious.
Now how do i make those that fluffy, ig i'll have to wisk the egg whites really good and i have to get some vanilla and and some rum, UUU.. i need powdered sugar, but i dont think we have that. Hmmm...well i guess i could get my sugar really fine by preshuring it with a spoon! Yeah! Lets start.
Ok all thats left is the tea and to plan t the bomb (put the pancakes in your room next to Tanjiro). Oh yeah and ofc wright the apology leter. -you sat down to wright a little message on the napkin.- Man i need to fix my wrighting who the hell can read this? Oh well. Lets brew the tea.
Ok all set i guess i can bring it to my room. -you walk down the hallway to your room puting the tray of food on the night stand next to Tanjiro, and planting a light kiss on the lips.- "Awe so cute" -you whisper looking at Tanjiro- Whats the time man i hope its around 6am it was 6:54 am. SHIT. SHIT. SHIT. I NEED TO PUT THE PLATES AND PANCAKES ON THEM. AND MAKE THE TABLE. -You bolt to the dining room and as fast as humanly posible you place the plates with pancakes and everything on the table.
Yes, i made it in time! Slay you fucking PUSSYS!! HEH!
3rd person pov
You go back to your room to wake up Tanjiro first so he dosen't need to wake up to screaming. As you enter your room you see him comfortably sleeping unlike last night when he had a nightmare. Honestly it let you breth when you saw him sleeping, people no matter how strong are voulnrable while they sleep. Thats also why you cant sleep whenever your around someone you love. Because what if they get hurt and you fidn't even realise. This would be a completly diffrent thing if you were hugging him it would at least give you some security they would first kill the person most likely to kill them first, which gave you some reasurance.
You fully enter your room. Now you were in a crisis of how the hell to wake him up. 'Should i yell? No thats the opposite of what i want. Maybe just shake him, yeah i'll do that, it worked last time.' You go up to the boy, and start shaking the life out of him "Hey! Wake up please." You keep shaking him for a little longer till he wakes up. "Yeah, what is it y/n" he says sleeply muttering, which made your heart warm. "You gota wake up." "I am awake-" He jolts up, now sitting on the bed "Did i over sleep?" "No, no your fine its 7:10am." "That's goooooood- heyy what are those? Are they for me?" " Yeah the pancakes and tea are for you now eat up and i'll wake up the others." " Ok but you really didnt have t-" The door closed and he heard you running across the mansion and yelling "WAKE UP SWINES ITS TIME TO EAT!!"
Tanjiros pov
Damn i love that girl. But im pretty sure she made pancakes for everyone, i wonder if shes just babying me out of pity... Hey whats that on the napkin. -Tanjiro picks up the napkin and looks at whats written- Her hand wrighting is almost the same as mine. ~Dear Tanjiro im sorry for being so cold sometimes, i just freez up in front of you here and there. Cuz i like you, yeah bet you already knew, heh. So do u like me back? [__] Yes, of course! [__] Yes, of course!
Wanna go out? [__] Yes! [__] Yes?
You really have no choice.~
3rd person pov
When you were all sitting down. Zenitsu asked "Wheres Tanjiro sis?" "Why are you asking me? But hes in my room eating, why?" And suddenly all eyes were on you all the staff, lady Shinobu, Kano, nurse girl well everyone except Inosuke who was murdering his pancakes. "Whats wrong?" "And why was he in your room dear sister?" Said Zenitsu in a i know tone. "I don't know." You said felling awkward under the presure "OH SISTER. NO NEED TO HIDE THAT YOU SLEPT WITH MY BEST FRIEND! AND BRINGING HIM FOOD IN BED THATS AFTERCARE!" zenitsu said standing up and acussingly pointing his finger at you hoping youd crack under the presure and run away
"Oh, and what if i did sleep with him? What if it is aftercare? What the hell are you going to do about it YOUNGER brother?" Zenitsu sat down embarassed. While Shinobu was laughing her ass of "Omg, omg i can't, you are the same as ever y/n!" "Yeah, yeah whatever." Then you saw Tanjiro walking in, handing you the napkin you left him and standing there waiting for your reaction. Zenitsu commented "What are you thst big of a baby now Tanjiro, you cant even throw out the trash by yourself" Then you stud up and kissed Tanjiro as Zenitsus jaw droped.
(What the kiss looked like kinda just a lot more blush, especialy from Tanjiro)
Everyone except Zenitsu and Shinobu and well Inosuke wasn't really listening was shocked they thought your cocky comments were just a joke to piss of your brother. You pulled away letting the red haired boy breath, as he was a blushy mess as expected "Tanjiro did you eat the pancakes?" He just noded unable to utter a word from his shock and emberasment. "ok then c'mon"
Inosuke pov (short)
I HAVE NO IDEA WHATS GOING ON BUT THESE PANCAKES ARE SO GOOD!! *chewing noises* HEY, WHEN DID Y/N LEAVE? "Can somone pass me those pancakes!?"
3rd person pov
You draged tanjiro to a sakura tree not farr from the mansion. As you sat down on a log next to the tree and patted your lap "Lay in my lap please." "Ok" The boy could barley utter words still blushing a bright red shade as he layed down on your lap. You looked up and he also looked up looking at you "You know red head befor you came along i almost always didn't know what to say because i always came of as blunt i didn't mean too, but when your around i don't even need to think what to say i just start saying it." The boy was smiling gently when you looked down. You squished his cheeks and said "Aweee, your so cute! I love you." "And i also might have opanly lied too everyone that we had sex" You were blushing a dark red all across y our face and the poor boy was burning up and almost fainted. -zomming out of sceen- "HEY! TANJIRO DON'T DIE ON ME!Hey!" You say jokingly.
The end
Hi im the person who wrote this whats your favorite song mine is
Currently watching *you sleeping*
◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►► ───○ 🔊⠀𝟸:03 / 4:41 ᴴᴰ
Tell me please. And tell me if this made your day better or worse and if i should fix somethings for when i wright in the future. Thanks for reading!
˚ ᕱ⑅ᕱ ♡ pat ‧₊˚ ✩
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(つ /( •́‧̫•̀ 。) ♡ pat
˚ しーJ (nnノ) ⋆
#Spotify#tanjiro x reader#tanjiro x y/n#demon slayer#tanjiro kamado#tanjiro fluff#long reads#fanfic#romance#pancakes#tea#nezuko#sakura tree
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Sub!Kirishima x Dom!Reader lemon/smut
Warning: Oral, photography, sub/dom relationship
Summary: Kirishima manages to piss of y/n pretty badly and has to make it up to her.
“Y/n I didn’t mean to, I’m sorry!” Kirishima called after her as she entered her dorm room. With an agrivated sigh, she slammed the door behind herself, but he caught it and opened it anyway.
“Look it was a total accident, I’ll buy you a new one.” He said, closing the door and holding his arms out to her.
“I don’t want a new one. I want mine.” She pouted angrily, flinching away from him. Grabbing her phone, y/n flopped onto her bed and began scrolling through her Instagram feed.
Earlier that morning Kirishima accidentally dropped and shattered the desk mirror that her father gave her before she moved into the dorms. It was a simple mirror that you could probably find at the nearest dollar store but the words that came with it made it priceless to her.
“Y/n, please baby-“
“Do not call me baby, get out of my room while you’re at it.” She growled.
Kirishima sighed and moved to the side of the bed, reaching out, he pulled y/n by her thighs. Y/n looked at him uninterestedly, her phone still illuminating the side of her face.
Kirishima lowered to his knees infront of her, making her sit up on the bed. He reached for her shorts, hooking his fingers under them.
“May I?” He asked.
“You may.”
He pulled them down, lifting y/n’s torso so he could pull them all the way off.
Y/n exhaled as his breath fanned her heat through the thin lace of her underwear.
Kirishima deliberately blew air over her wetness, making her shiver then grab his chin harshly. She jerked his face up so their eyes could meet.
“You are not in charge here, nor are you out of the dog house. Prove to me that you’re worth forgiving and then we can talk about teasing.” He let out a small whine, the way she asserted dominance over him making his boxers get all tight.
He brought his chin to rest on the edge of the bed right between her legs. Y/n smirked and pulled her underwear down, pushing kirishima out of the way so she could pull them off.
His mouth salivated at the way her folds dripped into a small pool on the bedsheets. His dick hardened painfully, begging him to get off, but he knew if he did she wouldn’t let him do anything but watch her plunge her fingers into herself.
“You’re drooling darling, do you want a taste?” She asked teasingly. He nodded his head feverishly.
“Beg. For. It”
“Oh please y/n, please let me taste you, please baby.” Kirishima whined, sucking in his bottom lip and letting his sharp teeth gnaw on it. His eyes were glued straight ahead of him, no longer looking into hers.
“Go ahead.” Leaning back, y/n raked her hands through his bright red locs as Kirishima dove right in.
His lips went straight for her clit, running pleasurable circles around it. Her wanton moans and tugs on his hair made Kirishima’s eyes roll back as his cock strained in his boxers. He wanted to touch himself so badly, touch anything for that matter. His arms laid station at his sides, him knowing well he wasn’t allowed to. Y/n sensed the twitch in his hands and placed the tip of her foot on his rock hard bulge. He whined desperately as her foot moved back and forth agonizingly slowly.
“Mmmm~ I love seeing you on your knees, ready to pleasure me till’ my heats content. Such a good boy.” Y/n moaned. Kirishima groaned in response, sending vibrations up her spine.
“You know what...” she said, remembering a past conversation she had with him. Kirishima revealed to her that he liked being recorded, and the several videos she had in her phone of him stroking himself while moaning her name was proof.
Reaching to the side, she picked up her phone, flipping it to the camera. Kirishima noticed what was happening as soon as he heard the video start and his eyes lit up with excitement. He continued with new energy as he knew y/n would be touching her self to this some time in the future. He licked and sucked at her clit harshly, all while keeping his eyes on the camera. Soon y/n pulled him away from her by the roots of his hair, causing him to let out a sinful groan. She grabbed his chin in the same way she did before.
“You like eating my pussy don’t you Eijiro? Tell me how much you like it.” He bit his lip at the grin she held on her face as she held up her phone.
“I love eating your pretty little pussy so much.” He said breathlessly, wanting desperately to continue his actions.
“Of course you do. Tell me how good it tastes.” She said sweetly.
“So good baby, just like honey~”
Y/n’s smirk widened as she sped her foot up just a little, making him moan into the air.
“Good boy.” She said, letting go of his chin. Kirishima moved right back in with his tounge, losing himself in the way her arousal flowed into his mouth.
“Give me a good long lick, bottom to top.” Y/n moaned, letting her hand on the back of his head guide him. His tounge lapped up from the edge of her tight little hole to the top of her sweet lips, eyes on the camera the entire time.
“One more, then I want you to go all the way in.” She directed.
As he gave a second lap at her slit, tears of frustration pricked in the corner of his eyes, y/n’s foot on his hard bulge slowed down once again, so slow at a pace where it wouldn’t be possible for him to cum.
He plunged his tounge into her tightness, making y/n’s hips jerk against him. He moved in and out of her, enjoying the way her walls clenched around his tounge.
Y/n’s grip on his hair got tighter as she began grinding herself into his face. Kirishima moaned into her heat, his hard on getting painful. She was just way too sexy as she fucked his face, using him for her own pleasure.
Y/n ended the video, tossing her head back as Kirishima fucked his name into her with his tounge. Everything was so warm and he was so eager to make her feel good.
“Ouuu fuck Eiji, I’m gonna cum baby, swallow it for me.” She whined.
Kirishima doubled his efforts, sliding his tounge into her faster as her thighs clamped around his head. Her loud moans were muffled to him by the plush of her thighs.
Her head jerked back and her jaw cocked into a pitiful whine just as she released into his mouth. Kirishima swallowed mouthful after mouthful, savoring the taste.
As soon as y/n caught her breath, she pushed him back and grabbed his chin.
“Open. Let me see that you swallowed.” She demanded.
Kirishima opened his mouth, showcasing its emptiness.
“Good boy~”
Suddenly y/n leaned down to cup Kirishima’s large bulge in her hand. He arched his back and moaned.
“I think you deserve a reward.”
#mha kirishima#bnha kirishima#bnha smut#mha smut#kirishima smut#x reader#kirishima lemon#bnha lemon#mha lemon#kirishima x reader
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This is really sweet honestly and i could use more reminders like it.
I get so used to the clair senses working that when they dont its expecially hard to trust that theyr with me when i do go blind with my clairsenses, like Shawn Robbins says "you dont wake up every day phsychic" some days i cant hear or see them at all cant even feel them, and i have to just trust that theyr around.
Its gotten so bad before they genuinely get agrivated and reasonably so because ill backstep and start going "well i cant see or feel them are they even real?" Ive been absolutely spoiled rotten with this ability and its really showing in my practice.
Time to trust the fall, in part because i dont like upsetting them and theyr genuinely trying to reach me im just shutting them out.
Ill apply this more in my life and see where it takes me i think
Your Gods are always there. Stressed? Pray. Nervous? Sing a hymn.
Not only has this helped my anxiety, it’s helped me form a closer bond with the gods.
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Red Lights
Uzui x Sanemi’s Tsugoku Reader
Uzui’s a flirt, but it’s not like he means it. Right?
Mostly gender neutral but they do take the place of a “girl” in the red light district
Cross posted on Ao3 (sequel will be Ao3 only)
(1,584 words)
“Why the hell is he here?” You stared Sanemi down, he’d recently taken you on as his Tsugoku.
Sanemi rolled his eyes at you before gesturing to your crow. “Probably got the same orders as us. Red Light district is his specialty after all.” You grunted and sat down next to the tea table the wisteria houses owners set up. Now at least you knew why you’d gotten sucked into this damn mission.
Sanemi finally got fed up with your attitude and Uzui’s smug grin, “What’s the plan Uzui?”
“They’re going to get dressed up and you’re going to try and sell them to one of the houses on the list I gave you earlier. Once they’re in I’ll pose as a customer, it shouldn’t take too long for the demon to show up after that. They have a type.” He slid his eyes over to you and you suppressed the heat gathering in your cheeks.
“What is that? Bastards?” You quipped. Sanemi rolled his eyes.
Uzui leaned forward, “No he doesn’t really care about the clients, just the pretty face of the girls.”
You snorted, “You definitely chose the wrong person for this mission then.”
Sanemi let out an agrivated sigh, “Too fuckin bad then. You’re here because it’s a high level mission. We can spare any more lower ranks to this.” If Sanemi said it was final, it was final. No more complaints allowed.
Why did you respect him again?
You dressed yourself easily and efficiently, but Uzui insisted on doing your makeup though. A simple stained lip, rosy cheeks, and charcoal to line your eyes. Sanemi gave you a mirror and it was kind of odd to see yourself looking so… nice. You ignored Uzui’s snarky remark about if you were sure you were still the wrong person for the job. He was just annoying you on purpose.
Sanemi held out his elbow and you latched onto it, these shoes were higher than you were used to and you needed the support. He guided you to the first of the houses and they talked about your skills. Good at housework—you prefered it to the Kakushi’s help, trained in basic medical aid—Sanemi wouldn’t survive with out you at the rate he rips himself open, and orderly—okay maybe you were a bit of a control freak with how you liked things to be set up.
They’d taken him up on his offer immediately. The Matron led you through the house to a room. “This is where you’ll sleep if you don’t have a client, the other lower girls sleep in here too so be prepared for that. Tomorrow I’ll teach you proper etiquette for serving a guest, then you’ll see to your first client. Today you’ll help around the house, the other girls may be able to give you a tip or two.” You just nodded and followed along. You couldn’t sense anything inside the house, so you’d keep your gaurd up, but try not to stand out.
The day was slow going, but eventually you were sent off to bed. You laid down to rest and slipped into the light sleep most slayers experienced. You woke up early the next morning and prepared yourself before the matron arrived.
“Oh how wonderful! Such good habits!” She praised you as she checked over your work, “Well balanced makeup, perfect posture, goodness I really got a deal with you dear. Come along, we’re going to teach you in the kitchen so we can work on cooking as well as practice.” God you hated this already.
After an exhausting day of training and cooking you were sent to bed again. Why the hell did you have to do this mission. It was worse than Sanemi’s training sessions. You fell asleep after just a few moments.
When you woke up you once again got ready. The matron arrived and led you to a small room where several girls sat and waited for customers. Just, sitting and looking pretty, what a waste. Soon enough an annoyingly tall figure walked into the building. Uzui was almost unrecognizable besides his height.
You could hear one of the girls whispering to another, “I feel sorry for the poor girl who gets stuck with him. Hopefully he doesn’t want any special performances.” You tried not to let their comments get to you, knowing he was just doing this all for the mission. You couldn’t hear him talking with the owners, but he was quickly led to a room and the matron case to get you.
“I want you to do your best today. He’s paid for a simple performance, he says he’s lonely and just wants a pretty thing to talk to. If he asks for more it’s up to you, I’d prefer if he paid, but you set your price, dear,” She fussed over your hair one more time. A sad look crossed her face, “Be careful. I’ve lost a lot of girls, these men, some of them are animals, taking a girl they can’t have and slaughtering her and himself. Just, be careful. I don’t want to lose anymore girls unless they’re going off to marry, you hear me.” She was crying by the end of her rambling. She wiped her face and patted your shoulder once more before letting you enter the room.
Uzui was relaxed, sitting at a low table. He smiled at you and you started your performance. The demon wouldn’t show up unless it was done properly, until Uzui—the customer— got handsy. This was going to be a nightmare.
Uzui was a great actor oddly enough, he played the part of a lonely bachelor with ease. Asking about you and your interests as well as making up a story about his own that you knew wasn’t entirely true. “Why don’t you come sit with me?” You listened despite the annoyance welling inside you. You sat next to him, enough distance to be modest, playing the part of a shy inexperienced girl. You could feel your skin crawl as something moved inside the ceiling.
He pulled you into his side and whispered into your ear, “Your sword is in that bag I brought, Sanemi will bring mine in as soon as I open the window. You can sense it too right?” You could feel your cheeks heat up as you nodded. He pulled you closer, almost into his lap. From here you’d be able to reach his bag and grab your sword.
“What a cuuuuute couple you two make~” The raspy voice that echoed through the room was revolting. It was enjoying this far too much for a normal demon. You attempted to look like you were hiding in Uzui’s chest, and reached for the hilt of your sword.
It was a good thing you didn’t care for a gaurd. You pulled the weapon out and sliced through the spike aiming for Uzui’s head. The demon hissed and Uzui moved to the window, he grabbed his own weapon and the two of you tried your best to keep the damage to a minimum. Neither of your breath styles was really tailored for that, but you had to try.
One of the spikes managed to catch your neck, slicing through it and leaving a burning sensation. Uzui grunted as one punctured through his shoulder. It only took a few more minutes for Uzui to finally find the demons weak point and slice off its head.
You sat down and held your head. You could feel heat surging through your body. No fucking wonder this demon chose the Red Light district despite its grotesque looks. It had an aphrodisiac affect on humans.
“Shit,” Uzui grabbed a cloth from the table and pressed it against your neck, “You alright? You’re not focusing your breathing.” You weren’t? Fuck your head was throbbing. Why did this have to happen. “I could try and help you through this, or we can try and sneak you out. I know they aren’t great options, but they don’t expect us to leave until tomorrow anyway.
He was offering to have sex with you even when he doesn’t actually like you. He had three wives, he only flirted with you on these types of missions, why would he be serious. “I’m not letting you fuck me just because you threw a few pretty words, you don’t even like me. I don’t plan on giving myself away to someone who doesn’t plan to marry me. I’d rather wait this shit out—” You cut off as your head spun.
Uzui’s face twisted and he grabbed your shoulders and made you look at him, “You think I’m fucking around? I kept flirting to see if you were even interested. If you’d ever shown anything, but pissy bitch I’d have proposed as flashily as possible. If you want to be my fiancé I’d be really damn thrilled.” Wow. Tonight was going a lot differently than you’d expected.
“Okay.” Why wouldn’t you? You like him, apparently he liked you, three hot co-wives, and you were already to exhausted to think of any negatives.
He grinned at you and kissed your forehead, “Stay here. I’ll tell the matron we were attacked. I’ll also tell her I plan on whisking you away, I’ll also pay your debts away. We kinda destroyed the room so I don’t think Oyakata-Sama will complain about it.” You nodded dazed as he left the room and tried to focus on breathing, you had a wound to heal after all.
#kimetsu no yaiba#kimetsu no yaiba uzui#uzui tengen#uzui tengen x reader#reader insert#kimetsu no yaiba fanfic#kimetsu no yaiba x reader#Shinazugawa Sanemi & Reader
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Chapter 4 “On the outside Looking In”
*Ding Ding*
*Ding Ding*
I popped up and looked over squinting my eyes because all i see is a bright ass light from my phone going off.
*Smacked My lips* Its Rik.
Rik:Call me Asap bro.
Man im not calling him I haven’t talked or seen this nigga fuck him. I put the phone back down and on DnD turned over and cuddled up with Ashley.
She woke up a lil bit and asked was everything ok.
“Of course Baby go back to sleep”
“Ok” she said
And she was fast asleep in a blink of an eye.
15 mins tops I wondered what the hell rik wanted i was so curious, because i have not talk to him none while i was in the hospital or nothing. He the reason i got shot. Maybe he just feel guilty i thought and thought and thought before i went to sleep asked myself so many questions and gave myself so many answers and that still didn’t give me any kind of satisfaction or clarification.
....Imma just text him.
“What bro”
Rik:Man wassup meet me somewhere.
AJ:“Nah my nigga last time i met with you i nearly died.”
Rik: Man I know i know and im truly sorry about that bro i know you haven’t seen or talked to me i been in these streets listening around checking out the hood and shit tryna put 2 n 2 together you feel me bro.
AJ:“Mmhm Right i hear you bro”
Rik:Look i know you may feel like its been some shady shit going on but i just had to take sometime to get myself together bro I didn’t know what to do that night i thought you was gonna die i was fucked up. But im glad you good brody. Thank God.
AJ:Yea man im glad to be alive its been very eye opening these last couple of weeks man fr.
Rik:I feel you bro its all gonna get better soon my nigga i promise. Look just hit me tomorrow i got alot to tell you..
AJ:Ight bro you owe me no kap
Rik:I gotchu bro🤞🏾
*Unknown Number*(Incoming Call)
“Who Tf is this” i said before answering the phone.
*I answered*
*Sniffles*.... AJ..?
“Who is this” i asked out of confusion
*REALLY AJ!? Its Passion
“Oh” I looked over at ashley as she was still sound asleep i got up out the bed and creeped to the kitchen.
“Whats the Deal?”
“Aj ive been trying to contact you for a week why haven’t you returned none of my calls or text messages.?”
“I been busy man”
“Yea busy with that otha bitch to huh.!?”
“Man why you in my business you not my btc.?” I said with a aggressive whispering tone.
“What do you want passion?”
It became so silent in the night.
“Hello!!” I said with agrivation
Wassup man!? Im tryna go back to bed.
*Sniffles* Im... Pregnant..” she said.
“Pregnant🤨 How?!” With the sound of confusion.
“What do you mean how? You bussed in me thats how mf.” With a aggressive tone.
“Nah i wrapped up tight no kap so you got the wrong nigga” and banged on her ass.
I went and laid back down wit ashley and instantly fell back to sleep.
Before i could open my eyes the smell of a good breakfast hit my nose i slowly opened my eyes she was just walking in climbing on top of me kissing me trying to wake me and mini up😏.
AJ: Ooouuu Baby don’t be doing that you tryna wake both of us up.
Ashley: Mmm😏🥰 I got breakfast ready for you so you can have an amazing day.
“Oh really I must’ve put my foot in you last night huh.” I said jokingly
She laughed and said “Boy shut yo ass up and eat before i stop being so nice.”
She side eyed me while i was stuffing my face.
“Damn baby what time is it?” While i was looking for my phone.
I thought to myself i know i sat my phone on the dresser next to me.
I flipped the cover over and there it was.🤨
Ashley: Its almost 12 you have somewhere to be or something?
“Oh shit yea i gotta get dressed.”
I rushed to the bathroom to get myself together finally started getting dress while still rambling for my phone.
“Ash!!! You know where my phone is at?”
“Umm idk try checking the bed or something.” She yelled out
I flipped the cover and there it was
“Bet found it” I said with excitement
I was in so much of a rush to think about how it ended up on the bed. I ran to the kitchen gave ash a kiss on the cheek and left.
“Ight Babygirl ill see you later”
And ran out the door.
Remote started that 392 yall know how skeaz coming.
*Turnt volume up*
“Now watch me push them bitches off with the 2 hands
Aye,hm,with the 2 hands
Watch me push them bitches off with the 2 hands
Aye, Aye, with the two hands”
While Rapping and vibing to sada n vezzo I started thinking about passion...
“Maybe I shouldn’t do her like that, I was fuckn the dawg shit out of her freak ass.🤔🤷🏽♂️
*Pulled in the lot of my destination, Picked my phone up went to her number to FaceTime her but hesitated...*
“Nah Ill wait let me make this drop first.” I said to myself.
I got out walked to the back opened the trunk grabbed the duffy, tucked my mag in my pants and walked in through the back of The Palace.
The Palace Where I conduct my business, pleasures and problems 😁. Also 1 of my many main sources of income.
*Walking Through the hall to get to my office*
*Guard 1* Wassup Boss
*Guard 2* Skeeeaazzooo
“Whats The Deal Guys” giving guard 1 a pat on the shoulder.
*I walked in my office and sat the duffy on the table opened it and made a suspicious grin and said to myself.
“Imma Muthafucka boi i tell ya”.
I opened my safe i have in my floor behind my desk and got to putting the money out the bag into the safe.
“Damn my shit getting full I guess i gotta go splurge a lil bit huh” i jokingly said to myself.
*Ring *Ring
*Ring *Ring
Looked at my phone an unsaved number.
*Hello! I said
Hello Hi is this Mr.Davis?
“....Whos Asking?” I said while putting the rest of the money in the safe.
Hi this Doc Fane with Gracy rehabilitation its about your mother....
Like I really need this right now.😥

Ig: HunchoSkeazo
Youtube:Huncho Skeazo
We The Future Ent Copywrite 2020
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Points for me
So, I started smoking pot about a year ago to manage anxiety. It's legal in my state and its been really helpful. I've experimented with a lot of different strains and types.
I prefer to smoke. Edibles are too unpredictable for me. I don't feel like I have as much control over my high. I can stop smoking if I feel like I'm too high or getting there. With edibles... The dose is the dose. Once you eat it there's nothing you can do.
But I do occasionally enjoy them. So, I have tried my hand at baking them.
My mother recently got into a car accident. Nothing serious, but it agrivated an old back injury.
So, I took her a brownie. She ate half of it. And tonight she ate the other half. Then texted me she wants me to go with her to get more.
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Recent Mo moment: Grabbin’ all that grad money 💵 gifts even tho idrc abt the extended family whose giving it to me—god, that sounds so bad—
Most iconic: Fake boxing my crush bcuz I totally hate you 🥊 (def wasn’t just an excuse to play around :,D )
OH or telling my ex I defiantly wasn’t jealous—BITCH are you kidding I’m the most possessive person there is LMAO—and saying I don’t care about who they date now—oh my man, what a L I A R
Liked anyone I hated/vise versa: Yeah, I actually really disliked my ex before we started dating, she really agrivated me but I couldn’t stop teasing, pushing, and talking to her even with this mindset. One night we opened up and found out we actually really shared a lot of values AND that we were really in love with each other. DUDE it was WILD.
Dealing with MOs: I dated a Mo, loved it! A little hard bcuz you could never really tell how they were feeling. But it was also exciting cuz the crazy cat energy 🤣but when I had lows/insecurities it can be tough.
—> Bonus: Ig Mo reminds me of my younger self who’d be really closed off from telling how I really felt and who’d rather rely on anger to avoid it. I understand his struggle of not wanting to seem “strange” by being gay—and acting out to avoid anyone questioning it. I was like that in middle school.Like Mo, my father does own a restaurant but by no means did he get arressted and I can’t cook for sh—t 😂😂
Recent He moment: So my crush (whose also my ex- it was a mutual break up but we both like each other?? God, it’s a mess)said to me that she was thinking of living (someplace nearby) so i unasamedly admitted about a dream I had last night with her that related and insinuated a future together and teased her with it. I stg it was such a He Tian thing to do—but Honestly, I’m just that obvious LMAO
Most iconic: ALL of my relationships and crushes!!!If I had a list with every cringy-ass thing I said to everyone I had ever liked both before during and after we got together that’d be an iconic He Tian mess forreal—not to mention I’m always manhandling each and everybody I like/am close to. You think He Tian is bad for dragging little Mo around? I will legit knock ppl down with my hugs—
Flirted using He Tian method: Oh defiantly. I saw a potato chip bag that had the word “GF” on it and you can assume the cringe flirt joke I used with it 😂 I also like Tian tried to learn something just so I could bond with my crush. Im also such a spoiler and mailed a ring to my ex along with some other sh—t.
Know a He Tian: I don’t think I do know one besides maybe myself?? Haha. I’m similar to He Tian but with a little more of a goofy side as well—unlike him, I’m not really a high school heartthrob 😂😂
Bonus: I relate a lot to He Tian’s possessiveness, teasing, openness to his feelings, etc. Like him, I don’t want to be related/compared to anyone else just because they’re in my family. I’m not a perfect person and I relate to He Tian being afraid of ppl not accepting him for all he is.
Jian Yi moment: I have so many at work! I’m a clumsy ass mess and sometimes my brain doesn’t function and I say things without thinking that make me seem plain dumb its a running joke that I have no brain cells 😩👌I’ll be waiting tables and sometimes I’ll ask the wrong thing (can I get you something to drink instead of are you ready to order).
Iconic: My brother convinced me that when I was talking to him I was actually speaking a different language. I said something idk how many times and hes just like “what? You’re not even speaking english” and I totally thought I was speaking like an alien 🤣
Similarly(like a day before that) I was giving someone their food and I kept answering them in Spanish even tho they were speaking English. But I SWEAR TO GOD my brain heard him speak Spanish?? It like translated in my brain—English to Spanish—and so I kept answering in Spanish and hes like “why are you speaking Spanish I speak English and I’m just standing there with shock pikachu face X,D
Fell in love w best friend?
No, well all of my ex’s did start as friends but never my BEST friend, y’Know? Even tho we started out as “eh” friends my ex did become my best friend and still is in a way, and probably forever?? It sounds weird, but I’m telling you it’s complicated AF
How I deal w Jian Yis: Dealing w myself is very hard I really am quite crazy and my whole family loves to poke fun at me and I feel like a running clown house but it’s actually really fun so f—K the haters!!!
Bonus question:
I really vibe with Jian Yi he’s like my lost twin. His desperation for Zhan Zheng Xi to the point he might burst is me around my crush 💯 and I know how it feels to evolve a relationship without ever really saying anything, just going with the flow.
Zhan Zheng Xi:
I’m just going to wrap his section up since I actually don’T have a lot of Zhan Zheng Xi moments?? He’s like against my nature LOL. Nothing against the dude
I can see a lot of strangers mistaking me for a Zhan Xi just bcuz I’m hard to reveal my true nature of a dumbass idiot, but I’m reality I’m really so far from being him. Aha
I actually really enjoy the company of a Zhan Zheng Xi just because they can point out my silliness and its refreshing to have someone the opposite of you to challenge?? My brother even tho he isnt the oldest gives off this engery. And so do my coworkers. It’s fun to see them get so suprised and entertained by the idiocy we’ll trying to keep it under check. 👌
My friend group: in my group im very much a Jian Yi since I am lighthearted and dumb no cap but at the same time I do can be very good to go to for advice and am a lot more eye opening than what it may seem. I low key get “bullied” just bcuz I say a lot of stupid things but its all fun!
I can also be an annoying ass He Tian but like more physical/aggressive?? I like to manhandle my friends and pull pranks on them 👿 I can also be a bit perverted in the mind LMAO I’m very honest abt shit sometimes and it can be cringy. And I have some corny ass jokes too! Yeah, that pretty much sums me up!
Telepathetic connectedness: Me and my brother used to have crazy ass telepathic shit we were like twins growing up same jokes said at the same time, same thoughts, etc. etc. but overtime it’s weakened :,) cuz we aren’t as close anymore.
Me and my ex also had very good telepatheic shit going on. We’d be so connected through all kinds of things, able to understand each other beyond words and such. We also just had a lot of weird coincidences in our life too.
Sexuality journey: I can see both my past and how I am now in terms of figuring out my sexuality in 19 days characters. Mo and Zhan were like my past, taking a lot of time to realize things but realizing it through the people we liked/couldn’t replace and trying to build the confidence to accept and act on it appropriately?? I was a lot more angry abt it like Mo in the past and like Zhan ik that I had someone special but at first really questioned the person’s feelings and took awhile to realize my own. He Tian represents where I am now—very unashamed and striving for the person I like even if it’s gay AF and cringe Lol.
I’m also going to leave the last answer blank since it should’ve been 19 questions to start with!! Thanks to everyone who has done my game and who has tagged me!
Once again, I tag anyone who wants to join!!
Thanks for tagging me @seiji-amasawa @mo-zai
19 Days Tag Game~
🌟Let's talk about your most 19 Days-iest moments! 🌟
Since the other one was so fun and because work is slow I thought why not take time to make this little game 🎮
You can describe your personal moments and/or somebody elses (i.e. a friend, a lover, a family member)
Feel free to add your own twist to this and evolve this game by asking other similar questions/editing it to fit in a moment you feel will share your 19 days moment!
If you're an OC Mama or Papa feel free to include little scenes/commentaries you feel highlight a similar fashion to 19 days humor OR that mimics the likeness of a 19 days character!!
You are allowed to skip a question if you can't answer/don't want to. Detailed answers preffered but answer however you wish!
Have fun and tag your friends! Anyone allowed to join!

1. What was your most recent Mo 😼 moment?
2. Most iconic?
3. Have you ever liked someone you "hated" or vise versa?
4. How do you deal with any Mos in your life? Do you know any?
Bonus question: What about yourself do you think most embodies Mo? What about his past/backstory/hardships/life mirrors your own?
5. What was your most recent He Tian 😈 moment?
6. Most iconic?
7. Have you ever flirted with someone using one of He Tian's iconic methods?
I.e. Paid for them to call/come over, molested a pillow, kissed on facetime, etc.l.
8. Do you know any He Tian's and how do you deal with em'?
Bonus question: What about yourself do you think most embodies He Tian? What about his past/backstory/hardships/life mirrors your own?
9. What was your most recent Jian Yi 😵 moment?
10. Most iconic?
11. Have you ever fell in love with your best friend--and was the experience similar to Jian Yi's?
12. Do you know any Jian Yi's in your life? How do you deal with em'?
Bonus question: What about yourself do you think most embodies Jian Yi? What about his past/backstory/hardships/life mirrors your own?
13. What was your most recent Zhan Zheng Xi moment?
14. Most iconic?
15. How far have you gone to do something for someone you care about, even if it wasn't necessarily your problem/worth it?
16. Do you know any Zhan Zhang Xi's in your life and how do you deal with them?
Bonus question: What about yourself do you think most embodies Mo? What about his past/backstory/hardships/life mirrors your own?
17. Out of your friend group, which 19 days character do you feel you most mimic in terms of your role in the friend group? What about your friends? Have you ever started a band(or something similar), skipped school, been kidnapped?
I.e are you a money cow like Tian, the "cook" like Mo? Are you the big brother? Etc. Etc.
18. Have you ever had a telepathetic connectedness with someone where no words is needed/read someone's thoughts kinda like 19 days? (You know what I mean) LOL
19. How has 19 days represented your personal lgbt+ teen (if any) experiences/journey? Which character do you feel most embodies your story in terms of sexuality/method of being?
20. How has 19 days changed your life/continues to change your life?
You've reached the end of the game. Thanks for playing!
I hope you had fun and others got a chance to learn more about you/members of this fandom!
Tags: @mo-zai @mi-no-wa @mgsdays @i-got-these-words @igotinvolved @koumiss @kakysthings @call-me-ala @casually-inlove @alexc1ting @anhappy @sarahlou747 @seiji-amasawa @namenamejk @wtfguanshan @tianshanislife @mestizo-efp @hm-translation-group @ringo-smile @1154lizz @tianshan250
If you reblog/repost please tag me ( @heyyylittlemo) so that I can see it!
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Day 18: List ASTRO most to least likely fight over the tv remote. Bonus: Write a fic about it!
MOST: MJ Sanha Moonbin
LEAST: JinJin Cha Eunwoo Rocky
Fanfic time!
~Narrator POV~
It was a bright sunny Tuesday morning, the once calm and silent morning was overcome with loud and chaos which is located at ASTRO’s dormatory, which three members known as MJ, Sanha and MoonBin fought over the remote while the three other members known as JinJin, Eunwoo and Rocky either sat quietly as the scene unfolds or try to calm down the situation on who gets the tv remote.
“MJ-AH!! GIVE ME THE REMOTE!” Moonbin yelled at MJ as he refuses to give the remote to him as he wants to watch what he wants.
“NO! I want to watch what I have been waiting to watch that came out two days ago!” MJ yells back and move to the side as MoonBin tried to tackle MJ down to grab the remote.
“MJ! Why do you decided now to watch it when you could have done it two days ago! stop hogging the remote hyung!” Sanha voice echos over MoonBin and MJ yelling and joins to help MoonBin to get the remote.
“Guys?! maybe we can negotiate something to satisfy everyone?” Eunwoo says trying to defuse the situation and try to end this chaos but his voice went unheard as time goes by he starts to get agrivated with the situation at hand and Rocky and JinJin tried to calm him down which didn’t work as Eunwoo went and turn off the tv and yelled which finally grabbed their attention, three heads went to turn to Eunwoo with wide eyes and open mouth.
“Enough fighting over the remote! you’re gonna go nowhere with this! atleast try to negotiate who gets to use the remote and watch what they want to watch until its your turn! MJ will start with the remote and watch what he wants until hes done and he will pass the phone to the next person!” his voice fills the air, the tone and gravity felt extremely heavily as his pent up anger and frustration fills the air as they agree with what he says and let’s MJ watch his show, now knowing not to make Eunwoo angry.
Fanfic over!
Day 19: Talk about an AROHA you want to get close/closer to! Bonus: Dont tag them, and have your followers guess who it is!
Im gonna just say who because my followers arent that active so the ones I want to get close/closer to are @jinjins-freckles @mybinnie @heybinnie @moonhyeoku and etc..because from what I can tell are very kind and nice people and I want to get to know and grow close so guys hit my dms anytime! :3
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Our Summers Together Are My Best Kept Secrets And My Biggest Mistakes // Chapter Six
Ships: Peterick, Brallon, Ferard, Trohley, Jalex, Zian and others in the background
Description: Summers for most kids are spent going to the beach and on vacations with your family but lots are shipped off to summer camps for the whole summer. But the kids at Hempman Summer Camp actually beg to go! Patrick Stump, Andy Hurley and Joe Trohman all met there, they had all known each other for probably over a decade because of this absolutely amazing stay-away camp for kids from the ages of six to nineteen. All the kids that were there came back until they couldn't and they always had the same kids except a few new, younger, kids every year. That is until the year that the weird kid with the jet-black, dyed, black fringe and the crazy piercings and a couple tattoos comes in like he owns the place. That year also happens to be the same year that Patrick Stump gets gum stuck to the new emo kid's face and hair. It was love at first sight... But hate at first interaction for the blonde-haired, blue-eyed boy and the complete opposite for the new kid, Pete Wentz.
Chapter 6: Six: A New Year and a New Us and Some New Friends
Another school year come and gone, one more year left of school and camp… I'm alright with school being done but I can't believe that next year will be our last summer here.
I'm sitting where I do every year, waiting for my friends to show up. I feel an arm lock around my shoulders and a hand ruffling my hair.
“First day back at camp!” Pete shouts excitedly. I shove him off of me.
“Get off me, jeez.” I grunt and Pete drops to sit on the ground beside the Stump I was on.
“We met in this very spot last summer, Pat!” He bumps my arm with his head.
“Yep.” I blow a bubble with my gum and Pete pops it, “Dick.” I mutter as I peel the goop off my face.
“Pete! Patrick!” Andy jogs towards us, “Have you seen Joe?” He pants, it looks like he ran all the way here.
“Nope, sorry Andy. Did you check the cabin?” I reply.
“Not yet, thanks though. Talk soon!” He runs off and both Pete and I give each other a look.
“Weird.” We say in unison and Pete laughs with a grin on his face.
“Jack and Alex moved into cabin A with Rian and Zach this year. It's just You, Joe, Andy and I.” I inform and he shrugs.
“That sucks but oh well.” Pete shrugs at me, “Wanna go on an adventure?” He winks, making me laugh.
“Sure, where to?” I ask.
“The tree?” He suggests and I stand, he grins and we're off to a woods.
By midnight I'd given up on the idea of Brendon showing up even when he'd promised he'd come.
My phone buzzes with a new message as I'm typing to him.
BeeboBreadbin : Fuck I just got this, I haven't had much battery and shut my phone off
BeeboBreadbin: I'm lost, I'm so sorry fuckkk
Dal-Do: Send me your location, I'm on my way to Pick u up rn
BeeboBreadbin: I'm sorryyyyyyy!!!
I stumble around, getting dressed and ready to head out I surprisingly didn’t wake anybody even while bumbling around like an elephant in a glass shop.
I walk out to my car and jump in, still waiting for Brendon to send me the location of where he’s at. I start it up and pull out of my parking space, starting the long as hell drive down the path through the woods. It took about twenty minutes to reach the road.
I’m probably ten minutes down the path when I notice a figure by the edge of the road about a mile up and I’m very confused. I slow down as I approach it come to a stop probably a bit more than a half-mile from whatever it was. I check my phone and see the location and look up once more. That’s when I realize what that figure was and I burst into hysterical laughter as I see that idiot sitting on his bag with a few others around him. I throw my door open and my loud cackling echos through the silent, pitch-black evening. Brendon jumps up and that’s when he notices its me, he runs towards me and throws himself onto me, both of us hitting the ground.
“Dal-do!” He shouts, his voice was just as gorgeous as him.
“Forehead!” I laugh at him and he smacks my arm playfully, “You complete idiot! How long have you been walking!?”
“The uber driver dropped me off like a mile or so from here and so I’ve been walking for a while and then I thought I had the wrong place cause this road was so long.” He frowns and I smile at him, sitting up and pushing him off me even though it felt really nice.
“Get your shit, put it in my car and I’ll bring you to camp.” Brendon jumps up and grabs his stuff, I help carry it to the car. He’d brought a whole lot of stuff.
We drive back to the car park and lug his stuff to the cabin. He was so tiny, I always expected him to be taller, then again, I am practically a giant. We get to the cabin and everybody is now awake. Spencer and Jon doing their thing off in the corner and Ryan had just gotten in.
Brendon spots Ryan and as soon as Ryan waves at him and throws him a smile, I know I lost him.
“I’m Brendon, Dallon’s friend.” He sticks his hand out to Ryan who smiles softly.
“I’m Ryan, not so much Dallon’s friend. Not so much any of these loser’s friends.” Ryan mutters and takes Brendon’s hand.
“That’s kinda mean, dude. Dallon’s really nice and funny and he talks about Spencer and Jon a lot and they’re really nice too from what I know.” Brendon frowns.
“Well, I’m a bitch.” Ryan shrugs, “But I can’t say that I don’t like you.” He looks Brendon over.
“Fuck off Ryan.” I snap.
“What? I can’t make friends?” He glares at me.
“I’m going to bed.”
I lay awake, I can’t sleep. Jack can, but he’s restless. I wish I could comfort him, just climb into the bed with him and hold him. I miss him so much but he seems to be fine without me around. He ignores me and pretends I don’t exist whenever I try to talk to him.
This time he won’t I decide and slip out of my bed, leaning over Jack’s, shaking him until he’s awake, “What? What’s wrong? What happened?” He slurs, sitting upright and looking around. His eyes land on me and he frowns angrily.
“Jack…” I whisper, “Come with me.”
“No way in hell, Alex.” He snaps.
“Please…” I beg softly.
“Fuck off, Alex.” He grunts, going to lie back but I grab him.
“Jack, I’m begging you, please just come with me.” I speak desperately and he lets out an agrivated huff, relenting to my begging and pleading.
“Fine.” He mutters, getting up and going over to the closet of bags to grab clothes.
“No, just come, no need to get dressed.” I grab his arm and he pulls away.
“I’m putting on a shirt at least.” He glares at me for a moment. I wouldn’t mind looking at him like this though, he’s got a great body.
“Okay…” I murmur. It takes forever for him to find the thing he wanted to wear. Always so picky. This was also why he was always late.
I tug him out into the evening and he shivers so I give him my jacket. He takes it to my surprise.
“Jack, I want to try again. This time no secrets, no lies. I love you and I want everybody to know because I am proud to be yours, to be called yours. I love you so much, Jack and it’s hell without you, please just let me try again.” I beg.
“You said this last time, Alex. You then went back on your word not even a week later.” Jack crosses his arms, “So, no. Not until you can prove to me that you’re not lying.”
I had a mission and Alex Gaskarth never turns down a challenge.
The next morning I’m actually up in time for breakfast. I sit with Dallon, Jon, Spencer, Rian, Zach and Mikey, Jack sits as far away from our group as possible, sitting with the weird, wanna-be emo kids.
“You’re up early, ‘Lex.” Zach smiles at me. Usually I missed breakfast from my long sleeping habits.
“Yeah, I just couldn’t really sleep.” I shrug sleepily. It wasn’t a complete lie.
“You okay?” He asks and I shrug again.
“I-... I have to do something.” I stand up and everybody expects me to leave, looking at me like I was crazy when I jumped up onto the table, everybody around us that noticed also watched me weirdly, “I have an announcement to make if I can have your attention for a moment!” I call out, shaking with nerves.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Dallon whisper/yelled at me as everybody turned to watch me but my eyes were fixated on Jack who didn’t even bat an eye at me and continued talking to some guy at his table.
“Can I have everybody’s attention please!” I repeat and he still doesn’t move, “I just have to prove a point to somebody in here… Last summer I finally got up the balls to ask out the person I’ve been in love with for my entire life but it was ended because I was an asshole and wanted to keep ‘us’ a secret. I just want to say that I’m not keeping secrets anymore. I love Jack Barakat and I want you to please, please take me back.” I say loudly and hear a few gasps but Now Jack was on his face, his eyes wide at my statement. He jumps up onto his table and I roll my eyes, always making it a competition.
He points at me, “Alex Gaskarth, you sure do have some balls doing something this crazy! I can’t say no to crazy like that!” He starts to smile at me and I smile back. The room is silent and it’s so awkward, both of us just standing there, staring at each other with everybody else staring at us, “That’s a yes by the way.” He chuckles as he hops off the table and I do as well, there are some cheers but mostly nobody cares . Jack is over to my table before I even touch the floor again and he’s hugging me in a bone crushing hug that I melted into.
“You had to make a scene for that?” Rian points out.
“Yeah like couldn’t y’all just kiss a bit and be done with it.” Zach chuckles.
“Leave them alone.” Mikey smiles, “Let them have their moment and ridicule them at the wedding.”
I roll my eyes and kiss Jack passionately. I missed that sweet taste of his. He always tasted like candy with a hint of Jack Daniels, he also smelled like chocolate and Jack Daniels too. He had a thing for candy and alcohol.
“Ew, no kissing in my lobby.” Groans Gerard as he approached our table.
“You're just salty cause the only person that would ever kiss you like that is a dude.” Mikey retorts, looking up at his brother from his phone.
“Fuck you.” He mutters, sitting down at the table.
Mikey let's out a soft snort at my reply, “Frank would.”
“Oh my fucking Christ, shut the fuck up Mikey.” I groan, Frank definitely was not into me, he was dating some girl and they were all over each other whenever I saw them together. Nobody ever believed me when I said that I was straight and so was Frank. Well I mean, I was lying, I'm bi but nobody needs to know that.
Even though I was bi I would never date Frank. Not in a million years.
“Gerard, I think you may need glasses more than me.” He mutters and turns to glance up at me from his lesbian-librarian glasses.
“Fuck you, Mikey.” I grunt.
“Say it and this fork will be in your neck.” I hiss, not even looking up at him.
“Gee’s in a bad mood today.” Jack ruffles my hair and I glare up at him.
“Gee!” I hear Frank's voice echo out and I instantly groan, gripping my fork tighter in my hand, “Hey, Boo!” He giggles and kisses my neck.
“Fuck off, Frank.” I mutter through gritted teeth.
“Fucking hell… You're pissy today.” He grumbles, pulling away from me. I was being a bitch, I can admit but I mean, can you blame me? I was being harassed.
Frank sits next to me and pulls an envelope out of his pocket, dropping it on the table in front of me. I pick it up and open it, pulling out the contents.
“Whoa!” I choke and drop the papers onto the table, “Fucking Sleeping With Sirens tickets! Are you for real!? These have been sold out for months!” I shout, “You lucky bastard!”
“Happy late birthday, Gee! Very late but I just got them.” Frank grins at me.
“These are for me?” I ask him, my voice cracking.
“Yep, I have to let you know that I got you meet and greets but the passes aren't here yet. They should be here next week.” He smiles at me.
“Holy shit… Frank, why did you do this?”
“I don't know, you're my best friend and you love them and deserve to see them.” He shrugs, “That girl you like is into them too right? You should bring her!” Frank genuinely was the sweetest person ever.
“What? No, you're coming with me, Dumbass!” The look of shock that crosses his face is surprising.
“You bought them you nit, of course you're coming!” I smile at him and he hugs me.
He's too touchy.
Ryan and I were super close. Well, dating really. The first few weeks were great but Ryan has been more impatient and temperamental. He hates when I talk to Dallon... or anybody for that matter. He was too jealous for me and I was beginning to be miserable.
Chapter Masterlist ~
Previous -
One - The Gum Habit Gone Bad
Two - On the Rooftop with You
Three - I Have a Forehead Texting Me and He’s Kind of Cute?
Four - Memories I Keep Locked Away for Times Like This
Five - Crying into the Void That is You
Next -
Seven - Abandoning You Was My Worst Mistake but Somehow You’re Still There For Me
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Alaska: Day 6
DAVE: -at this point, he's probably right up against karkat and mituna. karkat for the purposes of comforting him, and mituna because he's the warmest motherfucker here. and daves likely warmer than mituna, so win-win. he's wide awake, shivering, in an undershirt and boxers. His head is pounding although he feels tired, the dizziness still very much a thing, so much that it's making him sick. he's doing everything he can to stay grounded, which means highly relying on emotional defenses he used a long time ago. GOTTA KEEP GOING. GOTTA STAY ALIVE. even if he feels like he's going to puke-
MITUNA: -His left arm is essentially just for show by now. After it essentially breaking against the wing of a buzzard his arm being separated at the joint entirely, it was useless. Well except for consistently reminding him that he's in excruciating pain. Dave moving causes lava to fire through his nerves, making him scream awake and vomit from pain. These megaman boxers do nothing.-
DAVE: -widens his eyes at the scream and vomiting and turns to look at mituna incredibly apologetically- s sorry
DAVE: k kind of a d dick way to s say s s sorry but i r really am
MITUNA: -He sniffs, wretching a little before regaining what little composure he has. At least this pain distracted from the screams in his head. He doesn't think he could bear hearing Terezi rn-
MITUNA: a7 lea57 i know i75 57ill a77ached hehe FUCK
MINDFANG: -With their talking shes starting to stir from what could supposedly be called sleep, not that she had been able to get more then a few minutes now and then. Shes not far from the pile of boys and she opens her one eye to look at them.-
DAVE: hahaha yeah -he's not quite sure he can make it out of this without frostbite. damn his vulnerable human anatomy and his fucking back which is making it hard to move at all- so
DAVE: anyone got a p plan
MINDFANG: I have.... 8een considering...options. -Takes a short breath in between every few words.-
MITUNA: 5park5 are 57ill ou7 of commi55ion
MITUNA: really 5hor7 lived -Leans more on Dave even though holy shit this hurts. Get this warmth-
MINDFANG: My powers are.... also... still unavaila8le. MINDFANG: I attempted....using them while.... you were sleeping. -Directed at Mituna. Yes she tried to pry into your mind, but sadly to no avail.-
MITUNA: dick move
DAVE: ch challenge one of those asswipes to a r rap battle -chattering teeth- h hey whos that one g guy who l likes troll p pokemon
MINDFANG: Smart actually.... If it.... worked on you... then i could consider...trying it.... on... our guards.
DAVE: ho dont do it
MITUNA: youre 7hinking abou7 7av and ruf
MINDFANG: I just said I cant-- -She hisses and then cringes immediately after. Instant regret her ribcage is onfire.-
DAVE: hey maybe if we just g glue ourselves to each o other we can have o one functioning b body
MITUNA: wi7h wha7 dildo hole
DAVE: good question
MINDFANG: Do you...have...an answer?
DAVE: fuck no
MINDFANG: Then your idea...is useless.
DAVE: d did they also j jack up your s sense of humor
MINDFANG: No, 8ut you seem... to have never had any to 8egin with.
MINDFANG: Also...Fuck jokes right now.
DAVE: burned
DAVE: iced
NYALAH: -with as much blood loss, the trauma of injury that her body has endured, and the lack of treatment, Nyalah is quite literally struggling to be alive right now. The only indication that she ISN'T dead is the shallow tick of her pulse. Otherwise, her blood matted body remains bound and crumbled. Too still against the frozen, terrible conditions of their imprisonment.-
MINDFANG: Refrain from mentioning...ice. -Shes shivering already. Underwear and tanktops do not make for good snow gear.-
DAVE: fire
DAVE: -poor nyalah... he wishes he could help her-
MINDFANG: -Please dont die Nyalah, thats a lot of bodies.-
MINDFANG: 8etter.
DAVE: you know what would be cool
DAVE: having a robot limb
DAVE: hows that workin out for you serko
MITUNA: i could u5e one righ7 abou7 now
MINDFANG: -Shes staring so hard at dave right now.-
MINDFANG: -Maybe if she thinks hard enough he will choke on his own spit.-
MINDFANG: If we survive this...
MINDFANG: Ill 8e certain you get one.
DAVE: thanks
DAVE: youre the real mvp
MINDFANG: You are welcome.
NYALAH: -at some point, her breathing is becoming rapid pants. Limbs twitching with tiny convulsions.-
MITUNA: 5hi7
MINDFANG: -Nyahla gains her attention. Oh dear, looks like the cat isnt going to survive after all.-
MINDFANG: -She frowns. Its really a terrible way to go.-
MITUNA: no no no no no no no -Flops and starts trying to inch to her-
DAVE: anybody know anything medical DAVE: that might help DAVE: -also attempts crawling toward her. Shit his back is SCREAMING-
MINDFANG: Not...without the supplies to...8ack it up.
MINDFANG: -She looks away from Nyalah now, out of respect.- 8e 8etter off ending her suffering.
DAVE: wheres her main injury coming from
DAVE: where is she bleeding out the most -he is working his way out of his under shirt, ripping it with his teeth so he can get it off. he may just have to use it to warm her-
NYALAH: -that would be the stapled gash from the vulture beak on her side. It's been agrivated as they were tossed around and not exactly been allowed to heal. She even lies on her belly as an unconscious attempt to guard it. And with the blood that had seeped from the crushing of her horn, things were not looking up for her.-
DAVE: -he decides YES he will use his shirt to warm her, and just kind of identifies her injuries so he doesn't hurt her, laying the torn shirt over her curled body and positioning himself so he's against her where it's least harmful-
MITUNA: -Gently flops over her to keep her warm-
NYALAH: -after a half hour of difficulty, her breathing begins to stablize and she passes out once again. Still breathing.-
DAVE: -we're doing good. mostly-
NYALAH: -it's another half hour before she starts to stir. Sniffing at the bitter air. What might be Dave's hair.- (hff)
NYALAH: (daven)
NYALAH: ....none better d than daven only ask him -It's strange. She's not so raspy or slurring at her words like she usually is. Could be she hasnt had nip in a while or. Who knows. She curls closer to him.- huddle
DAVE: ok thats t tmi but yeah huddle -WARMTH-
NYALAH: -shift shift. There's someone draped on her.-
MITUNA: -hisses- ow fuck
NYALAH: wait
NYALAH: -slowly starts to pry herself to sit, regretting her own actions but. She's gotta.- psion
NYALAH: -sniffs him.-
NYALAH: dislocation? -asking for a friend. She's sitting up more now, face scrunched up in pain. There's still a considerable welp on her cheek from being slapped around.-
MITUNA: -Groans- yeah and i 7hink i75 broken below the elbow his arm is having a bad time-
NYALAH: kay -hffs, starting to shrug off Dave's shirt. Using only her toes, she stuffs the rag into Mituna's mouth.-
NYALAH: stay -Now bringing her feet over to set by his shoulder. The contortionist cat. Keeps him in place.- sorry in advances
NYALAH: -and then applies a swift force to snap the joint back into place.-
MITUNA: -His scream dies in his gag. She's forced in back in place but disturbed the stab wound that caused the dislocation in the first place, blood gushing from his shoulder.-
NYALAH: shhhh -picks the shirt from his mouth and presses it against the wound. Brow furrowed in concentration. Even using that much force was agrivating her own wound.- n33ds catalyst
MITUNA: oh my fucking FUCK
NYALAH: lay still -doing her best to staunch the ooze of blood. Eyes bright with pain.-
DAELOS: - swings back into consciousness. he wasn't even aware he has slipped in the first place, he's so cold. he can't believe what he's seeing at first, Nyalah moving around after sustaining such heavy injuries. His snorty breath coming out in puffs as he drags himself over.-
[[ The Expunger isn't around currently, and the legislacerators that are there don't seem to be doing anything to stop their talking or mending one another. One of them simply watches. ]]
NYALAH: -puts her whole blood stained paw foot on Daelos's face.- alive
MITUNA: -Choking back sobs, the air stinging his cheeks- 57op moving dunka55
DAELOS: - Shocked for a second, and then kisses that bloody foot- I can see that
DAELOS: - He has nothing to offer but his weight. He leans it in to help her with Mituna-
DAELOS: - It should make things go faster-
NYALAH: -gross. Totally helping Mituna spoon with Daelos.-
MITUNA: -Jesus Christ his world is on fire. It's hard to tell if the screaming in his head is his or the voices-
DAELOS: - Gently crushes you-
NYALAH: -looking that one Legislacerator in the eyes as she attempts the wiggle her biocuffed arms under her butt. Gonna sit on these arms and manuever them up to her front.-
SEAKRAIT: -watches her do this... and the other legislacerators are too preoccupied looking out around them. She doesn't do anything to stop Nyalah.-
NYALAH: -okay cool. Uses her still bound front paws to keep pressing the shirt to Mituna.- NYALAH: sp33k to me
MITUNA: 7hi5 big blue 7ain7fuck i5 colder 7han fi5h nook
DAELOS: Rude... e%ceedingly rude -he will keep lovingly crushing u tho-
NYALAH: best things in life are cold as fish nook NYALAH: fur example NYALAH: fish nook -chirring as best she can. Comforting.-
MITUNA: -Maybe one day...he will know-
NYALAH: -Pls.-
MINDFANG: -Yall are being gross.-
DAELOS: - Scandalized snort. - Really Nyalah
NYALAH: its survival
MITUNA: -Wonders how Feferi is, suddenly-
FEFERI: -Pretty glubbing dead! Like always!-
MITUNA: -Lol get rekt-
NYALAH: -keeping her arms close to her middle, she is giving these biotech cuffs a careful look ver.-
NYALAH: -discreetly shows them to Daelos for him to have a peep at. He's the one who might know how they work and all.-
DAELOS: - Has an intent peep.-
DAELOS: - Of course he knows how they work, but he kind of averts his gaze. He doesn't want to cause a scene and get someone else battered or killed-
NYALAH: -That's good enough for her. She starts to scoot off and inspect Mindfang.- mrrp
REDGLARE: -She's been pretty quiet-- it's hard to tell the difference between her being awake and her being asleep, aside from the speed of her breathing. Her eye opens, and she casts a glance towards the group-- failing to linger for more than a second on each face-- before closing it again.-
MINDFANG: -Her eyes are shut, she was trying to at least pretend she was asleep in hopes that maybe it would give her a brief reprieve from the pain she was in with fractures and a break or two all over her ribcage. At least she hasnt lost a lung yet.-
MINDFANG: -When Nyalah approaches though her eye squints open.- .........What are you doing. -Keeps her arms wrapped around herself.-
NYALAH: -sniffs her.- s33ing
NYALAH: -scoots painfully past her to inspect Redglare.-
REDGLARE: -her leg is gross. bad and getting worse a little too rapidly. She doesn't acknowledge her outwardly.-
MINDFANG: You yourself should 8e resting....
MINDFANG: Its impressive you are still 8reathing now...Do not push it.
NYALAH: -hffs and sacrifices her own shirt to attempt to bind Redglares leg with. All she's left with is a sports bra and how visible and equally gross the gash on her side is.- im pushing it
NYALAH: til i cant push no more
MITUNA: -Groans-
REDGLARE: -opens an eye again to look at her. She's not sure she understands this... why she's doing this.-
NYALAH: -because it's the harder thing to do. Also she almost died about an hour ago and is probably only moving out of adrenaline shots.-
DAELOS: - Silently gets emotional about this cat. -
KARKAT: =She's doing it because she's a good person and someone has to. He's not really responding to all of this just watching it. Heartwarming as it is. He's just been stupidly crying on and off in the cold but at least someone's got their shit together=
[[ Seakrait straightens up and looks elsewhere pretty quick, almost like she's hearing something no else is. ]]
SEAKRAIT: Yes, sir.
SEAKRAIT: Everyone on your feet!
NYALAH: butt face
NYALAH: -stays huddled with Redglare.-
DAELOS: Nyalah, obey them
DAELOS: Please
DAELOS: - Panicked-
NYALAH: -okay well she's going to stay to help Redglare stand then.-
REDGLARE: -She blinks her eye, looking up at Seakrait. Her voice is kind of quiet as she murmurs.- l3g's w34k. N33d to-- ngh. -holding onto her support.-
REDGLARE: ...Th4nk you.
SEAKRAIT: Orders are to relocate, -she snaps to the rest of the legislacerators.- \|/e're taking them to the pitfall.
KARKAT: =Great. a hole to put them all in=
MITUNA: 7ha7 game 5uck5
NYALAH: -quickly skirts her arms up behind her back and bows with the pain of having to stand.- i have two whole leg
NYALAH: and you two good horn
NYALAH: its even exchange
SEAKRAIT: -She reaches out and grabs onto Karkat's arm, deciding to drag him along in front of the group.- Move.
DAELOS: - Does his best to stand. It's not easy. One leg is useless and his good one is split at the foot. He wobbles. -
NYALAH: -limps along with RG.-
[[ Legislacerators still flank the group on all sides, encouraging their trek. ]]
KARKAT: =clenches his jaw and fights to not jerk his arm back. But he's just so goddamn tired of this and their game=
REDGLARE: - it's one dang slow trudge, that's for sure.-
DAELOS: - He tries to take a step. He falls. -
MITUNA: -He's trudging along-
MITUNA: -Stops for Daelos-
SEAKRAIT: -oh gdi. She snaps back at Mituna and Mindfang- You two get him moving.
REDGLARE: -glances over at Daelos... Eye drifting towards Seakrait again as she barks an order.-
REDGLARE: th1s wh4t you s1gn3d up for?
DAELOS: - Maybe he could shuffle if he has a wall to lean on or if the ground was not snow but at this stage he cannot walk. It's humiliating of course but not compared to the rest of their situation. -
MITUNA: how do you propo5e we do 7ha7 nookbrea7h
SEAKRAIT: I propose you do it. -ignores Redglare-
MINDFANG: -Glares right at Seakrait the entire time shes bending down to help Daelos up.-
MINDFANG: (8est to keep moving, they seem to h8 dead w8.) -Internal screaming as helping to take any of his weight feels like torture.-
MITUNA: -Tries to lean down to try and help him up-
DAELOS: - He's too mortified to say anything. He tried to avoid leaning on Mindfang as much as he can. - I apologize
MINDFANG: (Dont 8other. You are not the one who had the 8rilliant idea to maim a prisoners foot when you want them to-- -hff- move.)
[[ The group continues to be led by Seakrait through the forest, snow drifting gently around them in a too-beautiful discordance to the stains in the snow they leave behind them. Eventually, they see a familiar daunting figure in the distance, waiting nearby what is becoming ever more apparent as a giant hole in the earth. ]]
REDGLARE: -She laughs. Weakly and dryly.-
NYALAH: -presses her good horn at Redglare. One eye shut tight.-
SEAKRAIT: -She pauses just by the cavernous hole, releasing Karkat none too gently and looking over the crowd.- I'll do the honors, High Legislacerator.
KARKAT: The honors. Right. Like there's any honor to be had here. =He's just ready for the hole= Have fun.
SEAKRAIT: -She quickly sets up an automatic pulley system in the ground for climbing, tying the harness around herself, and then she moves toward Redglare. Looks like she's first.-
SEAKRAIT: You're lucky your survival will be left up to fate. But I'm not betting on it. -grabs onto Redglare's arm-
REDGLARE: -She pulls away from Nyalah.- p4ss3s for 4 tr14l, th3s3 d4ys, do3s 1t?
THE EXPUNGER: -gazes at the little crowd, chin high.- Don’t you worry. We’ll come back to retrieve your bodieS aS well, but only after Sufficient time haS paSSed to enSure you are dead. Luckily rot doeS not Set in So quickly in cold environmentS. You will Still be identifiable.
KARKAT: =He just tiredly looks up into the sky and sighs wearily= Fuck yourself on my horn when you come back. It'll be frigid enough for you.
SEAKRAIT: -She heads close to the hole, then grips Redglare tighter in her hold before shimmying them both over the edge and slowly... beginning to lower them down. Redglare can see the drop down is incredibly steep; it's unlikely most anything would survive a straight fall.-
REDGLARE: -it certainly is. She's mostly dead weight, anyhow.-
NYALAH: -shivers in the whole cold. Unable to protest or do much more than watch.-
SEAKRAIT: -They descend at a reasonable pace, but once they're a good twenty feet or so down, she holds Redglare tighter -- closer -- and begins to whisper.-
SEAKRAIT: (Don't speak. Be as quiet as possible down here. No one will hear you, but something else might. If you hear anything down here with you, don't let it find you.)
SEAKRAIT: (Focus on keeping yourselves alive as long as you can. Your leg is poisoned, but it won't kill you yet. I'm going to give you the antidote, bite down on it.)
SEAKRAIT: -She glances down to see how far they are from the floor of the cavern; it's about eight or ten feet now.- (If you understand, struggle.) -And then she moves to press her mouth to Redglare's for just a moment, slipping something pill-shaped inside with her tongue.-
REDGLARE: -uhm. UHM?? She might have struggled ANYHOW regardless of her understanding-- and she's not sure she does. Poison... antidote... no noise. She's helping them, maybe?? She squirms and struggles, letting out an MPH as she swallowd the pill down a raw throat.-
SEAKRAIT: -And she drops Redglare about six feet from the floor, laughing loud enough that she's sure the High Legislacerator will hear before ascending once again, leaving Redglare alone.-
REDGLARE: -The spark of clarity left, at least, keeps her quiet as she finally hits the ground, with a start.-
SEAKRAIT: -SHE'S COMING BACK UP FOR THE REST OF THE GROUP. One by one she's lowering them down-- Karkat, Dave, Mindfang, Nyalah, Mituna, Latula, Aranea... and then finally, Daelos. Needless to say, he's more of a struggle. She says nothing to any of the others, but once Daelos is down, she spits on the ground of the cavern before ascending for the final time, and it hits the rock with a little plink.-
KARKAT: =A plink=
[[ A PLINK. ]]
MITUNA: -Two in the plink one in the stink-
[[ Shortly after they're left in the cavern, they will feel their powers begin to return. Also, it sounds like there's wind howling above; the storm on the horizon has finally reached their location, and the blizzard is kicking up. ]]
REDGLARE: -She does some very quick sign language as each is lowered. Silence. Danger. Time.-
NYALAH: -she had no powers to begin with but does take swift breaths of the icy air. The storm brewing. She shivers terribly.-
MITUNA: -Groans, but his eyes flicker, ever so gently-
KARKAT: =Silence, danger, time. He glances up hearing the storm=
KARKAT: =He's also going to go look at the plink=
DAELOS: - He's soon leaning into her, just like he had been with Mituna, except now he's trying to keep her warm, although since he's a blue blood it doesn't count for much. At least his hair is warm. -
[[ Funny enough, there's a pill in that plink. ]]
KARKAT: =A pill. He stares at it. It stares at him and he stares at it and it stares at him=
[[ It's sort of slobbery, but it looks like it has some kind of fluid inside. ]]
[[ You know. One of those fish oil looking pills. ]]
KARKAT: =Absolutely disgusting.=
KARKAT: =He can't believe that twat cheeked her vitamins from this morning=
MITUNA: -Soft crackling-
KARKAT: She spat this out.
MITUNA: (guy5 guy5)
DAELOS: - He doesn't realize he's been poisoned or realize that pill is for him-
MITUNA: (im ge77ing my 5park5 back)
REDGLARE: -She points at herself, her leg. Signs 'cure.'-
[[ Also on the plus side, the cave is a lot warmer than the surface, but chillier under the hole. ]]
NYALAH: -maneuvering her arms back in front of her. Looks to Redglare signing and Daelos's leg. Hhhhh. Alright fine.-
NYALAH: -picking the pill from the goo and stuffs it in Daelos's mouth. Keeps her hands clamped there and makes sure he eats it.-
DAELOS: -???? -
NYALAH: -rip in fucking pieces.-
DAELOS: - HORSE GROANY NOISE OF SURPRISE. but yes he supposes he would swallow this. -
REDGLARE: -signs JUST DO IT. like the shy le beef-
NYALAH: -also stuffs some snow in his mouth to help it go down easier.-
NYALAH: -eating some snow herself. Om.-
KARKAT: =Don't it keeps him quiet=
KARKAT: =He just looks to the cave and starts to walk there=
NYALAH: -when the deed is done, she slinks off after Karkat. Clutching at her side.-
KARKAT: =How far back does this cave go? Is there any wood here? Is there a deeper part where he can just fuck right off?=
[[ The area of the cavern they're in is pretty vast, so it'll take some time to navigate the perimeter, but from first glance, there don't appear to be any exits. ]]
DAELOS: - Following this, he continues to eat the snow that looks the freshest-
REDGLARE: -Seems like the first and only time they'd be able to treat their wounds without being under duress. Her flask would've actually been useful if they didn't take her. Damn.-
[[ There are some fallen leaves and logs around beneath where the hole is above, rotting slowly. ]]
REDGLARE: -instead she starts to mill around the ground. Looking for some good, sharp rocks.-
KARKAT: =Relatable. But he looks around=
[[ Rocks are, at least, in abundance here. Such as sharp, pointy stalagmites and stalactites, for example, but there are probably some other chips and things around. ]]
NYALAH: -doing her best to wipe the grime from her wound with snow. The less she moves, the more the pain catches up to her. She actually has to stop and lean up against a boulder, just to focus on breathing and not vomiting.-
[[ The snow probably won't help Daelos and Nyalah with hydration too much, with the cold lowering their body temperatures and making it more difficult for their bodies to retain the moisture, but it at least wets their mouths. ]]
REDGLARE: -She wouldn't know Flint from any other kind of rock, so she's just looking for something that's sharp enough to scratch marks into the walls of the cave. Maybe having some concievable goal is enough to stop thinking about what she saw just last night.-
MITUNA: p5557 7ula
DAELOS: - With the help of the cave wall he's able to slowly drag himself to his feet. As long as he leans against it, he can follow it in a circle, keeping his eye out for anything that might be missed. -
NYALAH: -finds some crevice to curl into, holding herself as she comes close to passing out again. So cold.-
MITUNA: 5how me your hand5
DAVE: -he definitely needed some help bring the only pathetic human in the group. his fingers and toes are lookin pretty blue, it's a little concerning. his back aches every time he moves, he stopped shivering a long time ago, when they were still outside. now when he speaks he's mumbling into his numb arm just lying there- theresno mmm snow
KARKAT: =Dave doesn't look good at all. Karkat looks at him then walks over to try and cover as much of him as he can= Sh. =cups his hands between his own= We need a fire going.
MITUNA: -Ahead of you, Kark. He's floating logs over, stacking them in a pile. His eyes glow, and his head swims from the concentration. Suddenly, optic blast, but it's weak, drying the logs more than anything rn-
LATULA: -She holds em out... fingertips are a little black.- dud3 your 4rm
LATULA: 4r3 you gonn4 b3 good???
MITUNA: Mnnnngh
DAVE: -his hands are numb between karkats- gotta keep goin to the tunnel underground
[[ The logs give them the SMOLDER. ]]
KARKAT: =Blows warm air on Dave's hands= We need fire. If we find a hot spring down there you can punch me.
[[😘 ☁️]]
MITUNA: -Oh thank fuck. He stops, and starts blowing on the logs trying to get that fire going-
DAVE: how much time we allocate for naps DAVE: we cant waste time
REDGLARE: -LOOMS WITH A PAINFUL LURCHING STEP and holding up a rock.- (m4rk th3 w4lls wh3r3v3r you go. 1f th3r3 4r3 tunn3ls 4nd you g3t lost. c4n follow th3 l1n3s b4ck.)
KARKAT: Dave. Shut up. I'm getting you warm. Shut. Up.
REDGLARE: (surv1v4l f1rst. work out sh1fts. st4y qu13t.)
MITUNA: -Guess who has a fire going?-
NYALAH: -a little too quiet in her corner. Everything is being too much for her body.-
LATULA: -holds her hands over it...-
[[ The logs slowly catch into little flame at Mituna's encouragement. The wind howls overhead, sending heavier snow down through the hole. ]]
LATULA: th4nk fuck1n god...
KARKAT: =Thanks Mituna. He's putting Dave closest to the fire and sitting behind him. Snug up against his back=
DAELOS: - He carefully nestles Nyalah in his arms and slowly brings her closer to the little fire. Maybe being warm will do her good. His brow is cinched with worry. -
MITUNA: -Makes a psionic barrier at the top of the hole. Fuck you snow. This is a terrible long term plan btw. He's quiet, concentrating-
LATULA: -hand on his shoulder- uh
LATULA: 1t 41nt push1n too hard 1s 1t? 1n th3 br41nm34tz?
MITUNA: 5h we go77a re57
NYALAH: -definitely 100% unconscious again, even as Daelos keeps her close.-
DAVE: remember when youwere hella wrm
MITUNA: (ju57 le7 me be u5eful)
KARKAT: =mumbles against Dave's shoulder= Remember when I gave you that manicure? =It was like, not even a few days before all this. Holds up Dave's hands to the fire and just tries to focus on him=
LATULA: ...1m proud of you b4b3z.
DAVE: -pauses- ohyeah
DAVE: sall fucked up now
DAVE: youre so quiet (arewe whispering)
LATULA: but 1 sw34r to sh1z 1m gonn4 b34t your butt 1f you push yours3lf to f4r.
MITUNA: ehehehe be7 on i7
KARKAT: I guess.
DAVE: -his breathing is a little shallow- im gonna go to bed while everyone elsisleeping now
KARKAT: =Makes a face against him and scrunches his nose= Run out of jokes already...?
DAVE: yeah
DAVE: ran out of em
MITUNA: -Keeps this roof going, it's just collecting snow. Good news is it helps keep the heat trapped too.-
KARKAT: Okay.... just. (Get up later.) =mumbles and holds him but lets him rest=
MINDFANG: -Shes returning from having done a quick survey of the immediate area of the cave. And also she had felt the need to move just to keep her brain working again. The sense of getting her mental powers back had come with a huge relief and now she is joining the rest of the group by the fire. Arissa carefully sits down and starts to dig her fingers into the joints and spaces of her metal arm to clear out snow and ice that she had felt trapped in there for hours.-
DAELOS: - While Nyalah sleeps he carefully melts snow in his hands and tries to wipe away the debris around her ruined horn without making the wound bleed again. -
DAELOS: - It would hurt if she were awake so now is the time-
ARANEA: -she's been conscious probably?? she's in alright shape, comparatively, though her chest hurts like a motherfucker and it's been keeping her quiet. she can't stop watching dave.-
NYALAH: -too exhausted to even protest or react to the streak of pain. She's out like a light.-
DAVE: -if he just...closes his eyes... a little...-
KARKAT: =Rest... but just let it be rest.=
KARKAT: =On second thought he's a finicky motherfucker and just all of this is settling wrong to him= ...Mn. No. Okay. Just. No jokes then. =Dave is so squishy and vulnerable, no sleep for you asswipe=
DAVE: are we spooning
KARKAT: Yes. You're welcome little spoon.
DAELOS: - He notices the way Aranea is staring intently at the poor little human and gives her a questioning glance, looking up from Nyalah for a moment. -
ARANEA: -catches his glance, meeting it with an unyielding concern. she scoots closer to daelos and fixes her attention on nyalah instead for the moment. she wonders if she can help her now...-
DAVE: -he is starting to fall asleep again- k
KARKAT: No kays.
KARKAT: Hum one of your dumb raps.
DAELOS: - Scoots to make room for her, she feels to cold nudge of his nose as he talks in her ear. - (Are you alright)
ARANEA: -turns her head to brush cheeks with him- (I'm... Just concerned.)
DAELOS: - Sighing- (Well... there is certainly cause for it)
DAELOS: - He always imagined he would die in a hole but he wants something better for his loved ones and crew members. -
MITUNA: -He keeps asking for death. And yet....-
DAVE: -hums something unintelligible that kind of sounds like my humps-
ARANEA: -she shares some of the light eminating from her fingertips with nyalah. she will likely stay unconscious, but hopefully it will be a more restful kind of sleep. the pain inside her head should begin to subside. concentrating is difficult for her, but her own strong sense of self preservation is motivation enough to keep trying to exercise her abilities. they have better chances together. and after what she saw yesterday, she isn't exactly willing to let anyone else fall at the hands of those bastards.-
DAELOS: - Seeing this warm his heart. Perhaps... just perhaps there is a chance they will make it out of this. He nuzzles Aranea gratefully. -
DAELOS: Thank you
ARANEA: -leans into him, only nodding in response. but maybe some of that light will transfer to him too...-
MITUNA: -He's sweating next to the fire, quiet with the strain of all this snow accumulating on his barrier. His brain is a muscle that hasn't been exercised in forever. A time ago he'd be able to do this no problem. He grunts softly, trapping the collected snow in a psionic bubble and moving it past the entrance of the hole to plop that huge pile somewhere else. Sorry guys, no ceiling for a while. He breathes a little heavy-
DAVE: -he's been practically forced to stay awake because concussions are great and karkat won't let him go to sleep anyway. he's still pretty out of it, but the warmth seems to be doing at least something. he ain't dead yet right?-
MITUNA: -He's really tired you guys-
DAVE: -tired club-
MITUNA: -snow starts drifting into the hole-
TEREZI: =Would have been proud of them.=
DAVE: -rude ass dead rude ass-
MITUNA: -Gdi Excalibur-
TEREZI: =shup=
MITUNA: donde...e57a...la biblio7eca
MITUNA: me llamo 7 bone la arana di5co7eca
DAVE: -watches mituna even if he looks blurry-
MITUNA: -Come on Dave you know this one-
MITUNA: di5co7eca
MITUNA: muneca
MITUNA: e5 en bigo7e grande pero man7eca
DAVE: manteca bigote gigante
DAVE: pequeño
MITUNA: la cabe5a e5 nieve
MITUNA: cerve5a e5 bueno
DAVE: -takes a good minute before saying the next part- buenos dias me gusta papas frías
MITUNA: lo5 bigo7e5 de la cabra e5 cameron diaz
DAVE: -another minute- yeaboi
MITUNA: -Soft bomb noise-
DAVE: -breathes- when are we
DAVE: gettin out
MITUNA: no7 ye7 bu7 youre bein pa7ien7 a5 fuck -A snowflake lands on his nose. He's exhausted, but he's still floating a couple logs to the fire. The wet logs snap and crackle with moisture-
DAVE: were gonna
DAVE: get out of here
MITUNA: yeah i know -He glances up. He's only gonna rest a little while longer before continuing to keep the cold out for everyone. Just thirty minutes alright? He doesn't even know how long thirty minutes will be...but still.-
MITUNA: fuck america though dude
[[ Mituna could try counting 1-Mississippi, 2-Mississippi all the way up to 1800-Mississippi. ]]
[[ It's even the spirit of USA! Amurrica, frick yeah! ]]
MITUNA: -Fuck you America-
DAVE: dude dont
DAVE: youre doin some stuff
DAVE: you gotta calm down
DAVE: with your teleport
DAVE: teleconnecticut
MITUNA: i go77a...do 5ome7hin....even if i75 ju57 givin your 5orry a55e5 a chance 7o re57....ehehe
DAVE: we have a fire were good to go
MITUNA: i75 no7 57rong enough ye7
ARANEA: -she's been drifting in and out of consciousness. being cool blooded as she is, the cold is taking it's toll on her. but being slightly delirious, she doesn't think much as she starts wiggling in dave's direction, her hand out towards him.-
DAVE: -watching aranea and this hand thing she's doing and it reminds him of movies and dead people and angels and all he can do is look at her- im dead now
MITUNA: lmao lucky cock5ucker
DAVE: oh nope im alive
MITUNA: poor bi7ch
ARANEA: -ha... is he likening her to an angel? dont' be silly, boy. she touches his shoulder, or hand, or whatever she can get ahold of first and lets the little bit of warmth she has to offer extend to him-
DAVE: -just like that, he feels it...a warm sensation putting feeling back into his fingers and his toes. he watches her carefully as this happens, without a doubt a little confused and delirious with hypothermia but...it appears that his fingers and toes begin to lose their blue color-
MITUNA: -Grins a little, but he's so tired. His head lulls back, eyes fluttering closed. Just for a moment. Just for thirty minutes.-
ARANEA: (We're going to get out of here.) -affirms what he was already saying... if he had any doubts, he couldn't possibly now.-
DAVE: -his gaze meets hers and he slowly nods- were gonna
NYALAH: -no worries. She's affectionately chewing his neck fat in her sleep.-
MITUNA: -Probably about 44 minutes later he puts the psionic ceiling back up-
[[ Sleep MORE. It means you need it! ]]
DAELOS: -Except at some point he wakes up. His sleep is rather restless. And other than Nyalah chewing on him, he notices that Aranea has left his side and wiggled more towards Dave. And they're holding hands.-
DAELOS: -Well. It's cold and humans are fragile. Perhaps it's merely kindness. He tries to go back to sleep.-
DAELOS: -He finds it a bit difficult to stop low key watching them, though.-
ARANEA: -for once doesn't notice when she's being given extra attention... she's zoning in and out a little too much while still looking at dave.-
DAELOS: -MMmm.....-
DAVE: -his fingers are moving a little now that they actually feel like they exist. he's not sure what's happening now but he also doesn't have the sense or strength to get up and do something else-
DAELOS: -On second thought, he doesn't want to look at this anymore. He's gonna slowly just turn so he's facing the other direction. And eventually he'll be able to sleep.-
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Episode 7
So my tumblr just… broke?
I lost what I wrote. But to summarise, Yen is using Ciri. They portaled to the woman’s home from S1 that helped ciri even after she stole the horse from her. And the fire fucker burnt the family alive. And yen’s telling her basically that she has to go to Cintra and is going with he to ‘protect’ her. But she wants her magic back and thinks Ciri is the only way to do that.
Fringilla is loosing her sway if things and elves are being killed for getting too close to the castle gates. Cahir is also being swayed slightly cause of what’s happening but he doesn’t like elves
Okay let’s continue
Oof hung from the castle walls
He is so beautiful
The mice are cute
“Sometimes it takes a prison cell, the tricks and takes that traitors tell. To help you see that freedom is all you got” that’s a raw line Jask
“Sing another word and ill cut ya tongue out!”
“Guys one of your harmonies were a little pitchy. Gordon, you’re amazing.”
Wait there was a window where Geralt was stood, and Jask was looking that was so surely Jask noticed Geralt???
It’s happening
I’m not ready
Ok omg jaskier is pulling out the file he has on that day and he’s SCOURING IT
PAHAHAHA “You left me on a mountain. I mean have you seen these boots? I mean, I pretty much jut slid all the way down that hill back to Caingorn.”
I love jaskier I love him sm
Oh my fucking god that was hot
G: “Jaskier-“
J:”Don’t fucking Jaskier me. I’m talking to you. This is how this works”
That was hot but nooo Geralt has to ruin it by butting in AGAIN and not letting Jaskier speak I’m angry
Ugh the “I made new friends, get over it” 🤨🙄 “Jealous”
Ok so ciri and yen are on their way to Cintra
Yen is still actin the hero
Yen also basically said she loved geralt
Ceinwen is a horrible name
Fuck you dara
K filavandrel is saying fuk you to Fringilla and nilfgaard. Are they gon die
I’m so done with this part of the story. It’s in no way entertaining or interesting. It’s been dragged out far too long.
Oh no Fringilla gon kill em aAAALL
Ugh fuck you Stregabor
Oh no Triss is found out
There are so many portraits of ciri. This woman is weird af
Who even is this man that wants ciri
Ok so this woman / mage is a necromancer?? Her test subjects start off dead?
Ok her names Lydia aparently, subtitles tell me so
Omg Joey Batey got BUFF holy fuck oh my god holy shit I’m I can’t do shit rn why what my he abbs back muscles shoulders face off dimples Nono Jaskier keep ur shirt off hood ok he just put the jacket over ok I can still see
I’m gonna have to rewatch this cause I’m so distracted rn
Jaskier seriously you may need to put a shirt back on cause I’m distracted
God I hate how people ignore Jaskier when Geralts around.
Oh wow ok suddenly Jaskiers in the background again supprise supprise
He has his Vest on too so I’m no longer as distracted, though I can still see chest hair
Ok so the dwarves are coming with Geralt and Jaskier to get ciri and yen
Ok so Yen is teaching her while bringing her to her room?
So basically Ciri can do magic without taking the energy from anywhere else
Oh shit she bleeeding from the eyes
Ito transported them across by screaming fuck
Okay so Triss now knows Geralt thought Yen dead and that Tissaia met them
(I wanna go to bed but it’s 4pm now)
Tissaia ratted her out to the mage killer
This man talking about ciri being in the wrong hands but he is defo evil.
Omg Fringilla is with her uncle
Fringilla is using the blood bond speech on her uncle
Oof you’re wrong my dude she is OBSESSED with power
Dara fuck off
Stop talking to Hedwig
Dara you fucker
Cahir leave off
Just drop the cause you are going to die
Oh shit he IS dying
Aaaaaaa she just slowly kicked him through his eyeball on my fucking god I almost puked
She killin em all
Bye bye Cahir you were gorgeous
Oof she toting w him
Oh is she not killing him??
Lucky bastard
The old crone is really fucking weird
Hedwig is back again
The gay king is here again
Redanian king
Gay king
Gay 🏳️🌈
All these different storylines are confusing me again
I just want Jaskier.
Here he issss
Once again Jaskier is walking while Geralt rides.
OMG JASK BROUGHT UP THE “do what pleases you” THING FROM S1
Omg the jabs that Jask is giving
Geralt apologised and Jaskier made a joke instead of getting mushy. Perfectness
Ciri and Yen are almost at Cintra. They just gotta pass the monolith
Yen you’re giving such mixed signals here
Deathless mother is in Yen’s head still
Oh damn ciri knows
She’s reading Yen’s mind
She knows
She told her that Geralt wasn’t there
Omg damn yen’s changed her heart
Ah so that’s why Yen had the stick.
Which means Geralt isn’t far behind
And Jaskier is left in the background again for fuck sake
Oop geralts sword is to yen’s throat
Omg he trusts Jaskier with Ciri
Daddy Geralt thank you
To slay a monster
Does he mean Yen??
Omg ong omg omg
Omg what is she doing ok confused
The deathless mother is so fuckin annoying
Oh shit she gone
Oh fuck
She’s free
Ciri don’t run from Jaskier goddamn it
Fuck no she’s in Ciri
Episode 8
Okay first of all what the fuck
Is she inside her mind because of the deathless mother?
What the fuck
It’s actually mousesack
But now she’s in kaer morhen?
Oh they’re so fucked
Everyone’s fucking fucked
Oop Geralt speak UP 🗣
We? There is no fucking we
What are you gonna do with no magic, Yen?
I’m so salty rn
Why is she what
I know it’s the deathless mother but
Don’t fuckin believe her
Geralt knows straight up that ciri wouldn’t be acting like that
Oh wait Coën is alive
Thank god no offence to the other Witcher’s but
Oh no Italian Vesemir is gonna kill ciri
No offence, Italian Vesemir, but the black eyes aren’t as sexy on you
Ciri shan’t be eliminated
Go on Geralt, get grandad on board
Yen’s gonna try get the deathless mother for the power again for FUCK SAKE YENNEFER
Jaskier aaa
“Too many squirrels” ehehehe
Jaskier just wanted to sleep and drink and now he’s having to help fight a deamon ugh
I feel so bad for the poor man
I feel bad for the elves
But dara is making this worse
Oop dara just outted himself??
Oo okay uh I’m so fucking confused again. Break time?
No Jaskier is back on screen and he has a hangover
Sassy Jask
Oh yay, a little stone you’ve saved us all
I love how he can instantly become serious
I love him and his little smirks
How has no one found her yet even tho she’s in the main fucking hall
So ciri is between life and death right now I’m guessing. Everyone whos died is there I’m guessing??
I feel like Calanthe knows this is death
Calanthe definitely knows
Oop that twat asked for a dance aND SHE IS DANCING WITH HIM!?? She KILLED HIM
Calanthe definitely knows she’s dead
Oh yay Fringilla is back yay
I care not for her storyline at this point it’s too repetitive
Cahir is still hot af
cAHIR KILLED THE BABY?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!
Back to witchering
Hi Lambert
Oh no LAMBCHOP is definitely gonna try to kill ciri for what happened
Geralt found her FINALLY
Cmon Jask get to Geralt
Wait Jaskier is here I stg I saw the screencap
Ahahah I love him so much
“What the fuck” is exactly right, Italian Vesemir
Oh fuck
Don’t draw this shit out
Oh my god
Her parents are there
Fucking finally Jaskier has been trying to get that through your thick skull for the entire damn episode
Ciri they’re dead. And you will be too if you don’t wake thE FUCK UP
They’re all calling to her and I’m gonna cry
YENNEFER is gonna be the vessel
Oh my god oh my god oh my god
I’m crying
Genuinely crying
God damn it
So ciri is gonna be ok and Yennefer is gonna die or some shit
Geralts monologue is making my cry harder
Ciri really just pulled all threee of them into the monolith
Now what
We watch the world burn?
Ah yes we do
The fuck tho
Is that it
What about what the fuck is happening with the other guys
For fuck sake Jaskier was pushed out again I don’t understand how the screenwriters thought this was funny
Okay so next season is gonna be then getting through the wild hunt while hiding cause ciri has a bounty on her head
Damn Lydia ur fucked up
The elves are against everyone again
Istredd is gonna get killed
Oh great so EVERYONE is gonna be after Ciri now
Hi Hedwig
Wow ok Yenralt action. Where’s my Geraskier content tho
Good. Don’t forgive her
So Geralt is using Ciri as an excuse to stay with Yennefer okay then great parenting
They’re all tired ffs life goes on. Us THREE will help eachother
Fuck Jaskier then
So Ciri portaled them to another world ‘spheres’
Wait is Ciri’s parents alive
Cause how else would Nilfgaard know
Holy shit S3 trailer!?! NO??
The untold chapter
The Witcher: Blood Origin
#wHAT RHE FUCK WITCHER S2 ENDING#the witcher season two#oh my god#i am so excited for jaskier & the kaer morons#the witcher#geralt and ciri#witcher yennefer#geralt of rivia#eskel#eskel is bb#jaskier#season 2#the witcher jaskier
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“Me and only Me”….’Hindutva’ leadership eroding under ‘Moditva’…?
The Hindutva-brand of politics in the country is gradually becoming Modi-centric rather it has become so with every other player being marginalized with latest being the Shiv Sena, with whom the BJP not only contested the Lok Sabha and Assembly elections recently but had been in the government on several occasions. Besides that there is a long list of leaders and party in the so-called greater Hindutva umbrella who is either sidelined or humiliated forcing them to part ways or remain in the party in oblivion. Sources said that this is the Modi style of working that had started with Gujarat when he made former chief minister Keshu Bhai Patel, former state BJP president and Lok Sabha MP Rajendra (Raju) Rana, another former chief minister and Union minister Shanker Sinh Vaghela, former VHP international president Praveen Togadia and his friend-turned-foe and former organizing secretary of the BJP Sanjay Bhai Joshi not only irrelevant but many of them untouchables for the mainstream in many ways. They all had not only good control over ideology but workers as well with Hindutva at the core. Sidheshwar Pd Shukla, a political analyst, says, “This is what is Modi is known for. Right from the time of his chief ministership to his present position, he did not allow any dissenting voice to grow but also did not allow a potent threat to his authority.” In the name of 75+ criterion, all the senior leaders and a few original Hindutva icons like Lal Krishna Advani and Murali Manohar Joshi have been asked to sit at home and even leader like Uma Bharati and Vinay Katiyar too have been denied tickets despite them being below 75. “What about leaders like Nitin Gadkari and Rajnath Singh who are former party president and known for their proximity with the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS)? Do they have any say in the government? Asks a agrived party worker. The RSS, which is once dubbed to be ideological mentor of the BJP is not as important as they don’t have much say in the government decision making. With issues like Article 370 abrogated, decision on Ram Temple and Muslim appeasement, they are gradually becoming redundant in certain arenas. Sources said that there is role reversal in the RSS-BJP, earlier RSS used to dictate the government to follow their term and who can forget Swadeshi Jagran Manch making things difficult for the Vajpayee government but now the BJP (Modi-Shah) asking the RSS to follow the instruction. The latest example was that the RSS took the lead in initiating dialogue with Muslim leaders in the pre-verdict scenario of the Ramjanmabhoomi-Babri mosque dispute. They were asked to manage people so peace is not affected. Another political analyst declining to be named said that this is actually weakening the Hindutva ideology and leadership as such with leadership and organizational structure vanishing. The BJP and Shiv Sena have split for all practical purposes as the later accuses the former for cheating upon for not respecting the promises as the BJP fielded alliance candidates on its symbol and now they are denying half tenure of chief ministership to the SS. These are such issues that could have and should have been solved between the old allies but inflated egos of the people at the helm are not only harming the leaders but Hindutva as such. Read the full article
0 notes
Anti Knight Bendy Fan fic (JOKE!)
Warning Fan fic I do not own Bendy and the Ink machine..
Act 1 "The show must go on?"
The Studio is buzzing with Life and creativity but sadly quaility comes with a price! The funding for the popular Ink Deamon known as Bendy as been running dangerously low for quite some time now. Henry one of the co founder of the studio has attempted everything from merchindise,cereal box covers,even haveing to give people the horrid pink slip. Sadly not enough money was coming in to keep up with the tyranical needs of currancy. Wile this was going on in the delightful world of Bendy and his gang,
"Gee I hope things work out for the best."Exclaimed the worried devil, Bendy was never a well desighned charecter his structure small and simplistic easy on the eye, Only made from 2 colors, Black and White as the rest of the gang.The Angelic counterpart of Bendy rises to his side her form slightly curvy with the same simplsitic style only had remorce and symapthy to offer. "Henry will know what to do he has been threw a lot and so have we...we will find a way to continue the show. "It must Go on" as you always have said before...Right?", Alice's cute like face forms a disgusting heart crushing frown not knowing what to say next. Among the Gang is the silly Boris The wolf his desighn is slinky and not as furry as one would belive a wolf to be but for a cartoon style they live in every day one can easily tell he is canine like, Boris was not part of there worried conversation as he enters there blank page. "Hey, Hey, Hey yall..Whats the frown for turn them upside down!, You dont want your faces to be printed like that when we are in the show room do you?" Happily spoke the wolf. "Well the thing is Boris...We may not have work for awile if things keep hitting the fan like a dart to a board" Said the Small Devil. "Oh Dont be like that!" For a Angel she could hit quite hard and if it was not for the fact of having only 2 colors to there page Bendy would have shown a bruise. "OW!! What the H-E-double hocky sticks ALICE that hurt!"Yells the frisky demon as his tail is in a agrivated zig zag shape.
The blissful wolf Smiles as he explaimes that Henry is working out a multi partner deal to add new animators and ideas into the show to help bring it back to its former glory,As moth to a flame the crew grew atractive to the idea of being back in show biz as soon as they can! "He said we will have new colors,Animators,Objects and even a new style of drawing for us!"As Boris lists everything Henry promised Bendy cant but help feel guilt and a sickness in his stomach for quickly leaving his old form and home for something vastly different. "He...hey Boris ..Buddy, Pal..Chum dont you think..this may be to much?..Like we are going to completly change we may have our own emotions and souls but we would look,sound and be different...can we do that this easily?" Bendy's tail curls up into a question mark as he glances over at Boris and Alice for a response. Alice with a small cheeky smirk replies with gloat and cheer "Bendy dont worry we just have to Act our parts out we wont forever change, Our looks , clothes and style may but we will always be partners right Boris?" "Right!!" Replies the wolf. Bendy with a reashured sigh smiles and nods "Okay then....If you are okay with this then I am!" With excitement the three begin to day dream what new changes will happen in the near future!
The Real world Henry has brought in a few Animators and has new unique tools for better animation quaility and desigh. The process of setting the new stuido up took a week to properly set things up from the gear to the very equipment that will be used. Henery Looks at his crew one last time before the change he gives them a smile as he takes a picture with them his tired eyes lit with joy, The Devil happy and making bunny ears with his hand above alice's halo as Boris hugs them both all excited for what is about to happen next. The first five days was brutal on everyone working day in and out testing voice quaility,Animation,Even new styles Poor bendy was the test subject to it all! This little creature went threw many art styles ranging from Jappense Manga, To big headed Trash art Even a reatro style pixel game but none fit sadly. When all hope was lost Henry figuired out why none of the new styles worked it was because they had no Plot! The Entire crew did research and brainstormed what children today were interested in, They liked Knights right?...ya..They also like space...Why not both? Then the birth of The Anti Knight! A heroic Devil Knight setting aside his dark ways to save the angelic princess Alice with his squire Boris! The Plot was in action and so was the crew in the real world as they set forth on this new idea and plan.
What was made first was a Beautiful HD background having a dark color with bright glowing sighns and lights flashing behind the sun a beautiful yellow and organge burning bright as rubble,dirt and trash littered the ground a ruined landscape for a Loyal powerful knight to surpass and conqure! The next step is the new look it first started with Boris the Squire, His small fragile body changed into a thin mucle his overalls turned from rags to great bronze medal cleaned and polished to impress the ladies his gear consists of his musical instrument of choice a alchemy satchel set and a dagger at the end of the process his tail never stopped wagging! Now for the beautiful Maiden to be the Angelic Alice was next her looks changed to enhance her beauty 10 fold her pale skin now hinted cream with a small red blush as her eyes now own a lustful look her dress made from the finest silk in appearence as her skin was graced by a godess itself her long black silk hair reaching down to her shoulder as her halo now hovers above her glowing brightly a Needy Boris Howl can be heard in the background. Finnaly for the Anti Knight himself Bendy under goes a unique transformation as his small 4 foot height increased to a wopping 8ft towering over any weak enemy in his way his mass was past a body builder and could easily bench press a weight lifting machine wile it was in use! His armor a beautiful gothic desighn were small frail details cover the edges of it in a neon glow as his massive armor covers his chest,shoulders,forarms,knees and shins he even owned a crotch plate as for style purpose he had a cloak around his right shoulder and around his waise to cover his rear and front his face and mucles exsposed to scare enemies away as his only gear and pride would be X-Calibur a massive 6 feet sword Pure metal with a leather handel it had a Final Fantasy (TM) buster blade appearence but the edge would have a Bright energy beam when a button was pressed! Now that everyone fits there appearnce in desighn now have to sound there role, Boris sounds of a small but strong Male determined for greatness, The amazing Alice sounds like a soft suductress, As the Anti knight a boastful knight Proud,strong and ready to save his princess in any moment!
It was all set,The stage,The sound,The roles but it was missing its high point, its finish...its Villian...
With the desires of the best intentions from Henry but with the role of a wicked creature birthed new life onto the Page. "Levia Ethan!" I shall call him exclaimed Henry,Ethan for short. Ethan is Bendy's Counter in the role of Anti knight he was the antagonist the Evil creature that would send Bendy threw challanges and steal Alice but was yet to be known is when you are born with a wicked role one might have a hard time seaperating life from work. Ethan's form surpassed Bendy he stood as 9ft tall a foot above him his arms could easily crush stones and send gods crying his skin a dark abyssal black darker then the ink used on Bendy, His eyes had a pericing blue color to them but the most distinguishable part is his cold hearted stare he had on every moment since birth.
When Ethan was brought to the Page he was greeted by the NEW gang he took very high interested with Alice and her new curves, this noticable admiration slips past Boris as Bendy took notice and buts into Ethan's and Alice's conversation. "Howdy New guy Im Bendy you must be Ethan the new guy!..Lokie here we all got a new gig and all even new voices and getups but if you wanna make it in show buis.." Rudely inttrupted by Ethan his cold dark voice sends chills down Bendy's Spin. "I will end you Anti Knight....Once I have own the princess as my queen you will be my new rug..." In this line of work they get carried away once in awile with acting but this guy was a whole new level it was as if his life IS his role and this thought rushes threw Bendys mind like a rapid river and his happy exsprestion dies down quickly.
To be continued ..Maybe?..
P.S this is a joke between me and a friend it has horrible grammar,writing and spelling due to inside joke reasons o3o
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