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gulescamisade · 8 years ago
Alaska: Day 10
[[ The small city of Tanana is about to be completely overcome by the oncoming storm. However, there is a faint connection for now and people will be able to use Terezi's comm to contact the outside world. ]]
REDGLARE: -She awakens with a SUDDEN START, flinching.-
REDGLARE: -She grasps at something in front of her that is not there anymore.-
KARKAT: =Looks at Redglare while holding the comm, watching her hands then gets up to get her water= Hey.... =Would they have looted meds from this town? He would've tried to she needs major pain killers he's sure=
[[ There's a soft rumble sounding somewhere amidst the winds. Sounds like a vehicle roaming around. ]]
REDGLARE: -She blinks... And sniffles. She wipes at her eye. Shit. Shit...-
HESONY: =He's been keeping watch all night and probably tried changing Redglare's bandages several times throughout their time hunkered in the forest if anyone had let him get close enough.=
HESONY: =sits up from his sitting rock.
REDGLARE: -Reality hasn't quite set in yet, but she's not asleep, either.-
KARKAT: =He would've been staying awake too buddy. Either watching or opting to do it himself.= Here, drink something. =He's going to try and help her sit up and hold the bottle to her lips=
REDGLARE: -She takes only very small sips, managing a few words once she does.- Wh3r3 4r3 w3?
KARKAT: Some town, Tanana. Waiting. =Gives her as much water as she'll take then wanting to settle her back down.=
REDGLARE: Ssssom3... th3y'r3 st1ll—
REDGLARE: -Hisses as she settles back down.-
KARKAT: We're taking care of it. Don't worry. I don't plan on us falling behind.
[[ The rumbling seems to be weaving through the trees here, and soon enough they'll see a covered military truck. ]]
HESONY: =Just....steps in front of everyone, just in case.=
HESONY: =He's trying to see who the driver is=
KARKAT: =He'll rip a tree out of the ground, he doesn't give a fuck. =
HESONY: =nature did nothing to you, Little Angry Man=
KARKAT: =Everything did everything to him, eat a sock=
[[ The truck rumbles to a stop some twenty yards away, and then the door pops open. ]] 
MICEXA: -leans out- 👁️👁️
KARKAT: =....don't tempt him about the tree=
HESONY: =His entire body seems to sag and he ran up to her, hugging her tightly though she was still seated. Hi look I'm not dead and I wasn't killed some time in the night by these criminials.=
HESONY: We're running low on medicine, bandages, painkillers. =He held up his first aid kit, which was basically empty. Glancing back at the group behind them, he gave a thumbs up, forcing a smile.=
HESONY: Miss, some of them are in a real bad way.(edited)
KARKAT: =He doesn't want your smile. Unblinking deadpanned, tired staring= So should we start to load up or not?
MICEXA: I demanded some supplies. They were fairly amenable to it.
MICEXA: There's blankets, too. Furs. It should be warm.
MICEXA: I don't know if they'll last us the whole trip, but... it should get us over the border.
HESONY: =he held her head in his hands and pressed their foreheads together.=
HESONY: It's good enough for now. You did phenomenal.
HESONY: =turning back towards the group, he waved them toward the truck. All aboard!=
[[ https://i.ytimg.com/vi/5mnMeHTsnFM/maxresdefault.jpg Except it's covered in the back. ]]
[[ Miss probably also had the option of taking the yellow car. ]]
MICEXA: -just leans into him, sighing out. It's sort of weird to feel this exposed in front of other people, but they're all pretty exposed here.-
REDGLARE: -yes. her thigh bone was exposed to u earlier, to be fair-minded
HESONY: =Who knows, with the Expunger on their ass, they could be dead tomorrow. Might as well make life worth it.=
HESONY: =Opening the back of the truck, he pulled down the lever to swing out some small metal stairs. Spreading out some of the blankets so their booties weren't against cold metal, he made sure the blankets and supplies were easily accessible for them before hopping back out.=
HESONY: =Anyone need help getting up or getting in? He's on standby, glancing around every so often to make sure they weren't followed.=(edited)
HESONY: =yoinks Nyalah out of snow and gently dunks her in the truck. As he passes, he's taking the furs Micexa obtained and tucked them around each of them. He would normally drop the furs on the heads of those who would bite his hand off for trying, but because of their injuries, he handed it over to them instead.=(edited)
KARKAT: =He helps get people loaded up since nothing is wrong with his limbs. He has a whistle in his gills but other than, hopefully, healing correctly he was better off than the rest of them. Than most of them and he felt like shit for it. Gets them all tucked in and loaded up, huddling with Dave still to keep him warmer=
HESONY: =He’s sitting in the back with the rest in order to keep an eye on the crew and update Miss on their status. Leaning against the side of the driver’s seat, he had a good view outside the window from here and could crawl through to the front if he needed to. It was going to be a long drive to “Minnesota.”=
KARKAT: =Sits here until they get rolling then speaks just above the sound of the wheels on the road and the engine, not looking at Hesony=
KARKAT: She's told me things about the two of you. And we don't have a choice but to take your help.
KARKAT: I get what you did is a big deal, but I'm not thanking you. It's great you both decided to have a conscience but that doesn't make me want to kick your asses any less. =So that's that. There's that.=
MITUNA: -Promptly passes out-
KARKAT: =Lucky. He can't sleep.=
HESONY: =he gives Karkat a onceover and turns back to stare at this interesting crate= Consider the ass-kicking mutual. HESONY: We're not doing it for you.
KARKAT: No shit.
REDGLARE: -her, too, in fact. TOO FEW WINKS. It's obviously fitful, still, but it's hard to rouse her anyhow.-
KARKAT: =tries to keep RG as comfy as he can=
HESONY: Just so we are clear. =He grumbles, irritably.=
DAVE: -warm against karkat. at least they're heading out with transportation. it feels like luxury compared to the past week-
DAELOS: -He tries his best to nurse Nyalah back to health, propping her on his lap wrapped in a cocoon of fur, tilting her head up and tipping in canned soup and water. He gets nervous at how skittery her pulse is.-
DAELOS: -Sighs and gently nuzzles her face as she sleeps. Or rather lays there in a powered down state as life drains out of her. He wishes there were more he could do than this.-(edited)
DAVE: -watches daelos because he's awake and has nothing better to do. he wishes he could help nyalah also-
DAELOS: You have survived so much
DAELOS: Partly out of spite
DAELOS: Mostly...out of spite
DAELOS: Surely this...
DAELOS: Is nothing to you
DAELOS: -Softly speaks to her.-
HESONY: =He feels...a little uncomfortable watching this. Like he shouldn't be a spectator to this blatantly pale action going on. Just kind of puts his face against a crate and pretends to sleep.=
NYALAH: -she's too weak to even drink the soups or water offered to her, too weak to be conscious to hear Daelos speak. Her breath remains shallow, soups dribbling down her chin pitifully.-
NYALAH: -as he nuzzles her face, her breathing slows until finally. It's quiet.-
DAELOS: -Pauses, his own heart beating loudly in his ears as he draws his face closer, bringing his ear to her chest, listening carefully. Without really realizing it, he's pleading with her.-
DAELOS: Just a little bit longer
DAELOS: We are almost there
NYALAH: -None answers.-
DAELOS: -He's growing ice cold despite all the new clothes they've been given. He can't believe it. He feels like he's choking. He's going to try to give her CPR.-
DAVE: -he knows. there are plenty of ways to know when someone dies. he can only hope daelos's resucitation works.-
HESONY: =gdi=
HESONY: =He reached through the window and patted Miss on the shoulder, signaling her to pull over. Even though it was imperative for them to keep moving, they both knew how this felt like.=
NYALAH: -Daelos's attempts are going nowehere. Her body was spent even before they made the trek out of the cave. She's gone.-
DAVE: -he's teary eyed as it starts to set in. she deserved better.-
DAELOS: -After he tries several times, HE starts crying. Not just a little teary eyed either, big fat gross tears rolling down his cheeks. He snarls LOUDLY, his voice full of pain and frustration. Frustration at this entire stupid situation.-(edited)
DAELOS: Someone help her
DAELOS: I am not a doctor I
DAELOS: Someone do something
DAELOS: -As nobody moves to help him, he starts to sob, which sounds a lot like a wounded buffalo, still holding her body in his arms.-
DAVE: -i'm sorry dude i can't ;(-
HESONY: =he knows no amount of cpr can reverse bloodloss=
DAELOS: -He's just going to hold her and cry on her. No one is getting her away from him anytime soon.-
DAELOS: -If anyone tries to take her away, it is very likely he will hurt them.-
HESONY: =but honestly, what good is holding onto a dead body for? It's not like you can bring her back to life.=
DAELOS: -Bitch you think-
HESONY: =that shit doesnt even exist! Youre just in denial!=
DAELOS: -Just keep your opinions to yourself and stay the heck away from him if you want your fingers unbroken.-
DAVE: -he's definitely not sleeping now. Or moving unless he absolutely has to-
HESONY: =His eyes catch Dave as he looks away from sad whinny-meow pile.=
HESONY: =Could that be a bit of remorse in his facial expression??=
DAVE: sucks huh
HESONY: (More than you think.)
DAVE: -sighs and winces at how it affects his chest- did you really think that we could get out of this without any casualties on our end
HESONY: (I would like to think that I am a positive person in general.)
HESONY: (So yes, I did.)
HESONY: (In the very beginning.)
DAVE: you know if it werent for some magic troll shit my friend has
DAVE: i would be dead
DAVE: outta here
DAVE: wasted away in a fuckin cave in my underwear
HESONY: (I don't imagine it would Have been fun.)
DAVE: oh no
DAVE: its a blast
DAVE: do you know anything about humans
HESONY: (No. Other than the fact your kind is rather squishy.)
HESONY: (And cannot even adapt to your own climate.)
DAVE: i grew up in the armpit of texas
HESONY: (What the fuck is Techsush?)
HESONY: (....Techsush isn't a person, is it?) =Raises a brow=
DAVE: -stares blankly at him.- no its a place way south thats way too fuckin big
HESONY: (If that's such a problem, why Haven't the smaller territories taken it over?)
DAVE: i dont know why would i even care about that right now
HESONY: (It's called cultural sensitivity. You were complaining of it's size.) =Folds his arms=
DAVE: oh my god DAVE: you are a piece of work
HESONY: =It's his turn to stare blankly=
DAVE: - exhales and looks away- im gonna look over here now bye
DAELOS: - The body has since been placed in his sylladex for safe keeping, but the fur she was wrapped in is still in his lap. He watches the terrain pass by wordlessly, only dimly aware that a long, cold night has become morning. His face is slack and his eyes hollow. -
HESONY: =it's not healthy to hang onto a dead body like that, man :/ =
ARANEA: -we can pretend she was responding to this properly as it was happening...-
ARANEA: -normally under circumstances like this, empathy doesn't come naturally to her, only painfully vicarious. but this was different. the sickness, the heartache watching these two has had her in tears countless times even after nyalah passed.-
ARANEA: -she knows it's selfish to want to reach across the space between her and daelos so she may take away the pain he's experiencing right now. she knows she's capable. but it'd be wrong to deny him his mourning, wouldn't it? she wipes away at the wetness pooling in her eyes again, unsure of what to turn her own attention towards.-
MITUNA: -Still fucking passed out. Maybe he's next. Except not really. His head is in Latula's lap-
HESONY: =Sparky, your arm almost looks like mine did: a limp noodle. The parallels happening are hilarious! Except they're not.=(edited)
MITUNA: -He needs major medical attention. This arm is setting incorrectly-
MITUNA: -Redglare lost a fucking leg. We all need major medical attention-
HESONY: =HE'S AWARE. And also a little nervous.=
KARKAT: =Is he nervous because Karkat doesn't sleep and spends his waking moments staring at him when he can do so without lunging across the truck?=
DAVE: -down boy-
HESONY: =jfc.....=
HESONY: =....yes, that might be one reason. Just try it, fish stick!=
KARKAT: =No. But fine.=
KARKAT: =Don't tempt him.=
HESONY: =What are you going to do, boy? Sneeze on me?=
KARKAT: =More like eat your face=
HESONY: =if you can even get to my face=
KARKAT: =One word: Kneecaps.=
HESONY: =I'll hold you by the scruff at arm's length, I swear I will=
KARKAT: =Hope you like having no hands=
HESONY: =But Miiiiiiss! He's looking at me funny!=
DAVE: -is terezi's old communicator within reach-
[[ Anyone can borrow this! ]]
DAVE: -now that his concussion is no longer life threatening, he was actually able to sleep for probably a good hour drooling on karkat.-
KARKAT: =That's ok, he's fine with that=
DAVE: -opens eyes suddenly HES AWAKE-
HESONY: How're you Holding up, Squishy?
DAVE: -squints at hesony- who the fuck are you talking to
HESONY: To you, Squishy the Human.
DAVE: what a dumbass name
DAVE: what is this adventure time
DAVE: except a shitty version of adventure time where everyone sucks
HESONY: Is this you volunteering yourself as the mascot?
DAVE: a mascot
DAVE: what is this sportsball
HESONY: Yes. It is exactly sportsball.
HESONY: The Expunger is the player and we are the ball, trying to gtfo fast enough where we won't get our asses kicked into our throats.
DAVE: shes not the player shes the season ending injuries
HESONY: Career ending, you mean. =he scoffed, a hint of laughter at the sides of his lips=
HESONY: =then he swallowed hard, his expression closing.=
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technologicgodot · 9 years ago
ARANEA: [whenever dave had returned to work after the loss of karkat, he will have found a 8ook inside his locker in the security 8reak room. it is titled "Coping with the Loss of a Moirail." as som8er as it may sound, there is some dark humor, typical for trolls, to soften the edges of such a difficult su8ject.
the MYSTERIOUS 8ENEFACTOR who provided this reading material likely hoped that dave might find it "ironic" or something. 8ut more importantly, helpful. if he does decide to look inside, there's a note inside, written in 8lue, that reads:
"I am well aware that you don't like to accept help. 8ut no one has to know! Not even I will 8e made aware of the 8ook's usefulness to you. Take the gift as you will. However, know you have my sympathy and support, even if I cannot 8e there for you as a friend." ]
DAVE: -there's no time for days off in security, not with the change in authority and the larger need for security more than ever. being here is too surreal for him and so indescribably hard. he doesn't want to be here, but he doesn't want to be alone with his thoughts. everything in here reminds him of karkat. when he opens his locker, he doesn't remember leaving a book in here. when he reads the title, his expression softens and he has the urge to cry again but he can't. who had access to his locker? who could have left this in here? it takes all he has to open the book, where he finds a note. reading it, he knows exactly who it's from. he's filled with a different kind of sadness now, but there is comfort to be found in blue ink. he takes it and capchalogues it, fully intending on reading it later when he's alone. he feels more lost than he ever has in life, and guidance is much appreciated -- especially the kind he doesn't need to ask for.-
0 notes
taskforcetumut · 9 years ago
MEULIN: -She's sort of pacing around the atrium, occasionally pausing to sit on a bench for a minute or stare at something on a wall, but she can't quite seem to stop moving around.-
CRONUS: -WELL look who else is walking in. Hes looking a little better than he has in days, but there's still that edge of anxiety clearly creeping on him. He spies the cat and walks on over- vwell here you are.
MEULIN: -Fish spotted!! She shuffles closer to him, too, reading her shades and fidgeting.- HEY.
CRONUS: heh, i vwas vwondering vwhere you got off to. vwhat are you doing?
ARANEA: -this one is wandering around as well. when she sees both meulin and cronus, she seems to perk up, like she's excited about this particular combination of people! she moves to join their group.-
MEULIN: I DON'T KNOW, I JUST... -looks at Aranea-
CRONUS: oh about him still being jailed? -sigh- yeah. -oh hai aranea- vwoah hey.
ARANEA: Rufioh? -feigns surprise, as if she somehow DIDN'T expect them to be talking about him at some point.-
ARANEA: What is it that you plan on saying? -head tilt of interest-
ARANEA: He could for a while. 8ut if it is any consolation, I am quite certain that he will 8e released eventually. -meulin doesn't need to know how she knows that.-
CRONUS: howv evwentually are vwe talking here? -frowns-
ARANEA: -laces her fingers together to clasp her hands tightly in thought- Let's see... Only a few perigrees. Likely shorter, considering that Davenforth is still alive. -inappropriate, nervous chuckle.-
ARANEA: After which, I presume there will be a pro8ation period where he will be monitored which could last up to...
ARANEA: ... At least a human year. -sweats- And counting.
CRONUS: so youre telling me i havwe to go on a super dangerous mission soon vwithout one of my posse on my side? come on, that's not right.
MEULIN: -her throat tightens, reading all that.-
ARANEA: -ah yes, she heard about this super dangerous mission! she wants to help with that! she really thinks she ought to come along, but convincing dirk would be nearly impossible...-
ARANEA: I know he does, Meulin. -pauses-
ARANEA: I have... an idea for how to help him, 8ut ideally he would 8e receiving some professional help as well. -looks down at her folded hands-
CRONUS: -eyes her- you do?
ARANEA: -nod nod- He isn't well... Surely you've recognized that 8y now. 8ut I have recently acquired an... a8ility-- No, a gift to help those struggling with mental o8stacles and the physical residuum left in the wake of navigating them. ARANEA: -squeezes hands together, looking determined- As he is... Rufioh has lost all hope and perspective on the situation he is in. He can still defend himself. He can get out of this mess... Inside his head and in the realworld. He just needs help remem8ering that he can.
MEULIN: -well, that sounds promising, but at the same time, she can't help feeling a little confused and wary.- LIKE... WHAT? WHAT IS IT?
ARANEA: Well... It is a little hard to explain in words. -ironically-
ARANEA: I would demonstrate 8ut I am unsure of what I could even do in this instance. -looks at cronus with a hmm.she wonders if she can cure him of his stupid. ah... wishful thinking.-
ARANEA: -she looks back at meulin, however. she knows there are ways she could help her, but... that's delicate.-
CRONUS: so its like magic or something?
MEULIN: -she wants to know too. IS IT MAGIC???-
ARANEA: -blinks a few times- ... You know, I can't actually think of a 8etter way to descri8e it.
ARANEA: -I am a magical healing fairy-
CRONUS: vwell maybe youll havwe better luck than me because my magic didnt do vwhat i vwanted it to. i mean he said it helped, but... -trails off-
MEULIN: -looking between them both like wat-
ARANEA: -another curious headtilt.- What happened?
CRONUS: -PUFFS WITH PRIDE - vwell i vwas playing my music vwhen the vwhole... thing happened. it vwas a tune specifically for calming? or i guess clarity.
ARANEA: Hmm. So your a8ilities are tied to your music... Fascinating. -looks thought for a moment, tapping her chin... but then her gaze falls to meulin again.- I'm sorry. I'm sure this all seems like ji88erish.
ARANEA: Well, you see... Over the course of several perigrees and many planetary visits, a great deal of us have encountered fantastic creatures. In caves, temples, dungeons... The kinds one might read a8out in a story 8ook. 8ut from my own experience, I can tell you with the utmost certainty that 8oth they and the gifts they have endowed us with are very much real.
ARANEA: I can only attempt to descri8e what these fateful meetings are like. It is something you would have to experience for yourself, yet I am unsure if it is an experience I can recommend.
ARANEA: ... I realize that likely will not clear anything up. All I can really say is that we are no stranger to supernatural phenomenon around here.
MEULIN: -she's looking between the two of them. If it's an experience they both have, well, of course she can believe it's real.- OKAY.
CRONUS: yeah i think it vwas that, heh. -he still doesn't really remember beyond visions he has in his DREAMS sometimes-
0 notes
ardentcupid-blog · 9 years ago
-- ardentCupid [AC] began trolling academicGeniality [AG] at 19:04 -- AC: (=^・ω・^) < ARANEA! HI! AG: Oh hello there, Meulin! It's 8een quite a while since we've spoken like this, hasn't it? AG: How have you 8een? AC: (^・ω・^ ) < I AM OKAY! AC: (=^・ω・^=)丿< HOW ARE YOU? AG: I'm wonderful! I haven't felt this good in a very long time. AC: ヾ(=゚・゚=)ノ < WOW! THAT'S AMAZING, ARANEA! AC: ヽ(^..^=ゞ) < WHAT'S HAPPENING? AG: Well... Certain things worked out for me that we previously 8elieved to 8e a hopeless cause. ::::) AC: (^._.^) < ... AC: (^._.^)ノ < ARE YOU TELLING ME... AC: (^./_.^)ノ < THAT YOU AND A CERTAIN SOMEONE... AC: (=^・ェ・^=) < ARE.... ??? AG: :::;) AC: (=゚・゚=) < ... AC: (=゚・゚=) < HHHHHHHHHHHP... AC: (=TωT=) < 33333333333333333333333333333333333333!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AG: Hehe! I thought you might like that. AG: I wanted to tell you sooner, 8ut I've 8een quite preoccupied. AC: ヾ(=゚・゚=)ノ < NO NO, THAT'S OKAY! AC: (=^ω^=) < I'M JUST SO GLAD EFURRYTHING WORKED OUT! AC: (=TェT=) < I JUST... AC: (=xェx=) < I CAN'T EVEN. AC: ヾ(*ΦωΦ)ノ < IT'S SO GREAT! AG: It is pretty great! It's 8etter than great! AG: We get along so well... And so easily! He can 8e stu88orn sometimes, 8ut nothing a little encouragement can't fix. AC: (ノω<。) < AHHHHHH, I MEW IT! AC: (ฅ•ω•ฅ) < I MEW IT ALL ALONG! AC: (^●ㅅ●^) < I'M SO HAPPY FUR YOU I'M JUST AC: (◐ ω ◑ ) < JFDKSLAFWKDMSDKFL;F;D AC: (=;ェ;=) < SCREAMING AND CRYING!!!!11 AG: Oh, I think I hear it echoing down the halls even! AC: ヾ(*ΦωΦ)ノ < HOORAY! AC: b(=^..^=)o < THAT'S HOW YOU KNOW IT BE REAL. AG: Your support really made a difference to me! I knew deep down that there was still hope for us, 8ut I had almost given up on 8elieving our relationship could evolve. Knowing how strongly you felt a8out us made me feel that not everything was as it seemed. AG: After tragedy had 8efallen 8eforus, where he had once called home, he went into hiding, 8ut I pursued him and after comforting him, he admitted that he had feelings for me. Ones he no longer wished to hide from. It was very romantic! AG:  Um... Sad. And difficult. AG: ... 8ut romantic. AC: (=;ェ;=) < OHHHHH, MY GOD... AC: (=TェT=) < THAT _IS_ REALLY ROMANTIC.... AC: (。◕ω◕。) < AND I CAN'T BELIEVE I HELPED AT ALL! AC: (○`ω´○) < I'M SO GLAD SOMETHING GOOD CAME OUT OF ALL THIS AFTER ALL. AG: ::::) AG: 8ut enough a8out me! What have you 8een up to lately? AC: (。・ω・。) < OH... I'VE MOSTLY JUST B33N HANGING OUT. AC: (=^-ω-^=) < NOT DOING A WHOLE LOT. AC: ~(=^. .^) < THERE IS SOMETHING I WAS MEANING TO TALK TO YOU ABOUT THOUGH... AG: What's that? AC: ~(=^..^)ノ < WELL. YOU REMEMBER THE STUFF I WAS BRINGING UP DURING THE M33TING...? AC: (=^..^=) < IT IS THAT KIND OF STUFF. AC: (^・o・^) < RUFIOH SAID I SHOULD PURRBABLY ASK YOU. AG: Oh... Yes, I see. Whatever it is you need, I'm happy to help. AC: (=^..^) < OKAY. WELL. AC: (=^..^) < I WAS WONDERING IF IT WAS PAWSSIBLE TO. FIGURE OUT MAYBE. AC: (=^..^=) < WHAT'S HAPPENED TO ME? AG: Oh, you mean... AG: Yes. It's possi8le. AG: I have had some experience with exploring another troll's memories. AC: ~(=^. .^) < OH! THAT'S GOOD. AC: (=^..^)ノ < DO YOU THINK WE COULD THAT? SOON? AG: Certainly. My schedule is fairly open. AG: Ah... I'm not doing anything right now. AC: \(=^..^)/ < OH! AC: (=^..^=) < DO YOU THINK I COULD COME OVER NOW, THEN? AG: Of course you can! The door will 8e open. AC: └(=^..^=)┐< OKAY! I'M ON THE WAY. MEULIN: *And she's tapping lightly at Aranea's door! It's sort of a miracle she managed the light thing, considering she's usually loud about everything else, but she feels a sort of heaviness in her bones about this particular subject, and maybe that's enough to subdue her.* ARANEA: *this wasn't exactly a pleasant su8ject for aranea, either. using her powers since she had them returned to her, outside of the empathy she couldn't control, was something she was apprehensive a8out, afraid she would misuse them again. 8ut that couldn't 8e the case here, could it? meulin needed her help, and she was in a unique position to do so. when she hears the knock, she takes in a deep 8reath and goes to answer.* ARANEA: Hello! *greets her with the saluting sign. she's 8een practicing!* MEULIN: *She brightens a little at the cheerful greeting, at the sign that accompanied it. It had really touched her that everyone was trying so hard to include her, enough that they were learning a whole new language just for it, and maybe that was why she knew she had to be in the best place she could be to do something like this. To trust someone, for once, to actually help her.* MEULIN: HI! ARANEA: Please, come in. *gestures her inside, moving out of her way. aranea's room is very well organized with lots of 8ooks a8out, as one would expect. her walls are also decorated in maps, while knick knacks (usually spider themed) adorn the rest of the surfaces.* MEULIN: *Oh no, it's cute... and about what Meulin would have expected, true. It's definitely nice to have a real view of it, though! Even though those thoughts can't do much to actually distract her from the reason she's here, but they're at least pleasant enough to give her a moment to try to sort her thoughts. She's looking around for a place to sit and taking the spot that seems most convenient.* ARANEA: *there is a couch she can sit on, which would likely 8e most comforta8le and convenient for them. aranea moves to join her, smiling, though nerves are nagging at the 8ack of her own mind.* Now... How should we proceed? *pauses, looking throughtful.* ARANEA: <How to 8egin?> MEULIN: *She considers this for a moment herself, and... well, she can only really think of one answer at the moment, though it takes her several seconds of silence to voice it.* MAYBE... THE BEGINNING? MEULIN: I MEAN. OF... HOW IT ALL... STARTED. ARANEA: Tell me a8out that. Think 8ack on it, and 8ring whatever memories you can to the surface. *she signs what she knows of that sentence while she preps to explore the thoughts in meulin's head.* MEULIN: UM... OKAY. MEULIN: *She takes a breath, exhales, and stares at a spot on the floor. She's thinking back to her time on Beforus, meeting him for the first time.* IT ALL WAS... *Her lips almost quirk, but in retrospect, it's too sad.* ... LIKE A FURRY TAIL. M33TING HIM FOR THE FIRST TIME. MEULIN: *She can recall that part clearly, at least. Finding him alone in the woods when she was looking for her lusus, pacing like he was lost. She helped guide him out, invited him over, even... And the next few weeks, or months, seemed to go by so fast, before she was leaving the planet with him. So she starts to tell Aranea about that.* ARANEA: *with her fingers pressed to her temples, aranea shuts her eyes and 8egins to pro8e around inside her thoughts. the emotions meulin is transmitting to her are much more intense than they normally would 8e, when she reaches inside those moments, discovering something much deeper and more intimate. 8ut she tries not to 8ecome too distracted 8y that, searching instead for holes in the story, like dark spots in her mind. should she find them, she'll try to uncover them.* MEULIN: *Meulin's mind is almost too easy to penetrate. It should be simple enough to discern that, how her thoughts seem to open up to Aranea's probing, how easily they might bend to her influence. Similarly, she would be able to find how those memories feel... off. And the further along they go, the more altered they seem to get, like blankets strewn over furniture to disguise the shapes.* MEULIN: *First and most obvious would be how Meulin remembers their meeting, and how Aranea's probing gives way to his initial reaction being one of suspicion toward Meulin. The situation in its entirety seemed more like he was guarding something, and much of the time they spent together, fabricated. This, however, is unfortunately the least sinister of the alterations, because it's after he convinced her to leave Beforus that the true atrocities showed.* MEULIN: *It almost starts unfolding all too quickly. Hohepa and the gang of renegade laughsassins, setting up shop on various planets around the universe or capturing other ships and raiding them. Meulin was kept away from most of it at first, probably due to his influence on her not being as strong until later. But by that point, it's too late.* MEULIN: *His puppetry seemed to happen almost whimsically at first -- forcing her to say things for his amusement, do things that were almost harmless, as if it were a game. He forced her to learn to use clubs, like he did, like he believed she should; she spouted off scripture and praise like any good believer. And, eventually, she helped. Eventually, she covered those clubs in the blood of the unrighteous, just the same.* MEULIN: *It's at this point that Meulin herself can't seem to take the rush of memories falling out one after another in her mind, like a floodgate, and what mental defenses she has left spring up to try to bar them back away. Now, she's breathing all too quickly, her gaze distant as she stares at that same spot on the floor, fists pulled close and clenched over her chest.* ARANEA: *the sudden onslaught of mental manipulation, and the emotions it has repressed, as well as what Meulin is currently feeling is enough to knock Aranea straight out of her head. it's horrifying, and even she is left feeling shaken 8y it. she doesn't realize right away that there are tears stinging at the corners of her eyes. was it the empathy, or was it guilt surfacing in light of the effects these a8ilities can have on the mind? whatever the case, aranea is quick to get herself together and look 8ack to her friend, seeing the state she's left in.* ... Meulin? *reaches out to touch her shoulder.* MEULIN: *She doesn't seem to respond immediately, but when she feels the touch, she lurches away, gaze darting to Aranea's face, eyes wide and wild. She shakes her head, starting what's like a half-crawl backwards off of the couch and scrambling herself back against the wall before she can even form the word.* NO...! ARANEA: *she startles at that reaction, feeling a little too 8ewildered to know how to react for a good long moment.* I-- Meulin... It's alright...! *she doesn't think to sign it.* MEULIN: *There is nothing about those words that seem to resonate -- they feel so wrong, everything feels wrong -- and she's sort of scratching in her scramble to find the door, to open it and all but fling herself out, away, to elsewhere.* ARANEA: What are you...? *she finally manages to get herself onto her feet, approaching meulin. she can see she wants to escape, 8ut can she really let her go in a state like this?* Meulin, please... MEULIN: *She can't. She /can't/, and she can't bring herself to focus on Aranea at all, even if she could hear her. It's just too much in her head. She manages to get the door open, and she stumbles through it.* ARANEA: *aranea watches her go, left alone and stock still in the middle of her room, wondering if her "help" was worth it. if it ever really is.*
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coltishdaedalian-blog · 9 years ago
[05:55] -- academicGeniality [AG] began pestering coltishDaedalian [CD] at 17:55 --
[05:55] -- academicGeniality [AG] changed their mood to PLEASANT --
[05:56] AG: Hello Daelos!
[06:00] CD: Aranea
[06:00] CD: } --> Hello
[06:01] AG: Do you have a moment? 8ecause I have something I would like to ask you.
[06:01] AG: It's... a favor, actually.
[06:03] CD: } --> I would be a poor friend and romantic companion if I did not have a small moment to spare
[06:03] CD: } --> As always I am at your service
[06:11] AG: ::::)
[06:11] AG: Well... The other day as I was wandering a8out the 8ase, I was confronted 8y Roxy Lalonde. Her 8ehavior was very strange, mind you. Very unlike her. For one, I know I'm not exactly her... favorite person! 8ut furthermore, even when confronting those she doesn't see eye to eye with, she's a very lively individual, wouldn't you agree?
[06:11] AG: She had a proposition for me, that was presented in the most serious manner I swear she was someone entirely different. I suppose that after everything that has occured in recent weeks, a suddenly change in demeanor could happen to anyone!
[06:11] AG: Anyway, she told me that she wanted to run some experiments on a troll with mental a8ilities such as my own... To 8etter understand them and therefore 8etter com8at them should they 8e weaponized against us again in the future. She asked if I would volunteer for the experiment.
[06:11] AG: Of course I agreed, 8ut given her attitude and our past disagreements... I'm admittedly a little afraid of what might happen during this meeting... I'm just nervous in general, if I'm 8eing perfectly honest!
[06:11] AG: Luckily, she said that I could 8ring along someone who would 8e willing to 8e the su8ject of my powers in action. So... What I was hoping was that... You would 8e that person?
[06:14] CD: } --> I will be that person
[06:14] CD: } --> It will be me
[06:14] CD: } --> In fact, I shall have to insist
[06:15] CD: } --> Given my past e%periences in subjects on this vein, my ability to negate psychic abilities, and finally my affection for you and interest in your well being, I am the only candidate
[06:15] CD: } --> I share your apprhension and will approach this with a critical eye
[06:17] AG: Thank you so much, Daelos. That's such a relief!
[06:22] CD: } --> However
[06:22] CD: } --> I think it would be better if you refused to do the e%periments in question instead
[06:22] AG: Oh, no. I can't do that.
[06:23] CD: } --> For what reason
[06:30] AG: I want to help, of course!
[06:32] CD: } --> I know you wish to help
[06:32] CD: } --> And win favor with individuals who you are currently on unfavorable terms with
[06:32] CD: } --> However, it may not be worth the risk it poses to your safety
[06:34] CD: } --> If Ro%y is acting out of character, it suggests her objectivity might be compromised and she may make rash decisions while you are vulnerable and in her care
[06:41] AG: I suppose so... 8ut that's where you come in, isn't it?
[06:41] AG: I know she respects you. Even if she isn't thinking str8, I dou8t she would do anything too out of turn with you there.
[06:41] AG: Still... Even if things did go south... I suppose it's just a risk I'm willing to take.
[06:43] CD: } --> I e%pected you would say as much
[06:43] CD: } --> I only ask that you give me veto power
[06:44] CD: } --> If I judge things to be going badly
[06:44] CD: } --> As I have said, I have experience with this specific field of e%perimentation
[06:52] AG: And I would expect you to say as much!
[06:52] AG: That's fine, of course. Ideally, I would prefer not to 8e harmed in any way. ::::P
[06:52] AG: If we worked together for optimal results, then that would 8e the 8est outcome, in my opinion.
[06:56] CD: } --> I suppose that is
[06:56] CD: } --> Basically acceptable then
[07:01] AG: Gr8! I'm glad we can agree.
[07:04] CD: } --> Hmm
[07:05] AG: Hmm?
[07:29] CD: } --> It is basically acceptable
[07:29] CD: } --> Yet
[07:29] CD: } --> I am not pleased with the prospect
[07:38] AG: I don't expect you to 8e! I am gr8teful that you're willing to accept the decision despite that. I do know how stu88orn you can 8e. :::;)
[07:49] CD: } --> If it must be attempted than I would prefer to have a modicum of control over the situation
[07:50] CD: } --> Although I am not sure what will happen when I submit to your control, so to speak
[08:10] AG: There's nothing to worry a8out. My powers have a wide variety of ca8ilities, the very worst of which would result in a lapse of memory. I've 8een a8le to remove memories in trolls, as well.
[08:10] AG: Not that I make a ha8it of that, 8ut... I can!
[08:10] AG: I will likely pro8e at your thoughts for the experiment. I've 8een told it feels something like an intrusive thought, 8ut of course I wouldn't 8e invading your mind with anything unpleasant.
[08:11] CD: } --> Oh
[08:11] CD: } --> Yes, of course
[08:17] AG: Will that 8e alright?
[08:17] CD: } --> I think you will be a welcome guest after the.... clowns
[08:18] CD: } --> I admire some aspe% of Alternian culture but others are very
[08:18] CD: } --> Unpalatable
[08:34] AG: Oh, agreed.
[08:34] AG: I fail to understand why they have to 8ehave in such an undignified manner. At least most other Alternian su8cultures have some class! Ugh.
[08:53] CD: } --> Undignifed hardly covers it
[08:54] CD: } --> I quite enjoyed doling out justice with you
[08:54] CD: } --> Yet it irks me that many of them escaped
[08:54] CD: } --> Including Ocelot
[09:20] AG: Yes... That is one of the things that concerns me most... Knowing that he's still out there.
[09:21] CD: } --> If we % paths again, he will not survive the encounter
[09:21] CD: } --> Our personal quarrels aside, he compromised my base
[09:21] CD: } --> Years of hard work, wasted in one f001 attempt
[09:22] CD: } --> You cannot uncompromise a secret base
[09:35] AG: I know... I'm so sorry this happened.
[09:35] AG: We may not 8e a8le to undo it, 8ut I know you're taking measures to keep it safe again. You are so very good at what you do, you know.
[09:35] AG: And not to mention... we always have the hope that we can get our revenge!
[09:45] CD: } --> Your vote of confidence is e%tremely appreciated, my dear
[09:46] CD: } --> As is the prospect of future revenge
[09:46] CD: } --> Now
[09:46] CD: } --> What are your lunch plans
[09:47] AG: Hmm! It would seem that my lunch hour is completely cleared.
[09:48] CD: } --> What a serendipitous occurence
[09:48] CD: } --> Could I then join you
[09:49] AG: That would 8e wonderful! ::::)
[09:52] CD: } --> I will be there post haste
[09:52] AG: See you soon!
[09:52] -- academicGeniality [AG] ceased pestering coltishDaedalian [CD] at 21:52 --
0 notes
gnarlycradz · 9 years ago
-- gnarlyCradz [GC] began pestering academicGeniality [AG] at 23:29 --
[11:30] GC: -SK11DDZZZ ON OV3R-
[11:30] AG: *gives her an unamused stare*
[11:30] AG: Hello.
[11:31] GC: wow grl th4t 1s ON3 f4c3 you got th3r3.
[11:31] GC: pshh! 1dk 1f 1tz l1k3 STR41GHT UP J3LL13Z or 1f 1tz 4 bug 1n th3 chut3 but cmon! 4t l34st g1mm3 4 ch4nc3! >8P
[11:36] AG: *sigh* It's not you... My last pair up wasn't very pleasant.
[11:36] AG: This whole evening is turning out to 8e AWFUL!
[11:36] AG: I don't know why I expected any differently.
[11:36] AG: I may as well just face that facts that I will forever 8e a social outcast with no hope of ever recovering.
[11:36] GC: oh my gooood.
[11:36] GC: th4tz l1k3.
[11:37] GC: th3 l4m3st th1ng 1 l3g1t 3v3r h34rd 1n my WHOL3 L1F3.
[11:37] GC: ok so.
[11:37] GC: QU3ST1ON ON3 cuz 1 41nt 3v3n gonn4 p4y 4tt3nt1on to th4t cuz w3r3 DO1N 1T!!!!
[11:37] GC: g1mm3 your n4m3 grl!
[11:37] AG: *rolls eyes* Aranea Serket.
[11:37] AG: And you're Latula Pyrope.
[11:38] GC: th4tz th3 34sy on3!!!!
[11:38] AG: You work in security now.
[11:38] GC: Y34H!
[11:38] GC: 4nd you...
[11:38] GC: sh1t do you l1k3.
[11:38] GC: -whoops gonn4 sk1p th4t qu3st1on-
[11:38] GC: -...-
[11:38] GC: -sk1pp1ng qu3st1on 3 too-
[11:39] GC: ...OK4Y SO.
[11:39] GC: wh4tch4 34t?
[11:40] AG: *grum8les* Does it REALLY matter what I like to eat? Do you even actually care?
[11:41] GC: uh!
[11:41] GC: h4h4!
[11:41] GC: 1 dunno m4n!
[11:42] GC: 1 dont know SH1T 4bout you.
[11:42] GC: l1k3 th3 whol3 voodoo d34l 1 gu3ss but uh.
[11:42] GC: not much 3ls3.
[11:46] AG: It's just as well! 8ecause APPARENTLY that's all there is TO know a8out me and all there ever WILL 8e to know a8out me!!!!!!!!
[11:46] AG: That I MIND CONTROL people and STA8 TH8M!!!!!!!!
[11:47] GC: UM.
[11:47] GC: OK4Y.
[11:47] GC: YOUR3 4T L1K3 4 N1N3 4ND 1M GONN4 N33D YOU DOWN TO 4 THR33.
[11:48] AG: I'LL TAKE IT DOWN TO A 8 AND NO LESS!!!!!!!!
[11:49] GC: hoooly sh1t.
[11:49] GC: ...
[11:49] GC: h4h4h4h4...
[11:49] GC: m4n l1k3...
[11:50] GC: you r34lly got m3 good b4b3z.
[11:50] GC: lm4o.
[11:51] AG: *FROWNS, crossing her arms tight to her 8ody*
[11:51] GC: 1tz l1k3 4 pr4nk! h4h4! y34h L1K3 1 tot3z g3t th4t. -1T'S NOT 4ND TH3Y BOTH KNOW TH4T BUT GODDD TH1S 1S M4K1NG H3R F33L SO 4NTSY 4ND 4WKW4RD-
[11:52] GC: l1k3 th3yr3 try1n4 push 4ll th1s QU4D stuff on us 4nd sh1t cuz l1k3!!! w3r3 G1RLZ 1 b3t 4nd th4tz wh4t th3y th1nk w3r3 good for! but w3r3 too good for TH4T!
[11:52] GC: GRL POW3R 4m1r1t3?
[11:52] GC: st1ck 1t to th3 syst3m!
[11:52] GC: 4nd th3 M4N.
[11:52] GC: fuck th4t guy!
[11:56] AG: ... I dou8t that's the case here, considering that the invit8tions were sent to everyone on 8oard. 8ut I won't discredit the 8asis of your claim, 8ecause honestly, yes, that sort of stereotyping is prevelant in all sorts of cultures an*there she goes*
[11:56] GC: -oh th4nk fuck1ng j3sus-
[11:56] GC: y34h m4n!!!!
[11:56] GC: th3y gotz to l34rn!
[11:57] GC: grlz c4n pl4y v1d3o g4m3z TOO!!!
[11:57] AG: ... Right.
[11:58] AG: Hey! Speaking of which, have you ever played a visual novel game called Clannad?
[11:58] GC: th4tz th3 sp1r1t!!!! dont l3t 3m ! uh!
[11:58] GC: ...
[11:58] GC: -nop3-
[11:59] GC: grl 1 pl4y 4LL th3 h1t t1t3lz!
[11:59] GC: -th4t th3 fuck 1s cl4nn4d-
[11:59] GC: m4yb3 1ll l3t y4 1v1 m3 >8]
[12:00] AG: Um. That isn't how the game works.
[12:00] AG: See, it's story driven... And very dialog heavy. You interact with characters and make decisions through those interactions that will lead you to different outcomes.
[12:01] GC: uh. h4h4. soz 1t l1k3. m1l1t4ry STYL3Z? l1k3.
[12:01] GC: your3 runn1n 4 c4mp41gn 4nd sh1t?
[12:02] AG: No, no... It's... a /visual novel./ The genre title is self explanatory.
[12:02] AG: *oh thank god that's over with.*
[12:02] AG: You should look it up!
[12:02] GC: 1 W1LL S33 Y4 B4B3Z!
[12:02] GC: -RUNS-
-- academicGeniality [AG] ceased pestering gnarlyCradz [GC] at 00:03 --
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aerugotourbillon-blog · 9 years ago
-- academicGeniality [AG] began trolling aerugoTourbillon [AT] -- ARANEA: *aranea isn't very good at this sort of thing... how to respond to everything that happened. how she can even 8egin to express how worried she was a8out those close to her. 8ut worse yet, the distance had put a strain on her. it almost made her feel as if it wasn't her place to visit rufioh. 8ut... she showed up all the same, 8ecause she was selfish enough to want to, peeking her head inside the room to make sure she had the right one 8efore cautiously stepping inside.* ARANEA: Rufioh? RUFIOH: *Not long after he tr1ed collaps1ng 1n h1s room, Ruf1oh's breath1ng hadn't seemed to 1mprove. Desp1te h1s exhaust1on, he couldn't sleep and all around, 1t was just really a really bad n1ght. As early as he could, Ruf comm1ted h1mself to the 1nf1rmary for a check up, only to f1nd that he had actually managed to catch a lung 1nfect1on from hav1ng fought off the stup1d cat allergy for three weeks stra1ght. Talk about a fuck1ng buzz k1ll. So now here he was, sleep1ng w1th an oxygen mask and look1ng l1ke hell. At least h1s ha1r had lost several shades of red, wh1ch 1s what actually mattered of course. At the sound of her vo1ce, Ruf1oh st1rs awake, bl1nk1ng h1s eyes sleep1ly.* ...aranea? ARANEA: *she frowns at the sight of him, wondering just what it was that he had to endure... it was awful to think a8out. she approaches him slowly, finding a seat 8eside the 8ed.* Yes...! Are you...? *hrms* ARANEA: How are you feeling? Are you... alright? RUFIOH: oh, me? 1 feel l1ke... sh*t k1nd of. *God. Even now, he ends up crack1ng a sm1le at her flustered awkwardness.* RUFIOH: but only k1nda. prom1se. ARANEA: *oh great, now that her powers are 8ack, she's much more receptive to those feelings and her cheeks flare with 8lue* I should hope that's the case! ARANEA: I would 8e very cross with you if you were feeling any worse. *tries to smile.* RUFIOH: 1t's not even cuz of anyth1ng. 1t's all f*ck1ng... cat allerg1es. RUFIOH: got real fr1endly w1th d1ss1e 1n my cell... not want1ng to or anyth1ng. just k1nda happened. *SN1FF and coughs a l1ttle* ARANEA: Oh, no... Allergies? Of all the things. *shakes her head, 8ut... it's a little funny, so smiling 8ecomes easier.* RUFIOH: yeah, of all the f*ck1ng th1ngs. 1t sucks! *he's glad to see her sm1le regardless* RUFIOH: could have been worse tho... that's all 1 can really say about 1t. RUFIOH: you do1n' okay? ARANEA: Me? *points at herself, finding that question to 8e rather A8SURD.* I'm fine, of course! I didn't have to endure the perils that you and the others had to. ARANEA: 8ut I... Well, I was worried. RUFIOH: yeah... me too. RUFIOH: 1 a1n't hurt beyond that tho... 1f you're wonder1ng. ARANEA: Okay. *she seems reluctant, 8ut does eventfully lift her hand to place on rufioh's.* ... If you're sure. RUFIOH: h*ll yeah, 1'm sure. *eas1ly takes her hand up and g1ves 1t a squeeze* RUFIOH: you know that say1ng about pretty s1ghts for sore eyes? RUFIOH: that's you. ARANEA: *8lushes a little deeper.* Hehe... Oh, please. ARANEA: That's /always/ you. Even with that dreadful mask on your face. *also, her eyes are pretty much always metaphorically sore. 8ut hey.* RUFIOH: maybe a med1cal mag can h1re me on for a shoot or someth1ng. *wheezes a l1ght laugh* ARANEA: *giggles along with him* That's not a 8ad idea! Rufioh Nitram presents next season's hospital chic... I like it. RUFIOH: a1n't a bad 1dea. could make for a good drama. RUFIOH: *he s1ghs, long and slow* damm1t, aranea... 1 m1ssed you. ARANEA: *she drops her gaze down, smiling still as she squeezes his hand.* I missed you, too... I really did. ARANEA: *laughs a little* I didn't want to admit it, 8ut... I was worried I wouldn't... ARANEA: *shakes her head* ARANEA: Never mind, I don't want to think a8out that. RUFIOH: *Ouch. Know1ng what he d1d, Ruf1oh could just about w1nce.* oh, babe... RUFIOH: *h1s hand f1nds her face now* hey. ARANEA: *glances 8ack up at him, leaning into his hand.* RUFIOH: *He w1shed he could prom1se noth1ng was go1ng to happen but real1ty was, he knew he couldn't. Why l1e about 1t? He just brushes a warm thumb along her cheek* RUFIOH: 1 thought about you all the t1me 1n there, th1nk1ng l1ke d*mn... 1f she was here, she'd f1gure out a way around 1t. 1t's what you do, r1ght? *just sm1les* RUFIOH: 1t's what you're good at. RUFIOH: you're not wear1ng that th1ng anymore, btw. 1 saw. ARANEA: *she manages another smile at the compliments. how could he 8e so sweet and genuine? it felt so good to 8e a8le to sense his sincerity again, to quell any dou8ts she might have.* ARANEA: Yes, they needed my a8ilities to pull off that oper8tion last night. I'm not sure how long they'll trust me like this 8ut it's nice to get that small taste of freedom. RUFIOH: 1 knew 1t'd happen. *ends up tak1ng her hand aga1n and strok1ng her knuckles* RUFIOH: just needed some t1me, 1 guess. RUFIOH: heh.... so. RUFIOH: you know what 1'm th1nk1ng? ARANEA: *tilts her head a 8it* What's that? RUFIOH: *snrrrrk* no, 1 mean... CAN you tell what 1'm th1nk1ng? RUFIOH: w1th the th1ng off. ARANEA: *SWEATS* ... I could if I wanted to. RUFIOH: n1ce. *h1s sm1rk1ng would be a lot smoother 1f 1t werent for the oxygen mask* ARANEA: I can always tell what people are feeling, at least. I can't really shut that off. *laughs a8out it* RUFIOH: d*mn... and 1 thought my w1ngs were freaky enough. *tease tease* RUFIOH: 1 k1nda d1g 1t though. ARANEA: *oh no, he's gonna make her 8lush MORE.* I've always 8een rather proud of my a8ilities, actually. RUFIOH: yeah, 1 mean... 1f 1 could make a whole sh1p full of badd1es go all f*ck1ng wall-eyed and sh*t... 1'd be proud too. RUFIOH: you're someth1n else, aranea. ARANEA: *she can't stop smiling and the heat in her face is almost overwhelming* ... You're too kind to me. RUFIOH: guess we're all good at someth1ng. ARANEA: *she quiets after that, finding herself leaning in closer to him to press a kiss to his forehead. she isn't sure what to say to express how good of a person he was, and how grateful she was for it. it's ironic to her how difficult it is to find words in situations like these. may8e it was for the 8est that she kept it inside, 8ecause the more time they spend together, the more grounded she feels, and the less certain she is that she deserves him.* RUFIOH: *1s completely obl1v1ous to her 1nner turmo1l, just sm1l1ng 1n bl1ss as she pecks h1s forehead. God damn, affect1on he d1dn't have to f1ght for. Th1s sh1t was add1ct1ve.* RUFIOH: w1sh 1 wasn't s1ck, yo. RUFIOH: there's a date 1 wanted to ask you out on. ARANEA: *8rushes her fingers over his hair.* A d8...? *has she ever even 8EEN on a date? hmm.* ARANEA: Well, we have time now. RUFIOH: yeah... but 1t only works 1f 1'm not strapped to sh*t w1th oxygen masks or whatever. RUFIOH: *H1s ha1r 1s very fluffy, desp1te the color fad1ng from 1t.* ARANEA: Patience! I've w8ed for you all this time, I can easily w8 until you've recovered. At least now I can see you. ::::) RUFIOH: okay... troo. *pouts a l1l but then sm1les aga1n anyway.* as long as you're look1n on the br1ght s1de of th1ngs. RUFIOH: you're just... great. why are you great? god d*mn. ARANEA: *yes, she is great! isn't she? she isn't so sure these days, so she isn't sure what to say to that 8esides smile and send more compliments his way.* Hehe. And you're so sweet. ARANEA: *she knows that she will have to head 8ack to her room soon, 8ut she's going to savor this moment till the very last second.* RUFIOH: sh*t a1n't fa1r, lemme just say. *compl1ments 1s all he can do from h1s bed, at least unt1l he feels better.* RUFIOH: 1 guess you gotta get go1ng soon? ARANEA: *frowns when he 8rings it up, 8ut nods.* Unfortun8tely... 8ut I'll 8e 8ack again, as soon as I can! RUFIOH: bangarang... maybe next t1me you can br1ng me someth1ng to read. RUFIOH: whatever you l1ke 1s probably gonna be t1ght so... surpr1se me. ARANEA: *perks up* Okay! I can do that easily. ::::) ARANEA: *she's kind of excited a8out that assignment, so she's a 8it eager to get up and pick out a 8ook now... she rises to her feet, 8ut not without pressing another kiss to his head.* I'll see you again tomorrow. RUFIOH: part1ng's noth1ng but sweet god d*mn sorrow all up 1n here. *ch1rrs as she pecks h1s head aga1n.* RUFIOH: hey, yeah. one sec. ARANEA: Hmm? RUFIOH: *tugs the mask off h1s face and leans up to actually catch her l1ps 1n a k1ss* ARANEA: *oh! well, she won't o8ject to THAT, leaning into it with a contented hum.* ARANEA: Hehe... *nudges him 8ack down.* Alright, now get some rest. RUFIOH: aww, maaaan... *Amer1can Dragon vo1ce as he slumps back 1nto the p1llows* RUFIOH: guess 1 a1n't the respons1ble troll 1n th1s b1z wh1zz, yo. RUFIOH: but whatever... m1ght as well get go1ng, doll. ARANEA: *places a hand on his cheek, giving him one last smile* I'm afraid I am something of a spoil sport. I'll make it up to you, though. ARANEA: Feel 8etter, Rufioh. *she finally pulls away again, waving at him and turning to exit, her wings fluttering.* RUFIOH: *Hate to see her leave but loves to watch her go. H1p sways are h1s only consolat1on. He s1ghs and relaxes back 1nto the p1llows, content.* -- academicGeniality [AG] gave up trolling aerugoTourbillon [AT]  --
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gladiatecarnifex · 9 years ago
-- gladiateCarnifex [GC] began pestering academicGeniality [AG] at 19:52 --
[07:54] GC: -1f on3 w3r3 l1st3n1ng c4r3fully 3nough, th3y m1ght h34r th3 d3t3rm1n3d footst3ps of 4 wom4n on 4 m1ss1on. 4nd 1t's doubtful 4nyon3 4t 4ll could f41l to h34r th3 pound1ng on 4r4n34's door, 4 loom1ng f1gur3 st4nd1ng just outs1d3.-
[07:56] AG: *she's 8een keeping to her quarters to avoid the shitstorm 8rewing outside, 8ut she cannot deny it any longer as she hears that determined knock on her door. reluctantly, she goes to answer.* Oh... Hello, Officer. How may I 8e of assistance?
[07:57] GC: N3w ord3rs.
[07:57] GC: W3'r3 go1ng to b3 conv3rg1ng on 3n3my loc4t1on shortly.
[07:57] GC: 1 h4v3 t4k3n th3 l1b3rty of 4ss3ss1ng our t4ct1c4l poss1b1l1t13s.
[07:57] GC: 4nd you f4ctor 1nto th3s3 pl4ns, 4long w1th your c4st3m4t3s.
[08:00] AG: *hearing this makes her heart flutter anxiously.* Me? And my castem8s? *that could really only mean one thing, 8ut she finds it hard to 8elieve.*
[08:01] AG: What... do you need us for?
[08:01] GC: R3cogn1z3ns3 4nd s4bot4g3, m41nly.
[08:01] GC: 1 4m t4k1ng you off your tr34tm3nts for th3 for3s334bl3 futur3.
[08:01] GC: You w1ll r3port to m3d1c4l for 4 syst3m flush 4s to r3g41n your c4p4c1t13s soon3r, 1n c4s3 of 1mm1n3nt 4rr1v4l.
[08:04] AG: *stares at her in awe, mouth agape.* R-really???????? I mean...
[08:04] AG: Understood!
[08:13] GC: Good.
[08:13] GC: Th3r3 4r3 m4ny l1v3s 4t st4k3.
[08:14] GC: You 4r3 go1ng to follow your ord3rs 3xpr3ssly.
[08:14] GC: To th3 l3tt3r.
[08:15] GC: 4nd you w1ll l1k3w1s3 r3port your r3cov3ry from th3 3ff3cts of th3 suppr3ss3nt d41ly.
[08:16] GC: Do NOT r3port 4nyth1ng but th3 truth.
[08:16] GC: 1f th1s 1s 4 f41lur3. You w1ll not n33d 4ny thr34ts of pun1shm3nt from your sup3r1or off1c3rs.
[08:28] AG: *she nods vigorously along with every order.* Yes, of course! The reports will 8e as clear and truthful as they are prompt!
[08:29] AG: I won't let you down! ::::)
[08:29] GC: You'd b3tt3r not.
[08:29] GC: Unl3ss you h4v3 4ny qu3st1ons, g3t mov1ng. W3 c4n't 4fford to w41t.
[08:30] GC: Our w1ndow of opportun1ty 1s l1m1t3d.
[08:32] AG: Right! *slips out the door, closing it 8ehind her. she's pro8a8ly uncomforta8ly close to redglare with a 8ig grin on her face.* I'll send you my first report l8ter this evening!
[08:33] GC: Good.
[08:33] AG: *and with that, she all 8ut sprints down the hallway.*
[08:33] GC: -Sh3's go1ng to follow h3r to m3d1c4l MOSTLY so th4t 1t do3sn't look susp1c1ous th4t sh3's 4ct1ng on h3r own w1thout 4n off1c3r to conf1rm.-
[08:33] GC: -1t's 4lmost 3nd34r1ng how 3xc1t3d sh3 1s, for 4 f1lthy cr1m1n4l.-
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gunhardytemerity-blog · 9 years ago
-- gunhardyTemerity [GT] began trolling academicGeniality [AG] --
GT: Aranea serket?
AG: That's correct!
GT: Ah sorry. I just realized my form of greeting might have come off as accusatory or demanding.
GT: Never my intent actually... i would like to tell you hello! Reintroduce myself?
GT: It is i!
GT: Jake english!
AG: Oh, um... I didn't exactly read it that way, 8ut that's alright.
AG: It's a pleasure to speak with you again, Jake.
GT: Yes it has been a while! I was beginning to wonder whether i would ever round up the gumption to just go ahead and DO the damn thing.
GT: But here i am! Fresh as dairy milk!
AG: I'm so glad that you mustered up said gumption. I would h8 for us to stay on that wrong foot!
GT: Wrong foot? Were you ever under that assumption? :O
GT: I mean GOLLY the great white elephant in the room notwithstanding...
GT: Youre really quite amiable from what ive experienced! I suppose its just the context which is rather horrific from my perspective.
GT: You dont mind me talking about this stuff do you?
AG: No... I don't mind.
AG: It is 8etter to get everything out on the ta8le.
AG: 8ut I simply meant that you seemed rather uncomforta8le when we first met.
AG: At the time, I wasn't sure why.
AG: I guess I'm still not too sure why, if you're approaching me so comforta8ly now!
AG: Even when hypothetically things would have worsened from your perspective.
GT: Well to be frank it was all a matter of context clues.
GT: Some present when we crossed paths and others made known to me after the fact.
GT: But damn it all hey! Youre responsible for the demise of my present universal incarnation! Let us address this foreboding issue!!!!!!
GT: That is to say... im game if you are!
AG: I'm afraid I've already had to deal with more consequences of this action on a regular 8asis, in ways I never would have anticip8ted. So, what's one more convers8tion a8out it?
GT: Youve DEALT with it?
GT: Uh... you mean the consequences right? Of whats been done?
AG: Yes, of course that's what I mean! I'm constantly facing these consequences! What do you think I mean?
GT: The wording im guessing! Its a little bit concerning?
AG: Concerning how??
GT: I profess aranea. If you say youve been DEALING with consequences... its a lot like insinuating like theyre something that have HAPPENED to you.
GT: And considering what were talking about...
GT: ?????
GT: Surely you see the topsy turvy nature of it all?
AG: I'm simply expressing that I am encountering unexpected side effects to my GRAVE mist8ke in addition to what I had already known that I deserved and thusly, I am engaged in an assortment of daily reminders and confront8tions as a direct result of what I had done and when I say I'm DEALING with them, I mean I am working through them as 8est I can 8ecause my life UNFORTUN8TELY still continues!!!!!!!
AG: !
AG: Anyway, aren't we getting a little off topic here????????
GT: Not entirely! Im fairly sure this all is rather CIRCUMFRANCED under the same file and name!!!!
AG: Well, I apologize for coming off as insensitive.
AG: It was hardly my intent to act as though my experiences overshadow the crime committed in order to 8ring such circumstances a8out.
GT: Oh uh okay.
GT: That works just as well too!
AG: Now, what was it that you wanted to say in the first place?
GT: Well... i was hoping i could talk to you a while? Possibly grant the both of us some peace of mind?
GT: In light of recent developments id rather not trudge forward with this GREAT ERECT OF AN ISSUE looming over our heads.
GT: Its a bit of a spirit damper if you ask me!
AG: Yes, I agree.
AG: I am certainly availa8le to talk for a while!
GT: Super!
GT: I would like to first and foremost admit that i dont in fact hold hard feelings over the incidents which transpired.
GT: In fact it may even be more of benefit for me to forget about them entirely. Its obviously none of my business!
GT: What is a might disturbing is that other people dont actually... feel that way. Its rather horrible aranea i cannot begin to discuss it!
GT: Maybe the reason i have ended up coming up talk to you about it is... resolution.
GT: Starting with myself and you. And maybe for the sake of my friends as well?
AG: I'm so glad you feel that way, Jake!
AG: It's very admira8le of you, in my opinion, to take a path of understanding and compassion, for the 8enefit of others.
AG: And I'm gr8ful that you're willing to... forget a8out these things.
AG: That you 8elieve that we should have a clean sl8.
GT: Yes i really do!I mean... it wont take away from all thats already happened.
GT: However whatever occurs from this point foward will not be weighed down by the inhibitions of the past. I have a great quest to fulfill after all!!!!!
GT: And i believe it means helping you too!
AG: Thank you for saying that... I honestly can't express how much it means to me that you want to help me.
GT: Youre a part of this pickle too!!!! And if i know anything about my abilities... if i believe in the truth in something then by the by it will come true!
GT: I think you're just as meant to help us as i am aranea. And one day you shall prove it!
GT: Just mark my words! :D
AG: Hehe. That's very uplifting to hear, Jake!
AG: It isn't... too often that I feel 8elieved in.
GT: I truely am sorry all of this has transpired.
AG: Thank you. 8ut... You don't have to apologize.
GT: Regardless.
GT: I feel like perhaps we could put ourselves on the path of being friends!
GT: It will all be in honor of everything good we hope for in the future. :)
AG: ::::)
AG: Honestly... Despite it all, and despite what I had done...
AG: I just want to 8e helpful again.
AG: I want to do important things, for the good of everyone.
GT: And so you wish it and so it shall be!
GT: Everyone deserves their happy ending!
GT: Why... i may be able to be reunited with my long lost grandma some day soon!
GT: If thats not enough motivation to seek in being a grandson shed be proud of... i dont know what is!!!
GT: I hope the same for you aranea.
AG: Well, from what I can tell of you thus far, Jake... There's already plenty to 8e proud of.
AG: Can we perhaps pick this convers8tion up at another time?
GT: Absolutely!
GT: Until next time! :D
GT: Have a good evening aranea!
AG: You too. ::::)
-- academicGeniality [AG] gave up trolling gunhardyTemerity [GT] --
0 notes
gulescamisade · 8 years ago
Alaska:  Day 9, Hot Springs and Biotech
[[ As the group moves carefully through the cave system, accompanied only by occasional sounds of dripping water, and small pattering sounds, they are also able to detect a trickling far steadier than the distinct drips in the duration of their walk. Something exceptionally weird to note: the coolness within the cave miraculously appears to dissipate the more they travel. ]]
REDGLARE: -weird but not at all to question a good thing. Their protection against the elements is hardly adequate... perhaps they've stumbled across some underground stream? The liquid from the stalactites are hardly adequate.-
[[ Better than an underground stream. As they turn a bend in the caves, an underground hot springs seems too good to be true. But there it is. In front of them. Waiting. ]]
[[ Absolutely. Happy Wriggling Day, everyone. Except you, Dave. Happy Forced Exit from the Womb Day. ]]
REDGLARE: -shes stripping down for the water. WHO CARES WHO SEES WHAT AT THIS POINT. her wings have been aching and her leg is... her leg is NOT GREAT. it actually stings sharply as she lowers herself into one of the pools.-
[[ Good thing the water isn't searing hot since Redglare didnt check the temperature and might as well have cannonballed in. The water temperature itself is pleasant, much like a very very warm bath. There are even bubbles rising to the surface. Yall have your very own hot tub. ]]
NYALAH: -the days have been one dizzying painful black out to the next. She was barely able to crawl into consciousness now, much less make it standing up on her own. Her side was in a painful mend by this point, her body suffering from a lack of food or water.-
NYALAH: -despite her commitment to silence the whole time they were exploring and dodging biotech zombies, surviving the blizzard, Nyalah was forcing herself to stagger after Redglare. Also discovering the hot springs as they happen.-
NYALAH: -breath shallow from the effort and the hand clutching at her side, she follows suit, not even bothering to remove her own clothes. The dunking is nigh.-
NYALAH: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh -as the warm water touches her skin. Her body is going to have a time adjusting but at the same time, she gives little next to no shits about the risk of hyperthermia. The cat troll grits her teeth and shivers, lowering into the water.- mmmmmmh
DAVE: -getting in while in his boxers is a bad idea, considering that if his boxers get wet it's gonna be a hell of a time trying to get them dry again. and with his sensitive human skin, he really has no choice but to do what he needs to to get in there- ok im getting nude heads up DAVE: if you dont want to see my frozen dick look away -with his back in bad shape, getting his boxers off is QUITE the task-
REDGLARE: You don't h4v3 to 1ntroduc3 1t to us. -guh. pets Nyalah's head. She knows a little too little about wilderness survival to consider what the next step AFTER this would be, or how bad it would be to try wandering out into the cold after getting soaking wet, but whatever. This is. pretty ok.-
NYALAH: (i love to die) -whispers at Redglare. Even in near death, she meme.-
KARKAT: =It's a 12th perigees miracle. He's going to help Dave with his undies like a good rail then help him in and also get the fuck in himself= I've never been happier to lose a fucking bet.
DAVE: -thanks karkat. he manages to get inside and FUCK ITS SO WARM IT MAKES HIS ENTIRE BODY TINGLE-
KARKAT: =it's hot as hell but guess what he's going to drink this water too becauae goddamn=
NYALAH: -gargles water and ends up spitting it up. Her wide open broken horn is TOO SEARINGLY AWARE of temperature changes. Also she is probably making the water around her a kool-aid olive green.-
REDGLARE: -this is probably unsanitary what with HER open wound discoloring the water too.-
KARKAT: =to hell with sanitation tbh=
DAVE: -at least it's warm-
KARKAT: =his gills were dry and cracking and are now filtering their blood and various bacteria. YES. AT LEAST IS WARM=
NYALAH: -sighs, finally.... finally breathing easy.-
NYALAH: ....
NYALAH: this sucks
[[ Good thing that the temperature of the springs is hot enough to kill bacteria! They're getting clean, their wounds are being sanitized, and now they have plenty of water. No dehydration happening any time soon! ]]
NYALAH: -still sucks.-
REDGLARE: 1t d03s.
KARKAT: =Can the water also drown him? Plz, thnx. Hisses softly and just. Bye forever, sinks into it=
DAVE: -he's just gritting his teeth and letting himself settle-
NYALAH: -rests her head on the back of a rock.- i died like thr33 times
NYALAH: -sniffs-
NYALAH: what if steak happens right now i would eat so much
NYALAH: and have whipped cream donuts for desserts
REDGLARE: -She laughs, eyes sinking shut as she just... leans back.-
REDGLARE: th3r3's b4ts.
REDGLARE: 4lmost 4s good.
BATS: =how very dare??=
NYALAH: yeh rabies gives it flavor
DAVE: -peeks down to see where the fuck karkat went-
KARKAT: =hes just letting his gills get some use=
REDGLARE: C4n't b3 th3 worst of our probl3ms.
REDGLARE: -nudges at her weakly.-
REDGLARE: H4v3n't you h4d your shots.
NYALAH: -rrrrrs, eyes going a little glinty- could go for some shots
MINDFANG: -She is into the hot water up to her neck and it is the greatest feeling for her battered rib cage and near frozen extremities, its near god damn euphoric.-
NYALAH: o shit
NYALAH: -reaches into her pocket and pulls out a WHOLE DRENCHED WEED.-
NYALAH: ................................ -snRRRRKS.-
NYALAH: they never took it
KARKAT: =eyeballs the wet weed and emerges slowly= What, you making tea?
REDGLARE: -She opens up her eye to look at it.-
REDGLARE: -snorts...-
DAVE: oh shit
DAVE: find a way for us to consume it effectively
MINDFANG: -Opens one eye at Nyahla and sees the one whole weed.-
MINDFANG: -Snrks.- You are quite the smuggler.
NYALAH: -she's too busy wheezing about the stupid doobie but also eyeballs everyone.- yes
NYALAH: -totally obligated to make nip tea now. Fuck.-
DAVE: you had pain relief all this time
NYALAH: no cups tho
NYALAH: -just eats a piece of this blunt.-
REDGLARE: 1s th4t-
REDGLARE: c4n you do th4t?
REDGLARE: -squints...-
DAVE: thats one way to go about it
NYALAH: its nip
NYALAH: yes -Cat trolls do it all the time, just ask them.-
NYALAH: -passes redglare the bit weed-
KARKAT: Great just nibble a little of it. =sinks back in the water and sighs out his nose÷
MITUNA: -Doing a dead mans float in the water-
MINDFANG: -Is Mituna even alive-
REDGLARE: -nibbles and passes...-
MITUNA: -Unfortunately, he is very much alive-
MINDFANG: -You crazy kids and your wet weed nibbling.-
[[ The small pattering sounds return, little by little. ]]
REDGLARE: -Frowns, sitting up.-
[[ pitterpatter ]]
MINDFANG: -She rises out of the water some by sitting up straighter at the sound, and looking in the direction of where it is coming from if she can pinpoint it.- .......
KARKAT: =fins flick towards it, he will fucking eat whatever this is. He doesn't care anymore=
DAVE: -What the fuck NOW?!-
MINDFANG: -If its more wolves she is going to be pissed.-
NYALAH: -also rises, hiss faint in her throat.-
REDGLARE: -hefting that rock club and climbs out of the water ass naked to fight a wolf- >;I
DAVE: - he has no choice but to wait-
KARKAT: =redglares not going it alone. Here comes gives-none-fucks vantas=
MINDFANG: -Shes moving towards the edge and slowly lifting herself out of the water. Its difficult for her to want to leave the warmth thats soothing her body aches but danger takes priority.-
NYALAH: -low key 👀emojis tbh. I mean. If this is how it ends for Nyalah. Sure.-
[[ It's not a wolf....but a fish! An eyeless cave fish, to be precise. Isn't nature amazing? Except it's body is lying parallel to the floor, away from any water source. It flops. ]]
CAVE FISH: =flop flop flop!=
NYALAH: -mmmm oh my god. She's so hungry.-
KARKAT: =Alright, great he really will eat that. But more like eyeball it then approach... where did it come from?=
MINDFANG: -Stares at the eyeless fish. On one hand, potential food source. On the other, suspicion of any earth life form after the wolf incident.-
MINDFANG: Curious.
DAVE: does it have teeth  
NYALAH: -👁️👁️- i do
REDGLARE: To h3ll w1th 1t. -SORRY FISH. she's just gonna casually bash its head.- 1t's food.
[[ As soon as she does this, it twists around, revealing some biotech embedded into its side. Sprouting four, thin, metal limbs, it begins pattering back and forth, appearing somewhat confused. ]]
MINDFANG: -HHHHH. Of course.-
MINDFANG: -She is doing the same as Karkat, only her rock is a bit smaller. Not everyone can have seadweller strength.-
KARKAT: =He's just frustrated and sick of all of every single turd. SMASHES it on the small thing=
KARKAT: =He'll do you this solid for not being an entire ass this whole time. Thanks for that, he appreciates it 👍=
[[ It deded. ]]
[[ Splat. ]]
[[ There is more skittering in the distance. ]]
REDGLARE: Sh1t. sh1t. -She got her hopes up, for a second. A second too long.-
SEAKRAIT: -And in the darkness of this area of cave she rolls in seemingly from nowhere, accompanied by... you know, some more friends.-
[[ Lampetra and some more angry Earth animals, specifically. ]]
MINDFANG: -Annnnnnnnd it just got worse.-
MINDFANG: -Shes not putting down her rock for you jerks.-
LAMPETRA: =Hello friends!=
NYALAH: -Endless torment. She hisses.-
KARKAT: =He will bowl you hoes, wordlessly. Fuck you. All the way. 500%=
SEAKRAIT: -She's taking this chance in the larger cave space to put her back against Lampetra's and stand her ground against the scuttling creatures; there's a snowshoe hare, more wolves, a couple lynxes, oh and also A FUCKING BEAR.-
LAMPETRA: Just like old times, Huh?
SEAKRAIT: \|/e came to-- -FUCK. She's slicing at a leaping wolf.-
LAMPETRA: =He's batting aside a crazed bunny with his shield=
REDGLARE: -Limping towards them and the fight. She's barely armed but she's still going to swing her rock down at one of the lynxes.-
KARKAT: =Redglare you missed the assholes.=
REDGLARE: Hff. N3v3rm1nd. Th4t c4n w41t. Wh4t 4r3 th3y.
KARKAT: =Growls, chucks a rock at a bear. Whatever.=
DAVE: -he's gonna need help out of this spring when everything calms down. for now, he watches-
NYALAH: -she can't possibly hope to defend herself in this state. Her side is still splitting with pain and fear is keeping her immobile for the moment. Does her best to wiggle out of the water at least.-
MINDFANG: I highly agree with that feeling. -It would be great if the animals killed those two. Although then she wouldnt get the chance to try and do it herself.... damn. Looks like shes helping.-
MINDFANG: -Time to punch another wolf in the face.-
LAMPETRA: =He raised his shield as the rabbit forcibly leapt at them, making a dull THONK against the metal.=
LAMPETRA: Long story short, Alternia dove too deep in trying to enhance biologicial technology. It became sentient.
NYALAH: -actually laughs over in her corner. Don't look at her.- nah shit bruh
[[ The lynx Redglare clonked staggered backward, only to move toward her, it's limbs contorting as it was forced forward again. ]]
SEAKRAIT: -huffs and slings her axe again, trying to batter the wolf down long enough that she can hit the exposed bioware-
REDGLARE: -As long as this club holds out, she's going to keep bashing, teeth gritted, looking for that horrible little thing keeping the corpse moving. SHES ALREADY KIND OF SHAKING.-
REDGLARE: How m4ny mor3?
[[ The bear roars an unnatural bear sound and charges at Karkat. ]]
NYALAH: -curls in some elevated spot, possibly protecting Dave.-
KARKAT: =did it like the rock? He think that means yes. Alright. Time to sock it in its cute angry face with fish fist=
MINDFANG: And you had the pleasure of leading them all this way. -She growls and attacks one of the wolves with her strong robot fist while trying to locate the bioware to rip it out.-
[[ Eventually, Redglare's rapid, continuous bashing manages to strike precisely upon the bit of tech burrowed behind the ear of the lynx. The animal no longer moves. ]]
SEAKRAIT: -SLICE goes this biowolf, and she's spinning around to throw her axe toward the bear's back now that it's distracted. Bye axe tho...-
DAVE: -nyalah you're a babe-
DAVE: -keepin calm...-
NYALAH: -dave youre really nude rn.-
LAMPETRA: =Without having to spare a glance over his shoulder, he swung his shield around him and Seakrait, knocking back another wolf as it leapt at them.=
MITUNA: -Still floating in the water-
LAMPETRA: =kicks it!= This is just freaky, man!
BIOBUNNY: =flies off into the darkness=
SEAKRAIT: -bye bunnicula...-
DAVE: -i'm super naked yes but i am in this spring-
NYALAH: -now would be such a great selfie time tbh.-
NYALAH: -but alas...-
[[ The bear ROARS at the axe and the punch to the face. The axe hit a piece of bioware, but not the whole thing; it's sort of limping now, trying to wrestle Karkat. ]]
DAVE: -my camera was taken :(-
KARKAT: =dont worry they can kick the camera out these guys after fightingthese animals. Karkat quick to catch on at least foing to grab the bear muzzle to rip out the rest of the bioware.=
[[ The wolf does not appreciate Mindfang's groping and goes to nom her arm. But her efforts are partially successful. Her searching has uncovered biotech beneath the fur at its jawline. ]]
BEAR: -COLLAPSES HEAVY and probably a good bit onto Karkat. A blanket.-
MINDFANG: -It doesn't feel good to have it chewing on her circuits, but its better then having it chew on any other part of her. She grits her teeth and tries to hold it back like this while she claws at the biotech with her other hand.-
SEAKRAIT: -spin kicks another lynx; the animal parade is ALMOST done for now. This should be easy cleanup if they keep at it-
KARKAT: =Cozy as this is he throws the bear husk on some other animals. Dangerously close to Seakrait and Lampetra=
REDGLARE: -She is at least partially motivated by spite as she tries to rip the axe out of the bear's back, swinging down at the MONSTROSITIES.-
LAMPETRA: =at Karkat= :\ =Hey man, uncool.=
KARKAT: =He stares back, he doesn't fucking care=
SEAKRAIT: -ITS WHATEVER MAN. She leans out of the way with a pant-
NYALAH: -put some pants on, Dave. Nyalah is handing him her own pair of pants. She can stand around in boxers, it's fine.-
[[ Redglare's strife specibus switches from CLUBKIND to AXEKIND in a hilarious turn of events. ]]
NYALAH: -👀 -
[[ It's easy for Mindfang to feel around as the wolf is preoccupied with her other arm. Just be careful that the wiring doesnt consider you to be a better host! ]]
DAVE: -carefully uses arm strength alone to get himself OUT of the hotsprings despite thow bad it's making the pain shoot through his arms, too. his boxers are still right there, so he thankfully tries to maneuver the boxers AND nyalah's pants on-
NYALAH: -Finally. The dicks out thing was being really distracting.-
REDGLARE: -PROBABLY LOSES HER STALAGMITE AS A RESULT but whatever. ITS COOL. I mean it does kinda suck when someone takes your signature weapon though RIGHT- REDGLARE: -I MEAN GOSH THAT MUST REALLY SUCK-
[[ The stalagmite is indeed launched out of Redglare's hands, where it hits the rabbit squarely in the face as it reemerged from the shadows. ]]
MINDFANG: -IT BETTER NOT. Shes going to rip it out with her bare hand and try and crush it as fast as possible. Before her arm gets any more dented from these chomps.-
SEAKRAIT: Redglare! -decidedly tosses RG's cane her way now that the flurry of animal parts are slightly less encroaching. Glances around at the sea of faces and also ejects Dave's sword in his general direction-
REDGLARE: -WOW pettiness must really work......-
MITUNA: -Rises from the water, psionic energy skittering along his body. There's a lot of chaos happening. People fighting animals, two of those assholes that hurt them are here too. The screams hurt, makes it hard to focus, but his eyes start glowing.-
REDGLARE: ... th4nks.
DAVE: -wait a second...tHATS HIS SWORD!!! AHH!!! HE GRABS IT-
NYALAH: -she wishes she was high right now. Hey cops. Where'd you put all her weed.-
MITUNA: -He's a chargin his lazor-
KARKAT: =please fry them=
NYALAH: -she meant when they EMPTIED HER SYLLADEX but okay Rg. 👀-
SEAKRAIT: -we know nothing about any weed... no but really she nods at Redglare and scoops her axe back up to decidedly throw it down on this goddamn hare. STAY DOWN FOREVER.-
REDGLARE: -She stumbles under her own weigh, some of the adrenaline ebbing away as she manages to keep herself from falling by leaning on the stick. It's kind of a stumble but she's gonna try to dress herself at least slightly.-
[[ The hare as well as the biotech upon it is decidedly crushed, hopefully for the final time. It is still. ]]
NYALAH: -Lame. Oh well. It was worth it.-
SEAKRAIT: -wait fuck that's psionic energy over there. She grabs Lampetra's arm like WE SHOULD PROBS MOVE-
KARKAT: =nono, stay right there=
LAMPETRA: =Gets out of way, following after her. Maybe puts his shield to good use too.=
KARKAT: =good yes.=
[[ IT'S SUPER FUCKING LOUD. Let's also hope there's not a cave-in, folks. ]]
MITUNA: -Just gonna burninate everything in his line of sight. Yay.-
NYALAH: -Lucky she's out of RANGE.-
[[ Mituna pretty much purified the area of biotech, that's for sure! Another lynx, relatively untouched by anyone, is now burnt to a crisp. The biotech leaps off of it, on fire. It skittered across the ground toward the crew before fizzling out and falling limply at their feet ]]
REDGLARE: -huffs as she gingerly pulls on a pair of underpants and her tanktop, eyeing the line of destruction and the burned up animals in its path.-
MITUNA: -His gazeblast fizzles out and he just...floats himself to the edge of spring and sits, scowling at seacrate and lampetrol-
KARKAT: =huffs= Good. Good job Mituna. Now that that's handled. Let's take care of the other fucking parasites.
NYALAH: -pads over to lick Mituna. Sniff his wounds.-
LAMPETRA: =brow raise= I'm Parasite.
MITUNA: -Why she lick me-
KARKAT: The first step is acceptance. The next is messier. =Baring fangs at her, gills flared=
LAMPETRA: =he held his shield across his body, shielding Seakrait too.=
LAMPETRA: You're really going to attack us now?
SEAKRAIT: STOP. \|/e didn't come here to fight.
SEAKRAIT: My name is Micexa Neshen, this is Hesony Zelleu. \|/e were-- team 87B of the legislacerators, with Terezi Pyrope.
MITUNA: and look a7 wha7 you le7 happen
LAMPETRA: LET happen?! We were trying to prevent it!
MITUNA: grea7 fucking job
MICEXA: ...Sunny. It's alright.
HESONY: We could say the same for you-- =When Micexa spoke, he backed down, though his lip was still curled.=
REDGLARE: -She takes a sharp breath.- S-stop.
REDGLARE: 1 r3m3mb3r thos3 n4m3s.
REDGLARE: Sh3 told m3 4bout you.
NYALAH: -guh. This is very stressful for her. Watch her step aside to hack up the weed she ate earlier. Excuse.-
REDGLARE: -She slumps to sit. Weakly. The binding for her wound is long gone, now, and she eyes the discoloration again.-
HESONY: https://31.media.tumblr.com/b4b93178d916e9e0c52eeb0a23bf6adf/tumblr_inline_nejn5fCzWh1s4sxxd.gif
KARKAT: =eat his entire ass, son=
MICEXA: You saw that woman. If we had shown weakness or hesitance...
MICEXA: -her face twists somewhat- I was trying to warn you, to be compliant. For her sake. For all your sakes.
HESONY: And you didn't listen.
MICEXA: -rests a hand on Hesony's arm.- But it doesn't matter now. \|/e need to keep moving.
NYALAH: fuck you actually in the t33th broh -swallows dryly and stands. Hhh.-
MITUNA: you don7 ma77er
MICEXA: No. Maybe not. But blame certainly doesn't.
MICEXA: It won't make a difference to her now.
HESONY: Shut it Sparky.
NYALAH: (b33ch)
MITUNA: 347 MY 3N71R3 8ULG3 817CH 80Y
KARKAT: =Expels water so hard from his gills, yup. Sorry. He's throwing this boulder.=
MINDFANG: -Karkat you should probably throw the boulder, she endorses it.-
REDGLARE: -shitting FUCK she is going to try to push herself up and into the goddamn way as he starts to heave it.- DO NOT.
REDGLARE: -its... Not exactly the most graceful movement. She's stumbling and in pain just trying to get up that quick, but all the same.-
MINDFANG: -Redglare what are you DOING.-
KARKAT: =Stares at Redglare. Chest heaving.... he respects her. She was close to Terezi... and she shouldn't be moving. Drops it and pins his fins back, giving her a steady hand=
KARKAT: =bro ..... you are my rock=
NYALAH: -Gdi. Same tho. She's gay too.-
REDGLARE: look 4t us. W3 n33d. 4ny h3lp w3 c4n f1nd.
REDGLARE: W3 h4v3n't spok3n to our cr3w 1n d4ys 4nd w3 st1ll h4v3 our ord3rs to f1nd th3m.
HESONY: =he nodded at Redglare= We Have supplies for you.
HESONY: Water, food, winter clothes...
KARKAT: =They could kill and loot these two. Easy, but she's right. Clenches his jaw=
MICEXA: ...Just a few of your personal effects. The others have the rest. \|/e could only get so much before we ran.
MINDFANG: -She does indeed have a point. However, guys, once we are out of the cave then we kill them right?-
HESONY: =he nodded, confirming Micexa's words= We even managed to acquire one of your comms devices.
REDGLARE: w3 n33d to cont4ct th3m.
REDGLARE: Th3r3 4r3 p3opl3 who d3s3rv3 to know.
MICEXA: -uncaptchalogues the communication device and offers it over to Redglare. She doesn't seem particularly proud about it.-
HESONY: =he took a few steps towards them, emptying his sylladex of vital supplies in question. There are a new change of clothes for everyone in various sizes, including warm jackets. Please dress yourselves.=
DAELOS: -Hunched against the wall, panting- watching the legiscerators with disdain and wariness.-
REDGLARE: -She takes it, letting a breath go. Then she turns over her shoulder and offers it to Karkat, instead.-
HESONY: =after he is finshed, he backed away again.=
MITUNA: -Still scowling at them, eyes glowing, ready. He's not above murder, right now.-
KARKAT: =Takes it. It feels heavy he just goes off to a corner to like, fuck himself with it or whatever=
NYALAH: -at least gets a jacket on, not caring that she's dripping wet.-
MICEXA: -once he checks it he should be able to tell it was Terezi's-
DAELOS: -Helps Nyalah get her clothes on before bothering with himself.-
REDGLARE: -Shaky and shivery as she goes to get the clothes on. She's a little bit feverish, right now, but it already feels a little better.-
NYALAH: -Stop it, you loaf. Now she's helping Daelos.- dumbass ass ass
KARKAT: =ok in that case hes going in the corner to cry=
DAVE: -looks at those winter clothes desperately. HE NEEDS-
DAELOS: I canter even believe you are moving around of your own volition, let alone pausing to insult me -FUSSES, BITCHES.-
HESONY: =take them, Thinskin!=
DAELOS: -Lets her help him tho because....He's so tired.-
NYALAH: not you
REDGLARE: You r4n. 4r3 you go1ng b4ck?
MINDFANG: -She doesnt exactly feel like trusting them, but quite honestly what is the worst that clothes could do shes grabbing sizes that will fit her and pulling them on as quick as she can.-
MINDFANG: -The jacket takes a moment or two, the wolf teeth did a number on her robo arm at the elbow joint, its stiff.-
HESONY: =stares at Redglare in complete silence then LAUGHS=
MICEXA: -glances at Sunny. Same...-
MICEXA: There's no going back now.
HESONY: Are you kidding? We go back, we die.
MITUNA: -Uses his psionics to dress, because his left arm is fucking useless.-
DAVE: -crawlings a no and he's gonna need some assistance standing up- someone toss me clothes for fucks sake
MITUNA: you 5hould go back
DAELOS: It would only be the begining of your recompense
NYALAH: -Are u sure Mituna? Nyalah licked it.-
MITUNA: -It's fucking broken but thanks kitty-
HESONY: =flips Mituna off=
NYALAH: -purr purr purr.-
MINDFANG: -Dave the human, you are so sad. She takes some pity and brings him clothes that she thinks will fit him.- Please tell me you have some way of getting dressed yourself.
MITUNA: -Flings a rock at his head-
NYALAH: h33 h33
KARKAT: =thank you Mituna=
MICEXA: -why is Terezi's new swarm so bad at listening jfc-
DAVE: no ive lost the use of all parts of my body -pretends to go limp but that hurts too- FUCK
HESONY: =the rock bounces off his noggin. There is a little bit of blood, but for the most part, he's hard-headed=
MINDFANG: ........ Incredi8le.
HESONY: =staring at mituna flatly=
KARKAT: =wipes his face then goes to help Dave get dressed. Gives him something to do= Move. I got it.
KARKAT: Not you Dave. You don't move.
DAVE: hey i was gonna get pretty then go over to you DAVE: how am i gonna play hero now
MINDFANG: -Thank you Karkat, please take care of your rail so she does not.- Alright.
MINDFANG: -Moves aside and takes a moment to herself to roll up her sleeve and inspect the damage to her robot limb.-
KARKAT: You can do that later. =helps him out=
MITUNA: -Now Sunny is the one being flipped off-
[[ It got wolf chomped pretty great. There are some small dents in it, in the very least. ]]
MICEXA: \|/henever you're ready, we'll make our way out of here. I have a plan to get us out of this state.
MICEXA: ...But.
HESONY: =busy flipping Mituna off again=
DAVE: -fine- so we need to go to minnesota
MICEXA: -glances at Redglare specifically- You're badly infected.
MINDFANG: -Earth sucks ass. God damn wolves.-
DAVE: yeah redglare
DAVE: holdin us all up with your stanky leg and shit
REDGLARE: 1 c4n w4lk.
MINDFANG: For now you can.
MINDFANG: What a8out l8ter.
MICEXA: It could spread to your heart.
KARKAT: =dave please= You need that taken care of. If i can't kill them them you can't have a bum leg.
HESONY: ....She's right.
KARKAT: =said while dressing Dave, not even looking at them=
REDGLARE: just p41n. 1 c3n h4ndl3 th4t.
REDGLARE: -glances back at Karkat... And Mindfang... and then both Hesony and Micexa.-
REDGLARE: -Hisses softly, under her breath.- sh1t.
HESONY: I get it, okay? Pyropes can go a long way before keeling but this is different.
DAVE: sure
DAVE: and i was just cold the other night
DAELOS: -Does he have his tool box back?-
KARKAT: Great. Thanks.
KARKAT: =the other two can die in a hole.=
REDGLARE: -She is not talking as she slumps back to sitting.-
MICEXA: -frowns, quiet for a long moment.-
MICEXA: ...I can make it quick.
HESONY: =been there almost done that=
REDGLARE: 4lr1ght.
DAVE: -o boy-
KARKAT: =next time try harder=
HESONY: =waves mituna over= We're gonna need you, Sparky.
MICEXA: I need a belt, towels, and yes, you-- psionic-- I'm going to need you to cauterize the wound.
DAELOS: Hold on a moment
DAELOS: Please
HESONY: =welp, he's unbuckling his own and sliding his belt from his waist.=
MINDFANG: Cauterize the.... -Oh.-
DAELOS: -A little loudly-
MICEXA: -glances at Daelos-
DAELOS: Is my toolbo% in your possesion
DAELOS: By any chance...
MITUNA: 3XCU53 7H3 5H17 0U7 0F MY 5P1N4L CR3V1C3
DAVE: -pulls karkats face into him because he knows he can't handle this-
MICEXA: The only other thing we have is... Just give it to them, Sunny.
KARKAT: =He's seen ear Dave, but it's appreciated. He still looks tho,redglare needs things to bite down on=
KARKAT: =She can have his arm or something=
HESONY: =His sigh is hitched and he produced Terezi's cane. Just kind of...holds it.=
DAVE: -no????-
DAELOS: -He sighs- Nothing else
HESONY: Sorry. =he says, kind of lamely.=
REDGLARE: -u giant blue stoner-
NYALAH: -It's okay, Daelos. Weed just can't solve every problem.-
MITUNA: -That...probably wouldn't help???-
KARKAT: =GLARES at Daelos or he would but stares at her cane=
DAELOS: -It's better than nothing.-
DAELOS: Ah well...proceed
HESONY: =Wanna nom on this, Rg?=
MICEXA: -she's too busy tying Redglare's thigh with a belt to offer her something softer to bite-
HESONY: =Hey, their buddy Kreyse had this made, it aint from some piece of shit steel=
KARKAT: =no buddies are here for you, sir=
NYALAH: -gotta high tail it out of this cave. She can't do this. Don't worry, she's not going far.-
DAVE: -ur buddy is dead-
MITUNA: wai7 5o you wan7 me 7o gazebla57 her leg
HESONY: =Too soon, Dave.=
MITUNA: wha7 7he fuck
KARKAT: =he would also say they weren't buddies. They're both dickwads=
HESONY: =carefully turns to Mituna= Unless you want her to bleed to death?
REDGLARE: -shes gonna stuff some coat fabric into her mouth instead, that may work.-
MICEXA: -just kind of stiff... this isn't very fun. But at least she knows what this is like. She stuffs some more extra fabric under her leg to make it comfortable and eventually catch some of the blood before picking up her axe to clean it off, turned away where Redglare doesn't have to see-
MICEXA: Do you want a warning?
MITUNA: UM W417 HOLD ON FUCK DUD3 H0LY 5H17 -He's not ready!-
HESONY: ....
HESONY: =to Mituna= Do you want a warning?
REDGLARE: -closes her eyes and shakes her head. SHE is ready, at least.-
MITUNA: Y35???????
HESONY: =Holds up his hand. 5.=
HESONY: =puts down a finger. 4.=
MICEXA: \|/e can't wait for more of them to find us.
MICEXA: -turns toward Redglare, glancing at Hesony and counting in her head as she raises the axe.-
MITUNA: -He's really jittery and sparky-
HESONY: =3.....2.....1.=
MICEXA: -and with the rest of the countdown, she swings the axe, quick and sure.-
REDGLARE: -It is bloody, but done. She is shaking and not looking at the damage. It's hardly a delicate surgery, but she keeps her eye open through it, clamping down hard on the cloth and muffling her scream.-
HESONY: =He just...puts a hand on Redglare's shoulder, squeezing it. There there.=
MITUNA: -He's screaming too, and that's helping him keep from vomiting at the moment. There is enough focus, to concentrate his blast on the stump of her leg, the scent of seared flesh fills the air-
MICEXA: -moves the missing leg out of the way for Mituna-
HESONY: =wow, he's so out of practice at comforting others it shows.=
NYALAH: -the explosion of blood is making her gag and hurl in the other cave chamber. There's nothing in her digestive sac to upheave but here she is.-
REDGLARE: -okay NOw She is SURE BLACKING OUT. so much for staying awake.-
KARKAT: =There to catch her=
KARKAT: =he's sorry about all this. And it shows=
MITUNA: -Once he's done he just....lurches forward and dry heaves bile-
HESONY: Good job, Sparky.
KARKAT: =yep....he frowns then glares at Hesony=
MITUNA: -Throws up in his general direction. Fuck you buddy??????-
MICEXA: -gritting her teeth as she quickly cleans off the blood on her axe. She stows it away. She's sorry, too, but it won't do much good to say.- MICEXA: She should be okay. MICEXA: Just needs rest. MICEXA: \|/e're heading for a compound. The blizzard's heavy, so we have some time before communication can reach them about Sunny and I. \|/e should be able to get transport and maybe a few supplies if we hurry.
Last Monday at 5:09 PM
HESONY: =makes a face at Mituna but...turns back to Redglare. Taking out a small first aid kit, he covered Redglare's affected area with saline before placing gauze pads over it and wrapping it up in bandage.=
NYALAH: -stumbles back into the chamber. Sweaty and ashened faced and just. Done with everything.- lets fucking do this shit
KARKAT: =he can carry redglare and he also got dressed at some point, not liking at the doucheduo= Then let's go.
DAELOS: -Are they actually getting out of this alive? It doesn't feel real.-
HESONY: =that's the plan=
[[ The ground had gradually begun to incline upwards over the duration of a few hours, making the climb slightly more difficult. However, it may be a good sign they are heading towards the surface once again. ]]
NYALAH: -bottom line is, she's scrambling for her life. Panting heavily. Possibly feverishly.-
DAELOS: -He's basicallly dragging himself like a large blue slug, lagging far behind the rest of the group.-
REDGLARE: -murmuring fitfully, now and then. She's out with a cold sweat. Maybe she's wandering in the dream bubbles...-
(FEFETASPRITE): -she has a dream of a certain catfish ghost waving to her as she floats through the void.- 3833
MICEXA: -waits a little and offers Daelos a hand. She managed to carry him down this hole, she can probably help him out of it.-
HESONY: =after he believed Karkat had sufficiently calmed down a bit, he fell in step beside him. Wordlessly, he handed over the cane to him.=
MITUNA: -That's Karkat's secret. He's never calm.-
DAVE: -bringing up the rear, sword in hand. significantly slow, but it works for their efforts, even if he does get hit with extreme pains from time to time-
MITUNA: -He could just...float you. You don't have to suffer my guy-
DAVE: -no pain no gain-
MITUNA: -No?????-
KARKAT: =Truth. He's just carrying Redglare but he takes her cane without a word. Looking over it sadly, silently and continuing to walk.=
KARKAT: =Also dave don't be dumb=
KARKAT: =Same to you Mituna=
DAVE: -I'm NOT i'm MOVING myself-
MICEXA: -gdi, she glances at Sunny and the human. Pls help this weird alien kid-
MINDFANG: -Dont worry if one of them falls she will drag them-
MINDFANG: -Are you sure Dave, she could always drag you.-
DAVE: -how is that any better?!-
MINDFANG: -Would you rather be left behind?-
DAVE: -yeah actually-
HESONY: =ugh, FINE, miss! He fell back in line and scooped Dave up in a fireman's carry=
HESONY: =carefully=
DAVE: oh hell no
KARKAT: =stares into Hesony's fucking soul=
MITUNA: i go7 him
DAVE: you gonna go for my throat again
DAVE: if you do it might make for an artistic death picture
DAVE: i dont think i had enough of a concussion before
HESONY: Shut up. I'm Helping.
MITUNA: -Floats Dave away from Sunny-
MITUNA: i go7 you bromigo
DAVE: put me down
MITUNA: -Do not break the dave?-
MICEXA: -stares at the ceiling like jfc- Infighting isn't going to get us to the surface any faster.
MITUNA: le7 him go bulgero7
HESONY: =At Mituna= You are being childish.
MICEXA: Sunny, just let him go. If they want to waste their energy, let them.
MICEXA: \|/e've done what we can.
HESONY: =one by one removes his fingers=
DAVE: -the pain from the resistance is a lot MAKE UP YOUR DAMN MIND GUYS-
KARKAT: =allow him to motivate you. Grabs the wrist= Go to the only person here that can stand you.
MITUNA: -Shhhh, he's got you Dave. He should feel floaty now, maybe even a little tingly. Enjoy the ride Dave, you earned it.-
MICEXA: He was trying to help. That boy won't last much longer on his feet, and we can't afford to wait.
KARKAT: He's socially inept along with being a dick. Use words not that he'd take the help. Now stop fucking around or I will literally fucking eat your hand.
HESONY: =just glaring down at all these pipsqueaks in this 7'5" glory.=
DAVE: mituna dont
DAVE: no
DAVE: stop over exerting the mind you just got back
MITUNA: i go7 him
DAVE: oh christ
MITUNA: 5hu7 up bro7a7o you weigh fuck all
DAVE: whatever
REDGLARE: -She might be scolding people to pretend to get along if she were awake, but she's still super unconscisous
MITUNA: like a bean
MICEXA: -growls. He already let go pls-
KARKAT: =He didn't punch him at least.=
MITUNA: bean dave
HESONY: =jerks his wrist from Karkat and just stomps ahead to scout out an exit to this stupid cave.=
KARKAT: =THAT'S FUCKING RIGHT STRING BEAN. Adjusts Redglare gently and walks on=
DAVE: shut up
MITUNA: mi57er beeeeheheeeeeneh
DAVE: why
MICEXA: -watches after Sunny... they promised to do something but it sure isn't easy. Not that she expected it to be. Of course they hate them, after what happened. She hates herself, too. But she keeps giving herself reasons to keep moving, and maybe one day, she will figure out why.-
HESONY: =Fuck yeah, it was hard! It was beyond him how Terezi could get along with so much of the disagreeable sorts, but they did promise. No matter how much he wanted to leave them to their own devices, he couldn't. If he and Miss died because of these people....well...at least he could say, "Look, Rez, I tried, but your friends are real assholes."=
[[ Soon he is able to hear a very faint howling of the wind, and far up head, there is a sliver of flickering light coming from behind a thin crevice. ]]
MITUNA: -I mean. She'd agree. We are assholes. That's why she loves us.-
HESONY: =She loved us too! As least I have the common decency to use past tense!=
MITUNA: -Honestly go fuck yourself her love continues in death-
MICEXA: -YALL... chill...-
HESONY: =You probably know 100% more about the dead than me!=
MICEXA: -oh ok-
HESONY: =eventually he's coming back down towards them to report=
HESONY: Now try not to give yourself wedgies, but I see light back there.
HESONY: =jabs his thumb in the direction he came=
MICEXA: Everyone ready for the storm?
HESONY: Unless you wish to stay in Here of all places, of course.
NYALAH: i say it again
NYALAH: lets fucking do this thing -not stopping. She's doing the whole wheezy climb up.-
[[ When they get to the crevice, they will see that some of the bigger trolls will have to side step through it. ]]
HESONY: =he holds his hand up to Nyalah, not touching her. Everyone seemed to have a problem with that LAST time.= Wait. I will make sure it is clear.
HESONY: =he turned and shimmied through, glancing at his device before looking ahead into the storm. Not long after, he waved for the others to come out. He's even going to put his shield over the entrance so yall don't get snow in your faces. Your welcome.=
NYALAH: -she's too tired to notice these things. Her energy is at max cap.-
MICEXA: -nods and ushers everybody through. LETS GET THIS ROAD ON THE SHOW-
LATULA: -SHE'S not passed out at least... INTO THE COLD-
[[ Using a handy dandy GPS to get them to the nearest town, Tanana, the group sees their first signs of civilization as the lights of the small city appear on the horizon. It has a population of 308. ]]
NYALAH: -nice town. And just as she's thinking about it, she collapses. Blacked out again.-
HESONY: =just...looks at her then glances up at the rest of the crew= You gonna rip my arm off if I attempt to carry her?
NYALAH: -Fuck u. She still has 6 more lives left. She's GOOD. And also unmoving, faceplanted in the snow.-
DAVE: mituna
DAVE: no
MITUNA: mi7una ye5
KARKAT: =he can't carry everyone but he could try, sighs= Just let him carry her for now since he learned how to use words.
KARKAT: No one wants to be around the other longer than we have to.
MICEXA: -she's not slowing down this time.- \|/e should get close, find somewhere to hide you all... I'll go in and get transport.
MICEXA: -glances at Sunny-
MICEXA: No guarantees we'll be able to make an easy stop after this. \|/e should get as many supplies as we can.
HESONY: =to Mituna= You're gonna burn yourself out keeping that up.
HESONY: =He nodded once Miss spoke and gathered Nyalah into his arms.= Good plan, say we're going on a road trip. Say The Expunger told us to hit the road or else. =He's trying to be funny. Is it working?=
MITUNA: already did i7 once and i7 wa5 doing 5ome7hing a lo7 harder 7han 7hi5
NYALAH: -if she were conscious, she would be snickering cuz Mituna said he "did it". Oh also he said hard.-
NYALAH: -ragdolls in Sunny's arms. Noodlecat.-
HESONY: =He swears that every single one of them is purposely trying to make his life difficult=
NYALAH: -stfu she only weighs like 3 potatoes. Weak.-
HESONY: There are forests bordering the town. We can remain there while you obtain transportation.
HESONY: Be careful. The Expunger may Have already delivered a warning.
MICEXA: \|/e'll see. -looks at Hesony for a few moments... and then OFF SHE GOES-
MICEXA: -Why does this feel so familiar?? Oh wait-
MICEXA: -turns around real quick, runs back over to Sunny... kisses him right on the mouth.- MICEXA: -RUNS OFF FOR REAL THIS TIME-
DAVE: -wow. such romance. very love. wow.-
HESONY: =He returned the kiss, watching her run off. Just like sweeps before. Wow. So familiar it burns.=
HESONY: =He led the group into the forest, to wait and kept watch upon the city for any sign of activity. It isn't until later that he realizes he's alone with all these people who probably hate him. Well, probably isn't the right word so much as definitely.=
MITUNA: -Suck it up buttercup-
DAVE: -definitely-
HESONY: =Stick it where the sun dont shine, Sparky.=
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aesopianalgedonic · 10 years ago
AA: *So these past days have been pretty interesting. The kismesis is now a crabdad, yellow matesprit has awakened but is very confused by things overall and now she has been randomly paired up with the resident prisoner. Not that Damara was one to be very fazed by murderers by any means, seeing as she was one herself. Being on security meant that she didn't have to wait very long to get permisson tovisit Aranea. She doesn't really know what to expect since she hasn't talked to Aranea since Meenah was around. She ceased to be "useful" when Meenah died. With a grin that was more lowkey and suitable for the situation, Damara enters the visiting area carrying quite the bit of various goods.*
AG: *aranea isn't too sure what damara could possi8ly want with her. may8e another interrogation was in order? she was on edge a8out it, 8ut not exactly complaining. of course, she couldn't really tell if she should 8e unsettled or put at ease 8y that smile*
AG: Um, hello Damara. *eyes the GOODS* What do you have there?
AA: *Probably both of those things, really. Damara keeps the smile on, nodding her head a little.* HELLO ARANEA. *She approaches without hesitance, taking a seat if available.* I HAVE BEEN ASSIGNED TO YOU AS YOUR PARTNER IN FUN. THE THERES I HAVE HERES IS ACTIVITIES I WAS SUGGESTED TO BE DOING. *Boom. She takes it out and it is a bunch of supplies for paper mache, and also a Pictionary game box. Also HMMM there might also be a fuzzy sweater in there???*
AA: *Not in the game box but amongst the items.*
AG: *8links* Er... Fun? Activities? What's this all a8out?
AG: *squints* Did someone else organize a partnered event? Was it Eridan? Or did he put someone else in that position? MY position???????? *SO MANY QUESTIONS. she's so mad a8out this suddenly. organizing stupid events is HER JO8*
AA: YES. FUN AND ALSO ACTIVITIES. POSSIBLY BOTH AT ONCE. *Is taking this in stride, and if there is table all the items are going on it, sans the fuzzy sweater. She has that in her lap for now.* SOMEONE ELSE DID DO THIS, YES. THE CAPTAIN AMPORA AND SWEETEST MARYAM. *Oh. Nice. So smooth.* DO NOT THINK THERE HAS BEEN ASSIGNED A NEW FIRST MATE AS OF YET. MUST BE DIFFICULT TO BE FINDING A REPLACEMENT FOR HER. *Small smiles. Look how FRIENDLY she is Aranea. Chill your beez.*
AG: Oh... Well, I can't very well 8e angry with Porrim of all people. *she could try, though. oh my god, will she try*
AG: And thank you for that sentiment, Damara. That means a lot to me, even if I'm less inclined to 8elieve the truth in it these days. Perhaps even 8efore my current situ8tion... *sighs and looks at the items curiously*
AG: What are we doing, then? And why?
AA: *Small chuckle.* IT IS VERY DIFFICULT TO. *She shakes her head lightly, still smiling as she idly runs a finger along the Pictionary box.* SHE HAS TROUBLE BELIEVING COMPLIMENTS. YES. I REMEMBER THIS. GLAD TO SEE THAT HER SITUATION HAS YET TO CHANGE HER. *She puts her hand back in her lap.* THE ASSIGNMENTS GIVEN ARE FOR FUN. HAVE WITH ME FOR PAPER MACHE AND DRAWING GAMES. SHE CAN BE PICKING. OR BE DOING BOTH? OR NEITHER. I AM LEAVING IT WITH YOUR CHOICE. *She lifts the sweater she had been keeping in her lap.* ALSO BROUGHT HER THIS. IT CAN BE COLD IN CELLS, OR SO I HAVE BEEN HEARING. *It's just a simple cobalt sweater, though it is INSANELY fluffy. Like this is so fluffy she is likely going to wind up looking like a huge blue fluffy cloud upon wearing it.*
AG: Oh...! Thank you. *she accepts the sweater with a small smile, and a genuine one, holding it to herself while she considers her options*
AG: I do like the sound of 8oth. 8ut perhaps would could save one for another time?
AA: YOU ARE WELCOME. *Small nod, still smiling. She laces her fingers together, resting her chin on them, elbows on the table. She hums in thought.* YES. *She eventually says, sitting back straight.* YES. THIS WILL BE GOOD. WHICH ONE DOES SHE FEEL LIKE DOING MOST? GETTING DOWN AND WET WITH PAPER? OR KEEPING IT DRY FOR THE DRAWING ACTION?
AG: *wow, she forgot all a8out damara's... interesting word choices. she clears her throat.* Well, I would have to go with the paper mache. It seems just slightly more involved and hands on, and it's 8een so long since... *wait, that doesn't sound right. dammit, stop putting weird thoughts in her head!!!!!!!!*
AG: Let's just do the paper mache!
AA: LONG SINCE SHE HAS GOTTEN WET? *Headtilt.* YES. WOULD IMAGINE THERE IS NOT MUCH TO BE CAUSING THIS IN THIS PLACE. NOT MUCH SCULPTING MATERIALS, NO? *She smiles though, like nothing is amiss, putting the game away for now.* ADMIT. I AM NOT TOO GOOD AT THIS. IT ALWAYS BECOMES TOO WET WHEN I HANDLE IT. *Sighs sadly as she prepares the paper mache stuff things.*
AG: *composes herself so she can ACTUALLY get somewhere here* I can't say that I'm a professional with arts and crafts, either. 8ut I'm sure 8etween the two of us, we'll figure out the ideal amount of wetness!
AG: For the strips of paper.
AA: *Smiles cheerfully at her.* YES. I THINK SO TOO. IT IS EASIER TO GET THINGS WET PROPER. IF COMMUNICATION IS HAPPENING. *The glue mixture is done and so there is paper and cardboard for the base shapes and OH MY SO MUCH STUFF. Damara hums.* HAS SHE ANY IDEA AS OF WHAT TO BE MAKING? MYSELF I AM THINKING SOME BEAST.
AG: What a8out a spider? *looks at the shapes they have availa8le* That would 8e easy enough. A round 8ody with legs attached to it.
AG: I think that'd 8e adora8le, even. ::::)
AA: *There are spheres and tubes and bits and pieces to make other shapes. All the shapes are possible here Aranea, the mind is the limit. Damara seems to mull it over, then smiles with a nod.* YES. THINK THIS IS SOUNDING LIKE CUTE IDEA. PERHAPS MAKE SMALLER CHILDREN SPIDERS TO BE RIDING UPON THE BIG SPIDER BACK? ALL WITH TINY HAIRY LEGS.
AG: Damara, that's precious! *there are sparkles in all eight of her pupils* Let's get right to work. I can hardly wait to see this project completed.
AG: Of course, it will take time to dry and what not 8ut... That's 8esides the point.
AG: We can just make the young in the meantime!
AA: *Aww. Nothing like the twinkle in a murderlady's eye to brighten up someone's day.* I AM GLAD SHE THINKS SO. THE WORK WILL BE SWIFT SO SHE CAN LAY EYES UPON THE MANY CUTE SPIDER FACES. *She nods cheerfuly.* IN THE DRYING TIME WE CAN MAKE THE SMALL ONES. AND MAKE OTHER SMALL THINGS. LIKE TALKING? THINK IT WOULD BE NICE. *She helps herself with one of the spheres to make the spider bod.*
AG: Oh... Sure. I'd like that. *she's still a little wary a8out all this, 8ut gets right to it anyway 8y wetting down a paper strip despite that*
AG: They've provided me with some reading material upon request. Periodicals that some of the guards have on their possession, mainly. As if making a short trip to the li8rary to pick up something is too inconvenient. *scoffs* You know, there is a certain protocol in place for the treatment of prisoners! I read all a8out it, of course. As First M8, it was in the jo8 description to know all a8out that  sort of thing.
AG: ... Not that protocol really matters anymore, now does it? *slaps a gluey strip onto the spider sphere*
AA: *She wets some paper strips too once the spider spheres have been put in a spider shape. She nods slowly.* YES. PROTOCOL IS NOT SO MUCH IN THE MINDS OF ALL. WHEN THESE THINGS HAPPEN MANY THINGS ESCAPE PRIORITY LIST. HOWEVER. *She pauses as she applies a strip to the to-be spider.* I HAVE BECOME GUARD. IF SHE WISHES I CAN BE BRINGING HER OTHER THINGS FOR READING. THE ROUNDS ARE MADE REGARDLESS IF I AM MAKING DETOUR.
AG: *she manages another small smile* Would you do that for me? 8ecause it definitely would make passing the time that much easier for me. *also applies another strip* It would 8e nice to have someone as kind as you on the inside, treating me with the sort of humanity that should 8e expected of those who enrolled in a peace organiz8tion.
AG: ... Well, I think some of us were drafted, 8ut I'm fairly certain most of the guards signed up willingly.
AG: That's true, I suppose. It's not way to run a department, 8ut... Well, that's no concern of mine anymore! I'm just thankful to have someone sensi8le to help me out.
AG: Although, I am w8ing to receive some news from Vriska... I asked her to put in a good word for me to the Captain to see if he can give me a jo8.
AG: There's no use in having me w8ste away here when I have skills to offer, don't you think? This ship needs all the help it can get! And I'm not asking to no longer 8e monitored... I just want to 8e useful. *shrugs also.*
AG: I'm so glad you agree. 8ut you've always 8een quite agreea8le, haven't you? I don't know why we didn't spend more time together. We got along just fine. *at least she thinks they did. it's really hard to remem8er, especially when you're at least somewhat delusional*
AG: 8ut I'm 8eginning to realize that... A lot of people have seen me in a favora8le light. More than I ever knew or expected. May8e with good 8ehavior, and with good words put in for me, I'll 8e a8le to go 8ack to a normal life here on the ship! As normal as everyone else's, that is... It's not like we aren't all wanted now, right? *what is she ram8ling a8out? Who knows, 8ut she's doing so while applying all these strips and making good progress. at least she can multitask*
AA: AGREEABLE IS BEST ATTITUDE TO BE HAVING, NO? *She smiles sweetly, then it turns apologetic as she ducks her head.* DO NOT KNOW. PERHAPS SIMPLY BUSY? THIS HAPPENS. HOWEVER AM SORRY FOR THIS. DO NOT SEE WHY THIS OCCURRED. *She goes quiet for a bit, applying strips as Aranea speaks. She chooses her next words carefully, as they are coming from a genuine place.* GRIEF. IT IS CAUSING OF PEOPLE ACTING IN STRANGE WAYS. *She doesn't look up from what she is doing, patting the strips down.* IT TWISTS. EVEN PEOPLE WHO ARE IN FAVORABLE AND GOOD LIGHT. AND SO IT TAKES LONG FOR THE LIGHT TO BE REDEEMED AGAIN. *She clears her throat, and looks back up with a smile.* THEN THERE WILL BE NORMALITY. *She ducks her head again though.* AS NORMAL AS THINGS MAY BECOME. AS IT IS SO. *Small hurried nods.* AS SHE  IS SAYING. WE ARE WANTED. BUT REVENGE OR REDEMPTION? IT WILL COME.
AG: *glances up from her work* Do you really 8elieve that? For all of us? This is so much 8igger than any of us... It's hard to 8elieve we'll ever 8e a8le to 8eat it. All we can really do is run.
AA: *Shrugs, and while Aranea is looking up she is paying attention to her work still.* TO BELIEVE IS ALL ONE CAN BE DOING. DO I BELIEVE IN RUNNING? NO. HOWEVER I WILL FOLLOW WITH IT. IN THIS WE ARE ALL TOGETHER.
AG: *leans forward a 8it* Does that mean you would fight, if you could?
AG: Hmm. That is a way of looking at it. Politics such as these are rather complic8ted, however. I don't think it's possi8le to defend ourselves against them, physically or even morally. Even if the accus8tions are untrue, if a higher political power wants to take us out, then they will. And in the middle of a war, we don't have the 8odies to fight 8ack. *well this got DARK 8ut she's also thinking a8ot how cute this spider is going to 8e when they're done*
AG: Yes, I'd say so. And self preserv8tion always finds a way to prioritize itself, anyway. *she smiles, even if that might not really 8e something to smile a8out, given where her own self preservation has gotten her. 8ut hey, this sphere is all covered in wet sticky strips now.*
AA: SO IT DOES. *She nods in agreement, then claps her hands together once with a grin.* NOW THE SPHERE IS ALL STICKY WITH WETNESS. WHICH IS BEST WAY TO HAVE SPHERES BE IN, NO? *She chuckles, and gets some strips ready for the other sphere.* SHE IS MUCH GOOD AT THIS. *Muses at.*
AG: Oh, there's nothing to it. *waves a hand dismissively, as if this is actually something she needs to 8e "hum8le" a8out* It's easy to 8e good at something when you're having a good time. ::::)
AG: *why does she have to SAY IT LIKE THAT?? aranea wishes she hadn't set it up quite like that, 8ut alas, she had. now more stripping is happening. w8 no.* So, Damara... How have you 8een? Has anything of interest happened there on the outside?
AG: *8links, a 8it surprised 8y that development* They're... taking them in? Why in 8lue 8lazes would Eridan allow such a thing? *frowns* Not that I'm entirely opposed to the /idea/ of them 8eing raised 8y other trolls or humans or what have you, 8ut... It seems a little ill-timed, don't you think? Though I suppose, with no where for us to go at the moment, there aren't many options for what to do with them, are there?
AA: NOT MANY OPTIONS. THEY ARE HERE. NO WAY OF GETTING THEM TO A DIFFERENT LOCATION. EITHER TAKING CARE OR DISPOSING OF. THINKING LATTER WOULD BE SAD FOR MORALE ON BOARD. *She finishes with the other sphere, so now she moves onto making some of the smaller spider babies.*
AG: ... Yes, that is true. I just worry. I can't imagine some people here to 8e capa8le guardians. *oh my god THESE SPIDER 8A8IES. she's already in love with them and they've 8arely 8een made. she's having so much fun making 8a8ies with damara. w8 dammit this again.*
AA: DO NOT THINK THE MARYAMS WOULD BE LETTING THE ONES UNCAPABLE GET ANY GRUBS FROM THEM. MUST BE SOME SORT OF SYSTEM IN PLACE TO BE SORTING OF WHO GETS ONE? *She shrugs, gingerly putting the first spider baby onto the big one's back to see what it will look like. Cute. Cute it what it looks like.*
AG: That's true. *she should pro8a8ly stop critisizing, 8ut she just can't help herself. at least the spider 8a8ies are distracting enough* ... As long as things are running smoothly, then there isn't much reason to o8ject. *shrugs, putting little legs onto a little spider*
AG: *oh geez!!* Hahaha... You're such a flatterer, Damara. *waves one of those hands she's good with* You don't have to continue complimenting me!
AG: *her cheeks tint a little with 8lue* Yes, even then!
AG: *she tries to act like she isn't eating that up, which isn't too difficult since the wording is once again very du8ious.* ... Say, how long will it take for these to dry?
AA: DEPENDS ON WETNESS. *She puts a finger to the big spider, checking if it has dried. She pulls her hand away and rubs the wet glue between her thumb and forefinger.* HM. WILL BE LIKELY TAKING A FEW MOMENTS MORE.
AG: *clasps her hands together* Good! Then all we have to do is paint it and put it all together and our masterpiece shall 8e complete. ::::)
AG: Would it 8e too predicta8le to say 8lue? *looks a little sheepish*
AG: I'm glad you agree. *her smile returns and once the paper mache has dried, it is getting HELLA painted 8y aranea*
AA: *And so these ladies lathered up some balls together, Damara more than likely to drop both smalltalk and innuendo both all the while.*
0 notes
taskforcetumut · 9 years ago
ARANEA: -time for a spider to enjoy the sun and surf, seated on a blanket under an umbrella. the light is a little too much for her... not to mention, the glare it makes it difficult to read.-
CRONUS: -HE'S BACK OUT HERE- -and......he's wearing........ an actual....... shirt................- -well, he's wearing a wifebeater and some tropical shirt, but yes. And shorts. He's wearing clothes for once in his life- -strolls on over to aranea since she's the only other person here-
CRONUS: -he's even wearing a large gold chain so he's basically ultra trash-
ARANEA: -flips a page in her book... then notices she isn't alone and peers up to see who it is.- Oh, hello Cronus.
CRONUS: -puts his thumbs into his pockets and leans back slightly- vwell hey there, kitten. vwhat cha got there? books?
ARANEA: Yes, that's right. Just some light reading for the 8each. It's the ideal environment for it, if you ask me. The perfect temperature... The gentle am8ience for waves crashing against the shore... It's very relaxing. -adjusts her glasses-
CRONUS: huh. vwell, its the perfect temperature and ambience for some other things i can think of, too.
ARANEA: ... -raises a brow- Like... swimming? ::::)
CRONUS: yeah, svwimming. among other things. -WINKS. AGGRESSIVELY-
ARANEA: ... Oh, of course. The possi8ilities are endless. ARANEA: Do you surf? That's yet another fun 8each activity. -folds her book closed in her lap, tilting her head at him. she's no fool, of course, but she can have her fun, can't she?-
CRONUS: ... surf? huh. no. vwould you dig it if i did?
ARANEA: Oh, 8ut of course. There's nothing more impressive than a man making a spectacle of his athleticism. -she's not really trying to mask the sarcasm there-
CRONUS: huh. -looks off at the waves- vwell, im all about being the most impressivwe guy on board, not that im too far off as it is.
GRANDPA: =Hello fellow kids. Jamison has arrive in a stripey onesie. The lenses of his glasses adjusted dark, tromps on over to them= I hardly expected anyone else to be in this heat! Good on the both of you!
ARANEA: ... -smiles up at grandpa when he arrives. hello roomie.- The heat can hardly deter me when the weather is so 8eautiful otherwise. ARANEA: -looks thoughtful- Jamison... Do you surf?
CRONUS: surfers get her hot, thats vwhy shes asking.
ARANEA: -ok, NOW she's glaring at him. NOT IN FRONT OF THE HOT OLD MAN, CRONUS!!-
GRANDPA: Surfing is rather strenuous at times but I think the adrenaline would keep your mind off all the heat! Were you looking to hang some tens? It's not that hard!
CRONUS: oh yeah? id like to givwe it a vwhirl.
GRANDPA: That's one aboard, and you Aranea? =He just has this surfboard in his sylladex, you know how being a hoarder is=
ARANEA: Hmm? Oh, I'm just here to o8serve!
GRANDPA: Righto then! We'll do our best to give you a good show, isn't that right lad? =PATS Cronus on the back and starts to head for the shore=
ARANEA: -chinhands after them-
CRONUS: heh, sure. -pulls his two shirts off and tosses them towards aranea before following after grandpa-
GRANDPA: Seeing how this is your first time do you want some guidance on the old motion of the ocean? Catching a good wave may take a while but after then it's just balance and momentum moving you and the board forward.
ARANEA: -SHIRT'D- ... -frowns as she drags them off and throws them onto the towel-
GRANDPA: =That's no way to treat a lady young sir=
CRONUS: so youre an expert on this, eh? -walk walk walk- so got a board i can borrowv?
GRANDPA: I wouldn't say expert but I know my way around a board of all sorts! =Why wouldn't he? He might have 50 boards as far as anyone knows and forks over one to Cronus, still walking right into the water=
CRONUS: ... -walk walk walk- -wades along in the water- annnd, the board?
GRANDPA: =HE DONE FORKED IT OVER WIPPERSNAPPER, this is his own. It's name is Lucy= You just paddle yourself on out and wait for the waves to come forth. Easy pease!
CRONUS: ..... -sets it down and starts floating it alongside himself- ... -just stands here-
ARANEA: -wow, jamison is so reasourceful!- ARANEA: -she could go back to reading, and had actually planned to once she got cronus out of her hair, but... this is bound to be interesting to observer.- ::::)
GRANDPA: =He's already straddling his once he gets far enough in the water, pauses and looks over Cronus= Changing your mind there lad?
CRONUS: you said vwait for the vwawves vwhat else am i supposed to do?
ARANEA: -giggles in the distance. cronus, please!-
GRANDPA: Haw! Well you've got to get on it! Here just do as I do. =Pats his board like, sit sit. Then starts to paddle himself out into the waters=
CRONUS: ... -crawls up on his board and sits- CRONUS: -sways on the board because balance- CRONUS: -FALLS IN THE WATER BACKWARDS-
GRANDPA: Oh..... =There he goes, paddles over to try and leans down so his chest is touching the board and reaches down. Fishing for a Cronus=
CRONUS: -was about to surface when grandpa definitely finds his foot-
GRANDPA: :D Not to worry I've got him! =To Aranea and hauls this fish out of water=
CRONUS: -ah yes, because he would have definitelyt drowned if grandpa hadn't hooked him- vwowv. okay.
ARANEA: Thank goodness! ::::)
GRANDPA: =No need to thank him= GRANDPA: Are you sure you wouldn't like me to show you the ropes lad? =Sets him down easy on his own board=
CRONUS: fine, fine, sure, showv me.
ARANEA: -oh my!-
ARANEA: -wait her imagination got ahead of her didnt it...-
GRANDPA: =Maybe because he's sitting back a little on the board and gestures Cronus to sit in front of him= This is the best way to show you! Saddle up my boy!
CRONUS: -...?- -moves to sit on his board- are you going to hold me?
ARANEA: -this is just like her troll harlequin novels-
GRANDPA: If necessary but I do still need to paddle! =So he leans forward to do just that, bara old man tiddies on his back= You see you want to get far enough outward that you're not catching sad little waves that wash up by the sand.
CRONUS: -woah, manchest on his back. His slightly burnt cheeks flush- heh, yeah, paddle me to the moon.
GRANDPA: If our destination is the moon then I'm going to need some help paddling! =Once they get far enough out Jamison turns them so they're pointed towards the shore and WAVES at Aranea=
ARANEA: -wiggly finger wave back. aren't they adorable??-
CRONUS: -LEANS BACK as much as he can into grandpa's chest and puffs his chest out, grinning over at aranea-
GRANDPA: =His tids are rather cozy he thinks, but also sits up straighter as a wave comes after a bit and pats Cronuses arm to lean forward again= Alright, here we go old boy! Paddle with her so we might hitch a ride! =It's not a huge wave but it wasn't a baby one either, a good wave for teaching the adventurous!= Alright now do your best to stand with me lad. =Now that they're caught up in the momentum no need to paddle. This old man's gonna stand!=
CRONUS: ... stand?! -watches him stand and KEEPS SITTING HERE-
DAELOS: -He doesn't swim and is not fond of sand, but eventually he makes his way to the shore anyway, just in his regular wear except for the boots...because he would sink.-
ARANEA: -let's say she's still peeping around the beach... maybe she even went for a walk or something... it's nice to celebrate your relative freedom every once in a while. though she's aiming on returning to the ship, she notices daelos hanging out by the shore and of COURSE she can't resist fluttering over to him.- Well, look who's out and a8out. ::::)
DAELOS: -its certainly something to see her flying out in the open! he looks up, blinking..- } --> The surprise is mutual
ARANEA: -places herself next to him on the earth- I've 8een known to venture now and again, if the opportunity arises. ARANEA: And this is certainly an opportunity I could not pass up. It's 8eautiful out here.
DAELOS: -watches her flutter down with a certain amount of appreciation.- } --> While it is not my preferred biome, I feel I must agree
ARANEA: -giggles- You really must. 8ut I'm glad to see it. -reaches out for his hand-
DAELOS: -leans down to take her take her hand-. } --> Glad to see the beach or my embarrassment on it?
ARANEA: -looks towards the ocean, grinning- I'm glad to see you outside, is what I mean. ARANEA: Especially while I happen to 8e here as well. How serendipitous!
DAELOS: I could easily believe both situations. -amused.-You know I actually have quite an appreciation for nature, however little I e%press it
ARANEA: Oh? That's no surprise to me. -swings his big paw holding hers a little- ARANEA: I do too. Though I find myself appreciating it a considera8le amount more in your presence.
DAELOS: -He snorts a bit as she swings on him, but he holds his arm out in a way that makes it easy. He loves seeing her happy and playful like this.- Ah...at least it is a mutual feeling
DAELOS: -clears his throat- And what type of activities do you tend to prefer here? I can at least spectate
ARANEA: Heh. I don't know how interested you would 8e in spectating... I haven't done anything particularly exciting since I've 8een out here. ARANEA: Earlier today I was lying on the 8each and enjoying a nice 8ook. At least, until Cronus started accosting me. -rolls eyes a little- 8ut he found himself distracted soon enough.
DAELOS: -that changes his demeanor- Who accosted you?(edited)
ARANEA: Cronus Ampora. -waves her hand- 8ut he flirts o8noxiously with everyone...
DAELOS: -Oh yes, now he remembers.- } --> That hardly makes it acceptable
DAELOS: You should be able to read in peace without the interference of ruffians, not to mention the fact that you are spoken for
ARANEA: Yes, you're right! Perhaps he would get the picture if he saw me on your arm. -leans against him-
DAELOS: -still growling- But he isn't around presently? -looks around again just to make sure-
ARANEA: Ah, no. I'm not sure what 8ecame of him... Presuma8ly he was lost to the ocean. -rip in peace, cronus. she snorts.- ARANEA: Last I saw him, he was entertaining himself 8y surfing with my 8lock mate, Jamison. 8ut he wasn't doing so well at it.
DAELOS: -Holds his arm out a little more firmly.- One can only hope -Seadwellers. You can't trust em.-(edited)
ARANEA: -giggles at the bitterness. she shouldn't enjoy that so much...- It's a step up from my past encounters with him. ARANEA: Our very first mission as a crew was to escort him from Europa to Earth on what was supposed to 8e a religious pilgrimmage... Which, as I'm sure you heard, ended in his supposed "assassination." So as you can see, that went over like a lead 8alloon! ARANEA: Trying to keep him happy on the way there was a8solutely nightmarish. The entire crew continually gave him attitude... Not that it was unwarranted, 8ut at the end of the day, of COURSE it 8ecame my jo8 to deal with it! It was awful.
DAELOS: -It's a bit aggravating that he warrants that much backstory to her, as he listens, his back is a little straighter and if he went one step further and became a horse he'd be snorting and pawing at the ground.-(edited)
DAELOS: It is in his nature to be impulsive and foolish -casually racist.- My experience with him was more singular but it left a similar impression
DAELOS: He is a one time traitor to this crew, you know
DAELOS: He attempted to stop us from escaping
DAELOS: I wrestled with him
ARANEA: -stares up at him with wide spidery eyes- I did not know that!
DAELOS: I never found the right time to report it(edited)
DAELOS: Likely it was a mistake not to
ARANEA: It's certainly worth 8ringing up! You can never 8e too careful... -haha, not that she has any right to judge people for being a traitor to the crew... WHOOPS-
DAELOS: Well, the last captain was a seadweller too, I doubt he would have given fin to my allegations
DAELOS: I was still a stranger at that time and even I did not betray under duress -irritated-
ARANEA: -pets his arm- Of course. You are a very loyal and devoted person, after all. -smiles a little up at him-
DAELOS: -Compliments from her go a long way towards improving his mood. He's so pompous. He seems to relax s bit.-
ARANEA: You know... Unpleasant topics aside, I'm having a nice time with you. ARANEA: Making conversation while enjoying a stroll down the 8each... It's romantic. ::::)
DAELOS: Oh...is it? -Heavens to Betsy-
DAELOS: Yes. Yes I suppose it is. -gives her a small smile.-
DAELOS: -Since there's no one around and all perhaps it would be appropriate to kiss her hand? He goes for it.-
ARANEA: -aww. well, that's enough to make her blush, but she isn't exactly bashful. she shifts, moving in front of him and halting their walk. between the look on her face and the other hand running up his arm, it would seem she's hoping for a little something else.-
DAELOS: -From the look on his face it is quite clear to him that she wants a KISS IN PUBLIC. How 100d. He's HESITANT.-
ARANEA: -how can you hesitate when she has such long eyelashes and such blue eyes...-
ARANEA: ::::)
DAELOS: -They are quite lovely. His face is damp. He checks around them briefly again, looking nervous before he leans considerably and gives her a smooch.-
ARANEA: -she might flutter upwards so he doesn't have to lean quite so far. she's absolutely delighted as their lips meet, so much so that she's smiling too much to fully experience it, but that couldn't possibly be a bad thing.-
DAELOS: -He can feel her smile in the kiss and its definitely the furthest thing from bad. He stops kissing her after a short while but presses his lips against her cheek instead of pulling away. Her face is hiding his smile and his low pitched chuckle.-
ARANEA: -she's laughing softly too, her hands moving to frame his face as she hovers.- Now, what's so funny?
DAELOS: -Her tiny hands are cool on his wooly face. His other gloved hand eclipses her shoulder.- I cannot account for it with words
ARANEA: Heh... That's alright. I'm very nearly speechless myself... -it's hard to resist kissing him again when he's so close, but she manages somehow-
0 notes
coltishdaedalian-blog · 9 years ago
ARANEA:  *the news of 8eforus' destruction had left aranea feeling 8eside herself with helplessness. so many of those she cared a8out, and who cared a8out her, had just lost their home, and she felt completely unequipped to 8e there for any of them. 8ut what was more alarming, was the fact that she couldn't get ahold of daelos. it could 8e presumed he had returned to his own personal space here on locas, so she did a 8it of digging to find him (takoda was a8le to provide most of the information she needed. he was like an open 8ook!) and focused all her concentration on that task, rather then... what she might say when she finds him. eventually she's fidgeting nervously at the entrance of his workshop, hoping and praying to receive an answer.*
DAELOS: *daelos's workshop is built into one of the actual caves and quite far underground. it's an absolutely enormous hall, dark for quite some time until one reached the part with the sterile white lighting and the door just as big and heavy as the troll who built it. of course he sees her on some of the security cameras he has installed. his reactions to most things at the moment are dulled in comparison to the strong internal emotions he's feeling, but there is a sharp tug of surprise. why is she down here? it has been a long time since they have spoken regardless of what they both promised.*
DAELOS: *he figures she probably wants to talk about the planet, and that almost discourages him from answering at all. but daelos, even now, can't just let aranea stand there in a dark cave. he presses a button and the door hisses, and opens.*
ARANEA: *she is very visa8ly surprised when the door opens, enough to keep her still for a moment, until she manages to quickly gather herself and scram8le inside. she peers around, her voice soft when she calls out to him.*
ARANEA: Daelos?
DAELOS: *her voice echoes a lot, but there's no need for him to hear that because he's waiting very near the door. he has his full mask on and doesn't make any kind of move to take it off.*
DAELOS: } --> Aranea
DAELOS: } --> Why are you down here?
ARANEA: *she jumps, the sight of him dressed like that, after venturing through scary caves, feels very much like a horror movie scenario, for a split second, 8ut she's quick to settle 8ack to her previous level of anxiety.*
ARANEA: I wanted to see you.
DAELOS: *it takes him a while to process*
DAELOS: } --> I apologize for startling you
ARANEA: *shakes her head, hugging herself a little.* Think nothing of it. Just a8out anything might spook me under these conditions.
ARANEA:  *the caves may remind her a 8it of her few encounters with her lusus, which are hardly pleasant memories.*
DAELOS:  *he notices her shivering.*
DAELOS: } --> It is cold down here
DAELOS: *he pauses because he's considering telling her to leave.*
ARANEA: *8ut how can he if she's looking up at him with 8ig spidery eyes?*
ARANEA: It's fine!
DAELOS: *he removes the lower part of his mask and e%hales*
DAELOS: } --> You should come in
DAELOS: } --> I have a forge in there, it actually makes it rather warm
DAELOS: *he gets out of the way of the door.*
DAELOS: *it all still feels very detatched and surreal to him. he can't really bring himself to feel anything about it.*
ARANEA: *she perks up at the invitation and scuttles inside, getting a good look of everything she can while peering around*
DAELOS: *if you're 100king for a comparison, see The Batcave, e%cept a lot more horse themed.*
ARANEA: *ah yes... the horse cave.*
DAELOS: *towards the front, it's still quite cold and that's where all the high powered computers and electrical devices are, towards the back it becomes simpler work stations with equipment for metallurgy and the like, and just as he said, there is a forge, dramatically increasing the temperature in the room.*
ARANEA: This is all very impressive. *gravitates towards the heat a little, 8ut she will 8e nosy along the way*
DAELOS: *Once they get to the warmest and brightest part of the hall, he finds a st001 for her and for himself, but all in silence.*
ARANEA: *parks herself on the stool, letting the warmth settle over her. now, if only she could find her words. how awful it was that she always seemed to lose them when she needed them most. the silence is uncomforta8le and she looks to him with concern. she supposes her 8est 8et is to 8e direct.*
ARANEA: ... Are you alright?
DAELOS: *She just gets the impassive goggles in response. He's talking in a monotone, and if there's anything specific about it, it's that he's kind of dazed.*
DAELOS: } --> I do not
DAELOS: } --> I do not think I can effectively answer that
ARANEA: *she looks away, to the floor* ... I know it must 8e difficult to process. Even if you can't find the words, or the emotions themselves, I don't think you should 8e alone right now.
DAELOS: *folds her hands in her lap* ... You have my support, should you ever need it.
DAELOS: } --> I appreciate it, Aranea
DAELOS: } --> Perhaps my lack of emotion is fortunate in some ways
DAELOS: } --> Things have become clear to me
DAELOS: } --> I should never have left this planet
ARANEA: *eyes widen as she looks to him again* Why... Why do you say that?
DAELOS:  } --> Everything I have ever done, I have done because I loved Beforus
DAELOS: } --> E%cept getting on the ship
DAELOS: } --> I did that because I made a deal with....the dweller of this planet when I first came here
ARANEA: ... What kind of deal?
DAELOS: } --> It is almost incomprehensible, but the general gist was
DAELOS: } --> I would ...benefit, but I would not be able to remain here in e%change
DAELOS: } --> However, I did nothing signifigant with my time on the ship
DAELOS: } --> And now
DAELOS: } --> Nothing matters at all
ARANEA: *her heart aches seeing him like this, and she hates how it only makes her wish she could hold him.*
ARANEA: ... Perhaps you didn't 8enefit from your time with us,
ARANEA:: 8ut meeting you had an indescri8a8ly signficant impact on me.
DAELOS: *Ouch. He tilts his head towards her.*
DAELOS: } --> Yet I fear not a positive one
DAELOS: } --> Even in this area, I failed
DAELOS } --> I am still
[DAELOS: } --> Very sorry Aranea
DAELOS: } --> For the way I have made you feel
DAELOS: } --> For the way I handled the situation
ARANEA: *shakes her head, turning in her seat to face him more fully* Daelos, that doesn't matter to me.
ARANEA: I understand that you can't. Though I must admit, I still wish that weren't the case...
ARANEA: It doesn't change the understanding we've shared. I know things have 8een a little awkward as of l8, 8ut that pales in comparison to the good your influence has had on me.
DAELOS: } --> *He bows his head, too overwhelmed to speak. suddenly he is feeling things again and it sort of scares him. he doesn't want to turn into a monster in front of her, so he focuses on grounding himself.*
ARANEA: *when he doesn't respond, she wilts, afraid that she's crossing a line again, 8ut how can she keep the truth from him of all people? despite the uncertainty, she still feels more comforta8le here than anywhere else.*
ARANEA: ... You're important to me
DAELOS: *His usual iron defenses are e%tremely depleted at the moment. The emotions are just far too intense and they seem to be spilling out everywhere in the most shameful of manners. He can't stop himself before he blurts a response that he never meant to give.*
DAELOS:  } --> You don't know how difficult it has been
DAELOS: } --> Acting as if....under the presumption that I....
DAELOS: } --> As if you were not as important to me
DAELOS: *His heart is beating out of his chest. he has to stop talking. he is  making things worse*
ARANEA: *taken a8ack when he's suddenly speaking again, 8ut the words themselves are much more startling.* Wh...?
ARANEA: *expression softens, though the skip of her heart is so rapid it almost hurts.* Daelos...
ARANEA *swallows* I wish I could understand all the ways you feel you have to hold yourself 8ack.
DAELOS: } --> *he's flinching*
DAELOS: } --> I wish
DAELOS: } --> I wish a lot of things
ARANEA: *she's at a loss, caught 8etween uncertainty and the desire to reach out to him more. no matter what, she's left with nothing else to say, and dares to reach out, placing a hand delicately on his*
DAELOS: *He feels her touch very keenly as if the small gesture had sent an electric shock straight through his gloves. Every part of him is screaming to stop this. E%cept that persistent little part that survived the blast he saw on screen.*
DAELOS: } --> *Delicately, he places his hand over her own, much smaller one-and watches it disappear under it. It's like it's happening to someone else.*
ARANEA: *her chest feels tight at the slightest hint of reciprocation, 8ut once the feeling passes, she glances up to meet his gaze, una8le to hide the small smile on her face. she then rests her other hand over his, clasping it 8etween her palms the 8est she can with such tiny hands in comparison*
DAELOS: *Breathing isn't coming easily to him either. Between the sorrow crushing him and the completely different emotion choking up the back of his throat, at first all he can do is sit there and try to come to terms with how small and pretty her hands are, and how they perch like little birds, and he can feel how rapid her heart beat is. But then he reaches up to take his mask off.*
DAELOS: } --> *It would have been far easier to keep it on course, but he has to make things difficult for himself. The 100k he gives her just then betrays everything his words already didn't. *
ARANEA: *perhaps she wasn't the 8est at reading cues, or responding to them with proper judgement, 8ut when she sees his expression so clearly, it's almost involuntary when she slips out of her stool to draw in closer to him. her arms come around him then, again as far as she could reach, and she rests her cheek against him, in an em8race that makes her heart feel as if it might 8urst.*
DAELOS: *It's an incredible relief when she does what he was too much of a coward to do himself. It's an incredible relief to feel her clinging like that. Given how absolutely insane everything else is, for the moment he is comfortable e%isting only here. It isn't long before he's gathering her up in his arms, in such a specific and gentle way he must have imagined doing so a hundred times prior.*
3 notes · View notes
-- academicGeniality [AG] began pestering golgoliaTribulation [GT] at 15:18 --
[03:18] AG: Hello Jake. May I have a word with you?
[03:18] AG: It is a matter of grave importance.
[03:20] GT: But of course!
[03:20] GT: What is it aranea?
[03:24] AG: Well, I've 8een informed that you are well within the know of our little Mothergru8 situ8tion. Though I feel like I was the last to find out a8out it myself!
[03:24] AG: 8ut since that is the case, I'm entrusting with you a particular task.
[03:24] AG: You may not have noticed, our Captain has gone missing. Completely vanished without a word! And no one has told me where he might have gone off to.
[03:25] AG: Not that it's unusual for people to keep SECRETS from me. ::::/
[03:25] AG: 8ut I have my reasons to worry a8out his safety!
[03:25] GT: Oh my! Really?
[03:26] GT: Is there danger aroused out in the wilderness?
[03:42] AG: Potentially, yes.
[03:42] AG: Alternia is well... I don't think I need to explain to you that it isn't the friendliest place! After doing some research, I've discovered that isn't uncommon for underground slave traders to traffic runaway jade8loods for money and transport them 8ack to the 8rooding caverns.
[03:42] AG: Now how this rel8tes to 8oth your endeavors and the Captain...
[03:42] AG: I have this dreadful feeling that the very same people snatching up jade8loods might wish to seek out our Captain for the very same reason! To snatch him, that is. I can't imagine why they'd want him in the 8rooding caverns.
[03:45] GT: Huh... but our captain isnt a jadeblood!
[03:46] GT: Hes violent isnt he?
[03:46] GT: Er.
[03:46] GT: Violet.
[03:46] GT: Which i hear can be quiet violent but thats besides the point!
[03:48] AG: Yes... 8ut he is a high ranking officer in an esteemed peace organiz8tion! Who knows what sort of shifty 8usiness someone out there might have with him.
[03:49] GT: This is true. They might have expanded their operations elsewhere.
[03:54] AG: Precisely! 8ut even if the Captain isn't involved, I thought this intel might service you and your current endeavors.
[03:54] AG: 8ecause after some sleuthing I did ENTIRELY on my own, I found a hot spot that you might want to investig8te! Should you wish to take the task upon yourself. It might 8e dangerous, after all, and I do not want to volunteer a civilian for something such as that.
[03:54] AG: 8ut if you volunteered yourself, I certainly couldn't stop you...
[03:55] GT: Im volunteering immrdiately!
[03:56] AG: Wonderful. ::::)
[03:56] AG: You're such a good Samaritan, Jake.
[04:01] GT: Daaww youre just saying that!
[04:04] AG: No, it's the truth! You always step up to the pl8 when you're needed for important tasks and I apprec8 that alacrity.
[04:04] AG: Anyway, I'll send you the coordin8s to this shady loc8tion. If you need anyone from our crew to help you, please let me know and I'll send them along.
[04:10] GT: Of course! Ill gather up a crew quickly and well have a grand ol time with this endeavor!
[04:17] AG: Thank you, Jake!
[04:17] -- academicGeniality [AG] sent Mission Coordin8s --
[04:17] GT: Excellent. The coordinates are filed away.
[04:18] AG: Gr8! Keep me posted on what you find.
[04:18] AG: Please. I'm tired of 8eing out of the loop. ::::|
[04:18] AG: I swear, if anyone else is keeping something 8IG from me on 8oard this ship, I might just snap!
[04:19] GT: Oh!
[04:19] GT: Yes of course.
[04:20] GT: And if i hear tell of any other secrets you are unaware of ill be sure to report this as well.
[04:21] AG: Wonderful! Aren't you just the sweetest?
[04:21] GT: Daawwwwww
[04:22] AG: ::::)
[04:22] AG: I'll let you go for now, then.
[04:22] AG: Take care!
[04:23] GT: You as well aranea!
-- academicGeniality [AG] ceased pestering golgoliaTribulation [GT] at 16:23 --
0 notes
aerugotourbillon-blog · 9 years ago
RUFIOH: *Next time, Aranea just so happens to emerge from her block, she will be greeted with a peculiar sight. The small crumpled white form of something just along the hallway wall.* RUFIOH: *Upon closer inspection, she will see it is in fact, the very dead body of the one and only Bulldad. Curled up on his side, his soft cow eyes stare sightlessly above. There seems to be black looking substance smudged along his chin but otherwise, yep. This tiny bull has certainly been put out to pasture. She should probably alert somebody maybe???* ARANEA: *she steps outside with a 8ounce in her step, though she's a 8it disappointed she didn't get invited to today's mission. ah well, she can't win every 8attle she supposes 8ut-- oh god, what is THIS mess? she cringes immediately at the sight, 8ut grows even more horrified when she realizes what she's seeing. oh no, she knew who's guardian this was, and her throat feels dry just thinking a8out having to 8reak this news to him. 8ut... it would 8e wrong of her to put it off! someone MUST tell rufioh! of course it should 8e her!!!! 8ut ugh... what to do with the 8ody? may8e she should call a janitor or something... well, for now, she's just going to head over to rufioh's 8lock, inching around the corpse and right to her destination, putting on her most som8er expression as she knocks on the door.* RUFIOH: *Rufioh had gotten back from the mission and yeah, predictably found that Bulldad had escaped AGAIN. He wasn't too surprised, his old man could be stubborn as hell if he wanted to be. Thinking he could shower before lugging off to find him (AGAIN), he answers the door with the towel still running in his hair.* RUFIOH: woah... aranea? *not gonna lie, he's pretty cheered by the sight of her. Lops the towel over his shoulder.* what's up, doll? you catch a break outta the slammer aga1n? 1t's about d*mn t1me. RUFIOH: you'll never get what happened outs1de... ARANEA: *well, she can't help smiling 8oth at the sight of him and the su8ject he 8rought up.* Oh! Please, tell me all a8out it! I wish I could have 8een there 8ut I-- *purses her lips* ARANEA: Well, um... *twiddles her thum8s* Actually... ARANEA: There's something I need to tell you. RUFIOH: woah, now... whatever we can talk about, we can talk w1th kankr1 around. *waves his hands and snickers* he'd probably want 1n on 1t, 1f you remember. ARANEA: *she giggles* Of course he would. 8ut I'm afraid... It's rather serious. May8e we should 8e sitting down for this? RUFIOH: sure, yeah... come on 1n. *gestures her to come inside. What's gotta be more important than helping clear up the oil from the planet? That shit was scary but also badass! Not to mention John playing that organ was pretty dope. All in all, it was just a good story ready to happen.* RUFIOH: *he flops against his couch and motions for her to come sit with him.* sorry about the mess... i've been kinda sticking outside since we hit open sky. RUFIOH: but yeah, you remember that. ARANEA: *smiles softly and fondly at the memory, finding herself a seat 8eside him* Yes, I do. ARANEA: *she turns in towards him, her hands in her lap* Rufioh, I... I do h8 having to 8e the one to tell you this... 8ut I was just leaving my 8lock a moment ago, and when I exited into the hallway I saw something dreadful. It was... Well... ARANEA: Your lusus. ARANEA: It would seem that he had... some sort of accident. RUFIOH: my lu... *his smile fades away now, about as quickly as his insides turn cold. Rufioh sits very still, dropping his gaze. He wills himself not to jump to the first worst possible conclusion.* dreadful, how? RUFIOH: what k1nd of acc1dent? 1 mean... 1 was only gone for a few hours? he was here when 1... *his heart is racing now and with his throat constricting, Rufioh swallows hard. Aranea had no reason to lie to him. Why would she? He's quiet for a solid ten seconds.* RUFIOH: where 1s he? ARANEA: Just a stone's throw away from my doorstep, I'm afraid. *wringes her hands together nervously* I could take you to him... RUFIOH: and he's... *Yeah. Still there. His insides crumbled in ways he couldn't explain, his heart already aching with sorrow. But no, Rufioh couldn't give into it just yet. Swallowing stiffly, he nods.* yeah. ARANEA: *she gives him a moment, unsure of how to respond to the heartache she's witnessing. empathy is so hard for her, especially when she had no psychic means of reading how a person is feeling, 8ut somehow she felt... more receptive to rufioh than to most others. and seeing him like this? it hurt her, too. after a minute or so, she gets to her feet, offering him her hands.* RUFIOH: *unable to think beyond his heartbreak, he takes her hands. They feel smooth and cool to the touch, almost enough to ground him to the moment. When Rufioh looks up and meets her eyes, the tears are already welling up in his eyes. But he as to go and see him. He lets her pull him up and guide him towards the sight.* ARANEA: *somewhere along the way, she loops an arm tightly around his shoulder to support him, and may8e support herself a little too. the walk feels like a thousand miles, leaving her more on edge then she'd ever admit, 8ut they eventually make it to the scene, just as she had left it.* RUFIOH: *He leans into her as much as he can, preparing himself for the worst. But there Bulldad is, curled up like he was taking a doze. It wasn't nearly such a horrible sight until Rufioh kneeled down to touch him. He was cool to the touch and not at all warm. Head bent, Rufioh brings his hand over to close the little bull fairy's eyes.* oh dad... *is all he can bring himself say* ARANEA: I... *she falls quiet for a moment, reaching up to touch her own face when she realizes tears are spilling out of her eyes as well. sniffling, she finally manages to speak again* I'm sorry, Rufioh. RUFIOH: *What can he do except break out a towel and set it over him? It's the Yugioh one because of course, it's the one he carries with him all the time. Still not moving or saying anything, Rufioh just kneels there... huddled over his lusus's equally quiet form.* ARANEA: *taking a deep 8reath to steady herself, she finds a place 8eside him. just to sit, so that rufioh won't have to endure this moment alone. she realizes that now is not a time for words and actually finds that she can appreciate the quiet for once. she just wishes it didn't have to 8e like this.*
0 notes
arachnurasgall · 10 years ago
VRISKA: -Someone's at Aranea's door, and that's this girl. Knocking 8 times.- Aranea!
[3/29/2015 11:08:29 PM] Slowpoke Malone: ARANEA: -she knows that VOICE and those 8 knocks! She hops up from her desk and her current read to scurry over to the door and answer it with a smile- Vriska!
[3/29/2015 11:09:25 PM]  VRISKA: Hey, so, you should totally let me in. 8ecause I've kind of made plans to hang out with you today without actually telling you.
[3/29/2015 11:15:37 PM] Slowpoke Malone: ARANEA: Oh! Well, I am rather 8usy -shes not- 8ut I can make time for that. -stands aside to let her in-
[3/29/2015 11:16:25 PM]  VRISKA: -She walks right in and just crashes on her bed, couch, or any kind of reclining object.-  What are you doing, anyway?
[3/29/2015 11:26:08 PM] Slowpoke Malone: ARANEA: -there is a COUCH that they can lounge on- I'm reviewing reports from our latest mission.
[3/29/2015 11:27:54 PM]  VRISKA: Ooh, the weird one with the no gravity 8ullshit? And that weird ship?
[3/29/2015 11:33:58 PM | Edited 11:54:21 PM] Slowpoke Malone: ARANEA: -nods- That's right. That was certainly an unusual encounter! We're 8eginning to experience all manner of adventure here on the UU, aren't we?
[3/29/2015 11:40:24 PM]  VRISKA: Yeah, I'll say! The whole thing was kind of dum8. Seemed pretty pointless to me!
[3/29/2015 11:53:40 PM] Slowpoke Malone: ARANEA: Pointless? Of course not! Have you been informed of what even happened on the other ship?
[3/29/2015 11:54:37 PM]  VRISKA: Yeah, Eridan got his shit kicked in. That was entertaining. That's pretty much it, though.
[3/30/2015 12:07:41 AM] Slowpoke Malone: ARANEA: Well, it was much worse than that! A terri8le 8east was sapping the life of the previous crew of the ship - which was long assumed to 8e lost in space - and plagued our own crew's minds with mysterious powers 8eyond our comprehension!
[3/30/2015 12:10:05 AM]  VRISKA: Well we pro8a8ly should have just avoided it in the first place, right? Seems to me like the o8vious answer to keep mem8ers of the ship from getting hurt.
[3/30/2015 12:20:10 AM] Slowpoke Malone: ARANEA: We had no idea what was aw8ting us there, 8esides the possi8ility of survivors. And we do have an o8lig8tion to aid those in need!
[3/30/2015 12:22:49 AM]  VRISKA: Don't you think that kind of holds you all 8ack????????
[3/30/2015 12:28:46 AM] Slowpoke Malone: ARANEA: Holds us 8ack? What do you mean?
[3/30/2015 12:29:29 AM]  VRISKA: Like if you waste time trying to dig other people out of dangerous situ8tions, then you risk your own crew!
[3/30/2015 12:31:46 AM] Slowpoke Malone: ARANEA: Well... Perhaps. 8ut helping others is the 8asis of this organiz8tion. -waves a hand- To put it simply, anyway.
[3/30/2015 12:32:25 AM]  VRISKA: I still think it's pretty weird, 8ut whatever. -She waves her hand slightly.- When do those reports have to 8e in?
[3/30/2015 12:36:23 AM] Slowpoke Malone: ARANEA: Er... As soon as possi8le. -glances at her computer, thinking she should work on that but... COMPANY! She never gets that and attention wins over duty-
[3/30/2015 12:40:29 AM]  VRISKA: 8ut you can take a 8r8k, right? You're like the first m8 or whatever, so no one can really tell you what to do.
ARANEA: -gives this some consideration- Yes... Yes, you're right. There's nothing for me to worry a8out! -it's not like it'd be the first time Aranea CONVENIENTLY sent in reports late, anyway. whoopsie!- So instead, let's shift the su8ject from 8usiness to pleasure. -has no idea how weird that sounds- What would you like to do while you visit?
[4/1/2015 7:06:10 PM]  VRISKA: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Watch your wording or someone might get the wrong idea! You're lucky you're just hanging out with me. 8ecause I'm the OPPOSITE of awkward. ::::)
[4/1/2015 7:12:02 PM]  ARANEA: Whatever do you mean? -ignores that anyway and just continues to talk- I have 8oard games! Or maybe I could share some of my journals with you... I suspect you would 8e the type to appreci8 my writing. Or... Well, we could watch something. -that's what people do when they hang out, right?-
[4/1/2015 7:14:30 PM]  VRISKA: -Well, that just went over her head. She rolls her eyes a little.- W8, your journal???????? Like a diary? Is it filled with dirt on everyone or what? -She leans forward with interest.-
[4/1/2015 7:45:01 PM]  ARANEA: Yes! Well, sort of... There are some documented experiences I can't share with you, 8ut there's plenty of interesting stories in there, if I do say so myself. -smiles as she stands, going over to one of her many book shelves to pull out the black book with her symbol on it in white-
[4/1/2015 7:45:51 PM]  VRISKA: -She makes grabby hands at her.- Give it to me!
[4/1/2015 8:00:08 PM]  ARANEA: -holds it to her chest as she returns to vriska's side- Now, now. I can't just hand it over to you, this journal holds many of my most intim8 of thoughts and secrets... You can only see what I'm comforta8le with you seeing! -finger wave before opening it up- Now, let's see... What su8jects interest you most?
[4/1/2015 8:00:45 PM]  VRISKA: Oh, COME ON. 8e cool a8out it!
[4/1/2015 8:36:05 PM]  ARANEA: -frowns a bit. she's PERFECTLY COOL- I understand why you would 8e so eager, 8ut honestly! -opens up to a page and purses her lips in thought. she isn't sure if this is a story vriska should hear, if only because she might relate TOO much...- Here's one a8out my lusus. Are you interested in that?
ARANEA: Of course it is! -offended noises that transition into her clearing her throat, buckling down into story mode-
[4/1/2015 10:13:51 PM]  ARANEA: For as long as I could remem8er, my caretakers, my essential "si8lings", had kept me from meeting the lusus which chose me to live within this hive alongside them. The structure of our rel8tions are most conventional, not only in construction, 8ut in present8tion. Why my elder cerulean 8loods cared so much a8out sheltering me is 8eyond my comprehension, as far as my understanding of Europan culture goes. If Arissa was there, I'm certain that she would not stand for such stifling 8ehavior. -pauses after the mention of Arissa. was she really so diluded to think that she gave a shit about what she was up to back then? yes. yes she was. and she wonders if vriska recognizes the name, waiting for some sort of reaction towards that, if there is one-
[4/1/2015 10:16:43 PM]  VRISKA: -At the mention of the name, she leans over and gasps.- W8 a minute! Arrisa was MINDFANG's rumored name. -She looks up at her with her mouth agape.- Is that her????????
[4/1/2015 10:31:08 PM]  ARANEA: -lips curl into a reserved smile, trying not to look TOO smug- That is indeed her name! And the very same that I'm mentioning here.
[4/1/2015 10:32:15 PM]  VRISKA: -Her eyes widen, but she gets that under control real quick, scooting up next to her and trying to read over her shoulder.- What are you w8ing for? Keep going!
[4/1/2015 11:25:41 PM]  ARANEA: -wow, vriska sure is cute when she's in awe of aranea's COOL LIFE and she feels proud of the obvious admiration cast her way- Very well, then.
[4/1/2015 11:25:43 PM]  ARANEA: As my first act of young re8ellion, also the stepping stone to the gr8er things I would pursue l8er on in life, I fled from my mansion home to explore the caves 8eneath where I knew my lusus resided all the sweeps that I had 8een kept from her. For so long she was so close, yet I knew nothing of her. While I understood that a lusii of her kind is notoriously violent, it seemed counterproductive to keep me away from her and all she had to teach me. My caretakers saw me as vulnera8le, 8ut would I 8e if I had connected with she who chose me that day in the 8rooding caverns? It was unfair to deprive me of that, for so many reasons, so I set off on my journey, descending the crest of the hill to the mouth of the cavern.
[4/1/2015 11:30:30 PM]  VRISKA: You had a spider lusus too, huh???????? That's what it's sounding like, anyway. Sounds REALLY fucking familiar!
[4/2/2015 12:22:31 AM]  ARANEA: -nods, rambling off the books now on another tangent- Yes, that's right. And thousands of sweeps old, to 8oot! She used to live on Alternia, when she adopted Arissa, 8efore she left the planet and 8rought the lusus with her to Europa. It is unusual for a lusii to live so long, and I 8elieve that Arissa hadn't expected her to when she gave her shelter in that cave, 8ut she continued to live on and sought out more young cerulean 8looded trolls... Eventually having a collection of them! I was the eighth troll adopted. It's a very 8izarre phenomenon, 8ut the reality of how I was raised.
[4/2/2015 12:48:26 AM]  VRISKA: Yeah, yeah, tell me more a8out Mindfang. And how your lusus pro8a8ly tried to eat you.
[4:40:05 PM]  ARANEA: -rolls her eyes a bit. at least vriska was EAGER, but a good story takes TIME- Very well. Now, where was I... Ah, right.
[4:40:12 PM]  ARANEA: The apeture in mountain side greeted me with a fore8oding chill, deep from within the cavern, as if to caution me to turn 8ack from whence I came. While it was tempting to heed such a warning, Arissa's tales reson8ted stronger within me than any o8stacle that stood in my way. And so, with vigor renewed, I stepped inside, feeling as though I was following in Arissa's footsteps. 8eginning a legacy much like her own.
[4:40:19 PM]  ARANEA: ... -interuppts herself- I do sometimes wonder if I should share these stories with her. She is an awfully 8usy woman! And given her recent accident... -sighs-
[4:42:05 PM]  VRISKA: Keep going! No time for commentary!
ARANEA: -and while a nice effort was made to be long winded, aranea's description of the cave and all her personal revelations are skipped for the sanity of all readers-
[9:19:25 PM]  ARANEA: My perilous journey then 8rought me to my destin8tion. At long last, I would meet her, and truly 8egin to understand her! Perhaps even 8egin to know myself 8etter. Though my adventure thus far had 8een relatively short, my spirit had already felt lifted from the thrill of enterprise. The caves this deep were dark, darker than my eyes were acustomed to, 8ut the glistening we8 was an unmistakable tr8 of my 8egetter's ha8it8tion. In that overwhelming darkness, I saw the glow of her eyes, and felt a connection unlike any other. Immedi8tely I knew that I had not 8een wrong in lamenting our separ8tion. She reached out to me with a mother's warmth...
[9:19:32 PM]  ARANEA: And... -hesitates. why?? because she totally is lying about the end of her story- I stayed with her until my "si8lings" sought after me. They scolded me for acting so 8razenly, of course, 8ut how could I regret such a remarka8le experience? -nods- After that moment, I had decided to truly live on in Arissa's name! I explored the galaxy, gathering the wealth of knowledge everywhere I went. -a romanticized way of saying she studied abroad-
[9:21:56 PM]  VRISKA: -She's a little tired of Aranea going ON AND ON AND ON with so many words, but when she finally talks about her lusus reaching out to her like that, well, Vriska can't help but feel a little disappointed. And also a little bit jealous.- You're saying that your lusus just took you in like that???????? No questions asked????????
[9:23:59 PM]  ARANEA: Of course! I know, it's hard to 8elieve given her nature, 8ut I assure you, that was the case. -and she definitely didn't nearly get eaten-
[9:26:12 PM]  VRISKA: You 8lew all that wind just to have NOTHING happen? -She gives her a look.-
[9:27:23 PM]  ARANEA: What? No! The whole point of the story was that my courageousness was rewarded. Venturing out into the world to meet my supposedly vicious lusus was a 8ig deal for me!
[9:53:41 PM]  VRISKA: ........Suuuuuuuure. -She sighs.- Let's do something else.
[10:00:16 PM]  ARANEA: -SIGHS- Fine. What would you like to do?
[10:06:38 PM]  VRISKA: I don't know, something else. Why don't you give me some dirt on some of the executive crew mem8ers????????
VRISKA: Wow, Vriska, what a gr8 idea! ::::)
[10:15:46 PM]  ARANEA: Executive crew mem8ers? Just what sort of sensitive material are you expecting me to relay? -eyes- Unless you're refering to someone specific.
[10:16:12 PM]  VRISKA: I don't know, may8e........
VRISKA: Eridan.
[10:18:02 PM]  ARANEA: I might have known! -tries to think of something- I'm not sure what I have on him, however...
[10:21:16 PM]  VRISKA: There has to 8e SOMETHING.
[10:36:00 PM]  ARANEA: I'm thinking! -the gears are turning- Let's see... He trained at a military academy on Alternia... He was close to Feferi Peixes at that time... He didn't want to work for TUMUT, 8ut was drafted into it 8ecause the organiz8tion needed more people of his expertise... -sighs, shaking her head- That's all I can think of!
[10:58:25 PM]  VRISKA: I'm pretty sure I knew like ALL of that. 8ut whatever.
VRISKA: Hey, I'm gonna get going.
VRISKA: Next time, let's do something a liiiiiiiittle more fun.
VRISKA: Sound good? ::::) -She's smiling but she's not happy about how LONG THAT JOURNAL READING THING TOOK AND HOW UNDERWHELMING IT WAS.-
[11:01:50 PM]  ARANEA: -if vriska's passive aggressive tone wasn't enough of a clue, aranea's empathy was enough to fill in the gaps, so aranea is left frowning for a moment, but soon enough she puts on a smile. well, not even sisters see eye to eye all the time. she couldn't really hold it against vriska if she didn't enjoy her story. better luck next time, right? at least vriska said there would be a next time, so that was a vast improvement for most of her relationships- Of course. I will see you l8ter, then.
[11:03:19 PM]  VRISKA: -She returns the smile with a wave as she gets up.- See you l8r, Aranea! -And she's out to do something FUN. Maybe.-
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