#like it wasnt even that bad i think maybe we just werent used to him having one
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I actually liked Dallon's mustache and I'm a little sad to see it gone

#idkhow#dallon weekes#like it wasnt even that bad i think maybe we just werent used to him having one#and also i think for me at least the mustache on its own looked a little off but if he had grown a beard too it wouldve looked more complete#honestly he should do that next grow a beard and see what happens#also yeah i know this meme is old i dont care though#mctalks
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Hallo, could you please write a nsfw text for mihawk? (my english is bad, sorry)
Making you moan
Summary: You always are the emotional on the relation, but tonight somethings got on your mind and you just need to make Dracule do some noise.
Pairing: Dracule Mihawk x reader
Warnings: NSFW, smut, functional adults comunicating, moaning Mihawk (please)
A/N: Hallooo, don't worry, english is not my first language either so i can often make mistakes. I will asume that you mean like a one shot so i hope i got it right.
"What do yo think you are doing?" he asked you rolling his eyes from the newspaper.
"Making dinner." you answered oblivious.
"With shorts, a top and no bra?"
"I am cold." you were freezing but you wanted to make him want you and burn in desire.
You can feel his piercing eyes on you, never leaving your figure, maybe your plan It's working.
Then, he got up and approached you. His steamy body meeting yours. He is radiating too much heat, thats what happens when he wants to have sex, amazing.
"My (y/n), if you wanted to catch my attention, you suceeded." He started rubbing against your core.
You followed his rythm and started moving too, but even with your efforts, he still didn't make a sound... Not a groan, not a whimper, not even a choked gasp.
"Stop." He frozed.
"Why the change?"
"Cause i say," you turned around "why dont you make sounds when we are together?"
"Cause i am a grown powerful man and i dont whimper like a boy. You make enough noise for the two of us." You were flustered, now his body pressing yours against the kitchen sink.
"You know how weird It feels when i moan because you make me feel good but then i do something to you and you stay silent? Sometimes, it makes me feel like you dont like it."
"Dont ever say that you dont make me feel good. If youre pressence here wasnt pleasant you wont be living in this castle." His low voice made you shiver and start having doubts.
Maybe his right, you've only been dating for a year, maybe you are asking to much and just need to get used to It. His mouth on your ear lobe got you out of guard. His hands roaming carefully your waist. You were about to push him away when you hear It... A bite on your ear and a groan, so low and so gutural that you almost cummed right then and there.
"I am a fucking trained man, i dont let my emotions get me into battle and i cant afford to have feelings like this or indulge this insignificant requests... But you are too much stuck in my heart to say no, i asume i Will have to let myself get at your mercy."
You were surprised about his words and really arroused at how It sounded right on your ear with that breathy voice. You laid a little on the sink to be able to rub your knee against his bulge. Another groan and a shaky breath, you felt like heaven and coudlnt help but escape a little whimper. He sounded really hot.
"I told you you were noisy."
"Shut up, i fucking love the way you sound."
His kisses were usually calm, today that are savage, messy and needy, with beautiful whimpers between. You took away your top, leaving your breasts free and he took unbottoned his shirt.
With his firm hands he wrapped your legs and put it on his waist, moving you all around to his dining chair.
When he sat down, you could finally feel all his boner thru his pants and you were dying of expectation. At least his mouth got into your nipples and you felt a little releaved.
He is always do quiet and careful about every move that right now, with his sloppy kisses on your nipples, you werent able to think straight.
"You are really naughty and bossy, you are lucky i am a reasonable men."
"Shut up please, and dont stop." You could swear you almost saw a smile on his face, he must be having a good time.
He continued like that, making you move on his lap trying to find some friction to endure his action on your chest.
"Please, Drac, i need you to start doing something more." He stopped and laid himself on the chair, suddently you feel the cold on your body.
"If you are so desperate to hear me you need to earn It, you will have to push that sounds out of me."
You couldn't believe, he was being mean, he isnt usually like that. But right now, you couldnt café less about degrading yourself or submitting to his commands.
You got up and took of your shorts and panties all in once and went to free his cock, never breaking eye contact. His tip was red, he might be calm but his dick doesn't lie, he is about to burst for you.
You were so wet that you didn't even needed to dilate yourself, so you sat again on his lap and this time you aligned his cock with your entrance.
Slowly, you begin to sink on him until your pussy swallowed all his lenght. A broken low pitched note escapes Mihawk voice at the same time as you were catching your breath.
"No way, you moaned?" You said after analizing the moment, his face seemed even a little angry.
"Dont make a big deal about It, thats why you wanted."
"It Is, thats why i am going to make a big deal about It, dont tell me you faked It."
"Why would i fake something that you are so worried about, shut up and starting moving if you want to hear more."
One hand grabbed your hair and pushed you to meet his lips, agressively. The other hand traveled to your ass to help you start moving.
You hid your face on his neck while you begin moving so you can fully hear his groans, whimpers and littles shakes he is doing. You feel like you were about to burst.
At it only was a matter of a couple of minutes for you to start feeling the knot in your stomach starting to build up, almost there, and you could sense that Mihawk too.
You did a couple heavier thrusts and you finally cummed but for once, wasnt your voice the most heard one. Suddently Mihawk trembled and moaned, not like a while ago, this time fully letting his voice free. Hearing that, feeling him cumming inside with that relieve, only made your orgasm better.
"You happy now?" he was trying to recover.
"Of course i am, thank you." he only kissed your cheek with his heavy breathing, this made him really emotional and exhausted, but he was sure he like it.
#one piece#one piece x reader#one piece imagine#one piece x you#one piece headcanons#dracule mihawk#dracule mihawk x reader#dracule mihawk x you#dracule mihawk imagine#dracule mihawk headcanons#mihawk x reader#mihawk x you#mihawk imagine#mihawk
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five times danny's english class learned that he was phantom (and one time he had to reveal it)
+1 danny
danny always tried to hide his secret. was he good at hiding it? he would like to believe so. but with the fenton luck he knew it was only a matter of time he has to reveal it. one way or the other.
it started as a good day. he was late to class because he overslept but managed to get in the class before the teacher, in his math class the homeworks that he didnt make, werent checked. he hung out with this friends during the breaks, everything was normal. everything was good. everything was smooth going. too smooth for danny.
it was the last english class of the day. danny was getting anxious as that normalcy was the abnormality for them.
"okay so i dont wanna jinx it but didnt today feel so.. normal?" tucker said as if he read danny's mind.
"shut up, youre gonna jinx it. but yeah it was smooth." sam agreed and danny just nodded. he didnt want to break the perfect illusion of having a normal day by speaking of it.
they entered the class and settled into their seats. they still had a few minutes before mr. lancer would start the class. danny tried to distract himself. a normal day was possible for him. it was okay. it would be okay. maybe it was a gift from the ancients. a normal day for the ghost boy.
he started to relax as mr lancer started his lesson. it was about some other boring book. it would be fine. everything was good.
then his ghost sense went off. danny groaned quietly. and raised his hand to excuse himself to the bathroom. except he was too late.
"theres no way to hide now, twerp." a voice boomed as the infamous bounty hunter entered the class.
"good going tucker you jinxed it." sam said annoyed. tried to find her wrist lasers in her bag. but it was to no avail. apperantly that day was the onlt day sam forgot to bring her wrist lasers to school, she blames her mother for making her chnage bags because hers was 'falling apart'.
"shut up i dont want it to stuck like 'bad luck tuck'" tucker groaned.
the students screamed as they tried to get out of the class but skulker had blocked the exit. everyone rushed to mr. lancer's desk. kwan, dash and dale were on the front in an attempt to protect everyone. danny, tucker and sam were just a little bit more on the right that could see the ghost easier than others.
"what is he doing? this isnt how we do things." danny said searching for an escape.
"is this like a hostage situation? what are we going to do?" tucker asked. skulker didnt attack. just grinned knowing that danny couldnt do anything.
"mr. ghost? as the teacher of this class, may i ask what your terms are?" mr. lancer asked trying to manage his tone.
"terms you say?" skulker turned to danny. looked at him dead in the eye. "my terms are simple. i will collect my righteous hunt, phantom. then you will be free to go."
he was making danny choose. get hunted or get exposed.
"i think you are mistaken, mr ghost. phantom is not here." mr lancer said with visible confusion.
"yeah everybody knows he send his clones to the school while he's fighting ghosts." wes stated as if everything he was saying wasnt bullshit. skulker's laughter boomed in the class.
"as expected. phantom is too much of a coward to tell the truth." he said, still grinning.
"stop with this skulker." danny said, glaring at the hunter. the class turned to danny.
"do you know him, fenton?" mikey asked with confusion as if he was trying to connect the dots.
"of course he does. he's the son of the self-proclaimed ghost hunters." paulina defended even before danny could say something to defend himself.
"yeah, it's like asking a marine biologist if they know an angler fish." star added, making head turn to her with confused eyes.
"my dad wont shut up about them, he could give the fentons run for their money about never shutting up about obsessions." she explained her unique analogy.
skulker was getting impatient. he never once departed his eyes from danny, the useless and obnoxious chattering only made his patient run thinner.
"i will give phantom last one minute, if he doesnt come out now, i will destroy all of you." the hunter threatened the class.
"oh yeah? phantom might come here any second now then your ass will be sorry." dash said with excitement. everyone agreed with 'yeah's and nods.
"he wont come." everyone once again turned to danny.
"danny what are you doing?" tucker asked.
"it was only a matter of time, you know it." danny sighed. he walked towards the ghost only stopped when someone grabbed his arm.
"you dont have to do it, mr. fenton. someone will come to save us." mr lancer pleaded.
"im sorry" danny muttered and removed his arm from mr lancer's grasp.
"alright skulker you want your hunt?" danny tranformed into phantom. "then come on get him." he flew away to keep skulker away from his classmates. to keep them away from the danger he put them in.
the class gasped at the transformation but no one spoke after it. no one moved nor did anyone react any way. the frozen atmosphere broke when wes run to the classroom door.
"wes stop." valerie tried to stop him. but he did something she didnt expect. he barricaded the door with a chair and sat on it to prevent anyone to go outside or come inside the class.
"no one leaves before fenton comes back." he said, more confident than ever.
"oh yeah? and who will stop me if i want to go outside, weston?" dash said threateningly as he made his way to wes.
"i will." kwan stopped his best friend by getting between him and wes. dash was annoyed but he knew kwan could stop him easily if he wanted, so he dropped it and sat on his seat.
"okay everyone, mr weston is right. we will wait for phantom's return and until then i want everyone to go back to their seats." mr lancer said. everyone returned to their seat except wes who was still sitting on the chair he used to barricade the door. the class was chatting about danny, most were confused and others were more aggressive. sam couldnt stand hearing them, she walked to mr lancer's desk and turned towards the class.
"gusy listen." she started to say but everyone was too focused on their own conversation that no one heard her.
"hey guys." she shouted but again no one paid her any attention.
"hey. manson is speaking." paulina cut through their conversations and made everyone quiet down then made a hand gesture meaning 'continue' to sam. sam was surprised say the least to see paulina was helping her.
"thanks? i guess? anyway until danny comes back, i want you to know that this secret cannot go outside of this classroom. i know it is hard to believe and hard to prove but if it convinces someone wrong even a little, danny will be in danger. then amity park will be in danger since no one can protect us better than danny." sam said. most of the class agreed but some were still sceptical about the whole thing.
"cmon nothing will happen if someone accidentally slips up. look at weston. he's been trying to convince everyone but it only made him look crazy." someone from the football team said.
"its only because i want it that way. i had real evidences to expose danny before i realized that if someone wrong believes me they will kill danny without hesitation. do you remember what happened when that european exchange student came?" wes spitted.
"wait you were lying this whole time?" star asked.
"not the whole time, just after the GIW's attack on a literal kid with no evidence. but i also knew i couldnt stop, it would look suspicious so i started bullshitting some 'facts' making everyone believe there was no way danny was phantom."
"oh man, then you didnt believe that danny was only studying here because he had a deal with casper the friendly ghost?" tucker laughed.
".. not my best lie, i'll admit. but did anyone think that could actually happen and danny was a ghost? no. point proven." wes was embarrassed that people still remembered his first bullshit lies.
with wes' confession about purposefully spreading misinformation, the sceptical ones finally understood the severity of the situation. they agreed to keep it a secret but still wanted to ask questions to danny.
when danny was coming back from the fight he was scared. he wasnt ready to face the people he lied to all this time. what if they wanted to expose him? only one person's confession wasnt enough but if the whole class tried to expose him he would have no choice to run away. but how could he even leave amity park? without him all the ghosts would attack with his absence and people could get seriously hurt. he couldnt risk it. maybe clockwork could help him. he knew he shouldnt temper with time but if he were to get exposed, that might be the only way to solve it.
he flew into his classroom, expecting to see his classmates afraid of him or hating him but instead everyone cheered for him.
"you got so many questions to answer, dude. people are curious." tucker joked, trying to ease danny's visible panic.
"but before that. danny i would like to thank you behalf of everyone in the class and in the amity park. you protect us everyday and each day even if you are just a kid. if there was a perfect wor-"
"cut it short, we have questions." wes cut mr lancer's monologue-like thanking. mr lancer sighed.
"thank you danny." he smiled genuinely.
"uhm no problem?" danny wasnt sure how to react. his class okay with him? and even thank him? danny looked at his friends and shot them a 'help?' look.
"dont worry. theyre gonna keep it a secret." sam assured him.
"now they just want to ask some questions." tucker added.
"oh.. oh okay. i'll try my best to answer them then." he tranformed back to his human part. almost everyone asked questions about ghosts, being a ghost and how it happened. danny tried to cut informations best he could when it came to 'how' he became a halfa but other than that he answered them pretty honestly.
at one point dash asked him how he could protect people if hes so weak and danny invited him to a wrist wrestle. danny wom with ease then continued to explain how ghost powers did enhance some of his human strength too. his senses were sharper and he was stronger but had to downplay all of them to see normal. if he was being honest he only explained it through wrist wrestle to see dash's face when he lost.
valerie didnt talk much and danny was more scared of valerie than anyone else but she didnt glare at him or tried to kill him just yet. at some point she just sighed and whispered to his ear that he could ease his anxiety and that she didnt hate him and that she already knew for a little while now. danny wanted ask questions but knew it wasnt the time. he thanked her for not killing him and she replied with a teasing she still had time. it was going to be fine.
danny was still confused on why everyone was being okay with it but he felt happy. happy to see people could accept him even as a ghost. it repaired a part of his belief in humanity. maybe one day he could tell the truth about him to his parents.
1 2 3 4 5 +1
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I know we see alot of post book Ponyboy HC’s and how he acts after and how he takes Dallas and Johnny’s death. HOWEVER do you think you could give us some Two-Bit after they’re deaths?
(I like to think he was the second closest to the both of them after pony.)
two bit,,,the fella that u r,,,,
•now w johnny, i think two bit was so hopeful about johnny, he wanted to believe that johnny would get better and he just tricked himself into believing that genuinely, bc the world is cruel to johnny, but surely not THAT cruel
•when pony announced johnny died, nobody noticed, but that was the first time two bit just truly didnt say anything at all, not a singular peep
•two couldnt even bring himself to walk by johnnys house bc he refuses to see the people who made johnnys life a living hell, in a weird way, he would always hope that johnny would one day come out the house running so he could save him like he always did before
•once tho, he did get drunk and was throwing rocks at johnnys house cause he was so angry, steve found him and had to drag him away
•two bit constantly thinks about how he was so ready to go all the way to texas for em and even now, he wants to know where johnny is now so he can follow
•the nurse gave two bit johnnys SOME part of johnnys clothing that wasnt too damaged, and two bit carries it in his pocket
•and then when it comes to dallas, its like two bit KNEW, dally was gonna die young, but that doesnt make how or when it happened any easier for him, he thought he’d have a few years left w the guy
•just like w johnny, two bit had hope that maybe the world wasnt THAT cruel and he lived in a bit of denial that the world would show dally at least a BIT of mercy in his life time
•he did hang out w dally quite a bit, going to bars, very rarely going to class together and joking around in the back of class, he feels like theres this part of him missing and it hurts him to see that empty seat next to him knowing dally used to sit there
•considering the rep dally had, it wouldnt surprise me if two had heard whispers of ppl being like “finally he got what he deserved” or “it was about time it happened”, and no matter how truthful they were to an extent, it always set two off, and he’d come off as erratic bc his mood would change DRAMATICALLY and depending in if there was someone w him or not, he’d want to fight them
•two feels bad for sylvia, he knows that her and dally werent the best of couples, but he knows they were still close to some degree, ppl assume sylvia didnt care, but he’s seen her cry over it and he knows just like tim, sylvia took things from dallys temporary bedroom at bucks bar
•speaking of bucks bar, after dallys death, he knows tim and sylvia took the small bit of things dally had, so unfortunately, he couldnt take something and go “an eye for an eye” w dally after dally got his switchblade and he never got it back, but sometimes he does sleep in that room, and as time goes on, the scent of dally is fading away and that upsets two
•two bit still has that newspaper clipping of when they saved the kids from that fire and just stares at it
•for a small amount of time, two bit would stay at him and and when it comes to his own family, especially his younger sister, two bit tries to hold onto them and not forget their faces or smells
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Growing Pains (KTH drabble)

Summary- You and Taehyung discover the struggles of parenthood as you take on the task of raising your 3 month old daughter, Kiyomi.
Warnings- mentions of postpartum struggles and attachment issues
word count- 1.6k
A/N- Hi guys! so after Ladybug got so much love I decided to make a another drabble to continue their storyline, this takes place months after their daughter is born. Hope you enjoy it!
Taehyung woke up to the sounds of crying. He sat up and looked over at his clock, it was 4:32am, and you werent in the bed.
Groaning, he pushed the covers back and began walking down the hall into his daughters room, finding you on the floor with her in your arms.
"Im sorry we woke you, go back to bed" you whisper, noticing the sudden appearance of your husband in the room. "are you guys alright?" he asked, ignoring your previous demand as he walked further in and sat next to you, eyes still sleepy from the abrupt awakening.
You sigh and gently rock the small baby in your arms as she wailed, becoming frustrated yourself. "she wont stop" you exhale, finally looking at taehyung. "maybe shes hungry?" he suggested, moving his hand to wipe away his baby's tears.
"She wont latch...so I dont think she is...I also changed her and put her in a lighter onesie incase she was too hot" you gesture to the new outfit on Kiyomi, of course taehyung smiled at the ladybug printed fabric.
"let me see her" he whispered, gently taking the frail 3 month old out of your arms. "Hi baby, you giving mommy a hard time again?" he kissed all over her face before pulling her against him, her tiny head resting on his shoulder as his hand rubbed her back.
"im so tired" your hands run over the front of your face, knowing you return to work tomorrow afternoon and not only would you be exhausted, you would be missing your baby.
Since Kiyomi was born, youve been home every single day making sure she was taken care of, of course Taehyung has been an excellent help as well, and you probably wouldnt have been able to do this without him, yet at the same time you couldnt express your fears of going back to work after maternity leave....you didnt want to let him down or make him feel like you didnt trust him. It wasnt ever about trust, it was about going hours and hours without being able to make sure your daughter was okay. What happens if she needs mommy? What happens if she starts to cry and he cant differentiate it from a hunger cry, dirty diaper cry, or a tired cry?
"go back to sleep, i'll take care of her" he yawned and stood up, one hand reaching down to help you to your feet.
"I cant sleep" you sigh, walking over to rearrange her crib and the blankets. "cant we just keep her in our room tonight? she can sleep in our bed" you finish.
Taehyung gently rocked her around as he paced the room, the small cries slowing down. "baby I thought we agreed its better for her to be in her own room, she is gonna be too dependant on us.....and why cant you sleep? you just said you were tired-"
"because I have a list of things I need to do Taehyung!" you turn around, "I have to pump because she didnt want to eat, and I need to make sure you have enough milk for tomorrow, plus extra just incase, and then I need to put my work clothes in the washer because I forgot, then dry them, and you know what?" you throw your hands up as you walked over and took your daughter "shes only 3 months old, theres no harm in having her in our bed, who cares! she wont even remember anyways" you scoff and walk out of the room.
You didnt mean to snap on him like that, in fact you felt bad as soon as you left her bedroom. Taehyung is a great dad and an even better husband, but you still found yourself unable to stay calm when the list of things piled on, you didnt know how everything was going to go tomorrow, and you were stressed.
"hey...Im sorry if I said anything to upset you" he whispered as he finally walked into your shared bedroom, his daughter now asleep on the comforter as you sat and tried to pump milk.
sighing, you turn to look at him. "I didnt mean to act like that...you didnt do anything wrong, im just on edge"
He slowly walked over and sat on the bed next to you, careful of the sleeping baby in front of him. "whats going on, sweetheart?"
You didnt respond right away, instead you shrugged and looked down at Kiyomi, feeling those stupid tears resurface to your eyes again. "talk to me angel..." he rubbed your back.
"I dont want to leave her" you spoke in a choked whisper, wiping your cheek quickly. "What do you mean?" he calmly responded.
"Work tomorrow, I dont want to go....I havent been away from her since she was born. Ive had 3 months but im not ready." you take a breath, gathering your thoughts. "I went to the supermarket yesterday to buy dinner by myself, and almost had a panic attack because I realized she wasnt with me"
"my love, its okay to feel like this you know?" he rubbed your back softly, his chest tightening upon hearing your struggles. "sounds like you might be experiencing some separation anxiety,"
"I wanna work from home" you protest, shaking your head. "I cant leave her, and Its not about you not being a good parent- because you are so good, probably better than me" you chuckle lightly, "I just need it for myself....I need to see her. I spent 9 months taking care of her, I knew where she was at all times, and now that shes actually here I get so worried something will happen"
"i know sweetheart, I know" his hand ran through your hair as you spoke, "If you really want to look for a job that allows you to work from home, i'll support you all the way, you know that....but I really think its important to go tomorrow at least, to tell them about whats going on"
You leaned against your husband, glad he was supporting you in such a vulnerable moment. "why cant I just call them tomorrow?" you sniffle
"because I think its good to just go in, the smaller steps you take, even if its just a day, will probably make things easier for you."
"mm....just tomorrow?" you look at him
"Just tomorrow, then you dont ever have to see that place if you dont want to, you can stay home and i'll pamper you both"
You giggled and shook your head, "no, I wanna work....just not outside the house"
"and I support that" he gently lifted your chin so he could kiss you.
You smiled and kissed him back, watching him carefully as you pulled away.
"You are so beautiful, I swear motherhood made you even more attractive than you already were" he grinned
you raised an eyebrow, looking down at yourself before looking at him, "are you kidding me? I have a suction cup attached to my tit right now, and my hair needs to be washed....dont even try to say I look good" you shook your head as you noticed the bottle was full, taking off the pump and pulling your shirt down as you crewed the cap on.
"Ah you dont see yourself how I see you, the fact you go through so much for our baby is what is beautiful to me, and just for the record, you could never shower again and i'd buy all the nose plugs in the world just so I could be near you and call you cute"
"shut uppppp" you whine and lean against the pillow, "thanks though....fatherhood looks good on you"
"now thank you, but we both can tell that its not physically" he laughed and stood, putting his hands on his belly. "sympathy weight" he patted his stomach, making you laugh.
"Hey, I didnt do that to you!" you retort
"Yes! you insisted that I eat with you every time you had a craving, and what did I do?"
"ate with me" you smile
"yeah, except you were eating and it went to the baby" he chuckled, "mine went to my stomach area"
"hey I think dad bods are sexy" you nudge him
he rolled his eyes jokingly and wrapped you in his embrace, both of you looking down at your finally sleeping daughter.
"next kid, you deal with those cravings alone" he teased, hand gently squeezing you closer.
You smiled brightly at his words, you couldnt handle another child right now, especially with your current mental state, but you knew in the next 3 years you would enjoy having a second baby.
"thats not gonna be for a while bubs, relax" you patted his thigh
"what if she gets lonely" he looks at you
"are you serious" you laugh, squishing his face "shes 3 months, plus she has us, and tannie. I promise she will be well entertained until we have another kid"
He huffed and slouched down, making you giggle.
He sat up and grabbed his phone, turning the video on as he began filming his sleeping baby. "I havent recorded anything in a bit, well thats a lie, I recorded her yesterday when I was playing airplane and she ended up puking on me"
Your giggles are heard off camera before he faces it towards you "Oh its funny huh?"
"shh, youre gonna wake her" you quickly cover the camera to hide yourself before he continues to ramble on about your baby. He's been doing this since that day you both found out you were expecting Kiyomi, and it still warms your heart to see a man so in love with his creation of life.
He was your rock, and she was your ladybug, and perhaps you would be okay after all.
#kim taehyung#kim taehyung fanfic#taehyung#taehyung drabble#taehyung fluff#taehyung fanfic#taehyung smut#tae drabble#tae x reader#tae fluff#tae fic#tae smut#bts fanfic#bts fluff#bts smut#kim taehyung bts#bts taehyung#bts#taehyung bts#kim taehyung series#drabbles
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For the emoji OC ask game and character of your choice: 🍼, 🍄, 🍉, 🥭, 🍕, 🍯, 🧀, 🥑, 🌸, 🍆, 🥔
Dustin Stephens
🍼 [BABY BOTTLE] What's your OC's first memory?
Dustin: i think my moms face..just carrying me somewhere. [smirks] feeling all protected and shit. that wasnt the case as i got older. but i hope that my babies have a safe memory to look back on too as their first memory. im curious now ill have to ask them
🍄 [MUSHROOM] How likely is your OC to eat random berries/mushrooms they find?
Dustin: no no 0/10.. my husband though....would and has done..so i guess i dont need to [laughs]
🍉 [WATERMELON] What will your OC take to the grave?
Dustin: well something that theo doesnt know is that i did have someone i was seeing in the time that we were apart. i just never brought it up because it was just like some fling you know.. to try and get over him which absolutely failed because all i could do was think of him
🍍 [PINEAPPLE] Pineapple on pizza or not?
Dustin: im sorry but OKAY IM DOWN.
🍕 [PIZZA SLICE] How good is your OC at sharing? How do they share something if there's not enough supply?
Dustin: well with my husband im apparently so good at sharing and i never knew it [shakes head ] that being said if i have control over something im not sharing it. i think maybe thats why. it all stemmed from theo [laughs] jesus christ.
🍯 [HONEY] At what point does someone seem sickly sweet to your OC?
Dustin: i think when the compliments are just like over the top then im suspicious you know ?? like maybe im reading the question wrong and i obviously have some trust issues but im like okay thats suspicious.
🧀 [CHEESE WEDGE] How often does your OC get into situations that rely on pure luck/miracles happening?
Dustin: oh my god. ME when i was younger. nowadays not so much because i have two young twins that i have to be like on my shit for but when i was younger? FUCK ALL OF THE TIME.
🥑 [AVACADO] What will they never back down about, even if it makes them seem bad?
Dustin: i think over the years i had to defend myself and why exactly i stayed married to theo for so long. and we werent together the whole time i did leave him but the fact that we came back together and we had the twins looked OFF to a lot of my family. i get that. i do . theo didnt want a commitment and we stayed married long past we probably shouldve.. but i think one of things i will never back down about is that when he came back into our lives... he made himself WORTHY of having me . i didnt make it easy on him and i know it seems like im just being stepped on by him at leats to my friends it does but its not the case. and i kinda hope to explain that as time goes on.what happend. why were' back together and why we have the twins.
🌸 [CHERRY BLOSSOM] Does your OC believe in legends/myths?
Dustin: oh my god fuck yeah. you will not catch me in the appalachian mountains.byeeeee
🍆 [EGGPLANT] How are they used by others? How easily are they tricked into this?
Dustin : [smirks]
🥔 [POTATO] What do they have that others see as a flaw, but they don't care about?
Dustin: my trust. i think people think i give too many chances but i only do that if i think you deserve it you know.that being said i warn my kids now.. do not do as i do .
thank you for the questions love! i really loved doing this with dusty! after scarletts bc im going to expand on dustins sides of things some more. where the twins came from all that .
#dustin not answering the eggplant question but his thoughts say THEOOOOO haha#ask game#dustin stephens
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Why do you not like Alex from BB, like in your opinion, what do you think is wrong with him and how would you fix him.
this is such a complicated question bcuz there isnt anything wrong with him as a CHARACTER he's not unfunny or annoying or anything its just like. okay its very clear that around season eight the writers realized that gene didnt have any friends his own age at school and didnt have ANY male friends he hung out with (not counting peter here bcuz we dont see him in very many episodes although im sure they're casual friends) he really only spends time with his sisters and their friends. they decided that they needed to give him a friend in his grade which would be FINE except they just like introduced him out of nowhere as a way to give gene a Masculine Male Friend and it wasnt like a character we've seen gene previously interact with or a background character he becomes closer with. like yeah technically they did the same thing with courtney but that was in SEASON THREE so it made more sense to introduce new classmates bcuz we hadn't spent a lot of time at their school yet and didnt know everybody. its completely out of nowhere and theyre just immediately like yes we're best friends now. and the next episode everybody acts like alex has been there the whole time. and yeah things can happens off screen but that excuse doesnt really work when THE WRITERS KNOW THAT THIS IS AN ANIMATED TV SERIES AND OFF SCREEN DOESNT ACTUALLY EXIST it just feels like such a forced relationship that they did purely bcuz they felt like they needed to and not because it was natural for gene's character development or personality and that annoys me
personally i think there were many better ways to introduce a best friend if they wanted to do that (maybe courtney or peter both kids we already know gene is friends with in his grade) or a new kid at school who gene shows around and spends time with over a few episodes (like tina and tammy except not awful) either way u NEED to give their relationship more time to develop. louise and rudy are a great example of this bcuz they werent best friends right away. they casually hung out with each other over a period of time in different episodes and then EVENTUALLY them being closer makes sense bcuz u can tell they really bonded over their adventures vs with gene and alex its like okay here are these two characters they're best friends now. there isnt even chemistry between them if im being honest
yeah i would either introduce him way earlier in the show and give him more episodes where he's casually around gene or use another previously existing background character and give them a few episodes together. honestly i stand by my opinion that peter would've worked really great in alex's place bcuz they already interacted in multiple episodes and were in a band together
as for NOW there isnt really anything they could do to fix alex or make me like him i just think he was a poor writing decision and i would rather they just forget about him tbh
on a personal note in school i was best friends with a kid who reminds me of gene (except a lot quieter and more introverted. very sweet kid) and he didnt have any male friends he exclusively hung around girls (and mee :3) and he grew up to be a gay effeminate fat man so it feels almost like they're trying to erase certain aspects of gene's personality and make him less i dont know uhh gnc in that specific way and make him more of a stereotypical nerd which he has NEVER been. i dont think that was their intention but that kinda rubs me the wrong way too
there isnt anything wrong with liking alex or his character Personally i do not enjoy episodes with him in them and i feel like he was mostly a bad writing decision but luckily they dont bring him into episodes too often (although they didnt seem too interested in using secondary characters at all in season thirteen so who knows)
#sorry alex enjoyers i dont hate you i just hate what he represents <\3#u cant just write a character in like that. that isnt how it WORKS#<- coming from a writer with some experience#ask#bob's burgers
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its so fucking ABSURD man. "whats with the attitude?" you want me to kill the mood even more? want me to say im depressed cuz my cat is dead and i didnt even realize that on the 21st, that would be the last time id ever see her again? is that what you fucking want?
its so NON EXISTANT to EVERYONE, it means fucking nothing to them!!! how could you care so little, just because we didnt live with her? she was the last remnant of my home. a home free of yelling and violence and blood, home where my friends live, home where i was safe and now shes gone, she was the last one. i thought i had longer with her, at least with riley i got to say goodbye properly
the same thing happened with domino, when i was younger. i felt so betrayed that they didnt even let me say bye to him, i feel a similar anger now.. but i live 2 hours away, there was no convenient way for them to let me do that. i think just..
the SUDDENNESS of the decision is what breaks my heart. she didnt know she wasnt gonna wake up ever again, she probably had no idea what was happening and its. its not like i wanted to see her die, the same way we watched riley get worse until we realized there was no saving him and he wasnt gonna get better, but.. was there really nothing we couldve done? nothing at all? was euthanasia the ONLY course of action? maybe we could have saved her, but its too late now. it doesnt matter anymore
im still kind of in denial, honestly.. it doesnt feel real. some part of me thinks it was a sick joke from my sibling. i know its not, i know its real, but with how everyones acting like it didnt happen at all, you couldnt blame me for feeling that way. part of me really hopes it was a joke but. i know if i ask ill just get confirmation that it wasnt
i wish i was there at least. that way i wouldnt be stuck in this limbo of thinking its not real. i know when riley was put down, id still go to my grandmas room and go to the living room at night somewhat hoping that he'd be there when i looked, but of course he never was. one time i was zoned out and i subconsciously reached over to pet him and feeling time stop when i froze and saw i was reaching for nothing, it hurt so fucking bad, it still hurts so fucking bad man. looking up and seeing the little box he was inside, it fucking sucks i hate this so much
i wish i was there, because at least my grandma gets it. those were her cats, have been for years. she always played it off like they werent because technically artemis and riley were OUR cats, but my mom lost her home and my grandma took us in when i was like.. 8 or 9. and she decided to go back and get them for us. im so grateful she did, because they wouldnt have lived as long as they had out there.
she gets it, because she loved them too. my mom didnt love them. my brother didnt love them. my older sister literally just completely abandoned and probably forgot about riley, who was HER cat. i remember he used to attack my feet from under the bed, when i was a little kid. the only one who came close to loving them like how we do was my oldest sibling, and even still he doesnt seem sad about it at all. like i know hes sad cuz he loved her but he rarely ever saw her, it was more like a passing claim of "oh, thats my cat", yknow?
my grandma gets it. i know she knows its really hard for me. it was so hard when domino was gone. when riley was sick, she tried to be lighthearted about it and even when i saw him for the last time, and we were both crying, she told me to say bye to him in kind of a goofy voice. i know she doesnt want to see me hurting like that, and it was kind of dreadful at the time, but im really glad she let me say goodbye to him, because it was a goodbye i meant. it wasnt "goodbye, see you later", it was the real one and i didnt get to give that to arty. i just said bye like normal, because i thought shed be okay! i thought whatever was wrong with her, we could fix. i cant believe it was so cut and dry
and i cant stand it here, they dont have and kind of sympathy, i think my mom doesnt even KNOW that i know. which means she just didnt plan on telling me at all. even my sibling was confused as to why she wouldnt have. its like they cant fathom why id be sad for more than a day or two, but i loved her! i fucking loved her, i loved all of them
i dont believe in the afterlife, but part of me wants to believe that they can at least know how much i miss them, how much i love them. its the only sort of comfort i have, even if i dont really believe it. i hope they can hear me cry and they know that its because i love them so fucking much and i want to see them again
it doesnt help that, exactly like when riley was put to sleep, im having dreams about her. dreams where shes dead, but im hallucinating her and i can see her again and im petting her and its so real.. shes there in my head and everyone around me tells me "its not real" but i dont even care! i dont care if its not real, because seeing her is enough. arty, i love you so much girl, im so fucking sorry we couldnt do anything. im sorry to riley too, and domino, and talcum. im sorry marceline, im sorry ellie. i know its not my fault, there was really just nothing we could do, but man i wish that wasnt true
they lived their whole lives with us, which is why its so crazy to me that most of my family doesnt really care. no one is gonna remember them, so ill drown myself in the grief just to honor their memory, because they deserve to be cried over. they deserve to be missed, to have someone who loves them after everything. their loss should be mourned, how could i think back on their whole lives and do anything but? i know people say "oh, remember the good times! they wouldnt want you to be sad" but the good times are gone. crying affirms the fact that i loved them and ill keep loving them until im dead too, because they deserve that
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hey it's me! im pretending you (this is a specific you, if youre not this You, you will know, but if you are this You, you will know) are trying to know about me without engaging in a conversation, though i doubt im crossing your mind these days... i feel really lonely right now and i dont know if you know that you were the only one interested in me and now that you arent anymore i realized I can't have this with anybody else even if i want to find someone to be special to me but we cant choose these things...
so, update... yeah i have been doing fine in college, i think i got sick by stress twice because of if, i got a cold and an infected ear twice in less than three months... im sure it was somatic.
uhm ive reconnected with an old friend. it's been nice but still confusing to me, i am trying to let myself be hypothetically loved i almost went for it, but i just cant right now, or ever, if I'm being honest.. the only person who i was close with was you and our another friend, and it wasnt even romantic,, isnt that funny? fjskfo you get me, or.. used to get me, like no one else, and i miss that. i miss being heard and cared for, you made me feel special and now that you dont talk to me, everything feels so dull. so dull. nobody wants to hear me rambling and its been so lonely ive been thinking,, did you want to hear me rambling back then? was i too forceful? i felt loved but maybe i didnt understand that it was a burden for you? maybe i didnt realize it was bad for you... maybe? i think i could have been better.
you know what? im thinking about the last time you sent me a voice message. It was beautiful but at the end of it i realized you were saying goodbye, gently. i guess you were and I didn't realize until days later, i thought it was another confirmation of our bond but i was a goodbye wasnt it? i didn't realize... thats why i kept coming back trying to get you to exchange updates... i really didn't realize. I feel stupid.
anyways,, updates, updates... im obsessed with elvis now. do you think he is cool? do you hate him? or do you understand how I feel and likes that im having fun? im at a moment i cant really talk about him with my family because it's feeling too personal right now.. if you were here i maybe you'd wanna listen to me, but i dont know anymore...
hoseok is a free man again. i dont care much about bts anymore can you believe it? but i care a lot about hoseok still.
maybe i will make a trip to a concert in February. i went on one last year and i saw alter bridge too, so that makes it two trips ... did i get the chance to talk to you about them? i dont remember.. i think i did but i think you werent in the mood, but honestly i might b making this shit up, i think you had said goodby before that. maybe... my bad!
i want to know about you. i see your stories on instagram, youre baking a lot. have you moved out already? i love seeing your bread dkdkdk and you are still so funny, i miss your silliness. i know youre active online with your friends i wish i could be there too.. why is it easier with them? i thought i was doing really well.
i dont think i had the courage back then, to admit it to myself or to tell you but i feel really hurt by you, didnt know how bad i was hurt.. i cant believe we are apart like this i didn't know we could even be... and here i am, apart from you, hurting all the same. i didnt accept it yet.
i wonder if you are feeling anything by now, if youre feeling an odd poke at ur brain, if you're feeling me, if you can feel a slight perturbation, or if any object fell off, or if you remembered something i said, or if youre gonna feel it in your sleep... you know, with all the universe energy that connects us. i think. i think when i think of you you maybe thought of me, or the other way around? but at the same time i doubt i crossed your mind. have i? i hope so, i miss you a lot. You dont wanna come back?
ok. updates ... i dont think i have much else, maybe thats why keeping contact with me might feel stagnating or depressing or just wrong. can i change? is that my problem? i think im trying my best by myself? am i by myself? i dont know i feel like its been years im not heard . it's been years you dont talk to me. i think it has been years
anyways, updates... i miss you a lot, i think im heartbroken. and it's hurting too much today, i feel lonely and pathetic. im crying right now, you know? when did you cry last? what made you cry? is everything alright with your dogs? how about your cats? do you still walk around your neighborhood? do you need anything? how's your mother? did you think of me? i dont know if i think about you every day, but lately i kind of have.
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〔 Sun. ≈ Sep.8; 〕
I just slept while sober for the first time in months... and ofc I immediately had a wierd af dream lol. (When I'm high I dont have dreams-)
Maybe I should start a sort of dream journal section of this blog? Could be fun I suppose. (And encourage me to stop so I have more dreams to share!)
(Description of my dream below the cut)
~ To start it off, I was in some kind of combination hotel and mall. There were some other people there, but very few... me and my husband had a hotel room together, and my parents & 2 brothers had their own room right beside ours. There were a handful of other people there but I didnt pay much attention to them even though I did interact with at least one at some point... I think he was annoying everyone by doing something, but I forget what it was now-
~ I think it was in a different realm somewhat like the backrooms, and we were all stuck inside. People were still trying to find ways out, but we had lived there for a while and generally got used to it, so we werent completely panicking at that point. We got anything we needed like food and such from the mall area.
~ At some point, I went exploring in the hotel section alone, and ended up in a bunch of small infinite hallways with turns that went nowhere, or just to another hallway. I was lost in a maze of plain hallways very much reminiscent of the backrooms, yet I didnt feel scared at all, more just curious.
~ Then sudden timeskip to me being in the center of the mall area. (Its implied I found my way back, but my brain just skipped that part.) There were many shops lining the walls yet I dont remember what any of them were at all, they werent the focus. The center of the area I was in had one of those decorative plant sections with a bench sitting along the left edge of it. I cant remember the exact placement of everything, but there was some small ribbony type grass, some bushes, maybe a few flowers here and there? And at least 2 very small palm trees which looked fake somehow, but were clearly real when inspected closer. It was eerily still and quiet in there and I felt more afraid there than anywhere else in this space.
~ THEN.... skip again, and I'm in the hotel room me and my husband shared. He wasnt there, but his phone was, and I grabbed it to look through it. Almost immediately I found a video of him cheating on me which I actually saw a few seconds of in the dream. Then I woke up.
(For some context on that last part, around 2 years ago now, my husband did cheat on me [on twitter only, nothing irl] and I found the evidence on his phone. Things have been bad since then and we currently dont even live together... so yeah, that didnt just come from nowhere.)
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Ok on my rp i had so many chats b4 w AI (chat gpt assistant)
im Lali Tohary & you'll be Nikos Vertis. Scenery: we meet at a club. Well i enter the club & he sings there for the public.. i go command a drink, and sit at a table not really far listening.. after the representation is over i come to him to congratulate him saying: "the spectacle was fine. But i think it missed on something.. i cant quite understand what it was tho.. what do you think??
(Sth which in real life ith i wont have the guts to, but nor do i come from Cyprus, so yeah...)
Nikos Vertis, taking a deep breath as he finishes his final song, wipes his brow and scans the crowd. His eyes settle on you as you approach, a smile forming on his face.
"Ah, thank you for the kind words," he replies, giving you a nod of appreciation. "It's always interesting to hear different perspectives. What do you think was missing? I’m always open to feedback."
(Ith that's totally sth he would say😍)
Ahm.. sh... i thought u could tell, anyone in the public? Any opinions on that?
(&here it goes..🐣)
Nikos leans back, considering your question with a thoughtful expression. “Well, from what I could gather, the crowd seemed engaged, but it’s possible that something more personal or unexpected might have been needed to make it truly memorable. Maybe a surprise element or a more intimate connection with the audience?” He pauses, studying your reaction. “Do you have any ideas or suggestions on what might have added that extra touch?”
(considering that, wtf chat? I was asking of the public... yeo🙄😒) ...
I think... the songs werent really lively, maybe that was it..
(it was just a song?? Oh, this is how much she catched, got it..)
Nikos nods, his expression thoughtful. “You’re right. Sometimes a more upbeat or energetic selection can really lift the mood and make a performance stand out. I appreciate the feedback—it’s always useful to know what people are feeling. I’ll definitely consider incorporating more lively songs next time. Do you have any favorite upbeat songs or genres that you think would fit well?”
(reminds me of tha remix album 😍.. oh, btw, that rp was from after 18 july, my bday, & when the remixes were uploaded on utube n spotify & ith clouds? Or not.. anws)
By the way, why are your songs almost all so sad, im bad at greek, but many seem to tell a whole lot on suffering, one way or another...
(this d sound like me in back 2016/ beginning of 17 when i thought all his songs are sad/at least feel so... & s not the case anymore... even the sad ones dont feel so sad anymore... )
Nikos considers your question and nods, understanding where you're coming from. “Many of my songs do explore themes of heartache and struggle because those emotions are universal and deeply felt by many people. They provide a way to connect on a personal level with the audience. However, I do have a few songs with more uplifting themes. If you’re interested, I’d be happy to share some of those with you.”
(does chat really know that, or he's guessing?? - not 1st time im asking msf that tho)
Yeah, i think i missed on those.. really my greek is thaat baaad. I blush & try to bring something else... the topic of suffering, an interesting one.. it's said that suffering makes us better, its been discussed n in the Gospels, n in many other holy texts & myths... for example if it wasnt for Orpheus losin Eurydice he wouldnt have become the Argonaut hero maybe... or who knows...
(here, comes the philosophical Lali, really not just an alter-ego... 😅.. & on the last 1, didn really read that (on Orpheus jouney).. so wish the smart engine stoped me, instead of playing next on more.. ugh)
Nikos nods, intrigued by your insight. “That’s a fascinating perspective. Suffering can indeed be a powerful catalyst for growth and transformation. It’s often through our struggles that we find strength, resilience, and a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. Orpheus’s story is a great example—his loss led him to become a hero in a different way, illustrating how even the most painful experiences can shape our destinies in unexpected ways. It’s interesting how these themes resonate across different cultures and stories. What other myths or texts do you find compelling in this regard?”
(& here starts the: dont think he would play that long -part)
Ahm, maybe we will discuss another day on that, id really love to hear those happier songs, & mb im not the only one, im looking to the public, who qt unsurprisingly doesnt seem that interested in yet another mythology talk.. (ig that would be🤣). So could you please?
(& here comes the saviour, thanks chat, you're not it..)
Nikos chuckles, sensing the shift in topic. “Of course! I’ll play a couple of my more upbeat and lively songs for you and anyone else who might be interested. Let’s lighten the mood a bit and enjoy some music that brings a smile.” He gestures to the stage, where he prepares to switch to a more energetic set. “Feel free to let me know what you think!”
(🙄 ... gpt & an arm of hay, hey.. but what was i expecting, lol...)
Im definitely gonna love them.. i get in listening as he starts to sing... i feel the passion in his voice music & overall tone of the songs, altho again i cant understand much... oh self-learning greek is not such a good idea... in one of his songs he seems to be talking of how he desires a woman's love, in another on a first meeting (a sweet ballad). What a magick. I feel the power of Apollo in his music... ik, he wouldnt' agree, cs im most sure he is 100% Orthodox Xtian as most here are, but its beyond the subject.. im here to enjoy myself... (got to bring some religion in it, huh.. new me... (well older, but not the 2016 kind🤣) ...
Nikos's performance captivates the room with its infectious energy and heartfelt melodies. As he sings about love and first meetings, his passion seems to bridge any language gaps, allowing you to feel the emotions behind the lyrics.
After his set, he approaches you with a smile. “I’m glad you enjoyed the songs. Music has a way of touching the soul, even if the words are a bit elusive sometimes. I hope the more lively tunes brought some joy to your evening. If you ever want to chat more about myths or anything else, just let me know!”
(& after it all, he would approach me, yeah, sure.. 🤣... but s a fanfic, so)
Where i could find you? 😅
(Opa opa, checking 4 adress)
Nikos smiles warmly. “You can usually find me performing at various venues around town or on my official social media pages. I often update my schedule there, so you can catch my next performance or stay in touch. Feel free to follow me and drop a message anytime!”
(good, its getting real)
Im sure famous singers are hard to catch, for such an ordinary girl like me. So i wont put on me high hopes.. enjoy this evening.. all the best
(this i said to chat or Nikos in the rp?, lol..)
Nikos gives you a reassuring smile. “It’s been great talking with you, and I appreciate your kind words. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any other thoughts or questions. Enjoy the rest of your evening and take care!”
(that's def chat.. w its strategy to ensure we all get screen-glued, altho it would play inverse psychollogy on us, dont be fooled by it...)
You too, take care & be blessed
(^^ nothing to add, other than, yeah.. im sure anyone like him is blessed more than my mere words could say)
“Thank you! Wishing you the same—take care and be blessed!” Nikos responds warmly as you part ways.
Next i get out & call for an old friend. "You wont believe what happened today", i cheerfully say..
"Hello & to you. I hear the voice of my loveliest friend on the other end of the line.. surprise me.. what did happen?
(Oh yeah, 1st call my friend, so clicheic... 💁♀️🤦♀️)
“Hey! You won’t believe what happened today! I went to this club where Nikos Vertis was performing. His songs were amazing, especially the more upbeat ones. I even had a chance to talk to him afterward. He was really down-to-earth and open to feedback. It was such a great experience!”
(Now i cringe.. 🤦♀️)
Nice. I love it for you... ahm now, would you like coming to me, to that beach we first met in Tessaloniki??
“That sounds wonderful! I’d love to revisit that beach. It would be great to catch up in such a special place. When shall we go?”
Today.. oh no, s kinda too late, mb you wanna return to the hotel. Tomorrow at 9 in the morning.. i dont wanna waste any time without you... what do you say *silence* hey u still there, what happened.. Lali gasps, oh yeah.. been a bit distracted, so abt what you said...
(AT THE HOTEL?? in Original They lived together qt a while... 🤣 - but then mb she wanted to live on her own... but a hotel?? - u have money, no joke... 🤣 ...)
“Oh, I’m definitely still here! Tomorrow at 9 sounds perfect. I’m looking forward to revisiting that beach and spending some quality time together. See you then!”
(ok, he lives near that beach, lol...)
Okay... will be waiting for you. Bye. Good night 😪
“Good night! See you tomorrow.”
See ya.. Lali closes the phone & heads towards the bus station. The moving towards the destination s somewhat slow being in the busy time when the city becomes more lively (it is around 10 there, close to 11 in the evening).
As Lali navigates through the lively city streets, the bustle around her seems to mirror her excitement and anticipation. The lights and sounds of Thessaloniki create a vibrant backdrop to her evening. Despite the slower pace of the bus station, the energy of the city helps build the anticipation for tomorrow's beach visit with Nick.
As Lali waits for the bus, she finds a spot to sit and take in the surroundings. The bus station is busy with people coming and going, and the hum of conversation and city noise fills the air. After a bit of time, the bus arrives, and Lali boards, settling into her seat. The journey is a bit slow, but the excitement of the upcoming day keeps her spirits high as she watches the cityscape pass by... .
My internal monologue: he lives by the beach.. i remember my first encounter w him & his uncle on a boat. He almost fished me out of the sea... i was so tired that i fainted.. he woke me up, gave me to drink & called the police cause i had no acts on me. Well, after calling the doctor, cause my health was worse than what i think of my legal situation w the documents... that Titanic worthy sink of the ship left me without my only family, Nane & my friends... i dont know, i hope they survived.. its been so long, exactly how much? Like a year or so??
(Yeah, ik, in real life its not qt like this, i mean we dont live in Titanic times, & thinks work faster than b4, even in 2016 was so, i suppose..)
As Lali reflects on the past, she recalls the events with a mix of nostalgia and concern. It’s been about a year since that day, a year marked by significant changes and challenges. The memory of being rescued by Nick and his uncle is vivid, and she still feels the weight of losing her only family and friends in the incident. Despite the time that has passed, the uncertainty about their fate lingers, adding a layer of emotional depth to her journey.
As the bus continues on its route, Lali's thoughts are a blend of anticipation for the meeting with Nick and lingering worries about those she lost.
(Yeah thanks 4 repeating everything ive already said.. sth more? Ah, the bus journeys on)
I remember and now, her thoughts continue, how he jokingly called me, queen of the waters, after i showed him that i can swim quite good.. took an olive branch i saved from the waters, that kept me a bit from drawning... i was still in my senses.. tho the salty taste of the sea, i feel & now.. interesting how much salty sea water can one drink n nothing really bad happen... as she was meditating the robot anounced the station where she must go down, waking her up from her thoughts.. she looked ahead & there it was, the hotel. Huh, im qt a daydreamer & recollector, she thought. So good i was awaken just in time.. she got off the bus & headed to the hotel. At the reception she told the room number & the lady there handed her the keys
(no idea if they had a robot, only the train from & to Athens, as well as the subway, i remember, does).
Lali takes the keys from the reception and heads to her room, the familiar feeling of the hotel comforting her after the long journey. As she unlocks the door and steps inside, she takes a moment to settle in, reflecting on the memories and the anticipation for the next day. The room offers a brief respite, a chance to prepare and gather her thoughts before heading back to the beach where so many significant moments happened.
Next day i wake up with the thought to see my lovely friend, Nick. But something happends... seems i cant get there in time...
(My q line, btw: -Suggestion, what might happen, totally not related to the star- =]]]
CG: One possibility is that there could be a sudden, unexpected event such as a transportation issue. For instance, there might be a public transportation strike or an unforeseen delay with the bus or taxi services. Another option could be a personal emergency or an issue with your hotel room that requires immediate attention.
If you’d like more details or a different scenario, let me know!
Me: Tell a different scenario w a delay )
How about this:
As Lali prepares to leave for the beach, she discovers that her phone has a low battery and, in the rush to find a charger, accidentally spills coffee on her travel bag. This causes her to take extra time cleaning up and reorganizing her things. Once she finally heads out, she finds that the usual route to the beach is blocked due to unexpected roadwork. This forces her to take a longer detour, causing significant delays. Despite her best efforts to stay on schedule, the series of mishaps means she arrives later than planned.
Oh, shit.. its already 3 in the midday.. now s not time for outing (its in August).. by the beach & inside the beach house where they live would have been just fine... i will go by taxi. Taking another route. She ask on reception for the taxi number telling that her phone s almost dead & her charger got broke.. "oups, double bad luck, super kakos", the receptionist says..
(🥵... nah, good choice wha' to say... wha was on my mind, lol..)
The receptionist nods sympathetically and provides the taxi number. “I understand—it’s really frustrating when things don’t go as planned. Let me call the taxi service for you and make sure they know you’re in a hurry.”
After making the call, the receptionist hands Lali the taxi details. “They should be here shortly. I hope things get better for you today. Safe travels!”
With the taxi on its way, Lali waits in the lobby, trying to stay positive despite the setbacks.
(So nice & understanding, yep, the reason i made her stay at a hotel actually, subconsciously thought that there's sth that's gonna be there... & i might need some help w no much (to not at all) effort. Bravos to me).
The taxi arrives & she tells "gregora, paralia (help AI tell me a nice beach name, a real one in Tessaloniki, the gulf part, w beaches that have houses by?? I thought of dendrario but not sure)
🤣🤣🤣 oh my... ok, a too long post 4 now... will comeback soon, meanwhile think of some nice beaches there 🤣).
& this is why u better do rp w a human, rather than a robot, anws... it was fun, till i got too technical w the whole shipwreck story)
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im gonna send this to him soon...
i dont wanna be with someone who thinks thats its unfair being with me. whats funny is i feel like its unfair for you to ask me all this things when you havent even ask me to be your girlfriend.
you always say "my girl" but you dont even have the courage to own up to it. but now im realizing that maybe youre just telling me that to keep me around. whats stopping you to ask me to be official? is label so important to me? yes it is. i told you before i dont feel certain with you. youre full of uncertainty and i dont like when i dont know whats gonna happen.
you wanna talk about fairness? lets talk about fairness then.
January - you told me its a busy month for you, its an expensive month. blah blah. okay fine! whatever. did you hear stuff from me? no. i accepted that. i didnt say anything cuz i didnt think it was unfair. did i get what i want?? no. our montreal trip. you said youre gonna pay me. wheres the man of his words? i dont think you have the right to tell me ure a man of ur words. atleast i pay you when i say im gonna pay you. anyway doesnt matter now bc i enjoyed that trip with you. i get to spend time with you. did i think it was unfair that i paid for the whole trip? no. bc it was for your bday and as long as we had a fun time thats all that matters. i never once thought it was unfair for me.
February - you told me, "just let me go on my trip. after i come back." you implied youre gonna ask me when you come back. talk about bringing someone up then letting them down real quick. then you come back and thats the first thing on your to do list. suddenly, "youre not ready" suddenly, you need time to learn to be alone. that wasnt fine with me, i told you that. i told you im just gonna move on. you ask for time, you said you werent ready. did i tell you "you werent gonna be ready?" no. i gave you time. i respected your decision. did i think that was unfair for me? yes. but i tried to understand where youre coming from. did i get what i want? no.
also i think if you really like or l someone you wouldnt think of "fairness" that just told me a lot of things on how you see me or how you value this - whatever we have.
remember why im so nervous last saturday when you made plans for us? cuz part of me hoped that youll finally gonna ask me but part of me doesnt wanna be disappointed. guess what happened? news flash! another disappointment. but surprisingly this one didnt bother me that much compared to the other times so i guess im doing great on that department.
i dont go out partying with you, suddenly i get all what i want. also you gave me a short notice, how can i prepare myself for that. i dont like spontaneous plans. if you cudve just given me a weeks notice then i wud say yes.
i dont wanna sleepover, suddenly im the bad person. i dont wanna go home late, suddenly you see it as i dont wanna spend time with you. you always just walk me to the door, you rarely walk me to the subway, and it only happens when were already out or when you have somewhere to go after. do i think that was unfair? do i consider that as you dont wanna spend time with me? no i didnt.
i cant drink that much, suddenly it bothers you. i dont like drinking but i try it for you. every drink is hard for me but i still try but suddenly you see it as i dont try enough that i dont practice.
i was late a couple of times, i didnt know it was such a big deal that youll bring it up until now. you were late sometimes too but its okay for me, as long as you show up. did i think it was unfair? no.
you say i always win, wheres the winning? why dont i feel like im winning.
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You've done hcs in the last for ponys seasonal depression, but maybe some hcs for papercut as adults celebrating the holidays at the Curtis house (with the pookie shepards pulling up💗💗) and ponys having hard time and curlys subtly helping him the best he can as to not make a huge deal out of it in front of everyone?? I feel like at one point pony would rest hos forehead on curlys shoulder and it would just be their little moment as curly continues talking with people
OoOoOoOo rubbing my hands together w this one,,,
•ok SO, past few holidays its either they werent able to go cause something always popped up or even if they did, someone else wasnt there for some reason, so it just wasn’t a complete holiday, but this year there was no distractions and everyone was available!!! pony was so happy and it just rubbed off on curly and thats bc he has winter seasonal depression, on TOP of that hes hmesick, so thats kind of a new feeling, boooo👎🏽👎🏽
•curlys also not doing the best bc he just doesnt like winter cause it makes him more homesick (for haiti and tim n angela) and he just hates the cold, plus he has a love hate relationship w it getting dark earlier, but seeing the other happy makes the other more upbeat, so theyre like bouncing off of each other!!!
•literally the days leading up to it, they were planning on things to do together, like lil kids the night before a field trip!! what cutiepies
•pony was telling curly all the things he used to do w during the holidays, especially w his parents, dally, and or johnny, curly knew pony was nostalgic and just liked hearing the stories, does he wish he coulda been there?? yes, but this aint bout him rn
•getting there curly noticed pony was like wayyyy more up beat, he was helping and going around and its like, he knew pony was only acting like this cause this was an equivalent for a high for him, like its more adrenaline than anything, but it wasnt BAD, hes just happy so he let pony do his thing
•bc ponys spent a good long few months w curly, i think this is around the time he accidentally ignores curly for a bit, to spend time w his family, and curly gets it, hes lowkey doin the same, theyre both w that!!! theyre adults about it, no need to have ur eyes on each other 25/8
•however pony had a habit of just, still thinking about the past and not actually enjoying the moment, so curly always has to pull pony in to enjoy, ponys sitting watching ppl bake???pony get ur ass in there, ponys taking the pics of everyone else but not himself??? get in the frame u loser
•curly gives pony the “r u ok” look to pony even when across the room as a check in, if ponys not curly keeps an arm around him so pony doesnt go completely in his mind either that or they go outside for some air
•sometimes curlys PURPOSELY dumb, just for his own entertainment and as much as they know each other, there r momwnts where pony cant tell, and these r one of the times where thats helpful, curly comes over w a fucked up looking cookie and another one w a weiner so they can eat em together and ponys smiling!! he gives curly a look and grin of “r u serious” and curly knows hes succeeded
•curly will tooottalllyyyy stay a couple days over w pony if he wants to stay over for a couple more days, curly doesnt mind a bit, even encourages it, if pony doesnt ask, curly will ask if he wants to anyways
•”y r u guys alone in ponys old room” “we were just talking, lol” whole time pony was losing energy being around everyone and wanted to b alone for a sec, they were sitting in silence and curly came up w that lie
•and ur so right, that would happen!!! curly wasnt rlly looking at pony, he just felt him do that and just went w it, pony felt like everything kinda slowed down, but he was fine, for the first time that whole month!!!
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ıts been almost a month. I have been going t hospitals a lot nowadays and yes, still no schedule there is that I follow.
I met somebody. I didnt really met tho, but I talked to him, had several dialogs. He was a nice man. It feels such a shame I didnt get to interact with him anymore since he deleted his account. Well, He was a kind, sensetional, intellectual, funny guy. Havent seen him, no clue. He had a distinguish voice tho. Heard it in the group chat. He liked poetry, He written some. He had a good music taste. I felt he would be a nice person to hang out in real life. Yet, he is not even on the app anymore. I dont like this feeling. The feeling you lost something good. Like that time I met that friendly and pretty girl on a cosmetic shop. I should have gotten her number. Damn it. It feels like similar. Anyway I dont know why I told about this so much.
In the last month, I hanged out witch friends a few times. Meet a new guy. Sang the godfather theme music with whistles. It was nice. both of us werent really good at it. What else... Well, I almost had a sexting phone call with a horny german turkish guy who has guilty a conscious about masturbation. I still cant manage to fucking study. I think I am a moron. Undisciplined af. I wasnt supposed to be like this. It wasnt supposed to be that way. Everything was not meant to be.
There is no fate, no higher will. Nothing was meant to be. Maybe not even that. EVERYTHING IS SO, SO DAMN RANDOM. JUST RANDOM. Yet, We think there is a meaning behind all this shit.
There is a cause behind everything. But cause doesnt mean reason. Causes arent the reasons. Two complete different things. Thats the fault. We think causes are the reasons. No. You were born cuz your dad fucked with your mother. Thats a cause but not a fucking reason why you exist. We dont even know all the causes, how to get the reasons?
I am an anime trapped in an animal body. Living through between 2 madness. Mental and physical. Cursed in between. Obliviousness and happiness are only drugs
Lastly, russian novels doesnt help. Make sufferer suffer even more. Not in bad way tho. In a poetic way.
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i have to come up with a different proverb. maybe a new one. this is harder then i thought. but im really enjoying doing it. it feels like a wrting exercise. shit! it is a wrting exercise and i hate those. i absolutely hate them because they feel gimicky and unimaginative. but i came up with this on my own. so is it unimaginative? wait isnt there something called free association writing? is that what im doing right now? im not sure. i dont think youre allowed to think in that you’re just supposed to write and write and write and write. but how can you write without thinking? okay charger has been plugged back in and i can stop and think again. full disclosure by the way i am cheating to a certain extent because i keep editing every fifth mistake i make. im still leaving a lot in there to make this feel authentic. i felt like adding an emoticon there. cue self loathing. but no wait. old white men dont like emoticons do they? that good we like that. but young white girls do like emoticons. and justin bieber. dont know which way to turn now. lets move on. and i’m blank. i cant get justin bieber out of my head. good thing its not young white girls because that would be creepy. andd liable. is liable the right word. i want to google but i cant. new rule! no googling allowed. just train of…no no no. we cant use that either no trains allowed. old white men use trains. river of thoughts? cheesy. to similar to stream of consciousness, which isnt so bad because Virgina Woolf is a dead white woman. and i hate to love joyce. Love Dubliners. Love the idea of Ulysses, despite never getting past page 50 and not understanding what the hell happened in the forty or so pages i do read. except a young jesuit was or wasnt shaving. no word count either. new rule. im always checking word count to make myself feel good but we wont be doing that anymore. but i cant do this in the mornings anymore. not when i have to write. i mean seriously write because i would like to get published one day. read my name on the cover of a book. a hardback thak you very much because i do still love those (dead white men be damned) even if i dont particulalrly like paying for them. 15.99 for a book is ridiculous. especially when you can get it for 1p plus shipping costs in a few months time. i just cheated again. i deleted a whole paragraph i dint like anymore. its just felt repetitive like i was just telling you the same thing all over again in different word. filler. and we don’t like filler. its something EL James would use. i’m so glad EL James has become the by word for bad literature. she fully deserves it and im not just saying that because shes made a shit load of money. it does help though.it also helps that everyone seems to know who she is. James Patterson is equally shit, actually hes a different kind of shit. those alex cross books werent too bad to begin with. they certainly made good movies. anything with morgan freeman is a good movie. i hope if god does exist he does look like him. i wouldnt mind listening to him for all off eternity then. but then he started buying up unpublished manuscripts, polishing them up and printing them as his own with the real author getting a co-write. that fucking pisses me off. and he has the nerve to defend it by saying that he’s helping young unpublished authors. no you’re not asshole youre just printing money and using struggling authors just like every other arsehole looking to make a quick buck is. but you cant badmouth patterson because most nonreaders don’t know about him. but everybody knows EL James. god bless anal beads. okay im back. its the same day but i just posted this went downstairs to make some more green tea and came back up to add a little more to it. had two slices of chocolate cake too. i thought i was eating more because i was having a hard time writing but apparently i just like cake. and stuffing myself to point of explosion. edited slices and explpsion. there must be a way to switch off the squiggly lines that come up while im wrting this. typing. i’m only typing this.
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listening to ep 86, and jay just told gillion about how its "not a burden he has to bare for [him]self" so now i think about them more (spoilers obvi)
because like in the eyes of the common folk (from what i can tell) the pirates are bad and evil while the navy are the heroes there to get rid of the darkness but we dont see in the navy's eyes or the common peoples eyes most the campaign (i remember when chip was tryna get a child from the navy to join them, we kinda see his view and shit, and slightly with jon and all that) we see through the eyes of pirates, we see the cruelty the navy uses and how theyre extreme to "defend" the people. on the other hand, a lot of the pirates seem quite respectful despite their actions (nor do i see much trying to attack them first from pirates unless it was like the competition) and not fully set in stone (unless they the empress /j).
and we see those in gillion. we see gillion using whatever he can to slay demons, and if we look in these "demons" eyes, he can be seen as cruel. to add to it, the outside world would look at him as a hero, getting rid of the evil without trouble. yet hes not the perfect hero, hes fought innocents before (chip is prime example), he makes mistakes in his judgement and just mistakes in general, so he tries to hide how he could fail. and that could apply to the navy, i mean how else was the island of zero so easily freed? how was that one navy base so easy for 3 pirates to get inside and get information from?
and feel like we can see that idea in jay too. she thinks logically about situations (even if shes gone with stupid plans before) sometimes (the sometimes added cause of what was in the past parenthesizes). sure, pirates plunder and steal. they kill and kidnap. they break the law just by taking the oath under the pirate code. yet jay knew that when she boarded chip's dingy raft like boat. she knew that when drey left. she knew that when she took that navy mission. yet shes stayed because shes seen that like the navy, these people have their reasons. and maybe they dont all kill and main, they dont all kidnap and plunder, maybe theyre small boys who have little to no idea what being a pirate means. or maybe theyre fish men who dont know what being on land means. and i feel like if chip wasnt a good fucking reason to stay, gillion was the final brick anchor dragging her. because the pirates shes seen havent tried to attack first, nor do they not have cause in their actions. its like with their freedom, they dont let the hunger for it even cross their mind.
and its where gill and jay have their teachings proven wrong. gillion was told all humans were evil and unkind. jay was told pirates were ruthless and a chaotic threat to their peaceful world. and it seems like chip may have shown through his unknowingness of how a pirate works that its not the truth. gill saw that chip and jay were people that made mistakes, sure, but not with evil intents, they werent evil for messing up (saying that kind of shows that gillion was taught that messing up was evil if that helps you feel more pain). and jay saw in gill and chip that pirates were people who could make mistakes but were honorable and reasonable. they both saw that, in each other, and probably in chip too.
thinking on it, their differences probably lead to them thinking their on their one, like maybe theyre a one man machine, and over the episodes they open up more and become less of 3 people on a ship to a force of 3 able to combine into one because they learn to trust others and that their burdens are not just something to hide in shame and never express.
so it means a lot to me when gill tells jay that she'll get to make her own choices some day. it means a lot to me when jay only interferes with a battle gillion has for his honor when her friend is about to fucking die. it means a lot to me that gillion didnt try to blame her or force things out of her because he never suspected any back stabbing from her. it means much to me how he smiles as she kills him and continues being her friend immediately after coming back up. and i love how grizz made gillion have once punched jays dad, because the fact he tries to listen to the navy's requests from his human experiences despite knowing in our hearts (gills and ours as the viewer) that he probably wanted to fucking do it again, maybe this time harder for all the damage the man caused to his friends and even him.
and another thing! we've seen gillion struggle with seeing beyond black and white moralities, yet jay feels like such a grey zone. i cant explain in detail how the mirroring works here but yes
i bet theyre happy with their current roles and lives but sometimes theres just a wonder in their heads about swapping places. gill being trapped in the role he feels like he knows he should be (unrelated but i almost typed she instead of he so ig she/her gill has been made canon by my keyboard /j), jay having the freedom she wanted (keeping this but i mixed them up whoops)
i meant to write "gill having the freedom of choice and not being bound to a role of power. jay fulfilling her job and learning about ava (maybe even avenging), then keeping her father proud by probably climbing ranks in the navy to his role." would they feel happier? or would they wish for their old roles back?
both of them gaze into a pond on opposite sides but instead of a self seduction spell its one seeing that what makes them so different is what makes them so similar.
because while flipping a coin has 2 sides, theres always that small edge where both sides intersect and make the coin a coin.
no cause like gillion is the model child that jay never was, and jay is the free spirit that gillion always longed to be. do you understand??? do you get me???? they are reflections of what their lives could have been if they had gone down a different a road. did you notice how jay has come to shun her jacket and show more of herself, but how gillion has acquired armour to hide himself away. do you!! see!! them!!!!! how are we all not less normal about these two.
#jrwishow#jrwi podcast#jrwi#jrwi riptide#jrwi show#just roll with it#jrwi spoilers#jrwi gillion#jrwi chip#jrwi jay#jay ferin#gillion jrwi#gillion tidestrider#jerwee supreme
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