#like it was so gentle and enjoyable to read 🥺
monthofsick · 2 years
Hard to Stomach
Nov(emeto)ber 2022, Day 16: Bad food
OCs: Jamal, Nikita
Unsurprisingly, I am way behind schedule and had to miss out on a few days, but here we go again! It's kind of a personal spin on the prompt about how good food can be bad for you if consumed at the wrong time. As someone with chronic gastritis, I had to learn it the hard way. Several times. It also sounded like a perfect chance to explore the relationship between my boys Jamal and Nikita a little more.
TW: Vomit, health issues
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Jamal didn't like changes at all, but lately, everything kept on changing. He was still obsessed with football and gave his all on the gridiron, it just wasn't the same since Nikita had left the team. Which was kind of absurd, considering Jamal couldn't stand the guy not so long ago. Nikita hadn't even been an active player after his concussion. According to the doctors, there was a higher risk of getting a similar or more severe head injury after the first one, so… it probably was for the best. It just sucked that Jamal himself had sparked the whole crisis.
Nikita's absence wasn't the only change for the worse in their college team. Since Jamal's breakdown from heat exhaustion, there was an unspoken obligation for everyone to pick sides. Needless to say, that had never been Jamal's intention. Of all people, he who tended to avoid conflicts like the plague was now right in the center of one. There were some teammates who blamed Brody for recording Jamal throwing up on the field. Others thought that Nikita had totally overreacted by hitting Brody for such an harmless act. They believed the trainer had been right to go off on Nikita for the physical attack, the opposition deemed it unfair – the coach should have intervened earlier and directed his rage towards Brody.
Despite a successful season, the team morale had hit an all time low. The trainer was cranky and Jamal, who had neither asked for getting sick from training in the scorching heat nor for Nikita to go into protection mode overdrive, had somehow become the eye of the storm. So far, Nikita was adamant about never talking to the coach again. He wasn't an easy person to read, so Jamal had no idea if his friend missed football or if he was actually indifferent about not being part of the team anymore.
It was high time for Jamal to get away from all the drama and clear his head. There was no better way to make the most of the mild fall than a day trip to the coast, so Jamal packed Nikita, some snacks and cool water and headed towards the shore. Recently, Nikita had locked himself away in his room even more than he usually did. A bit of sunshine and the fresh, salty sea breeze would definitely do him well.
After a pretty relaxing ride of not even two hours, they arrived at their destination and took some time to stroll along the pier. It was a pleasantly warm day that never ventured into hot and sweaty territory. Glittery patterns danced across the seemingly endless blue canvas. There was something deeply soothing about the vastness of the ocean that eventually blended into the horizon.
Noon approached fast and when it was time to fill their stomachs, Jamal and Nikita decided upon a small Thai eatery. It was off the beaten path along the seafront, huddled away in a winding alley. The food was way more affordable than what the well known tourist magnets served and the smell lingering in front of the entrance door was enough to make their mouths water. After sitting down at one of the rustic wooden tables, Jamal ordered a spicy noodle soup named Khanom Jeen Nam Ngiaw while Nikita opted for a green papaya salad.
"That is the life, huh?", Jamal sighed with satisfaction.
"Never been here before, no idea why." Nikita shrugged and leaned back. "It actually is kind of nice."
"You know what I love about you?", Jamal grinned. "Your boundless enthusiasm."
"Everyone says that's my best feature." The usual one-sided smirk curled up a corner of Nikita's mouth, but a thoughtful expression remained on his face.
"What's going on in that thick skull of yours?", Jamal asked, knocking against Nikita's forehead.
"A desire to be left alone by your knuckles." Nikita avoided Jamal's gaze just as much as he avoided the question. As he had avoided Jamal himself in the last few days, for that matter.
"Hey. Look at me, Nik." Jamal leaned over the table, put his hand on Nikita's chin and turned his face towards his own. "You don't want to see the trainer right now, I get it. Or the rest of the team. But why do I feel like you've been hiding from me as well?"
"I'm here now, aren't I?" Jamal could almost see the wheels turning inside of Nikita's head as he struggled with himself. After a particularly deep breath, Nikita finally looked up at Jamal again. "Are you mad at me?"
"Am I… wait. What?" This was not the answer – or rather, question – Jamal had expected. "Why would I?"
"Because I fucked up the entire team." Nikita exhaled audibly. "And don't say I didn't. Everyone's at each other's throat and coach asshole thinks it's gonna blow over if he ignores it long enough."
"I mean, you only went after Brody because he filmed me, so… isn't he the one who fucked up the team?"
"Truth is, no one cared before I punched him in the face." There was a crack in Nikita's matter-of-fact callousness. His anger hadn't fully turned into cynical resignation. "Coach would have probably scolded him a little if he had even noticed."
"The thing is, you can't just hit someone, especially not on your own team." Jamal scratched his head. "But then again, it's hard to be angry at you when you did it for me."
"If anyone else had protected you, there would have been no need to hit him. I wasn't even on the field in the first place. The trainer was. Pretty much any other player was."
"I don't think I need someone to protect me", Jamal said, unable to hold back a laugh. "I mean, have you looked at me?"
"I did, and that's exactly why I think… why I know that you need protection." Nikita stubbornly crossed his arms. "It's you and the rest of the world that doesn't look close enough."
"You are so weird."
"Doesn't change the fact that I'm right. You're just not used to being…" Nikita interrupted himself as a waiter brought two artfully arranged plates of food. Jamal noticed that even the reserved blonde couldn't help licking his lips in anticipation.
"Now dig in", Jamal smiled. "And stop worrying, alright? I'm not mad. Not at all. You don't mind control the entire team. If they keep on fucking up, it's their own fault."
"Plus they're too irrelevant to have a seat at this table." Looking a little more relaxed, Nikita munched away on the finely shredded green papaya, vegetables and roasted peanuts.
Jamal turned his attention to the steaming bowl of goodness in front of him – rice noodles in a dark red broth with tender pieces of pork ribs. There were cherry tomatoes, cilantro and pickled mustard greens, fried garlic and chili flakes. Other ingredients were harder to identify, something resembling smooth blood sausage and dried flowers tasting a bit like mushrooms. It all merged beautifully into a smoky, tangy and flavorful dish. Quite spicy and a little oily as well, which Jamal usually didn't mind. Today, he did feel a burning sensation in his stomach. Nothing too bad, though, and the soup was way too delicious to leave anything behind.
Nikita seemed to feel the heat as well – he was wiping his mouth (and nose) several times with his napkin. His pale cheeks were sporting a subtle flush, which was so not like him.
"Has a nice kick to it, hm?" Jamal couldn't supress a little grin.
"Nothing I can't handle", Nikita huffed. Just like Jamal, he finished his plate, then leaned back and put both hands on his abdomen.
"You know what? Let's get some ice cream to cool down our mouths", Jamal suggested while putting out his wallet as a sign that they were ready to pay.
"Sounds like a plan." Nikita seemed content, which was anything but a given. The relaxed seaside atmosphere seemed to rub off on him.
They treated themselves to homemade gelato at the waterfront, feet dangling from the harbor wall. And even though the hours flew by, the day felt like an entire miniature vacation. When the sun was near setting, it was time for them to make their way home. Driving along the coastline, Jamal felt a tranquil joy he had been missing for quite a while.
He had no idea that this was about to change in a pretty drastic manner.
It started innocent enough with a slight discomfort, then quickly spiraled out of control. A gnawing ache took hold of Jamal's upper abdomen. The safety belt had a constrictive tightness to it that put way too much pressure on the stomach. Jamal's lunch from hours ago was suddenly stirred up again with every bump in the road. A cold, nagging queasiness lingered in the back of his palate.
Trying to clear his throat, Jamal sent his body into a hiccup instead. His diaphragm spasmed harshly, forcing out the signature hic with every hitch of the chest.
"Need a sip of water?", Nikita asked and pulled a chilled bottle out of the air-conditioned glove box. He opened it and held it in front of Jamal's mouth so he could have a few sips without letting go off the wheel.
"Thanks", Jamal rasped. Drinking helped to get rid of the hiccup, but now there was even more liquid sloshing around in his belly. A throbbing nausea crept up Jamal's throat, tickling his uvula. He swallowed hard as a sour fluid burned through his esophagus and flooded his mouth. The situation was going from unpleasant to concerning way too fast. Jamal knew he had to pull over as soon as possible, but that was precisely the problem – they were on a busy highway during rush hour with no exit, lay-by or service station in sight.
Tiny droplets of sweat formed on Jamal's forehead and the steering wheel felt damp and slippery under his palms. With the current traffic situation, Jamal needed to focus on the road. That didn't dissuade his body from the firm decision that, for whatever reason, an emergency purge could not be postponed. The tell-tale contractions of Jamal's abdominal muscles vigorously squeezed his stomach until it propelled up a surge of dense liquid.
Jamal was at a loss at what to do. He clenched his teeth and gulped down the nasty sludge, but it instantly came back up again. His cheeks bulged out while his belly kept on jerking, relentlessly pushing up more and more vomit. Opening the window and leaning out to throw up would have been insanely dangerous. Even bending to the side to avoid drenching himself in the mess might have caused the car to swerve. And with his throat being currently used as a barf pipeline, Jamal couldn't warn Nikita that he needed a sick bag held in front of him immediately.
There was only so much Jamal's lips could do. His mouth was already filled completely, but the stomach contents kept on coming up until they finally burst out of him. With a sharp jolt, Jamal expelled a flood of puke all over his lap and shoes. The lips he had pursed in an effort to hold everything in now acted as a nozzle to project the vomit even further, splattering on the steering wheel and dashboard.
"…the fuck?" Nikita was clearly hit by surprise. After feeding Jamal the water, he had turned towards the window again and missed out on the warning signs. Once Nikita got over the inital shock, he started looking around for any kind of container. "Where the hell is that coming from?"
"Du-dunno", Jamal coughed before he was overtaken by the next heave. Determined to keep his head straight and his eyes on the road, he just let the vomit pour out of his mouth. The reddish broth stung like ant venom. It did always burn twice, just not in the place Jamal had expected. The noodles only made things worse during their forced return. Jamal had to gargle and gag them up until the long, slimy strands slipped out of his mouth and splatted on his jeans.
"Ah, whatever." Nikita gave up his futile search – it was too late to protect the car and Jamal himself from the onslaught of undigested food. He put his hand on Jamal's shoulder instead, rubbing his upper arm and the parts of his back he could reach. "I owe you a car cleaning anyways from my last puke attack, so don't even worry about it. Just let the stuff out."
"Why – why does it always – urrrrrrck – have to happen… in my car?", Jamal groaned. He had experienced first hand how persistent the sour stench had been after driving a very pukish Nikita to the hospital when the blonde had his concussion. Big difference was, the poor guy couldn't possibly have helped it at the time. Nikita had been in and out of consciousness from his head injury, but what was his own excuse? It was highly unlikely that Jamal was hit by his very first bout of carsickness while being the driver himself and he had never reacted to spicy food in such an explosive manner. If it was a stomach flu, he would have probably felt weak and feverish, which he didn't. Just sick to his stomach and raw on the inside.
"It's kind of our thing, isn't it?" Nikita put on a crooked smile. "Now stop thinking about it already. I'll treat your car to a professional cleaning session if it makes you feel better."
It was hard to feel better while sitting in a rapidly cooling puddle of his own vomit, but Jamal was still grateful. He was also relieved that Nikita didn't laugh or snap at him. The nausea combined with the fiery heat of chili was bad enough already. Now that Jamal's irritated stomach was constantly subjected to harsh contractions, it hurt even more. His body wasn't ready to show him any mercy. With another painful spasm, Jamal burped up the next gush of chunky soup. It ran down his chin and soaked his chest with spicy broth and soggy bits of meat.
"Yeah, that's it, throw it all up." Nikita's cool fingers caressed Jamal's neck. "If your lunch bothers you, there's no faster way to get rid of the stuff than vomiting it out."
If only it hadn't been the most unpleasant way as well. It was not like Jamal was given a choice anyways, he had to let his body do its job and sit it out until the bitter end. His entire meal came up in splashes of liquid with more or less lumps, flowing from his mouth with gag after gag. It was a draining process, in every sense of the word. And the end was indeed quite bitter when Jamal puked mucoid bile that tasted repulsive enough to trigger several dry heaves.
"So-sorry", he panted when his stomach was finally done emptying itself. "We… should probably clean up at the next rest area so you don't have to endure the stench for the entire drive."
"It smells pretty foul, but I can handle it." Nikita opened the window on his side, letting in a stream of fresh air. "Should have done that earlier, I guess. The rest's up to you to decide. You're the one covered in barf, if you want to get rid of it, I'm here to help. If you prefer getting home as quickly as possible, I'm fine with it as well. Stink isn't lethal."
"You sure?" Jamal actually couldn't wait to get home. Marinating in his own congealed sick for another hour wasn't exactly an enticing prospect, but still better than the humiliation of trying to get rid of the mess in public.
"Do I look like someone who lies just to make you feel better?" Nikita had found a slightly crumpled paper napkin and reached over to wipe Jamal's mouth and chin. Then he pointed at Jamal's upper belly, just below the breastbone. "Does it also hurt somewhere around here?"
"It does, how do you know?" Even though vomiting had helped to ease the nausea, the nagging pain had only gotten worse.
"I wouldn't be surprised if you got a gastritis from all that stress lately." Once again, Nikita's voice was tinged with a hint of guilt. "You can't stand the thought of someone being mad at you. And the spicy food probably pushed your stomach over the edge."
"You kind of make me sound like a doormat."
"Just because you care about others?" Nikita shook his head. "Heck, you even care about me. I stayed away from people once I found out that most of them are assholes, including myself. You still take the risk. That doesn't sound like a coward thing to me."
"You're not half as bad as you like to pretend. At least you're honest." Jamal grinned and gave Nikita a slap on the back of his head. "So if it's gastritis, what am I supposed to do?"
"Prepare for a week of light meals and relaxation. No more fiery food for you until your stomach has calmed down." The hint of a smile played around the corners of Nikita's mouth. "And don't forget about tea and honey. Bet you didn't know I'm a tea expert."
"I guess there's a lot I don't know about you yet", Jamal mumbled. Weird enough, he felt only half as bad now that he knew Nikita would take care of both his car and himself. It took him back to more carefree days when a disease ment snuggling up in bed and being lovingly nursed back to health. "But honestly, I can't wait to find out."
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Archive of our own: Up all night to get Bucky
tumblr: birdnamedenza
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stevethehairington · 2 years
for the writing prompt, can I request numbers 37 & 64? It sounded so cute in my head 🥺
hiiii! thank you for the prompts!! double action hell yeah!! these two go soooo well together too omg.
you did not say any specific pairing, so i went ahead and wrote steddie because they are my default <3
37. "can i kiss you" + 64. "it's two sugars, right?"
Eddie wakes up in his bed feeling more peaceful than he has in a long time.
He lets consciousness return to him slowly, basking in the soft sunlight that seeps through the blinds, the cozy warmth of the bedsheets, and the delicious ache of his body as he stretches out.
The memories of last night trickle back to the forefront of his brain, and a syrupy smile spreads across his face.
Eddie hums contentedly and nuzzles into the pillow. Lazily, he wonders if his luck has stuck around long enough for a round two (or round three, really) in his near future.
But when he sweeps his arm out from under himself and towards the other side of the bed — towards the body that’s supposed to be there, all it catches is air. There’s a lingering warmth against the sheets, but it’s the only sign that anyone was there at all.
Eddie blinks his eyes open properly and sits up. Disappointment wells up as his sight confirms what his touch had told him:
Steve is gone.
It… it stings. Eddie can’t say that it doesn’t. Maybe it was naive of him to think that last night had meant as much to Steve as it did to him, but he had. Thought that.
The idea that this whole thing was just… just a one night stand? It hurts. Eddie doesn’t want it to be a one night stand. Steve had been so sweet, too. So attentive. It didn’t feel like a one night stand for him either. But what did Eddie know? Maybe that’s just how Steve is with all of his bed partners. Maybe he just makes them all feel that special.
Or, shit. Maybe Steve isn’t even into guys. Maybe he’d thought that he was and last night just proved that no, actually, he’s not. Except — no, no. That can’t be true. The sounds he was making last night were way too real to be fake. That was enjoyment, no if’s, and’s, or but’s about it. 
So then maybe Steve just isn’t into Eddie. And instead of being honest with him, instead of telling him straight up, he slipped out before Eddie could wake up. He didn’t have the guts to break Eddie’s heart, so he just… left. Disappeared. It’s a dick move, but… sometimes old habits die hard, right? Maybe his heart wasn’t so gold that the assholery couldn’t slip back through the cracks.
But Eddie can’t believe that either. Not with the way Steve’s been looking at him. Smiling at him. All of the excuses he’d make to be around Eddie; and the constant touches to his shoulder, his arm, his back, and the way they lingered; the way he’d laugh at everything Eddie had to say, even if it wasn’t funny. There’s no way Eddie read the signs wrong. Steve was interested. In Eddie.
Before Eddie can spiral any further, though, a creak sounds off from somewhere outside of his bedroom and he freezes in place. Wayne isn’t home yet, he’d taken a double shift at the plant today, and won’t be home until the evening. Which means, unless Eddie’s home is being robbed, there’s only one other person that could be snooping through the kitchen cupboards like that…
His heart starts to jump rope in his chest as he ambles out of his bedroom, down the short hall, and into the kitchen. And, just as he thought— just as he hoped, he finds Steve standing at the counter. 
He’s still sleepsoft, in nothing but his boxers (or maybe those are Eddie’s, actually) and one of Eddie’s worn old t-shirts. His hair is flat, rumpled in the front and sticking up in the back, like he’d slept on it funny. There are still pillow creases in his cheek. He is beautiful.
He’s also speaking to the ancient coffee maker in a mild-mannered tone, whispering gentle encouragements and positive affirmations to it, like those will coax it into finally working right.
Fat chance.
“Come on, baby, come on. You can do it! You can make a cup of coffee, I know you can! Come on, work with me here,” Steve pleads.
When the coffee machine continues to do nothing, Steve curses under his breath and smacks his palm against the side.
Eddie can’t help himself as he snorts at the Jekyll and Hyde change of heart, and Steve startles at the sound, spinning around.
“Oh, hey,” he says, shoulders relaxing when he realizes it’s just Eddie. 
“Hey,” Eddie replies, and his cheeks warm for no good reason. “I see you’ve met Leonard.”
Steve’s nose scrunches up. “Who the fuck is Leonard?”
Eddie jerks his chin towards the coffee maker. “Leonard,” he introduces. “He’s a crotchety old fucker. Only does what you want when he wants to. Kind of like Wayne.”
Steve laughs. “You just gotta treat him right then. That’s all. A little sweet talking is all it takes.”
“Oh, yeah?”
“Yeah — Harrington charm hasn’t failed me yet. Just you watch.”
Steve pets the side of the coffee machine, caresses it, more like. He leans in close and whispers, “Come on, big guy. I know you can do it. Just give me some of that sweet sweet lifeblood you’re so good at making, that’s all I want.”
The smooth tone and the flattery make Eddie think of last night again — the praise and the exaltation and the so good, baby, so good for me that Steve kept repeating like a prayer. 
None of this now is directed at him, but he still feels hot all over. (Is it reasonable to be jealous of a fucking coffee maker?)
But then, against all odds, Leonard sputters to life. First, a tiny little drip. Then another, and another, and another, until finally a full stream of hot, fresh coffee spills into the waiting carafe below.
Holy shit. Steve can talk anything over the edge, apparently. Harrington charm indeed.
Steve brightens and sends a triumphant grin Eddie’s way. It’s tinged with smugness too, and Eddie shakes his head at him. (Fondly, always fondly.)
“Hah, see? I still got it,” Steve boasts. He waggles his eyebrows and Eddie wants to kiss him again.
He doesn’t know if he can, though. He doesn’t know what this is, and he doesn’t want to make assumptions.
Instead, Eddie moves over to the table and drops himself into one of the chairs. “You makin’ breakfast?” He asks.
“Just coffee,” Steve responds, “but I can make something to eat if you want.”
A home cooked breakfast sounds so nice. All Eddie usually eats in the mornings is toast or cereal. Something hot off the stove would be a treat. But Eddie doesn’t want to rope Steve into cooking for him if he doesn’t want to. If he… has other plans. Like leaving. Eddie doesn’t know his morning after habits.
“No, it’s okay,” Eddie tells him.
He’s about to add on that maybe just a cup of coffee for himself would be nice, if that’s not too much trouble for Steve, but Steve is two steps ahead, as always.
He brushes up against Eddie’s side and sets a steaming mug right in front of him.
“It's two sugars, right?” He asks.
Eddie blinks up at him. “Yeah, I— how’d you know that?”
Steve smiles. “I pay attention.”
And it’s— it’s so fucking sweet. Steve’s never made Eddie a single cup of coffee in his life but— but he knows how Eddie takes it anyways. And he made it for him without even asking. Just thought of Eddie, like it was no big deal. Like he wanted to do something nice for him.
Steve turns to go back to Leonard and pour his own cup of coffee, but Eddie lunges forward to catch his wrist before he can go far.
“Can I kiss you?”
Steve wrinkles his nose, tilts his head. “You have to ask?”
Eddie purses his lips and ducks his head. It’s a little embarrassing that he does have to ask. It makes him feel a little bad, too. Like he’s doubting Steve or something.
But he’s never done this before. Any of it. He doesn’t want to assume. He doesn’t want to get his hopes up. 
“I wasn’t sure,” Eddie replies.
“Eddie,” Steve says, sliding into the seat across from him. “We did a lot more than just kiss last night,” he points out.
And, yeah, they sure did. Eddie fights a flush as the memories of last night flood back. Steve on his back, Steve between his legs, Steve with his mouth and his hands all over Eddie, making him feel so good. 
Eddie shrugs. “Yeah, but that was last night,” he says, curling in on himself a little. He hates that he feels so insecure about this. Hates that he has to even bring it up. “It’s morning now. It’s a new day. It’s— I’m not sure— I just don’t know if last night was, like, some one time thing for you or…” he trails off. Shrugs again. His fingers toy with the handle of the mug in front of him.
Steve reaches out across the table to take Eddie’s hands. His thumbs brush over the tops of his knuckles, and he waits for Eddie to meet his eyes before he smiles — soft and sweet and warm. 
“It’s not just a one time thing for me, it’s really really not. I’m, like, so into you it’s kind of crazy,” Steve admits, a little breathless as he says it. “I want… I want everything with you. I want as much as you’ll give me.”
Eddie’s heart somersaults beneath his ribs, backflips across his chest, puts on a whole god damn gymnastics routine.
“That’s— yeah. I want that too,” he confesses back, twisting his hands in Steve’s so that he can tangle their fingers together properly.
The smile that lights up Steve’ face is brighter than the sun. Prettier, too.
“Steve,” Eddie says.
“Can I kiss you?”
Steve laughs, and he nearly knocks over the chair in his haste to stand up and round the table. He pushes himself into the space between Eddie’s knees, and cups Eddie’s face between his hands, holds his head like it’s something precious. Like he’s something precious.
“Yes,” Steve says, “you can.”
So Eddie pulls him into his lap, and he kisses him.
100 ways to say i love you prompts
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bloodbrown · 11 months
I'm gonna offer a little morsel to chew on that's been driving me insane😳 for your consideration, imagine on the off chance P manages to take an actual break at the hotel, not just a quick round of chats with everyone, or weapon/strength upgrades, but a full on extended break.
And during that break he discovers he's got a love of reading, and just so happens to gravitate towards the sweet and sappier type of books! (He of course reads anything that piques his interest, but for the sake of this thought I'd imagine that he keeps to these softer books as a sort of escape from the horrors beyond the hotel!🥺)
And in these books he keeps learning about all the ways in which humans and characters show affection: The plethora of darling terms of endearment or the meaningful warmth that comes from a special nickname, the endless tiny ways to show concern or care. It's the gentle kiss placed on the inside of a wrist, giving someone your umbrella/overcoat when the rain or chill is too much, looking into someone's eyes and being so whole heartedly lovestruck it makes your chest ache and heart thump a fierce pace.
(I think he'd get really caught up on the concept of when a couple is heading to bed one will often sleep on the side closest to the door, that even when asleep they want to shield their beloved🥺)
After his discovery I honestly think he'd become a bit of a mother hen, doting and even a dash fretful at that! He once saw you make your way down the stairs of the hotel without holding onto the railings, nearly tripping and straining your ankle. You try to pull that stunt after he's read his books? Right in front of lover boy? You are getting a glower and have a choice to make, either the railing or his hand, you have to hold one! >:(
I'm telling you, he may be made out of rigid cogs and unfeeling metal, has single handedly ravished droves of enemies and terrors, but this man has sugar glass ribs and a jelly heart, so unendingly sweet and warm, and if he could I bet he'd open his chest and give you his very own heart, hoping you'd see how the pace of its ticks speed up, just for you.
I have so so many more sappy sweet thoughts, and I hope it wasn't an annoyance to get such a behemoth of an ask, but from one P enjoyer to another I wanted to send something in! <:) I hope you're doing well, and have a wonderful rest of your day/night! ^^ (Oh and!! just wanted to say that I love all of the writing and hc's that you do for the mad lad, you capture him wonderfully!🥺)
I absolutely love the idea that P realizes he should get a day off like everyone else. He's worked to the bone every day, poor guy. And can't imagine Geppetto would be too happy about his Ergo-harvesting puppet realizing that he can take breaks lol
And P would totally take romance novels to heart, I bet he'd also take to writing little love letters and leaving them around for you to find... even if his handwriting is less than stellar 🥺
He is such a bleeding heart of a man, and I say this with the ultimate amount of affection.
Also I'm never annoyed by asks, even long ones, most of the time they make my day 🐸
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pocarinapyon · 2 years
Jealousy-Jealousy: A New Banner version B1 (Bennett, Diluc Ragnvindr, Kaedehara Kazuha, Kaeya Alberich)
A new character banner is just around the corner and the excited you couldn’t help but rave about how cool they are. Naturally, you pre-farmed materials and even spent moolah for a five-star weapon, claiming they deserve only the best of best (Meaning: four star weapons and artifacts are not allowed!! And let’s not get started on the artifact stats! 😡).
Inside the world of Genshin, your bond ten boys couldn’t help but feel jealous. The flames of jealousy fueled further when you used them to grind for the new character’s items. How sickening was it to think that they have become stepping stones of your new favourite character?
The boys decided. When they materialize in your world, they will make sure to mark you and to indulge in their sinful fantasies of you. You are theirs and only theirs, after all. But they need to be oh-so-careful not to wake you up…because when you do, they will be pulled back into Teyvat immediately. 😥
Contents include [a brief scene introduction], [the actual chilis], and [after you wake up].
Starring : Bennett, Diluc Ragnvindr, Kaedehara Kazuha, Kaeya Alberich (separate)
Tags / Warnings : 🌶️ [Mild Chili] for Baby Bennett; Bennett's scene is longest (I think) because the bb is hesitant; 🌶️🌶️ [Chilis] Seggs; Implied rape; Somnophilia; Petnames (if it bothers you); Obsessive men; OOC Diluc*?*; Imagine Red Dead of the Night Diluc; Use of chains; Master-Servant; Mentions of desire to impregnate; Self inflicted orgasm denial; Stray cuss words; Schediaphilia; Masturbating; etc.; 👑/🖥️ [SAGAU/(Reverse) Isekai]; Based on the SAGAU/Reverse Isekai concept linked below but spicy
Stray grammatical or spelling errors may have escaped me because I don't have a beta reader. Hopefully they aren't too annoying to turn you off. 🥺
Future Plan : JJ version B2 (Diluc, Kaeya, Kazuha) GangB.; But first, I need to finish everything in the Teasers Maltesers (Jan 13); I apologize to the Bennett smut enjoyers because I just couldn't lewd the cinnamon roll 🥺
Links : Pinned Post, JJ version A1(Albedo / Childe / Venti / Zhongli) Separate, JJ version Venti solo, JJ version A2 (Albedo / Childe / Venti / Zhongli) GangB., SAGAU/Reverse Isekai concept, Teasers Maltesers (Jan 13)
Target audience is female (bodied) reader.
To whoever is reading, please enjoy.
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Kaedehara Kazuha
Gentle winds allowed themselves into your room as Kazuha sat beside your open window. His gaze, eventhough his muse were only a few feet away, remained on the romantic view of the sky illuminated by the moon and decorated with stars and clouds. The street outside was quiet as most were tucked under their own blankets. It was a bright, peaceful evening, a stark contrast to the dark, sinister desire stirring in Kazuha's heart.
He tilted his head to observe your sleeping form, his mind a battlefield between conscience and concupiscence - the latter triumphing as it posed a question.
Do you think you'll have another chance?
Kazuha smiled bitterly. From behind the screen, little did you know, your enthusiasm about the upcoming character hurt Kazuha. Your angelic voice used to call his name sweetly. Now it only gushed about the new character who would soon replace him. He terribly wished you wouldn't.
In relaxed strides, Kazuha approached your unconscious form to watch your tempting defenseless body up close. Like a cat, he carefully crawled on top of you so as to not wake you up, and caged your body beneath his.
"My dove, I know the value of freedom but forgive me. I simply cannot let you free," Kazuha softly whispered in your ear before trailing open mouth kisses on your jaw to your lips.
He gingerly cupped your cheeks, caressing them in a soothing circular motion. You really were beautiful. A smile curled his lips as he realized once again how in love he was with you.
"You have captivated me."
Kazuha modestly pressed his lips against yours. A sweet little kiss of apology before he shows you the dark truth hidden inside his heart.
"I want you."
Kazuha pried your mouth to let his tongue inside. You tasted just as sweet as your voice. Like a wandering man, without a home, he sought for solace and found it in you. He hungrily explored your small wet cavern, devouring you as if this was his first decent meal after days.
As if this meal would be his last.
While his lips continued to busy themselves with yours, his hands roamed below to reveal all that was beneath your clothes, exposing you easily as you made no resistance. He then pulled away from the kiss, and observed your stripped body from head to toe. Your body - sculpted perfectly as Kazuha thought - laid bare before him.
"I love you," he declared, eyes clouded in lust and longing.
Kazuha peppered your neck with kisses and suckled on your flesh to intentionally leave his mark. A proof that you were his. As he continued to feast on your exposed flesh, a soft moan escaped your lips.
"Do you like it, my sweet [your name]?" asked Kazuha, leaving your response to his imagination as he knew you couldn't answer verbally.
But your body. Your body shuddered under his touch and kiss.
Trailing kisses, he went lower to your breasts. He smiled at you sweetly as his fingers skillfully tweaked the sensitive nub erected on it. He then buried his face on your chest, regaling upon your lumps of flesh by suckling and giving you long stripes of licks.
Even in your sleep, eventhough you couldn't voice out your desire, your body begged for more of Kazuha. Your sweetness seeped out of your honeypot as it lubricated itself and prepared to take Kazuha's length and girth. This fact did not escape the man who caused your body to react in such a lewd way.
"Haha. My love, you seem to be enjoying this as much as I do," Kazuha teased, chuckling at how honest your body was.
He slid down, littering kisses in its wake and dragging his palm across your body to feel your flesh. Finally he reached your womanhood. Your thighs received abundant smooches, inching closer and closer to rally your already aching cunt. As he reached your core, your scent became stronger.
"May I?"
Kazuha ran his tongue on your slit before landing on your puffy clit and circling his soft muscle around it. Archons, you were so intoxicating! It didn't take long before he slurped directly at the source of the sweet honey, sliding his tongue inside your hole. There, he drank to his heart's content as he scooped your essence with his tongue.
After engaging you in a long foreplay, he decided to free his aching cock from its restraints. He lubricated his shaft with his own pre-cum, pumping up and down to calm his erection. A smile full of obsession painted Kazuha's face.
Finally, he can fuck you.
Kazuha positioned the tip of his cock on your entrance. The skin contact was enough to send shivers down his spine, eliciting an excited gasp from the man. He then buried himself slowly inside you, stretching your walls deliciously.
His thrusts were languid yet forceful as he wanted to relish the way his cock slowly sculpted your walls in the shape of his love. He would unsheathe his manhood from you before slowly pushing himself back in the deepest part of your womanhood. His pace may be relaxed but, through continuous stimulation, it was enough that he felt you squeezing him in a near climax.
"Oh. You're cumming?"
Kazuha squeezed your clit with his thumb.
"Let's cum together."
He pressed his lips onto yours before engaging in a romantic kiss, his pistoning consistently massaging your pussy until it gradually increased in speed. You were clenching so hard, sucking Kazuha deeper inside, and the man just couldn't take it anymore. Soon enough orgasm crashed down on you both, leaving you moaning and panting.
Still inside your cunt, Kazuha plopped on top of you. He was still erect and he knew one round wouldn't be enough. How could he stop now when it felt so good fucking you?
Horny. That was what you were when you woke up. Glancing around with eyes in small slits, you found your object of affection. Kazuha, your favourite Genshin character.
Kazuha stood still, smiling at you from behind the screen. You sat up and controlled your character to face the other way before touching yourself. It wasn't ommetophobia. It just felt embarrassing to finger yourself while sweet Kazuha had an innocent grin.
"I'm sorry, baby," you said.
Oh, if only you knew what Kazuha did!
"Mmh... Kazuha...," you sighed breathily as you pleasured your lady parts. "Go ahead and use my body however you want~"
It was a shame Kazuha couldn't watch the show. But at least he knew you were thinking about him as you touched yourself. Plus he learned you liked it rough. All he asked was for you to give him another chance. He would make your body know what heaven felt like.
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Diluc Ragnvindr
Diluc grouched at himself. He loosened his collar in an attempt to calm down. This was a dumb idea - a seriously dumb idea. A dumb, risky idea. A dumb, risky, immoral idea. Everything in it was wrong. How did the thought even cross his mind?
Yet his cock reminded him as it twitched inside its tight restraints, begging him to please - just please do it one time! Just once and then they'll stop.
After all, this might be your only opportunity.
Diluc once again grumbled as he was in a conflict. It was no lie that he wanted to keep you. He wanted to own you. He wanted to make you his and he would do anything even if it meant he needed to resort to extreme measures. But then again, it was wrong. He shouldn't do such an indecent thing just to ensure you were his. What if you woke up and - for some reason he didn't dematerialize - you caught him corrupting your defenseless body? Would you still think of him as a hero? As a good guy? Would you still use him in-game if he were transported back to Teyvat?
Coming back from a trance, he found the answer to his dilemma. His body had moved on its own. He had already discarded his upper clothes and had caged your now naked body beneath his. He had chained your hands above your head, and now you looked like a beautiful damsel in distress.
While Diluc was your captor.
"You aren't going anywhere, darling," he proclaimed, bringing his hand to cup your cheeks. "Heh... How foolish of me. Of course you aren't...not in your sleep."
Diluc pried your mouth open so he could explore you with his tongue. He imagined you squirming beneath him, conflicted as he was now whether if you wanted him to touch you or not.
Your pretty mouth. "Master Diluc" was what you usually called him aside from "Daddy Diluc". Archons, he'd burst if he heard your lovely lips call him that while doing sex. Unfortunately for him, he could only hear you call him lewdly when you were awake.
On normal circumstances, he would love to engage you in foreplay to prepare you for the inevitable stretch. But right now, his cock was raring to massacre your defenseless pussy.
"Heh... Look at how hard I am for you. Take responsibility, [your name]."
He spreaded your thighs and clipped them to his side, giving him a pretty view of your glistening cunt. Fuck, Diluc just wanted to ram himself and bury his cock deep inside you right now.
"Unf...," you moaned.
He was balls deep and damn it was heaven! Despite forcing his way past your entrance, you were still asleep. Good.
Diluc tested the waters by doing languid thrusts at first. When he noticed you weren't waking up, he increased his speed and force by pounding onto you with great vigor and passion - not paying mind to anything else other than pleasure.
Even when he felt Teyvat was tugging him back.
"Nhh...," in a half-asleep state, you hummed.
Diluc clicked his tongue and slowed his movements. He leaned down to lessen the gap between your faces, observing your slumbrous face.
"Darling, go back to sleep and let Daddy make you feel good," he cooed, reverting to slow grinding of his hips onto yours.
"'Luc...," you murmured, blinking your droopy eyes before shutting them again.
The warmth of Diluc's body along with the heavenly sensual feeling on your pussy cajoled you to continue your sleep. Now, Teyvat wasn't dragging Diluc back. Good.
He once again continued to piston his manhood, this time not minding if he would dematerialize naked. The friction of his raging cock inside your snug wet walls felt so good to bother.
He swore he'll knock you up. That way, everyone would know you were his. You would look cute in a maternity blouse while your belly bulged in carrying his child. He wondered if you could come to Teyvat. If you did, he'd make sure to hide you in his mansion so none of your present or future characters would pester you.
Because you were his.
Too much stimulation made your cunt orgasm, milking Diluc's big fat cock in a delicious squeeze and making him follow suit. He had been denying himself orgasm that he spurted a load of warm thick semen inside of you.
After resting inside your womanhood did Diluc finally pull out. Archons, you were so full, weren't you? He ogled at your mixed cums oozing out your pussy. What a naughty girl you were, spilling everything like this?
He grunted, scooping the wasted essence in his digits before fingering them back inside your pussy.
"Don't waste any drop, darling."
You squeezed your thighs together in hopes of relieving your cunt. It wasn't a surprise you woke up in the mood. After all, you had a sweet erotic dream last night.
Piercing red eyes. Fiery red hair. Your partner in your dreams was Diluc Ragnvindr, your DPS Pyro Daddy.
You lazily positioned yourself to face your Genshin boy. Meanwhile, Diluc had just finished adjusting his gloves. He then returned to stare back at you, idly standing somewhere in Teyvat.
"I had a dream about you last night, Master Diluc," you narrated, staring directly into Diluc's eyes as you began touching yourself.
Holy fuck, Diluc in Red Dead of the Night outfit looked so fucking hot! You could already fantasize what he would do with his chains. Now imagine him disciplining the naughty you.
"A - Ah...! Master Diluc...! You're too big inside me! I'm sorry...!" you cried, splitting yourself up and pretending it was Diluc ruining your pussy.
Heh. He should've known you liked it rough. Had he known earlier, he wouldn't have hesitated to ravage you to his heart's content. He'd do extra compared to what he did before. All while being cautious as to not wake you up, of course.
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Contrary to his usual energetic and passionate characteristic, Bennett looked worn-out and conflicted as he stared at your peaceful form from across the room. What was the point of materializing in your world? Aside from watching you, could he really do nothing? Was it really impossible to interact with you knowing that tonight might be his last?
Yosh! Let's go, Benny's adventure team!
Where is the Pyro Archon? Bennett.... Bennett... Ah, there you go!
Good night, baby Bennett.
Your kind cheers gave him so much life - better than any Statue of the Seven could offer. Although some of them were exaggerated such as you calling him the Pyro Archon or you titling him the best boy in all Teyvat, still he loved how you appreciated him.
The question was, how long were you going to give him attention?
Sure, he was a support character. Sure, he could be squeezed in almost any line-up. Sure, he was indispensable. But after you pull the new character, he knew you would be all over that newbie instead of him. In fact, you kept gushing about your soon-to-be favourite even if you have not pulled them yet.
"[Your name], I really really like you," Bennett whined.
Mustering his courage, he took a few steps forward. One foot on the front then carefully followed by the other. Slowly but surely, he would reach you using the way he knew how: determination.
But luck was never on his side. Without getting far, the light illuminating your room suddenly blinked, making the place pitch black for a quick moment. Along with the strange phenomenon, he felt Teyvat tried to drag him back.
Bennett paused, fear and disappointment coursing through his body. What exactly happened? Why did the lights flicker? Why did he feel he was going to dematerialize yet was still in your room? Were these signs he was not meant to be with you?
"Ahhh... I'm really, really unlucky, aren't I?" Bennett sighed in defeat.
He wanted to - desperately wanted to at least whisper in your ear. He wanted to convey his emotions: how happy he was whenever you used him and praised him; how sad he was to think you will have someone new; how disappointed he was at himself as he imagined what if he was not a suitable support for the upcoming character's party setup.
"Mmh...," you noised, stirring in your sleep.
He wanted to and he will. After all, he wouldn't be called an adventurer if he didn't take risks. With a newly lit determination, now burning more than ever, he boldly marched forward towards his goal, each step making the butterflies flutter in his stomach.
He will admire you up close.
He will whisper words of affirmation to you.
He will touch you.
"Heh... Hehe...!" Bennett uttered in disbelief. He froze still, not knowing if this was all a dream or not. Yet seeing you in a short distance and actually smelling your fragrant scent told him it was all real. "I - I made it... I made it!"
The young adventurer celebrated as he now stood beside your slumbering form. If he knew he could be this close to you, he would have tried it sooner.
He then excitedly laid beside you and engulfed your body in a warm hug. He leaned his head towards yours and he swore you were the most fragrant he'd ever sniffed.
"Mmh...! You smell so nice," Bennett happily remarked in a hushed whisper.
Euphoric: that was the state Bennett was in. This odd satisfying feeling stirred something inside him - an instinct.
"Hey, uhm...," the adventurer bashfully said. "Is it okay if I kiss you?"
Bennett stared at you as he eagerly awaited your reply.
"O - oops! Hehe...! I forgot you were asleep...!" he sheepishly admitted, laughing at his own foolishness. He pleaded in a monologue, "Then... I'll help myself, okay?"
Nervously, he inched his lips closer to yours. A little more. A little bit more. But the moment he felt your lips on his, he immediately pulled away.
"Ah-! Sorry...!" he fussed, scratching his head in embarrassment.
Focus! He squeezed his eyes shut, breathed in, and exhaled on his mouth. Yosh!
At a steadier pace, with lidded eyes, he approached your lips, and did not shy away when yours and his collided. A simple peck on the lips. It made butterflies flutter in his stomach. Slowly he opened his eyes to see your beautiful face close to him. To think that someone like him had a chance to be with you like this was overwhelming.
He suddenly was timid while thinking about the sweet you and him on a modest date. In embarrassment, he hid his face on the crook of your neck - an area where your scent was more concentrated.
Aside from kissing your lips, can he do more? He glanced at your body from head to toe and immediately noticed how your nightwear hugged your figure. Your seemingly soft lady lumps were accentuated topped with perky nipples. Meanwhile, your smooth plush thighs were exposed and were waiting to be touched. Everything he could have asked was beside him and no one was stopping him to do what he wanted.
Still. Bennett shouldn't do anything more, especially not something indecent. He was already lucky enough to be able to place a shy peck on your lips. He knew he should not be greedy. Instead, he should focus on you. A sweet cuddle was what you needed. Just this was fine.
"Thank you, [your name]."
Bennett hoped his heartfelt gratitude would reach you in your sleep. He loved you and he respected you. Even if you were naked in front of him, he would never take advantage of you. You were kind to him and what would he be if he did you wrong?
"Nnhhhh!!" you squeaked, stretching your limbs after a long relaxing rest. "Good morning, Benny!"
You hurriedly washed yourself first before playing your favourite game. As usual, you went to hunt for the new character's materials and artifacts using Bennett and his three other companion.
While farming, a godly rune dropped from the dungeon you were in and it was something your baby boy Bennett could use.
"Hey, hey! This is an awesome artifact for you, Benny!" you chimed after comparing Bennett's current artifact versus the one you recently obtained. It was alright to replace the one Bennett had as it will not affect your piece-set bonus effects.
Bennett, deep down, was glad you still thought of him. You didn't have to give him a better artifact. He didn't deserve it.
"All hail the Pyro Archon!" you exclaimed in a playful tone. "We better prepare you so you can actually become the Pyro Archon and take over Natlan."
Yet here you were, cheering again for him. It was excessive, sure, but he appreciated it very much. It meant the world to him. In truth, he wanted to cry, not in pain but in joy. If he could control his movements, he would grovel and chant you praises. All this time he was afraid you would discard him. Perhaps his fear of being replaced was all in his head after all.
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Kaeya Alberich
Beside your peaceful sleeping form, Kaeya laid on his side to watch how beautiful you looked. From time to time he would ever so slightly graze his fingertips on the shape of your face. Discarded on the floor were his accessories and extra layer of clothes, leaving him in his white blouse and tight-fit pants. This scene was a very common one, something of a routine whenever Kaeya materialized in your room. The only difference was that now, Kaeya longed for more.
However, something warned him he shouldn't.
Risk was something Kaeya enjoyed very much. He claimed it would be boring if there were no such hindrances. But you - you were a risk he could not take. One wrong move - only one wrong move might ruin his chances to be with you.
"I promised to accompany you in your journey, did I not? I've kept my word. So don't abandon me, alright?" Kaeya pleaded in a hushed tone before placing a sweet kiss on your cheeks.
"You've always looked lovely, you know? If only you'd allow me to stare at you more."
Kaeya began to kiss your lips passionately while his hands traveled to cup your breasts.
"Heh... It's amusing you don't know I am aware how you ogle at me. Cryo Daddy, wasn't it?"
His fingers skillfully stimulated your perky nipples. Followed by a satisfied hum, your eyebrows, he observed, knitted together momentarily before relaxing once again. That meant your body was reacting to his ministrations. Good.
"Ah - ah... What a naughty girl you are," the Favonius Captain teased as he exposed your womanhood.
"You wouldn't hate me, would you?" Kaeya cooed as he slid his manhood between the plush of your lovely thighs.
Archons, Kaeya felt like he was in heaven!
"Ah...! Angel, s'good...!" Kaeya moaned in between thrusts.
Fucking your thighs. That should be enough to satisfy him, right?
"Hah... Say, angel, you fantasize about this, don't you?"
Being sandwiched by your thighs had Kaeya crazy. His cock twitched and spurted cum. Regardless, Kaeya kept rutting, painting your skin with his essence.
"Fuck-! You're squeezing me tightly, baby doll...!" feeling his cock penetrate your snug velvet walls, Kaeya choked a moan.
He kept himself still, cuddling you from behind in a spooning position. Your warm wet pussy around his cock already felt divine. Imagine how it felt like if he-
"Ah, shit...!" he began to thrust his cock in and out. "You feel this, baby girl? Ugh....! Angel, I could come right now!"
But he wouldn't give you his seeds so easily.
"You're so good for me, angel."
As he nibbled on your exposed neck, his hand trailed down to give attention to your puffy clit. His ministrations made your body shudder and your cunt spasm.
"Oh? So this is your weak spot...?" Kaeya teased.
He was so mean to you, riling your pussy up with his fingers as he let his cock sit snugly inside. He didn't even have to move as your self-contracting love-hole massaged his manhood for him. It was the third time you came from just this.
"Mmh... So, so good to me, baby girl," Kaeya growled in excitement. He brought his hand to cup and squeeze your breasts. "Wish we could do this every night."
Kaeya then began to piston his cock once again while stimulating your body further with his free hand. The first thrust made you cum once again, but Kaeya continued to arouse and fuck you. You cumming all over him was in his favour.
"D - damn...! Fuck, baby girl! I'm cumming!" Kaeya let out a guttural moan, rutting into you like an animal in heat. "Fuck...!"
One final thrust drove you and Kaeya into orgasm. His was so hard the he had managed to choke out a low growl.
The night was young. Seeing as you were still in dreamland, he reckoned he could try other things he had in store for you.
"Mmph...," you moaned.
Your dream was so delicious. Your lewd brain vividly simulated how sex felt like, starting from the foreplay down to the head-spinning stretch of your pussy. Sadly, now that you were awake, you realized how lonely your cunt was.
"Mmh... Kaeya, come here," you murmured.
Previously, Kaeya had his back facing the screen as you fell asleep during one of your Teyvat adventures. Now, you had him turn around so you could ogle at the hunky Favonius Captain.
"Kaeya, you're so sexy...," you said, bringing your hand to your crotch area.
Wow, damn! Were you really this wet to the point you've stained your thighs? Perhaps it was impossible but you were indeed horny so you paid no thought as to why your thighs were sullied.
"S - shit...!" you squealed, feeling your orgasm closer than you expected.
Damn, you were really too horny, weren't you? No matter. A beautiful lazy morning was ideal for lewd things like this anyway.
Kaeya internally gloated as he watched how you masturbated for him. It seems the risk he took was worth it after all.
Spaces!! The reason why my draft wasn't saving was because of spaces/new lines! 😡😡
I swear. Diluc is 🥵❤️
To whoever read this, thank you for your time. Here, have some grapes. 🍇
Links : Pinned Post, JJ version A1(Albedo / Childe / Venti / Zhongli) Separate, JJ version Venti solo, JJ version A2 (Albedo / Childe / Venti / Zhongli) GangB., SAGAU/Reverse Isekai concept, Teasers Maltesers (Jan 13)
186 notes · View notes
lesbianlotties · 11 months
Ronance 7 for the unrequited requited ship meme 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
send me (not)unrequited love prompts!
It started at the library. Both of them sitting on the floor, enjoying their research a little too much, and each other’s company even more. Nancy hadn’t yet decided if she was annoyed because Robin talked too much when they should have been studying or if what bothered her was the fact that she very much wasn’t annoyed with Robin when she should have been. It started with a confession, nervously followed by “But I’ve actually never kissed a girl,” and impulsive but secretly hopeful, “Well, me neither… It can’t be that different, right?” Robin scoffed and disagreed. Nancy risked it all and dared her to prove her wrong. It wasn’t surprising that Robin was right, but it was downright shocking that Nancy loved to be wrong for once.
It happened again, in Robin’s bedroom, halfway through a movie that Nancy wanted and simultaneously couldn’t pay attention to, both because of Robin. When the actors started making out on screen, Robin made a joke about chemistry and breaking character, and Nancy had to do and say it was only acting, anyone could do that. Again, Robin rolled her eyes and disagreed, but this time she took the initiative to dare Nancy to prove it. In the end, breathless watching the credits of the movie, Nancy couldn’t figure out which one of them had been right. Robin didn’t ask, anyway.
Soon enough, it became far too easy to come up with excuses, dares, and points to prove. At school, Family Video, Steve’s house, Robin’s empty house, the Wheeler’s basement. Nancy had never been so eager to lose countless arguments. Though she had to admit that when, after all the kissing, Robin pulled back, flushed, smiling, and with darkened eyes told her she was right, those were the greatest victories of Nancy’s life. 
There was only one problem, and the millions of ramifications it had: Nancy was falling for Robin. Not just when they were kissing. Maybe especially when they weren’t kissing and it was all she could think about. It wasn’t her fault that Robin Buckley happened to be an extraordinary kisser, capable of reading Nancy like a book and channeling her gentlest or most enthusiastic approach at any given time just following what Nancy most desperately wanted from her. It would have been heaven, if not for the fact that, without fail, Nancy walked away burdened and frightened of her emotions, while Robin seemed to go on with her life as usual, cheerful and unattached.
After one too many failed attempts at ending things, Nancy finally reached her limit. They were parked on the side of a lonely road, and she was quite successfully proving to Robin that making out in a car wasn’t too uncomfortable to be enjoyable. 
“We have to stop,” Nancy whispered, against Robin’s lips.
Robin, who was always a little too nervous and committed to making sure Nancy was comfortable, pulled back instantly, as if struck by lightning. That didn’t stop her from continuing to stare longingly at Nancy’s lips, as if she hadn’t been kissing them half a second ago.
“What’s wrong?” Robin wondered.
“You have to stop kissing me like you mean it,” Nancy said, smiling sadly. But she contradicted herself and indulged in one more kiss from Robin, even if it was too short, even if it was the last, she would treasure it forever. When she pulled back, she said, “Because I’m starting to believe it. And, I… I shouldn’t.” Nancy looked down at her lap. She had promised herself she would find a way to end this without saying too much, but her feelings for Robin turned out to be too large to be completely contained. “I should let you go,” Nancy said, avoiding Robin’s eyes, so quietly, hoping maybe Robin wouldn’t hear her say, “Before I break my own heart…”
If there was anything else to say or a chance to escape, everything was interrupted by Robin’s gentle but slightly trembling fingers on Nancy’s chin. 
“What if I meant them?” Robin asked as she tilted Nancy's chin up to face her. She grinned when she caught the awe-struck look on Nancy’s face. “I’ve meant every single kiss, Nance. I like you. I’ve liked you even before the first one.”
Nancy’s lips parted in surprise, and for a moment she thought she might cry. Then she chuckled lightly and asked, “Really? Do you mean that?”
Robin’s timid smile turned into a playful grin that confirmed to Nancy it was far too late to run away from her feelings for the other girl.
“Can I prove it?” Robin asked her, raising an eyebrow and laughing along with Nancy. But, a moment later, Nancy shook her head, and although she couldn’t fight her smile, she was entirely serious when she replied.
“No more dares, Robin. Nothing to prove. Just you and me, okay?”
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specialgradefckr · 3 months
Heyyo! I'm usually just a lurker, but your Heatwave series has been absolutely incredible and I had to write in. I'm not usually an ABO fan, but you are rapidly changing my mind. Started with the Yuuta/Rika piece and loved your characterization of that sad eyed dude. Sweet and mostly passive while also being fully aware of reader-chan's BS.
Day 4 tho??? 🥵🔥🥵 I'm a more recent Gojo convert and oh my stars, "...you think for a moment he sounds like a dog toy. You think you want to make him your dog toy." Arrogant, but also whiney and pathetic Gojo really hits for me. The Pining? Phenomenal.
Just wanted to gas you up a bit and let you know what an excellent writer you are. Totally looking forward to the rest of the Heatwave series and whatever else your big brain cooks up in the future! 😊
wanted to gas you up a bit
awwhhhhHHh THANK YOUUUU 🥺 i super appreciate it!!!
honestly i started this blog recently and i've been trying not to compare the numbers but sometimes i get discouraged, you know? like, i AM doing it for the art (i knew day 3 was not gonna get a lot of love) but i'm posting it bc it makes me happy to see people enjoying it.
it's super encouraging to hear from you (and all the others who leave comments or reblog etc.) that my work is doing well.
i'm trying to be more critical of my own writing, fix things i don't like about it, and sometimes i need a reminder that it's still worthwhile and enjoyable to read even when i feel like it could have been better.
I've been writing like? All 10 of the Heatwave prompts concurrently, and while it means I have all of them drafted and partly written rn, it also means I switch between them a lot.
Inevitably I start to kinda. Lose the plot sometimes of a scene I'm trying to write skdfhglsdhg like the intro to the Yuta fic was SOOOO long actually and it was rambling about social phenomena with alphas, basically the omegaverse version of red pill dudes LMAOOO
and that was also supposed to lead in to like. the idea of what a REAL alpha is. the non-gendered values of leadership, protectiveness, and actually being sensitive to the thoughts and feelings of people around them (a crucial trait for someone in a leadership position).
and yuta fits those things SO WELL. he is CONSTANTLY worried about the people around them, how they feel and what they think. he admires the shit out of his classmates who like, tried to attack him when they first met fghskjdfgh. he wants to protect them but he never looks down on them.
later in the manga we see that yuta's consideration and empathy isn't just for his classmates. he cares a lot even for people who are very capable of protecting themselves - he cares about their feelings.
so i just knew like. yuta and tsundere reader. yuta who can see though your fussiness because he's always been perceptive.
yuta who thinks you're hot bc he has a constant boner for strong women but also has a deep yearning to see you be honest and vulnerable with him, and goes feral for it.
yuta who you can be vulnerable with because you know him and his gentle smile, his kind words, how he looks up to you even though he's a special grade and stronger than you'll ever be,, hhhh....
tmi but "fuck me until i sound like a dog toy" is actually something a previous partner said to me??? i've never been much of a top but hearing that just kinda had me... hsdfgjhdsg HHHHHH
i think a major part of gojo's appeal is how he can be arrogant and pretty AND sultry all at once. there's something utterly delicious about a slutty confident man who is also crying screaming throwing up for you to let him put it in you skdhflsdhg
next heatwave fic is sdkfgsdlhgshg uhhhHHhh different from the ones you have read, it's a yandere piece with gojo and geto.
After that it's another gojo piece i think you'll REALLY like >.> masochist!gojo is a favorite headcanon of mine and i was actually super hyped writing some of the smut there so far hehe.
glad you've enjoyed so far! more to come for sure ;)
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…I am worried there aren’t enough words to express how much I LOVE 🩷THIS🩷FIC🩷 OH MY WORD I- I!!!!!!- it’s pure and complete melt. Oh my heart Cyno just when you think he can’t get any cuter I just - Miserable Day, Warm hugs is my new Roman Empire for the next lord knows how long (probably until another amazing earth shattering fic comes out 😭😭) the level of fluff and softness and the cooing?? Nari softly cooing?????????? HELLOO??? I’m gonna die. Okay. Breathing.
everything about this fic was so abundant in sickfic and comfort it’s insane. Cynos disposition this time around was so delightfully new!!! I mean he clearly felt terrible. Just, wretched, him describing feeling like he’s on a *boat* AFTER having already thrown up?? That’s some serious sick tummy stuff right there, and it just seemed like it was. Not. Budging. I ADORE how unusually emotional Cyno was 🥺🥺🥺🥺and I won’t say what but the reveal as to why was just absolutely the most precious thing 😭
all the little details, the super snuggly Cyno, the rainy day, his weepy eyes, and the slowly worsening nausea. Tighnaris smart and gentle attempts to help and his just overflowing caregiver energy??? The green robe 😭😭😭THE LITTLE FOX PLUSHY???!!!!! AAAAAHHHHHH also also also Cyno finally breaking (and finally puking even tho it didn’t seem to help him at all poor thing) was just chefs kiss x1000 I LOVE.
uhg just so indulgent and cozy I can’t- I am re reading this until I can no longer look at my screen damn it. 😤 and you best believe I gotta draw stuff from this. I mean PLEASE Cyno- it’s one thing to be sick but to be that sick with out rest and also just so sad 😭.
hold him. Hold him forever 🥺
You have no idea how happy this ask made me, I've already read and reread it about three times since I woke up this morning 🥺🩷
This fic just over all felt like it wasn't my best work, so hearing that you loved it so much just makes me unreasonably happy!! I'm so happy to know that, even if it wasn't what I had pictured in my head, it was still enjoyable and somebody still really liked it! Thank you so much!!
I really went hard on poor Cyno here 🥺 I wanted to just capture him feeling really really bad, like he's just feeling way too poorly to have any of his walls up. His stomach was just really sick and not planning on feeling better anytime soon. (Not gonna lie my brain ran away with this, I was thinking "He's really sick, what if he's really really sick, what he keeps going downhill and this leads to an ER visit...." I'm not sure if I'll actually write that as a follow up because part of me just wants to keep this soft and cozy, but part of me is definitely tempted to dig deep into the angst.)
It wasn't even originally my intention to have Cyno be sad outside of feeling sick and miserable, but he just. He decided he was going to be sad. So I took it and ran with it and made it a plot point! He was just really feeling like the world was against him by the end of it, somebody hug him 🥺
Don't get me started on how much fun I had just making this COZY! I was having so much fun with that. I just, I'm in love with the mental image of sickly Cyno curled up in this dressing gown that's one, just way too big on him (because an oversized robe is a comfy one, Nari probably deliberately bought a slightly big one) and two, obnoxiously bright green and with a flower pattern, like it's so visibly Tighnari's and not Cyno's but that makes it all the more precious. And of course the fox plushy makes a return!! It's an official character now
Ahh I'm just so happy you enjoyed it so much!! Omg art would absolutely make me squeal, but of course no pressure, we don't push ourselves here!
Thank you so so much again!! 🩷
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damienthepious · 1 year
Can you reccomend your fave smutty rad bouquet fics? Either your own or other peoples. Looking for new reading material.
OKAY forgive me please for taking literally weeks to actually get to this. the entirety of my March was spent slowly and then very quickly moving to a new house, and it has been CHAOS over here.
MORE IMPORTANTLY! Happy Lizard Kissin' Tuesday, let me recommend some SMUT.
(tho honestly you'd do just as well checking my bookmarks on ao3 because... for some bizarre reason the smutty stuff is the ONLY thing i ever think to bookmark? I don't get it.)
HERE we go. These aren't really in an order but i'm starting with my three all-time faves and then moving to some sturdy solid mainstays:
Sir Arum and the Green Knight [ao3] (27k words) - I mean it's a green knight au AND a monster-human swap au AND it's full of fucking feelings and ALSO it's joyously smutty and ALSO- look!!! i keep this fic open in a tab on my phone at all times. I truly love the way this one is written. it was the first fic i EVER bookmarked. i would call it plot with porn rather than the alternative but the sexy chapter is VERY sexy.
Here's Eglantine, Here's Ivy [ao3] (5k) - PWP Of All Time for me. ALL TIME. Pure and beautiful kink, Arum playing dom and slowly and perfectly ruining his humans with magic vines. i am ruined also by this fic. good lord.
The Honey of Our Lit Up Veins [ao3] (5k) - also magic sex vines! don't perceive my vibes from this. I love Damien in this one honestly, he's so very sweet and his inner emotional path throughout the fic is so deeply enjoyable and relatable.
A Shift in Leverage [ao3] (9k) - Rilla in armor. Rilla in armor getting fucked by an extremely enthusiastic Arum. Rilla in armor getting to fuck an extremely enthusiastic Arum. It's all incredibly enormously sexy and lovely and warm and i fucking adore it.
in my world (constantly, constantly) [ao3] (6k) - Very soft and sweet and gentle, i love to see damien get taken care of in ALL capacities 🥺🥰
easy like [ao3] (4k) - I associate this one with like... slow lazy summer warmth. honey gold. it's a soft happy place for me. and also it's fucking sexy.
Snapdragon [ao3] (8k) - includes the tag "T4T4L (trans 4 trans 4 lizard)" so like. yesssssss. Rilla breaking the other two is extremely my jam. Hell yeah.
should've worshipped her sooner [ao3] (4.5k) - I mean you start with a hozier inspired title and then the fic is about damien getting pegged, so. All good all around. fucking LOVE it.
selfish prayers [ao3] (4k) - ... another magic tentacle one. there was a THING going on for a while, it's honestly not my fault. This one is shockingly funny? Arum in particular is so fucking charming, but it's also VERY sexy.
I smelled no salt, I touched no sand [ao3] (3k) - okay this one is probably the most nonstandard pull on here because it's sir damien/saint damien and maybe that's not what you'd expect but . it's written by the same person who wrote the green knight au and it's honestly VERY compelling! i love it very much ngl.
Also this isn't a fic BUT honorable mention to:
lilf rights! [ao3] (art!) - Genuinely and truly the best and most joyous smutty bouquet art in the world. One of the pieces overtly inspired a chapter of hb3! go. enjoy. ENJOY.
and okay sure my own smut is here
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I read your arospec scarian post and oh my I am SO on board with this, incredible iconic beautiful thank you for sharing
It’s been a full day since you posted it and I read it and I am still going insane about it /pos
I’ve read the post and the little fic like 3-4 times it is so so good
im very attached to this little au, its so sweet and gentle and funny. Sometimes we just need a little bit of fluff in the mix to keep us going (shocking words coming from me, lord of angst /lh)
Im really glad you liked it so much!!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 i had a lot of fun writing it, so maybe i'll end up writing more snippets in the future 🥰🥰🥰🥰
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villainwannabe · 2 months
!Welcome to the Jayden's✨Horny Lair✨!
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What to expect here? Shitposting/thirsting at it's FINEST form. And art. And smuts. And hate. On the world. I guess. LMAO.
Here, uhh, have some user boxes ig.
Also, check out my main while you're at it: @tireddovahkiin
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>> My Ultimate F/O list!!! <<
My two main F/O's are Sephiroth (from Final Fantasy VII) and Hanami (from Jujutsu Kaisen!). I love them both so much I'm insane about them <3
(Dni if we share a f/o that I'm not comfortable with sharing.)
Minors, do not fucking read below this point. (Srsly, just shoo away ty)
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Some of my personal fave kinks uwu:
vanilla (Naw im actually scared of non-loving sex/rough n animalistc fucking...💀)
size kink (just thinking about a big beefy man or a massive woman or a humongous monster standing beside me will make me faint-)
body worship (*faints* [both giving and receiving])
pampering (i just wan sum lov😢)
praise kink (*bats eye lashes cutely and explodes*)
hand kink (big veiny arms holding me in a tight headlock... ZOOWEEWOO-)
mommy kink (ONLY FOR WOMEN THO daddy kink is iffy to me ngl)
cockwarming (Dudeee don't get me even STARTED. I just love the thought of such a way of being connected to your beloved without the need to do something more and intense, we just basking in each other and chilling🥴)
foreplay (no foreplay NO SEX IDFC /hj)
bondage (BOTH SIDES- GIVING AND RECEIVING [although not so hardcore like shibari, but yes to hand restains uwu])
dry humping (the thought of being vulnerable while riding someones thigh and being praised for my good job makes me so DAMN WET-)
breeding (.... oui🙊🙈)
dacryphillia (NOT IN ANY DEGRADING sense. Just making me cry innocent tears from either frustration or overwhelming emotions, and pampering and soothing me and wiping them away and mmmnndhshhsd~🙈)
manhandling (again, not hardcore, and in NO degrading sense way. Degradation is a BIG BIG no for me. But GENTLE, safe manhandling like a bear taking care of me🥺)
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⚠ THE SAME GOES FOR THOSE WHO LOVE FREAKY KINKS (R4PE/AG3PLAY/SC4T/V0RE/3METO/PR1MAL/P4IN ENJOYERS) (Sorry guys, I'm just not vibing with ya. I'm too sensitive for that scary/disgusting shit. For my own comfort stay a goooooood distance away from me.)
⚠ I have age regress, so I may act brash and not so 'adultey' as I'm expected! the tone I use may be a bit too energetic, so, if you find it annoying or uncomfortable, feel free to block me! But just to make sure other age regressors know, it is not safe for littles!!!
⚠ I cuss a lot!
⚠ For those who already know me, just so you know, I'll be a lot more open here with my misanthropic/pessimistic nature. So yeah, dark Jayden it is.
⚠ I can be quite forgettable (ADHD things)! If I happen to ghost you/forget to answer/don't remember some of the things you said, I'm really sorry, it was never my intention🙏
⚠ My OC and S/I lore is very... Unrealistic, which means, they are usually non-human and/or immortal beings with a bit of overemphasized powers and such. They're not really a Mary Sue OC, though. If that bothers you, feel free to block me!
⚠ It is a safe space for any LGBTQ+/Neurodivergent person, and any Race/Ethnicity/Age!
⚠ There will be a LOT of sin here!!! Art or one-shots, or just rants I post in general (sometimes)! If OC x Canon/Canon x Canon art bothers you, no hate, just block please!
⚠ I will be blocking minors/ageless blogs who follow me, since this blog ain't safe for kids that much!!! And yes, this blog is 18+!
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[Ty for reading! I hope you enjoy your stay ^^]
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pillow-anime-talk · 4 years
HEY BAE i just read ur 36. jakurai and im in love with him 🥺 can u do a 46. + jakurai with a female reader but like her first time receiving u know what 😏 if its not much to ask oc, thank you <3
# tags: scenario; current relationship; romance; fluff; smut; nsfw
warnings: mention of sexual activities, oral sex, hypersensitivity
includes: female reader ft. jakurai jinguji {hypmic}
author’s note: HEY, HEY, HEY!! and yes, i’ll do it with pleasure 8) thank you so much, love &lt;3
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46. Kisses that are in places other than the face.
“J-Jakurai.” You whispered, and moments later you groaned again as soon as you felt a sweet kiss on the inside of your right thigh.
You closed your eyes a little tighter than necessary, and shortly thereafter you called the man by his first name once again, grabbing the white sheet between your fingers in the process. The thirty-five-year-old didn’t answer just like before, though, and instead bit into the soft skin on your leg while stroking the other, equally delicate one, very gently.
You felt terribly insecure and shy with the fact that for the first time in your life someone was between your legs and so close to your touchy spot. Of course, sex wasn’t strange to both of you; you and Jakurai did it more than once, that twice, and always when you wanted to do it and when you both had a moment of free time. Likewise, sucking his dick wasn’t unusual for you. To be honest, sometimes oral sex was more frequent than normal one. You loved doing it. You loved to surprise your boyfriend under his desk or in the morning before he even got up and please him in the least expected times to show him how much you love him, how much you want to take care of him and relaxed his body after working in the hospital.
The reverse, however, was different. You’ve never had a sexual partner before who also took care of your needs. It was like that until Jakurai showed you the true meaning of pleasure and about giving attention to the other person. He always asked you if you were feeling well, he always prepared your body properly with his long fingers, he relaxed you, kissed your forehead or hands. These were by far the most enjoyable hours of the day for the two of you.
However, receiving oral sex from him was new to the two of you (especially you) and you didn’t know what to do; where to look, where to put your hands, what to say or say anything at all. Although you had to admit that the feeling of a man’s hot lips against your body was truly soothing and extremely pleasant. When he squeezed your hips, calves or bit the skin on your thighs, you had the impression that he was doing it with incredible, almost medical precision and tenderness. Therefore, due to these gentle gestures, you decided to look down and of course you blushed instantly as soon as your eyes met.
“I-It’s too much.” You admitted, and he merely smiled as he pushed his face away from your thigh and leaned forward a little, this time kissing your naked, soft stomach.
“I haven’t done anything yet, darling.”
“... It’s still too much f-for me.” You grunted, bringing another slight smile to his handsome face.
“I’ll do it slowly, okay?” You nodded uncertainly at his question, and a while later your eyes rolled back as you felt the first contact between his mouth and your own, sensitive place that no one had seen so close before.
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morganaspendragonss · 3 years
to add some distraction from everything else on here, and cos i wanna know.
bestie rank the john and jojo dances pls
erin i actually hate you for asking this of me. but of course i did it anyway
1. week four: american smooth
not a favourite. i think john sometimes looked a bit unsure when he was out of hold, especially at the beginning, and in hold i didn't seem like his technique was quite as polished as it could have been. not that i'm a dancing expert, but it didn't look right to me.
2. week eight: samba
this is the one where there is the biggest contrast between the two of them. you can really see how john is holding himself back from being too camp or too gay, like he said in the christmas cake video, and that contrasted against johannes just going for it makes this dance a little less cohesive.
3. week six: quickstep
do love a good quickstep, me. but this wasn't their best, i don't think. looked like there were a few stumbles and stiffness and a little bit of hesitancy from john which means it's lower on this list.
4. week seven: rumba
i can't stand rumbas usually. they're slow and boring and the celebrities rarely do it in a way that looks good. HOWEVER. something about theirs felt very soft, very gentle, and i can't type this without mentioning their little hug after it was over 🥺 can't call it a favourite because i still don't like rumbas but it was good.
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5. week one: tango
you can very much tell that this is a week one dance, but it's still so so impressive. like, the synchronicity is just so 👌 knew they were going to be great from the very first moment.
6. week ten: argentine tango
controversial? probably, considering it scored so highly. but if you wanted the actual ranking of how good they are, you could just look at the leaderboards. argentine tangos always miss the mark for me. i don't know why, maybe it was seeing flavia and vincent perform professional ones when i was younger, but i always expect too much from the celebrities and i always end up disappointed. which is wholly on me, but there we go. also i felt like the end section was kind of messy.
7. week nine: viennese waltz
again, really good, but it's very much middle of the table for me. i feel like there was a bit of hesitancy still, sadly.
8. week two: cha cha cha
now, normally, i don't like the cha cha. i think it's a boring, annoying dance masquerading as some fun party thing. but, credit where it's due, johannes pulled some spectacular choreography out and this was actually enjoyable for me to watch. hips were on point.
9. week eleven: salsa
for a brief moment rewatching it i forgot how it ended. and then i saw poor johannes give john the wrong hand and it was just 😭 poor boys. this could have been exceptional, but the lifts just didn't go that well for me, even the one nearer the beginning. and, well. jotato radebe 😭😭😭
10. week five: charleston
11. week three: paso doble
amazing showstopping incredible, we both knew this was coming. i don't even need to rewatch this one to know that it's going straight to the top. i'm going to anyway though. i'm still fuming that it didn't get 40. linking this one because it deserves to be seen by everyone. (even though i know very few people will bother to read to the end of this)
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1111jenx · 3 years
hii it’s not a request or anything i just came here to tell you that your blog made me love astrology again, you talk about topics with such gentle and caring energy, always making sure that your statements come from a place of love. you made astrology enjoyable again (to me personally) and you express perfectly the point that theres much more than the surface & stereotypes when it comes to placements, making it easy to see how magical and accurate astrology really is.
and for that i am really grateful :)
with love,
- cancer venus <3
Hi baby
That is deadass I wanna do. Like literally what you just described is everything I aspire to inspire haha:") I'm so glad I gave you a little nudge to further pursue your interest w astro again, I know it is hella interesting isn't it. I seriously want to clear all the stereotypes that were constructed by how people generalize and misunderstand astro along with a lot of placements:D reading stuff like this is always a wakeup call for me. right time, right place. I'm glad I have you as one of my followers baby. Thank you so much for your words🥺
saint jenx🪐
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lambsmain · 3 years
OKAY I haven’t seen nearly enough compliment chain stuff happening so I’m here to fix that!! 💌💌💌✨!!! Okay, first: literally how are you so good at art oh my gods. Your faces are always just. SO pretty. Just the whole structure and the eyes and the little noses….. and your proportions!!! And your OUTFITS!! Everything always just looks so soft and gentle all the time. You give me mad style envy on a damn near daily basis. My cartoony art style is pretty opposite to yours but still.
Also! Even though writing isn’t your main medium, I read ‘Oops! All Bottoms’ when you posted it and today I reread ‘I’ll probably cry later’ and I do really like both of them. Fics that are just really short and sweet are nice every once in a while, and fics about the boys being silly and horny or trying to figure out romance or sexual identity while away from each other are right up my alley.
And you’re also so funny? Like. I never have anything to add so I don’t, but I have been keeping up with the majority of the long reblog chains about whatever that you and your mutuals get up to and they regularly have me muffling my snickers into my hand.
You are. v cool. Easily top five people I’d bake cookies for 💖✨💌
OmG Bitsy!! You are toooo kind!
Thank you so so much for, ugh ; everything??
I'm really bad at responding to stuff like this but know I reacted audibly to more than one sentence hahaha.
Okay here I go trying:
Thank you for pointing out and liking the silly little way I draw noses 🥺
Also!! Thank you for reading my writing! It means a lot to know people actually get enjoyment out of it 😊 It's stuff like this that will encourage me to write more/post more of it so thank you so much! 💕
FUnNny!!?? (this is my favourite compliment to get because I am dumb)
I guess with the reblog chains its usually 3D bringing out the best (worst? debatable) in me. But I won't let him take credit for my funny. Is My Funny. Bitsy said so.
You are also very cool!! the best!! tysm 💕 I'd love to chat with you more so let's!! do that!!
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jooyeone · 3 years
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alice, happy birthday! 💘 you are truly one of the warmest and loveliest people i had the pleasure of encountering on here & i’m just so happy about it! i always love seeing your beautiful creations on my dash and reading your tags under other creators’ edits is just one of my favourite things ever (how can you be so talented and funny and cute and cool and and and 😔 (such jimin vibes)). thank you for making this place funnier and kinder and more enjoyable, i really admire the way you’re always so supportive and have sweet words for everyone! i hope you’ll have the bestest day, full of love and happiness and bright things 💖 i love you, i’m sending you tight hugs & i wish nothing but the best things in life for you 💘 p.s. i hope you liked the lil gif (© namuspromised) i made 🥺
ems this message went straight to my heart 😭 thank you so much for your words and for your birthday wishes! you're always so kind and gentle and loving towards me and i can't thank you enough for it 🥺 i can only hope you know how much i appreciate and love you too, how you're such a ray of sunshine whenever i see you on here, how you bring this calming energy with you wherever you go and how much i admire your way with words, you always know exactly what to say to touch someone's heart and that's so 🥺!! thank you again, love, i hope you had a fantastic day too and an even better one today!! 💗💕
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