#like it took me sooo long to get right and it's still not perfect but i've abused those curves enough
blackhholes · 6 months
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Teen Wolf as Arthurian Characters
Derek Hale as Merlin
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zriasstuff · 7 months
First impressions- Lorenzo Berkshire x reader
Lorenzo Berkshire behaves like the perfect gentleman towards you, but what’s underneath that perfect facade? First impressions don’t last forever…
go to pt.2—> Second chances?
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“Look, this one’s sooo pretty!”, your friend Jenny on your right hand side squealed excitedly.
“Oh my god, I have to get this dress”, Anya, your other friend, gushed while already holding five different ones in her hands.
You were also roaming through the countless racks, searching for a new and mature looking dress. In Hogsmeade, a new boutique had just opened and soon enough all the girls stormed inside to get the most beautiful pieces.
Inside the boutique everything was laced with delicacy, elegance and maturity. Three things you wanted more than anything to be a part of yourself. It was about time that you changed your appearance and became a young woman. After all, you were in your fifth year at Hogwarts already.
Not being able to decide between all the gorgeous clothing pieces you picked up, you took all ten of them to try on. Ten was definitely too many though, so some would have to be eliminated. The trying on process sadly didn’t do much for you, you still loved every single piece. Eventually, you come out of the fitting room, upset due to your inability to decide.
“Just buy all of them then”, Anya encourages you, “if you don’t they’ll be sold out and you will never get to try them on again”
That was easy for her to say. She was born into generational wealth and could buy all the clothes, or anything at all, that she fancied. On the other hand, you couldn’t just take home whatever you pleased. Still, you felt lucky that you had the money to buy one or two, so you eyed each piece you grabbed carefully.
“Ugh, they all would look so beautiful on me”, you groan, not wanting to give up even one of them.
When you turn around again to get your friends’ advice, they are nowhere to be seen.
Scanning the area for them, you unexpectedly make eye contact with someone who seemed to have been eying you. You stop looking for your friends, and take a moment to glance into this mysterious persons piercing blue eyes, perhaps for a little too long. He, whoever he was, appears to have taken an interest and started inching towards you.
Suddenly, after not having been able to place him, you recognize who he was. He was one of the guys who always hung around Draco Malfoy, who was a year above you. Even though you were in the same house, you have barely even made contact.
“You’re right”, he approaches you, looking you up and down.
“About what?”, you ask, finding it strange why one would approach you in this way. And as a guy, why would he be in this particular boutique. Was he perhaps shopping for his girlfriend or sister, you wonder.
“They would all indeed look very beautiful on you”, he compliments you charmingly, towering over you, a warm smile on his face as he said that. Sounds like he overheard your little dilemma. Surprised that he was so straight forward, you feel your cheeks heating up a little. While you’re smiling nervously, you manage to mumble out a thank you.
“It would be such a shame, if you had to leave them here”, this guy, whose name didn't even come to your mind, continued the sudden conversation. This guy surely had something planned, with the way he was leading it.
“Yeah, sometimes I wish I could just go shopping limitlessly”, you truthfully admit.
“So what’s your name, darling?”
“Y/n”, you answer while a thousand thoughts circled your mind. Such as how you managed to have caught the attention of this gorgeous, older guy— he surely must’ve approached you because he found you pretty right? And he just called you “darling” in such a heartwarming tone.
You didn’t like where your mind was wandering. All those thoughts, simply because a guy paid you the slightest amount of attention.
How long has it been since a guy had shown the slightest interest in you again? As if the exact time mattered, it had been too long anyway. You start doubting that you were maybe reading too much into his behavior—that your feelings were the ones of a silly little girl who just received some candy. So he called you darling, that doesn’t have to mean anything.
“Pretty”, he notes, “I’m Lorenzo by the way, but you can call me Enzo”.
Alright, you rethink, surely you weren’t reading too much into it. He just complimented you again, the second time within five minutes.
“May I?”, he gently asks, disrupting your small talk. Before you could even respond, he takes the clothes out of your hands. You weren’t sure what to make of this, so you threw him a questioning look. “Let me”, he says, afterwards smoothly grabbing your hand. “Let me what?”, you try to understand his behavior as you’re being led by him.
“Let me spoil you with what you deserve”, he responds so genuinely, but also as if it was the most natural thing in the world. You couldn’t even believe it. He had to be an angel fallen from heaven, with the way he was treating you.
This Enzo, whom you just properly met, was willing to spoil you like a literal princess. This is what teenage romance that your favorite authors write about must feel like.
“Are you kidding?”, you ask in utter disbelief. Not that you were complaining, but it simply felt too unreal, that someone would do this for you without even knowing you.
At the counter, you finally catch your friends, who have become victims of a giggle attack. They kept pointing their fingers at Enzo, maybe demanding some sort of explanation, but you yourself didn’t even know what to make of this.
All you knew was that within the next five minutes, he had paid for all ten pieces you picked out and was carrying the bags for you, like a true gentleman.
“I don’t even know how to thank you for this”, you tell him at the exit of the store, hoping he wouldn’t regret what he just did. What if he demanded you to reimburse him? No, he wouldn’t do that right?
“You wearing one of those would be enough of a thank you.” You can’t help but blush at his words, not believing your luck, that you met a guy this sweet. He was truly everything a girl could ask for.
Generous, handsome, tall, and caring—the whole package.
You saw your friends waving you over to them, so you excuse yourself. As he hands you the bags, his hand lingers on yours for a moment, before you let go and go over to your friends.
On your way you hear Enzo’s voice, causing you to turn around briefly.
“Meet me after dinner tonight, yeah?”
“Of course”, you happily obliged. You couldn’t wait to tell your friends about this perfect guy, and they couldn’t wait to hear the story either.
During dinner you kept turning your head to the right, hoping to catch a few glimpses of Enzo, who was sitting only a few seats away from you. You became rather disappointed when he didn’t notice you. Instead, he was laughing with all his friends.
“Y/n, what do you think?”, you hear all of a sudden, pulling you out of your admiration for Enzo. Totally in and out of your head, you try to remember what your friend asked you about. You also wondered whether Enzo had told all his friends about you yet, hopefully in a positive manner.
“Are you so in love with this guy you met four hours ago, that you can’t even focus on your real friends anymore”, she jokes, totally calling you out in your lovestruck behavior. The way you were infatuated with him, one could believe that he snuck you a love potion. But no, he was the first guy that you had ever felt this enchanted by.
In the last remaining minutes of dinner, you were mentally counting down the minutes. Only a little longer, you told yourself, then you could meet with him. Talk with him. Get to know him further. And eventually you would both lean in for a kiss and then…
“Dinner is finished, please go back to your respective common rooms”, Dumbledore's voice echoes through the dining hall, interrupting your daydream. As you’re getting up slowly, you tell your friends to go ahead. When everyone walked out, you saw Enzo separating from his friends to make his way to you. You could barely wait, having anticipated talking with him throughout the entire dinner.
“Hey”, he says, coming up to you.
You say nothing, replying with a simple smile. Deep down you were kind of scared of sounding overly excited, which could possibly scare him off.
“How’s it going?”
“Pretty good, how about you?”, you play your feelings down. You were better than “pretty good”, you were floating on cloud nine. If paradise existed, you were pretty sure that you were there already.
“I see you’re wearing a new dress, you look stunning”, Enzo says while looking you up and down, yet again. Your heart skipped a beat, overjoyed that he took notice. He really did pay attention to you.
“I’m glad.” Little did you know, and he did too, that you only wore this for him to see. It made you happy to know that your efforts weren’t in vain.
“Listen, how about we meet in my dorm?”, he suggested, “have us a little quiet place.” You instantly agreed, but told him that you would come by a little later because you wanted to refresh yourself in your own dorm first.
After all, you wanted everything to be perfect for your first date— wait, you stop your train of thought. Was it even a proper date? You weren’t sure, you’ve never been on one. Either way, you hurriedly skipped off to your dorm, informing all your girlfriends on your meeting.
Being the supportive girlfriends they were, they help you and give you pointers on your hair and makeup.
“I cannot believe that you’re going to be Enzo’s girlfriend”
“I’m so jealous, I wish an older guy would ask me out too”, they rave over your incredible luck.
“Well, I don’t even know if I’m really going to be his girlfriend”, you confess. He did seem interested, but after all you two were on completely different levels. What gave you comfort was that he seemed to be one of the nicer guys.
After one more glance in the mirror, you take off and ask everyone to wish you luck. You tried to be as quick as possible, not wanting to miss out on moments that you could’ve spent with Enzo.
Carefully, you sneak over to the boys’s dorms and you realize that you didn’t know which one Enzo slept in. So, you wander door to door, abruptly stopping when you recognize Enzo’s voice. His dorm door was open by a slit, so you lean in a little to listen. You knew it was sneaky, but you just couldn’t fight off your curiosity…
At first you couldn’t make out their indistinct words, but suddenly Enzo got a little louder. He sounded completely different from when you talked with him earlier.
“Fuck no!”, he scoffed loudly. You didn’t know what he rejected so angrily, but it only piqued your curiosity. You guessed that he was in the process of kicking his friends out to spend some time with you.
“Do you honestly think I care about her?” Enzo threw the question around. Upon hearing that you felt your heart standing still. Who was he talking about?
“Ok but if you don’t actually like her, then why go through the effort of chasing her down in that boutique”, Draco’s voice hollered all the way to you. After hearing that, even the tiniest hope—that he didn’t mean you, diminished within seconds.
“Yeah, you could literally have any girl you want, without spending a coin”, Blaise stated so painfully blatantly.
“You guys don’t get it”, Enzo defended his questionable, and apparently exaggerated, efforts to get you.
“My purchase barely cost me anything in terms of money, I have enough of that. But in return, I get a young, stupid and attractive girl who’ll do anything for me, because subconsciously she thinks she owes me”
Never in your entire life have you heard such a disgusting thing. For him you turned out to just be eye candy. A mere investment if you were being completely cynical.
Without wanting to hear more of what he had to say, you ran off back to your own dorm. His words rung in your head, stinging harder than you could have imagined. Back at your dorm, you barge in and burst into tears in front of all your friends. You’ve been holding them in ever since you heard his hurtful words.
After jumping on your bed, you instantly sink your head into a pillow. The darkness helped a little in blocking out everything. How could he have been so manipulative, and how stupid were you to have actually fallen for that?
His words may have been disgusting, but what was worse, was that they were true. Perhaps you would’ve really done anything he asked for in his dorm, had you not overheard their conversation.
With your makeup ruined and mascara running down your cheeks, you finally look up to answer to your friends’ concerns. All of them huddled around you, already comforting you even though they didn’t even know what happened. As you’re retelling what you overheard, you’re barely able to look them in their eyes. That’s how embarrassed you were.
When you were done, none of them could believe how sick and twisted Lorenzo Berkshire really was. Under that nice guy facade, hid a ugly and cunning playboy. At least Draco was open in showing what an asshole he was, this way he couldn’t really surprise you. But with Enzo, his first impressions were deceitful, which was way worse.
But under all your anger for Enzo, you were scared. Scared of the fact that Enzo was the first guy you’ve ever had real feelings for. Of course you only felt that way because he schemed and you fell right into his trap.
Still, a little part of your heart shattered upon the cruel reality. You didn’t want to believe it. A tiny guilt feeling part of you wanted so badly to walk up to his dorm again and to pretend nothing happened. It’d be easier than accepting his true intentions.
A sharp knock suddenly catches all of your attention. You must’ve been bawling out your eyes for a while now. You realize that Enzo had no idea about what happened and was still waiting for you.
“Can I come in”, you all hear him say from the other side of the door.
“FUCK Y-”, Anya begins yelling, before you immediately cover her mouth with your hand. You know she only meant the best, but you did it for a reason.
Everyone looked at you confused, trying to make out what you were thinking.
“Don’t let him know yet”, you whisper decisively, hoping he couldn’t hear you through the door.
They all ask why not, and truthfully you also weren’t too sure. But it felt more secure at the moment to not reveal your cards yet. Who knew how you could utilize the information you had. Ironically you learned that from Enzo in the past ten minutes.
“Is everything okay?”, he asks through the door, unsure of what was happening. What an amazing actor, pretending to genuinely care. How could one be so shamelessly two faced.
“You know what Enzo, I’m feeling a little sick”, you lie, trying to sound composed and calm. You couldn’t face him just yet.
“I'm sorry to hear that, I could-”
“I think it’s best if we just talk tomorrow”, you stop him before he could go on with more of his bullshit. In all honesty, talking to him was the last thing you wanted, but you had to sound believably fine.
“If you say so. Good night then”, and with that you heard his leaving footsteps.
“What are you doing?” Jenny asks you with a puzzled expression.
You explain to all of them that you need some peace right now to deal with your emotions and thoughts. The whole Enzo thing needed some time to be dealt with.
Since you were obviously in a bad headspace, they understand and leave you alone.
When lying in bed and processing your emotions from before, all the sadness, anger, embarrassment and fear—you suddenly feel something else too. You deeply wanted him to feel as foolish as you did too. You wanted him to regret his stupid little plan forever. You seeked for more than simply forgiving and forgetting, you wanted revenge.
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apomaro-mellow · 1 year
Hospitals still weren't Eddie most favorite place to be, even though they had technically saved his life once. He didn't give doctors the credit though. No, he reserved that praise for his husband who had literally carried him through hell, holding his guts together.
But alas, he was still only human. And thus prone to human ailments. Which was why he was currently in a hospital bed, preparing for a tonsillectomy.
"Steve, my love, my muse", Eddie took his hand and kissed it. "Should I not return from this-"
"Oh shut up. It's a routine operation." Steve could tell he was being dramatic to cover up the fact that he was actually scared. "You'll be fine. In fact, I'm going down to the cafeteria right now. You're not getting just any ice cream. I'm gonna bring you back a whole sundae."
Steve looked to the rest of the band, who had come for moral support. "Watch him please. And don't let him fall to hysterics." He left out, really hoping he wouldn't come back to an Eddie in tears.
"Sooo", Grant started. "If you don't make it, who gets your house?"
Eddie's brow furrowed. "Uh, my husband, duh?"
"Okay, who gets your husband?", Gareth asked.
Eddie saw the cavalry arrive in the form of Steve's true soulmate. "Robiiiiin", he whined. "You have to protect Steve from these vultures", he hissed the last word.
"We're just trying to hash out who has dibs on Eddie's hot husband", Jeff said.
Robin pointed to herself. "I made it clear to Eddie when he proposed that should the marriage end, either naturally or by divorce, custody of Steve would revert back to me."
"Not exactly the answer I was looking for Bucks, but as long as you keep Steve out of another man's clutches, I won't haunt you from the grave."
"Actually, I plan on setting him up with the first wealthy guy he meets", Robin said. "Thanks to your fame, I've become accustomed to a certain lifestyle. And also, Steve doesn't know how to be single."
The other CC boys nodded sagely.
"All the more reason one of us should get him. We can take care of him", Grant said.
"I can't believe this. This is a goddamn coup!", Eddie shouted.
Steve returned, none the wiser to their conversation. "You won't believe this. The cafeteria has chocolate syrup AND nuts? Isn't that wild? You're gonna have the best sundae of your life, babe."
He took his seat right next to Eddie's bedside and kissed his forehead.
"Angel, we're surrounded by snakes and thieves", Eddie said deliriously.
"What are you talking about?", Steve asked.
Having only Eddie in his line of sight, he couldn't see the others behind him. So he didn't see Jeff making kissy faces, Gareth making a circle with his hand and sticking a finger through it repeatedly, or Grant making a V with his fingers and flapping his tongue between them.
"Those traitorous lechers covet what is mine. And not even Robin seeks to protect your virtue!", Eddie said, desperately reaching out for Steve.
Steve kept his voice even and calm, trying to soothe his husband from whatever delusion he was having when the doctor came in. This guy looked like he played a doctor on tv. Chiseled jaw with perfectly manicured facial hair.
"Good evening", he greeted.
"Hi", Steve said, voice a little breathy.
"Oh he's perfect", Robin said, reading her friend perfectly.
"I'm Dr. Morip, I'll be performing your operation today."
"Morip?", Eddie tilted his head.
"Yes, as in 'more ripped than you'." Then he flexed and busted out of his scrubs and swept Steve off his feet, ignoring the cries of the invalid on the bed.
Eddie was tossing and turning even as Steve shook his shoulders to wake him up.
"You were having a nightmare", Steve spoke softly in the dim lamp light of the hospital room. "Was it 86 again?"
"Steve!", Eddie clung to him as best as he could. "You didn't leave me for Dr. Morip!"
"Dr. Morip? Eddie, her name is Dr. Hudson. And she's married and in her sixties."
Everything caught up with Eddie as his brain became more lucid. He'd already had the operation. That had all been a dream. The tension released instantly as he realized he wasn't about to die on the table and Steve would be scooped up by opportunistic friends.
"You're mine, you know that?"
"Really? Is that why I'm hand-feeding you ice cream?", Steve teased, holding up a spoonful to Eddie's lips.
"I love you", Eddie said, voice muffled from the food and a little watery too.
"I know, you dope. Love you too."
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obeymematches · 4 months
I saw one of your stories and I got immediately interested by one of them, then I had an idea more like a head Canon maybe-
So you and Solomon are making a potion for class one of the brothers came into the classroom and a big explosion happened one of you and the brothers didn't brace for impact and then suddenly your future child is there I just want to see everybody's reaction or maybe what will they do in that situation (sorry it's a bit weird but yeah that's all I came up with in my head) ^^"
henlo!!! So you sent in this ask almost 3 years ago (may 20th 2021) I'm so so so sorry i didn't reply sooner, you're probably over this by now 😅 but i felt inspired to write it today so here we go 🫶
🌸Meeting your future kid with him🌸
Okay so this time Solomon has some homework to do... sending this kiddo back without messing with the future is gonna take time. Until then you must take care of them! You are the parent afterall!!
Lucifer: 4 months old
Not gonna lie it took him the longest to realize it's YOUR baby WITH him! In his defense, babies can look a bit weird. The baby definitely has your mouth, but his eyes and hairline. He didn't see many infant in his life so this is all new! You can literally see his heart melt when the little baby smiles at him! Shares his part with pride, changes diapers, carries the baby around....just take over when the baby is fussy.
MC I can't wait to meet the baby again... I miss them already, isn't that funny?
Mammon: 3yrs old
Your toddler immediately recognized you and Mammon. You and him looked at each other with an awkward stare, his face is as red as it can be- you are definitely not ready for kids!!! The fact that around 3 years old kids looove disobeying on purpose doesn't help. Mammon gets the hang of it though, he looves his little troublemaker! They could play all day long.
I wanna see ya grow up little man- I looove being your dad!
Levi: 8yrs old
Again, the kis recognizes you and him. Right now he keeps telling you he isn't ready for kids and might never be; same as you!! So how did this happen??? Do you must have one in the future??? Thankfully with an 8yrs old you can already have a conversation, play games with, etc so by the time it's over he grows very fond of them.
MC... I think I have changed my mind- having a kid is a lot like having a small best friend!
Satan: 16yrs
Ah. Your child is as upset as any 16 yr old would be in this case, leaving you and Satan no time to think about the fact you made this person. He does his absolute best to stay calm and see things from the kid's POV, but man is it difficult when your teen keeps lying about important stuff, escapes the house as soon as you lower your guard, fights with anyone over and over who doesn't do as they want despite being so so so sensitive... it is tiring.
I wish I could see what they were like as a little kid... why did I think teens were easy?!
Asmo: 13 yrs
Okay he is very quick at recognizing his own kid; he has YOUR and HIS face memorized. Starts sobbing when he realizes what this means; you are going to be parents!! The thought of loving someone sooo much just sends him over the edge. He buys everyone matching clothes, plans so many vacations you are rarely at home, surprisingly good at answering questions your little one has. (Very comforting, builds their confidence as much as he can!!)
MC, how do I look as a parent? You still love me?
Beel: 1 yr old
Okay, it was obvious the baby is a perfect mix of you two; his eyes are definitely yours though! Beel finds this job to be super important so he spends almost all day with the baby. They play peek-a-boo, he helps your kid to learn to walk and eat with hands, carries them on his shoulder when they get tired. Honestly he doesn't want to let them go back.
MC... I think we should have at least 3 kids!"
Belphie: 6yrs
Okay, he never would've thought he'd have a kid with you; first, you are dating someone else right now and second, he doesn't really like kids. So this one's gonna be complicated. His face turns red though as he has always liked you but you made it clear he is not really your type. Co-parenting brought you much closer; you could see how calm he can stay when he wants to, and how smart he actually is especially when the 6 years old doesn't stop with their questions. How it continues after the kid is back in the future is up to you babe!
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suugarbabe · 1 year
heyy! you're one of my fav angst writers so I was wondering if you could write a mattheo riddle x reader fic where Mattheo enjoys making reader jealous so reader goes out if her way to make mattheo jealous which ends in confessions and perhaps a smutty ending/ fluffy ending? Whatever you see fit! Thank youuuu~
(1) thank you sooo much, if I could I would just write all day long, I'm so glad you like what I put out there
(2) I loooove a jealous Teo 😊; here you go love x
warnings: angst, mentions of drinking, oral (f!receiving)
word count: 1.9k
18+ MDNI!! be aware of the content you consume, do not read if you are a minor.
“You know if you glare any harder, you might bore a hole through the man,” Pansy’s comment did nothing to stray your eyes away from the scene in front of you. “Yeah, well he deserves it, he’s doing this shit on purpose. It’s like he gets off on making me jealous.” You watched as Mattheo continued to shamelessly flirt with the Hufflepuff girl seated next to him. She was a giggling mess at basically anything he was saying, “He’s not that funny, she’s being obnoxious.” Pansy snorted at your comment, simply shaking her head. It was when Mattheo tucked a loose strand behind her ear that you felt like your brain was short-circuiting. Pansy saw the look on your face, then followed your eyes to Mattheo and the girl, “Oh he’s in for it now isn’t he.” You let out a huff of frustration, closing your textbook and leaving the classroom. 
In your dorm room you were getting ready for the party your house was throwing tonight. Typically you dressed a little more relaxed for parties your house hosts because it’s more homey to you, but tonight you were going full on vixen. You opted for a black mini dress, skin tight and hugging all the right places. You paired it with emerald green heels, a gold necklace adorned with an emerald stone and a gold snake bracelet. You allowed Pansy to do your hair and makeup, making your eyes pop and leaving your hair down your back in bouncing waves, just like you knew your boyfriend liked. 
However, he was barely going to touch you tonight. Not until you allowed him to anyway. This morning he fucked around, tonight he was going to find out. When you and Pansy entered the party it was in full swing. You spotted your group of boys in the back corner, and Merlin if Mattheo didn’t look amazing. But you took a deep breath, centering yourself. No matter how good he looked, you had to stick to your plan. Pansy bounced over to Draco, throwing her arms around him and greeting him with a big kiss to his cheek. It was obvious the boys had been drinking for a while before you both got there simply by the reaction Draco had, which was a big smile and giggle. 
You walked to the group a little slower. When you approached them, Mattheo’s eyes grew wide. You could see him looking you up and down and you did your best to appear unbothered by this. He gave you a kiss on the forehead, you just hummed in return. He met your eyes, “Something wrong, princess?” You put on a big smile, “No, Teo, nothing is wrong. Why did you do something you shouldn’t have?” He raised an eyebrow at you questioningly, “Erm, no..?” Your mouth fell to a tight line, how could he be so oblivious, or was he still playing the game from earlier? You decided it was your turn now, and glanced around your circle of friends for the perfect accomplice. 
Besides your boyfriend, Enzo was your favorite boy in the group. He was always so cheerful, smile plastered on his face regardless of the situation. He was a cute guy, always having his own gaggle of girls following him around, but he never really entertained it. He always seemed more interested in quidditch or parties. When he saw you looking at him his smile grew wider, “Y/n, you look, wow.” You giggled, “Thank you, Enzo, that’s very kind.” If possible his smile grew wider as he took another sip of his drink. Mattheo went to place his hand on your waist possessively, but you pushed him off, instead walking up to Enzo, “You wanna dance with me, Enzo?” Enzo’s eyes flicked to Mattheo but you grabbed hold of Enzo’s jaw, pulling him down to face you, “Please, Enzie, you know Teo never dances with me and I wanna have fun tonight.” You put on your best pout, looking up through your lashes. 
You saw his shoulders slack, indicating that you had convinced him. You bounced on your toes, clapping your hands together. You knew the hem on your dress was riding up as you did so, and you could feel Mattheo’s eyes boring a hole in your back. You grabbed Enzo’s hand that wasn’t holding his drink and dragged him to the middle of the dance floor, ignoring any protests you heard from Mattheo as you passed. He looked over at Pansy, eyebrows nearly to the ceiling. Pansy held her hands up in defense, “Maybe if you’re lonely you can ask that Hufflepuff girl to dance?” Mattheo’s lips slowly turned into a smirk, realizing now the game you were playing at. 
Once near the middle of the dance floor, you turned your back to Enzo, swaying your hips and grinding against him. He free hand held firm to your waist as you snaked an arm up and around his neck. He let your bodies move against each other before enlightening you, “I know what you’re doing, y/n/n.” You turn to face him, wrapping your hands behind his neck, still dancing with your body pressed to his, “You mean just dancing with one of my best guy friends?” Enzo rolled his eyes, “I know you’re using me as a ploy to make Mattheo jealous. Don’t worry though…” He leaned in closer, whispering against your ear, “He’s been a dick on the quidditch pitch all week so I’ll play along. We can give him a little show if you want.” You nodded your head quickly, then Enzo went straight to work. 
As the next song came on Enzo grabbed hold of your waist, fingers dancing just above the curve of your ass. As the beat of the song got stronger, Enzo slotted his leg between yours, guiding you to essentially grind on his thigh. The song was barely a minute in before you felt another arm wrap around your waist and lift you away from your dancing partner. You didn’t even panic, you knew who it was and the way he talked to Enzo had warmth rushing to the pit of your stomach, “I don’t know what the fuck game you’re playing at Lorezno but it’s over.” Enzo held his hands up, “Listen, mate, she asked me to dance. Who am I to tell her no?” Mattheo grumbled some form of ‘fuck you’ back to him as he carried you to the edge of the dance floor and towards the stairs leading up to the dorms. 
“Exactly where are we going? I’m not done dancing, nor drinking. There’s like the whole night left to party,” You were struggling against Matteo’s grip now, which only tightened with your fighting. “Oh, you’re done with the party, princess. You wanted to act like a little slut with my friend, well now I’m going to treat you like a slut.” You gasped as he threw you down on his bed, “Excuse me, sir, but Enzo is my friend too. And I wasn’t acting like a slut…we were just dancing.” Mattheo rolled his eyes, pushing you back on to the bed and crawling over you. He dipped his head in the crook of your neck, nipping at the skin making you gasp, “You don’t dance like that with my friends.” 
He nipped and sucked at the skin of your neck, “O-our friend.” You barely got the words out, Mattheo’s hands trailing down your sides and playing with the hem of your dress. “Do you want our friend to be here right now because if you’d rather he help you out,” Mattheo dragged his middle finger up your clothed center, “I’m sure he’d kill to feel how wet he got you.” You tried to buck your hips towards him, tried to gain any friction possible, “N-not for him, all for you T-Teo.” He hummed, trailing his lips up your neck and along your jaw, “F’me, hmm? But you’ve barely been by me all night.” He was toying with you now, thumb drawing circles over your bundle of nerves, not nearly applying the pressure you needed. You shook your head, “Only was thinking of you, wanted, ah, wanted to make you jealous.” 
Mattheo hooks his fingers around the band of your panties, dragging them down agonizingly slow. You tug at the sides of your dress, allowing it to bunch up around your waist, “You wanting me to do something, love?” Mattheo looks up at you, eyes dancing with deviance. You tangle your fingers in his hair, “Need you, Teo.” He growled lowly at the wine in your tone, “What do you need from me, princess? Use your words.” You tugged at his curls, “Mouth, need your mouth on me.” He toys with you now, laying on his stomach, smoothing his palms up your legs, squeezing the flesh of your thighs before placing a kiss to each one, “Here?” 
You buck your hips toward him, causing him to flatten a palm against your hip, keeping you still. Without warning he flattens his tongue, licking a stripe up your center. You let out a choked gasp, head falling back against the pillow, “Oh, there? Is that what you want, princess?” You open your mouth to respond when he does it again, this time pressing his thumb down on your clit as he does so. “Loss for words now, hmm? But you were talking such a big game earlier.” You want to glare at him, to tell him to fuck off but the way his mouth feels on you is pure bliss.
Your nails scratch on his scalp and the growl he releases sends vibrations straight to your core. He grips your thighs tighter, surely causing bruises but in the moment you can’t get yourself to care. His lips wrap around your clit, sucking hard as he plunges three fingers knuckle deep into you. Your back arches off the bed, “Fuck, fuck, fuck, Teo, don’t stop, please.” 
You can feel the smirk on his face as he works his fingers just slightly faster, the knot in the pit of your stomach becoming tighter with each curl, each lick, each twist. Your hips roll against in face, grip tightening in his hair until you’re practically using him, riding his tongue and chasing your high and the feeling gets tighter and tighter and then the rubber band snaps, your mouth drops open and a chorus of praises mixed with his name leave your mouth. And he lets your ride it out on his tongue, on his fingers, but even when you begin to settle he doesn’t stop. He pushes against the sensitive nerves and you feel like you’re going to black out from the pleasure as he demands a second release from you before you can even stop it, not that you would even want to at this point. As you catch your breath you chance a look down at him between your thighs, catch him rub a thumb across his lips, gathering your arousal and sucking it off. You smile at him and he just grins at you, a lovestruck look on his face, “If this is my punishment I’m gonna have to make you jealous more often.” You were teasing, but slightly serious. Mattheo crawls over you, face hovering just above yours now, “Oh darling, I’m just getting started.”
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charlesf1leclerc · 1 year
love your work was wondering if you could do some fluffy lando i dont mind what up to you! Thank you
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Summary- first look on your wedding day with Lando
Warnings- poorly edited, fluff , mentions of kissing 
Todays was the day the day you were going to marry the love of your life. Lando Norris. You and lando had been planning this day for a year and a-bit now. It was perfect from the church to the table cloths. Lando had tried to be involved in the planning but with racing and the fact he didn’t know half of what you were talking about meant that you did most of the planning on your own ( along with the help of the wedding planner ) but you didn’t mind at all after way then it would be perfect. 
You had picked the most beautiful dress with a long trail of tulle and a veil that trailed behind you.
You were not in the least bit nervous you were happy that you got to see lando after spending yesterday apart, yes you couldn’t go a day without each other. You knew lando would be there waiting for you today and you were certainly going to be there for him.
You and lando had agreed to have that special first look moment just for you two because lando was emotional and he would rather have that special moment in-front of you and not all your guests. Of course he would still be emotional when you walked down the aisle but best to get as much out of him before had . He really loved you!
You and lando had selected Daniel to be your wedding photographer. Of course Lando also had his camera on him to capture some moments but Daniel was the best choice as he and lando were so close you felt comfortable with letting him capture the special moments.
Lando had his back to you in order not to spoil the big moment too soon. Daniel had given you the ok to come walk up behind him of course following you with his camera like the ‘professional’ photographer he is. You slowly walked closer and closer to your husband, your heels clicking on the ground the sound alerting Lando that you were coming. 
His palms were sweaty as he rubbed them together to calm his nerves ( excited nerves of course). Lando always thought you were beautiful no matter what you were wearing but he knew the moment he saw you in your wedding dress you were going to be the vision of perfect, a piece of art.
You had now approached lando you took a deep breath before reaching out to touch his shoulder alerting him that it’s ok to turn around.
“ Hi “ you whispered 
When he turned around he immediately had tears in his eyes. 
“ Hi “ he croaked “ you look…. “
“ I look what “ you inquired 
“ beautiful, more then beautiful, this dress is wow”
You reached up to wipe the tears that were falling down his face
“ if you keep crying like this I’m gonna start crying and ruin my makeup” you giggled tears in your eyes.
“I’m sorry I just I can’t believe I’m marrying you, in 10min it’s you’re going to me Mrs.Norris” he spoke running his hands up and down your arms.
You had honestly forgotten that Daniel was there until you heard the click of his camera. Turning to face him.
“ could you guys be any cuter, I’ve never seen Lando cry this much just except for that time I hit him in the face with that big bouncy ball” Daniel laughed with his notorious grin.
“ hey that really hurt ok, it still hurts” Lando pointed a finger streaky at lando
“ aww poor little lando” Daniel chuckled walking away to give you a little space.
“ soo…” I spoke
“ sooo…. I really want to kiss your right now” 
“ nah ah Lans wait a few more minutes I already gave you into you wanted to see the dress before I walk down the aisle” you spoke placing your finger on your lips
“ Well let’s hurry up and get this wedding started so you and me can be married” he pulled your arm towards the church 
“ ok ok calm down , the dress lando” you laughed moving towards the church doors ready to marry the love of your life. 
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ch4osworld · 7 months
Words: 697
Sooo i decided to take a pause from 'the passenger' until i get a decent idea for a chapter, in the meantime i got an idea for this.
Alastor x reader
Cw: cannibalism but as a metaphor for love, sadomasochism and suggestive. Maybe OOC Alastor i don't know. I went a bit crazy with this.
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He feels the softness of your skin, cold and soft against his touch. He smells your delicate aroma, his teeth grazed against you. As he feels you against him he knows he can't resist, a strong desire engulfing him whole, laying deep into his soul, an oh so passionate love he feels for you only.
He wants you to be his every meal: his breakfast, his lunch, his dinner, and his occasional snack. It doesn't matter how much flesh he eats, for he only craves yours. His crimson eyes staring deep into yours, with such a hunger it seemed he hadn't eaten for days. Is it really so wrong to love someone so much to want to consume them whole, to make them eternally part of you?
There are so many ways he could make you: braised, stewed, fried, grilled, raw. Yes that would be perfect, there is nothing better than to taste your flesh as pure as it can be.
Oh yes he must eat you now.
Oh he really can't make it anymore, he finally take a chunk from your shoulder. Your soft and delicate skin seems like it's melting in his mouth, oh how delicious you were. The bitter taste of blood invades his insides, truly a bliss. Oh how stupid it was going to heaven when he was living it right now.
Your scarlet blood ran on your naked chest, as the pain finally reached you. It hurt, it endlessly hurt, but oh how it felt good, it felt addictive. You wanted more...you needed more. He finishes his little hors d'oeuvre by licking off the blood still flowing from the wound, sliding down your body until cleaning every single drop of blood. But that wasn't the end, oh darling he didn't even manage to get to the main course!
His head kept getting lower and lower, reaching your inner thighs. He looked at you, you could feel the love, the desire, the passion. He took a moment to inhale your scent, oh you were truly such a doe! So cute and tasty!
After some agonizing long seconds, he bit, taking another chunk of your skin. Oh he wanted to savor you slowly, feeling every inch, getting every taste of you. This part of you was particolarly soft. How it felt good in his mouth, and the blood only served as a bitter sauce to make it just perfect. He made sure to take every inch of it, it's not like he didn't notice how good it felt for you.
Now how could he forget about the dessert? He looked at you. You were starting to feel weak from the blood loss, he knew it, but that's just makes it better doesn't it? But oh no, you were so pale it looked like you were about to faint! That just won't do. He moved up closer to your face, his lips still covered with your blood. He kissed you, a gentle and tender kiss, making you taste yourself "Now you don't taste so bad do you? I am sure you'll be more than happy for me to finish won't you?"
You eagerly nodded, how could you refuse another one when he made you feel so good? He hummed, content with your response, as he slowly slid down to your hip. He took a moment to inhale your scent and then he finally took a bite. Sounds of pleasure escaped your lips, as he happily savored his last meal, his mouth full with your scarlet blood.
He took a moment to look at you, to admire you. Blood covered you everywhere, oh you were truly delicious! In that moment it was only him and you, in his room, covered in blood. How romantic.
Oh but what partner would he be if he wouldn't let you eat? No, no dear that just won't do, you need to eat. It's your turn to have your meal now, and you could have as much as him as you wanted. It's your turn to feel him, for him to become a part of you, forever.
You got closer and closer, your breath itching against his neck
And you bite
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
Congrats on the followers!!!! WOOOOO!!!
could I request “I really want to kiss you right now.” with Beelzebabes please? something about him just saying that out of the blue…ugh. it fuckin GETS me. NSFW af please (the naughtier the better ;) lol), and if I could request AFAB but gender neutral pronouns for reader?
Also if it’s not asking too much could you avoid using the word “cunt?” Just a personal turn off, tbh.
btw i’m @libidinous-weeb on here! (side blog) and your smut writing skills are top tier!!! you’re sooo good, i’m a huge fan! <3
Hello hello!
Ahh thank you so much!! I'm still not very confident in my smut writing, so it means it a lot to hear that you like it!!
Okay, so hopefully this one turned out okay... I love Beel so much I think he would just be really sweet the whole time lol. I didn't really end up using pronouns aside from you/yours, so hopefully that's okay, too. But MC is AFAB! As it turns out, I don't like using the word "cunt" either so I didn't, but I would also like to say that it is absolutely never too much to ask me not to use a word like that. I am happy to accommodate any such preferences!
Thank you for participating!
1,000 Followers Event!
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AFAB!MC x Beelzebub with prompt "I really want to kiss you right now."
Warnings: face-sitting, penetration (reader receiving)
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You had been flirting pretty blatantly with Beel all day, hoping against hope that he'd pick up on your meaning. It wasn't as though he didn't already know how you felt. You had already spent several nights together, all of them mind blowing. But you found yourself wanting more and more. And it had been too long.
It was a slow afternoon and most of his brothers were out of the house or otherwise occupied. For once, you didn't really have anything demanding your attention. It was the perfect opportunity to spend a little quality time with Beel. He seemed happy enough to do whatever you wanted, but he didn't seem to be picking up on exactly what you wanted.
You asked him to join you in your room to watch some TV. Sitting together on your bed was the perfect situation. You could cuddle with him, maybe kiss him a bit, and if he still wasn't getting the message, you might need to just say it directly.
But when you were there, cozied up to his side, you found the TV so boring and his presence so relaxing that you felt yourself getting a little drowsy. Being cuddled up with him like that was so comfortable, you forgot all about your earlier attempts at flirting, your eyelids actually starting to get a little heavy.
"MC," Beel said.
His tone was so serious, you sat up straight to look at him. "What is it?"
Beel met your eyes. "I really want to kiss you right now."
You blinked in surprise for a moment. And then you were no longer sleepy. You turned off the TV, climbed into his lap, and kissed him.
Beel's hands went to your waist and when you opened your mouth for him, he took the invitation readily. You felt the hot spike of desire that ran through your body at the feeling of his tongue against yours. The kiss got hot and sloppy, your motions growing desperate as all the neediness you had been feeling previously returned to you full force. When you felt his erection stirring beneath you, you took the opportunity to grind down on it.
Beel moaned low in his throat, his lips still on yours, his hands running over your hips and your backside. You broke away to pull in a breath, leaving Beel to put his lips on your neck. He sucked and nipped just a little, which made you gasp and grind down on him again. The throbbing need between your legs was almost too much to bear as you gripped Beel's shoulders.
Beel ran his hands under your shirt, breaking away from you so he could pull it over your head, exposing your chest. You tugged on his, too, and it was gone in moments, both of them forming a little heap on the floor. And then Beel's mouth was on one of your nipples. You clutched at his bare shoulders, nails digging in enough to leave little half moon indentations in his skin.
And then you felt Beel's fingers tugging on the waistband of your pants. You slid off of his lap to remove them yourself along with your underwear, too eager to let him do it for you.
Before you could do anything else, though, Beel was lying down on your bed on his back. You frowned at him because he was still wearing his pants.
"Um, Beel," you said.
Beel tugged on your hand and you let him pull you back up onto the bed. His hands guided you until you were straddling his face, your knees on either side of his head.
"Beel," you said again, a note of uncertainty in your voice.
"Is this okay? You can trust me, MC," Beel said, his hands resting on your hips.
You nodded your willingness to let him take the lead and he pushed gently on your hips. You lowered yourself down, holding onto the headboard for balance.
The moment Beel's tongue made contact with your hot flesh, your body clenched and you were thankful you were already gripping the headboard. You held on as he plunged his tongue inside of you before pulling it up to swirl around your clit. You moaned, feeling the wetness dripping from you, imagining how it must be dripping down his chin.
Beel moaned into you and the vibration of his deep voice made you shudder. Beel pushed down on your hips again, making you sink even lower. You had a vague thought about potentially suffocating him, but it fled as soon as he began to suck. He was moaning continuously now, clearly doing it on purpose because of the way you were reacting to it.
You held on to the headboard with both hands, not sure how long you could last like this. The sweet hot feeling gathered deep within you, building and building. You moaned Beel's name as you could feel yourself getting closer and closer until your orgasm finally burst upon you, rolling through you and making you see stars.
You couldn't stop yourself from moving your hips as you rode out your high, not even able to think about what that might be doing to Beel's face.
When you were able to think clearly again, you moved back, half sitting on his chest because you didn't have the strength to go anywhere else.
Beel smiled up at you and your stomach fluttered at the sight of your cum on his lips. He licked them and you nearly orgasmed again just from that.
You leaned forward, letting your head fall on his shoulder. "Beel, you're making me crazy."
Beel rubbed your back. "Do you want me to keep going? Or is it too much?"
You looked at him and smiled. You didn't say anything, just sat up, moved so you were sitting next to him on the bed, and tugged at his pants.
Beel took the hint. He got up from the bed to discard them on the pile of all your other clothes.
This freed his massive cock and you wondered briefly if your eyes were shining excitedly at the sight of it. You could feel the thrill that ran though you as you reached out to touch it.
Beel let you stroke it for a little bit while he stood beside the bed, biting his lip and trying not to groan.
After a minute though, he looked down at you. "MC…"
There was a note of desperation in his tone that sent a stab of desire spiking up your spine. You instantly lay back on the bed, scooting yourself toward the edge. Beel helped you by pulling your legs up to rest on his chest, but paused with the tip of his cock at your entrance. He looked down at you, a question clearly on his face.
"It's okay, Beel," you said. You pushed yourself closer to him. "I want you inside me."
Even with this permission, Beel went slow. You knew it was because he was aware of his size and didn't want to hurt you in any way. You were already so wet, but you were also sensitive after having orgasmed on his face moments ago. Every inch of him that entered you shot sparking sensations through your entire body. You were already squirming and moaning beneath him by the time he was fully inside you.
You reached up to grab at his hands, which were resting on your hips, as he began to slowly move in and out of you. It was almost agonizing how careful he was being.
You arched your back and said, "Faster, faster, please…"
Beel always listened to you and this was no exception. He immediately picked up the pace, pounding into you hard and fast, hitting that sweetest spot deep inside you and making you cry out with the overwhelming pleasure of it.
Beel seemed to be just as lost in sensation as you were, his thrusts becoming frantic, your name spilling from his mouth in a repetitive mumble.
You were already nearing your climax again. It was only a matter of a few more hard thrusts from Beel and you were clenching around him, everything tightening as you did your best not to scream. Your hands clutched at the sheets beneath you as Beel kept going. You squirmed, rocking your hips with him, the feelings running through you so intense you couldn't help the praise spilling from your lips, telling him how good he felt, how amazing he was, how full he made you feel.
It seemed hearing you saying such things, even incoherently, was the last push Beel needed. He groaned as he filled you up with his cum, his hands clenching on your hips, his thrusts stuttering and then slowing.
The two of you stared at each other for a moment, both of you breathing heavily. After catching your breath, you would clean each other up, carefully and sweetly, before returning to your bed. You pressed yourself into Beel's side, his arm circling protectively around you and pulling you closer. The feeling of his skin against yours was so nice, you found yourself filled with a sense of happiness. It wasn't long before you both fell asleep, completely exhausted.
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1,000 Followers Event | masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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blixabargelds · 8 days
always giving the other the first bite of their food mwah <3
or doing their makeup for them could be delicious
this took sooo long sowwy <3 also ended up being 1.5k oops. have a post canon superstar quickie.
- doing their makeup for them
“Will you hold damn still?” 
Gale grips John’s jaw like a vice, tongue sticking out a little between his lips in concentration, eyeliner clutched in his other hand. John’s nails are drying black and glossy. Gale’s managed to get one eye done already, but John keeps scrunching up his face and twitching. 
“We’re not glam fuckin’ rock, Buck,” John says. His breath tickles Gale’s palm. “It don’t have to be perfect.”
“If you’re gonna do somethin’, you might as well do it right,” says Gale. 
John laughs. It sends the eyeliner smudging down toward his temple, and Gale tuts, licking his thumb and rubbing the pencil off. John’s fingertips keep tracing up the ladder of Gale’s ribs. Back down again, gently. It’s distracting as hell.
“If you don’t stay still I’m gonna make you regret it.” 
John blinks at him from under the raccoon-like scrawl, eyes gleaming. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” Gale says. He uses John’s rapt attention to his advantage; swooping the soft pencil under his lash-line in a swift glide. John blinks hard again, and Gale catches his hand on the way up to his face. “Don’t- leave it alone. You wanted me to do this, stop tryin’ to sabotage me.”
“Maybe I just wanted you to touch my face,” John smiles demurely.
Gale rolls his eyes. He guides John’s hand back to his waist as he leans around him, fishing around in Rosie’s filthy makeup bag. He wrinkles his nose at the state of it. Half the stuff inside is bound to cause some kind of viral infection. Everything is expired, definitely second hand- probably stolen from an ex girlfriend, or the cumulative effort of pinching one mascara from every one night stand. Gale finally finds something sealed: a small, round pot of light blue glitter. 
“Ah, ah,” John says as Gale drags it out. “No fuckin’ sparkles. Not glam rock.”
“It’ll bring out the colour of your eyes,” says Gale, twisting the lid off and dipping a finger in. 
“I’ll look like a fuckin’ fairy.”
“You are a fairy,” Gale says. He grips John’s chin with his free hand. “Just a bit, c’mon.”
John pouts but stays blissfully still as Gale prods at the corners of his eyes. He leans back a little when he’s done, admiring his work. The sight in front of him makes his chest swell, and he bites his lip to stop from grinning. John looks up at him, eyes rimmed in black and seeming larger as the glitter catches the light. Gale wants to devour him. He wonders how long they have until their set. 
“Pretty?” John smirks. 
Gale flushes a little. He’s almost drooling. “Uh-huh.”
“Your turn.”
Gale shakes himself. “Huh?”
Before his brain catches up, John’s trading places with him; hands on his hips to spin him around and dump him onto the stool. He leans over him, reaching into the makeup bag and pulling out the first lipstick he finds. Gale blushes deeper.
“Bucky,” he says, a low, nervous warning.
John says, “It’s only fair.”
“Lipstick?” Gale says. He swallows hard, trying to push the memories of his father to the back of his mind; fingers in his mom’s makeup, blood from Gale’s nose colouring his lips instead, in the end. 
“You got such a pretty mouth,” John says. He dips his head lower, kissing Gale softly, right where his scar pulls a little at the edge of his lip. “Hey. Trust me.”
Gale looks into John’s lacquered eyes for a long moment. Then he nods, parting his lips and allowing him to cover them in the waxy paint. Gale catches sight of the shade before it goes on. A deep purplish red. It’s nice. 
“See?” John says as he finishes. 
He takes a hold of Gale’s shoulders, spins him around to face the dirty dressing room mirror. Gale stares at himself. He looks less like a girl than he thought he might. The last time he’d dared to wear makeup- a show five years ago, Marge’s expert movements coating his lashes in mascara- he’d looked decidedly feminine. He hadn’t been sure how to feel about it at the time. But now, hair shorter, shaggy and flicking just around his ears- the pink-white of the scar running from his mouth to his cheekbone, stubble dusting his jaw and his chin-
He looks good. He looks interesting. He looks- he looks too clean. 
“This is verging on glam, Bucky,” he says. 
John, perching over his shoulder and smiling at him in the mirror, frowns. “You think?”
“I think,” Gale says. He takes in John’s glitter; his own dark lips, and laughs. “We’re gonna get spat on.”
“This ain’t England,” John says. “Or ’79.” 
“It’s too neat,” Gale says. He lifts his gaze, looking up at John’s flopping curls, his chin digging into the top of Gale’s head. 
John wraps an arm around his chest and bends down to kiss his neck. “Alright,” he says at Gale’s ear. Gale shudders. “What do you suggest?”
“Mm,” Gale hums. He turns back to face John, strokes up his thighs as they move to bracket his knees. “Got an idea.”
Gale tickles along the outer seams of John’s jeans for a moment, before unzipping his fly and sinking to his knees. John’s half-hard already as Gale takes him out of his pants. He traces his tongue over John’s cock, feeling it fill and jump under his taste buds. John groans, tangling his fingers in Gale’s hair. 
“’M gonna look like I got a disease,” he mutters, as Gale opens his mouth wide and licks a sloppy wet trail up to the head. 
“No one’s gonna be looking at your dick, Bucky,” Gale says. 
He laves his tongue around John’s cock, letting saliva pool in his mouth and drip down his chin. He kisses the underside, smears the lipstick there, then takes John down to the hilt. Feels him fully harden against the barrier of Gale’s throat. With every pull off and sink back down, Gale drags his lips against the sensitive skin, leaving smudges of red as he goes. He works his fist over the base of John’s cock, making sure to brush up against his lips with his fingers with each tug. 
“Fuck, Gale,” John hisses. Gale hums in acknowledgement and doubles down, bobbing his head with speed. They don’t have too long. “Jesus, I’m gonna come, baby.”
Gale flicks his tongue. Presses the point of it into John’s slit, tastes him leaking there. His eyes water as he takes him deeper. Thinks maybe he should’ve put on eyeliner, too. John’s hand tightens in his hair, and Gale presses himself further, sucking hard, and John comes down his throat with a groan. Gale swallows. Pulls off smiling, swipes the back of his hand over his mouth. 
John laughs, breathless. “That’ll do it.”
Gale’s knees click as he straightens. In the mirror, he looks debauched. Streaks of blood red halfway down his chin, the line where lip meets pale skin thoroughly smudged. 
“Now you,” he says. He’s aching in his jeans. 
John grins, drops to his knees in return and frees Gale’s flushed cock with jittery fingers. He spits into his hand, grips him hard straight away, and twists. Gale’s breath leaves him in a rush. He thrusts into John’s hand as he makes quick work of him, heat curling in his groin already. John’s tugs are fast. A little too dry, desperate and sort of mean. Pre-emptive payback, Gale guesses. It’s sweet, how after all this time John can read his mind like an open book.
“God, John,” Gale gasps. He grasps at John’s shoulders, head falling back, heart beating hard against the inside of his ribs. 
“Give it to me, doll,” John says.
Gale does. He comes over John’s waiting face, moaning and shivering as he watches it cover his eyelashes, his cheeks- dripping down toward his jaw. Black kohl runs with it. There’s glitter in Gale’s cum.
“Jesus,” he breathes. John lets it drip for a moment, before wiping it off with his bare hands. He wipes them on his shirt, next. “John, that’s filthy.”
“Uh-huh,” John grins, standing up and inspecting himself in the mirror. He grabs a baby wipe, removes the most obvious evidence of seed from his face, leaving behind a messy smear of makeup that mostly just looks as though he’s been out in the rain. “Least it’s white.”
“I ain’t borrowin’ that one for a while,” Gale says. He looks at the shirt somewhat mournfully; poor Verlaine’s face creasing sticky and white. 
“How do I look?”
“Kind of like someone’s just come in your eyes,” Gale says. 
John throws his head back and laughs. “Fancy that.”
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elsfavor1te · 1 year
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this one resonates so closely with me cause those last few weeks of school were so stressful and i could not take it man. sooo, here’s this!! be kind or be quiet, hope you enjoy.
cw: overstimulated!reader x ellie williams. college!au. reader is feminine. no lowercase intended. hurt/comfort. i really dk anything else.
You were exhausted. In every way you could feel the word, you were. Since your class ended 3 hours ago you had been trying (and failing) to study for the final exam you had coming up in one of your classes.
But it seemed that everywhere you went, noise followed. You tried to study at your dorm but your dorm mate seemed to forget to tell you that she was having a group of friends over. Now you’re not the type to be bitchy about having people over, quite frankly you didn’t care as long as none of your shit was bothered and/or broken.
Today was different though, everything had been going wrong from the start. You woke up late for your first class, for starters.
After that it was all downhill.
For some reason in your rush to get ready, your hair just would not act accordingly. No matter how much you brushed it, sprayed it or ran your fingers through it, it still looked as if you had just rolled out of bed and didn’t spare it a second glance.
Then, as you were leaving the dorm you tripped over your shoelace, leaving some nasty carpet burn on the palms of your hands from trying to break your fall. You wanted to end the day right there. You wanted to turn around and go back into your dorm and lie down right then, but you didn’t.
Once your class ended the plan was to go back to your dorm to study. But alas, roommate.. inviting friends over… yeah. It was too loud. Couldn’t study there. Next you tried the spot your girlfriend, Ellie, had introduced you to. A tree in a clearing behind the art building, but boom. A rambunctious group of freshman had found it and were.. having fun there. Annoyingly enough.
Library was under construction so you couldn’t go there. So here you are, in the small coffee shop near the edge of campus. At first glance this would be a perfect place to study, but your ears was picking up on everything. The annoying whir of the air conditioning, the smacking of the barista’s gum, the way your hair felt on the back of your neck.
Everything was wrong. Today was wrong. A quick glance at the time tells you just what you want to know. It’s a little after 5 meaning Ellie should be at her dorm now. She’ll know what to do. She’ll help you figure out why the fact that you can feel the seam of the socks rubbing against your pinky toe is bothering you so much, why the sound of people merely existing was bothering you so much.
Without thinking too much you shoved all of your study materials into your backpack and left.
By the time you got to Ellie’s dorm your eyes were burning with unshed tears and your hands were fiercely rubbing against your denim clad thighs as to ground yourself.
You knocked 3 times. When the door opened around 5 seconds later and your auburn-haired girl came into view it took everything in you to not immediately fall into her embrace.
“Hey baby! I was literally just about to text you.” Her laugh falls flat once she notices your tense frame and the restlessness of your hands, which you were now shaking out at your sides.
“T-Today sucks.” You breathe out shakily, finally letting the tears brewing in your eyes carve their paths into your cheeks.
You’d tried to push it down like usual. You attempted taking deep breaths and counting backwards from ten, but it was no use.
One tear turned into two and two turned into sobs that had the other people on her floor tempted to come out and see what was going on.
“I-I fell and I have carpet burn on- on my hands.” You flip your hands palm up to show Ellie as she tries her best to gently usher you into her dorm.
“And t-the barista wouldn’t stop chewing her gum- smacking. She was smacking, and it was so loud Els. So loud and obnoxious— and I just wanted to study.”
Your hands clenched into fists as you recalled the events. All of the events from this week has sent your brain into overdrive. The end of the year is always a stressful time for you which more often than not, leads to breakdowns.
“Okay baby, I hear you. How about I help you study, hm?”
Ellie’s thumbs brushed your cheeks softly in a back and forth motion. With each pass of her fingers, Since the day you met her, she’s been your anchor. Her serene energy is what you would say brought you to her.
To others she may be seen as talkative, fidgety, maybe even restless. But they didn’t see your Ellie. They don’t see how pretty she looks in the mornings when she opens her eyes. None of them will ever experience the comfort you feel when you’re resting in her arms.
Speaking of resting in her arms, you have no clue how you got there but your head laid on her tummy. Your head subtly rose and fell with each of her breaths.
Ellie’s fingers were tangled in your hair, fingernails gently scratching your scalp. The quiet whir of the fan was nothing like the AC unit at the coffee shop. In fact— everything about her place was different. For the first time all day, you felt at peace.
“You wanna talk babe? That was some serious overstimulation.”
A breathy giggle escaped your lips as you wrap your arms around her torso. “I dunno, my day just- started badly. Nothing was going the way it was supposed to.”
“Mmm. I get it, you okay now?” Ellie’s pointer finger found your chin, bringing your eyes to her own.
“Yeah, m’okay. You make everything better, Els.” A wide grin spread across your face when she blushed red. “Oh and before I forget, some freshmen found our spot behind the art building.”
“Oh come on!”
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avatar-anna · 10 months
Hey , no pressure of course but I was sooo soo hyped by reading your assistant y/n story teaser any idea when it gonna be out?😭
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Assistant! Reader x Harry Styles Masterlist
so...i keep thinking i'm done, and then i keep adding more 😬😬 so here's another little snippy!
October 2014
“I just…I just can’t believe she would do something like that.”
Y/n hummed her assent as she carefully sectioned off Harry’s hair. “I’m sorry.”
“I feel like an idiot,” Harry said. “I thought she really liked me.”
Sighing, Y/n continued to quietly braided his hair as she came up with the right things to say. 
In truth, this wasn’t the first time they’d had this conversation, or one similar to it. Harry had had a few girlfriends in the years she’d been his assistant, but none of them ever seemed to last very long. There was a shallowness, an ambition, that they all seemed to share, something Harry never saw until they eventually broke up with him. He was just so kind, so eager to be loved that Y/n wondered if he really didn’t see he was being used or if he chose not to.
“You’ll find the one, H, I’m sure of it,” Y/n finally said. 
Harry laughed a little, and Y/n straightened his shoulders before he moved too much and ruined her work so far. “You always say that, I feel like.”
“And I’m right, I always am. Eventually.”
He laughed again, but they soon fell into comfortable silence. Y/n worked through the long strands of his hair, braiding it nice and tight so it would hold for the duration of the show tonight. She wasn’t entirely sure why Harry wanted his hair braided tonight, or why he asked her to do it. He’d been growing his hair out for ages now, but he’d always worn a bandana or just left it loose. Or in a teeny tiny bun at the top of his head, a hairstyle Y/n had to walk him through a couple times.
But she selfishly she liked that Harry sought her out and spent time with her, even when he didn’t really have to. The rest of the boys were out sightseeing and getting a late lunch, but Harry had appeared at her hotel room door with a couple hairties in his hands and a sheepish grin. That grin was usually reserved for when he had a silly request or was embarrassed to tell her something. Like the time he and Louis bought a teacup pig and snuck it into a hotel room and asked for her help to take care of it; or when he needed her help with his Miley Cyrus costume for Halloween; or the time when she caught him watching Dance Moms by himself in his bunk on his tour bus.
When Y/n first took this job, she thought it would be for a couple months. She would travel and perfect her time management and organizational skills and hopefully not be driven crazy by young popstars who had more money than they knew what to do with. But somehow those couple months went by, then six, then a year, then multiple years went by, and she was still Harry’s assistant. And close friend. They’d known each other long enough that she felt comfortable enough to believe that.
“And…done,” Y/n said, tying off the last little braid. Somewhere down the line, she decided to get a little crazy, doing a full braid on one side and tying the other in a little bun. Harry looked a little silly, but he always seemed to pull anything off.
Harry pushed himself to his feet to look in the bathroom’s mirror. “Cool,” she heard him say. “Thanks, Y/n.”
Y/n leaned back on her hotel bed, stretching her back after bending over for an extended period of time. Part of her expected Harry to leave and catch up with the other boys, but he took her by surprise and laid down next to her so that they were shoulder to shoulder. He didn’t say anything, which made Y/n all the more aware of their close proximity. They weren’t touching, but she could feel the warmth of his skin on hers. 
“So…Dance Mums?”
Rolling her eyes, Y/n punched Harry’s arm playfully. “Dance Moms. If you love the show so much, at least get the name right.”
Harry took that as his cue to pull up the show on his phone. They both flipped over onto their stomachs, leaning in close as he fired up the next episode. Y/n smiled to herself as Harry’s attention immediately became absorbed in the show. She didn’t know what compelled him to watch, or why. It was a trashy reality show about moms who fought about dance competitions. But that’s precisely why, Harry insisted once. You can’t make up that kind of drama. Y/n didn’t want to crush him and tell him that the drama was incredibly produced, so she just sat and watched with him and indulged in some mindless entertainment.
“Your show is in a few hours, just thought I’d throw that out there,” Y/n reminded him.
“Oh, don’t start,” Harry said. “I’ll stop with plenty of time to spare.”
Yeah right, Y/n thought. “I’m setting a timer.”
“Don’t you dare.”
“You’ll never make it onstage.”
“Shh. It’s pyramid.”
Y/n quickly stopped talking and focused on Harry’s phone, slightly amused by the events of today. If this was how he wanted to deal with his recent breakup, then fine. She supposed there were worse ways to cope. 
She still set the alarm, though.
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immajustvibehere · 1 year
Hi there! You’re stuff is always sooo good! I saw your post asking for some inspo.
What if Arthur has a special night planned with the reader, but he has a bunch of tasks to do before he is free to meet her? The whole day goes from one bad job to then next, and all he wants to do is meet her later for this perfect night. And when he finally gets to the hotel where he’s supposed to meet her, he’s filthy, banged up, and exhausted. He has lost almost all his money that he needed to treat her to a perfect night by the time he gets there.
How would it go from there?
Simple Nights Spent Together
Pairing: Arthur Morgan x gn!Reader
Summary: Reader wants Arthur to understand that every time they get to spend with him is precious :)
fluffy little good night story, thanks for the request!
1100 words, less than 10 minutes reading time
Arthur slowly opened the door to the hotel room he knew you’d to be in. This was the same room the two of you always occupied whenever you managed to snatch a few precious moments away from camp, often for some undisturbed intimacy. But today turned out slightly different than normally. The day didn't really go according to plan and now Arthur felt like he had failed you. Before he gave the door a final push, he looked at himself. Dirty, knuckles stained with dried blood and a bad conscience that the guy who shot and hit his satchel got away with it. It had been a grim realisation that hit him a tad too late, when he discovered the gaping hole in his satchel. His money and a collection of other possessions that had accumulated were now lost somewhere on the sprawling prairie.
The door wasn’t fully open yet, but Arthur hesitated.
"Y/N?", he whispered. The tone of his voice was enough to suggest that something wasn’t right. You had grown restless over the past hour, because the time you had agreed upon was long past and you had feared the worst. So as soon as you saw the door open and heard his voice, you discarded the book you had been reading and sat up.
"Finally! You okay?", you walked to the door, doing Arthur the service of opening it fully and letting him in. His shame would've probably prevented him to do so.
"'m really sorry...", he mumbled, not even looking you in the eyes. You didn't answer, still busy with scanning him for serious injuries, though glad you found none. Arthur took off his head to fiddle it awkwardly between his fingers, revealing his unkempt hair.
"Nothing to be sorry for, I can see that you've been held up", you offered a little smile before standing on your tiptoes and planting a peck on the cheek.
"I wanted to go clean myself up first, but I didn't wanna be any later than I already was...", for some moments, Arthur had even considered not turning up at all, but he knew the consequences of this would have been you worried sick for the entire night.
You helped Arthur out of his coat: "That's okay. Go get a bath now, I'll stay awake and wait."
"Yes, Ma'am", Arthur said unironically. He was about to walk out when he stopped. Holding up his butchered satchel. He would have to ask you for money. He turned around, his cheeks blushing in shame.
"Oh no! What happened!", you immediately took the satchel and looked at the damage. It felt light, the hole was big enough to drain it of most its contents.
"Bullet hit it..."
"Is your journal-"
"Had it in my saddle bag", Arthur explained briefly, "I-uhm...do ya have some change on ya?"
You gave him a couple of dollars without hesitation: "I'll get it fixed first thing tomorrow, I promise. Oh and-", Arthur had started to walk off, "Have you eaten?"
"I’m not hungry", Arthur replied, accompanied by a dismissive wave of his hand. 'Not hungry' was a subtle code for 'I haven't eaten all day, but please don't bother for me'. But of course, you did. The lamb chops you got from the saloon were done and you had carried them to the room only a minute before Arthur returned, his damp hair slicked back.
"Yer really shouldn't have...", Arthur commented when he saw the loaded plate and two bottles of beer.
"I don't know what you're talking about. I planned on eating that alone...", you grinned as Arthur approached you and gave you a quick kiss. He smelt pleasantly like soup, though the clothes he wore still gave the familiar odour of soil and pines. Arthur had tasted the meat that on your lips – apparently you had tried some – and sat down willingly. Eagerly, he finished the plate.
His shoulders were slouched, and you could tell by how slowly he blinked that he was exhausted and ready for some sleep.
"'m real sorry, darlin'...", Arthur sighed, "I really had something different planned for tonight than just sleeping..."
Arthur was hinting at some fun and intimacy, but you weren't even a little bit disappointed that none of this would be happening.
"Arthur", you leaned forward as your lips curled into a soft smile, "This is the perfect night."
The man looked at you like you were telling a stupid joke.
"Firstly...", you started and handed him a wet rag to clean his hands which glistened in fat, "you're alive. Can't take that for granted in this line of work, so this alone makes it a good night."
Then you helped him out of his clothes which he wouldn't need for sleeping: "Secondly, you're here. You came. You had a horrible day, I can tell. But you still showed up and I really appreciate that. Makes it an even better night, because we get to share a bed."
Arthur would often get this warm tingly feeling when you cared for him in this way. Not that he frequently found himself in situations where he messed up or ruined a date night, but sometimes things were out of control, and you never made him feel like you didn't understand that. Without resistance, he allowed you to guide him onto the pillow, his whole body sinking into the bed in the process. With pleasure, he watched as you crawled on top of him. He just barely managed to lift his hands to place them on your hip.
"And lastly", you pressed a light kiss onto his cheek, "Do you have one healthy arm to spare?"
Arthur didn't understand this question, shooting you a quizzical look before checking out his arms: "Both of them lookin' fine to me."
"And now if you, Mr. Morgan, have at least one of those arms to spare for me tonight, so I might rest my head on them instead of the pillow, since I much prefer your arm, I'd call this a perfect night", you called out in a theatrical matter, before falling onto the mattress next to him and resting your head on his arm.
Arthur chuckled warmly, pulling you into an embrace. "You sure are something...", he mumbled.
"Most of all I'm just happy to have you", you replied, snuggling up to him.
A contented sigh escaped Arthur’s lips. If he weren’t so tired, he might have found the words to express what he felt. It was the sentiment that it was his turn to express how privileged he’s to have you.  
"You know", Arthur whispered, his words slurred by the tiredness that washed over him, "I'm gonna make up for all of it tomorrow." He placed a suggestive kiss on your neck.
"Looking forward to it", you answered softly, well aware that sleep will claim you both in a few moments.
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gav1whore9 · 2 years
Trying out something new
Pablo gavi x Reader smut
Warning: smut
Author’s note : hey guys this took me kind of long and this wasn’t I request actually I saw an top less pic of gavi and I mean have you seen his abs 😫. Also thank you so much for 100 followers I am sooo thankful for all the support ♥️♥️
Any way I hope you like this one Enjoy 💕🧚🏼‍♂️
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,,babe?" i shout out to my boyfriend, waiting for him to come out of the shower. i would've joined him but i was too lazy to get up and in the shower. Gavi walks out of the bathroom. a white towel is wrapped around his waist, making me look at his trained abs. this man is fucking hot. i think i wanna try something new. "Harmosa?" Gavi asks, catching me zoning out.
"sorry, i was just having an idea.." "what is it?" "i wanna try something new." "so?" "yeah, it's something sexually." "i'm down." "I hate you" i laugh, falling back onto the bed. "mhh no you don't. so, tell me. what do me. what do you wanna do?" "abs riding." "uhh, that's something different." he smirks, still standing right in front of the bed. "yeah, but if you don't want to we can-' "shut up and take your clothes off." "ohh, someone's a bad boy."
i tease, while taking off my hoodie plus sweatpants. the tension between us gets heated. i lay on the bed naked, watching gavi coming on top of me. he is looking down at me, just staring for a minute. i dig my hands into his fluffy brown hair and pull him down. a kiss connects us. we use our tongues to make the pleasure bigger, and hell yes, it's working. Gavi turns us around, now i am on top. i pull away to sit down on his abs.
i open my legs over them and place my pussy here and there to find the right position. i finally feel the perfect spot to rub my clit on. light moans leave my mouth as i begin to move. Gavi digs his fingers into my hips, making my moans louder. "fuck gavi" i mutter while placing my hands on his chest for support.
"mhh.. you look so beautiful when you moan my name." he says, licking his lips. He moves me back and forth, faster and faster. his abs get more tense, and i can feel my climax coming.,,gavi- i'm- i'm close" i whimper under my breath.
his hands move up to my breasts and begin to squeeze them. my eyes close, after i let my head fall back into my neck. the knot in my stomach lets loose and i release all of my cum.,,wow, you dirty slut making a mess on me, huh?" Gavi groans, slowing down.
,,mhmm.." all of sudden, gavi grabs me by my hips again and turns us over. he's on top again, looking into my eyes. he begins to kiss my neck, leaving marks.,,gavi.." i let out a deep breath. his wet kisses move down to my collarbone, making me shiver. he sucks on one of my nipples, while massaging the other one.
i bite my under lip, watching him as He leaves kisses all over my body, to make me more secure, he knows that i'm really insecure about my body, especially about my belly.,,you're so beautiful, y'know that, right?" Gavi whispers, placing more kisses further down my stomach.
i blush at his words. but the smile disappears as i feel him opening my legs. the cold air hits my soaked pussy again. i shiver, looking down at gavi. he moves in between my tights. i can feel his tongue licking up my folds, holding the eye contact. i moan again. "Gavi i-" "sh, be quiet." "b-but what are you doing this for?" i mutter, digging my nails into his hair"i just wanna pleasure my girlfriend, okay?" he hums against my skin. ,,okay?" he hums against my skin. the vibration sends chills all over my body. i grab onto his hair tighter, while opening my mouth.
no moan comes out of it, i can just focus on him right now. everything else is leaving my mind. his tongue flicks my clit aggressively. "shit gavi" i almost scream. two of his his fingers slide into me. my moans get louder, until i feel the knot in my stomach again. i close my legs out of a reflex. Gavi's strong hands open them, making me arch my back. he curls his fingers inside of me, getting me closer to my climax. i release, once again
Gavi pulls out his fingers and licks them clean, falling onto the bed beside me. i'm still breathing heavily, my legs shake. "holy shit." i mumble, looking into his eyes. "that was amazing." i continue. "glad you liked it" gavi says, facing me too. "nahh you were terrible." i tease. "ouch, that hurt." Gavi whines dramatic, with his hand on his chest. i let out a loud laugh, cuddling into his chest
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delusionalwriter02 · 26 days
hi hi ✨️
hope ur doing good n stuff (if not then i hope it gets better <3)
i feel bad asking you to do a part 4 for fyodor in the insta series like you've only poseted the third part a while ago but i love it smmmmm🥲🥲😭😭😭 and i feel even worse cuz the anon that asked for a part 3 to fyodors was also me 😭😭😭😭
also i love you even more now cuz of ur authors note on that post (platonically)
(now i feel EVEN worse cuz now i feel like I'm guilt tripping or smth... i should just stop thinking at night shouldn't i?)
erm... soooo if u wanna could u do a prt 4 for the disgustingly lovely rat man (who rn could be a cockroach for all we know) 👉👈
(why are my asks always so long?😭😭)
luv u pookie <33 (have some ice cream <oo)
Insta as Fyodor’GF p.4
a/n : HELLO LOVELY!! Don’t worry you absolutely did NOT guilt trip or anything, I love writing for Fyodor so it’s always a pleasure!! love you sweetie (I’m eating ice-cream rn lol) hope you’ll like it !
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<3 liked by Atsushiii, Golgot and 736 others.
Yn_theoneandonly : mine all mine
Fyofyo : Of course I’m yours my love
↳ Yosanurgirl : SO not to interrupt or anything BUT the wedding is in three weeks and you still haven’t found a place ????
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : WE DID GIRL
↳ Yosanurgirl : why wasn’t I informed ?
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : you all should received the invit soon
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : OKOK IM SORRY but wait the cards are SOOO pretty
↳ Yosanurgirl : fine 😔
Golgot : I still can’t believe you two are going to marry, still thought I had my chance
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : my bad, you want to be a flower girl ?
↳ Golgot : I CAN
↳ Fyofyo : No.
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : YES YOU CAN, I will send you your costume
↳ Golgot : LETS GO
↳ Fyofyo : Love ?
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : just trust me
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<3 liked by Fyofyo, Sig_ma and 836 others.
Yn_theoneandonly : my girls and I
Yosanurgirl : we look SO SO GOOD
↳ Gintonic : the best clearly was Nikolai as a flower girl, I had to FORCE the straight face
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : hehe thanks to my genius mind
↳ Daze_i : must admit, you had a GREAT idea
↳ Golgot : Are you making fun of me ?
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : not at all don't worry, did you enjoy being a flower girl ?
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : my pleasure
↳ Fyofyo : Our wedding is starting to look like a joke
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : lovveeee don't be mad, it made Nikolai happy
↳Fyofyo : Thank god we only have one wedding to do
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : well I hope i'll only have to marry once
↳ Fyofyo : I love you way too much to let you go now
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : I love you too, husband
↳ Fyofyo : I do love the sound of that, wife
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<3 liked by Yosanurgirl, Atsushiii and 304 others.
Fyofyo : To the women who made me whole, I'll choose you in every lifetime
Yn_theoneandonly : I love you so damn much
↳ Yosanurgirl : my baby is growing, made me tear up
↳ Gintonic : correct me if I'm wrong but you DID catch the bouquet sooooooooooo
↳ Yosanurgirl : find me the right person, then we talk
↳ Gintonic : on it
Atsushiii : the photo is so beautiful
↳ Daze_i : that's the first and last time I make a compliment to you but you did a good job
↳ Golgot : *a great job
↳ Daze_i : yeah whatever
Sig_ma : Congratulations, I hope it will be an happy marriage even thought I don't have much doubts about it
↳ Golgot : c'monnnnn make him sad, ruin him, I can fix him
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : thank you for your concern but I can assure you I don't plan on hurting my husband and he has no plan on hurting me
↳ Golgot : too bad
↳ Fyofyo : Say that again, I'll cut your tongue
↳ Golgot : I was JOKING
↳ Fyofyo : Better be
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<3 liked by Akutagawa, Gintonic and 1043 others.
Yn_theoneandonly : Thank you everybody for coming, it was perfect thanks to you
Gintonic : being a bridemaid was so exciting, can't wait to be at your wedding Yosano
↳ Yosanurgirl : then you'll be my bride
↳ Gintonic : don't tempt me
KunikiDA : It had to take a wedding for Dazai to finally start behaving
↳ Daze_i : I can be a real gentleman when I want
↳ KunikiDA : So you chose to drive me mad
↳ Daze_i : Exactly
↳ Daze_i : wait no that's not what I meant
↳ Chu_uya : He'll never learn
↳ Gintonic : you too Chuuya, during the whole ass night trying to annoy Dazai
↳ Chu_uya : well in my defense, it felt strange not doing it
↳ Gintonic : ooh tell me more, strange in a "i miss him" way or "i love him" way
↳ Chu_uya : more in the "I won't allow him to have a peaceful night" way
↳ Gintonic : hmmm I see, so it's love then
↳ Chu_uya : NO ITS NOT
↳ Akutagawa : Drop it Gin, he won't listen
↳ Gintonic : oooh you're so not escaping Ryu, we need to have a talk too
↳ Akutagawa : About what ?
↳ Gintonic : Atsushi
↳ Akutagawa : I'm not interested
↳ Gintonic : liar
Ranthebestpo : where are you going for your honeymoon ?
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : world tour
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : I would love to believe me but the thing with an honeymoon is that it's between husband and wife
↳ Yosanurgirl : fucking stupid rules
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<3 liked by Yosanurgirl, Sig_ma and 952 others.
Yn_theoneandonly : France i'm cominggg
Yosanurgirl : send me photoooooss
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : of course I will!!!
Gintonic : enjoy babe
↳ Golgot : @.FyoFyo so she's calling your wife babe and you don't even scream ??
↳ Fyofyo : She's my wife's friend, what can I do ?
↳ Golgot : oh my, you really fell in love
↳ Fyofyo : Just to be clear, during the wedding you still thought I wasn't in love ?
↳ Golgot : I'm never sure with you
↳ Fyofyo : You can be sure of two things, I'm in love and I'll still kill you if you annoy me too much
↳ Golgot : Always knew we were best friends, that's just our thing
↳ Fyofyo : Hating each other ?
↳ Golgot : we both want to kill the other without actually wanting to see them dead, just like Chuuya and Dazai or Atsushi and Akutagawa, if you die, with whom will I argue ? Can't lose my fight buddy
↳ Fyofyo : I can always fight with someone else
↳ Golgot : But no one can top me hehe
↳ Fyofyo : Notice how I'm not married to you ? So stop flirting
↳ Yn_theoneandonly : Love I think we just need to accept he'll forever be like that
↳ Fyofyo : I think you're right, darling wife
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Heyyy hope you liked it ? I am so so sorry for the time it took me to write the part 4 buuuut here it is! Thank you so much for your request and your kind words, I'll really try to take less time between request,
with love <3
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lantanasmuttyfanfics · 2 months
you must be SOOO sick of this but can you please do evil queen x good king 🙈🙈 pretty pleaseeeeeeeeee i love themmm
Sorry for the late update. And I apologize if this is really bad I know it’s not an excuse but my boyfriend broke up with me on Thursday and I’ve just not been in the mood for writing
Anyway fuck my ex boyfriend and yeah I do apologize but I couldn’t leave you guys hanging for too long, don’t want to start falling of now
Hope you enjoyed and have a great dayy!!
The good king didn’t know why, but he had found himself in a rather strange position. One he never expected to be in.
It all started during a dragons games match last month. It was a classic Snow White vs the evil queen game, just like so many before.
So he didn’t understand why that one was so… eye opening to him. He at first tried to deny it, or even try to figure out why but at the end he came back to the same conclusion.
He had a crush on the evil queen.
It wasn’t even one of those small crushes which you get over after a week- no it was crush that had his heart racing and his mind going blank when she was around.
It was crush that had made him seek her out in a crowd, made him yearn to hear her voice and had his chest tightening when he heard her laugh.
So here he was now a month later still drooling over like a love sick puppy, his crush growing with each day and taking root deeper within.
He wanted to ask her out but he didn’t know what he was more scared of- her rejection or the judgment of every royal he knew.
He figured her rejection would be worse yet still he was coming up with a plan to even get a chance to be alone with her for long enough to ask her out.
“What’s gotten into you?” He turned to look at king charming as he slid in the chemistry labs chair.
He blinked once then twice, mentally hitting himself for getting lost in thought about her again. “Nothing why-.”
His eyes widened as he saw the evil queen waltz into the room, her head held high and her platinum hair falling behind her.
He stared at what felt like eternity, his heart pounding and his palms sweating. But as he saw who was standing beside the evil queen he felt a simmer of jealousy arise.
The big bad wolf had his large hand resting around the evil queens shoulders as he recounted some story while she gazed about the room.
“Always has to make a show doesn’t she.” The good king kicked his friend in the leg. Suddenly he spotted an empty desk right beside his, a perfect spot to send king charming.
“Can you do me a favor?”
“Umm yeah.”
“Great. Go sit over there.” The good king quickly pointed to the empty desk his eyes pleading with his friend.
“What? Why!” The good king took a glance at the evil queen who had started to make her way further into the class.
“Just… please.”
“…. You owe me.”
The good king let out a sigh of relief as king charming sat on the empty desk. Just then the evil queen and the big bad wolf appeared before him both their eyes glaring.
She glanced around, seeing the only empty spot next either to the good king or king charming. Both horrible choices she thought.
Wolf didn’t seem to think the same as his eyes landed on king charming and a certain red hood sitting in front of him.
“Have fun Queenie.” He left without an other word and the evil queen held back groan. The good king froze as her lilac eyes pierced through him.
As she slid in the chair next to him, the good king found himself unconsciously moving in to her addictive perfume. It smelled like a happily ever after to him.
“I’m the good king.” He extend his hand to her, sweat breaking on his forehead as she gave him a steely gaze.
“I know.” He nearly melted at the sound of her velvety voice, the way her eyes caught in the light and hair in the wind.
“And I uhh- umm obviously know who you are.”
“I see my reputation exceeds me.”
She gave him a sly, feline smile her nails tapping on the desk. She would never admit it but was the good king always this… hot?
She couldn’t place it but something about him just did it for her. Maybe it was the way his arms flexed against his shirt or the veins that popped in his hands or-.
She shook her head. She was not having those sort of thought about the good king of all people. Even if she wanted to have a relationship with him she couldn’t.
The good king internally was panicking. He’d never been this close to her, he was so close he could see the deeper shades of purple in her eyes.
She really was captivating.
“It’s not very princely of you if you make me do all the work you know.” He snapped out of daze as he saw her starting on the potion they were meant to make.
After class had ended the good king had come to two different conclusions. Both sounding completely absurd but he was love sick.
One- he was going to ask the evil queen out that night.
Two- he might have a chance because she didn’t try to hex him.
Smoothing his shirt, the good king grabbed the enchanted black roses of his bed before taking a final look in the mirror and heading out.
He didn’t know where to find her, but he figured he’d try with the dark forest first. He figured that was a likely place she’d be.
Soon enough he found her sitting under a tree, her hand waving in the air with wisps of purple flames dancing around.
She sensed his presence before he could utter a word. “Hello princey.” He softly smiled at the nickname, he didn’t like it but it did fit.
“How did you know it was me?” He noted how she hadn’t even turned to look at him. The evil queen smirked at his question as she suddenly stood.
“You have a very distinct cologne. It’s… nice.”
The good king flushed, his eyes widened at her compliment but he straightened as he saw her gaze moving to the flowers.
“I know we really only met today. But- I umm I wanted to be upfront with you.”
The evil queen found her heart starting to race as he came closer, his hand engulfing her own as he put the roses in her hand.
“If you would give me the honor… would you like to go out with me.”
The minutes ticked by and the silence grew, the good king suddenly felt as if this was a very bad idea. Who was he kidding why would she ever want to go out someone like him?
He was- before he could finish the thought he felt soft, plush lips meet his in a surprisingly soft kiss. He melted into it, his hands finding her waist.
Once they pulled apart, the evil queen gave him a smile that he couldn’t decipher, one that made him feel like all sorts of things.
“I guess I can…” her lips were back on his in seconds, the roses forgotten on the forest floor. Who knew that this new chapter had in store?
After writing this it made me realize how much I miss writing wolf x red fics so someone pleeeeaaaasssee request a wolf x red fic 💕
Anyway because now I’m mad I’m going to tell you how my boyfriend broke up with me… OVER TEXT yeah idk what I saw in him
Hope you enjoyed and have a great dayy!!
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geekywritings · 1 year
“What now?” “You kiss me.”
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Sooo, I was actually trying to work on the request with the sarcastic reader, but somehow the story took a life of its own. Buuut, I kinda like the result, so I want to share it with you anyway. I will get to the request once sarcastic muse hits!
So have instead a reader that uses sarcasm, flirtation and wit as a shield, but Cal sees right through it. Let’s just say, reader is having some trouble witht that and cuteness ensues.
Witty, sarcastic, snarky and flirtatious. Those were the words most would use to describe you and you were fine with it. The quips and dry jokes were your shield. You last defense after being betrayed one time too often.
You could easily joke with people, because that meant you could leave serious topics aside and drown your fear. Your “What are you afraid of? As if these guys can even shoot properly” during battle was the perfect cover for trying to suppress the memory of this type of weapons being aimed at you and your master.
Flirting was another great tactic to keep people emotionally at arm’s length. Because as long as you flirted, nobody asked anything deeper. Your heart was safe as long as everything remained superficial. And for the longest time, that had worked great.
Until you met Cal Kestis.
Despite everything you tried, he was worming his way through your defenses one smile and kind gesture at a time.
He laughed at your sarcastic quips during battle, when you mocked your enemies, but always asked if you were alright afterward.
He accepted the nicknames you were throwing his way, but always gave you that special smile that had your heart skip a beat whenever you did call him by his name.
He got angry when you flirted with some random guy, constantly stepping in and taking over the conversation himself and he always had a comeback for whatever witty comment you offered.
It was frustrating, to say the least.
You had been betrayed by your soldiers. You had been betrayed by the person who had initially offered you shelter and protection. And you had been betrayed by a man you thought had loved you. You were done trusting.
But how could you not trust Cal? How could you not fall in love when he proved every day that he was different?
“Why are you like this?”, you exploded one evening, the frustration breaking through, while you sat over a game of sabacc together in the Mantis. The two glasses of alcohol you’ve had probably weren’t helping.
“Like what?”, Cal asked, visibly taken aback.
“Like… you.”
Your less than clear answer earned you a raised brow.
“I have no clue what you mean.”
A frustrated huff escaped your lips and you leaned back on the couch, the game forgotten for a moment.
“Kind. Understanding. Loyal. Empathetic. Gentle. Funny. Bloody handsome too!”, you enumerated.
“And that’s bad?”
“How much did you have to drink?”
You gave him a sarcastic look at that. “Clearly not enough.”
Cal leaned back himself, wondering where this was all coming from.
“You are making it so bloody hard, you know?”, you continued. “To not fall in love with you.”
You had tacked on the explanation before he could ask about it and the words had both of you go absolutely still. Only the humming of the engine was heard, as the Mantis rushed through hyperspace.
“You are in love with me?”, the red-haired Jedi was the first to speak hesitantly.
“No… Yes… I...” You sighed. “I didn’t want to fall in love again. I didn’t want to trust again. Why do you think I kept calling you Starboy instead of your name for the first few weeks? I thought you’d just leave anyway.”
“But I didn’t leave.”
“No, somehow you didn’t. And you always laughed at my stupid dry jokes.”
“I didn’t think they were stupid.”
“And you were never put off by my sarcasm somehow.”
“I think it’s actually endearing.”
“And that’s the problem, Cal! You are perfect. For me… and I… I’m not ready to have my heart pulled out, quartered, fried and served in pieces again.”
You were on the brink of something here, Cal sensed it and he chose his next words with care. “And you think I would do that to you?” His voice was soft, almost a whisper, as he stared at you.
Seconds ticked by until you breathed a simple: “No.”
Slowly, Cal shifted closer to you on the couch, but didn’t dare reach out.
“You are special to me, Y/N. I would rather face Vader again than hurt you like you have been hurt before.”
Wait, what? He sounded as if he knew, even though you had never revealed the betrayals that plagued your heart. He seemed to read your expression just right, because he rubbed his neck, almost a little embarrassed all of a sudden.
“Psychometry… I can’t always control it. I saw things… when I cleaned away some of your clothes.”
“Shortly after we’ve met.”
You were left stunned. He had always known and he had never treated you with pity or tried to offer support where it wasn’t asked for. He had just been himself around you.
“What now?”, he asked after another silence, unsure where you stood at this point.
“You kiss me, Starboy. That’s what.”
He did. There would be time to continue this strangely deep talk later.
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