#like it costs 6 months of my phone bill
grunge-mermaid · 4 months
>see hand-beaded hair clip at TRC Day vendor's table >still can't afford it at annual Indigenous craft sale in December >spend 6 months from first finding it saving up for hair clip >look up business info & make note of the hours >spend 2 months trying to coordinate various schedules, gas budgets, personal energy budgets, colds, etc because the store is 50km away >finally get an opportunity even though you're still sick >get to store >sign posted in window says "by appointment only after 5pm"
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Hey. Semi-Serious post here. I'm gonna be quite frank, this is about the death of a real animal. My animal.
The one I made the dedication of WCR!Into The Wild for. Because the wounds are still so raw that I can barely get through typing this very sentence without feeling choked up. So... If this post isn't for you, enjoy the first cat picture, the rest will be under the cut.
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Meet Cleo.
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She was my best friend. I moved into her home when I was a child, and her being there got me through the ensuing abusive situation I'd found myself in. I quickly became her favorite person. She was always there for me, and I was always there for her. I read Warriors books to her.
I met someone online that I fell in love with, and planned to have them move here. I worried about Cleo, who was now getting on in her years, but still healthy and strong.
I was granted full, effective ownership of her, since she was never really registered with a breeder. An oopsie, runt of the litter kitten of a genuine bred Maine Coon, unknown father.
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Plan fell through, immigrating to Canada is difficult and the economy was about to fall apart. So I made the choice to move to the UK.
I was then informed that I could not take Cleo with me, they said she was too old, and that the plane ride would be too much for her. She was roughly 14/15 years old and, again, healthy. This next part is hard to write.
I spent every day after that, for a year, spending as much time as she wanted with me. She got every cuddle and snuggle she wanted.
I still remember that last time I ever saw her, the night I left the country. I held her like a baby, because she liked that. I remember what the back of her neck smelled like (warm chocolate). I rubbed her belly, and whispered to her that I loved her, and promised to come back again and see her. Then I placed her on her favorite spot on the back of the chair, and left.
I got regular updates from my mom about her, but something was clear. When I was on the phone, I was not to call out to her, because when I did, it made her search the whole house, meowing and calling out for me, looking for me. The dogs never did that, just Cleo.
4 months away from home, she started peeing in... Odd places. Visible places. Like... Middle of the living room and on bathroom rug.
Mind you, she used to do that in front of her litter box as a protest when it wasn't clean enough for her liking. But... Not like that.
Other than that, normal behavior.
Then, about 6 months in, she started being weird with food. Still demanded it, of course, but... Wouldn't eat it. Mind you, there were times when she really was just happy to have the wet food there... And then go off and eat her kibble as if she hadn't just acted like she would die without her wet food. Typical, right?
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After a week straight, and not much kibble eaten, it... Was concerning. I offered my mom to cover the cost of any medical bills she would need, but was told to not be 'ridiculous', that she was too old. That she didn't need a vet, that nothing would help.
7 months in. July 7th, 2023. Ordinary day, kinda fun, sunny out, a relaxing day where I wasn't looking at my phone much. My partner gets a text from my mom asking if I am around. I get a call from my mom.
She hadn't eaten in days. She wasn't in her box anymore. She was barely drinking. All her chub was gone, leaving my poor girl at only 5 pounds. A fraction of her weight.
My mom was not calling me to say goodbye. Goodbye had already been said. And I wasn't there.
I asked if my mom could bury her, so at the very least I could have something to visit when I got home.
To get Cleo's body back, it would have cost 200 dollars. She would be cremated, and her ashes not given back either. Gone.
The older woman next to me later said she had never, in all her years, heard a person wail and scream the way I had. I barely remember it, or anything after that. The grief is so bad that I feel chest pains, and my throat will close, I could cry myself hoarse still, just from thinking about her.
On one hand I don't want to feel this way anymore. On the other I feel horrific guilt about that, about wanting to "move on". I hate that term, it needs something new. Moving on isn't forgetting about them, it just means it doesn't hurt as badly anymore, but... What does THAT mean?
Below is the very last picture I have of her.
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I'm sorry, Cleo. I'm sorry I couldn't help you. I sorry I wasn't there for you. I'm sorry I broke my promise. And I'm sorry I wasn't there to say goodbye.
I'll never forget you. I'll never love you any less.
It'll be hard to visit home without you in it.
If you read this post, thanks for listening. I'm really struggling with grief processing, even though it's been almost a year. 208 days as of today. She isn't the first I've lost, she won't be the last, but WCR is partially dedicated to her.
I hope you like the pictures of her, knowing how vain she was I'm sure she would enjoy me showing them off.
Bye guys.
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domesticadventures · 2 months
my family goes through like these insane sagas but they're always about the absolutely most boring things possible. like for instance after graduating over a decade ago i was still on my parents' phone plan for years, and having my line on there cost them an extra $10/mo, and i wasn't reimbursing them for that bc i was a broke ass underemployed 20-something and they could afford the $10/mo, but apparently they didn't see this like i did so they were like ok well then we're kicking you off our plan. which they did, except it turns out they had been grandfathered into whatever plan they'd been on, so when they changed it, they had to get on a new plan and their cell phone bill went up by like $100/mo. lol. anyway at some point maybe idk 6-8 years ago me and my spouse get on a plan with my younger bro and his wife bc he gets a sick military discount so we only had to pay like $25 per line per month. other than a memorable few days where we changed providers and our phone numbers got all mixed up by the phone company and basically made it so none of us had usable phones until the issue was resolved, it was smooth sailing. until of course my brother recently got divorced, and reasonably wants to no longer share a cell phone plan with his ex-wife. but he still wants to be on a plan with us, because it'd be cheaper for him. but also he's a coward, and he doesn't want to tell his ex-wife he's shutting down the plan and she needs to figure out her own deal, so he decides the logical thing to do is ask my spouse to lie to her and say he and i are the ones who want to get off the current plan so that's why she needs to also move on. which my spouse does and bro's ex is like yeah that's fine, hope y'all are doing well, because she's an adult and this is not an unreasonable request. anyway. so now we're setting up a new phone plan under OUR names bc i am so sick of dealing with [gestures] all this which is unfortunately extremely on brand for my family
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th3dailyoverload · 8 months
Budgeting 101: How to Afford Your Hobbies
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Welcome to budgeting 101, my friends! I know, I know—just hearing the word “budget” is about as exciting as getting a root canal. But having control of your money is honestly so freeing. Plus, it means you can spend on the things you really care about, like your hobbies!
When I first started earning money from my part-time jobs, I blew through it like there was no tomorrow. It wasn’t until I didn’t have enough left for my rabbit's food that the realisation hit me: I needed a budget. So here's a crash course on how to make your money work for you!
Track your spending
The first step is to see where your money is actually going each month. It's easy to keep tapping that phone of yours and hearing that satisfying ApplePay tune but where is it really going? Look at the last 3-6 months of bank and credit card statements. Write down how much you spent on essentials like rent, food, and transportation. Also include discretionary spending on things like movies, clothes, hobbies, etc. This will show you where you can cut back.
Set limits
Decide how much you want to allocate each month to necessities and discretionary spending. A good rule of thumb is to spend no more than 50% of your income on essentials. Also set limits for dining out, entertainment, and your hobbies. Start on the lower end—you can always make adjustments as your pay check gets bigger.
Look for “pay yourself first” opportunities
Before you pay any bills, put money into your savings. Start with at least 10% of your income and increase 1% each month. This makes saving money a habit and means you have funds for bigger hobby purchases down the road!
Find cheap or free hobbies
Not all hobbies have to cost an arm and a leg. Check your local library for free events, join a recreational sports league, take up gardening or hiking, volunteer at an animal shelter. There are plenty of rewarding hobbies you can do on a budget.
Budgeting isn’t rocket science, it just takes some practice. But stick with it and soon you’ll have more financial freedom to spend on the hobbies and things that really matter to you. You’ve got this, my thrifty friends! Now go start saving some of that hard-earned cash.
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plainjanej · 2 years
Tips on how to get over a broken heart
1. Listen to upbeat music. Trap music was my go to bcuz they usually talk about having success and money. That made me motivated.
2. Let people make you smile. If your friends invite you to go out, go. If they tell a funny joke, laugh.
3. Don’t stay home and sleep all day. Get the fuck out the house and go to work and stay around people. I have made the mistake of calling out of work because I was too depressed to go anywhere and staying inside the house just made me think about the situation more and made me cry. So in order to forget, I would sleep. That didn’t help at all and I have a kid, so I didn’t get to sleep as much as I wanted to.
4. Stay off their social media. Don’t do that to yourself. I mean that. Fuck what they are doing. Don’t look at it.
5. Do the things that make happy even when you feel like crying. What I mean is make a list of the things that make you happy, and do it. If u don’t know what makes you happy, continue down this list and try out some of the things I mentioned. I guarantee you’ll find yourself smiling.
6. Give your self a date. Tell yourself that your only allowed to cry and mope around up until a certain date then you don’t get to dwell on it. But don’t ode and give yourself two months to cry. Give yourself at least a week or two. But don’t go further then that.
7. Pray if you believe in god. I do believe in a higher power. So I pray that for the pain that am feeling to go away.
8. Don’t get high or drunk. It makes it worse. Trust me, I’ve made that mistake.
9. Binge watch on shows, movies or read books. I don’t read much but I can tell you the shows that are worth watching.
10. Pick up on a new hobby. Knitting or learn how to play an instrument, or learn a new language. Meditation, yoga, makeup, or anything you always wanted to try. Cooking, planting, dancing, just to name a few.
11. Book a flight, pick a date and fly out. Even if it is by yourself. If your broke like me, start saving some money for a trip. If you don’t have a job, get one of those “easy to get” jobs and save the money. Just work. If you can’t work at all, learn how to start a business. Just get yourself some money.
12. Book a massage, get your hair done, do your nails, wear a face mask. Self care is essential!! I know this all cost money. But there is Groupon where you can get discounts. And as for a face mask, just do one at home.
13. Write down what you want to accomplish and create a vision board. Everyone has something they want to accomplish, big or small. Put all that shit there. Even if ur dream is to be a clown at the circus. Don’t be ashamed, fucking do it.
14. Write out your thoughts. Negative or positive, get it all out. Just write. Don’t worry about grammar. Even if u feel like saying fuck you over and over, fucking write it.
15. Spend some time with someone you have lost touch with and wish to regain a relationship with them. If don’t have someone. Make a new friend. Go out there and talk to someone. I dare you.
16. Paint a picture. It doesn’t matter whether your good at it or not. Just paint. Buy some paint brushes from the 99 cent store and a canvass, put on music of your choice and paint. I know more money to spend lol: but bitch it’s worth it.
17. Pay your bills bitch, make sure them bills are paid. Sometimes we fall off because we are too concerned with our pain. Heart break can feel like your dying and it’s the end of the world, but it’s not. So we tend to slack.
18. Play a game. Either with your kids if you have any or a video game or a board game or phone games. I like to play Mario, it’s super therapeutic.
19. Challenge yourself to stay off social media for a day and then Try two days. See how long you can go without check ig or Snapchat.
20. Laugh it off. Fuck it, it’s over. You were living before you met them, and your going to continue your life.
I hope this list brings you joy and helps you through this tough time. I know, I’ve been in quite a few myself and I have googled how to heal a broken heart. I didn’t find anything so I decided to write my own list about it. This isn’t just for girls, is for guys too. I hope it relieves any sadness and helps you move forward. Take care.
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thebookewyrme · 1 year
Well, today has been a rough end to a rough week. I’ve been sitting at about $15 all week so had to get Ex to buy groceries and gas and one of my work friends got me food at the free grocery store so I was ok and I was supposed to get paid today so it would be fine.
Only, last night my car wouldn’t start after work (10 o’clock at night mind you). Called AAA but they never showed up so when ex got off work at midnight he came and jumped me and I got home. This morning, called the dr and was able to get an appt immediately because apparently you shouldn’t have debilitating pain and numbness in your hands when holding small objects. And you definitely shouldn’t let it just go for years because “it’s fine and I don’t want them to tell me to use my phone less”. Shocking I know. So had to jump my car to get to the dr (carpal tunnel in both hands she thinks, but I have to go to the orthopedist to find out for sure). Then had to call AAA to come jump it at the dr (they came right away this time) and then took it to the mechanic to get it fixed. And I was so hungry by then and so broke I just cried in the mechanic waiting room until one of my friends sent me enough money to buy some food before work because my paycheck still hasn’t posted today so I only have $6 now.
Car is fixed but it cost $400 (which I had to put on ex’s card cause of course mine is also maxed). So that’s $400 more dollars I owe him. I already owe him about two full paychecks somehow. I just. Don’t know how I’m gonna make it on my own in a few months.
Anyway, if you feel like tossing a few dollars I’d be grateful, but no pressure, I know times are rough everywhere.
Venmo: https://venmo.com/u/TheBookewyrme
PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/LiaWolff05
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nikkalick · 1 year
can u explain what 50/30/20 is pls
Yeah absolutely! (Editing Note: I have a feeling this got longer than you were anticipating and I am so sorry 😅)
The most basic definition of it is that 50% of your monthly pay (after taxes) goes toward “needs” like rent, utilities, food, transportation, pet care etc. 30% goes towards “wants” like going out to eat or (in my case) getting coffee, entertainment (going to the movies, streaming services, video games), etc. and 20% goes towards your savings and/or other debts (student loans, credit cards, etc).
Utilizing and revising this rule to fit my situation when apartment hunting in lieu of the 30% rule (which was just not realistic given the cost of living in my area) made things a bit easier for me.
I was able to find an apartment that folds all utilities (except electric) into my rent which really helped in condensing and visualizing what that 50% looked like, and with what was left over after rent and electric I was able to factor in my phone, internet, and part of my groceries. Needs that aren’t fully covered (like gas for my car/car insurance that I pay ever 6 months, pet care, part of my groceries, etc.) got rolled into my 30%. I changed my 30% to cover “Other Needs and Then Some”. Basically, if I wasn’t able to keep all my needs in the 50% allotted for it, I prioritized paying for remaining needs out of my 30% and then whatever was left got to be spent on wants (like Spotify, coffee runs, and video games)
The 20% is more or less untouched for me. I’m holding off on paying any more student loans until the government figures out if their gonna let that sweet $10k forgiveness go through or not, and I’m too chicken shit to have a credit card (I use a debit only) so I don’t have any of those types of bills to pay off. Additionally, I have my work split my checks so that 80% of it gets deposited into my checking and 20% gets deposited into my savings. ADHD has allowed me to constantly forget that I do this so I always think I have less money than I actually do, which is helpful in the event I gotta dip into that 20% as a backup fund for unexpected bills or if I just want something but don’t have anything left of the 50/30 from the month.
Of course everyone’s situation is different and even after heavy revisions the 50/30/20 rule may still not be feasible, but I hope that this still helped even if it was just a little bit. Also, I have attached the article I referenced when I was first trying to figure out my budget.
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etraytin · 2 years
Man, today was a beast! Five days til the funeral and there is so much to do. I was up at 6:30 to get the kiddo to school a little after seven, and then I had til 9:30 to finish the draft on the order of services, get the obit formatted properly, get dressed, get breakfast, and dig the correct tools out of the toolbox to reach behind all our heavy furniture and unplug cable equipment. (After not touching the landline phone or cable television for a full month, we are comfortable with letting that go and cutting one bill in half.) I drove into town and went to the church where the funeral would be so I could make arrangements to get the programs printed and figure out how the catering is going to work. After that I dropped off the cable equipment at the cable store, then went to the florist to order an urn wreath and a table basket for the funeral. It cost 320 dollars, whoof! But they gave me one of the roses they're going to use and it's very pretty.
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On the way home I remembered we didn't have Halloween candy, so I stopped at the store and bought some, and bought lunch. Went home and ate and computered for just a bit, then the kiddo came home because it was an early release day. By now it was about 1:30, and I needed to finish his costume. I turned the house upside down but found MIL either does not have the iron I thought she had or it is very well hidden, so I felt pretty dumb for sending mine to the thrift store during the move. I also realized I needed to send back our broken iPad (terrible tip-over accident), so I hit up the post office and Walmart for iron and mini ironing board. I also went to the cake store so I will have excellent pound cake for the guests who are arriving starting tomorrow. Returned home and watched people stream Minecraft while I cut out yellow vinyl transfer strips and turned a blue coverall into a Fallout IV vault suit. Got that finished just in time for it to be time to carve pumpkins!
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(Yes, it would've been better to carve them earlier, but that would imply that previous days have been less busy!) Anyway, we got these handsome fellows done and set them on the front porch with a bowl of candy because it was time for trick or treat! We ended up punting and going to a big Halloween to-do at a church nearby because we live on a massive hill where the houses are far apart. Kiddo got some candy and went on a mini train ride, while we bought supper from a food truck and managed to run into one of like three people we know in the entire town. After the church thing I bribed my way out of further trick-or-treating with Dairy Queen so we did that, and now I am home. In between all these things I spent the day texting with my best friend from college who had a baby today. The nurses put him in a teeny tiny cow outfit, it was weird and cute.
Tomorrow will be even busier. Yikes!
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theghostus · 1 year
Day 95
By now y'all know this is my personal blog. Putting all my feelings and thoughts down.
Still no income. Brightside...I will probably start my new job at a school after Eid. Y'all think, hey, that's good news. Dude, not to my savings account, it ain't. Borrowing money and moving money for the past 5 months. Each month the bills take a HUGE bite into my savings. Not counting the necessities like food and feminine products. So yeah. I'm hella worried. Last December really took a toll on my mental health when the insurance companies asked for their yearly payment. That sucks eggs, man. Oh another thing, my phone has that infamous green line in the middle of my screen. It will cost me a new phone just to get it repaired. Even after repair, it has only a 1-month warranty. FML.
Another thing that weighs heavily on my mind is that bitch of my aunt, aka Dad's sis. She still hasn't sold the Devil's home. I mean, how can she? The damn place it's as old as me (not telling you how old I am; I'm a millennial that's the only clue I'm giving). No one wants to buy that home for the price she's selling, even though it's 'convenient' etc etc. When I released it to her, it was cleaned and manageable (also, it was after GP passed) Her son is now 30; if I recall correctly, he doesn't need babysitting. So it's her and her husband now. I mean she could downsize her 2-storey flat to save cost. Whatever I digress. Without that money from the sale, I can't do my kitchen. I had 2 quotes from 2 different contractors. Each will cost me almost 6k. Including the changing of the toilet doors. sigh.
My mum's condition is stable and no change over the years. With the "occasionally" and 'normal' sounds of her being strangled by an invisible hand. The sounds coming from her I can only describe would be the sounds if I were to strangle someone.
Mdm Sunflower finally got her goal. She and her husband have a daughter. She came home to them on my birthday. Will need to find out if her girl is a Pisces - they are emotional balls of energy which Mr and Mdm Sunflower are not. Her girl has already proven to be the Lil Diva already, haha. Luckily her girl is a Rabbit - they are kind and social creatures. She will make a great mum. That has been her goal since she got married almost 20 years ago. It seems like yesterday we were talking about our goals and what we wanted to achieve in our life.
Le Bf celebrated our 2nd Vday at a proper restaurant. We didn't celebrate my birthday much coz was trying to balance my mum and him. We ate at a hawker centre (it's a Singaporean eating centre) because his workplace is 1.5 hours away from my flat. He was doing sales, so he couldn't really go anywhere. Plus, I sus he just lazy to plan shit. So he just manages with whatever. Also, I was supposed to meet him early, but I went marketing with Mum in the afternoon and took a nap thinking he could only leave later when he didn't tell me that he had someone at the shop with him to cover. sigh. men.
Then I was thinking of surprising him and celebrating his birthday by bringing him to Gardens by the Bay at night to watch the light show since he had never seen it before. First, he didn't this week tell me he took 3 days off and planned to spend his whole 3 days with his mates and for his social work. I got to know this only yesterday. Secondly, he told me, I think a couple of weeks ago, that he's travelling to Bangkok this week, and his flight is tomorrow at 5am and will be returning to SG on the 10th (again I was told this yesterday when he came over). So he will be in Bangkok from 6 to 10 (for duty and play his words not mine), including on his birthday. So I'm a mix of sad and angry at the moment. Sad I couldn't celebrate his birthday again. Angry, he spends his birthday overseas again. the first time, his friend treated him to a seafood dinner in Malaysia. While I thought he was working when he sent his seafood dinner pics to me. I don't blame him for wanting to have fun with his mates, but sometimes I wonder am I the fool trying to create memories? I'm in two minds of just throwing his present in his face and telling him next time I just wish you HPB. I won't be celebrating his birthday anymore anything since he prefers to spend it with his friends overseas.
Am I being brainwashed by socials with picture-perfect relationships? Am I expecting too much?
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bunnyboyzyon · 1 month
I would love to officially ask you 1-24 on the list that you just reblogged please and thank you
uh uh tldr morbid curiosity has gotten the best of me and I am getting therapy
1- What’s your favorite color? Every green and scarlet red
2- Coffee or tea? Tea but it always needs milk and a little bit of sugar
3- If you could live anywhere and cost wasn’t an issue, where would you live? Alaska it's so far from everything else it's cold there's snow and polar night I need that in my life
4- If you were a time of day, what time of day would you be? 5 am
5- What’s your phone wallpaper?
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6- What’s a song that you relate to?
7- What would you do if you found a 100 dollar bill on the sidewalk? Keep it?? I'm buying rings with that
8- Do you have any piercings or tattoos? Double ear piercings that I don't use and a nose piercing in my right nostril, current stud is a little bat
9- What song would you want to get kissed to? If someone kissed me I'd cry.. anyways
10- What song would you play at your funeral?
11- When’s the last time you cried? Like two days watching the finale of Sweet Tooth because of how inevitable it is that the people who love you will die eventually no matter how many times you save them
12- What do you want to be remembered for when you die? I want peanut to remember how much I love them, and I'd rather be forgotten by everyone else
13- If you could commit any crime without consequence, which crime would you commit? Or would you not commit any crime at all? I would say cannibalism but fun fact cannibalism is legal in most states so murder but only twice on people who hurt me
14- Would you rather know the date or cause of your death? The date so I know how much or how little time I have left to do everything I've dreamed of
15- What would you do if you found a dead body in a hotel room? The people want me to say I'd be scared but I'd start investigating the body like a new forensics case I'm gonna know how long its been dead and how it died before the police get there
16- Are we really living or are we just slowly dying? Both, depends on the person. I personally feel like I'm slowly dying but others around me seem to be living and thriving
17- Do you like the taste of blood? Yeah when you get used to it when you used to get nose bleeds everyday for a few months (my pollen allergy used to be so bad yall I got anemia from that plus periods)
18- If you had to lose a body part, which one would you choose and why? Boobs. I'm trans masc I don't need to explain this
19- Would you rather be frozen, burned, or drowned? Burn because it only takes about 30 seconds for fire to burn your nerves and keep you from feeling the pain
20- If there's hell of some sort, do you think you’re going there? Absolutely I don't think it's normal to want to know what the human body tastes like but I'd get consent n stuff there's gotta be people who donate their bodies to the science of finding out what they taste like right??? Curiousity killed the cat though so
21- How would you dispose of a body? Cannibalism bc what're they gonna do, cut me open??? Or dissolved with acid and dumped into a storm drain
22- Would you kill someone you don’t know to save someone you love? Of course if it's them vs some random person I don't know I'm picking them every single time
23- Would you rather be burned at the stake but die a saint beloved by all, or die peacefully but have nobody remember you? Peacefully and forgotten
24- Would you rather eat part of a human heart or a whole human eye? But like what if both though.. can I atleast have the whole heart??? What if the parts taste different I need to know
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justsokaela · 6 months
Slow Saturdays…
I’m left work early during my lunch yesterday because I was feeling so shitty. I only missed out on 2.25 hours, and it was so slow being a Friday during Spring Break, and half our crews took the week off, so it’s not like I missed anything important.
I laid down, didn’t really sleep though. I would close my eyes, play on my phone, make my headache worse and close my eyes some more, pet my dog…
My boyfriend still came up, and he offered to pick up food on the way in, so he brought me some chicken pasta and vegetable soup from the local Italian restaurant near my parents’ house. They messed up his buffalo chicken wrap order though, which made me feel guilty. So I warmed up some of the leftover Italian Wedding soup my dad had recently made too many tubs worth of, and sent him home today with his leftovers and the rest of the soup from that Tub.
I took a short nap after he left, window shopping online for nothing in particular, but thinking abour how I’ll need to update my wardrobe and secure pieces appropriate and comfortable for me to work in and still feel like I’m expressing my whimsical weird self…next paycheck, I’ll put down on a couple items from the thrift store. Thrifting is better anyways!
I discussed my career plans with my parents, about how I am hesitant to accept a job in a law firm that I might get offered as a legal assistant, which is great for me because:
1) I have a paralegal certificate, I should use it.
2) my ultimate goal is to be a law librarian at a university law school someday - law firm experience is obviously useful for this.
3) it pays 3$ more per hour than my current job
4) Still has good benefits
5) is a large firm in our region that covers a lot of different branches of law, which is good for building a well-rounded set of skills in the position
6) after a few months, a hybrid remote schedule is possible, which is pretty cool
7) working in a firm can help build connections and network for my future law school plans
On the other hand:
1) my current job has incredibly good work-life balance. Following an academic calendar gives us more breaks or slow-periods, I work in administration so there are few people I have to “answer” to and my boss is really nice and cares about us, and doesn’t let people treat us like crap. I have lots of PTO and union-protection.
2) my job is pretty easy, but still offers me room for growth, i’ve been assigned to train on some new tasks involving accounts receivable and doing the invoices, which is some really valuable skills
3) my job being pretty easy, it also has a lot of downtime - I’m not constantly being micromanaged or expected to fill every second of my day with “work.” I have room to learn new things - like build my excel skills- doodle, goof around on Tumblr or Pinterest, organize my life, write, read, study, and even make my grocery list, and I still have plenty of room and mental energy to complete all my daily tasks and assignments.
4) my dog as an ESA is permitted to come to work with me everyday. This means that I get the comfort and security of his presence but also he isnt left alone all day. We go for walks during breaks and lunch, which is beneficial for me too getting outside and not sitting in my chair constantly, and everyone at work loves him! He’s my best friend and I love spending my days with him like this. I am not sure he would be welcome at a busy firm.
5) the law firm is 35 minutes away from home, which means more time spent driving in traffic on the shittiest highway ever and more mileage on my car, and more gas costs
6) the law firm requires billed hours 40-50 per week, and is very busy and intense
I talked about my concerns like I mentioned above with my boyfriend and he thinks it’s a good idea for me take the firm job - because getting experience is really useful, and it will help me decide if law is what I really want to do or not. However, if I take that job and it turns out I hate it and don’t want to work in a law firm after all, then I will be either stuck working in a job and environment that makes me miserable or overwhelms me, or I’m forced to quit and look for a new job all over again.
While I think he makes good points - I think it’s wiser for me to stay where I am, stabilize myself and learn as much as I can, and really utilize all the free time and mental energy I have in a safe and stable work environment -albeit barely manageable income- and put it towards finishing my Masters in Library Information Sciences online first. And even though I need a second source of reliable income, I think it will be manageable BECAUSE I have a less-stressful job.
So I think I will cancel the interview and just keep doing what I’m doing. Stop looking for the potentially next better thing and let myself take root and grow for a bit. I’m not ready to be re-planted just yet…
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roseband · 11 months
so like i'm going on vacation at the end of this month (on the cheapest week/days of the year to travel lol and 6 days in nola with flights for two of us (minus food, which we eat anyways while home) is ~1k)
and like, i'm planning a small vacation (for myself and myself alone bc my fiance needs to save his pto for our honeymoon in a year cause I have 2 more weeks than him) for whenever the rose release their europe dates (i'm legit planning on going time zone by time zone for three hours until i snag a vvvip lmao, that will determine where i go, if i don't get a vvvip i probably won't do it)
and like i'm not looking forward to hearing bs from one of my coworkers about this, cause she's already kvetched about vacation #2, cause i went away w/ my family (and only took 4 pto days to do 8 days off by timing it well) at the beginning of the summer, and i have next month planned and put into the system and company calendar
and she's heavily implying that i have other ppl paying my bills (which LOL... nope, my fiance and i split things nearly proportionate (plus i have medical bills that he doesn't on top of our expenses), my mom pays our family plan phone bill, but i pay her coffee subscription and for dinners out to even it out) while she definitely makes more money than me
like girlllllll i spend $1.50-3/day on lunch, u buy lunch out which midtown is at least $15, closer to $18, there's the vacations...... there it is, $15 x 3 (days a week in office) x 4 (weeks a month) = $180/month, there's my extra two vacation compared to yours. That's .....fucking two thousand dollars dude, there's the family trip (which my portion was $750 cause my fiance, mom, and i split a room and divided it equally) and the anniversary trip I paid for both my fiance and I to go on (which is $1k, and my fiance is paying for our food and museum entry while away), you ate ur vacations as overpriced midtown salads....like... $1,750 isn't even all of the difference between home lunch, made in bulk and the $2.1k spent on midtown lunch in tourist hell, there's one of (hopefully) the flights one way to somewhere to see the rose lol
like i prioritize.... spending a week in jazz clubs, or 8 days in a hot tub and water park on a boat with my extended family, or....meeting the rose yet again (lol), over the convenience of midtown lunch (even though the last two weeks i've been super bad about midtown lunch, bc i've been so busy at work and come home and take a nap instead of cooking ;~;...but that's justifiable cause the overtime balances out the $15 lol (i am so tired i have to give another presentation in a half hour ;;;;;))
like the "how do u afford this while making less than me" which turns into "well seems fake tho but okay" is not fun???? because i am NUTS when it comes to money, i had to make myself a budget to make myself spend more on things i like, cause if i don't, i'll legit not spend anything, i will buy liver (yummy tho!!) for meals that cost $6 for four servings, or make BULK bulk chili that costs like $25 for 20 servings (which is actually really good!!! it's good chili i make good chili), every day... w/o my budget app telling me it's okay to spend
like i know she doesn't mean it in this manner cause no one at work knows, but she's literally digging on something i've had to deal with with a literal therapist, out of weird jealousy????? shtappppp like i literally have adhd/ocd combo diagnosed, pls....this is my mental BAD making me a frugal hoarder and i'm trying to stop it lol, and if i cannot defeat the two wolves fighting in my head day to day, i'll definitely go do BIG fun things instead
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pagefontanillasy · 11 months
Chapter 6: Lock and established
Paige is still in her office, trying to get down to her work. But she couldn't think right what happened 7 hours ago, in the embassy.
In an American embassy. Her body turns hot thinking about it even though it's very cold outside. It's signal number 3.
Javier,Franco and Greg are outside, doing their own thing. Telephoning banks in America.
The computer has already been introduced, and the emailing system for easier contact, but phoning is much faster.
Paige went over to their desks, "Go home."
And left without taking any of their reactions. The men just shrugged.
The elevator brings her down. Just outside, Ed is stepping out of the Cadillac, his guard Tony opening it for him and he buttons his jacket.
Her heart almost jumps out.
"Whatever business you have here it can wait tomorrow."
Paige heads to he west side where she has parked her Benz. Ed follows her. "I want to apologize for not consulting it to you."
She exhales hard.
"I know how important this is to you."
"You don't know anything Ed. Fuck off!"
"But I know what makes you turn, squirm, moan and cum."
She smirks, sarcastically.
"You're a fucking asshole. Get inside."
Both slip inside and immediately stares in each other, Ed licks his lips but he can't kiss her not with Tony outside and many others watching. But he touches her hand.
"So?" Ed asks.
"About--about what happened to us earlier."
"Don't tell me we were just angry. A one-time thing. You kissed me."
"Let's see on Thursday, 7PM in the Pen. Same spot."
"You don't know how much I'm trying to stop myself from kissing you right now. I can't stop myself."
"Save it for tomorrow."
Ed smiled meaningfully then squeezed her hand before he heads out then back to his Cadillac.
Paige slams hwr head against the headrest. "Puta Madre!"
She goes back to the Pen. The Pen has been her home five years ago to be closer to work. Her house her late husbands house and hers were far away from Manila. She only goes there on the weekends. Although crazy that she lives in a hotel where her monthly bill is almost 30 thousand a month, it didn't matter. Her inheritance costs more than that.
Thursday night arrives, and nothing is going on yet. It's quiet in.
Ed meets her, and they drink for a little while. First they talk business about today and their findings.
Then, "How about we cap we the night, captain." Ed says.
"Are you rushing?" Paige smiles and sips.
Ed leans forward. "You've been on my mind for a week." He whispers.
Paige places down her wine.
They walk out and into the elevator. "Why do you like this place so much? You and your husband come here a lot?" Ed asks
"Worst," Paige quipped. "I live here. My parents invested money here when it was still a small one in the 30s. It survived the world war two, when japanese bombed everything in it's way. They say the Pen is a political neutral ground. A purgatory. Famous men and women, important decisions happened here."
Paige says proudly before the box opened, turning to Ed. "Now you and I will have a very special decision to make."
They are eon the highest floor on the suite. The only one reserved for her. Ed can't help but feel amzed but he hides it.
Inside, there's no reach girl that escapes his claws. As they strip down, Ed unlike before took it slow. Kissing every skin inch by inch. His hand latched on her breasts as he gets down to part her legs.
He has entered her pussy twice now. But is yet to see it. Her pussy is shut tight , looking Virginal. He pressed from top to bottom.
"Uhh~~ what are doing there, you silly old man?"
" Nothing. Your pussy, it looks perfect."
It looks fair, she doesn't have hair this time and it smells so good.
Eds nose touches it before his whole mouth dives in.
"oHHhH!" She moans.
His wide tongue slithers in and out, up and down and circular motion making Paige crazier.
"Fuck, Ed! Ohh yeah~~"
Paige holds a lock of his hair pushing him further.
After a few minutes, Ed slithered up and met her mouth his mouth still sticky from Paige's cum and they kiss. He wasted no time and thrusted her cock inside. His 9 inch large cock drilling inside her.
Paige pushes him down, and she took him for a ride. Like she's a cowgirl racing the horse on the race.
Ed finds it hot but not surprised because a woman like Paige loves to take charge and control. Her pussy feels amazing as it tightens around his warm hard dick.
"Fuck, baby-- I didn't know you're a whore ~~uHHHh" Ed voice deepens.
"Yeah?? Haha~~ well I'm your whore now~~uhmmmppp!"
She continues riding and this point Ed is about to come. He pushes her down and slams the brakes then goes on drilling in and out.
Ed squats as h continues to thrust watching Paige goes wily crazy, his hands latched on her two large breasts that fits right in his palms. So soft, so bouncy. He punches her nipples.
Paige's hand plays with her clitoris.
"uhHhHh--ahhhHH-Fuck you Heath, fuck me harder!"
Ed does, slow but hard then faster.
Of all the women he has bedded, Paige sure knows her thing.
Ed leans closer to her laying his whole bulky body rubbing against her skin her breasts. Paige hugs him.
"Ohhhh~~ you're so damn good Paige. You taste fucking good~~"
"You like that?" Ed whispers
"Yeah don't stop I'm about to cum~~" she squirms.
"Okay, I want you to come first~~ uhhh"
"Ed, fuck! I can't take it anymore!"
"Me too baby!"
Ed thrusts faster until it feels right and very hot, then they both came.
Paige bites on his shoulder and freezes as she come. Then the both collapsed. Ed comes into the condom.
"That was--" Ed breathes hard.
Paige stares up smiling in the ceiling.
"Paige, that was fucking good. You goddamn amazing woman." He kisses herforrhesd then went in for torrid kissing before he tests between her breasts. Paige fofdled his hair. "Do you like doing this?"
"Fucking you? What, third time hasn't convinced you yet?"
"Ed, I don't want to have other relationship with you other than in bed. I'm not-- I'm not a girlfriend type of whatever. This is just temporary." Paige breathes
Ed looks up and he adjust his level to her, and grabs her face.
"You mean you want it to be purely sexual?"
"Yes, no feelings attached."
Ed smiles. Good enough for him. He doesn't think he would even think of her as a girlfriend. "Fine by me."
"We have to set some ground rules. First we, meet weekly but in different days. Mondays, Then next Tuesday. You get it. Second, what happened in the embassy, it won't happen again. Let's respect our workplaces. That's not too much to ask is it?"
"Ed nos and caresses her face."
"That's perfect." Then kisses her swollen lips.
Ed leaves but not without showering. He knows many men who has been cheatng on their spouses, and learned a trick or two from them. Women's noses are like dogs. They can smell another woman's scent, perfume or natural scent. So Ed showers, but no soap. Just rubs Paige off his body. His neck, chest, hands, back, mouth and around his cock-- the thought of thinking Paige turns him in, turning him hard again. Paige comes out waiting with her white negligee, hair down. For the first time, he sees how naturally her wavy hair falls in place. Her cleavage busting, she has a cigarette on hand. "And for the final touch."
Paige blows him a smoke and waves the whole thing around him like a sage.
Ed kissed her lips but regrets a second, as it tastes bitter.
He grabs the stick and puffs, "You should stop smoking these things are bad for you."
Before kissing her again, blowing smoke in her mouth, a shotgun smoke.
"You know we have a saying, bad people die older."
Ed get passes heras he retrieves his clothes.
"Sounds like a promising punishment."
Paige watch him dress up. Ed looks around. "So you reallyive here. Seems empty. Have you thought of bringing of another woman here? It needs soem-- feminine touch."
Paige smiles and smokes again, "You want some threesome, you dirty old bastard?"
Ed smirks. "I'm a man of wide range tastes."
Ed goes near to her couch and kisses her forehead.
"So if it's Thursday today, I'll see you Friday?"
Paige nods and Ed kisses her lips, her bittersweet lips.
"By the way, buy your own condoms."
"How about you start taking some pills? I missed how---hsss" He hissed as his teeth gritted. "Your wet warm pussy hugs my dick."
"I have another rule. My body, my own fucking, educated choice. If you can't respect that, Mr. Heath, stay out of my wet, warm, huggable, pussy." She enunciates seductively popping each word in her mouth. Almost making him hard again.
"you are making me want t slam you against that bed off yours but I have restraint. Fine, I'll respect it."
Paige pulls himd dow for another kiss, their lips exchanging meaningful kisses.
"I'll see you again." Ed walks out the door and Paige closes it.
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threenorth · 11 months
There's many things I'd want to write,
It's 930pm I don't think I can last till midnight, at around 7am mst, I've taken my pills for sleepy sleep.
Medical, mental health,.. Allergies coming down, and no adhd meds, everything is up in the air.
I see my pychtrist next week, hopefully I can try go back on my adhd meds as it hasn't made a difference to my heart rate being off them, but then my axenity meds might be next, but we're see what who says what, and or if we gonna try an anti depressant.
Oh and my CBT mood journal is starting but it's more just thoughts at the moment to try reckonise some cds? I see my psychologist wends.
And your last nice message was a nice stab in the heart on top of everything else, I'm currently trying to get through having no executive function and no emotional regulation kind of... Right now.
Found this meme and tried not to laugh
So if you want some advice from me, try get those forearm crunches from amazon, there's a few intersting ones made of carbon fiber might be worth it... Back to your video...
It's nice to feel something but I'm not sure what emotion it was, maybe it was angry, maybe it was sadness Maybe it was all three, I really hope as my breathing improves, I assume soon so does my feelings, I don't know exactly what's going on and I'm not really enjoying it.. Especially it's hell on a good day...
I'm due to see a cardiologist, as my doc is still a little worried that walking causes my heart rate to be still quite high, at 120, everyday feels like I ran a marathon as I've hinted at above but then expanded futher details, mom thinks it's an anti axeirty med side effect, doc doesn't know but thinks it could be the constant axeity from high ige. I don't know... It's all a fun game life at the moment...
Still waiting for the asmtha insutie as my last sickness I got given steroids and they have to wait till they are out of my system before measuring my lung capacity and a muckus test.
A breathing specialist in December...
And come February Maybe a trip to Wellington to see the marvel props....but with the cost of living begging to crunch...
(not me or my post) as there's chicken.
I usually spend $200 and that's a week without now gluten free stuff, that has to be Rye and corn free...
But I'm about 2k in the hole, at least I'm on a on a low rate credit card, I also was hoping soon I'll have a bump I gotta try pay down my 16k Intrest free student loan... Or maybe get a six figures and say pay it off before the with 6 month Intrest free overseas period... We're see but at the moment, I miss you like the dopamine of adhd meds, I miss you like my coffee I have to use to get me though the day... As most of my income is going out to my MBA. I'd really like to get that done soon and say fuck off to work... As and About 1k for my phone Intrest free at least it's a good phone should last me another 5 years or so as it's 5g capable.
Oh and I ain't gyming so that extra $100 I'm putting towards my phone so in 10 weeks that's one less bill.... It's about 32 weeks (student loan at 16k, 200 automatically is removed from my pay to pay it, where if I pay an extra 500) that's no enjoyment or invesments hopefully my last one pays off I found two cards worth about $15 us each that's about 25 nzd at the moment, but I'm working on scanning them in but sorting and scanning takes time, as I need some money for some investments and a new computer monitor, and what I assume it's a trip to the mountains when my body can breathe better... At this rate cross your fingers for northen summer but I don't know yet what's happening but I thought I saw you said your coming down here soon enough, that would be fun, I just don't know about soupy, oh speaking of soupy, allergist for injections, another 750 that's gonna have to come out of thin air, I can handle cats without antihistamines but wheat... That's something... , even if it doesn't make me fat Ramona.
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I'll try calling you after my last meeting at 330pm, but 930am is my first but I wouldn't know how to swing into telling mom that messaged and decided to call out of the blue in the morning,and if I did how I mute you from the meetings then some how I focus on my presentation as I'm using alot of mental capacity to try do work currently... And it's annoying as hell... Draining mentally... Physically and emotionally.
I haven't even cleaned my room yet because everything takes effort I don't have...
Ehhhh... Welcome to the hot mess I'm your host, some how not dead yet, meee.
I hope you saw the rare ring eclipse... Sounded fun we didn't see anything this side of the world.
Well, I'm off to sleep.
Maybe you'll text me back your Sunday schedule seeing it's your day off your probably heading into get groceries.
I get paid Tuesday might try ask mom when we can get to Costco I need some more frozen vegetables and maybe frozen strawberry for my smoothies,at least it's spring so strawberrys and watermellons are coming in, one fruit I enjoy..
I really gotta open up my flavours but everything either hates me, or I hate it with sensory issues... God living my life is a fun roller-coaster...
Looking forward to the new Scott Pilgram series coming out soon...
I hope you didn't see cam on mafs,(it's on lifetime?and FYI? We're getting off the internet some how... I might have to dip off social media if he says my name as I expect a bunch of crazies to come out. Let's say I'm looking forward to the next episode to here what shit my cousin makes up at his ceremony, so if you want in the in thing for us right now, that's gonna give me laughs for months and months.
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fatopiaplus · 1 year
Rob Ratcliff
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Hey. How ya doin'? As you can see, my name's Rob Ratcliff. I'm not really here because I think I deserve to be here ... but Kia was a sugar and insisted I belonged her because of the circumstances of my, shall we say, transformation. Me, bein' a rat and she's a lioness, I thought I'd better agree.
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I left home when I was pretty young because my parents and I didn't much get along well and I had grandiose dreams of being a rock star. I played guitar and sang, but I really didn't hit the big time like I'd wanted. My dad died sometime after I left, and I felt so much shame that I never went back home. I was working at a restaurant in the daytime and worked as a musician in bars at night. This isn't what I wanted. I got into a band as lead singer and guitarist and we went on a college tour, gaining a little popularity. Then, when I'd gone near my hometown, I saw that there was a fundraiser going on to get this girl an operation to save her eyesight and if she didn't have the operation, she would eventually go blind, or worse, the tumor would continue to grow and kill her. My mouth dropped when I saw that it was my little sister, Sarah. I didn't want her to know I was there ... so I went to the hospital and talked to the doctors to find out just how expensive the operation was going to be. The cost was several hundreds of thousands of dollars and although they had insurance and had raised a lot of money, they were still about $34,000 short. I couldn't afford that ... but I couldn't let Sarah die either ... That's when I saw the ad for a clinical test subject. They said the non-physical test subject would be given a bonus of $25,000 and would receive comfortable living, including a residence and furnishings, clothing allowances and pay of $2500 a month. Anxiously, I called the number and waited for an answer. After a few minutes of talking to the woman on the phone, I was overjoyed to hear that no one had yet filled the non-physical test subject. In twenty minutes, I was on my way to be interviewed. The woman who interviewed me was attractive, if a little older than me and she sat me down to fully explain what was expected of, and what was going to happen to, me. She told me that Gainex 6 was a dietary supplement that was designed to give extra energy to athletes or to provide extra nutrition to those who were malnourished or grossly underweight. In order for me to, basically be set for life, I would take the supplement as if I were a world class athlete but refrain from doing any strenuous activity. In essence, they were gonna see how much fat I gained taking the supplement if I did no exercise. I agreed. The woman asked me why I was doing this. She asked if I was a feedee. I told her I didn't know what that was, but my little sister needed an operation and without she'd die. I told her how much the operation was and she made arrangements to have the bill paid when I began treatment. I asked her not to tell my mom and sister where the money was coming from. I didn't want them to know. The woman agreed. The next day, I had all my physical stats measured and documented. Then the twelve week treatment began.
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End of First Week: By the end of week one, I've gained 20 pounds, bringing my weight to 181 lbs. I'd been given the dosage of two pills twice a day. I have a hard time believing how fast and easily the weight had come. I hadn't eaten any more food than I normally did and now my pants are really tight in the gut. It's really dawning on me why I 'm the only one to volunteer ... or be chosen.
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End of Second Week: The second week shows me a gain of 25 pounds, for a total of 45 so far. I had to wear my belly over my pants by the middle of the week because I couldn't get them fastened any other way. Weighing in, I was 206 pounds. It's my heaviest weight ever. I feel depressed and a little disgusted at myself, having to resort to being a lab rat to help my little sister. It sucks.
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End of  Third Week: An additional pill for each dose was added to my regimen daily and by the end of the third week, I gained 50 pounds. 256 pounds. I can't even get my jeans up past my hips. My gut is getting huge and my thighs look pretty fat. If I'd gained 95 pounds in three weeks ... I can only cringe at the thought of the remaining nine weeks. I understand why the stipend is so high. I'm not going to be able to do anything. What have I done? What have I done?
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End of  Fourth Week: When I woke up this morning, I was 60 pounds heavier for the week. 316 pounds and 155 for the study. Over the last week, I stopped to really take note of myself and what was going on. There were worse things in life than growing obese. Lots more. And if it meant that Sarah would be well again, who cared how fat I got? If  I got bigger than a house, then at least my baby sister would be taken care of and that's what mattered to me. The research scientist, Hollie Ward, noted my more jovial attitude and complimented me on it. She was quite pretty when she smiled and I began to look forward to her thorough weekly exams.
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End of Fifth Week: This morning was a bit of a benchmark as I'd gained 75 pounds. I am 391 pounds now and my stomach is getting bigger and bigger. And softer. Every single pound I've gained went right below the skin, so when I walk around, I jiggle like Jell-o. Hollie cut me back to one pill three times a day and we both waited to see what would happen.
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End of Sixth Week:  Call me crazy, but I am acually disappointed to find I've only gained 32 pounds this week. I'm up to 423, but I feel as good as I did when I was thin. Actually, I felt better. Funny, huh? My face has gotten rounder now, and I have a distinct double chin, but I feel very contented. Hollie wants to keep me on a lower dosage and there's nothing I can do to stop it.
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End of Seventh Week: This morning's weigh-in confirms that the drug doesn't stay long in the system, because I've only gained another 31 pounds. I'm up to 464 and I'm hoping Hollie will up the dose again. I feel very good about being fat now and I do want to be bigger than I am right now. I'm going to talk to her about it tomorrow when I go in for my weekly supply of pills.
End of Eighth Week: Still no increase in pills. In fact, she took me down to one pill a day from three. Over the week, I gained a miserable four pounds. I'm only 468. Shoot! I think I can do better than that on my own by just eating a couple of pies. My fat is kinda like a drug, because I want more. I'm not addicted or nothin' but I would like to be fatter.
End of Ninth Week: I'm now up to a whopping 473 due to the fact that I'm still on only one pill a day. I guess I should be grateful because I'm not losing weight. I took time off during the week to check in at the hospital to see how Sarah was doing. She'd had her surgery the week before and the doctor said she was doing very well and that the surgery was an incredible success. She must have heard me asking the doctor about her, because I had seen her peek out from her room and look down the hall at me. She said my name, as if she sorta recognized me, but wasn't sure. I almost looked at her, but instead, hurried away. She came after me, calling my name again, but I was into the elevator before she could really see my face. How grateful I was to have my fat body. She wasn't sure it was me, and I didn't want her to know it was me. I couldn't come back into their lives now ... not when I'd abandoned them. That would be too selfish.
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End of TenthWeek: Success! Hollie gave me eight! Eight pills a day for one week only! When I rolled out of bed this morning, I waddled (yes, I no longer walk - I waddle) to the office for my weigh-in. Drum roll please! I am now 602! That's 129 pounds gained in seven days! My total weight gain in ten weeks is 431 pounds. I've gained more than three times my original weight. Hollie seems to linger a little longer these days when she's measuring my waistline. I asked her if she liked me ... as boyfriend material. I told her I wasn't as smart as she was, but I could sing to her and play my guitar to serenade her. She smiled and told me yes. I couldn't believe it! She said she liked me as a boyfriend ... but then I asked her if she had a boyfriend. She told me yes. My heart sank. She told me about him. His name was Robert, but he went by Rob and that he was a very fat guy, but he was sweet and selfless and that she had been dating him for about ten weeks. Imagine my shock!
End of EleventhWeek: This week, Hollie cut me back to four pills and I only gained 35 pounds because I was using more of the calories to maintain my weight. If I wanted to stay big, I'd have to continue taking 2-3 pills a day. If I wanted ... If ... as I sit here and write this down, there's no doubt in my mind. I don't want to be thin ever again. I love this man that I've become, down to the last flabby inch and pound. I'll never go back unless my health fails, but again, I feel better now with all this poundage than I did when I was skinny. Hollie says that the medicine has adapted my body for extreme fatness and that the fat has made me healthier. Sounds really odd, but I believe her. My weight this morning was 637. Maybe I'll make it closer to 700 for next week. It's my last week. I can feel my pants getting tighter every day and it won't be more than three or four days before these pants are history. I can barely get them on now. As for my neck, it's history. I've only got chins. =) )) I'm happier now than I've ever been. Thank God for this clinical trial!
End of Twelfth Week: Hollie was an angel! She rigged it so I would gain close to a hundred pounds. A little under, but I'm happy to be an enormous 721 pounds. Now that I'm so obese (and happily so!) she's taking me to the wonderful home I now own. I was really shocked to see the house. It's so huge! Everything inside is geared for my size. My bed, bathroom, everything is designed with a super-sized person in mind. There's even a bidet! Lord knows I need one, as big as my butt is. For the first time since this started, I got to look at myself in a full length mirror. Man! I'm a lard-bucket! A handsome, super-fat man. I could see that my belly was down to my knees and my thighs and calves had rolls of fat on them which made them a little lumpy, but it was fine with me. Happy at last. My sister was being cared for, and I had a place of my own and money to keep me living comfortably.
Twenty-fourth Week after Treatment: My weeks of bliss turned to terror today. Sarah and Mom ... they found me. Seems Mom insisted to know who provided the aid to pay for the surgery. When White Plains Research Center's name came up, she called and through some smooth talking, she managed to get enough information out to get my name. A little more sleuthing and she found my home. When the doorbell rang and I waddled up to answer it, imagine my horror to see Mom standing there, eyes wide as saucers and slackjawed.  She'd last saw me three years ago, at 160 pounds and looking rather rough. Now I was in the grossly obese category, even though quite cleaned up. She spoke my name and I nodded, telling her that it was, indeed, her son Robert. Sarah pushed past Mom and pushed herself up against my gut. She said "I knew it was you, Rob!" in a rather, "I told you so" tone of voice. Mom told me that she'd wanted to find out who'd paid the hospital bills and that she'd gotten the info from the research center. She asked me where I got the money to help out. I put my hands on my fat belly and told her I volunteered to be a guinea pig and let myself be fattened by the Gainex 6 pills to pay for Sarah's operation. Mom's eyes filled with tears and she moved to me and hugged me. She told me I'd always be her little boy. Mom and Sarah's moving in with me and Hollie has agreed to marry me. I'm not a hero. I'm just an average guy who managed to get three wishes to come true: 1. I was able to get my sister cured. 2. I was able to come back home and find a girl who loved me without condition (save that I never decided to get thinner =D)) and 3. I've found what makes me truly happy. I've been very lucky. Thank you, God.
*A note from Akia: I've had the immense pleasure of meeting Rob in person. I've never met anyone as jovial and happy being so fat as he is. Hollie decided to take a week's worth of pills and now she's a plump 270 lbs herself. Take a look at Rob's band's album: Twenty Jars: Finding Yourself. Released on NewVision Records.
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Private number calls
1. Use *67 to hide your phone number
On a per-call basis, you can’t beat *67 at hiding your number. This trick works for smartphones and landlines. Open your phone’s keypad and dial * - 6 - 7, followed by the number you’re trying to call.​
Private number calls
The free process hides your number, which will show up on the other end as “Private” or “Blocked” when reading on caller ID. You will have to dial *67 each time you want your number blocked.
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2. Block your number by default on iOS and Android
If you own an iPhone or Android device, automatically block your number by adjusting one simple setting. Your number will appear private for every call you make.
To block your number on iPhone:​
1. Go to Settings, Tap Phone
2. Press Show My Caller ID
3. Use the toggle switch to show or hide your number
Note: Verizon Wireless does not allow this feature, but I’ll show you what you can do about that in the next step.
To block your number on Android:
1. Open the Phone app, and open the Menu
2. Select Settings, then Call settings
3. Click on Additional settings, then Caller ID
4. Choose “Hide number” and your number will be hidden
To reverse this feature on Android, choose “Show number” or “Network default”
You can also use *82 to unblock your number in case your call gets rejected temporarily. Some providers and users will automatically block private numbers, so using this code will help you bypass this filter.
Blocking your number can go a long way in stopping annoying robocalls. Did you notice less in the last month? Tap or click to see why robocalls are going to ramp back up very soon.
3. Ask your carrier to block your number
Not every device has the same process for blocking your phone number, and it’s a pain to block on a per-call basis. That’s where your wireless carrier can help.
If you’re using a different kind of phone (or want the lines on your account private), ask your carrier to block all outgoing calls.
Connect to your carrier by calling 611. Make sure to tell the recording you want to speak to “customer support” or “technical support.” Some carriers’ lines send you to the bill-pay department automatically.
Once your carrier sets you up with a private number, you can still use *82 if you run into call rejection. This step temporarily unblocks your number on a per-call basis.
While you’re on the phone, call your internet provider, too. I’ve got 7 steps to help you save on your monthly internet bill.
4. Skip dialing from your own number and use a burner app
A burner app might be what you need if you’re not keen on mucking around with your phone or carrier settings. These apps use your internet data to make calls, which effectively gives your phone a second number to use.
There are hundreds of burner apps you can download for iOS or Android, but these are my three favorites.
Get more out of your iPhone: Tap or click for 10 texting pro tips.
Burner is one of the most popular apps on iOS and Android devices for good reason. You can use the app to route your calls directly to your secondary number, which means you don’t even need to bother hiding it. The app comes with a 7-day free trial and costs $5 per line per month afterward.
Hushed isn’t free, but it’s much cheaper than many competitors. At just $2 per week, you can get 60 texts and 20 call minutes. You can cancel at any time. A $5 monthly unlimited plan is also available, but even on the basic plan lets Hushed users talk to one another for free.
Google Voice lets you choose a new phone number to make voice calls, texts and audio messages for free. All you’ll need to get started is an active Google account.
Unlike the other options, you don’t need to pay a monthly fee with Google Voice. It uses your existing phone minutes and data, but the number that shows will be your Google Voice number.
5. Take control of your landline, too
Whether you’re on mobile or landline, there are plenty of useful codes that can help you control your privacy. Here’s a list of some of the most common “star codes” you can use with your touch-tone keypad:
*57 - Trace Call: Traces the number of the last incoming call received. Useful when the call warrants legal action.
*60 - Call Block: Prevents calls from select phone numbers and gives callers a recording that says you’re not accepting calls.
*67 - Caller ID Block: Hides your phone number on Caller ID systems.
*69 - Call Return: Redials the last number that called you.
*70 - Call Waiting: Places your call on hold so you can answer another.
*72 - Call Forwarding: Forward your call to another phone number.
*77 - Anonymous Call Rejection: Blocks calls from private callers.
*80 - Disable Call Block (*60)
*82 - Disable Caller ID Block (*67)
*87 - Disable Anonymous Call Rejection (*77)
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Bonus: Know if someone is blocking your number
You dial again, but you're not getting through. You're frustrated. Maybe you're a little anxious. What's going on? Perhaps the person you're trying to get in touch with forgot his phone, or the battery is dead, or he's got it on silent or turned it off for some reason.
Or maybe he blocked your number, either by accident or on purpose. You won't get any official notice if someone blocks your calls, but you can make an educated guess.
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