#like it actually makes me sick to think about that plate sitting on my kitchen counter and no one’s gonna eat it
sampilled · 5 months
Ed talk in tags. Sorry I just have no one I can talk to about it irl
#tw ed#crying and rocking back and forth over chips and curry sauce.#new low#my dad bought it for me without asking#put it on a plate and then tried to guilt me into eating it#I haven’t binged since new year (yippee go me)#and it’s just so disheartening to be putting in all this effort and to get better from bed and then have someone not give afucckkkkk#and try and guilt me into eating trigger foods#like i know I don’t really talk about it irl I just say I’m trying to eat healthier#and I clearly had a problem before which he shamed me for so :)))))))#like I know if I ate it I would binge and that’s why I’m crying cuz I have this fear in my head that I’m gonna miss out on this food and#like it actually makes me sick to think about that plate sitting on my kitchen counter and no one’s gonna eat it#likeeeeee#also I’ve already ate dinner?#why buy me a second dinner without asking?#that is so strange#he buys me food and sweets and then shames me for how much I eat#literally can’t win#when I was heavy restricting myself a few years ago he hated that too so there is no winning liek#I’m trying to be normal right now and what????#all he does is complain and he always comes in the kitchen when I’m making food to look at what I’m making#and also I knowwwww if I ate it I binge until I actually threw up cuz I would feel like I was throwing all my progress away#cuz I’ve been binge free for so long and#this doesn’t make sense#sorry if you read this I just had to get it out of my head#any way urge to binge passed I feel sane again :)
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gentrychild · 9 months
An anon who was rereading Anyone asked me what would have happened if Izuku didn't like eggs and how you tell a supervillain you don't like what he made and that you want something. I have bravely tried to answer said ask but Tumblr laughed at my pain, so here is it, on a new post.
When confronted with the super villain Izuku had accidentally broken out of the most secured prison in the country, a man who had basically walked out of said prison as soon as he hadn’t been restrained anymore, Izuku did the only thing any rational person would do.
He ran like hell. No shoes, no plan, nothing except Full Cowl roaring in his veins and he fled.
At least, he tried to.
Strong tendrils stopped him dead, then hands picked him up by his shoulders and suddenly, his feet weren't touching the ground and he was forcibly brought to the kitchen table.
''No, no, no,'' All for One said with the tone one would employ with a disobedient pet or a very young child. ''Your breakfast is going to get cold and we have so much to talk about. Sit. Enjoy the eggs. If you don't like them, I can make something else.''
And he dropped him on his chair, before putting the plate in front of him. Then, he sat at the other end of the table, facing Izuku, his own plate in front of him and he started to eat. Slowly, his manners perfect, while Izuku was dying of sheer stress over there.
Then, he looked at Izuku. Then at Izuku's plate.
''You're not eating?''
Izuku looked at the man who had literally reduced people to paste last night and then at his plate of eggs and bacon, then back at the lunatic who was probably going to skin him alive soon enough. He needed to do something, to get the time to find a way out of this mess.
Now, any reasonable human being would have eaten a bit of eggs and bacon – well, eaten the bacon in Izuku’s case – but he had just woken up, was in a pre-caffeinated state and truly, Izuku had never claimed to have the slightest working relationship with sanity.
“I don’t like eggs,” he blurted out.
The supervillain, the very same man who had literally gone through a prison riot of fellow villains like he was running through wet paper, was startled so badly by those four words that he dropped his fork.
“What do you mean, you don’t like eggs???” he asked like this was a ludicrous notion, like everyone’s favorite breakfast should be eggs and bacon.
“Never liked them,” Izuku lied, by pure spirit of contradiction, far more developed than for most people, for it had been left with quite the amount of room after the disappearance of all his survival instinct.
And it was indeed a lie because, once upon a time, it had been his favorite comfort food, but when he had been a kid, during one of those weeks where his mom was gone and the neighbor supposed to watch over him was busy forgetting his existence, he had gorged himself on it at every meal until he had gotten so sick of it that he had been unable to eat them ever again.
All for One watched him with something that went beyond annoyance, it was the patented look of someone who knew one was messing with him and the words “You’re a goddamn liar” were probably fighting to be left out but he had no proof that Izuku was bullshitting him and if even if he somehow had a lie-detecting-quirk, Izuku would keep denying it because he probably wasn’t making it out alive anyway so why deprive himself of the chance of annoying his would-be-killer?
And actually, why wait?
“I prefer waffles,” Izuku informed him because, after all, All for One had offered him to make him something else.
All for One stared at him without saying anything, probably thinking about all the ways he could have killed Izuku back when they were in Tartarus. Meanwhile, Izuku gave the illusion to be staring back at him when he was actually thinking about the fact the window made a faster exit but All for One would have the time to catch him before he landed seven floors lower while the door offered him more options.
All for One eventually abandoned his plate and started to rummage through the cupboards, going straight to the place where Izuku and his mom usually put the baking ingredients. Either everyone organized their kitchen the same way, or All for One had broken in so many homes that he was just a pro at using any kitchen he found himself into.
“Do you have flour?” the lunatic called out. “I can’t find it.”
Izuku had already flowed out of his chair and was making his way to the door by walking backwards, trying to radiate nonchalance and not the need to RUN AWAY WITHOUT LOOKING BACK.
“Try the highest shelves,” Izuku helpfully suggested, his hand on the doorknob.
It was where his mom put the heaviest pots and pans they usually didn’t use, since everyone in this household needed to climb a chair to access it. With a little luck, they would all fall on All for One.
Izuku left the apartment, not even bothering to fully close the door behind him, and he ran. He was in his pajamas, had found his sneakers by the door and they were still in his hands as he booked it out of his neighborhood as fast as Full Cowl could carry him and he didn’t stop until his building wasn’t in sight anymore. Then, he stopped on a bench, the couple flirting on it deciding they could do that somewhere else when they saw him approaching, and he put his sneakers on, took a deep breath, and decided to run some more, still in the opposite direction of where Todoroki was living, and then, he would figure out a plan.
Unfortunately, liquid shadows chose this moment to appear right in front of him, revealing All for One, who was holding a bag from Waffle Palace in one of his hands.
“I didn’t find any flour or sugar so I just ordered in.”
Some people would have screamed or been startled but Izuku had already ripped the bench from the ground and thrown it at All for One. The villain batted it away with his empty hand but it didn’t matter because Izuku was already half way through the park, or at least until black tendrils grabbed him and yanked him back.
 “Your waffles are going to get cold,” All for One sternly informed him before grabbing him by the back of his shirt and he warped again, this time with Izuku under his arm.
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techs-goggles9902 · 6 months
Soft!Crosshair and fem!reader please
Maybe with something about his hand tremors?
Why did you wait for me? - Soft!Cross x fem!reader
Word count: 767
Warnings: none? Lmk if I missed something
A/N: Hey, I really wanna know who these anons are or if they’re the same person so I can thank you for these requests!!!! Sorry if this feels rushed or anything. I will happily rewrite it next week if requested. I’ve been sick since Sunday and I feel like trash :P
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Ever since he came back, he’s been… off. His calloused fingers, his eyes, his voice, all once so familiar, now somewhat foreign.
But he’s your Crosshair, he always comes around. You’re his girl. This is no different. Right? And, he always comes back. It’s only been a few hours since the Marauder landed on Padu’s upper level, your home, at the crack of dawn. You were roused by that familiar chime on your comlink.
What the hell, Hunter, you thought when you woke. Couldn’t he wait a few more hours until your alarm went off?
He couldn’t, which you now know.
You met the batch while they were on leave a few years back, fell in love with that tall, lanky sniper of theirs. Once Order 66 happened, Hunter advised you to come with them since Crosshair wasn’t the man you met anymore.
You found Pabu, where you settled down while the boys didn’t. Could you blame them, though?
“Stop staring at me like that, Cross,” you say as you cook him breakfast in your warm kitchen, feeling his gaze dig holes in the back of your head as he sits at the island.
“I’m sorry… I just can’t…” he pauses, swallowing. “I can’t believe you actually waited for me.”
“How could I not? You’re you. No matter what Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum say,” You turn, about to scrape the eggs onto his plate when you see his watery eyes. Those dark irises that usually pierce into people’s souls now desperately gaze into your own.
“I… I did a lot of bad things. Why do you still love me?” He whispers as you slowly put down the pan of eggs. You step around the island to embrace the sniper, his face buried into your sternum.
“Shhh… You didn’t have a choice, back at Tantiss.” His shaky hands lock around the fabric of your shirt. He doesn’t make any sound, just lets the tears stream down his narrow face, catching on his stubble.
“That doesn’t answer my question, love.”
You sigh, cupping his tear stained face in your soft palms. “I loved you during the war, loved you when you left on missions, I loved you when you joined the Empire. This is no different. You’re mine, I’m yours.”
His eyes widen ever so slightly as he gazes up at you, for once.
“How ‘bout we get some food, real food, in you and then we’ll talk?” You softly ask, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead.
“Yeah… Yeah, okay.” He nods and you let him go to slide the eggs onto his plate. Watching him eat, you see the muscles working in his jaw as he chews, his temporalis bulging with each bite.
You haven’t seen him since… Kamino. You begged, pleaded for him to join the batch. You remember how he declined and begged for you to join the Empire, they’ll understand, he said.
He finishes eating and you scoop up his plate, turning away to put it in the sink. When you turn around, he’s gone off to your bedroom. You follow, thinking, I bet he hasn’t slept in a while. I mean, really slept.
He stops in the doorway of your room, turning back to you. He quietly asks, “Can I…”
“You don’t need to ask me for anything. What’s mine is yours.”
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You sit against your headboard, his head in your lap. Before, you used to card your hands through his silver curls. Now… You make due with caressing his growing follicles, careful of his lumpy, dented scar.
His hands tremble as they lie against your knee. You tap his fingertip.
“Are you scared?” You ask.
“What? No, why?”
“Your hands.”
“Oh… It just came one day.”
“Tell me… What happened?” You tenderly take his shaking hand in your own and you run your fingers over his too-short nails. Hemlock must’ve had them cut so he wouldn’t claw someone’s eyes out.
Poor Cross… Hemlock’s dying for this.
“You remember the shadows?”
“Mmhmm. The clone assassins.”
“He… Hemlock tried to recondition me into one… I was tested…” He doesn’t have to finish his explanation.
You’re quiet for a beat before you say, “I’m sorry, Cross…”
“Don’t be. You couldn’t do anything.”
“You know, a friend of mine has tremors, too. We can try exercises to… help cope, if you’d like,” you say, pressing your thumb pad down onto his knuckles for a gentle massage.
“I’ll give it a shot, love,” Crosshair says, rolling onto his back to look up at you.
“I love you, Crosshair.”
“I love you too, riduur. You’re my girl.”
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Riduur = spouse in Mando’a
Taglist: @will-is-silly @fionajames @sevdidntdie @dangraccoon @skellymom @hellhound5925 LMK IF YOU WANT TO BE ADDED OR TAKEN OFF TAGLIST
Dividers by @ saradika
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darylsdelts · 6 months
Hi! Could you write a Daryl x f.reader hc in the mornings? I feel like slow mornings would be Daryl's favorite time of day, just enjoying his partner without having to think about the day ahead..
P.S: how did you not start writing sooner?? I love how your pretty brain brings our delusions to life lol
I’m gonna do the smaller request’s first so that they don’t pile up because having loads of requests makes me anxious😭 idk why but I’m getting to em all!
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Anon!!! I love this so much! I love domestic daddy Daryl so much like yes! Idc what anyone says, he’s sooooo husband! And alsooooo… TYSM! I’m not really a writer😭 I didn’t intend to actually write on here but people started sending full on essays for me to write so why not. I did write some stuff on Wattpad though that I could post here??? If y’all want??? Anywayyyyyssss ily!
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I always imagine these sorta things with you and Daryl in a secluded cabin, away from the community. You’re still part of the group but you and Daryl prefer to be alone together.
Living away from the community, Daryl is like a different person, he’s way more relaxed and less on guard. Less irritated by people too.
The sunlight seeps through the cracks in the curtains in the early mornings.
Daryl usually wakes up first but if he doesn’t then you shift closer, resting your chin on his bare chest and admiring his sleeping face.
His hair framing his relaxed face, he looks younger when he’s sleeping, your favourite part is how his rounded nose twitches when he starts to wake up.
As soon as he opens his eyes, you feel his chest vibrate as he hums, bringing his hand up to push a strand of hair behind your ear.
“What’d I tell ya ‘bout starin’, Hm?”
His lips twitch upward, he fucking loves the mornings when it’s so peaceful and it’s just him and you, like the world doesn’t really exist.
“I think you told me to quit it”
He chuckles, rubbing his thumb across your forehead.
Daryl thinks you’re the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen, especially when your hair is messy from sleep and you’re in barely any clothes.
There’s no doubt that every morning, his mind drifts to thinking about staying in bed with you all day, worshipping your body and making you feel good.
And that fantasy is almost always thrown out the window when the both of you hear paws enter the room, dog jumping up on the bed, licking at Daryls face.
“Dog! Jesus chri-… yeah, okay okay, good boy”
After getting out of bed, Daryl pulling on just his jeans that sit low on his waist and you in a thin night dress, you both go to the kitchen area.
Daryl feeds dog so he stops whining and then he’ll cook up something he hunted and serve it to you.
You’re greatful for your hunterman, taking such good care of you.
Even after being together all these years, Daryl still gets shy, sitting opposite you whilst eating, barely able to make eye contact.
Some mornings, if it was hot enough, you’d go swim in the lake with dog whilst Daryl would watch over the both of you. He’s not greatly fond of swimming in the lake since he wouldn’t be able to protect you as well as he could from the side.
“Can we go to the lake?” You ask as Daryl takes your plates.
“Ya wanna? Ain’t so hot out today, darlin’”
“I wanna”
He’d roll his eyes, he could never say no to you.
He’d sit on the bank next to the lake, watching you in just your panties and bra, swimming around in the water with dog.
After you get out you’d complain that it’s too cold and he’d bite his tongue, he did tell you so.
He’d wrap you in a towel and leave you shivering whilst he towels dog off.
“Shouldn’ta let ya go in the damn water, yer gon’ get sick”
You’d pout as you shiver, Daryl wraps his arms round you, kissing the top of your hair.
“Let’s get ya inside, warm my girl up”
You have a feeling you know what he means.
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This isn’t even really hc’s 😭 full on story I’m sorry but I always get so carried away.
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turtletaubwrites · 10 months
I Knew It Would Hurt ~ Part 9
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Pairings: Zoro x Fem!Reader, Sanji x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 4,715
This is part 9 of the Series 'We've All Got Needs,' linked below:
We've All Got Needs Masterlist
Ao3 Series Link
Summary: You're waiting for the boys to make their decision. Waiting is really fucking hard.
Rating/Warnings: Explicit Sexual Content, Fem!Reader, 18+ Only, MDNI, Reader-Insert, Smut, Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Relationship Discussions, Relationship Drama, Vaginal Fingering, Cunnilingus, Penis in Vagina Sex, I left out some tags to avoid spoilers but there’s nothing crazy if you’ve read this far already
A/N: Here's another rollercoaster, and it's the longest one so far! I'm super grateful for all of your interactions with this story. I've loved turning that little smut scene into this fun character dynamic, and I really hope you enjoy this next installment. Thank you!!
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A soft knock at the door woke you, and for a moment you felt fine. Then you remembered. 
“I’ve got your breakfast, can I come in?”
Nami frowned when she saw you. She set your plate down on your desk, then pulled you into a hug.
“This whole thing seems like a lot of work. I’m here if you need me, okay?”
“Thanks, Nami. All I wanted to do was take a long shower, and now I might be breaking up with two people I’m not actually with.”
“Gotta be careful about those showers, they can fuck you up.”
You gave a laugh that might have been a sob before squeezing her tighter. 
“Love you.”
She pulled away, but grabbed your shoulders, leaning her face toward yours.
“Love ya too, weirdo. What do you need today?” 
“Um, can you bring me my field notes? Chopper knows where they are. I’m just gonna work in here today, I’m not ready to people.”
“Of course. I can bring you your other meals too if you want.”
Sighing as you nodded, memories of recent times in the kitchen fought you as you tried to shove them down. 
“Luffy really thinks you’re sick now.”
“He might not be far off. I feel like shit.”
After Nami came back to drop off lunch later, another knock came, freezing you on the spot. 
“Hi, it’s Robin.”
You cringed a bit, embarrassed for her to see you like this, but you let her in. Her eyes combed over you, lips pursing as she stepped inside. She kept a noticeable distance between you.
“Y/N, I came to apologize. I shouldn’t have been pushing you like this, I knew you were overwhelmed already. I’m so sorry I added to your struggle.”
“No, Robin, it's okay. You helped me! I really needed to hear what you said.”
Robin let out a breath, but her brows were still tensed. She looked down at the ground before meeting your eyes again.
“I shouldn’t have pushed myself on you. I’m sorry, Y/N.”
Her normally steady eyes looked heavy, a sight she rarely shows.
Reaching for her hand, you felt a gentle smile warming your face.
“I’m not sorry.”
Her lips curled up just a bit, and she squeezed your fingers gently. 
“I’m so glad to hear that… How about we wait on that date until everything settles?” 
You almost argued that you didn’t need to wait, but you realized that you did. 
“Thank you, Robin.”
She brushed a strand of hair from your face, and you breathed in her lovely scent.
“Thank you, Y/N. Let me know if you need anything. I’ll do what I can to calm the rest of the crew.”
The comfort that Robin's presence left you with made you feel safer, warmer. 
But it was as if that feeling of safety made room for your body to feel the rest. 
Sitting at your desk staring at your field notes, your vision started to blur. You had to close your journal to keep tears from staining your monographs.
You kept your sobs silent, not wanting anyone to hear. Then you remembered why you’d gotten so good at keeping your screams quiet lately. You had to cover your mouth as you choked, louder sobs escaping you now. 
Why did I do this to myself? I knew it would hurt. Just not this much, not so fast. I should have stopped. 
But you hated that thought. The thought of not enjoying the short time you’d had with both of them. The pleasures, the laughter, the growing warmth. You didn’t want to lose any of it, even if it would hurt less. 
You tried not to think about what choice they would make. The only one you wanted felt selfish. You’d get to have everything.
And if you didn’t get to have everything, then it would be nothing. You knew that even if one of the boys chose to leave, and one wanted to stay, you couldn’t continue with only one. There was too much heat between all three of you. You knew it would drive an even bigger wedge between them, potentially tearing them, and the crew apart. 
I can’t do that. 
So it was all or nothing, and your body was preparing you for the worst. 
A knock shook you from your spiral and you moved to the door, expecting Nami. Wiping your tears and shaking your arms, you checked.
“Who is it?”
“Hi, Y/N. I’ve got your dinner, and I didn’t eat any of it.”
Your eyes went wide, but you let your captain in.
“Thank you, Luffy.”
He walked right in, setting your plate on your desk before plopping on your bed. 
You stared, not sure what to say. He pointed to your desk chair, and you felt suddenly terrified as you sat and faced him. He watched you like he was sizing you up.
“Robin told me and Chopper why you’ve been weird.”
“I’m the captain, Y/N. I need to know my crew is okay.”
Fear iced through you, and you stared into your lap. He should kick me off the crew. I’m splintering his best fighters, endangering everyone.
His hand stretched toward you, and he touched your shoulder until you met his eyes. 
“It all seems a little crazy to me.”
You let out a near panicked laugh before you caught yourself.
“Yeah, me too.”
“But you care about them?”
His deep eyes looked so soft, his voice intense.
“I do.” 
Nodding, he crossed his arms. 
“They care about you too, Y/N.”
You felt your lips shaking, heat rising in your throat. 
“As long as you care about each other, and keep fighting for your dreams, I’m happy.”
Hot tears spilled down your cheeks as Luffy started to smile. 
“Can you be happy too?”
Your lips pulled into a strained smile as you tried to stop your tears. 
“I’ll get there, Luffy. It’s just rough right now. But I’m glad you’re my captain.” 
Luffy was beaming at you now, then stretched to ruffle your hair. He leaned toward you, and whispered softly.
“Will you keep giving me the extra food Sanji makes you?”
You burst out laughing, and Luffy’s smile stretched even wider.
“Yes, captain!”
Luffy grabbed you in a hug, twirling you as much as he could in the small quarters. This is family. 
As he left he gave you one more serious look. 
“Y/N, please tell me next time something is hurting you. I’m your captain and I need to know.”
“I promise, Luffy.”
All the emotions of the day had you feeling empty, but now it was more pleasantly numb. Your biggest fear of losing your place on this crew, in this family, those fears were shrinking away from you. Soft tears of relief left your eyes now, and you tried to comfort yourself against the hurt of losing Zoro and Sanji. At least I won’t lose them completely. 
That thought brought back more of the pain, but you shook it off. It was getting late, and you wanted to get some air. Steeling yourself, you picked up your dishes and went down the hall, hoping to sneak them into the galley before sitting out on deck. 
You crept against the wall, listening to check if Sanji was inside or not before heading in.
But you heard two low voices. 
“You don’t know her like I do.”
“I care about her, Marimo. I care about her enough to share her with you. Can you say the same?”
You tried to force your body to turn around, to head back to your room, but all you could focus on was not shaking the plate and silverware in your hands. 
Your heart was in your throat, and you felt faint as you waited for what felt like hours for his response. 
“Yeah, I can, idiot cook.”
A gasping sob escaped you, and you tried to cover your mouth. Instead, you dropped your dishes, the plate shattering at your bare feet. You stared at the broken porcelain, and started laughing hysterically. 
They both rushed out, concern in their eyes. 
“Are you hurt?” “You okay?”
You were too out of it to respond, and kept laughing as they both tried to lift you. Zoro won, lifting you in his arms, while Sanji brushed along your feet and legs, checking for glass. 
Your breathing slowed as you felt Zoro’s racing heart, and you felt like you could fall asleep in his arms. He carried you into the kitchen while Sanji swept up the broken plate.
Zoro placed you gingerly in the booth, his brows furrowed as he looked you over. 
“Needy, please. Are you okay?”
You smiled at the nickname, and looked at them both as Sanji joined you at the table. 
“I’m okay.”
Neither of them seemed convinced, but you couldn’t explain the rush of relief and happiness that had just torn through your already overwhelmed system. But you tried. 
“I didn’t mean to. But I heard you.”
You felt your lips quivering again as they both seemed to soften. 
“It’s okay if you still need some time to think-”
“I don’t need time my love-” “I’m good, Needy-”
Your cheeks hurt from the smile that stretched your face, especially when they both grinned back at you. 
Then your mouth stretched further into the biggest, loudest yawn you’d ever felt.
“You need some sleep-” “Let’s get you to bed, dear-”
Zoro went to lift you, but Sanji tapped his shoulder. 
“You just carried her, It’s my turn now.”
“I’m not letting a pervert cook into her bedroom when she needs to rest.”
“Boys,” you commanded with another yawn. “Flip a coin or something please, I’m tired.”
Your yawns were mixed with tired giggles while you saw them rustling through their pockets. Sanji’s satisfied laugh, and Zoro’s grumble gave away the winner. 
Sanji lifted you gently, and you smelled cigarette smoke and spices on his jacket. Zoro followed close, opening the door, and hovering while Sanji set you in bed, drawing the covers over you. 
“Good night, darling-” “Good night, Needy-”
“Night, boys…”
A soft knock woke you, and for a moment you felt all that sadness. Then you remembered.
You sat straight up in bed, hoping that it wasn’t a dream.
“Who-Who is it?”
“Your favorite navigator, lazybones. Do you want to come to breakfast?”
You jumped out of bed, stumbling.
“Yeah, I’ll be right out!”
Your reflection looked dazed, and you slapped your cheeks a few times, laughing. You hurried to get ready, and had to stop yourself from racing down the hall. 
Everyone was there, already digging into their plates. They all turned to stare at you with teasing, or cheesy faces. Your face flushed, and you bit your lip before climbing into the empty spot Zoro had saved for you. You were next to him at the edge of the table, where Sanji stepped up to bring you what looked like a mimosa with tangerine blossoms for a garnish. 
“Hey, why don’t I get one of those?”
“Apologies Nami, dear. I will whip one up for you right away. Would you like one as well, Robin?”
“That sounds lovely, Sanji.”
“Hey, don’t hog the booze, waiter. Make me one of those too.”
“You haven’t earned it, moss hea-”
Everyone's clamoring voices died down as you burst out laughing, almost hysterical, but so full of joy and relief. 
Luffy grinned, stretching to hit your arm lightly with his fist, Chopper looked confused, Usopp was asking Sanji for his own mimosa, and Nami and Robin laughed with you. 
The boys had stopped arguing, and were both staring at you. Until your skin flushed red again, and your laughter hiccuped and faded. 
“Ugh. I love you, Y/N, but this is gonna get annoying real fast.”
You stuck your tongue out at Nami as she winked, and fell into quiet joy while you tried to listen to the group. 
Sanji kept bringing you delicious gifts, and you’d wink at Luffy so he could snag them. Each time Sanji came your way he would give you a soft peck on the forehead, or shoulder, or knuckles.
A low grumble moved through Zoro, but all he did was wrap his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his warmth.
Feeling like you were going to pass out, you didn’t even hear most of what the crew were saying while they teased you. 
You caught yourself doing your happy food wiggle dance, and couldn’t seem to stop, even humming now and then. The crew left the three of you there, and you didn’t hear their goodbyes, just beamed lazily at them.
Sanji brought his plate to the table, and cleared his throat until Zoro begrudgingly scooted over, dragging you with him to make room on the bench. Sanji winked at you before diving into his meal, and you just sat there wiggling, out of your mind. 
“I knew you were fuckin’ needy.”
You laughed while Sanji spluttered, and you patted his knee to calm him.
“What do you mean, Zoro,” you smirked up at him, teasing. 
“You know what I mean. So fucking spoiled.”
“Don’t listen to him, angel. You deserve to be spoiled, to be-”
Another bout of hysterical laughter left you, and eventually they joined in. 
Finally, you gained some control of yourself, and tried to hold a conversation. 
“I’m so happy you both chose to stay with me.”
You stopped them both from speaking at the same time, realizing that it would be difficult to get much done with all three of you in a room. 
“We definitely need to keep checking in, and figuring out boundaries. I don’t think my brain is up for that today though.”
“What are you up for, my dear?”
“Mm, I like this,” you sighed, rocking back and forth against each of their sides. 
You caught Zoro rolling his eyes, and you stuck your tongue out at him. 
“What about you guys? Your needs matter too here. What do you need?”
Neither spoke for a minute, and you played with your spoon. 
“I guess, um…”
You looked up at Zoro, desperate to hear him actually express his fucking needs. 
“How do we figure out time for just us?”
He said those words softly, and you knew how huge it was that he hadn’t said it with anger or frustration. You smiled up at him, then at Sanji who seemed to be waiting with rapt attention. 
“Well, we can always check in, and change things if the system isn’t working out. But how about for now we stick to alternating days? Not just for sex, but for our time together?”
They both nodded, Zoro slowly, and Sanji with an eager smile. You squeezed both of their knees before reaching for the last of your mimosa. 
You sat back, and they both tilted to see you better. You fought more laughter at what a lovely pair they made. 
“Y/N, dear-” “So who-”
They glared at each other, until Sanji did a small mock bow to let Zoro go first. 
Zoro’s mouth twitched as he looked away from both of you before continuing. He didn’t meet your gaze when he finished his question. 
“Who’s turn is it?”
Your lips parted, and you watched them both look guilty while they waited for you.
This is crazy. How did I manage this?
Zoro cleared his throat, leaning with his elbows over the table.
“Yesterday was supposed to be my day.”
“Technically we didn’t finish my day before that.”
“You’re really gonna pressure her ab-” “You’re the one that’s pressuring her Mari-”
“Technically today was supposed to be Robin’s day.”
Your words shut them both up, and it took way too much effort to hold in your satisfied smile at their expressions. 
Zoro looked shocked again, as if he’d blocked that out of his mind. Sanji’s fists had clenched, and you could see the veins in his neck and face throbbing as he turned bright red. 
You couldn’t help it. A small laugh escaped you. 
“Don’t worry, Robin and I decided to wait on our date until things are settled.”
You could have sworn you heard a tiny whimper from Sanji’s throat. 
“How about we start things fresh with a coin toss?”
They both reached for a coin and threw them in the air, calling out the choice. You laughed as they both lost their own tosses. 
“Let me do it.”
You’d grabbed Zoro’s coin, and tried to mimic them. You kept throwing it onto the table, or failing to catch it. The coin would drop on your lap, both of them reaching for your thighs to grab it for you, growling as their hands touched. 
“Gods, can you guys just agree on which one of you tosses the coin? Pretty please?”
Sanji ended up giving in to your wishes again first, letting the swordsman toss. Then Zoro swore as the coin fell in Sanji’s favor. Sanji kissed your cheek while Zoro left the table after rubbing along your shoulders.
“See ya later, Needy.”
You rushed over to your surly crewmate. The man who had walked in on you in the shower, and declared that you should fuck. You laughed softly at how crazy your life had been since that moment. And you couldn’t be more grateful for it if you tried. 
“What,” he asked, his brows tensing as you laughed.
“It’s nothing,” you whispered, standing on tip toes in a silent request for a kiss.
His look of surprise deepened your smile, and he gripped the hair at the back of your neck when he pulled you to his lips. 
A soft cough sounded behind you, and Zoro hummed as he pulled away to smirk at the cook. You nudged him out the door. 
Turning around, you saw his eyes wide, waiting. You leaned toward him, feeling his soft lips kiss the corners of your mouth before pulling you into his arms to breathe along your ear. 
“All to myself?”
Sanji’s raspy voice made you moan, your body still so ready even with all that had happened. You almost felt high, like all the emotions had left your body buzzing. 
You looked up into his soft eyes, watching his lips part when he noticed how heavy your breaths were. 
“D-Darling. I didn’t mean… Let me-”
He froze when you gripped his arms to keep him from pulling away. 
“I want all sorts of lovely moments with you, Sanji, and I know we’re going to have them.”
The sweet smile that bloomed on his face made your heart dance in your chest for a moment, and you had to take a deep breath. 
“I don’t want you to feel bad if we start today where we left off.”
You let heat fill your eyes as you wet your lips. Sanji’s eyes seemed to be pulled to your mouth, and you saw his breath hitch. 
“A-Are you sure?”
Grinning at him, you nodded as you bit your lip.
He lunged toward your lips again, but you pressed your hands to his chest.
“Maybe we should go to one of our rooms now that everyone knows?”
You gasped as he looked at you like he was about to eat you. 
“That’s too far, sweetheart. How about I take you in the pantry?”
You’d barely breathed out your ‘yes,’ before he lifted you into the air. He pulled you so fast, but still managed to grip you in a way that was comfortable. Your arms and legs wrapped around him, and he groaned while you kissed and licked along his neck. 
Setting you gently in the walk in pantry, he held your face while he kissed you before rushing out. You tilted your head after him, but moaned when he returned with a condom and lube. Memories of your first time with him, and the sting and pleasure of his thick cock pulsed through you. Your eyes fell back in your head, and he gave a satisfied chuckle as he turned on the small light before closing the door. 
“My sweet, Y/N… How can I show you how special you are to me?”
“You can tell me all the filthy things you want to do to me.”
You pulled your panties off from under your skirt and threw them at his chest. 
Sanji had to catch himself against the wall as he moaned, almost dropping the lube. 
He already looked wrecked when he met your eyes, and it drove you crazy. 
“What do you want to do to me, Sanji?”
He was panting as he watched you pull your skirt up, so slowly. You took the condom and lube from him, and set them on a shelf.
Skin on fire, you didn’t know what had gotten into you. But you wanted him now, and you couldn’t stop yourself. You pressed yourself against his chest, looking into his blown out eyes. Both of you cried out when you dragged your hand along his length, already so fucking hard. 
“Sanji, I asked you a question.”
Your words came out soft and dark. You watched his eyes flutter, and you wanted to speed him up. Taking his hand in yours, you whispered his name before pressing his fingers into your wet folds. 
He moaned so loud, and your knees went weak. He had to catch you, then he pressed you against the wall, shoving two fingers into you.
“You are so fucking perfect. My sweet, dirty angel.”
Crying out at his praise, your body started shaking for him. 
“P-Please, Sanji.”
He rutted against your thigh when you begged, and the feel of his clothed shaft rubbing against you made you whimper.
“I can’t believe you’re letting me do this to you. Such a beautiful, lovely girl. And you’re letting me touch you like this, where anyone could find us.”
He moaned into your ear, breathing in the scent of your hair. 
You cried out his name, already feeling on the edge, ready.
“So gorgeous. Let me take care of you, angel. Let me make you feel good.”
“Yes, Sanji, please.”
He fell to his knees with a moan, tasting your needy cunt with that skilled tongue. His two fingers kept up their work while he swirled his tongue ring around your clit. 
You had already started shaking before he plunged that third finger into you, and then you were gone. You shoved your own fist into your teeth, and panted as you bucked against Sanji’s face, coming on his tongue. 
He licked you up like he was dying of thirst, while his three fingers kept prepping you. 
He looked up at you, face glistening in the small light. 
“You taste divine, my sweet.”
You moaned as his fingers kept working you. 
“It’s probably time for me to prep for lunch, darling.”
You whined, grinding on his fingers. 
He groaned, then checked his watch. 
“Please Sanji. We’ll have so many more times to play for longer. Please fuck me against the wall right now. I know how much your perverted mind wants you to.”
You moaned as Sanji’s hand twitched inside you, his head falling back as he moaned. 
“Please Sanji, I know you’ll take good care of me. Please, please fuck me now. I know you’d love it if someone caught us.”
He fell forward, mouth hanging open as his face pressed against your hip. 
He was still taking too long. 
You gripped your fingers into his hair, and pulled his face to yours. 
“Sanji, are you going to make me beg?”
You watched his eyes harden, and cried out as his long fingers worked you with even more strength. 
“A lady always gets what she wants in my kitchen.”
You moaned his name as he stood, kissing his way up your neck.
His fingers left you, and you clung to the wall as you watched him free his cock from his slacks before dragging the condom and lube down his length. 
He came toward you, and lifted your leg so that your foot rested on a low shelf. His hands trailed along your neck, then your thighs. Your back arched as he teased his shaft along your entrance, the size of him so warm against you. 
“I can’t believe how lucky I am.”
His whispers against your cheek while he dragged his tip along your clit made you shiver for him. 
“To have such an exquisite beauty, coming on my face in the pantry.”
You cried out, clawing at his shoulders. 
He slapped his thick cock against your entrance a few times while you moaned for him. 
“To have such a gorgeous pussy, aching for me to fill it.”
“Fuck, Sanji, please!”
“Of course, darling.”
Biting your lip, your head fell back as you felt him against your center. Not even pressed into you, and your body was readying. 
“That’s good, angel. Breathe for me. You know I’ll take care of you.”
You moaned for him, scratching your nails down his striped shirt as he pushed into you, so slowly. 
“Gods, Sanji-”
“Shh, darling. Just breathe, and take me, baby. I know you can, you’re so perfect for me.”
Your pussy clenched around him, and he thrust the rest of the way in as he moaned. 
“Sweetheart, you okay?”
“Y-Yes, Sanji.”
“Good girl… So perfect.”
As Sanji’s thick cock started pumping into you, slowly, then faster and faster, you forgot where you were, who you were. Just the sharp pain and pleasure of him inside you, and his endless, delectable words were all that held you to reality. His breath was hot on your face and neck as he panted his praise along your skin.
“Y/N, your pussy is fucking heavenly, baby. Fuck. Just like that, I feel you squeezing me so hard. You want my cock inside you, don’t you angel. You want me to make you feel so good, to take care of my perfect girl.”
“Yes, Sanji. Please take care of me.”
He moaned at that, shoving into you, thrusts becoming staggered. He reached down, massaging your clit while you gasped.
“So soft, so good for me…There you go darling- fuck, yes Y/N, milk my cock like a good girl- fuck-”
Sanji came into you with whimpered moans while you shattered around him. He had to hold your slumped body up, gingerly removing himself from you while you cried out. 
You whimpered as he pressed soft kisses to your face, before reaching for your panties on the floor. He gave you a satisfied smile as he used them to wipe you clean, before using them to clean himself off after removing that very full condom. 
You moaned while you watched him rub your panties on his cock, his eyes heavy lidded even after what you’d just done. 
“You’re gonna need to buy me some new panties if you keep taking all of mine.”
His breath came out heavy as he smiled.
“Oh I plan on buying you so many special gifts, my sweet.”
Miraculously, you made it out of the pantry with time to spare, even rushing for a quick shower before heading back to lunch. 
Even though it was Sanji’s day, it looked like meals were going to stay a shared time. You sighed as you leaned against Zoro, dampening his shirt with your still wet hair. 
“Y/N, do you know if we still have any yarrow? I remember you said it can be used to staunch bleeding, and I’d like to keep some on hand if we run out of our other supplies.”
“Y-Yes Chopper. I believe we do, but I’ll check after lunch.”
I really should get back to work at some point. 
But with Zoro’s warmth at your side, and Sanji’s wink while he started on dishes, you weren't sure how you were going to do that. 
Especially when you met Robin’s deep blue eyes, and saw her lips curve in that teasing smile. 
Who knows the next time we’ll be in danger again? I should enjoy this bliss for as long as I can.
Your selfish little smile at that thought felt oh so good. 
I guess I really am Needy after all. 
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Thank you for reading! 💜
TurtleTaub Fanfic Masterlist
Part 10
Tag List: @astheni-a | @ferns-fics | @heilee | @iamn1ya | @ghostfacefricker6969
A/N: Thank you for reading! Let me know what you think about where things have landed! I know I've been posting daily updates, but I'm visiting family for the next few days so it might be a couple days until the next one. Unless I get bored, I will be bringing a tablet and keyboard with me 😅
Buy me a coffee ☕🙏🏼
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runningfrom2am · 9 months
cold nights // part five
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summary: all the stars aligned, and it was you.
pairing: coriolanus snow x fem!reader
wc: 2.7k
masterlists / nav / requests
tags/warnings: tribute!reader and mentor!coriolanus, r is very sweet (too kind for this world. literally.), sunshine x grumpy trope kinda, he falls first, violence typical for the source material, r is very smart (as she should), district twelve!reader.
a/n: this one got me y'all i won't lie-
series masterlist // playlist
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"Is everything okay? You look upset." You ask Coryo, mere moments after he joined your side of waiting tributes and mentors to tour the arena. How had you seen it so quickly? He curses himself mentally for making his distress so obvious.
For you, it was how pale he looked. All the colour had been drained from his face, and you doubted that was from him running up to you to catch up. He looked too fit to be sick just from running. The crease in his brow and bloodshot eyes certainly didn't help, either.
"Nothing." He replies quickly as the line starts to move. "How are you doing today?"
"Well." You nod, allowing the shift in topic. You wouldn't want to press him, you just didn't want whatever he is upset about to be because of you. "I have been reading. It helps."
"Oh, good. I'm glad." He hums, looking down at you for the first time.
"Thank you, again. I hope it wasn't too much of a hassle to get."
"Not at all." He shakes his head, returning your ever-present smile as best as he can within an hour of witnessing the possible death of another one of his classmates. Truth is, it was hard to get Romeo and Juliet for you. It wasn't commonplace in the Capitol, clearly, and he only knew one person, more broadly, one family who had ever so much as set foot in the Districts.
"Coriolanus! What a pleasure! Please, come in." Sejanus's mother greets him at the door, stepping out of the way and gesturing for him to enter.
"Mrs. Plinth, how are you?" He asks politely, stepping in and wiping his shoes on the doormat.
"I'm good! Yourself?"
"Good." He nods.
"Come eat, I just finished up some baking." She walks back into the home, and he follows suit. He's shocked when he's led into the kitchen, and she pats a stool at the kitchen island for him to sit. "Would you like some tea?" She offers, already cutting a slice of pie for him. It was still steaming. Still warm. His stomach growled just at the sight as he sat down. Typically one wouldn't host guests in your kitchen, but she was District. Old habits die hard, he supposed.
"Please." Coryo smiles at her gratefully.
"How is your mentorship going?" She asks, and he can tell by her refusal to make eye contact that it's purely to make conversation. She likely shared some perspectives with her son, but she was too mature to state such unpopular opinions in a way her son was not. "Sejanus told me you got paired with the girl from District Twelve. He really likes her. Said she's very smart. Very kind."
"She is. She's lovely." Coryo nods as she slides a plate in front of him, handing him a fork moments later. "I think it's going well."
"It's such a shame..." She mutters, clicking her tongue and shaking her head as she puts the tea on the kettle on the burner in between them. "Anyway," She catches herself, moving on quickly. "What can we do for you? Shall I call for my son?"
"Y/N is the reason I'm here, actually." He replies, ignoring her comment. Admittedly, when it came to you, he agreed with Mrs. Plinth and her son. It is such a shame.
"Yes. I would like to get her a copy of her favourite book. I was hoping you might have it, I've never heard of it before."
"We have a library." She nods. "I can certainly take a look, what is it called?"
"It's very, very old, so no worries if you don't have it, but it's called 'Romeo and Juliet'." He tells her, eyes gleaming with hope. If they didn't have it, he wasn't sure what he would do.
"Oh! That is familiar to me." She smiles. "I haven't read it since I was your age, but I'm sure we still have it kicking around here somewhere. Do you mind keeping an eye on the tea while I take a look?"
"Of course." Coryo nods, wanting nothing less than to make his own tea as a guest in someone's home, but he has to do what he must to get you that book.
As soon as she wipes her hands on her apron and walks out of the kitchen, he hears her voice again. "Sejanus! Your friend is here!"
Internally, he rolls his eyes. He didn't want to see his classmate, but he was in his home. Maybe Sejanus would handle his tea, at least. He took this opportunity to start eating the warm pie in front of him, he hated people seeing him eat, but he was making all kinds of sacrifices today. Maybe he should ask if he could take a piece for you.
"Oh. Coryo." Sejanus says, walking into the kitchen. "What brings you?"
"Y/N." He replies. "I'd like to get a book for her. Your mother says she has it."
"Ah." Sejanus hums, slotting himself into the seat next to Coryo. So much for the tea. "What book?"
"Romeo and Juliet. It's her favourite." Coryo explains. "She's going to do a monologue from it in her interview."
"At least she'll talk to you." Sejanus sighs. "Marcus won't even look at me."
"Well, Y/N is nicer than most." Coryo says, much more eager to talk about you than Sejanus and his problems.
"She's something, huh?" Sejanus smiles, taking the bait.
"Yes. Very intelligent."
"I think it will be easy for her to get donations. Even if people don't know what she's talking about." Sejanus elaborates. "She's pleasant to look at, and the people here are so shallow that that might be the only thing that matters."
Pleasant, to Coriolanus, was an understatement. Surely, you were the most beautiful thing the Districts had to offer. That didn't mean that Sejanus or anyone should be valuing you based on that, though. Your mind was just a bonus. It would work wonders in humanizing you to the people of the Capitol. It had certainly worked on him.
"I hope it's more than that." He replies, and truth be told, it's a lie. He doesn't want anyone to look at you the way he does, but if it meant people sending money so he could save your life, so be it.
"I do too, but it's doubtful. Regardless, she'll do well. You'll have lots of donations to work with." Sejanus says, attempting to comfort his friend's worries. "My ma will convince my father to send some for her. I heard them talking about it, she wants to help you."
"Is that not a conflict of interest?"
"Maybe." Sejanus shrugs. "They can't donate to Marcus, obviously, but Ma really likes her. Asks about her every day. She's rooting for both of them. The problem is they can't both win."
Coryo would take it. One hundred percent he would take it, but it makes his heart crack even more.
"Here! Here it is!" His mother calls out as she returns to the kitchen, excitedly placing the book on the counter next to Coryo, patting the top of it.
"Thank you, Mrs. Plinth." He sighs in relief, picking up the old book in his hands.
"Please, call me Ma. We're so far past formalities." She grins, leaning against the counter across from them as the tea starts to whistle. Coryo would sooner die than call her 'Ma', but once again, he would do just about anything for you at this point. "I hope she enjoys it."
"I'll get it back to you before the games." Coryo promises.
Her smile fades to a sad one as she pours out the tea into a mug for him. "Yes, well, feel free to hold onto it as long as you need to, dear. I have more books than I could read in a lifetime."
"I did promise her I would read it." He matches her sentiment. "So I'll get into it after the games. I doubt I'll have any free time until then."
"Keep it. It's yours." She smiles.
"Thank you." He says again, flipping briefly through some of the pages. It was old, practically falling apart in his hands, but he knew you would take good care of it. And after you, he would do the same.
"I hid it with the blanket." You tell him. "I sure hope it doesn't rain..." You mumble, looking behind you to check how clear the sky currently is. So far, the book would be safe.
You're careful, hesitant even as you approach the turnstiles ahead of you. You wish that it wouldn't speak when you walk through it, but you know it will as you watch every other tribute ahead of you push through the metal gate.
"Enjoy the show!" You wince at the words, then you're on the other side. That wasn't so bad, but the statement echoes endlessly in your mind, bouncing off every other thought you've had today as you carry on into the open arena, allowing the other tributes and mentors to enter behind the two of you as a camera is shoved in your face and you smile, giving it a small wave.
"Well, hello there." You grin, looking past the camera to the man holding it. "How are you today?"
You don't get an answer as one of the mentors is yanking him away to point the camera at someone else. As you look around, instinctively, you step closer to Coryo's side as you gaze around the arena. "Gosh, It sure is... small." You mutter, swallowing the lump in your throat as reality comes crashing down on you in the dark space.
He grabs your hand.
Coriolanus has always thought the arena was huge. From his memories at the top of the stands, it did look big, but down here, on the floor, it did feel a lot smaller. Especially when he forced himself to imagine that it would be him who would be killed in this very room, not even a week from today.
There was nowhere to hide, he knew that, but now, the idea scared him. What would you do? He doesn't even have any good advice to give you.
You jump as the door slams shut behind you, turning quickly to look. Even Coryo looks scared, and you pull yourself closer to him. Had they lied to you? Were the games starting today? You didn't want to say goodbye yet. To the world, your family, to Coriolanus. You weren't ready- but would you ever be?
That's when the windows start to slide open above you, letting the light back in.
"Welcome to the arena for the Tenth Annual Hunger Games. Tributes, mentors, you have fifteen minutes to survey the space and discuss strategy." The voice over the loudspeakers is reassuring to you, but you know that's only temporary.
Coryo stays silent as he looks around. Clearly, you were ahead of him, though, already pulling on his hand in the direction of some of the other tributes. He only slightly resisted, confused as to what was happening, but he would let you have this ounce of freedom to do what you pleased.
"Hi!" You smile hopefully at Marcus as he's standing with Sejanus. "I think we're supposed to be forming alliances. I trust you, Marcus."
Your candidness almost shocks Coryo, but he quickly realizes what you're doing. You have almost no shot without somewhere to hide, so your best bet is to find allies. He didn't want you to do this, but now he sees few other options. He makes brief eye contact with Sejanus as Marcus ignores you, just walking away. Coryo starts scanning the rest of the tributes, suddenly focussed on who would be your best strategic option.
"Hey." Coryo whispers, leaning in to whisper in your ear. "If you want allies, talk to them." He points over to Reaper and Dill. He could see that Reaper was strong, and Dill was clearly a liability. You could slot right into the middle as far as skillsets go; he could defend you and she was no threat.
"Okay. Come on." You nod, dropping his hand to head toward them. Coryo looked around on the way, trying to see what other mentors were doing. What he was supposed to be doing, but most of them were just talking to each other, others only to their tribute. There was no right action, but what the two of you were doing was different. That was good.
"Dill, Reaper!" You smile as you get closer, giving a slight wave. Immediately, Reaper is looking past you and glaring at your mentor, tucking Dill behind his back and shaking his head. "Oh." You stop, looking between the two of them and the glare that Coryo is matching. "Never mind, then. I'll leave you to it."
Coryo is already trying to find another option for you, it wasn't looking good. You turn back to him, sighing before plastering a smile on your face, trying not to look too discouraged. "Okay, well..." You look around. "Oh! Lamina. She's lovely." You grab his hand again, but he stays in place as he watches the interaction she's having with Coral and the team she's already forming as they're actively casting Lamina out in favour of the boy from her District.
"Not her. Them." He explains, pointing them out to you.
"Oh, I don't know..." You're hesitant, and he understands why, but that's not an option. Without Reaper, numbers would be your biggest safety.
"Safety in numbers." He mumbles, overriding your reluctance and starting to walk their way, pulling you with him.
"Oh, okay. Yeah." You agree, subconsciously cowering behind him. "Actually, Coryo, I'm really not comf-" You speak up, trying to stop his crusade before you're jumping from the sound of an explosion above you.
You both freeze, looking up as the ceiling begins to collapse down on you, more blasts making your ears ring.
Quickly, Coryo is changing directions, running in the opposite direction and pushing you ahead of him as you follow your feet, sprinting toward the light at the door over the shaking ground. You don't last long, stumbling over some already fallen debris and falling. "We gotta go, we gotta go- Y/N, get up!" Coryo is ahead of you now, and you can hardly hear his yelling even though he's right in your face, pulling you back to your feet.
Just as you regain your footing side-by-side, Coryo is the next to fall. As he takes you down with him with the grip on your wrist, you quickly realize it's because a beam fell on his back as the two of you stumbled forward. The flames spreading to the back of his red uniform were the first thing to clue you in.
In your panic and heavy breathing, you can still see his lips moving. You're already trying to pull the bars off of him when he first even gets the chance to scream for help. You groan, inaudible even to you over the commotion as you put all your weight into pulling it back, hoping he's not already severely burned, but you're sure he is as the flames burn the metal rod in your hand.
Your grip slips and you fall back into another piece of the fallen ceiling that surrounded you, apparently sharp as a protruding piece of metal pierces your upper arm. You yelp, looking down as the blood begins to pour from the wound, but you ignore it to keep trying to free your mentor. Then, you're being pulled back by your dress. "The gate is open! The gate is open, come on!" It's Marcus, and by the time you even turn to look at him he's running toward the open door, motioning for you to follow. He gives up quickly as two of the other tributes follow. You don't even hear the gunshots that knock them down. He's trying to escape. You could escape.
You hesitate, looking back down at the boy in front of you who you can see is choking to try and breathe. Someone else slides in at your side as you continue to pull, but they're pushing you back. "Y/N! Run!" Sejanus shouts in your face, quickly removing his hands from you to grab the beam where you were just holding it. "I've got him- Go!"
"My honest, best advice?" Your conversation from the other day immediately comes to mind. "Figure out a way to escape."
You frantically look between the door and the boys in front of you, trying to decide. You have to decide right now. Right now, right now, right-
It's an easy decision. You grab the hot bars again and start pulling with every bit of strength you can muster.
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taglist: @soulessjourney, @keziahcore, @that-veela-girl, @motorsport, @dreamyysouls, @rockstarbfs, @Lanadelrey3, @rawrmameh, @3zae-zae3, @babyspice6, @pastel0rchid, @maysileeewrites, @articxari, @Urfavpouge, @Multivitaminfy, @baybieruth, @kitscutie, @annaelise, @serrendiipty, @fratboyharrysgf0201, @totallynotkaibiased, @stelleduarte, @klplynn, @secretsicanthideanymore, @bejeweledreverie, @fals3-g0d, @drewsandsebastianswife, @niicole-87, @queenofshinigamis, @innercreationflower, @nallasstuff, @spring-goddess1, @baybieruth, @lovelyxtom, @throughgoeshxmilton, @enwonie, @scorpiolystoned, @iovemoonyy, @kodzuvk, @soupasoup, @eedwardss, @thatmarvelchick19, @wearemadeofstardust0, @regulusblackcore, @kbakery , @qardasngan, @omgsuperstarg, @kuroosbby001, @puredreamagination, @fantasticchaosthing, @coolcatyarb, @yokolesbianism,
if your user has a strikethrough i wasn't able to tag you! i'm so sorry!
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johannestevans · 2 months
like there's so many things you can ask yourself when looking at something that you've cooked or that you're eating.
do i like all the tastes here? do i like all the textures? do i wish there was more or less variety in the textures, or different mouth feels? do the flavours on my plate or in my mouth feel balanced? do i enjoy the contrast between different things in my meal, or appreciate that my soup has a good, defined, texture?
are the flavours strong, or are they subtle? are they soothing? do i feel like i'm concentrating a lot on my food, or is this food something easy and enjoyable to eat whilst concentrating on something else?
after eating my meal, do i feel full? do i feel nourished? does it feel like i've eaten a good amount of vegetables and appropriate amounts of salt and hydration? are there enough amounts of sugars, fats, and oils in this food?
are there any things in this meal that i need to be careful about eating or eating too much of, such as foods that are high in histamines, foods that i might be mildly allergic to or intolerant of, or just things that i don't digest very well in certain quantities?
does this meal feel light or heavy? do i feel full after eating it? does eating this meal cool me down when it's hot, or warm me up when it's chilly? does it clear my sinuses or soothe my sore throat? is it nice and easy to digest? does it have a lot of fibre to help my bowel be regular?
are the ingredients for this meal cheap? are they ingredients i cook with often, or are they rare uses for me? would i like to make more meals like this with these ingredients, or would I like to branch out and change it up? are the ingredients for this meal easy to get, or do i have to schlep out to some specialty place or order them online? do the ingredients go off fast?
is this a meal that lets me use up loads of stuff that's about to go off? is this a meal that's good to keep in the back pocket for when i'm wary of a bunch of expiration dates looming, or when i need to use a bunch of canned food?
is this meal easy to make in one pan, or does it require a lot of pans? is it a meal i can make pretty quickly, or in just one small corner of the kitchen, or does it require me to spread out and take up more space and time? does this meal require preparatory stages, such as marination or letting dough rise, hours or days before the main meal is made?
is this a meal that is fun and satisfying to cook for just myself, or is it one that i would normally put together with friends or family? is this a meal that i would cook performatively at a dinner party, one that is fun to see being cooked, baked, or being put together?
is it very different to the meal i had earlier today, or yesterday, or will have tomorrow? is it a meal that i enjoy eating the leftovers of, or that the leftovers will be easy to transform into another dish? is it easy to store? is it easy to freeze? is it easy to batch cook?
is it easy to cook and share to a bunch of friends? Is it a good and easy meal to have as a packed lunch, or to bring along on a picnic? is it a good food to serve at an event where people will be picking at food between activities? is this a meal i would like to have at a birthday or another party?
is this a meal which is easy to make when i am sick? is this a meal that would feel really nourishing through the grieving process, that would be good to bring to someone sitting shiva, or to a wake?
these are all great things to think about when looking at the meals you eat and what goes into them. these are all great questions to ask yourself
these questions are all infinitely more valuable and useful than such a ridiculous question as "how many calories are in this meal", a question which is absolutely fucking meaningless and tells you nothing about what that meal is actually doing for your body or your mind
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its-time-to-write · 1 year
i know now it’ll pass - ch. 6
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Last chapter! Thank you all for the love!
am i better yet?
You stay inside the entire time Jamie’s visiting. You end up calling Georgie and telling her you’re sick, a side effect from poor rest. She clicks her tongue and has Simon deliver some food that he swears clears up any type of ailment. You accept it readily and wave goodbye, promising to come over as soon as you’re better. 
It’s Saturday night and Jamie leaves tomorrow evening so he can be back in Richmond for Monday morning training. Sometimes you can hear his voice through the walls and you think your heart is going to burst with all the emotions it causes. 
You’re angry at yourself, first and foremost, but there’s something about actually hearing him that makes you realize how much you love him. Then comes the sadness because you screwed it all up, and you’ve come to realize that Jamie would have loved you no matter what. He had made it through the worst of your relationship, why did you convince yourself he’d leave you?
You’re fed up with all these fucking feelings so you grab one of the muffins Simon sent over and slip out the front door. The cool air kisses your skin as you lug your weighted blanket into the perfect position. Ah. Bliss. You make sure the porch light is off before completely settling in.
The routine is familiar and adds an element of normalcy that you so desperately need.
You’re woken up at precisely 4am by Simon and Georgie’s door creaking open and someone slipping out. You don’t even have to look to know that it’s Jamie. You can tell by his footsteps. He’s headed out for a run and doesn’t know you’re there because it’s still dark. You think you should probably head inside so he doesn’t see you when he gets back, but the thought is barely formed before you fall back to sleep.
You wake up again in your bed with the oddest sense of déjà vu. You know for certain you were asleep in the front of your house, and there’s no way you got yourself here. The weighted blanket is placed with care, covering you in all the right spots. You roll out of bed, throw on your robe, and pad downstairs to find out who’s making noises in the kitchen.
You round the corner to find Georgie making breakfast. “Morning love,” she says as if it’s the most normal thing in the world. “You hungry?”
You nod mutely and sit down as she hands you a plate.
“You need to lock your doors,” she says as she flips knobs on the stove. “You never know what sort of people could just walk into your house while you’re asleep on your porch.”
“Georgie,” you say slowly as she grabs a cup of coffee and sits across from you, “how did I get here?”
“What do you mean?” she asks, mug conveniently hiding her expression.
“I mean, I was outside. Then I woke up inside. And I know you and Simon didn’t get me there, so how did I get here?”
You don’t know why you’re even asking. The answer is obvious, isn’t it?
Georgie must think so too, because she doesn’t directly respond. Instead she says, “Had an interesting conversation with my son this morning. Came back from his run all flustered.”
You note the way she says my son, not “Jamie.” 
She continues, “Said he found a girl asleep out front. He was worried about her and I said not to, that’s just the girl we’re always having ‘round for tea, but he was having none of it. Said you’d be better off inside in your own bed, with someone to make sure the door was locked because you always forget to do it.”
Georgie sips her coffee again, looking straight through your eyes and down to your soul. “It’s funny, because he talked like he knows you. Odd, innit?”
You choke on your toast.
You gasp out, “Odd,” in agreement, but Georgie is still looking at you with those piercing blue eyes.
“You know my baby tells me everything,” she says. “Not always right away, but he does.”
You nod. There’s no salvaging this. You’re going to have to move again to Chelsea or someplace equally new and foreign, and it’s your own fault for never being honest.
You’re about to open your mouth to say I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, you’ll never see me again and it’ll be ok, when Georgie places her hand on yours.
“I love you like my own child,” she says. “And maybe that’s because I see myself in you. I don’t want you to get stuck in your head the same way I did. Which is why I think all you need is another chance. One where you’re told by more people than one that you’re loved and wanted, and most of all that you’re safe. Which is exactly what I told Jamie. He’ll be over here in about five minutes.”
She takes another sip of her coffee with her free hand as you choke again.
“Georgie,” you sputter, “he doesn’t even want to see me! He told you what happened. Oh my god, I need a hairbrush.”
“You’re wrong, love,” she calls after you as you rush to your bathroom, “He absolutely wants to see you.”
You’re thundering down the stairs exactly four minutes and fifty-eight seconds later just in time to hear Georgie answer the door and promptly exit, leaving you with Jamie. Jamie, who you haven’t seen in months.
This is going to be a shit show, you think, but then you remember everything Georgie has ever said to you. Including the phrase, “He absolutely wants to see you.”
You don’t have time to twist that into something negative because Jamie Tartt is standing in front of you in your kitchen looking like the best thing you’ve ever seen, and it’s taking every ounce of your self-control not to launch yourself into his arms.
“I’m sorry,” you blurt out before he can say anything. “I shouldn’t have run away. I broke your heart on purpose and that was a shitty thing to do. And I’m sorry for becoming friends with your parents and not telling them. I should’ve handled it better.”
Jamie’s frowning. You wish his face were at least neutral.
He says, “You’re sorry,” as though he can’t believe those words are coming out of your mouth. You cringe a little. 
“Yeah,” you say, “I’m sorry. Really, really sorry. I know that doesn’t make anything better, but… I am.”
Jamie asks, “Why?” and you have no idea what he means.
“I just told you why I’m sorry,” you reply. “Not sure how much clearer you want.”
Jamie shakes his head. “No, fuck, I mean- why are you sorry? Why do you think you have something to apologize for?”
That catches you off guard. That’s not even remotely close to how you thought he would respond.
You’re trying to figure out what to say when Jamie starts talking again.
“Look- I knew what it was like for me mum when I was growing up. Sometimes you meet the wrong person and they fucking… fuck you up. So when you meet the right person, you’re all scared and it’s all shit so you do the things you should have done with the wrong person. And yeah, I was fucking wrecked when you left, but I understood. I’m me, and me is a lot.” 
The corners of your mouth turn up ever so slightly at the odd turn of phrase.
Jamie takes a breath. “What I’m saying is, maybe we have things to work on. But I want to work on them. With you. Not with someone else. Fucking hell, babe, I’ve never laughed as hard as when I’m with you. Like, imagine there’s this bird and she’s fit as fuck but then she talks and says the funniest shit and but then flips the switch and actually listens to what you have to say? Has actual empathy, like. It’s a fuckin’ breath of fresh air after being with the lads all day.”
“Right,” you say. “So you’re not mad at me?”
“Oh fuck no,” Jamie replies. “I was mad. Yeah. Proper mad. Got over it, though. Talked to Ted a lot, and Dr. Sharon. Worked through some of me own shit. Mummy says you’ve been working on your own shit too.”
You slowly nod. “Yeah, I have. It’s been alright. She gives me hope, you know? She has a perfectly wonderful life and she was able to get out of her own head long enough to enjoy it. Not let it slip through her fingers.”
You’re both silent for a moment. It’s been forever since you’ve seen Jamie up close, and you still find yourself lost in his eyes. 
You both have the same thought at the same time and suddenly your arms are wrapped around his middle and his are holding you tightly, his cheek resting on the top of your head. 
“I’m not letting you walk away again, yeah?” he says. “Mum’d fucking kill me if I did. You’re the only one I want anyway.”
You nod into his chest. “I love you so much,” you say, voice muffled. “I can’t believe that I get to have you.”
Jamie tells you over dinner that night that he’s the one who bought your flat. It’s waiting for you to come back. You finish out the month in Manchester then move home to Richmond.
A year later, there’s a forest and a picnic and a ring on your left hand. Eight months after that there’s a garden and starry lights hung in trees and a white dress. You’re surrounded by friends and family and a sign that says, the Tartts and glasses are clinking the whole night as you kiss someone who chose to be patient with you. You’re two people who saw exactly who the other was, and chose to love each other for it. 
Table of Contents
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idyllcy · 1 year
shoujo moments in my life with the robins
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word count: 870
summary: anything is romanticizeable if you're delusional enough /j
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𓅫. your crush cooking for you when you're sick - Jason Todd
Your head is splitting apart, and you think you're going to die. Sure, this happens every year thanks to your shitty immune system, but it's also NOT a fun experience. You might lose your life at this rate (you're being dramatic. you know.) but it does feel terrible. The door to your room creaks open slightly, and you manage to groan as a greeting. "You good? Heard you were sick." Jason speaks up, blinking at you owlishly. "Feel terrible." You mumble back. "Want anything?" "Sleep." You knock out immediately after. Jason, sweetheart Jason, sweet 11-year-old Jason, walks down the stairs at Wayne Manor and heads to the kitchen, asking Alfred for some fruit and tomatoes, cuts them up for you, sprinkling sugar on the tomatoes for you. Alfred looks, eyes fond as Jason takes the plate upstairs. You hear the door open again, voice scratchy as it comes out of your throat. "Who is it?" "I brought you fruit." "Leave it on the table, please." You mumble. "Thank you." "Of course." When you feel better a couple hours later, you bring it downstairs to share with Jason, a smile on your face, flush on your cheeks, warm with appreciation for the boy, all while Jason checks your temperature to make sure you're fine.
𓅫. a summer fling with a boy you'll never see again - Tim Drake
The summer sun burns into your skin while the breeze sends chills down your spine as you walk down from your cabin to the main tent. Your roommate reminds you of which team the two of you are on, and it's really unassuming. The camp is normal until it's not. It's normal until your fingers are brushing Tim's as your cramming to get the stupid car working, and it's normal until Tim has his hand on your shoulder, anxiety all over his face at the thought of not winning. It's normal until Tim steps next to you every chance he gets, his bias for you showing clearly in your group. You barely know him. Until a day ago, he was just some stranger to you. Then, he's one of the closest to you in the group. He's cheering for you when you're dying on the climb up, and he's next to you on the bus ride back. He's next to you when you're decoding a puzzle, and he's next to you at every chance he gets. But you'll never see him again. Even when the two of you are talking about the rest of summer's plans, you know you'll never see him again. He's too far away. But you cherish the last moments with him, tilting your head to bully him for not learning your name, knowing well that Tim does know your name. He called you on the second day, eyes digging into yours, something spiking through your chest. a mutual i like you hangs in the air, but that's the end of your story. You never get his number.
𓅫. getting your shoelaces tied by a boy in your class - Dick Grayson
You're young, eyes big and frustrated, and you've just made the change to actual laces instead of velcro. You're part of the cool kids club now— except you aren't. You have no idea how to tie your shoelaces. You step out of the girls bathroom, looking around for your bathroom buddy, noticing your laces have come untied. Dick tilts his head at you as you wince at your untied laces, and he drops down to reach for your laces. "What are you doing?!" "Tying your laces." Dick smiles up at you. "You can just teach me..." You trail off, frowning. "Yes, but we're in the middle of an activity in class right now, so we're in a hurry. Have madame send me with you next time and I can teach you." He smiles at you as he stands up. "Come on." True to his word, the next time the two of you leave for the bathroom, he sits you on one of the benches only the older kids were allowed to sit on and shows you how to tie your laces, grinning at you, missing a front tooth, waiting as you tie your laces over and over again, all the way until you could do it without questioning your ability. "thank... you." You mumble, cheeks red with embarrassment. "Of course." He grins.
𓅫. an ex-crush who liked you the most amongst the class - Damian Wayne
You're at a class reunion— or, something along the lines of that. You were called by a friend to take a photo together as a group, and you dragged another friend along, another old classmate of the same class, and the two of you wait in the lobby of the cafeteria. You hope you don't need to talk to Damian, your middle school crush on him was embarrassing enough on its own. Then, your friend arrives, and you rush over, missing the way Damian steps through the glass doors too. Your other friend follows behind you as you greet him, and in that moment, Damian walks past you, green eyes digging into yours, before he steps next to you, speaking to your friend too, light conversation before he turns his attention to you, tilting his head. "Heard you're going to the same college as me." "A-ah? yeah." You smile awkwardly, feeling the nerves from middle school crawl up your back again. You curse yourself for never getting the closure you needed. "What's your major?" You tilt your head. "Didn't I tell you?" "Did you? I must've forgot." He hums. "my apologies." Your major slips past your lips, and his does too, and your friend on the side perks up, mentioning that she was studying the same major as him. You tilt your head to look back a her before Damian ignores what she's said, going back to you— and your heart races, being favored so obviously in front of everyone else. and before you leave, he catches you, smile on his face, away from the rest of the class. "I'll see you in college?" "Y-yeah!" You smile. "See you then."
𓅫. putting on makeup for you - Steph Brown
"Stay still." Steph mumbles, hand on your face, tilting it so that she could get a better angle. You hold your breath as she does, closing your eyes as she brushes the eyeliner on. Your heart races in your chest as she pulls back, staring at both of your eyes, puffing out her cheeks. "Steph? You good?" "You look good. Too good. I need to jump you good." You bark out a laugh, throwing your head back as you laugh. "Alright. Lipstick next." Steph grins. "pucker up babes." "You want a kiss while we're at it?" You wiggle your brows. "Oh? I sure do." Steph winks, pressing the lipstick to your lips as she does, and she pulls back when she finishes. "There. Now your prom look is finished." "Do I look like I could pull?" "I'd fuck you right now." "I'M BEING VIOLATEDDDD!!!" You fake a shriek. Steph tilts her head as she looks at you, and she grins. You look really good.
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i ran out of brain juice in the end sorry lol
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mrs-russ · 4 months
Keegan x Reader x Kick
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Reading Time: 7:02
Words: 1.9K
I get waken up at 4:30 this morning to the sound of my alarm going off.
I have work in a few hours for the first time since moving in here, so I guess I'll just get into the routine again. Beginning with breakfast.
I go to the kitchen, grab a pan, and put it on the burner before going to my fridge to get some bacon and eggs.
I butter up the pan before beginning to cook, my mind not quite focused on the task at hand. It's full of thoughts mostly consisting of work and rent, but there's always a lingering thought in my head about the two men I share a floor with. Kick had told me previously that he and Keegan were drafted together, and that they knew each other for a while before moving into the same complex, reuniting after some years.
But I always thought it was weird how different they were. Keegan is always quiet, not sharing much. After all, Kick was the one who told me about how they worked together for some time.
I can't help but want to know more about them.
I put the thought aside for later as i finish cooking, plating my food and looking at the clock, I have a little while left.
I grab my plate and move to the couch, turning on the TV before I begin to eat. I know eating on the couch is a bad habit, but I don't care that much.
After a few minutes, I finish eating and go to my room to get dressed, putting on my blue scrubs for work. I'm a nurse, taking after my mom.
She was a good worker, sometimes I think she worked herself to death. Even when she was sick she couldn't bear to not take care of my siblings and me. I appreciate her for it, but I wish she’d have taken better care of herself.
I do my hair and put on my shoes before making my way to the kitchen again, packing myself a lunch. I hate hospital food, I could never stand it. And I doubt this food is better than the hospital back at home.
I grab my keys and a jacket, making sure to grab my phone and lunch before exiting my apartment.
As I exit I see Kick sitting on the steps that lead down toward the parking lot. I catch his attention as I close my door, and he looks back at me.
“I need to go down those,” I say to him, not wanting to come off as rude.
He quickly stands up, keeping his eyes on me.
“Sorry, didn't know you'd be coming out here this early,” he says kindly, moving out of the way.
I smile softly “It's alright,” I respond “I never have before.”
I get a whiff of his scent, it smells like he just got done smoking a joint or something. Probably why he comes out this early.
“You're a nurse?” he asks, not knowing much about me either.
“Yeah, I work at the hospital downtown” I respond softly, “Just got a job there,” I say proudly, and he chuckles.
“Nice, not a bad job is it?”
“Nah, not really. Some days are worse than others but I manage.” I give him a thumbs up, my watch catching my eye, and I read the time. I'll be late if I don't leave now.
He notices and gestures towards the stairs. “Alright, well, have a good day.” he flashes me a smile, and I do the same before beginning to walk down the stairs.
He's nicer than he looks, honestly. I hope I can say the same for keegan.
I get in my car and place my things in the passenger seat, putting the keys in the ignition and cranking it up before driving off to work. I hope today isn't long.
Work wasn't too bad, it was quite calm actually, but I know today was just a lucky day.
I park my car in the complex’s lot, making my way up the stairs to my apartment. I live on the 3rd floor, so it's not too bad. I enter my apartment, placing my keys and coat on their hangers at the front door, It's quite handy when needed.
Then, I sit down on my couch, resting my head against the cushions. Today wasn't bad, but it was still long nonetheless, and my legs hurt. I went from doing nothing for 2 months to walking all day. Maybe a shower will help.
I go to my room and pick out my clothes for the night, an oversized shirt with short shorts. After I go to the bathroom and start the shower, taking off my clothes and get under the warm water, I never shower longer than I have to, just spending about 10-15 minutes doing everything I need to.
Soon enough I get out of the shower, dressing and blow drying my hair. After my hair is dry I exit the bathroom and make my way to the kitchen, making myself a glass of water and taking a few gulps before setting it down on the counter.
I hear a knock at my door, the noise almost making me jump out of my skin. I'm not expecting anyone, I wonder who it could be. I go to the door, and check through the peephole, seeing Keegan with his hands in his pockets. He's never really coming here before, I wonder what he needs.
I open the door, offering a soft smile. “Hey, keegan. Everything alright?” I ask friendily, looking into his eyes. His gaze travels down my outfit, seeing the oversized shirt and barely visible shorts. He quickly looks back up into my eyes though.
“Hey. Kick told me you got a job, congrats”
“Thanks,” I say with a slight smile, hiding my confusion. I know he's trying to make conversation with me, I should probably do the same.
“So, do you have a job?”
“No, not right now at least.” he doesn't elaborate further, so I just assume he doesn't want to talk about it right now.
“Oh? Well, I guess that's good, no stressing about work. I know it was nice the few months I was off.”
“Yeah, it's different after working a good chunk of your life, but it's definitely a good different once you're used to it.”
“I can see that,” I say with a soft smile. “Oh! Sorry, would you like to come in?” I ask with a slight giggle, “I was just about to make pasta, too if you'd like to stay. maybe Kick could come too? I'd like to get to know you guys better.”
“Ah, well, I guess I don't have anything better to do tonight,” he responds, his voice slightly uninterested.
“Are you- sure? You don't have to, it was just a thought, after all.”
He almost interrupts me, his hands making an apologetic gesture. “No, no, it's alright. Sorry, I���m just tired today. But I'd be more than willing to have dinner with you and Kick.” he explains, my features softening.
“I'll go get Kick” he offers with a smile and wink, turning to walk to his door. I smile softly, keeping my door open for them to enter as I walk to my kitchen, beginning dinner.
I hear Kick and Keegan making their way over as I begin cooking the pasta.
“Hey!” Kick says, walking over to me. “Nice of you to cook us dinner,” he says politely “What kind of pasta are ya making?”
I smile at him “Just some fettuccini Alfredo, I hope you guys are alright with that.”
“One of my favorites,” Kick says.
“That’s perfect.” Keegan chimes in, both of them grinning at me.
“Where'd you learn to cook?” Kick asks, watching as I make the sauce.
“Well, my father was a chef. He taught me mostly everything he knew.” I respond softly. “Still can't cook bacon though. I manage to burn it a lot.”
The two men chuckle quietly, both of them looking at me. For some reason, I feel a little nervous with their eyes on me.
“So, do you know how to cook, keegan?” I ask politely, wanting him to feel involved in the conversation.
“A little,” he replies. “I learned a few tricks while serving”
“Really? That's probably helpful”
“Yeah, saves some money too,” he says, a slight bit of humor in his voice.
“That's always nice.” I smile softly. “Well, dinners almost ready if you guys are.” I turn to them, my hands holding the counter behind me.
“I'm hungry as hell, and this looks amazing,” Kick says, and I laugh.
“Sure does,” keegan says with a smile as I hand them each a plate.
“Alright, boys. get as much as you want. I'll probably still have enough for tomorrow.” I assure.
“Thank you for cooking for us,” Keegan replies, “I'm sure it'll be great.”
“It's my pleasure” I smile and watch as they both fix their plates, waiting to fix mine until after.
The night goes smoothly, it ends with us having a few drinks together. I'd say tonight was a success. Before they leave they ask for my number to keep in touch more often, and I give it to them, promising more nights like this one.
“Goodnight, guys,” I say with a wave, watching them go to their respective rooms.
“Goodnight,” they say, and keegan winks at me again, sending a big smile to my face. I close the door and take a deep breath. I had fun tonight, and I hope they did too. I'm glad I got to bond with them, although they didn't tell me much it was a good experience.
I wash the dirty plates, putting them up before retiring to my room for the night. I sit on my bed and pull out my phone, catching up with my friends before sleeping, But just as I'm about to get in bed for good I hear a knock at my door, a sigh escapes my lips as I get up and make my way to the front door, not bothering to look through the peephole this time.
It's Kick, my eyes on his, and he can tell I'm exhausted. “Sorry, I just forgot my jacket,” he says, and I continue looking at him. “Oh, sure, I'll get it for you,” I say kindly, going to where he sat to look for his jacket. “Here it is”
I make my way back to the door where he's standing, handing him his jacket.
“Here you go,” I say with a smile, and he takes the jacket, his hand brushing against mine as he smiles back.
“Thanks, sweetheart,” he says, “And for dinner again, too. I had fun.”
I look into amber eyes, never realizing how beautiful they were until now. “Of course,” I say quietly.
He chuckles, “I'll see you tomorrow.”
His words broke me from his eyes, I looked away before looking back quickly. “See you tomorrow” I smile as he leaves, watching him retreat across the hall.
I enter my apartment again, and the conversation replays in my mind. His voice is so calming, almost too much so. Keegan, too, though. His voice is deep, with the perfect amount of raspiness. Not to mention they're both attractive.
I bite my lip and quickly drown out the thoughts in my head, going to my room to finally sleep for the night.
I can't help but hope to see them tomorrow as I drift off. My mind replaying dinner.
im like a mischievous fly rubbing my hands together rn
i have so many ideas for this fic
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bullet-prooflove · 8 months
Can you do #3- for once, you let go Of your fears and your ghosts for Beau? This made me think of him and Ally!
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Tagging: @justameresimp @agentorange9595 @handsupforamiracle @lxaah11 @librarian1002 @imaginecrushes @flrboyd @nani-kenobi @areamir @b-bradshaw @adaydreamaway08 @crimeshowjunkie @shepgurl @inkandarsenic @caffeinatedwoman @tortilla-maria1 @lemmons1998 @dr-alan-grantler @burningpeachpuppy @penguin876 @deliriousfangirl61 @goosterroose @kishie8 @skyesthebomb @olymosity @@marshmallowflufffox @whateversomethingbruh @soultrysworld @@4everademigod @reneejett4 @kmc1989
Part One: Syria - You're stuck on the otherside of the world when Beau's captured in Syria.
Part Two: In Sickness & Health - Beau eventually makes it home.
Part Three: Catch 22 - Beau struggles to cope in the aftermath of Syria.
Part Four: The Bottle, The Bullet Or This... - Beau is forced to confront his demons.
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Things start to change. The weight on Beau’s shoulders, it gets a little lighter. He engages more these days, takes the time to ask you about your day, to actually listen. Bottles stop disappearing from the drink’s cabinet. He shaves on a regular basis.
There are bad days too, days where he’s too anxious to leave the house, where he can’t vocalise his needs, so you give him a little space. You’re here if he needs, it’s important that he knows that.
Solomon drags him out for a run at least twice a week. The first time he barely makes it a mile but that pain he feels burning in his calves, it’s cathartic. He manages to outrun the thoughts in his head, the demons and that’s what drives him out the next time and then the next.
One evening you come home to find him standing in the kitchen, in front of the stove cooking his mother’s pasta sauce, something he hasn’t done for a long time even before Syria.
“I don’t know why but I just had a craving for it.” He tells you as he adds the chopped peppers.
The table is already for two, the good silver and the plates you use especially for guests. You can’t recall the last time you shared a meal together. It takes you back to the nights before his  deployment. You’d come home from working late and he would be in the kitchen. He’d give you that smile, the one that made you fall in love with him in the first place before ushering you off to the shower.
“I’m still a work in progress.” He tells you over dinner, his hand reaching out across the table and taking yours.
You stare down at it because this is the first time he’s touched you in months and it feels for a moment that you have your husband back, that the man you love is sitting right across from you.
“Maybe I’ll always be a work in progress.” He tells you with the hint of a smile as his thumb tracing over your knuckles. “But I have never stopped loving you, I’m sorry if I’ve made you think otherwise these last few months.”
“Beau…” You whisper, your eyes flickering up to meet his. “We’re gonna be ok you know?”
He squeezes your hand, his eyes stinging because he’s been afraid up until now, terrified that he’d fucked up the only good thing in he’s ever had in his life.
“Thank you.” He says, his voice breaking as he speaks. “Thank you for loving me, for not giving up on me when I needed you the most. ”
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Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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52 notes · View notes
Wedding fic! the drawing is still in progress but i do have this <3 as usual, fic will be utc
Dividers came from here
Taglist, since i actually remembered this time: @violetsareblue-selfships, @silver-heller, and @aego-philautia
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Aslia hasn't gotten much sleep. When she finally gets to sleep, it's nearly two in the morning. And of course, she wakes up at six-thirty am. Lynette's still cuddled against rose, her arms wrapped snugly around Aslia's torso. Aslia just laughs softly trying to let roseself relax. It's hard, though, considering the date. August 17th. Her and Lynette's first anniversary, and also their wedding date.
“Mmm… already awake, firefly?”
The sound of Lynette's voice, admittedly, makes Aslia jump. She replies with a laugh and a warm, “How am I supposed to sleep, knowing today's the day we finally get married?”
Lynette just laughs, warm and affectionate. She says, “Well, the ceremony’s not until three this afternoon. Let's try to get a little more sleep, hm?”
And it works. When she next wakes up, it's to Lynette climbing out of the bed at almost ten o'clock. “What's for breakfast, love?” ro asks as she climbs out of bed herself.
Aslia, unable to argue with this point, just nestled herself back into Lynette's embrace and tries to fall back asleep. 
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“Knowing my brother, he probably has made us a full breakfast spread just so we didn't have to do it ourselves on our wedding day,” Lynette replies casually. Aslia laughs, and shakes her head fondly. She replies, “Yeah, sounds like something Lyney would do.”
When they leave the bedroom, hand in hand, they find that's exactly what had happened. Lyney is standing in the kitchen, surrounded by fresh pancakes, sausage, bacon, hash browns, and eggs. When he sees them he greets them with an excited, “Ah, there are the lovebirds! Good morning, and perfect timing! I just finished making you guys breakfast!”
Aslia and Lynette sit down - Aslia’s plate loaded up and Lynette’s plate with a smaller but still substantial amount of food. The two of them sit in the breakfast nook, cuddling up against each other. Lyney cleans up the kitchen then takes his leave, saying, “Well, I’ll see you at the wedding.”
After breakfast, it’s time for them to go. Aslia has to go meet up with Chiori, who had designed rose wedding dress and is in charge of rose makeup.
“About time you showed up, Aslia.” Chiori greets.
Aslia just smiles. Chiori just huffs affectionately, and tuts, “Well, let’s get you in your dress.”
The dress isn’t anything too elaborate, fancy but not overly so. It still takes a few minutes to get into the dress, but it’s so worth it. That’s what Aslia thinks, at least. She thinks it looks beautiful. Chiori did a great job with the design, Lynette will love it, she thinks. Once Aslia’s in the dress Chiori pushes her gently into a chair, and starts or rose makeup. It’s a known fact that Aslia isn’t super fond of makeup, so Chiori keeps it light. A little bit of eye shadow to bring out the color in Aslia’s eyes, some lipstick to highlight her lips, and a little bit of blush to add some color to her cheeks.
“There we go. Your mother should be here soon, to walk you down the aisle.”
Aslia nods, standing up. She gives Chiori a tight hug and says, “Thank you, Chiori. I appreciate you putting in all this work for me.”
Both too soon and not soon enough, it’s time to walk down the aisle.
Chiori again just huffs affectionately, but hugs back.
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A few minutes before, she meets up with her mother figure, Ningguang. Ningguang is wearing a nice dress, formal yet simple. Aslia gives her a tight hug, and lightheartedly says, “Mama Beidou’s here, right? And let me guess, she’s still grumbling about feeling old?”
Ningguang laughs. “Right you are, Aslia,” she says fondly, “Beidou is indeed lamenting how your wedding makes her feel old.” Aslia's laughing at that, a smile on her face, “I'm sure Kaz is sick of hearing about it.”
“Indeed. Now, your love and her ‘father’ have probably reached the altar, so let's be off.”
So Aslia, dressed in rose wedding attire, links her arm with Ningguang's. The music swells as Aslia walks through the crowd full of Aslia and Lynette’s closest friends and family. Ro is to avoid scanning the crowd, looking forward instead. Lynette is standing next to her brother, dressed in a fancy suit. Aslia can feel her face getting red.
Because he's her best man, Bennett is also waiting there. When she and Ningguang get to the front, she drops Ningguang’s arm and takes her place at the altar.
The flower girls, Aslia’s adopted daughters, are standing at the front of the crowd in their matching dresses. Diona looks somewhat comfortable and relaxed for once, which makes Aslia smile. Sayu, meanwhile, appears to be falling asleep. Diona nudges her, causing the younger girl to startle awake.
The ceremony passes quickly. The best part, in Aslia’s opinion, is when they finally share their first kiss as a married couple. Bennett and Lyney are cheering from their places next to the happy couple, and most of the audience cheers and claps.
After Aslia takes rose place, the ring bearer comes down the aisle. The ring is being carried by Aslia’s adopted son, Chouji. His suit matches Diona and Sayu’s dresses, and he mostly just looks happy to be included.
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Then, it's time for the reception. The catering comes from one of the finest kitchens in Fontaine. Dinner is a fairly simple affair, the guests chattering amongst themselves. Lynette and Aslia, meanwhile, sit at the head table and talk. Aslia takes Lynette’s hand in rose own, holding it tightly.
Then the first dance.
The finest live band possible starts playing, and Aslia walks with Lynette to the dance floor. Neither of the two women are great at dancing, but neither of them mind. They're giggling as they dance, and Aslia feels her heart swell with love. This is her wife now. Her wife!
After the dance floor opens to all guests, the happy couple begin to mill about.
“So, what's it like being married?” Aslia startles at the sound of her older brother’s voice. But then she just casually smiles, saying, “Feels good, Kae. I did marry the love of my life, after all.”
Kaeya laughs fondly, picking Aslia up and spinning rose around. Diluc, Jean, and Barbara are all standing nearby, all smiling. Aslia hugs the other three as well, squeezing them tightly. Then she says to Jean, “Hey, who's in charge of the Knights right now? Given that most of the authorities are here right now, I mean.”
Jean chuckles, and Kaeya outright snickers. “I have a couple of the more trustworthy knights in charge, I'm sure the Knights can survive for a few days without Kaeya, Lisa, Amber, Eula, Albedo, and I.”
“Yeah, they’ll be fine,” Aslia laughs. Her attention is then drawn by the sound of wind. The wind races towards her, before Aslia finds herself with an armful of her youngest child. She holds Sayu tightly and fondly, spinning her daughter slightly. Diona and Chouji are close behind. She greets them, “How are you doing, kids?”
“Lynette had better treat you right, or she’s gonna pay!” Diona proclaims, her hands on her hips as she huffs.
“I promise, I’ll make sure to treat your mother with the utmost care.”
They continue milling about, spending the evening and into the night talking to their loved ones and dancing and eating cake.
Diona jumps when Lynette speaks, and Lynette chuckles fondly. Aslia shifts the way she holds Sayu in her arms, to kiss her wife on the lips.
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“I love you, Nettie.”
“I love you too, Little Light.”
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mintasa · 24 days
Pairing: Hwang Hyunjin x OC
Genre: Circus AU, murder mystery, slowburn, enemies to lovers?
Warnings: Blood, injuries, mental problems
Word count: 3,9k
Synopsis: A series of murders in a successful circus disturbs the life of a young stylist. With no place to go, she is keen on saving the circus, even if that means risking her own life to do so. As if things cannot go worse, a group of newbies join the hawock, seemingly not knowing what they're getting themselves into. Can she figure out the motives of the murderer and keep her crew together? Can the circus survive under the growing pressure and distrust?
Note: This is the first story I am publicly sharing. It is a work of fiction, although it may not fit the criteria of a traditional fanfic (I physically cannot write in the second-person narrative). Therefore, English is not my first language, and while I'm pretty fluent, I still make grammar errors, so apologies in advance.
The story is vaguely inspired by Circus MV
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"Good morning," Hyunjin says, walking into the kitchen while most of the crew is already gathered inside.
"Morning," chimes Taraji while cooking.
Nadya doesn't even glance at him. She's not ignoring him by any means. They just usually don't talk much. They never greet each other. Hyunjin walks over to Taraji while Nadya simply stuffs her mouth with homemade pancakes. Misha is in the corner of the room too. Eating. At least trying to. Even Nadya does still feel sick after seeing Azara's dead body. It's difficult to forget the lifeless eyes of a dear friend.
"What did the pancake do to you?" Hyunjin questions as he sits across the table.
Nadya had been just stabbing the pancakes with a fork. She zoned out. Suddenly her appetite is gone. She raises her eyes to look at Hyunjin and sighs. Before he can react, she's up and putting the pancakes away. She's not hungry.
"What are you doing?" Hyunjin's eyes follow Nadya as she maneuvers around the kitchen. He glances at her almost apologetically. "I didn't... You should finish the plate."
He thinks she stopped eating because of him. "Lost my appetite," Nadya shrugged. She can't bring herself to tell him more. To tell him that she feels sick in the stomach and can barely swallow anything. Not like he wants to know.
The girl bumps into Jun on her way out. There's the trash can. The pancakes won't go to waste. She goes for a walk on the route she has already known by heart.
"I thought we don't go anywhere without telling nobody anymore," Hyunjin mumbles as he approaches Nadya, sitting on the bench in front of the pond. It's daytime. There's a family of ducks swimming. A bike or two passes by her now and then.
"Forgot to tell anyone." The girl mutters. What was he expecting? An apology? To be honest, Nadya didn't tell anyone on purpose. She wanted to be alone. And she kind of wishes someone would just spare her from the difficulties of life. Her life isn't even that important. She brings nothing to the team. Team? There's not even a team anymore.
"You should be more responsible," Hyunjin utters. Nadya hears him drag his feet behind her until he is next to her. He looks into the distance.
"Did you come here to lecture me?"
"No, actually," he says, turning his head to look at the girl. "I came to tell you that your cop will come later."
Nadya winces at his words. Her cop. He was never hers. "Don't call him that, and what for?"
Hyunjin drops his eyes to the ground. "He has to question us since the case is active again." That fucker. Can't they get another cop since the current one cannot do his job?
"No, as a group," he shakes his head. Thank god. Shes not in the mood to talk to him eye to eye.
"Good," she mumbles.
"You should talk it out with him," Hyunjin suggests.
That immediately makes Nadya's blood boil. "What is there to talk about?" She asks him, maybe a little too angrily.
Then she gets up and walks away.
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"Nadya. Can we talk?"
Not him. Nadya thought he was leaving already. "About what?" Nadya turns to him and crosses her arms on her chest.
"About us. I know I have hurt you multiple times, but I miss you," he mumbles and attempts to get a hold of Nadya's hand. She steps back abruptly.
He said he missesher. Nadya laughs at that. "Wake up. Seriously, what game are you playing now? You were the one that said you'd never actually be into me. That I'm too difficult," she points an acusing finger at Orion.
"You are difficult," the guy pauses. Here they go again. What's next? He is going to tell me how unlovable she is. "But I didn't realize how much I liked you until you were gone. It pains me to have you an arm's length away, but you're not mine."
That guy. How many movies did he watch? "If you like me so much, why do you only attempt to talk to me when you come for business? Make it make sense. I'm not stupid. I know not to trust anything coming out of your mouth." Nadya raises her voice. Even Orion seems surprised at her outburst. Her eyes start watering, and she knows she's screwed. Fuck.
Orion laughs suddenly. "Your guard dog is here."
Nadya spinz only to find Hyunjin smugly leaning against one of the wagons. He straightens himself and comes over. "Came to tell you to go back to the office and fuck yourself," Hyunjin glares at the guy. His stare is something else. He is burning a hole through him.
"Nadya, darling. Can you get your boyfriend out of my sight? How much do you pay him to pretend anyway?" Orion asks while looking at Hyunjin. "Come on. I'm a cop, after all. You two can barely look at each other."
Hyunjin slings an arm around Nadya. They make eye contact as if to prove a point. Then Hyunjin looks away. "No, I think we're good."
Orion scoffs. "Fine, then prove it."
"What do you suggest?" Hyunjin questions. He is way too calm. Nadya is shaking at this point, and she doesn't even know why exactly.
"Kiss," Orion shrugs. He knows how much of a big deal her first kiss with him was. Orion is playing with her, with her feelings.
The blood circulation in Nadyas body stops. She glances back and forth between the guys. She'd love nothing more than to shut Orion up, but then again, she cannot kiss Hyunjin. "I don't have to prove anything to you," the girl hisses.
Orion laughs. "It's just a kiss," he says, raising his hands in the air. He knows damn well Nadya wouldn't just kiss anybody.
The girl shakes her head and drops Hyunjin's hand off of her shoulder. She's done with this conversation. Orion is pushing her buttons, but she is not going to let him play with her. She walks away.
Barely a few steps away, Hyunjin catches up to her. His one hand grips her by the waist, and the other tilts up her chin. They make brief eye contact, and Nadya doesn't get a chance to say anything before Hyunjin closes the distance between them. The kiss is rushed and brief. Nadya freezes just like that night but forces herself to play along.
His lips are soft and kissable. Just like she remembers. Why is she surprised? Then it hits her. She's kissing Hyunjin, and Orion is watching. God knows who else could be watching. She pushes at Hyunjin's chest, and he easily backs away. Although his hand on the girl's waist stays.
Nadyas body is on fire. She wants to hang herself so she won't have to talk to Hyunjin about this later. Maybe it's just she who is making a big deal out of it? Hyunjin doesn't look bothered at all. Maybe it's not that deep. People kiss all the time.
"Satisfied?" Hyunjin questions.
Orion frowns and walks away. Nadya, however, practically runs away from Hyunjin the minute Orion leaves. Jun questions why she is so flushed, but he gives up after a while. She's good for now. What if she just stays at Juns today? No, that will just make it more weird.
Nadya walks into their shared wagon only to find Hyunjin inside. He immediately puts away whatever he was doing at the moment and sits up. The guys had brought in her bed. Hyunjin motions towards it, "Sit. We have to talk."
Nadya sits down willingly. "Go on."
"I hope I didn't make you too uncomfortable," he mumbles, taping his fingers against the mattress. Good to know she's not the only one who's worrying.
"I'm good, and I'm sorry it came down to that," the girl mumbles. "You don't get paid to do that. I'm sorry, really."
"It's okay. I'm used to stuff like that," he pauses and shrugs. "Part of the job is to keep you safe." That almost sounds nice coming from him. He is concerned about her safety, although a while ago he didn't care a bit. Hypocrite.
His words echo through the girl's mind. He said he is used to stuff like that. Now Nadya wonders how many people he has kissed. A lot for sure. He is pretty. It's unfair how a guy is prettier than many girls.
"So we are good?" Nadya questions, and the guy nods. "Let's never talk about it again," she proposes. Nadya feels a weight being lifted off of my chest. Why was she even worried so much? It was indeed her making it weird.
"Sounds good to me," he says, looking down again. "I wanted to talk about this morning too."
This morning? What is he onto? "What about it?"
"You need to eat," he states.
Well, that was out of pocket. Nadya blinks at him. "Excuse me?"
"What did you eat today?"
He is interrogating her. "I-" Nadya pauses, unable to finish the sentence. With everything that has been going on, she only got to eat those two pancakes from this morning.
"Though so," he mumbles and pauses. "I don't want it to sound weird or anything, but earlier I touched you, and you've lost weight."
Right, he was holding onto her waist, as his life depends on it. "It's normal to lose some weight," Nadya argues. Weight is something that isn't permanent. She doesn't see how it is such a big deal. She needed to lose some anyway.
"No, I mean an unhealthy amount," he states. "You need to take care of yourself."
Who gave him the right to tell me what to do? "Let me live my life."
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Orion has been visiting more often lately. So Nadya has been smitten with Hyunjin. Just to keep appearances, they haven't been talking. Although they talked it out, it's still weird that they kissed. They kissed in broad daylight and were completely sober.
The pair, however, is staying in the same room, so Nadya cannot avoid him. "You still must have your assumptions on who killed Azara," Hyunjin mumbles one late night.
She is trying to sleep with her back turned to him but rolls to look at him. "I have no clue, but it's getting odd. Knowing that anyone can be the killer, I'm sometimes scared to stand in a room without one of the guys," Nadya admits. It's been odd.
"That's good for your safety," he mumbles. What's up with him and her safety?
"What if we got everything wrong? It's not one of us?"
"Pretty much impossible," Hyunjin sighs. He knows she doesn't want to hear it, but it's the truth.
"Even if we found out, we can't lock that person up without proof," Nadya states. That is so unfair. Miguel got locked up with barely any evidence, and now they couldn't lock up a truly guilty person if it came to that.
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"Hyunjin!" Nadya doesn't get what's wrong with him today. He is being a dick on purpose, and now he is dipping right before Orion's arrival. What will she do without him?
At that moment, when they are still arguing, Orion pulls up. The devil himself. "Trouble in paradise?"
"None of your business," Nadya snaps at him. Hyunjin stops in his tracks too to glare at the guy.
"See, he can't handle you," Orion moves closer. "Don't you see a pattern?"
"Shut up," Nadya gets her hand from Hyunjin's grip and shoves Orion in the chest. "I can't handle you both!" With that, she turns on her heel and heads for Jun's wagon. The only place she's always welcome.
"Nadya," she hears Hyunjin's voice. He had followed me. He is her designated guardian, yet he has been too much into the girls business lately.
"Leave me alone!" Nadya slammed the door right in front of his nose. He tries to walk in after her, but she locks the door.
"Don't bring Jun into this," Hyunjim mutters behind the door. "It's between us."
"There's no us. Go away!"
At the end of the day, Hyunjin is right. Jun cannot solve all of her problems, and she doesn't want to be a burden. "I only came back so Jun could sleep in peace," Nadya mumbles once she walks into Hyunjin's wagon.
He sits up, and she feels his eyes following her movement. "I don't want to argue."
"You're the one that was mad at me for no reason," Nadya points out.
"I told you to eat."
Is he serious? He went all out on her just because she skipped breakfast today. Nadya laughs at that dryly. "You left me to deal with Orion because of that?"
"I didn't think ahead," he admits shamefully.
"Sure, you didn't." Nadya turns her back on him and feels the tears coming to the surface. Well, that's embarrassing. She had cried in front of him more than anyone else.
"Please don't cry," she hears him utter. His voice is quiet, as if he's sad and tired. Miserable entitled princess.
"Shut up," Nadya murmurs. She feels the bed dip behind her. Can't he get a hint? "Can you not?" She forces herself to sit up and face him.
"I don't want you to be mad at me," Hyunjim states. Bold statement for someone who makes her blood boil at least once a day.
"You grew on me, alright?"
He must be fiddling with her. "You're ridiculous," Nadya rolls her eyes at him.
"I'm serious. If I could take it all back, I would."
Shes speechless. Nadya is simply staring at him. What else can she do when he's so pretty? If he wasn't so pretty, she might have shown him off her bed already, but here they are. "I don't know what to say." Nadya looked anywhere but into his eyes.
"You don't have to say anything. I just wanted to let you know that I don't hate you," he mumbles.
Nadya doesn't want to believe him, but he sounds genuine. Maybe she's just naive. "I don't hate you either," the girl admits. She doesn't think she ever hated him. He just manages to get on her nerves.
Then he opens his arms. It's an invitation. So she dives in. Right into his arms. How stupid of her! Yet it's comforting. She may have grown to like him more than she dares to admit.
How did it all get so fucked up? Orion turned out to be an ass that can't leave Nadya alone. Her friends are losing their lives over nothing, and she's crying while hugging Hyunjin. Hyunjin, who is only here temporarily and will leave. So will the rest of the guys.
It doesn't make sense. Especially how everything became so quiet ever since Amir became the owner. There was Azara's death, of course, but it's quiet again. Might it be the fact that the cops are around more? That Orion is a frequent guest?
None of her crewmates that are left have been targeted besides her and Amir. But for Amir, it wasn't that serious. He walked out with bruises. Thinking about it, it's odd. How the second time he got attacked, no one was around. Everyone just believed his words mindlessly. And she completely brushed him off as a possible killer. Because they are the victims, right?
Nadya cannot believe Shd considered Jun before him. Amir is in perfect shape to end someone's life. And although she doesn't know the motive, he could've been after the circus. But why would he kill after he got it? Did Azara, by any chance, figure it out? Nadya knows she's been looking into it. Oh god. He knew. He knew she was looking into it. He was there when Azara was ranting to her. He eliminated Azara before she could do anything. It all leads to Amir.
Nadya pushes herself away from Hyunjin. "It's Amir," she announces. He looks skeptical. Right, she's not making any sense. "He is the killer."
"You sure?"
"Never been more. After he became the owner, the killing stopped. And Azara's death was unrelated. He eliminated her because she was curious. I told you she was talking to me the morning before her death. Amir was the first to walk into the room. And it was quiet. He could've easily heard our conversation," Nadya whispers, aware of the fact that Amir could be listening to them too. She is not about to make the same mistake Azara did.
Nadya watches Hyunjin calculate. He grips her face. "You're brilliant," he announces and drops his hands. "Now we just need proof."
"How do we get that?"
"That is going to be hard. We can't just get him to admit to it," Hyunjin pauses. "And you can't tell anyone besides the guys about this. He can't figure out what we know. Act naturally around him or your next."
"That's nice to hear," Nadya hums.
Hyunjin shifts. "Sorry, I didn't mean for it to sound like that. You just have to be careful."
"For fucks sake, the truth was in front of my face all along, and I've only figured it out now," the girl throws her hands in the air, although she wishes she could just throw herself off a cliff.
"That is not your responsibility. If anyone is to blame, it's us. We were meant to solve that," Hyunjin chimes. Sure, they are the agents, but she knew everyone for longer. She should've seen the signs.
"Police was meant to do that. Hold up. Do we tell Orion what we know?"
"He will just cause a ruckus. It's not like he can arrest him," Hyunjin shrugs.
"You have a point," Nadya agrees with him. Orion has done nothing but bothering Nadya for no reason.
"What now?"
"I guess we go to sleep."
"I don't think I can sleep," Hyunjin admits. They are both too giddy. They shouldn't be after figuring out a murder mystery, but they are.
"Me neither." Hyunjin doesn't answer. They sit in silence like the idiots that they are. There's not much they can talk about, and neither of them can fall asleep. "What do you think Orion's deal is?"
"Maybe he just can't take rejection well."
Nadya shakes her head. "That's not it. He said I'm unloveable. There's no reason for him to change up all of a sudden."
"You are not unloveable. No one is," Hyunjin chimes.
Nadya pushes him playfully. "Easy for you to say when you're so pretty," she tells him. Did she just admit that she thinks he's pretty? Yes, she did. God, please don't let that get to his head.
"You think I'm pretty?" He leans forward towards the girl. Here they go. The idiot missed the point.
"Don't make me take it back," Nadya groans and pushes his face away.
"You haven't been wearing makeup much," Hyunjin points out.
Nadya holds up her hands. "Shaky hands, remember. I think my days as a makeup artist are counted," she laughs, but doesn't manage to hide the disappointment.
"It's not like we have anything better to do. I can be your canvas," he mutters.
Nadya smiles at that, but soon realizes that he is dead serious. "I'll poke your eye out," she shakes her head. She hasnt been practicing. She doesn't even think she can still hold a brush.
"I'm sure you won't," he utters. "Get your stuff."
Nadya hesitates. "Fine," she grabs her bag. Most of her makeup is in the storage wagon. She only keeps the essentials with her.
Nadya pushes Hyunjin's shoulder back. "Lean back; it's going to take a while."
He complies and does as he is told. Shs kneels beside him and brushes most of his hair away from his face. She doesn't have anything to pin his hair away at the moment, so she'll have to deal with it.
She opens her bag and gets out an eyeshadow palette. The base she can do even with her hands shaking. Then Nadya turns on the table lamp and turns it towards Hyunjin's face, making sure the light doesn't hit directly into his eyes. Yet he starts blinking, trying to adjust to it.
Nadya smiles at him, and he just frowns like a little kid. He stops after a while and motions that he's good to go.
It's uncomfortable to do everything from the side. Nadya eyes his long, outstretched legs. It's not weird unless she makes it weird, right? Nadya slings her leg over his thighs and makes herself comfortable. Hyunjin doesn't even react, confirming that she's overthinking as always.
Then Nadya starts with her work. She picks up some light eyeshadow and smears it over his eyelids first. Then a darker nude color. That's the amount of makeup he needs—the bare minimum—but she is doing something bold today. She had found a pretty lilac color that could perfectly match the dark purple eyeliner she hadn't gotten to use before.
When it comes to eyeliner, just the thought of it makes Nadya's hands shake violently. Suddenly she feels Hyunjin's hand slide to her thigh. He draws patterns on her flesh, and although she knows he is trying to calm her down, it is not helping. Nadya takes a breath before swiping a shaky line from the corner of his eye.
Only when she finishes the first eye does she remember that his hand is still on her thigh. He's drawing smooth circles on it. He's an artist after all.
Nadyas moves onto the second eye, trying her best not to get distracted by the boy. It goes smoothly. She didn't have to worry about poking his eye out and ruining a model-like face. Hyunjin's face belongs on the covers of magazines. That's a plain fact. His parents should've tried to get him into the industry. He'd fit right in.
Then Nadya moves onto his lips; she likes Hyunjin's lips. There's not much to change about them. They're naturally pink and plump. All she has to do is apply some gloss, and he is good to go.
"Alright done," Nadya mumbles and leans away a bit. Hyunjin's hand flies to her waist, stopping the girl, who had been a little too focused to notice him staring at her the entire time. Or maybe she did notice it and chose to ignore it.
Suddenly Nadya is hyperaware that shes sitting in his lap with little to no distance between them. He is staring at her lips. She lets her eyes drop to his, and Hyunjin doesn't wait before pressing his lips against hers. And she lets him. He's pressing her body against his, and she lets him. She lets him do whatever he wants.
Nadya wraps her hands around his neck and plays with the back of his hair. The kiss is intense; Hyunjin is demanding she follow along. His glossed lips slide easily against hers. He licks her bottom lip before tugging on it, asking for more, and she once again lets him explore as much as he wants.
Once theyre both breathless, Hyunjin finally pulls away to place a peck against Nadya's jaw. That's all it takes for Nadya to snap. Her eyes go wide as she fumbles to get away from her so-called roommate. Hyunjin lets her go, but she can clearly see him panicking internally as well.
He runs a hand through his hair nervously. "I'm so sorry."
Nadya doesn't let him finish the sentence. She doesn't want to hear how everything that happened was a mistake. "It's fine. We are both sleep-deprived," she tells him and wipes the lip gloss off her lips with the back of her hand.
"So we're good?"
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aching-tummies · 1 year
As I walk in from another day of work I see you once again working when your supposed to be resting. Your doing dishes again making sure every single pot and pan is in place. I'm surprised there's any dirty dishes to do with how little you've been eating this last week. As I quietly walk into the kitchen I can tell your definitely still sick. Your tummy still looks visibly bloated even from where I stand. It's like a balloon that's slowly been getting bigger this last week despite how hard it's been to get you to eat anything. I also see your chicken soup sitting on the dinning table. It looks like you've barely had any! "Hey honey I'm home. What did I tell you about letting me do the housework while your sick?" You slowly turn to me and I can tell by the blush on your face your running a fever. You don't say much just "I'm fine" as your tummy let's out an audible groan. "Your belly thinks otherwise you must be hungry" I say as we both sit down at the table. You try and shake your head no but by then I've already got a spoon of soup in your mouth encouraging you to swallow. Slowly but surely I feed you the rest of the soup despite your protest. Just as we finish you let out a wet sounding belch and another moan. I help you stand and see how firm and bloated you belly is. Filled to bursting with soup and everything else it's refused to digest. "I think someone deserves some rubs for finishing all that soup" I wrap my arms around your tummy feeling the rock hard lump of your stomach. "Baby your hands are putting to much pressure on my tummy it doesn't feel good" but I keep rubbing anyway enjoying the groans you and your tummy are making a little to much.
The following is almost exactly how I imagine such a scenario would go in real-life. I'm not exaggerating how I felt when I was sick--my belly really did feel so insanely bloated that I was literally swallowing back sour liquid all day when I was sick. It didn't help that I was so congested and had such a sore throat that the thought of vomiting terrified me because it was a surefire way to suffocate. My bloated belly was taking up too much room and I couldn't get enough air so I was constantly short of breath...had a partner actually tried anything with my belly, I absolutely would have spewed and likely suffocated/drowned due to all that liquid flooding the one path I had left with which to breathe.
You walk in to our shared apartment an note that I'm at the dish-washer, carefully trying to place a stubborn pan with an awkward handle.
“Hey, honey. I'm home. What did I tell you about letting me do the housework while you're sick?”
Even with the obvious fever, it's clear that I'm glaring at you. I quickly grab the pen and notebook on the counter that's been my primary means of communicating since the sickness robbed me of my voice.
'The less you handle my used cups, the better.'
I quickly open the fridge and point out the packed lunch I've set aside in the usual spot for you. I then gesture at the slow-cooker with a singular portion within it on the keep-warm function on the kitchen counter.
“I'll eat now.” You inform me.
I nod and begin plating up your meal, ladling the curry over a portion of rice and setting the plate on the kitchen table. I move to remove the cooled bowl of chicken broth that I gave up trying to eat some time ago. My stomach grumbles angrily, sickly and bloated despite the fact that I have yet to eat anything today.
“Was that your stomach? Sit.” You call out.
I shake my head, but you're already tugging on my arm, dragging me to sit in one of the dining chairs. I set the cold soup back on the table to avoid spilling it. You quickly whisk it away, setting it in the microwave to reheat.
“ N-Not hungry.” I protest, my voice barely sounding beyond the congestion and sore-throat I'm speaking through. I palm at my belly, feeling no give beneath my palm.
“That's just the sickness talking. Appetite or not, you need to eat.” You mutter, coming back with the re-heated soup.
Before I can grab the spoon to feed myself, you've already taken it into your hand and are bringing a spoonful to my lips. I squirm away from it and pat at my tummy, hoping you'll get the message. I wince at the slight jostling to my bloated belly. My stomach is visibly distended and it feels completely full despite the fact that the soup is still in the bowl. I feel very water-logged, as though the soup is already in my belly despite it very clearly being in the bowl. My stomach grumbles angrily at the patting and I quickly stop, swallowing back against the sudden nausea.
I gesture to your dinner, ignored on the other end of the table.
“You first.” You say, leaning closer to continue spoon-feeding me the unwanted soup. “You must be hungry. It's dinner-time, babe. You made this for yourself at 1PM—you sent a picture. Same bowl and everything.” You had left a note, instructing me to text you when I got up and when I got around to eating. Had I not sent proof of being awake and eating, you would have gone out of your way to pick up something on the way home with which to feed to me.
I gag more than a couple of times before the bowl finally empties. Every breath comes with a wet little 'slap' lapping at the back of my throat as I swallow back against the hot liquid trying to escape my bloated tummy.
A short, sharp, and very wet sounding belch erupts from my belly, unbidden. I slap a hand over my mouth, willing myself not to be sick.
“Oh? Is your belly full?” You tease. I nod, one hand still clapped over my mouth and the other resting on the side of my distended belly as I feel the soup tickling at my throat. I feel like a thermometer in a children's science-class—with the liquid-y contents rising and falling rapidly, being manipulated by people that don't care to understand what's actually going on inside. I feel very much like an abused thermometer, like any second now something's going to crack and spew dangerous liquid absolutely everywhere.
“I think someone deserves some tummy rubs. You did so good, finishing all that soup.” You coo at me as you help me stand.
We slowly make our way to the couch. It's a short distance, but it takes us maybe four times as long as normal to reach it as I stumble, cradling my belly and doubling over every time I feel like I'm about to let everything out. 'Bloated' is an understatement for how ridiculously, painfully full my stomach feels. Imagine filling a glass of water to the absolute brim, liquid forming a meniscus just above the rim of the glass. That is basically how my belly feels in this moment—filled to the point of overflowing, with the liquid constantly threatening to spill over as we move across our apartment.
Your hand brushes across my belly and I hiss, moaning as my mouth floods with something hot and salty. You slide your hand over my belly, not really applying any pressure, but even that light touch is enough to disturb the delicate balance inside of me.
“B-Babe...nnngh...t-that really doesn't feel good on my—o-on my—ulp--on my tummy.” I murmur, stopping to swallow back some hot, sour liquid in the middle of my statement. “Ooooh...n-no rubs...p-please? Too much—urp---p-pressure.” I can't believe I'm refusing belly rubs...but I'm too full. My stomach is rock-solid beneath our palms even though it feels like it's full of liquid.
Even the idea of sitting down on the couch in front of us fills me with dread. Bending at the waist at all sounds like a very, very bad idea right now. My belly feels bloated enough to spontaneously rupture all on it's own and I really don't want to test the durability of my stomach. My own hand is barely skimming my clothed belly, careful to be there just to sort of guard my achingly full belly rather than actually touch it.
“Nonsense! There's nothing a little belly rub can't fix!” You exclaim, slapping me playfully on the back as you do so. The shockwave of the slap reverberates through my bloated belly and my mouth floods with hot soup even as you push your other hand incessantly on the achiest part of my belly as you apply what you believe is a sure-fire way to fix my digestive issues. Either way, my stomach has decided that it's done feeling so full-up. Something's going to give, and it's going to give very, very quickly.
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hannahssimblr · 10 months
Chapter Fifteen
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Joyful chatter and laughter is emanating from the room next door and it startles me awake. It takes a few moments before I realise where I am, but I have no idea what time it is or how long I’ve been asleep. I sit up and rub my eyes then look out the window over the sea where the sun is low in the sky, beginning to cast long shadows over the beach. 
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Jude is gone, the blankets on the bed next to me are crumpled into an imprint of his body. I check my phone for the time and as soon as I do the screen flashes with messages and missed calls. They’re all from Kelly. The sight of her name on my phone makes me feel sick, and I don’t even want to read any of them because I already know the kinds of things they will say. It’s twenty past eight. 
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Everyone is back from the pitch, including Claire, and when I step out into the now crowded living room they all stare at me, especially her. I look back, feeling sympathetic, because in her face there’s that look people get when they’ve been caught doing something that they shouldn’t be. I wish I could find some way to communicate with her through just my eyes that I won’t tell on her, her secret will be safe with me.
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“Rise and shine.” Jude says with a little smirk. He’s sitting with his feet on the coffee table. 
“I suppose I was tired.” I say.
“We’re thinking of ordering pizza.”
“I can’t, I have to go home.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah. Thanks though. I’ll see you guys soon.”
I go up the stairs and back through the kitchen making sure to walk at a normal pace, then as soon as the front door clicks shut behind me I start running as fast as I can.
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There are plates in the sink when I get back, and the kitchen smells like cooking which is how I know that Kelly already made dinner for herself. The muffled sound of the TV in her bedroom is the only noise in the mobile, and it makes me feel jittery. I realise my palms are sweating as I touch them to the door handle. 
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She’s sitting cross-legged on the bed, and even though she knows I’ve come in she refuses to look at me, and keeps her eyes firmly on the screen. Her jaw is set and her body is rigid. I can’t think of what to say.
“Hi.” I say eventually, the words sounding hollow and weak in my throat. 
“How are you?”
“I’m fine.”
I creep closer to her and perch meekly on the edge of her bed, thinking that perhaps the best course of action is to pretend that nothing happened. “How was your day?”
Her lips are a tight line, and she still won’t look away from the screen. “I had a horrible day actually.” She says. 
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“You were supposed to come home at six so we could go swimming and then go to get dinner together, but you never showed up. You didn’t even text me back or pick up my calls.” 
“Kelly, I… know. I know that, I feel awful, it was a mistake.”
“I was looking forward to it, obviously, because I’ve been feeling like shit all week, and I just sat outside waiting for you for an hour until I gave up and made freezer chips and fish fingers for dinner. How sad is that?”
“Honestly, it wasn’t on purpose, I just took a nap and just slept longer than I expected, I’m so sorry.”
Her eyes finally snap to me and it makes me flinch. “You were taking a nap?”
I nod. 
“Where? On the beach?”
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I keep my mouth shut and her face contorts. “You were at Jude’s house. Look at you, you’re not even wearing your own clothes. You’re not even wearing a bra.” She spits. “I actually can’t believe this, after everything that’s happened with Claire, and me explaining how I felt about my brother and his friends, you still went to hang out with them, and it’s not even that you did that, it’s that you chose that over hanging out with me. How do you think that feels?”
“I didn’t mean it.”
“What you did is actually way worse than what Claire did, because at least she told me that she’s not on my side. You just went off with them anyway, and didn’t even bother to tell me that you weren’t going to get back in time for six. I thought you were different, but clearly you’re not.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Are you?”
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“I felt like an idiot waiting for you.” Her voice cracks, and the sudden surge of emotion startles me. Tears spring to her eyes, and the sight of it takes me aback. 
“I wish I hadn’t gone over at all.” I say, feeling my own chin begin to wobble. “I wish the day had gone differently.”
“No you don’t, all you want to do is hang around and flirt with the boys and for them to all tell you how pretty you are and give you their t-shirts to wear.”
“That’s not it.”
“Please. That’s been your whole thing lately, all you want is attention.”
“It isn’t, I wanted to spend the summer with you and Claire, that’s why I’m here.”
“Yeah until you met Liam, and then Jude, and then who knows who’s going to be next. I can see this is just how it’s going to be from now on isn’t it? You’ll just run around after these boys batting your eyelashes instead of spending a second slumming it with me.”
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“I’ve been with you so much this summer, I see you all the time.”
She rolls her eyes. “Yeah, well clearly you’d rather be doing something else. And apparently so would Claire, so why don’t you just go and do it. I don’t care anymore.”
I know that she does care. She always cares. I stare down at my lap. 
“This is always what happens to me.” She says harshly. “Everyone eventually finds someone better and forgets about me.”
“I’m always thinking of you.”
“Clearly not, Evie.” I can feel her eyes boring into my head and I can’t bear to look at her. The skin around my thumbnail is loose and I raise it to my mouth to bite it. 
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“Of all my friends I ever had, you’re the one that’s been there the longest. I really thought that I meant more to you than this.”
“I didn’t want to disappoint you or make you feel bad, I didn’t forget about you on purpose, I don’t think it’s really fair to start questioning our whole friendship because of it.”
“You have no clue what it feels like to be forgotten though, really, do you? You’re the only child, and your parents just dote over you, they give you everything you ask for. There’s nobody to compare you to ever, you’re just so perfect, you’re such a lucky girl who has it all.”
“That’s ridiculous Kelly, nobody thinks that.”
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“Yes they do! I’ll always be second best in my family and I’ll have to be second best to you too, perfect pretty little Evelyn with her perfect skinny body and cute little pixie face. You never have to try, people just like you straight away, and within hours of meeting you they invite you on trips and want to hang out with you while I don’t get a second thought.”
“That’s just not reality.” I say incredulously. “Everyone likes you, you’re always making people laugh and you always know the right clothes to wear and the right things to say to people.”
“Then why am I sitting here alone eating fish fingers and watching Eastenders then? Meanwhile you’re off hanging out with a hot boy and falling asleep in his t-shirt.”
“Well I don’t know, sometimes that’s just how it goes.”
“You think you’re so special don’t you?”
“No, I don’t.”
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She shakes her head and pretends to be watching TV again, even though we both know she’s not paying attention, she just wants to make a point of being angry. There is a coil right under my rib cage that twists and tightens uncomfortably as I look at the side of her face. I feel angry too. She’s not annoyed because I forgot about our arrangement, she’s filled with bitterness over the fact that there exists a group of people who like me more than her. Over the fact that I’m not second best like I was when we were younger, back when she got to be the loudest one in the classroom and dazzled everyone around her while I sat back smiling mildly. She wanted me to be her plain, quiet little mousy friend who faded into the background, wallpaper, barely even perceptible, and now she’s furious with me for growing up. She’s been furious with me for a long time, so much now that she can barely even conceal it.
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“If you hate the idea of boys liking me more than you then what was all that about setting me up with Liam? Why didn’t you just take him for yourself?”
“Because I don’t like Liam, he’s a loser.”
“But good enough for me?”
“Better than nothing, and nobody ever. Maybe I was thinking that losers should stick together.”
“Whatever Kelly.” I say, in a voice that sounds unpleasant to my own ears. “I agreed to go to the festival already, so I suppose you’ll be on your own again eating fish fingers while we’re all away.”
She won’t look at me. 
“I want you to know though that it’s your choice. You decided not to come, and if you’re miserable then you can only blame yourself.”
“Fuck you.”
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“Okay.” I get up and leave the room, heart thumping and hands shaking, an explosive rage building inside me so much that I have to go outside. The sun is finally setting and the sky is red. I take off running towards the beach, listening to each thud of my feet on the dry grass beneath me. With every beat I repeat the same words over and over like a mantra: Fuck you too, Kelly.
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toomuchracket · 1 year
Was watching an old 1975 interview and Matty talks about how Ross had to leave the show halfway through to go and be sick because of how hungover they were ☠️ and now I have severe thoughts about taking care of and babying a man nearly 7 years older than me. Can we get something PLEASE 🙏🙏
oh definite follow-up to this, where ross was so drunk that matty had to call you to pick him up and then he fell asleep as soon as he laid down lol. before you go to bed yourself, you fill a pint glass with water and lay it on the nightstand beside ross, along with a packet of paracetamol and (on the floor) a literal bucket in case he needs to throw up. you let him sleep as long as he needs to the next morning, figuring the inevitable headache won't be as bad if he's rested; it's still awful, though, as indicated by the pained groan you hear from your bedroom while you're tidying the hallway. you stick your head in to see ross literally swaddled in the duvet with only his face poking out, and he just looks at you so pathetically (you're trying really hard not to laugh) and croaks out "i feel like shit i should NOT have drank so much last night" - i think you take the piss a little bit when you go over to pat him on the head (which makes him wince), and say "oh, poor baby :(( looks like you can't hack your alcohol anymore, huh?", and ross glares at you and is like "please don't be mean to me my head is so sore i actually think i might die" (hangovers will literally turn anybody overdramatic). and then you drop the teasing and make sure ross has some water - paracetamol, too, because he doesn't feel nauseous - and then coax him to have a shower to try and make himself feel a bit more human. he takes literally ages, so long that you'd be worried if you couldn't hear the occasional defeated sigh from your spot lounging on the bed; when he reappears, looking a bit brighter, ross is like "had to sit down in the shower and just wallow for a bit" and you're like "understandable, like you were SO drunk babe", and as he's getting dressed then sitting down next to you ross is actually cringing like "what did i say?" and you smirk and go "tried to tell me over the phone about a sex position you wanted to do and then proceeded to tell matty about what we've been getting up to in bed lol". and ross just buries his face into your neck in embarrassment as you laugh and say "come on, you need a cup of tea", before dragging him downstairs. and although his headache disappears pretty quickly and ross starts to feel more like himself, he does use his hangover as an excuse for you to baby him and so he can snuggle up to you; he's clinging onto you as you make him tea and toast, then sitting with his head against your chest and wailing when you leave to take the plates and cup back to the kitchen, and then lying with his head on your lap as the two of you watch tv (he falls asleep like that). and you're constantly checking up on him, making as many cups of tea as he needs to feel normal again, and just generally being there for cuddles - when you go to bed that night, you're fully prepared to spoon ross, but he's insistent that he's the big spoon because "you've taken such good care of me all day, my love, just let me hold you and take care of you" bless <3
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