#like im not even so angry at her? just really heartbroken
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pumpking64 · 2 years ago
......i just saw someone responsible for mowing the grass in the communal area stop in front of a little tiny patch of wild flowers that i'm pretty sure my dad has planted for the insects, hesitate a moment, and then mow them. they're gone. a tiny square metre of heaven removed, just like that
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jentlemahae · 1 year ago
#okay i need to vent a second#im literally heartbroken rn#this friend of mine just told me that she feels that ‘our friendship is starting to revolve around me’ bcs i asked her to help me once with#wheelchair practice and i was late to a meet up once and i am genuinely without words rn#like she’s been late multiple times and i’ve always let it go bcs i don’t think it’s that big of a deal but im late once and suddenly im an#awful friend#and yeah i need some more accommodations than most people but i feel like it’s obvious why#and to say that it weighs on u is genuinely cruel to me#cause i always try to make myself smaller so i dont bother people and u know that very well so to call me a weight is the cruelest thing#and she said that she feels like our friendship now is just about me discovering the world and her just being there#an insane thing to say when she knows how hellish these past years have been for me and how now im finally able to go out#it’s like am i not allowed to be happy?#i am so sad but also so angry#also the fact that she sent me this when she knows i’ve just started uni and im so stressed and overwhelmed is just beyond me#like does she even like me? does she care about me? she claims she does and then does this like wth#and i dont wanna be a bad friend and maybe she’s right and i am but im trying my best here#and im always there for her when she needs me so i dont get why she’s trying to make it seem like im not#like idek how to answer her#this is really not what i needed rn
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miya-rin · 8 months ago
“what the fuck do you two think youre doing?”
shit, you think, you didnt notice the balcony door had been slid open until you heard the voice of one of your brothers. you start to pull away from suna’s lips which earns you a small whine from his end, his grip tightens around you and honestly its quite cute the way he is trying so hard to savour the moment. “come back later, we’re kinda busy.” the boy mutters before trying to move your face away from the distraction so that he can kiss you once more.
“suna you get your hands off of her right now, i dont give a fuck that its your birthday.” osamu pipes up, he looks furious and a little bit disgusted, if it hadnt been for the situation youre in right now you would think its kind of funny.
“samu lay off him, it was a mutual agreement, im just as guilty as he is ok?” that does not seem to help the boys understand, if anything they seem even more angry with you both.
“what the fuck do you mean it was a mutual agreement? are you two hooking up or something? yn he just turned 18 a few hours ago are you forgetting that?” atsumu says, he is rambling on with every excuse he can think of as to why this is “so wrong”, from the corner of your eye you can see suna trying so very hard to hide the grin that is creeping its way onto his face, his hands still all over you despite the fact that you arent alone anymore.
“listen, it was his birthday wish ok? i swear it didn’t mean anything,” sunas grip begins to loosen ever so slightly, “i just though it would get him off my back and get him over his little crush on me.” suna’s facial expression shifts but you choose to ignore it, you have bigger problems to deal with at the moment.
“no this is not ok, how would you feel if me or samu kissed one of your friends because it was their birthday wish?”
“that’s different, why would my friends want to kiss either of you?”
“excuse me? ill have you know that many women want to kiss me! and dont think youre getting off the hook either suna, ill make sure you never-“ you dont even want to hear the threat that is about to come out of his mouth, you just want to get out of this shitty situation.
“boys please, just give us five minutes to talk and then we will be back inside ok? i promise.” your efforts to plead with your brothers finally work.
“…fine,” atsumu mumbles, “but this better be a one time thing. im not gonna deal with you two being all lovey dovey around me.” and with that he lightly tugs on osamu’s sleeve, signalling him to walk back inside and continue the party. he closes the balcony door but not before bringing two fingers up to his eyes and then pointing them at the two of you. its a warning.
you turn back to suna and notice the sad look on his face - he looks kinda cute like this, “so, what do-“.
“did you really mean what you just said to them?” the poor boy looks heartbroken, after waiting three years to finally have a chance with the girl he loves wants the moment is ruined like that? “did you actually just do that so i would leave you alone?” his hands fully leave your body now and he takes a step back to put some distance between you two.
“well i mean sort of yeah… ive never looked at you in any way other than my brothers best friend if im going to be honest, i dont know if thats because of the age difference or what but ive never thought we could be anything.” the look of hurt is prominent on his face no matter how hard he tries to hide it, normally playful banter would have been thrown back and forth between the two of you but rintarou just stays silent, an indication that youve fucked up.
“listen suna i dont know what you want me to say, i wasnt really thinking when i said that to atsumu it just came out. i am 4 years older than you and many people would not approve of us if i decided to give you a chance.”
“who cares? i could treat you so right if you would just let me. i have waited entirely too long for this moment, all im asking for is one date.”
“you said that about the kiss too, one thing is never enough with you is it? you always need more.” a playful smile creeps onto your face which is outshined by the one on sunas, he knows that your smile means that you agree to go on a date with him.
“i really hope you arent fucking with me right now, that would be so cruel, especially on my birthday.”
“oh give the birthday excuse a rest now will you? you dont need to keep on at me you have already got what you want.”
“mhm i absolutely have,” he walks closer and once again wraps his arms around you, placing a hand under your jawbone to make you look up at him, “and i couldnt be happier.” he states as he pulls you in for a passionate kiss once more <3
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enasamelan · 4 months ago
Honestly, with everything that has happened with dragon age veilguard, im really sad to say a part of me wishes this game had been cancelled.
I trusted weekes to write a great ending for solavellan. I defended the devs on Twitter and got called slurs by antiwoke weirdos for it. I bought into the hype and bought the rooks coffers and the artbook. Now i just feel ill, i wish the game had never been released, and then i could have stayed in my little headcanon bubble. So many writing choices left me just thinking, why?!
I knew there wasn't going to be a happy walk into the sunset type ending for solavellan, and there were things I liked about the ending like solas and lavellan going into the fade to be with each other eternally, really tying back to "in another world"
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but some of the other choices I just can't get behind. Mythals' relationship with solas just felt wrong. We're they lovers or mother and child? I can't tell, which is not something anyone should have to say, but either way, it was toxic and manipulative, and it's never brought up or confronted in any meaningful way. They could have used this to highlight the difference between lavellan and mythal. How mythal forced him to change to what she wanted while lavellan loved him for who he was.
Mythal should have been the bad guy who had manipulated and corrupted solas, using his guilt and desire to save the elven people, so that she could have her revenge and to change the world how she saw fit. Have lavellan be the one to reason with him, to finally show him that he was wrong, again. That thedas was worth saving. I know some people (me included) wanted the veil down, but I understood for gameplay reasons that couldn't happen.
They could have finally shown solas loving lavellan from his pov. shown us memories of what he thought of her when he first saw the little mortal with his magic in a cell in haven. What he did after the first flirt, what he thought after the fade kiss or the kiss on the balcony, what happened after crestwood or when he left skyhold or the end of trespesser. show him pining for her, show him watching her dreams from his pov, always running when she reached out for him. Apart from one codex and one piece of dialogue, we aren't given any sign that he misses her. They put more effort into the relationship with mythal than the one with lavellan.
I'm not even going to bring up what happened with varric because honestly I still not ready for it, it was such a terrible writing choice not just to varric but to solas ans the player as well, and a terrible send-off for a beloved character.
So many of the lore reveals were thing that we already suspected and they were given to us so quickly.
Overall, I'm a bit heartbroken, angry, and broke. This is ME3 ending all over again.
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assassin-artist · 9 days ago
Hi! So I was wondering about your OC, Mercy. What is her relationship like with Debbie, especially in the bad ending AU? Does Debbie have that same sort of hatred for Eleanor that she does for Nolan? How does she feel about Ellie working for the GDA after Mark splits?
Hi!! Firstly, I just want to say ur username caught me off guard (in a funny way) - okay "im not allie" 27.... Squints at you.. well i AM allie..
Secondly, thank you so much for asking about my OC omg... I rambled kind of a lot (I love to yap about my OCs) so most of it is under the cut.
Ellie and Debbie were really close for all of her childhood, just like Debbie and Mark of course. Even though Ellie was more of a daddy's girl, she still loved her mom a whole lot. After the tragic events of Nolan leaving earth, Debbie was heartbroken and wanted both of her kids to survive, so I think she became a lot more scared of the hero life after that - she can't handle the thought of them dying out there. We see in the show how much she begs Mark to stop being a hero for a while, to just focus on schooling. I think she tries to do the same for Ellie, but she gets nowhere with it.
Ellie straight up decided to not go to college because she thought right from the get-go that getting a degree would be a waste of time for her, she wanted to just put all of her focus and energy into being a hero. Ellie also moved out of the house as soon as she possibly could, because she couldn't stand remaining in the place that reminds her of her father. So these two things (moving away, not having a normal life to talk to her mom about) have made their relationship a little bit strained. They still love each other, but there's a noticeable tenseness whenever they talk on the phone or Ellie comes to visit (which is rare, she hates the house after Nolan is gone).
Now, the GDA part.. we know that Debbie agrees with Mark about leaving the GDA, both because Mark got injured during the "falling out" with Cecil and also because the two of them have very similar morals. So I think when they both learn that Ellie is choosing to stay in the GDA after that, they're both angry and disappointed in her. I watch the show, but I'm primarily basing Ellie's story off of the comics version since I'm a big fan of it, and in the comics Debbie has the habit of saying some very cruel things when she gets drunk sometimes. So I think she would have said something mean to Ellie in a fit of grief, and that combined with Ellie's refusal to leave the GDA behind, basically makes Ellie pull away from her family almost entirely at that point.
Debbie can clearly tell that Ellie is leaning more into Cecil at this point, because she's a girl who lost her father and thinks she's losing the rest of her family too because they disagree with her choices. Cecil's like the most important adult in her life at this point in time, so Ellie naturally gets more attached to him even though he's just her boss. Debbie disagrees with it since she hates Cecil on his own, but doubly doesn't want him to use her children as weapons - but as long as she keeps pushing away her daughter, her daughter is gonna keep going to Cecil for that comfort she isn't getting from home.
She loves her family dearly, but she's a traumatized (all the Graysons are atp to be fair) teenage girl who doesn't want to get yelled at every time she goes home - so she stops going home. She stays at work or goes to her apartment.
Now to get into the Bad End AU - yeah, safe to say that move completely shatters every relationship she had on earth. Mark, Debbie, Oliver, Cecil, Eve - any friend she had, they all hate her afterwards. Her family of course also feels tragic about hating her, but in this AU Mark still fights against the Viltrumites. And she makes her choice to go to Viltrum soon after the Invincible War, when Mark is at his lowest and doesn't have the patience or energy to try to talk his sister out of this decision - they just start fighting right away. It's a little reminiscent of the Nolan fight when he leaves Earth (but less drastic since Ellie is trying not to hurt other people). Like father like daughter, huh?
I think the level of hatred Debbie holds for Nolan and the level of hatred she has for Ellie would be drastically different, though. Something about the betrayal feeling different when it's from someone you loved vs. someone that came FROM you, you know? Debbie would largely blame herself for this new betrayal, considering it was her responsibility to raise her daughter into an upstanding member of society and all that. She thinks she must have gone wrong somewhere, that she pushed her daughter to do this. Lots of grief for everyone involved ): it's called the Bad End for a reason, I fear.
When Nolan left, Debbie thinks she never knew him as well as she thought she did, that he was just a stranger who put on a mask to live in her house. When Ellie left, Debbie thinks that something must have made her snap - because she knows this isn't her daughter. Her daughter would never... she loved the world too much. But it is, in fact, her love for the world that makes Ellie do this ):
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vigilskeep · 6 months ago
im rly enjoying hearing about bea, it’s always so impressive to me how you can make so many very different characters and yet they all feel complex and very grounded in the setting! do you have a process for coming up with them or do they just sort of fall into place?
ahh thank you!!!
i don’t know that i have a specific process exactly... i love making characters who are very grounded in their setting & origin so i kind of work up from that. for me everything is about backstory and how that feeds into motivation and big decisions
that can go in either order, so like: minerva’s basic character concept starts with me seeing the circle and saying ‘what if i make a character who really tried to fit in here and be everything this place wanted?’, in combination with the later-introduced addition once i knew more about the setting, ‘what would it be like to have tevinter elven heritage but end up in a southern circle?’ i only go from there—the backstory—to figuring out what this person’s goals might be as the grey warden, so minerva’s ambition and obsession with optics stem from that, and her decision to spare loghain, her choice of romance, etc. all from what i think someone with that background might do
keir’s basic character concept starts with my interest in some red hawke/anders dialogue i’d heard and the concept, ‘it’d be fun to play a hawke whose love is so clear and ruthless that the question of whether or not what anders finally does is morally acceptable is almost irrelevant because he’d stand by him even if it wasn’t. what kind of person would do that?’ so with him i’m doing it in the reverse order, i’m starting with the motivation and the big later decision and then “reverse engineering” the backstory, what his relationship with his family must be like, how the hawkes’ childhood affected him. and in funny ways that changed what i started with; technically the original concept is still true, but when i made keir so protective and dedicated and fierce to justify those depths of devotion, suddenly he was really angry and heartbroken after the chantry explosion regardless, because anders was willing to throw away the life that mattered so much to him, and because anders expected him to kill him, which is the antithesis of his entire character and suggests anders might not know him very well at all. that’s the best thing, when they start coming to life in ways i didn’t expect
coming up with inquisitors i can stick to is harder for me because they don’t have what the warden and hawke have, which is a clear backstory environment and cast of characters i get to work with for those building blocks. so the reason i find trevelyans so much easier than other inquisitors to make is that i know a little about medieval history and how christian(-coded) nobility works, so it’s very very easy for me to like... figure out the “cast” i might be working with and play barbies with the setting and decide how some people might turn out. i think the eagle-eyed can notice that when i come up with a new inquisitor, it’s usually an idea for backstory and how that makes a character, even if a simple one, like: “what if i play a very privileged member of the carta who’s never fought like this before in her life?” “what if i play an older dalish character who has leadership experience?” “what if i play a pious young noblewoman who’s not yet had any experiences that break that mold?”
for me i very much believe setting is closely closely intertwined with character. it’s why i find it really difficult to make one in a setting with less hard rules, like bg3. i believe that people, based on whatever circumstances they grew up in, learn a set of logic and behaviours and frames of reference for how they think they can best deal with situations. that’s defined by your “personal” backstory, your family and your life and so on, but also by your place in the world. what were you taught about who you are and who other, different types of people are in comparison? where do you come from? what’s your religion? how much money are you accustomed to having? who in this world do you look up to? i don’t believe in making characters in isolation from all that, i’m not sure how it can be possible. it’s why i’m so passionate about dragon age, because it gives me a world that is so full and varied with options of where to come from, but also has so much room with blank spaces for you to write into and characters who can have very nuanced individual experiences that still belong in thedas. i really love it jgshsksk
i hope any of that made sense 😭
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sondheim-girly · 2 months ago
I know nothing about Trip, but I feel like I should because I love Marcia so much, could you tell me about him? Doesn't have to all be canon or anything
This sat in my inbox for so long im sorry im just super lazyyyy
Canon things about Trip:
-is dating Marcia
-fights Two-Bit in the rumble (and in that one bit of Tulsa 67)
Lore from the actors (Sean, SarahGrace, or Melody):
-full name is Terrence Dipp
-Melvins older brother
-has a very “hot and cold” relationship with Marcia
- they argue a lot
-Doesn’t like that Marcia was talking to Johnny and Pony at the drive-in
-His relationship with Marcia fails due to them having different morals, but it was “fun while it lasted”
My headcanons about Trip:
-has very controlling parents and is always trying to rebel against them by getting drunk and getting into fights
-super in love with Marcia, and she loves him too, but that doesn’t change the fact that they have a fairly toxic relationship
-he feels that she’s being like his parents when she gets mad at him for getting drunk and stuff, causing him to get even more angry at her
-close friends with Brill
-after Marcia breaks up with him he’s really heartbroken, causing his drinking problem to get even worse, and he’s always jumping kids and stuff, kinda becoming who Bob would have been had he lived
-he’s not a good person at all!! But I love him because he’s silly and I wanna put him in a washing machine and watch him spin around :)
Here’s a fic I wrote about him: https://archiveofourown.org/works/61468258 
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mushyposts · 4 months ago
I already put this on ao3 in a comment but you made me cry so you have to see it twice now. I know this entire story is Zuko-centric but I literally can't stop thinking about what this au means for Sokka.
Ok I just have to say I felt so heartbroken for Sokka here. All I could think about was how all of a sudden there's a boy in the place he's supposed to be. HE should be travelling with the men, HE should've been with them for the last three years, HE should be trusted enough with all this important stuff he should know if he is the next chief/acting chief.
He is being told this new kid has seen and done things the most skilled of warriors couldn't have done, like he is this almost untouchable standard Sokka can't reach. Then to be told he's taken Sokka's place in the tribe as Hakoda's and Batos' adopted child, teaching him how to be a man over the three years Sokka didn't even know his father, never a letter, never knowing when they would come home. Then being told by that same kid that he was only playing war. not to mention the piercings and jewellery he's adorned with.
Sokka has been the leader of the remnants of the Southern Water Tribe for three years, and due to the strict gender divides, had no one to teach him how to lead in the way a chief would. He has been the one hunting, defending, in charge of the future of their civilisation, the education of the children, which is really important in their culture. the memories of his father would be so twisted to the memories Hadoka has of Sokka. Sokka, in the months before he left, lost his mother, protecting his little sister. he then saw his father fall deep into depression, becoming very detached, and from what is described, angry and violent, not towards him, but that his still scary behaviour to witness. Then, his father left, and he was told he couldn't come, and that he was in charge of the village. Even though it was probably to boost his ego at the time more than anything, the impact on Sokka in that moment, combined into quite literally what his job becoming.
Just imagine when he finds out the secrets Zuko's hiding and how his father and Bato knew and didn't tell him. Sokka has struggled with feeling like he isn't important, as a non-bender and his relations with his sister, her being a prodigy + a bender, and his father, always feeling like he wasn't enough for his dad, not good enough, not smart enough, not needed, but the Zuko's good enough, Hakoda loves him.
Zuko, who has had an incredibly traumatic and difficult childhood, the last three years of his life is where he has found and made a spot for himself in a positive community that loves him and supports him, Sokka has become increasingly more and more isolated, and his sense of self has changed even more dramatically in the last few weeks.
Sorry for the long rant, but I could just feel Sokka's fears and insecurities screaming at me throughout the chapter. Love this work though, just cried for Sokka <3
HIII OH YOU SO GET IT!! OH YOU SOOOO GET IT!! The fic is for SURE Zuko-centric, but I have been intentionally layering on the potential for his arc to align with Sokka's in completely the opposing way. Zuko has everything Sokka wants, he has a space with the crew, the warriors. he spent the last three years with his father and Bato, bonding, developing his identity as a person alongside the tribe, welcomed in, he has gotten to be everything that Sokka has always wanted. Meanwhile, Sokka has everything that Zuko wants. Sokka was home, somewhere safe with people who cared for him and looked up to him, with his sister, away from his parents and in a position where he was in charge of his own life. Its such a twisted, complex situation where the two crave, desperately, what the other has without thinking about the context. Without thinking of what got the other to the point of having what they wanted, both in turn. IM SOOO happy to see someone talking about Sokka ohhhughhh im so fucking happy. I think a lot of people have focused on Sokka's initial attitude towards Zuko, without thinking about every single thing you've brought up in this beautifully constructed comment, of which I am really excited to eventually flesh out when I am back from hiatus. Sokka, more than anything, wants to be a warrior alongside his father. For Zuko, he doesn't think Sokka fully understands the gravity of what that would look like, especially after having experienced such a heavy loss as he had recently. (RIP king im sorry) but for Sokka, he see's a replacement. he doesnt know the nuances, not for lack of intelligence but he just literally hasnt been told and although he is owed explanation he isn't owed Zuko's story in its full, of what led Hakoda and Bato to the decision of keeping him on board. I firmly believe if Zuko had have been older, or had have been a child from any other nation, Hakoda and Bato would have not kept him. I actually go over this a lot in the early chapters where they're deciding wtf to do. It genuinely ended up being a problem of "well. No matter where we put him he's gonna get killed. How fucked up is that, safest place for this kid is LITERALLY on a warship of the enemy. great." I also think acknowledging the fact that Zuko HAS had a lot of support and comfort in the last three years whereas Sokka has not is a super important point to be made! Despite the current circumstances, and the ones that led Zuko to being in the position he is/was, Zuko did have support which Sokka lacked. TBH, if I hadve had more wiggle room and decided to fuck with canon more then I already had, I would have left a good amount of the warriors in the SWT, unlike in canon. Or had Hakoda go back to leave soldiers there when he realised they were going to be gone for longer then what I am assuming was initially planned. However I was more then aware that would SIGNIFICANTLY change the circumstances of Sokka's experiences and how it aligns with Zuko's, in canon and in the fic, so i chose against it. This is such a sporadic messy reply I am just so happy to get a comment picking up on all the stone I've been laying for a big discussion on the details of Sokka's own trauma and how its going to clash with Zuko's.
All this to say, Sokka will absolutely be getting his turn to hash out everything you've said here and I can promise you no stone will be left unturned when it comes to his trauma and life experiences!! I think a big thing I am most excited for is having the two hash it out and realise where their lives overlap, where their feelings and experiences align and managing to acknowledge that each others traumas dont cancel each other out. Zuko's experiences do not cancel out Sokka's, and Sokka's do not cancel out Zuko's.
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poorgirlinpoorworld · 5 months ago
More ideas for me & you
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Hi everyone,
I will use this post as my notes for ideas and unfinished imagines - im not a writer, i have adhd, dyslexia and english is not my first language so i just need place to dump my brain like trash XD so pls dont laugh
Stuff here will be about tmr and mostly gally probably, but feel free to use anything and change anything you like! I would love read your work so pls tag me!
Send help, send love and send nud- bye 🧡
1. Drunk sleepover - Late bonfire night, most gladers were already asleep, but y/n was still partying. Because of her pretty drunk state Alby send her to her hammock (in this version y/n would not have her own hut, instead she would sleep in common area among other gladers) to go to sleep. Well, she tried to go but after this many Gallys drinks she was a gigling mess… after standing beside her hammock and starring at it, she decided it was to cold to sleep outside. She swayed and stumbled her way to homestead now looking at doors to keepers rooms.
„Eeny, meeny, miny, moe…” pointing at doors she started drunkly singing, quietly not to wake up anyone but still giggling every word. After rhyme was done she said with smile „Gally it is”. She opened his door and came inside. Closing behind herself she started to undress not even checking if the owner of the room is still asleep or not. After stealing one of his tshirt, she put it on as pijamas and headed to bed. With every power she had she tried to snuggle to the boy without waking him but in reality, well.. she was drunk, she giggled so much she failed.
„Can you tell me why the shuck are you in my bed?” said Gally after, more confused than angry. After few seconds he realised how close she was, her chest to his, her legs wrapt with his, her face so close, their lips almost touching… (and here ends my ability to write, i would love to read story like this with proper grammar and maybe some smut at the end 😉)
2. Pregnancy - Oh what if y/n was in glade for two years, one year in she started dating Gally (characters are aged up to 17-19). When they escaped the maze and witnesed death of her love she didnt know she was pregnant… and then would be Gally POV when he sees her in city - with child in her arms… maybe we could put also some story about Thomas being protectiv of two of them, not in love, more like family, but in Gally POV it looks like love, hes not angry just heartbroken that he lost everything.. well it was just a quick thought 🙈
1. Omegaverse - imagine thomas being send to Glade full of alfas and finding out really quick that he is different… that he is omega.
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femme4ngel · 2 years ago
can i req some jude angst, maybe jude x bestfriend! reader who’s crying to him cuz her bf cheated on her and she walked in on it (jude already hated this guy- and all the guys before) and maybe jude gets a mad- a little yelling at her because a) that guy was obviously going to cheat- he was an asshole and y/n is blind, and b) he just doesn’t understand why she’s practically doing this to herself when he’s been right there the entire time- all of this leading to an aggressive confession and maybe a tearful kiss, or even further 😗 thank youuu!! i love ur writing 🫶🏻🫶🏻
𐐪♡𐑂 jude bellingham x fem reader
𐐪♡𐑂 angsty but everything turns out okay 💕
it happened again.your heart was broken into pieces. all you saw when you closed your eyes was him and her. your boyfriend and the girl he told you “ not to worry about”. it happened on your one year anniversary of all dates too. you decided to surprise your boyfriend by baking him a cake and taking it over to his apartment, fantasizing about a romantic dinner and an intimate night in. all of this to find him entangled with another girl on his bed. you ran out of the apartment, after smashing the cake on the bedroom floor, ignoring your boyfriend yelling after you. after finding yourself on the dark street alone and heartbroken you could only think of one person to call. your best friend jude. you called him and he not only comforted you through the phone but also came to get you in his car, picking you up and taking you to back to his apartment. it was clear that you didn’t wanna go back to your place, the house filled with pictures of you and your boyfriend, the memories of the two of you suffocating the rooms. and it has been always like this, judes was your safe place, the place you went to when you felt lost or heartbroken. he would make you food or a cup of hot cocoa, and the two of you would sit on the couch for hours and hours, talking and talking. being with jude made your heart feel at peace, any anxieties vanished from his presence.
so there you were in his car, sitting in the front in complete stillness. you could feel the tension, the way jude was grabbing the wheel, the angry frown on his face. the entire 20 minutes to his house was spent in an utter silence, sometimes interrupted by your sniffles or judes angry huffing puffing. you had no idea what his problem was but frankly you had no energy to ask and get into another argument of the night. and anyways you were sure the minute you arrived to his house it would erupt, jude couldn’t keep thing’s inside for a long time. oh you were so right. the minute you stepped over the sill of his room, he started speaking. his words came out loudly, slurred, filled with anger and so much tension you felt like the room will blow up.
“ you know y/n, i would say im surprised but im really not. he’s been doing this to you ever since you got together. hes a piece of shit y/n! you know i always hated him, but you just kept going back to him. i.. i.. don’t even understand why. when i was here for you all along.. i listened to you and i.. was here you know. and i still am.” - his voice was at first angry and full or repressed feelings, yelling about how your boyfriend was a horrible person but towards the end he quieted down, the confession rolling from his tongue in a sweet shy way.
you didn’t know where to look, what to do. he was standing in front of you, and as corny as it sounds, he was there for you. you were slightly shaking, the thoughts running, racing through your mind. you felt your cheeks blush, your whole body on fire from the adrenaline. how could you answer him? nothing felt enough, no words could express how grateful you felt for him, how your heart broke hearing his confession. you couldn’t let him stand there anymore, his eyes full of sadness and desperation. you reached for him, standing on your tippy toes, your hands cupping his face as you lips pressed against his. he tasted sweet, his lips soft and welcoming. it was such a different feeling than kissing your boyfriend, this kiss left you speechless. his hands around your waist, his tongue overtaking yours, the small sounds he made, the whimpering and heat that filled the room. there was so much emotion between the two of you, neither of you could express by words but as you thumbled around, holding each-other, kissing hungrily, heading towards his bed, all the emotions seemed to flow and get in order.
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my-castles-crumbling · 1 month ago
Anonymous Advise Asks - February 10
6 anon, three hearts anon, angry anon, unnamed anon (new), confused 2 anon (new)
6 anon
We made it to states on a wild card placement, and the chances of that were like 2 percent! TWO, and we got it!!! I am very happy. I got 2 superior awards and 1 excellence award. However the downside is that it's in Detroit, but it's ok because my best friends are going to watch so yippeeee
OMG that's amazing, I'm so excited for you!!! Please keep me updated and tell me how it goes!
Three Hearts Anon
So if I'm understanding correctly, you can't go to therapy because of something your aunt did? I mean I don't know the whole situation but...I don't think you should sacrifice your mental health to protect her. Like...you're the kid in this situation, you know? You deserve to get help.
Also I promise you that everyone you love does not hate you. I have definitely felt like that before and I get how it feels all-consuming, but there are people who care aboutyou, I swear <3
Angry Anon
Hello, Cas! Angry anon here lol
I want to say THANK YOU for taking the time to reply!! It helped me quite a bit to calm down.
I started writing fanfics for the first time and also made some art that people liked even tho they were pretty messy :D It helped me vent A LOT. I could even talk about stuff that could potentially trigger other people but in fanfics they're just there (like eating habits).
I feel guilty talking about stuff with friends. I think I weight them down and they already have their own problems to deal with, I hate being another one of those.
My situation still kinda sucks but for the first time in like two weeks they actually let me sleep for six hours three days in a row ayy, I think that's improvement (?)! I think one of the reasons I was so upset was them not letting me rest at all, it's different if someone stays up so late and wake up in the middle of the night and has to go places early morning because they just do but was kinda frustrating that I needed to do that because they didn't give me any other choice.
Anyway, I also tried the paper crumpling, didn't really work for me and there's no rage rooms nearby but I put googly eyes on my phone and that somehow worked?? Idk
I might vent here occasionally (you're free to ignore it if you feel like it) but yeah, thanks
Hi! I'm so proud of you for finding ways to cope! Writing and drawing are amazing ways, and though I've never tried putting googly eyes on my phone- if it works and it doesn;t hurt anyone I'm all for it! I'm also really glad you've gotten some sleep <3 Keep it up with the healthy coping!
Also yes, you are always allowed to vent here <3
Unnamed Anon
Hey cas
I'm not gonna use my anon name cause I feel kinda bad about this but.
Backstory- I think I might be bi? But I live in a very religious very homophobic community and I'm not interested in dating yet ( Honestly im super confused) so I'm not out. And I probably won't be. Which is. A whole other thing.
But. This girl (I'm a girl) I've had a crush on for the longest time. I think she's straight. Anyway I really like her. And like... romantically, platonically, however she'll have me, pathetic I know but she's amazing. I applied to the college she's going to just... because of her. Which no one knows. But anyway.
She was dating this guy. I never met him. I only knew in passing. And she apparently just broke up with him. And like, secretly I'm a little happy. Which I feel terrible about! But she's handling it okay, not heartbroken, and it means she has more time for me (it's not like she'd date me now, she's just not doing boyfriend stuff) So idk. I just feel confused and yucky.
Side note, it means she probably doesn't have a prom date? She'll probably get one cause she's super pretty and amazing and everything but like... idk. The delusion lives on.
Even if she wasn't straight and I was out, she's kinda out of my league. I think I'll never forget her tho.
Thanks for being you
Hi <3 I think it's absolutely okay and natural to feel confused about all this, especially with your upbringing. But please know that none of what you're feeling is wrong or bad- even the mixed feelings about your crush's breakup!
Honestly, I think we've all felt like that before- a bit happy (and a bit guilty for feeling happy) when something like this happens. It's not like you're celebrating over a tragedy like a death or a fire or anything like that. You're not even outwardly celebrating! If it was one of those things, then I might say you should feel guilty. But you're not, so please don't beat yourself up. If it makes you feel any better, once I asked a guy out like four hours after he broke up with his girlfriend bc I was so excited he was single...it happens.
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delicrieux · 5 months ago
I will NEVER be over twny… can we PLEASE have an ending where she comes back to life??? MOM PLEASE
tbh it'd be really complicated. the best case scenario is letting her rest or preventing her death in the first place. there's no real happy ending if she ever comes back
but let us indulge anyway
there are a plethora of scenarios that could happen, and it all really depends on the timeline (i typed out a whole essay; im sorry)
i narrowed it down to 3 instances, but virtually, it could happen at any moment, since there are no rules. since i took inspiration from tomie (let's ignore the more gruesome aspects of her power, namely the mutations, murderous intent, and cloning), reader can rearrange herself from a single strand of dna... which means she could only grow in a place that either has the most of it concentrated or has any of it left. hence, she really IS immortal. there will always be something that could bring her back. a strand of hair in some unsuspecting corner beneath the couch and poof, she's back, baby
directly after the death report is submitted
realistically speaking, since she's a very clean individual, it's unlikely that she'd appear in her room. most of her dna would likely be concentrated in gojo's dorm, which, hello, is terrifying. your dead gf just rises up one night and you think you're dreaming but she's really here
i don't think gojo could really take that without going through the 5 stages of grief again. he'd likely be so angry he wouldn't recognize it's actually her and attack. say he doesn't accidentally end her again and somehow restrains his first "what the fuck is this curse and why is it mocking me" reaction and actually believes her. he'd probably feel so betrayed he couldn't even look at her
then, it would come down to telling the others or not, and he'd need to make a decision fast. if he tells the higher ups and the staff, there's no telling what experiments they'd decide to perform. after all, we have a character that's immortal (almost kenjaku-esque, just without the brain jumping) with cells that can clone and heal. it's likely she'd be taken to a lab somewhere, which presents us with:
a) gojo goes coocoo coconuts and kills the higher ups, hence sending the jujutsu world in disarray. this ending would likely result in him becoming an unhinged yandere. bad ending
b) he tells the staff, they send reader to the labs. he never forgives himself, even if she's fine in the end. bad ending
b.1) in the same vein, reader goes through the experiments. she might end up hating sorcerers after that. she is a kind and fair person, but i doubt she could psychologically take it. reader becomes a curse user, and would likely (much later in the jjk timeline) be on kenjaku's side. very bad ending
c) he doesn't tell the staff and goes full yandere since he needs to hide her and make sure nothing happens to her again. it's likely she would never leave the gojo estate. bad ending
if he tells the staff and no one performs any experiments, he wouldn't be able to trust her for a long time if ever, because he would view her death as leaving him, much like suguru. the rest would also be heartbroken and likely never view her the same again, not exactly because of her powers, but because of the emotional impact she left. it's unlikely that gojo and her would get back together without it quickly becoming twisted in some way, because gojo couldn't emotionally take it. bad ending
2. getou's cult era
say it took longer for the cells to grow and gather again. she'd still be 20ish and gojo and getou would be 27/28. no one would believe it's actually her. i think she'd feel very lost and alone, and getou might go a bit coocoo coconuts and try to recruit her. if he succeeds (even via kidnapping), you can expect some yandere shit to occur. if he fails and satoru saves her, the experiment question comes up again. bad ending which ever way u look
3. the culling games
here i think she'd be drafted without really knowing what's going on. when examining the player names, the staff and megumi would likely see her name, which would lead to an immense amount of discord. megumi would be so pissed bro. again, no one would believe it's actually her
i think she'd also be more likely to meet yuji first and only see megumi again as sukuna. it would feel really weird for her to see anyone from old jujutech, since she'd still be 20ish while everyone else is almost ten years older
it's unlikely anyone that knew her previously would trust her. maybe yuji would vouch for her, but the rest would have some thoughts. either way, there's no scenario in which she and gojo end up together again in this case, doesn't matter if he lives or dies. he'd treat her more as a ghost and a memory, having a lot of mixed feelings. bad ending
this is not even taking into account if she would return without her memories, which adds a whole other spin. either way, she could never see her family again, and she would outlive everyone. i wouldn't be surprised if she eventually ended up like kenjaku. u could draw an interesting parallel with that.
let's say none of the bad stuff happens and everyone is happy to see her again and no experiments occur since this is an anime and we shouldn't take it so seriously. she would still outlive everyone, and eventually likely end up like kenjaku after a few centuries of simply existing, no matter how you twist the canon
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wish-upon-the-universe · 11 months ago
u should. read my fic. or somthing idk im not ur mom
The Change God was not kidding when they said Dormont was trapped in time, but it doesn't interrupt the family travel plans! ...much.
It was strange.
One moment, you were watching Bonnie run away, time stretching on for what felt like years. Visions kept morphing in your mind’s eye; Bonnie making it safely, Bonnie being crushed by a sadness, Bonnie never able to come back to Vauguarde and growing up without their sister...
The next moment, you were stumbling forward as shades seeped back into the world and the curse faded away.
The King was gone. That was the only explanation for why Vaugarde began to move in time again, right?
A week passed.
No sign of Bonnie. Everyone in Vaugarde was scrambling to reunite with loved ones. The mail and communication services between houses was overwhelmed. As unlikely as it was for your Bug to be near Bambouche, you organized search parties nonetheless. The tracks Bonnie left behind as they ran were frozen in time, proof of escape, only to then abruptly stop. According to the travelers who were frozen in time alongside you, Bon had to travel through previously frozen towns, and nothing could change their landscape. Still, you searched as Bambouche recovered, desperate to find any new evidence anywhere.
The small fishing town found an overabundance of fish in the sea, due to the lack of fishermen culling the populations. Plenty was caught, and celebrations lasted for days. 
You couldn’t enjoy it, not when you didn’t have a clue as to where the last of your family was. 
A month passed. 
Nothing, still. You clung to hope by your fingernails, desperate to keep any semblance of faith in you. 
Bambouche was a small town - everyone knew of Petronille and Boniface, the runaway siblings. It takes a village to raise a child, and you could say with confidence that it was true. The townspeople were just as heartbroken as you over Bonnie missing. 
Even when search parties were coming back with less and less information, people promised to keep their eyes out. Flyers and letters were put up and sent out. Surely, surely someone would have seen something by now? But with each passing day, it felt more and more like Bonnie would never come home.
When you couldn’t muster the energy to cook anything, your neighbors left their “leftovers” so as to not waste food. When the house slowly accumulated dust and grime, a group of teens came by and said their community service project was to clean every house in town. When you sat at the dock, dried tears staining your face, and a longing in your eyes, an impromptu “release of the curse anniversary” party was held with lots of your favorite food and drinks being served. You don’t comment on it.  
Three months passed. 
Bambouche was slow to receive news, but gossip traveled like wildfire across the whole country. You’ve heard about Mirabelle and her party of Saviors. What you hadn’t heard until recently was that Mirabelle had recruited Bonnie. 
At first, you were angry: how could the Change God’s chosen drag a literal child into a quest like hers? But as more rumors trickled in, a timeline was established. 
Mirabelle had originally asked for the Defender’s help… only for all but one to turn her down. The man - Isabull or something -  had accompanied her until they ran into a second companion. A foreign traveler from Ka Bue, with a 2 ton book in her arms and daggers in her glare. 
The trio had made their names known for a few months before being joined by a second traveler. The only things to distinguish them was a darkless wizard’s hat, a thick cloak (in Summer, no less!), and the glint of a dagger. And finally, some time after you were frozen, the group had picked up Bonnie. 
You really wanted to be mad and blame the adults for bringing a child… but you knew better than anyone what your Bug was like. No doubt, as soon as they heard the group was headed to the King, they did their absolute best to stick with them, insisting on kicking the King’s butt personally all the while. But that wasn’t what was worrying about the rumors. 
Not all of Vaugarde had been unfrozen, apparently. The King had nestled himself in Dormont, a tiny town south of Bambouch. It was the last place to have been cursed, and it was where the Saviors had been headed to. 
Where they were probably trapped. 
No one had been able to reach Dormont since the curse lifted. Anyone who tried would find Dormont’s House - warped into a hideous castle - behind them, no matter what direction they approached from. No one was able to get in… and that meant its residents and guests couldn’t get out.
Bonnie couldn’t get out.
You weren’t sure what to think of the rumors. 
Six months passed. 
Theories floated with the gossip, whispering that the King had removed the curse to use all his power in his months-long battle with the saviors. They whispered that something was protecting Vaugarde from Dormont and the village was stuck in time, imprisoned in the moment just before the Saviors defeated the King. They whispered that the Saviors did defeat the King, at the cost of Dormont and their lives. 
You stopped listening to rumors after that.
A year passed. 
You locked yourself in Bonnie’s room on the one year anniversary of getting frozen and Bonnie running to what you thought was safety. For one, horrible, miserable day, the sky mourned with you and your wails were drowned by thunder. 
A year, a month, a week, 3 days, 4 hours, 19 minutes and 28 seconds passed. The sky split open in a visceral shade.
A year, a month, 2 weeks, 5 days, 18 hours, 41 minutes and 15 seconds passed. There was a knock at your door.
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totally-not-agirl · 1 day ago
knowing that you're too weak and subby to beat me is kinda giving me a new idea...
forcing you to hit me, to beat me up, telling you that I'll be fine with it, threatening to expose you as abusive if you don't hit me harder, slapping you to get you angry enough at me, messing up all the things you keep organised to bring out your frustration, keeping you denied and in chastity for like 2 weeks before making you hit me, showing you how to make a fist to hit me properly, exposing my ribs to you, kneeling at your feet so you can kick me and step on me, buying you steel-toed shoes so it hurts more, buying you stilettos so you can dig them into me when you step on me, leaving your nails long so you can scratch my whole body until I bleed. Giving you tools to wreck me with: switches, whips, a large branch, knuckledusters, metal claws to rip at my back...
all the while knowing that this is torturing your mind!
or you know, even better, we get one of our moots (beevo???) to instruct you on how to hit me, proper punching form, where to hit me, how hard, how many times. Hitting you when you can't get it right first time so that you learn from experiencing it, and you know how much it's going to fuck me up. Letting you beat me for a few hours, or a day, or a week, and letting you be her sub and my torturer. Then switching it around. Everything you've done to me has hurt me and made me want to hurt you more, but I've got to follow her orders regardless of how much I wanna wreck you immediately. Having her tell me how to hit your tits from underneath with a cane to cause the most pain, how to punch you in the stomach with spiked knuckledusters, the best whip for making you squeal like a pig. We'd hate one another after about 3 rotations, even though it's not us really deciding how to fuck each other up
sorry im just sooooo horny
@beevosmeower 👉👈
It would make me so sad to beat you up!!!! I’d feel so guilty and nervous and apologetic. I’d sob the whole time, no matter how angry I am.
Which will make me extra heartbroken when you do it back, even knowing how much I didn’t mean it.
I think Beevo would want her turn though!!! She needs subby time too!!!!
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astoryofsuchwoe · 6 months ago
sorry to come into ur inbox at like 10am (at least its 10am here) but u sent me asks yesterday so ill send u some back!! teehee ^_^
what are your other ocs thoughts on cindy and ankoku? for florence and an, how do you think they'd feel about seeing someone (ankoku) who was treated the complete opposite as them in every way possible?
do you think castile and cindy would be friends? if so, how would castile feel about cindy being able to successfully escape and not her?
how would they react to brandons death? how would they treat cindy afterwards?
YIPPEE YAY im so excited giggles giggles giggles!! and dont worry im literally almost awake all the time i will ramble about these guys any chance that i get. and i'll put each oc in paragraphs LMAO. ITS SO LONG SO UNDER THE CUT
florence ; i think that florence is very. confident in himself and his facade so he probably wouldn't see much of ankoku. he's probably heard about and caught glimpses of him though, and can't help but feel a bit bad. i don't think he'd be the most sympathetic though? he's kind of got the mentality of "glad that wasn't me!" so yeah. and he definitely tries to maintain a good reputation and stay popular, so i think that he'd at least try to be friends with cindy! if she catches onto his lies though.. that's on him. he doesn't really react much internally to brandon's death, yet another case of him just. not really giving a shit about others? he does know that he has to act more sympathetic about the death though, so he'll be one of the first people to send his condolences to cindy.
caliste ; i think that caliste miiight be a bit too into her superiority that she wouldn't really consider being friends with someone who isn't on the same level as her. HOWEVER i can see this changing if cindy ever finds her in the middle of one of her many panic attacks. she'd act like she'd hate it, but i assume cindy would be kind to her during the exchange, so she'd be a bit nicer in turn. she's also like florence about brandon's death, in the sense that she doesn't really care all that much. if she is in a stage of being nicer to cindy though, she'll make her a cup of coffee (even if cindy doesn't like it lol). i think that she would feel kind of .. numb when she hears about cindy's escape though. she used to try it all the time, and the fact that somebody she considered not as good as her was able to do it? well, she'd kinda send herself into a spiral for weeks. but obviously nobody will know about it!
an ; i definitely think that at the start of her career, she'd probably get anxious before performances, so she would see ankoku a few times! she would immediately feel sympathetic upon seeing him, and she constantly asks if he needs anything to feel better. she basically ends up switching the roles lol. she is very sympathetic, and if she ever sees him in passing, she'll always offer him a quick snack. she sees a lot of trix in ankoku, which... yikes, is all i have to say. i feel like she would also be friends with cindy and brandon with trix! she's absolutely heartbroken about brandon's death, and she makes sure to see cindy to give her condolences and offer a shoulder to cry on.. she'd probably stop being friends with cindy after trix and her break up, and that's only because she wants trix to have friends and knows that she wouldn't be friends with cindy if an stuck around so. yeah!
trix ; in the case where trix stays in alien stage, she would DEFINITELY be seeing a lot of ankoku. she's angry and pissed that she has to participate, and her collar always stays between yellow and red all the time anyway. she'd probably hate having to be "watched" though, so she would lash out at him even if it's not his fault. she felt so so so numb after brandon's death. she didn't know what to do with herself. she clung to an a lot in this time, silently seeking comfort that the other just wasn't able to provide. she also clung to cindy, but once she ended up escaping, that was when she really started to isolate herself.
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flamingtouya · 1 year ago
hi. sorry. not a prompt. but your characterisation of touya is crazy good. is he in your brain somehow. it feels like he's in mine when i read ur writing. to make up for my not a prompt writing what do u think his thoughts about children r??
this is the best compliment you could've given me. it's because i'm holding him like this at all times:
Tumblr media
as for his attitude towards kids (i turned this into a prompt im sorry)
i believe he'd be rather indifferent toward them as a whole. he finds them annoying when they're small but would never go out of his way to actively cause a child harm. they're just... there. he doesn't really know what he'd do if he was forced to interact with one.
maybe part of his instinctive disdain stems from the fact that seeing a sad child makes him angry, and seeing a happy one makes his heart sting with envy. ultimately though, there's a certain kind of longing there - his heart would go soft at the sight of a mother hugging her son, if he allowed it to. so just to satisfy all of our heartbroken!touya needs here:
imagine him around 18 years old, squatting at an abandoned building in a less busy area of town. he's hungry, scared - hasn't gotten proper sleep in a while. some kid is crying outside and he attempts to suffocate the noise with a pillow over his head, but it's so irritating, and the boy's voice reminds him of what his own used to sound like. he wants to go outside to find the little menace and grab him by the throat. touya's face should be enough to scare the fucker shitless, after all.
what he doesn't expect to find is a white-haired, early middle schooler, no older than 10 years and about what he remembers to be natsuo's height. god, natsuo - he must have grown so much by now, touya thinks.
there's no way he's gonna lift a finger against this kid. so instead, he pulls his hood over the bottom half of his face and goes over to him. "s dangerous alone, you shouldn't be here," he says, more to himself than to the boy who's got snot bubbles under his nose. his cheeks are puffy and red and he doesn't wanna talk, so touya groans and pulls him by the sleeve. where's a hero when you need one? the nearest police station is almost a kilometer away, but touya takes him there and makes sure to glare daggers at any hero he passes. they don't even notice that he's basically abducting this crying kid that's way too old to be his own. he plans to stay behind the corner until the boy has safely made his way inside, but the kid breaks into a sprint and falls in the arms of an equally snotty, crying woman out front. they're hugging and she's kissing her baby boy's face all over before pulling him back into her chest, squeezing him so tightly that touya's heart weighs heavy in his chest and doesn't let him breathe for a moment.
touya shouldn't look, but he can't bear to tear his eyes away. this is it. a taste of what his life as a hero could've been.
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