#like im fine with wednesday doing that if that was just her character
hofudlaus · 2 years
Just finished netflixs Wednesday show and, spoilers ahead
I have mixed feelings about it, most of which I can look past n excuse since it's not really a type of show I enjoy normally anyway
BUT uhhh, can I just say,,,, it feels Very weird and Bad when,,, in the show thats all about, hey, monsters n weirdness should be accepted! That the big bad plot monster is like, made through trauma/torture (and is then controlled by the person who makes them) and its the only monster that's never shown any compassion??
Before the twist with Tyler being into all the murder, where, as far as we knew, he is a victim of abuse and manipulation(if not full on mind control?(idk I don't fully remember what the lore was)),,, he's still treated like he's evil??
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spacedlexi · 2 years
rant incoming lol ive been broken emotionally. this goes out to anyone who feels like theyre living in the twilight zone rn like i do
#i hate the wednesday show lol i cant take it anymore#jenna ortegas performance is the only thing getting me through this#i cant believe how much praise this is getting its actually breaking my brain#nothing about this is giving addams family....#you could literally change them out for new characters and it wouldnt make a difference#im watching wednesday on a date watching legally blonde i REALLY cant take this anymore#cant believe they put wednesday in an environment where she isnt an outcast#even tho the show keeps TELLING me shes still an outcast#put her back in the prep school in conservative middle america that is where the addams family was designed to THRIVE#and every character is so boooorrrriiinnnnggg#except for bianca kind of she has potential#every time they try to do some kind of reference to the movies im just like 'dang wish i was watching that instead rn dont remind me'#AND i cant believe they really gave wednesday the 'ugh im a teen and i hate my mom' trait#the whole POINT of the addams family is that they are the antitheses of the average nuclear family#so why give her this extremely common teenage girl trait#this show is fine if you have never had any exposure to the addams family or just straight up didnt like the addams family#bc its not the addams family#the family isnt even there!!!#thats the worst part for me :(#why not have a B plot back at the addams mansion?#instead of all these bland boring characters i can hardly remember the names of#and her love interests SUCK!!! THEY SUCK!!! the Only character it makes sense for her to befriend is eugene#and they put him in the hospital almost immediately#rant over do not defend this show to me#u can enjoy it or whatever but i cant do it anymore#her dress was pretty tho. and fester was ok#also morticia and gomez have zero chemistry which is a crime#their younger counterparts had more chemistry and their acting was weak so that says a lot#sorry i was raised on the 60s show and the 90s movies i tried to be fair but this is Some Shit my dude.. its giving CW#it speaks
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nouvxllev · 5 months
Summary: Co-workers in public, lovers in private 🙌🏼, while shooting for Wednesday, J gets really stressed, and craves for R's intimacy, but can't have that yet until break of dawn, so J basically gets sooo annoyed with anyone who tries talking to her that isn't R.
the waiting game
Pairing: Jenna Ortega x Gn!Reader
Summary: request!! ^^
Words: 4.8k
Warnings: fluf, grumpy & clingy jenna!
a/n: caught basically the nastiest cold for a whole week, but im back! sorry requests taking too long, tryna to balance everything rn but it all will be done soon!!!!
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Jenna hasn’t seen you in almost 4 hours, 36 minutes, and 4 fucking seconds. 
Yes, she counted, yes, it’s still ongoing, and, yes, she could almost murder someone with her bare hands if time even dares to pass by without you.
What makes matters worse is that she's terribly sleep-deprived even with someone's arms wrapped around her night after night.
Of course, the aforementioned someone swirling in her head 24/7 is you. Her not-quite-lover in public but entirely her beloved behind closed doors.
If Jenna had it her way, she would’ve jumped off a building by now and hard-launched the both of you by herself just so she could get hugs, kisses, and your hand intertwined with hers all she wanted.
Obviously, the universe decides to be a stuck-up bitch just now in their 14 billion years of life, wanting nothing more than to see Jenna Marie Ortega suffer without having you.
But it's fine.
She could get through this.
If there's someone in the world that could handle a single day without your warm hugs and lovely kisses, whether it be on the cheek or the lips, it would be her. She didn't endure almost half a year seeing that godforsaken Wednesday dance to go completely insane without you.
— Is what she kept telling herself 30 seconds earlier before she broke down and almost turned to witchcraft if you don't appear in front of right her.
She could push through with it, like she always does. It's a simple routine that never got the best of her.
Wake up and have breakfast with the love of your life while prepping each other with kisses and whatnot, run to set for the both of you to act out a scene for a while, when break hits all Jenna has to do is intertwine her pinky with yours under the table, then do hair and makeup after, act out a scene then wrap it all up, lie to everyone for the 100th time that her house is just a few steps away from yours, hit a bakery on the way home or maybe an ice cream shop if Jenna feels peckish, break down the apartment door Jenna shares with you, run to the bedroom, and smother each other with kisses and cuddles. Maybe a makeout session if Jenna's lucky.
It's bliss then repeat.
But today just so happens to be the day that Jenna takes over the whole episode, doing stunts and everything with little to no cuts for side characters.
She'd think that you would have nothing to do than act out your scenes—with her—might she add and it'll be all fine and the nights she'd spent waking up at 3 in the morning would be all's well.
But no, unfortunately you were the epitome of the perfect person and everyone just has to drag you around to who knows where to deal with some difficulties.
Plus, the both of you woke up late so she didn't even get the full girlfriend treatment she always got in the morning.
It was completely unfair!
Jenna was tired, grumpy, a bit too snappy, desperate for your attention, and she misses you. Alot.
And by that she means she misses the way you would wrap your arms around her after a busy day of filming together, pull her close, and feel the way how her lips fits perfectly on yours.
She would've dragged you back to bed and cuddle with you if she knew what was about to happen. Every second not spent with you is absolutely meaningless in her book.
Unfortunately, she has to play the waiting game.
She's fucking losing it.
It was 11 PM on a Thursday night.
Jenna is really so fucking tired, she could almost snap.
She had almost endured five to six hours of you nowhere even near her. The most she even interacted with you on set was when the both of you were acting a scene then abruptly got cut because of technical difficulties.
Plus, everyone but you was talking to her as if she was some kind of star! (she is.)
Jenna almost wished for an accident, or maybe a wardrobe malfunction that leads her to discovering some sort of new allergy about herself, just so she could be rushed off to the hospital and have you fussing over her, then maybe you could hold her hand and kiss her as if she would heal.
"How's it going, Ree—"
"Literally, I mean this in the nicest way possible, shut the fuck up Georgie."
He doesn't respond immediately, his eyes wide open as he steps back in surrender with his hands up in the air. "Ooooohkay!"
The brunette's head shot up immediately, her eyes burning and her shoulders slumped as she sank further into her chair for what felt like the millionth time.
"I... I didn't mean that, I'm so sorry." She closed her eyes shut, rubbing her temples, "I'm doing fine." She reassured herself more than anyone else, gripping the armchair for support.
"Biggest lie ever."
"You caught in Jenna's crossfire too, Emma?
"Oh damn, even Moosa?"
As if on cue, the whole cast decides to join in the damn conversation. Jenna loved them all, really, but it would've been so much better if a certain someone also joined and not far off into the distance talking to one of the editors.
Come on, would it literally kill you to question yourself why half of the cast was surrounding practically the love of your life while you're standing like 10 feet away!?
"You seem tense, J."
"Something wrong?"
"You've been staring at us for an hour with that Kubrick Stare of yours."
Who's exactly talking to her? Georgie, Emma, Moosa, it's all in that order but their voices seemed deranged, and it couldn't be any more worse when she's been trying to catch your eye for what seemed like the past hour.
She couldn't take shit when she's horribly missing you. So, she bites, and raises her voice more than she should, "Should I close my eyes to spare you the terrible fucking horror? Fuck, man!"
Jenna let an exasperated sigh escape from her mouth as she rose to her feet, eyeing the group with probably the most intense stare someone could bear witness to. She half-expected she'd get another pain-in-the-ass comeback from atleast one of them, but she was met with unusual silence.
The three look practically horrified, as if they were seeing the fictional idea of Wednesday Addams in the form of a 5'1, 22 year old woman dressed as her. Like they have the small but terrible quote running gears in their heads.
She heard them in unison muttering quiet apologies, "Sorry, Jenna…"
Her mind told her to forgive them for whatever they did, but her heart told her y/n.
"No, no it's fine." The brunette shook her head, her words forming icicles on each synonym and her eyes were like seeing inside of a storm. Without the peaceful atmosphere of an eye, clearly. "I'm just... stressed. Is Y/n free?"
Emma tilted her head to the side, "Actually, I never really saw them that much today, no?" She exchanged glances with the both of them.
"Heard they're busy with the tech team," Georgie crossed his arms, "Even for an actor, they've got a skill to be a director with how familiar they are behind the scenes."
Moosa nodded in agreement, "Yeah, they've been pretty tied up with all the technical stuff lately. Must be exhausting."
For fuck sakes, why did you have to be the most perfect and talented goddamn person?
"Why you looking for them?"
Jenna definitely did not need another goddamn voice entering her goddamn space.
She could almost roll her eyes and flip everybody off if not for Joy and the others being the most precious co-stars of them all.
"Because!" Jenna exclaimed, her voice cracking while lifting her arms in the air, "Y/n's my fucking lov...-"
Oh, shit.
"...Lovely neighbor." She blinked. "They... They bake me some cookies whenever I get in a bad mood."
Oh to fucking hell with this lovers in private bullshit. Lovely neighbor, that was the best damn excuse she could come up with?
"Well, heard they went home early because of an emergency, but it's kinda pouring out—"
It was in Jenna and Jenna alone on how insanely and horrifyingly fast she bolted out of the conversation, quickly changed clothes, thanking to the literal heavens (fuck the universe, Jenna will die on this hill) that Tim wrapped up early.
Josh. Josh was always the one you manage to bring up to be one of the most carefree guys in set, it's certain that he knew wherever the fuck you went. Actually, you always looked so happy whenever you talked to her about Josh and how much he lends with whatever left over set pieces they had, it's almost insane that you were—
"Aliyah, I'd tell you to shut up and fuck off as of this moment but I am literally too tired to even say that, what!?"
"Jenna, where the hell is your hoodie you wore on Christmas Eve!? I literally told you like an hour before your half-assed reply to tell me where'd you put your clothes."
Of course her sisters, more specifically Aliyah Goddamn Ortega, would find the most perfect timing to call her about the stupidest shit there could ever be.
"Okay, now, fuck off."
Jenna grimaced through gritted teeth as she hung up. She loved her sister, but does she love you more? Absolutely.
"Josh!" She called out, running towards him, "Sorry, kind of abrupt, but do you know where Y/n went?" Atleast she had some decency left in her to be polite to some.
"Let one more word come out of your mouth not related to my question, and I swear, Josh—"
"Y/n left early, they told me to tell you but I guess I forgot."
Maybe a little too carefree.
"You fucking guess!?— I mean, yes, thank you. I’ll be going."
Oh, the waiting game is a pain in the ass.
You pace back and forth in Jenna's apartment, your socks making a dent in the fuzzy carpet in the living room Jenna bought when you moved in with her, a nail in between your teeth and rain pouring in the background.
How in the hell did you forget possibly all your devices on fucking set!?
Your phone was dead, and your laptop was unfortunately abandoned by its owner (yours truly) and you have no way of contacting your lovely girlfriend.
And worse of all, it was a little over midnight.
All this because you got a notification that someone was at the door for an hour.
And it was just a fucking cat. (To be fair, they were really cute.)
You were starting to worry, especially how it was pouring outside like there was a hurricane incoming and how you left early without Jenna intertwining her warm and soft hands around yours.
So not only did you leave all your devices behind, but you also left Jenna without any means of contacting you.
You almost cursed yourself, maybe even doing the most stupidest and financially unstable decision of ordering a new phone as if it was going to be delivered same day.
Until you heard a slight click and a door opening.
There were times thunder struck, but it definitely did not beat the way your heart almost leaps into your throat as you hear the door opening.
You pause in your steps, a deep breath stuck in your mouth as you cross the living room and peer through the door way.
The door swung open and you're met with the, one of the most gorgeous and relieving sights you may add, of Jenna standing there. Slightly damp and with an... angry? Expression on her face.
"Jenna!" You blurted out, rushing over to her and enveloping her in a tight hug. "Did Josh fill you in? I feel terrible for getting home early, I'm so sorry. There was this whole thing I had to deal with, then the rain came pouring down, and I thought I'd at least get you a cab—"
"Shh. Just stay still. And preferably quiet."
When she's in your arms, she melts in the warmth of the comfort you bring to her. "Guess you caught the cab." You whisper under your breath.
You notice her breathing slowing down, the tension in her body easing away, a gentle smile playing on her lips as she buries her head in your neck. A sway the both of you took upon as she tugged at your chest with her hands wrapped around your body.
Jenna felt and smelled like home. Maybe heaven really is real if you're back in her arms after death.
"Is everything okay? Did something go down on set while I was away? Oh, Jenna, I'm so—" You start to pull back, placing your hands on her shoulders.
"Y/n, push me away, I fucking dare you, I'll bring down hell upon this godforsaken world."
You hesitate, but her gaze wants nothing more than to be in your arms. Who were you to deny her?
With a gentle squeeze of her shoulders, you pull her back into your arms. You weren't much taller than Jenna, in fact, just an inch or two apart. You loved that about eachother, like the two of you were a perfect fit.
Minutes pass, the only sound of the soft rhythm of Jenna's breathing and your heartbeat became a melody to your ears.
"I'm gonna hard launch the both of us right fucking now."
Well, that definitely caught you off-guard.
"Something happened?"
"You weren't on set for like hours! And everyones got too damn annoying for my ears to even process so I was trying to look for you, but then I ended up insulting Emma and the others, then I called you my lovely neighbor because I almost ended up saying you're my lover so I had to cover for it!"
"...That's quite a handful. I'm sorry I wasn't there, baby."
Even so, you knew that Jenna wasn't ready for a public relationship, not now that everyone was currently holding her at a social and cyber gunpoint with her life.
And even back then, you were the first one in the relationship who told her that the both of you would be better off if they both kept it private.
Even from their friends... And maybe more so families. Or maybe Jenna's. It's pretty hard to keep secrets from her family.
Obviously, look how that turned out.
Finally, Jenna murmurs something. "Sorry. It's been a rough day." Then she adds, almost as an afterthought, "Just without you."
You could almost kill yourself of the mere thought of even having to leaving Jenna the whole day.
"Don't worry, I know you were busy with tech."
"Yeah. They got me wrapped up in their troubles, but 's all fine."
"Ever thought beating the complete shit out of them?"
"Jenna, you can't just say that!"
"But they've been literally hogging you from me! And I think that's completely unfair!"
"But you really shouldn't. You'd probably end up getting destroyed, especially with your height."
"Oh, but I definitely should. Besides, we're the same height, Y/n."
You laugh softly, shaking your head. "Okay, you know what, tempting as it sounds, I don't think violence is the answer."
She scoffs another time, a crease in her forehead. "Well, it's definitely an option worth considering."
After a moment of silence, you carry her to the living room, her legs dangling as you lift her from her feet and settle her onto the soft-cushioned couch.
You start to pull away once you set her down, stretching your body after a tense day, yet a certain someone was making grabby hands for you while shooting a look with her eyes begging you to stay.
"Y/n, don't you want to stay here with me?" She pulls you closer, locking her legs around yours.
Oh, Jenna knows damn well you couldn't resist her.
"Jenna, just relax," you gently tug her legs apart with your own, letting them fall as she permits, "I'll just get you some water."
She tugs at the hem of your shirt, "Then I'll come with!" Her smile almost comes back alive and she's already clinging onto your arm.
"Jenna. The love of my life."
"You're tired, stressed, snappy, grum—"
"Okay, I am not grumpy or snappy!" Jenna bites back almost immediately. "Why does everybody keep saying that?"
You shoot her a look. A yup-thats-why-look, and it's enough to get a pout to form on her lips.
"Grumpy, and you're still damp from the rain. I wouldn't be surprised if you wake up with a cold in the morning." You gently pat her head before sitting her back down. "I'll be quick, alright? You know I'm not going far just for a glass of water."
"Fine," Jenna huffs, "But you better hurry back! Ten seconds, tops!"
With a smile playing on your lips, you roll your eyes before making your way to the kitchen. And of course, Jenna's gaze from the couch was following you. You know patience was never Jenna's strong suit when it comes with you.
It wasn't even a few seconds before you heard,
"Y/nnnn!" Jenna's voice calls out from the living room, almost sounding like a groan and a whine.
It's almost amusing how someone as seemingly nonchalant yet sweet as Jenna could also be this puddle of affection and clinginess when it came to you.
You chuckle to yourself before quickly making your way back to her, holding out the glass of water for her.
"That was well over ten seconds." Jenna remarks, downing the water in one go before setting the glass on the coffee table. Then, she pulls you back towards her, and before you know it, you're both collapsing onto the couch.
"Well, I thought I did great." You say before Jenna tackles you into a very tight hug.
Leaning back against the cushions, you let out a sigh, feeling the everything slowly melting away when she's in your arms. Jenna inches closer, resting her head on your chest as you wrap an arm around her, holding her close.
"Hug me tighter, y/n." She murmurs softly, almost demanding if she didn't have a soft melody to her voice, her body warm against yours and her breathing seemed to be in sync with your own.
"You'll die if I do." You sigh contentedly.
Jenna lets out a huff, her breath warm against your skin and her scent was all too comforting. That earthy rain smell and her aromatic fragrance. "You know that I don't mind," she replies, "Of course you'd think I'd care if I died in your arms."
You laugh, shaking your head. "You're impossible, Jenna." You shake your head once against, ruffling her hair as you give her an extra squeeze before loosening your hold slightly to let her breathe.
"You want dinner?" You whisper to her after, not even above a decibel just for her to relax. "I didn't get the chance to stop by at the bakery."
"Please," comes Jenna's response.
You know what a full-on smile with dimples from her sounds and feels like when she has that hopeful and happy tune to her otherwise grumpy voice today.
You slowly pull yourself back up, gently pushing Jenna off your chest. And also unknowingly pulling a koala trapped in a 5'1, 22 year old body named Jenna Ortega clinging onto your back.
She buries her head into the crook of your neck, eyes half-lidded. "Mmm… Yeah?" It's honestly surprising how she can actually and literally attach herself to you.
"Jenna, you have to let go so I can cook." Even as you ask her to release herself, you adjust to her weight on your back, carefully making your way to the kitchen, your hands securely holding onto her legs.
"You can cook just fine, Y/n," she whines, "You have two arms."
"And you," you reply, gently patting her legs, "have two legs and two arms. I can't cook with you piggybacking, baby."
You can tell the nickname made her smile. "Yeah, but I don't have a built-in Y/n in my system that I can cuddle with all day. So please just let me be."
"No, Jenna—You're gonna get hurt."
You reach the kitchen and gently lower Jenna from her back, setting her down on the kitchen island.
Her arms still lingered around your neck for a moment before she reluctantly, and against her will so it seems, lets go. "You know how frantic I am when I cook."
"Then maybe, you're not a good cook."
"I'm trying to keep my girlfriends, which is you, may I add, life out of harms way."
"Maybe that's the reason why you're not a good cook."
Grabby hands, once again, making a return and tugging you by your shirt collar. But this time, you resist.
"Whyyyyyyy?" she whines, her bottom lip jutting out in a Jenna Ortega fashionable pout. "Do you hate me, Y/N?"
You roll your eyes playfully before booping her on the tip of her nose. "I'm cooking you a meal to show that I love you, baby." You pull back yourself and put on an apron standing off side to the fridge, Jenna's gaze could almost burn holes into the fabric.
"Okay." She sighs, dropping her head down. "Okay, fine! Can I just hold your hand?" She looks up to see you standing in front of her, wearing the cutest apron with the well-known kiss the chef quote.
A faint blush spreads across her freckled face, and you couldn't help but smile at her.
You can't really cook with one hand that properly. But if Jenna wants you to cook for her even if you had your hands surgically removed from your body, then so fucking be it. A few missing limbs can't top a few smiles from your girlfriend.
"Alright, baby." You place take her hand and lead her to the stove where it seemed like you've got everything prepared. "Just get behind me when there's oil splashing, mkay?"
A few minutes pass by with Jenna's hand in yours while you cook. Her head leans against your shoulder as she stands close.
Between the two of you, Jenna was always the one who takes over the cooking part of the relationship, no matter how much you insist cooking for her. But you're grateful and very fortunate now that she's allowing you to take over. Plus, Jenna keeps you entertained with her witty remarks and random stuff about her day.
Oh, what a life you're living in.
"You didn't cook for yourself?" Jenna's voice interrupts your thoughts as you plate a serving of salmon topped with herbs, accompanied by sliced lemon and a few kiwis. With the skin left on, of course, just how she likes it. Only for your loving girlfriend.
You shake your head, taking her hand and her plate in the other, leading her to the dining table. "I'm good. I had a late lunch earlier," you reply, gently placing the plate on the table and sitting her down. "Besides, it's not often I get to cook for you. It wouldn't be as special if I cooked for myself too."
Jenna's eyes almost appear teary as she looks at you. "Please never show yourself again in public. I seriously cannot lose you." She replied almost immediately.
If you didn't miss it, you would've seen the adoration and love shining in Jenna's gaze. It's as if she wants to ditch the meal entirely and cover your face with kisses.
You swear you probably ate a seed in your chest by how you kept feeling warmth bloom in your heart at her. "How can I do that if I'm an actor?" You chuckle, "They'd probably question you first if I disappear."
Jenna takes her fork and points it at you, slicing a piece of salmon with her spoon. "Hey, I've seen the tweets about people practically drooling over you. It's like they're your lover and not mine!"
You crease your forehead, crossing your arms, "You get more thirst tweets more than I do!"
"And I believe you contribute to that percentage." She raises one eyebrow, smirking at your direction before chewing on another piece of salmon. It wasn't a question, it was a statement.
A factual one at that.
You almost choke at your own words. "Oh, you know me so well."
A sigh escapes your lips, your smile still in place. "Besides, we're not exactly public, are we?" Leaning in, you draw Jenna into your own little world. "You're the only one who gets the real me. If I leave, I'll cross my heart on my own and I'll die on my own."
Jenna looks at you while taking a bite of her salmon, chewing slowly as if she's contemplating something, a tug in her lips. "Mn, guess so."
You'd think you'd get some work done, maybe memorize future scripts or send out some emails to directors asking if you could audition for a show at one in the morning.
Instead, you're lying in bed with Jenna.
Or maybe a koala in this case.
In bed. Blankets over the both of you. Pillow's a bit too comfy to even think about getting up. Plus, the koala in question may or may not have hidden your phone and charger.
Jenna wasn't always a light sleeper. Sometimes, you'd wake up in the middle of the night to find her sitting up with a blanket draped over her entire body, furiously typing away in her notes app. It's endearing, but also makes you wonder if she's ever dabbled in witchcraft.
Now, she's wide awake to even be one.
Her eyes closed and her breathing steady enough to lull you asleep. The atmosphere is cozy, and so is your girlfriend laying atop of you.
Her arms were wrapped around yours for the millionth time while her head rests on her favorite part of your chest, her head staring off to the side as if she's trying to hear your heartbeat.
You thought she'd be passed out after dinner, but she dragged you by the cuffs of your hoodie and lead you to the bedroom.
"Jenna," you whisper not above even the slightest decibel, "I have work to do." The gentle rise and fall of her chest steadies in sync with yours, her head tilting slightly in the other way, and the grip she has on your body suddenly got tighter. It's already as if you'll fly away from her.
She huffs as she raises her head to face yours. "Your work—whatever that is—can wait, but I can’t." The room is dim, too dim, yet you could see the slight dip in her bottom lip.
You know you should focus, but with her so close, it's hard to think about anything else other than, 'Nah, fuck it. I'll live.'
You bring your hands up to cup her cheeks, gently brushing her messy fringe away from her face. Even in this dim light, you could see her freckles scattered across her face like vines making something so abandoned a painting.
Jenna sighs when she looks at you. "Y/n, how long are you gonna keep me playing the waiting game?"
"The waiting game? What even is that—"
"Can you kiss me?"
Oh. Her eyes become almost second nature to her words.
"Because I remember being woken up to the most gorgeous person ever but they didn't give me kisses, and I think—mpmhmmh..."
It took all your effort not to pull her into a kiss.
Obviously, your efforts were in vain.
Truth be told, you miss the way her lips hung on yours, she was perfect in every way. How her arms would wrap around you, how she'd reach up to tug on your jawline, tracing every thing you had offered her, how you would push back only for her to pull you closer.
The kiss soon ended with you and Jenna locking eyes. No words exchanged but the heavy breath the both of you took apart from eachother.
"—I think I might die..." Her words are breathless, her arms perfectly secured around your neck as you sit up.
You smile at her. "Well, I kept you alive, didn't I?"
"No," she breathes, taking hold of your cheeks before sitting up herself. "No, I'm still six feet underground if you don't continue what you were doing."
"You know, I'm starting to like the waiting game."
"Make me play that shit again, it'll be the last time you'll ever make a decision."
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Liked by ememyers and 1,398,938 others jennaortega goodnight to my gorgeous gorgeous girl @.y/l/n x 6 hours ago
natalieortega1: My fav girls!
joysunday: what lovely neighbors we have here
ememyers: !?@#%%#?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
moosa_mostafa_: we never knew....
user: MY??????? MY???????? WHAT MY WHY MY?????????????????????
user: now how long....
georgieebleu: the coolest ever
naomijogawa: two losers having a loser rs
user: having a heart attack holYHIST WHAT HT FUCK
user: literally stop.
hunterdoohan: Respect!!!!
user: shit so insane she got the whole cast to comment
In short, Jenna won. Plus, she got all the kisses and cuddles she wanted until the alarm hit. (When it did, your name was surprisingly all over social media along with Jenna.)
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volturiprincess · 4 months
Death Flower
Jane Volturi x Fem human mate
Summary: Jane contradicts a lot but a simple "my little death flower" and its all over.
A/N: I wanted to post this on May 31st since that marks half way to Halloween but I forgot about this WIP. I got some ideas brewing for when October comes around. Its short but anyways....Enjoy💙
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“No? Why not?”
‘I said no and that is final, so stop pestering me on this”
“Come on my little death flower, let's not be like this”
She stopped walking away and stood on the spot. Here's the thing about being mates with Jane, yes she can be quite difficult to convince to do things, such as cuddling under our favorite open field, but I know a certain trick to persuade her. I noticed this a while ago, she was going to leave for a guard meeting that would start in 30 minutes, but she wanted to leave early but I wanted her to cuddle with me. She’s still not used to affection, which I understand, she took a month to even just hold my hand so I understand that and I respect her boundaries. But as she was getting ready to leave for her meeting I sleepily called out to her “My little storm cloud” and she halted her movements and was instantly in bed with her being the big spoon and I the little one.
I didn't dare to question her sudden change of mind but from that whenever I wanted to “get my way” with her I would casually call her some clever nicknames and she goes with my idea. I of course never call her out in front of the others, actually one time I called her my “little rain cloud” in front of Alec. He instantly looked at Jane and started teasing her and would call her the same nickname for days until Jane threatened to use her ability on him, that for sure shut him up. I promised to her that I would never call her said nicknames in front of others. 
Jane also from what I can say is she doesn't like being called the traditional nicknames, once in a while I do call her darling or my love but it doesn't get the same reaction as when I call her my other nicknames. It's just so amusing to see her halt her every thought and movements when I call her such names, but what makes my heart flip is when she looks at me and you can see a very small smile spreading onto her angelic face. 
“What is it that you wanted to do again?”
Oh man I got her so good, I almost feel bad in kind of manipulating her with my nicknames but man she always gets her way a majority of the time. She always gets the final say but I guess it does feel nice to finally be able to have a small win with her. And gosh that smile she does is so sweet, it's hard to imagine her being able to cause such pain with her gaze when she has such an angelic smile. 
“Oh right, um I wanted you be my Morticia to my Gomez”
“But Halloween is not for another five months?”
“I know but that's going to be our couple costume”
“Hmm we will see”
“Come on Jane, it ill be perfect, I already treat you like you are the only person in my life, I even call you the nicknames that are very similar to what Gomez calls Morticia”
“I said we will see”
I know she likes the idea, she just won't admit it. I think she would make a beautiful Morticia, but in this case she will be a blonde Morticia. In no way will I make her wear a wig to cover her golden locks that I love so much. In my case I would be a female version of Gomez, I'm also at the point of convincing the others to be characters from “The Addams Family”. Felix will definitely be Lurch no doubt, but for some reason im stuck with the thought that Alec and Demetri would be a great Pugesly and Wednesday. They will be my next victims to convince them to go along with my crazy plan. I grabbed her hand to place a gentle slow kiss on it, I felt her literally melt at the touch.
“Fine we will do it, but you dare make me wear a wig I will have Alec use his smoke on you”
Shivering at her little “threat” which I know she will never do, she has said that many times in the past and has never once done it to me.
“I would never want to cover your blonde locks my dear thundercloud”
Being Jane’s mate has its downs but if you play your cards right it can have its perk. 
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gaysindistress · 1 year
As Good a Reason - six
pairing: ⚠️Dark!Mob!Bucky⚠️ x reader
summary: when Brock Rumlow picks a fight he can’t win with the White Wolf, he drags his Snake back. Six years after she ran away, Y/N Rumlow is faced with a choice to make; do as she’s told and kill the White Wolf or overtake her father instead because spite’s as good a reason to take his power?
warnings: ⚠️Dark!Mob!Bucky⚠️, cursing, Y/N getting slapped and being held at gunpoint, this part gets dark so please read with caution, mentions of creepy fathers (aka Brock all of time), feral Bucky, character death (two to be exact)
word count: 3k
A/n: Im moving states this weekend so the next parts are going to be delayed. I won’t be posting Monday or Wednesday but after that, it should go back to normal!
Tag list @kandis-mom @casa-boiardi @blackwood-bodecker-housewife @cakesandtom @unaxv @vonalyn @hidden-treasures21 @emerald-writes
five | series masterlist
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disclaimer: credits to original creator/poster of image/gif. found on Google/Pinterest. The women in the banners are not how Y/N is supposed to look. They are merely for aesthetic purposes and Y/N is written for anyone to see themselves in her.
“Hel…Hello?” Victoria stutters into the phone with her eyes trained on her father. He nods, urging her to stay on the phone and keep talking like they’re negotiating the release of a hostage. 
“Is that you, Victoria Marie?” the other voice asks with a sinister smile in their voice.
“Let me talk to Y/N.”
The voice hums, thinking about the imaginary options they have before settling on a monotone, “No.”
“Please…” she pauses, looking to Brock for the name, “James. I just want to make sure she’s okay.” “If anything, she’s the one who needs to see if YOU’RE okay.”
“Then let me talk to her.”
James sucks his teeth for a moment, “I’m assuming Daddy dearest is next to you.”
Brock shakes his head, telling Victoria to say no and she does. 
“Don’t lie to me, Vikki. I don’t like when people lie to me.”
Victoria corrects her mistake before Brock can stop her and he lets out a frustrated sigh. 
“Good girl,” he ends his portion of the call and assumingly passes the phone off to Y/N.
“Y/N oh my god, are you okay?” she asks frantically. 
“I’m fine,” the strain is evident in Y/N’s voice but she keeps a collected composure, “how are you? Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m okay. I’m in a little pain but I’m okay.”
“Good. That’s good to hear.”
“Y/N, come home. Please, it's not safe. Dad told me..”
The woman on the other side interrupts her sister, “Dad?”
Victoria freezes but keeps up with her ardent pleading with Y/N to come home, find a way around it all, and get to safety. Y/N listens but doesn’t acknowledge a thing her sister is saying for it’s all lies. The moment Victoria said dad instead of “our father” or “Brock”, she knew that something was up and anything that was about to come out of her mouth would be a direct copy of whatever Brock forced her to rehearse. 
James reaches over and presses the mute button before saying what they’re both thinking, “It’s a setup.”
He rolls his own eyes, “Get her to agree to a meeting.”
“What? Why?”
“Because you need a way into his house,” he states as if it’s the most obvious thing and unmutes their side before she can answer. 
“Y/N, seriously please come home,” Victoria’s voice cracks with emotion as she finishes her tearful statement. 
“James won’t let me without a meeting between him and Brock.”
“Okay! We can set that up.”
James feeds her the details;
Two days from now, 8pm sharp at the Rumlow house. 
Victoria agress on her father’s behalf and both sisters, acting as mouthpieces for the men controlling them, say their goodbyes before hanging up. 
James takes the phone from Y/N and gives her his permanent wolfish grin. 
“I’m proud of you.”
She deflates into her chair, sinking into it and trying to make herself appear smaller so as to not be seen by his watchful eye. However under the eye of this wolf, there is nothing that goes unnoticed by him, especially not his favorite little snake. 
“What’s wrong?” he tries to fake concern but it falls flat. 
“Try again.”
Y/N sits up and leans forward as she over enunciates the word, “Nothing.”
Mimicking her actions, he leans forward too and meets her on her level, “Try again, little snake.”
“Don’t call me that.”
“Why not?”
With as much disgust as she can, she spits out, “Because I’m not your little snake. I’m no one’s snake.”
His grin turns sour and a sinister look takes over his face, one that he dons when the White Wolf controls his actions. He goes from charming to alarming in seconds but Y/N has come to learn that showing fear will only end badly for her so she matches it as best as she can. They stare at each other, waiting for the other back down but neither do. She can sense his hands itching to make a physical attack but they stay in his lap as long as she doesn’t move. It’s similar to how a wolf might stalk its prey; waiting for the kill shot but she is not a bunny to be eaten. 
She is the Snake after all; quiet and patient, waiting for the moment to strike. 
James relents and sits back into his seat with a look she can’t figure out. There is no anger but there is no joy. There is not a hint of anything that might give her a clue to what he’s feeling but his next sentence clues her into exactly what’s brewing beneath the surface.  
“That’s where you’re wrong. You are because you’re mine.”
“We’ll see,” she ends the conversation and gets up, leaving him to fume at the idea that’s resisting him even more than before. 
Mere days ago she would’ve jumped at the chance to be with him however the more he tries to control her, the less she wants to submit. The more he exercises what power he has over her, the more that she's going to fight to get away. 
But then again this isn’t the average man and her push back only makes him want her more. 
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“I need you. Now.”
Steve raises his brows with a smirk and glances at Sam who matches his expression. Y/N rolls her eyes and disappears back into the dark hallway she came from. 
He follows after with a swagger in his step and it reaches his head when she slams him against the wall. He lets out a deep chuckle, craning his head up to avoid the blade that rests under his jaw. 
“Shut the fuck up. I’m not trying to sleep you, you filthy pig,” she sneers at him, pressing the blade further into the soft skin, “I need a favor.”
“A favor?” he parrots back as his eyes dart down to her lips. 
“Before the meeting, I’m going to sneak in and get my siblings out. I need you to get them to safety.”
“Why would I do that?” “Because I will slit your throat right now if you say no,” she says, pressing the knife hard enough to draw a thin line of blood.
Steve freezes and grimaces at the feeling before agreeing, “Okay, okay. I’ll do it. I’ll even get Sam to help.”
She flashes him a devilish smile and backs away, keeping the knife pointed at him. 
“That’s not the only thing you’re planning on doing is it?” he asks as he touches the wound she made, drawing his fingers away and making a face at the blood that’s dripping down his fingers. 
“You might want to get a bandaid,” she throws at him as she turns, leaving him alone in the hallways and disappears into the shadows of the prison they call home. 
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Cyanide wasn’t her first choice. 
If she had her way, she would’ve picked something that took longer so she could watch Brock slowly lose control over his own body. It would’ve brought her great joy to watch him lose the control that he exercised over everyone else but she didn’t have that time. 
Cyanide acted fast, too fact for some but for the Snake, it would work just fine. 
The little glass bottle is tucked into the breast pocket of her vest, the safest place it could be until it found its rightful place in Brock’s body. Her feet make no sound as she drops from the window into his office. Just like she had hoped, it’s empty, save for her generational anger and spite. 
Beyond the doors, she can hear his voice and John’s arguing over something that seems insignificant in comparison to what she;s doing. Within seconds, she spots the glass bottle filled with his favorite amber liquid and she’s pulling off the cap before she lets out her first breath. Taking out the bottle and taking off the cap, she’s pouring the pale blue poison into the bottle as she lets out her second breath. On her third, she’s putting the bottle back and slipping back out the window. 
Inching her way across the ledge, she drops herself onto Victoria’s balcony where Steve is waiting for her. He goes to ask her what she was doing but he doesn’t get the chance. Y/N is picking the lock and pushing open the door in a matter of seconds. Something sits horribly wrong with him but he doesn’t have the time to question it. 
Laying in her bed is Victoria covered in bandages and with numerous machines around her. Y/N wrinkles her nose at the sight, willing her tears to absorb back into her body. Sam opens the bedroom doors to the sight of Steve pointing a gun at her; however , it's dropped when the threat of Brock proves to be false. Wordlessly the three work to undo whatever is holding Victoria to the bed and Steve scoops her up into his arms as Y/N slips back out of the french doors. 
In the next room, Sam meets her as she’s whispering, arguing with Niklaus. 
“What? Are you stupid?” Niklaus growls at her as she levels her signature bored look at him. 
“Go with him. Now. He’ll get you out of here before all hell breaks loose,” she tells him as she pushes him towards the door. He keeps trying to argue with her and she’s not having it. When he’s too preoccupied to worry about Sam taking him, she stabs a syringe into his neck and he goes limp in Sam’s arms. 
“Jesus, was that really necessary?” Sam groans as he lugs Niklaus’ limp body onto his shoulders. 
“Oh I’m sorry did you want Brock to hear him and catch us?”
He glares at her and keeps his mouth shut as he makes his way back towards the entrance. Y/N slips into her old room and finds clothes to change into. Re Emerging from the room dressed in loose fitting cargo pants, a white shirt, and a dark wash jean jacket, she spots John at the top of the staircase. She throws herself against the wall and hopes to whatever god is listening that he didn’t see her. 
Her prayers are ignored. 
“Y/N?” he asks as he peers at where he saw her and makes his way in that direction. She tries to slip back into her room but the clicking of the lock tips him off to her location and he grabs her by the wrist, yanking towards him. He traps her hands in one of his and with the other points his gun at her. Narrowing his blue eyes at her, hurt and betrayal flashes before he can turn him into a wall of stone. 
“What are you doing here?” “There’s a meeting about to take place.” “What are you doing here?” he asks again. 
She repeats her first answer much to his dismay but he lets it go to further question her, “How could you take his side?”
That hurt and betrayal from earlier sneaks into his voice and it takes all her strength to not roll her eyes at him. The cold gun against her temple isn’t a bad reminder either to not piss him off. 
“I didn’t exactly have a choice.”
“You always have a choice,” his voice wobbles as he grows more emotional and his grip grows tighter, “We could’ve gotten Victoria and Klaus back without you making that stupid deal. You didn’t have to do this!”
The more frantic he becomes, the harder the barrel digs into her skin and she winces at the feeling. Her reaction shakes him back to reality and he lowers the gun. 
“I… I’m sorry,” he tells her as tucks his gun away and uses his free hand to caress her face, “I was so worried about you. All the things I heard about him, I just.. I was so scared for you. Did he…hurt you? Touch you?” She suppresses the urge to cringe at the feeling and puts on a sincere face, “No, he didn’t do anything.”
John smiles a little, “Good. I’d have to kill him if he did.”
Y/N looks down in disgust but he mistakes it as something else and leads her by her chin to look back up at him. Her worst nightmare comes true as he leans down to kiss her. His rough lips try to get her to kiss him back and she opens her mouth as he tries to deepen the kiss. 
A fatal mistake for him. 
Biting down as hard as she can, her teeth tear into his bottom lip and blood rushes forward. He jerks away in pain and touches his bleeding lip as he can’t believe that she would do that. He’s met with the sight of her smiling with his blood dripping from her lips and it strokes a fire long dead inside him. He back hands her so hard that her cheek splits and she falls to the ground. The ring his father gave him just before he died glistens with her blood but he doesn’t care. 
“You bitch,” he growls at her and goes to yank her up but another pair of hands pull her up and away from him. 
The voice she dreaded the most pretended to soothe and comfort her, “It’s, okay, baby girl. Dad’s here.”
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Her mother never cried a lot. She took the punches and violent threats that Brock threw at her but she never fought back. Y/N used to hate her mother for it, wishing that she would’ve done something to help her children but she never did. Jasmine always nursed her wounds in secret and put on a brave face for her daughter and her siblings. In hindsight, Y/N knew that she had no choice but to endure for the safety of her children. Fighting back meant that his wrath would be directed at them and a punch hurt a child more than a grown woman. One night after a practically bad lashing, Jasmine held Y/N and wept for hours on end. 
As she wept, she told her daughter that “someone who loves you wouldn’t do this.”
Now Y/N knew that to be turned and it took everything in her to now scream, cry, fight with all of her might to get out of her father’s arms. 
Holding her in a bruising grip, Brock pretends to comfort her and whispers threats veiled as reassurance into her hair as he walks to the office. John is grumbling behind them as he holds a handkerchief to his bleeding lip but no such thing was offered to her as her cheek bleeds as well. It stains the dark fabric of Brock’s shirt but whether he notices or cares, she can’t be sure. 
James and Steve are waiting for them in the office, sitting as they exchange words in another language. Steve stops mid sentence when he sees the trio walking in and James follows his line of sight with fire in his pale blue eyes. He licks his lips as he reigns in his emotions and settles into his chair against the wishes of his heart. Or what’s left of it. 
Brock makes a show of seating Y/N in his chair and tends to her wounds, a cut on her cheek from John’s ring. Steve looks to his boss for his reaction and to his surprise, there is only a murderous look upon his face. 
James knows better than to make a comment about it and instead moves to the top of the meeting, “How do you propose we solve our ‘little’ tiff?”
Brock lets out a deep sigh as he places a bandaid on her cheek, pushing too hard as he does so, “Give me my daughter back.”
“No. I like her, I want to keep her.”
“She isn’t a toy, Mr.Barnes. She’s a human.”
“I never said she wasn’t,” James says cooly, “But that doesn’t change the fact that I don’t want to give her up and especially not to a man like you.”
Brock’s jaw tightens as he turns to face James, “What do you want for her?”
A wolfish smirk, feral and dangerous, spreads on his plump lips, “Your head.”
“My what?”
“You heard me.”
Brock scoffs at his request, “That’s ridiculous.”
“So is the way that you hunted her for six years but never found her until I gave you a shred of information,” James mocks him as he stands.
Y/N’s eyes narrow at the revelation. He had led Brock to her? “I knew where she was the whole time.” her father counters. 
James shrugs his shoulders but the pure predator look doesn’t leave his unnatural eyes, “You know what else is ridiculous? The fact that I can see the disgusting thoughts that you think when you see her in your eyes.”
Brock doesn’t answer and shakes his head to wordlessly combat the accusation. 
“We can all see it. For a man who claims to be her father, you sure would end up in hell for the thoughts that pass through your mind.”
Y/N can’t tell if he is telling the truth or just riling up her father but either way she sees her chance to slip away. Steve is faster than John and has him on his knees within seconds as she rushes to stand behind James. Instead of tucking her behind him like she had hoped, he pins her back to his chest and presses a knife she hadn’t seen to her neck. His hot breath on her neck sends shivers down her spine but her body goes completely still when the knife makes a small cut in her soft skin. Breathing hard to keep the fear below the surface, Y/N squeezes her eyes shut and wills herself to keep breathing. James licks up the blood that trails down her neck and she can almost feel the sinister intentions that he has. 
“She’s sweet, sweeter than anything I’ve ever tasted,” he looks Brock directly in the eye as he chuckles and wipes her blood from her lips, “I can see why you wanted her.”
“You’re sick.”
He shrugs, “maybe but there’s no one worse than you, Brock. You didn’t even try to deny it.”
Y/N trembles in his arms and he quietly shushes her before diving back into his onslaught on Brock, “Do you know things I’ve heard about you? I would tell everyone all of the awful things you’ve done but I think you should. There’s nothing better than the monster admitting to their own wrong doings. So go on, tell everyone all of the terrible and disgusting things you’ve done.”
“I don’t… I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Brock tries to protect himself but it’s no use against the White Wolf. 
“No?” James parrots, “Did you forget? Did it slip your mind that you’ve kidnapped and beaten your children's mothers? Or did you forget that you killed all three of their mothers because they weren’t compliant anymore? Or was it that you’ve abused your children in too many ways to count? 
“I didn’t do any of that.”
“You can’t lie your way out of this.”
“It’s not lying if it’s not true.”
“Tony Stark would say differently.”
Brock visibly freezes at the mention of that name. 
“He told me everything: everything you did to LeeAnn, Elena, and Jasmine. Oh Jasmine, you were the devil to that poor woman,” James cranes his neck to look at Y/N, “Why don’t you tell your DAUGHTER what you did to Jasmine?”
Brock locks his jaw and stares ahead without a word. 
Y/N deflates in his arms but he grips her tighter so she doesn’t fall. 
“Do you want me to do it? I won’t be nice if I do it.” “I didn’t do anything to that bitch that she didn’t deserve.”
James tuts at him, “now is that any way to talk about your dead wife? Oh wait, she wasn’t your wife, she was Tony’s wife. You got jealous and took her because why would anyone not want you? I can’t imagine how angry you must have been when you found out she was pregnant with his child, a sweet baby girl. That’s why you killed him, isn’t it?”
“What are you talking about?” Y/N whispers to herself more than anything. 
James leans closer to her ear, “Brock killed your parents.”
A single tear falls down her face and she allows herself to find comfort in the man behind her. She turns to hide her face in his chest and she can feel it swell with triumph at her actions. 
Brock tries to defend himself but James will not have it, “No. There is nothing on God's green earth that could excuse that transgression. I hope for your sake that Y/N gets to you before I do because I demand a pound of flesh for what you did to her.”
Brock clenched his jaw and the muscles flex as he mulls over the threat in James’ words. 
Satisfied with the fear he’s planted in Brock, James turns his attention to Y/N and inspects the damage to her face. “Who did this to you?” he mummers into her ear as he presses gentle kisses to the broken flesh. 
She tells him what he wants and feels him make a gesture to Steve. John tries to plead with him to save his life but Steve’s cold heart does not care for his words and a shot rings out. She flinches, earning her a tighter hug from James and more promises to keep reconciling the wrongs that have been done to her. 
“What do you want from me?” Brock’s words are muffled to her ears but James’ voice is crystal clear. 
“Ideally you’d kill yourself but I don’t see that happening so I’ll settle for letting you disappear. Get out of New York and find a hole to crawl into for the rest of your life. If I hear so much as one whisper about you, I will hunt you down, drag your pathetic ass out of hiding, and butcher you like the pig that you are.”
“I’ll do it but I want my daughter back.”
“No,” the harsh word rumbles in James’ chest. 
“I want my daughter back,” He tries again. 
“You have two hours to get out.”
With that James, Steve, and Y/N walk out of the office, leaving Brock to lick his wounds and plan a way to get out before the White Wolf returns. 
However it doesn’t take two hours for Brock's life to come to an end. 
Fuming that he’s lost, he pours a drink of his favored amber drink. A bitter almond taste fills his mouth and he spits it out as the horror sets in. His body starts to betray him and he begins to lose control of it. Twitching and seizing, Brock cries out in his mind as the poison takes over. He falls from his chair, landing with a thud on the ground as foam leaks out of his mouth. 
The Snake struck without him noticing and now he has paid the price.
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comicwritesstuff · 11 months
Rules and stuff
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Right now there isn't really anything I won't write tbh, just give me something you want written and I'll probably do it. The only depending factor is age and like what fandom or thing you want it written about so these are the people I will write for :)
NSFW: ♤ Romantic: ♧ Platonic (just friends): ♢
dont be afraid to ask if I know something, cause I'm not putting everything I know on here, or ask for people I may have forgotten.
-Five Nights at Freddy's movie: Vanessa Shelly/Afton: ♤♧♢ Mike Schmidt: ♤♧♢ William Afton: ♤♧♢ Abby: ♢
-FNAF Security breach/fnaf in general: Glamrock Freddy: (depends)♧♢ Roxanne Wolf: ♤♧♢ Glamrock Chica: ♧♢ Montgomery Gator: ♤♧♢ Sundrop:♧♢ Moondrop:♤♧♢ Eclipse: ♤♧♢ Vanny:♤♧♢ Vanessa Security guard: ♤♧♢ Gregory: ♢ Cassie: ♢ Micheal afton: ♤♧♢
-Marvel: ♤♧♢ for any and all characters over 18, I know marvel, I will write for every character.
-The office: Kind of a dead fandom but mostly any character ♤♧♢
-Creepypastas: its been awhile since I've thought about them but tbh i'm dying to write for them so ♤♧♢ except for children n stuff, ben drowned gets an exception don't sue me.
-House M.D: Been wildly obsessed with this show lately ♤♧♢ for all characters
-Criminal Minds: ♤♧♢ for JJ, Reid, Hotch, Emily, Rossi (love me an older man), Morgan. ♧♢ for Penelope.
-Harry Potter: Call me a nerd all u want, I still love these movies so much. ♤♧♢ for most characters but for NSFW they will be older. I'll also write for dilfs like Snape or Lucius.
-Wednesday: I think Wednesday Addams is mad fine so ♤♧♢ for her, ♧♢for all other characters :)
-Spiderman Into the spider verse/beyond: ♤♧♢ for Miguel or Peter b. parker, ♧♢ for mostly anyone else.
-Trolls band together: ♤♧♢ for Velvet and Veneer only. I won't write for the trolls unless you ask really nice, or if its a human au for them. But for Velvet and Veneer im prolly gonna make them human for any fics :D
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spookberry · 2 years
thoughts on that Wednesday Addams show
-the writing is incredibly juvenile in a way only an adult man who is not actually nor ever has been an "outcast" could accomplish
-that being said all the actors were really amazing! Especially Jenna Ortega!!!
-One thing I liked but felt was more by accident than by design was the way that this school of "outcasts" were like, really normal?? Like theyre just teenagers who happen to not be human. Which makes the fact that Wednesday is a human who's Not Normal kind of compelling. Wish this was an intentional idea though, it could've been played with a whole lot more.... also i just kinda wish they'd picked a word other than "outcasts" to call them. like oh my god i could absolutely see some line during the climax where theres all this petty teen drama where someones like "i might not be human, but at least im not a Monster like you Wednesday" woulda been AWESOME
-Wednesday's love triangle was lame and if she had to get with a guy I'd've preferred Eugene. I love his sibling relationship with wednesday sooo much. One of my favorite dynamics. However if she HAD to get with a guy. Id pick him. He reminds me of Joel from Addams Family Values.
-the fact that two guys fell wildly in love with Wednesday without her doing absolutely anything and also very clearly not returning the sentiment whatsoever and instead just using them whenever she needs them was really funny and on brand, wished the show had been self aware about it
-I really wish the other female characters played bigger roles? Like Enid was Great and I loved the glimpses of her friendship with Wednesday and Thing and their HUG omg,,, I wish the romance plots had been axed in favor of giving Wednesday's friendships more time to shine.
-I also wish Enid and Wednesday had danced together at the Rave'N. Enid goes and dances with all her friends but she never goes over to have fun with Wednesday :( it just felt wrong like, narratively, we saw how excited Enid was about Wednesday going to the dance and then the camera seems to cut to show Enid get excited from watching Wednesday dance and then they dont even Talk?? I hated that.
-also, Bianca. I really loved the way she was basically friends with Wednesday by the end of the show. Wish the show had done a better job at the Enemies to Friendly Rivals to Friends dynamic. Bianca in general is a REALLY cool character that I want more time with.
-Both Enid and Bianca would've made better love interests than the guys imo
-I did like the mysteries, though I'm not sure how well it actually works with the Addams. Because they wound up adding this plot line, no spoilers, about Gomez being accused of murder and Morticia gets super touchy about it. But like?? theyre the ADDAMS why would they be behaving like this about a death???? Makes no sense to me. Needed to be reworked, cuz there definitely are Ways to have made it work imo.
-I really loved all of the costuming for Wednesday though the color correction done on the uniforms makes me kinda sad. i think it would've been fun if the school had been more vibrant and full of life to better contrast who Wednesday is and how she stands out.
-Wednesday's relationship with Morticia is really weird, but in general I get the feeling that certain people involved didn't actually know what Morticia's character was like... at all? And a lot of the problems with the family dynamics stems from this mischaracterization of Morticia in particular. I know some people didn't like Wednesday going through a rebellious phase, but I actually think that fit her character just fine, it's how her parents react to this rebellion that feels out of character to me.
-the fact that they had a romance arc about a werewolf who struggled to be a werewolf and an awkward gorgon..... Very Monster High 2022 to me ngl
-Wednesday is Autistic and you can't convince me otherwise. Everything from the way all of her social interactions are written to the way she literally diverts eye contact whenever theres a closeup shot while she talks to people. shes just like me fr.
overall i give it a 6 out of 10. I wouldn't go around recommending it to people, it's kinda bad, but I got some enjoyment out of it,, so not fully the worst.
But Also if you haven't seen it I WOULD recommend you go watch the fanmade Adult Wednesday Addams series on youtube. It's a classic!
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longdeadking · 8 months
dashboard simulator
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👯 crows-on-a-log
guys im literally undergoing a crisis right now can anyone hear me
#my dad goin craaaaazy #he stole the lightbulbs out of my ezbake oven for the fifth time :( #vent post #delete later
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☠️ williamaftonshugepersonality 🔁
😶‍🌫️ boypenis Follow
😃 blogname-here
did yall see the new episode......... glopp sploinky was sooooooooooooo
#im normal about him! #<- blatant lies #media liveblog
(24 notes)
😼 discourse-haver Follow
i just dont see why we have to portray every male character in Media as female....... cant we just leave them male, as the creators intended? lol
🪴 rational-thinker
what world do you live in that people are being forced to hc male characters as female????
😼 discourse-haver Follow
youd understand if you were a fandom elder like me.......
🪴 rational-thinker
your blog is a month old
(104 notes)
😚 trustedmutual 🔁
👙 cup-size-tournament Follow
glopp sploinky propaganda:
he's literally just a cisgender man with 5 minutes of screentime
Woman McAwesome propaganda:
she has a canonical rack, she's a lead character, she's super buff and could crush you, she has an interesting arc and her emotional narrative factors into the main plot in impactful ways
#vote glopp sploinky!!!! #GLOPP SPLOINKY SWEEEEEP!!!!! #thats my husband! fuck woman mcawesome lol
(1,267 notes)
🖌 supercoolartist 🔁
🖌 supercoolartist
made a little doodle <3
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if you dont reblog my art ill kill you btw <3
#self rb for the morning crowd #glopp sploinky x blorbo C #gloc fanart
(12 notes)
Based on your Likes!
😈 guy-you-have-blocked Follow
hey anyone want to hear the worst take of all time as shown through a low-effort meme that i stole from reddit?
(127,363 notes)
😚 trustedmutual 🔁
💝 fandomroyalty Follow
i would let woman mcawesome step on my face
💝 fandomroyalty Follow 🔁
10k woman mcawesome hornyposting
#happy woman mcawesome hornyposting wednesday
(11,560 notes)
#long post #dashboard simulator
13,498 notes
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🍊 the-real-onceler
all im saying is that homestuck is actually a modern epic poem a la gilgamesh the oddesey the journey to the west etc. essay below the cut if you want me to cite my sources
Read More
#onceler essays #i literally wrote my thesis on this
1,045 notes
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🤡 puns-are-for-losers
goncharov ebby deepy glup shitto blorbo old man yaoi vanilla extract post simulators tournaments tumblr live homestuck 2 barbenheimer. we didnt start the fire
656,099 notes
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🦋 axels-random-blog 🔁
🌹 girluterus Follow
what if weevils had tumblr
👤 burrowing-for-goodies-deactivated-2024
guyssss i just found the juiciest tomato to chow down on.... hmu for my location in the garden
150 insectoid notes
🐛 evil-weevil
attention garden dwellers!! do not eat the fresh produce in the southwest corner of the garden!! the humans just sprayed insecticide on them, so if you eat them you will die!!!!
🪲 carapace-is-popping
wtf this is blatant misinfo..... my buddy @burrowing-for-goodies just ate some tomatoes from the southwest corner and hes fine. youre just hoarding bro its so obvious
12k insectoid notes
🪲 carapace-is-popping
hey ummm has anybody seen @burrowing-for-goodies recently? hes not responding to dms. im going to go look for him
🍃 random-bugg
op is your friend ok? what happened?
🪲 carapace-is-popping
4,506 insectoid notes
🔴 girluterus
what was that
10,041 notes
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🔮 the-wizard-hatter
she fireball on my small enclosed space til i TPK
9,156 notes
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💀 longdeadking
do you guys think post simulators have gone too far
1 note
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dumblilgeckos · 15 days
info post or something??
gbdhsh hi. my name's vyx or vyxian, uh, I don't do well with talking to ppl xoxo. she/her, aroace and lesbian,, I don't rlly know anything abt tumblr chat 😔😔. fictionkin (?), MINORR!1!1! 😡
multifandom goober!!: currently fixated on Gravity Falls (sorta), and inside job. i like soul eater, SU, murder drones (YEAHH), TADC, SPTO, Wednesday (netflix), and others. changes often lmaoo
i love love loveee character ai 🤑🤑
ermmm boundaries???:
read ig 😝
1.) don't flirt with me!1! ew,,
2.) don't uh talk to me if 17+ 🤷‍♀️ (im skared)
3.) dni: proshippers, general dni stuff (?) augh
4.) dont send me mlp horror im akshually geonna crey,,
5.) pls don't vent in my asks. i mean, ig its fine I just dont often know what 2 saey so i woent be much help💥💥
thats sorta it im not good at this stuff 😓😓😓
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ms-all-sunday · 10 months
i dont like vivi as much as the average person. i liked her more on a rewatch but genuniely as the tide-over female member of the strawhats that we get between nami and robin i honestly think shes like. a bit boring? i think i like her characterization and relationship with nami the best out of all the factors in her character but i just do not vibe. i think its because shes the most nt woman the strawhats have. im really curious about what my friend who consumes op at my request every wednesday is going to think of her because she's so much better at media analysis than me (said dreamily) and shes probably have more of a positive opinion of vivi and im really curious to see where she thinks the disconnect between vivi and me is.
its not even that i dont like female side characters in op, i love pudding. vivi just doesnt vibe with me because i think shes boring. i think shes very specifically a Type Of Character that if you dont vibe with her she just bounces off of you and theres no real reason to like her if you dont like the type of character she is. shes fine but theres nothing really outstanding to me
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SPOILERS FOR NETFLIX Wednesday as im not sure if anyone following me watched it here are my thoughts/rambles
i saw Wednesday netflix and while i liked it i give it like a 6/7/10.. It felt unfinished/the ending felt rushed it needed more.. Episodes.. like 3 more .. cause the build up was good the ending was.. so.. anticlamatic. I hate to say VD had better villian finals
but it gotta say for a mysteryh show it dids it job well i didnt know who the bad guy was i just said oh its so/so over and over again.. however at one point .. at one point. I saw Tyler sinking into the bathroom tub, screaming out and i just thought is it you? Are you screaming cause of guilt boy? IS IT YOU.. but i didntw ant to belive it was him ... so i just went with whatever Wednesday said.. minus the therapist i knew she was innocent.. i could feel it in my bones.
Xaiver now that guy... that guy i didnt like.. it felt that he came off as entilted to Wednesday cause he saves her in ep 1 like bro thats cool but she dont owe you her pussy leave her alone.. even as he turns out innocent his character screamed nice guy energy cause girl Wednesday didnt' give a fuck about him.. and often looked uncomfortable with him.. all i cold think off was bro.. leave her alone.. he wont be missed next season.
hope to see Wednesday come out of her turtle show next season cause man she was such a lone wolf and all i could think of when she wanted o show emotion was use your wORDS but i also never spoke to my crush so i get it.
i was fine with her being humanized and i agree with my sib that said she should be aromantic..
kinda makes me want to watch the60s show and the 70s cartoon ..
tim burton making the show made too much sense
also man i hope the actress stops seeing jd but ohwell... I thought she did a good job as the character very expressive face and I LOVED THE DANCE it may my lesbian side happy.
and how useful is thing to have around? I kinda want him for myself ha.
fun show. it kinda felt like Velma done right if that makes sense.. got gravity falls/scooby doo/harry potter vibe from it ..
Also Enid was Baby. part of me wants to put her in a room with bojack cause of of course i do so and have em vent about their awful moms.
and Eugene with his BEESS at the end loved it
thats all i gotta say (:.
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glacierheart · 2 months
you were born, bluer than a butterfly. beautiful & so deprived of oxygen, colder than your father's eyes. ❄
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you were born, reachin' for your mother's hands ... VICTIM of your father's plans to RULE the world. too afraid to step outside, paranoid & petrified what you've heard.
THE TALE OF THE HEIR OF JACK FROST . son of the ice king . an original character crafted from the son to a villainous jack frost & a concoction of a summer personification heroine for a mother (aestas) to create an elaborate story of choosing between good and evil, being the embodiment of both sides of the moral alignments. a character born with bad and GOOD ingredients.
delving into how a potential villain becomes an ANTI-HERO. themes of chasing for a controlling father's approval, child neglect, trust issues and abandonment issues. stepping outside of his mother's good will & turning down a dark path (before getting back onto the good one). teetering on the fine line side of wrong and right. the savior or the villain? feeling a void from a broken heart and a cold childhood. needing a reason to be good. icy eyes, warm heart. living behind a facade. pretends to not care, but deep down .. cares a lot. protective. a prankster, morbid humor, sarcastic and witty. emotional and unpredictable.
name origin: caspian theros frost. caspian, meaning, 'white' like snow. and theros meaning an old greek name of 'summer' & his last name frost– after his father jack frost. his name is a combination of winter and summer, just like his parents.
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memes. / open starters. / verses are under cut. / rules are under cut.
01. mun is 21+.
02. i am not based in just one verse, so pls– if you're not into the disney, thg, st, wednesday or dc/marvel world(s) then keep in mind i do have a normal modern world verse setting!
03. be mindful of triggering themes such as blood, death, drowning or child abuse on this blog. caspian was grown up with a very toxic, abusive father– so it'll be difficult to avoid mentioning these themes at times.
04. i am super welcoming of other oc characters and canon characters, i love them all.
05. i love different fandoms and crossovers, so do not hesitate to write with me if you apart of fandoms i may have not even mentioned on this blog yet.
06. if you follow me, pls feel free to reply to any of my opens or send in memes at any time! there's no expiration dates on those. if you're the type that loves to plot, then def come to my IMs but keep in mind i'm not the best at plotting until i get an idea flowing.. so coming to my IMs with an idea already in mind is your best bet if you'd rather plot !! <3
07. i ship with chemistry so no force shipping or godmodding, pls. <3
disney / disney descendants verse. the lost winter prince. caspian frost is the son to mother summer & father winter that are apart of their own separate seasonal kingdoms in auradon. when a combination of a warm hearted young woman and an ill-tempered, glacier hearted man wed and share a child they get both of their natures intertwined. the ice king had a skill for perfect persuasion– so charming and manipulative. he found grand interest the mother of warmth, aestas or as she liked to be called florence. the queen of summer is adorned with nothing but radiant waves, a symbol of abundance and prosperity. her presence heralds the arrival of the season of warmth, light, and growth. aestas is revered for her power to bring forth the earth's bounty, nurturing the land and its inhabitants with her life-giving energy. as the embodiment of summer, aestas represents the joyful and vibrant spirit of the season, inviting all to bask in the warmth of the sun's embrace. so what did father frost want, with a woman the complete opposite of himself? to destruct all of that, use florence as his greatest challenge to glaze over her summery heart, turn her on his side of all things glacier and then make her the queen of the winter kingdom. the ice king became very charming on his ploy to wrap himself around mother summer's heart. perhaps, kind deeds and months worth of finding out jack frost's romanticizing side had created a soft spot in her heart. perhaps, a warm spot... had melted a small hole in his frozen heart itself whether he wanted to remain in denial of that or not. perhaps, that's what fueled his anger all the more in the end. he promised to wed her, have the child she always wished for, jack frost was certain he had the queen of summer delicately wrapped around his icy finger. but when she wouldn't join him and his winter kingdom after understanding his scheme all along, to get her to join forces with him, he took it bitterly and hatefully because in his mind... he really thought she wouldn't 'betray' him then froze her over when she least expected it. caspian was a newborn and never learned the true events of what happened to his mother all from his father's manipulations and lies he fed the young frost. how his mother had abandoned them both and ran off with a new family because he simply wasn't good enough. his father took him under his wing and tried to mold caspian as his last option to being the future ruler of the winter kingdom one day. the ice king is equally as a controlling father as he is a ruler and eventually into caspian's teen years... he begins to find that out the more caspian strays off his father's plan and path of destruction the more he pries into how his mother was like the more demanding his father becomes. and the day he finds out how she really died, is the day the winter kingdom brews an ugly storm and a terrible argument between father winter and his child of winter that unfortunately held the eerily identical anger in his eye as his mother summer had the day she wished to 'betray' him. caspian's only choice left was to flee in fear he would kill him too... during that journey he ends up on the ISLE OF THE LOST. in this verse, caspian does possess a few powers as both of his parents have them. (all inheriting from his father, however.) he can create tiny snowflakes from the tips of his fingers. he has a special white rose that could be used for bad or for good, one touch of it and he can either create beautiful icy rose sculptures – or one drop – and freeze over endless acres of land. he posesses cryokinesis: ability to control temperature and moisture in the environment, which he can generate ice and cold. however, he doesn't have total control on his abilities and his volatile emotions of sadness and a lot of anger have a lot to do with how well he can control them.
the hunger games verse. the president's son: the hunger games. going entirely au for this by sort of reinventing the snow's with the frost's. the difference is unlike coriolanus, caspian has a long run battling between doing the right or wrong thing and inevitably chooses the right decision to scheme a plan to end the hunger games since the other difference is he's the presidents son. son of president frost. but – until then, his morals can come across skeptical. it's easy to assume what he may be like if going anything by his dictator father (which caspian despises). is he a bad person like mr. frost or has he taken a good streak after his late mother? getting accused, categorized in with his father, looked at as the next monster in line... sometimes makes him have difficulty believing he's any thing less. that's something that can certainly get in the way of trying to be a good person. especially with the brainwashing's of his father to topple on top of that. but there's a secret to still be unrevealed, something happened a long time ago when his mother tried to make a good impact on his father and out of anger of his mother's attempt to turn him good... he found a way to rid of her. all these year's caspian's believed a rebel is the one who did it but the day he finds out it was his father all along; things drastically change among that newfound betrayal.
wednesday verse. (to be written) ..
stranger things verse. (to be written) probably will be a test subject type thing, if i don't change my mind.
dc & marvel verse. anti hero. for this verse i may base him off delores winters son. but this is also to be decided and written!
modern verse 1. the president's son: modern day. in modern day setting, caspian winters lives an unordinary life as the son to the united state's president mr. jack winters. his entire life he's been shoved into politics, even if his mother, the kinder parent– has gave the best of her ability to allow him to live as a normal child. still, growing up with zero siblings and a small group of friends has created this loneliness inside of him he wishes he didn't have. sometimes he yearns for an escape from all of it all while the pressure to be next in line to take the throne is shoved down his throat.
modern verse 2. the mayor's son: modern day. this modern verse allows me to write caspian in more of a normal setting. his father's still able to be some kind of man in power, but he's allowed to live more typically and hide in the shadows better. attending university in his home city of chicago, in a band on the side, keeping up with his love for theatre. caspian's definitely always been that theatre kid. it's the only healthy thing other than his band in his life that keeps him out of his usual trouble he tends to find himself causing or in the middle of. he has a rebellious attitude, that tends to lead him there a lot. always caught on either side of right and wrong with zero positive role models in his life.
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sherwoodknights · 1 year
In honour of My Gang To Me day, on this most illustrious Wednesday 26th of April, I thought I'd have a bit of fun and think about all the things that could have been. The season 4 we could have had, if you will.
(Only it'll hopefully be better because I no longer trust the bbc to do right by this show)
I'm not exactly creative enough to come up with a whole plotline on the spot here (although if you amazing outlaws can, I applaud you) but I'd like to at least give a couple of characters I'd love to see reappear in a 4th season, maybe one set a few years, or a decade on from the final episode, when Prince John has become king.
You know I had to do it to 'em, of course it's my boy- Luke Scarlett
Anyone who knows me and my love for minor characters was expecting this one. BUT I wholeheartedly stand by that bringing Luke back to Nottingham would be a good idea. He has the connection to Robin and the gang, but he's also enough of a minor presence in his two episodes on the show that his personality could be developed pretty much any way a writer would want (unless they massacre my sweet angel baby's characterisation. Then I will be laying down a gauntlet 😂).
Maybe he got restless in Scarborough, maybe he got tired of waiting for Will to come and find him (😬), maybe he just needed a trip down memory lane. All I know is that this lad has something of an eye for justice that might come in handy somewhere like Nottingham....
She's been misunderstood for too long, and consider this my formal apology for all the hatred my uneducated self had when I watched season 3 for the first time- Kate
When we first saw Kate, she was a young woman angry with the world (and the Sheriff, of course). But she was certainly a woman who could hold her own, and she wasn't afraid to stand up for people she cared about. Now, imagine a decade down the line. Call it a cliché, but maybe in those years, she's had Robin's child (I know, I know, but it's just an idea) and she'll do whatever it takes to protect her child. Or maybe we bring in the old faithful headcanon for real; Kate as the new Nightwatchman, honouring the spirit of Robin Hood by helping those who are suffering.
I think it would be nice to revisit her character as more of a solo act, especially since the writing of season 3 really let her down and didn't give her much chance to shine outside of her romance plotlines.
The most questionable of these characters for certain, but I felt like I had to give him a chance here- Archer
Archer always felt like a bit of a mixed bag for me. He had the flirty charm and charisma of early seasons Robin, combined with some Allan levels of con-man skill, but he was definitely a selfish guy, and maybe not the best choice to pass down the Robin Hood mantle to, despite the very weird character 180 in the final episode (lets just say, it's not a season 4 I'm sure I'd have enjoyed watching).
But an Archer who's had years to mature, to work on actively being a better man, could be an interesting addition to a series; a man constantly grappling the morals he seemingly grew up learning against the ones he saw in people like Robin and the outlaws. It could be that he's become disillusioned with the selfless lifestyle, until whatever event that kicks off the season ignites the little outlaw flame that's been hiding inside him.
Come on, you guys, it wouldn't be a Robin Hood season without them- the OG gang
You all knew this was coming, right? There's no way I would suggest a season 4 without these guys. While it would be bittersweet to be reminded of who we lost along the 3 season journey (*sniffles and wipes away a tear* no, I'm fine, don't worry about me, im doing okay I promise 🥲🥲🥲), it would be nice to at least see how our old friends have been doing. They could remain a regular presence in the season, or they could be relatively background to the action, doing what they can, but maybe not being quite so active in a fight.
It would be so lovely to see their reaction to Robin's spirit and influence reaching somewhere outside of the gang, being kept alive by people with a drive to make the world a better place. Also, imagine what a tearjerker it would be for all of us og viewers to see a gang reunion 14 years on....
An honourable mention to the best beta couple of the show, and no, I'm not talking about Much and that roast pork- Will and Djaq
A few years ago, the return of Will and Djaq would have been the ultimate dream, and who am I kidding, deep down it still kind of is. While a return in season 3 would have been something I would have gladly celebrated, I am now very much of the mind that a post-canon return would destroy me, heart, soul and all. I don't think I would be able to emotionally handle Djaq and Will learning that Allan died while they were gone (and Robin too, of course, but we all know that i am not above blatant favouritism when it comes to this show).
However, I am very much an angst enjoyer, so maybe this is a good time to invite the fandom to make me cry about this before I manage to do it to myself 😂
And the final honourable mention goes to all the RH ocs people have created over the years
I know that I am certainly not above the creation of shameless oc creation (I have at least 5 ocs that I have created for this show alone) and neither are many of my beloved mutuals- big shoutout to @chaoticbitheatrekid and @muchadoaboutcj for being some of the first people I talked ocs with in this fandom, and in general (love you both so much, happy Robin Hood day to both of you x)
So many of the ocs I've seen in this fandom are absolutely brilliantly written, creatively developed and irresistibly lovable, and since an official season 4 doesn't seem to be on the bbc cards anytime soon, consider this my official encouragement to go wild! Write your own season, use all the ocs you can imagine (or if you're anything like me, procrastinate indefinitely on the actual writing and just very vividly imagine your ideal season)
So there we have it! It's certainly not an exhaustive list, but I felt like I had to do something special for my 3rd active My Gang To Me day considering how much I slacked off last year
Much love to everyone out there keeping the fandom alive, I wish you all a wonderful anniversary of the Locksley Four Rescue, and never forget:
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potatohater · 2 years
Fandom: Wednesday
Characters: Xavier Thorpe and Wednesday Addams
1.5k words
soo, this is like my second tickle fic ever so im actually sorry if this shit is so cringey and ☠️☠️ but i tried at least; and i didn’t want to do Wednesday like a super uwu girl but idk what is it (and sorry for all mistakes im not fluent in eng)
Weak moonlight crawled through the old windows of shelter. Two silhouettes were talking quietly, sound of silence and cracking leaves brought peace of mind. Xavier’s little workshop was filled with calm mumbling of him, teaching Wednesday how to draw certain things (she asked for art lesson because c wanted to draw a spider poster) but they mostly just talked about everything but drawing.
Her legs crossed on the floor full filled with canvases, paint and all this “creative” stuff that she could never reach. But she tried at least.
Boy’s hands moved slowly, showing how to colour the body and doing shades; eyes followed every movement. The night was really going.. well? At first he was surprised (actually very surprised) that she not just came to him, but asked for help in drawing something? Is everything was fine w her? But as it turned out it wasn’t something unusual, they became more closer after all this events, and they didn’t mind. At all.
“Are you sure you’re not a wizard, because honestly I have no idea how you’re doing this” she tried to repeat his movements but all seemed wrong. He chuckled. Dark eyes glanced at their canvases, comparing them, she sighed putting her work on the floor.
“I’m actually quite sorry for the last, not the whole thing, just about suspecting you thing” she continued, not a muscle moved on her face but her voice sounded pretty honest. Her hands embraced her knees and she sat with her back against the wall hugging them. Long braided hair and disappointed eyes complement the picture.
“Are you actually going to bring this up every minute we are alone?” He gave her a sarcastic look, playing with his eyebrows, but he knew that if he was her, it would be kinda hard to believe that anyone actually forgave you.
He glanced at Wednesday’s drawing and took another colour to do some corrections while she just sat there, looking at an infinite number of canvases and paints around the place.
“Come on, lets finish this shit” he poked her side, giving her canvas. She didn’t say a word, only twitched in the opposite direction, protecting her side with hand. Face was still without any hint on emotion. But he knew that there was something.
“Wha—“ His eyes met Wednesday’s.
“What?” She straightened up. Xavier was started to think that he made this up because of tiredness but one un-safe idea appeared in his head. Corners of his mouth moved upwards, forming a small grin; he just couldn’t help it.
He wanted to poke one more time but Wednesday grabbed his hand abruptly. She just confirmed his theory with out any words. Other hand tries to grab her side but she moved away. Again. Small grin re-formed into a playful smile, eyes filled with curiosity wasn’t the thing that Wednesday prepared for.
“I juhust can’t believe it” he giggled. Voice came across the room, banging on the walls and echoing in Wednesday’s ears. He moved his free hand to her stomach, doesn’t actually waiting for anything. Her other hand squeezed another Xavier’s arm. Results: Xavier in the full range of emotions, with two blocked hands, but has it ever stopped him? Ever? (Rhetorical question). Wednesday understanding that is no actually escape from this shit but murder. Has it ever stopped her neither?
Emotionless face made it really worse. Her insides were curving and dancing along when facial expressions said that she’d rather put bullet in her chest than show herself smiling or laughing.
Without a word her eyes narrowed at him. They took eye contact for a good three seconds until his hand spidered all across her stomach. She let go of his hands, trying to protect her own body from this.. strange, but familiar vibration. Like she wanted to crawl out from her own skin yk.
After all this years, it felt the same. All that childhood memories when she was a kid, and uncle Fester was an adult without any pity, he’d tickle her to death sometimes; not quite literal in this situation. He actually was the first who come up with that idea, but it’s a secret (for his own safety)
The familiar sensation come through her stomach, making her chortle with her own breath. She was trying to curl up, but his hands were too good for this shit. They quickly sneaked into her underarms, wiggling and dancing.
Yes. She felt like she was 9 again, because she had literally the same situation.
Back back in time uncle Fester came to Addams for some kind of holiday or what. It was the first time he met something like, her physical weakness?
She was too unemotional even for herself; there weren’t anything, not anger or grief. Just nothing. They sat alone in her room on the bed. He poked her a few times to catch her attention when she flinched from him, eyes widened that much that you could see an entire universe in them.
“Oh—” they said at the same time. “So you are” small grin cracked his facial expressions. He could see that she don’t even know what was it, and it was even funnier. He immediately crawled his hands into her underarms and that was it. It was half-choked laugh, maybe it was actually first and the last time she laughed in his presence, or at all. Her cheeks darkened when she heard her high, childish giggles. She tried so much to lower the corners of her mouth which formed a small smile. He retreated almost immediately of course, he didn’t want to kill the kid. (at least at first)
“Good spot. Noted” he fondly smiled at her. Their eyes met, when Wednesday was breathing heavily, protecting her underarms and sides.
After that he slept with one eye opened for good three month. It took her a few years to forget how does it feel, and she wasn’t sure if she was happy to bring these memories back.
She threw her head back, hitting the wall. Xavier chuckled at her, hands drooling her underarms even more. His eyes caught her smile. Not like smirk but actually smile. She actually tried to wipe off that smile off her face, or shook her head so he couldn’t see her smile; but he could. He saw that a bit crinkled eyes and up turned corners of the mouth, hidden by the long black hair. Her hands caught Xavier’s arms, trying to pull them away, but oh boy he was just starting.
“St-stop it” dangerous glint in her eyes had to warn him, but he just couldn’t help himself.
“You actually are ticklish)” but it wasn’t like he teased her with a shit-eating grin on his face, no. He said it with pure enjoyment or even happiness. Like he thought about it few times but it looked so unrealistic that he gave up. But look at this. The Wednesday Addams herself, cracking under Xavier on the dusty floor in his shelter.
“Oh come on”. he said, looking at her eyes and smiling. All the moments when you saw her emotions were so rare and imperceptible that the whole situation felt like a fever dream. And he didn’t want to wake up.
“Don’t keep it in yourself, set it free.” One of his hands crawled out of her underarm, and dug into her higher ribs. Jackpot.
A few light giggles slipped of Wednesday’s mouth. Xavier’s smile grew even more. She shrieked, flailed, and finally fell into helpless, quiet laughter. Eyes closed, she stopped shaking her head, so now he could see her whole face. His other hand came to her ribs, she squealed.
He just felt how his heart melted, it was first time he saw her so.. smiley, and happy. Her hands weakened, so it was just a grip on his arms which didn’t do anything.
“Is it a bad spot?” He moved his hands to her lower ribs. Giggles became a bit louder. She tried to gave him a “one more word from you mouth, and you won’t wake up tomorrow morning” look, but her smile and laugh kinda ruined the whole vibe. Yeah, and all this red cheeks face and heavy breathing didn’t pass the vibe either.
He tickled her ribs ruthlessly for a few more moments until he raised his hands up as criminals do, smiling. He obviously didn’t want to stop but everyone has their limits. And it looked like smiled 10 years ahead.
Her smile faded and eyes filled with curiosity, or it was disgust; he didn’t make out. Heavy breathing calmed down, and she looked at Xavier, waiting for him to say something. Silence was so loud for a few seconds, she even opened her mouth to say something when he handed hers painting, he fixed a few details.
“Come on, lets finish this shit” words actually sounded with a different intonation but she didn’t care. Wednesday took her canvas, and silently picked a brush from the floor to finish it. Xavier grinned at her, taking his drawing to finish too.
He won’t forget it. Never. And she knew it; he should probably sleep with one eye opened.
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cassthefrassreviews · 2 years
Wednesday- Netflix Show Review (spoilers duh)
Alright, i watched the show. Did i like it? Eh!! Will i still participate in fandom? Yes!
Show rating: 3 stars??
Right off the bat you can tell the only good actor in this show is the main character. Jenna Ortega 100% did this role amazingly, and was my second favorite character (first being Thing ofc). Everyone elses acting ranged from mid to just straight up not good? Not to mention like jesus the cast either looks 12 or late 20s, is this highschool, middle school or college?? And dont get me started on the MAIN MALE LEADS ACTING??? Tyler played by Hunter Doohan, deadass sounds like a shitty anime dub protagonist. And by GOD did that get on my nerves. I will say either the acting is better or more tolerable by the end of the season but thats most likely due to the fact the screen time mainly shifts onto the main character Wednesday. Which im fine with.
I love Wednesday, i love her so much. She is so autistic coded, just like me for real. Jennas portrayal is amazing. Line delivery, body language, everything down to the tea for amazing it was.
The writing...... yeah the writing..... yeah no..... Its not great, it feels like they only focused on making Wednesdays lines good and give 0 shits about anyone else. Some moments are great i wont lie, but alot of the writing comes off as???? Eh??? And the actors definitely didnt help carry the writing. Maybe with a different cast, it wouldn't have been so hard to watch.
The show starts off with a very strong pallet of "how do you do, fellow kids?" and honestly has one of the worse hooks ive ever seen. Social media being shoved down are throats and a couple of ad placements throughout the first episode, i was expecting a full on "HEY BUY THE LATEST IPHONE, EAT SOME DORITOS AND SHOP AT OLD NAVY" type of ads like the Addison Rae movie. Like oooooooooooof, thankfully they tone that down, but its still very obvious in some scenes.
Shows like this always make me feel weird where they have "outcast" "normie" type stuff. And yeah it was.... ?????? Man idk lmao. This show did alot of stereotypes and ???? stuff?? throughout it, that was honestly very weird? Like for example Enid isnt able to transform into a werewolf, and her mom wants to send her to.... wait for it.... CONVERSION THERAPY??? Are we serious??? And its like this long awkward scene that felt like a coming out scene of her turning down conversion therapy, and her mom storming out and her dad saying how proud he is and he will always support her....... like deadasss???? AND THEN!!! SHE ENDS UP "WOLFING OUT" AT THE END ANYWAYS????? So like are you serious??? They dealt with it like it was a coming out thing and it was a puberty thing and alsoa disability, so that was icky!!!
A HUGE ICK IS IN THE ENDING???? We find out what a hyde is and all of a sudden Wednesday finds out that Tylers mom, oh my god, was a HYDE!!! So she confronts him and let me just quote this scene for yall"
Wednesday: "Her postpartum depression triggered her condition"
Tyler: "My mom has severe bipolar disorder."
Wednesday: "We both now thats a lie..... She was a Hyde"
LIKE DID WE REALLY???? DID WE REALY JUST COMPARE A SEVERE MOOD DISORDER TO A CREATURE???? IN THE SHOW A HYDE IS DESCRIBED AND "UNLEASHED" By this: "artists by nature, but equally vindictive in temperament.” He wrote: “Born of mutation, the Hyde lays dormant until unleashed by a traumatic event or unlocked through chemical inducement or hypnosis."
Like???? what we arent going to do is compare an already severely stigmatized disorder to a literal monster. That is so fucked up??? On so many levels????
There were a couple good moments in the show, and i did really like watching the friendship between Enid and Wednesday blossom. Any scene with Thing was good and also the scenes with Eugene were pretty adorable. I do enjoy the way she does investigate and the mystery aspect is semi solid. Her visions are also portrayed very well and i like them. The fight scenes i would say are pretty well choreographed.
Wednesday has alot of autistic / neurodivergent traits, along with alot of the other characters and that is very fun to watch. Because omg me? Very relatable! Does put the whole "outcast" "normie" thing in a weird perspective tho huh?
Anways would i watch it again? No
Will i watch the second season? Yeah probably!!
Do I recommend it? EH??? If you can get through the first two episode and look past the cringey/ unbearable acting, then yeah go ahead. Its only 8 episodes, i finished it in a day, so if you just want the show in the background or youre bored sure. Again there are some captivating scenes but honestly none that are very hooking to me.
Anyways thats my review !!!
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unnecessaryrants · 2 years
yeah ummm after watching episode 4 of Wednesday I have come to the conclusion that Xavier is a bit of a sleaze ball and maybe a little bit dramatic after all becaauseeee TYLER DEFINITELY GOT THE W RIZZ LIKEEEE im fw Tyler but Xavier on the other hand not only did he mansplain Wednesday’s power but it’s like he expects her to like him because he likes her? like idk he’s just so..exhausting like I don’t really get what he’s trying to do a lot of the time or why he even gets upset with her sometimes (besides when she invaded his privacy with the art studio) and then for him to like be mad that she’s goes with Tyler to the dance and not him so he’s goes to the dance WITH his ex which is a bit lame and sleazy and then he asks her to use her power on him to make him forget about Wednesday like….:////// ehhhhh it’s just kinda lame and dramatic likeeee get over it???? and it’s all types of weird and rude like u don’t ask.. someone to do that for another girl like and then why even go to the dance with her like it’s wack
and it’s funny because I legit started watching the show for Xavier because he’s hella fine and I kept seeing clips of him but now that I get into his character it’s like meh he’s just kinda confusing and weird.
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