#like if you believe all Muslims are terrorist bombers that want to kill you then THAT is Islamophobic!
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scarletfasinera · 1 year ago
All of the responses I keep reading on the antitheist post (because I hate myself I guess) about hell being abusive to teach children all going "actually you're just talking about CHRISTIANITY because JUDAISM doesn't believe in hell" as if Christianity and Judaism are the only religions ever. as if there aren't literally thousands upon THOUSANDS of religions out there in the world that have some kind of concept of hell that is used as a form of power and control to scare children and threaten people into submission within it. But sure, your one or two religions you can mention off-hand that don't have a hell-like concept are the reason the "antitheist" part of the post should be written off and the reason you can try to reduce the post to "just being about christianity". ok.
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eretzyisrael · 4 years ago
What We Can Do About It
Last week I explained How They Did It, how the enemies of Israel – the Arabs, the Soviets, the international Left, and others – turned much of the West against us. What can we do about it?
I concentrated on the ‘softer’ aspects of cognitive warfare, such as the infiltration of higher education and international organizations like NGOs and UN agencies, corporations, the use of social media, the exploitation of minorities with grievances, and the support of public antisemites (e.g., Ilhan Omar). But we should keep in mind that more kinetic actions can also have primarily cognitive objectives. The PLO’s European terrorism during the 1970s paved the way for its conversion from a gang of despicable terrorists into a member of the UN, and for murderer and thief Yasser Arafat to become a “statesman.” The 9/11 attacks against the US changed the media portrayal of its Arab and Muslim citizens from “billionaires, bombers, and belly dancers” to hardworking citizens who are targets for islamophobic hatred (this is not the case with Jews, despite the fact that Jews are far more likely to be the victims of hate crimes today).
Terrorism works on various levels, but on the deepest, visceral one it creates paralyzing fear, which the mind – still subconsciously – tries to rationalize away by distancing itself from the victims and identifying with the terrorists. “Don’t kill me, I am on your side!” the terrorized mind shouts. “I’m one of the good ones!” (e.g, a “Jew for Palestine”).
The counterattack has to be planned, coordinated, and specifically targeted in all of the arenas, soft and hard, in which cognitive war is being waged against us. This is something the State of Israel has never come close to doing. Our efforts at public diplomacy have often been most charitably described as a bad joke, like the campaign to advertise Israel as a destination for gay tourism(“Come to Israel! We have nice beaches and we won’t hang you!”) At best we are reactive, responding to vicious accusations of war crimes, apartheid, and other depravities, usually long after the damage has been done. And we often ignore the cognitive implications of our actions, or the lack thereof.
It won’t be easy. Organized support for anti-Israel organizations (including those connected with terrorism) has been going on for decades, with millions of dollars annually flowing from sources like the George Soros organizationsand the European Union. Social media, especially, is constantly changing and new battlefields appear almost daily. Everywhere you look (e.g., Wikipedia) there is anti-Israel bias. And for every pro-Israel activist there are ten, or a hundred, attacking us.
An effective cognitive counterattack must have two parts: how we speak to the world, and – most important – how we act. Let me take the second part first.
There are basic human instincts that precede the ideas expressed in the UN charter by hundreds of thousands of years. Our actions must affect those instincts in a way that will cause others to respect us, and our enemies to fear us. I am not suggesting that we follow the example of the PLO and hijack planes in Europe, but our response to terrorism and threats from enemy countries (e.g., Iran) can be designed to have the appropriate effect. Humans are attracted to strength. They want to be on the side that’s stronger. They talk about the importance of moral and legal principles, but they bet on the winner. Our actions should radiate power and control, and even ruthlessness.
For example, no terrorist should survive his attack. Israeli security forces and the individuals involved have been sharply criticized, both by Israelis and others, for the “Bus 300 affair” in 1984, when two captured terrorists were executed in the field after interrogation. My contention is that this action sent exactly the right message, both to our enemies – “don’t try this or you will die” – and to the rest of the world – “Israel does not tolerate terrorism against her citizens.”
Our pusillanimous responses to Hamas, which has on numerous occasions killed Israelis and which today holds two Israeli citizens and the bodies of two soldiers hostage, is supposed to be justified for practical reasons, but is a total failure from the standpoint of cognitive warfare. When Israel bombs an unoccupied Hamas installation after arson balloons or even rockets from Gaza have burned crops or damaged buildings, the message that is sent is that we are too weak to protect ourselves. When our citizens are held captive while we supply electricity and water to the Gaza Strip, the message is that Hamas is in control, not Israel. I understand the limitations of our power, as viewed by the IDF, but I believe that they are not weighing the cognitive aspects of the question heavily enough.
Recently, the IDF demolished the home of a terrorist murderer, a citizen of the PA who was also an American citizen, despite a request from the US State Department to desist. This was the correct action from the cognitive point of view, sending the message that Israel is a sovereign state which controls Judea/Samaria, and which does not tolerate terrorism. On the other hand, the continued presence of the illegal Bedouin settlement of Khan al-Ahmar as a result of pressure from the EU and the UN tells the world that Israel does not control the land.
Our greatest enemy is Iran, whose regime has explicitly threatened to destroy us on numerous occasions and is developing nuclear weapons. There are obviously multiple considerations that play into choosing the best response, from a pre-emptive strike on her nuclear installations to a continuation of the campaign of sabotage that Israel has been waging for the last few years. Cognitively, the best approach is the one that publicly demonstrates that Israel has the power to destroy the installations, regardless of the distance or their fortification. This could be a massive aerial attack, or it could be covert action that is made public after the fact. The worst case is that we refrain from taking action because of pressure from the US.
In the soft realm, one priority is to put an end to Israel’s self-imposed cognitive failures. There is no reason that Israelis should be allowed to act as paid agents of the EU or the international Left, as is the case with B’Tselem and numerous other anti-state organizatons. There is a weakly enforced law that requires Israeli NGOs that receive half of their funding from foreign governments to report that, on penalty of a relatively small fine; and even that was opposed by the Left and the Arab parties in the Knesset. It is absurd that these groups should be allowed to operate in Israel. All foreign funding – private or governmental – for political NGOs should be forbidden, period. Representatives of foreign NGOs hostile to Israel should not be allowed into the country.
Speaking of Arab parties, there is a Basic Law that says that in order to run for election to the Knesset, a candidate or list must not “[negate] the existence of the State of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state.” This law is interpreted loosely by the Supreme Court, so that Arabs who do precisely that can sit in the Knesset. That must end.
Israel has military censorship, which sometimes makes us look foolish when foreign publications are revealing details that Israelis are not allowed to read or hear from their own media, but at the same time, the Ha’aretz newspaper is allowed to attack the state, day in and day out, often using material from the foreign-funded NGOs. Foreign propaganda outlets make good use of it, saying “even Israelis admit…” This is unacceptable; it borders on treason, and it must stop.
There is a place for traditional hasbara, explanation, or presentation of the news from the viewpoint of the state. I am not sure why everyone is entitled to an opinion and a platform from which to broadcast it, while the state is not. Why not a government TV/radio/Internet news outlet, staffed with professionals who could respond immediately and accurately to false accusations? Doing this properly, so that it would be both authoritative and not boring, would be expensive and require high quality personnel that would not be easy to find; but it is worth doing.
Much of what I have suggested will be criticized because “it violates human rights” or it is “antidemocratic,” or similar things. I don’t disagree. But the idea that Israel has to be a paragon of human rights and democracy is wrong. It is an expression of the antisemitic idea that Jews must always be held to the highest of standards – indeed, to a standard that is continually raised so as to always be out of reach. Israel is not a Platonic ideal state; it is not even the United States. It is a tiny nation with no strategic depth that is surrounded by enemies who themselves violate every standard of civilized behavior. National survival is more important than human rights – especially when those defining the concept of human rights are indifferent (or worse) to our survival.
Abu Yehuda
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creepingsharia · 5 years ago
60 Muslim Refugee-Jihadis Caught in the U.S. Profiled in New Book
“The 60 refujihadis include a Muslim translator for the U.S. Army, cab drivers, gangsters, money transfer agents, janitors, and college students.”
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Here are three facts that the most hysterical voices attacking the Trump administration’s proposal to radically reduce or freeze refugee admissions don’t want you to know:
1) They make billions of dollars off the federal refugee resettlement racket;
2) They are protected by the Open Borders Inc. media, which routinely whitewashes the gobsmacking financial self-interest of the “Let Them All In” leeches; and
3) They are never held accountable when untold numbers of the world’s most wretchedly violent and aggrieved refugees come here to sabotage the American Dream.
While left-wing religious groups, tax-exempt non-profits tied or allied to George Soros, and the amnesty-shilling Catholic Church scream “No hate, no fear, everyone is welcome here!” at the top of their lungs, American neighborhoods are being overrun by dangerous foreign criminals and jihad plotters. David Miliband, president and CEO of International Rescue Committee, attacked the White House plan to slash refugee numbers from an Obama-era high of 100,000 to less than the current historic low of 30,000 as “inhumane.” Is it because cutting the numbers would cut in to Miliband’s first-class travel and business lunch tabs? Malkin Truth-O-Meter: mostly likely true!
What Miliband neglects to mention in his diatribe against President Trump that his organization is one of 9 behemoth government contractors that works with the hostile United Nations and encrusted State Department social justice warriors to import thousands of new refugees every year with little input from the communities in which they are dumped. Miliband earns nearly a million-dollar salary and by one estimate, IRC has raked in nearly $900 million in refugee resettlement profits over the last decade. When you cut through the Statue of Liberty smokescreen of the open borders “charities,” the math is clear:
Reduced refugees means reduced cash flow.
Zero refugees means zero cash flow.
Why should taxpayers continue to see their hard-earned money siphoned away to feed the Trump Resistance Machine and Democrat Party’s Permanent Ruling Majority Project?
There are even more compelling reasons to throttle the refugee flow. According to the logic-twisting, ICE-doxxing cheerleaders at the New York Times, refugee reductions are the real threat to our nation because if we don’t keep importing hordes of Muslim translators from Iraq or Afghanistan, it would “undermine” our national security.
This is just plain ass-backwards.
The Trump-bashers and border-phobes equate any and all criticism of the refugee program as racist, xenophobic hatred. But it’s not all sweetness and light. They’re not all “yearning to breathe free.” Some of them just want free stuff. Some of them want to kill us. Many of them have absolutely no interest in assimilating themselves into our customs, measures, and laws. And many of them have outright contempt for Western civilization. They’re not here to strengthen our nation with their “diversity.” They’re here to destroy it. That’s fact, not “hate.”
In Open Borders Inc, I have profiled 60 of the planet’s most maleficent refujihadis nabbed over the past dozen years. Here are their names (you can learn their full stories in Appendix G of the book) . And remember: these are only the ones we’ve caught.
Nuradin Abdi
Dritan Duka
Shain Duka
Eljvir Duka
Mohanad Shareef Hammad
Waad Ramadan Alwan
Abdow Munye Abdow
Farah Mohamed Beledi
Cabdulaahi Ahmed Faarax
Shirwa Ahmed
Mahamud Said Omar
Abdiweli Yassin Isse
Kamal Hassan
Salah Osman Ahmed
Adarus Abdulle Ali
Ahmed Ali Omar
Khalid Mohamud Abshir
Zakaria Maruf
Mohamed Abdullahi Hassan
Mustafa Ali Salat
Tamerlan Tsarnaev
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev
Issa Doreh
Basaaly Saeed Moalin
Mohamed Mohamed Mohamud
Ahmed Nasiri Taalil Mohamud
Ramiz Hodzic
Sedina Hodzic
Mediha Medy Salkicevic
Armin Harcevic
Jasminka Ramic
Nihad Rosic
Abdullah Ramo Pazara
Fazliddin Kurbanov
Liban Haji Mohamed
Mohamed Abdullahi Hassan
Abdinassir Mohamud Ibrahim
Mohamud Ali Yusuf
Nima Yusuf
Zacharia Yusuf Abdurahman
Adnan Farah
Hanad Mustafe Musse
Guled Ali Omar
Abdirahman Yasin Daud
Mohamed Abdihamid Farah
Abdirizak Warsame
Hamza Ahmed
Abdullahi Yusuf
Ahmed Ali Omar
Amina Farah Ali
Hawo Mohamed Hassan
Abdul Razak Ali Artan
Dahir Ahmed Adan
Omar Abdulsattar Ameen
Omar Faraj Saeed Al Hardan
Aws Mohammed Younis Al-Jayab
Abdullatif Ali Aldosary
Bilal Abood
Jamshid Muhtorov
Mahad Abdiaziz Adbiraham
More than half of these foreign menaces came from Somalia.
The 60 refujihadis include a Muslim translator for the U.S. Army, cab drivers, gangsters, money transfer agents, janitors, and college students. They include convicted weapons felons, confessed aiders and abettors of terrorism, stabbing spree vigilantes, and bombers all sworn to wage war against infidels in the name of Allah – and fraudulently posing undercover as victims of political and religious persecution. Here’s just a small taste of what our blind “welcoming” culture has wrought:
Abdul Razak Ali Artan was a Somali refugee who left his homeland with his family in 2007 for Pakistan and landed in Dallas before resettling in Ohio. In 2014, he became a legal permanent resident. At Ohio State University, where he was a student, Artan raged against America and invoked radical Muslim cleric and spiritual adviser to jihadists Anwar al-Awlaki. In 2016, he plowed his car into a group of students and then broke out a knife and stabbed innocent bystanders. Eleven were injured before police shot Artan dead.
Somali refugee Dahir Ahmed Adan went on a stabbing spree at a St. Cloud, Minnesota, mall in 2016, injuring ten people before an off-duty police officer shot him dead. Police told local media Adan quizzed at least one person on whether the individual was Muslim and made references to Allah while carrying out the stabbings. A local chapter leader of the unindicted terror co-conspirators of CAIR-Hamas disseminated an obligatory condemnation of Adan’s jihad before wailing about “the potential backlash to this community.”
Mahad Abdiaziz Adbiraham pleaded guilty to stabbing two people at the Mall of America in Minnesota in January 2018. Initially, the crime was reported as an “interrupted theft” in which two men had spotted Adbiraham attempting to steal merchandise at a Macy’s. But Adbiraham made his intent clear in the courtroom when he entered his plea. His attack was a “call for jihad by the Chief of Believer, Abu-bakr Al-baghdadi, may Allah protect him, and by the Mujahiden of the Islamic State,” he wrote in a statement. “I understand that the two men I stabbed know and have explained the reason for my attack, and I am here reaffirming that it was indeed an act of Jihad in the way of Allah.” Motive: known. Adbiraham entered the U.S. with “derivative status,” meaning he came here with a relative legally (most likely a refugee or green card recipient).
Mohanad Shareef Hammadi was an Iraqi refugee who landed in Las Vegas before resettling in Bowling Green, Kentucky, in 2009. He was not being hunted or oppressed by anyone. He was, in fact, a bomb-maker insurgent for Al Qaeda in Iraq who had targeted American soldiers on the battlefield and sought to amass high-powered weapons and ship them from his adopted home back to the front lines to assist his terrorist brethren. In 2013, he was sentenced to life in prison for providing material support to terrorists and “conspiring to transfer, possess, and export Stinger missiles,” not to mention making a false statement in an immigration application.
In 2015, a ring of Bosnian Muslim refugees and naturalized Bosnian-American citizens were indicted on criminal charges for sending money and supplies to terrorists in Syria and Iraq. Ramiz and Sedina Hodzic, refugees who had resettled in St. Louis, were charged in a criminal conspiracy involving fellow Bosnian immigrants Mediha Medy Salkicevic, Armin Harcevic, Jasminka Ramic, and Nihad Rosic. They raised money and purchased U.S. military uniforms, combat boots, tactical gear, and rifle scopes, which they sent to Abdullah Ramo Pazara–a Bosnian Muslim refugee who had lived in St. Louis and became a U.S. citizen just days before traveling to Syria in 2013 to fight for Al Qaeda and the Islamic State. Pazara rose up the ranks of ISIS; he was reportedly killed on the Turkey-Syria border. Ramiz Hodzic, Harcevic, Salkicevic, and Ramic pleaded guilty to their charges in 2019. In May 2019, Sedina Hodzic pleaded guilty to providing material support to terrorism and is awaiting sentencing.
Open Borders Inc. propagandists and profiteers will do what they always do when confronted with criminal nightmares that don’t fit the Emma Lazarus fantasy narrative: Whitewash them. The vast majority of refugees are law-abiding, they’ll sputter. Only xenophobes dwell on the negative impacts, they’ll seethe. But an untold number of refugees are not just committing ordinary civilian crimes. They are Islamic oppressors masquerading as the oppressed. Never forget: Ramzi Yousef faked an asylum claim to plot the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. Never forget: Gazi Ibrahim Abu Mezer, a Palestinian bomb-builder who entered the U.S. illegally through Canada, claimed political asylum based on phony persecution by Israelis. Never forget: Palestinian jihadist Mir Aimal Kansi, convicted in 1997 of capital murder for the January 1993 shooting spree outside CIA headquarters in McLean, Va., claimed bogus political asylum based on his ethnic minority status in Pakistan. The 9/11 jihad attacks, which every feckless politician will commemorate during next week’s 18th anniversary events with “Never Again” platitudes, should have taught us that all it takes is a teeny-tiny minority of foreign menaces to wreak massive havoc on our safety and civil order.
How many more horrifying reasons do we need to shut off the refujihadi spigot, stop underwriting the U.N.’s sovereignty-eroding agenda, and get our house in order?
Michelle Malkin is the author of Open Borders Inc.: Who’s Funding America’s Destruction?, out September 10 from Regnery. Visit OpenBordersInc.com for more information.
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olokosomolo · 2 years ago
"To kill a cabby" comedy by Moy Vot
This is Mary Johanna From WNNEW news. I'm here in 59th st with the Director of the new theme attraction in New York, Mr morr. Miha Morr. that got a tremendous success it's new trend attention thrill only in NYC "to Kill a cabby "in which the visitor take a ride on a yellow cab and in the end of the ride they shoot the yellow cab driver. That absolutely one twisted attractions and I wish start by asking you Mr. Morr how the fuck you came with this sick idea?
Miha mor: well indeed it's a sick one but between me and you, there are much more sick & twisted people then human being. Look at statue of liberty, it become so boring, no one believes we have any freedom so no one cares anymore . The number of daily visitors plunged to less then a dozen. So, as the mood of time felt like we're getting screwed by our government, that theme came as perfect to the cannibalism atmosphere, if they eat us alive, why don’t we eat each other then, right? Look how it boost our city, in order to experience this theme you need to book in advance if you wish to experience this attraction, at this moment the waiting time is about a year.
J: wow impressive, but please I wish to understand where do you find all those crazy people that willing to died for the thrill of this attraction?
Morr: believe it or not, we got enough supplies for the next 10 years
J: Really
Morr: infect the major of those people are coming from the Middle East since there is no more order to blow busses and this act of terror becomes un trendy there. On this opportunity I would like to praise the Islamic nation that knew to remove the phenomenon of suicide bombers in no time. That's occurred immediately after someone published a quotation that quickly became viral, it said: Not all Muslim are terrorists, but every terrorists is a Muslim. So after they stopped this trend, there was so many that developed mental problems since they been thought about 70 virgin that are waiting for them in heaven right after death. And suddenly they got without only their palm to relay on jerking. Some of course made a virgin tattoo on their arm but it's only one and they want 70 as the been promised. So all of them got this offer to come and do a suicidal act by letting someone to shoot them. So it's become a classic win win situation.
J: win-win? How come?
Morr: First they get their 70 virgin wish, second, if you can see on your right, it's a special facility that responsible to quickly remove all their vital organs once the attraction ride ends. Their organs to be sold for the ones that in need for that we send 45% of the amount collected on their organs and sent it to their love ones. So as I said, in the end of the day all comes happy. Win-win
J: And what about accident that occurred during the thrill, after all we talking about firearms is that an issue that you aware of?
Morr: well it's not an issue that we worried about since we give no more then two bullets inside the gun magazine. We eliminate any options for a foul play. But we had a local family that had a family argument. By the way, the father is next to me if you wish to interview him.
Now it's another scene of a father that take his two kids to that thrill
F: So as I promise I ordered those tickets event last year.
Son: wow that so cool dad . I wanna shoot the yellow cab driver. Dad I hope you didn't order to kill a car service driver, Coz this is cheaper...
Dad: No son, only yellow. No car service or black car neither those who are operating without license.
Son: nice dad I'm so excited
Son#2: Dad !?! Why only he will shoot the cabby, I wanna shoot him too.
Dad: I think there is two bullets so he gonna shoot him first and then, you gonna shoot the second to make sure he is gone.
Son# 2: okk thanks dad I’m so happy that we’re going together for such a thrill haven't see you from few weeks.
Dad: yeah sorry son I was busy doing nothing
Two kids laughing 😃
Dad: Ok guy we are cab number # 7
Kids running 🏃‍♀️ over the 7th car open the rear door and dad enter after.
Suddenly one of the son get a phone call from his mom. He immediately answered
Son: Hi mom. Yeah we already there, yes, ahh, no. OK love you mom.
Dad: you son it's funny why with me you avoid picking up your phone when you're with your mom, and here you picking as soon as you saw it's your mom. She have more privileges then me. Lol
Son: Dad are you a moron ? What kind of stupid questions, like a Little jealous shmake
Dad: come on I joked with you.
Son: and besides maybe mom has bit more privileges then you, after all there is only one mom.
Dad: Wait, what do you means by that? Also father are only one father
Son: No Dad father can be anyone.
Dad: don't quite understand
Son: ok, say you're at work and mom fuck with the neighborhood so you are not the daddy I'm the son of the neighbor
Dad is thinking 🤔 and in the front, the cab driver get a bit edgy saying
Cab d: ahhm scuse me but you need to shoot me soon...
Dad: Wait so, what exactly you wanna tell me that your mom fuck with the neighborhood while I was working ?
Cab d: someone shoot me please 🙏
Son: Dad, what's wrong with you I only gave you an example, you are over thinking, relax.
Driver: guys! I need to be dead already! what's wrong? stop arguing! and do it, do it... please 🙏
Dad: sorry son you right.
Son: it's Dad, and by the way I do know if mom fuck with all the neighborhood but I sure know she fuck with your cousin
Dad slowly turned his face
Dad: what ? Wait ✋️ are you their fruit?
Son# 2: no Dad, I'm their fruit !
Dad lost a beats while look on his second child
Son: and I'm the fruit of her dentist. Both kids are cracking up and high-five each other. Now Dad is in completely confused mode while the driver is intensely upset, shouting.
Driver: you guys killing me. I need to die, don't kill me, kill me already, I gonna miss my meeting with all my virgins, I'll kill myself if I'll miss them
Dad, son & son#2 : shutuppp!
Driver then managed to grabbed the gun that son held and shoot himself.
Son in shock grabbed the gun again look at his father
Son: you see coz of you I lost my shot I'm so upset I'm about to shoot you.
Slowly rase the gun on his father lower body.
Dad: ok son I'm leaving it's been enough.
Dad turn his Back and try to open the door. While doing that a sound of fart been sound
Son: Dad! Are you farting on me?
Dad: what ? No I didn't fart on you what kind stupid thing you're talking ?
Son: come on I heard you did, you did?!?
Dad: No son you're totally wrong.
Son make sniffing sound
Son: you are lying now I smell your shit, Dad, why are lying?
Dad: ok son, bye. I no more wish to arguing with you
Dad managed to open the door
Son: why are you lying and now trying to escape? and coz of you I lost a shot? fuckkk no.
FATHER: From this day everyone calling me daddy cheeky cheeky bang bang
DRIVER: Hey, I think I'm in the wrong place?!?
Guys: No sir you came to the right place, but since you shoot yourself, you become the virgin, and you belong to us, hun, 😉
Driver: so amm am I your prize ?
Guy's: years you are
Driver: is is going to hurt me
Guys together: Nuh. Maybe like a virgin
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diarrheaworldstarhiphop · 7 years ago
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In 2015, as the threat of radicalization became an increasing issue in Edmonton's Somali community, RCMP counterterrorism investigators received a tip about a man in his late 20s who had been "espousing extremist ideology," and launched an investigation that included interviews with the man and others – but which was ultimately closed without further action.
This weekend, that same man emerged as the suspect in a violent rampage that left a police officer and four other people injured in Edmonton, and which investigators believe was an act of terrorism. Police have identified the man as a 30-year-old Somali refugee but did not release his name on Sunday because he had not yet been formally charged.
Police sources have identified him as Abdulahi Hasan Sharif.
"At the end of that exhaustive investigation, there was insufficient evidence to pursue terrorism charges or a peace bond," said RCMP Assistant Commissioner Marlin Degrand, speaking about the 2015 investigation at a news conference in Edmonton on Sunday afternoon. "Further, the suspect was not deemed, at that time, to pose a threat to the security of Canada based on the information that was available to investigators."
He said the suspect showed no active signs of recruitment or radicalization to violence at that time, had no record of criminal interactions with police, and that investigators had no intelligence that warranted keeping him under investigation. Mr. Sharif is now in police custody facing charges including five counts of attempted murder and terrorism offences after a string of violent incidents that sent a police officer and four others to hospital in Edmonton on Saturday night.
Police have said evidence from the scenes, including an Islamic State flag found inside the suspect's vehicle, has led them to believe it was a terrorist act.
"From all indications, it appears that this was a single individual acting alone," Edmonton Police Chief Rod Knecht said at the press conference on Sunday, though he cautioned that police are exploring several leads, and that the situation could change. "We are actually less than 24 hours into this investigation. We have no reason to believe that there is any threat to our city, but we encourage citizens to be vigilant and to report any unusual or suspicious activities to our police complaint line."
The incident began around 8:15 p.m. when a white Chevy Malibu plowed through a barricade into a police officer directing traffic near Commonwealth Stadium, where the Winnipeg Blue Bombers were playing the Eskimos.
A surveillance video released by police shows the officer being tossed through the air after being hit by the car, which then rams into a police cruiser. While passersby run to the officer to help, the suspect can be seen getting out of his car and repeatedly stabbing the injured officer lying on the pavement. The officer and attacker can be seen struggling before the attacker flees the scene on foot.
Chief Knecht said the police officer, 48-year-old Constable Mike Chernyk, fought off a knife attack with one hand while holding his gun with the other, and suffered multiple stab wounds to his face and head from a large knife, and significant abrasions to his arms from being struck by the vehicle. Despite the severity of the attack, Chief Knecht said the 11-year member of the force has been released from hospital and is expected to make a full recovery.
Hardeep Singh was working behind the counter inside the store at the corner of 107A Avenue and 92nd Street when he heard a collision out front.
Mr. Singh, who moved to Edmonton from India 41/2 years ago, immediately went outside. By then, he said, the assailant that had struck the police officer with his car was on top of him and attempting to stab him.
"It was scary," Mr. Singh said. "I've never seen any activity ever anything like that."
Mr. Singh retreated to the store with a customer who had just left it.
"She told me, 'Somebody has a knife' and said, 'Lock the door, lock the door.' "
He locked the door and watched through the front window as Constable Chernyk wrestled with his attacker and eventually overpowered him. The man then fled.
Shortly before midnight, in the midst of a citywide manhunt, a police officer stopped a U-Haul truck being driven by a man whose name appeared to match that of the suspect in the earlier incident.
The U-Haul driver then sped away with several police cruisers in pursuit, at points driving on the wrong side of the road, almost T-boning a vehicle and deliberately swerving into pedestrians in downtown Edmonton, hitting four people.
Chief Knecht only had limited details about the condition of the other victims, but that their injuries range from "broken limbs to brain bleeds." He said one person has been upgraded from critical to stable condition, and another has regained consciousness after suffering a fractured skull. He said two of the victims have been released from hospital.
The chase ended when a tactical police manoeuvre caused the U-Haul to overturn on Edmonton's Jasper Avenue. Tactical-team weapons police deployed a stun grenade and a taser to arrest him. He said the chase was warranted given the grave risk of the situation.
Austin Elgie, manager of The Pint bar just west of the downtown core, said he was outside on Saturday night when he saw a truck zoom by and turn speeding into an an alley where people were smoking. As the van came around the corner, it hit a man who was one of the bar's customers.
"I thought at first he was pulling over for the cops coming by, but he was clearly the one they were chasing," he said.
Mr. Elgie ran inside to get Nena Powell, a fourth-year nursing student who works as a bartender at The Pint every Saturday.
"I need you to stay calm, but I need you outside," he told her. "A man just got hit."
Ms. Powell said she found the man lying unconscious, and instinctively stabilized his head and checked his heart rate. "His vitals [signs] were normal," she said. "That's all that mattered to me. At least he was still alive."
The three scenes remained roped off with lines of fluttering police tape on Sunday, as word continue to spread about what happened, and residents grappled with an apparent terrorist attack in their city.
Jim Gee said he was out to dinner when he saw all the police cars speeding toward the stadium, and wondered if there had been a terrorist attack. On Sunday morning, he walked his dog over to one of the scenes to see for himself.
"I am a little leery about jumping to conclusions," he said. "Sometimes, I know things aren't what they appear to be."
Ralph Goodale, the federal Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, said on Sunday that the country's threat level remained at "medium," but is constantly reassessed and evaluated.
"The threat level has been fixed at medium since the fall of 2014. There is nothing known at this moment that would cause that threat level to be changed," he said.
He acknowledged the suspect "apparently had some appearance on a police watch list," but said authorities will continue to investigate and that, "there are no conclusions that can be drawn at this present time."
The investigation is being conducted by both Edmonton police and the RCMP's Integrated National Security Enforcement Team, or INSET, counterterrorism unit, which got involved minutes into the incident.
The Edmonton Police Service also has a specialized counterterrorism unit, which was launched in August of 2016 amid what Chief Knecht described at the time as a marked increase in radicalization in the city.
The simmering risk of dangerous extremism in Alberta has become apparant several times in recent years, including the murder of an Edmonton police officer, Constable Daniel Woodall, in 2015 by a man identified as a Freeman on the Land, which espouses an extreme anti-government and anti-authority ideology. Constable Woodall, 35, was an investigator with the EPS Hate Crimes unit, and had been investigating the suspect for anti-Semitic harassment.
In 2014, members of Edmonton's Somali community spoke publicly about the need to address young Somali men being radicalized in the city.
In other incidents, a 17-year-old from Beaumont, a rural community just outside Edmonton, was charged with attempting to leave Canada to join the Islamic State to commit murder, and three men from the city are reported to have been killed fighting for IS that fall. A young woman who left Canada to fight for IS in 2014 had been recruited through an online course offered by a woman based in Edmonton.
Testifying before the Senate national security committee in 2015, Chief Knecht said counterterrorism efforts were "woefully under-resourced" in Edmonton. He told media around that time that some cases were not being investigated by the RCMP's terrorism unit, which he described as basically operating at full capacity.
In a statement on Sunday morning, Premier Rachel Notley said extremism in all its forms must be condemned and rooted out.
"There is no place for terrorism in Alberta," she said. "And we will do everything possible to stop it in its tracks in our home."
Edmonton Mayor Don Iveson said he believes Edmonton is a safe city, and urged residents not to be intimidated by violence.
He said he reached out to leaders of the Muslim community Sunday morning, who are as "upset and appalled as we are," and urged Edmontonians to attend a vigil to support their fellow citizens regardless of cultural orientation or faith.
"This is something that touches all of us," he said.
Jibril Ibrahim, president of the Somali Canadian Cultural Society of Edmonton, said he was shocked to learn of the attack and stressed that it was the action of an individual, and not reflective of the broader Somali community.
"We want the rest of Canadians to know that this is not related to the community …" he said. "We want to keep it that way because the community is a peaceful part of this fabric of society in Edmonton."
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go-redgirl · 5 years ago
Exclusive — Michelle Malkin: 60 Terrifying Reasons Trump Is Right to Reduce Refugees
Here are three facts that the most hysterical voices attacking the Trump administration’s proposal to radically reduce or freeze refugee admissions don’t want you to know:
1) They make billions of dollars off the federal refugee resettlement racket;
2) They are protected by the Open Borders Inc. media, which routinely whitewashes the gobsmacking financial self-interest of the “Let Them All In” leeches; and3) They are never held accountable when untold numbers of the world’s most wretchedly violent and aggrieved refugees come here to sabotage the American Dream.
While left-wing religious groups, tax-exempt non-profits tied or allied to George Soros, and the amnesty-shilling Catholic Church scream “No hate, no fear, everyone is welcome here!” at the top of their lungs, American neighborhoods are being overrun by dangerous foreign criminals and jihad plotters. David Miliband, president and CEO of International Rescue Committee, attacked the White House plan to slash refugee numbers from an Obama-era high of 100,000 to less than the current historic low of 30,000 as “inhumane.” Is it because cutting the numbers would cut in to Miliband’s first-class travel and business lunch tabs? Malkin Truth-O-Meter: mostly likely true!
What Miliband neglects to mention in his diatribe against President Trump that his organization is one of 9 behemoth government contractors that works with the hostile United Nations and encrusted State Department social justice warriors to import thousands of new refugees every year with little input from the communities in which they are dumped. 
Miliband earns nearly a million-dollar salary and by one estimate, IRC has raked in nearly $900 million in refugee resettlement profits over the last decade. When you cut through the Statue of Liberty smokescreen of the open borders “charities,” the math is clear:Reduced refugees means reduced cash flow.
Zero refugees means zero cash flow.Why should taxpayers continue to see their hard-earned money siphoned away to feed the Trump Resistance Machine and Democrat Party’s Permanent Ruling Majority Project?There are even more compelling reasons to throttle the refugee flow. 
According to the logic-twisting, ICE-doxxing cheerleaders at the New York Times, refugee reductions are the real threat to our nation because if we don’t keep importing hordes of Muslim translators from Iraq or Afghanistan, it would “undermine” our national security.
This is just plain ass-backwards.The Trump-bashers and border-phobes equate any and all criticism of the refugee program as racist, xenophobic hatred. But it’s not all sweetness and light. They’re not all “yearning to breathe free.” Some of them just want free stuff. Some of them want to kill us. Many of them have absolutely no interest in assimilating themselves into our customs, measures, and laws. And many of them have outright contempt for Western civilization. 
They’re not here to strengthen our nation with their “diversity.” They’re here to destroy it. That’s fact, not “hate.”In Open Borders Inc, I have profiled 60 of the planet’s most maleficent refujihadis nabbed over the past dozen years. Here are their names (you can learn their full stories in Appendix G of the book) . 
And remember: these are only the ones we’ve caught.
The 60 refujihadis include a Muslim translator for the U.S. Army, cab drivers, gangsters, money transfer agents, janitors, and college students. They include convicted weapons felons, confessed aiders and abettors of terrorism, stabbing spree vigilantes, and bombers all sworn to wage war against infidels in the name of Allah – and fraudulently posing undercover as victims of political and religious persecution. Here’s just a small taste of what our blind “welcoming” culture has wrought:Abdul Razak Ali Artan was a Somali refugee who left his homeland with his family in 2007 for Pakistan and landed in Dallas before resettling in Ohio. In 2014, he became a legal permanent resident. 
At Ohio State University, where he was a student, Artan raged against America and invoked radical Muslim cleric and spiritual adviser to jihadists Anwar al-Awlaki. 
In 2016, he plowed his car into a group of students and then broke out a knife and stabbed innocent bystanders. Eleven were injured before police shot Artan dead.Somali refugee Dahir Ahmed Adan went on a stabbing spree at a St. Cloud, Minnesota, mall in 2016, injuring ten people before an off-duty police officer shot him dead. Police told local media Adan quizzed at least one person on whether the individual was Muslim and made references to Allah while carrying out the stabbings. 
A local chapter leader of the unindicted terror co-conspirators of CAIR-Hamas disseminated an obligatory condemnation of Adan’s jihad before wailing about “the potential backlash to this community.”Mahad Abdiaziz Adbiraham pleaded guilty to stabbing two people at the Mall of America in Minnesota in January 2018. Initially, the crime was reported as an “interrupted theft” in which two men had spotted Adbiraham attempting to steal merchandise at a Macy’s. 
But Adbiraham made his intent clear in the courtroom when he entered his plea. His attack was a “call for jihad by the Chief of Believer, Abu-bakr Al-baghdadi, may Allah protect him, and by the Mujahiden of the Islamic State,” he wrote in a statement. “I understand that the two men I stabbed know and have explained the reason for my attack, and I am here reaffirming that it was indeed an act of Jihad in the way of Allah.” Motive: known. 
Adbiraham entered the U.S. with “derivative status,” meaning he came here with a relative legally (most likely a refugee or green card recipient).
Mohanad Shareef Hammadi was an Iraqi refugee who landed in Las Vegas before resettling in Bowling Green, Kentucky, in 2009. 
He was not being hunted or oppressed by anyone. He was, in fact, a bomb-maker insurgent for Al Qaeda in Iraq who had targeted American soldiers on the battlefield and sought to amass high-powered weapons and ship them from his adopted home back to the front lines to assist his terrorist brethren. 
In 2013, he was sentenced to life in prison for providing material support to terrorists and “conspiring to transfer, possess, and export Stinger missiles,” not to mention making a false statement in an immigration application.
In 2015, a ring of Bosnian Muslim refugees and naturalized Bosnian-American citizens were indicted on criminal charges for sending money and supplies to terrorists in Syria and Iraq. Ramiz and Sedina Hodzic, refugees who had resettled in St. Louis, were charged in a criminal conspiracy involving fellow Bosnian immigrants Mediha Medy Salkicevic, Armin Harcevic, Jasminka Ramic, and Nihad Rosic. 
They raised money and purchased U.S. military uniforms, combat boots, tactical gear, and rifle scopes, which they sent to Abdullah Ramo Pazara–a Bosnian Muslim refugee who had lived in St. Louis and became a U.S. citizen just days before traveling to Syria in 2013 to fight for Al Qaeda and the Islamic State. Pazara rose up the ranks of ISIS; he was reportedly killed on the Turkey-Syria border. 
Ramiz Hodzic, Harcevic, Salkicevic, and Ramic pleaded guilty to their charges in 2019. 
In May 2019, Sedina Hodzic pleaded guilty to providing material support to terrorism and is awaiting sentencing.Open Borders Inc. propagandists and profiteers will do what they always do when confronted with criminal nightmares that don’t fit the Emma Lazarus fantasy narrative: Whitewash them. The vast majority of refugees are law-abiding, they’ll sputter. Only xenophobes dwell on the negative impacts, they’ll seethe. But an untold number of refugees are not just committing ordinary civilian crimes. 
They are Islamic oppressors masquerading as the oppressed. Never forget: Ramzi Yousef faked an asylum claim to plot the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. 
Never forget: 
Gazi Ibrahim Abu Mezer, a Palestinian bomb-builder who entered the U.S. illegally through Canada, claimed political asylum based on phony persecution by Israelis.
 Never forget: Palestinian jihadist Mir Aimal Kansi, convicted in 1997 of capital murder for the January 1993 shooting spree outside CIA headquarters in McLean, Va., claimed bogus political asylum based on his ethnic minority status in Pakistan. 
The 9/11 jihad attacks, which every feckless politician will commemorate during next week’s 18th anniversary events with “Never Again” platitudes, should have taught us that all it takes is a teeny-tiny minority of foreign menaces to wreak massive havoc on our safety and civil order.
How many more horrifying reasons do we need to shut off the refujihadi spigot, stop underwriting the U.N.’s sovereignty-eroding agenda, and get our house in order?
Michelle Malkin is the author of Open Borders Inc.: Who’s Funding America’s Destruction?, out September 10 from Regnery. Visit OpenBordersInc.com for more information.
Immigration Politics jihadists Michelle Malkin refugees
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kyliafanfiction-archive · 7 years ago
jessicajcnes replied to your post: I suppose that depends on your definitions of good...
can I ask your definition of evil, out of curiosity? this is something my mom and I have debated lately re:GoT
Evil is evil regardless of intent.. sort of. What is evil? Do some evil and find out. (Its like a reverse of Aristotlean Virtue Ethics). 
Evil is... evil. Its what is done, less than the why or how. Someone can be very selfless in their actions. A man who kills hundred of innocent people to save their son is still evil. Its more or less selfless (and certainly based on love), especially if they then intend to turn themselves in to the authorities afterwards, or whatever, but its still evil.
By the rubric of the anon, one could argue that Hydra in the MCU isn’t evil - they dedicate themselves to saving the world, after all. In their mind, what they’re doing will save countless millions and billions of lives, in the long run (inb4 someone shouts Hydra is Nazi - they’re not, and I can cite chapter and verse if someone wants to argue the point), but.... well, any plan that involves crossing off 20 million people, even if there is some thereotical greater goal...
Seems pretty evil to me, right?
Moreover, take for example (bear with me here, I know not everyone is into Roman History) Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus. Roman politicians in the late 2nd century BC, they were dedicated to improving the lot of the poor, specifically by enforcing longstanding laws about how much public land (that is, land taken by the state during its wars) a man could own. The idea behind public land was to take some indigent, give them a plot of land, and boom, you have a productive citizen.
But the laws saying someone couldn’t amass a giant estate out of public land had been ignored because corruption for basically centuries, so the wealthy elite of Rome had it all. The Gracchi brothers tried to enforce the existing laws with new commissions empowered to do their job. They sometimes used some shady political tactics (though so did their opposition - everyone in Rome did), but they wanted to help people.
Or did they? The critics of the Gracchi, both ancient and modern, will argue it was all about building a personal powerbase for themselves, rather than helping people, and thus that their motives were purely selfish.
But... does that matter? I would submit it doesn’t. Not entirely, anyway. They were helping starving, desperate people. And fighting public corruption. Pretty good things. Maybe they were trying to build a base they could help them in future elections. So what?
What if Mother Teresa did all she did purely for the fame and for that philanthropic high one sometimes gets when helping people? What she was purely selfish? Does that mean she didn’t do good things? Should we discount her accomplishments? 
Evil, like most things tangled up in morality, is hard to nail down. But its a lot more complicated than just ‘selfishness’. I think the terrorists who blow themselves and civilians up are evil - and some believe in some grand martyr-payment heaven (if they’re muslim extremists), but Islamic exteremists don’t have the monopoly on suicide bombers and suicide attackers. They are being selfless, putting a cause or a group or a person before their own life. 
The people who bankrupt themselves to help some movement - if that movement is evil or doing evil things... they’re pretty evil. Even if they never expect to gain anything and ruin themselves and their family and their grandchildren to come... still evil. 
I think an evil man can give their lives to save their spouse or kid(s) and stay evil. Love is a morally neutral concept, in my view. 
Evil is what you do as much as why you do it. Evil is evil is evil is action. 
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fapangel · 8 years ago
199 chars, I got cites. I'll stick to actions and militia/cult behavior. The sniper attack on power station citation is you missing my point. Antifa has no weapon stockpiles or military training. The groups law enforcement see as a threat are the militias: "Law Enforcement Assessment of the Violent Extremist Threat". PBS: "armed militia groups surging across nation" Cult stuff: Business Insider:"right-wing-militias-recruit-young-soldiers-on-4chan-2017-5" psychologytoday:"the mind the militias".
Firstoff, pastebin.com is definitely the go-to for things like this -there’s no way anyone can make a cohesive argument in that tiny askbox. Just say “pastebin: and it’ll get you past that “no URLs”filter tumblr imposes. But I can answer these points/sources here: 
Have you heard of the John Brown club? They’rean antifa group - the usual insane anarchists - and they’re showingup at protests carrying loaded weapons. The Phoenix group inthat article made a video of themselves doingrange practice. I believe that qualifies as training, youknow, with those weapons you say they don’t have.What fucking training do you think the right-wingmilitias have besides target shooting and playing paintball in thewoods? In other words, exactly what these people are doing? 
And what the fuck do you mean stockpiles? Bro,I don’t know if you’re aware, but we live in America - you know,that free country? If you want a gun, are over 21,and don’t have a felony conviction on your record, you can walkinto any store, do 5 minutes of paperwork, wait for them to call theFBI background-check database and walk out with a new long gun. It’sthat fuckin simple. And they’re not that expensive either, you canget a decentAR-15 pattern rifle for under $500, easily. Same for ammo -you can easily buy bulk, online. The only state where both of thoseare harder is California, and I imagine that suits the huge mobs ofclub-armed antifa cunts just fine, because semi-auto firearms with large reloadable magazines are the best way to counter thugs that badly outnumber you. Stockpiles? That crazy fuck that shot the hell out of a US Representative and two Capitol police officers was using an SKS, a fucking WWII era Soviet rifle that loads from the top with fucking stripper clips. And look how much damage he did - it’s only pure dumb luck that nobody was killed or mortally wounded. 
... stockpiles?  Just how much do you know about guns? Here’s what I found in literally five goddamned seconds on ammoseek.com - you got $290, a credit card, and a shipping address? There you go, a thousand goddamned rounds of .223 Remington. Want two thousand? Three? Change the number in the “quantity” box.
Anyway, I’m not surprised that PBS and pals are back at their fake news, doing their damnedest to gin up right-wing militias as the real threat even as they reply to attack after violent attack by radical Islamists with hey - not all Muslims! Yes, that is the trend; witness this Atlantic article trying to justify it.  But that’s beside the point. For starters, if you haven’t read my 6,500 word post on left wing vs right wing violence and violent rhetoric, I go into some depth with the whole militia thing there. For all their LARPing in the woods, swaggering and shit-talking, there hasn’t been any significant violence committed by right-wing militias since... forever, considering that Timothy McVeigh was never really part of one - and his attack was twenty-two years ago. Moreover, I cover how his attack - and the attention it drew to the militia movement - sent anywhere from “2/3rds” to “80%” (according to two different militia-affiliated folks being interviewed) scrambling away from them at high speed. Protip - actual terrorist organizations tend to attract attention when they manage huge, spectacular attacks - you know, like how Black Lives Matter is still going strong after multiple ambush attacks on cops? Gee. 
And that brings us to the essential point -  if these militias are really dangerous, and not just a bunch of shit-talking LARPers playing soldier in the woods - then where’s the violence? Again, as I document in that post, the only “cells” they find are a few shitheads talking shit in a bar too close to an FBI informant that eggs them on - one of them even gave them free automatic rifles to shoot, to get them all excited. 
As for this study, it’s a start, but this paper freely and breezily equates “anti-government extremism” with “right-wing extremism,” and that’s a false equivalency - because Antifa are anarcho-communists. Just read their handy-dandy guide to setting up an antifa group, where they call the state their enemy multiple times - as well as cops. Shit, they have a whole section on “state repression.” Also note the bit under “political orientation,” where they openly state - in case there was any doubt - that the majority of their membership in the US are anarchists. In case you weren’t aware, anarchists are, by definition, anti-government extremists. The list on page 4 covers “anti-capitalist violent extremism,” but considering that antifa are anarchists and anti-capitalists - where do they fall in the reporting? Did every agency report them the same? In light of antifa’s own literature (again, that guide) advocating strongly that they not even name their groups and keep their identities secret as long as possible, how accurate is each agencies accounting? Hell, where do right-wing terrorist groups fall on this scale, considering there’s several anti-immigration militias that focus on finding and reporting illegal immigrants? Doesn’t that qualify as racist? Or are they anti-government, considering that anti-government sentiments tend to run pretty strong in groups like that, especially with a black Democrat in office who personally did as much as he could to hamper border control efforts?
Shit, by their own admission on page 4, they defined “Al-Qaeda inspired violent extremism” as “violent extremism inspired by the radical Islamist ideas advocated by al-Qaeda and other like-minded extremist groups,” and every other category with one general example; “violent extremism motivated by any other political, social, or religious concerns, including, but not limited to, anti-government, racist, radical, environmentalist, or anti-capitalist views. Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh, the Unabomber (Ted Kaczynski,) and the Sikh temple shooter, Wade Michael Page, are examples of ‘other violent extremists.” So they only define one category well, loosely define the others, and then they start standing around characterizing the results with terminology (right wing, left wing) they didn’t even use in the fucking survey? When all those other categories were lumped together into “other violent extremism” in other categories? 
And then there’s other data-sets - one just adds up every every crime committed by “groups or individuals with far-right associations,” (which would include every skinhead robbing a gas station, which they do a lot, because skinheads are dime-store hoods almost by definition,) and the well defined report - focusing on premeditated plots by individuals or groups that rise to the level of attempted or actual domestic terrorism,” has a whopping total of... 34 incidents listed in 14 years, and is published by the Anti-Defamation League, which is a fucking activist group, not academics, or law enforcement. Wew lad. The Global Terrorism database is better - more data, and a good definition of qualifying incidents - but it’s only being compared to Islamic extremist terrorist attacks in the US, not left wing domestic terrorism, which is what we’re discussing here. 
Bruh, this is some pretty rough shit, here - all twelve pages of it. Especially that bit at the end where they make a claim about how law enforcement agencies see “right wing terrorism” (a phrase used nowhere in their survey to said law enforcement agencies) as a bigger threat in the city than in rural areas. Yeah, dense urban areas, which overwhelmingly vote Democrat, as anyone who’s seen a county-by-county electoral map can tell you, are the hotbeds of right-wing militias? 
Bruh. Bruh. 
But, listen, you’re actually doing your fucking homework here, which is more than most assholes can say, so lemme help you. The FBI is a great resource here - not only do they publicly publish huge annual reports on all sorts of categories of violence, (law enforcement officers killed and assaulted, general crime stats, hate crime stats, etc,) but they watch fucking everyone. There is no group too big or too small for them to not worry about - they’re basically a domestic surveillance agency. That’s why you have agents going out of their way to hand out automatic rifles to a trio of knuckle-dragging rednecks to egg them on till they can arrest them - these guys have time and resources to spare, apparently. They watch everyone - and they cover them, too, with published reports. I’ve read their reports on motorcycle gangs, and in researching that big post on violence, I found (and used) their public information on the “Sovereign Citizen” movement, which is definitely right-wing. While we’re at it, here’s their page on anarchist extremism. Note that page is out of date, though: 
For today’s generation of American anarchist extremists, the rioting that disrupted the 1999 World Trade Organization meetings in Seattle is the standard by which they measure “success”—it resulted in millions of dollars in property damage and economic loss and injuries to hundreds of law enforcement officers and bystanders. But fortunately, they haven’t been able to duplicate what happened in Seattle… 
LOL HAMBURG. But you get my point - the FBI watches everyone, even esoteric groups like anti/pro abortion “activists” that get a little out of hand. So the FBI is an excellent primary source to go to - certainly better than another PBS hit piece which is also regurgitating data from the “Anti-Defamation League” and making claims of “thousands” of people flooding to the Sovereign Citizen movement, without citing any source at all. Especially when they started in on how dangerous sovereign citizens are! As I noted in my big effortpost (see that for the links,) Sovereign Citizens managed to kill six police officers since the year 2000 - but twenty officers have been ambushed and murdered in 2016 alone, with multiple attacks committed by black people acting on black separatist/revolutionary rhetoric, including the Dallas shooting (killing five and wounding nine) and the Baton Rouge shooting nobody seems to have heard about (killing three and wounding three.) The latest ambush murder of a police officer in New York was similarly motivated - I haven’t even counted the ambush killings of cops in 2017 yet. But yeah, man, the fuckin right wing millitias are the real threat! Hooooo boy, how fucking hard can they shill? 
Anyway, here’s the FBI’s resources page, complete with all their copious reports in .pdf format, including several on terrorism related topics. I’ll bet $5 you can make a better argument than fuckin PBS with just what you find here. I’d also track down the sources cited in that 12 page “paper” you linked and read them yourself, see what you can get out of them. That should be a good start, at least. 
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nothingman · 8 years ago
There’s been lots of attention-grabbing opposition to Trump’s “Muslim ban” executive order, from demonstrations to court orders. But polls make it clear public opinion is much more mixed. Standard phone polls show small majorities opposed, while web and automated polls find small majorities continue to support it.
What surprises me about the poll results isn’t that lots of Americans like the ban — but that so many Americans don’t. Regular people have lives to lead and can’t investigate complicated issues in detail. Instead they usually take their cues from leaders they trust. And given what politicians across the U.S. political spectrum say about terrorism, Trump’s executive order makes perfect sense. There are literally no national-level American politicians telling a story that would help ordinary people understand why Trump’s goals are both horrendously counterproductive and morally vile.
Think of it this way:
On February 13, 1991 during the first Gulf War, the U.S. dropped two laser-guided bombs on the Amiriyah public air raid shelter in Baghdad. More than 400 Iraqi civilians were incinerated or boiled alive. For years afterward visitors to a memorial there would meet a woman with eight children who had died during the bombing; she was living in the ruined shelter because she could not bear to be anywhere else.
Now, imagine that immediately after the bombing Saddam Hussein had delivered a speech on Iraqi TV in which he plaintively asked “Why do they hate us?” — without ever mentioning the fact that Iraq was occupying Kuwait. And even Saddam’s political opponents would only mumble that “this is a complicated issue.” And most Iraqis had no idea that their country had invaded Kuwait, and that there were extensive United Nation resolutions and speeches by George H.W. Bush explaining the U.S.-led coalition’s rationale for attacking Iraq in response. And that the few Iraqis who suggested there might be some kind of relationship between Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait and the Amiriyah bombing were shouted down by politicians saying these Iraq-hating radicals obviously believed that America’s slaughter of 400 people was justified.
If that had happened, we’d immediately recognize that Iraqi political culture was completely insane, and that it would cause them to behave in dangerously nutty ways. But that’s exactly what U.S. political culture is like.
Interiors from a building in Amiriya district, a residential area on Baghdad’s western outskirts, after an Allied bombing on an air raid shelter by US bombers, Gulf War, Feb. 14 1991.
Photo: Kaveh Kazemi/Getty Images
In an interview last March with Anderson Cooper, Donald Trump tried to puzzle out what’s behind the terrorism directed at the U.S. “I think Islam hates us,” Trump learnedly opined. “There’s a tremendous hatred there, we’ve got to get to the bottom of it.”
“In Islam itself?” asked Cooper. Trump responded, “You’re going to have to figure that out. You’ll get another Pulitzer.”
During Trump’s speech at the CIA right after his inauguration, he expressed the same bewilderment. “Radical Islamic terrorism,” pondered Trump. “This is something nobody can even understand.”
John F. Kelly, now Trump’s head of the Department of Homeland Security, is similarly perplexed, saying in a 2013 speech that “I don’t know why they hate us, and I frankly don’t care, but they do hate us and are driven irrationally to our destruction.”
Say what you want about the tenets of this worldview, but at least it’s an internally consistent ethos: We’re surrounded by lunatics who want to murder us for reasons that are totally inscrutable to rational people like us but … obviously have something to do with them being Muslims.
Meanwhile, in private, the non-crazy members of the U.S. foreign policy establishment aren’t confused at all. They understand quite well that Islamist terrorism is almost wholly blowback from the foreign policy they’ve designed.
Meanwhile, in private, the non-crazy members of the U.S. foreign policy establishment aren’t confused at all.
Richard Shultz, a professor at Tufts whose career has long been intertwined with the national security state, has written that “A very senior [Special Operations Forces] officer who had served on the Joint Staff in the 1990s told me that more than once he heard terrorist strikes characterized as ‘a small price to pay for being a superpower.’” That small price, of course, is the deaths of regular Americans, and is apparently well worth it.
The 9/11 Commission report quietly acknowledged, hundreds of pages in, that “America’s policy choices have consequences. Right or wrong, it is simply a fact that American policy regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and American actions in Iraq are dominant staples of popular commentary across the Arab and Muslim world.” A senior official in the George W. Bush administration later put it more bluntly to Esquire: That without the post-Gulf War sanctions that killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and the stationing of U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia, “bin Laden might still be redecorating mosques and boring friends with stories of his mujahideen days in the Khyber Pass.”
Intelligence professionals were quite aware that an invasion of Iraq would take the conditions that led to 9/11 and make them far worse. The British Chilcot Inquiry into the Iraq war published a February, 2003 assessment by British intelligence of the consequences of an invasion of Iraq, which would occur one month later. “The threat from Al Qaida will increase at the onset of any military action against Iraq,” the UK’s Joint Intelligence Committee told Tony Blair, and “the worldwide threat from other Islamist terrorist groups and individuals will increase significantly.”
The CIA had the same perspective. Michael Scheuer, who for several years ran the section of the Agency that tracked bin Laden, wrote in 2004 that “U.S. forces and policies are completing the radicalization of the Islamic world, something Osama bin Laden has been trying to do with substantial but incomplete success since the early 1990s. As a result, I think it fair to conclude that the United States of America remains bin Laden’s only indispensable ally.”
For its part, the Defense Department’s Science Board concluded in a 2004 report that “Muslims do not ‘hate our freedom,’ but rather, they hate our policies. The overwhelming majority voice their objections to what they see as one-sided support in favor of Israel and against Palestinian rights, and the longstanding, even increasing support for what Muslims collectively see as tyrannies, most notably Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Pakistan, and the Gulf states.”
A Palestinian woman reacts amid destroyed buildings in the northern district of Beit Hanun in the Gaza Strip during a humanitarian truce on July 26, 2014.
Photo: Mohammed Abed/AFP/Getty Images
When Barack Obama took office, he had two choices.
First, he could tell the truth: That the U.S. has acted with extraordinary brutality in the Middle East, that this had been the main motivation for most Islamist terrorism against us, and if we continued the same foreign policy Americans would be killed indefinitely in intermittent attacks. Then we could have had an open, informed debate about whether we like our foreign policy enough to die for it.
Second, Obama could continue trying to run the Middle East without public input, but in a more rational way than the Bush administration.
Obviously he went with the second choice, which demanded several different forms of political correctness.
Most importantly, Obama pretended that the U.S. has never done anything truly wrong to others, and can enjoy the benefits of power without any costs. This is the most pernicious and common form of political correctness, but is never called that because the most powerful people in America love it.
But Obama also engaged in something more akin to what’s generally called political correctness, by contending that Islam has nothing to do with terrorism. But it does — just not in the way that Frank Gaffney and Pamela Geller would tell you.
Religion and nationalism have always been similar phenomena, and Islam sometimes functions as a form of nationalism. And like all nationalisms, it has a crazy, vicious right wing that’s empowered by outside attacks on members of the nation. The right loves to jeer at Obama for calling Islam “a religion of peace,” and they should — not because Islam specifically isn’t a religion of peace but because there is really no such thing, just as there is no “nationalism of peace.” It’s true religions and nationalism can bring out the best in people, but they also bring out the worst (sometimes in the same person for the same reasons).
But Obama could never say anything like that, because he knew the U.S. needs the governments of Muslim-majority countries like Saudi Arabia and Egypt to keep the rest of the Middle East in line.
This amalgam of political correctness made it impossible for the Obama administration ever to tell a story about terrorism that made any sense. For instance, in his 2009 speech in Cairo, he declared, “It is easier to blame others than to look inward” — and then went on to demonstrate that truism.
His description of wrongs done by the U.S. was vague to the point of meaninglessness: “tension has been fed by colonialism that denied rights and opportunities to many Muslims.” Also, “Iraq was a war of choice that provoked strong differences in my country and around the world.”
Obama then explained that “Violent extremists have exploited these tensions.” So … 19 people were motivated to fly jetliners into buildings by “tensions”? If that’s the only story that non-Muslim Americans hear, they’ll rationally be terrified of Islam.
In 2010, Obama’s counterterrorism advisor, John Brennan, emitted a similar bland puree of words at a press conference when questioned by Helen Thomas about Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the failed underwear bomber. Their exchange went like this:
THOMAS: And what is the motivation? We never hear what you find out on why.
BRENNAN: Al Qaeda is an organization that is dedicated to murder and wanton slaughter of innocents… [They] attract individuals like Mr. Abdulmutallab and use them for these types of attacks. He was motivated by a sense of religious sort of drive. Unfortunately, al Qaeda has perverted Islam, and has corrupted the concept of Islam, so that [they’re] able to attract these individuals. But al Qaeda has the agenda of destruction and death.
THOMAS: And you’re saying it’s because of religion?
BRENNAN: I’m saying it’s because of an al Qaeda organization that uses the banner of religion in a very perverse and corrupt way.
BRENNAN: I think this is a, uh, long issue, but al Qaeda is just determined to carry out attacks here against the homeland.
At his sentencing, Abdulmutallab explained his motivation in less time than it took Brennan to say there wasn’t enough time to explain:
[I pledged] to attack the United States in retaliation for U.S. support of Israel and in retaliation of the killing of innocent and civilian Muslim populations in Palestine, especially in the blockade of Gaza, and in retaliation for the killing of innocent and civilian Muslim populations in Yemen, Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan and beyond, most of them women, children, and noncombatants.
To be fair, there is one situation in which American officials have lost the mushmouth and drawn a direct connection between a country killing Mideastern civilians and terrorist retaliation: when that country is Russia. William Burns, formerly Obama’s Deputy Secretary of State, recently and accurately proclaimed that “Russia’s bloody role in Syria makes the terrorist threat far worse.” John Kirby, an Obama State Department spokesman, warned that Russia’s brutalization of Syria would lead to  “attacks against Russian interests, perhaps even Russian cities.”
Russia’s response to our friendly observation was about the same as ours when Russia told us before the invasion of Iraq that it would cause a “wave of terror.”
Trump supporters demonstrate against a ruling by a federal judge in Seattle that grants a nationwide temporary restraining order against the presidential order to ban travel to the United States from seven Muslim-majority countries, at Tom Bradley International Terminal at Los Angeles International Airport on February 4, 2017 in Los Angeles, California.
Photo: David McNew/Getty Images
That brings us back to President Trump and his executive order on immigration.
Trump’s story about why it’s necessary is, factually speaking, garbage. But a normal human being can at least understand it and its moral: These incomprehensible foreigners are all potential psychotics, we’ve got to keep them out. Under these circumstances, who cares that no one from any of these seven countries has killed any Americans yet? They’re all part of a huge morass of ticking time bombs.
By contrast, the Democratic, liberal perspective laid out by Obama makes no sense at all. We’ve never done anything particularly bad in the Middle East, yet … some people over there want to come here and kill us because … they’ve been exploited by violent extremists who’ve perverted Islam and … gotta run, there’s no time to explain.
Regular people could sense that anyone mouthing this kind of gibberish was hiding something, even if they didn’t realize that Obama was trying to keep the U.S. empire running rather than concealing his secret faith in Islam.
And because a coherent narrative always beats the complete absence of a story, no one should be surprised that many Americans find Trump’s fantasy of inexplicable Muslim hatred persuasive. The only way to conclusively beat it will be with a coherent, complicated, true story like this:
America has done hideous things to countries across the Middle East for decades, such as bomb a civilian air raid shelter, burning the silhouette of a mother trying to protect her baby onto its walls. It was inevitable that some people would seek revenge. This doesn’t mean that their brutality is justified, any more than the slaughter at Amiriyah was justified by Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait. It just means that humans are humans, violence begets violence, and Americans will always be in danger unless we change our foreign policy.
We must welcome immigrants from the Middle East both for moral and pragmatic reasons. Morally, the U.S. invasion of Iraq is what sent the region spiraling into catastrophe; only psychopaths set someone’s home on fire and then lock them inside. There are already three million Muslim American citizens. If the government keeps bombing the Middle East while making it clear that it genuinely hates Muslims, that will only spur to action more troubled weirdos like Omar Mateen — who was born in Queens, a few miles away from Donald Trump’s childhood home.
And we’d better get started with this story soon, because it may not be true forever. Israel has done an exemplary job turning a solvable, straightforward fight over land into a religious war that may no longer have any solution. We’re making similar strides in transforming a conflict that was 90 percent political, where there can be compromise, into a religious conflict where there can’t.
This can be seen, on the one hand, in ISIS propaganda. Bin Laden generally just talked about kicking the U.S. out of the Middle East and said things like, “Your security is in your own hands and each state which does not harm our security will remain safe.” The ISIS magazine Dabiq cheerfully tells us that “We hate you, first and foremost, because you are disbelievers; you reject the oneness of Allah … even if you were to stop bombing us, imprisoning us, torturing us, vilifying us, and usurping our lands, we would continue to hate you because our primary reason for hating you will not cease to exist until you embrace Islam.”
On the other hand, Donald Trump is president of the United States and Steve Bannon is his chief strategist. Bannon straightforwardly believes, as he told a conference at the Vatican in 2014, that “we’re in a war of immense proportions” that’s part of the “long history of the Judeo-Christian West struggle against Islam.” To win, Bannon says, we must form the “church militant” – an archaic term for the “Christian church on earth regarded as engaged in a constant warfare against its enemies, the powers of evil.”
So it’s quite possible ISIS and the Trump administration can successfully collaborate on getting what they both want: a totally unnecessary, civilizational war. To stop them we have to end our truckling equivocation about terrorism, and start telling the truth while there’s still time.
Top Photo: During a memorial service in Baghdad, Iraqis gather around a bomb hole in the ceiling of the Al-Amariya shelter in 2003, where more than 400 people were killed in a U.S.-led missile attack during the Gulf War. Iraqis opened a new memorial center outside the Al-Amariya shelter to mark the 12 year anniversary of the attack.
The post Why Do So Many Americans Fear Muslims? Decades of Denial About America’s Role in the World. appeared first on The Intercept.
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creepingsharia · 8 years ago
Missouri: Muslim Charged in Presidents’ Day Plot on KC Train Station
Missouri: Muslim Charged in Presidents’ Day Plot on KC Train Station
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Mohammed Junaid Al Amreeki
Source: Missouri Man Charged With Attempting to Provide Material Support to ISIS | OPA | Department of Justice
Robert Lorenzo Hester, Jr., 25, of Columbia, Missouri, was charged in a criminal complaint with attempting to provide material support to the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), a designated foreign terrorist organization. Hester was charged in federal court based on his role in making preparations to launch a terrorist attack with persons he believed were associated with ISIS, who were actually undercover law enforcement personnel.
“As alleged in the complaint, Robert Lorenzo Hester, Jr. attempted to provide material support to ISIS by participating in what he believed would be a deadly attack committed in the name of the foreign terrorist organization,” said Acting Assistant Attorney General McCord.
“First on social media, then during face-to-face meetings with an undercover FBI employee, this defendant repeatedly expressed his intent to engage in acts of violent jihad against the United States,” said U.S. Attorney Dickson. “He believed he was part of an ISIS-sponsored terrorist attack that would result in the deaths and injuries of many innocent victims. He readily participated in the preparations for an attack, provided materials and resources for an attack and voiced his intent to carry out an attack.”
Hester, who remains in federal custody, was arrested on February 17, when he arrived at an arranged meeting with an undercover law enforcement employee. The criminal complaint was signed on Sunday and made public today, when Hester made his initial court appearance.
Hester is a U.S. citizen who was born in Missouri. He was enlisted in the U.S. Army for less than a year, receiving a general discharge from service in mid-2013.
FBI agents undertook a review of Hester’s publicly available posts on multiple social media accounts in September 2016. On Oct. 3, 2016, Hester was arrested by the Columbia Police Department in an unrelated case and remained in state custody until he was released on bond on Oct. 13, 2016. His bond conditions included electronic monitoring. While Hester was being monitored, FBI undercover employees maintained regular contact with him via an encrypted messaging app and text messages, and met with him on several occasions.
According to the affidavit, the investigation began when the FBI became aware (through multiple confidential sources) of Hester’s social media posts, in which he expressed animus towards the U.S. and suggested an adherence to radical Islamic ideology and a propensity for violence. Hester used several online aliases, including “Mohammed Junaid Al Amreeki,” “Junaid Muhammad,” “Rabbani Junaid Muhammad,” “Rami Talib” and “Ali Talib Muhammad.”
On Oct. 3, 2016, Hester was arrested by Columbia police officers after an incident in the parking lot of a grocery store. Hester, who appeared to be in an argument with his wife, threw a folded pocket knife through a plate-glass window near the entrance of the store. When store employees confronted Hester, he assumed an aggressive stance and forcefully placed his hand into the diaper bag he was carrying in a manner that appeared to be reaching for a weapon. Police officers later recovered a 9mm handgun from the diaper bag. Hester was in custody until Oct. 13, 2016, when he was released on bond and placed on electronic monitoring.
On Oct. 15, 2016, two days after Hester’s release on bond, an FBI employee using an undercover identity contacted Hester by private message. The FBI employee had accepted a friend request from Hester the day before Hester was arrested for the grocery store incident. They continued to communicate via social media, text and an encrypted messaging app, the affidavit says, during which Hester presented himself as a security threat, stating, for example, that the U.S. government should be “overthrown,” and suggesting “hitting” the government “hard,” while noting that it would not be “a one man job.” Hester identified categories of potential targets for attack and said he wanted a “global jihad.” Hester stated that he was trying to find like-minded people to help. When the undercover employee mentioned “brothers,” Hester said he wanted to meet them.
Hester then established that he would act on the statements he made online. In early November 2016, the affidavit says, Hester made arrangements with the undercover employee – whom he never met in person – to meet with “one of the brothers.” The undercover employee arranged this meeting with another undercover FBI employee.
During a January 31 meeting, the undercover employee provided Hester with a list of items to purchase, including 9-volt batteries, duct tape, copper wire and roofing nails. The undercover employee implied that these items would be used to make bombs, the affidavit says, stating that those materials are needed “to make … things … to bring some kind of destruction.” Hester allegedly responded by stating: “I’m just ready to help. I’m ready to help any way I can.” When the undercover employee stated that what they were planning was “going to bring them to their knees … and then they gonna know to fear Allah,” Hester expressed his anticipation by stating: “I can’t wait. I can’t wait.”
Hester and the undercover employee agreed to meet again at Hester’s residence the next day. When the undercover employee arrived, the affidavit says, Hester gave him the items he had purchased. The undercover employee told Hester they were planning something “10 times more” than the Boston Marathon bombing, and Hester expressed his approval. The undercover employee told Hester that they were planning on “killing a lot of people.” The undercover employee told Hester that he could “walk away,” the affidavit says, but Hester said, “I’m down.” The undercover employee told Hester they were going to “wage all kinda war,” and Hester again expressed his approval.
The undercover employee then pulled back blankets in the back of the SUV to show Hester three AK-47 style rifles and two .45-caliber handguns. The undercover employee told Hester that, while they had plenty of firearms, they needed more ammunition. Hester stated that he could not purchase ammunition because of his state charges, but that he had a friend that could get ammunition for him. Hester stated that he would have money to purchase ammunition after he received his tax refund and after he was paid in a couple of weeks.
The undercover employee also opened a backpack, which contained pieces of pipe with end caps attached in the manner of pipe bombs, along with cord-like safety fuse, stating, “these are bombs right here.” The undercover employee explained that the duct tape Hester provided would be used to tape the bombs together, which Hester acknowledged, and that the nails Hester provided would “cut peoples’ heads off.” Hester responded: “Oh yeah. I know,” indicating that he understood the nails were to be used as shrapnel for bombs.
The undercover employee stated that they had more backpacks that they were going to put in different locations. Hester acknowledged that he understood, and stated that they had to be smarter than the Boston Marathon bombers. Hester again confirmed that he was “down,” the affidavit says, and that he understood they had to “lay low” and act in a manner to avoid detection.
The undercover employee stated that they were going to “strike fear in all these infidel hearts,” and Hester responded that he agreed and that he was ready.
According to the affidavit, Hester contacted the first undercover employee via text message on February 2, and indicated he would “have some more stuff … in a couple of weeks when I get paid.” Hester asked the undercover employee, “When you talk to the brother again let him know I’ll have some more gifts in a couple of weeks.”
On February 4, 6, 7, 11 and 16 Hester communicated with an undercover employee via an encrypted messaging app. Hester said that he was excited, that he was “happy to be part” of it, and that it was “time they answer for their atrocities.” Hester predicted that it was “going to be a good day for Muslims worldwide.” Hester asked how the “party plan” was coming along and reiterated that he would get more “supplies.” The undercover employee told Hester that the “party” would take place on Presidents’ Day and that the targets of the operation would include busses, trains and a train station in Kansas City. Hester said, according to the affidavit, that it felt “good to help strike back at the true terrorist.”
On February 17, Hester met again with the second undercover employee and brought two additional boxes of  roofing nails. Hester accompanied the undercover employee to a nearby storage facility, where the two examined the security cameras. Hester was arrested shortly thereafter.
Hester Complaint
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news4dzhozhar · 8 years ago
**Just got this long interview brought to my attention. As this is the most recent installment I'm posting the body here. For the previous parts, follow the link at the bottom of the page this is sourced from. The whole thing is dizzying & at times contrary to itself but - decide for yourself** In our last interview, we agreed to not post any more Sean Gannon interviews as long as they did not retaliate against our source Sean Gannon in any way. They have not honored that. Not only has he been Relieved of Duty, stripped of his badge, gun, and even personal civilian License To Carry, they are going further. They cannot do this permanently and officially Terminate him unless they prove misconduct. They have convened an Internal Affairs hearing for this purpose on Monday, January 9th, 3:00pm at Boston Police Headquarters, 1199 Tremont Street. We have a new interview that we believe will change their minds. Sean Gannon Interview Part XIV Sean Gannon: I’m going to start off with some little-known facts. I trained at the same martial arts school as the Boston Bomber, Tamerlan Tsarnaev for YEARS. I also spent years as a member of BRIC (Boston Regional Intelligence Center). Here is an old article from a conspiracy website entitled “Six Degrees of Sean Gannon” http://carriemath.blogspot.com/2014/01/six-degrees-of-sean-gannon.html describing some of the events that went down and the connection I had to them. It concludes with “Knowing Sean Gannon will lead to death 5 out of 6 times.” It’s one of those conspiracy theories that actually happens to be somewhat true … except they’re WAY underestimating the body count. I’m going to lay out some little known (so far) facts here. Tamerlan Tsarnaev was an FBI asset. He was an FBI asset for a LONG time. Those times he got thrown out of the Cambridge mosque for being “too radical”? He was a “Mosque Crawler” – one of those FBI informants that pretend to be a radical so he can wrap up real Muslims in FBI stings with 20-year sentences. The people of that mosque were the good Muslims, people that just wanted to be good Americans, a better life for their children, and to not make more problems for their Muslim brothers. They tossed him out on his ass. They also probably suspected he was an informant as well. Did it ever sound strange to anyone that Russia explicitly warned us he was a terrorist upon his return to the US, but somehow the message got “misplaced.” It wasn’t “misplaced” we’re the ones that SENT him over there to act like a radical in the first place. Some say the Russians are paranoid. Well, it’s not paranoia when they really ARE out to get you. I don’t know enough about Russian regional politics to know exactly what he was doing over there, but I can assure you it wasn’t for the benefit of the Russians. After many years of struggle and sacrifice, Putin had finally managed to establish a degree of peace between Chechens and Russians, Muslims and Christians. Tamerlan was there to undermine that, and who was going to suffer? Innocent Russians dead in terrorist attacks and the good Muslims who would be blamed for what the pawns were doing. In Dagestan, Tamerlan formed a friendship with another young Muslim named William Plotnikov. They had very similar backgrounds, both had fled the former Soviet Union, both were elite amateur boxers in North America, both (allegedly) were devout Muslims and had a lot of other things in common. There were a lot of things that made Tamerlan identify with Plotnikov. Plotnikov was then killed in a shootout between police and militants in Dagestan. Two days later Tamerlan returned to the US. This is when the REAL radicalization of Tamerlan took place. I saw the difference in his face and manner as soon as he got back to the gym. He had always taken his prayer breaks in the gym before (we never had to wonder what direction Mecca was) but now they had a special intensity. He had grown a big beard to impress the radicals overseas, but it grew even bigger now that he actually meant it. Muslim brotherhood is a very real thing. Betraying your fellow Muslims is one of the worst things a Muslim can do. It’s actually the number one way the FBI and Israelis get you guys every time. Once you have betrayed your people in the smallest way, you are now a marked man for life if they ever release that information. Your family, your friends, your own mother will disown you. That means THEY now own you, body and soul. Tamerlan’s only way out now was murderous martyrdom. And he was going to take as many people with him as possible. I want to take a minute to explain who MY Muslims are. Boston is a diverse, fairly international city. With all the elite colleges like Harvard and MIT around here, out of the ten wealthiest men in the world, sometimes six of them have sons in Boston. King Bhumibol of Thailand (may His Majesty rest in peace) was born here while his father studied medicine at Harvard. The sons of the most wealthy and powerful families in the world come here, many of them Muslim, and do their thing for four years. You’ve got to understand, for many incoming Muslims, just the way women dress in America is like us going to a topless beach in France for the first time. Alcohol may be an illegal drug where they come from, so them going to a club in Boston would be like us having our bartender serve hash brownies and lines of cocaine … and our bartender is naked. When they have to go back home after four years, they’ll have a party that’s more like a funeral. But they usually leave with fond memories of our city. If they stay, they often end up concluding that the Prophet banned booze for a reason and quit drinking, but they’re still just fun cool guys to hang out with. I’m going to quote one of my Muslims, “I fast for Ramadan, I don’t eat pork, I pray, I look out for my fellow Muslims and I quit drinking. The only thing I can’t quit is hot girls in yoga pants.” Those are my Muslims. You’re a little wary of the psycho Muslims, but once you go out partying and chasing women with these guys, you’re like, “He’s OK, he’s just here to have a good time and make a better life for his family.” Tamerlan had previously passed that test. His radicalization happened later … but not the way people think it did. A little more on my Muslims in Boston. They’re not all rich kids from foreign countries, they’re also the small-business owners, the cab drivers, and many of the hard working regular guys and family men that make America great. I also do a lot of wrestling and martial arts, so I know a lot of great guys like coach Muzzafar “Moose” Abdurakmanov (former Uzbekistan National Champion), Sobhan “Soap” Namvar (former Iranian Juniors freestyle champ, beat the current Olympic Gold Medalist twice), Mohammed Hadifi and hot middleweight Muay Thai prospect Hussein Ilsadek. All really solid guys. I’ve even made friends with a couple of Nation of Islam Muslims … no easy feat for a pasty white cop like myself. I did it by being a straight shooter, honorable, honest guy in all my dealings, and they respected that, as I respected the role so many of them played as hard working, clean living, salt of the earth types that helped keep their communities together … even if neither of us agreed with all of each other’s beliefs. Also, men like Captain “Hadji” Hussein of the Boston Police Department. His nickname is not the racial slur, it predates it by many years, it’s based on the lovable friend from the old Johnny Quest cartoon and the title bestowed on devout Muslims who have completed The Hajj to Mecca. That name has a special meaning within this organization. For decades, whether he was your Sergeant, your Lieutenant, or your Captain, if you got a tough, dirty, dangerous assignment, you would tremulously ask, “Who is the boss?” And if someone answered, “It’s Hadji” you would breathe a sigh of relief and say, “It’s gonna be OK, Hadji is in charge.” He’s one of those guys where big problems become small ones, and small ones just go away. He’s like oil over troubled waters, he can solve problems that cause riots in other cities with 15-minute conversations. And when one of the military reservists in our organization get’s activated, he gets an obligatory email from Hadji saying, “Hey, hey, you better be careful if you be shooting at MY people!” He genuinely feels Muslim brotherhood, and he wants every soldier going overseas to remember that not all Muslims are our enemies, that there is a good Muslim at home that he respects, and that there are good Muslims everywhere that should be treated with respect. He doesn’t beat you over the head with it, he leads by example and then makes his point with wit and humor. He’s smooth like that. Now back to Tamerlan’s murderous martyrdom rampage – He wasn’t a real radical before, he BECAME radicalized by the way the FBI used him. The “Fast and the Furious” scandal from the ATF was such a big deal because it killed innocent Mexican nationals and cops. This will be MUCH bigger news here, because this time the blowback on their failed operation killed American nationals and American cops. It wasn’t just MIT/Somerville Police Officer Sean Collier that got murdered, it was also Boston Police Officer Dennis Simmonds. He got hit with one of the bombs chasing the suspects through Watertown. He eventually recovered enough to go back to work, but died of a sudden brain aneurysm a year later (almost to the day). Some people say “Boston Police are so brave.” Not really, we just have a great system. If we die in the line of duty, our kids get our pension as if they were us, something to take care of them the rest of their lives, like we were still there. They even get our jobs (automatically at the top of the Civil Service list). There is almost no downside to dying as a Boston Police officer. However, Dennis died young, before he had a chance to have any kids, so he didn’t get this. He does, however, have nieces and nephews, and they should never want for anything the rest of their lives. And the Federal Government, the ones that caused this fiasco, are the ones that should pay for it. Officer Sean Collier was in a similar situation. As are the civilian victims, Krystle M. Campbell and Boston University student Lu Lingzi. 8-year-old Martin Richard William didn’t even live long enough to have nieces and nephews, but his sister, brother and parents should never want for anything. That family should be made whole somehow. The good people that were maimed should be made whole (as much as we can) and not just by charitable donations, but by the same Federal government responsible for it. And we’re going to have to make things right with China in some way for getting their national (Lu Lingzi) killed with this operation. Kirik Jenness: Jesus. And they killed two cops? SG: It actually looks like it may have been more than two … this operation was going on a long time. It isn’t as well documented, and I’m still working on it, but if you kill a cop anywhere near MY city, it’s ME that’s honor bound to go after you. And I will not stop until you are brought to justice. And by the way, three of the guys intimately involved in the murders of Officer Sean Collier and Officer Dennis Simmonds are still walking free today, protected by the FBI. They’re not in some secret cell somewhere either, they��re walking free, still committing crimes, still a menace, and still a threat to kill more cops. KJ: Jesus! How did you find all this out? SG: Like I said, I was THERE when all this stuff was going down, I knew all these guys, am a decorated 20-year veteran of Law Enforcement, a member of MENSA, and was assigned to Boston Regional Intelligence as well, where you tend to learn a lot of stuff. It was all funny from the beginning, there were a lot of clues, stuff that didn’t add up, and stuff I couldn’t put together till later. Nothing I could prove … until now. What brought it all together is when I was doing some whistleblowing on some (in comparsion) lesser police misconduct. I referred to having “a lot of dirt on a lot of people” and some other specific things (will explain in another interview) and, being who I am, they panicked. KJ: What tipped you off? SG: When I went to the FBI with allegations of serious police misconduct, they inexplicably reported my “confidential” interview to the target of the investigation and have cooperated in a full court press to silence the whistleblower. They haven’t reported a witness to the target like that since the days of disgraced FBI Agent John “Zip” Connolly and Whitey Bulger. Luckily, I’m a Dick Lehr/Gerard O’Neill fan, so I figured it out quick. KJ: That’s really messed up! SG: Yes it is. It’s about the worst thing you can do in Law Enforcement. It means witnesses can’t come forward anymore because they can’t have faith in you to protect them, that you’ve lost all your street cred and that you’ve jeopardized your entire ability to be effective at your job. Nobody will talk to you anymore because nobody can trust you. I’m going to put it in starker terms: In any warrior society, honor is an integral to your existence. It’s especially important for Warrior Protector’s like Law Enforcement, because if you can’t protect your witnesses, you can’t protect anything. There is a STAIN on the honor of the FBI right now. It began when they set up witnesses for hits with Whitey Bulger, and good agents doing good work for decades had succeeded in wiping most of it away. And now all that work is gone and it’s right back on. KJ: Isn’t it dangerous to call out the FBI like that? There is no easy time for a cop. SG: I’ll be fine. I actually like fighting even more than I like women … and I LOVE women! I decided I was ready to go to prison for my principles a long time ago, and there are few people better equipped to handle it than me. Is it dangerous? Yes it is. I’ve done a lot of dangerous things in my life, but this is by far the most dangerous. And most necessary. They are the most powerful Law Enforcement agency in history, and if they want to hurt you they can. I’m gambling that the good men in the FBI outnumber the bad, that it’s just a few bad apples, and that the good men will prevail. They can act out to silence the whistleblower, but they’ll still have the same systemic issues until they address them. I’m hoping someday the FBI will come to appreciate that what I did was for the good of the organization, and for Law Enforcement everywhere. Also, we have evidence that they’ve gone to extraordinary lengths to avoid the upper echelons of the FBI, including FBI Director James Comey and their congressional oversight. Stuff that goes directly to the highest levels. I’m trying to avoid talking about certain topics here because it might affect good people that don’t deserve to be hurt or National Security. I will if I have to, but that is an absolute last resort, and I’m praying they don’t make it necessary with their ham-handed attempts at intimidation and retaliation. Retaliation from any party will lead to further information being dropped, and I won’t be so circumspect in the future. And it’s already encrypted at Wikileaks, and in the hands of people that will release it immediately if anything happens to me, even an arrest on a trumped up charge. And this stuff gets even more messed up. KJ: it’s not messed up already? SG: It gets substantially more messed up. This was just a warning shot. I mostly just want to be left alone by all the people messing with me right now. If they back off, I’ll back off. But it better be quick, because more stuff is dropping soon, and it’s much, much worse. KJ: Worse than this? SG: Yes. Much worse. KJ: Can you prove the things you’ve already said today? SG: Yes. It’s been documented in meticulous detail by award-winning journalist Michele McPhee, a veteran of the Boston Herald, Boston Globe, New York Daily News, Channel 5, ABC and current host of the radio show Afternoon Drive. It’s all been compiled in her new book Maximum Harm and will be a six-part documentary on the History Channel. Today, I talked mostly about the well-documented stuff in her book, but the new stuff we’ve got is MUCH worse (a lot of it based on some extraordinary work by the great Bruce Gellerman of WBUR) and we’ll be adding that to the documentary. KJ: Why didn’t she put it all in the book? SG: She wanted to, but she had a sketchy near death experience and decided it was safer to publish what she had, and do the rest later. Plenty here for more than one book anyway. I highly recommend that anyone that wants the REAL story of what happened with the Marathon Bombing to buy her book, it will blow your mind, and teach you a lot about how the world really works. And tell Joe Rogan, “Looks like you were right after all.” KJ: This is a little different from the movie. SG: It is. That is also one side of things. Mark Wahlberg is a brilliant creative mind on top of his acting abilities, but if you want to know what’s really going on behind the scenes in Boston, you’re going to have to go to someone like me first. And people like me are few and far between. That would actually make a great sequel, Wahlbeg’s character doing a little detective work and figuring out all the things going on behind the scenes in the first movie, and then bringing the additional cop killers and people pulling the strings to justice. Post Script – Thanks to all the people from so many unexpected quarters that reached out to help during this thing. And thanks to Anon for reaching out too. I wish I could have engaged you more, but I’m working very hard to do the Martin Luther King/Ghandi non-violence strategy – take a moral stand, speak the truth, and let your enemies make themselves look bad by the things they do to you. And anyone that has seen me fight knows that I’m willing to take a beating to get the win. You guys tend to wreck s***, which wouldn’t be in accordance with these principles. The other problem is that you’re a mixed bag, a motley crew, a real rogue’s gallery, some great guys, and some not so great guys. And many of your guys are too soft to do their own time, and roll on your fellow Anon quickly under pressure. Worse, they become way too enthusiastic about it (a common problem with certain kinds of informants), they act like they’re Junior G-Men playing Cops And Robbers instead of playing with people’s lives. No matter how much you like someone’s internet persona, never give clues to your real identity if you’re doing dirt together. You’re riddled with informants, and it’s dangerous to even talk to you guys because sometimes I might as well be talking to the bad guys direct. More on this at another time, you can thank me later. Here is a website with a few articles discussing the discrepancies over the years: whowhatwhy.org/2015/04/09/was-tamerlan-tsarnaev-an-fbi-informant-odds-say-its-possible/ whowhatwhy.org/2015/04/25/the-unexplained-connection-between-the-fbi-and-two-muslim-friends-killed-by-law-enforcement/ whowhatwhy.org/2016/05/11/tamerlan-tsarnaevs-immigration-records-reveal-fbi-bombshell/ whowhatwhy.org/2016/06/26/classic-whowhatwhy-tamerlan-tsarnaev-double-agent-recruited-fbi/ These were all first-page Google hits for me, but if you want more diverse sources, I recommend googling the obvious questions yourself and seeing what you turn up. It’s surprising. However, most leads tend to go suddenly and inexplicably dead in weird ways. And sometimes, literally. Here is a list of the House Judiciary Committee which oversees the FBI. Most of them are good and honorable people that were prevented from finding out the full scope of this fiasco by rogue elements within the FBI. They need to know the truth now so they can put an end to this, and put those three remaining cop killers behind bars. Please contact them and ask them to look into this, especially if you’re in their district. 114th Congress Majority Bob Goodlatte, Virginia, Chairman (113th) Jim Sensenbrenner, Wisconsin Lamar S. Smith, Texas Steve Chabot, Ohio Darrell Issa, California Randy Forbes, Virginia Steve King, Iowa Trent Franks, Arizona Louie Gohmert, Texas Jim Jordan, Ohio Ted Poe, Texas Jason Chaffetz, Utah Tom Marino, Pennsylvania Trey Gowdy, South Carolina Mark Amodei, Nevada Raúl Labrador, Idaho Blake Farenthold, Texas Doug Collins, Georgia Ron DeSantis, Florida Mimi Walters, California Ken Buck, Colorado John Ratcliffe, Texas Dave Trott, Michigan Mike Bishop, Michigan Minority John Conyers, Michigan, Ranking Member Jerrold Nadler, New York Zoe Lofgren, California Sheila Jackson Lee, Texas Steve Cohen, Tennessee Hank Johnson, Georgia Pedro Pierluisi, Puerto Rico Judy Chu, California Ted Deutch, Florida Luis Gutierrez, Illinois Karen Bass, California Cedric Richmond, Louisiana Suzan DelBene, Washington Hakeem Jeffries, New York David Cicilline, Rhode Island Scott Peters, California
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thewebofslime · 5 years ago
Dave Gaubatz is a former U.S. Federal Agent with Top Secret/SCI clearance, expert in counter-intelligence and counter-terrorism on national security issues, highly trained in Islamic ideology and tactics, Arab linguist, author of Muslim Mafia, has investigated over 300 mosques/Islamic Centers in the USA and 150 outside USA, and after leaving his position in the government continued this work as a Civilian Agent. Using firsthand investigation, he then evaluates Risk/Threat Levels based on multiple factors including Materials on Premises and What They Advocate, Ties to Muslim Terrorists, and Sharia Adherence. Mr. Gaubatz estimates that 80% of mosques in America recruit and train in jihad (violent & civilization). Finally, he makes Recommendations to protect America, our citizens, our children. He asks about each mosque: Would ISIS be proud? NOTE: Several Reports/Affadavits will be published. When you read one from earlier dates, note that Dave Gaubatz issued Risk/Danger warnings ahead, but in some cases, violence occurred later from a member of one of those reported mosques (ex: Trolley Square, Salt Lake City, Utah shooting; child abuse Nashville, TN). When you read a report that came after an attack (Ex: Report 2017, Boston Marathon Bombing by Tsarnaev brothers 2013), note that violence had already occurred, Mr. Gaubatz reported continued Risk/Danger years later from the same mosques terrorists had attended. Reading professionally investigated and evaluated Reports/Affadavits from various years is important so the American public is aware of new or continuing Risk/Danger and can demand protection from all levels of government officials and law enforcement that they are sworn to provide. Firsthand Research Conducted in Boston Mosques By Dave Gaubatz Author: Muslim Mafia October 2017 The FBI does not have the capabilities to conduct firsthand research in the 3000 plus mosques in America, so who does it on a nickel budget? Dave Gaubatz, a former U.S. federal agent, author of ‘Muslim Mafia’, and a U.S. State Department trained Arabic linguist does what the FBI can’t do for politically correct reasons and because they (FBI Agents) do not have the required training to undertake such a task. Yes, in the past the FBI has conducted a few investigations in mosques, but they use unreliable and often dirty confidential informants who are primarily Muslim and working off crimes they have committed. It is a security issue to use dirty sources when the stake of our country and more importantly our children will be harmed when mistakes are made or the informant has more loyalties toward Islam than America and the U.S. Constitution. Since returning from Iraq in 2003 (as the first U.S. federal agent assigned to the war zone at the beginning of operation Iraqi Freedom), Dave has conducted firsthand research in over 300 plus mosques inside America alone. Dave made a pledge after leaving federal service in late 2003. He swore to his family he would conduct the same level of investigations that he had while a Special Agent, but instead of putting valuable classified information inside a secure safe and stamping the intelligence ‘Secret or Top Secret’, he would as a civilian provide the intelligence he gathers first to the public, then the media, then law enforcement, and lastly to politicians. Dave explained the majority of U.S. government classified information is classified not because it is a national security risk to release the intelligence, but because mistakes were often made while collecting the intelligence and it keeps all government personnel safe from public scrutiny. After every Islamic terrorist attack in America the public always wants to know which mosque the Muslim attended and what intelligence does the FBI have on that particular mosque. Seldom does the public ever get answers to these important questions. More intriguing is why do most large media outlets ignore this issue as well? The answer is most of our media outlets are no more than propaganda tools for either the conservative or liberal news corporations and when Islam may receive negative attention, there is a ‘hands off approach’. Who suffers? The American citizens who pay taxes and payroll government officials who are supposed to be providing security for our country. Americans are very much aware of the sadistic and cowardly Islamic terrorist attack two brothers (Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev) committed in Boston, MA, during the Boston Marathon on 15 April 2013. Dave, like most American citizens wanted to know which mosques the brothers attended, what is being advocated at the mosques, and if violence against innocent people is being advocated, then why do the authorities allow the mosque to remain open? It is believed the brothers attended two of the Islamic Society of Boston (ISB) mosques. One is located in Cambridge and the other is in Roxbury. Dave Gaubatz conducted firsthand research inside both of these mosques and he had a trusted witness observe at both locations. While Dave was a federal agent his primary duties were counterintelligence and counter-terrorism. Our government relied on him to investigate, evaluate the threat level of persons or organizations, and recommend solutions to neutralize the threats against America and its people. In Oct 2017, non-government citizens in the Boston area requested Dave to travel to Boston and conduct an analysis of the two mosques the Tsarnaev brothers had attended. The citizens had lost faith in our FBI to conduct investigations based on their inexperience and political biases against America, and instead in favor of Islam. On 27 Oct 2017, Dave, along with a witness, visited both ISB mosques and based on the following criteria evaluated their potential risks to America and our citizens. Materials found on the premises Ties to known Muslim terrorists Shariah adherence ISB (Roxbury Mosque): Dave rated this mosque very ‘High’ for worshipers to commit terrorists attacks in America in the near future. This mosque has an Islamic bookstore attached with thousands of books and Dvds. All Islamic subjects are covered to include advocating Shariah law for America, by force if needed, and the various levels of Jihad, to include physical Jihad. Additionally inside the prayer room there are numerous Islamic manuals calling for killing Christians and Jewish people worldwide and calling for the Muslim people in America to educate themselves on the newest types of military weapons and to arm themselves for Jihad in the future when called upon. Slavery, child marriages, and killing homosexuals worldwide was also being advocated. The ISB has known Muslim terrorists within its background. ISB was founded by the terrorist Abdulrahman Almoudi. He plead guilty in 2004 in a U.S. federal court and convicted. He had provided over 1 million dollars to Al Qaeda. In addition, we know the Boston Marathon Bombers, the Tsarnaev brothers had attended the ISB mosques. Dave observed approximately 1000 plus worshipers and evaluated their adherence to Shariah while in the mosque. The worshipers were strictly adherent to Shariah law. ISB Cambridge Mosque: Dave rated this mosque a Medium to High rating. The only difference in this ISB mosque in comparison to the Roxbury mosque is that the Cambridge mosque was smaller with fewer worshipers and fewer materials. The small amount of materials they did have advocated exactly what the Roxbury mosque had. It must be noted that the majority of violent materials at both mosques were published in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. The following is my recommendation for the media, politicians, and law enforcement: MEDIA: It is imperative media organizations warn citizens of the potential for violence the mosques I analyzed to be of “High Risk” and to put pressure on our law enforcement and politicians to conduct criminal and civil investigations in order to prosecute Islamic leaders conspiring to overthrow the U.S. government and conduct violence against innocent Americans inside and outside of our country POLITICIANS: Elected officials from both liberal and conservative sides must demand our law enforcement from local, state, and federal levels investigate mosques conspiring to overthrow the U.S. government and harm innocent Americans, specifically targeting our children. The mosques rated “High Risk” must have their non profit organization status removed by the authorizing federal agency (IRS) and immediately closed for the safety of American citizens. CITY, COUNTY, STATE, AND FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT: It is imperative U.S. law enforcement use legal means to fully investigate the leadership and worshipers of this mosque. The ISB mosques should be closed down immediately based on their advocating of establishing an Islamic caliphate worldwide and under Shariah law. ISIS and Al Qaeda would be very proud of the ISB mosques and without any doubt it is likely that they have loyal members from within. If our media organizations, law enforcement, and politicians are either not willing or do not know that the Islamic ideology itself is a danger to America and is our number one world enemy, we will lose our beautiful land and our children will suffer in their lifetime as millions of innocent people already have who have firsthand experienced the atrocities of this dangerous ideology. Americans must also know that Saudi Arabia and Pakistan are not the friends of America. They are friends and supporters of the Islamic world which desires a worldwide caliphate under Shariah law.
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trunewsofficial · 6 years ago
Is This How World War III Begins?
The joy of Resurrection Day quickly turned into terror and grief for Christians in Sri Lanka. Suicide bombers took part in the attacks on three churches and several luxury hotels that have killed at least 290 people and wounded more than 500. But, the devastation could have been much, much worse. Under a government-declared state of emergency, more than 1,000 military personnel have been deployed in the capital city of Colombo, where bomb squads have discovered additional bombs at the nation’s largest international airport and outside one of the churches that was damaged on Resurrection Day. Another 87 detonators were found in a garbage dump near the city’s largest bus station. The attacks are now blamed on the Islamic terrorist organization National Thoweeth Jama’ath, which is known for its radical ideology, but has never previously carried out any violence. Also known as NTJ, the group was mostly known for advocating the extreme fundamentalist indoctrination of children, localized clashes with Buddhist monks, and vandalizing Buddhist statues. Sri Lanka’s population is roughly 70 percent Buddhist. The remaining 30 percent is comprised of similarly sized populations of Hindus, Muslims, and Christians. A NJT spokesman claims the terrorist organization received help from “an international network”—claims that are now being investigated. Sri Lankan intelligence officials are under fire for failing to stop the attacks, despite knowing about the plans for at least 10 days. Is this an attack on persecuted believers, is it an attempt to create the next 'hot spot' location to eliminate a terrorist threat, or is this part of a bigger plan to justify war with Iran? Whether this involves Iran or not, Tensions with Tehran are rapidly escalating with President Trump’s decision to end all waivers for Iranian oil exports next month. According to the White House: “This decision is intended to bring Iran’s oil exports to zero, denying the regime its principal source of revenue. The United States, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates, three of the world’s great energy producers, along with our friends and allies, are committed to ensuring that global oil markets remain adequately supplied. We have agreed to take timely action to assure that global demand is met as all Iranian oil is removed from the market. “The Trump Administration and our allies are determined to sustain and expand the maximum economic pressure campaign against Iran to end the regime’s destabilizing activity threatening the United States, our partners and allies, and security in the Middle East. The President’s decision to eliminate all SREs follows the designation of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a Foreign Terrorist Organization, demonstrating the United States commitment to disrupting Iran’s terror network and changing the regime’s malign behavior. We welcome the support of our friends and allies for this effort.” The White House also announced the U.S., Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates would ensure global oil markets remain “well supplied.” Additionally, the president also took a swipe at former Secretary of State John Kerry, tweeting: “Saudi Arabia and others in OPEC will more than make up the Oil Flow difference in our now Full Sanctions on Iranian Oil. Iran is being given VERY BAD advice by @JohnKerry and people who helped him lead the U.S. into the very bad Iran Nuclear Deal. Big violation of Logan Act?” Oil prices are now spiking—which will mean Americans will soon pay more at the gas pump—but could former Secretary Kerry be looking at prison time in the near future? Regardless, Iran is renewing its threats to close off the Strait of Hormuz, a major oil shipping lane separating the Persian Gulf from the Gulf of Oman. The general in charge of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps’ navy, Alireza Tangsiri, said: "According to international law, the Strait of Hormuz is a waterway and we will close it [to other countries] in case we are banned from using it. In case of any threat, we will not hesitate to support and defend Iran's waters. We will defend our honor and will take reciprocal measures when it comes to protecting Iran's rights. Foreigners in the region are enemies of their people. Foreign enemies are bringing their nuclear submarines to the region to threaten our security." A senior Trump administration official told reporters that any move by Iran to close the Strait of Hormuz will be deemed “unacceptable.” The official said the U.S. is also looking at ways to prevent Tehran from circumventing the oil sanctions already in existence. Tangsiri, however, has a new boss after Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei appointed a new head of the IRGC. Lt. Gen. Hossein Salami is a hardliner and claims he is “planning to break America, Israel, and their partners and allies.” He added: “Our ground forces should cleanse the planet from the filth of their existence … Iran has warned the Zionist regime not to play with fire, because they will be destroyed before the U.S. helps them.” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyagu loved the new American announcement, calling it the “right decision” and his hope that it will “increase the pressure on the Iranian terror regime.” Acting Foreign Minister Israel Katz also welcomed the news, saying: “Only tough steps of this kind will force the Ayatollah regime in Iran to completely stop the development of the dangerous nuclear program and their support for Hezbollah and the other terrorist organizations in the region.” Former French Ambassador to Israel Gerard Araud claims his good friend Jared Kushner has shared a few details of the “Deal of the Century” Middle East peace plan. He says it’s “very close to what Israel wants,” but it’s likely doomed to failure as a result. Meanwhile, a newly released video from near Bethlehem showed the IDF shoot and seriously wound a Palestinian teenager who was arrested for throwing rocks and tried to escape while handcuffed and blindfolded. The soldiers then prevented bystanders from providing immediate medical care to the boy, telling them to step back or they would be shot, as well. But former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann says the president better not try to pressure Israel, or it will end his prospects of re-election next year. In a new interview, she claims: “The Bible is clear. If anyone touches the boundaries of Israel, if anyone touches the land or seeks to divide the land, or if anyone touches Jerusalem or divides Jerusalem, that person or that nation also will be divided. There will be negative consequences … “The scripture is very clear: If you divide the land or you put pressure on Israel to divide the people from the land or if you touch Jerusalem, there will be negative consequences. So if President Trump were to reveal a Middle East peace plan that divides the people from the land or pressures Israel or touches Jerusalem, I believe that that action could be sufficient to deny him a second term. It is that serious and that profound.” Bachmann claimed she told Trump administration officials she was speaking to them biblically, not politically, when she said: “God will be the one who protects the people,and the land, and the capital of Jerusalem, and there are only downsides, negative sides, to touching it.” The former congresswoman said everyone in her meeting agreed with her position “unanimously.” She urged those listening to the interview to pray “that the Lord would speak through the power of His Holy Spirit to the heart and mind of the President of the United States” to convince him to either not present any Middle East peace plan, or to offer one that would in now way “pressure the Jewish people to separate from the land or from Jerusalem.” Meanwhile, pressuring the Palestinian Authority is completely acceptable. A senior official of the Fatah political party says several Arab countries have been pressuring President Mahmoud Abbas to accept the American peace deal, even though it offers the Palestinians nothing and Prime Minister Netanyahu has demonstrated he “doesn’t believe in peace.” Abbas says he was told the White House still held to the “two state solution” principle just days before President Trump announced he was making the Jerusalem embassy move. But now, he added, the U.S. is mocking the Palestinians while Netanyahu is sending aid money to rival Hamas in the Gaza Strip. This has all built up expectation that the U.S. is preparing to lead the West into a war in Iran. But, in a closed-door meeting with Iranian expatriates last week, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the Trump administration is not going to engage in a military exercise inside Iran in order to expedite “regime change.” In fact, he told the Iranian-Americans, the president doesn’t like to the use phrase “regime change” with regard to Tehran. He then took the additional step of distancing himself and the president from statements made by now-White House National Security Adviser John Bolton and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani that were made in their private capacities to the People’s Mujahedin of Iran, also known as Mujahedin e-Khalq or MeK. Pompeo did, however, make it clear the administration would support a popular uprising, like the 2009 Green Movement, were it to emerge and feature a “non-revolutionary set of leaders.” The Sri Lankan attacks prompted reactions from all around the world, but none were quite as cringeworthy as those from President Obama and Hillary Clinton, who seemingly couldn’t bring themselves to use the word “Christian” to describe the victims. Obama tweeted: “The attacks on tourists and Easter worshippers in Sri Lanka are an attack on humanity. On a day devoted to love, redemption, and renewal, we pray for the victims and stand with the people of Sri Lanka.” Clinton added: “On this holy weekend for many faiths, we must stand united against hatred and violence. I’m praying for everyone affected by today’s horrific attacks on Easter worshippers and travelers in Sri Lanka.” Their use of the phrase “Easter worshippers” instead of calling the victims Christians was met with a barrage of mockery from conservatives on social media. That did not, however, prevent a number of Democrats, including Sen. Elizabeth Warren, from picking up the phrase and running with it. The bombings weren’t the only violence perpetrated against churches over the holy weekend. A man stormed a Catholic church in Munich, Germany, and began shouting “unintelligible words” that frightened the congregation. It caused a panic that resulted in a stampede of parishioners attempting to leave during which at least two dozen were injured, although none severely. And the congregation of Tsidkenu Church in San Diego were terrified when a woman walked into their Resurrection Day services holding her 10-month-old son in one hand and a gun in the other and began ranting about the rapture. Navy veteran Anna Conkey who also worked as a reporter for the local NBC affiliate, was tackled to the ground by members of the congregation after she stormed the stage and threatened to blow up the church. Christian persecution and violence against churches and their congregations is nothing new and is in fact on the rise around the world, despite the mainstream media’s obsession with “rising anti-Semitism.” According to Open Doors USA, there are an average of 105 attacks on churches and Christians every month—that’s more than three per day. (Photo Credit: Twitter) source https://trunews.com/stream/is-this-how-world-war-iii-begins
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theconservativebrief · 6 years ago
The Trump administration has sided with the brutally repressive country of Sudan — and against American terrorist attack victims — in a lawsuit currently before the Supreme Court, angering victims and veterans groups.
The case centers on the bombing of USS Cole, an American warship, by al-Qaeda on October 12, 2000. The ship was docked in Yemen to refuel when suicide bombers in a small, explosive-filled boat attacked it, killing 17 American sailors and injuring 39 others. It was one of the deadlier and more brutal attacks by al-Qaeda at the time but was soon overshadowed when planes struck the World Trade Center and Pentagon less than a year later on 9/11.
In 2010, victims of the USS Cole attack and their spouses filed a federal lawsuit against the Northeast African country of Sudan, arguing that it had provided support to the terrorists who conducted the attack — an allegation the country denies.
Avinesh Kumar holds his 18 month-old daughter Preshilla, as she places a rose her mother’s coffin, during the services for USS Cole sailor Lakiba Nicole Palmer, on October 20, 2000 in San Diego, CA. David McNew/Newsmakers via Getty Images
Sudan’s Islamist government worked closely with Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda in the early 1990s, providing the group with a safe haven and other support, but eventually out kicked bin Laden and his organization in 1996 — several years before the Cole attack. Yet the victims argue that the group couldn’t have carried out that attack without the support it had received from the Sudanese government for years.
“Sudan’s material support … including continuous flow of funding, money, weapons, logistical support, diplomatic passports and religious blessing, was crucial in enabling the attack on the USS Cole,” lawyers for the families said in court papers outlining their case.
Sudan has also been on the US list of state sponsors of terrorism since 1993 and was one of the seven Muslim-majority countries listed on President Donald Trump’s original travel ban.
A gaping hole mars the port side of USS Cole after a terrorist bomb exploded and killed 17 US sailors and injured 39 others on October 12, 2000, in Aden, Yemen. US Navy/Getty Images
In 2012, a US District Court judged in the USS Cole victims’ favor, ordering Sudan to award them $315 million.
But then things got complicated. Sudan appealed the decision, saying its government wasn’t properly notified of the lawsuit. And here’s why: The USS Cole victims sent their federal lawsuit to Sudan’s embassy in Washington, not its foreign ministry in Khartoum, the country’s capital. In effect, Sudan said the lawsuit wasn’t valid because it was sent to the wrong address.
That led to a Supreme Court hearing on Wednesday, where lawyers for both the American victims and the Sudanese government made their cases. Sudan, though, has found itself with a surprising ally in the lawsuit: the Trump administration.
And guess what? They could win.
The fuss over the address on the lawsuit’s envelope has to do with longstanding international law.
Two statutes are the most important here. First, there’s a 1961 international treaty known as the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. The US has signed on to the agreement, and lawyers for both Sudan and the US say it prohibits people from sending lawsuits to a country’s embassy because it would threaten the mission’s “inviolability.”
In other words, a country’s diplomats, embassies, and diplomatic residences aren’t subject to the laws of the foreign countries where they’re stationed, but rather to the laws of their home countries.
The second — and the one that’s mainly at issue in this Supreme Court case — is a US law, the 1976 Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act. It says if a plaintiff wants to notify a foreign government of a lawsuit by mail, it must be “addressed and dispatched … to the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of the foreign state concerned.”
Those laws, the US and Sudan argued in front of the Supreme Court, indicate that Khartoum was improperly served with the lawsuit — and therefore, the justices should overturn the previous ruling in the victims’ favor.
If you think Washington and Khartoum’s case is silly, that’s not entirely true, three lawyers at the US-based international law firm Steptoe & Johnson wrote in January.
“While the rules of service of process on a foreign sovereign may seem arcane and technical, they must be navigated carefully in any US lawsuit involving foreign governments, regardless of the merits of the underlying dispute,” Michael Baratz, Steven Davidson, and Brian Egan wrote. “Otherwise, a plaintiff risks dismissal on procedural grounds that are avoidable.”
The Sudanese Embassy, the US Department of Justice, and the White House did not respond to Vox’s multiple requests for comment.
The US Supreme Court on November 8, 2018, the day after the hearing for USS Cole victims against Sudan’s government. Mark Wilson/Getty Images
Kannon Shanmugam, the victims’ lawyer, who declined an interview for this article, told the nine justices they have already spent years litigating this matter. Overturning the previous win would require them to restart the judicial process after waiting so long.
Plus, he argued, Sudan’s civil war has made it hard to find anyone who would go all the way to Khartoum to deliver the lawsuit, and it was also reasonable to assume the embassy would send the notice to where it needed to go.
It’s unclear which way the Supreme Court justices will rule based on yesterday’s hearings. Right-leaning Chief Justice John Roberts and left-leaning Justice Elena Kagan seem to agree that sending the lawsuit papers to the embassy was permissible. Meanwhile, the newest justice — conservative Brett Kavanaugh — and liberal Justice Stephen Breyer both appeared to believe the documents should’ve been addressed to Sudan’s foreign ministry.
But the biggest question remains: Why would the US side with Sudan, a country that for years harbored Osama bin Laden and is on the State Department’s state sponsors of terrorism list?
Assistant Solicitor General Erica Ross, the Justice Department’s lawyer for the Supreme Court hearing, made it pretty clear why America is backing Sudan and not US victims of a heinous terrorist attack: The US wants lawsuits against it from other countries “brought into our courts only under the same circumstances that we ask abroad,” she told the justices.
In other words, the US doesn’t like that a lawsuit was sent to Sudan’s embassy in Washington because then others may drop legal papers at America’s hundreds of missions abroad. That would almost certainly make it easier for people around the world to sue the US.
So the Trump administration is siding with a repressive government in order to protect itself from future legal trouble. That’s by no means a moral stance, but it is a very self-interested one. And the US has legitimate worries here.
For example, the US military is helping Saudi Arabia commit war crimes in its war in Yemen. The US has also placed sanctions on Iran that make it harder for everyday Iranian citizens to obtain food, water, and medicine.
If Yemenis or Iranians wanted to sue the US government over those actions, it’d be harder to send a full legal document to the appropriate people in the State Department than it would be to just drop it off at an American embassy in or near their countries.
It therefore makes cold, calculating sense for the US to side with Sudan in this lawsuit. That, of course, doesn’t make the victims and families of the USS Cole attack any less angry.
“Our own country, siding with the country that harbors terrorists,” David Matthew Morales, who was injured on the ship, told reporters on Wednesday. “It was very hurtful.” He carries a small piece of a metal blown loose from USS Cole with him wherever he goes.
Original Source -> Trump’s Justice Department is fighting US terrorist attack victims in the Supreme Court
via The Conservative Brief
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cfijerusalem · 6 years ago
Watching Over Zion Report 18th October 2018 (9th Cheshvan 5779)
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Vindicate me, O God, and plead my cause against an ungodly nation; Oh, deliver me from the deceitful and unjust man! For You are the God of my strength… (Psalm 43:1, 2)
To You, O Lord, I lift up my soul. O my God, I trust in You; Let me not be ashamed; Let not my enemies triumph over me. Indeed, let no one who waits on You be ashamed; Let those be ashamed who deal treacherously without cause. Show me Your ways, O Lord; Teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; On You I wait all the day. (Psalm 25:1-5)
Once again, as we continue to stand with Israel, do seek the Lord over how we should be praying regarding the issues that concern this whole subject.  Please pray that we would have ears to hear, and hearts open to the areas the Lord wants us to be effective in.
Please continue to pray for encouragement, strength and perseverance for the Israeli people in the face of constant physical and spiritual opposition.  Do keep praying regarding the issue of Iran – especially with the provision of weapons and money to Hamas and Hezbollah. Hamas continue to add to the despair of many in Israel, along with many of their own people in Gaza by their actions and continued violence along the border of Gaza. Pray too that the truth would be reported by the Western Media, and that many others would report the facts, and not what Hamas are stating as ‘facts’.
As we look at the subject of ‘Quest for Truth’ in this week’s report, please do pray for Daphne & Andrew Kirk, the producers of the film “Quest 4 Truth: The Israeli–Palestinian Conflict” - a compelling and challenging documentary following 11 young people, from 7 different nations, as their perceptions are challenged while meeting with key leaders in Israel and the Palestinian Territory. Throughout the world there is so much deception and lies spoken out against Israel. Whether it is groups who promote anti-Semitism, areas of the church that promote replacement theology, or political campaigns speaking out against the Jewish state. No matter what the issues might be, God is concerned for truth and so should we.  Please pray that the truth will be revealed and that lies and deception will be cast down, wherever they are found.
Please continue to pray for the Arab world. While tens of millions of Arabs have been suffering for decades from brutal oppression from their own Arab leaders, and many have been tortured, imprisoned, women humiliated and dissidents killed… the world has become obsessed with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as if the Arab Palestinians, who have rejected one peace offer after another, were the only victims in the Middle East.  Please cry out for the Arab people struggling under the heavy restraints of Islamic oppression. Pray they may find freedom in following the Lord.
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Anti-Israel propaganda appears to be increasing throughout the nations, and one has to wonder, has it always been like this? Have you even questioned what was literally happening that caused the sons of Korah to write the maskil of Psalm 43? The psalmist cries out, “Vindicate me, O God, and plead my cause against an ungodly nation”. 
Today it would appear that many university campuses are actually a breeding ground for anti-Israel propaganda throughout the western world.  There’s a constant wave of issues relating to this on Social Media, and of course every year the Israel Apartheid Week of "actions" take place all around the world. Many state that these actions are supposed to help the Arab Palestinians, however there are many within the land who find the actions and even suggestions of 'Israeli Apartheid' very wrong, unhelpful and hypocritical as these actions don't help anyone except people like the Hamas terrorist group and Fatah PLO leaders who are subjecting their own people to an unfair lifestyle. 
There are however many Arab Muslims, Arab Christians, Ethiopian Jews, Druze, and other ethnic groups who are proud to live in, and be a part of Israel.  And it goes without saying, if Israel was an apartheid state, why are Arab Christians and Muslims serving in the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF)?  Disproving the lie that Israel is a racist, apartheid state, Israeli-Arab Christians and Muslims are joining the IDF in increasing numbers, wanting to serve their country in a meaningful way. However, the Israeli army service is only mandatory for Israeli Jews.  So why are many non-Jews joining up? One female soldier, a Christian Arab serving in a sensitive operational unit, had to overcome social challenges in her home community. After enlisting, she said, “I was walking around the [Arab] neighbourhood where I live in uniform. When people saw me they deleted me from their Facebook and erased my number from their telephone. It was very hard, but a few friends still supported me, and I have made a lot of new friends in the army.”  Another female soldier stated, “I have never been ashamed of my Muslim faith, not even in the IDF… I wanted to enlist because it is my duty to serve and protect my country - Israel. I want to serve in a way that makes a significant contribution.”  What I felt was equally important was the fact that this Arab Muslim soldier faces no difficulties practicing her religion while serving within the Israeli army.  She explained, “They allow me to go home during the Muslim Ramadan fast, once a week to be with my family.”
On my many travels throughout Israel, I’ve witnessed Arab Muslims, Arab Christians, Druze and Bedouins who serve in the IDF, and who support Israel and are proud of being Israeli citizens. On one of my trips I was taken to the Negev and onto an army base where there were many Druze and Bedouin Arabs training in the IDF. You might wonder why this is.  Well, the reason is due to the fact that the majority were born in Israel. It is their own nation, and they are proud to protect it. I realise for some outside of Israel that this might be hard to grasp, but it proves yet again that with Jews and Arabs, blacks and whites, Israel is not an apartheid state.
If testimonies were needed, I don’t believe one will find a stronger testimony that Major Ala Wahib – the highest ranking Muslim in the IDF.  Maj. Ala Wahib states, “Is Israel inherently racist, an apartheid state? Well, do you think that such a country would tolerate a person like myself getting to the position I am today?  Someone who has not only fought alongside Jewish soldiers, but now trains them too?  Would a truly racist state allow me to play such an integral role in our nation’s defences?  I do not serve in the army to kill people – I serve in it to save people.  When Hamas fires rockets, or Fatah encourages stabbings, we are here to protect the lives of all Israeli citizens, Jewish and non-Jewish.” 
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As I mention in the ‘pointers to prayer’, no matter what the issues might be, God is concerned for truth and so should we.  So taking the above article into consideration, and considering how important universities are in the formative years of future leaders and opinion formers, this is an important area that many pro-Israel groups appear to miss and needs to be corrected.  So what better way of helping their education than to take them to Israel?  This is exactly what happened with the Initiative of ‘Generation 2 generation’ in a film production called ‘Quest 4 Truth’ a very compelling documentary following 11 young people from 7 different nations as they explore the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. Over 3 weeks the group stayed on both sides of the security barrier, engaging in open discussion with key Arab Palestinian and Israeli leaders and people of influence.  
The Quest 4 Truth project was a concept of a British family - Andrew, Daniella, and Daphne Kirk, of Generation 2 generation (501c3), with no experience in filmmaking, but was conceived from their experiences inspiring leaders worldwide to reach this emerging generation.  The Kirk family was told that it was “impossible to gain the cooperation of both Palestinian and Israeli leaders to make one documentary with young people determining its outcome - but they asked, and it happened.” They were also told that it could be dangerous, but after having spent 25 years in over 40 nations, being in hijack situations, under armed guard, stormed by police and nearly killed – this new venture wasn’t a challenge that would deter the Kirk family. They literally had no money, but over 25 years, a lack of finances had never been a deterrent to action - they did it anyway!
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The Kirk family state, “The young people came with different perspectives and backgrounds.  No guidelines were given to speakers, no questions filtered, and no input from the crew was given over the period of filming. The young peoples’ reactions were often raw as they were challenged emotionally and personally, while being provoked to vulnerably examine their own preconceived perspectives. Bongi, from South Africa, has lived in a nation where repression and apartheid are still part of her memory. Tre, from the USA, has faced discrimination. Blaize, from Japan, was brought up to believe he would be killed if he went to Israel. Marlea, from the USA, believed being pro-Palestinian meant agreeing with terrorist acts. On this journey, they each came to discover the truth.”
The Kirk family continues, “Prior to filming, Matze, from Germany, nearly boarded a bus in Jerusalem that was blown up by a Palestinian suicide bomber. When meeting with a member of Fatah he came face to face with a poster of that very bomber. Although shaken, he asked about the poster only to discover it was a family member of that Fatah member. The result was unexpected and emotionally charged while also evoking retrospection of how his life could have been put at risk for a conflict he had no part in.” To hear Daphne Kirk give a very short account of the heart behind why they did ‘Quest4Truth, click here.
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Having watched the whole documentary, there were many incidents that made me get angry, made me laugh, and made me think. One such incident was Bettina, from Germany, who actually questioned the Deputy Mayor of Bethlehem about a swastika in the brick work of the hotel the group was staying in.  I have many connections with the Shoah (Holocaust) and I’m not so sure I would have stayed quite as calm as Bettina did.  The Palestinian Deputy Mayor’s explanation of why the swastika was there was very poor.
On another occasion in Bethlehem the group met Pastor Naim Khoury of the Baptist Church there.  I first met this Pastor when my wife and I helped with a CFI tour three years ago. We met Naim Khoury at his church after I'd been speaking at the Jerusalem conference.  The fact that the Quest4Truth team allowed the young group to make their own opinion was important - even if a bit risky as they went to the Palestinian Authority areas first. However after listening to lots of talk about “Israeli occupation”, Pastor Khoury turned the whole thing around when he stated to the group, “What occupation… there is no occupation…”  It was also great to see my orthodox Jewish friend Moshe Kempinski being interviewed - Moshe and Dov do an excellent work in Jerusalem. 
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I was also pleased to see the 11 young people visiting Sderot  [above] on the Gaza border. Again, this really spoke to me personally as I have been to Sderot many times, reporting news, watching rockets being fired overhead from Hamas in Gaza and visiting victims of terror attacks in the town as part of the CFI Jerusalem ministry.  The young people in the documentary were allowed lots of questions during their time in the land, and their conclusions were often surprising, yet totally honest. Each of the young people were filmed individually on arrival and before leaving to bring clarity to their journey. Whether viewers agree with their conclusions or not, it will hopefully inspire anyone who watches the film to take their own Quest for Truth in this complex and evolving conflict that reaches the media on a regular basis. 
According to the Quest4Truth team, no advertising, no experience, and no knowledge of documentary making were factors that actually might have made this happen as the Kirks were not deterred by obstacles they knew nothing about. The young people were challenged to pay their airfares and the majority of speakers gave their time freely. Everyone passionately believed this needed to be made – and it was. And without doubt, it’s a must watch.  To watch the full documentary with Christian perspectives, click here.
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A proposed premier showing of the documentary took place in Jerusalem at the Stand With Us offices. Other showings will take place as requested. For further details contact: [email protected] or go to www.Quest4Truth.org.
Following on from watching ‘Quest4Truth’ I was interested to learn about Corey Gil-Shuster, creator of the video series ‘The Ask Project’. Corey traverses Israel and the Palestinian Authority areas seeking truth from the region’s everyday citizens.  Corey Gil-Shuster’s perception of the conflict before living in Israel and even after living there for years was, not understanding what the conflict was all about. He knew that Israelis wanted peace (or so he thought) and his perception was that Arabs didn’t want peace. But as a Canadian, he could not believe that. “How can anyone not want peace?” he asked. Now Gil-Shuster randomly stops people in the street or elsewhere and tries to talk with them. If they consent to being filmed with his small camera, he asks them questions that he receives from his YouTube followers from all over the world.
To see the difference in attitudes is quite remarkable. So what was the response when he asked Arab Palestinians “What is your solution to the conflict? What would you do with the Israelis”? Click here to watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7hQ4cMlrNU.
Then Corey Gil-Shuster asks the Israelis, “If you had unlimited power, what would you do with the Palestinians?” Again the response is very interesting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g976X_SZfnI.
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We have all seen the scenes and heard the chants, whether it's on the streets of major cities, on student university campuses, or sadly, even at certain Political party conferences. With a sea of Islamic Arab Palestinian flags waving, we hear the chants of "Palestine will be free, from the river to the sea". But what does it actually mean? Well, the river is the Jordan River; the Sea is the Mediterranean Sea - meaning "the Whole Land of Israel will be wiped off the map - there will be no Jewish country of Israel. So will these cries for "freedom" bring peace? Absolutely not!
And will the school lessons that Arab children are being taught also bring a peaceful future? Sadly, no. In the Arab Palestinian areas, in school textbooks, Palestinian school children learn that a peaceful resolution of the conflict is not an option. Rather, Palestine should be liberated from “Zionist occupation” by way of an armed struggle titled “Revolution [Thawrah]” which involves terrorist actions styled “self-sacrificing operations [‘amaliyyat Fidaiyyah]”. This is what is actually being taught to young children by the Palestinian Authority.
The Israeli intelligence published a report on the new P.A. school books which now has been updated and written by Dr. Arnon Groiss at the request of the Near East Policy Research Chairman David Bedein and the Simon Wiesenthal Centre. The original study, "Palestinian Authority textbooks: the attitude to Jews, Israel and peace (Update, June 2018)" was issued by the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Centre on July 22, 2018. This study completes a four-year research activity, in which over 364 schoolbooks for grades 1-12 that were published by the Palestinian Authority (PA) in the years 2013-2018 were examined. The overall picture revealed throughout the project is depressing and the present study does not change it: Palestinian school children and youth learn that a peaceful resolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict is not an option as you will see in this report: Read the full report in PDF here.
David Soakell Media Correspondent Tweet me @David_Soakell
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swipestream · 6 years ago
Jack Ryan is Just Rotten but Peppermint is Practically Perfect
Okay, that headline’s not QUITE fair, but I just couldn’t pass up the soulfully seductive sounds of a totally terrific triple alliteration. So sue me. Here’s something a little more fair (but which doesn’t make for as snappy a headline):
Jack Ryan—the new Amazon Prime video series about Tom Clancy’s CIA analyst character—isn’t totally rotten, but is instead an alright work by talented people that could have been much much better if they hadn’t made, or been forced to make, several compromises with political correctness. By way of contrast, Peppermint—Jennifer Garner’s “Punisher, but with Jennifer Garner” movie—doesn’t noticeably pull its punches, even faced with the same unpalatable problem: the stunning rudeness of reality.
Existence, you see, doesn’t comport itself according to politically correct pieties. Unlike what certain elements want you to believe, there really are murderous Muslim terrorists and murderous Mexican drug cartels. They exist, but putting them into your fiction is a potential career-ender in modern Hollywood, which is why it’s so surprising that both works chose to do so.
The entire season of Jack Ryan (like Netflix, 8 episodes revolving around the same story, only unlike Netflix, Amazon makes it work) is one long battle against actual Muslim terrorists, people who murder 300 innocents with sarin gas at a Paris funeral for a priest and who plot even bigger body counts after that. Their explicit motivations are revenge on the West and establishing a caliphate, and the show doesn’t flinch from depicting their rage and bloodthirstiness up to and including keeping and selling captured Westerners as slaves and using children as suicide bombers against American troops and defecting Iraqi civilians (the subsequent explosion and helicopter crash replacing the original origin of Jack Ryan, CIA analyst). These are BAD GUYS, alright? And that’s a minor miracle when even Ben Affleck’s The Sum of All Fears rewrote Clancy’s book so Ryan fought not Muslim terrorists but German Neo-Nazis… in 2002.
Peppermint is a smaller story about a mom who loses her daughter and husband in a horrific drive-by. The murderers are a gang whose face tattoos and Hispanic ethnic identity are clearly meant to evoke MS-13, and who are linked to an unspecified but clearly Mexican drug cartel. The gang arranges the murders, buys off or intimidates police, district attorneys, and judges, and deprives the mother of well-deserved justice. The criminals even have a smug Peter Strzok moment, laughing at the bereaving mother in the courtroom just after she’s given testimony, and just after the crooked judge has dismissed the case against them. Nor are these the only murders we witness them arranging. Again, these are BAD GUYS.
(I hope it’s not too big of a SPOILER to reveal that both groups of BAD GUYS get their comeuppance by the end.)
So, yeah, major props to the writers of both for daring to go where no modern Hollywood dudes are willing to go. It’s surprising and ballsy and eminently complimentable. That said…
Jack Ryan spends a lot of time trying to walk it back, undercutting their seeming-boldness. The main bad guy’s family is killed in an air strike (in the very first scene in the entire series) on a civilian village in the Bekaa Valley, Lebanon, in 1983. The problem is that America (whom many reviewers assumed was the culprit) never attacked anywhere in the Bekaa in 1983, while both the French and the Israelis only attacked military targets—no civilian villages were bombed, only Iranian Revolutionary Guard locations (Lebanon claims 1 civilian death from these attacks, not the dozens or hundreds depicted in the show).
This attack never happened, and yet the show chooses it as the beginning of the main Bad Guy’s turn from an innocent child into a violent terrorist mastermind. This turn is later cemented when he is arrested by racist French policemen who throw him into prison because of racism, where he is radicalized by a Muslim cleric. One day he’s an innocent would-be banker with a bold plan to modernize and revolutionize France’s banking system, rejected by the French because they’re racists, and a year later he’s a jihadi.
Because of the murder of innocent civilians by the West, and racist rejection of an innocent, peaceful businessman by the French, “the next Bin Laden” is born—we created our own worst foe. “He is the monster we created, had we only treated him better he’d have never done what he did” is a pretty odious (but altogether too common) message, and it cheapens and weakens what could have been a great story.
The show also futzes with Adm Greer’s (Ryan’s boss and mentor, played by James Earl Jones in 1990’s The Hunt for Red October) past and personality to score PC points, turning him into a Muslim who converted so he could marry his Muslim (now ex-) wife. He’s explicitly shown as having abandoned the religion after the divorce, but the show still gives him a chance to virtue signal when a racist French secret agent complains about the Muslims in France and later he decides to go back to church (er… back to the mosque?) because of all this.
Okay, fine, the show is more anti-French than anti-American, and I usually have no problems tossing a few barbs France’s way, but this is a bit too much. You don’t strengthen a story or a villain by blaming others for his villainy. People make their own choices, and bear responsibility for them. Blaming the victims for the crime is ridiculous, and this message (along with several other PC moments too lengthy to relate here, like the drone pilot who goes on pilgrimage from his air base just outside Las Vegas to the Middle Eastern village where the family of his last—mistakenly identified—target live to give them $60,000 to ease their pain) fatally compromise what could have been an excellent series. They had the talent, but in catering to the PC Gestapo, they ruined their work.
Peppermint does none of that. (Mostly. Homeless people are presented as completely harmless innocents, but that’s not a plot point and is easily overlooked.) There are corrupt and brutally ruthless gangsters, they decide to make an example of her husband, so they do a drive-by and shoot him down in the street, even as he’s trying to shelter his little girl with his own body, and both die while the mom looks on. Riley North, the wife and mother of the slain, tries to get justice for her family through the legal process, but the gang’s money has bought them influence in the courts and even among the police themselves. She drops out of sight for five years, and on the anniversary of her family’s death, she shows up, armed with an arsenal of military weapons and det cord, and proceeds to dispense her own justice. The Bad Guys try to strike back, they fail, and she proceeds to eliminate them one by one in a series of very cool set pieces.
Peppermint is a solid revenge flick, in the vein of Death Wish (whichever version you care to choose) and The Punisher. You could even non-ironically call the movie the best Punisher flick ever made, because most of them have been pretty awful and this movie absolutely is not. It’s not too long, moves along at a brisk pace, and is solidly entertaining. There isn’t a lot more to say other than “The villains are mostly Hispanic, but the movie never shies away from this, nor does it demonize Hispanic people.” It’s a good movie. Go see it.
Both shows have come under fire in the media for depicting actual, real villains who actually, really exist in the actual, real world. Their decision to move ahead despite this is bold, and even if Jack Ryan flubbed the execution, both productions deserve nothing but praise for it.
Jasyn Jones, better known as Daddy Warpig, is a host on the Geek Gab podcast, a regular on the Superversive SF livestreams, and blogs at Daddy Warpig’s House of Geekery. Check him out on Twitter.
Jack Ryan is Just Rotten but Peppermint is Practically Perfect published first on https://medium.com/@ReloadedPCGames
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