#like if I had tried to sing this song years ago when I put Super High Stakes on everything all the time...there are passages I FOR REAL
musical-chick-13 · 10 months
So just like. For grins. I sang something this morning for the express purpose of having fun (<-did not warm up at ALL) and, for some reason, I decided to record myself and see what happened. And you know what, it...it actually sounded. pretty good. Go fucking figure, lmao.
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yaut-jaknowit · 6 months
Okay lil idea! Don’t force urself to do this I had to write this down before I forget.
Fem reader who has a soothing lullaby voice while also good at singing!, reader lives in a cabin deep in the woods, hunts and build her own tools, she uses a bow and arrow, got that magnificent strong will, stubborn as shit tho, never backs down from a challenge no matter how overpowered her enemy is. Very smart mouth always fights back never fail to step back from a fight.
Fem reader x We'ar-ow
Siren Calls for a Challenge
Pairing: We'ar-ow (female Yautja) x Reader
Word Count: 3913
Summary: Deep in the woods of Alaska, far up north in the state, you have a little hut. It serves it purpose throughout the years and seasons. You live and hunt up there, far from civilization. The best life you've known. As you venture out for a hunt you've planned, there a shimmer in the tree line.
Author Note: I'm gonna be honest, I don't know if I did the smart mouthing right. I had to look up good comebacks and comments as such for this. I tried to make the reader be super sassy... I hope it works! I do love sassy reader who gives no fucks about a Yautja. I should probably write more like that.
Deep in the lands of Alaska, was a small little hut that worked perfectly. Just enough space to house one person and the necessities of life. A life of hardships, surviving in world meant for kill or be killed. You enjoyed it. The challenges brought to you almost everyday. The need to hunt for you own food. Even down to creating your own weapons to hunt for said food.
Guns and bullets are useful out here, easier to use against a large predator such as a bear. Yet, to get the ammo and supplies was another thing. It required you to leave the safety of the lands and travel more than fifty miles on foot alone to reach even the nearest civilization. It wasn’t a risk that was worth when arrows are craftable out here. A more renewable source for weapons. Use what the land gives in plenty.
In the confines of your hut, your vocal cords hummed with a tune your parents sung to you while young. Though, it’s original use was to lull you to sleep, now you use to fill in the silence that pierced the air. It was a soft tune that you remembered by heart, letting muscle memory guide you. Both in song and craft
More arrows were needed before the next hunt took place tomorrow morning. The supply was running low after the wind kept knocking them off course a week ago. You still brought down the elk, a smaller one than you meant to. It’s last you the week but supplies were running low. With winter coming as well, you truly needed to stock up on food before the first cold freezes over everything. All the creatures will either hunker down or rarely venture out. You couldn’t do either of those. Your stomach still needed to be filled during that time. Plus, the extra pelts never hurt to be dried and put to good use.
The last arrow had been created and sheathed into your quiver. That was set by the door with your trusty bow. A hunting knife was hung by its sheath next to the bow. Lastly, a machete for anything that tried to be up close and personal with you. This is Alaska. A dangerous land that tried to kill anyone on it, no matter who or what you are.
As the sun rose high above the ground, you slipped every piece of gear needed. Hunting knife? Check. Bow and arrows? Check. Machete? Check. Food and water? Also check. Once you deem everything in order, you stepped out into the chilling air. The door creaked closed behind you.
Cool air filled your lungs to the brim and enjoyed the bitting to help you wake up then you exhaled. A short, small white cloud appeared in the air. It immediately disappeared afterwards. Perfect.
A softly smile tugged at the corner of your lips while you began a path towards a known area for elk. A spot where they frequented as of late. You didn’t want to spook them from the area so soon and have to track them down all over again. Always a balance to nature, including this. After this, you would have to find a new spot to hunt before winter fell over the area. Or else, you would be stranded with no easy food source in the dead of winter. That was lesson you once learned the hard way. All it took was that one time.
Hunger wasn’t a fun feeling.
Though, you live within the confines of nature, you enjoyed every moment you were allowed this. A peacefulness that washed over you. As if you were just taking a normal stroll out to wander around. Yes, you were on a mission but it was never wrong to breath in this life you were given. A life you were too stubborn to die from, to give up. Anyone or thing would have to rip it out of your cold, dead hands.
In a peaceful atmosphere, you were still on watch. Lax as your form was, you watched everything around. Anything that could pose a threat to your way of life. May it be a mountain lion or bear growing to comfortably around your territory. You made a mental note inside of your head. Then, later on, a plan would be devised on how best to solve this situation all by your lonesome. There was no backup, no other savior this deep into Alaska. It was just you out here. Just you.
Light, carefully placed steps took you from the cozy little cabin you called home. Deeper into the forest, tracking down prey you needed to eat. With such knowledge, muscle memory guiding you, you reached the known grazing area and stopped just shy of the tree line. The meadows were void of larger life. Only soon-to-be wilting grass filled the open space. You hunkered down in a bush and took a couple sips from your water. It was refreshing over your tongue, cooling down your slightly warmed body. The hike long and helps warm up your body.
In the brush, you pulled your bow free from your torso and notched an arrow. Like the predator you’ve become, you wait as one, never faltering your gaze from the open meadows before you. Today, you were taking home next week’s food.
The day was slightly hotter, not enough to shrug off the jacket pelt that hung off of your shoulders. The sun rose higher in the sky but never crested to hit the peak. The tilt of the earth did not allow for that. It stayed midway through the blue sky the entire time, short in the amount of hours for light.
Soon, light would be a rarity this far north into Alaska.
As your hand reached out to touch the pouch containing water, a shimmer of light your attention. You froze to the spot, breath caught in your throat.
Out on the other side of the meadows, just into the tree line, sunlight reflected off something. You didn’t dare to move, only observing as the shimmered moved closer into the meadow. Nothing instantly came to mind to supply what this could be from. It wasn’t like light reflecting off of a cats eye. It was also too light for that to be. Your muscles grew taunt, ready to spring into action at a moments call.
From the corner of your eye, you noticed movement and had to take your gaze off of the shimmer. Elk. A herd of elk you’ve grown to know pranced into the meadow. A spot known for their grazing. The group bowed their heads and began to snack away at the grass.
The shimmer caught your attention again yet goes unnoticed by the prey animals. Downwind from them, you waited for a single elk to walk just close enough to strike down.
The herd dispersed a little, spreading out and growing closer to your hunkered down. You steeled your nerves despite the disturbance across the field. The bow in hand was held tighter and prepared yourself to pull the string back and fire the notched arrow.
As you prepared for the upcoming kill shot, the shimmer was on the move. Internally, you cursed and prayed to whatever god would listen to you this thing wouldn’t disturb your hunt. Just don’t spook the herd! That’s all you could ask for. It could be weeks before they returned to spot if it scared them badly.
Before you could comprehend the sight unfurling before you, one of the elks laid dead on the meadow. A large axe lodged into his head, nearly splitting the skull into two. The creature officially dead with no chance of escape. Your jaw dropped at that alone.
Then, the air was caught in your throat.
Pink, cream, and purple. A humanoid form stood at the down elk, easily dwarfing it. Adorn in metal armor, a mask covered the entirety of its face; hiding away what hid below. Four long… dreads hung over its shoulder. Then, the rest were tied up behind its elongated head shaped slightly like a dome on top. That was all you could get from the distance away.
All the other elk scattered like the prey they are. Anger flared to a blazing heat behind your sternum. With little care of what this thing was, you marched out into the field like a crazed hunter. Your steps were loud and easily announced your presence to this creature. This damn thing ruined your hunt and made you lose your next week’s food. Worst of all, this probably scared off the herd. They won’t return for some time. A growl rumbled in the back of your throat.
A blank, metal expression snapped up at you. That didn’t deter you in the slightest. You got within twenty feet of it before a bone rattle snarl bore through the rather quiet air. That stopped you in your tracks. A warning. A threat. If you stepped an inch closer, you would end up like its downed prey.
You still set a glare on the unknown, faceless creature. A challenge burning in your heated eyes. “You stole my kill. You ran off the herd. You spooked them! They won’t come back here for weeks,” you accused, knowing this thing couldn’t respond back to you. Humanoid or not. This wasn’t a human. Not with its height or the strange shape of its head. But it messed with your hunt. You weren’t about to let that slide.
Behind its emotionless mask, clicks and hisses sounded. It sounded like it was grumbling to itself. As if you were just some gnat that was annoying it. Your hand tightened on your bow, straining the wood under you palm. “You ruined my hunt,” you spat at it and pointed a finger at the unknown creature.
It snorted, muffled, and leaned down. The hatchet was swiftly pulled from the skull of its kill. The weapon twirled in its fingers. A skilled trick just show you how well it was versed with the axe. Your free hand drifted to the machete latched to your hip, ready to defend yourself.
“I did no such thing.” Soft in its tone yet told you about a chapter in its life of battle. Your grasp on the weapon nearly dropped it to the meadow’s grounds. This humanoid figure that clearly wasn’t human spoke to you.
Your eyes only flinched for a second before the glare was returned in full force. “Yes, you did! I set out this morning and waited in the brush since then for them to return here. They are a herd I follow. I know their pattern. You just scared them off!” Your body was shaking with anger. The comfort of your life had been disturbed by this thing.
The humanoid figure brushed you off by kneeling down. A knife was pulled free from a sheath at its side. With practiced movements, it sliced through the belly and began to clean its kill. This was hunter. It was too precise with the cut, the way it scooped out the guts. Your eyes narrowed on the creature and stepped closer.
An axe stuck out of the ground before your feet. Your gaze snapped down to it, nonchalant about its threatening manner. “You think that scares me?” you mused with a dangerous grin. You knew your prowess and were willing to challenge this creature for its hunt. “I’ve face worse than whatever you are.”
Without taking your eyes off of it, you leaned down and plucked the weapon from the ground. It wasn’t meant for you hand. The size and weight weren’t something even the average human would use. Yet, you still twirled it, testing its weight. “I think this mine now.” An shit eating smirk spread your mouth wide as you looked at the kneeling figure.
The growl it released shook the very ground you stood on. But, that didn’t deter you. Like any other predator who wonders into your territory, you’ll just beat it back until it learns its lesson.
It rose back to a standing position, body tense, ready just like you. You only shifted slightly into a less cocky stance and prepared to fight if it came down to it. This creature easily towered over your form, that much you could tell with the distance between you. That didn’t deter you. Instead, that only pushed more adrenaline into your veins, heart pounding into your ear.
“it’s only fair I keep this. Deny all you want, but you ruined my hunt. I feel like you need to pay for it. Either with me taking this as payment-“ you held up the hatchet- “or possibly with shed blood may sedate me enough.” The long-handled weapon was twirled again, showing off the fact you knew how to handle it.
Behind the mask, it scoffed and rolled its shoulders. “You didn’t have rights over this hunt,” it snarled at you and pulled out another hatchet on its other hip.
“I’d agree with you but then we’d both be wrong,” you snarked dropped your bow onto the ground and used the newly freed hand to grasp at your machete. Both of your hands filled with a weapon. One you were far more knowledgeable then the other.
The soles of your self-crafted shoes dug into the soft earth. Your muscles helped you launch yourself forward, straight at the creature. Instantly, you took up the offensive position. Your moved were swift, bringing down the hatchets blade  to bed itself into the creatures shoulder. An action it caught onto quickly. You weren’t looking to kill, only maim.
This newer weapon was harder wield than your machete, a different fighting style in general. It left you open for attack. The hatchet held high above your head to bring down onto its skin.
It darted backwards and started its own offensive attack. A battle of dance, trading blows and swings. Neither figure willing to back down. There you were, keeping up with this thing. Though, only by the skin of your teeth where you able to skim past without losing a limb.
A slice cut at your side, tearing your shirt open. Fresh, hot blood graced the open sky and dripped down your skin. You snarled, teeth bared in a whole show of unbridle rage. The beast returned the gesture with a bellow that shook your bones. You bared more down on it with a slash that drew its own blood and dipped the tip of your blade with neon green fluids.
The two of you trading dodges and hits the same. You were able to keep up with a beast such as it.
More cuts opened your skin. None of them fatal.
Both of you backed away from each other. Sweat clung to your skin uncomfortably, doing its job in cooling down your overheated body. Your shoulders heaved with panting breathe as you surged for air and studied the beast after a timeless battle. It took panted, chest expanding with each inhale.
“I didn’t expect for you to be able to put your money where your mouth is. If you have one. I’m impressed,” you mused and rolled one of your shoulders. An ache growing in the taunt muscles. “It’s time to leave. I told you; this was my food for the week.”
Either it straight up ignored you or just didn’t bother to care. You were quick to find yourself back into a harrowing battle with it again.
“Whoa, whoa. Hold your horse, there’s-guh! There’s plenty of me to share. Gotta keep some of it for the ladies though,” you jestered. The grin returned to your face. The hatchet’s blade skirted past the spot you once were a second before. “Man, you truly want to break off a piece like a kitkat bar.”
A small pout passed over your features when it didn’t even make a chittering noise. “it’s okay if you don’t like me. I know not everyone has good taste.” The creature only faltered for a second but left you a moment slice along its pink thigh. The creature snarled and whipped its axe towards you. Barely missing your scalp if you didn’t duck just in time.
“Oh, you missed me!” Despite not seeing its facial expressions freely, you read the irritation clear as a sun day. The muscles that lined its forearms flex while it gripped the wooden handle tighter. You thought it was about to cleave your head into two when it had the chance.
Something caught the heel of your foot while dodging a particularly deadly swipe. You gasped and teetered over straight onto your rump with a grunt. This was the end. The dance had ended with you making a fatal mistake.
Instinctively, you brought up your machete to block an knowingly incoming blow. Pain exploded in your  forearm as a weight bared down on it. You choked on spit and fought underneath the tremendous weight, but it was futile.
A blade was pressed to the vulnerable part of your throat. One swipe and everything would be over. You swallowed down the lump building in your throat and looked up at the winner.
Behind its massive head, a halo of light framed it. Like a god or goddess peering down at your injured form. The seconds began to tick on by. The only sound in the air being the two of you panting to regain a balance. Your tongue darted out to wet your dry lips.
It never came for the killing blow.
“If you’re expecting me to beg for my life, might as well finish your cleaning. You won’t get anything from me,” you spat though there was a slight tone of respect in your voice. It fought well again you and became the winner in the end.
More weight was shifted onto your arm as it shuffled above you. The hatchet was pulled away and latched onto its belt. You knew at a moments notice, it could whip it back out and finish the job. Then, it’s stolen weapon was plucked from your smash arm and sheathed all the same. You clenched your teeth together in both the pain and disappointment it got it back from you.
“Can you at least give me the curtsey of knowing who and what you are before you kill me?” you questioned, tone still firm but with less anger in it. You truly wanted to know what this thing was. At least you could take that knowledge with you before it took your life.
Weaponless hands, one pinched your chin and tilted it up so you could face it. The other reached up and pulled at two tubes attached to its head. A small hiss entered the air before it tugged the metal mask free from its spot.
What was revealed wasn’t something you would ever expect. You nearly cringed at the sight. This wasn’t anything known to mankind. As if a crab was turned humanoid with a face like that.
Four mandibles or fangs adorn its completely inhuman features and twitched every once in a while. Hidden behind those were more teeth you didn’t wish to meet at anytime. Then, orange pupils that could possibly glow in the dark peered down at you. A predator look set on your pinned form. This thing screamed predator. A creature born, built for the hunt.
The hand on your chin stayed and forced you to keep looking into its eyes. “You would be dead by now. Your head hanging from my belt. Consider yourself lucky that I spared your life. I see potential in yout skills. I want to help develop those skills. I will not let them go to waste. You need a teacher.” That voice, less muffled this time.
“Wow, sparing my life? I feel so honored.” Even after escaping death, not fully though, you were still being smart mouthed.
It tightened its grip. “I might take back my offer.” The creature leaned down crowded into your space. You flashed your teeth at it with a grin.
“Nah, you wouldn’t. Seems like you already like me too much to do that.” You don’t know how you do it but you act like this was conversation with an old friend. It growled and shoved your head to the side but never made a move to gut you like the elk.
Then, it stood back up, towering over your laying form. You sat up and rubbed at your wrist you knew surely was going to bruise later today. “You still didn’t answer my questions.” If you were going to work with this beast, you would like to a put to its strange face.
At this point, the two of you caught your breaths. Its chest expanded with a deep, heavy breath. The beast turned on its heel to look down at you with a critical eye. “I’m called We’ar-ow. You will learn later what I am once I deem you worthy of the information.” You faked gasped and got up, placing a hand over your heart.
“Oh come on! We just had a battle to a near death,” you whined. “I feel like I’ve earned it.” The machete you once bore was sheathed back into its spot on your hip. Your body now sliced with multiple cuts that will require some medical assistance but not at that very moment.
All the pink beast did was look down at you with a neutral expression. Despite the difference of features, you felt it was universal for the expression to mean the same. “Fine. If you can’t answer me that, can you at least tell me if you’re an alien or not.” Still with cheeky smirk on your face. Yeah, you’ll learned it could if it so wishes. Why not tempt fate while you’re at it?
Its pink back met you, long legs striding away from you. The creature turned its head to look over its shoulder for a second. “Yes.” You jumped up and thrusted a fist in the air.
“Ah-ha! I knew it.” You scrambled after We’ar-ow, not wanting to wander too far from it. “So… what happens now? You said I had potential or something.” You were forced to trot next to the newly friended creature. The steps easily dwarfing three of your own.
We’ar-ow, if you remember correctly, knelt down at the belly of elk it once worked on and returned to cleaning its kill. “You will quiet down and stop asking many questions,” she snapped at you but didn’t even look over at you, focused on cutting out unneeded parts.
“Well, that’s going to a problem. I want to learn, that requires questions.” You had the creature caught then. It grunted underneath its breath and sheathed its blade after wiping it off. “I can carry that if you want.”
Orange eyes glanced over at your smaller frame. Yes, you were muscular for having to survive in a wilderness that was more than happy to kill you. The creature dipped its domed head and stood up.
You walked over to the dead elk and glanced at We’ar-ow. “Watch and learn from the master.” You crouched down onto your haunches, careful of your weight and maneuvered the downed elk onto your shoulders. A single push and you were back to a standing position, proudly looking at We’ar-ow. “Where to master?”
Oh, you were going to have fun with this creature.
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noonaishere · 2 months
Online/Offline [C.S] - seventy-five | fair-trade, equal exchange, organic bittersweet 70% cocoa chocolate chips
“You’re really going to get that?” Wooyoung asked, grocery basket in tow.
Yeosang looked up from the label he was reading and raised an eyebrow. “You’re going to criticize my food choices when you dragged me grocery shopping?”
Wooyoung clicked his tongue. “You can’t defend yourself eating ramen all the time. Don’t even try.”
He rolled his eyes.
“Come on, who’s going to ask you out if all you can cook is ramen?”
“I can cook.”
“What, that shameful candy you tried to make that time?”
Yeosang tried to ignore Wooyoung’s perennial roasting of the candy he lovingly, and with great feelings of friendship tried to make him a few years ago. 
“Sugar lumps.”
He groaned. “Stop bringing it up. Some of us aren’t professionally trained.”
Wooyoung scoffed. “You don’t have to go to culinary school to learn how to feed yourself, pal. I need to go to the baking aisle to pick some things up for the café.”
“You buy things for the café with your own money?”
“What, do you think I like the taste of boot leather? I have the café’s card.”
“Ahh.” Yeosang nodded. “I was wondering...”
Wooyoung laughed. “Me? Bowing down to the concept of overworking yourself in the name of ‘The Company’? Never.”
Yeosang chuckled.
“Nah, Seonghwa hyung always gives me the café’s card when I have to buy things I can’t order. He’s not stingy.”
“That’s good. Is he really dating San’s cousin?”
“Y/n told you?”
“Yeah. Apparently they’ve known each other since they were kids, they just didn’t know each other super well.”
He nodded. 
“What’d San think about that?”
“What, like did he get mad?”
“Why would he get mad? Seonghwa is a great guy. If I had a sister, I would have introduced him to her before Minsoo met him again.”
“Absolutely. I’d introduce the sister I don’t have if it only meant that Seonghwa hyung would become my brother-in-law.”
“You wouldn’t introduce your non-existent sister to me? Eight years of friendship and that’s how I’m treated?”
Wooyoung laughed. “You’d forget to talk to her.”
Yeosang stood, dumbfounded for a moment, before sighing and pretending to look at something on the shelf.
Wooyoung laughed again. “You’re only acting that way because you know I’m right.”
Yeosang tsk’d. “Well… at least the real couple at AtoZ is happy.”
“I don’t know~” Wooyoung sing-songed. “San and y/n look pretty cozy to me~”
“Yeah, but only y/n likes San.” Yeosang looked at the items on the shelf as he waited for Wooyoung to respond. Hearing no answer, he looked up.
Wooyoung was standing as if he was in a movie that had been paused, the bag of fair-trade, equal exchange, organic bittersweet 70% cocoa chocolate chips on the floor, long since fallen out of his hands in shock. 
“San likes y/n.” Wooyoung corrected, lowering his gaze at him in suspicion.
Yeosang looked at him for a few seconds, finally realizing what he had said moments before. “Oh-- uh-- yeah, that’s what I meant.”
“That’s not what you said.”
“That’s what I meant to say.”
“But how would you know?” Wooyoung stepped over the bag of fair-trade, equal exchange, organic bittersweet 70% cocoa chocolate chips and closed the gap between them, grabbing Yeosang by the collar. “You don’t talk to San, how could you know he likes her?”
“You said that she liked him!”
“Don’t yell, people are going to come over.”
Wooyoung pulled Yeosang close to his face and whisper-screamed: “I KNEW it!” Before letting him go and picking up the bag of fair-trade, equal exchange, organic bittersweet 70% cocoa chocolate chips and throwing it into the shopping cart.
Wide-eyed, Yeosang steadied himself and picked up the items that had fallen out of his basket. “Why-- what was all that for?”
“I knew she liked him.” Wooyoung said ruefully, putting two more bags of chocolate chips into his cart.
He shook his head. “How?”
“Because.” He put two more bags of chocolate chips into his cart. “I suggested they actually date and she shot it down.” Two more bags.
“But… couldn’t that just mean that she doesn’t like him?”
He put two more bags of chocolate chips into his cart and paused, grinning at Yeosang like a wild man. “I might have thought that, I might have left it alone… but you confirmed my suspicion.” Two more bags.
Yeosang stared at Wooyoung as he looked back at him like a delightfully rabid animal, continuing to put bags of fair-trade, equal exchange, organic bittersweet 70% cocoa chocolate chips into the cart.
“Uh… I think you have enough?” Yeosang asked nervously.
Wooyoung tilted his head in confusion and looked into the cart. “No…”
“No. This isn’t enough.” Wooyoung stared into the cart maniacally.
Wooyoung stared into the cart, smiling at his own thoughts.
Yeosang looked at him for a couple seconds before he carefully stepped around him, not wanting to set him off and - probably loudly and with great animation - be told whatever he was planning.
He did not want to know.
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whatsaneggimcis · 4 months
Signs everything I thought I knew was wrong
I needed to dump my thoughts and feelings somewhere because I feel like im annoying my support group. I think my egg finally cracked Wednesday and immediately I had to start researching and buying gender affirming things. Anyways, here's my list of signs that I wish I had seen like a decade ago, please be kind I'm very new to opening up like this
Another Girl in elementary threatened me with makeup and cross dressing and I wanted it bad.
I think this one is such a major factor in why I feel like this has to be real. Its well before puberty and well before I knew transitioning was a thing. Just a natural thought for someone who’s the wrong gender
Multiple times pleading with god to just make me a girl
Still cis tho obv
Thinking if I held still for long enough in bed, some sort of magic would make me a girl and fix this wrong body of mine
I still remember the dreams where im a girl, i legit became proficient at lucid dreaming just for it.
Ah fuck the egg_irl memes are hitting too hard
My favorite game character is Bridget, listening back to the song is hitting really hard actually
Legit had an anxiety attack and took a day off work because my transfem friend said “careful, i said the same thing before i came out”
Wishing i had magic to turn myself into a girl
Playing female characters just to feel cute
Putting on leggings in highschool, then sleeping in them
Some female mannerisms
Kinda hating my poor skin but couldnt do anything about it since thats only for women am i right fellas
Mild euphoria when someone says good girl
Envisioning myself as the girl during fantasies
Jealousy over a womans body
Ive never seen any man sit cross legged at a table the way i do, idk why that one pops up but i’ve seen plenty of other girls do it
Desire to steal womans clothing to cross dress
At current moment I have no desire to bite my nails because I want them to grow out, even though I was a nail biter for 27 years
In pre school, tried to convince another girl to swap clothes with me
In pre school, loved pretending i was at a hair salon and the other girls in the school would give me a haircut. It gave me ASMR
Speaking of ASMR, I like exclusively listen to makeup, nail and hair roleplays
Feeling like i dont want to transition because I could be ugly
After realization, I dont have nearly as much of an appetite, maybe subconscious bodily sabotage in the form of overeating
Not seeing any future when I tried to plan my life better, before I ever considered the option of becoming trans
Feeling hurt when my dad made somewhat transphobic comments about my trans cousin
Wondering what my parents would do if i woke up one day as a woman and had to explain that to them
Genuine euphoria at the idea of trying on womens clothing, but thinking that i was weird and kinky
Playing with stuffed animals with my best childhood friend, a fellow girl
Hating my balls
I bet it feels good to cry, its probably cathartic
Hating body hair god i hate this so much, I’m just bad at shaving it and dont want to be covered in razor burns and have to explain to coworkers why I shaved my legs and arms
Hating my nose
Adopting a super masculine persona
Forcing myself to have a much deeper voice to not feel any of my true feelings
Actually seeing a future after considering becoming trans
Being hurt by transphobic comments at work before I realized my egg status
Was I sending what they said to my friend because i was hurt by it and wanted reassurance?
When i started drawing again, i had no desire to draw “cool badass epic shit” i just wanted to draw super cosy watercolor paintings.
God damn it i’ll say it, I fucking love pastels. Both the art medium and the color spectrum
Repression of my desire to dance and sing, or I guess express myself in any format due to internalized transphobia
“Mens fashion is so lame, girls have it so good. Im cis tho”
Pure depression my entire adult life
Wanting genuine friend connections with women in a more feminine way
Never caring about going out and buying clothes because none of them worked for me
Trying to force myself to not look at girls clothes because “thats only what weirdos do”
On this topic, how the fuck did i think this shit was normal… i wasnt watching women or anything, its not like i was being creepy in reality. I just wanted to see the womens clothes. Why is that such a bad thing for someone to want
Being jealous of my friend since he was openly wearing his girlfriend’s sweatshirt
Dude i stared longingly at a pink gamer girl chair, still cis tho
Speaking of gamers, being super jealous of C9 Sneaky that he could pass so well and was totally fine with showing that whole side of himself online. Same with Finnster.
I think i hate my voice, ever since realizing this about myself i cant help but hear my voice and think its not me
Being afraid to see a therapist because im not sure honestly
Fearing crying, but that might not be internalized transphobia and actually just be a side product of the vice grip on masculinity in society
Daydreaming about becoming a girl
General body dysmorphia
I want to cry but i cant, why cant I cry why
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reviewsbyliam · 1 year
Nicki Minaj - Last Time I Saw You
(Single Review)
Friendly Reminder: make sure to listen to the song whilst reading!
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Nicki Minaj for Last Time I Saw You
Kicking off September with the supposed lead single from her highly anticipated 5th album 'Pink Friday 2' is none other than Nicki Minaj.
Last Time I Saw You is the 3rd single to be released from her upcoming album, with 1 & 2 being the #1 HIT Super Freaky Girl and Red Ruby Da Sleeze which introduced her new alter ego, Red Ruby Da Sleeze.
Earlier today, Nicki spoke with Zane Lowe on the New Music Daily series which is platformed by Apple Music Radio, touching on the subjects behind the song.
She indicated that it's partly about her late Father, Robert Maraj, who was killed in a hit-and-run in February of 2021, also adding; "The vibe of it was really talking about a loss, a real loss you know. But to not make the song feel only directed at one kind of loss. When I wrote the singing verse, I tried to expand it and think even about relationships. And then by the time I got to the rap, it was like I had included all relationships that I had lost before, because I mentioned even best friends and stuff like that."
Never forgetting to also pay homage to her own personal growth, Nicki stated; "I just wanted the next song that I put out to represent my growth, but not just as an artist, but as a human being. I’ve experienced so many things that I hadn’t experienced five years ago, and that’s just the truth."
Talking earlier today to Zane Lowe about the current rap climate, Nicki said: "I felt that if I don’t take the risk, that I’m just as bad as everyone else who I think should make a change. And not only artists, but people behind the scenes. Because the truth of the matter is people are experiencing real life every day. Believe it or not, people are going through real shit every day. So just because they don’t have that music out to express it, it doesn’t mean they’re not experiencing it."
Taking risks from the music she has previously put out was the best choice for Nicki, as it proves that no matter how long she has been in the game for; she'll always find a way to create a new wave and ride it like no other whilst managing to stay relatable with her sound and writing.
Diversity in your lyricism and flow alongside experimenting with beats is something that many rappers lack so they choose to stick to their comfort zones, but for Nicki? That's not her story. Each album she has put out for public consumption has been consistently different. From flows, beats, lyrics, alter egos, stories - nothing is the same. Nicki being 15 years into her career and still finding ways to elevate her musical skill is truly inspirational.
After becoming a mother and surviving a very consistent hate train from the general public in 2018 that lasted for a couple years, it's more obvious now than ever that Nicki is ready to show the world what shes made of once again and gently but savagely remind people that whilst they might be able to play with others, they can't play with her. At all.
I'm personally extremely excited for her new album and eager to hear what sounds she has been experimenting with in her studio, alongside everything else that comes. Being a fan since Pink Friday was first released in 2010, it always is anxiety inducing when you don't exactly know where your favorite artists creative mind is directing itself, but then I also find that's what makes it so exciting about being a fan of that person, because when their past work is so consistent and still streamed to this day, you know you won't be let down no matter what, especially when its a mastermind like Nicki Minaj.
CONCLUSION: A very emotionally layered track from Nicki that is upbeat and catchy whilst managing to stay unique, securing it's destiny for greatness. I (like many others) found myself able to relate on a personal level with past and current situations and even found myself getting a bit emotional at one point once I understood her own personal connections with the song. A very cohesive, well produced track with outstanding vocals and flow from Nicki.
Last Time I Saw You is a certified 10/10 by Reviews By Liam
Thank you for checking out my review of Nicki Minaj's new single Last Time I Saw You!
If you would like to listen to Last Time I Saw You, it is available to stream on Spotify and Apple Music, or purchase from iTunes.
Please support my blog by giving me a follow and sharing my reviews with your family and friends, whilst not forgetting to leave your own comments below!
X (Twitter): reviewsbyliam
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cutelittleriot · 8 months
Return to origin Band together chapter 5 Breaking point
The group is ready to rescue Floyd. We'll nostly they still need to be in harmony and all that. So they decided to practice while they headed to Mount Rageous.
They were all geared up in their old outfits some fit.....some don't. They were singing a song when Jd just stops it entirely not liking how it was done.
"Stop. Stop. Timeout. Let’s do it again from the top. Spruce, I want some smolder in those eyes
Clay, you’re being too stiff. We need some sillier robot. Bitty B, maybe a smaller diaper"Jd says going over what he thinks needs to be changed.
"If this diaper was any smaller, I could taste it" Branch grits out annoyed his tail giving a irritated flick. It was hard enough putting it on without the tail but trying to fit it through was a nightmare. "That’s why I don’t wear one of those. It’s a hard fit to pull off" Tiny Diamond says from the drivers seat.
"Really great note, John Dory. Super helpful. Thanks,thanks. Now I have a creative note for you. Stop being bossy!"Ckay says annoyed. This is just like what happened 20 years ago! Did JD not change at all?! He is litterally doing it all over again!
"What? I’m not being bossy. I’m helping us be better" JD tries to explain himself. He really doesn't want to be bossy. To be the thing that got them to break up in the first place but it seems old habits die hard even after 20 years.
"No,no, dude.You’re forcing us to be perfect,
just like you always have,so we can hit the perfect family harmony" Clay says his temper rising. He is normally a pretty collected troll but JD always had managed to get on his nerves whether intentionally or unintentionally.
"Yeah I'm doing this so we can rescue Floyd" JD explains to the group. "Is it? Or is this all just so you can tell people what to do again?" Bruce asks his eyes narrowing. "What?" Jd asks shocked that Spruce would even say such a thing. He doesn't want to tell others what to do again. He wants to put that part of him behind him,lock it away and throw away the key.
"Guys, guys.This isn’t helpful right now. Let’s all maybe take five, huh?" Poppy asks as she can tell its getting really tense in the room and it's going to explode if this argument isn't stopped. She can also tell that Branch isn't liking this one bit,judging by his lowered ears and quivering tail.
'No no no this is just like what happened 20 years ago. Please just stop,please' Branch mentally begs them. It was happening all over again! He begins to take some deep breaths to try and calm down and to not have a panic attack right now as that's the last thing he needs.
"This isn’t gonna work if you keep on being the same old John Dory" Bruce says wanting to get it through his brothers thick skull that things are different now. They weren't teenagers anymore,they were adults with lives now.
"Yeah. We’ve all changed.Bruce settled down.
Branch is slightly taller, with zero glasses,fluffier and has a tail.And I’m a licensed CPA. Put some respect on my name, fool!" Clay exclaims his temper rising even more it's taking alot in him to not sock JD in the face right now.
"Well, I’m not allowed to change. I’m the oldest. I had to be the leader" Jd says,his brothers had no idea what it was like to be the oldest,the leader, just how much pressure and stress he was under even as a teenager.
"You love bossing us around. Just admit it"Bruce scoffs while rolling his eyes. JD was floored. He loved to boss them around?! Glitter no! He hated doing it back then and even now! "Why do you think I moved to the middle of nowhere? So I didn’t have to be in charge of anyone. Four little brothers is a lot of responsibility! You had no idea what stress i was under at that age! But I still took care of you guys because your my brothers!" JD exclaims angry.
"Why do you think I left? So no one would treat me like you did! I had body image issues for months! It took Brandi who knows how long to get me to relax and enjoy myself and not worry abou my image!" Bruce tells JD. He really needed to know just how much his perfect shtick messed him up mentally for so long.
JD's ears lower in sadness,he had no idea just how badly he messed up and now the consequences of his actions are now showing themselves. "You know what, Spruce-" JD starts before realizing his mistake. "Its Bruce!" Clay corrects him. "Thank you Clay!" Bruce says finally someone corrects Jd on his new name. He knows it's going to take a while for some people to get used to a new name,but still!
"Guys. We can’t forget about Floyd" Branch says hoping this will cease the argument. "Look, Branch is right. We’re here for Floyd.
Let’s just get this done and we can go our separate ways." JD says and the others agree.
"Wait what?" Branchs asks as his ears lower. His brothers are just going to leave him again? After all this they are just going to up and leave? AGAIN?!
"What? The mission’s the mission.You didn’t think we’d all live together when this was all over, did you? Singing songs and roasting marshmallows?" JD says. He knows he shouldn't be saying this but he just can't trust himself to be around his brothers again. He is already hurting them again after only being with them for less than 24 hours,it's best to let them go their separate ways to save them from the pain.
"Oh, I’m sorry. Is that funny to you? That I might want us to actually be a family again?"Branch growls out much to his brothers and Poppys surprise. He has never growled before. He knew it was just wishful thinking. Of course they wouldn't want to be a family again. OF COURSE THEY WANTED TO LEAVE HIM ALONE AGAIN!
"Tiny Diamond, pull over. Now." He growls out his tail lashing in anger and the little glitter troll does so not wanting to anger him anymore than he is.
"Branch-" Bruce says wanting to calm down Branch but he is interrupted. "You’re mad at him, but you guys do the exact same thing to me. You all still treat me like the baby of the family. But guess what? I stopped being a baby the day you guys walked out on me,’cause I had to. Then Grandma got eaten, and there was no one else to take care of me. I nearly got eaten by a bergen! I got turned into a rock zombie! Then I got turned into this monster! And guess what? Nobody but Poppy was there for me! This time I'm walking out on you!" Branch yells out his anger of 20 years finally coming to light. His fangs bared ears pinned back and tail lashing,his pupils have shrunk giving him a more feral look. He takes a look at the old hideout plans when he made when he was only 2,back when they were still a family and crumples it up and tosses it on the ground.
The door opens and he takes off running on all fours not caring who saw him at the moment. He needed to get away from them.
The group stares at his retreating figure in sadness before Poppy takes the paper that Branch crumpled up and fixes it. She take a look at it along with the others. It looked like a little hideout. It had all five of them living together underground.
"This is Branch’s bunker. He built this for you guys" Poppy says sad as she realizes that all those extra rooms she saw when she was staying in his bunker was for his brothers. "I.....I didn't know" Jd says shocked as it seems his colors start to become semi more muted as his ears lower. "Guess you never asksed" Poppy simply says before putting the paper in her hair and takes off after Branch on all fours as well.
"Wait a minute,grandma got eaten?" Ckay asks as his brothers look at each other in realization. If grandma got eaten.....
How old was Branch when this happened?
Sorry for this being super short I just really needed to post this as I wanted to write this scene asap
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eye-of-yelough · 5 months
eeeeeeee thank!! doing this out of order cos the worst memory definitely had to be put under a readmore 😬
🍪 - what is something sentimental to your oc?
saved this one for last and i still don’t really know. i don’t think he’s very materially sentimental though. i think when he peels the face bandages away after Gortash gives him the lip/neck scars it’s like. in tv shows when they get makeovers and look into the mirror and cry because they’re so beautiful lmao. truly an insane response. but the Orin lobotomy happens really not very long after that so he doesn’t get the chance to enjoy it for long.
OH. the spiders lyre that Minthara gives him. when i mentioned everything reminds me of her by elliott smith was an aerynthara song the part i forgot to mention was that i imagine him playing it on the spiders lyre 🥹 i don’t think this Literally happens but it’s a cute image. i think he does try to teach himself how to play it but he sucks so bad and his singing would make your ears and eyes bleed.
🍫 - where does your oc go to think?
do people actually have “thinking spots”? i feel like that’s not really a thing. (<- guy who never leaves his room) anyway i don’t think he has a thinking spot but his “stop thinking” spot is basically any body of water. amphibious little fucker. maybe he wouldn’t be so weird if someone took him on a swimming date.
horrible horrible shit under the cut i’ve talked about this a little bit before in the tags of a post a few days ago, but this is in more detail. mentions of rape, both physical and psychological is the only way i can think to explain it. it’s bad. and csa.
🍋 - what is your oc’s most painful memory?
it isn’t one specific occasion, more a chain of events that gets worse and worse. i don’t know how to say this gently so i’m just gonna be super matter-of-fact about it. Aeryn got groomed and eventually sexually assaulted by his private piano tutor as a kid. (the fact that gort plays piano. ick) emphasis on the “groomed” part cos when his foster parents found out and they tried to have the bastard arrested he killed them to protect him. i don’t know exactly what happens between that and him getting adopted by Zhander the warlock mentor, but he doesn’t see the bastard who did that to him again. at least uhh. not for a while. Zhander isn’t too bad of a guy and doesn’t mistreat Aeryn, but their criminal lifestyle exposes him (young) to some more people who do over the years. Aeryn coming into his bhaalspawn legacy makes him increasingly difficult for Zhander to handle, especially seeing how Aeryn is using the same language he uses to justify his grey morality to justify brutal murder. he becomes terrified of him.
ok why is this just becoming aeryn’s backstory. yknow what i’ve started now i’m just gonna keep going cos i’m on a roll
Zhander eventually can’t handle the monster he created anymore and sells him to. some kind of Entity. idk Great Old One, it’s weird. this part’s a little a fuzzy if you couldn’t tell lol. anyway The Entity eventually becomes Aeryn’s patron after uhm. some amount of time? lots of horrors experienced in that time i’ll tell ya that much. Aeryn joins the Bhaalist cult at 21, only 4 years before meeting Gort.
to get it back on track to Aeryn’s Worst Memory, at some point he tells Gort about the piano teacher when they were playing their weird “Gortash as Aeryn’s therapist trying to cure his sex addiction” game. a mistake. first off Gort is super fucking creepy about it. but the real horror is a few weeks later when Gort leads him blindfolded into his basement (normal bestie activities) and uhm. locks him in a room with his former piano teacher. (big windows of course) and has no plans on letting him out until he gets his revenge. and i’m not talking about killing him. “takes back his dignity” as Gortash calls it, while forcing him to do the worst thing you could do to another person. and he eventually does do it, to be clear. strangles him to death while he does it and cries until he loses his voice, but he does it. Gortash makes him say “thank you” after wrestling him into accepting being cradled and told how good of a job he did. 😬
oh and Gortash makes sure to adequately break the guy beforehand to make sure it is rape.
and for context on why Gortash does this, because there is a reason: it’s pretty soon after he has the “Aeryn is my literal heart” realisation, but before he realises that his heart is an asset, not a burden. in that period of time, he does a lot of the worst stuff he ever does to Aeryn, including this, in an effect to kill his empathy. his heart. he doesn’t succeed, he never could, but he definitely fucks him up scary style.
so um. yeah. sorry
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midwinterhunt · 1 year
Last night's dream was a Lot of dream
(warning, there's a bit of homophobia/transphobia in this dream)
My name was Caden Sheppard. I saved the galaxy from the Reapers. Had a daughter. Finally got to live life. But that was thirty six years ago. My daughter was lost to an accident, and my husband is nowhere to be found.
Despite any of this I still appeared with the body and skill level of a young adult??
I was running from an authorities. My method was to get help from a friend who got me horses and hired a hooded assassin to cover our retreat. Unfortunately something must've been wrong with him because he fell off his horse and we had to drag him onto one of our horses and save him from being arrested.
After that we started train hopping to escape which wasn't going great. I fell off at one point and ended up at a warehouse and saw a dragon. She was purple and kinda resembled some sort of eastern dragon.
I made friends with her and got back to train to find my friend and assassin. We went back to the warehouse because i said the dragon could help. They didn't believe me because obviously dragons weren't real. Well they was until the dragon tried to kill us before recognizing me.
The dragon and a handful of other creatures helped us by shattering the stained glass windows in the warehouse which linked this world to another world, and broke the force that had the cops trying to get me.
What I didn't know is that by cutting off the bridge between worlds, i was cutting off access to the real world from a group of children to the real world, leaving them stranded and imprisoned.
Some time later
I was traveling along the road through and area that was halfway apocalyptic with no way to reach for help when my vehicle completely broke down. So I started walking.
I found a house with a weirdly secure fence that appeared to have people living inside. When I investigated there were six kids behind the iron gate begging to be freed. I tried to get the gate open, but a lanky guy with curly hair showed up and they all went back to pretending to be fine. He couldn't have been much older than nineteen or twenty, and he spoke down to me super hard because he perceived me as a woman. He insisted everything was fine and that i didn't have to concern myself. I passed myself off as a teenager so he would "take me in" and I could figure out how to break these kids free.
I was there for several days. The food was so bad that my dream brain couldn't even perceive it. There was a strict routine that we'd be screamed at for breaking. And he carried whips and swords with him so I couldn't fight him outright because I was unarmed. There was a weird point of netflix being the key to escape, but since being cut off from the world they could only access kid's netflix because none of them were adults. However, I was an adult so I could fix that.
One day he went out for supplies and came back with a bunch of playground equipment. There was this big green wagon that he tried to hand off as mine, but like, i didn't really want it. But he kept pushing so finally I said I'd test if it could even hold my weight. As soon as I did he put one of the kids on as well, a nine year old trans boy who wasn't out to anyone other than me yet, and the curly haired guy started pulling us around sing-songing about how this was the gay wagon for gay people and he was just generally making fun of us. Until I just lounged back with a grin and proudly proclaimed "I AM a gay person. Thanks for noticing." That put a stop to it pretty quick because it was only fun for him if it was upsetting.
Unfortunately once everyone had cleared out, I noticed the boy who was with me was still there and had started crying. He ran away from the scene, and I followed. I reassured him that everything would be okay. Some people would always just be mean, some people could tell you're queer without you even being out, and it never really stopped. But you gotta be strong because there are people who will love you as you are, and there will be people like me who are willing and able to take the heat off of you and put it on themselves as a shield until you're ready. The talk ended with a hug and my resolve to get out that night.
I waited carefully. I used my birthdate on netflix to turn the profile into a standard one, put on She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, and waited for curly hair guy to set his sword down and go to the bathroom. Then we made a break for it.
I got all the kids in the yard, counted heads, all six were there. Opened the gates, they tried to scatter so I shouted for them to hold hands, which they did. Counted heads, all six were there. So we ran.
We ran as fast as we could toward populated streets, but curly hair guy was short behind us with his sword. He was catching up. I tried to scoop all the kids into my arms, but have you ever tried to carry six human children? It doesn't work well. So naturally, as we ran, they began to transform into kittens so I could carry them and still run fast enough to escape.
We finally made it to a populated area and I narrowly avoided being hit by a car. Several times. I finally found a cop car and put all the kittens inside so they would be safe and was ready to fight off a sword guy, but the police handled it. They promised to find good homes for the kittens and help them overcome the trauma. The kitten who I had comforted after the wagon incident didn't want me to go, and in the end he slipped away to avoid being put in the system. I knew he wouldn't end up an alley cat, he'd find a good home and be happier this way, so I let him go without informing the cop.
I passed the kidnapper in another cop car, who was trying to convince them he didn't do everything I said he'd done. The sword couldn't have been the weapon I said, and since I couldn't even identify the weapon I must be making it up. And as much as I insisted he was lying, it was turning into my word against his. And he was being very smug and reached out to pinch my face and the only thing that stopped me from beating his ass was the fact he was inside the cop car.
He kept insisting that I couldn't take him in a fight, I knew that if we were both unarmed I would flatten him. So as the battle blood sister to Urdnot Wrex I invoked my right to a trial by combat. I would prove his guilt by fighting him in a Krogan arena. He got real nervous and started stammering about "She, uh, he, um, they can't do that! Right?" Well I could do that.
It took a little time to prepare the arena. He tried to bring in a lot of weapons, but that was against the rules and they were all confiscated. However, he was heavily cloaked, and it looked familiar......
and HOLY SHIT the useless assassin had swapped placed with curly haired guy. The kidnapper had hired the assassin to fight me in his place. Which wasn't allowed. So I called him out and unhooded the assassin. Who looked freakishly similar to the kidnapper. Great.
It took way too long for the judges to determine that the assassin wasn't the kidnapper, and at that point he attacked me anyway with three Krogan backup fighters. All four of which I made fools of in public. I removed the Krogan's tails and beat down the human, then made my way to the kidnapper, who was acting like he'd won and running around flashing the crowd. He was arrested and I was given an apology for everything.
0 notes
Two years ago I wrote a song about a friend I was missing. I’d just moved back to the city I grew up in and by pure chance I ended up in a unit only two streets away from where me and said friend would practice for a day or two before going into town to busk alone in our high school holidays. At the time I was still trying to figure out who the hell I was, but had gingerly settled on the label lesbian despite the fact it didn’t really seem to fit me right. He was bi and didn’t quite know it yet, 15 and already drinking and smoking daily and dealing weed. I was, in comparison, super innocent. Refused to smoke or drink. Not even sure why, honestly? I think I was just terrified back then. I knew I didn’t fit into what everyone wanted for me, but I was still so scared to step out of line. Got there eventually. He had the confidence to lead me places I’d not be brave enough to take myself. We would sit under a particular tree outside some Asian grocers and cheap clothes stores in a particular thoroughfare of a particular cbd, right across from an old sandstone church. We’d sing hallelujah, and 9 crimes and all these slow sad duets about stuff we’d both never had a chance to experience yet. His voice was low and raspy and mine clear and high. I think we sounded pretty nice. We used to make really decent money. Like about a hundred for an hour. We’d gather up the coins and notes from his guitar case and take it to the bank to get notes. Count it all up. 50/50. Then buy ourselves lunch and head home. For reasons I wont air out here we ended up drifting apart, by the time I made up my mind to move cities for uni I’d already not heard from him for a year. Being back in the streets we’d hang around, so close to his old house... Had me expecting to see him around every corner. I kept just waiting to bump into him like things had never changed. But I knew things had changed. I wrote the song with these feelings in mind. Nostalgia, innocence and teenage rebellion butting heads.
I’m not sure how to introduce the next part of the story honestly.
He died. I guess that’s the simplest way to put it. He died within a month of my writing that song. Not that I’d find out until a year ago. The song has the same lyrics now as they did when I first wrote it, but they mean something else. Or maybe something more. In a way it makes perfect sense. The story starts as a reflection on nostalgia- a wish to reconnect without knowing how to even start- and of course it ends with the ultimate disappointment. There’s really no chance now. I’ve missed it. If I’d tried to reach out instead of agonising over it back then, I might have at least had a chance to patch things up before he died. Maybe I’d even have been able to have that conversation with him again, the same one that went all wrong when we tried to have it as teenagers. I might have been able to actually help him change the course he was on. Or at the very least let him know he still had someone in his corner.
But that didn’t happen. And so. I have a song and a pit in my guts and grief and hurt and only one way to get it out of me. It’s a lot. I know. I’m still on the fence over whether I should even publish it. It’s so much of myself. It’s not enough. It’s a wound in the shape of a song.
0 notes
lovetorn · 3 years
dream’s birthday bash [roommate!dream au]
Roommate!Dream x Reader
summary: it’s dream’s birthdayyyy!!!
warnings: alcohol, swearing
w/c: 2.9k+
a/n: happy birthday dream!! i’m in love w this. i hope u are too. also, there is a few references to past roommate!dream blurbs & one-shots, so i recommend reading those before you start this one or you may be a little confused at some things the characters say. thanks!! <3
roommate!dream masterlist
Dream’s birthday is something you haven't experienced yet since you moved in together in September last year.
Dream had promised the football team that his birthday party was going to be the biggest of the year, so you, being the party planner, had vowed to make it the best because Dream can’t organise—he disagreed and said that he only made you the party planner because he knows you’re good at it?? You gave him a confused look; you’ve never planned a party before.
Anyway, the 12th was approaching quicker than you anticipated and the only things you’d organised so far is the alcohol (thanks to George) and decorations. You had little notes on your phone with multiple checklists and you had yet to tick every last box off.
Organising food was probably the hardest thing. You knew that there were going to be around 100+ people squeezing into your apartment, drinking, so food is essential. You asked Dream what types of food he wanted, his reply?
“Chicken wings, not spicy.”
You rolled your lips between your teeth and nodded. Great. “Anything else? There’s gonna be a lot of people, Dream.”
He brought his fingers to rest on his lips as he thought about it. You knew when he got an idea because then he clicked his fingers and pointed at you. “Sandwiches. You know, like the little ones?”
Squinting at him, you sighed. “You think that’s going to be enough for more than 100 people?”
Dream nods. “Easy.”
You shake your head in disbelief and add sandwiches, along with other finger foods, to the list. “Thanks.”
Next to organise was Dream’s present. You spent days racking your brain, trying to figure out what he would want, eventually coming up with nothing.
So, you asked Sapnap, who was no help. “Fuck if I know, the man buys anything he wants himself these days.”
You rolled your eyes and took a trip to Target. Whilst there, you decided on an excess of small gag gifts: a Ron Swanson dishwasher magnet (so you and Dream can stop arguing over who put dirty dishes in with the clean ones), an engraved bottle opener, a ‘do not disturb sign for his bedroom door (chosen based on one too many run-ins), a Minecraft ice cube tray, a toothbrush holder (so both of your toothbrushes stop touching in the cup), and a pack of Minecraft socks.
You put the small presents into a gift bag, covering them with tissue paper, and then put in the final piece that wasn’t a joke gift—a mixtape of your and Dream’s favourite songs for his car. You brushed your thumb over the plastic case and let out a breathy laugh at the photo on the front—a selfie of the two of you in Dream's car, energy drinks in your hands and toothy grins with the text, ‘Dream & Y/n’s Gr8est Hits’ written in bright pink marker. You're excited to give it to him, but you're nervous and embarrassed, too—is it lame?
You shook your head and placed the bag in your closet.
George delivered the alcohol earlier in the day: 18 cases of beer and the same in White Claw, and a few bottles of vodka and rum for the close friends. You couldn't thank him enough for helping you, even more so after he helped put the covered trays of food in the refrigerator from the delivery truck downstairs.
You had (reluctantly) asked Sapnap to organise music because you had no time in between making sure the food order was correct and getting yourself ready. He agreed immediately and waved off your hesitance and told you he'd make the best playlist to ever exist—you put too much trust in him.
Before the party, you and Dream had taken a few shots together, just to get you to stop stressing over the planning of the party and Dream to stop worrying for you.
"Ready?" Dream smirked, his shot glass hanging loosely from his fingers. You nodded and then, at the same time, tapped the glass on the counter before you threw the shot back. The acetone taste of the vodka slid down your throats and you made disgusted faces at each other before a knock at the door indicated that your first guests were here.
Now, the party is in full swing and it's safe to say, there is definitely enough food.
When you see Sapnap at the food table, aka the kitchen counter, he thanks you for ordering non-spicy wings. You shake your head, laugh, and hug him tightly. "I'm serious," He mumbles with chicken in his mouth. "These are so~ good!"
The living room is cramped, but nobody seems to be complaining. Almost everyone from the apartment block is in your flat right now, with a few from other complexes. You lost sight of Dream a few hours ago, choosing to stay with your own friends while he hangs with his as the two groups don't usually mingle together.
“Niki!” You laugh whilst the girl finishes her second shot and passes the bottle of rum back to you. Shaking your head, you bring the large bottle to your lips, already regretting mixing different alcohols. You’d already had a few White Claws, thanks to Sapnap who kept challenging you to shotguns at the start.
Karl comes up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist before he snatches the bottle out of your hand and takes a swig.
“Karl!” Now, all three of you are laughing together. He slides his hand off of your stomach and stands to his full height, putting his lips to the White Claw can he holds in his other hand. You warn him about mixing alcohol, but he waves you off and assures you that he's fine.
The three of you stand on the dance floor, grooving to the beat of 'Super Freak' by Rick James. You grab Karl's hand to spin him around and then do the same to Niki, laughter filling the small space you have created in the middle of the crowd. You wouldn't admit it to Sapnap, but his playlist is actually good.
"Mi Amor!" The sound of Quackity's voice pulls you from your little group with Niki and Karl and you smile when you see his wide grin as he pushes past a few football players.
"Q! When did you get here? I didn't see you come in," You engulf him in a hug and giggle when he laughs loudly.
"I came in through the window," You pull back slightly to give him an incredulous look and shake your head. God, you are tipsy. "Nahhh, I had an exam, so I just got here."
You nod and feel the rum going straight to your head. Quackity then notices Karl and Niki behind you and gives them hugs too. You watch as your friends greet each other and turn to look at the clock on the wall in the kitchen. 10:33 pm.
“Guys, it's time for cake!” You shout over the music to Niki, Quackity and Karl and they smile and nod, all three of you migrating to the fridge to collect Dream’s cake and get it ready.
You pull a 3 layered vanilla cake out of the refrigerator. It is slathered in white icing and has rainbow sprinkles on the top with the words, ‘happy birthday dream’, in piped icing. Karl's mouth waters at the sight of the dessert and when he goes to get a dollop of icing from the side, you don’t smack his hand away—you have a plan.
Other guests see you preparing the candles and lighting them and turn off the lights for you. You smile at the 21 lit candles and pick up the cake, being careful not to trip on anything.
The entire room starts singing the ‘Happy Birthday’ anthem, their phones out to film as you spot Dream’s messy blonde hair over the crowd. He scrunches his face up in embarrassment and switches his beer from his right hand to his left to give you a side hug and a peck on the cheek when you approach him. The room sings and all attention is on him, but Dream only has eyes for you as you inch the cake closer so he can blow out his candles.
After he does so, the room erupts into cheers and then you give Dream a mischievous grin. There’s a little fear in his eyes and you launch the cake towards his face. Everybody laughs and hollers when you pull the cake stand away from him to see his face covered in white icing and rainbow sprinkles. Dream stands frozen for a moment, wiping his eyes with his free hand, before he wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you close to him, rubbing the icing in your hair and on your cheek.
“Dream!” You cackle, trying to push him off, but failing and eventually succumbing to his hold. The phone torches shine brightly at the two of you as people continue filming. His laughter is music to your ears.
Dream smiles down at you, eyes lazy and cheeks flushed. “Thank you,” He whispers. Your heart flutters in your chest and butterflies swarm your stomach as you nod. Everybody disperses and carries on with their previous antics, leaving you and Dream together.
“I got you a present, I’ll give it to you when everybody’s gone.”
The sentence makes the present seem more sensual than it actually is, and it makes Dream’s heart skip a beat—but he knows it’s not what he’s thinking. You pull away from Dream and wave back at him, knocking into a few people which elicits a laugh from him as he watches.
“Dude, you’re so fucked,” George says, smirking as he follows Dream’s gaze on you. Dream elbows George in the bicep.
“Fuck off.”
“Yeah bro, if you don’t make a move soon, someone else will,” Sapnap comments, coming up to stand on Dream’s other side. The urge to punch the both of them is strong, but instead, the blonde groans and skulls the rest of his beer as he loses sight of you in the crowd.
“Bye, guys! Thanks for coming!” Dream tries his best to look composed, but he’s so drunk. As soon as the door closes, he locks it and lets out a huge sigh. You come out of your room with the gift bag in your hands. Dream raises his eyebrows and attempts to give you a surprised look. “Wow, a present?”
You giggle and lead him to the couch. He flops down, throws his feet up and puts his hands behind his head. You sit next to him and shove the bag into his hands. “It’s not much, but you literally have everything already, so this is what I came up with.”
You hold your breath and you watch him pick through the bag. A smile breaks out on his face when he sees the CD. He flips it around to show you as if you haven’t seen it before and opens the case. “A mixtape? How romantic.”
The heat that rises to your cheeks is scolding and you stop yourself from choking. Dream, however, doesn’t look at you as he digs through and comments on every item. When he’s gone through every gift, he picks up the mixtape again and looks you dead in the eyes.
“This is the most thoughtful thing I’ve ever gotten for my birthday. Thank you, Y/n.”
You’re surprised. “The most thoughtful? It’s only a CD.”
Dream’s face contorts into one of confusion. “Only a CD? You made this for me with your own blood, sweat and tears.” You wouldn’t go that far.
“Oh, well, you’re welcome, I guess,” You laugh, reaching down to grasp his large hand. The action causes Dream to tilt his head and shift closer to you.
“Seriously, thank you. You mean so much to me,” He confesses, although you can barely hear it. You feel tears pricking your eyes as you watch him wipe his own. “Fuck, why am I getting emotional? It’s that fucking vodka, that’s why.”
“Don’t make up excuses, D,” You tease, squeezing his hand a few times. He wheezes lightly then sighs. His green eyes are so bright and there’s still a little smudge of icing on the side of his nose from the cake. You reach up and wipe it away, licking your thumb beforehand. Dream closes his eyes as you do so, biting his lip as you pull your hand away. 2:29 am.
“Okay, I think it’s time to get you to bed,” You mumble as you stand up, the moment broken. Dream nods, collecting his presents and chucking them all in the gift bag before he follows you to his room, a little disappointed.
Dream stands in the doorway and watches as you pull back his bed covers and turn on the lamp on his nightstand. “Okay, I’ll leave you to it. Goodnight,” You push past him before you turn. “I’ll have Gatorade and Advil ready for you in the morning, okay?”
Dream gives you a loving smile and nods, still holding the bag in front of him as he stands in the middle of his room. “Goodnight, Y/n, thanks for everything.”
You close the door behind you and when you get back to your room, you kick yourself for not making a move. You peel your clothes off of your body and throw them in the corner of the room, the space becoming too hot for your liking—maybe it's the alcohol, maybe it's the fact that it's summer, or maybe it's your utter embarrassment and regret; you don't bother to choose which one.
You flop down on your bed, half-naked, and stare at the ceiling. Why didn't you make a move? It was the perfect opportunity—
Your thoughts are forgotten when there's a soft knock on your bedroom door. You scramble to put some pyjamas on as you call, 'just a second!', and then you're swinging your door open.
Dream stands there in his sweatpants only. You resist the urge to rake your eyes down his torso.
"Can I sleep in your bed tonight?" The question surprises you—of fucking course it surprises you! The only reason he comes to your room at night is to vent; not like this.
"Uh, yeah," You reply, cracking the door open just a tad wider so he can slip through. Once he's inside, you sigh in confusion and close your door quietly. Dream is already sorting out the bed situation behind you, throwing your hundreds of throw pillows onto the floor and lifting up your duvet so he can slip under.
You tilt your head at him when he looks at you expectantly—you assume he's waiting for you to get in bed, which you do.
You rest your head on your pillow and turn your head to look at Dream, who is already staring at you. Your skin is hot and your heart is in your throat when you see how green his eyes are in the warm glow of your lamp.
"What's up?" You whisper although you didn't mean for it to come out so low. Dream's eyes trace your face; your eyes, eyebrows, nose, freckles, lips. "Dream?"
He's silent for a while and you guess it's because he's trying to figure out his drunken thoughts. "I just wanted to be with you, you know," He says, his voice breaking slightly. You suck in a breath, turning onto your side so you face him. "You planned my party all by yourself and I'm so happy you did."
You don't have the heart to tell him that George and Sapnap helped you, he looks so content. "I'm so glad, Dreamy," Your voice is velvety, and you can't help the warm feeling blooming in your chest. Dream's eyes travel from your own to your lips and stay there.
“C’mere," Dream mumbles. You barely nod before you lean closer to him.
You can tell Dream is figuring out what to do by the way his lips part and then close suddenly a few times, so, for the second time this week, you take things into your own hands.
You scoot closer to him, your breaths mixing in the small space between your lips and his nose bumping yours. You were so close. But not close enough.
"Dream, I'm gonna do something crazy, okay? Don't hate me," Here goes nothing.
"I could never hate you, baby," Dream murmurs, adjusting his head on his pillow. The pet name goes straight to your head and throwing out any and all rational thoughts, you lean in and place your lips softly on his.
It takes him a few seconds to react and in those moments, you fear you've made a huge mistake, but when his hands find your hips and pull you impossibly closer, you're glad you kissed him—are kissing him.
This is nothing like wine night a few weeks ago.
Your hands find the back of his head and tug on his hair lightly, earning a throaty groan. The sound makes you clench your fists and pull a little harder. You move your lips across his jaw and towards his ear. "Happy Birthday, birthday boy," You whisper.
Dream lets out a breathy laugh and hugs you closer. His face presses into your neck and you feel him leaving feather-light kisses on your skin. The feeling makes you giddy.
"I'm one lucky birthday boy, aren't I?" He mutters, pecking your neck firmer now. You giggle softly, running your fingers through the hair at the back of his neck.
"You bet your ass you are."
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neon-dynasty · 2 years
On Unfinity Legality (Storytime)
One of the things that got me into Magic, truly got me into Magic, was Unglued. When a friend of mine was campaigning to get me to play MtG back in 2002, he had an uphill battle. I'd just stopped playing and collecting Pokémon and didn't want a new TCG hobby. Sure, I'd been interested in Magic since it came out (I can point out a few notable moments), but I'd never had anyone to actually play with and had lost that interest by then.
So. Said friend played Magic, and wanted me to be playing it too. He showed me the art which I loved, taught me the gameplay which confused me, and introduced me to the lunchroom MtG group who were all pretty chill folks. None of these swayed me. Finally, he told me about a joke set which had come out a few years prior. It was a set full of self-referential gags which poked fun at characters, storylines, mechanics, and everything else about the game. This was it. There was space in this complicated, epic card game for lore, for humor, for SQUIRRELS. I was hooked, and that friend built me a (black-bordered) squirrel deck.
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I later learned that the silver-bordered joke cards weren't legal to play in the formats that existed, and that my friends who played followed the formats. I bought a few of the joke cards because I thought they were funny or liked the art or both, but never got to play with them.
Fast forward to 2011, when Commander became A Thing in the larger Magic community. It was the ultimate casual format, which meant that I finally felt it was time to suggest using silver-bordered cards among friends (two of the three were in my original MtG group). I think the first card I used in a deck, the one that would prove that at least some of them were fine for regular gameplay, was Land Aid '04.
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This card does exactly what a green land ramp card would do at a cost that was normal at that time. They were fine with it. I tried a few more cards in a few other decks, most of which didn't break our games and weren't too far out of the realm of what could be done in normal Magic. Sometimes there was a cute twist, but most of the time the effects cared about a normally irrelevant aspect of the card, like Super Secret Tech in the Riku of Two Reflections deck I was in the process of blinging out.
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That was over ten years ago. To this day, I still put a silver-bordered card or two in my Commander decks - Jodah Superfriends runs Alexander Clamilton, Yuriko Ninjas runs B.O.B. (Bevy of Beebles), Saskia used to run Pointy Finger of Doom (flavor home run, but not fast enough for my aggro deck). Chatterfang Squirrels has a mere four: Acornelia, Fashionable Filcher, Earl of Squirrel, Form of the Squirrel, and Land Aid '04; the most egregious card in that deck is a Gaea's Cradle, which I personally feel should be banned in Commander (and my friends may very well ban it themselves if that deck ever gets better than a solid seven).
My friends - people I've been playing with for twenty years and have known for even longer than that - trust me to only pick silver-bordered cards that will enhance the game, rather than break it. They themselves don't play with them, though. I won't deny that it feels a little awkward knowing I've given myself access to a slightly larger card pool than they have, even if they're just denying themselves.
Either way, I can only play these decks with specific friends. Amongst ourselves, we politely ask each other to remove egregious cards (Aura Shards in a Karador, Ghost Chieftain turbo-reanimator deck, for example), and have gotten along about it for over a decade. However, if I brought my Chatterfang deck to a Commander Night or FNM, I'd have to remove four of the least offensive and most on-theme cards in the deck before even leaving the house, just because they care about artwork, make me sing a little song, or were printed in sets that defaulted to silver borders. I would not have to remove Gaea's Cradle.
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For those who don't want to sit across from it, maybe you don't realize it, but people who have severe aversions to certain things (trigger warnings for all of these links if this type of thing bothers you) - spiders, body horror, mutilation, etc. - have had to sit across from people playing cards with that kind of artwork this whole time. Even mechanically, Goblin Game and Raging River are perfectly legal, and if I take a reanimator deck to FNM, I can't politely ask my opponent not to play absolute hosers like Relic of Progenitus.
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The stigma around silver borders is old, and and persisted throughout just about all casual formats. That's why Mark Rosewater and his team did what they did with Unfinity. They realized that there were plenty of cards that don't break the game, and made it so that people who like that kind of flavor in their game can play it.
So yes. I'll be unashamedly playing Comet, Stellar Pup in my Superfriends deck once I get one. But I'm not planning on removing Alexander Clamilton any time soon, and I've already gushed endlessly about Vorthos, Steward of Myth as a commander.
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I hope Unfinity being half and half opens people up to considering other silver-bordered/acorn cards in their own games. In addition to accepting Un-humor into eternal-legal Magic, let's remove the stigma around all printed cards, decide which ones fit best with our home groups, and make it acceptable to ask strangers about them without shame.
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Wayne bro reader having a beautiful voice and the first time anyone heard him sing is when he sings his sons to sleep and when Clark hears it he sometimes sings to Clark too :3
So I interpreted this as the first time anyone outside the Waynes hears it cause you better believe he sang Bruce lullabies after Martha died and couldn't anymore.
Anyways here you go!
It was a normal night, you had put Jon to bed an hour ago and were finishing up some work when you heard the padding of tiny feet and the drag of a blanket.
Jon rubbed his eyes as he walked into the lit living room in his PJs, holding his baby blanket and unshed tears pooled in his eyes.
"Dada, I can't sleep- everything's so loud" The little four year whined and you left your seat on the couch and kneeled down to your son.
"It's okay Jonny, it'll pass remember? Does it hurt?" You asked and Jon shook his head.
"It won't go away" He said and yawned.
Jon's first power development was his super hearing and you and Clark were discussing the option of moving to the suburbs to help him.
"Let's get you back to bed sweetheart, we can do the breathing exercises Papa taught you together?" You suggested as you helped guide Jon back to his room. No parenting book could prepare you for raising a kryptonian baby so all you really had was Martha and Jonathan Kent's experiences with Clark and the information from the fortress.
"Can you sing a song?" Jon asked as you tried to tuck him back into bed and you nodded, sitting at the edge of his bed.
"Of courses baby, close your eyes and try to listen to the song instead of the other sounds" You told Jon and you sung a lullaby you haven't sung since was a little boy, the same lullaby that Martha sang to you as a child.
You are the dawn of a new day that's waking A masterpiece still in the making The blue in an ocean of grey You are right where you need to be Poised to inspire and to succeed You'll look back and you'll realize one day
Slowly Jon's eyes closed and his breathing slowed into a steady pace. You lovingly swept some of his hair away from his face as you sang.
Though the world may try to define you
It can't take the light that's inside you
So don't you dare try to hide
Let your fears fade away
You hadn't noticed anyone until you finished the song, turning around you saw Clark leaning on the doorway and smiling.
"I didn't know you could sing?" Clark whispered and you kissed Jon's forehead before pulling your husband out of the room and carefully closing the door.
"Well I'm just full of surprises aren't I" You joked and wrapped your arms around him and pulled him in for a sweet kiss.
"Welcome home" You said and he smiled.
"That was a nice song" He said as you walked back to the living room.
"How was work?" You asked as Clark shrugged off his blazer.
"Exhausting, what about you?" He asked as you went back to work on your laptop.
"Busy, as usual. Jon's hearing was bothering him again, you wanna tell me how I ended up the one doing power training with him?" you asked but there was no malice in your voice, only humor.
"Well not all of us are CEOs that can make their own schedules" Clark joked and closed your laptop.
"But you know what would make my day much better?" Clark asked and you leaned into his side, cocking your head and humming as if to say 'what?'
"Hearing my husband's beautiful singing voice" Clark teased and you did your best to contain your laughter.
"Cheesy ass" You mumbled "Tell you what, how about you make us a decent dinner and I'll sing something for you? Cause so far tonight I've had two bites of an omelette and some carrot sticks and I am starving" You responded, patting Clark's knee and standing up.
"Sounds like a deal" He said and stood up to join in the kitchen.
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Fallout 4 Random Companion Headcanons
Wrote these a few years ago, too nervous then to share them.
-Ada was built in 2268. She's about 21 years old.
-Her first memory is of seeing The Mechanist in front of her. Then she watched as The Mechanist removed their head and smiled.
-She's Isabel's first project. 
-Her voice was originally supposed to be more synthesized and robotic, but the more human sound was easier for Isabel to work with.
-Ada prefers to travels in groups with 3-4 people, knowing fully well a robot is a higher target for scavvers.
- Her base body was constructed from many different trial runs of the "ADA" project.
-She's programmed to remain indifferent but the nagging voice in her programming says to do good things in order to to aid other people.
-Ada appreciates the effort Sole goes through to upgrade her body. She doesn't think it's necessary and she's somewhat sentimental about her original form.
-She finds Codsworth's attachment to Sole strange. Almost too human, those Mr. Handy's.
-Cait loves baths. Bubble baths with bath bombs and even a little rubber ducky. Only Sole knows this.
-The rubber ducky's name is Codsworth. Will not explain why.
-Can fire a rifle over her shoulder behind her. (Annie Oakley style)
-Hates Jazz music. Says it's too slow and calm. Really dislikes it because she's uncomfortable slow dancing with anyone.
-Allergic to feathers. Rad chickens make her sick to be around.
-But once the feathers are removed, the chicken has been cut up, and cooked with some veggies and a loaf of bread, loves it.
-Chicken soup is her favourite dish. Only likes Sole's chicken soup though. Will not eat anyone else’s.
-Shot put would be her favourite sport. Throwing a heavy metal sphere a very long distance is goals.
-Codsworth can speak 8 languages. Including: English, Spanish, French, Japanese, German, Italian, Polish, and Swedish.
-Can recognize almost every written language and translate but lacks the programming to speak every one.
-Nate/Nora got him two years before Shaun was born.
-Sole did minimal repair work on him, and offered to polish him every time he got a dent or scratch.
-He always accepted the polish offer. Very wary of Sole doing factory repairs on him. Would prefer professionals doing the delicate work.
-Always celebrated Nate/Nora and Sole’s respective birthdays. For 200 years.
-When Sole called him "Family", he felt an odd electric pulse through his core processor. He decided to call it a skipped heart beat.
-Calls synth Shaun "Sonny", and "Young Master Shaun".
-Makes Sole's favourite meal when they come back home from Vault 111.
-Will ask to take over if he catches Sole doing chores.
-Hesitates when he has to bring up Sole's spouse knowing it's a touchy subject.
-His favourite friend of Sole's is Nick. Thinks Nick is a good role model for synth Shaun.
-Curie, like Codsworth can speak 8 languages. However, after becoming a synth, she can only speak about 4.
-Curie loves the feeling of velvet. Collects pieces of velvet clothing. 
-Once wore a velvet cape around because she loved the way it draped over her shoulders and fluttered when she walked.
-Has sensory phases. Music, nice noises, soft materials, different foods, perfumes, etc. Collects whatever makes her senses happy.
-During the "feeling phase" her favourite feeling was holding Sole's hand. Loved running her hand over the surface of water. And velvet.
-Talks out what her feelings are with Piper. Piper explains to her what the "spin spin spin" in her head meant.
-Favourite smell is fresh baked bread. Bakes bread with Mama Murphy every weekend.
-Favourite sweet food is mutfruit pie. Will badger Piper to make it with her.
-Curie's motor functions are still new. Sometimes she misses what she was trying to grab and fumbles.
-Danse is a horrid mechanic. You'd think spending time in the BoS and dedicating time to auto repair with Ingram. Can't put a toaster together.
-But Power Armor is a piece of cake. Can't do much with pre-war tech, yet fixing power armor is as easy as making breakfast.
-Like all gen 3 synths, he loves Fancy Lad snack cakes. He'd share whatever box he'd find with the squires around the Prydwen.
-Scribe Haylen would volunteer to work alongside Danse on all his scouting missions.
-Danse found out Deacon was the one who stuck the dildo to his power armor. He made sure Deacon's wigs were the same bright purple color the very next day.
-Loves country music. When a traveling courier stops by and shares their western/country music, he actually dances. 
-Has a heart for kids. Even Billy. 
-Leg bouncing habit. Can't bounce his leg in power armor but as soon as he's out, his leg's jittering.
-Deacon is in his late 40's. 
-Did not lie about his wife and the University Point Deathclaws.
-Enjoys learning about Pre-war culture, spends free time with ghouls asking them about the past.
-Sole can fool him easily about prewar facts though. 
-Has incredible luck with the pie claw game. Has won 8 times while traveling with Sole.
-Loves making silly bets. "I bet I can skip this plate across the lake at least 1 time." Proceeds to throw the plate at the water horizontally. 
-Doesn't hate Danse. He will pull pranks on him though. Once stuck a dildo on the back of Danse's power armour. 
-His hair grows quickly so he has to shave every day.
-Shaves his head, isn't bald. Shaved head works better with his pompadour wig. 
-Doesn't like mutfruit. Says it's too acidic and hurts his gums.
-Has a rifle-shaped scar on his forearm. Will tell a different story for it every time.
-Once drank a dozen Nuka Cola Quantums on a dare. His pee glowed for a week.
-Tried going vegetarian once. ONCE. Found out being vegetarian means eating no meat or dairy products. Had to have Sole explain that, while gross, radroach could technically be  considered meat.
-Is kinda clumsy. Always bumps into counter edges and stubs his toes on bits of debris.
-Doesn't lie about his family. And when Sole calls him family, promises to never lie about family again.
-Gage juggled skii balls to entertain the last Overboss, Colter.
-He enjoys small shooting competitions with MacCready, Sole, and X6. All four are sharp shooters.
-Fastest learner. Spent an entire week learning how to cook Sole's old recipes. He can cook them better than anyone with the exception of Codsworth.
-Hums when he works. 
-Had a one night stand with Nisha. Ended so bad, he avoids that area of the park at all costs.
-Hates cats. Had an awful run in with a rad lion. Radiated Mountain Lion that tore a scar deep down his back. 
-Does routine maintenance on the rides in the park. He knows how everything works there. From social hierarchy - to the intricacies of the Vault Tec: Among the Stars ride.
-His favourite flavour of Nuka Cola is Nuka Cola Victory. Rare to find but easily the best.
-Record farthest shot is a bean can from 410 meters. 
-He's a lightweight. Only two beers and he's buzzed enough to sing along with Red-Eye.
-Will tell a different story every time if anyone asks about the eye patch.
-Hancock is a history buff. Loves learning about colonial era civilization. 
-Has spent days with Kent Connolly researching Silver Shroud information. He knows more about the Silver Shroud than any other companion.
-Has had a fling with every person in Goodneighbor at least once. Even Kleo. 
-At least in a sexual way, he is extremely open minded. Welcomes new experiences and new information given anywhere anytime.
-Had a decent childhood with his brother. He remembers tending to the mutfruit trees with him and eating every other piece they picked.
-Adores pickles. Would sit and eat an entire jar of pickles just because he loves the cronch so much.
-All time favourite chem is Mentats. Loves making intellectual jokes while high as a kite.
-Does not know what a lot of pre-war expressions mean, but enjoys saying them and hearing them from Sole.
-Is a master at repairing clothing. How else does the frock stay in such good condition? He tends to it every night.
-As far as euphemisms for ghouls go, he likes "beef jerky".
-Longfellow met Hannah while out hunting. She blasted a trapper's head clean off, and he fell harder than the trapper's body.
-He spent his youth training, hoping to become a Brotherhood soldier one day.
-And then he met a vertibird full of them. They called Far Harbor a dump while gathering supplies there. Officially decided to cease all training.
-Managed to take down 17 Mirelurks in 3 minutes. 
-Holds the record in Acadia for alcohol consumption. All records involving alcohol consumption.
-He's really fit? Longfellow could and has bench pressed Sole. 
-He only did so because Hancock and MacCready wouldn't shut up about it.
-Loves singing old shanty songs and dancing with Sole. Only when no one else is around though.
-After the events at Far Harbor, he decides to go sailing along the coast. Wants to see the world more.
-MacCready does brush his teeth. He brushes his teeth regularly. He started brushing after he left Little Lamplight. By that point the damage was already done.
-Lucy was the one to convince him to brush his teeth.
-He can't stand the smell of lavender. Lavender candles, lavender lotion, etc...makes him feel  nauseous.
-He named his sniper rifle, "Lucy"
-Won't drink brahmin milk with cereal even to Sole's encouragement.
-Is very well read. Vault 87 had many educational textbooks hidden among the super mutants.
-MacCready was the longest lasting mayor in L.L. He was mayor for 6 years.
-He has no idea what television is and is afraid to ask any pre-wars about it.
-Wary of all ghouls, both feral and normal. He's not bias to non-ferals, but he is a little uncomfortable.
-Had a crush on Lone Wanderer when they first visited L.L. Mac told Joseph and he made fun of him.
-Nick has an oral fixation. Smokes out of habit and having the familiar feeling of a cigarette between his lips feeds into human nostalgia.
-His right hand is missing skin because he fidgets only his right. Whether it was picking at the fraying plastic or rubbing the fake skin raw.
-He lost the chunk of neck skin after Myrna accused him of working for the Institute. Tore off a chunk to prove he wasn't a perfect person or an infiltrator synth.
-Ellie was the first person in Diamond City to wholly accept Nick as he is. She asked to work with him as soon as he decided to stay.
-Piper and Nick have jam sessions where they have heavy debates about Diamond City law enforcement and criminal misuse of power in the capitalistic society of pre-war USA.
-Met Dogmeat under an overpass. He handed the dog a snack cake and scratched his head. They've been close pals ever since.
-Will "sleep" around Sole. He'll lay down and manually put himself into "sleep mode". Any unnecessary functions will shut down. He lets his thoughts take over. All Sole hears is the faintest fan whir.
-Piper plans Sole's 211th birthday. She goes all out, collects balloons, bakes several cakes with Codsworth, makes everyone attend and threatens anyone who would act up. "It's Blue's first birthday out here, you WILL behave!"
-Knows how to make mutfruit preserves, mutfruit pie, mutfruit jam and jelly. Makes it for Nat constantly.
-Has a notebook dedicated to little tidbits of info about Sole.
-Nat is exactly 8 years, 5 months, and 25 days younger than Piper. 
-Piper has interviewed every person in Diamond City. Made a game of it with Nat at first, then she just kept going with it.
-Piper has awful shorthand. Almost as bad as Curie's shorthand. Still illegible. 
-Piper's handwriting is so bad, Nat does the writing for the paper. Piper writes the final draft and Nat copies it, and sends it through the printing press.
-Despite bad handwriting, Piper is very eloquent. Can make a super mutant sound like good date idea or convince anyone how the mayor might actually be a synth.
-Her favourite of Sole's friends is Kent Connolly. Would gladly dress up and act out Silver Shroud episodes with him and Sole.
-Preston has insomnia. Cannot sleep well. Has had insomnia since Quincy. 
-Can sleep well if he's sleeping beside someone.
-Has a box under his bed of little knick-knacks children have given him over the years. Can't bear to get rid of the kid's gifts.
-He actually likes all of Sole's friends. Even Strong.
-Hates coconut. Once found an Almond-Joy while scaving and couldn't finish it to save his life.
-All time favourite candy is Peanut Brittle. Hard to find but gnawing on the hard chunks is somewhat soothing to him.
-Loves back rubs. Giving and receiving but only from close friends or lovers.
-Once accidently drank a bottle of perfume. MacCready told him it was a bottle of fancy expensive wine. 
-Sturges and Preston are the closest of friends, no less maybe more.
-Strong knows how to jump rope.
-But double dutch is a mystery.
-Before Sole, he only ate meat raw. Sole taught him how to cook it.
-Also lacks patience to cook, but slowly learning.
-Strong was created in Vault 87 after the bombs dropped but remembers nothing from being human.
-Doesn't understand bubblegum. Will always swallow it after a few seconds of chewing.
-Likes having poetry and plays read to him. 
-Sleeps holding Sole or having Sole laying across his stomach. 
-Loves fire. The smell, the feeling of heat against his hardened skin, the taste of charred meat, and watching the embers fly up and turn to ash.
-Strong can read, but chooses not to because super mutants discourage any educational behavior. 
-Likes the sound of clacking keys on a terminal. He'll turn one on and mess around with the keyboard just to hear the different sounds each key makes.
-He can't decide if hand-to-hand combat is better than using guns.
-X6 doesn't like using plasma. He thinks the plasma is less accurate. 
-But laser weapons are his jam.
-Spends excessive amount of time augmenting his weapon. 
-If Sole helped, he would be "happy". Would never say it, but a tiny smirk would pop up on his face for half a second.
-Will collect Fancy Lad Snack Cakes. Hoards them in his bedroom in Sanctuary and in the Institute. 
-Sole found his stash and X6 blushed for the first time when they confronted him. 
-He called Sole "Mom" instead of Ma'am once. She won't let him live it down.
-He called Sole "Dad" after hearing Shaun call him "Dad" all day. He won't let him live it down.
-Actually likes kids. Won't show emotions, get down to their level, or speak to kids. But he doesn't hate children. 
-Especially likes synth Shaun. He taught synth Shaun how to use a laser pistol. Shaun found out and put X6 on probation for a month.
Bonus Vault Tec Rep and Kent Connolly under the cut.
Vault Tec Rep
-Rep spent a couple decades learning how to draw. Loves drawing from life. Mostly draws people. Occasionally draws ferals, mutants, and various animals.
-Was engaged before the war, lasted about 2 years before she died of cancer.
-His favorite food was and still is a well grilled medium rare steak.
-A total neat freak. Every space he uses as a homestead has to be thoroughly cleaned of any bacteria, ticks, dust, dirt, radiation residue, etc
-Teased in school for his red hair. "Rusty" was his least favorite nickname.
-He's extremely susceptible to pet names. Doesn't have to be anything sexual or romantic, just pet names. He blushes like a starstruck starlet.
-Loves love. Romance and old-timey corny love stories. He like to woo his partner. Flowers, chocolate, dancing, movie dates, hand written poems, you name it. 
-He misses his old red hair. Years of being a brunette and he's a little bitter about his hair.
-Least favourite part of The Wasteland is amount of bodies he sees on a daily basis. He saw about zero bodies a day on average before the war. Even in Goodneighbor, the average has risen to about 4 bodies a week. 
-Favourite part of The Wasteland is the ability to just go anywhere. After realizing he didn't have any obligation to stay any specific place, he just traveled around for a few decades.
-His father worked for Vault-Tec, and when he graduated high school, he was given a job immediately. 
-Didn't hate it. Didn't love it at first, but he had a real knack for selling.
-He never had an office in Boston HQ. He got the van, and got a sweet bonus for being top salesman, but never his own office. 
-Despite being top salesman, he was only allowed on the first and second floors. He didn't find out till after the bombs dropped that the basement and third floor up had the plans for the various vaults in the area.
-He can't apologize enough to Sole. After thinking on it and checking out vault 111 by himself, he truly feels sorry for what happened.
-Sole gets him a set of steak knives for Christmas. They're homemade by Sole. They tell him he's earned far more than a knife set, but if that's what he's pining for...
-He treasures it so much, he rarely uses them. Just before he leaves for work in the morning, he checks them over and admires them.
-He and Sole have spent days just telling each other pre war stories. He almost knows more about Sole than Piper does. And he's a little proud of that fact.
-He gets along best with, of all people, Deacon. Good sense of humour and always interested in pre-war info.
-Second best is Piper. A nice lady who snoops too much, but does treat everyone with respect and tries to remain unbiased.
Kent Connolly
-Kent was 23 when the bombs dropped.
-He was sleeping in on the Saturday morning when he heard the air raid sirens.
-Hid in his house's basement till the sirens stopped. 
-And then the radiation sickness took over. 
-It took him about 3 months to turn ghoulish. Quicker than most. 
-He dislikes Goodneighbor - the town as a whole. The people are fine, the resources are serviceable, and the safety assured is nice. But he hates how back alley it feels.
-Misses his family the most. They weren't the best, but they made him feel loved and important.
-Speaking of which, Kent had a huge family. I'm talking brothers, sisters, cousins for days, aunts, uncles...he remembers family reunions as huge gatherings chock full of food and kids running amuck.
-Maybe, just maybe, he enjoys seeing Sole all dressed like Shroud a little too much. He's a big fan.
-Once spent 4 grand on a mint condition Issue no. 3 Silver Shroud comic just to find out it was a forgery. Never got that refund. :(
-Writes really well. But only writes Silver Shroud fanfiction. Piper almost convinced him to help write an article about how crime differed before the war and after the war. But he turned her down.
-Nick has agreed to dress up as Shroud if Sole dresses up like Grognak or Mistress of Mystery. But only if Sole dresses up too.
-Irma refers to him as her son. Amari will not say the same, but she also doesn't protest.
-He used to work in comic book shop. (Of course he did.) 
-He writes self insert Silver Shroud fanfiction all the time. After the events at the hospital with Sinjin, the Shroud in his fanfictions suddenly start using Sole's pronouns and is described as physically similar as Sole.
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meadowlarkx · 3 years
ooh if you want to share any finrod on the helcaraxe thoughts I would be super curious! And feel free to come back to this ask later if you want to save your thoughts for the fic :D
First of all I know I got this ask like... a very very long time ago, so please know I have been treasuring it that whole time and meant to get to it eventually!!
Basically I always come back to one of my favorite details we get about Finrod, that he brought more jewels and other things over from Valinor than any other Noldor. And it's just such a Finrod thing to me, because to me his character is really all about heart in like such a way that... He leaves Nargothrond, everything he's tried to build and a brewing political crisis there, takes the first steps towards a quest which he knows successful or unsuccessful will create a whole new set of problems, and gives up his life, all to buy a human of a family he loves the potential for a little more time/happiness in that time on Arda. He loves so much and like, in a way that counts small things as important, so of course he's lugging like 7 sleds of jewelry and treasured possessions from home across the Grinding Ice--it's so funny and a little vain because he is but it's also just so him.
And I really think they needed that kind of person on the Helcaraxë. (this got long so it’s going under a cut:)
Like, thirty years of darkness on a freezing journey that you don't know will have an end, with your companions dying around you, to eventually get to a land you've only heard stories about--and though Fëanor made it sound pretty good, now with all this time on the road to sober up since he burned the ships you remember that your actual grandparents' stories were mostly about getting picked off by strange creatures in the woods. And missing your relatives and friends and partners that you left behind, with the words of the Doom still echoing. It's so miserable!! I think multiple times there would have been disagreement, and extremely tense disagreement, about whether to go on or not, and blame cast around for starting in the first place. And in the moments where it was especially miserable, they needed Finrod to smile and talk disagreements through (like he does for the Bëorians + Laiquendi) and sing, and his determined optimism about people’s nature (no matter how horribly shaken it was by the first Kinslaying but sure let’s never process that I’m sure it won’t be a problem later). 
They needed to pass around whatever trinkets Finrod had brought from home. I think Finrod put in all the effort possible to mark moments with some kind of celebration or ritual to pass the time. They can’t sing the usual songs at the mingling of the light of the Two Trees, so Finrod suggests they sing when a particular star crosses the horizon instead. They’re half-starved most of the time, but when they finally get some seal or fish to eat Finrod passes out all the jewelry he’s brought so they’re decked out like a feast and discusses burning some of their fuel stores in a soft voice with Fingolfin so there’s a little light. Finrod comforts Turgon after Elenwë’s death coughs and maybe more and takes care of Idril while he’s grieving. Finrod always makes sure his younger siblings are accounted for in the darkness. Finrod is the only person proud Galadriel will allow herself to be comforted by and he braids her hair up in crowns like ammë used to and they talk about the lands they’re going to see. They’re all looking to Fingolfin as the leader, but the Arafinwëan group is looking first to Finarfin’s son, who they see all the time, who they know now cares about them since the handful of times someone fell behind or was lost and Finrod decided to slow the entire group down and/or risk his own life to find them and bring them back (and if he wept finding someone already dead, he still made sure they marked the death with some remembrance or rite.)
And it took a personal strain on him and Fingolfin noticed it and was proud and sad for him
@imakemywings also has headcanons about Helcaraxë cuddle piles and I have embraced them wholeheartedly, let the Elves on the Helcaraxë cuddle for warmth it’s the least they deserve </3 I think he grew even closer with Fingon then too.
I also like to think that this period of time is where Edrahil got his loyalty to Finrod (I love all the hcs of Sindarin or Avari Edrahil but mine generally is more that he was a follower of Finarfin who decided to continue on, and then caught a bad case of devotion to Finarfin’s son.) On that topic, I definitely imagine that before this, Finrod unlike Maedhros imo didn’t... have like any leadership experience, formal or otherwise. He was well-liked and smart and pretty, with various uncanny talents (fics w/ young!Finrod offhandedly or traumatizedly revealing glimmers of his foresight have my soul) but that’s about it, and a lot of just having fun with Fingon and/or Turgon too. I also think being an heir generally means very little in a place where people don’t die, so if he had princely responsibilities (whatever that means for Elves) he did what was required of him, but it wasn’t much. Finarfin was doing the rest of his part unlike Fëanor who was busy with hot girl forge/Silmaril shit and sent Maedhros to councils to stand in for him. 
And so then when Finarfin turns back and the kids decide to keep going, (a.) Finarfin trusts them/Finrod enough to not protest the decision at all that we know and have some mutual respect, but (b., hc) for Finrod and for Finarfin’s people who continued on it was the first time Finrod was anywhere near in charge of anything and no one exactly knew what to expect. And I think partly because this whole leadership thing was hella improvised on his part, Finrod isn’t great with logistical things or governance per se (see: letting his cousins amass influence in Nargothrond and being like ahh I’ll deal with it at some point and never dealing with it), but he has incredible personal charisma and is really good with individuals and groups of people--he just cares so much that he pours his whole soul into it, and he genuinely wants to understand, and on the Helcaraxë even (or especially) those Arafinwëan followers who started quarrels over going back or blamed Finrod in those arguments for the choice of going ended up loving him and caring about them.
He won them over really hard, and they (+ the Nolofinwëans) needed that too, in the mood of distrust, guilt, and fear/anger after the first Kinslaying, the Doom, and the burning of the ships, when nothing seemed secure anymore and people felt like they didn’t know themselves or those they had set out with. They needed this Elf who cared about this journey and the people on it, whose mother is Teleri don’t tell me that didn’t make an impact here :’D but who loves his kinslaying Nolofinwëan cousins enough to go through hell with them, who reminds his people of joy and comfort and love & the things that make life important/worth living when they don’t feel like people. Just you know... Finrod
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lozzypoz321 · 4 years
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Word count: 2.2k
A/N: I’m so sorry I haven’t posted in so long!!! But I am quite surprised that my current 200 followers (wow) haven’t unfollowed by now but this is my 200 celebration fic even though I’m a bit late- also I’m sorry if this sucks I just haven’t written in ages! Please bare with me! Kindly proofread by @canadianhufflepuffavenger 💗
Warnings: angst, past break up
Your real dad
Steve tightened his grip around your draw-string bag that he had convinced you to part ways with, as you, him and your mother made your way into the tower. He was dreading the reunion with Bucky after not seeing the team for about 2 weeks. You were practically bouncing on your feet to see your real dad. While Steve was there watching you treat your dad like a hero but not even spare him a glance.
Your family relationship was complicated yet simple at the same time: you hated your mom but tolerated her, loved your dad with all your heart, hated your stepdad as much as he tried, treated Peter like your brother and Thor exactly like your uncle.
Why did you hate your stepdad so much?
Well, first of all, he pretended like he was your real dad and tried to do all of the things with you that you and Bucky did together. Second, he always stole all your moms attention and made you feel like you were alone (whether he meant it or not)
The elevator door dinged, indicating that the three of you had reached your floor where currently Bucky, Thor, Tony, Natasha and Sam were hanging out, waiting for your “family”. The others were in the kitchen, trying to get a sneak taste of the food that had been ordered.
“Dad!” You yelled and raced up to the super soldier, he broke out into a grin and picked you up off the ground to invade you into a bone-breakinghug. “Hiya doll face.”
You grinned back at him and got down from his arms briefly to run across the room to retrieve your drawstring back so you could show your dad your new spiderman action figure that had been bought by your cousin Peter.
“Look! Look!”
He smirked slightly at your excited demeanour as you held up the toy as high as you could while jumping up and down for him to see. Once he’d figured out who the character was, you had already gone running off to see what Wanda and Vision had baked in one of the many kitchens.
“Hey Buck” Steve acknowledged as friendly as he could, it wasn’t that the two ‘friends’ hated each other, but there was definitely some tension in the room as the two sat parallel. Tony cleared his throat and mentioned something about having a cough as he quickly left the room.
“I better see where he got off to” Natasha and your mother said at exactly the same time, not wanting to experience what they thought was about to go down.
“Hi Steve” the older soldier greeted back, not sure what the intentions of the conversation were exactly. In the tower, the history between both soldiers and your mother was known but not really spoke of- Bucky dated your mother for quite a while (almost four entire years), and got her pregnant with you, but- as everybody was sure to know- all good things must come to an end- and the two broke up on good terms. That was before Steve Rogers himself got involved at a certain billionaire’s party when they realized they were (and this is in your mother's words) “meant for each other.”
“I’m erm, here to speak to you about something.” As if the awkwardness present in the room was no longer enough before, by now it was almost too much. Thor and Sam took the most obvious hint and left the room in search of something else to occupy their time.
“Well, you’re free to speak-“ Bucky was interrupted by the loud sound of laughing from behind the wooden door and almost instantly after a hushing sound. The two men had completely different reactions to this, Steve was utmostly confused, both eyebrows scrunching together, while Bucky’s face held a small smile. He knew exactly who was trying to eavesdrop and it just proved how much Steve did not know his stepdaughter from the fact he didn’t immediately know. “(Y/N),” he called out, the humour evident in his voice, “Parker, we know you're out there.”
“Awww, Peter you gave our secret identities up!”
By now Steve had caught on to the two of you and laughed lightly, trying to cover up the fact that his only chance to ask Bucky his question alone, was interrupted.
The wooden door creaked open, revealing Peter, dressed up in his spiderman suit for dramatic effect and you with a bandana on, which you thought made you look like a ninja and you held your action figure tightly in your left hand.
“(Y/N), you know it’s rude to eavesdrop” Steve scolded you, trying to be firm. You ignored him and shrugged your shoulders before going to follow the scent of Chinese food.
“Doll,” your dad stopped you “don’t ignore people, you know not to do that” he stood up from his spot on the sofa and began to also make his way to the kitchen, you right beside him muttering a small “okay dad.”
Steve tried not to let his heart sink as his best friend walked away. He would just have to try and get Bucky alone at another point in the night. If he didn’t get an answer, then he would have no use for the small box that was sitting in his trouser pocket.
“Bonjour,” Clint greeted the two of you as you both arrived for food, the island set up with enough plastic plates for everyone (Tony couldn’t be bothered with hiring people to wash normal, expensive ones multiple times a day)
Your mother smiled at you from the other side of the kitchen, but she was immediately confused when you didn’t smile back. The reason you had not, is because you had a feeling you knew exactly what question your stepdad had for Bucky and did not at all like the sound of it.
“Fries?” Bruce offered, tilting the box of food towards you. You nodded gratefully and grabbed a handful. The conversations at the table were mixed; Thor ranting passionately about the food at his home planet, Tony mumbling something about not even being hungry anyway (you thought he was just being salty since he didn’t get his Shawarma), Bucky and Sam having a silent argument across the table, and Peter was busy singing Christmas songs in his best Santa Claus voice.
“Have a holly jolly Christmas, and in case you didn’t seeeee” Natasha rolled her eyes dramatically at the teenager making everyone laugh.
“Hey don’t get annoyed at me! Everyone loves Christmas!”
You used to love Christmas before your parents separated and you weren’t allowed to spend the holiday with your dad.
“I don’t like Christmas,” your dad shrugged half mindedly while taking a sip of his soda. Peter looked at him like he had two heads and exclaimed in shock, “that impossible!”
“It ain’t kid,” Bucky chuckled while your mother shifted in her seat uncomfortably, realizing the reasoning.
While you worked your way through the pile of noodles, Thor’s incessant ranting came to an end, and the teenager had seemingly run out of songs, the group of superheroes decided to hang out in the living room and watch a movie before you, Steve and your mother had to go home.
“Which one?” Nat asked the room while holding up two movies, the nightmare before Christmas and the corpse bride. Both Halloween movies, neither particularly scary.
“How could one have a nightmare on the day before Christmas? Surely that is against the rules of the Holiday Christmas, that is based on happiness?” Thor asked, earning a quizzical look from you. “Stop tryna act like Shakespeare big man” Tony laughed while grabbing a handful of popcorn and shoving it all into his mouth.
Steve ignored the billionaire, and while no one seemed to be paying attention he directed his attention to Bucky, swallowing nervously. “Hey Buck, can I speak to you for a sec outside?”
Confusion spread over the soldier’s face for a split second before complying and getting up from the couch with Steve as discreetly as possible as to not raise suspicion from the rest of the team and you.
“What’s up?” He asked once they’d reached the hallway outside, he didn’t know what was up with the younger man but he could easily tell that he’d been acting nervous around himself and your mom.
“Um, I have a question, you don’t have to say yes or no or anything-“
“Your ranting.”
He stopped and thought for a second, wondering how to put it. “I know it’s been complicated recently, and I know this might make it worse with all your history with (Y/M/N) and (Y/N) but I really do love both of them and since (Y/M/N)’s parents passed a while ago, there’s no one to really ask for their blessing so I guess I’m here to ask you, can I have your blessing to propose to (Y/M/N)?”
Bucky stood emotionless for a second, not knowing how to react. He wasn’t sure whether to be happy for Steve and support him or to be angry. He had both reasonable attributes for each option but was cut short when he heard the sound of a door banging against its hinges on the floor above.
Both of your dad’s eyebrows scrunched together, who was that? Everyone in the tower knew not to do it because Tony despised it, and everyone with a brain knew that when Tony got annoyed, bad things happened.
Then almost instantly after the door entering the living room revealing an awkward Loki “I’m sorry to interrupt this conversation but your daughter slash stepdaughter, just ran upstairs in tears so if you could quickly wrap this little moment up, it would be greatly appreciated”
Bucky’s heart stopped, why were you crying?
He and Steve completely forgot about their previous conversation and quickly headed upstairs, nearly running Peter over in the process coming from the toilet. But just as they reached the door where you normally stayed when you came for sleepovers, Bucky stopped and put a finger to his lips.
“I think I should go in.” Instead of arguing, and saying that it would be good ‘bonding time’ to get you to like him, Steve silently agreed and let your dad go in.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he gently closed the door behind himself, instantly catching sight of you sat on the carpeted floor, furiously wiping your eyes with the sleeve of your hoodie.
“Hey, hey, don’t hurt yourself,” he took ahold of both of your wrists and set them down on your lap, “why’re you crying doll?”
Tears continued to stream unapologetically down your cheeks, you didn’t know how to tell him. That you had snuck out of the living room to see where the two had gone and then eavesdropped into their conversation, and once hearing your stepdad (who you did not like at all) was going to become a permanent part of your life, ran off crying.
“I don’t wanna talk about it” you shook your head, making him sigh. “Please tell me, I wanna know why. You trust me right (Y/N)?”
The simple nod was all he needed, yet his heart still ached. Seeing his only daughter in tears and didn’t trust him enough to tell him why? It was heartbreaking for him. “I don’t want him to marry mom,” you quietly admitted, “the only reason I’m still allowed to see you is because she thinks I still need a father figure, so now he’s gonna be here forever I won’t be- I won’t be able to see you anymore.”
He sighed deeply, trying to find a way to comfort you. “You will, I promise. I’ll always be apart of your life doll. No one can ever take you away from me because you're my daughter and I love you so so much, m’kay?”
You sniffled and wiped the final tears from your cheeks. “Okay.”
Before you could both get up and return downstairs to finish the movie, Bucky stopped you and lifted you up to whisper something to you.
Once he had finished you pulled back and nodded hesitantly, realizing that you should put your grudge behind you and face a fear.
Your dad and you returned outside, Steve waiting patiently while resting on the wall, gently smiling at you to make sure you were okay.
“Go on doll,” Bucky quietly urged, making you take a deep breath and just go for it.
“I give you my blessing to marry mom.” Steve’s heart skipped multiple beats as his brain tried to process what you had said. You’d finally accepted him into your life?
He broke out into a grin, trying to form words to thank you without seeming like this meant the absolute world to him. “Thank you (Y/N). I appreciate it so much.”
Bucky was proud of you for taking a leap and letting Steve into your life when you were scared. He realized at that moment that even if you did have a dad and a stepdad at the same time, he’d fulfilled his role already.
Taglist: @marvel-ous-hobbit @snarky--starky @rae-is-typing @stargazingfangirl18 @canadianhufflepuffavenger @herecomesthewriterwitch @every-marveler-ever @hera-the-writer @lovers-in-japan-reign-of-love @just-one-ordinary-fangirl @rooskaya-yelena @deephideoutmilkshake @kidney9-9 @js3639 @am3l1a-24 @bonkybarnes107 @ilovemarvel-andcats @sapphireplums @deannawallacee @keenmarvellover @garbage-potato @mollbt @spookybooisa
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lillian-nator · 4 years
Small, Short, and Specific Headcannons that are now Canon due to the discord. 
purpled played with legos so much as a child that he became this like pseudo engineer, so whenever the gang is exploring abandoned places they always ask him whether or not the structure is safe to be on
Punz, Dream, and SapNap are the only ones who can drive. Quackity could drive, but he is always too high for it to be legal. 
George can’t drive. No way. SapNap bullies him for it.
Tommy is a good driver when there are other people around, on his own he fucking floors it. 
The lessons with Dream and Wilbur are completely different. 
So, one time Tommy is fucking around doing some parkour, and he hurts himself very badly. He scratches up his side raw, and dislocates his hip, but he doesn’t call Wilbur. He calls Dream. They don’t go to the hospital, although they probably should, and after Tommy pops his hip back into the socket, he calls Dream, sitting down with a grunt, and telling Dream he is really tired. Dream can tell that Tommy’s breathing is labored, so he panics asking Tommy where he is. Dream brings Tommy back to his house, where he bandages up his side, and Tommy basically sleeps it off. WILBUR GETS PISSED. Because HE is the brother, not Dream. Who the fuck does Tommy think he is, fucking dislocating a few bones, and bleeding, and not calling his actual brother? This is one of the fights that lead to Tommy running away.
Karl host HSM sing a longs. 
The pet war is over a bunch of stuffed animals.
Quackity stole a duck from a lake. That duck laid eggs and the duckling’s imprinted on SapNap. SapNap now has an army of baby ducks.
One time, when Quackity was super high, he dragged Wilbur into one of Dream’s parties and made him sing a song on the Guitar. Quackity tries to make out with Wilbur multiple times, Wilbur gets Schlatt flashbacks. 
Everytime Schlatt gets high, he breaks into Wilbur’s room and tries to make out with him, but Wilbur just ends up taking care of Schlatt who is so high out of his mind. Wilbur will never tell anybody, but he really doesn’t mind. Schlatt gets really nice and clingy when he is high. Wilbur finds it endearing. 
Ponk and Tubbo run a gossip girl blog. Tubbo runs the website. They got Fundy to help him code it, but Fundy was never told what the code was for. Fundy still doesn’t know what he helped code.
Callahan knows all. 
One time, when Wilbur and Schlatt were high, they talked to Tommy, who was eating a hotpocket in the kitchen, about hotpockets for 15 minutes. Tommy got some of it on video. He uses it as blackmail. (He was 14 when this happened). He also has a few pictures of Wilbur and Schlatt cuddling that he uses as blackmail. That is the only time Wilbur ever smoked weed. 
because tommy is a growing boy, he needs to eat a lot, but he forgets that like food exists, and so the gang is always shoving granola bars down his throat
Dream does actually just like carry around  Gatorade and Nature Valley bars because Tommy just forgets to do like basic human things. too busy jumping off bridges I suppose.
maybe it just never clicks with Tommy that he is a fucking 6'3 15-year-old, because he is always fucking hungry, but he is like: "what I just ate! like 30 minutes ago" and Dream has to be like, "well your lanky fucking ass needs more nutrition bitch"
Tommy can fit into the lockers because he is super skinny. He hides there and tells the teachers that Punz pushed him in, so that he didn’t have to take his geometry test. 
There's a period in class where mostly everyone is there and the whole time they pass notes to eachother in the weirdest ways while somehow not getting caught
Quack has PTSD from Middle School field day, where Techno mercilessly beat him at dodgeball.
Wilbur, Schlatt, Niki, and Fundy are in the marching band. Wilbur and Schlatt play trumpet. Niki plays the piccolo. Fundy plays the clarinet. Schlatt is the king of band camp. 
Every 3rd friday of the month Dream brings the freshies to icecream. 
Tommy is a very dry texter. His answers don’t make sense. He had tubbo code something so that Tomm’s phone automatically responds to Wilbur, Phil, Techno, Fundy, Niki, and Eret. 
anyways tommy is that one person who tells others to eat without eating himself tubbo: yeah i forgot breakfast-                                                      tommy, who hasn't eatan anything that day: WTF TUBBO CAN'T HAVE YOU DYING ON ME
whenever tommy comes back home from sneaking out he probably steals like a shit ton of unhealthy snacks
All 3 brothers have caught him so many times, but in the midst of the night they usually don’t put 2 and 2 together that Tommy snuck out
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