#like i’m sorry is jinx not awful?
allgreekbitch · 4 days
hating on an arcane character bc “they’re a bad person” is so funny bc there’s literally no character that can be considered a good person in the entire fucking show and that’s the charm of it
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Who would think Kalim would be such a closet pervert, I expected it from rook but not kalim
Do you recon you could do some other characters??
(Accidentally Sitting on Their Face)
Sure can!
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Accidentally Sitting on Their Face (3) | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
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Jade Leech 
“Alright, I found some more of those mushrooms you were looking for!”
“Thank you, Darling.”
You decided to join Jade on this hiking route he’s been talking about lately 
Whether it’s because you wanted to get to know him better or you were genuinely wanting to go on a hike you went
Granted you did have to keep ignoring Deuce and Ace’s warnings about you ‘being brought out and buried alive’ by the eel
But nonetheless, you came
And so far you were glad you did 
Seeing pure happiness in his double-colored eyes was rare 
But you were happy to see it
Jade on the other hand was practically on cloud 9 
He hadn’t intentionally meant to have his darling tag along 
He didn’t mind
After all, he could use the extra help 
With gathering herbs to make Azul’s potions
Getting specimens of land mushrooms
So he’s very grateful he gets to watch you partake in his interests
Especially watching you go so far as to start climbing trees to get a high-hanging mushroom
“(Y/n), be careful climbing so high. These trees are lined with sap so I’m certain its going to be–”
Smiling amused at your hanging form he gets a wicked idea
A most awful wicked wonderful idea
“I-I can’t…ergh–get my foot up there!”
“Thats alright starfish, you can fall. I’ll catch you.”
“A-are you sure?”
You couldn’t see the toothy smile as he lines himself up with you
And whether you go against your instincts or your hands finally give out you land on Jade Leech’s smiling face
You apologize trying and failing to get off a couple times thanks to the strain on your legs
Completely blinding you to the wide-eyed smile you’d typically spot on Floyd
“I’m really sorry, Jade! I didn’t mean to fall like that.”
“Its perfectly fine (Y/n). In fact I might ask you to do it again.”
With no one to hide behind or call his attention away
You might end up in another situation in which the eel needs to be repaid
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Ruggie Bucci
“Steady! Steady!” 
“I’m trying Ruggie I really am.”
Here in Twisted Wonderland some of the best deals were on the highest shelves
And as you and Ruggie are both struggling financially 
Its only natural you two team up for the good cause of feeding yourselves
And man has Ruggie never thought you looked better
Scoping out deals with him and calculating what you both can afford
He’s wanted nothing more than to put a ring on it
And he was going to whetheryoulikeditornot
So here you were standing on his shoulders while you were search through the high shelves
“Are you really okay to hold me up like this?”
“Whats it? You think I’m weak?”
“Well no but–”
“Trust me (Y/n) I didn’t get into Savvannaclaw without muscle.”
A if Jinxing it you began to wobble and so does he
Ending with you lovingly smothering the vicewarden
“Ruggie are you okay? Did I crush you?”
“Y-yeah you did.”
“I’m so sorry!”
“I-its fine. Uh lets-um finish shopping, yeah?”
He’s reeling 
Blushing intensely as he replays the moment
“Maybe next time I should use ‘Laugh with me.’”
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nyoomfruits · 7 months
scrunch!!! nose kisses :)
i’m so sorry for any spelling mistakes i wrote this on my phone lmao
He’s officially gone insane, Lando thinks to himself, as he watches Oscar waddle towards him in his ski boots. He’s lost it. Off the rails, totally bananas. There’s no way he’s finding this cute.
“I don’t understand why you like this so much,” Oscar grumbles, when he’s managed to waddle himself into hearing distance. He’s wearing a pretty boring black ski suit, gloves, scarf covering half his face, fluffy woolen hat. All Lando can see is his frowny eyes and his red nose. And still. Cute.
“To be fair, it’s more fun going down,” Lando says, slapping the skis he’s propped up on his shoulder. Oscar sniffles. Lando tries not to be weird about the cute little twitch of his nose.
“Hm,” Oscar says, sceptically, eyeing the mountain and then the lift a little father away. “Why did I agree to this again?” Oscar asks.
“Because you love me,” Lando says, trying not to trip over the four letter word too much. It’s still so new. So fragile. Every time he says it out loud he feels like he’s going to jinx it.
Oscar nods thoughtfully. “Fair point,” he says, and then leans past the skis he’s propped up in the snow and gives Lando a soft, sweet little kiss. “You look cute by the way.”
“No,” Lando says, smiling softly. “You.” And then because he can, and he’s always had terrible self control, kisses the tip of Oscar’s nose.
Oscar scrunches his face, laughs. “You’re such a weirdo sometimes.”
“Your weirdo, though,” Lando says, turning around to make his way to the ski lift.
With his back turned, he misses the soft, almost awe like look on Oscar’s face. “Yeah,” he says, as he follows after Lando. “Mine.”
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klausinamarink · 5 months
Oop let's try this again; for the birthday fics: “Because you’re a jinx!” angsty Steddie established relationship, chasing fame Eddie and some guy Steve who gets discovered while Eddie's band keeps being passed over? Platonic hellcheer and platonic Stobin.
I couldn’t find a way to put in the platonic ships but it’s still Steddie. Enjoy the angsty flavour electric boogaloo.
It was supposed to be Eddie’s lucky day.
This was supposed to be his time. The moment when the rich suits would look at Eddie and immediately offer him the contract that finally pushed his music to fame.
But it was just another fucking mediocre performance. Only a few people out of the dozens in the crowd cheered, but that was worse than getting no response at all. Nobody even went up to them for an autograph, their numbers, Instagram handles, music samples, anything that would’ve made the night worth it.
Eddie stayed silent and seething for the whole drive home. The rest of the band left on their own respective vehicles, though Jeff had lingered longer to say something that Eddie mentally filtered out. Probably some shitty encouragement or a call to quit. 
His hands tightened around the wheel. Eddie felt the pulsing headache crawl to the back of his eyes. Goddamnit, he needed to sleep.
Maybe in Steve’s arms, but for once, Eddie just wanted to be alone for tonight. 
After he parked the car and trudged the stairs back to his apartment, Eddie bit his lip until he tasted the sting of copper. 
He was so tired. Not just physically, but in very foul shape that took its claws into him. It was the apathetic crowds and uninterested advisors. How the rest of the band delayed practice more and more. The bland methodical act of cutting up another piece of his shrinking soul as a muse for his lyrics. 
But still. He was close to that single star of recognition. Eddie had to taste it.
Unlocking the door, Eddie kept himself from collapsing until he dropped his guitar case and landed face-first on the couch. 
In the bedroom, he could catch some muffled conversation, the floor creaking as Steve paced back and forth inside. 
Eddie frowned and checked his phone for any missed messages. Steve hadn’t texted him since five,  soon after Eddie had left for the worst night of his life. It was almost eleven now. So why was his boyfriend still up and talking to someone?
Before Eddie could try and get up, the door opened and Steve came out, his phone in hand. Steve glanced up and stopped in his tracks when he saw Eddie. He gave a bright smile.
“Hey, babe! You okay?” 
Eddie groaned. If he had the energy, he could scream into the pillows.
The floor creaked as Steve approached and gently laid a hand on his back. “Was the band okay?”
Eddie groaned again, unable to hold himself back from pressing against Steve’s hand. He could really use a fucking massage. Or some quick, stress-relief sex. “It’s fucking awful. It’s always fucking awful.”
Steve made a sympathetic noise, “I’m sorry to hear that, Eds.”
Eddie lifted his head up and peered at Steve. Despite his words, there was an odd light in Steve’s eyes and his lips were fighting desperately not to smile.
“What is it?” He asked.
Steve had the nerve to look spooked, “Uh, well, I don’t want to ruin your mood-”
“What is it?”
Steve stared at him for a moment before he sighed like it was the start of a serious discussion.
“You know that audition I did back in Chicago two weeks ago?” Steve bit his lip. It only revealed the cracks of excitement on his face and Eddie already knew what he was about to say. “Well, my agent called and said that I’m officially casted. I’m gonna be in a HBO show!”
Record scratch.
Eddie only stared at Steve as the news hit him with the speed of a truck. When he saw Steve’s smile in full glory, he only saw blank faces who spat at him with rejection and disappointment and ‘try better’s. 
How the fuck does Steve get so many gigs when Eddie could barely find an open venue in advance? And now he’s going to work for fucking HBO, Jesus Christ-
Steve was frowning at him, “You- are you not happy?”
“Of course, I am!” Eddie said quickly. It felt hard to speak when there was something now stuck and burning in his throat. He got up from the couch and walked to the kitchen. He needed a drink. Maybe not alcohol, though tempting. But some actual water but he was too exhausted and sober for this shit. 
“I’m always here to support my wonderful and talented boyfriend who never misses an audition. Who always gets a spot in whatever he plays in, even if it’s a fucking diaper commercial or a glorified extra who gets five more cents than his less impressive boyfriend.” 
As he spoke, his words became more tinted with venom. Eddie took an empty glass and filled it under the tap. He almost choked from gulping it down in one go. It cooled his throat, but the burning simply expanded through his veins.
“Okay, you’re mad.” Steve said slowly, now behind him.
Eddie laughed bitterly, “Yeah, no shit, Sherlock. They taught you that in acting class or was it a trick from your last ex?”
“Jesus, okay, Eddie.” Steve put his hands on Eddie’s shoulders but Eddie shook him off with more force than necessary. “You’re obviously in a bad mood and my news isn’t making it better, but you did ask and-”
Eddie whirled around. He was seeing red at the corners of his vision. “And now it’s my fault?!”
Steve backed away, his hands up in a plea of surrender. His face pinched with concern and hurt. “Eddie, let’s, let’s just go to bed. Take a shower-”
“Stop treating me like I’m a child!” 
“Fuck, even a child would tell me what’s making them this upset!”
“You wanna know why I’m so upset? Huh?” Eddie smacked a hand against Steve’s chest, pushing his boyfriend away. “Take a guess with your ‘subtlety’ talents and maybe you can fucking figure it out.”
“No, I- Eds, baby-” Steve stopped to take a breath. He looked back at Eddie with more firmness, but he saw the way Steve’s ego was crumbling in his eyes. “Can you please just tell me why are you acting like this? Was it because I did something or-?”
Eddie’s anger flared. It touched the back of his mouth so he spat it all out like a dragon. “Oh, everything you do with your squeaky clean and easy career is the reason why I’m pissed at you. You get all of these stupid roles to play some stupid character Twitter would make discourse for while I have spent the last three years trying to find someone who’s willing to listen to my band play in a goddamn studio! But I keep missing these opportunities for some reason that I’m starting to think that we’re cursed or shit.”
“Eds, it can’t-”
“And don’t you say you know how it feels like because you never knew how to fucking fail, Stevie! Everything you do is just rich executives giving you silver platters. I bet they all want that Harrington blowjob.”
Steve gasped softly and shook his head. He now had his arms around himself like it would protect him. “That’s not true- Why are you even saying these things to me?!”
“Because you’re a jinx! Because you’re Steve Harrington and I hate your dumb luck!”
Eddie’s words echoed across the apartment as he breathed heavily. He wouldn’t be surprised if it went out the windows and into the streets. 
Steve held an unbelievably idiotic expression. Mouth half-open, a slack jaw, glossy eyes that just stared at Eddie without any more light shining in them.
Finally, he spoke so quietly that Eddie had to strain to hear, “Okay… I’m going to Robin’s.”
With that, Steve hurried out, having some decency to not slam the door.
And then it was just Eddie, alone in the kitchen with the nasty thoughts and words that would soon bite back at him.
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loveinhawkins · 2 years
Part 1 Part 2 ao3 (Complete)
He has strange dreams.
Sometimes they’re not so bad. Sometimes he can hear Eddie’s voice encouraging him, “Yeah, there you go. That’s it, Steve, just keep breathing.”
Sometimes Eddie sounds strange, too, like he’s laughing and crying at the same time—muttering unsteadily, “C-come on, up you go. Shit, shit, shit. You’ve gotta help me out here, Steve.”
But then he’s flying, falling through darkness, and everything turns awful.
Fire. Flames all over his skin, burning, burning, and he has to kick, strike out, get away, but someone’s pinning him down—
“Y-you’ve gotta stay still. Wheeler, Wheeler, his leg, watch his—hey, Steve, shh, shh, just stop moving, man, please.”
Make it stop make it stop stop STOP STOP—
“Shh, shh, I know, I know. Take my hand, hey, you can break it, fucking go for it, man, I don’t care.”
Please I just want it to stop please please please just let me—
“Hey, hey, hey, you can’t go to sleep right now, okay? Just a little longer, Steve, we’re getting you some help, you’ve just gotta keep your eyes—”
It’s too much too much too much, just want it to end, I want I want—
“One more minute, Steve, you hear me? I’ll count, and then—you’re gonna be all right, this time it’ll be—”
One last flash of lucidity.
Eddie. Eddie’s hand in his hair, Eddie’s lips against his temple, wet with tears.
“I’m sorry. I’m s-so—God, just. Please.”
Another dream.
A new voice. Makes him think of summer, and butterscotch ice-cream, and laughter.
“Hi, Steve. Got a present for you, so you—you’d better, um… God, you’d find this so damn f-funny, wouldn’t you? Guess it’s more proof we’re from the same womb, huh? Ugh, gross image, Rob, thanks. Sorry. Just thought I’d say it for you.”
Don’t cry, Robin. It’s okay. Don’t cry.
“What? Is Buckley okay? Wheeler.”
“Yeah, she’s—she’s fine. It’s—they said—”
“Oh God.”
“—it might not work.”
A strangled, pained noise. Footsteps. A door slamming.
Where are you going? Come back. Come back.
Sleep. Drift. Try to wake. Sleep.
He dreams of fire.
Fire fire fire stop STOP—
Hand pressing down on his forehead, cold, cold, but he’s much too hot, he’s going to burn up, he can’t—he’s going to die, he’s dead already, it’s too much, it’s—
“Steve, Steve, just try and—hey, it’s just me, you’re okay, you’ve just gotta—oh Christ, please, Steve, just lie back. I know it’s hard, I know, I know.”
The scratch of a needle.
“Stop, stop! You’re hurting him, don’t you get it, you’re—”
A hand in his. Cold metal. Rings.
“Oh, holy shit.” Shocked laughter, breathless with relief. “That’s it, Steve, that’s it. Break my fucking fingers, dude, I dare you.”
Everything slips…
The fire goes out. Cold sweat. Shivering.
Lips on his temple. A kiss.
“You did it. You fucking did it, Steve, you’re amazing, you’re—that’s it, sweetheart, just breathe. Rest now. I’ve got you. Shh, I’ve got you.”
“Everyone’s fine, by the way. …God, it was fucking terrifying me, saying that out loud, y’know? Like I’d jinx it, or… Then I started thinking that you made a deal or something. Was the only way it made sense. Like, what are the odds that everyone else made it, and… Even me, man, thought I was a goner for… So I —I kinda pretended you’d made a trade, with God or the Devil or—I don’t know. Your life for… Wouldn’t put it past you. But that’s—that’s bullshit, okay? They… they don’t need saving anymore, Steve. They just need you.”
Eyes too heavy to…
“Hey, hey, you’re good. Take it easy.”
Tongue slow. Throat scraped raw. Swallow.
“D’st’n. Dust…”
“Shh. Dustin’s just fine, Steve. Promised you, didn’t I?”
“Nah, man. Not anymore.”
“Oh. I’m—I’m good, Steve. You sleep some more, ‘kay? You’ll feel better.”
Hand in his.
Waking up properly is a slow, taxing thing. Eventually he blinks leaden eyelids open. Sees his left hand, lying limp: palm covered with gauze so only his fingers are really visible.
Footsteps, pacing the room. Back and forth, back and forth.
Steve wets his cracked lips and says the only thing he can.
Eddie freezes. Glances over. Lets out a shaky kind of scoff.
“He’s safe. D’you know how many times you’ve asked me that, Harrington?”
Steve tries to straighten up. Humours him.
“I dunno, twice?”
Eddie makes a noise imitating a klaxon, like Steve’s just got an answer wrong on a quiz show.
“Nope! Lost count after ten.”
Then Eddie looks at him, really looks at him, and he somehow gets even more still, as if he’s suddenly holding his breath.
“You’re—you’re back,” he says. “Can see it in your eyes. You’re really… fuck.”
He starts pacing again, his spine a rigid line of tension. Steve follows his every move, even though his eyes start to ache with the effort.
“You’re angry,” Steve says quietly.
Eddie shakes his head, breathes out a laugh through clenched teeth. “Yeah. Guess you could say that.”
He comes to an abrupt stop at the foot of the bed—a hospital bed, Steve realises, as one of Eddie’s hands grips the bottom rail, like he needs it to keep standing.
“This much,” Eddie says conversationally, and he shows his thumb and forefinger with barely any space between them.
“That’s how close Henderson’s bite was to the femoral artery. Twenty seconds more? Hell, ten seconds? Those damn bats would’ve kept coming, and at least one of them would’ve fucking struck gold ‘cause I couldn’t fucking shield him properly in the goddamn first place, and he would’ve bled out in my arms. So yeah, Steve. I’m angry.”
“But that.” Steve frowns, hopes that he sounds understanding. Gentle. “That didn’t happen, Eddie.”
Eddie laughs again. He looks down, hair hanging so that Steve can’t see his face; he can see his knuckles on the bed frame though, turning white.
“I’m angry ‘cause you were right.” Eddie sucks in a breath, and when he raises his head, his eyes are burning. “I hate that you were right.”
“I don’t—”
“If you hadn’t done—done what you did.” Eddie falters, takes another breath. “Dustin would’ve died. I would’ve died. And I’m angry, I’m so fucking angry that that probably justifies it all for you.”
Steve sighs. “Justifies what?” he asks, though he suspects he already knows.
“That a world without you is any way fucking acceptable.”
Steve resists the urge to sigh again. “Eddie,” he says, tries to sound as matter-of-fact as he can without being a dick about it. “Look, man, I know you’re new to the whole—everything—but sometimes, things happen. People can get hurt, and—”
“No,” Eddie says. “No, you don’t get to do that. Don’t play that card. Yeah, I know I’m a fucking newborn to the whole alternate dimension shtick, but hey, the one thing I can say about myself is that I catch on pretty fucking quick.” He points at Steve, sharp and accusatory. “And I know if anyone else tried to pull the shit that y-you just—you would’ve stopped it in a heartbeat. I know you would have. So. Why?”
For a moment, Steve has to look away. He has the horrible feeling, suddenly, that Eddie’s eyes can see right through him. “Why what?”
“Why are you so determined that it has to be you?”
Steve swallows. He doesn’t know how to put it into words; doesn’t know how to say that his mind has played every scenario on a loop throughout the very worst of nights. That the thought of anyone else dying turns his world into static, the horror far too much to process. That, in comparison, the fear of his own death seems small. Trivial.
So instead, he looks Eddie right in the eye, because the guy deserves that, at least.
“Anyone else wasn’t an option,” Steve gets out.
He means for it to sound strong, determined, but he doesn’t think he succeeds, because Eddie’s eyebrows furrow like he can hear the fear in the words.
“And if—if it had to come down to it,” Steve continues, “I’d rather it—I’d—Dustin, he. He would’ve had you, and—”
Eddie laughs yet again, and it’s tipping into something hysterical. He presses the heel of his palms against his eyes. “You barely know me.”
“I know enough,” Steve returns.
Eddie drops his hands. “I’ve barely known Dustin a year, man! And what am I even—I’m just the leader of his glorified fucking after-school club, I’m not—”
“Eddie, come on. You know you’re more than that.”
So much more.
But Eddie is shaking his head again. “Don’t you get it?” he says faintly. “Don’t you get how irreplaceable you are? Dustin, he—when I left him with the girls, he kept crying out for you. He was in pain, he was scared, and he wanted you. Yeah, he might think I’m the cool weirdo at high school, fucking whatever, but you—you’re his family.”
Steve abruptly finds a spot in the ceiling, blinks back the stinging in his eyes. “You gonna—” He clears his throat. “You gonna sit down?”
Eddie answers by scraping a chair along the floor until he throws himself into it, knees almost touching the side of Steve’s bed.
“I really hate blood, you know?” Eddie says, after a long silence. “Like, there was a biology lesson where… it was a dissection, the teacher was demonstrating, she’d barely made a cut with that scalpel thingy and I just…” He claps his hands together. “Fainted dead away. It was so embarrassing. Was almost glad when the Satan rumours started, at least it was a distraction from…”
A pause. Eddie leans forward.
“But with you… when we got you—in the ambulance, and—I watched everything. I didn’t look away, not for a second. Not for one fucking second.”
Steve exhales. “Why?”
“So I could say they didn’t just call it. That they tried, at least. That they fucking fought for you. ‘Cause that’s what we all were doing, we—we weren’t letting you go just like that. You shoulda seen Wheeler, man, thought she was gonna murder the docs with just one look. And Buckley, she—” A flicker of emotion passes across Eddie’s face. “You know you two have the same blood type?”
“Oh,” Steve breathes, then thinks it’s no wonder he survived, with Robin’s strength now flowing in his veins.
“Even that was touch-and-go for a while.” Eddie rubs a hand down his face, looks thoroughly exhausted. “Like, Dustin was feverish for a bit, and they reckon I’d already puked it up, but you—there were some white-coats who knew about… and they thought. That. That there was so much venom in you from those bats that you’d… your body would reject Robin’s blood.” He bows his head. “For a while, I thought… I thought…”
Steve puts all his effort into lifting his hand. Manages to reach the top of Eddie’s head, fingers curling weakly into his hair.
“Eddie, I’m—I’m sorry.”
It’s not enough; he knows it’s not enough. But it’s all he has.
Eddie gently removes Steve’s hand. Uncurls Steve’s fingers, like he’s seeing them for the very first time.
“This one was the worst,” he whispers. “Throughout all of it.” He stares down at the palm covered in gauze, and his eyes fill with tears. “Because when you—when you brought out the knife, that’s. That’s when I knew for sure. What you were gonna—” His voice breaks.
Steve doesn’t know how to make this better. Thinks that he’d settle for making Eddie smile. That would be worth something. Everything.
“I meant it, y’know. Wasn’t just the blood loss talking.”
Eddie sniffs. “Meant what?”
“That you’re beautiful.” Eddie chuckles. One tear falls down his cheek. He doesn’t wipe it away. “Nah. When you said that, I was like oh, you’re really out of it, huh?”
“Don’t think that was it.” Steve gathers the last of his bravery. “Think I just—didn’t wanna die with it going unsaid.”
Eddie makes a noise, a pained mixture of a gasp, sob and laugh.
“I thought you were… beautiful, t-too,” he says through uneven, stuttering breaths.
Steve makes a face of distaste to get him to laugh again; it works, except for the fact that he also starts to sob even more.
“Yeah, bet I was a pretty picture.”
“Steve. I mean it. You—you were looking down at Dustin, I saw you, and I just. You looked so… so fucking devoted, you were glowing with it. I think.” His voice turns tearful again. “I think I knew even then. I just remember—remember thinking oh God, he—he loves so damn much that he’s gonna die for it.”
He puts a hand over his eyes. Weeps.
Steve’s heart shatters.
“But I didn’t,” he murmurs. “Eddie, hey. I didn’t. I’m still here.”
He lifts his hand again, reaches for him. Very clumsily touches his cheek, until Eddie jerks back with a muttered, “I’m gonna get your bandages wet.”
“Guess I’ll just have to kiss you instead,” Steve replies—and ordinarily that level of boldness might have shocked him, but fuck it; he’s been through enough that the nerves barely register. Can only really feel a sudden wave of exhaustion, anyway.
Eddie snorts—seems to be so taken aback that he stops crying. “Was that a fucking line? In a hospital bed, no less? You have zero shame, Steve Harrington.”
Steve smiles, suppressing a yawn. “Did it work?”
Eddie smiles back. Tears still shine on his face. He pauses, then says, “One,” lifting up a finger like he’s haggling. “Then I’d better go tell someone you woke up.”
And Steve is quickly becoming too tired to do much in the way of responding, so that the whole thing ends up being just a brief press of lips against one another. Even then, it’s the best. Because Eddie’s lips are warm, and all Steve can taste is the salt of his tears. No blood.
Eddie draws back just a little, gives one last lingering peck. Then he moves away.
Steve’s eyes are delayed in opening; when he manages it, he sees Eddie giving him a tender smile.
“Oh, it was a goodnight kiss, I see,” Eddie teases.
Eddie leans forward again, this time to kiss Steve’s forehead. It makes Steve’s eyes close instinctively, and then he can’t seem to open them again.
Eddie chuckles. Sighs. “You’re fading, sweetheart. Gonna go fetch a doctor, then I’ll be right back. Promise.”
“Mm. Trust you.”
Trust you with everything.
He hears Eddie standing up, pushing the chair aside—everything muffled, but softly so. Not frightening. Not anymore.
As Steve drifts off, his last thought is that Eddie had been right; he would’ve died for love.
But now…
Now he’d like to try living for it.
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starsandhughes · 1 year
Penalty Box— Quinn Hughes Edition (Part Sixteen)
previous: fifteen
next: seventeen
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liked by _quinnhughes, lhughes_06, and 8,552 others
yourusername welcome to my postgame penalty box update show: quinnjamin edition! he is at one game more than the total amount of goals scored tonight in the very sad 4-1 loss against the kings. tonight was what the canucks called “autism acceptance night” which really warms my heart. it’s much better than “autism awareness” because we are all clearly aware of autism.
what DID happen tonight was quinn getting hit up against the boards, something that rarely ever happens! i checked both broadcasts, and both were very perplexed as to how he was in that situation. rough him up, kings! just don’t kill him! i’m all for it!
special shoutout to petey (@_eliaspettersson)! he was given a double minor, protested it, and the penalty was wiped! good for him! he even drew a penalty tonight by getting high sticked by quinton byfield— so one quint(i/o)n was in fact in the box tonight. love ya, petey!
my second shoutout is to akita hirose (@/kithirosee) for making his nhl debut tonight! you were great tonight, kid! welcome to the team! i’m sure i’ll love you when i meet you!
and, as always, shoutout to quintin for not dying in his 29:38 minutes of ice time! and for putting up with me <3 i love you with my whole butt!💙
tagged _quinnhughes
view all 239 comments
_quinnhughes it’s all fun and games until i get hurt, missy
yourusername i’m sorry, you missed a step in this conversation
_quinnhughes i love you, too, y/n/n💙
yourusername tysm continue
_quinnhughes it’s all fun and games until i get hurt, missy
yourusername so don’t jinx yourself you dumb slut!
_quinnhughes right, of course. my bad.
user1 the commentators truly were gobsmacked at huggy getting hit lmao
lhughes_06 rip quinn but that was funny
yourusername it twas
jackhughes top notch comedy imo
_quinnhughes don’t i suffer enough? must we bully me?
lhughes_06 @_quinnhughes you haven’t suffered enough
jackhughes @_quinnhughes not even close
yourusername @_quinnhughes just family things✨
user2 the canucks have a new player every game now let’s see how long this streak lasts
trevorzegras have a nice time hugging the glass, huggy bear? @_quinnhughes
_quinnhughes have a nice time getting rammed into the boards by petey last game?
trevorzegras …
yourusername “the woman was too stunned to speak”
user3 i thoroughly enjoy the extremely brief somewhat of a game recap y/n gives us now
user4 everyone lost tonight and i hated it thx
kithirosee thank you! can’t wait to meet you!
_quinnhughes she is in fact great don’t let these posts fool you
yourusername @_quinnhughes s a p
_quinnhughes i stand corrected
_alexturcotte maybe if they hit him hard enough he’ll go feral
yourusername i like your thinking turcs!
_quinnhughes i do not
yourusername aw boo hoo :(
user5 huggy said 😛 but less happy
jackhughes what if i fight him? do you support this?
yourusername interesting. i have not pondered this.
_quinnhughes i’ll win
jackhughes @_quinnhughes i’m bigger than you
yourusername @/jackhughes he might be small but he be scary (like me)
_quinnhughes @/yourusername thank you…?
_eliaspettersson i love you too!
yourusername you’re so sweet <3 unlike some people!
_quinnhughes @/yourusername I SAID IT BACK, WOMAN
yourusername @_quinnhughes AFTER I CALLED YOU OUT, HIMBO
_eliaspettersson added this to their story
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brittle-doughie · 2 years
Yooo, that mourning y/n cookie fic was top tier!♡ I gotta more uplifting request to balance out the angst with some sugar and spice😘
y/n sending some of their old books to the kid cookies, but inadvertently brings their old photo album instead: not only do the kid cookies, and some of the adults, see the usual mature but fun loving y/n cookie as either a rough and tumble gang member or a shy inverted geek (you can pick whichever would be more embarrassing for them), they also see some of the old photos of y/n cookie with old friends, new friends, and a few polaroids of their now crumbled spouse.... If you write one of them asking "who's that," istg-
- Drama anon🥀
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Congratulations, you jinxed yourself, man.
And so, the jelly worm told the jelly frog, “Why do worms go across the playground? To get to the other mud slide!”
The crowd of young cookies giggled and laughed among themselves with that joke! Every one in this joke book you had never failed to brighten up with spirits with laughter. Even some adults around the library couldn’t help but chuckle a little at it.
You had volunteered at the city’s library to read some books you’ve brought to the younger cookies that came there. The staff did try to pay you for your time, but you declined. You’ve always wanted to share the wonders of what you’ve read in hopes the cookies might like it too. You did have plans that day, but if it was for the young ones’ sake, you suppose you can move things around!
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“*sniffle*…can you read us another book? Please?”
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“Tell us another book, Y/N Cookie! You have to tell us another book.”
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“I wouldn’t mind listening to more stories from you, Y/N Cookie!”
You chuckled as you rubbed the back of your head nervously. You weren’t expecting them to really like what you brought, so it brought you relief that they end up liking it after all. You thanked them for doing so as you reached for your last one.
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“Come on, what’s that last book you got there? I’m seeing some pictures on it…of you?”
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“Y/N Cookie, is that really a book? It looks more like a….photo album?
What did they mean-your look suddenly changed to that of horror as you spotted the picture ridden cover of your photo album?! What the?! How did this happen? Did you accidentally leave the album at the bottom of your book stack when you took it with you?! Oh geez, you were incredibly embarrassed at what the others were already seeing on it. Photos of you on vacation, exploring a cave, you next TK’s machine you’ve just fixed while giving a thumbs up.
You quickly shuffle the album behind your back before awkwardly tell the cookies around you that story time was over for today and you’ll be seeing them next. You were already getting up to go before the young cookies started to make a fuss and you stopped there anxiously.
“*sob* You’re leaving already? But..I want to see the album…*sniffle*”
“Yeah, we want to look at the album too! Let us look at the album.”
“I want to look at it too, but if it’s too much to ask, I understand…”
“This is totally your choice though, Y/N. We aren’t going to pressure you if you don’t wanna.”
“I second that!”
Oh did you want to take the opportunity to just run on out of there in embarrassment and just hide under your covers…but seeing the hopeful look of the younger cookies with the accepting looks from the older ones made you ponder for moment as you think for a moment…run off with your photo album abruptly and be done with the day…or….you swallow your embarrassment and be open about your past.
You made your choice, you took a deep breath…
and walked out the door…
The younger cookies looking down saddened as the older ones just looked to the side, accepting that you valued your history, so they were not going to pry you about it…
Everyone looked up in surprise as the doors opened and saw you coming back in with a determined smile on your face as you sat back down with the photo album in your hands.
Sorry for walking out like that, you just had to put away all the books into your vehicle for a second there. Now, who was ready to learn a little more about you?
The cookies around you couldn’t get more interested and excited. The young cookies gathered in front of you as Bellflower and Pizza Cookie went to your sides.
You turned the album to your first series of photos, your school days.
You were the shy, but incredibly smart one in your class. You didn’t do much to socialize with the cookies in your class, you just sorta stuck to yourself as you worked on your assignments.
This made you look more endearing to your fellow classmates as anyone who had a bone to pick with you for some reason would have to face a group of cookies ready to defend you from whatever accusations this bully was trying to say.
You weren’t exactly a small cookie, you just didn’t like confrontation all that much, so usually other cookies would come to your aid for you. Saving you the trouble…..and pretty much having that cookie hanging off you for the day.
One cookie in particular was White Cactus Cookie
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She’s alive, y’all
Seeing how non-threatening you were just made White want to scoop you into her arms for a hug.
When it came to group projects, you were always paired with her, Cactus herself seeking you out immediately when the time to pick began. She’ll even strategically seat herself next to you in the event group projects did happen.
She introduced you to her friend, Black Garlic Cookie, whom became your second major friend in the school days. If someone needed to see you, 9/10 you’re with both of the girls.
When it came to cookies who thought you were an easy target, they were in for a scare as White Cactus would creep on behind them and give them a frightful jolt as she screamed. She would innocently wave them bye as they ran down the hall and out of sight.
She would hug and snuggle the hell out of you after completing a group project. She was so proud of you working so hard on it!
Here’s to a wonderful school year together with you and her~
And that photo right there was White Cactus chasing off the cheerleading captain for taking her spot next to me during lunch. White Cactus..didn’t like it when other cookies tried to get all close to you. You two were the best of friends in school, nothing would change that!
“She sounds a little scary, but she’s a nice friend…*sniffle*”
“Those mean Cookies deserved it for picking on you! They deserved it.”
“It is nice to have friends there for you, even if they can be scary!”
“You were just minding your own business, I feel like they deserved what they got.”
“Cookies shouldn’t be bringing down each other! It was nice to hear that you had a cookie to look out for you!”
You appreciated the words from the others about your friend, White Cactus Cookie. You do hope that she’s doing well after graduating…
You shook your head off the thought as you turned to the next page-oh.
This phase in your life may be a little weird to explain…
Who would’ve thunk it that after having a fairly normal upbringing and graduating from school, that life would deal you a bad hand and you were at rock bottom. In any attempt to find a way to keep up with the rising payments, you had to locate a different kind of job…
In other words? You essentially became part of a gang.
They claimed to be..a crew of timeline hopping misfits? And they’ve picked YOU to join them!
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Twizzly Gummy took notice of your situation and wanted to be merciful, how about a spot on her crew!? There’s always room for another! It wasn’t like you had any other choice anyway, once she sets her eye on something, she’s taking it!
You wanted to decline. Despite life being hard for you, you didn’t want to have to turn to villainy to help you out…but you gaze at the spread of papers with payment orders on your desk within your apartment….you were at a loss.
“Come on!! What do ya say?! Together with us, you can have all the coins you could’ve ever want!”
“Why work when you can just rob a cookie! Way easier if you’re askin’ me!”
“Think this through, bro. You won’t have to worry about paying for anything for the rest of your life.”
“Yeah, you wouldn’t be in this dump anymore, that’s for sure…”
Again, you didn’t have a choice, did you?
And that’s how you ended up becoming the new cookie in Twizzly Gummy’s crew. Taking up a defender role, you donned a club and a shield as you became the wall that kept the crew from harm. Throughout your time with them, you only grew more sturdy and withstanding, evident in your dough, but you had never hurt a cookie during these robberies, you never could…
The coins from these heists proved true to their words, it was so much that you could actually start affording things you wanted, not just needs…it…got to you. Morals were suppressed as you went on these heists with your crew, you let the prospect of finally obtaining the things you wanted get to your head.
Until the reality of your actions hit you like a brick when an organization known as the Time Balance Department arrested the whole crew. The high of getting all of this coin came crashing down on you as you were carried off with the rest of the crew.
Thank Fortuna that whoever was listening answered your plight as you got a lighter sentence for your crimes. Despite all of the crimes you’ve committed, you never once used violence on others in any way, you were more of a shield for the crew to hide behind, the club was just to look fearsome.
You served your time and walked away a free cookie, clean from the whole situation, and started anew. One of the guards looked up your file and expressed sympathy. If you were ever in need of a job, there might be just the place…
The photos to signify this time in your life were the photos of you and the crew, with the last one being the only copy of your mugshot.
A concern did occur to you. What if the crew ever broke out of their prison, what would they do…and if they’re looking for you.
Note: Y/N Cookie’s backstory is totally up to you, the reader. This is just one of many that could happen to you.
You covered your face in shame and embarrassment as the cookies around you had surprised and shocked looks.
You had to make it very clear to them that you wiped your hands of this part of your past. You paid to have it scrubbed off your record and you were a completely different cookie now then before.
You regretted ever taking that offer and you could only hope to make up for it some day. It’s fine if they want to stay away from you for that.
“B-but why would I do that…*sniffle*…you’re so nice to me…”
Eh? What-
“We all make mistakes, like Pawn White does without me. Hey!”
“You learned from your mistakes and became an even better cookie now. You never hurt another cookie and grew from this!”
“Yeah, as long as you did your time and realized that it was a pretty stupid thing to do, you’re all good.”
“I do feel bad for the robbed cookies, did you ever give back what those cookies stole from them?”
You brightened up once your turned to the next page. Now THIS is when your redemption arc began!
You were pondering the offer the guard had given you. A spot…in the Time Balance Department? The exact organization that arrested you back then? Was this a good idea? Would they hold your past against you and reject your application? Your mind wandered oh so much.
Until you received a call. You jumped a bit before answering it and a voice called for your name.
“Hey, is this Y/N Cookie? Nice, the name’s Croissant Cookie! I’m an engineer at the Time Balance Department and have heard that you’ve shown interest applying here, at least from what I’m told.”
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Well, it was nice to meet this Croissant Cookie! If she was calling you, then you assumed that you got the job?
“Yep! We looked over your resume and everything seemed to be in order! We know you might have had a crummy point in your life, but here at the TBD, you can do genuine work and it benefits other cookies too! It’s a win-win!”
That was perfect. After a pretty bad choice in your life, you were worried that you may have had a bad reputation there and could get your application rejected, so it was nice of them to have actually accepted it. You accepted the offer and scheduled later to see the place, your voice gaining a chipper and hopeful tone!
“Welcome to the TBD, Y/N Cookie. I have a feeling that if it’s like this conversation, then we can become the best of friends here. See you soon!”
You will admit, you were a bit hesitant during the initial hiring since their main deal was handling things related to time that you worry you could mess up something that could be pretty important. Luckily, you had a cookie to guide you through your new job, Croissant Cookie.
The photo to commemorate this part of your life was a photo of you and Croissant doing a thumbs up at the camera.
You still work for the TBD to this day, repairing any machines that needed fixing and helping out your fellow coworkers with anything in that field. You were referred to as one of the TBD’s handycookies! Pretty interesting title.
“What a nice ending…*sniffle*”
“Working for the TBD? That sounds important! It does sounds important.”
“You made it through to now, Y/N Cookie. I’m happy to hear things are okay now!”
“That was totally redeeming if you want my two coins on it.”
“That answers my question. Still the Y/N Cookie I know in the end hehe!”
You thanked them with a smile as you turned to the end of the album…and come across some old polaroids of you…and an unfamiliar cookie.
These photos were much more intimate in nature, with you hugging and kissing them Cookie on the cheek, the cookie warmly receiving them with a happy smile. Your smile turned more solemn, but never losing its warmth as you looked at them.
You caressed your nonexistent thumb over the photo as you looked at it, looking back on the memory in your head. That day where you and that cookie looked at the sunset together, leaning on each other. You remember whispering your love for them and them doing so in return…you could feel a tear well up in your eye.
The cookies around you eyed the photos in curiosity. Lollipop breaking the silence by asking,
“Woah, that cookie looks very nice to you! Who is that?”
You turned to Lollipop with your almost sad smile.
Someone amazing…
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lady-griffin · 2 years
A Few Seconds After Jinx and Silco’s First Hug
Silco: I’ve ascended to my true form... a single father.
A Week After Their First Hug
Sevika: You do know she’s not your real, actual daughter, right?
Silco: What?! Of course, she is. We hugged!
Sevika: I’m sorry, what?
Silco: Do you think I would hug a child that wasn’t my own?
Sevika: I mean, obviously no... But-
Silco: Do you think that I just go around hugging random children that I don’t know in alleyways and then adopt them because of said hug? Is that what you think, Sevika?!
Sevika: Okay, obviously you don’t do that. But to be clear - THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT YOU DID WITH JINX!
A Few Weeks After Their First Hug
Sevika: I still don’t think you understand how becoming a parent actually works.
Silco: Seriously Sevika, it’s like you weren’t even there to see our life-changing hug.
Sevika: I didn’t see it. I was knocked unconscious from her stupid bomb in my attempt to save your stupid life, you fucking asshole.
Silco: ... Are you still mad that your new arm hasn’t come in yet? I told you it’s on its way.
Jinx and Silco Hug For the First Time
Silco: I’ve become a father.
Vander’s Ghost: You haven’t become shit.
Silco: No, we hugged; pretty sure that means she’s my daughter and I’m her father now.
Several Years Later - 
Silco is killed by Jinx, but he doesn’t hate nor blame her; instead, he uses his last words to try and comfort her in the best way he can think of due to the impossible and awful situation that they’re in.
Vander’s Ghost: Fine... you were her father... whatever.
Vander’s Ghost: You’re still a fucking bastard.
I do think it actually took Silco some time to start seeing Jinx as his daughter, but also...
It’s genuinely so much funnier to think that because Silco is someone who would never hug a child, let alone care about someone like he does for Jinx, unless they were in fact his child, that means the second he hugged her - she 100% became his child and he does not understand why everyone is not understanding this.
Seriously they hugged!!! Clearly that means he and Jinx have always been father and daughter; just because they didn’t know each other beforehand and aren’t biologically related, doesn’t mean they weren’t always father and daughter.
No, but in all (some) seriousness - I feel like for anyone else it’s just a hug – it doesn’t have to mean anything at all. But for Silco, for this disaster of a man, who is so damaged, it’s a HUG.
It’s a physical act of affection and it means everything to him, because he doesn’t do that shit lightly.
Once he returned her hug, he was never going to break his promise to her; once he returned that hug, she was his child.
Vander: I don’t think you understand how adoption or becoming a parent works.
Silco: I don’t think you understand how it fucking works; half of your children are dead!
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Holyrood Palace Gardens, Edinburgh | Day before the Wedding
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Magdalena: I take it we um…googled each other? Magnus: yeah…can I say that what happened to you is just awful! I cannot believe they still have power! Magdalena: They have a lot of control in the government….Mom is working with Dad and Grandpa to change it since this is not the first time they’ve caused harm to a royal. They just about fucked up Dad’s life prior to my birth by attempting to force him into marry my egg donor and stone walling the investigation on the attempt on her life at the same time..
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Magdalena: Between them, people at school, and the press it’s just snowballed. Hence why I’m in Pierreland. Magnus: I’m glad that they are taking care of you Magdalena…Anything concerning about me that you found? Magdalena [giggling]: Surprisingly, no! Everything seems normal! I did see pictures of you and young Oliver and they were quite adorable! I…I envy the normalcy.
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Magnus: My life is normal all things considered…really the only royal things I do are events like weddings and some ceremonial duties but other than that it’s just the military and charity work. Magdalena: I do like that you work with Pups for Life. It’s always been a special charity to my family, especially my parents. Magnus: I’ve been meaning to ask. By mom, do you mean Crown Princess Minerva?
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Magdalena: Yes…she’s been my mom since forever….the woman who gave birth to me [Magdalena softly exhales] I’m only reminded that she contributed when I look in the mirror Magnus: I’m sorry for bringing her up. If it helps, you take after your Mom much more. I had the honor to hear her speak at a Pups for Life event in Pierreland once and it was so inspiring. Magdalena: She does have a knack for it.
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Magnus [panicking and stammering]: You do as well! I was inspired to get back into my music due to your studies. If I didn’t have to join the military, I would’ve been a musician. Magdalena: What’s stopping you? Magnus: Duty…the fact I already committed…the fact that it just isn’t done. Magdalena: Oh I fucking hate that excuse. [Magnus laughs] Would you do music professionally? Magnus [chuckling]: I do not have your talents Magdalena…I may stick to doing music privately but I am open to incorporating charities for music education. Magdalena: I can definitely wait till my life becomes nothing but charity work. It seems so…boring Magnus: It is the royal life. Lots of privilege means we must raise awareness of causes.
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Magdalena: I get it…it’s just, the microscope feels stifling but then again, [jokes] I guess the press doesn’t find you interesting enough! Magnus [laughing]: Don’t jinx me! I’m sure they’ll take more interest now that Oliver is getting married…or they won’t, who knows! I just take comfort in the fact that I will only be pushed farther down the succession line and that I desire a quiet life. I…I wish…no I want to give you that level of peace. Magdalena: I’d like that
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Louis: There she is! What the fuck is she doing with Prince Magnus? Henri: There you are brother. Spying on Maggie is a new low for you.
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Louis: I’m not spying Henri: Which is exactly what someone who isn’t spying would say. Louis: I’m just…worried about her… Henri: Really? Well color me shocked! Considering you were ignoring her for the past 2 months after you found out about her boyfriend. Louis: Who is a Prince and didn’t tell her. Henri: And she didn’t say she was a princess they’re even. Now come on.
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Louis: He is suspicious…I mean…he’s Oliver’s age! Henri: You do know that Oliver was Maggie’s childhood crush right? Louis: Wait really? Henri: Man…for a best friend, you really don’t know a lot…now we need to get lost before Maggie sees you lurking out here and decides to slap you into next week.
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Maria Aisha: There you two are! Mama is looking for you Louis. She wants to talk to you. Louis: About? Maria Aisha: Like I know. She doesn’t tell me shit. Figured you’d be spying on Maggie. You’re predictable and also horrible at spying. Doesn’t PIMA teach you to study your surroundings- Louis: Aisha, watch it Maria Aisha: oooo, I’m so scared. Henri: if you’re gonna spy, get better at it bro.
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Katalina: Louis…I take it you know now that Maggie’s boyfriend is Prince Magnus [Louis grumbles] Katalina [annoyed]: What was that, Louis? Honestly, you are 19. I should not have to be asking for basics from you. Louis: I don’t trust him. Katalina: Well Maggie does. And that’s what I’m going to talk to you about—
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Louis: What? that I need to trust Maggie more? Katalina: Well yes actually. Perhaps PIMA has taught you some things. Maggie has always been there for you. She’s always given you the benefit of the doubt and she’s even defended you at your dumbest moments [Louis opens his mouth to protest] I’m not finished yet Louis. The fact that you cannot trust her. Trust her judgement. It leaves me speechless. It puts you on the levels of the Lunarian House of-- Louis [defensively]: I am nothing like those old assholes! Katalina [sighing]: Then act like it! Stop giving her the silent treatment. Attempt to get to know Magnus. She’s not just someone you can call when you need her and then push aside, which was evident when you had your dalliance with Eloise. Louis[angrily]: What does Eloise have to do with this? Katalina: Because Maggie had misgivings about the relationship from the start, yet did you hear her telling you them while you both were dating? Did she freeze you out? Louis [mumbling]: No.. Katalina: Exactly. I expect you to do the same. For all of Maggie’s relationships. And it starts now.
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Katalina: You will not do anything to cause problems for Oliver and Hortense, do you understand? Louis: But- Katalina: Louis Charles Marc. If you do something, I swear to the Watcher…PIMA will not save you from my wrath. You think your father being angry is scary, you have yet to see angry. [Louis shudders] Do not cause an international incident. Are we clear? Louis: Crystal Mama…
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league-of-starlight · 7 months
Lux Voice Update concept:
First Move:
“The future can be bright, so long as we let hope live.”
“Come on, we’ve got a job to do.”
“In the name of magic, I shall punish the wicked!”
Long move:
“The people of Terbisia need me. Until I’m certain we can live without fear, I can’t return to Demacia with clear conscience.”
“The world might have darkness, but there’s still a lot of light if we go looking.”
First encounter:
“Have we met?”
“It’s not too late to leave.”
“I’d rather not blast you, so you can go.”
Joke response:
*Snort of laughter* “Okay, okay, that got me.”
Taunt response:
“I’ve been more afraid of my aunt than you.”
“Go to the light. It can’t harm you…”
“I’m sorry, but it was the only way.”
“It had to be done…”
“Be right back!”
“Starting to dim, got to brighten myself up!
(Stressed.) “If that happens to me one more time, I’m going to start blasting! Kidding, kidding…” *sigh*
“Woah! I’m… okay?”
“That was… dark.” *Nervous giggling.*
Character specific dialogue:
First encounter:
Annie: “A magic teddy bear? Now I’m getting jealous!”
Ezreal: *To herself* “Just ignore him, maybe he’ll leave.”
Fiora: *Imitating her accent* “En Guard, Miss Laurent!”
“Do you do anything besides fight?”
Galio: “Hey, sleepyhead! I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve grown up a lot since we last spoke. Three inches, to be precise.”
Garen: “…This is awkward.”
Jarvan: “You better keep an eye on those mageseekers.”
Jinx: “Have we met before? There’s something familiar.’
Katarina: “You might’ve helped me, but I’ve got my eye on you.”
Quinn: “Hi Quinn, hi Valor!”
Ryze: “If I win, could you teach me some rune spells? Please?”
Shyvana: “Has Jarvan ever ridden you into battle? What? I’m curious.”
Smoulder: “Aw, a little baby dragon!”
“I know someone who would love you!”
Sylas: “What do you want now?”
“Don’t you have enough magic?”
“If you get tired of fighting, I know somewhere you can stay.”
Crystal Rose: “Oh, I remember going to royal balls. So many would-be suitors.” *shivering sound.*
Ezreal: “I’m flattered but you’re really, REALLY not my type.”
Garen: “I’m not just your kid sister anymore.”
Jinx: “I think I had a dream about you? Uh, that’s not weird to say, is it?”
Sentinel skins: “Sentinels of Light? Mind if I tryout?”
Katarina: “Have you and Garen made it past first base? Come oooon, tell me!”
Zoe: “You can have that Ezreal guy. Please, I’m begging you.”
Taunt Response:
Garen: (playfully) “Don’t be mean, Garen!”
Katarina: “Wait till I tell Garen about that!”
Nocturne: “Big talk for a shadow.”
Ezreal: “Take a hint! Honestly…”
Garen: No, no, no, I’m sorry, I’m… *sigh*
Jinx: “…Why did you look so happy when I blasted you?”
Ryze: “Looks like I win.”
Sentinels: “Did I pass? …Oh. Hm. Too bright?”
Sylas: “The future will be bright. I just wish you could see it.”
Joke: “What’s a double rainbow? Ah, well… give me a minute, um…”
(Second time.)
“Well, a "double rainbow" is a phenomenon of optics that displays a spectrum of light due to the sun shining on droplets of moisture in the atmosphere. Does that explain it?”
(Third time in quick succession.)
“I’m not saying it again. Sorry.”
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agaypanic · 10 months
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Poor Choice of Words (Malcolm Wilkerson X Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: Excited about your new relationship with Malcolm, you two decide to tell your friends about it. Your wording, however, is just a bit off.
A/N: the ask was really really long (no offense to the anon who wrote it <3) so i decided to just screenshot the request part that i wanted to use. anon gave a few story ideas and this was the one i liked the most. this is meant to be a part two to She Doesn’t Get It, but i think it can also be read on its own. also sorry it’s pretty short lol
A few weeks had gone by since you and Malcolm first started dating. After many months of dancing around feelings and miscommunicating, you didn’t want to jinx the relationship by immediately telling people about it. Malcolm, being absolutely smitten with you, agreed wholeheartedly.
But eventually, the two of you agreed that you were ready to tell your friends. Friends first, mainly because Malcolm didn’t know how Lois would react to him dating someone who behaved similarly to Reese. 
“Should you tell them, or should I?” You asked Malcolm as you walked to a lunch table. Cynthia and Stevie were already there, eating and conversing.
“Maybe you should do it. With how much I’ve talked about you to them, they might tune me out.”
“Aw, you talk to our friends about me?” You cooed, leaning into Malcolm a bit. He didn’t answer, but you noticed his bright red cheeks as you reached the table. “Hey guys!”
“Hey!” Cynthia waved at you enthusiastically as you sat down. “I feel like we haven’t seen you guys in a while.”
It was true. You and Malcolm started spending your lunch breaks together, usually under the bleachers at the football field. You were able to do couple things without people seeing. One of the people you had in mind was Reese, who liked snitching on Malcolm or using information against him.
“Yeah, I’ve been helping Y/n study.”
That wasn’t a total lie. Malcolm helped you with your classes a lot. But recently, you’ve been doing other things like making out.
“So what’s… new… with you guys?” Stevie asked, eyes darting between you and Malcolm. You looked to Malcolm, silently asking if he still wanted you to tell them the news. He nodded.
“Okay, it’s a good thing we’re all sitting down, because this might shock you.” Cynthia and Stevie immediately perked up, waiting for you to tell them the shocking news. “Malcolm and I…” You played with your fingers, excited but a bit nervous to finally say it. “We’re not friends anymore.”
Everyone looked at you confused, including Malcolm. You wondered why.
“That’s not what I was expecting…” Cynthia murmured, tilting her head in confusion and concern. “What happened?”
“Did he do… something… stupid?” Stevie asked. Malcolm looked offended.
“No, of course not! Why would you say that?” You were becoming as confused as everyone else.
“Y/n, that might be one of the worst ways to tell them we’re dating,” Malcolm informed you softly. You thought about it for a moment, quickly realizing how that could be taken the wrong way.
“You’re dating?!” Cynthia gasped, leaning forward in her seat. “Since when?”
“It’s been a few weeks.”
“Why didn’t… you tell us?”
“We wanted some time for ourselves.”
“Who confessed first?”
“I did.” You answered with a smile. Cynthia and Stevie looked at you and Malcolm, as if deep in thought.
“Yeah, that makes sense.”
“Hey!” Malcolm again looked a bit offended.
“What do you want us to say, Malcolm?” Cynthia laughed. “You spent so much time dropping hints, we thought you would’ve given up on telling her.”
“What hints?” You asked.
“I’ll tell you later,” Malcolm said, patting your thigh before looking at Cynthia. “If it means anything, I was gonna tell her, but she beat me to it.”
“It doesn’t,” Stevie said, shaking his head.
“Well, I’m happy for you guys.” Cynthia smiled at the two of you. Stevie agreed, and the two lightly interrogated you and Malcolm about your relationship. You ended up learning new things, mainly that you were terrible at taking hints.
Malcolm in the Middle Taglist: @rattilol
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orangepanic · 10 months
Iroh introduces Asami to his mother and grandfather.
Finally getting to this! Cross-posted to @korras-christmas day 3 prompt: Iroh/Asami Meet the In Laws (an excellent pairing and prompt imo)
Izumi both was and wasn’t sure what to expect in her youngest son’s first serious girlfriend since that awful break up. On the one hand, Iroh had fairly obvious tastes. All of the women she’d had the pleasure of being introduced to had been pert and lively, intelligent, outspoken, and were for the most part of a tall, leggy variety that Izumi assumed had something to do with the fact that Iroh himself had taken after Mai’s side of the family in the height department. She also had every reason to expect that whomever her son might have met on his various deployments—there had surely been some—since he’d left home followed a similar blueprint. Yet at the same time, Izumi was nervous. That her son was very serious about Miss Asami Sato was obvious. She could hear the love and admiration in his voice as thick as paste when he talked of her. But, United Republic? A foreigner? In her mind, she’d imagined that Iroh would sow his wild oats and live out his privateer fantasies in the United Forces for a few years before the big heart he tried so hard to hide tied him down to some worthy girl in Caldera. Now, she was facing the distinct possibility that her future daughter-in-law, a Princess of the Fire Nation, wasn’t from the Fire Nation at all. 
“You’re fidgeting,” said Honora. 
“No, I’m not,” said Izumi. She was. She let the comforting silk of her robes drop from between her fingers.
“It’s going to be fine,” said Honora. “No one can be worse than Azaia.”
“Don’t jinx it. And I liked Azaia. She was grounding for him. A good family.”
“You were the only one who liked her,” her wife grumbled. “Gold digger if I ever—”
The door handle jiggled. 
Izumi froze, all thoughts of her son’s failed engagement pushed out of her mind by the meeting to come. Asami. Asami Sato. Princess Asami? Only time would tell. 
The door to the Firelord’s audience chamber swung inward to reveal two figures. The first she’d recognize anywhere. Little Iroh, all grown up, looked like someone had run a live current through his body. His square jaw was so tight she worried he might crack his teeth. He gave her a rictus smile before stepping forward into a hug for her, then Honora.
“I’m sorry we’re late,” he said. “Bumpy landing.” Then he turned to the woman beside him. “Mother. Mother. I’d like you to meet Asami. Asami, these are my parents.”
“It’s so nice to finally meet you both,” said Asami. She stuck out her hand, paused, then pulled it back and pressed it to the base of her left hand to bow in the proper way instead. As expected, she was just Iroh’s type. Tall, slender, pretty, with long dark hair and an outfit that spoke to both wealth and good taste. Except for her pale green eyes he might have ordered her from a catalog.
“It’s so wonderful to meet you, too!” said Honora. “And none of that formality. Give me a hug, dear.” Without waiting for an invitation she pulled Asami down into a bear hug. Izumi saw her eyes widen in surprise. But she only laughed.
“I can do hugs,” said Asami. Once she was released she turned to Izumi. “Are you a hugger?” she asked. 
“I, uh, alright,” said Izumi. Asami stepped forward and hugged her tight. It felt good. When she pulled away Iroh had a little crooked smile on his face.
“Who wants lunch?” he asked.
“By which you mean if we don’t feed you soon you’re going to be a grump,” teased Asami. Her pale green eyes met Izumi’s. “I promise you I take the Iroh care and feeding program very seriously.”
Izumi smiled at that. She was the same way. “Good,” she said. “It’s important for a growing young man.”
Iroh grimaced and patted his flat stomach. “The only way I’m growing these days is out.”
“Oh, please.” Honora rolled her eyes. “You look emaciated, Iroh. Both of you are too skinny. Work, work, work, that’s all I hear from him. And you run a whole company, Asami? By yourself? Come, I’ve ordered everything good from the kitchens for us.”
Iroh grinned and turned to Asami. “I told you.”
“I’m game,” she said. 
“It’s spicy,” said Honora. “I can have the kitchens send up something more mild for you though.”
“Oh, don’t worry about that,” Iroh said. “Asami can eat a whole bag of fire flakes by herself.”
“Really?” Izumi found herself asking as they started to walk. Hmm. Perhaps United Republic wasn’t so bad after all?
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frownyalfred · 1 year
Saw the new chapter, gleefully pounced, and then saw your authors note. Aw man, I don’t read other peoples comments so I had no idea. I’m so sorry that’s going on. That stinks. As a reader who is not entitled to anything: I like your story a lot and would like to see more of it, but your sanity and general wellbeing come first. Take care of yourself, and I hope your comment section improves.
Thank you so much anon! I don’t want to jinx it but so far with the moderation and warning everything has been cordial. I have high hopes.
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samtheacesheep · 1 year
Milo Murphy’s Law Masterpost
Hi, I’m Sam! I am a massive Milo Murphy’s Law fan (and dwampyverse in general, but mml especially). I write mml fics, mostly in various aus. I really, really, really like angst, hurt/comfort and whump, but I do also write happy stuff. Sometimes. 
(I’m also so incredibly inactive forever rn I’m so sorry) On tumblr, all of my fics are tagged with: #I wrote a thing 
Any fanart is tagged #I drew a thing
I also sometimes post pictures of miniatures that I paint, tagged: #I painted a thing Masterpost list: 
Non Au: 
basically what it says on the tin. Not always canon, exactly, but not an au
Fantasy au: 
#mml fantasy au Set in a world with wizards, dragons, sorcerers, ghosts and angst. The main fic in this series is A Cursed Boy, a Wizard and an Human, which is about Zack, a human from the ordinary world, getting trapped in the fantasy world and trying to find his way home.  2nd Dimension Au: 
#mml 2nd dimension au 
Again, probably pretty self explanatory. Bucketloads of angst, Vanessa is pretty goddamn evil (sorry Nessa, I do love you), Milo is Sad.  Monsters Au: 
#mml monsters au
whoa it’s angst. In a world where monsters like vampires, oozes and flying rhinos exist, a well respected containment facility thinks that Murphys are monsters. And they do something about it. This au also has a split timeline, and a few oneshots in spinoff aus. Incredibly angsty and painful, read the tags.  Dystopia Au: 
#mml dystopia au
Milo and co are from the future, while Cavendish and Dakota are from the present. The future is dystopian, the corporation V-Tech controls everything. Melissa is a cyborg. The pnf cast are there.  Mage Au: 
#mml mage au 
Another fantasy au. This time, magic is illegal, and the punishment for being a mage is a painful death. Milo and Melissa have been raised by their mage parents, while Zack was born to humans and raised in human society to hate mages.
Technically set in ordinary Danville, but far removed enough that it counts. Cavendish and Dakota actually get a pair of counteragents from a rival time travelling organisation- which ends well for nobody.  The counteragents are my villain ocs Sally and Penelope, who are awful, terrible, evil bastards and I love them. Anything with Sally in it on tumblr will be tagged #sally, and “sally is back on her bullshit” on ao3.  https://archiveofourown.org/works/45343870/chapters/114080575 I wrote Cowboys and Counteragents with @hypersonicjd 
It’s a crossover between my Counteragents and his A New Frontier (space cowboys!!) series 
Ghost Au: 
#mml ghost au
Milo is a ghost who is haunting Zack, but he isn’t very scary.  https://archiveofourown.org/works/43696911 This fic is a spin-off oneshot, in which Milo is actually pretty scary. The Loneliest Kid Au: 
#the loneliest kid au 
Also an ongoing series. Zack joins Jefferson County Middle School, and meets Milo Murphy- who is kind and cheerful, but withdrawn, anxious when too close to people, and firmly opposed to being his friend. Zack is determined to change that. A slowburn friendship fic.  Epithet Jinxed: 
#epithet jinxed 
An Epithet Erased au! Milo, Melissa and Zack get locked in the museum after closing, during a robbery. They have to keep the Arsene Amulet out of the hands of dangerous people, and stop them from stealing Milo’s epithet - Jinx!  BoTT is Evil: 
Again, pretty self explanatory. Currently just a oneshot but I do have a multi-chapter fic in the works to explore the concept more.  Soulmates Au: 
A world where soulmates share injuries, and Milo, Melissa and Zack are platonic soulmates.  Champions Au: 
#mml champions au
Cavendish, Dakota, Savannah and Brick are ancient, powerful immortals. Milo, Zack, Melissa and Mort are their champions, mortals who save the world on their behalf. I haven’t written anything for this au yet
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kobedivision · 11 months
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ARB Birthday Special: Kaiji Sano
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~~ October 27th ~~
“If you were mine, if you were only mine, I'd bring you so much further down and twist your mind until the end of time.”
Login Lines:
“Hey cuties! It’s your favorite adorable cosplayer, Jinx here!…Ahaha! Wow, all of you are coming in fast, I can barely keep up! Oh! Thank you for the donation JinxLuver76! Let’s see here…’Happy Birthday Jinx!’”
“Oh that’s right! Haha! I can’t believe I forgot my own birthday, thank you soooo much everyone! I guess we can make this an impromptu birthday live! Let’s make this something to remember, okay?”
Voice Lines:
“Damn, 22 years old and I still look like I just graduated high school, not that I’m complaining, I mean who wouldn’t want to look young and beautiful? I wouldn’t trade it for anything, even if I have to deal with having to get carded at every bar and club I go to, how infuriating.”
“I’ve gotten to many messages and gifts from my fans, it just warms my heart! There’s nothing like the feeling of being pampered, I tell you and I especially deserved to be celebrated after all the shit I’ve gone through.”
“Yes mom, thank you and for the 14th time, I’m okay, Nagisa’s okay too, we’re both fine, you don’t have to come over, we know your busy with the boutique….fine, I’ll pop in just to say hi but I’m really busy today so I don’t have much time. Yeah, I love you too, tell Dad I said hi or whatever.”
“God, having 4 older brothers fucking suck. You’d think that being one of the younger members in the family, you’d get more attention and don’t get me wrong, I do, just not the attention I would like. Henri only gave me a list of various rehab clinics, Izana gave me a guide to healthy relationships book, Mikiya gave me five fucking dollars, and I haven’t heard jack shit from Claude! At least Nagisa was considerate enough to get me something that I can actually use! Sometimes I have to wonder just why my parents decided to have so many fucking kids…”
“ReeeeenReeeeen!!! Aw, I was hoping to see you! After all, how could you forget your best and most cutest friend ever? Hey, it’s MY day today! I can be as selfish as I want! Ha! That’s right, and this monarch demands gifts and I know you got some so hand it over, my loyal knight!”
“Dude, holy shit! These are so fucking pretty!! Way better than the ones I have! Awww, Ayano really knows her stuff! Good to know that at least one of you has a decent sense of fashion…Dude, I swear I see you wear the same leather and chains combo almost every day, it’s so overdone. Hehe, I’m right and you know it but seriously man, thanks for the gift.”
“GAH!! Oh goddamnit-MAX! Don’t fucking appear out of nowhere like that! You scared the shit out of me!…We both know you’re not sorry you little shit, I can see you smirking! Yes you are! Ugh, I swear, it’s like talking to a fucking wall-Huh? Oh…wow…thanks..?”
“Max…these are fucking rocks…hold on, you got these from a river?! I didn’t think there were rivers in Kobe…er, whatever, huh…well, look at you finally socializing and making friends, never thought I’d see the day. Jeez, okay! Okay!…Look, thank you Max, I know we don’t talk much but I want you to know that you mean a lot to me, y’know? You’re like another brother to me, one that I actually like, haha!”
Ren Lines:
“Hey Kai, happy birthday! *snorts* Yeah, okay. I know it’s your birthday and all but try not to get too big of a head. Fine, fine, whatever you say, your majesty. *chuckles* Damn, guess I’m not as subtle as I thought, yeah, you got me, here you go.”
“I know you already have some finger jewelry but I figured you could always have more, Ayano actually helped me choose which ones to give you, she’s surprisingly got a good eye for accessorizing…hey, what the hell’s that supposed to mean? I’m totally fashionable! *sighs* Fine, whatever, you’re lucky we’re friends, dude.”
Max Lines:
“….Kaiji…Sorry…Didn’t mean to scare you…*smirks*…No, I’m not….Shush…here you go…a gift…it’s your birthday, yeah?…Happy Birthday, I hope you like it….I spent a long time getting them…”
“Yeah….they’re rocks…I got them while in the river…and I had someone make necklaces out of them…*scoffs*…just shut up and take them…Thanks Kaiji…you and Ren…the both of you…you guys make me really…happy…brothers…yeah, we’re brothers…and we’ll always stick together.”
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tomate-grappe · 1 year
Just watched Across the spiderverse
Ok no offense, genuinely I don’t get this, maybe I’m not the intended audience. I love animation, I don’t really care about superheroes but my bf wanted to watch this movie so I agreed. I went with no expectations. I’ll start with the good parts :
- The characters are amazing, I loved most of the storylines individually. I won’t go into details here but I can’t think of one I disliked.
- Animation and art was incredible. Every universe was well-crafted and beautifully animated with a distinctive style. Special mention to the Renaissance monster made of parchment. The action sequences are flawless.
Ok now the bad things :
- There are sooooo many things happening !! We see all these families, all those spiderpersons but we don’t really go deep with any of them. I wish the movie would stop sometimes and give us more time with one character instead of jumping from one to the other. Why didn’t they choose one or two universe and focus on them ?
- Where is the plot ? Is there a plot ? I spent 2/3 of the movie wondering where it went. Seriously what’s the point ? Putting a lot of cool characters does not a coherent plot make. (yes I know there’s a plot but it only unravels in the last part and the rest of the movie seems completely unfocused)
- The animation was good like I said above. But. Does it ever stop ? The Ekko/Jinx fight was so impactful in Arcane because it was one fight ! But in this movie every single scene is filled to the brim with special effects, groundbreaking animation and so on. Yeah you’re able to do that, we get it, no need to put it in every single scene ! Even dialog scenes were so heavily stylized. Imo it cheapens the strong moments. (Yes I loved the pastel palette in Gwen’s world. But do you really need to change it in every shot ? The hug when it all goes white would have been way more impactful if there wasn’t a color change in every single shot before that.)
- No warning for epilepsy. Seriously.
- Maybe only my opinion but the screenplay felt like a videogame to me.
- again maybe only my opinion but too many memes especially in the spider centre (don’t know how to call that). Felt like fan service to me.
TLDR : good parts individually, sum of the parts awful. 2h20 long epilepsy-inducing glorified videogame cinematic that goes nowhere. I genuinely don’t get how it can be called a good movie. (sorry I’m frustrated)
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