#like i was skipping class not making friends behaving like an Actual Crazy Person
kaustic · 3 months
i think anyone who met me anytime between like april of 2022 until jan of 2023 should forget everything they know about me actually
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Please Fix the Story! - pt 15 - Vampire Romance
The story continues!
Masterpost linked here
“Class we have two new transfers today” The teacher announced cheerfully, ignoring the excited murmurs around the class. “This is Belaire and Alexander, they are a brother and sister who have recently moved to the area, please make them feel welcome!”  She turned towards us. “Would you like to tell us a little about yourselves?”
I stood up at the front of the classroom, feeling tired.
I hate high school so much.
I glanced over at Alex, like me he had camouflaged his red eyes with illusion magic, looking like a fairly normal seventeen year old male.  He looked over the students, his gaze stopping at the front row near the window, breaking out into a wide smile.
“Hello! I’m Alexander. I’m seventeen years old, and I’m looking forward to getting to know you all much better.” His eyes never left the object of their focus while he spoke, the intensity uncomfortable. I followed the trajectory of his gaze, and let out a sigh.
I guess I underestimated the pull of the heroine. I thought uncomfortably to the scene in his bedroom yesterday. He had woken up this morning perfectly normal, but continued to insist that he would go undercover at the school as well. Any time I tried to object he had grown angry, finally snarling at me to mind my own business. Throwing my hands up in the air, I had given up temporarily.
It’s like the reasonable brother I’ve known these past few days was just an illusion.
Everyone had turned towards me, waiting for my introduction. I sighed loudly. “She told you my name already. I’m… eighteen… I guess? I’m here to focus on learning so please keep your distance.”
There were a few disgruntled murmurs at my impolite words, but I ignored them. I wasn’t here to make friends.
The teacher’s smile stiffened in place. “Very… interesting. As for where to sit…” She scanned the room. There appeared to be two open seats, one in the back near the door and the other…
“I guess we’ll be neighbors.” Alexander grinned at Chelsea and stepped towards the empty seat next to her.
Only to fall flat on his face as I tripped him.
“Sorry, brother dearest, I’m a bit short sighted and need to sit near the front.” I stepped on his back, ignoring his grunt of pain and lightly sat down at the desk next to Chelsea. I glanced back at him, noting his gloomy expression and waved cheerfully.
“You…” His voice was a growl, only audible with my better than human hearing, but I interrupted him loudly, giving him a thumbs up.
“Thanks for being so understanding.”
Alex glared at me, and I smiled brightly back. I might not have been able to stop him from following the plot so far, but I’m not about to let him flirt with a confused adolescent right in front of me.
After a long moment, he stood back to his feet and headed towards the empty seat in the back.
“Wasn’t that a little mean?” Chelsea whispered to me, her eyes following his back a strange light in them. Strangely enough, she wasn’t overly concerned about him. If anything she looked… embarrassed. Compared to her tears and tantrums the last time I saw her, she seemed much more reasonable today.
Maybe she’s just not a night person?
“It was very kind, actually, once you take a longer view.” After all, he had committed double suicide after an unhealthy relationship with her in the original.
She seemed unconvinced. “Then why do you seem so… happy... when you watched him fall on his face?”
Oops, my inner villainess must have been leaking out a bit at that time. It was pretty fun to watch the hero fall though.
“It’s a vampire thing.” I answered finally. “You wouldn’t understand.”
She nodded innocently, not questioning further. I watched as she turned her attention to the teacher, taking notes diligently in a bright pink notebook.
You know, she’s a bit of a brat, but she seems fairly normal today... there may be hope for her yet. With Alexander’s recent changes, I might have more luck approaching the problem from her side instead.
My mind made up, I then looked back at the blackboard, wincing at the calculations written there.
Calculus, my mortal enemy… we meet again.
After class I grabbed Chelsea’s hand, pulling her into the hallway. I could feel Alex’s angry glare on my back, but didn’t turn back to give him attention. Before we could get too far however, we were stopped by two teenage boys.
“You’re the new girl, right?” The boy flipped his overly long blond curls out of his eyes, leaning on the wall to block our path.
I stopped with a sigh. “So they tell me.”
The other boy chuckled at my words, leaning closer. “You don’t look half bad. How about you skip the next period and come out and play with us?”
Chelsea, looking nervous, hid behind my back at their words. “These two are trouble.” She whispered in my ear. “Their fathers are on the school board, so the headmaster turns a blind eye when they bully others.”
“I see…”
She took a deep breath, tears in her eyes. “If you run away now, I’ll try to distract them.”
Did she forget I’m a centuries old vampire? I couldn’t help but grin. Although this habit of saving people is what keeps getting her in trouble, I can’t help but find it a bit cute. Definitely need to protect the young from my brother.
“Hey, we’re talking to you!” The blond one snapped, growing impatient. “Don’t pretend like you’re not interested.” His voice dropped to a whisper. “If you come with us, we’ll show you a great time.”
“Well although that sounds about as appealing as dousing myself in gasoline and running through a burning building, I’m afraid I’m gonna have to pass.”  I crossed my arms and grinned. “If you don’t like it, feel free to start a fight. It’s been a while since I got to beat up idiots, I’m starting to get a bit itchy.”
“…” Both of them stared in shocked silence for a few moments, until it was interrupted by Chelsea’s laughter. Turning red at the sound, the closest boy raised a fist, preparing to strike me.
He went flying backwards at a high speed, hitting the lockers behind him with a loud crash, denting the metal in. His buddy fell to the ground with a frightened squeal, staring up at the assailant with horror.
“Sorry.” Liam grinned, not looking very sorry. “Didn’t see you there.”
“W-who are you?” The terrified boy asked.
“I’m the new gym teacher.” Liam cracked his knuckles, staring down at him with a frightening smile. “Looks like you two boys have got some extra energy, trying to pick up my wife… I mean pick up this random high school student that I don’t know at all.”
“What?” The confused boy had no time to protest before he was lifted up by his collar. Liam dragged him behind him, picking up the other that had been thrown into the lockers as well. “Time for some special hell punishment… cough… I mean personalized training.”
“Do you know who my father is?!”
“I’m shaking with fear.” With a cheerful wave back towards me, Liam dragged the two boys away, leaving us to stare after him in silence.
“That’s… your husband?” She asked timidly.
“He’s human, right?”
“Last time I checked.”
“Is he always so….”
She grinned. “That’s so sweet. I want to have a romance like yours one day.”
I pulled her into an empty classroom, staring at her for a few moments. After a short uncomfortable silence, she turned red.
“What is it?”
“Why are you so different today?” I asked quietly. “When you came by that night, you were a lot more… excitable.”
She winced at my words, shaking her head slowly. “I …” She trailed off, obviously unsure of what to say.
“You acted like I was your mortal enemy. Now you’re so friendly, and I’m not sure what to do with it.”
Chelsea stared at me for a few silent moments, and then rubbed her face with her hand. “I don’t know if I can explain this, it seems too strange.”
So says the heroine of a failed novel to a world traveling amnesiac.
I suppressed a smile. “Try me.”
“A few days ago, I woke up in the middle of the night, and something had… changed.” She sighed softly. “I felt panicked, lost. It was as if the world had shifted somehow, and left me without a place.”
“Shifted…” A few days ago… that would have been around the time I woke up in this world.
“I know this sounds crazy. I had already met Alex before this, and thought he was handsome and cool but that was it. He wasn’t that important to me right then.  But after that… shift… I started obsessing over him. Wondering where he was, worrying that he wasn’t thinking about me. I received that letter, and it seemed to confirm my worst fears.” She stood up, pacing around the room uncomfortably. “I was frantic by the time I showed up in front of you. I was convinced that you were trying to separate us, that you hated me because I was human… I wasn’t willing to listen.”
“That’s a pretty accurate description of how you were… so what changed?”
She looked embarrassed. “Last night, it shifted back. It didn’t make sense. I felt a sharp pain, so severe that I thought I was dying. But once it passed, I felt… relieved. The world was right, I was no longer lost. It was like my place in the world was secure once more. When I saw you and Alexander this morning, it was horrifying to think of how I had behaved.”
“…” I couldn’t help but think of Alexander’s episode yesterday, which seemed strangely similar. When he was being reasonable, she felt lost and hysterical. Now that he’s obsessed with her again, she’s back to normal?
Something is wrong with this world.
“I know this doesn’t excuse how poorly I’ve acted.” Chelsea sat back down next to me, her eyes slightly wet with tears. “But I am sorry. I am grateful that you’ve gone to all this trouble to protect me. “
I patted her head. “It’s fine. We’ll help you out.”
“I do stand by what I said last time though: you shouldn’t be in a romantic relationship with Alex right now. You are a teenager and he is a centuries old being. Allow yourself the space and time to grow up, to enjoy your life without being pressured into life-altering decisions by an adult who is almost fifteen times your age.”
Chelsea paused at that, and then nodded slowly. “It makes sense when you say it today.” Her voice lowered to a whisper. “I just don’t know if I’ll still be rational about it later.”
“Don’t worry. I’ll protect you whether you are rational or not.”
“…” Her eyes reddened at my words, and she threw herself forward, hugging me tightly.
“Thank you!”
“It’s fine… could you stop choking me?”
“You’re like the sister I’ve always wanted!”
“Sounds good… please let go.” How many times would I have suffocated in this world if I wasn’t already undead?
She finally released me, sniffing loudly. “So can I consider you a friend?”
I held up a finger. “On one condition:”
She nodded.
“Try to restrain the crying at everything.” If I’m going to be spending my time with the heroine, I’ll need all the crying-free time I can get.
She blinked rapidly, stopping the tears in her eyes from overflowing. “Deal!”
I let out a sigh of relief, shaking her hand firmly. “See, this is nice. I don’t get many nice calm moments like this…”
Four men broke through the window wearing bronze masks and brandishing weapons. “Kill the vampire scum and her minion!”
“… Curse my unlucky mouth! I really need to stop making vague foreshadowing statements!”  I pushed Chelsea towards the door. “Go get Liam.”
She nodded, but then halted at the door. “What about you?”
“I’m a vampire queen.” I grinned, showing my fangs. “You should be worried about them.”
She ran out, and I blocked the men from following her.
“Don’t let her get away!”
“Fool! We need to kill this monstrous hag first, then we’ll go after the brat that serves her.”
I paused at their words. “Excuse me? Did you just call me a hag?”
The leader of the four snarled at me. “Silence, foul demon!”
I grabbed a desk chair, snapping off a leg. “No, no no, don’t go changing your insults now. I already heard it, and I must say that I’m very offended right now!”
I let go of my disguise completely, allowing my eyes and hair to become a bright red once more.
“Unfortunately for you, I think I’m going to take out my frustration at your poor choice of words by beating it out of you.” I brandished my makeshift club.  “Try not to die, okay? I need to get confessions out of you later.”
“Don’t listen to her lies! We outnumber her!”
I laughed out loud, going full on villainess laugh with glee. Snapping my fingers, I spread my dark magic towards the doors and windows, sealing the exits, blackening all the lights.
The room plunged into complete darkness.
“You should have brought more men.”
With that, I leapt forward, club raised.
It was a one sided battle. Unable to see in the darkness, the humans flailed around, trying to corner me by the sounds in the room. To me, who could see perfectly, this provided a  source of amusement, including leading them into swinging at each other and injuring themselves. Eventually I tired of playing with them, and with four hard taps, knocked the men unconscious.  I dissipated my dark magic, just in time for the door to burst open and for Alexander and Liam to rush into the room.
“WIFE!” Liam ran towards me, somehow managing to step on all four assailants before reaching my side. He picked me up, squeezing me tightly in his arms. “Are you okay?”
“… You realize she’s standing calmly in a room with four unconscious assassins.” Alexander knelt next to one of the men. “I’m pretty sure she’s fine.”
“’Pretty sure’ is not good enough!” Liam held me up in the air, turning me around, looking concerned.
“Liam, I’m fine, you can put me down.”
“… Are you sure?”
“I’m sure.”
“I can hold you longer, there’s no need for you to be tired.”
“Remember what I said when I agreed to let you be a teacher in this school?”
“…” Liam set me down, hanging his head. “You said don’t be creepy.”
“That’s right, everyone thinks that I’m a teenager and you’re a student. You can’t act like you usually do.”
“But you’re older than me! And we’re newly married!” Liam scuffed his foot against the ground, managing to grind his shoe on the head of one of my attackers. “It’s not fair!”
“We’re in high school. What ever made you think that life here would be fair?”
Liam tilted his head, seeming confused. “Why do you hate high school so much? Did you even go to one? You were a teenager centuries ago.”
I’ve lived multiple lifetimes as the side character or villainess in the worst version of high school to ever exist: teen romance high schools. I shuddered at the memory, patting his shoulder. “Just trust me on this one.”
“Can we focus, please?” Alex interrupted our conversation with a rude tone. “The important thing is that someone put Chelsea in danger.”
“Actually she was relatively very safe, she left the room before any fighting…”
“She’s such a special person, of course these groups covet her.” Alex looked down at the unconscious men with a sneer. “I have to protect her. I’ll pull her out of school, she can stay with me for now...”
I pulled my brother behavior modification tool out of my bag and sprayed his face multiple times.
“BAD VAMPIRE! No stalking or kidnapping teenage girls!”
He wiped his face, his eyes changing back to a bright red in his anger. “Can you cut that out?!”
“I will when you stop being a creep.”
“You’re such a bit…”
To my surprise, Liam took out a bottle and sprayed Alex before I could react. Seeing my look of confusion, he smiled. “Selina gave me an extra, said I would need it if you were going to be around so many hormonal teenagers.”
“That reminds me, what happened to those two boys from earlier?”
Liam let out an ominous laugh. “Nothing permanent.”
“Don’t ignore me!” Alex shouted. “This is about keeping Chelsea safe!”
“Exactly.” I waved the bottle of garlic water in the air. “Which is why she’s not staying with you. I’ll protect her.”
“Belaire are you okay?!!” Before Alex could respond, a tearful voice called out from the doorway. I turned, just in time to see Chelsea throw herself at me, crying.
“I was so worried about you!”
“I told you I’d be fine.”
“But you were outnumbered!”
“They could have brought an army, and I still would win.” I patted her head. “Trust in your friend.”
“Now didn’t you just promise me that you wouldn’t cry so much?”
She laughed stepping away and wiping her tears. “Sorry.”
Liam and Alexander stared at us in shock.
Alex recovered first. “Since when are you two so close?”
Chelsea’s smile faded a little as she turned towards him. “We’re friends now.”
“But she’s standing in the way of our relationship!”
“We’re not in a relationship.”
“Don’t lie!”
Liam stepped between them, spraying Alex again, looking confused. “Is it just me or did we just have this conversation, but with the roles reversed?”
“I’ll explain it later, dear.” I knelt down next to the unconscious men. “Now help me tie them up.”
As we restrained the men, ignoring Alex’s furious sputters. Eventually, the leader of the group woke up first, his initial confusion fading into horror as he stared up at us.
“Don’t be scared.” I smiled at him. “I’m just going to ask you a few questions.”
Liam cracked his knuckles. “Unless you plan on disrespecting my wife. Then you should be terrified.”
Chelsea also tried to crack her knuckles, looking much less terrifying. “Yeah, what he said.”
“…” Everyone, including the assassin, stopped and stared at her.
I patted her head. “I appreciate the thought, but stick to your strengths.” Turning back towards the captive man, I continued. “Now, who sent you?”
He glared at me. “Vampire scum, my brothers will hunt you down and send your soul back to Hell!”
Liam frowned. “Vampire hunter? I don’t recognize him.”
“Not everyone was willing to work under a traitor like you. His eyes were wide and fanatic as his speech became pressured. “A new world is coming, one which has no place for monsters and human traitors! We will cleanse this world of its filth! The flames of judgment will consume you, and we will watch with joy as you suffer!”
I rolled my eyes. “What a pleasant gentleman.”
“He’s certainly… passionate?” Chelsea shrugged.
The man looked up at her. “Foolish girl. You sided with these monsters. You betrayed your kind, and will be the first to fall!”
I saw something flash by me, and shouted “WE NEED HIM ALIVE…!”
The man’s throat was cut, his blood soaking the front of his clothing as his wide shocked gaze met my own. His body slumped to the floor. Alex stepped back, wiping the blood from his hands, seeming calm.
“I won’t let anyone who threatens her to live.”
“Oh, isn’t that sweet.” I smiled, and then reared back and punched him.
As he hit the floor with a groan, I leaned over. “We needed him to talk, idiot. To protect Chelsea, I need to know who is behind these men. You are not this stupid, Alex. What’s wrong with you?”
“You don’t understand!”
I grabbed his collar, pulling his face close to my own. “You’re right, because I’m actually using my brain.”
“We have three other…” He paused looking over, as there were light groans from the other side of the room.
The three other men convulsed, white foam spilling from their lips.
“Poison.” I growled, dropping Alex and stepping away, frustrated. I searched the bodies. Beyond silver knives, there was nothing on their bodies. I turned the leaders head to the side, ignoring the large wound in his neck, and found a marking at the side.
A black rose.
A quick look confirmed that the other men had the same tattoo on their neck.
“Liam, do you recognize this?”
He shook his head, frustrated. “I don’t.”
Liam contacted his group, bringing in men to dispose of the bodies. As they cleaned up the room, he pulled me to the side, a sulking expression on his face.
“I need to return to the headquarters and look into this. I’m worried they might have ties to the hunters.”
I reached out and touched his cheek, smiling. “I understand.”
“It’s not fair! We’re finally married!” He frowned, picking me up and hugging me. “…But bringing a vampire into the hunters headquarters doesn’t seem like the best idea.”
“I’ll let Chelsea stay with me tonight and protect her. Don’t worry, and come home soon.”
He pulled me in, kissing me. “I’ll come back as fast as I can. Please be safe.”
“I will.” I squeezed his hand reassuringly. “I promise.”
It took very little effort to convince Chelsea to come stay with me that night. I was mildly worried about how quickly she trusted me.
But I guess that’s her problem in the story, right? She kept saving people with ties to the supernatural world and trusting everything they say.
Alex on the other hand, argued heatedly all the way to the castle once he heard she was planning to stay in my suite. As we entered the front hall, he grabbed my arm, snarling.
“This is ridiculous! I should be taking care of her!”
Feeling bored, I sprayed him. “Maybe I need to put a more effective fluid in here? Like adding silver powder?”
He shook his head, garlic water dripping from his hair. “I don’t trust you to keep her safe!”
Chelsea sprayed him this time. She held up the bottle, grinning. “Your husband gave this to me, saying it was useful!”
“That was the right thing to do.” I smiled back. “You keep that with you.”
“Miss… is this… person… staying here.” Selina arrived silently, a look of disapproval on her face.
“She’s going to be in my suite, Selina, please prepare her room.”
Chelsea turned to her, reaching out a hand. “I’m sorry for my actions the other day, Selina. I hope you can forgive me.”
Selina stared at her silently for a few moments. “Try to keep your hormones contained, teenager.”
“Umm… Sure, I promise.”
“… I haven’t teenaged-proofed the rooms. ” She let out a long sigh. “I’ll go prepare the bed… and place protective coverings on the furniture and carpets.”
Chelsea turned towards me, confused by the obvious hostility of my butler. I patted her shoulder. “Don’t worry, Selina just doesn’t like teenagers.”
“That’s reasonable. I don’t like them either, and I am one.”
We laughed, heading up together.
“Are you sure it’s okay that I’m staying with you?” Chelsea seemed nervous. “I don’t want to cause you more trouble.” 
“It will be fine.” I grinned, “You’re in the center of my territory now. What could go wrong?”
“... Didn’t you say you were going to stop making vague foreshadowing statements?”
“...” I patted her head silently, having no words to reply. 
I got her settled into a secure room in the suite after dinner. There were no windows, with only a single entryway through the door. Wishing her goodnight, I set up a chair in front of her doorway, ready to guard through the night.
Fortunately I’m a vampire and don’t really need to sleep.
After a few hours, just past midnight, I heard footsteps leading up the nearby stairs. I jumped to my feet, taking a defensive posture. “Who’s there?”
Alex stumbled up the stairs, his face pale, a pained expression on his face. “Bel?”
“Alex, what is going…”
He collapsed to the ground in front of me, grabbing his head, as I head him whisper.
“Help me.”
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twokinkybeans · 4 years
Jar Of Dirt 12: Pizza Party [Starker Fanfiction NSFW/18+]
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There's a LOT going on in this chapter, sorry for this crazy amount of warnings whoops.
Kink/Sexual Warnings: Daddy Kink, Praise Kink, Dirty Talk, Voice Kink, Name-Calling, Public Teasing, Exhibitionism, Explicit Fantasies about some of the other Avengers, Anal Sex, Sex Toys, Spitroasting (with a toy), Blindfold, Sensory Deprivation. Other Warnings: Beck is back - being a creep & implying some dubious things.
All Chapters: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11 . . . Masterpost (More to come!)
Chapter 12: Pizza Party Peter’s late, as usual. He just can’t help it; if there’s a robbery down the street he has to do something about it. Even if he’d want to ignore it, it’s simply not his nature. He’s Spider-Man. That’s what he does. Besides, it’s not like he misses anything too important for his physics lecture. Professor Dane is super old and usually takes half an hour to even get started. Peter knows it’s a bad trait to be tardy, so he does make an effort to get there as soon as possible. He cuts a corner and ducks to evade a few other students who stare him down. When he’s almost at the door of the lecture hall, he slows down. Hoping to ease his panting before he walks in. He doesn’t want to look like a wheezing idiot. His skin’s tingling and Peter frowns. That’s highly unusual. It’s probably the leftover adrenaline making his Spidey senses kick in though, so he tries to shake the warning signs his body is trying to give him.
When he feels like he’s collected himself enough, he wraps his fingers around the doorknob and slowly opens it, flinching at the squeaky sound that comes from the hinges. His head is ducked down, trying to evade the gazes of all the students that are staring at him. They can’t help it, the door is at the front of the lecture hall and someone coming in late is the perfect distraction from Dane’s slow, monotone sentences. Something’s off though. There’s something ominous hanging in the room. “Ah! Peter Parker!” Peter stops dead in his tracks when he recognizes that voice. That is not Professor Dane. Oh, no. Peter slowly turns his head to the man in front of the whiteboard. A shiver running down Peter’s spine when he sees the wide, toothy grin and slicked-back hair. His big, bright blue eyes pierce through Peter’s. “Glad you could join us, after all.”
Beck takes a few steps towards Peter and cocks his head, his grin causing Peter’s blood to run cold. His jaw is clenched. Every molecule inside his body is screaming at him to run. But he can’t cause a scene. He shouldn’t. He’s not like that. To the class, Beck hasn’t done anything out of the ordinary. “Mr. Beck,” he says politely, not missing how that only deepens the man’s smirk, his eyes glimmering in victory. “Heard many good things about you, kid.” Kid. He called him kid. Like Tony does. Fucking hell. "I'll be taking over from professor Dane, while he's recovering from surgery. Now, please take a seat. Page 26 of your handout.”
During the lecture, Peter doesn’t miss the way the girls in his class seem to flock together, sending Beck flirtatious smiles, giggling. Peter presses his lips together. He gets it. Beck is charming as fuck. If Peter didn’t know any better he’d be sending Quentin the exact same gaze. But he does know better, and it doesn’t sit right with him. He tries to ignore Beck as much as he can. Taking notes and reading along on the handout. But he feels Beck’s gaze brushing past him each and every time, making him break into goosebumps. He knows he’s the center of the man’s attention and he hates it. He has no clue what the lecture is actually about. So when Beck asks him a question, he doesn’t know what to answer. “Uhh- I- I don’t know.” “You don’t know,” Beck mutters. “First. You’re fifteen minutes late. And now you’re not paying attention. I expect you to behave in my class. Is that understood?” “Yes,” Peter breathes out, his heart thumping in his chest. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Beck doesn’t leave it at that, cocking an eyebrow at him. Peter’s cheeks flush in embarrassment. He knows what Beck is forcing him to say. He doesn’t want to say it. He feels sick to his stomach at the thought alone. But he can’t misbehave in class. He can’t show the others what’s going on. So he looks up, forcing a smile on his lips, feeling them quiver.
“Yes, Sir.”
When class is over, Peter’s the first one outside, ignoring Beck by staring straight at the floor, not listening when the man calls him back. His heart is thumping in his chest. His thoughts all jumbled up. Beck. Beck. Beck. After ten minutes of long strides, he finally feels like he’s far enough away from the lecture hall to allow himself to breathe. He drops himself on the nearest bench and stares at the students lounging on the little grass patch in front of him. “Dude-” Peter’s shaken out of his thoughts by Ned, running to catch up with him. Peter’s unsure how long he sat on that bench, his mind racing too much to keep track of time. “What the hell happened back there, man?” Ned pants as he sits down next to Peter, spreading his limbs slightly to cool down.
Peter scoffs, bending forward to press his hands against his forehead, elbows resting on his knees. “Mandatory class,” he mumbles. “What?” “It’s a mandatory class, Ned!” “Of course, it’s mandatory, Pete- you’re literally studying physics! Attendance isn’t optional.” Ned leans down forward to get to Peter’s level. “Why are you so worked up? Don’t you like Mr. Beck?” Peter scoffs again and looks at Ned with raised eyebrows. “That man is Mr. Stark’s abusive ex. Tried to get in my pants at Tony’s birthday party.” “Holy fuck.” Ned leans back again, still panting from his workout earlier. “Wait- abusive?” “Don’t-” “Alright, alright, sorry. Personal stuff, I get it.” Ned opens his palms and nods once. Peter lets out a deep sigh and squeezes his eyes shut. “Can’t call in sick either, every class for the entire upcoming month is important…” Peter mumbles. “Got the practicals- can’t skip those.” Ned places his hand on Peter’s shoulder and squeezes once. “Pete, it’s only one week. Prof Dane will be back before you know it.” Peter takes a deep breath and bites the inside of his cheek. “Yeah- yeah, it’s not a big deal- I mean, it’s a big deal, but I can deal with it yaknow-” “Peter. Stop.” Peter presses his lips on top of each other and purses them, nodding slightly. Ned gently pulls Peter back to help him sit more comfortably on the bench. They stay there, quietly staring ahead and Peter can’t be more grateful for his best friend.
“What are you gonna tell Mr. Stark?” Peter keeps staring ahead, blinking a few times, processing Ned’s words. “Nothing.” Ned shifts in his seat, pulling a face at Peter. “Nothing?” “I’ve seen how anxious Beck makes him. And he wasn’t even in the room when it happened. I- I can’t. I don’t want to make him scared for something that’s probably harmless. It’s only for a week and then we can forget about all of this. Forget about him.” “I mean, fair.” Ned sucks at his teeth. “Besides, Beck wouldn’t try anything on campus anyways; there’s cameras everywhere.” Peter nods and scratches at his head before realizing Tony’s coming over to their dorm tomorrow. He turns to Ned, eyes wide. “Please, don’t tell Mr. Stark about this. Don’t tell him about prof Dane, or any substitute. Just- just don’t mention physics class at all, okay?” Peter’s intensity has Ned shift back a little, raising his hands defensively. “Okay- okay, I gotchu, man. I’ll keep my mouth shut.” “Promise me, Ned.” Peter gives him a pleading look, causing Ned to roll his eyes and smile. “I promise.”
Peter expected a lot of things from Tony sleeping over at their dorm. He thought it’d be awkward. Thought Tony might feel out of place or not know what to say to Ned, or anything uncomfortable really. Instead, Tony’s propped up on Peter’s small bed in between the boys. Legs splayed out, the black sweatpants hugging the man’s skin loosely. He’s staring at the screen intently, his upper body moving to the right fast when he’s nearly causing the green squishy to fall off the Rainbow Road. “Fucking hell,” he mutters, making Peter laugh. “Dumb Dino… I’ve actually raced a solid ten minutes in the Formula 1 in Monaco, this is the biggest downgrade ever.” He curses when Mini Hulk actually falls into the void. “Great, now I’m way behind.” Ned perks up at the mention of the Formula 1. “Oh right! That was way back, right? With the Stark Expo? Think I saw it in this documentary once.” Fuck, these kids are young. “Yup, was fun till Vanko decided to ruin it.” “Did you know that’s actually when we first met? That Stark Expo?” Peter’s voice chimes in and Tony looks at his boyfriend, wide-eyed. No longer paying attention to the TV screen, T-Rex failed him anyways. “What?” “Yeah! You probably don’t remember me, but I was one of the kids with an Iron Man helmet? I actually still have the magazine you signed for me somewhere in a box." Tony stares at Peter. God, the boy isn’t even joking. “Wait, how old were you back then? That was ages ago.” Peter doesn’t answer, he just grins. “Oh my God, I’m old.”
“You guys want more chips? I can get more chips.” Ned says slowly, shifting forward to jump off the bed. He grabs the bowls and leaves for the kitchen. Peter blushes. He hadn’t meant for Ned to feel uncomfortable. They’ll start a new round when the boy gets back to make up for it and move past this conversation. Peter can’t help but to make one more comment, though. “Lemme rephrase. I was the kid with the Iron Man helmet who was dumb enough to stand up against one of those drone thingies.” “That was you?!” Tony huffs out a surprised breath. “Fuck, kid, that’s not dumb. Always thought that kid- you were brave, Jeez.” He smiles at Peter proudly. Fuck. Even when he was an actual child he didn’t shy away from a fight. He’d been right to take Spider-Man under his wing all those years ago. Peter’s made for it. “Wait, so you remember that?” Peter’s blushing, a smile breaking through the expression on his face. “Fuck, yes, I do.”
Ned returns with the chips and gets back on the bed again, picking up his console. “Pete, what do you say, Baby Park next?” “Hell yeah!” The other uni student replies. Tony groans. That name alone doesn’t sound very promising. He lifts the controller and looks at the symbols once more, making sure he knows where they are located, and snorts when he sees a tiny green blob in his kart on the screen. Those Millennials are another species, that’s for sure. Tony can hear Peter’s voice echo in his head. “Mr. Stark, Millennials are in their late 30s by now, I’m a Gen-Z.” “Yeah, sure, kid, go catch your Poké-mans.” It made Peter laugh, so that’s all that really mattered. He might not get all their references and jokes, but he loves spending time with Peter in his world like this.
Later that night, right before Peter wants to hop into his bed, his phone buzzes. He frowns, looking at the screen. It’s a message from Natasha. Peter grins. She’s joining the surprise pizza party for Tony next weekend as well. Awesome. Peter smiles proudly as he types a quick message back. He did it. He got all the Avengers together. Awesome. He presses the send button and frowns when he sees there’s a little notification in his MIT Mailbox as well. They never get any emails there. “Hey Ned, we got a message from the MIT Security Staff?” Peter frowns. He sits down at the edge of the mattress, his fingers moving over the screen swiftly to open it. His eyes scan the text quickly. “Oh, shit,” he mumbles. “Some alien chemical got stolen from the lab?” “What?” Tony takes Peter’s phone out of the boy’s hands. His eyes glide over the letters and not much later, he snorts. “Unidentified, yet most likely harmless. Sure.” Tony rolls his eyes and hands Peter his phone back. “That’s damage control. They need to know who did it but they don’t want people to freak out.” “Yeah-” Ned adds, reading the email on his own phone. “They’re asking for our alibis.” He scratches his head. “Would they believe me if I said I spent the day with Tony Stark?” Tony chuckles. “If you want a selfie, just ask.” Ned’s cheeks flare up and Peter laughs. “Not such a bad idea, though. We should probably take one.” Peter gestures Ned to come in closer. Tony groans, leaning in as well. “Do not post this on the Internet. I’ve got a reputation to uphold.”
Peter steadies the phone in front of their faces, nudging Tony to stop looking so serious. The older man rolls his eyes and breaks into a wide grin as he looks at the screen. Right after he snaps the picture, Ned perks up. “Why don’t we ask Mr. B- our substitute teacher if he knows more? Isn’t he specialized in this field? He did mention knowing a lot about this kind of stuff, didn’t he?” Peter’s eyes widen and he smacks Ned’s chest. “Ouch, dude!” Peter shakes his head furiously, glaring at his best friend. Ned raises his arms defensively and Peter groans, muttering something inaudible. Tony watches the boys carefully, cocking an eyebrow. “Substitute teacher?” “Y-Yeah, it’s nothing, Mr. Stark!” Ned stutters. “I just-” “H-He just means that we have to ask our teacher about that one, uh, project, right Ned?” “Yes! Yes. The… Project!” “You girls keep on bickering, I’m going to make some phone calls to some of my old MIT buddies, see if they know what’s going on.” Tony gets up, fishing his phone out of his pockets and walking to the hallway, leaving both boys at whatever little argument they were having. College kids…
Tony always looks back at his time at MIT with fondness. He took the first chance he got at permanently moving out of his parents’ house. It allowed him a lot of freedom and a chance at at least somewhat of a normal life before he fell into the rabbithole that was Stark Industries. He hasn’t talked to his MIT friends in ages. He shared everything with them at the time. A frat house, a room… Underwear. Tony shudders at the thought but collects himself and looks up Eric’s number in his phone, quietly hoping it’s still the same as back then. Spending the day with Peter and Ned definitely grounded him. It brought him back to his own time at MIT and it was… Nice, honestly. Extraordinarily ordinary.
“Hey Eric! Yes- it’s me- I have a question, did you hear-...”
Tony stands in the opening of the elevator doors of the Tower. Baffled. Everyone is here. His eyes search for Peter right away, finding the boy in the middle of the living room. Looking quite pleased with himself. There’s a large stack of pizza boxes on the coffee table, all of his friends scattered around it. Bucky and Steve propped up on the couch together, both smiling at Tony widely. Natasha and Bruce lean against the little bar behind the couch. Thor’s walking around, two huge pints of what must be Asgardian beer.
They’re all here. .
“What-...,” he stammers, voice trailing off. He’s literally speechless and watches his boyfriend walk up to him. “Remember how you wanted to celebrate your birthday with just your close friends? Well, it took me some time to get it all organized but, here we are!” Peter smiles proudly, looking at Tony to give him a featherlight kiss on his cheek. “You organized.. A-” his hands wavering in the air, “-pizza party. For me? Fuck, baby… That’s, wow.” Tony has to shake his head slightly, trying to collect his thoughts. No one has ever organized such a thoughtful thing before. “Do you like it?” “Yes. Yes, Peter, this is perfect.” He breaks out into a wide grin. “But please, tell me you didn’t order a pizza with pineapple.” Peter grins sheepishly and Tony groans. “You hurt my Italian pride, baby.” “Hush, I’m not Italian. I’m allowed to sin. I got you the Spicy Chicken one though! Does that make up for it?” “I’ll make you make up for it.” Tony wriggles his eyebrows playfully and Peter snorts, turning to the other guests.
“Alright, alright, that’s enough guys,” Natasha laughs from a distance. “You do that when we’re gone.” Tony doesn’t miss how it makes the boy’s cheeks flush. It’s not embarrassment though. Oh. He grins, smacking Peter’s ass lightly. “I’m sure Peter wouldn’t mind.” “Tony!” Peter exclaims and laughs, but there’s something shimmering in his eyes. Tony grins. He’s had his suspicions for a while. He doesn’t say anything about it. For now. But an idea is definitely starting to form in his head. Natasha grins at the both of them. “I know you two aren’t innocent, but, you’re not that kinky.” Tony smirks, lowering himself into one of the big leather chairs near the coffee table, thinking about all the possible snarky comments he could throw back at her. He didn’t expect soft, shy, innocent Peter to go first. “Ask me again in an hour, and I’ll spill all our dirty secrets, Agent Romanoff,” Peter grins, taking one of the pints from Thor’s hand and gulping it down. Someone wants to get tipsy. Natasha simply smirks. “I will. Mr. Parker.”
A few hours later, when everyone is properly buzzed from the alcohol, Peter’s seated on the floor, chatting about one of his science projects, a half eaten slice of pizza in his hand. The cheese is slowly falling down, but every time it nearly snaps, Peter catches it in his mouth, taking another bite. Bucky is sitting on the couch right behind him, slacked, legs slightly spread so Peter can use the couch as a back rest between Bucky’s knees. Bucky doesn’t know too much about whatever it is Peter’s rambling about, but he could listen to this kid for hours. Peter’s so passionate, and after three huge pints of whatever Thor’s having, the boy’s letting his thoughts run freely. Peter’s mid sentence on something about quantum physics or something like that, when Bruce clears his throat and leans back in his chair. “Hey Nat, think Pete’s got enough alcohol in his system for your interrogation?” Peter looks up startled, cheeks flushing instantly. Uh oh. He giggles. “Kid’s a bad liar, Nat, go easy on him,” Tony grins from the other side of the coffee table, still leaning against the big armrest. “Traitor!” Peter throws at him and Tony shrugs. “You asked for it, baby.”
Peter groans, pouting as he turns to Natasha, stuffing the rest of the pizza slice into his mouth in an attempt to silence himself. But fuck, it tastes good. And he’s nearly choking, so he does start chewing and swallows it all. “Can I have another slice, Bucky, please?” He asks, but Bucky shakes his head with a grin. “First you gotta answer.” He pats Peter on the shoulder with his metal hand and a shiver runs down Peter’s spine. “Alright. What do you want to know? I can tell you lots about Tony’s adorable moans and-” Natasha raises an eyebrow, causing him to shut up. Fuck. He’s probably a little too horny for this to not get inappropriate. Also maybe a little too tipsy. But he’s not sure whether he should stop it. He wants to see where this is headed.
“No- by all means,” Tony chuckles. “Keep going.” “Oh, please!” Sam exclaims. “Are we really doing this right now?” Nat cocks her head and she leans forward in her chair. “We sure are. You can leave if you want.” “Y’all are disgusting. I’m gonna grab another beer.” Sam stands up and walks towards the kitchen. Bucky leans forward in his seat and Peter presses his lips on top of each other, trying not to let the other man’s hot breath in his neck get to him. “Go fetch me one too, would ya?” He asks Sam. “Use your own legs.” The group laughs and Bucky drops himself back again. Peter’s eye twitches when the sound of Bucky’s metal hand running through his hair scratches the inside of his ear. The fact that Tony is staring intently at him, watching his every move, seeing what Bucky is doing to him has him throbbing in his pants. “Alright, I’m gonna get some fresh air. I don’t need this right now-” Stephen Strange gets up from his seat, shaking his head. “Or ever, to be honest.” Wanda gets up as well, Vision immediately following her out of loyalty.
“Was actually planning on getting some of that myself anyway, so we might as well join you.” When everyone who wanted to stay out of this has made their way outside, all eyes turn back to Peter. His heartbeat speeds up again immediately.
“Let’s start with an easy one,” Natasha says with a wide grin. “Who tops? Who bottoms?” Tony scoffs. “Isn’t that a little too easy, Nat?” he quips, cocking an eyebrow. “I intend to be surprised tonight.” Her eyes bore straight through Peter’s and he swallows. This is an easy question. Anyone who would’ve given it the slightest bit of thought knows the answer. “I only topped him once.” A few of the Avengers nod understanding. Tony licks his lips, thinking back to the Italian spa, and decides to give the boy some credit. “For the record, he’s really good at it.” Peter goes beet red and hides his face in the pillow he’s been cradling since the start of this conversation. “I prefer subbing, though,” he says muffled. He can feel a couple heartbeats speed up. Including Bucky’s. Oh, god. “Subbing?!” Clint exclaims. “You’re telling us you two are actually kinky?” Peter raises his head, the people around him are unsure if his cheeks are red from embarrassment or the Asgardian beer he’s been drinking. Maybe both.
“We have a jar with notes in it!” he exclaims, louder than he intended. “Helps us try new things.” Natasha laughs and leans back in her seat. “A jar filled with kinks?” She bites her lip. “Filthy, I like it.” Bucky chuckles behind Peter and the boy shivers. “We call it the Jar of Dirt,” Tony chimes in, rather proud. Bruce purses his lips. “A fitting name.” Tony nods, agreeing. “That’s what we thought.” “So,” Bucky leans forward again, angling himself so he can look at Peter’s side profile. Peter swallows when his senses pick up on the man’s every little move. “What’s the last thing you pulled out of it?” He presses his lips on top of each other, eyes wide. “Oooh, a good one?” Nat takes a sip from her beer. “Go on, doll, what didya grab?” Doll. Peter’s mouth is dry. Bucky called him doll. “Lingerie,” Peter whispers quietly. “Wha- we didn’t catch that.” Bucky grins. Peter knows Bucky heard. He just wants him to say it again and it has Peter stifling a moan. Instead of repeating his answer, he moves the pillow from his lap and toys with the hem of his sweatpants, lowering them far enough for everyone to see the black lacey tulle.
Peter hears Bucky’s breath catch at the sight and he quickly drags the pillow back into his lap before they all see just how hard he is. They probably already saw, though. The outline is hard to miss in those sweats. Peter takes a quick glance at Tony. The hot, dark gaze he’s met with tells him enough. Tony loves this as much as he does, showing off his pretty boy. “Tsk, now,” comes his low, deep voice. “Behave, baby. Can’t show off your ass just like that.” “M’sorry, da-!” Peter stops himself just in time and whimpers. “Y’all being mean!” “What were you gonna call me, baby? Tell them, Pete. Tell them who you belong to.” Tony’s voice is grounding, yet so demanding and authoritative that Peter just can’t help himself. He’s never been good with secrets and Bucky’s fingers trailing slow circles on his back doesn’t help at all. “D-daddy. I’m daddy’s.” “Ohh, look at you…” Bucky’s breath is warm against Peter’s skin. He scoots forward in his seat behind Peter, until his crotch is practically right next to Peter’s head. The man quickly glances at Tony and continues when the boy’s boyfriend sends him a nod of approval. He brings his face to Peter’s ear and Peter gasps when Bucky’s metal hand runs through Peter’s hair, tugging at it slightly. The cold vibranium sends small jolts of electricity through his body. The near-quiet but fast beating of the other man’s heart is evident behind him. He feels it. Every single thud. “You sure are daddy’s pretty boy, aren’t you?”
Peter wants to sob and he nods frantically. Painfully aware of everyone watching the both of them. None of them seem bothered, too buzzed by the alcohol to care. Heck, Peter can practically hear all their fast beating hearts and his eyes roll back as his senses are dialled even further up under the attention. He’s so incredibly turned on. It doesn’t help that Tony’s right there opposite him. Staring at them, licking his lips and seeing how Bucky’s metal fingers are now slightly curled around Peter’s throat. He loves it. Loves the attention. And fuck, most of the people in this room are turned on as well. He can feel it. Feel them. Nat, Steve, Bruce- They’re all disgustingly filthy and it only adds to Peter’s arousal. “Continue, Nat,” Tony’s voice breaking through the silence. She smirks and nods, taking another sip of her beer before continuing her interrogation.
Peter gasps when Tony pins him against their bedroom door, the other man’s mouth hot and rough on his own. Claiming him with his passionate kiss. Peter just takes it. He’s so ready. He’s tipsy and he’s horny and he just wants to feel the pleasure sparking throughout his entire body. “Mr-” “Hush, baby.” Tony breathes against his lips, tickling his fragile skin and sending a jolt down his spine. “Think you talked plenty, don’t you? Making daddy so hard.” His hands trail down his boy’s sides. Peter shivers into his touch. Leaning in, following Tony’s lead. He’s so sweet. So submissive already. “Y-You don’t mind? I mean, I. I don-” “Baby, if I would’ve minded I wouldn’t have let it happen. Fuck, loved it baby. Showing everyone how perfect you are. Perfect for me.”
He grabs Peter’s ass tightly, lifting the boy up and carrying him to their bed. He hovers over him, hands creeping underneath Peter’s shirt to be met with the smooth, soft skin that’s him. He growls, already knowing what he’s going to do to Peter. He needs… supplies, though. “Baby, listen to me carefully. I’m going to grab a couple things. I want you to take off those sweatpants and show me that lace, alright?” Peter swallows. He has no clue what Tony’s up to, but it sounds all the more promising like that. He watches Tony move up and away from him, leaning sideways to gather everything he needs from their nightstand. Peter wriggles out of his sweatpants, kicking it off his feet and hearing it drop to the floor. The cold air near-stinging on his legs. Fuck, he’s probably had a little too much of that Asgardian beer. His Spidey sense is all over the place. “Lose the shirt too, Pete,” Tony orders him without even looking. Peter whines and does so, throwing it aside. “What are you gonna do, daddy?” He asks breathlessly. “You’ll see, baby…” Tony mumbles, turning around with a soft, black blindfold resting in his hands. “Or actually, you won’t.” Peter gulps. They’ve never done anything like that before and damn, he’s so ready for it. Tony is eyeing him, gauging his reaction. Peter just nods, lips parting. “Please.”
“Turn around, hands and knees, darling.” Peter scrambles up right away, arching his back on purpose to give Tony a good view of the black lace hugging his ass tightly. “Can’t believe you showed off to all of them, sweetness.” Tony whispers, slowly sliding the blindfold over Peter’s eyes. The boy whimpers when everything goes dark, feeling how Tony’s fingers brush through his hair as he makes his way to tie the ends together. He’s shuddering. A mess already. “Stay down.” “Y-yes…” Peter stays put exactly where he is. Head hanging low, relishing in the helpless feeling that comes with not being able to see anything. His already on-edge senses shooting through the roof. He hears the air moving around Tony’s body as he moves. There’s soft noises in front of his face. Tony’s… Doing something with the headboard? Peter has no clue. He just hears how the man’s fingers occasionally tap against the wood. He just waits. Silently and still. Like a good boy. Gosh, he wants to be good for Tony. He’s aching for it. Aching for the praise.
Suddenly, Tony’s fingers tangle in Peter’s hair, gently tugging his head backwards. Peter’s breath hitches and his hips buck involuntarily. The smooth panties create the slightest bit of friction on his cock and he moans. “You like him. Don’t you?” Tony whispers, barely audible. But Peter hears him loud and clear. “W-what?” “Bucky. You’d let him fuck you, wouldn’t you?” Peter doesn’t know what to say. He can feel the blush creeping all the way down to his shoulders. It is so very obvious what his answer is. They both know it. But he isn’t sure whether he should admit it. “Say it. I want to hear you say it, Peter.” The boy gasps out loud, panting, when Tony drags his head up even further. His other hand creeping down Peter’s spine, leaving a cold trail of lube that has Peter shivering. Without warning, Tony tugs the panties aside and slips one of his fingers into him. He wants to jolt forward, but the grip on his hair is so tight that he’s held back. “Say it.” “I-I would let Bucky fuck me, Tony, I don’t-” Peter doesn’t know what happens next. Tony tugs on his hair, dragging his head forward. Something - a toy - slips into Peter’s mouth and it shuts him up right away. “Then suck him, Peter.”
Tony lets go of the boy’s curls and Peter moans, nearly sobbing in pleasure as he does as asked. Wrapping his lips around the toy and sucking on it. His mind flashes back to the way the man had dragged his metal fingers through his hair, the static between them, the way he’d threatened him by gripping his throat ever so gently. Doll. Tony’s fingers fill him up, stretching him so good, his fingers teasing around his prostate, only dragging across it lightly. He feels so full and Tony’s not even actually fucking him yet. But he knows the man will. “You’re gonna make Bucky come, baby? Make him throb and spill- all over that pretty face of yours?” Peter wants it. So bad. He knows it’s just a fucking toy but he can’t help sucking harder, bobbing his head up and down more passionately. He wonders what Bucky would sound like above him. Telling him how sweet he is for letting his daddy’s friend fuck him like that. The soft, broken moans falling from his lips as he would. He feels how Tony carefully removes his fingers, only for them to dig themselves into Peter’s hips harshly. He moans, hoping they’ll leave pretty dark bruises like last time. They don’t stain his skin for long but he enjoys every single minute of seeing them on his skin. As a sweet reminder of yet another amazing high.
“I’m gonna fuck you, Pete,” Tony growls from behind him, shifting closer. “Don’t you dare stop giving Bucky your full attention. Show him what a pretty slut you are.” With that, Tony pushes himself all the way in, pushing Peter further forward, the toy slipping deeper into his mouth. His muffled cry around it has Tony grunt and fuck into him mercilessly. “You’re gonna let the others watch as well, sweetness? Show them all how you like to be used by us? Hmmm?” Tony’s voice is everywhere and he can feel the way his pleasure starts building deep inside his gut. A tingling fire spreading towards his legs, nearly making them give out. “Gonna show Natasha all the details to our little kinks, uh? Have Bruce remember your filthy moans in case I shackle you to my desk once more?” Peter wants it. He wants it all. “Gonna ride Bucky’s hard cock while I watch you, honey? Would you do that?” Peter nods, as far as the toy in his mouth allows him too. His jaw’s hanging slack as he lets Tony fuck him forward, setting the pace. His lips sliding over the toy as he does so. He can feel some drool dripping down his chin but he honest to god doesn’t care anymore.
His mind is shattered. All he sees is their faces. Hears their supposed groaning in his ears. His imagination flaring all his dirty little fantasies at him without pause. Natasha sitting on his face as he eats her out, his own cock hard but ignored. She wouldn’t make him come. Would make him wait and beg. He sees himself sucking Tony’s cock while kneeling under the sturdy desk, Bruce at the other side of it knowing exactly what’s going on. He sees Steve, standing in front of him - tall and strong and powerful - while he kneels and takes his come all over his chest.
And then, Tony’s hand wraps around his cock, jerking him off so hard, so fast, that all the images just turn into a white flickering light in his mind as he comes. Hips bucking wildly in Tony’s steady grip. “G-Good boy. Fuck. Peter.” Tony leans in, his hand tangling in Peter’s hair once more as he slams into him again and again and again. Peter just takes it. Wants to take it. Wants Tony to fill him up and make him drip like the filthy boy he is. He’s moaning softly, lips still grazing around the toy. He couldn’t let go of it even if he’d want to. “M… St…” He tries to mumble the man’s name. “Ple-zz.” “Yes, baby. I- Fuck. I-” Tony’s loud groan fills the room, ringing in Peter’s ears when the man pushes forward once more. His cock jerking inside his body, making Peter clench around it as he takes it all. “Peter…” Tony collapses on top of him. Shaking. The grip in his hair loosening. The boy’s no longer being pushed forward and he lets the toy slip out, finally, his jaw aching and tight from holding open all that time, but he loves the strain. He drops his head onto the mattress in front of him, panting. Trying to catch his breath.
“Fuck.” Is all he manages to say after a couple of seconds. Tony lets out a breathy chuckle, slowly moving both their bodies down onto their sides and hugging Peter from behind tightly. His arms are warm and secure; Peter nestles closer. “Fuck indeed, baby.” Tony’s hands move up to undo the blindfold and Peter squeezes his eyes shut to keep the too bright light out of his system for just a bit longer. The other man grabs the blankets, pulling them up over their still slightly trembling bodies. “Thank you, Mr. Stark.” “Shhh, baby. I enjoyed it just as much.” “R-Really?” “Really.” He plays with the boy’s curls for a bit. “You know I don’t like to share, but fuck, Pete, you should’ve seen the hungry look on everyone’s faces tonight. On Bucky’s face. He knew damn well you’re mine and mine alone and I’d make him know it if he were actually here right now.” Peter smiles and makes himself smaller, keeping his eyes closed. “M-yours, daddy,” he mumbles. “My sweet baby,” Tony sighs, pressing a kiss on Peter’s hair. “I love you.”
--- More: Chapter 13 Masterpost
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mingiswow · 5 years
Soulmate!au Series | Changkyun
Pairing: Changkyun x reader
Summary: Not everyone had the same soulmate mark and that made even harder for you to find yours, especially when there was no visible mark on your body. But a boring class could change things.
Genre: fluff - loads of it
Words: +1.5 k
a/n: So, it’s finally over! The last part of the Soulmate Series is finally up and I’m so proud I finished. Thank you all who read it. Hope you guys enjoy Kyun’s and love you 💖
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You had seen everyone around you to fall in love, meet their soulmates, have names or words tattooed on their body, drawings adorning their skin, having a missing sense, so many ways to meet their soulmate, but yours wasn’t there. At least not visible.
The class was boring as you could think, your eyes barely kept open, the battery of your phone died and your friend missed the class. You had absolutely nothing to do and the video your teacher insisted on putting was even as boring as the man’s voice.
You grabbed the pen by your side and started to doodle on your notebook, but some freckles in your arm grabbed your attention, making you start drawing onto the skin, making little smiley faces, constellations, and doodles.
You kept doing that until the signal played, warning you and your classmates that the class was over. “Thank God” you thought when leaving the classroom, going straight to the small cafe-library near the uni so you could focus on your actual study, not that bullshit you were never going to use anyway.
The tables were empty due to the time, it was midday, but you weren’t hungry to get an actual lunch. You asked for your classic black coffee and sat on the table, spreading your books, notebooks, and pens, getting ready to study the effects of “screens” on kids' behavior.
When you stretched your arm to grab a pink pen that rolled away, you noticed that the drawings from before in your arms were gone and a simple phrase was marked in black.
Hey, soulmate
Your eyes blinked a few times before touching the skin, the color fading until was gone. You grabbed the pink pen in your hand and wrote.
Who are you?
You watched the words being sucked by your skin and couldn’t help but let a gasp out of your mouth. What was going on? You noticed letters starting to appear in your skin again. 
 I’m your soulmate. Everything we put on our skin appears on the other.
The words faded again but soon other ones appeared.
You should thank me for not doing the tattoo I wanted
You couldn’t help but chuckle and, somehow, you could feel them smiling to their arm. A feeling of warmth took your body, the idea of actually having a soulmate made your day happier and more exciting. How does this person looked like? Were they pretty? Tall? Short? Where they come from? You spent minutes thinking about it, not realizing when new words appeared in your forearm.
How’s my soulmate's name?
You smiled, liking the idea of the person calling you their soulmate, it was recomforting.
Y/N. How’s yours?
Changkyun. And I like the pink pen you’re using.
How do you know I’m using a pink pen?
The words faded and some green ones started to appear, the line thicker, almost like it was written with kids’ markers
Because the words appear in pink on my skin.
That’s so crazy and cool.
I know. I thought that I’d never meet you.
You blushed at his words. The idea of talking to him through your arms almost felt like talking through phone messages, the difference was you didn’t know how he looked like.
Me too. Why we never drew on our skins before? I never thought of that.
The laugh that left your mouth was loud and almost exaggerated but you were nervous, anxious with the whole situation.
My mom never allowed me because the ink was bad for the skin.
And you behaved?
Yes ???? And why didn't you draw on yours?
Never felt the need I guess, never thought of that
Fair enough
You two spent the whole afternoon speaking to each other, your study plans long gone with the first words that faded from your skin. Talking to Changkyun was comforting, warm and fun, he was a funny person and you guys clicked right away - which made you really happy because you always wondered what would happen if you and your soulmate didn’t match and actually hated each other. 
Wanna meet sometime soon?
The words appeared after you stopped talking about your favorite foods. The thump in your heart could be heard by the people in the tables by your side, which now were filled with mostly students and couples.
Yes. Tell me when and where
Are you free friday night? I know a Thai restaurant that is delicious and I think you’d love.
Ok. Friday night.
See you there at 8.
See you too, Kyunnie
Can’t wait to meet you for real
You giggled like a little girl and nodded, even though you knew he couldn’t see you.
Me too
Bye, soulmate
Bye, soulmate
You hugged your arm, almost feeling like you could hug him. Nothing in the world could describe the feeling you were having right then. The smile so big it couldn’t fit your face.
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The days couldn’t pass slower, even with you constantly talking with Changkyun. You guys even joked about not having anything to talk about when you meet, but you two couldn’t help, the first thing that you’d do was give him good morning and the last one give him good night. It was like you two met each other for ages, even if it was for a couple of days.
When friday finally arrived, your stomach was aching from anxiety, your head dizzy from nervousness, legs shaking. You felt like you were about to have a meltdown.
It took you almost three hours to get ready, your mind spacing out too often thinking about Kyun and all the things you two talked about, how well you two got along. You were so happy your soulmate was someone like him, funny, smart, kind, sweet and so many things. But to say you were also very nervous to finally meet him face to face was almost a joke.
A tingling sensation appeared in your arm and you looked down just to see a cute smiley face drawn on it and soon disappear a few seconds after.
I’m at your door, babe.
Your heart skipped several beats when you read the sentence. 
You didn’t even reply to him, getting your purse and, literally, ran out of your apartment. There was no time for the elevator either, practically jumping down the stairs to get as faster as possible to the front door.
When your eyes met the man in front of you, nothing could describe the smile that grew on your lips and the heartwarming feeling that took over your body.
“Hi” his voice danced its way to your ears and you just wished you could hear him talk forever. His voice was deep, velvety, soothing, felt like a warm day of summer in the park.
Changkyun had the brightest smile on his lips, his teeth showing, his eyes shut close. His heart was pounding on his chest, nothing could describe what he was feeling, you were much more he expected.
“Hi” you finally spoke, taking him out of his daydream, and running to him, jumping into his arms, wrapping the man into a tight hug. “You don’t know long I’ve waited to do this” your voice sounded muffled by the skin of his neck, your face hidden in the crook of it, scenting his smell and keeping it in your memory.
“Me too, babe” his voice so close to your ears and the hot breath leaving his mouth and gently touching your neck made shivers ran down your whole body. “I couldn’t wait to meet you, to meet my soulmate” you finally left his neck and looked to his eyes, they were like constellations shining in his beautiful brown orbs. “I brought you something” Changkyun smiled and took a little red box out of his jacket, handing it to you.
“You didn’t have to” the rush of blood tinting your cheeks pink. “Thank you, Kyun” the man could swear he’d die when you called him by the nickname and he decided that his name leaving your lips was his favorite thing in the world.
You opened the box and found two little red rings, thin as a thread and shiny as stars. On top of them there was a smiley face.
“It means the red string of destiny with the first doodle you did in your arm” he explained to you, his hands nervously fidgeting behind his back. “I hope you like it” you looked back to the man. 
“I… I loved, Kyun. They’re gorgeous” you both smiled, genuine happiness. “Can you… Can you put it to me?�� you shyly asked and he nodded, taking the ring from the box and gently slipping to your finger. Changkyun left a little kiss on top of it, making you giggle. You did the same to his one.
“You are mine now, forever” he said as he held your hand.
“And always” you smiled to him and did what you had been dreaming of doing, kissed him. The first of so many.
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Shownu | Wonho | Minhyuk | Kihyun | Hyungwon | Jooheon | I.M
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lysung · 5 years
Wabi-sabi (part 1)
Genre: angst, fluff (in the upcoming chapters :))
Pairing: Minsung (Jisung + Minho)
Words: 2,750
Summary: Wabi-sabi means imperfect or incomplete beauty. This is a central concept in Japanese aesthetics, which comes from Buddhist teachings on the transient nature of life. A pot with uneven edges is more beautiful than a perfectly smooth one, because it reminds us that life is not perfect.
Han Jisung and Lee Minho are two average high schoolers who have differences in common; two of them are being from the other high schoolers are being a part from the LGBT community and too thoughtful in an unhealthy way, besides many other things society would see as "flaws". After accidentally knowing each other through Twitter, they eventually became best friends but both of them still had colorless and monotone lives outside internet, until that, someday, one of them is about to get beaten up for being LGBT and the other one defends a random guy from getting beaten up by one of his best friends.
Warnings: bullying, homophobia, depressive thoughts
A/N: hello! i'm alexis and this is my first au :) i know this blog is supposed to be a fluff imagines blog, but i've been feeling like writing some ansgt lately. i hope y'all don't mind it ^^ i've worked hard on this since it's my arts homework as well, so i didn't have all the time to write this, but i did write it on my pace and, honestly, im still a bit unconfident about this one. if this gets a great reaction, i will definitely continue this asap ❤️ i hope you enjoy and please leave a heart and/or reblog, it would help me a lot and make my day 💕
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Legend says that, as soon as you’re born, you get a red string tied to your finger, connecting you to someone you’re destined to meet, regardless of time, place or circumstance. The string may stretch or tangle but it will never break.
Han Jisung always found the Universe majestic but crazy at the same time. Isn’t it weird how everything happen as it wills? Or, maybe, would it be They? Who is in control of the universe, if there’s someone with such power? Would they be God? But who is God, actually? Is there someone above God? — This kind of thought dominated the teenager’s mind every once in a while and, when it did, it would always keep him up at night. The thought of living his own life but, actually, being controlled by a divine existence, would scare him sometimes.
But, the thing is: the Universe, be it "it" or "they", never did anything out of the blue. Everything happens for a reason; whether if we trip or fall, cry out of pain or laughter, fake or genuinely smile, nothing happens “just because”. And we live to grow up as individuals and learn each and every lesson “it” has to teach us, even the small and silly ones.
Laid down on his bed, Jisung, who strongly believed in such legends, turned off his phone and stared at his dark-ish room’s ceiling, slightly bright thanks to the street lights outside.
These thoughts were, once again, haunting him. All he could do was wonder 3 things: What is he supposed to learn? Why? And, specially, who is going to help him?
These thoughts were soon replaced by self depreciative ones as soon as he looked through the window and noticed the sun rising. He would soon have to be up to get ready for another monotone day of school. He turned around, his back facing the windows, closed his eyes and, one more time, tried to fall asleep. But, as time passed, his thoughts wouldn’t go away; neither his usual philosophical thoughts or the self depreciative ones. There were hundreds of voices screaming in his head – some were calling him, some sounded mad, you would be afraid if you could hear them too. And when he least expected, his alarm ranged, meaning not only it was time for him to get ready for school, but also that he lost another fight to his strong mind.
Later that morning, during class change, he noticed 3 of his seniors in the other side of the corridor. Changbin, Hyunjin and Felix were staring at him and laughing out loud; he tried to ignore them and got his material for Math class. Walking to his classroom carefully, trying his best to avoid them, but they eventually came to him and Changbin pinned him to the nearest locker.
"Where are you trying to go, you shameless fag?" Changbin, their "leader", said to his face in provocation.
"Leave me alone, Changbin. Mind your own busin-" The younger tried to say and break free from his strong grip, but failed and was cutted out by Changbin.
"What are you gonna do? Are you gonna run away? Huh?" The oldest said, the provocation never leaving his tone.
Jisung was speechless. The small anxious boy didn't know what to do — should he fight back? Say something mean to them? Run away? He was totally alone and lost; there was nothing he could do.
"What is going on in here?" A high-pitched voice echoed through the, now, empty corridor, and, right next to them was the school's principal, looking pissed off as usual.
"Oh, nothing, Mrs. Kang! I was just... just... asking him how he'll go back home after school, so that I would know if I should take him home or not, hehe! I love this guy, Mrs. Kang. You have no idea how much I lo-"
"Detention. The 4 of you. And, Mr Seo, I'll let you go this time but, if you ever try to lie to me again, it's detention for a whole week. No buts." Mrs. Kang said and left, cutting Changbin's excuse off and getting a sigh from each of them in response.
"Listen up." To turn back to Jisung was the first thing Changbin did as soon as Mrs. Kang left. "I will get you and teach you how to behave like a real man, annoying faggot. Wait for it." Changbin threatened again, looking deep in Jisung's eyes and left. He watched their figures get smaller as they walked through the long corridor, fear and regret as evident in his eyes than never. Changbin had something in his eyes that made Jisung even more confused and lost.
As soon as the group had finally disappeared, Jisung bursted to the school's restroom without looking back, not being able to hold back the tears. Poor boy wouldn't make it to Math today and he was very aware of it.
This was just a tiny bit of Jisung's daily life, but it always shattered his heart in a billion pieces. He wondered, how can people be this heartless? Why are people like this to people like him, who were just born "different"? What's so wrong in being different? In being yourself? In loving someone, not minding their gender identity? What did Jisung do to deserve to live in such a inhumane society?
What did people like him did for the universe to punish them like this? What did they do to deserve such pain?
Jisung eventually lost his hope on society and hated his mind even more for being so cruel to him. All these voices calling him out, calling him names and saying stupid things would never shut up. How great would it be if he had somewhere to scream freely, without fearing to be heard...
As he walked through a dark path in life, it only seemed to get darker. He tried his best to run away, but something was stronger than him, pulling him further into the endless darkness, regardless of how much he fighted back, until he couldn't fight anymore. That's when he gave up.
After two hours spent locked in the bathroom, including some time to calm down a little bit and reduce the swelling in his eyes at least a little bit, he finally left the restroom and safely got his stuff and went to his classroom, lowering his head to hide his swollen eyes.
And this is how Jisung spent the rest of his time at school: hiding himself from everyone, specially his eyes. No one should see his eyes, or else he would be bombarded with questions and feel even worse with people pretenting to be concerned.
When he was finally back home, his safe place, the first things he's done was locking himself in his room and throwing himself on his bed. It was a way too long day for Jisung and all he wanted was to sleep forever.
Hence he couldn't sleep, he unlocked his phone and tried to look for a calm and soothing song to sleep when he received a message from one of his favorite people ever: Lee Minho, a friend he knew through Twitter. They were like best friends; sending memes, using matching icons, tagging each other in random "love yourself" tweets and even writing sweet things to the other, just to remind them that they are loved and appreciated. It was the kind of friendship people either envy or ship. They would never stop talking to each other and Jisung would never find the exact words that can express all his gratitute for having such an amazing person in his life.
"hey, how was school today? did those dumbasses disturb you again?" Minho asked him in the most "Minho" way as always. Jisung's heart always skipped a beat whenever he would receive a message from him - he's one of the few people who actually worry about him and he loved this feeling.
"it actually sucked as always, but there's not much I can do about it anyways. and yeah, they did, that's why :(" Jisung replied, trying hard not to remind of what happened earlier.
"wait right there bub, i'll brb i will get some tickets to go to your city and kick some asses to mars" Jisung smiled at his reply. Ever since they talked for the first time, Minho's personality amazed Jisung. They were completely opposites, and that was the fun part - their differences made everything perfect.
Minho was, unfortunately, the only person Jisung told about Changbin and his "crew". He just couldn't gather the courage to tell anyone but him, blind by scenarios of his family's possible reactions.
"you're so weird" "i love you so much" Jisung replied and smiled as wide as he could. This kind of reply between them would be pretty common. Now, the question is: is it really a joke or not? Did they mean it, or not? They never even thought about saying this, but it obviously made both of their hearts best crazily fast.
"now that's a lie because i love you more" and tons of heart emojis and memes were shared.
They were each other's happiness, home, a safe place. It was incredible how each message would melt both their hearts. Happiness was endless whenever they would talk. "If only universe could make us live near...", Jisung said to himself. He just wanted to hold tight this bright light that had been brightening up the path Jisung was going through.
"hey, I didn't go to school today so i kept on reading about random facts and found out about a japanese legend that says that two people who are destined to meet are connected by a string tied to their hands and i thought of you" "you said you really like legends like this, so i was wondering if you knew about this one..." Jisung's cheeks began to hurt for smiling for so long. Minho makes him feel so loved, which is a feeling he's still not used to, but he wish he could feel all this in person.
"you're so adorable :( and yes i do know this one, it's one of my favorites!" "i wonder who's on the other side of my string..."
"if you're not gonna be on the other side of my red string then what's the point."
"i love you. i wish i could say this in person."
"i love you too bub and that's fine. some day this will happen, okay? we can and will make it happen. promise?"
It was time for another monotone day at school. He would always know what was going to happen because it's been like this for a while now: he goes to school, sleeps in class, is bullyied, sometimes sleeps a bit longer and then, go back home. It's like he's stuck in a viscious loop - in the end of the day, he would always come back home with a sad expression in his face but he couldn't change this.
At school, waiting for biology class to begin, Jisung decides to try talking to someone. If he wants to stop avoiding people, he should be able to have short conversations with anyone. While talking to this girl who sits beside him about a test they would have later that day, a group of boys sat next to him and started to talk in a much higher tone. Jisung couldn't see their faces before they sat, but it was, surely, Changbin as his crew. Soon they started "talking" about gays and how they are ridiculous. Nice. What a beautiful place with sympathetic people, yay. Poor boy could barely focus in class because of all the noise they were making.
As his class ended and he was about to get his materials for his upcoming biology class, the same group of boys pinned Jisung just like the day before. He was shaking; it was happening one more time and he still didn't know what to do. Shaking under his breath, he didn't say or do anything. He wouldn't dare.
"Hello fairy, we're back." This was enough for Jisung to want to disappear. No, not these feelings again...
"H-hey... b-b-back for w-what?" Jisung asked, stuttering, in deep hopes it wasn't about what he thought.
"I told you we we would teach you how to be a real man, didn't I? And we'll do it now. You'll thank us later when you finally understand what being normal is." Changbin said, clearly trying to scare Jisung even more but, unfortunately, he couldn't get anymore scared. He could barely move or speak. He definitely gave up when he saw Changbin's fist in the air, getting ready to punch him, but another yell from the other side was calling for Changbin this time. His attention was divided between Jisung and the mysterious guy.
"What are you even trying to do?" The guy asked, trying to separate Jisung from them.
"N-no, it's not like that, I swear-"
"What is this supposed to be, then? I saw what I saw, and heard what I heard. So, you're gonna teach him how to 'act like a real man'? Because of what, he's gay?"
"Minho, what are you doing?" Changbin tried to reach him and grab his arms, just like how they would do when they were children, but, this time, Minho wasn't feeling like it. He completely understood what was going on and something must be done about it. He wasn't going to keep anything to himself in such moment, even if the one he's confronting is one of his best friends.
"First of all, he is a man. He's not 'less manly' than you, just because he like boys. Love is normal. Don't you even dare try to say it is not normal, or a sin, or whatever excuse you want to give." Minho kept on yelling and pushing Changbin and his other friends. It did hurt him inside, but he wouldn't stop. "You believe in God, right? Well, God wants you to respect His children as who they are. Also, stop acting as if 'gay cure' exist. You think beating a gay up will 'cure' him, huh? Well, this is not and will never be the right option, Changbin. He's done nothing wrong and there's nothing to be cured. You are the one who should learn to be a man. I thought you had finally understood me when we had that talk, maybe you really weren't paying attention at all, apparently. I can't with all this. You have absolutely 0 respect for people who aren't like you, and I won't stand this anymore. I can't do this. You will never change." At this point, there was a crowd watching Minho, their jaw dropped. He really thouched each of them deeply. Jisung could feel the pain and suffering in his voice. All he wanted to do was to hug him, if it means it would make Minho feel better, even if just for a while. He thought he is so brave for standing up for someone like Changbin because of a stupid dude he didn't even know. This is insane.
Maybe you can still have hope on this society, after all.
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lovelyrocker · 5 years
Love Is Blind Ch.2
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~Warnings: Jared being extremely sweet.(yes, that needs a warning!)
~ Characters: Jensen, Jared, Lexi(OFC), Spencer(OC), Ellie(OFC), Cassie(OFC)
~Pairings: Jared x Lexi(Eventually)
~Word Count: 6,310
Love Is Blind Masterlist
<Previous Chapter
Lexi managed to make it through her first few weeks with no major events. Other than the normal over obsessed fan wanted to know stuff and fangirled around her, she was able to stay to herself. Which is what she liked. She didn’t go out of her way to really make friends just yet and she never tried to hide the fact that she was Jensen’s little sister. What was the point? She figured it didn’t pay to hide who she was because in all honesty, she didn’t want to put in the effort of pretending to be something she wasn’t. She knew she wasn’t going to have a normal life but she was okay with that.
She fell into a routine of seeing Jensen and Jared mornings, catching them as she woke up just before they left for work. At night she would normally be awake studying late into the night when they’d come trudging in. Weekends were spent traveling back and forth to Austin from Vancouver and then to Dallas every other weekend. When she did have free time, however few and far between it was, she much enjoyed down time on the set. Watching them film trying not to laugh as they pranked one another, mostly Misha. Spending nights onset in the trailers binging on junk food and following the guys live tweeting while watching the show. It quickly became home, her normal and she was happy.
“Hey Texas!” Lexi heard a voice echo down the hall, seeing a petite redhead walking towards her.
“Hi.” Lexi greeted back closing her locker.
“How’re you liking our school?” The redhead came to a stop in front of her.
“Uh, good, I guess. Different than Texas.” Lexi answered slinging her backpack over her shoulder.
“I know. Culture shock. I’m Ellie.” Ellie smiled. “Wanna eat lunch with us?” She gestured towards the waiting people.
Lexi looked over at the teens then back at Ellie. “Sure.”
They sat at the concrete table on the concrete benches as the nibbled on their apple slices, sandwiches and soda. The weather was on the chilly side but the sun kept them comfortable enough to dine out. Lexi was introduced to Cassie, a 16 year old,  curvy brunette with a bubbly personality. And Spencer, a sixteen year old, tall, shaggy brown headed boy that had the ‘I don’t give a hell’ attitude most girls found irresistible.
“So why did you move here?” Spencer asked in his deep monotone voice.
“School, I applied on a whim and got in. My brother works here here so.” She shrugged.
“I moved here from El Paso a few years ago. My dad was transferred with his job.” Ellie spoke.
“So you’re Texas too.” She said raising her brow.
“Yup.” Ellie sipped her cola. “So how many A.P. classes do you have?”
“Uh,” She scratched at her nose. “All of them.”
Ellie choked a bit. “All?! How old are you?”
“Fifteen.” Lexi answered shyly.
“So you skipped two grades?” Lexi nodded. “Sweet. Smart bitch.” Ellie added with a nudge. “You said you live with your brother? Must get away with a lot of crap.”
“Uh, no.” Lexi corrected. “When he wants to be he can be strict. Jared however is a big goofball most of the time.”
“Jared?” Ellie questioned. “Is that like his boyfriend?”
“What?!” Lexi was shocked. “No, no!”
“Oh, right! The tall dude!” Ellie corrected herself. “Sorry, i’m not like hardcore obsessed with them like most other girls are.” She explained. “I refer to them as the tall one and the hot one.” She chuckled.
Lexi gave a laugh. “Better than me. I call Jensen Dork and Jared skyscraper.”
“At least my nicknames are nice!” Ellie poked fun.
The two became close as the days turned into weeks of texting and late night phone calls between the teens. Lexi often going over to Ellie’s house after school to hang out or do school work along with Ellie’s other friend’s Cassie and Spencer. They didn't treat her different or odd. They treated her normal, like a person. And when others behaved otherwise around her they would have her back.
But as always in these situations one can never be too sure. So now Lexi felt it was time to attempt to mix her home life and personal life a bit. See how it went. “Hey, can I have friends over?” Lexi blerted to Jensen when he walked into the house.
“Hello Lexi, How was your day?” Jensen answered her with a grin.
“Sorry.” She smiled and hugged her brother. “How was your day?”
“It was good.” He slipped his jacket off and hung it on the back of the chair. “Now, what do you want?”
“Can I have some friends over? Maybe spend the night?”
Jensen looked at her unsure he heard the question correctly. “Uh, here? Like in our house?”
She gave him a weird look. “That’s usually how sleepovers work, Dork.”
“That depends, Punk.” He leaned against the back of the couch.
“On what?”
“On whether or not they’ll go through our underwear drawers or something.” Jared spoke standing from the kitchen table.
“Dude, eww.” Lexi held up her hand. “They’re fifteen and sixteen.”
“Yeah, I know but-” Jensen tried to speak but was cut off.
“Yeah, yeah, I know. Crazy people.” Lexi finished for her brother. “But these are my friends. They’re my friends for me not you. Trust me, I don’t normally like people in general.”
“You got a point.” Jensen exhaled and looked at Jared across the room who gave a consenting nod. “Fine.”
“Thank you!” Lexi jumped up clapping her hands hugging Jensen.
“Hey what about me?” Jared faked being left out. “I had to agree too.”
“Thank you, too!” She gave Jared a hug as well.
The next day it was a little past six in the evening when Jared and Jensen walked into the house. They were greeted with the sound of teenagers laughing in the living room. Entering the living room the seeing four teenagers lounging across the furniture, jackets and hoodies draped along the backs of the couch and chairs, school books strewn about the floor and coffee table and bags of junk food littered the area.
“Study party?” Jensen greeted.
“Hey, Jensen!” Lexi smiled. “Guys this is my brother and his bestie, Jared.” She looked over at her friend. “The tall one and the hot one right, Elle?” She giggled. “Guys this is Cassie,” She pointed to dimpled brunette. “And this is Ellie.” She pointed to the red head. “And that’s Spencer.” She aimed at the shaggy blond haired boy. “We are all AP nerds so we are kinda sorta studying.” She crooked her hand.
“Nerd herd, got ya.” Jensen said sliding his jacket off. “Did you guys eat? Like actually food?”
“Not yet.” Lexi said digging through the bag in her lap.
“Anyone seen the big bag of gummy bears from the pantry?” Jared asked walking back into the room as Lexi froze putting a gummy in her mouth looking like a deer in headlights. Jared walked over leaning on the back of the chair. “Thief.”
Lexi lifted the bag. “I’ll be nice and share.” She smiled.
“Pizza sound good?” Jensen asked as the all agreed.
“I wish I could stay but I have to get home.” Spencer said putting booking into his bag. “Thanks for the cramming session, I’ll see you guys later.” He stood making his way to the door. “Nice meeting you guys.” He waved walking out.
Sitting around the table with soda and pizza between the three girls and two men they chatted about Lexi’s upcoming birthday. “We should have a party!” Ellie continued grabbing another slice of pepperoni.
“Dude, I barely know five people.” Lexi protested.
“You can make new friends in a month.” Cassie chimed in. “And at the party.”
“Every girl needs to go big for their sixteenth birthday.” Ellie added. “It’s like in a rule book somewhere. It’s an excuse to get all dressed up and sexy.”
“I think you should have a party.” Jensen spoke from the end of the table. “Besides I know Dee would love to plan a party that doesn’t involve cartoons and ponies.” He sipped his drink.
“And I'm sure Spencer would love to come.” Ellie sang.
“The geeky kid that was here?” Jared asked.
Ellie looked at Jared. “He is always giving her flirty eyes and smiling like an idiot around her.”
“Shut up!” Lexi laughed.
“I’ve known Spenc for eight years!” Ellie sat up. “I know how he acts when he likes someone. And he likes you!”
As soon as Lexi agreed to the party the month seemed to fly by extra quickly. The party was a week and a half away. She learned fast as to who was her friends and who was in it for Jared and Jensen. She’d managed to make a few handfuls of friends that she enjoyed spending time with. But, Cassie and Ellie were the closest. Ellie most of all. They always seemed to be attached at the hip.
She was managing well with her new, more so hectic than not lifestyle. Traveling from Vancouver to Texas most weekends. Splitting her time between Austin and Dallas. She was adapting and maintaining her own level of sanity between being a teenaged that was advanced academically and being a normal teen in general. Normal was never her strong suit though.
“Lexi, You’ve got mail.” Jared spoke in an automated voice dropping the envelopes on the counter in front of her. “A lot of mail.” He said turning back around placing a few more in front of her.
Lexi began flipping through the papers. “Hey guys?” The men looked up at her curious as to why she looked in shock. “When you’re accepted to a university, they send you the big envelope, right?”
Jensen made his way over to her quickly looking over the envelopes. “Dartmouth, Stanford, Yale, Princeton! Lexi you got into all four!” Jensen beamed.
Jared stood with excitement. “One more, Cornell!” He held up another big envelope.
“Oh my God!” She sat down in shock. “I really didn’t think I’d get in. Like, at all!” She looked up at Jensen.
“I’m so proud of you, Punk.” Jensen squeezed her into a hug.
Days later it was late into the night and Lexi was sitting on her bed with all the university  information spread out in front of her. She was trying to make a decision but did not have much luck.
Hearing a grunt of frustration, Jared pushed the half opened door and stood. “Hey. Why are you still up?”
“I got accepted into three more universities. Brown, Columbia and Harvard.”
“That’s great!” Jared praised and Lexi looked at him with annoyed eyes. “Not great?”
Lexi huffed and let herself fall back against the pillows. “I don’t know where to go!” She brought her hands to her face and grunted again then let her hands fall down. “This is so frustrating! Maybe if I knew what I wanted to do with my life!”
“Okay, One, Calm down.” Jared pulled her desk chair out turning it backwards and sitting. “Look at me.” He said as she sat back up and he took her hands into his. “I’m gonna first start off by saying that you should be proud of yourself for getting into, what was it, eight?” He reached and counted the letters. “Eight Ivy league universities.” She looked back up to him. “Second, when do they need an answer?”
“That’s still a ways away.” He assured. “We are only in October.” He took a breath. “What’s really going on?” He didn’t know her as well as Jensen did but he knew her well enough to know when something was going on in that head of hers.
Lexi sighed. “I’m not even sixteen yet. I won’t be for another two weeks, and I have to make this major life decision. Like do I live off campus or in the dorm? Can I even live in the dorm since i’m under eighteen? Do I stay here? I mean how will this work? I don’t even know what I want out of life.”
“Breathe.” Jared cooed. “I have an Idea. How about I go over all of this with you tomorrow. You know? Help you sort it all out.”
“Really? You’d do that?”
“Yeah, if you’d like.” He nodded. “Just not right now at 12:30 at night.” He smiled at her.
It was Saturday, Jensen was in Austin and since it was Genevieve’s weekend with the kids Jared stayed behind as well as Lexi to go over the university choices. Sitting on the porch in the cool breeze, papers, notebooks and a laptop sat between the two of them. Flipping through each information booklet one by one they went over all the benefits, pros and cons of each place.
“Which one is next?” Jared asked setting aside one folder.
Lexi shifted grabbing another folder from the pile. “Uh, Stanford.” She opened the booklet. “Isn’t that where Sam went on the show?”
“Yes it is.” He answered with a smile as he read over some papers. “I actually did a little research when I did the pilot. Good school. Between San Jose and San Francisco I think.”
“Geez, that’s far away.” She looked from Jared  to the booklet. “I don’t know if I’d be able to live THAT far away yet.” She tossed the booklet aside in annoyance. “UGH! I want Ice cream.”  She stood up and walked in remerging with a pint of ice cream and a spoon. “Don’t look at me like that.” She said to him noticing the grin and amused look on his face. “Ice cream fixes everything.” She said as she took a spoonful into her mouth. “Especially cookie dough ice cream.” She handed him the pint. “So why didn’t you go to college?” She asked laying her head back on the chair.
“I almost did.” He took another mouthful of ice cream. “Registered for classes and everything.”
“Really?” She snapped her head back up looking at him. “What happened?”
“I got casted on Gilmore Girls. Packed up and moved to L.A.”
“I wish I knew what my thing was. Like, I wish I could find something I'm passionate about.” She turned to face Jared. “I was always team Dean by the way.” She added as she continued talking. “Like you and Jay for instance. You both walked away on a full ride education to pursue acting. You were passionate and determined. I have nothing like that.”
“Yes you do.” Jared shot back. “Everyone does.”
She thought for a moment, the wheels spinning in her head. “There is one thing that I kind of liked.”
“What’s that?” Jared asked as he passed the ice cream again.
“Help me pick up all of this crap and I’ll show you.” She began grabbing the papers.
Inside Jared followed her upstairs and piled the papers her desk in the bedroom. She went into her closet and began digging around. Spotting what she was looking for she  climbed a box reaching for the top of the closet.
“Hold on.” Jared said walking behind her grabbing her waist and setting her on the floor. “You gonna bust your butt.” He chuckled. “What you reaching for?”
“That one.” She pointed. Jared grabbed the box with ease and handed it to her. “Okay, so when I was thirteen, Danneel was doing a clothing thing with a friend and drafted me as one of her models.” She explained sitting on the bed digging through the box. “I didn’t think I'd like it all but I actually loved it.” She handed him a stack a pictures.
“You look so cute!” He exclaimed, seeing the first picture then began flipping. “These are all really good.”
“I thought about looking into it but never did.” She shrugged leaning back on her pillows.
“These are from a different shoot, right?” He sat on the bed holding up a few photos.
“Yeah, those were last summer. I did that with a friend at Lake Austin.”
“Lex, you’ve found your thing.” Jared chuckled looking at her as if it were obvious, and it was. “Why aren’t you doing this?”
“I just did it these few times.”
“So, you’re a natural.” Jared placed the pictures back in the box.
“Kind of thought it may be too far fetched. You know how many people want to model?”
“Have you met your brother? The guy took off to L.A. at eighteen with only a hunch.”
“Guess you’re right.” She slid the box under her bed.
“I know I am.” Jared said with a grin walking out the room.
In Jensen’s trailer a week later Lexi sat on the couch buried in her school books. A place she has come to look at as a second Vancouver home. Spending many nights on set and getting rides with Cliff to and from school, spending the time doing homework and watching Jared and Jensen film.
“Hey punk.” Jensen greeted with a peck on her head, Jared in toe.
“Hey, dork.” She smiled up at him.
“What’re you up to?”
“Homework. What are y'all doing?”
“Little break.” Jensen plopped down next to her.
“Jensen,” A tap on the trailer in passing. “We need you in wardrobe and makeup.”
“Don’t study too hard.” He said, tapping her head standing before walking out.
“Nice stubble.” Lexi smirked at Jared who was sitting across from her in the chair.
“Yeah,” He said rubbing his face. “Sam’s got a little five o'clock shadow going in this episode.”
“It suits you.” She said as Jared crossed the room and plopped down next to her grabbing the bag of sour strips from her lap. “Hey!” She protested.
Jared smiled, popping a candy into his mouth. “What are you working on?”
“Book report. How many times must we pick apart Romeo and Juliet in our high school career?”
“They still teach that?” Jared asked grabbing her notebook.
“Yeah but this report has to be different. We have to not only voice what we think about the relationship but add an entire separate report through the eyes of their parents.” She rolled her eyes.
“Wow.” Jared said looking over her paper.
“Yeah, like being in love at fourteen isn’t bad enough.” She shut her text book and tossed it aside.
“Don’t you believe in true love and all that jazz, like most chicks your age?” Jared asked, putting her notebook down, grabbing another sour strip.
She scoffed. “Negative!” She answered with large eyes.
“Seriously?” He asked surprised.
“Why? Do you?”
“Eh, sorta.” He said shrugging. “Listen, um, I want to show you something. Follow me.” He said standing. Lexi followed him to his trailer, another home away from home and watched as he emerged with a box wrapped in a bow.
“You didn’t have to do that.” She said with a smile spreading across her lips.
“I know. I wanted to.” He said, still holding out the box.
“But my party isn’t until next weekend.”
“And your birthday was two days ago. So technically I’m late.” He held the gift out for her with the sweetest boyish smile.
Lexi took the box and began unwrapping it. As the paper fell away she pulled the top off of the rectangle box and looked up at Jared. “Oh my God, Jared!” Pulling out a beautiful black leather bound journal she looked back at him.. “I can’t accept-”
“Yes, you can.” Jared spoke, looking at her. “With as much as you journal I figured you would soon need a new one.”
“Is this real leather?” She asked examining the elegant spiral design with black, pink and greys. Jared nodded. “This must have cost a fortune, Jared, I can’t-”
He lifted a finger. “Ah ah, yes, you can. Besides,” He opened the journal pointing to the left hand corner on the inside. “It has your initials. And, here.” He handed her an envelope. “This is yours too.”
Lexi took the envelope and opened in. “An address?” She gave him a funny look.
“I have a friend that is currently looking for a few models to do a low profile shoot for some local stores. I showed her your pictures and she was interested.
Be there Saturday morning at 9am.”
“Oh my- Jared thank you!” she said, tossing her arms around his shoulders.
“Wait!” She pulled away. “You stole my pictures?”
“Borrowed.” He shrugged with a chuckle. “Happy Sweet Sixteen, Lex.” Jared said as he hugged her tight once again.
“Oh, I wanted to get your opinion on something. Wait here.” Lexi said as she left the trailer then reappeared with papers in a yellow envelope and handed it to him. “I didn’t know who to talk to about it because, to be completely honest, I’ve only talked to you about the college stuff.”
“Okay?” Jared said shutting the door and opening the envelope.
Lexi watched his facial expressions changed while he flipped through the papers. He shifted as he read and Lexi did a once over of his stance, trying to read him. She paused over his arms. Without a jacket or hoodie she could really see the defined curves of his biceps. She shook the thought from her head and tried to focus on his expression. She watched as he nibbled his bottom lip in concentration. The way his hair slightly fell in front of his eyes… His eyes, the deep, mesmerizing blue green abyss of his eyes.
“So the University of British Columbia?” Jared spoke, pulling her from her thoughts.
“I know it sounds crazy.” She said, refocusing her attention.
“The crazy ideas are usually the best.” Jared smiled.
“So you don’t think this is too-”
“No, I don’t.” Jared smirked. “Their curriculum is so big you can basically study whatever. They can be considered a Northern Ivy league. You get to stay home. Sounds like you made up your mind.”
“I was thinking maybe business and art design with a class or two in photography.” She explained with a hand gesture.
“Sounds perfect.” Jared smiled, handing her back her papers. “Shoot for the stars.”
“Thank you, Jared.” She said, reaching up and giving him a hug.
As soon as she did, she wished she didn’t. The feel of his firm body pressed against her made her lose her breath for a second. His defined arms held her against him in a gripping hug that made her swallow hard.
If only she knew Jared’s mind was made temporarily hazy by her sweet smelling shampoo. The scent filled his nose as he held on a moment longer that needed. She pulled away and looked up at Jared. “Don’t you need to be on set or something?”
“No, I’m actually good for the night. Jensen and Misha are shooting now. I’m staying here for the night. I think Jay may be, too.”
The trailer door opened. “There you are.” Jensen said walking into Jared’s trailer.
“Speak of the Devil.” Lexi giggled
“I’m gonna be shooting till late so I’m gonna stay here. Did you want to head home or have Cliff run you get clothes or something?” Jensen asked fixing his collar.
“I’m good. I have extra clothes here from last time I stay the night on set.”
“Okay, I have to get back.” Jensen leaned in and kissed her forehead before walking out.
Jared and Lexi cut up and watched Netflix that evening to kill time. They watched old horror movies and ate gummy bears and sour strips to their heart’s content while talking about the differences between the types of books and poetry they’d both recent read. Talking about old comic books and 80’s cartoons only to shift onto the topic of sci fi book and movies.
“Hey, Lex. It’s snowing.” Jared commented looking out the window.
“Really?” She glanced out the window excited. “Yay!” Jumping up and running out of the trailer.
She stood in the middle of the dark lot, arms stretched, as the snow fell heavily around her. She spun around and took in the feeling of the cold wetness.
Jared smiled at her. “Have you ever seen snow?”
“Once or twice. But, this is the first time it’s snowed since I’ve moved here.” She said, looking back at Jared. “I love the snow!”
A fair amount of fresh powder had already collected on the ground by the time Jared had noticed. He balled up a snowball and tossed it at her. Looking back with a huge smile, Lexi retaliated.  she ambushed him, tackling him to the ground. They wrestled and Jared pinned her to the ground in a bout of laughter and giggles.
“My God, this is freezing!” Lexi shouted as her bare skin touched the snowy ground.
“Well, you ran out here in your school uniform.” Jared laughed helping her up.
“Come on, let's get you in.” As they walked into the trailer Jared handed her a towel. “Jump in the shower, it’ll help warm you.”
Without hesitation Lexi went straight for the shower and turned the hot water on full blast. She stood under the spout and instantly began to warm up. After washing up she stepped out and dried off, then wrapped a towel around herself. It wasn’t until then that she realized that her clothes were still in Jensen’s trailer.
She cracked open the bathroom door. “Uh, Jared?”
“Yeah.” He said, not looking away from what he was reading in his phone.
“I didn’t grab my stuff from Jensen’s trailer. You mind?”
Jared glanced up and saw her standing there in the door in a towel, the water still dripping from her skin. He was momentarily frozen at the sight of her standing there, her curves obvious through the thin fabric. He quickly shook his thoughts and stood. “Uh, here.” He said walking toward the back room. He reemerged with a pants and long sleeved shirt. “I’m not about to go rummaging through your bag.” He smiled at her.
“Thank you.” She smiled, closing the door. She dried off and slipped into Jared’s clothes. Although his clothes fit his six foot four frame perfectly, Lexi’s five foot six stature was made to look even smaller in his huge clothes. But she didn’t mind. His shirt smelled of him and was warm and cozy.
She walked out of the bathroom and sat on the couch, covering back up. “I’m still freezing.”
“I’ll turn the heat up.” Jared said walking towards the thermostat. “I’m always hot so it really doesn’t bother me.”
“Bring some of that heat this way.” Lexi said gesturing for him to come over.
Jared chuckled and slid next to her on the couch. “My God, you are warm.” She said as she snuggled into him.
“You feet are freezing!” He jumped as she touched him.
Jared placed an arm around her and he soon felt her stop shivering. He pressed play on the next movie as he felt her arms wrap gently around his waist. Not long after the movie started he noticed her breathing deepens. Looking down and saw she was asleep. Jared pushed the hair from her face and watched her for a bit, stroking her cheek as he looked over her face, taking in her rose cheeks and pink lips. He let his thumb brush her lip for a small moment before retracting his hand shaking his head to rid himself of the thoughts that were rising in his head. He slid himself down on the couch to get comfortable. Laying longways, Lexi was nestled between Jared and the sofa. He fixed the blanket to cover her better, causing her to stir a bit. Lexi leaned into Jared draping a leg over his, nestling into his chest, she wrapped her arm around his waist pulling him a little closer. Jared wasn’t sure if he should stay the way they were or not. She was sleeping so peacefully. Part of his mind was telling him to move. That laying with a sixteen year old girl like this wasn’t appropriate,especially with the uncontrolled thoughts that kept popping in his head - thoughts that confused the hell out of him, to be honest. If anyone saw him laying with her like this, they would get the wrong impression.
He looked at his watch and saw it was late. If Jensen was gonna pop in after shooting he would have done it by now. Jared looked back down at Lexi and smiled. It had been so long since someone laid on him this way. He missed the feeling of somebody next to him, warm and soft. Maybe that’s what this was. Maybe he was thinking of Lexi oddly because he’s lonely? Finally, he flipped the tv off and laid his hand around Lexi and tucked the other under his head. In a matter of minutes he was asleep.
Jared’s alarm on his phone went off the next morning causing both he and Lexi to jump awake. He reached a hand and shut the phone off, running a hand over his face. Lexi sat up, the blanket falling from her shoulders.
“Did we sleep like this all night?” She asked, rubbing her eyes with a yawn.
“I guess so.” Jared stretched before getting up. “Coffee?”
“That’s a stupid question.” Lexi smirked. “You are better than an electric blanket.” She stretched again.
“What?” Jared chuckled, getting the coffee pot ready.
“I stayed warm all night.”
“Good to know I’m good for something.” He joked.
“What time is it?” She yawned again, peeping through the window shade. “It’s not even daylight yet.”
“Five. I gotta be on set in about an hour and a half.”
“I can do a Starbucks run when the sun comes up.” She smiled up at him.
“That would be wonderful. Iced-”
“Grande iced latte and one of those croissants.” She finished for him as she stood and stretched. “I think I have clothes here from last week now that I think about it.” She said, walking to the back of the trailer. “That purse thing I had last week with the rose on it. Is it still here?” She opened her closet and moved stuff around on the floor. “Ha, I knew it!” She said grabbing the bag.
Lexi swung the door and began undressing. Jared fixed a cup of coffee and walked over to the door. His intentions were to ask if she wanted him to fix her a cup of coffee. He was distracted when he caught a glance of her undressing. He stood a few feet from the door and watched Lexi slide the baggy pants down her legs revealing her sky blue pantys. She lifted the giant shirt over her head and Jared swallowed seeing her bare back facing towards the door. His eyes gazed at her body up and down as she dug for an item in her bag. He took in her curves, the way her hair fell down her back.
She shimmied her jeans up her legs and snapped her bra before turning, giving Jared a direct view of her barely covered breasts. He was already half hard watching her before, now he was fully aroused at the site of her full cleavage that peeked from the top of her bra. She slid her shirt on and went for the door. Jared turned quickly to hide his growing problem.
“Hey, what’re you doing?” She asked as he walked back towards the kitchen.
“I was about to ask if you wanted me to pour you a cup?” He positioned himself carefully behind the counter.
“I can get it.” Lexi said, walking into the small kitchen area behind Jared grabbing a cup.
Jared hoped to God she didn’t notice his issue. She grabbed her coffee and walked to the couch, Jared breathing a sigh of relief.
Lexi downed her coffee and grabbed her newly found bag and went to the bathroom to brush her teeth. Jensen walked in and greeted his friend, Lexi poking her head out of the bathroom.
“Did you sleep well, punk?”
“Yes. Oh, and I found my missing overnight bag.” She smiled walking back, toothbrush in her mouth. Jensen turned his attention to Jared who was leaning over the counter.
“You alright man?”
“I’m good.” Jared said, brushing it off.
Jensen stared at him for a long minuted then realized. “You don’t- really?!” He said in a half whisper, half yell. “Lexi?!”
“No!” Jared lied. “I woke up with it and it won’t go away!” He whispered to his friend. “When she is done and leaves I’ll…” He drifted off, Jensen understanding.
Jensen stood on the opposite side of the counter and a smile crept over his face. “What?” Jared asked.
“Oh, nothing.” Jensen’s smile getting wider.
“Uh huh.” Jared knew he was lying.
“Lex?!” Jensen called out.
“Don’t you dare!”
“Yeah.” Lexi said as she walked out of the bathroom and slipped her shoes on.
“Jared woke up with a massive case of morning wood, so get lost so he can rub one out before work.” Jared’s face went white.
“T.M.I.” Lexi said with a giggle as she grabbed her jacket and jumped down the steps.
“I’m gonna kill you!” Jared snapped as Jensen walked out with a huge grin.
After wardrobe and makeup, Jared was heading towards the set when he saw Jensen coming his way. “Give me one good reason not to punch you.” Jared spat as Jensen walked in step with him.
“Why would you go and do that? Did you fix your issue?”
“Shut up.”
“Did you use Lexi’s lotion?”
“No!” He looked behind them then back at Jensen. “Cold shower. You’re an ass. Now Lexi is gonna think I’m some creep weirdo thanks to you.”
“I already thought you were a creepy weirdo.” Lexi said walking up behind Jared handing him his latte. “Only thing different now is that I think you’re a sexually frustrated creepy weirdo.” She smiled handing Jensen his Venti Americano.
“Ha! I’m going to wardrobe.” He slapped Jared on the back, walking away.
“Lexi, this morning, me being-” Jared’s cheeks were growing bright. “That had nothing to-to do with you. Not- not that you aren’t attractive, just-” Jared was fumbling over his words horribly. It didn’t help that he was also lying through his teeth. She was the exact reason he was turned on this morning. And after she and Jensen left, he pleased himself thinking of her in the shower.
“Jared.” She broke his mumbling. “It’s okay. I get how the male body works. You should have just said something.”
“Yeah like I'm just gonna say 'Hey go away so I can jerk off’.” He froze. “Wait, I didn’t- that was a little-”
Lexi laughed. “Jared, chill. I’m not twelve. I know about sex,” she raised her brow. “ the birds and the bees. You’re good.” Jared flushed again. “Besides, I did grow up with Jensen.”
“Yeah, enough said there.”
“Hey, after you get done filming, can you drop me off at the mall on the way home?”
“Sure, what’s at the mall?”
“I was gonna look for a dress for the party.” She said as Jensen walked back up now in full Dean gear.
“Speaking of party, how many people you’re expecting?”
“Fifty or less.” She wiggled a hand.
“Did you even meet fifty people in a month?” Jensen questioned.
“I work fast.” ~ Walking up to the mall entrance, Ellie was waiting with coffee in hand. Lexi reached out and grabbed her cup from Ellie and they made their game plan.
“Wait, wait. Where will you two be?” Jensen asked in a paternal tone.
“We’re shopping for the party, Jay. So, everywhere.” Ellie started. “Gotta make sure we look sexy.” She said shaking her shoulders.
“Yeah. not happening. Dresses are to be decent and respectable. Both of you.” He pointed a finger. “Lex, you need cash?” He reached for his wallet.
“No, I’m good.” She turned entwining her arm with Ellie.
“Okay, Y'all have fun and remember, tasteful.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Ellie said with a wave of her arm as the kept walking away.
“And no stripper heels, either!” Jensen shouted.
“Not making any promises!” Ellie shouted back.
Jared shook his head looking at his best friend. A few hours had gone by and Jared and Jensen walked through the mall with a few bags in hand stopping occasionally to take a selfie or sign an autograph. Across the breezeway they saw Lexi and Ellie talking with Cassie and Spencer, their hands full of shopping bags. “I trust the bunch of you are behaving like mature young adults.” Jensen nudged Ellie’s arm.
“Oh absolutely.” Ellie mocked with a smile.
“Guys, you remember Cassie and Spencer.” Lexi reintroduced.
“I actually have to get going. I told my mom I’d pick up my little sister.” Spencer turned to Lexi. “I’ll call you later?”
“Okay, talk to you later.”
Jensen waited till he was out of earshot then turned to Lexi with a mischievous grin. “Call you later?”
“Shut up.”
“I said nothing!” Jensen had his hands up in mock surrender.
“You’re thinking it.”
“Thinking what?”
“I don’t know, but stop.” She said, warning Jensen with her eyes.
“He seems… nice.” Jensen added.
“Shut up, Jay.” Lexi walked past.
“I just said-”
“Oh I know what you said.” She turned and pointed at him. “And what you say and what you think or two totally different things.” She laughed
Next Chapter>
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Descendants Yandere Headcanons
There’s so much great Dark!Descendants content, but I haven’t seen any Yandere!Descendants content (Harry doesn’t really count because he’s just Like That, although I do love my slutty pirate) and that’s just a goddamn crime, so here’s some lovesick Villain Kids. (Might do the AKs later???)
(I’m using the archetypes I describe in my last post, so check there if you want a deeper explanation. )
Mal - Lucid Selfish. On the one hand, she knows this is fucked up. But’s so dangerous outside. There are so many things that could hurt you, so many people who could try to take you away. It’s better for you to stay here, with her, where she can keep an eye on you. She likes to make you pose for her art, and she has hundreds of sketches and paintings of you. Her favorite time to draw you is when you’re sleeping. She calls you her “treasure” and jokes that every proper dragon needs a hoard. Pretty temperamental, she won’t take well to crying or fighting back, usually screaming or flashing her eyes at you, occasionally slapping you if you really pushed her buttons. Once she found somewhere to put you you’d have mostly free reign until you tried to escape. Then you’d be chained to the wall, or the bed, with magically-reinforced mankles. She almost lost you once, she won’t make that mistake a second time. The more you act out the more distant she gets, though. You’re so difficult, she says. You’re so ungrateful. Eventually she leaves and doesn’t come back for weeks. You’re alone and chained up in a dark room and you think she left you there to die. When she does come back it’s just to give you food and then leave again. For months this happens, until you’re begging her to stay, promising you’ll never leave her again, apologizing for not appreciating her. You’d do anything just to sit and pose for her again, have some kind of contact or company. You think you’ll go crazy if you have to be alone anymore. You’re lucky though. Mal has a temper, but she’s willing to forgive you if you promise to behave, and she really is so sweet when you aren’t making her angry. You’re so lucky you have her. You’re so lucky she came back.
Jay - Semi-Delusional Selfish. He flirts with you as often as he flirts with everybody else, so you don’t really think anything of his attention. You probably even have a slight crush on him. He’s so handsome, he’s so charming. But he doesn’t seem like he wants a relationship, so you never try anything. What you don’t know is that he follows you home every night, to make sure you get there safe, and because he loves to watch you sleep. He breaks into your bedroom and goes through your stuff, but he doesn’t steal anything -- not from you, habibi, his love. Nothing you’d miss, anyway. Just your chapstick, or your old toothbrush you threw away, or the occasional pair of underwear. In exchange he leaves you gifts, but he doesn’t give them to you face to face, because where’s the fun in that? Instead you find expensive jewelry and games and stuff just lying in your room. You probably freak out and skip town, but he keeps tabs on you. In fact, it’s fun for him that you tried to run away, like playing cat and mouse. He’s content to just keep chasing you… until, that is, you get a boyfriend. Suddenly Jay is seeing red. He’s so jealous he can’t stand it. This isn’t part of the game. Maybe he shouldn’t have dragged it out for so long, but he couldn’t help it. You were getting so paranoid, it was so cute. Not that he’d ever hurt you, but you’re adorable when you’re afraid. Only now you’re with that douchebag. Well, whatever, Jay can take care of him, and any other prick who tries to take you away from him. In fact, maybe he should just get rid of everybody -- your friends, your family, anybody who might get in the way. Then you’ll be his and his alone, and you two can keep playing the game. Forever.
Evie - Delusional Selfish. She’ll change her hair, her clothes, the way she talks and acts and the music she listens to, anything she has to to be your perfect girl. Your actual, current girlfriend is just trash, in the way of you noticing the girl who really loves you. But that’s fine, Evie will just get rid of her. Then you’ll see that she’s the perfect one for you. She’s the ideal wife, and she’ll easily become your dream girl. You’re grieving the loss of your girlfriend when she uses your vulnerability to get close to you, offering comfort. At first everything seems fine, but eventually her mask starts to crack, and you realize how much she’s lying about. You call her out on it, and she doesn’t react well. She’s never screamed at you like that before. Over time her careful house of cards starts to crumble, and you see more and more of what’s really going on. The more you try to wiggle away from her the more she tightens her grip, though. Yes, okay, fine, she killed the tramp, but can’t you see it was a good thing? You two are perfect together, Evie can be anyone you want her to be, aren’t you happy with her? … Fine. After everything she did, if you’re going to be so ungrateful, then obviously she was wrong about you two belonging together. But if she can’t have you, no one else can.
Carlos - Lucid Selfless. He avoids violence whenever it's possible, instead resorting to blackmail and manipulation. Honestly, you don't even notice he’s there, and that’s fine. Nobody ever does unless he wants them to. He’s content to stay behind the scenes, pulling strings, getting you that job promotion or better grades or whatever else you might want. You might start to get a little suspicious about your good luck, but who’s gonna look a gift horse in the mouth, right? Until, by chance, you catch a glimpse of him and realize how familiar he is, how he always seems to be everywhere all the time. A little digging turns up countless selfies with him in the background, or people remembering seeing him talk to your boss shortly before that pay raise. Furious, you confront him - after all, what's the worst he could do to you? - and Carlos doesn't deny it. In fact, he admits to all that and more, all the things he's been doing for you. You're angry at him, aren't you? He knew he shouldn't have done it, he was being bad, but he couldn't help himself. It's okay, you can be angry. You can punish him. If growing up with Cruella taught him anything it’s that he can take a hit. Go ahead, he’ll take whatever punishment you dish out, so that he can be a good boy for you again.
Uma - Semi-Lucid Selfish. Uma is your queen and commander, and you should love her. She’s the best and baddest, the strongest, the smartest, the most capable. She’ll be able to give you anything and everything you want. All she asks in return is that you love her more than anyone else. The relationship starts off like a fairy tale, but as time goes on her jealousy and possessiveness only increase. She gets angry when she sees you talking to other people, even angrier when you try to defend your right to do so. She’s convinced you'll try to leave her, and how dare you? After everything she’s done? The more you try to squirm away, the more she tightens her grip, and the more possessive she becomes, the more you desperately need a little space. It's a vicious cycle. Finally you break things off with her. She isn't who she was in the beginning. Where is that Uma? Why can't you have the old Uma back? The old Uma? Are you kidding? She’s right here! She’s been right here! She’d still be right here if you weren't being so fucking impossible! You're stubborn and fighty and you have no respect for her authority, and if you think she’ll let you leave her, then you’re fucking delusional. You belong to her. The whole world belongs to her! Someday the seven seas will do her bidding, and what will you be then? If you're not hers you're nothing. But you're lucky, your captain has a forgiving nature. She’ll give you another chance, and this time she’ll make sure you can't fuck it up. Kick and scream and cry all you want. You are never going to leave her.
Harry - Selective Selfless. (He’s already kind of a yandere for Uma but here we go.) Harry would do anything for you. Everything for you. All you have to do is ask. He’d slaughter a whole city, paint his name in their blood all over the walls so everybody knows not to mess with you. You’re his king/queen, he’d follow you anywhere. Nobody else will ever, ever, ever love you like he loves you. You don't even have to love him back, he just wants to follow you, serve you, adore you. He wants your recognition and praise, but he’d settle for just your acknowledgment. Just let him be close to you, that’s all he asks. And, well, he just wants what's best for you. He wants the whole world to fear and adore you as much as he does. Everyone should kneel at your feet. And if other people are in the way of you taking your throne, he’ll eliminate them. And if you don't want him to keep killing people, you'd better step up and prove you can control him, because otherwise he’ll just keep pushing and pushing. If it's the only way to get your attention, he’ll do it. And if the day comes when you try to make him stop, make him leave you, make him turn his back on everything he’s worked so hard for, the world he’s tried to build for you… Well. He can see he’s been a bit too lenient with you. You’re tough, but you aren't ready to be the person he knows you can be, yet. You just need a little push, that’s all. Just a little push, and you can rule the world. Don't worry, it's alright. He’ll be there with you the whole time. It’ll stop hurting soon.
Gil - Delusional Selfless. He’s fully convinced that you’re in love with him. You might not be officially dating or whatever, but who needs it? It’s in the way you smile at him in the halls, and the way you glance at him in class, and the way you said his name, that one time. You’re in love with him, and you’re going to be together forever. Gil is going to marry you, and you’ll have a family, and you’ll live happily ever after! He gets that you're like, shy or whatever. That's okay, he won't push. You can take as much time as you need. Or, maybe you’re like Belle? You might need some convincing and stuff. There's a lot of jerks on the Isle, maybe you want him to prove that he’ll be good to you, that he can protect you and treat you right. He can do that! He starts to show off more, getting into more fights, so that you can see how strong and chivalrous and stuff he is. But you're pulling away and spending less time with him and he heard you say the other day that he’s kinda scaring you lately. He can't think of why you might be scared of him, he’s been so gentle and sweet with you, and he’s been fighting any other guy who might try to get close to you and mess with you and stuff. He’s doing everything a good husband should! Until he starts to think about Belle again, and how his dad says that she would have been his mom if the Beast hadn't stolen her. Of course, somebody must be trying to steal you! You're so great and pretty and smart and funny and perfect, of course somebody would wanna turn you against him! But Gil won't make the same mistake his dad did. He won't let his future wife be lied to and led away from him. He’ll keep you close. He’ll keep you safe.
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96percentdone · 6 years
if you don't mind me asking, what problems do you have with the Higurashi anime adaption? I also prefer the visual novel but can never really articulate my criticisms with the anime, I'm interested in hearing your thoughts
Well first for a start it’s just ugly as sin. Let’s just get that out of the way. Season one in particular looks like it was made on a budget of ten dollars. It looks bad even for 2006 standards, but y’know I could live with an ugly adaptation if it was at least faithful to the source material. But that’s just it…it’s not. 
The Higurashi anime isn’t unfaithful in a technical sense. Many of the events that happen in the original visual novel do happen in the anime in some form (even if enough was taken out that they had to add a new arc but WHATEVER). That isn’t the problem. The problem is the entire focus of the anime adaptation, particularly in the first season, is centered on making higurashi into super horror, that in doing so it cuts out the emotional core. This will be long, so under the cut.
Let’s use Onikakushi as a case study. Now if we go by steam achievements, the original visual novel is around 12 chapters, although chapters are usually split in halves. Each chapter, for me and most people I know, takes about an hour to read, so about 12 hours of content. The anime adapted all of onikakushi in 4 episodes. Twelve hours of content shoved in four 25 minute episodes, give or take. That is 3 hours worth of content expected to be in one episode. You are already seeing the start of a problem.
Now, to be fair, a lot of the length of the higurashi vn can be attributed to the fact that it is a book. Much of what you read is just Keiichi’s inner monologue where he describes events or his own thoughts and feelings, and in adapting those in anime, you can show them taking much less time. But even with that said, three chapters of onikakushi is still too much to reasonably shove into a 25 minute frame, and it shows. 
Let’s start with the prologue of Onikakushi in the anime. It’s 30 seconds and already everything is wrong about it. 
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That is obviously Keiichi. See, in the original vn, the prologue is a monologue that starts in complete darkness before cutting to a shot of the evening sky. We never see who is killing, or who they’re killing. We can only infer that’s what’s happening based on the sounds of a baseball bat and some of the phrasing in the monologue. 
This first scene is entirely ambiguous in the original VN, which works in it’s favour. You start off confused and concerned, and gradually forget as it progresses and more things start happening, until finally Keiichi wakes up from a dazed trance later in the arc to find Rena and Mion on the floor, and you realise “oh fuck so that’s what that scene was.” Everything you experienced was building to that, and it makes so much sense now.
But again, this is obviously Keiichi in the anime. And there’s shots of Rena’s hat, or her hair, or her and Mion’s dead bodies, and there is no ambiguity. The start of this scene is alright, as it’s entirely silhouettes and the room is dark, but shortly after you just see everything. Immediately after this scene when you meet Rena and Keiichi for real you realise “okay he’s gonna kill her” and there’s no suspense. You already know how it ends. 
But that’s not even the biggest problem. The problem is the focus of this scene has entirely changed. You see everything he’s doing, you can hear his heavy breathing, and get shots of his crazy eyes–emotionally it’s just “wow look at this crazy guy kill some people.” It’s entirely horror centered.
But the original visual novel was not like that. Take the first two lines of the whole thing:
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This is entirely about how Keiichi feels in that moment. Sure, Keiichi is behaving like someone insane, but the scene wasn’t about that at the start. It was about the emotions he felt. His despair and his regret–all of his turmoil. It’s an emotional scene because the only sounds you hear at the bat and cicadas, and you know a murder is happening, but it’s also tragic just from the narration alone. Unnerving, and sad.
This doesn’t just set the tone for the arc, this sets the tone for the series. Higurashi is not just a horror visual novel, it is largely a series of tragedies. Of friends who fall so deep into their paranoia they start killing each other despite how much they care. The center of Higurashi as a series, is the emotional investment the core cast has in each other. Higurashi is about bonds, and tragedies, and overcoming them, with a horror setting. It is not about horror. 
And from the opening scene of the anime, I get no sense of tragedy whatsoever. Nothing about those first 30 seconds reads as tragic. I don’t get the sense Keiichi cares about the people he killed, I don’t get the sense I’m even supposed to care. Immediately I’m told to treat this like a horror gore fest, and so I do. The anime starts by setting the entirely wrong tone, and then continues with it.
Immediately after this they skip the “someone is apologising” scene, which yeah sure anime, go ahead and skip a scene vital to clueing us in to Keiichi’s mental state and sets up the big words of the arc sure why not, and cuts to happy fun shenanigans. Except club games and the like in the anime adaptation are either severely cut down for time, montaged like every watanagashi, or skipped entirely.
In Onikakushi, the only club event we even see in any meaningful way is the Old Geezer game, and that’s abridged to hell and back. We hardly spend any time actually getting to know or having fun with the characters. Sometimes events are fun events are fused together too, so the character introductions for Rika and Satoko happen on the day Keiichi is getting his tour, vs earlier in the narrative in class.
And hell those introductions are also egregious, because Keiichi monologues in them. His internal monologue describing how he just moved here is fine, but instead of like seeing the attributes of Rena and Mion like he describes, he just…talks over scenes of them actually doing the things. In effect, the anime has both show and tell happening, but tells you to focus on him telling you about Rena and Mion etc. Again, it’s hard to get invested in Keiichi’s friendship with the club if instead of showing it to you, they just tell you about it.
In the visual novel, Keiichi’s monologuing about the kind of person his friends are for a bit was fine, because it’d spend waaayyy more time actually showing them as people and their dynamics. Him telling you that was backed by scene after scene after scene, except the anime abridges, cuts down, or cuts out entire scenes for this, so again, how am I supposed to care when things go badly?
The anime priorities the horror aspects of Higurashi. Most of the run time of the second episode is focused on the horror scenes. The festival shenanigans are montaged, the president club game was entirely skipped, and the clue one (which granted much of it didn’t happen) was made even shorter to prioritise Ooishi. Again, this makes the show feel like it’s not about the characters and their connections, but it’s about creepy shit and horror, and none of that was ever the point of Higurashi.
Season 2 is better than season one, because they aren’t trying to cram 6 arcs in 26 episodes but 3 in 24, which gives them more time to expand on characters, but the damage is already done. Six entire arcs were already adapted with the entirely wrong priorities, so it ends up feeling unbalanced when suddenly in Kai what matters is how good friends they are and how much they want to fight fate and all that. It’s already far too late.
Even the horror scenes in the visual novel, have a level of emotional turmoil and conflict you don’t see in the anime because the anime is too focused on scaring you, like the scene in the prologue. You never get the sense Keiichi is conflicted about how to view his friends, that he’s hurt by it. You don’t see him cry, or debate if his friends are just possessed, or if they care about him at all or not. In the anime, when Keiichi killed his friends for real this time, I didn’t feel sad. I didn’t know I was supposed to care, because no time was spent making me care by showing who they are when it’s not creepy, or even making me even think Keiichi cares through his reactions.
That’s why it fails as an adaptation.  The Higurashi anime is bad because it gives you the entirely wrong sense of what the show is about. It’s not about the horror, or even about the mystery: it’s about the people in it, and the emotions they feel. And those people, those emotions, that connection that is so essential to why Higurashi works and the story it’s trying to tell, is lost through a reprioritizing. 
And honestly I could go in harder about how this affects pacing, because shifting the focus to give more time with the horror messes with the balance of how the horror is even supposed to hit you. Or how they cut out key details to the mystery through poor adaptation choices, or how the lack of time and budget seriously hampers it’s potential, or it’s crimes against specific characters like Satoko just because of how it’s adapted, but I don’t really need to. Those are all just a result of changing what the focus of the series is. That’s why the anime is bad. Because it doesn’t actually carry the essence of what makes Higurashi Higurashi.
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seriestrash · 7 years
The Foundation of Doing Good
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❄ Day Seven ❄
A/N: Complete AU. In this version of reality Lucas and Zay moved to NYC after college. Zay and Riley kind of know each other but not really!! The two Texan’s are separate to the other four friends (as in strangers). Also for the purpose of this story pretend that Riley was the only one with a relationship with Ms. Rand. Nothing against Maya at all but for the purpose of this one shot Riley was the only ‘Dolly’ in Evelyn’s life! (Crazy hat lady).
Summary: Riley Matthews feels immense pressure to do good with her good fortune. Lucas Friar sees how one stranger who does good for the world needs good done for herself. 
Word Count: 7993
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At the young age of twenty-one, Riley Matthews’ entire world changed. It was only a month after her birthday that she learnt she was willed a multimillion dollar fortune along with a company worth twice as much.    
It was like winning the lottery in the worst way possible, for Riley’s great fortune came in the wake of a terrible misfortune. It all happened when Riley lost a dear friend, Evelyn Rand. 
Evelyn Rand - or formally known as the crazy hat lady - was one of the richest women in New York - or rather the whole of the United States - but before Riley knew this, she believed the eccentric woman to be poor. Once Riley got to know the woman a little better, their brief pleasantries in passing at the subway station turned into meaningful and regular chats. Riley began to learn more about this woman and her life and as time went on Riley formed a strong bond with Ms. Rand. 
Evelyn watched Riley grow from an idealistic pre-teen into a respectful and kind ivy league college student. Since Riley attended Columbia University it wasn’t hard at all for her to keep in touch with Evelyn before she passed, in fact, the two regularly met up for coffee. 
One week during Riley’s sophomore year of college she sat at the quaint coffee house that had become ‘their spot’ and she waited for the woman. An hour passed and Evelyn still hadn’t shown. Riley grew increasingly worried and tried phoning the woman numerous times. After all the calls were unanswered Riley went over to Evelyn’s building and tried to get information from the front desk. The receptionist on hand was being tight-lipped but then Ms. Rand’s personal assistant spotted Riley and filled her in on the news. Riley learnt that Evelyn had collapsed after arriving at her company earlier that day and was rushed to hospital. In a panic Riley hurried over to the hospital in which the assistant said Ms. Rand was being treated at. 
After finally being allowed to see Evelyn, Riley learnt the tragic news; Ms. Rand had an inoperable brain tumour that would inevitably end her life.
Riley was surprised that she was more upset by the news than the patient herself. Ms. Rand just wiped the tear off Riley’s cheek and told her ‘little Dolly’ that this was just what the universe had planned for her. A calmness Riley is still yet to fully understand.
In the months leading up to Evelyn’s passing she underwent treatment to try prolong the little time she had left and Riley was right by her side during every session. Riley knew Ms. Rand had no family and little friends outside of work and Riley couldn’t bear the thought of someone she cared about going through this alone. She even skipped some of her classes to be with her friend. 
Even Riley’s 21st birthday wouldn’t make her miss a session. Maya had planned a big day of things for them but Riley opted to hang with Evelyn instead. Even though the older woman insisted Riley take the day to celebrate her youth she still showed up right by her bedside to read stories to Evelyn as she drifted in and out of sleep.
That was the day that Evelyn decided to leave everything to Riley. As a girl gave up her twenty first birthday to sit in a hospital whilst a sick woman slept. A month later she was gone and Riley became considerably richer. 
Now at twenty-five, Riley has spent years dedicating her life to making good things come from the fortune Evelyn left her. Riley had no idea how to run a company so she employed people to take care of the empire Evelyn began as a young woman and she used the personal funds to start a charity organisation called the ‘Do Good Foundation’ where it does just that.
Today on one of the last days of school before winter break for most kids across the city, Riley prepares to read a children’s book she wrote to a kindergarten class in a lower income neighbourhood, a book she wrote where all proceeds went towards giving education to children in third world countries. 
This particular school Riley is at today is one she’s been contributing to for a year now. Financially and with hands on help. Riley first became involved in this school after talking to an acquaintance of hers, Zay. Zay’s fiancé Vanessa Kimble is the kindergarten teacher. Riley knew Zay as she had invested in his dance studio which helps struggling youth stay focused and off the streets. One of the many charitable causes Riley has stumbled across and helped keep running over the years. 
It’s the end of year party for the youngsters and numerous parents have volunteered their time to make the day special.
Riley is re-introduced to the class of bubbly youngsters by Vanessa as Miss Matthews. After Riley finishes the children's book she wrote about discovering your own uniqueness, told through the adventures of two feline friends, Vanessa gets the class to thank Riley for her time with a round of applause. 
Riley stands off to the side, her book still in hand as she watches Vanessa address the class again. The pretty and kind teacher checks her watch and announces that there isn't much time left. Riley could tell something was bothering her. Then, a man comes bursting through the door of the class with a small puppy in hand. He’s apologising for being late and the young children grow increasingly more excited about his fury companion. 
“Sorry! I got here as fast as I could, my shift ran late.” He whispers to Vanessa. She gives him a stern look but then addresses her class with a wide grin. 
“Class this is Dr. Friar, he’s a veterinarian and he’s brought a special friend for you all to meet today.” 
Riley wears a small smile as she watches the evidently puffed stranger address the class, his small dog panting with a poked out tongue. The students all lean closer with excitement. The handsome vet meets Riley’s stare for a second and they exchange small smiles before he turns his attention back to the children. 
Riley takes a quick moment to thank Vanessa for having her in today but explains that she best be off. 
The brunette makes her way to the subway station closet to the school. Instead of getting in a cart she takes a moment to sit on one of the benches on the platform. Riley knew she was due back at her apartment to get ready for this special event she has tonight but part of her didn’t feel like moving at all. Part of her never felt like moving again, for Riley had spend the better part of these four years feeling absolutely lost.
With a heavy feeling weighing her down Riley sits and watches the commuters as they busily come and go. Riley is brought back into reality when a yapping puppy approaches her. 
“Sorry.” The man holding the leash picks up the dog. “She gets really excited on walks.” 
“That’s alright.” Riley lifts her gaze up from the puppy to her owner and recognition crosses both their faces. 
“Hey, weren’t you at the school before?” The vet questions. 
“Yeah, I’m Riley.” She introduces herself with a smile. “You’re the veterinarian. Are you one of the children's parents?” 
“No!” He answers a little too quickly and it elicits a laugh from the brunette. “I mean, no. I came as a favour for Vanessa- Uh, Miss Kimble.” He corrects himself. “I’m Lucas.” 
Riley nods lightly. “Nice to meet you.” 
“Are you?... A parent that is?” Lucas asks with a nervous chuckle. 
“No.” Riley shakes her head. “Just a volunteer.” She pats the children book in her lap. 
“You read that?” Lucas asks with a smile. 
“I kinda wrote it.” Riley admits and she leans forward to pat the puppy Lucas holds.
“You did?” Lucas is cutely impressed. 
Riley grows nervous. “So you know Vanessa?” 
“Yeah, we went to high school together back in Texas.” Lucas explains.
“So you know Zay too?” Riley questions without thinking. 
“Yeah he’s my best friend, I’m going to be his best man at their wedding in a few months...” Lucas crinkles his brows. “You know Zay?”
Riley shifts nervously in her seat. “Sort of.. I’d use the term acquaintance loosely... I’ve dealt with him through work...”
“Work?” Lucas asks. “...Do you mind?” Lucas points to the space beside her on the bench. “Please.” Riley shuffles across to free up more space for him. 
Lucas takes a seat, with the puppy sitting well behaved on his lap. Riley resumes the light neck scratching and Lucas continues, “Since I haven't seen you in the catering business you must know Zay through his dance studio?”
“Catering?” Riley knits her brows.
“We’re bus boys.” Lucas admits and it makes him feel awfully lame. 
“I thought you were a veterinarian, Dr. Friar?” Riley eyes the embroidered name on his blue coat. Even though she was curious, Riley was more so trying to change the subject of how she knew Zay.  
“I am a qualified veterinarian but I’m an underpaid lab assistant.” Lucas rubs at the nape of his neck. “I have to work three jobs just to pay the rent for my cruddy apartment.”
“New York City is a killer.” Riley looks down as she says that.
“Tell me about it.” Lucas laughs. “The clinic I work at is so over priced just to keep up with the cost of the lease. I feel like we turn away more animals than we actually save.”
This makes Riley frown.
“Oh don’t worry.” Lucas tries to make her feel better, “I treat strays in secret sometimes.” Lucas motions to the puppy Riley’s been patting this whole time. 
“Really?” Riley gives him a dubious stare.
“Scouts honour.” Lucas says. “Given it’s not that well kept a secret because my boss docks my pay for it but I help where I can.”
Riley believes Lucas to be genuine so she curls her mouth into a small smile as she turns back to the pup. “She’s a stray?”
“Yes Ma’am.” Lucas nods. 
“Well what happens after you treat them?” Riley questions. 
Lucas lets out a nervous chuckle. “I help find families to adopt them...So how do you know Zay again?” he changes the subject back before it gets too depressing. 
“Oh right.” Riley chews her lip, she unsuccessfully avoided the topic. “I uh- I work for the company that helps fund Zay’s dance program.. A real lower tier job... I just toured the studio once on behalf of my boss.”
“You work for a charity?” Lucas asks.
Riley bops her head and avoids his gaze.
“That’s really cool.” Lucas grins genuinely. 
Riley just shrugs a shoulder.
“I know we just met but it seems like something is bothering you...” Lucas treads lightly. “Is everything alright?”
Riley studies Lucas’ face for a moment and eventually asks, “Have you ever seen that movie Pay it Forward?”
“The one where the boy does something good for someone then that someone does something good for someone else and so on?” Lucas raises a brow.
Riley nods. “Do you think something like that could really work?”
Lucas sucks in a breath and holds it for a second, that question felt very loaded, after a moment of thought he releases his breath, “In theory I guess, sure.” He nods.
“In theory...” Riley mumbles more to herself than to Lucas. The Texan could tell she was disappointed with his response.
“I like to believe that kindness inspires kindness.” Lucas tries again. He did genuinely believe that but sometimes it’s hard to remember that with the way the world is. 
Riley smiles to herself. “People change people.” 
“Exactly.” Lucas nods. “I’d hope that the world could change because of one good deed.” 
“But you don’t believe it?” Riley asks quietly. 
“Do you?” Lucas questions not knowing how else to answer. 
Riley turns her gaze forward again. She’s quiet for a second but then she snaps her gaze back to Lucas with a purpose, although her movement was brash her voice remains soft, with a pureness to it that Lucas couldn’t help but find endearing. “If you had all the money in the world what would you do with it?” Riley asks. 
“Why do I feel like this is a test?” Lucas lets out a nervous laugh. 
“It’s just a question.” Riley grows even more sheepish. 
“Um,” Lucas lets out a breath as he thinks. “Selfish or unselfish answer?”
“Whatever the truth is.” Riley says. 
“I think I’d take care of my family and closest friends...” Lucas begins. 
Riley nods. Her first thought was to take care of the ones she loved too and she had. 
He continues, “...Then...World Peace.” Lucas wears a cheesy smile. 
Riley rolls her eyes but she has a hint of a smile. “You can’t buy world peace.” 
“Why not?” Lucas frowns but he’s smiling too. “I have all the money in the world.” 
“Money can’t save the world.” Riley holds his gaze and all lighthearted silliness had left her. The expression she wore brought Lucas down a peg. 
“Wow.” Lucas can’t help but let out a nervous chuckle. “That’s pretty dark for a girl who wrote a story about a purple cat.” He motions to her book. 
“Sorry.” She shakes her head.
Lucas clears his throat and tries a more vulnerable answer. “I don’t need all the money in the world but I’d at least like to have enough for my own animal clinic, at least that way I could feel like I was actually helping animals rather than hurting them.” 
“That’s what you’d do?” 
Lucas nods. “I’ve thought about moving back to Texas after Zay and Vanessa get married. That way I could save up enough money for my own clinic, start helping animals, get back to the reason why I wanted to become a veterinarian in the first place.” 
“That’s a nice answer.” Riley says softly. 
“Thanks.” Lucas smiles. “What about you, if you had all the money in the world what would you do with it?” 
“If I ever figure out my answer I’ll let you know.” Riley lowers her gaze again. 
Then the puppy yaps in impatiently. 
“I have to get this little girl back to the clinic.” Lucas announces, “But if we’re going the same way maybe we could grab a coffee or hot chocolate.. I have to work tonight but I have like twenty-three spare minutes so if we hurry-” 
“I can’t.” Riley jumps in. “I have a thing I’m supposed get ready for.” 
“A.. date thing?” Lucas asks sheepishly. 
“No.” Riley is sheepish too as she shakes her head. “A work thing- I guess.” 
“Okay... Well I know it’s the holidays and all but if you have a free night- or day- maybe we could get a coffee or hot chocolate or some sort of beverage-” 
“Lucas, that’s really sweet but I can’t.” Riley gives him an apologetic smile. “I just don’t think I’m in the right headspace to date..” 
“Yeah, no, or nothing works for me too.” He laughs it off and Riley smiles. 
“Well the subway cart has passed about four times since we’ve been sitting here, maybe we should get on it.” Lucas points a thumb towards the track. 
“I think I might just sit here a little while longer.” Riley shifts in place. “Watch the people.” 
Lucas knits his brows in confusion as he stands up for the train. “Watch people?” 
“Just something I used to do with a friend.” Riley’s smile is small. “Merry Christmas, Lucas and to you little pup. Find her a good family, okay?” 
Lucas’ confused but more so intrigued expression remains as he takes a backwards step towards the subway cart. “I will... Merry Christmas to you too, Riley.” 
❄ ❄
Later that evening Riley is dressed in the prettiest thing she’s ever worn. A gown, blue in colour with decorative floral embroidery all over. A dress so incredibly detailed yet completely dainty looking at the same time.
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A pic bc it’s so pretty and would look so pretty on Row/Riley
Her hair is curled and pinned to perfection and her makeup, although subtle, beautifully highlights her facial features. 
Riley’s very modest one bedroom apartment felt crowded with all the makeup and hair tools sprawled across the living space. Riley sits on the sofa all glamed up, trying to keep herself from getting overheated with stress. Even in the cold December month, Riley still managed to feel overwhelmed at a time like this. 
Maya sits to Riley’s left and Smackle to her right. Both women questioning their friend about her upcoming evening. 
“Are you sure you didn’t want a date for tonight?” Maya questions. 
“No. No date.” Riley states firmly.
“I don’t understand why you don’t want any of us there, this is such a huge deal for you, Riley.” Maya says. 
“No. I just want to get this over and done with.” Riley shakes her head. “I don’t need anyone there.” 
“Are you certain?” Smackle questions. “I’m sure Farkle would accompany you.” 
“Farkle hates fancy events even more than I do.” Riley coaxes her head. 
“Take Auggie then, the not so little man looks cute in a tux.” Maya grins. 
“No, I’m going alone okay?” Riley huffs. 
“Fine.” Maya says like a wounded puppy. “But I’m staying here and watching Christmas movies on your television and eating your food whilst you’re out.” 
“Make that the both of us.” Isadora says happily. 
Riley cracks a smiles. “I wish I was staying to do just that with you both.” 
“Sadly you can’t because you’re being wined and dined tonight.” Maya says in a posh tone. “Go on, your car should be downstairs. You don’t want to be late.” 
“My car?” Riley frowns. “Maya I was just going to t-”
“Take the subway, I know.” Maya groans. “You can’t take the subway dressed like that.” 
Riley sighs and admits defeat. She exits her apartment after a taking a deep breath. Here we go, the thinks to herself. 
Once alone with Smackle in Riley’s apartment, Maya lets out a heavy sigh. “I really miss Riley.” 
“She only left five seconds ago.” Smackle knits her brows. 
“I mean the old Riley.” Maya says. “Once she got rich, she got sad...” 
❄ ❄
Lucas arrived at his bus boy job not long after he dropped the puppy back off at the clinic he assists at. As per usual Lucas is running late so he bursts through the staff doors of the venue they’re working at that night still securing his black tie around his neck.
“Lucas you’re-”
“Completely on time.” Lucas says in a charming way as he passes his boss.
“Yeah, yeah.” She intensifies her glare but the slight smirk on her face gives her away. “Where’s Zay?”
“Uh,” Lucas looks around the big industrial kitchen for a second, “He got here before me.. He’ll be around here somewhere..” Lucas lies.
“Sure.” She eyes his suspiciously. “Both of you check in with Danny, this party will be filled with the wealthy in less than an hour.” She instructs.
“Sure thing, boss.” Lucas grins as he quickly tries to get out from under the watchful eye of his superior.
Lucas makes his way over to Danny, the man in charge of coordinating the wait staff for the event. The Texan continues to cover for Zay for twenty minutes before the dancer sneaks in the back door.
“There you are.” Lucas whispers. “I’ve been covering for you!” Instinctively Lucas reaches forward and helps straighten out Zays tie.
“I was with one of the teens in my program he’s having a rough time at home.” Zay explains. 
“Don’t do that.” Lucas folds his arms.
“Do what?” Zay questions.
“Remind me that you’re a decent person.” Lucas says.
“Awww.” Zay smiles sweetly.
Lucas rolls his eyes with a smile and gently shoves his childhood pal.
“Hey, I went to Ness’ class today-” 
“Yeah she told me you were late.” Zay laughs. 
“Something we have in common.” Lucas sports another eye roll. 
“How were the little twerps?” Zay chuckles, “Did they love the little flea ball you’re trying to get adopted?” 
“Yes and not the point- Also don't call them twerps.” Lucas shakes his head as he was getting off topic. “I met Riley today.” 
“Riley...” Zay knits his brows for a moment. “Riley Matthews?” 
“I didn’t catch her last name.” Lucas admits. “She said she worked for the company that funded your program.” 
“Yeah that’s Riley Matthews.” Zay nods. “Cute little brunette with puffy cheeks and she seems kinda sad.” 
Lucas nods too. Strangely it hurt him that Zay saw there was a sadness to Riley too. 
“Yeah I gave her a tour of the studio - not that it took long - and we went through some paperwork.” Zay explains. “She asked me about my life and I mentioned V, I think Riley spoke to her boss about the elementary school.” 
“I asked her out.” Lucas says proudly. 
“What?” Zay is surprised. 
“She totally rejected me but I asked her out.” Lucas says with the same goofily proud grin. 
Zay also adopts the proudness. “You haven't asked anyone out since Kelly dumped you over a year ago.” 
“She didn’t dump me. I broke up with her.” Lucas rolls his eyes. 
“Details.” Zay swats the air. 
“Are you two going to stand around all night?” Danny groans. 
“Sorry.” They both say in unison. 
“We’re just discussing how my boy asked out a girl today.” Zay pats Lucas on the back.
“Congratulations, you’re a big boy now.” Danny says sarcastically. “Please invite me to your wedding.” 
“Well little miss Riley Matthews turned him down so don’t be waiting on the invitation.” Zay chuckles and Lucas shoots him a glare. 
“Riley Matthews?” Danny gives the two Texans a look unsure if they were kidding or not. 
“Yeah, she’s this cute little brunette with puffy cheeks and kinda sad.” Zay uses the same description as before. 
“I know who Riley is.” Danny chuckles. 
“You do?” The Texans say again in unison. 
“You don’t?” Danny narrows his brows. 
Both Lucas and Zay sport confused expressions and Danny lets out an amused chuckle as he pushes his two less than impressive bus boys towards the doors that lead out into the ballroom. Each Texan puts their faces close to the two glass squares in the doors and look out into the Gala they’ll be waiting on later. 
“Riley Matthews.” Danny says and his chuckle increases. 
Both Zay and Lucas have their jaws hanging open. Their eyes find a big poster displaying the pretty brunette as  the guest of honour.
“You mean Riley is the millionaire philanthropist that’s being honoured tonight?” Lucas turns around with shock still written on his face. 
“Actually I think it’s more like billionaire if you count all the assets and company she owns...” Danny says. “Didn’t you two read the information email you were sent about the event?” 
“Honestly we never read those.” Lucas shrugs innocently. 
“You two are the worst employees.” Danny shakes his head as he walks off. 
“Dude, no wonder she turned you down.” Zay says. “She’s way out of your league.” 
“No kidding.” Lucas scoffs. “I was complaining about paying my rent and she's like rich and charitable.” 
“She told me she just worked for a charity.” Zay says. 
“That’s what she told me too.” Lucas frowns. 
“I guess it makes sense... I mean you wouldn't walk around telling people you're super rich would you?” Zay questions. 
“I guess not.” Lucas shakes his head. 
“Let’s read the email on her.” Zay says as he retrieves his cell from his back pocket. He takes a moment to find the unopened email from his boss and read aloud, “The 27th annual exceptional woman of the year award.. blah blah... will be held at.. blah blah...” Zay scans through it looking for the important information, “Awarded to the youngest recipient ever, Riley Matthews. A woman whom at the age of twenty-one was willed Evelyn Rands entire company and fortune and has since dedicated her time to making the world a better place... Wow she’s way way out of your league.”
“Thanks a lot buddy.” Lucas crosses his arms like a hurt little boy.
“I’m just saying.. You should see some of the things she's achieved in the last four years.” Zay says as he continues to read the list of charities Riley has either started or contributed to. 
“Great, if the rejection wasn’t bad enough now I have to go out there and be a lame bus boy at this ridiculously fancy event that’s being thrown for her!” Lucas frowns.
“Don’t worry about it, she’ll be at the important table, Danny won't assign you to them.” Zay says encouragingly. 
“Alright, Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb are you ready to actually do some work?” Danny calls both their attentions and Zay quickly slips his cell back into his pocket. The two Texans join the other wait staff around Danny as he assigns sections to work. 
“The guests are arriving now so you’ll all be going out there in a minute to start serving the champagne. Now Lucas, you’ll be on table one.” Danny says through a smirk. 
“Why does that sound like the important table?” Lucas turns to Zay with a clenched jaw. 
“Because it is the important table.” Danny says clearly amused. “You’ll be taking care of the guest of honour. Lucky you.” 
Lucas lets out a groan but sadly there was nothing he could do unless he wanted to quit - which he quite literally couldn’t afford to do. 
Lucas goes out into the grand hall and he calms a little once he realises that Riley’s not there yet. Lucas begins to wait on the table. He’s pouring his fourth glass of champagne when she finally arrives. 
Riley appears in the doorway like something out of a daydream. Absolutely stunning which Lucas doesn’t find surprising since he already thought the New Yorker was beautiful from the moment her spotted her in the classroom but tonight was something else. Lucas is so taken back he over pours the glass of champagne and has to apologise to the disgruntled guest. He scurries into the kitchen for a towel and a new bottle of champagne.
After entering the gala, Riley takes a deep breath and prepares herself for the evening ahead. Almost immediately she’s approached by the events co-ordindater, the perky woman she’s been dealing with since hearing news she was being honoured with the award.
Riley’s lead to her table where’s she's sat next to a well known reality tv star that seems to be agitated. As soon as Riley sits down, the ‘New York Bliss’ star, Candy immediately starts complaining about the terrible service after having her champagne spilled all over the table.
Riley is sympathetic but says she’s sure it’s just an honest mistake. Lucas was hovering close by as Riley said that. Mostly because he saw her sit down after he came back from the kitchen and panicked about going over there.
“Oh look, there he is now just standing there.” Candy sighs heavily as she draws attention to Lucas.
The Texans eyes widen as he notices Riley spot him. Lucas nervously reproaches the table and apologises to Candy again.
“Dr. Friar?” Riley says just as surprised to see him.
“Dr?” Candy furrows her brows.
“Sorta.” Lucas chuckles nervously to the older woman and then turns to Riley with an embarrassed smile. “Told you I was a bus boy.”
“And apparently not a very good one.” Riley jokes lightly as she helps move things for Lucas whilst he dries the mess up.
“It’s alright Miss, I’ve got it.” Lucas says as he quickly pats the damp patch on the table.
“I don’t mind, Sir.” Riley emphasises the formal term and continues to assist. Lucas nods his thanks and proceeds pouring glasses for the table. Even though Riley doesn’t drink she allows him to fill her glass so she doesn’t look like the odd girl out. Riley was just as nervous as Lucas was or rather more so embarrassed that he’d discovered she was lying earlier but she was just far better at playing it cool than he is.
The event really starts to take off. Riley picks at the food presented in front of her and forces a smile to the other guests, some Riley knew through her charity work and others were strangers that still spoke to her as if they were family friends.
Riley listens as other guests discuss their own charitable endeavours, some seem genuinely passionate and others seemed to be patting theirselves on the back. All the while Lucas keeps his head down each time he has to cross paths with Riley.
Finally it comes to the part of the evening where Riley’s to be given her award. The host of the event draws everyone’s attention to a projector screen. Riley has to endure a ten minute video montage of her achievements.
At this point the wait staff were back in the kitchen but Lucas and Zay had poked their heads through the service doors to eavesdrop on the video.
They watch with mouths agape as it lists some of Riley’s good deeds. It includes everything from starting the Do Good Foundation to everything she’s done with it. Things like college scholarships, work in third world countries, her handlings with the homeless and needy families. They shine a lot of light on the work she’s done this holiday season and in the past. They talk about the families she feeds and the amount of children who will wake up with presents on Christmas morning because of her. It also shows some of the many charities Riley feeds money into like the foster care program her uncle Eric runs.
“She’s Mother fricken Teresa.” Lucas whispers feeling pretty down about himself.
Riley’s then called to stage to accept her award. She very nervously takes to the stage and looks around at the faces in the room. She even spots Lucas and Zay’s heads poked through the door and in response they yank their heads back into the kitchen.
Riley gives a well rehearsed speech to the crowd. It’s not that she was ungrateful for the award - she was anything but - it was just the sheer magnitude of this event, the fuss and more truthful Riley didn’t feel she was a deserving recipient.
After her speech, Riley only has to hang around for another ten minutes. Her obligation to be there was over and the guests were on the other side of tipsy so no one noticed Riley pick up her coat from the cloak room and hurry out of the building, no one except Lucas that is. 
Lucas finds Zay and asks why he thinks she left. To him it was strange that she’d leave an event dedicated to her so early. Zay offers up no viable answer so in a spur of the moment decision Lucas decides to follow her. 
“Where are you going?” Zay asks as he notices Lucas put on his coat.
“I gotta go see about a girl.” Lucas grins.
Zay rolls his eyes, Lucas was always quoting movies. “You’re going to get fired!” 
“Cover my table!” Lucas says quietly as he’s already halfway out the door. “You owe me!” 
“For what?” Zay scoffs. 
“I don’t, something I imagine!” Lucas laughs. 
Once outside Lucas quickly circles to the front of the building. It’s as he’s jogging that he realises how ridiculous following Riley out like this was, she was probably long gone by now. Lucas reaches the front of the building and looks  down the street in both directions. Then he spots her. She was only a few feet away from the buildings entrance, sat alone on a bench. Lucas pondered even going over there, maybe she didnt leave the event, maybe she just stepped out for some fresh air. After thinking it over in his mind for far too long, Lucas decides to approach the pretty brunette. 
Riley hears someone approaching and is surprised to look up and find the Texan. 
“You’re missing dessert.” Lucas says as he tucks his hands deep into his coat pockets for warmth. “It’s really good. Zay and I snuck one of the spares whilst on a self allocated break.” Lucas chuckles.
“I hope you’re a better veterinarian than you are bus boy.” Riley laughs. “That is if you’re even a real veterinarian.”
“That I am! Kind of.” Lucas chuckles. “But I already explained that.“
Riley nods with a small smile. Lucas takes the initiative to sit at the other end of the bench as Riley’s award was sitting beside her. 
"What about you though?” Lucas raises a brow. “Miss ‘I work for a charity. Real lower tier work’.”
“I do work for a charity.” Riley shrugs.
“You more than work for a charity.” Lucas scoffs lightly.
“Fine.” Riley huffs. “I run a charity. You happy?”
"Are you?” Lucas asks without missing a beat. 
“Excuse me?” Riley’s is surprised and her voice is quiet. 
“You have a sadness to you.” Lucas says sheepishly. “How is it that someone who is so good is so sad? Is it one of those things where you just give too much of yourself away to the world?” Lucas squints. 
“It’s the exact opposite.” Riley huffs. “I can’t do enough.” 
“What?” Lucas narrows his brows. “We were watching the same video about your achievements in there right?” 
“I can’t cure malaria.” Riley says and it feels completely out of place. 
“Now I’m lost?” Lucas laughs nervously. 
“We did this project thing in high school about charities and investment and I said if we used the money we spent on halloween candy we could work towards wiping out malaria.” Riley says. “I get money and I can’t wipe out malaria.” 
“So you can’t stop a blood disease spread by parasites.” Lucas says. “But I’m sure you help try to.” 
“It’s not just malaria though.” Riley sighs. “Malaria just made me realise that even though I had money it doens’t mean I can help people. I can donate money but I cant cure cancer or other life ending diseases.”
“Alright, you can’t cure diseases but your charity work does help further research for people who one day might find the cure.” Lucas says. 
“I have more money than anyone would ever need in their lifetime. Why? Why do I deserve that money?” Riley questions. “I come from a very comfortable upbringing. A nice warm apparent in a good area of New York City, I always had clothes on my back and food on the table and my best friend grew up in a poorer neighbourhood with a leaky roof... Why do I deserve to be given that kind of money and she doesn’t?” 
“Does your friend still live with a leaky roof?” Lucas question. “Did you help her once you could?” 
Riley is quiet and Lucas knew she had.
“Evelyn obviously saw something in you.” Lucas says. 
“What did she see?” Riley asks and she genuinely wants an answer. 
“The possibility of everything you’ve accomplished today.” Lucas says as a matter of fact. “I didn’t even know her and I hardly know you and I’m sure of this. 
Riley just remains quiet again so Lucas asks, "So was Evelyn your family or a friend?"
"No. I mean loved her like family but she was just an eccentric woman I met on the subway whilst I was in middle school."
Lucas pressed a little for Riley to tell him more and eventually she did. Riley explained how she first met Evelyn on the subway and how she wore crazy hats and how Riley grew very close to her over time. In fact, once Riley started opening up to Lucas is was like she couldn't stop. Riley told him all about Evelyn's brain tumour and how confused she's felt ever since her passing.
Lucas asks a few questions but didn’t interrupt too much, he just liked that Riley was getting all this off her chest, she clearly needed to. Riley continues to elaborate on how guilty this money made her feel. How she wished she could just give it all away but then she goes on to explain how she knows that’s irresponsible, for starters she would never want to disrespect Evelyn’s legacy by giving away her company and she also knew that giving away the money so someone else could deal with it meant that no good could come from it so it was just an impossible burden she had to bear. 
“I think the fact that you feel guilty is exactly why you’re a good person.” Lucas finally feels like it’s an okay time to interject. “You have pure intentions and you’ve put a pressure on yourself to do absolutely everything you can to change the world and this isn't necessarily a bad thing but you need to give yourself a break.” 
“Lucas, there a people dying in the world and there are families living on the streets and I’m sitting here in a ridiculously overpriced dress at a ridiculously expensive event-” Riley is too frustrated to even finish her thought. “When I was a teenager I used to think I should be rewarded for being a good person. I’ve literally been given a huge honour and I don’t want it.” 
“One good deed might not be able to change the world and that sucks,” Lucas shifts in place, “but one good deed can change someones life. You have changed so many peoples lives.” 
“But I could do more-” 
“No.” Lucas cuts in. “I never thought I’d be saying this but you have to focus on the little picture... You’re too consumed with saving the world that you don’t take the time to enjoy the things you’re doing to get there. You need to stop focusing on the people you couldn’t help this year and enjoy the smiles of the people you could.” Lucas continues, “There’s this kid in Zay’s program, Maxie, he came from an abusive home and when Zay first met him, Max was ready to call it quits on everything. Zay helped him with his dance and now Maxie’s just got a scholarship to a dance school. Zay never would have been able to do that if you didn’t help with the funding of his program.” 
“Zay did that, not me.” Riley says. 
“You worked out your own pay it forward system.” Lucas says with a smile. “You help people so they can help others.... I mean and you also just help a bunch of people first hand so you’re kind of beating the movie.” He jokes lightly.
“It’s not enough.” Riley says quietly and her gaze is fixated on people passing in the street. 
“What is enough then?” Lucas questions. “When will you consider your efforts enough? 
“Evelyn used to go to the subway to watch people.” Riley says. “She'd sit on a bench and look at the people and she’d think about what she could do for them. Evelyn used to say that other people were the key to your own happiness.” Riley says. “Right before she passed away she told me if I was ever feeling lost I should look to the people for answers. So that’s what I’m doing.” 
“You think that one of these days someone is going to pass you and all the sudden you’ll have the answer to the universe?” Lucas asks and for a moment Riley thought he might be making fun of her but once she notices the genuine expression on his face she drops the thought. 
“Maybe.” Riley shrugs and a sadness lingers.
“You know that saying, you’ve got to love yourself before anyone else can love you?” Lucas asks and Riley nods. “Well I think it’s the same with happiness.”
“Are you saying I have to be happy to make people happy?” Riley asks with a dubious look.
“That’s exactly what I’m saying.” Lucas grins. “Happiness has to be the foundation of doing good.” 
Riley doesn’t want to talk about it anymore, she felt embarrassed so she changes the subject, which Lucas wasn’t oblivious to but he still answers all the questions she asks about his family back home and the clinic he works at here in the city. 
They talk about their plans for Christmas, Riley explains how she was leaving for Philadelphia tomorrow and she’d be having Christmas at her grandparents house. Lucas explains that he Vanessa and Zay were staying in the city, he neglects to share that the reason behind that was a matter of money though. 
Lucas hated that Riley felt this sadness and he wished more than anything that he could take some of it away for her but he knows he shouldn't push a stranger more than he already has. So after their butts get numb from sitting on the bench so long, Riley accepts Lucas’ offer to walk her home. 
As Lucas is walking Riley home a young girl carrying ice skates excitedly runs up to Riley and the girls mother quickly follows. It takes Riley a second but she recognises the face from Vanessa’s kindergarden class. It struck Riley as odd that they were out so late but Riley brushes it off as Christmas traditions for their family or something.
“Mommy, It’s Miss Matthews.” She tugs at her mothers coat. “She read at my school today.”
“I’m sorry, my daughter has a fascination with you.” The mom says. 
“I want to be just like you when I grow up.” The girl beams. 
“You want to write books?” Riley asks with a smile, naturally she assumed that’s what the girl was talking about since that was what she was there doing. 
“No. I want to be a philanthropist.” The girl says struggling to pronounce the big word. 
Riley is completely surprised by her statement. 
“I work for the hotel that the Gala tonight was held at. She heard me talking about how you were being honoured and she’s honestly been obsessed for weeks about being a philanthropist like you.” The mother explains. 
Riley is completely touched by this. So much that she has to fight the urge to cry. Shortly after they part ways with the mother and daughter. Lucas turns to Riley with a cheesy grin. “Okay for a moment lets ignore the thousands of lives you've already changed and lets focus on that one little girl. Because of you, she wants to help people.” Lucas holds Riley’s gaze. “Proof that kindness can inspire kindness.” 
Riley’s smile is small but genuine. 
“I don’t think Evelyn gave you her money because she thought you could change the world with it, I think she gave you the money because she knew you would change the world and not with the money but with your kindness.” 
“Is your third job like motivational speaking or something?” Riley lets out a nervous chuckle and even though she’s sheepish Lucas did make her feel so much better about things. Just talking about it all made her world feel a whole lot lighter. 
Lucas rolls his head forward with a laugh and then settles upright to hold Riley’s gaze again. 
Once outside of Riley’s apartment the two linger around for little longer than necessary before wishing each other a Merry Christmas and parting ways.
Lucas arrives to work the following morning only after a few hours sleep. Once he unlocked the doors to the clinic Lucas notices an envelope at the foot of the door. Something that could have been slid underneath through the crack. Lucas picks it up and notices his name sprawled across the front.
Lucas rests his things down on the reception desk and opens the envelope. Inside are two things; a cheque for fifty thousand dollars and a simple note that reads ‘Get back to the reason why you wanted to become a veterinarian in the first place.’
Lucas stares at in in disbelief for a moment. Then his homeless puppy starts yapping as she knows Lucas is there. Lucas looks at the cheque again for a moment and knits his brows as he has a thought. "Huh." He says aloud.
Lucas pulls out his phone and texts Riley;
If you haven’t left for Philly yet could you swing by the clinic? It's urgent.
Riley replies almost instantly;
Is everything alright??
Lucas texts back;
Yeah everything's fine. Just please come?
I'll be there soon.
Sure enough Riley's there within twenty minutes. The bell chimes as Riley enters the clinic. She's greeted by the receptionist Riley didn't know and she explains she's there to see Lucas but before she's even finished her sentence Lucas pokes his head through the examination door and asks Riley to come through.
Riley enters the small room to find the puppy she's come to know sitting on one of the tables inside an open festive box with a pretty red bow tied around her neck.
"She looks lovely today." Riley smiles.
"She has to look cute for her adoption day." Lucas beams.
"You found a family?" Riley asks.
"I did." Lucas nods. "You."
"What?" Riley laughs nervously.
“Come on.” Lucas says with a smile. “She needs a good family and I’m thinking you’re probably the best.”
“I can’t just adopt a puppy.” Riley laughs nervously as she pats the pup. 
“Why not?” Lucas questions. “You dedicate your life to making the lives of others brighter, you should let yourself have some of that light.” 
Riley stares at the puppy sat patiently in the open box so cute and well behaved. “Okay.” She says quietly as she lifts her out of the box and as she does some torn pieces of paper scatter about. “What’s this?” 
“That’s my way of politely rejecting your cheque.” Lucas says with a wide toothed grin.
“You tore it up?” Riley frowns. 
“I can’t accept your money.” Lucas shakes his head. “I won't.” 
"At least let me give you enough to get you back to Texas so you can save and start your own clinic?" Riley pleas.
"Are you trying to get rid of me?" Lucas asks with a slight smirk.
"I'm trying to help someone who helped me." Riley coaxes her head.
"That's not how paying it forward works." Lucas matches her head tilt.
"Please?" Riley asks.
"No." Lucas laughs.
"What about going home to Texas?" Riley questions.
"Staying in New York seems pretty good right now." Lucas holds her gaze.
Riley bites down on her smile. “I have about twenty-three minutes before I have to leave for Philly but if you weren’t busy maybe we could grab a coffee or a hot chocolate or a beverage or some kind?” Riley is amused as she uses Lucas’ bumbling proposal from the day before.
“I’m at work.” Lucas folds his arms.
“You wouldn’t have to be if you let me write you another cheque.” Riley coaxes her head again.
“Riley!” Lucas scolds with a laugh.
“Kidding!” She giggles.
“For that you can buy the drinks.” Lucas rolls his eyes with a smile. “I’ll take a self allocated break.” He chuckles. “If we hurry we might be able to swing by the pet store while we’re out, pick this little girl up some things.” Lucas pats the puppy Riley’s been clinging to.
“I suppose she’s going to need a name now.” Riley says.
“You’re right.” Lucas nods. “Any ideas?”
“Yeah.” Riley says as holds the puppy up so she can look her in the eyes. With a smiles she says, “I think I’ll call you, Dolly.” She turns to Lucas with a smile, “What do you think?” 
“I think it’s perfect.” He smiles back.
End Notes: I’m so lazy with editing long posts so I hope this is okay!! Lol... I wish I could make everyday of ficmas this long but I just don't have it in me sighhhh!!! 
@siennese sent me a prompt (last ficmas!!) which inspired this; 
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I know I took it in a completely different direction but still giving credit to the lady who inspired it!! 
Until tomorrow my friends xxxx
74 notes · View notes
suckerforhobi · 7 years
Aeviternal Pt.10
Aeviternal: eternal, endless, never-ending
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Inspired by this amazing video.
Pt.01  Pt.02  Pt.03  Pt.04  Pt.05  Pt.06  Pt.07  Pt.08  Pt.09
“Oh my God, you’re such a loser.”  The girl was almost howling as she made fun of me, throwing on me the content of an actual trash can. “You look like a trash can, sweetheart.” 
I entered the school and as usual, people were bullying me. I didn’t know the reason why - I was an easy target, I loved wandering around the school. Jungkook didn’t know about that, I chose to keep my mouth shut, fearing the consequences and never wanted to bother him. He had enough problem without me complaining to him about school life. What I didn’t know he had known about the situation.
“I don’t know why Jungkook-ah hangs out with you...you. You are not pretty.” Her words hurt me but I didn’t say anything back. I couldn’t. She was right - I was nowhere pretty compared to her, compared to anyone from class. The sole reason Jungkook had befriended me was that we had been living close to each other, nothing else - I thought. I kept thinking about it, negative thoughts invading my mind, returning again and again.
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HER?” I heard Jungkook’s roar and my bullies got pale when they heard him. “Leave her ALONE!”
Jungkook was an easy-going kid but people were scared of him as he was strong and an amazing athlete. No one dared anger him - they knew they would be doomed. But my bullies thought he would never found out, they told me if I had spilt the beans, my life would have been more miserable.
Everybody ran away immediately, they did leave me alone - dirt all over on me.
I heard my hero sighing and he didn’t he didn’t hesitate to help me getting rid of the litter.
“Y/N... why didn’t you tell me about that?” His eyes were filled with disappointment. I chose not answering but he couldn’t endure my silence. “I knew it. I was waiting for you to tell me.”
That caught me off guard, my breath hitched. How? How he knew? I had always been careful.
“I’m not mad, I just. I wanted you to tell me. You know, you can trust me.”
I nodded and he suddenly enveloped me in a bone crushing hug. “You can tell me anything, Y/N.”
My fourteen- year - old self started sobbing and I couldn’t stop my tears from falling on Jungkook’s white T-shirt, he rubbed my back with his big warm hands, comforting me.
“Keep your head up, Princess, otherwise your crown will fall off.” 
“Are you ready, Princess?” Jungkook asked me from outside while one of the maids was doing my makeup in the bathroom. She was an older woman, in her thirties, her name was Bora and she was the most kind to me. She said I had reminded me of her little sister, I figured out she lost her years ago as she only used past tense when she mentioned her.
“You really look beautiful, no wonder Jungkook asked you to be his date.” 
But there was Seol who made me clear she couldn’t stand my presence - when I was with either Jungkook or Hoseok, she only looked at them but never at me.
I loved talking to people but she wasn’t keen on talking to me. Was she jealous? I didn’t know.
“Makeup makes everyone prettier, Bora.” She muttered under her breath, loud enough for me to hear, I could swear she said that on purpose then walked out the door.
“But Y/N is one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen for real.” 
“Thank you, Bora. You are really kind.” I said and she smiled softly at me but still working on my hair.
Jungkook got a bit impatient as he knocked on the wooden door. “Hey, I want to see her, Bora. When will you finish?”
“A minute, Sir.” She shouted and put a flower behind my ear. “You are the best model I ever had. Now go. Come in.”
The door opened, revealing me in my lilac dress, my wavy locks and my amazing makeup. Jungkook was silent as he eyed me from head to toe which made me nervous. “I-I still have time to change, if you think it’s not great on me...”
“You are perfect, baby girl. No need to change anything.Your dress, your hair...everything suits you. Thank you, Bora.” 
“Once again, I have to thank you for spending some time with me.”
“Oh honey, it’s natural. Have fun tonight.” She patted my bare shoulder, leaving us alone in the room.
Jungkook had a heart-warming expression on his face. “Shall we go, Y/N?”
“Of course.”
I had never dreamt of being in a much more luxurious building than the brothers’. I thought it was impossible to witness another skyscraper like enormous penthouse - but I was wrong. Jungkook offered his arm as he was a real gentleman.
“Is everyone uhmm...?” I didn’t find the suitable word, Jungkook rarely talked about his business, I felt awkward, not wanting to rub into his face that he was indeed a dangerous man in Seoul. He took care of me, he protected me, I didn’t want to say anything which would have made him upset.
“You mean, is everyone criminal?” I nodded and he laughed lightly. “No, but most of them are. You wouldn’t believe how many politicians, how many musicians are involved with crime organisations. So don’t be surprised if you saw your favourite idol boy.”
Seeing my face he leant closer to whisper in my ear. “I can ensure you even bad people can behave well, you don’t have to be scared.”
“I’m not scared.” I replied with a blushing face. Jungkook lately got touchier and violated my personal space more frequently - not that I minded.I loved him way too much, I was crazy about him.
He led me to the room where all the guests were chatting. I remembered the day when Jungkook brought dresses home to choose my attire - I was close to faint when I saw the prices. I said I would pay back later but he didn’t let me. Certainly, something hadn’t changed throughout the years - Jungkook and his stubbornness.
“Jungkook, man.” We heard a man behind us, approaching us with a huge grin plastered on his face. “Nice to see you here with your girlfriend.”
Before I could react, Jungkook shook the older man’s hand. “Thank you and thank you for hosting this party, Kris. Where’s your lovely wife?”
“She’s here. Honey, Jungkook’s here!” Kris yelled and a beautiful woman was walking to us.
“Jungkook, nice to meet you. Who’s this lucky lady who managed to steal your heart?”
“Her name is Y/N.” Jungkook caressed the back of my hand with his thumb.
“Nice to meet you.” I greeted them and they rewarded me with an unexpected warm hug.
“Jungkook, keep her close, you surely have many rivals.” Kris joked giving me a wink.
“I will.”
Jungkook introduced me to several friends of his - some were business men, others were lawyers but I was astonished when a man was a detective. Everybody thought we were a couple - Jungkook never denied it, making my heart skip a couple of beats.
“You really know everything about everybody.” I noted when we were sitting on a couch close to each other, our knees touching. I had a glass of wine in my system that was probably the reason why I didn’t freak out because of his closeness.
“There are some things I don’t know about you though.” He said his gaze capturing mine.
“I’m an open book for you, Jungkook.”
“Would you mind if I kissed you right now and there?”
“Not at all. I would be more than happy if someone like you wanted me to kiss him.”
He didn’t wait for me to develop second thoughts, he kissed me slowly and softly. We didn’t care people around us, my hands dived in his hair, and he grabbed my waist to pull me even closer. I was sure I had never felt this electrifying feeling and I gave myself to pleasure.
When I pulled away, I was sure my makeup got messy on me.
“I’ll be back soon.”
“Are you sure you’ll be okay alone, Princess? You know where is the bathroom?”
“I know, I saw it. I’ll be back in three minutes.”
But not long after I came in I felt an intense pain caused by a cold object hitting me on the head and I lost my vision, welcoming the darkness...
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sxfiyxplz · 7 years
(Best Behaviour) Jeff Atkins X Reader
A/n:so this is my first ever fic on tumblr! I only ever write on Wattpad but I thought why not. Been meaning to post this for so long but it's finally here! Enjoy 😉 Warnings: swearing Spring break. Boy was you happy for it arrive. You and your best friend Jeff had made a pact to be on your best behaviour this semester, not skipping classes, slacking in tests and actually attempting the homework set in bio. You didn't want to admit it, but you was a slacker, way too laid back in school for your own good, having friends like Zach to help you with bio and Sheri to help with history, you didn't really put in effort. It wasn't until Jeff found your test scores screwed up in the corner of your room he knew he needed to help. If it wasn't for his annoyingly charming smile and bright eyes staring into your soul as he swore you to promise him you would "try a little harder" you would have said no. But this was Atkins, you couldn't say no. So you did, you actually took notes in bio, listened in English, attended history and your grades did start to improve. "I told you things would get better if you actually behaved in school" Jeff said handing you your B+ you got on your history essay, smirking at you . "Ok ok so maybe Mr motivator over here had a point!" You said pushing him playfully. "My grades improved so now it's time to celebrate. Still picking me up for the spring break party at Bryces?" "Of course your majesty, I'll be there at 8" he replied sending you his signature wink which for some reason always made you turn jelloid . You stood there for a second until you noticed jess and Justin staring at you with shit eating grins plastered on their face as they saw you looking a little too flustered by Jeffs exit. You just laughed it off jumping into the back of the car. "You're definitely coming back to mine to get ready if you wanna impress Atkins y/n" Jess smirked as she looked at you through the wing mirror. You began to blush as you did have a crush on Jeff Atkins, who coincidentally was your best friend, who was best friends with Justin like you was best friends with jess. It basically made things very tricky to handle when you had feelings for the guy. "I'll have to wear your clothes then Jess I haven't brought anything with me" you said hoping you could borrow a hot dress for the party. Jess nodded in agreement which meant you was going to look perfect.This wasn't just one of Bryces usual drink ups. This was something you knew was going to be epic. A party to remember. As Justin pulled up to Jessica's house you jumped out just to be called back by him. "Hey y/n nows your chance to get Atkins. He's been waiting so long for a girl like you to come his way" Justin said in a slight whisper. You looked at him with suspicious eyes not knowing whether he was being genuine about Jeff or if jess had blurted out how you felt or if Justin was just fucking with you as per. His smirk soon snapped you back to reality that he was just playing, which made you turn on your heels flipping him off walking inside with Jess. "He's gonna be waiting for you l/n, you gotta look hot!" Justin shouted back before starting his engine "Fuck you Foley fuck you." You replied letting out a small chuckle before plonking your bags on the floor. Jess had already made her way upstairs to get ready calling you to come up and look for something to wear. If you was honest with yourself you wanted anything which would get the guys attention. You knew that once monty and Zach saw you looking good Jeff would be soon to follow suit. As you looked through Jess's wardrobe you pulled out a little black lace dress. It was the one. You stripped quickly, pulling the dress with fit your figure perfectly. You let your hair down leaving it in its natural state. You was admiring yourself in the mirror when Jess walked in looking at you with a smirk. "Well don't you look hot" she chirped "Jeff is definitely gonna fall for you looking like that" she smirked raising her brows. You turned to her giving her a fake laugh with only made her smirk more at the fact she could see straight through your facade "Come on I know you like him" she admitted "I know you do. And maybe tonight might be the night everything happens, maybe not, so shall we just get ready and see" you replied with a bite. "Ok" Jess sighed rolling her eyes at your delusion of the situation between you and Jeff " you best text him that you're coming with me to the party to surprise him how good you'll look" * Jess finally made it to Bryce's parking up outside where there were dozens of cars surrounding the house. You stepped out with Jess making your way to the front door when you felt all eyes on you as you walked in. The house was packed. The alcohol was flowing like crazy, people were dancing drinking partying making out everywhere and you was loving it. Jess grabbed your hand making your way to the kitchen to grab a drink when you saw Justin Zach Monty and Bryce all stud with beer. Jess ran into Justin's arms, kissing his neck as she clearly had missed his touch. You saw the guys turn to you, there eyes all widening as they saw you. "Well someone's planning on getting laid tonight " Zach joked pulling you in for a hug. Monty handed you a beer as you rested on the counter surrounded by everyone "So..." monty dragged out "who you looking hot for y/n?Gotta have someone in mind" asked raising his brow You shrugged your shoulders lying blatantly knocking back the beer. "I'm just planning on getting wasted" you smiled "If you wanna get wasted with me, you know where to find me sweet cheeks" Bryce pipped up sending you a smirked which instantly made your eyes roll. "In your dreams Bryce " you laughed flipping him off going off with Jess to find Sheri. As the night went on more people began to dance with their cups high in the air, swaying and dancing to whatever was blasting through the speakers. You hadn't seen Jeff yet and you had a sick feeling in the pit of your stomach that he had bailed. You and Sheri was sat by the pool, drinks in hand listening to what was another of Jess and Justin's fall outs when you began to day dream and wonder where the hell Jeff was. You couldn't wait to see him, dance with him and take it back to his place where you could finally f- "So what the fuck should I do y/n? You and Justin are close what would he want" Jess asked completely throwing you off guard. You squinted your eyes at her trying to figure out what she was talking about but you honestly had no clue. You wanted to open your mouth to say something but you was stopped thankfully by a pair of hands grabbing your shoulders, making you jump out of your skin. You turned around to see the one and only Jeff crouching next to you with a beaming smile. You gave him a tight hug silently thanking him for saving your ass. "I've literally been looking for you everywhere man!" He chuckled, finally content that he'd found you "you look great by the way, really hot" he winked making your cheeks burn "Oh Atkins you are a cute one" you responded trying to keep your cool "So anyway you know because you're such a great person I was wondering if you would play beer pong and be on my team" Jeff went of to say, making you frown a little "Justin said I should ask you as he said your really good" You couldn't help but roll your eyes at the pathetic attempt of Justin getting you and Jeff together. You was shit at beer pong and you definitely didn't want Jeff to see how bad. "I would say yes but that would just result in Justin rubbing it in my face he's better then me" you pouted "sorry Atkins" "It's ok babe, I'll ask monty." He winked " I'll come find you later" and with that he was off into back into the house,your eyes finally loosing him in the crowd.Both girls turned to you, mouths hung open. "What the fuck was that about then huh?" Jess asked, eyes wife pushing your shoulder. "Thought you and Atkins were just 'friends'" "Didn't look like it to me" Sheri sang making Jess laugh uncontrollably "Oh my God come on guys it's what we do we are always like this" You shrugged like what happened wasn't a big deal "Bullshit!" Jess blurted making you frown "She's right!" Sheri added "we all can see you both want each other. He's looking hot, you're looking like a snack, you're both destined for each other" she went on "You find his ass now!" Jess demanded making you laugh but she was serious. She pulled a "why the fuck are you still here" face at you making you get up from the pool side. "Fine I'm going to get a drink and I will find him" you huffed pulling a fake smile waving goodbye with your empty cup. "Go get him" you heard the two of them shouted making you smile. You made your way to the kitchen where you grabbed yourself your 4th vodka and tequila concoction as you began to sway along to the music sipping your drink. You didn't dare to find Jeff yet. If you was going to make a move you would need a whole lot more drinks down you. You carried on drinking, taking shots to quicken the process. You was finally feeling a buzz so you took your drink and followed the beat of the music. As you got into the song, dancing with the crowd of school kids you felt to hands grip your hips instantly guiding you as your hips glided along with the music grinding next to an unknown waist. The grip soon tightened and you was span round to see the face of Jeff, sending you his contagious grin. His blue eyes hit you and you looked away biting your lip, trying not to show your drunken state was totally falling for his sweet charming looks. "I gotta admit" Jeff began speaking in your ear as so you could hear him "you were looking extremely hot dancing over here alone I had to come join you" Your cheeks burned from his words as jeffs compliment meant more then all the boys stares at the party. " you just look really really stunning tonight y/n, like wow" he began to slur as his body grew closer to yours, his ands roaming your back. "Are you drunk Atkins" you looked at him trying not to laugh at how waved he really was "I am not drunk" Jeff protested " I'm just here wondering whether my little miss perfect here is finally ready to let her hair down and have a little fun." His voice deeper and eyes full of lust " I mean you've been on your best behaviour baby let's have some fun." And with that, the mix of alcohol and stream of dopamine flowing through your body you smiled linking your hands round jeffs neck passionately connecting lips. The warm sensation from his lips made you want him more as your kisses became hungrier, kissing his soft lips over and over. Realisation then hit you that you finally was kissing the boy who had been your crush, your best friend, the guy you wanted to be with. You couldn't help but smile through the kiss which suddenly made you giggle uncontrollably making your lips part. "What's so funny" Jeff asked, pressing his forehead to yours, dying for the taste of your lips again. "It's nothing" you said, smiling with embarrassment, but Jeff soon cupped your face, kissing you passionately again. "Tell me what's so funny" he said between kisses. You looked him dead in the eye, chewing corner of your bottom lip as you were about to confess how you felt to Jeff. "It's just funny because I've wanted this for so long Jeff. Because" you paused as his smile slowly started to grow as though he knew what you was about to say " fuck because I fucking like you Jeff" you finally admitted, literally face palming as Jeff's eyes widened and he pulled his annoying cute grins. Fuck you had no idea whether he was feeling the same way or it was just him laughing that you confessed you liked him and looked like a damn idiot. He slowly took hold of your hand, pulling it away from your face, looking at you will his grin still plastered on his face. "I'm glad you find it funny. Because I like you too" he said pulling your body closer together feeling his breath on your skin "how about we get out of here and see what the night brings us" You smiled as Jeff bit his bottom lip as you both were on the same wave length with ditching the party for the rest of the night. You knew you both were about to have a lot more fun. You pecked his lips and took his hand ready to leave. "Definitely."
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didiletyouknooow · 8 years
23. Super Bowl  I
Hey guys! There is a new chapter with Josh & Eileen! Again I had the idea of splitting it because it’s so long. 
Thank you again for liking and reading and following me! A big kiss and hug to all of you! It makes me so happy that you like my story and read it.  But as you might know, there are some more stories about Josh/RHCP out here on tumblr.  So please feel free to read also: http://bemygetawayjz.tumblr.com/ https://disorderfanfic.tumblr.com/ http://behindthespotlightfic.tumblr.com/  I like every story so much and every story is completely different. Great work! <3  Now I hope you have fun reading my new chapter! The next will be uploaded at the weekend! 
“So did I get it right, if I move to Oregon we break up?”
“I guess” he said. “Otherwise it doesn’t make any sense for me”
  This dialogue was in my mind for the last days. I repeated it over and over again. I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t want to believe it. How could he throw away everything we had in the last months just because of one decision I was going to make? I didn’t even know if I would do it.
After the discussion he broke the connection. This was so typical for Josh that he didn’t want to discuss it anymore. Sometimes he behaved like a little boy. But I knew him, I knew of his behaviour and didn’t pay much attention to it because I thought he would contact me after a few days – he didn’t. I felt very sad and disappointed. Was he really that egoistic guy he pretended to be during our argument? I didn’t know. For the first time in the last six months I was questioning myself who the hell was the guy I was dating? Why did he behave like that? Like a total asshole to be honest. I mean, we could discuss it, we could try to find a way, we could figure it out, I guessed. But he didn’t want to. He was just pissed off.
I don’t have to mention that I couldn’t sleep that night and instead cried my eyes out. I was very sad. But I was also angry at Josh. Again he was such a pig head. But this time it really hurt me. I mean, if he didn’t want to find a way to figure it out, then how did he feel about me?
The following days I went to work and tried not to think about it. My co-workers must’ve thought something terrible happened because of the dark circles under my eyes. Sarah and I did work together on the project for the next days so it was very hard to smile and laugh although all I wanted to do was crying and screaming. But I didn’t want to talk about it with her. Sure I liked her, she was such a great friend for me here in Berlin, but I didn’t want to talk about it at work. All I wanted to do was distract me from thinking about Josh.
Back home again I listened to a lot of Oasis songs. Sometimes you just need some special music to feel better. 
I didn’t know what was going on with us now. Where did we stand? Were we still a couple? I just didn’t know. But I didn’t want to text him or phone him. I know it was the same gutless thing as always when we argued: no one had the guts to make the first move.
In two days I had to leave for New  York – if I would. It was my Christmas present from Josh, he wanted me to be by his side when he plays at the super bowl. I knew he was excited and nervous, I mean it was the super bowl. How many millions of people all over the world are watching it? And sure I wanted to support him but I didn’t know if I should do it anymore. I mean, he behaved like shit to me when we skyped. Why did he break the connection just without saying anything? I could have thrown something against him while thinking about it. His reaction hurt me so much.
I knew that he never had to think about moving away from Los Angeles for a job. He probably never had to be afraid of being unemployed. There was always a Bob Forrest or a John Frusciante who would’ve helped him. Oh well, this was a terrible thought. I knew he worked hard and he did go a long way to be where he was now. But I think it was also a great amount of luck he had.
I felt as if I wouldn’t belong to his lifestyle. To the business he was working in. I was just a girl looking for a job and a flat in L.A. who accidentally fell in love with the guitarist of this famous band who must’ve millions of dollars on the bank. How could both lifestyles get along together?
It was Wednesday evening when I came home from work and Lara was making dinner in the kitchen. “How was your day?” she wanted to know. I sighed and got me something to drink. “It sucked. Like every day since last week” “Eileen, sweetheart, just sit down, have a drink and in a few minutes we can enjoy my Thai soup I just made” she let me know. Lara was very caring about me and it felt good but I was still feeling very disillusioning. “Still Josh?” “Yes…” I said. “I don’t know what he thought would happen? That I would accept his decision and we both never talk again? This is just childish! We’re adults, doesn’t he know that? He’s even six years older than me but sometimes behaves like a 15 year old pubertal boy!” “Calm down!” Lara said and gave me a pale with her soup. I tried it and it was very delicious. So for the next 15 minutes we just sat there eating her soup without saying anything.
 “So it’s Wednesday, right?” Lara suddenly said. “Yes, why? Do you wanna watch The Bachelor again?” “No” she laughed. “But” her voice changed from funny to serious. “In two days you’re supposed to fly to New  York, right?” “Maybe” “Are you going?” “I don’t know” “Why?” “Because my boyfriend didn’t call me since our argument last week?” “But you didn’t call him either” “Yeah, but….” “Maybe you should do it” “No….I don’t know why” “You’re both such pig heads. But I guess you already know” “I do….” “So what’s the reason for not going?” “First, my boyfriend and I didn’t speak for a few days and I don’t even know if he still wants me to be there. Second, maybe he has forgotten about me yet and found a new girl?” “Eileen, don’t be silly” “Could be. I don’t know who he really is” “Yes but….I don’t think that Josh has a new girl. I mean, why? He has you!” “Well, I’m not so sure about that anymore” I was totally pissed off. “Don’t be silly and throw it all away” “He wants to throw it away!” “I know but….he reacted on impulse. You two should have a talk about it” “But when? He doesn’t contact me” “He’s busy on tour” “Yeah and maybe already met a new hot girl who’s younger than me, thinner than me, prettier than me” “EILEEN!” Lara stopped me. “Why do you say those crappy words? Stop!” “It’s just what I think of” “Do you know why Josh doesn’t want you to move to Oregon?” “No….well actually I do know. He doesn’t want to live between two states, as he called it” “Because he loves you” My heart skipped a beat when I heard her saying these words. “What do you mean?”
 “He told you that he loves you, right?” “Yes” “And he told you that he’s not that into telling people about his emotions, right?” “Yeah” “So….the only way he knows how to show you that he doesn’t want you to move to Oregon is to tell you HE can’t deal with it” “But he told me that he breaks up with me when I will move there” I reminded her. “Yes but…it’s just a defensive attitude since he didn’t know how to put his feelings into words” “Well I don’t know. To me it sounds like kitchen sink philosophy” Lara rolled her eyes and put the tales away. “Eileen, honestly I think you should fly to New York.” “I don’t know…” “The tickets are a present from Josh. He thought about it before giving it to you that he wants you to be there. This must be more than one month ago” “How do you know?” “Because he asked me some things about your boss before asking him to give you some days off” “When was it?” “It was at the beginning of December I guess” “Wow” it made me kind of speechless to hear it. “A few days earlier they agreed making the guest appearance at Bruno Mars’ half time show and two days later he spoke to your boss” “So you already knew about the half time show before I told you?” I have to apologize that I couldn’t keep the secret and told Lara about it. “Yes…kind of” “Well….this is crazy” “But it doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is that the first thing he did after they made the deal was getting you some tickets. I remember that we talked about the flights and I told him that you don’t like flying that much and you don’t like stopovers so he changed the tickets he already booked with a stopover in London into a business class fly from Berlin to New York.”
When Lara told me about this I didn’t know what to say. It gave me goose bumps hearing this story. Josh was so….cute? Lovely? I couldn’t find words for it although I was still mad at him. “So Eileen, you really should go there. It will not only be a great experience but it will also make you feel better if you can talk to Josh in person. I’m sure you can figure it out somehow” “Hm, maybe you’re right” I said. She smiled at me and we hugged.  
 Two days later I was sitting in a plane to New York. I never took a flight in business class so I was very overwhelmed by the service. I had something to drink, to eat and the seats were so comfortable I even could sleep for quite some time. So yes I decided to take the plane to fly to New York for the super bowl. It was so surreal that I took a plane to fly to the super bowl. I mean, I wasn’t even into American football. I couldn’t even afford a ticket to the super bowl not to mention another ticket for flying over to the states and afterwards back to Berlin. But it was Josh’s gift to me at Christmas. Yes it was still very cute of him but it took me some time to finally decide to do it. I was still mad at him, we still didn’t talk with each other for over a week now. I mean, I didn’t even know if he wanted me to be there. I wrote him a message but he didn’t read it yet. I even phoned him but no one answered. But I didn’t questioned it because sometimes he was too busy to answer. I wished Lara could’ve fly with me but it was too expensive and she wouldn’t get a vip ticket like me I guessed. Well I didn’t need a vip ticket. Instead I would prefer to watch the game and the half time show with Lara at the worst seats the stadium had. I didn’t care but well it’s clear that friends and family of the players or the artists of the half time show will get special seats in a special lounge. So time flew by and after eight hours we landed safety at JFK in New York.
I hoped Josh would answer me so I checked my phone when I arrived at the airport. I was very sure that he would’ve answered me. But….nothing. To be honest I didn’t know where to go. So I waited for my luggage. Afterwards I walked through the airport, bought me something to drink and went to the exit. Well I really didn’t know where to go now. So I HAD to phone Josh now again otherwise I wouldn’t know where to stay in New  York. I called him but again he didn’t answer. Well, perfect. I tried it again but nothing happened. Yes great Eileen, I thought, why are you such a pig head that stays home when she can’t contact her boyfriend before flying over to New  York City? I mean, who does this shit without thinking about it before? I got angry. I sat down at a seat at the airport and scrolled through my phone. Who could I phone now? Maybe Lara? But what could she do? Hm. While I was scrolling through my phone I didn’t recognized that there was a person coming over to me. I just saw the shadow of the person who was standing right in front of me now but I didn’t look up because I didn’t want to talk to anyone who asked me for directions. Sorry. “Do you wanna come with me?” a voice suddenly said. I frightened. Then I looked up and saw him. “Josh?” I was so surprised that I didn’t know what to say. “Hey” he smiled very shyly. “I’m glad you came” “Ehm, how do you know….I mean” “Well I booked the tickets for you so I knew when your plane would arrive” “But the airport is so big. How did you find me?” “I was walking through the airport looking for you for quite some time” he told me. He had his hands in his pockets and looked to the floor. He was so shy. “Oh ehm” “I was scared you would take a cab to the city” “Ehm yes I think this would’ve been my next move. Then check into a cheap hostel” “Well good that I found you before” he smiled at me and gave me his hand. “Come on, let’s go” he said and I followed him without saying anything. We walked to the back exit where a black van was waiting for us. Josh took my luggage and put it into the trunk before we got in the car. It felt a bit weird that there was a driver waiting for us. Sure it must’ve been totally normal for Josh these days but for me it wasn’t. I felt a bit uncomfortable. “How was your flight?” “It was great, thank you for the tickets” “No thanks, I did what I could” “Honestly, thank you Josh” I said. But the rest of the way to the hotel we didn’t speak much. You can tell that it was still a tense situation between us. After half an hour we arrived at the back entrance of the hotel. Josh took my luggage and we went into the hotel. “Why the back entrance?” I wanted to know. “Because of the fans” he told me. Oh well, okay. Josh and I went to the elevator. Again we didn’t speak a word but I recognized him looking at me when I couldn’t see it – well at least he thought I couldn’t see it. Until now there was no hug, no kiss and no nice word we shared with each other. The only thing that happened was that Josh picked me up from the airport. I thanked him for doing it but still it was all very weird at the moment.
Finally we arrived at Josh’s hotel room and he took my luggage away. I undressed my jacket and he put my jacket at the wardrobe without saying anything. “So ehm, we have sound check in a few minutes, so I have to go now” Josh suddenly said. “Ehm, no wait!” I stopped him from leaving. He looked very surprised. “I think we have to talk!” I let him know. “Okay…” “So what’s going on here? We argued last week, you broke the connection and didn’t get in touch with me since then. After all I was so silly to come to New York, you picked me up and now you wanna leave for sound check?” “Well….it’s what I’ve gotta do” “Yes but…don’t you think we should have a talk about what happened last week?” “Hmmm, I guess so” he then said. “So….do you still wanna break up with me if I move to Oregon?” Josh didn’t look me in the eyes, I think he couldn’t. He kneaded his hands nervously. “Josh, please be honest because I came here to talk to you about it. You can say I flew thousands of miles just for having this talk because to me it’s important” I let him know. He looked up and directly in my eyes. “I don’t wanna break up with you” he suddenly said after a few minutes of silence. “I felt sad when you told me about your plans because I don’t wanna lose you” “And that’s why you told me that you’re going to break up with me if I’m moving to Roseburg?” “I know it was silly. It was just on impulse because I was mad at you because I was faced at your decision” “Well I didn’t decide yet” “Not?” “No….I mean, it was just a positive response. I didn’t even speak to them” “Oh well, I thought you’ve decided yet. For me it sounded like you will do it” “Hm, I don’t wanna move to Oregon to be honest. But it could be my only opportunity” “No it’s not. You can….” “I know!” I interrupted him. “And I’m very thankful that you wanna support me but….I have another plan B” “Alright…” “I don’t know if I ever told you about it but when I studied in Berlin I did also a Master of Education. You could do both of them at the same time so I did. I know I’m a bit of a geek” I chuckled. “So not every school in Los Angeles acknowledges my graduation but I found three schools which are searching for history teacher. I’m also allowed to teach German. So I applied for a job as a teacher” I told him about my plan B I made two nights ago. “So you wanna be a teacher?” Josh asked surprised. “Kind of…If it let me stay in L.A. then yes, I’m gonna be a teacher” I laughed. “Oh well I hope that they want you as their teacher. I would want you as my teacher” he smiled, took a few steps closer and put his arms around me. “I hate fighting with you. I don’t wanna do it again. I know I behaved silly and said some egoistic words. I’m sorry for that Eileen. I just don’t wanna lose you” Josh said and gave me a kiss. “Me too. I hate fighting with you” “It’s so ridiculous” “But Josh?” “Hm?” “Why didn’t you answer my calls?” “Ehm, my phone broke yesterday. It will be fixed later that day” Josh let me know. “Oh well and I thought you already found a new girl that’s younger, thinner and prettier than me” I said jokingly. “Well, why should I want another girl when I have you? And why younger or thinner?” “I don’t know…just a thought” “Ridiculous thought” “Hm” “And Eileen?” “Yes?” “You’re the prettiest girl I know and I like your age and I don’t like super skinny girls. I like girls like you!” he smiled while saying these words to me. My heart melted. I was so happy that we figured it out. We were standing there for quite some time, he hugging me while I laid my head against his chest. It felt like being home again although we were standing in a hotel room in Brooklyn.
After our reconciliation Josh and I went to the venue where the Chili Peppers would play a special concert tonight before the super bowl the following day. For me it was very exciting to see how it all worked and see the guys at the arena doing their sound check. I was standing at the ground of the arena, the standing pitch where the crowd would get wild later that day. Together with some other members of the crew or people working at the venue I watched the band doing their sound check. It was crazy finally seeing Josh playing with Anthony, Flea and Chad on stage. It also was crazy because everyone was wearing their every day clothes. Anthony wore a jeans and a black jacket, very unspectacular. Flea wore jogging pants and a sweater, Chad drummed while wearing a checked shirt and Josh was wearing black pants, a Yankees cap and also a checked shirt. I knew he would change his clothes later that day. He always had his stage clothes he doesn’t wear the whole day. So while I was standing there watching the boys on stage who just started playing “Can’t stop” a woman spoke to me. “Sorry, who are you?” “Ehm, excuse me?” “Who are you? Who brought you here?” she asked me in a serious voice. “I’m Eileen, I’m Josh’s girlfriend” “Sure….a lot of people say these words. I’ve heard it before several times” she said in a sarcastic voice. “Well…it’s the truth” I told her. I was confused. What did she want to tell me? “Where’s your pass?” “Pass?” “Your AAA-pass?” I must have looked like I didn’t understand her. “Access All Area?” “I don’t have one” “Okay, so then please leave the venue” “Why? Josh brought me here” “Sure he did….a lot of fans told me such a story. Mostly with Anthony but, well…” she said and I saw two guys from the security coming to me. “She has to leave now” the woman told them. The two men looked at me and told me to come with them. You could see that they didn’t want to take my arm or my hand. They just wanted to handle this situation without violence. “Sorry, it must be a misunderstanding. Josh Klinghoffer took me with him when he arrived here for sound check” I looked at the guys and then back to the stage where Josh was playing some jams with Flea and Chad. They just finished it. “Josh!” I shouted but he didn’t hear me because he talked to his guitar tech. They continued playing but suddenly Josh stopped when he saw me arguing with the security guys. “What’s wrong there?” he asked through the microphone. “Everything’s okay Eileen?” Although Josh mentioned my name the security guys and the woman didn’t stop arguing with me. I tried to explain them the situation but they didn’t believe me. I watched Josh gesturing his band something and then he left the stage. A few seconds later I saw him coming to us. “Eileen, what’s wrong here?” he asked, his guitar strap still on his shoulder. “They don’t want to believe me that I’m here with you” “Well why? Claire, she’s my girlfriend” he told the blonde woman. “How should I know it? You didn’t tell me and she has no pass. Josh, you know how this works. Friends and family need a backstage pass” “But it’s just sound check” he responded. “I know but it’s for the safety” “Okay, well then….it’s my fault sorry” he apologized to her. “It’s okay, I’ll get her a pass” Clair told us and left. “Sorry” Josh let me know and kissed my brow before heading back to the stage. I smiled. Sometimes he was a bit confused.
 Claire came back with my backstage pass. “Please, take it with you all the time” she let me know and I put it on my neck. “So you’re Josh’s girlfriend?” “Yes” “But not for a long time, right?” “Since October” “Well okay we weren’t on tour during this time and he didn’t tell me. So I’m sorry that I bothered you but we have to be careful these days” she explained to me. “All I knew was that you’re not Mia, Amelia or Chloe” she said laughing. Ehm okay, I knew of Mia and I knew of Amelia. But who was Chloe?
But I didn’t have time to ransack my brain over the question who Chloe could be because the boys just finished their sound check and Josh beckoned me. So I went to the side of the stage. First I didn’t see Josh but instead a guy with long blonde curly hair who looked like a member of a metal band. “I’m looking for Josh” I said to him. “Oh you must be Eileen, I’m Ian, Josh’s guitar tech” the guy smiled at me and we shook hands. “Josh has a short talk with our monitor engineer I guess. Like always after the sound check” Ian rolled his eyes. “Okay so I just wait here” “Sure, do you wanna have some tea or coffee?” “Ehm, no thanks” I just realized that there was a coffee machine and a kettle standing next to the guitars. How sweet was that? Josh finally ended his discussion or whatever he had with the monitor guy and came back to me. “I’m sorry about Claire” he said again and gave me short kiss. “I didn’t know she was there. She’s always a bit rude to people she doesn’t know” he told me about the blonde woman in her forties who turned out to be their personal assistant. She was taking care of every issue the band had Josh told me. Originally she was a member of the management. “But she’s quite nice” he said. “If you’re nice to her” he laughed. We were walking backstage to a small room where Anthony was talking to Flea. “There she is” Anthony said while looking at me. I welcomed them and we talked a bit about their current tour and how excited they were to play at the half time show tomorrow. “So, your first Chili show tonight?” Anthony wanted to know and I nodded, still a bit shy. “Well I hope you’ll like it. We give our best to entertain our crowd and give them the time of their lives” he said smiling and drinking some tea. “Are you a bit afraid of tomorrows’ performance?” I had the guts to ask. “Well not afraid….maybe Josh is afraid of it. I don’t know. Josh are you afraid?”  “Ehm, I don’t know. At least I know that I wont play shit” he giggled while drinking some coffee. Josh was more of the coffee guy. “Why?” I was wondering. “Because the guys recorded it before. We can’t play live because it would be too difficult to do it in that short period of time” Anthony told me. “So later that day I’m the only one of us who has to do a sound check together with Bruno Mars” Wow, it still sounded so surreal to me. After another short talk Josh and I left the arena and had a nice little walk through the streets. We walked along the Atlantic Avenue and talked a bit. It was just Josh and me, holding hands while walking and talking. I really missed him. I missed talking to him in person, looking into his eyes, smiling at him, smelling him. Sure I missed kissing him, too but it wasn’t that much of a deal. For the first time since we were in a relationship I missed him as the person he was. I just loved being in his company and always felt a bit more confident with him by my side.
Before heading back to the Barclays Center in Brooklyn we took the subway to Manhattan. I loved that Josh didn’t give a shit about him being famous in any ways but instead just took the subway although he could afford a cab or even ask some of their drivers to take us to Manhattan. He also had to take away his phone from the shop. So we walked a bit through Manhattan and crossed the Time Square. Sure I was in New York and Manhattan before but this time it was special for me. Walking along with Josh at the Time Square was quite nice. I think nobody noticed him, while he was wearing a black beanie and some sunglasses on – well at least the sun was shining although it was winter. We took some pictures in a cheesy tourist-couple-style and then searched for the phone shop where Josh handed in his phone yesterday to be fixed again. Well I think I could’ve phone him a million times – nobody would’ve answered. “What would you’ve done when you wouldn’t have found me at the airport?” I wanted to know when finally Josh had his phone back and we left the shop. “Ehm, I don’t know. Maybe I would’ve phone every hostel in Manhattan or Brooklyn” “I guess nobody of the crew has my number” “No…and I didn’t write it down and I don’t know it by heart which I’m sorry for” “Me neither. I can’t remember any telephone numbers no matter if it’s from my family, friends, boyfriends…” ”I think this is typical nowadays. I mean, we all have these smart phones which can do like…everything?” “Yes, that’s it” “I think our brain has less things to do these days which is very bad because we unlearn so much” I looked in his face. How could a human being be so nice and humble? I was still wondering.
We had still some time left until we must’ve been back at the arena in Brooklyn. So we decided to do a typical tourist thing. We went on top of to the Empire State Building. Well, do you remember I was afraid of heights? “Oh man, this is so high I don’t know if I wanna go outside” I said when we arrived at the top of the building. “But we came here for enjoying the view I guess” Josh said while taking my hand. Again I followed him to the observation platform. It felt a bit like in Vienna – but this time it was a way higher. “Just trust me” he said and went on to one point at the platform. “I like the view from this point. It shows you all the beauty of the city” he told me. I fought with me looking through the rods of steal down to Manhattan. “Look, there is the Hudson River. Oh, it’s so beautiful here” Josh smiled and took some pictures with his phone while I was just standing there, trying not to scream. My hands were so sweaty I didn’t want to put my phone out because I was afraid of losing it. It could fall from the building – yeah I know, ridiculous thought, but you know, I couldn’t explain it, it was just fear. “Should we walk around the building?” he asked. I just stood there hypnotized one point down in the city without looking away. This was the only way I could get over my fear. Just pointing at one special area and not looking to the other side. “Come on, let’s go” Josh said but I couldn’t. “NO!” I almost screamed. Josh’s face told me that he couldn’t understand it. “No, I can’t. You can go but I will go back to the elevator and wait for you” I let him know. “You don’t!” “Yes I do…” “Eileen, just a few steps, okay? You needn’t be afraid of it. Nothing will happen” Josh said and I wanted to believe him but my mind said no. But after a few minutes we came a few steps further so we had a view of the other side of New York. He was right, it was beautiful and I should get over my fear.
He was standing right behind me and showed me some spots where he played with some bands. He even showed me where his grandmother used to live and where his father and his mother met because originally they were from New York but moved to California before he was born. Well okay he just showed me the direction. Not everything happened in Manhattan. But while he was showing me I forgot about my fear – at least for a moment. We even could make a selfie without me looking like in a horror movie. Likewise, I wasn’t the only one who wanted to take a picture with Josh. There was also a group of people who recognized him and, well, there wasn’t much space to flee. So he was nice and took a picture with them. Well I was the one taking it. It took me some short moments to breathe until I could take the picture without shaking hands but I did it. Wow, it made me proud. I didn’t need to cling on Josh’s hands to go a few steps at the platform.
 “Wow, I’m very proud of you” he said when we arrived at the floor. ”Why?” “Because you did it! You went to the top of the Empire State Building with me and even took some steps. I know it must be hard for someone who is afraid of heights. So I’m very proud of you” he smiled and gave me a kiss. “Well, it wasn’t as special as playing in front of thousands of people” I said. “It’s totally different. You can’t compare it” Josh let me know. Well, if he said so.  
Finally we went back to the hotel in Brooklyn. Josh didn’t know if we should walk to the main entrance so we checked it out if there were any fans in front of the hotel. Josh told me that there were fans the whole day waiting for the Chilis to walk through the door. I knew he didn’t like it so he often preferred the back entrance. But this time we couldn’t see anyone so Josh and I walked to the entrance of the hotel. Turned out that we were wrong. There was a group of girls standing next to the hotel. They even had some cds and t-shirts to be signed by the Chilis. And of course they were holding their phones in their hands. Josh walked a bit faster when he saw them, still holding my hand. But when we arrived at the hotel they finally saw him and called his name. I thought they looked kind of nice and sympathetic. So Josh stopped, lost my hand and gave them some autographs while having a short chat with them. Sure the girls asked him for a photo but this time he didn’t want to. He excused himself very politely. I was standing two meters away from them watching and waiting for Josh. He came to me, took my hand and we finally went into the hotel. “Well they kind of looked nice” I let him know. “Sure they were. But I didn’t want to take pictures with them” “Why?” “You know why” he looked me in the eyes while we entered the elevator. “It’s always the same, then one picture is not enough and then they want another and I can’t say no. So, it always takes some time” “Well I guess they’re happy that they met you” I supposed. “Maybe”
The elevator door closed and we were standing there totally on our own. No one said a word. Why do people always keep silent in an elevator? But suddenly Josh came nearer and kissed me. It wasn’t just a short kiss, no, it was a passionate kiss and he pushed me against the wall. Well, this was a bit exciting to be honest. I never kissed in an elevator. When the door opened and we arrived at our floor we stopped and left it as though nothing had happened. Josh grinned at me and took my hand.
Eventually it was time to go back to the venue. So we drove back to the Barclays Center and while Josh was getting ready for the show I went to my seats. Before, Josh phoned his sister Olivia who was also there. So when I searched for my place I met Olivia and her boyfriend Jerome. We welcomed each other and had a short talk about the last weeks since Christmas. Olivia and I got along very well and I got to know her more and more. Her boyfriend was very calm and didn’t say much. The show started. I was so excited! Not only was it my first Red Hot Chili Peppers concert but it was also the first time I saw Josh playing with the guys. Sound check didn’t count I guess. So when the intro started I felt my heart beating very fast. It was a great show. I didn’t really know many of the new songs but I enjoyed every of them. I had to grin when I realized that there was a song about a “Maggie”. I had to think about my brother and his girlfriend who didn’t know that I was in New  York right now seeing Josh playing with the boys and tomorrow going to the super bowl. I didn’t tell him because I knew he would ask me with whom I would go and then he would suggest that it must be Josh and then I couldn’t hide the secret. So I decided to phone him tomorrow during the game to show him some of the atmosphere.
The concert was great! We had the perfect seats just right next to the stage. I was overwhelmed by the feelings I felt during the show and how crazy it was. Last year I wouldn’t have imagined that one year later I would go to a Chilis concert in Brooklyn because my boyfriend plays in the band. Not to mention going to the super bowl. I think the last-year-Eileen would have laughed very loud at the future-Eileen from 2014. She wouldn’t have believed it!
After the concert I followed Olivia and Jerome backstage where many people bustled about. We were searching for Josh but couldn’t find him. So we sat down at some chairs and talked for a while. It took some time until Josh came over to us. He sat down next to me. “What a great concert!” I let him know. “Really? Thanks. I’m glad you liked it” he said in his typical shy voice. “Very good job bro!” Olivia grinned. “But I played some shit a few times” Josh criticized himself. I saw how the three of us – Olivia, Jerome and me – rolled our eyes. “So what? It was a great show and the crowd liked it” I said to him putting my arms around him while I was sitting on his lap. “I’m very proud of you!” I gave him a kiss but recognized that he didn’t like being so close in public. So I stopped and instead just kept talking with him. 
Later the band, families, friends and the crew continued a little party at a bar the Chilis booked. Josh and I attended the party but we just had some drinks until we left it. It was too crowded. We both didn’t like it and since we were both very tired we took a walk through the night back to the hotel. This time without fans at the hotel – well it was 2am in the night. __________ You can watch the whole concert in Brooklyn here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sP4n-GGCEFI 
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astralsecrets · 6 years
Dream - You're A Part Of Us & I Want My Twenty Dollars & Beanies Don't Come Cheap & What Could...
Date of Dream: MON 8 OCT - 2018 All Dream Titles: Dream 446 A - You're A Part Of Us Dream 446 B - I Want My Twenty Dollars Dream 446 C - Beanies Don't Come Cheap Dream 446 D - What Could Possibly Go Wrong Dream Title In Summary: Dream - You're A Part Of Us & I Want My Twenty Dollars & Beanies Don't Come Cheap & What Could Possibly Go Wrong Dream No. 446 - Separated Sections Dream 446 A - You're A Part Of Us I don’t remember much about this dream. From what I can remember, I was in this unknown outdoor area and my friend JO was sitting on this bench in the room next door. All my other friends were in the room with me and so I got them, one by one, to go and introduce themselves to JO. Apparently LA had already had her turn, so now it was JH. Then after that, WB (who I am sadly not friends with in real life) was also with us and so I sent her over. The dream actually showed WB shaking hands with Jess and introducing herself. That’s all I can remember for this dream. Dream 446 B - I Want My Twenty Dollars I don’t remember what happened at the start of the dream. From where I do remember, it was high school but the appearance of the grounds was a mixture of my primary school and high school. Ms Le. was somewhere in the school yard and I was talking to her. Today was Wednesday and she mentioned about us going on the excursion tomorrow, being Thursday. She was going to lend me some money for something tomorrow but she wanted me to pay the twenty dollars to her today. I tried questioning her, saying it would be more sensible for me to pay tomorrow but she still had her mind set on getting paid today. In the next scene, I was in my house after school and I was talking to my mum, asking if she could give me a twenty dollar note. She was unsure at first and so I really started panicking, stating that Ms Le. would actually kill me if I didn’t give her the money by the end of tonight. I don’t remember if I ended up getting the money or not. The next scene was actually in an art class with Ms Le. but the day and exact time wasn’t specified… This scene is blurry. Then for the last scene, I was at the park across the road from my old house. I was sitting on the play equipment with my grade four teacher who had a distorted appearance compared to how she looked in real life. In the dream, she looked more youthful but then this also gave her a creepy. She was commenting to me about my reading and about how she would like me to read more fairy-tales in order to improve the quality of my reading. That’s all I can remember for this dream. Dream 446 C - Beanies Don't Come Cheap I don’t remember how the dream started. From where I do remember, I was at my other grandparents’ house with all my family members and a few other people as well. There was this really tiny baby girl that was crying really loudly in the sitting. I ended up scooping her into my arms and taking her into one of the bedrooms at the back of the house to try and calm her down. As I sat her down on the bed and started cuddling her, I could see my mum just outside in the hallway, telling the other person with her to be very quiet as they secretly watched me in admiration. Eventually, the baby girl became quiet and they every other person congregated into the bedroom and sat all on the same bed. Then this stranger woman and man came in, carrying some sort of small machine. There was this thread that the lady would put through the machine and when she turned it, it would turn into a beanie. I asked if I could have a go at using the machine with some thread but she and the man said no. Beanies were being made for everyone else but when I asked if I could have a beanie, they also said no. The lady then explained that I had to register for something on a website and then pay to have a beanie made. I thought that this preposition was ridiculous and everyone else was getting beanies for free, or so I thought. The dream ended there. Dream 446 D - What Could Possibly Go Wrong The dream started with me in the suburb next to mine but I have forgotten the exact location. There were two buses that were going each to a different campus of Monash University. The first campus, the dream claimed, was on Blackburn Road and the other campus was somewhere in Glen Iris, the Glen Iris campus does not exist in real life. Weirdly, the driver of both buses were 18-Volt! Yes, there were two of him in this part of the dream, looking exactly the same as each other, sporting the WarioWare Gold appearance. I also a had a clone in this section of the dream, both of us in our school summer dress. I am going to call the alternate 18-Volt “Carbon 18-Volt” to make this recap easier to understand, and my clone will be called “Carbon Karla”. Although I looked the same as Carbon Karla, the dream stated that we behaved differently; this was also the case for 18-Volt and Carbon 18-Volt. Carbon 18-Volt was driving the bus to the Blackburn Road campus and there was a special area in the front for Carbon Karla to sit next to him, the rest of the university students were all in the back where passengers would usually be. Carbon Karla’s personality was more like a cute kitten and Carbon 18-Volt was very affectionate and gentle. The dream showed Carbon Karla sleeping, curled up on top of some box after Carbon 18-Volt had turned his head from the wheel to gently hush her and gave her a small pat on her side that was facing up. To sum that up, Carbon 18-Volt had earlier lulled her to sleep while he was driving. Meanwhile, my personality was that of my waking life self. I was still interested in my surroundings but was more chilled and nonchalant about what happened to me. When it came to 18-Volt, he just drove and didn’t really pay too much attention to me if I didn’t say anything to him. Like in the other bus though, the arrangement was exactly the same in that there was a special area for me to be next to 18-Volt while the rest of the students were in the normal back passenger area. I was rather looking out the window at all the scenery on the way to Glen Iris while eating this mixed icy-pole and ice-cream all in one! The outside part was icy-pole which was a combination of Watermelon and Pineapple, kind of like a Frosty Fruits. The inside was cookies and cream ice-cream with there being a huge chunk of only biscuit in the centre area. I was making exaggerated movements with my mouth to convince myself that the combination of Frosty Fruits icy-pole and cookies and cream ice-cream tasted good. My mind figured that 18-Volt had given this to me earlier to serve as a distraction so I would let him drive rather than chewing his ear off with my talking. The dream then skipped to me wandering around by myself in the campus. I noticed that some areas had lift doors blended into the walls; they were almost the same colour as each other. As I would in waking life, I slightly shook if I walked past a door. Then the intention kicked in, still non-lucid though, to look for 18-Volt. The fact that he was a bus driver in the previous scene had completely left my mind and so I thought he was new to find. There was a small segment of possible scenarios taking place in an elevator. First, it was a third person perspective of me being held by 18-Volt and my mind was saying “No! It has to be in first-person!”. Then after that, there was only 18-Volt in the elevator and I was nowhere to be scene; my mind said “No! I have to be there!”. The dream was playing snippets of all the possible inconveniences. There were other inconveniences that played out in that scene but I have forgotten what they were. The dream then played as if I was entering the campus for the first time, forgetting that I had been in there before. The camera was behind me, of the same fashion as if you were playing a video game and you could see the character from behind, and so I could see that this time, I was wearing my school winter uniform. My hair was also a bit more orange than usual; I liked this accent of the henna dye. So I was running, or let’s say walking through the corridors at a very fast pace while calling for 18-Volt. Eventually though, I came into the entrance of this massive ladies’ change-room so large it’s even bigger than the ones at the local pools in real life. While I was in there, the dream then went to playing in first-person mode again. Every single girl was wearing some black or really dark navy blue outfit and were standing on the benches to change. I frantically, quickly marched though every nook and cranny of the change room, shouting and asking the girls, “Does anyone know where 18-Volt is, has anyone seen him around?”. The girls said no but then some of them were also giving me strange looks, probably wondering why I would think 18-Volt was in the ladies’ change-room. To me, I just thought he could be anywhere. Eventually, I came across one area of the change-room where there weren’t any benches and rather there was just a lonely table in the middle of the room. It was a weird sight as on that table, I thought it was 18-Volt but he was in a form of… A ladies’ ballet flat? As soon as I even thought about commanding the shoe to turn into a human, I started to feel that familiar tingling, lifting sensation and this time, I knew what it was… The dream was trying to initiate a wake up on me. I decided to stop and instead, I took one of my socks and school shoes off, and slipped the ballet flat onto my foot, then finally making my way out of the crazy change room. Back in the corridors, 18-Volt had actually successfully appeared in his human form, once again, based on WarioWare Gold. I walked up to him but just as he was getting ready to bend down and scoop me up into his arms for a hold, the dream forces me awake. Dream 446: Results (Competition #8) 446 A Competition Night: 3 Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid Dream Guide: None Emergency Team: None Eligible For Competition Points: Yes 446 B Competition Night: 3 Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid Dream Guide: None Emergency Team: None Eligible For Competition Points: Yes 446 C Competition Night: 3 Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid Dream Guide: Me Emergency Team: None Eligible For Competition Points: Yes 446 D Competition Night: 3 Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid Dream Guide: 18-Volt & Carbon 18-Volt Emergency Team: None Eligible For Competition Points: Yes Points For This Entry: 13.0 Calculation Details: - Non-Lucid Fragment (0.5) - Full Non-Lucid Dream x3 (3.0) - 3-Day Recall Chain (3.0) - Help Someone In Need: The Baby (1.0) - Be A Dream Guide Yourself (2.0) - Have A Dream Guide Appear Automatically: 18-Volt in bus scene (0.5) - Summon A Dream Guide: 18-Volt in the last scene (1.0) - Invent Something That's Never Been Heard Of Before: Frosty Fruits icy-pole with cookies and cream ice-cream and biscuit centre (2.0) + Previous Total: 23.5 Total Accumulated Points: 36.5
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8297989 https://www.dreamviews.com/blogs/karlab18/dream-youre-part-us-i-want-my-twenty-dollars-beanies-dont-come-cheap-what-could-85565/
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