#like i was drinking coffee earlier and i could taste like...... bitterness. but i couldnt taste COFFEE
daydreamertrait · 2 years
i think im getting my sense of smell back but i still cant taste anything🧍🏻‍♀️
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reidsnose · 4 years
sticky notes (spencer reid x reader) (platonic!baux reader)
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overview: reader leaves and recieves a passive aggressive sticky note before going on a case
genre: fluff and humor?
a/n: i thought of this last night while i was trying to go to sleep and i could not stop thinking about that one vine and its also super snowy where i live lol. anyway i wrote it today throughout the school day and couldnt wait to put it on here :)
'whoever used the last sugar packet, your moms a hoe.'
you let out a small chuckle and stuck the sticky not to the container that usually held packets of sugar before taking a sip of your bitter, unsweetened coffee that you would have to deal with for the rest of the day.
"i hope hotch didn't take it," prentiss laughed, peering over at the note.
"everyone knows hotch drinks his coffee black." you retorted.
"no only you know that because you were his assistant before you joined the team," she joked, resulting in you sending a light elbow to her side. "you know we are handwriting analysts. everyones going to know you wrote that."
"except that they wont because i type everything. besides, i dont really think anyone on the team wont take the joke." you chuckled, pushing the door open with your free hand and heading into the bullpen.
"briefing room in 5 minutes, we have a case," hotch called from the balcony.
"theres fresh coffee in the break room, i feel like were going to need it," you said to the rest of the team that were sitting at there desks.
they all eagerly got up, ready for a fresh, hot drink to wake them up. you smiled as you walked to the briefing room, standing by your unassigned assigned seat. you took a sip of your drink, making a face at the bitter taste.
"why is your beautiful face scrunched up?" Garcia asked, setting down files in front of all the empty seats.
"someone took the last sugar." you stated simply.
"i have some in the batcave, youre always welcome" she winked, sending you a warm smile which you gladly returned.
"youre the best."
"yeah i know," she answered before the other agents began filing in, Spencer taking a seat next to you. "alright crime fighters, today youre all headed to snowy Alaska."
"actually," rossi looked at hotch and then garcia before continuing, "Garcia i think youre coming too."
"sir?" she looked over at hotch.
"dave is right. the connection will be spotty anyway, it would be best if you came a long and worked from the precinct." hotch confirmed.
"oh. alright." she obliged before continuing with the details of the case.
(a/n: im waaayyyy too lazy to write a whole case)
"wheels up in 5, it will take a while to get there and we dont have time to waste." hotch said at the end of the briefing before walking out.
"oh shoot i left my phone in the break room," i whispered, smacking my forehead with my palm.
"do you want me to wait for you?" spencer offered.
"no its ok," you smiled, jogging down the stairs.
"ill take your go bag. hurry i dont know if i can convince them not to leave without you!" he called after me, a giggle escaping his throat at his own joke.
"thanks! it'll be their loss anyway!" you laughed, as you sped walked to the break room. "there you are." you whispered to your phone that was sitting on the counter.
your eyes drifted to the note you had left earlier only it was gone. a new note sat in its place, a reply scrawled on it.
'ill have you know my mother is a very nice lady'
you smiled and rolled your eyes, slipping the note into your pocket as you walked briskly towards the jet. you walked out and saw reid waiting for you at the door of the jet, motioning frantically for you to board. you had taken a little too long looking at the note.
"10 more seconds before you're officially late!" he yelled, looking at his watch.
you broke out into a sprint, running as fast as you possibly could, trying to get across the runway in time.
"dont leave without me!" you yelled out, knowing they wouldn't.
you looked at the windows, seeing the team's faces pressed against the glass, watching amused.
"5 seconds!" he warned as you neared the stairs. "3..." almost there! "2..." just a few more steps. "1!" his arms shot up as you pushed past him into the jet, just in the nick of time.
"wow im impressed pretty lady!" morgan laughed, giving you a high-five which you exasperatedly accepted.
"have a seat y/l/n, we have a long flight." hotch said. you began thinking he was made at you but then you saw him trying to stifle a smile, "i dont think ive even seen you run like that in the field."
he held out his fist which you bumped with your own before flopping breathlessly down onto one of the chairs on the jet.
~time skip to the end of the case because i feel like it~
you walked out of the police department, watching your own breath swirl around the air in front of you.
"could you believe that detective?" jj scoffed walking with you towards the suvs in the parking lot.
"i know he was so...creepy." you agreed, "if i smelled his coffee breath one more time id take his tiny d-"
you didnt get to finish your sentence, though; you felt a cold snowball bash against the back of your head.
"gotta go!" jj laughed, hopping into one of the last suvs and driving off.
"whoever threw that snowball, your moms a hoe!" you yelled out crouching down to gather some snow.
"what?" spencer yelled, emerging from behind a trashcan.
"IT WAS YOU!" you laughed, throwing a snowball and hitting him straight in the chest.
"wait no. what did you just say?" he asked, eyes wide.
"i said whoever threw that snowball, your moms a hoe." you stated, suddenly feeling bad, "but not your mom, diana is-"
"a very nice lady." he finished, reaching into his pocket and fishing out a crumpled little paper.
"oh my gosh," you breathed, pulling out a note from your own pocket.
"i had a feeling it was you!" he laughed.
you raised your eyebrows, "yeah right! you had no clue!"
"i totally did! i was like, 'hmmm who in the office talks like this? oh yeah my idiot best friend'." he countered, smirking.
"well i had a feeling it was you too!" you lied, crossing your arms.
"youre lying!" he laughed.
"no im not!"
"yes you are! you have a tell!"
"i do?!"
"yes! you purse your-" he swiftly reached to the floor and picked up a small amount of snow, wiping it across your mouth, "-lips."
the cool snow melted quickly on your now very warm face, causing you to instinctively wipe your it with your sleeve, "oh its on!"
snowballs were flying left and right in the nearly empty parking lot, seeking refuge all over your bodies. you watched him sneakily duck behind a trashcan, thinking you hadn't seen him. letting out a small chuckle you creeped towards the trashcan, standing behind him as he peered his head around the other side, looking for where you had gone. you took a small amout of snow and reached your arm around his head, wiping it against his mouth as he had. he jumped letting out a small scream before turning around and latching his arms around your waist.
he picked you up and spun you around, loosing his footing on the slippery, causing a strange mix of a laugh and a scream to escape your mouth. he fell back on a fresh layer of snow, with a dull thump. you fell directly on top of him, your foggy breaths melding together as your laughs started fading. his eyes flickered from your eyes down to your lips, a new rouge gracing his cheeks and nose, one that would be there regardless of the cold.
"ca-can i kiss you?" he asked, looking back up at your eyes.
"please." you smiled, heart close to bursting out of your chest as he closed the gap between you.
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