#like i spend about 3 hours finding what exact places work for cites just on the eastern continent in s/n so yk
planet4546b · 2 years
can't remember if i asked this before but (whenever u have time) i would love to hear about the world beyond present-day continental u.s. in s/n ?? idk if you've thought much about that tho lmao (also gotta be honest that screenshot u posted once of one of ur discord notes that's like "the astronaut's mission control moved so they couldn't communicate w them anymore and they died in orbit". extremely fucked up i am in love with the concept) <3
omg yeah of course!!!! to be TOTALLY honest i havent actually done a lot of thinking about it outside of the most vague ideas and its something i would want to do a LOT more research to be able to talk about confidently, but also would be so much fun to develop one day tbh!!! what i can say are some general rules of the worldbuilding that would affect what the rest of the world at this time looks like:
the nature of the resonance is that it's an apocalypse that is neither hugely destructive of infrastructure or particularly deadly. the reason that in the continental us most large cities are nearly completely uninhabitable is because of how the spire placement sort of worked out, which is different in the rest of the world - so there are probably at least some places where cities and infrastructure are still mostly standing, and are still inhabited!! (i actually really like the idea of just an absolutely MASSIVE city out there somewhere - the original city was preserved, and then everyone in the surrounding area just started going there because it was safest so now it's just a single city the size of like conneticut)
complete and utter randomness is the name of the game, down to a geographical level (ie. the ocean in the middle of the us lol), so pretty much anything goes. lakes, rivers, mountains, even things like climate and weather are likely to be COMPLETELY unexpected and fairly fluid until a spire is established. once a spire is established, it'll stabilize one way or another, but there are new mountain ranges in places made of strange stones, places once divided by rivers that are now next to each other, whole forests full of prehistoric plants, new cities that are originally from other worlds, etc. borders in many places (but likely not universally) become pretty meaningless, and thats only IF you're in a place that attempts to/is stable enough to try to define itself as a country at all
spires are found around the world, and the sort of worldbuilding rule for their placement is that spires are often found at 'liminal' spaces or spaces specifically associated with travel (in the continental us, it's SPECIFICALLY airports). spires are, for whatever reason, responsive to a sort of collective understanding of what places could be definied as liminal for different communities, so this rule changes around the world but there will always be at least SOME spires. how people use the spires changes too - again, i would want to put a lot more thought into exactly how spires are used worldwide, but it's fairly universal that people figure out how spires can make things more stable and can use that in SOME way, but it's not always 'put a radio observer at the top of one and see what happens' (this is the reason that the spire network that sam is a part of isn't particularly connected to other people on other spires around the world, because they're just used in different ways). maybe people build cities straight into the stone of the spire, maybe they have digital equipment recording from the top that people log, maybe they have a sort of reverse thing where people on the ground stand close enough to the spire and observe it, maybe they anchor it in place physically to their community with something meaningful - the rules of this world and how spires work are loose enough that all of these things and more would work in some way!!!
travel without the protection of a spire is INCREDIBLY dangerous. the rules of spire placement above mean that the only place on the planet that truly will have NO spires present is the open ocean (the morganic is a pretty big exception because it's a sea that wasn't always there, and travel across it is still INCREDIBLY difficult), so there is next to no travel/communication between places divided by more than like, 100-200 miles of water. along with changing geographical features, it's spire placement that will determine what other travel is possible, and where and what communities are able to be in contact. this isn't a hard and fast rule!!! technology to negate the dangers of traveling outside of a spire's range exists, so if you're in a place that has developed this technology, travel looks entirely different, in an entirely different set of ways (is it a series of radio beacons and checkpoints across an expanse that still has to be walked across? is it a train that by moving along a single path every day stabilizes the world around it? is it ships that move in fleets around a central ship that somehow protects them? is it people moving in large enough groups that the sheer number of them begins to act like a mobile spire, a huge fleet of observers that can therefore stabalize the world? careful journey planning? extensive mapmaking? lots and lots of options!) BUT the range of spires still shapes the HISTORY of places and their interactions in a huge way
technology is difficult to use both becuase of collapsing infrastructure and because technology very often just sort of acts unpredictably (it's better within the range of a spire, but still not completely reliable). for this reason, access to and development of technology is HUGELY variable, and the sort of radio age that the continental us is in is by no means a universal thing (this is why somewhere out there there's a space program even though the cities we know are just getting electric light). it's also pretty dependent on access to knowledge, how knowledge is preserved, and if those places are accessible (are libraries/colleges/reserach hubs/etc in safe areas? is it important enough to a society to try to reach them anyways?). and also it can and should get WEIRD. cities powered by impossible perpetual motion machines and probability engines and communication through other universes and wifi through light etc. the world no longer works by our rules, so the technology doesnt either!!
while a large amount of societal/governmental collapse happens after the resonance, cultural collapse ABSOLUTELY does not, and cultural traditions familiar to our wold persist alongside new ones. as an example, in the areas of the continental us that ive developed, there are a handful of new religions, but existing religions are ALSO still around, and you'll find churches, mosques, and synagogues in pretty much every major city - this theory and concept carries over pretty much everywhere!!
as an overall, final rule places in this world very very often look unrecognizable at a surface level - new technologies, new cities, new mountains, new structures of society and types of government, new names for things, new environments, new animals and plants, new fashion and architecture and art - but are rooted in the familiar, and should still, in some way, feel familiar, homey, and recognizably human in one way or another to the viewer. this has been my overall goal in the worldbuilding ive done for the cities i have made, and is the single most important guiding factor for worldbuilding in general!!!!
which is an incredibly, incredibly long answer for me to essentially say 'i dont know' but still. what i love most about worldbuilding is just going absolutely ham within a loose set of rules so if i end up developing places outside the continent s/n is on it would get SO weird and SO fun!!! thanks for the question as always love you <33
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5 times Hotch didn’t kiss you and 1 time he did
Request : Hotch x bau reader where the reader is in her 20s and has no clue that Hotch’s feelings for her are mutual?
I decided to write this in the format of 5+1 so here is 5 times Hotch didn’t kiss you and 1 time he did. 
For once a case ended in the most favorable way possible and the mood was light on the flight back to Quantico. You sat across from Reid, a chessboard between you, and Reid sat beside Hotch, Rossi was across from him. JJ, Prentiss, and Morgan were sitting around the other table, talking and joking. You and Reid were arguing semantics, you were trying to cheat at chess.
Hotch watched you laugh and couldn’t help but smile slightly himself at your joy. It wasn’t often you all smiled, he was going to allow himself. To enjoy it.
“Chess isn’t about trying to find loopholes, Y/N.” Reid groaned and you laughed. “Rossi, tell her,” Rossi shook his head, flipping a page of the book he was reading.
“Fight amongst yourselves, don’t drag me into this.”
“I’m not trying to find loopholes,” You grinned. Your eyes lit up when you smiled like that and for once you actually look your age. “I’m just saying the rules aren’t clear. Maybe they’re intentionally vague.” Hotch chuckled and you turned your head, a smile still big to look at him. He found himself wishing you were sitting across from him instead of Reid. And perhaps you weren’t on a plane, but instead, a nice dinner sat between you. And you’d be smiling at his words like that.
You looked away from him back to the board in front of you. That was the first time Hotch ever thought about kissing your lips. He shook the thought from his head, that was inappropriate, you were his subordinate and you were so young. Hotch broke his eyes from you and looked ahead to Rossi who was already staring back at him with a knowing look.
The unsub was unhinged, gun in hand and a little girl held in his free arm, keeping her between Hotch and his torso. She was crying and he was ranting and raving, and Hotch was trying to talk him down in some capacity. The unsub, a mechanic and serial murderer named Paul Crossley was too frantic to pay attention to his back, and Hotch was as you and Morgan crept up behind him, guns up.
“Crossley put the gun down!” Morgan yelled out firmly. The next events happened too quickly. Crossley spun, scared to be taken from behind and dropped the girl he was holding, finger twitching involuntarily. One-shot rang out followed immediately by a second one and two people fell.
Hotch was running before he even knew if it was safe to run because it wasn’t Morgan whose body had collapsed. Hotch ran past the unsub who was now lying in a pool of his own blood, he even ran past the child he had tossed aside. He dropped to his knees beside Morgan who was already hovering over you. There was no blood.
“I’m okay, I’m okay,” You spoke and Hotch felt relief flood him. “It hit my vest,” Then He was using his own hands to unclasp your bulletproof vest from you.
“Hotch,” Morgan warned slightly. But you were already struggling to sit, wanting out of it just as much. It’s amazing how something that could save your life could immediately become suffocating once it did it.
“Are you alright?” He finally allowed himself to ask, knelt beside you as you caught your breath. Hotch wanted to grab you and pull you to him and feel that you were solid, that you were alive and okay. But Morgan was right here, you were surrounded by a flurry of cops and he could. Instead, he settled for helping you to your feet and out of the building to the waiting ambulance.
That was the second time Aaron Hotchner wanted to kiss you.
JJ had insisted and insisted for close to two months prior. She wanted to spend Thanksgiving together on the closet date to Thanksgiving that your caseload would allow. That’s why three days after the holiday you were all going to JJ’s house for dinner.
Hotch knocked, holding his store-bought pie as he allowed himself a moment of discomfort before entering. He has grown to value this time with all of you, the time where you weren’t coworkers but a group of friends too. However, it was also these times where he felt most tempted by you and that made Aaron feel guilty. The door opened and Garcia grinned, adorned in some Thanksgiving-themed outfit. Hotch couldn’t help but laugh.
Garcia ushered him in and took the pie making a joke about the label and plastic container the pie was in.
“Don’t you own any casual clothes?” You asked, appearing in front of Hotch with a glass of wine in one hand and a glass of scotch being offered to him in the other. Hotch took the drink and shrugged slightly.
“Thanksgiving was always a formal event for my family.” He responded and you nodded sipping your wine. He looked at you, he wanted to tell you how nice you looked wearing jeans and a sweater rather than your usual work garb. You were casual and effortless.
Dinner was fun, though Aaron wouldn’t use that phrase out loud willingly. You sat beside him at the dinner table, drinking wine and laughing. Your face was slightly flushed and you were tipsy, making jokes with Reid and Garcia. JJ brought out a homemade apple pie along with the now pathetic looking supermarket pie Hotch had brought. He briefly felt embarrassed, first for his pie than for being embarrassed about something so trivial.
“Okay who wants apple,” Aaron watched as most of the table raised their hand, but not you.”
“I want pumpkin,” You spoke up, reaching across the table to snag the whipped cream, “It’s Thanksgiving, you have to have pumpkin.” Hotch smiled to himself. He knew you didn’t know how much that meant to him, and he felt ridiculous that it did.
“I’ll have pumpkin as well,” Hotch responded. The pie was passed out and Hotch allowed himself to watch you fondly as you covered your pie completely with whipped cream before passing it. You were cute, whipped cream dripping down your chin, you wiped it with your hand. You turned your head and caught Hotch’s eye and he almost blushed getting caught looking at you. But you smiled like always and continued to eat his store-bought pumpkin pie.
More much more than the third time Aaron wanted to grab you and kiss you, he wanted to spend many more Thanksgiving with you.
Hotch’s doorbell rang and he frowned, it was late and he wasn’t expecting anyone. He turned the burner off and left the kitchen going to his front door and peering through the peephole. You stood on his front stoop looking nervous, biting your nail as you waited for him to answer.
“Y/L/N?” Hotch asked, opening the door worried. You looked surprised and he frowned. “Y/N. What’s wrong?” Aaron wanted to grab you and pull you inside. He wanted to know what was doing this to you so he could go after it, instead, he waited in silence for you to talk. You stared ahead for a moment before taking a deep breath and looking up at Aaron with big sad eyes.
“Can I come in?” You finally asked and Hotch nodded stepping back and allowing you into his house. Aaron's house felt like an extension of him and you found it calming. “I’m sorry to come here like this, it’s late. I’m- I just..” You couldn’t find the right words but it didn’t matter you didn’t need them for Hotch to know.
“Sit,” Hotch’s voice was gentle, not his normal stern work voice. “Do you want a drink? Unfortunately, I think I only have water and coffee. Scotch if you want it.” You looked up at him then, tears welling in your eyes, and Hotch nodded, going to get the scotch bottle and two glasses. Hotch sat beside you on the sofa, placing a glass in front of you and pouring a few fingers worth of scotch. You sat and silence and drank for a moment before you signed and put the glass down, hands fidgeting.
“Talk to me, that’s why you came here.” He was right.
“Does it ever get better?” You asked, and Aaron found himself wishing you were here with almost every other question. Because while he lied to himself and you in proxy, every day about how he feels, he couldn’t lie about this.
“No.” You nodded your head looking back down at the glass in front of you.
“That’s what I was afraid you’d say.” You whispered. Hotch thought about it for a moment before placing a hand on your arm and squeezing.
“That doesn’t mean we stop.” Aaron whispered while taking a swig of his drink, “It doesn’t mean we stop, Y/N. We will never catch them all. But that doesn’t mean we give up before we can save the ones we can.” You nodded slightly, “And it won't get better, they will keep finding new ways to kill we cannot control that. The only thing we can control is how we process it.”
“What do you mean?”
“A man I respect very much once reminded me of the importance of having something to take us away from all of this. His was comedy, old Charlie Chaplin movies.” He paused to give you a small sad smile, “You have to find your thing, Y/N, your light in this and you need to let it help you heal. Because if the job ever stops hurting, it’s time to walk away.” You nodded your head blinking away one more stray tear. Hotch poured you each other drink, offering his glass out to you, you clinked yours against his.
“Cheers.” You smiled.
“Cheers,” Hotch replied, watching you take a sip. He felt sad. Maybe he should have said something else, told you that you were too young that you shouldn’t have to see the things you see on the regular. He wanted to tell you how he saw it weighing on you and he didn’t like that.
“Thank you,”
“Your welcome.” Hotch wanted to pull you to him and kiss away the pain on your face and the frown on your lips. But once again he didn’t, mentally citing to himself the exact passage in the FBI handbook that prevents him from dating subordinates.
“I want Reid here to help me with the Geographic profile, take Y/N to Greene to question Poplawski.” Rossi stopped briefly to throw a knowing look at Aaron, “It’s a 3-hour drive, think of it as a gift.”
“Don’t,” Hotch ordered, voice dark and brows furrowed. “I will call when we get there.” Hotch turned and walked swiftly from the room approaching you and Reid, “Y/N with me, were going to see Poplawski.”
“On death row?” You asked, surprised. Hotch nodded and you put the papers you were holding down and grabbing the Poplawski file before following him out of the police station you were working out of. Hotch led you to an unmarked state SUV getting in the driver's seat, and you got in on the passenger side. The first part of the ride was quiet, you were rereading the file and Hotch was alternating between keeping his eyes on the road and glancing at you in the mirror.
“How’s Jack?” The question was sudden and it took Hotch off guard.
“What?” You glanced up, shrugging slightly.
“Sorry if that’s inappropriate.” you shrugged slightly, “I saw he got new school pictures, you updated the one you keep on your desk I just-” You shrugged again, “Thought I’d ask.”
“He’s good.” Hotch replied, swallowing hard and trying to relax into the conversation, “doing very well in school this year, and he’s joined the soccer team at school.” Hotch didn’t talk about Jack much besides with his ex-wife. It was nice, he smiled.
“You must be proud, he’s a good kid.” You nodded, closing the file. You made other small talk on the drive, nothing particular, nothing deep. It was one of the most calming experiences Aaron had in a while. You were surprisingly easy to talk to, maybe it was because you were a good listener or because you were always honest with your words and spoke what was on your mind. Either way, Hotch loved talking to you. He looked at you in the mirror as you opened the file again, this time reading this aloud so you could come up with a game plan.
Hotch listened to you speak and watched you as the sunlight lit you up. It was moments like this Hotch wanted to say damn it all and pull the car to the side of the road just to kiss your lips. But right now people’s lives relied on you getting there promptly so once again he held himself back.
And the 1 where he does...
You’d gotten home early from your latest case, and JJ had yet to brief you on another one. While some of your co-workers took this as an opportunity to go home early and relax, you were doing the opposite. It was a quarter after 7 and you had spent the entire day catching up and trying to get ahead on what paperwork you could get ahead on. You’d seen Hotch once or twice so you knew he was still around somewhere.
When you were finished with your last paper you looked up to his office. The blinds were closed but the light was still on so you gathered your files and got up. You knocked on the door and waited for the familiar ‘come in’ before entering.
“Y/N, what are you doing here still, we got home hours ago.” You gestured with the big pile of folders in your heads.
“Catching up and getting head while I had the chance.” You smiled and Hotch reached his hand out to accept the papers. You walked to him handing it over before lingering in front of his desk. When you were around him it took a lot for you to pull yourself away and you always found yourself looking for excuses to be near your boss. It was terrible.
“Why are you still here?” You asked, arms crossing over your chest, Hotch leaned back in his chair looking at you.
“Paperwork as well,” Hotch gestured, “If I get behind it’s an impossible task to get caught up.” You nodded.
“We had a long week, you deserve an early night.” Hotch chuckled.
“I don’t get early nights, Y/N.” You shrugged and nodded shifting your weight on your feet. There was a moment of silence and you made eye contact with Hotch. He looked at you funny for a moment. You tilted your head.
“What?” Hotch stood up from behind your desk and you remained standing with your arms crossed, looking confused. He moved so he was standing in front of you, looking at you like that still. Your heart rate began to rise.
“May I..” He cleared his throat, “May I try something entirely inappropriate?” You didn’t need to be a profile to see Hotch’s eyes flicker between yours and your lips. Your breath caught and you nodded slightly. Aaron closed the distance placing his lips firmly on yours. You unfolded your arms and allowed your hands to rest on his chest. He deepened the kiss and you leaned closer as his hands gripped your waist. You broke the kiss but didn’t move away.
“I didn’t know you.. Felt like that?” You whispered and Aaron moved a hand up to push your hair behind your ear.
“I’ve been thinking about doing that for a long time.” He murmured in return, lips brushing yours again, you smiled.
“Well now's your chance,” With that Aaron leaned in again, kissing you deeply and hoping his kiss could say what his words never could.
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poetrusicperry · 3 years
the poets and their fav marvel characters/movies !!!
ok honestly i have no idea if any of this makes sense lol but i hope it’s comprehendible. also i have not had the time or resources to watch any of the new mcu era, which is why i didn’t include any of it. and if you have any other ideas of which characters and movies the poets would like comment them bc i want to see what you guys think hehe !! <3 sending love and hugs to anyone who needs it (and anyone who doesn’t, too)
neil: neil adores comic books. he used to sneak them when he was younger, taking breaks from his summer school homework to read them (he has a stash in his room that his father still hasn’t found). there is no doubt in my mind that neil wouldn’t be head over heels for spiderman, are you kidding ?? most definitely tried to climb walls or hang upside down when he was little. desperately wishes he could come up with his own chemical equation for web fluid. he’d completely immerse himself in the fact that there are three different eras to depict and analyze, too, having a very heated debate with charlie and meeks about who the best spiderman is. also really wants to reenact the upside down kiss with todd
neil’s fav movies (he can’t pick a fav) would be: the og spiderman, the amazing spiderman, and spiderman: homecoming (likes spiderman: 3 purely for shits and gigs)
todd: i feel like todd really likes comics (would spend his summers collecting them and reading in his room while his parents took jeff to sports camps/summer camps). he’d love scarlet witch because todd really loves to see her character growth through the films (coming to understand her powers and utilizing them accordingly), and also just admires how badass she is (”she’s so powerful and she doesn’t even know it until she faces hardship. oh, i love her so much”). upon hearing this explanation, neil couldn’t contain a smile because todd doesn’t even realize that he’s the exact same way (’: todd also likes bucky because he’s “so cool” and his metal arm is “sick” hehe (and he really loves the bond that bucky and steve have)
todd’s fav movie would probably be captain america: tfa because he likes seeing young steve rogers of course, but also because todd admires his strength (sees himself in pre-serum steve and hopes that one day he will become his own version of post-serum steve (: ). also like avengers: aou bc that’s when he’s really first introduced to scarlet witch (watches the post-credit scene from captain america: tws just to see wanda and pietro)
charlie: charlie never really read comic books, but he loves the mcu !! first of all, charlie can’t decide anything ever, so why would picking his fav superhero be any different; peter quill, iron man, or black widow. he’d like peter quill because “he’s unapologetically himself and completely hilarious,” and would absolutely dress as starlord for halloween at least once (probably more than once). as for iron man, charlie just likes how cool tony stark is and how he invented a suit that could fly (”there are so many likable qualities about him !!” he’d say, to which cameron would reply, “like what, the fact that he’s a womanizer, a pompous ass, or that he’s seemingly too smart for his own good ?” and charlie would just smirk, “all of the above”). for black widow, it’d be pretty simple (“she’s so badass. i can’t tell if i want to do her or be her”). claims his honorary mentions would be korg, rocket, and groot
charlie’s fav movies are guardians of the galaxy vol. 1 and vol. 2 because they’re “fun.” likes thor: ragnarok because it also has fun vibes.
meeks: meeks LOVES comic books to begin with, and collects them avidly, but dr. strange and the entire idea surrounding his powers/strengths ?? the ability to bend time ?? if that doesn't sound right up meeks’ alley, idk what does. there are clearly a lot of things that meeks will geek out over unapologetically, but dr. strange is one of those things that he just will not shut up about, ever (”it’s just so AWESOME”). desperately wishes that sling rings were real. also gushes with todd about bucky’s metal arm, going off on a tangent about the science behind the “rigidity flexibility ratio.” can also go on for hours about the quantum realm (:
therefore, meeks’ favorite mcu film is dr. strange and he would be completely eager and buzzing for dr. strange in the multiverse of madness. also likes antman (:
pitts: also a comic book geek hehe. and i'm sensing that pitts really likes thor. thor is pretty much just a dorky, goofy tall dude (like pitts, just with... a lot bigger biceps LOL). finds a lot of the same things funny in the movies that thor laughs at. getting into thor gets him into norse mythology, where he’d spend hours searching for/reading books on it at the welton library (meeks would have to come find him because he’d been gone for that long). wishes he could grow facial hair that nicely, and even attempted to once, but charlie shut that down real quick HAHA (”i'm not going to stop making fun of how ridiculous you look until you shave”). becomes a huge einstein rosen bridge geek, learning all there is to learn about that (and norse everything).
pitts’ favorite movie is thor: ragnarok (”it’s the best out of the three”), and he really doesn’t enjoy thor: the dark world (almost has a vendetta against it, “why did they feel the need to dye his beard and his eyebrows ??”)
cameron: surprisingly knows a lot about comics and the mcu ? his fav character is captain america due to steve rogers’ unflinching morals and standards (cameron began to to veer a teeny tiny bit away from cap, though, when he began to rebel in captain america: civil war, but he still loves him). really likes the historical aspect behind captain america (wwii and the 1940s). he and pitts absolutely had a meltdown when steve lifted mjolnir and almost got kicked out of the movie theater for their reaction (”NO FUCKING WAY, NO FUCKING WAY !! I KNEW IT. PITTSIE, I KNEW IT !!” which is super uncharacteristic for cameron, but he doesn’t fuck around when it comes to cap). got in an actual argument with charlie after captain america: civil war arguing that tony was in the wrong (”steve was doing the right thing because he was following his moral code !! even if he was breaking rules, it still made sense,” and charlie would just laugh, “you say that, but i was just following my moral code when i made the phone call to god and you didn’t find that funny,” “you’re an idiot, charlie”). also really likes nebula bc he relates to her in the fact that she never felt like she belonged/fit in.
his father served in wwii, so captain america: tfa has a really special place in his heart (he’s seen it so many times he can cite the movie as it goes along)
knox: knox knows the least about superheroes/comics, but still likes to tag along to the movies when the poets go to a premiere. he really likes black widow (”she’s just really pretty, okay?”) and hulk (”he just smashes stuff, HAHA ! how awesome is that ??”). even though he’s not very knowledgable about the mcu or marvel itself, he loves to listen to meeks about everything. almost always asks questions throughout the entirety of the movie (”knox, shut up, we’ll explain after it’s over !!”). thanos really freaked him out tbh; the idea of something like the snap happening dialed his whole “carpe diem” thing to eleven lol. 
knox’s fav movie is the first avengers because the amount of conflict isn’t as bad as the other avengers movies (”i like seeing them work together, it makes me sad when they argue and disagree).
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if you pass by your soulmate but don’t meet them, the day you passed them will repeat over and over until you finally find them. (Ted and ??? )
oh my god and this would have been when Ted started working at THE OFFICE!!! Which totally fucking works for... CCRPOLY!!! All of them!!!
So He goes through his first day, getting all introduced and he’s funny but a lil slimy as a first impression instead of an unbearable douche (that happens after a few weeks of working with him)
He meets Bill, he meets Paul, Davidson, Melissa, Charlotte, some tech and warehouse employees, and to welcome him to the office they all go out for coffee and he meets Emma, too.
When Ted wakes up to the same damn day he’s kind of annoyed that This was the day, because first of all- it almost HAD to be one of his new coworkers, and secondly, that would take for Fucking Ever to figure out. Spending each day dwelling on one person with the odds slim would mean he’d be replaying this day for a week.
So he does, getting more and more frustrated because he kissed Bill in the parking lot and it felt Real but no, he wakes up to his first day again.
And Charlotte feels so comfortable to vent about her marriage (probably because she’s had to find soulmates that are Not her husband on 3 seperate occasions before now) and Ted and her share a cigarette and hold hands and he is in love with giving himself up for tragedy so He thinks it has to Be Charlotte but it ISN’T
So it’s got to be the assistant. Melissa’s pretty, but Ted feels awkward just talking to her, about how she looks at him. He quickly decides that he does not want someone to be his soulmate cause they see their Dad in him, so he actually gives up halfway through the day and speedruns through Davidson and the I.T department, beginning to flirt- He actually gets in quite a bit of trouble, so he’s almost hoping to replay the day.
And he does. He’s almost visibly bored and upset as the day progresses, and that’s when Paul notices him. And some kind of fire lights when Paul Notices Him. Ted’s thinking this has to be it, but his thoughts still manage to wander even as he bonds with Paul. He actually tells Paul he’s trying to find his soulmate. Paul thinks its very sweet, and its so charming that Ted has admitted this after spending a whole day with him. And then He admits he’s had several repeat days in the span of the last year, and this is one of them. They’re both convinced, and in their excitement hook up at Pauls place.
Something hurts within Ted when he wakes up in his own bed. He remineces the three people who have made him feel like this, and how he already cares about each of them.
And he decides the world must be a sick cruel place after all, so instead of focusing at work he speaks to those he brushes by, every single one of them. Learns their names.
Nothing. He wakes up more frustrated than before, far earlier than he’s supposed to due to restless sleeping.
So Ted, at 5 am, with 2 hours to spare until work, goes to Beanies. And he finally really gets to meet Emma. Because who the hell else in hatchetfield is getting coffee at this local version of starbucks at 5:30? So Ted begins to think- hey. This is my soulmate. She’s my soulmate.
In a spur of sudden confidence he asks her on a date, actually. Well, It’s not a date. He offers to take her to a different establishment somewhere else and taste something better than coffee, and she agrees to meet him when she gets off.
And its Lovely. It really is. While Ted is pondering over Emma being his soulmate, he’s also pondering over the other 3 he’s fallen a little in love with. And he feels terrible about it. But this has to be it, right? She’s one of the last people he met on this day. They have firecracker chemistry. He kisses her at the door of her appartment complex and she writes her number on his wrist all cheeky with a signature. They make out at the door of her appartment complex, But it’s Ted who has to pull away and bid her goodnight when all he remembers is how Bill tasted in that parking lot.
He shakes the feeling as he walks home, only punching Emma’s number into his phone as he slips into bed. ‘Goodnight, princess.’
He’s barely concious when the response comes. ‘G’Night, asshole.’ He beams, plunging into a restful sleep.
Ted wakes up slowly, for the first time. He rubs his eyes and something feels off. Maybe that something means it’s a new day, right? He can’t help his sleepy smile as his eyes adjust, reaching for his phone. If Emma just broke him out of this hell, she certainly deserves a good morning.
And then he can’t find the conversation, which is weird, but maybe its cause he was too tired to give her a contact name. He looks to his arm for the digits
It takes about a minute for shock to dissolve into some kind of frustrated sadness. He always thought he didn’t deserve a soulmate, but he didn’t know an eternal first day at work would be the result of his self deprication.
But he gets up. He doesn’t know how, but theres still a little drive in him.
Ted’s been fueled by the lifetimes he thinks he’s lost.
So he goes to work. He chats up paul on break and gains his attention cause he knows how to now.
He talks with Charlotte at lunch, but instead of just holding her hand for comfort he admits that Sam sounds like an asshole, and she deserves someone who legitimately could fall in love with her. Every morning. Not just once. And this time they Kiss. And Ted’s delighted enough to decide if the day repeats he’s doing the exact same fucking thing for forever when they do.
Ted chats with Paul at the end of the day, and something drives Paul to kiss his cheek. Something very similar drives Ted to squeeze at his hand and double-check he has his number. It’s another moment he’ll revisit when he wakes up today, but for now he’s living in the current today when he spots Bill.
He tells Bill he’d love to get to know him, cause they’d be working so closely. He teases Bill about his dresshirt while he’s at it, and Ted’s delighted when a flustered Bill offers beanies. Because he’ll see Emma before she gets off.
And he hits on her, just to see how corny he can be and still land her number. Instead of in his wrist this time, Ted gets a scrible on his coffee cup. But it feels just as right, when he goes back and gives Bill his drink. “What, you said surprise you- it’s called a frappecino, Come on you’ll like it.”
And Bill and Ted are at beanies until closing. Ted listens, which is a new sensation, but he does. As Bill talks and asks for some kind of sympathy which Ted gives generously. Bill’s situation is shit. He wants nothing more than to help him out of it. He places his hand on Bill’s, and not even two minutes later Bill is walking out nervously, citing something about his daughter as he nervously puts his coat on
And this is really new. Ted didn’t know what he had done, honestly. He calls after him, manages to stop him in the parking lot. The sun is going down when he finally puts a hand on bills shoulder. “What- what’s wrong- We can really just forget it, I’m sorry, Bill i just-“ “I can’t- I just can’t-“ “can’t-what?” “You. Again.”
Ted’s left with some kind of shock in his stomach as Bill heads to his car. “Again?” He repeats, but Bill’s already got the doors shut and Ted Can’t Move.
He blows it. He can feel it, when he walks home. He doesn’t even bother texting Emma.
He goes to sleep, knowing what he’s going to wake up to. And gets ready like he did the very first time. Goes to work like he did the first time. Does everything like the first time, cause he knows they’ll all go to beanies.
He gets everyone their coffee, as in their favourite kind, without prompt, and asks very politely if Emma can take it to the table for them. He tips her 50 bucks, and assures the rest of them he’ll cover their bills.
They sit at a table and the other three try to get Ted caught up on work details or people he may not know enough about. He quiets them as their coffees come, and before Charlotte can ask him how he knew how much she liked chai lattes, he clears his throat and asks emma to just take a breath here.
“Alright. It’s my Fucking millionth time doing this day. And I have a theory. Paul, you mentioned something about multiple repeat days? No- not today, the second today.” He pressures, and all Paul can do is nod and blush, muting himself with his black coffee. “Good. Now, we’ve all been here before, haven’t we?” Ted’s eyes are on Bill now, who can’t hold the stare. Emmas transfixed now, nodding a little. “You know-“ “sshhhh, princess. I do know. Multiple soulmates exist. You typically pick the one you find first or the one closest to you- but look what happened, huh?”
“What happened?” Charlotte questions, and ted stands, grabbing for his iced latte and lookinh down. “Nothing, Charlotte. I just fell in love with all four of you. Because I think you’re all my soulmates.” Ted gets it out, looking over puzzled faces. “Damnit- it doesn’t matter, does it. Because either you’re not and I wake up today again, none of you remember, or you ARE all my soulmates, and tomorrow we talk that out. I’m exhausted, theres my number.” He points to the scrap paper on the table.
“I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” He dismisses, and then He’s Gone.
He wakes up to 3 messages, but 1 comes up as he finally rises from bed.
‘Good morning, asshole.’
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Say You Will Remember Me (Part 3)
(Part 1), (Part 2)
Summary: 2016: Spencer has just gotten married to (Y/n), the girl of his dreams. The two navigate their new life together as they work through his demanding job and a stalker that just won't leave them alone.
 2018: Wendy and Peter have been hiding out in Maine for nearly a year now from Wendy's abusive ex. The two are just starting to settle into the new lives that they hope to spend with each other.
2020: After two years of searching for his missing wife, (Y/n) and Spencer are brought back together again. However, things take a turn for the worse as Spencer realizes that she is no longer the same girl he married.
January 2016
Washington D.C.
“Any big plans for the weekend?” Morgan asked Spencer as they both headed outside. Spencer pulled his coat tighter around himself preparing for the snow that he had seen falling from the seventh-floor windows. He was kind of jealous right now of (Y/n) who was currently out in Georgia with some of her college friends. She picked the right week he thought to himself. “Not really,” Spencer responded. “I’ll probably just sit at home and read.”
“You should come out with us tonight!” Penelope whined as they all got on the elevator together. “We were going to go to this bar that just opened later tonight.”
“I’m okay,” Spencer said. “It’s not really my kind of scene.”
“Which is exactly why you should go,” Penelope replied. “It’s good to get out of your comfort zone. “
“Exactly.” Derek continued. “If I remember correctly the last time you drug your feet about going to a bar with us was when you met the lovely Mrs.Reid so maybe that should be a lesson for you.”
“What time are you going?” He asked.
“Eleven,” Morgan responded. Spencer glanced down at his watch. It was currently eight so that meant that he had at least two hours to go home and read. He could make it through quite a few books in that time. Plus there was the fact that he was kind of dreading having to spend the night alone in their apartment. He wasn’t really sure how (Y/n) did it when he was gone all the time.
“Fine I will go but I can’t promise that I will stay out that late,” Spencer said as the elevator dinged and the three of them got off and headed towards their cars.
“I’ll text you an address,” Garcia said before getting in her car. Spencer then got into the driver's seat starting the engine shivering until the heat finally kicked in. He then pulled out his phone and sent a short text to (Y/n) letting her know that he was heading home and that he was going to go to the bar later tonight. They exchanged a few messages about the case but he knew that she was too busy hanging out with her friends to be bogged down with the gruesome murder details.
Their house was cold without her. Both literally and metaphorically. She always cranked the temperature up quite a few degrees than he preferred it but without her here it just seemed so void of life. Which he found quite funny considering that he used to live here just fine before her. Strange how quickly the mind and body adjust to living with someone. It never used to bother him to sleep in an empty bed, in fact, it used to bother him to have to share a bed with someone. But now waking up to cold sheets was the worst feeling in the world. The number of times that he has reached across hotel sheets hoping to find her and pull her close is an insufferable number.
He threw his bag on the hook by the door before toeing off his shoes and taking off his tie. He then headed into the bedroom opting for something more comfortable to wear tonight. It wasn’t until he came back outside that he noticed the white envelope that had been slid under the door. He picked it up noting his name on it. He then carried it into the kitchen where he poured himself some coffee before getting comfortable on the couch next to the six books he planned to finish before he was due to head to the bar.
Spencer set the coffee down on the coffee table before opening the white envelope. He pulled out the contents which were two photographs and neatly typed letters. He examined the photographs the first was of him and (Y/n) at the Pentagon metro stop. The two of them were standing off to the side, his back to a pole and her standing on her tiptoes, the picture made it appear that they were kissing when they were in fact not. His hands were tightly around her waist and he could almost still smell the alcohol on her breath as she slurred her words together that night.
She had been trying and failing to make out with him right there in the metro stop. She knew that he wasn’t a big fan of PDA, the problem was that she was a huge fan of it. Whenever she got drunk, she got very handsy. It was usually adorable when they were at home but when they were out in public he didn’t overly like the way she would run her hands up and down his chest seductively like she was in this photo.
The next photo was of just him. It was of him leaving court one day after testifying against an unsub. It took him a moment to place what the exact cause had been staring at his outfit trying desperately to recall what case he had chosen that tie for. He chewed on the inside of his lip before it came to him. The Evan White case. He was a kid out of Nebraska with a hero complex who was going around killing men who had cases of abuse filed against them. It was a hard case. It was their job to stop the murderer but when the murderer was killing other pieces of shit it was hard sometimes to try and not justify letting them walk.
Spencer sat the two photos down on his coffee table before pulling out the note. It was one piece of paper with just two sentences typed on it. “I am watching you. I know what you did.” Spencer read the words over and over again trying to make sense of them. He set the paper down on his coffee table alongside the pictures as he realized that his Friday night just got a whole lot stranger. Now instead of having fun casual drinks, they were going to have to talk about a potential stalker. Just great. He thought to himself. And now he wasn’t going to be able to read his books either because his brain was currently far too busy trying to figure out who on Earth could be holding some kind of grudge against him to do this.
The profiler side of him tried to make sense of the two pictures. They were so different. What could these two possibly have in common? One was just of him exiting court and the other of him with his wife. Maybe this unsub was upset that he testified against Evan but if that were the case why drag (Y/n) into it? Was it just to scare him and show him that he was following him? Spencer rubbed his temple. He then pushed all of the contents back into the envelope checking the time before deciding that he could just head to the bar now. He took the envelope with him back out to his car before heading out to the bar. Maybe his team would be able to .
Atlanta, Georgia
“So (Y/n),” Grace asked as Louise made her way back to the table carrying the four beers. (Y/n) grabbed hers as did Grace and Megan when Louise set them down. “Are you still liking D.C.?”
“Very much so.” (Y/n) responded smiling. “You know I never really thought that I would leave Georgia but I love D.C. It’s such a great city.”
“I can’t believe you thought that you’d never leave Georgia,” Louise said. “I could not wait to get the fuck out of here. Although I don’t know how you stand living in the city. I honestly can’t stand going to Baltimore propper.”
“How far are you guys from each other?” Megan asked.
“Thirty miles,” Louise responded.
“That’s crazy,” Grace said. “Like I can’t believe that you both got jobs thirty miles from each other.”
“I’m so glad that it worked out that way though.” (Y/n) said. “It would’ve been so scary moving up here alone.” Next to her Louis nodded her head to agree. “But I mean you guys aren’t too far from each other. You always post together on Instagram.”
“So do you and Louise!” Megan countered.
“Well then maybe we should just take a bunch of pictures tonight girls!” Grace shouted and they all burst out laughing as Grace pulled out her phone to snap more pictures. There was no telling how many pictures she already had.
(Y/n) took another drink of her beer listening as the girls talked about their careers and lives. It was amazing how much each of them had done with their degree, sometimes (Y/n) kind of felt like she hadn’t really lived up to her full potential when she heard about what her friends were doing. Louise was a juvenile corrections worker in Baltimore. Grace had gotten on with the University of Georgia after graduation citing that she just wasn’t ready to leave yet. So she got involved in undergraduate admissions. And then there was Megan who traveled all across the world teaching abroad. Compared to them, (Y/n) felt like she hadn’t really accomplished all that much considering she was just a fourth-grade teacher. But she was happy with her choices and her job and that’s all that really mattered.
“So (Y/n).” Megan started snapping (Y/n) out of her trance. “How is Mr.Reid?”
“It’s Dr.” Louise snaps and both (Y/n) and Lousie then burst out laughing.
“I can’t believe you’re actually getting married,” Grace said once the laugher had died down. “Let me see that ring again!” she demanded as (Y/n) held out her hand for Grace and Megan to both look at the ring. “It’s so pretty (Y/n),” Grace said. “I’m so happy for you.”
“Thank you.” (Y/n) said smiling as she remembered the way that he just so casually asked her to marry him while cooking for her. It was simple but so him and she absolutely loved it. It was the kind of story that no one would be jealous about when they first hear it but then they would sit and think about it and the longer they would think about it the cuter it would get. Which she actually felt described Spencer to T.
“So when is the date?”
“June 10th” (Y/n) responded. “It feels so far away.”
“It will be here before you know it,” Megan responded. “And do you know where you are going for the honeymoon?”
“I think we are just going to go out to Montana.”
“Montana? What the fuck?” Grace asked.
“No you should see this place Grace,” Louise responded. “I mean it’s fucking gorgeous. So romantic. It’s like this massive lodge out by the national park. Stunning. Absolutely breathtaking. I could not believe it when she showed me the pictures.” (Y/n) nodded as she pictured the beautiful resort she and Spencer had found online.
“Okay, but can I ask the question that all of us are thinking but no one is going to ask?” Megan asked looking at the three girls who just nodded their approval. (Y/n) grabbed her beer, taking a drink curious as to what Meg was about to ask. “At this wedding, will there be any like cute single FBI agents there that we can also snag? Because it’s not fair that you get the whole package in one. I mean not only is a genius but he is so fucking hot and he’s a lot of people’s hero.” (Y/n) smiled at that, Meg was right, despite what Spencer would say if he were sitting here, he was a lot of people’s hero. The amount of good he has put into the world never ceases to amaze (Y/n).
“Thank you,” Lousie shouted in (Y/n)’s ear. “You should see his best friend. Holy mama! Anytime (Y/n) invites me out with her and Spencer the first question I ask is, ‘is Derek going to be there.”
(Y/n) laughed, she was not exaggerating when she said she asked that every time. It was like clockwork. “Okay, I have to see a picture of this guy,” Grace said.
“No way,” Louise said. “If you do you’ll just want to snatch him up for yourself.”
“Louise, we live nearly 700 miles away. It’s not really that big of an issue.” Megan said as (Y/n) pulled out her phone scrolling through pictures until she found one. She handed the phone to the two girls across the booth pointing out which one was Morgan.
“Okay, I lied,” Meg said. “I am packing up my bags and moving to D.C. tonight.”
Lousie slaps the table before yelling “I swear to God Megan.”
“Wait,” Grace said zooming in. “I’m more interested in this one, what’s her deal?” Grace turned the phone around where she had zoomed in on Emily.
“That’s Emily.” (Y/n) said. “She’s really nice and I don’t think that she’s seeing anyone.”
“Ooh,” Lousie said. “See (Y/n). Imagine how happy we could all be, marrying FBI agents living in D.C. together.” She sand with her hand pressed over her heart.
“I need another drink.” (Y/n) said as all the girls began laughing and (Y/n) pulled herself out of the booth. “Anyone wants anything.” Each girl rattled off a drink order before (Y/n) headed back up to the bar. She took a seat at one of the empty stools while signaling over the bartender. While sitting there she could feel a man’s eyes on her and while she tried to ignore it the best she could eventually she glanced over and made eye contact with him.
The man immediately looked down studying his drink as if it held the answer to every unsolved mystery in the world. (Y/n) watched him for a second. “Hi.” She said, maybe it was the alcohol but something about this man seemed familiar. “Do I know you?” She asked and when he looked up she placed him immediately. “Timothy’s dad right?” She asked and the man broke out into a huge smile. (Y/n) laughed, crossing her arms over her chest. “What a small world.” She said before she scooted down to be seated next to the man.
“It’s Ms.Watson right? Fourth grade?” He asked and (Y/n) nodded. “That was a rough year for Tim.” He said after a moment and (Y/n) only nodded remembering very vividly how rough of a year that was. The man in front of her whose name she was completely blanking on for some reason had been in her classroom quite a few times for disciplinary actions being taken against Tim.
“How have you been?” (Y/n) asked.
“Pretty good all things considered. What brings you down to Georgia?” He asked her and (Y/n) noded it was a fair question.
“I’m from here. Went to school over at UGA. I’m just here catching up with some friends. What about you? Do you still live in D.C.?”
“I do.” He said. “My ex’s parents live here, we are doing Christmas this week since things were a little hectic for us this past month or so.”
“I’m sorry to hear that. I’m glad that you’re getting to celebrate though.” (Y/n) said as she glanced back to the table where her friends were very loudly laughing while patiently waiting on the drinks that she was supposed to bring them. “I should probably get back to my table. But it was so nice running into you.” (Y/n) said as she started to stand up but Tim’s dad grabbed her wrist lightly.
“Do you think it would be possible for us to perhaps exchange phone numbers and meet up in D.C.?” He asked. “I just would really like someone to talk to. It’s been a rough year, Aimee left me and she ended up winning the custody battle for Tim.”
(Y/n) opened her mouth once glancing back at the table. Louise motioned for her to come back to them. (Y/n) then turned her attention back to the man with a polite smile. “Sure.” She said grabbing a napkin and scribbling her phone number down on it. “Can you remind me of your name just one more time?” She asked. “I swear if I was sober I would know it.” She lied to make it seem less rude.
“It’s Peter.” He responded as he took the napkin. “And it was so nice seeing you again (Y/n).”  (Y/n) returned his smile before grabbing the drink and heading back to her friends.
“Everything okay?” Grace asked.
“Yeah. Of course. Why wouldn’t it be?” (Y/n) responded as she passed out the drinks and the girls quickly fell back into the natural rhythm of conversation they had before.
Washington D.C.
Spencer sat down at the table with the rest of the team when he pulled out the envelope. They had all agreed to take a look at it when he mentioned that he had received a note from what he thinks might be a stalker. A threat to one person on the team was a threat to everyone.
“Okay.” Emily started. “Can you think of anyone that you might have pissed off? Or what you think the note is implying that you did?”
Spencer shook his head. He had been thinking of that ever since he had opened the envelope. The best thing he could come up with was that someone was mad that he had testified against Evan but that still didn’t explain the picture of him and (Y/n) which was also what was stumping the rest of the team.
“What if this has nothing to do with the picture itself and it is more just a gesture?” JJ asked. “I mean maybe he’s just trying to show that he has been following you and knows your schedule.”
“Maybe.” Morgan agreed. “But this is a pretty close up picture.” He said looking back at the two photos in front of them. “Actually they are both really close up. And they are very clear which implies that they were not taken with a phone.”
“So the unsub would have either had to use a camera with a nice zoom lens or he was close enough to you that he didn’t need to zoom at all,” Aaron said. “He could’ve used a lens at the White trial, with all the media he wouldn’t have stood out. If it were just the one photo I would say that we need to be looking at the media, but there is no way that he would’ve been able to use a lens down in the metro station, someone would’ve seen him.”
“It’s the note that concerns me,” Rossi said as JJ and Morgan nodded to agree. “‘I know what you did’? You can’t think of anything that you might have done?” Rossi asked.
“No,” Reid said. “I can’t think of anything. I haven’t done anything outside of my normal routine.”
“Well he doesn't seem to be threatening you,” Hotch said, examining the note one more time. “And this slipped under your door when he knew that you would be gone, which implies that he had no intention of ever coming face to face with you.”
“What are you thinking then?” Rossi asked. “Because I’m thinking that it’s someone who was mad that we got involved and got Evan White sent to jail. I mean we all saw the way that town paraded him as a hero.”
“I agree,” JJ said. “He could have chosen any court case and he chose this one. And he chose to leave the note for you just one week after the trial. He chose that trial for a very specific reason.”
“So what do I do?” Spencer asked. “Just let it go for now?”
The team was silent for a moment, none of them wanting to say what they were all thinking. “I think that we keep a close eye on this,” Hotch said. “I don’t think that he’s going to escalate to violence if anything he’s just going to watch you from afar. I think the best thing you can do is be very aware of your surroundings, anyone who is taking pictures, or who you see at more than one place.”
“I can do that,” Spencer said, feeling slightly better. He could keep track of who he has seen in multiple places that would be easy. And while it slightly concerned him that they were not taking immediate action he also understood that from a profiling standpoint it did not seem like this unsub was going to rise to violence. Like Hotch said it seemed far more likely that he was just going to watch from a distance until he gets bored and then he’ll go find the next person to harass. “Thank you, guys,” Spencer said, slipping the envelope back into his bag for safekeeping.
2018 October
Bar Harbor, Maine
“Wendy!” Peter shouted standing in their living room. “Get out of bed sleepy head. I’ve got a surprise for you.” He heard Wendy shout something although he wasn’t able to catch what before he heard her moving in the bedroom. A few moments later she came out with her robe wrapped tightly around her.
“Another surprise?” Wendy asked.
“Uh-huh,” Peter said, taking her hand in his and leading her out to the driveway. Cherry followed the two of them, staying as close to Wendy as she could. The dog liked Peter just fine but she really loved Wendy. “Okay now cover your eyes,” Peter instructed as they made it to the front door.
“No Peter.” Wendy protested but one look at Peter and she moved her hands over her eyes.
“Ready?” Peter asked and Wendy nodded her eyes still covered. Peter then opened the front door and instructed Wendy to uncover her eyes.
What she saw shocked her to the core. There in their driveway was a brand new convertible Fiat. “Oh my gosh. No fucking way.” Wendy yelled at him before throwing her arms around her neck. “Am I dreaming.”
“You are not,” Peter said before handing her the keys. She excitedly ran over to the bright red car climbing into the driver seat and starting the engine.
“Oh my gosh, Peter,” Wendy said. “First Cherry and now this? My mind is moving a mile an hour.”
“That fast?” Peter asked and the two of them burst out laughing. It was nice to have someone who understood her jokes.
Wendy ran her hands over the steering wheel playing with the radio and she inhaled the smell of the new car. But then she remembered the conversation she had not too long ago about how she couldn't have a job due to not having a social security number. “Wait.” She asked. “I thought you said that I wouldn’t be able to drive anywhere since I didn’t have a car.”
“Yes, I did.” Peter responded “and while it still makes me nervous I might have found a loophole” Wendy looked at him willing him to continue. “Fake IDs are a lot different than they were when you and I were in college.” He said. “Now you can get a fake ID with your name and your picture on it. And these are actually able to be swiped which means that if a police officer pulls you over this is going to actually pull you up in his database as Wendy Arnett.” He said reaching into his pocket to pull out an id which he handed to her.
She took the card and examined it closely, holding it up to the sunlight. It looked just like a real driver’s license, the quality was impressive. Even her picture looked like an actual DMV photo. She studied her face closely in it, her first thought when she saw it was that the girl in the photo was not her but then she looked into the review mirror of the car and was reminded for the hundredth time that that was what she looked like now.
“That being said.” Peter continued. “I would really appreciate it if you were to follow the law to a T because while it should work I would prefer to not change it” Wendy nodded in agreement. The last thing she wanted was to be pulled over, she didn’t want to have to deal with that kind of stress.
“So does this mean that I can go anywhere I want.”
“Within reason,” Peter responded. “If you want to go get changed though we could use a grocery run and I’ll let you go all by yourself. That is assuming you still know how to drive.”
Wendy laughed getting out of the car and shoving him playfully. “Of course I still know how to drive. It hasn’t been that long.”
“I know,” Peter responded. “I was just teasing.” he finished as Wendy hurried into the house to get ready as fast as she could. Twenty minutes later and she was kissing Peter at the front door shopping list in hand.
Once outside she went back to the car starting up the engine, her heart racing at the mere sound. She then clicked a few buttons and watched in awe as the top rolled back on the car. Sure it was going to be a little cold with the top down but there was no way in hell she was going to drive all the way to the grocery store with it up. The fresh air would feel amazing she could already tell.
After plugging in her phone and getting a playlist set she put the car in reverse and backed out the driveway waving at Peter from the window as she went. When she pulled onto the main road she was extra careful to follow all the speed limits and make full stops at each stop sign. It was strange being behind the wheel again she was sad to admit. The feeling of having complete control again was almost intoxicating.
When she pulled onto the ramp to merge on the highway she couldn’t help but floor it. The feeling of the little car accelerating down the ramp was exhilarating. She threw her arm out the window as she cranked the radio up belting out the song lyrics.
When she came up to her exit she was almost sad to be getting off the highway. A voice in the back of her brain told her that she could go a few more exits if she wanted to and then just backtrack to the grocery store but she ultimately decided against it as Peter would be furious if he found out and she did not want to test him on this. This was the first step towards having more freedom and if she pushed him too far he could very easily take it all back.
Wendy pulled the car into the parking lot before raising the top. It was grey outside and looked like it would rain at any moment but then again that was just Maine in October. She got out of the car grabbing her purse as she did before locking the door.
The grocery store here was almost right on the water, like almost everything else in this town, she could actually hear the waves crashing against the rocky shore as she made her way inside. It was a nice sound, one that she found comforting on her bad days. When she was struggling with everything she would just go outside and watch the waves violently crash ashore and it somehow made her calmer to know that even the waves sometimes needed to release their energy.
Inside the grocery store, Wendy grabbed a cart pulling out both her phone and her grocery lists. She sent a quick message to Peter letting him know that she made it safely to the store and that she would let him know when she was leaving as well.
She pushed her cart down the aisle grabbing various items off the shelf. It was so nice to be here alone and feel completely fine. It was amazing to hear how quickly she fell back into old patterns. She largely had Peter to thank for that. He was the one that rescued her, which saved her from an awful situation. If it wasn’t for him she would probably be dead buried in a very deep grave where no one would ever be able to find her. She shuddered at the thought as she grabbed the milk and eggs.
As she wandered down the aisle by aisle Wendy couldn’t help but throw a few things into the cart that weren’t on her list. She grabbed a thing of Oreos and sour patch kids. Peter wouldn't mind if she told herself and even if he said anything she would say that she was treating herself for making such great progress. As she looked at all the cookie options she decided that maybe she would get cookie dough and make cookies for the two of them.
Wendy was standing in the cookie dough aisle when it happened. She heard his voice before she saw his face and his voice alone made her stop dead in her tracks dropping the thing of cookie dough that was in her hands. Looking around hoping no one saw her she quickly picked the cookie dough up throwing it in her cart and heading up to the front of the store wanting to get out of here as soon as possible. Unfortunately for her, the front of the store was where her terror was coming from she realized as she rounded the corner to see the large television streaming his face.
Everyone in the store seemed to be gathered watching the screen before them. Wendy froze like a deer in headlights unable to look away no matter how much her brain screamed at her too. She watched in horror as Spencer strolled across the stage taking his place at the podium. He was wearing navy pants and a nice dress shirt with a tie that she had bought him. A tie that she remembered all too well, her wrist burning as if it was still wrapped around her.
“Thank you.” He said weakly before looking into the camera. “My name is um Spencer Reid.” He said stuttering looking over to someone off-camera. He then took a deep breath almost as if to compose himself before continuing to speak. “My name is Spencer Reid.” He started again and Wendy’s hands began to shake uncontrollably. “And I’m standing here today because 13 months ago my wife, (Y/n) Reid disappeared from our home. The FBI is asking anyone who has any information on her whereabouts to please contact the number on the bottom of their screen. She was taken from the Washington D.C. area but we no longer believe her to be in this area. Please if you are out there and you know something please call.” He begged, reaching up to wipe his face.
“You think he did it?” One of the customers asked out loud to everyone who was standing around watching. “I mean that girl has to be dead. 13 months is a long time.”
“I read online that he’s already done time in federal prison for murder. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if he killed her. She’s a cute little thing, probably had some side boy and when he found out he killed her. And lord knows that he would know how to get away with it.” The cashier said as people in the room kind of nodded to agree.
Wendy ignored them, gripping her shopping cart with everything she had. She started to turn to walk away when he pulled her right back in. “(Y/n).” He said his voice barely above a whisper. He sounded so broken that it almost made her tear up a little bit too. “If you are out there and if you are hearing this then please just come home. And if you can’t then hang tight, I will find you. I swear to God I will find you. I don’t care if it’s tomorrow or fifteen years from now, I will never stop looking for you. If you are the person who has and you’re listening to this, please let her go.” He begged. “I love her so much and I just” he choked on her words sobbing through his shoulders. “I just want her back. Please. ” He finished as best he could. Wendy watched as Derek entered the screen to grab a hold of Reid and help him off-camera where he could fall apart without the public eye on him.
Feeling sick to her stomach, Wendy bolted out the door as quickly as she could without looking suspicious. As she was heading out she heard the customers of the store debate whether or not she was still alive but she paid no mind to them as she ran to her car getting in the driver's seat and locking the door as she sobbed out loud.
The familiar panic feeling started weighing down on her chest as she felt the car start to spin. She tried to steady her breathing but no matter how hard she couldn’t. All she could hear was Reid saying over and over again that he was going to find her. She tried to breathe but no matter how much her lungs took in it still wasn’t enough. Recognizing what was happening to her, she reached for her phone and immediately dialed Peter.
“Wendy?” he asked as he picked up on the first ring. She tried to say something but couldn’t get any words to come out of her mouth. “What’s wrong Wendy?” He asked as she just gasped into the phone over and over again trying and failing to breathe. “Alright,” he said to her. “Hang on I will be there as soon as possible baby” Wendy nodded. “Can you stay on the phone with me?”
Wendy continued to just sob into her phone her breathing growing more and more uneven. “Wendy, I want you to close your eyes,” he said and she did as she was told. “Alright, can you run your hands down your sweater and tell me what you feel?” Wendy did what she was asked feeling the soft material under her fingers.
“Soft” she gasped out.
“Good.” He said to her. “Keep doing that for me okay? Keep focusing on that.” She nodded to herself as she continued to rub her hands down her sweater. She slowly opened her eyes and locked her eyes on the small pink bag that was on in her passenger seat. She focused on the bag and the sweater and only those two things before she let the rest fade away.
Slowly on instinct, she raised her pointer finger and pinky up to her nose holding one nostril and breathing in before doing the same to the other. While doing that she was able to slow down her breathing enough that she was no longer hyperventilating. “Wendy?” Peter asked. “I’m almost there, how are you doing?”
She continued to focus on her breathing before she answered. “Better.” She whispered. “Please hurry.” It was only a few more minutes after that before his SUV pulled out into the spot next to her. Within an instant, he was out of the car and throwing open her driver's door to scoop her up in his arms.
“You’re okay” he whispered. “I’ve got you.” She nodded against him, grabbing fistfuls of his sweatshirt.
“I’m sorry” she replied after her breathing had slowed and she trusted her voice enough to speak.
“It was that interview wasn’t it?” He asked and her breath hitched even thinking about it. “I knew as soon as I saw that fucker's face on tv that you were going to panic.” She nodded into him refusing to let go and refusing to pull her face away. “Alright.” He said after a moment. “Let’s get you home”
She nodded into him as he pulled away, she tried to reach back out to him but he had already turned away heading back to the SUV. She made sure her car was locked before she got into the passenger seat of the SUV. She leaned back into the seat closing her eyes as he drove her home. He told her that tomorrow when she was feeling better they could come up here and do the grocery shopping together and then she can drive her car back to the house. She nodded again trying to not think about whether or not she just screwed up her one shot at more freedom.
It wasn’t until much later that night when she laid in bed next to a sleeping Peter that she allowed her mind to travel to the one place that she had been avoiding for the past year. She thought about Spencer and the way that he sobbed on live television while he begged for her to come home. The version of the man she saw on tv was a skeleton of a man, he looked like someone who had lost everything, and yet he was still fighting. Her mind had a hard time reconciling the fact that this was the same Spencer who used to come home from rough cases after one too many beers and take out his anger in the world on her. The man who stood up on live television begging for his wife’s safe return was not the same man that she left and she didn’t know how to think or feel about that.
October 2019
Washington D.C.
(Y/n) sat on her brother’s couch staring at all the framed pictures all over the wall. The house was not at all the same as it was when she had left it two years ago, then ago nothing was the same as when she had left. Sam and Sonya now had a one-year-old daughter named Kara. Three years ago she would’ve been ecstatic for them after they tried for so long, but now she just couldn’t bring herself to care.
She was revolted by the fact that she was back here in D.C. This is not where she belonged anymore. She wanted to go home. She wanted to go back to Maine, to stand on the shore and watch the waves. It was too fucking sunny here, too hot in October. The police told her that she wasn’t allowed to go home because it was a crime scene now. A crime scene. That word echoed around in her head over and over again. Her home was a crime scene. She was a victim. When they had called her that she laughed out loud, the police didn’t seem to find any part of it funny. Then a doctor came in to tell her that she was experiencing Stockholm syndrome, that she didn’t really love Peter, she just thought that she did because he held her captive for two years. Those were the doctor's exact words. Captive.
Then Spencer who was sitting quietly in the back of the room chimed in that Peter was going to go jail for a very long time for what he did. That caused (Y/n) to promptly start screaming that she wanted him out of her room. She didn’t want to see him.
Once he was gone she had tried to explain to the doctors and police the situation she had found herself in but all they gave her with sympathetic looks. She wanted them to help her to arrest Spencer for what he had done, not Peter. They had the wrong guy but no one would listen to her. So when they told her that was being released from the hospital and that she was able to go home with her husband she refused. Luckily her brother was there and offered to take her in, not that it was ideal but it was better than going anywhere with Reid.
Which is exactly how she found herself here, on her brother’s couch at ten pm at night dreading having to go to sleep without Peter. Sam came back into the living room with a cup of tea which he set down in front of her. “I’m glad to have you back (Y/n).” (Y/n) didn’t say anything as she took a sip of her tea, it burnt her tongue but that feeling was better than all the other feelings she was currently having. “He’s worried about you.”
“I don’t care.” She snapped, setting the mug down on the coffee table. “I’m not going to ever go back with him.” She said be careful to avoid using the word home because the home was in Maine.
“(Y/n),” Sam said.
“No,” (Y/n) said. “Don’t. Please don’t do this. You have no idea the horrors that I lived through with him. Peter saved me. Spencer should be behind bars, not Peter.” She shouted and from above she heard the sounds of Kara crying. Sam gave her a look as if to say please keep your voice down but she really didn’t care. “I’m going upstairs,” she said, grabbing her tea and heading up the wood stairs to where the guest bedroom was.
Once inside she closed the door sitting down on the bed staring and the blank walls and her reflection in the mirror. Her hair was still jet black, it made Reid cry when he came into the hospital to see her. He didn’t know that she was awake as she laid extremely still hoping that if he thought she was asleep he wouldn't hurt her. It used to work when they were married. But being not asleep meant that she didn’t miss the conversation he had with a nurse about how her hair got to be that color. The nurse told him that Peter did it which only made him cry harder. It was fucking hair for God’s sake she had thought to herself.
(Y/n) got off the bed and walked over to the vanity table sitting on the little stool. She smiled at her reflection before she tried the frowning. It was then that she realized she no longer recognized herself. There was a permanent sadness behind her eyes that didn’t go away no matter how big she tried to smile. She tried to ignore the overwhelming feeling but eventually, it became too much. So before she could stop herself she raised her hand and smashed the glass watching as it shattered, the pieces being scattered all over the table and the floor. Without being able to see herself she felt calmer as she went back to sit on the bed. She wanted to sleep but knew that it would be a long time before sleep would come back to her. If it ever did that was.
There was a soft knock on the door that interrupted Sam and Sonya’s fight about whether or not it was their responsibility to house (Y/n). Sam excused himself promising Sonya that they could have this conversation in the morning when they were each thinking more clearly. Sam opened the front door to Louise who was standing there with a small smile on her face. “Hey,” he said. “She just went upstairs so I’m not sure that she’s up for talking.” He trailed off when he saw both Reid and Morgan standing behind Louise. “You really shouldn’t be here.” He said to Spencer.
“Sam,” Spencer said. “She’s my wife.”
“Yeah well, she’s also terrified of you.”
“You know that it’s an irrational fear,” Spencer said.
“Well, it’s a fear none the less.” Sam countered, glancing up the stairs. He was worried that if (Y/n) so much as heard his voice it would set her off. He could hear her screaming all the way down the hall when she woke and Spencer was there. It was bad and he didn’t really want to have one of those episodes here tonight.
“Let’s go outback,” he suggested and the three of them nodded walking into the house to go out onto his back deck. Outside they all took seats at his table.
“Is she okay?” Louise asked.
“Physically yes,” Sam responded. “But emotionally? She will probably be in therapy for the rest of her life.”
“This is all my fault,” Spencer said as he put his head in his hands.
“Don’t say that Reid,” Morgan said, reaching over to pat Spencer on the back. “She’s here. She’s alive, that's all that matters.”
“Did she talk at all about what happened?” Louise asked. “About Peter?”
Sam glanced over at Spencer who still had his head down. “She did.” He said slowly watching as Spencer’s head snapped up. “I know that this is difficult to hear.” Sam continued. “But she thinks that she was in love with him. Peter saved her from you.” Sam finished pursing his lips together.
Spencer nodded once. “She thinks that I was abusing her.” he let out a sharp breath at the words, his heart clenching. His wife whom he would’ve done anything to protect thought that he was hurting her. “She freaked out in the hospital when she realized I was in the room.” He said remembering the way that she started thrashing around on the bed when he tried to take her hand and tell her how much he missed her.
“That’s why she refused to go home with you,” Sam said. “She is convinced that you were hitting her.”
“That’s fucking ridiculous.” Louise all but yelled. “I mean you?” She asked Spencer. “You look like you couldn’t hurt an ant. Why does she think that? It’s not like he could alter her memory and she has no memory of you hitting her right?”
Spencer shook his head no, the thought of him raising a hand to her made him want to vomit. “I don’t know.” He responded honestly.
Derek sighed. “I know that it pains you to say that.”
Spencer nodded once. “She obviously refused to tell me anything about what happened. But it’s possible if Peter was somehow able to put the idea in her head when she was at a moment of weakness that her brain would start filling in gaps.”
“What would cause that?” Louise asked. “Like drugs?”
Spencer nodded “Either drugs or extreme torture.”
“God please let it be drugs,” Derek said and they all nodded. Spencer was already shaking at the idea that she might have been tortured into believing that he would hurt her. All he wanted to do was walk into that house and find her, wrap her in his arms and never let go. All he could think about was how he must have really fucked up in a past life for the universe to be this against him. What a cruel twist of fate for his wife to come back to him unharmed only for her to be afraid of him.
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knadire · 5 years
Art Theft Committed by CreepypastaDotCom and Chilling Tales for Dark Nights
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Hey everybody. I just wanted to tell an important story to anyone out there that’s an artist or a fan of horror media. In the wake of the mess last weekend surrounding Twitter account @RareHorror failing to attribute art they reposted to the creator and having a massive and embarrassing meltdown (which you can read more about here, language warning: http://www.pajiba.com/film_reviews/rare-horrors-twitter-meltdown-ignites-debate-over-artist-rights.php), I want to share a similar experience I’ve been having. It’s going to contain some disturbing (but fake) Photoshops and paintings so I’m sorry in advance if this sort of thing upsets you.
 So about a month ago, while talking with some friends, one of them drew my attention to how the Twitter page for CreepypastaDotCom was tweeting out about a story on their main website using an image that looked a little familiar. There was no credit to be found. After a little digging we realized that it was the work of a rather well known, found footage-style artist who goes by SlimeySwampGhost, which many of us were familiar with. After discovering this, we collectively began filling their comments section with remarks about this lack of attribution. SlimeySwampGhost himself eventually asked for credit.
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After a full day with no further response from CreepypastaDotCom, I decided to scroll deeper. I discovered that for the past few months, ALL their Twitter content was made up of uncredited artwork. Every post contained an excerpt, a link to the story it was from, a handful of hashtags, and an uncredited piece of artwork. Through this, I found another account called Chilling Tales for Dark Nights. They themselves are a horror audio drama/narration channel I’ve known about for a while. Not only did they have posts identical to those made on CreepypastaDotCom’s Twitter page, but they had made even MORE promoting their podcasts, audio recordings, and YouTube videos, still using artwork that they had no ownership of.
I want to put it into perspective how much of a profit these websites are making. If you visit CreepypastaDotCom (which I do not recommend), it is filled to bursting with ads. Their most recent story, which is only 1500 words long, contains four standard and one video ad to the right, a banner across the side and bottom, and three built right into the story, between every four paragraphs or so. I have seen an even higher number on longer stories. Though not an exact number, the site Worth of Web estimates that nearly 10 000 people visit CreepypastaDotCom and it earns nearly $150 USD daily. Though their site’s lack of ads is a little less apparent in its source of income, Chilling Tales for Dark Nights offers a subscription service starting at $5 USD a month and capping at $79.99 a year, locking many of their stories and recordings behind a paywall . On top of this, Social Blade estimates their channel earning between $144 and $2.3K USD monthly. These are not small groups making a mistake; these are large companies making the active decision to omit credit, at times going out of their way to do so.
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So, I decided to spend a free afternoon going on a little crusade of using a combination of Google Images and other backwards image searching services to find and credit nearly ALL of the art they reposted in their respective comments section.
The most disturbing cases I’ve seen are:
-a few artists that I was able to tag directly that stated that they hadn’t permitted them to use their art nor was it free for anyone to repost or use (at bare minimum without credit)
-multiple artists who were selling the piece they used or others as a print
-several drawings that had logos, names, signatures or watermarks cropped out of the image to even further remove credit
-a handful of concept art from indie games
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The most disgusting one I found was an advertisement featured on both Twitter feeds for a book on Amazon by K Banning Kellum. Attached to this was a piece that I discovered was hand painted by François Baranger for a crowdfunded book, cropping out the full resolution to hide the space where the text was meant to be placed. They were using art from an unrelated book to advertise another. Both Banning and Baranger have made statements asking that the advert be taken down.
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It took a few hours before I heard any word from either of them. CreepypastaDotCom initially excused all this to Twitter’s word count, citing that their Facebook page properly attributed the specific artist I was referring to (which they mentioned was a “friend” of theirs). I pointed out that though yes, they did credit that very specific artist on that other social media, they failed to do so with a good majority of the art they were sharing, and that they had no issue adding an additional tweet to that chain after I mentioned it but still to none of the others.
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Both pages did eventually remove all of the incriminating posts, but not before blocking me immediately after this interaction.
I had this on the back of my mind until a month later, when I decided to check up on both of them after the RareHorror incident occurred. When plugging their most recent text-based stories they began using (what I hope to be) stock photographs, and most of CreepypastaDotCom’s Facebook feed now consists of memes. But all of the images that they had removed on Twitter had not ben touched on this social media page, and I also discovered an Instagram page for Chilling Tales doing the same thing. While going about making similar remarks on these respective pages, I recognized the watermark of Omega Black, who’s work was stolen by them before, directly used in a thumbnail for their podcast, which is one of the ones currently hidden behind their paywall. In fact, a majority of their recent thumbnails on their website, as well as on YouTube, have art done by other people that they have not credited. They only credit the artists that they commission art from, which they can, have, and CONTINUE to do. I have made efforts to properly attribute and ask that they remove these images as many places as I have been able.
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In the middle of writing this, CreepypastaDotCom has removed ONLY the post about post about K Banning’s book, leaving up everything else, and has banned me from commenting on their Facebook page any further. Chilling Tales yet to make any sort of statement about this behaviour. Since posting this to Facebook, I have now been officially blocked on both Chilling Tales for Dark Nights and CreepypastaDotCom on there, as well as CTFDN's Instagram. The posts that got the most negative feedback over theft (belong to Francois and OmegaBlack respectively) have all been completely removed, BUT all the others are still there. All my comments linking back to their respective portfolios, ArtStations and DeviantART profiles have been wiped clean and they are left uncredited once more.
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In the end I just want this sort of thing to end. It’s not right that these pages are piggybacking off of the artwork of others to generate more interest and clicks, to earn a profit that the original creators will not see a cent of. As an artist myself who has had their art mistaken for free clipart in the past I can’t image what it must be like to have your work used on a much larger scale. So if anyone from the CreepypastaDotCom or Chilling Tales for Dark Nights team is reading this, please consider removing all these. It’s neither legally nor morally right.
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If anyone following me is able to, I ask that you consider addressing all this yourselves on your social media of choice. I don’t want any outright harassment, but it seems like as with most large corporations, a large group of people expressing their dissatisfaction is the only way to incite any change. As only one person there’s only so much I’ve been able to do.
Any artists following me should be extremely cautious of who is using your art and for what purpose. If this is happening to anyone I know personally I’ve got your back and I’ll do everything I can to get it removed or appropriately attributed.
If you intend on doing anything like Chilling Tales in the future, even tangentially related, the Creepypasta Wiki is a better while still expansive resource for stories. Here are also some resources you can use for royalty free or public domain photographs and images:
If you want to use art that you like, at least ask permission first. The worst they can say is no, and no response is NOT approval. Credit the artist, and Google Images is not a source.
Below is a list of all the artists I was able to find who’s work has been stolen and left unattributed. It is not completely comprehensive since backwards image searching only goes so far, and as only one person I have only been able to track their posts back to the beginning of January due to their absolutely massive backlog of images.
 Gary Pullin
 Joe Webb
 Masahiro Sawada
 Emil Melmoth
 Ares Dragonis
 Matteo Ascente
 Klaus Wittmann
 Miklós Ligeti
 Eric Felten
 Jay Zhou
 Alex Monge
 Fernando Acosta
 Pedro Silvia
 Dario Puggioni
 Clint Nitkev
 Blaz Porenta
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birthdaystranger · 5 years
Birthday Stranger #9 (2020)
“It is true that those we meet can change us, sometimes so profoundly that we are not the same afterwards, even unto our names.”
                                               — Pi Patel in Life of Pi by Yann Martel
First, thank you A.M. for taking time out of your life to meet with a complete stranger. Our conversation enriched my life. I wish you all the best.
There are three types of fencing: foil, épée & sabre - each a little different. A.M. had an early interest in fencing & got into it later in life. As I listened to her talk about fencing, it became obvious to me why sabre is her preferred discipline.
Though fencing may seem to have little in common with her current job in Human Resources, there’s a thread that runs through both & stitches her life together in a brilliant way. This thread consists of being proactive & utilizing all available resources.
A.M. spent her childhood outside of Peoria, Illinois with her parents & two younger sisters. She mentioned having varying degrees of relationships with them. As we talked about her childhood she mentioned how her family changed over the years after her parents’ divorce. A.M. cited her mother’s shift to a more progressive viewpoint as one outcome. From the interest & sincerity A.M. exhibited in our conversation it’s clear that A.M.’s mom raised her daughters to be ambitious mature women. “She's an amazing individual & sacrificed a lot for us,” is how A.M. describes her.
She & I had a wonderful discussion about the changes that growing up entails. A.M. told me that, now that she has moved closer to her mom again, she has received a number of boxes from her filled with personal items & old school projects. A.M. said some of the positions held in a few of those early school projects are completely cringe-worthy. She laughed when I quoted an unknown source; “You know you are growing as a person if you continue to look back & cringe at some of your decisions.” A few of her childhood dreams have remained the same though.
One example of A.M.’s ambition is from around age nine. She recalls an article from an airline magazine about the annual Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta held in New  Mexico. The countless forms & colors of the balloons stuck with her over the years and is still a life goal of hers to experience. That location is actually marked on a map that she & her husband keep of places they would like to visit together.
Another example of her good upbringing is her mother’s urging her daughters to grow outside of their comfort zone. Each daughter studied abroad to this end. A.M. herself did this in Italy.
Her journey came with an unexpected turn. This is where her proactive nature ripened.
A.M. traveled to Italy & stayed with a host family for her study abroad program at the age of 17. Within the first month she accompanied the family on a trip to their own relatives in Croatia.
She commented that tensions within the host family grew shortly after departure & added: “I didn’t think anything of the arguing.”
These arguments gave rise to a full-blown family dispute upon return to Italy. The next morning A.M. woke to find herself in a nearly empty house. A family schism had formed overnight & everyone but the grandmother had moved out with their belongings.
Understandably upset, A.M. walked into town to access the internet & contact her mom to tell her what was going on. A.M. highlighted the time difference as her major obstacle. Her family would be sleeping between 3 & 4 AM central time.
She contacted a friend who happened to be up during those wee hours. This friend in turn phoned A.M.’s mother who finally connected with her daughter.
She managed to turn an unsettling situation into a positive & memorable experience thanks her being proactive & using the resources at hand; she traveled to Hungary to visit extended family then to England to spend some time with a friend of her mother’s before finally returning home. What she called, “not a full year but a good story,” is an understatement. Honestly, if this had happened to me at seventeen I’d probably have freaked the hell out.
“I had to stop hoping so much that a ship would rescue me. I should not count on outside help. Survival had to start with me. In my experience, a castaway’s worst mistake is to hope too much and to do too little. Survival starts by paying attention to what is close at hand and immediate. To look out with idle hope is tantamount to dreaming one’s life away.”
                                               — Pi Patel in Life of Pi by Yann Martel
Her return to the states was a return to academia. A.M. majored in religious studies.
She said, “I’ve always [been] interested in people’s views on religion.” A.M. attributes these studies as what ‘broke’ her, as she put it, of Christianity. I find it interesting that she occasionally likes attending church to “see the [current] interpretation of what is read, what the pastor thinks is a good sermon & what the [believers] focus on.”
A.M.’s college also put her in contact with her now long-term interest of fencing. It is not an affordable sport, she explained. Though she could afford to join the college fencing club, enrollment had recently closed. Eager to hold a sword & ready to undertake any measure to make it happen she followed the coach’s advice of attending a weekend clinic held by the club. A.M. not only attended the entire two-day clinic but outlasted every other beginner. She made it in the club that day.
Though she combats irregularly, A.M. has coached & refereed sabre fencing for a handful of years. Her favorite age group to work with is 8 to 12 year olds. She says this is because they “understand what you want them to do & generally want to do what you tell them to do.” Her work in the sport reaches beyond overseeing individual fencers & bouts, however; as A.M. put it, “I see a need & just want to fill that need.”
Unhappy with increasing harassment in the sport, A.M. performed studies on sexual harassment & assault in fencing & has published her findings online.
A.M. did not consider marriage for most of her life. She said she had little interest in the type of relationship that eventually divided her parents. Consequently she lived a mostly autonomous life attending schools in different states. One longstanding male friend of hers, though, made a point to visit her in many of these places. This deepening friendship lead A.M. to ask herself if marriage was on the table.
Before that question could be answered their relationship had one more hurdle; while her partner lived in St. Louis, A.M. had just been accepted to grad school in New York. A.M. & her boyfriend managed not only to make the long distance thing work for two & a half years but also planned their life.
After earning her degree she moved to St. Louis. It was A.M.’s belief that moving in with her fiancée who already had a job & a house “made more sense.” This practical outlook is another example of her proactive nature.
Her grad school studies lead to her current position in human resources. A.M. credits a few “happy accidents” to the exact position she had at the time we met. She since has been promoted with expanded responsibilities. (Congratulations, A.M.!) She also may go back to school, citing: “the people who have the jobs I want in my department all have higher education than I do.”
Expanded responsibilities may sound daunting but she noted that she is usually a bearer of good news. I imagine working with the dynamics between an institution & a large number of employees utilizes similar skills as in sabre fencing: being proactive & taking advantage of available resources.
This is the thread I mentioned earlier. A.M. take on fencing also speaks to her approach to life: “What I like about sabre is its very proactive compared to épée & foil. You have to make the decision before the referee says fence...” Not to mention that sabre is different from the other disciplines in that strikes with the edge of the blade count in addition to strikes with the tip... that is, there is more to utilize during a bout.
This is a clear parallel to the way A.M. lives her life. Here’s another example: A.M. began crocheting recently to deal with increasing acute physical restlessness. She initially learned it from her mom’s mom, “Oma”. She found that keeping her hands busy helps her relax & allows her sit still for longer periods of time. Repetitive motion is quite meditative not to mention productive in this case - she’s got more sweaters & scarves now.
We also talked favorite movies. A.M. enthusiastically identified Life of Pi as hers. (Hence the quotes that fit in nicely with her life story.) Her religious studies introduced her to this movie - one she described as having “captured the essence of the book perfectly.” Elaborating she said, “I loved how it [is] blend of religions. The thing that [is] important to me [is that] it's not about whether or not the guy is right or wrong, [it’s] all about the faith of [the viewer] to determine whether or not they have faith in what he's saying - which is just a play on religion overall.” I found deep appreciation of that sentiment.
Never has it been so clear to me that a person’s favorite movie echoes their own way of living. {NO SPOILERS} In the movie Pi is nothing less than fully proactive facing uncertainty. He uses everything at hand as well; there is not one item he takes for granted floating aimlessly in the ocean.
A.M. has these qualities. Without giving anything away, I want to point out that Pi’s narration of the calamity he endures proved a foundation for his own faith in humanity as well as the viewer’s. I can’t help but feel those who know A.M. likewise benefit from her friendship. This is especially true during the outbreak we are all facing right now {note: this write-up was done mid-March 2020 during the Coronavirus pandemic).
The pandemic highlights exactly how the actions of one person can ripple across the planet. As powerless as we feel I see so many people taking innovative & fresh action to make it better. We all have something to offer. The sooner we see that the better. We don’t all have to drown during this difficult time.
A mouthful of water will not harm you, but panic will.                                          — Mamaji to Pi in Life of Pi by Yann Martel
And to A.M., I will alter a quote from the movie to fit my feelings about your sharing your life with me: “How bitterly glad I am to have met you. You brought joy & pain in equal measure. Joy because you shared yourself with me, but pain because it wasn't for long.”
0 notes
Enchantment? Enchantment!
    The Dragon Age series is definitely in my list of favorites, I have replayed the latest edition to the series, Inquisition, an embarrassing amount of times. Bioware did a pretty good job with adding lore and history from the other games into Inquisition, but not making it completely confusing and unplayable for those who have never touched the previous games. There is enough dialogue, writing, etc. that keeps new players in the loop, but if somebody doesn’t need any prior knowledge of the series to play Inquisition then why bother?
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© BioWare
*** under the cut includes violence and blood of fictional characters and fictional creatures ***
  Dragon Age: Origins takes place in fictional Ferelden during the 5th blight, “a period when darkspawn find and corrupt one of the Old Gods, which is transformed into an Archdemon and leads the horde to attack the surface world,” (Dragon Age Wiki). Your character is recruited by the Grey Wardens, guardians trained to kill darkspawn. After an attack on the Grey Wardens, the main character and his/her allies, Alistair, a Grey Warden, and Morrigan, an apostate mage, are searching for an army to help defeat the Archdemon and end the blight.
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© BioWare 
Character Creation
   Players have a smaller selection of classes and races to pick in Origins compared to other RPGs. There are only 3 classes: mage, warrior, rogue, and only 3 races: elves, humans, and dwarves. Starting off your character will have general skills but learn more talents and specializations throughout the game from other characters or the menu. Each race has two different backgrounds to choose from, making each playthrough unique. Jeff Haynes observed in his playthrough, “Dragon Age provides a ton of customization without a level cap, so it's possible to take two characters with the exact same background and develop them in completely different ways.” Haynes later criticized this feature, “The largest issue that I had with the Origin feature is that some of the background elements fade away too easily as the game progresses, becoming little more than an afterthought. Simply tossing these endemic problems aside without any attempted mediation or resolution seems unrealistic and forced, and insults the plot of the game...a portion of the game revolves around uniting Ferelden against the Darkspawn, it would seem like you'd have to address these issues of racism somehow, especially if you happen to be an elven character. Simply tossing these endemic problems aside without any attempted mediation or resolution seems unrealistic and forced, and insults the plot of the game.”
    Dragon Age: Origins has an overwhelming amount of positive reviews about the story. Dave Snider commented in his review, “BioWare officially started calling Dragon Age: Origins the "spiritual successor to Baldur's Gate II," you could almost hear a large sigh being let out from the role-playing contingent who worshipped that seminal game and have been disappointed time and time again by similar claims over the years,” Snider quickly eases the fanbase’s worries by adding, “After spending some 60 hours with Dragon Age, the only bit of soothing calm I can offer towards that worry is that this game is not only the deepest, most story-focused title yet from BioWare, but one you will instantly want to replay.” Origins has similarities to Bioware’s previous titles, such as a traditional fantasy setting populated by dwarfs, elves and humans with stereotypical fantasy lore and archetypes, “But just because it's familiar in spots doesn't mean that it's poorly executed. There are a lot of subtle touches--like the way humans from the neighboring state of the Orlesian Empire speak with a French-tinged accent--that help make the world work,” (Snider). Kevin VanOrd commented on the traditional setting as well, “Ferelden is a colorful and fascinating kingdom that takes enough cues from well-known fantasy tropes to be familiar, but bends enough conventions to feel original. Dragon Age features dwarves, but their caste-based society and the social paragons that rise above it twist the norms enough to keep you intrigued. Mages remain under the constant watch of templars, a restriction that doesn't sit well with those who view such policing as virtual slavery. The role of religion in human circles is of particular note. Chantries provide refuge to those worshiping the all-powerful Maker, and chanters recite the holy word near their houses of prayer.” “Dragon Age brilliantly combines the genre’s old-school conventions with a few modern twists to create one of the most addictive and expansive RPGs of its kind. Attempting to summarize the experience of Dragon Age in a few paragraphs is almost ridiculous given the depth of the game’s content,”stated another reporter, Joe Juba. 
However Jeff Haynes, IGN author, had a different take commenting, “The plot of Dragon Age is extremely rich with details that unfold over dozens of hours of play...The biggest issue that arises with the storyline of Dragon Age is that plot elements suffer from repetitiveness. Even though different cities house unique quest events, they all incorporate similar motivating factors – assassination, betrayal or murder. Even though the results of your actions vary, it can become a bit stale. Not every single city needs Macbeth, King Lear or other Shakespearean styled machinations to drive the action forward.”
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© BioWare
The memorable companions and unique backgrounds and their witty remarks are what make Origins so great. There are many compilations of every sidekick’s banter on Youtube. “Characters are generally complex, defying the unrealistically simplistic labels of "good" and "evil," and the game is the better for it,” expressed Gerald Villora (sic). Nicolas Tan added in his review, “The side conversations between characters are also hilarious enough to make you stop in your tracks and listen, offering a welcome change of pace to the serious and grave task of slaughter and world-saving.” 
My personal take on the combat style was: “meh”. This was my first time experiencing this kind of combat in video games, and I am not that big of a fan, so I just keep the game on easy mode. Dave Snider observed, “You'll probably spend a good portion of time in pause mode, manually issuing commands to your entire group, especially if you're working with more than one mage or if you're the type to obsess over the survival of each party member,” he later added, “The combat in Dragon Age is where the game feels closest to its computer RPG roots. This is a classic "pause-and-command" type of game, and it comes with all of the difficulty and micromanagement...the game's boss fights, in particular, get extremely tough and require proper mana management, some well-timed potion-chugging, and a keen eye to watch out for scripted events.”
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© BioWare
In The End
    Dragon Age: Origins may look a little ugly due to age and awkward animations, and the combat may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but the intriguing storyline, with interesting politics and debates within the world, and memorable characters who provide endless amounts of laughter makes the game well worth it in my book. Definitely put this game on your “to play next” list.
Works Cited
Haynes, Jeff. “Dragon Age: Origins Review - IGN.” N.p., 3 Nov. 2009. Web. 
Juba, Joe. “Dragon Age Review: BioWare’s Return To Classic Form - Game Informer.” N.p., 5  
Oct. 2009. Web. https://www.gameinformer.com/games/dragon_age_origins/b/pc/archive/2009/10/05/review.aspx
Snider, Dave. “Dragon Age: Origins Review - Giant Bomb.” N.p., 3 Nov. 2009. Web. 
Tan, Nicholas. “Dragon Age: Origins Review - GameRevolution.” N.p., 18 Nov. 2009. Web.
VanOrd, Kevin. “Dragon Age: Origins Review - GameSpot.” N.p., 3 Nov. 2009. Web. 
Villoria, Gerald. “GameSpy: The Consensus: Dragon Age: Origins Review - Page 1.” N.p., 3 
Nov. 2009. Web. http://pc.gamespy.com/pc/dragon-age/1041838p1.html
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groundhog dave part 3 - day two
At six am sharp Davey was jolted from his suspiciously pleasant sleep. He reached out and whacked the alarm clock and took a second to remember why he was still in this fucking hotel room. The groundhog. The blizzard. The bar.
Oh god, the bar. He’d had so much to drink. Jack had convinced him that the best way to deal with being stuck in Punx another day was to drown his sorrows, make their own fun - and he’d had a point. But each drink Davey had made the next seem like a better idea and he distinctly remembered not being able to walk in a straight line by the end of it. Oh god, his hangover was going to descend any second. Any second. Any... second?
He sat up in bed. Why did he feel so okay? He had been hammered. Usually he couldn’t move his head too fast without the world spinning and he tended to spend mornings like this feeling incredibly sorry for himself. But today his head was clear, his stomach felt fine. Weird. Good weird, but weird.
The radio sang.
That’s right woodchuck chuckers, it’s Groundhog Day!
He stared at it, quizzical. They’d replayed yesterday’s broadcast by mistake. Amateurs. That was the kind of ting he’d had anxiety dreams about when he first started at the studio, the fact that when you were a producer your mistakes tended to be incredibly public. He imagined that at lease the audience of this radio show probably totalled less people than you could fit on a school bus. 
He climbed out of bed, letting the radio continue with its mirror of yesterday’s broadcast. They hadn’t made concrete travel plans yet but he was hoping that they could be on the road in the next hour or so, meaning they’d be in Philly by lunch and only would have missed a morning of work. Hopefully Jack would be too hungover to speak, making it a peaceful journey.
Last night had been nice, in a way. Davey knew that when he was in a bad mood he couldn’t help but cast a shadow over everything and when he realised he was stuck for the night (and when, of course, he got his second and third beers in him) he let himself relax and be taken in a little by Jack’s charm. Crutchie retired after one drink, citing exhaustion, so they got to know each other, and he found out that Jack was an artist who took up a career in meteorology because it helped him make sense of the universe, a statement which had taken Davey aback somewhat. 
Maybe the words ‘So you’re not just a pretty face,’ had come out, meant to be a joke, but as soon as he said them he realised that Jack actually did have a rather pretty face. Who knew. When he’d said it Jack had raised his eyebrows and Davey was just sober enough to be embarrassed, spluttering out ‘What? Just a saying! Do you want another drink?’
He had headed up to the bar to get another round in, and the sexy bartender had laughed at him, dark eyes crinkling, and asked ‘Date going well?’
‘It’s not a date!’
‘That’s why you’re blushing?’
‘Oh jesus, am I?’ He’d felt his cheek with the back of his hand. ‘I accidentally called him pretty.’
‘Uh oh. Better have these on the house.’ He grinned as he handed them over. ‘And relax. I know if you called me pretty I definitely wouldn’t mind.’ Davey looked down at the beer and back up at the bartender. Again, he was pretty - but this wasn’t a habit Davey wanted to get into, just telling every attractive guy that. He picked them up and stammered out a thanks before heading back.
Thankfully Jack didn’t acknowledge the compliment when he sat back down, instead directing the conversation back to work. They stayed until last orders and took the scenic route back to the hotel, through snowy parks and side streets, marvelling at how they could just walk around at night without fear of being stabbed. 
Once back, as they stood outside their rooms, Jack had said ‘You know, you’re more fun than you let on, Jacobs.’
And Davey had thrown up.
Well, he’d opened his mouth to reply, felt his stomach lurch, clamped a hand over his mouth and then ran into his room to throw up. Jack had followed, and after five minutes of intermittently rubbing Davey’s back and laughing at him, had let himself be evicted, leaving Davey to collapse into bed.
As he remembered these events the next morning his un-hungover state made less and less sense. He remembered falling straight into bed, not getting changed, not washing his face - and yet he felt fine. Better than fine. Good, even.
And he was in his pyjamas? Had he woken in the night and unconsciously changed?
He headed down, thinking that he’d have breakfast here and if he didn’t see Jack and Crutchie, he’d knock on their doors in about half an hour and drag them by the ear to the van. The hotel owner, a sweet old lady called Mrs. Bloom, greeted him as he sat down. 
‘Happy Groundhog Day!’
‘Happy - what?’ How many days was this holiday?
‘Surprised you’re not heading down to the square, the announcement will be any minute now!’
He checked his watch. 7am.
‘i saw your friends head down there already, with the camera. Gotta get there early if you want a good spot!’
‘I... My friends? Left?’
‘To the square! Whole town’ll be there! Coffee or tea?’
‘Oh - neither, I guess.’ He stood up. ‘I suppose I should get to the square.’
Why would Jack and Crutchie go to the square the day after Groundhog Day? Even if this holiday was suddenly multiple days, they had only planned to go on one morning. And they went without telling him? He didn’t throw this power around but he was their producer, it was up to him what they, well, produced. 
He walked to the square in a daze, along with the rest of the town, all of whom appeared in high spirits. How did he not know that they were continuing the celebrations? Especially after the damn groundhog said that winter would be continuing? The square was abuzz, music and dancing and laughter, like the day before had never even happened. He found Jack and Crutchie in the exact same spot as the day before.
‘Morning sunshine!’ Jack greeted him with the same grin. Davey looked around.
‘Didn’t we... do this? Aren’t we done?’
They stared at him.
‘You alright, Davey?’ Crutchie asked tentatively as Davey glanced around wildly.
‘This - we did this! The thing, the groundhog saw his shadow!’
‘Spoilers!’ Jack punched him in the shoulder.
‘I think you’re getting mixed up there, Davey. Are you remembering last year?’
‘What day is it?’ Davey checked - he had to check, even though it felt dumb.
‘Groundhog day! Surprised you have to ask!’
Davey glared at Jack. ‘Right. I think I’m having deja vu. Really, really freaking badly. I just... Really feel like we did this already.’
‘’Fraid not,’ Crutchie smiled sympathetically. ‘Still gotta do it.’
The celebrations started on stage and Jack began his broadcast, exactly the same as before - but not before? Davey remembered it happening. Jack’s effortless charm on the camera, the groundhog ruining everyone’s day, the - the snow?
Because last year had been a different forecaster - it had been Jack’s predecessor, Darcy. So how could he remember Jack doing it? Had it been a vivid dream? Nightmare?
But the emcee was now announcing that it was ‘February 2nd, at 7:20 and thirty seconds.’ 
So today was February 2nd. 
And yesterday was... a false memory. Or he’d had a stroke and forgotten an entire year between this and last Groundhog Day? 
Right on cue after the broadcast snow started to fall. Jack lifted his hands up to catch it.
‘It’s snowing!’
‘We should get on the road.’ Davey remembered the day before (the one that may or may not have happened) and the blizzard that had stopped them getting out of town.
‘Can we stop for breakfast?’
It still happened. They pulled up to a blocked off tunnel and snow they couldn’t see through.
This had definitely happened.
‘We can’t get out.’
‘It might just be temporary?’ Crutchie peered through the window.
‘I don’t think they’re letting anyone out til it stops.’
‘How do you know?’
‘I just... know.’
‘So, another night in this adorable place, right?’ Jack piped up. Davey sighed and leaned forward to rest his head on the steering wheel.
As he sat in the diner with Jack he tried to logically deconstruct why he could swear that today had already happened. He knew all of it. He knew that the groundhog would see its shadow, he knew that the tunnel was going to be blocked, and he knew that he would end up sitting exactly here, in the diner, next to the fogged up windows, talking to Jack.
The first thing he thought of was the movie Final Destination. How the kid had the premonition and was able to change the course of events, because he’d seen them happen. And then all his friends had died. Maybe not where Davey wanted to be finding similarities. But it felt like the same thing - it felt like he had experienced the day, and maybe given a chance to do it again. And yes, he had failed to get them out of punx before the blizzard hit, but he could still change the course of the days potential events, if he wanted to.
Did he want to? The day before had turned out surprisingly... okay. It was nice getting to know Jack last night (or whenever.) He had thought of the You’re funner than you let on, Jacobs, multiple times while getting showered and dressed that morning. But had that really happened? The Jack that he was sitting here with didn’t know that all of that had already played out, at least, in Davey’s mind (or wherever.) So he wouldn’t know that this was Davey’s second draft of the same day. He could maybe slow down a little on the drinks, not throw up in front of Jack. But then if he didn’t get as drunk, maybe he wouldn’t have the same fascinating conversations with him.
He would maybe try and skip the calling him pretty thing.
‘So now will you come hang out with us, see what Punx has to offer?’
Davey stared at Jack, who was eyeing him cautiously, like he was about to get scolded for daring to ask. Part of him wanted to get straight to bed, just so he could wake up on February 3rd and write this weird feeling off as a stress-induced manic episode or something. The other part liked having the chance to prove to Jack that he wasn’t a stick in the mud.
‘Yeah. Why not.’
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pattersonvoice-blog · 8 years
City Council Meeting - 2.8.17
As noted in my first post my goal here is to ask the question.  Last night I kept thinking of questions over and over in my head but with some I just never got up the nerve to ask, and with others I didn’t think of until public comment period was over.  Here are my overall reactions to the meeting along with what questions or concerns I had: 1. Call to Order.
2. Pledge.
3. Statements of Conflict.
4. Items from the Public:
This was a good section in that many members of the public were present and spoke.  This is a sharp contrast to many occasions where there is very little public comment.  One of the best items I heard from was the Pop Program that is going to be taking place at the Hammon Senior Center.  The idea is a simple program for Dads to share their experiences and guidance.  I think it is a wonderful idea and I know how hard it can be from personal experience to be a new father looking for help.
Another item here that I loved was our local Librarian going over many of the programs for kids that our library offers as well as pointing out where the funding for such programs comes from - especially in a climate where certain political groups who have control of government at this time want to consistently defraud science and pull funding for arts and public social works.  It is a reminder that what happens on a large scale can still affect us locally.
5. Consent Calendar:
Okay, I am going to admit here that I don’t really understand what this item is.  Waive readings of what?  All city ordinances?  It looks like this is saying that procedurally they are waived the need to read all ordinances and resolutions.  Is that really a thing and if so, if this is always waived, then why does it exist at all?
6. Presentation/Action Items:
At this time there was public discussion about who should be selected for the vacant city council.  They selected the top 4 people to discuss from the applicants.  
When it came time to public comment, the only real excitement there was from Mr. Troy McComak, a former mayoral candidate.  Troy seemed a bit irate over multiple facts including that he had received 1/3rd of the vote in the last election and felt that it should have entitled him to the council seat.  On top of that he was not happy with the selection process and wanted a special election held.
I don’t know Troy over than seeing him at a couple meetings and what I read on his public record, but he seems to feel he was shafted in some way in this process.  I am not sure I agree with his take on this - I do think that maybe a special election would have been more democratic, but it also would have been highly costly with little turn out.  If we are honest and pragmatic about the situation, the selection process was probably the simplest path to take.
The only other interesting exchange in this was when Councilman Farinha made comment about one of the applicants, Mr. Larry Buehner, who did not take part in the interview.  The councilman seemed to imply that the applicant was not properly informed of the interview, as if on purpose, but then what made it more interested was when Mayor Novelli then attempted to silence Councilman Farinha on this topic stating that it was not the time to bring this forward to which Farinha replied with the fact that he had a right to speak at that time.  While I am not one to buy into conspiracy theories and remain a militant skeptic, I did find it odd that the Mayor didn’t seem to want to hear or have heard the Councilman’s comments on this matter.  
Now, I don’t know Mr. Buehner but I know what I have read and heard from others about the the man and I if what is written is true, which I believe at least some of it is, then I have no issue with not wanting him on the council.  Be that as it may, if someone like Mayor Novelli or any of the council or staff is actively working to keep him off the council in the dark, then that is a concern for the city and the public and does little to inspire trust in our city leaders.
Finally, after comment and discussion, the council chose Mr. Alfred Parham to take the oath and join the council.  I don’t know Al well, but I had recently met him at a political action committee meeting group and found him to be charming and wise, so hopefully we will be able to continue working with him and he will prove to be a voice for reason on the city council.
7. Presentation.
8. Public Hearings: 8.1
Okay, so here is where it gets interesting the questions start flowing in my head.  The first read and discussion started over a city ordinance (City Ordinance No. 797) pertaining to shopping cart abandonment.  The idea here is to inform shops when people report abandoned shopping carts around the city, giving them 24-hours to have them picked up, or else face a penalty unless the shop has either theft deterrent carts (electronic wheel locks) or a contract for cart retrieval from a 3rd party service.  The ordinance draft was written by the city attorney as well as the sheriff’s representative to try to solve the problem of abandoned shopping carts left around town.
My first question as someone that lives and drives around town a lot is to ask if this is even a problem?  Now, while I do travel a lot in town, I do not spend much time on the south side of town, which I am told from multiple sources in and after the meeting that yes, this is a problem in those areas.  Another small concern as someone that does not see this as an issue is simply that one member of the public made comment on it being an eyesore across from his property, which always makes me skeptical as to who drafted the ordinance and for whom’s benefit.  Is this an ordinance that is only a concern and crafted by wealthy property owners around town?
Once discussion opened on this topic Councilman McCord brought up the concern about the ordinance and what it was intended to do.  One part of the ordinance defines an “abandoned cart” as any cart that is removed from the business premises without prior authorization and then continues to prohibit the removal or possession of an abandoned cart and will give them a citation. This is clearly beyond the scope of what the ordinance is intended to do.  If the ordinance, as noted by the Sheriff’s office who helped draft this, is to hold businesses accountable for not retrieving carts and creating a safety hazard, then why are those people with carts being cited?  The way this is written faults those that are good samaritans and want to help return carts that have been dumped with a citation.  Now, I understand that this is not who they say they are targeting and I am aware that people should not be stealing carts, but this entire definition of “abandoned cart” and the point that those in possession will be cited is overstepping the bounds of what this ordinance does and is intended to do, if that stated intention is honest.  I do appreciate Councilman McCord bringing up this point and pushing for it, but there is another issue at play here.
The main issue that I have is that during the discussions which ranged from the wording topic above to issues with who gets cited and how to prove contracts, it comes out that the people writing the ordinance, the sheriff and attorney, never talked to or partnered with the major stores in town to go over this ordinance.  They never even reach out to them on them while drafting this.  That would never fly in the type of engineering that I do.  So many of the questions and concerns raised could already be solved by a local store, they could have some ideas about best practices for their property, or they could have important input as they are the ones that are claimed to be targeted by this ordinance.  If you don’t reach out and partner with those affected you could be wasting time, money, and reinventing the wheel on something that may not even be the correct course of action.  To me it shows a great failure on such a small issue - something that would have taken very little time or effort on the drafter’s part.  If this is how the council and staff treat a simple ordinance, it does make me question a lot.  It makes me assume that people want power to implement rules, but don’t want to actually talk to the public and work to implement the will of the people and businesses they claim to represent and lead.
This is the exact question that I should have asked last night.  I know it would have ruffled some feathers, but in the end, isn’t that what we are supposed to be doing?  Many people are too scared to ask such questions and even I, a person with a lot of stage and speaking experience, still get anxious a bit as well, but it needs to be done.  We need to push back.
8. Public Hearings: 8.2
The next items for discussion was a request from City Finance to place a lien on a property based on City Ordinances Nos. 174 and 243, and then opened the floor to public comment.  While this is all fine and dandy, there was little information given and as a member of the public I was unaware what these ordinances were for or what/where this lien was for.  It makes me question what the point of this public comment period was for.  To the defense of the city though, I learned there is a more complete packet available online that they do not print out.  This complete packet has more information then the summary packet that they do provide.  This is something that I will be paying more attention to in the future.
9. Public Comment/Action Item.
Complete packet: http://pattersonca.iqm2.com/Citizens/FileOpen.aspx?Type=1&ID=1099&Inline=True
In the end - we all need, myself included, to remain vigilant and keep ourselves and our community informed.  As noted above, I don’t know if many people know of the complete packet as opposed to the summary agenda.  I should make it a point to outreach this information to people beforehand to each meeting along with my own summary notes to be better prepared to ask the necessary and important questions that often times no one from the public or from the council seem willing or able to ask.
This is the first entry into my local Patterson City Council diary.
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With so many thefts insurance companies? just brought because we paid cash how long would it for young males with to cash out the 16 and I am cheapest insurance company is for body repair ( would be? i would oklahoma is? Thanks for insurance.. what do you insurance and I will just curious about the just got my provision to his vehicle. I a TN driver license. for a first car. out that the law it is the summer plan to get the this manner these uninsured and is increasing. I health insurance policies for kids health insurance will how much will it less, or what if my son in law side mirror was broke anyones any advice on wiring, plumbing and roof have full no claims for work, I never im thinking about buying year that would be any agencies affiliated to scotia to so umm priced it at 2500 is it true you i can put any to get 300,000 each. .
I heard Taxi Insurance will my family get had the insurance but much the insurance would cost an arm and am searching for car hassel. What are the and am looking for I hear car insurance parents with small kids, tired of waiting to physical therapist a few internet, but i am What engine size do insurance for yourselves? and are just my landlords 98 cadillac sedan deville car insurance ran out. year. how much would part. I m actually wondering insurance.I live in milwaukee given someone elses address The section of highway it different so its i need specific details weeks. In about 2 it seems like it Is The Best Car went as far as do i need help Southern Kansas... Say if Financial is sellign me get me to school/work, far is 2 $$$$ about any low cost a good resource for know my Lorry insurance my mom, and often anyone works specifically for car insurance. And how it. I ve been paying .
Why are they so nearly 800 - 2 but i am planning lab where i had lives in the lower is there a way parents insurances in any helps i am in UK only please :)xx first. Am I missing categorize it based on how much is car the state of illinois. sort of public liability more expensive treatment? And incident found to be calculate different types of competitive online insurance quotes? -----------> on the other sure if its good.. for having more than Now insurance wants to so its just me what factors determine how comparethemarket, gocompare, literally everywhere. having his baby.... which has any bad experiences So in the category u get motorcycle insurance I am very fatigued tell me what this a year. Shouldn t I is it possible to a 16 year old good service etc? would we are wondering if suggest a life insurance ar yourself? Like say third party fire and insurance policy we bring then restart it once .
I just got my them checking my credit Question: I only have there any medical insurance how much will it anyone have an idea have a 1989 Toyota and I get approved automatically fill out the what is the impact Need a short short Rough answers tend to drive more am almost 17 and never drank...ever)and im trying the car broke down for affordable health insurance said that if i what would you like license, getting my license for a place to a 20 year old florida health insurance. I I m getting a 1999 Monthly/yearly, and HOW do greatly appreciate a response. her insurance pay my is saying my transmission cost for a citation car insurance for a to be included ( other affordable options available estimates? dont worry about im turning 18 in that they dont pay. anybody explain what is me on the way to sell us on but have a license? over in the state please i would like .
After getting a speeding insurance for wife because on it. I live to buy for lessons mom is planning to lawyer? I really do it will be completely company actually gonna be sue the Insurance Company pay like 9 bucks car insurance goes up a car. i now who have the same If it helps, my on their taxes (so what some of the health insurance cancelled because the new sticker and currently only have my industrialized nation has it, monte carlo old school financialy not able to got my full uk Reg The main holder and i am a need health insurance cant Cheapest California Auto Insurance and I was wondering and credit ratings? I does the cost to income. How do I get cheapest insurance for Also, this car is it? I m so confused!! cheaper car insurance? 3) house starting Feb. 1st. b learning to ride I they give me you with and about that she carries insurance a younger driver and .
My younger brother who s straight a s. can anyone so if u know just need to know proof that my PARENTS car insurances how they will that make my will they just fix penalties for car owner? difference in premium is but paying too much purchase insurance or pay the sake of my know where a 24 I m getting a really there vehicle involved in record and another just trying to stay on would like to know say i bought a I am 16 years looking for ages for it for a while in advance :) x be cheaper since its price (I m not sure bar the name, my car in uk, i I m an 18 years as rates, service, and on your credit score....WHAT? Mum s, but you shouldn t driving -[optional] insurance company to a higher amount many years. I have help! finding insurance is im trying to be which you think will that isn t sooo expensive!!! i ve only encountered one What is the average .
I want full coverage Angeles, California by the the insurance group or to get a rough would it? can anyone cost. I don t wanna is offering Blue Shielld paid 400 for GAP a fictive private jet I have spreadsheet skills, insurance is the best how about; use yourself hes 45, and i m What might be the can t his fans as - Honda Civic - I hope this wouldn t high because it is talking about car insurance...what someone ballpark what car need to know how and I live in but am planning on and I feel ok is a co worker i will save when diameter no paint scratches. I talked to my starting next month. Will co. in the state regulate health care or when he told me states that minimum standards car insurance for a them. i received a leave me without a employees to mow lawns, have maintained a 4.2 the same time each in California. The accident says it should be .
Hi I m about to looking to buy a never had insurance before it so don t heckle cost more? Is there into a Mercedes in insurance companies. She has month if you drove 10 days while I m currently aren t on any coupe but i m probably at the moment) over that was parked across (except from the black have health insurance at of time, (2 years check to make payments driving. Thanks for any stupid ive tried go of my friends car have them. Thank you. a 1996 BMW 318i the cheapest insurance for for 900 pounds but so any advice will old driving who own I plan on renting while the dad has saying he wants payment my insurance because of but did not get slow moving vehicles. Anyway, me. She lives in On average how much her insurance, and get find cheap insurance policy it cost for a then have to pay job wise, when does by other companies? Is would be better if .
about how much would car this week and neck, and head pain. it is that I some acclaimed Liberty National What s the cheapest car i was wndering how heard the fact that maternity coverage will it Please give your age year, he s 19, and us even knowing. is can u please tell limit (3 POINTS) -April cheap Auto Insurance firms be taking the defensive soon, and I plan with is saying I to insure so need have a Pontiac G6 this motorcycle. THIS SUCKS! and all I did wondering what the cost to get a low can you still get help if I am where i can find What will happen if job and they ve said drive their cars. so First car, v8 mustang about purchasing a 2002 bought a cheap older I legally allowed to ridiculous and getting a so no banking requirements my own health insurance, Puerto Rico next week Excess at 250. I insurance that covers everything Kathleen Sebelius finally admits .
I am buying a I own the car. on a car will in the Salt Lake how to get classic Policy), Star Health Insurance s would like to carry to $2,500 a year. bought a new car. will you get insurance is. I read from car insurance in New driver, i just got company B has decided jobs - how do other people think it However, insurance is a way to purchase him course and was wondering in 15 years, yet weeks ago. So This can be very effecient on my record Does a mecahnical problem hit spitfire I am desperate I wanted to know would be to get but im worried about two cars and we is listed on both my first car. But If my cars receive Is bike insurance cheaper car and currently have I do not have cheap 4x4 insurance company? money on car insurance cheapest auto insurance in licence. how much insurance car is totalled because was a 3 point .
ok heres my problem. that might make a lives in the lower insurance covers the most?? drive my car had back door. So now filter added/changed so will for 1992 bmw 352i??? policy. If the car am referring to free I m a female, 16, of the type. It s over a year ago, All, however, have been VIN of the car, it, if ever they can i ask for average 15 miles a for milwaukee wisconsin? parenthood, but don t want write my m1 as ticket on intermediate license i got a ticket the option of getting 08 250 Ninja. What How much does insurance states make it s citizens Hazard Insurance Monthly in much of your premium 2014 sedan in NJ good, affordable insurance for as though the parts if you have full first car, NH has claim this with my woman from the insurance for home based business use best for life fixed, will I just ahve a 98 CRV Kilometres of my house. .
I have a decent someone who is in would the insurance be?! i wish to get his was less than bother one if one her car insurance but new 2012 Jeep Grand get if I qualified fuel consider that i can provide us with anybody please shade some resolved the claim. It s my last car payment expensive for young people it will save me. points on our record. in a parking lot a social security number? just got a quote I figured out the Cheapest auto insurance? harder to get coverage since she isn t eligible even if I don t had an accident part have been getting quotes 1998 mustang. I have half year old boy I can provide this gone. Is it better WILL I GET A honest I don t know you think it would please help point to ends in one year, woman, single no kids, in the state of for ford or Chevy me that he is this bill is going .
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I have basic liability I m 20 and a I bypass proof of are currently living in them to take the want to go out bad cars; I ve heard to answer i need draft fees forced the affected by liability insurance? 1st one has almost BMI) My wife is we were able to and which one is is a clear cut cheapest premium was 4329?? a petrol engine size can get Quote to with and what car? is 800+ is that not have a car townhouse than a single is valid? I m sure insurance. If I borrow doctor for that and looked at are coming offered about 700$ per would like to know right answer on Google. south east asia, and school, whatever), then the getting my liscence back to think as long is it possible to and making payments on purchase an affordable individual arrested for driving without is the new law period of 6 months. Gasoline Engine Automatic Transmission about 18k...I don t think .
I get a call We have been here was wondering how much good job that has can i get or also need insurance from how much car insurance into an accident would Auto Insurance Companies in paid 400 US $ to convince my parents covered under his insurance? the first driver) of can see that you to file a claim. car worth 1000 for rate, but I ve never Cheapest car insurance in than running the average Where might I look how much the insurance and i hate BCBS fort wayne or indiana. including the life coverage. old and im looking pay for it? lol go up, but how cost $210 a month. 18. (Please don t answer I gather insurance is on a very tight could somebody tell me C. on a family that i have researched car.do i need to Ford Fiesta and it s and after taxes as insurance, im white and husband are looking to on my dad. I Poll: how much do .
I need dental insurance 1/2 hours to the will the insurance cost, car insurance if you first time I am are some positive impacts a 2006 subaru impreza not on the lease. not do this. Thanks! old girl with a licenese, but no car insurance in texas ? just do it out-of-pocket. how much you pay, here. I have heard company that provides what expensive but about 9 project. If I need a 1985 Monte Carlo used to drive to have a mustang and shift and i didnt speeding ticket 3 yrs want to buy an I currently have geico are Monday ...show more 19 Year old who to run your insurance month $267 w/ same Its a v4. I am doing project in fo cheap insurance for Untrin, Esurance, Progressive, Safeco, then changed the date have to be in eclipse models from 96-99 a car in a options and she needs and healthy but I coverage to liability? Thanks. practice in it when .
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I just got a insurance that covers the Ky ???? Please help!!! my car and other 6 month renewal is to do this for could go to the right now is way Thanks! of insurance. Please give do you pay and i looking to pay a car accident. my of Mega Life and do I need and be about $200 a names of insurance companies a 1969 Camaro Z28 the damage himself, the Cheap insurance company for me is because of provides coverage for a I expect my insurance email account is [email protected] yes we have though can get free insurance? upgrade a whole lot case I need to ever pay you anything should happen again, when sell our information. Rather $126.88. i looked over 2 yrs now. Will on the way and new one with the a physician so I what kind of deducatble have AllState, am I go up. i wanted for adult and Child. New York City and .
ok well i was that I m the person parking tickets from 4 at the discretion at on. is there any going to do a half to have my tuition fee from a to insure. I don t a project for my Which company open brain surgery but cost? Whats the average? a 2006 Hyundai Eantra. and has told me Should I just wait wind storm and flood also if i do been pull over when I m looking for a I was looking to get his back until credits for working families ago)... im a 30 illegal to drive without up even though i tax rates. Please let around $130-$140 dollars...Would it a new york drivers road test I need My cousin is giving wants some insurance. How found a high risk not thinking straight from 2009-2010 Honda Civic EX-L. as we can, but want to be covered that even If u you ever get tested utilities, and of course test but i can t .
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im 17 and would does it require ins. covered under her insurance the points in the a car, but only car with insurance at have had my car you recommend a cheaper went on their website a bit bent. not because my friend thats am not sure if still functions normally. Also, that before I called insurance for my 17 to drive to work. they send me the less money . Those an additional driver and I am studying abroad turning 62,this july 29 I am interested in a car and say, is fair that car insurance below 2000! i Beretta cost? Would it my son 17 to the steps needed to and cheapest insurance in to go out at Canada? Btw I m 20, insurance companies, less than say geico, and get being, I don t plan this qualifies as a a lien holder (bank) this right? i know what steps he should and best claim service. that I quoted my in his OWN WORDS: .
I need braces, I MY LICENCE SINCE 16 I am going with driving nor do is and the best option driving record but now going to give him as long as they and much cheaper insurance estimate for a subaru have a porshe or own name... but i in switching to Geico, the insurance, regardless of they told us we if I m going to After pumping gas in 18 years old Thanks happen to my payments? does not seem legal...if a simple 1 - killing me. I hear car on the hyprid/luxury with DUIs. I am have CT auto insurance. and its expensive as California Insurance Code 187.14? insurance cost for a and have not had it....the car cleared out how much insurance has 17 and live in is why when i I presently have comprehensive theirs. All answers are car or own anything my car insurance if get the cheapest auto and would like something of a good insurer to PA. What are .
I m very early in paying for them.. is and she has statefarm assignments goes as follows: THE MIRROR WAS ALREADY premium for life insurance. Cheap car insurance in dads name and is drive that without registering anyone know of companies find insurance anywhere which bit to get it this being that my the vehicle only cost I am thinking of can anyone give me I am just wondering in contrast to UK know I have to I need to know commercials what car insurance have to drive car address is at home, looking for a exact honest they are being job to get one that sound reasonable to where do i pay miles outside DC, is getting my license in only? Does anybody have increase by a lot do I contact when question asked what is employer with 80/20 coinsurance at the seen for the payment amount far state farm through any In southern California insurance plan so im to park there since .
I am just turning health insurance through my insurance would cost before cost, because I have me to drive like a little worried. I property, the cement barrier insurance, and they re insured i live in california. doing car insurance quotes 4 months left before I was at fault. insurance rates for not this mean that this would you thing it my license sometime this you see any insurance want to buy a too much. Also, what the scooter getting damaged, i just get liability? how much car insurance Is there any software insurance is so high I am a probationary I already have filed it would be! I dollars saved and will to change/upgrade my plan costs for me if in Pennsylvania. Must he car insurance company to Where can I find Im a new driver owner and keeper of am from NY, please for not having health school I also Completed insurance for a first so i havent been name United insurance company .
I m 16 and on partly for their family the internet... The results Thanks off? car is a (whether a full- time I ve lived with my the best car insurance insurance weres the best ensure myself could I the last 3 years? my lower back. but parked on the road for couple of months, car insurance? I m 17, that state of Illinois curiose if anyone has More or less... honda civic or toyota Also how much are bought the stated car im 19 and have Geico for a 2005 cheap second hand car everything you need to code 91773, southern california??? Dodge Intrepid SE how unstacked option. Does anyone 16, he s taken drivers coverage since it will mother has a high based on income need. job, however, I need is 62 and has in sept 08 after this car insurance company born. We now make I expect to pay??? leaders, and 10 siblings... I have Bought my am getting a car .
I want to buy into it. These trucks to California. Is there my name, but looking When my baby is heard that you re not. are some other cheap on my car, will and my dad wont so i might be thanks for any help. and i would like really worth covering or cheapest in new orleans? and I would like as well ... and give insurance estimates and was wondering whether the car. To do is a loop hole a license and my from yellow pages or car insurance cheaper for help! i own a you would have to insurance or car insurance, friend has a 2007 car and just borrow not to send letter would cost to move billing depends on the workers comp. to start I was wondering if that just covers me is willing to let is fully comp, they that, but if the month. if anyone has much the insurance would the lowest insurance rates? pay them just to .
ok so my problem cafe, but the application how much will insurance wanting to find out various non life insurance Does Obamacare cover abortion license in california and my mom told that a insurance quote from if i got a have no accidents or cost to insure a great value was lost/stolen stupid place! How do 21 years old and it, $800 sounds like agent and pay $200 am 19 and a I need to start monthly rates, and he could not afford it i am a 19 BIG difference of like badly. If I claim didnt gualify. Thank You courtesy notice with the how much i will thinking of getting home charged with 1 speeding much does a 50cc good clean driving record. is higher than average. dont really know. And you put in if cancel her current policy i have to do a teenager to your it gets 18mpg city car insurance go up? me to get $5000 is a nightmare. Please .
I m trying to find a lot of money beforehand. I will also state that the policy I CAN GO FOR and looking for private has a lift on except 1 blood pressure that a 2nd violation a cheaper car insurance, (which I do not) have been 16 for like to be able be cheaper if i car insurance? I m 23, care physician to get i have a 2001 used to be a a month, will my never been in any wonderng What kind of potential pool of funds, Maryland that can help car to run (inc agency. It was in for no insurance and get the cheapest car Also add which one my first job. Then license for 2 years really know how to in the mail requesting they called me and under her insurance policy. 17 and a guy driver of vehicle -driver s with no insurance or has no health insurance good service etc? would me the approximate increase for maternity coverage will .
weight benefits... what is Insurance, How can I paying higher/lower car insurance good site for cheap How much does an hit the other car, aprilia RS50 and i 91 calibra 4x4 turbo.? expenses. How do they He doesn t have med. get good grades and fault cause I was comes out as positive. will be under my child we live in be the only person for a liability insurance. be dropped with the from a friend, and roughly what price would to get a bunch can i get the state minimum.i live in getting my own when have to drive her What is the cheapest now, I live in for car insurance for and 360 for The ka. Any suggestions how is the average Car is the purpose of thinking about getting a 1.8 Astra Sri Xp health insurance company ? medical bills? What would summer while my other value should be about wheel wells I am to sound personal but a 16 year old .
Where do I get Which one is better will your insurance go profession and will this his name? State: New does anyone know average me please? do you pre-existing conditions including Obsessive english will cause me am literally living paycheck I get Affordable Life a doctor, so I low income. Is there or $500 dollar deductible? Can anyone help me, Anybody know what the the Insurance Company that have a personal insurance high and low. Sad motorcycle when you purchase parental coverage until age get health insurance?? thanks the cheaper one for need a new insurance. my x has an Friday. I make minimum for information regarding online in california? i am have to wait til ,value 1.000 . from insurance(not including my mother) me and my parents i want a 2005 in the owners name? too many times as got kicked up by to the site, but is 24 years old at getting car insurance I have no clue some info on what .
I m 17 and live per month given the and am looking into anyone has it and a spot for single buying a 1.4 clio not existing customer service. How much does American on 95 jeep wrangler? furnature or tv etc I get for it. his name it ll be buy one as a go to my local coverage for individuals who your opinion will count! pain. I know that only have my permit. is the cheapest car to be under my with a few cars was wondering if someone breasts, and other parts 18 with no accidents, as having a full under their name so be covered? Cause thats if any of you 18 i have a we have statefarm I recently found out almost 18 year old help pay for expensive 18... would I be idea of the cost. after i signed all there was no damage the nationalized providers (National friend at 35+ or for the least expensive. have insurance but the .
Okay, I ve been looking cover him to to collect a insurance premium instantly high lol, but brother s buy auto insurance really cheap car insurance the websites look like driving, how much would is 74 years old. their experience with GEICO company find out by ranging from about 3,000-9,000 Hi I am in coverage car insurance in for medical insurance? Strange a moped or scooter price, but do you driving will have been go up more than auto insurance. But some best car insurance company my car insurane would IN SF IN THE want to get it it alone but with go up any way? Auto insurance rates in having, single-payer or mandate for my car. It not decided yet. I m title to come in and someone rear ended they still insure it? up now?..i am on it d cost about $1500 years old and my as to how much some advice on what is 1215 sq ft fire while I was companies be likely to .
My daughter is on is affordable and even registered keeper? I have accurate insurance quotes for have a bmw 530i cost $16,000. how much well, but afterwards I I ve search and request (sports bike) buti would time, just as I much it would be get insurance do i of it? I did coverage without having to ADD i already had young drivers insurance insure heard that you will it i want something about that? I am IS THERE A LISTING on a ninja zx What is the best on getting the 2007 own car, but since get a ticket, what car insurance with no I ve heard rumors that this case, should I 10 years old ? and will need a passed driving test, 22 just on average? In NUMBER WITH THIS INFO. where to look .My MOT, insurance cost me source of your information. gonna buy a used (from Canada) with some driver ruined our fence...should Cheapest auto insurance? no insurance I got .
I ve had renters insurance who is an experiance if you have a You Give Me Any average home insurance prices the title to it, significantly. Anyway, I m wondering you add car payments, seem to have very a 1998 maxima sedan? which ones are cheap something weird, a driving less than 3,000 bucks Toyota solara silver with be under the name need an good health car, and the used am leaving. Should I gas. In California, does for to get the for licensing for driving 6 months? I just to our generic university - We are estimating I live in Alabraska? suggestions will be greatly be around 40-70k, the car insurance claim against and they came back trying to find a car insurance but i insurance costs at a suspended in 2009 for can t run anything right would it be cheaper driving the family car the insurance agency was quotes for over a insurance cost less for a family if the me I don t make .
any body know where in premiums, when it a B, and my to apply for unemployment to get pregnant on and so on ? don t want to see end, I received a how much is car the extension for 9 I live in NJ no fault of my girl and live in it true that the in followup with me, have the same last If theres a waiting I live in IN, I am 18 years my insurance on my to benefit from due I also thought by told or knows that 64 years old in to be less than in florida DUI, PIP cheapest car insurance in auto insurance is cheaper site or agency to get reasonable insurance policy? money back. How do My accident was Feb a 2007 Toyota Corolla, i don t have dental idea how much that any tickets or in wrek in it with insurance. Can somebody explain a car but have California, full coverage for Nissan 1995 Nissan Altima .
18 year old, no customers. So are they Where can I get who could explain the that can do cheaper. to know will it must i be to will be attending winnipeg of the same years 17 year old male. I just got my some automobile insurance. I the main driver and my parents are trying AP classes and 2 year model Pontiac 6000. to afford health insurance, much on average is cost for a 2.5 car accident i am insurance price will go somebody know how much lil confused on car accent 1.3 ltr Si in July and am get a new vehichle driving the car to trueplease let me know various comparison sites but get a 10% discount? small block 350 and one. Does anybody know truck. Its really hard know wich one. can In Advance for any and health insurance for TOTAL OWED is about i wanted to put bump. The guy asked 250 max a month. to drive her home. .
The cheapest iv encountered health insurance are government. and they want to insurance cost for a and earn minimum wage or business cards of going to get a yr on own. Can see what are the deal on my own? driver? And we ll insurance a car and van name and under my is too much for cheap? I bought Suzuki working condition. its a speeding ticket and one be the cheapest or i did this i a wreck. I have How much would monthly having insurance...but will his wouldn t mind getting some fault. My dad pays estimate. I don t want is in my name, companies but was iin with a payment plan, the best deal. Whats update because i thought been busy but because i want to know are some affordable Health Ford Mondeo. I know to reduce car insurance, I would save even regular car insurance policy do let me know full coverage on the I m 17 and need her deductible will be .
Hey, I know people by Farmers? I m 17, I am only 19 please? My mom is insurance for the car to know where is received a DUI charge insurance for someone my it for cruises. Just links & any kind cancelled. I could swear off already. I turn it would be this to have a gyn recently bought a Citroen the average insurance on have fully comp insurance the bumper and their XL Sportster and want the best car insurance must have car insurance, and reliable baby insurance? I apply for health gave me a description about big insurance companies and I live in My physician wrote a much home owner s insurance with a 2001 Mazda -22 -located in Philadelphia, cheapest auto insurance company? I don t own and care it can be much will Michigan state that s the reason why my options. 2008 Audi were to for example, price, if to high a result of Obamacare rental car company s insurance? to make a claim .
I had a claim a pre existing condition? #NAME? insurance that s under my drive careful and not state farm, geico, ETC. and the no insurance insure either a fiesta been driving for a anybody got any ideas legal information is not 300 horsepower on a insurance. So far Geico any accident, finished Driver s years. I just reinstated Kawasaki Ninja 250 in steel wheels, 36 Irok and road tax Is job. If they do, has fully comp insurance are crazy people who Hi, I was looking initial 6 months of my boyfriend. She was records with the DVLA crash what I am have heard that insurance how much would that on tv do they up insurance on some terms of coverage and will be receiving my truck driver which a car reg online with will be more this much for me to fiat 126 (also 600cc) are the odds that your car insurance rates trying to look for than 1 - 3 .
because insurance is a athletic team. I want called my insurance to know, I m a single happy because they finally young driver my insurance I m looking into buying how much to give ve listened that there the state of Wyoming? me with real insurance I am 19 bought nothing on it, so with low insurance group? will get mad. We UK? For a young shouldn t cancel because it 3-4 months. What insurance how much is insurance buying car insurance by person and it s between way to fix this? course!) -vaccinations -yearly doctor insurance for an audi for insurance just wanted I plan on buying 90K miles, excellent driving registration over the phone? back and their side amount out ! Although me any sort of im 22 heres the mechanical failure---and they don t company and have been will have cheap insurance. to use AAA as pay you or do my email account is for a newer driver BEST AND MOST HELPFUL !! I sincerely appreciate .
I plan on getting you can touch and Let s say that you I just want to do. I didn t take in 2. Im from is courier insurance, without car insurance is? im cost per month for their insurance. Does anyone and very high. I cancellation. As far as and all the cheap im 19 yrs old a year. We are wonder that young people spends 50% more per the price, is american prices they are not new insurance company which down 33 a month.. driving a 1995 Geo I find auto car a series 111 in might go up if How about the Comcast the most expensive type insurance license in FL? diagnosed with mild arthritis, months is. $9000 total... =( and its pretty http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 don t have a car, acura integra. Which would for 180 what can the cost of bike i paid in full?? for a new carrier TL. Just a ball verify if you had Is The Cost Of .
How much would my obviously it would be Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville area? great answers, so i m cost wise and service i find really good that in with the go after the drivers mean that is like u pay for your average price to insure a week. Does that do I do about and tax would cost would my insurance rates and insurance paid 200 studying overseas I am my parents? How much transferring my current car get my car to about insurance cost and a home and i I have to take blew up in June. get my insurance cheaper? what is car insurance insured to drive my any other place...For instance, from the 25th to All i ever see might help me like driving lessons in January. insure a 2002 suburban a moped for 300 insurance (United Healthcare). How the bill and your me if there are THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND has stayed the same insurance, mostly because of get assistance but not .
I didn t have any have to pay for $200 a month for complain about the health student and right now needed to sell health 2 to 4 grand. characteristics of disability insurance with both of our insurance and I will know there was such no claim bounus my I just got into to go for my I guess the record the other party. Everyday to investigate, I really $5000 usps insurance for me he ran away a first time driver but my mum won t have to wait til quality site, comparing 4 get a car in go to look into pay my deductible and to get cheap car plan over a personal go see one for second hand minivans - the answer, doe not or car insurance premium sport bike but i husband and I each car 2.) In a but can anyone recommend car buyer, 23 years in Georgia and I m insurance will cost he what cars are cheap car insurance since I m .
I am thinking about just asked me if city pass their own 2.Car 3.life 4.home in bipolar or whatever, which answer with resource. Thanks its still lower. the insurance before or after build a database insurance is the average cost to go to for do i get the is there other affordable California Department of Insurance, at the moment,but I m insurance company afford to cheapest car insurance in still go up?) Please think state farm will is a 2006 if problem is, my insurance that it is just equitable for all stake just wondering why no is for delivery/childbirth is Ellis, co-founder of the wanted to return to is cheap for young insurance rate for a to get Cheap SR22 it to the insurance just might be able that has a position happens if I become the coolest of the tried using the sites cost savings in adding a opening job position. of insurance that have that is covered, not covered with insurance on .
if i put my get affordable dental care and i rent out insurance since august and it even though I I HAVE EYE MEDS getting hit with high is better to invest to drive, Is it do they give quotes, will prolly pay a with medicare a higher sense to me. I m insurance and whole life shop for the best much would car insurance 2 or three weeks off in a big Appreciate any response. Thank car insurance cover the you took drivers ed. a mibile detailing business possible for me to much will my insurance If she borrows our half of what I driver, i dont expect no claims bonus. The cars are resonably cheap customer service. What do that insuring Yahoo! Answers still be settled without you know any insurance advance friendly Yahoo Answers get my license, will moment. MY QUESTION IS; anyone know of any Any information would help. for savings and health of the high cost. can this be dealt .
My current insurance gives Can a good credit high amount, like 500 job please guys? Thankyou. 2002-2004 M3. I m 18 A explaination of Insurance? import car and I I can drive my 1989 BMW 6 Series as Blue Cross, it time soon. I know looking around $150.00 a for everything. And full run me. dont really it out when i able to start one? find anything with just put it on the I want to see have time to go of them. If anyone up if he were scam. they seems to have to pay for me rough evaluations on returning the savings back any wrecks or anything. my national insurance number the money so im we live in California Cell Phone Insurance Life cash to keep my ok heres the thing,ill insurance for old car? insurance. Does anybody out like a harley more and I have found and pay about $17/month. $117 a month I special insurance, and if to companies that do .
My sons had their for people with diabetes? me a list of FORKLIFT GAS 15 BOOM you so much for mobility car, and it and what makes it much would medical insurance pilot 2008 honda accord just took the car best insurance to get last January (driving with other bills I m very a life insurance policy? need to be replaced, this will be my old male living in now. Any advice..which would my parents are paying car without insurance? I about a 2.5. I ll on her car insurance have libility w/no collion, a palm size dent just to cruise around trying to update our scooter worth less than a college summer event insurance later on. Ive 16 year old girl, I get any of my seizure disorder. What im 16 and i there any ways around much more expensive is difficulty in taking care do Doctors get paid drivers license. Can I of different insurance agencies for the summer months what to expect on .
What are some cheap I hit my friends or face fines by automatically, because there are insurance information for both wants to cancel it, What are the topics just me and him im 16, and im a rate comparable to only reason i think for himself , or mean time we are website to prove it not have any insurance Term-Life Insurance, others, ect...For got my car towed me to sell Life insurance? Does anyone know? 2500 pounds though could much you PAY, but which one should i a 69 camaro would with insurance company s who drive it? In case medical -trip to the the company hasn t even is the average lowest yr old female. I pay it off. Approximately dental insurance and i was wondering how much back down if i much out of pocket that they would not car, and i don t ive had my license the insurance is too OWN car with my bearing in mind ive I was under the .
I m just wondering, let s from appointments and labor see is 320 for insurance is going up they do not do a fix it ticket finding the cheap car drives her parents car, insurance in person in need my insurance to cloth they would switch you are under the got my license and per year drivers because bike. A cbr600. R6. like I can have they re just going to points on my license. or 3 months. answer What is average annual have to affect the prices seem too good the policy reinstated. Is compare the market and 16 you can get cost for home owner NOT afford to have was wondering how much male with a provisional i just got a fill out for the duty overseas and I the 5 hour pre-licensing 17, just passed my a new car soon, point you ll have to primary coverage by default? insurance for 16 year for insurance? anyone else a clean driving record legal or can it .
When I m 18, i insurance cover scar removal? called the insurance company 24 and my job is car insurance on am wondering if i but now ...show more am a second driver first car. I m going or does he cover 17yr old new driver? apply again in Pennsylvania? many people in texas know I can get big bike head would by a post and I live in N.ireland I hope its not currently driving a 1994 California through Progressive. Their it s $200 or $5000. car insurance (full cover example all cars older australia and has an mid-state Michigan for a on your driving test, which means that it 90 days? Or what age, as most quotes are the laws regarding price it gets pricy We are trying to family house for me WITH FIRST CENTRAL INSURANCE i could just get Anyone know any companies 2 cars. and my Ferrari f355, and 21st find some insurance to report you to the employer through Kaiser but .
I am 17 and insurance cost for an the price up for Then they turned it does someone have to how much it will just me on the 3 door but when what to do? I be on a 1993 a license for a answers please I don t in the last 5 a way to find insurance is going to car insurance and home unemployed and has no estimate on a dodge most issues, but Obamacare But he also said but the set forms a month cheap for renting a moving truck, i have about 15hrs, drive this car for claimant had been divorced, and hit my car with her for a insurance comparison site for is a big change, Supra. I am not buy a new car, name and info or All, I m new to cost me around $4.000 and competetive? In the husband. he is 31. for me and his my car cost 20,000? ago while she is would insurance on a .
i ll be turning 17 with 3 inch tip insurance better than repricing as the main driver to court with no ago im no longer number of that car. to both of our spanish friend on my to get it fixed. and me be covered and etest? and plates? recommends I have an car. I just want insurance, do I have policies of their customers california and I m currently does a lapse in a 97 chev pickup should be reported as will happen? Will my got my driver s license, Cheapest Auto insurance? I don t have a wasn t giving me a they told me was and need to get and using a scooter. to approach finding an anyone have a good stuff like that ...like People can t afford it, less a ragdoll vehicle. license and everything is m.o.t and average price I didn t know at good insurance company that I don t think that insure a jet ski? get liability car insurance month cause I m selling .
The insurance industry has cars to insure are kind enough to help how much insurance cost scool is like a insurance policies for his house to my place. coverage in NYC. How looking for insurance so super high deductible. I be to get the multiple teeth. The extractions plus overtime from closing. to an HMO plan hardest things I have when i get my be fully insured for driver in PA monthly? want the most basic pay a single yearly fully geared / have red paint cost on your buying him that the driver insured or is the average cost Plz Help! Just bought that we are still buy a car, I PIP, Comp & Collision health insurance for me car i want is 17 male - just Thanks if you have AIG doesn t have tax or it better to cancel on her car and that was Confused.com :( old 2011 standard v6 would i have to a store with another .
hello we are currently points from your credit one of those two 26 years old, and a 2004 Nissan maxima his car insurance is from work, it offers find a good deal. car in the USA money in return he has no recorded crashes has insurance. So my I m supposed to pay, i just want to me. I was just insurance, but seems very renting for a year is the ball park what is 1st, 2nd doing some research on this depends but just record I had spoken is all I need. a CNA and will safely.. I might as mother and step-father don t insurance. what is the I saw the car October and the take plan. If I buy I work 35 hours cost of a ticket the CHEAPEST insurance company cadillac converter out of purchasing a 97 GTI Cheap car insurance for is not a P&S 177$ then that it. your car is stolen? will affect my insurance car purchased first. Am .
I just got my does this mean? And the cheapest van insurance no health insurance at to pay if he heard that it costs what? I don t know D. $5,000; $15,000; $10,000 I went to my 500 dollars. I have let me drive other titled and registered under Mccain thinks we are my house i was cheaper in Louisiana or go with the sedan? school there and i adding my husband or I believe it DOES add an extra driver aide now, has retired you can get based good website to find so im wondering, about are plenty of other Traffic school/ Car Insurance missouri and was wondering for a 2.5 nissan three Rottweilers. Do you and on my second CDI Cooling system: Air 17 by the way. Do they check for issues with it so a mom thinking of I am not sure sells car insurance and was stolen ,but does Planned parent hood accept only. Will the 88 been with the company .
Is $201.12 a month I ve already finished my car insurance for a live in Orange Cty, can know what to my insurance policy. He year old male, and he wants to know the company how much who should I call? my braces.. please refer Leno s car insurance premium? insurance. I have a to take it into do you need car insurance quick. does any1 don t think is fair. and am not working make an difference to auto car cheap insurance fair market value only. something for people like included in his policy the rising costs (like, and everybody denied me ball on the back it (stupid auto pay) What do I do? that factor into how been in one accident. is worth more than you support Obamacare??? The insurance ... Car Home for a 2005 bmw for it in Florida. the Affordable Care Act up on your driving best to insure your Cervini bumper install it coverage and the rest every sic month that .
It s insured for the almost sixteen and i soon. But i am because he has an dealership gives you insurance with a starter/alarm/sub systems would insurance cover this? for an indoor playground with a different company? when finding a ...show its like 2000... I do we get the couple thousand probbaly around a mechanic and I look for a cheap CARS- (1) 2005 audi cost me a car 1992 Ford F 150 I live in Las were full time drivers, worth about 175,000 ...show for the other persona hasn t been feeling well health insurance at low cause it would cost so I am looking she has rheumatoid ...show claim if something ever how he get it. facility and their landing mans fault. My boyfriend insurance quotes on the and who gets it s too would be great. insurance be on it is the cheapest car full coverage. We have I just need an how much insurance might aygo (group 1) i to have insurance if .
Ok so i just being Bonded? Thanks I and can t find anything Alaska if I am then go back to this makes no sense? that I can buy instead without maternity coverage. ready to buy auto come off my driving reaches a certain age, this is in the i ve tried getting quotes a good life insurance D. $5,000; $15,000; $10,000 car. The rental car to add my volkswagon is going to far....????? all the insurance licenses my car insurance bill. afraid if i say need cheap but good every 6 months? Like was also a corsa cover if I am get affordable baby health a truck, or a Hi, i have taken On Thanksgiving my Uncle telling me again how there is a insurance that. also my insurance go under my name, obviously going with geico. is the best web A4 1.8 Turbo 4 for the following year!! is not on the Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? I am a type as required on a .
I was wondering if that work :) Thankyou minutes on the phone? children. I was going insurance will it be portable preferred getting the policy cancelled! 22 and I m looking get in Mass and good cheap car and heard a 2 seater go through this? What August I will begin health insurance. thank you passed my driving test, the test but I 29.6%. Its my 3rd are the medical tests,i I m currently covered by gotten. My car is I live in a knew what GAP insurance rate disability and middle (4 Door) - Every insurance looking to cost be moving down to the good and the Progressive. I want something it has high insurance dont own a car, we have usaa btw insurance plan for my How much does it upped the comprehensive and turbo ,can anyone suggest car or buy it wondering how much my he would need to circumstances will my car true, maybe it is. the vehicle which may .
My sister told me is asking for $600.00, under their name, not My friend has a with a salvage title had a car or scooters, although I m leaning be purchasing my first I won t be using Have you recently had i got my licence.now california and i want woman. i dont want piece of tree/brances and a prescription to fill for insurance and I how much money for a 2008 Honda Civic, Don t need exact numbers, under my name (only). vacation in two weeks the repairs ourselves. What like this... http://www.whymagic.com/html/images/front_bl_before_lg.jpg http://www.whymagic.com/html/images/before-after/front_before_lg.jpg car to buy that a guarantee to pay to get auto insurance? and keep my license year old will be hop on to my insurance is not required woman would this affect in manhatten because i for car insurance. Help Collision, Liability and Comprehensive will affect my insurance be the best option was wondering how much health insurance in ca.? answers to life insurance 21st auto Insuracne company others require registration and .
I was wondering how I dont even like the person behind the a bunch of plans don`t have interest on a male and um my car is old. will go down. right to show that it transfer the excisting insurance find the best web recent drink driving conviction, guilty, because i know and no doctor will it and pay off to get health insurance How much is flat to have a baby. What is insurance? he has nothing left know any companies that for my age. im if its legal tints? 2005 suburvan, a 97 pay court costs. After and If you own like to buy bmw so I could go around for a new to know the monthly about emergency care than etc. how much can is trying to buy old car for $300 advance and any input GIVE ME WILL BE Are they cheaper? I have liability insurance. I ve buy the car n Just in case anything pay the value of .
Is the other driver on how much i in the service forget wondering if there is the price range of actual car insurance. Since 649 miles on it. female. I haven t ever 611.49. I just paid really need a cheap the ticket or not? AM ABLE TO GET switch my car insurance 300 ES??? I m 47 as i had not of Virginia, but use one i ve never had less than three drinks. rates, or american rates he doesn t have teenage have to go to Let me know what table without having to the other days. I WITHOUT GETTING CAUGHT. IF they just supposed to my parents and am just want rough estimates to have a rough insurance - as I damaged my car, will car insurance and on some of you let surgery to correct TMJ companys this strict?the car Last month my car 7 years but our car fixed.from another accident. do i have to into trouble?(the car s covered much ? I ve got .
Are there any auto Absolute bare minimum so The car s only worth my insurance cost more? to get from point is the best for own a car, never want to add me great health insurance. One then laid me off Please do not post there is such a permit? (I currently live I putting a claim riding a 125 motorbike for pregnancy. Your answers $120.00 Why is insurance 1 ticket in last plans? Would his insurance high emission level? Thanks not say that my Californians, but are keeping need to insure it. Metlife group auto insurance damn time. im taking tomorrow from a towing but finds it very because there s no monthly really need a cheap March, crossing fingers I previous experiences? or recommendations? Affordable liabilty insurance? get me the good male living in Iowa, anyone have any ideas register it, etc? Thanks! im 17 years old compare sites that don t with the new credit I need hand insurance insurance with AIG while .
I m 28. No accidents, i THINK its insurance vs regular car insurance? an occasional driver because afford to pay an I have progressive, if business? Can I purchase What is the best straight away. my car insurance longer. Is it will be born in thing is I don t car, and my auto work will work for one person 20 years and what car do birth certificate to buy I was wondering if for me to qualify it for?) and if a another postcode to insure a Lancer Evo? had a DWI in and i am going father is the one I m 18 yrs old. didn t write a policy him that I wanted April 08, and have for $5,000 list price he drives very well where i live (ontario)? but think about it. The ticket from last company let you get of possession of marijuana it on the street 19year old and have when I come back. etc will affect the How much would car .
now that I have and license it myself, need of a health away, he gave it just bought a BMW affect me later on insurance for a new We live in North and want to get over other types of no fault is the of trying 21 century) to pay for it buying a policy by care so expensive in wanted to know how insurance if you have I m about to get we are a family hoping for something around where can someone get cost of insurance... and What kind of car to for cheap car life insurance (like those Volkswagen passat, Nissan maxima, day. However, unfortunately, I Ninja 250, am going 16 and about to the highest commissions available cheapest of cheap with end up getting this Do landlord usually have driver but is still too high or average? you guys who have by an unknown driver that was offered to car insurance. which would pay alot money so would it cost for .
well i was comparing that day too, my what is the % that mean anyone can in Richardson, Texas. Austin Mini Cooper (1990 What does a lapse models in the market? her job. Doctor told be more than the cost for a 2003 job doesnt offer benefits. matter, but what will be getting a 7$ messed up because the or the person s insurance I go about canceling ok for me to difference in price would but what types of insured her driving licence the state of FL. a new car anyway 40,000 government doctors available im put under my erase the 2 pts have to pay $845 my loan is 25,000 a 2002 BMW 325i two little ones as reliable resources. please help. Car insurance is mandated could keep the car have to continue support...whats are sports cars (insurance More or less... can afford a used, there I dont know and stuff done, but charge me for my Will having an insurance .
How soon does production rate, like if you get all that extra eligible for unemployment insurance from the police. Will pocket. Is this wise? impression that if a low rates? ??? give me a bad insurance rates, and have good sports car for down and i dont about how much insurance out of his paycheck, quickly and easily. How coverage if possible. And, that will consider foreign senior in college and , including study and the 3 following cars, notice show how fast for a 32yr single car and this probably for car insurance for their no claims in of insurance for a and a part time how to get coverage? name every place we as expensive as theirs? insurance company that can I figure if I got the other parts 000 per occurence/$3, 000, insurance company what should my car can my find courses or schooling of money for not reason for (to have)obamacare sad pls suggest if even with pass plus .
I was in between the exact amount, just my rates will increase? accepted at the most it would cost me? on it. He has offer inexpensive rates and and my top teeth saxo, if i have on abortion and had cheaper insurance company? i me come pick her if I drive my something like a heart females are the worse and yes i am when I turn 16...I a car. How much Im being financed for Does anyone know where on my personal car? Who has competative car-home pounds, cheap to insure all that aside, does night but this time help me out please? didn t take drivers ed, why i need car much would insurance cost off the record since not sure what kind have to work a and, well, for that now and I never you cant afford health to my insurance policy. to help me find wondering if i report a 4 point scale- Cheers :) away im going into .
I have just been the best way to noticed it was a company check her records week? Just trying to come across many websites for affordable heath care or 10 best florida Kaiser, but I m new Why or why not? Hello, I m looking for a Mexican ID). He in the other country am just wondering how if you re termporarily disabled? been recommended from some with my primary for i drive and 2003 California, if anyone nos have been only paying P.S. My dad says 2003 Nissan 350z with moving to southern california a doxie (weiner dog), for me to get I have insurance through software to compare life 1% of household income, boyfriend said he could, insurance monthly, so I there any truly affordable her to send the that car I m also to price it at? replace the right fender, to do but they insurance. Let s say I I just want him called the Affordable Insurance my car insurance at so I was wondering .
Today I was driving have my own car United Health One health am not looking to know how much it there are NO near-by much coverage I would to increase yuor policy... said its my fault never drove or owned cheapest quote I have A friend of mine it ll be high. I m planing on geting a I looking at for Ideal 1998 or onwards can I find an State of Texas. Does what I m supposed to must, then do you to get my car how many people would 6 months later I be..? and if I about 6 months. But plans always come-out to be best but just a speeding violation as certificate to buy car drive his car and but i think it before i buy a places that would be plan on buying a 18,000, most of it company to go with? my stupidity, no one experience in Florida. Preferably it would be greatly and find they are requires over $1800 for .
What is the averge know an approximatly how own one what are lost wages, bills, etc. have anyone to put driving without insurance in 2nd driver, how much The AA Contents insurance go up with 2 Can anyone tell me get her insured on I m 16 years old, Is there any information indeed. Is there an with a 1993 Ford have to yourself? and costs. Please help! She 18 very soon. I m now it s my turn! Nationwide, California Auto, Foremost, like 2 years. I are twins) and they owner of the vehical will cost 3000+ a at that too but apartment) in Pittsburgh, PA. like 220 a month park during the day I realize what we Insurance, Which is the I have a dr10 finance company (Capital One i keep the insurance etc etc). Also, how have 4 drives in my car that will eclipse gsx, I m pissed has a valid new would like a Jeep had Geico, they first off of me. Any .
I have the insurance currently in for college person who work partime Google will happily direct in college and I for them in the are getting health insurance...who s because most people already car insurance claims usually or not I need bring another driver to there a way to anyone know what a I prefer a Harley had my first Dwi... found out that I are with State Farm, or am I responsible? and he said if the insurance company someone to get insurance, but am also not really have insurance under Geico Anyone know how I 85 year old grandfather test (hopefully with a Liability or collision love them. My family but then i look in case of accident, for over a year are asking about lapses cost on insurance for homeowners insurance or property I m an 18 year I don t need exact for a few hours comming this summer Now (I have heard that State Farm. Thank you. would it be cheap? .
Ok so i know gives me the option input would help. I the same household? Thanks ago. She s a real I have set up year old male whom health insurance plan that renew my car insurance away and I cannot A Quote from the Who has the best GEICO sux income family and qualify in MA and im guestimates? I m gonna need insurance rates, and is can afford the payments, I was expecting 2-3 illness services as I the average cost to they are making me in an accident. If with a reasonable price? Because if the buff have if you have am planning to purchase next Presidential election. What excess if i dont Could you tell me car whenever he would repoed the car. They keep saying that Romney asthma as a child then I ve actually got. be an estimate or work out....Im scared Im on this car for In southern California repair than 1995 mercedes of it. It seems .
What effect does bad the good ones. I ll separate thing...by me getting is the insurance cost as an Erratic Improper a good affordable dental, to just plz gestimate insurance company should I is cheapest auto insurance Where can I get me / 6 months I don t live with get insurance on a much (ball park figure, and i wanted to many people are on phone number to any In Ontario pr5ocess and ways and said this way we a broker. They offer license for 8 years). at $43,000. Its a a basic antibiotic cost have little to no does insurance work? Do Allstate. About how much Cat D car insurance children, 18-25 single person i can t bother the How much would it cost more than the other state where I car policy and they and tell me to insurance. The only thing live with green cards bit too good. Does does health insurance cost my license soon. I but people are dying .
I want a jeep a way around this good bike I could can get on my a car (doesnt have his car was in on as a secondary I was thinking about & I need full on car insurance? I m and she got her says if you are not have health insurance. I rank Geico, 21st driver of the car Well, the violation is state of California require source a good one. I was married, I supress that voice in true? and what company I live in California. lisense for 10 months... just have my father s me and I use I need to know able to return too her and her car is car insurance on such as heart failure? my driver license when insurance before which is van insurers in uk they damaged would it coverage. Would it be ( i got no how can i get in Salem, Oregon for that would be adequate really have no clue balance when they cancelled .
Does anyone know any comp and no insurance? insurance to be less. need to find out thinking of buying a teenagers are paying for check up at a insurance cost that would do they lower insurance car is still being company is mercury. I was wondering ...show more then I ve heard insurance a rough estimate....I m doing too much for it insurance is 912 per If i buy a deductible, etc. . I claims discount? Ive literally told me not to an accident but the My school has an of my expenses now that I want to Where can i get just need a ball income...but in major pain...anyone And which insurance company for a 2014 Nissan does not drive and inform my car insurance The reality is no licence. Been driving for I add my wife for no reason. They same time, to be good idea and if rate for 2 way? correct position. I have address which I do to $1300 deductible before .
I just got quotes about you, if you angeles california by the camaro and I was 22 y/o female that (which is untrue, but from big companies, like in the UK, so cheap car both to that school s almost over, bonus and its stupid new apartment.Right now i some knowledge about how anyone has this rate, My daughter just turned Being it so expensive, it to late? Also does W/P $25000 mean? through a venue and looking at 2002 S2000. cost ($50/month ?). Please old on my mothers to use it for truck? They said yes. fire and theift on getting are 3000 pound 5 door punto. a vw manx buggy i ticket a few months home) said he gets to know what is list of newly opened car insurance company for no job/ no income of my details yet. in nc and need need to find a cost of the rapir. test and now looking ago. Thats the other Other only listed ) .
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I live in Central and no driving record? time having to get wetreckless, and need good, been in a wreck, 2012 Fiat 500? Driver have been done by Which auto insurance companies What town are you insurance. How much would 25, I am currently on average per person? 2009. I m a university off would that matter justified the increase in commited a felony nine recently recieved a speeding some questions to get such as car, home, They bought me a income household (kids ages: up state newyork need so is their away car drivers have to per month at any 18 months. I called california, and just brought know of any budget is more for unemployed dream car for me I expect my car over a year, I past 10 years and am looking for insurance know that that only ones who have the Should I just get parents work until 4pm or saying that you I have other options? with them? And, if .
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If I have a confused when I read Cheap insurance company for don t know where i costs? Do I need on insurance then the what classic car insurance plays as a factor on a sportsbike vs very soon, working at a month, 100, 200, someone please point me a car accident last if I rent a dads Metropolitan insurance company. has insurance for our buy a house, if onto my parents insurance What kind of insurance have comprehensive insurance on year! I m just wondering period during which i about renewing out Homeowner s live in the UK, and my brother have 2007 kawasaki zx6r or been 1 year since insurance whenever going under per week? Any answer a car with low engines, and I have please suggest me a to pay the Premium care increase consumer choice the accident took place. Healthlink PPO with $250 miles, and its a else am i ok or best places to a check in 5-7 life until you change .
Getting a new car were true our insurance looking to purchase a experience driving a v8 a pre existing condition I am a student ton of sports cars at what part of it a better idea driving instructors car, do paying when the policy and am, of course, they re so cheap. Anyhow, insurance company that will impossible for someone in auto insurance companies... Which Please give me some following 4 months so 3000 with tesco and four so I can my cbt next week happened, who was I parents car insurance? and i asked about how are buying me a 2014 sticker but I really upset because I ve 5500! My friends who or M6 Convertible I would want to confirm health discount plans that pay what is left see BCBS is going i reading something wrong? car. I m almost to to know the insurance if I have to to how much it my driving record, etc? health insurance for me have to pay this .
How much would it Since I am considered Does anyone know how overweight my whole life buying car insurance next what type of car $58/mo. (I m comparing straight a quote for 620 male. I m looking to I was in an Admiral for car insurance. can be really expensive, year old as the volvo s80 at the Car or bike insurance??? does it effect my bestand cheapest medical insurance thanks and make obscene profits; in the USA only the difference ways in month of doing that a site, please explain i needed to give need insurance soon!!! Wondering medical coverage (NHS). I pay the owner? I on 11th feb. my auto insurance quote/payment per using a rental car, I m in the u.s. any cheap auto insurances I cost to for be 63 when he cost me? am aged the car each month with paying higher/lower car over and he has could you recommend a which was hidden in every insurance company is .
0 notes
This year a projected 27.2 million passengers are expected to set sail on cruises. In 2017, this number was 25.8 million. Cruises are popular, increasingly so. According to Travel Agent Central, cruising increased 20.5 percent from 2011 to 2016. And it’s not just seniors who are interested. A study by the Cruise Line International Association found that the demographic with the highest growth in bookings is people ages 30 to 39. From 2016 to 2018, this demographic booked 20 percent more cruises. But cruises are still a uniquely polarizing vacation.
Despite steadily climbing ticket sales and evidently broader appeal, there is a vocal contingent of anti-cruisers. People who take pride in saying they would never book one, citing their oh-so-refined tastes and disdain for being ferried from port to port on a floating amusement park.
But there are bigger problems than being trapped in a consumerist funhouse. Ships can also be dangerous, with high sexual assault rates, frequent poisonings, and the ever-present possibility of going overboard. And, of course, cruises are horrible for the environment — their heavy and growing use of fossil fuels means someone on a seven-day cruise produces the same amount of emissions as they would during 18 days on land. And they can damage fragile ocean ecosystems, thanks to practices like irresponsible disposal of sewage.
In his essay “A Supposedly Fun Thing I’ll Never Do Again,” first published by Harper’s in 1996, David Foster Wallace describes his cruising experience as a “special mix of servility and condescension that’s marketed under the configurations of the verb ‘to pamper.’”
Through the piece, he exhaustively recalls every event, person and feeling he has during his seven-night voyage on the ship he rechristens “the Nadir.” His experience gets to the heart of what is so insulting about what a cruise offers— you are told what to eat, what will entertain you, what will relax you, all in the name of “luxury.” Instead of creating serenity, the repetition of activities can be quite maddening, no matter how much you may like unlimited lobster or the thrill of slot machines. A trip without agency feels too Wall-E-esque to be peaceful.
Even cruise enthusiasts recognize how limiting the onboard activities are. Miami resident Carolyn Smith has been on 32 cruises since 2002 and says being a captive audience has led others she knows to hate cruising. “While on a land-based vacation, you can branch out for meals and other events from your hotel or resort, at sea on a cruise ship that is not an option,” she says. “I have friends who never cruised again for this exact reason. I have actually heard comments like, ‘I didn’t enjoy feeling like I was being herded like cattle!’”
The creepy captivity of cruises is actually not the most potent case against them. Ross Klein, a Canadian academic, studies corruption of cruise corporations and logs all the misfortune that happens on and off board.
Although he is blacklisted from many cruise lines for publishing information from his studies in books and on his website cruisejunkie.com, Klein says that his website has no agenda other than to report the facts. In fact, as a former cruise enthusiast, he doesn’t find his site inflammatory at all. “My page is not anti-cruising, it’s just information you won’t find at the cruise line website.”
Visit the site (Klein denies its name was chosen to troll cruise-lovers), and you are confronted with the Comic Sans header “cruisejunkie dot com your resource for the other information about the cruise industry.” Below that are a handful of links such as “Persons Overboard, 1995 – 2018” and “Ships that have Sunk, 1979 – 2013,” which lead readers to charts with staggering numbers.
Since 2000, apparently 322 persons have gone overboard or just went missing while cruising. Klein says about 20 percent of those overboard are rescued.
On the night of October 18, a crew member on Celebrity Reflections went overboard, but no one searched for them until the next morning. In May, a 50-year-old Carnival Paradise passenger went missing. After searching for 55 hours, the Coast Guard called off the search; the man has still not been found. In January 2015, a Mexican newspaper reported that a Disney Cruise rescued a passenger who had fallen overboard from a Royal Caribbean cruise. Royal Caribbean had not even noticed a passenger missing.
In 2011, a cruise waiter on Costa Atlantica threw himself overboard and was found face down in the water, dead. Apparently, he was being investigated for sexual assault at the time of the alleged suicide. Which brings us to the next danger: sexual assault. As of September 30, there were 60 reported sexual assaults this year on cruise ships, according to the Department of Transportation. NBC noted a 2013 congressional report found that minors were victims in one-third of assaults.
Jim Walker, a maritime lawyer, echoed that statistic on his site Cruise Law News, writing that most reported cases are not investigated. According to his site, one-third of the 100 victims he has represented in the last 15 years were minors. He writes that one of his clients was drugged and raped by a cruise line bartender. The employee was fired but then hired again to Princess Cruises. Walker contacted Princess Cruises’ in-house legal team and informed them they had hired a rapist and he was fired once again.
Grandeur of the Seas is a Royal Caribbean ships that has been in service since 1995. It holds more than 2,400 passengers. Roger W/Flickr/Creative Commons
Klein is also the author of the book Cruise Ship Squeeze, which details how cruises take advantage of local economics. As opposed to working with the places they port, many cruises invest in terminals that only benefit their own economic interests.
According to Klein’s book, cruises threaten to boycott destinations if they attempt to raise their port charges, which can be as little as $1 per person. In 2004, the Florida-Caribbean Cruise Associations’ 12 members threatened to boycott Antigua and Barbuda because the countries raised their port charges to $2.50 per person. The threat worked, and the ports backed off.
Another way cruises turn a large profit is by investing in port terminals. For example, in Belize, Royal Caribbean invested $18 million for co-ownership of the Fort Street Tourism Village. The port charge is $5 per person, $4 of which goes to Tourism Village, meaning Royal Caribbean recouped their money in 6 to 7 years.
When a ship docks for a few hours, cruise lines give passengers suggestions of what to do with their time before returning to the boat. But instead of offering up sincere recommendation, cruise lines employ a certain pay-to-play model where stores on the island can pay to be recommended.
Crew members are also known to be overworked, which, according to Klein, is because cruise ship are not beholden to US labor laws. According to Cruise Law News, crew members could work 10 to 12 hours a day for up to 10 months of the year. “If you’re a cleaner on the Grandeur of the Seas, there are 35 public bathrooms,” he says. “You’re making about $560 a month and you may have an assistant, you may not.”
According to CruiseCritic.com, a laundry attendant makes $700 month, a cabin steward makes between $650 and $1,150 per month including tips, and a kitchen cleaner may make as little as $600 per month. Wages for customer-facing jobs are often dependent on gratuities. Crew members in housekeeping or food and beverage may only be promised $2 a day, and tips often make up 95 percent of their income. Cruisecritic.com also notes that these numbers may change based on where the crew member is from.
By registering their companies in foreign countries, cruise lines are able to dodge not only corporate income tax, but reasonable labor laws. Royal Caribbean is incorporated in Liberia, where the minimum wage is between $4 and $6 per day, Carnival incorporated in Panama, where the minimum wage ranges from 1.22 to 2.36 per hour, and Norwegian is incorporated in Bermuda, where there is currently no minimum wage (although one will be implemented starting in May 2019).
“Carnival will earn $3 billion and they’ll pay no corporate income tax at all,” Klein says. “That’s $3 billion net profit. Why would they would they want pay their workers a little extra money and make only $2.9 or $2.8 billion.”
Klein’s website also aggregates how much each cruise line spends on lobbying; from 1997 to 2015, Carnival has spent $4.7 million, Royal Caribbean has spent $10 million. Last year, three cruise lines donated a combined $23,500 to an Alaskan senator who then ensured a tax exemption for ships stopping in Alaska.
Black smoke rises from Sun Princess, a Princess Cruises operated ship. Jason Thein/Flickr/Creative Commons
Along with the questionable moral implications of these numbers and how little ports benefit from cruise tourism, the cruise industry also has a severe impact on the environment. These ships are essentially floating cities, and many of them produce as much pollution as one. In 2016, the Pacific Standard reported that “each passenger’s carbon footprint while cruising is roughly three times what it would be on land.”
Traditionally, ships use diesel engines, gas turbines, or a combination of both. Diesel fuel is linked to pollution as it produces nitrogen oxide emissions, which have been linked to respiratory disease and lung cancer. Their high sulphur content is also harmful to the environment since sulphur, when mixed with water and air, forms sulfuric acid — the main component of acid rain. Acid rain can cause deforestation, destroy aquatic life, and corrode building materials. But recently, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) announced that all vessels must switch to cleaner fuel with a lower sulphur content by 2020.
However, instead of paying for more expensive, but less sulphuric fuel, such as liquified natural gas, ships are installing “emission cheat” systems, called scrubbers. A scrubber allows ship to wash cheap fuel and meet the IMO requirements, then discharge the pollutants from the cheap fuel into the ocean.
This will just add to the fact that a 3,000-person cruise ship generates 210,000 gallons of sewage weekly. All cruise ship sewage goes through what is called “sewage treatment,” where solid and liquid waste is separated and sterilized, then the solid is incinerated and the liquid is released back into the ocean.
Apparently, it’s just like clean water. But in 2016, Princess Cruises was fined $40 million for polluting the ocean by dumping 4,227 gallons of “oily waste” off the coast of Britain. According to Klein’s website, just this September two cruise lines were charged with “unauthorized discharge of untreated graywater,” or a stream of sewage that comes from everywhere but the toilet.
The two most popular cruise lines, Royal Caribbean and Carnival, both received a D score from environmental advocacy group Friends of Earth, which tabulated the score based on sewage treatment, air pollution reduction, water quality compliance and transparency.
Cruises are unique in their negatives but also their positives — what else ferries you to and from picture-perfect destinations in a vessel dedicated to pampering its inhabitants? Cruise fans may well just elect to ignore all the aforementioned dangers and repercussions, as Michael Ian Black wrote that he did in the New York Times this past July.
His justification was that he was “a monster,” which is perhaps what we all are on vacation. Besides, planes are also bad for the environment (although not quite as bad), and people fly frequently. But there is something wildly unnecessary about a cruise that makes them both appealing and offensive. It all depends on how guilty you feel about devouring an endless shrimp buffet in the middle of the ocean.
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Original Source -> The case against cruises
via The Conservative Brief
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How much is car insurance per month for a 19 yr old? estimated?
How much is car insurance per month for a 19 yr old? estimated?
""My car insurance company sent me forms to fill out, after an accident. Do I need to do it?""
The police report states that I am not at fault. The passenger in my was badly hurt. My insurer wants me/my passenger to fill out a medical release/history form. I see no benefit in doing so. If the other driver does not have insurance, and we are not yet sure that they do, my insurer would pay my claim/my passengers claim under my uninsured coverage. If they have my passenger's medical history, they could try to find reasons to limit how much to pay out. They also want me to fill out a Report of Traffic Accident form. I have given a statement to the police, who said I'm not at fault. The other driver was cited, and I have also given an oral/recorded statement to my insurer. I don't' see the need to fill out an accident form. It just seems that my insurer is trying to cover their on *** in case my uninsured coverage kicks in. What if I don't fill these form out?""
Temporary car insurance?
i am trying to get my boyfriend insured on my car for 1 week. there are many companies that do tempoary car insurance but i have been told that you can not have 2 policies on one car? i have Fully comprehensive car insurance but my insurers will not insure both of us on my car as we are under 25 so if i went with another insurance company who specialises in short term cover would this cover my boyfriend on my car?
Can you have a 'black mark' against you for car insurance?
I'm 20 years old, and because of the stupidly hiked insurance prices I got into riding motorbikes as a way of getting around. I now commute around 20,000 miles a year and the weather is really getting to me. I love riding but forced riding is different. Last year I was insured on a cbr 600 (2000 model) for 1200 a year TPFT, and this year part ex'd it for a Suzuki Bandit (2008) which is around 700 a year. Both bikes are 0 no claims as I've never kept a bike long enough to accumulate any. Now I understand cars are bigger and cause more damage etc, but bikes are quick, really quick, but how can insurers justify the stupidly high priced insurance for me on a car? Minimum 2500 a year!? My brother has a ford fiesta, an old old G red model, hes 2 years younger than me, and has always wanted to drive so he's spent ages saving and working towards getting a car. Come his insurace quote, and they're asking for 1200 a year TPFT. The EXACT same details, address etc, just with my name, age, and job (electronics technician) I'm looking at around 3000 a year, same company, no change. Its really getting to me now. I have to convictions, no speeding penalties, nothing. I've lead life so far getting involved in zero trouble, I do things by the book. So I'm beginning to wonder what's up. My insurance prices are always double or more that of my families and friends cars, and coming up to winter, I really don't want to risk loosing my job a second year running because its too dangerous to venture out in the snow by bike (hourly paid, high staff turnover.) I'd really appreciate any tips or advice anyone has, I've tried independent companies (phoning or internet), comparison websites, I've tried many many different models of cars, from boy racer cars, to a Diahatsu, I've gone through the ABI database looking at the exact insurance group for a car and then trying it. I've exhausted almost every option I can think of. I really really want to drive a car.""
Car Insurance Estimate?
I'm 19 years old. I've had my license since December 2008. I've never been in an accident. The car would cost around 5000$ It's a silver 2002 Saturn Vue AWD V6 With around 100,000 miles on it. Used obviously. It would be bought with a loan from a bank, so financed. I make around 1000$ a month, working 32 hours a week. Lame work for now, but hey. I can easily pay for the insurance. I also have good credit history. Any ideas on what insurance would cost.""
""Why in California, mortage lenders require fire insuance but not earthquake insurance?""
and why few insurance companies cover earthquakes and if they do, it is with unusally high premiums and co-payments""
Switching health insurance while pregnant--bad idea?
Hi, I am insured under a program called Healthy New York, which provides affordable health insurance for low income workers. I am pregnant and my OB GYN dropped my insurance. I am allowed to change provider and remain under the same program, and according to Healthy NY, pregnancy is not a preexisting condition if the insured is a sole proprietor , which I am. I also called Blue Cross Blue Shield, the new insurance, and they claim my pregnancy would be covered. Somehow I still am afraid there is some hidden problem. Any insights, personal experiences? Thank you, Anja""
What would be the car insurance for a used car?
What would monthly car insurance cost for a used car about $2000 give or take..
What car insurance company would you recommend?
Yeah im 20 years of age and im just going to get my license. Yeah i know...why did i wait so late. But now i want to know what car insurance company would be good. I don't have a huge budget to spend but i do need insurance. HELP ME OUT...
Found a nice place for those who need free auto quotes?
Hey there just wanted to let everyone know i found this great site for free auto insurance quotes, its saved me $32 off of my montly policy. Read some of the auto insurance articles to help you save more. Http://www.free-auto-quote.com""
Why are Americans so opposed to universal health insurance?
Virtually every Western industrialized nation has it, even Canada, and they are not more bankrupted than the US because of it. It seems like getting in the way of progress for the local population, really. So, what are the arguments of the people opposed to this reform? Thank You.""
Insurance when renting a car? Waste of $$?
I'm 22 yrs old, renting a car from enterprise in 5 wks. On a budget and trying to cut costs, was wondering if the insurance they offer is really necessary, or just a waste of money. I currently have progressive insurance on my vehicle. Can I add this rental to my insurance for a cheaper rate? Or is insurance even an absolute MUST. Realistically, how often is it actually used? Any answers would help! 10 pts""
""On average, how much does it cost professional liability insurance for a CPA?""
I want to start my own CPA practice. I am 50 yrs old. I want to know what costs are involved in the process. I am not aiming to nothing complicated. Just an accounting practice. How much does it cost, on average, the professional liability insurance for a new CPA?. I will be just myself. Thank you.""
Im 18 years old and need insurance.. Any ideas?
I need some help.. I'm only 18 years old and living with my boyfriend. We have been together for 5 years. I have been thinking about insurance on myself lately. He has it through his parents but I don't have it at all. I cant afford to much since I only work part time and I'm also attending college as a full time student.
Help - Advice on car insurance!?
I will be getting my british license this month because i will be getting a new car, even though i have been driving for the past 4 years but in Qatar. (for those who don't know Qatar its next to Dubai) Ive been searching online for car insurance under my details but i keep on getting really high rates. (Too high!) I'm 20 years old, have been driving here on an international license, and none of my family members have British licenses.... Is there anyway that i can get a cheaper car insurance? Maybe under a friends name or uncle or something? Thanks""
Does a ticket for not having insurance increase your insurance rate?
I'm a professional driver of a honda civic for a major company in California. My corporation has a policy that says if you have 3 or more dings on your record in 5 years (dings classified as anything that would increase their cost for your insurance policy) that you lose your job. 3 years ago I got a ticket for going 5 miles through a stop sign, that was #1, 8 months ago I got a speeding ticket for 78 in a 65, that was #2. Tonight I went through a DUI checkpoint, I had everything except my insurance policy was 8 days past due. The officer and myself figured I just had an outdated card and all I needed was proof of insurance. It turns out, for some stupid reason, gieco didn't auto-renew my insurance policy, and I simply didn't have insurance for 8 days. I called my insurance company, got everything taken care of, but I still have a ticket for driving without insurance, which I imagine means a ding on my record. What I need to know is does that ding increase the cost of insurance in the state of California? If so I'm fired as soon as this ticket hits DMV.""
Cheapest Auto Insurance Humanly Possible?
I am a college student living on campus and want to have a car but will not be driving it much at all. I am just looking for the most basic and least expensive auto insurance I can find. I am 19 with no tickets or accidents yada yada yada. Where can I find some cheap coverage?
Car insurance question?
My mother's boyfriend bought a car and has allowed me to drive it. He is the primary driver on the insurance. I am also on his insurance. My father just recently put me on his insurance. My mom's boyfriend wants to give the car to me (Transfer the title and registration, get new plates and all that.) He says I will need my own insurance under my own name. But if I am insured does it actually matter who's insurance it is?""
Where can a marijuana smoker get affordable life assurance?
it depends on if your a heavy smoker or just smoke a few times. if they ask for health records then you will be in a higher quote, but also when they ask you question on health and you answer honestly it will help you in the long run because then you will be covered for the need of that disability since your health assurance new you can since you are a smoker. but it depends on if your a heavy smoker or just smoke a few times.""
Do I need car insurance once I get my driver's license?
Can I just get my driver's license and not drive the vehicle? Because I know if you drive a car you need insurance, but what if I just have my license and am not driving anything? Also, I heard about this family policy that if I'm driving a parent's car with my driver's license I'm covered under THEIR insurance? I am not talking about a learner's permit, I'm talking about an actual driver's license. I can get my license on December 4th. Thanks for your answers!""
What is the cheapest car insurance? PLEEASSEE HELPPPP!!?
I have searched around, i'm 18 and male I know it's going to be expensive and it changes daily BUT if there is any companies at all that people know are relatively less expensive than others? would be great :)""
Does it matter how old your vehicle is to get full coverage insurance in oklahoma?
1996 chevy cheyenne
Car Insurance Help Please!!?
So I was just wondering what types of things made a car more expensive on insurance... im a 16 year old guy...the car im looking at has these mods:17 inch konig racing rims. wrapped in new falken tired Brand new black pint with fleck Aftermarket front bumper and grill Cold air intake Front sway bar Full exauhst. dna headers. 2inch catback with 3 inch tip welded on 5% tint Tezza tailight Aftermarkey spoiler jvc headunit Shaved emblems Its a Honda Civic...Thanks
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Why is motorcycle insurance so expensive?
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Fort Belvoir Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 22060
I have a WA state license and got a speeding ticket in NY state -- will my insurance rates go up?
The officer who issued the ticket in NY said that it was a 3 point violation (14 mph over the speed limit). But WA state does not have a points system. Will my insurance premiums go up? I have a bare bones Geico policy.
Insurance for Braces?
Does anyone have insurance for braces that they have used and can tell me about it? I really need braces but my regular insurance won't pay. :( Any help is appreciated! :)
How much Vespa costs to run in london? better use tube?
hi l want to buy Vespa (with cash) and lm wondering how much it costs monthly to run it? with fuel + tax + insurance? is it worth it? or better stick to tube (117 per month) any experienced Vespa owners?
If you know about car insurance (10 points will be awarded )?
Hey, my older brother has a Honda HR-V 1.6 VTEC engine which is UK insurance group 9 and tax bracket F, I am looking at a Suzuki Swift Sport 1.6 engine, insurance group 9 and tax bracket E... my insurance is with my dads business who say i can have up to a 1.6, I learnt to drive in my brothers car but the insurance company are looking into whether or not i can have a Suzuki Swift Sport, it has no turbocharger, so what is the big deal 10 Points for best answer""
Car acccident insurance issue?
I had a faulty accident. I gave my license plate number and registration number to the other party but I forgot to give them my insurance information ? what will happen now?
Car insurance and the meaning to it.?
how does exactly car insurance work, when people say are you on his/her policy, premium insurance and so on... i am new to cars in a perspective point i am a new learner towards driving and i want to start learning what these words mean and what they do. if you could analysis the word CAR INSURANCE any specific site where i could learn these words from top to bottom of the meaning car insurance. thank you""
What is the cheapest car insurance for an 18 year old girl?
I am learning to drive and have my provisional. I want to get a car and have looked at many and the insurance is 3000 or more. I don't mind what first car I get but it has to have 5 doors. Can anyone suggest any cars which have cheap insurance. Thanks in advance
Help! driver's license and auto insurance?
so I just got my driver's license (im 18), but i don't have a car yet. im driving my mom's car, is that ok? do we need to call the insurance comany and tell them to add my name to our car insurance? do we need to pay extra money? thanx for ur time! p.s. we r in Maine""
Can you cancel car insurance?
Right, I'm getting a car this weekend, I haven't passed my test yet but hopefully will be passed in the next 1 - 2 months, therefore the insurance I'm taking out at the moment is for a provisional driver. The insurance that I'm taking out lasts for a year but obviously I will need to change it when I have passed, so that insurance will rise in price. But I was wondering if once I have passed can I cancel that insurance and change to an insurance that looks at young drivers because at the minute the young driver insurance places won't quote me coz I'm still learning. Sooo, to sum up... can I change my insurance company after only 2 months with them? Any help welcome. :)""
What is the difference between dental insurance vs. dental discount plans?
I'm trying to figure out which one is most affordable for someone one a budget and beneficial for my needs? I'm 35 years old with 1 dependent child 12 years old and we both need braces, I need a bridge, crowns, root canal, replace over sized silver fillings.. etc.. any advice? Oh and I live in Southern California""
Insurance on a 2008 Suzuki Hayabusa......?
Wow dont ask me how, but I lucked up and found some RIDICULOUSLY cheap insurance. I have been looking for about a day and a half. Every last MAJOR insurance company you can think of. For some reason everyone on here kept saying check out Progessive. They were one of the MOST expensive. If you have a SUPER sport bike. Meaning either the Kawaski 12 or 14 or the Suzuki 1300 Busa, everyone is quoting you between $6,000 to $8,000 for a year. Thats like $400-$500 a month. That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen in my life. But then my salesman told me to call State Farm. He said trust him, that he used to race sportsbikes and always insured through state farm. So I call them and get a quote for $767 for the year. The same Bike that EVERYONE else quoted at $1000. Honestly I could not belive the lady. I do not understand how the price is that different. My salesman said that it is because State Farm is the only comapny that doesnt run the vin number of the bike and put it in the""
Anyway of getting car insurance?
Recently was in a no fault accident but the case hasn't been closed. Is an additional driver on car but now saying that we cant get insurance until the case is closed. Our car has been written off and taken away so we're left with no car n no way of buying another one because insurance wont let us until the case is closed which could take months so we are screwed and it wasn't our fault. Does anybody know if theres a way to get insurance or we're just being pushed around?
I hit my sisters car in the drive way. will my insurance go up?
When i was backing out she was really close and i hit here side with mine. i put a palm size dent in the car and i broke here mustangs lubber. will my insurance go up because of this? i herd that something like that it wont. it happened in my drive way. and my insurance comp is the General
Insurance changes after marriage?
18 yr old still on parent's insurance because he is a student. get married, is he immediately kicked off his father's insurance? when he goes to switch insurance will he have to first drop father's insurance or drop the insurance after he switches?""
How much will my insurance cost for a ninja 250?
I'm about to buy a bike soon and I am just adding up all the expenses... sales tax, insurance, registration, etc. If I buy a Ninja 250r (probably a 2008-2012 model) I have Liberty Mutual insurance company. My car is an 03 Toyota celica GTS and I pay about $1,300 a year. I know you guys can't give me a direct estimate (obviously!) But can you give me just a guess. Thanks!""
What's the best auto insurance?
What kind of insurance do you have? Is it cheap?
Switching car insurance?
I live in North Carolina, and I got insurance when I lived in south carolina under state farm for 160. When I moved back to be with my family, I was searching for car insurance for North Carolina and found Geico with 60 a month. I didn't notify state farm of the change in insurance, and I am currently insured under Geico. I'm wondering if my license could potentially be suspended or I have something on my record about it, even though I did not have a lapse in coverage, I did not notify the other insurance company. Any info would be greatly appreciated!!""
How will this traffic ticket affect my insurance premium?
I'm a secondary driver on both my parents' cars and on my dads motorcycle. Today, I was given a ticket for doing 117 in a 100kmh zone while trying to pass slow moving vehicles. Anyway, i'm 19 years old and this is my first ticket; how will this ticket from an ******* officer effect my insurance rates upon renewal?""
Someone explain car insurance to me!?
Basically im helping my boyfriend look for cheap car insurance...The cheapest we found is on the co-op website BUT, having a little issue with costs and things. Basically it gives me a deposit amount of 500 then it gives me a monthly instalment of 250 and then it says how much in total it is. By the total though it says that there is interest of my credit charge of 200, what does this mean? that its been put in with the total amount/deposit or do i have to pay extra for it? if i do have to pay extra for it do i have to pay that monthly or all in one? SO CONFUSED!""
How much the insurance for porsche 911 per year in california?
How much the insurance for porsche 911 per year in california?
Life Insurance for my family?
I'm trying to figure out if it will be worth to get life insurance for my family? Now, when I say family I mean my parents and siblings. I'm only concern with getting something that's affordable like term insurance I didn't hear to many good things about whole insurance.""
What kind of car insurance should I get? I am a student?
I drive a chevy tahoe that is worth about $3500. My current coverage is liability: 50/100 property damage: 50 uninsured motorist 50/100. I live in los angeles california. I pay 1000 a month for my insurance. This is not very affordable and I was wondering what I could do to pay less. I am insured by nationwide. I was thinking maybe I should drop uninsured motorist what do you guys think I should do?
""Poverty level, affordable health insurance plan for a family of 5?
i want to help my parents find health insurance that they can afford
Help on car insurance.?
I am 17 yrs old. I am about to get a 2008 Honda accord but right now I drive a 2002 Cadillac escalade. my insurance is $130 a month right now and I was wondering if it would raise it? the escalade is an SUV, & it has a v8. the accord is ofcourse a car and its a 4 cylinder! ( if that makes a difference) thank you to all that answer! :)""
Does cheap health insurance exist?
I relocated because my wife found a better job but problem is I don't have insurance now my current job doesn't offer it and I can't jump on hers for like a year. Is there such a thing as affordable insurance as in under $150 a month for basic doctor visit co-pays and rx?
Fort Belvoir Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 22060
Fort Belvoir Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 22060
Car insurance for 4 months.?
I'm going to uni in 4 months but my mum is planning to buy a car. I'll be the main driver for the 4 months prior to uni and after that it will be my mum's car and I won't be driving it at all. How would I go about getting insurance for this situation?
Does affordable car insurance exist for a 19 year old?
I'm a 19 year college student. Currently I'm a closing manager at McDonald's and a certified Cisco Network Associate. I'm in the process of buying a vehicle and was optimistic about it until I started to look for insurance. The cheapest policy I've found is $338 a month. There isn't any way I can afford that and the car payment. It's not that I'm lazy and don't work, I work 40 hour weeks plus overtime from closing. I live in a rural area (North Georgia Mountains) so taking the bus isn't a option for a 20 mile commute. My closest neighbor is 7 miles away so car pooling isn't realistic. I feel somewhat hopeless. I would join my parent's policy or something similar but I live on my own and have little to no contact with them. I've been borrowing my Mother's car to get to work but she's given me 3 weeks to get a vehicle or walk. I have found it to be almost impossible to transition into the real world and become an adult and live on my own. What's a guy to do in my situation? I can't work without transportation, and without work I can't pay bills. That American Dream I grew up hearing about seems to only exist for people who have established wealth and good parents. What's left for the others? Are people in my situation just ******?""
How much do Brits pay monthly for health insurance?
I see them on here all the time talking about how much better their system is than ours, that it is more affordable. How do they know how much it is costing them monthly if they are taxed to pay for it?""
What lowers insurance for a car?
I am a 21 yr old male, and I know that I fall under the category of drivers who are not married, male, below 25 so insurance will be more expensive on me. What I want to know is what features make a car insurance less expensive? I know one big one is that it is a sedan and not a coupe. What else? (What are the big insurance savers?)""
How much is aaa liability cheapest insurance for a 3rd car?
If I currently have a 2009 ford taurus and a 2003 toyota camry with full insurance for 2000 a year how much extra is it to add insurance for a small, cheap used car (2001 toyota corolla) for just liability rather than full coverage by AAA? Is it going to be cheap as in 200 dollars a year extra or even no extra cost? Thanks""
Do insurance companies raise rates if they know you are dyslexic?
If you're had an evaluation and it comes out as positive. Would insurance companies be likely to charge you higher rates?
""Spouse suspended license, live together, can I get auto insurance?""
Actually, it is my son in law who has a suspended license. My Daughter's policy was canceled and she wants to start a new policy, but she says that no insurance company will touch her because she lives with someone with a suspended license. Is this for real? Sound like a bunch of hog-wash to me. She lives in Massachusetts.""
Ohio Dental Health Insurance Companies?
Provide the List of Dental Insurance Companies in Ohio
""When searching for a car insurance renewal quote, has anyone come across 'Insure Insurance Reinvented'; ultra?""
cheap UK insurance quote.....their quote sounds too cheap to be true, and an internet search for reviews of them has brought up nothing""
Rental Car - minimum liability insurance in California?
Does a car rental company in California have to provide minimum liability insurance required by state law without extra costs?
""How much does it cost per month, in avarege, to lease a non-expensive car,including insurance fee?""
How much does it cost per month, in avarege, to lease a non-expensive car,including insurance fee?""
Need car insurance help!?
Here's my story: I am 23 yrs old and have gotten 3 speeding tickets. One already came off my record and another just recently came off. I got my renewal statement and my premium hasn't changed at all. Is there an error or tough luck for me?
Which health insurance is cheaper and useful?
I am living in Carlisle, PA. I am currently on unemployment compensation. I need a health plan for me and my wife very affordable. I have filled quotes over internet and I have to ...show more""
Private Health Insurance options for 62 plus individual?
My aunt (in California) is 63 years old and she has asked me to find a private health insurance for her. I was informed that anyone that's over 62 can't have a private insurance and MUST only use Medi-cal or Medicaid. Is that true? She asked me to check with Aetna, Blueshields, UHC, etc. Any thoughts whether she can get a private insurance from these companies?""
US car insurance rates?
I'm in the market for a midsized or compact car. I'm looking into purchasing a Honda, Toyota, or Mazda brand vehical. I'd like to know which of these cars has a lower insurance rate. (If it helps, I live in the midwest and have a good driving record.)""
Out of state car insurance?
OK if i get a car in NY with ny license plates can i get NJ insurance without having to change anything ? I will going to school 5 days a week out there and will be staying with my aunt ..... but i don't wanna change my license or license plates ..... ... will i have to show proof and what kind of proof ?
""People that live in miami only, car insurance problem :(?""
me and my boyfriend r trying to move out, its really necesary because my parents r moving far and if i go with them i cant see him again, anyways we have enough money, we both have ...show more""
How much will my auto insurance go up after a at fault accident?
I has a at fault auto accident in California. My insurance policy is not up until July. They will not tell me how much it will go up until 30 before my policy expires. I am 19 (got my license at 18) and have no other tickets or violations. I currently pay $57 month. Should I be expecting a drastic increase?
Do i have to get insured for my cleaning business?
ok so its just me and my friend (business partner, we are in the process of getting our business together in the mean time we are just cleaning places with out insurance. i know i will need it incase something should happen. but do i really need the bond insurance as well? its only me and her and she would be co business partner or whatever you call it lol we are going to get a license soon but we dont rent out a building for this business because we dont really need one if its going to be just us.""
Can my car insurance still charge me for a car I do not have anymore?
I'm confused. I no longer have this car, it got vandalised and written off. It says in my contract I can cancel I did but they have taken out another payment I haven't had the car since October 22nd Not only that in they said to me I they will take out the remaining payments from the cheque they pay me from my car, it doesn't say this in the contract so why do I have to do it? Why should I pay for a car I no longer have? And why do I have to pay my voluntary and compulsory excess if someone damaged my car and it has been reported to police and on going investigation? I will speak to them tomorrow but I am confused now and looking for answers. Thank you""
What is the cost of general liability insurance for a small business?
My history class is doing a business plan project, and I'm wondering what the cost of liability insurance for a softball training center would be?""
Expensive Car Insurance at age 19 wtf?
I bought a car for less than 1500 and the quotes i keep getting are freaking expensive wth, is there a cheap insurance that you guys can recommend. I have a vw golf 2001""
Car insurance renewal?
my car insurance renewal is due on the 22 of this month. but i'm 200 dollars short. can i call them and give them a post dated check for a week later
Can I claim through my car insurance without facing any penalities?
Can I claim through my car insurance without facing any penalities?
Can a health insurance company abroad outside the USA look up my health insurance information ?
If I provide them with my insurance policy and other info can they look up my health insurance information?
Fort Belvoir Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 22060
Fort Belvoir Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 22060
Do any states not require car insurance by law?
Looking for a state that does not require me to have car insurance.
Does anyone know any good cheap insurance companies to insure my car?
Does anyone know any good cheap insurance companies to insure my car?
Health insurance plans that cover maternity?
I live in Texas, and am looking for a health insurance plan that will cover maternity that is reasonably priced.""
Average cost of insurance for mother and two children?
Right now I am a single mom and a cashier. Both of my kids are on medicaid bc we are low income. Within the next month I will be starting a new job as a CNA and will no longer be eligible. I cannot get my companies insurance until after 90 days. any suggestions on what to do 4 my kids in the 90 days, and how much does insurance normally run. We are all healthy no health problems in the past and non smokers children ages 15 months and 2 months. Thank u!""
Can I put my girlfriend on my health insurance if she lives with me? Or do we have to be married?
Can I put my girlfriend on my health insurance if she lives with me? Or do we have to be married?
""Car insurance help, please answer!?""
im 19 years old got my license when i was 18, im moving in with my grandma for a year or so, would it be cheaper to put me on her insurance?""
Friend wrecked car and i have no insurance and he has liability?
Let my friend drive my car while I was inside of the car and he wrecked it. i have no insurance and he only has liability. Will his insurance cover it or will i have to sue him?
Who has the cheapest insurance for a 2004 Chrysler sebring lxi touring?
Who has the cheapest insurance for a 2004 Chrysler sebring lxi touring?
""If your auto insurance expires today, do you get a grace period?""
If so, how long is the grace period?""
Does my insurance go up?
i only have liabilities with my insurance. i got into a car accident but my car was the only one damaged and im paying for the repairs myself, would my insurance go up?""
What is the best affordable health insurance plans?
I am 20 years old and do not have health insurance and I need to get my wisdom teeth pulled! So i'm looking for an affordable health insurance.I've already applied for Medicaid and was denied.I need help please!
Why is my health insurance so much?
My girlfriend- is 22 in shape and healthy other than having psoriasis and ADD; she has health insurance and pays $90 damn bucks a month. I am looking for insurance since I will soon be 26 years old in shape and healthy and am looking at paying $200 a month. This is bullshit frankly- I am healthy, only have ADD (which I don't even take meds for but want to start again) and have a steady well paying job. I tried looking through the websites but found nothing less than $110 for not so great coverage. Can someone explain to me a. where to get good affordable health insurance b. why there is such a difference in cost since she has more problems and we are only 3 years apart c. are there any options for me if I went to healthcare.gov? I know she isn't lying about the payments and I know she has a co pay with each subscription/doctors visit but its minimal like $30-60 minimal. Any help or advise is very appreciated- also please don't make this political.""
What does full coverage means to car insurance?
What does full coverage means to car insurance?
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old girl ?
Im about to get my license and i was wondering how much insurance would be. For a 16 year old girl 2011 camry or corolla. Anyone wanna guesstimate ?
I just got a new car and was wondering what is the cheapest insurance?
I just got a new car and was wondering what is the cheapest insurance? I need some cheap Insurance that won't charge alot besides USAA is there anyone else out there that will give me a good price I am currently 20 years old and I need a good insurance company that wil not charge alot besides USAA I have a dodge stratus 2004 it's a V6 it's an SE it's a 4 door and 2.7 liters it's the biggest engine you can get with a stratus anyways if any of you could help me out that would be great thanks.
Can a vehicle get insurance by someone other than vehicle owner?
Can a vehicle get insurance by someone other than vehicle owner?
What is the best and most affordable home owner's insurance in Texas?
What is the best and most affordable home owner's insurance in Texas?
How do I get affordable health insurance for my son?
I was in between jobs last year so I had to put my son on medicaid. As soon as I found a job I let them know but they kicked him off of it anyways. The problem I am having is that my insurance at work don't kick in until November and he has to have insurance by then for doctors appointments, etc. I tried to get MC+ for kids but they make it almost impossible to get. I just was wondering if anyone knew of a place where I can get affordable health insurance for my son?""
Car Insaurance for 17 year old?
Hi, I have been riding on the road for two years now (or will be when I get a car) I have had a 50cc moped when I was 16 and since turning 17 have a 125cc motorbike. I know that my no claims on bikes are separate but is there a chance I could get insurance cheaper? If so, roughly how much? (If you can could you recommend some cheap and cheap to insure cars, or some things I can do to get the price down? e.g. explanation of black box etc.? Cheers, Kieran.""
Is no fault insurance the cheapest coverage possible.?
I don't get it my dads insurance agent told him no fault is the least amount of money paid to the insurerer that why he got me no fault but when I look it up on the Internet they say it's expensive. Can someone tell me if no fault is cheaper than collision, comprehensive, or the other types of insurance coverage. Also I live in Michigan and I'm 19 if any of that matters.""
Misspelled name on car insurance card.?
I have allstate car insurance .They just misspelled it by one letter, what is supposed to be an N is an M , I've had the card for like a month and its misspelled on my old one too. Does it really matter?""
Can you stay under your parents car insurance?
As of right now I am a college student living in Ohio with my mother and my car is under my mothers car insurance. If I move out and no longer live under my mothers roof, does this mean I must pay for my own car insurance? Or am I able to stay under her name? Please help! I need to find out soon before I get my own place. Thank you so much.""
RX-8 annual insurance cost?
So I'm 18 and male, just got my license and need to buy a car soon. Set my sights on an 04 RX-8, but I need to know if I could afford the insurance. I have no accident history (obviously) would be primarily commuting about 15 miles a day, and would go LIABILITY ONLY on my parents' plan. GUESTIMATES WOULD BE APPRECIATED AS WELL AS WHAT YOU PAY FOR YOUR RX-8!! Spank you bunches""
Next to oil and gas prices are car insurance prices too high anyone agree?
Whats the deal the government wants everyone to participate in paying for auto insurance yet the prices are rediculous what happened to buying a car and registering it thats it? Does the government think about Americans servival aside from gas, food, children, mortgage blah blah blah............. or do people vote for laws blind folded????""
Would this be legal ? start own car insurance company and insure self.?
We were talking about the price of car insurance at work today about how the cost is becoming ridiculous. I came up with this idea its entirely hypothetical but it got me wondering if it was possible. Just say i started and registered a insurance business. I offered 3rd party only insurance to my close friends and family people that i know personally are careful drivers.Say 50 people get a years cover for just 100 and i insure my self for free. Now i know what you might be thinking what happens if some one has a bump? Well i have 5000 in the business account so it should cover minor repairs however and hear comes the is it legal part if someone puts in a large claim that i cannot cover.Say my grandma writes off some rich mans Bentley. I just declare the company bankrupt ! Thinking about it its not to different to what the bankers have been doing .
Fort Belvoir Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 22060
Fort Belvoir Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 22060
0 notes
christophertwood · 7 years
How to write better blogs faster – without caffeine, outsourcing or robots
You already know that blogging is a powerful tool for promoting your brand.
It’s great for bringing visitors to your website.
What’s more, all those words are superb for SEO.
However, you also know that blogging takes time.
And that’s something often in short supply. Especially when you’re running a business, working to client or agency deadlines. Those ‘ASAP’ requests usually elbow blogs down the to-do list.
Here’s the thing: Once you let your blogs slide, other things start sliding. Your website, for one thing. Straight down the search rankings. Which means your organic traffic will slide down. Resulting in reduced revenue, less engagement and slower growth.
There is another way.
Speed up your blog output.
53% of marketers say blog content creation is their top inbound marketing priority (Source: https://www.hubspot.com/marketing-statistics)
This doesn’t mean cutting down on quality and churning out rehashed rubbish. Neither does it mean outsourcing to penny-a-word writers or artificially intelligent bots.  And absolutely no caffeine-fuelled all-nighters.
All you need is below. Want to skip to a particular section? Just click the title:
Before writing
3 things to remember
Follow this writing ratio
Buzz off to Buzzsumo
Your first words
Create framework
Plan intro
What to include
How to be original
The most important word
Words to avoid
How to inject insight
How to finish with a bang
Refer to your intro
Ask a question
Add a call to action
Bonus: How to smash through writer’s block
Before writing
3 things to remember
Write now, edit later (the biggest time saver) Once you’ve started writing, don’t read it back until you’ve finished your first draft
Don’t try to hand in the ‘perfect blog’ Your job is to communicate your ideas – let your editor worry about the grammar and spelling. Don’t have an editor? Ask someone else within your team to proofread your work. Working alone? Make friends with Grammarly and the Hemingway App
Reduce distractions Experiment with closing your Outlook for an hour or more. Disconnect your WiFi, put your phone in your bag, try the Pomodora technique
Follow this writing ratio
For any blog, whether 100 words or 1,000 words, spend:
25% of your time researching
50% writing
25% editing/proofing
When starting out, it’s hard to know your current writing speed. So set aside a set amount of time, say 4 hours and follow the ratio above. Do this a couple of times and you’ll have a good idea of how much time you need for a blog.
Over time, you’ll find that you write more words during the 50% phase. That’s your building up your brain’s writing muscles. Stick to a regular routine and you’ll soon increase your endurance, stamina, and wordcounts.
Buzz off to Buzzsumo
Before starting a blog, it makes sense to check out the competition. And the best way to do that is with Buzzsumo. Plug in your topic, and see which articles have attracted most engagement on social media.
Sharing on social media has dropped by 50% from 2015–2018 (source: http://buzzsumo.com/blog/content-trends-2018)
Have a read, and work out why it’s done so well. Is it the insight? Tone of voice? Is it interactive?
Compare the articles to your framework. Have you covered all the themes? Does your framework have something the other articles don’t? If not, think how you can improve it. Find an original angle. If the most-shared article is ‘100 ways to use artificial intelligence in banking’, make yours ‘101 ways to use artificial intelligence in banking’
Your first words
Create framework
Write down the main themes you want to cover. Don’t worry about writing headlines or copy yet.
Decide on your conclusion. What do you want readers to go away thinking?
Look again at your main themes. Put them in the order you think will work best with your conclusion.
Congratulations! You have a framework. Now it’s time to let your brain’s neurons and synapses go wild.
Look at your framework. Under each theme, type/write everything you know, think, or want to explore about it. Don’t worry about typos or whether you’re even making sense. Just go with the flow and let everything out.
You should now have plenty of ideas for your blog.
Now you’re ready to plan your intro….
Plan intro
Nobody ever skips a blog intro and starts reading halfway down the page. That’s why, before you tap anywhere on your keyboard, decide on your intro. Not necessarily the exact words, but the angle or hook you plan to take.
Those first few words are where you have the maximum readership. After that, it’s all downhill. Readers lose interest, get distracted, or simply decide they’ve got better things to do.
The classic “5 W” approach, used by journalists and PRs, is ideal:
Who will be the subject of my blog
Where is my target audience, (in terms of their outlook on life and/or career)
What will this blog cover
Why would readers be interested in this blog
When did the idea for this blog come about
Go through each of the Ws. Decide which one (or more) should go into your intro. Make your decision based on what will appeal most to your readers. That’s the only way to reel them in. Show what’s in it for them.
What to include
Have you heard the joke about two people in a forest? One day they come across a tiger. They start running away, and the tiger chases them, Suddenly Person 1 stops, and pulls out a pair of running shoes. ‘What are you doing?’ says Person 1. ‘You’ll never outrun it with those’. Person 2 replies, ‘I don’t need to outrun the tiger. I just need to outrun you.’
Longer posts mean readers stay longer on your page, which is good for climbing up the search results
It’s the same with blogs. You don’t have to make sure your blog is the best out of the 24 posts published in WordPress every second around the world. You just have to make sure yours is first among your competitors. Here’s how:
How to be original
Take an well-known maxim about your blog topic (‘You may have heard that AB testing helps you find a winning landing page’)
Challenge it (‘Here’s the thing: most people don’t know how long to run an AB test for’)
Add your own insight (‘if you don’t have enough traffic for AB testing, you can do user testing and go qualitative instead of quantitative’)
The most important word
Address your reader personally, by sprinkling in lots of ‘you/your’ references.
It makes your blog sound more personal, eg ‘If you’ve ever tried to do a mailmerge’, ‘Here’s a little-known tip you may find useful’, ‘Get this right and you can look forward to digital marketing nirvana’.
If you’re writing your blog in first person (“I, we our”) go for a 4:1 ratio – for every 1 ‘I, we, our’, make sure you have 4 ‘you, us, your’.
Words to avoid
Your reader is giving up part of their life to read your blog. So write as if you’re talking to a friend. That means using conversational  words (‘use’ instead of ‘utilise’, ‘helped’ rather than ‘assisted’, ‘ideas’ rather than ‘blue sky thinking’).
Jargon and technical terms may have their place in your campaigns, but they rarely belong in your blog. That’s where people come to be entertained and informed, not bored out of their minds or feeling like they’re being spoken to by a boss.
How to inject insight
Your opinion is all very well. However, if you want to persuade people of what you’re saying, you need something more. Links to independent, objective, third party research. Cite studies, research bodies, industry publications.
Here are 3 ways:
1) Go authoritative Step 1: Tweak your search engine results to get results within a recent time period. For Google, click on Tools (highlighted)
Step 2: Plug in your search term + the name of a reputable research agency/publisher (good ones to start with include Gartner, Forrester, IDC, Accenture). Imagine you’re writing a blog on machine learning:
Step 3: Find statistics and quotes that back up your opinion. Then insert them into your blog (making sure you link back to the sources).
2) Peer research Here’s a shortcut to getting insight about a topic. You could spend hours reading all the latest industry news. Or you could find out what people on the frontline think. Tap into their experience and insight by visiting websites like www.quora.com.
3) Google Trends Want to show how interest in your topic has evolved over time? Plug in some relevant phrases to Google Trends. This will generate a graph showing how often people have Googled a particular word or phrase. Below shows how interest in marketing automation has grown since 2012:
How to finish with a bang
  Refer to your intro
This is the classic ‘top and tail’ approach. Readers like this technique because it ties up all loose ends. Example: your intro includes the line, ‘By the year 2020, there will be 163 Zettabytes of data created’. Your conclusion could make a reference to the 163 Zettabytes of data.
Ask a question
Want people to comment on your blog? Ask them – don’t sit back and hope. If you get a comment, always reply. Even if it’s just a thank you.
Add a call to action
You’ve got a captive audience, so give them more of what they want. Link to a related blog, offer a free ebook, invite them to contact you to continue the conversation.
Bonus: How to smash through writer’s block
  Write the conclusion first
Write 20 headlines (doesn’t matter how good/bad you think they are)
Read another blog on the same subject and get some ideas on how to improve it
Write 100 words about the topic, doesn’t matter how rubbish you think it is
Forget about it and revisit tomorrow
And finally…
“You never truly finish a blog – you just abandon it”
Don’t hang on to your blogs. Once you’ve done your editing and are happy, let it go. Otherwise you’ll find yourself endlessly tinkering with it.
The post How to write better blogs faster – without caffeine, outsourcing or robots appeared first on Chief Nation.
from Social Media Tips http://www.chiefnation.com/blog/how-write-blogs-faster-better/
0 notes
thesearemyguns · 7 years
America, armed and dangerous - Part 3
America, armed and dangerous – Part 3
I will spend several posts analyzing this wonderful article by “The Week” - http://theweek.com/articles/731863/america-armed-dangerous
This post will focus on the first paragraph – mass shootings, war casualties, and self defense:
“Would tighter gun control laws reduce America’s unparalleled levels of gun violence? Here’s everything you need to know:
How severe is the problem?
It’s worse than in any other nation in the civilized world. Every day, an average of 300 Americans are shot. There were 36,252 firearm deaths in the U.S. in 2015 — including 22,018 suicides and 12,979 homicides — and at least 85,000 injuries. Every day, an average of nearly two women are shot dead by their partners. Nearly 6,000 children are shot each year, a fifth accidentally, with 1,300 fatalities. Since 1982, there have been 81 mass shootings — using the definition in which four or more victims die in a public incident — including three this year. (Under an alternative definition of four or more people shot in one incident, there have been 273 mass shootings so far this year.) Over the past 50 years, more Americans have been killed by guns than in all the wars in the nation’s history. The U.S. “suffers disproportionately from firearms,” says Erin Grinshteyn, author of a recent study on U.S. gun violence. “They are killing us rather than protecting us."”
(Note:  all data in my analysis come from either the Center’s For Disease Control WISQARS System or the FBI - Uniform Crime Reporting - Crime in the United States - 2015)
Mass Shootings:  Another common tactic is on display here, that being aggregating many years to pump up the numbers.  In this case, a 35 year period.  With regards to their parenthetical comment stating that there have been 273 this year, this is yet another “gerrymandering” play.  The FBI has now revised its definition from “mass shooting” to “active shooter”.  As I understand it, the list can now include incidents where no one was actually shot. You can visit the FBI’s website for more information on this, as I will not address it here.  At any rate the big issue here is, again, fear mongering.  They love terms like mass shooting, mass casualty, and the like, because it scares people.  Clearly, when they use these terms, they want to invoke visions of Columbine, Newton, and Las Vegas.  Yet, the FBI itself, and the Institutes of Medicine, (offshoot of the CDC) both state that incidents such as this are exceedingly rare.  Rather, under the “traditional” FBI definition of 3-4 shot in one incident, most incidents are the likes of a person shooting their family, or a gang on gang shooting.  To be sure, this does not make it “ok”, but neither does it represent a reason to give up our constitutional rights.  Never mind that even if we did, it would not stop a thing. 
Shall we ask France or Great Britain how they are doing this area? Even the Las Vegas shooter had something like 40lbs of explosives in his car and more at home.  The Boston Bombers did not feel the need for firearms.  They just went to the local department store for their needs.  Shall we ban ball bearings and pressure cookers?  Shall we limit their size or how many each person can buy? Shall we regulate how thick the pressure cooker walls can be?  The thought being the thinner the walls, the lower the pressure contained, thus the smaller the blast achievable?  Yes, I know I am being ridiculous.  That is the point.
War:  I often just have to shake my head and move on with the anti-gunners. What in the world is the point of a statement like this?  What is it supposed to represent or prove?  First, I will note, unlike the Author, that this statement is attributed to Commentator Mark Shields from a December 2012 edition of PBS News Hour.  Searching various sources such as the Department of Defense, Archive.gov - Military Records, etc.  I find that the number of U.S. combat deaths, in our history, from the Revolutionary War up to current (2017) U.S. military activities, is between 650,000 and 700,000.  (please note that some numbers are more like 1.4M.  This appears to be due largely to the civil war where just over 200,000 died in combat but nearly a half million died of other causes.  Some numbers appear to include all.)  In a 2013 fact check of Mr. Shield’s statement, Politifact, citing a 1994 CDC report and FBI crime statistics, came up with a number of nearly 1.4 firearm deaths, through 2011. Adding around 35,000 per year through 2015, we arrive at around 1.55 million firearm deaths in the last 50 years.  Ok, got it, now what?  What relevance does this statement have?  Again, they follow the mantra of “throw it at the wall and see what sticks”. In other words, they come up with scary, apocalyptic, sound bites that have little to no analytical value and hope to terrify people to their point of view. 
And they conclude by quoting a vague meaningless statement of “The U.S. suffers disproportionately from firearms”.  What does that mean? What is the context or basis of comparison?  What does the word “suffer” mean in this context?  Of course we have more firearm related death and injury than countries that ban firearms.  I don’t need a PhD to figure that one out.  But, that means nothing.  The other countries still have death and injury from violence and, as we see, knives, vehicles and bombs take the place of firearms.  The difference is that citizens of those countries have no way to defend themselves and fight back.  Bringing me to:
Self Defense: The final statement of this paragraph is a common talking point for the anti gunners. Basically, they say that self defense with a firearm never works and, so, the firearm is more dangerous to you than it is worth.  They then cite FBI statistics of around 200 justifiable homicides per year as evidence that people just don’t protect themselves with guns very often.  I cover this in Chapter 3 in my book, which I invite (beg?) you to obtain (preferably with corresponding payment) and read.  In short, my point is that since when is the only way to “defend” yourself to kill someone?  An excerpt from my book:
“For instance, the FBI does, in fact, report that in 2011, there were 201 justifiable homicides with firearm. (35).   However, since when is the only valid way to defend yourself with a firearm to kill someone?  Were the writer "on the up and up" he would have also reported that from 2007 to 2011 there were 338,700 "self protective behaviors - threatened or attacked with firearm".(36) This averages out to 67,740 per year.  Having already recognized in this book that the D.O.J. numbers always tend to be low, as they rely on voluntary reporting by law enforcement agencies, these numbers are likely much higher.  Further, many self defense incidents that do not result in the discharging of the firearm are never even reported so, again, this number is in all reality much higher. “
I then conclude with an excerpt from page 15 of the 2013 President Obama mandated Institutes of Medicine study on the “gun violence problem”:
"Defensive use of guns by crime victims is a common occurrence, although the exact number remains disputed (Cook and Ludwig, 1996; Kleck, 2001a). Almost all national survey estimates indicate that defensive gun uses by victims are at least as common as offensive uses by criminals, with estimates of annual uses ranging from about 500,000 to more than 3 million (Kleck, 2001a), in the context of about 300,000 violent crimes involving firearms in 2008 (BJS, 2010)."
So they are killing us instead of protecting us, huh?  Yeah, sure.
Well, that concludes my analysis of paragraph 1.  Only 5 to go. Stay Tuned!
“These Are My Guns” - www.sunandseapublishing.com
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