#like i really hope that everyone is including amab people here too
genderkoolaid · 1 year
Hello I am here pretty much just to complain about something small that i cant really say without sounding like a transmisogynist anywhere else, I hope that's alright
I was reading a post about how we're living through another red scare, lavender scare, and satanic panic all at once, and the post as a whole had very good points and I agreed with it a lot. OP got to a section about the current lavender scare and specified that she was talking about the recent wave of transphobia and said something about how everyone in the queer community was affected but it is very targeted at those who challenge gender norms, "especially trans women like [her]."
This genuinely isnt anything against OP of that post and I'm not trying to say that the legislation isnt heavily transmisogynistic. I'm not trying to minimize the transmisogyny coming from all sides. I just think it's a little unfair to minimize the way that transmascs are at least equally affected, and it hurts when other queer people seem to ignore that we're being hurt too.
One of my transmasc friends is being forcibly medically detransitioned because of this. Another was planning to go on T next year and now he cant. Some of them, including me, are worried they'll never be able to because of autism diagnoses. Rhetoric almost identical to the Irreversible Damage book is spreading rampantly everywhere we look. Transmascs are being hurt too. They want us gone just as much as transfemmes, but it seems like a lot of people are ignoring that.
I recently saw a post that had an addition by someone I know to be transandrophobic saying something similar ("trans people are facing genocide, mostly trans women").
I think its one part "people in general are ignorant to how transmascs are materially affected by transphobia" (see: The Archive of Violence Against Transmasculine People) and one part "there is a general narrative in trans spaces that trans women/amab trans people are The Most Oppressed* and trans men/afab trans people are only impacted by a few annoyances"
*this doesn't mean that trans women are always treated well in trans spaces. Honestly I don't think this narrative does much to improve things for trans women at all, all things considered
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lambstoth3slaughter · 1 month
CW: sad stuff and mild self harm
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The years weren't kind to the grave, Sinclair noticed. Guess that was what happened when you pushed away everyone close to you and had no one to come see you. Not even Sinclair stepped foot in the cemetery after the funeral. They didn't think they'd ever be allowed. Like the ghost of their father would come back and have their head for thinking they'd be allowed to see his final resting place.
They passed the threshold with no issues, though. No ghosts grabbed at their throat, no whispers of "monster" in their ears. They were fine.
The grave was next to their mother - to Amy's grave. It didn't feel right calling her mom still. Sinclair sniffled some, gently wiping a tear from their eye.
"Hey, Dad," they said, their voice breaking slightly. "Sorry it took so long to come see you. I... I didn't think I'd ever come around. Didn't think you'd want me." They took in a shaky breath, wiping their eye again. "A lot has happened since- since that night. You know I don't believe in heaven or hell or anything, but I really hope you've seen the things I've done. Not just the bad things..." they looked at Amy's grave, "you, too..."
There was so much to say. So little time. "I know about Paige. Paige and- and Eric. You hardly waited at all, huh? The moment I was able to take care of myself... that was where you spent all your time. When I thought you were at the bar or something, you were really out with your son, one you never told me about." They had papers in their hand, files, things that some friends in low places were able to get for them. "I was six when he was born. You waited until I could just barely take care of myself and moved on with a family you had to have loved. Did they know? Did they know about me? Did they see the man you were to me or..." A broken sob escaped them, "or did they get to see the man Amy fell in love with? The dad that I never got to have."
They broke. They covered their face and sobbed into their hands, the files falling to the ground. "Why didn't you just let me die? Why didn't you just love me?!"
The sobs drowned out any other noises around them. Including footsteps that stopped mere meters away. "Oh, am I interrupting?"
Sinclair jumped out of their skin and turned, hand on their knife. Though they settled the moment they realized they weren't in danger. "Shit, kid," they said, sniffling, "good way to get fucking stabbed!"
"Oh, I'm sorry, miss, I didn't mean to scare you," he said quickly, moving up to the grave and picking up the files Sinclair dropped, handing them back. "You spooked me, too. Not used to seeing people at my dad's grave."
Sinclair took the files quickly. Dad..? Shit. Eric Foster. Why did he look... familiar?
"Oh, uh... I'm here for Amy, actually. She was like an aunt to me! My mom and her were pretty much inseparable, so I spent plenty of time with- hey, don't call me miss. I'm, uh. I'm Sinclair. Sinclair F-" not Foster not Foster, "Edda. Sinclair Edda. At your service." They cleared their throat. "They/them pronouns."
Eric seemed baffled. "Oh, I'm so sorry! I'm Eric Foster! Uh, he/him/his. Uh, AMAB, and still align with it and all that." He rubbed the back of his neck, scrambling to put some flowers down in Rich's grave and extending his hand.
Sinclair should walk away now while they still had some of their composure back to them. They should go while their identity was still safe.
They took his hand and shook. "Nice to meet you, Eric," they said, unsure if they really meant that. They let go and cleared their throat again. Fucking allergies, that was what they'd blame. "So, Rich had a son. I didn't know that."
Eric laughed, though it was awkward and forced. He was as uncomfortable as Sinclair. "Yeah, it was after Amy passed. He told me about her. She seemed like a nice woman. You look incredibly young for having known her. Didn't she pass in '97?"
One good thing about being a criminal was being quick on your feet and lying to their half-brother was no different than lying to the police. "Oh, that's what a good skin care routine will do. That, and bathing in the blood of the innocent and selling your soul."
He laughed. It was a genuine one. The ice was officially broken. Sinclair relaxed. "So... just you? No siblings or anything?" They needed to know how much he knew. Did Richard even mention them once?
The answer shattered them completely.
"Nope, just me. Dad was always too busy to even entertain the thought of another kid. Said I'm all he needed and more!" Eric said with a gentle smile, a soft look in his eyes as he looked at the grave.
Sinclair was going to be sick.
"Yeah... that makes sense," they whispered, sniffling.
"Huh? What, it's that obvious?" Eric asked with another easy-going laugh. "Do I got a smell on me or something?"
This time, the forced laugh came from Sinclair. "Not exactly. It's more of a... look. You don't look like you've ever had to fight for the shower first or have your door opened for no reason at all, and it not be closed again." Of course, the closest thing Sinclair had to that was Amelie, Edward, Tal, and any other strays they managed to pick up over the years.
Eric was laughing, though. Laughing a lot. It was a nice sound. Sinclair blinked back more tears.
"Well, good to know you've got siblings," he said, looking back at their.. his father's grave. His father. Sinclair didn't have a father and they didn't want to claim the one Eric had. He didn't need to know what a monster the man was.
"Only one," Sinclair said simply, "a brother. Estranged, but.." they cleared their throat. "I should get going. It was nice meeting you. Maybe we'll see each other again!" They gave a smile, not waiting for a response before they started walking away. They were quick and silent, waiting until they were certain they were out of earshot before they collapsed and sobbed again. Shit.. shit! "Richard, you fucking bastard," they said, biting down on their hand. Hard. Hard enough to draw blood. Only then did they settle again enough to stand up. They were filled with so much rage. They hated their father, but they didn't shatter the perfect image of him for Eric. No, he didn't deserve that.
With a deep breath, Sinclair pulled the picture out of the file of their brother as they walked out of the cemetery. They rubbed their eyes. "One brother," they said softly, smiling a bit.
It didn't last long.
Sinclair's eyes widened suddenly. He looked familiar. Too familiar. Too fucking familiar.
"Crazy bitch," they said to themself. "Crazy bitch! Fuck!" They shoved the files in their bag and rushed towards the tube station.
Their dream.
That fucking dream.
Eric Foster was going to be the one who caused the death of Sinclair Foster.
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theharrowing · 1 year
Hey babes.
Just wanted to chime in and share my experience with bi men lol (I found the anons take so interesting).
My experience is the total opposite of this anon, as a bi (somehow clostet woman at least). I’ve dated a bi guy like 6 years ago back when I was very ignorant and homophobic (I’m so ashamed of those days) and I thought I was strictly straight so I just rejected him. He then told me he had like 90% preferences for women only.
And since I’ve realized I’m bi I’ve dated few bi men here and there and they’ve all told me they had stronger preference. And since I have 0 chance of ever coming out lol I’m mostly open about it if someone brings up the topic so I’m always glad when I encounter a bi guy that is willing to be himself with me and let me trust him to open up.
So basically what I’m trying to say is all these men mostly told me that even though the women to men ratio wasn’t the same, it was almost easier to hook up with men. Men are easier and less complicated about these things and that straight women can be biphobic towards them (hurts me that I someday was that straight woman yikes 🥴).
Bisexual men are so precious to me and they deserve all the love and acceptance in the world. I’ll fight the world for them 🥹 and I hope bi men with strong preference for men are still valid and wanted and that they should never be questioned about their bisexuality and attraction for women💙💓💜
i think that, when we’re young and we don’t have things all the way figured out, we tend to be problematic. especially if we are grappling with our own feelings? when i was dealing with heavy gender dysphoria, before i knew i was non-binary (or agender or whatever, i still don't fully know how i feel in my skin and bones) i had some intrusive thoughts/feelings that i feel would have been transphobic. i don't even really know how to verbalize them, but i think it had to do with "passing" and "looking/acting" a certain way, because i had a lot of negative feelings about myself that i was projecting onto others (i never expressed these thoughts to anyone!!!!! i have always done my best to be understanding and a safe person for others. but the fact that i had these thoughts does haunt me.) and this is not to say that your experience is anything like that, but i think that for people grappling with these very personal feelings, there are often similar things going on.
going to put this under a cut bc my feelings are big.
gosh, it's been so long since i have heard anyone talk about their attraction on like a ratio basis, but i remember my ex girlfriend in college (the first time) making fun of me because i told her i thought i was "at least 75% attracted to women" alskdjaslkdjasljd like what does that even mean??? but i guess some people may look at it in terms of percentages. i am also interested in non-cis and non-binary people so i wouldn't be able to pie chart my feelings as easily. 😅😂
if we do speak in terms of mostly the gender binary, i think that bi men/amab who like women/fem-presenting people get the same amount of biphobia as bi women/afab who like men/masc.-presenting people, because i have only ever experienced it while dating men and masc-presenting people. and it's so so so frustrating like what part of "i am attracted to my gender and other genders" is hard to understand??? that includes literally anybody i want it to.
i don't know if pansexuals get this same kind of hate, but if you do, i am sorry and i love you.
BISEXUAL MEN ARE PRECIOUS TO ME. everyone is precious to me. cishets are on thin ice but if you show me that i can trust you and that i am safe with you, then you are precious to me too.
ALSO YOU JAZZY mentioned you can't come out, and i am sorry to see that. if you ever need to talk about anything, please dm me! day and night! i'll likely be awake!!! 💖💖💖
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inkyquince · 2 years
inky im like so glad that you have experience with searching for male readers and ending up with a fic that was horribly tagged or they make the reader as feminine as possible. you are my favorite writer because of how inclusive you are, i love the gn aspect and i love being able to read something and feel all giggly. i hope both sides of your pillow are cold
This legit had me stop for like... Several minutes and be in my feels, y'know?
This was beyond sweet to receive and a thousand kisses for your sweet words.
I do like using gn reader a lot, but I also do wanna have works with fem reader or male reader, just cuz I know its unfair when there's x amount compared to y amount, yknow? But I do feel bad cuz I had really neglected male readers, and sometimes just using amab with gn pronouns ain't enough, so I did wanna make sure I get he/him pronouns in when I can.
I really don't like writing like... Detailed readers? I even avoid using the word hair, and stick to scalp, or grabbing the neck, because I know I sure as hell don't have long enough hair to grab, and it just takes you out of it, yknow? I dunno how long ur hair is, lmao, my best friend shaved all of hers off recently.
I'm pretty sure everyone remembers the fanfiction era where you would go into a fic and right off the bat, your skin color would be "ivory white" or you'd "pull your hair into a ponytail" and I was lucky, because when I was younger, most of it did apply to me, while not applying to some of my friends, either because they were poc, had shorter hair, weren't women, a whole range of reasons. Only when I started doubting my gender did the bombardment of female readers in fanfic start to irk me, but I couldn't even be mad about that, because they were writing from their own POV.
It's why I really love following certain authors on here and seeing tags like "reader is black coded" or "gender neutral reader but they have a cock/vagina" etc. There are legitimately no downsides to being vague just so people could be included. Hell, I remember writing a personalized fanfic for a friend and it was the first time he had ever read something for a black male reader, n it just... Felt jarring, yknow? Like, when you never had to either ignore sections in fanfic, or just quit one, because while it was good, or anything, you can't suspend your disbelief properly, when it insists things about you.
Like, I quit fanfictions because they made the reader... Too fucking stupid for words, and I knew I was a dumbass, but not stupid. I couldn't get until way later, in my mid teens, the feeling of something bigger being insisted about you. It's not great opening a piece of fanfiction and reading that you're a girl, that you're white, when you aren't.
I was lucky enough to be able to relate to those older fanfictions until a certain age, and when talking to my friends about it, it just kinda hammers home how unfair it is, but you can't even be angry at a majority because, they don't really... Realize they aren't being inclusive? They're legit just living their lives and I just kinda hope that the influx of a vaguer reader, or even better, a reader specified to be a gender, or poc coded, would make them drop the white, long haired, female Y/N that's had a chokehold on self insert fanfiction for over a decade.
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kennacore · 2 years
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Notes: Howdy!! I decided to make a version of this fic that includes amab terms just to be more inclusive!! :D I really hope you enjoy!! I edited this quite a lot but I may have accidentally missed something, so if I did I’m sorry😭😭!! Its like 3am
Disclaimers: Smut (obviously), Puff is downbad as fuck, “Breeding” kink, AMAB reader, reader is shy, there's a mix of degradation and praise included.
Word count: 4475 roughly
The other version can be found here!!
This was your first time ever being at a concert. Everything was so thrilling! There weren't very many people at the concert, but you didn't mind! That just meant there was more room for you. The crowd around you was cheering, dancing and singing along to the lyrics of whatever song was currently playing at that time. Flashy colorful lights swam across the dimly lit room as music roared from the speakers. The bass that boomed from said speakers was so strong you could feel it rattle you to your core.
You weren't typically the type to go to such an upbeat event, you tended to be in more quiet, reserved areas. But you just had to go see one of your favourite bands of all time. The second you heard Your Favourite Martian was performing in your area, you knew you had to go. You've been a fan of them for ages now, so getting to see them play up close in person was such an honour. You loved not only their music, but the band members too! You had small crushes on each of the band members, but especially the lead singer, Puff.
You were grateful you had a spot so close to the stage since you could see better that way. You couldn't help but eye Puff up the entire concert, he was even better looking in person. Sure your eyes would glance over at Axel, Deejay or Benatar occasionally. But you mainly stayed fixated on the singer in front of you. He had caught you staring a few times, but everytime you two made eye contact you would be quick to look away from him in a bashful manner. You were never good with eye contact, especially when it was with someone you had crushed on for so long.
Time passed on and it seems as though the concert has come to an end. The band members all waved to the crowd. before shuffling off backstage, except for Benatar. Before the front curtains could be drawn down, he approached the mic before speaking into it hesitantly.
"Ello everyone! Uh, Puff forgot to mention this. but we're havin a little meet and greet tomorrow evenin. It'll be located at the backside of the concert hall here if that's your cup of tea. We can even sign somethin for you or-" Benatar was cut off by Axel, the drummer of the band, who poked his head out from behind the stage. "They get the point dickhead! You're ramblin bruh. Get off the stage you virgin." The brunette shook his head before his head disappeared behind the curtain once again. Axel's words seemed to make the blonde sheepish, because he was quick to turn red as he waved farewell to the crowd before scurrying off stage to join his fellow band members.
So, there was a meetup? Oh man, you totally need to go! You would love to meet them all, but especially Puff. Getting to actually speak to him one on one would be a dream come true. You just hoped you wouldn't be too nervous around him, but being so close to the singer would surely make you act up. Are you seriously willing to embarrass yourself just to say hello to him? Yes, yes you are. With your mind now being made up, you wandered back home for the evening, and made sure to get lots of rest that night. Because you couldn't wait for what awaited you tomorrow.
Tomorrow evening came faster than you expected. Your feet peddled you across town on your bicycle as fast as they could. You could have taken your sweet time getting there, but you just had to meet them as soon as you could! You were too eager to take things slow. You made sure to wear one of your best outfits, it was a bit slutty but you may or may not have done that purposefully. You wanted to show off for the band!
At last you arrived. You hopped off your bike before leaning it against the sidewall of the concert hall. Quietly you made your way around to the backside of the building, your heart was pretty much leaping out of your chest as you took those final steps. You could hardly contain your eagerness.
The closer you got, voices came into earshot. "There still ain't a single person here Puff, we might as well give up man." a deep voice spoke distantly, their words were followed by a sigh. You could only assume it was Deejay, due to how deep the voice sounded. "I cant fucking believe this! No one came to our meet and greet!? This fucking sucks satans cock! Like c'mon there's gotta be SOMEONE out there who would want to meet us!" That was the voice of Puff! You could easily recognize it in an instant.
As you approached the tour bus, their words finally hit you. No one else came to the meet and greet? That's awful, you could see why Puff was upset. But, at least you were here now! Hopefully having at least one fan show up would make them happy.
You took one last deep breath as you approached the tour bus door, gingerly giving it a light knock. "That better be a fan and not Tig and that little bitch again, if that little bride of Chucky is out there, I'm outta here man." you heard the deeper voiced individual speak from the window. You had no clue who Tig or ‘That little bride of Chucky’ could be, but that wasn't your main concern right now.
At last the door swung open to reveal Puff who was standing there in all his glory. The singer was quick to look you up and down with a smirk before speaking "damn dude, you have a great looking body!" Puff exclaims. Instantly you felt a rush of heat go to your face, your lips part slightly in shock at his words. Did Puff from the hit band YFM just hit on you? Holy shit. "Puff you dumbass bitch, they're probably a fan! Knock it off before you scare the poor fuckin thing man." Deejay shakes his head in disbelief at Puff's words.
You couldn't help but look down at the floor timidly, you surely didn't expect this. "Oh shit, are you a fan? My bad haha. You just really do have a nice bod.” Out of the corner of your eye you could see Deejay sigh while facepalming before taking a sip of what seemed to be orange juice. You gaze up at Puff before nodding "yeah! I um, I'm a fan! My name is y/n, I've been a fan of you guys for quite some time now. I've always especially been a fan of you, Puff..." you trailed off as you began to shyly fidget with your fingers and sway side to side gently on the spot, it was a nervous habit you had picked up. "Well hey! A fan of ours is always welcome into the tour bus, especially such a cute one. Come on in." Puff smirked as he gestured for you to come on inside.
After a little while of you, Deejay and Puff sitting at the table chatting together, Deejay stood from the table. “Yo uh, it's been real nice meetin you, Y/N. But I gotta go get them idiots Axel and Benatar from Burger World. Them motherfuckers gonna have the place blown up if I don't get my ass down there soon. I'll be back later with those two dumbasses if you wanna talk to me then." the chubby man grinned while giving you a friendly pat on the back, before he headed out the door. You returned the smile and waved farewell before turning around to face Puff.
This means you and Puff were now alone in his bus together, holy shit. Your face went red at the realization. Puff laughed aloud as he took notice "Damn dude, you always blush this bad around guys, or am I just that irresistible?" Puff flashed a cocky grin your way while raising an eyebrow. You let out a nervous chuckle before shaking your head "sorry I just, I'm a bit nervous…” you gave Puff a shy grin.
"Well hey, there's no reason to be so nervous, it's only me! You get to hang out with the best singer in the whole world one on one baby!!" Puff chuckled and gave you a wink. Oh there's no way he DIDN'T know what he was doing to you at this point. The way he kept smirking, winking and calling you such flirtatious nicknames... it was driving you mad! Your blush probably got worse, your face was on fire at this point. All you could mumble was a small "gosh…” this of course only made Puff laugh again.
"Anyways, did you want me to sign anything for you? Or did you just come here to see the one and only Puff Puff in the flesh" as he spoke, you realized you forgot to bring something for him and the others to sign! "Oh no…. I forgot to bring something for you guys to sign. Oh man, this is awful…” You admit as you place your head in your hands, you felt incredibly embarrassed.
"hey c'mon now man, don't sweat it! I'm sure I can find something around here to sign for you." Puff gave you a thumbs up before he started to venture around the bus for something he could write on. A few minutes later, Puff came back with a scowl on his face. "It seems like that idiot Benatar wasted all our paper on his garbage diarrhea songs again! So I'm other words, I don't have anything decent to write on…” he shook his head.
"Oh, that's okay Puff! Just getting to meet you was enough for me" you beamed at the boy in the red hoodie. As you finished speaking however, Puff got an idea. "Wait, I have an idea. How about I just give you my signature on your arm?" Puff quirked an eyebrow upwards while questioning you. You nod in agreement at his plan as he grabbed grabbed a marker from his hoodie pocket. "Alright, just follow me baby, I'll take you somewhere more comfortable." Puff smirked a hella devious smirk as he took a hold of your hand before leading you towards the back of the bus.
Puff led you to an area that contained bunk beds, this must be a sleeping quarters of sorts for the band members to rest in; yeah, that made sense. The man sat down on what you assumed was his bed, before patting the empty spot beside him. Hesitantly you sat next to him. Puff then without warning pulls you in closer to him, before grasping onto your arm. The action made you gasp as your heart skipped a beat. Being so close to him was making your head dizzy. He was quick to press the marker to your skin before scribbling down his signature in a seemingly sloppy way.
“Do you want me to sign….. anywhere else?" His smile seemed innocent enough, but there seemed to be a devious glint deep in his eyes. You gave the singer a confused look "What do you mean, Puff? Do you want to sign my hand too or something?" You joked but to your surprise Puff nodded. "Yeah sure, I might as well spoil my number one fan" he says before grabbing your hand. Once he was finished this time, he gave the signature a little kiss.
You couldn't help but hide your face after that gesture. He was being so flirty towards you! You swear your heart was going to explode. “Oh Puff, thank you a lot. You're really sweet!" You spoke through your hands, your words probably came out in a muffle but he seemed to understand regardless. "Don't sweat it babe, it's just a little signature. It's really nothing! Hell, I'd do way more than just a signature for my number one fan!" He chuckled.
Way more? What did he mean? Slowly, you uncover your face and question him. “Hey um, Puff? Did you say... Way more? What exactly do you mean by that?" You gave him a confused look as you tilted your head to the left, almost like a lost puppy would. “This is what I mean, Y/N." Puff leaned in and closed the gap between you two, that small kiss was fast to escalate into a whole makeout session. You couldn't help but whimper into his mouth as the two of you borderline tongue fucked each other’s mouths. His kisses were sloppy, desperate and passionate. You fucking loved it. The feeling of his lips on yours made your head feel fuzzy. At some point you had to part for air, the pair of you were panting as you gazed at each other.
"Sorry if that was forward, babe. I couldn't help but think you wanted it! I saw the way you practically eye fucked me while I was on stage at the concert the other day, the way your eyes trailed all over my body. you must really want me, don't you?" as Puff teased, that cocky grin made an appearance on his face once again. All you could do was softly sigh with a nod as you look down at your hands "yeah um I uh, I really uhm... I think you're just y-" you got cut off with a small kiss from Puff. He leaned in close to your ear before whispering “save your voice for later sweetheart, trust me you'll need it for how much you'll be screaming my name.”
His words left you stunned and even more flustered than before if that was even possible. A rush of arousal shot straight between your legs. You could already feel just how hard you were. Was this really happening? It felt like a dream. Well, if it was a dream, you might as well go along with it. You leaned in close to Puff before giving him a gentle kiss on his cheek.
You hesitated to speak, but eventually you managed to croak out some words. “Puff, are you um.. are we going to? You know…” You questioned. Puff found your shyness adorable, he knew he was going to have to tease the fuck out of you this entire time. He just couldn't resist! "Oh hell yeah babe! if you want me, I'll totally have you bouncing on this dick in seconds. I'll do anything you want me to."
Your breath hitched at his words, he seemed to notice because his downright evil grin only grew wider. You felt lightheaded as you spoke again "Puff... please…” you mewl out. Although you didn't directly say what you wanted from him, Puff seemed to understand. He grabbed your hips and shuffled your body over onto his lap. You could already feel how hard he was through his jeans. "Oh Puff... I've dreamed of this for so long. You confess to him through a whisper as you desperately begin to grind yourself against him. You didn't mean to, but your body seemed to move on its own. The friction felt incredible.
"Oh fuck, don't stop babe." Puff moaned out as he snaked his arms around your form, just so he could give your ass a squeeze. You let out a gasp at the contact. "Holy fuck, your so fucking hard already! I can feel it through your pants. You must really want my cock bad, don't you?" Puff teases as he leans up to kiss you hungrily. You got butterflies in your chest as you returned the gesture. While the two of you were making out like a bunch of horny teens, Puff laid on his back. You were now straddled on his waist, meaning he was now beneath you. Puff broke the kiss after a while so he could look up at you.
There you were sitting on his lap, face burning red while you stared down at him with half lidded eyes. "Fuck.. you're so hot. Can you rip that damn shirt off yourself already?? I need to see you shirtless already. It's driving me crazy not being able to see more of you!" Puff whines out, he was begging you to strip at this point. You nod as you reach your arms down yourself to remove your top. You slowly slid out of said shirt before tossing it to the floor carelessly.
You felt extremely self conscious being so exposed to him, so you gaze away as Puff gawked at the sight of your naked upper body. "Fuck, your so sexy" he praised as he eagerly begun to fondle your nipples. You gasp at the sudden contact, all his praise made your stomach flutter. Your heart was doing flips in your chest.
Puff was quick to put his mouth to work on one of your nipples as he played around with the other. He swirled his warm tongue around your erect nipple before he began to suckle on it. The new sensation caused a loud moan to slip from your throat. You were heavily ashamed with how noisy you were being, so you were fast to cover your mouth up. Puff continued his assault on your chest for a moment, even occasionally biting at it before letting it go with a ‘pop’.
"Babe, you gotta uncover that mouth of yours, I wanna hear all of those filthy noises. C'mon, please baby?" He gave you pleading eyes. You hesitantly uncover your mouth "Alright, but Puff um... fuck, could I please suck you off?" your voice quivered as you spoke. You couldn't believe what you were saying. It was now Puff's turn to blush, he was surprised by how bold you were being all the sudden. He was fast to nod in response though as he eagerly striped himself.
Once he was naked, you instantly began to gawk at his cock. Puff noticed where your eyes were and laughed "take a picture sweetie, it'll last longer" he joked before yanking off your boxers. This caused you to yelp outloud in surprise as your throbbing cock sprung free. "Hey listen, it's only fair that you're fully naked if I am too." Puff began to look you up and down now that you were fully exposed to him. A bit of drool slipped through his lips. He was looking at you as if you were his prey. “Damn, you're fucking hot" he commented.
You couldn't help but nervously giggle at his words while your hands trailed down his smooth chest. As your hands explored, you were admiring his body. His figure was slim, he wasn't super buff or anything, but you but you didn't mind. His entire body was a light tan color, and he had a few freckles and moles on his body here and there, but he was perfect in your eyes.
At last your hands made their way to his cock. You once again gawk and stare at it. His cock seemed above average, and had a slight upward curve to it. A bit of precum dripped from the tip of it. Experimentally, you swipe your thumb across the tip, which causes him to hiss and arch his back. "Fuck, don't tease me like that” he whimpered. You teasingly smile down at him only to continue the action. Puff could only whine and shuffle around as you did, occasionally begging you to finally suck him off, he sure was a needy man.
You decide it's finally time to put your mouth to work. Slowly, you lean down to place a few kisses on his throbbing cock before finally giving him what he wanted. You wrapped your soft lips around his tip before enveloping it in your warm mouth.
Puff gasped sharply as his hand found its way to your hair; he now had a tight hold on your locks. You were quick to get to work. Gingerly you begin to bob your head up and down on his dick, causing the boy to moan and curse out. His grip on your hair only got rougher. "Fuck, babe! Oh god….. that slutty little mouth of yours is wonderful, ugh." This only encourages you to pick up the pace. Puff is now a moaning whining mess beneath you.
You look up at Puff for the first time in a while only to notice he has his free hand gripped roughly in his own hair. You also take notice that his glasses are tilted sideways on his face, pretty much sliding off at this point. Puff's face is burning red as he's looking down at you with half-lidded eyes. His chest rises up and down as he breathes hard. Knowing he looked this way all because of you instantly sent more heat down south. He looked so fucking good right now.
"Fuck, I think I'm going to cum... holy shit don't stop" Puff moans as he begins to pretty much mouth-fuck you. You gently rub his thighs to subtly encourage him, and it seems to work because it's not long before he's shooting his cum down your throat with a deep groan.
You swallow his load, because spitters are quitters. Plus you had to admit; it tasted good. Sure, it was salty but you loved the flavour reaardless. At last you remove your mouth from his cock, some of his cum that you couldn't manage to swallow had slipped out of your mouth and down your chin as you panted heavily. Without much thought, you return to your previous position on his lap, once again straddling his hips while looking down at him.
"Um Puff, do you want me to... to um, ride you?” you inquire. Puff nodded eagerly as he grabbed a hold of your hips "Hell yeah!" you giggle at how excited he was, but you had to admit you were just as eager as he was. You slowly shimmy yourself down onto his cock. You gasp and arch your back at the sheer feeling of it all. He felt great inside of you. You remained still for a moment as you adjusted to him, but after a few moments he needily began to plead for you to ride him already. As you begin to bounce yourself up and down on his cock, you place your hands on his chest for extra support.
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sorikkung · 3 years
Hey, so I read your post about including more gender neutral reader insert fics on writing blogs, and the only reason I haven't done so is because I have no idea how to write smut for a gender neutral reader. Because obviously they don't identify as either gender, but their body has either male or female genitalia, but if I write them as having female genitalia, then people will think it's a female reader insert fic. I was hoping you could help me out here.
i can absolutely help, thank you for reaching out to me! it's really nice to see people consciously making an effort to include everyone <3
so here's my comprehensive guide to writing gender neutral reader insert smut!
for the record, i invite people to add anything if you think i've missed something helpful! reblog to save a writer's life <3
smut is tricky to do gender neutral, so it is entirely acceptable to say gender neutral reader and specify their genitalia, as gender =/= sex. you'd want to label that at the start though, so like [member] x gn!afab!reader or gn!amab!reader depending on which parts you choose.
in case you don't know, afab means Assigned Female At Birth and amab means Assigned Male At Birth, so it specifies the biology without necessarily implying a gender identity. agab = Assigned Gender At Birth.
if you don't want to specify the reader's assigned gender at birth, that's doable too! it'll be a little more vague, but everyone has a hole and a part that's sensitive when touched, so it can be worked with. if the reader is bottoming, just maybe cut out the descriptors of being wet from being worked up and replace them with some actual prep with lube. instead of pressing circles on their clit, something vague like slipping a hand down or putting their mouth on their pants/between their legs works too. when the reader tops, you can just describe a dick and the reader can imagine if it's a real one or a strap-on, so long as you don't describe it hardening vs going soft or actually ejaculating.
that'd be my number one tip for writing gn smut without a specified agab - don't be afraid to leave it up to the reader's imagination! if they're old enough to be reading smut, they should be able to put two and two together. you don't need to specify the details of every individual action. something as simple as "he sank down between your legs and put his mouth to work, obscene sounds filling the air" or idk maybe less lame sounding than that but like point is. you can omit a lot of specific vocab by giving enough context clues.
alternatively, if everything is strictly anal that's always gender neutral. LMAO.
cleanup scenes are also important and imo not written enough tbh. if ur not specifying the readers agab its even More important bc if a reader was imagining it with a dick, there'd probably be cum somewhere, and even if not, there's always some kind of fluid alright just get a wet wipes in there or smth like it only needs to be a sentence or two but thats a personal pet peeve of mine, lmao.
other things to consider would be replacing any mentions of breasts or boobs with just chest - amab folk can still like their nipples played with, so that's safe and fine, but no bras or binders mentioned ideally as that can be implied when the reader undresses anyway. even if you are writing an afab reader, if they're still gender neutral, it's safer not to write abt boobs since most afab non-women get chest dysphoria and its not fun. lmao.
as for dialogue, this is the easy part. there's plenty of gender neutral pet names like baby, sweetheart, love, angel, kitten, etc, that you can utilise, but you'll want to be careful if you're going into the explicit dirty talk kind of dialogue. we'd want to avoid things like "you're so wet/hard for me" if you're not specifying an agab, alternatives could include "you're so sensitive/responsive for me" or if you want to be real vague, a simple "aww, all this, for me?" gets the job done as well.
if you are specifying their agab, it's still totally okay to include that in the dialogue, too, as its not inherently gendering them to talk about their parts. i'll reiterate that sex =/= gender, men and nb folk can have a pretty little pussy and women n nb folk can have a massive veiny cock too, or whatever else tickles your fancy. just avoid calling them a good girl/boy or anything like that, alternatives could be like... idk good pet, or just simply "that's my baby."
lmk if you guys want and i'll write up a gender-neutral smut dialogue prompt list for yall, that could be fun. or if you have any questions, whether that be for writing specific scenes you dont know how to word or if you want tips on writing gender neutral reader inserts outside of smut, my inbox/dms are always open for that too <3
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thecorteztwins · 4 years
A Primer for Intersex Characters
I hesitated on writing this, since I am not intersex. But I’ve seen a lot of intersex characters around, a lot of common tropes and mistakes, and not any guides on how to write them accurately or respectfully. I cannot claim to have any experience relevant to being intersex, so I’ve simply tried my best to read the words and voices of many intersex people and relay them here. I welcome correction if something is wrong, since my goal here is to help stop misinformation and misunderstanding, not spread it further. Okay, let’s begin with the physical/medical stuff. - There are multiple terms for people who are NOT intersex, including perisex, endosex, jutasex, and dyadic. Please use any of these rather than “normal”. Cisgender is also not an acceptable substitution, as it conflates intersex with being trans (and some intersex people *are* cisgender) The term “hermaphrodite” is offensive and inaccurate; it is to be used for animals for whom true hermaphrodism (being fully reproductive as both sexes) is the norm, not for people. That said, I have encountered intersex people who use it as a reclaimed term. But if you are not intersex, you should not be using it for your character. - Intersex people are not a third sex category unto themselves ,nor are they both sexes at once. Intersex conditions are variations on male or female, and many intersex conditions are in fact sex-specific. - Intersex is not one thing. There is no single condition called “intersex”. It’s like “mentally ill”  or “disabled” it’s a category containing many different conditions, each with different symptoms and presentations. If you are going to have your character be intersex, please have them have a specific condition (even if they don’t know it/have not been diagnosed/etc) and research that condition thoroughly. Being intersex is always attached to a condition, and there are a limited number of said conditions in existence, and, again, each has specific symptoms and presentations, it’s not just a random mix-and-match. - Most of these conditions are not just cosmetic, there are often MEDICAL PROBLEMS. Most of the time it’s bone and/or heart problems and a need for more screening for reproductive/gonadal health issues, but some have more specific issues. For instance, CAH comes with excessive hairiness and ambiguous genitalia in females, but also something called excess natriuresis, also known as salt-wasting, which can lead to death, and a lower level of cortisol in the blood that puts them at a constant risk of adrenal crisis. So it’s not just about how the body LOOKS, or just about reproductive/sexual function, the entire system is often affected by too much or too little sex hormones. Sometimes there are even cognitive effects; Turner’s Syndrome can cause nonverbal learning disorders, difficulty in perceiving spatial relationships, and issues with motor control, while Klinefelter’s Syndrome can cause learning delays in general. Again, please research if your character is going to have this, and consider the effects. - Not all intersex conditions affect the genital configuration at all. For instance, in Persistent Müllerian duct syndrome, someone who looks externally like a completely normal cis man will have parts of the female reproductive system internally; many of these men never know this til they’re adults and it’s discovered in a medical examination for some other issue and it gets discovered by accident. Likewise, someone with AIS is often going to look totally cis female and be raised as such, and only find it out when she sees a medical specialist because her parents wonder why she isn’t getting her period yet. Ultrasounds, blood tests, and genetics tests are all much better indications of an intersex condition than a mere visual examination of the genitals, as well as kinder and less invasive. - Some conditions that DO affect the genitals still don’t make them ambiguous in any way, just not configured in the usual way. For instance, in Mullerian agenesis, a woman is just missing the uterus and thus infertile, but doesn’t have any “male” traits. Nor does having XXX chromosomes masculinize a woman at all, but it is an abnormality of sex chromosomes and thus classed as intersex. Sometimes it’s not about the sex being ambiguous, but about something that’s missing or not arranged as it should be. Again, it’s not a sexy disorder, and can result in a lot of unpleasant medical and mental effects depending just what’s going on. - Most intersex conditions result in infertility. Depending on their particular condition and its severity, someone may be fertile, but they are NEVER going to be fertile BOTH WAYS. There is no such thing as someone who can both impregnate another person and be impregnated themselves, not unless they’re some kind of mutant, alien, etc., and that’s obviously not what’s being discussed here. - Intersex people should not be used as an excuse to make fetish fantasy fuel. If you want to make a beautifully androgynous boy who can get pregnant or an Amazonian goddess with a big dick, just make that and be honest it’s your personal porn fantasy, but don’t call them intersex or claim it’s representation of any sort. Especially since there’s no condition I’m aware of that’s going to result in either of these things. Being intersex is often fetishized or treated as a freakish curiosity, sometimes both at once. If your character is extremely sexual or sexualized, and their intersex status is a large part of that, reconsider. If your character is depicted as bizarre or monstrous, and being intersex is part of why, don’t do that. - It varies with the specific condition, but most intersex people are actually not going to look androgynous like many people seem to think. Most, in fact, are going to look like perfectly ordinary men and women; you probably have met an intersex person and didn’t know it. That said, there are sometimes phenotypical symptoms. Again, this is NOT androgynous beauty or elegant gender ambiguity as I think people often hope/fantastize, but more like, say, the webbed neck of Turner’s syndrome, or the gynecomastia of Klinefelter’s (which are NOT big perky tits), etc. I am not trying to say intersex people are ugly or these features are anything to be ashamed of, but rather that if you are going to represent people with these conditions, to include the real features of their conditions, even the ones that don’t appeal to you, rather than defaulting to, again, fantasies and fetishes. Now comes the real thorny territory--- common ideas and presumptions I’ve seen around what intersex people think, identify as , etc., and addressing those. Again I am not intersex so I don’t want to speak on “what intersex people think” merely relay what I have seen, and what it comes down to is---there is no one thing all people who are intersex think! - Please be aware of the many issues intersex people face, be it medical problems stemming from their specific condition, being used as a political football by other groups, or finding doctors who will treat them respectfully and compassionately. Medical abuse of intersex people and trying to “fix” their genitals via surgery on infants and children is a rampant thing, and something that many intersex people are opposed to. It’s also worth noting that the terms “AMAB” and “AFAB” originated in the intersex community, as it CAFAB and CAMAB. I’m just trying to cover basics here but if you’re going to write a person with an intersex condition, these are all worth looking into further. - Many people with an intersex condition see it as just that, a medical condition. Many do not see themselves as something besides male or female, just as men or women who have a medical condition, and many may in fact be offended by the claim that they are a third category. It is for this reason that many dislike being used as “gotcha” to the claim there are “only two sexes” especially when it’s by people who don’t actually know or care anything about intersex people or the issues they face, and just want to win an argument, because it’s saying they’re NOT a man or NOT a woman because of their condition. - Many also do not consider being intersex to be LGBT and don’t wish to be included under the umbrella as such. - But, by the same token, some DO consider themselves a third category and DO feel that being intersex should be part of the LGBT umbrella. - I’ve noticed there seems to be an assumption that all intersex people are inherently nonbinary, genderqueer, trans, etc. Firstly, that’s not true. Many intersex people identify within the gender binary as a man or a woman, and many identify with their birth sex. I think this idea, while progressive on the surface, actually belies a very cisnormative way of thinking---the idea that the body must match the gender identity, so therefore someone with an “in-between” body must have an “in-between” gender identity! Which is really quite an offensive assumption, and no more true than the idea that everyone with a vagina identifies as a woman or that everyone with a penis identifies as a man. This is not to say that having a genderqueer/genderfluid/nonbinary/etc person with an intersex condition is automatically wrong either, there are non-binary intersex people in real life too, I’m saying that it isn’t an automatic part of being intersex. - Likewise, I see an assumption that all intersex people are going to be queer, pansexual, etc., or that their partners by definition must be pansexual, etc. But many intersex people are heterosexual. Many are also gay, or bi, or ace, and so on. And those who are monosexual are not less gay or straight for being intersex, nor are their partners. Believe it or not, there’s a ton of regular ol’ cishet people who have an intersex condition. - There’s also an assumption I’ve seen that all intersex people are all automatically going to be trans-supportive/trans-inclusive or count as trans by default. This is also not the case. There are seen intersex people who were trans/enbyphobic, just like anyone else can be. Many do not see themselves as comparable to trans people, and resent the idea they are the same or comparable. Some just don’t give a fuck either way. - Some intersex people have deep and complicated relationships with their status as intersex. Some see it as no different than just having diabetes. Some are activists and very knowledgeable about a host of intersex topics, both the physical aspects of various conditions and the political issues surrounding being intersex in general, and are very opinionated. Some people just know about their own condition and nothing more, and have no involvement in any kind of activism, no particularly strong opinions, etc. - Some people always knew they were intersex, some didn’t find out til puberty, some didn’t find out til in their adult life. It depends vastly on their condition and how it presents, as well as the access they had to medical care, whether their doctors were qualified or not, what decade they were growing up in and where, whether their families told them, etc. - There is debate on if PCOS counts as being intersex or not. I’ve seen a lot of people with PCOS argue it does, and a lot of people with other conditions say it’s in no way the same. I am not taking sides, as I don’t have either, just something to be aware of. At the moment though, no intersex rights organization or doctor classifies PCOS as intersex. So basically what it comes down to is that there’s a big diversity of conditions, and likewise a big diversity of experience, identities, and opinions. Do your research, and listen to intersex people, including the ones whose opinions you don’t like or whose opinions are contradict those of other intersex people. Find what fits your character best, think very critically on why you want an intersex character in the first place and why you chose what you did, and, above all, be respectful. 
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deadmomjokes · 5 years
I need "Mom" advice...I get married in a couple months and honestly I'm nervous about sex. My actual mom never talked to me about it...was taboo. I barely learned about my period, except some friends explained and helped me through it. I'm afraid I won't make my husband happy or it will hurt. I've heard varying stories of friends' first times, and I don't want things to be awkward. I don't even know how to bring it up with my fiancé.
Thank you SO much forfeeling comfortable coming to me! I’ll try to give a basic “sex ed” lessonhere, and if you’re worried about specific things, please feel free to comeback and ask more, or PM me, or send me an ask off anon to ask about email if you’drather do it that way. Whatever’s going to be most helpful for you. I hope Ican address the concerns you listed, and possibly some that might be underlyingin general (most people have a lot of nebulous nervous feelings surroundingphysical intimacy that can be hard to put to words).
(For those uninterested or uncomfortable, a verybig TW for talking about sexual activity in a scientific sort of way, buttechnical terms and (respectful) descriptions may abound.) LOOOOOOOOONG post ahead, but hopefully comprehensive, respectful, and useful.
First Things First I Guess
Firstly, please know it’s super normal to benervous about sex. Almost everyone is, especially in family or social culturesthat don’t normalize talking about sex. We also do a crappy job in general offormal education about sex and sexuality, so too many people (especially women)aren’t given any background. If both of you are virgins, or new to sexualactivity in general, I bet he’s actually nervous too.
Second, bringing it up is going to be hard, butSO important. It might be worth sitting down and simply saying “I haveno idea how to bring this up, but here it is: I’m worried about sex.” The basis for any good sex life is communication and respect. Ifhe’s not nervous but you are, he has to respect that and be understanding ofthe time you may need to adjust. My guess is he has concerns as well, and beingable to talk about it together will bring a huge measure of relief to both ofyou. Another idea to bring it up would be to write an email or text saying thatyou’re not sure how to bring it up, but want to make sure both of you arecomfortable talking about it, so is there a time y’all could talk about it.Idk, that might be a bit formal for how you guys usually do things, but I knowsome people think better in written form. But being able to talk about your concerns, and having a shared general expectation of how things will go the first time is going to be helpful in making sure you’re not terrified of your honeymoon.
Third, and this is the big one: Almost no one’sfirst sexual encounter goes how they think it will, and that’s almost all because of unrealistic expectations. Sex is a weird concept, bodies areweird, and our cultural and social idea of sex is HIGHLY romanticizedand “sterilized” as it were. We have this Hollywood idea of what sex lookslike and is, and real sex has never been that way. It may end up being awkward physically (more later on that), but that’s okay, because that’s often just how things are, and sexual experiences tend to get better with time. Our culture has normalized the idea of “perfect sex” and promotes this big romantic “first time” narrative, but it almost never works out that way. Not to say it won’t or can’t be fun for you, just know it won’t be all fireworks and amazement right off the bat, because there’s a lot to coordinate between two people and four limbs and blankets and stuff.
Sex might be physically strange or a bit uncomfortable especially the firsttime, but if done properly it doesn’t have to hurt. By done properly, I meangiving both parties enough time to adjust, warm up, and become comfortablewith the situation. First intercourse with any partner, but especially yourfirst EVER partner should be about exploring and admiring each others’ bodies,without pressure to actually engage in classical intercourse (meaningpenetrative intercourse) if you don’t feel up to it. Being very nervous can prevent your body fromadapting in the way it needs to in order to be comfortable and pain-free duringintercourse.
The body has a complex system of reactions thatgear it up for intercourse, but here’s the basics.
How Sex Works Physically
What most people refer to as “foreplay” isgenerally not an optional thing for comfortable sex; smooching, cuddling, and a feeling of closeness are basically necessary to trigger thechemical reactions that start the physical adaptations for sex. Going from 0 (hey how’s it going) to60 (penetrative sex) instantly is going to be uncomfortable at best, but will likely hurtespecially in the beginning. Plus you won’t get anything out of it, and committed-partner sexshould be about emotional closeness as much as it is about physical sensationfor BOTH partners. So spending time cuddling and kissing is an important partof “actual sex.” The chemicals that are released during this time trigger yourbody to send increased bloodflow to the sexual organs, starting the sexual response cycle. (NOTE: Some people can begin the sexual response cycle by thinking about sex, reading or viewing erotic material, or “talking dirty,” so if y’all are really worked up and into it, much “traditional” foreplay like making out may not be necessary. This is usually what’s going on with what people refer to as a “quickie,” both parties are already physically prepared for sex because they’ve been thinking about it and that triggered the sexual response to begin.)
In female/afab bodies, the increased bloodflowresults in swelling of the labia (external parts) and a feeling of fullness,which increases physical sensation (perception of touch), which in turn triggersthe production of lubrication (some people refer to this as getting orbeing “wet” if you’ve heard that term thrown around. And don’t worry, it’s not like a ton of liquid, it won’t be like peeing everywhere or anything, it just makes sure things can move around easily, like an oil coating in a pan.) It also triggers thevagina (the internal parts) to expand, and the vaginal opening to relax and expand. Thesethree processes (lubrication, internal expansion, and external relaxation) are important in making sure sex doesn’t hurt. Like I said,with first intercourse, it may still be a bit uncomfortable because it’s a new sensation and your brain may still be on “no sex, sex is off-limits” mode, evensubconsciously. But if you experience pain–sharp or burning or stinging or stabbing pain, not just pressure (which is normal)– that’s not good, and you should back off and try again later after moresmoochy times or even a good night’s sleep.
Male/amab bodies are somewhat easier to understandbecause much of their adaptation happens externally, and also it’s much moresocially discussed. The penis has a complicated system of tissues that trapthe increased bloodflow coming in, resulting in the enlargement and hardeningof the penis (this is called “erection,” or sometimes informally “getting hard”). It also triggers a production of lubrication, but this is muchless than is produced by the vagina. The male lubrication comes from theopening in the penis, which is called the urethra. (Yes, it is technically thesame tube and opening where urine comes from, but the body totally shuts offthe valve at the bladder for intercourse, so there is no risk of cross-contamination.)During this time, the testicles (most often called the balls, of course) arepreparing semen, which contains sperm and is a thick, viscous liquid. (Theprostate also helps in producing this liquid.) During male orgasm, the semen isexpelled from the same urethral opening mentioned above.
To define, orgasm is the point at which the bodypeaks in pleasure, and is generally the result of repeated physical stimulationto erogenous zones. Erogenous zones are the parts of the body that producesexual pleasure when stimulated. (For many people, this includes not only thegenitals, but the nipples as well.) Male orgasm is easy to identify because itis almost always accompanied by ejaculation (expulsion of the semen), butfemales also orgasm. During female orgasm, the muscles of the vagina anduterus repeatedly contract, which can’t be seen of course(leading folks in the past to believe women couldn’t orgasm).
So, a quick recap: you get all smoochy, then you get all handsy, then clothes come off somewhere in the smoochy and touchy phases, and then if youwant comes penetrative sex. This is the part most people are scared of, and hasthe potential to cause pain if you’re not ready mentally or physically (as inyour sexual response hasn’t yet kicked in all over your body).
I know this is kind of squirmy to say, but itmay actually take several tries (sometimes over several days) toactually “succeed” at penetrative sex, meaning that the penis can enterthe vagina without pain to the vagina-owner. It could also be difficult to findexactly where to put the penis, because generally penis-owners don’t know muchabout what they’re looking for (especially if you’re both virgins), andvagina-owners can’t see what’s going on. So keeping a sense of humor and a lineof communication is super important. Sex is WEIRD. It’s just weird and bizarrewhen you start thinking about it (at least to me, on the asexual spectrum), andacknowledging that and realizing that it won’t be some glamorous tangle oflimbs set to romantic music like on the TV is going to go a long way toward making your experience somuch more positive, and much less awkward.
Mentioned Worries
Re:not wanting it to be awkward. Luckily, it won’t have to be emotionally awkward or embarrassing if y’all go into it with the same expectations, and those expectations are realistic. There’s physical awkwardness, like how a box that’s not heavy but is weirdly shaped is “awkward,” and that’s going to happen no matter what because you’ve never had experience with how to do this sex thing, and you’re not sure where to put your limbs or how to move around another person. But what can be avoided is FEELING awkward, emotional awkwardness, and that’s done through having realistic expectations of what sex is and how it works, and of knowing that both of you are on the same page with this, and are interested in making it work for both of you.
You also mentioned being worried you won’t make your husband happy–I want you to knowboth that this is fine and a good desire (to make him happy), but that it’s not your responsibility to sexually please your husband, and sex is something for BOTH of you. It’s not all on you, it literally takes two to make itwork. Sex isn’t all about him; if it’s something you want to share in yourrelationship, it should be something you want to make work for you, as well as for him. So he has as much responsibility to you as you do to him, to be respectful of your boundaries especially as youfirst get introduced to sex, and to “take care of you” as much as you dofor him. Sex with a new partner is going to take trial and error indiscovering what you both like and dislike, and it’s okay and necessary to be vocal andsay “Please don’t do that” if you need to. I know that you WANT to make him happy, and that’s excellent, because hopefully he wants to do that for you, too! Just know that if sex is kind of weird at first, or y’all can’t quite figure out what’s up on night one, it doesn’t mean you’ve failed as a partner, that you let him down, or that you won’t be able to satisfy each other in the future (even the near future). Adjust expectations so that your first experience isn’t about having the most amazing sex you’ll ever have (more on that in a bit), but about discovering this new facet of your relationship together.
You also mentioned you were afraid of ithurting, and this is the most common fear about sex. You probably heard or readstuff about “breaking the hymen” or “tearing” or something like that.While some girls will have small tears in the hymen (the flap of skin thatsometimes partially covers the vaginal opening), a lot of girls won’t, and thisskin stretches as the physical sexual response (sometimes calledsimply “arousal”) progresses. It’s also less likely to tearor “break” during sex if you’ve used tampons before, because tampons sometimesactually rupture the hymen just by their nature. (This isn’t to say you shouldstart using tampons if you’re not comfortable, of course.) If the hymen doesrupture, you might experience a bit of bleeding, but it’s nothing a pad can’thandle (much MUCH less than a period, more like getting a small cut on yourarm). Sometimes you won’t notice a rupture til after sex if you’re really intoit, but you might also feel it or feel it about to start. If that happens and it hurts, bevocal and tell your partner to stop. You don’t have to hurt during sex, youdon’t owe that to anyone. In fact, you owe it to yourself to NOT endure painjust for someone else’s pleasure. So it might be worth talking to your fiancebeforehand and having a stop-word, which can literally just be “Stop.” Butboth of you should understand going into this that either one of you has the right tosay “no more” at any point.
It may also be worth considering getting somelubricant (”lube”) if you’re really worried about pain, because most pain comesfrom insufficient biological lubrication or insufficient stretching of thevaginal opening, and lube can help with both. Many people find it super fun toapply to each other, apparently, and it can certainly be useful when you’rejust starting out and both new to this idea. (also, if using a condom, lube is important because sometimes the material can irritate the sensitive skin of the vagina and labia) But the most important things youtwo can do for each other as you embark on this adventure together are to bewilling to voice your opinions and feelings, and also to take time to get toknow each others’ bodies and preferences. That’s more or less part of what the honeymoon is for.
Also, make sure you go to the gynecologistbefore you get married. It’s might be awkward or feel a bit embarrassing, but super important in making sureyou’re healthy for sex (just know that gyns do this for a living and have literally seen it all, so your body won’t be a big deal, and they aren’t judging you). And if you happen to have a problem like vaginismus(painful spasms or contractions of the vaginal opening that prevent anythingfrom entering, including tampons or medical equipment) or an obstructive hymen,the Gyn can tell you and help you with that. You can also ask them questions you have about sex, and some Gyns have tools you can use at home to “stretch” the vaginal opening (it’s not generally necessary and is more for psychological assistance than huge physical benefit, but some people who are truly small might actually need a bit of help there, so it’s up to you). You will also probably want birthcontrol, or to discuss options about birth control unless y’all are planning ona baby right away. (Also he should go to the doc and get a checkup, too, justto be safe, and if he’s ever had other sexual partners at any time in the past, he should get checkedfor STDs.)
The Big Important Thing to Remember
Please know:Wedding night sex isn’t going to be the best sex you’ll ever have ever. Cultures inwhich waiting is the expectation or norm (Christianity is the big one for this)tend to promote this idea that your wedding night will be a big amazing reward for waiting, and isgoing to be the most important and pleasurable sex you’ll ever have in your whole entire life and if it isn’t, you’ve done something wrong. It creates a huge amount of pressure surrounding what can already be an emotionally laden experience. But studies on sexual satisfactionshow that couples who have been together for years have the greatest levels ofsatisfaction. So please don’t go into it expecting that your first intercourseis going to make it or break it. It’s more than likely going to be a bit weird even though it will hopefully also be fun and pleasurable, but you’ll have better sex as time goes on and you get to know eachother and figure out what the heck you’re doing. 
Think of it this way: say you LOVE music, and have always wanted to play a piano. You’ve never gotten to be around a real piano before, but playing the piano is a lifelong dream. Are you going to expect yourself to be able to play Mozart the first time you walk into a room with a piano? No! That doesn’t mean that the experience of sitting down at a piano for the first time won’t be euphoric and a fulfillment of a dream, but you can’t go into it thinking or expecting that you’ll be a master the first time you touch the keys. Look at little kids meeting a piano– they just smash around on the keys and it sounds awful to US as adults who know what it “should sound like” and who might even know how to read music and play a bit, but that kid is having the time of their life experiencing the magic of music and of playing the piano. First having sex is like that. It probably won’t be perfect, and you may look back on it years down the road and kind of go “wow we were goofy and weird,” but it can still be fun as long as you aren’t expecting perfection going in. So no, your wedding night isn’t going to be The Objectively Best Sex Ever, and you probably won’t be quite sure what you’re doing and might even be kind of bad at it, but that doesn’t mean it won’t also be nice and wonderful. You’re not doing something wrong if you aren’t over the moon with your first experience; it just means you have something even better to look forward to figuring out and experiencing together! Especially if both of you are virgins, you may have a bit of a time figuring out how things work, but that’s not a sign of failure. 
Plus, when you’ve been culturally surrounded by a narrative of taboo, it can feel mentally scary to suddenly engage in something that used to be off-limits in the biggest of ways. That’s why talking about it frankly is important (and why I have no problem with discussing sex in educational terms!), and why it’s important to discuss with your partner throughout y’all’s sexual life together.
Sex is messy, there’s fluids everywhere, people get sweaty, bodies are weird, and our brains are weird. But I hope knowing all this can help you feel a bit more prepared, and a bit more comfortable. I know this was long and a ton of info, but I’m super passionate about making sure people are educated thoroughly about this stuff, because I never knew any of it growing up. Our school lied to the state about sex-ed; we were supposed to have it, and they didn’t, but said they did. I never got the sex talk because I wasn’t interested in guys OR girls (I was ace and had no clue, another place education failed all of us), so my mom never told me anything about it. I learned a lot in college through classes and through academic research, and then more when I switched to health as a major (and became enraged that we don’t talk about this stuff!!). 
So I hope that despite being long-winded, it can be a useful reference, and hopefully put some worries to rest or at least take it down a notch. And do let me know if you have further questions, or if this was totally off the mark for what you were looking for!
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trans-i-am · 7 years
A few fashion tips for our Transfeminine friends
This is simply a list of a few tips you can use to relieve some dysphoria you may have about certain aspects of your body. This is meant to help with a few key problems that are common among transfeminine individuals specifically amab people. You may not be able to relate to all of these or some of these tips may not be helpful to you specifically due to dysphorias or for safety. We sincerely hope that some of these may be able to help a few people make some changes that will improve how they feel about themselves. 
1. A very common problem among a lot of our taller friends trying to find feminine clothing to wear, is that pant legs are just never long enough. Current fashion trends however do relieve some of this. The solution to this is really simple, you can roll up the legs of your pants just slightly; this will look as though they are shorter on purpose! 
2. If you feel like your legs are too long, you may want to avoid high-waisted bottoms, as this exaggerates the length of the leg and appears to raise the point where the leg actually starts. You can look for low-waisted pants or avoid leg dysphoria all together by using a mid-length (or longer) skirt or dress that hides the leg length.
3. Another common issue to have, is to feel as though your shoulders are too broad or prominent. The key to this, is instead of simply finding clothing that hugs the shoulders tightly, try to find tops that add more of a thickness to the hip area, this can mean that the shirt flares or “poofs” out on the lower half, giving your top half a more of that “women’s bathroom symbol” look (I promise it’s not as lame as it sounds). You can also use a more flared dress to add volume to your hips to balance the shoulders, you can even cut it with a belt around the waist to add a curvature to your waist and balance between top and bottom of your body.
4. If you’re uncomfortable with your height or really any aspect of your body, and it makes you very uncomfortable, here’s a good one that’s really underrated: TEXTURES, PATTERNS, AND ACCESSORIES!! The brighter and more obnoxious, the better. Yes people will look at you, but they aren’t actually looking at you, but what you’re wearing. I’m not saying just pick out the literal worst obnoxious thing you can find at a thrift store, you can be fashionable and trendy at the same time. This is a very good trick to distract people from your most self conscious parts, and tell people that you’re confident with how you look, which is also something that subconsciously makes people feel more positively about you, which is definitely not a bad perk to have! 
5. Jumpsuits are the best fashionable yet comfortable outfit without actually just wearing pajamas for the rest of your life, but nobody said you couldn’t wear one to bed! A jumpsuit is great for reducing height, it’s loose fit helps to avoid all the discomfort that comes with a lot of the tight fitting clothes made for feminine individuals, and despite having been considered a more masculine item in the past has taken on a recent turnaround as a feminine fashion item. However this is a little more ‘up there’ in the fashion realm and isn’t for everyone, but it’s not an item that typically comes to mind, so it’s good to put the option out there.
6. This next one is really only going to help if you’re comfortable with your legs. If you feel like your butt just isn’t getting the attention it deserves and you’re feeling like it might be a little smaller than you’d like, you may actually want to try high waisted bottoms and especially in the summertime, short shorts are actually quite effective and making a butt look a little bigger if you’re comfortable enough to try it. This isn’t typically a strong dysphoria, but any dysphoria is valid and deserves to be addressed.
7. If you have a body shape that makes you uncomfortable, don’t feel bad about layering up! This doesn’t have to mean hiding away, as you can put on a light cardigan or poncho over many things including a two piece outfit or even a dress while still portraying confidence. Scarves can also make a chest look a little more prominent. Remember to allow flow in your choice of clothing, ignore sizing, because we all know how screwed up women’s sizes are and it’s much better to be comfortable in a larger size than to wear a smaller size and be uncomfortable.
8. If you are a little larger, and are uncomfortable and wish to smooth out your shape, you can use high-waisted shorts and skirts to do just that.
9. If you have dysphoria about your face and you have long hair, you can add layers to your hair or add some texture such as curls to cover a little more and create a little bit of a distraction, the same way wearing patterns and accessorizing can help. Coloring your hair or even altering the color a little, like brightening a light colored hair can also have a similar effect.
10. Love yourself and have confidence with everything you wear! In the end it really doesn’t matter what you wear as long as you like it and you are comfortable. You will see yourself more than anyone else so don’t just try to impress everyone else. Any concerns about how you look are valid, but please try not to get too caught up in trying to conform to impossible standards! 
If you have any good tricks or tips please feel free to share! Everyone deserves to feel good and feel positively about themselves. You are by no means obligated to look or dress a certain way. And always try before you buy! Its horrible to get something cute and come home to wear it only to realize it makes you feel dysphoric. And be safe, it’s okay if you need to dress or present a certain way in order to protect yourself. But people’s opinion about how you should present is completely unimportant because the problem lies with them, not you.
If you would like help addressing a specific issue, feel free to send a message or an ask and we will try our best to help you find a solution that works for you. We hope this can help at least a few people to find something that can help them overcome a dysphoria!
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trans-fax · 7 years
hey, you! show me the trans fax!
are you confused about trans stuff? it’s so complicated even some trans people don’t fully understand all the nuance. wild, right? never fear, because this is a new series of basic trans info that will hopefully help everyone on and off the LGBTQIA+ spectrum understand a little better. onward to the basics!
CISgender = someone whose gender corresponds with their assigned sex at birth TRANSgender = someone whose gender does not correspond with their assigned sex at birth
someone's Assigned Sex At Birth (ASAB) is determined by a) visual genital examination, b) surgical genital alteration.
visual sex assignment is not a scientifically or medically accurate way of determining someone's biology, much less their gender. sex assignment does not include any medical tests such as: karyotype (chromosomes), hormone panel, ultrasound or physical examination (to identify internal intersex conditions).
the most common sex assignments are Assigned MALE At Birth (penis, scrotum, no vaginal opening) or Assigned FEMALE At Birth (vulva + vaginal opening + small phallus. this phallus can be naturally small or surgically altered to be so). on rare occasions, an intersex child - or, a child with genitals that have a combination of the above features - will not be forcibly assigned male or female, but they're usually still assigned a gender.
your ASAB has very little to do with your actual bodily functions, and NOTHING to do with your gender!
[ vocab to remember: trans, cis, ASAB / AMAB / AFAB, intersex ]
what is gender? some people think it is a literal extension of your genitals, but that's extremely far from the truth.
gender is hard to explain. it is a feeling that usually has very little to do with your biology (that is, your actual factual biology, not your ASAB). some people think gender is neurological, some think it is spiritual, but here's one thing it isn't: tethered to your genital appearance or reproductive abilities.
did you know that intersex people make up the same percentage of the population as redheads? that's a lot of people who have genitals that can't be described as a simple 'penis' or 'vagina!' there's also sex chromosome abnormalities - some people go their entire lives not knowing that their chromosomes are not a simple XX or XY figuration!
[ vocab note: the scientifically false assumption that (man = male = XY = penis) & (woman = female = XX = vagina) is called the gender and sexual BINARY ]
both intersex people and people with sex chromosome abnormalities can have ANY gender. a man who finds out he has Klinefelter's syndrome (two or more X chromosomes in addition to a Y) is not suddenly a woman, right? of course not!
apply this same principle to all people of all biological realities. you don't have to have a fertile uterus or two X chromosomes to be a woman. you don't have to have a functioning penis or a flat chest to be a man.
beyond that, you don't have to identify as a man OR a woman at all! many more people than you realize, historically and in modern society, exemplify gender diversity. judaism, for example, has six genders. six! indigenous americans can have two (or more) spirits in one body, which result in a person with no gender, or multiple genders that may or may not include man/woman. some people simply do not feel they have a gender.
anyone who is transgender but does not identify as solely a man or a woman is NON-BINARY.
you shouldn't tell someone that they have to identify as a man or a woman based on their ASAB, and you also shouldn't force them to pick one or the other. to do so ignores biological fact, cultural and spiritual history, and individual autonomy.
think about the people around you and the assumptions you make about them. did your nana really feel like a woman? did you ever ASK?
[ review & thought experiment: intersex people cannot be tied to a binary sex assignment. is it okay to tell people with in-between biology that they can't have an in-between gender experience? ]
okay, so now... what about sexuality?
this one's easy. anyone can be attracted to the same gender or multiple genders. it doesn't matter what your gender is, or your chromosomes, or your hormone levels and what kind of puberty you went through, or if you're sterile or reproductively capable.
if you are a man with a penis, you can want to sleep with a man. if you are a man with a vulvovagina, you can want to sleep with a man, as well, and still be a man! a gay cis man and a gay trans man are both gay men.
meanwhile, a trans person who has an interest in multiple genders isn't confused. their gender is not related to the scope of people they find attractive.
here are some sexuality terms you might recognize from the LGBTQIA+ acronym. (it's a great idea to look up the rest of them on your own.)
gay, lesbian = a person who is attracted exclusively to their own GENDER (not sex!) bisexual, pansexual = a person who is attracted to MULTIPLE genders. remember that since "man" and "woman" aren't the only gender options, people with multiple gender attraction (MGA) can experience a LOT of personal nuance - try not to make assumptions.
[ vocab to remember: binary & nonbinary, gay & lesbian, bisexual / pansexual / MGA ]
before we go, how about reproduction?
that, too, is a simple answer. every couple on this earth will at some point face the question of whether or not they're going to have kids, whether that be through natural pregnancy, in vitro fertilization, a surrogate, fostering, or adoption. if you don't want children, that's an easy answer! if you do, it's not.
ALL couples face troubles with reproduction, not just members of the LGBTQIA+ community. you could have a straight couple who are both cisgender, but one or both partners could have a reproductive tract that does not function. one or both partners could be intersex, or have abnormal sex chromosomes, or have a hormonal disorder that affects sperm production or menstrual cycling.
when you look at it this way, the reproductive choices made by a couple where one or both are trans don't sound particularly strange, do they? people do what they must in order to have a child. for a cis woman - maybe she's a lesbian, maybe she is a single woman who wants to be a mother - that might be artificial insemination. for a trans man, the easiest option might be carrying his own child. a trans woman may choose to have sperm cryopreserved before she starts HRT and risks stopping sperm production.
no one's reproductive choices make them any more or less gay, cis, trans, or MGA.
do you have any more questions? i know this is a lot. we've been told so many things through our lives about sex, gender, and biology, but the more research is done, the less rigid the boundaries seem.
while it can be difficult to accept that the world is so much different from what you were told, the common ground uniting all of us should be mutual respect and kindness. please go forward in life keeping this in mind, and don't challenge people on their private biological reality, gender, or gender expression. also, respect people's pronouns!
you've reached the end of trans-fax basics. i hope it helped. :D
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jokertrap-ran · 8 years
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 [I-Chu アイ☆チュウ Translations ] ArS! Amabe Shiki No.0115, No.0116 (SR⇢UR) Title: 恋人ごっこ (Pretending To Be Lovers)
Translator’s note : MC’s name shall remain as my normal (水嶋ラン) Spoiler friendly : Translations under cut ! * Something I did on a whim . Really. I’m serious.  __φ(..;) ... * Screenshots included * A heck lot of screenshots ♪
Chapter 1:
Ran: It’s been such a long time since I’ve gone home this early. I wonder if I should use the path I haven’t used in a long time to return home instead……
Shiki: Yup, yup. You have to stretch out your wings with all your might sometimes, else those beautiful wings of yours might would become ruined.
Ran: A-Amabe-kun!?
Shiki: Hi, sensei. That was a nice reaction.
Ran: What were you doing in such a place?
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Shiki: What, you ask? I was just waiting for you?
Ran: M-Me……? Why……??
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Shiki: How cold for you to be asking why~ Does a guy really need a reason in order to wait for the girl he likes?
Ran: Could you stop directing those kind of jokes at me?
Shiki: Oh, it wasn’t to your liking?
Ran: No matter if it was to my liking or not…...those are words which you should say only to the girl you like…...haa, but it’s useless to be telling you that.
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Shiki: Ahaha, I’m happy that you seem to understand someone like me so very well.
Ran: So? What did you really come here for?
Ran: Please not make it something that would inconvenience me and the like…...
Shiki: There’s no way that I’d inconvenience you. I just came because I had a favour to ask of you.
Ran: A favour you’d like to ask of me……?
Shiki: Do you feel like accepting it now?
Ran: It depends on what you’re asking for but…...I think that I’ll do what I can to make it happen.
Shiki: As expected of you. Then there shouldn’t be a problem.
Ran: Wait a sec, it’s not like I’ve already agreed to it or anything——
Shiki: Hey, sensei. Be my lover.
Ran: ………...Ha?
Shiki: You’ve also heard our new love song, right? I want to make the words sound more realistic.
Shiki: Since it also seems like a promotion video has been decided thanks to our brilliant producer,
Shiki: It’s alright even if it’s till then, I want you to pretend to be my lover. I can’t ask anyone but you that, right?
Ran: That might be so, but…...
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Shiki: Then it’s decided. Well then, shall we go?
Ran: W-Wait a minute, Amabe-kun! Even so, why are you hugging my shoulders as if it’s the natural thing to do!?
Shiki: Isn’t that normal? I mean, it’s because you’re my lover from now on.
Chapter 2:
Ran: (Though I did manage to make him stop hugging my shoulders……)
Ran: (Holding hands together with a guy like this…...it’s sudden but it’s embarrassing)
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Shiki: Hey, you’ve been keeping silent since just now, what are you thinking about?
Ran: …...I was just thinking about how long it’ll take for you to release this hand.
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Shiki: Don’t want to.
Ran: Haa…...that’s the kind of person you are…...
Shiki: Don’t make such an exasperated expression. You should enjoy it too since it’s a date after all.
Ran: Enjoy it, you say…...a date with you still in uniform? I wish you’d change at least…...
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Shiki: Hehe, are you saying that you want to have a uniform date with me?
Ran: Of course not.
Shiki: I wonder about that. That’s how it sounded to me. Then ‘ll prepare a girl’’s uniform next time.
Ran: It’s a joke I can’t laugh about. You really aren’t thinking that I’d suit a uniform, right?
Shiki: You’re holding suspicion against me huh…...I seriously think that it would. I’d really like to try a uniform date with you.
Shiki: Since we’ve finally gotten an opportunity to wear a uniform this very year,
Ran: (It’s only because you’re really good at sweet-talking…...)
Ran: Haa………...oh.
Shiki: Hm?
Ran: No, it’s nothing.
Shiki: Are you interested in that shop?
Ran: …...You’re really sharp after all.
Shiki: It’s only because I’ve watched you quite a lot. Let’s go take a little look. It’s not like we don’t have a reason for it.
Ran: Thanks. I like these kind of handmade things.
Ran: Whoa…...amazing, to think that all these intricate things are handmade…...
Shiki: Hey, hey.
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Shiki: Little kitten, little kitten! There’s a doll which is really similar to you, you know? Though you’re cute too.
Ran: W-Wait a minute Amabe-kun!! Don’t say such embarrassing things in front of so many people……!
Shiki: I just said what I thought. Don’t get so flustered over it okay little kitten?
Ran: I’m not flustered!
Shiki: Ahaaha! On the contrary, you face’s red. It’s like an apple, how cute.
Ran: (I’m completely being played with……! Even though I’m his producer……!)
Chapter 3:
Ran: Haa—…...
Ran: (I’ve been dragged out for dates daily by Amabe-kun ever since then so I’m a little exhausted) 
 Ran: Well, but it’ll end once today’s shoot is over…...I wonder why I accepted to pretend to be his lover.
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Shiki: Producer.
Ran: Amabe-kun.
Shiki: What are you muttering about all over there by yourself? I’ll hear you out if it’s something your troubled about.
Ran: It’s fine. It’s part of my job to be troubled by you.
Shiki: Heh— I’m deeply touched that you’re troubled by me.
Ran: For your information, I’m not praising you. Even so…...
Shiki: Does it suit me?
Ran: Yeah. So much that I’m surprised.
Shiki: Does that mean that it suits me so much, you’re about to fall for me?
Ran: …...Nearly.
Shiki: Don’t say something so cold. We’re going to be shooting the church scene after this. Think of it as if you’re playing a role and join me.
Ran: …...This is the last time.
Shiki: Yup…...you’re really kind.
Ran: I’m not kind at all.
Ran: (This is also for the sake of doing a good job of it. I’ll join him just for a little.)
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Shiki: Ahaha, you’d go that far if it was for work huh…...even if I know that’s a lie, I’m glad that you say so.   
Ran: (!? No way, I’m being hugged!)
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Shiki: Gyu— Your body temperature’s really warm. Let’s take a nap together next time.
Ran: It seems like I’ll have a really nice dream if I’m together with Shiki-kun.
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Shiki: I’m a wolf you know. Is it alright if I eat up a little kitten like you?
Ran: That’s…...
Shiki: That’s……?
Ran: That’s a little…...I hope you’d refrain from doing so.
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Shiki: Ahaha! So that’s what makes you retreat.
Ran: I can’t bear anymore of this after all……!
Shiki: What’s there to bear? You don’t have to hold anything back though.
Ran: Oh, Amabe-kun, it’s about time. Fix your outfit and head back to the studio. Everyone’s waiting for you.
Shiki: WHoa, you’ve suddenly returned to producer mood!
Shiki: Che…...even though it was at a good part— Hey, when’s the continuation? Can we continue this after the shoot?
Ran: Pretend play’s over! That’s what you had intended, no?
Shiki: For me, I wanted it to continue forever though~
Shiki: Then, I’ll be relying on you if there’s another chance next time♪
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