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OOC: Yeah, I'm remaking
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OOC: I kind of want to remake this blog if only for the fact that I've got 50 followers, but I dont't know how many are actually active and all that.
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     "I don't know anything about fashion, or modelling. I've never even thought about being a model."
      “Well, not with that attitude.”
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OOC: Alright, I deleted most of the posts and images on the blog. The only things I kept were the thread with my original sentry, spiceandspunk, and sharpeasatack. Not that I had a whole lot of other threads to begin with. The first two threads are being kept for sentimental value only.
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OOC: Almost couldn't remember this email. I was gonna cry. I need to revamp this blog.
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"Well, yeah, but..." Billy rubbed his arm a bit. "I'm not really a model..."
      “Modeling. How did you miss that?”
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"I-" He spluttered. "What are you talking about?"
      “We’ll have to work on your presence a little, though,” she mused. “The deer-in-the-headlights/shrinking violet routine doesn’t work so well for your facial structure.”
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"Uh..." Billy wasn't sure what to say, he was a little caught off guard by Evelyn suddenly saying he could be a model. It was flattering, of course, but so completely out of the blue he didn't know what to do, and it showed clearly in his expression. 
      “Already? No, no.” She inspected him closer. “Your hair is great. Is it natural? I could see you modeling—amputees are great for making a product look humanitarian, you know.”
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Billy felt a little awkward when the older woman looked him over. "So... ah... I should probably head home."
      “Aw…” She glanced him over. “Hm…”
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"For the most part. I've been thinking of moving back in with my mom to save some money."
      “Not the most glamorous thing in the world, but it pays the bills, right?”
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"I'm uh... I work at a fast food place."
      “Enough about me,” she said. “Let’s talk about you. What do you do for a living?”
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"Right." Billy cleared his throat awkwardly, not sure what else to say.
She grinned back at him. “No, thank you.”
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He smiled a bit. "Thanks."
"Uh. Billy. Billy Turner."
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"Uh. Billy. Billy Turner."
She gave him a winning, actor’s smile and took the paper, poised to sign. “Who shall I make it out to?”
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"Oh that's handy." he smiled, holding out the paper, still having no idea why he'd want this woman's signature.
"Don’t worry." She pulled a pen out of her purse. "I always have one."
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