#like i may as well you know? have a completed adventure mode file for every character on steam
joshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh · 5 months
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I have 100% completed Freedom Planet for the third time
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𝕱𝖚𝖐𝖚𝖗𝖔𝖉𝖆𝖓𝖎 [PART i] [PART ii] 
Alright~!! I’m back with another squad~! Finally made it to Fukurodani~! ;; so excITED! I hope you guys enjoy this one like the rest~!! Again thank you all for the support~!
» » Admin Ko
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Despite not being quite well known in their precinct, they are one of the more highly sought after group of hitmen in the Tokyo area. 
Only really well known for their unstable and psychotic boss, but really they don’t mind because it helps bring them more clients.
An unspoken fun little rivalry with Nekoma, and actually ends up collaborating with them the most if their missions happen to co-align.
T̷a̷t̷s̷u̷k̷i̷ ̷W̷a̷s̷h̷i̷o̷
The advisor of the group.
Is the strong silent type, but definitely the one that the group relies on in terms of advice and a new perspective if they can’t seem to track a target down or are having trouble with capturing the target.
He’s seen as one of the main analysts that the team can rely on if Akaashi is too busy. 
In addition to being one of the advisors, he’s also the main medic that all of them go to in any case of injury or require extra...knowledge in techniques. 
He’s skilled with practically any weapon given to him, but mainly dapples with blades and needle work to carry out his missions. 
He may not seem like it initially, but he honestly loves to do interrogation via torture. He’s quite skilled with needles and won’t hesitate to use any means necessary to get the information they need. 
A heavy sigh came from the tall male as he peered down at the individual laying out before him. Stripped bare naked and a tight bit gag between the victim’s lips the calm male in question couldn’t help but do another once over the file given to him.
“So...because you failed to cooperate in our kind methods in interrogation you’ve ended up here.” 
A wicked smirk then formed on his features as the male couldn’t help but drop the file onto the steel cart beside him before picking up a syringe. A slight tap and shake to the item before he turned to look fully at the now terrified male.
“This will only hurt a lot.”
A whole giant of a man. Very well built with lots of mass.
Despite how big he is, he has one of the steadiest hands from the entire group.
Only has one tattoo on his body.
With his S/O he’s not as affectionate as most would be. If anything, he’s super chill and hopes that his s/o understands that he’s super busy (practically all the time)
it’s basically like dating anyone who’s in the medical field who lives at the hospital because of the demand.
Y̴a̴m̴a̴t̴o̴ ̴S̴a̴r̴u̴k̴u̴i̴
One of the many assassins of the group
He’s kind and playful--- almost more mischievous when it comes to being at the base and out on the field.
Though he isn’t as bad as most coy men throughout this universe, he is one of the mood setters within the group. Though in reality his time is spent more on making sure their main close combat assassin isn’t going through another emotional bout.
His specialty lies in poisons and venom
He’s an interactive  assassin. Whereas most will either kill from a far or within one moment, he’s similar to that of a decoy where he leads the target into a false sense of security before turning on them after getting the information the group desires.
A forced smile graced his features. One that wouldn’t have been noticed as he worked through the nooks and crannies of the enemy’s ranks. It wasn’t terribly hard gaining their trust, but it was a tedious process. If anything it only brought him more joy when he gets to see the organization crumble at his fingertips. 
“Oh! Sarukui~.” 
The kind voice brought him out of his thoughts as he focused his attention on the target. The easy going smile still on his face as he responded with ease. “Yes? Was there something you needed?”
“Ah yes, it looks like we’re going to need your extra help with our electronic files. We’re trying to move them as quickly as we can before the deadline, but we’re short on people.”
The statement brought a sense of closure as he couldn’t help but mentally grin. His mission was finally going to come to a close.
“Of course I can~. Just lead the way~!”
Isn’t as tall as most of the members, but is within the average height for the group. 
He doesn’t have any piercings or tattoos, but has a good collection of scars and bruises.
Is always seen smiling similarly to a monkey, thus gaining him the nickname Saru
He tries hard to be honest with his S/O, but honestly it’s difficult because of the nature of his job
He’ll do special little things for them just so that they know that he always has them in his heart and mind.
K̷o̷t̷a̷r̷o̷ ̷B̷o̷k̷u̷t̷o̷
Best chaotic, loud, close combat boy and the chaotic boss
HEY, HEY, HEY~! Consistently.
Is told by Akaashi to please stop yelling during their rare moments of quiet time. 
He’s definitely more of the one unstable assassins in the business. 
Actually works alongside with Kuroo quite well! Though the victim doesn’t enjoy that at all.
Is literally one of the top 5 assassin’s within the country, with a large skill set ranging from long distance to close. Though he prefers close combat over all.
Enjoys the feeling of warm blood on his fists when he brings ‘justice’ down on a victim. 
More of a vigilante type than a hit man, but still does what is needed from the team.
A wicked grin formed on the male’s lips as he swung his arm back before delivering another sickening blow to the victim’s face. The rush of blood splattered on his knuckles as the tearing of flesh sang to his bruised fists.
The anguished cries of the man before him sent another wave of bliss through him as he relished in the sound of the evil he had vanquished. After reading the file he was given, the male couldn’t help but be absolutely blinded by rage at the corruption and disgust the target had done, thus leading to the situation at hand.
“Hey, hey, hey! No need to cry so much~! This is only just a sliver of the punishment you’re going to receive from me~! But don’t worry, we’ll bring you to a better place to give you a proper punishment. Right, Akaashi~?”
His golden honey eyes strike so much fear into those who happen to stare too long into them. 
Is often compared to a wild owl when he’s in predatory mode
Definitely one of the most fit members within the team. 
Has a couple of tattoos and a good chunk of battle scars.
He is completely and utterly loyal to his S/O
will literally do anything for them
Kill, maim, torture, etc if anyone tries to hurt or threaten his s/o 
Despite being psychotic, he’s very gentle and loving to his s/o (gives his teammates whiplash ngl)
A̴k̴i̴n̴o̴r̴i̴ ̴K̴o̴n̴o̴h̴a̴
Another one of the advisors / strategists within the team
Honestly, he didn’t feel as though he was significant to the team. Though is told by Komi, that his efforts and skills are not only recognized, but needed to help the team function.
Besides being the advisor, he’s also one of the main strategists of the team. 
Definitely is the one who’ll provide strategies and plans for the others if they need the extra help for their missions.
An irritated sigh came from behind a screen as the figure skimmed over the multitude of orders coming in. He was thankful that he had Akaashi as a partner to help him get through the onslaught of orders, but of course as luck would have it he was out helping Bokuto with a mission.
With another headache on it’s way, the young male couldn’t help but lean back into his seat as he briefly closed his eyes. It wouldn’t be long, just a simple break is all. Though that was quickly shut down as a rather familiar ‘Hey, Hey, Hey!!!’
Though it brought another onslaught of rowdiness, he couldn’t necessarily be mad as that meant his extra help had also returned. With baited breath, the male waited before the familiar sound of a coffee mug was placed down onto the table as he looked to see the younger male. 
“I apologize for being late. Bokuto-san had a...rather adventurous time.”
“That’s fine, as long as you’re back to help me get through all of this nonsense.”
The third shortest within the team
Unlike most, he’s not very fit. More so lean in comparison to the other members. 
Is usually dragged by Komi to spar and to frequent the gym more.
He’s actually one of the more stable members to be in a relationship.
Has the most ‘normal’ relationship out of the others
H̷a̷r̷u̷k̷i̷ ̷K̷o̷m̷i̷
An energetic fluff ball who honestly takes after Bokuto in almost every sense.
Aspires to be just as good of a hit man as Bokuto and in that sense, trains practically every day to get to that point.
If possible he takes as many lessons as he can from the other male.
Despite having a relatively large skill set range, his skills lie mainly in long range shots. 
Like most, he’s more of a sniper rather than a close combatant like Bokuto.
One thing for sure is that he definitely carries the same sort of psychotic tone Bokuto has in the sense of justice and being the one to deliver it to the evil that plagues the planet.
“I may not be as good as someone else when it comes to delivering justice in one swoop, but I can confidently say that you’ll be wishing that you were dealt a one shot blow to the head~!”
The cheerful tone that carried through the statement did anything but settle the victim’s heart as they looked up at the young grinning male. A sense or urgency coming from their gut as they desperately tried to escape the claws that had captured him. 
Though no matter what words they said or pleaded with, they’d of course knew that they were doomed to the onslaught of torture the young male was ready to provide.
The smallest member within the team
Similar to Bokuto, he has a rather strong build and is considered the 3rd most fit member within the group. 
Unlike Bokuto though, he prefers to not have any tattoos. He prefers to let his scars tell the stories he wants.
super loving to his s/o but can definitely be overbearing at times
he likes to try to call them as much as he can, but with his goals in mind it’s rather difficult to do. 
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flutteringphalanges · 4 years
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                                   Caught in a Riptide
Summary: After the infamous Count Dracula is discovered and taken into custody by the Jonathan Harker Foundation, former nun and now guardian to her young niece, Zoe, Agatha Van Helsing is tasked with keeping tabs on the vampire after a mishap leads to his release into modern day society. Can Agatha remain levelheaded, or will fate turn her onto a new path?
Pairing: Dracula/Agatha Van Helsing
Rated: M
Read on FFN and AO3
A/N: I’m back!! Finally, after dealing with some health issues I managed to get a chapter out! I hope you enjoy! Feedback/Reblogs/Likes are greatly loved and appreciated! -Jen
                                              Chapter Seven
It's funny how just a few seconds can seem like an entire lifetime. At least, in Agatha's case, that's how she felt. Her eyes flickered between the two men, mind reeling as she tried to come to some set conclusion as to why both were present. Or if she should go into the defensive or offensive mode-not that she had much of a weapon on her besides her silly, cheap cross. It took Dracula calmly clearing his throat to snap her back into her senses.
"You look rather alarmed, Agatha." Dracula stated with a smile. "Like you've seen a ghost-or," his smile widened to a grin. "Are witnessing someone committing the act of murder."
She watched with bated breath as he moved to the table. From where she stood, Agatha could just make out a small, square object that rested on the surface. The vampire picked it up and examined it carefully before pulling out a few crisp dollar bills. A wallet. He looked from the still stunned woman to his other guest.
"Jimmy was just here dropping off my meal. Weren't you, Jimmy?" The vampire held out the money towards the young man. "I invited him in seeing as I didn't have the cash on me. I didn't want to be rude." Dracula let out a long exhale. "Keep the change. I know your profession doesn't pay you fairly. It is the least I can do," he paused. "All things considered." And once again that familiar flicker of mischievousness glimmered in his eyes. "If you'd leave now, I'd much appreciate it. I've kept Ms. Van Helsing waiting long enough."
The man-or "Jimmy" as he was so called, managed to stutter out a thank you. He gave Agatha a nod before pushing past her to escape out the door. Whether he knew of Dracula's true origin was unclear, but it was evident enough the vampire gave him some form of uneasy. Though it held no weight, the cross felt oddly heavy in her back pocket as the man motioned for her to step forward.
"I assure you I am very well aware of the terms and conditions involving my freedom." He commented, pulling out a chair for her to sit in. "And while I do have my urges, the idea of not being locked in a cage and used for experimental purposes quells those...desires."
Reluctantly, Agatha took a seat ignoring the Count's smile. She knew he was watching her, observing her every move externally and perhaps even internally. The woman knew she needed to keep her heartbeat steady, pulse regular. Any sign that could be regarded as fear would only play to his amusement. Keeping her guard down, especially now, was the utmost of importance.
"If you don't mind, I'm going to pour myself a drink." Dracula said, grabbing the paper bag and pulling out its contents. A wine bottle shaped flask filled with a dark liquid. Agatha knew what it was, but she didn't like to think about it. After filling his cup, he set it down.
"So," he continued. "Can I get you anything?"
"I'm fine." Agatha said currently, trying to keep her voice level. "I'm not thirsty."
"I thought you'd say that." The vampire exhaled, shaking his head. "But I thought I'd ask to be polite." He took a small sip, the contents lightly sloshing as he did. "I want to apologize about the night before. I acted like…"
"A monster?" The former nun said curtly with a frown. "A mad man?"
Dracule smirked, chuckling at her remarks. "I was going to say rash, but I suppose those would fall under the same category." He left her side once again to retrieve what appeared to be a file folder resting neatly on the table. "Anyway, I'd like to move past it. Put it behind us. Even beasts make mistakes."
"You could've killed me," Agatha replied, eyes following his every move. "Why didn't you?"
"You're right," the Count nodded. "I very well could've. Even with that ridiculously cheap excuse of a cross you have in your pocket." Her eyebrows raised in surprise as he continued. "But having you dead would've served no use to me. I'm a calculated man, Agatha. While your blood is very, very tempting, getting it from a slip up like that would be...undesirable." The Count smiled as he finally took a seat across from her. "And again, we have that contract to think about."
Before she could comment, the vampire slid the collection of papers over to her. Meeting his stare, Agatha hesitantly took the folder and opened it. Though she didn't exactly want to break eye contact, the woman glanced down at the sheets below. Photos. A birth certificate. License. An entire history made up of a made up person-sort of. His new background. A perfect gateway into modern society that was virtually untraceable to who he really was. Renfield had done well.
"Vlad Balaur," she mumbled.
"Dracula seemed to be a stretch unfortunately, so this was the second choice." The Count replied simply. "Do you like it?"
"26 May 1967." Agatha continued, ignoring his question. After a moment, she looked up. "You're lucky you can pull off looking 53 and not 530." Exhaling, Agatha pushed the pile back over to the man. "Your lawyer did well. I certainly hope you are paying him for all of this work."
Dracula merely chuckled as he took the thick folder. "I'm not an unreasonable man. I pay Frank accordingly. Based, of course, on the service he provides." He lifted his glass of blood, the rim stained with dark crimson from where he sipped. "I can have copies for you made, if you so desire. I know how important it is for your precious Foundation to know about my whereabouts." For a brief moment, his dark eyes flickered playfully. "For you to know."
The woman's stomach churned as the vampire took a large swig of his drink. Why did he have to feed in front of her? Probably because he knew it made her squirm. When he set the cup down, he smiled widely, teeth seeming sharper than a moment before. She prayed it was merely a trick of her imagination.
"What are your plans now that you are free to roam around England on your own accord?" Agatha inquired, straightening in her chair. "Surely you must have something in mind?"
"Believe it or not, after being asleep for over a hundred years, there is quite a lot to take in." Dracula nudged his now empty glass aside. "So many advances in technology. Science. History. I've done quite a lot of reading myself, but the modern world is very enriched. However," he held up his index finger. "It's quite hard when you're only limited to the night hours. My body doesn't exactly fair well in the sun. Call it an extreme allergy if you will."
"As I am very well aware," Agatha huffed. "But that doesn't exactly answer my question. What are your plans, Count Dracula?"
"I think you mean our plans," the vampire smirked. The look on the woman's face said it all and his smile only widened. "You honestly didn't think our interactions would just be the two of us discussing our adventures over tea did you?" His fingers laced together, tips ending in sharp, talon line nails. "You, Agatha Van Helsing, are going to be my escort. And what an honor, I might add, that is."
Agatha's jaw dropped. "Your...your what?!"
"Escort, tour guide, chaperone...whatever you wish to call it." He dismissively waved his hand. "In other words, you and I will be spending a lot of nights together under the starry skies of England. Or cloudy? I have reason to believe it rains a lot, or am I mistaken?"
"The only thing you're mistaken of is the preposterous idea of me ever agreeing to this!" The woman snapped. "My understanding was that we would meet face to face occasionally at your flat! Not that I'd spend quality time with you out and about!"
"Well if that's the case, it would seem that our two overseers have decided our fates without consulting us." Dracula smirked as he met Agatha's cold stare. "Both Mr. Renfield and Dr. Bloxham have come to the conclusion that this seems like a fair and fit decision and who am I to argue?"
She'd committed. Told Bloxham she'd do whatever the scientist wanted. But this...this wasn't what she had in mind. Agatha silently cursed at herself, mentally berated her brain for being so stupid. Of course these interactions wouldn't be just mere meetings. No...no the Harker Foundation wanted more than that. Immersing herself was one thing. This was the equivalent of being tied to a stone and thrown into a river like a woman during a witch trial. Count Dracula was to be a part of her life no matter how hard she kicked and screamed to swim back to the surface.
""I will completely and utterly immerse myself into Count Dracula's life…"
Agatha's own words replayed in her mind like a broken record as she sat there grinding her teeth. She could feel the vampire watching her expectantly, waiting to hear what she had to say. He seemed cool. Collected. Of all people, shouldn't he be against the idea of being watched like a hawk? But there he sat seemingly without a care in the world. Secretly, she was sure, reveling in her misfortune.
"I'd say you're rather exhausted, Agatha." Dracula exclaimed, breaking the silence. "Perhaps you should go home and rest. I'd offer up my flat, but I think that little Zoe would worry."
"Don't say her name," the woman muttered. "You don't get to say her name."
The vampire gave a half smile. "Get some rest, Ms. Van Helsing. I have quite the itinerary planned for tomorrow." His movements almost gave off the impression of gliding as he corked the bottle of blood he'd been consuming and strode over to the refrigerator. "Shall I walk you to your car or-"
But Agatha had already snatched up her keys and stormed towards the door before he could finish. Dracula snorted softly, shaking his head. She was certainly turning out to be much more interesting than he had initially suspected. Perhaps whatever the Foundation had planned for him would be more in his favor than they'd ever begin to realize. Games were always more enticing when both sides were competitive. And Agatha Van Helsing was the perfect prize.
Agatha didn't even acknowledge the box of biscuits that fell onto the floor as Jack jumped in surprise as she swung the front door wide open. Flinging her semi closed purse onto the counter, she stormed over to the couch and collapsed. She was tired, but not exhausted enough to feel furious.
"How did it go?" There was hesitation in Jack's voice as he asked. A sense of fear that one gets when staring at a poisonous viper head on. "Did he have anything important to say?"
"Did Zoe behave for you?" Agatha replied in a monotone, eyes fixed on the television screen. Some adult cartoon was on that she vaguely recognized but didn't care enough to remember the name. "I hope she didn't give you a hard time."
"She caused absolutely no issues," the doctor assured her. "It was like she wasn't even there. Well," he paused. "I did read her two bedtime stories-her request, but other than that, she went to bed without a fuss. She did want to hang out though so maybe the three of us could go out to do something together sometime to distract your mind from…"
"They have me babysitting him!" The woman declared sharply, finally turning to face her friend. "He's talking like we're going on some date tomorrow. Bloxham has me taking him around wherever he wants to go as it is a part of this bloody contract I didn't read the fine print of!" Agatha groaned, massaging her temples. "When I started...I didn't think…Honestly, I don't know what I thought."
She chewed absentmindedly on her bottom lip as Jack sat beside her. He stared at her with those big blue eyes of his. It was a familiar look. Innocent. Sheltered. The young man had witnessed much in his short life and yet there was an aura of goodness to him. Loyalty. Something Agatha personality believed she didn't deserve. A friend whose companionship she'd never be able to match.
"I don't think any of us knew what to expect when we found him." Jack commented, resting a hand on her knee. "Especially you given your family's...history." He paused only to reach the clicker to turn off the show. "If I'm to be honest, Agatha, at first, I didn't actually think he existed. Maybe some part of me did-I worked at the bloody Harker Foundation. But when he actually showed up...I guess what I'm trying to say is Bloxham has no right to do what she's doing."
"Right or not, I don't exactly have a choice in the matter," Agatha frowned. "When I wanted to study him, learn about who he was and what he was, I didn't exactly think that meant I was going to be forced to spend every waking minute with him-well, every his waking minute. But I have to do this for my sake and Zoe's."
Jack cocked a brow in confusion. "What does this have to do with Zoe?"
"I made a commitment." She admitted, running a hand through her hair. "...Moreso Bloxham has me backed into a corner. If I don't go through with this, then she can make my life a living Hell." Agatha held up her hand as the man tried to interject. "If I could get out of this, I already would've, but I don't have a choice, Jack. It'll be like that movie Interview with a Vampire, but instead of an eager biographer wanting to learn Louis de Pointe du Lac's story, I'm forced to take my vampire on a railway trip."
Jack started to chuckle into his hand earning him a curious look from Agatha. A small smile graced his features as he straightened up, clearing his throat before speaking.
"Sorry," he grinned. "Didn't take you for a movie buff."
"I suppose I can sometimes be unpredictable." Agatha admitted with a small smile. "Anyway, the fact of the matter is, I wanted to learn about Dracula on my terms, not someone else's. Especially since he's a bigger prick than I imagined."
"He murdered people," the man stated. "How big of an ass were you expecting?!"
"Someone whose ego wasn't so large it'd overtake all of Europe and then some." She said folding her arms over her chest. "He's unbearable, Jack, and he knows it. Relishes in it. And I'm stuck with him like gum on the bottom of a shoe." Agatha let out a long exhale. "Curiosity killed the cat, and I already feel like I'm on my eighth life. Why of all things did I have to be a Van Helsing? Smith is a nice last name. Or Wilson. I'd go as far as Bigglesworth."
"You are not a Bigglesworth," Jack laughed. "Besides, Van Helsing is pretty bad ass. It has its perks."
Agatha let out a soft chuckled before her mouth curved into a genuine smile. Gently she rested her head on Jack's shoulder, her eyes fixed on the blank screen of the television.
"What am I going to do, Jack?" She mumbled.
"What you always do," he replied softly. "Take what's thrown at you into your own hands and make it work. At least, that's what the Agatha I know would do."
"I'm taking the window seat," Agatha yawned, closing her eyes.
"The window seat?" The doctor inquired, his brows knitting in confusion. "What window seat?"
"The window seat," she repeated. "If I'm taking that beast on a train, I'm taking the window seat."
Jack grinned over at the former nun as she began to nod off. "Agatha Van Helsing, you never cease to amaze me."
"Good," she answered. "I plan to keep it that way."
And without another word, she drifted off into the dark world of unconsciousness. Far, far away from her worries and troubles that would live to see another day.
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kinsie · 5 years
Game Impressions from PAX Aus 2019
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Wake the fuck up, samurai. We've got a city to burn.
Every year I go to PAX Aus with some close friends to check out the Incredible Future of Games that everyone else already checked out six months ago, along with some cool weird indie shit and some awesome retro stuff. And every year, I write a little diary of what I saw to share my impressions with my friends. This is that diary.
Doom Eternal
Okay, let's get this out of the way. I played Doom Eternal pretty much as soon as I got on the show floor. It may shock you to know that it is, in fact, good.
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No pictures of the demo units, sorry, so have this big logo.
The demo started with a little grey-box tutorial map just to teach you what you need to know for the demo level, since it was taken from the middle of the game. It looked very Snapmap-y and had some Doom 2 MIDI music playing. After that we were given about 25 minutes to acquaint ourselves with the lengthy "Mars Core" mission they've been showing since E3. I was at the start of the first arena of the hell bit when I ran out of time. :(
Here are some scattered thoughts from playing:
Your standard running around and double jumping feels much the same as in Doom 2016. The dashing feels great, although I think it might reduce your air control a little afterwards as I had some trouble overshooting a platform in the floating debris bit.
Climbing walls felt a bit weird to me. You have to press E on the wall manually to grab onto it, which feels a bit unintuitive when you're plummeting past it. Also feels a bit odd considering mantling up walls is automatic. You can auto-grab onto walls if you dash into it, but I think it's only for the first bit of the dash? Maybe I'm just bad at videogames.
I think the Combat and Super Shotguns now use different ammo types? I could have swore there were situations where I could select the Combat Shotgun but not the SSG.
The Chainsaw now no longer has even the slightest pretence of being a "real" weapon. It's now just a swing animation when you press the button, like a melee attack, before bringing your weapon back up.
When you have the SSG's Meat Hook attachment, a little meathook icon appears below the crosshair. When you're close enough to an enemy to grapple onto them, the icon floats over them, indicating that it has some kind of auto-aim mechanic to reduce frustration.
There was a monster with swords on its arms that acted an awful lot like the Baron of Hell (might have been the Hell Knight, looking at the Quakecon footage of the same fight) but it looked quite different. Looked fuckin' cool, whatever it was.
The platforming but in the debris section with the giant floating red barrels was actually kind of frustrating. It wasn't always clear where you needed to go, and the climbable bits tended to blend in with the rest of the world. Then again, keep in mind I have a frankly abysmal sense of direction. Thankfully falling into the void just whacks you for a paltry five health and teleports you back onto safe ground.
The locational damage stuff is really fun. Breaking a monster's guns has a satisfying metal "PING" sound to it to inform you that the dude got fucked up and is weaker now, and that you should keep doing it.
When I picked up one of those "?" secrets, the pop-up box told me that they unlocked "collectable dolls" and "cheat codes". The former is vague, but I suspect they'll be like the mini-Doomguys but of more characters. I'd imagine the latter will be like in Rage 2.
Oh, and it looks a million bucks, too. Though you probably didn't need me to tell you that.
All in all, I'm pretty happy with what I saw and it's even more of a pity it's not coming out next month.
Not Indie Games, But Also Not Doom Eternal
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The Vive Cosmos felt really comfy - the lack of cabling and the decent display resolution made it feel a lot more natural than the Gen 1 Vives I've previously used. The game they were using to demo (Audica), however, was pretty lame. A rhythm-target shooter that didn't really take advantage of the medium at all.
Bleeding Edge was not inspiring. It was basically the control point mode from TF2 or Overwatch, except every character was a third-person brawler with little emphasis on projectile weapons beyond the occasional special. It felt like someone making a claim at TF2 or Overwatch's throne several years late while bolting a weak character action game on, which is fairly odd considering how innovative and critically acclaimed Ninja Theory's previous game was.
Dreams is fairly fascinating in its potential. The creation tools weren't available in the demo build so I can’t really judge them, instead there was a choice of eight developer-made experiences ranging from Mario-inspired obstacle courses to videogames as art.
I didn't get the chance to actually play MediEvil, but I watched some folks play it and it basically just looks like the PS1 game with more triangles, with all the slightly wonky 32-bit gameplay that entails.
The demo unit for Monkey King: Hero Is Back had some utterly bizarre graphics settings for some reason that made it look like I was playing a JPEG file, with big whopping compression artifacts surrounding each character. Weird!
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Not happenin’.
Indie Games
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Grabimals is a brilliant local co-op puzzler where players roll around as shapes and link together to solve puzzles like catching a falling water droplet, crossing a gap or casting a shadow that matches an example image. Supposedly it's still a ways off from release, but it's already impressively polished (disregarding one hilarious crash bug we found by accident!)
Hamster Scramble is a really fun take on Puzzle Bobble, with platforming elements, team play and the ability to jump over to your opponent's screen and fuck their plans up directly. It's an absolute blast and didn't feel like it was almost a year away from release.
Fork Knights is a platform fighter with an emphasis on one-hit kills. The character designs are cute, but I can't really say the gameplay itself struck me, to be honest.
Baron is an eight-player single-screen local multiplayer dogfighter. Fairly simple mechanically, but pretty fun all things considered.
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Broken Roads had some lovely hand-painted art assets and some interesting ideas like a literal moral compass, but the demo build showcased was waaaaay too early to be shown off to the public. Of the eight or so areas present in the demo, only two had any characters, interactivity or really anything other than wandering around set up, and the combat side of things was extremely rough and sequestered off to a side area as a "well, if you insist..." kind of deal.
Misadventure In Little Lon is a true-crime adventure game for mobile with a unique mechanic - each "scene" is integrated into the real world via AR, with characters (that resemble Poser models more than a little bit) speaking to you directly. Not sure if it holds up over an entire game, but it's attention-garnering at least.
Speaking of true crime, The Black Window tasks players with using an Oujia board to question Australia's first female serial killer, with responses taken from court records and letters from the time. The well-acted performances of the actual individual in question's words lends it an impressive atmosphere, which the booth added to with a big wooden oujia board type thing you could "type" on. Sort of.
ACID KNIFE is real, real early, but the aesthetic is awesome and the pixel art is great. Hopefully it grows and expands into something special.
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The Vigilante Proclivities of the Longspur is an oldschool Lucasarts-inspired point-and-click adventure with a custom demo scene set at an oddly-familiar videogame convention. Pretty promising so far, but could do with a good bit of polish - I'm pretty sure there was only one sound effect in the entire demo, and dialogue was often lacking in punctuation.
I didn't get to play Hot Brass but I watched over shoulders and talked with the developers, and it looked pretty cool. It's basically a take on SWAT 4's rarely-imitated brand of tactical copwork, but with a Hotline Miami-style top-down perspective, but with all the characters abstracted down to simple board game like tokens - a circle with a coloured outline denoting attitude towards the player, with a weapon icon if armed.
Blood Metal... Blood Metal is not good. It is extensively not good. Development seems to have only started in July, so one can still hope that the bad AI, unsatisfying gunplay, buggy collision detection and complete lack of damage feedback (outside of some ridiculous, sight-obscuring gouts of blood) get fixed over time. The 80s action movie aesthetic and low-poly artstyle forces it to be compared to Maximum Action, which is at least a fun kind of jank...
This Starry Void is a real-time, tile-based 3D dungeon crawler set in an abandoned spacecraft. It seems pretty cool so far, but it could probably use some UI/UX tweaks. The attempts at a "graphic novel inspired" visual style for the environments could probably benefit from looking at how Void Bastards did things, as well.
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Lethal Lawns and Beam Team are fucking arcade games with massive cabinets. In 2019. Granted, they're also on computers and coming to consoles and stuff as well, but still! They're both pretty simple games, and therefore best played in cabinet form.
Unpacking is a "zen puzzle game" by the developers of Assault Android Cactus about the second-worst part of moving house, unloading an unseen character's packing and getting a glimpse into their lives as a result. I wasn’t able to play it due to an unexpectedly-crowded booth, but the pixel art is quite lovely.
Feather is a chill game about being a bird and flying around an island trying to find its secrets. I tried the Switch port, which played alright but obviously (and understandably) toted a lower framerate than the demo PC.
Topple Pop is a cute puzzle game that blends together elements of Tetris, Puyo Puyo and that one joke game that was Tetris but with a proper physics engine. Looks cute, with a fun gimmick!
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Shooty Skies Overdrive is an VR spinoff of the popular mobile shmup, and basically similar to that one shmup minigame in Valve's The Lab. Weave your plane, which is attached to one of your hands, through incoming bullets and enemies like a toy! The 3D effect on the incoming projectiles looks great, but they can tend to get in the way of the action sometimes.
Dead Static Drive has been at like the last three PAXes and it looks better every time I see it. I hope it comes out this decade.
Snow Mercy is a third-person shooter/strategy thing where you hunt down icecubes to spend on an army of snowmen to crush your opponent's base before they crush yours. Not a common genre combo, reminds me of C&C Renegade a bit.
The Adventure Pals has graphics straight out of mid-2000s Newgrounds and level design out of pretty much any european platformer, but it didn't seem too bad from my brief prodding at it. The player character is perhaps a bit too small for my elderly eyes in Switch portable mode, but that's about as far as my gripes go.
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joonies-dimps · 5 years
me in the museum, you in the wintergardens (chap. 1)
pairing(s): jungkook/namjoon, yoongi/jimin, /taehyung/jimin
summary: jimin is a filthy job-stealer, yoongi is tired of going to mcdonald's at two a.m., and jungkook can't get enough of the voice drifting down from the apartment upstairs.
word count: 1504
an: heyy here's the start of what I hope will be a great namkook adventure :') you can read it on ao3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/19088050/chapters/45348796 if that's more your style! There are also a pinterest board and a playlist over there!!
o - o - o - o - o
Jungkook doesn’t know what he’s expecting to see when he looks up from the case of overpriced macarons and heartbreakingly golden danishes, but every other scenario is blasted out of the way by the shit-eating grin plastered on his best friend’s face as he joyfully clacks a pair of tongs together.
“No way,” Jungkook manages.
“Yes way,” Jimin says--joyfully--and clacks the tongs together once more. Jungkook groans.
“Why didn’t you tell me you got the job?”
“I wanted it to be a surprise! They called me yesterday and told me to come in at six this morning--it was a bit of an ambush, honestly. Also, you’re holding up the line. The usual?”
Jungkook eyes the case again, contemplating if he should deviate just to spite Jimin, but the temptation of his favorite is too much and he finds himself nodding instead. Jimin swiftly grabs a chocolate croissant and slides it into a paper bag, moving toward the register.
“Don’t be upset, Kookie. I’m sure it was just my extra customer service experience and the fact that I was actually on time to my interview.” Jimin smirks. “Also, maybe the fact that I’m cuter.”
“Three eighty-seven, please.” Jimin takes his card as Jungkook sulks. “Kidding, by the way. You’re cute. You’re the cutest. Any bakery would be lucky to have such cute staff.”
“Yeah, sure, hyung.”
Jungkook is still frowning a little when Jimin hands him the bag. Amelie’s is the only bakery on this side of the city that makes decent croissants and he and Jimin are frequent customers, or, were, until Jungkook really, actually looked at his account balance and decided that he had to cut back his daily pain au chocolat intake. He had his trembling hopes set on scraping by with an employee discount but apparently Jimin beat him to it.
“What time do you get off?”
“Three,” Jimin replies. “Meet you at the park?”
“Sure,” Jungkook says. “But you better bring quiche or I’m sending your new boss those pictures, y’know, the ones where the only thing covering your bits is a dollop of--”
“How did you get those?!” Jimin shrills, cheeks approaching the color of the red velvet macarons on the counter.
“I dunno, hyung, how do birds fly? How is the sky blue?”
“Out. Get out of my house.” Jimin stomps back to the next customer in line and Jungkook can’t contain his grin.
“Quiche Lorraine, please!” Jungkook calls as he leaves the bakery. He thinks he sees Jimin throw him a (not very) discreet middle finger, face still blazing.
He bites into his chocolate croissant, late May sunshine whispering down onto his shoulders. It’s starting to smell like warm berries, even in the city, and some of the college students have just come home from school to spend the summer scooping ice cream. Heat waves dance off of busy streets and the residential areas are lush with drooping, leafy branches, the kind that make walking through them feel like living in a pop-up book.  
Yep, Jungkook thinks as the chocolate melts the bitterness in his chest. Still good.
o - o - o - o - o - o - o
“So,” Yoongi begins while Jungkook digs into his hard-earned quiche Lorraine. “I have some good news and some bad news.”
“Bad first,” Jimin says through a mouthful of raspberry tart, just as Jungkook says the opposite. Yoongi looks between them and then pushes up his glasses.
“The bad news is that I’m moving to L.A.”
“What?!” Crumbs fly out of Jimin’s mouth, his explosion turning heads at the picnic benches nearby. “When?!”
“Two weeks.”
“Hyuuung...” Jimin instantly goes into pout mode, lower lip drooping. “That’s so soon!”
“Yeah, hyung, why didn’t you tell us?”
“Well.” Yoongi looks down, fiddles with the corner of their picnic blanket. “An old friend of mine got in contact with me and the whole thing was kind of time-sensitive, so...I just--you both know how hard I’ve been trying to get a place down there--”
“Of course, hyung,” Jimin says, suddenly mature, his eyes kind but smile a little lacking. He glances at Jungkook, quick, almost so Jungkook doesn’t catch it. “And we’re really happy for you. Aren’t we, Kookie?”
Jungkook nods despite the squeeze in his stomach.
“You’re gonna be amazing, hyung. Doing what you’re meant to do.”
He receives one of those rare eye-smiles from Yoongi, the kind that makes Yoongi’s mouth go all soft right along with Jungkook’s insides.
“Thanks, Kook.” Yoongi reaches for an orange macaron. “Now, since I’m moving out, I bet you can guess what the good news is.”
“A decrease in the number of DTPH?”
Yoongi scowls.
“What the fuck is DTPH?”
“Death threats per hour--ow!”
A lean hand smacks him at the back of the head and somewhere Jungkook can hear Jimin giggle.
“No,” Yoongi growls, “and it’s good news for you specifically, so you better shut up and be grateful.”
“For me?” Jungkook is interested now, still rubbing the back of his head.
“Oh my god,” Jimin says with a grin. “Yoongi-hyung’s moving out.”
“Yeah, so?” It’s Jungkook’s turn to pout, looking back and forth between his hyungs. He’s about to open his mouth to whine when he gets it.
“Oh,” he breathes, because Yoongi, the artistic genius that he is, likes to surround himself with other artistic geniuses, which means that he lives in a place that’s made for artistic geniuses, a place that Jungkook, for the life of him, has been pining after since his very first visit.
“My room at the Laurelton,” Yoongi confirms, “is going to be available. And since the apartment manager is in love with me, I have, ehh, maybe more than a little say in who gets to take my place.”
“Everyone is in love with you, hyung,” Jimin remarks, breezily, and Yoongi actually blushes. Jungkook ignores them.
“Wait, wait--so are you, like, offering it to me?”
“You’re still looking for a place, right, Kook?”
Of course Jungkook’s still looking for a place. He loves Jimin, and sometimes even loves living with Jimin, but after only four weeks of sharing space they’re both going a little crazy. And Yoongi’s not offering up just any apartment, no, this is an apartment with a waitlist that’s had Jungkook’s name on it for two years and counting.
“Yes.” Jungkook leans forward to grasp Yoongi’s forearm pleadingly. “Hyung, if you give me your room at the Laurelton, I will--uh...” Jungkook looks around for inspiration. “I’ll get you a lifetime supply of macarons. With Jimin-hyung’s discount.”
Yoongi scrunches his nose up.
“Who the hell needs a lifetime supply of macarons? I’m planning to die by caffeine, not by sugar.” He knocks Jungkook’s knee with his own. “I’ll try and get you the room, out of the goodness of my very pure and very massive heart. Provided that you don’t spread those pictures of Jiminie around--”
Jimin throws up his hands in disdain.
“Why do I even try keeping anything to myself anymore? What’s the point?”
“I won’t, hyung.” Jungkook locks eyes with Yoongi as Jimin grumbles into another tart. “You can count on me.”
“Good,” Yoongi says. He holds out his pinky. “Promise?”
“Promise,” Jungkook echoes, hooking his little finger around Yoongi’s and then stamping their thumbs together. “No blackmail nudes.”
“If you two are done negotiating my dignity, can I go? I was supposed to meet Taemin-hyung at the studio, like, ten minutes ago.”
Jungkook gets up and stretches while Yoongi collects the remaining pastries in a paper bag.
“Are you doing more choreo with him?”
Jimin nods at Yoongi’s question.
“Mhm. And it’s hard, so we’ve been practicing at practically every hour of the day.”
“Is that why you’ve been texting me at two a.m. to get McDonald’s? I’ve never been so underslept in my life.”
“Well, I’d stop texting you if you’d stop answering me.”
Their conversation blurs in Jungkook’s ears and he lets it, admiring the deep shade cast by a grove of trees by the street. He snaps a picture of it on his phone and one of the cottony clouds, too, filing it away in his ‘references’ folder. Oils for the trees and maybe watercolor for the sky, he thinks, picturing himself sitting by the window at Yoongi’s--no, his--apartment at the Laurelton. He’d start with the clouds first, taking reference from the photo only at the beginning before switching over completely to the view from his window. Then he’d sigh out onto the fire escape with his brush in hand and swim through the viscous liquid of the sky--
“Hey, Jungkookie.” Jimin is punching him in the shoulder, hair looking not too far off from the clouds in Jungkook’s head. “Leaving. See you at home.”
“Bye, hyung. Tell Taemin-ssi hi.”
“I will.”
Jimin hugs Yoongi and waves goodbye, leaving Yoongi and Jungkook watching his back as he heads off toward the bus stop.
“Need a buddy, Kook?”
They start in the other direction, clouds melting down the napes of their necks.
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tinypigeonlord · 6 years
Don’t mind me, just have had a lot of thoughts on the new Pokemon game so imma write them down. There’s been a lot of posts and videos on what people wanna see or don’t wanna see in the new game too and I wanna give my own two cents to no one in particular.
So first of all graphics. I hear a lot of shit on that. Personally I don’t really have all that many expectations? Like yeah it’s gonna be a Switch game, the quality could possibly be better than we’ve seen. But also did people look over that ‘game footage not final’? Things may still improve and be further optimized. More than that, I love the artstyle atleast? Everything looks so colorful and vibrant and alive and goooood ;w; It sure got my attention. I can’t wait to see all the new areas on my big tv <3
Pokemon popping up and roaming vs random encounters: On one hand I love how lively everything looks with pokemon showing up in the overworld, on the other hand I love the random encounters? I personally liked hunting down specific pokemon, not knowing what I would encounter. I feel like this is also more fun when you’re doing a Nuzlocke; You can’t ‘cheat’ and select a pokemon from those that are currently roaming with random encounters. Aside from that, people mentioned that the roaming aspect made areas look more vacant instead because a lot of open space is needed for bigger pokemon roaming. And finally, it makes the surprise way more fun if a shiny shows up in a random encounter, instead of roaming between the rest of the ‘mon?
Pokemon following you/walking with you: PLS PLS PLS bring this back and expand on it, for all pokemon. Also the option to select which partymember you want to walk with. That was one thing that bummed me out in HeartGold/SoulSilver. If I wanted to walk with my fave, I also needed to have it in the front of the party and throw it out in battle, even in areas where it was at a disadvantage due to type or level. And sometimes I had a pokemon in front for the sake of progression but I didnt necessarily want to walk with it, but there was no option to turn walking off in HG/SS. I believe they did add these options in Let’s Go Pikachu/Eevee, but I havent played these games so I don’t know for sure what the options are. I kinda also want to have the option to pick whether I will walk with a ride pokemon or actually ride it? Like, it was hella cool that you could ride arcanine, persian, haunter or snorlax, etc. But what if I wanted it to just follow me? :/ What I also want back is the national dex once you completed the main story. Let most of the pokemon which first appear be gen 8, and after you beat the main game, pokemon from other generations show up more and you can catch new pokemon that were previously unavailable. I hated how in SuMo, I couldnt see a pokemon’s national dex number, and couldnt get any data on it if it wasnt native to Alola. 
Also this is gonna sound surprising coming from a shiny hunter, but I want the shiny charm to be a reward for filling the entire national dex again (minus mythicals/events), and make the shiny rate 1/8192 again instead of 1/4091. As much as I love my shinies, I kinda feel like they’re becoming a really common thing and way too easy to obtain? I do like there being methods to find shinies easier, such as Masuda breeding, chain-fishing, SOS-chaining, etc, but make it atleast a little bit harder than it currently is, to make all that effort worth it.
Compatibility with pokebank/the 3DS titles!! I want to transfer all my precious bbies I caught over the years to come join me in the next adventure. That would make it even more awesome if walking pokemon also returns; I can walk with my faves then, not just the pokemon available in Sword/Shield. Also Cloud compatibility. I know Nintendo is afraid of people abusing Cloud to edit save files and I can see them not adding cloud for Pokemon to prevent peeps from somehow cloning or editing pokemons, but on the other hand... Right now, I have ALL my rare, valuable pokemon stored on a Ultra Sun cartridge. Every super rare shiny legendary I spent MONTHS on to encounter, every event pokemon from events that will never happen again, and every pokemon that has nostalgic value to me. If that game cartridge breaks, they’re all gone. If Cloud storage would be a thing for pokemon, I’d have a lot less anxiety about gathering all my babies on a single game with the risk of losing ALL OF THEM. Besides, I pay for online service and cloud, and thusfar havent been able to use the feature for my games :/
And definitely compatibility with pro controller. I really do not like the feel of the joycons, nor the pokeball plus, especially not after playing for a few hours, so I’m really hoping we’ll be able to use the pro controller. Considering we seem to be getting the old battle system back instead of Let’s Go’s, I don’t see why they shouldn’t add pro controller compatibility. Besides, I spent a lot of money on this thing, lemme use it >:v
Customization. The new trainers look absolutely adorable, but being able to make your trainer fit your style more is still great and makes things more personal. On one hand I’d love even more options for customization than in SuMo, on the other hand I fear I will never even get anywhere cause I’ll be spending hours mixing and matching outfits :’D I am not at all fashionable irl, but my characters in games have to look tip top. Most importantly, I want gender-neutral stuff!! As in, the option to wear clothes or hairstyles regardless of the gender you picked at the beginning. Give me a girl and the female pronouns, but the option to get the haircut that the boys get and that flannel he wears. For example.
Minigames! Not everyone is a fan of them, but personally I love things like Contests, PokeAthlon, the Underground, Missions in the Festival Plaza, etc. Especially multiplayer stuff. Give me other stuff to do besides battling. And on that note give me fun multiplayer features; besides trading and battling! The feature where you can call for another trainer in Let’s Go seemed fun to me. Being able to connect with other players and joining them in your game to do stuff together. Like how you can invite people to your town in Animal Crossing, go to the island and take on island challenges from Tortimer.
Story-wise, it would be great to have a big long story, also post-game, which doesn’t end too soon, but with the option to skip cutscenes if you so please, and more importantly, have the freedom to also explore. In Sun/Moon, you were constantly forced to go to a very specific location, everything else was blocked, and you had a cutscene every new area. Like, it was all very linear. I love the older games in that regard, where there is a story, but you figure out yourself how to progress without NPCs constantly telling you where to go and what to do. I always have this issue where after I’m done with the story, I’m kind of... lost on what to do next, so personally I love a long story to keep me busy. Give me a serious threat for the antagonists. Team Skull was lovely and I enjoyed their antics, but I want to feel like I’m saving the Galar region or even bigger, rather than just stomping on some bullies, PETA (Plasma) or fashion disasters (Flare). Also gimme an asshole rival. Lately we’ve had a bunch of precious bbies who must be protected, now bring back a rival who deserves an asswhooping and had it coming. :v As for the new gyms with gym masters instead of leaders, I have no opinion yet. I like the good ol’ themed gyms, I liked the trials. The arena thing looks pretty neat thusfar, but there’s not enough info yet for me to have much of an opinion now. I heard a rumor that this game will also have missions you can do to earn rewards & brownie points, and that would be really cool. I always really love missions in RPGs. I’m just hoping that there will be like, a combination of one-time missions AND daily missions so you don’t run out of things to do eventually after completing a whole list.
I’m also hoping that any potential mythical pokemon will come in the form of missions. The whole serial codes giveaways suck. Just entering a code for some random delivery man to appear in the pokemon center, just casually handing you a super rare mythical pokemon like it’s nothing is just bs. Give me new story, sidequests or missions DLC for a mythical pokemon instead. Like Celebi in Crystal + HG/SS, Mew in Emerald, Shaymin and Darkrai in Platinum, and then expand the missions even more. Pokemon Ranger actually did this really well; you had to go on a mission involving the pokemon before you got it.
Finally, maybe a difficulty setting. People always complain that the games are too easy and that you have to use self-imposed rules such as Nuzlockes to make it remotely challenging. Maybe add a normal or easy mode for young kids just getting into the games, including tutorials such as the trainer school so they can get used to how everything works. Make a harder setting for veterans who like the games to have some challenge but are still in it for the story, and a Very Hard/Ultimate mode for competitive players who know every in and out of the game and are looking for a challenge where you really have to balance your team out and know what you’re doing to progress, and for people who can’t care less about the story elements of the games.
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creative-weeb-blog · 6 years
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foxdoctors309 · 3 years
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Are you searching for ppsspp games for android free download? Everything you need is here and installing these games is so fast and easy. So sit back and enjoy yourself.
Overview PPSSPP is currently the best PSP emulator for almost any platform out there. It is open source and follows a community development model. This is the Android version. When it comes to gaming on Android, there are loads of games to choose from. In this post, we will be looking at some of the best PPSSPP games for Android in 2020. Just to be clear for those who don’t know what PPSSPP Games are, there are simulations of PlayStation portable games which are supported on Android. Free Download Game Ppsspp Naruto For Android Fifa 14 Psp Iso For Ppsspp Ben 10 Ultimate Alien Game Download For Ppsspp Best Settings For Ppsspp Gold 1.5.4. Fight Night 2004 For Ppsspp Emuparadise Pes 17 Iso File For Ppsspp Monster Hunter 4 Rom For Ppsspp Blog Pes 2016 For Ppsspp Android Tekken 6 Rom For Ppsspp Pc.
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PPSSPP Gold is the best emulator program designed to run all the PSP games on Android phones and other smartphones. This program works only as of the PSP emulator. It runs all the PSP games in HD and provides the best audio and visual features that other emulator tools can never provide.
2Best 12 Ppsspp Games For Android Free Download List
5Latest Ppsspp Games List For Android Free Download
What is PPSSPP Emulator
It’s basically an emulator which is free and open source made specifically for most of the OS like Windows, Android, iOS, Symbian, Blackberry etc. It was made to increase the portability & speed of the system. Click here to download latest PPSSPP Emulator.
You may ask, who created the PPSSPP thing?
Well, it was Henrik Rydgard. And it was due to him, for which you are able to play PSP games on Android. In this post, I’ll expose some really amazing PSP games for your Android device. Excited, eh?
Before I begin with the game listings I’d like to share with you some of the sites where you can download PPSSPP games on your Android. You may ask, why to list sites when everything is easily available on Google. Well, that’s really not the case. Most of the files (PPSSPP) which you find on Google are either corrupted or doesn’t work.
Only a few works. And there are some sites specifically made for that purpose. There’s perhaps a considerate amount of sites which provides those stuff. But the one which I personally recommend is EmuParadise. It’s literally a hub of PPSSPP games for Android. Another one is PSP Share which also promotes some really good PPSSPP games.
Best 12 Ppsspp Games For Android Free Download List
God Of War – Ghost Of Sparta 9.5
God of War: Chains of Olympus 9.5
WWE Smackdown vs RAW 2011 8
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories 9
The Warriors 7
Assassin’s Creed Bloodlines 9
Dead To Right – Reckoning 7.5
Lord of Arcana 9
Tomb Raider Legend 9.5
Coded Arms 8.5
Hero of Sparta 9.0
Miami Vice The Game 9.5
Emuparadise Ppsspp Games For Android Dragon Ball Z
So, this was the best ppsspp games download for android list. If you want to know more about the games then scroll down below.
How To Download Game Ppsspp For Android
If you do not know how to download PPSSPP Games then refer to YouTube tutorials. It’s simple to have the job done, but most of the people stuck.
Free Psp Games Direct Download
Before you go deeper into a game in the list, make sure you looked all the 12 of them given here. All these action game ppsspp games are widely played and admired by many. And thanks to Multischolar for providing most of the links for PPSSPP games for Android.
Latest Ppsspp Games List For Android Free Download
God Of War – Ghost Of Sparta
The first best PPSSPP game is deserved by God of War – Ghost of Sparta. You might have heard of this game already if you are already in the gaming arena. It’s one of the top rated PSP games. It’s the amazing storyline that makes the impeccable difference in comparison to other games listed here.
If you want to download God of War – GOS, then move to EmuParadise and search for the query. The ISO File is 200MB. Click here to download.
God of War: Chains of Olympus
Yes, you saw it right. The second position is too grabbed by God of War. It’s the Chains of Olympus version. This game is too, as amazing as Ghost of Sparta. This game has a really amazing quality graphics but there’s a small limitation here. Both the God of War games listed on this top two position might not work fine for most of the devices because it needs a pretty much high specification on your Android. But you are good technically, then you can always fix the issue by doing changes to the graphics settings.
That being said, The game file size is 250MB. Click Here To Download.
WWE Smackdown vs RAW 2017
This is one of my favorite game ever. I started playing this game on my Android device in late 2019. Since I’m a wrestling fan, I’m much compatible with this game. If you are not, you might not like this game. The graphic is almost the same in PSP. The only thing I didn’t like is the latest version didn’t come with career mode. There are both the sexes in the game. You can either be a diva star or male superstar. You cannot fight against different sex in the game.
If you are having a lower end smartphone and wondering if this game would work or not, then let me tell you, this game pretty much work on all the devices. This game ran on one of my outdated Android phone like a charm. To download WWE Smackdown vs RAW 2011. The game is around 1GB. Click Here To Download.
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
GTA Vice city is for sure heard by you. It’s one of the biggest recognizable franchise ever developed for the PSP emulator. The game is filled with amazing graphics. As you know, you can roam everywhere in the city you want to.
Though it is mission game I mostly spend my time driving cars and bikes and moving to every possible place in the game. The good thing about the game is, it also comes with the multiplayer mode i.e. you can play the game with your friends. There are also a good amount of weapons available in the game. And of course, the cheat codes! Use them and enjoy the game. The game ain’t big in size as compared to the ones above. It’s just 340MB to download. Click Here To Download.
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The Warriors
This game is also a popular one. To be honest, this game is perhaps the number 1 on the list of psp adventure games. Like the one above, this game is also made by Rockstar Games. The story plot starts with a gang who were wrongly accused of murdering a gang leader who was a rival to them. The gameplay location is in New York.
So as you were accused, you need to run for your life and at the same time prove the rivals that you were not the one who murdered their crew leader. Some of the weapons of the game include bat, bottles etc. The game runs amazing on high-end smartphones. I’m not sure about the low-end ones. Perhaps, it might lag to some extent but will run, for sure. The game is 340MB in size. Click Here To Download.
Assassin’s Creed Bloodlines
Here’s another game I like playing. Assasin’s Creed Bloodlines will only appeal to specifically to the gamers who are already captivated by the Assassin’s Creed gameplay, as a whole. This game is playable in most of the low-end smartphones as well.
It works fine (no lag) on one of my low-end devices. The file size is 116MB. Click Here To Download.
Dead To Right – Reckoning
Dead to Right is a third person action game. In this game, you need to control Jack slate and fulfill all the mission objectives. You need to go bullet-to-bullet and kill all your rivals and at the same time, rescue the witness who is lost. This game works perfectly on high-end Android devices but I have not tried it yet on low-end phones.
You can download the game by clicking here. This game isn’t a huge one like the ones above. The game size is 60MB. Click Here To Download.
Lord of Arcana
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This game isn’t much popular at all. I included this game here because it actually seems interesting to play this PSP game on Android. In the game, you are a warrior and you need fight against a lot of enemies. In fact, there are dragons as well who are your primary enemies.
You need to kill all of them with the sword you have with you in the climax. This game is fully a 3D with an attractive visual and astonishing combo attacks.The game size is 600MB. Click Here To Download.
Tomb Raider Legend
Tomb Raider Legend also comes with the list of best PPSSPP games for Android. The game is full of adventures. You play as a girl in the game. Your name is Lara. You need to travel across the world to search for mythical artifacts. The game was developed by Crystal Dynamics which is one of the maturest game dev company ever made.
You can download Tomb Raider Legend from Emuparadise by clicking here. The thing I like about the game is the amazing graphics. It looks pretty much realistic. However, to be honest, the game would be difficult to experience without a proper walkthrough. The game is 700MB in size and is free to download. Click Here To Download.
Coded Arms
Coded Arms is a first-person shooter video game that was developed and published by Konami for the PlayStation Portable handheld in 2006. All of the levels in the game are randomly generated when you access them. In singleplayer, players progress through the game by completing sectors. Sector 00 consists of one battlefield (Training) with 3 levels that serve to familiarize the user with the game. Sector 01 consists of three battlefields (City, Base and Ruins) and each battlefield has 6 levels. Sector 02 also has three battlefields consisting of 13 levels each with a boss at the 13th level of each battlefield. Sector 03 consists of one battlefield (Infinity) which has an unlimited amount of levels to it.
The difficulty of the game increases as the user progresses through the sectors. Players can also make use of a 3D map graphically similar to a vector display. The game file size is 90MB. Click Here To Download.
Hero of Sparta
Hero of Sparta is an action-adventure game developed by Gameloft. The game follows a storyline set in ancient Greece, wherein the player controls the protagonist throughout multiple landscapes while fighting mythical beasts. The game was moderately well received by critics.
The story centers around the Spartan king Argos as he awakens on a beach shortly after his entire fleet of ships has been wiped out by a violent storm. While exploring the island, the spirit of an oracle apparently held in captivity pleads for Argos to rescue her.
In exchange, the oracle offers to use her power to return Argos to his homeland. The game size is 40MB. Click Here To Download.
Miami Vice
Miami Vice PPSSPP Game While going through levels, the majority of the gameplay is combat, with enemies who must be killed to advance the level. Emphasis is put on taking cover, with health running out quite fast if player remains in the open during a shoot-out. All fire-arms have laser sightings, which acts as an aiming reticule.
It can be played on Android/iOS via PPSSPP or even in a PC using a PSP emulator. The file game size is 160MB. Click Here To Download.
Final Words: Do you want me to include some more PPSSPP games for Android here? Well, comment on it below. I definitely will.
No related posts.
Games For Ppsspp Emulator Android
PPSSPP games are the simulations of PlayStation Portable games, which are supported on Android, among other brands of smartphones. The PPSSPP is the PSP emulator, which provides access to a good number of PlayStation Portable games on Android. This article outlines the best of the PPSSPP games available to Android.
The PPSSPP Emulator
The PPSSPP is an acronym which stands for PlayStation Portable Simulator Suitable for Playing Portably. PPSSPP enable the PlayStation games to be played on portable platforms like the Android devices and other smartphones like the IOS, Symbian, and Windows devices among others. The PPS emulator project (PPSSPP) was created by Henrik Rydgard, who is also known as hrydgard (one of the co-founders of the Dolphin emulator). As a video games console simulator, PPSSPP was designed to provide access to games like the Sony’s PlayStation, to portable platforms like Android. Read more on PPSSPP Emulator apk and download here.
Best PPSSPP Games for Android
Below is the list of the best, most downloaded, PPSSPP games for Android:
WWE Smackdown vs RAW 2011
God of War: Ghost of Sparta
Assassin’s Creed
The Warriors
Lord of Arcana
God of War: Chains of Olympus
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
Tomb Raider Legend
Dead To Right – Reckoning
Emuparadise Ppsspp Games For Android Naruto
Related: Download Top PSP Games for Android – Best PPSSPP Games
WWE Smackdown vs RAW 2011
Ppsspp Iso Games Emuparadise
Rating: 8/10
Although this game dates back many years, it is still one of the most played today on Android. If you are familiar with the world of WWE Entertainment, then you should know what to expect in this game. The quality and graphics of this game are nearly the same as that of the original PSP. Every Wrestling fan should check this game out.
God of War: Ghost of Sparta
Rating: 9.5/10
Emuparadise Ppsspp Games For Android God Of War
God of war is a household name in the gaming world. It is arguably one of the best PSP games available to Android users. The God of War: Ghost of Sparta has a fantastic storyline and the graphics is topnotch.
Assassin’s Creed: Bloodline
Ppsspp Games For Android Phone
Rating: 9/10
Just like God of War, Assassin’s Creed is another popular franchise in the gaming world. The game is available to both the high and lower versions of Android. It is a version of the Assassin’s Creed gameplay. It is, no doubt, one of the best PPSSPP games for Android.
Rating: 7/10
For lovers of gang adventures, this game is definitely one to check out. The storyline illustrates the life of a gang who were falsely accused of killing a rival gang’s lord. The theme illustrates the city of New York. The Warriors is arguably the best PSP adventures game for Android.
Lord of Arcana
Rating: 9/10
Lord of Arcana is not one of the most known games. However, a peep into the storyline and make-up of this game revealed that it could pass as one of the best PSP games for Android. Lord of Arcana is a battle-style game, where you (as a warrior) have to face varieties of powerful enemies (which include monstrous dragons). The game is available in 3D.
God of War: Chains of Olympus
Emuparadise Psp Games For Android
Rating: 9.5/10
This is another amazing game from the God of War franchise, which requires no introduction. This version of God of War, just like the Ghost of Sparta, requires massive storage space of about 1.6GB.
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
Rating: 9/10
This is arguably one of the most amazing games, not only on the PSP platform but across all gaming boards. GTA Vice City illustrates the rampaging crime level in a city. The game is no doubt one of the best PSP games for Android. The size of the game is about 700MB.
Tomb Raider Legend
Rating: 9.5/10
Tomb Raider Legend is another game, which has earned its place on our list of best PPSSPP games for Android. The main character in this game is Lara, who you have to control, in searching for mythical artefacts, across the globe.
Dead to Rights – Reckoning
Rating: 7.5/10
This is another excellent PSP action game, with unique gunplay. The main character in this game is Jack Slate, whom you need to control to execute his missions. In Dead to Right – Reckoning, you will come across some enemies, who you have to kill and at the same time rescue a lost witness. The game size is less than 100MB.
How to Install and Play PSP Games
It can be a little tricky for first-time users trying to download and install PPSSPP games successfully on their Android device. In case you are having this problem, watch the video below.
Most of the above-highlighted games can be downloaded from EmuParadise. So you can log on to the site and search for your favourite games to download. We have outlined some of the best for you in this article. Download today and enjoy some unique PPSSPP gaming experience on your Android device.
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0 notes
glowloading346 · 3 years
Phpstorm Slow
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Once upon a time, PhpStorm was the IDE I loved. I thought I would use it all my life, happily without looking at any other editor.
Phpstorm Slow Cooker
Phpstorm Slow Ftp
Phpstorm Show Main Menu
Phpstorm Slow Startup
I was wrong.
I discovered the true love of my live, called Vim.
Are you confused? Are you yelling “why” to the deaf sky? What happened between PhpStorm and me? Why a PHP developer would use this… old smelly thing called Vim?
Phpstorm does a very good job of saving, importing, exporting settings so upgrading your Phpstorm version doesn't require you to redo all your settings. This is also beneficial if you are setting up Phpstorm on another computer or sharing your company coding style guide with other developers. Now you will be working with the terminal - you can use Window's cmd or the PHPStorm's terminal. I prefer to use the terminal built inside the PHPStorm - it is: better, faster and more intuitive. I prefer to use the terminal built inside the PHPStorm - it is: better, faster and more intuitive.
I was happy with PhpStorm. We had a productive relationship. Its basic rules was simple, as simple as many text editor in the computing world. You use a mouse, you click where you want to change or add something, somewhere. The basic editor. We are all used to that from the beginning of times!
PhpStorm provides the following main ways to upload project files and folders to deployment servers: Manually, at any time through a menu command. Automatically, every time a file is updated, or before starting a debugging session, or during a commit to your version control system. PHPStorm was and now is very slow under Linux (currently am using version 2016.2). All its versions were slow. Even at powerful computers with SSD. Jamming and sticking is a normal behavior for this program. It's a pity that authors do not pay attention to it. Running PHP storm on windows 10 is incredible slow. I'm running PHPstorm on my windows 10 laptop, where it is extremly slow. I made a screenshot showing the about information. I have a 64bit so I'm correct running phpstorm64.exe for this. During work I'm also using phpstorm on an.unix system, which is great. So I thought about buying a private license for me at home, but with the given performance I really cant work.
I loved the auto completion with PhpStorm! I loved the fact that you could find easily a peculiar file even within a massive codebase. I loved its stability. I liked the snippets. I loved its numerous options to refactor, generate getter / properties / methods using one or two handy shortcuts.
And now, I don’t use it anymore.
Firstly, I want to tell you my story with Vim and PhpStorm in order for you to understand how you can switch between the two.
Then I will compare the two and underline what Vim brings on the table.
Vim: the Hate before the Love
It was a newcomer who first showed me Vim.
He was a PHP developer hired in the company I was working for. I was curious, I began to look what tools and IDE he was using, expecting seeing the good old PhpStorm, like every good PHP developer who suffered too much with Eclipse.
“I don’t use PhpStorm” said the newcomer. “Vim is way better!”.
Vim! This dinosaur! This boring terminal editor! So complex nobody knows how to use it, except the perfect nerd without life / girlfriend / whatever real things!How can he compares the wonderful shiny PhpStorm with this relic?
At that point, I went in a crusade. I tried to show him how a good IDE with tons of features could suit his needs even better than this… Vim thing! Without success, I let him swimming in his ocean of mistakes, sad he couldn’t see the Truth as I was.
Time past. Days became years. Years became centuries. I began to understand that this newcomer was a very interested and knowledgeable developer. It astonished me. How can he be that good and use Vim?
Quickly we began to work on the same project: a tandem was born.
The Time of Mockeries
I mocked my work tandem. A lot. He was persisting in his mistake to use Vim and I couldn’t do anything to dissuade him.
I mocked the austerity of Vim’s interface. I mocked the fact that he had to configure everything in config files. I mocked that this configuration (in my opinion) was always broken. Who wants to code with a broken IDE? It was pure nonsense.
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With hindsight, I may have been a bit jealous. He mastered a tool full of shortcuts in order to use the mouse as less as he can, and, without knowing it, I envied him.I envied him because I didn’t feel capable to learn how to use Vim in a reasonable amount of time.
More and more, my contempt toward Vim let place to curiosity.
PhpStorm and Me: the Breakdown
My attraction and curiosity toward Vim kept growing and growing.
The hate became love when I decided two things:
Quitting the company I was working in.
Learning to type like true crazy typists.
I wasn’t happy at that time, till I decided to quit the company I was working for. My decision opened new horizons and a true desire to learn more about everything.Moreover, I wanted to learn a maximum from my fellow work tandem before leaving for new and crazy adventures.
I wanted at the same moment to get rid of my very bad habit of typing with two or three fingers. I wanted to use typists techniques: using the home row keys and my ten fingers.
Quickly I began to understand the power of this typing method. You feel definitely faster and more in control of your computer. A very cool sensation!I knew as well that Vim was designed for this type of typing. Due to the pleasure I had with my new typing techniques, I slowly decided to give Vim a chance.
More and more, I asked tips to my tandem in order to learn how to use The Beast. At first, I just wanted to use it for editing configuration or text files, not for actually coding, too afraid that it would put down my productivity.
I stopped using PhpStorm in two weeks. Transfer from bitpay to coinbase.
Vim vs PhpStorm
Vim on the left, PhpStorm on the right. The clash.
Here we are finally: the comparison between PhpStorm and Vim. Do you want to replace PhpStorm with something more powerful and versatile? Do you want to be sure that Vim is the good choice?
I won’t cover here how to do a PHP IDE out of Vim since I wrote another article on the topic.
Who’s in Charge: You or Your IDE?
An IDE is obviously very important for developers. It’s the tool which helps us doing what we like: coding. It simplifies our lives, automatize all these boring stuff you repeat over and over again.
Therefore your IDE should reflect the way you are coding. It should give you the choice for you to do what you want, the way you want.
PhpStorm doesn’t really give you many choices: it is a bunch of tools and you have to stick with them.I never used 70% of it. I know a lot of shortcuts and I am able to navigates in the panels without even using the mouse. However I never used the composer tools / terminal / git GUI / database interface thingy integrated in PhpStorm.
I couldn’t configure that. I couldn’t choose to install what I wanted, what I needed. PhpStorm was choosing for me.
The result? Many panels and notifications popping, a lot of visual noise which was totally useless for me. Perfect to lose focus.
Some may argue that PhpStorm is really configurable compared to other IDE. It is nothing compared to Vim.
Vim has a great community who develop a LOT of plugin. Nowadays you can install them and get rid of them by typing two words. Not even command lines. Words.
You can choose exactly what you want and what suits you. You can even modify it easily and extends it. Vim can be bent following your wishes.
You are the master.
PhpStorm Only Allow You to Code in… PHP
Another point which was bothering me for a long time. Of course you can use it to write HTML / CSS but you won’t have many tools for those. And what about Go you want to learn so hardly? Ruby? Basic?
Vim is an editor, not an IDE, but you can make an IDE out of it for every language you want. Right now, I have very good auto completion systems for PHP, JavaScript, Go and Ruby.
Even better: the plugins can be activated depending of the file type you are editing. You will never have the Ruby autocompletion while editing a PHP file. Sweet, isn’t it?
I have tons of plugins for refactoring, creating snippets and so on. No need to change IDE and get use to different interfaces. With Vim I can switch from one language to another transparently. Believe me, it’s awesome.
When I open Vim, everything I need is there for whatever language.
Vim is Light
Each time I open PhpStorm I have the impress that my computer is running a marathon. And he doesn’t do well.
Even on my very lightweight arch linux / i3 system (running on very good hardware), everything suddenly slow down. Welcome to the Matrix, or the stop motion applied to computing!
Sometimes I like to open two projects at the same time to get some configuration or code from one to another. Sometimes I want to open even more if I need to work with multiple micro services.
With PhpStorm… you know what I am talking about. Your memory scream, your CPU burns some calories, your vans consume more electricity than your fridge.
In comparison, Vim is a feather. So light! You can run multiple instances of it if you want, your computer won’t slow down.Try to use Vim, then come back to PhpStorm and you will see what I’m talking about.
Your hardware will love Vim.
Vim is Fun
This is something I didn’t imagine: Vim is really fun to use. This is something my work tandem told me, and it’s so true: it’s basically the gamification of coding.
It is time to precise a bit how to use it. There are many modes in this editor:
The Normal mode is for executing commands (delete words, lines, paragraphs and a lot of others). Basically, it’s to edit your text (or code).
The insert mode is there for you to concretely write.
A simple separation of concern and, believe me, it’s brilliant!
This is Vim: you can learn to be productive with it in a couple of minutes (I promise). Get used to it may take a bit more time, and then you will learn new stuff all your life. The whole editor feel so logical that you will come up with new way to do things without even asking Google. Yes, by yourself, only!
Like: “Maybe if I press those keys, it will do that eventually. Yes it does! I’m a genius!”
Indeed, Vim is so sweet, you can talk to it like an old friend. For example: you want to delete all characters from your cursor till the coma? In Normal mode, type dt,, which means delete till ,. You can do as well dtf, which delete till f. Magical!
In comparison, PhpStorm is boring. To me, 70% of the tools are useless (by adding a useless graphical interface on top on very efficient terminal tools) and the editor itself use the mouse extensively, like 99% of the editors in the world.If shortcuts were invented, it’s because it’s more convenient and fast to use the keyboard to execute actions. Vim definitely nailed that.
If you want to build a complete Mouseless Development Environment, you might be interested by this book.
To be honest with you, I always have the impression I’m some sort of a hacker doing crazy things with my keyboard in three different Vim instances. Of course I am just writing down my shopping list but… who cares? The feeling is great!
I am always happy when I discover a new shortcut or way to do thing even more easily. It’s like finding a secret way to beat a video game even faster! Gamification, I tell you.
PhpStorm Cost Money
PhpStorm is not free, far from it. Even if it’s pretty affordable (around 100euro), you pay only for one year. Welcome to the era of renting instead of acquiring…
If you want a Go, Ruby or whatever IDE for whatever language, you have to pay. Again.
Vim is free, available on everything (linux, windows, mac).
You Might be Faster with Vim…
Honestly I don’t care that much if I’m faster with it. To me, being fast doesn’t mean being a good developer. Our brain is more valuable than our typing speed.
However you will feel fast and precise, which is a good cherry on the cake. Adblock plus google chrome. Especially when you have to move a bunch of classes and renaming namespaces again and again. You know, what we call refactoring: Vim can simplify that and many other things.
Vim Allow You to do More than PhpStorm
Here some examples what you can do with Vim but not with PhpStorm:
You can search through open tabs (“buffers” in Vim), files and entire projects very fast with the fzf plugin. Even faster than with PhpStorm.
You can go directly to php.net with a keystroke when you are on a method / function / whatever to see its definition. Very handy.
You can run Vim with a GUI or in the terminal. Doing the last will open a lot of possibility like the winning combo zsh / tmux / Vim. You will have a lot of flexibility and fun with those tools, I can guarantee it!
Since a tonne of plugins exist for Vim you can extend the possibilities as you wish. You can even write little functions which extend / alter whatever you want.
The possibilities are infinite.
A Great Community
A lot of people use Vim and will be happy to help you. You have access to a lot of plugins for every development language you dream of.
Some will argue (as I did) than Vim is too old. It is a strength! Think about it: what software is more stable than the one tested for decades?
It is very stable indeed, thanks to the community. If you are stuck, if you have a problem, you have tons of resources where you can found the solution.
Vim is old and maintained for a long long time, which means as well that its codebase is (apparently) not-that-goodish.That is why a bunch of people rewrote the whole editor. It’s called Neovim and it’s compatible with every Vim plugin available.
Even if it’s still in beta I didn’t have any issues with it. It works like a charm.
I want to be in love with Vim! Tell me how!
First you need to be motivated and learn how to properly use it. It is less complicated than you think.
You Work on Linux or macOs? Try Vimtutor!
First, go to your terminal.Then type vimtutor. Press enter.Here we are!
Vimtutor comes with a lot of linux-based distribution. It is a 15 minutes tutorial for you to learn Vim’s basics. After that, you can begin to use Vim for whatever need you have.
15 minutes! Who said that Vim was complicated?
You don’t believe me? Just try it!
Get Inspired by Other’s Configurations
Vim alone is a bit… too weak functionality wise. You need plugins, and the best way to find what you need is to look to configurations from other developers.They are most of the time hosted publicly on github.
Here my personnal config.
Be careful though. It is tempting to copy entire configuration from others but you will be lost very quickly. Vim needs to be personalized. It can suits you if you take the time to tune it depending on your needs.
Take the configurations available on the web as inspirations. Copy them little by little, plugin by plugin. Test it, try to understand what the plugin is doing. Take your time. Read the plugin documentations. In short: do everything with Vim you should do as a developer. Analyzing, acting step by step and see if it suits your need.
Vim Cheat Sheet
My advice for the beginning: having a cheat sheet printed you can refer to. You can find a lot of them everywhere.
It will help you memorising the basics of Vim and experimenting to be more effective and have even more fun!
Vim is a Winner! But… Do I Miss PhpStorm?
I hope you are now ready to try Vim, and maybe replace PhpStorm!
Now let be honest with one another:
Yes PhpStorm has some tool that Vim doesn’t. The search plugin I use for example has less options than PhpStorm’s search… but is so faster, you’ve no idea.
In PhpStorm the auto completion was slightly better… in 2017. In 2019, Vim auto completion plugins are as good as any IntelliJ plugin.
You need to spend time configuring Vim to have a powerful PHP IDE.However, it means as well that you can personalize it the way you exactly want it to behave. An IDE should answers your need, not imposing them!
After three weeks using Vim as my PHP IDE, I tried to reinstall PhpStorm. I used it for ten minutes… before coming back to Vim.
I won’t get back to you, PhpStorm. Never. Bartender for wedding near me. I am a faithful man to Vim now.
This section provides the list of solutions and workarounds for common problems with deployments in PhpStorm.
Collecting PhpStorm deployment logs
If your issue is not addressed in this section, contact our support engineers. If asked to provide deployment logs, follow the instructions to collect them.
Select Help | Configure Debug Log in the main menu.
In the Custom Debug Log Configuration dialog that opens, add the following lines depending on the issues you are experiencing:
Issues with deployment/synchronization: #com.jetbrains.plugins.webDeployment
Issues with issues with SSH/SFTP: #com.intellij.ssh
Click OK and reproduce the issue.
Locate the log file by selecting Help | Show Log in Explorer (for Windows and Linux) or Help | Show Log in Finder (for macOS).
If necessary, you can locate the log manually:
The most recent log file is named idea.log; older files names end with a number, that is idea.log.1, idea.log.2, and so on. In most cases you need only the most recent one.
Attach the log file(s) to the issue or forum thread.
General troubleshooting
Deployment is slow or fails
Deployment can be a resource-intensive operation, especially if a project or a deployment server contains lots of directories and files. In the Settings/Preferences dialog Ctrl+Alt+S, navigate to Build, Execution, Deployment and explore the following configuration options, which can speed up deployment:
Exclude directories that are not needed from deployment (for example, images). This can be done from the Deployment: Excluded Paths Tab page.
On the Options page, clear the Overwrite up-to-date files to skip uploading files that don't need to be uploaded.
Depending on the server, switching between active and passive transfer mode in the advanced FTP settings may help. This can be done by toggling Passive mode in the Deployment: Connection Tab for the server.
Limit number of concurrent FTP connections. This can be done by toggling Limit concurrent connections and setting the number of connections (usually 3-5 concurrent connections is OK for any server if you experience problems with a greater number of connections) in the Deployment: Connection Tab for the server.
File transfer becomes unresponsive
This can happen in case PhpStorm tries to resolve an IPv4 host via IPv6. By default, PhpStorm only listens for incoming IPv4 connections. To make sure IPv6 is disabled, check the PhpStorm JVM options:
Select Help | Edit Custom VM Options from the main menu.
In the .vmoptions file that opens, make sure the -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true line is present.
Restart PhpStorm.
Otherwise, to enable IPv6 support, delete the -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true line. In this case, make sure to add the IPv6 entry for your host to the /etc/hosts file.
Download/upload actions are not available
Download/upload actions may not be available because of a missing mapping. If a file or folder that you want to download is not configured in any mapping, PhpStorm will not download it. Mappings can be configured as described in the Map project folders to folders on the server and the URL addresses to access them.
For some actions, a default deployment server needs to be selected on the Deployment page of the Settings/Preferences dialog.
Some folders are not deployed
A common cause for folders not being deployed is when they are explicitly excluded. To solve this, in the Remote host tool window right-click the given folder and select Remove Path From Excluded from the context menu. Once this is done, the folder will be deployed.
This can also be configured from the Deployment page of the Settings/Preferences dialog Ctrl+Alt+S. Open the Excluded Paths tab for the server and remove the excluded path. Note that both the source and the target folders should be checked. Folders can also be excluded by name on the Options page under Exclude items by name.
Sharing deployment configurations between projects
Deployment Servers are configured at the IDE level: they are available for all projects and can be shared between them.
Note that only the name and connection details (specified on the Deployment: Connection Tab tab) are shared between projects: mappings and excluded paths are project-specific and have to be configured separately. Using this approach, connection details have to be entered just once, while mappings and excluded paths can be configured per-project, sharing the connection details. This can be useful when projects share the same deployment server and use the same connection settings. If connection settings are different between projects, they have to be configured for every project separately.
If necessary, you can set a server to be visible in a single project by selecting the Visible only for this project checkbox on the Deployment: Connection Tab.
IDE settings do not allow me to configure mappings
The default new project settings are used to configure the default settings for new projects and do not affect the currently opened projects. To configure settings for the current project, use the Settings/Preferences dialog Ctrl+Alt+S.
Can subfolders within the same folder have different deployment settings? Can a local folder be deployed to multiple locations?
When uploading folders and configuring mappings, note the following:
You can specify mappings for specific folders to different paths on the deployment server. This can be configured on the Deployment: Mappings Tab for the server.
You can exclude specific folders and files from being uploaded/downloaded. This can be configured on the Deployment: Excluded Paths Tab for the server.
You cannot upload the same folder (or subfolders) to different sites at once. A separate deployment configuration needs to be created for each of them and uploaded to each site one by one.
If this is what you want to do, we recommend automating the process with a capable tool. For example, Phing has an FTP task which can be used from PhpStorm. Within PhpStorm, you can use the Sync with Deployed.. command and select from available deployment servers for every upload.
I cannot assign a keyboard shortcut to the Sync With Deployed to My Server menu item
It is not possible to assign a keyboard shortcut directly to the Sync With Deployed to <server name> command, only to the generic Sync with Deployed to.. command, which will then display a popup menu with the list of servers. Refer to Configure keyboard shortcuts for details.
If you do wish to assign a keyboard shortcut to a specific deployment server, it is possible to record a Macro and assign a shortcut to it instead:
Select Edit | Macros | Start Macro Recording and start recording a Macro.
Select Tools | Deployment | Sync With Deployed to <server name> and close the sync window.
Stop recording the Macro by selecting Edit | Macros | Stop Macro Recording from the main menu.
Set the Macro name, for example Sync with <server name>.
Open in the Settings/Preferences dialog Ctrl+Alt+S, select Keymap and find the Macros node. From the context menu of the new sync Macro that was just recorded, select Add keyboard shortcut and provide the desired shortcut .
How do I deploy a database using PhpStorm?
There are a couple of ways to deploy a database using PhpStorm:
Make use of the integrated database tools and run the required DDL and SQL statements manually.
Work with Phing and set up a DBDeploy task.
Can I run a script or executable on my files before the upload occurs?
Things like minifying CSS, optimizing images, encoding PHP files using IonCube and so on are actions that you may want to execute before an upload happens. The best approach to do this is run them not when the upload is started, but when the files are changed, by using File watchers in PhpStorm. When the time comes to upload them to a deployment server, upload the processed files instead.
Note that the Skip external changes checkbox must be cleared on the Options page for this to work.
Sometimes files are not uploaded automatically
By default, PhpStorm uploads the files if they are changed by some external processes (VCS, transpilers, and so on). If the files are not uploaded, make sure that the Upload changed files automatically to the default server on the Options page is set to Always and the Skip external changes checkbox is cleared.
Can I run pre- and post-deployment actions?
It's possible using Run/Debug configurations. You can create a fake Run/Debug Configuration, or a Run/Debug configuration that should be the last step, and add the required steps under Before launch.
As an alternative, we recommend using Phing or any other build system to execute complex sequences of steps.
FTP troubleshooting
FTP issue: Invalid descendent file name 'http:'
When a deployment server has been configured or when using the Test Connection button in the project settings, the Invalid descendent file name 'http:' error is displayed. Note that all file names with a colon : in the name will be considered invalid.
This can happen if a file containing http: Pioneer desserts. in its name exists in the project. The library that PhpStorm uses to connect to FTP (Apache Commons VFS) cannot read the contents of a folder containing such a file, which causes the operation to fail. The only solution is to remove the file containing http: in its name from the project.
PhpStorm seems to connect to the server but can't list files or perform upload
Phpstorm Slow Cooker
This may be because the deployment server requires a so-called passive FTP connection. To set this mode, select the Passive mode checkbox in the Deployment: Connection Tab for the selected server.
Phpstorm Slow Ftp
Limiting the number of concurrent FTP connections may also help in this situation. To do this, open the Deployment: Connection Tab for the selected server, select the Limit concurrent connections checkbox, and set the number of connections (usually, 3-5 concurrent connections is OK for any server if you experience problems with a higher number of connections).
Phpstorm Show Main Menu
Deploying files when changing branches using Git checkout
There are a couple of ways to go about deploying files when switching between branches using Git checkout:
One way is to configure deployments to always upload files and external changes. To do this, on the Options page, set Upload changed files to the default server to Always and clear the Skip external changes checkbox. Note that this will upload all files to the server when switching branches.
Use git-ftp. It performs minimal uploads and is also able to mirror file and directory removals.
Phpstorm Slow Startup
Known issues
Is rsync supported to synchronize files and folders with a deployment server?
No. If you feel this should be part of PhpStorm vote for this issue.
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0 notes
ishunter798 · 3 years
Baldur's Gate Download Mac
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Download Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition for Mac OS. Play a classic old-school PC RPG game on your Windows with Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition. If says your OS is not compatible, double-click “Baldur’s Gate 3” in /Contents/MacOS/. Version Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated. MacOS 10.15 or later, 64-bit processor. Screenshots Download Now.
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Baldur's Gate
4.5 / 5 - 8 votes
Download extras files Manual, map and refcard available
Description of Baldur's Gate Windows
Read Full Review
A dark, slender figure enters. Shafts of daylight flow into the room until the door closes once more with a loud bang. The room is so crowded that making one's way is a delicate task. Commoners run about to and fro, maidens carry large trays with slopping liquid and the noise is almost unbearable. The floors creak, glasses clink together in toasts and patrons scream for ale. The stranger emerges from the crush by a table and sitting herself down glances at the door. The air about her seems to crackle with a form of electricity, she seems almost ethereal, although human.
Moments later, more adventurers arrive. The locals become nervous as the tension in the room rises. A half-crazed warrior speaks, with his sword swung over his back, to a small, furry creature (is it a hamster?) and makes his way to the strangers table. As they begin to converse in low tones, another woman makes her way across the room from the bar. Standing nearby, in a booming voice she speaks to the stranger, 'Siana, isn't it? There is no doubt, you fit the description,' and promptly draws her sword.
The Sword Coast
Welcome to the most addictive realm in the universe: The Sword Coast of Forgotten Realms. How many thousands of people out there have wasted many an hour with paper and pen, or in titles like Pools of Radience, Eye of the Beholder , or any number of campaigns or computer games involving The Forgotten Realms? O.K. don't scream yes all at once! :-). How long have we waited for something new? Something to come along and fill that craving ache that the Dungeon Master can no longer fill because they burned out 10 years ago after running games for 10 more? How long, I say, how LONG? Yes! I hear you, you are shouting across the globe, TOO LONG! How did we all hear that? Easily, by the number of copies grabbed up and off the shelves of the one game to promise it to you once again. Really the first game to sell like seriously tasty hot-cakes. Interplay couldn't burn them fast enough and those who had them were the envy of every group of gaming friends across the world. I still to this day play on a mud located in Finland, there was NOTHING but ' BG ' chat on the wizard channel. What day are you on? Where is that blasted magic ring? I just found Volo, damn that Captain. I just got to Cloakwood!!! Talk about community addiction, no one could stop playing. Even here at GDR almost every editor is playing Baldur's Gate and cannot stop. Is it worthy? Hell yes, how can the whole world be wrong!? But really, let's have a look.
Single Player Mode
My kingdom for Multiplayer! Single player mode in Baldur's Gate is fun, and tough. But it's not as good as multiplayer and there are a few reasons for this, which I will explain presently. Single-player mode allows you to play through the story with one character which you create at the beginning. Your character may then form a party by including NPCs found in the game or just go it alone. Yes, the game is even solvable with a single character, but so far (or as far as I know) only by one particular class. In general, players will instead group with mages, thieves, clerics or whoever else turns their fancy. Each NPC has their own personality, while one may be sniveling and insecure, the other might be half-crazed. A spectrum from good to evil in all the neutral, lawful and chaotic combinations ensures the traditional AD&D; variety.
Single-player mode does have its charms. Creating your character in the traditional way by choosing race, class (dual and multi-classes available), gender, abilities, alignment, proficiencies and spells to start with. You must also select your name and portrait, and your icon appearance and roll for your stats. If you've played any of the old Forgotten Realms CRPGs you will feel right at home with this. Most of the AD&D; 2nd Edition rules are adhered to, with slight changes documented to make the transition to computer game. Bioware have done an excellent job of this, and it may come as a shock to those less familiar with the rules, since progression is slower and more subtle than in other computer games which are loosely related, such as Daggerfall where progression was quite easy.
Once character generation is complete, you begin your story in the town of Candlekeep. 'This citadel of learning stands on a volcanic crag, overlooking the sea.' From the opening animation of a Vader like character beating and torturing a poor knight, you do know that something evil has begun a campaign of some sort along the Sword Coast. In Candlekeep, you learn that you are the ward of Gorion, that you know nothing about your past, and that your peaceful life in Candlekeep, where books are a ticket into the gates, is threatened by some mysterious danger. It is this danger which drives you and Gorion from Candlekeep and onto a journey which will take you across the wilderness and through the towns between Baldur's Gate in the north and Arm in the south.
Go for the eyes Boo!
The story then in Baldur's Gate takes precedent. That is, you eventually progress toward solving the mysteries behind the danger threatening you. There are however, numerous side quests to follow, items to search for and monsters to destroy. Each area is a large 2D map which you can either spend time clearing or move directly through to get to your next destination. A large overview map is used to select the area you want to go to, and time is added (such as 4 days) to the overall game when you move from one city to the next. Sometimes you may be waylaid by monsters or bandits, and this might occur at a map which you normally cannot select.
Communication with characters is the main source of information and story progression. You often can choose a way to role-play through talking to NPCs and it may even affect your reputation. Reputation is related to alignment (if you are evil and doing nice deeds and improve your reputation you may loose your evil party members who think that's a toss). When playing single-player mode, it can be difficult in beginning to sort out a party. You are presented with NPCs of various alignments and skills and must compile a group that will live (literally. Ed) with each other. Since there are not so many in the beginning it can be tough going, especially if you are a mage (generally weak and cannot wear armor) and really need those extra members to survive. If the NPCs do not get along, eventually they will leave or attack you. Even still, I managed to keep good, neutral and evil aligned characters together by playing a lawful evil character and travelling both by day some of the time and by night the rest. They bitched and moaned and were nasty to each other, but with a medium reputation (of 10) it seemed to work.
This is one of the drawbacks of single-player mode however, you really are stuck with whoever you find, rather than creating your own party. In some sense though, this was humorous because they behaved in ways which were totally unexpected and added to the sense of being on a journey. At the same time, it meant that they were not my ideal type of group.
Although it wasn't my group, the role-playing aspect in single-player mode was much more rich. For one game (I have two running), I have the Ranger Chaotic Good leader grouped with Imoen, Neutral Good Thief NPC (childhood friend to my character). They were joined in the woods by a Chaotic Evil Necro and a Neutral Evil Thief. They stayed grouped from the woods to The Friendly Arm. Then, after grouping with the two friends of Gorion in the Arm, we went upstairs and I let the evil thief try to steal first from a chest, he was unsuccessful with lock picking, then attempt a pick-pocket from a noble. Well, the noble caught him and a fight ensued...the characters started shooting arrows at all the nobles. After firing arrows and killing the nobles the characters all started talking. The good chars said, 'I dont think I like how this group is being run!' The evil necro said,' Oh, for the first time this group is becoming palatable!' :-). Anyway, more than half were pissed off and wanted to break group. Worse yet, since Rangers are meant to be doers of good deeds, immediately the reputation changed and my character lost her Ranger status. So, role-playing with NPCs really works.
Bring me some ale!
As you travel, you enter taverns, private houses, farms, woods and meadows. These rooms and outdoor areas are beautifully rendered and are the most unusual to date, absolutely fascinating. Looking sketched or painted, these maps have shadows which change over time, and eventually become dark as day turns to night. Rain or light snow falls and crystal clear rivers are filled with small stones and approachable islands. Your characters move with distinct behaviours and certain terrains, such as mountains and cliffs, are impassable. Actually this provided some problems with path-finding, which has recently been addressed in a beta patch. Both interior and outdoor scenes are augmented by excellent sounds of people moving, shouting, doors opening and closing or birds and animals moving about. The wind rustles, a monster cries, it's all in a days work on the road.
101 Kobolds
Combat in Baldur's Gate is different from its predecessors, as it is in real-time. The combat method is based on AD&D; rules adjusted to real-time, so instead of a 60 second initiative period, each character is given 6 seconds. The speed with which a character attacks is a number between 1/10 and 10/10ths time per round and the initiative is decided by a combination of rolled factors: ability, situation, and chance. Whether a character has a successful attack still depends on their THAC0 (To Hit Armour Class 0) and their attack roll. Critical hits and misses are decided by the attack roll, 20 or 1, respectively. Strength, dexterity, modifiers and weapons all affect attacks. Casting is treated in a similar way, although spells must be previously memorized (rather than being based on the mana of the caster) and can be disrupted in combat if the caster is hit.
This real-time aspect to AD&D; combat takes some getting used to, actually most everyone I know uses either the selection of different types of auto-pause (such as pause after every round for each character) or the space-bar to pause combat. I initially started out with autopause and then switched to space-bar. The reason is that combat is too difficult to control real-time. Firstly, although you control each of the NPCs as well as your character, to play without pause requires using the A.I. scripts provided or making your own. A.I. has 3 different settings for each class, for instance you can play your mage defensive or aggressive. The problem I had with scripts was that they did not control the characters well enough. I often found my mad necromancer in the middle of combat, after he had fired off all of his spells using his piercing weapon. Meanwhile, the warriors ran off, chasing their fleeing opponents, only to run into a nest of new monsters. This led to the group breaking up, and often added too many enemies to the battle at once.
Therefore in single-player mode, I resorted to pause and handled all of the combat on my own. Grouping archers and mages to the back, warriors and thieves at the front. Handling each fired spell, and every attack. Archery was a wonderful tool, and one of my main combat methods. But another problem I had was that archers, when in heavy combat against a large number of monsters, would use up the 3x20 arrows in quivers and then require changes. In single-player going to the inventory window of the interface immediately causes the real-time combat to begin again (a choice Bioware made in order to simulate a change of weapon in combat) and thus things were running in the background behind the inventory screen (which I could not see) while I clumsily made the change to add arrows. Some of the reason for this is that monsters will 're-pop' in an area (pop up again) after you have killed the first batch. This means that you can continue fighting all day, not that realistic and one of the niggles.
On the other hand, Bioware have provided some excellent options settings to ease the difficulty of real-time combat. Almost every spell and action can be mapped to keys using a convenient set of configuration windows so customizing your combat is not uncomfortable.
Finally, this group is becoming palatable
Despite the niggles mentioned above, single-player mode is a more challenging way to play Baldur's Gate. By sticking it out through the first stages, I learned the interface and created my own ways to deal with situations and my NPCs. As the story progressed, and the more involved I became, then the more trouble I had giving up characters that I had gotten used to for new members that came along. It's actually better to make some tough choices early since the characters which join your party gain experience, and therefore levels, along with your main character, building up their powers over time to help with the more troublesome events that come much later in the game.
Journal Entry: Day 77, Hour 12 (17 Flamerule, 1368)
It was about noon when my companions and I set up camp in the Cloakwood Forest, giving me my first opportunity to update my journal since leaving Beregost. Strange monsters and human bandits beset the road to this beautiful place and my companions and I are weary from the seemingly endless battles. It is a rare pleasure to be able to stop and enjoy the beauty of nature.
I have to admit that I would have never dreamed myself living this type of life. How could I have predicted it when I was growing up amongst the serenity of the books at Candlekeep? Now my old friends and I are being hunted for reasons I'm not sure of, my foster father slain by a mysterious armored figure. Gorion believed too fervently in the need for the powers of good to prevail, but he was a caring and generous man. Why he or I would have enemies this powerful is a mystery to me. Well, at least I have the comfort of my friends who I have grown up with and trust completely. It would have been much harder had I needed to rely on the strangers I have met in my journeys.
Something out there is tipping the balance of power to the side of evil. I understand the need for evil in this world, but this lack of balance is forcing me to have to tip the scales back through good deeds and heroic actions. To be honest, though, I would much rather stay here with my fellow druids in Cloakwood. It would be wonderful to disappear into these woods and not return to the mess that is human civilization, but I feel something stronger calling me. These strange dreams I have been having would indicate that there is something lurking just over the horizon that I haven't grasped yet. Perhaps I will learn more when I find that mine and talk to whoever is in charge there. Perhaps.
This game was so big it took two of us to review it - Karen focused on playing the game through in single player mode, and I played the multiplayer mode with my husband over my home LAN. Interestingly enough, Karen and I had two different experiences playing the game although we both shared the same addiction to it. Let's face it, this game is nothing short of incredible. I generally don't play games like these through again, but as I write this, I'm on my fourth full game of Baldur's Gate and still enjoying it as much as I did the first time through.
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While some of the issues Karen had with the single player mode were resolved by multiplayer gameplay, I didn't see some of the interesting NPC features she would have been able to see. Creating six custom characters definitely has its merits, such as being able to create the exact type of characters you want rather than hoping the game will supply them for you. However, doing so prevents the player from seeing the interactions that take place between the NPCs in your party and other characters in the game world. Each NPC has his/her own unique personality and history that affects the way some quests are solved and can even influence the flow of the storyline.
Custom characters do not have much of a personality, nor do they have any sort of history aside from 'you were a friend of the main character at Candlekeep'. These custom created characters are not as likely to break and attack the party for acting outside of their alignment as NPCs are. My husband controlled both a neutral evil Thief and a lawful good Paladin; he enjoyed sneaking away from the rest of the party to take his characters on house raids in the major towns while I wasn't paying attention. Granted, he left the Paladin in the living room while the Thief roamed the house and stole things - but I still would think that a character with a lawful good alignment would have a problem breaking into houses. Nor would a Paladin really be able to tolerate being grouped with an evil character in the first place. These differences aside, the story line and subquest structure of both single player and multiplayer is exactly the same.
Multiplayer mode allows far greater control over the characters, which is why many players chose to play the game in this mode instead of single player. Each player in the game session controls a certain number of characters, and to make up for the fact that there can be up to six people playing the game at once, the game does allow you to enter the Inventory screen while paused. This complete control over the characters meant that I never had to worry about auto-pausing the game in battles as Karen did to ensure my characters were doing the right things. I never ran out of arrows, potions, or anything else. However, I did notice that the character scripts still had an effect if you chose to set them; when I set my fighter to aggressive I had a much harder time controlling him, as he tended to run and attack anything the instant it turned into an enemy. Unfortunately, this meant that if I accidentally made townspeople angry he would generally kill them before I had even realized what happened - but this was easily fixed by turning off the scripts.
Lots of Options
Baldur's Gate offers an amazing amount of control over how the game is played in a game session. It is very easy to set up a multiplayer game, and just as easy to join one in progress over the Internet or LAN. Each game can be protected using a password to keep unwanted players from joining. The player on the server machine (or the 'leader') has the power to decide - on a per player basis at any point during the game - whether or not the other players have the ability to modify characters, spend gold, initiate dialog, view other character records, leave an area, pause the game, or modify permissions.
The leader has the power to kick other players from the multiplayer session instantly or decide, using the Character Arbitration screen, which player controls which character(s). Because of the fluidity of multiplayer game play, characters can be added, deleted, or reassigned during game play on the fly. At any point during the game, the leader can completely change the dynamics of the party, deleting all the old characters and creating completely new ones if he so desires - although any party manipulations mid-game like this drop the party reputation back to 10 or 11. The leader also dictates how player import works. One can choose to import a character into a game with all experience and items, with experience only, or at with no items or experience.
The fact that characters can be imported and exported with full items at any point in the game helps protect players against player killing - the leader can either revert back to a saved game or you can just import your character back in. An added bonus to this import/export option is that it also allows for some interesting cloning experiments in terms of both player characters and items. Just as a test of the import process (it isn't considered 'cheating' when done as an experiment, right?) I managed to clone in five copies of my fighter for an extremely tough battle. I dismissed the other five people from the party temporarily, then had them rejoin after I sent the five 'clones' into battle to be killed. By cloning the fighter, I not only duplicated him but also any items the he was holding when I exported him. I could pick these items up from the bodies of the dead 'clones' and redistribute them within my party, allowing my characters to be equipped with multiple copies of very rare magical items.
The game is designed to run in asynchronous mode, which means that not all computers will show the exact same events on the screen. While this is good in terms of latency issues, it is a little disconcerting during the gameplay. It seemed that whatever appeared on my machine (the server) was 'reality' and whatever appeared on my husband's computer was not. There were many times either my characters or his got killed because of this; to him it looked like the monsters were across the screen, or not there at all, when in reality they were right in the middle of the party. We even had a couple instances where his characters appeared in impossible places, such as trapped behind walls, when the computers would readjust what was on both our screens.
What's that Icon Mean?
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The interface is one that takes a lot of time to get used to and has a high initial learning curve. There are several icons surrounding the main game screen, and as is sometimes the problem with icons, they aren't always intuitive. For instance, a mask appears for the thief's 'unlock/disarm trap/pickpocket' button, which doesn't make me think of any of those. Because of these icons, I had to keep the manual handy to keep track of all the different icons and options throughout the game.
In general, the icons along the side are the game management icons, allowing the player access to the character screens, inventories, map, journal, and game options. The character portraits are along the opposite side. These can be moved around at will, including putting new characters into the 'main character' slot. Players can chat amongst themselves using the dialog box, which can be expanded to be bigger or smaller, depending on the amount of conversation occurring. Game text, battle statistics, and conversation with NPCs also appears in this box.
The icons at the bottom for quick items, weapons, and abilities can be confusing at first, as the icons that appear differ depending on the character type. For instance, the screenshot above is taken with my druid character highlighted, so her bar contains spells, items, and two weapons. The thief's bar would contain different icons to represent his ability to hide in shadows, find traps, and disarm/unlock. The fighter's icons are different, as are the mage's, and so on.
For the most part, the game does an excellent job of providing alternate ways to know icons aside from digging out the manual or quick reference guide. Either a mouse click or leaving the mouse over an icon brings up descriptive text about the icon, spell, ability, or item. One other thing Baldur's Gate does very well is map areas and document major and minor quest information in the journal. I did not have to keep manual notes at all, which is a first.
The Game Bible ... er, Manual
A game this large and with so much to learn in order to play it needs a manual that is equally as large, and the one that ships with the game is the size of a short novel - 159 pages of very important information. I must have read through it about three times! I have some experience with playing AD&D; games, so I had a basic knowledge of the character classes, alignments, and spells. This manual, however, greatly enhanced my knowledge of how things worked in the AD&D; world, and contained any piece of relevant information that might be needed to play the game. I always had it on hand when I played the game, and I found myself referring to it quite often. However, I wish it had contained more in-depth information about the pros and cons of the different races and classes. I found myself having to ask friends who used to Dungeon Master in the AD&D; pen and paper days for clarification instead.
However, with as much helpful information this manual contained, I don't think it was laid out in such a manner as to be helpful to new players. The information about character races, alignments, and classes was contained in the middle of the manual under a section about AD&D; Rules. Normally character creation information is at the front. The description about how the statistics for each attribute (such as intelligence, etc) actually affect the character is at the very back of the manual under a totally different section. The manual does have both an index at the back and a table of contents, but these still did not seem to cut down on the amount of time I, and others I know, had to search through the manual for information. I still managed to go almost 75% of the way through the game without knowing how to disarm traps or that I could set spells up in the quick use slots because I somehow overlooked that information in the manual.
Also, not many people even like to have to read a manual, not to mention one this long. Anyone who does not read the manual is at a disadvantage unless they know something about AD&D; rules. The quick reference guide is wonderful for mapping icons to meanings, but does not get into character limitations or detailed spell information. Even if one knows the rules and just uses the quick reference guide, there is a good chance that you will miss a key game option or feature.
The Battle Ends - For Now
Journal Entry: Day 130, Hour 10 (9 Eleint, 1368)
My quest has ended, although I am too weary from battle to recount all the details. Suffice to say my quest was difficult and lengthy, but one the gods surely enjoyed. The ending of my saga seemed somehow anticlimactic given all that I had been through, but I can definitely live with that! I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed my adventures, and for some reason, I feel as if this journey was only the beginning of more to come. I will welcome the challenge, and am looking forward to where the fates may take me.
Review By GamesDomain
External links
Captures and Snapshots
Screenshots from MobyGames.com
Comments and reviews
Jayzer2020-04-290 point
Game has been re-abandoned on GOG in favor of the Enhanced Edition by BeamDog.
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Share your gamer memories, give useful links or comment anything you'd like. This game is no longer abandonware, we won't put it back online.
Buy Baldur's Gate
Baldur's Gate is available for a small price on the following websites, and is no longer abandonware. GoG.com provides the best release and does not include DRM, please buy from them! You can read our online store guide .
Game Extras and Resources
Some of these file may not be included in the game stores. For Baldur's Gate, we have the following files:
Other Releases
Baldur's Gate was also released on the following systems:
Publisher:Graphsim Entertainment Inc.
Developer:BioWare Corporation
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Baldur's Gate
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A dark, slender figure enters. Shafts of daylight flow into the room until the door closes once more with a loud bang. The room is so crowded that making one's way is a delicate task. Commoners run about to and fro, maidens carry large trays with slopping liquid and the noise is almost unbearable. The floors creak, glasses clink together in toasts and patrons scream for ale. The stranger emerges from the crush by a table and sitting herself down glances at the door. The air about her seems to crackle with a form of electricity, she seems almost ethereal, although human.
Moments later, more adventurers arrive. The locals become nervous as the tension in the room rises. A half-crazed warrior speaks, with his sword swung over his back, to a small, furry creature (is it a hamster?) and makes his way to the strangers table. As they begin to converse in low tones, another woman makes her way across the room from the bar. Standing nearby, in a booming voice she speaks to the stranger, 'Siana, isn't it? There is no doubt, you fit the description,' and promptly draws her sword.
The Sword Coast
Welcome to the most addictive realm in the universe: The Sword Coast of Forgotten Realms. How many thousands of people out there have wasted many an hour with paper and pen, or in titles like Pools of Radience, Eye of the Beholder , or any number of campaigns or computer games involving The Forgotten Realms? O.K. don't scream yes all at once! :-). How long have we waited for something new? Something to come along and fill that craving ache that the Dungeon Master can no longer fill because they burned out 10 years ago after running games for 10 more? How long, I say, how LONG? Yes! I hear you, you are shouting across the globe, TOO LONG! How did we all hear that? Easily, by the number of copies grabbed up and off the shelves of the one game to promise it to you once again. Really the first game to sell like seriously tasty hot-cakes. Interplay couldn't burn them fast enough and those who had them were the envy of every group of gaming friends across the world. I still to this day play on a mud located in Finland, there was NOTHING but ' BG ' chat on the wizard channel. What day are you on? Where is that blasted magic ring? I just found Volo, damn that Captain. I just got to Cloakwood!!! Talk about community addiction, no one could stop playing. Even here at GDR almost every editor is playing Baldur's Gate and cannot stop. Is it worthy? Hell yes, how can the whole world be wrong!? But really, let's have a look.
Single Player Mode
My kingdom for Multiplayer! Single player mode in Baldur's Gate is fun, and tough. But it's not as good as multiplayer and there are a few reasons for this, which I will explain presently. Single-player mode allows you to play through the story with one character which you create at the beginning. Your character may then form a party by including NPCs found in the game or just go it alone. Yes, the game is even solvable with a single character, but so far (or as far as I know) only by one particular class. In general, players will instead group with mages, thieves, clerics or whoever else turns their fancy. Each NPC has their own personality, while one may be sniveling and insecure, the other might be half-crazed. A spectrum from good to evil in all the neutral, lawful and chaotic combinations ensures the traditional AD&D; variety.
Single-player mode does have its charms. Creating your character in the traditional way by choosing race, class (dual and multi-classes available), gender, abilities, alignment, proficiencies and spells to start with. You must also select your name and portrait, and your icon appearance and roll for your stats. If you've played any of the old Forgotten Realms CRPGs you will feel right at home with this. Most of the AD&D; 2nd Edition rules are adhered to, with slight changes documented to make the transition to computer game. Bioware have done an excellent job of this, and it may come as a shock to those less familiar with the rules, since progression is slower and more subtle than in other computer games which are loosely related, such as Daggerfall where progression was quite easy.
Once character generation is complete, you begin your story in the town of Candlekeep. 'This citadel of learning stands on a volcanic crag, overlooking the sea.' From the opening animation of a Vader like character beating and torturing a poor knight, you do know that something evil has begun a campaign of some sort along the Sword Coast. In Candlekeep, you learn that you are the ward of Gorion, that you know nothing about your past, and that your peaceful life in Candlekeep, where books are a ticket into the gates, is threatened by some mysterious danger. It is this danger which drives you and Gorion from Candlekeep and onto a journey which will take you across the wilderness and through the towns between Baldur's Gate in the north and Arm in the south.
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Go for the eyes Boo!
The story then in Baldur's Gate takes precedent. That is, you eventually progress toward solving the mysteries behind the danger threatening you. There are however, numerous side quests to follow, items to search for and monsters to destroy. Each area is a large 2D map which you can either spend time clearing or move directly through to get to your next destination. A large overview map is used to select the area you want to go to, and time is added (such as 4 days) to the overall game when you move from one city to the next. Sometimes you may be waylaid by monsters or bandits, and this might occur at a map which you normally cannot select.
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Communication with characters is the main source of information and story progression. You often can choose a way to role-play through talking to NPCs and it may even affect your reputation. Reputation is related to alignment (if you are evil and doing nice deeds and improve your reputation you may loose your evil party members who think that's a toss). When playing single-player mode, it can be difficult in beginning to sort out a party. You are presented with NPCs of various alignments and skills and must compile a group that will live (literally. Ed) with each other. Since there are not so many in the beginning it can be tough going, especially if you are a mage (generally weak and cannot wear armor) and really need those extra members to survive. If the NPCs do not get along, eventually they will leave or attack you. Even still, I managed to keep good, neutral and evil aligned characters together by playing a lawful evil character and travelling both by day some of the time and by night the rest. They bitched and moaned and were nasty to each other, but with a medium reputation (of 10) it seemed to work.
This is one of the drawbacks of single-player mode however, you really are stuck with whoever you find, rather than creating your own party. In some sense though, this was humorous because they behaved in ways which were totally unexpected and added to the sense of being on a journey. At the same time, it meant that they were not my ideal type of group.
Although it wasn't my group, the role-playing aspect in single-player mode was much more rich. For one game (I have two running), I have the Ranger Chaotic Good leader grouped with Imoen, Neutral Good Thief NPC (childhood friend to my character). They were joined in the woods by a Chaotic Evil Necro and a Neutral Evil Thief. They stayed grouped from the woods to The Friendly Arm. Then, after grouping with the two friends of Gorion in the Arm, we went upstairs and I let the evil thief try to steal first from a chest, he was unsuccessful with lock picking, then attempt a pick-pocket from a noble. Well, the noble caught him and a fight ensued...the characters started shooting arrows at all the nobles. After firing arrows and killing the nobles the characters all started talking. The good chars said, 'I dont think I like how this group is being run!' The evil necro said,' Oh, for the first time this group is becoming palatable!' :-). Anyway, more than half were pissed off and wanted to break group. Worse yet, since Rangers are meant to be doers of good deeds, immediately the reputation changed and my character lost her Ranger status. So, role-playing with NPCs really works.
Bring me some ale!
As you travel, you enter taverns, private houses, farms, woods and meadows. These rooms and outdoor areas are beautifully rendered and are the most unusual to date, absolutely fascinating. Looking sketched or painted, these maps have shadows which change over time, and eventually become dark as day turns to night. Rain or light snow falls and crystal clear rivers are filled with small stones and approachable islands. Your characters move with distinct behaviours and certain terrains, such as mountains and cliffs, are impassable. Actually this provided some problems with path-finding, which has recently been addressed in a beta patch. Both interior and outdoor scenes are augmented by excellent sounds of people moving, shouting, doors opening and closing or birds and animals moving about. The wind rustles, a monster cries, it's all in a days work on the road.
101 Kobolds
Combat in Baldur's Gate is different from its predecessors, as it is in real-time. The combat method is based on AD&D; rules adjusted to real-time, so instead of a 60 second initiative period, each character is given 6 seconds. The speed with which a character attacks is a number between 1/10 and 10/10ths time per round and the initiative is decided by a combination of rolled factors: ability, situation, and chance. Whether a character has a successful attack still depends on their THAC0 (To Hit Armour Class 0) and their attack roll. Critical hits and misses are decided by the attack roll, 20 or 1, respectively. Strength, dexterity, modifiers and weapons all affect attacks. Casting is treated in a similar way, although spells must be previously memorized (rather than being based on the mana of the caster) and can be disrupted in combat if the caster is hit.
This real-time aspect to AD&D; combat takes some getting used to, actually most everyone I know uses either the selection of different types of auto-pause (such as pause after every round for each character) or the space-bar to pause combat. I initially started out with autopause and then switched to space-bar. The reason is that combat is too difficult to control real-time. Firstly, although you control each of the NPCs as well as your character, to play without pause requires using the A.I. scripts provided or making your own. A.I. has 3 different settings for each class, for instance you can play your mage defensive or aggressive. The problem I had with scripts was that they did not control the characters well enough. I often found my mad necromancer in the middle of combat, after he had fired off all of his spells using his piercing weapon. Meanwhile, the warriors ran off, chasing their fleeing opponents, only to run into a nest of new monsters. This led to the group breaking up, and often added too many enemies to the battle at once.
Therefore in single-player mode, I resorted to pause and handled all of the combat on my own. Grouping archers and mages to the back, warriors and thieves at the front. Handling each fired spell, and every attack. Archery was a wonderful tool, and one of my main combat methods. But another problem I had was that archers, when in heavy combat against a large number of monsters, would use up the 3x20 arrows in quivers and then require changes. In single-player going to the inventory window of the interface immediately causes the real-time combat to begin again (a choice Bioware made in order to simulate a change of weapon in combat) and thus things were running in the background behind the inventory screen (which I could not see) while I clumsily made the change to add arrows. Some of the reason for this is that monsters will 're-pop' in an area (pop up again) after you have killed the first batch. This means that you can continue fighting all day, not that realistic and one of the niggles.
On the other hand, Bioware have provided some excellent options settings to ease the difficulty of real-time combat. Almost every spell and action can be mapped to keys using a convenient set of configuration windows so customizing your combat is not uncomfortable.
Finally, this group is becoming palatable
Despite the niggles mentioned above, single-player mode is a more challenging way to play Baldur's Gate. By sticking it out through the first stages, I learned the interface and created my own ways to deal with situations and my NPCs. As the story progressed, and the more involved I became, then the more trouble I had giving up characters that I had gotten used to for new members that came along. It's actually better to make some tough choices early since the characters which join your party gain experience, and therefore levels, along with your main character, building up their powers over time to help with the more troublesome events that come much later in the game.
Journal Entry: Day 77, Hour 12 (17 Flamerule, 1368)
It was about noon when my companions and I set up camp in the Cloakwood Forest, giving me my first opportunity to update my journal since leaving Beregost. Strange monsters and human bandits beset the road to this beautiful place and my companions and I are weary from the seemingly endless battles. It is a rare pleasure to be able to stop and enjoy the beauty of nature.
I have to admit that I would have never dreamed myself living this type of life. How could I have predicted it when I was growing up amongst the serenity of the books at Candlekeep? Now my old friends and I are being hunted for reasons I'm not sure of, my foster father slain by a mysterious armored figure. Gorion believed too fervently in the need for the powers of good to prevail, but he was a caring and generous man. Why he or I would have enemies this powerful is a mystery to me. Well, at least I have the comfort of my friends who I have grown up with and trust completely. It would have been much harder had I needed to rely on the strangers I have met in my journeys.
Something out there is tipping the balance of power to the side of evil. I understand the need for evil in this world, but this lack of balance is forcing me to have to tip the scales back through good deeds and heroic actions. To be honest, though, I would much rather stay here with my fellow druids in Cloakwood. It would be wonderful to disappear into these woods and not return to the mess that is human civilization, but I feel something stronger calling me. These strange dreams I have been having would indicate that there is something lurking just over the horizon that I haven't grasped yet. Perhaps I will learn more when I find that mine and talk to whoever is in charge there. Perhaps.
This game was so big it took two of us to review it - Karen focused on playing the game through in single player mode, and I played the multiplayer mode with my husband over my home LAN. Interestingly enough, Karen and I had two different experiences playing the game although we both shared the same addiction to it. Let's face it, this game is nothing short of incredible. I generally don't play games like these through again, but as I write this, I'm on my fourth full game of Baldur's Gate and still enjoying it as much as I did the first time through.
While some of the issues Karen had with the single player mode were resolved by multiplayer gameplay, I didn't see some of the interesting NPC features she would have been able to see. Creating six custom characters definitely has its merits, such as being able to create the exact type of characters you want rather than hoping the game will supply them for you. However, doing so prevents the player from seeing the interactions that take place between the NPCs in your party and other characters in the game world. Each NPC has his/her own unique personality and history that affects the way some quests are solved and can even influence the flow of the storyline.
Custom characters do not have much of a personality, nor do they have any sort of history aside from 'you were a friend of the main character at Candlekeep'. These custom created characters are not as likely to break and attack the party for acting outside of their alignment as NPCs are. My husband controlled both a neutral evil Thief and a lawful good Paladin; he enjoyed sneaking away from the rest of the party to take his characters on house raids in the major towns while I wasn't paying attention. Granted, he left the Paladin in the living room while the Thief roamed the house and stole things - but I still would think that a character with a lawful good alignment would have a problem breaking into houses. Nor would a Paladin really be able to tolerate being grouped with an evil character in the first place. These differences aside, the story line and subquest structure of both single player and multiplayer is exactly the same.
Multiplayer mode allows far greater control over the characters, which is why many players chose to play the game in this mode instead of single player. Each player in the game session controls a certain number of characters, and to make up for the fact that there can be up to six people playing the game at once, the game does allow you to enter the Inventory screen while paused. This complete control over the characters meant that I never had to worry about auto-pausing the game in battles as Karen did to ensure my characters were doing the right things. I never ran out of arrows, potions, or anything else. However, I did notice that the character scripts still had an effect if you chose to set them; when I set my fighter to aggressive I had a much harder time controlling him, as he tended to run and attack anything the instant it turned into an enemy. Unfortunately, this meant that if I accidentally made townspeople angry he would generally kill them before I had even realized what happened - but this was easily fixed by turning off the scripts.
Lots of Options
Baldur's Gate offers an amazing amount of control over how the game is played in a game session. It is very easy to set up a multiplayer game, and just as easy to join one in progress over the Internet or LAN. Each game can be protected using a password to keep unwanted players from joining. The player on the server machine (or the 'leader') has the power to decide - on a per player basis at any point during the game - whether or not the other players have the ability to modify characters, spend gold, initiate dialog, view other character records, leave an area, pause the game, or modify permissions.
The leader has the power to kick other players from the multiplayer session instantly or decide, using the Character Arbitration screen, which player controls which character(s). Because of the fluidity of multiplayer game play, characters can be added, deleted, or reassigned during game play on the fly. At any point during the game, the leader can completely change the dynamics of the party, deleting all the old characters and creating completely new ones if he so desires - although any party manipulations mid-game like this drop the party reputation back to 10 or 11. The leader also dictates how player import works. One can choose to import a character into a game with all experience and items, with experience only, or at with no items or experience.
The fact that characters can be imported and exported with full items at any point in the game helps protect players against player killing - the leader can either revert back to a saved game or you can just import your character back in. An added bonus to this import/export option is that it also allows for some interesting cloning experiments in terms of both player characters and items. Just as a test of the import process (it isn't considered 'cheating' when done as an experiment, right?) I managed to clone in five copies of my fighter for an extremely tough battle. I dismissed the other five people from the party temporarily, then had them rejoin after I sent the five 'clones' into battle to be killed. By cloning the fighter, I not only duplicated him but also any items the he was holding when I exported him. I could pick these items up from the bodies of the dead 'clones' and redistribute them within my party, allowing my characters to be equipped with multiple copies of very rare magical items.
The game is designed to run in asynchronous mode, which means that not all computers will show the exact same events on the screen. While this is good in terms of latency issues, it is a little disconcerting during the gameplay. It seemed that whatever appeared on my machine (the server) was 'reality' and whatever appeared on my husband's computer was not. There were many times either my characters or his got killed because of this; to him it looked like the monsters were across the screen, or not there at all, when in reality they were right in the middle of the party. We even had a couple instances where his characters appeared in impossible places, such as trapped behind walls, when the computers would readjust what was on both our screens.
What's that Icon Mean?
The interface is one that takes a lot of time to get used to and has a high initial learning curve. There are several icons surrounding the main game screen, and as is sometimes the problem with icons, they aren't always intuitive. For instance, a mask appears for the thief's 'unlock/disarm trap/pickpocket' button, which doesn't make me think of any of those. Because of these icons, I had to keep the manual handy to keep track of all the different icons and options throughout the game.
In general, the icons along the side are the game management icons, allowing the player access to the character screens, inventories, map, journal, and game options. The character portraits are along the opposite side. These can be moved around at will, including putting new characters into the 'main character' slot. Players can chat amongst themselves using the dialog box, which can be expanded to be bigger or smaller, depending on the amount of conversation occurring. Game text, battle statistics, and conversation with NPCs also appears in this box.
The icons at the bottom for quick items, weapons, and abilities can be confusing at first, as the icons that appear differ depending on the character type. For instance, the screenshot above is taken with my druid character highlighted, so her bar contains spells, items, and two weapons. The thief's bar would contain different icons to represent his ability to hide in shadows, find traps, and disarm/unlock. The fighter's icons are different, as are the mage's, and so on.
For the most part, the game does an excellent job of providing alternate ways to know icons aside from digging out the manual or quick reference guide. Either a mouse click or leaving the mouse over an icon brings up descriptive text about the icon, spell, ability, or item. One other thing Baldur's Gate does very well is map areas and document major and minor quest information in the journal. I did not have to keep manual notes at all, which is a first.
The Game Bible ... er, Manual
A game this large and with so much to learn in order to play it needs a manual that is equally as large, and the one that ships with the game is the size of a short novel - 159 pages of very important information. I must have read through it about three times! I have some experience with playing AD&D; games, so I had a basic knowledge of the character classes, alignments, and spells. This manual, however, greatly enhanced my knowledge of how things worked in the AD&D; world, and contained any piece of relevant information that might be needed to play the game. I always had it on hand when I played the game, and I found myself referring to it quite often. However, I wish it had contained more in-depth information about the pros and cons of the different races and classes. I found myself having to ask friends who used to Dungeon Master in the AD&D; pen and paper days for clarification instead.
However, with as much helpful information this manual contained, I don't think it was laid out in such a manner as to be helpful to new players. The information about character races, alignments, and classes was contained in the middle of the manual under a section about AD&D; Rules. Normally character creation information is at the front. The description about how the statistics for each attribute (such as intelligence, etc) actually affect the character is at the very back of the manual under a totally different section. The manual does have both an index at the back and a table of contents, but these still did not seem to cut down on the amount of time I, and others I know, had to search through the manual for information. I still managed to go almost 75% of the way through the game without knowing how to disarm traps or that I could set spells up in the quick use slots because I somehow overlooked that information in the manual.
Also, not many people even like to have to read a manual, not to mention one this long. Anyone who does not read the manual is at a disadvantage unless they know something about AD&D; rules. The quick reference guide is wonderful for mapping icons to meanings, but does not get into character limitations or detailed spell information. Even if one knows the rules and just uses the quick reference guide, there is a good chance that you will miss a key game option or feature.
The Battle Ends - For Now
Journal Entry: Day 130, Hour 10 (9 Eleint, 1368)
My quest has ended, although I am too weary from battle to recount all the details. Suffice to say my quest was difficult and lengthy, but one the gods surely enjoyed. The ending of my saga seemed somehow anticlimactic given all that I had been through, but I can definitely live with that! I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed my adventures, and for some reason, I feel as if this journey was only the beginning of more to come. I will welcome the challenge, and am looking forward to where the fates may take me.
Review By GamesDomain
External links
Captures and Snapshots
Screenshots from MobyGames.com
Comments and reviews
Jayzer2020-04-290 point
Game has been re-abandoned on GOG in favor of the Enhanced Edition by BeamDog.
Write a comment
Share your gamer memories, give useful links or comment anything you'd like. This game is no longer abandonware, we won't put it back online.
Buy Baldur's Gate
Baldur's Gate is available for a small price on the following websites, and is no longer abandonware. GoG.com provides the best release and does not include DRM, please buy from them! You can read our online store guide .
Game Extras and Resources
Download Baldur's Gate 2
Some of these file may not be included in the game stores. For Baldur's Gate, we have the following files:
Other Releases
Baldur's Gate Free Download
Baldur's Gate was also released on the following systems:
Publisher:Graphsim Entertainment Inc.
Developer:BioWare Corporation
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classyfestivalrebel · 3 years
Call Of Duty World At War Torrent For Mac
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We have received a lot of requests to mirror the download of this patch for old but good Call of Duty: World at War, the historic first person shooter developed by Treyarch, published in 2008. This is the first patch released for World at War and it is very important because it introduces mods in Co-op, Single Player, and Multiplayer. Call of Duty WWII brings back the World War II theme, the first game in the series after the 2008’s Call of Duty World at War. You are set into a squad from the first Infantry Division, fighting on the Western Front. This new title features many gameplay elements not seen since many Call of Duty games ago.
Whenever we will talk about the action, first-shooter or war games how can we forget about the call of duty? The call of duty is a first-shooter game that was first introduced for play station portable. It was so successful across the globe that they have to build many versions of it for the public. The reason of its fame was that was truly based on the World war. The gameplay of this game enables us to remember and understand that what was going on in the World war and with the proper graphics we can actually feel the hotness of the World war. People loved this game so much that they demanded a mobile version of this game. The developers of this game took it seriously and worked on it. The heart-pumping feature of call of duty mobile is the multiplayer gameplay mode.
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They designed this game using all the parts of the call of duty family and map used in this game is so much related to the call of duty all parts. This is basically the extraction of the call of duty family on the one place or submission of the different parts of the game adjusted in the map of the call of duty mobile. This game is developed on the unity engine, and it is now finally published on the play store and is being tested by Canada and other platforms for the reliability of the content available in the game.
The game is programmed professionally to look like the scene of World war, and they are actually successful in doing it. The virtual graphics are the answer of their work. The gameplay of this game is that simple that we have to open the game and select in which mode we want to play. After choosing the desired mode we will enter into the map that from which side you will fight monetarily. After that the game will begin to run, and you have to play it with the excellent and the enhanced shooting skills. In order to complete the game chapters you will have to win the given tasks which are termed as the missions in the game. You will have to survive until the end and have to fight for your country with a warm heart.
This game is also capable of to be played in the multiplayer mode in which you can arrange your team and playing in a team is always beneficial in terms of reality and also in terms of the game. This will help the whole squad to survive on the shoulders of one another. The more they will work united the more they will be successful. The weapons are now even more advanced. The most of the weapons are already unlocked but you want a high response you will have to use the premium or upgraded versions of the weapons. For that purpose, you will have to buy the weapons or indeed you have to unlock them with the earned points in the game. Irrespective of the playing on land only we are supposed to also play in the air using fighting planes and also the helicopters. This game will reward the user with dozens of prizes every day. This game was firstly introduced in the gaming consoles and later on-demand this game was introduced in the mobile version named as call of duty mobile.
To download this game on Android or IOS you can get it on the Play store and the app store readily available. Or the download link is mentioned below;
ANDROID: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.activision.callofduty.shooter
IOS: https://apps.apple.com/au/app/call-of-duty-mobile/id1287282214
1 How to install Call of Duty Mobile on PC?
How to install Call of Duty Mobile on PC?
Well, it’s quite simple to download this game on the pc. The versions of the game named as Call of duty for pc are available, but if you want to download and play the call of duty mobile then you have to download the platform on your pc that runs the android applications and games on the pc. There are two very common platforms available that are:
How to install using Bluestacks
Click on the provided link https://bluestacksofficial.com. Or you can download from your desired website from the search suggestions.
When you get a file, click on the download button and let the file of the software to be download on your computer.
When you have done this, you have to install the downloaded files on your computer and make sure that you are installing on the right trusted drive irrespective of the windows drive.
When you have downloaded the software, you may are required to open the software and search for your desired game in the search bar.
When you will get the search window, download the first search suggestion and install it on your desired location.
When you have done this, you just have to open the game and play it with the default controls of the software.
How to install using Memu:
Download it from the link https://memupc.com or you are supposed to download it from the Google.
After downloading it you are requested to install the setup files at your selected location.
Open the software after installing and search the game with the words call of duty mobile.
Prefer the first search and download the game and wait for it to complete.
After the game is completely downloaded check the controls of the software that you want them as the same or you want any change in the controls.
Open the game and play.
For downloading the Software your pc should meet the minimum requirements that are below: – BLUESTACKS 2GB of RAM and 4GB of the free storage and direct X 9.0 or higher. – MEMU Minimum Windows XP SP3 and 2GB of RAM and 2GB of free storage and direct x 9.0 or higher.
Key features of this game to be installed
Excellent Handling
The controls of the game are well defined and are very responsive. The user will hope so not get any issue in playing regarding controls.
In order to commemorate the fifth anniversary of this revolutionary title, Ages of Myst was released in October 1998, including Myst and its similar 1997 sequel, Riven.In addition to the discs for both games-one for Myst and five for the longer, graphically advanced Riven-the package includes other goodies meant to please die-hard fans. Its success would popularize the adventure puzzle genre of gaming, inspiring similar games such as Timelapse and Drowned God. It features interviews with the game's creators and details what occurred between the game's conception and its completion. Myst for mac. As its name would suggest, the CD-ROM documentary entitled The Making of Riven takes fans behind the scenes of the production of Myst's sequel.
Extreme sounds
The amazing sound quality enhances the realistic feel of the gameplay. The user will definitely have the best experience of gaming with the Dolby audio.
New weapons are so well updated that they are like the real ones we use in real life. The updated weapons have a great role in the gameplay.
Virtual effects
Virtual effects are one of the main substances of the game that brings life to the game in today’s era.
Modern updated maps
The updated maps are so good to see that a person can’t differentiate is real or animated. Even the animations are very well that the first time player will also get attracted by this game.
Hp scanner drivers for mac. Bonjour is activated on the printer. Any Assistance regards to my response pleaseThank you, I did everything you suggested including downloading the latest software (which i did last night already, but i did it now again as you sugested) but for some reason it does not see the scanner. Hi,Thanks for using the HP Forums.Can you try this:From the Applications folder delete any existing HP Scan or HP Easy Scan app.Delete HP Scan or HP Easy Scan by moving it to trash, then empty the trash.Ensure the latest software is installed, use this link for your printer:Also, make sure that your drivers are up to date Click on the Apple icon, select About this Mac and then press Software UpdateClick Store on the top menu bar, click Reload Page, click Update All if any updated are available.Hope that helps!macOS X drivers support. After re-intalling, i opened the HP Easy Scan app and it tells me 'Open the scanner pop-up menu to find and select your scanner' but it does not find or list any scanners for me to select and add. All my software is up to date as well as any updates.
Lag-free gaming experience
As per the customer requirements, this game is built under specific substances that this game probably is supported on almost every device that is flagship, family or student. There will be no lagging unless your internet is giving a good performance.
As we all know about the World wars. This game is successful to run in the battle mode only or in story mode. Both modes are critically different. Reality-based work is liked by the people in today’s world.
Less space
This game consumes less space than that of the heavy realistic games draining your internal memory consuming the GB’s and GB’s of the internal storage of your device. So this is the reason of the lag-free gaming experience.
Communication access
This helps the user to communicate with the teammates and to develop an understanding between the teammates. This will attract a lot of customers that are fond of talking to the random people. They will have access to the millions of the new daily users.
Video graphics
This game is developed under the supervision of professional graphic designers so this lead to the no compromise on the quality of the graphics. Every minor is clear in the video graphics of this gameplay.
General requirements (all platforms)
RAM and ROM size varies from device to device.
Internet connection should be reliable and fast to have smoother online gaming experience.
Your operating system should be not less than 9.0 if it is you may suffer from some issues.
Frequently asked questions
This game is available for any other platforms?
Yes, this game was firstly introduced for the gaming consoles that are play station portable and the XBOX and later on the Pc version of this game was introduced in the market officially and then there is a modern era of Smartphone which demanded the mobile version.
Any new version of this game will be introduced?
Yes, in the future more versions and modes are going to come after the successful business of the CODM.
Does this game have in-app purchases?
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Yes, definitely there are in-app purchases that are unlocked when you are able to buy the premium package that unlocks the most advanced feature of this game.
When the first version of this game was launched?
This game is just live on the Google play store and the Apple app store. This is mentioned as coming soon just because this game is under the quality testing of the Google play store as per the Google quality policy. This is the first mobile version that is going to be launched soon this month.
Does this online game support the squad play with friends?
Yes, this game is a multiplayer online game so it also allows the gameplay with your friends. All you have to do is log in with your social media account and then select the friends with you want to play with.
Does this game demands access to our social media and gallery and the communication devices officially?
Yes, the demand’s officially the following requirements to secure your personal data and not to get stolen by the third party applications that are just made to steal the personal information of the user and to blackmail. This is a part of the Google privacy policy.
This game contains add-ons if we do not purchase any package from the game?
Yes, but add-ons are very low in the quantity they are hardly one or two in a day.
Any age limit of this game?
No, this is not specified for any age or gender so we welcome every user-friendly. We have a large variety of fans that are over-aged but they like to play call of duty as their best game.
Call Of Duty World At War Torrent For Mac Free
Is this truly based on World War 2 completely or partially?
This is the complete package of the reality and fiction so there is no bounding of the reality or the fiction. As the action is invented when reality and fiction is mixed.
Is this game the same as that of the play station or XBOX?
Yes, most of the game is same but as you know that the controls are now virtual and touch so the controls are default in the game until or unless you change as per your need. https://classyfestivalrebel.tumblr.com/post/642729054750015488/tuner-for-mac-os.
Is this game is available for the XBOX or PS?
No, as you can understand from the name that it is call of duty mobile so this is the only mobile versions of this game. But this can be played on the PC using the android or IOS platforms.
Does this game have the help and support option or contact us?
Yes, help and support assistant is installed virtually in this game. In case of any query, you can also contact us directly from the store in the comment section or from inside the game.
Greetings Macbook&iMac owners! Are you ready to take some action from the second world war? Now you can do it directly from your mac OS computer. Call of Duty WWII Mac OS X version is available completely FREE for everyone who want it. Even if you are not a fan of mac os FPS games, this one deserves a chance, because is too awesome to miss it. Go ahead, proceed with the download, get your copy of the game installed and step into the WWII battlefront.
Call Of Duty World At War Torrent For Mac Full
Call of Duty WWII brings back the World War II theme, the first game in the series after the 2008’s Call of Duty World at War. You are set into a squad from the first Infantry Division, fighting on the Western Front. This new title features many gameplay elements not seen since many Call of Duty games ago. Health regeneration is removed and the movement graphics are also chanced. Call of Duty WWII Mac OS X is a true refreshing game, remembering the “oldie but goldie” Call of Duty titles.
Call of Duty WWII Mac OS X also has a zombie campaign, completely separate from the main. This gameplay mode has been improved since the previous title, adding brand new features. Also a very complex multiplayer mode is available. You can choose from five divisions, each with its own weapons and skills. In other words, Call of Duty WWII for Mac is a complete game, which can now be downloaded and play on any mac OS computer. Enjoy!
Call of Duty WWII for macOS – Minimum System Requirements –
CPU:Intel® Core™ i3 3225 / AMD Ryzen™ 5 1400
CPU Speed:3.0 GHz
OS:OS X 10.10
Video Card:NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 660 / GTX 1050 / ATI® Radeon™ HD 7850 / AMD RX 550, 1 GB VRAM
HDD Space:81 GB
Call Of Duty World At War Torrent For Mac Os
NOTE: This game is FREE TO DOWNLOAD, but in order to get acces to this game you need to create a FREE account (more details on the download page). By this way you can download all the DLC packs for this game and a lot more games and softwares for your Macbook/iMac.
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0 notes
nemuri-no-kid · 7 years
It's me, the fic request anon... I hope this doesn't sound rude, but are you going to answer it? It's completely fine if you don't!! I'm just super curious and I keep checking your profile but it never shows!! :) (Sorry I'm being pushy it's been a few weeks now...)
Wait, who’s rude here again? It’s rather me who’s seemingly ignored you. But it wasn’t like that, I swear! But I guess you’d prefer to see an actual answer (finally) instead of excuses, so here you go! (You have some incredible timing though, like I’d post it today anyway - the joy of having cold) I apparently can’t make a simple list and it got ridiculously long, so I’m putting it under Read more. Does tagging people even work under Read more btw? If not then well, I suppose I failed a bit. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Anyway. You’re probably already aware of this, but I feel I should point out that Kaito is my dearest boy, and therefore pretty much everything what I’m going to mention here is more or less about him. Contrary to appearances it won’t be only KaiShin, but I admit there’s a lot of that. Also, you won’t find here too many long stories, as I rarely read fics with more than 50k words unless I’d started them before they got so long. I mean, I do have quite a few saved and waiting to be read and I’m sure they’re all amazing, but at the end of the day I usually prefer sleeping than night-reading and yeah. Ok, let’s start:
So, did someone say KaiShin? Because you know, Shinichi is my second dearest boy, and when both of my boys are happy together it’s just the best thing. One of first writers who shown and are keep showing me the joy of reading about these two is @rachello344. Many of Rachel’s fics are only prompts, so they are pretty short and that’s a real shame, but they’re still worth reading! I think my favourite stories are these two and honestly I could read them over and over again - asexual Kaito is good, the fake-but-not-really marriage of these two dorks was the best thing and please write more self-indulgent stuff
@lunarscaped (Luna Darkside)’s oneshots steadily get longer and longer but I definitely don’t mind~ Some of the most memorable to me are Penumbra (a.k.a. only Shinichi could write a romance by accident), Darling, So It Goes (undercover mission and more of oblivious Shinichi) and Ease (just. asfadsfgdga) but really, they’re all good
House of Cards is a beautiful story of Kaito taking care of Shin-chan the Dove written by V. Shalyr (how Ai managed to make that pill will forever remain a mystery though); my other faves are With Each Season (it’s beautifull too), Paper Trail (funny short piece in which Kaito is too good at being bad, somebody stop him), Countdown to Forever (good old taking BO down together) and On Wings of White (aww, these two)
Alaena F. Dragonstar’s Win Some, Lose Some and Shadow of a Smile followed by Echo of a Laugh are all good examples of A+ writing. Boys, it will be fine, you have each other. Check the profile for more good stuff~
All ToukoTai’s fics are good, but Life In Technicolor is good, and then there is this Flower shop AU KaiShin Give A Little which includes Shinichi convincing Kaito to become Kid, and if isn’t that ironic
This Little Thing I Have by teawithmochi is a really nice piece - Conan overthinks his situation, but what are annoying phantom thieves for?
solomonara’s Getting Off Track - did I say something about overthinking? This is real overthinking, boys, come on
Almost Magical by ObsidianAbyss got me by this one scene in the class - Shinichi, if you’re trying to deny you and Kid have a thing, you’re doing it wrong
I love the dialogues in dokidokidk’s The Guy Next Door, they will never be not funny for me, plus it’s a nice idea of AU
Good Soulmate AU KaiShin is not bad, and aceoftwos’s Apple Blossoms is good. Also there are locard’s exchange principle series for even more of these two
Beautiful Carvings written by RavenShira is another really nice Soulmate AU. Misunderstandings are strong in this one - lesson: multiple identities don’t help in finding your soulmate
No Ghosts Need Apply by Cursed Detective is a really nice supernatural story, and Shinichi and Kaito are always a big plus for me, obviously. Kaito is sort of dead - the title may suggest as much - but such trivial detail won’t stop him, haha. And then there is a really nice (Not) Supernatural story. It’s ongoing, Shinichi is not a vampire and honestly, I love this and I need more
purple_mangosteen’s Clair de Lune series mean more KaiShin goodness, and also I’m a sucker for Conan and Kid texting each other
joisbishmyoga - I loved Rolling Snake Eyes for a good application of Kidnichi. Will Conan ever stop being so reckless though? I don’t think so. Pluralverse is about minds of three teenage detectives somehow ending up in Kid’s head, and it’s tight in there. It’s interesting, it’s good, read it. Twist the Knife is really intense and the writing is amazing, but it may not be to everyone’s taste, as rape and trauma happen and well
@kawaiibeyotch (kaitothegreat) writes mainly AoKai fics and they’re wonderful, I simply adore Aoko in these. Some nice examples are Live Life in full Bloom and Hello Incognito - these two are good AUs and have I already mentioned Aoko? There are also few HeiKazu stories which I’ve yet to read but I’m sure they’re worth trying, too
Slip and Fall, Obligation, Pride Goeth Before, Philanthropy, Heavy Silences, Never Here, Never Far and Shades of Grey by blinkblink form sort of a series and I wouldn’t make a better summary to any of them than the author, but it’s Kid and the Kid task force dealing with some actual dangers and criminals, there is action and mystery, and it’s really good written and you totally should read it
Nerves of Steel by Ellen Brand is another must read - Robo-Kaito makes a comeback and things get serious
A Perfect Act, No Little Plans, Both Dark and Deep and Forgiveness and Reunion by Candyland - a set starting from sort of cornering Kid by the police and presenting him an offer he couldn’t refuse followed by good action
@backtodc‘s piece about the Kid task force being actually competent when it comes to other crimes is both funny and brilliant, try it
The Cranes by Acier Glace is just so sweet? No pairings here, it’s just Kid making lots of paper cranes to make you believe in magic and did I say it’s sweet? Because it is
miladyFeather wrote the ridiculous The Adventures of Kudou Shinichi, Fast Food Worker which is ridiculous and I have no regrets sharing this one, even if it’s ridiculous
Now a surprise, as Love-Love Daisakusen by neonquincy1217 is Makoko/Sonoko! Where’s the catch? Well, remember Doito Katsuki? *wink*
When I think of quality SaguKai, I think of @5160763 (OrphanText). There is good KaiShin, too, but both examples I’m putting here happen to be SaguKai, so. Anyway. The way Kaito and Saguru are written, I simply love it. And How we begin is so good? Also, In the language of the birds. I read it while it was being put on Tumblr in small fragments and boy, every new fragment was making me so happy
The Hattori-Kudo Files is a set of few cases solved by Heiji and Conan (who could’ve thought that?), written by MeridianGrimm - I believe the last one isn’t finished, but the others are really interesting! And then there are some nice SaguShin and SaguKai fics, too~
I picked five of Mikauzoran’s fics for different reasons but again, I recommend trying all others as well: The Fifth Detective (Kaito’s reasoning is funny and brilliant, he needs a hug though), The Pit: A Romance and Quietly Starving (SaguKai, these dorks), Healing Heartbreak for the Holidays (SaguKaiShin? That’s even more dorks), and Coming to Terms (KaiRan - usually I prefer it platonic but this one really got me, also interactions with Conan? It was a pleasure to read)
Dressed to Impress by Lisa Telramor is a really nicely written SaguKai oneshot, for all your SaguKai needs
Addy01’s When the travel bug bites is a sweet story about Shinichi travelling the world to find his way in life again and befriending some magician thieves along the way. You made me reread it and I don’t regret anything
In case of Operation: Gift Wrap by Boogum I’ll just copy the author’s summary as it’s explanatory enough: ‘Sera Masumi was used to being mistaken for a boy. She was not used to being mistaken for Kaitou Kid.’
Critique written by Eliryn is a short but really nice piece. “Looks just like the real thing, doesn’t it?”
AngelicSentinel’s the suffering of fools was already amazing as a oneshot, so when more chapters appeared one day I was overjoyed. It’s KaiShin and it’s good. Also, the author is one of the only two (look below) which I trust enough to blindly read their ShinRan fics. Like, I have nothing against ShinRan, and I kind of ship it while being in Canon Mode, but I don’t go and read fics about them at all, so this is quite an achievement. Read their other pieces, too, they’re really worth reading!
Cost of Freedom by @mintchocolateleaves? OMG, Cost of Freedom. Read Cost of Freedom. I love both the plot and the characterizations, it’s amazing, read it. It’s ongoing and you’ll suffer because of that, but read it. And while suffering, try other ongoing fics: The Innocence Game, Law Unto Themselves and various oneshots. Like, I can blindly recommend each and every fic Mint wrote, even ShinRan. Cost of Freedom though
Next, Taliya - I recommend all present and future fics. My faves are Without Fanfare (my heart though), Search and Recovery and Recompense (the kind of Kidnichi enactment I approve and aftermath), A Word of Caution (Ai and Kaito as the main characters? Yes, please) and TMPD Antics (it’s simply hilarious)
lucathia’s 4-6-4-9 is a oneshot about Conan getting disturbing encrypted message and trying to find the sender. Oh, and there was some murder, too
A Snowy Meeting (followed by ongoing Hidden Friendship) by angelwingsonline puts Kaito in DC movies, starting from Quarter of Silence, and lets him befriend and exchange messages with Conan. I love this concept
Ichthyophobia’s Mirror Mirror and Two-faced, Half-faced are really funny - the former has really nice interactions between Shinichi, Kaito and the bad guy, while the latter… Let’s say that Kid fixing Subaru’s face is my aesthetic. And then there is Shaking Hands about Kaito not being really able to do magic anymore but getting help and somehow overcoming it and it’s beautiful. And again, check other fics too~
I liked the idea of Shinichi with grapheme synesthesia working in forensics in Number the Stars by The Sand Assassin. Then there are sweet KaiShin fics: Kaitou the Snowman (Akako, stop) and Dakimakura (it’s just a shirt Conan, you’re making Kid sad)
Yannami’s A Criminal’s Fiasco is a good example of why taking Kaito hostage is a bad idea. Poor criminals
@kkrazy256 (kakashikrazy256) likes making Kaito suffer. A lot. In all possible ways. And I really mean that. If that’s your thing, then check it out. And if it is not, there are the mild ones I like coming back to: Early Snow (this was literally my first fic in this fandom, I’m sentimental ok - also Shinichi and Kaito, come on), Mr Barista (Mystery Train aftermath starring Bourbon and Kid) and Sympathy From the Devil (or how could OVA 10 end if the bad guys weren’t so dramatically bad at being bad). As for the rest, you were warned, haha
In Elirius’s Put on a Smile and Take me Apart Kaito definitely doesn’t cope well with his situation. Somebody help him *sobs*
Hostage situation and platonic KidRan anyone? In that case, Irreplaceable by LostInTheDreams is the thing you need. As for other stories, I can only vouch for these with Kaito, but my boy is suffering a lot. Again
Unfair by Frozen-Infinity, but only if you want your heart to break, my boy is dying and this is unfair
StoryWriter369’s Broken Record makes my heart ache every time because immortal Kaito is not what should ever happen, but I’m doing this to myself from time to time anyway *sobs more*
Hebiaczek’s The fox and hounds is an ongoing story and to be honest I’m not up to date, but what I’ve read was a really amazing writing, and exactly the kind of plot I like the best. Because. The plot.
I loved Externalities by 873.25 and I hope Internalities will be continued. Characters are written so well, and both concepts are really intriguing. Try it and you won’t regret it
And last but definitely not least: kittebasu’s A Study in Scarlette - it’s a must-read. There is a good plot, there is Kaishin and it’s truly amazing, and did I say something at the beginning about not reading long fics? So this one is very long and I still read it, so it really does say somehing
I 100% missed at least few people and I’m totally going to regret it later, but let’s say I’m finished. See you in few weeks Anon, haha
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asfeedin · 4 years
The Cameras We Love With Stunning JPEG Images
If you like to shoot for the JPEG and want a camera that will let you back away from photo editing, these are the cameras worth a look.
We recently posted an opinion piece about why you should shoot for the JPEG instead of the RAW. RAW files certainly have their place, and they can allow all manner of edits during post-processing, but not all photographers want to spend countless hours behind their computers: they’d much rather be out shooting. After all, this is what we love to do more than anything. If you’re a photographer who wants to break free from the rigors of editing images, and you just want to shoot and enjoy the images you create, the cameras we rounded up after the break are the ones you need to take a closer look at.
There is no don’t about it; when it comes to getting the absolute most out of your images, editing the RAW files your camera produces is the way to go. Having complete control over your images is great, but it can also be incredibly time-consuming. Unless I am shooting for a client, I find myself aiming to shoot for the JPEG more often than not these days. It’s such a nice feeling to know I don’t have to edit pics every time I take my camera out. Image processors inside modern cameras are incredibly powerful: they can work wonders with your images. When you also consider the film simulations and art filters many manufacturers now include in their cameras, it makes even more sense to have fun with the JPEGS your camera can produce.
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A straight, out-of-camera JPEG from the Canon EOS M6 II
All of the cameras we have listed below can produce outstanding JPEGS. You can pick these cameras up, shoot to your heart’s content, and then instantly share your images without having to transfer files to your computer to tweak a myriad of settings. It’s quite liberating. If you want to shoot for the JPEG, check out the cameras below.
Shoot for the JPEG With Fujifilm’s X Pro 3
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When it comes to cameras that produce mind-blowing JPEGS, the Fujifilm X-Pro 3 tops the list. This beautiful, 26.1 megapixel, rangefinder-style camera is packed with gorgeous film simulations that can give your images a unique look right out of the camera. You can mimic some of Fujifilm’s emulsions (Provia, Acros, Velvia, Classic Chrome and more) right out of the box, which means you will love the images it produces and you’ll never have to step near a computer for photo editing if you don’t wish to. Here are the pros and cons from our full review:
Superia is beautiful (Classic neg)
We love the lack of a major screen
Autofocus can be fine-tuned for different situations
Everyone loves the look of Classic neg
You can push the shadows for forever and get details – the highlights not as much, but they’re still there
The screen helps you stay focused and aware
USB C charging ensures that you can keep using the camera
Video features deliver pretty video
Arguably, you don’t need to edit the RAW files because the JPEGs let you do so much
For street and documentary shooting, the hidden screen will keep you in the zone when shooting
Face detection is fantastic when not trying to track erratic movements
Acros and clarity enhancements are going to make you fall in love with Fujifilm all over again
The Chrome effect for skies is subtle and very nice
Autofocus is fantastic for events and most professional work
Fujifilm’s collection of small primes pair wonderfully with this camera
The best camera to embrace high ISO noise on the market
Using the OVF will prolong battery life at the expense of slower autofocus
This is less of a street camera than a documentary and event shooter’s camera
Multiple exposure mode is a very welcome addition
Very good battery life
Has problems keeping subjects in focus when they’re continuously moving
When you need the screen, it’s a bit of an annoyance; like when photographing a portrait subject in motion
This camera desperately needed Blackout Free EVF shooting
Touchscreen menu navigation should be on this camera
Autofocus needs improvements
Enhancing the clarity makes the camera take extra time to render the image
The battery life in long term use is about on par with the new Sony Z batteries
For street shooting, the wide and tracking AF area still lets you select a zone, but it shouldn’t. This can throw off shooting in real-life street situations
Shooting from the hip? You may accidentally hit the function button and not the shutter release
Exposure dial needs a locking mechanism
Multiple Exposure mode saves the final images only as JPEGs
Buy now: $1,729
Shoot for the JPEG With the Olympus OMD E-M1 III
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Like Fujifilm, Olympus has been bundling unique and creative filters into their cameras for many years. The JPEGS from the E-M1 III are always fantastic, but they can be even better when used in conjunction with filters such as Monochrome, Vintage, Pop Art, Grainy Film, Pinhole, Diorama, and more. We called the E-M1 III a travelers gem, so if you want a camera that can come along with you on your travels and produce images that don’t need to be touched, check out the Olympus E-M1 III. Here are the pros and cons from our full review:
Feels nice when shooting for a long time
We like the shutter sound
Good continuous autofocus which does tracking
The processor is fantastic
The art filters continue to make Olympus unique amongst other camera brands. Shooting surfers with the cross-process and the vintage filter was so fun. Same with grainy black and white.
Live composite is so incredibly pleasant, along with Starry AF
It survived sand and saltwater
Continuous AF+Tracking works well with wide angles
The custom shooting mode switch on the back is something every adventure brand should have
This is the foundation for an Olympus camera we’d want to bring with us everywhere
Handheld high res shot continues to be one of the best things ever
Face detection works on monkeys
Battery life in the heat and the cold
C-AF + Tracking is useless with telephoto lenses
Why no touchscreen menus?
Olympus’s menu system continues to give headaches
Some of the parts seem very dated
A top screen LCD could have made shooting easier
Why couldn’t it have Dual UHS-II Card slots?
Above ISO 1600, you really need the art filters to take the most advantage of the otherwise too-grainy sensor
Could really use no blackout in the EVF
We couldn’t find spot metering AF linked to the face (or at least it didn’t work for us)
Buy now: $1,799
Shoot for the JPEG With the Ricoh GR III
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In our review, we said that the JPEG images that came from the Ricoh GR III were so good that the option to be able to shoot in DNG simply wasn’t needed. The color profile simulations that can be used to enhance your images are simply fantastic, and we were overjoyed with the results out of the box. If you want a pocket-friendly APS-C camera that’s perfect for street photography with its 28mm f2.8 lens, the GR III is the way to go. Here are the pros and cons from our full review:
We are smitten with the JPEGs and the color profile simulations
Snap focus is nice
Sharp image quality
The small size of the camera
Good battery life if you leave the screen off
USB charging
Image stabilization is nice
We don’t really care for the RAW files. You may as well just embrace the flaws of the otherwise unique image quality.
Autofocus is very slow: I’m not even sure why it’s there to begin with.
No weather sealing is a big problem.
This camera desperately needed a faster aperture lens. Otherwise, the sensor should have started at ISO 200.
Deep menus
No pop-up flash
Lots of folks have been having issues with firmware updates
Buy now: $899.95
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Captured with the affordable Leica TL2
Pro Tip: When you shoot for the JPEG, the files your camera produces will be much smaller in size when compared to RAW files, but don’t get lulled into a false sense of security because you can still fill an SD card up quite quickly with JPEG images. Always make sure that you have plenty of spare SD cards in your camera bag or on your person so that you always have more storage space for when you max out a card, or if one becomes corrupted.
Shoot for the JPEG With Canon’s EOS M6 Mk II
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The Canon EOS M6 II stole our JPEG loving heart when we reviewed it at the end of 2019. We love the form factor, the 32.5 megapixel sensor is the largest available in any APS-C platform, and it is capable of greatness. Couple it with the image processor that turns out clean, colorful JPEG images that are full of detail, and you have a winner on your hands. Every image in our review was a JPEG straight from the camera: that’s how much we loved the output from the Canon M6 II. Here are the pros and cons from our full review:
Beautiful colors
The sound of the shutter will appeal to long-time photographers
It feels like a solid, impressive camera
Canon’s implementation of the Touch and Drag AF system is the best it’s ever been with the Canon EOS M6 Mk II
Pretty stellar battery life
You’ve got more megapickles than you need. U DONT NEED MOAR MEGAPICKLES!!!!
We really wish it were weather sealed
An integrated viewfinder would have put this over the top
Buy now: $849
Shoot for the JPEG With the Olympus OMD EM5 Mark III
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You can expect the same great quality JPEG images from the Olympus E-M5 III as you can from the company’s E-M1 III and E-M1 II thanks to the same sensor, and inclusion of all of the great art filters. The biggest difference is that the E-M5 III is smaller, lighter, and quite a bit cheaper. We loved the gorgeous retro styling of the Olympus E-M5 III, we lauded the weather sealing, and of course, we loved the images it could produce. If you want a Mirrorless camera that has a small form factor and that can pump out great images when you shoot for the JPEG, the E-M5 III might be for you. Here are the pros and cons from our full review:
Beautiful retro styling
Excellent image quality
Robust weather sealing
Reliable image stabilization
Accurate autofocus
Compact form factor
Built-in Live Composite and 50 MP High Resolution shooting modes are highly effective
Form factor can be too compact for some
Plasticky build quality
Single UHS-II SD Card slot
Lacks dedicated joystick
Poor battery life
Convoluted menu systems
Buy now: $999
Shoot for the JPEG With the Leica TL2
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When we first got our hands on the Leica TL2, we weren’t quite sure what to make of it, but soon we found out that this little gem of a camera was very good. While we weren’t blown away with the versatility of the RAW files, we loved the JPEGS that this 24.3 Megapixel APS-C Leica produced. The build quality is excellent as you would expect, and it can fire of 7fps with the mechanical shutter and 20fps with the electronic shutter. Pair this camera up with some great L mount glass, get the exposure right in-camera, and enjoy the results that the JPEGS will give you. It’s that simple. Here are the pros and cons from our full review:
Super solid build quality
Nice, big screen
Simple touchscreen interface, but can get complicated depending on how you configure it
Feels better in the hand than you’d think
Good image quality
Fantastic battery life
Autofocus is fast, but not fast enough for something like street photography
Buy now: $1,699
Shoot for the JPEG With Fujifilm’s X-T30
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It would be remiss of us to forget about the little Fujifilm that could; the Fujifilm X-T30. This camera is small in size, but it packs a big punch. The little brother to the X-T3 features the same 26.1 Megapixel X-Trans sensor as the X-T3 and the X-Pro 3, and it features all of those glorious Fujifilm simulations as well. Shoot for the JPEG and X-T30 will allow you to back away from the computer and spend more time out shooting, which is what we all want to do. Here are the pros and cons from our full review:
Solid construction that we’ve come to expect and love about Fujifilm cameras
Almost everything that made the X-T3 such a hit
Lacks in-body image stabilization and weather sealing
Rear touchscreen-only tilts up and down
Perhaps a tad too compact
The new joystick is awkwardly placed on the rear of the camera body
Unremarkable battery life
Buy now: $899
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Tags: Cameras, Images, JPEG, LOVE, stunning
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thesassybooskter · 7 years
THIEF’S MARK by Carla Neggers: Excerpt & Giveaway
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A murder in a quiet English village, long-buried secrets and a man’s search for answers about his traumatic past entangle FBI agents Emma Sharpe and Colin Donovan in the latest edge-of-your-seat Sharpe & Donovan novel 
As a young boy, Oliver York witnessed the murder of his wealthy parents in their London apartment. The killers kidnapped him and held him in an isolated Scottish ruin, but he escaped, thwarting their plans for ransom. Now, after thirty years on the run, one of the two men Oliver identified as his tormentors may have surfaced.
Emma Sharpe and Colin Donovan are enjoying the final day of their Irish honeymoon when a break-in at the home of Emma’s grandfather, private art detective Wendell Sharpe, points to Oliver. The Sharpes have a complicated relationship with the likable, reclusive Englishman, an expert in Celtic mythology and international art thief who taunted Wendell for years. Emma and Colin postpone meetings in London with their elite FBI team and head straight to Oliver. But when they arrive at York’s country home, a man is dead and Oliver has vanished.
As the danger mounts, new questions arise about Oliver’s account of his boyhood trauma. Do Emma and Colin dare trust him? With the trail leading beyond Oliver’s small village to Ireland, Scotland and their own turf in the US, the stakes are high, and Emma and Colin must unravel the decades-old tangle of secrets and lies before a killer strikes again.
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“Granddad could be overdramatizing and the break-in isn’t a big deal,” Emma said as she and Colin approached her grandfather’s town house near Merrion Square. They’d decided to walk after checking in to the hotel. Wendell had staked them to an elegant, third-floor room with a view of St. Stephen’s Green. “It’s still possible we can have a good last night of our honeymoon.”
“We will no matter what,” Colin said.
She smiled. “You’ve turned into a romantic.”
“The Ireland effect.”
“Not being with me?”
He winked. “We’ll see what happens when we get home.”
Home was her tiny apartment in Boston and his house in his hometown of Rock Point, Maine. Now their apartment and house. She loved being married to him and had relished every second of their time together in Ireland. She looked at him now, her broad-shouldered, dark-haired undercover-agent husband with his ocean-gray eyes and sexy smile.
But her mind was on her grandfather. “I don’t like the coincidence of a break-in and our arrival in Dublin,” she said.
Colin gave a curt nod. “I don’t, either. Do you think he has a suspect in mind?”
“I don’t know. He’s being slippery, that’s for sure.”
“I’m not touching that one.”
“Best we stay on our toes when Granddad is in full obfuscation mode.”
“Not regretting joining the family business instead of the FBI at the moment, are you?”
“Not at the moment, no. Not ever, actually.” She sighed. “Granddad didn’t look hurt or freaked out to you, did he?”
“No, but he never does.”
True enough, she thought.
When they reached her grandfather’s redbrick building, he pulled open the door before she could knock or ring the bell. “I suppose you want to go straight to the crime scene,” he said. “Come on in.”
Without waiting for an answer, he led them through the entry and front room back to a ground-floor bedroom. He moved aside, and Emma stood on the threshold, Colin to her left and a bit behind her. The room was small and square, with two twin beds, a nightstand, a dresser and photographs of Skellig Michael on the wall opposite the window, which looked onto a terrace at the back of the house. The only sign of a problem was a spiderweb of cracked glass emanating from a fist-size hole in the window.
“Bastard unlocked the window and came right in,” her grandfather said behind them. “Used a gnome statue on the terrace to break the glass. You remember it, Emma. It belonged to your grandmother. Otherwise I’d have left it in Maine. It’s a homely little thing. Anyway, I think he went out through the back door. I don’t know if it was a man. Could have been a woman.”
Colin pointed at the bare tile floor in the bedroom. “No glass.”
Wendell shrugged. “I swept it up. There wasn’t much.”
“You shouldn’t have touched anything,” Emma said.
“Yeah, I know. It would have been easier if I’d left the doors unlocked and he walked in and out again. Less of a mess to clean up and I might never have known anyone had been here. I’d never have looked if…” Wendell stopped abruptly. “Never mind. Doesn’t matter now.”
“If what, Granddad?” Emma asked.
He rubbed the back of his neck. “I spotted a piece of broken glass on the kitchen table when I got back from the pub. That’s why I checked in here. The intruder must have taken the glass with him after he climbed through the window. If I’d been here and put up a fuss—well, you know. He could have threatened me or slit my throat.”
Colin angled a look at him. “But you didn’t see anyone?”
“No one, in here or outside. I wasn’t here when he broke in and I didn’t get my throat slit. And,” he added emphatically, “the glass could have been a practical consideration. A tool rather than a weapon, in case he needed to cut something.”
Emma frowned. “Cut something?”
He motioned with one hand. “Come.”
Emma felt Colin’s tension as they followed her grandfather to his study, now his home office and where he spent most of his time. When the weather was dank and chilly, he’d have a fire going, but not today, given the lingering warm, dry June weather. It had rained only a few times during her and Colin’s stay in Ireland, but the occasional lazy, drizzly day hadn’t gone to waste.
“I turned over most of my physical files to Lucas when I shut down my outside office,” her grandfather said. “He went through them when he was here last fall and took what he wanted back to Maine with him.”
Lucas, Emma’s older brother, had taken over the reins of Sharpe Fine Art Recovery and worked out of its offices in Heron’s Cove, a picturesque village on the southern Maine coast. He’d just completed a massive revamp of the offices, located in the same Victorian house where a young Portland security guard had launched his career as a private art detective. Six decades later, Wendell Sharpe was world-renowned, and Sharpe Fine Art Recovery was a thriving business, but still small in terms of staff. His only son—Emma and Lucas’s father—had cut back on his role with the company after a fall on the ice had left him in chronic, often debilitating pain.
“Lucas is considering reopening a Dublin office now that I’ve retired.” Wendell shrugged, waved a hand. “More-or-less retired, anyway. I work when he needs me or I land on something interesting on my own. The rest of my files are here.” He tapped his right temple. “I told Lucas what he needs to know for the business. Everything else can go to the grave with me.”
“The stuff you want to hide,” Colin said.
Wendell snorted. “Damn right but not from the FBI. You and your lot wouldn’t be interested. Neither would my family. Most of it’s memories, ideas, suppositions, speculations, conspiracy theories…mistakes I’ve made, people whose reputations might be harmed unfairly because of their association with me. I’m an old man. I’ve done a lot.”
Emma sat on the couch. She’d spent countless hours here in her grandfather’s study when she’d worked for him before she’d left Dublin for the FBI. She’d wanted to learn everything—about the business, art crimes, his contacts, his methods, his resources. She’d been a sponge. But she eyed him with measures of skepticism, anticipation, curiosity—the usual mix when she was dealing with her grandfather. “What do your files and memories have to do with the break-in?”
He hesitated. “Maybe I jumped the gun.”
“Granddad, just tell us everything, okay? Don’t make me pry it out of you.”
“Rusty after your honeymoon?”
Colin took in an audible breath. “Quit stalling, Wendell.”
“All right, all right. It’s tricky timing, dealing with a break-in and having your FBI granddaughter and her FBI husband show up. It looks as if my intruder had a look around in here. He didn’t toss the place, but there are signs.” He pointed to a small, dark wood box on a shelf by the fireplace. “He got in there. It doesn’t have a lock but there’s no label saying what’s inside. Never occurred to me anyone…” He didn’t finish, instead plopping onto a chair across from Emma.
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  About Carla Neggers
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Carla Neggers is the New York Times bestselling author of more than 60 novels, including her popular Sharpe & Donovan and Swift River Valley series. Her books have been translated into 24 languages and sold in over 35 countries. Whether creating stories of friendship, family and love or razor-sharp suspense, Carla always takes readers on a captivating journey. Her books have been called “smart and satisfying” (Kirkus), “extraordinarily memorable” (RT Book Reviews) and “highly entertaining” (Publishers Weekly), and she has been praised for her “unerring knack for creating compelling, sympathetic characters and vivid, realistic settings” (Library Journal).
Growing up in a small town in western Massachusetts, Carla developed an eye for detail and a love of a good story. Her father, a former Dutch merchant marine, and her mother, raised in the Florida Panhandle, arrived in New England just before Carla was born. Her parents’ stories and the many adventures Carla had with her six siblings honed her imagination and curiosity, key to the complex relationships, fast-paced plots and deep sense of place in her books.
Carla landed her first book sale not long after graduating magna cum laude from Boston University with a degree in journalism. An accomplished musician, she studied with members of the Boston Symphony Orchestra and freelanced as an arts-and-entertainment reporter—always with a novel in the works.
Active in the writing community, Carla is a founding member of the New England Chapter of Romance Writers of America and has served as vice president of International Thriller Writers and president of Novelists, Inc. She has received multiple awards for her writing and is a recipient of the RT Book Reviews Career Achievement Award for romantic suspense.
In addition to writing, Carla is a dedicated runner, recently completing the Covered Bridges Half-Marathon in Vermont, a whiskey enthusiast and avid traveler. She and her husband are frequent visitors to Ireland and divide their time between Boston, home to their two grown children and three young grandchildren, and their hilltop home in Vermont.
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    THIEF’S MARK by Carla Neggers: Excerpt & Giveaway was originally published on The Sassy Bookster
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blogmitchcarmody · 5 years
    Free image/jpeg, Resolution: 551×682, File size: 144Kb, Winnie The Pooh Characters Eeyore
                                              Surviving A Pandemic in the 100 Acre Wood
A long time ago in the exact geographic center of the North American continent a very extraordinary thing happened. One simple innocent moment in time, one split second decision that changed the world forever and has blessed us all for generations to come.
An English soldier stationed in Manitoba Canada was traveling to London at the advent of WWI.  While in the train station in Winnipeg he spied a trapper trying to sell a small brown bear cub in a cage.  The bear looked hungry and helpless, so he bought it and it traveled with him across the country and soon became a mascot for his troop of soldiers. When reaching London his troop was dispatched to the front lines in France. The soldier had named the bear Winnie after the city of Winnipeg and donated him to the London zoo in 1919.
London writer A.A. Milne author of children’s books often visited the zoo with his young son Christopher to see Winnie. Young Christopher was even allowed into the cage with the docile and friendly bear.  Christopher adored the bear and named him Winnie the Pooh. The name Pooh was taken from the main character in one of his Dad’s book, Poo the swan. The name of a “good friend”.   Winnie the good friend bear.
Later Christopher acquired stuffed animals over a course of several years and ” The 100 Acre Wood” was truly born; several years later his fathered penned Winnie the Pooh.
I find it amazing that one of the worlds most beloved, and enduring characters in fictional writing is based on a true story.  Mr. Milne today would be in jail for child endangerment, as well as pending charges on cruelty to animals while facing extradition to Canada for illegal abduction and transportation of an endangered species. He may have eventually written a book from his jail cell, but it clearly would not have been the same.
The very real story soon became a lovely children’s book, eventually picked up by Disney where it spread faster than herpes at Woodstock; soon hitting every corner of the civilized world. Winnie became a worldwide celebrity overnight.
Why is that? Because good news travels fast. Subliminal good news travels faster than a virus. Metaphor is understood subliminally whether we are cognitive or not of its applications for our life. The characters, the stories, the nuggets of wisdom Milne created in his children’s-book classic has never been more important, and more needed than ever before. Not just for our children, but for our village, each one of us has our own village, our own 100 Acre Wood, our own refuge, our own tapestry of relationships and the matrix of support for our mutual survival.
Without realizing it Milne created fictional characters that reflect the 5 basic archetypal phenotypes of our global village. Personality is created by the morphism of genetic predisposition, epigenetic expression and neural plasticity from persistent environmental cues. We have a basic personality type that is our dominant or built in default mechanism from genetic predisposition combined from our parents from the pairing of 23 chromosomes each, combined which defines our physicality and our tics. Less than .1% of our total DNA defines our uniqueness.  We are 99.9 % all the same DNA, but that small percent in conjunction with our environment creates our dominant personality for survival.
We inherit most of our personality traits that we can doing nothing about, but it does change/fluctuate with our environment and our awareness. Universally we have 5 distinct personality types known as the big 5. The Five Factor Model of personality traits suggests that individual differences in levels personality traits (neuroticism, extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness, and conscientiousness) are present from a young age.
In working with those who grieve for over 30 years I have seen how important it is to be aware of one’s dominant personality when inheriting a grief journey, one does not expect or anticipate. When we are caught by surprise we default to our strong suit, our dominant character of survival.  When a bilingual person is angered, in great pain or fear they always scream out in their native tongue, it’s their ingrained default. In grief we default to the depth of our experience in loss. We may be clueless and toolless, but some survival mechanism kicks in that we were born with. Which one that is, will be one of, or a combination of the big five to stay alive.
A person can take any personality test, but they all boil down to the big five. One does not need to look any further than reading Winnie the Pooh and looking closely at the 5 main characters to see how they reflect the big five. Find which character you are in the 100 Acre wood and you will have found your strong suit, your default to survive.  Take a close self-assessment/personal inventory of yourself and you will find you are at times many of the characters, but one really bespeaks of how you engage socially; that is your personality you need and use for survival.
In processing grief, facing trauma or daunting social engagement we draw our character strengths automatically, its in our nature.  We also have mirror neurons that allow us to feel emotions that others are exhibiting simply by witnessing the non-verbal cues they express in their communications, which is also in our nature. We are all villagers of the same global village, are hard wired for empathy, compassion and cooperation. It is fear that interferes with that innate understanding
We as humans are born with only two innate fears: the fear of loud noises & the fear of falling, all other fears are manufactured by our experiences. If you are bitten by a snake as a child, you will fear snakes. We fear darkness because we may fall. When there is no light there will be fear. We fear sudden loud noises; it is our fight or flight response when taken by surprise. When we are taken by surprise or caught in the dark there will be fear.  Both are innate.
Light dispels fear in darkness, education dispels fear of falling (being taken by surprise). Create the light and seek knowledge, that is wisdom.
When we know who we are as a person; we are armed by our own assets. We are born as one complete human being, body (animal), mind (intellect), spirit (avatar of animation) and soul, the arbiter for the journey to not only survive but to thrive. Animals can survive but only humans can conceive of choices to thrive. The footprint we leave behind created by the choices we make.  Our bodies may die but our choices do not. Acknowledge and empower the strong suit you were born with, recognize what is in your nature. Listen to your body, listen to your intellect, listen to your higher power, make your best decision from the input from all three -in all things.  The Latin phrase “nosce te ipsum” means: Know Yourself.  Know yourself, be yourself, be your best asset.
Part 2 -Assessment:
How do you relate to people whether at home, work, or play? How do you engage with people most of the time? How do you represent yourself; how do you survive? This is important to knowledge to have when we are in survival mode. How we can survive and mitigate the spread of Covid-19 pandemic?  We must arm ourselves. We are at war with a microscopic alien that is intent on weeding out as much of the world’s very old, its infirm, its weak, the homeless and the destitute.  A science fiction novel has become reality.
We need to empower ourselves to fight this alien attack. P.O.W.ER. is an acronym for the 5 major characters from Milne’s classic Winnie the Pooh: Piglet, Owl, Winnie, Eeyore and Rabbit. We are composed of traits from all these colorful and diverse characters built in to one dynamic individual; a personal operating system that we are born with. We are a plethora of human qualities and characteristics that personifies how we act and how we are perceived by others. It provides us our basic personality with its assets and its flaws. It fluctuates with our environment, education and experiences as we try to maintain equilibrium in an unbalanced and ever-changing world. In theory we are an amalgamation of all the characters, but in practice we draw to the strong suit that we are born with. This is especially true when engaging with others from a place of fear and trauma or extreme courage.
So, who are you in the hundred Acre Wood?
Piglet is an extrovert and one who craves/needs to hug and to be hugged. He/she find the pandemic social restrictions are very frustrating and personal space social distancing almost painful.
Piglet is a person who is open to experience; one who is passionate, inventive, and curious, with an appreciation for art, emotion, adventure, unusual ideas, and variety of experiences. This person is imaginative, highly independent and depicts a personal preference for a variety of activities over a strict routine with a proclivity for novelty. Piglet can be perceived as unpredictability or having a lack of focus. Moreover, they may seek out intense, euphoric experiences, such as skydiving, living abroad, gambling, et cetera.
Piglets have a general appreciation for beauty and willing to try new things. They tend to be, (when compared to others) more creative and more aware of their feelings. They think more abstractly and are more likely to hold unconventional beliefs. They can be politically active and a champion for racial intolerance and equality. Piglets may start many projects at once; change jobs/frequently or start new careers. Some people may perceive them to have a low attention span, scattered and searching, but regardless they are all about heart. Piglets love to hug, piglets lighten up a room with their energy; they are magnanimous by nature
Owl is an introvert. Owl is researching, reading daily, downloading and graphing statistics on the disease; Owl purchased sanitizer and TP for a month the day after the Corona virus was announced in Wuhan China. Quarantine has already been in place for years.
Owl is a person with a tendency to show self-discipline, act dutifully, and aim for achievement against measures or other’s expectations. Owls are in control of how they regulate and direct their impulses and emotions. Owls are quiet, studious and take much pride in academic achievement; often writers and/or teachers. Owls maintain a low profile and stay under the radar.
Owls are highly organized and dependable, establish and maintain routines. Owls prefer planned rather than spontaneous behavior and may be perceived as stubborn and resistant to change; Owls may be obsessive in certain personal routines. Although perceived slow to change, they are wise and think before they speak. They are extremely adaptive once they have processed facts to their conclusion. Owls are steady as she goes and very resourceful in chaos and possess many survival skills. Owls love alone time; still waters run deep; Owls are always good counsel.
Winnie is an omnivert exhibiting both introvert/extravert characteristics that thrives on routine. During the crisis Winnie is still visiting friends, going to work the exact same time etc. but is extremely frustrated not going to his/her daily stool at Starbucks at 8:45 am on the way to work.
Winnie loves social harmony and highly values getting along with others. They are generally considerate, kind, generous, trusting and trustworthy, helpful, and willing to compromise their interests with other. Winnies have an altruistic and affable nature and have an optimistic view of human nature and people in general.
Winnie’s nature of agreeableness positively correlates with the quality of relationships with one’s team members or in any social engagement. Winnies also possess transformational leadership skill; they shine by example. They tend to have many friends and make few enemies. Winnie is compassionate and cooperative rather than suspicious and antagonistic. Winnies stay steadfast and hold firm in their convictions; they are comfortable in their own skin. Winnies have a trusting and helpful nature, and what may be naive or submissive is in fact the power of their own vulnerability and probably the most resilient in the face of trauma. Winnies want/need to make a positive difference and usually do.
Eeyore is an introvert and he/she expected the virus would come and that he/she thinks they will most assuredly become a casualty. Eeyore thinks he/she has probably has already got the virus and has spread it everywhere and will quarantine easily but frustrated having no one complain to about getting “ it “ but would give you extra TP if you needed it.  
Eeyores tend to experience negative emotions, such as anger, anxiety, or depression. Often, they are emotionally reactive and vulnerable to stress and may complain a lot. They are more likely to interpret ordinary situations as threatening, and minor frustrations as hopelessly difficult. Their negative emotional reactions can persist for long periods of time and they may appear to be in a bad mood or have mood swings.
Eeyores want to stay in the background, they have a desire to help and be of service but often too shy to step forward. Often come to work early and leave late. Always sees projects and tasks to their end and fruition. Dots his I’s and crosses her T’s; always keeping deadlines. Eeyores love to be designated for a task as opposed to volunteering. Eeyores tend to be calm, collected and relaxed in most situations.  Eeyores do not like to take a leadership role or speak in public but excel as a major support person in the background. Eeyore is a steadfast friend and that person who would literally give you the shirt off his/her back or give you a ride home. Eeyores may be complex but are dedicated and trustworthy; people love Eeyore.
Rabbits are obvious extroverts who are championing the war on Covid-19 wherever they can. They are Organizing food/water/ masks for the needy, creating websites and ad hoc support groups, volunteering for public health militias, manning tents and putting up posters. Most are already in jobs that require their presence during the crisis. Rabbits are invaluable during a pandemic.
Rabbits are characterized by high energy with a breadth of activities and have a profound ability to easily engage with the external world easily. Rabbits enjoy interacting with people, and are often perceived as High Energy or Type A. They tend to be enthusiastic, action-oriented individuals. They possess high group visibility; very talkative they like to assert themselves and may provide their opinion unsolicited. They like to take leadership roles.
Rabbits are extraverted, outgoing and energetic and often over-achievers. Filled with positive energy and emotions, they have a tendency for surgency, immediacy and assertiveness. They are highly sociable and seek stimulation in the company of others. Rabbits are talkative by nature and can be perceived as attention-seeking and domineering. Some may consider rabbits to be to be pushy, intolerant and labeled control freaks but regardless they are always there when you need them; they are invaluable in an organization or group for it to be effective. Rabbits are multi-taskers at heart and are great organizers
It is very likely you will know someone who has been exposed the virus in your family, friends, neighbors and workmates. It is also very likely someone may die from the virus in your community. Whether navigating the waters of uncertain times or navigating your personal trauma/grief journey, draw to your strong suit.
It is highly unlikely that you will be one character alone but rather two or three characters will be prominent and two or three will be less prominent. Which character you resonate with most is likely the most prominent character of your personality.
What is important is to take inventory of ourselves to promote our self-worth and gain confidence in what we can provide and honesty in what we cannot. We must strive to take advantage of our natural strengths and work on our shortcomings.
During this global pandemic crisis:
Be yourself. Be honest. Be your best. Be kind. Express gratitude. Show respect. Wash your hands often.
Be your Winnie, use your Piglet, depend on your Owl, express your Eeyore, energize your Rabbit and remember what Christopher Robin said to Pooh:
“You are Braver than you believe, Stronger than you seem and Smarter than you think”
To take test, go to: Free download for the P.O.W.E.R. Personality quiz at   www.heartlightstudios.com
  Surviving A Pandemic in the 100 Acre Wood                                             Surviving A Pandemic in the 100 Acre Wood A long time ago in the exact geographic center of the North American continent a very extraordinary thing happened.
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