#like i made a whole rant abt them on youtube and everything
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could you do two? any aesthetic works :D
✧ - pls reblog if you use, credits arent needed but are appreciated !
✧ - requests open ; u can request any bfdi character with any aesthetic or any pride flag !
#its kinda ironic bc back in 2020 when bfb 16 first came out i was twos biggest hater#like i made a whole rant abt them on youtube and everything#but now i adore them theyre one of my fav algebraliens :3#bfdi icons#bfb#bfdi#tpot#two tpot#the power of two
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Idk if this is just me seeing this mfer on the #totaldrama hashtag but there's this person who really loves gwuncan and that's cool if they love the ship,
But like,, the reason I'm calling their ass weird is bc they keep making posts ranting how gwuncan is the best and if you hate it or something, you're terrible or what not which is fucking dumb 💀💀. they screenshotted this one td artist who made a comment on a youtube video agreeing with this video talking abt how gwuncan is toxic and like in the hashtags, they put #anti(insertusersname) and I'm just staring at this post like "bro.... it's not that deep."
Like ofc, if ppl like gwuncan, it's not an issue at all cuz it's their opinion, but to clown on mfers who dont ship gwuncan is just immature like bro, they aren't real 😐 and if ppl dont like the ship or whatever, then that's fine. No one's gonna have the same opinion as you, and if you genuinely think everyone needs to agree or disagree with you on everything, then you're an immature brat.
Idk, this confession is just something to let y'all know abt cuz I just saw their post like a few minutes ago and like,,, I witnessed them before on the hashtag, but that post I saw just made me block their annoying ass right there. 😐
(And to that person who got screenshotted and had a whole anti hashtag dedicated to them, sorry that happened. Just ignore them) :)
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Curious what you disagree with on the edit rant post?
@ everyone else, for context this is the post i’m talking about. it was written very articulately, and very politely, and it’s worth a read before hearing my thoughts!
i disagree with several of the points, including the idea that lack of reblogs arent killing the fandom (imo, as someone who has just recently joined the tumblr community, it is), but i think it’s just an agree to disagree thing
i will touch on the whole people liking edits without reblogging is their choice, because it is, but this isn’t instagram. if nobody reblogs something, it will never get seen ever again, and that’s not an exaggeration. maybe ten people who happen to be in the edit tag will see it and like it, and then other things will pile up, and then it will be gone forever.
as someone who runs my own business account on instagram, i would never even attempt it on here because it is so much more difficult to see content on here or discover new people than it is on literally any other social media platform. tumblr is pretty much the worst designed website for finding things. i can literally search a post word for word, and it will not show up. so pretty much the only way for someone to see content is for it to show up on their dash
mostly, though, i wanted to talk abt the whole “it should be fun!” thing because it just doesn’t sit right with me. i agree that it should be fun, which is why i make edits in the first place (aka it’s my outlet after i torpedoed my graphic design major), but to say that people should just be happy they made an edit regardless of how many notes it gets seems really unrealistic. it’s not really fair to turn an individual opinion into an expectation for everybody else
when it’s someone who consistently gets 1k+ notes on everything complaining that nobody is reblogging their stuff, i get it, but when someone spends two hours on a gifset for 60 notes, or spends four hours thinking of a really cool idea, another hour making it, and then posts it so everyone can talk about it, and it gets 3 reblogs and 47 likes and then dies, i find it extremely unrealistic to just tell them, “get over it, the satisfaction of making it should be enough”
why do kids run to their parents every time they make a painting? why do they bring projects home from school? why do i prefer watching movies with others? or prefer going to an art museum with someone to talk to? why do people make review videos for youtube? why do people live tweet tv shows? why are their discussion panels? book tours? interviews? comment sections? articles?
because art is inherently something that humans want to be consumed and shared. it’s true for the art that others make for us to observe, and it’s true for the art we make in the hopes of sharing with the people around us.
if somebody is totally fine spending literal hours on something just for it to get no recognition, more power to them. that’s fine, and there’s nothing wrong with that. there’s also nothing wrong with somebody being disappointed that a piece of art they made was sent out into the void for nothing.
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this is j me rambling bc i have no one to talk to (i mean that’s basically this whole blog 😩) so feel free to skip lmao
i rly should stop watching creepy shit before bed omg... now i’m all freaked out & i’m tired but can’t sleep. i don’t get scared by things easily in the moment but as soon as it’s nighttime.... bruh the things i watched weren’t even like horror movies or anything it was just youtube videos talking ABOUT horror/scary stories. gotta love cadaber & wendigoon lol. but omg i’d watched the local 58 videos forever ago but then today i watched wendigoon’s video on it & it like unlocked the memory & now i keep thinking abt the real sleep one omg i’m so creeped out ah i should change the subject lol
i’m making diy platform boots!! i found some rly cool boots at the thrift store & i got some flip flops to make the platform part with so now i’m just waiting for the glue on the flip flops to dry. it kinda got fucked up bc the flip flops weren’t long enough for the shoe so i had to like stagger them? i’ll probably have to put more foam in it & maybe wood pieces, plus i’ll have to decorate it so the outside looks even... ugh. i hope we have everything we need bc i rly don’t wanna make my dad take me to the store again lol. but i’m excited for the shoes & the opportunity to do this lil project, it should be fun :) maybe i’ll order some lil spikes to decorate them with :0
my crush and i hung out yesterday like i talked abt, but i’ve been feeling mad guilty lmao. we played we’re not really strangers, and yk at the end of the game u give each other notes to read once you’ve parted ways. mine was basically just like “you’re really cool, you should be more confident! people like you! we should hang out more :)” & then his was like “you have one of the most beautiful souls on the planet. i’m so grateful we met and i hope we never lose this special connection. i love you bro” LIKE?????????????? ok first of all i’m rly happy abt their note bc omg we hardly know each other and he’s dropping the L-word, in a clearly platonic sense but that’s great i mean wow. but u can see why i feel guilty bc WHAT THE FUCK MY LETTER IS LITERALLY SO BASIC COMPARED TO HIS???? i feel so bad omg i would’ve written sumn like he did but i couldn’t rly think of anything in the moment & i didn’t wanna come on too strong but now i’m scared he thinks i don’t like him... omg... he got his 2nd covid vaccine friday btw so he still kinda feels like shit probably, but if he felt better we were gonna go thrift shopping this weekend. he hasn’t reached out tho so idk. i’m kinda scared to message them but i probably will soon j to check in abt the vaccine & let them know im not ghosting them or sumn lmao. we probably won’t get to go this weekend but i’m hoping we will next weekend maybe? idk bc i’m going back to hybrid school and covid is p bad at my school so i don’t wanna get him sick.. like ik he has the vaccine now but i’m still scared 💀 n e wayzzz next time we hang out i’m gonna maybe give them another note to open up when i leave to make up for how terrible the first one was. would that be awkward? idk i feel like it would either be rly sweet or kinda weird. maybe i’ll bring paper and stuff for him to write a note for me & that can be like a lil tradition for us, that’d be cute. ik ive ranted abt him for so long but i promise i’m not obsessed 💀 this is just the first time i’ve made a friend since elementary school & i also have a bit of a crush on him so i rly rly want things to go well. thus, i’m overthinking. ughhh. i rly hope things go well. i’m trying to let it just run its course but it’s so difficult. i rly care too much
ok jfc LONG post i apologize. idrk how to end this lmfao.. bye ig 😩
#personal#ghost rants#maybe i should start using that tag#so y’all don’t have to scroll thru these long ass posts if u don’t want to lmfao
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1x1 plot list!
hello girls, gays and theys! my name is crissy, i’m 21, go by she/her pronouns and live in the PST timezone. i am celebrating bullshitting my way through my junior year with ( copious amounts of tequila but also ) make a list of 1x1 ideas / plot bunnies because i need something to do during this Borentine and what better way to spend it then making myself cry with ships!
i primarily send really long keysmash head cannons through discord and the ims, but i am also down to do replies ( on tumblr or discord ) and ask memes are my most favorite. i am introverted af but very excited abt ships so i really like having rp partners who like want to stay up all night and write and scream with me, so if that sounds like u, come thru!
if u like any of these please don’t hesitate to shoot me an im!
also my discord is daddy devito#2918 ( & yes, i do hate myself )
were starting with mermaids bc i love mermaids
i’ve always kind of wanted one based loosely on these pictures x, x, x. im thinking ponyo meets enchanted meets h20 little mermaid AF realness! like maybe hes this lil regular boy high school college student taking pictures and stuff and sees this girl wash up on the shore looking very confused. so he helps her and you know, shes a little hysterical and cant walk very well, takes her into his apartment puts a towel over here bc she like keeps talking abt how shes a mermaid and hes like oh my god shes crazy ahh. she keeps saying her dad is king of the ocean and hes like???? do u have a last name? and the police dont know anything abt her she has no file, no id, no finger print in the database?
basically the mermaid is staying w the college student in his apartment and he like teaches her what the microwave and the tv is and its very soft they fall in luv maybe drama he has a girl friend who sucks a lot who is angry abt mermaid girl idk maybe the government realizes and tries to steal her! fun THAT FIRST PIC? MAYBE HE SAVED HER WHEN HE WAS A KID ONCE FROM DROWNING!!! AHHH
alternatively i found these pictures were are in the same vein very aquamarine x, x, x, lifeguard off duty surfing and he gets stuck in a gnarly wave and almost drowns but this mermaid saves his life! and he comes to see her a lot on the beach and they hang out and fall in love he teaches her how to speak english shows her his phone!!! MAYBE THE GOVERNMENT IS ALSO POACHING HER WE LOVE DRAMA
ok last mermaid plot? BUT ITS A SIREN PLOT!!!!!!! these sirens/a siren wipes out this sailors entire ship with the sirens song they all get drowned/eaten .... but plot twist! this one sailor homie lives bc he is DEAF and therefore IMMUNE TO THE SIREN SONG!! so this siren keeps tryna sing at him and its not working and u know they fall in love good stuff MORE POACHES MORE PIRATES MORE GOVERNMENT TRYNA KILL THE AQUATIC AMERICAN BC I LOVE SUFFERING modern or maybe set back in the day???? spicy
anthour or a sculptor that writes a book w a main character or makes a statue and it comes to life and has no perception of human stuff and is like a big alien
also literally all of these plots can be made gay as the flyest bi i ENCOURAGE it!!!! i will play either character in any of them pls tell me which one u like if u like one
pls the clown clown valedictorian plot
ok speaking of giving the gays everything they want
damn i just want a cheesy wlw 1x1 plot where the first girl is a famous celebrity hella spoiled very purse dog paris hilton type and her fancy convertible sports car breaks down smack dab in a small ass hick nowheresville town and this flannel wearing mannerless tomboy mechanic comes to fix her car but rich girl is stuck in town a few days while they order the part she needs for her car bc it’s a small town they don’t have it and they get closer and the celebrity girl is humbled by the town and learns a lot abt the world and herself just ,, good times LISTEN!!!! zendaya and kristine froseth ???? SPICY
ok maybe a period piece lady knight / princess plot where she was personally assignment to the princess but maybe its a whole mulan thing where no one knows the night is a girl and is posing as a man bc women were allowed to be knights and the princess is betrothed to some loser prince once again ill play either
princess body guard plots always smack
ok princess protection program BUT GET THIS instead of that its my boy dmitri who is the heir to the russian throne or some made up european country but theres an assasination attempt so hes told he has to go into witness protection. and this dude or girls dad is head of cia/fbi and dmitri has to pose as a foreign exchange student at y/ns college and be shown around/baby sat by them. they hate eachother. probably bc dmitri is obnoxious and entitled and sleeps w everyone. he was a matthew daddario fc but not that necessary!
cheerleaders on opposite squads who got the sexual tension!!!!
plot based off hollywood the netflix limited series where its 1940s-1950s hollywood and maybe actors falling in love, an actor and a director? OR omg even better an actor falling in love with some sort of stage crew, lighting, camera person............SPICY!
a beauty / makeup youtube influencer and a pranking rant gaming sort of youtuber and they have to collab and hate it points if its gay
that cliche plot where ur friends older brother is hot
ok kstew / naomi scott .....that is such.....a wave
i saw this gifset of margo robbie and michael b jordan talking abt how they are eachothers celebrity crush and it got my brain turning
a very whimsical hopeless romantic artist who finds a muse in a no nonsense american college student studying law studying abroad
PERCY JACKSON BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THE HUNGER GAMES BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
business man/prodigal son who falls in love with a stripper/escort
harry potter......next gen................please.............scorose............but like can i play ravenclaw soft boy nothing like draco scorpio BUT ALSO ALL THE HP i also really like ocs also BEAUXBATONS DRUMSTRANG ( if anyone wants to help me w a not hogwarts but other wizarding school rp let me know )
not to b cliche but uh....pastors son bad boy plot yes!
alternatively bad girl good boy/girl plot yes! ( can i pls play bad girl seulgi its Dire )
horror until dawn stuff
soul eater? death note? OURAN HIGH SCHOOL HOST CLUB BITCH!!!! ANIME!
the epically cliche popular person failing math and is gonna get kicked off cheer gets tutored by biggest loser in school and only agrees to tutor her in math if she teaches them how to be cool to impress crush (popular persons friend) and they do that, they start to bond, she gives nerd a makeover the whole school falls in love with them and the popular girls real jealous and wHEw
a disgruntled detective whos wife cheated on him with his partner and he drinks everyday (also could b a lady) throws himself into work and this waitress at the diner he works at who is the opposite of him and very sunshiney
OKAY HANNIBAL but like the hannibal is a lady!
superhero x villian plot! spicy maybe theyre exes! or they went to the same super power school?
also every disney plot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i think this will get added to but for now this is the gist HIT ME THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!
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‘Might As Well’ AU
HEYY so I this is a bullet-fic kinda thing for an AU I’ve created, and unlike my other AUs I’m not going to make a story for it and if I write anything it’ll all be one-shots of certain bits. It's mainly Roloceit with like tiny bits of Moxiety as well.
Feel free to send in asks or request one-shots for this AU! I’m very happy abt it and I loved writing this so any questions for the characters or requests for scenes would be amazing!!!
Most of it under the cut because... I got carried away and it's very long
Roman Guerra is a YouTuber/actor
Horace (Dee) McMullin is a drama teacher
Logan Wright is a science teacher at the same school that Dee works at
Roman and Dee are roommates, and though their relationship has progressed FAR past what anyone would call a friendship, they really don’t care enough to label it or even talk about what they are to each other. They both know they care about the other, and that’s all that really matters.
Roman also tends to rant in Spanish when he gets passionate, and Dee responds by saying the names of ‘Mexican food’ as a reply.
Roman: *talks in spanish*
Dee: *nods* burrito. Quesadilla. Mama Mia.
Roman: that’s not even a food, shut up.
Logan meets Dee through work, obviously, and they quickly become friends
Something about the tall, dramatic, elegant man just drives Logan insane because he’s a little shit once you get to know him and it makes no SENSE
The adorable little science teacher shouldn’t scare Dee as much as he does, but he can’t help it. Something about the way Logan is always composed makes Dee feel like he’s a serial killer or something.
Despite this, they become friends when they discover they both have a passion for psychology and have long discussions about it during lunch and when they hang out on weekends
Dee - as much as he hates it - starts to fall hopelessly in love with the other teacher. He can’t help it, just like he couldn't help but to fall in love with Roman a year and a half earlier when they met.
Not that he’d told Roman that yet, god no. They’d both dated other people on and off while knowing each other, even if they did end up fucking after every breakup and swearing to each other they were done with the whole relationship thing.
Roman always found someone else to sweep off their feet, and Dee always found himself hopelessly pining for someone else to make the first move
So, that’s what was happening here, and it was torture.
Logan wasn’t much better, furious that this dramatic drama teacher of all people made him feel so flustered and confused.
Then the day came that Dee brought Logan over for dinner, and he met Roman
Roman greeted him dramatically, filling the entire apartment with his electric energy as he spoke.
Oh god, there’s two of them. Logan realized in terror as the two bickered playfully back and forth, eventually challenging each other to a duel despite the fact they had a guest over.
And like most of their duels, Roman ended up kissing Dee
“Oh,” Logan said, feeling like a complete idiot
“Fuck,” Dee said, realizing that Logan now had the wrong idea
“Maybe later,” Roman said with a wink because he’s a little shit.
Dee just freaking makes a mess of everything and accidentally confesses his feelings for both of them at once and then faceplants on the couch
Roman offers Logan some lasagna because it’s getting cold
Dee feels betrayed
but joins them for lasagna in a few minutes
Logan is utterly confused and doesn’t know what to say, so he doesn’t say anything
Dee is mortified and wants to jump off the balcony
He and Roman proceed to do the titanic thing and Logan is still very confused but he agrees to take their picture
He’s Like: Sure??? I guess so??? Are we not going to address what just happened??? DOn’T FaLL yOU IDiOTs
Roman thinks it is all hilarious but he must agree that Logan is stunning
He helps to re-explain his and Dee’s relationship because Dee honestly did an awful job
And Logan is like okay
Because it makes sense now even though Roman used many slang words he did NOT understand
Oh my god these two are literally the most chaotic duo he’s ever met and usually Logan HATES chaos but he LOVES this
And so Roman - of course, it’s Roman - is the one to suggest they just go with the flow like he and Dee have been doing for the past year already, if Logan wants to
Logan has no idea what to expect but agrees that he wouldn’t mind
Horace.exe has crashed again
So they start doing whatever the hell it is that they’re doing
And if Roman is a chaos slut with Dee he is a chaos gentleman with Logan and it is BAFFLING he’s still dramatic but he’s overly chivalrous and polite and Dee is annoyed why can’t Roman hold the door open for him instead of holding it closed like a jerk after opening it for Logan
Dee and Logan just keep up their psychology discussions almost constantly and regularly have to ask Roman to finish a debate even though Roman knows NOTHING about psychology
Roman always finds an excuse not to support Dee (in a loving way)
“Roman! Tell Logan that Max Stirner-”
This doesn’t stop Dee from continuing to ask him to back him up
Roman always supports Logan in the debates despite being completely oblivious
“Roman, don’t you agree that-”
“Yes, my love. My darling. Genius whom I would die for. I agree.”
This always causes Logan distress in two ways
One: Roman didn’t listen to what he was agreeing with
Two: he is now super flustered because Roman is continuing to ramble on about how much he loves Logan
Logan turns out to know some Spanish
So now he and Roman have conversations in Spanish and Roman teaches him more and Dee just doesn’t really care
He keeps contributing using food or random words he’s picked up on and it drives Logan and Roman INSANE
And so they start dropping his proper name in conversation to either
One: make Dee think they’re mad because they used ‘Horace’
Two: make Dee think they’re gossiping about him
When really they’re talking about how much they love him OR just saying ‘Horace’ in the middle of a completely unrelated sentence
They stop doing this after they accidentally make Dee legitimately sad
It surprises both of them when they realize he’s crying after they don’t tell him what they were saying
So no more pretending to gossip about each other in Spanish
Roman offers to teach him Spanish
Dee responds to the offer by screaming ‘TORTILLA’ at the top of his lungs
Dee does not learn Spanish
Roman calls them his boyfriends first
In a youtube video title
Without warning them that they were being featured
Because he’s a little shit
Dee freaks out and tries to ask him about it but they just end up making out like they usually do when they try to have a serious conversation
Logan is okay with it and very amused at Dee’s reaction
Dee calls them his boyfriends next when he gets sick
When Dee gets sick he gets freaking delirious
Logan didn’t believe that it was the same person the first time he saw Dee when he was sick
Dee also only responds to Horace, his given name, when he’s sick and it's so hard to talk to him because they never seriously call him that
but Dee is so fucking sappy when he’s like that
And it's just pure and cute and he calls them his boyfriends
Logan calls them his boyfriends last
When introducing him to some other friends when they moved back into town
Patton Foster, a veterinarian
Virgil Storm, a weatherman (shut up he knows it's stupid his boyfriend (Patton) makes enough jokes about it as it is)
Both are baffled at how Logan managed to be dating two completely batshit crazy drama geeks
Once this happens they finally sit down and decide that yeah, they are dating
None of them say it’s exclusive, but none of them really want to date anyone else anymore anyway
Having Logan there to balance out the chaos is exactly what they needed
“Doesn’t Dee have a pet snake?”
“You’ve lived together for two years, how do you not know he has a snake in a terrarium in his room?”
“Logan I trusted you.”
“Only if I get to be in the video too, she gets nervous around cameras and she needs me.”
“Snakes don’t know what cameras-”
So it's just chaos and thriving in their little apartment
Roman has them in his videos sometimes, which is hugely popular among his viewers
“Hey, youtube! Today we’re throwing wet sponges at my tall boyfriend!”
“If you get water on the floor I’m not cleaning it up also watch out for the outlets you don’t want to get electrocuted.”
“That was my nerd boyfriend. I’d never throw a wet sponge at him, he doesn’t deserve it. Only my tall one deserves it.”
Logan and Dee both try to embarrass the other more whilst at work, which only caused a problem one or two times
“I need your help”
“With what”
“...a surprise”
“I told you I won’t help you teach them how to stage kiss anymore you always just kiss me for real and that’s not how it works.”
“But I love you.”
Roman and Dee regularly compete to see who can make Logan more embarrassed from compliments and it usually ends up in a cuddle pile or [REDACTED]
Dee is still positive that Logan is either a serial killer or a robot and that is one reason he enjoys making Logan embarrassed because it's hilarious to see the usually stoic teacher not know what to say
Roman, when he hears this theory, claims that Dee is the actual serial killer and he knows because he’s a ghost that’s just been haunting Dee since he killed him
Logan pretends to believe Roman’s claim and Dee wants to destroy them both.
He does… in a way *cough*
People who met Roman and Dee before Logan got there are baffled when they see either of them or both interacting with Logan
Because Roman and Dee are just CHAOS and DRAMATIC declarations of love (Roman) SCREAMING and sexual jokes (Dee)
Roman and Logan, though, that’s Roman at his most chivalrous. He opens doors, speaks eloquently, bows dramatically and is basically an over the top perfect gentleman
Deceit and Logan, well, no one understands that either because Deceit makes ZERO sexual jokes and he’s quiet and gentle and finally FINALLY he matches the elegant aesthetic he has going on
And as soon as all three of them are seen together? The dynamic makes sense again
Roman and Dee are gremlins. Logan is the god they worship.
Logan treats them both equally, as much as he can that is, and Roman and Dee would probably fight to the death for his hand and then end up making out like they always do when they fight to ‘the death’
Even Logan’s friends have only ever seen him express real emotion when he is with one or both of his boyfriends
The rest of the time he is in his robot/serial killer mode
Both Roman and Dee take great pride in this
Logan calls Dee Horace when he wants to make a point and it's usually why he ends up winning debates when Roman isn’t around because it makes Dee frustrated and annoyed so he stops talking
Apologies are made with kisses though
After the three get together, Roman learns a lot more about Dee as a person because believe it or not Dee is good at pretending and keeping secrets
Also they always just used to… sleep… in Roman’s room and not Dee’s but Roman didn’t even notice that and that’s how Dee got away with having a snake in secret for two years until Logan stayed the night in his room.
Roman falls more in love with Dee as a result and visa versa
Logan is awfully amused at this and they know it
Basically, the entire relationship is a HOT MESS
And that’s all I’ve got
#sanders sides#AU#Roloceit#Might As Well Au#my writing#bullet fic#roman#logan#Deceit#patton#virgil#ts sides#Human AU#yee
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hi, i was the recent anon who asked abt ur opinion abt ppl calling jimin out with his stage presence, and i was very sad just by reading these set of comments who called him out like that when the comment they replied under was standing up for jimin and then the replies started to kinda think low of him when he wasn't even part of anything, and the fact that this person actually said jimin was the least. and then another comment replied, he's a good dancer, but he's very boxed, and focuses +
focuses more on his dance-- when it was the complete opposite. everything she said abt jimin was the complete opposite, i wish i could copy paste everything she said right now, but i dont wanna be at the worst mood bc of it. it really pissed me off, bc the replies were only defending the others, whereas jimin was the only one who was disregarded. they say jk and v, have the best stage presence, but there is also jhope, and i think they only have that idea pretty much because they're also the two most popular members in the whole group, and you knoww the visuals. i dont really disagree with them having oke of the best stage presence bc it's true, but the fact that they would degrade jimin or rank him at the least when it comes to dominating the stage, makes no sense whatsoever for me. that is completely ironic, if u were to tell me. out of everyone, they name him like that. seeing as to how im a person who's attached to him for a very long time now, it's sad to say that they sad to say that they have missed so much about him. like they're forcing themselves to deny him like that. I'm just super sad when everyone talks about him like this, especially that he's the most insecure and perfectionist out of all the members, working himself off to the brim of torture. and yet here they are. she said, (i literally had to copy paste this) "jimin has stage presence but i feel like it's very boxed into what he's used to, sometimes he focuses on his dance you don't see the feeling on his face or vice versa, the way he interacts with the crowd is also limited idk its very limited to me.... he's definitely talented but stage presence and HOW you command a crowd is a whole other thing. Its like a painter being a master at all the fundamentals but it's different when someone is a master AND goes beyond the fundamentals, wrecks havoc on a canvas, creating something that evokes wild emotions into whoever sees their art..." (- banconx on YouTube) was what she said, but isn't that what he has been doing his entire career? the fact that he enraptures me just by the growl of his voice he is actually very loud and he knows how to use his volume. the fact that just by a look from him, he has dominated the whole performance, for example with that one performance they had in a concert during Dope, and the Perfect Man stage are good few examples especially thE fAN dance that he did. he recieved the most attention during the dance line's intro in Idol MMA 2018. he literally sassed everyone at that time the responses said he was boring and only focused on his dance-- how when at the same time he still gave off strong vibes and with his facial expressions, and the fact that his moves were still very sharp without looking away from his dance. and obviously the rest of the members were also trying to focus with the accuracy of their dances, just by doing the same with whatever jimin was executing. instead of having me convinced that these people were giving out their opinions, they have convinced me that they more of clowning him. so, that actually means they're shaming the whole music industry. and i know i am overreacting but it just pisses me off, because they were making no sense. and i wanted to rant to someone. i know i said so much, but that's how park jimin made me so dedicated to him and how much he has inspired and motivated me to become a performer myself. (idk if im adding)
Anonie,sorry for late answer.
I understand your feelings.. Sometimes it seems really hard,but please try not to be affected so much about what other people have to say (haters and antis include). People most likely want reaction,or they just have nothing to do etc etc etc. So instead of giving them what they want, focus on your own opinion, focus on why you love Jimin, not on why they hate him(haters gonna hate anyway,while boys will live their best life).
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rant abt system utubers
i don’t get youtube channels tht r solely abt a mental illness but i don’t want anyone to think i’m upset at anyone in particular like i’m just thinking ?
but like, there aren’t ppl that make a career out of their disabilities and make it into a show to get attention & idk how to feel when i see stuff on tumblr abt systems in drama w that stuff. idk anyone that does it and i don’t watch it, it just rubs me the wrong way?
it makes me worry abt bringing up being a system if these channels got popular bc what if the person i tell it to associates it w a specific youtuber? everyone’s views and opinions and disabilities r different from another, i don’t want to have to live up to some idea of being a system someone else made.
from just thumbnails i’ve seen, it really bothers me. titles like “SWITCH ON CAMERA” is just... distasteful? it’s making my life into a circus act to get views on a social media platform, putting something i have to deal w every day as the main act.
There’s so much fighting within the drama I see on tumblr, systems calling out systems for shit and it’s like calm down man.. ya we live with something tht defines our life but you don’t have to make it BE your whole life. go outside. breathe some air. does it matter to u if someone doesn’t meet ur standards of a disability? This doesn’t happen with say, ADHD. Yeah there’s a diagnosis for this stuff but not everyone gets the same score and dissociative disorders are still so not understood that if someone’s psychiatrist has diagnosed them, their experiences are their own and that’s fine.
not endogenic systems though. they’re total trash and i’m not getting into that bc it’s a whole diff thing. they’re on youtube too & doing WAY worse as far as misinformation and giving ppl the wrong ideas abt systems.
ok sorry. i needed to vent bc i see this stuff so much but i never see people tht r bothered by it and i don’t like to keep quiet
TLDR system youtubers make me uncomfortable but that’s fine, i just wish they would support each other (like pls put tht energy to squabbling w endos) and give ppl a better way to remember systems & not act like everything they say is fact
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modern (youtuber) au elmax
these r some modern day elmax headcanons bc fckin emelie broke my whole ass heart
- max is totally a youtuber in 2017
- (she was originally a viner but we all know how that ended #neverforget)
- she’s basically the best gamer and a lot of guys hate on her bc she’s a girl but she’s iconic so whatever
- she’s like probably 17ish when she gets super popular and everyone likes her bc she’s kind of girly (like she wear dresses n stuff) but she’s tomboyish too (gamer and super butch)
- her username is obviously MadMax
- eleven is always in her videos but never says anything so the internet doesn’t really understand her or who she is she’s just kind of there
- she’s always wearing overalls& sweaters and reading or watching old rom coms so everyone adores her
- the first time she ever speaks on camera is most definitely something really really mean
- like, the boys came over and dustin and lucas are arguing and mike is trying to calm them down and max is just laughing at them while will and eleven are curled up on the couch
- and max pulls out her camera to mess with them and perfectly catches eleven saying “oh my fucking god dustin you absolute mouth breather”
- of course max posts this video and the internet e x p l o d e s
- turns out eleven is just camera shy and not actually that quiet of a person
- the boys are also internet personalities
- will’s username is WillTheWise and he has an art account where he posts speed arts and his instagram is hella popular bc he posts such cute stuff and he’s working on a comic book about a little boy who travels between universes and it’s called “The Upside Down”
- lucas’s is TotallyTubular and he posts literally everything. movie reviews, game play-throughs, rants about racism (lots of rants about racism. he talks a lot about representation, police brutality, the prison system, the justice system, the segregated economy/school system, etc. he’s really well versed on the topics too he doesn’t just pull it out of his ass) and he’s super funny
- mike’s is literally so dumb just like PaladinMike or something and it’s bc at first he didn’t have a youtube he was mostly just like a popular twitter account bc he posted conspiracy theories and really weird shower thoughts type stuff (like one time at 4:17 am he tweeted “what if we didn’t have fingernails?” and disappeared for 2 days) but he was featured in so many of his friends videos that eventually he made his own conspiracy theory acc (bonus: at the end of every video he includes a picture of will’s newest artwork and promos will even tho will has more followers, mike is proud of his boyf ok)
- dustin’s is Dustonious and he posts virtually the exact same content as Max and they’re usually playing mario kart together either on a team together or head to head with something crazy on the line (dustin is always like “i bet all of the contents in my fridge that i can beat you” and when he loses max throws everything out and films it)
- everyone captures hilariously adorable videos of max and eleven being domestic
- like once dustin comes over and peeps through their front door window as a joke bc it’s open and they’re slow dancing but there isn’t any music playing so he literally starts crying on camera
- and lucas is Known for his commentary and he narrates every interaction of elmax caught on camera
- he’s like “here we see the biggest losers of 2017 in their natural habitat” when they’re cuddling on the couch watching RENT or something
- byeler and elmax do collabs together a LOT for mikes channel bc will always points out inconsistencies in mikes theories and max gets super tripped out whenever he talks about the illuminati or the CIA and eleven is The Cutest bc she just laughs and rolls her eyes the whole damn video and the only things she says are either “that’s kind of dumb” or “i like that one”
- one time lucas caught them kissing on accident while live-streaming and then the internet confirmed elmax was Gay As Fuck
- to which the girls exploit the FUCK out of their relationship like SO MANY COUPLES TAGS
-bc now that they’re out they just wanna POST VIDEOS!!!
- eleven is still vvv quiet but she does participate a lot when it’s just max and el and they reveal very cute things abt their relationship
- they’ve been dating since middle school and eleven is a year younger but a grade above bc she’s super smart
- eleven doesn’t know how to skateboard even tho max has taught her 900 times
- when eleven is mad at max, max makes her eggos and writes sorry on it in whipped cream and chocolate (eleven always forgives her)
- eleven loves video games and plays them as often as max she just doesn’t do it on camera
this leads of course to a mario kart competition between the two bc the internet needed it!!
- so eleven almost kicks max’s ass and max is about 3 seconds ahead of her
- and the internet has never been more shook
- NO ONE even comes close to beating max
- and el’s like “i’ve had practice”
#byeler#will byers#mike wheeler#lucas sinclair#dustin henderson#max hargrove#eleven#jane hopper#OOF this is long#elmax#im sorry#add more if u want#modern au#headcanons
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lil rant
i know i should be pc or whatever. but i just cant deal with rich people talking about experiencing being broke for the first time...watched this video of a youtuber i like. but like, she spent all her money and was like i never had to worry about money but made mistakes and finally faced financial stress and i get it.
srry man i cant deal
Maybe i’m just an asshole. but young people who go out into the world after being spoiled their whole lives (or that are still being supported) who waste when they have such privilege... drives me maddd. and being so annoyed about that is for sure a short coming of mine, bc its got little to do with them, that’s just how they grew up. but i literally had someone ask me if i was mad my mom is going to leave me and my sister her medical and college debt. like ???????? i’m sorry we’re not rich? i know they have problems just like anyone, family or mentally or anything else, but seriously.
tbh among people who are poorer i’m not that bad, my family was homeless when i was younger but now we’re actually in a nice place, so there’s been progression, and i’m able to go to college since i don’t have to work to support my family, i’m lucky. i got to come to the uk because i was able to work and save my money for only me. i’m just fuckin lucky. but when i meet people who have everything paid for and don’t have to support themselves, and just complain abt all their petty problems it drives me slightly crazy lol. if they’re nice abt it it’s still in the back of my head, if they’re mean i just get more annoyed.
I know life isnt fair. but goddddd
#sometimes ignorance just makes me crazy#and know as long as they strive not to be then thats good#but still#it still sits in the back of my mind#rant
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