#like i live here too its not just you stoners
petpenname · 7 months
❣️Red Wine Supernova❣️
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pairing: dealer!ellie williams x introverted(f)reader c.w: weed smoking, insinuated self-pleasure Summary: modern college au, dealer!ellie x introverted!(f)reader, slow burn with some sad elements. Inspired by Red Wine Supernova by Chapel Roan Parts: 1. I Just Want To Get To Know You 2. Mini Skirt and My Go-Go Boots 3. I Don't Care That You're A Stoner + Epilogue: Falling Into Me a/n: new writer so be nice >:3 sry if the format is a lil fucked
Part One:
I Just Want To Get To Know You
Mornings are your happy place. Your room is your sanctuary, and you greet the day in your usual fashion. Floating around your space listening to music, doing your skincare and makeup, and finding the perfect outfit. This morning, however, was anything short of paradise. Today was the last day of finals week and all the studying and stress got the best of you last night as you completely burnt out of all your routines. You push the empty chip bags and energy drinks aside on your nightstand to make some room for your phone, which is dead. How could you forget to plug it in? 
Opting to check the time on your computer you realize you overslept. There's only twenty minutes to don an outfit before you head to your first exam of the day. You curse yourself first then promise to have a full self care evening after finals are finished. Tossing on some leggings and an oversized hoodie equipped with the Jackson College logo. You do a quick wash of our face, minimal skin care, grab your phone, bag and shoes and you are out the door. 
Thankfully, living a block from campus has its pros. You fast walk the block to campus and b-line for the cafe. Popping in and getting into the short line hoping to see someone who knows your order working. You let out a sigh of relief when you see Sasha working the cash register. 
The barista greeted you, “Morning Y/N! Happy end of finals week!” 
“Morning Sasha, I can’t wait for this week to be over. I'm in a rush this morning so I'll just do my coffee, no pastry please.”
“Sure thing babe” she starts writing in your order, “it'll be out in just a minute.”
You pay and wish each other luck finishing exams. Retiring to a stool on the side of the pickup area, you put your headphones in to try and reclaim some peace in your morning. After a full song plays you glance at the time and realize you have been here for a few minutes too long. Behind the barista station, you see a brown-haired girl facing the back counter. She's moving around like she doesn't know what she's doing and Sasha is watching from the side making small comments. You assume it's a new hire so you wait the extra minute for her to finish with your drink -praying that she doesn't fuck it up and ruin another part of your morning. You zone out to your music again and before you know it you hear your order being called out:  “Medium mocha with half chocolate for.. y/n?” 
You look up and almost choke on your breath as your eyes meet pools of emerald green. Light whips of auburn fly around a flushed face, dotted with freckles. You stumble off the stool and brush fingers with the girl as you grab your coffee, not wanting to take your eyes off her. 
“Sorry it took a minute Y/N, Ellie here is training today” Sasha pipes in from behind. The girl smiles sheepishly as your eyes snap away and focus on the coffee in hand. When did you grab this? 
“Oh, yeah, no problem, thank you!.” you say, trying to recollect yourself. “I’ll see you later Sasha!” 
Heading out the door, the cool air whips the interaction out of your mind, as your only focus now is making it through the rest of the finals day.
5pm finally rolls around and you let out a sigh as the fresh air hits you while leaving the lecture building. You pull out your phone to check for messages and play some music on your walk back.
You have (7) unread messages:
*H03 Hoes* Olivia: Anyone up for dinner and a movie? I need to dissociate after  this week o.o Ivy: yes I'm there but only if we can get Red Mill Phoebe: I'll be at Daniels tonight :)  Olivia: we know pheebs lol have fun love birds Sage: if we are getting Red Mill im gettin high Ivy: Y/N!!!? Where are youuu?? Phoebe: :D
Staring at the screen you smile in relief, just what you need after a long day; your roommates out of the house, time for yourself. Your last two exams were harder than you expected and all you want to do is order takeout, put on a show, and take a bath. You gather your thoughts and text a response;
*H03 Hoes* Y/N: staying in girls, i need some TLCOlivia: i don't blame you, this week was fucked Ivy: Want us to bring you back a burger? Y/N: that's okay, i'm ordering Thai :) Sage: oh my god you really do need this night, i'm leaving you a joint Y/N: lol thanks sage Olivia: we'll be back by midnight! Have fun ;)
Your roommates were always understanding, you really couldn't have wished for a better housing placement. House 03 was one of ten houses that were off-campus communal housing. You moved into the house a month into your first semester at school. The rest of the girls had time to bond but welcomed you in like another sister. Your introverted tendencies sometimes made you feel like a shut-in as your roommates always had something to do or somewhere to be. Sage was probably the most understanding, she enjoyed staying in also & always shared her stash with you when she did. On the rare occasion you accepted, you and she got stoned and watched shitty TV and ate takeout. 
Finishing your response to the girls, you put on a playlist that you've been loving recently and put your phone away, looking up just in time to come face to face with another person. Bumping into each other you both stumble back in equal confusion.
“Ah fuck, shit, sorry!” says a honey sweet voice.
Y/N: “Oh fuck no im sorry! I was not paying attention” you take out your earbuds and catch your balance as you look up at who you collided with. Green eyes instantly meet yours. Swirls of auburn hair and freckles dance across her face as she smiles and laughs.
“Oh hey, didn't I make your coffee this morning?”
“My what?” you say in confusion.
“Your coffee! At the cafe, I was training this morning. You got like a mocha or something?” the girl rubs her temple trying to remember.
“oh! Oh yeah! That was you” you chuckle, stealing yourself away from her gaze. Holy shit, you completely forgot about this morning, how could you forget about such a pretty girl?
“That's me!" She says. "I'm Ellie, by the way.” She holds out a hand with a sideways smile.
“Im Y/N” shaking her hand, blushing a little.
Ellie: “So where are you in such a rush to, Y/N?” 
You laugh, “nowhere really, home. I'm so over this week.” 
“Same oh my god, I'm almost done with work I just have a drop off to do. Then I'm free!” 
Her goofy enthusiasm was infectious, you felt oddly comfortable with this girl.
“Oh, cool? I'm going that way” you point across and down the street towards the College neighborhood. 
“Me too! Walk together?” Ellie suggests
You nod and set off together. It was a short walk and for the first few steps, you were quiet. Everything happened so fast, the collision, the conversation, and now you're walking together?! That's no big deal, you're just walking together! You steal a glance at the girl beside you. Holy shit how long has she been staring at you? “I'm not even going to ask how your finals went if they were anything like mine!” Ellie laughs, scratching the back of her head  
You chuckle trying not to trip over your own feet, “yeah they were pretty difficult, i'm just glad they are over for now” 
There's not enough conversation to distract you from the growing ball of nerves in your stomach. You keep stealing small glances at the beautiful girl strolling alongside you with such ease and confidence. Before you know it you get to your house walkway, you turn to Ellie
“This is me, uh it was nice meeting you! And thanks for making my coffee” You are suddenly aware of how awkward you feel, trying not to make eye contact.
“Oh yeah no problem,” Ellie leans slightly to look behind you at the house, “you live here? Do you know Sage? I'm here to meet her.” Ellie says, pointing towards your house She's asking about your roommate? Something clicks when you realize you've seen this girl before, no you’ve heard her voice before. Whenever Sage stayed in she would call her dealer, who never came inside but Sage and her would talk on the porch for a bit during the deal.
“Are you Sage’s dealer?” you ask.
“Have you been smoking my shit?” Ellie laughs
“No I mean, sometimes I partake, but yeah Sage is my roommate, um come on up?” 
“Wicked” Ellie follows you up the path and steps and waits at the door as you call into the house.
“I'm home! Sage! You have a visitor!” 
“HI HOME! I'm Sage!” you hear from upstairs as the blonde girl comes bounding down the stairs. “Oh what's up Ellie, sorry you had to deal with her y/n” 
Ellie scoffs behind you, “yeah whatever, you can find a new dealer”
Sage laughs, “And buy from a dude? No way, I support woman-owned businesses. How much do I owe you?”
You bow out subtly during their conversation. Before the two girls make their exchange you are halfway up the stairs. Letting their conversation get muffled as you enter your bedroom. You don’t know why you seclude yourself so much. Social interactions can be so anxiety inducing for you and you were well past spent on interacting this week. 
Tossing your shoes and bag in the corner you collapse on the floor wrapping a blanket around you. Finally safe in your own space. It wasn't long before you heard footsteps coming up the stairs and Sage was knocking on your door.
“Hey babes, you doing okay?” 
You get up, blanket still wrapped around you and shuffle to the door, opening it slightly before leaning on the door frame, looking like a sad puppy.
“Oh y/n it was a long week huh? Well I'll be out of your hair soon. I just wanted to give you this.” she holds out a joint, which you now know came from Ellie.
“Thanks Sage, I might actually spark this tonight.” You smoked with Sage occasionally but never alone.
“It’ll help, light it in the bath! That's my favorite thing to do” Sage beams and hands over the joint, it was beautifully rolled, you almost didn't want to ruin it. She gives you a small squeeze on the arm and blows you a kiss before wishing you a good night and skipping towards her room to get ready for the evening. 
You shut the door and drop the blanket down, giving into a big stretch before locking into self care mode. This is where you really excel, you know the ins and outs of what creates an environment that lets you rest and recoup to the best of your abilities. And currently your room was in disarray from the late nights spent studying and dissociation. You put your headphones in and go to work. It takes half an album to clean up the mess from the previous week. You are feeling much better and continue on your self love ritual. Peaking your head out into the hallway you listen for any sound of your roommates. 
Silence, perfect, Olivia and Ivy must have come and left with Sage while you were cleaning. You pop your headphone back in and continue your groove downstairs to get something to drink and order your take out. While on the call your phone buzzes from a text, thinking nothing of it, it must be one of your roommates. You complete your order and finish up in the kitchen returning to your room for a much needed bath. All focus on yourself.
It's nearly an hour later, you've drawn your bath and your take out has arrived. A shitty show you’re half paying attention to plays off your laptop, propped up on the laundry basket. You finish your last spring roll feeling a little bored and you grab your phone, figure you’d scroll some socials for a bit. Flicking on your screen you see you have a text from an unknown number. 
Unknown: “Do you always stay in on a friday night? ;)”
Your hear skips a beat. Your heart rate rises, confused and anxious who got your number? How do they know your home alone? Also this was an hour ago! You text back; Y/N: um, who is this?
You wait only a minute before you get a text back,
 “Ellie :)”
Relief sets in, not a creepy guy or stalker, thank god. Your phone buzzes again.
Ellie: “Gosh made you coffee and walked you home, am I that forgettable?”
You text back quickly, “no sorry, hey! I just didn’t know your number. How did you get mine?”
Ellie: “Sage gave it to me, I hope that's okay?” 
“Yeah, yeah that's cool!” you text back.
A little confused why Sage would give out your number without asking but your thoughts are interrupted by another text from Ellie:
“You didn't answer my question silly ;)”
You reread Ellie's first text. You do usually stay in, even on friday nights.
“Pretty much lol” you respond with another text, “I don’t really like parties”
“I feel that, good for business, bad for vibes lol” ellie responds
You stare at the screen, taken aback by how all of a sudden you are talking to this girl you hardly know for the second time today. Suddenly the bath is way too hot and wet, your laptop playing a little too loud. You close your phone, pause your show, and start to drain the tub. Rinsing off and finishing up your shower routine, you are standing at the vanity when your phone lights up catching your eye. It’s Ellie again,
“So would you like some company? I'm nearby actually” A glance at the time tells you it's 9pm, late for you, your only other plans for the night was to curl up in bed and continue your show until you fall asleep. You take a second to think about things as you put some clothes on, a soft pair of pajama bottoms, a tank top and a slouchy oversized sweater. Something in you was intrigued with this girl. It was strange for you to feel like you wanted to hang out with someone let alone someone you just met late at night. 
You pace for a minute thinking, am I really going to do this? Typing out the text and holding your breath before hitting send then chucking your phone on the bed and running to the mirror.
“Okay, why don't you come over?”
You inspect your appearance. Natural beauty, your skin care routine was spot on and truthfully you loved your look the most at night after you cared for yourself. You felt a rush of adrenaline and took a few breaths to calm yourself before sliding on a pair of slippers and grabbing your phone to go downstairs. Before leaving, the joint on your night stand catches your eye and it only seemed right to bring it along, Ellie did roll it.
On the way down the stairs, there's a knock at your door, that was fast. You peek out the window to be safe, Ellie standing with her back to the window facing away from the door. Hand scratching the back of her head, it looks like she's changed since you saw her last. You open the door and catch a whiff of pine and amber as she turns to face you, the same sideways smirk on her face from before. She's wearing all black, dirty Converse, ripped jeans, and a black jacket over a green hoodie.
“Hey, whoa cute fit” Ellie laughs as she looks you up and down, “cozy?”
You move a little at her comment, noticing how underdressed you are. “You caught me at the end of my shower” 
She chuckles again, “well I wasn't trying to take you out, was wondering if you wanted to smoke this with me?” Ellie pulls a joint from behind her ear, and holds it up between her pointer and middle finger.
Your nerves are going crazy but something in the way she looks at you makes you feel at ease in her presence. 
“Yeah sure, I have one of yours already actually” you say as you hold up the joint, it's a little crushed as you realize your hands were clenching. 
Ellie laughs, “you keep that one, we can smoke this one” she gives you that smile again. “Are we gonna stand on the porch all night?”
You snap into reality a bit and stumble over your words and yourself, letting her into the house. “no! Sorry, ya we can smoke in the back, we have some chairs out there.”
“Sweet, I'll follow you cutie” 
You turn away from the comment before Ellie could see your cheeks go up in flames. 
You lead her through the house to the back door and out into the small yard. There's a fire pit in the corner with a few lawn chairs around it. There's a light breeze in the air but it's rather temperate for a spring evening. You sit down in a chair and Ellie flops down next to you. Pulling out a lighter and joint. You watch as she puts the joint between her lips, lightly holding it with one hand and lighting with the other. Your eyes are locked on her while she inhales and the cherry goes red illuminating her soft features. Only when she exhales a cloud of smoke and looks at you do you look away quickly. Darting your gaze away to the joint held out in front of you. 
“Here ya go y/n” Ellie's voice is low and gravely, cutting through the silence of the night. 
You swallow and take the joint, breathing out preparing yourself for the hit. You can feel Ellie's eyes on you as you inhale, hold for a second too long, and exhale out in coughs, covering your face and shoving the joint in Ellies direction. “Shit, hahah, I don't smoke that often.” you get out
“Oh! That's okay, you don’t have to if you don’t want it!” Ellie takes another drag, hesitating to pass it back your way.
“No, no it's okay, the first hit is always the roughest,” you say through your coughing fit. “I usually smoke with Sage.” 
Taking another drag and speaking as smoke billows out past her lips, “Okaaay you can tap out at any time light weight” She chuckles at the end of her sentence but reaches the joint back out to you. You take it, needing another hit to settle the growing nerves in your stomach, she will not stop looking at you.
You and Ellie pass the joint back and forth a few rounds in easy silence. Only a few loud conversations and music from down the block fill the air. Ellie breaks the silence after a moment.
“So I know you said you don’t like parties but there's this one tomorrow night at my friend Jessie’s house, he lives in 09. My roommate Dina and I are going, you might like it?” 
Jessie… You've heard that name before, he was one of Daniel’s, Phoebe's boyfriend's roommates. A group of boys that live in House 09, down the street from you. You've actually been to their house for a party once before. It was fun for an hour until you Irish good-byed to go home and lay in bed. Texting your roommates of course, because girls always need to stay safe. Considering your roommates would be inviting you to this party as well you decide to accept Ellies invitation too.
“Oh yeah, my roommate Phoebe is dating Daniel who lives in 09, i'll probably be there for a little bit.”
Ellies face lights up, and she moves in a way that looks like she's trying to hide her excitement. “You will! Cool, I'll see you there then! Ah this thing is out.” She stubs out the cherry in the joint and tosses it into the fire pit. “Well I should let you get back to your evening princess, I have a few more drop offs to do tonight anyway.” She stands from her seat with a stretch  and holds her hand out for you to grab as you stand. Her jacket got pushed up a bit and you notice a dark image on her forearm, a tattoo? It's hard to tell in the dark. You grab her hand, making a mental note of how strong and soft they are before standing fully and stepping back.
“I'll walk you out then, uh thanks for smoking me out” Your mind is hazy and calm, you barely realize that your nerves are settled, you're comfortable. Ellie follows you back into the house and to the front door, you both pause at the open door, Ellie's eyes on yours, yours on your hands.
“So I'll see you tomorrow night?” Ellie breaks the silence, making you look up,suddenly the nerves are back.  
“Yeah, i'll see you around Ellie” you do your best to not shiver, and give her a smile.
The green eyed girl averts her gaze as she sheepishly scratches the back of her head. “Alrighty, have a good rest of your night!” She turns to leave but turns back, 
“oh yeah, it's a decade's party, so you gotta dress up”
She gives you stupid snap and finger guns and turns away, popping down the steps and into the night. You let the cool air wash over you as you watch her walk down the street. Noticing the flick of a lighter in the night as she goes out of sight. You close the door and nearly collapse against it as your stomach begins to flutter again. Holy shit holy shit holy shit.
You take your phone out as you run up to your room, texting your house group chat immediately.
*H03 Hoes* Y/N: “Sage, why'd you give my number to a stranger?? Also… is there a party tomorrow night at H09?”
It was a little while before you got a response from your roommates, their movie must have ended, it was now 11:30pm. You shoot up from your bed responding to your roommates;
*H03 Hoes* Sage: “Ellies, not a stranger! And she asked for it ;)” Olivia: “The Decades party yeah! We were going to ask you tomorrow if you wanted to go!” Y/N: “Well yeah not anymore, she kinda came by the house and smoked me out.” Ivy: “Yo what?!!! y/n hung out with a girl??” Y/N: Hey, I'm allowed to do stuff! Lol Sage: lolol we’ll be home in a little bit! We can get ready for the party tmrw together :D”
You lock your phone and look around the room, you realize you had been pacing for that whole conversation. Adrenaline going crazy, your mind flashing images of auburn hair and green eyes. You probably had 30 minutes left of alone time in the house so you decide to end your night right, how you usually do. Stealing yourself under your blankets, touching and pleasuring yourself until your breath relaxes you into sleep. However tonight, green eyes stare back at you in your mind.
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vmpiires · 9 months
im obsessed with suguru being protective over reader, especially when reader is a "you only live once" person. what would happen if reader's going to a project x typa party with gojo/shoko and them, begs suguru to go ("there will be weed" "fine ill go"), and reader ends up in a fight? what would sugu do?
I understand if you dont wanna write this lol, its just a scenario im curious about. thank you !!
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𝐂𝐖;; mature content. afab!reader, stoner!geto, teen!geto, possible fighting, underage drinking, non-curse/sorcerer AU, no uses of y/n. not proofread so i apologize in advance for any mistakes if they’re made.
𝐏𝐋𝐎𝐓;; it’s the weekend and you were invited to a college party by gojo and shoko. you love going out to parties and you’ll take a risk every chance you get. a little bit of fun doesn’t hurt. but geto on the other hand….he doesn’t wanna go along and he doesn’t want you going either.
. ݁ ࣪ ، ⌗ masterlist
⌗ ˖⃗ AO3
: ̗̀➛ art creds by;; currently unknown. dividers are by @cafekitsune
: ̗̀➛ WORD COUNT;; 1.12K
dark mode recommended
do not copy this plot. i’m perfectly fine with inspirations but give creds. if this plot his stolen in any way, the post will be taken down and you will be blocked.
𝐃𝐀𝐊𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒 ✉️🖇️;; IM SORRY I TOOK SO LONG TO DO THIS (they probably forgot LMAO) but i’m on it now. i’m recovering from my writers block!! i won’t make this too long. it might be a bit short (sorry 😞) hope ya enjoyyyy. reblog to support meeee and if you want more :D.
another note: rushing to write this before my psych class 😵‍💫
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“no, no, absolutely not,” geto calls your name. “the last time you went to a party, you came back here drunk as hell. and guess what? i had to take care of you…not that that’s the issue. the issue is, there’s a bunch of people there that don’t care about your safety.”
you just groan loudly. geto was always like this. always analyzing the little things and the possible consequences and final outcome of the decision.
“geto, please?” you tried to plead with him. “it’ll be the last time i ask this month. i won’t ask for anything else.”
geto’s small pupils looked at you and hummed, “and who’s going? who’s gonna be there that compels you to ask me to go?”
“oh, gojo and shoko were going and i kinda already said yes…”
you notice your boyfriend’s face contort from a slightly worried expression to an shocked and irritated one. his eyebrows knitted together before he’d loudly sigh.
“you already said- i can’t believe im about to ask this…is there weed?” he queries. your excitement shot through the roof. your begging clearly got through to the ink haired male.
it was a party. a college party at that. what was an event like that without drinking and a bunch of people smoking. and probably a little fighting.
after you get confirmation from geto that you could go to the party and that he’d be attending alongside you, you quickly make your way to your room and put on something nice to wear, while geto stays in something as simple as a t-shirt and some jeans.
the wind blows gently as you two stand outside of the gate where the party was being held beyond it. you could see the flashing lights, loud music, and most importantly, the large crowds of students.
“we’re students,” you hear geto say to the security guard standing beside the gate. you both would show your ids before being let in with no trouble.
your eyes were wide with excitement as you got closer and closer to the party you’ve been dying to get to. you could feel the anticipation rising up in your chest, making you shiver a bit. geto, on the other hand, didn’t seem too thrilled. he just wanted to make sure you were safe. though, he could admit that having time outside of the house was good for him.
from a distance, you see two people heading in your direction. a male with snow white hair was trotting over to you, while a girl with short brown hair followed, simply walking.
gojo throws his arm around geto, “suguru!” he beamed at the male, “i didn’t expect you to be joining us. did she convince you?”
your boyfriend glances at you before reluctantly replying, “yes, she did. she also begged me to come…and i almost said no.”
“well i think-” shoko calls your name, “did a good job of getting you out of that apartment of yours. you don’t need to always be cramped up in that place like a hermit crab anyway.” you see gojo nodding quickly in agreement.
geto just rolls his eyes, “i’m still sober so i have time to turn around and leave if i want to.” he says. gojo waves his hand.
“oh, you don’t mean that.” he smiles, moving his circular framed glasses down to the bridge of his nose, revealing his sharp blue eyes. “let’s dance until we can’t anymore.”
with that, you see gojo dragging geto off towards the crowd of students. you and shoko exchange looks before giggling to each other and following the boys.
the party is so live you could barely stand it. each time someone tried to speak to you, you were screaming “what?” a few times because of how loud the music was.
you stuck beside each of your friends while you all enjoyed yourselves. sitting comfortably together while passing a blunt around and gojo taking shots of hennessy and laughing drunkenly as everyone else was dancing to the music.
“he’s always the first to clock out mentally,” shoko commented before taking a sip of her drink also. gojo whips his head around to her direction, his hair flying up a bit.
“i didn’t clock out.” gojo slurred, wiping the remaining liquid from his lips. “i don’t even have a job to do that.”
“he’s brain dead.” geto took a drag of his blunt.
“stop saying that. it’s mean,” gojo whined.
after a moment, taking sips and drags from the items in your hand, you whisper to geto, informing him that you were gonna go to the bathroom.
“do i need to go with you? you know, just in case?”
you almost said no because you knew how overprotective geto could be over you. he just never wanted to see you get hurt and he was definitely scared of something bad happening to you.
you finally say yes and make your way to the bathroom. when you enter, you immediately pinch your nose at the potent smell.
“it smells like shit in here.” you complain, finding a stall to go into, hoping they aren’t clogged with waste or a bunch of tissues.
you take care of your business and clean your hands. on the way out, a girl, obviously drunk bumped into you, mumbling a “watch out” as she stumbled into the stall. you were about to say something but you saw geto shaking his head.
“not worth it,” he said, grabbing your hand and leading you back to your friends. your furrowed eyebrows unknit themselves and a sigh escapes you.
when you get back to your friends, you could see gojo trying to grab another drink and shoko holding him tightly by the waist so he didn’t grab another cup.
“sit your ass down, damn it. you don’t need anything else.” the girl fussed. “don’t you think you’ve had enough for tonight?”
“six cups isn’t enough.” gojo screamed.
“you’re acting like an alcoholic. sit down.”
“you aren’t allowed to go to another party after this.” you laughed as you sat down in your chair. gojo paused and looked over in your direction.
“why notttt?” the male frowned.
“she’s right. you’re acting stupider than usual,” geto chimed in. “we should go home soon…we don’t need to stay here too long.”
“boringgggg,” gojo said loudly. “i don’t wanna go home.”
“you’re a pain in my ass. i should’ve stayed home.” suguru crossed her arms and slouched down into the chair before reaching to spark another blunt.
“you always say that,” gojo giggled. “hey, we should get food when we leave. the food here sucks and i hate the off brand soda. it’s so gross.”
“damn, do you ever stop complaining?” shoko hissed.
⋆。࿇ ·࣭࣪̇˖ 𖦹°༅༚
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lexithwrites · 4 months
okay, so here once again, my list which is too long
my rosekiller hcs:
- they're both heavily tatted and pierced (evan has snakebites and a stretched septum, barty has a bridge, helix, tongue and maybe d*ck piercing, at least one of them has their nipples pierced)
- they both use reg's netflix and/or spotify account
- stoners
- barty ripped black skinny jeans' crouch jr and evan 'oversized skater blue-jeans' rosier
-barty 'monster energy' crouch jr and evan 'red bull' rosier
- if they live together: their doorlock is broken and they have a chain to close it but don't really care about it because they both loose their keys quite often
- barty curses in italian if he's really REALLY mad and evan finds it fucking attractive
- a bit a more niche one: they go out in bars in the slutties outfits ever and both individually flirt with handsome guys and if they like one they introduce him to the other to take that guy home together if hes down.
- barty the type of guy to walk around with a waterbottle filled with straight vodka and take sips from it as if it were water
- evan wears those tees with the black and white pictures of rappers on it (2pac or smth)
- barty once tried to dye his hair blonde but it fried his hair so he had to get a buzzcut
- pandora retwists evs locks
- barty wants people to call him bj because of his initials (bcj) and he doesnt like the 'crouch' cuz it reminds him of his dad. (and also the meaning of bj yk)
- barty calls evan ev, evs, rose or rosie
- if evan had lived today he would have listened to new school rap (like carnival or fe!n)
- barty would listen to måneskin, fall out boy or 21pilots
- evan has a sneaker/shoe collection
- they're into kinky (also leather) shit
yeah sorry its very very long but they are my current hyperfixation if you didn't notice... but these are just MY headcannons so feel free to disagree <3
Anon I want to kiss your brain THIS MAKES ME SO HAPPY I’ve had a shit day today and rosekiller hcs ugh beautiful every single thing is a big yes from me especially Barty calling himself BJ I love, and Evan is a sucker for his Italian coming out—and them dressing slutty UGH
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seokminkisser · 1 year
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pairing: lee chan x fem!reader
word count: 1.9k words
genre: fluff, suggestive
tags: PININGGGG, reader and chan have a lot of tension, marijuana use, suggestive content and alluding to sex afterwards
a/n: finally got around to writing my stoner chan fic yay! smoke responsibly loves (@sunnylovespickles i hope you enjoy it bub)
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yeri was going to be dead meat the minute you found her.
the problem did not lie in the fact that she had decided to ditch you at the hang out, you both had enough trust and faith in each other to mingle and socialize on your own. the problem lay in the fact that she had decided to ditch you to have a very long talk with her ex-girlfriend? situationship?
you didn’t even have time to give her an earful as she left the room giving you her pleading “just give us five minutes” look as doyeon led her away. she was a lost cause.
there weren’t many people gathered at jeonghan’s house but the living room still felt incredibly stuffy. a few people had decided to hotbox earlier and poor you had arrived at the party too late to join, the lingering smoke gave you an incredible case of fomo.
“hi pretty.”
your head lolled back making contacts with the prettiest boy in the room.
“hi channie.”
a lazy grin spreads on chan’s face as he moves around the couch to sit next to you, an arm resting on the backrest of the couch behind your head. you wanted to eat him alive.
“when did you get here?” you ask, your finger tracing the rim of your glass as you look at him. he adjusts himself on the couch, legs spreading a bit wider while his free hand rummages in his jacket pocket.
“like ten minutes ago? had to make the rounds a bit before i could come spend time with the prettiest girl in the room.” he says giving you a sly wink, his rummaging coming to a stop.
your scoff turns into a slight giggle and you hit his arm the minute the last few words come out his mouth. something about chan turned you into a giddy middle schooler even though you hadn’t been in middle school in years.
your relationship with chan was unnecessarily complicated. you were attracted to him on a level you could not even comprehend and you knew he felt the same. he took care of your weed needs and you baked him matcha cookies whenever he craved them. and yet, neither of you had taken any steps to crossing the line that kept your friendship as it was. just friendship.
“you’re such a sweet talker chan, i might get sick.”
“let me make it up to you then pretty,” chan laughs and pulls something out of his jacket pocket, “remember that video you sent me?”
you couldn’t help the squeal you let out as you pluck the three pale pink joints out of his hand. “chan do you know that you are the best and most perfect person i have ever met.” you say as cross your legs, laying the joints on your exposed thigh as delicately as possible.
“yeri better not hear that or she will have my head on a silver platter.” he grins as his eyes follow the movement of your hands resting on your thigh now. at the mention of your best friend’s name you roll your eyes and give chan a big pout.
“aww did she leave you all on your own again? poor baby. but its okay i’m here now and i’ll take care of you.”
you grin at chan and nod. “exactly, you’re here now and you brought me my favorite things.”
his smile reaches his eyes as he poked your arm. “favorite things huh? didn’t know you liked something more than free weed.”
“obviously that something is you.”
“yeah?” he murmurs, his fingertips gently touching your arm as if to test the waters. you welcome his touch, slowly inching your body closer towards him. chan takes this as a sign that he wasn’t doing too much, his upper body turning to face you better. your shoulders are touching and his free hand comes to rest on your thigh picking up one of the joints.
in the process his finger grazes your thigh and your breath hitches. his touch felt absolutely electrifying.
chan leans forward slowly, his lips softly grazing your ear as he whispers, “you gonna let me smoke you out pretty?”
your eyes flutter shut as he presses the softest kiss on the side of your neck.
“yeah, channie. would let you do anything.”
he pulls away, a twinkle in his eye as he stands up. “come on then, think jeonghan’s living room is a bit too crowded for what i have planned for you pretty.”
chan could already sense the pretty pout on your face as he leads you into jeonghan’s kitchen. if it were up to him he would have already found an empty room, thrown you in and had his way with you, but he promised to smoke you out and he always kept his promises.
“why did you bring me here channie, i thought we were gonna smoke.” you pout and he turns to you and motions for you to sit on the counter.
“and we will pretty, but i have to make sure you have something to drink and something to eat for after. told you i’m gonna take care of you.”
your pout turns into the prettiest smile he has ever seen as you kick your legs back and forth. “have i told you you’re the biggest sweet talker ever channie?” you smile, your fingers fiddling with the golden lighter on your lap. a lighter he had gifted to you weeks ago.
chan smiles, nodding softly as he turns towards the cupboards as he basically ransacks through jeonghan’s kitchen.
chan thinks it’s okay though because the amount of money jeonghan owes chan on account of his frequent acts of freeloading on chan’s weed stash makes chan’s snack ‘borrowing’ tendencies pale in comparison.
“mhm only for you pretty,” he says, grabbing a bottle of chilled water and a few snickers bars, your absolute favorite. he turns back to you and he is afraid he might melt on the spot.
the dim light in the kitchen illuminated you in a way that made you look absolutely angelic. he could feel his heart skip a beat, then another before his eyes moved to your exposed thighs.
you were softly scratching a nail across your skin, the scratching more akin to a soft caress along your inner thigh. it was a habit you have always had and it was one of the reasons he loved it when you wore short skirts. usually, he imagined it was his own fingers stroking your thigh.
and if god loved him, he wouldn’t have to imagine for much longer.
“come on let’s go outside,” he motions for the door and you hop off the counter trailing behind him.
it’s chilly outside, the warmth of the august air had dissipated and chan led you to the lawn chairs in jeonghan’s backyard. you sat down, legs crossing over each other and chan took the chair next to you, quietly moving it a bit closer to yours.
he hopes it’s not too obvious.
on your lips sits a little smile as you look down on your legs before holding up the golden lighter. “look! i told you i wouldn’t lose it.”
he smiles again, god knows he is unable to not smile around you, taking out the joint and placing it between his lips. “i’m proud of you baby.” he says and he barely catches the way your twinkle at the pet name. but he is so glad that he does.
you hand him the lighter but all he does is lean his head down, an indirect way of telling you to light it for him.
you bite your lip softly, delicately, as you place the lighter under the joint and chan’s head swims with images of biting your lip the same way.
your fingers fumble a bit with the spark wheel of the lighter as you light the joint and you lock eyes. chan does not break the steady eye contact as he takes a slow drag of the joint, taking a slow exhale.
you break the eye contact first, coughing softly as you settle into the lawn chair.
“i can’t believe you actually got me a lavender joint just because i sent you that video. you didn’t have to you know?”
chan takes another drag before handing the joint to you and you take it gladly, inhaling.
“wanted to make you happy, you seemed so excited to try it.” he mumbles, playing with the zipper on his jacket. “and besides, i’ve never tried combining lavender with weed and i also wanted to try it out for myself.”
you nod taking another pull as chan has an inner battle with himself.
should he give you his jacket? it is the gentlemanly thing to do and chan wanted to impress you but he also didn’t want to make you uncomfortable but he is also sure that you wouldn’t have a problem with it but he doesn’t know if he should take it slow and—
“what are you thinking so hard about channie.”
he looks over to you, a dopey smile settled on your face, legs tucked under you on the chair. he shakes his head and you motion for him to come closer, leaning in to whisper into his ear.
“if you want to kiss me, you know you can just do it.”
chan pulls away faster than lightening and you giggle at his reaction, shrugging. “i’m just saying, we have been dancing around each other for weeks now and the lavender in this joint is making me really really high really quickly so i wanna say it before i’m too far gone.”
you giggle again at the blush that started to spread on his cheek and you nudge him with your elbow. “why, you don’t wanna kiss me?” you ask, and chan sees as you start to sober up as his silence might indicate a rejection.
“fuck, of course i want to kiss you.”
“then what’s stopping you?”
at that chan stills. what exactly was stopping him? he wanted you, you wanted him and earlier he had acted to damn confident. where did that confidence go?
“okay channie,” you say leaning in close to him as your free hand comes to rest on his cheek. his breath hitches as your face comes close, the tip of your nose touching his. “i’m gonna kiss you now, okay?”
he nods, slowly as if his body was stuck in a daze and you finally lean forward closing the distance between you.
holy fucking shit.
the minute your lips touch, chan feels fireworks exploding in his chest and he’s scared his heart might come to a stop. he had imagined this moment so many times but reality couldn’t even come even close to his dreams.
your lips tasted like your favorite raspberry lip balm, the sprite you had earlier, the weed you had shared.
you deepen the kiss, tilting your head to the side and chan takes your face between his hands trying to pull you as close as physically possible. a whimper escapes your lips as you let chan lead the kiss and he thinks if he dies right now his soul will be forever damned, damned to a lifetime of kissing you.
you pull away, trying to catch your breath and chan isn’t better off.
“holy shit.”
chan nods in agreement, and you take his hand standing up from the chair, joint long forgotten. “where are we going to?” he asks, standing up with you and you grin up at him.
“you can’t fuck me in jeonghan’s backyard, that’s a bit too kinky for me.”
the moment these words leave your lips, chan's already dragging your laughing figure back into the house and praying to the lord above jeonghan still had a box of condoms in his bathroom.
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monkey-network · 2 months
Good Stuff: Primos
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It was the summer of 2023. We got the opening to Disney's new cartoon. Then it was bullied into releasing next year. Primos is one of those cases where culturally, you could smell the Americana from it in spite of intentions, and when you get around to it the hate wasn't fully deserved. It was funny, but to me this was like if Japanese Americans shitted on Dragon Ball Z for characters being named after veggies. Then again, nobody hates shit harder than Mexicans and Latinos and the PR wasn't the best, Tater's VA definitely didn't help. But, I'm grateful Disney didn't pull a Zaslav and shelf this as if this was the damnedest thing to ever happen to Hispanics. Now that the wait is over, is the show good?
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it's far better than Latinx Loud House Cleveland Show, credit where due
The comparison to Loud House/Casagrandes isn't far off, but Primos has the advantage of it feeling like the time Tater spends with her extended family will have a start and end to it. We're in the same headspace as Latka who's not only adapting but revaluing her perspectives regarding her family. Nothing groundbreaking, but reminds me of Clarence where it has that messier but more homey charm as opposed to Loud House where over time it felt too plain and overstayed its welcome. Primos I feel will work as a limited season show like Gravity Falls as you can see well paced progress with both Spud's self-discovery mission and her familial relationships to not too overstay as if it needed to be Disney's answer to Loud House. I overall appreciate DTVA for looking to do less inherently story heavy shows.
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We could've had a Katz Cafe too, Disney
Now to get a tad personal, I am Mexican American (Afro-Hispanic specifically) and I can relate to Tuber to a minor extent, given this is based on the creator's own life. Primos doesn't really hit those deep cuts though when despite the heritage I bear, making your show about growing up a gringo or gabacho is not a mirroring experience I'm that into watching. This show isn't like Victor and Valentino or the Puss in Boots cartoon where its representation is purely into its core elements like the folklore and presentation. It's more akin to saying you proudly grew up on Del Taco joints and the ability to grasp subtitles. This is more Disney's overall ethnocentric MO when it comes to other cultures: more for those who want to feel aware than anyone that lived or is living it. I'm not here to chastise Natasha's authenticity in producing this nor act like this is a very patronizing kids cartoon. I'm just saying relatability only goes so far here and we otherwise have a very okay cartoon that had intentions on a perspective we're well aware.
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And c'mon, nothing has overthrown the GOAT
Again, I appreciate the small shift to more episodic and grounded shows as opposed to serial adventures to keep track off. While not unique, Primos has a sweet blend of comical and comforting to be worth a watch. French Fry is an enjoyable protag (while Nellie is better) among a good, less archetypal family that overall makes episodes feel as easy-going as Kiff. I won't pretend to say I hated this originally nor did I ever hold any resentment to say this doesn't now deserves more of a chance.
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7 Out Of 10, like your average stoner trip to Taco Bell
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batsplat · 4 months
sometimes casey throws a like on posts about valentino's wins on four wheels, got me wondering how he really feels about vale's retirement life. back in the twilight of vale's career, casey was kinda sad seeing vale content with just hitting top five. but end of last year, he said he's happy for vale's new life vibe. (https://www.tumblr.com/kwisatzworld/735598710184165376/casey-stoner-talks-about-valentino-rossi-in-an)
but man, they're like poles... casey's rebuilding his storm-hit home on the gold coast, swinging golf clubs. meanwhile, valentino's still going full throttle—aside from a vacay in ibiza, dude's been all over the map this year with car races, bike races, tests, and coaching at his academy.
I'm gonna be honest, I have zero awareness of what any of these men do on social media... don't really keep up with them post-retirement in general unless they're literally at the races, giving interviews about their careers and whatnot. so whenever someone on here mentions something like this it's very... I didn't know that but it sure is interesting!! very sweet of casey lol (also link to the gifs)
though, quick note, I wouldn't say valentino was content back in the day with just being in the top five (or lower) - it's just the idea of stopping for a long time felt worse than carrying on. from that same giornale interview, -
And what is it like to live with the idea of ​​leaving? "It's difficult to accept. I didn't give up until the end. But you understand that at forty you no longer have those homicidal instincts that you had when you were twenty-five. But it was hard. At a certain point in my career, about ten years ago, I asked myself: do I stop when I'm on the crest of a wave and retire as a world champion, or do I race until I can't stand it anymore?" Answer? "I race until I can't stand it anymore. And so I did."
it's something he had to decide for himself... of course, both marc and casey have said something along the lines of how they could never have done that themselves, how for them it's only worth it if they're winning. and, y'know, there is something about that for valentino... for all that obviously he is obsessed with winning and desperately wants to do so... he really doesn't just thrive in a fight - he needs it. and it's so interesting, in a way, when you think about just how early in his career he was flirting with the idea of walking away... and then think about how long he ended up sticking around. sure, he was always pretty clear that he would have just done something else racing-related like f1 rather than retire, but still! and in a way, it's probably the fact that he started losing that made him so determined to stick around... the malaise was at its strongest whenever he was winning, or rather, winning too easily... a motogp without valentino might have made it likelier that casey would stick around for longer, whereas a motogp with casey made it less likely that valentino would leave
but yes, casey did say motogp would be better with valentino close to the top:
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casey's opinions on what counts as 'good racing' are a whole other thing I'm not going to get into right now, but, I don't know! it's fun! it's fun that casey looked at the 2013-18 period and then what came after that and went 'yeah it'd be better if valentino were involved in this'! "battling it out with these guys" - not even casey stoner is immune to the good old fashioned joys of watching valentino getting himself involved in a dogfight! very compelling of him. I don't think it's just lip service either, not least since it's not like casey is massively inclined to shoot random compliments in valentino's direction (yes, even during valentino's swansong casey did have some rather less friendly hot takes he needed to get off his chest). and... y'know, before the feud really got going casey did talk about how much he'd enjoyed watching valentino, went out with his mates to observe valentino in all his sessions and all that... given you're generally not watching valentino oohing and aahing about him hooking together a quali lap, he must have also enjoyed watching valentino race! happens to the best of us I fear
a persistent problem for a lot of valentino's rivals is how closely associated valentino has become with the very idea of motogp, which, y'know, is the thing they've dedicated their entire lives to. now, for casey this is particularly gnarly and complicated and painful because he has a severely strained relationship with the whole sport, in some ways that come back to valentino and in some ways that go beyond him. and post-retirement, it's not like casey has completely eschewed that active connection to the sport - he was a test rider, he wanted to race again in 2015 as a replacement for dani, he's worked as a rider coach. so again *wiggles hand* complicated. fundamentally though, yes, two very different outlooks. valentino was desperate to race in motogp until he couldn't any more. whereas casey? he's not even missed the racing itself:
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can you imagine something more foreign to valentino than this... who loves nothing more than the thrill of the hunt, of the chase, of the kill... that is not a man who was showing up every weekend for the qualifying sessions. it's a way in which they could not be more different - and of course that's further reflected in what they've chosen to do with their time since retirement. valentino is so eternally restless, casey needed to ground himself again. valentino will not stop racing for as long as is physically possible, whereas casey is spending his days fishing... or swinging golf clubs apparently. wait a minute, you say his house was destroyed? by a tornado? ah
anyhow, that's the bit I love about them (not the tornado bit)... how they're both extremely similar and extremely different at the same time - that's the kind of tension through which the narrative juices flow... they're similar in ways you kind of have to be if you want to be very good at a sport, and very good in that sport specifically. in their commitment, their will, their passion for what they do. their competitive instincts, their need to win. how interested they are in preserving the 'soul' of their sport, how they were both firmly on the anti-electronics train for years and years... valentino being told about casey's comments in 2013 pressers and being like 'yeah I'm with him on this'... casey saying in 2018 that valentino is, and I quote, "like me: if it weren't for all these electronics that manage the bike, if the power was controlled only by the rider's right wrist, rossi would still be number one on the track". by the way, and this has absolutely zero relevance to this post, I do need to bring up this comment from the same interview because it makes me laugh:
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so real, casey. I wanted drama too. anyway, that comment casey made about the 'stunning blood red' ducati being contaminated by luminous yellow or whatever - obviously in context it was anti-valentino, but it was also revealing that this is even something he cares about because he loves this sport... he wants it to remain true to itself... he regrets not having had the chance to ride the 500cc bikes that valentino was the last guy to be able to win a title on, which obviously valentino is also insanely proud of. there's little things that stand out when you cross-read their autobiographies - like for instance the deep preoccupation with the 'bike or rider' question, partly because they'd both been accused of owing their achievements to something else other than their actual ability (and of course, because they're funny like that, they do both absolutely do this to each other) (also to some extent literally every champion gets put through this, they sure do have a lot of opinions about it though). their thoughts on the importance of being honest to yourself and being honest about what you owe your success to... about not deluding yourself, of not blaming the bike when you are the one to make an error... there's plenty of interesting overlap in what they write y'know
they are both incredibly capable of holding grudges, they are both petty to a fault and will remember any offence you committed even if it was about seven years ago (genuinely casey might be even worse on this metric). and they use this to motivate themselves... they are both so so determined to prove people wrong. if they think you've wronged them, they openly admit that they use that as fuel to spur themselves on. it's the power of spite - yamaha rejected casey so he wanted to show them, nobody thought valentino could make the yamaha switch work so he wanted to rub it in honda's faces. they love to get even. they can be quite suspicious of others to the point of paranoia; there's a world in which they combine their powers to be extremely accomplished conspiracy theorists. they both have a temper - it's easier to get casey angry, but valentino is downright vicious when effectively provoked. plus, and this bit cannot be stressed enough, they are both insane. different flavours of insane, but, still, insane. if you spend enough time thinking about laguna 2008, this kind of becomes one of the key takeaways - because, okay, valentino's riding was. eh. but casey's riding? also very! eh! valentino started it but casey joined in! casey always talked about how much that race changed for him, how it taught him to be more selfish, to just race for himself... and even if it made him feel bad, the thing about casey is that he was willing to do that
but at the same time, of course they're both very different, in all the deeply obvious ways. their respective relationships to publicity, to media, to fame - valentino does struggle with it, does hate it a lot of the time, but at the end of the day he still shines in the spotlight and is an incredibly effective communicator. he's willing to play the game a lot more than casey is... although casey can play it too, if in a different way, when valentino forces him into it. casey's still willing to play it now, which is why you hear him constantly offering his commentary on that rivalry - he's selling a story, a narrative that he may genuinely believe in but that also is of course supposed to flatter him. at the end of the day, however, casey doesn't quite get why all of this has to be such a big part of the sport, why it's necessary to even have anything apart from the racing... whereas valentino has always understood why all the other stuff exists and why it's worth engaging with the public-facing side of the sport, even when he hasn't liked it
valentino loves the sport in its entirety, immediately embraced the entire circus of the paddock and found it endlessly exciting and exhilarating from the very first moment, whereas casey has often wished he could escape all parts of the sport that aren't the racing itself. valentino is someone who has spoken at length about the bonds of friendship with his team and how important they are to him, whereas casey is a man who has said his only friend in the paddock is his wife. the very strong but different connections they both have to their place of origin, and how meaningful those are to both of them, how important it is to their sense of identity... somewhere they'll always come back to. and of course there's a ruthlessness to valentino that is mostly alien to casey, if not entirely. valentino relishes the battle, whereas casey would prefer to avoid it. there are things valentino is ready to do, lines he's ready to cross, where casey doesn't even understand why you would do any of that. valentino loves having... if not an enemy, then certainly a target - and while casey is hardly a stranger to the motivating power of spite, he is more or less happy to complete his track times on an empty bit of asphalt. relatedly, he also wishes to believe that he is completely immune to any kind of psychological tactics... and sometimes he's more right than he's given credit for and sometimes he's wrong. casey is a lot more preoccupied with this rivalry than valentino is - and of course it has a far more defining role within his career than vice versa. casey walked away so much sooner than valentino did because he had grown estranged from the sport he had so loved. whereas valentino never stopped loving it, even when it hurt him, even when it could have killed him... and he never will stop loving it
this post is going to take a bit of a left field turn, sorry. but there's just something about. idk. athletes trapped in a rivalry that's so intense and so meaningful for at least one half, but that's also so about the kind of... gulf between them, the mutual lack of comprehension, where it feels like the divide is so big it might be unbridgeable... anyway, it always makes me think of a specific bit of andre agassi's autobiography where he talks about his rivalry with pete sampras. so here:
Walking up to the gate, who should I see but Pete. As always, Pete. He looks as if he's done nothing for the last month but practise, and when he wasn't practising, he was lying on a cot in a bare cell, thinking about beating me. He's rested, focused, wholly undistracted. I've always thought the differences between Pete and me were overblown by sportswriters. It seemed too convenient, too important for fans, and Nike, and the game, that Pete and I be polar opposites, the Yankees and Red Sox of tennis. The game's best server versus its best returner. The diffident Californian versus the brash Las Vegan. It all seemed like horseshit. Or, to use Pete's favorite word, nonsense. But at this moment, making small talk at the gate, the gap between us appears genuinely, frighteningly wide, like the gap between good and bad. I've often told Brad that tennis plays too big a part in Pete's life, and not a big enough part in mine, but Pete seems to have the proportions about right. Tennis is his job, and he does it with brio and dedication, while all my talk of maintaining a life outside tennis seems like just that - talk. Just a pretty way of rationalizing all my distractions. For the first time since I've known him - including the times he's beaten my brains out - I envy Pete's dullness. I wish I could emulate his spectacular lack of inspiration, and his peculiar lack of need for inspiration.
obviously the specific details of the rivalry are very different, and the two rivalries don't map neatly onto each other at all. but I don't know, it's always felt a good way of summing up that! disconnect!! the whole world might want you to be distinct from your rival for narrative purposes and you're aware of how artificial the whole thing is... but sometimes it can still be true... casey's always talking about how he never got obsessed with his rivals, how he always treated them all the same, how it was all just externally imposed onto him... which, okay, we could perhaps question the supposed lack of obsession, but it still comes back to how you don't want it to just be about you and that other guy. always you and them, them and you - and maybe you can't actually escape it because it's the truth... it's your legacy, it's fundamentally interwoven into the fabric of your career, it's why you will never truly free yourself from that narrative. "the gap between us appears genuinely, frighteningly wide, like the gap between good and bad"... you're bound together in your shared passion for this sport, but your biggest rival is also somebody who you feel like you'll never truly understand
casey may feel alienated from valentino and in doing so feel alienated from the very sport itself. whereas for valentino, casey was just what he needed. having casey was something motivating, something exciting for valentino - however annoying he found that man, he always needs something to inspire him and for a while there that something was casey. it's a rivalry that wore away at casey while at the same time it lit a fire within valentino... the 'cordial' mutual hatred they exhibited towards each other, wrapped up in this sense of mutual estrangement, it weighed more heavily on one of them than it did on the other... all these similarities between the two characters that exist alongside the violence of the contrast between them. that underlying and inescapable sense of alienation. on some level, they were always perfectly clear on who the other man was when they were fighting each other - and tailored their approach to the rivalry accordingly. but knowing doesn't quite equal empathy, it's not the same as understanding, and the distance between the pair of them inevitably remained. hey, maybe a dinner will fix it, maybe casey can explain where he was coming from to valentino and get the chance to interrogate valentino on the same. because that's what casey's expressing there, right, when he's talking about telling valentino his 'challenges' from his 'point of view'... it's not even as much about understanding as much as it is about being understood. it's about getting valentino to comprehend casey's side of things. maybe even getting valentino to care. of course, more likely than not, the dinner hasn't happened and will never happen. more likely than not, that gap will remain unbridgeable. perhaps it's too much to ask for, to ever truly know your foil. perhaps it's even more impossible to expect to be known
#valentino rossi#casey stoner#//#vr46#cs27#i'm sorry i think this wasn't actually really a response to the ask i got. the ask button is more like press here and get a rant#i just don't have time to really write a proper well-sourced casey essay because again i'd need to do laguna first#but i do always have thoughts about them. anyway. it's nice casey likes the old man's dumb car racing#i do think casey might have complicated feelings about the post retirement activities because he has complicated feelings about vale....#but also kinda. again not necessarily HATING valentino As A Guy... at a certain point he's sort of separated that out in his head I reckon#the agassi stoner comparison is so incredibly niche territory because instinctively you'd think it's the other way round but i'm telling u#“the only respite is fantasizing about retirement” “I hate tennis more than ever - but I hate myself more”#“apparently he doesn't find tennis as lonely as I do”#“I look up at the sky and fantasize about flying away. since I can't fly away at least this tennis ball can fly away. be free little ball”#obviously “I envy pete's dullness” very much goes the other way lmaoooooo still one of my all time fave sports autobiography lines#'agassi stoner comparison is so incredibly niche territory' I say as if the lads are constantly delving into the sampras stoner parallels#really reinventing the parallels to nineties tennis rivalries market here adding my own spin to this well established genre#batsplat responds#heretic tag
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monstrousmaws · 8 months
Okay I’m going to bitch about the Fraggle Rock reboot and how much I hate the way the redesigned Mokey
DISCLAIMER: if you like or even live the reboot, that’s so so valid and I love that for you. I’m not here to tell you what and what not to enjoy. Love what you love. Live your best life
That being said
and can’t stand the reboot’s redesign of Mokey. Now, I haven’t seen the reboot, and I don’t plan too. But there’s just one thing that makes me fucking furious, and that’s Mokey’s redesign.
I hate it.
“But Zeke, “hate” is a strong word, you can’t find it that bad can you?”
I can and I will. as far as I’m concerned, that isn’t Mokey. Mokey would NEVER look like that. NEVER.
this redesign doesn’t even look like her! If I didn’t know better I’d think it was a completely different character! They took everything I loved about Mokey and ruined it
The colors are the most egregious to me. They took Mokey’s soft pastel colors and cranked up the saturation. And they don’t even look good together, they aren’t even appealing.
and like. She doesn’t even fit in with her friends anymore, she sticks out like a sore thumb. OG Mokey fit right in, but Reboot Mokey just doesn’t. She feels like she’s from a different show.
secondly they gave her a dress and that makes me want to maim someone. I LIKED HER WIZARD CARDIGAN. SHE LOOKED NONBINARY AND AS A NONBINARY PERSON I LIKED THAT A LOT. It’s like they gave her a dress to say “look she’s a girl. Because girls wear dresses. And so she has to wear one”. I know Nonbinary people can wear dresses but it just feels weird to me as a nonbinary person who relates a lot to Mokey and gets dysphoria from dresses.
also they took away the stoned wizard vibe of the og and made her look like a TikTok white girl and I HATE IT. Mokey is a stoner wizard, not a TikTok girl.
and if you look at the redesign you would never in a million years guess what her personality was supposed to be. She looks like a peppy cottagecore type, not her actual dreamy artist with an egotistical streak. And that’s bad character design imo. You can tell everyone’s personality by looking at them EXCEPT FOR HER. OG Mokey looked like she would be dreamy and artistic, and she IS.
All in all they took away every design element that made Mokey,, Mokey and it makes me so fucking mad so I have done what I must and said “the reboot isn’t Fraggle Rock. It isn’t part of the series I love. It’s its own thing, NOT Fraggle Rock” because im not letting it get in the way of enjoying Fraggle Rock.
(Deep breath) it’s not very good. I don’t like it
Thanks for reading my unhinged rant 👍
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hanta-seros-wifey · 2 months
Hanta Sero x dadaizawaF!reader
description: you and sero meet in an elevator on the way to a required english class in college. youre broken, he is too, together you mend the pieces together.
warnings: reader has an ED (anorexia), stoner!sero, latino!sero, smut, sero has anxiety, mentions of abuse & divorce, mentions of an illness
you walked to class in the pouring rain. you pulled your jacket around you tighter but nothing seemed to keep the coldness away. you walked into the building and looked for room 356. “third floor?” you muttered out loud and walked towards the elevator.
you got in and as it was about to close you heard someone shout out “keep it open please!” you stopped it with your foot and the doors opened to reveal a tall lanky guy. “gracias” he thanked you and you nodded your head at him. “what floor?” you quietly asked him and he said the one you had pressed was the floor he was going to.
“hi im hanta sero sorry about not introducing myself” he said as he had a hand out for you to shake. you took it and introduced yourself back. “curious to know whats your major?” he asks as he leans against the wall. “take a guess” you said softly looking at him. he looked you up and down, reading you. “hmm i would say something in engineering am i right?” he took his guess and you shook your head.
“‘m not that smart” you snorted as you adjusted the strap of your tote bag on your shoulder. “i mean you got into UA of all places makes you pretty smart i would say” he said back as he pulled up his hoodie sleeves up to his elbows. “guess mine princessa” he said and him calling you princess caught you off guard you were blushing.
“hmm” you looked him up and down as you took him in. strong build you could tell under his hoodie, tall, his posture is quite well too. “first guess would be architecture but my second guess has to be business administration as well” you took your final guess as you looked into his eyes awaiting his response. “oof good guesses and you were close with the business guess” he said smiling.
“im an accounting major” he finally said stepping closer to you. “elementary education” you said as he had a shocked look. “you definitely look like a science major but now that you say it, i could see you as a teacher” he nods his head. “assuming you are going teacher route?” he asks and you nod your head.
the elevator dings and the doors open. “well nice meeting you find me around campus hermosa, i live in the mic complex on campus” he says sending you a smile and walks off towards his class. you didnt get the chance to tell him which dormitory you were dorming in, but you will cross paths again.
you walked towards your class and as you walked into the lecture hall and took a seat you looked up to see who was in the lecture hall. “hey!” a voice next to you startled you and looked over to see your friend, momo. she sat her bag down and took off her jacket. you took yours off too and when you did the people around you stared.
“why’s everyone staring?” you asked momo quietly as you continue to take off your jacket and leaning back in your chair. momo shakes her head quickly. “just assholes you know” she said quickly as she gave death glares to those staring. “its been this way since i’ve gotten out of recovery. im trying momo i really am” you say pleading to her and she nods her head and takes your small frail hand into hers. “im here for you always” she gave your hand a gentle squeeze and a reassuring smile.
you looked around and your eyes locked on a certain tall lanky guy. the one you had just met. he sat with 3 other guys and a girl with pink hair. you wondered if they were friends from similar majors or friends who all happened to get into the same college together. sero catches your eyes and smiles at you and waves. you wave back and turned towards momo. “a guy caught your eye already” she smirks at you and you blush.
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚🪐📷📼
you purposefully walked near the mic complex in the hopes of catching sero walking back to his dorm. you lived across campus in the midnight dormitory with momo and your other roommates, tsuyu and ocacho. “hey!” you heard and turned around to find sero. you waved back and he walked his way towards you.
“hey señorita” he exclaimed as he approached you and you couldnt help but smile. his friends looked confused in the back as they wondered on who you were. “wanna come back up to my dorm to hang or?” he trailed off hoping you’d say yes. you nodded your head and quietly followed him.
“chicos and chicas this is y/n! y/n this is katsuki, eijiro, denki, and mina” he introduced his friends to you and they waved while you did the same. “hi denki im sorry but do you need any help at all?” he says it kindly and almost as if he was scared to. mina hits him upside the head. “dude you dont say that!” she scolded and gave you an apologetic look.
“no its uh its okay” you said quietly looking at them. “can we take this conversation up to sero’s dorm please?” you asked as sero immediately led the way making sure you were next to him. “im sorry about them” he whispered to you as he had a hand on your back. you waved it off and told him “i get questions like this all the time”. “it isnt triggering?” he asks softly getting his ID card to scan it. “eh sometimes it is sometimes it isnt depends on the question” you respond back and he holds the door open for you as the other trail in.
the group sat down at the table and you sat on the counter. sero joined you and stood next to you leaning against the counter. “i have an eating disorder, anorexia to be exact. i’ve battled it since high school and now as a second year college student it does get rough sometimes but i take it day by day” you smiled at them. “i just recently left recovery i was hospitalized in the spring” you admitted and you dont know why you did.
“my dad is very supportive of this” you say and look at all of them. “your dad is professor aizawa am i right?” katsuki huffed and you looked at him in shock. “how did you point that out?” you asked him and he pointed to you ID card on your lanyard hanging around your neck. you muttered a ‘thats right’ and looked up. “yea he’s my dad” you smiled and looked at sero. “is that how you got in?” denki asked and you shook your head no.
“well i know we just met but any friend of sero’s is a friend of ours! were here if you ever need anything okay?” mina said as she came over and hugged you, you hugged back. “anyways sero wanna light one up?” eijiro asked heading over to a cabinet. “uh sure” he said and walked over. mina looked at you staring at sero and she wiggled her eyebrows.
you shrugged off your jacket and caught katsuki staring with sympathy. you passed him and patted his cheek as you walk over to hang your jacket on the coat rack. “i take it youre not one to emotion so much” you said to katsuki as you leaned over to whisper to him keeping the conversation level down. “you can read people so well” he huffed looking ar you. you smiled and walked away. you watched sero take a puff from a joint.
smoking wasnt really a thing for you so you sat back and watched. “want some?” eijiro said as he extended the joint towards you and everyone was watching. “uhm no thank you its not really my thing” you declined politely and eijiro nodded taking a puff from it. “put it out” sero demanded and denki gave him a ‘what the fuck’ look. “dude what the fuck shits expensive and its not even done yet!” denki exclaimed as he looked at sero. “find somewhere else to smoke that shit but not in here” he said voice stern.
“hey sero its honestly okay” you said quietly and he shook his head no. “you could get easily high from second hand smoke” he fought back and took the joint from eijiro and put it out. “fuck you man” denki said as he and eijiro stormed out. “they’ll be back later i mean they do live here of course” sero said reassuring you. “which dormitory do you live in?” mina asked you as she sat next to you on the couch. “the midnight dormitory” you answered her as she nodded her head. “and you?” you asked her back.
“i live in the nezu dormitory with a couple of girls” she said as she stood up. “i got to go back and study with my girls for our upcoming nursing exam so bye guys!” she said as she grabbed her bag, gave you a hug, and walked out waving bye to katsuki and sero. katsuki walked into his room and came back out with a bag. “gym?” sero asked as he nodded and bid his goodbyes.
“just me and you?” sero chuckled slightly high from the big puff he took. you smiled at him as he joined you on the couch. “tell me about yourself sero” you said softly as you removed your shoes and brought your legs up on the couch. “well i grew up here in this small town my whole life, UA was kinda destined for me” he chuckles. “uh i grew up with divorced parents” he says looking at you. “my dad would beat on my mom so” he trailed off and you nodded your head.
“seeing all of that really fucked me up while growing up” he nodded his head. “i uh have anxiety and i’ve turned to smoking to help cope its not ideal i know but it helps” he admitted and you looked at him with sad eyes. “its what happens when you grow up latino. the stigma of us being nothings. its really fucked up” he said as he just poured out whatever he’s held in.
“so were both just broken?” you said as he looked at you and nodded his head. “the most happiest person have battles that they deal with too” sero said and you nodded your head. “let me go in depth on my issues” you said and sero turned his body towards you so you know he was paying attention to every word. “i had a twin, he and i were inseparable. we grew up together in the orphanage for 10 years. it wasnt until shouta adopted us, he couldnt let us be separated” you shook your head and your eyes teared up telling your story.
“he uh when we were 16 he passed in a car accident on our way home one night” your voice broke and sero noticed as he moved closer. “i have survivors guilt because why was he taken that night? why not the both of us?” you told him and he only nodded his head continuing to listen. “thats when the eating disorder developed and i was hospitalized for the first time at 17 when i passed out at school one day” you wiped your eyes.
“i’ve been in and out of the hospital for the past 3 years now” you admitted. “if we stop by my dorm i have all of my hospital wristbands” you said softly sniffling. “im better now i’ve put on the weight, im starting to recover with my relationship with food” you nodded your head. “its hard when people stare at you” you admitted. “can i hug you?” he asked and you nodded as he enveloped your small frame in his arms.
“wow we only just met and were already sharing sob stories” you laughed lightly. he laughed too and squeezed you. “felt comfortable with you, thats saying something” he said as he held you in his arms.
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚🪐📷📼
3 months had passed since meeting sero. you’ve combined friend groups and looked livelier. your smile showed and sero has helped you. you lay in sero’s bed studying as denki and eijiro were out at a party at the frat house in the all might complex dorms along with mina who tagged along. katsuki was out on a date with a girl he had met in our english class, you couldn’t remember her name. toru? no it was kyoka? or was that denki’s girlfriend. you honestly couldnt remember.
sero’s fingers danced along your thigh as he read his accounting 101 book. you sighed and closed your notebook along with your ipad as you were taking notes. “im distracted” you announced turning around to meet sero’s eyes. your movement caused his hand to move further up your thigh. he closed his book too and moved it aside.
“why’s that princessa?” he asked he leaned closer to you. your breath hitched as he was closer than ever. around a month ago you guys had established a friends with benefits title and on occasion fucked. you were in just sero’s hoodie and panties on. he leaned down and kissed you. you kissed back with hunger. his hands trailed down to your waist and kept his hands there.
you could instantly tell sero was slightly high and it made it all the more exciting. his hand trailed down to your panties and he rubbed a finger over your clothed clit. you stifled back a moan as you can feel your wetness start to form. he put his hand down there and instantly put 2 fingers in. you moaned and he trailed kisses down your neck. he sucked on your sweet spot and you couldnr help but moan out his name. “h-hanta” you moaned out as you threw your head back.
his long fingers hit the spongy spot that always sends you over the edge. “p-please” you plead out as you arched your back and sero captured your lips with his again. your moans came out muffled against sero’s mouth. you finally cummed all over his fingers and you couldnt help but smile. “princessa” he whispered kissing you. you pushed up against his headboard as you straddled his lap.
you tugged at his shirt and he lifted his arms so you can pull it off. your hands trailed over his chest and its a sight you’ll never get tired of. you kissed him as you grinded against his clothed dick. he let out a groan and placed his hands on your waist keeping you there. your bare pussy rubbing against his clothed hard dick made you want to cum all over again.
you reached down to undo his jeans and he moved his hips to remove them leaving him in his boxers. you removed his boxers and his dick sprang out. “holy fuck” you said as you kissed him. you decided tonight you would remove the hoodie. you always kept it on while having sex with sero, but tonight you ultimately decided you wanted to remove it.
you went to remove your hoodie and he stopped you. “are you sure?” he asked you as he held the hem on the hoodie in his hands. you nodded your head and he helped you remove it. he took in the sight in front of him and he couldn’t help but smile. “hay mi amor” he whispered in awe you didnt register his words and what he meant in the moment. you kissed him as you lifted your hips and sank down on his dick.
you both let out a moan at the same time. he held you close one hand wrapped around your waist and one caressing your face. you had your hands on his shoulders to hold yourself up. something about this night is remotely different than all the other nights you’ve had sex with sero.
you moved slow and wanted to take it all in. you knew one thing was for sure. you’ve fallen in love with sero. you locked eyes with him and he smiled at you. “eres tan presciosa” he said and you blushed at his words as he placed a kiss on your lips. you leaned down and sucked on his neck leaving a mark on his neck.
“you feel so good bebe” he said as you had squeezed your pussy against his cock. you both came together and you held each other as you both came down from your highs. you kissed his lips as you mumbled that youre sleepy. he cleaned you up and cuddled up next to you. yup you were falling in love with hanta sero.
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚🪐📷📼
its been 2 weeks since you and sero had sex. you’ve remained in contactbut you cant bring yourself to talk to him in person normally after that. you’ve had sex before with him of course, but this time it felt more like making love to each other. you’ve dwelled back into your unhealthy relationship with food and it was evident. momo, tsu, and ochaco started to worry for you.
“hey babes are you okay?” ochaco started as she put a hand on your shoulder. you sat there dressed up for a frat party you and your friends were going to. a beautiful black long sleeve dress with black pumps. you honestly think you’ll end up tripping and breaking every bone in your frail body.
“im in love with hanta sero” you said out loud to them and momo nodded her head as she took a seat next to you. “i think it was evident that you are honey” she giggled softly taking your hands into hers. “and thats okay right? thats good?” she asked you and you shook your head no. “no its not good he probably only sees me as a good fuck” you exclaimed and tsu stood closer putting her hands on your shoulders.
izuku, shoji, and shoto showed up and it was time to go. “we’ll talk more later as you grabbed your purse and walked out of your dorm. you walked across campus to the all might complex dormitory frat house. you walked in and immediately got hit with the smell of weed and alcohol. you already wanted to go back to your dorm and sleep the night away.
“you came!” mina squealed in your guys’ direction as she pulled everyone in for hugs. “looking good!” mina squealed at you as she took you in. she’s noticed the change but doesnt comment on it for obvious reasons. she warned the boys not to say anything and all katsuki could do was give you sympathetic eyes. you were doing so good and all of a sudden you were back at square one.
he pulled you into a hug squeezing you lightly. you hugged denki and eijiro next and they squeezed you lightly too afraid that if they did so any harder you’d get injured. you hugged sero last and smiled at him. he open his mouth to say something, but you got dragged by the frat boy himself, tenya iida.
“iida you know i dont drink!” you clutched onto his arm as he led you towards the kitchen. “duh look” he opened a fridge that only contained water and soda cans. “special fridge for miss y/n aizawa” he bowed down to you jokingly and tossed you a water. “why thank you sir tenya” you curtsy jokingly and he laughs with you. “go go enjoy!” he said as he shooed you away as mei walked in to the kitchen and towards iida.
you walked out clutching your water bottle and found the group of girls dancing. “come on!” toru encouraged and you handed your water bottle to whoever took it first from your hand as toru dragged you towards her. you danced your heart away with your girls and this was the first time in 2 weeks you felt alive and happy. you and momo twirled each other around finding it a bit difficult with the major height difference between you two even after wearing heels.
you two laughed it off as she hugged you. sero watched from afar as he had fought katsuki on holding your water bottle. he watched you laugh and smile. he’s missed you these past 2 weeks and he doesnt know what happened for you to be so distant. he’s letting you process it all and as his anxiety gets the best of him, he waits for you patiently. youre all he’s ever wanted and more. he let shouta know that your eating habits turned south once more and shouta is thankful for friends like sero.
your dad has kept a closer eye on you for the past 2 weeks making sure everything was fine. you danced your heart out all night and you bid your goodbyes to everyone as you all headed separate ways. “katsuki” you called out to him as he walked next to you. “can we talk tomorrow please?” you pleaded and you waited for him to say something.
he nods his head, pulls you in for a hug, bids you a goodnight, and kisses your head in a friendly manner. you waved bye to the four roommates and mina and walked back in step with momo. “my feet are killing me” you whine as you walk tiredly to your dorm. you got to your dorm and you immediately collapse on your bed.
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚🪐📷📼
“hi katsuki” you said dropping your tote bag into the booth that he was sitting at. you had walked into the on campus coffee shop and you immediately went in line to get a sandwich and a coffee you desperately needed. you ordered and walked back to katsuki awaiting to hear your name. “okay first katsuki” you said placing your ID card down on the table. “how’s the fit?” you said twilring around and smiling at him. “looks nice” he huffed out as he looked up for a second before going back to writing notes on his ipad. stupid engineering majors.
you smacked his head as you heard your name be called. “okay set that aside we need to talk” you said taking a long sip from your coffee. he saved his notes and closed his ipad putting his full attention on you. “im in love with sero” you put it out there bluntly. katsuki’s eyebrows raise at your confession. “honey i thought it was obvious ” he snickered and you smacked his arm.
“im scared” you said getting scared and nervously picking at your sandwich. katsuki stopped your hands from picking at the sandwich and held your trembling frail hands. he traced over the tattooed finger and he’s barely noticing. he shakes his head and puts in the back of his mind a reminder to ask you later what it all meant. “dont be, that stoner is so in love with you” he admitted and you couldnt help but smile at his words.
“you’ve been distant the past two weeks and he didnt know how to handle himself” katsuki started as you listened intently. “he’s been smoking more than he normally does, his anxiety has been acting up” he said as he looked at you for a reaction. your smile faltered and tears welled up in your eyes. “so its my fault his anxiety has been acting up?” you asked katsuki and he immediately shook his head no.
“not what im saying sweets” he assured “just a little worried for the both of ya” he shrugged as he leaned back in the booth. he pushed the sandwich towards you and gave you encouraging eyes. you ate it as you both studied in silence. you thought it over and texted sero to meet you by the nezu dormitories. you knew right behind it was a nice garden area so you can talk there. he sends a confirmation that he’ll be there and you lock your phone.
“you gonna be here?” you asked katsuki as you packed up your stuff. “yea probably till closing” he said pausing his notes to look at you. you nodded your head as you stood up and so did katsuki. he stretched and then hugged you. “you guys got this go be in love” he squeezed you as you laughed. “bye kats love ya!” you called out. “love ya!” he called out back as you headed towards the spot you told sero to meet you at.
you spotted him and quickly approached him. “hi” you said nervously clutching onto the strap of your tote bag. “hi” he said with a small chuckle. you took in what he was wearing. a black muscle shirt, jeans, and adidas. he looked so nice. you went in for a hug and sero opened his arms for you to collapse in. “i’ve missed you” he whispers in your ear. “and not in a sexual way of course, i’ve missed everything about you” he quickly said making his point across. you giggled and looked up at him. “i know what you mean dumb dumb” you smiled at him and he smiled back.
you took his hand in yours and led him over to the gazebo by the garden. you sat down on the bench and he took the seat next to you. “how’ve you been?” you asked him as you looked at his face. tired eyes, you can tell he was slightly high as he had barely lit up a joint when you texted him to meet him there. he shakes his head and smiles sadly at you. “just a lot going on” he started as tears welled up in his eyes.
“for started i uh saw my mom over the weekend” a tear fell when he said that. “found out she has stage 3 stomach cancer” he said as his voice completely broke and his emotions came crashing down. “it was after iida’s party i decided to go home and see my mom” his voice was shaky. “and then you’ve been distant since the last time we had sex” he rambled on and you listened. “it felt so intimate and maybe it scared you i dont know what it was, but seeing the girl i love distance herself and go through everything once again broke my heart so much” he said clutching onto his heart. he didnt even register his love confession.
tears welled up in your own as you hugged him. he sobbed into your shoulder and you rubbed his back tears of your own falling down your face. “im wondering why she never told me she has it” he sobbed as he talked about his mom. “maybe it was to not worry me while juggling my classes but-“ you cut him softly shushing him as you rubbed his back. he calmed down a bit and pulled away to look at you.
he cupped the side of your face with one hand and pressed your foreheads together. “hermosa por favor” he said shakily as you looked at him. “te amo mucho no quiero perderte” he said as he looked at you. “i love you hanta sero so much” you said closing the space between the two of you. you kissed him with such passion and he returned the same energy. you both pulled away and presses each others foreheads together. “i’ll give you the proper asking you deserve” he started out as he gave you a smile and you gave him one too. “can i please take you out on a date?” he asked softly looking into your eyes. “yes you can hanta sero” you concluded and presses your lips against his again. “thank you” he whispered and you hugged him.
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚🪐📷📼
“i dont know what to wear!” you shrieked entering your dorm. it was a friday, you just finished up your last class for the day and now had two hours to get ready. the girls came running out of their rooms and looked at you shrugging off your shoes. “for what?” tsu questioned. “my date with sero!” you said putting your tote bag on the table and moving towards your shared room with momo. “we know who to call!” ochaco said as she called someone to come over. you gave her a puzzling look and then a knock was heard.
you moved to open it and once opened you couldnt help but smile. “YUGA AOYAMA” you shrieked and hugged your other best friend. “it is me!” he said dramatically and walked inside as you held it open for him to come in. “a date with the hanta sero im jealous” he said putting a hand on his chest dramatically once again. you lead him to your closet and he immediately starts throwing dresses of choices onto your bed. “i was aware of what the date is and the wardrobe choice believe me” he said as he continued sorting through your dresses.
“you know what he planned for the date?” you ask as you looked at the dresses. “he talked to me about it” was all he said as he came over to join you. “try this one honey” he said and held up a long floral sundress that cinches at the waist. you changed into it and he helped you cinch it so it hugged your waist nicely. he clapped his hands and admired the dress. “its perfect!” he said turning around to look at your collection of heels.
“these ones” he said pulling out a pair of white heels that compliment the dress. “momo, tsu, ochaco help me with hair and makeup” he said as he plugged in 2 hair curlers and sat you down at your vanity. momo helped him with your hair while tsu and ochaco did light makeup on you. they worked quickly but made sure it looked nice. “ta-da!” he said as you stood looking at yourself in the full length mirror. you smiled at your reflection and hugged your best friends. a knock on your door was heard and they ushered you out. you opened it to see your dad with your little sister eri, whom he adopted not too long ago.
“hi dad! hey eri!” you said crouching down to her height and hugging her. “came by to see how youre doing” eri said softly looking up at aizawa. “you look so pretty!” eri admired your outfit and smiled. “thank you little sis” you said smiling at her and you stood up to your full height and looked up at your dad. “date night i presume?” he says taking in your outfit. you nodded your head and smiled. “hanta sero, he begged me for my blessing” he said and smiled lightly looking at your reaction.
“hey professor aizawa, eri” you heard the love of your life greet your family and you smiled. “hanta!” eri said as she hugged his legs and shota shook his hand. sero patted eri’s head lightly and she giggled. “i can see youre doing well” your dad said turning his attention back on you and you nodded. “keep it up honey, proud of you” he smiled taking eri’s hand. “here eri” hanta said pulling out a flower from the bouquet he made you and handed it to her. her face lit up and she thanked sero. “have fun but not too much fun” aizawa said walking away with a smirk on his face.
“these are for you mi amor” hanta said stepping closer to you and extending his hand out that has the bouquet. you took them and admired them. “i love them theyre so lovely thank you” you kissed his cheek and he blushed. “ready to go?” he said looking you up and down with a smile. you took his hand and thanked your best friends again and they waved bye.
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚🪐📷📼
“wait that really happened?” you said half giggling half shocked as sero told you a story from middle school. “yea after asking her out she threw me in the nearest trashcan” he nodded his head looking down. “didnt know jiro could do that” you giggled and he shrugged. “glad she never made it awkward plus she and denki balance each other out” he shrugged and laughed.
you picked up a strawberry from the container he had brought and took a bite from it. he watched you and you smiled at him. “whats going on in your head pretty boy?” you asked with a smile continuing to eat your strawberry. you noticed how much he has been watching you. he took notice of your favorite foods to eat. “youre so gorgeous” he said admiring you.
“even after all of this?” you hesitantly say gesturing to your body and all the tragic stuff you’ve put it through for the past couple of years. “even after all of this” he whispers pulling you in and cupping your face. “i love you” he said and you smiled. you kissed him softly and he kissed back. “i love you too hanta” you said looking into his eyes. the moment was so intimate. just the two of you, no one else around.
sero turns around to pull something out of the basket he brought to the picnic. a canvas that read “can i be your boyfriend?” written out in his cute sloppy handwriting while he held out a box as well. tears welled up in your eyes. “whats in the box pretty boy?” you said sniffling and wiping tears away. he opens it to reveal his last name on a necklace. “you can have this close to your heart until i can officially give you my last name in the near future” he said as he looked at you for a reaction.
“what makes you think this will work out huh confident boy?” you joked with him and he picked up on your tone. “shut up you know were forever” he said taking the necklace out of the box and you instantly turn around and move your hair so he can clasp it on. you tackled him in a hug and he held you close. little did you know, your combined group of friends, were watching from afar secretly taking photos. theyre glad their two friends were able to mend fhe broken pieces together and find peace and happiness.
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hairstevington · 1 year
flowers and ink (final part)
Eddie Munson x Steve Harrington
Summary: Eddie and Steve are happy. Chrissy and Robin are happy. Jonathan meets Argyle. Everyone is happy!
Part one, part two, part three, part four part five part six part seven part eight link to Ao3
Word Count: 1100
Warnings: So sweet you'll get a cavity tbh, Jargyle (because why not), they are idiots one last time, also more Gareth!
Author's Note: Awww, it was emotional to close this one out! Thank you to all who have read and followed along. I can't believe this was only going to be 2 parts at first. I am a FOOL with Steddie brainrot. Until next time!!
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Steve wasn’t sure what he was expecting when Eddie said he’d gotten him a gift, but it sure as shit wasn’t this. 
“Oh, my god,” Steve said, holding it up to see it in all its glory. A t-shirt with words printed over a rainbow across the chest: Steve & Robin - Not dating, just gay and codependent. 
“Obviously, I have one for Robin too,” Eddie said, tossing Steve a second shirt. 
“Oh, my God!” Steve repeated, laughing this time. It was perfect and so incredibly weird. He couldn’t wait to model them with his best friend and take the most ridiculous not-couple pictures of all time. “This is - I mean, Jesus! I love it, but would you let me be the impressive one for once?”
Eddie looked Steve up and down, then smirked. 
“With those abs? Don’t worry, you’re still the impressive one here.” Steve blushed, then sat up in bed so he could put the shirt on, but Eddie stopped him. “Woaaaah there, what are you doing? You can’t cover up, I’m enjoying the view.” Steve rolled his eyes.
“You’re not going to let me use the gift you got me?”
“Not yet,” Eddie replied. “I’m actually kind of regretting the whole thing now. You should probably never wear a shirt ever again. Can I have it back actually?” Steve chuckled, then smacked Eddie playfully on the arm.
“No way.”
“Steve, you wound me," Eddie joked. "But fine, as you wish."
Eddie and Steve had been official for 2 months at this point, and everything was kind of perfect. They each continued to work their respective jobs, and with their added happiness came enhanced customer service. 
Bob was happy - both for Eddie’s shift in demeanor as well as for the business. They were doing great! Plus, he got bonus points as a step-dad for introducing Will to Eddie and the shop. Will came to visit a few more times, and this time he got to talk to Steve, too. It was clear that seeing a happy gay couple was important for Will. He hadn’t seen much of that in his small town, so seeing Eddie and Steve be so grossly into each other was refreshing. 
And gross.
But mostly refreshing!
One day, Will’s older brother dropped Will off at the shop, introducing yet another cool person into the friend group - Jonathan. By then, Eddie had succeeded in making Argyle his friend, and the two of them spent many nights smoking and watching those stupid stoner comedies together in Argyle’s weird, confusingly giant house that he somehow lived in. 
Seriously, how did the guy have a house like that already? How did he have the money to travel so much with Chrissy? Her show was good and all, but it couldn’t possibly be getting her that much income. 
In any case, Argyle and Eddie were buds, so Argyle also happened to be around when Jonathan walked into Ink About It. 
The bromance between Jonathan and Argyle was pretty much immediate. Eddie would have felt mildly jealous about it if he hadn’t noticed some very familiar (aka queer) vibes between the two. Perhaps Will wasn’t the only Byers grappling with their identity, that's all Eddie was saying - but it was just speculation. Eddie kept his mouth shut (except to Steve, obviously, who fully agreed). In due time, as with anything else. 
So then they all hung out - Chrissy, Jonathan, Argyle, Steve, Eddie, and Robin. They’d formed quite the friend group - all of them getting along with each other beautifully. Argyle even hosted a road trip with the squad in his giant pizza van (???) so that they could all surprise Gareth at a Corroded Coffin show.
That night was epic, and it finally cemented Robin and Chrissy as girlfriends.
After their date, they’d both been super into each other - undeniably so. Yet, because Chrissy was so often moving around, they’d decided it was best to just stay friends. 
Yeah. Eddie and Steve knew that wouldn’t last very long. 
It still lasted longer than it should have, and the pining was rampant. Every time they all hung out, the two women wouldn’t stop staring at each other, cracking jokes, and giving everyone else in the room ample opportunities to share knowing glances…
And then they went on the road trip, and they got super drunk, and Robin tended to speak a lot more freely when she was intoxicated. 
She professed her love to Chrissy on the dance floor. 
It was a bold move, but it paid off. Chrissy and Argyle extended their stay in Hawkins, and Robin and Chrissy became an official couple. 
Coincidentally, that night was also pretty huge for Eddie and Steve. Firstly, because Chrissy and Robin had dropped the “I love you’s” before they had, which felt kind of ridiculous, considering Eddie and Steve obviously loved each other. 
“The fucking lesbians stole my thunder!” Eddie yelled from the bar, watching Robin and Chrissy hug each other on the dance floor.
“What are you talking about?” Steve asked, amused at his boyfriend’s antics.
“Ladies and Gentleman!”
Gareth’s voice boomed from the stage. The band had taken a quick break, but were back on. Eddie grinned, then grabbed Steve’s hand.
“Come on,” he said. “Let’s get closer.” They wandered through the crowd (past Chrissy and Robin) as Gareth continued. 
“We’ve got a surprise for you all. You see, my boy Eddie Munson requested we play a special song tonight. So, this one’s for you, Flower Boy. Lord knows we wouldn’t play this for anyone else.”
Before Steve could even process what was happening, the band began to play. It wasn’t metal, it was -
“I Melt With You,” Steve said once he recognized it. “I love this song.”
“Iiiiii know!” Eddie responded, laughing. He pulled Steve into him so they could swing along to the music. “This was my whole master plan. Was gonna have them play this and tell you I loved you and it was going to be this whole beautiful moment but then Robin-”
“Eddie,” Steve interrupted, laughing. Eddie’s jaw dropped, and then he facepalmed. 
“Oh my god I totally just said it without meaning to,” he said. “I’ve been holding out for WEEKS and -”
“You’ve loved me for weeks?” Steve asked, touched. 
“Well, yeah,” Eddie replied. “Duh.” His eyes bugged out on that last word, his voice taking on a goofy, boyish cadence. Steve smiled.
“You’re so ridiculous,” he said, shaking his head. “And I love you too.”
“Yeah?” Eddie asked, grinning.
“Duh,” Steve replied, attempting to mimic Eddie’s response from before. “Robin didn’t ruin your big plan, by the way. That was all you.” Eddie chuckled.
“You still love me though,” he said. Steve nodded, and then they were kissing. 
I’ll stop the world and melt with you.
Yeah. That song pretty much said it all.
Everything felt just right🌹
Check out my Masterlist for other fics/content!
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standingappa · 1 year
Somebody reblogged my post and asked for my favourite scorbus fics so.. ASK AND I SHALL DELIVER!😁
(if the fic description is too long i might just put a little summary as to not make the post too long)
My Top Favourites:
Greater Expectations 196k
featuring hufflepuff albus and slytherin scorpius! this fic is just so special in the fandom, it’s so unique and wonderful honestly! There is no other fic that I have read where scorpius is depicted in quite this way :)
Also- if you follow me and have seen my stoner scorbus fic- this fic inspired those posts😉
Albus and scorpius are ‘very platonic’ series
Stories featuring chubby Ministry employee Albus and cheerful history student Scorpius
I love chubby albus😭 I just love their relationship here in general honestly.
My favourite series/ long fics
I Knew It All Along (series) 469k
The story of two Slytherin boys and a relationship everybody but them saw coming
a fandom classic.
The quietly series 407k
classic slowburn scorpius. Spanning from meeting each other- to getting together, to starting a family
Sun Sinks Down, no curfew 123k
Nobody really expects them to take a month-long trip around Europe to escape from their impending future. But, Albus thinks, they've never had the simplest of lives, so why would they start now? A month away from the hustle and bustle of life at home is exactly what the two of them need after their recent escapades and perhaps, Albus thinks, it'll give him time to try and work out when Scorpius started to look so pretty in his eyes.
Bloom 114k
Love is fragile. Rarely, it's fleeting.
Albus knew the feeling very well. He held his adoration for his best friend - Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy - in his hand like a small, glass structure. If he were to slip or fall, it would shatter like a firework. He held on carefully; protecting it like it were a small, injured bird. Albus' heart often felt like that - a small, unprotected entity.
He'd been foolish to believe that love was safe. It bloomed in his chest; a stupid, frilly flower that hardly hesitated to kill him from the inside out.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA- all i have to say on this fic
oh, i’m going to let the future in 41k
Al only speaks English, and he sings in the shower, badly. He likes tea, and he cleans when he’s stressed. He sees a therapist. He has a total of two friends, and one of them is his cousin. He isn’t smart; he’s simple.
He wishes that could be enough.
Escape 41k
Scorpius Malfoy liked to keep himself to himself. He was fine on his own with just his headphones and music. Until he’s paired with Albus Potter for Defence Against the Dark Arts tutoring, and Scorpius learns that being alone is nice, but having a friend is nicer.
There are plenty of ways one escapes their own mind, their own demons. There’s drugs, running, alcohol and Scorpius Malfoys personal favourite: music.
Fave Mid-Short fics 30k- less
Find My Way 32 k
ft. blind albus
Keep it on 5k
smut and bottom albus😁 (adult scorbus)
camera-clicker 14k
Albus Severus Potter has been to many weddings, though none of them have been his own. Really, it was an 'always a bridesmaid, never a bride' situation, or rather - 'always a wedding photographer, never a groom'.
But you’re here right now and I think you’ll stay- 13k
Albus and scorpius visiting the burrow during chirstmas 🤗 If you like this sort of fic- you should definitely check out every fic made by sunshinescorpius (the author of this fic)
special shoutouts:
the painful eagerness of unfed hope
Where life is a dance composed of one step forwards and three steps back, and Albus is still trying to work out how to dance without falling over his own feet. Albus is a poet, Scorpius is an aspiring archaeologist, and they learn together the beautiful way love demands to be felt.
beautifull writing, ft poet albus. (the only reason its a special shoutout is because I need to finish the last chapter)
The moments that made us 116k
So long story short, this is the story of how I, Albus Severus Potter, got with the love of my life: Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy.
Or rather, the moments that made us.
I put it at special shout out because of the first person pov and angsty 15 year old narration might not be everyone’s cup of tea- i definetly liked it a lot
Wildcard 59k
I just HAD to add this muggle football au!! Also- not everyone likes muggle au’s but i definitely thought it was a fun ride!
O come, let us adore him 42k
one of the two weirdest scorbus fics I have read- had a lot of fun tho.
unfinished fics (as of april 2023)
wake 60k 5/12 chapters
scorbus established relationship during a summer holiday in australia (i think ?)😁
The Lost Potter 30k 10/17 chapters
loving it so far- very intriguing
OK i actually have WAY more recommendations for each category but the post is becoming way too long lol i might make a part 2 if anyone asks🤗
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danco110 · 9 months
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“I like the pixelated look you have here, Mei-”
“It is a MOSAIC, Yuto! Not pixels!”
Mei fumed at the consultant trailing behind her. Her traditional kimono contrasted sharply with Yuto’s business suit, she noted, as the two climbed to the higher boughs of Boseju.
“Well, it still looked cool!”
“…Thank you,” Mei managed, through gritted teeth. “Though, perhaps we could remain focused on future construction , rather than existing?”
“Sure, but…Hey, is something wrong?”
Mei finally spun around to glare at Yuto. “Some of our elders - not even all of them - have requested your presence here to help give Boseju a more ‘modern’ look. Now, I am told to escort you up through the tree.”
“And…I can take a wild guess as to how you feel about the whole ‘modern’ thing, right?”
Mei nodded stiffly.
“Hmm…Well, to start, I apologize for the ‘pixelated’ comment. And I also-”
Mei held up a hand to stop Yuto. Her expression softened ever so slightly as she spoke. “Most of my frustration lies not with you. Though I do wish you would treat our historical depictions with a little more reverence…”
“…But, I will concede, I suppose a more modern touch couldn’t hurt - in measured quantities…and in separate buildings. It is also part of our history, after all…or, it will be, anyways.”
Yuto gave a nervous chuckle. “Ah-heh. Well, I appreciate the…loosening up? But, yeah, separate buildings would probably be a good idea. Though, looking around, I presume you mean museums and such. Not…arcades or anything.”
“Well…” Mei shrugged, pausing in her response. “Maybe an arcade wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world…”
“You…” Yuto’s eyes went wide. He smiled as he regained his wits. “Yeah! And we could decorate it with…something like that!”
Yuto pointed to another tree mosaic on a nearby wall. Mei’s short-lived enthusiasm faded immediately, prompting the consultant to cringe at his own words.
“Is…that one historical, too?”
“Right. Maybe not that one, then?”
Mei smirked. “Better not.”
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[Does/did Boseju have modern buildings on its branches, you think? Or is/was it all just older stuff?
Oh, also, “woah poggers…it’s like a 3D-printed save icon” meets “IT’S NOT FUCKING WEED YOU PIECE OF SHIT STONER”]
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gib-mir-gift · 4 months
making an oc list here cuz i keep forgetting my own fictional people
Julius - manisfestation of depression, anxiety, eating disorders, intrustive thoughts, and just generally everything wrong with me. favourite drawing is of it sitting in a window and waving.
Maximus - julius brother. same routine different font. favourite drawing is of him puppeteering me while singing 'gehenna' by slipknot.
Johannes - the child of krampus. basically krampus jr but a major stoner. favourite drawing is of them smoking while studying a snow globe.
Amsterdam - johannes asshole cat. the soul of their best friend (who was a human named Virgo that died) was moved into his cats body to live on. the cat body got fucked up tho so hes obviously not a normal pet cat. favourite drawing is of his soul moving from his human body to the cat body.
Melodic - think venom meets an alternate from 'the mandela catelogue' (though i created it before i knew what venom was + before tmc came out). way too many teeth, communicates via low hums that sort of mimic human singing. favourite drawing is of it crouching in a door frame.
Brennan Walker - the cringefail loser that melodic loves putting through situations n circumstances n such. think paul matthews from tgwdlm but worse in ways that nmt couldnt even begin to comprehend. favourite drawing is of him lifeless on the floor while melodic looks at him like a kid looking at a bug under a rock.
Flatline - what brennan turns into when melodic finally gets bored. favourite drawing is its existential crisis/joy overload at what its become and the torture from melodic being over.
ZebraSpider - spidersona. deaf trans woman. she can jump over pretty much any building, and her fighting style mimics an aerial silk performance. favourite drawing is of her beating the absolute fuck out of her nemesis.
Mister Formid - zebraspiders nemesis. supernatural ability to control peoples stress levels (can make you feel calm, nervous, euphoric, pure dread, etc etc) just by looking at them. favourite drawing is him getting the absolute fuck beat out of him by zebraspider.
Matthew 'Keys' Köhler - ghostbusters oc. blind in one eye, tattoo sleeve of keys, slut gay autistic enby (they/he) that joined between gb1 and gb2. best friend is winston. faceclaim is ayre gross. favourite drawing is of them sucking face with peter.
Elija Zeddemore - another ghostbusters oc. winstons younger brother, aroace king, plays chess with egon a lot. best friends with janine. faceclaim is corey dorris. favourite drawing is of him unimpressed by winston covered in exploded stay puft marshmallow man.
Umberella - a birman 'cats' oc. best friends with plato and admetus. his human family moved to the area of the junkyard then abandoned him when moving back. he doesnt care cuz he likes the jellicles infinitely more than them. favourite drawing is of him trying to slut it out for skimble during the jellicle ball ('trying' cuz skimble is immune to his flirting).
Nettle - umberellas older sibling. closer to cassandra, alonzo, munkustrap, and demeter but her best friend is bombalurina (who calls him 'nett' which very very conveniently means 'nice'). they spend a lot of time sleeping and sunbathing and literally nothing else
Dugal Jones - pronounced 'doo-gull'. i am cringe but i am free cuz i made this maggotsona to be craigs kid. sampler that also plays bass in their spare time. the most goat/sheep themed lil dude you have ever seen in your life. favourite drawing is of them being taught how to play piano by clown.
Ae'ito - 'avatar' oc. ometicaya hunter. part of tsu'teys close friend group (before tsu'tey died) then became a close friend of mo'at, norm, and max after the clan moved to the mountains. favourite drawing is of her braiding the hair of norms avatar.
Fernweh - my fursona. black, red, yellow, and a very light burgandy coloured sabertooth dog (i have yet to decide the type of dog but their canine features tend to be very german shephard). favourite drawing is of them in a crop top that says "fat men are hot".
i have like 20 other furry ocs that i am entirely too lazy to include here so all youre getting is my fursona lmao
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pigeoninabowl · 5 months
rating my oc's parents bc why not
(pd: sensible topics ahead)
1.rosario and vlad's parents
If we ignore the fact that daddy commited suicide for ambiguos reasons, their family relationship is the healthiest of them all
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We dont know much about his mom but his dad is a dead-beat somewhat stoner dad (father like son) and hell we're not going to talk about his borderline predator girlfriend he had after the divorce with punk girl here
im also not mentioning that damian was an accident so the punk girl and the john lennon looking ass had to stay together for a while because of the consequences of having a child
i have the suspicion they are not even straight too
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Is benito's evilness really because of his mommy and daddy issues? No, its just that his parents are just terrible, not as much as him but still terrible
Mr.H over here was too busy commiting fraud in his company and un-directly causing rosario and vlad's dad to unalive himself so he went "hey bitch go attend my son instead" and spent ALL his life ignoring his son
As for Mrs.H, she's more like a grumpy teacher than a mom. And she encourages benito to steal from his neighbours.
For being christian they dont really love thy neighbour lololol
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Oh damian, do you think you were going to escape this one??? NO.
Damian is a weird case, He tries to give his son the best life he can as a single dad and multiple times he has tried to reconnect with him (despiste failing) but he's still most of the times negligent and doesnt work on his addiction problems
Unlike his dad, at least he has a "reason" of this. He was and still is affected of his father's bad desicions (especially WITH THE GIRLFRIEND.) and might be the reason why he sees the most horrendous acts done in humanity as "normal" but still
Go and work on yourself in therapy pal, and then go contact cris
And stop living in the closet, its not doing any favors for you
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mirelynsroom · 6 months
1 ♡ Why Do I Like Cats the Most?
This is literally my first time writing for a blog and writing in English. I was thinking a lot about what could I be talking about, and the idea of talking about cats comes up. With so many animals on Earth, why do I like cats the most? Why are they so special to me? I think this is a cool topic to talk about. :)
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╴ ╴ ╴ ╴ ╴ ╴ ╴ ╴ ╴ ╴ ╴ ╴ ╴ ╴╴ ╴ ╴ ╴ ╴ ╴ ╴ ╴ ╴ ╴ ╴ My story with cats begins when I was a delightful little girl. Where I live, there are a lot of cats in the neighborhood, and I grew up with these animals surrounding me. But there were also many dogs; it's not like I didn't like them too, but my affinity for cats simply was different. I had a neighbor who had cats on every step of her staircase, and whenever I visited my father, I would pass by there and interact with the cats. Like many animals, each one had its own personality and special way, and it's undeniable that cats, besides being funny, are very cute creatures. Cats are independent and very intelligent, their hunting instinct also caught my attention a lot, as well as their quirks. Despite this passion since childhood, it took me a while to have my first catito. All I did was get excited about some that showed up at my house by chance to rummage through the trash, or at the window; they liked me, but my parents didn't like them.
And then I got my first cat in 2021, Jubileu. With him, I learned many more things about cats than I expected. Even though you do many things for them, it may seem at times that they don't like you that much, but I swear it's just an impression. Cats are so understanding and loving, they also care about their owners in a unique way, of course.
And the coolest part of having a cat is that you give them a name, and suddenly, several other nicknames with the beginning of the name arise, which also end up becoming a way to call the cat, and they understand all of them. Here's a list of nicknames I've given Jubileu since I got him:
♡ Joca - this nickname is very special and definitely the one I use the most.
♡ Jomba
♡ Juba
♡ Jineu
♡ Jocaleu
♡ Neuzi
♡ Jumbinha
♡ Jijileu
♡ Neu
♡ Bileu
And these are just the ones I could remember for now. xD
And then over time, I got my second cat, Lucy. She's very different from Jubileu; she's smaller in physical size, so I call her 'tiny,' and her personality is also different. Although she's much more affectionate than Jubileu and enjoys physical contact, she doesn't like kisses or licking, unlike Jubileu, who lets himself be kissed and also likes to give us baths. But to make up for it, Jubileu gets annoyed much more quickly with specific touches, like touching him with our feet, while Lucy doesn't mind that and even likes it. It's a clear example that each little animal is unique, and I think that's really cool. Here are some nicknames I've given Lucy based on the same idea as before:
♡ Luly
♡ Lucaix
♡ Loca
♡ Luti
♡ Luluzinha
♡ Nuninha
♡ Maconheira - It means "stoner" in Portuguese, don't ask me why...
♡ Pitoca
♡ Magrela
♡ Pucutinha
I definitely love my cats a lot, and they are a big part of me. I hope it's been interesting to read about what I think of them. I don't want to go on too much because it's my first time writing, and I feel like I'm using all my brain cells for this. To wrap it up, here are a few more fun facts about cats:
Cats can make about 100 different sounds, while dogs can only make about 10.
Cats have a unique collarbone that allows them to squeeze through tight spaces.
A group of cats is called a 'clowder,' while a group of kittens is called a 'kindle.'
Cats sleep for an average of 12-16 hours a day, which adds up to about 70% of their lives!
Cats open their mouths when they smell something because it helps them analyze scents better. It's not because you're stinky, or maybe you are indeed.
Contrary to popular belief, cats don't ignore you; they're just waiting for the perfect moment to demand attention and affection on their terms.
A cat's whiskers are not just for show; they help them navigate tight spaces and determine if they can fit through that tiny box you bought.
Cats wait outside the bathroom because they see it as a time when you're vulnerable and more likely to give them attention. They associate the bathroom with moments of interaction and care from their owners, such as cleaning the litter box or changing water. Additionally, they may be curious about the different sounds and smells coming from the bathroom.
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randomvarious · 2 years
Spleen - "That Was My Head" Darque Fonque 1997 Illbient / Trip Hop
Plays: 1.4K+ on YouTube
Although his biggest successes have come via his partnership with UK alt-indie darling PJ Harvey as her producer, Bristol native Rob Ellis has also headed up a nebulous side project called Spleen, which was less of a band and more of a large collective. In their roughly ten years of work, Spleen managed to release a total of three albums and three singles, and PJ Harvey herself is considered to have been a member of the project.
The thing about Spleen though is that every single song in their catalog was made by an assortment of different people, meaning no song has the same exact lineup. And I guess that's what led to their sound being classified as a whole bunch of different things, from stoner rock, to art rock, to jazz-rock, to avant garde, to ambient, to experimental rock. But with this track that originated from their first 12-inch, 1996's Like a Watermelon, they appear to add illbient trip hop to that varied list of genres.
Illbient, for those that don't know, is this very eerie, unsettling, dark, and off-kilter form of instrumental hip hop or trip hop. Its foremost practitioner is a very talented guy who goes by the name of DJ Spooky (naturally), and he was part of this tight-knit scene that formed in Williamsburg, Brooklyn in the mid-90s. Illbient's biggest label, WordSound, is also responsible for releasing top-notch hip hop producer Prince Paul's long-awaited debut album, Psychoanalysis: What Is It?, in 1997, which got into some hip hop experimentalism as well.
Anyway, that Brooklyn-made illbient sound appears to have also seeped its way across the pond, as the duo of Techno Animal—Godflesh lead singer and former Napalm Death drummer Justin Broadrick and his constant collaborator Kevin Martin, aka The Bug—brought it forth in 1995 with a lengthy double-disc called Re-Entry, which was released on Virgin. Then the following year, Spleen went in a similar direction with a song called "That Was My Head," which first appeared on the Like a Watermelon 12-inch, and was then included on Middle Earth Recordings' Darque Fonque compilation in 1997.
But there's actually a common thread here between Spleen and Techno Animal: a drummer from Chicago named Lou Ciccotelli, who's played in some UK bands, including one called God, which also claimed the two guys from Techno Animal as its members. And Ciccotelli is also credited with co-writing this Spleen song with Rob Ellis, so maybe he's the one who brought the Techno Animal-God sound along with him to make this tune? Most other Spleen tracks don't sound like this one 🤔.
The overall eeriness of this over-eight-minute song comes through immediately, sounding like some kind of anxiety-inducing horror film score, with strewn-about, disconcerting sax phrases laid over ominous strings. But it's not until about 70 seconds in when this thing really starts to take shape and adopts its illbient sound, with what I'm guessing is Ciccotelli's contribution: a killer, booming drum track. Now, almost every drum track—whether it be hip hop, trip hop, or illbient—is made with either a drum machine or some kind of software. But there's a certain crispness, clarity, and depth to a live recorded drum track that you just can't replicate with any kind of electronics, and I think Ciccotelli's playing on this tune proves my point here.
Once it enters, Ciccotelli's beat holds steady, which then allows Ellis to get all this pent-up experimental avantgardism out of his system. He starts with the sax, gets to keys and an organ, and then he starts unveiling sounds that leave me scratching my head as to what he even used to create them ⁉ Maybe he literally banged his noggin on some things and that's why this song is called what it is?
Me: "Okay, so what did you use to make *this* sound?”
Rob Ellis: "Yeah, that was my head"
Me: 😮
Either way, I tend not to vibe much towards illbient, because a lot of it's just too weird and cold for my tastes, but Ciccotelli's live drums here are too nice for me to ignore, and it allows me the opportunity to get out of my comfort zone and experience whatever the hell it is that PJ Harvey's producer is conjuring up behind him.
Spleen was really ~something else~.
By the way, another terrific trip hop track that uses live drums is Red Snapper's original demo of "4 Dead Monks," which appears on Warp Records' We Are Reasonable People compilation. Check it out if you dig this too 👍.
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thesinglesjukebox · 9 months
With John, we say goodbye to Screaming Females...
John S. Quinn-Puerta: This has been my song of the year since it came out. Maybe it's just the familiarity -- when a single is released in January, it has 12 months to make its way into my heart. Maybe it's that I saw Screaming Females for the first -- and last -- time in March at the EARL (East Atlanta Restaurant and Lounge), surrounded by friends I didn't have a year before. Maybe it's the rawness of Paternoster's guitar and vocals, her insistence on a rhythmic minor key riff that I just don't hear much without the layer of pretense that can surround it. There's no valorization of the '70s here, no bemoaning of what music used to be, but a reaffirmation of what the guitar always could be, of the idea that anyone, no matter how small and quiet they might seem, can close their eyes and yell and become a star, even if just in tiny rooms drenched in domestic beer and cigarette smoke. I did not know, when I submitted this song, my rediscovery of a band that I had first found doing college radio in 2012, that Screaming Females would announce their breakup a week later. I did not know that even as I wondered how I could possibly write a blurb for this, the most important song of my 2023 by any metric, would also be the swan song of an 18-year... it almost feels wrong to call the band a titan. That's never what Screaming Females was in ethos. They simply made the music they wanted to, beholden to no one but themselves. I have no means to eulogize them, but I still had to try. [10]
Nortey Dowuona: "I hope they keep going forever." -- Steve Albini [8]
Tara Hillegeist: Screaming Females may be the only grunge-indebted band to exist whose songs have only gotten better the clearer and prettier their production has become, and I've been on team "Marissa Paternoster is one of America's greatest living rock & roll singer-songwriters" since Castle Talk, without a single reason to betray my ideological loyalty in that regard in all the years up till now, either. And since "Brass Bell"'s got riffs that would make even Ratt bang their heads in appreciation, and lyrics like if Cocteau Twins wrote a Neil Young song -- in other words, it's a Screaming Females song... yeah, of course I think this is amazing. It'd take a harder sell and a colder heart than me to think anything else. [8]
Micha Cavaseno: Truly, I don't think of songs beginning with that kind of analog distortion as leading to the sort of gallop and retreating riff cycle pattern I associate with stoner rock and beard metal. I don't think in any of the times people would've mentioned this band I would've expected that I needed to make comparisons to Torche or Mastodon. And go figure: this first note is the note they're going out on. Hell of a way to go out, and just my luck really. [7]
Taylor Alatorre: Two weeks after Screaming Females released Desire Pathway, the J Mascis side project Heavy Blanket came out with Moon Is, an album of instrumental stoner-psych jams aimed squarely at those for whom "rip" is the default verb for guitar solos. There's no doubt that a similar path is open for Marissa Paternoster if she wants it; as if to confirm this, she played a show with the Dinosaur Jr. frontman just a few days after her band's break-up. "Brass Bell" is a solid showcase of the trio as a tight-knit riffing machine and not just a one-woman fireworks show, though there are a few too many concessions made for the radio airplay that never came. The flange effects feel like tacked-on regressions, and the wings of a high-flying, late-coming Paternoster solo are clipped after four terse measures. The sad reality is that the airwaves only seem to have room for one basement-band-doing-stadium-rock at a time, and if your name isn't White Reaper, you may just be out of luck. [6]
Ian Mathers: I mean, kudos to whoever made the wiki entry for this album list "punk blues" as the genre (follow your bliss!) but in every sense except the subcultural this is absolutely classic rock. The production, Marissa Paternoster's vocals and especially and gleefully so her soloing. It's great, in a way that makes me want to take up the air guitar and reach for words like "stentorian." [7]
Katherine St Asaph: I think I like this because of, not despite, the early-'00s radio rock feel. At times it almost feels like it's going to turn into Trapt (not an insult I swear). [7]
Brad Shoup: "Brass Bell" has something I always admired about Screaming Females, which is their uncanny ability to make nu-rock. They never really coded as "punk" for me: maybe stoner metal, but with a lighter guitar tone and an ability to write a hook. Because I grew up in butt rock's salad days, I guess I tend to hear it everywhere. But these riffs (the start-stop one and Phrygian-sounding one) and the way Marissa Paternoster punches into the chorus are modern-rock radio gold. Hell, the chorus even has the kind of fake-deep imagery that should get over. (Would a different alloy make living in a bell a tolerable situation?) Godspeed, Screaming Females. I'm sure all your subsequent bands will rock. [7]
Dorian Sinclair: Having spent the past three weeks on a placement where I learned, in great detail, about the history and function of carillons (bell towers, specifically those with two octaves of bells or more), I am definitively able to confirm: living in a brass bell would be really fucking loud! Central metaphor holds up! [7]
Rachel Saywitz: Sounds like a disaster on the horizon and a heroine's call to arms. [7]
Joshua Minsoo Kim: Everything starts to crumble once the actual verse arrives -- you can't feel the jaggedness of the start-stop guitar riff, and the band sounds all too eager to go straight into the chorus both the first and second time around. Unfortunately, the central metaphor there is too awkward, and is shouted with a conviction that leaves no room for it to be a proper hook. They almost convince me with the detours taken in the final third, but the radio-rock sheen is all too much: it sounds like I'm at a bar and the local band is trying way too hard to convince everyone of their energy. [3]
Alfred Soto: Marissa Paternoster's vocals are the right kind of arch and posh: when she complains, "It's too loud!" she sounds like a country club member sneering at Rodney Dangerfield. The rest of the riffage is not too loud, with interesting changes. [7]
David Moore: Every time I get really into a band a few years late they break up within the year. I take full responsibility and vow to stop listening to music. [8]
Daniel Montesinos-Donaghy: Long live Screaming Females, they rocked harder and longer than a lot (A LOT!) of posers, and they have songs that showcase their gnarled hookiness better than this (download "Ornament" for clear skin etc. etc.). [8]
Aaron Bergstrom: Thirty-five seconds of "When are they gonna get to the fireworks factory?" synth build, but we're talking about one of the most dependable indie bands of the past decade-plus, so you better believe they get there. Whether it's Marissa Paternoster screaming on guitar, or Marissa Paternoster just screaming, they've always lived up to their name. She deserves the plural all to herself. RIP to an institution. [7]
Frank Falisi: Screaming Females was an underrated experiment in texture. They could shift tactility live on the ridge of a dime. The big metal monster would suck in its woofer and start to strut different, guitar puffing over tom hits, which were doing the riffs. The bass was too big to hear and the bass was mercury. Something about playing live means performing life, which means playing the changes. Texture in music is a signal. It prepares your body to sound different. "Brass Bell" begins with washing electronics, a loop. It leers and jeers, like a Mica Levi film score on your fretting fingers. The mouth of sound is broad. "Brass Bell", Desire Pathway -- these are the descendants of All At Once (2018), of Marissa's Peace Meter (2021). Once you master bass and guitar and drum and the human voice, you can unmaster it, unwind it, break a string. "Brass Bell" breaks open after the noise into perfect form, crunched production, crisp like adenoidal panic. There's a perfect breakdown in the middle of the song, a perfect bring-it-all-down with a minute left before drumming back up, before one last chorus. "It's too loud!!" How many times have I said this at the Screaming Females gig? How many times has the sound entered my ears, all my complicated receptors and sets of crevasses ringing, only to feel my own texture quake at the sound? We talk sometimes of the collective frisson of the gig, of being a body among bodies. Divine. I think something like that happens on a studio sound too. Me and all my changes, a flange forever. [8]
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