#like i just KNOW as soon as he got his hands on some music tapes
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mikeslawyer · 1 year ago
just found out that this song came out in 1986 and i’m so sure mike had it on repeat for like 12 hours straight. tell me i’m wrong.
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begginmonty · 1 year ago
working with mike
(this doesn't follow the plot directly and mike works like more than just 3 shifts, also this is legit 2k words long i got so so so carried away im just so in love with mike, apologies!! its also not been proofread sorry <3)
before mike is hired alongside you, steve raglan had given you the job a week or so ago after you had lost your last job over a silly customer dispute (the customer is never right) and steve was your last hope at job, and bingo he had one. here you are 2 weeks later, waiting by your car outside the rundown pizzeria, waiting to train the new guy whose supposed to help you
a car pulls up and out comes a very pretty, but very tired/drained, looking guy, you introduce yourself with a small smile and he doesn’t return it, and is like “im mike”, you give him the benefit of the doubt that he hasn't smiled at you, new jobs are stressful.
the first shift goes fine, you tell him the basics and show him the training video tape, which alongside your commentary of making fun of some of it and nit-picking little things finally gets an amused smile from him. you can see him ease up a little. he doesn’t talk as much as you do but he seems to enjoy your ramblings. 
you show him the showtime performance after he looks confused about ‘animatronics’ . watching his reaction of the animatronics rendition of talking in your sleep by the romantics is a little amusing to you but you were the same way when vanessa had shown you originally.
“its something isn’t it?” he doesn't reply, he just stood looking in disbelief. 
when morning rolls around, you show him how to lock up and then give him his own key that steve had given you. 
“wasn’t so bad was it?” 
“it was..different” 
the second shift alongside mike is different but a good different. he’s running a little late and walks in on your blasting an 80s hot pop hits tape over the old speakers, vacuuming the main dining area. a smile, that melts his heart a little, lights up your face as you see him walk in.
“im sorry i’m late the babysi-”
“hey, dont stress it. you still made it!” 
he is not used to someone being so nice and friendly to him??  its foreign but he finally cracks you a small smile, watching you as you turn on the vacuum and continue listening to the music. (i need to hug him i stg)
he hasn't met anyone as nice as you in a long long time, it’s refreshing for him
and not in a creepy way !!!!!!!!!!! but he watches the cameras and watches as you just listen to the music as if the world isn’t there and continue to clean the area. 
“need a hand?” 
mike speaks up as you take a break leaning against a table, facing the main stage, the curtains open (as your next task is going to clean around the animatronics, it’s getting too dusty), music turned down quietly. he comes and leans against the table with you. you start small talk, saying something about the animatronics and you guys talk a little.
“so, you said something about a babysitter, do you have, like, a kid or something? sorry if im being too nosy, please tell me to shut up or something” mike cannot get over how nice you are
and then mike explains his living situation, and then the two of you get into a discussion about how families can suck and be shitty ect
and mike really likes how you don't pry or ask him lots of questions like others have done in the past, this man is really liking you and he’s only know you for two days
“this guy…must’ve been on something to make this place” and mike laughs a little !!! for the first time you got him to laugh !!
“yeah it’s something isn’t it..” both of you are sat against a table just staring at the animatronics in front of you
the two of you make small talk as you wipe down the dust covered tables but you can see how tired he is, he’s yawning a little bit.
“hey, you know, you can like sleep on the job by the way?” he looks up at you from the table, “sometimes i take a good couple hours nap in the office, no ones breaking into this place anytime soon”
he tries to protest and mentions towards the cleaning products and you brush him off, “go, you need it”
mike feels a strange warmth in his heart the hasn't felt, maybe ever? and he naps for a few hours whilst you continue to clean around. cleaning isn't in your job description but honestly you’re worried about the level of dust entering your lungs y'know
a loud thud and chair scraping noise comes from the office and you run to it and see mike on the floor, he looks confused and you help him to sit up. you ask if he’s okay but he seems out of it, “mike, whats wrong?”
sitting on the floor together, mike explains everything to you and opens up to you about a little brother he had, and tells you about his dream issues and sleep issues and you can see he’s upset and shaken by this dream. He shows you the sleeping pills and he explains the dream theory he’s been reading about.
“this is the part where somebody usually calls me crazy” 
“you aren’t crazy, mike” mike notices how kind you eyes are and how warm your voice is, “i’ve seen crazy. you are far from it” you joke a little and he has the faintest smile tug at his lips. 
finally home time woo !! as you lock up the gate, you watch as mike goes to his car, “mike wait!”
he turns around almost instantly at your voice as you run up to him, you pull something out from your hoodie a fazbear security badge and hand it to him, “you’re officially security now” he takes it from you and thanks you with that small smile. 
3rd shift passes (you could’ve sworn foxy was standing in a different spot and bonnie’s hand placement looked completely different) and vanessa comes for her weekly visit and meets mike. when you aren’t with them, vanessa brings up the fact that you’re one of the kindest and nicest people she’s ever met and mike agrees. 
next shift goes by and another and you guys have a long conversation about everything and you tell him more about yourself. hes never really been romantically involved with anyone but somebodysss got a crush (its him and well, you do too). and then you let him sleep and decide to tackle the old kitchen. (you could’ve sworn you heard someone walk down the hallway but you double check and no ones there)
mike dreams again and you swear you hear a groan and you walk to the office to see him, out of breath, breathing, clutching his arm and theres blood coming from it and he looks up at you trembling. “oh my god mike, what happened?”
you sit opposite him, patch him up and make him a hot drink, and he's explaining everything to you and you can tell he’s really getting bothered by these dreams. (you also think hes hurt himself from falling off the chair somehow..unbeknownst to you)
he’s tearing up a little and you just hold his hand in yours, and he's looking at your kind eyes and he doesn’t know how to react to being touched, he stops talking (mike is incredibly touch starved oh my god) and, carefully, you lean forward and hug him very gently.
he’s stiff at first but you can feel him relax into the hug and he wraps his non-injured arm around you and grips onto your back, “its okay mike. you’re okay” you can tell he really needs this hug and you can tell no one has really hugged him in a long time.
when the shift ends and you say goodbye for the day, your car just refuses to start. you cannot start it at all. you get out the car and look at it in a huff, but lucky for you mike hasnt driven a way yet
he gets out his car and you explain to him about your car, and he offers if you want a lift home or at least back to his house (his house is much closer than yours) and you can call someone about the car and you agree.
the drive is nice, you notice he has a great taste in music
meeting abby!! mike excuses himself for a shower whilst you're ringing the mechanics for your car, and he accidentally falls asleep on his bed after. when he wakes up (a good hour or so later, which you really don't mind) he walks into the living room to see you and abby sat on the floor colouring together with a cartoon on the tv, and you guys are really getting along and she’s wearing your security guard vest and badge. (her friends told her to trust you)
“uh abby, why dont you get ready for school?” mike speaks up, causing you both to look in his direction. 
you can't fight the fact that he looks hot with joggers and shirt on, looking sleepy as hell aHHH
“okay” abby smiles and gives you back your stuff and runs off to her room to get ready for school. 
he walks over to you and sits down on the couch, “im sorry for falling asleep-”
you sit next to him and place your hand on his arm and smile, “its fine, mike, really. your sister is lovely”
mike looks up from your hand and looks at your face. he looks sleepy and gorgeous and you look gorgeous to him and your eyes are so kind and theres a moment. some sort of magnetic force kinda pulls your faces closer together.
“im gonna be late!” says abby running into the room.
mike drops abby to school and you stay in his house, waiting for the mechanic to eventually call you back like he says he will. you feel a little awkward sitting on his couch watching tv but you have nothing better to do.
he comes back he offers you a shower and some of his clothes as he feels bad for you having to sit in work clothes. 
the way his heart feels when he see’s you walk out to the bathroom and back to the couch next to him wearing one of his sweatshirts and a pair of his joggers as well hMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmm (too early for love?)
he smells good
you must both drop off to sleep, as a few hours later mike opens his eyes for a minute to the TV showing some drama show, and then he notices a heavy feeling on his chest. there you are, passed out, in his clothes, head on his chest peacefully asleep. 
this is something he’s never felt before !1!!1 
he blushes (thank god you’re asleep) and brushes a hair out of your face, staring down at your sleeping face (uh oh someones in love) before grabbing the worn blanket from behind him and throwing it over your exposed legs.
you stirr a little, your arm wrapping around his lower half and he's so flustered and sleepy and aHHHH
he wraps his arm around your shoulders gently and passes out again (PART 2??)
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c4tluver02 · 19 days ago
Maple Syrup Kisses
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warnings: the use of "y/n" LOL but besides that none! flufffff :3
wk: 1k
summery: you and Steve have your first date and your first kiss. you truly are infatuated with him but its okay because Steve would argue he's even more infatuated with you.
When Steve asked you out on a date it was a no-brainer. How could you turn down such an amazing person like him? His big eyes, kind smile, perfect hair of course, he’s everything you need and more. Although now your room is a mess from how many outfits you tried on and you're sitting by the window trying to peek to see if he's here. It was your first date with him and you needed it to go perfect. 
Steve had also done his own stressing. Making sure his hair is sitting perfectly and nothing was out of place. Before you he had started to give up hope on finding “the one”. Was it him? Did he do something wrong? It was all starting to go to his head. Until he spotted you and simply couldn't resist saying hi. He can't believe now he's driving to your house to pick you up.
You finally see Steve pull into your driveway right at the time he said he'd pick you up. You take a look at yourself once more in the mirror double checking everything looks right. You then hear the knock on the door and walk over and open it.
“Hi pretty girl” Steve says looking at you with the world's biggest smile on his face. Thinking how you got all dolled up just for him. How did he get so lucky to go on a date with you?
“Hi Stevie.” You say in a more sincere tone, feeling the spotlight of Steve's look. “You look really pretty too.” 
Steve flushes as the complement. “Pretty huh?” He smiles, “Never been called pretty before” There is a quiet tone connected with his words. 
Your heart melts at his soft voice. You know a bit about Steve's past relationships, it breaks your heart he wasn't treated in the way he deserves. But now youre here and things will change. 
“Well you're extremely pretty so get used to it!” You say kissing his cheek and grabbing Steve's hand as he walks you to his car. 
You and Steve haven't had your first kiss yet, and well this is the first date after all. You'd secretly hope he decides to kiss you today. The excitement of it already erupts your belly in butterflies. 
Steve is all smiles, he wonders if he looks as happy as he feels. You start to look through his tapes trying to pick out some music as you drive to your destination. But you suddenly remember you dont even know where Steve is taking you.
“So are you gonna tell me where we are going?” You flash him your best puppy dog eyes in hopes of getting the information. 
“Nope, it's a surprise. But I know you’ll love it.” He says smiling devilishly, as he puts his hand on your thigh. 
You roll your eyes playfully at him finally deciding on Queen for your music. Despite it being the first date he’s yelling the lyrics and all you can do is fall into a pit off giggles. And although he's driving he just can't stop looking at you. Your laugh is the best sound he's ever heard and he only wants to hear it more. If him singing Queen at a crazy volume means he can see you laugh then he would do it all day no problem. 
Once you guys make it to the restaurant you immediately fall in love with the decor. It is very you and it makes your heart all fuzzy that Steve knows you this well already. You got waffles and Steve got pancakes but you both ended up sharing each other's food. It was crazy how smooth the conversation flowed. As if you two fit perfectly together. It was something Steve could only dream about. 
After a perfect meal and fighting with Steve about the bill, you losing that fight, Steve drives you back home. You are already planning your next date in your head. The ideas make you excited all over again for the next time you see him which will probably be very soon. Who could blame you? You just had an amazing date with an amazing person. How could you not be thinking about him more?
Once Steve pulled into your driveway you sighed, not wanting to get out of the car. The thought of just sitting in Steve's car and talking the day away sounded like a perfect date in itself. However, Steve has work tonight and you have homework. It was just gonna have to be the end of the night for you two. 
“I had an amazing time with you Steve. Thank you for all of this.” You say eyes burning with pure happiness.  
Steve smiled “Of course baby anytime. Maybe we can start planning for our next date, hm?” He says, unable to hold eye contact as he can't help but look at your lips.
“I would like that” You blush feeling our face immediately heat up at the pet name.
“Can I kiss you?” Steve says quickly, as if it's all one word and he simply couldn't wait to ask it. 
“Please do” It comes out rushed when you say it. Steve's lips are immediately on yours and it's like two puzzle pieces connecting. It is a perfect fit. 
You can't help but smile like an idiot and Steve notices making him laugh. 
“What? What's so funny?” You ask curious but unable to stop gleaming at what just happened. 
“You taste like maple syrup!” He says a laugh coming out with the sentence. You can't help but giggle with him. 
“I'll call you tonight after your shift? Then we can talk about our next date.” You say as your hands play with the hair on the nape of his neck. Steve's doe eyes look deeply into your own. 
“Okay baby.” It's simple. It comes out soft just like him and he's perfect. It's all you can think about, he's all you can think about. Completely infiltrating your brain. 
You finally let go of him about to get out of the car until he pulls your arm back a bit. 
“One more kiss?” He says almost pouting. As if the thought of you saying no to it would kill him right then and there. 
“Okay one more kiss.” It comes out silly and sweet as you kneel into the seat to kiss him.
When you pull back you decide it's probably time for you to go inside. “Thank you again Steve.”
“Thank you y/n” You're not sure what he's thanking you for, you haven't done much but you just smile at him. Something you feel you haven't stopped doing since he picked up. You walk up to your front door making sure to wave a final goodbye before going inside. He waved back just as enthusiastically if not more. 
You can't wait to start planning your next date but all Steve can think about is you calling him later tonight.
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binsito · 2 years ago
pairing: bangchan x fem reader x perv!changbin (somewhat?? on accident lowkey? LOL)
synopsis: changbin was asked by his friend chris to help load boxes on to a truck since he would be moving into a new apartment. the last thing changbin expected was for one of the boxes to be filled with some cds?
word count: 1.6k
rating: mature, includes: unprotected sex, swearing, spit, fingering (f receiving), usage of handcuffs and gags although not heavily described, usage of the word "daddy" in a sexual setting, "kitten" and "cockslut" are used once, "babygirl" is repeated throughout, creampie, breeding (did i even write it if it's not a breeding kink fic..), chan big cock, changbin perv, voyeurism, masturbation, very very minimal assplay like literally one sentence, usage of a camera.. um yeah!
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changbin knew it was wrong..
changbin knew he should've left the box alone but his curious little fingers were moving quicker than his mind could stop them.
he was helping chris move apartments, his friend asking if he was available on the weekend because he could use an extra pair of strong hands.
he loved his friend, so of course he agreed and came over to help.
chris had everything neatly packed for the most part so the process was moving steadily. changbin figured he'd skip the gym tonight because the act of lifting heavy boxes and bringing it to the truck was incredibly tasking.
chris had asked him if he was hungry, that he would treat him to some burgers, who was changbin to turn down some yummy free food for his hard work?
so his friend told him that he would be right back, letting him know there were still some beers in the fridge that he could help himself to.
he walked over to the fridge and cracked open a can, sipping it and taking a deep breath. he didn't have much to do while he waited for chris so he had decided to grab any boxes that were still left and bring them over to the door so they could load them up quicker.
most of the boxes that remained were left in the hallway leading to his room, however there was one particular box that caught his attention, it wasn't fully taped shut and peeking at him through the small crack of chris' bedroom.
changbin didn't mean to be nosey but he had found himself walking towards it. he should at least help his busy friend out by properly taping and securing the box right?
to his surprise, the box was full of cds.
he picked one up and looked at it carefully.
were these music cds? did chris make these? were they demos or unreleased stuff he'd stashed away? how many of these were recent or from his high school days? did changbin just hit a goldmine of beats and ideas? he was going to kick chris' ass for not sharing these with him.
and changbin didn't quite know why he did this, but he found himself pocketing one labeled with what he assumed was the date it was created. he knew he shouldn't take his friend's stuff but chris was so overly critical of himself.. he probably threw these in a box to be forgotten and changbin wasn't going to let that happen. he knew that whatever chris cooked up in his studio was going to be amazing and he was itching to hear what this was.
soon enough, chris came back and changbin had since left the box alone, anticipation boiling in his tummy over what might be on the disk
chris had brought him the burger he rightfully deserved and they chatted together until it got late, changbin bidding his friend goodbye and letting him know that he was available to help whenever so that they could finish up.
the one thing on his mind as he drove back home was the cd, how it felt like it was burning through his clothes, how he was dying to finally know what it was. it was the first order of business he would take care of once he was situated with his laptop.
parking his car and running up the steps to his apartment, trying to unlock the door but in the process dropping the keys and chuckling at how excited he was.
he kicked off his shoes and made his way to his room, sitting at his desk and turning on his laptop, he couldn't contain himself, bouncing his leg as he inserted the cd.
however, to his surprise the file didn't come up as audio, it came up as a video file.
he had no idea why, but he thought maybe chris had recorded a process video in the studio or something, you should never question one's creative process, after all.
he clicked on the file and let it load, watching as it started to play on his screen.
it was chris, his face closed in on the camera with a concentrated look on his face, eyebrows slightly furrowed as the tip of his tongue stuck out from the corner of his plump lips. it seemed he was trying to adjust something about the camera before he picked it up, letting out a soft laugh once he finally figured it out, adjusting the focus before flipping the camera.
"kay kitten.. daddy's fixed it. show me how good you are for me, hm?" the camera zeroing in on you, positioned on his bed with your face pressed into the mattress, hands cuffed behind your back as chris gave your ass a tight squeeze, spreading your cheeks to let the camera capture your wet cunt.
"cunt's looking perfect.. so tight babygirl.. daddy's not even sure if you can take his cock.." he purrs
you have, so many times, but it was always such a nice stretch, chris loved seeing how your cunt would struggle to fit him, so tight it felt like it might reject him.
from outside of the camera's view, he collected saliva in his mouth to spit it out on your cunt, his fingers collecting it and pressing it inside of you, two of his knobby fingers scissoring you open, your cunt fluttering as squelches were picked up by the camera.
"so fucking wet.. you think this is wet enough for my cock baby? think you're ready to take me? look at that face.." he pointed the camera towards your face, revealing that he had gagged you with a cloth around your mouth.
all that could be heard were muffled pleas and moans, you were aching to have him inside you, nothing could compare to how his cock filled you.
he angled the camera down to capture how his fingers had since left your cunt and were now tugging on his cock, head an angry red and leaking precum. he gave himself a couple of squeezes, his cock twitching up, ready to plunge into you.
changbin couldn't believe what he was watching.
what he had thought was possibly a demo was none other than a sex tape. his cock straining against his jeans as he watched his friend line up with your cunt, hearing his breathy moans and grunts as he let curses sputter out. "shit.. greedy cunt.. sucking me right in. never satisfied with just the tip.. always gotta have the whole thing, huh babygirl? gotta have daddy's cock all to yourself."
he reached over to untie the gag, drool dripping from your lips as you whined, feeling him inch deeper and deeper within you.
changbin couldn't help it.
couldn't help the speed in which he threw his pants down, boxers following suit as he watched intently, hand beginning to tease his balls as he watch his friend set a steady pace.
"gonna stuff you full of cock.. such a cockslut.." chris said through gritted teeth
he gripped you by the cuffs, using it to hold on to as he fucked into you, trying his best to keep you in place for him. you were a babbling mess, moaning his name out like it was the only word you knew.
in moments like this, it truly was the only word you knew. nothing else was on your mind except the heavy drag of his deliciously thick cock.
and changbin felt he would cum when chris showed how your bodies connected, how his cock disappeared into your slick hole, pulling out to the tip just to slip in right it with minimal effort. it was like your cunt was made just for him, crafted to take his cock whenever he pleased.
changbin tried stroking himself to the pace chris had set, eyes glued on the way his friend thumbed at your asshole, you letting out a whimper at the feeling, so sensitive to his touch there.
"fuck. easy babygirl, don't clench on me like that.." he groaned as he felt your walls clamp on him, begging him to breed you, to leave you dripping with his cum.
so you clenched on him again, earning you a harsh slap on your ass cheek as he grunted, the sound of his skin slapping against yours echoing loudly.
the tips of changbin's ears were burning, thighs shaking as he tried to calm down but as soon as he saw you come undone on chris' cock, he lost it. his fingers becoming sticky with his cum as it shot out rapidly, barely giving him enough time to react as he made a mess all over himself and his chair. chris following suit in the video, pulling out slightly just to let his cum trickle down your thighs.
"i think this tight pussy can take some more.. hungry little pussy..wants to be bred by daddy, huh?" he said, his voice faltering from the intense orgasm.
changbin quickly closed his laptop, cutting the video off short, breathing out and leaning back in his chair. he knew he should return the disk inconspicuously the next time he went over to chris' place, but would he even notice one little cd was gone? seemed he had a whole collection..
what if he returned this one and swapped it out for another? these videos were meant to be watched, weren't they?
he was sure chan wouldn't miss one cd out of the many he seemed to have stashed away.
changbin would keep this one all to himself.
his little reward for being such a sweet friend.
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please refrain from reposting, modifying, translating, copying or stealing my work. - © binsito
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kvroomi · 4 months ago
May i request megumi headcanons or drabble about him having a pet shop? Have a nice day
in good company
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author note: I DIDNT REALISE I HAD THIS SITTING IN MY INBOX IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK FOREVER TO GET AROUND TO!! this started becoming a little too self indulgent but i hope you enjoy it anyways! :)
☆ pairing: petshopowner! megumi x fem!customer! reader
☆ word count: ~1.6k (got carried away,, whoops!)
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Megumi believes he's lost 10 years of his life span since beginning this shift.
The entire place is bustling; voices are overlapping and the faint music he plays every morning over the speakers can no longer be heard as more customers pile in. Suffering from the worst migraine, Megumi thinks he can feel himself begin to grow two heads as he tries to simultaneously watch over the two young children playing around with the newly rescued cat and the old lady who’s poking her finger inside the cage of parrots. He notices her scolding them for being too loud and he lets out a deep sigh as she grows even angrier when they spit her complaints back verbatim, mockingly.
The "NO YELLING" sign attached to the cage that’s only inches from the old woman's face (who ironically is currently yelling), is written in glaring red marker. It stares back at him and for a second he thinks that if it grew a face and some arms, it'd start pointing and laughing at him. The boy’s hand drags down his face as he groans at the thought.
To anyone else, they'd think the sign was written to warn the customers not to disturb the birds. But Megumi knows he wrote it for the parrots, sternly telling them to "keep it down," as he taped the sign onto the cage.
He knows they can't read and deep down he knows they don't even understand half of what he mutters to them—but if parrots could talk and respond to even just some of his conversation, then what was stopping them from learning how to read and comprehend a single set of instructions?
He walks over to the old woman, placing a warm hand on her back and guiding her away from the squawking parrots. Once her back is turned, Megumi sends them all a dirty look: a silent message that says he'll be giving them a lecture once everyone is gone.
Bringing her up to the counter and rambling about how “the birds have been in a mood today”, he offers her a 10% discount for pet food with her next visit. She laughs as he hands her the coupon and tells him “[she'd] love to have a sweet boy like him, come over to cat-sit for [her] while [she's] away”.
Megumi smiles and tells her she's welcome to come by any time and help him schedule it, all whilst ushering her out of the store. He desperately needs one less customer to worry about.
As he shuts the door, waving goodbye to her from afar, he mentally curses out Yuuji for calling in sick at the last minute. He'll have to stop by and bring him some soup to make sure he's alive.
The thought of food reminds Megumi that the animals must be hungry. Glancing up at the time, the boy takes note of his lunch break in the next 10 minutes.
He walks around the store, informing everyone that the shop will be closing soon for the next half hour.
The place is filled with warm and friendly smiles; gentle biddings of farewell fill the air. Despite the comforting atmosphere, Megumi has to hold back from grimacing through each entire interaction from how awfully his feet ache.
Thankfully and slowly, he watches as people collect their belongings. He listens patiently for the ring of the bell above the door.
There are still a handful of customers wandering around and collecting last-minute items so he watches from the counter—waiting. Shaking out his arms, he moves to crane his neck over on either side, pausing once he feels the familiar popping sensation of his muscles relaxing.
It’s sudden, and his stretching is halted when he notices. His arms have stopped high in the air. His heart plunges and it’s an immediate swell of anxiety that consumes him.
2 ferrets: Rose and Violet–both of whom are starkly distinct in colour when in comparison to their third companion who is banded with brown fur accompanying their own completely white appearance.
This also happens to be the same third companion missing from the cage. The black-haired boy winces and a deep line forms across his eyebrows—his face hauled into a tight scowl.
Always trust Lily to be wandering off on her own in the worst circumstances.
After spending the entire morning brisk on his feet and repeating the same "how to care for your new pet" conversation over and over again, Megumi was starting to think that closing the shop a couple of hours early and dealing with getting into trouble would be worth it.
How many more times will he have to clarify that, “No, these fish can not survive in a fishbowl,” or that “No, you will not find any pets here that don’t require any effort.” The three hours of sleep he had been functioning off of was ultimately starting to deplete and now on top of everything, he had an escape-artist-ferret he needed to locate.
Oh, the pleasures of working in a pet shop.
Imagine his surprise when he's hauled from his thoughts by the hasty clatter of cans and a foreign shriek, rushing over to the pet food aisle to discover you—frozen in place with Lily attached to the bottom of your pants, looking incredibly pleased with herself.
All prior apprehensions about whether or not Megumi was going to make it out of the shift alive had instantly vanished, and he found himself standing clueless in the middle of the aisle. He’s uncertain of how to approach you because ‘holy shit’, you were just so pretty.
Had you been in the shop the entire time?
All you planned to do today was drop by your local pet store and pick up a couple of packs of treats for your cat Winston. What you didn’t plan to do, was get jumped by a brown and white ferret that flew straight for your face while reaching for a can of cat food.
A soft “ahem” entices you to turn around.
It's brief, but you lock eyes with his own and Megumi swears he can feel his legs buckle from underneath him. He reminds himself that he’s probably just exhausted, shoving down any other ideas that it could be because of you.
“I’m so sorry about her.”
He’s the first to speak, and though his voice may have cracked mid-sentence and he can feel how coarse his throat is getting from the nerves—Megumi hopes that the gentle smile he offers is enough to distract you from it.
And it is, because currently all your thoughts are occupied with how you believe his smile alone could heal every bad day you’ve ever had in this lifetime. You want to tattoo the inside of your eyelids with a picture of his smile, just so you could see it even with your eyes closed and in your dreams. But you couldn’t possibly say that to him, so you settle for the next best line of dialogue.
“I didn’t realise I was a hit with the ferrets.”
Your comment makes Megumi laugh, and he thinks it’s his first, honest laugh since he started work this morning.
“She’s usually quite picky.”
He’s closer now, and your eyes watch as he squats down. His hands are soft and gentle as he attempts to guide Lily off your pants and into his open palms.
Your gaze wanders and you take note of his many rough calluses and lingering scratches that line his fingers, evidence of the hard work and pieces of him that are so beautifully human. Your voice catches in your throat, desperate to uncover the many anecdotes he holds—desperate for your own piece of his humanness. It’s the second time that you are forced to say something else on your mind.
“It seems she’s quite persistent too.”
Megumi lets his eyes trail upwards with a soft chuckle as the small ferret climbs up your leg and then your back, choosing to nestle herself in the deep crevice of the side of your neck. Even though you know Megumi is probably more concentrated on the ferret than what you looked like in the current second, you can’t help the anxious thoughts that run rapidly though your head when you notice his vision follow along the edges of your face.
Did you put on enough lip balm today? Your lips weren’t dry right now were they?
It took a lot of mental strength to not unconsciously bring your hand up to check your lips. Instead, you chose to purse them tightly to hide the awkward smile developing at Megumi’s next sentence.
“I’d go as far as to say she has good taste.”
And that’s when you can feel your breath stop. The isle feels constricting and hot, and the sudden appearance of sweat in your palms makes your mouth feel dry.
His tall figure is standing back up and moving towards the cans that were knocked over seconds earlier—tender hands aiding them to stand back up. He was avoiding eye contact.
Your silence makes Megumi’s stomach churn uncomfortably and he’s already turning his head around, mouth halfway open and ready to apologise when you let out a louder-than-intended and impulsive “thank you.”
It’s cute how bashful you both are, faces avoiding one another and warm smiles yearning to be exchanged.
It’s you who decides to break the pause in the moment. Though upon realising what you had just said, it almost sends you into a psychosis on the spot.
“I guess her and I have that in common.”
This time, it’s Megumi whose gaze snaps towards yours in an instant, a bright grin decorating his face alongside a soft pink hue that was slowly forming across his cheeks.
He thinks he may have just gained back the 10 years he lost earlier.
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AUTHOR NOTE: just a little something to keep you all at bay while i work on ‘right person, wrong address’ enjoy! ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
all reblogs and likes are appreciated :)
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teagballs · 2 months ago
- dennis reynolds: nsfw alphabet.
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a/n: heyyyy guys..... did u miss me.... it's only been 160 days LMFAOOOO. sorry for my absence, college is wild. not sure what my uploading will be like from here on, i have a ton of requests to sort through but nandor is on my radar !!!! got alot of nandor requests so expect fic soon.
thought id ease in with my fav lil bastard man. ive been meaning to do an nsfw alphabet with dennis for so long that it came really easily for me to write, but this isnt like my usually fics, very relaxed and lazy writing style. love u all as always and thank you for all the concerned messages I AM ALIVE!!!! just busy
cw: dennis shenanigans, some disrespect to woman ofc, smut smut smut cannot stress that enough, fem reader, not proofread, very casual writing style, 1.3k words, lowercase.
smut under the cut!!!
A = aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
very lazy. will flip over, give you a kiss on the head, and then go to sleep.
B = body part (their favourite body part of theirs and also their partners)
on partner: boobs. there's so much evidence to support this. he's so a titty man. he's constantly trying to get his hands on them when fucking which is why he favours positions like cowgirl or missionary.
on himself: his dick. he's very gifted and very proud of it, cocky bastard (pun intended)
C = cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
dennis is a dick. he hates to get cum on himself but would happily see you ruined in it. he tries to convince you to let him cum on your face when you give him a blowjob. would love to cum inside you. not for the purposes of reproduction, but in a very predatory way of claiming you.
D = dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
i think he'd love to watch one of his tapes with you. fucking you while he fucks some other girl in the background is very hot to him. he doubts you would be into it however. he knows its unappealing for you to imagine him with someone else.
E = experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
dennis is not shy about the fact he has had many, many sexual intercounters. he prides himself on how many women he's been with and uses that knowledge to get you and him off.
F = favorite position (this goes without saying)
like i said before, i think he'd been into missionary or cowgirl so he can grab your tits. although i think he'd opt more often for missionary and its plain and easy.
G = goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
dennis would definitely try to be super serious and sexy to a humorous extent. he would try to be all suave, but it would come off as just plain stupid. he'd try to incorporate music and a little dance into his foreplay and you would giggle, and he would get super offended. like "no take this seriously!" as two of hearts by stacey q plays.
H = hair (how well-groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
very well maintained. dennis definitely prides himself on his dick and spends effort making it look the best it can.
I = intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect.)
if this is a one night stand, he will try to fake some kind of deep romance into it, but truly it is not there. it is a one and done situation.
however, if this is an established relationship, i think he'd lose himself in the moment. he'd be more sappy than he realises, caressing your skin as he thursts or letting out a few "i love you"s that he would never admit to later as he cums.
J = jack off (masturbation headcanon)
i think dennis would believe masterbating is just something teenagers do and if he's horny he will just fuck. but occasionally if you are away from home and he's lonely he'll have to rub one out to that tape of you he has.
K = kink (one or more of their kinks)
bondage. obviously. love love loves the idea of you being restained and fully at his mercy. however, he doesn't just introduce this kink to anyone. you would have to be together long term before he brings out his "bondage shit." that's because it comes with him hiding the more insane parts of himself.
L = location (favorite places to do the do)
pretty vanilla and will usually want to do it in his bedroom. he feels most comfortable there, and mac knows not to come in. also, maybe because of the cameras he has in there. maybe.
M = motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
dennis is a simple man. short skirts and low-cut tops usually do the trick.
less traditionally, you telling him off can also get him going. either he's filled with the need to 'discipline' you or he wants you to take your anger out on him and ride him till the sun comes up, baby!!
N = no (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
there's nothing he wouldn't do to you. truly. anything is on the table. for himself, however, i don't think he'd like to get hurt. he's a big ole baby, and it would bruise his ego :(
O = oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
definitely prefers receiving because he is a selfish bastard man. he's rough with it, too, grabbing your head and using you like his personal fleshlight.
and of course, he's shit at giving. you'll have to teach him how to properly eat pussy.
P = pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
starts off painfully slow and ends hard and rough. he makes an ordeal out of foreplay. he will tease and test you before finally entering you, and even then he's going slow. when he actually starts fucking you though he's unapologetically fast. he's chasing his own high and you'll probably cum along the way.
Q = quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
he prefers to take his time during sex so i doubt hed be down for full penatration quickies. however quick blowjobs? he loves. especially if there's a chance you could get caught, like taking you to the office and having you suck his dick under the desk before going back out to serve again.
R = risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
definitely prefers to fuck properly at home, however, like said in 'Q' up to take some risks.
S = stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
one and done, im going to be so real. he will come then turn over and go to sleep.
T = toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
so many. so. vibrators, ball gags, rope. you name it, he probably has it. but only for his partner. he doesn't like the idea that he would need a toy to get himself off.
U = Unfair (How much they like to tease)
like mentioned in 'P', he likes to drag sex out, making a performance. he likes to degrade you by making you wait, dennis is solely focused on his own pleasure usually.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
dennis likes to pretend he isn't a whiny bitch. he lets out swallowed groans and grunts as he grinds against you, but pathetic little whines and occasionally even whimpers will slip out. this will only happen in a relationship and usually when your being aggressive towards him, like pulling his hair and clawing his back with ever growing need.
W = Wild Card (A random headcanon for the character)
i think with enough persuasion, you could peg dennis reynolds. if you somehow frame it in a way that caters to his hypermasculine view, he'll be begging for it.
X = X-ray (Let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
dude, he's huge. as seen in "mac and charlie die" (ifykyk). it almost makes up for his huge ego, almost. i imagine he's around 9 inches hard.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
dennis acts as though he is constantly seducing women and bringing them back to his place, this is not true. when not in a relationship, he usually only brings like 1 or 2 girls home a month. there's so much rigmarole to using his stupid D.E.N.N.I.S system that it's usually not worth the effort.
when he's in a relationship however, this drive rises. when you are around all the time suddenly he's always eager to fuck. most nights, infact.
Z = Zzz (How quickly they fall asleep)
like mentioned in 'A', he falls asleep pretty quickly. he'll give you a lazy kiss and drape his arm across you as a sort of 'thank you'. an appreciation.
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whimsyfinny · 1 year ago
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: Charlie discovers the Winchester boys to be struggling with keeping the bunker tidy, looking after themselves and being able to do their job simultaneously. Luckily she has a friend who’s from a Hunter family that is in need of work and can help them with research. Or so she thought that’s what her job would be. When Dean sees your more domesticated side, his head won’t stop swimming with all the wrong ideas.
Slow burn, enemies to lovers, smut
Warnings: None (Yet) in chapters to come there will be smut (and lots of it) and possible violence/blood/gore
Chapter Word Count: 1566
A/N: My first Supernatural fic so I hope it doesn’t suck ass. Only proof read by myself, so pls let me know of any errors so I can correct! Also I know at this point in the series Dean is more serious, however I love pre-Hell Dean so imma bring some of those vibes in here. This is also posted on my AO3.
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Please Read the below first:
Chapter 1
I’m Not Your F*cking Maid
Chapter 2
The journey to the bunker was pretty uneventful, with Sam and Charlie chatting amongst themselves in the front of the car whilst both myself and Dean sat miserably next to each other in the back like a couple of criminals who’d been arrested. The chains on my handcuffs jangled as I rubbed my sore knuckles; the skin raw, bruised and red from either my own blood or - most likely - Deans. As I did, I could feel a red hot glare burning into the side of my face from the older Winchester, as though he was in disbelief that I even had the audacity to feel any pain or discomfort right now as dark red scabs formed on his nose and cheek. We pulled up next to the bunker, and I didn’t get much chance to look at the surrounding scenery as the moment we were parked, the golden retriever duo up front hopped out, slammed their doors shut and threw ours open, Sam gently yet firmly grasping my elbow and pulling me to my feet whilst Charlie did the same for Dean. We were marched into the building and we soon arrived in what I assumed to be the kitchen. Sam pushed gently on my shoulder, urging me to take a seat at the table to which I obliged with Dean following suit and taking a seat opposite me. We stared each other down from across the table for a few moments, the atmosphere growing thicker by the second as his brilliant green eyes pierced mine.
“Enough the pair of you!” Charlie exclaimed, throwing her hands up. “Look, I’ve got some things to say before we release you both back into the wild. It won’t take long,” she sighed and rubbed her temples. “I wanted to introduce you guys to (Y/n) because I thought you would get along! With your shared interest in hunting, bootcut jeans, rock music and most importantly - pie.”
Dean and I shot each other a quick glance before looking away again. Charlie continued.
“You’ve had one disagreement, and even though I was impressed by the performance it definitely didn’t warrant the carnage. You’re both adults, so act like it and stop bickering like children. You’re going to be living and working together now so you’re both just going to have to suck it up and move on.”
Sam stepped forward; “I agree with Charlie. (Y/n) you have no idea how much of a help you being here is going to be. We’ve been going around in circles for months and we really need a fresh pair of eyes. Plus you get free food and board, if that helps,” he grinned slightly trying to lighten the mood. I humoured him and softened my eyes, raising my eyebrows in acknowledgment to the pros of staying here.
“Right,” he clapped his hands together, “we’re going to remove the tape and you’re both going to be civilised. You promise?”
I gave Dean one final long, hard stare before nodding.
”Good,” Sams soft cool fingers grazed my cheek as he pulled up the corner of the tape, gently peeling it back until it was removed and I could finally take a deep breath. Meanwhile, Charlie approached Dean and in one swift movement ripped the tape from his mouth in under a second.
“FUCK!” He cried out as he tenderly touched his now extra sore swollen lips. I couldn’t help but smirk.
“Right, I’m going to go and get (Y/n)s belongings from the motel room she’s staying in and check her out then I’ll be right back with all her stuff. I’ll see you guys later!” And before I could even protest for her to take me with her, she’d turned on her heel and hightailed it out of the bunker, leaving Sam to undo our cuffs and set us free.
“That bitch,” I sighed, huffing a strand of hair out of my face. Sam knelt before me, that kind look in his eye ever twinkling.
“(Y/n) I promise you that you're safe here. It’s warded to the teeth and full of everything we need to survive. We’ve got you,” he patted my knee before taking my hands in his, using a small key to finally undo the cuffs right before they clattered to the floor. I leant down to pick them up, and by the time I’d sat back up to place them on the kitchen table, he was already beside Dean doing the same for him. His own cuffs removed and rubbing his wrists, he stood, looking from me to Sam a few times before speaking.
“Well I’ve already suffered enough today so I’m going to spend time coming up with a better excuse as to why I look like this,” he gestured to his beaten face and turned to leave, mumbling a quick ‘see ya later’ to Sam before leaving the kitchen. Sam stood awkwardly for a second, before declaring that he was going to get some lunch for everyone and also scurried away, leaving me completely alone in alien territory. I was still sat at the table as I began to look around.
This place was a dump.
How did these grown ass men live in conditions like this? The dirty dishes were piled so high that it was a surprise they hadn’t toppled over yet. Empty beer bottles cluttered the table and countertops, the bin was overflowing with bulging bin bags dumped right next to it without being taken outside and the smell was starting to make me feel a little nauseous. How does Sam expect us all to eat and live together in conditions like this? It was like living with a couple of wild animals. After a few silent moments to myself I released a breath I’d been holding whilst I pondered. I ran my hands through my hair and laughed at myself in disbelief. I’m gonna have to clean the fucking kitchen. Without giving it a second thought and running the risk that I’d change my mind, I scooped my hair into a high ponytail using the bobble on my wrist and pushed up my sleeves, finding a pair of rubber gloves under the sink. Let’s clean this bitch.
In the space of about an hour and a half (a gruelling hour and a half), I’d washed and dried the dishes, putting them away in their respective places, taken out all the trash and lined the bin with a fresh bag, scrubbed and disinfected every surface and had even mopped the floors. The smell of rotting trash was dissipating and the urge to claw off my own skin had gone. I’d propped the mop against the wall and stepped back to admire my hard labour when I heard a door open and close, the entering footsteps heading my way. Sam emerged into the kitchen, a stunned look on his face as he walked to the table slowly, placing about 6 bags of ‘groceries’ on its surface. His mouth opened and closed a few times like he was searching for the right things to say.
“You’re welcome,” I cut in, hoping to help him find his words.
“Yeah, thank you! I’m sorry, I didn't know what to say - you really didn’t have to do this. It’s embarrassing that you were even put in a situation where you felt you had to,” he grimaced a little, only now realising what a horror show it was that they were living in. “But seriously thank you, I really appreciate it,” he smiled and I couldn't help but smile back. Sam was sweet and easy to like - unlike his Neanderthal brother. I felt like I could trust him.
I peeled my gloves off, threw them in the bin and approached the kitchen table where Sam was pulling out a case of beer.
“Here, you deserve one of these,” he said, handing me one. The bottle was nice and cool on my hot fingertips, my warm skin instantly relishing the coldness.
“Thank you,” I smiled before popping the cap and taking a long, well deserved drink. I savoured the moment, genuinely appreciating Sam’s gesture. Although all nice moments comes to an end, and soon Dean was striding into the room bold as brass, seating himself at the table and helping himself to a beer without so much as a hello. It wasn’t until he’d drained half the bottle in one gulp that he realised the kitchen was clean. He grinned and looked at his brother.
“Hey, nice job Sammy! It looks great in here, I owe you one,” he raised his bottle as if making a small toast whilst Sam’s eyes flicked to mine.
“Uh, Dean… this wasn’t me. You need to thank (Y/n) for that,” Deans grin faulted slightly as he looked between the two of us before it returned. I couldn’t help but raise my eyebrows in suspicion. His forest green eyes pierced into mine as he almost purred his next sentence.
“Well, Sammy, it looks like we’ve bagged ourselves a maid. Does she cook too?”
I slammed my bottle on the table, much like I did earlier. Only Sam flinched.
“I’m not your fucking maid,” I snarled, resenting that shit-eating grin on the older Winchesters lips. He chuckled, the sound coming deep from within his chest as he rose to his feet.
“Sure thing sweetheart.”
Taglist: @creative-writing92 @suckitands33
Up Next:
Chapter 3
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afewproblems · 2 years ago
50. “I need you to forgive me.”
53. “I’m flirting with you.”
Whichever vibe you’re feeling ☺️ -steddierthings
Ahhh! Thank you for this @steddierthings this one got sad, even though I ended up going with 53. "I'm flirting with you."
"Eddie! Eddie, wait!" Steve calls after him, tearing down the hallway as Eddie makes a beeline for the front door, an angry flush staining his cheeks and neck.
Eddie ignores the urgency in Steve's voice as he grabs the door handle only to stumble as a pair of hands grasp his shoulders.
"Eddie please--"
"Just fuck off," Eddie snarls, whirling around to face him. Who the hell did he think he was, that Steve could say these things, do these things, without any consequences?
Steve flinches, raising his hands in surrender, but he holds his ground as he steps closer, expression determined.
"If you would just let me explain--"
Eddie laughs over Steve's words, a harsh mirthless sound, "explain what exactly?" 
It was one thing for Eddie to quietly pine from afar, to know in his heart of hearts that his feelings could never be returned. 
It was another to have them thrown in his face like this. 
"I know you told me a little about Ozzy that day, you know in the woods?" Steve says softly as he replaces the Tears for Fears cassette with another tape -this one with a handmade label on both sides. 
"And I know you like, uh, Metal and rock music," Steve continues, ignoring the pained snort Eddie makes from his position on the couch. 
It's another night, just the two of them. 
Robin left them about an hour ago to finish their movie, 'alone,' though why she said it that way, Eddie has no idea. 
"So I made this for you," Steve says, pressing play on the cassette player in the Harrington living room.
A mixture of synth and guitar pour out from the speakers as drums soon join them, snapping out a heavy rhythm as the singer starts, his voice a little higher than Eddie was expecting for the music.
'We are secrets to each other
Each one's life a novel
No-one else has read
"It's uh, Rush, do you know them?" Steve says in a near whisper as he walks back to where Eddie is sitting on the couch. He's playing with his fingers, picking at his thumbnail in the same way Robin does when she's nervous, but what the hell would Steve have to be nervous about right now, Eddie thinks to himself as Steve sits down with a shy smile. 
'Even joined in bonds of love
We're linked to one another
By such slender threads'
"I uh, thought you might like the guitar in it, it's not as like, present as some of their other songs though," Steve mumbles with a shrug as he continues looking at Eddie with soft eyes.
He's moving closer now, close enough that Eddie can feel the warmth of Steve's breath on his face, what the hell is he doing?
"Yeah, I've heard of them, they aren't really my thing," Eddie says nervously, inching backward, his eyes widen as Steve follows him, his eyes drop down to Eddie's mouth so quickly he nearly misses it.
'I think it's time for us to realize
The spaces in between
Leave room
For you and I to grow'
"Eddie," Steve whispers, his eyes flutter nearly closed, "can I, I really like you--"
No. He can't think about it again.
He can't think about the freckles he counted, dusting Steve's nose, the flecks of green and gold in his eyes just before they closed to reveal long brown lashes. 
The way his nose felt as it brushed Eddie's own just before he scrambled away across the couch, leaving Steve there with confusion and alarm painted across his face.
It would have been so easy to let himself have this, to go along with whatever prank Steve had obviously concocted. Even if it meant letting him shatter Eddie's heart, just so he could have the chance to feel those lips against his own just once.
"You got me King-Steve, let's all make fun of the freak right?" He scoffs and reaches behind himself for the door handle again.
"I'm flirting with you, Eds, I promise," Steve insists, moving closer into Eddie's space, he reaches for his shoulders again only for Eddie to turn the handle and evade Steve's hands as he steps over the threshold.
"Asshole," Eddie huffs as he makes his way back to his van, leaving Steve standing on his front step, watching mournfully as Eddie gets into the van and peels out of the driveway.
Part Two and Part Three
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panpanghost · 3 months ago
part 10 of this au (Turns out "corrupted king" is taken, shockers to no one, so it's out the list. Why is it taking so long?! I honestly suck at picking up names.)
_"What is that?" Macaque asked, watching the king press on a weird metal box. The king said it'll be fun and he can't wait to know what it is.
_"It's called a speaker. Music comes out of it or anything you want to listen to." The king explained,
_"Like the musicals!?" Macaque got excited.
I loved the musicals the king showed me on the TV, I had to groom the king afterwards as a payback, I didn't mind, it was a fair trade. He even said he'll make me my own stage once I'm bettter. Are we doing something similar?
_"Yes! Something like that, but I thought this time, instead of sitting around, why don't we dance?" The king was pressing on the screen called cellphone. He told Macaque he'll buy him one later.
_"I'm not sure I know of this era's dances. I don't think I can be a proper dance partner." I like dancing, but doing it in front of the king is a bit...
_"Stop overthinking it. We're just having fun. There's no one here, relax a bit, would you?"
Macaque loves dancing and singing. I'll make him listen to all types of songs so I can hear him sing around the house again, I can't wait to hear his voice.
_"Alright, but promise you won't make fun of me." It might be fun.
_"Actually that's my line. Between the two of us, you're the better dancer."
_"I don't think I can keep the title for long."
_"This is my chance for a rematch, I won't go easy on you."
_"Hehe, I'll try to keep up."
As the music started, Wukong opened his hand, and Macaque grabbed it. He spinned him, and their bodies started moving.
I can't believe how in sync we are. It's like we have been practising for centuries. When did I stop feeling repulsed by his touch? It all happened so fast I didn't even notice. This feels like a dream. I want to remember him, I want to know him, I want to love him. I need to remember us. How many memories like these have I lost? I'll find a way to get this crown off, no matter what. I'll be happy with him again.
They kept dancing and jumping, pulling and teasing. At some point the music got calmer and Macaque let the king hold him closer, he put his arms around his neck, his ears on the king's shoulder, listening to his heartbeat and just living. He didn't think about how weak he is, he didn't think about his magic or memories, he just lived in that moment. He's not alone anymore.
I want to protect these memories. I have to protect Wukong. I need to get this crown off.
This is it, this is all I ever wanted, don't ever leave me. I'll keep the crown on you, forever.
In the meantime, in Pigzy's noodles shop;
_"Nezha!" MK stood up from his seat to greet the immortal, "I'm so glad you came!"
Mei, Sandy, Mr. Tang and Pigzy, stepped closer to greet him as well.
_"Of course. We owe you a great debt. I'm happy to help." Nezha responded.
He was actually really surprised when MK suddenly contacted him and asked for his help, but he is glad to lend a hand nonetheless, especially if what's he found out is true.
_"Awwww, don't mention it." MK felt shy, "Seriously though, don't mention it." that sentence was not as shy as the other, no it was very serious.
_"Alright. Well then. Considering what you asked me to look for, there's someone I'd like you to meet-"
As soon as a figure entered the shop,
_"*GASP!! GE-GE-GE-GE-GE-GE-GE-GE-GE-GE GENERAL ERLANG SHEN!!!! OOOOOOOO-" Mr. Tang jumped up, super excited,
_"SHUT UP!" Pigzy literally tied him up and put a tape on his mouth. He knows Tang won't shut up for the next three hours and they don't have that kind of time, or patience. Not in this situation.
_"Hehe, Guess I'm still famous in the mortal realm." The general smiled kindly, "I thought these clothes would help me fit in more, guess that didn't work." he continued putting his hands in the blue hoodie he was wearing, but when everyone was still staring at him without saying anything, he spoke again: "I apologise for not formally informing you of my visit, but this matter is urgent so I hope you'd forgive me."
Mr. Tang let out a muffled scream, HE'S SO COOL!!!! Is what he wanted to say,
_"No worries champ, we're the ones grateful for your help." Pigzy broke the silence as everyone else was looking at the guest in awe.
_"Thank you Mr. Pigzy."
_"Just Pigzy, Mr. Pigzy was my father. Come on, take a seat." Pigzy has no idea who that is. But so far he seems nice.
_"If you'll excuse me." The guest walked between the gang as they were shooting arrows of admiration at him with their eyes, then a cute puppy walked behind him and everyone was about to explode,
_"AWWWWWWWW" Everyone said in unison, eyes twinkling,
The general took a seat with his puppy in his lap, and thankfully, Nezha started the conversation,
_"Ehem, I'll get straight to the point, we think Sun Wukong has been corrupted by the "corrupted king's crown'"
_"What?" MK took his eyes off the puppy as Mei continued taking pictures of it. "That's impossible. Macaque's the one wearing it. Also, Monkey King said it wasn't the same crown, or it's badly translated or something." MK defended,
_"That's why we think he's corrupted." The general spoke,
_"What do you mean?"
_"After your request for information about the crown, the prince came to me since I was in charge of protecting the great library."
_"Why would a library need protection?" Mei asked. Seriously, it's a library.
_"It's not any library, it contains everything that has ever been written, all the discoveries, all the spells, all the medicines, some legends say it even has 'the book of death, life and future', but no one has ever seen it."
_"Wow." Mei and MK let out,
_"Wow indeed. When the prince asked me about the crown I told him to ask Sun Wukong."
_"But the Monkey king doesn't know anything about it." MK knows that,
_"Here's where we suspected something was off. The great sage came to me a few hours before the prince. He told me of great evil that's corrupting the Six-eared Macaque's mind, and he needed my help to stop it. Knowing the Six-eared Macaque I was afraid we might be too late to stop him if we went on with the usual routine investigation, so I trusted Sun Wukong's word. I entered the library with him and we found the original scroll that had everything about the crown written in it, I managed to read some of it, that's how I knew what the prince was looking for."
_"Then that's good! Monkey king can save Macaque!" MK said excitedly,
_"We don't think so." Nezha looked worried,
_"What do you mean?"
_"Time passes differently between the realms, the few hours that passed in the celestial realm meant days in the mortal realm." Erlang explained,
_"Sun Wukong had the scroll days before we even knew about it." Nezha finally told MK,
_"Wait- What? Are you saying Monkey King is trying to kill Macaque?" MK is in disbelief,
_"No. I mean yes. I just don't think he knows it." Erlang tried to calm the kid,
_"But- why?"
_"It's the crown, since it couldn't corrupt the Six-eared Macaque, it focused its power on finding a guard to protect the king." Erlang added,
_"The king has guards..." MK remembered,
_"It's what Macaque told me before he passed out, The king has guards. He was referring to Monkey King! That's why he didn't let me go get him! That's why Monkey King yelled at me! I was getting too close to the truth!"
_"He did what!?" Pisgzy wanted to kill that immortal monkey, only he is allowed to yell at his son.
_"It's no shock the Six-eared Macaque knows of the crown. It might have changed its forme but it's still the same." Erlang continued,
_"How would Macaque know about it?" Mei asked,
_"Because he's the one who stopped it the last time it was released."
_"What?" MK and Mei don't think they heard him correctly,
_"It was a long time ago. A greedy human king made a deal with a blood demon. He asked him for more power and money, no matter the price. The demon asked for the souls of his subjects. A normal person wouldn't agree to such a massacre, but the king was blinded by greed. So he ordered his most loyal knights to kill the people of the kingdom, and paid mercenaries to finish the rest, claiming his subjects had been infected by a deadly disease. The knights, trusting their king, took many innocent lives, and by the time they discovered the truth, it was too late. As the demon received the last innocent soul, he used black magic to make the crown and gave it to the king. The six Knights that survived, driven by guilt, betrayed their king and tried to kill him. But the crown was too powerful, it gave power to the king and he cursed the knights, they became the king's guards, their only purpose is to protect the king and the crown." Erlang told what he read,
_"That's... awful..." MK can't believe someone so evil could exist, to kill an entire kingdom...
_"Unfortunately, it doesn't end there. The crown was made to make the dream of whoever wears it come true, no matter the price. So the king sent his guards across the land to take over the world and kill who stood in his way. The guards did as ordered, and with that, the crown grew stronger. It became so strong that an entire continent was affected by its magic. Lands were burned, homes destroyed, families corrupted; a mother would kill her own child for the smallest desires. It was a horror like no one had ever seen." Erlang continued,
_"So how did you stop it?" MK needs to know, he must stop the crown before it's too late,
_"We didn't. We couldn't. Even when the king set his mind on the celestial realm, we were powerless against it. The crown would see your deepest desire even if it was a small thought and turn you into a monster chasing it until it took all your magic and soul. It was impossible to get close enough without losing your mind."
_"So is that what's happening to Monkey King? The crown is making him lose his mind?" MK asked anxiously, this is bad, this is really bad.
_"Not exactly, the crown makes you chase your desire and gives you power when someone stands in your way. So I'm not sure what's happening with The great sage. It looks like he's just protecting the crown."
_"Well it doesn't matter as long as we can stop it. How did Macaque do it?" Mei said optimistically, if Macaque did it, then so can they.
_"I don't know." Erlang admitted, "All I know is that Guan Yin told us to seek his help. We managed to find him, and he agreed to help in exchange for one wish he'll ask one day. Somehow, he wasn't affected by the crown. He fought the guards, killed the king, and hid the crown since it couldn't be destroyed. We did ask him where he hid it, but he said it's safer that no one ever knows. So we also don't know who found it or how they even managed to."
_"He killed the king..." MK's face dropped,
_"It's the only way. To stop the person wearing it. And I believe, if we don't manage to find the scroll that Sun Wukong took, it'll be our only option. I'm sorry, but we can't risk unleashing that terror into the world."
_"Wait. W-we don't have to. I just need to talk to Monkey King and all is well. I'm sure he just forgot to tell us. He's probably working on freeing Macaque right now." MK wished he could believe his own words, something is definitely wrong.
Erlnag gave a worried look to the prince. The crown is ancient, even older than the great sage himself. This might be too much for a kid to handle,
_"Alright Monkey kid, go to Wukong and inform us of the situation we're dealing with. We'll wait for your return." Erlang is not cruel, he also wants to give this a chance, he wants to at least try. The kid looked a bit relieved,
"But. If you fail, we will have to intervene." Erlang doesn't know how to stop the crown, but he won't hesitate to kill The Six-eared Macaque if he has to.
_"Don't worry. I won't fail!" MK might've looked confident on the outside, but inside, his world was crumbling. "Dadzy can you make a cake?" He turned to ask his dad,
_"Sure, but I don't think this is the right time for cakes." Pigzy answered, a bit suspicious.
_"Oh, it's not for us. I'll give it to the Monkey King." MK gave him the 'I have a plan look'.
_"*sigh* Alright." Pigzy finally crumbled under MK's looks. "But you can't go there on your own."
_"I don't think I can promise that." MK smiled nervously, avoiding eye contact,
_"What? Why?"
_"Last time I was there, I went through what felt like a hundred barriers, I got exhausted just going through them, I don't think anyone else can go in. At least not without putting a fight and Monkey King showing up prepared for one." MK's tone was serious, he doesn't even know if he can step into the mountain anymore.
_"Then you're not going." Pigzy won't send MK to a complete immortal lunatic,
_"Mis- Pigzy, if I may. If Monkey kid doesn't find the scroll before the curse is completed, none of us will survive. I hate to say it. But we do need him to get it as fast as possible." Erlang stepped in,
_"And what about that celestial army of yours, huh?! Can't you stop it?!" Why is it always MK?
_"I'm afraid not. We have tried before, the crown will corrupt our soldiers' minds, and it'll be chaos. Also, time passes differently in the celestial realm, it'll take years before we agree on sending an army, it'll be too late by then. Not to mention, Sun Wukong is already strong enough to fight us without the crown on his side, I can't imagine what will happen once he completely becomes under its control."
_"...." Pigzy hates this, if this guy isn't going to help then he shouldn't have shown up in the first place, but... if that crown is that scary, if they don't find the scroll, MK might not survive... no one will... "Fine. But if you feel there's something wrong, you come back immediately, am I clear?"
_"Yes dadzy!" MK jumped smiling and went with his dad to help prepare the cake,
_"Should I talk to my father about the fillet?" Nezha whispered to the general,
_"It won't be of much help. The pain was what kept Sun Wukong down. The crown can easily take that pain away. We have to wait for the kid and prepare for the worse."
_"Oh, how rude of us. Mr. general, would you like some tea?" Sandy asked,
_"I would love that, thank you very much. I hope I won't be a bother to you, I'm afraid I have to wait here for the Monkey kid to return. I can't go back to the celestial realm right now."
_"Not at all, we're happy to have you with us."
In the background, Mr. Tang was struggling to talk to the General, tossing and turning and making muffled sounds as he failed to speak.
_"Uuhhhh.... Is he ok?" Erlang asked, smiling nervously,
_"Believe me, you don't want to unleash THAT terror into your world." Pigzy pointed at a very angry Mr. Tang who was trying to get to The general, "No! Bad Tang! Bad! Stay back!" Pigzy sprayed some water on him.
Mr. Tang made a 'Hisssssss' then got back to his corner like a catapillar. Poor Mr. Tang.
MK got his phone out of his pocket to see who sent him a message.
It's Redson.
(You can know I'm getting into it by how much the chapters are getting longer and longer each time. Also next part is gonna take some time to come out because life.
Hope you enjoyed the au so far!)
edit: part 11
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medusapelagia · 7 months ago
13 Missing moments
written for @steddieangstyaugust (prompt:"Please, stay?" ) and @augustwritingchallenge (Prompt: found footage ) @aug-kissed (prompt: Gentle peck) Rating: Mature Relationship: Steve/Eddie TW: established Steve/Eddie, implied reference to cancer, sick character, mention of vomit, open ending Words: 1141
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Eddie knocks on the door softly, not wanting to wake Steve if he’s finally asleep. It was a hard night for both of them. Steve woke up at three am, struggling to breathe and he was determined not to call the ambulance, so the only thing Eddie could do was hold him tight to his chest, brushing away the hair from Steve’s sweaty forehead, promising he would feel better soon and hoping it wasn’t a lie. And when, almost ten agonizing minutes later, Steve’s breath finally slowed down, Eddie took a big breath of relief he didn’t know he was holding.
“Come in. I’m awake.” Steve replies in a graveled voice.
“Did you throw up?” Eddie asks, worriedly, smelling the acrid scent in the air.
“Sorry. I opened the window.”
“Hey, I don't care, I’m just worried about you. You sure you don’t want me to call the doctor?”
“It’s the new meds. We knew it could happen, right?”
Right, they knew Steve’s new meds had some collateral effects but not that Steve was going to experience every single one of them.
“Maybe we should tell Owens you’re feeling like shit.”
“And change meds again? I’m halfway through. Just give my body a few more days to get used to the new meds and I’ll be ok.”
Steve’s thick mane is now as thin as a baby's hair. Stupid meds that are making him feel worse.
“I guess you don’t want to eat, right?”
Steve shakes his head quietly, patting the other side of the bed, “Please, stay?”
Luckily today is Sunday. The girls are at Aunt Robin’s home and he doesn’t have to leave for work, so he moves as slowly as he can not to jostle Steve too much and lies next to him.
“How are you feeling, baby?” Eddie asks, even if he knows by now that getting a true answer from Steve is almost impossible.
“I’m better. Thanks.”
Eddie gives him a gentle peck on the forehead, frowning when he finds it too warm but he says nothing. He knows that Steve’s immune system is way too weak right now and he really hopes that the little fever is his body trying to fight the sickness.
“Do you want me to read something for you?”
“Don’t think I could follow if you read for me.”
“You don’t have to. I know you find my voice really soothing.”
“I love your voice. I’m your biggest fan, did you forget?” 
Eddie chuckles, remembering that both Robin and Steve got to the first official Corroded Coffin’s concert with twin homemade t-shirts with that sentence.
“Yes, you are. Maybe you prefer some music?”
“Yeah. Can you fetch me the first tape you made for me?”
“When we started dating? But it’s almost thirty years ago! I have no idea where it is!”
“Maybe the attic?”
Eddie stares quietly at Steve, “Are you trying to find me something to do to keep me occupied?”
Steve shrugs, “Maybe? I’m going to fall asleep soon and I know you won’t dare to move if you’re in the bed with me and I don’t want you to spend all the Sunday morning lying in bed with me.”
“That sounds like a perfect way to spend the Sunday morning, actually.” Eddie replies, kissing Steve’s cheek, “But I’ll let you rest. I’ll be back with that tape. I swear it on my honor.” he promises.
“I know you will. You’re my champion, aren’t you?”
“Of course, I am, my king.” Eddie kisses Steve’s hand before leaving the bedroom, then he moves toward the end of the corridor and pulls down the ladder to the attic.
The attic is dirty and dusty, they haven’t been here in ages. Everywhere there are cardboard boxes with Steve’s neat handwriting. 
Melissa and Elisa’s toys.
Eddie’s show costumes.
And a little one: VHS.
Eddie opens the VHS box, wondering if inside there are the Disney movies the girls were obsessed with when they were kids: Cinderella, Pocahontas, and The Little Mermaid.
But under the Disney VHS, there are some older recording tapes that Eddie doesn’t remember. He lifts the box and takes it down in his studio, where he still has an old television with a VHS player that he really hopes is still working.
The first VHS is just a mix of blurred images of Robin, while Steve’s voice, out of the screen, asks, “Do you think this thing is recording?”
“The light is red so I think so.”
“You sure? I can’t fuck up! Eddie will be mad if I did.”
“You won’t, dingus, come on, let me see what we recorded.”
“Oh my god! Steve! Turn off the camera and let’s see what is recorded.” Robin says, stepping closer while the camera is pointed to the red moquette.
“Dingus! You’re still recording! If Eddie doesn’t have a feet fetish I don’t think he’ll appreciate footage of your feet and the ground. Turn the camera off!”
“I did!”
“You did not! You have to push here-”
The images stop abruptly leaving space for a series of grays and whites.
Eddie smiles, years have passed but Steve’s relationship with technology is still very complicated. He accidentally sent a lovely meme to the family’s group chat instead of sending it to Eddie, causing a series of fake gagging from the girls and a lot of mockery for a couple of months.
After the interruption the video starts again, this time the camera must have been positioned somewhere to film Steve and Robin. Their heads are abruptly cut out from the shot but they are both wearing the ‘Corroded Coffin Biggest Fan’ t-shirt and they are talking about how excited they are for the first official Corroded Coffin’s concert.
Another interruption and then a very clumsy and shaky shot of Eddie, playing The boy with the nailed bat in his heart begins. 
Eddie can barely hear his own voice over Gareth’s drum. The acustic in that forum was horrible, but it was their first officially paid gig.
He can’t hear himself sing, but he can hear Steve’s voice singing as loud as he can. He’s definitely out of tune, but Eddie smiles fondly at the footage. He sounds so happy.
Eddie grabs the VHS cardboard boxes that he found, and he discovers a treasure of memories he forgot. Silly little moments that got lost in all the time they spent together. Robin’s graduation. Dustin’s wedding. Their first family holiday with the twins and many other little precious memories. But Steve is not on the tapes. Not even one. He’s always the voice behind the camera, asking to look at him, or describing what’s going on.
When the last tape ends Eddie’s eyes are full of tears, and he promises himself that he’ll make sure not to miss any moment lived with Steve. 
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deadqueerboys · 21 days ago
HII, could you do Tommy, Tubbo, Quackity headcannons in which they give a ftm reader who has been on t his first “blow job” (bottom growth) ? hwjejejfkkfkf I am so gay 💔
Bottom Growth
Tommy, Tubbo, Quackity x Ftm! Reader (separate)
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Since you started T, he has been crazy to see your changes. He noticed how your boobs got small, and now they could fit on his hands. Your grow, chest, and pubic hair, maybe a little of a mustache coming soon. He analyzes your body every night, touching where he could and especially looking at your clit. It scared him when it started to grow, a small dick instead of just the sweet spot. He clearly tries to please you too, since he's so touchy, he needs to check if it feels good. He was avoiding sucking it, at least until the last night.
He was in bed, layd down with only his pants on. Tom was quiet for some time now, only thinking about how he could easily make you a mess. He silently gets between your legs, pushing your underwear to the side and licking your pussy. It quickly takes a moan out of you. It makes you slap the sheets. He sucks on your T dick, doing it slow, knowing this is a sensible area. You grab his hair, his head buried between your legs. He brings his two fingers to penetrate you. He's good at it, possibly the best. Tom knows how to touch and how to make you feel good. Such a simple touch can make you a mess. It doesn't take long for you to cum, Tommy licks all of it without letting anything behind. All of this without a word. He's hard, but he can deal with it later. Right now, he just wants to cuddle with you and kiss your neck.
Toby wanted it to be special. He never had a trans boyfriend, and he didn't want to blow this chance. It was easy to lead you to the room, a red light and music playing on the background. It was more funny than sexual, but you could tell he was giving his best. His hands desperate to touch you while he makes you sit on the edge of the bed. He gets on his knees and spreads your legs, his takes everything on his mouth. He doesn't know how sensitive it is, causing you to slap his cheek. Tubbo looks up, pity on his eyes and his hands on your thighs. He says a quiet "I'm sorry.." And comes back to suck it, going slow and more calm.
You start to like it. It's your first blowjob and it feels good because of Tubbo. It feels special, like it was supposed to. He nuzzles on your pussy, his mouth doing a great job while he sucks on you. You cross your legs around his neck, bringing him closer. He never gets tired. He's used to bigger things on his throat, so doing this was just part of what he could give you. If you ever think about doing the surgery to have a cock, he will gladly help you out. Whatever you want, you can get. His eyes close while he sucks on you. It feels great to him and probably feels good for you, too.
Alex hasn't seen you much since you started T. It's been almost a year of travel, streams, and him meeting his friends. With it, the sex has become almost inexistent. But usually you two send pics to each other. You have a full collection of him shirtless and without his beanie on. It's your secret treasure. He has a lot of you with your toys and touching yourself. He doesn't like that much. He loves the ones where you're shirtless with tapes on your tits. It gives more space to his imagination. When you two met up, he was shy, giggling and blushing whenever you looked at him with that beautiful smirk.
He was watching you get out of the bath, a towel around you while you got inside of the room. His smile is big. He runs into your direction to grab you and put you on his lap. Alex kisses your whole body, his hands taking the towel out of you. He pushes it to the other side of the room, making you lay down on the bed. It was easy for him to go down on you, kissing your thighs before going to your dick. He sucks it with difficulty. He had never done this before. He's in the minimum inexperienced. But he does it with pride, sucking it with sensibility.
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Your Vampire: Chapter Five
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I Could Have Danced All Night
(Max Phillips x f!reader)
Words: 1, 406
Summary: stuff happens in this chapter, some of it good
Warnings: a whole bunch of cute wholesome fluffiness here, no y/n, reader has nickname Garland, references to musicals
Check out masterlist here
Music was playing throughout the house. Max had his playlist, Songs to Dance to, playing and it started its next song. He specially picked songs that made it impossible not to dance to. It was something he did when he was alone. He detested karaoke but he couldn’t help but sing along.
“Someone’s head restin’ on my knee; warm and tender as he can be. Who takes good care of me; oh wouldn’t it be loverly?”
He stopped when he saw you standing there watching.
“Loverly,” you said.
“Loverly,” he replied.
“Having fun there?” you asked with an amused tone.
He straightened his jacket, “Like you haven’t felt like breaking into a dance number. You ever feel like pulling an Audrey Hepburn and doing a Bohemian dance?”
“Not with my clumsy feet.”
He looked down at your feet, “They don’t look clumsy to me.”
You realised that you were tapping your feet. They had no choice with the music that was playing. Max held out his hand, “Care to be the Rogers to my Astaire?”
Needing a distraction, you took his hand.
As soon as you did, the music changed. It felt like the rest of the world had melted away, leaving you two as the only two left on Earth.  You were only rocking side to side, but it felt like waltzing.
I’m singin’ in the rain, just singin’ in the rain.
What a glorious feeling, I’m happy again.
The harsh tone of your phone suddenly broke you out of your revelry. You quickly stepped away from the dream of dancing and looked in nervous anticipation at your phone.
“You okay Garland?”
“Yeah, sorry. I’m just waiting to hear back from my doctors. See if I’m in the clear or not.”
“I could have saved you the trouble.”
“You can tell my medical history from tasting my blood?”
He straightened his tie, “Not your entire history, but I should be able to tell if you’re in the clear.”
“That would be useful, but I’d feel bad putting my doctors out of a job.”
“That’s fair. Also, I wouldn’t want them to know I’m a vampire.”
“Afraid they’ll experiment on you?”
“The only experiments I like are sexual ones.”
You shook your head in amusement as you and Max left for work.
As you quickly got your lunch from the staff fridge, you saw Jacob approaching you in the break room.
“Are you still staying with Max Phillips?” he asked.
“Him, of all people?”
“Why do you care? You moved on.” And you moved out of the break room. But Jacob continued to follow.
“He’s a vampire you know?”
“Yes, I’ve known he’s a vampire for a while. And he treats me like an actual person.”
“You know he only made up that false position because he wants to sleep with you?”
“Actually,” said Max emerging from the shadows. “I created this actual position because she’s actually good at her job as I value her as an actual hard-working person.”
Fearing having his throat ripped out, Jacob left as soon as he could. Max turned to you.
“I said actually too many times, didn’t I?”
You nodded as you put your lunch on your desk and took out your sandwich, “Someone’s taken a bite out of my sandwich again,” and you put it aside.
“I could check the tapes, see who’s stealing food.”
“Tapes? You have tapes?”
“Well, it’s a hardrive with multiple copies but yeah, pretty much.”
You made a noise of surprise but not surprise because it’s Max, “In better news, I’m in the clear.”
“That’s great, we should celebrate.”
“You want to celebrate?”
“Of course I do. Being in the clear is cause for celebration.”
The comment hit you like a refreshing splash of water. All you could do was shrug.
“Hey,” said Max. “I could finally take you to the theatre! I can see what’s on.”
 “Oh no,” you interrupted. “I don’t have to do anything fancy. Maybe we could see a movie?”
“Dinner and a movie? It’s a date Garland.”
He didn’t realise the slip-up, but you did.
The car pulled up outside of a small cinema. The Sound of Music blazed across the front.
“I should have brought a change of clothes. I probably smell.”
“No, you smell of roses,” he opened the door. “After you.”
You had a look around and noticed that very few were attending the screening. “I think we’re the only two here.”
“Oh really? Guess no one wants to see this.”
“But it’s The Sound of Music. How can anyone say no to Julie Andrews.”
“Guess they’ll have to wait until the next screening. This one is booked out.”
“Popcorn? I’ll go get you some popcorn.”
He avoided looking at you when he handed you the box.
“Max is this a date?” you don’t know why you asked that.
He paused, “Do you want it to be a date?”
You paused, “Maybe. I don’t know.” You quickly put popcorn in your mouth to avoid the subject and thankfully the film started.
The good thing about being the only two people in the theatre was that you could sing along to your hearts content. The only one who threw popcorn for Max’s loud singing was you.
When Maria and Captain Von Trapp danced together, Max got up and held out his hand to like he did earlier in the day. Feeling slightly bold, you agreed to it. Although the two of you had never danced together, your bodies moved together as if you had been dancing for eternity. This must have been what the two characters on screen felt like. This was the second time you had danced with someone. Both those times happened to be with Max Phillips.
It was a picturesque night out at the pictures. It would have been the perfect date if it wasn’t a date.
He opened the front door for you, “Well, I need to get my beauty sleep,” you said.
“I hope I’m not too presumptuous, but you don’t need any beauty sleep.”
“What a nice compliment,” but the sarcasm was obvious in your tone.
“Hey,” you turned around. ‘I just want to take another look at you.”
If only the following day was as practically perfect in every way.
It started off with your clearly labelled lunch box being missing from the staff fridge. This was a step up from the small nibbles happening all week. The culprit revealed themselves when you trudged back to your office.
“Oh, sorry,” Cidnee tried to hide the evidence. “I just get so hungry, and your lunch always smells so good.”
“I bet.”
And I’m eating for two you know. I’m in my second trimester now.”
“What? How can that be when?” The realisation hit you like a wave, and you tried to not get caught in the waves and dragged into the tides which held nothing but anger and rage.
Max gently dragged you away from the waters of anger and led you into his office.
“Was it obvious? Those two?” you asked.
“It was.”
“I’m an idiot,” you collapsed into a chair. “I bet everyone knew and I’m a stupid idiot who was the only one who didn’t notice.”
“No, everyone else is an idiot. If they spent half the energy you did, then we’d have a functioning office. They put more effort into making excuses.”
“And then she steals my food! She steals my asshole ex and then steals my lunch! I will kill them both!”
“Look, Garland, I’m sending you home, you’re having a half day.”
Max came home to silence. He noticed you were sitting on the couch. You had probably been stewing in angry thoughts for several hours. As soon as you saw him come into the room, you stood up to face him.
“Max,” he was dreading this conversation. “You knew this whole time, didn’t you? You have tapes of them?”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
He shrugged, “I don’t know. I didn’t want to be responsible for some stupid reason. Then you got sick, and I hoped he’d man up and do the right thing.”
“You’ve still had all this time to say something.”
“I’m a coward. I’m a coward who hides behind this asshole exterior. I’m just a coward who loves you.”
“As your…” you started.
“No, I love you!” he exclaimed. “I’ve always loved you. And you’re my soulmate.”
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Lovingly tagging @chaithetics @cevans-is-classic @galaxyedging @letsgobarbs @peepawispunk @missladym1981 @kirsteng42 @o-sacra-virgo-laudes-tibi @ericamarie093 @yorksgirl @popcornforone @allthe-ships @clowncummiess @permanentlydizzy @readingiskeepingmegoing @elegantduckturtle
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scrompsmilanodiaries · 2 months ago
Outlaws and old friends
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FINALLY !! I have a new story !! Word count:2.4K
1984: Since day dot you and Peter have been best friends, as soon as each respected mother introduced you two, you were practically inseparable, Liking the same cartoons, music and video games. You were there for Peter when his mom got her cancer diagnosis, doing everything in your power to help make their lives a little easier... But all that changed... on one faithful night.
1988: You were waiting in front of the school looking for Peter, He didn't show up, maybe he was running late, But later on in the day he didn't show up, He might be sick, so you went to pay him a visit after school. But as you walked to the Quill residence, a poster caught your eye... a missing person's poster. Your heart was shattered when you saw whose face it was, tearing the poster off and rushing back home. Your mother trying to console you while your dad ran his Grandpa to find out what was going on, When his mom passed away he rushed out of the hospital and simply... vanished. Every dad and every night since that you've been hoping to find him, joining on whatever search party there was to find him... for 20 long excruciating years, even when the case was called off, you never gave up, you sat lonesome on the park hill, looking out into the town as memories played in your mind... how you missed him so damn much.
"Where are you ??...." You said as tears began to fall, as you headed back to your car, you had a light shine on you then what felt like you were being pulled into it... and like that the ship that took you whisked out of the atmosphere, little did you know... paths will cross again.
Present day: The guardians of the galaxy have recently finished a mission and were paid very well, all the members were off doing their own things. Peter leaned back in the chair as he stared out into the cosmos, feet propped up on the control console as he listened to his awesome mix tape. Rocket was tinkering nearby with his latest gadget, Groot was getting a much needed rest, Drax polishing his knives was Gamora sat down with a book she picked up a planet or two ago.
Meanwhile further out on a nearby Ravager outpost. The latest prisoner transport had just arrived, Among the group of detainees was y/n, now older slightly stronger and vastly different from the person Peter had known, the galaxy seemed to have shaped them into someone resilient.
Back at the Milano, Peter was flipping through the dozens of jobs through a holographic screen when Rocket spoke up.
"Yo Quill, got some chatter about a Ravager post nearby. Seems they just brought in a new batch of 'recruits' Figure we could shake 'em down for supplies... Or credits"
Peter smirked as he sat up, readjusting the coordinates. "Sounds like a party. Alright gang, to the cockpit, we're making a pitstop"
At the outpost, Y/n was shoved into a holding cell, falling to the rusted floor.
"Easy !!"
"Shuddup you little scut !!" The ravager barked at you. "Wait till Starhawk gets a load of you !!" They slammed the cell door shut as you got up and looked around, trying to make sense of your surroundings, minutes felt like a few hours until you heard the alarms blaring as ravager's ran past your cell in a hurry.
"What the flark ??" You said as you tried to look out.
You heard a few bangs off in the distance, each one sounding closer and closer, making you back into a corner... was someone going to bust you out ?? You didn't even have to think when the door blasted open, making you flinch. Smoke filled the room and with whatever light there was, you could see silhouettes of a few people fill it, leading the charge was what looked like a man in a red jacket and a helmet, he was carrying dual blasters in his hands, striding in like he owned the place.
"Alright folks, you're all free to go. You're welcome, by the way, no need to thank me all at once" Peter said as the prisoners rushed out of the door. He then turned to Rocket who was messing around with a nearby security panel. "Rocket, remind me why you are doing this pro bono ??"
"Because I wanna see if any of these losers have something worth selling" He shot back, not looking away from what he was doing.
As the two argued, it was then the helmet was switched off, giving you a good look at the face... the voice sounding familiar... It made your heart skip a beat... It couldn't be...
"Peter ??..." You said after finding your voice, a voice in a mix of disbelief and hope.
Peter froze mid-argument and slowly turned toward the voice. His brow furrowed as he studied your face. "Wait... no way. Y/n !?"
You blinked to make sure what you were seeing was real and it wasn't a hallucination, nope it was real. "Oh my god..." You smiled as tears began to form in your eyes... after so long he was here... he was right here.
Peter's eyes widened as recognition clicked to him and a grin spread across his face. "Y/n !! Holy crap" He holstered his blasters and took a few quick steps towards you, looking you up and down like he couldn't believe it. "Wha... what... what are you doing here ?!!" He let out a laugh, a mix of disbelief and excitement, clapping a hand on your shoulder gently. "Man, I never thought I'd see you again !! You... Uh, you've definitely grown since the last time I saw you" He chuckled as did you. "Look, this probably isn't the best place for a reunion, C'mon we'll talk on the ship, follow me !!" He motioned you to follow.
As you, Peter and Rocket make your way through the halls, you heard heavy footsteps and shouts closing in behind you, Peter turned, raising his blasters, ready to cover the escape. "They never make it easy, do they ??" He muttered.
But before he could fire a shot, you stepped forward, your movements quick and precise. A combination of punches, kicks and what seemed to be a mastery of hand-to-hand combat, You dispatched the ravagers with starling efficiency. As one tried to pull out a weapon, you quickly disarmed them in a blur and knocked them out cold.
"Whoa whoa whoa !! Since when did they become a freaking ninja !!" Rocket said as he was setting up a makeshift explosive to get the door open.
Peter blinked, blasters still raised but unused, watching you as you dusted yourself off and ran back to them. "Okay... Uh, not what I was expecting, when did you get so... badass ??"
You smirked, catching your breath as you straightened up. "It's a long story, Let's just say the galaxy has a way of teaching you a thing or two"
"Well, remind me never to get on your bad side" Peter said clearly impressed. "Now come, on before more of them show up"
Rocket grumbled softly, still fiddling with the bomb. "Show-off"
As Rocket managed to blow up the door, the trio made it out just in time, meeting up with the others and taking off, hyper jumping to a different planet to rest and lay low. Once settled, you had the chance to properly walk up to him. You took a good look at Peter as the others watched on in mild curiosity. Peter looked older... stronger and sharper in some ways, but still carrying the same mischievous grin you remembered. The reality of seeing him again after so many years hit hard, and you couldn't keep it bottled up anymore.
"I thought I lost you..." You said quietly, voice tinged with emotion.
Peter's grin faltered, replaced by something softer. "Yeah... I thought I lost you too man" He took a step closer, his voice quieter now. "When I got... Y'know, taken all those years ago, I thought I'd never see anyone from back home again. I didn't even know if you were still... I mean..."
He started to trail off, clearly struggling to find the words. For a moment the usual cocky and confident Star-Lord was replaced by the same kid Y/n had grown up with, vulnerable and unsure.
"But you're here... somehow. and, man... I don't even know where to start" He chuckled and spread his arms in equal parts confusion and relief. "How the hell did you even end up out here..."
You chuckled and rushed into them, hugging him tightly as if you were to let go he would disappear. "I was taken..."
"Same way as me huh ??" Peter chuckled as wrapped his arms around you and patted your back. The hug broke as he looked back at you again, shaking his head softly. "After all this time..." He then looked over at the others and cleared his throat, forgetting to introduce you. "And hey, welcome to my... uh, humble space bachelor pad. it's got everything. Uncomfortable seats, a tree, a talking raccoon..."
"Don't push your luck quill" Rocket growled.
"Right... A kylosian muscle head" Nodding to drax.
"Greetings young y/n" Drax politely greeted.
"And we have Gamora" He nodded, respecting her by not telling her back story. "Anyway, make yourself at home, we've got a lot of catching up to do"
Gamora then approached you and smirked a little. "So this is the famous 'y/n' you told us about" She turned to Peter.
He shot her a playful look, pretending to be defensive. "Famous ?? I mean, I might've mentioned them once... or twice. tops"
Rocket snorted, crossing his arms. "Try every time we pass a planet that looks like terra."
Peter rolled his eyes then turned back to you with a shrug and a sheepish smile. "What can I say, You're hard to forget"
"As with you" You gently nudged him soon finding yourself yawning, needing a nap badly.
"Come on, you've been through a little slice of hell, I've got a spare bunk in my quarters. It's nothing fancy but it's better than passing out on the floors" Peter chuckled.
He led you all the way to his quarters, a small but surprisingly cozy space filled with trinkets and gadgets from Terra and beyond. Taped on the wall was a faded picture of Peter as a kid holding what was probably the last Polaroid picture he had taken before he left Earth. You couldn't help but notice it as you sat down on the guest bed, your body finally relaxing.
"Don't worry, I'll make sure Rocket doesn't mess with your stuff" Peter said with a grin as he leaned against the doorway. "Well, I'll try anyway. Get some rest" He gave a playful salute before closing the door behind him.
You laid your head down as your body slowly began to wear off the adrenaline from the escape, for the first time in what felt like forever, You finally felt safe, a small smile tugging your lips as you drifted off.
After a few hours, You eventually woke up and lifted yourself off the bed. Rubbing your face softly as you yawned, the Polaroid picture caught your eyes again. You stood up and walked over to it, your fingers brushing the edges of the worn tape keeping it in place. It was surreal seeing a piece of Earth, something so familiar, in the middle of a spaceship lightyears away from home. You chuckled softly as you glanced around the room, spotting his walkman resting on the table next to a stack of cassette tapes. The sight brought a wave of nostalgia, reminding him of all the times Peter had blasted his favourite songs, whether you liked them or not.
The door then slid open suddenly, and Pete poked his head in, a grin already on his face. "Hey, Sleeping Beauty's finally awake !! How was the bunk ?? Not too many springs stabbing you in the back, right ??"
He stepped fully into the room, holding a steaming mug of coffee, space coffee at least. "Figured you could use this, you always were a zombie in the mornings" He grinned.
"Thanks..." You gently took the mug and took a sip. "So... How's things ??" You chuckled awkwardly.
Peter leaned against the wall, crossing his arms as he watched you with a small smile, He could sense the awkwardness. 30 years was a hell of a gap to bridge.
"Where do I even start ??" He shook his head softly as he sat down on the bed. "It's been... chaotic, to say the least. You're lookin' at the galaxy's most wanted outlaw-turned hero-turned sometimes idiot. Saved a few planets, blew up some stuff, got double-crossed more times than I can count, and somehow ended up babysitting this crew" He vaguely gestured outside. "But honestly... It's not all bad. I've got a ship and a decent crew... when they're not driving me insane. Plus a bunch of killer mixtapes to keep me company. How about you, what's the story with y/n ?? The last time I checked, you weren't exactly spacefaring material at all." A glint of curiosity and genuine care was evident in his eyes as he sipped from his own mug.
You sat down next to him as you began to explain your side. "I was walking back to my car when outta nowhere this ship comes barrelling down. I didn't even have time to run. The next thing I knew, I woke up in some lab with a bunch of other captives... Turns out, they were bounty hunters who figured Earth had 'rare' specimens..." You took another sip as you set your mug down. "I managed to escape... not without a fight... and after that, I kinda just adapted..." You paused as you looked at him with a faint smile. "Never thought I'd run into you out here though. I figured you were long gone. Either dead or living it up in some space palace somewhere"
Peter's smile grew a little warmer, The old friendship shining through despite the years. "Guess you're just as scrappy as I remember"
"Thanks... You as well" You chuckled.
At that moment you unofficially became a member of the guardians of the galaxy, for the first time in years, you felt at home, and Peter couldn't have been happier to have his best friend back by his side.
A/N: I really hope you all enjoyed it !! also consider this as a free invitation to request any form of extension to the story, whether it be Peter, Rocket, Groot, Drax or gamora I'm down.
Taglist: @callofdudes
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biblical-chronicles · 3 months ago
Breaking the script
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where the reader is cast in a High Flying Birds music video but the line between acting and reality becomes quite blurry.
(Right you lot, this one’s for the grown-ups, yeah? But don’t worry it's all done proper classy, if you know what I mean)
It had been a rough few weeks. The gigs weren’t coming as often as you’d hoped, and money was running tighter than ever. You sat on the edge of your flat’s bed, chewing on your lip as you dialed your agent.
"Look," you started after a few pleasantries. "I’m proper brassic this month. Is there anything going? Backup vocals? A commercial? I’ll do a bloody jingle for washing-up liquid at this rate.”
Your agent, a patient but perpetually stressed woman named Mandy, hummed on the other end. “I’ll see what I can dig up. Might be a bit of a wait, but hold tight.”
“Ta, Mandy,” you said, hoping she could hear the gratitude in your voice. You needed this break, even if it was just enough to get you through another month.
A few days later, your phone buzzed while you were out grabbing a coffee. You nearly spilled it fumbling to answer.
“Alright,” Mandy said. “I’ve got something for you. It’s a music video job. Couple of auditions to send in, but I think you’ve got a decent shot since you've done some work before.”
“A music video?” you asked, trying not to sound too desperate. “Who’s it for?”
There was a slight pause on the line before Mandy said, “Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds.”
You nearly dropped your coffee. “You’re joking.”
“Dead serious. It’s for the next single, big budget production, too.”
Heart pounding, you tried to keep your voice steady. “What’s the role?”
“Well, the brief’s a bit vague,” Mandy admitted. “Could be anything from a featured extra to a lead. You’ll have to wait and see if you get it. Just send over the tapes as soon as you can.”
When the call ended, you slumped into your chair, trying to wrap your head around it. A potential job with Noel Gallagher? You quickly gathered your thoughts and got to work recording the audition tapes, pouring everything you had into them.
A week later, Mandy called back. “Good news—you got it. And not just any role, love. You’re the lead.”
The words barely registered at first. “The… lead?”
“Yup. Looks like you’ll be playing opposite Noel himself.”
You felt a mix of excitement and sheer panic. “What’s the script like?”
“It’s a bit abstract,” Mandy explained. “But, uh… there’s a kissing scene.”
Your stomach flipped. “Right,” you said faintly.
“You’ll be fine,” Mandy reassured you. “Just keep it professional, yeah? No fangirling.”
The next few days were a blur of preparation. When you finally got the script, your nerves kicked into overdrive. The kissing scene was there, clear as day. You tried not to dwell on it—after all, it was just acting, but the thought of being that close to Noel made your heart race.
The day of the shoot arrived in a haze of nerves and excitement. You were ushered into hair and makeup the moment you arrived on set. The stylists worked quickly, crafting a look that was sort of timeless and fit the aesthetic of the project.
“As you already know you’re playing opposite Noel,” a production assistant had casually mentioned as she handed you the day’s schedule. “He’s already in the building. Shouldn’t be long now.”
Your heart skipped a beat, not only meeting, but also working with him still felt quite surreal.
Once your look was finished, they led you to a side room where Noel was waiting. As you entered, he was perched on the arm of a chair, one foot on the floor, flipping through the script like he couldn’t care less. When he looked up, his sharp blue eyes met yours, and for a second, you forgot how to breathe.
“Ah, so you’re the one they’ve stuck me with,” he said, standing and tucking the script under his arm. His voice as dry and deadpan as you’d imagined.
“Hi, I’m Y/N,” you said, sticking out your hand.
“Noel,” he said simply, shaking it with a firm grip. He gave you a once-over—not in a rude way, but with a hint of curiousity. “Right then, you reckon you’re ready for this?”
You laughed nervously. “I hope so.”
He raised an eyebrow, the corner of his mouth lifting in a small smirk. “Well, no pressure or owt. Just me name on the line if you’re shite.”
You blinked, unsure how to respond until you caught the playful glint in his eye. “No pressure for you either, right? Only the whole world watching if you’re shite.”
He chuckled, a low, genuine sound. “Fair play.”
Just then, one of the assistants poked their head in to tell you both that you had an hour or so before filming started. “Right, well,” Noel said once they were gone, “might as well sit down. We’re supposed to be in love or summat, so better get on.”
You hesitated. “Are you sure? I don’t want to bother you.”
He waved you off. “You’ll be less of a bother here than legging it round the place. Sit.”
You sat beside him on the couch, careful to leave a bit of space, but he leaned back casually, his knee brushing yours. He reached into his pocket, pulling out some chuddy. “You want one?”
“Uh, sure.” You took the piece he offered, unwrapping it while he popped one in his mouth.
Silence settled between you for a moment as you fiddled nervously with the wrapper in your hands. Noel was the one to break it. “So, you’re from round here, then?”
“Yeah,” you replied with a nod. “Grew up near Burnage.”
He raised an eyebrow, a grin tugging at his lips. “Ah, so you’re proper local, then. That’s more like it.”
You chuckled, shrugging. “Yeah, nothing fancy. Just tried to keep my head down and graft, you know?”
He nodded, his grin softening. “Well, seems like it’s paying off now.”
The conversation flowed easily from there. He asked about your life then music, your influences, what got you into it in the first place. His questions weren’t just polite—they seemed genuinely curious. On top of that, he had this way of looking at you when you spoke, like he was actually listening, not just waiting for his turn to talk. It made you feel seen in a way you hadn’t expected.
At one point, you cracked a joke about struggling through a particularly bad gig, and when you gestured, your hand brushed his arm. He didn’t move away, and instead, his eyes lingered on yours for a fraction longer than necessary.
“You’ve got your head screwed on right for a youngin,” he said after a while, nodding slightly. “Don’t see that much in this business.”
You felt your cheeks heat up. “That means a lot coming from you.”
He shrugged, but his eyes softened. “Don’t let it go to your head, though.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” you quipped, smiling.
He chuckled, and the corner of his mouth twitched into that smirk again. The kind of smirk that could make anyone weak at the knees. Before either of you could say more, there was a knock at the door.
“Right,” called the assistant. “Time to head to set.”
The first scenes were easier than you’d expected—walking through some streets, laughing together, doing some hand holding here and there. The chemistry between you and Noel came quite naturally, he seemed relaxed, even playful at times.
By the time you reached the final scene—set in the car—you were buzzing with a mix of excitement and nerves.
You slid into the passenger seat while Noel climbed into the driver’s side. He adjusted the mirror, glancing at you sideways with a faint grin. “You reckon this’ll win us a BAFTA?”
You laughed, shaking your head. “Doubt it, but maybe we’ll get a free drink at the afterparty.”
“Oh, well then, worth the hassle,” he said dryly. After a beat, he added, “You’ve done good today, y’know.”
The sincerity in his voice caught you off guard. “Ta” you said, smiling shyly. “I’ve really enjoyed it.”
He turned his head toward you fully, his eyes catching yours. “Yeah? Not bad spending the day with an old git like me?”
“You’re not that old,” you teased, trying to lighten the mood. “And anyway, you’ve still got your charm.”
His lips twitched into a smirk, but before he could respond, the crew interrupted with final instructions. “Alright,” the director called. “Let’s make it look real, yeah? Just natural.”
You and Noel nodded, and the cameras started rolling.
The director gave a few last-minute instructions, and you both nodded, settling into your places. The car was dimly lit, the scene designed to feel intimate and slightly moody. You adjusted your position in the passenger seat, suddenly hyper-aware of the closeness between you and Noel.
He glanced at you, his lips quirking into that familiar smirk. “Don’t look so terrified. It’s not real, y’know.”
You gave him a shaky laugh, trying to steady your nerves. “Oh, cheers for the reminder. You should write self-help books with lines like that.”
He chuckled, leaning back in his seat as he adjusted his collar. “Right, let’s get this over with, eh? Can’t be harder than sitting through Liam’s tantrums.”
You stifled a giggle just as the director called action. Noel turned to you, his expression softening as he slipped into character. It was incredible how effortlessly he shifted from his usual sarcastic demeanor to something that felt so real. He reached out, brushing a strand of hair from your face with a tenderness that made your stomach flip.
You leaned in, just as the script called for, and suddenly his lips were on yours. At first, it was soft—hesitant, almost—but then something shifted. His hand slid to the back of your neck, pulling you closer. The kiss deepened, and before you knew it, it didn't feel like just acting anymore. His lips moved with an intensity that made your head spin, and your fingers curled instinctively into the fabric of his shirt.
Somewhere in the background, you vaguely heard a muffled giggle, but it didn’t register until the director’s voice rang out: “Cut! Oi, you two, save it for later!”
You pulled back abruptly, your face burning as you glanced at the crew. A couple of them were snickering behind their cameras, and the director looked half-amused, half-exasperated. Noel, however, didn’t seem the least bit bothered. He leaned back in his seat, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, and gave the crew a lazy grin.
“What? Thought you lot said natural.”
The crew laughed, and the director shook his head. Meanwhile, you were desperately trying to compose yourself, your heart still pounding from the kiss.
Before you could say anything, Noel’s agent appeared by his side, clipboard in hand. “Noel, got a couple of things to go over before you’re done for the day.”
Noel sighed, standing up and giving the car door a light push. “Right. Can’t bloody wait.”
As he turned to follow the agent, he paused, leaning down so only you could hear. “Give it half an hour, yeah? Come by my room.” His voice was low, his breath warm against your ear.
All you could do was nod, too stunned to speak. He gave you a quick wink before walking off, leaving you to sit there with your thoughts spiraling in a hundred different directions.
After taking a moment to collect yourself, you returned to the dressing area to freshen up. Your reflection in the mirror betrayed just how flustered you were—cheeks flushed, lips still slightly swollen from the kiss. You dabbed on some powder, trying to steady your nerves as you checked the time. Exactly thirty minutes had passed when you made your way to his room.
You hesitated outside the door, your hand hovering just above the wood. What am I even doing? you thought. Before you could talk yourself out of it, the door swung open, and there he was.
“Thought I heard you mooching around out here,” Noel said, leaning casually against the doorframe. His tone was light, but his eyes had that same intensity from earlier, the kind that made it hard to look away. “C’mon in.”
You stepped inside, noting how sparse the room was—just a couch, a small table, and a couple of suitcases. He closed the door behind you, and the click of the lock sent a shiver down your spine.
“Alright, then,” he said, nodding toward the couch. “Make yourself comfortable”
You obeyed, perching on the edge of the cushion while he sat next to you, arms crossed. For a moment, neither of you spoke. His gaze lingered on you, his head tilted slightly, like he was trying to figure you out.
“You’ve been driving me bloody crazy all day,” he said finally, his voice low and rough.
Your breath hitched. “Me? You’ve got it backwards. It’s you driving me crazy.”
That made him smirk, and he pushed off the table, taking a slow step toward you. “Oh, yeah? How’s that, then?”
You swallowed hard, your eyes flicking to his mouth before you could stop yourself. “You’re... impossible. That’s how.”
“Impossible?” he repeated, the word rolling off his tongue seamlessly. He was sitting even closer to you now, close enough that you could see the faint stubble on his jaw, the way his shirt clung to his chest. “Funny, that. Don’t feel so impossible when you’re snogging me in a car, though, does it?”
You opened your mouth to retort, but he didn’t give you the chance. His hands came up to cup your face, and then his lips were on yours again—fierce and demanding, like he’d been holding back all day and couldn’t keep it in anymore. You melted into the kiss, your fingers tangling in his hair as he pulled you closer, practically lifting you off the couch.
“Christ,” he muttered against your mouth, his voice husky. “You’ve no idea what you do to me.”
“Maybe I do,” you whispered, your hands sliding to his chest.
He groaned softly, deepening the kiss until your head spun. His hands were everywhere—your waist, your back, the curve of your hips—and you couldn’t get enough of him. When he finally pulled back, both of you were breathless, your foreheads resting against each other.
“Stay,” he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.
You nodded, your heart pounding as he kissed you again, softer this time but no less intense. It wasn’t just passion—it was connection, something you’d felt from the moment you met but hadn’t been able to put into words until now.
Noel pulled you closer, his hands sliding down to your hips as he guided you onto his lap. The weight of his hands was grounding and electric all at once, like you’d been waiting for this moment longer than you realized. His lips didn’t leave yours for a second, kissing you with the kind of hunger that made the world outside his room blur into nothing.
“You’re summat else, y’know that?” he murmured against your lips, his voice low and gravelly. His hands splayed over your thighs, the warmth of his touch seeping through the thin fabric of your dress. “Got me all worked up—can’t think straight.”
You let out a shaky laugh, your fingers tangling in his hair as you kissed him again. “I could say the same about you.”
He grinned against your mouth, and you felt his grip tighten, grounding you against him. “Good. About time someone got through to me.”
His lips trailed from your mouth to your jawline, then down to your neck, where he pressed a series of slow, deliberate kisses that made you shiver. Your head tilted back instinctively, giving him more access, and he took full advantage, his teeth grazing your skin just enough to leave a pleasant ache behind.
“Is this alright?” he asked softly, his voice almost a whisper.
You nodded, your breath catching as you whispered back, “More than alright.”
That was all the encouragement he needed. His hands roamed freely now, sliding up your back and down your sides, tracing the contours of your body like he was trying to memorize every inch of you. He pulled you impossibly closer, and you could feel the tension in his body, the way he was holding himself back just enough to make sure you were still with him.
“God, you’re beautiful,” he said, his words muffled against your skin. It was an unguarded moment, one that felt more like a confession than a compliment, and it sent your heart racing even faster.
You cupped his face in your hands, forcing him to look at you. “So are you,” you said simply, your voice steady despite the way your body hummed with anticipation.
That seemed to unravel something in him. He kissed you again, deeper this time, his hands tangling in your hair as if he never wanted to let you go. The way he touched you was careful but insistent, like he was caught between savoring the moment and giving in to the urgency building between you.
“Say somethin’ smart now, eh?” he teased breathlessly, his forehead resting against yours. “All that wit earlier—gone quiet on me now, haven’t you?”
You couldn’t help but laugh, your hands sliding under the hem of his shirt to trace the lines of his stomach. “You’re one to talk. Weren’t you supposed to be the eloquent one?”
He raised an eyebrow, his smirk returning even as his breathing hitched under your touch. “Guess I’m a bit distracted. Can’t imagine why.”
He pulled back just enough to look at you, his eyes dark with something between affection and pure want.
Time seemed to slow, every moment etched into your memory as you lost yourselves in each other. His shirt hit the floor, your dress following soon after, and then it was just the two of you, unguarded and vulnerable in a way you’d never experienced before. His lips trailed along your collarbone, his stubble brushing against your skin and leaving a pleasant ache in its wake. Your nails traced the lines of his back, pulling him closer, silently urging him on.
He paused for a moment, his forehead resting against yours as he caught his breath. “You’re sure?” he asked, his voice softer now, the teasing edge replaced by genuine care.
You cupped his face in your hands, your thumbs brushing over the faint lines at the corners of his eyes. “Never been more sure,” you whispered, your voice steady even as your heart raced.
That was all he needed, the moments that followed were a blur of sensation, his hands gripping your hips, the warmth of his skin against yours, the way his name slipped from your lips in a breathless whisper. He moved with a deliberate intensity, as though he wanted to draw this out for as long as possible, to savor every second.
The couch creaked beneath you as you shifted together, the air in the room thick with the mingling sounds of your shared breaths and quiet gasps. Every touch, every kiss, felt like an unspoken promise, a silent declaration of everything you’d both been holding back. It was intoxicating, the way he looked at you like you were the only person in the world, the way he made you feel like you were finally exactly where you were meant to be.
Eventually, the passion gave way to a quiet stillness, the room settling around you both. Noel’s arm draped over you as you lay on the couch, your head resting on his chest. His heartbeat was steady beneath your ear, a comforting rhythm that grounded you as you tried to catch your breath.
For a moment, neither of you spoke, the reality of what just happened sinking in. Noel’s hand moved lazily along your back, his fingers tracing patterns on your skin.
“Well,” he said finally, his voice low and laced with a hint of his usual humor, “that wasn’t in the script.”
You laughed, the sound muffled against his chest. “Pretty sure it was better than anything in the script.”
He chuckled, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “Not gonna argue with that.”
Silence settled over you again, but this time it was comfortable, a shared understanding passing between you without the need for words. You knew this wasn’t just a momentary lapse, something to be brushed off when the sun rose. This was something more—something neither of you had expected, but both of you were more than ready to explore.
Noel shifted slightly, his fingers tilting your chin up so he could look at you. “You alright, love?” he asked, his tone soft, almost hesitant.
You nodded, your smile genuine. “Better than alright.”
His lips quirked into a lopsided grin. “Good. ’Cause you’ve just gone and ruined me, y’know.”
You raised an eyebrow, your laughter bubbling up again. “Me? Ruined you? That’s rich coming from you”
He smirked, pulling you closer. “Yeah, yeah. Keep talkin’ like that, and I’ll ruin you all over again.”
The playful edge to his voice sent a thrill through you, but before you could respond, he kissed you again, slower this time, savoring the moment. When he finally pulled away, he rested his forehead against yours, his eyes closing briefly.
You stayed like that for a while, wrapped up in each other, neither of you in any hurry to leave the small world you’d created together.
my 'angin brain’s come up with this just for you lot. Thought I’d make the grown-up bit a bit more sensual, a bit more romantic with less filthy detail (not that I don't support filthy detail). Let me know what you thought, me dirty celestial beings xx
and cheers to whoever requested this, hope you liked it, and it was at least close to what you wanted to see x
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edward-munson · 1 year ago
Bad Flirting - Steve Harrington x f!reader
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Summary: Steve doesn't know how to flirt and he always tries too hard to make a move on girls. He's always hitting on you as a joke to see if it works out with the others and you usually make fun of his attempts.
Warning: Fluff, cursing and slangs, usage of the word f*g
Word count: 2.7k
Steve was listening to some slow rock music at the Family Video, fixing a pile of new VHS that had just arrived. He was whistling to the sound, being extremely focused on not dropping the videos on the floor like he would almost always do.
Robin was on her break and it was starting to get dark when you left your work to grab a few movies to watch with your brother on the weekend.
You entered the place and the door made a ding sound, pulling Harrington out of his daydream.
He smiled, standing on the counter as he spoke. "To what do I owe the honor of seeing this shining, mind-blowing out of this world person in front of me?".
You chuckled, you figured he was trying to work on his flirting and making a move thing. He would always do that whenever you got there and never failed to work on his attempts. "You're still trying to hit on me?".
You rest both arms on the counter closer to him and he gives you a smirk. "Did it work?". He seemed pretty hopeful, his eyes were bright and his face showed you this happy look.
"Does it look like it work?", you ask him and he sighs. "Tell you what. If it works, you can take me on a date".
It caught him off guard, because you never showed any interest in him, even though it's not like you would never go out with him. He sort of laughed because it was weird for him to see you say something like that.
"Yeah, right. You know if I tell Robin that, she's gonna be laughing at me for like a week". He rubbed his hand across his silky hair.
"I'm being serious. Come on, what's wrong about that?". You weren't actually lying, and it would be nice to go out with him either way.
Steve shrugged his shoulders and offered you his pinky and you snorted. "You promise?". You nodded.
He only gave you his back to get the notebook and write down your renting for the day. You took that opportunity to also advise him to watch some movies as well, especially because he was still too ill-informed about movie stuff.
As soon as Robin got back on the counter, you crossed eyes and you started laughing. Both of you looked at the man who was grabbing the VHS's, who noticed the giggling. "You know that's bullying".
"Oh Steve, we all know it's only for the fun", Robin explained. "What did he say tonight?".
You tried mimicking him as you repeated his words and Buckley broke down into a laugh. Harrington stared at you two with a hurt look.
"Funny, very funny", he came back with the tapes and pushed them towards you while you were still giggling. "Now I don't want to go on a date with you anymore".
"Wait, what? Date?", she asked, confused. "Did he brainwash you with that sloppy flirting?". Steve flicked her ear and she kept laughing.
"No, I promised him that if it works one day, he can take me on a date", you explained. You gave him the money and he still looked like he was upset about the joke.
"And I said I don't want to anymore", Harrington mumbled. He gave you back your change, resting his lower back on the counter.
"C'mon, Stevie", Robin started, teasing him. "It will work, you just need to stop forcing it. Stop trying to look like you're Romeo".
"You know she's right. Just don't try too hard. Just let it come to you", you said, resting your hand above his. He pressed his soft fingers onto yours.
"Fuck it, you guys. Just go on a date already", Buckley stated, out of nowhere. "Just go out, eat some food, talk. You teach him about good movies", she emphasized. "You're friends, it's going to be fun!".
You and Steve crossed eyes, you smiled at him but he was sort of reluctant. You were friends for a while now but it was never awkward to be around him. Suddenly he feels like he can't stare at you for too long now, especially because he forced some mediocre flirting.
"Fine, I'll go. How about tomorrow?", he gave in. You nodded, holding the bag with the tapes and smiled. "I'll pick you up at 7 pm".
You were almost finishing your makeup when Harrington arrived at your front door. Your brother was showering and he couldn't answer the door for you after you yelled his name a few times.
It took you only a minute to get downstairs, as you opened the door and his scent washed over your nostrils like a hurricane. Suddenly it made you feel weird about doing out with him, but you focused on trying to make it feel like just a date as a friend.
"You look like God's most... You know what? Forget it. You look really good", he tripped over his own words. He tried to replace his flirting with a compliment, and you chuckled.
"Thank you, Harrington. You look great too, and you smell amazing", you said as you headed to his car. He opened the door for you like a gentleman and waited for you to get in.
"It's my natural scent", he replied as he got in the driver's seat. "Shocking, right?".
"Unless your scent comes from a Calvin Klein bottle, not really", you say as you smile at him and turn on his radio.
He took you to a rollerblade rink place near downtown, where you could enjoy the food and try to have fun skating at the same time.
You and your friends would always go there whenever you had free time. Even though you were all applying for college, you'd still enjoy fun times together.
"You did good back there. See, you didn't need some awkward compliment", you say as you grab some fries. "Just try being funny, after all it's what us girls like".
He raised both eyebrows like he was really having a lesson there. "Yeah. I mean, I'm really terrible at that. Even though I've had hundreds of dates".
"I know, and that is what surprises me the most. You're always so weird when you try to make a move", you state. "Don't take it to heart, Steve. Sometimes you're just forcing into things when you don't need to".
He looked at you kinda amused by how you were willing to help him out getting to girls. After all, that's what friends are for. "Thank you, (Y/N). And you know I can also help you out with guys if you ever need to".
"Oh, no. Thanks but I'm all set with men. I've got a rotten finger for them". You respond as you pick on some of his onion rings. He doesn't want to feel bad for you but he does. You're a nice woman and smart, he always thought.
"Maybe you're not the issue. You know how we all are", Harrington stated. "We don't know how to take you for granted, I admit that. But I've learned a lot. Especially after I became friends with Rob".
"Yeah, she's great. And she looks like your mother. You may be 21 now but you still act like you never left middle school", you grinned and he rolled his eyes.
"What's the fun about being boring? I like to make jokes!", he defended himself while you were laughing. "I'll get more refill".
The date wasn't going bad so far. You never go out alone with Steve and you were worried you wouldn't be able to have a nice conversation with him, but there you were. And he was being gentle as always.
You were looking at the people while they were skating and didn't realize when a guy stood in front of you, smiling. You didn't say a word as you pretended he wasn't there, but he made sure to clear his throat before talking.
"Hey, you wanna go roller?", he asked as he rested one of his hands on your shoulder. You looked right into it and shrugged it off.
"No, thank you. I've got company". You tried to be nice and gave him a weak smile. You honestly hated when guys were invasive like that. "He went to grab some refill".
"Oh, you call Steve Fag Harrington company?", he chuckled ironically, and you stiffened. What the fuck was wrong with this dude?
"He's not a fag. Would you please just leave? I'm not in the mood for that crap". You asked as you tried to ignore his presence, but he was willingly trying to make you go roller with him.
"Come on, don't be like that. I know you want it". You rolled your eyes back into your skull.
"Did I stutter? I said no", you implied, staring at him. You were starting to get stressed because of him.
"She said no, man. No means no", you heard Steve from behind the guy. He was holding soda with both hands, staring at the guy with his brows furrowed.
This was turning into a shitshow. The guy turned around to look at Harrington and he laughed. "Just leave her alone", he said.
"Or what, fag?", oh. Things escalated so quickly, you barely had time to realized Steve had just thrown your sodas on him, pulling him by his collar.
"You call me that again and I'll break your fucking face", he threatened.
"You could never even throw a fucking punch, Harrington", the dude stared at him only a few inches from his face and you stood up, grabbing Steve by the arm.
"Well, yeah? Then try me", he was still gripping him by the collar and you intervened.
"Let him go, it's not worth it", you said as the guy smiled with sarcasm when he looked at you, but he didn't listen and punched the guy on his chin.
You heard Harrington proclaim a "fuck" under his breath, trying to pretend it didn't hurt. Steve still pushed the guy back and he stumbled on his feet.
He left and didn't even look behind him, laughing out loud about the situation. You were still kinda shocked.
"You okay?", he asked and you nodded. You didn't know if you grinned or not. You thought it was weird to see him act like that, he was always so soft. "Fuck, the sodas".
"It's alright, don't worry about it", you affirmed, but you were too focused on the bruises on his hand. "Holy shit, Steve, your knuckles"
"I know. God, this hurts so much", he complained as he made a scrunchy face out of the pain. "This guy used to be a pain in the ass back in school".
"Used to?", you laughed and he did the same thing. "Thank you for being my hero today".
"Always a pleasure", he responded as he tried to be smooth but his hands were still hurting.
"You see? That's why I said I was all set". You facepalmed.
"It's not your fault. You have better taste than that I believe". He was still holding his bruised hand when he grabbed yours, trying to comfort you.
You were supposed to roller with him after eating, but that went to south when you decided it was better if you called it off and went back home to treat his injuries.
You offered yourself to clean the small bloody wounds and took the advantage to talk about movies with him like Robin said.
It came to your mind you could take this friendship further and actually go out with him and Robin, have fun and laugh it off as you were doing every time he would flip into the floor because he didn't coordination.
You were already listing your favorite action movies from the past year, making sure he was taking mental notes to watch them, when you arrived home.
You were also talking about nonsense music as the radio was blasting a Madonna song really loud by the speakers.
He turned it off when you arrived and looked at you, with a small grin on the side of his lips. His silky hair was falling into his forehead and you fixed it, while he followed your hand with his brown eyes.
He usually don't let people touch his hair and it's completely understandable, but you made sure it was only a stray of it. Harrington didn't know how it felt like to actually have butterflies on his stomach since he broke up with Nancy.
He's had a few dates where he would feel like he was melting down because they were either nice or too hot, or had their cleavage showing too much.
He didn't actually know if it was his brain playing a trick with him, but he let the feeling sink in either way. Your wrists still smelled floral like from your perfume and he could feel it filling up his nose. In the back of his mind it had a fruity note as well.
You got out of the car and he followed you. Your brother wasn't home so you didn't even bother to look for him anyway. You turned on the TV while looking for some ice.
"I'll just clean it up", he told you before getting into the bathroom as he washed off the blood from his knuckles. You were holding the ice pack while waiting for him.
Family Ties was on TV when he saw the show and sat on the couch, suddenly all caught up with it. "Hey, it's the Alex P. Keaton show!". You laughed at the way he said it.
"Yeah, Robin told me about the way you reacted to Back to the Future when it came out", you sat next to him and placed the ice pack on his hand, listening to him hissing over the pain.
"He was definitely trying to bang his mom and she was totally into it!", he stated and you laughed harder. "Fuck, that's cold", he cried.
You could see how his hand was shaking as his skin tried to adjust to the temperature.
"I'm sorry you hurt yourself and we had to call it off", you mumbled. It's not like it was your fault, you didn't just expect him to pull a macho man against the guy.
"Hey, it's not your fault, (Y/N). I told you already. And I've always wanted to kick his ass anyway".
"Yeah, but still", you said. "He ruined our night. But thank you for standing out for me".
"We can do that again, if you don't mind", he offered, smiling at you. God he was so sweet, it was hard to say no.
"Smooth. I like that".
You both spent a few seconds in silence, until you remembered something.
"You know Michael J. Fox? That guy?", you pointed to the TV and Steve agreed. "There's this movie that also came out recently. It's called Teen Wolf", you started.
Steve was standing by your door before leaving. "How did I do?", he asked innocently. You chuckled at his question and he widened his eyes. "That bad?".
"No. Actually you don't ask this kind of question to a girl, but let's consider this a test, so you went good", you stated. He seemed relieved after your response.
You got closer so you could greet him goodbye on the cheek but you accidentally bumped your faces too hard. "Shit, sorry", he said, a little tense as you were still too close.
His cologne hit you and travelled your entire body and it made you shiver when you felt the smell of his shampoo at the same time. This is why you didn't like to stand too close to someone like that.
You've always found him attractive but not really like that, and it was weird to feel that way.
"Goodnight, Steve", you said under your breath, not really on purpose but he noticed it. And it was clear to him how that would go, but he didn't want to be too forward. Not with you, at least.
You grabbed his right cheek with your hand and placed a gentle kiss close to his mouth. He was definitely going to spend the entire night thinking about what just happened.
"Take care of your hand and don't go out there punching anyone", you smiled, he let out a soft chuckle.
"Duly noted", he said before giving you a kiss on your hand. "Good night!".
It made him realize maybe it wasn't about really flirting and trying to make a move on someone. Maybe it was just about being really himself and not try to be a Romeo like Robin said.
Robin, he thought. If it wasn't for her you would be staying home doing nothings like you always did. And he would be playing some stupid nerdy games with his friends.
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jakesguitarsolo · 1 year ago
happy Sexy Sunday!! I know it's a bit late but I just need to get this out. I always get INCREDIBLY horny before my period. (well I mean there're several other signs like mood swings and incredibly thirsty) and let's just say Jake, being the ✨fertility god✨ (and the amazing boyfriend) that he is, can always tell from the little things. for example you are being moody and just snapped at him but immediately felt bad afterwards, and he just understands and "takes care" of you in every way
(not me being frustrated and yes, horny, with this thought plaguing my mind and so grateful that it's sexy sunday so I can vent it out, thank you😂
I got this submission back in December, started writing, and then lost all motivation to write. BUT I AM BACK! Happy Sexy Sunday everyone.
Warnings: blood (it’s not what you think…), dirty talk, and fingering (f!receiving).
There you were, angry and insanely frustrated that you were the one standing at the kitchen sink washing dishes after the dinner you just made for yourself and Jake. He had been taking his last bite when he jumped up and grabbed his guitar because a melody popped into his head, and he absolutely couldn’t forget it. This left you stuck with dishes… again. Maybe you were just moody because you were about to start your period in a few days or maybe you were sick of Jake’s sudden “inspiration” leaving you with the house chores way too often lately… Either way, you were over it.
Sitting at the table, Jake is ferociously scribbling note after note on the legal pad in front of him between intermittent strums of his acoustic guitar. He couldn’t see your face from where he was sitting and he dare not glance up from his work, but you rolled your eyes anyway hoping with some small part of you that he would realize that you were upset.
Your attitude clearly got the best of you because you accidentally slammed a glass onto the drying rack, shattering it to pieces. “Fuck!” You shouted, noticing the blood that trickled from the fresh cut to your right hand. Jake rushed over to you, turned on the sink and put your hand under the running water. “Baby, you okay? How did you manage to do that?” He inquired. You blurted out, “Oh gee, I don’t know Jake… Maybe if I had some fucking help once in a while, this wouldn’t have happened!” You closed your eyes and sighed with regret as soon as the words spilled from your mouth.
Jake brought the palm of your hand up to his mouth as he licked up the drop of blood about to fall and gave your palm an open mouthed kiss. Your heart rate started to slow and the anger you had let bottle up and explode started to fade. “I’m sorry, love. I know I’ve been neglecting the house work lately. I’ve just been so stressed about getting this new music done… That’s no excuse though. I’ve been neglecting my girl too… Let me bandage this up for you. Let me find a way to make it all up to you.”
Grabbing your waist, Jake led you to the couch before running to the bathroom to get the first aid kit. When he returned, he applied disinfectant and gauze to the wound and gently wrapped your hand with tape. Once completely done, he kissed the palm of your hand again and continued peppering kisses up your arm to your shoulder…. In between kisses he cooed, “So… sorry… baby. Gonna… take care… of my…. girl… I… promise…”
Ascending his way up your neck, he took his time lightly sucking a love mark in that special spot right beneath your ear. This spot made you weak, and Jake knew that as he memorized every inch of your body like he memorized his guitar. Your head involuntarily fell back to allow him more access to you. He inched his lips up to your jaw then hovered centimeters away from your mouth as he cupped your cheek and ran his thumb over your bottom lip, opening you up to him. Swiping his tongue across your lip, he paused for a moment before devouring you. The way you melted into his kiss… No one ever made you feel like that and ever could.
A wave of heat washed over you and your breath hitched when you felt his hand lightly trace over the waistband of your leggings. He released his lips from yours to gaze at your face while he toyed with your leggings, pulling them down lower. Something between a sigh and a whimper escaped your throat when he finally made contact with your pussy. His skilled fingers teased your entrance, collecting your juices before rubbing slow, soft circles on your clit.
“Gonna make you feel so good, sweetheart. Okay? I promise. Just relax for me…” Jake gently pushed you back onto the couch with his body weight pressed against you, again attaching himself to your lips. His kiss started getting sloppy and desperate when he felt you buck your hips up into his hand silently begging for more. He groaned as he swallowed down all your pretty moans and whimpers that you just couldn’t hold back. Jake took that as permission to sink two fingers into you, curling them upwards and hitting that sweet spot inside you that only he had been able to find.
“Fuck, Jake… right there, ah it feels so good. Don’t stop…” you pleaded. Jake chuckled as he said, “You like that, sweet girl? I can feel you dripping into my palm. Gripping my fingers like the needy girl you are, huh? I knew I was neglecting my pretty girl and her pretty pussy.” When he started massaging your clit with his thumb simultaneously, you knew you were done for.
You squeezed your eyes shut and your pussy clenched as Jake continued to work you expertly. “Come on, doll. Let go… Give it to me. You look beautiful when you unravel just for me.” As always, his words were all it took for your body to succumb. Your orgasm hit you so hard you couldn’t breathe or move. Jake didn’t stop though, he was prolonging the ecstasy that was washing over you. Drowning you in it until you couldn’t take it anymore. Your vision was blurry as you opened your eyes.
Jake slowed and finally stilled his movements, leaned down to plant a gentle kiss on your lips. “Don’t think I’m done with you yet, angel. I’m just getting started… First, you got my fingers. Now, m’gonna make you fall apart on my tongue until finally you’re squirming and begging to come all over my cock. I think that’ll make you feel better, don’t you?” He whispered with a smirk.
Oh yeah, you were in for it tonight… and you literally welcomed him with open arms.
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