#like i could walk fine almost immediately after my c section i got really lucky with that
alexandrium · 1 year
how does morphine work bc when they gave it to me at the hospital I fucking hated it. Like it didn't do anything but make me nauseous. I stopped pressing the button for it and it made me feel so much better. Like the pain was being managed fine by the ibu/tyl they were giving me. I just wanted off of the magnesium, morphine, anything IV related just bc I wanted to see my baby. And they weren't letting me. I wonder if part of it is just how bad I wanted to see him in the NICU. I didn't see him until he was like 2/3 days old.
and then they prescribed me codeine to take home with me and I've been scared to take it like what??? the most I've needed is the 600mg ibu they gave me.
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flowersbby · 4 years
Star Struck | Corpse Husband x Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Swearing (If I’m missing any let me know please! :) )
a/n: You’re a model/ streamer in this one! :D I’m thinking about if I should turn this into a series or not? Lmk what you think. I hope you like it <3
It was a nice morning. The sun was shining through the tall windows that showed you a view of your balcony onto your bed, there was a slight breeze so it wasn’t too hot, and you could hear the birds chirping with the occasional honking due to LA traffic. The only reason you woke up was because the sun was shining right in your face. You groaned and put a pillow over your face. I really don’t want to get up right now. Just a few more minutes.. You thought and right as you were about to take the pillow off your face and turn over onto your other side so you could go back to sleep, your phone started ringing. “Ugh!” You groaned once again and reached for your phone that was on your nightstand. You looked at the caller ID and saw that it was your manager, Chris. You accepted the call and put the phone to your ear. “What do you want?” You asked in an annoyed and tired tone. You were definitely NOT a morning person. You hated mornings.
“Oh my God,” He said in a rushed tone, “Have you literally JUST woken up? You have a photoshoot in 2 hours! Makeup and wardrobe are waiting for you down here!” Your eyes widened. You completely forgot about it.
“I-I’ll be right there!” You told him and hung up. You sprang out of bed and almost ran to your walk in closet, your eyes scanning for a top that would match the black leather skirt you wanted to wear for the day. You decided on a black mesh body suit with a black crop top under it. All black today. like your soul. You quickly put on some black heels and brushed your hair, cringing at how the brush tugged on your hair when it reached a knot. You didn’t bother doing your makeup since your makeup team would take it off anyway. You fast walked to the door of your apartment, grabbed your purse off the hook, and opened your door to leave to your photoshoot.
After a lot of yelling from Chris for holding the makeup and wardrobe team up, you did your photoshoot and got to go home. When you got home, you took a mirror picture of your outfit and uploaded it to Instagram, putting the caption as “Fashionably Late 🖤💋”. You smiled at the influx of likes right as it posted. You were truly lucky to have your supporters, but you wanted one person in particular to see it. 
Corpse’s POV
I was casually playing Among Us with my friends while they streamed when I felt my phone vibrate slightly on my lap. I began to feel anxious to check my phone since I only have notifications on for one person but I didn’t want to take my eyes off the screen since I was following Jack, who I was sus of. Right when him and I entered electrical, he broke my neck. I felt relieved though since I got to finally look at (y/n)’s post.
My eyes widened when I saw the picture of her outfit. She looked good. Very good. I double tapped on it and immediately went to the comment section out of curiosity of what other people were saying. I looked at all the comments saying how pretty she was and smiled, but the comments made by creepy people made my blood boil. I wish I could just reply to them and say “That’s my girl. Stop.” but we both agreed to keep our relationship out of the public eye and I was truly fine with that. I just wish I could protect her from the creeps out there. 
I wasn’t even paying attention to the game until I suddenly saw “Victory” appear on my screen. “Let’s goooo!” I said into the mic. Everyone else was celebrating as well.
“Hey!” Rae exclaimed, “Let’s get (y/n) in here, she just got home.” My heart skipped a beat and I smiled.
“Yes!” I said a little too excited. Everyone else didn’t notice it though and agreed with me. I quickly texted her out of excitement.
Your POV
After receiving an invite from Rae and booting up your computer, as well as getting everything prepared to stream, you got a text from Corpse. You quickly grabbed your phone to respond back to whatever he said.
My Love 😊💖💖
im so excited to hear your voice
i’ve missed you
You blushed at his messages. You thought about what to text back for a minute until you figured out what to say.
I have so much to tell you from today
I missed you so much bb
ft later?
You set your phone back on your desk and loaded up Among Us, joining the discord call while you wait. You were greeted by everyone as you joined.
“(Y/n)! Good noon!” Greeted Rae. You smiled as everyone in the call erupted in hello’s.
“Hey, (y/n).” Corpse said after everyone else had their chance to greet you.
Your stomach did backflips from him just saying your name. “Hi~” You said in a sing songy voice and started streaming. “How are all you guys doing?” You asked as your picked up your water from your desk and started drinking.
“Good now that you’re here..” Corpse muttered. You choked on your water and erupted in coughing, taken aback from what he said. Good thing your were muted.
“Corpse?!” Yelled Poki.
“What did you say?!” Also yelled Felix. The rest were just erupting in Aw’s.
“U-uh,” Corpse stuttered, “I meant that because (y/n) is such a good imposter and I’ve been a little off my game today so I’m hoping we get imposter together so I have some content for a video.” Good cover up.. You thought as your coughing got under control. I think he forgot to mute himself. 
“Yeah!” You exclaimed, “We got this my dude!” You took a glance at chat and saw everyone going crazy. Half of them were typing in all caps asking for someone to clip that moment, and half were shipping you and corpse.
“I can only play one game anyway,” Corpse said, “I have stuff to do.” You frowned at what he said. You haven’t gotten to talk with him all day because of how rushed you were this morning and now you won’t have time to talk with him now because of how different your schedules are. Even though you two loved each other a lot you have had your arguments about this with him. You hate that he lives two hours from you or else this wouldn’t be an issue. You would be over at his house everyday if he lived in LA. You hated long distance.
You had a great time playing with your friends, but when Corpse left you got a little gloomy. He wasn’t answering your texts either. You sighed and changed into his hoody he left in your closet when he visited last and put on some grey pajama shorts. You tied your hair into a messy bun so it wouldn’t get in your way for the rest of the night even though you were just going to watch Netflix in your bed and eat chips. After grabbing your snacks, you walked to your bedroom and opened the glass door to the balcony in your room, turned your LED lights to (f/c), got comfortable in your bed, and turned on your favorite show on your TV.
You were scrolling through Instagram as you heard a knock at your door. A scared feeling washed over you and you paused what you were doing. It was like you were frozen in time and if you made one sudden movement everything would come crashing down. They knocked again. You were scared that some crazed fan found your address to your apartment. Cautiously, you walked to your door and looked through the peek hole. Butterflies fluttered in your stomach and a wide grin appeared on your face as you saw who it was. You quickly unlocked your door and opened it. You wasted no time and grabbed Corpse’s face and kissed him with so much passion you didn’t want to stop. He lifted you up and held your thighs in his hands, walking into your apartment and shutting the door with his foot. “I’ve missed you so much baby.” He breathed as he kept kissing you.
You pulled away from the heated session and Corpse carefully placed you on your feet. You hugged him. “I missed you too.” You said and didn’t want to let go. Corpse placed a kiss on your head as he hugged you and rubbed your back. You realized something and pulled away from the hug. “Where’s your stuff?” Noticing he didn’t have a suitcase.
He looked at you with a blank expression. “Fuuuckk....” He groaned. “I forgot it.” 
You looked at him confused. “How do you forget your stuff. It’s a two hour drive here!” You laughed.
He scratched the back of his neck embarrassed. “I really missed you and I was excited to surprise you,” He explained. “I didn’t want to get here late and have you asleep so I didn’t even think about packing.”
You smiled. “Well, at least you have a ton of clothes here you’ve left.” 
He smirked, looking at his hoodie on your body. “Yeah, I see that.”
You smirked back at him, turned around, and began to walk back into your bedroom, wanting him to follow you. Corpse quickly swept you off your feet and put you over his shoulder, plopping you on the bed as he got on top of you. He looked into your eyes. “I’m tired.” He muttered.
“Let’s cuddle then, baby.” You smile. He smiles back at you tiredly as he moves off you to be the big spoon, pulling you against him by wrapping his arm around your waist. You felt happy in that moment. You finally got to be with the only man who loves you for you physically, instead of two hours away. You both fell asleep, taking in this moment.
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ciakinius · 4 years
The Kiddies
Kihyun x Reader
Genre: Comedy, fluff, crack
A/N: Hey y’all! My lazy ass decided to procrastinate my school work and finally finish this crackhead fic so I figured I share it here to amuse everyone. There is some film set jargan in here so I apologize for that but I am a film student so please enjoy this fantasy I’ve conjured up in my head. And yes, film sets are that choatic. 
Warnings: None, unless you are offended by the Kiddies, and if so, then I don’t know what to tell you.
Side note: *stands for korean
It was six fucking AM when you rushed into the studio. 
You barely made it on time after the bus had run late, which just had to happen on your first day of work. This job was hard as fuck to get and took years to train for. It was hard enough getting on music video sets in your home country. But to land a job on the art team for one in South Korea! On a Kpop video? Dream come true.
 Of course you knew why you got the job which really, wasn’t that impressive to begin with. Set Dresser was better than art production assistant, and you were getting paid so that was a plus. But it was still a very low level crew job. One of your bosses from a past job who you kept in touch happened to be working on this MV and needed an extra hand from someone she trusted. She remembered you spoke moderate Korean (that special skills section finally came in fucking handy) and wanted to bring you on. So here you were. Working on a Kpop music video.
   And not just any group's music video. The second your boss told you it was for Monsta X, your ult group, you didn't hesitate to say yes. Of course, set dressing meant you probably wouldn't meet them at all, maybe see them if you were lucky. Still it was quite an opportunity. 
   As you ran through the studio searching for your boss you didn't have time to register your surroundings. So many people were running everywhere. All the grips walking by with a bunch of C-stands and lights. Damn, this studio was huge.You couldn’t find any signs marking departments. And no one looked like they had time to stop and tell you where the art department was. You checked your watch and saw that it was already 6:05. Shit. Your boss was going to bite your head off. 
     You saw the hair and makeup trailer. That's a good sign. Art was usually nearby. You kept looking around until you finally saw it. All the saw dust and people running by with paint stained hands. Ah the art department. You started running then, so intently focused on finding your boss that you completely missed the embarrassing accident you were about to walk into. 
     You failed to see the man walking by with the massive three legged light stand and tripped forward as your shin, very painfully, collided with one of the metal legs. 
You know when you start falling forward and it almost feels slow motion? Because you are trying to stop yourself and it's in front of multiple people? Well that was you were experiencing right now. But just to make it worse you ended up falling into someone who went down right along with you. When you both finally hit the floor with a loud smack, you knew the man under you took the brunt of the fall based on his groans of pain. You looked up, about to apologize. The words got caught in your throat though as you saw who exactly you fell on. 
    Oh fuck. 
Your eyes met Kihyun's, painfully squinting in pain. The Kihyun. Of Monsta X. The group whose music video you were working on. Oh, you were so getting fired. Your palms braced against his chest and you were about to rip yourself off him when you felt it. More so, THEM. 
Oh my. There was muscle there for sure. A lot more than you expected. Perhaps Kihyun wasn’t full of shit when he joked about buffing up his pecs. You had seen the pictures, but still you never imagined this. 
  Wow. The kiddies are real, you thought. 
  "What did you just say?" You heard in English. You looked up, eyes widening. Oh no. Did you say that outloud?
  "What are kiddies?" You finally met Kihyun's eyes and looked away immediately. You were certainly getting off him this time, pushing off his chest, but his hand on your waist( WHEN DID THOSE GET THERE) kept you where you were. 
  His eyes bore into you. Well you were already getting fired so why not enjoy the moment with the Young Flexer. "Ah...well…..it's a nickname. "
  "For?" He started smirking now, enjoying how flustered you were. 
  You looked down. "For your chest muscles. You know, a lot of monbebes came up with the nickname. We tend to call them…...tiddies. And your name is Kihyun. So ki and tiddies makes….kiddies". You had never been so fucking embarrassed in your life. Kihyun loosened his hands, blinking incredulously at you. You sprang up and finally noticed some of the Starship staff looking at you. Kihyun's manager already heading your way, face red. 
You hid your face, about to bolt when Kihyun got up and took your hand. 
   "Hey, look at me." He asked.
   You looked up at his beautiful face. Still bare. Shit. You'd made him late for hair and makeup too. His smile through you off though.
  "I know what the "kiddies" are. We see how wild you guys are on Twitter, I just wanted to hear you explain it. Plus, you're cute when you're flustered." Oh well. You didn't expect that.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to touch you. And I'm so sorry for falling on you. I'm sure they'll fire m-"
  "It's okay. It was an accident. And they won't fire you if I have anything to say about it." You let out a sigh of relief, thanking him in Korean.
   "Also" he stepped closer to you and whispered in your ear, "you seemed to like what you felt."  You moved away, that damn smirk back on his face. Well fuck.  
 * "Kihyun-ah! Are you okay?" His manager asked in Korean. 
 * "Y/N! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!??" And there was your boss. But Kihyun kept his word and explained to both of them that it was just an accident and that he was fine. And said quite sternly you were NOT to be fired. You always believed Monsta X were good guys, and it was nice to see it confirmed. After Kihyun left to HMU, your boss glared at you and just motioned with her finger for you to follow her. Well this day was already off to a great start.
  Your boss had tortured you all day, keeping you away from the set as punishment and solely stationing you at the painting shop. It was only good to avoid all the states the Korean crew members were throwing your way,  wondering what a foreigner was doing here. It wasn't unheard of but it certainly was a cause for unnecessary attention,made even worse by today's incident. Once they finally called wrap, you started packing your things. You were about to leave when your phone buzzed for the first time all day. Everyone knew to never text or call unless it was an emergency on your work days. You opened the text and your eyes widened. A Korean number had texted you and not just any Korean number. 
  Unknown number: 8:05 pm: *Hey! This is Kihyun, of Monsta X! I didn't see you for the rest of the day and thought it wouldn't be a good idea to ask for your number in front of everyone. So I got it from the call sheet. Anyways...I wanted to ask if you were interested in meeting up after the shoot?
  Of Monsta X? Kihyun ma boi. Still embarrassing even in person. Ahhhh he was so cute though. Wait, was he...asking you out? And he looked up your number? No way this was happening. Not with Kihyun of all people. 
   You:  8:07 pm: *Sorry, I'm still learning Korean. Are you asking ME out?
   Kihyun:  8:08 pm: *Hahaha, yes I am. I can write it in English too! "I want to see you again, if you want?"
   You didn't respond for a bit. Contemplating if this was a good idea. Of course as a fan it was a dream come true, but his idol status, along with your job were definitely issues. A buzz took you out of your thoughts.
  Kihyun: 8:10pm: Btw, you're free to feel the kiddies whenever you want. I liked the way your hands felt on me ;)
  Wow. How could you say no to that.
 You:   8:11pm: Well, you've sold me now. I'd love to properly meet you after the shoot
 Kihyun: 8:11 pm: I can't wait :)
Well. What an interesting first day of work. 
Thank you for reading!
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cityofimagines · 5 years
Heat of the Moment - Thomas (TMR) x Reader
Request: Can you do a Thomas tmr smut where the reader gets taken and after their reunited Thomas makes his feeling known because he’s scared to loose her again?!
A/N: sorry for the wait on this one!! i kinda tested out a new writing style with this being in thomas’s pov & ive been trying to write it for days & days but i think i finally got it 🤪 hope you like it :)
Warnings: fluffy smut if that makes sense...writing this made me emo & im not even a thomas girl hahaha
Thomas’s P.O.V
It feels like the past few hours have sped by in about 30 seconds. 
We escaped the maze. We did it. Somehow. Minho, Newt, Frypan, Teresa, (y/n), Winston and I made it out alive. A few others weren’t so lucky, but I’ve decided to push those vivid memories to the back of my mind for now. 
Then suddenly we were in a helicopter. I had Chuck’s blood all over me, tears filling my eyes, and absolutely no sense of clarity in my brain. Until I looked at her. 
(y/n) was- is my right hand girl. My partner. Her and I were both runners back in the Glade, and then we escaped together. She made it as far as anyone else, to this crazy building we were currently being held in with a bunch of other kids our age that had almost the same experiences as us. 
When we got into this building, they separated us into different sections of one big room to get “checked out,” whatever that means. They took me behind a curtain and sat me in a chair. They did the same with Newt, Minho, Fry, Teresa and Winston. But (y/n) was different. They took her into a completely separate room. 
I remember yelling out her name and I remember her quickly whipping her head back to me. She opened her mouth to say something but the guards that were holding her shouted at her to “hurry up” and pulled her in the opposite direction. I remember seeing the fear in her eyes and hating myself for being strapped into a chair and not being able to do anything.
Eventually they let us go, which leads us to where we are now. We’re all currently in a small, stuffy room sitting on bunkbeds, staring at the ceiling. My mind was absolutely racing at the thought of what they could be doing to (y/n). I can’t lose her. I can’t.
That girl is everything to me. She doesn’t know it, but she is. She kept me sane in that maze every day. She is the only one who knows how to constantly put a smile on my face when I feel like shit. Not having her with me right now is killing me. 
“She’s gonna be fine Tommy. Don’t worry.” Newt said quietly from the bed above me. I never actually told anyone how I feel about her, but deep down they all know.
“Thanks Newt.”
I was sitting on the edge of my bed with my racing heart and racing mind constantly reminding me of my missing piece. I cannot believe I let her go so easily. I should’ve stepped in her place. How could I let this happen? The one person I know I genuinely love and I let her go. 
What felt like hours passed, and nothing. 
“How long have we been in here?” I asked.
“Dunno, about 45 minutes?” Minho said. I dropped my head dramatically into my hands. 
“Fuck.” I whispered. 
“Hey man...she’ll be okay. I’m pretty sure I heard her say they’re gonna bring her back.” Minho explained. I had no idea if he was being serious or not, but even if he wasn’t I still had hope that she would be reunited with us soon.
“I still can’t believe we’re out. Like we’re out of the maze and we’re he-” Fry started but was soon cut off by the loud creaking of our metal door opening. All of a sudden I heard a loud “thud” followed by some shouting. 
“Here’s your friend. Now all of you, out to dinner. NOW!” They yelled and slammed the door behind them. 
“(Y/N)?!” I yelled, more to myself than anyone else. I stared at her body on the floor for a split second before I came to my senses. I immediately ran over and picked her up. 
“Thomas.” She said and practically fell into my arms. 
“Oh my God thank goodness you’re okay.” Teresa exclaimed and wrapped her arms around her best friend from the other side. 
“We’re so glad you’re alright.” Newt said, putting a hand on her shoulder. She was still mainly in my embrace while everyone else came over to console her. 
A few minutes later, there was another bang on our door. “EVERYBODY IN THE COMMON ROOM, NOW!” 
(y/n) let go of me and looked around. “I’m okay. You guys go.” 
“No.” I began. “You guys go ahead. I’ll stay here with (y/n). I don’t need anymore of us getting in trouble.” I said. 
“You sure?” Newt asked. 
“Positive. Really, go ahead.” I persisted. 
“Okay.” Newt shrugged. “I trust you. Come get us if you need anything.” And with that, they all walked out the door, leaving (y/n) and I alone. 
“Thomas?” She said in barely a whisper. 
“What is it babe?” I said using the nickname for her that accidentally slipped out one day during one of our runs through the maze. She smirked and raised an eyebrow, but never said anything to me directly about it. I just kept up with calling her that and it stuck. 
“Will you hold me?”
“Of course.”
I wrapped my arms around her tightly and put my head in the crook of her neck. Her breathing started slowing over time. I rubbed my hands up and down her back softly. I wish I knew what was on her mind right now.
A few minutes later she pulled away. She looked into my eyes for a split second and the next thing I knew, she was doing the thing that I had been too much of a wuss to do for 7 months. 
Her lips were locked on mine. Hair was tangled, desperate hands were running up and down each other’s bodies, and hot breath tickled my neck. This was everything I wanted for as long as I could remember. 
“Let me make you feel good baby.” I pleaded. She nodded. 
Soon enough lips were back on lips. I made the first move and began to kiss her neck. She moaned softly which made my knees weak. Her hands trailed to the hem of my blue t shirt, and soon enough I felt cold, soft fingers tracing my burning skin. 
“Thomas...” She said. I led her to one of the beds behind us. I sat down and she straddled me. We kissed for a few more seconds before I quickly took my shirt off. I saw her eyes scan my newly exposed body which only made me want to do the same with her. 
“Can I take this off?” I asked softly, tugging on the hem of her shirt. 
“Please.” I gently helped her out of the long sleeve she was in, and threw it somewhere unknown on the floor. I kissed her shoulders and collarbones as her hands ran up and down my back. 
“Look at you...my gorgeous girl.” I breathed. She responded by kissing me, hard. I took that to mean she was ready for the next step. 
Pants came off, and bodies were exposed. Silliness invaded our intimate time when she accidentally hit her head on the bottom of the top bunk when we went to lay down. 
“You okay babe?” I asked smiling. 
“Never better.” She replied. 
“Are you ready for this?” I asked.
“Yes. Please. I want all of you.” She whispered. 
“(y/n)?” I said. 
I paused, unsure if the timing was right. But the more I thought about it, the more I decided that this was the perfect time to tell her. We had just been through hell and back together and now we’re in this perfect, emotional moment. This is it. No going back now. 
“I love you.” I said without giving it a second thought. Once I said it, I knew it was right. I’ve loved her for a long time, and this moment with her right now has absolutely confirmed that for me. 
She looked up at me with her beautiful eyes. “I love you too Thomas.” 
I felt my heart physically skip a beat at her words. All I could do was lean down and kiss her again. “Are you ready?” I whispered against her lips. 
“Yes.” She said. 
I slowly pushed into her, giving her time to adjust to the feeling. My mouth dropped open at the feeling of her warmth around me. I noticed her face scrunch up slightly and I grabbed her hand. I pressed soft, gentle kisses to her knuckles. 
“Are you okay?” 
“Yeah...just give me a second.” She said. After a few moments, “You can move now. I’m okay.” 
I kissed her nose before pushing the rest of the way in. I started slowly thrusting inside of her. The kisses got more passionate as time went on, moans became more frequent, and skin glistened from the heat of the moment. She looked perfect. 
“Fuck Thomas...I’m- I’m getting c-close.” She said. Her hand grabbed onto my shoulder as she bounced underneath me. 
“Me too baby girl. You can let go. I’ve got you.” I said. 
With that, she hit her release, with me not too long after. I pulled out and collapsed next to her on the bed. 
“That was amazing.” She said. 
“Yes it was.” I nodded. 
“Thank you.” She said softly. I turned to look at her. 
“I love you.” 
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pennylanefics · 5 years
Deserve the World - Dennis Severs
a/n: this was requested by @primaba11erina and this is also the last request i will be taking. my requests are officially closed, feel free to ask why if you didn’t see my post from the other day, but i’m done. also this...kinda sucks btw. sorry, i tried :(
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A lot can happen within three years. For you and Dennis, that happened to be a lot. Throughout your relationship, you’ve been together when the Churchill Estate fire was set, to when he entered White Watch, go through so much distress and mental problems, fighting with his mom, his dad returning, and finally leaving White Watch for another team. He went through so much, and you could tell he was now in a better place. That also might be because you are currently pregnant with his son and are due soon.
Since it’s December, you and Dennis decided to set up a tree in the corner of your shared apartment, which is really the flat that Dennis and his mom lived in before she moved out. You are about thirty-eight weeks pregnant, getting closer and closer to your due date, so you can’t help much too much, but Dennis doesn’t mind.
When you two finish setting the tree up, the sky is now dark and the only light is the twinkling lights on the tree. You and Dennis stand in front of it, admiring all of the personal ornaments decorating the branches. Dennis stands behind you, resting his hands on your protruding stomach, rubbing over it gently, feeling your son kick his hands.
“I can’t wait for him to get here,” Dennis whispers in you ear, pressing a soft kiss directly below it. You hum and close your eyes, leaning into his touch and resting your exhausted body against his.
“Me neither. He’s gonna look so much like you.” Dennis laughs lightly and shakes his head.
“I have a feeling he’ll have your eyes because they’re so beautiful. And he’ll have your lips.”
“No, he’s going to be a mini you, for sure.” You two have yet to decide on a name, choosing to do so once he’s born so you can make sure that he fits it well. So, you’ve just been saying he and him.
“Fancy taking a bath before bed?” He asks, gently pulling you towards the bathroom.
“You know I’d never say no to a bath with you.”
It was now a day before your due date, you were strictly on bed rest for the time being, and Dennis was waiting on you hand and foot. At the end of the day, the two of you were laying on the couch together, Dennis laying between your legs, his hands pressed to your exposed bump as he softly runs his fingertips over it, smiling every now and then when he felt his son’s little feet poke out of your skin.
“I wonder what he’ll be like when he grows up. If he’ll want to be a firefighter like me or if he’ll want to be a businessman, or even a musician,” Dennis wonders as you run your hands through his hair, watching as he leans up to kiss your stomach.
“Yeah, I wonder too.”
“I can’t wait for you to get here, bubba. We wanna meet you already, so please hurry,” Dennis tells your bump, causing you to laugh.
“He’ll be here soon enough, Den. You’ve waited nine months, I’m sure you can wait a day or two.”
And he did.
Three days later, specifically two weeks before Christmas, you gave birth to a healthy baby boy, Lincoln Dennis Severs. Although, your delivery wasn’t easy. You had to have an emergency c-section after over a day of labor, which of course scared both you and Dennis, but you and the baby made it out safely, and everything was fine. But because of this, you decided to stay home for the holiday, mainly so you could recover, and so you three could spend your first holiday together as a family after such a scary event.
Christmas arrived pretty quickly, and Dennis was up early to get a head start on preparing dinner for you two. He gave you the chance to sleep in, considering you hadn’t had much sleep within the last couple weeks.
When you finally woke up, you noticed it was snowing out, a perfect start to the day.
“Well good morning, my beautiful love,” Dennis greets as you step inside the kitchen, seeing him holding Lincoln while retrieving all the ingredients he would need. You smile softly at your boyfriend and walk towards the two, wrapping your arms around Dennis from behind.
“Has he been up for long?” You ask after pressing a kiss to Dennis’ shoulder.
“No, he’s been up for about ten minutes. Been enjoying watching me get everything ready.” You laugh and move to face him, leaning up to press a kiss to his lips, then kissing Lincoln’s head gently.
“Do you want me to take him so you can start cooking?” You reach out for Lincoln, and Dennis gladly hands you your son.
“Thanks, love. Why don’t you go rest in the living room and I’ll call you in when lunch is ready, yeah?”
“Would you mind making me a turkey sandwich for lunch?” You plead, giving him your best puppy-dog eyes. Dennis chuckles and nods, pushing you lightly in the direction of the living room.
“Of course, baby. Anything for you. Do you want me to put a movie on?”
“Yes please. Put on Home Alone.” After Dennis sets the movie up, he quickly gives you a sweet kiss then returns to the kitchen to start dinner.
Lunch came and passed, you and Lincoln continuing to watch Christmas movies and cuddle together on the couch. Close to dinner, he fell asleep, so you decided to lay him down and get some rest yourself.
Once Dennis is finished with dinner, he makes a plate for you while you breastfeed Lincoln, and he quickly joins you on the couch to watch Elf. But, Dennis can’t help but stare and watch you feed your son instead of feed himself. You feel his intense gaze on you, so you look up.
“What?” You wonder. Dennis just shakes his head and as his eyes continue to roam all over you.
“You look absolutely breathtaking,” he mumbled, his eyes landing on his son attached to your breast. “Such a beautiful thing women can do.”
“I look awful, Den.”
“No, you don’t. You look fucking amazing, sorry for the language, but you really are.” He sounded so sincere, it almost made you cry. All you could do was shake your head in disbelief at how lucky you are to be with such an amazing man.
After you two finish dinner and the movie, Dennis lets you take a nap and watches over Lincoln for the time being.
Dennis’ POV:
(Y/N) had just fallen asleep right after I turned the lights off, keeping the Christmas tree lights on, so I decided to have a little alone time with Lincoln. I put a crescent-shaped pillow on my lap and laid him on it, smiling down at him with wide eyes to get a reaction.
“Hey little man! It’s your very first Christmas already. It’s crazy to think about how two weeks ago you were still in mummy’s stomach. Now you’re here.” I know he wasn’t going to understand me, but I didn’t care.
“I’m going to try and be there for you as much as I can, okay? I’m not gonna be like my dad at all. But, it may be hard with my job and all. You see, I fight fires and save people. I’m still wondering if you’re gonna want to follow in my footsteps when you grow up. I really hope you do because even though it’s a tiring job, it’s a great feeling, being able to save someone.” Lincoln stares up at me with his big blue eyes and I can’t help but tear up. This is my son, the son I made with the most beautiful woman on this earth.
“You are so damn precious, bubba. I’m going to protect you for the rest of my life and make sure nothing bad ever happens. I promise we’ll be out of this horrible flat soon and move to a nicer neighborhood and a nicer living space. I want the best for you and your mum, and I may not be able to give you guys the world, but I sure as hell am going to try because you both deserve it.” At this point, my voice was starting to crack as I got more and more emotional as I kept talking. So, I pause and just admire Lincoln. He must have sensed something was wrong because he gave me a huge toothless grin, one that made my heart skip a beat and the tears finally fall down my face.
“I am already so in love with you, bub. I can’t believe I’m a dad.” After I talked to him for a few more minutes, he started to yawn, so I picked him up from the pillow and held him against my chest, immediately getting an idea.
Your POV:
You woke up a couple hours later, feeling much more rested and better. Your eyes take a moment to adjust to the dark living room, which was lit by the tree only, and your heart soars when they land on the sight in the recliner in the corner of the room.
Dennis had the footrest up and was laying back, his shirt stripped and in a pile on the floor. His hands held onto Lincoln’s bare back, the baby’s face pressed against Dennis’ shoulder, peacefully sleeping. Although it was snowing and well below twenty degrees outside, your building had relatively well heating, so inside was always toasty warm during the winter. So, you knew they weren’t too cold or in any type of danger.
Slowly, you raise from your spot, being mindful of your healing stomach, and make your way to stand next to the chair. You gently shake Dennis’ shoulder to wake him, as much as you didn’t want to, Lincoln needed to sleep in his own bed as to not make a bad habit.
“Den, honey,” you whisper, stroking his cheek softly with your thumb. He sighs deeply, eyes opening slightly and smiling once he sees your awake.
“Hi mummy. Have a nice nap?” You chuckle and nod your head, trailing your hand down his cheek and to his neck.
“I did, thank you for letting me sleep. And I see you took advantage of that as well. But, we need to put him in his crib.” Dennis carefully sits up and kicks the footrest in, walking over to the crib near the heater in the living room. Once he sets the baby in and covers him, Dennis makes his way back over to you, pulling you to lay back down in the recliner with him. He is careful not to press too hard on your scar, but holds you as close to him as possible.
“What were you doing before, eh?” You glance up at him, waiting for a response. His cheeks flush as he smiles softly.
“The uh, the doctors told me about skin on skin, and that it would make our bond strong from the beginning, so I wanted to try that. I want to have a good relationship with him, I don’t want him to hate me or anything.”
“Den, he’s only two weeks old, he won’t hate you until he’s well into being a teenager,” you joke lightly, caressing his cheek and leaning in for a kiss.
“I know, but still.” You don’t respond, instead place your head on his chest, breathing in the smell of his cologne, surprisingly not mixed with cigarettes.
“Hey, I have something for you,” Dennis tells you after a few minutes of cuddling.
“I know we said we weren’t giving each other presents, but considering you gave me the best gift in the entire world, bringing our son into the world, I couldn’t resist. Although nothing can compare to what you gave me.” You move off of him and sit in the recliner, watching as he disappears into the kitchen, an odd place to keep a present. He emerges with nothing, confusing you, but takes his seat once again, this time you sit on his lap.
“Den?” You wonder. He just smiles, reaches into his pajama pocket, and pulls out a key, handing it to you.
“This is a key to our new flat,” he simply says. Your eyes widen as you look at him, trying to see if he’s telling the truth. When he just nods, seeming to understand your burning question, you can’t help but well up with tears.
“It’s in a nicer part of town, closer to my station so I don’t have to drive forty-five minutes every day and night, and the apartment building is friendly and very nice. We have a three bedroom, two bath apartment with a spacious living room and a spacious kitchen. Much nicer than this dump.”
“What? Dennis this is amazing!” You wrap your arms around his neck, kissing him with so much love.
“I want the best for you and Linc, you two deserve it. He doesn’t deserve to grow up here, where I dealt with so much pain and heartbreak, he deserves some place happy. And, I didn’t want to bring this up to scare you, but Gog still lives around here. I don’t want him trying to hurt our baby out of spite towards me.”
“Oh yeah, I forgot he’s still around.”
“Yep. I knew that we soon had to leave here after the baby was born, I didn’t want you moving stuff while pregnant. Oh! I have one more present for you!” Dennis suddenly picks you up from his lap, gently setting you back down on the chair, and running off to your shared room this time. You laugh and shake your head at his crazy behavior, although it makes you fall in love with him even more.
Moments later, he returns, yet again, with nothing in his hands. You raise your eyebrows, ready to question him one more time, but that thought is quickly forgotten when Dennis suddenly gets down on one knee in front of you. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small box, opening it with shaky hands.
“You mean the absolute world to me, (Y/N). I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you when you stuck around to support me through the Churchill Estate fire, and getting thrown out of White Watch. You have always been there for me, and I cannot thank you enough. I love you so damn much, so will you marry me?” His eyes shone with tears as he waited, watching as you examine the ring he picked out with a co-worker around the time you told him you were pregnant.
“Yes, Den. I will marry you,” you choke out through the sobs you struggled to keep down. A huge smile takes over his features as he stands and pulls you up, picking you up and spinning you around the room. Your combined laughs fill the air, something that you can’t wait for in your new apartment. After he sets you down, he slides the ring onto your finger, both of you watching as it sparkles under the twinkling lights of the tree.
“I love you so much, Dennis. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you,” you whisper, bringing him in for a kiss.
“I love you too. And I love our son just as much. I’m going to give you two the best that I can, even though you deserve the world.”
“I already have the world. I have you and I have Lincoln. I don’t need anything else to be happy, Den.” He grins softly, kissing you once more before pulling you down on the couch.
“You’re amazing.”
For the rest of the night, you and Dennis watched even more Christmas movies, and talking about your future together. From how you would decorate the apartment, to who you think Lincoln would grow up to be like, and even about the future children you plan to have. All in all, it was an exceptionally special first Christmas for the three of you, as a family.
taglist: @loveharrington @toky-9101 @buck-barn @butlegendsneverdie @tarons-mercury @1-800-fandomsdestroyedme
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mahkaria · 5 years
Of novelists and stray dogs - Chapter 2
On a rainy day 
At the back of the university, whilst the sky cried and rain fell on all windows, stood two people : a teenager and a boy. Although surrounded by books, they barely paid attentions to the objects. The eyebrows of the older were furrowed in frustration.
“Wait Atsushi, are you telling me you spent the evening with three people you didn’t even know? How could you do something so damn stupid?”
“I really didn’t want to. I just didn’t manage to say no.”
“For fuck’s sake, take care of yourself a bit, would you? I don’t want to find you dead one day just because you followed a suspicious person.”
“I won’t, don’t worry.”
Atsushi looked at the blond man in front of him. Kunikida Doppo, the man who had accepted to resolve his education’s shortage. Right now, the teenager was busy obtaining his degree in order to become a teacher.
If not for the two months he had spent as his student, he wouldn’t have thought him to be such an amazing mentor.
It was a frosty day.
Atsushi had now been living in Yokohama for one week. Buying furnitures had been both the best and worst experience of his life. So much possibilities he barely knew what to choose. He didn’t have the money to buy anything fancy but the feeling of control this situation had offered to him was overwhelming.
However, no matter how happy he was, he needed to get back to work if he wanted to keep his independence. Using Internet was still a mystery to him except for sending mails. He had no other choice but to go to the closest library. One of his neighbour, a nice old lady had affirmed him, he could find one popular with students not too far away.
Until now, the orphanage’s library had been enough to learn a decent amount of informations. Enough for his first short stories to be coherent and interesting (he hoped) but he couldn’t rest on it.
He walked into the building, afraid that at any moment someone might order him to go out. No one would, he knew it but integrating it would take a while. The feeling of being an imposter refused to vanish.
I can’t live my whole life thinking everything I do is wrong. I have as much rights as any other person to be alive.
As he was about to go to the history section, a shout startled him. A few meters away stood a blond colossus. A furious blond colossus.
“We are in a library ! A place of knowledge and study, disturbing everyone as you are doing is an insult to all those who want to succeed. So shut the fuck up !”
I should probably stay as far away as possible from this guy , Atsushi thought.
His interlocutors looked at him with an expression akin to someone seeing an exploding volcano. Absolute terror.
Despite his victims’ remorses, the man kept screaming. It reminded him painfully of the headmaster.
I’m definitely not going near him.
A librarian went to see him and ordered him in angry whispers to be quiet. Red blossomed on the man’s ears as he stuttered with embarrassment.
It doesn’t concern me. I need to find books.
He continued his journey and arrived to shelves with old front covers. It seemed to be about north american folklore. How interesting.
Or at least it could be if he was able to reach them. The awful consequences of being under a meter and fifty centimeters. As he struggled on his tiptoes to catch what he wanted, a hand invaded his vision and caught it before handling it to him.
“Thank you very much.”
“Aren’t you a bit young to be here? Do not cause trouble.”
“I-I don’t intend to.”
In front of him stood the man from before, his serious eyes entirely focused on Atsushi. How lucky he was !
“It is a library dedicated to students, you should probably go somewhere else if you’re just looking for something to read.”
“I’m not ! I’m doing researches.”
“Is that so? Alright then.” He didn’t seem to be convinced.
Careful to keep looking at the man in case he started yelling again, he sat to the closest desk and started reading.
“Shouldn’t you be at school at this hour?” The man asked with the same suspicion again.
“I’m not skipping, I just can’t go.”
“I see. Sorry for asking.” He said and also took a chair. Almost immediately he took a notebook out of one his jacket and started writing in it.
“It’s… fine.”
His focus went back to the book. Some of the words didn’t make sense. He wasn’t familiar enough with the american culture to know them however he could almost guess their meaning. One however…
His brows furrowed in confusion. What could be the significance of this one?
“What’s wrong, kid?”
“Nothing, I-”
“Just speak, I’m not going to scold you for asking a question and it’d be annoying to have someone in trouble next to me.”
“I’m just not sure of what it means.”
“Which word?”
“Orora Borealiz?”
“Aurora Borealis, it’s a latin word so you don’t pronounce the s as if was a phonetical z.”
“I see.”
“It’s a natural phenomenon when lights from different colours - especially green - appear on the sky. It only happens in the northern and southern pole and if I remember correctly it happens because photons from the sun interract with the particular atmosphere.”
As the man spoke, Atsushi kept writing what he said. The first thing he had bought after arriving in the city had been a notebook to remember informations and ideas for his stories.
It must have been the right thing to do since his interlocutor looked at him with appreciation.
“Did you understand everything?”
“I think so.”
At the orphanage, most of the books weren’t exactly suited for children. They were donations from people who no longer needed them, hence why school books had found their way to the place. Atsushi had once read one about physics (far too complicated for him to understand everything) but enough to learn about basic particles.
“Do you have any other questions?”
Despite his grumpy behaviour, he still had the air of someone avid to help.
First impressions really are misleading. He isn’t at all how I thought he’d be.
“Do you know books I should read?”
“Well it depends of what you’re interested in.”
“It doesn’t matter. I’ll read anything.”
“Really? Well then there are quite a few books on mathematics which are really interesting.”
“Won’t they be a bit complicated ? No one ever taught anything about it.”
“You’ve never what ? Got maths lessons?”
The man suddenly rose up and left.
What had happened?
Did I do something wrong? Maybe he doesn’t like being around people who never got any real education.
He looked around. No trace, he had just vanished.
Or at least, that’s what he thought.
A deep bang surprised him. He had come back with a pile of books.
“I think it should be enough.”
“I’m not sure I understand.”
“I can’t let a kid be ignorant of this kind of subject so if you want I can - I can tutor you. Only if you’re motivated, though, I won’t accept any half-assed work.”
“That’s so nice of you ! Thank you so much ! But I don't want to impose...”
“I’m not nice !” He blushed ? “I want to be a teacher so it’s normal for me to practise by mentoring kids so don't worry. My name is Kunikida Doppo by the way.”
“Then, nice to meet you, Kunikida-sensei. I’m Nakajima Atsushi.”
When he heard the honorific “sensei”, Kunikida could only emit a sound which could be compared to a dying whale’s.
“I don’t have the right diploma so it is not right for you to call me “sensei”.”
“Would “senpai” be better?”
“I guess it would be.”
The blush hadn’t subsided which was endearing in a way. Kunikida-senpai could really only be described as an amazing person.
“So anyway, I thought about some questions to evaluate your level and if you’re not able to answer I swear I’ll go punch those who raised you.”
Although quite a violent one.
From here, their relationship had quickly evolved. They'd meet at least thrice a week and worked together. Being the youngest of his class since he was only sixteen, Kunikida tended to be quite isolated from the rest. Tutoring Atsushi was his only consequent social interaction. Exactly like Atsushi who, too focused on his next short stories, barely went outside.
A day, when Atsushi - too lost in his work and worried about the next full moon - had forgotten to eat one too many meal, he had grabbed Atsushi by the scruff of his neck - like a furiously protective cat with his cub - and had brought him to his home. This had also marked the day Atsushi had met Kunikida’s grandmother.  
“One would think you’d be able to take care of yourself.”
“I’m really sorry !”
“Don’t apologize, just make sure it never happens again.” He had huffed.
The old woman had softly giggled before serving him again. Her udons were to die for.
“Listen, next time you meet one of them, just call me. I’ll make sure they don’t hurt you.”
“Ango-san and Oda-san were really nice so I wouldn’t worry too much.”
“And what about the last one? Dazai was it?”
“I don’t know how to describe him? He was a bit weird but I’m sure he’s not that bad.”
“Chuuuuu - yaaaaa ~ Guess what I’ve got !”
“If you’ve stolen one of my hat again, I swear I’ll destroy your annoying face.”
“Such a violent chibi… Why would I want one of your ugly hat anyway apart from burning them? No, no, I have something much more interesting.”
“I don’t want to know.”
Chuuya kept sending his fists into the punching ball, imagining with pleasure it was his partner’s face instead of leather.
The other kept looking at him with shiny and expectant eyes. The bastard could have almost been convincing.
Minutes went away and he quickly grew tired of the other’s presence.
“What the fuck do you want?”
Like a magician very proud of himself, Dazai produced a rectangular object (a book, his mind quickly supplied) from his sleeve.
“Guess who just got a signed copy from your favourite author?”
“Don’t lie, bastard, Tsukishiro-sensei doesn’t participate to book signings.”
“You instantly knew who I was talking about. Chuuya has a celebrity crush.” Dazai singsonged. “How embarrassing.”
“Shut the fuck up, I don’t, I just respect his job.”
Paying attention to such a dumbass would only result in a lowering of his IQ, Chuuya decided, no need to give him more attention. He went back to his training.
It had been a year since he had joined the Port mafia and he was pleased to see his strength and endurance had significantly increased. Probably a consequence of a good diet and a direct access to necessities such as medicines. In opposition to the mackerel, his physical strength could rival anyone and he was decided to keep it that way.
Don’t adopt a pattern while fighting, if you can think about it so can your enemy. You must be as impredictible as possible. Be -
A soft whistling interrupted his thoughts.
“Why the hell are you still here, fucktard?”
“Chuuya hasn’t looked at what I wanted to show him.”
“And I won’t.”
He tried to focus once again.
Dazai wouldn’t stay stil for so long if he didn’t have a real way to annoy him. Just like a worm in a fruit, the thought that - maybe - his meeting with Tsukishiro could be real invaded his mind.
He bit his lip. No way in hell would he give him the satisfaction of -
“Did you really get a signed copy?”
Dazai nodded. “There are even small annotations in it, it’s really cute.”
“Did you steal it?”
“Wow, even for a slug you’re really slow. I told you I met him yesterday.”
“No way in hell am I believing you.”
“If you don’t, ask to Ango and Odasaku they were with me.”
Now that was interesting. Oda Sakunosuke often followed Dazai’s shenanigans without even noticing but Prof Specs didn’t. The guy was far too stuck up. Chuuya even doubted he knew what a joke was.
“Give me Sakaguchi’s number.”
“As you wish ~”
He quickly dialed it. “Sakaguchi Ango, how can I help you?” A very tired voice answered.
Did the guy even sleep?
“Hey, prof Specs, I just wanted to know something.”
“Nakahara-kun, let me guess, Dazai-kun told you about our meeting with Tsukishiro-san.”
“He did, that’s bullshit, right?”
“Not at all. I was as surprised as you are - for such a young kid to be a writer - but yes, we did meet him.”
“Understood, thanks.”
Behind him, he could hear Dazai snort as he hanged up.
That’s all that was needed for him to explode.
“Why the hell did it have to be you !? I hope you didn’t bother - nevermind, it‘s you, of course you bothered him.”
“How mean. I acted like a perfect gentleman, look, he only wrote nice things : “It’s been a pleasure to meet you, Dazai-san. I hope we’ll meet again soon.”’
“That’s bullshit.”
“How mean, if you keep acting that way I won’t introduce you to each other.”
“Do you think I care ?” He yelled.
“O I think you do. That’s why I’m going to milk this situation for all it’s worth.” The asshole smiled.
“Try it if you dare, I’ll fucking punch you in the face.”
“As if you can. Chibi is far too predictable.”
“Let’s see if you still think after I sent you in a wall.”
“I’m so sca-”
Before Dazai could give his usual snarky answer, Chuuya jumped toward him, ready to turn his threats into actions.
In a quick step to the side, Dazai managed to avoid him.
It only resulted in a broken wall.
“You’re such a violent little dwarf.”
“Shut the fuck up !”
“Make me.”
“Well if you’re asking for-”
A beautiful almost ethereal woman entered the training in furious steps. Her face as red with anger as her kimono.
“Ane-san, he started it !”
“What ? Already having memory troubles at your age. It’s obviously your fault, slug.”
“I’m not the one who bro-”
“Stop acting like children right now ! I want you to clean this mess and this place better be in a perfect place when I come back. Am I being clear?”
“I’m an executive, you can’t give me orders anymore, Ane-san.”
“I have a meeting to attend to, Ane-san.”
“I said : Am I clear?” She repeated, the usual glow which usually announced Golden Demon’s apparition all around her.
Dazai and Chuuya, being the brave soul they were, both reacted as they usually did in this kind of situation.
“Yes, Ane-san.” They chorused.
“That’s what I thought. Start cleaning.”
After two hours of work, Atsushi walked home a bag full of exercises to do for their next meeting. His brain was fuzzy in the best way possible. For a kid who had never been to a real school, this situation could almost be called heavenly.
His thoughts were interrupted by big drops on his face. It was still raining a lot and the bad weather had even gained in intensity. On his way, he crossed the shopping arcade. Because of the meteorological conditions, there was hardly anyone here. A strange mist had even started to spread all around. Clap.
The sound of expensive shoes touching the ground.
Atsushi turned back.
No one…
Yet he could smell it. A sweet but metallic scent which spread like a toxic cloud. Where did the smell of blood come from?
He kept walking, his footsteps faster despite his tentative to remain calm.
I’m being paranoid, there is no one. Just breathe.
A soft chuckle.
He looked behind him but still nothing. What…
He froze.
A few meters away stood a man he had never seen before with long white hair and red eyes.
“So I have finally found you.” It was but a mere whisper yet still hit him like a thunderclap.
The beast inside of him ordered him to run away but his body no longer obeyed him. It was only when the man was so close he could almost distinguish his teeth, that energy suddenly came back to him.
He had a distinguishable expression of pure bliss on his face. As if seeing Atsushi was the single greatest event of his life. Like he couldn’t wait to destroy him.
It was all he needed to get the control of his body back.
He ran.
His hands still reeking of cleaning products, Dazai Osamu stood in front of his boss’ office. Washing the training area had been quite an annoying task especially with Chuuya trying to drop water on him every second.
“You can come in, Dazai-kun.” A sickeningly sweet voice announced.
To anyone who didn’t know his owner, it almost could have passed for a caring father’s tone. However, it was a widely known fact that monsters didn’t have emotions.
Dazai knew it from first-hand experience.
He went in.
“You wanted to see me, Boss.”
“Thank you for coming so quickly.” As if he had the choice. “A rather… concerning fact came to my attention not too long ago.”
“Is it about Kinoshita Kin’s health?”
“Indeed, one of my spies informed him he had met an unfortunate end.”  
Kinoshita had been one of the most well-known ability user of Yokohama. Not because of his power but thanks to his fortune. The man was so rich it literally made salivate all gangs which were desperate to develop.
“They’ll want to get the hand on his money.”
“Glad you understand, Dazai-kun. I hope you know what it means.”
So much money would lead organisations on the warpath. It would eventually disturb the Port mafia’s business which they couldn’t allow.
“I’ll make sure my subordinates are ready to act when things start heating up.”
“It should be fine, I tasked the Colonel to take care of it but you never know what might happen so be ready, Dazai-kun. I also want you to take Chuuya-kun in your team for the time being, you’ll have to work together if things don’t go our way.”
Damn it. Why was this slug everywhere?
The colonel, a codename given to an executive who had once been part of the military, was known as one of the most powerful ability user (apart from the gremlin) so it should be fine. Why did he have to bother with Chuuya for the timebeing?
“Understood, Boss.”
“Don’t make such a debjected face, Chuuya-kun and you get along so well !”
They obviously had quite a different definition of the expression “get along” but whatever.
“I’ll go back to my duties then.”
“So soon. Don’t leave, Dazai-kun ! Elise-chan went to see Kouyou-kun and I’m so lonely right now.”
“I’m sorry to hear it but I have work.”
“So go take care of it and have a nice day !”
“I will, boss.”
He’ll never understand why Mori insisted on keeping his amiable mask in front of him.
Atsushi was franctically looking for his phone.
The man was still following him, he could feel it.  Although his silhouette had faded, his dark obsessive presence hadn’t. The tiger jostled in his mind, ordering him to let him gain control.
His phone seemed to have transformed into water. No matter how hard he tried he just couldn’t grab it.
Finally, with a shaky sob he managed to catch it.
He quickly opened it and called the first number he found. The only ones were from people he knew he could trust : Kunidika, his grandmother and …
“Nakajima, what’s wrong?”
He had totally forgotten about Oda-san.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t want to call-”
“Don’t worry, it doesn’t matter. Did you need anything?”
He quickly bit back the sob who desperately wanted to split his throat apart. He didn’t want to worry the adult.
“Tell me where you are. I’m coming.”
“You don’t need to-”
“Nakajima. Tell me where you are.”
“Oniyuri street. In the alley close to the clothes shop.”
“I’ll be here in a few minutes.”
“Th- Thank you.”
Why was he so nice toward him ? He didn’t deserve it.
An awful, insidious feeling grew in his stomach. The mist kept coming closer from him like tendrils. A relentless predator who wouldn’t leave him alone no matter what.
Flashbacks from the orphanage resurfaced.
Don’t let anyone touch you, it’ll only lead to pain.
He sank into the alleyway.
His heart beat loudly in his ears. The pressure was unbearable. As if every part of his body wanted to break his skin. He couldn’t even feel his tears fall out his eyes.
Hands suddenly grabbed his arms.
On instinct, he kicked the one who had caught him. His eyes jolted upside.
“It’s me, Nakajima.”
“O-Oda-san. I’m so sorry.”
God, he really was pathetic, wasn’t he? Panicking for nothing and kicking the one he had called for help.
“Don’t worry, it’s alright. Can you stand?”
His legs shook like those of a crazy puppet. No doubt he’d fall if he even tried.
“Stay still. I’m going to help you.”
As careful as possible, he carried Atsushi almost cradling him.
Why are his hands so warm? Atsushi wondered, his mind fuzzy.
“I’m going to bring you to your flat. Can you tell me where it is?”
Atsushi nodded.
Oda’s face was contorted with worry. So he sometimes did give up his cold expression.
A hand softly parted away the sweaty bangs stuck to his face.
“Everything will be alright.”
“Thank you.”
No one had ever touched him in such a kind manner. He both wanted to run away and to never let go.
As Oda went out of the alleyway, carrying the young kid as carefully as he could, his eyes moved to the muddy ground. The rain had washed every trace of people’s move yet…
Footprints stood in front of him. Far too big to belong to a kid and too unfamiliar to be his. Far too recent since they had barely started fading.  
Someone was here.
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Kit Carstairs, Part 5.
It was a cold, icy day in London in the middle of December and Kit didn’t think he’d ever been so cold, even after 5 years, he still wasn’t use to the cold, dreary English weather. 
A few days ago his parents told him that they were planning on going to London and taking Hazel and Jodie with them and showing them The Institute and Black Friars Bridge in specific, they asked if Kit would like to come too and he said yes instantly, he loved the idea of a family day out. 
In the three years since Jodie was born, Tessa and Jem still had not decided on whether or not they wanted another baby, they were both secretly worried about what would happen if Tessa got pregnant again, seeing as her pregnancy and delivery with Jodie was extremely complicated, so they made sure to always use protection. 
 However a few weeks after Jodie’s third birthday, while Tessa, Jem, Kit and the girls were visiting everyone in LA, Brother Enoch- who had been there to give Tavvy his first rune- pulled Tessa aside and told her she was pregnant. She was utterly shocked, she had felt absolutely no symptoms, other than missing a period, but she had put that down to her body still being a bit out of sorts after Jodie was born, it can take a long time for everything to go back to normal.
She was scared and nervous, but mostly excited.
When Brother Enoch told Tessa of the pregnancy, she was only 2 months along, so she decided to wait until at least 3 months to tell everyone but Jem. Jem was thrilled at the idea of being a father again but was also very worried about Tessa and insisted that she have weekly check ups with The Silent Brothers. Tessa agreed, and each time Brother Enoch checked her and the baby over, everything was fine. 
By the time Tessa was 3 months pregnant, she was still feeling mostly normal and well, she had some sickness and pain, but absolutely nothing like it was when she was pregnant with Jodie, and for that she was extremely grateful. 
Hazel and Kit were thrilled to be getting another sibling, Hazel was desperately hoping for another sister, while Kit didn’t care if it was a boy or a girl, he was just delighted that he would be a big brother again. Jodie though, was not so happy, she was quiet jealous of the new baby and insistent that she didn’t want a brother or sister. Jem was quiet worried that Jodie would never warm up to the baby and would always resent her sibling, but Tessa knew this was just a phase, when Cecily was pregnant with Christopher, at first Anna absolutely hated the idea of having a brother, she constantly told anyone who would listen that she didn’t like her brother and wanted a puppy instead, but when Christopher was born, Anna’s jealously melted away and she adored her baby brother and was extremely protective of him all their lives, Tessa had no doubt Jodie would be the same with her little brother or sister. 
Currently, Tessa was 9 months pregnant, she was due at the very end of December, still 3 weeks to go, and she had a feeling she would go overdue. Unlike Jodie, who had always measured a few weeks behind, this baby was always measuring a few weeks ahead, if they didn’t come soon before or after their due date, Tessa would likely have to be induced, or else she would have to have a C-section, which she would prefer not to, seeing as she already had 2 young children at home to look after, and recovery from a C-Section took a lot longer than recovery from a vaginal birth. 
The little family were currently at Black friars Bridge, trying to explain to their girls how significant this place was for their mama and papa. 
“Mama, can we go swimmin in the water?” Hazel asks her mother in a curious tone, looking from the water beneath the bridge, to her parents, from her spot on Kit’s back. She had been complaining that she was too tired to walk, and since Tessa couldn’t carry her while heavily pregnant, and Jem was carrying Jodie, Kit let her ride on his back, as she has always loved to do. 
“No you absolutely can not.” Tessa says, shaking her head in dismay. She, Jem, Jodie and Kit were bundled up in coats, hats, scarves and gloves but Hazel would barely keep her coat on and now wanted to go swimming in the freezing ocean. She was so like William it was unbelievable. 
“Why not?” Hazel asks in an upset tone. 
“Because it’s absolutely freezing Hazel, if you went swimming in the ocean in this whether you would get very, very sick.” Tessa firmly explains to her daughter. 
“Not fair!” Hazel exclaims. “Kit, you take me swimming?” She adds in a hopeful tone, knowing full well she had her brother wrapped around her finger, and he would do whatever she wanted him to do. 
“If mom and dad said no, why do you think I would say yes?” Kit asks in an amused tone. 
“Cuz you fun!” Hazel exclaims. 
“Well that’s true, but I’m not taking you swimming in the ocean either, mom’s right, you’ll get really sick, it’s way too cold.” Kit patiently explains to his sister.
“Papa, this where you meet mama?” Jodie chimes in, looking up at her father with big brown eyes full of curiosity. 
“No my love, mama and I met in The Institute where we use to live, but this is where I would come to see mama every year, when I was a Silent Brother.” Jem gently explains to his youngest daughter. 
“And this is where we got married.” Tessa lightly says, looping her arm through Jem’s and resting her head on his shoulder. It was hard to believe that was 11 years ago, time was going far too quickly. 
Not long after, they decide it’s time to head home, and portal back to Devon. Once at the house, Jodie and Hazel immediately rush off to play, shedding their coats, scarves and hats on the floor.
“You okay dad? You look lost in thought.” Kit asks, stepping up beside his father. Jem smiles lightly at his son and says
“I’m fine, just thinking about how lucky I am to have my beautiful family, I couldn’t love you all more.” Jem puts his arms around Tessa and Kit, pulling Tessa in for a brief kiss, before turning and planting a kiss on Kit’s forehead. 
“Dad!” Kit exclaims in a horrified tone, pulling back from his embrace. He hated when Tessa or Jem kissed him like that, he was 20 now and found it very embarrassing, especially when they did it front of Ty, or Dru who would then tease him endlessly about it. 
“Typical teenager.” Jem says in a light tone, patting Kit on the cheek. 
“I’m not a teenager anymore.” Kit grumbles, pulling away from his touch. 
“You’ve only been 20 for a few months, you’re still pretty much a teenager.” Jem says in a teasing tone. 
“You’re so embarrassing.” Kit says, turning to hang up his coat. Jem shares a grin with Tessa and says 
“I know, it’s my job as your dad!” 
It was now almost 3 A.M. and Tessa and Jem were both still awake, and had been for quiet some time, they had just been enjoying being together, talking to the baby, reading, and watching t.v. shows. They had chosen not to find out the sex of the baby this time around, but once again had chosen names. If they had another girl, they would name her Jade Cecily Carstairs, if they had a boy, they would name him William Henry Carstairs, after the man they both loved more than anything, and the man who was like a father to them. 
Currently, they were watching The Handmaid’s Tale, one of Tessa’s favorite shows. Halfway through the episode, Tessa feels a sensation of warm water running down her leg. 
“What the hell?” Tessa quietly says, lifting the blanket off her to see what was happening. 
“Tess, you alright?” Jem asks in a tone of concern, pausing the show and looking at her with eyes full of concern. 
“Uh, I think my water broke.” Tessa says in an unsure tone. The sheets were wet and so were her pants, the water was everywhere, but it made no sense, Brother Enoch said it was more than likely that Tessa would go over due and have to be induced, no one expected her to give birth before her due date.
“Are you sure?” Jem asks in a tone of shock. 
“Y-yes, it can’t be anything else.” Tessa stammers, still quiet shocked herself. 
“I’ll summon Brother Enoch and the midwife, and then call Catarina and ask her to take the girls.” Jem hurriedly says. Catarina was staying in Devon herself for a while, she had taken a temporary role at the local hospital to help a young Shadowhunter transition and conceal their angel blood. She had agreed to watch Hazel and Jodie when Tessa gave birth, and they were very grateful, of course Kit could have watched them, but Tessa and Jem felt more comfortable with the girls not being here for the birth of their brother or sister, in case anything went astray. 
Tessa was greatly surprised when this delivery turned out to be her longest, usually labor got shorter with each child, and this being her fifth, she was expecting to labor for maybe one or two hours, but in total ended up laboring for almost 12 hours, this baby was not too eager to come out.
Finally, at 2:30 p.m., Tessa felt the baby slide from her body, followed almost immediately by a loud, sharp wail. 
“Oh my god Tess! You did it, again! You are so bloody amazing, I am so proud of you.” Jem says in a tone full of joy, squeezing his wife’s hand and bending to kiss her forehead. He had never seen her in so much pain, and yet despite that, she managed to bring their baby into the world, he had no idea how she did it, but he was so proud of her and so amazed by her strength. 
“Jem, boy or girl?” Tessa weakly asks, leaning her forehead against his. Jem quickly glances to the bottom of the bed where the baby was being cleaned up, and can’t help but gasp when he sees them. 
“Tessa, it’s a boy.” He says in a soft tone. Both he and Tessa had been so sure they were having another girl, neither of them thought for a second that they would have a boy. 
“Really?” Tessa breathes in a tone of shock. 
“Yes, yes, he’s prefect Tess.” Jem says, just as Brother Enoch approaches and places the baby on Tessa’s chest. 
Peering at her son, Tessa could’t help the tears of joy that started to flow, he looked so much like Jem, even more so than Jodie did. He had a few wisps of black hair, Jem’s pallor, bone structure and eye shape, all he got from Tessa were his mouth shape and nose shape. 
“Oh he’s so perfect, hello William, my sweet baby boy, I love you so much.” Tessa whispers, pressing her lips to her baby’s forehead.
“He’s so perfect.” Jem says in a tone of awe, lightly brushing his hand over his son’s dark hair. 
“He’s a mini you, it’s not very fair, both he and Jamie are the spitting image of their fathers, I literally grow them and make them in my body, and they come out looking like their father.” Tessa says in an amused tone. Jamie was a mini Will and now little William was a mini Jem, even Jodie and Hazel looked more like Jem than they did Tessa, only Lucie looked more like her mother than her father, but she didn’t mind of course. 
Jem chuckles and kisses his wife’s cheek, slipping an arm around her and their son. 
“I had been hoping this little one would look like his beautiful mama, but it seems the Carstairs genes are strong!” He says in an amused tone. Every time Tessa had been pregnant with his child, he had hoped the baby would look just like her, but each time they looked more and more like him, but of course he didn’t mind, Jem would never care about how his children looked, he would just always be thrilled to be their father. 
A few hours later, once Jem and Tessa have had some private time with little Will and Tessa has rested and slept a bit, they have Kit and the girls come in to meet their brother. 
“Oh my god, dad he really looks just like you!”  Kit says in a tone of disbelief when he firsts sees his little brother. He thought it was astonishing how alike Jem and Jodie looked, she looked like a female version of her father, but Jem and Will were like twins, he bore hardly any resemblance to Tessa. 
“He look like me!” Jodie happily exclaims, standing on her tiptoes to peer at her baby brother in her older brother’s arms. 
“He sure does, do you love him now he’s here?” Tessa softly asks her daughter. 
“Uh hu! He my baby!” Jodie exclaims. 
“Oh he is?” Jem asks in an amused tone. Jodie gives him a very serious look and nods. 
“Uh hu, my baby, my Will, love him.” She firmly says, softly stroking her brother’s cheek. 
“What about you Hazel, what do you think of him?” Kit asks, looking at his sister who was snuggled up beside Tessa. 
“Love him, but wanted notha sister.” Hazel quietly says. 
“But having a brother is fun too, you love Kit.” Tessa gently says. 
“And you get to boss him around.” Kit lightly says. Hazel’s mouth twitches up into a smiles and she says
“And I teach him bout my favorite toys!” Jodie had no interest in the same toys that Hazel did, whenever she tried to get her sister to play with her favorite toys (LOL dolls) Jodie would run off.
“That’s right, you can! And you can snuggle him like you did with Jodie,” Jem says. 
“Mama, I hold him?” Hazel asks, looking up at her mother with pleading, grey eyes. 
“Of course sweetheart, sit back against the headboard first okay?” Tessa gently says. 
Once Hazel is settled back against the headboard, Kit carefully places Will in Hazel’s arms and helps her support his head. 
“He so tiny.” Hazel says in a tone of awe, already having forgotten how small Jodie was, Will weighed a healthy 8 pounds 11 ounces, when Jodie was born she weighed a tiny 5lbs 10oz, even now she was still small and skinny for her age, and probably always would be. 
“Jodie was a lot smaller.” Jem softly says, brushing Hazel’s hair back so it isn’t dangling in her brother’s face. 
“I was?” Jodie asks in a curious tone. 
“Yes, you were absolutely tiny, I use to be able to hold you in just my two hands.” Jem fondly says, remembering back to those early days with Jodie, he had been so terrified of holding her, she was so tiny and delicate, he was terrified he would hurt her.
“You were our miracle Jodie, you came early and I had a very hard time giving birth to you, we thought you would be very sick, but you were completely healthy.” Tessa gently explains to her daughter. 
“I know mama, Uncle Will save me!” She exclaims. 
“How do you know that?” Kit cautiously asks. 
“Him tell me! He my friend, love him.” Jodie says. 
“Do you see Uncle Will a lot, Jodie?” Jem asks. He never had any doubt that Will had been the one to save Jodie and Tessa and that he was looking out for all of his children, but he didn’t think he would show himself to Jodie.
“Uh hu, he tell me stories bout when you and mama lived in London!” Jodie exclaims.
“I see, well your Uncle Will loves you very much, and I’m very glad you talk to him and he makes you happy.” Tessa softly says. Nothing meant more to her than the fact that her children would know Will and would love him just as Lucie and Jamie loved Jem. 
It had been 3 days since Will was born, and currently Kit was keeping an eye on him for a few hours, while Tessa slept and Jem took the girls out of the house for a while. Will was asleep in his bassinet in the living room and Kit was in the kitchen making up bottles for him, so his mom could get all the rest she needed. 
Once Kit has finished making the bottles, he heads back into the living room to check on his brother, only to see a tall man with wild ginger hair, dressed in old fashioned clothes, standing over Will’s bassinet. Another ghost, Kit just couldn’t away from them. 
“Is this house freaking haunted or something?” He mutters to himself. Just then, the man turns his head and smiles at him. 
“No your home isn’t haunted, your mother and father just have a lot of friends who passed on.” He says. 
“Yeah I’ve learned that over the last few years, who are you?” Kit asks. 
“Henry, Henry Branwell, and I must say you remind me very much of my boy, Matthew.” Henry says in a fond tone.
“I-I do?” Kit stammers. 
“Yes, very much so, you look like him and you’re similar to him in how protective you are of your siblings, Matthew was so very protective of his two younger sisters, just as you are of your sisters and brother.” Henry tells him. 
“Oh, so what are you doing here?” Kit asks. 
“I wanted to see this little one, I am very honored that Tessa and Jem chose to give him my name as a middle name, there are so many others they could have chosen, Tessa’s brother for example, but they chose to give him my name and I am touched.” Henry softly says, turning his gaze back to the sleeping baby. 
“Mom and dad said that you were always kind and good to them, I know you and your wife looked after my brother James for a few days when my mom had a miscarriage, it meant a lot to her that she didn’t have to worry about him seeing her in such a bad way and that she could grieve without worrying how it would affect him.” Kit explains. Henry smiles softly and says
“Charlotte had a miscarriage too, years after Tessa did, but at the time I couldn’t have imagined how much pain she and Will were in, they were the least deserving of something so awful, when Charlotte and I lost our baby, well I knew how Tessa and Will had felt, and it was the most awful feeling in the world.” 
“I-I’m sorry.” Kit quietly says, not knowing what else he should say. 
“Don’t be, I’m sorry for rambling, I should go now, you make sure your take care of your mother and father, you’re lucky to have them.” Henry firmly says, and then just like that, he’s gone. 
Kit sighs softly and bends to pick up Will, who was beginning to stir and fuss, he was due a feed soon, and Henry’s presence probably woke him too.
“There’s my boys.” Kit hears Tessa softly say. He turns his head to see her standing in the living room doorway, still in her pajamas, smiling softly at Kit. 
“Mom, shouldn’t you be in bed?” Kit asks. 
“I couldn’t sleep, so I decided to come spend some time with my boys.” Tessa says, walking over and kissing Kit on the cheek, before bending to kiss Will’s forehead. 
“How are you feeling?” Kit asks. 
“Still sore but I’m feeling better everyday, recovering much faster than I did with Jodie.” Tessa says, lowering herself onto the sofa.
Just then, the door opens and Hazel and Jodie comes rushing in, with Jem behind them. 
“Mama!” Jodie squeals, running and jumping onto the sofa beside Tessa, Hazel not far behind her. 
“Hi my babies.” Tessa softly says, putting an arm around each of her daughters. “Did you and daddy have fun?” She asks. 
“Uh hu! But miss you, mama.” Hazel softly says, snuggling into her mother. 
“I missed you too my babies.” Tessa says, pressing a kiss to both their heads. 
“Shouldn’t you be in bed?” Jem asks, lifting Hazel and setting her in his lap as he takes a seat next to Tessa. 
“I couldn’t sleep so I came up to spend some time with my boys.” Tessa softly says, smiling softly at Kit, who was sitting across from her on the armchair, with Will still in his arms. 
“Well the girls and I timed our arrival well then, now we can spend some time as a family.”Jem says, looking around him at all 4 of his kids and his beautiful wife. As he looks at his two sons together, and his two daughters snuggled into their mother, for the first time in his life, Jem feels complete. 
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vetivrr · 7 years
Mafia au Willdip
AN: my excuse is I’m bored and haven’t slept in twenty seven hrs. ok
Will had refused, as soon as he’d grown old enough, to be a part of the Mafia.
He’d known he wasn’t cut out for it, and his family had known too, despite the blood of so many murderers running through his veins the younger of the Cipher twins had never ever claimed to be anything other than peaceable, a quality that wasn’t welcome in the not-so-subtle underworld of the huge city he called home.
At some point it had been decided that Will was untrainable and needed to be removed from the equation, and yet the natural ties of affection that might run through even the bloodiest of families had spared his life, and he’d been given a small business in a nice section of the city and told to make do.
And he did, and not only that but thrived. William loved the little flower shop he headed, doted over each and every aspect of the job with a tender devotedness that he never would have found in the morally questionable life of a mafioso.
Baby’s breath and roses were far less likely to kill him, after all.
Oh, it wasn’t to say he wasn’t touched by the whole organization, nobody in the city and probably elsewhere was, but he’d been lucky enough to witness only one or two of the gruesome things that resulted from the greed of his species, the rumors and names that flew about in hushed tones in side-rooms and speakeasies- names of some who’d died and some who’d killed, and he’d heard, more often than not, the name Cipher listed among the latter two…and in later years, another, the Gleefuls.
He’d heard his brother speak once or twice of the family as they’d risen to power from seemingly nowhere, and it had never been good. Cowards, he’d called them, a bunch of fake-ritzy bluenoses hiding behind silver gilt gates of the east end. Ignoring, of course, the fact that Bill had quite a high social status himself- at least on papers.
Bill tended to exaggerate his stories a little, but his brother had learned to watch out for the name anyway, though he was lucky enough not to run into anyone of the powerful family himself.
It hadn’t ever really been something he’d concerned himself with, though. Will was perfectly content to work his little flower shop, and while he loved seeing his brother, he could never really seem to relax when Bill showed up with his odd looking packages and stacks of sealed papers and talk of underground war, often only needing a place to lay low for a while until he could get back to ‘work’.
And for at least a few days after every visit, he couldn’t help but be a little nervous, watching the street-sides as he walked and carefully scrutinizing the faces of each new customer that opened the shop’s front door to look for any trace of ill-will or worse, recognition. He tried, hard, to be careful.
So it really shouldn’t have come as such a surprise when he finally was confronted– but then, Will was never on his alert this early in the morning, still busy tending the rows of bright, cheery blossoms and humming a little tune to himself as he worked, still a little sleepy from post-wake up haze, and he didn’t turn around immediately when the door opened behind him.
That was a mistake, because if he had he might have had a chance to realize what was going on before there was a gun pointed into his face.
“Good morning! I’m gonna need you to stick 'em up, sweetheart,” He heard the almost sickly sweet voice, turning his head slightly with a soft smile already in place- that froze when he saw the bright silver revolver, and the intimidating bunch who had crowded into his store with frighteningly silent rapidity.
Will let out an ungainly, high pitched squeak in response, stumbling backwards a bit, flinching as he knocked over a pot and it crashed to the floor behind him- to say he was surprised would have been a gross understatement, he was positively petrified.
But the owner of the voice, a finely dressed young lady, only laughed. The weapon in her hand was unwavering as she advanced on him, “Why so startled, darling? You really should have seen this coming, ya know,” She chirped out, “Now do what I said 'less you want some daylight through the skull. Now be a dear and get behind the counter.”
Will was hardly able to hear the order through the rushing in his ears, but he took the cue and did as told, slipping behind the shop’s little service counter and keeping his trembling hands raised a little.
There were five of them, he counted, his assailant and three other obviously armed men in pinstripe and bowlers, and a respectable looking young man who seemed almost out of place in the bunch, though it was made less so by the resemblance and similar navy blue garb he shared with the female ne'er do well. Cyan eyes seemed to follow every move Will made, though nothing else in his appearance would suggest hostility as he simply watched.
The Cipher had other things to worry about at the moment, however, and his eyes snapped back to the woman as she spoke smilingly, at a terrifying ease with one finger tightening against the trigger, “I won’t waste your time. You know what we want. Where is it.”
Will shook his head quickly, besides very much not knowing what she was talking about, he was just beginning to gain his voice back, “What are you doing–!?” He managed, the soft, panicked whisper only to elicit another laugh.
“You really wanna play this game with me, sweetie? Look, I don’t got a lot of patience to go round, so unless you really want me to pull the trigger…”
Will hardly dared move, hardly dared breathe, through his hands were already trembling violently as he tore his gaze away from the glinting metal barrel of the gun, up to its smug looking owner. He shook his head mutely, tears pricking the corners of his eyes.
“That’s what I thought. Now where’s the back door? I think we’ll just take a look around here.”
He felt as if he was going to faint, numb with shock, mind barely processing the question until the girl leaned forwards with a suddenly dangerous expression, “Hey! Patience ain’t my strong suit, mister. I asked you a question.”
Will’s whimper was barely audible, feeling the cold steel muzzle to his forehead and the faint, harsh smell of gunpowder clouding his senses. He just barely remembered not to flinch away and pointed a shaking finger in the direction of his apartment door, sucking in a gasp of relief when the gun was removed from his line of sight.
“Swell,” The young woman purred, giving a few signals, and turning away. “I’ll be back in a few, then!”
Will watched helplessly as she disappeared down the aisle, followed by one or two of the group’s men, but he forced himself to calm at least a little, sucking in a few deep breaths.
He glanced back to the other ones, who had been left to watch him, no doubt. Or more specifically, the gentlemanly one, the woman’s brother, he assumed if appearance was anything to go by. The man was still staring at him.
He couldn’t think too much of that, though, preoccupied with worrying over what might be going on upstairs. Were they going to ruin his cozy little apartment? What did they want, what could he possibly have that they would want??
What if Bill had hidden something here without telling him, Will almost felt sick to wonder? He wouldn’t doubt for a second it was something his hot-blooded twin would pull.
“You would do well to keep your hands where I can see them.”
Will startled at the glint of silver that showed as the man’s caplet parted for a few seconds, realizing he’d let his hands drop to his sides. He raised them again quickly, “S-sorry,” He muttered, noticing immediately the cultured accent to his words, and watching wide eyed as the other moved forwards, until he was stopped by the wooden barrier.
“You can rest them on the counter,” The brunette added flatly, and Will was quick to comply, something in the tone and glint in bright blue eyes telling him it was not a suggestion or a relent.
He was too frightened to speak and so he didn’t, eyes locked with the other’s until he couldn’t bear it anymore and looked away.
“Apologies for my sister- I told her it would be best to take a more subtle approach. You have a nice shop.”
“What?” Will glanced up with a disbelieving look. Had this mafioso just apologized for robbing him? And then given him a compliment??
“You’re welcome. Quite a lovely assortment of flowers, especially for this time of year,” The man continued, gesturing around him with a tiny smile. “What’s your name?”
Will was silent, at a loss for how to respond, brain stuttering from stress and everything he had to process, and he finally managed out, “Ph..philip. Garcia…a-and you are?”
It was what Bill had told him to say, the pseudonym that would keep him safe from getting caught up in the danger of the Mafia- the name he ran his shop under, though he’d ever enjoyed that.
A flash of amusement ran through the other’s features, “Hmm…call me Dipper.”
He let it fall into silence, staring at the shorter male until Will seemed inclined to speak again, “Why are you introducing yourself??”
Will waited for an answer, growing more uneasy the longer he didn’t get one, “Wh-hy are you here? What are you trying to do…you c-can’t get away with this- you won’t.”
Dipper chuckled, “Are you really sure of that? I wouldn’t be, were I you.”
Will gulped slightly, “Th-the police-”
“Are conveniently busy elsewhere and will not be at your disposal for some time,” The criminal interjected smoothly, but through the lighthearted tone, the first signs of hostility showed. “Do you really think they’ll be any help to you at all? You don’t recognize us, then?”
Will swallowed thickly, glancing out the store windows as if searching for help that wasn’t there. “No, why would I…” He muttered quietly, scrambling for words that wouldn’t betray his fear, “B-but others will help me. I-I have friends-”
“Really? That’s quite interesting to hear. Friends in the mafia, no doubt,” Dipper finally glanced away, eyes sweeping over the lovingly arranged displays and briefly to the windows, “Where you you get your stock from, I must wonder? They must have been grown indoors to even be in bloom.”
“I…I-I don’t…” He trailed off, brows knitting together in utter confusion, resisting the urge to reach out and protest as the man took a single sprig of coltsfoot from a larger bouquet, the tiny yellow petals gleaming gold against the silk navy vest, twirling the stem gently between his fingers as he glanced back at the other.
The mirth dropped out of the man’s face and he stepped off to the side as if about to come behind the counter, adding out of the blue, “You’re not used to lying, are you, Mr. Cipher?”
Will blanched, forgetting to try and look brave as he took a tiny step back, “I-I’m not—how-”
“Deduction,” Dipper said simply, “I know what I see and I know what I know. And I know that you look very much like someone I’ve had the displeasure of meeting already.”
Will found he had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from cursing aloud- what had Bill done?
“I’m not him,” Will blurted out, “I’m not wh-who you’re looking for…”
“Wrong. You’re exactly who I’m looking for.”
But he had little time to puzzle, jumping as the unnamed girl reappeared, looking, if it were at all possible, even more smug than she had before.
“It was in his bathroom. Quite cleverly hidden, actually,” She grinned, sending a malicious giggle his way as she addressed the other brunet.
And suddenly it seemed to Will that he wasn’t in as much danger, as they appeared to be preparing to leave. A hand gesture had the rest of the men filing out of his door, and he watched, expression still mildly stunned.
Dipper nodded, “Very good- I thought you would be able…” The mafioso’s voice was neutral, even as he lauded his sister, “I’ve spoken with him. He’s a bystander, as I suspected. No need for extra measures.”
“Good. He won’t be a problem, then?”
The woman’s eyes narrowed at the neutral response she gained, and she turned of the other again, filling Will with dread again as she pointed her pistol, “You. Tell the cops if ya want, but don’t you go and be surprised if it doesn’t help. And if anyone else comes asking questions, we didn’t take anything. Understand?”
“Y-yes…” Will nodded quickly, well aware that he wasn’t really in a position to argue, and relaxed a little when she seemed satisfied, turning away to the door.
“Good, cause we’d know either way, bet on it,” The girl chuckled grimly, door creaking as she opened it- but didn’t pass through. She was waiting for Dipper, the man having reached into his trouser pocket.
A small card emerged along with his hand, and Will watched with a cautious curiosity as it was slipped onto the counter.
“Be careful with that. If anyone does come poking around, it would be in both our best interests for you to ring. Trust me.”
No further explanation was given, only the same lingering stare, before Dipper turned away, letting his sister slip her arm into his and pull him out the door without a backwards glance, the two briefly visible in the display windows before they disappeared from sight.
Will was still for a full minute after that, staring after them and glancing around his little store once or twice as if he wanted to make sure everyone was really gone. He pulled in a huge breath of relief and reached for the card, grabbing it and sliding to the floor to calm his frayed nerves.
The back of the card was what he saw first, and it was a telephone address, a single line of numbers written in small, neat hand. He turned it over and let his eyes grow round.
'Gleeful Enterprises’, embossed with silver into the rich blue paper, with the family’s crest stamped into it, off to one side.
Will bit his lip and stood back up, then stumbled out from behind the counter to race upstairs.
He had a horrible feeling that this wasn’t nearly the end of the matter.
But for now, he needed to find Bill.
The twins were silent as they headed back to their car, eyes sharp and on the watch for enemies until they were safely inside, and the vehicle was pulling away from the curb.
“Well, that went absolutely wonderful.”
Mabel was, as usual, the one to strike up conversation as they settled down into the leather-lined cab. Dipper only glanced at her, eyes mostly still fastened onto the shop’s front door until it was far behind them.
“You were marvellous, sister dear,” He praised, with an approving smile as his sister produced a small parcel of letters tied with a string, “Mm-hm,” Mabel grinned triumphantly, handing it over the Gleeful boy, who slipped it into his pocket without looking through it.
“Now I get the rest of the day off- celebrate with me?” Her question was halfway a taunt, because she already knew the answer, and smirked as it was spoken,
“I don’t think I’ll have time,” Dipper’s nose wrinkled at the thought of spending a night in one of the speakeasy’s his sister was fond of attending, “Uncle asked me to take care of an employee who’s been asking questions.”
Mabel gave a light huff, “When do you, gotta ask? You’re telling me you’ll spend the entire night working on that? Pull the trigger and they’re out, problem solved.”
“I’ll have a bit of research to conduct as well. You should know I’ll be setting a few boys on the florist’s place.”
Mabel turned in her seat, regarding her brother with inquisitive skepticism, “Why?”
“Did you think I would have suspected that shop without a reason? Think back to his features and tell me who he reminds you o-”
“Golly,” Mabel breathed, eyes widening for a moment before a smooth smirk slid into her expression, “Now that you mention it…”
“I want to watch him. Closely,” Dipper explained, with an air of industrial indifference.
He didn’t think he would have minded telling her there were other reasons, he’d learned to bear Mabel’s merciless teasing after so long, and she no doubt would have been thrilled to know that she wasn’t the only alone in her legally questionable romantic tendencies…
But he wanted Will to himself for a while, wanted to see what the little florist was made of and what made him special.
“He could be useful to us.”
“I’ll bet. What a patsy,” Mabel snickered a little, “Big brother probably doesn’t tell him a whole lot about the family business, though.”
Dipper hummed, and turned his eyes to the road ahead, sharp eyes flicking over the crowds of people on the street sides, in the cars, bustling in and out of shops or enjoying midday coffee and the editorials- ever alert for the enemy.
“We’ll see.”
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queseraone · 7 years
Maybe One Day - Part 11
A collection of one-shots of Jay Halstead as a dad. Because we all need that in our lives. Co-written with @halsteadpd
When canon gives you lemons, you make fluff…
Catch up here. (This chapter in particular is a direct “sequel” to Part 9)
Intelligence was hard at work trying to locate two brothers involved with a drug deal linked to three murders. Erin reclined back in her seat as she took a look at the board in the bullpen; well past the point of being allowed out into the field, she had been doing whatever she could to support the unit from behind her desk. When she felt a sharp kick, her hand quickly shot up to cradle her growing bump and she smiled.
Jay’s eyes met hers, his brow raised, silently questioning if everything was okay. She waved him off and leaned forward again to focus on the files on her desk.
And that’s when she felt the familiar pain in her abdomen.
Two months early.
The tearing pain felt vaguely familiar, although she barely ever felt it as dopamine would be coursing through her body as her baby—pink and beautiful and perfect—would be laid on her chest. Yet, the pain was familiar.
Erin tried to persuade herself that what she was feeling wasn’t real—it was just an illusion—so she just took some deep breaths hoping to alleviate some of the pain. Over her many years as a cop, she had learned how to control her breathing in times when her adrenaline was pumping and her nerves had her hands shaking, making her anxiety unnoticeable, not drawing the attention of any of the others in the bullpen.   
Except him.
When she didn’t immediately pick up her pen to resume writing, Jay knew something was wrong. He watched her face from his desk and noticed that her eyes were concealing pain. Her shoulders moved up and down as she breathed, and he managed to count out the seconds as she attempted to calm herself down.
“Erin?” He was up and at her desk in a matter of seconds, squatting down in front of her with his hands on her knees. “What’s wrong?”
“I’m… just… in a lot… of pain. Jay, I think something’s wrong!” Erin grabbed onto his hand and squeezed as hard as she could and she tried to keep her breathing steady.
“I’ll go get the car!” Ruzek got to his feet quickly, swiping his keys and phone from his desk before making his way down the stairs.
“Erin just keep breathing. Do you think you can walk? Maybe I should call an ambulance?” Jay stood up and looked down at his wife; his legs felt like they would give out from underneath him at any second, so he leaned against her desk.
“Med’s only… five minutes away. Help me up.” Atwater stood on one side of Erin as Jay wrapped his arm around her waist, hoisting her up. The two men helped her slowly down the steps and into the backseat of Ruzek’s car that was waiting outside.  
“Jay… the baby’s not really… kicking anymore. Something is seriously wrong.” Tears were flowing steadily from Erin’s eyes as she grasped onto her husband’s hand tightly. “This can’t be happening Jay, it’s too early.”  
“Ruzek, step on it!” Jay yanked his phone from his pocket, quickly clicking one of the numbers on his speed dial. “Will! I don’t know what’s happening, but Erin’s in a lot of pain. We’re almost at Med, just please meet us there with her doctor.” Erin fell limply against his side, crying, as he hung up the phone. “Deep breaths babe.”  
Will and Maggie were waiting at the emergency doors with a few others when Ruzek pulled up.
“Okay, let’s get her on a gurney and into Trauma 2.” Maggie directed, reaching her hand out to hold Will back. “Dr. Halstead, this is your family, you can’t work this one.”
Will sighed and for a second it looked like he was going to argue, but then he looked over and saw the fear on his brother’s face. Will was at Jay’s side immediately as they rushed into the exam room after Erin. Jay looked up, his eyes red with fear and unshed tears. “Will, what… what am I supposed to do?”
“Shh, it’ll be okay Jay. Everything will be okay.” Jay let Will pull him into a hug.
“What’s happening to her?”
“It could be a number of things, but it’s most likely that the baby is just under some stress.”
“So the doctor can fix this, right?”
“I don’t know Jay, we just have to wait. We need to give them space to work.” Will led Jay out of the exam room, closing the curtain behind them.
A few minutes later, the curtain flew open. “We need to get her up to surgery right now. The baby can’t stay inside of her any longer, we’ll need to do a c-section immediately.” The team of doctors and nurses quickly moved Erin’s bed past the two Halstead men. The sheets were soiled in blood around her and when Jay looked back into the trauma room, the floor was no better.
“Jay.” Erin’s skin was pale and diaphoretic and the oxygen mask on her face was clouded from her breaths. “The kids.”
“They’re at school. Will can pick them up. Don’t worry about any of that right now babe.”
Erin grabbed Jay’s hand as she was pushed toward the elevator. “Jay, promise me you’ll make sure this baby is okay.”
“Of course babe, it’ll be okay. Everything will be okay.” Jay squeezed her hand in his own.
“No Jay… I mean… if it comes down to me… or the baby… Jay, I need this baby to live.”
“Erin, w-what? No. Don’t be ridiculous.”
“Please Jay, promise me?” Will held Jay back, while Erin’s bed was pushed into the elevator.
“I love you, Erin!” Jay was sure she opened her mouth to say the same thing to him, but was interrupted by the closing of the elevator doors.
As the tears Jay had been holding back finally fell, he felt his brother pull him into another hug. “I can’t lose her Will, I can’t.”
“You won’t. Erin’s the toughest woman I know, she’ll be okay Jay.”
Jay had been waiting for an update for what felt like forever, his leg bouncing almost involuntarily as he sat on the edge of his seat on one of the hard chairs in the waiting room. Will had gone to pick Ben, Zach and Maddie up from school, but they would be back any minute—Jay didn’t know what he was going to tell them.
Sure enough, his three kids suddenly burst through the waiting room doors, followed closely by Will.
“Look Daddy, we got hamburgers!” Maddie exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement.
Despite the situation, Jay couldn’t help but smile at his little girl as she climbed into his lap. “Wow baby, aren’t you lucky!”
“What’s going on?” Zach asked timidly as he settled into a chair beside his father.
Jay opened his mouth to speak but no words came out.
Will jumped in to explain, kneeling in front of his nephews and niece. “Um, your mommy is having the baby right now, buddy.”
“Really?!” Maddie asked excitedly.
“Uncle Will, can I play on your phone?” Ben asked, sounding bored; he remembered his uncle had a racing game on his phone the last time he and Owen hung out together. This was Ben’s first real time experiencing the birth of one of his siblings but he knew from when his little cousin Zoey was born that they would be there for a while.
“Yeah, sure.”
“Daddy, is Mommy having a girl? Do I get a sister?” Jay chuckled at his little girl’s tenacity. Ever since they had told the kids they were having another baby, Maddie had been adamant that it would be a girl.
“I don’t know yet, sweetheart. We just have to wait and see.” Jay’s voice was quiet as he tried his best to keep his emotions at bay.
“Jay, if you want me to take the kids to my place—”
“No.” Jay interrupted Will’s offer, his voice hoarse. “I… uh… I want them here. I need them here. Can you get an update or something?”
“I don’t know if they’ll tell me anything, but I’ll try.” Will shot his brother one last look of concern before turning and heading toward the nurses’ station.
“Daddy why do you look so sad?” Maddie reached up and traced her little fingers along the worry lines stretching across her father’s forehead.
Jay’s eyes fluttered shut for a moment as he allowed himself to be calmed by his five-year-old. He took a deep breath and answered as honestly as he could in that moment: “I’m okay Mads, I’m just a bit worried about Mommy. But everything will be fine.”
“Why are you worried?” Zach asked from the chair next to Jay. He had been leaning against his father’s side, but sat up quickly at Jay’s words.
“Because… Mommy had some pain before we came to the hospital.” Jay chose his words carefully. Just because he was terrified didn’t mean his children needed to be. Jay felt Ben settle into the beside him, Will’s phone out of sight. As Jay made eye contact with his oldest, he recognized that Ben knew there was more to the story than he had let on. There was fear in the boy’s eyes but he didn’t say anything, instead just resting his head against his Dad’s shoulder. Adjusting Maddie in his lap, Jay moved an arm around Ben, rubbing small circles into his back. “Everything’s going to be okay.”
Jay wasn’t sure how long he sat cuddled up with Ben, Zach, and Maddie, but before he knew it, Will had returned. The look on his face told Jay that he still didn’t know anything. Will settled in the seat beside Zach and the little boy quickly climbed into his uncle’s lap.
It felt like hours before Erin’s doctor finally burst through the waiting room doors. All three children had fallen asleep: Zach was cuddled up in Will’s arms, Maddie’s face was buried in Jay’s chest, and Ben was reclined against his father, using two chairs as a makeshift bed. Jay quickly rose from his seat, careful not to disturb Ben as he adjusted Maddie in his arms. He tried to ignore the blood all over the doctor’s scrubs.
“Dr. Perez!” Jay exclaimed before launching into a million questions. “What’s going on? What happened? Is Erin okay? Is the baby okay?”
Dr. Perez held his hands up at Jay. He had delivered both Ben and Zach—and he was supposed to deliver Maddie too—so he had gotten to know the Halsteads pretty well over the years. “Slow down, Jay, just relax. Everything is fine. You’ve got another little boy in the family.”
“And Erin? How is she?”
“Erin will be fine. She had a placental abruption, that’s what caused all the blood and the pre-term labour. She lost a lot of blood, so the recovery will be slow, but she will be just fine.”
Jay blew out a deep breath at the doctor’s words. “And the baby, he-he was early…”
Dr. Perez knew what Jay was hinting at: “He’s small, so he will need to spend some time in the NICU, but considering he was delivered at 34 weeks, he’s actually doing very well.”
“When can I see them?”
“We just moved Erin into a recovery room. She’s a little groggy but she’s already asking for you.”
Jay reached out to shake Dr. Perez’s hand, muttering words of thanks. He carried Maddie over to where Will sat with the boys and carefully handed his little girl over to his brother. “You sure you’re okay to stay with them?”
“Of course. Go see your girl.”
Erin was reclined in the hospital bed with her eyes closed when Jay walked in. Her complexion was still pale but she seemed comfortable. When she felt Jay’s presence in the room, she immediately opened her eyes. “Jay…”
He practically ran across the room, gingerly sitting beside Erin on the bed as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. “Hey, how you feeling?”
“Exhausted.” Erin’s face erupted into a tired smile. “We have another little boy.”
Jay leaned down to kiss her, smiling against her lips. “Maddie’s gonna be so pissed.”
“Wait, where are they?”
“Outside sleeping, they’re with Will.” Jay murmured into Erin’s hair.
“I wanna see them. Did they eat? What time is it? Shouldn’t they be in bed?”
“Erin… Erin, relax. It’s not even seven o’clock yet. Will picked them up from school and they got burgers.”
“What about you? Did you eat?”
“I’m supposed to be the one worrying right now, not you.”
A knock on the door interrupted the moment the couple were having and when Jay turned around to face the door, he could see Will popping his head into the room. “Would you like a few visitors?”
Erin nodded at Will with a smile—she was anxious to see her children.
“Be careful guys, Mommy had an operation, so she’s a little bit sore, okay?” Jay explained as he helped Erin sit up. The three kids slowly walked into the room and over towards the bed, each taking a turn giving their mother a careful hug.
“Mommy are you okay?” Zach asked worriedly as he furrowed his brows.
Erin reached out to cup Zach’s face in her hand. “Yes baby, I’m okay.”
“Mommy, where’s my baby sister?” Maddie asked.
“Mads, come here baby,” Jay began slowly, picking her up and resting her on his hip. “I know you really wanted a little sister, but… the new baby is a boy.”
The little girl’s mouth was agape as she listened to her father’s words. “A boy…”
“Mhmm, you have another brother! Mommy and Daddy are going to need a special helper with the baby, maybe his big sister?” Erin tried to sound as excited as she could, hoping to distract her daughter with thoughts of the new baby.
“Yes Mommy! I can help!” And just like that, Maddie’s excitement about the new baby had returned.
“Where is the baby?” Ben asked as he looked around the room for a crib.
“He um… he’s really little, so the doctors are just checking him over a bit more.” Jay explained, combing his fingers through his oldest son’s hair.
“You guys will get to meet him really soon, okay?” Erin added. “But I think right now it’s probably bedtime.”
“Who’s up for a sleepover at Uncle Will and Aunt Natalie’s?” Will piped in enthusiastically.
Jay gave Maddie a kiss and set her down so she could say goodnight to her mom. “Hey Will, are you sure you guys are okay to—?”
“Dude that’s not even a question, of course.” Will clapped his hand on his little brother’s shoulder. “You just focus on Erin and my new little nephew right now, okay?”
“Thanks bro, I really appreciate it.” Jay gave Will a quick hug before saying goodnight to his boys.
When he and Erin were alone again, Jay pressed his lips against her forehead. “Are you sure you’re feeling okay babe?”
“Jay, I’m fine. Are you okay?” Erin rubbed her hand across the scruff of his face.
Jay closed his eyes and relaxed against Erin’s touch. “I was so scared babe. I just… I thought I was going to lose you.”
“I promise you, that’ll never happen.” She leaned forward slightly to kiss him. “Besides, you can’t get rid of me that easily.”
“Knock, knock.” Maggie popped her head into the room a little later. “How are you doing Erin?”
“Not too bad.” Erin managed a smile, but Jay could tell she was still in pain.
“Well, a little birdie told me there’s a baby boy who wants to meet his mommy and daddy.” Maggie beamed at them.
“Really? We can see him?” Erin asked.
“You bet. I’ll just need to get a wheelchair for you and then we’ll all head on upstairs.”
Jay and Maggie helped Erin out of the bed and got her settled into the wheelchair. He knew she was in pain when she didn’t ask to walk up to the NICU instead of using the wheelchair.
When they got out of the elevator on the NICU floor, Erin grabbed Jay’s hand and pulled him in front of her. He quickly bent down in front of her, “What’s wrong babe?”
“I’m sorry.” Erin looked down, avoiding eye contact with Jay.
“Sorry? What are you sorry for?” Jay reached up to cup her face in his hands, forcing her to look at him.
“He’s so early, if I just rested more and didn’t go into work everyday like you and Hank said this wouldn’t have happened.”
“Babe… it’s not your fault. He just wanted to meet us a little bit early.” Jay tried to lighten the mood to ease Erin’s concerns. “He’s going to be just fine.”
As Maggie led them into the NICU, they were mesmerized by their baby boy. He was tiny and hooked up to various monitors and machines, but to Jay and Erin he was still absolutely perfect.
“C-can we hold him?” Jay asked tentatively.
“Of course! Maybe we could try some skin-to-skin with the both of you? It generally helps the baby stabilize.”
Jay helped unclasp Erin’s gown as Maggie put on a pair of gloves before carefully lifting their son from his small incubation bed. She placed him against Erin’s chest, adjusting the wires so they weren’t getting in the way.
“He’s beautiful.” Erin whispered, gently pressing her lips against the top of the tiny baby’s head.
“Does he have a name yet?”
“Not yet, we wanted to see him first.” Jay murmured, reaching up to carefully run a finger along his son’s cheek.
“I’ll leave you three alone for a few minutes.” Maggie smiled before quietly leaving the room.
Jay and Erin sat quietly for a while, just staring at their perfect little baby snuggled up against his mother’s chest. “Did you want to try? Skin-to-skin?”
“You just want me to take my shirt off, huh?” Jay chuckled as he grabbed the collar of his t-shirt and pulled it over his head in one fluid motion.
Erin watched him from her seat with a smile on her face before handing off their baby to him. The baby looked so small as Jay held him against his chest, lightly swaying his hips to keep the baby calm. Jay kissed his small forehead gently, relishing that new baby smell. “Hey bud. I’m your Daddy. I know we just met but I love you so much already.” When Jay glanced back up at Erin, he saw tears streaming down her cheeks, taking a step closer to her. “Er, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong, it’s just… hormones and crap.” Erin laughed a little through her tears. “Oh Jay, I’m just so happy that our babies have you as a father.”
“They’re even luckier to have you. And so am I.” Jay smiled as he bent down to kiss Erin’s lips.
Jay spent the night in Erin’s room, sleeping on and off in an uncomfortable chair between his wife and his newborn son. The baby was doing well enough that he had been wheeled down from the NICU to share the room with his parents. Due to his oxygen tube and IV lines, they couldn’t pick him up too much so he had to sleep in his cot, much to the dismay of both Jay and Erin.
The next morning, Jay called Will to have him bring the kids back to the hospital to meet their new baby brother. About an hour later, Jay and Erin’s three kids plus Owen came running into the room followed by Will—who was holding baby Zoey— and Natalie, eager to see the newest member of the Halstead family.
“Where’s the baby?!” Maddie asked impatiently.
“Is he okay?” Zach added.
“What’s his name?” Ben chimed in.
“Hey guys, calm down. You need to use your inside voices.” Nat said, reaching to try to hold them back.
Once the kids had given their parents hugs and kisses, Jay led them over to the incubator where the littlest Halstead was sleeping. “Okay guys, this is your baby brother, Sam.” Ben, Zach, and Maddie were all silent as they stared intently at their new brother, smiles appearing on each of their faces.
“Can we hold him?” Maddie asked as she looked up at her father.
“Not yet, he’s still got some growing to do and he can get sick if he gets germs.” Jay answered. “But if you wash your hands with some soap at the sink you can still touch him.”
“What’s his full name?” Will asked Erin.
“Samuel James.” Erin was beaming with pride at the sight of her husband and three older children all entranced by their new addition.
“You named him after Grandpa?”
Jay’s head snapped up at his brother’s question, an emotional smile crossing his face. “Yeah.”
“That’s perfect.” Will grinned, crossing the room to pull his brother into a hug.
“Oh Erin, he’s beautiful.” Nat said as she watched her nephew sleeping. “How much did he weigh?”
Erin smiled softly as she answered. “Almost five pounds. Not too bad considering he was so early.”
The conversation was interrupted by Sam’s muffled cries. Natalie immediately recognized that the baby was hungry, so she beckoned for Will to help her get the kids out of the way.
“Who wants ice cream?” Will asked.
“Will, it’s ten o’clock in the morning!” Nat exclaimed as they ushered the children from the room.
“Ice cream knows no time.”
Once Will, Natalie and the kids were gone, Jay carefully lifted Sam out of the incubator and brought him over to Erin’s waiting arms. As the newborn latched onto Erin, Jay couldn’t help but stare; he was completely overwhelmed with love for his wife and children. When Sam was done eating, he burrowed his nose against his mother’s chest, and Erin shifted a little, motioning for Jay to come join them on the bed. He gingerly slid in beside her, wrapping his arm around her and kissing her cheek as she relaxed in his arms.
When Will popped his head into the room a few minutes later, he smiled at the sight in front of him. Jay, Erin, and baby Sam were snuggled together on the bed, all fast asleep.
Jay woke a couple of hours later to a text from Will letting him know that he and Natalie took the kids back to their place. He put his phone onto the table next to his bed, carefully snuggling back into Erin. They had put Sam back in his bed, fearing that his little body would get too cold.
“Who was that?” She mumbled sleepily, nuzzling her face into her husband’s chest.
“It was Will. He and Nat took the kids back to their place.” Jay ran his hand through her hair, leaning down to press a kiss against her temple. “Go back to sleep.”
“You need to take them home.”
“But I need to be here with you, you need me.”
“Jay, we’re probably going to be here for a few weeks. We can’t leave them with your brother for that long. They need you more. Please babe.”
Jay sighed. He ran his hand across his face before finally answering. “Are you sure you’ll be okay here without me?”
“Babe, we’ll be fine. I’m worried about the other kids, and you. You look so stressed and you’re barely getting any sleep. The kids have school on Monday. You’re gonna have to keep up with them.”
“Alright, okay.” Jay sighed again. “I’ll pick them up from Will’s on my way home.”
“Thank you.”
“When’s Mommy coming home?” Maddy asked from her seat at the island as she ate a snack.
“Hopefully soon. She needs to get better and Sam needs to get a little bit bigger first, okay?” Jay smiled at his daughter.
“Okay.” Maddie grumbled.
“What’s wrong sweetheart?”
“I miss Mommy.”
“I know, I miss her too.” Jay approached his daughter and kissed her forehead. “Tell you what, how about we do something fun this afternoon? And then before dinner, we can all go see Mommy again.”
“Can we bring Mommy dinner and eat with her? Like a picnic?”
“Of course we can.”
Over the next week, Jay did everything he could to keep his three oldest children occupied while Erin and Sam were in the hospital. But he’d be lying if he said it wasn’t exhausting. All his children had different interests and it was difficult trying to give his attention in three places at once. And soon, there would be a fourth to keep up with.
Antonio had been amazing, allowing Jay to work shorter hours so he would be able to take the kids to and from school every day. And every day, after picking them up, they went to the hospital to see Erin and Sam.
Finally, after a little over a week in the hospital, Sam and Erin were ready to come home. They dressed Sam in a simple white onesie and kept the small blue hat the hospital gave them on his head. He had gained almost a full pound during his time in the hospital and was thriving.  
“Ready to come home bud?” Jay cooed at his youngest son as he strapped him into the carseat. “There, you’re all set little man. Erin, babe, are you ready to go?”
“Yeah just a second.” Erin replied as she pulled a sweater over her head. “Okay, ready.”
Just like when they first brought their other children home from the hospital, Jay drove even more cautiously than usual. Hank had offered to pick the kids up from school that day and take them for dinner, giving Jay and Erin some extra time to get settled at home with Sam.
Jay had arranged to take some furlough to help Erin with the baby while she continued her recovery. He would feed Sam and put him down to sleep before dropping off the other kids every morning. His evenings consisted of helping each child with their homework, making dinner, and making sure Sam and Erin were comfortable. He tried to get all the housework done while the kids were at school, but there was always a load of laundry to do and when there wasn’t, there were clothes to fold and put away. He vacuumed the floors when the baby was awake and made sure to check in on him periodically. To give Erin a break during the day, Jay would wrap Sam in a baby sling attached to his chest, humming softly while he sterilized the baby bottles.
“You know, I don’t think I’ve ever commented on how hot of a house husband you make.” Erin walked into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water from the fridge. “Maybe I should require rest more often.”
“You’re supposed to be in bed.”
“I’ve been in bed all day, every day. I’m allowed to walk around you know.”
“Yes I know, but I would just feel more comfortable if you were resting.”
“Bite me, Halstead.”
“Gladly.” Jay wiggled his eyebrows, a devilish smirk flashing across his face.
“Come cuddle with me? I’m bored.” Erin pouted, knowing she could get her husband to do anything that way.
“I need to go pick up the kids, after that we can all cuddle. I promise.”
Erin huffed out a sigh of annoyance. “Fine.”
Sticking to his word, as soon as Jay brought the kids home from school, they took off for the master bedroom, climbing up onto the king-sized bed. “Someone requested a family cuddle?” Erin shifted a sleeping Sam in her arms as she reclined against the headboard of the bed.
Jay slid in beside Erin, wrapping his arm around her, while Ben snuggled against Erin’s other side. Zach was practically laying on top of his father, and Maddie was sandwiched right in between both of her parents. Within minutes all six Halsteads were sound asleep—their family finally complete.
Let us know what you think! :)
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broomballkraken · 4 years
Title: Summer Lovin’
Fandom: Fire Emblem: Three Houses/Fire Emblem Heroes
Pairing(s): Sylvain/Lorenz, Dorothea/Ingrid
Word count: 5550
Warnings: N/A
Summary: College AU. With the spring semester of his first year of college finally over, Sylvain is excited to have a fun and relaxing summer, especially since his busy schedule had kept him from spending an adequate amount of time with his boyfriend, Lorenz. During a double-date at the beach on perfectly hot and sunny day, Sylvain realizes that he really does feel something special for his once insufferable roommate.
The harsh rays of the summer sun beat down on Sylvain, and he lifted his hand to his forehead to shield his eyes from the blinding light. Normally he’d hate this kind of heat, having been raised in a rather cold climate, but that was not the case today. He stood on a beautiful sandy beach, and he couldn’t wait to take a dip in the crystal-clear water. Sylvain had a feeling that this was going to be a perfect day for an overdue date with his boyfriend.
“Hey, Sylvain!”
“Where’s your man at?”
Er, well, it was a double-date, actually.
Sylvain turned and waved as Ingrid and Dorothea walked hand-in-hand up to him. They were already in their bathing suits, and carried a couple of beach bags as well as a beach umbrella with them. Sylvain shrugged as he slung his own bag over one shoulder. “He’s getting changed. He should be out soon.”
As if on cue, the tell-tale squeaking of the changing room door opening hit Sylvain’s ears, and he turned to find a blushing Lorenz taking a nervous step out of the room. Sylvain’s eyes widened with surprise as he peaked over his sunglasses to take in the tantalizing view of his boyfriend’s unusually exposed body. Huh, he never would have guessed that Lorenz was the kind of person to don a speedo of all things, but the color perfectly matched his striking purple hair, and the red rose printed on it was rather fitting. Lorenz self-consciously tugged at his shirt, which also had a rose pinned on it, and that made Sylvain smile; his boyfriend’s affinity for roses had always been incredibly endearing, but that didn’t stop Sylvain from wanting to tease him a bit.
“Damn Lorenz, I didn’t take you for a speedo guy at all.”
“D-Do I really not pull it off?” Lorenz’s brow furrowed as he scoffed. “Oh, and I thought the colors complimented my hair and style perfectly when I picked it out-”
“Whoa, hold up there, I never said that.” Sylvain chuckled as he grabbed one of Lorenz’s hands, entwining their fingers together. “It looks sexy on you, babe. I personally love the roses.” He sealed the deal by placing a kiss on Lorenz’s cheek, and Sylvain snickered when Lorenz’s face flushed a deep red.
"And I won't even ask if you like my swimsuit, I'll just say... you're welcome." Sylvain winked as Lorenz just let out an exasperated groan.
“Do you always have to be so...insufferably cocky?” Lorenz asked, and Sylvain chuckled as he waggled his eyebrows suggestively.
“But of course! It fits me, as someone who has such a huge c-”
“Ugh, get a room already!” Dorothea interrupted, rolling her eyes, but Sylvain caught a knowing smirk tugging at the corners of her lips as she turned and began walking down the beach with a chuckling Ingrid. “I know a really nice spot that’s usually not too crowded. Try to keep up, boys.” Lorenz and Sylvain shared a glance and smiled before following the girls, their hands clasped tightly together.
Sylvain knew that they were an odd couple, he and Lorenz, and if someone would have told him when they first met that they would eventually end up together, Sylvain would have laughed in their face. It was still a bit surreal, having fallen for his roommate that he didn’t get along with for almost the entire first semester of their college careers. They clashed in many ways; Sylvain was a typical, flirty jock on the surface, who majored in kinesiology, played hockey, and flitted from one girl to the next as he breezed through his first semester classes with ease. Lorenz was also a shameless flirt, but that seemed like the only thing Sylvain had in common with the history/political science major who loved horseback riding, collecting and drinking exotic teas, and writing flowery poetry.
As that first semester came to a close, however, Sylvain and Lorenz had learned a lot about each other, and realized that they did have more in common than they both initially realized. Mainly, they both had some pretty heavy family issues that stemmed from some serious homophobia. Lorenz had been immediately kicked out by his dad when he was sixteen after being caught kissing another boy, while a 12-year-old Sylvain watched as his trans brother, soon after coming out to their parents, was also kicked out and never heard from again, leading to Sylvain desperately trying to deny his attraction to men out of fear of the same thing happening to him. After a night of deep conversation and passing a bottle of strong whiskey between them, they had moved on from a mutual dislike of each other to the beginning of a strong friendship.
“Here we are! Oh, and it looks like we’re the only ones on this section of the beach,” Dorothea said, a satisfied grin crossing her face as she set down her bag and helped Ingrid set up their umbrella.
“This is a really nice spot, how’d you find this place, Doro?” Sylvain asked as he and Lorenz began setting up their spot.
Dorothea giggled and winked as she shook her head. “Oh no, my dear Sylvain. A lady never reveals her secrets.” Sylvain let out a defeated sigh and shrugged.
“Fine, fine, keep your secrets.”
“I always do.”
The group finished unpacking their things, and eventually Dorothea and Ingrid were sunbathing on their beach chairs, while Sylvain sprawled out on a towel and Lorenz settled down next to him, but in the shade of their umbrella.
“You don’t wanna lay in the sun, babe?” Sylvain asked, raising an eyebrow as he lay back with his arms crossed over his head. Lorenz shrugged as he pulled out a notebook.
“Not really. I burn very easily,” Lorenz said, and Sylvain rolled his eyes and sat up. He rummaged around in his bag for a moment and pulled out some sunscreen.
“Well, let me help you out with that. A little bit of vitamin D is good for you,” Sylvain said, squirting a decent amount onto his hand, “Plus, a little color might make you look less like a ghost.”
Sylvain laughed when Lorenz glared and pouted at him, but he did not resist when Sylvain moved behind him and slipped Lorenz’s shirt from his shoulders. “I guess I could use some sun. I don’t tan very well, though.”
“Hmm, I think you’d look pretty sexy with a nice tan.” Sylvain snickered when Lorenz sputtered in response; Sylvain thought it was adorable how easy it was to fluster his normally very prim-and-proper boyfriend. He decided to ease up on the teasing (at least for now) as he rubbed a generous amount of sunscreen over Lorenz’s back and shoulders, and a smile crossed his face when Lorenz sighed and Sylvain felt him relax.
It had been a busy and difficult spring semester for the both of them, and thus they hadn’t had much time to relax and spend time together as a couple for the first few months of their relationship. Sure, they were roommates, but between Sylvain traveling a lot for hockey and both of them spending late nights in the library with different study groups, they counted themselves lucky the few times that they weren’t too exhausted for brief moments of intimacy. But with summer break finally here, Sylvain was looking forward to many fun dates like this one.
After Lorenz took a turn rubbing sunscreen on Sylvain, they fell into a comfortable silence as Sylvain basked in the sun, while Lorenz stayed in the shade and wrote in his notebook. As Sylvain listened to the calming sound of Lorenz’s pen scraping across the paper, his curiosity at what Lorenz was writing was growing and growing. Cracking one eye open, Sylvain watched Lorenz’s face. His eyebrows were furrowed thoughtfully, and he would sometimes chew on his lower lip or poke his tongue out as his concentration deepened. Sylvain thought it was the cutest thing ever.
Eventually, Sylvain’s curiosity got the better of him, and he sat up, his elbows propping up on his knees as his chin fell to rest in his hands. “What’cha writing?”
Lorenz seemed startled by his voice, and Sylvain raised an eyebrow when his boyfriend almost dropped his pen as he flailed slightly. “Er, uh, it’s really nothing…”
“Bullshit.” A devious grin crossed his face as he snatched the notebook from Lorenz with lightning speed. “I bet you’re writing something lewd.”
“S-Sylvian, please!” Lorenz tried reaching over to take the book back, but Sylvain placed a hand over his face, effectively keeping Lorenz away as he held the book in his free hand.
Clearing his throat, Sylvain fought back the urge to laugh at the mortified look on Lorenz’s face as he began to read from the book. “Ahem, ‘To find the analogue of your beauty in nature, I look only to the anemone.’” Sylvain barely managed to get the words out before he burst out laughing so hard that tears started falling down his face. When he recovered from his laughing fit, he looked up to find a pouting, red-faced Lorenz glaring at him, who quickly snatched the book out of Sylvain’s hands.
“I am well aware that it’s terrible, thank you,” Lorenz grumbled as he stuffed the book back into his bag before crossing his arms over his chest.
Sylvain laughed and wrapped his arms around his moody boyfriend, pulling him onto his lap. “C’mon, babe, I’m just teasing you. Anemone’s are pretty cool to look at.” Lorenz averted his gaze and huffed, and Sylvain placed a quick kiss on his cheek.
“Besides, the rest of your poetry is fucking fantastic,” Sylvain added, and he grinned when a sheepish smile crossed Lorenz’s face. Sylvain certainly wasn’t lying about that; Lorenz was a phenomenal writer. Sylvain had been skeptical, at first, when he found out that his roommate, who, in addition to his double-major, was also getting a minor in creative writing of all things. Sylvain’s skepticism was replaced with sheer awe when he had snuck a curious peek at Lorenz’s writing while he was in the bathroom.
The flowery yet fitting descriptions, the way each line flowed perfectly to the next, the intensity of the imagery and emotion invoked...Sylvain had been floored by what he read. At the time, he would never have asked Lorenz outright to read his work, so Sylvain continued to occasionally sneak glances at his roommate’s writing whenever he happened to leave it out in the open.
There was one specific time that Sylvain had done this that had been a key event that eventually led to their relationship. It was after he and Lorenz had overcome their differences and finally became friends, and very shortly after Sylvain had developed a crush on him. Sylvain had just returned from a shower after a tough hockey practice and was ready to immediately pass out for the night. However, he spotted Lorenz’s notebook on his desk, left unattended again, and Sylvain couldn’t resist the familiar temptation to read it.
As his eyes skimmed over the most recent poem, Sylvain’s face had heated up and his jaw dropped with shock at the words. ‘My heart strays ever-towards a man of tangerine hair and the most beautiful, amber eyes; Alas, the unforgiving bite of longing eats away at one’s aching heart so bitterly…’ That description sounded too much like Sylvain to just be coincidence, and the very idea that Lorenz might actually feel the same way about him gave Sylvain the confidence he needed to confess his feelings only a few days later. And wouldn’t you know it, Lorenz indeed admitted to having mutual feelings, and they’ve been together ever since.
“Hey guys, come join us in the water!”
Sylvain was pulled from his trip down memory lane when Dorothea and Ingrid walked up to them, pool noodles in hand, and Sylvain nodded as he stood up.
“Alright. I was just getting a bit too hot anyway. C’mon babe.” Sylvain offered his hand to Lorenz, who smiled as he took it. They started towards the shoreline, but Lorenz suddenly stepped in front of Sylvain.
“Sylvain, dear,” Lorenz said, frowning as he lifted a hand to Sylvain’s chest, “You should probably take this off; I hate for you to lose it.”
Sylvain’s hand moved to mirror Lorenz’s, and his fingers brushed over the necklace that hung from his neck. Ah, right. He had almost forgotten about it. This necklace had been a gift from Lorenz, shortly after they had started dating. Lorenz had said that it caught his eye while he was out shopping with Hilda, and he thought that it would suit Sylvain well. Sylvain was very touched that his boyfriend had just up and gotten a gift for him out of the blue, and Sylvain had not taken off the necklace since, except for when he showered or slept.
“Ah, right. Thanks, Lorenz. Definitely don’t wanna lose one of my favorite accessories.” Sylvain grinned when Lorenz cleared his throat to try and unsuccessfully hide the blush on his face, and Sylvain safely stored the precious piece of jewelry in his bag along with his sunglasses before they rushed off to join Dorothea and Ingrid.
The two couples eagerly made their way into the water, and Sylvain shivered as his hot skin was struck by the very cold, but refreshing waves. Lorenz waded in up to his knees, and his face was scrunched up when Sylvain turned to look back at him.
“What’s up, babe?”
“It’s...really cold…”
“Aw, c’mon, it’ll be fine once you’re in!”
Sylvain didn’t give Lorenz time to complain anymore, as he rushed up to him and hoisted him over his shoulder with ease. Yelping, Lorenz struggled in vain to escape his boyfriend’s hold.
“L-Let go of me, Sylvain!”
“Hehe, you better hold your breath, Lorenz!”
Lorenz’s shriek of protest fell on deaf ears, as Sylvain took a few large strides into deeper water, before sucking in a deep breath and plunging the both of them underwater. It was really cold at first, but Sylvain rather enjoyed lower temperatures, and he got used to it quickly. When he broke the surface again, Sylvain snorted before bursting out laughing when he saw the state his boyfriend was in.
“That was not funny.” If looks could kill, then Sylvain would have been dead and gone long before he knew what hit him. Lorenz was absolutely seething, his soaked hair sticking to his face as he shivered where he stood. Sylvain got his laughter under control and wrapped his arm around Lorenz before he could escape.
“Let go of me,” Lorenz grumbled, struggling against Sylvain’s hold halfheartedly, but Sylvain shook his head and tightened his grip.
“I’m sorry, babe. Let me warm you up.” Sylvain prevented Lorenz from complaining by covering his lips with his own. Sylvain didn’t know if Lorenz was starting to feel warm, but he sure was. Sylvain had kissed a lot - a lot - of people before Lorenz, but no one he had kissed before made Sylvain’s heart race and his mind go pleasantly fuzzy quite like Lorenz.
Sylvain’s heart managed to race even faster when he felt Lorenz smile against his lips, something that Sylvain had never experienced with anyone else before. It was an incredible feeling, knowing that just kissing him made Lorenz happy, and Sylvain’s lips also curled upwards.
“Hey, lover-boys! Do you really have to suck face in front of us?” Dorothea yelled, followed by an exasperated sigh from Ingrid. Sylvain laughed when he pulled away from Lorenz, who flushed a bright red as he hid his face against Sylvain’s shoulder. Chuckling, Sylvain placed a quick kiss on the top of Lorenz’s head before grabbing his hand again and they waded over to the ladies.
“C’mon, don’t be jealous now!” Sylvain grinned when Dorothea burst out laughing.
“Oh please. How could I be jealous when I’m dating the most beautiful woman around?” Dorothea said, draping an arm over Ingrid’s shoulders and placing a kiss on her cheek. Ingrid giggled as she returned the kiss, and Sylvain couldn’t help but smile. Ingrid and Dorothea had hit it off really well as soon as they met, and absolutely no one was surprised when they started dating shortly after. They really made a good-looking couple.
“So, fellas,” Dorothea said, a sly smirk crossing her face, “how about we play a little game of chicken? Losers have to go and buy drinks for the winners.”
“Oh sick! I’m totally in!” Sylvain said, grinning at Lorenz, who chuckled and confidently placed a hand on one hip.
“Well, I was never one to back down from a challenge, so I’m in too.”
“Alright, you’re on!” Ingrid said, and soon the two couples were ready for their match, with Dorothea on Ingrid’s shoulders and Lorenz on Sylvain’s, with each of them armed with a pool noodle.
“Ready...Go!” Dorothea yelled, and the game was on. Dorothea was relentless with her attacks from the start, and Lorenz had to take a defensive stance for a bit. But he was patient, and with Sylvain as a very sturdy base, Lorenz managed to get in a few good hits at Dorothea, and eventually he sent her tumbling from Ingrid’s shoulders.
“Yes! Way to go, babe!” Sylvain shouted, letting Lorenz down from his shoulder and giving him a celebratory kiss. Lorenz ran a hand through his hair and chuckled.
“But of course this should happen! Against the combined might of Sylvain Gautier and Lorenz Gloucester, no one stands a chance!”
“You got that right!”
“Alright, alright, we get it. God, you two are insufferable.” Dorothea rolled her eyes, but a smile soon crossed her face and she sighed. “I guess we’ll go and grab you some drinks after we dry off.”
After spending a bit more time in the water, the four eventually returned to shore and basked in the sun to dry off. When Dorothea left to go get the drinks, Lorenz went with her, as he was curious to see what the rest of the beach looked like. As Sylvain watched his boyfriend walk off, Ingrid sat down next to him on his towel.
“So,” she started, smiling as she raised a curious eyebrow, “How are you and Lorenz doing?” Sylvain smiled at her as he leaned back and propped himself up on his elbows.
“Great, actually. I’m...really surprised at how well everything is going,” Sylvain answered honestly. Ingrid had been his best friend for as long as he could remember. Because of that, she had been the person that he confided in when he first realized that he had feelings for Lorenz. She had been shocked, unsurprisingly, but also wholeheartedly supportive and had played a big role in giving Sylvain the confidence needed to tell Lorenz how he felt.
“That’s so awesome. I’m really happy for you!” Ingrid smiled, but it faded slightly as her brow furrowed. “Do...your parents know?”
“Oh hell no,” Sylvain blurted out immediately, his face paling slightly at the very thought. Sylvain was very thankful that his parents had never really been interested in the internet or social media, or they would have found out about his relationship rather quickly. Sylvain was also careful to block anyone who was close with his parents that also was not a trusted friend. The less they knew, for now, the better.
Ingrid winced as she placed a hand on Sylvain’s arm. “Ah, sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.” Sylvain shook his head and ran a hand through his hair.
“Nah, it’s cool. Just a...touchy subject.”
They were silent for a moment, before Ingrid continued. “I’m happy you guys get to finally spend some time together and go on some actual dates.”
“Same. Don’t get me wrong, the sex is great and all, but it’s always good to do some innocent couple things too.” Sylvain laughed when Ingrid groaned and smacked his arm.
“Ugh, that’s way too much information, Sylvain!”
“Heh, sorry!”
“No you’re not!”
“You’re right.” Sylvain managed to dodge Ingrid’s attempted smack this time and they both laughed. When they composed themselves, Sylvain’s expression turned oddly serious.
“Hey, Ingrid…” Sylvain said, pausing for a moment as he chewed on his bottom lip, “You...love Dorothea, right?”
“Well, yeah.” Ingrid watched Sylvain with curious eyes, and he averted his gaze as he rubbed nervously at his arms.
“When did you know that you loved her?”
“Uh…” Ingrid went quiet, her brow scrunching up in thought as she gazed down at her lap. After a moment, Ingrid looked back up at Sylvain with a bright smile on her face.
“It’s kinda hard to explain, I guess I just...felt it?” Ingrid shrugged and let out a sheepish laugh. “It was, like, three months after we started dating. We were walking home from a party, just a little bit tipsy, and we stopped to look at the stars along the river.”
Ingrid giggled, a wistful smile crossing her face as her cheeks turned pink. “Dorothea looked really pretty that night, and I dunno...I just knew then that she was even more special that I had realized. And I told her I loved her.”
“And? What did she say?”
“Well, she said she loved me too.”
“Yeah,” Ingrid said, “In fact, she said that she was also thinking about saying it too, but I beat her to it.” Sylvain smiled at that, and he placed a hand on Ingrid’s shoulder.
“That’s so cute, I might just throw up.” Sylvain laughed when Ingrid rolled her eyes and flicked his nose.
“Whatever, lover-boy Why the sudden serious question, though?” Sylvain felt his face heat up as Ingrid stared at him, a knowing smile on her face that told him that she already knew the answer.
“I…” Sylvain swallowed thickly and rubbed at the back of his neck. “I think I love Lorenz. Like, I really love him.” The words felt weird to finally say, after the thought had been festering at the back of his mind for a week or so by now. Sylvain had tossed the word ‘love’ around haphazardly before, not really thinking too much about his words hurting anyone or if he even actually was in love.
This time was totally different, though. This wasn’t just throwing out the word like nothing. This was a deep feeling, one that Sylvain felt every time he gazed into Lorenz’s beautiful eyes, or held his hand in his, or cried his name during sex, or any multitude of seemingly mundane things that they did together. And that list only grew as time went on, until Sylvain was forced to consider the fact that this could be what it really felt like to be in love.
“Oh my god,” Ingrid blurted out, trying and failing to suppress the excited squeal that escaped from her, “That’s so exciting! Has Lorenz told you he loves you yet?”
“Ah, no…” Sylvain’s face fell as he worried his lip between his teeth. “Do you think it’s too soon? Should I wait for him to say it first? What if he doesn’t-”
“Sylvain.” Ingrid interrupted him, a soft smile crossing her face as she gently took his hands. “Tell him. He might say it back, or he might not be ready, but I really think that being completely honest with your feelings as soon as possible would be your best bet.” A smile slowly spread across Sylvain’s face again and he let out a relieved sigh.
“Alright...I think I can do that,” he said, and Ingrid nodded in agreement.
“Just remember, I’m always rooting for you!”
“Thanks, Ingrid.” Sylvain wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly, and Ingrid gladly hugged him in return.
“We’re back!”
Sylvain let go of Ingrid as Dorothea and Lorenz returned, with some rather tasty-looking drinks in their hands. Ingrid stood up to head back to her and Dorothea’s spot, glancing briefly over her shoulder to give Sylvain a wink of encouragement, which he greatly appreciated.
“Hey, say cheese, lover-boys!” Dorothea held up her phone, and Sylvain immediately pulled Lorenz to his side, pressing a kiss to his cheek as Dorothea took a picture.
“Damn, you guys take a really cute couple’s pic.” Dorothea giggled as she showed them the picture, and Sylvain’s eyes lit up. Lorenz just looked...so happy. His face was lit up with a close-eyed, toothy smile as Sylvain’s lips touched his slightly flushed cheek. God damn, Sylvain felt like a really lucky guy right now.
“Ah, here Sylvain, they were having a special at the bar.” Lorenz said, and Sylvain shifted closer to Lorenz and placed another kiss on his cheek.
“Thanks, babe! It looks pretty good.” Sylvain took the fancy glass that Lorenz offered him and examined the contents. The green-blue liquid was pretty to look at, and the heaping scoop of ice cream that topped it off looked absolutely delicious, especially paired with the bright red edible flowers and cherries that surrounded it.
Sylvain couldn’t wait to taste it, so he brought the straw to his lips and took a sip, a pleased hum rumbling through his chest as the deliciously cool drink hit his tongue. Sylvain guessed that it was made with some kind of melon liquor, and maybe some blue raspberry schnapps? Whatever it was, Sylvain wholeheartedly approved of it.
“Damn, this is great!” Sylvain said, sucking down a few more gulps.
“Really? I guess I should try it, then.”
“Yeah, you’ll really like it-” Sylvain turned his head towards Lorenz, but the rest of his words were swallowed up when Lorenz suddenly pressed his lips to his own. Sylvain's shocked squeak was muffled, and he felt his face flush when Lorenz’s tongue shoved its way into his mouth and brushed against his own. When Lorenz pulled away, Sylvain’s jaw went slack and his brain felt a bit like it had turned to mush.
“Hmm,” Lorenz hummed as his tongue poked out and swiped over his lips, and Sylvain’s heart hammered hard in his chest at the rare, mischievous glint in his boyfriend’s eyes, “My my, this might actually be the most delicious thing that I’ve ever tasted.” Lorenz’s voice dropped low as he spoke, and Sylvain could only stare pathetically at him in response.
Chuckling softly, Lorenz gently took a hold of Sylvain’s chin and carefully examined his face. “It’s quite rare to see you so flustered, Sylvain, but it’s really a sight that I enjoy a lot.” Plucking a flower from his glass, Lorenz gently slipped it behind Sylvain’s ear, somehow causing his face to heat up even more than it already had. Sylvain finally snapped back to his senses and pouted as Lorenz laughed again.
“Geez, you’re the worst…” Sylvain grumbled, but he couldn’t help but snicker, and soon he was laughing along with Lorenz. Damn, Sylvain really did love him, huh? It was so, so obvious now.
“Hey, Lorenz, I-” Sylvain leaned over to get closer, but he accidentally bumped Lorenz’s arm that held his drink, and half of it spilled all over Lorenz.
“Whoops, sorry!” Sylvain cringed and moved to wipe up the mess with his towel. Lorenz shivered and pursed his lips.
“Eugh, I’m all sticky now…” Lorenz complained, and Sylvain snorted.
“Heh, that’s what she said.”
“Oh my god, fuck off.”
Sylvain burst out laughing as Lorenz just groaned and rolled his eyes. When Sylvain recovered, he eyed Lorenz for a moment and shrugged.
“Well, I guess I better help you clean that sticky mess off.”
“What are you-”
Lorenz was cut off as he yelped when Sylvain hoisted him over his shoulder and started sprinting off towards the water. Ignoring his startled yelling, Sylvain quickly made it to deep water and wasted no time in pulling Lorenz under with him.
The water was incredibly clear, so Sylvain easily opened his eyes so that he could locate Lorenz. When he did, he swam up beside him, trying his best not to laugh at the sour look on his face and waste his breath. Sylvain thought that he looked beautiful, with his flawless skin shimmering in the refracted light, and his purple hair floating lazily around him. Sylvain reached out and brushed his fingers gently over Lorenz’s cheek, and the smile that crossed his face made Sylvain’s heart skip a beat.
Wrapping one hand around Lorenz’s waist to pull him close, and grabbing his hand with the other, their lips met in a tender, underwater kiss. Sylvain had never kissed someone underwater before, and it was a pretty thrilling experience. Careful not to instinctively breath through his nose, Sylvain deepened the kiss, and their legs tangled together as they both clumsily tread water. Sylvain kinda wished that they could stay like this forever.
Unfortunately, both Sylvain and Lorenz could not breath underwater, so they eventually had to part and go up for air. Sylvain took a few, deep breaths when he resurfaced, and he immediately reached out to grab Lorenz and pull him close.
“Hey, Lorenz?” Sylvain asked, and he waited patiently until Lorenz had caught his breath and turned to look at him.
“Yes?” Sylvain sucked in a calming breath as he steeled himself for what he was about to say, and he brought his face close to Lorenz’s, his amber eyes staring deep into those beautiful amethyst ones.
“I...I love you, Lorenz.”
Sylvain watched with bated breath as Lorenz just stared at him for a moment, before his face flushed pink and he sputtered for a moment. Sylvain had to snort to keep from laughing outright at the sight.
“You mean-Are you-Y-You...love me?” Lorenz stammered, and Sylvain smiled softly as he nodded, bringing a hand up to cup his face.
“Yep, I really do.” Sylvain’s voice dropped to a whisper, and the bright smile that crossed Lorenz’s face took his breath away.
“I...wow,” Lorenz said, his jaw hanging open as he blinked rapidly a few times, “Oh god, I’ve never been this nervous before, I just, ah…”
“You’re a mess, babe,” Sylvain said bluntly, and he couldn’t help but laugh this time as Lorenz pouted at him.
Lorenz took in a deep breath and let it out slowly, before a serious look appeared in his eyes and they locked with Sylvain’s. “I am...really happy to hear that, Sylvain, because, well, I love you too.”
“Really?” Sylvain was honestly surprised at that; he didn’t really expect Lorenz to have fallen that fast for him. Sylvain averted his gaze for a moment as he thought back to his conversation with Ingrid.
“You don’t...have to say it if you don’t feel it yet, I just, well, wanted to be honest with you…” Sylvain mumbled, but Lorenz just laughed and shook his head. He reached over to cup Sylvain’s face, and he placed a gentle kiss on his lips, pressing his forehead against Sylvain’s when he pulled away.
“Sylvain, dear, I wouldn’t just say that to anyone,” Lorenz began, his arms falling from Sylvain’s face so that he could snake his arms around his neck, “Honestly, I have felt this way for a bit now, and I was just waiting for the right moment to tell you.”
Sylvain beamed at that; it was true that Lorenz didn’t seem like the type to just throw that powerful, four letter word about all willy-nilly, unlike he himself had done in the past. Sylvain breathed out a sigh of relief and kissed Lorenz again, and again, and a couple more times, until Lorenz was laughing against his lips.
“Geez, I don’t think I’ve ever felt so relieved before.” Sylvain smirked when Lorenz rolled his eyes.
“That’s a bit much, don’t you think?”
“Nope! I might have just up and died if you didn’t say you loved me back!”
“Ugh, you drama king.”
“Psh, you’re one to talk.”
They both burst out laughing at that, and Sylvain wrapped his arms around Lorenz, still laughing as he rest his chin on his shoulder. Lorenz returned the hug, and Sylvain closed his eyes when he felt his slender fingers running through his hair.
“I love you.” The words seemed to come so easily now, as Sylvain whispered them into Lorenz’s ear, “You really are unlike anyone I’ve ever met before. I just...god, I just love you.”
Lorenz’s arms tightened around him as he pulled away slightly, enough so that he was gazing fondly upon Sylvain’s face as he caressed his cheek with the back of his hand. “I love you too. You really are one of a kind, Sylvain.
“That’s so fucking cheesy.”
“...Shut up.”
“Hey, lover-boys! You’re gonna get wrinkly if you stay in the water for too long!”
Dorothea’s voice snapped said lover-boys out of their own little world, and they snickered as they started making their way to shore. Cheesy or not, Sylvain had never felt such an overwhelming happiness before, and it was all thanks to his once-insufferable roommate, who was quickly turning out to be the love of his life. It was quite funny how things worked out sometimes, and Sylvain was looking forward to a summer full of fun alongside the man that he loved.
0 notes
gigi--hadid · 7 years
// Skylar Blayke
Gigi was finally at the hospital, laying in the bed and starting to shake one of her legs a bit nervously. As expected, things had moved pretty quickly and she knew that it wouldn't be too long before they met their little girl. She had been pretty calm since they got to the hospital but now she was starting to get nervous that her sister wouldn't make it in time and that the anesthesiologist wouldn't make it out of the c-section he was in to get there in time for her to get an epidural, either.
Zayn immediately picked up on her nervous leg shake and he placed his free hand down on it, rubbing small circles over the blankets. "Relax, Gi. It's okay, everything will work out." He whispers softly, trying to keep his voice calm for her. He hated seeing her so uncomfortable.
Gigi stops her leg when she feels his hand on it. She nods, knowing that in the end, everything will work out exactly the way it's supposed to. "I know," she whispers. "I really just want my sister to get here. I'll suffer through the lack of pain meds if I have to."
Zayn bites his lip and nods, knowing how close that are and how sad she'd be if her sister couldn't make it. "She'll be here as soon as she can, she's already on her way. I don't think Skylar will come that soon, babe. It's going to be fine." He lifts the hand that he's holding and presses a gentle kiss to the back of it.
Gigi turns a little bit so she can face him and reaches out to take his hand again. "Alright. I won't worry too much, then." She shrugs softly. She knew there was no use in getting upset or worked up so she just sighed and put her head back against the pillows while she actually had peace from the pain.
Zayn "Promise she'll be here and if she isn't, then you can kick me where it hurts a hundred times." He chuckles softly, trying to lighten the mood as he clasps her hand with both of his.
Gigi can't help but laugh a little at that and nods. "I think a kick in the where it hurts area will be more appropriate if I do this without drugs." She points out, relaxing when she feels his hands in hers.
Zayn smiles a little bit more, "I'd gladly let you do that, I'm sure it'll hurt a whole lot less than what you're going through. I doubt that you won't be able to get the meds, though."
Gigi shrugs, "I would never kick you. I love your where it hurts area way too much to do that," she winks. "I also am really not that worried about whether I get it or not. Part of me's kind of always wanted to try it. Think of how much of a badass I'll be if I do it..."
Zayn laughs when she says that and shakes his head a little, "I'm so glad that you love it. Then again, I kind of already know," he winks as well. "Well, I think you're certainly strong enough and you'd be able to do it. You're already a bad ass, it'd probably make you even more badass."
Gigi "Hard not to know. I've let you do this to me three times," she teases as she giggles softly. "I kind of think I could do it, too. I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong and you're wrong and I'll end up seriously regretting it but I think I really wanna try." She whispers, biting her bottom lip.
Zayn "Exactly, I definitely know that you love me," he replies, laughing softly after. "I think you could do it, but it's definitely up to you. You just have to remember that once you get so far along, you can't get it. I don't want that to scare you at all, I just want to remind you. You're so amazing and strong, though. I bet you'll breeze through it."
Gigi thinks for a couple of seconds before she nods. "If you believe in me this much, I know that I can do it. As long as I have you with me, I can get through it. It's not gonna last forever and I'm already almost there." She points out. "It's an absolute done deal if I get extra cuddles when it's over..." She grins, tilting her head in question.
Zayn rubs her arm gently, "Well, don't worry. I'm not going anywhere, I'm staying right here with you." He leans forward and presses a gentle kiss on her forehead. "Extra cuddles? Hm, I think I can do that."
Gigi "You're the best, thank you. I know I'm annoying at the moment but you still don't leave my side. I'm a lucky lady." She whispers, a soft smile filling her face. "Mhm. That's all I want and you give the best."
Zayn: "You are not annoying," he instantly shakes his head. "Besides, you'd have every right to be. You're doing a very hard thing right now." He smiles, "Good, that's exactly what you'll get."
Gigi "I am kind of annoying but I suppose you're right. I wish this was way easier than it is," she teases. "I'm already excited. I can't wait to cuddle you and our girl. It's going to make this all worth it."
Zayn shakes his head again, "Stop saying that, you are not annoying." He reassures her. "I'm excited too, it's going to be amazing."
Gigi "Alright, alright. I'm not annoying," she laughs, sticking her tongue out at him. "It is going to be super amazing," she agrees before her body tenses up and she feels another contraction starting.
Zayn: "Can't wait to meet and snuggle with our new baby girl." He says softly, noticing right away when another one is coming along. He keeps his hands around hers and stays quiet for a moment before speaking, "You've got this baby girl, I love you."
Gigi "I can't wait, either. I wonder if she's gonna look like me or you or one of the other kids." She says, letting her mind wander for a second. She squeezes his hands tight and reaches with her free one to grip onto their hands as well. Her breathing speeds up a bit and she can't help but whine a little as the pain seems to peak.
Zayn "I think that she'll like all of us, don't worry too much about that." Zayn smiles softly. He lets her squeeze his hand as tightly as possible and keeps his eyes locked on her. "Breathe, baby. Don't get yourself worked up. You've got this."
Gigi "Of course she'll like all of us, silly. I want to know who she's gonna look like," Gigi adds in. She listens to his voice and nods, letting out a slow breath as she does start to relax a little bit. The pain eventually starts to slowly dissipate and she smiles again. "Easy peasy," she teases.
Zayn lets her relax before he responds and laughs softly, "I'm glad it was easy. I bet she's going to look like the perfect mixture of you and me, just like the others."
Gigi nods, "I think she will, too. And honestly, she could come out looking like a monkey and I'd still be as obsessed with her as I am with the other two."
Zayn: "Yeah, I think it'll be almost impossible to not fall in love with her the second we see her. Our little angel."
Gigi "It kind of always surprises me how easily we just fall in love all over again. The second she's here, it's like she's been here forever."
Zayn shrugs, "It doesn't really surprise me. I'm already in love with her, from the second I found out."
Gigi "Ugh, stop. You can't be this adorable right now or I'm seriously going to cry forever..."
Zayn: "Please don't cry, I'm enjoying seeing you so happy and excited." He laughs.
Gigi "I know the tears will come eventually but for now, I'm enjoying this as well. As painful as it is, this really is kind of magical."
Zayn nods, "I'm going to cry as well, I'm sure." He shrugs. "Magical? Yeah, I'd say so."
Gigi "You definitely will. You're a big sap when it comes to your babies," she teases. "It is. The most magical moment."
Zayn: "Of course I am, I can't help it!" He admits happily, squeezing her hand gently.
Gigi "It's cause you're the best daddy in the world. They're so lucky to have you."
Zayn: "And they're also very luck to have you, my love."
Gigi smiles and leans in to peck his lips. Just as she does, she hears the door open and sighs loudly in relief when she sees that it's her sister. She instantly feels at peace when she knows that they're both there now and she's more than ready to just have this baby already.
Zayn looks up when Bella comes in and smiles softly, greeting her. "See, told you she'd be here." He tells Gigi, laughing softly.
Gigi "Guess you really are always right," she winks before turning a bit to give her sister a hug. She never lets go of Zayn's hands, though and even while she's talking to her sister, Zayn is always in her line of vision.
Zayn makes sure to stay where he's seated, not wanting her to worry about him getting up and leaving.
Gigi feels mostly calmer now that they're both here but the pain is definitely increasing and she knows that things are getting close to happening. At one point, she's in mid conversation to her sister when she turns back to face Zayn. "I-I think I need someone. A doctor, something. Please."
Zayn looks down down at her and quickly nods, "Okay, okay. Just take some deep breaths." He whispers softly as he quickly pushes the button to alert the nurses.
Gigi nods and does just that, at least at first. Her breathing starts to quicken a little bit and her legs start to kind of squirm all over the bed frantically. She feels relatively calm on the inside but her body isn't quite sure it agrees.
Zayn sees her moving around so quickly and bites his lip, "It's alright, baby girl. Calm down, okay? It's alright, they're coming." He gets down beside her and starts to rub her legs again, attempting to calm her down.
Gigi nods, looking up at him to try to calm herself more. "I-I'm okay. I don't know why I'm freaking out. It's gonna be fine. It's always fine." She whispers, saying that out loud more to herself than to anyone else.
Zayn nods as well and gently runs his fingers through her hair, "You're freaking out because you're nervous, but you really are okay. Don't want you to make yourself sick or anything." He whispers to her quietly, thankful when the nurses finally walk into the room.
Gigi squeezes her eyes shut for a few seconds, trying to force the nerves to go away. She doesn't want to make herself sick, either, so she does whatever she has to do to relax in the moment. When the nurses come in, they move quickly around the room. Since this is her third child, they trust her feelings and call her doctor to come in as well. Everything seems to move quickly and within minutes, Gigi is all prepped for delivery.
Zayn stays close to her, completely distracted by how she's feeling to even be bothered to let his excitement set in. "It's all going to be over so soon." He reassures her, relaxing a bit himself when she's ready to deliver.
Gigi grips Zayn's hand in one of hers and Bella's in the other, focusing on what he's saying and also on the doctor as she starts to give her some kind of instruction. Just wanting to get this over with, Gigi pushes as soon as she knows she can. She gives it her all right from the start, telling herself just to get it done quickly.
Zayn feels his excitement bubbling up now as she begins to push. He's surprised that she's already giving it her all, but he's definitely happy about that. "There you go, good job." He encourages, keeping his face kind of close to hers so that she can hear him but so that he's also not up in her space.
Gigi is determined to do this and she continues to give it her all until she literally is desperate for a break. She lets out a soft groan of pain and lays back against the pillow. She feels tears welling up in her eyes as she tries to pull Zayn a little closer. "I-It hurts."
Zayn pushes her hair back gently and presses a kiss to her forehead, "I know it does. You're a bad ass, though. Remember? You can do it."
Gigi feels like she could really cry at any minute but of course, her husband always knows what to say to make it better. "I-I can do it," she repeats and starts to push again when the doctor instructs her to.
Zayn shakes his head, "Don't say that, you can do it. You're super strong, I believe in you."
Gigi want to protest but she knows she has to just keep going, so she does. It's only a few minutes later that the doctor announces that she can see their baby's head and she nods. "I-If I wasn't in the process of dying, I'd make a super sarcastic comment right now." She says through another little pained whine.
Zayn "You're not dying, Gi. I promise. You can do it, just a little bit more.." He tries his best to encourage her.
Gigi nods and continues to give it one hundred percent. She cries out, feeling just about everything as their baby slowly starts to make her appearance. With one final push and the tiniest of screams, their baby girl comes all the way out. She holds her breath nervously until she finally hears the tiny cries escape her and hearing her cry opens the floodgates for Gigi as well.
Zayn continues to encourage her and when Sky has finally made her entrance, he gasps and his face lights up with excitement. "You did it!" He smiles wide and looks between Sky and Gigi, a proud look on his face. "I'm so proud of you." He whispers and leans down to peck her lips, tears welling up in his eyes.
Gigi can't hold back her tears as the baby is placed on her chest. She leans up to kiss Zayn back, a huge grin on her face as she stares up at him in disbelief. "I can't believe I did that. Holy crap!" She whispers, kissing him again quickly and then looking down at their baby girl. "Oh my gosh. She's perfect. She's got the cheeks!"
Zayn: "You did do it!" He laughs and pushes her hair back again, "and I'm so freaking proud of you." He smiles and looks down at Skylar, taking in every inch of her tiny frame. "She does, super chubby and kissable cheeks. She is absolutely perfect."
Gigi "I love you so much. Couldn't have done it without you," she tells him with another huge smile. "They're so kissable. I can't wait to smother her in kisses." She laughs, looking down at Skylar before looking up at the nurse who is already wanting to take her away to clean her up a bit.
Zayn: "I love you too, sweetheart." He replies, looking down at her. "I can't wait either, our perfect angel."
Gigi feels like her heart can fall out of her chest, she's so obsessed with the two of them. She makes a noise of protest when the weight of the baby is lifted from her chest and she looks up at Zayn. "Go with her. I'm okay, I've got Bella." She reassures him.
Zayn: "Are you sure?" He asks before leaning down and kissing her forehead again. "I'll be right back."
Gigi nods, "I want her to have you with her." She says, looking up at him again. "Okay. Be quick."
Zayn heads over to where they're cleaning and measuring Sky and he instantly tears up again at the sight of their new baby girl. She's definitely perfect.
Gigi hugs her sister and tries to stay distracted while things finish up with her and in a few minutes, they have her comfortable in the bed. Bella offers to go to the hall to call their mom and Gigi looks over at Zayn when she's gone. "Is she perfect? I want to see her."
Zayn smiles when the nurses finally hand her over all wrapped up, "She's absolutely perfect." He tells her, walking over to Gigi with Sky cradled in his arms.
Gigi feels herself about to cry again when she sees the two of them walking over to her. "Oh my gosh. Look at my two perfect babies. I'm gonna cry..."
Zayn smiles even more and gently hands Skylar over to Gigi, "She's so perfect."
Gigi takes Skylar in her arms and definitely does cry a little when she gets a good look at her face. "She looks so much like you, babe. And so much like Harper."
Zayn nods, "She does. She's absolutely gorgeous."
Gigi "So gorgeous. I don't think I'm ever gonna want to stop looking at her."
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this was technically supposed to be for christmas but i didn’t get it done until now sorry!!! i hope u like it @majorasfate​ and @doodleladle​
Three figures dressed in heroic tunics stand before a bridge made of rainbow, gripping their swords tightly.
“This is it,” one says. “It’s about to end.”
The second one nods. “We’ll finally save Princess Sanders. How long has it been since we last saw him?”
“Seven long years…” The last one remembers, nodding her head.
Navy turns and smirks at the two others. “You all owe me five rupees, by the way.”
“Why!?” The other two shout, frowning.
“I called that Clinton was the Princess in disguise! I told you all and you didn’t believe me!”
Dong- Rachel shrugs. “Fair enough,” while Lozy draws back.
“How the fuck were we supposed to figure that shit out? And also? Do I?? Look like?? I have that much money?? I am the brok-est ass motherfucker-,”
“Child, do not swear-,”
“Shut the Fuck up, Dong Mom-,”
Navy clears her throat. “You all owe me money anyways, so we should probably start saving him, right?”
The three of them cross the bridge, completely ignoring the large and heroic show that the Six Sages give them, making obscene and ridiculous jokes instead. They head inside the castle where they are met with six pathways.
“Why’s it always six?” Rachel asks, scratching her head. “Like, why not some other number? Like, three or seven or-,”
“Well?? Duh?? Six times two equals- Shit.”
“Twelve?? Lozy?? Twelve?? Where does twelve fit into this picture?? Child, just because you’re small and young doesn’t mean I can excuse this kind of intellectual ability.” Rachel interrupts, pulling a stupid ass face as she makes more jokes about how fucking tall I am.
“Children, calm. You’re all short.” Navy says, brushing her hair back and striking a pose. “Crush on me. I’m the tallest one here.”
“No?? Obviously, I’m the correct candidate to crush on because of my skills in the art of Drawing-,”
“Drawing’s not gonna save you in a fucking dungeon, bitch-,”
“OooOoOoh, says the writer, what, the pen mightier than the sword when you’re fighting octoroks?”
“Fuck Off?”
“Well, you know what does save you in a dungeon?” Navy smirks, again, because she’s just like that, “coming up with ideas. And y’all know what I’m good at.”
“Again?? Fuck Off?”
They head into the first room of the Forest Barrier and immediately light up in screams.
“What the Fuck-,”
“It’s just a Wolfos, Lozy, calm down-,”
“How fucking dare you, you ruined my tunic-,”
“Like it wasn’t already ruined in the first place?”
Navy kills it and laughs at the other two. “This is why I just got that over with in the first place? Just get your tunic ripped up in the first battle, man, that way you don’t have to worry about it later.”
“You’re wearing chain mail.”
“Well, gosh darn, looks like I got the lucky pile of the draw, huh?”
“Lucky draw of the pile.”
Saria finishes her speech and watches as her childhood friends run off screaming, hoping that they can stay sane until they fight their final enemy.
The Fire Barrier’s rooms turn out to be a complete bust. They jump over and collect a few key rupees before realizing there is a massive obelisk standing in their way.
Navy tries to lift it up with her silver gauntlets, and truth be told, they probably could have lifted it out of the way if the other two had stopped laughing maniacally at her and helped out. But they didn’t. Rachel found a bag of Doritos on the floor and started eating them.
They leave the rooms to try the Water Barrier instead.
Two out of three of them are sobbing on the cold, snowy floor as Rachel angrily tries to figure out the ice block puzzle.
“I’ve?? Been dedicating all 21 years of my life to swords?? And being hot?? Who the fuck prepared me for ice block puzzles-,” Navy cries, shoving her hat into her face and openly bawling into it. “Nothing in life has prepared me for this. I’m not ready. I can’t believe this.”
Lozy is crying too, but she’s much less articulate. Her choice of wording is much too vulgar at this point. The word fuck is repeated multiple times.
Rachel pushes a final block. “I think I- fuck. I didn’t. Never mind.”
The two had gotten up for a split second, hope gleaming in their eyes, before they fell back down again, souls crushed.
“Why can’t we just pick them up.”
Ruto hangs on the ceiling and gives her speech as they continue talking about how stupid ice block puzzles are.
They’d eventually decided to leave a couple iron boots on each of the buttons after wasting all of their magic power to melt the ice blocks down with Din’s Fire.
Ruto lets a single tear slip down her face as she laments the fact that she crushed on Navy. It seems to be a recurring theme.
They’re in the rooms guarding the Shadow Barrier, and Lozy jumps over the little invisible islands as the other two hang back.
“I think I found something!” She calls, reaching into a treasure chest.
“Can you reach the bottom?” Rachel yells back.
“Fuck off!”
“What’d you find?” Navy shouts.
Maniacal laughter is heard in the background.
Rachel turns to Navy. “What’d she find. Navy. What’d Lozy find.”
“I don’t know.”
There’s something golden and gleaming on Lozy’s fists as she reaches into the chest and chucks two other pairs of shining objects into the abyss.
Lozy jumps back over the little islands to the others, humming little songs.
“What the hell did you throw away!? We could’ve used those!”
Lozy smirks. “I know.”
“What the fuck?? What did you-, Oh.” The look on Rachel’s face pales and she looks at the Golden Gauntlets on Lozy’s hand.
“Mm… I dunno.” She runs off cackling to the barrier.
Impa seems to have given up already, because she didn’t even show up when the shot a Light Arrow at the barrier. It’s fine with them, though. They’d been arguing about who got to throw away the Dorito bag since they were almost finished with the chips.
They decided to head back into the Fire Barrier section since they had the Golden Gauntlets. Rachel threw the Dorito bag into the lava and watched it burn as Lozy chucked the pillar straight out of Trump's fortress, blasting a hole through the wall.
Navy grabbed the one or two remaining Rupee keys and let the other two head into the next room as she subtly slipped all the keys into her pocket. They looked just like silver rupees and made some pretty good counterfeits.
Darunia just sat and cried as he watched the people he considered sisters make their way out of the Fire Barrier’s rooms, screaming at each other and making way too much noise for it to be considered a serious event. 
The Spirit Barrier’s rooms ended up with them screaming a lot. None of them really liked the light puzzles because they were pretty boring, and they only had one Mirror Shield that Rachel kept. While she finished the puzzles, Lozy and Navy sat and played Uno. Invisible Keese were attacking Rachel but they didn’t notice. Lozy was winning and Navy couldn’t have that. Rolling boulders were chasing after Rachel and she was screaming but they didn’t notice. Now Navy was winning.
Nabooru looked somewhat proud as the three of them came into the room, one of them (Rachel) significantly more beaten up than the others. Rachel had joined in the card game by then. She broke the barrier after shooting off her little spiel that none of the heroes listened to, leaving the three of them to suffer and play Uno.
The Light Barrier was a complete joke and they barely gave a shit about it. They shot a Light Arrow at the Barrier and left before Rauru could even speak a word. A single tear slipped down his face.
“Y’know,” Navy pants as they force their way up another spiraling staircase, “I never thought that stairs would be my biggest threat.”
“How does Trump climb up these every day?” Rachel agrees.
“He probably doesn’t? That’s how?” Lozy’s voice is farther back; she tripped on the stairs earlier and the two went on without her.
“How does he get to his throne room, then?”
“He just… stays up there all day.”
“Isn’t that, like… really unhealthy? To sit in a throne all day?”
Organ music has been playing loudly in the background for the last hour they’ve been climbing the stairs. Rachel wonders if that one singular piece is all the musician can play.
Reaching the top takes so long that they run out of complaints to groan about. They clear a few more levels of lizalfos and fire-y death traps before reach the door to Trump’s lair.
“We’re finally here.” Navy says. “We’ve traveled a long way-,”
“Shut the fuck up.” Rachel kicks in the door and walks in. Lozy follows.
“A… Alright. Got it.”
“PRINCESS SANDERS!?” Lozy shouts as she spots the old man in the Democratic blue crystal that Trump stuck him in. “ARE YOU OKAY!?”
He replies but the crystal muffles what he’s saying so no one seems to understand.
“What!?” Navy yells. “What’d you say!? You gotta talk louder!”
Princess Sanders shouts something back but they still can’t hear him.
“C’mon, Princess Sanders, you gotta speak up!”
“…college debt-,”
Lozy nods. “Yeah, he’s fine.”
They focus back to the task on hand but are distracted yet again. By their hands, ironically. There’re symbols on their hands in the shape of a triangle.
“Yo, haha, what the fuck?” Navy asks, staring at her hand. “I don’t remember this being here?”
“Same, though, what the-,”
“Dude, my parents are gonna kill me if they see that I have a tattoo-,”
There’s a click sound and Trump turns around, his cape whapping him in the face as he spins. “Will you three shut the fuck up?”
Rachel squints but then gasps. “You’ve been exposed, Trump-,”
Trump kicks a CD player into the shadows. “Was not.”
Rachel clenches her fists and whispers. “He’s been lying all along. He can’t even play the organ.”
Trump clears his throat. “The Triforce parts are-,”
“You serious?”
“Resonating. They are combining-,”
“Hey, guys, c’mon, music instruments are hard and he probably wanted to look cool. Cut him some slack.”
“…Into one agai-,”
“But like? If you’re gonna play dramatic music at least play it yourself-,”
Trump takes a deep breath. “Can you please let me finish my speech.”
“oh yeah lol ok”
Trump clears his throat again and restarts. “The Triforce parts are resonating… they are combining into one again…” He pauses theatrically.
“Is that it? Is that your speech? I’m bored.” Navy groans, sitting down on the floor and picking at the fuzz on the carpet.
“No, it’s not it.”
The other two groan and join Navy on the red carpet, lying down. “Tell us when you’re done.”
Trump bites his lip. He looks on the edge of tears and his hair is drooping sadly. He finishes his speech quickly and with a slight wet sound in his voice. “The two Triforce parts that I could not capture on that day seven years ago, yadda yadda yadda, let’s fight.”
Two of them get up immediately, bouncing excitedly.
Trump thrusts his arms up dramatically and they’re expecting him to start flying but he boards a Segway instead and starts zipping around the room.
Lozy and Rachel unsheathe their swords and prepare for battle.
Trump lifts an arm up, preparing a bright yellow ball of magic on it, all while screaming.
“Be careful everybody!” Rachel shouts, holding up the Mirror Shield, “We don’t know what that thing does!”
“Wh-,” Navy jolts up from the nap she was taking on the floor and realizes that they are in the midst of battle. “WHY DIDN’T ANY OF YOU TELL ME-,”
Trump launches the magic straight at Navy and she panics, reaching into her pack and pulling out the first thing she can grab.
It smacks into the energy ball and ricochets back to Trump, hitting him hard in the face. He falls off his Segway and rolls around on the floor groaning as his Segway rolls away from him.  He is crying.
Navy gets up off the ground and unsheathes her sword to join the other two heroes.
“That was cool, Navy.” Lozy says. “How’d you do that?”
“Yeah, even I have to admit that you were kinda cool just there, Navy. Good job.”
Navy laughs and hides the bottle of milk back into her pack.
Trump is still crying on the floor so they take ample time to stroll over to him.
“Man, that was easier than I thought!” Navy says. “Look, he kinda looks like that tangerine you squashed once.”
“Oh, you mean when Rachel was riding Epona for the first time? You’re right! He does!”
The three laugh and Trump cries a little more.
They keep roasting Trump to oblivion and end up beating him the Fuck Up before Trump unsteadily rises. “The Great Magnificent Superb Amazing Huge Wonderful-,”
“Get to the point you fuckin’ roasted corn lookin’ ass shit. Tanning salon isn’t a good look for you.”
“…Donald Trump? Beaten by these kids!?”
Navy shrugs. “It’s more likely than you think. But if you switch to Geico insurance, you can-,”
He spits out green blood, all three of them recoil, and stares them straight in the eye with an oddly reptilian look. He screams and throws his arms up, turning into a light show. The building starts quaking and the three are knocked to their feet with the violent movements. The stained-glass windows they’re surrounded by burst into shards.
The next thing they know, they are standing on the top of the castle with Trump in front of them. He collapses to the ground, dead.
Princess Sanders gently floats down in his Democratic blue crystal before landing in front of the trio. The crystal fades from around him and he turns to look disdainfully at Trump.
“Pitiful man.” He spits. He turns to Trump and kicks him in the dick several times.
The building starts shaking again, the three are ready for it this time while the Princess is not, his feet are knocked under him and he falls onto the hard tile floor.
“Princess!” They shout in various degrees of concern. Lozy looks like she’s trying hard not to laugh.
“Listen to me,” he says in his croaking Brooklyn accent, “With his last breath, Trump is trying to crush us in the ruins of Trump Tower-,”
“Is that what he calls it?”
“Ew, gross-,”
“Bad name-,”
“We need to hurry and escape!” Bernie yells.
The three nod and turn to follow Bernie but he is still on the floor. He is not moving.
“Is he d- Wait, what’s that in the distance!?” Rachel shouts, pointing at a hazy cloud in the distance.
“I don’t-,”
Overwhelming chirping slams into their ears as the huge swarm of sparrows approaches. They pick up Bernie in their small talons and pick him up.
“Follow me!” He yells.
There are traps set for them in the castle on their way down, but apparently they weren’t expecting the hulking form of the Princess being carried by a cloud of tiny birds tweeting angrily. They didn’t pose much of a threat.
They escape in the nick of time, just before the Tower crashes down on all of them.
The four of them stand in the rubble of Trump Tower, grinning at each other.
“It’s over.” Bernie says, waving at the sparrows as they fly away. “It’s finally over…”
“Well, y’know,” Lozy interjects, “You never know when there’ll like, be a plot twist? Like, I dunno but this seems like a nice ass time for a plot twist-,”
“Oh shut up, Lozy, you’re jinxing it-,” Rachel shouts.
Something explodes in the rubble.
Navy steps in front of Princess Sanders, shielding him from the threat.
“I told you!! I fucking told you-,”
“If you hadn’t said anything, nothing would have happened-,”
They approach carefully, drawing their swords and creeping towards the sound. Rachel somersaults her way to the larger pieces of rubble.  
Trump bursts out of the wreckage violently, shining with light yet again. Flames burst out around them, preventing the trio from escaping.
The large orange man gradually transforms into a hulking, disgusting, misogynistic, albeist, racist, just overall horrible pig- oh wait, he already was-, into a larger version of himself before roaring at them. He throws out an arm and knocks the Master Sword out of Navy’s hand. It goes flying past the ring of flames and by Princess Sanders.
He roars again.
Rachel unsheathes her Biggoron sword as Navy curses while looking for a backup weapon.
“What’re we gonna do!?” Navy yells, pulling out the Fairy Bow. We need the Master Sword to kill Trump-,”
“You guys, uh, realize I have the Golden Gauntlets, right?” Lozy interjects. “And that I can literally pick this guy up and throw him into the abyss?”
The three of them stare at each other before Navy hums reproachfully. “Yeah, but like, I wanna beat him up a little more??”
“Same.” Rachel agrees.
“Okay, then we can do it like the Bowser battle in Mario 64. I’ll grab his tail and swing it around and you guys can go grab the Master Sword and we’ll be good. You still have the fire tunic thing, right?” Lozy says.
“Yeah. Sounds like a plan.”
Lozy walks over to Trump, dodging the carelessly thrown punches and slashes of the sword and grabs the glowing tail with the Gauntlets.
“I’m gonna spin! Be careful!”
She spins around at high speeds and Trump ends up looking like a tornado made entirely of Orange Fanta. Rachel bends over laughing while occasionally shooting Light Arrows into his asshole. Navy crawls through the fire and the flames and takes back the Master Sword before returning to the others.
“I’m getting dizzy, Navy, hurry up.”
“Alright, alright, put him down. I’ll stab him and get this over with.” Navy says.
Lozy slows down and sets Trump down before leaning into the abyss and throwing up. Navy takes the sword and sticks it through the red-as-republican-Texas crystal on his forehead.
“Six Sages!” Princess Sanders screams as loud as he can. “NOW!”
He throws his arms up in the air before buckling down onto the floor. It seems that he’s too old and tired to do anything else.
There’s a brief cutsce- moment where the three are aware of all the sages doing their duty, and they watch as Trump gets sucked into the Sacred Realm to be banished forever.
When the three of them wake up, they are in the sky. Princess Sanders stands in front of them, his suit stained and torn.
“Give me the Ocarina, Lozy.” He whispers.
“Sure, haha.” Lozy laughs. “I don’t know how to play it anyways.”
“I will return you all to your time… to when you were supposed to be… to how you were supposed to be…”
The Princess plays his lullaby and the story ends.
merry christmas and also trump is president now and im crying
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