#like holy fcking shit dude
hikeyzz · 7 months
wild that i can be bleeding internally for six weeks and it's just ... fine?? i just keep working like everything is normal?? that's cool. just like, let me know at what point to be really concerned .. i guess?!
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eldrytchcryptid · 11 months
"You gotta enjoy every part of your transition, you're still becoming a man now - even without it."
-a very wise trans girl
I've been waiting almost a decade to start testosterone, and finally having a date for my gender appointment has made me... almost ignore all the euphoric changes (and all the weird and funny changes) happening in my transition as a trans man. So I thought I'd make a list of pre-t stuff! I might add more later - or y'all can add some too!
Socially transitioning
- feeling I gotta make sure to let ladies go first (on the bus, through doors etc)
- "Ma'am?" "Who??? Oh right. Uh yeah no." / "Deadname?" "DEADNAME?" "WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO RN - oh lol."
- oh god am I making her nervous DUDE STOP BEING WEIRD *I'm literally just walking home and it's dark* BE LESS WEIRD *aaaAaaAAA*
- am i still allowed to say hi and pull faces at cute babies or is it weird cause I'm a dude now?? Am I creepy?? But kids! Kids are fun!!
- *on dating apps* oh god this is so different now I have to come up with conversation oh god oh no
- yes let me pick up these heavy chairs for you ma'am yes I am helpful I am a valid man now / yes let me get this thing off this high shelf even tho I'm only 5'7
- *watching videos of me a year ago* oh shit I actually speak lower now w/o T
- that crunchy morning / cold-ridden / drunk low rumbling voice 😩👌
With a (stp) packer
- *upon putting it on* oh oh it's a dick holy shit yes
- *upon taking it off at the end of the day* 😭 noooooo my dick my broski I miss you already
- the fcking toilet seat
- I really hope I don't look like I'm hard rn
- *need to adjust* *no I'm disgusting don't look at me*
- *upon crossing legs* oh shit I can't wait hold up it's in the way *has to change way to cross legs*
- manspreading?? Am I spread too much??? help
- these trousers as tight af but my dick looks amazing right now
- left or right. Too far up wait *searches pictures of dudes to find out where to put my dick
- *touches whilst sat chilling at home* fren. safe. i love u pp
- *squish* *wiggle*
- *I will hit you with my penis as an threat*
Minoxidil (pre-t beard growth)
- *stroking beard* hheeeeeee fluffyyyy
- researching how tf to shave cause apparently i can't fuckin do it right
- stubble???? Itch???? Euphoria???
- *strokes* hmmm yes indeed
- gotta fuckin use twice the face wash cause I'm essentially shampooing at this point
- huh yea guess that's me (instead of hatred/disgust)
- yeeeee hairy legsssss
- cis guys wish they had this ass dude
- need musle gib *too chronic fatigued to work out*
- mm yes men's clothes (on top half w/binder)
- mm no men's clothes (thighs and ass too strong 🥲)
- shoes make me taller let's fucking go
- men have tits too right? Ye man I just got man tits
- *stroking the mirror like I'm Mulan* am I just a gross man? Is this my fate?
- strapon. just. strapon.
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alukaforyou · 11 months
hooooly fcking shit i have to tell yall smth nuts, WARNING there r semi detailed mentions AND A PIC of HUGE SYRINGES / NEEDLES
oookay so last month nyc got a heat wave and it was SO hot i was a sweaty gorl and not happy abt it, like hate summer too?? and then i remembered watching korean tv and these celebs were talking abt how they got underarm BOTOX cuz that stops you from sweating??? and i was like huh should i try that? but after doing some research, its not permanent. like hello im not gonna spend $ and have needles in my PITS for it to last a few months u kno?? but then i found this laser thing called miradry which is permanent, like its mainly used to treat hyperhydrosis which i dont even have so i thought the results would be stellar for regular ol' me right?? and they make it sound soo painless like "u can do it in ur lunchbreak and go back to work!" bruh u absolutely cannot go back to work after this LMFAO so i went to this veteran nyc med dude to do it today and HOLY SHIT IT HURT LIKE A MF-ER LIKE ACTUALLY WTF
so before they can go in w the laser they have to numb ur whole ass pit by injecting numbing fluid(?) which also protects ur nerves ok got it. i was expecting like. a normal shot right? hell no. so first i think they prelim numb u with a normal syringe shot business it was fine. BUT THEN THEY TAKE OUT THIS SHIT?
Tumblr media
i swear to GOD it was the biggest mfing syringe i have ever seen in my LIFE i wish i took a pic so u guys can believe me, the needle was THICK AS FCK and also like TWICE as long as the pic above like for real it was at least a 4 inch needle i wish i was exaggerating but it was comically long & big i was like what the f? obvs i couldnt SEE what was going on but it FELT LIKE the whole 4 inches was going INTO my skin over and over again cuz u have to inject that fluid all over everywhere it was sooo crazy, the doc was basically f*king my armpits with this needle, AND!!!!! THEY PUT 3 FRICKIN SYRINGES WORTH OF FLUID!!! ON EACH SIDE??? HELLOOOO!!!!!!! from a scale of 1 to 10 that was a solid 15 😐😐😐 the actual lasering part wasnt bad, it felt like a crazy hard pinch with HEAT in some parts but i was so taken aback by that needle action, the laser part was negligible. i was such a champ for it tho like didnt even bat an eye outwardly, the tech was like wow ur the first person i've done that didnt even flinch. yes i didnt show it naruto ninja style but that was nuts yall u guys rly Did That LOL
needless to say, since a FCKTON of fluid is in my damb PITS they are sooo swollen, like the upper inner arm, the pit itself, underneath it nxt to ur b00b its frickin whack over there 😐 like tell me how my armpits have jiggle physics. thats full of water babey!!!! oh my god they are sooo sore and painful kms the hubris of it all i shouldve been ok w a normal amount of sweat LOLOL like appropriate levels for the heat but dambbb i rly tried it🤣🤣🤣🤣💀💀💀💀 yall there needs to be a disclaimer do NOT get this shit done UNLESS u ACTUALLY have excess sweating that is actively ruining ur daily life because rn it feels like my armpits are in LABOR :) i just paid 2.3k to torture myself, but since its done & all, i hope im an armpit-sweatless bitch for the rest of my life
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tra1nchi · 3 months
i was in the car earlier and holy shit its so hawt...EVEN IN CANADA😭😭🤬 like no shit dude i was fcking sweating (also i got a i ♥️ cowboys shirt for boothill)
Real real real I love cowboys carnally
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
Hello. I am dude reader number 3 (I think) sent here by violin anon. I’ll start out by saying this is a big deal for me as it’s my first fanfic. (Although I did cheat and read another one of your things so more on that later ig)
🎻 showed me the 📖 and 🏀 messages and now I spend my limited free time catching up on your page. So hello fellow bros
I’m planning to catch up on everything soon before I give real commentary because I want it to make sense but I really get what basketball bro meant about confidence.
I mess up a lot with relationships because emotions are not my strong suit and I think reading this is eye opening a bit. I think it’s quite realistic, very relatable, and well written. As much as the oc keeps bottled up, Yoongi’s brain is swimming. The fact that it’s easy for him to tell her to say what she wants is so telling. Because, I often use this as a way to avoid having to share how I feel. If I have them constantly focused on sharing themselves they won’t ask to see my fragile parts as much - the shit I’ve been through that I haven’t dealt with and don’t want to relive. I don’t know if that’s intentional on your part, ryen but that was my thought on it. 
I have more but I’ll be here sporadically as my confidence ebbs and flows. I specifically want to get through the apparent “all yoongi pov” chapter before saying more. So I’ll leave you with this: I saw during scrolling that someone mentioned women writing men is the best and after reading this so far, I agree.
If you want I can be either 🎷 or any instrument that’s not taken, you pick.
Holy shit, this is.. wow. Damn, sax, thank you for sending this in and thank you violin for introducing him to 3tan! Also.. you read something else, as well?? Was it FL3 because that is my most music-themed fic so far and very much a result of my evolving relationship with it🤍
But anyways, wow. Again. 📖 and 🏀 we have another bro!! And 🏀, you are definitely not alone as far as the confidence thing goes. Here is solid proof.
If this is realistic and relatable even for you? Holy crap. I guess we all can gather that.. we’re all fundamentally the same. Like, as far as human emotions and feelings and how we deal with them go. As for your experiences, I wanna say I hate how you had to go through any shit at all. But we’re all learning, and we’re all gonna keep learning and failing but still try despite all of that🫂 If this was eye opening for you, it’s been a journey for me, too. Also.. Your commentary on Yoongi telling reader to say what they want just so that he doesn’t have to do it himself (and can still learn about them?) Yeah.. Pretty fcking spot on.
And oh my god.. you haven’t even read Dal Segno onwards yet, either😳 now I absolutely can’t wait to hear your comments after that or after you catch up completely because of your commentary already.
I just feel a myriad of feelings right now. It’s totally okay if you appear sporadically, too🤍 as long as you know that we appreciate anything you decide to tell us, i’m good. this alone was certainly cool and a huge telling from a guy’s perspective! like damn.. I’m just sitting here staring. thank you so much for saying all of this and have fun diving into the rest🍊
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angeltannis · 3 years
can you guys believe that in 3 short months TWDG is gonna be a decade old
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honey-milk-depresso · 3 years
Stuck with Heartslabyul
I also procrastinated on this for so frickin’ long. I made two other series of being home dorm quarantined with other TWST characters like Octavinelle and Savanaclaw which you can go read if you want! I hope you enjoy this one! ^^
Riddle Rosehearts
He still somehow carry out his dorm leader duties-
Let us shed a tear for this young boy-
also there is from head to toe neatly
V e r y  neatly 
placed in order
organized files, books, documents-
What tf is this an office or a dorm room?????
well whatever-
He thinks that this is the perfect opportunity to bake things.
With you!
Well, truthfully he can’t really bake as well as Trey but he tries,
and if you are by his side baking,
he feels a little bit more confident, and a lot more happier!
Unbirthday parties can’t be carried out since
ya know,
no social contact :’)))
so, he’ll just have daily unbirthday parties with you!
And lemme just tell you,
after so many hours of baking,
he’s getting the hang of it-
And you realized he’s actually really good in setting a tea party atmosphere.
Like he knows how to arrange the teacups,
he prepared frickin’ napkins my lord this Ciel Phantomhive kid is extra-
But not going to lie, 
It’s really pretty the set up.
Buuuut, his baking still needs some work going-
“Oh? R-really? Didn’t it say 5 tablespoons?”
“You poured 5 whole cups-”
Trey Clover
being stuck with Trey is the best option-
He bakes
And I’m not saying he baked a lot of pastries equivalent to how much he bakes for unbirthday parties-
Oh no non no-
It’s frickin’ thrice the amount-
He experimented a lot-
From baking macrons, chiffon cakes, frickin’ candy art-
You are blessed when you’re stuck with him, s/o-
“Holy shit Trey, what is that??”
“Oh, I’m just carving the chocolate.”
“Honey, that looks like you just created Van Gogh shit, that looks fancy and really hard to do-”
“Sugar, I’ll make your food look and taste like ‘Van Gogh shit’ for you anytime.”
Cough cheesy Trey cOuGH
And he’s like a housewife not gonna lie-
he wakes up earlier during quarantine surprisingly, 
maybe cuz he always finish schoolwork MUCH earlier now-
and he doesn’t have much to carry out as Vice dorm-
so he wakes up early,
and cooks frickin pancakes whatever delicious shit that comes to mind for you to eat for breakfast
cbdhidcchnff hnf
W H A T-
Also brush your teeth after you finish eating-
Cater Diamond
Cup noodle game is strong-
Unhealthy, yes-
but you do all sorts of things with it,
to which he’ll always post on Magicam.
Like you guys make curry instant noodles,
salad with the dry instant noodle bits for salad toppings--
list goes on my dude-
and not only that, 
he posts all those like daily life at home (or in this case his dorm room-)
and he’s gonna be posting about E V E R Y T H I N G
From what you both had for breakfast, what you guys did at 3 pm,
Every. Second. Of. Being. Stuck. With. You.
“I know, that’s why I’ll post it in my private account which is my diary btw~”
“First off, your private account has like at least 1000 people in it, secondly, buy yourself an actual book diary, and thirdly, I’m liTERALLY IN THE TOILET WITH UGLY ASS BAGGY PANTS TRYING TO FIX THE LIGHTS-”
Because of this incident, you bought him a plain writing book online.
You know he wouldn’t like writing with a lot of words,
Scrapbooking! *Cue the glitter filter*
he has so much fun!
Decorating, pasting all the photos he took with you and printed them out.
He loves it so much! Being stuck with Cater is productive and maybe a little tiring, but hey! Works for the both of you!
Deuce Spade
This boy-
Oh my god-
He’s absolutely so sweet and adorable-
I can’t-
He’s not the best, he knows,
sometimes he wonders why you would ever want to be stuck with him-
but this man puts in more effort than he can to make sure you are comfortable during the pandemic time-
like his cooking went from a C to S class dear-
Although they are egg based dishes, there is
A  w i d e variety in each dish-
And it really tastes good-
But you can tell he’s really tired trying to perfect his dish,
he wished he was Trey my lord-
Cuddle him please,
every day at every hour at every second just pleaseeeee
he needs it-
and he wants it-
but is just shy about it-
ahem sorry-
he surprisingly took up knitting and wanted you to join in after browsing online for more recipes to which randomly stumbled upon knitting basics videos
So arts and crafts time!!! ahh children-
He knits a very simple cloth at first-
which escalated to become scarves, blankets , mittens, sweaters like-
w o a h
Grandma Deuce-
and he also found these charity organizations who sold homemade products online to collect money to raise funds to give to people in need.
Let us put it as it’s not a scam website.
Soooo he published some of his hand made scarves, blankets and sweaters online-
And I swear this man is so sweet I can’t-
“Well, we have to do something to help these people! And they’re giving us a chance to give them our support!”
He also used the first handmade blanket he knitted with you as your official sleeping blanket.
With shit tons of cuddles.
Being stuck with Deuce is honestly just so sweet and wholesome.
Ace Trappola
This idiot-
This absolute h e a t h e n-
I just wish you good luck man-
He just absolutely LOVES to prank you.
“What the fck what?”
“Huh? What makes you think that?”
You just gotta survive by pranking him too.
Also this man-
And not just video games,
Oh non no no-
Hide and seek, chase-
ya name it.
At every hour-
You also play virtual UNO with the whole Heartslaybyul gang sometimes-
“Riddle, lower your microphone level-”
*Pulls a green card*
*You put in the green reverse card*
*Switch back to poor Riddle lmao*
every night-
moving on,
He’s also the type who will make memes of the two of you when being stuck together lmao-
As for food-
either take out or you cook-
He cannot be trusted with the kitchen-
he can’t take one step in it no joke-
All in all, being stuck with Ace is really just crack level head energy soraing through the sky with his love dovey antics.
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brattybookclub · 3 years
Can you name the top 5 over rated and top five under rated books in choices?
tbh these feel like it changes for me everyday BUT atm:
- OH: this doesn't need explanation.
- ES: I'm sorry I just don't understand the plot bc of my smol brain.
- TRR/TRH/TRF: I think the fact that this series has so many names indicates it's gone on for far too long.
- TF/TSoph/TJ/TSenior: Loved these books but definitely got dull at a certain point. it wins brownie points for being one of the original books.
- TC&TF: (sorry eric) didn't hold my attention at all. I owe it a replay once we record an episode on it and I'm 100% sure I'll change my opinion once I actually read it.
underrated (mostly standalones TBH)
- MOTY: such an amazing story about motherhood. even as a person who doesn't want kids and doesnt care for stories about motherhood, its such a good portrayal of an MC who is trying their damnedest to make sure their kid is living a good life. also the mental breakdown in later chps about not having money is so sadly relatable.
- Platinum: even tho the plot against Jaylen was so fcking dumb I loved the MC, loved the story, loved the storyline of fake dating raleigh, who to this day remains one of my fave LIs in a Choices book.
- ACOR: I mean, dude. I love ancient Rome. I find Caesar very interesting. Badass MC. The hottest MC I've ever seen. And the weirdest LIs ever. Such a great book that had so much potential for a sequel.
- ROD: I think ROD is actually quite popular in hindsight, but I'll still include it here because I don't think people give enough credit to how amazingly this book portrays what it feels like to be a teenage girl who is given no freedom by her parents and made to reach perfectionist standards. holy shit. spoke to me like no other.
- D&D: I just feel like these period pieces are amazing and PB created a pretty damn good plot and villian. Book 3 is boring bc its literally just wedding planning but I enjoyed my Ernest scenes.
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mekatrio · 2 years
ive said it before i think but i really am so envious of gen 1 and gen 2 of pokemon, growing up with gen 4 and 5 and not being aware of just how good the first 2 gens were like oh my goodness... growing up with only platinum i thought this was the standard for story telling in pokemon, and that gen 5 was really doing something never done before by having a sequel that connected its plot together, having characters that were more than one trait and actually pertaining an amount of depth.
BUT NO.... the first two gens already did this?!?!? gen 2 is practically an extension of gen 1, but even better than what bw and bw2 does cuz its two whole seperate regions. but everything from the previous game is still there the way bw2 does it. but now with an entirely new region. and like bw2 they also use the same antagonist team but like idk the roots of the prev games feel deeper, cuz silver the son of The giovanni is now ur rival and its different from N cuz N was already around in the first iteration.. but i havent even talked about the best part of gsc. RED AND BLUE.....
like for so long i had no fucking idea that fighting the prev player character in pokemon was even a thing holy shit holy shit holy shit. but before i lose my shit over that BLUE...... LIKE OK before losing my shit over gsc features THE FACT UR RIVAL??? BECOMES THE CHAMPION?!?!? i am flabbergasted. its beyond me. if i was a freshly hatched kid in fcking 1996 i wouldve fucking lost my shit holding that gameboy in my little grubby kid hands. thats nuts. not only were the gen 4 + gen 5 rivals i grew up with were no fucking water under my bridge, THEY WERE ALSO NICE AS HELL? THEY WERE FRIENDS.. like actually blue is pretty polite from how im interpretating my current gen 1 playthrough but theres still this very apparent air of competition between him and me the player character. like he’ll actually snark at me before i fucking black out which im pretty sure other games have stopped doing?? LIKE HUHHH why would they get rid of that thats such a fun character inclusion thing 😭 
AND THE FACT HE ACTUALLY BECOMES CHAMPION.. DUDE. the fact the rival is actually a rival and not a friend who just makes u fight them randomly THATS CRAZY. THE FACT U BOTH SHARE THE SAME ASPIRATIONS WHICH LATER GENS DEFINITELY DO NOT DO... like at least barry + cheren + bianca, u beat their asses so bad that they change career paths. but not blue oh my god, HE IS AS GOOD AS YOU. A REAL RIVAL.... oh my god. i cant believe i didnt know about this until so much later.
and then... and then he Becomes A Gym Leader. which ok that happens to cheren too which is pretty cool! and bianca is a lab assistant which is also sweet.. but again. this is cuz i beat their asses into a new career path. it aint the same.. but the real kicker. the real gold mine of gen 2. FUCKING RED.. insanity. i dont even know what i can say. dude its YOU youre fighting YOU there.. theres nothing else to say. its amazing. its done amazingly. god actually bw2 couldve been as good as gen 1 + gen 2 if they included their prev protags </3 like sure we’re missing the extra regions but appearances of our prev protags wouldve made up for it.. someone’s made a romhack of that tho so thats cute ^^
but ah seriously i feel like some of pokemon’s best concepts were used in their first gens.... yeah with every new addition theyve built stronger environments etc etc but the fact recent titles are leaning towards more multiverse shit is kinda eh.. ehhh.. but i cant fully judge them until i play them. despite literally everything i still love pokemon and im gonna go and cry to the gotcha mv again now
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astralkoo · 4 years
I love your work! Do you have any JJK or Jimin fanfics to recommend to us, besides yours? (I've read all of it at least 10x each lol)
First of all thank you so much, you’re an angel and I’m so so so so incredibly happy you enjoy my writing 🥺❤️ second of all do I ever!!!!!!! I’ve never made a fic rec list before so bear with me:
One Shots ;
Kiss it Better by @jincherie
(okay literally everything written by jincherie is amazing I am obsessed w her hybrid/supernatural fanfics, I’d definitely recommend you check those out but cheerleader jk wearing a FREAKING SKIRT just does something to me. And it’s so cute and funny and adorable and you just will absolutely love the all of the characters)
Bite Me by @jeonsweetpea
(where do I even begin? Vampire reader? Masochist Guk? How do I express my love for this one shot? I do not know. But I love it, very much and highly HIGHLY recommend. I’ve read it so many times it’s not even funny at this point. And it’s still one of my favorites ever.)
Euphoria by @jeonsweetpea
(I have a massive weak spot for anything android I think that is so freaking cool and this one shot was so good!!!!! Subby Android Jungkook is just heaven for me okay, like my wet dream. Sorry was that TMI? whatever, check out this one shot!!!)
Deal by @vinterjeon
Hopping Mad For You by @readyplayerhobi
(This is the fic that made me realize that all I needed in my life was bunny guk and I high highly recommend reading it (if you haven’t already) bc it is sososososoos adorable and guk is the most precious human/bunny ever to exist and I love it with all my heart)
Little Wolf, Pretty Wolf, Your Wolf by @readyplayerhobi
Knock Out by @gamerguk
(I remember seeing the teaser for this and being so excited and checking back every day for the full fic to be posted and then it was and all of my expectations were exceeded and I absolutely loved it oh my god it’s so funny and sexy and yes I recommend.)
Baby Boy by @gukptune
(this is one of the first guk fics I read on here so I have a soft spot for it :(( plus I love it and guk is adorable and sub guk is even cuter thank you and goodnight.)
Gold Rush by @nochugguk
Cardboard Castle by @kittae
(the image of jungkook sucking a popsicle has been burned into my head and haunting me ever since I’ve read this fic. and also I want to build a fort and cuddle w him in it. The perfect sexy cute combination.)
Dumbo by @cinnaminsvga
(this fic is wild bro, the reader is crazy bold and I love it and jk has nipple piercings and I can’t get that image out of my head it’s so sexy oh my god.)
Wintervale by @fantasybangtan
(ohhhhhhhhh my goddddddd I loved this one shot so muchhhhhhh it was so sexy and well written and ugh. Again, subby jk so I love it, thank you very much. It’s part of a series, and I’d definitely recommend you check out Taehyung’s pirate au too which is also phenomenal.)
Stay In Your Lane by @luxekook
(oh my goddddddd bratty kook is a big yes!!!!!! and this fic portrays that so well and I love love love it!!!)
Series/Multiple Parts ;
Freak-Quency by @gukslut [ Companion Piece : Boots ]
(he spits in your mouth and you punish him and it’s one of the sexiest things I’ve ever read and I love it and oh my god yes + plus rockstar!guk is just something else yum)
To Tame a God by @vinterjeon
(holy fcking shit, this series is just *chefs kiss* immaculate in words I can’t even begin to describe. I’m a btch for a good werewolf au and the fact that kookie is a bit of a sub? yessir thank you very much plz check this out it’s one of my favorite series ever)
Bunny Troubles by @appreciatethefoolishness
(this fic is so freaking cute I can’t handle it. Bunny!guk and Sub!guk tied into one is almost too much for me to handle on its own but wrapped up in this adorable fic is just UGH you know?)
Bitchin’ by @kinktae
Flesh & Blood by @kinktae
(okay jungkook is literally a freaking zombie how sick is that? I loved Warm Bodies (both the book and the movie) so I love this series!!! It’s cute, funny, smexy and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it!)
The Doms Next Door by @tatertotthethot (ft. Tae)
(okay hear my out. I usually do not read dom!bts fanfic bc I prefer subby boys over dom boys, I don’t know why that’s just how my mama made me. But this fanfic— holy— oh my god how do I even— it’s so phenomenally written and so enrapturing and engaging that it just completely pulls you into the plot and you become invested and intrigued and holy fuck it’s so sexy and I really did like reading it a lot so even if you’re not so into dom!bts I’d say give this a chance and see what you think!)
Secrets of Silk by @nochugguk
(y’all wanna talk about camboy guk? Because I do. And this fic is freaking immaculate. I read it a while ago so I don’t remember too many specific details but dude, I remember just being hooked and absolutely loving it.”
Felicity by @nochugguk
For Science by @boymeetsweevil
(ugh I love love this series, it funny and cute and sexy and the perfect amount of messy and I def recommend checking it out!!!!)
If your into sub guk please check out @namsjunies fics, just all of them bro HERE is the link to their masterslist
One Shots ;
While You’re At It by @aureumjeon
(dudeeeee I remember seeing the teaser for this and getting hooked immediately!!! And then I read the actual fic and it was so freaking good!!!!! Pool Boy Jimin is something to behold, I must say.)
Florezco by @honeymoonjin
(this one shot is just so pretty. It is so freaking pretty. There is something so rhythmic and beautiful about the way it was written, the words and language used. The descriptions are beyond astounding. The plot as well is so amazing, you can see through every little interaction how their relationship grows and developed and it is so beautiful.)
Diary of a Bodyguard by @kernelmeow
Series/Mutiple Parts ;
Good Boy by @btssmutgalore
(if I’m going to talk about sub jimin, I’m going to talk about the Good Boy series, I mean come on that’s just a given. This series just— yes. The character development, the relationship growth, the ridiculously well written plot, just all of it. It’s an amazing read through and through and a definite must read!!!)
Handyman by @drquinzelharleen (ft. Tae)
(ohmygod I love this series so much. Jimin yum, reader is a boss bitch, the sex is right up my alley but it also has plot with ups and downs and I very much enjoyed reading it and perhaps (more than likely) you will too.)
Timid by @jincherie
(I melt every time. It’s so sweet, so cute, freaking tooth rotting. Jiminie is so precious and lovable and shy and I am so weak for him it’s actually not even funny. If you want cute hybrid jiminie, this is the fic to read, I swear you won’t regret it.)
Blood Rank by @gukptune
Baby, Baby by @hobiwonder (ft. Tae)
(bro, the relationship between Tae, Minnie, and the reader is just— wow. The development between the three is incredible and oh my goddd its amazing.)
Between Other Worldly Creatures by @btsjeonjazz (ft. Tae)
Humanity by @bts-trash-blog
(these hybrid babies are so precious bro I swearrrrr this fic gave me a roller coaster of emotions and I can’t wait for more parts to come out!!!)
Peach Blossoms by @pasteljeon
Abundance by @angelicyoongie
(okay, I know this is technically OT7 but oh my god, you wanna talk about one of the best hybrid fics I have ever read??????? It is so incredibly well written and the boys are a mess but an adorable lovable mess and guk is so cute and jiminie is a little shit but damnit I love it and I am so excited for when everything falls into place and they’re happy and lovey and sorry I am getting ahead of myself but if you haven’t read it already, it’s a must read.)
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mecharlie-fox · 3 years
Feh Book V Ch 6
Spoilers my dudes
Holy fcking shit - okay so if I got the whole story straight, that witch summons OTHER SUMMONERS and since the summons are incomplete - they’re technically not whole, like she was only able to summon the body but not the soul. And even with the greatest of Summoners - they’re still considered nothing more like shells, empty beings without souls, basically puppets. And these Summoners are categorized as Heroes! Their souls were destroyed in the summoning process therefore classified as failures!
Did I get it right????
Fafnir is going on about something - probably the person we saw in the first part of the story was also a Summoner who binded Fafnir into something - the close he gets to Askr, the worst the pain gets for him. In original Norse myth - Fafnir is indeed the brother of Regin and Otr - but had two more siblings. He was cursed by something and became a dragon, and was eventually slain by Sigurd who was a hero who slain the dragon.
We find out in the game that Fafnir just woke up in the battlefield one day with no memory or whatsoever. There’s the possibility that he came from Askr. This is just me but ya know - haha fanfic writers unite!
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kinokojk · 2 years
Entitled The Goldfish Problem, definitely different from the leaks.
Oh. Rip glass :(
Why you putting glass in yo shoes??
My feet hurt
Nice music :)
When will they run out of room in the marvel title card? They will eventually right??
How much sand do you use on a daily basis? And tape too I guess
FISH NAMED GUS. sorry I blended you :(
I love this fish
innit, mate?
“I’ve got this feeling like I’ve been hit by a bus,” bitch I feel like you have
wait, Who’s stevens mom? is it just marc’s or? I don’t know enough shit for this.
hahah bollocks uahahah
Quit peeping bro
I love those tiny pyramids
wicked 😎
uh what’d you grab my dude?
donna you a little rude
oop ouch
ello mate
what. this man’s got a fucking date. wack. he’s doing better than me :(
steven you silly little goose
donna go away man
okay donna shut up
Give me those hippo plushies now
I love my myths :)
Habrb. Rude donna
Mans a klutz
Scotty ha
man see a fcking therapist dude
oh. that’s just sad quit venting to the statue man tourist thing
The pain in the statue mans eyes
bro steven tmi man
Innit mate
nice visual
Where do you get this much sand?
why phone staying awake lady voice different ?
Oh why yo jaw doing that
Yes weird indeed
Okay khonshu
Hi khonshu
Oh okay nvm
OOP immediately got shot at
Everyone out to get steven
Classic wearing a hood and no one recognizes me tactic
are we dead
okay well she’s dead
bollocks hahaha
anyways it’s my worst nightmare to just stand there in some awkward scenario whilst everyone else knows what they’re doing
Okay khonshu thanks
that’s fcking weird to look at
bye steven :)
HAHDHD kinda like khonshu just calling him an idiot
omG bLoOd
casually apologizes
free cupcakes :)
bitch can’t drive bro
eat the fucking cupcakes steven
keep you eyes on the fcking road
ain’t no way man is following laws of traffic
food fight
thanks khonshu. I appreciate the words of encouragement
can’t believe a fucking bird is telling you how to drive
Also why is that truck going against traffic
Some final destination type shit
okay little hurtful khonshu :(
“I don’t have my drivers license” how tf you driving like that
omegalul shit engine
Nature saved you Laksrjke
can someone please say fuck
anyways get that fish out of the blender :(
wait. I- gus?? Any news to bring to the table?
holy shit did gus fucking die no what gus wtf who what no
I loved him :(
man I think it’s sunday
this is just sad
watch yo money bro
no not very good shit gonna be tough as hell
I ain’t gonna be chewing for ten years
I’m so fucking sad now
Gus :D
no don’t wtf steven no bad for fish
rip chocolate
wipe yo face man
I saw that
little rude layla
you hearing voices ey mate?
because phone is best weapon
earthquake alert
ello khonshu
bye khonshu
innit mate
hello khonshu
what the actual fuck
this is awkward
Hey it’s khonshu :)
imagine if he gets hit by a car
Okay nvm
Otter :)))))
g o t t a g o i t s m o m
thanks donna
damn Ronnie little hurtful :(
man just said anime what is happening
escape the night time >:))))
whale noises
watch your reflection man
I see that shit
very encouraging
nope no ceiling climbing
istg if the credits roll
hahahah nice suit
Damn you credits
Anyways good episode :) more gus please
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azroazizah · 4 years
Would you kindly give us a ranking of the soul eater arcs from 1/10 based on your opinions?
Ooooookay I’ll say first that I’m extremely picky wwwwww but here we go:
Prologues Arc : 6/10. I give this high ranking despite its messiness bc they’re the episodes that set the whole vibe. The ones that enchanted people to follow the series ✨ also kudos to Bones for cutting all the yucky bits out of the anime
Remedial Lessons Arc : 6/10. Also high bc this is the bit where I first see Soul’s fierce protective side. Loyalty always got me weak 🔥 Again kudos to Bones for cutting out Ohkubo’s gross jokes.
Demon Sword Arc : 8/10. Shit’s happening dude! Nuff said.
Uncanny Sword Arct : 9/10. Tsubaki’s characterization was... astounding. The analogy of Tsubaki as camellia flower?? 10/10. We could see how deep, complex, sad, and grey her character were. Absolutely interesting. I have no objection with this arc.
The Experiment Arc : 6/10. I like it bc it’s the first time we see Maka’s internal issues.
Black Dragon Arc : 3/10. Funny, but not interesting for me. And I personally find the Flying Dutchman more annoying than Excalibur.
A Fight to the Death at the Anniversary Celebration Arc : 8/10. Daaaaaamn the first actual creepy thing happening. True Shit™️. Stein/Spirit vs Medusa is one of my fave fights here, I love how they gave absolutely no fuck 👌
Trial Enrollment Arc : 5/10. If Arachne and Giriko weren’t introduced, I would give this arc 2/10. Apparently, this supposed to be Crona’s ‘redemption arc’ or whatever, but it failed its purpose. You just can’t bring a former enemy who had nearly killed two of your students into your school without proper surveillance. Especially when you know they’re dangerous and unstable. Showering them with unconditional love and support is not the realistic way to turn a former antagonist into the good side. it’s lazy writing.
The Bodyguard Arc : 5/10. I like it bc we got to see Star’s brotherly side and how he was slowly spiraling down into restlessness and hunger of power
Reunion Express Arc : 4/10. Another failed attempt at redemption, I was like... meh... when I saw Crona betray Shibusen, bc honestly they hadn’t even gotten a proper redemption in the first place. Plus there’s Flying Dutchman again.The thing that salvaged this arc for me was Star’s inner struggle and the start of the madness.
"BREW" - The Tempest Arc : 5/10. idk if it’s just me, but I’m not that into the whole BREW thing, honestly. The glimpses of the past were certainly interesting, but it’s just not that appealing to me. maybe bc I’ve never actually get what the hell BREW was and just heard the characters comment on its magnificent power over and over again without giving an actual explanation of why it was so powerful. But hey, we got more B Team screentime and Soul’s first time playing his soul piano!
Internal Investigation Arc : 5/10. I wish we get more of BJ. For his and Marie’s story to end like that was just.... sad. And again, I love Star’s descent to madness and how Kid managed to--literally--punch some senses into him.
The Clown Arc : 10/10. I don’t have any particular objection for this arc. Simply the best. Not only as a SoMa shipper, but also how Blair tagged along with them. Maybe it’s just me, but I think she did that bc she was worried for her kittens. She’s sticking more onto them after the madness ‘changed’ and started to turn into physical threats. Best Mama Kat 👌
Operation Capture Baba Yaga Castle Arc : 8/10. Ok, I love a LOT of things about this arc, especially the ART, GOSH. But I also don’t like a few things, hence no full score. Like how Star killed Mif or how Arachne just... died like that.... that felt like a waste of characters.
Grigori Arc : 5/10. I HAVE A BIG DILEMMA ABOUT THIS ARC OKAY? In one side, I love how SoMa it is and how badass the Spartoi were, but really, how could Ohkubo just abandon the whole concept of Maka’s Anti Demon Wavelength and just replaced it with pretty angel wings I mean COME ON!!! If you want to make Maka the ultimate target wouldn’t it make more sense for her to be hunted because she has a wavelength that could outright PURIFY the madness instead of her ‘perception skills’??? A skill that was shared by MANY other meisters???? If she has the strongest ADW she would naturally be the ultimate weapon to defeat the kishin oH COME ON THAT IS A VERY PROMISING CONCEPT WHY WOULD YOU GIVE IT TO HER IN THE FIRST PLACE IF YOU’RE NOT GONNA FCKING COMMIT TO IT, OHKUBO??? This is probably the arc that frustrates me the most.
The Witch's Research Arc : 8/10. LOVE how Star got batshit crazy on Crona. THAT was a proper reaction when you see a person who had betrayed your best friend despite having been given the utmost kindness. also KILIK AND THE THOMPSONS FCK YEAH 🔥🔥🔥
Business Lunch Arc : 2/10. I hate how they treated Marie. This arc was very sexist and had a very poor taste on jokes. Also everyone was a horrible adult for partying when a child was in the enemy’s hands. The only uplifting thing about this arc for me was this...
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Salvage Arc : 8/10. I also have a big dilemma about this one...... I love it. As in LOVE it. It’s SoMa’s Holy Grail. But... again... I can’t give it perfect score. The tasteless sexist jokes.... and how they just brushed the THOMPSON SISTERS ASIDE????? I understand that Ohkubo wanted Star vs Kid, but that’s just not how you do it, man... They’re Kid’s weapons! Partners! They were dying to see him! They SHOULD GO FERAL TO SAVE HIM!!
Mad Blood Arc : 9/10. THIS. SOUL’S FCKIN GROWTH. MY BABY. ALL GROWN UP. AND HE DID IT BY HIMSELF! My side note for this arc is I wished it was where Star or their other’s friends to snap and slap the actual severity of Soul’s condition to Maka. I wanted it to be her turning point on how to see around her more clearly, that there’s people, not just strangers in another country, but also HER PARTNER, who were suffering because of Crona’s descent to madness.
Hunt Arc : 4/10. I.... don’t like that the kids just blindly follow Maka around without question. That’s just.... urgh... not healthy
War on the Moon Arc [the whole of it]: 7/10. Sooooo many things were happening, I love a lot of things, but also dislikes a lot of things. I DEMAND A DEEPER SPIRIT/MAKA SCENE, ALSO A SPIRIT/SOUL SCENE BEFORE SPIRIT WENT TO THE MOON! FAMILYYYYYYYY!!!!
Hrrrrgh.... that’s it I guess.... thank you for asking wwwww
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marukrawler · 3 years
bakugan battle brawlers liveblogging episode 41
- we’re getting into more ‘i never watched these episodes as a child’ territory so its completely blind. love it.
- just realized we’re also about to catch up on all the available subbed episodes. . .rip
- watching the kids dive into the hole in the not-ozone layer for the third time
- ohhh my gosh why is there such a dip in quality in ep 41, i know its 240p but
- lmaooo the way angelo just yoinked marucho away from preyas lmaoo rest in pepperonis
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- god the way drago is still looking kinda. ugly.
- dude had a glow down w his latest evolution and yet, he won’t stop
- also dan hiding from the minus power lmaooo
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- its hard being a single mother
- they’re sliding down the ice and i love how shun has no reaction sounds lmao
- also love how dan keeps freaking out and everyone else has to tell him to cheer up
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- what’s new
- just as seemingly important information is dropped:
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- lmaooo
- ok i may not know much about these episodes inside vestroia but i do know that every time they go to a new world, two members are left behind
- seeing how the cards interact w naga’s guardians in vestroia is p interesting
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- omg
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- the fact that diablo is sm bigger than preyas lmao
- they grow up so fast
- idk if this is accurately translated but the idea of the preyas fam telling shiltis to ‘say her damn prayers’ is. superb.
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- im sure its not gonna be that easy since. they’re hybrids. they can probably use both water and wind.
- lmao called it
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- i love golem’s little outraged pose lmao
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- i can’t believe marucho’s fcking dead
- who’s going to make interspace now
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- shiltis but make her southern
- i don’t get how drago can’t just spam his op attacks without dan since they’re in vestroia now?? he should be able to do that
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- nooo don’t blame urself arthur
- love the selectivity of blow away
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- ohh i thought marucho and shun would like. both be there to send off the gang but it’s just shun taking on burdens as usual
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- her heat WHAT
- i mean. . .ig she’s also got elements of fire too. so rlly this is a battle involving bakugan who can use more than one element.
- but damn. . .phoenix w the infrared vision
- marucho didn’t need to jump onto phoenix’ back like that to use his abilities but its cute
- omg destruction meteor storm can smoke anything drago has as an ability, holy shit
- proof that shun didn’t fight dan seriously lol
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- go WHERE??? the gate is gone bro. ur stuck bro.
- alright i know the next ep is julie and runo fighting together so THAT. is going to be a treat uwu
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freak-meister · 3 years
vent 😕😕😕
no but seriously, i am so tired. so. fucking tired of this shit man. i really hope this antiship shit dies out soon. and basically this entire "woke" phase the generation is going thru. im sorry but its extremely frustrating. bc of this i cant bond or relate to any other regular teenager bc they're so..UGH!! I CANT DUDE!! ALL THEY THINK AB IS OPINIONS ALL DAY EVERYDAY LIKE HAVE FUN FOR ONCE DAMN!! ur not even a fcking adult yet y tf are u o worried ab ur opinions or who tf follows u. go be a kid!! be a teenager!! holy fuck !!!
i hate being a teenager bc of this, not like the kids are are worse, they're unfortunately adopting the mindset too.
i just want the world to go back normal again...where did it go..? where did normal society go :( all of my friends have been tainted w this mindset. fiction is one of my most used coping mechanisms and form of escapism, and also relates to my special interest and dream career path. so of course it's going to be a big thing for me. im starting to slowly give up...not fall into their ideology but rather..i just cant care anymore..in the stance of them sending death threats to me, etc. i just watch the fall of decent society, a society that was once kind and knew how to spread kindness rather than attack each other all day, on the sidelines.
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unfo11owmelol · 5 years
Lmao I hate FE-y/outuber G/hast/statio/n alot because, One: he totally shits on ik/e: going as far as calling pro/tectin/g ranu/lf and defending E/lin/cia from sa/na/ki CHILDISH and DUMB?? And Two: the best part is that he has analyzing vids where he defends th/arja and cam/illa as ''good bad characters'' LMAOOOOO like shut the fck up
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