#like he doesnt Mind you being independent exactly ……. but he does .
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suguru gets so stressed when you try to be independent lmao like why are you not making use of his presence in your life when that’s all he wants ……. he’ll entertain it to a point but his brow will start twitching and shit and frankly it’s frightening
#like he doesnt Mind you being independent exactly ……. but he does .#king of overthinking and overassuming he’ll be like hmmm they must not feel safe enough around me . <- girl no !!!#i know i say it a lot but truly he is someone who relieves stress by taking care of others . that’s his bread and butter in life#let him pay for u … what are u doing …….#ari noises ✩
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It is I, Kaien simpery anon. I present to you - Aizen attempts to recruit Kaien Shiba. As expected by anyone who has ever known a Shiba, Aizen might have had better chances of winning over a Llama.
Worse: he DOES win Kaien over, it just backfires SPECTACULARLY.
Its not just that the Shibas are an honorable folk-- Aizen knows how to manipulate honorable folk. Its that the Shibas are the kind of people who lead by example, honorable and brave and strong-willed, whose very presence makes you want to be better. And no one in the Clan exemplifies that better then Shiba Kaien.
Aizen wins Shiba Kaien over the way he would win any other honorable man of power, by gifts and praise and vulnerability, making it feel as though Aizen needs Kaien. Aizen looks like hes floundering in a failing division, struggling to hold himself and his people together. And it works! Kaien takes Aizen under the Shiba's proverbial wing, and Aizen is more than willing to take advantage of that to shield himself from eyes that are getting a bit too prying.
What he hadnt planned for: Kaien loves his friends with a fierceness that drives him to want them to stand for themselves. He wants them to build their strength from within, on strong foundations, so that someday they can stand independent and proud. And he knows, he knows, that Aizen has incredible potential-- a tactical mind, a caring heart, an inner fire that any Shiba would respect.
The only problem, as Kaien sees it, is that fake smile of his. That willingness in Aizen to roll over at the slightest pushback, to retreat or weasel around in the face of adversity instead of pushing through. Its a good instinct, poorly learned-- Kaien has known too many who have run headlong into every danger, unheeding and unthinking, but there is such a thing as being too in your own head.
Aizen finds himself being invited out to social events outside of his usual circles. Meals with Kaien, to start, usually lunch or dinner, "Youre so skinny, you need to eat better." And then it's training, and spars, and then Aizen is going to bars with the other Captains when the workday is done and Aizen usually would retreat to his plotting and research.
And then Kaien starts to loop in Aizen's "friends". Gin, "poor boy, he really needs more normal friends". Tosen, "to lose his sister, and then to get sick so soon after. Grief should be shared, you know?"
And sometimes it feels like Kaien is going out of his way to introduce friction between Aizen and the rest of the group, clashing personalities and conflicting opinions, which is exactly what Kaien is doing, but Aizen would never suspect him of being so devious, not among friends.
But then one night Aizen. Snaps. He doesnt even remember why, over what, to who, or even what came out of his mouth.
But he remembers the way Kaien put a hand on his shoulder and laughed. And he remembers every spar, Kaien pushing him to the very limits of his zanjutsu, the way Aizen's heart had raced every time Nejibana had come within a hairsbreadth of his skin, and Aizen had been having fun. And then he remembers all the times Kaien had helped him with casualty reports, frowning and serious, and Aizen had felt those squiggles of. Guilt.
Aizen doesnt make it as far as recruiting Shiba Kaien. He befriends Kaien first. And its the worst mistake he could possibly have made.
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you know whats even more insane tho? is that dick’s desire to be independent stems from the fact that he wants to be taken in as equal again by bruce—like yes he does feel restricted and hurt and suffocated by the insane amount of controlling that bruce did/do, but also hes equally as unhealthy as bruce bcs he sees that as bruce not considering him to be an equal anymore, that he doesnt trust him as much anylonger, etc. they are soooo unhealthy over each other bruh

Batman (1940) Issue #13
Perfect anon! This scene here is shows exactly what's going on with Dick's mentality.
On Bruce's side, he's really worried because "It isn't right for a kid like you to be chasing around and getting into fights!" and this is where Dick's mentality stems from - from the fact that Bruce lied to get Dick to drop it but he never clarified it. He made it out like Dick was the problem which I believe is the start of all his issues with Batman and why Dick's so overcompetent in everything- he feels like he has to prove himself.
After sobbing his heart about, Dick literally says "I'll run away and show him I can take care of my self!"
Bruce is so toxic sometimes. He blames Dick on incompetence because he's worried about moral issues of letting a child fight adult villains. wow.
In layman's terms, Dick seeks academic validation where he thinks his self-worth is tied to his academic achievements or in this case, how much of an equal he is to Batman.
Kori once said in a Titans comic -
Teen Titans and Outsiders Secret Files and Origins 2005
Considering how much of a free spirit Dick and Bruce consider Dick's robin, she's not quite right but she's right in that he thought his achievements would make Batman see him as an equal. When Bruce didn't treat him as such, Dick got really mad and started working harder and breaking his own records so Bruce would acknowldge him.
Meanwhile, Bruce was having a moral crisis and he's under the impression that if he kept pretending that Dick wasn't his equal, then Dick would eventually give up and quit. But this results in the paradox: Unstoppable force meets immovable object. However there is an answer to this riddle. When an unstoppable force meets an immovable object, the immovable object is moved because it lacks any force for holding it in place.
Hence, Dick continued being Robin until Dick got fed up with Bruce trying to cage him. At the beginning Dick had free reign but as he grew older, Bruce kept trying to press him under his cape but Dick wanted to be free. He didn't want to be a sidekick, he wanted to prove to Batman that he was equal and worthy of him.
So the ultimatum was set and as Dick's eighteenth birthday drew closer, so did Bruce's dread that Dick would leave him behind so he fired him first. He would rather haunt his mind in anger than be forgotten and left behind.
In summary I can say Dick's addiction to becoming Bruce's equal is the result of an intentional misunderstanding by Bruce to protect him only it didn't go the way Bruce planned.
However because Bruce let this feeling fester for so long that now, even when Bruce tells Dick that he surpassed him and means it, Dick will never believe it because in his mind he will always be that 8 year old boy that Bruce once said wasn't good enough.
Bruce certainly feels guilty for it but there's no doubt that a small part of him is satisfied that because of what he did, Dick will always come back to him in the end. Even if it's not out of willingness, it will be out of sheer need to prove Bruce wrong and he's okay with that no matter how bad it makes him feel.
And that's why these two are addicted to each other in the most unhealthiest ways possible.
#dick grayson#nightwing#bruce wayne#batman#robin dick grayson#koriand'r#starfire#cl anon asks#thanks for the ask!
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wiihtigo.tumblr.com/post/743934944739557376/ okay enough about Nell dying. what about that bad ending 2 with Casey dying 👀
grimacing at you sort of mournfully
similar to nell I think it happens during some big event- not as big as a crisis event alien invasion like nell but a citywide threat..(otherwise known as a regular tuesday in gotham), nell is out as ladybug helping out along with some gotham regulars (i imagine batman and nightwing are skulking around) shes not working WITH them exactly. theyre just out and shes also out at the same time and theyre fighting the same things. you see.
casey tags along sometimes when ladybug is out doing her thing because she lowkey doesnt respect nells job and thinks they can just combine patrolling and hanging out, BUT this time she actually stayed home. shes just laying on the couch, maybe scrolling her phone or finding something to watch on tv or dozing off into a nap when something hits their building. For the kind of big show-y jackass-y destruction thats happening in the city ive had it in mind this is a joker stunt. Not that thats super important even, hes not directly involved with casey blowing up. Anyways something hits their building and casey is crushed or...pierced by debris. She manages to fish out to phone (now cracked to shit) and calls nell for help (her reasoning being that nell will treat her as priority and come get her and help her ASAP meanwhile the ambulance's and police in gotham are pretty busy already)
Luckily, Nell picks up and immediately hears something is wrong even though casey (delirious and in shock) does not open with "there is a wooden beam lodged in my ribs come fucking get me" and instead is like "um...are you almost finished with work i think you should come home now. someone broke your window. its cold in here" but her voice is really strained and shes breathing kind of hard.
Nell is already speeding away but hes really far from their apartment and these stupid henchmen just keep getting in the way and its hard to keep casey talking when casey is usually the one DOING THE TALKING. but they do. keep talking together i mean. nell is kind of short with her at first because hes also kind of freaking but once casey starts panicking near the end when hes starting to realize hes cooked he starts lying to him telling him that hes almost there hes almost up the stairs and to just hang on a second more (hes like 20 blocks away)
at first casey was like. freshly in shock. so she wasnt talking about things like they happened. she asks nell to come home and clean up the glass on the floor because if she looked down and sees the blood coming out of her she was going to flip out or something. but the longer nell takes the more she starts to get scared and desperate and whiny (notice how i can find ways to insult her even as shes dying..now thats love) the more nell lies to her the more her solid faith in ladybug saving her ungrateful self is wavering. shes never let her down before! casey always follows nell/ladybug around and gets into trouble and nell always picks up her by the scruff of her neck and drags her back home. its basically what their relationship was built on, nell taking a random criminal home and promising to keep her on the up and up. nell is big and tough and strong and confident and independent and stable. these are all qualities casey really liked about nell right from the get go and its why, aside from being given a rent free place to live in, she stuck around this long even through the less desirable traits of hers and how insufferable she finds her sometimes.
in her fear (and pain) she starts swinging wildly between anger and pleading like "why arent you here yet!??! do you think im gonna die?? are you even coming?? are you doing this on purpose because youre mad at something i did.? WELL IM SORRY! FUCK! WILL YOU PLEASE COME GET ME NOW!!!!!!' (im sure this isnt doing anything to help nells stress levels. can someone tell her to relax?)
Nell.....did the smartest thing anyone has ever done in the history of the world, and before, when he took the call and nightwing noticed his alarm and comes down to say "hey is everything ok--" he brushes him off and speeds off to go deal with casey himself. Because casey is his responsibility and he doesnt really like nightwing. or any of the bats. nell is self sufficient, over confident, and (quoting from marty) "she has tunnel vision and chronic independence syndrome and by viewing caseys wellbeing as her own responsibility she has inadvertently doomed them" (unquote) (crowd booing sfx)
he could have asked for help from someone who could fly, or asked oracle to patch him through to an ambulance to get to the apartment faster than she could, or accepted nightwings offer to help knowing that hes more experienced than she is as a hero or done any number of things that would have to involve swallowing his pride, but he didnt and when he arrives back home casey is already gone
to be fair she wasnt really thinking straight. but wow, way to go nell. you really fucked that one up. can we cancel this heinous heinous bug?
when i compare our intrepid heroes death scenes in my mind i lol bcuz nell is like (coughing up blood) fuuuck i cant believe i loved that stupid girl. oh well. bleh. but casey in her last moments is like NO NO NO NO NO I DONT WANT TO DIE STOOOOP WTF WTF WTF
i think shes so panicked and frantic and scared in her last moments the complete opposite of nell accepting death and feeling content she did everything she could have (at least in regards to crimefighting that day)
she probably didnt even think it was a possibility until the last minute. shes so self confident. too self confident. some might even call it...stupidity.
in the way nell is letting her eyes creak shut thinking about a phantom image of casey and is just filled with regretful sadness, casey is not thinking fondly on ANY memory shes clutching onto her phone and wishing nells voice would jump out of the speakers and be there in front of her and carry her away and keep taking care of her FOREVER i mean keep financially supporting her until shes casted into the new scream film. she cant accept shes going to die. she wont accept it. she did so much hard work for so long to make something of her life and it was all just going to end in one night...she finally found a friend she could stomach the company of, actually enjoyed the company of, and it was all for nothing. AGAIN! these are depths of despair only previously felt when booster FIRED HER! she doesnt ..blame nell, exactly. well she kind of does. but its different than it was with booster. she put the full brunt of blame entirely on booster to shield herself from the possibility .. maybe her own choices and actions have something to do with the outcomes in her life? (NO NOT POSSIBLE) she is angry at nell for not being there. but shes also sad and confused and scared and all these mixed up emotions and even though shes angry at nell Somewhat she also...eugh....CARES about nell, and she thinks that nell also cares about her. (unclear in what way. and now we'll never know..SAD) so she isnt casting hexes on her like she had with booster, who she knew didnt really give her the time of day like ever. she just wishes she wouldve been there with her
but when have i ever given casey anything she wanted.
again, i advise you to go knock down martys door if you want more nell deets but im told ted and michelle support him through this (and isnt that more than casey ever got in the canon end? see..not so bad)
im also told he doesnt tell spider, caseys mom, about casey dying until 8 months after the fact. which im sure just about drives that poor woman over the edge. nell bishop are you ready to die..?
#koby you never add readmores you always just leave us to the dogs what changed BItch im scared#asks#casey
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I want to know more about your Happy Go Lucky au
OH BOOOOOY now I ramble cuz I have a lot of ideas n things ab this
CWs plant parasitism/ sorta mind control/ psychological + body? horror/
okay so this is somewhat a small-ish AU ATM in that it's just diverges somewhat from regular II season 3 but I might expand it??? not sure yet, but here's some of what i do have (may modify it later but idk) OKAY SO some of my thought process on Lucky Nickel (idk what to call him yet exactly): - Essentially, the plant afflicting Nickel IS a "clone" of Clover (in the sense of how for say like, a tomato plant you can remove a limb and have it grow into a independent plant if done correctly)| - Because of this, the plant carries over Clover's personality/outlook and incidentally, begins imposing it onto Nickel's own personality, causing Nickel to start have lowkey internal crisis - Nickel does realize he's not "acting/thinking normally" at first but doesnt exactly mention it outright, as the plant grows he notices it less and less - The escalation of this being, his anxieties (specifically, being hurt by other people/distrust of others) ends up distorting into a forced "positive" outlook ("I don't need anyone anymore!") - and of course, on top of all this he's "lucky" - and such and so happens that on the glacier (still haven't figured out exactly what), that Nickel snaps out of it just long enough to curse out the luck and the plant, and then the wall falls on him/kills him - Nickel is recovered via MeLife and is normal again, but is still very jarred by the whole thing - HOWEVER, the plant survives until the dead Nickel washes up on shore, and the luck allowing the plant to revive him for survival (separate from now Normal Nickel) - This makes the Springy ep play out a bit differently (Balloon becomes concerned that Nickel making light of the past is the plant returning, before realizing its def Not that) - Not 100% sure how the Murder Mystery ep plays out after this but, for one Clover feels really bad about the whole thing (she had no idea this would happen), her and nickel talk out things and he gets his canon development, meanwhile while balloon 'n tea kettle are trying to solve the mystery, Balloon sees Lucky Nickel in the distance and is like "WHAT THE FUCK" - IDK what to have happen after this but, Lucky Nickel tryin 2 kill reg Nickel bc technically, Bro still has his brain/Is him (I was gonna add a drawin here but my wacom not working so uhhh NOTE 2 SELF draw zombie Nickel ref later) BONUS!!: this idea partially started as like, a doppelganger horror idea at first with a bunch of other ideas, so here's my other horror ideas for II (most ended up moreso joke-ish but ye)
#inanimate insanity#inanimate insanity au#ii nickel#nickel ii#horror au#ii HGL#nickhell#centz answers
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coleop cherie cogito 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
heso! hello! hi! what a tall order!/pos super excited..

1. What memory would your OC rather just forget?
cherie: “» Ałł ðf Tħem.” honestly, he’d rather forget the time he mauled his beloved boyfriend in front of their lusii
coleop: wants to forget the time where he spent days wondering if cherie was okay out in the barrenlands (this was pre-cherie moving in)
cogito: wants to forget the time he was a stickbug
2. What's something about your OC that people wouldn't expect just from looking at them?
cherie: he likes seashells (shiny blue ones are his favorite)
coleop: loves pecan pie. like concerningly so.
cogito: can work a palmhusk (phone) no problem.. just slaps his legs on the keys until it registers
3. What is your OC's fatal flaw? Are they aware of this flaw?
cherie: fatal flaw is that hes such a fucking dickhead to everyone, he is aware of it and likes picking fights (would say his paranoia but that isnt really a flaw)
coleop: forgiving to a fault, hes weirdly religious about his Ether thing, but it causes him to just blatantly forgive people (specifically ones close to him), he is kind of aware? but not enough to stop
cogito: wont stop eating week old cracker crumbs off of the counter, very aware, will not stop
4. When scared, does your OC fight, flee, freeze or fawn?
cherie: fights like a rabid animal (as seen by how he gets so terrified that he mauls), its so sudden that he cant exactly flee or anything else. he just mauls.
coleop: erm, no survival skills in this one honestly. possibly freeze
cogito: flee i think! when he had control of coleop he was dead set on running away, scared
5. How far is your OC willing to go to get what they want?
cherie: to the end of time. if he wants it? he is GETTING it, he will tear and maul and curse and kick. ipad baby.
coleop: not far, if he doesnt need it then he doesnt mind that bad
cogito: <>_<> cogito will steal bodies if he needs one, dont test him
6. How easily could your OC be convinced to do something that goes against their moral compass?
cherie: Not very easily. if at all. hes doing what he wants when he wants
coleop: middle ground, it depends on the situation
cogito: very easily, just give him an animal cracker
7. What's one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them?
cherie: hes not as LOUD anymore… he used to yell constantly, but hes partially subdued, especially after the Mauling
coleop: erm, independent
cogito: nothing much, hes a manipulative goofy bug
8. Would your OC ostensibly be able to get away with murder?
cherie: … i think hes too messy with murder to get away with it
coleop: would not murder, cant, or wont.
cogito: yes.
9. Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC?
cherie: “oh and you swear to god… the fuckers out to get you” - The Bug Collector by Haley Heynderickx
that entire song in general.. his paranoia, and the ironicality of it being about bugs when Coleop is the bug guy.
coleop: “Coin operated boy. sitting on the shelf. He is just a toy but I turn him on and he comes to life.” - Coin-Operated Boy (the dresden dolls)
cogito: “I don't wanna be the owner of your fantasy. I just wanna be a part of your family” - anything (Adrianne Lenker)
10. What's an AU that would be interesting to explore with your OC?
cherie: vampire!AU :)
coleop: Zombie!AU :))
cogito: human!AU (or in this case: Troll!AU), itd be interesting to see cogito as a troll, he would either be very old or very young..
11. What is your OC's weapon of choice? Have they ever actually used it?
cherie: uhmm.. he is ChainsawKind. so chainsaws, specifically duo-wield one handed chainsaws. also yes, hes used them
coleop: beetle shaped multi-tool
cogito: biting. and yes.
12. Is your OC self-destructive? In what ways?
cherie: absolutely. hes so fucking self destructive. he breaks off his horns and eats them (auto-osteophagia) its not exactly his fault but still, breaking bones constantly to eat them. also he bashes his head into the wall a lot. headache hivemind
coleop: a little bit? he scratches at his skin sometimes, when hes having bad Bug Days
cogito: nah.
13. If you met your OC, would the two of you get along?
cherie: no. id be actually terrified. hiding in a corner, looking away from this bombastic animal
coleop: maybe? i dont want to talk to him though.
cogito: …. no (id think it looks cool but GOD i dont wanna be possessed by a bug)
14. How does your OC want to be seen by other characters?
cherie: as really cool and uncaring, a cool gamer who is awesome and cool
coleop: sometimes like a bug (horrified), but then he REALLY wants to be seen as a troll, his humanity is DYING inside his mind sometimes, grappling
cogito: as a fellow troll
15. Does your OC have a faceclaim? If so, who?
cherie: no
coleop: no
cogito: 🪲 Hercules Beetle?

16. What is your OC's pain tolerance like?
cherie: very high, he still feels it and sometimes he wants to curl up if he so much as gets a cut but when it comes to his horns he is used to it
coleop: …. his nerves are kind of super damaged in a love of places so his pain tolerance is fairly high
cogito: no pain tolerance :( he is a little guy.. one step and he is history
17. What is the worst thing you have put your OC through story-wise?
cherie: The Mauling
coleop: The Mauling
cogito: The Mauling
18. Is your OC more cold and detached or up close and personal?
cherie: VERY up close and personal, he is IN people’s business
coleop: pretty neutral, but if he gets going about his interests he will be very in-your-space
cogito: so up close that hes in peoples skin
19. How does your OC behave when enraged?
cherie: horrifying. maul, maim, yell, kick. cries too.
coleop: tenses up and just growls to himself, raising his hands and walking off all stompy and pissed off. also hes a crier.
cogito: oh he gets super pissed,and since hes so small hes closer to hell so you KNOW hes horrible. ramming his beetle head into peoples shoes like that one turtle
20. Does your OC have a tendency to get jealous? If so, how does this manifest?
cherie: hmm.. not much.. maybe a little? he doesnt care i think
coleop: little bit, stares. he stares. just big eyes, horrifying.
cogito: VERY JEALOUS ALL OF THE TIME, he wants to be a troll so bad, manifests as stealing bodies
21. Does your OC have any illnesses or disorders? How do they handle it?
cherie: scoliosis, auto-osteophagia (horn eating (his own), unlabeled paranoia thing, EXTREME anxiety disorder that manifests as explosive behavior.
doesnt handle it, leans into it
coleop: dermotillomania (not constant, comes and goes), trichotillomania, amnesia (only for The Mauling..), anxiety (bro is traumatized honestly)
tries to handle first two by wearing wooly gloves
cogito: is a bug. i dont know. maybe Pica, he might eat things that arent food (he is a bug)
22. What character alignment would you consider your OC to be?
cherie: what does that mean
coleop: N/A
cogito: N/A
23. What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
cherie: hard to process self-love, hard to express Love in general
coleop: hard to process hate, hard to express sadness
cogito: hard to process empathy, hard to express as well
24. What is an alternative life path your OC might have gone down? How different would their life be if they'd made those decisions?
cherie: wouldve died without coleops shelter
coleop: couldve lived a normal bug-collecting life with no trauma if not for cogito
cogito: burrowing in the soil.
25. What is your favorite thing about your OC?
cherie: abrasive, so-himself, not afraid to be himself
coleop: the white streak in his hair.
cogito: he wants so harshly to just be
thank yew so much for reading!
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gayboy story from my head:
random modern dude has a sister who was really into this one manhwa but eventually lost interest, she got him into it so they could talk about a shared interest but after she dropped off because it was a little too political and the romance was too slow/badly paced he soldiered on and actually really enjoyed it both for the slow romance and a lot for the political science with his favourite character being the stalwart Duke who he identifies with a lot (both not seemingly being interested in romance, instead helping set up the couples and being a generally neutral powerhouse in the politics)
for some reason he falls into the story and possesses one of the primary male leads; one of the royal children, a Prince conceived by the late empress who is fated to have a Rough upbringing where his step-mother the empress consort does everything in her power to get Her Kid on the throne, something that eventually and inevitably leads to the Prince being the only royal kid thats known to be left alive with the numbers of missing and dead being unknown as bodies werent confirmed
upon killing the last of his half siblings, the empress consorts favourite, in self defence he gets back his memories of being Modern Guy and takes it not as being his past life memories exactly but being a revelation from some kinda fucking god (a really boring god) and commits to writing down everything he remembers
cut to the dukes pov later on, theres rumours that the crown prince went mad after killing all his siblings (a rumour thats purposefully incorrect and spread by his detractors, the rumour however being a canon event to the manhwa as the original prince Did have a breakdown) and some think that another noble family needs to step up and thus a faction war is breaking out
the duke is in charge of a very VERY profitable piece of land (trading and bread basket) and could theoretically become independent if not for the political backlash effecting the trade side of things, this is why a lot of nobles come to him and go heeeeeey could you be like the shadow king in the future? the prince is mad and the emperor is on his sickbed with the empress consort having no right to rule (not empress, just consort, no royal blood) so liiiike~
and thats how they meet, the duke going to have an audience with the crown prince to like test the waters, check if the rumours are true, not thinking treasonous thoughts but needing to know how bad things are if the nobles are being This open about treason
back to prince pov as the prince and duke totally are working together and arent having intense mind battles over what the others intentions are until they at least Become Friends and the prince tells the duke about the revelation he got when he was young and the duke goes wow thats wild as fuck and also tracks
after that its will they wont they shounen ai while also doing extreme political scheming, at some point the original plot starts and the prince meets the female lead who is acting Different from what he knows which is because shes actually Modern Guys sister which confuses things a Whole lot for the prince whos been essentially worshipping his past life as a god, female lead and prince spending a lot of time together leading the duke to becoming jealous...
i have a lot of thoughts about this
the question should come up a lot with both the duke and the prince about their relationship and if its gay, if its romantic, what it is, and it should all come back with the answer "it is what it is" and that it doesnt need a label because im thinking the prince is somewhere on the aro spectrum if not both of them, them coming to the conclusion that if they're possessive over each other and want to spend a majority of their time together then thats good enough (but also what are we to do about the subject of heirs to both our families when neither of us can carry child)
#prince and the duke#gayboys#in case i need to find it somewhere on my godawful blog#the prince also Has a surviving sibling but they would make a terrible ruler so he cant solve the heir problem that way#romantic antagonists being ladies who cant leave these two well enough alone and some enterprising men#and general antagonists being just the entire fucking world because its politics baby thats how it is#even if the law is pro the king being gay the people might still rightfully be worried about a succession crisis#rambles
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mann reading the kaoru study moment and I just love it ive always had the thought that i want to explore in a fic that kaoru putting his brother above his own life is inherently selfish. he thinks hes being a good mature twin and we saw that in the manga too when he was like "goodbye hikaru..... let us cherish our last moments together and then I move rooms and we independent forever waaa..." while hikaru was like 'fuck you talkin about'
like u mentioned how kaoru would deny hikarus feelings bc he thinks he knows best,,,,, kaoru is selfish abt it because he wants hikaru to thrive and live a nice, independent life from him because he loves his brother and wants to see him live, but it just doesnt cross his mind that hikaru still has his own wants and needs. kaoru gets to care about and "help" hikaru but hikaru doesnt get to care and return the favor because he "doesnt know what he's talking about" and "doesnt know whats best for him like kaoru does" (he never said that but i actually know the author and she said im right anyway) and i just jdksksksnakdjfksj. kaoru is a stupid dumb idiot who thinks he's giving selfless sacrifice while hikaru is about ready to kill him for his idiocy
EXACTLY...kaoru is so interesting like that. i love characters who are unreliable narrorators <3
#he just has SO MUCH mental issues......#like. go off king.#ive said it before i think but if kaoru did not care abt hikarus best interests#he could make his brother's life hell#theres a darkfic idea for you monsters/j/lh#ohshc
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okay i tried to explain this but i was half awake and high again so it didnt work out well. gonna try again
summary of what happens in chronological order:
voryn finds out about the numidium and confronts nerevar. nerevar tells him he needs to speak to dumac before they move forward. by this point the friendship between voryn and nerevar is rocky for a variety of reasons ranging from house dagoth hate nerevar and think he spent years exploiting the fact voryn is in love with him to the two of them want to fuck so bad but have 500 mental illnesses that get in the way of that so they instead resent each other.
voryn is appalled nerevar wants to fucking talk this out when this could destroy the chimer entirely. nerevar says they may not have the full story, and voryn snaps back with a "are you questioning what my spies saw?" and nerevar tells him to shut the fuck up, he can't just trust everything voryn says when he's king.
voryn grits his teeth and tells nerevar "if it was house dagoth doing something like this, you wouldnt bother trying to talk it out. you would destroy my house, kill everyone involved, and then execute me. but when its the dwemer you constantly give them unfair treatment"
nerevar calls him fucking crazy. voryn demands him to say otherwise, to deny what voryn said. nerevar grits his teeth and says “that’s because this treaty is more important than simply petty squabbles between great houses. don’t forget, dagoth, I’m still your hortator. If you did something similar I’d put you in chains and dragged you to mournhold. as is my right to as your king and warlord”
then he adds “don’t forget who saved our people from the nords, who gave us independence” and slams the door.
voryn grits his teeth, nails digging into his palms so hard they start bleeding. Then voryn starts laughing. nerevar never saved him from the Nords. Is he supposed to be fucking thankful? Thankful nerevar would rather save “more important” people from the nords first? voryn is so angry he doesn’t even know what to do with himself. He needs to go home and destroy a few things, torture a few prisoners or something
almalexia is outside. voryn doesnt like ayem much but he doesnt hate her as much as he does dumac. sure she married nerevar, but their relationship is shit after indoril's council said nerevar shouldnt produce a child and she didnt bother fighting it. voryn only knows about it because nerevar came to kogoruhn that night to drink and angrily rant about the whole thing. but he is kind of peeved ayem was listening in
ayem says shes surprised nerevar didnt listen to voryn. she thought if he'd listen to anyone, it would be voryn, but once again he is unfairly siding with the dwemer, in spite of everything. tensions have been brewing for a while, but he would rather talk it out with dumac who can deny any wrongdoing than actually consider his options and take the threat seriously. the dwemer have gotten away with things for far too long, and this might be what destroys the chimer
then she implies she always suspected nerevar was having an affair with dumac. she didnt want to admit it, but too many things support it. hed come home with strange bruises and walking funny, telling her off for considering he was sleeping with someone else. he spent extra time at dumac's palace. in behind the scenes negotiations he would show the dwemer more and more favor. its not surprising he might have an affair with dumac though, considering nerevar and dumac are the co-rulers of resdaynia, and now ayem has been relegated to the role of a mere councilor despite being married to the king. where exactly does that leave her now
but voryn's mind is racing hearing all this, considering everything, and he thinks she's right. he has to be sleeping with dumac. he has to be. this whole damn time, this whole alliance, had it really only gotten this far because nerevar and dumac were having an affair? perhaps it wasnt at first, but he knows nerevar slept with people as part of his hortator questing, trading sexual favors for votes or boons. its not unreasonable to think he might have slept with dumac as well and it escalated to a full blown relationship.
and voryn is so angry he could kill someone. how fucking dare dumac take what is his?? how dare he lay nerevar in his bed, act like they're married, and make love to him? how dare he be more trustworthy to neht than voryn who he's known for almost his entire life?
ayem says they might have to go behind his back to deal with this problem if nerevar refuses to. she wants to give him the benefit of the doubt. maybe he'll see he can't let his feelings cloud his judgement. but voryn is just certain dumac is going to fuck nerevar senseless to make him look the other way.
(they arent fucking btw. they arent. not in this. nerevar knows if he tries to date dumac he'll ruin the whole damn friendship. he's just really determined to make the relationship between the chimer and dwemer work because the blame is squarely on him if it fails.)
voryn doesnt want to go along with the tribunal's plan. he doesnt want to betray nerevar. but if its for his own good and for the good of the chimer... he might have to.
Okay what I think I settled on. For the first moon and Star timeline. Voryn actually really wants to go to war w the Dwemer, specifically Dumac, because he thinks Dumac is fucking Nerevar. It’s kind of a stupid reason, but Voryn is stupid and possessive and Ayem deliberately fanned the flames by saying she always thought Nerevar was having an affair with Dumac
Dw, Nerevar will be even more jealous and insane when he finds out about Voryn and Wulfharth
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Some helluva boss talk because why not, fandom is active i kinda want to be active too (i think it was a mistake getting in it, but well...)
So what i find is kinda interesting is the fact that i saw quite a few people saying about messed up world buliding, flat characters and bad pacing. I am not a writer so obviously my observations are just personal thoughts.
So first, world building. I like that helluva boss doesnt tell but slowly shows more and more hell in bigger or smaller details. Like for example giving some ideas about Lu Lu World by showing its rip off. Some off hand commenst about hells rings (by Blitzo to Verosica "[...] the nearest ocean is THREE RINGS DOWN!". Moxx singing about Beelzebub and using pronouns "her". I like this because its kinda like solving mystery, you have to watch carefully for clues to get the whole picture. I see why some people may not like it, but personally i think its good to watch somethig and actually think about it. But as much as i enjoy it, its hard to hide that some things could have been showed and yet they werent. For example how to kill different kind of demons? Is death permament or do they somehow reincarnate as some fans like to think? I wouldnt mind it being unanswered if it wasnt kinda essential at this point. Like from 1ep we know imps are immune to fire (at least the normal one, maybe there is hellish painfull version), but a gun can kill them just fine. So we can assume that they are not hard to kill, and most ways will do. But what about regeneration? Is this human like or faster? Knowing this may change the stakes in high action scenes like in ep 6. Stolas may look kinda simplier, because it was said that angelic weapons can kill demon royalty, but if we take a look at his instagram account he can apparently get hurt by bear traps. So maybe he can get hurt by other methods but not killed? Does he feel pain? Probably, if his apparent masochistic or at least sub tendencies can mean anything. Or maybe its just cause instagram posts arent exactly canon? Dont know, but kinda would like to know.
Flat characters. This is kinda interesting because its different for each of them. For me the flattest one would be... Millie. Which is a shame cause she is litteraly in a main cast. Its hard to say anything about her except great assasin, country girl, Moxxies sweatheart. And that would be litteraly all. If she was a backround character it wouldnt be a problem, but the fact that she didnt even get one episode is sad (i dont count 5ep, because it was more about Moxxie, Blitz and Striker than her).
After her would be both Loona and Stella. I dont know... I think there is a big potential with Loona with her being adopted at seventeen, there could be so much thing that happened before that. Her relationship with Blitz also looks interesting so i kinda hope it will be a topic sometime in season 2. Unfortunately now she is just an angry wolf with maybe daddy issues, that wants badly be independent but it doesnt work mostly because of her overprotective impish dad. So she detaches herself from him by ignoring his affections and keeping a distance from other coworkers. Not much but still longer description than Millies.
Stella is... well she is an angry bitch that i personally find very entertaining. She clearly doesnt care about Stolas and probably isnt very motherly towards Octavia. Her biggest worry is social reputation and i am guessing her self-esteem. Its a mere theory but i think that she is lower in hierarchy than Stolas and so she tried to make herself feel more... dominant lets say, by taking him a few pegs down. Maybe because of her brother making her feel lesser than him all the time. Obviously it wasnt said in the show, so for now she just has to stay an abusive wife with not existing anger managment. Which i personally dont mind because i dont think she is important enough to have great depth. At least not yet. At this point I could say something about Octavia, but she was in one episode, so i dont see a point. I just hope she will get more important later, because even though she wasnt here long, we still kinda got to know her. Rich daddys girl, that feels betrayed by his affair, has fear of abandonment but not towards her mother, probably thought her parents had lovely peacful marriage even though its obviously not the case. Interested in taxidermy (unusual i have to say) and obviously has goth teenage rebelious phase. ... Actually there is quite a lot of it already. I think her character actually pretty good, the pattern is clear and well known but the one i find realistic, as a person whose parents were constantly fighting. Its obviously different but similiar enough i feel slightly uncomfortable.
Next i would say we have all of our villans. Exluding cherubs, they are kinda all the same, not counting deer one which i adore. But yea, so Striker, Verosika, Fizz. I wont write about Martha, nor Ozzie who i would say isnt an antagonist, and not about agents. Not important enough.
So Striker, cowboy revolutionist with ego bigger than his horse. I think he is good as an alter ego of Blitz, the person he wants and may be if he chose to leave others behind. He is a manifestation of his pridefull desires born from unfairness of being an imp. Not too complicated, but works very nicely i think. I like that he is actually an enemy of Moxxie, he is his opposite. Confident, strong, talented in everything as it seeems. He makes him question what is truly important, being on top or being kind and moral. Moxxie knows guns, he is an assasin but he still has some moral compas. Which makes him look too serious, weak, and easy to pick on. But about him i will write later (fuck this is getting reeaaaaaly long).
Verosika. Hmm, there is not much to write about her, she is just Blitzos ex that is a key to his past. We dont know much about her personality, she is a bitch but with a good reason, addicted drunk and famous pop star clearly using her fame to gain what she wants. But she may also be a caring lover, if the fact she got tattoo can mean sth, and words she says in Blitzos bad trip. I like she is the first to say anything about Blitzos sister, but its not a character trait so yea, doesnt really change a thing. I would like to see more of her, but of her past self or eventually her making amends with Blitz. I want to see this heartbreak that we had a snippet of in Asmodeus song. So yea, she is pretty flat.
Fizz. I am not sure how to write his full name so thanks whoever that i can just use this. Charming jester, with mean side that made Prince of Lust adore him (I assume). He is veeeery salty, i am seriously impressed. We dont know so much abot him yet, but as Verosika was a key, he is a freaking gate to Blitzos past. I think his character is kind of a mirror, different kind of alter ego than Striker. He is the guy who made his life work even though he lost his literal limbs. I would guess he and Blitz got hurt in the same accident that was in the end reason why they went different paths. If Striker is a vision of being succesfull assassin than Fizz is an image of a famous perfomer. He is an alternative that Blitz could have become but didnt. He has his own noble lover, but he is popular and loved by crowds too. He is rich, and made it to the top despite being an imp. While Blitz is stuck in the past never letting himself heal, Fizz is the one that left it behind while making the best of his life. He seems much less pained about Blitz than Verosika, at least for me, and it seem as if he got mostly over him. Obviously just a theory.
Now lets talk about Moxxie. He is an achor that Blitz needs, (Blitz is aware of it even if he doesnt want to acknowldedge it, as it is shown in Bad Trip). Moxxie is responsible (even overly so), hard working employee that finds rules to be revelant. He constantly reminds Blitz and Loona how work enviroment should look, he is worried about killing innocent and is a cultured eloquent musical nerd. At the same time he is an odd element in this bussiness and so he is constantly being questioned if its really worth being a responsible guy. Being mocked, and harrased by his boss, he is obviously frustrated and i would say even self-conscious. He is trying to keep stuff for himself to avoid being laughed at. Because of all of this he needs someone to have his backs, his dear wife Millie. Their relationship is where he truly shines, it lets him show his skill and worth, which is something he clearly wants. On the other hand for Blitz he is a friend but also o constant reminder of what he wants but cannot have. So by instinct he tries to bring Moxxie down to his level so he doesnt have to feel bad about himself, especially towards someone who may seem so weak at first look. Moxxie isnt an alter ego, but he is the possible future path that Blitz can take.
And now, finally, time for our stars! Stolas and Blitz.
Firstly, Stolas. Rich boy with daddy issues, clueless as fuck, a noble idiot who doesnt know how to be mighty prince nor how to stop seeing everything through his golden glasses. We started with him being a freak in the sheets, and ending up with sad not so old man that is very depressed and lonely despite having a family. Being quite childish, not knowing reality well and taking most of his knowledge from novels, soap operas and books. Especially books. Like damn, he is a nerd through and through. So, i saw some people saying that he was made too sympathetic. I wouldnt say so seeing how many people hate him either for having an affair, or having JUST an affair. Honestly its kinda hilarious. Personally i think as much as he got somehow excused for his actions it was only in case of his relationship with Stella. It still is a mess because he didnt think about his daughter, who was obviously very upset about this development. He didnt think about hells hierarchy and social standing, being very public about fucking imp and ignoring how the deal may look from Blitzos perspective. So sure, the affair got kinda excused but only in one way while many more still stay an issue. Stolas is a symphatetic character that obviously needs and will be developed. His song, owl in the cage or whatever its called clearly is a break through for him. The divorce too. His past was kinda predictable, but his possible future is interesting. Personally i hope he will learn to stand up for himself, when Goetias try to tore him down for bringing a shame to their name. He is not perfect character but thats kind of a point. He has to work through it. I dont think its a bad writing, though honestly the term is kinda unclear in its meaning.
And Blitz. Poor guy with daddy issues. A hell of a boss that makes this show spin. I find him the most interesting because i feel like we dont know shit about him yet. His past was foreshadowed even in the pilot (posters, dad crushing his dreams) and knowing so much we still dont know enough to get proper answers. He is an asshole but has a sweet spot for family. He acts overconfident while clearly hating himself, feeling like a solo act is an impossibility. Keeping everywhere reminders of his past, while running from it every chance he gets. Clown that is not funny, a failure circus kid that still got the big office he wanted so bad, even if its not very pretty. He wants intimacy, but is too afraid to take it. Adopted father of a hellhound, daughter that is very much is sick of his overprotective guts. Literal walking scar. He is full of contradictions and secrets and thats what makes him so interesting. Guy wears the mask 24/7 and i cannot wait to see how Ozzies event will start to crack it open. He isnt a good, honorable character, he is the son of a bitch that has all karma coming back to kick his ass and leave him totally broken so he can completely change. I didnt like him at first but i got invested cause i want to know how Blitz, this walking disaster, got to date famous Fizz, pop star Verosika and literal prince Stolas of the Goetia. Why is he afraid of people leaving, of intimacy, of love and all that jazz. The only thing i am worried about is what if the creators overdid the build up. Literally i have no idea how to make his past tragic enough to connect all this dots and explain his toxic behaviour. I hope i wont be dissapointed because oh boy. The show is quite literally about Blitz, almost every important character is in some way connected to him, so if he collapses the whole show will too.
So wraping this up, female characters are less complicated and more simple, while male ones get to shine. I hope to see this change in the future, i very much would like to meet Blitzos sister and mother (but somehow i feel it will take a loooong time). Even so, i still dont find this very annoying, because the show isnt kinda long enough yet to make everyone interesting, and i am not sure if this is truly needed. I like it more going slow because the pay off is better, so i am feeling pretty patient. Maybe except Millie, she truly needs some kind of a story. Dont know what kind, but still. I kinda wish there was some plot more focused on I.M.P, maybe some political stuff, troubles with law, working for dangerous overlord. Maybe dealing with agents and cherubs? Idk, something beyond relationship drama. Once again I dont think it will happen soon though. I hope to see something more to villians than just alter egos and i am very happy cause it seems like we will find out sth about Moxxies past. I was kinda wondering about this when we met Millies family. The crew need to work hard on explaining Blitzos character cause right now its a core of the show, similiarly to Stolitz. And so, i think the characters could have been written better, but i doesnt bug me very much because i am very invested in the ones that actually got the spotlight.
So last one, pacing. Honestly i dont know shit about this. I dont feel very bothered by the way it is. Millie should be more developed in first season, thats for sure. Its late if she gets it now but even worse if she doesnt. I kinda wish to know how much time passed though, how long is I.M.P. existing, how long did Stolas had a deal with Blitz. This are small things but they are somewhere in the back of my mind. But these are only issues i really have, and if i am honest i am unsure if they are exactly connected to pacing. I find it hard to really understand how that works.
Last words, if u read all of this u are A. Amazing and B. U have way to much time and patience. I am gratefull though if someone took time to listen to me. Thank u.
#helluva boss#helluva boss s2ep1#helluva spoilers#helluva critical#helluva positive#helluva theory#helluva analyze#essay#i tried to be very logical about while also keeping personal touch#its freaking very late i am dead#english is not my native language#i am amazed if u read this#millie helluva boss#blitzo#stolitz#helluva boss 2022
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Honestly it feels like people take most of the things out of context when it comes to Mike's character especially his relationship with El. I've seen many people talk about how Mike is 'disgusted' by El and doesnt like girls making a move on him, but the scenes they show to prove that are taken out of context because when you go back and watch those scenes you realize he enjoys it...? It's obvious Mike had a crush on El and liked her at some point and that's intentionally written that way by the writers. A puppy crush you'd say, it's something also said by the Duffers regarding El/Mike's romance i think.
I totally agree, I think in the end it's a matter of perspective, some people genuinely think that he doesn't like her at all, but I read their scenes to be pretty explicitly written as romantic...
even in s3 when people say he's removing her hands from his face because he's disgusted by her kissing him I think it's not enough to say that to be honest, especially because it happens once and all the other times he's kissing her normally and seems pretty annoyed when Hopper interrupts them... plus it's right before the actor was supposed to stop the kissing by starting to sing and have what, in my opinion, was meant to be a cute moment between them joking around
I think the intention was to show how codependent Mike and El became in those months after jumping in a relationship immediately... and how they kept constantly kissing mainly instead of talking, and this makes Jim uncomfortable and makes him say to Mike to stop seeing her -> Mike lies to El -> El seeks advice from Max starting her journey to independence -> El breaks free from the relationship and puts herself first and starts having a friend that is a girl -> Mike tries to get El back but is shown not having the same deep feelings that he believes he has... etc etc
in my opinion it was all to show that they are not compatible/not endgame
I have read all the "proof that Mike doesn't like girls" and it was not enough to convince me
what is convincing is Mike liking also boys because of how the camera focuses on the hand touch with Will for example and how the parallels are repeated for byler too etc etc
I also see the parallels between Mike x El and Mike x Will as couples, indicative of the fact that the writers wanted to put the relationships in the same category, both being actual romantic possibilities for Mike.... but with one clear difference of Mike & Will being the true love pairing!
other things that are supposedly proof but that to me is out of context is Mike not liking Max, that doesn't take in consideration the fact that he was still fixated on El, he was grieving her and feeling like this new girl was going to replace her in the group and that's what makes him dislike her and not trust her
him saying "you don't even know her" about Max to me proves that he acted very different with El exactly because he had a crush...
and that's also what Lucas implies in s1 that Mike is blinded because he likes El more than in a friend way so he trust her word more than his childhood friends because of that
the crush is what makes him act irrational and want El to be in the party and want to believe her when he can (of course when he sees the actual corpse of Will he can't believe her in that moment, but he usually does believe her or want to)
Also like... not even straight people have crushes for all the girls they see lmao why would bi people have them???
there are also many other things that people take as proof that to me are not really convincing but again, who knows, I may be wrong and he may be gay in the end, even if I don't really see it in the narrative for now I'll keep this option in mind!
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Still thinkin about anxceit but like, reverse what I usually view as their normal dynamic of janus being naturally witty and smooth and Virgil being openly jittery and cautious to say, like:
Janus being a runnaway of some sort to escape, having stark heterochromia, still using lies to protect himself even when he learns that Virgil, who is distinctly Not Human(think more fae prince like from LAOFT or otherworldly being, its at least LAOFT inspired tho) can see right through his lies without trying, not that Virgil really understands Why Janus generally keeps impulsively lying in general(its a fun thing to taunt other far with, I suppose? Aside from being a bad habit anyway), but he doesnt push abt it.
Virgil actually saved Janus's life from a grievous head wound, being the first being to treat Janus gentle and without disgust or hatred. It's only sort of a gift that Virgil gives Janus, as the only way Virgil could save Janus from bleeding out was mending the one side of his face and head with something new, thus gifting him shimmering scales as both a gift of health and a representation of Virgils otherworldly claim on Janus.
It takes a while for Janus to adjust to it, as his heterochromia had often been the source of so much of his past abuse, but the way the Virgil gazes at him unflinchingly and with reverance convinces him over time that he is worth that gaze.
I really just have this scene stuck in my head, heed the warnings in the tags tho:
Janus stumbling into the forest after escaping being attacked by some people from his village, bleeding out, desprate and exhausted and panicked.
In his delirium he ends up stumbling into a fairy circle or smth of that nature, and it summons Virgil who is luckily rather sympathetic to humans, on rare occasions at least. And Virgil sees this weak dying human, exhausted and scared, sobbing and just seeking safety, comfort, something to make it all stop.
Virgil is quick to reach out, putting a stasis on the humans wounds to cease the bleeding, unable to immediately heal the boy but it works nonetheless to stop the pain and temporarily remove one of the many things distressing the poor thing.
He then uses a lure within his voice to calm the trembling human down, cooing softly in a way that fogs Jan's frazzled brain in a warm hazy way. Janus is immediately away of the charm, the being clearly being transparent with it.
"Come, dear, its alright. Ive got you. Your hurt, let me help you? Please? Then you can rest, i'll keep you safe, I promise. Please, let me keep you?"
Janus knows what the fae is asking, knows exactly what it means, knows that he ahould be all accounts be terrified and refuse and run.
But hes tired, and this fae is cradling his face so nicely and speaking so comfortingly, and hes so tired. So tired of being scared and being hurt, and he just wants it to stop. He's exhausted from running, hes lost so much blood, and knows he'll likely die if he says no, if not today then could be tomorrow, next week, hes never going to be safe.
He hiccups, and reaches for the fae who catches him easily, his lanky arms surprisingly strong and warm, drawing him into a safe embrace in an instant.
"Please, keep me?"
He feels the taller lean down, cradling him closer, to kiss his forehead.
"I promise."
Janus's world goes dark after that.
When he wakes up, his face is tucked snuggly into the crook of Virgils neck and his body cradled safely in the others arms, tucked safely in a patched cloak for warmth, for once feeling fully rested and safe. Theres no more pain or fear, just a deep warm contentment as the fae cards his fingers through the human's soft hair, occassionally stroking the sensitive shimmering patches of scales that have replaced the wounds.
Janus never does regret letting Virgil keep him, not when it meant safety. Not when it meant spending his life at Virgil's side. Perhaps it's a little obvious, that Janus is owned by Virgil, that he belongs to Virgil more than to himself, but he doesnt really care, doesnt have the space in his mind to care, doesnt make space to care that he could be more independent if he asked to be, if he wanted to be. He's perfectly content where he is, safe and sound and at Virgil's side.
No one else seems to believe that theres nowhere else he'd rather be.
#sanders sides#virgil sanders#janus sanders#anxceit#luka writes#this is a weird piece for sure but its been stuck in our head all day#ask to tag#fae!virgil#tbh w/ u i dont have a ton of base knowledge about fairfolk aight#i have tried to find sourses but its so heckin hard to find specifically the guidelines on how to write them irl yknow?#hhhnng#slight near death mention#tw mentions of injury#mentions of violence
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19 for Wolfgang 🐺
ask game
we got a real wolfgang fan
19. How does your OC behave when enraged?
it might shock you but i actually have a hard time picturing wolfgang being angry! hes patient and passive to the point where its baffling. if an attempted murder doesnt make this guy even annoyed, what does. emm i think he doesnt shout or even say anything for sure.. the most obvious example i can think of is finding benny at the fort and seeing that they were beating the hell out of him <//3 his most predominant emotion though even then was just protectiveness -> its most efficient to get benny out of here if everyone is dead so its not exactly a crime of passion...hes just cutting through what he sees as the easiest safest way to save benny. anyways... going off that i think he would just quietly kill you </3 and go on with his day. hes really not the type at all to seek revenge or argue or marinate in angry feelings
23. What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
he has a hard time processing people being angry with him or passive aggression/sarcasm and stuff lol. maybe this counts but he has a weird problem with not processing fear or registering danger too (guy who keeps stepping on fucking landmines)
he has a realllyyy hard time articulating himself/trying to explain himself if hes asked anything directly. he usually counts on his actions speaking for themselves but if someone was like "I want you to tell me exactly what the hell you meant by that." he'd be like ??:( ..he struggles speaking in sentences that are too long. almost none of his inner thoughts ever come across to anyone he knows because hes so hard to read and his actions are eternally confusing. i think it bothers him a little sometimes but he doesnt dwell on it
6. How easily could your OC be convinced to do something that goes against their moral compass?
moral compass...HE DOESNT HAVE ONE. LOWKEY. his motivations are entirely "when a bad bitch tells me to do something" in regards to choosing an independent new vegas because its what benny wanted to do. Generally, he doesnt hurt people unless they attack first (with benny being the exception) and i suppose a hard line for him would be causing any sort of harm to children. he does like kids a lot actually. he likes animals too but if a rabid dog was mauling his arm off he would do what had to be done </3 (he'd be a little sad abt it).....i cant imagine any situation where he would cross this line. even if benny told him to kill some kid that stepped on his shoe he would say Um....No. (99.9% of the time he does whatever benny wants so this is genuinely shocking for everyone around)
his 'moral compass' basically is that he helps people who help him in whatever ways he sees available to him but most of the time his mind goes to "if theres someone bothering you i can kill them and the problem is gone" ..LOL. he believes in fairness and repaying kindness.
10. What’s an AU that would be interesting to explore with your OC?
i just imagined wolfgang in a modern setting and cried bcuz he would be serving life in prison. umm ummmmm ummmm. maybe we could run with his aesthetic and put him as a horror movie antagonist and benny is his final girl. LOL
14. How does your OC want to be seen by other characters?
he wants to be seen as a kind person and protective source to the people he cares about. he doesnt realize how offputting he comes across to most other people (sob)
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Hey Faiza! I'm glad you're enjoying Enchante as much as I am! I saw someone else mention that Akk and Theo may lowkey be angry with each other (due to the separation) and your last gif set makes me think that's plausible since they do seem to take subtle slights at each other : "I'm loyal"- Akk, "you always forget"- Theo, etc, etc and a few others. I wonder what you think about it 😊 if this theory happens to be true, I can imagine that's the reason why currently, although they seem to be interested in each other, they (especially Akk) seem hesitant around each other, not really knowing how much of an importance they play in each others' life; especially in the scene with Phupha, where Theo seems upset Akk leaves, and Akk retreats thinking he's not meant to be within his social circle as he's tying his shoe. It does build up for some good angst, I must say, but still, I feel for my boy Akk 😔
hiiii anon!!! no that's exactly it! and i also feel like akk isnt the kinda guy to do something that isnt authentic and true to who he is just to get close to/get on theo's radar, like how phupha/wayo/nattee/saifah might. akk will just remain who he is. and that shot of him tying his converse up showed that.
and like! that's the akk that theo has known all his life. this loud, foul-mouthed guy who gets overly excited when he sees theo's BMW and teases him but would run a country mile for him risking his job and livelihood. who keeps all these little trinkets that relate to their past.
but then its like. akk also KNOWS theo's spent a lot of his life in the west. in a set of completely different social norms and culture. and that plays on akk's mind bc he feels like theo deserves something and someone akin to that, who meets his "higher standards", which btw is a REALLY interesting conversation for poc diaspora and poc who live all their life in the country they were born in and how they both view each other!!!
but theo. like. theooooo. that boy is only his most comfortable self when he is WITH akk. there's no body else he feels he can rely on. not even his parents. and he doesnt wanna even be a burden on akk at times either bc. you know. his mentality has developed into "i've had to learn to become independent in a country and culture i wasnt accustomed to and i managed and that's all i know". so to see him just be. himself. and swear and be loud and be bratty is SO refreshing. and he probably just ... wants to be that more than ANYTHING else. and he can only be that with akk. but there's parts of him that feel guilty in being able to be that loud and carefree bc he has to do it at the expense of akk's life, like his job or his hobbies or giving up his time for him.
but ughhh yeah. its just. SO interesting how MUCH depth they've managed to build up in just 2 eps so far!!! and i KNOW we're in for mutual pining and angst and its gonna hurt but its gonna be soooo good and its so NICE to know just HOW MUCH they both like and want each other. and ive seen people say "well if we know akktheo are endgame from the start whats the point of enchante and the whole plot then??".
but like. THATS the point. its getting to see HOW they get together despite enchante, and whoever he maybe, and the 4 boys. its about getting to see HOW fine the line between friendship and love can become when 2 childhood best friends toe it. THATS the point.
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On episode 9, you have a very valid point, I like to think of it like this though: neither Pat or Pran are necessarily closeted. I don’t think at all they are pretending homophobia doesn’t exist (even though we haven’t seen any), I just firmly believe that if either were asked, independent of the other, if they liked men, both would have said yes. Therefore I don’t see it as (or at least don’t view the actual conflict as) outing them, even though he technically did. If someone did this to me and my girlfriend I would be mad, but not because we’re gay, just because our agency was taken.
Also consider why they are hiding in the first place, it’s because they’re supposed to be rivals. If they were just two guys, they wouldn’t even consider hiding (that’s my belief, you may disagree) which really shows that the contention in their relationship isn’t that they’re both men, just on opposite sides of a conflict.
All in all, I dislike Wai a lot too, but I don’t harbor the same outrage as most people about him outing them and it feels disingenuous to the story to view that as the major conflict.
Oof so sorry for the longer-than-it-should-have-been response, I just liked the way you presented your thoughts and thought I’d share mine too, happy holidays!
Hii! The "homophobia doesnt exist in the Bad Buddy world" is just a take that I've read other people talk about, not that I agree with that take. For one, I think Pran's surprise when his parents tell him they don't mind if he dates men kinda goes against that theory anyway. Also how much of their relationship has been Pat being excited and Pran still struggling to hold hands or post anything on social media, but they are still hanging out in public so it doesnt even feel to me that its just a "we're enemies" thing.
But also the point that I was trying to make is not whether it makes sense within the story (like we clearly see that they don't care that much about being outed, at least so far) but its more that regardless of it going well in the show that it could be dangerous to present that as being ok in the real world because homophobia exists. Like if a large portion of the audience are straight or young they might not realise the impact that outing someone could have on them emotionally or even physically bc that could lead to violence from people they know. Also you can't tell someones feelings about it if you haven't talked about that? Like if someone feels ok to talk to a friend about being queer but otherwise feels shame or embarrassment and that friend goes and tells other people, obviously that could be really bad for them. The show is very much like "actual queer relationships are not just BL tropes and we're gonna show you that" to then be like "but outing someone to their entire friend group is fine" feels harmful. Also bc it isn't just their friends, like they don't show us exactly how Pa finds out, so Pat does get outed to a family member and Wai clearly knows nothing about her so as far as he knows she could agree with her parents and tell them about it, which is super dangerous.
I also wrote too much lol but here *presents thoughts on a tarnished silver platter with one missing handle and some rust spots* enjoy!
#apologies if my grammar is absolute hell#i hope this doesnt come off as attacking you either i just need to expand on my opinion#bad buddy meta#asks#why is it so hard to translate thoughts to words
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May I request a matchup? I'm a 5'3" plus size gal with wavy shoulder length locks and glasses. I'm a bit of a loner but it's ok I love being alone I'm also very observant and I enjoy watching people (I'm not a creep I promise). I'm quite funny and have a dark sense of humour and I am quite old fashioned, I adore gothic things and all things horror. I'm sweet, independent and compassionate and I am quite the romantic at heart. Sometimes I have sociopathic tendencies and it scares people away but it's ok! I'm mostly a sweetheart :3
Thank you!! Hope you are having a lovely day!💘
I match you with ...
Michael Myers!
Movie: Halloween
The two of you being very observant people can be both good and bad. While he may not care at all about others, he does about you to some extent! He pays attention to your body language and mood more than he would for anyone else! Its probably best that you use those same skills when it comes to him because he isnt exactly going to tell you when he gets injured. The man is so used to letting it get infected and heal on it's own. Take care of this man please.
Being a loner?? May be for the best. He wont be around a lot like a usual partner. He is going to be out stalking and killing and it's going to take hours, days, and even weeks. Be patient with him and enjoy that alone time while you have it because he wont get off your case when he gets back. You're still his and he isnt going to let your forget that. Isnt going to let you forget him.
Michael isnt going to mind your humor or style. He doesnt give a fuck which- in one way is nice because you're his no matter how you dress or act. Bad if you just want a little recognition. He isnt the most romantic but he will occasionally bring you little presents no doubt that came off of his victims. Teeth ?? You like teeth??? Have some teeth. 🦷
A good match!! <3
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